June 14 to 26, 2022
Experience the highlights of Turkey, from archaeological monuments to architectural masterpieces and
pristine beaches, with political sociologist Ayca Alemdaroglu. Delight in the many facets of this fabled
country, starting in Istanbul, one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities, to view some of its greatest
treasures. Travel to the extensive, well-preserved ruins of the legendary ancient city of Ephesus to walk
famous Marble Street, study the frescoed walls and stand before the iconic Library of Celsus. A highlight
of our journey is a three-night stay in the Cappadocia region, known for its moonlike landscape, volcanic
cones, twisted spires and rock-hewn churches. Extend your stay on an optional extension aboard gülets
(small sailing ships), swimming in warm waters and exploring inlets and small towns along the Turquoise
Ayça Alemdaroğlu is the associate director of the Program on Turkey at the Center for Democracy,
Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford. Her research focuses on the politics of culture and
identity, and social inequalities produced and reproduced through bodies, places and institutions. Her
recent publications examine authoritarianism, youth politics, ethnicity/race and violence. She has also
written on China-Turkey relations, nationalism and eugenics, changing forms of urban segregation,
generational change and gender relations, and higher education. In addition, she edited Kurds in Dark
Times: New Perspectives on Race/Ethnicity, Violence, and Resistance (forthcoming in 2021) and Middle
East Report’sConfronting the New Turkeyand Kurdistan, One and Many issues. She taught
undergraduate classes on the Middle East at Stanford and Northwestern University. She serves on the
editorial boards of Middle East Report and Sociological Theory.
"I was born and raised in Ankara,” Ayça says “Turkey is where I go to see my parents and friends, where I
go for vacation and fun, and where I go to do research. It is a place of many places for me. It is also a
place of many histories, cultures and landscapes. I am looking forward to exploring and enjoying this
diversity one more time with Stanford alumni and friends. During our trip, we will examine various
layers of Turkey, from Neolithic settlements to current politics, and discuss social, political and
environmental issues pertinent to the country's future.
Assistant Professor of Research, Sociology, Northwestern University, 2015-2020
Associate Director of Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Program, Roberta Buffett Institute for
Global Affairs, Northwestern University, 2015-2020
Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford Introductory Studies, 2012-2015
Lecturer, Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Stanford, Autumn 2014-2015
Lectures, Urban Studies, Stanford, Winter 2013-2014
Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer, Anthropology, Stanford, 2011-2012
June 14 to 26, 2022
STANFORD TRAVEL/STUDY | (650) 725-1093 | [email protected]
Academic History
BS, political science and sociology, Middle East Technical University
MA, political science, Bilkent University
PhD, sociology, University of Cambridge
Tuesday, June 14
Istanbul, Turkey
Arrive in Istanbul in the afternoon and transfer to our hotel, where we gather for a welcome reception.
Wednesday, June 15
Begin our exploration of Turkey on a tour of Istanbul featuring its highlights: the underground Basilica
Cistern; the Hippodrome; the Blue Mosque, named for its glorious 17th-century painted tiles; and the
Hagia Sofia, with its impressive domed basilica and Byzantine mosaics. Following lunch visit the
Archaeological Museum before an evening at leisure. PERA PALACE (B,L)
Thursday, June 16
Spend this morning at Topkapi Palace, former fortress and pleasure dome of the Ottoman sultans.
Highlights include the palace’s treasury, wardrobe, kitchens and decorated apartments of the harem.
Continue to the Grand Bazaar and enjoy some free time to wander this labyrinth of shops and cafés.
Later attend a private cocktail reception at a private cistern, where we can see the old Byzantine
Hippodrome exhibition. PERA PALACE (B)
Friday, June 17
Istanbul / Izmir / Sardis
This morning fly to the third-largest city in Turkey, Izmir where we will stay for the next two nights. Upon
arrival we drive to Sardis, in the valley of the gold-bearing Pactolus River. Sardis was the capital of the
Kingdom of Lydia and home of Croesus, the legendarily wealthy Lydian king, long credited with the
invention of coinage. After lunch at a local restaurant, visit the impressive ancient remains, which were
unearthed by American archaeologists beginning in 1958. Enjoy time to relax at our hotel before
rejoining the group for dinner along the waterside. SWISSOTEL GRAND EFES (B,L,D)
Saturday, June 18
Izmir / Ephesus
Today head to the famed site of Ephesus, which was first settled nearly 3,000 years ago and was one of
the most beautiful cities in the ancient world. Much has been done to restore the white marble streets,
theaters, baths, gymnasium, market and beautifully carved library. After a visit to the site, which
includes the grand theater where Saint Paul is said to have preached, tour the Ephesus Archaeological
Museum in nearby Selcuk. After lunch at a local weaving center, return to Izmir for an evening at leisure.
June 14 to 26, 2022
STANFORD TRAVEL/STUDY | (650) 725-1093 | [email protected]
Sunday, June 19
Izmir / Antalya
This morning transfer to the airport in Izmir and fly to Antalya, a beautiful resort town founded in 158
BCE and a natural harbor on the Mediterranean Sea. Upon arrival visit Perga formerly one of the most
important cities in Pamphylia. Also visit Aspendos, site of the best-preserved theater in Asia Minor.
Monday, June 20
Tour Termessos, one of Turkey's best-preserved ancient cities and the most outstanding archaeological
site in the Antalya Province. Continue to a picnic in the nearby national park before a walking tour of the
old city and the harbor of Antalya. Enjoy the afternoon and evening at leisure. AKRA HOTEL (B,L)
Tuesday, June 21
Antalya / Konya
Depart Antalya for Konya, where the philosopher Celaleddin Rumi founded the mystical sect of the
whirling dervishes in the 14
century. Upon arrival in Konya enjoy lunch at a local restaurant before
visiting the Mevlana Museum. After checking into the hotel, continue to Catalhoyuk (approximately 40
minutes away), a Stanford archaeological site. DEDEMAN HOTEL (B,L,D)
Wednesday, June 22
Konya / Cappadocia
Continue our drive north toward the surrealistic landscape of Cappadocia, created as volcanic ash
hardened into tufa and was then eroded and sculpted by millennia of rain and wind into fantastic cones,
spires and caves. Stop at the Sultanhani Caravanserai and then enjoy lunch at a restaurant that is a social
development project funded by the local government and local municipality to support women. Finally,
head to the Pigeon Valley, which is one of the most famous valleys of Cappadocia, taking its name from
the pigeon cotes carved into its walls in order to collect the birds’ valuable droppings for fertilizer. This
evening enjoy dinner at our hotel. ARGOS IN CAPPADOCIA (B,L,D)
Thursday, June 23
This morning visit reme National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore some of the cave
churches and tour the open-air museum of reme with its
exquisite Byzantine and medieval frescoes.
Continue to Devrent Valley, whose rock formations are beyond belief, and visit Zelve valley, the oldest
example of Cappadocian architectureelaborate shelters carved into the rock by the earliest monastic
settlers. After lunch visit Avanos, admiring the beautiful carpets, pottery and ceramics for which the
region is famed. Dinner this evening will be at a local restaurant. ARGOS IN CAPPADOCIA (B,L,D)
Friday, June 24
Begin today at Soganli, a peaceful and picturesque corner with rock formations in the shape of donkeys,
camels and dolls. It was a monastic rock settlement famous for its pigeon houses. From here continue to
the village of Mustafapasa (Sinasos) and visit this ancient Greek town with its spectacular examples of
late Greek settlements and architecture. ARGOS IN CAPPADOCIA (B,L,D)
June 14 to 26, 2022
STANFORD TRAVEL/STUDY | (650) 725-1093 | [email protected]
Saturday, June 25
Cappadocia / Istanbul
This morning drive back to Kayseri airport and return to Istanbul. Upon arrival visit the Egyptian Spice
Bazaar and have lunch before walking back to the hotel across the Galata Bridge. Enjoy the rest of the
day at leisure exploring Istanbul. PERA PALACE (B,L)
Sunday, June 26
Istanbul / Home
Depart early this morning for Istanbul’s international airport for flights home. (B)
Post-trip Extension to the Turquoise Coast
June 26 to July 2, 2022
Extend your stay in Turkey, enjoying a five-day cruise along Turkey’s Turquoise Coast aboard luxurious,
privately chartered gület sailboatsan incomparable coastal journey that’s a delightful combination of
swimming in Mediterranean waters, exploring tucked-away ancient ruins and soaking up the views.
Details will be sent to confirmed travelers.
Covid-19 and Travel
With travel requirements and local Covid-19 conditions changing weekly, travel protocols for our
programs will be shared with confirmed travelers closer to departure. To read more about
Travel/Study’s general approach to ensuring traveler health and safety, visit our Covid-19 Travel page
This trip is limited to 35 participants. Travel/Study is committed to providing a low-density experience
on all programs and will implement protocols to do so, including social distancing on transportation as
well as during lectures, meals and excursions. Single accommodations are limited.
$6,295 per person, double occupancy
$7,695 per person, single occupancy
*Stanford Alumni Association nonmembers add $300 per person.
Educational program with lecture series and predeparture materials, including an education
resource list and travel information
Services of our professional tour manager to assist you throughout the program
All tours and excursions as described in the itinerary
Gratuities to guides and drivers for all group activities
12 nights of deluxe hotel accommodations
12 breakfasts, 10 lunches and 7 dinners
Welcome and farewell receptions
Internal flights on June 17, June 19 and June 25
Transfers and baggage handling on program arrival and departure days
On-tour quarantine-related trip-cancellation, -interruption and -delay insurance coverage
June 14 to 26, 2022
STANFORD TRAVEL/STUDY | (650) 725-1093 | [email protected]
General medical, accident and evacuation insurance
Not Included
Your personal flights to and from the program
Passport and visa fees
Immunization costs
Meals and beverages other than those specified as included
Independent and private transfers
Nonquarantine-related trip-cancellation, -interruption and -delay insurance coverage
Baggage insurance
Excess-baggage charges
Personal items such as internet access, telephone calls, laundry and gratuities for nongroup
Air Arrangements
You are responsible for booking and purchasing airfare to the start location and from the end location of
the program. These air purchases are NOT included in the program cost. To assist you in making these
independent arrangements, we will send you details with your confirmation materials on when to arrive
and depart.
What to Expect
This program is moderately strenuous and at times physically demanding. Daily programs involve one to
three miles of walking or hiking that might include stairs without rails, high thresholds and uneven
terrain such as cobbled paths. Participants must be physically fit, active and in good health. We welcome
travelers 15 years of age and older on this program.
We encourage membership in the Stanford Alumni Association as the program cost for nonmembers is
$300 more than the members' price. The nonmember fee is waived for anyone traveling as a paid guest
of a current member, as well as for emerita or emeritus faculty and staff. To purchase a membership,
call (650) 725-0692 or visit
Deposits, Payments and Cancellations
A $1,000-per-person deposit is required to reserve space on this program. Final payment is due 120 days
prior to program start. Deposits and any payments are refundable, less a $500-per-person cancellation
fee, until 120 days prior to program start. After that date, refunds can be made only if the program is
sold out and we resell your place(s), in which case a $1,000-per-person cancellation fee will apply.
Stanford Travel/Study provides all travelers who are U.S. or Canadian citizens with general medical,
accident and evacuation coverage, as well as on-tour quarantine-related trip-cancellation,
-interruption and -delay insurance coverage, under our group-travel insurance policy. Our group policy is
intended to provide minimal levels of protection while you are traveling on this program. You may
choose to subscribe to optional nonquarantine-related trip-cancellation, -interruption and -delay
June 14 to 26, 2022
STANFORD TRAVEL/STUDY | (650) 725-1093 | [email protected]
insurance coverage and/or baggage insurance. Information offering such insurance will be included in
your confirmation materials. The product offered includes special benefits if you purchase your
insurance within 14 days of receiving your welcome email.
The Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford University and our operators act only as agents for the
passenger with respect to transportation and exercise every care possible in doing so. However, we can
assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity in connection with the service
of any automobile, motor coach, launch or any other conveyance used in carrying out this program or
for the acts or defaults of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger or in carrying out
the arrangements of the program. We cannot accept any responsibility for losses or additional expenses
due to delay or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, strike, war, quarantine, force majeure
or other causes beyond our control. All such losses or expenses will have to be borne by the passenger,
as tour rates include arrangements only for the time stated. We reserve the right to make such
alterations to this published itinerary as may be deemed necessary. We reserve the right to cancel any
program prior to departure, in which case the entire payment will be refunded without further
obligation on our part. We also reserve the right to decline to accept or retain any person as a member
of the program. No refund will be made for an unused portion of any tour unless arrangements are
made in sufficient time to avoid penalties. Baggage is carried at the owner's risk entirely. The airlines
concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event during the time passengers are
not on board their plane or conveyance. Neither the Stanford Alumni Association, nor Stanford
University, nor our operators accept liability for any carrier's cancellation penalty incurred by the
purchase of a nonrefundable ticket in connection with the tour. Program price is based on rates in effect
at the time the brochure is published and is subject to change without notice to reflect fluctuations in
exchange rates, tariffs or fuel charges. As a condition of participation, all confirmed participants are
required to sign an Assumption of Risk.
California Seller of Travel Program Registration #2048 523-50