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A Whale of a Tale: Gaming Disorder and Spending and Their A Whale of a Tale: Gaming Disorder and Spending and Their
Associations With Ad Watching in Role-playing and Loot-box Associations With Ad Watching in Role-playing and Loot-box
Gaming Gaming
Samuel M. Tham
Colorado State University
Gregory P. Perreault
Appalachian State University
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Tham, Samuel M. and Perreault, Gregory P., "A Whale of a Tale: Gaming Disorder and Spending and Their
Associations With Ad Watching in Role-playing and Loot-box Gaming" (2021).
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A Whale of a Tale: Gaming Disorder and Spending and
Their Associations With Ad Watching in Role-Playing and
Loot-Box Gaming
Samuel M. Tham
& Gregory P. Perreault
Department of Journalism and Media Communication, Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Department of Communication, Appalachian State University, Boone, North
Carolina, USA
Mobile games featuring the loot-box design are associated with gambling because of
the uncertainty in the value of the purchase and the propensity for gamers to keep
spending. Role-playing games (RPGs) have been associated with gaming disorders
because of the addictiv eness and immersion experienced by gamers. Advertisers have
capitalized on this gaming trend by having gamers watch advertisements, often in
return for earning in-game currency. In this study, we explored the intersection of
role-playing and loot-box mobile gaming, in particular examining the association
with gaming disorders and ad watching and the role of game spending. An online
survey was conducted (n = 595) in which we recruited participants who play four
popular loot-box RPGs on their mobile dev ices. In line with previous research, we
found similarities between these players and those with disordered gaming and an
association with increased game and gaming involvement. We found that different
spending habits based on gamer classications have unexpected associations with the
willingness of gamers to watch ads. Our results have implications for loot-box
gamers, game designers, and advertisers, as we believe that addicted loot-box
gamers, because of the association between loot-box games and gambling, may be
experiencing a form of morbidity and that these gamers may be more susceptible to
such addictions.
Keywords: loot box, problematic gaming, addiction, gambling, advertising
Les jeux mobiles comportant un coffre à butin sont associés à la pratique des jeux
vidéo en raison de lincer titude liée à la valeur de lachat, et la propension des joueurs
Journal of Gambling Issues
Volume 46, February 2021 DOI:
à continuer de dépenser. Les jeux de rôle ont été liés au jeu compulsif en raison de la
dépendance et de limmersion des joueurs. Les annonceurs protent de cette
tendance au jeu en forc¸ant les joueurs à regarder fréquemment des annonces an
dobtenir de la monnaie du jeu en question. Cette recherche se penche sur le point
dintersection du jeu de rôle et du coffre à butin dans les jeux mobiles, et
particulièrement sur lassociation à des troubles liés au jeu, à la visualisation
dannonces et au rôle des dépenses en jeu. Un sondage en ligne a été mené (n = 595)
en recrutant les participants parmi les personnes qui jouent sur leur appareil mobile à
quatre jeux de rôle prisés offrant un coffre à butin. Tout comme dans les recherches
précédentes, nous avons constaté des similarités avec le jeu compulsif et leur
association à laugmentation des jeux et de la pratique du jeu. Nous avons également
constaté que différentes habitudes de dépenses fondées sur la classication des
joueurs sont liées de manière inattendue au consentement des joueurs à regarder des
annonces. Nos résultats comportent des implications pour les joueurs de jeux offrant
un coffre à butin, les développeurs de jeux et les annonceurs, car nous sommes
convaincus que les joueurs dépendants qui jouent à des jeux offrant un coffre à butin
pourraient souffrir dune forme de morbidité, et quils pourraient être plus
susceptibles à de telles dépendances.
In 2017, a Reddit user nothing024 posted a cautionary story about his experience
playing the mobile video game Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius. As an adult with a
demanding job and a family, he found that he could not play traditional video games
much anymore and Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius seemed like the perfect solutionit
allowed him to play on the go and, for a small price, he could try to ‘‘ summon’’ or
gamble nostalgically for his favourite characters from traditional Final Fantasy
Over the course of a year, those small amounts added up to $16,000. In his Reddit
post, he acknowledged that he had likely ruined his marriage, his relationship with
his children, and his bank account. In one anecdote, he described being on a family
vacation and spending the vacation glued to the phone, summoning wildly for a
hotly anticipated unit and spending nearly $2,500 that afternoon alone (Tim, 2017).
The loot-box design of video games has been linked to gambling addictions (Zendle
& Bowden-Jones, 2019). The role-playing game (RPG) genre in particular often
places the gamer in the role of a protagonist character; hence, the player ends up
making an emotional investment in the character, which could lead to problematic
use when games lack a denitive end (Yee, 2006). As little research has been done to
investigate mobile RPGs and loot-box games (Britt & Britt, 2020), in our study, we
tested the impact of how such engaging and gambling-designed games may have an
effect on those who have a gaming disorder. We also examined how gamers in such
games may be more susceptible to advertising promotions for in-game currency to
enrich their game play.
Mobile Gaming
The mobile app market recorded over $60 billion in revenue in which mobile game
apps single-handedly accounted for $48.3 billion (82%) of the revenue (Nelson,
2018). The adoption of mobile games is thought to stem from social gratication
(Wei & Lu, 2014) derived from the social connections made through an online
gaming world. The revenue-generating models for mobile games are broken down
into three broad categories: (1) downloads, (2) in-game purchases, and (3)
advertising (Balakrishnan & Grifths, 2018). In-game purchases have often been
popular in mobile gaming, as a gamer can spend a dollar to purchase an extra life in
a game or 10 dollars to purchase a cosmetic outt or skin (Wardle, 2019).
In particular, free-to-play (F2P) games have been particularly protable for
developers. For F2P games, although the game is free to play, some areas, activities,
or content may be inaccessible without micro-transactions. All the games examined
in the present study are considered F2P. Yet it is worth noting that regardless of the
success of the F2P nancial model, the vast majority of such games receive little or
no revenue (Pinchefsky, 2013). The model behind such games is that although the
game is free to download and play, developers create areas in the game that are gated
behind a paywall (Tom, 2015). Monetization strategies often occur through the loot
boxes, which has associations with gambling and problematic gaming (Brooks &
Clark, 2019).
F2P games tend to be structured to limit time and/or resources. This structure allows
them to provide options to monetize (Hamari & Järvinen 2011; Hamari &
Lehdonvirta 2010). Many such games include a stamina component, wherein players
can attempt only a certain number of activities before having to wait minutes or
hours before they can play again (Perreault & Perreault, 2020a). Conversely, the
game typically offers opportunities to pay money in order to continue playing
through micro-transactions.
Such games are typically designed with metrics in mind, using statistics to determine
which content and features are most popular (Paavilainen et al., 2013). The player
base is cultivated to optimize spending; fan communities are often seen as an avenue
to cultivate that audience (Perreault & Perreault, 2020a), often with strategic
communicators empathizing with players on everything from in-game drop rates
(Perreault & Perreault, 2020a) to issues outside of the game (e.g., criticism of the
gaming community; Perreault & Perreault, 2020b). One funding model, which is
found in the games in this study, targets players who spend inordinate amounts of
money. These are the high rollers, those who represent the ‘‘ smaller than expected
segment of the customer base’’ who ‘‘ might be inuencing how successful or
protable a gambling service is’’ (Tom et al., 2014, p. 94). These groups of gamers
are commonly referred to by using a shing analogy: Whales are players who spend a
signicant amount of money in the game (Alha et al., 2014). These players typically
spend what they can to achieve their desired outcome in the game. This analogy is
extended in gaming parlance, so that those who have decreased spending habits use
self-ascribed group terms such as dolphins, those who spend money but less than
whales do, and minno ws, those who spend almost nothing. These spending habits/
characterizations are self-perceived as opposed to being rooted in actual numerical
spending. In other words, a person who spends $20 a month may consider himself a
whale, given that $20 is a substantial investment for him nancially and this spending
enables him to accomplish his goals. Yet others might consider their own investment
of $20 as more of a minnow spending habit, given that they can afford substantially
more. These perceptions indicate that these spending habits are contextualas are
the dangers associated with them.
The monetization in games change depending on the customer base and player types
(Civlek et al., 2018). Game companies are often aware of many copycat games in the
market and attempt to design a game to keep their players playing regardless of their
status as non-paying, minnows, dolphins, or whales by providing numerous activities
so that they feel that they have accomplished something during their session, such as
beating levels and earning skinsor outtsfor their characters (Wardle, 2019).
Hence, developers introduce mechanics such as challenges, as they hope to keep the
whales continually spending while enticing non-payers to play, and consider
spending, through continual use of ad watching for in-game currency.
Gaming Disorder
Certain genres of games create more susceptibility to gaming disorders than others
do (Lemmens & Hendriks, 2016). Gaming disorder shares roots with internet
disorders whereby users do not regulate the amount of time that they spend online.
However, in mobile games, such disorders manifest not only through the amount of
time spent in a game, but also in other ways, such as changing habits and sleep
patterns (Peracchia & Curcio, 2018) to accommodate gameplay. The World Health
Organization recognizes gaming disorder as an International Classication of
Disease, dening it as
a pattern of gaming behavior y characterized by impaired control over
gaming, increasing priority given to gaming over other activities to the extent
that gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities, and
continuation or escalation of gaming despit e the occurrence of negative
consequences. (2018)
However, gaming disorder can take different forms depending on the game itself. In
the current study with mobile RPG loot-box gaming, disordered gamers revolve their
life activities around the game, for example, having sleep scheduled around stamina
refreshes: setting an alarm for 3 a.m. to ensure that their stamina points are not
wasted, hence perpetuating the disorder in this manner. Gamers often describe being
motivated to play as a result of ‘‘ socialization/friendships, the opportunity to exert
control in their lives, enjoyment, inspiring creativity, discovering a sense of community,
challenge, and relaxation’’ but also simply because they wanted to ‘‘ ll idle time and y
were too tired/lazy/unable to do anything else’’ (Shi et al., 2019, p. 297).
Gamers who experience problems with games are more likely to be found among
those who play online RPGs (Kuss et al., 2012) because of the time investment and
immersion of such games. In particular, immersion in the role-playing world has two
distinctive features. First, such games often feature a distinct storyline that helps
keep the gamer immersed. Second, the never-ending concept of the game helps create
a sense of continuity, such that a gamers resources (e.g., characters, equipme nt,
gold) are saved in the games server. Hence, each session is a continuation of their
journey in the game with the resources and accomplishments that they have already
earned. Thus, spending more money in the game helps build up the longevity of the
possessions that the gamer has in the game.
Previous research has shown that problematic gamers spend less money when there
are fewer loot boxes to buy in a game (Zendle, 2019); thus, having more opportunity
to spend could be part of the problem. In addition, researchers have found that
gamers who are more likely to pay money in loot boxes are often more susceptible
to problematic gaming (Zendle,Cairns, et al., 2020). But problematic gaming is a
behaviour that has a theoretical root in concerns regarding attitude and behaviour.
Attitudes and Behaviour
To better understand such problematic gaming and spending, we must rst consider
attitudes. Attitudes are often identied as a key indicator for predicting behavioural
intentions and behaviour (Azjen, 1985, 1991). An attitude can be dened as a
‘‘ relatively stable tendency to respond to people, concepts, and events in an
evaluative way’’ (American Psychological Association, 2017). One s attitude is based
on ones belief regarding the outcome of a behaviour, whereby a positive attitude
often results in a greater likelihood of the intent of performing the behaviour (Azjen,
1991). In other words, attitudes are relevant for determining the ways in which a
mobile game player might evaluate a loot-box game and act on it.
According to Katz (1960), attitudes serve functions in order to meet an individuals
psychological needs. The functions of attitudes can be broadly categorized into four
areas: utilitarian, ego defensive, self-expressive, and knowledge. The utilitarian
function of attitudes helps people evaluate the positive and negative benets of a
behaviour, the ego defensive function helps people articulate and focus on their
core beliefs as persons, the value expressive function consists of attitudes that people
hold that allow them to express themselves to others, and the knowledge function
is often used to help people make sense of the world around them (Katz, 1960).
The functions of attitudes vary from individual to individual, the three sources of
variations attributed to attitude functions being personal characteristics, domain
characteristics, and situation characteristics (Herek, 1987). Previous research on
mobile gaming has demonstrated the utility of considering the effects of attitude in
conceptualizing mobile game play (Yang et al., 2014; Youm, 2017).
Loot-box Gaming and Gambling
Loot-box games essentially turn a micro-transaction purchase into gambling (Zendle
& Bowden-Jones, 2019), preying on the psychological weaknesses of players (King &
Delfabbro, 2018). Loot boxes are widely considered to be a form of gambling (Britt
& Britt, 2020; Brooks & Clark, 2019), primarily because of the randomized items
that gamers can acquire in a loot box. In 2017, legislators created rules that govern
and legislate what they consider as gambling in such games (Good, 2018). The
similarity to gambling in loot-box games revolves around gamers continually making
loot-box purchases.
As Zendle Meyer, et al. (2020) note, the majority of top-grossing mob ile games
59% of Android games and 59% of iPhone gamesfeature loot boxes. Hence, it is no
surprise that a large portion of gamers56% in one studyhave purchased loot
boxes (Kristiansen & Severin, 2020). A typical loot box purchase yields an
assortment of in-game items that the gamer can use, with the most sought-after items
often being more rarely acquired, with chances of 5% or less, depending on the game.
Gamers seeking to obtain a particular item are forced to purchase loot box after loot
box until they are lucky enough to acquire the item that they desire, thus potentially
spending a lot of currency and/or money. In a sense, loot boxes could be considered a
‘‘ gateway activity’’ for many that can be harmful and can ‘‘ normalise gambling’’
(Wardle, 2019, p. 1110). Worth noting, however, is that some research indicates that
it is not so much the gaming, but the loot box that is the problem. Macey and
Hamari (2018) found that gaming habits had the least inuenceamong numerous
other factorson gambling. It could be that ‘‘ video games are simply a vehicle, like
many other activities, employed to full particular needs derived from the activity of
gambling’’ (Macey & Hamari, 2018, p. 351). Such needs include the need to satisfy
social pressure within a community (Zendle et al., 2019). The factors that put one at
risk include ‘‘ having a lower income, being younger, not being married’’ and being
employed (Turner et al., 2018, p. 106).
Advertising in Mobile Games
In-game advertising (IGA) has for many years run into problems because of the
difculty in strategically placing content without interrupting the users enjoyment of
the game; it has been a model of failure by game users Reports have shown that
mobile in-game video ads for rewards have been preferred by developers, as they also
provide a signicant portion of revenue for mobile games (Tran, 2017). In addition,
70% of users would rather watch ads than pay for content in the games they play
(Shaul, 2016).
Mobile game advertising can be broadly dened by three distinct categories:
(1) IGA, (2) advergames, and (3) advertising in social network games (Terlutter &
Capella, 2013). For IGA, advertising elements are found in the construct of the
game, whereas advergames are often games that comprise sponsored content
developed by an advertiser, and advertising in social network games often
incorporates real-world brand companies that sponsor certain aspects of a social
game to have their brand name displayed. Unlike traditional mobile advertising,
which has high annoyance factors leading to users seeking to hit the ‘‘ X’’ and close
the ad, the premise of mobile game ads is to reduce intrusiveness and to help the
players in their gaming experience (eMarketer, 2015).
Compared with traditional advertising, video games as a vehicle of advertising have
been more effective in implicit memory, leading to better brand recall (Yang et al.,
2006). As a result of the rise in video advertising33% of revenue in the mobile app
industry (Koestier, 2017)advertising has shifted the way that companies reach
an audience via mobile gaming because of more powerful cell networks and devices.
An increasingly popular model is to offer ads that can be watched in exchange for
in-game currency in mobile gaming.
No previous research has been done on the role of advertising in mobile game
purchasing habits that we could identify. Considering that in-game currency
increases at a xed rate in the game, we would expect players who do not spend as
much money to be more willing to spend more time watching ads as an alternative
way to earn currency. Conversely, we would expect players who spend money to
purchase currency to be less likely to watch ads. With all of this in mind, we posed
the following hypotheses and research questions:
H1: Gamers with higher spending habits in the game will show a more positive
attitude towards the game.
H2 Higher spending habits in the game will predict a greater amount of time
spent in the game.
H3: Gamers with higher spending habits in the game will show less willingness
to watch ads for in-game currency.
H4: Gamers with higher spending habits in the game will show greater
involvement in the game.
H5: Gamers with higher spending habits in the game will show a greater level of
gaming disorder.
H6a: A more positive attitude towards the game will result in ad watching for
in-game currency.
H6b: A more positive attitude towards advertising will result in ad watching for
in-game currency.
H6c: Higher involvement in the game will result in ad watching for in-game
H6d: Higher gaming disorder will result in ad watching for in-game currency.
RQ1a: Is there a difference in time spent between the four RPG mobile games?
RQ1b Is there a difference in willingness to watch ads in the four RPG mobile
Data Collection and Participants
Data collection was conducted via an online survey with Qualtrics. Respondents
were recruited online from the subreddits of four mobile games that featured the
loot-box system: Brave Frontier, Final Fantasy Record Keeper, Fire Emblem Heroes,
and Fire Fantasy Brave Exvius. A new thread was created in each of the subreddits to
invite players from these games to complete the survey. No incentives were offered.
Given that the mechanics of each game differ slightly because of the game objectives
and play style, the games were selected to capture the similarities between user
experiences in this genre of mobile games. These games revolve around the
mechanics whereby most of the collectible items/units in the game are locked behind
loot boxes. To acquire an item, a gamer needs to spend currency or money to
purchase a loot box in the game. The items in this loot box vary in rarity (common,
uncommon, rare, ultra rare), making acquiring rare items in the game a function of
luck or spending a large amount of currency.
Overall, 595 participants from the United States answered the survey from the four
subreddits. Of these, 90.6% were men, 80.7% were single, and 47.6% were students.
The dominantly male response rate is more representative of Reddits userbase than
of gaming itself, which has become increasingly heterogeneous. The mean income of
the participants was $50,000 to $54,999. The mean age group was 1825 years, which
accounted for 49.7% of the respondents.
The survey rst inquired about the amount of time and money that the respondents
spend in the game they play before asking several questions about their attitude
towards the game, followed by gaming disorder and involvement measures.
Respondents were also asked about how much time they were willing to spend
watching ads in the game. Finally, they were asked several questions about
advertising attitudes, followed by demographic questions.
Game Involvement
Game involvement was measured with an index of six items. Participants were asked
to characterize their involvement based on a 7-point bipolar scale. The six
dimensions that were included in this index were ‘‘ Unimportant-Important,’’
‘‘ Irrelevant-Relevant,’’ ‘‘ Means nothing Means a lot,’’ ‘‘ Worthless-Valuable,’’
‘‘ Doesnt matter-Matters,’’ and ‘‘ Undesirable-Desirable’’ (Cronbachs a = .88).
Gaming Disorder
Gaming disorder was measured with an adaptation of constructs from the Internet
Gaming Disorder scale (Lemmens et al., 2015), as well as with sleep regulation
questions (Perrachia & Curcio, 2018). Sample questions included, ‘‘ This game is
addictive,’’ ‘‘ IfeelIcangetawayfromthisgameatanytime,’’ ‘‘ This game
regulates my sleep cycle,’’ and ‘‘ Ihatemissingoutonresourcesinthisgame’’
(Cronbachs a =.60).
Spending Habits (Gamer Classication)
Spending habits (gamer classication) were calculated with the item, ‘‘ Thinking
about the last 30 days, how much money do you think you have spent in this game?’’
As a gaming classication scale has not been established, a 5-point scale was used to
capture estimated spending, with responses including (1) Not at all, (2) A little, (3)
A moderate amount, (4) A lot, and (5) A great deal. The following categories were
assigned to the participants on the basis of their responses: Minnow = (1), Dolphin =
(2 and 3), Whale = (4 and 5). It is worth noting that the characterizations that this
scale points tominnow, dolphin, whaleare self-ascribed identities. Although the
participants were not asked about the terms minnows, dolphins, and whales directly,
this question and its responses were designed to correspond with the admittedly uid
but culturally engrained understanding of the terms. Hence, the classication of type
of spending is based on self-perception for this survey as opposed to hard numbers.
This is important because spending habits and characterizations are contextual
anywayone gamer may have the nancial ability to spend $1,000 a month, but it is
a much smaller part of their salary than it is for someone with much less nancial
means. In other words, one persons minnow may be another persons whale, and
given this reality, we decided to base the survey results on self-perception and
context. From this classication, we had 276 minnows, 226 dolphins, and 92 whales,
which ts the inverted pyramid structure of games that have mostly minnows and
a smaller group of whales (Bilas, 2015). It is worth noting that these spending
habit measures are self-perceived, given that (1) we were unable to conrm the
participants spending and (2) the nature of spending has different implications
depending on a persons nancial context.
Attitude Towards the Game
Attitude towards the game was measured by using an index of seven items.
Participants were asked about their attitude towards the game and presented with
seven pairs of items based on a semantic differential 7-point scale: ‘‘ Bad-good,’’
‘‘ Unfavorable-favorable,’’ ‘‘ Dislike-like,’’ ‘‘ Boring-interesting,’’ ‘‘ Unpleasant-
pleasant,’’ ‘‘ Unappealing-appealing,’’ and ‘‘ Unattractive-attractive’’ (Cronbachs
a =.91).
Attitudes Towards Advertising
Attitudes towards advertising were measured with an index of 12 item, the last three
of which were reverse coded: ‘‘ We can depend on getting truth in most advertising,’’
‘‘ Advertisings aim is to inform the consumer,’’ ‘‘ I believe advertising is
informative,’’ ‘‘ Advertising is generally truthful,’’ ‘‘ Advertising is a reliable source
of information about the quality and performance of products,’’ ‘‘ Advertising is
truth well told,’’ ‘‘ In general, advertising presents a true picture of the product being
advertised,’’ ‘‘ I feel Ive accurately informed after viewing most advertisements,’’
‘‘ Most advertising provides consumers with essential information,’’ ‘‘ Advertising is a
nuisance,’’ ‘‘ I do not get any information from advertising,’’ and ‘‘ Advertising
interrupts what I am doing. ’’ This was measured on a 5-point scale from 1 = Strongly
disagree to 5 = Strongly agree (Cronbachs a = .90).
Time Spent Playing the Game
Time spent playing the game was measured by a single item: ‘‘ Thinking about the
last 30 days, how much time have you spent daily (on average) in the game?’’ This
was measured on a 5-point scale, with responses including (1) Not at all, (2) A little,
(3) A moderate amount, (4) A lot, and (5) A great deal. As with money spent, this
question was put in a contextual frame to allow players to self-assess their
commitment level: 10 hours a week may be a small commitment for someone with
few other time commitments, but a substantial commitment for others.
Watching Ads for Currency
Watching ads for currency was measured by a single item. The question was how
long the respondent would be willing to watch an ad in order to obtain in-game
currency, and the scale was from 0 to 20 min.
The rst step of this study was to determine whether there were signicant differences
in our three dependent variables of interest: amount of time spent in the game
(Table 1) willingness to watch ads (Table 2), and differences in these variables in the
Table 1
Descriptive Statistics of Time Spent in Game for the Last 30 Days by Game
Game N Mean SD
Brave Frontier 95 3.32 .11
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 102 3.09 .11
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius 155 3.21 .09
Fire Emblem Heroes 234 3.32 .07
All games (total) 595 3.25 1.10
four games (RQ1a and RQ1b). A one-way analysis of variance was conducted for
each of these variables. For time spent in the game over the last 30 days, no
signicant difference was found, F(3, 591) =1.28, p 4 .05, between all four games,
for which most players described their commitment as ‘‘ moderate.’’ For amount of
time spent watching ads for in-game currency, no signicant difference was found,
F(3, 536) = .50, p 4 .05, between all four games, with players answering 5 to 6 min on
average as the maximum amount of time that they would watch an ad for currency.
Therefore, despite the four independent mobile games having different themes, we
can generalize that the characteristics of the players of these RPG loot-box games, in
terms of spending habits and propensity for ad watching, were fairly consistent. This
nding also allowed us to proceed with the collapsed data from these mobile games,
knowing that they are representative of all four player types. For the rst ve
hypotheses, a one-way analysis of variance was computed to compare the relevant
variables. Tukeys HSD was used for signi cant results of the group comparisons
that followed. A p-value of 0.5 was used to determine signicance.
H1 predicted that the gamers with higher spending habits would be more likely to
hold a more positive attitude towards the game in general. A signicant difference
was found among spending habits, F(2, 587) = 3.74, p o .05. This analysis revealed
that minnows (M = 5.67, SD =92) held a signicantly less positive attitude towards
the game than dolphins did (M = 5.86, SD = .83). There were no signicant
differences between whales (M = 5.64, SD = .94) with either of the other groups.
Therefore, H1 was partially supported.
H2 predicted that the higher spending habits gamers have in the game, the more likely
they will spend more time playing the game. A signicant difference was found among
spending habits, F(2, 591) = 17.89, p o .001. Whales (M =3.72,SD =.99)were
signicantly more likely to spend more time playing the game than were minnows
(M =2.94,SD =.12)anddolphins(M =3.1,SD =1.02).Therewasnosignicant
difference between minnows and dolphins.Therefore,H2waspartiallysupported.
H3 predicted that the more substantial a gamers spending habit, the less likely they
would be to watch advertisements for in-game currency. A signicant difference was
Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Willingness to Watch Advertisements for In-Game Currency
by Game
Game N Mean SD
Brave Frontier 91 6.25 7.03
Final Fantasy Record Keeper 87 6.19 6.78
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius 142 5.28 6.90
Fire Emblem Heroes 220 5.70 6.87
All games (total) 540 5.77 6.89
found among spending habits, F(2, 536) = 6.46, p o .01. This analysis revealed that
minnows were in fact less likely to spend time watching ads (M = 4.68, SD = 6.2)
than were dolphins (M = 6.52, SD = 7.15) or whales (M = 7.27, SD = 7.71). There
was no signicant difference between dolphins and whales in terms of their watching
habits. Therefore, H3 was not supported, as the opposite was found: Whales and
dolphins were more likely than minnows to spend time watching ads for in-game
H4 predicted that the more substantial a gamers spending habit, the more likely they
would be to describe having a gaming disorder. A signicant difference was found
among spending habits, F(2, 590) = 5.84, p o .01. This analysis revealed that
minnows (M = 2.96, SD = .76) had signicantly less gaming disorder than whales did
(M = 3.26, SD = .75). Dolphins (M = 3.05, SD = .66) also had signicantly less
gaming disorder than whales did (M = 3.26, SD = .75). There were no signicant
differences between minnows and dolphins. Therefore, H4 was supported.
H5 predicted that the more substantial a gamers spending habit, the more likely they
would be to have greater involvement in the game. A signicant difference was found
among spending habits, F(2, 575) = 8.83, p o .001. This analysis revealed that
minnows (M = 4.22, SD = 1.08) had signicantly less involvement in the game than
whales did (M = 4.61, SD = 1.09). Dolphins (M = 4.22, SD = 1.08) also had
signicantly less involvement in the game than whales did (M = 4.61, SD = 1.12).
There were no signicant differences between dolphins and whales. Therefore, H5
was supported.
H6 considered how attitudes towards the game, attitudes towards advertising,
involvement, and gaming disorder would sequentially predict in-game ad watching.
A hierarchical regression analysis was conducted (Table 3), with the rst block
controlling for the effects of demographics: gender, age, income, and marital status.
No signicance was found. For the second block, attitudes were used as the next
predictor because of the traditionally strong attitude on the behaviour continuum.
We found that stronger attitudes towards the game did not result in greater ad
watching for in-game currency. We found the same for attitudes towards advertising.
Hence H6a and H6b were not supported. Finally, in Block 3, we used the predictors
of involvement and gaming disorder and found that gaming disorder predicted ad
watching for in-game currency, whereas involvement in the game did not. Thus, H6c
was not supported but H6d was.
In this study, we examined gamers who play RPG mobile games with a loot-box
system in terms of their spending habits and advertising attitudes. In general, in all
four games, players time and money spent and their willingness to watch advertising
for in-game currency remained consistent throughout, allowing us to demonstrate
that there is a level of generalizability in the way that players of RPG loot-box
mobile games respond and behave.
A key nding of this study is that players who see themselves as the highest
spenderswhalesare also the most likely to watch advertising for in-game
currency. This expands what was reected in the study by Tom et al. (2014): Heavy
spenders not only make the game more protable through their own spending, but
they also help monetize advertising. This denotes that players who are willing to
describe their nancial investment in a game as ‘‘ a great deal’’ are the sorts of players
who are most invested in every aspect of the game. It is likely that the currency that
they receive through IGA is minor in comparison with the currency that they receive
through their pocketbook, but in a sense, these players have paid for the game and
are thus committed to the game playwhatever that may entail.
Concerning player spending (minnows, dolphins, and whales), we were able to
establish that players who spend more in the game typically hold a more positive
attitude towards the game and spend more time playing the game. We anticipated
that players with little spending in the game (minnows) were more likely to spend
time watching ads to obtain game currency. Instead, we unexpectedly found that
players who spend more in the game (dolphins and whales) were in fact more likely
to watch advertisements for in-game currency. Players do not necessarily want to
watch ads for free currency, but are more willing to do so if they are more invested in
the game.
We see this demonstrated in the way that game spending affects their involvement in
the game and self-reported gaming disorder. Players who spend more in the game are
Table 3
Regression Analysis of Predictors for Amount of Time Willing to Spend Watching Ads
for In-Game Currency
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Standard beta Standard beta Standard beta
Block 1: Demographics
Gender: Female -.02 -.01 -.02
Marital status: Married .08 .07 .08
Income .02 .02 .03
Age -.10 -.09 -.10
Block 2: Attitudes
Attitude towards game --- .06 .05
Attitude towards advertising --- .05 .02
Block 3: Gaming tendencies
Involvement --- --- .02
Gaming disorder --- --- .13*
Incremental change in R
(%) --- 0.7 1.7*
(%) 1.0 1.7 3.4
Total adjusted R
(%) 0.1 0.0 1.2
N = 365
typically more likely to report gaming disorder and are more highly involved in the
game. Those who spend the most money in the game (whales) are mostly like to
report gaming disorder and being involved players.
However, there were several unexpected ndings related to advertising. Unlike
previous research that describes the attitude-behaviour continuum in response to
advertising and gaming inducements, in our study, attitudes towards advertising and
towards the game were not at all predictive of whether people were willing to spend
time watching advertising. This suggests that attitude alone may not always be the
best predictor of ad watching. In addition, we found that the involvement of gamers
was not predictive of how likely they are to watch ads for currency. It could be that
as Turner et al. (2018) reportedthe risk factors of gambling such as being
unmarried, having a lower income, and, ironically, being employedcorrespond to
those who are most invested in ad watching. Whales may not, after all, be those with
the most money, but those who perceive themselves as spending the most money and
thus are most interested in supplementing it by whatever means necessary. They do
so more willingly (1) if they lack dependents who might be jeopardized by their
spending and (2) if it is only a small amount at a time.
This result also reects the nding of Zendle et al. (2019) regarding the lack of
motivation to prot from loot-box gaming. Rather, the potential of social pressure to
promote both spending and ad watching seems likely, as gamers are motivated to
keep up with the rest of their community.
That said, gaming disorder alone predicted how likely gamers were to watch ads.
This nding implies an association between the nature of wanting to acquire more
in-game currency and ad watching. Notably, in this genre of gaming, with such a
strong association with gambling (Brooks & Clark, 2019; Turner et al., 2018), it is
interesting to see the potential implications of advertisers targeting a vulnerable
public, players with gaming disorders who are enjoying a game type that ma y
constitute gambling. Because gambling addictions typically suggest a lack of
volitional control, in order to earn the currency in the games that they are addicted
to, gamers may be willing to engage in behaviour that may normally be considered
annoying (e.g., ad watching).
Mobile gamers must play more or spend moreor bothin order to reach certain
objectives (Alha et al., 2016), and one can see how this gameplay system would be
especially appealing to those who self-report gaming disorder. If likened to
substance-related addictions as suggested by Kuss and Grifths (2012), achieving
objectives or gatherin g items or units is the ‘‘ buzz’’ that keeps players motivated.
Together, these observations indicate a rather complex relationship that loot-box
gamers have in terms of mobile games, their involvement in these games, and the
central nature of advertising in their gaming social circles (Zendle et al., 2019). The
moderating effect of involvement indicates that attitudes alone may not be sufcient
to predict behaviour in the traditional sense. Our ndings not only undermine this
traditional notion, but they also show that it may be the gambling nature of the game
that predicts behaviour, as playing it is equivalent to gambling for a chance to get
something rare that players want in the game. The power of involvement as shown in
our study may indicate that the gamers are more intent on playing for the gambling
component of the game as opposed to other content that the game offers.
Although we expected to show that casual players would take advantage of ads to
make up for money that they are not willing to spend in the game, we found the
inverse: Those who spent the most money were in fact more involved in such games
and were more willing to watch advertisements. Thi s nding may suggest that
because of their involvement in the game, disordered gamers will nd alternative
ways to get just ‘‘ one more roll of the dice’’ to earn currency in order to open more
loot boxes.
This leaves us to consider whether mobile games may be multidimensional in ways
that can be explored. The strong association between involvement and gaming
disorder in this study seems to suggest a lack of volitional behavio ur. We wonder
whether this in fact reveals that the different dimensions of the game design should
be considered. These games have a component that involves adventure and goal-
oriented themes like most other games. Gamers may derive satisfaction when
nishing objectives. However, the role of gaming disorder in our study suggests the
possibility that users are instead drawn to the gambling mechanism from which they
derive their satisfaction with the game (Macey & Hamari, 2018). This offers a
uniquely different proposition about how and why advertising may work in these
Limitations and Future Research
Although we feel that this study makes a substantial contribution to our
understanding of both advertising and mobile gaming, it is worth noting a few
limitations. First, as this was a survey study, responses related to gaming disorder,
spending habits, and attitudes were all self-reported by respondents. That said, in the
case of spending habits and time commitment, there are important reasons to root
our research in self-report given that the characterizations of spending habits are self-
ascribed anyway. Second, we used a 5-point scale to assess player perceptions of their
spending with the expectation of discernible differences in the categories
hypothesizing initially, for example, that there might be a difference between major
whales (‘‘ all-in’’ mentality) and minor whales (spending tied to a high-cost
rationalization (e.g., ‘‘ Im paying for a video game a month’’ ). This did not turn
out to be the case. It could be that by having a scale that did not match the eventual
categories, we delimited some of the thought processes of the participants. Third, as
the respondents were 90.6% men, it would be difcult to generalize the ndings to
women or other genders for this form of gaming. Finally, as this survey was posted
on Reddit, responden ts who answered the survey would tend to be motivated to
learn more about the game by communicating with other like-minded gamers
by postin g and sharing information on the message boards. Therefore, it is possible
that the sample captured may not be entirely representative of the entire gaming
population. Casual players, for example, may be less likely to visit Reddit sub-
threads on the game. Future research should examine these sub-threads for the
themes indicated in this study: ad congruency, issues of gaming disorder, nancial
spending, and time commitment.
The implications of this research are multifold. The main theoretical implication is
that it calls into question the idea that attitude can always be a strong predictor of
behaviour. Gamers attitudes towards advertisements were not fairly predictive of
the way they approach advertising, which is interesting at best. This may also be for
circumstantial reasons. Ducoffe (1995) identies advertising as having value both in
information and entertainment; there may be a new dimension that advertising
provides: currency, or a trade-off of time for currency. In addition, watching ads has
effectiveness and value as an alternative to IGA, which has lost authenticity and
effectiveness over the years.
There are also some practical implications to consider. First, in a world where
advertising has been dominated by ad blockers, multiscreens, and other avoidance
behaviours, it is still possible to nd individuals willing to trade their time to watch
advertisements in return for perks. Our study shows a way that advertisers can reach
people who have the willingness and desire to spend money, as paying players are
more willing than non-paying players to watch ads. Second, the function of mobile
games can likely determine the way in which ad watching is approached. This
research outlines that the intensity of gaming disorder can create a halo effect
regarding objects associated with the game. Games that create large gaming disorder
measures could presumably serve as a gateway to creating ‘‘ junkies’’ willing to watch
ads to satisfy their desire to advance further in the game (Wardle, 2019). Although
the propensity of ad watching is greater, we do not know if attention is greater in
such insta nces. Third, it may be worth investigating whether advertis ements are more
persuasive for involved gamers than normal ads are.
It may be that video gaming is simply a vehicle in which such gambling practices can
prey upon the vulnerable; hence, it is not inextricably connected to problematic
gaming (Macey & Hamari, 2018). Nonetheless, this study showcases that, far from
mediating the role of spending in loot-box games, advertising further encourages the
highest-spending players.
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Submitted March 30, 2020; accepted January 6, 2021. This article was peer reviewed.
All URLs were available at the time of submission.
For correspondence: Samuel M. Tham, Department of Journalism and Media
Communication, Colorado State Universi ty, Fort Collins, CO 80523.
Competing interests: None reported (all authors).
Ethics approval: The Appalachian State University Institutional Review Board
approved this project, ‘‘ Monetization in mob ile gaming: Flow Theory in considering
advertising for in-game currency,’’ on January 6, 2017 (approval #17-0184).
Acknowledgements: No funding sources were used for this research. The authors
would like to thank the subreddits /r/FFBraveExvius/, /r/BraveFrontier/, /r/
FFRecordKeeper/, and /r/FireEmblemHeroe s. Many thanks to the community that
participated in this study.