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Fleet Services
Fleet Policies and Procedures
“Your Roadmap to DAS Fleet Services”
This manual is provided to assist State of Iowa drivers in obtaining economical and professional services from the
Department of Administrative Services (DAS) Fleet Services under the authority of Code of Iowa sections 8A.361
through 8A.366 and related Iowa Administrative Rules which implement the Code. The Rules may be amended and
will govern in case of any inconsistencies between the Rules and this manual. The policies and procedures contained
herein apply to all officers and employees of state offices, departments, bureaus and commissions, except the Iowa
Department of Transportation, institutions under the Iowa Board of Regents, and any other agencies exempt by law.
The policies and procedures contained herein are applicable as of the effective date listed on this page. Please
contact Fleet Services for questions regarding current policies and procedures. Values listed are valid on date of
publish and are subject to change.
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Introduction to DAS Fleet
The Department of Administrative Services (DAS) is responsible for the acquisition, management,
policies, operation, maintenance, repair, and disposal of motor vehicles used for the transportation
of State of Iowa employees in their official duties (Iowa Code Sections 8A.361 and 8A.362). DAS
Fleet Services is both a partner and a customer to the agencies of the State of Iowa.
In addition to the management of department-purchased vehicles, DAS Fleet Services meets the
States short and long term needs for vehicles by operating a centralized mot or pool for daily trip
rentals in addition to assigning vehicles to State agencies and institutions for departmental use.
DAS Fleet Services contains several service areas in order to best maintain the fleet and serve our
customers. These service areas include: risk and inventory management, fleet services, motor pool
and billing. In order to maintain our relationship as partners and customers to agencies, DAS Fleet
Services is required to collect management fees and self-insurance fees for the vehicles it
maintains as well as reservation fees on motor pool vehicles (see Motor Pool section below).
Section One: General Vehicle Operation Procedures
Primary Fleet Contact
Each agency designates a primary fleet contact (PFC) to ensure fleet efficiency and compliance. The PFC
coordinates with DAS Fleet Services all matters involving the administration, utilization, operation and
maintenance of vehicles driven by their agency’s employees. The PFC is responsible for the
communication of fleet policies, practices, and procedures to all drivers in their agency. Additional fleet
contacts may be designated to assist the primary fleet contact.
Best practices for primary fleet contacts include but are not limited to:
Serve as the primary point of contact for DAS Fleet Services and their agency’s drivers.
Relay any fleet-related needs or concerns to DAS Fleet Services
Submit a Driver’s License verification form for every authorized driver in their agencies to ensure
all drivers have valid Driver’s Licenses.
Ensure agency drivers are provided and follow all fleet-related regulations regarding State of
Iowa vehicles and drivers including:
o Iowa Code (8A.361-367)
o Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) (11-103)
o State Accounting (SA) procedures 210.107, 210.130, 210.131, 210.200, 210.300)
o DAS Fleet Services policies and procedures
Complete and submit Vehicle Assignment Forms (VAFs) to DAS Fleet Services for the
assignment of vehicles and changes regarding agency-assigned vehicles including vehicle
replacements, returns and driver terminations.
Ensure monthly mileage reports for agency-assigned vehicles are submitted in the Vehicle
Mileage Reporting website by the seventh working business day of the month (See User's Guide).
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Follow manufacturer’s vehicle maintenance schedules to ensure routine maintenance is
completed on vehicles in a timely manner.
Set agency’s maintenance and service approval threshold (if above $500 is desired) for agency-
assigned vehicles. This is the amount DAS Fleet Services can approve on the agency’s behalf.
For amounts exceeding the agency’s specified threshold, the PFC will serve as the authorized
approver and will be contacted by DAS Fleet Services in these instances.
Serve as the agency’s Wright Express (WEX) card coordinator for cards issued to agency-
assigned vehicles. This includes keeping vehicle and card inventory updated in WEX’s online
card management system, updating driver employment status, updating employee PINs,
completing fraud paperwork as necessary and ensuring drivers use WEX cards for fuel and
incidentals as allowed per DAS Fleet policy (see Wright Express (WEX) and Vehicle Fueling
sections below).
When ordering new or replacement vehicles, submit a Vehicle Order Form per the instructions
referencing the contract number from the contract catalog, identifying the vehicle make, model,
base price and including the options sheet sent DAS Fleet Services.
For additional assistance and resources, a Fleet Contacts Toolkit is available on the Google Drive.
Vehicle Assignment
The Department of Administrative Services Fleet Services is granted the authority to purchase and assign
motor vehicles to State agencies (Iowa Code Sections 8A.361 and 8A.362).
Passenger vehicles, trucks, enforcement and utility vehicles are assigned to State departments meeting the
minimum annual mileage criteria determined each year to justify the retention or the addition of a State
owned vehicle. Vehicles that do not meet the minimum mileage thresholds may qualify for reassignment
to turn-in to DAS Fleet Services.
State of Iowa vehicles are requested and assigned to individual employees. The requesting agency must
indicate the individual responsible for the vehicle and complete all the requested information using the
Vehicle Assignment Form.Vehicle Assignment Forms must be completed by the requesting agency’s
Primary Fleet Coordinator (PFC) prior to the issuance of a new vehicle or any change in driver status such
as a new address or telephone number.
Vehicles are assigned according to the number of passengers and intended use to maximize passenger
miles per gallon of motor vehicle fuel and minimize cost to the State (IAC 11-103.4).
Agency and driver responsibilities for assigned vehicles include:
Authorized drivers must possess a current and valid non-restricted Driver’s License
before operating any State owned vehicle (IAC 11-103.6). Drivers must complete a
Driver’s License verification before driving any State vehicle.
The assigned driver is responsible for complying with the Department of Administrative
Services’ rules and regulations
The agency is responsible for the care and proper maintenance of the vehicle(s) (Iowa
Code Section 8A.362(2)).
1. Authorized and Unauthorized Use
a. Only a State employee or other individual authorized to conduct State business may drive
or be a passenger in a State vehicle. Occasionally, this may include consultants,
contractors or volunteers providing authorized services to a department of State
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b. In cases where an authorized non-State employee is required to drive a State vehicle, the
requesting State agency must provide DAS Fleet Services with the individual’s Driver’s
License number as well as advance written notification.
c. Employee’s spouses, children, relatives or any other unauthorized non-State employees
are not allowed to drive or be passengers in a State-owned or leased vehicle unless
performing State business.
d. Minors are not allowed to operate State vehicles under any circumstances.
e. A vehicle may be driven to an assigned driver's home if the driver's home is the approved
work location (Iowa Code Section 8A.363).
f. Upon prior written request, the DAS Fleet Services Manager may authorize a State
vehicle to be driven to the driver’s home if the driver lives in the same direction as the
scheduled trip destination and doing so would reduce the trip cost for the State of Iowa. If
granted, such authorization is limited to the specific driver, vehicle and destination and
requests must be duplicated for same or similar trips unless otherwise approved. In these
instances, department personnel must adhere to Internal Revenue Service commuting
valuation regulations and report receiving a taxable benefit of $1.50 ($3.00 round trip)
per day when using a State-owned vehicle in this manner.
g. Unless a request for home to work transportation authorization has been completed and
approved, commuting in a State vehicle is not allowed.
h. Travel in and around the area where temporary duty is being performed includes driving
a reasonable distance to meal locations or other necessary locations for accomplishment
of official business as determined by the driver’s agency.
2. Authorization for Home to Work Transportation
a. In rare cases, home-to-work transportation can be approved to allow State workers who
are required to be assigned State-owned vehicles to take those vehicles home. These
circumstances include:
i. Immediate or imminent clear and present danger presenting a threat to the
physical safety of the employee’s person or property.
ii. An emergency has created an immediate, unforeseeable temporary need to
provide home-to-work transportation in order to guarantee uninterrupted
performance of the agency’s mission.
iii. Compelling operational considerations make the provision of home-to-work
transportation essential to the conduct of official business or would substantially
increase the agency’s efficiency or economy:
1. Employee is stationed or located at a field point with no office and
normally proceed directly from residence to varying points of duty.
2. Employee is stationed or located at a field point office but normally
proceeds directly from residence to varying points of duty.
3. Employee is required to frequently depart on, and return from, field trips
at unusually early or late hours, making normal services unavailable.
4. Employee is engaged in law enforcement duties.
5. Vehicle is required to be stored at employee’s residence for economical
or security reasons.
iv. Field Work.
v. Residence is the employee’s permanent official work location (domicile).
b. A home-to-work authorization form must be filled out by the employee and approved by
DAS Fleet Services before a vehicle may be used as home-to-work transportation.
3. Restricted Activities
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a. The following are strictly forbidden in a State of Iowa vehicle:
i. Use of any tobacco products including smoking, smokeless tobacco and
ii. Use by an employee who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs; any such
occurrence is cause for the revocation of driving privileges and/or the withdrawal
of the vehicle assignment.
iii. Installation and/or use of any radar-detection or anti-speed detection device of
any kind.
iv. Removal or disconnection of the State-installed GPS monitoring device.
v. Use of cellular phones for data transmission (such as texting or email) is
prohibited by statute. **The use of cellular phones for voice communication by
non-law enforcement personnel while operating a moving vehicle is highly
vi. Picking up hitchhikers (unless providing assistance to disabled motorists in
emergency situations).
vii. Domestic and non-domestic animals are NOT allowed in the vehicles with the
exception of seeing-eye, hearing-ear and service dogs.
4. Adherence to Motor Vehicle Laws
a. Authorized drivers must not only know and obey all traffic laws, but they must also drive
in a respectful and courteous manner while they are representing the State of Iowa.
Citizen complaints, traffic law violations, speed camera tickets and accidents where the
State driver shares significant responsibility may result in the suspension of driving
b. Drivers are responsible for paying any fines related to traffic or parking offenses while
operating a vehicle on State business.
c. DAS Fleet Services regularly checks the Driver’s License numbers provided by State
agencies. Driving privileges may be suspended or revoked for drivers with unacceptable
records (IAC 11-103.12).
5. Training Requirements
a. Due to COVID-19 concerns, DAS Fleet Services began exclusively offering web-based
defensive driving classes by the National Safety Council (NSC) making required training
more convenient for State drivers and more cost effective for State agencies.
b. Defensive driving class requirements are included in IAC (11-103.12(8A). Corrective
actions have been modified to allow defensive driving courses online in lieu of classroom
training provided by the Iowa State Patrol.
c. DAS Fleet Services will notify drivers and agency fleet contacts of required defensive
driving classes and will provide a web link for online enrollment. Drivers have 30 days
to complete the course or risk further corrective action.
d. Agencies will be billed $31.95 per person for the online course via eDAS.
e. Drivers who meet corrective actions criteria outlined in IAC 11-103.12(8A) will be
required to complete defensive driving classes.
f. All drivers must notify their appropriate agency personnel and DAS Fleet Services
immediately if their Driver’s License has been revoked, suspended or restricted; the
driver must also report any citations received while employed by the State.
g. Defensive driving classes may be required (at the driver’s agency’s expense) to restore
fleet driving privileges after a moving violation or infraction; the Department of
Administrative Services, in conjunction with the DAS Human Resources Enterprise, may
terminate State vehicle driving privileges in these instances. Defensive driving classes
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must be completed within 30 days from notification. If the course has not been
completed within this time State vehicle driving privileges will be suspended until the
course has been completed.
h. Any driver issued a traffic citation in any vehicle or who has been involved in an
automobile accident in a State vehicle, that was either totally or partially caused by the
State driver’s negligence, must attend the Defensive Driving class at the driver’s
agency’s expense (costs will be included on monthly eDAS billings). For a complete of
list qualifying incidents, refer to IAC 11-103.12.
i. Driver Improvement classes are also available and may be required for certain violations;
these classes are only at community colleges and paid for by the employee.
6. Reasonable Accommodation
a. As outlined in DAS State Accounting Policy and Procedures Manual (SA 210.130),
employees unable to drive standard issue fleet vehicles assigned by either DAS Fleet
Services or available through their agency motor pools may request a reasonable
accommodation for their vehicular requirements in order to perform essential job
b. Such requests will be processed utilizing the guidelines established in the Managers and
Supervisors Manual.
c. If the utilization of the employee's personal vehicle is the optimal solution for the
performance of essential job duties, the employee will receive payment for the business
use of their private vehicle at $.39 per business mile (effective July 2013) up to 14,000
miles per fiscal year.
d. Reasonable accommodation does not include adding ignition interlock devices; interlock
devices will not be installed in State vehicles.
7. Driver’s License Requirements
a. DAS’s Administrative Rules require every employee to have a valid Driver’s License
before operating a State-owned vehicle or conducting State business in a personal
vehicle. DAS Fleet Services is responsible for maintaining and verifying employee
Driver’s License records.
b. Agencies are responsible for verifying the validity of out-of-State Licenses before
submission to DAS Fleet Services via the Driver’s License verification form.
8. Driving Record Access
a. Access to driving records: DAS Fleet Services has the authority to monitor the Iowa
Department of Transportation driving records of employees who drive a State vehicle or
a private vehicle to conduct State business (IAC 11-103.11).
b. A Valid Driver’s License with the proper endorsements and classifications is required to
operate a State vehicle. A State driver is not permitted to drive a State or private vehicle
on State business if the driver does not currently possess a valid Driver’s License with the
appropriate classifications, restrictions and endorsements to operate that vehicle type
(IAC 11-103.6).
9. Driving history, Moving Violations and Corrective Actions
a. Please refer to the corrective actions flowchart regarding the corresponding corrective
actions for specific moving violations.
b. Driving infractions on a driver’s record will count toward the corrective actions history
regardless of whether or not the driver was employed with the State of Iowa at the time.
c. Driving Under the Influence/Operating While Intoxicated (DUI or OWI): corrective
actions and/or suspensions will begin at the time of infraction or judgement/conviction.
The period between the infraction and the judgement/conviction may be added to the
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suspension but may not exceed the maximum. Whether or not this period is added to the
suspension time is to be determined by the driver’s agency. The driver remains eligible
for personal mileage reimbursement for some suspensions. This eligibility may be
denied if the nature of the driver’s job duties require the use of a State vehicle to mitigate
risk, damage or injury. Denial of eligibility due to risk factors is to be determined by the
driver’s agency.
d. For violations other than DUI/OWI, corrective actions will begin at the occurrence date
of the infraction.
10. Driver’s License Verification Form and WEX Requests
a. Requests for Driver’s License Verification, WEX PINs and WEX card status changes
must be submitted via the Driver’s License Verification Form. PINs for new drivers will
not be issued until the Driver’s License Verification Form has been submitted and
received by DAS Fleet Services.
11. Mileage Reporting and Reimbursements
a. Vehicle Mileage reporting for Agency-Assigned State Vehicles
i. For departments that have vehicles equipped with GPS monitoring, mileage
reporting is done automatically through the system.
ii. For vehicles without GPS monitoring, drivers must report the following
information between the first and the seventh working day of each month via
Department of Administrative Service's website:
1. Monthly ending odometer
2. Any scheduled service, the date and odometer reading of that service
b. Private Vehicle Use
i. To provide the most economical travel option, State of Iowa employees must use
State-owned vehicles or outside vehicle rentals (whichever is deemed more cost
effective) rather than their personal vehicle whenever it is more cost effective for
the performance of State business.
ii. Private Use Prohibited Rate for State Business (Iowa Code 8A.363):
1. A State officer or employee will not be compensated for driving a
privately owned motor vehicle unless to perform State business with the
approval of the Director of the Department of Administrative Services
(or the Director’s designee) in which case the State officer or employee
will be compensated an amount determined by the Director of the
Department of Administrative Services (or the Director’s designee).
2. For typical usage, the compensation amount is not to exceed the
maximum allowable under the Federal Internal Revenue Service rules
per mile, notwithstanding established mileage requirements or
depreciation allowances.
a. The Director of the Department of Administrative Services (or
the Director’s designee) may authorize private motor vehicle
rates in excess of the rate allowed under the Federal Internal
Revenue service rules for State business use of substantially
modified or specially equipped privately owned vehicles
required for State business.
3. A statutory provision establishing reimbursement for necessary mileage,
travel or actual expenses to a State officer falls under the private motor
vehicle mileage rate limitation provided in section 8A.363 of the Iowa
Code unless specifically provided otherwise.
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4. Any peace officer employed by the State as defined in section 801.4 of
the Iowa Code who is required to use a private motor vehicle in the
performance of official duties will receive the private vehicle mileage
rate provided in this section.
5. The Director of the Department of Administrative Services (or the
Director’s designee) may delegate authority to officials of the State and
department heads for the use of private vehicles on State business up to a
yearly mileage figure established by the Director of the Department of
Administrative Services (or the Director’s designee).
6. If a motor vehicle has been assigned to a State officer or employee, the
officer or employee may not collect mileage for the use of a privately
owned motor vehicle unless the motor vehicle assigned is not usable.
7. Iowa Code section 8A.363 does not apply to any of the following:
a. Officials and employees of the State whose mileage is paid other
than by a State agency.
b. Elected officers of the State.
c. Judicial officers or court employees.
d. Members and employees of the General Assembly who are
governed by policies relating to motor vehicle travel.
iii. Reimbursement Rate Policy/Personal Mileage Ceiling
1. As mentioned in Iowa Code section 8A.363, the Director of the DAS
annually establishes the maximum number of miles for which employees
may be reimbursed when using personal vehicles for State business
(mileage ceiling). Exceeding this threshold represents the point where it
is more economical to be assigned a State owned vehicle.
2. As stated in SA Travel Policy 210.130, the current mileage
reimbursement rate is $0.50 per business mile (effective July 2022) up to
the current mileage ceiling of 14,000 miles per fiscal year. Any mileage
reimbursements submitted to SA above the 14,000 limit will be rejected.
Employees are encouraged to carpool or to use department vehicles to
avoid the mileage reimbursement limit. Department personnel should
review their employee mileage reimbursement and underutilized vehicles
prior to submitting their annual requests for vehicles.
3. In conjunction with Code of Iowa section 8A.363, DAS has delegated
authority to officials and department heads for use of private vehicles up
to a maximum of 14,000 miles annually on a fiscal year basis, beginning
July 1 of each year.
iv. Volunteers and Members of Boards and Commissions
1. Members of boards, commissions, or the public volunteering their
services to the State of Iowa may receive the $0.50 per mile rate for
private vehicle use in conducting official business up to the maximum of
14,000 miles per fiscal year, beginning July 1 of each year (Iowa Code
Section 210.130).
v. Out-of-Pocket Reimbursements
1. Each State of Iowa vehicle is issued a Wright Express (WEX) Fuel Card.
Using the WEX card reduces the need for out-of-pocket reimbursements
and drastically reduces fleet operational processing costs.
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2. WEX cards must be used for fuel and may be used for emergency and
miscellaneous expenses such as towing, wiper fluid and car washes
(excluding mechanical repairs including oil changes) up to $100.00.
3. State of Iowa Purchasing Cards (Pcards) cannot be used for fuel, oil
changes, mechanical repairs or other vehicle expenses except for vehicle
accessories such as running boards, toppers, tool boxes, and key
replacements. (See WEX vs Pcard chart.)
4. Drivers may be reimbursed, upon department approval, for the following
out-of-pocket vehicle operational expenses only when no other method
of payment is available (SA 210.131):
a. Any valid fuel or vehicle maintenance service obtained outside
the boundaries of the State of Iowa.
b. Emergency towing services when not available on the fuel card.
c. Emergency road services up to a maximum of $100.00 per
d. Tire repairs, car washes, vehicle fluids (including brake,
transmission, power steering, oil and windshield washer fluid)
and key duplication up to a maximum of $100.00 per occurrence.
e. To claim reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses, drivers
must prepare a travel voucher. All travel vouchers are entered
into the State accounting system by the driver's department and
all purchases are billed to the driver’s department. To secure
approval, an adequate explanation for not using the fuel card
must be written on or attached to the travel payment.
12. GPS Monitoring
a. The State of Iowa employs GPS devices in many of its vehicles in order to provide
important vehicle data and reduce operating costs for its fleet.
b. The State of Iowa contracts with Agile to provide GPS data for its vehicles.
c. Assigned Administrators
i. Access
1. Administrators can be added to the Agile program by the DAS Fleet
Services fleet coordinator. Once an account has been created, the
program can be tailored to suit the individual needs of each user.
ii. Training
1. The DAS Fleet Services fleet coordinator is responsible for training
administrators on the Agile program.
d. GPS Costs Contact Fleet Services for current pricing on GPS devices and services.
13. Vehicle Fueling Policy
a. In order to ensure the most cost-effective means of transportation as possible, Drivers
should purchase the least expensive fuel option available for their vehicle:
i. Code of Iowa 8A362.8: All fuel used in State-assigned automobiles shall be
purchased at cost from the various installations or garages of the State
department of transportation, state board of regents, department of human
services, or State motor pools throughout the State, unless the State-owned
sources for the purchase of fuel are not reasonably accessible. If the director
determines that State-owned sources for the purchase of fuel are not reasonably
accessible, the director shall authorize the purchase of fuel from other sources.
The director may prescribe a manner, other than the use of the revolving fund, in
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which the purchase of fuel from State-owned sources is charged to the State
agency responsible for the use of the motor vehicle. The director shall prescribe
the manner in which oil and other normal motor vehicle maintenance for State-
owned motor vehicles may be purchased from private sources, if they cannot be
reasonably obtained from a State motor pool. The director may advertise for bids
and award contracts in accordance with competitive bidding procedures for items
and services as provided in this subchapter for furnishing fuel, oil, grease, and
vehicle replacement parts for all State-owned motor vehicles. The director and
other State agencies, when advertising for bids for gasoline, shall also seek bids
for ethanol blended gasoline.”
ii. IAC: 11-103.16(8A) Vehicle fueling. Fuel used in State-owned automobiles
may be purchased at cost from the various State installations or garages such as
but not limited to those of the State Department of Transportation, State Board of
Regents, Department of Human Services, Department of Corrections or State
motor pools throughout the State. Fuel may also be purchased at retail locations
if a State fueling facility is not readily available. When possible, purchases shall
be made using a fuel purchase card issued by the department. 103.16(2) “All
drivers of State vehicles shall fuel their assigned vehicles with self-service
gasohol, a mixture of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline (E10), unless
under emergency circumstances. If the vehicle is capable of running on a blend
of 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline, sub rule 103.16(3) applies.
103.16(3) Agencies shall ensure that their flexible fuel vehicles that are capable
of operating on 85 percent ethanol (E85) use E85 fuel whenever an E85 fueling
facility is available to the driver when fuel is needed. E85 fuel may be procured
at a retail establishment if a State fueling facility is not readily available. If an
E85 facility is not readily available, the driver shall not completely fill the tank
with fuel when a lesser quantity will be adequate to complete the trip to an E85
fueling site. 103.16(4) Model year 2001 and newer gasoline powered vehicles
without the flexible fuel engine should use E15, typically found at the blue
pump. This will often be called "Unleaded 88," referring to the octane
level. Drivers of State-owned vehicles need to check the area for availability of
the higher ethanol percentage fuels. Agencies shall ensure that their diesel
vehicles operate on biodiesel blends whenever the blends are available. It is also
recommended that biodiesel blends be used within six months of purchase to
ensure that the quality of the fuel is maintained.”
b. Fuel used in State-owned automobiles should, whenever possible, be purchased at cost
from the various State installations or garages unless State owned sources are not
reasonably accessible. State owned sources include but are not limited to (Iowa Code
sections 8A.362(8) and 11-103.16(1)):
i. State Department of Transportation
ii. State Board of Regents
iii. Department of Human Services
iv. Department of Corrections
v. State motor pools
c. If a gas vehicle is not E85 compatible, Model year 2001 and newer gasoline powered
vehicles without the flexible fuel engine should use E15, typically found at the blue
pump. This will often be called "Unleaded 88," referring to the octane level. Drivers of
State owned vehicles need to check the area for availability of the higher
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ethanol percentage fuels. Otherwise, use of E10 is required (Gasohol) typically labeled
with 87 octane rating and containing ethanol; the use of “premium” fuel or non-ethanol
fuel is prohibited from use in State vehicles unless specifically required by the
manufacturer as the only fuel type acceptable for the specific vehicle, unless under
emergency circumstances (Iowa Code sections 8A.362(3)(b) and 11-103.16(2)).
d. Diesel
i. All State Diesel vehicles should operate on Biodiesel blends whenever these
blends are available (IAC 11-103.16(4)):
1. Iowa Code section 8A.362.3(b): A gasoline-powered motor vehicle
operated under this subsection shall not operate on gasoline other than
ethanol blended gasoline as defined in section 214A.1, unless under
emergency circumstances. A diesel-powered motor vehicle operated
under this subsection shall not operate on diesel fuel other than biodiesel
fuel as defined in section 214A.1, if commercially available. A State-
issued credit card shall not be valid to purchase gasoline other than
ethanol blended gasoline, if commercially available, or to purchase diesel
fuel other than biodiesel fuel, if commercially available. The motor
vehicle shall also be affixed with a brightly visible sticker which notifies
the traveling public that the motor vehicle is being operated on ethanol
blended gasoline or biodiesel fuel, as applicable. However, the sticker is
not required to be affixed to an unmarked vehicle used for purposes of
providing law enforcement or security
ii. The Department of Transportation provides Diesel fuel at the following garage
locations. Fuel purchased at these facilities is sold net of federal taxes and is a
significant cost savings for your department. Department of Transportation
Diesel Fuel Facility Locations (as of publication):
1. Adair: 300 Hillcrest RR 2, Adair, IA 50002
2. Albia: 1501 S C Street, Albia, IA 52531
3. Allison: 12 Pfaltzgraff, Allison, IA 50602
4. Ames: 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50010
5. Avoca: 1110 Chestnut, Avoca, IA 51521
6. Boone: 615 Snedden Drive, Boone, IA 50036
7. Carlisle: 5020 SE 64th Ave, Carlisle, IA 50047
8. Carroll: 19382 190th St, Carroll, IA 51401
9. Cedar Rapids: 5455 Kirkwood Blvd. SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
10. Charles City: CVTC: 600 18th St, Charles City, IA 50616
11. Cherokee: 1805 Industrial Rd, Cherokee, IA 51012
12. Coralville: Oakdale: 2600 Coral Ridge Ave, Coralville, IA 52241
13. Creston: 405 S Chestnut, Creston, IA 50801
14. Charles City: 600 18
Street, Charles City, IA 50616
15. Davenport: 8721 NW Blvd, Davenport, IA 52809
16. Decorah: 2305 US 52 S, Decorah, IA 52101
17. Des Moines: 1530 NE 53
Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50313
18. DeSoto (Adel): 3354 Overton Cir, Adel, IA 50003
19. Donnellson: 900 Park St, Donnellson, IA 52625
20. Elkader: 22437 Iowa 218, Elkader, IA 52403
21. Fairfield: 2771 227
Street, Fairfield, IA 52556
22. Fort Dodge: 2088 230th St, Fort Dodge, IA 50501
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23. Greenfield: 2313 Iowa 92 E, Greenfield, IA 50849
24. Hanlontown: 753 Iowa 9, Hanlontown, IA 50444
25. Ida Grove 2387 Keystone Ave Ida Grove, IA 51445
26. Independence: 2001 240th St. Independence, IA 50644
27. Knoxville: 300 W Newbold Dr, Knoxville, IA 50138
28. Latimer: 1773 Heather Ave, Latimer, IA 50452
29. Leon: 1504 SW Lorraine St, Leon, IA 50144
30. Malcom: 1206 420th St, Malcom, IA 50157
31. Martensdale: 795 Iowa 92 W, Martensdale, IA 50160
32. Missouri Valley: 2308 U.S. 30, Missouri Valley, IA 51555
33. Mount Ayr: 700 S. Henderson, RR1 Mount, Ayr, IA 50854
34. Muscatine: 3001 Grandview Ave, Muscatine, IA 52761
35. New Hampton: 2220 225
Street, New Hampton, IA 50659
36. Newhall (Watkins): 7318 27th Ave, Watkins, IA 52354
37. Newton 2300 W 19th St. S, Newton, IA 50208
38. Onawa: 1800 Iowa 175 W, Onawa, IA 51040
39. Ottumwa 2903 N. Court Rd, Ottumwa, IA 52501
40. Perry: 14455 N Ave. U.S. 169, Perry, IA 50039
41. Pocahontas: 405 NW 7th St, Pocahontas, IA 50574
42. Sac City: 2903 W Main St, Sac City, IA 50583
43. Sidney: 1305 Filmore, Sidney, IA 51652
44. Sigourney: 23301 Iowa 149, Sigourney, IA 52591
45. Sioux City (Hamilton): I-29 200 S Hamilton Blvd, Sioux City, IA 51108
46. Sioux City (Leeds): 4623 US 75 N, Sioux City, IA 51108
47. Sloan: 3250 Dallas Ave, Sloan, IA 51055
48. Tipton: 2092 Moscow County Rd X-54, Tipton, IA 52772
49. Urbana: 5397 31st Ave, Urbana, IA 52345
50. Williams: 2110 Vail Avenue, Williams, IA 50271
51. Williamsburg: 2507 210th St, Williamsburg, IA 52361
iii. It is also recommended that biodiesel blends be used within six months of
purchase to ensure that the quality of the fuel is maintained.
iv. Biodiesel should be used for all Diesel vehicles when available.
v. Biodiesel can be operated in any Diesel engine with little or no modification to
the engine or the fuel system.
vi. Biodiesel has a solvent effect that may release deposits accumulated on tank
walls and pipes from previous Diesel fuel storage. The release of deposits may
clog filters initially and precautions should be taken.
vii. Ensure that only fuel meeting the biodiesel specification is used.
viii. For more biodiesel information, visit:
e. Drivers may not use personal discount or “point building” cards or any other program
that benefits the driver personally when purchasing fuel for a State vehicle.
f. Due to discount programs offered to the State, whenever possible drivers are encouraged
to purchase fuel at the following vendors:
i. Caseys: $0.10 discount/gallon
ii. Kwik Trip/Kwik Star: $0.05 discount/gallon
iii. Kum and Go: $0.035 discount/gallon
iv. Hy-Vee Gas: $0.03 discount/gallon
v. Rainbow/Dyno Oil Distributors: $0.02 discount/gallon
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vi. QuikTrip (QT): $0.02 discount/gallon
g. Fuel Cards
Wright Express Fuel (WEX) Card
1. Each State of Iowa vehicle is issued a Wright Express (WEX) Fuel Card
for fuel purchases.
a. WEX cards are assigned to vehicles, not individuals, and shall
only be used for the vehicle to which it is assigned.
b. The official vehicle license plate number is printed on the face of
the cards.
c. WEX Fuel Cards are also issued for use with outside
(Enterprise/Hertz) rental vehicles.
d. To find a WEX-accepting fuel station near you,
visit: or on this
e. Drivers should contact WEX directly to report any problems
with cards at fueling stations by calling the toll-free number on
the back of the card.
f. WEX Customer Service Customer Service: 1-866-544-5796
Technical Problems: 1-800-842-0071 Fax: 1-800-395-0809
g. Card Replacement: If a State WEX card has been lost or stolen,
WEX must be notified immediately:
i. Each department has a WEX card administrator (the
primary fleet coordinator) who must contact WEX for
replacement cards.
ii. The administrator should receive the replacement credit
card from WEX within five business days from the date
of request.
iii. Replacement cards can be sent via overnight service at
the requesting agency’s expense.
iv. Please call DAS Fleet Services at 515-868-1635 with
any questions.
h. Card PIN Reset:
i. If necessary, a driver’s personal identification number
(PIN) may be changed by the department’s WEX card
administrator or DAS Fleet Services.
ii. Requests may take up to 48 hours before all WEX sites
have the new driver information.
i. State of Iowa fleet vehicles fueled at retail locations must be
fueled using a State-issued WEX Fuel Card, which requires a
personal identification number (PIN).
j. The State fuel card can only be used for fuel and allowed
purchases (incidental expenses and emergencies); it cannot be
used for vehicle maintenance, repairs, food, personal items or
any non-State business purposes.
k. When refueling, both the driver PIN and current odometer
reading must be entered.
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l. Fuel Cards assigned to a vehicle cannot be used for another
m. Driver PINs are assigned to individual authorized users and
cannot be shared.
n. Fuel card transaction limits (as of publication):
i. Standard vehicles (fuel tank capacity under 50 gallons):
1. Single fuel transaction: $200.00
2. Total fuel per day: $500.00
3. Fuel transactions per day: 5
4. Gallons per day: 250
5. General merchandise: single purchase up to
$100.00 daily
6. Oil and fluids: single purchase up to $100.00
7. Parts and service: single purchase up to $100.00
8. Roadside assistance with NAC FleetRescue
vendors: three transactions up to $500.00 total
ii. Fuel Only:
1. Single fuel transaction: $300.00
2. Total fuel per day: $300.00
3. Fuel transactions per day: 3
4. Gallons per day: no limit
5. General merchandise: declined
6. Oil and fluids: declined
7. Parts and service: declined
8. Roadside assistance with NAC FleetRescue
vendors: three transactions up to $500.00 total
iii. Large vehicles (fuel tank capacity over 50 gallons):
1. Single fuel transaction: $500.00
2. Total fuel per day: $1000.00
3. Fuel transactions per day: 5
4. Gallons per day: 1000
5. General merchandise: single purchase up to
$100.00 daily
6. Oil and fluids: single purchase up to $100.00
7. Parts and service: single purchase up to $100.00
8. Roadside assistance with NAC FleetRescue
vendors: three transactions up to $1000.00
ii. WEX vs. Pcards vs. Direct Bill:
1. A chart is available for better understanding of payment procedures.
2. WEX cards must be used for fuel and may be used for emergency and
miscellaneous expenses (excluding mechanical repairs) up to $100. This
includes windshield wipers, wiper fluid, car washes, single quarts of oil
and antifreeze.
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3. The State of Iowa Purchasing Card (Pcard) may only be used for vehicle
accessories such as running boards, toppers, tool boxes and key
replacements. Pcards may not be used for fuel, mechanical repairs or
other vehicle expenses.
4. Direct bill all maintenance work including oil changes, spark plugs,
filters, belts, light bulbs and other repairs, windshield repairs and
14. Vehicle Maintenance
a. DAS Fleet Services is available to assist State agencies with scheduling required services
and repairs through a network of automotive dealers and service facilities. For
scheduling, please call 515-281-3162 or contact a service provider directly.
b. State and Other Government Facilities
i. The following government service facilities are available to provide labor and
parts at competitive rates for scheduled preventative maintenance, inspections,
electrical, drivetrain and emergency repairs (as of publication):
1. Iowa DOT Motor Pool, 800 Lincoln Way, Ames, IA 50010, 515-239-
2. City of Sioux City, City Maintenance Garage, 1821 18th St, Sioux City,
IA 51105, 712-258-5161
3. University of Iowa Motor Pool, 517 S Madison, Iowa City, IA 52242,
4. University of Northern Iowa Motor Pool, 1801 W 3rd St, Cedar Falls, IA
50613, 319-273-2869
5. Iowa State University Transportation Services, 916 Haber Rd, Ames, IA,
a. If you are within a reasonable distance from one of the facilities
listed above, please use one of these government service
facilities as your first choice for the following benefits:
i. The automotive technicians are qualified and capable of
providing first-class service.
ii. Labor rates are less expensive.
iii. An internal payment mechanism exists for the efficient
transfer of funds.
iv. Typically, the only requirement for service is
verification that you are a State of Iowa driver. Always
provide your official State license plate number and
department name and sign the completed work order.
6. Important: The service provider must obtain an authorization number
from DAS Fleet Services for repairs or services greater than $500 at 515-
281-3162 before proceeding with any unscheduled or scheduled service
or repairs
c. Repair Approval Procedure for Independent Service Providers
i. Services less than $500 and windshield/glass repairs
1. Pre-authorization is not required for services less than $500 and any
windshield/glass repairs.
2. Routine maintenance and repairs may be performed by any licensed
service provider who will bill the State of Iowa directly. All vehicle
expenses must be direct-billed per the billing procedures below.
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3. The official vehicle number (license plate number) must be included on
all invoices.
ii. Services $500 or more
1. Services $500 or more must be pre-authorized by DAS Fleet Services.
2. Vehicle operators are not authorized to approve repairs to State vehicles
and are not permitted to drive loaner or rental vehicles from service
providers without prior approval from DAS Fleet Services.
3. Service providers are responsible for obtaining pre-authorization.
Contact DAS Fleet Services: 515-281-3162, 7:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.,
Monday Friday (excluding State-observed holidays).
4. A Purchase Order (P.O.) number will be provided upon agency approval.
5. The official vehicle number and P.O. number must be included on all
invoices greater than $500.
iii. Tire Purchases (Non-Emergency)
1. All tire purchases must be pre-authorized by DAS Fleet Services. A tire
product code is required.
2. Tires for State vehicles may only be purchased through
Bridgestone/Firestone, Goodyear and Continental vendors participating
in the State’s NASPO ValuePoint master agreements.
3. Tire mounting, alignment and other services related to the purchase of
tires must be invoiced by the participating tire provider via the
manufacturer per the NASPO ValuePoint master agreements and
following account numbers:
a. Bridgestone/Firestone Account: 254087
b. Goodyear Account: 177384
c. Continental Account: 7457535
4. Other services not included in the NASPO ValuePoint master agreement,
such as oil changes, brake work or other repairs must be invoiced
separately (see Billing Procedures below).
5. A map of participating tire providers is available on the DAS Fleet
Services website:
6. Independent repair shops may obtain tires from participating tire
providers and charge for tire installation labor only.
7. Tire providers wishing to participate in NASPO ValuePoint master
agreements should contact the manufacturers directly.
8. The official vehicle number and P.O. number must be included on all tire
iv. Key Points:
1. Vehicles should only be serviced by vendors who will direct bill DAS
Fleet Services. We have relationships with many dealers and service
providers who direct bill. There are no contracted providers for service
and repairs (except national tire agreements and glass/auto body
contracts for accidents).
2. Tires may only be purchased from Bridgestone, Goodyear, and
Continental distributors participating in the national contracts. Vendors
can be located on the contracted Tire Providers Map.
3. All tire purchases and any expense $500 or more must be approved by
DAS Fleet Services. Vendors should call 515-281-3162 for a purchase
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order (PO) number prior to any repairs. Drivers are not authorized to
approve tires or any repairs $500 or more.
4. State employees should only pay out of pocket as a last resort, as doing
so costs the State sales tax and the vehicle expense is not recorded. When
a Travel Payment (TP) is submitted for reimbursement, the official
vehicle number and justification for out of pocket expenses must be
submitted with the receipt.
5. DAS Fleet Services must be notified of any repairs to Motor Pool
vehicles. Call: 515-281-3162.
v. Emergency Tire Purchases
1. In the event of an emergency, such as a tire blowout, drivers may need to
purchase tires for their vehicle from a non-NASPO vendor. In this case,
vendors should follow the procedures listed above for services of $500 or
more, even if the total is less than $500.
vi. Billing Procedures
1. FCA/Chrysler Dealerships
a. Pre-authorization required for services $500 or more and all tire
b. Submit invoices through Chrysler Servicenet:
i. Fleet code number: 79920
ii. Service ID number: IA 000338
2. Ford Dealerships
a. Pre-authorization required for services $500 or more and all tire
b. Submit invoices through Ford Fleet Care (FFC):
i. Account number: 007305
c. Contact DAS Fleet Services for VIN verification.
3. General Motors Dealerships
a. Pre-authorization required for services $500 or more and all tire
b. Submit invoices through GM Fleet Trac:
i. Account number: 22295
c. Contact DAS Fleet Services for VIN verification.
4. All other vendors
a. Submit all invoices for vehicle expenses to
DAS.Finance.Pay[email protected]ov or fax to 515-281-6140, direct
mail to 1305 E. Walnut, Des Moines, Iowa, 50319.
b. Invoices must include the official vehicle number (license plate
c. The official vehicle number and P.O. number must be included
on all invoices $500 or more.
d. New Vendors: A W-9 is required before payment can be
d. State drivers and agency fleet administrators are obligated to familiarize themselves with
each of their assigned vehicles’ warranty provisions. Warranty provisions vary by vehicle
manufacturer and vehicle model year. It is best to consult the owner’s manual for specific
information on a vehicle. This information is contained in the Vehicle Warranty book and
the Owner’s Manual, which should be kept in the vehicle glove box at all times.
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Suspected mechanical defects or drivability problems should be resolved prior to the
vehicle warranty expiration.
e. Each agency is responsible for maintaining the service records for their vehicles.
f. Aftermarket accessories
i. The purchase of aftermarket accessories is not a maintenance expense, regular
procurement procedures should be followed.
ii. A bid is required for the purchase of aftermarket accessories over $15,000 if not
using contracted provider.
15. Vehicle Disablement
a. Vehicle Disablement and Roadside Assistance (Non-Motor Pool Vehicles, for Motor
Pool Vehicles, see Motor Pool Section below)
i. The State's WEX card program provides emergency and after-hours roadside
assistance for towing, jump-starts, tire changes, locked cars or fuel delivery
through NAC Fleet Rescue. For assistance, call the 866-329-3471 (also located
on the vehicle’s yellow NAC Fleet Rescue card contained in the glovebox
packet) 24 hours a day.
1. Required information includes:
a. Driver's name
b. Company name: State of Iowa
c. Vehicle description and location
d. WEX card number (last five digits of the credit card number)
e. Vehicle number embossed on the bottom left corner of the WEX
f. Contact phone number
g. Towing destination (if applicable)
ii. If a vehicle has a mechanical breakdown, the driver should take the following
1. Call NAC Fleet Rescue 866-329-3471 for towing to the nearest
contracted repair shop, dealership or factory authorized service facility.
2. Notify Fleet Services immediately of the breakdown. Provide the name,
address and phone number of the service facility.
3. Contact your agency to arrange alternate transportation to your office or
to continue on to your destination. Alternate transportation with
Enterprise Rent-A-Car may be arranged by contacting DAS Motor Pool
at 515-281-5123.
b. Arrange transportation to the service facility upon completion of repairs and drive the
vehicle to the Fleet Motor Pool.
c. What to do in an emergency:
i. Drivers should contact NAC Fleet Rescue at 866-329-3471. NAC Fleet Rescue is
a resource available State-wide 24/7 through our WEX card program. NAC Fleet
Rescue can assist with jump starts, lock outs, tire changes, fuel delivery, and
towing (emergency expenses can be paid with the WEX card). As a secondary
option, drivers may call DAS Fleet Services at 515-281-3162.
ii. Fleet Rescue/Towing/SERMA For roadside assistance, State drivers are
encouraged to visit SERMA - Fleet's mobile responsive website featuring
instructions for breakdowns, accidents, windshield damage, flat tires, and other
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situations. Additional resources are also available in every State vehicle’s glove
box, including the SERMA Car Guide.
iii. Lost Keys. In the event that a key to a vehicle is lost, drivers may contact the
nearest dealership to have replacement keys made. The expense may be direct
billed to the State or paid with a State of Iowa purchasing card (Pcard).
16. Winter Driving guidelines. As driving conditions deteriorate, we recommend State drivers check
the Iowa DOT’s Traveler Information/511 website: for current road conditions
and maps to determine whether travel is prudent before venturing out.
17. Out-of-pocket reimbursements. Out of pocket reimbursements to employees and drivers should
be avoided unless absolutely necessary. See reimbursements section on page eight above.
Section Two: DAS Fleet Motor Pool
DAS Fleet Services meets the States short and long term needs for vehicles by operating a
centralized motor pool for daily trip rentals. Comparisons of value show the centralized fleet is a
cost effective way to meet the needs of State agencies. Motor pool vehicles are marked vehicles
and monitored by GPS units.
1. Fleet Commander
a. DAS Fleet Services motor pool uses Agile Fleet Commander for online vehicle
reservation, providing agencies with greater customer service, convenience, efficiency
and accuracy.
i. Before making a reservation, review the Fleet Commander guide to create an
ii. A Driver’s License verification form must be submitted before an account can be
iii. To make a reservation, log into Agile Fleet Commander and use the Reservation
User Guide
1. When making reservations, please keep in mind that vehicles are
assigned based on:
a. The most efficient and practical vehicle for the number of
passengers indicated.
b. The type of assignment.
c. Vehicle availability.
d. Current social distancing guidelines.
2. Under normal social distancing guidelines, the following vehicle
classifications will be adhered to for the number of passengers as
outlined in IAC 11-103.4:
a. Compact vehicle category: 1-2 passengers
b. Mid-size vehicle: 3 or more passengers
c. Full size vehicle: 4 or more passengers
d. Minivan: 3 or more passengers
2. DAS Fleet Motor Pool Key Kiosk
a. DAS Fleet Services motor pool drivers are able to use the self-service key kiosk to pick
up and drop off their vehicle keys. Keys for outside rentals will be available at the
outside vendor location for pickup.
b. The key kiosk is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
c. All motor pool keys should be picked up and dropped off at the key kiosk, located
in the Capitol Complex parking structure in Des Moines at 650 E Grand (at the
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corner of Des Moines St. and Pennsylvania Ave.), 3rd floor in the DAS Fleet
Services satellite office by the elevators.
d. Key Kiosk Instructions:
i. For kiosk instructions, please see: Key Kiosk User Guide and Key Kiosk
ii. For driver safety, the parking ramp office is locked and can only be accessed via
the keypad access code. The code will be updated regularly and included in the
reservation confirmation. Drivers must have this code to open the door and must
not share it.
iii. For security purposes, WEX Fuel Card PINs will no longer be attached to key
rings. Fuel PINs will also be updated regularly and included in the reservation
confirmation. Make sure reservation confirmations are forwarded to drivers so
they receive this information.
iv. To use the kiosk’s touch screen interface, drivers must know their Fleet
Commander username and password when checking vehicles out or in. Keys may
be checked out 30 minutes prior to the scheduled reservation as long as the
vehicle is available.
v. The reservation confirmation email includes a confirmation number, vehicle
number, Agile FleetCommander username and password as well as the
office door security code and WEX fuel card PIN.
vi. Renters and drivers must follow all policies and procedures.
3. Main Office Hours and Location
a. The DAS Fleet Services office is located at 109 SE 13
St. in Des Moines. Office hours
are :
Monday from 6:00 am 4:30 pm
Tuesday Friday from 7:00 am 4:30 pm
4. Short Term/Long Term Cost Calculations. A spreadsheet is available to assist in determining the
cost of operation for long term vs. short term vehicles. Agencies are encouraged to use this tool
to help determine the option that is most cost effective for their vehicle needs.
5. Policies
a. Driver Requirements and Responsibilities
i. Authorized drivers must possess a current and valid non-restricted Driver’s
License before operating any State-owned vehicle (IAC 11-103.6).
1. The rental vehicle driver is responsible for complying with the
Department of Administrative Services’ rules and regulations
2. Only a State employee or other individual authorized to conduct State
business may drive or be a passenger in a motor pool. Occasionally, this
may include consultants, contractors or volunteers providing authorized
services to a department of State government.
ii. DAS Fleet Precautions, Disinfection Guidelines and Procedures
1. The State of Iowa and DAS Fleet Services values the health and safety of
our fleet’s drivers and passengers. We take the following precautions
with our vehicles to limit the spread of infectious diseases:
a. Vehicles are routinely cleaned and sanitized
b. Vehicle keys are disinfected daily
c. Hand sanitizer and antiseptic wipes are available for drivers at
the DAS Fleet Services office
iii. Contagion Reporting/Response
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1. Drivers, supervisors and PFCs are asked to notify DAS Fleet Services
when a driver or passenger of a Motor Pool rental has been exposed, has
symptoms or tested positive for contagious illnesses such as COVID-19.
2. Once reported, any vehicle used by an individual possibly carrying
contagious pathogens has been in contact with will be disinfected with a
specifically designed disinfecting procedure.
iv. Driver Contagion Recommendations
1. In order to further prevent the spread of infectious disease, DAS Fleet
Services encourages the following:
2. Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds especially before and after
vehicle operation
3. Wear gloves when possible, especially when fueling a vehicle. Fuel
pumps, keypads and other surfaces are touched frequently and may not
be sanitized. Consider using your knuckles instead of fingertips to touch
common use contact areas if gloves are not available.
4. Use disinfecting wipes to disinfect high-touch areas on a vehicle before
and after use such as:
a. Steering wheel
b. Interior and exterior door handles and lock buttons
c. Gear selector
d. Radio buttons
e. Seat belt surfaces
f. Windshield wiper and turn signal stalks
g. Driver and passenger armrests, grab handles and seat adjusters
h. Headrests
i. An alcohol and water solution of at least 70% alcohol is
effective and can be used on nearly every vehicle
ii. Some cleaning agents may damage interior surfaces.
Test in an inconspicuous area prior to use. Do not use
bleach or hydrogen peroxide inside the vehicle or
ammonia on non-glass or touch screen surfaces.
v. In cases where an authorized non-State employee is required to drive a State
vehicle, the requesting State agency must provide DAS Fleet Services with the
individual’s Driver’s License number (IAC 11-103.6).
1. Employee’s spouses, children, relatives or any other unauthorized non-
State employees are not allowed to drive or be passengers in motor pool
2. Minors are not allowed to operate motor pool vehicles under any
3. Restricted Activities
a. The following are strictly forbidden in a motor pool vehicle:
i. Use of any tobacco products including Smoking,
smokeless tobacco and “vaping.
ii. Use by an employee who is under the influence of
alcohol or drugs; any such occurrence is cause for the
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revocation of driving privileges and/or the withdrawal of
the vehicle assignment.
iii. Installation and/or use of any radar-detection or anti-
speed detection device of any kind.
iv. Removal or disconnection of the State-installed GPS
monitoring device.
v. Use of cellular phones for data transmission (such as
texting or email) is prohibited by statute (Iowa Code
321.276). **The use of cellular phones for voice
communication by non-law enforcement personnel while
operating a moving vehicle is highly discouraged.
vi. Picking up hitchhikers (unless providing assistance to
disabled motorists in emergency situations)
vii. Domestic and non-domestic animals are NOT allowed in
the vehicles with the exception of seeing-eye, hearing-
ear and service dogs
viii. Vehicles are not to be used for towing; no objects are to
be placed, mounted or tied to the outside of any motor
pool vehicle; damage resulting from any of these
conditions will be the responsibility of the requestor's
department (or organization)
ix. Vehicle damage resulting from abuse is subject to
payment by the driver's department (or organization).
vi. Adherence to Motor Vehicle Laws
1. Authorized drivers must not only know and obey all traffic laws, but they
must also drive in a respectful and courteous manner while they are
representing the State of Iowa. Citizen complaints, traffic law violations,
speed camera tickets and accidents where the State driver shares
significant responsibility may result in the suspension of driving
2. Drivers are responsible for paying any fines related to traffic or parking
offenses while operating a vehicle on State business.
3. DAS Fleet Services regularly checks the Driver’s License numbers
provided by State agencies. Driving privileges may be suspended or
revoked for drivers with unacceptable records (IAC 11-103.12).
4. Motor vehicle speeding is the operation of a motor vehicle and exceeding
a public roadway posted speed limit. This Motor Vehicle Speeding
Policy applies to all State agencies that operate DAS Fleet Services
motor pool vehicles (IAC 11-103.9(8A)).
vii. Mileage Minimum. In order to reduce department costs and maintain an efficient
fleet size, DAS Fleet services reserves the right to terminate any long term rental
that is driven less than of 1,000 miles each month.
viii. Taking a Motor Pool Vehicle Home. Upon prior written request, the DAS Fleet
Services manager may authorize a motor pool to be driven to the driver’s home if
the driver lives in the same direction as the scheduled trip destination and doing
so would reduce the trip cost for the State of Iowa. If granted, such authorization
is limited to the specific driver, vehicle and destination and requests must be
duplicated for same or similar trips unless otherwise approved.
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b. Vehicle Rental Charges, Extensions, Late Pick-Up and Drop-Off
i. Agencies should compare rates between outside rental and motor pool costs per
trip to ensure the most cost effective option is being chosen. Please see our
Rental Cost Comparison Guide for current vehicle rates.
ii. Agencies wishing to extend or cancel a motor pool vehicle reservation must do
so prior to travel by updating the reservation in the online reservation system or
contacting DAS Fleet Motor Pool at 515-281-5123. Extension approvals are
subject to vehicle availability and cannot be guaranteed; DAS Motor Pool will
assist agencies with other arrangements if needed. Penalties for late returns and
failure to pick up a reserved vehicle as well as cleaning fees will be assessed as
Late Return
No Prior Call for Late Return
Failure to Pick Up Vehicle
No Call, No Show
Cleaning Fee
Evidence of Smoking, Excessive Dirt or
Other Material
c. GPS Monitoring
i. DAS motor pool vehicles are equipped with GPS telemetry to assist with vehicle
operation, increase the safety of the drivers, promote positive driving habits and
increase the efficiency of the fleet. DAS motor pool usage reports will be
reviewed regularly by DAS Fleet Services staff.
1. GPS Monitoring and Speeding
a. If speeding violations are suspected a report will be provided to
the renting agency’s Primary Fleet Coordinator.
b. Upon DAS Fleet Services request, the renting agency may be
asked to provide an explanation for suspected policy violations.
c. A written notice of suspected Policy violations will be sent to the
renting agency’s Primary Fleet Coordinator requesting he/she
remind agency drivers of the vehicle speed policy.
d. Repeated policy violations by a renting agency may result in
limitation or suspension of a specific driver’s or an entire
agency’s DAS Fleet Services motor pool vehicle rental
e. If an agency desires to appeal the limitation or suspension of
their DAS Motor Pool vehicle rental privileges, the agency may
submit a written appeal to the Director of Administrative
2. GPS Monitoring and Idling
a. Motor vehicle engine idling is the continuous operation of a
vehicle’s engine when the vehicle’s transmission is the neutral
“N” or park “P” position. DAS Fleet Services has the
responsibility to efficiently operate and maintain a motor pool of
vehicles and educate drivers on their operation. The intent of the
idling reduction policy is to reduce vehicle exhaust emission and
air pollution, promote fuel conservation, reduce fuel costs, assist
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in reduction of vehicle maintenance, increase operation
efficiency and promote safety.
b. Motor Vehicle Idle Time Policy applies to all DAS Fleet motor
pool vehicles regardless of vehicle class.
i. Idling Guidelines:
1. Drivers must operate DAS Motor Pool vehicles
in a manner that will not reflect unfavorably on
the State of Iowa.
2. Limit vehicle idle time to no more than five
minutes during initial warm-up and when
restarting a vehicle after a shutdown of four
hours or more.
3. Do not unnecessarily idle a vehicle more than
five minutes when it is stopped for a foreseeable
period of time.
4. Restrict vehicle idle time to less than five
minutes when making frequent stops.
5. Attempt to remove ice or frost from vehicle
windows with a scraper; when necessary,
vehicle idling for the purpose of de-icing is
6. Turn the vehicle’s engine off when the time to
load or unload the vehicle is expected to exceed
five minutes.
7. A vehicle must be shut off prior to fueling and
remain off until fueling is completed.
8. Under no circumstances should an idling vehicle
be left unattended; the engine must be shut off,
keys removed and vehicle locked.
ii. Idling Exemptions:
1. When a vehicle is stopped due to an emergency
or when traffic control devices or severe
congestion interrupts traffic flow for a prolonged
period of time.
2. When conditions warrant vehicle battery
charging through vehicle idling.
3. Under weather conditions where the health and
safety of the vehicle driver and/or passengers
could be compromised, requiring heat or air
d. Motor Pool Vehicle Mechanical Problems and Repair
i. While DAS Fleet Services strives to maintain its fleet of vehicles in the best
possible condition, breakdowns do occur. Vehicles that develop mechanical
problems in the Des Moines area should be returned for replacement. If it is
impractical to operate the vehicle, DAS Fleet Motor Pool will make every effort
to assist the customer to minimize lost time and inconvenience. However, DAS
Fleet Services is not liable for any costs incurred by the travelers other than the
actual cost to repair the vehicle. This specifically includes room and board.
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ii. If a motor pool vehicle has a mechanical breakdown while on the road, please
use the following procedures:
1. For minor repairs (repairs estimated to cost up to $500), the driver is
authorized to have the vehicle fixed. Vendors should bill the State of
Iowa directly and send invoices to: Iowa Department of Administrative
Services, Attention: DAS Finance Hoover Building, 3rd Floor,1305 E
Walnut Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0150
2. For major repairs (repairs estimated to cost more than $500), the driver
or repair shop must obtain prior authorization by contacting DAS Fleet
Services at 515-281-3162 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday,
7:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). DAS Fleet Services will reimburse the driver for
repair costs paid by cash, check, or personal credit card. Detailed receipts
are required and a travel payment must be submitted.
e. Vehicle Disablement and Roadside Assistance. Please see Disablement Section Above.
f. Motor Pool Vehicles and Inclement Weather
i. In the event of adverse weather conditions, DAS Fleet Services:
1. May restrict the issuance of motor pool vehicles in order to ensure driver
safety and to conserve State property.
2. Will rely upon the advice of road reports issued by the Department of
Public Safety and/or Department of Transportation for the intended
travel route to the driver's destination.
3. May cancel or postpone a vehicle reservation if any part of the route or
destination is reported to be 75% or more snow and ice covered or if one
or more of the nine geographic areas defined by the Department of
Public Safety or Department of Transportation is included in their
recorded road reports.
a. Under such circumstances:
i. Department travel is also strongly discouraged.
Authorized drivers are encouraged to call 800-288-1047
to receive the latest road condition report during
inclement weather from November 15 to April 15 prior
to receiving their vehicle.
All drivers of department assigned vehicles, except those
driving in emergency response situations, are urged to
consult the Department of Public Safety or Department
of Transportation road reports prior to travel during
inclement weather. If the Department of Public Safety or
Department of Transportation has issued a “no travel
advisory,” all State vehicle travel will be suspended with
the exception of Public Safety vehicles.
Section Three: DAS Fleet Inventory Management
DAS Fleet Services fleet management processes fleet vehicle information from acquisition through to
disposal. This enables the State of Iowa to reduce costs, improve efficiency and ensure compliance across
the entire fleet operation.
Departmental Vehicle Purchasing
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1. Purchasing vs. Renting vs. Reimbursement
a. Determining cost-effectiveness is complex; depends on mileage per day, frequency and
consistency of use. Agencies should compare rates between outside rental and motor
pool costs per trip to ensure the most cost effective option is being chosen. Please see our
Rental Cost Comparison Guide for current vehicle rates. In general:
i. Mileage Reimbursement is more cost effective when driving infrequently with
low mileage or frequent trips with very low mileage driven.
ii. An agency owned vehicle is more cost effective when a vehicle is used
frequently with low and moderate mileage per day.
iii. DAS motor pool vehicle rental is more cost effective when usage is infrequent
with moderate mileage per day.
iv. Enterprise/Hertz daily rental is more cost effective when usage is infrequent but
very high mileage per day.
2. Agency Pooled Vehicles
a. Individual agencies may purchase multiple vehicles to create an intra-agency motor pool.
These vehicles will all be assigned to one person and individual drivers can use these
vehicles as is necessary for their job duties. The individual originally assigned to the
vehicles is responsible for tasks such as vehicle location, maintenance and driver
information/log. A mileage log for recording agency pool vehicle mileage can be found
3. Replacement Requirements
a. Passenger vehicles and light duty trucks may be replaced at a minimum of 120,000 miles,
10 years of age, or when repairs exceed 50% of the NADA clean trade-in value. Average
delivery time 12-16 weeks; not guaranteed. Orders should be placed according to average
monthly mileage and lead time of delivery.
b. Medium duty trucks and buses (gasoline) may be replaced at a minimum of 125,000
miles or 10 years, delivery time varies.
c. Medium duty trucks and buses (Diesel) may be replaced at a minimum of 200,000 miles
or 10 years, delivery time varies.
d. Heavy duty trucks and buses (Diesel) may be replaced at a minimum of 400,000 miles or
10 years, delivery time varies.
4. Dealer Contracts
a. A list of all available vehicle contracts is available here: Vehicle Contract Catalog
5. Ordering procedure
a. The agency submits a completed Vehicle Order Form (signed by Agency Fleet Contact &
Director/Designee) to DAS Fleet Services
i. The fillable Vehicle Order Form is located on the Fleet Services website:
Vehicles> New Vehicles> Vehicle Order Form. Completed forms should
1. Vehicle contract and requested vehicle information (specs) must be
2. If the vehicle is a replacement, the vehicle number and odometer or
reason for replacement must be included on the form
3. Justification must be provided if the vehicle is
a. an early replacement
b. a different class size from vehicle being replaced
c. an additional vehicle to the fleet
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d. a selection other than the lowest priced option in its class
e. a variance to the standard 6 yr./20% depreciation schedule is
4. Agency must include aftermarket accessories on the form.
b. Delivery time. Please note that production time for vehicles can vary greatly depending
on factors such as plant shutdowns, seasonality, production scheduling, upfitting and
other variables.
6. Vehicle Reallocation. The DAS Fleet Vehicle Reallocation Program is an opportunity for State
agencies to sell underutilized vehicles to other State agencies needing vehicles through the
GovDeals website. The vehicle reallocation program is a centralized listing available to agencies
that fall under Iowa Code 8A.361. Vehicles less than ten years of age and under 120,000 miles
are eligible for reallocation.
7. Vehicle Depreciation Replacement Fund. Funding for new vehicles may originate from the
agency's depreciation fund if adequate funds exist in the depreciation account based on the fund
balance and depreciated values of all vehicles assigned to the agency. Vehicles will depreciate
based on the purchase price, a six-year useful life and 20% salvage value. Requests for variance
change in depreciation rates must be specified.
8. Vehicle registrations and titles
a. DAS Fleet services holds and maintains all vehicle titles, registrations and unused license
b. Please contact DAS Fleet Services for replacement license plates or registration stickers.
9. Vehicle disposal
a. Retired and salvaged State vehicles are sold at Insurance Auto Auction (IAA) in De
Soto, Iowa. Auctions are held every Tuesday and vehicles are posted on the IAA
Website two weeks prior to sale. Contact IAA for more information: 515-834-
b. Interdepartmental used vehicle sales are available through the States GovDeals
10. Vehicle exchanges
a. 24-hr notice preferred for scheduling.
b. Bring plates, WEX card and the glove box packet from the current vehicle.
c. Complete the Vehicle Assignment Form (VAF) included in the pickup notification and
email it to MotorPo[email protected]ov prior to vehicle exchange/pickup.
d. The driver’s signature is required at time of pick up.
1. eDAS Billing
a. eDAS is the online billing and service request system for the Department of
Administrative Services. It has revolutionized the way customers deal with the
department by providing State agencies with an online system to order services and
view billing information. The system has saved the State money by reducing the
number of staff needed to generate and support the bill and by allowing customers
to better track expenses.eDAS is located here.
b. DAS Fleet services uses certain eDas billing codes for agencies including:
i. 3866: Rentals
ii. 3867: Fuel Purchases
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iii. 3870: Vehicle Maintenance
iv. 3890: Fleet Management Fee
v. 3891: Vehicle Replacement & Depreciation
vi. 3892: Vehicle Self Insurance
vii. 3915: Outside Rental: Out-of-State
viii. 3916: Outside Rental: International
ix. 4592: Daily Rental: Out-of-State
x. 4593: Outside Rental: In-State
xi. 4091: Accident Deductible
xii. 4092: Deductible Refund
xiii. 4093: Salvage Proceeds
xiv. 4256: Defensive Driving
xv. 4562: Vehicle Reservation/Maintenance/GPS Integration System
xvi. 4563: GPS Service
xvii. 4564: GPS Unit
xviii. 4574: Misc
Section Four: DAS Fleet Risk Management
The Department of Administrative Services administers the State of Iowas vehicle self-insurance
and risk management program. This includes investigation, negotiation and settlement of all
liability, collision and comprehensive claims, development of loss control policies and programs,
and establishment of an insurance premium charged to State agencies. Our goal is to reduce the
potential of injury to both State employees and others who travel the roadways with us and reduce
the cost of automobile accident claims. Successful efforts allow us to charge a substantially
reduced insurance premium to State agencies.
1. Required Accident Reporting
a. A State driver must report any potential liability, collision, or comprehensive loss
which occurs while conducting State business to the DAS Fleet Services Risk
manager within 24 hours of the occurrence. Failure to do so may result in
payment of any loss from the funds of the State driver’s employing agency rather
than from the State self-insurance fund. All documentation, such as proof of
required class completion and insurance coverage, must be provided to the DAS
Fleet Services risk manager (IAC 11-103.7).
b. In the event of an accident or incident resulting in vehicle damage, drivers must
follow the instructions provided on the insurance card and Vehicle Accident
Reporting Procedures packet in the vehicle’s glove box after notifying the DAS
Fleet Services Risk manager (immediately or within 24 hours following an
i. Complete the Iowa Vehicle Accident Report Form in the glove box. All
damage, Minor dents, scratches, window cracks, etc. must be indicated on
this form. (Fillable forms are also available on the DAS Fleet Services
ii. Important: The damage report must be completed by the driver and
emailed within 72 hours to [email protected] or mailed to: DAS Risk
Management 109 S.E. 13th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0250 A copy
should also be forwarded to the department headquarters to which the
driver is assigned
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iii. The assigned driver must notify the appropriate law enforcement
department who will determine the extent of their investigation in the
iv. In all instances of vandalism the appropriate law enforcement agency must
be notified
v. If the combined property damage exceeds $1,500 or a personal injury is
involved, a Department of Transportation Report of Motor Vehicle
Accident Form must be completed and distributed within 72 hours as
1. The original to the Department of Transportation
2. One copy attached to the damage report submitted to DAS Fleet
3. One copy attached to the damage report submitted to the driver's
vi. All repairs must be completed within 60 days from the occurrence. Failure
to do so may result in rejection of repairs or right to the repair under DAS
Fleet insurance
vii. If you are in an accident or incident that involves serious injury or death,
contact the DAS Fleet Risk manager at 515-414-6582 or Fleet Services at
viii. Important:
1. Do not admit liability
2. Do not attempt to settle your claim. You are not authorized to
do so.
3. Address all correspondence to: DAS Fleet Services/ Risk
Management 109 S.E. 13th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50319-
0250; Phone: 515-414-6582
ix. An accident claim flowchart can be found here.
x. An accident report form can be found here.
xi. Vendor selection process
1. In the event of vehicle damage, it is the driver’s responsibility to
arrange for the vehicle to be repaired. If it is not safe to drive,
contact NAC Fleet Rescue at 1- 866-329-3471 for towing, or the
DAS Fleet Risk manager for assistance at 515-414-6582.
2. At least one estimate for repair is required. All accident-related
estimates must be submitted to the DAS Fleet Risk manager and
approved prior to any repairs being made.
3. If there is a State contract holder within 30 miles of the vehicle’s
location, the vehicle is required to be repaired by that vendor. For
a listing of current contracted auto-body vendors, visit the DAS
Fleet Services website for links to the State-wide auto-body list or
xii. For glass repairs, Kryger Glass is contracted and may be used. No accident
report is required for glass repairs.
2. Repair Locations
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a. Auto Body: an interactive map indicating contracted auto body vendors can be
found here.
b. Auto Glass: an interactive map indicating contracted auto glass vendors can be
found here.
3. Liability and Comprehensive/Collision Coverage
a. The State of Iowa is self-insured. The inception of the State’s self-funded liability
program and Defensive Driving classes have contributed to lowering accident
rates (see required training on page 6). This has allowed Fleet Services to
maintain reduced rates to the departments for liability coverage.
b. Fleet Services will provide claims administration for employees driving State
vehicles on official business as follows:
i. Provide protection from liability claims including medical, hospital,
property damage and loss of income; this will be administered in
accordance with the applicable laws of the state in which the
accident/incident occurred and Iowa Code chapter 669; settlement for all
losses is the sole responsibility of Fleet Services.
ii. Provide protection for collision and comprehensive damage to State
owned vehicles.
iii. Restitution of losses for any collision and comprehensive damages to State
owned vehicles caused by the negligence or fault of another party;
settlement for all losses is the sole responsibility of Fleet Services
iv. Any amounts recovered will be credited to both the department and the
insurance fund based on the percentage of damage recovered.
v. Injuries to State employees will be processed in accordance with the Iowa
Worker's Compensation law.
c. Collision and comprehensive coverage is subject to a $500.00 deductible. Repair
costs up to the $500.00 deductible are the responsibility of the department to
which the vehicle is assigned (with the exception of motor pool vehicles).
d. When a vehicle’s damage estimate is more than 50% of the value of the vehicle,
the vehicle will be considered “totaled,” using the NADA adjusted clean retail
e. Trailers and Other Non-Registered Vehicles and Equipment
i. Any vehicle (including trailers) currently paying into the Risk Fund is
ii. Accessories permanently attached to covered vehicles are covered under
the Risk Fund.
iii. Agency-owned trailers attached to a covered vehicle during an event are
covered under the Risk Fund.
iv. Contact the rental location for trailers rented from a third party.
v. Contents are not covered under the Risk Fund. If the accident is not the
fault of the State driver of a covered vehicle, the other insurance company
may pay for the contents.
4. 29C20 Fund
a. Damages to State owned vehicles caused by theft or natural disasters may be
covered by the State's self-funded automobile program.
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b. In cases resulting in loss from theft or natural occurrences such as hail, tornados
and floods, agencies working with DAS may apply to the Executive Council for
financial relief under the provisions of the Iowa Code section 29C.20(1). This
relief is intended to reimburse agencies for unanticipated expense resulting from
the theft or natural disaster that would otherwise cause an adverse hardship to the
agency's operating budget.
c. All claims must be submitted within 24 hours from the occurrence (weekends
and holidays excluded) to the State Auditor. Agencies not adhering to this
process may be responsible for the full cost of repairs
5. Tort Claims
a. When an accident occurs which is the fault of the State of Iowa driver, the other
driver involved in the accident has the option to file a Tort claim and receive
compensation from the State.
b. Drivers wishing to file Tort claims need to complete the State Appeal Board
Claim Form and Affidavit and submit it to the address listed on the form.
6. Coverage Limitations for Personal Vehicles
a. Any personally owned vehicle used on State business must be covered by a
separate personal insurance policy (IAC 11-103.12(5)(b)).
b. Coverage for any incident/accident is to be processed by the driver’s personal
insurance company. Repairs to personally owned vehicles are the responsibility of
the owner of the vehicle.
c. The State of Iowa will not be responsible for damages to personally owned
vehicles. Any potential liability claims involving personally owned vehicles
should be reported to the Department of Management.