(Autonomous College*)
Affiliated to Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar
Case No.________
Application For Inter College/University Migration Certificate**
1. Name in Capital Letters :
2. Father's Name :
3. Mother's Name :
4. Registration No. :
5. Last Examination of this College in which appeared /pass /fail /absent/ cancelled:
6. Has the Candidate applied for re-evaluation: Yes/No:
7. Name of the College/University to which migration is sought_____________
8. Bank Draft No. ________________ dated ____________ for Rs.600/-drawn in favour of Principal,
Khalsa College, Amritsar or Cash Receipt no. ____________ dated ____________.
9. Address of the Applicant (in Block Letters) for sending Migration Certificate:
10. Note: If the candidate seeks Migration Certificate within 24 hours, if his/her result has already been
finalized, he/she is advised to deposit fee of Rs. 1000/- alongwith identity proof such as copy of
driving license, or ID card of class last attended
Date: ___________ Signature of the Candidate
For office Use
Particulars certified vide Gazette/Register of the Student.
Dealing Clerk Supdt. Registrar
This is to certify that the undersigned has no objection if the Migration Certificate is issued to
___________________who appeared in _________________________________ examination held
in _________20___ under Roll no.______________ and the result is_____________.
Principal of the College
(With rubber stamp)
* vide UGC letter no: F.22-1/2013(AC) dated 22.05.2013
** As per GNDU, Amritsar proforma and norms
For Duplicate Migration Certificate
For those candidates who lost their original Migration Certificate and want to issue the same (for
issue of duplicate Migration Certificate, please attach an affidavit duly attested by the 1
magistrate (Judicial) on Rs.20/- stamp paper stating there in:-
"That the Migration Certificate earlier issued to me by the Principal, Khalsa College, Amritsar has
been lost and has not been used by me to seek admission anywhere."
I myself will be responsible in case of any discrepancy.
Attested by 1
class Magistrate (Judicial) Signature of the Applicant
Seal of the Court with date
1. All particulars required should be legibly and accurately filled by the candidate. This office
will not be responsible for any delay in a case where the form is incomplete in any respect.
2. Nobody has the authority to apply or to draw the Migration Certificate of other applicant.
3. Fee Structure for the Migration Certificate:-
(i) For those registered: Rs.600/-
(ii) To cancel already issued Migration Certificate: Rs.300/-
(iii) To issue duplicate Migration Certificate: Rs.1000/-
4. Migration fee will be non-refundable in any case.
5. Migration Certificate will be issued only after declaration of the result to candidates who
appeared in any examination.
6. No Migration Certificate will be issued to the candidate who has re-appear in any
examination but Migration Certificate will be issued to those who will give in writing that
they will not appear in any examination.
7. Migration Certificate will be issued within seven days of getting prescribed form and fee.
8. In all correspondence with the College, Name, Father's Name, Registration No., particulars of
last examination passed or appeared and the receipt no. and date of payment of migration fee
must be quoted.
9. The applicant has to get any mistake corrected within three month of the given letter,
otherwise he/she has to apply again.
10. Migration Certificate will be issued only after declaration of the result of Re-evaluation
(if applied)
Price: Rs.200/-