Fall 2019 edition
Leonhard Spiegelberg
Last lecture: Version Control Systems git
3 areas
creating commits, checking out old commits
working with remotes
working with branches
merging branches via git merge
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Recap quiz
Fill out the following graphic:
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? ? ?
Recap quiz
Fill out the following graphic:
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Working directory Staging Area
.git directory
stage files
commit files
checkout files
staged filesunmodified/modified files
committed files
15 More on Git
CS6 Practical System Skills
Fall 2019
Leonhard Spiegelberg [email protected]own.edu
Master and feature branches
Typically, there's a master branch in the repo
don't use it for development, rather store "releasable"
version of your code/assets on it
content on the master branch should work, i.e. no errors.
In a couple slides: Typical git workflows.
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15.01 git merge vs. git rebase
To join branches, git rebase is an alternative to git merge
If you don't know how to rebase properly, things can go wrong badly
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15.02 git rebase
to rebase a branch on another, run git rebase. Assuming
you're on branch feature, then you can rebase
onto the master via:
git rebase master
rebasing feature on master general syntax:
git rebase master feature (will checkout feature)
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branch on which to base on
15.03 Golden rule of rebasing
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER rebase the master onto a feature branch.
Only rebase feature on master OR
featureA on featureB
I.e., don't run the following commands:
git checkout master && git rebase feature
git rebase feature master
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15.03 Golden rule of rebasing
If you rebased the
master on your feature,
you would create a
confusing history.
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15.04 Rebase example
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git init &&
echo -e "# README\n" > README.md &&
git add . &&
git commit -m "initial commit" &&
echo "This is a readme file." >> README.md
git commit -a -m "updated readme" &&
git checkout HEAD~1 &&
git checkout -b feature &&
echo "feature branch. " >> README.md &&
git commit -a -m "feature update."
git rebase master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of
Applying: feature update.
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
.git/rebase-apply/patch:8: trailing whitespace.
feature branch.
warning: 1 line adds whitespace errors.
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging README.md
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in README.md
error: Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0001 feature update.
The copy of the patch that failed is found in:
Resolve all conflicts manually, mark them as
resolved with
"git add/rm <conflicted_files>", then run "git
rebase --continue".
You can instead skip this commit: run "git rebase
To abort and get back to the state before "git
rebase", run "git rebase --abort".
15.05 Resolving conflicts in rebase
resolve conflicts on individual files using the 3 options:
1.) git checkout --ours
2.) git checkout --theirs
3.) manual merge
add resolved files via git add. (you can also edit the commit
message via git commit --amend)
after conflict resolution run git rebase --continue
git rebase --abort stops the rebase!
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15.06 Completing the rebase of feature on master
After rebasing on the master, feature branch can be "cleanly"
merged to master (i.e. a fast-forward merge)
git checkout master && git merge feature
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git merge places the
commits of feature on top of
the commits of the master
More on rebasing
15.07 interactive rebase & squashing commits
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often you work on a separate branch but don't want to put all commits
on the master or only a subset
git rebase -i starts rebase in interactive mode, which allows for
more efficient history manipulation.
interactive mode allows to squash multiple commits into one (first
commit must be pick / p though)
Use git config rebase.abbreviateCommands true
to force git to use shortcuts only instead of pick, squash, ...
More on conflict resolution
15.08 Visual merge tools
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manual conflict resolution can be done in the console or via an
IDE (most IDEs provide built-in support for merging)
there are many visual merge tools available, e.g.
- vimdiff
- meld
- GitKraken
to start merging via a tool, run git mergetool
configure it via git config merge.tool meld
per default, git creates .orig backup files. Disable via
git config mergetool.keepBackup false
15.09 Stashing
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sometimes you work on a branch and have to switch to another one,
but you don't feel like committing yet.
git stash saves changes away onto a temporary stack and
reverts your local working copy
use git stash to save local changes
git stash pop to apply previously stashed changes
15.09 Stashing
to keep changes in stash and to apply them, use git stash apply
Can be used to apply changes to multiple branches
git stash list displays overview of stashed changes
pop n-th stash via git stash pop stash@{n}
remove n-th stash via git stash drop stash@{n}
clear stash via git stash clear
you can add a note to a stash, by using git stash save "note"
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15.10 Cleaning the repo
sometimes you accumulate a lot of temporary / ignored files in
your repository.
git clean -n to list what files would be removed
git clean -f to remove untracked files
git clean -xf to remove untracked and ignored files
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15.11 Discarding local changes
to discard ALL local changes (no undo for this), you can use
git reset --hard
You can also use git reset to reset the HEAD to a specific
commit, DO THIS ONLY if you haven't pushed to a remote yet.
don't screw up the remote
if you use git reset frequently, there's something wrong.
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15.12 Tags
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Last lecture: checkout specific commits via their SHA-1 hash
creates detached head
Often you want to release your software to the public at specific
tags provide a option to "tag" or mark a commit
List available tags via git tag
you can search for tags using a regex via
git tag -l "<regex>"
15.12 Creating tags
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There are two types of tags:
1) lightweight 2) annotated
lightweight tags are just a reference to a commit (i.e., the
use git tag <tagname> to create a lightweight tag
you need to explicitly push a tag to a remote via
git push origin <tagname>
checkout a tag via git checkout <tagname>
15.12 Creating tags
to create an annotated tag (with a message) use
git tag -a <tagname> -m "tag message"
to retrieve tag info, use git show <tagname>
push tag via git push origin <tagname>
more on tags: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging
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Commit messages
15.13 How to write good commit messages
writing good commit
messages is an art for itself
Try to make them informative
and to keep track of changes
If you make a pull request or
push onto a public branch, have
clean & clear commit
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15.13 How to write good commit messages
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bad examples good examples
add cli new
fix code review comments
no message
little edit
Fix error when the URL is not reachable
Add error message for file not found
Add server fingerprint check
Fix shadow box closing problem
15.13 How to write good commit messages
write in imperative mode: If commit is applied, <your message>
write a short subject line of a maximum of 50-72 chars and
capitalize first word e.g.
Fix float casting bug in compiler
add whitespace line, then details of your commit.
Don't explain how it was done, but instead what and why
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More info: https://medium.com/@cvortmann/what-makes-a-good-commit-message-995d23687ad
15.13 How to write good commit messages
# 50-character subject line
# 72-character wrapped longer description. This should answer:
# * Why was this change necessary?
# * How does it address the problem?
# * Are there any side effects?
# Include a link to the ticket, if any.
# Add co-authors if you worked on this code with others:
# Co-authored-by: Full Name <[email protected]>
# Co-authored-by: Full Name <[email protected]>
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template from https://thoughtbot.com/blog/write-good-commit-messages-by-blaming-others
Git workflows
15.14 Common git workflows
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There are several collaboration models or workflows used in
(software) engineering teams:
central part of them is a pull request
most repository management systems like
github/bitbucket/gitlab/… provide support for
pull requests/reviews/...
Following slides are based on: https://www.slideshare.net/psquy/git-collaboration
15.14 Pull request
(1) Create feature on dedicated branch
in local repo
(2) Push branch to public
(3) file pull request to official repository
(4) other developers review code,
discuss it, update it
(5) project maintainer merges feature
into official repository and closes
the pull request
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15.15 Four standard git workflows
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15.16 Centralized workflow
one master branch on which everybody
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Pro Con
+ simple flow
+ good for not-frequently
updated/changed projects
- more conflicts when many
developers work together
- no review or feature pull
requests allowed
- no branching
- everybody works on the
same branch
- high chance for dirty
15.17 Forking workflow
everybody forks the official
repo, changes are added using
pull request to the official repo
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Pro Con
+ standard used for
open-source projects
+ allows to incorporate
changes into "read" only
repos, i.e. not everybody
needs push access
+ less "code conflict" friction
- slower, because they require
maintainer to incorporate
Note: a forked repo is a
"server-side" cloned repo
15.18 Feature branch workflow
best for small teams. Have 1-2 senior
engineers who merge in pull requests
Each developer creates for a feature a
separate branch and makes a pull
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Pro Con
+ master branch not disturbed
by development
+ pull requests/reviews
+ easy to manage
+ good for internal projects
- develop vs. production?
- feature vs. hotfix?
- release tracking?
- dirty master branch?
15.19 Gitflow workflow
One master branch
One develop branch
One temporary branch
for each release
One feature branch for
each feature
One temporary hotfix
branch for each hotfix
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15.19 Gitflow workflow
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15.19 Gitflow workflow
naming conventions:
feature branch feature/<name>
hotfix branch hotfix/<name>
release branch release/v1.0
for practical management, there are plugins to support this workflow explicitly in git
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Pro Con
+ separate release and dev
+ no dirty branch history
+ good for product with
release base
- need to follow conventions
to work smoothly
- many branches, overkill for
small projects
Merging or rebasing?
Merging vs. rebasing
Some persons argue you should always rebase on the master before you file a
pull request.
this is more about faith than arguments, both solve the same problem
squash your commits when you make a pull request!
Rebase Merge
+ clean, linear history
+ scales well with many developers/branches
+ no extra merge commit
- more difficult, many developers make
- reverting commits is difficult
- destructive operation
+ clear history, shows exactly what happened
+ non destructive
- leads to polluted and difficult to understand history
when many branches/developers are involved in a
- extra merge commit
Final words
don't push blindly to a remote,
always examine first what you did.
fixing branches on a remote is
difficult and may screw up
your team member's
working copies.
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End of lecture.
Next class: Tue, 4pm-5:20pm @ CIT 477