A Boaters
Guide to
Activate EPIRB/PLB
MCC gathers this information
and passes it to the Rescue
Coordination Center (RCC)
36,000 lives saved and still counting
How a 406 MHz Rescue Works
The RCC uses the beacon’s registration
information to verify the emergency
and notify local Search and Rescue
(SAR) forces
The signal is routed to a ground
station, Local User Terminal (LUT)
and transferred to the Mission
Control Center (MCC)
Beacon sends 15-digit Unique
Identification Number
(UIN, also known as Hex ID) signal
to Cospas-Sarsat satellites
Local Search and Rescue forces are
deployed to your location
You are required to
register your EPIRB
with your local authority
If you purchase a new or used 406 MHz beacon, you
MUST register it with your local government. If you change any
information on your registration (such as phone number, address,
bought a new boat, etc.) you MUST update the 406 MHz beacon
registration. Also, if you sell your 406 MHz beacon, notify your local
government that you have done so, and make sure the buyer
registers the beacon personally. Otherwise, you may be
contacted by rescue authorities if it is activated! Please provide the
new owner a link to our registration web page
so he/she can register their beacon.
Support Search and Rescue
Register your Beacon
Worldwide Registration
Generally speaking, for boaters an EPIRB is preferred over a PLB. EPIRBs once placed in the water will
operate autonomously by self-activating and floating upright in a transmitting position. Because of their
simplicity, it is easy to educate crew members on their operation. With bigger batteries for longer
transmission life, EPIRB are essential for long distance transits. They are specifically designed for that
worst case scenario of just you and the beacon in the water. PLBs require more effort to operate, as
they must be manually activated and be held out of the water to function properly even though they
are water proof. PLBs are however small enough to carry on your persons so they are well suited for
single handed boaters or crew members who are routinely out of site of the Captain. The best beacon
to have is the beacon you have with you when you need it.
What is the difference?
Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
Personal Locator Beacon
Floats in an upright position to
Performs best while floating
Not required to float.
Floating versions only float so
it can be retrieved if dropped
in water. Unit needs to be held
out of the water or attached
high on a PFD for best
Minimum of 48 hours at
temperatures down to -4°F
(-20°C). Longer in nominal
Minimum of 24 hours at
temperatures down to -4°F
(-20°C). Longer in nominal
Either manually activated in or
out of the bracket OR Automat-
ically activated when out of its
bracket and in the water.
Manually activated
Not required. Some newer
versions have flashing LED
Required to have strobe light
Worn or carried on a person
Mounted in a bracket
(automatic or manual
deployment), or carried in a
ditch bag
Strobe Light
Registered to the person.
PLBs are legal to be used on
land as well as on water.
Registered to the vessel
Both require registration. It’s quick, easy and free, and can be done online:
Reduce the search radius down to 100m
Reduce the notification time from
typically less than 1 hour
down to a few minutes!
The Benefits of GPS
Taking the Search out of Search and Rescue
121.5 MHz Beacon
12.5 nm radius
490 sq miles area
No notification: Requires
some one listening to the
121.5 MHz Frequency
The Cospas-Sarsat satellite system uses 2 dierent satellites. The
GEOSAR satellites are stationary over the equator, if your beacon has
GPS coordinates, these satellites instantly alert Search and Rescue of
your position in as little as 2-3 minutes.
The LEOSAR satellites are low earth orbiting and typically ever hour one
ies over your location. These satellites use Doppler shift principles to
calculate your position to send to Search and Rescue. However, the
notication time can be typically less than1 hour while you wait for one
to orbit over you.
406 MHz Beacon
0.1 nm radius
0.03 sq miles area
Notification: In as little as
5 minutes
406 MHz Beacon
3 nm radius
28 sq miles area
Notification: Typically less
than 1 hour
What EPIRB is Right For Me?
Internal GPS
Internal GPS,
GPS Interface & Digital
Some questions to help you decide which EPIRB to buy.
I want an EPIRB
that is going to
get me rescued as
fast as possible!
I want the peace of
mind that comes
from knowing
exactly what my
EPIRB is doing when
I use it!
I want my
I want the
peace of mind
knowing my
EPIRB will
release from
the bracket
I want my
EPIRB mount-
ed close to me
so I can easily
grab it.
GlobalFix PRO
GlobalFix iPRO
Want more recommendations on what safety gear you should
have onboard? Check out our all new Product Wizard on
You may also want to consider a ACR Personal Locator
Beacon as a back up for your EPIRB and the primary
safety beacon for yourself when on deck alone.
Personal Locator Beacons have multiple applications and
can be used on your boat, plane, or on any outdoor
adventures you take.
Category I Automatic Deployment
The Category I bracket is designed to release an
EPIRB when the Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) in
the bracket is submerged in water to a depth of 4 to
14 feet (1.5 - 4m). The regulation specifies a range of
depth for deployment to allow for different water
temperatures which will affect the release depth. The
Hydrostatic Release Unit needs to be replaced every
two years.
In an emergency, the EPIRB will release from its
bracket, float to the surface and alert search and
rescue that you need help fast.
EPIRBs in a Category II bracket need to be manually
deployed and activated. They can be mounted above
or below deck, in a location that is protected from
outside influences (i.e. green water, traffic impacts,
cabin doors, etc). Some people prefer to keep their
beacon in a RapidDitch
Abandon Ship Bag without
the bracket which is OK if the bag is going to be in a
dry spot on the boat.
Category I EPIRB - Automatically or manually deployed
Category II EPIRB - Manually deployed
EPIRBs have different categories which define which
type of bracket the EPIRB uses Cat. I Cat. II
Bracket automatically deploys EPIRB when vessel sinks Yes No
Contains a Hydrostatic Release Unit (HRU) Yes No
Built-in deactivation water sensor to prevent false alarms Yes Yes
Manual activation of beacon while in bracket Yes Yes
Protects EPIRB from UV exposure Yes No
Which EPIRB bracket is right for me?
Category I vs. Category II
36,000 lives saved and still counting
Model / Product #
Location Accuracy
Size / Weight
Notification Time
Min. Required
Battery Life
Typical Battery Life
Digital Display
Power Output
Strobe Light
GPS Location Test
2846.0 / 2848.0
406.040 MHz
121.5 MHz homing
Internal and Optical
Interface (NMEA)
110 yds (100m)
7.0 x 4.2 x 3.6” / 21.12 oz
17.7 x 10.7 x 9.1 cm / 600 g
2 - 15 minutes
Automatic (Category I)
or Manual (Category II)
Manual or Water
48 hours @ -20° C
65+ hours @ -20° C
To 33 ft
10 meters
6.3 Watts
Advanced testing available
2842 / 2844
406.040 MHz
121.5 MHz homing
110 yds (100m)
7.0 x 4.2 x 3.6” / 20.9 oz
17.7 x 10.7 x 9.1 cm / 595 g
2 - 15 minutes
Automatic (Category I)
or Manual (Category II)
Manual or Water
48 hours @ -20° C
65+ hours @ -20° C
To 33 ft
10 meters
6.3 Watts
Advanced testing available
Beacon Comparison
36,000 lives saved and still counting
Beacon Comparison
2830 / 2831
406.040 MHz
121.5 MHz homing
110 yds (100m)
8.59 x 4.3 x 3.57” / 26 oz
21.81 x 10.92 x 9.06 cm / 740 g
2 - 15 minutes
Automatic (Category I)
or Manual (Category II)
Manual or Water
48 hours @ -20° C
48 hours @ -20° C
To 33 ft
10 meters
5 Watts
Advanced testing available
Category I:
Avoid Mounting
Beneath Sails
Mounting Recommendations
Category I
Mount in an area
free of overhead
obstructions, yet
easily accessible.
Category II recommendation:
Store your EPIRB in a DitchBag supplied with
essential safety gear so that all of your safety
equipment is located in one place or mount
in an accessible location.
36,000 lives saved and still counting
• Areas that are highly
visible and in reach
• Inside DitchBag
with all safety gear
• Next to life raft
Not Recommended
• Avoid door jambs
or obstructed areas
• Avoid areas prone to
flooding & fires
• Avoid mounting
Category I EPIRB’s
inside the vessel
cabin or with any
overhead obstructions
Mounting Recommendations
We are in the business of saving lives and
science is everything: it provides
laws, processes and reliable,
predictable outcomes that we
successfully use to combat the
unpredictable, wild, dangerous
forces of nature (also known in
some circles as "bad luck" or
"misfortune" or even "fate").
We are exacting, obsessive,
serious and accurate. When
your life is on the line, these
are the qualities that you want
in a company. We don't apologize
for being overly meticulous, self
critical AND obsessed with quality.
We design products to outperform
any regulation set for us by
government agencies because that
is what our customers expect, that is
why the industry respects us, and
more importantly, that is what we
expect from ourselves.
Science and obsessive engineering
provide a product that, unlike nature,
plans or luck, is not subject to whims.
Our company's existence is one based upon the principle of continuous
improvement. We spend prodigious amounts of time and money finding
new ways to challenge our products.
In other words, our testing efforts often begin where governmental
standards stop. "Quality" to us means conformal coating of PCBs when
there is no requirement, just for added protection. It means developing
tests to validate every claim we make. It means flat-out rejecting any failure
ratio that our competitors consider acceptable. Simply put, we believe any
defect ratio at all is unacceptable, when lives hang in the balance.
Why Choose ACR?
Adventure, whether it’s on the water or
in the backcountry, means grabbing your
gear and going for it… it’s not about
being careless or taking chances. That’s
why more and more paddlers, boaters
and backpackers are packing a 406 MHz
satellite signaling device.
Now, with the power of,
you can make sure your PLB or EPIRB is
functioning properly – before you ever
leave – through the same satellite system
used by Search and Rescue.
And with the Trip Planning feature,
you can help with your recovery in an
emergency by making available
valuable information about your trip.
Advanced Satellite Test System
Proves Your Beacon is Working
With, you can make sure your
PLB or EPIRB is functioning properly –
before you ever leave –
through the same
satellite system used
by Search and Rescue.
*Requires optional service
plan to unlock features.
Visit for
coverage in your area.
Directly alert Search and Rescue
(SAR) of your emergency and
GPS position. No subscription to required. Same
proven 406 MHz signal that is
credited with saving more than
30,000 lives.
Beacon Management
including battery replacement
reminders, self test and activation
history, creating trip plans for
family and friends and managing
your account.
Self Test of Beacon and simultane-
ously send family and friends a
test message via text and email.
Thru-the-system Self Test. Now
you truly see that your EPIRB is
working properly by self testing
and getting satellite conrmation
that your signal was received.
GPS Test of Beacon and
simultaneously send family
and friends a test message
with map of location via text
and email.
What you can do with EPIRB and
36,000 lives saved and still counting
Stay Safe (and Connected) with
I thank the USCG and the crew of the freighter Fuji Bay
for their super job in our rescue. It makes me proud of
having been in the Coast Guard for four years. But, the
item, not person that we give our lives to, is the ACR
GlobalFix EPIRB. A truly remarkable piece of needed
equipment for every vessel. It saved us!
— Survivor Kirk Ezell
2 lives saved
With the EPIRB in hand we climbed into the raft and
activated the ACR GlobalFix PRO. 40 minutes later we
were rescued. What a great feeling to see the coast
guard heading for us. That EPIRB was a life saver.
Thanks guys for making it safer to be on the water.
— Survivor Shayne Sadler
5 lives saved
I was told that the Coast Guard main command station
received our EPIRB alert and the right people were
notified. We ended up being very lucky in our situation,
thanks to the Coast Guard. I worked in the Gulf of
Mexico for two years as an hydrographic surveyor
on the Inez McCall and learned a great deal about
marine safety. I never knew exactly how important
EPIRB's were until this day. I will not leave the
dock without one in the future.
— Survivor Jason White
4 lives saved
scan with phone