1. All the particulars required below should be legibly and accurately filled in by the candidate
2. Incomplete forms will not be entertained.
3. In case of fresh Admission, the return of the Candidate alongwith Registration and sports fee be sent,
failing which no migration will be sanctioned.
4. Migration from one Professional College to another Professional College may not be recommended,
unless there is a seat within the quota of seats allowed by the University.
5. No migration shall be allowed in the same station.
Particulars to be filled in by the Student
1. Name______________________________________ University Regd. No._______________
2. Father’s Name _______________________________________________________________
3. Class____________________ Arts/Science _______________College Roll No. ____________
4. Subject taken________________________________________________________________
5. Name of the College where studying______________________________________________
6. Name of College to which migration is sought______________________________________
7. Particulars of the last examination in which he/she appeared from this University
8. Name of Examination _______________________________ Year______________________
Session______________________ Roll No______________ Result_____________________
9. Reasons for migration _________________________________________________________
10. Fee of Rs. 500/- remitted by:
a) University Receipt No. ………………………………………………………….. dated……………………………….
(If fee has been acknowledged by the University)
b) Postal Order No. ____________________________dated_______ Post Office_______
c) Bank Draft Receipt No. ________________ dated ___________ Bank_______________
(Signature of Guardian) (Signature of Student)
Dated_______________ Address________________
i. The statement made by the student is
ii. In case Registered No. has not been
a. his Registration return alongwith Fee
etc., has already been sent
b. Is being sent separately under Regd.
cover, vide Regd. Letter No. ________
iii. The student has paid the Youth Welfare
fee of fifteen Rupees to the college.
iv. (Any other remarks)
Signature of College Principal
(Item 6) and Office Stamp
Remarks by the University Office
Particulars in orders
May be sanctioned
Dealing Clerk Assistant
1. Certified that this college is affiliated by the
University for all the subjects offered by
the applicant and I have no objection to
this transfer.
I will admit the student to the
……………………… Year class if the
migration is sanctioned.
2. Certified that the seat offered to the
student is within the quota of seats
allowed by the University. (This applies to
professional colleges only.
Signature of the College Principal
(Item 7) and office stamp
Assistant Registrar/Section Officer/Superintendent
Address on which information is to be sent to the candidate: Name…………………………………
Rules for Migration from one Affiliated College to another
1. No student who has joined one *college shall be admitted to another college during the course unless:
i. the Principals of the colleges concerned agree and the fact is reported to the Registrar for sanction,
accompanied by a fee of Rs. 500/-.
ii. the Principal of the college from which he intends to migrate has given the leaving certificate,
No application for transfer shall be entertained unless the student’s statement is supported by his Principal,
who, in the case of migration of students who are provisionally promoted, shall state all the relevant facts on
the application.
2. Every application for migration must come through this Principals of both the colleges, accompanied by a fee
of Rs. 500/- which shall not be refunded in any case.
3. If the applicant be a detained student or one who has been degraded or against whom any disciplinary action
has been taken, etc., the Principal specifically mention this in his remarks.
4. The college leaving certificate is not be given by the Principal until the Migration has been sanctioned by the
Registrar. No admission without such sanction shall be considered valid.
5. When migration of a student from one college to another has been sanctioned by the University, he must join
the new college within 15 days.
6. Migration may be allowed only at the end of the 1
semester and before the beginning of 2
semester and so
on and no migration shall be allowed during the mid session.
Note: If a student does not join the college within the prescribed period of 15 days, the sanction or migration
will lapse automatically. Under no circumstances extension can be granted in the said period and student
concerned is required to apply afresh with fee and return the previous migration card for cancellation.
7. If a student changes his mind after putting in his application for migration he must inform the colleges
concerned and as well as to the University immediately.
8. If the student changes his mind after migration has been sanctioned by the University, he must apply for re-
migration and follow the entire procedure prescribed by the University once again (if he has joined the other
college. If he has not, he must apply for cancellation of the migration certificate through the Principal of the
college concerned and return his migration certificate.)
9. No Migration Certificate can be issued unless the student has been registered already.
10. The present rules be strictly adhered to, and that if a student does not avail himself of the migration, within
fifteen days, he shall apply afresh to revalidate his previous migration, on payment of fresh fee.
11. A College is entitled to the tuition fees for the month in which the migration is sanctioned by the University
and the college to which he/she migrates is not entitled to charge fee for the fraction of a month.
12. Change of subject/s or faculty after the last date of late admission is not permissible.
13. Migration of a student from a professional college to an Arts or Science College and vice versa is not
14. Candidate who passes B.A./B.Sc. Part I / II or M.A. I examination are not required to seek Migration from one
college to another if they do not wish to continue studies in the previous college from which they passed in
B.A.I/II or M.A. I examination but they will be required to produce a leaving certificate from the college which
they last attended, for admission to the new college.
Note:- It has been observed that some students change the college without proper sanction of their migration by
the University. They will be doing so at their own risk and responsibility. Moreover, the Principal of the
college admitting such students without sanction of migration will be responsible for the lapse on his
15. The migration certificates of the students who are not registered and have recently joined any affiliated
college will be issued only after the receipt of Registration Return and Registration and Sports Fee from the
college concerned in such cases, the students are advised to see that the Principal has sent their Registration
Return Registration and Sports fee, before submitting migration application form to the University.
16. In all correspondence with the University till the receipt of migration certificate name, father’s name,
registration No. particulars of last examination passed or appeared and the University fee Receipt No. and
date must be quoted.
17. The migration certificate will ordinarily be issued within 15 days provided the application form is complete in
all respects.
* A student who seeks admission to more colleges than one and finally decides to join one of them and wishes to
go over to some other college even during the admission dates prescribed by the University shall seek migration
from the college which he joined earlier.