New California law limits drug manufacturer
co-pay cards and other discounts in California
October 16, 2017
In the most recent salvo by states eager to show an effort to contain prescription drug costs,
California’s governor has signed into law a bill that will prohibit,
with some limited exceptions,
pharmaceutical manufacturers from offering patients co-pay assistance and other common
discounts off their out-of-pocket insurance expenses for prescription drugs if a lower-cost
equivalent is covered by the individual’s insurance or the active ingredient for the drug is
available at a lower cost without a prescription. For those drugs, the new law prohibits
manufacturers from offering any discounts, repayments, product vouchers, or other reductions in
an individual’s out-of-pocket expenses. The new prohibition, however, does not apply to free
product or to assistance provided to a patient by an “independent charity patient assistance
A Limited Prohibition
The new law (AB-265) prohibits pharmaceutical manufacturers from offering discounts on
patients’ out-of-pocket expenses associated with their health insurance or other health care
coverage, but only if one of two conditions is triggered:
1. a lower cost generic drug that the FDA has designated as therapeutically equivalent to the
brand name drug and that drug is covered under the individual’s health insurance plan on a
lower cost-sharing tier
; or
2. the active ingredients in the brand name drug are contained in products that are available
without prescription at a lower cost, and that are not otherwise contraindicated for treatment
of the condition for which the prescription drug is approved.
Escape Hatches
Even when the prohibition on patient assistance applies to a drug, the law includes exceptions
that would allow pharmaceutical manufacturers to offer discounts or other financial assistance if:
the individual has completed applicable step therapy or prior authorization requirements for
the branded prescription drug, as mandated by the individual’s health insurer;
The prohibition on discounts for branded prescription drugs with a therapeutic equivalent does not take effect until the
therapeutically equivalent drug has been nationally available for three calendar months.
New California law limits drug manufacturer co-pay cards and other discounts in California 2
such payments are required under an FDA Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS)
for the purpose of monitoring or facilitating the use of the prescription drug, consistent with
the approved labeling of the prescription drug;
the discount is for a single-tablet drug regimen for the treatment of HIV/AIDS that is as
effective as a multi-tablet regimen, unless the multi-tablet regimen is clinically equally
effective or more effective and is more likely to result in adherence to the drug regimen;
the discount is not associated with an individual’s health insurance, health service plan, or
other health coverage (e.g., a discount for self-pay patients); or
the discount is a rebate received by a state agency.
The law also does not prohibit manufacturers from offering pharmaceutical product free of cost,
whether as part of a patient assistance program or not, so long as the product is free of cost to
both the patient and the patient’s insurer.
Independent Charities Allowed But Strictly Defined
The new prohibition does not apply to discounts or other financial assistance provided through
an independent charity patient assistance program, but imposes a strict definition of
independence that is consistent with the hard line the federal government has taken in assessing
charitable patient assistance programs under the federal anti-kickback statute. Under the
California law, assistance through independent charity patient assistance programs is permitted
only if:
the independent PAP does not allow a pharmaceutical manufacturer or affiliate (including
employees, shareholders, wholesalers, and pharmacy benefit managers) to exert any direct or
indirect influence or control over the charity or subsidy program;
the independent PAP awards assistance in a truly independent manner that severs any link
between a manufacturer’s funding and the beneficiary;
the independent PAP awards assistance without regard to the manufacturer’s interest and
without regard to the beneficiary’s choice of product, provider, practitioner, or insurance;
the independent PAP awards assistance based upon a reasonable, verifiable, and uniform
measure of financial need that is applied consistently; and
the pharmaceutical manufacturer does not solicit or receive data from the independent PAP
that would facilitate the manufacturer’s correlation of the amount or frequency of its
donations with the number of subsidized prescriptions for its products.
Although the California law does not specifically require that the independent PAP be sponsored
by a 501(c) charity, the law’s similarities to the recommendations made in
OIG’s 2005 Special
Advisory Bulletin may be read to require the independent PAP to be sponsored by a bona fide
501(c) charity.
Practical Compliance Complications
California’s AB-265 shares some features with a law in Massachusetts that allows co-pay
assistance and other reductions in a patient’s out-of-pocket expenses on prescription drugs
unless there is an AB-rated generic available.
However, California’s law prohibits discounts
when there is a prescription drug designated as therapeutically equivalent and covered by the
M.G.L. ch. 175H, § 3.
New California law limits drug manufacturer co-pay cards and other discounts in California 3
individual’s insurer on a lower cost-sharing tier. This seemingly more narrow application
presents manufacturers with a decision they may either choose to screen out all California
residents from receiving discounts on prescription drugs with therapeutic equivalents or they do
so based on a patient-specific determination of the individual’s insurance coverage. The former
approach is simpler to administer, but may be over-inclusive. The latter, however, presents
operational burdens that may outweigh any benefit.
The California law, however, creates an exception for the restriction that is absent from the
Massachusetts law: manufacturers may continue to offer assistance to patients who can satisfy
their insurance plan’s step therapy or prior authorization requirements for the prescription drug.
Applying this exception, however, would present the same dilemma above: adopt a uniform
approach or make the effort to determine whether each patient is eligible for the exception.
Another practical issue for manufacturers that is not addressed by the law is how to determine
whether the alternative drug or product is available at a lower cost than the prescription drug.
The law does not clarify whether the lower cost calculation is based on dosage; based on the cost
of the drug, wholesale or otherwise, as compared to the over-the-counter price; or based on the
patient’s co-pay as compared to the over-the-counter price.
While future interpretations or regulations may clarify some of these concerns, we encourage all
drug manufacturers to review the new California law and put appropriate policies, procedures,
and training in place to promote compliance with the new limitations. California’s AB-265
appears to go into effect on January 1, 2018.
If you have any questions related to California AB-265, please contact one of the lawyers listed on
this client alert, or the Hogan Lovells lawyer with whom you normally work.
Helen Trilling
Partner, Washington, D.C.
T +1 202 637 8653
Eliza Andonova
Counsel, Washington, D.C.
T +1 202 637 6153
Laura McDonald
Associate, Washington, D.C.
T +1 202 637 7723
Ron Wisor
Partner, Washington, D.C.
T +1 202 637 5658
Andrew Furlow
Senior Associate, New York
T +1 202 637 5843
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