Fundamentals of Engineering (FE)
CIVIL CBT Exam Specifications
Effective Beginning with the July 2020 Examinations
The FE exam is a computer-based test (CBT). It is closed book with an electronic reference.
Examinees have 6 hours to complete the exam, which contains 110 questions. The 6-hour time also
includes a tutorial and an optional scheduled break.
The FE exam uses both the International System of Units (SI) and the U.S. Customary System
Knowledge Number of Questions
1. Mathematics and Statistics 812
A. Analytic geometry
B. Single-variable calculus
C. Vector operations
D. Statistics (e.g., distributions, mean, mode, standard deviation, confidence
interval, regression and curve fitting)
2. Ethics and Professional Practice 46
A. Codes of ethics (professional and technical societies)
B. Professional liability
C. Licensure
D. Contracts and contract law
3. Engineering Economics 58
A. Time value of money (e.g., equivalence, present worth, equivalent annual
worth, future worth, rate of return)
B. Cost (e.g., fixed, variable, direct and indirect labor, incremental, average,
C. Analyses (e.g., break-even, benefit-cost, life cycle, sustainability, renewable
D. Uncertainty (e.g., expected value and risk)
4. Statics 812
A. Resultants of force systems
B. Equivalent force systems
C. Equilibrium of rigid bodies
D. Frames and trusses
E. Centroid of area
F. Area moments of inertia
G. Static friction
5. Dynamics 46
A. Kinematics (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)
B. Mass moments of inertia
C. Force acceleration (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)
D. Work, energy, and power (e.g., particles, rigid bodies)
6. Mechanics of Materials 711
A. Shear and moment diagrams
B. Stresses and strains (e.g., diagrams, axial, torsion, bending, shear,
C. Deformations (e.g., axial, torsion, bending, thermal)
D. Combined stresses, principal stresses, and Mohr's circle
7. Materials 58
A. Mix design of concrete and asphalt
B. Test methods and specifications of metals, concrete, aggregates, asphalt,
and wood
C. Physical and mechanical properties of metals, concrete, aggregates,
asphalt, and wood
8. Fluid Mechanics 69
A. Flow measurement
B. Fluid properties
C. Fluid statics
D. Energy, impulse, and momentum of fluids
9. Surveying 69
A. Angles, distances, and trigonometry
B. Area computations
C. Earthwork and volume computations
D. Coordinate systems (e.g., state plane, latitude/longitude)
E. Leveling (e.g., differential, elevations, percent grades)
10. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering 1015
A. Basic hydrology (e.g., infiltration, rainfall, runoff, watersheds)
B. Basic hydraulics (e.g., Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem,
open-channel flow)
C. Pumps
D. Water distribution systems
E. Flood control (e.g., dams, routing, spillways)
F. Stormwater (e.g., detention, routing, quality)
G. Collection systems (e.g., wastewater, stormwater)
H. Groundwater (e.g., flow, wells, drawdown)
I. Water quality (e.g., ground and surface, basic water chemistry)
J. Testing and standards (e.g., water, wastewater, air, noise)
K. Water and wastewater treatment (e.g., biological processes, softening,
drinking water treatment)
11. Structural Engineering 1015
A. Analysis of statically determinant beams, columns, trusses, and frames
B. Deflection of statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames
C. Column analysis (e.g., buckling, boundary conditions)
D. Structural determinacy and stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames
E. Elementary statically indeterminate structures
F. Loads, load combinations, and load paths (e.g., dead, live, lateral, influence
lines and moving loads, tributary areas)
G. Design of steel components (e.g., codes and design philosophies, beams,
columns, tension members, connections)
H. Design of reinforced concrete components (e.g., codes and design
philosophies, beams, columns)
12. Geotechnical Engineering 1015
A. Index properties and soil classifications
B. Phase relations
C. Laboratory and field tests
D. Effective stress
E. Stability of retaining structures (e.g., active/passive/at-rest pressure)
F. Shear strength
G. Bearing capacity
H. Foundation types (e.g., spread footings, deep foundations, wall footings, mats)
I. Consolidation and differential settlement
J. Slope stability (e.g., fills, embankments, cuts, dams)
K. Soil stabilization (e.g., chemical additives, geosynthetics)
13. Transportation Engineering 914
A. Geometric design (e.g., streets, highways, intersections)
B. Pavement system design (e.g., thickness, subgrade, drainage, rehabilitation)
C. Traffic capacity and flow theory
D. Traffic control devices
E. Transportation planning (e.g., travel forecast modeling, safety, trip
14. Construction Engineering 812
A. Project administration (e.g., documents, management, procurement,
project delivery methods)
B. Construction operations and methods (e.g., safety, equipment, productivity
analysis, temporary erosion control)
C. Project controls (e.g., earned value, scheduling, allocation of resources,
activity relationships)
D. Construction estimating
E. Interpretation of engineering drawings