Tuning HeLI-OTS for Guarani-Spanish Code
Switching Analysis
Tommi Jauhiainen
, Heidi Jauhiainen
and Krister Lindén
Department of Digital Humanities, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
This article describes a system created for the rst subtask of the GUA-SPA - Guarani-Spanish Code
Switching Analysis shared task held as part of the IberLEF 2023 evaluation campaign. The system was
based on the HeLI-OTS o-the-shelf language identier and ad-hoc rules for detecting named entities,
unknown languages, other tokens, and words with mixed Spanish Guarani language. With our system,
we attained the second position in the subtask with an F-score of 0.9139.
Language identication, Code-switching, Named entity recognition
1. Introduction
The Guarani-Spanish Code Switching Analysis (GUA-SPA) shared task [
] was held as part of
the IberLEF 2023 evaluation campaign [
]. The IberLEF evaluation campaigns have contained a
large number of shared tasks related to various Iberian languages, but the GUA-SPA is the rst
language identication-related shared task so far[
]. In addition to identifying individual
words as either Guarani or Spanish, the task included separate classes for words mixing both
languages, words in other languages, other tokens, and named entities. We entered the shared
task determined to make use of our previously published o-the-shelf language identier
]. HeLI-OTS has not been evaluated on word-level language identication tasks
before, nor does it currently include the possibility for language set identication [
] or for
text segmentation by language [
]. HeLI-OTS also always labels words in named entities with
the language they are most likely found in the training data for the language identier. The
same goes for non-alphabetic characters like commas and dots if they appear connected to
alphabetic characters. However, given only non-alphabetic characters, HeLI-OTS already gives
the output language as “und”, which is the ocial ISO 639-3 identier for any undetermined
language. We set out to build the missing functionalities on top of the existing software
IberLEF 2023, September 2023, Jaén, Spain
Corresponding author.
$ {rstname.lastname}@helsinki. (T. Jauhiainen); {rstname.lastname}@helsinki. (H. Jauhiainen);
{rstname.lastname}@helsinki. (K. Lindén)
https://researchportal.helsinki./en/persons/tommi-jauhiainen (T. Jauhiainen);
https://researchportal.helsinki./en/persons/heidi-jauhiainen (H. Jauhiainen);
https://researchportal.helsinki./en/persons/krister-linden (K. Lindén)
0000-0002-6474-3570 (T. Jauhiainen); 0000-0002-8227-5627 (H. Jauhiainen); 0000-0003-2337-303X (K. Lindén)
© 2023 Copyright for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).
ISSN 1613-0073
CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org)
using the GUA-SPA training data as our guide. HeLI-OTS is available from Zenodo: https:
In Section 2, we introduce some previous work for language identication for the Guarani
language as well as for word-level language identication for code-switching. Section 3 con-
tains the descriptions of the evaluation setting of the shared task as well as the corpora used.
Section 4 introduces HeLI-OTS, an o-the-shelf language identier for text which is used as
the underlying language identication system. In Section 5, we describe some of the more
interesting experiments we conducted when participating in the shared task. Section 6 is a
description of the whole system pipeline for our best submission focusing on the ad-hoc rules
on top of the HeLI-OTS language identication functionality. In Section 7, we go over the nal
results, and in the last Section, we discuss some of the challenges and ideas for future work
regarding the task at hand.
2. Previous Work
Most language identication systems aim to identify the language of sentences or longer passages
of texts. For a detailed overview of the research in language identication and some related
tasks, we refer the reader to a comprehensive survey by Jauhiainen et al. [
]. In code-switching
analysis, language identication on the word level is needed.
2.1. Language Identification for the Guarani Language
In the ISO 639-3 standard, Guarani (grn, https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/grn) is considered a macro
language containing ve individual languages: Western Bolivian Guaraní (gnw), Paraguayan
Guaraní (gug), Eastern Bolivian Guaraní (gui), Mbyá Guaraní (gun), and Chiripá (nhd). From
the introduction to the GUA-SPA shared task, it seems that the language concerned in the
task might be the individual Paraguayan Guaraní (https://codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr/competitions/
11030#learn_the_details). As the HeLI-OTS language identier already contained language
models for the macro language and the shared task did not specify any ISO 639-3 codes, we did
not do any research on the dierences between individual Guarani languages.
Guarani language has been mentioned in relatively few language identication experiments
in the past. For his Ph.D. thesis, Rodrigues [
] built a language identier using Universal
Declarations of Human Rights (UDHR) as the training material. Paraguayan Guaraní was one
among the 371 other languages in the repertoire of the system. Later, using the JRC-Acquis
corpus [
] to evaluate the vector-space classier introduced by Prager [
], Lui [
] notes that
test instances written in Portuguese were erroneously identied as Guarani in his experiments.
He believed that this was due to domain dierences between Portuguese training and testing
data. In the light of our recent experiences with the Guarani training corpora for HeLI-OTS,
which we give some details in Section 5, we believe that his training data for Guarani could
have been similarly saturated with Spanish vocabulary causing the observed misclassications.
When evaluating several language identication methods in hard contexts, we used Guarani
Wikipedia as training material for our Paraguayan Guaraní models and the Guarani UDHR as
the testing data among the 284 other languages [
]. Using the HeLI method [
], we attained
over 99% recall and precision for Guarani for test texts of 40 characters or longer while the
overall macro F1 score for all the 285 languages is 98,5% at 40 characters. Caswell et al. [
train language identication models for 1,629 languages, and in their comparison of precision
ltering approaches, they show their models for Guarani had 100% recall, but a precision of
only 4.0%. Using precision ltering, they were able to boost the precision to 44.0% at the cost
of recall dropping to 92.1%. Their notes for Guarani read “some lexical overlap with Spanish”,
which is undoubtedly due to a signicant amount of code-switching in their training corpora.
Góngora et al. [
] describe the creation of a text corpus for the Guarani language. The corpus
consists of two separate parts; the rst is a crawled news corpus with parallel Guarani-Spanish
sentences, and the second is a collection of monolingual tweets in Guarani. For the parallel cor-
pus, they used a set of Guarani words to build a seed list of addresses containing text in Guarani.
To identify the language of tweets, they rst empirically inspected the results given by the
Twitter API and noticed that there were no tweets identied as Guarani, even though there were
tweets entirely written in Guarani. Using the corpus collected by Chiruzzo et al. [
] as training
data, they trained a character 5-gram Naïve Bayes identier for distinguishing between Guarani
and Spanish. The identier gained a very high accuracy on their test partition, but it was still
not good enough for correctly identifying the language of the tweets. Finally, they created two
lists of frequent words unique to Guarani and used them to identify the language of the tweets
by counting the matching words and using dierent thresholds for tweets originating from
Paraguay and elsewhere. In a similar work to create a corpus of Guarani texts, Agüero-Torales
et al. [
] used three o-the-shelf language identiers to determine whether the texts were
written in Guarani. The three tools were: polyglot (https://polyglot.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Detection.html), fastText (https://fasttext.cc/docs/en/language-identication.html), and textcat
(https://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/classify/textcat.html). From 2.1 million tweets, 5,300 were
identied as Guarani by at least one of the three classiers. After automatic identication, they
manually inspected the 5,300 tweets, of which only 150 were actually Guarani-dominant.
As far as we are aware, apart from the experiments described by Góngora et al., there has not
been any language identication development focusing on the Guarani language before the
present GUA-SPA shared task.
2.2. Language Identification for Code-Switching
The GUA-SPA is not the rst shared task focusing on code-switching. The First Shared Task
on Language Identication in Code-Switched Data was organized in 2014 [
]. The second
code-switching shared task was held in 2016 [
]. Even though the Guarani - Spanish pair
has not been a focus of much language identication research so far, Spanish has featured
with other languages, such as English, as was the case in the rst code-switching shared task.
The rst ENG-SPA task was won by Bar and Dershowitz [
] using a LibSVM-based support
vector machine (SVM) system with a second-degree polynomial kernel. They used a collection
of features from a window containing two words before and two words after the word being
identied. They attained the weighted F1 score of 0.940 over six categories, including named
entities, etc., in a similar way to the task at hand. The ENG-SPA pair was featured again in the
second shared task. This task was won by Shirvani et al. [
] using logistic regression to label
tokens utilizing various combinations of 14 feature types, including POS-tags for English and
Spanish, the output of a separate NER-tagger in addition to, for example, character n-grams
and dictionaries. They attained the token-level weighted F1 score of 0.973.
Some more recent work on code-switching include using SVM’s on code-mixed Hindi-English
and Urdu-English social media text [
], word-level language identication for code-switching
detection for Austronesian languages [
] with the fastText o-the-shelf language identier
], using subword embeddings for code-switched Bangla-English social media texts [
], code-
switching identication for under-resourced languages [
], word-level language identication
in social media using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) [
], code-switching detection for
Kannada-English texts using transformers [
], and code-switching detection for 16th-century
letters [30].
Hidayatullah et al. [
] have recently published a review on language identication of code-
mixed texts.
3. Evaluation Setting
In the rst phase, the participants were provided with the gold-labeled training data and the
unlabeled development data. In the testing phase, they were given the gold labels for the
development data and the unlabeled test data.
On track one, the task was to classify each pre-tokenized word into one of six categories:
Spanish (es), Guarani (gn), mixed Spanish and Guarani (mixed), other languages (foreign),
named entities (ne), and other tokens (other). On track two, the task was to additionally label
the named entities as belonging to one of three groups: person, location, or organization. On
the third subtask, it was also necessary to indicate whether the Spanish words were part of
longer Spanish texts or were they included in otherwise Guarani sentences.
The training data contained 1,140 lines of text tokenized into 19,003 tokens. The development
and the test data both had 180 lines with 2,989 and 2,857 tokens, respectively. The distribution
of these tokens between the six classes in the training and the development data can be seen in
Table 1.
Token type Training Development
gn 7,698 1,241
es 5,058 812
other 3,220 456
ne 2,510 414
mix 388 52
foreign 129 14
total 19,003 2,989
Table 1
The size and contents of the training and the development datasets in the number of tokens.
The main scoring method was the weighted F1 measure. Also, accuracy, weighted precision
and recall, as well as macro precision, recall, and F1 score, were calculated.
HeLI-OTS is an o-the-shelf language identication tool rst published in May 2021. The
current version, 1.4, was published in September 2022 (https://zenodo.org/record/7066611). It
is an implementation of the original HeLI algorithm rst developed by Jauhiainen [
] for his
master’s thesis. The method was rst called HeLI when it was properly described after gaining
the shared rst position in the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) shared task
in 2016 [
]. In a recent evaluation, Jauhiainen et al. [
] compare the HeLI-OTS and fastText
o-the-shelf language identiers and show that fastText favors the recall of common languages
while HeLI-OTS reaches very high accuracy for all languages.
For longer texts, the HeLI-OTS uses a word-based scoring method where each word is given
equal weight when determining the language of the whole text. For example, using this scoring,
the word “the” will have equal weight in determining the language of the sentence as the
word “international”. Many language identication methods divide the texts into overlapping
character n-grams, giving each character n-gram equal weight, which would, e.g., give the word
“international” ten times more weight than the word “the” if they are divided into word-internal
character trigrams. In a basic HeLI implementation, each word is identied independently of
the surrounding words so that the character n-grams generated do not span over words, and
this is also the case for HeLI-OTS.
HeLI-OTS has seven dierent language model types: whole words and character n-grams
from one to six characters. When identifying the language of the word, the word-based models
are checked rst: if the word is found from any of the languages known by the identier, the
word models are used for all languages, and those languages not knowing the word receive a
penalty score. If the word is unknown to all languages, the word is divided into the highest
length n-grams known by the identier, e.g., six grams. If any of the 6 grams generated from
the word are known by any of the languages, they are used. If they are not found in any of
the languages, the method backs o to using 5-grams and so on if needed until unigrams of
characters. The scores used for words and character n-grams are negative logarithms of their
relative frequencies in the training corpora for the identier. When scoring the word using
character n-grams, the score for the word is the average of the scored n-grams. Using the
average has proven to give reasonably comparable scores between the models. For a more
formal and detailed description of the HeLI method, we recommend taking a look at chapter
three of the Ph.D. thesis of the rst author [33].
5. Experiments
As we began our experiments with the training data of the shared task, it quickly became
evident that our Guarani training data for the language identier contained a huge amount of
Guarani - Spanish code-switching. Using erroneous identications of the shared task training
data as our guide, we manually removed a lot of Spanish words and named entities from the
HeLI-OTS training data for Guarani. The number of words in the training corpus went down
almost 12,000 words or by 8%. Some of the words aected are listed in Table 2.
During the development phase, the participants were given the possibility to submit their
Word HeLI-OTS 1.4 HeLI-OTS 1.5 (in development)
de 1,842 925
la 558 232
del 470 265
y 440 225
paraguay 326 223
san 280 200
nacional 216 17
el 188 92
juan 160 94
josé 152 89
Table 2
The frequency of some Spanish words before (HeLI-OTS 1.4) and aer cleaning (1.5).
predictions on the development data and receive results using the ocial measures. Before
submitting the results, we used the overall recall as the measure to improve.
When starting with the publicly available HeLI-OTS 1.4, the overall token-level recall was
55,57% on the training set. One of the largest single misclassications seemed to be 340 named
entities being mapped as Abkhazian (abk). The tokens misclassied were exclusively the
“@USER” token. Why this word was mapped to Abkhazian, a language written in a Cyrillic
character set, is due to the nature of the HeLI-OTS training corpus. Most of the training
corpora were the ones used in the Uralic Language Identication (ULI) shared task [
]. The
training data for many of the languages come from the Leipzig Corpora collection [
] (https:
//wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de/en/download). The corpora for Uralic languages come from the
Wanca 2016 corpora [
] and some additional languages from the corpora used to train the
language identier for the Finno-Ugric Languages and the Internet project’s web crawling
system [
]. The web page listing the sources for the latter tells us that the Abkhazian training
corpus was basically a Wikipedia export (http://suki.ling.helsinki./LILanguages.html). This is
also the case for many other languages, and during our experiments for the GUA-SPA shared
task, we spent a lot of time cleaning the training data for the HeLI-OTS language identier. In
the end, however, we ended up excluding the most troublesome languages from the language
repertoire for the current shared task and continued improving the HeLI-OTS models separately.
We did a short experiment using a separate NER-tagger for Spanish that is available at the
Hugging Face [
] (https://huggingface.co/air/ner-spanish-large). However, it did not seem
to be able to predict the named entities any better than the ad-hoc rules we had created so
far, explained in detail in the next Section. There were dierences in the NE predictions, but
combining the output would not have been straightforward, and we left further experiments
with third-party NER systems to future work.
6. Final System Description
As the basic building block of our system, we had the HeLI-OTS o-the-shelf language identier.
We started experimenting with version 1.4 and made some modications, some of which are
present in the nal version. One of the main modications was to restrict the list of languages
to 64 out of the 200 languages known by the HeLI-OTS. Our experiments on the training
data indicated that it was advantageous to map some of the 62 other languages to one of the
other categories than “foreign”. The nal mappings can be seen in Table 3. Of the languages
remaining to be mapped to “foreign”, only English was a language using the Latin alphabet. The
modications for mapping were implemented directly into the HeLI-OTSs identifyLanguage
Language (ISO 639-3) Mapped category
Mirandese (mwl) Spanish (es)
Portuguese (por) Spanish (es)
Galego (glg) Spanish (es)
Ido (ido) Spanish (es)
Cheyenne (chy) Guarani (gn)
Panjabi (pan) Named entity (ne)
Komi-Permyak (koi) Named entity (ne)
Japanese (jpn) Other (other)
Gujarati (guj) Other (other)
Yakut (sah) Other (other)
Bulgarian (bul) Other (other)
Amharic (amh) Other (other)
Table 3
The mappings from certain language codes to categories other than “foreign”.
Before passing the text to the language identier, we created preprocessing functions which
handled detecting “mixed” words, named entities, as well as some special cases.
First, the preprocessor checks the word against a list of special cases which are directly
mapped to certain categories. These include words such as Spanish weekdays and months
starting with capital letters mapped to Spanish as well as some consisting solely of Guarani
word-endings such as “-kuéra”, “-gui”, or “kuérape” which were mapped to Guarani. The word
“@USER” was mapped to the named entity and some words such as “URL”, “xd”, and ”Com” to
the other category. If, after removing all digits, the word consisted only of “G”, “ª, or “-pe”, it
was mapped to the other category as well.
For detecting the named entities, we implemented a counter that indicated the position
of the word in the sentence. It was reset after each line as well as if the previous word was
either “@USER” or “URL”, or in case it consisted only of punctuation characters. All the words
beginning with an uppercase letter and followed by a lowercase letter that were not in the rst
position were marked as named entities. Also, if a word not in the rst position was preceded
by a named entity and followed by a word beginning with a capital letter, it was marked as a
named entity if it was one of the words “de, “del”, or “y”. For detecting named entities in the
rst position, we generated lists of words which were mostly starting with lowercase letters in
our training corpora for Spanish and Guarani. If a word not in these lists was found in the rst
position and beginning with a capital letter, it was marked as a named entity.
Mixed Spanish Guarani words were detected rstly by looking for Guarani endings indicating
mixing: “-pe”, “-kuéra”, “-gui”, “-gua”, “-kuérape”, and “-guava”. Secondly, if the word started
with “oñe” and the rest of the word was identied as Spanish, it was marked as “mixed”. Also, if
a word started with “o” and was not found in any of the language models of any of the languages,
and the rest of the word was identied as Spanish, it was marked as mixed.
For the nal system, we also concatenated the words annotated as Guarani or Spanish in the
training and the development data to the training data for the respective languages.
7. Results
Our nal run with the test data resulted in the scores seen in Table 4. The last modication of
adding the words from the GUA-SPA training and development data to the training data for the
language identier improved the weighted F1 score from 0.9098 to 0.9139, which was our best
result, 0.0242 behind the best results reached by the winning team.
Measure score
Accuracy 0.9146
Weighted Precision 0.9160
Weighted Recall 0.9146
Weighted F1 0.9139
Macro Precision 0.7519
Macro Recall 0.7422
Macro F1 0.7244
Table 4
Our best results on the test set for task one.
8. Discussion and Conclusions
In the nal phase of our experiments with the development data, the label pair with the most
errors was named entities and Spanish. Forty-seven words tagged as named entities were
identied as Spanish, and 45 words annotated as Spanish were identied as named entities. It
would be worthwhile to continue the experiments by combining a specially trained Spanish
NER tagger into the pipeline.
Some Spanish words were still identied as Guarani, and undoubtedly further cleaning of the
Guarani training corpus could have improved the situation.
Combining HeLI-OTS language identication results with other word-level features using a
classier such as CRF could lead to better results than using the ad-hoc rules we generated for
the shared task, but experimenting with them was beyond the scope of our participation for
this shared task.
Our results are only slightly behind the results of the winning team, but we consider it a
good run in light of our ad-hoc rules being relatively simple when compared with, for example,
the ones used by the winners of the previous code-switching shared tasks. We also consider
our participation a success as it pointed us toward some problems in the training data for our
HeLI-OTS language identier. We were able to improve the quality of the HeLI-OTS models for
the two languages as well as for many others, which included considerable amounts of Spanish
text. These improvements will be part of the forthcoming version of the HeLI-OTS.
We thank the task organizers for their work. Writing this article has been supported by the
Academy of Finland (Funding decision no. 341798).
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