a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
8 * 5 150 1 1 2 5
* 1*
1 2* 1* 1 1* *
United States Coast Guard
2100 Second Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20593-0001
Staff Symbol: G-MSE-3
Phone: (202) 267-2206
Fax: (202) 267-4816
SEP 29 2004
1. PURPOSE. This Notice publishes a change to the Coast Guard Marine Safety Manual, Volume IV,
Chapter 3.
2. ACTION. Area and district commanders, commanders of maintenance and logistics commands, and
commanders of Headquarters units shall ensure compliance with the provisions of this Notice. No
paper distribution will be made of this Notice. Official distribution will be via the Coast Guard
Directives System CD. An electronic copy will be made available via the following web sites:
a. The Coast Guard Directives System on the Coast Guard web:
b. The Coast Guard Directive System on WWW:
c. An electronic version will also be available via the Coast Guard Marine Safety, Security and
Environmental Protection web site:
3. SUMMARY. The revised Chapter 3, Engineering Systems, cancels the existing chapter and
provides updated information on electrical and mechanical systems related to the marine safety
program. Section A of the revised chapter contains a summary of specific alterations.
4. PROCEDURES. Remove and insert the revised Chapter 3 and its table of contents as well as the
updated Volume IV table of contents.
were examined in the development of this directive and have been determined to be not applicable.
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Assistant Commandant for Marine Safety,
Security and Environmental Protection
Non-Standard Distribution:
B:c CCGD8 (14); CCGD7 (11); CCDG13 (9); CCGD9 (8); CCGD5 (7); CCGD1 (6); CCDG11 (5)
C:e New Orleans (90); Morgan City (30); San Francisco (25); Baltimore, Galveston (22); Mobile
(19); Boston (18); Hampton Roads (17); Portland OR, Honolulu (16); Miami (15); Anchorage
(13); Chicago, Corpus Christi, Houston (12); Jacksonville, Los Angeles/Long Beach (11); Puget
Sound, Philadelphia, Guam (10); Savannah (9); Paducah, St. Louis, Providence, Wilmington,
Port Arthur, San Juan (8); Memphis, Pittsburgh (7); Portland ME, Tampa, Buffalo, San Diego,
Juneau (6); Duluth, Detroit, Toledo, Valdez (5); Cleveland, Huntington, Louisville, Milwaukee,
Sault Ste. Marie (4); Charleston (3)
C:m New York (70); Sturgeon Bay (4)
D:b National Strike Force Coordination Center (1)
D:d New Orleans (12); New York (6) (extra)
D:k New York (3); Jacksonville, New Orleans, Houston, San Francisco (1) (extra)
D:l CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOMD (code N-7CG), CG Liaison Officer
RSPA (DHM-22), CG Liaison Officer MARAD (MAR-742), CG Liaison Officer
JUSMAGPHIL, CG Liaison Officer ABS, Maritime Liaison Office Commander
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (1)
E:o New York (15); Grand Haven (4); Long Island Sound, Sault Ste. Marie (2)
ABS (8)
DOJ Torts Branch (Washington, DC; New York; San Francisco only) (1)
MARAD (MRG 4700) (1)
MSC (M-24) (1)
NOAA Fleet Inspector (1)
NTSB (Marine Accident Division) (2)
World Maritime University (2)
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY (1)
This page intentionally left blank.
United States Coast Guard
Commandant (G-MP-4)
United States Coast Guard
U.S. Coast Guard
Washington, DC 20593-0001
(202) 267-0490
24 SEP 1990
Subj: CH-2 to CONDTINST M16000.9, Marine Safety Manual, Volume IV -
. This Notice provides changes to subject manual.
. Chapter 2 has been revised to reflect software
conversion, development, and procurement since the Marine Safety Center
opened. Chapter 6 has been updated to increase productivity.
Substantive changes have been marked with a vertical line; editorial
changes are not marked. In addition to completely revised chapter 2,
the following substantive changes have been made:
a. G-MTH-5 has been changed to G-MTH-3 in paragraphs 1.B.1.d, 6.A.1, and
6.F.3.c. (1).
b. Paragraph 6.A.1 has been rewritten to incorporate new G-M office
title to Office of Marine Safety, Security and Environmental
c. Paragraph 6.A.2.c has been updated by removing NVIC 5-85 and adding
post-85 NVIC's.
d. Paragraph 6.A.4 adds a list of research and technical papers.
e. Paragraph 6.B.5 has been updated to detail free surface method of
f. Paragraph 6.C.1.b has been changed to read that the MSC Cargo
Division reviews tank barges.
g. Paragraph 6.C.1.b.(5) adds standard items to include in all
stability letters or booklets.
h. Paragraph 6.C.2 is revised to remove the 90 day standard for
temporary stability letter and also clarifies owner's
responsibility to get permanent stability letter.
24 SEP 1990
2. i. Paragraph 6.C.3 adds discussion of onboard computers used to
calculate stability.
j. Paragraph 6.C.4 adds information on capabilities of operational
personnel and stability guidance.
k. Paragraph 6.D.2.a adds large ship tolerance for sister status.
l. Paragraph 6.D.2.c.(3) clarifies hydrostatic data for trim at inclining.
m. Paragraph 6.D.2.c.(6)(g) documents lightship outfitting at inclining.
n. Paragraph 6.D.3.b limits pontoon test to 2 pontoons.
o. Paragraph 6.D.3.c is added to discuss SOLAS exemptions.
p. Paragraph 6.D.4 adds an evaluation of weight changes to lightship.
q. Paragraph 6.E.2 details Voith-Schneider tripping method.
r. Paragraph 6.E.3.c has been updated by adding paragraphs (6), (7), (8),
and (9) to include squaresail detail and downflooding versus 60 degrees.
s. Paragraph 6.E.3.d is added with bare pole criteria for certain small
auxiliary sailing vessels.
t. Paragraphs 6.E.4.e-g add information on cos for ship-shapes, wind
tunnels, and critical azimuth.
u. Paragraph 6.E.5.a adds information on MSC possible requirements for
deadweight surveys.
v. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(1) has been updated to clarify intact energy
requirements for route/vessel.
w. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(2) adds tank barge criteria.
x. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(3)(d) and (e) put damage in vessel type.
y. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(4) adds definition of non-shifting dry cargo.
z. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(5) clarifies deck cargo barge.
aa. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(5)(b) clarifies deck cargo barge VCG assumption.
bb. Paragraph 6.E.5.b.(6)(d) adds reduced freeboards and hatch cover
cc. Paragraph 6.E.5.c adds SOLAS requirements for collision bulkheads on
dd. Paragraph 6.E.6.d adds damage stability criteria on bulk carriers.
24 SEP 1990
2. ee. Paragraph 6.E.7.c.(4) provides units on scales of Figure 6-13; figure
6-15 is replaced with a clearer version.
ff. Paragraph 6.E.9.d is added to discuss assumptions for
gg. Paragraph 6.E.9.e is added on subdivision calculations.
hh. Paragraph 6.E.9.f is added to discuss foam flotation.
ii. Paragraph 6.E.9.g is added on collision bulkheads - passenger vessel
jj. Paragraph 6.E.9.h is added to discuss ballast on passenger vessels.
kk. Paragraph 6.E.9.i is added on watertight doors in watertight bulkheads.
ll. Paragraph 6.E.9.J is added to discuss the use of simplified tests as
equivalents to calculations.
mm. Figure 6-20.5 is added.
nn. Paragraph 6.E.10 is added on uninspected vessel criteria.
oo. Paragraph 6.E.11 is added on lifting criteria details.
pp. Paragraph 6.E.12 is added on multi-hull criteria.
qq. Paragraph 6.E.13 is added on watertight doors in non-subdivision
rr. Paragraph 6.E.14 is added on controlled downflooding.
ss. Paragraph 6.E.15 is added on passenger vessel stability after damage,
stepped bulkheads on passenger vessels, margin line submergence, and
passenger vessel residual stability.
tt. Paragraph 6.E.16 is added on ER at risk, ABS calculated outflow, and
segregated ballast tank/clean ballast tank requirements.
uu. Paragraph 6.E.17 is added on damage length with underwater projections.
vv. Paragraph 6.E.18 is added on lifeboats.
ww. Paragraph 6.E.19 is added on fishing vessels.
xx. Paragraph 6.E.20 is added on intact righting energy and equivalents.
yy. Paragraph 6.E.21 is added on dynamically supported craft criteria.
zz. Paragraph 6.J is rewritten and updated.
a. Remove and insert the following pages:
24 SEP 1990
CONTENTS I through II CONTENTS I through II, CH-2
FIGURES I through III FIGURES I through III, CH-2
Page 1-1 through 1-2 Pages 1-1 through 1-2, CH-2
Page 2-i through 2-7 Page 2-i through 2-12, CH-2
Page 6-i through 6-95 Page 6-i through 6-122, CH-2
b. Make the following pen-and-ink change to page 2 of Form CG-5122:
Change (G-MP-3) to (G-MP-4).
c. Make the appropriate entry on the Record of Changes page.
/s/ J. D. SIPES
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Chief, Office of Marine Safety,
Security and Environmental
Encl: (1) CH-2 to COMDTINST M16000.9
Non-Standard Distribution:
B:c CCGD9, 13 (15); CCGD8 (14); CCGD7 (11); CCGD2 (10); CCGD5 (7);
CCGD1, 17 (6); CCGD11 (5); CCGD14 (4); MLCPAC, MLCLANT (1).
C:e New Orleans (90); San Francisco (42); Puget Sound (40); Morgan City
(30); Long Beach (27); Baltimore (22); Anchorage (20); Mobile (18);
Portland OR, Galveston, Hampton Roads, Honolulu (16); Miami, Boston
(15); Port Arthur (13); Jacksonville (11); San Diego, Philadelphia,
Tampa, Guam (10); Savannah, Duluth (9); Paducah, St. Louis, Chicago,
Louisville, Wilmington (8); Memphis, Portland ME, Pittsburgh,
Cleveland (7); San Juan, Buffalo, Juneau (6); Detroit, Providence,
Corpus Christi, Toledo, Huntington, Valdez (5); Charleston,
Milwaukee (4).
C:m New York (75); Houston (19); St. Ignace (4); Sturgeon Bay (3).
D:d New Orleans (12); New York (6) (extra).
D:k New York (3); Jacksonville, New Orleans, Houston, San Francisco (1)
D:l CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOM (Code M-4E4), CG Liaison Officer
RSPA (DHM-22), CG Liaison Officer HARAD (MAR-720.2), CG Liaison
Officer American Samoa, CG Advisor NWC, CG Advisor Panama Canal
Commission, CG Liaison Officer JUSMAGPHIL (1).
E:o New York (15); Houston (12); Muskegon (4); Long Island Sound (3);
Sault Ste. Marie (1).
ABS (2).
DOJ Torts Branch (Washington, DC; New York; San Francisco only) (1).
MARAD (MRG 4700) (1).
Msc (M-24) (1).
NOAA Fleet Inspector (1).
NTSB (Marine Accident Division) (2).
World Maritime University (2).
Commandant (G-MP-3)
United States Coast Guard
Washington, DC 20593
Phone: 202-426-2298
27 JUN 1986
Subj: CH-1 To Volume IV - TECHNICAL - Marine Safety Manual,
. This Notice changes Volume IV, TECHNICAL, of the Marine Safety
Manual (MSM) by revising Chapters 1 through 6.
. Field technical offices have been consolidated
into the Marine SafetY Center (MSC) in Washington, DC. All MSM
references to district (mmt) offices (except historical) have been
changed to reflect this. Substantive changes have been marked with a
vertical line; editorial changes are not marked. In addition to MSC
references, the following substantive changes have been made:
a. Suggestion For Improving The Marine Safety Manual, COMDTINST M16000
Series, Form CG-5122, has been Included.
b. Record of Changes page has been added.
c. The Master Table of Contents now Lists the Headquarters staff
symbol and telephone number of the branch primarily
responsible for the information provided in that chapter.
d. Commandant (G-MTH-1) and (G-MTH-3) have been consolidated into
Commandant (G-MTH-1), Hazardous Materials Branch; all MSM
references have been changed accordingly.
e. Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 6-79 was superseded
by NVIC 8-84; all MSM references have been changed accordingly.
f. Paragraph 3.D.3 has been rewritten to update acceptable construction
standards for shipboard electrical cable.
g. Subparagraph 3.F.4.c has expanded the description of approved hand
electric flashlights for merchant vessels.
27 JUN 1986
2. h. Subparagraph 3.I.1.b has been rewritten to reflect the new approval
process for boilers and thermal fluid heaters (TFH's).
i. Subparagraph 3.I.3.d updates the plan review procedure for automatic
control systems.
j. Subparagraph 3.I.3.f, "Changes In The Approval Process," has been
k. Paragraph 3.I.10, "Foreign Manufacturers Of New Equipment," has been
considerably simplified.
l. Paragraph 3.K.3, "Oil Recovery Vessels," has been moved to volume II
of this manual.
m. Subparagraph 5.C.1.g, "Use Of Air Ports And Port Lights," has been
moved to paragraph 6.I.4.
n. Subparagraph 5.C.2.f, "Location Of Emergency Sources Of Power," has
been added.
o. Subparagraph 5.D.4.d has been rewritten to clarify oversight
conducted by classification societies.
p. Subparagraph 6.A.2.c, a listing of Commandant (G-MTH-5)-related NVIC's,
has been updated.
q. Figure 6-21 has been updated to include new nations signatory to the
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.
r. Subparagraph 6.G.2.a has been rewritten to clarify "recognized
classification societies" for structural standards.
a. Remove and insert the following pages:
Cover Sheet New Cover Sheet
Form C9-5122
Record Of Changes
1-i 1-i, CH-1
1-1 through 1-8 1-1 through 1-7, CH--1
2-i through 2-ii 2-i through 2-ii, CH-1
2-1 through 2-8 2-1 through 2-7, CH-1
3-i through 3-vii 3-i through 3-vii, CH-1
3-1 through 3-4 3-1 through 3-4, CH-1
3-9 through 3-10 3-9 through 3-10, CH-1
159-499 2
27 JUN 1986
3. a. (cont'd)
3-15 through 3-20 3-15 through 3-20, CH-1
3-27 through 3-36 3-27 through 3-36, CH-1
3-39 through 3-48 3-39 through 3-48, CH-1
3-53 through 3-74 3-53 through 3-74, CH-1
3-77 through 3-94 3-77 through 3-94, CH-1
3-99 through 3-112 3-99 through 3-112, CH-1
4-i through 4-ii 4-i through 4-ii, CH-1
4-1 through 4-6 4-1 through 4-6, CH-1
4-9 through 4-12 4-9 through 4-12, CH-1
4-27 through 4-30 4-27 through 4-30, CH-1
4-33 through 4-34 4-33 through 4-34, CH-1
5-i through 5-iii 5-i through 5-iii, CH-1
5-1 through 5-27 5-1 through 5-25, CH-1
6-i through 6-vi 6-i through 6-vi, CH-1
6-1 through 6-18 6-1 through 6-18, CH-1
6-21 through 6-24 6-21 through 6-24, CH-1
6-29 through 6-30 6-29 through 6-30, CH-1
6-33 through 6-38 6-33 through 6-38, CH-1
6-51 through 6-60 6-51 through 6-60, CH-1
6-65 through 6-70 6-65 through 6-70, CH-1
6-73 through 6-78 6-73 through 6-78, CH-1
6-81 through 6-95 6-81 through 6-95, CH-1
b. Make the following pen-and-ink corrections to the Volume IV
transmittal letter dated 22 OCT 1984:
(1) Change "COMDTNOTE 16000" to "COMDTINST M16000.9."
(3) Cross out "CANCELLED: 21 APR 1985."
c. Cross the appropriate entry on the Record of Changes page.
/s/ J. W. KIME
Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Safety
Encl: (1) CH-1 to Volume IV, COMDTINST M16000.9
159-499 3
27 JUN 1986
Non-Standard Distribution:
B:c CCGD3, 9 (15); CCGD8 (14); CCGD7 (11); CCGD2 (10); CCGD13 (9);
CCGD5 (7); CCGD1, 17 (6); CCGD11, 12 (5); CCGD14 (4).
C:e San Francisco (40); Baltimore (22); Hampton Roads (19); Mobile (18);
Galveston, Long Beach, Portland OR (16); Boston, Miami, Honolulu (15);
Puget Sound, Anchorage (13); Jacksonville (11); Cincinnati,
San Diego (10); Savannah, Duluth (9); Paducah, St. Louis, Chicago,
Port Arthur (8); Portland ME, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Cleveland (7);
Nashville, Wilmington, San Juan, Tampa, Buffalo (6); Providence,
Memphis, Corpus Christi, Detroit, Toledo (5); Huntington, Charleston,
Milwaukee, Valdez (4); Juneau (3).
C:m New Orleans (140); New York (22); Philadelphia (10); Houston (6);
St. Ignace (4); Sturgeon Bay (3).
D:d New Orleans (12); New York (6) (extra).
D:k New York (3); Jacksonville, New orleans, Houston, San Francisco (1)
D:l CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOMD M-65 STRAT HOB, CG Liaison Officer
American Samoa, CG Liaison Officer JUSMAGPHIL (1).
E:o New York (15); New orleans (13); Philadelphia, Houston (6); Muskegon
(4); New Haven (3); New London, Sault Ste. Marie (1).
Panama Canal Coast Guard Advisor (1).
NTSB (Marine Accident Division) (2).
DOJ Torts Branch (Washington, DC; New York; San Francisco only) (1).
ASS (2).
MSC (M-24) (1).
NOAA Fleet Inspector (1).
159-499 4
U.S. Coast Guard (G-MP-3)
Washington, D.C. 20593
Phone: 202-426-2298
22 OCT 1984
. This Notice releases the newly revised Volume IV of
the Marine Safety Manual for the information, use, and guidance of
Coast Guard personnel assigned to marine safety duties. It presents
the authority, background, and rationale for the various activities
performed by the Marine Technical and Hazardous Materials Division
(G-MTH) and certain branches of the Merchant Vessel Inspection
Division (G-MVI) at Headquarters, and three field (mmt) offices in
New York, New Orleans, and San Francisco. Along with field marine
safety units, these activities comprise the federal program for
assuring that commercial vessels and their equipment are designed in
accordance with federal safety and pollution abatement standards.
This volume describes the essential functions which must be
performed to attain the overall marine safety objectives of the
Coast Guard.
. COMDTINST M16000.3 (old CG-495) dated 2 JUN
1981 is hereby cancelled.
a. A comprehensive manual which provides guidance on the
application of Coast Guard regulations and explains the
rationale behind their development is vital to the successful
execution of the marine safety program. This volume is intended
to serve that function by encompassing the scope of technical
activities performed by Headquarters and field (mmt) offices.
The interaction of these units with other marine safety units,
22 OCT 1984
3. a. (cont'd) classification societies, and various domestic and
international organizations and committees is explained, and
established procedures are delineated. Providing oversight and
technical direction for organizations that perform plan review
and inspection functions on behalf of the Coast Guard is a new
function which is discussed in detail in this volume.
b. The provisions of this volume may not cover individual
situations which are best handled through experience and sound
judgment. Hence, the policies and guidance issued herein are
intended as a guide for the consistent and uniform execution of
the marine safety program, without undue restriction of
independent judgment and action on the part of marine safety
c. In conforming with the policies of the Coast Guard Directives
System, the Marine Safety Manual will begin utilizing three-hole
binders. Coast Guard subscribers may obtain these binders
through the federal supply system. As three-ring binders are
more readily available than four-ring binders, acquisition by
the general public should present little difficulty.
d. In addition to an expanded Table of Contents and a List of
Figures, this volume will also be indexed. An index has not yet
been completed, but will be distributed with the first change to
this volume.
e. All personnel are encouraged to use the self-mailer, Form
CC-5122, to make suggestions for improving the volume. Previous
editions of CG-5122 may be used until the revised form has been
made available.
. When necessary, the volume will be updated by
consecutively numbered changes.
. District commanders and commanding officers shall ensure
that personnel performing marine safety duties are familiar with
the provisions of this volume. In cases of apparent conflict
between this volume and provisions of statutes or regulations, the
latter provisions shall be applied and Commandant (G-M) shall be
advised of the apparent conflict. In cases where there is an
apparent conflict between the volume and current marine practice,
Commandant (G-MTH) should be contacted for further resolution of the
matter. Appropriate action will be taken in such cases to correct
conflicting provisions of this volume.
/s/ CLYDE T. LUSK, Jr.
Chief, Office of Merchant Marine Safety
22 OCT 1984
Non-Standard Distribution:
B:c CCGD3, 8, 9, 12, 17 (15); CCGD2 (10); CCGD13 (9); CCGD7 (8); CCGD11
(7); CCGD5, 14 (5); CCGD1 (4); CCGD8(mmt) (25); CCGD3(mmt) (13);
CCGD12(mmt) (7) (extra).
C:e San Francisco (40); Mobile (26): Baltimore (25); Hampton Roads,
Miami, Portland OR (20); Boston, Charleston, Jacksonville, Tampa, San
Diego, Anchorage (15); San Juan (11); Cincinnati, Memphis, Nashville,
Paducah, Savannah, Buffalo, Duluth, Long Beach, Puget Sound, Valdez
(10); Portland ME (9); St. Louis, Galveston, Juneau (8); Louisville,
Detroit, Milwaukee (7); Pittsburgh, Chicago, Honolulu (6);
Providence, Corpus Christi, Cleveland (5); Wilmington, Port Arthur,
Toledo (4); Huntington (3).
C:m New Orleans (100); New York (70); Philadelphia (20); Houston (6);
St. Ignace (4); Sturgeon Bay (3).
D:1 CG Liaison Officer MILSEALIFTCOMD H-65 STRAT MOB, CG Liaison
Officer JUSMGPHIL (1).
E:o New Orleans (16); New York (15); Houston (6); Philadelphia (6);
New Haven, Muskegon (4); Sault Ste. Marie (3); New London (1).
Panam Canal Coast Guard Advisor (1).
NTSB (Marine Accident Division) (2).
DOJ Torts Branch (Washington, D.C., New York, San Francisco only) (1).
ABS (2).
MSC (M-24) (1).
NOAA Fleet Inspector (1).
Section 1.A Introduction
Section 1.B Headquarters Functions
Section 1.C Marine Safety Center (MSC)
Section 1.D Plans And Specifications
Section 2.A Introduction
Section 2.B Background
Section 2.C Vessel Hull-Form Characteristics/Stability
Section 2.D Structural Programs
Section 2.E Pressure Vessel Analyses
Section 2.F Developmental Programs
Section 2.G Database Programs
Section 3.A Introduction
Section 3.B Plan Review
Section 3.C Equipment
Section 3.D Vessel Inspection Alternatives
Section 3.E Mechanical Systems
Section 3.F Vital System Automation
Section 3.G Electrical Systems
Section 3.H Novel Vessel Designs
Section 4.A Introduction
Section 4.B Functions Of The Survival Systems Branch
Section 4.C Areas Of Branch Interest
Section 4.D Sources Of Information
Section 4.E Specific Branch Activities
Section 4.F Review Of Lifesaving Equipment Installations And Designs
Section 4.G Pollution Abatement Measures
Section 4.H Fire Protection Systems
Section 4.I Approval Of Equipment And Systems
Section 5.A Ship Design And Marine Safety
Section 5.B Fire Protection And Vessel Design
Section 5.C Hull Arrangements And Fittings
Section 5.D Oversight Of Third-Party Inspections
Section 5.E Controllability In Vessel Design
Section 6.A General
Section 6.B Stability-Related Drawings And Calculations (46 CFR 170-174)
Section 6.C Stability Letters And Trim And Stability Booklets (46 CFR 170,
Subpart D)
Section 6.D Stability Tests (46 CFR 170, Subpart F)
Section 6.E Special Rules Pertaining To Specific Vessel Types
Section 6.F Load Lines
Section 6.G Hull Strength And Loading In Vessel Design
Section 6.H General Methods Of Fabrication
Section 6.I Hull Fittings And Closures
Section 6.J Maneuverability In Vessel Design
Section 7.A Introduction
Section 7.B Authority
Section 7.C Basic Admeasurement Policy
Section 7.D The History Of Admeasurement
Section 7.E Tonnage Measurement Systems
Section 7.F The Standard U.S. System Of Measurement
Section 7.G The Optional Dual-Tonnage Method Of Measurement
Section 7.H The International Convention On Tonnage Measurement Of
Ships, 1969
Section 7.I The Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Small Vessels
Section 7.J Measurement For Transit Of The Panama Canal
Section 7.K Measurement For Transit Of The Suez Canal
1.A. Introduction 1-1
1.B. Headquarters Functions 1-1
1.B.1. Division Responsibilities 1-1
1.B.2. Synopsis Of Headquarters Technical Functions 1-1
1.C. Marine Safety Center (MSC) 1-3
1.D. Plans And Specifications 1-4
1.D.1. Introduction 1-4
1.D.2. Authority 1-4
1.D.3. Submittal Procedures 1-4
1.D.3.a. General 1-4
1.D.3.b. Reviewing Office 1-4
1.D.3.c. Submittal Of Plans 1-4
1.D.3.d. Vessels Classed By ABS 1-6
1.D.3.e. New Construction 1-6
1.D.3.f. Novel Or Unconventional Vessel Designs 1-6
1.D.3.g. Repairs And Conversion 1-6
1.D.3.h. Cargo Gear Drawings 1-6
1.D.3.i. Identification Of Plans And Specifications 1-7
1.D.3.j. Identical Inland Tank Barges Under 300 Feet 1-7
1.D.3.k. Vessels Built To The Same Design 1-7
1-i CH-1
A. Introduction
. The Coast Guard's Commercial Vessel Safety (CVS)
technical program consists of Headquarters staff elements in the
Marine Technical and Hazardous Materials Division, Commandant (G-MTH),
the Merchant Vessel Inspection Division, Commandant (G-MVI), and the
Marine Safety Center (MSC). A 1982 Headquarters reorganization
incorporated the (G-MMT) and (G-MHM) technical branches in a renamed
division (G-MTH) and the existing Merchant Vessel Inspection Division.
B. Headquarters Functions
1. Division Responsibilities. Commandant (G-MTH) and (G-MVI) are
staff elements of the Office of Marine Safety, Security and
Environmental Protection, Commandant (G-M). These divisions are
divided into branches, each tasked with distinct duties and
responsibilities. Commandant (G-MVI) now contains the former
G-MMT branches concerned with survival systems (G-MVI-3) and
tonnage survey (G-MVI-5). CVS technical billets are currently
located in the following branches:
a. Hazardous Materials (G-MTH-1);
b. Engineering (G-MTH-2);
c. Ship Design (G-MTH-4);
d. Naval Architecture (G-MTH-3);
e. Survival Systems (G-MVI-3); and
f. Tonnage Survey (G-MVI-5).
2. Synopsis Of Headquarters Technical Functions
. Commandant (G-MTH)
and (G-MVI) administer the federal program for assuring that
commercial vessels and their equipment are designed in accordance
with federal safety and pollution abatement standards. This
includes the functions listed below:
a. Review plans and specifications for the construction or
alteration of technically unusual or novel merchant vessels.
b. Examine safety equipment and devices submitted to the
Commandant; make technical recommendations to manufacturers in
cases when the approval of the Commandant is required;
determine whether certain equipment and devices, not requiring
formal approval, are suitable for marine use; and promote the
development of promising safety equipment concepts.
c. Provide oversight and technical direction for organizations
that perform plan review and inspection functions on behalf of
the Coast Guard.
1-1 CH-2
1.B.2. d. Develop new or revised regulations concerning:
(1) Vessel structure, arrangement and stability;
(2) Marine, electrical, and fire protection engineering;
(3) Safety equipment; hazardous materials; and
(4) Pollution prevention equipment designed to control vessel
discharge of oil, hazardous chemicals, or human waste.
e. Act on technical questions referred to the Commandant in
connection with: design and inspection of new construction,
repairs, mill and factory production, or vessels in service;
vessel examination discrepancies or incidents involving
chemical, liquefied gas, or incinerator vessels.
f. Provide technical direction and guidance to marine inspectors
and the HSC; evaluate workload at the MSC by reviewing day
files and semi-annual workload statistics.
g. Establish policy concerning load line assignment and
administration; oversee load line assignment by classification
societies; reply to inquiries on load line matters.
h. Conduct special studies relating to the safety of merchant
vessels and the adequacy of their equipment.
i. Analyze reports of marine casualties referred by the Marine
Investigation Division, Commandant (G-MMI); make
recommendations for action.
j. Act on applications for waivers or equivalencies of the
navigation and vessel inspection laws; analyze determinations
of equivalency that have been granted in the field; and make
recommendations on technical requirements in cases when
equivalent levels of safety have been established.
k. Develop national position papers on technical matters affecting
maritime safety; represent the U.S. in the International
Maritime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations.
l. Develop and maintain codes and standards in the area of marine
safety responsibilities through active involvement in
professional societies. This participation is usually limited
to those societies or organizations whose standards have been
adopted into U.S. regulations.
m. Manage the vessel admeasurement program by administering and
providing guidance on tonnage measurement statutes and
regulations of the U.S., the Panama Canal, and the Suez Canal
that are applicable to U.S. vessels.
CH-2 1-2
1.B.2. n. Provide technical support to the Office of Hazardous Materials
Regulation, Research and Special Programs Administration,
Department of Transportation (DOT), regarding the carriage of
hazardous materials in packaged shipments; administer the coast
Guard's approval program for certain hazardous materials packaged
under 49 CFR 176.
o. Direct the Coast Guard's programs on bulk hazardous solids,
fumigation, special permits, and ships' stores certificates;
evaluate new liquid cargoes for bulk shipment by vessels and
specify minimum carriage requirements and cargo compatibility
p. Manage the Coast Guard's Letter of Compliance (LOC) program for
foreign-flag liquefied gas and chemical tankers and barges.
q. Provide technical support for the development and
implementation of the Coast Guard's marine safety occupational
health and safety programs, which cover both Coast Guard and
commercial maritime personnel.
r. Provide technical support to the Office of Marine Environment
and Systems (G-W) in areas such as Ports and Waterways Safety
Act (PWSA), International Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), Cargoes of Particular Hazard
(COPH), and captain of the port (COTP) boardings involving
hazardous materials.
s. Provide technical support to the Office of Boating, Public, and
Consumer Affairs (G-B) for the development and administration
of boating safety standards.
t. Evaluate plans and specifications for the construction or
alteration of deepwater ports.
u. Provide vessel stability and strength data, upon request, to
on-scene coordinators to mitigate environmental harm resulting
from marine casualties.
v. Identify the need for, initiate, and either monitor or conduct
research and development projects or special studies relating
to the safety of commercial vessels and hazardous materials.
C. Marine Safety Center (MSC)
. The MSC is an independent Headquarters
unit in Washington, D.C., under the technical control of the Chief,
Office of Merchant Marine Safety, Commandant (G-M). The MSC was
established (summer 1986) to consolidate the field technical
offices and centralize the plan review support functions. The MSC
organization includes: a hull division with two branches, major
vessels and mobile offshore drilling units (MODU's); an engineering
division with two branches, machinery and electrical; and a cargo
division. The hull division reviews structural and
stability-related drawings and conducts or coordinates the
witnessing of stability tests. The engineering division reviews
all engineering systems drawings. The cargo division reviews or
coordinates review of all vessels engaged in the carriage of
1-3 CH-1
1.C. (cont'd) materials in bulk. The MSC receives direct technical
guidance and support from Commandant (G-MTH) in the form of:
1. Direct verbal and written communications with Headquarters;
2. Commandant (G-MTH) Division Orders;
3. Commandant (G-MTH) Policy Files and Policy File Memorandums;
4. Review of correspondence day files;
5. Evaluation of workload;
6. Development and coordination of supportive computer software;
7. Routine visits; and
8. Various publications, including Coast Guard regulations (Title 46, CFR),
the Marine Safety Manual (MSM), and Commandant Instructions and Notices.
D. Plans And Specifications
1. Introduction
. The information in this part is intended to provide
guidance and promote uniformity in the submission and review of plans
for the construction, alteration, and repair of inspected vessels, load
lined vessels, deepwater ports, and certain safety systems aboard
uninspected vessels.
2. Authority
. 46 U.S.C. 3306 authorizes the commandant to approve
plans and specifications for construction or alteration of most
U.S. vessels (see 46 U.S.C. 2109 and 3302 for exemptions). 46
U.S.C. 3316 authorizes the use of the American Bureau of Shipping
(ABS) for plan review. Under 46 U.S.C. 3309, the Certificate of
Inspection (COI) of a vessel shall be withdrawn if the vessel does
not conform in all material respects to the approved plans and
specifications. Figure 1-1 lists the sections of Titles 33 and
46, CFR that require the submittal of plans and specifications
according to vessel types. Unless otherwise indicated,
requirements are for U.S. vessels.
3. Submittal Procedures
a. General
. The general requirements for plans, drawings, and
blueprints are established in 46 CFR 2.90-1. The various
regulations in Title 46, CFR, Chapter I (Shipping) and Title
33, CFR, Subchapter O (Pollution) describe procedures for
submitting plans and specifications for Coast Guard review.
b. Reviewing Office
. The MSC provides technical support services
to the field inspection offices nationwide.
c. Submittal Of Plans
. Plan review will begin when the Coast Guard
receives a signed Application for Inspection (Form CG-3752), which
CH-1 1-4
Vessel Type
New Altered Stability Plans
TANKER 46 CFR 31.10-5 46 CFR 31.01-20, 46 GFR 170
OIL (U.S. & FOR.) 33 CFR 157.24, 33 CFR 157.158 ---
CHEMICAL (U.S.) 46 CFR 153.8 --- ---
CHEMICAL (FOR.) 46 CFR 153.9 --- ---
GAS (U.S.) 46 CFR 154.4 --- ---
GAS (FOR.) 46 CFR 154.5 --- ---
PASSENGER 46 CFR 71.65 46 CFR 71.55, 46 CFR 170.180,
71.65-10 170.185, 170.190
CARGO/MISC. 46 CFR 91.55-5 46 CFR 91.45-1, 46 CFR 170.180,
91.55-10 170.185
MODU 46 CFR 107.305 --- 46 CFR 170.075,
SMALL PASSENGER 46 CFR 177.05 46 CTR 176.20-1 46 CFR 171.020,
OCEANOGRAPHIC 46 CFR 189.55 46 CFR 189.45-1 46 CFR 170.180
MARINE ENG. 46 CFR 50.20 --- ---
ELECTRICAL ENG. 46 CFR 110.25 --- ---
1-5 CH-1
1.D.3. c. (cont'd) implies that a work contract exists. Current Coast
Guard resources dictate that concept review (except for unusual
designs) is not to be performed; no longer can free engineering
design service be provided. Generally, plans that require Coast
Guard approval should be submitted directly to the MSC. However,
plans for boilers and items requiring approval under 46 CFR
Subchapter Q, should be submitted directly to Commandant (G-MTH)
or (G-MVI), respectively.
d. Vessels Classed By ABS
. Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular (NVIC) 10-82, CH-1, outlines plan review and
inspection procedures for U.S. vessels under construction that
will be certificated by the Coast Guard (CG) and classed by
the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). This circular
implements the provisions of the CG-ABS agreement signed on 27
April 1982. Plan submittal and review procedures are
discussed in detail in Section III of Enclosure (2) to NVIC 10-82.
e. New Construction
. NVIC 8-84 provides detailed procedures for
the submittal of new construction drawings for approval. This
circular is intended to streamline the plan review process by
advising submitters of the information required to review a
design by the applicable regulations. Compliance with NVIC
8-84 helps to minimize the number of drawings returned for
revision or disapproved, thus reducing unnecessary and
expensive delays.
f. Novel Or Unconventional Vessel Designs
. Plans and drawings of
vessels and/or marine systems and equipment that are
considered to be of novel or unconventional design should be
forwarded to Commandant (G-MTH) for review. Although the OCMI
will normally perform plan review of most Subchapter T vessels
to be constructed in his or her inspection zone, Commandant
(G-MTH) shall review the plans of all vessels of novel design.
g. Repairs And Conversion
. Proposals are frequently received by
the MSC prior to selection of a repair site. Prospective plan
and correspondence files will be established and forwarded to
the OCMI when the MSC is apprised of the worksite. OCMI's are
encouraged to communicate with the MSC or Commandant (G-MTH),
as appropriate, when inspection requests are received for
major repairs or conversions for which approved plans and
files of related correspondence are not held. NVIC 10-81
provides further guidance in this area.
h. Cargo Gear Drawings
. Plans for cargo gear that have been
reviewed and approved by ABS or the International Cargo
Bureau, Inc., need not be reviewed by the Coast Guard.
However, OCMI's shall verify that the plans have been reviewed
to the proper regulatory standard (e.g., American Petroleum
Institute (API) 2C for cranes on MODU's). [NOTE: For MODU's,
46 CFR 107.309(b) requires that machinery and electrical
drawings be submitted to the MSC for review.]
CH-1 1-6
1.D.3. i. Identification Of Plans And Specifications
. Whenever plans and
specifications of inspected vessels are submitted to the Coast
Guard, they shall be identified by vessel name and Official
Number (O.N.), when known. In the case of a new vessel,
designation may be made by shipyard work order number or hull
number until a name or an O.N. is assigned; then the name
and O.N. shall be indicated. In the event of conversion of
an existing vessel, the new name shall be given (if known)
along with the former name or type designation. Tank vessel
plans shall be accompanied by data concerning the grades of
liquid cargoes the vessel will carry (a list of desired
cargoes, in the case of chemical and gas carriers) and
its proposed service. Tank barges shall also be
identified as manned or unmanned.
j. Identical Inland Tank Barges Under 300 Feet
. A new tank barge
for inland service (regulated under 46 CFR, Subchapter D) may
be identical in structure and piping to a previously approved
barge. To avoid redundancy, the following procedures shall be
observed if the barge is under 300 feet in length:
(1) For new inland tank barges carry ing petroleum products,
only the general design, hull structure, electrical, and
piping plans need be submitted to the NSC.
(2) When a barge is identical in design to a previously
approved one, extension of the existing approval to the
proposed barge can be given by letter from the OCMI,
provided the shipyard is the same, the vessel plans are
the same, and the applicable regulations have not changed
since the original approval was given. The MSC should be
apprised of the new barge's hull and contract numbers for
record keeping purposes.
(3) Construction details that do not involve the structural
integrity of the vessel may be approved by the OCMI.
(4) When previously approved construction is changed by a
significant alteration, the plans specified in
subparagraph 1.D.3.j.(1) above must be resubmitted to the
MSC for review.
k. Vessels Built To The Same Design
. The review of vessels other
than those identified in paragraph 1.D.3.j above involves
piping, machinery, stability, and load line requirements.
Vessels other than inland tank barges that are under 300 feet
in length may also be subject to longitudinal strength
requirements. Consequently, any request for plan approval
extension shall be directed to the NSC. For a T(S) vessel
reviewed solely by an OCMI under 46 CFR, Subchapter T, the
request shall be directed to the OCMI.
1-7 CH-1
2.A. Introduction 2-1
2.B. Background 2-1
2.C. Vessel Hull-Form Characteristics/Stability 2-2
2.C.1. Ship Hull Characteristics Program (SHCP) 2-2
2.C.1.a. Hydrostatics 2-2
2.C.1.b. Trim Lines 2-2
2.C.1.c. Longitudinal Strength 2-2
2.C.1 d. Floodable Length 2-2
2.C.1 e. Limiting Drafts 2-2
2.C.1 f. Intact Stability 2-2
2.C.1 g. Damaged Stability Cross Curves 2-2
2.C.1 h. Damaged Statical Stability 2-2
2.C.1 i. Intact Statical Stability On Waves 2-2
2.C.2 Stability Analysis Of Arbitrary Forms (STAAF86) 2-3
2.C.2.a. Hydrostatics 2-3
2.C.2.b. Intact Stability 2-3
2.C.2.c. Damaged Stability 2-3
2.C.2.d. Bonjean's Calculations 2-3
2.C.2.e. Tank Capacity Calibration 2-3
2.C.2.f. Longitudinal Strength 2-3
2.C.2.g. Limiting Drafts 2-3
2.C.3. Offsets/Lines Digitizing (OFFSETS) 2-3
2.C.4. Offsets/Lines File Generator (HANDOFF) 2-4
2.C.5. Offsets/Lines File Editor (STRETCH) 2-4
2.C.6. SHCP/Case File Data Generator (PREPRO) 2-4
2.C.7. STAAF/Case File Data Generator (PRESTAFF) 2-4
2.C.8. Weather Profile Area Digitizing Program (GMDIGIT) 2-5
2.C.9. Weather Criteria Program (WEATHER) 2-5
2.C.10. Energy Criteria Analysis Program (STABCRIT) 2-5
2.C.11. Residual Energy Analysis Program (DAMCRIT) 2-5
2.C.12. Subdivision Criteria Program (DRAFTCRIT) 2-6
2.C.13. Sailing Vessel Stability Program (SAILCRIT) 2-6
2.C.14. Stability Test Waterline Fit Program (WATERLINE) 2-6
2.C.15. Interactive Wireframe Graphics Program (PICTURE) 2-6
2.C.16. SHCP Output Plotting Program (PLOT) 2-6
2.C.17. Stability Analysis Graphic Display (SAGD) 2-7
2.D. Structural Programs 2-7
2.D.1. CGSCORES 2-7
2.D.1.a. STATIC 2-7
2.D.1.b. SCOMOT 2-7
2-i CH-2
2.D.2. Graphics-Oriented Interactive Finite Element
Timesharing System (GIFTS) 2-7
2.D.3. FLEXISM 2-8
2.D.4. MAESTRO 2-8
2.D.5. Structural Analysis Code Kit (SACK) 2-10
2.D.6. Independent Tank Barge Analysis Program (BARGE) 2-10
2.E. Pressure Vessel Analyses 2-10
2.E.1. ZICK-1 2-10
2.E.2. MULTISADL 2-11
2.F. Developmental Programs 2-11
2.F.1. Plan Review System 2-11
2.G. Database Programs 2-12
2.G.1. AIMS 2-12
2.G.2. dBASE III PLUS 2-12
CH-2 2-ii
A. Introduction
. This chapter provides a general description of the
computer services available to the Marine Safety Center. The majority
of the programs are used during the course of plan review for
stability assessment. They are also used in casualty investigations
and regulatory project development by the Connandant (G-MTH). The
computer type, language and graphics software requirements for each
program are indicated in parentheses after each description.
Documentation is available in the Marine Safety Center.
B. Background
1. Prior to 1971, the Coast Guard had limited access to computer
technology. The first programmable calculators were obtained
in the mid-1960's; in the early 1970's, the Ship Review
System was installed in Coast Guard Headquarters. This
system permitted the automated digitizing of ship lines, and
provided a means for direct transmission of the data thus
obtained to a central computer for processing. This system,
though functional, ultimately became unmanageable as it
relied upon the equipment maintained by the district
comptroller. In the mid-1970's, the Coast Guard procured
Wang 2200 systems that had computational capabilities and
the ability to telecommunicate with the DOT CDC computer
system. This advance coincided with the implementation of
damage stability requirements in the pollution prevention
regulations (33 CFR 157). As it became evident that the
Department's CDC system could not provide the timely
response required for technical job submittals, commercial
timesharing services were obtained in 1975. The District
(mmt) offices accessed the commercial timesharing computer via modem
using the Wang 2200 systems for preprocessing and post processing.
2. In 1986 the Marine Safety Center was formed through the consolidation of
the District (mmt) offices. Shortly thereafter, the timesharing
service, Wang 2200 systems and Ship Review System were replaced by a
MicroVax II multiuser computer system in the Marine Safety Center. Most
of the software and data files from the Ship Review System were
converted and transfered to the MicroVax system which uses the Fortran
language and the Vax/VHS operating system. Several other programs have
been converted or procured for a PC which uses the BASIC language and
the MSDOS operating system.
3. Most of the programs used in the Marine Safety Center for plan
review and stability analysis provide graphic output and several
allow digitized input. The Plot 10 (Tektronix) graphics routines
and HCBS (Calcomp) plotting routines are linked with the main
programs to generate the graphics and plots. Each computer
program description has an acronym after its name. The additional
words contained in parentheses under each of the descriptions of
the computer programs indicate the computer system, the language
the program is written in and if the results can be displayed/calls on
the plot program. For example, VAX/FORTRAN/PLOT 10)
2-1 CH-2
2.B.3. (cont'd) means the program runs on the Vax, is written in Fortran,
and graphics is accomplished using Plot 10.
C. Vessel Hull-Form Characteristics/Stability
1. Ship Hull Characteristics Procram (SHCP)
. SHCP calculates
hydrostatics, longitudinal strength, intact and damaged stability
characteristics, and other hull-form characteristics for
"traditional" (monohull) vessels. SHCP has limited capabilities in
assessing hull-form characteristics for multi-hull or
unusually-shaped vessels. These vessels are examined using the
program "STAAF86," paragraph C.2. Its job options are as follows:
a. Hydrostatics
. Calculates standard hydrostatic properties
(volume and waterplane properties and coefficients) at
selected waterlines with variable trim.
b. Trim Lines
. Calculates final damaged ship conditions and
permeabilities after shell-to-shell flooding of specified
c. Longitudinal Strength
. Calculates shear and bending moment
values for still water, in hogging and sagging conditions,
assuming a trochoidal wave form and a specified weight
distribution curve.
d. Floodable Length
. Determines the length of a shell-to-shell
compartment with specified permeabilities that, when flooded,
will cause the vessel to settle with its waterline tangent to
the margin line.
e. Limiting Drafts
. Determines the maximum fore-and-aft drafts
to which the vessel may be loaded prior to flooding and
survive (i.e., not submerge the margin line) when a specified
set of shell-to-shell compartments is flooded.
f. Intact Stability
. Calculates intact statical stability curves
(righting arm) or cross curves of statical stability for up to
10 angles of heel.
g. Damaged Stability Cross Curves
. Calculates cross curves of
stability for a specified set of damaged compartments.
h. Damaged Statical Stability
. Calculates righting arm values for
specified sets of damaged conditions for up to 10 angles of
i. Intact Statical Stability On Waves
. Calculates intact
righting arm values for the vessel poised on a wave, for up to
10 angles of heel. The user may specify wave parameters of
length, height, and relative position on the wave.
CH-2 2-2
2.C.1. (cont'd) SHCP uses two data files to calculate hull-form related
characteristics: a Ship Offset File and a Case Data File
containing the Job-related information described above. SHCP uses
numerical integration by Simpson's First Rule for calculating the
vessel's volume. Therefore, non-parabolic hull forms must be
described by the use of positive and negative appendages.
2. Stability Analysis Of Arbitrary Forms (STAAF86)
. STAAF86 performs
a function similar to SHCP for multi-hull vessels and those having
unusual form. STAAF86 calculates hull-form properties such as
hydrostatics and intact/damaged stability for catamarans, jack-up
drilling platforms, and semi-submersibles that cannot be
adequately assessed through SHCP. Its job options are as follows:
a. Hydrostatics
. Calculates standard hydrostatic values (volume
and waterplane area properties and coefficients) at selected
waterlines, with option to vary trim.
b. Intact Stability
. Calculates righting arm values for selected
angles of heel (to a maximum of nine) and design conditions.
Optional heeling axis allows examination of hull-forms for
axis of minimum righting arm.
c. Damaged Stability
. Calculates righting arm values based on
selected ansies of heel and described compartment damage.
Variable heeling axis analysis is also available for reviewing
d. Bonjean's Calculations
. Calculates sectional areas at
selected drafts (for input station only).
e. Tank Capacity Calibration
. Calculates tank capacities at
defined sounding levels.
f. Longitudinal Strength
. Calculates bending moment and shear
along the length of a vessel, based on specified weight
distribution curves, under still-water, hogging, and sagging
g. Limiting Drafts
. Determines the maximum fore-and-aft
longitudinal center of gravity to which the vessel may be
loaded prior to flooding and survive (i.e., not submerge the
margin line) when a specified set of shell-to-shell
compartments is flooded.
The STAAF86 program also uses a Ship Offset and Case Data file.
STAAF86 has no capability for appendages.
3. Offsets/Lines Digitizing Program (OFFSETS)
. OFFSETS is used to
create a Ship Offset File. During a typical review of a vessel's
2-3 CH-2
2.C.3. (cont'd) characteristics, the vessel's lines plan is received by
the MSC and reviewed to ensure that all necessary information is
included. A Ship Offset File, with a unique identification number,
is created for each set of digitized lines and maintained by the
MSC. OFFSETS is a program for interactively defining, editing,
displaying, plotting, and storing ship hull offsets. OFFSETS
output can be used to develop input for the U.S. Navy Ship Hull
Characteristic Program (SHCP), U.S. Navy HULLDEFinition program
(HULDEF), Coast Guard StabiliTy Analysis of Arbitrary Forms
4. Offsets/Lines File Generator (HANDOFF)
. HANDOFF is a program for
interactively defining and storing ship hull offsets entered from a
keyboard using a table of offsets. HANDOFF output can be used to
develop input for the U.S. Navy Ship Hull Characteristic Program
(SHCP), and the Coast Guard Stability Analysis of Arbitrary Forms
5. Offsets/Lines File Editor (STRETCH)
. STRETCH is a program for
modifying existing offset files. The following options are
a. Add a constant value to the Z coordinate;
b. Rescale the X coordinate;
c. Rescale the Y coordinate;
d. Rescale the Z coordinate;
e. Rescale all the coordinates;
f. Add cylinders to STAAF86 offset file;
g. Invert offsets file; and
h. Convert BHS offsets to SHCP format.
6. SHCP/Case File Data Generator (PREPRO)
. This program emulates the
SHCP User's Manual by automating the data entry procedure, querying
the user for the case data requirements, and automatically compiling
a file in the correct format for SHCP use.
7. STAAF/Case File Data Generator (PRESTAFF)
. This program emulates
the STAAF User's Manual, querying the user for the case data
requirements and automatically compiling a file in the proper
format for STAAF use.
CH-2 2-4
2.C.8. Weather Profile Area Digitizing Program (GMDIGIT)
used to create a vessel's weather profile data file. During a
typical review of a vessel's stability, the reviewer must check
the weather criteria, 46 CFR 170.170. This requires digitizing of
the vessel's profile and entry of characteristics, such as draft
and displacement. GMDIGIT output consists of a table of profile
areas and centroids for use by WEATHER which calculates the
minimum required GM.
9. Weather Criteria Program (WEATHER)
. This program computes the
minimum required GH to meet static weather criteria of 46 CFR
170.170. Criteria analysis is available for service on exposed,
partially protected, and protected waters at multiple drafts.
WEATHER uses output from GHDIGIT.
10. Energy Criteria Analysis Program (STABCRIT)
. This program
computes the maximum value for the height of the center of gravity
above the baseline (KG) at a siren draft to arrive at the minimum
area under a righting arm curve to meet the energy stability
criteria in 46 CFR 170.173 or the Rahola energy criteria which is
applicable to certain hull-forms and barges. Host of the input
for STABCRIT is taken directly from the output of SHCP or STAAF86
intact stability job options. Graphical output consists of a
righting arm curve for both the input and optimized KG.
11. Residual Energy Analysis Program (DAMCRIT)
. This program is used
to calculate passenger vessel stability after damage according to
the residual energy criteria recommended by IMO. These criteria
a. A range of positive stability of at least 15 degrees;
b. A maximum positive righting arm of at least .33 feet (.1m) within 15
degrees of the angle of equilibrium; and
c. At least 2.82 foot-degrees (.015 m-rad) of positive righting
energy within 15 degrees of the angle of equilibrium (up to
the angle of downflooding if it occurs at a lesser angle).
DAMCRIT also includes the IMO criteria provisions to ensure limited
survivability for passenger crowding to one side, launching of fully
loaded davit launched survival craft and beam winds.
True downflood angle after damage is also calculated in the program.
The angle of downflooding is the angle at which water can enter
the hull through hatches, ports, vents, etc. It is determined by
accounting for trim as the vessel is heeled.
2-5 CH-2
2.C.11. (cont'd) Most of the input for DAMCRIT is taken directly from the
output of SHCP or STAAF86 damage stability job options. Graphical
output consists of a righting arm curve for the input KG.
12. Subdivision Criteria Program (DRAFTCRIT)
. This program is used to
evaluate passenger vessels for compliance with the subdivision
criteria of 46 CFR 171.070. DRAFTCRIT calculates the allowable
(+) and (-) LCG for a given displacement by interpolating the
output from the SHCP or STAAF86 Job option, limiting-draft, for
each subdivision in the vessel. A plot of displacement vs. LCG
for the two allowable LCG compartments is generated. The allowable
trims and limiting drafts for a given displacement are calculated
using moment to trim one inch (MT1) for that displacement. Maximum
allowable intact KG required to satisfy the 2 inch minimum after
damage GM is also calculated for the limiting draft and trim by
interpolating KM's which are calculated by SHCP of STAAF86.
13. Sailing Vessel Stability Program (SAILCRIT)
. This program is used
to evaluate sailing passenger vessels and sailing school vessels for
compliance with 46 CFR 171.055. The projected lateral area and
centroid distance for SAILCRIT is available in the output of
WEATHER. Multiple drafts may he evaluated. Most of the input for
SAILCRIT is taken directly from the output of SHCP or STAAF86
intact stability job options. Graphical output consists of a
righting arm curve for the input KG with superimposed HZA, HZB and
HZC curves as calculated by the program.
14. Stability Test Waterline Fit Program (WATERLINE)
. This program
calculates both a straight line and curved line for hog or sag
using the polynomial regression equation. Input for the program is
read from a file created from the freeboard and draft data taken
during an inclining test or deadweight survey. A display of the
data points and the waterline generated by the program is included
in the output.
15. Interactive Wireframe Graphics Program (PICTURE)
. This program
displays a wireframe model of a SHCP or STAAF86 offsets file at any
desired combination of rotation angle (heading), mean draft, trim
and heel angle. It also has the option to zoom on the picture for
detailed analysis. No plot file is created.
16. SHCP Output Plotting Program (PLOT)
. The PLOT viewing program
version 2.0 is used to view and examine the plotted output from
SHCP. Output plots include: Curves of Form, Floodable Length,
Body Plan, Waterline Plan, Isometric Plan. These plots can also be
sent to the Calcomp Plotter.
CH-2 2-6
2.C.17. Stability Analysis Graphic Display (SAGD)
. This program provides
a means of checking the accuracy of the SHCP damage compartment
description data on a graphics computer terminal. A SHCP model
can be viewed interactively at a cut through the model in each of
the primary views, side, top and front. The program SAGD uses the
same file as required for executing the SHCP. The record formats
of the input file are detailed in the SHCP User's Manual. A plot
file is not created.
D. Structural Programs
. This is a motion/loads program currently capable of
analyzing monohull vessels in waves. It is an expanded version of
a program developed by the Ship Structure Committee (SSC) in the
early 1970's. The Coast Guard's version was developed by Hoffman
Maritime Consultants of Glen Head, New York as a proprietary
program. It is configured in two mainline programs.
. This program takes SHCP hull definition as input.
Using a simple four-to-seven line string, the user can balance
the vessel by longitudinal center of gravity (LcG)/weight,
drafts, or weight distribution curves, and can obtain still
water bending moment and shear as well. The output can be
obtained either from teletype or high-speed printer. The
static balancing may take numerous iterations by the user;
when this is done, the input file for the loads/motion program
can be generated.
. This program utilizes the data file generated by
STATIC and is modified by the user for a specific run. A
variety of computations can be performed with SCOMOT,
including displacements; velocities or accelerations at any
location on the vessel; and vertical, horizontal, and
torsional bending moments along the length of the hull. The
wave loadings applied to response amplitude operators (RAO's)
include simple height and period (using Pierson-Moskowitz and
International Ship Structures Congress (ISSC) spectral
equations), fetch limited (JONSWAP), or spectral families.
SCOMOT generates long-term bending moments used for lifetime
extreme value computations.
2. Graphics-Oriented Interactive Finite Element Timesharing System
. This program was developed by the University of Arizona,
under principal sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research and
the Coast Guard. It is presently maintained by Government
contract with the University of Arizona at Tucson. It is intended
for use on minicomputer and interactive systems. GIFTS is
actually a package of individual programs that are run in sequence
to perform a structural analysis. Graphical output can be viewed
at various points in the analysis, as during model generation and
loading. The following structural analyses can be performed
through GIFTS:
2-7 CH-2
2.D.2. a. Static analysis of problems with two- and three-dimensional
trusses, frames, membranes, and shells; axisymmetric solids
under axisymmetric and non-axisymmetric loading; and mixed
boundary conditions (forces and displacements).
b. Analysis by substructuring and constrained substructures.
These may be constructed of any available elements and
assembled any number of tines.
c. Free vibration analysis, including natural frequencies and mode
shapes, superposition of modes, and stresses associated with
the modes.
d. Transient response analysis in which time-varying loads may be
applied. Deflected shapes and stresses are calculated for
specified times.
GIFTS may be used as a pre- or post-processor for other finite
element programs, to take advantage of excellent model generation
and the efficient problem display and solution capabilities of
the large core program. The University of Arizona offers a
one-week workshop of indoctrination in the use of GIFTS and finite
element analysis.
. This program computes the strength of a beam, such as a
midship section, under extreme loading when parts of the section
lose strength due to buckling. A description of the program and
its applications are contained in the Proceedings of the 1980 SNAME
STAR Symposium. Program development was spurred by inconsistency
between predicted and actual performances of certain river tank
barges, which buckled under loadings that section modulus
calculations had indicated they could resist. A preprocessor has
been developed to generate the midship section and other modeling
data interactively. The model can be displayed graphically on the
Textronic terminal. FLEXSM is commonly used in the MSC for section
modulus calculations.
. MAESTRO is a computer program for rationally-based
optimum design of large, complex thin-walled structures. MAESTRO
produces an optimum design based on any designer-specified measure
of merit such as weight, cost, vertical center of gravity, or any
combination of these. The primary purpose of MAESTRO is design,
but it can be used to analyze existing structure (or proposed
design) using just the analysis and evaluation portions of the
program and not the optimization portion. The program was
initially developed for ship structures, but has now been
generalized to deal with virtually any thin-walled structure,
including semi-submersibles and other types of floating platforms,
box girder bridges, road and rail vehicles, and the larger types
of aircraft. MAESTRO models are composed of modules representing
various sections of
CH-2 2-8
2.D.4. (cont'd) the structure, which are defined in terms of strakes,
girders and pillars. The following limit states are evaluated in
the analysis portion of the program:
a. Panel Collapse - Stiffener Failure;
b. Panel Collapse - Combined Buckling;
c. Panel Collapse - Membrane Yield;
d. Panel Collapse - Stiffener Buckling;
e. Panel Yield - Tension, Flange;
f. Panel Yield - Tension, Plate;
g. Panel Yield - Compression, Flange;
h. Panel Yield - Compression, Plate;
i. Panel Yield - Plate Bending;
j. Panel Serviceability - Transverse Buckling;.
k. Panel Serviceability - Longitudinal Buckling;
l. Girder Collapse - Tripping;
m. Girder Collapse - Compression, Flange;
n. Girder Collapse - Compression, Plate;
o. Girder Yield - Bending, Flange;
p. Girder Yield - Bending, Plate;
q. Girder Yield - Tension; Flange;
r. Girder Yield - Tension, Plate;
s. Frame Collapse - Plastic Hinge;
t. Frame Yield - Compression, Flange;
u. Frame Yield - Tension, Flange;
v. Frame Yield - Compression, Plate; and
w. Frame Yield - Tension, Plate.
2-9 CH-2
2.D.4. (cont'd) MAESTRO models can be plotted or displayed in an
isometric form from any angle, including the magnified
deflections, using the accompanying program, FEMPlot.
5. Structural Analysis Code Kit (SACK)
. This is a collective group of
structural computer programs which solve typical problems
encountered in analysis and design. The user is expected to be
familiar with structural analyses Typically found in textbooks or
an engineering school curriculum. These programs are free from
proprietary limitations and are smaller in scope than large
commercial programs. The programs are very simple to use and
understand and will not become obsolete when new building codes
are developed and updated. SACK programs aid in the analysis
phase of structures and give numerical deflections, moments,
shears and axial loads. The results are used in turn to evaluate
members in the design phase using current building codes to decide
if acceptable member sizes are appropriate and safe. The
following programs are available in SACK:
a. CONTBM - Continuous Beam Analysis;
b. PLFRAME - Plane Frame Analysis;
c. PLTRUSS - Plane Truss Analysis;
d. GRFRAME - Grid Frame Analysis;
e. STRUSS - Space Truss Analysis; and
f. SFRAME - Space Frame Analysis.
6. Independent Tank Barge Analysis Program (BARGE)
. This program
computes the tank-barge interactive forces, tank shears and tank
moments of a grounded barge carry inS independent tanks on saddle
supports. Various conditions of loading can be obtained using
uniform, triangular and concentrated loads. The technique is
formulated in "Reactions on Independent Carso Tanks," Finn C.
Michelsen and Ullman Kilgore, Department of NAME, University of
Michigan, September 1968. The barge is treated as a hinged-free
beam on an elastic foundation and the tanks are treated as
hinged-hinged beams on the barge. The equations for simple beams
are then solved using initial parameter functions.
E. Pressure Vessel Analyses
1. ZICK-1
. Calculates stresses in larger horizontal cylindrical
pressure vessels on Two saddle supports.
CH-2 2-10
. Calculates stresses in larger horizontal cylindrical
pressure vessels with more than two saddle supports.
F. Developmental Programs
1. Plan Review System. The Plan Review System software package of
Naval Architecture programs is currently under development and will
be completed in 1990. It is a comprehensive CAD/interactive
graphics oriented system with digitizing and plotting capabilities.
It will perform static stability calculations and evaluate output
according to the appropriate Coast Guard stability criteria. The
package also includes a motions analysis module which can be used
for casualty analysis and novel craft plan review. The following
Coast Guard Stability Criteria are currently incorporated into the
Plan Review System:
a. Energy Criteria for Vessels of Unusual Proportions and Form;
b. CM Weather Criteria;
c. MODU Intact Criteria;
d. MODU Damage Criteria;
e. Passenger Vessel Intact Criteria;
f. Deck Cargo Barge Criteria;
g. Tug Boat Criteria;
h. Towing Vessel Criteria;
i. Catamaran Passenger Sailing Vessel Criteria;
j. Mono-hull Passenger Sailing Vessel Criteria;
k. Lifting Vessel Criteria;
l. Subchapter O Barge Criteria;
m. Subchapter O Ship Criteria;
n. Subchapter D Barge Criteria;
o. Subchapter O Gas Ship Criteria;
p. Passenger Vessel Damage Criteria;
2-11 CH-2
2.F.1. q. Open Hopper Barge Criteria;
r. Navy Wind and Wave Criteria;
s. Navy SWATH Criteria; and
t. Cargo Vessel Probabilistic Damage Criteria.
The Plan Review System generates wire frame graphics for both the
hydrostatic and wind models. Output graphics include righting
energy, wind heeling and allowable VCG curves for a range of
operating conditions.
G. Database Programs
. The AIMS program is used in the Marine Safety Center to
manage the day-to-day incoming and outgoing mail. Incoming mail is
entered into a database via menus. Reports can be generated at any
time to present the current backlog of the entire Marine Safety
Center, or the backlog of a particular plan review officer. Work
statistics are also generated using AIMS. Outgoing mail is logged
out using menus to update the database in a manner similar to the
incoming mail entering process.
. The dBASE III PLUS program is used to generate
lists of Approved Cargoes for Tank Vessels based on the physical
characteristics of a given tank group. Data is stored in a relational
database. The main program has an interactive user interface,
offering a full screen editing of all input information. Once the
physical parameters of the tank groups have been defined, the program
will compile a list of all chemicals allowed from 46 CFR 153, Table 1.
Fire protection requirements may also be applied to this list. The
final output is an alphabetical listing of cargoes and their
respective carriage requirement, by tank group. These lists can be
compiled for an individual tank group, or all tank groups in batch
CH-2 2-12
3-i CH-3
3.A. Introduction 3-1
3.A.1. Content and Purpose 3-1
3.A.1.a. Purpose 3-1
3.A.1.b. Content 3-1
3.A.2. Overview of Changes 3-1
3.A.2.a. Introduction 3-1
3.A.2.b. Overview of Changes 3-1
3.A.2.c. Specific Changes 3-2
3.A.2.d. The Future of MSM IV Ch3 3-4
3.A.2.e. Providing Input 3-5
3.A.3. Scope 3-5
3.A.3.a. Engineering Services 3-6
3.A.3.b. Interfaces 3-6
3.B. Plan Review 3-7
3.B.1. Plan Review of Mechanical Systems 3-7
3.B.1.a. Introduction 3-7
3.B.2. Plan Review of Electrical Systems 3-7
3.B.2.a. Introduction 3-7
3.B.2.a.(1) Objectives 3-7
3.B.2.a.(2) General Procedures 3-8
3.B.2.a.(3) Handling of “Existing” Vessels 3-8
3.B.2.b. Plan Review Guidance 3-8
3.B.2.b.(1) Introduction 3-8
3.B.2.b.(2) One-Line Diagram Reference Drawing 3-9
3.B.2.b.(3) Operating Load Factors 3-14
3.B.2.b.(4) Power And Lighting Transformers 3-21
3.B.2.b.(5) Semiconductor Controlled Rectifiers (SCR). 3-21
3.B.2.b.(6) Electrical Installations In Hazardous Locations 3-23
3.B.2.b.(7) AC Motor Circuits 3-35
3.B.2.b.(8) Tables, Diagrams, And Formulas 3-41
3.C. Equipment 3-50
3.C.1. Acceptable Equipment 3-50
3.C.1.a. Introduction 3-50
3.C.1.b. Acceptance Standards 3-52
3.C.1.c. Testing 3-56
3.C.2. Equipment Lists, formally COMDTINST M16714.3. 3-56
3.C.2.a. Introduction 3-56
3.C.2.b. Application of Listings 3-57
3.C.2.c. Limitations of Listings 3-57
3.C.2.d. Approvals Under Subchapter Q 3-57
3.C.3. Engineering Applications for Pollution Prevention 3-59
3.C.3.a. Marine Sanitation Devices (MSDs) 3-59
3.C.3.b. Oily Water Separators (OWS) 3-60
3.C.3.c. Incinerators 3-60
3.C.3.d. Pressure-Vacuum Relief Valves. 3-62
3.C.4. Special Equipment Approvals 3-63
3.C.4.a. General 3-63
3.C.4.b. Quick-Disconnect Couplings 3-63
3.C.4.c. Flame Barriers 3-63
3.C.4.d. Navigation Equipment 3-64
CH-3 3-ii
3.C.4.e. Resiliently Seated Valves 3-64
3.D. Vessel Inspection Alternatives 3-65
3.D.1. References 3-65
3.D.2. ACP Supplements 3-66
3.E. Mechanical Systems 3-66
3.E.1. Engineering Materials 3-66
3.E.1.a. Program Philosophy 3-66
3.E.1.b. Evaluation Of Materials 3-67
3.E.1.c. High Temperature Service Materials 3-70
3.E.1.d. Low—Temperature Service Materials 3-72
3.E.1.e. Corrosion 3-74
3.E.1.f. Use Of Stainless Steel Materials 3-76
3.E.2. Boilers, Pressure Vessels, And Similar Equipment 3-80
3.E.2.a. General Provisions 3-80
3.E.2.b. Propulsion Boilers 3-82
3.E.2.c. Auxiliary Boilers 3-84
3.E.2.d. Unfired Boilers 3-85
3.E.2.e. ASME Code, Sections I And IV 3-85
3.E.2.f. Thermal Fluid Heaters (TFHs) 3-87
3.E.2.g. Pressure Vessels 3-89
3.E.2.h. Heat Exchangers 3-98
3.E.2.i. Authorized Inspectors 3-100
3.E.2.j. Foreign Manufacturers Of New Equipment 3-101
3.E.3. Piping Systems 3-101
3.E.3.a. Introduction 3-101
3.E.3.b. Piping Components 3-101
3.E.3.c. Philosophy 3-103
3.E.3.d. Impact of SOLAS 3-103
3.E.3.e. Design Standards 3-103
3.E.4. Specific Piping Systems 3-104
3.E.4.a. Vital Systems 3-104
3.E.4.b. Hydraulic System 3-105
3.E.4.c. Low-Temperature Systems 3-105
3.E.4.d. Use of ANSI B16.5 And B16.34 3-106
3.E.5. Steering Gear 3-106
3.E.5.a. Introduction 3-106
3.E.5.b. Regulatory Developments 3-107
3.F. Vital System Automation (46 CFR 62) 3-107
3.F.1. Introduction 3-107
3.F.2. NVIC’s 1-69,1-78, and 6-84 3-107
3.F.3. Automatic Auxiliary Boilers (46 CFR 63) 3-107
3.G. Electrical Systems 3-108
3.G.1. Introduction 3-108
3.G.2. Equipment 3-111
3.G.3. Grounded Systems and Ground Detection (46 CFR 111.05) 3-114
3.G.4. Power Supply (46 CFR 111.10) 3-118
3.G.5. Generator Construction and Protection (46 CFR 111.12) 3-120
3.G.6. Batteries and Battery Installations (46 CFR 111.15) 3-121
3.G.7. Transformers (46 CFR 111.20) 3-123
3-iii CH-3
3.G.8. Switchboards (46 CFR 111.30 – 25 & 111.30-27) 3-126
3.G.9. Power Semiconductor Rectifier Systems (SCRs) 3-129
3.G.10. Electrical Propulsion (46 CFR 111.35-1) 3-130
3.G.11. Panelboards (46 CFR 111.40) 3-130
3.G.12. Circuit Protection Devices 3-131
3.G.13. Fault Current Analysis & Coordination (46 CFR 111.52) 3-135
3.G.14. Wire and Cable (46 CFR 111.60) 3-138
3.G.15. Motor Circuits (46.CFR 111.70) 3-145
3.G.16. Navigation Lights (46 CFR 111.75-17) 3-156
3.G.17. Hazardous Locations (46 CFR 111.105) 3-158
3.G.18. Industrial Systems (46 CFR 111.107) 3-178
3.G.19. Emergency Lighting and Power Systems (46 CFR 112) 3-179
3.G.20. Communication and Alarm Systems 3-182
3.H. Novel Vessel Design 3-185
3.H.1. High Speed Craft 3-185
3.H.2. Deep Water Ports (DWP’s) 3-186
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3-1 CH-3
A. Introduction
1. Content and Purpose of the Marine Safety Manual, Vol. IV Chapter 3 (MSM
IV CH 3)
a. Purpose
. The purpose of the Marine Safety Manuals (MSM) is
described in Marine Safety Manual Volume I, Administration and
Management, COMDTINST M16000.6 (series), Chapter 1, Section B
(available online, see note below). The Marine Safety Manual,
Volume IV, Technical, COMDTINST M16000.9 (series), Chapter 3 is
intended to provide additional technical information and
explanation of Marine Safety engineering systems regulations.
b. Content
. The primary content of this chapter is provided to augment
Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subchapters F and J
(46 CFR 50-64 and 46 CFR 110-113).
Section A of this chapter, “Engineering Scope and Program
Interfaces”, provides further detail of the purpose, application
and content of this chapter.
Locating the Marine Safety Manuals (MSM) on the Internet
: The MSM
is accessible through the Internet by first locating the U.S. Coast
Guard home page (http://www.uscg.mil/
), then select “Marine Safety”
under Missions, then “Site Map”. Links to the MSM as well as other
useful sites including the “G-MSE Office of Design and Engineering
Standards” are available there. The Marine Safety Manuals are also
available on the USCG Directives System at:
Locating Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs) on the
Internet: NVICs may be located from the U.S. Coast Guard home page
by following the same steps listed above. The direct link is:
2. Overview of Changes to Marine Safety Manual, Volume IV, Technical,
COMDTINST M16000.9 (series), Chapter 3 (MSM IV CH 3)
a. Introduction
. This revision is a first step in an ongoing project
that will be completed in two phases. This phase of the project
focuses on areas that are most obviously in need of revision, and
can be corrected rapidly. The next phase will be a more detailed
revision to add content regarding new systems, and to incorporate
the useful information from mechanical and electrical related
Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVICs).
b. Overview of Changes
. Major changes from the previous MSM IV Ch3:
(1) Updated CFR references
(2) Sections re-arranged to coincide with relative location of
information in CFR
(3) Deleted obvious outdated information
(4) Changed point of contact information (ex: Commandant (G-MTH) is
now Commandant (G-MSE))
CH-3 3-2
3.A.2.b (5) Added “Guide for Electrical Installations on Merchant Vessels
and Mobile Offshore Drilling Units”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 2-
89 content to the Electrical Systems section
(6) Removed outdated parts of the Electrical Plan Review section
(7) Deleted Section 3.Q, Nuclear Systems, no longer relevant
(8) Deleted Section 3.D, Regulations and References, outdated
c. Specific Changes
. Cross-Referenced to Old-MSM IV Chapter 3
NOTE: “Previous MSM IV CH3” refers to sections as they existed in
the version of MSM IV Chapter 3 that this edition is replacing
(publication date unknown, last updated 27 June 1986)
(1) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section i, Prologue
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections: N/A, this is a new section
(b) Alterations: All new content, adapted from MSM Vol II
(2) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section A, Engineering Scope and Program
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections: Adapted from previous MSM
Vol IV, CH 3, Section A, Engineering Scope and Program
(b) Alterations:
i. Updated office designations (ex: Commandant (G-MSE)
replaced Commandant (G-MTH-2))
ii. Updated Commandant (G-MSE-3) responsibilities
(3) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section B, Plan Review
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections: Adapted from previous MSM
Vol IV, CH 3, Section C, Plan Review of Electrical
(b) Alterations:
i. Added Section 1, Plan Review of Mechanical Systems
ii. Updated CFR references in Section 2, Plan Review of
Electrical Systems
iii. Removed Table 3-5, List of Electrical Hazard Group
Classifications, more current version available in 46
CFR 151.05
(4) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section C, Equipment
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections:
i. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section E, Acceptable Equipment.
ii. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section F, Equipment Lists.
iii. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section K, Special Engineering
Applications for Pollution Prevention.
iv. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section M, Special Equipment
(b) Alterations:
i. 3.C.1.a transferred in FAQ from electrical section
ii. 3.C.1.b changed “need for factory inspections…” to
“Coast Guard reserves the right… to conduct factory
iii. 3.C.1.b inserted information from Section 2 of NVIC
2-89, Meeting Referenced Standards
iv. 3.C.1.b (1) updated introduction to correct reference
to fuses and hazardous area equipment
v. 3.C.1.c added CFR reference for independent testing
3-3 CH-3
3.A.2.c(4)(b) vi. 3.C.2.a and b: stated COMDTINST M16714.3 no longer
published in hard copy
vii. 3.C.2.c Added an example of an equipment approval
viii. 3.C.3.a(1) changed title 46 to title 33. Added type
III statement.
ix. Added 3.C.a(5) MSD’s prior to 1/30/76
x. 3.C.4.a stated that Affidavit system ended and incl
ref to applicable FR.
xi. 3.C.4.b(2) quick disconnect couplings are no longer
reviewed by MSE-3
xii. 3.C.4.c(2) changed IG to 1G and changed tank contents
to “heaviest product carried”.
(5) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section D, Vessel Inspection Alternatives
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections: This is a new section
(b) Alterations:
i. All new content, will be expanded on in Phase 2 of
MSM Vol IV, Ch 3 Update.
(6) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section E, Mechanical Systems
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections:
i. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section J, Engineering Materials
ii. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section I, Boilers, Pressure
Vessels, and Similar Equipment
iii. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section G, Piping Systems
iv. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section H, Specific Piping Systems
v. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section O, Steering Gear
(b) Alterations:
i. Updated responsible offices and their staff symbols.
ii. Deleted information no longer relevant.
(7) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section F, Automation
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections:
i. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section L, Automation.
(b) Alterations:
i. Updated to include 46 CFR Part 62
ii. Updated incinerator construction requirements
iii. Deleted outdated references to 46 CFR Part 63
(8) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section G, Electrical Systems
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections:
i. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section B, Overview of Electrical
(b) Alterations:
i. Inserted majority of NVIC 2-89, with some
modifications. Major alterations to NVIC 2-89
content inserted:
a. Altered order of topics covered to correspond
with Subchapter J
b. Corrected or removed outdated references
c. Deleted information superseded by recent CFR
d. Moved Section 2 of NVIC 2-89, ‘Referenced
Standards and Equipment Required to be Listed or
Labeled’ to Equipment section of MSM (3.C.1)
e. Revised Hazardous Location guidance, (NVIC 2-89
Section 7, MSM 3.G.6.d) to highlight differences
between zonal and divisional classifications of
hazardous areas
CH-3 3-4
3.A.2.c(8)(b)i. f. Revised Wire and Cable guidance (NVIC 2-89
Section 8, MSM 3.G.14.b) reflecting alterations
to 46 CFR 111.60, clarifying UL listing of
shipboard cable, and providing additional
guidance for MIL-C-915 cables
g. Revised Components and Equipment guidance (NVIC
2-89 Section 9, MSM 3.G.16.a), clarified that
regulations of this part do not apply to aids to
ii. Added table 3G-1, Applicable Electrical Regulations
iii. Added new section on Gel Cell Batteries (3.G.6.c) to
provide a brief description of new equipment that may
be encountered
iv. Added guidance regarding use of emergency generator
to 3.G.19.a based on IACS and SOLAS determinations
v. Added guidance regarding emergency loads to 3.G.19.c
based on public question
vi. Added alarm signal sound pressure level guidance to
3.G.20.d, provided distances based on public question
(9) MSM Vol IV, CH 3 Section H, Novel Vessel Designs
(a) Previous MSM IV Ch3 Sections:
i. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section N, Novel Vessel Designs.
ii. MSM Vol IV, CH 3, Section P, Deepwater Ports.
(b) Alterations:
i. Updated office designations (ex: Commandant (G-MSE-3)
replaced Commandant (G-MTH-2)).
d. The Future of MSM IV Ch3
. The second phase of the MSM Vol IV, Ch3
revision will include a more detailed review and update of the
existing text, as well as the addition of new topics. Phase two
changes will likely include:
(1) Changing the format to that used by the Marine Safety Manual
Volume II, Material Inspection, COMDTINST M16000.7A (series)
(2) Update to reflect latest regulations and policy.
(3) Guidance for new vessel types such as FPSOs.
(4) Descriptions and explanations of new technologies inspectors
may encounter, such as cycloconverters and fuel cells.
(5) Insertion of the useful information contained in the electrical
and mechanical NVICs, the same approach as used with “Guide for
Electrical Installations on Merchant Vessels and Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 2-89 in this
revision. These NVICs include:
1-69, Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery
1-71, Repair of Boiler Safety Valves
2-71, Pipe Stress Analysis Calculations; Procedure for
Submission of
4-71, Valves Employing Resilient Material
7-73, Main Propulsion Boiler Automation
7-74, Oil-Water Separators; Acceptance of
1-78, Automation of Offshore Supply Vessels of 100 Gross Tons
and Over
2-79, Aluminum Bus Bars
1-81, Guidance for Enforcement of the Requirements of the Port
and Tanker Safety Act of 1978(PTSA) Pertaining to SBT,
3-5 CH-3
3.A.2.d(5) 1-81, (cont'd) CBT, COW, IGS, Steering Gear, and Navigation
Equipment for Tank Vessels
9-82, MSD Certification
13-83, Coast Guard Retention of Commercial Vessel Plan Review
Case Files
4-84, Equivalent Determination for Existing, Installed Oil-
Water Separators which have Not Received U.S. Coast
Guard Approval
6-84, Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery; Supplemental
Guidance On
8-84, Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel
Plans and Specifications
9-84, Electrical Installations in Agricultural Dust Locations
11-86, Guidelines Governing the Use of Fiberglass Pipe (FGP) on
Inspected Vessels
5-89, Guidelines for Nondestructive Testing of Pressure Vessel
Type Cargo Tanks Aboard Tank Barges
10-92, Coast Guard Recognition of Registered Professional
Engineer Certification of Compliance with Coast Guard
11-92, Guidance for Acceptance of the National Board of Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI) National Board
Inspection Code (NBIC) for Repairs and Alterations to
Boilers and Pressure Vessels
5-93, Guidance for Certification of Passenger Carrying
e. Providing Input
. Requests or recommendations, or even recommended
text from Coast Guard field units regarding the phase two changes
would be greatly appreciated and given full consideration. All
levels of the "M" Program are encouraged to participate in making
the MSM a better tool for the M Community—Coast Guard, industry,
and the general public.
To provide input via e-mail on the Coast Guard SWIII:
Open the Global Address List
Select “Lst-G-MSE-3”, e-mail to any person on that list or to the
whole division.
To provide input via e-mail from outside the Coast Guard Data
(1) Indicate “MSM Comment” in the title and send to
To mail input, send to:
U.S. Coast Guard
Systems Engineering Division, Commandant (G-MSE-3), Room 1308
2100 Second St., S.W.
Washington, DC 20593-0001
3. Scope
. The contents of this chapter are directly related to the
responsibilities of the Systems Engineering Division, Commandant (G-
MSE-3). This division is responsible for marine and electrical
engineering, and certain equipment approvals. The functions of
Commandant (G-MSE-3) are to:
CH-3 3-6
3.A.3 a. Engineering Services
. Provide engineering service to the Marine
Safety Center (MSC), and marine safety offices (MSO's), other
divisions within the Office of Design and Engineering Standards,
Commandant (G-MSE), and offices at Coast Guard Headquarters.
(1) Regulations
. Develop and maintain regulations that promote the
protection of life at sea, property, and the marine environment
to the extent permitted and required by law in the areas of
marine and electrical engineering. Initiate and guide research
to support existing or envisioned engineering regulations,
taking into account the need to keep abreast of advancing
technology in materials, fabrication, and equipment.
(2) Application
. Provide technical advice and guidelines to Coast
Guard offices in the application of the Marine Safety Manual
and Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC's).
(3) Committees
. Participate actively in national technical
committees and societies such as the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American National Standards
Institute (ANSI), American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM), Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
(SNAME), National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA),
and Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
(4) International
. Participate actively in international technical
organizations such as the International Maritime Organization
(IMO), the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC), and
the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
(5) Liaison
. Maintain close liaison with other government
agencies, and classification societies such as the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Det Norske Veritas (DNV), Lloyd's
Register of Shipping (LR), and Germanischer Lloyd (GL).
(6) Evaluation
. Evaluate proposals from shipbuilders, design
agents, engineers, and equipment manufacturers concerning
systems and equipment that do not meet the regulations, but
which may provide equivalent protection to life, property, and
the environment.
(7) Approvals
. Review and approve the design and construction
details of boilers and certain components for piping and
electrical systems.
(8) Investigation
. Assist the Office of Investigations and
Analysis, Commandant (G-MOA), in the review of marine casualty
investigations that result from failure involving an aspect of
marine or electrical engineering.
b. Interfaces
. In the accomplishment of their daily tasks, members of
Commandant (G-MSE-3) must interact with personnel both inside and
outside the Coast Guard. The sections below summarize some of the
more common contacts:
(1) At Coast Guard Headquarters
. The Systems Engineering Division
provides technical support services to other divisions of the
3-7 CH-3
3.A.3.b (1) (cont'd) Commandant (G-MSE). These services consist primarily
of evaluating installations for new and existing merchant
vessels, reviewing repair procedures, assessing casualties, and
reviewing and monitoring regulation and research and
development projects. Commandant (G-MSE-3) works closely with
the Office of Compliance, Commandant (G-MOC), in areas of
equipment approval, installation and repair; with the Office of
Investigations and Analysis, Commandant (G-MOA), in casualty
assessment and National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB)
responses as well as in matters relating to manning of
automated engine rooms. In many instances, responses to
industry are the result of efforts of two or more divisions.
(2) With Field Units
. The Systems Engineering Division provides
technical services to the Marine Safety Center (MSC) through
the development of regulations, development of policy,
evaluation of new developments, and evaluation of inquiries and
appeals in the machinery and electrical areas. Commandant (G-
MSE-3) also provides technical services to field inspection
offices throughout the country as requested.
(3) With Commandant (G-LRA)_and Commandant (G-MSR)
. The Systems
Engineering Division normally has several regulatory projects
underway at any given time. For each of these regulatory
projects, the division provides a project manager who works
with the project attorney from the staff of the Office of
Regulations and Administration, Commandant (G-LRA), and the
Office of Standards Development, Commandant (G-MSR), to produce
a completed regulation package. This requires close liaison
between the division and Commandant (G-LRA) and Commandant (G-
MSR), from formulation of the work plan, through notice and
public comment periods, to publication of Final Rules.
B. Plan Review
1. Plan Review of Mechanical Systems
a. Introduction
. Plan review and approval of individual vessels falls
under the cognizance of the Coast Guard's Marine Safety Center
(MSC). Marine Safety Center guidance regarding mechanical system
plan review may be found online at:
. If this Internet address is
no longer valid the MSC web page can be located by first going to
the U.S. Coast Guard home page (http://www.uscg.mil/
) and
completing a search for the “Marine Safety Center”.
2. Plan Review of Electrical Systems
a. Introduction
(1) Objectives
. Plan review is performed to ensure that the
electrical arrangement, materials, and installation as shown on
the plans comply with the applicable laws and regulations for
the vessel or unit. The primary purposes of the electrical
requirements are to arrive at adequate and reliable shipboard
electrical systems, the components of which provide safety to
personnel from electrical shock, and to minimize the danger of
CH-3 3-8
3.B.2.a (1) (cont'd) fire originating from within the electrical system.
After the initial certification of a vessel or unit by the
Coast Guard, subsequent plan review may be required due to
electrical repairs or alterations affecting the safety of the
vessel, its equipment, and crew. If considered necessary by the
officer in charge, marine inspection (OCMI), drawings must be
approved before work is started. Repairs to existing
installations must meet the regulations in effect on the date
of the original installation or the regulations in effect on
the date of the repair.
(2) General Procedures
. Guidance listed in section 3.B.1.a above
also applies for finding electrical system plan review guidance
Prior to a vessel's construction, plans such as those listed
in 46 CFR 177.05 for small passenger vessels, and in 46 CFR
110.25 are reviewed. The plans listed in those sections are
general in character, but include all plans that normally show
construction and safety features coming under the cognizance of
the Coast Guard. In the case of a particular vessel, all of the
plans enumerated may not be applicable; it is intended that
only those plans and specifications be submitted as will
clearly show the vessel's arrangement, construction, and
required equipment. Because the regulations give only a general
listing of the plans and specifications that require review by
the Coast Guard, "Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant
Vessel Plans and Specifications", COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 8-84,
was published to provide further clarification. This circular
is a detailed guide on recommended plan submittal procedures.
Some of the plans and specifications required by the Coast
Guard are also necessary for the approval of construction by
the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) for vessels classed by
that organization. In this regard, "Acceptance of Plan Review
and Inspection Tasks Performed by the American Bureau of
Shipping for New Construction or Major Modifications of U.S.
Flag Vessels", COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 10-82, CH-2, was
published to provide information on ABS plan approval
procedures intended to facilitate industry activities and
reduce duplication of effort between the ABS and the Coast
(3) Handling of “Existing” Vessels
. The regulations do not include
requirements for vessels existing before the effective date of
the regulation. Persons must refer to the regulations in effect
for older existing vessels in order to determine construction
requirements for those vessels.
b. Plan Review Guidance
(1) Introduction
. The intent of this section is to provide:
(a) Check-off lists for review of typical electrical plans;
(b) A reference for technical data, formulas, and principles
used in routine plan review;
3-9 CH-3
3.B.2.b(1) (c) Some items of policy; and
(d) An index for detailed reference information not contained
in this guide or regulations.
This section is intended as a guide for the plan reviewer, and
should not be considered as containing hard-and-fast
requirements. The user's discretion should be applied during
its application.
(2) One-Line Diagram Reference Drawing
. The one-line diagram
reference drawing, Figure 3-1, and the attached index, Figure
3-2, are provided as a directory to applicable regulations.
This diagram is purely hypothetical. The item number on the
diagram may be cross-referenced to the index to find a listing
of applicable regulations. [NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated in
Figure 3-2, references are to Title 46 CFR, as in "111.12."]
CH-3 3-10
No 2
4 - WIRE
No 1
No 2
3-11 CH-3
1 Generators 111.12 Ship's service
112.50 Emergency
111.12-7, -11 Parallel operation
2 Generator & 111.30 General
3 Generator Cables 111.60-3 Application
111.60-7 Demand load
111.60-5 Installation
& 111.12-9
4 Shore Ties & 111.83 Construction
Connection Boxes
5 Generator Circuit 111.30-25 Switchboard-mounted
Breakers 111.50-7 Enclosures
111.50-5(a) Location
111.12-11 Circuits & Protection
111.54-1(a)(3) Interrupting capacity
6 Shore Tie Circuit 111.30-25 Switchboard-mounted
Breakers 111.50-5(a)(2) Switchboard-mounted
111.54-1(a)(3) Interrupting capacity
7 Bus Tie Circuit 111.60-7 Demand load
8 Generator Neutral 111.30-25(b) Switchboard-mounted
Disconnects or Links
9 Steering Systems 58.25 Steering apparatus
33 CFR 164.39 Foreign tank vessels
10 Generator Neutral 111.05-17 Ship's service and
Grounding emergency generator
11 Bus Sizes IEEE STD 45-1983 Table A-27 & 111.30-19
12 Motor Feeders 111.60-7
CH-3 3-12
FIGURE 3-2 (cont'd)
13 Transformers, Feeders, MSM Subparagraph
and Protection 3.G.5
14 Transformers, General 111.20
15 Ground Detection 111.30-20(e)(1)
16 Motor Controllers NEC 430-86 Location
111.70-3(a) Enclosures
111.70-3(b)&(c) Low voltage protection
(LVP) and low voltage
release (LVR) types
17 Distribution Panel 111.60-7 Demand loads
Feeders 111.54-1(a)(3) Interrupting rating
111.51 Selective operation
18 Battery Chargers 111.15-30
111.15-25 Reverse current protection
19 Storage Batteries 111.15-1 General
111.15-5 Installation and
111.15-10 Ventilation
111.15-5(f)-(g) Corrosion protection
111.15-20 Conductors
112.55 Emergency power and
lighting systems
20 Electric Elevators & ANSI A17.1 Safety Code
Dumb Waiters & A17.1
21 Emergency Lights & 112.43 Emergency lighting systems
loads 112.01-10 Automatic systems
112.15 Emergency loads
22 Signaling Lights 111.75-18
23 Switchboard 111.30-25 AC switchboards
Instrumentation & ship's service
Control Equipment and emergency
3-13 CH-3
FIGURE 3-2 (cont'd)
24 Disconnects (Motors) 111.70-1
25 Emergency Shut Down 111.103
26 Disconnects (Switching 111.55
27 Appliances 111.60-7 Demand loads
111.77 Standard
28 Motor Circuit 111.70-1
29 Distribution 111.40
Panelboards 111.50-5,-7
30 Navigation Light 111.75-17
Indicator Panels
31 Semiconductor- 111.33 Electric propulsion
Controlled Rectifier
(SCR) Circuits
32 General Alarm Systems 113.25
33 Lighting Fixtures 111.75-20 Marine type
UL 1598A Construction
111.05-3 Grounding
34 15- or 20-Ampere 111.75-5(e) "Switched" lights and
Lighting Branch receptacles
35 Receptacle Circuits 111.79-1 General
111.05-3 Grounding
UL 498 Attachment plugs and
111.81 Outlet boxes and fittings
Cabinets and boxes
CH-3 3-14
3.B.2.b (3) Operating Load Factors
(a) Tables
i. Sample Load Analysis (Figure 3-3).
ii. Typical Operating Load Factors (Figure 3-4).
(b) References
i. U.S. Navy Design Data Sheet, DDS 310-1, "Design Details
of Generating Plants."
ii. SNAME T & R Bulletin 3-11, "Marine Steam Power Plant
Heat Balance Practices," Section 3.2.15.
iii. Marine Engineering, Harrington, 1971, pp. 607-609.
iv. NVIC 8-84, section 28.d.(1) (see paragraph 3.L.2 below).
(c) General Requirements
. Ship's service generating plants must
be sized for the anticipated operating load as required by 46
CFR 111.10-4. Emergency generators shall be sized to supply
all loads simultaneously connected to it as required by 46
CFR 112.05-5. To determine if the generators are adequate, a
load analysis is necessary and is required to be submitted
for review by 46 CFR 110.25-1(b). Demand factors (d.f.) are
essential to the load analysis but often can vary, as can be
seen from the typical values in Figure 3-4. The individual
characteristics of the vessel should be considered in the
determination of demand factors. The review of the load
analysis should determine if the:
i. Individual load factors used are reasonable.
ii. Application of the load factors is reasonable and
iii. Generating plant is adequate and in accordance with the
applicable regulations.
(d) Considerations
i. Loads can be classified by various operating conditions
such as port, anchor, sea, functional, emergency,
maneuvering, or cold start. For the purpose of plan
review, only the normal sea load, maneuvering load and
emergency load are considered, unless special
considerations for the safety of the ship require
otherwise (e.g., at sea cargo transfer (functional)).
ii. A motor may be oversized for its attached load and thus
not operate at its rated capacity.
3-15 CH-3
NOTE: All figures used are purely hypothetical.
Bilge Pump 5 KW 0 0
Ballast Pump 10 KW 0.1 1 KW
A/C - Heater 10/20 KW 0.8 8/16 KW*
Cargo Circ. Pump 15 KW 0.6 9 KW
Dist. A Total 0 + 1 + 16 + 9 = 26 KW
Steering Pump #1 10 KW 0.9 9 KW
Steering Pump #2 10 KW 0 0 **
Steering Control 1 KW 0.9 .9 KW
Bow Thruster 40 KW 0.4 16 KW
Dist. B Total 9 + 0 + .9 + 1 = 25.9 KW
Main Deck Ltg. Fwd. 4 KW 0.5 *** 4 KW
Main Deck Ltg. Aft 4 KW 0.5
Eng. Rm. Ltg. Port 2 KW 0.9 *** 3.6 KW
Eng. Rm. Ltg. Stbd. 2 KW 0.9 __________
Dist. C Total 4 + 3.6 = 7.6 KW
Range 12 KW 0.4 4.8 KW
Water Heater 15 KW 0.6 9.0 KW
Dist. D Total 4.8 + 9.0 = 13.8 KW
Dist. C 7.6 KW 1.0 @ .95
Dist. D 13.8 KW Efficiency ****
Transformer 1 Total is 1.05 (1.0)(7.6 + 13.8) = 26.9 KW
Dist. A 26 KW
Dist. B 25.9 KW
Transformer #1 26.9 KW
Generator Demand load 78.8 KW
Full load Gen. Capacity 85 KW
* Relationship exists, take larger *** Similar loads given group
load. factor.
** One pump is the standby. *** Reduced efficiency increases
demand load. typ. transformer eff
CH-3 3-16
Sea Emerg Sea Emerg Sea
Main Steering Gear Pump 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2
Stby. Steering gear pump 0 0
Steering gear servo. Pump 0.5 0.5
Steering control 0.5 0.5 0.1
Steering aux. Heater 0 0
Shaft turning gear 0 0
Stern tube bearing lube
oil pump
Main cond. Pump 0.9 0 0.4 0.75
Main circ. Pump 0.9 0 1.0 0.9
Aux. cond. Pump 0.9
Aux. circ. pump 0.6 0 0.9
Main feed pump 0.8
Main feed boost pump 0.9 0.5
Emer. feed boost &
transfer pump
0 0 0
Reserve feed transfer pump 0.2 0 0.5
Aux. condenser condensate
Atm. Clean drain tank pump 0.6
L.P. heater drain pump 0.65
L.P. steam gen. Feed pump 0.9
Aux. boiler 0 0
Main turb. gland exhauster 0.9 0 0.9 0.9
Aux. turb. gland exhauster 0.5 0
F.W. Drain coll. Tank pump 0.6 0 0.6
Main L.O. purifier 0.3 0 0.9 0.35
Main feed L.O. pump 0.9 0 0.9 0.3 0.9
Stby. L.O. serv. pump 0 0.2 1.0
L.O. transfer pump 0.1 0 0
L.O. cooler circ. pump 0.9
L.O. heater 0.1
F.O. service pump 0.9 0 0.4 0.85
F.O. transfer pump 0.1 0 0.1 0.1
F.O. stripping pump 0 0
F.O. stripping drain and
transfer pump 0.3 0
Red. gear L.O. stby. pump 0 0
Prop. hyd. stby. pump 0 0
Elec. prop. exciter 0.9 0
Elec. prop. equip. heater 0 0
Prop. motor vent fan 0.9 0
Prop. motor L.O. service
0.9 0
T/G circ. pump 0.5 0
3-17 CH-3
FIGURE 3-4 (Continued)
Sea Emerg Sea Emerg Sea
T/G cond. Pump 0.5 0
T/G start L.O. pump 0 0.9 0.9
Sea valves 0 0
Emer. gen. S.W. booster 0 0.9
S.W. boost pump 0.3 0
Air preheater 0.9
S.W. service pump 0.1 0 0.6 0.8
Bilge and fuel stripping
0.1 0 0.1
Bilge pump 0.1 0 0.1 0.1
Flushing pump 0.1 0 0.4
Fire pump 0.2 0.4 0 0
Bilge & ballast priming
0 0.1
Fire and bilge pump 0
Fire and general service
Bilge and ballast pump 0.2
Ballast pump 0.2
Fog/Foam sys. Pump 0 0
Forced draft blower 0.5
H.W. circ. Pump 0.6 0 0.1 0.7
H.W. heater 0.5 0.1 0.5
Cargo stripping pump 0 0
Liquid Cargo transfer pump 0 0 0 0
Cargo brine circ. pump 0.7
Cargo air coolers 0.9
Cargo dehumidifier 0.5
Window defrosters and
0 0
Generator space heaters 0 0 1.0
Anchor windlass 0 0
Capstan 0 0
Personnel elevators 0.2 0
Cranes 0 0
Cargo elevators 0 0
Shop tools 0.1 0 0.1 0.1
Welder 0.1 0
Test board 0.1 0 0 0 0.2
Battery charger 0.2 0 0.2
I.C. battery charger 1.0
Ventilation 0.9 0.4 0.9 0.85
Duct & space heaters 0.4 0 0.4
Deck mach. Heaters 1.0
I.C. system 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.4
Radar 0.5 0.5 1.0
Gyro 0.5 0.4
CH-3 3-18
FIGURE 3-4 (Continued)
Sea Emerg Sea Emerg Sea
Radio 0.4 0.4
Searchlights 0 0
Mach. space ltg. 0.9 0.9 0.9
General ltg. 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.6
Emergency ltg. 0.6 0.4 0.9
Navigation ltg. 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.5
Service area ltg 0.4 0.35
SS. reefer circ. pump 0.4
SS. reefer compressor 0.3 0 0.1 0.4
Cargo reefer cmp. 0.3 0 0.6
A.C. compressor 0.7 0.4 0.8 0.75
A.C. chill wtr. pump 0.7 0.4 0.9 0.75
A.C. S.W. circ. pump 0.7 0.4 0.75
A.C. fan 0.75
A.C. H.W. circ. pump 0.6 0.75
Unit coolers 0.2 0
Oven/range 0.4 0
Galley equip. 0.3 0 0.3
Refrig/freezer 0.5 0
Refrig. small 0.3 0.3
Pantry equip. 0.2 0 0.3
Laundry equip. 0.2 0 0.2
Hospital equip. 0.1 0.1 0.2
Electronics 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.45
Distiller plant 0.7 0
Distiller brine ovbd. 0.8 0.75
Distiller cond. pump 0.3 0.6
Distiller feed pump 0.8 0.75
F.W. transfer pump 0
Ice water circ. pump 1.0 0.7
Potable water pump 0.3 0.2
Drinking fountain 0.4
H.P. air compressor 0.1
S.S. air compressor 0.1 0.1 0.3
Control air compressor 0.6 0.2 0.4
Sewage pump 0.1 1.0 0.2
Sewage macerator 0.1 1.0
Sewage blower 1.0
Cathodic protection 0.7
Ice water circ. pump 1.0 0.7
Brine circ. pump 1.0
Reefer container recept. 0.9
Bow thruster
Main control console 0.6
Boiler console 0.6
R.A.I., E.O.T., alarms 1.0
3-19 CH-3
3.B.2.b(3)(d) iii. Reference (ii) provides formulas for the determination
of load factors for major steam propulsion vessels.
iv. Load factors for individual loads, in general:
Load factor = Operating bhp
x No. hours operation
Rated bhp 24 hours
Load factor = Operating KW
x No. hours operation
Rated KW 24 hours
Often, operating load information is not provided and
load factors become No. hours operation
24 hours
v. A single load factor for group loads may be assigned if
they meet one of the following criteria.
a. Two or more loads operate with a definite
relationship to each other (e.g., heating and air
b. When the relationship described in (a) above is not
clear, but is known to exist (e.g., galley
c. When low power loads in the same space can be
assigned roughly the same load factors (e.g.,
radios and electronics).
vi. Known load use data should always be used in lieu of
demand factors, if available.
vii. Power conversions and their efficiency should be
considered (e.g. power factors, transformers,
semiconductor controlled rectifiers (SCR's). Due to
efficiency below 1.0, apparent connected loads may be
increased due to the conversion equipment).
viii. Loads that are provided individual factors in the
analysis should not be additionally assigned a group
factor, and vice versa (e.g., 0.3 (individual factor) x
0.4 (group factor) =0.12 (final factor) (either 0.3 or
0.4 could be used, but not 0.12)).
ix. Factors of zero (0) are assigned to equipment that is
seldom used.
x. Factors of 0.9 and 1.0 are used where motors operate at
full load for an extended period of time.
xi. Standby units, or duplicate units, should be listed and
assigned a factor of zero unless it is continuously
idling. The primary unit should be assigned an
CH-3 3-20
3.B.2.b(3)(d) xi. (cont’d) appropriate factor, e.g., Steering pump No. 1,
d.f. 0.9; Steering pump No. 2, d.f. = 0.0 (Stby).
xii. The development of standard load factors for given
classes of vessels is encouraged, as time and experience
xiii. Large equipment-unusually large loads, as compared to
the generating capacity-should be assigned appropriate
factors assuming that other non-essential loads are not
operated simultaneously.
xiv. As a final check on the adequacy of a load analysis,
check to see that the generating plant is adequate to
simultaneously carry the loads vital to the survival of
the vessel in an emergency such as fire or flooding.
These loads should include:
a. Steering;
b. Vital propulsion auxiliaries;
c. Ventilation;
d. Communications;
e. Fire pumps;
f. Alarms;
g. Bilge pumps;
h. Emergency lighting;
i. Radar; and
j. Controls.
xv. For unmanned machinery spaces, remotely operated
emergency loads, such as bridge started fire pump,
should be assigned a load factor of 1.0.
xvi. Automatically started equipment should be provided a
load factor of 1.0 without regard for spinning reserve.
xvii. Special functional operations of the vessel, such as
underway replenishment (a Military Sealift Command (MSC)
ship), dredging (a hopper dredge), and at-rig offloading
(an offshore supply vessel) do not require one generator
in reserve. Normal at sea operations such as cargo
cooling (refrig. ship) and liquid cargo recirculation
(offshore supply vessels) do require one generator in
3-21 CH-3
3.B.2.b (4) Power And Lighting Transformers
(a) References
i. 46 CFR 111.20 Transformers
ii. 46 CFR 111.20-15 Transformer Feeder Circuits
iii. 46 CFR 111.05 Grounding
iv. NVIC 2-79 "Aluminum Bus Bars"
(b) General Considerations
i. Transformers should be suitably constructed for the
intended use, considering materials and insulation.
Aluminum-wound transformers should be factory
constructed and fully encapsulated, and all connections
should be made in accordance with NVIC 2-79.
ii. Overcurrent and short circuit protection must be
provided for primary and secondary windings and feeder
cables in accordance with the National Electrical Code
(NEC) Article 450. The turns ratio should be considered
in calculating full load currents.
iii. Secondary circuits should be provided with a ground
detection circuit (see 46 CFR 111.05-21).
iv. Secondary circuit neutral conductors should be grounded.
v. Auto transformers are not to be used for power and
lighting circuits.
(c) Power And Lighting transformer Check-off List
i. Suitable construction.
ii. Secondary provided ground detection.
iii. Secondary neutral grounded (as applicable).
iv. Overcurrent protection provided and limits currents as
per NEC Article 450.
v. Connections to aluminum wound transformers made in
accordance with NVIC 2-79 if factory-installed
terminations are not suitable for connecting to copper
(5) Semiconductor Controlled Rectifiers (SCR)
(a) References
i. 46 CFR 111.33.
CH-3 3-22
3.B.2.b(5)(a) ii. ABS Rules For Building And Classing Steel Vessels, Part
IV Ch 8.
(b) SCR System Check-Off List
i. Meets the requirements of 46 CFR 111.33, and for a
switchboard and/or electric propulsion installation, 46
CFR 111.30.
ii. Name plate data.
iii. Heat removal system.
iv. Cooling.
v. Immersed type with non-flammable liquid and no leakage
with vessel inclined.
vi. Located away from heat sources.
vii. Temperature rating and operating range.
viii. Unrestricted air circulation if naturally cooled.
ix. Inlet air temperature within design limits.
x. Loss of cooling shutdown.
xi. Inlet cooling water temperature.
xii. Watertight or dripproof rectifier stack.
xiii. Vent exhaust does not terminate in a hazardous area.
xiv. Vent exhaust does not impinge on electrical equipment in
xv. High temperature alarm or shutdown.
xvi. SCR propulsion systems:
a. Meet ABS Sections 4-8-5/5.17.9 and 4-8-5/5.17.10.
b. Current and current rate limiting circuit.
c. Overcurrent protection.
d. High temperature alarm set below shutdown
e. Internal overcurrent device coordination.
f. Blown fuse detection system.
g. In dry place.
3-23 CH-3
3.B.2.b(5)(b) xvii. SCR motor control:
a. Overspeed trip; loss of field (shunt).
b. Shunt motor field excitation interlock.
(6) Electrical Installations In Hazardous Locations
(a) Tables and Diagrams
i. NEC Table 500-8(b) – Temperature Markings (Figure 3-5).
ii. Tankship and Tank Barge Weather Deck Criteria (Figure 3-
iii. Specified Hazardous Locations (Figure 3-7).
iv. Summary of Minimum Requirements for Carriage of Bulk
Dangerous Cargoes on Unmanned Tank Barges (Figure 3-8).
v. Recommended Plan Review Checkoff for Hazardous Locations
(Figure 3-9).
NEC ART. 500 – TABLE 500-8(b)
450 842 T 1
300 572 T 2
280 536 T 2 A
260 500 T 2 B
230 446 T 2 C
215 419 T 2 D
200 392 T 3
180 356 T 3 A
165 329 T 3 B
160 320 T 3 C
135 275 T 4
120 248 T 4 A
100 212 T 5 *
85 185 T 6 *
Marking shall not exceed auto ignition temp. of the
atmosphere encountered.
* Non-heat producing equipment, and that with a temp.
of 100
C or less, need not be marked.
CH-3 3-24
Grades A-D: See 46 CFR 111.105-31(1)
10-foot rule: Equipment in cross-hatched areas must be explosion proof,
watertight Class 1, Division 1
3-25 CH-3
DIV. 1 DIV. 2
* These areas are considered more hazardous than Class I, Division 1 and therefore
carry specific requirements in 46 CFR 111.105-29, 111.105-31, and 111.105-32.
CH-3 3-26
3-27 CH-3
1. Has sufficient information been provided
______(a) Hazardous cargoes;
______(b) An arrangement plan identifying hazardous and non-hazardous areas, cargo
system or hazards, electrical equipment type and locations;
______(c) A complete and detailed Bill of Materials;
______(d) Elementary and one—line wiring diagrams, showing all wiring;
______(e) Electrical installation details;
______(f) UL listings, UL service guide letters, Factory Mutual (FM) test reports,
Canadian Standards Association (CSA), or other independent test
laboratory listings for IS and explosionproof (EP) systems/equipment;
______(g) Maximum temperature of electrical in hazardous areas.
2. Identify hazardous characteristics
______(a) Class and group;
______(b) Flashpoint and grade;
______(c) Minimum ignition temperatures; and
______(d) Special requirements, including material compatibility.
3. Confirm boundaries of hazardous locations and suitability of equipment
4. Confirm that the installation meets
______(a) Subchapter J;
______(b) Intended application by UL, FM, CSA, or other independent test
______(c) Specific requirements for the cargo/material; and
______(d) General considerations of this guide.
CH-3 3-28
3.B.2.b(6) (b) References
i. NVIC 9-84 (Electrical Installations in Agricultural Dust
ii. 46 CFR 111.60 (Wiring Materials and Methods).
iii. 46 CFR 111.105 (Hazardous Locations).
iv. 46 CFR 32.45 (Electrical Installation, Tank Vessels).
v. 46 CFR 38.15-15 (Electrical Installation, Liquefied
Flammable Gas (LFG) Tank Vessels).
vi. 46 CFR Table 151.05 (Summary of Minimum Requirements,
Bulk Dangerous Cargoes).
vii. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (NEC) Art. 500-503.
viii. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 496, "Purged
and Pressurized Enclosures for Equipment."
ix. Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water,
COMDTINST M16616.6 (series).
x. NFPA 493, "Intrinsically Safe Process Control Equipment.
xi. Instrument Society of America (ISA) Recommended Practice
12.6 – Installation of intrinsically Safe Instrument
xii. 46 CFR 111.15-5.
xiii. NFPA 77, "Static Electricity."
xiv. Electrical Instruments in Hazardous Locations, Magison.
xv. Chemical Hazard Response Information System (CHRIS),
COMDTINST M16465.11 (series).
(c) General Requirements
i. 46 CFR 111.105 contains the requirements for electrical
equipment and wiring in locations where fire or explosion
hazards may exist. Electrical installations in these
locations require a form of construction and installation
that will ensure safe performance under conditions of
proper use and maintenance. In these locations, it is
necessary to exercise more than ordinary care with regard
to the installation and maintenance of equipment and
wiring. The primary objective in design is to minimize
the amount of electrical equipment installed in hazardous
ii. Through the exercise of ingenuity in the layout of
3-29 CH-3
3.B.2.b(6)(c) ii. (cont’d) electrical installations for hazardous
locations, it is frequently possible to locate much of
the equipment in less hazardous or in non-hazardous
locations and thus reduce the amount of special equipment
and installations required. [NOTE: This guidance
addresses the requirements for tank vessels, specified
hazardous cargoes, and specified hazardous areas. A
discussion of this topic, basic requirements for plan
review, and an list of references have been provided.]
(d) Classifications
i. Introduction
. Locations are classified depending on the
properties of the flammable vapors, liquids, gases, or
combustible dusts or fibers that may be present and the
likelihood that a flammable or combustible concentration
or quantity is present. Hazardous locations are
classified by class, group, and division. The explosion
characteristics of air mixtures of hazardous gases,
vapors, or dusts vary with the specific material
involved. Class I locations involve flammable gases or
vapors. Class II locations involve combustible dusts,
and Class III locations involve easily ignitable fibers
or flyings.
ii. Classifying Air Mixtures
. For purposes of testing and
approval, various air mixtures have been grouped on the
basis of three hazardous characteristics. For Class I
locations, Groups A, B, C, and D, the classification
involves determination of maximum explosion pressure,
maximum safe clearance between parts of a clamped joint
in an enclosure, and the minimum ignition temperature of
the atmospheric mixture. For Class II locations, Groups
E and G, the classification involves the tightness of
the joints of assembly and shaft openings for preventing
entrance of dust in the dust/ignitionproof enclosure,
the blanketing effect of layers of dust on the equipment
that may cause overheating, electrical conductivity of
the dust and the ignition temperature of the dust. It is
necessary that equipment be approved not only for the
class, but also for the specific group of the gas,
vapor, or dust that will be present. Specific vapors may
be identified by reference to the NEC, CHRIS, and the
Chemical Data Guide.
iii. Classifying Hazardous Locations
. Hazardous locations
are further classified according to the probability that
a hazardous situation exists. Division 1 locations have
a higher probability than Division 2 locations. Certain
locations, such as cargo handling rooms, are considered
to have a still higher probability of a hazardous
situation than a Division 1 location. Additional
restrictions have been placed on electrical
installations in those areas.
CH-3 3-30
3.B.2.b(6)(d) iv. Classifying Hazardous Liquids
. Flammable and combustible
liquid cargoes may be further classified according to
their vapor pressure and flashpoint (fp). It should be
noted that these liquids may be assigned a Class, a
Group, and a Grade. In cases when requirements differ,
the most conservative requirements should be applied.
Each compartment or area should be considered
individually in determining its classification. If
several different hazardous atmospheres may be present,
the most hazardous is to be considered to exist.
Hazardous locations and/or permissible equipment for the
particular location are described in Title 46, CFR as
noted below:
a. Combustible liquid cargo carriers 111.105-29
(fp of 60
C or higher)
b. Flammable or combustible cargo 111.105-31
With a fp below 60
C, liquid Sulfur
and inorganic acid carriers
c. Bulk liquefied gas and ammonia carriers 111.105-32
d. Mobile offshore drilling units (MODU's) 111.105-33
e. Vessels carrying coal 111.105-35
f. Flammable anesthetics 111.105-37
g. Gasoline or other highly volatile 111.105-39
motor fuel carried in vehicles
h. Battery rooms 111.105-41
i. Paint stowage or mixing spaces 111.105-43
(e) Equipment
. Specific requirements for electrical equipment in
hazardous locations are contained in 46 CFR 111.105. In that
subpart, certain equipment is required to be listed by
Underwriters Laboratory, Inc. (UL), Factory Mutual research
Corporation (FM), Canadian Standards Association (CSA), or
another independent laboratory recognized by the Commandant.
(f) General Considerations
. The following guidance clarifies the
referenced regulations and codes:
i. 46 CFR 38.15-15 And 111.105-32
. Requirements for
Liquefied Flammable Gas (LFG) installations.
ii. 46 CFR 111.60-5(b)
. Cable must not be located in any
tanks except to supply equipment or instruments
specifically designed for and compatible with such
location, and whose function require its installation in
3-31 CH-3
3.B.2.b(6)(f) ii. (cont’d) the tank. The cable must be compatible with
the liquid or gas in the tank or be protected by an
iii. 46 CFR 111.105-7
a. Purged and pressurized systems in accordance with
NFPA 496 may also be used where explosionproof
installations are required.
b. A list of recognized testing laboratories for both
explosionproof and IS approvals is posted at
iv. 46 CFR 111.105-11
. Intrinsically Safe systems may be
used anywhere explosionproof equipment may be used, but
the converse is not necessarily true.
v. 46 CFR 111.105-27
. Belt drives are acceptable if belt
is conductive and grounding is in accordance with NFPA
vi. 46 CFR 111.105-31
. See specified Hazardous Locations
Table for specific areas.
vii. 46 CFR 111.105-31(b)
. Note cable locations.
viii. 46 CFR 111.105-31(l)
a. Ten foot rule also applies to tank barges. All
equipment within area is to meet Class I, Division
1 requirements. See Figure 3-6.
b. Cargo block rule, ten foot rule, and eight foot
rule for exposed cargo containment systems apply.
All equipment in these areas shall be Class I,
Division 1. See Figure 3-6.
ix. NEC 500-1
. Minimize electrical equipment in hazardous
x. NEC 500-2 And 46 CFR Table 151.05
. See table for most
recent class and group designations.
xi. NEC 501-3(b)(1)
. Division 2 switching mechanisms must
either be in an explosionproof enclosure, or contacts
are to be in oil immersion or hermetically sealed
chamber with a non-explosionproof enclosure with vent
and flame screen. Maximum temperature 80% minimum
ignition temperature. General purpose enclosures are
allowed for meters, instruments, etc., where the
available energy is not sufficient for ignition.
Requires specific approval.
xii. NEC 502
. Primary factors to be eliminated with dusts
are the admission of dust into the enclosure, heat of
ignition due to dust buildup and insulating
CH-3 3-32
3.B.2.b(6)(f) xii. (cont’d) characteristics, and conductive dust-forming
current paths.
xiii. Temperature Rating
. The temperature rating of all
equipment shall not exceed the minimum ignition
temperature of the hazardous material. In the past, this
temperature was believed to be correlated to the other
factors tested in determining groups. In 1971, tests
showed there is no predictable correlation, and minimum
ignition temperature should be treated individually, in
addition to Class and Group. Minimum ignition
temperatures can be found in the Chemical Data Guide.
xiv. Division 1 Equipment
. Division 1 equipment is
satisfactory for Division 2 applications of the same
Class and Group.
xv. Electric Oil Immersion Heaters
. See 46 CFR 111.85.
xvi. Vent Ducts
. Vent ducts shall be the same classification
as the space they serve. Vent fans shall be non-
sparking. Vent fan motors shall be approved for the
locations, or located outside the duct, 10 feet from
duct termination, in a non-hazardous area.
(g) Intrinsically Safe (IS) Systems
. The following guidance
clarifies the applicable regulations:
i. IS systems limit the energy available to the hazardous
location by limiting the voltage and current available
under normal and fault conditions.
ii. IS systems may be used in any hazardous location but
must be approved for the application.
iii. IS systems must be UL, FM, CSA, or other independent
test laboratory, recognized by Commandant (G-MSE-3),
tested and approved for the intended application, and
each component shall be labeled to identify the
component, the testing laboratory, and its intended
iv. IS systems can only be accepted as whole units by the
MSC. Field inspection offices check that the system is
applied as intended and that the installation meets the
applicable Coast Guard installation requirements.
Switching and other devices that do not store energy can
be approved when properly applied with approved IS
v. All cables for use in IS installations must meet the
standards of 46 CFR 111.105-11.
vi. Installation requirements:
3-33 CH-3
3.B.2.b(6)(g)vi a. IS equipment in weather locations must be made
b. Cable insulation must be appropriate for the
hazardous atmosphere (non-reactive).
c. As a general rule, conductors should be no smaller
than #18.
d. IS conductors must be isolated from others to
prevent compromise due to induction or insulation
e. At a termination, IS circuits must be isolated from
other IS circuits, other low-energy level circuits,
and all power circuits.
f. All IS circuits and cables are to be provided
positive mechanical isolation from all power
g. More than one IS circuit of the same system may be
run in single multiconductor cable (see ISA RP
12.6, Section 6.7).
h. IS cables shall carry only IS conductors.
i. Each IS cable must be shielded, 2 inches from non-
IS cables, or be partitioned by a grounded metal
barrier from other non-IS cables.
(h) Explosionproof (EP) Equipment
. The following guidance
clarifies the applicable regulations:
i. EP equipment shall be specifically tested and approved
for Class I applications by UL, FM, CSA, or other
independent test laboratories, and labeled as such.
ii. All components of an "EP" installation must be EP and
specified as such by the laboratory. These include
enclosure, seal fitting, plugs, drains, seal compound,
fiber dam or plug, seal housing, etc.
iii. Factory-sealed EP equipment must have a seal fitting
within 18 inches of the enclosure for each cable.
iv. If two EP enclosures are less than 36 inches apart and
connected, only one seal is necessary in the conduit
between them.
v. EP equipment in weather locations shall be made
watertight or waterproof. EP equipment is not usually
watertight. Care should be taken in making them
watertight that any gasket, etc., does not interfere
with the flame-quenching surfaces and that gaskets are
external to these surfaces (see Electrical Instruments
in Hazardous Locations).
CH-3 3-34
3.B.2.b(6)(h) vi. EP equipment is not vaportight. Conversely, vaportight
equipment is not EP, due to pressure and temperature
vii. See NEC 500 and Figure 3-5 for temperature ratings.
viii. Mineral Insulated (MI) cables require special EP
terminal fittings, approved for the application.
ix. Special care should be taken with regard to requirements
for EP enclosures as opposed to EP assemblies.
x. Alterations to EP equipment may void its explosionproof
capabilities. EP enclosures are approved for certain
applications, such as the installation of terminal
strips, relays, etc., and may be internally modified to
meet these intended applications within the limits
specified in the approval. EP assemblies may not be
modified in any way. The following items are of concern
in modifications:
a. Major alteration to internal volumes and pressure
paths, affecting pressure dissipation due to
pressure piling;
b. Alteration of flame-quenching paths and surfaces;
c. Alteration of enclosure structural strength and
These alterations may differ from the configuration
as tested by UL, FM, CSA, or other approved
laboratories, and should be specifically reviewed.
(i) Purged And Pressurized (P & P) Systems
i. P & P systems pressurize the atmosphere within an
enclosure with a non-hazardous gas, thereby preventing
the hazardous atmosphere from coming in contact with
electrical equipment within the enclosure.
ii. P & P systems may be used in lieu of EP equipment for
all applications except cargo handling rooms, and the
system must meet the requirements of NFPA No. 496.
iii. P & P systems need not be approved by a testing
laboratory. The MSC may review and approve systems for
specific applications.
iv. P & P installations must meet 46 CFR 111.60
v. Special care should be taken to ensure that the
protective gas is from a non-hazardous source and cannot
be contaminated by a hazardous source.
3-35 CH-3
3.B.2.b(6)(i) vi. Exhaust fans may require interlocking with the supply
fans to prevent operation with the supply fans off.
vii. Vent fan operation should be monitored by airflow, not
motor operation.
viii. P & P test and maintenance procedures should be
(7) AC Motor Circuits
(a) Tables
i. 3-Phase, 208 VAC Branch Circuit Quick Reference Table
(Figure 3-10).
ii. 3-Phase, 460 VAC Branch Circuit Quick Reference Table
(Figure 3-11).
(b) Code Letters And Branch Circuit Protection
i. General
. The nameplate on a motor rated at 0.5
horsepower or larger must list its code letter (see 46
CFR 111.25-5 and NEC 430-7; this information is very
seldom available to the plan reviewer). Code letters are
listed alphabetically and represent the locked rotor
kilo volt amperes (KVA) per horsepower. The branch
circuit protective device chosen must be large enough to
allow sufficient time for the motor to start. Higher
code letters indicate greater locked rotor currents,
requiring larger protective devices. When starting a
motor with full voltage, the locked-rotor current does
not diminish until the motor is very nearly up to its
rated speed. Most motors used have code letters ranging
from "F" to "V." For these motors, the maximum rating or
setting of the branch circuit protective device, if a
fuse, is 300 percent of the motor full-load current; if
a circuit breaker, this value must not exceed 250
percent (see 46 CFR 111.70-1 and NEC Table 430-152). The
minimum value is not given but must be capable of
carrying the starting current of the motor (see
subparagraph 3.C.2.g.(3) and NEC 430-52). For vital
systems, however, a minimum of 200 percent full-load
current is recommended for motors having "F" to "V" code
letters, to ensure starting of the motors. The safety of
the vessel far outweighs the motor circuit protection in
any emergency situation. Use the trip setting values
listed in the Quick Reference tables (Figure 3-10 or 3-
11), Columns I or J as applicable, to check all motors
having code letters "F" through "V."
ii. Motor Running Protection
. Running protection for most
motor applications is provided by circuit overload
elements that take longer to operate but may be set
closer to the recommended overload value of 115 percent
of the motor's full-load current. The size of the device
chosen must be determined from the actual nameplate
CH-3 3-36
3.B.2.b(7)(b) ii. (cont’d) full-load current rating. This information is
not available to the plan reviewer and sometimes even
the design engineer. The marine inspector should
compare the overloads used against the actual nameplate
data to ensure that they do not exceed the 115 percent
recommended value. Use the values listed in Columns "C"
and "D" of Quick-Reference Tables (Figure 3-10 or 3-
11), to check the maximum value to be specified for
running protection. For additional methods, refer to
NEC 430-C.
iii. Motor Controllers Or “Starters”
a. These devices are used to manually or automatically
start electric motors from a local or remote
location. Motor controllers basically consist of a
relay or "contactor," which is used to connect the
motor to the AC line by a pushbutton switch, liquid
level switch, pressure switch, temperature switch,
etc. The two types of controllers used are "low
voltage release" (LVR) and "low voltage protection"
(LVP). Both types can be identical controllers, but
their electrical circuits will vary.
b. LVR controllers are required for vital systems to
ensure that the equipment will re-start following a
loss of power or reduction in voltage below the
"drop-out" value of the operating coil. These
starters are usually energized by contacts that
must remain closed for the contactor to stay
c. LVP controllers are activated by "momentary"
contacts, such as a pushbutton. When the button is
depressed, the starter is energized as above, but
an additional "auxiliary" normally open contact
furnished as part of the controller closes when the
"starter" main contacts close. This contact is
wired in parallel with the pushbutton and takes its
place when the button is released, thus keeping the
controller energized or "sealed-in." Should a
momentary loss of power and accompanying drop in
voltage occur, the starter coil will release all
its main and auxiliary contacts and will not re-
start following a power outage until the momentary
pushbutton contact is again depressed.
d. The above discussion has been limited to the most
commonly used method of starting electric motors on
marine vessels; that is, by using the same AC
source that powers the motor to energize its
controller. In certain special applications, AC
motor starters could be energized with DC or
separate AC sources. Motor controllers are
furnished with the thermal overload elements
mentioned above. These elements are used to open
3-37 CH-3
3.B.2.b(7)(b)iii d. (cont’d) (or close) contacts which are used either
in the control circuit or to provide an overload
alarm to another circuit. Some of these elements
are adjustable; most often the non-adjustable type
is specified. Most motors are stopped by contacts
when an overload occurs to vital systems, such as
steering, these devices are used only to signal the
overload condition in a separate circuit.
iv. Disconnecting Means
. Motor controllers are required
with a disconnecting device mounted within the same
enclosure. The disconnecting means must disconnect both
the motor and controller from all supply conductors (see
NEC 430 part IX).
v. Reference Tables
HP FLA Running Prot. Starter Discon- Max. Prot. Device
115% FLA.
Size nect Full Volt Start
Non- Size Code B-E Code F-V
C.B. Fuse C.B. Fuse
200% 250% 250% 300%
.25 1.23 1.41 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.33 1.48 1.7 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.5 2.0 2.3 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
.75 2.8 3.22 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
1 3.6 4.14 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
1.5 5.7 6.56 8 00 30 15 15 15 15
2 7.8 8.97 10 0 30 20 20 20 20
3 10 11.5 12 0 30 20 30 30 30
5 17 19.6 20 1 60 35 40 50 60
7.5 24 27.6 30 1 60/100 50 50 70 80
10 31 35.7 40 2 100 70 70 90 100
15 46 52.9 60 3 100/200 100 100 125 150
20 59 67.9 70 3 200 125 125 150 200
25 75 86.3 100 3 200/400 175 175 200 250
30 88 101 110 3 200/400 200 200 125 300
40 114 131 150 4 400 250 250 300 350
50 143 164 200 4 400/600 300 300 400 450
60 170 196 225 5 400/600 350 350 500 500
75 212 243 250 5 600 500 500 600
100 273 314 350 5 600 600 600
125 343 394 450 6
150 396 455 500 6
200 528 607 800 6
CH-3 3-38
FIGURE 3-10 (cont’d)
AWG (IEEE 45, 50
C) TSGA – ( )
E,X AVS 40
C 50
.25 1.54 14 14 14 4 4
.33 1.85 14 14 14 4 4
.5 2.51 14 14 14 4 4
.75 3.5 14 14 14 4 4
1 4.5 14 14 14 4 4
1.5 7.13 14 14 14 4 4
2 9.75 14 14 14 4 4
3 12.5 14 14 14 4 4
5 21.3 12 14 14 9 9
7.5 30.0 10 10 12 9 9
10 38.8 7 8 10 9 14
15 57.5 5 6 7 23 23
20 73.8 3 4 5 30 30
25 93.8 1 2 3 40 50
30 110.0 1/0 1 2 50 60
40 142.5 3/0 2/0 1/0 75 100
50 178.8 4/0 3/0 2/0 125 125
60 212.5 300 250 4/0 150 150
75 265.0 400 350 250 200 250
100 341.3 600 500 400 300 400
125 428.8 400
150 495.0
200 660.0
3-39 CH-3
FLA Running Prot. Starter Discon- Max. Prot. Device
115% FLA
Size nect Full Volt Start _
Non- Size Code B-E Code F-V
C.B. Fuse C.B. Fuse
200% 250% 300%
.5 1 1.15 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.75 1.4 1.61 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
1 1.8 2.07 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
1.5 2.6 2.99 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
2 3.4 3.91 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
3 4.8 5.52 6 0 30 15 15 15 15
5 7.6 8.74 10 0 30 20 20 20 25
7.5 11 12.65 15 1 30/60 25 30 30 35
10 14 16.1 20 1 30/60 30 35 35 45
15 21 24.15 25 2 60/100 45 60 60 70
20 27 31.05 35 2 60/100 60 70 70 90
25 34 39.1 40 2 100/200 70 90 90 110
30 40 46 50 3 100/200 90 100 100 125
40 52 59 60 3 200 125 150 150 175
50 65 74.75 80 3 200 150 175 175 200
60 77 88.55 90 4 200/400 175 200 200 250
75 96 110.4 125 4 400 200 250 250 300
100 124 142.6 150 4 400 250 350 350 400
125 156 179.4 200 5 400/600 350 400 400 500
150 180 207 225 5 600 400 450 450 600
200 240 276 300 5 600 500 600 600
CH-3 3-40
FIGURE 3-11 (cont’d)
AWG (IEEE 45, 50
C) _ TSGA –( )
E,X AVS 40
C 50
.5 1.25 14 14 14 4 4
.75 1.75 14 14 14 4 4
1 2.25 14 14 14 4 4
1.5 3.25 14 14 14 4 4
2 4.25 14 14 14 4 4
3 6 14 14 14 4 4
5 9.5 14 14 14 4 4
7.5 13.75 14 14 14 4 4
10 17.5 14 14 14 4 9
15 26.25 10 10 12 9 9
20 33.75 8 10 10 9 9
25 42.5 7 8 8 14 14
30 50 6 7 7 14 23
40 65 4 5 6 23 23
50 81.25 2 3 4 30 40
60 96.25 1 2 3 40 50
75 120 2/0 1/0 1 60 75
100 155 3/0 2/0 1/0 100 100
125 195 250 4/0 3/0 125 150
150 225 300 250 4/0 150 200
200 300 500 400 300 250 300
(c) Examples of 3-Phase AC Motor Circuits
. Use Quick-Reference
Columns, Figure 3-10:
i. Example No. 1
. Single motor, 25 horsepower, 460V, code
letter J, full voltage start, non-vital, non-adjustable
overloads, branch circuit protected by circuit breaker,
Type T, IEEE 45 Cable, in 50
C ambient temperature
From Quick-Reference Columns, Figure 3-11
D - Standard overload size nearest 115 percent full
load; current is 40 amperes.
E - Starter size is 2.
F - If a disconnect is used near the motor, a 100 ampere
size is sufficient, provided it is not fused above 100
amperes (if fusible). If part of a combination starter,
the complete unit must be rated to handle the 25-
horsepower motor.
3-41 CH-3
3.B.2.b(7)(c) i. (cont’d) I - The maximum standard size for the branch
circuit protective device is a 90 ampere breaker.
K - The cable used to power the motor must be rated for
at least 42.5 amperes. For Type T cable in a 50
ambient location Type T-7 is required.
ii. Example No. 2
. A 460 volt Motor Control Center (MCC)
supplying one 30 HP, one 15 HP, and two 5 HP motors in
C ambient space. The 5 HP motors are steering
systems pumps. All are full-voltage starting; the 30 HP
motor starter has adjustable overloads. The unit has
branch circuit protection with circuit breakers. Navy-
type cable TSGA is used. First get data for each motor
load; assume code letters F-V.
From Quick-Reference Columns, Figure 3-11
Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. E Col. F Col. I Col. K Col. P
Std. Max.
Adj. Disc. Branch
Full Over Start- Size, Circ. 50
Horse- Load Load er If Bkr. 125% TSGA-( )
Power Amps Size Size Used (250%) F.L.A.________
30 40 46 3 100 100 50 23
15 21 24.2 2 60 60 26.3 9
_5 7.6 8.7 0 30 N/A 9.5 4___
Bus or cable in MCC must be sized for 125 percent of the
largest plus 100 percent of the remaining motor full
load currents, 50 + 21 + 7.6 = 86.2 amperes. If the MCC
has spare sections, allowance shall be made for future
growth. Breaker protecting entire MCC must not be
larger than 100+21+7.6+7.6 or 136.2 amperes.
A 125 amp circuit breaker would be adequate.
The 5 HP steering pump motors should be protected with
circuit breakers having adjustable, instantaneous
(magnetic) type tripping only. These breakers must be
set to open the motor circuit at 175 to 200 percent of
the locked rotor current. From subparagraph 3.C.2.h
below, these settings should be 79 to 90 amperes.
(8) Tables, Diagrams, And Formulas
(a) NEMA Enclosures.
General Purpose, Indoor Personnel and Falling Dirt
2 Drip-proof, Indoor Personnel, Dirt, Non-Corrosive
Falling Liquids
3 Dust- and Raintight, Sleet- Personnel, Outdoor Windblown
and Ice-Resistant, Outdoor Dirt and Water
3R Rainproof, Sleet and Ice Personnel, Self-Explanatory
CH-3 3-42
3.B.2.b(8)(a) (cont'd)
3S Dusttight, Raintight, Sleet- Personnel, Self-Explanatory
and Ice-Proof, Outdoor
4 Watertight and Dusttight, Personnel, Falling and
Indoor and Outdoor Dirt and Water, Sleet-
4X Watertight, Dusttight, Corro- Resistant, Personnel,
sion-Resistant, Indoor and Self-Explanatory
70 Submersible, Watertight, Personnel, Self-Explanatory
Dusttight, Sleet- and Ice-
Resistant, Indoor and Outdoor
7 Class I, Groups A – D Hazardous Locations, Indoor
Air Break
8 Class I, Groups A – D Hazardous Locations, Indoor
9 Class II, Groups E – G Hazardous Locations, Indoor
Air Break
10 Bureau of Mines
11 Corrosion-Resistant and Drip- Corrosive Liquids
proof, Oil-Immersed, Indoor
12 Industrial Use, Dusttight and Dirt and Non-Corrosive
Driptight, Indoor Liquids Dripping
13 Oiltight and Dusttight, Self-Explanatory
(b) Common Abbreviations.
a amperes
AC alternating current
Al aluminum
alt alteration
amb ambient
AVC asbestos-varnished, cambric-insulated cable
AWG American Wire Gage
bhd bulkhead-mounted
B/M bill of material
C degrees Centigrade
chg change
Class I, Class II, etc. (see NEC 500)
cond conductor
corr corrosive
CSA Canadian Standards Association
Cu copper
Cu in cubic inches
cy cycles
DC direct current
D/G Diesel generator
dp double pole
dp dripproof
dpdt double pole, double throw
dpst double pole, single throw
dwg drawing
EP explosionproof
F degrees Fahrenheit
fig figure
3-43 CH-3
3.B.2.b(8)(b) (cont'd)
FM Factory Mutual
gnd ground
Group A, Group B, etc. (see NEC 500)
haz hazardous
HP horsepower
IC interrupting current
incand incandescent
incl inclusive
inst instantaneous
IS intrinsically safe
KVA kilo volt amperes
KW kilowatt
L.C.L. light center length
LVP low voltage protection
LVR low voltage release
max. maximum
M.I. mineral insulated, metal sheathed
min minimum
mod model
mtg mounting
NEC National Electrical Code
nwt non-watertight
p pole
ped pedestal
pend pendant
PF power factor
ph phase
port portable
psi pounds per square inch
pt point
PYRO pyrometer
R rubber-insulated cable
refl reflector
rev revision
SCR semiconductor controlled rectifier
sp single pole
spdt single pole, double throw
S.P. Phone sound-powered phone
SS ship service
SWBD switchboard
sym symbol
T thermoplastic insulated cable
term terminal
Temp temperature
T/G turbine generator
UL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
uv under voltage
v volts
VC varnished cambric-insulated
w watts or wire
wt watertight
w/ with
# catalog number(s)
& and
@ at
CH-3 3-44
3.B.2.b(8) (c) NEMA AC General Purpose, Class A Full Voltage Controllers,
Single-Speed Squirrel Cage Motors
00 9 1.5 1.5 2 11
0 18 3 3 5 21
1 27 7.5 7.5 10 32
2 45 10 15 25 52
3 90 25 30 50 104
4 135 40 50 100 156
5 270 75 100 200 311
6 540 150 200 400 621
7 810 300 600 932
0 18 1.5 1.5 2 21
1 27 3 3 5 32
2 45 7.5 10 15 52
3 90 15 20 30 104
4 135 25 30 60 156
5 270 60 75 150 311
6 540 125 150 300 621
NOTE: From NEMA ICS 2-321 B
(d) Motor Conversion Formulas
TO FIND DC AC-Single Phase AC 3 Phase
AMPS when HP x 746
HP x 746 HP x 746________
HP is known Volts x Eff Volts x Eff x PF Volts x 1.73 x Eff x PF
AMPS when KW x 1000
KW x 1000 KW x 1000_____
KW is known Volts Volts x PF Volts x 1.73 x PF
AMPS when KVA x 1000
KVA x 1000
KVA is known Volts Volts x 1.73
Kilowatts AMPS x Volts
AMPS x Volts x PF AMPS x Volts x 1.73 x PF
KW 1000 1000 1000
KVA AMPS x Volts AMPS x Volts x 1.73
Power Factor KW/KVA KW/KVA
HP Output AMPS x Volts x Eff
AMPS x Volts x Eff x PF
746 746
AMPS x Volts x 1.73 x Eff x PF
3-45 CH-3
3.B.2.b(8)(d) (cont'd)
NOTES: (1) Power factor and Efficiency should be expresses in
(2) If Power Factor is not given, assume 0.8
(3) If Efficiency is not given, assume 0.8
(e) Single Phase Motor: Approximate Load Current
HP 115V HP 115V
.33 7.2 2 24.0
.5 9.8 3 34.0
.75 13.8 5 56.0
1.0 16.0 7.5 80.0
1.5 20.0 10 100.0
NOTES: (1) Values are for motors of normal speed and
(2) For additional values, see NEC table 430-148.
(3) For other KW ratings, voltages, and power
AMPS = KW x 1000_____
1.732 x Volts x PF
(f) Motor Locked Rotor Current
Max. 115VAC 1 Phase
208VAC 3 Phase 230VAC 3 Phase 460VAC 3 Phase
175% 200% 100% 175% 200% 100% 175% 200% 100% 175% 200%
2 144 252 288 43 75 86 39 68 78 20 35 40
3 204 357 408 59 103 118 54 95 108 27 47 54
5 336 588 672 99 173 198 90 158 180 45 79 90
7.5 480 840 960 145 254 290 132 231 264 66 116 132
10 600 1050 1200 178 312 356 162 284 324 84 147 168
15 264 462 528 240 420 480 120 210 240
20 343 599 686 312 546 624 156 273 312
25 422 739 844 384 672 768 192 336 384
30 515 901 1030 468 819 936 234 410 468
40 686 1201 1372 624 1092 1248 312 546 624
50 825 1444 1650 750 1313 1500 378 662 756
75 1221 2137 2442 110 1943 2220 558 977 1116
100 1624 2874 3248 1476 2583 2952 738 1292 1476
NOTES: (1) These values are to be used only if motor code
letter is not provided.
(2) Values above calculated from NEC Tables 430-150,
(3) If motor nameplate code letter is provided, the
following applies:
CH-3 3-46
3.B.2.b(8)(f) (cont'd)
(a) See NEC Table 430-7(b) for code letter
KVA/HP; and
(b) Locked rotor current, IL:
3-Phase motors IL = HP x (KVA/HP) x 1000
1.73 x Volts
3-Phase motors IL = 577 x HP x (KVA/HP)
1-Phase motors IL = HP x (KVA/HP) x 1000
(g) Continuous-Duty, 3-Phase Motor Approximate F.L.A.
Squirrel Cage Wound Rotor
220V 440V 208V 220V 440V
.5 2.1 1.9 .95 1.0
1 3.7 3.4 1.7 5.9 5.4 2.7
1.5 5.5 5.0 2.5 7.5 6.8 3.4
2.0 6.9 6.3 3.1 8.8 8.0 4.0
2.5 8.4 7.6 3.8 9.7 8.8 4.4
3.0 9.9 9.0 4.5 11.5 10.5 5.3
5.0 16.0 14.5 7.2 17.6 16.0 8.0
6.0 18.9 17.2 8.6 19.8 18.0 9.0
7.5 23 21 10.5 25.3 23 11.5
9.0 27.3 24.8 12.4 28.6 26 13
10 28.6 26 13.5 31.9 29 14.5
20 57.2 52 26 59 54 27
25 71.5 65 32 75 68 34
30 86 78 39 88 80 40
35 101 92 46 103 94 47
40 112 102 51 114 104 52
45 128 116 58 128 116 58
50 139 126 63 141 128 64
60 167 152 76 169 154 77
75 207 188 94 207 188 94
100 275 250 125 275 250 125
125 341 310 155 341 310 155
150 407 370 185 407 370 185
200 539 490 245 539 490 245
NOTES: (1) To be used in lieu of nameplate data (see NEC 430-
(2) Not to be used to size motor running overloads; use
nameplate data.
(3) For multi-speed, low speed, special motors, use
nameplate data.
(4) For additional information, see NEC Table 430-150.
(5) Range: 220V 220-240VAC
440V 440-480VAC
3-47 CH-3
3.B.2.b(8) (h) Miscellaneous Tables
SIZE (inches)
3/4 x 1/8 250 250
1 x 1/8 330 330
1-1/2x 1/8 500 500
1-1/2x 3/16 580 570
2 x 3/16 760 745
1 x 1/4 490 480
1-1/2x 1/4 685 675
2 x 1/4 920 900
3 x 1/4 1380 1280
4 x 1/4 1730 1650
5 x 1/4 2125 2000
6 x 1/4 2475 2300
8 x 1/4 3175 2875
125V or Less 3/4 1/2 1/2
126V – 250V 1-1/4 3/4 1/2
251V – 600V 2 1 1
From NEC Table 384-26
up to #2 #8
#2 -- #0 #6
#0 -- 3/0 #4
3/0 -- 350 MCM #2
350 MCM -- 600 MCM #0
600 MCM -- 1100 MCM 2/0
greater than 1100 MCM 3/0
See 46 CFR 11.05-31(b).
CH-3 3-48
3.B.2.b(8) (i) Generator Continuous Full Load Ampere Ratings
3-PHASE 0.8 Power Factor
115% 115% 115% 115% 115% 115%
KVA 208V FLA 230V FLA 240V FLA 460V FLA 480V FLA 600V FLA
5.0 6.3 17.5 20 15.8 18 15.2 17 7.9 9 7.6 9 6.1 7
7.5 9.4 26.1 30 23.6 27 22.6 26 11.8 14 11.3 13 9.0 10
10.0 12.5 34.7 40 31.4 36 30.1 35 15.7 18 15.0 17 12.0 14
15.0 18.7 52.0 60 47.0 54 45.0 52 23.5 27 22.5 26 18.0 21
20.0 25.0 69.4 80 62.8 72 60.1 69 31.4 36 30.1 35 24.1 28
25.0 31.3 87.0 100 78.6 90 75.3 87 39.1 45 37.6 43 30.1 35
30.0 37.5 104.1 120 94.1 108 90.2 104 47.1 54 45.1 52 36.1 42
40.0 50.0 138.8 160 125.5 144 120.3 138 62.7 72 60.1 69 48.1 55
50.0 62.5 173.5 200 156.9 180 150.3 173 78.4 90 75.2 86 61.1 70
60.0 75.0 208.2 239 188.3 217 180.4 207 94.1 108 90.2 104 72.2 83
75.0 93.8 260.4 300 235.4 271 225.6 259 117.7 135 112.8 130 90.3 104
100.0 125.0 347.0 399 313.8 361 300.7 346 156.9 180 150.4 173 120.3 138
125.0 156.0 433.0 498 391.6 450 375.3 432 195.8 225 187.6 216 150.1 173
150.0 187.0 519.1 597 469.4 540 449.8 517 234.7 270 224.9 259 179.9 207
175.0 219.0 607.9 699 549.6 632 526.7 606 274.8 316 263.3 303 210.7 242
200.0 250.0 694.0 798 627.6 722 601.4 692 313.8 361 300.7 346 240.6 277
250.0 312.0 866.1 996 783.2 900 750.5 863 391.6 450 375.3 432 300.2 345
300.0 375.0 1040.1 1196 941.3 1082 902.1 1037 470.7 541 451.1 519 361.0 415
NOTES: (1) Generator cables shall be capable of carrying at
least 115 percent generator continuous F.L.A. (see 46
CFR 111.60-7).
(2) Generator circuit breaker long time overcurrent trip
shall not exceed 115 percent generator continuous
F.L.A. (see 46 CFR 111.12-11).
3-49 CH-3
3.B.2.b(8) (j) Transformer Full Load Currents
Voltage (Line to Line)
Rating 208
240 480 800 2400 4180
3 8.3 7.2 3.6 2.9 .72 .415
6 16.6 14.4 7.2 5.8 1.44 .83
9 25 21.6 10.8 8.7 2.16 1.25
15 41.6 36.0 18.0 14.4 3.6 2.1
30 83 72 36 29 7.2 4.15
45 125 108 54 43 10.8 5.25
75 208 180 90 72 18 10.4
100 278 241 120 96 24 13.9
150 416 360 180 144 36 20.8
225 625 542 271 217 54 31.2
300 830 720 360 290 72 41.5
500 1390 1200 600 480 120 69.4
750 2080 1800 900 720 180 104
1000 2775 2400 1200 960 240 139
1500 4150 3600 1800 1440 360 208
2000 5550 4800 2400 1930 480 277
2500 6950 6000 3000 2400 600 346
5000 13900 12000 8000 4800 1200 694
7500 20800 18000 9000 7200 1800 1040
10000 27750 24000 12000 9600 2400 1366
For other KVA Ratings or Voltages:
Amperes = KVA x 1000__
Volts x 1.732
CH-3 3-50
3.B.2.b(8)(j) (cont'd)
Rating 120
208 240 480 600 2400
1 8.34 4.8 4.16 2.08 1.67 .42
3 25 14.4 12.5 6.25 5.0 1.25
5 41.7 24.0 20.8 10.4 8.35 2.08
7.5 62.5 36.1 31.2 15.6 12.5 3.12
10 83.4 48 41.6 20.8 16.7 4.16
15 125 72 62.5 31.2 25.0 6.25
25 208 120 104 52 41.7 10.4
37.5 312 180 156 78 62.5 15.6
50 417 240 208 104 83.5 20.8
75 625 361 312 156 125 31.2
100 834 480 416 208 167 41.6
125 1042 800 520 260 208 52.0
167.5 1396 805 698 349 279 70.0
200 1666 960 833 416 333 83.3
250 2080 1200 1040 520 417 104
333 2776 1600 1388 694 555 139
500 4170 2400 2080 1040 836 208
For other KVA Ratings or Voltages:
Amperes = KVA x 1000
C. Equipment
1. Acceptable Equipment
a. Introduction
(1) Type Approvals
. The Coast Guard only grants type approvals for
the electrical, lifesaving and engineering equipment listed in 46
CFR, Subchapter Q. All other equipment is to meet the
requirements of the applicable subchapter. The determination as
to acceptability will be made through plan review and inspection
on an individual basis by the MSC or the OCMI, respectively.
Equipment that is required to meet a certain UL standard need not
be listed by UL, but must be constructed and inspected to that
standard. Equipment that is listed by UL should generally be
accepted as meeting this requirement without further review.
(2) FAQ
. Frequently Asked Questions:
(a) What equipment is supposed to be Coast Guard approved
? All
equipment installed on vessels subject to Coast Guard
inspection and certification is subject to some degree of
inspection and approval. Certain items are subject to
inspection and approval even when carried aboard vessels not
required to be inspected and certificated, such as fishing
vessels and yachts. The extent of inspection and the type of
approval varies with the requirements of laws and
3-51 CH-3
3.C.1.a(2) (a) (cont’d) regulations, as well as the hazards involved. In
judging the quality and suitability of equipment used on
vessels, the primary considerations are safety of the vessel,
safety of personnel, and performance of a safety function.
Various items of lifesaving, firefighting, pollution
prevention equipment, and miscellaneous equipment used aboard
inspected and uninspected vessels are required by statutes
and regulations to be of types that are "approved" by the
Coast Guard. To be an "approved" type, equipment must be
manufactured in accordance with standards published in Title
46 Code of Federal Regulations Subchapter Q, or when
specifically permitted by regulation, must comply with the
standards of a classification society that is recognized by
the Commandant. To this end, the manufacturer must submit
plans and specifications to the Coast Guard. The
manufacturer is also responsible for the necessary tests or
inspection of the device as required by regulations. Upon
its approval, the product must be labeled so that it can be
identified as approved equipment. The equipment is assigned
an individual approval or certification number. The Coast
Guard Internet site http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-m/mse/mse-
home.htm lists those equipment that require USCG approval.
(b) Why can't I get Coast Guard Approval for my equipment
? Coast
Guard approval is not a product endorsement. The Coast Guard
does not try to be a "consumer's bureau" for buyers, or a
"marketing promotion bureau" for manufacturers. Many
inventors and enterprising manufacturers have often tried to
get the Coast Guard to approve such things as man overboard
alarms, shark repellents, distress kites and balloons. The
inability to obtain Coast Guard approval for such devices
does not indicate that they are bad ideas, but only that
there are no Coast Guard regulations requiring them on any
vessel. The purpose of Coast Guard approval is not to
provide marketing assistance to manufacturers, but to provide
information to vessel owners concerning equipment that has
been found to meet the regulatory requirements.
(c) What does the Coast Guard Certificate of Approval mean
? The
certificate of approval is issued to the manufacturer of the
equipment and is normally valid for 5 years. The
manufacturer will often supply the consumer a copy of the
certificate to keep on board the vessel. The approval of the
item covered by the certificate is valid only so long as the
item is manufactured in conformance with the details of the
approved drawings, specifications, or other reference data.
No modification in the approved design, construction, or
materials is to be adopted until the Coast Guard has
presented the modification for consideration and confirmation
received that the proposed alteration is acceptable.
Equipment required meeting standards listed in 46 CFR 110.10-
1(b): Equipment required meeting standards found in 46 CFR
110.10-1(b) are usually certified by the manufacturer to be
in accordance with these standards. The manufacturer’s
marking on the item usually indicates compliance with the
CH-3 3-52
3.C.1.a(2) (c) (cont’d) The regulations sometimes require equipment to meet
UL Standards. For these items listing by UL is not required.
The UL Listing Mark on the equipment is the manufacturer's
representation that the completed product has been tested by
UL to a nationally recognized safety standard. Those items
that require certification from a nationally recognized
testing laboratory or require listing marks will have the
requirement specifically called out in the regulations.
b. Acceptance Standards
(1) General
. The standards that are referenced for electrical
systems and equipment are listed in 46 CFR 110.10-1. Except
where it is specified that equipment must be labeled in
accordance with an industry standard, only general compliance
with the standard is required. Equipment required to meet a UL
standard need not have a UL label, though some equipment requires
evidence of listing, such as fuses (46 CFR 111.53-1). Other
equipment is required to be tested to a specified standard by a
Coast Guard Accepted Independent Laboratory, for example
hazardous area equipment (46 CFR 111.105, list of accepted labs
available at: http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-m/mse/mse-home.htm
Certain equipment, such as lifesaving and firefighting systems,
is required to be formally approved in accordance with Subchapter
Q. An agreement between the United States of America (US) and
the European Community (EC) on mutual recognition of certificates
of conformity of marine equipment became effective on 01 July,
2004. This agreement allows reciprocal approvals to be given by
both the US and the EC for certain marine products where it has
been found that the approval process is identical or equivalent.
Complete information regarding this arrangement can be found in
the “Guide to Marine Equipment Approvals Covered by US-EC MRA”,
COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 8-04.
(2) Standards Updates
. The regulations reference many industry
standards. For the most part, these standards are dynamic and
ever-changing. The "official" referenced edition of an industry
standard is listed in the "Finding Aids section of the CFR.
Often, that edition may not be the latest edition of the
standard. This could create availability problems; where the
requirements of a standard have changed, and where manufacturers
have modified their equipment to meet the later version,
equipment may not be available that meets the referenced edition.
However, standard changes often respond to an identified problem
or hazard, and usually result in safer equipment. In most
instances, equipment constructed and tested in accordance with a
more recent edition of a referenced document can be accepted as
providing a level of safety equivalent to that provided by
equipment constructed and tested to the edition identified in the
(3) Equivalency
. One of the purposes of the Marine Inspection
Program is to provide passengers and crew on U.S. flag vessels
with an environment that has a level of safety comparable to that
ashore. In most domestic "land" installations, electrical
equipment is of U.S. manufacture and is listed by an independent
3-53 CH-3
3.C.1.b (3) (cont’d) electrical equipment certification agency acceptable to
the governing jurisdiction. In the majority of installations in
this country, the equipment is listed by Underwriters
Laboratories Inc. (UL). The existing Coast Guard Electrical
Engineering Regulations evolved from this situation. With the
movement of U.S. flag construction abroad, there has been an
influx of electrical equipment that is constructed to meet other
standards and that is listed by independent third party
certifying agencies similar to UL. Some equipment is built to
manufacturer's standards and is not third party certified. Both
of these types of equipment need to be evaluated for equivalence
to the standards referenced in the Electrical Engineering
Regulations before acceptance for installation.
The Electrical Engineering Regulations require many electrical
items to meet a specific UL Standard. For such items, listing by
UL is not required. While evidence of such listing may be the
most expeditious method to determine compliance, it is not the
only method. 46 CFR 110.25-1 calls for the submission of plans
and information to evaluate equipment required to meet a
referenced standard. Equipment may be accepted by having evidence
of listing, by manufacturer's certification, or by determining
the standard it does meet is equivalent to the referenced
(4) Manufacturer Certification
. Equipment required to meet an IEEE
or NEMA standard or a military specification (e.g. cable or
switchgear) is usually certified by the manufacturer to be in
accordance with the standard. Equipment manufactured in the U.S.
is usually designed to these standards, and it is not uncommon
for foreign equipment to be designed to these standards. The
manufacturer's marking on the item usually indicates compliance
with the standard. This is adequate to demonstrate compliance
with the regulations.
(5) Standards Comparisons
. More commonly, however, foreign equipment
is designed to foreign national and/or International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, and compliance with,
or equivalence to, the referenced document must be determined.
The usual starting point for an equivalency determination has
been the "line-by-line comparison" demonstrating that the
construction and testing of the particular equipment meets, or is
"equivalent" to, the referenced document.
(a) Standards Comparisons Guidelines
. Evaluation efforts must
involve the exercise of "good engineering judgment" to reduce
the burdens of line-by-line comparisons imposed on a case-by-
case basis. Although "good engineering judgment" is typically
"something someone didn't have when something happened that
shouldn't have," there are several basic guidelines that
recognize limited review resources and that are appropriate
in assessing electrical equipment equivalency:
i. The level of evaluation should be commensurate with the
level of risk imposed by the item. For example, an
outlet box is a relatively simple passive item,
CH-3 3-54
3.C.1.b(5)(a) i. (Cont’d ) providing protection and access to a few
simple components, while a circuit breaker is a complex
active device that is designed to operate at varying
times under both small overloads and large damaging
faults, providing system-wide protection. The evaluation
of a circuit breaker should be far more involved than
the review of an outlet box. This does not mean that
evaluation of an outlet box is not important; however,
the evaluator should not need to spend an inordinate
amount of time to obtain a reasonable level of
confidence that the equipment will perform in a safe
manner. The evaluator should ask some basic questions:
"What will happen if this equipment fails? Will someone
be shocked? Will it start a fire? Will a failure be
readily apparent during normal operations or will it be
hidden and gradually worsen? Does the system design
provide additional safety measures that mitigate the
effect of the failure? How likely is this failure?"
ii. The evaluator should have a reasonable level of
confidence in the equipment. Obtaining this level of
confidence with equivalencies often involves subjective
judgments concerning the manufacturer as well as
specific, technical determinations regarding the
hardware itself. A well-known manufacturer that has been
in business for an extended period, is a recognized
leader in his field, has contributed to the development
of industry standards, and has a solid reputation may
not need close scrutiny. On the other hand, a "newcomer"
to the equipment field or U.S. market place, or an
organization that is outside its primary business, such
as a shipyard that now decides to manufacture its own
panelboards and lighting fixtures just for a particular
vessel, may need a higher initial level of review to
obtain that same level of confidence.
iii. The evaluator should look for the safety intent in
referenced standards. Industry standards have evolved
over many years, and for the most part, represent a
national consensus by technical professionals of what is
required to ensure that electrical equipment is safe. It
is not easy to look at a standard, such as a UL standard
and identify those requirements that are not related to
safety. Nearly all requirements are safety related,
either directly, such as by ensuring adequate dielectric
strength or indirectly, such as by ensuring adequate
mechanical strength so the equipment can safely
withstand the rigors of installation and use. For
equipment built to another standard, the evaluator
should see if that standard adequately addresses the
concerns addressed by the referenced standard.
Equipment evaluators should use the above guidelines in
evaluating electrical equipment and in comparing it to
the requirements of a referenced standard. To facilitate
the review process, the following procedures may be
3-55 CH-3
3.C.1.b(5) (b) Standards Comparisons, Industry Standards
. For equipment
required to be constructed to an industry standard (domestic
or foreign) and either listed by a nationally recognized
(domestically or in the foreign nation) independent testing
laboratory or certified by the manufacturer to be in
compliance with the standard:
i. Manufacturer should submit evidence of listing (listing
number in bill of materials, copy of listing card or
documentation provided by the laboratory) or affidavit
of compliance. The documentation should identify the
specific construction and testing standard.
ii. Evaluators should establish that the foreign standard is
complete, applicable and comparable to the referenced
standard. (They may request a copy of the standard
and/or that a standards comparison be submitted). This
comparison may establish whether the overall level
safety provided by the foreign standard is comparable to
that provided by the referenced standard, including
applicable marine supplements.
iii. For specific items for which comparability has not been
established by comparing standards, such as would be the
case if the foreign standard was for "land type"
equipment and did not have requirements comparable to
those in the marine supplement of a referenced UL
standard, the manufacturer should submit documentation
demonstrating compliance with the supplement
iv. Once standard comparability has been established for
similar applications, no further comparisons need be
requested on subsequent submittals using the same
foreign standard. If the edition of either the
referenced standard, as identified in the Finding Aids
Section of the CFR, or of the foreign standard has
changed, the specific changes need to be re-evaluated.
To this end, the evaluators should maintain a listing of
acceptable "equivalent" foreign standards, citing the
specific editions compared. Additionally, the specific
submitter should be encouraged to reference the
acceptance letter in future submittals.
(c) Standards Comparisons, Not National Standards
. For equipment
not constructed to nationally (foreign or domestic)
recognized standards:
i. The equipment manufacturer should submit a complete
line-by-line comparison of actual construction and
testing to that required by the reference standard,
including any applicable marine supplement. Testing may
be performed by the manufacturer. For those areas that
are not in complete compliance with the reference
standard, the manufacturer should submit technical
CH-3 3-56
3.C.1.b(5)(c) i. (cont’d) arguments for equivalency. These should be
evaluated using the guidelines previously discussed.
ii. Once equipment comparability has been established, no
further comparisons need be requested for that specific
equipment from that specific manufacturer when equipment
use is proposed on another vessel (again, this assumes
the referenced edition has not changed). Listings should
be maintained and notifications should be made in a
manner similar to that used for standards comparability.
The manufacturer should provide a copy of the acceptance
letter with subsequent submittals.
iii. For issues that can be resolved based upon on-site
visual examination, the evaluator may defer the
acceptability of that equipment to the inspection
activity (Officer-in-Charge, Marine Inspection or an
authorized Classification Society acting on behalf of
the Coast Guard in accordance with 46 CFR 8). In such
cases, the specific issue deferred should be fully
identified and documented. The inspection activity
should also document the acceptance or rejection, and
provide the plan review activity with inspection
comments on deferred issues. The above procedure is for
equipment required to meet a referenced standard. It
should NOT be used for equipment required to be listed
or labeled by an independent third party certification
agency (i.e. fuses and equipment for use in hazardous
locations). Note that the Marine Safety Manual Vol. II,
B.5.E.4 permits the OCMI to accept on vessels of the
Military Sealift Command, equipment or materials
complying with any of the following: (1) technical
bureaus of the U.S. Navy; (2) MILSPEC's; (3) federal
specifications for military purchases, and; (4) National
Military Establishment (NME) specifications.
c. Testing
. Equipment that is to be type-approved must be tested in
accordance with the applicable requirements of Subchapter Q. These
tests shall be performed by an independent testing laboratory as
defined in 46 CFR 159.010-3, or by the manufacturer and witnessed by
a Coast Guard inspector.
2. Equipment Lists, COMDTINST M16714.3
a. Introduction
. Officially this is published in hardcopy as COMDTINST
M16714.3; the latest printing was in May, 1994. The Office of Design
and Engineering Standards, Commandant (G-MSE), publishes on-line USCG
approved and certificated equipment list (available at:
). This equipment list contains specific
lifesaving, firefighting, pollution abatement, navigation,
electrical, and miscellaneous equipment used aboard vessels that are
required by certain navigation and vessel inspection laws and
regulations to be of types that are approved or certified by the
Commandant. Much of the equipment requiring review by Commandant can
be located in subchapter Q of Title 46. Drawings and specifications
for equipment are examined to advise manufacturers and prospective
3-57 CH-3
3.C.2 a. (cont’d) purchasers whether such items when manufactured or
installed will be acceptable for marine use. The need to have
approved or certified equipment aboard a particular type of vessel
depends upon the requirements of the laws and regulations applicable
to that vessel. General authority over and responsibility for the
administration and enforcement of the navigation and vessel
inspection laws and regulations applicable to instruments, machines,
and equipment used on vessels are vested in the USCG District
b. Application of Listings
. The equipment list is an aid for persons
desiring to install equipment of a type required to be approved or
certified by the Commandant, and lists most of those items approved
or certified by the Commandant. If an installed piece of equipment
is not in the Equipment List Index that does not necessarily mean
that such equipment must be replaced with that listed in the
Equipment Lists. In connection with certain items, approval has been
required by the regulations after certain dates, as set forth in the
regulations. The equipment installed and in use on those dates are
permitted to be retained in service so long as it remains in good and
serviceable condition. When a previously approved piece of equipment
is no longer serviceable, it must be replaced with currently approved
equipment. The approval or certification of the items listed applies
only to those specific items and does not extend to other devices or
products that may be produced by the same manufacturer. The products
listed under the various headings are not necessarily equivalent for
a specific service and such listing indicates only that the minimum
requirements of the statutes and regulations in effect at the date of
the listing were met. If any of the items listed are found in the
marketplace not to comply with the requirements of the statutes or
regulations, such information, together with details regarding the
deficiencies or defects believed to exist, should be brought to the
attention of the cognizant District Commander.
c. Limitations of Listings
. To keep outstanding approvals and
certifications current, most are limited to a definite period of
time. Most approved and certified instruments, machines, and
equipment are limited to 5-year periods. If there have been no
changes in Coast Guard requirements and the manufacturer is still
producing the item without modification, an extension for an
additional 5-year period is granted, provided the manufacturer
requests an extension from Commandant (G-MSE). If the equipment is
no longer produced and the certificate expires, the equipment
continues to be considered certified based on the date of
manufacture, the vessel installation date and a valid certification
for that time period. Certification cannot be transferred to another
manufacturer without Commandant (G-MSE) approval. Any modification to
the design or construction requires review by the Coast Guard, and if
approved the manufacturer will be issued a modified certificate. To
identify equipment in this group further, those items that comply
with Coast Guard specifications and regulations are assigned
individual approval or certification numbers. For example
160.017/105/1 represents the 105th chain (embarkation) ladder
approved for service and the certificate has been modified once.
d. Approvals Under Subchapter Q
. Subchapter Q electrical equipment (see
46 CFR 161) is required to be "approved" by the Commandant and is
CH-3 3-58
3.C.2 d. (cont’d) listed in the Equipment List Index. The following
electrical equipment receives approval under Subchapter Q:
(1). 161.002 — Fire-Protective Equipment.
(2). 161.006 — Searchlights, Motor Lifeboat, for Merchant Vessels.
(3). 161.010 — Floating Electric Waterlights. Inspectors should
continue to submit equipment failure reports on defective
waterlights. However, quite often these lights have had their
approvals superseded by new approvals. Waterlights that are
approved at the time of installation and then have their
approvals superseded may continue in service as long as they are
(4). 161.011 — Emergency Position Indicating Radiobeacons.
(5). 161.012 — Personal Flotation Device Lights.
(6). 161.013 — Electric Distress Light for Boats.
(7). 165.101 — Magnetic Compass
(8). 165.102 — Transmitting Magnetic Heading Device (TMHD)
(9). 165.103 — Gyrocompass
(10). 165.105 — Speed and Distance Indicating Device
(11). 165.106 — Rate of Turn Indicator
(12). 165.107 — Echosounding Equipment
(13). 165.110 — Heading Control System
(14). 165.111 — Auto-Tracking Aid
(15). 165.112 — Track Control
(16). 165.120 — Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA)
(17). 165.121 — Electronic Plotting Aid
(18). 165.122 — Chart Facilities for Shipborne Radar
(19). 165.123 — Electronic Chart Display and Information System
(20). 165.124 — ECDIS Back-up Equipment
(21). 165.125 — Raster Chart Display System (RCDS)
(22). 165.130 — Global Positioning System (GPS)
(23). 165.131 — Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) Equipment
(24). 165.132 — Differential Global Position System (DGPS) Equipment
(25). 165.133 — Differential Global Navigation Satellite System
(26). 165.134 — Combined Global Position System and Global Navigation
Satellite System (GPS/GLONASS) Receiver Equipment
(27). 165.135 — LORAN-C Equipment
(28). 165.136 — Chayka Equipment
(29). 165.140 — Integrated Bridge System
(30). 165.141 — Integrated Navigational System
(31). 165.150 — Voyage Date Recorder (VDR)
(32). 165.155 — Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS)
(33). 165.160 — Radar Reflector
(34). 165.165 — Sound Reception System
(35). 165.166 — Daylight Signaling Lamp
(36). 165.203 — Gyrocompass for High Speed Craft
(37). 165.210 — Automatic Steering Aid (automatic pilot) for High
Speed Craft
(38). 165.251 — Night Vision Equipment for High Speed Craft
Part 162 of Subchapter Q lists the Engineering Equipment also
requiring approval by the Commandant and is listed in the Equipment
3-59 CH-3
3.C.2 d. (cont’d) List Index. The Marine Safety Center has been delegated the
responsibility for the following engineering equipment approvals
(1). 162.017 — Pressure Vacuum Relief Valves for Tank Vessels
(2). 162.018 — Liquefied Compressed Gas Safety Relief Valves
(3). 162.050 — Pollution Prevention Equipment:
(a) 15 ppm Oil-Water Separator (OWS)
(b) Cargo Monitor
(c) Bilge Monitor
(d) Bilge Alarm
3. Engineering Applications for Pollution Prevention
a. Marine Sanitation Devices (MSDs)
(1) Introduction
. Type I, II and some type III MSD’s receive
certification by the MSC Engineering Division, Machinery Branch
and listed in the on-line Equipment List Index and MISLE
(available online at: http://cgmix.uscg.mil). Type III systems
that operate at ambient temperature and pressures do not require
approval nor will they receive a certificate or be labeled as
Coast Guard approved. The MSC reviews the chemical processes and
mechanical tests involved for compliance with 33 CFR 159. A
Coast Guard accepted Independent Laboratory that has met the
requirements of 46 CFR 159.010 must perform all tests required by
33 CFR 159. Typically, the application for an MSD is submitted
to the MSC through the independent lab. A list of approved
independent labs is available on-line at the Commandant (G-MSE-3)
website. MSD systems installed aboard inspected vessels must
also comply with 46 CFR, Subchapters F and J IAW 33 CFR 159.97.
Subchapter F compliance involves design and fabrication
requirements of the tanks, piping, valves, and appurtenances that
are combined to make up an MSD system for use in inspected
vessels. Specific individual acceptance by the MSC is possible
for MSD systems not labeled for inspected vessels.
(2) MSD Tanks
. Non-pressure vessel type tanks must be constructed
of acceptable materials listed in 46 CFR 56.60 or equivalent
materials, and vented in accordance with 56.50-85. Tanks with a
MAWP exceeding 15 psig must be designed as pressure vessels in
accordance with Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code for
Pressure Vessels, as amended by 46 CFR 54.
(3) Piping Systems
. Piping systems and appurtenances associated with
pressure vessels must be designed in accordance with the Code for
Power Piping, ASME B31.1, as limited or modified by 46 CFR 56.
Piping systems and appurtenances associated with non-pressure
vessel-type tanks must be constructed of acceptable materials
listed in 46 CFR 56.60-1 or 46 CFR 56.60-25, or shown to be
equivalent. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is an acceptable material
in MSD systems based on U.S. Navy Report #DINS Roc-78/041. This
report basically states that methane gas is not produced in a
combustible quantity in shipboard MSD systems. However, the
process temperature and chemicals must also be considered in
material selection.
CH-3 3-60
3.C.3.a (4) Electrical Systems
. MSD electrical systems are reviewed for
compliance with Subchapter J. Overcurrent protection shall be
provided in accordance with 46 CFR 111.50. Wiring shall be in
accordance with 46 CFR 111.60. Motors shall be rated to the
ambient temperature of the space in accordance with 46 CFR
(5) MSD’s prior to 1/30/76
. MSDs made on or before 30 January 1976
were not process tested to the FWPCA requirements. These older
plants, and some custom-built systems, may be certified under 33
CFR 159.12(c), by Coast Guard letter to the manufacturer or
vessel owner. A copy of the letter should be kept aboard the
vessel as evidence of compliance. These MSDs shall not be labeled
under 33 CFR 159.15.
b. Oily Water Separators (OWS)
(1) Introduction
. These devices are likewise approved by the MSC,
which reviews such systems for compliance with 46 CFR 162.050 and
lists the approved equipment in Equipment List Index. 46 CFR
162.050-21 requires OWS's to comply with Subchapters F and J.
Subchapter F compliance involves design and fabrication
requirements for the tanks, piping, valves, and other
appurtenances that are combined to make up an OWS. To comply
with Subchapters F and J, the following requirements must be met:
(2) Tanks
. Non-pressure vessel-type tanks must be designed in
accordance with 46 CFR 58.50-1 and vented in accordance with 46
CFR 56.50-85. Tanks with a MAWP exceeding 15 psig must be
designed as pressure vessels in accordance with Section VIII,
Division 1 of the ASME Code for Pressure Vessels, as amended by
46 CFR 54. However, ASME stamping of OWS's is not necessary.
Filters, coalescers, and similar devices must meet the applicable
requirements of 46 CFR 56.15-1.
(3) Piping
. Piping systems and appurtenances must be designed in
accordance with ASME B31.1, as limited or modified by 46 CFR
Table 56.01-5(a). [NOTE: Most OWS's, monitors, and alarm piping
will be treated as Class II piping (46 CFR Table 56.04-2).]
Materials for piping appurtenances must be selected from the
specifications given in Table 56.60-1(a) or Table 56.60-2(a), or
other acceptable specifications listed in 46 CFR 56.60.
(4) Valves
. Valves must be designed in accordance with the
requirements in 46 CFR 56.20. Materials for valves must meet the
specification requirements of 46 CFR 56.60-1.
(5) Electrical
. Overcurrent protection shall be provided in
accordance with 46 CFR 111.50. All wiring shall be in accordance
with 46 CFR 111.60. Motors shall be rated to the ambient
temperature of the space in accordance with 46 CFR 111.01—15.
c. Incinerators
(1) Introduction
. Shipboard incinerators are used to reduce waste
volumes generated on board vessels, thus reducing the storage,
handling and cost to dispose of waste. This includes victual
3-61 CH-3
3.C.3.c (1) (cont’d) wastes, oily residues, dunnage, paper, packing
materials and possibly sewage. The waste heat of some
incinerators may in turn be used for boiler applications. Items
that are not allowed to be burned are: Annex I, II, and III of
MARPOL 73/78 cargo residues and related contaminated packing
materials; Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); garbage, as defined
in Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, containing more than traces of heavy
metals; and refined petroleum products containing halogen
compounds. The U.S. is signatory to Annexes I, II, III and V.
Incinerators installed on or after March 26, 1998 must meet the
requirements of IMO resolution MEPC.76(40) and an application
must be type approved by the Marine Safety Center. Incinerators
in compliance with ISO standard 13617, “Ships and Marine
Technology-Shipboard Incinerators-Requirements,” are considered
to meet the requirements of IMO resolution MEPC.76(40).
Incinerators in compliance with both ASTM F 1323, “Standard
Specification for Shipboard Incinerators” and Annexes A1-A3 of
IMO resolution MEPC.76(40) are considered to meet the
requirements of IMO resolution MEPC.76(40).
(2) Testing by Independent Labs
. Before type approval is granted the
manufacturer shall have emission tests conducted, or submit
evidence that such tests have been conducted by an independent
laboratory acceptable to the Marine Safety Center, in accordance
with the emissions annex in MEPC.76(40), that:
(a) Has the equipment and facilities for conducting the
inspections and tests required by this section.
(b) Has experienced and qualified personnel to conduct the
inspections and tests required by this section.
(c) Has documentation indicating the laboratory’s qualifications
to perform the inspections and tests required by this
(d) Is not owned or controlled by a manufacturer, supplier, or
vendor of shipboard incinerators.
(3) Standards
. The EPA has established emissions testing standards
that are laid out in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60. Methods 1, 3A, 5,
9 and 10 o f Appendix A may be utilized by the laboratory in
determining emissions related information described in Annex A1.5
of Resolution MEPC.76(40). Alternatively ISO standard 9096
(1992) “Stationary source emissions - Determination of
concentration and mass flow rate of particulate material in gas-
carrying ducts - Manual gravimetric method” maybe considered as
an alternative to Method 5 and ISO standard 10396 (1993)
“Stationary source emissions - Sampling for the automated
determination of gas concentrations” may be used in lieu of
Methods 3A and 10.
(4) Testing after installation
. Incinerators, upon installation,
should be tested in accordance with section 7.3 of MEPC.76(40).
This section describes the various installation tests to ensure
safe operation. Examples of some of the tests include fuel
supply, flame safeguard and combustion controls.
(5) Operations and Training
. All ships with approved incinerators
must possess a manufacturer’s operating manual specifying how to
CH-3 3-62
3.C.3.c (5) (cont’d) operate the incinerator within the limits described in
Annex A1.5 of Resolution MEPC.76(40). Personnel responsible for
operation of any incinerator must be trained in its operation and
capable of following the procedures and instruction in the
manufacturer’s operating manual.
d. Pressure-Vacuum Relief Valves
(1) Introduction
. PV valves are devices installed on board product
carriers such as tank vessels and barges, which prevent over and
under pressurization of a cargo tank as well as the passage of
flame into or out of the tank. The PV valve is particularly
valuable during cargo operations when the tank is most vulnerable
to pressure changes and explosive atmosphere conditions. PV
valves typically use weighted discs whose resistance must be
overcome to relieve pressure or reduce vacuum. Flame screens of
30x30 or two 20x20 mesh spaced ½” to1.5” apart are also required
unless the valve is considered “high velocity” where the escaping
vapors must travel at a velocity no less than 30 m/s (99 ft/s)
thus avoiding the explosive range.
(2) Design Requirements
. These devices are reviewed for compliance
by the Marine Safety Center using the standards in 46 CFR 162.017
or alternatively the IMO’s Marine Safety Committee Circular 677
entitled “Revised standards for the design, testing and locating
of devices to prevent the passage of flame into cargo tanks in
tankers” as amended by Circular 1009 of June 8, 2001. Circular
677 references ISO standard 15364:2000 “Ships and marine
technology - Pressure/vacuum valves for cargo tanks.” A valve
meeting the construction and performance testing standards of
either the U.S. or IMO regulation, which are functionally
equivalent, will receive a Certificate of Approval good for five
years. Both foreign and domestic manufacturing firms can submit
applications for certification of valves installed on board
vessels operating within U.S. jurisdiction.
(3) Fire Safety
. Ideally, when flammable cargoes are transported in
a vessel cargo tank, the vapor that forms in the ullage space is
either too rich to burn or it is inerted (oxygen deficient) and,
therefore, unable to burn. In each case, the vapor concentration
is maintained outside of the cargo's flammability range.
The maximum vacuum pressure that one would not want to exceed for
fear of damaging (imploding) the cargo tank is covered in 33 CFR
154.814(b). Conversely, 46 CFR 39.20-11(a)(4) dictates a minimum
vacuum pressure that is established to prevent air (oxygen) from
entering a tank and creating a flammable atmosphere within the
ullage space. Specifically the vacuum valve must not open until
the vacuum drops below -0.5 psi. For example, a valve which
opened at a vacuum of -0.4 psi would not meet the regulations.
46 CFR 39.10-1(a) states that the regulations for vapor control
systems are written for vapors of crude oil, gasoline blends, and
benzene. Consult Commandant (G-MSO-3) for issues involving
systems handling vapors of other flammable cargoes.
3-63 CH-3
3.C.4. Special Equipment Approvals
a. General
. Certain lifesaving equipment, electrical equipment,
engineering equipment, pollution abatement equipment, and materials
are required by law to be "Coast Guard approved" under specifications
in 46 CFR, Subchapter Q. Once such equipment is approved, it is
listed in the applicable subpart section of Equipment List Index,
http://cgmix.uscg.mil/. The approval or certification of items listed
applies only to those specific items, and does not extend to other
devices or products that may be produced by the same manufacturer.
Most approvals are limited to 5-year periods. Extensions for
additional 5-year periods may be requested when there have been no
changes to Coast Guard requirements and the manufacturer has made no
modifications to the equipment. "Approved" equipment should not be
confused with the eliminated Manufacturer’s Affidavit System, which
listed acceptable manufacturers of valves, flanges, and fittings or
with the list of acceptable hydraulic components. In 1989, this
system was removed in favor of incorporating industry developed
standards; see 54 FR 40598, October 2, 1989. (see Marine Safety
Manual, Volume II, Materiel Inspection, COMDTINST M16000.7 (series))
b. Quick-Disconnect Couplings
(1) Introduction
. With new regulations concerning oil pollution
prevention, the Engineering Branch was tasked with the review and
granting of specific approvals for quick disconnect couplings
(QDC's) (see 33 CFR 154.500-d(3) and 33 CFR 156.130-c(2)).
Approvals granted before 19 July 1974 continue to be acceptable;
however, revised or redesigned couplings must meet ASTM F-1122.
(2) Acceptance Procedures
. In the past, QDC's plans and supporting
data (calculations, test reports, material lists, etc.) were
submitted to Commandant (G-MSE-3) for approval. QDCs no longer
receive specific USCG equipment approval. QDCs must be designed,
manufactured, tested and marked in accordance with ASTM F 1122,
"Standard Specification for Quick Disconnect Couplings.”
c. Flame Barriers
(1) Introduction
. Coast Guard regulations require flame barriers in
various venting applications. The two types required are flame
screens and flame arresters. Applicable regulations for flame
screens are found in Subchapter D (46 CFR 30.10-25 and 32.55),
Subchapter F (46 CFR 56.50-85), and Subchapter T (46 CFR 450).
Flame screens may not be used where the regulations require an
approved flame arrester. Flame screens are approved by the OCMI.
Flame arresters are required where a more effective flame barrier
than a flame screen is needed. The type of vapor present
determines whether an arrester is required. Approved flame
arresters may be accepted in lieu of flame screens on an
equivalency basis. Arresters that consist of a cellular,
tubular, or baffle-type "grids" retained by a housing or flanges,
are approved by Commandant (G-MSO-3) and are assigned approval
numbers. Approval is based on review of design and on the result
of performance testing. Installation of a flame arrester must not
be permitted unless the device bears the Coast Guard approval
number 162.016.
CH-3 3-64
3.C.4.c (2) Design Requirements
. Flame barriers are intended to prevent
passage of flames outside a tank vent into the tank. They must
be designed with openings too small to allow flame passage, but
sufficiently large not to obstruct vapor flow. These devices
should normally be mounted at the opening of the vent or vent
stack. Barriers installed in the vent away from the opening may
not be effective since the flame front will rapidly accelerate
once it enters the pipe. The safety of installations with
screens or arresters away from the opening should be demonstrated
by suitable testing. Flame barriers should be durable, corrosion
resistant, and have a low susceptibility to fouling. Careful
periodic inspection and cleaning are very important. Screen type
elements are only effective if they are undamaged by punctures or
tears in the wire mesh, and there are no holes or gaps around the
periphery larger than the openings specified for the 20x20 or
30x30 mesh screen.
d. Navigation Equipment
(1) Design Requirements
. The 2000 SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea)
amendments came into force on 01 July 2002. Regulations V/18.1
and 18.5 of these amendments require navigation equipment
installed on ships to be type approved by the Administration.
The regulations also call for the Administration to require
manufacturers to produce approved navigation equipment under a
quality system audited by a competent authority. Approval of
Navigation Equipment for Ships, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 8-01 CH-
1, describes the standards, regulations and processes for the
approval of navigation equipment.
e. Resiliently Seated Valves
(1) Introduction
. RSV’s are valves that stop the passage of flow
using resilient nonmetallic material instead of a metal-to-metal
seat. Valves of this type must meet the specifications of 46 CFR
56.20-15. There are three categories, Positive shutoff, Category
A, and Category B.
(2) Acceptable Locations
. Positive shutoff valves are required in
piping subject to an internal head pressure from a tank
containing oil and must be located at the tank; see 46 CFR 56.50-
60(d). Category A valves may be used in any location except where
positive shutoff valves are required. Category A valves are
required in the following locations:
(a) Valves at vital piping system manifolds;
(b) Isolation valves in cross-connects between two piping
systems, at least one of which is a vital system, where
failure of the valve in a fire would prevent the vital
system(s) from functioning as designed; or
(c) Valves providing closure for any opening in the shell of the
Category B valves are not required to be tested and may be used
in any location except where a Category A or positive shutoff
valve is required.
3-65 CH-3
3.C.4.e (3) Testing
. Within these requirements, there are three possible
ways for a manufacturer to certify that their valve is suitable
for use as a Positive shutoff or Category A valve:
Pressure testing. The manufacturer must perform this test by
removing all of the resilient material at testing full rated
pressure and meet the flow requirements of 46CFR56.20-15 for
either Positive shutoff or Category A as desired;
Calculation. Manufacturers may also demonstrate compliance
through a method of calculation that is acceptable to Commandant
(G-MSE-3) and are not limited to any particular calculation
method to support their request for certification but are free to
propose a method. For example, one method may be to use liquid
capacity test data for valves of one size (with the resilient
material removed) from a valve series to develop the flow
coefficient for that valve size and then, following principles of
dimensional similitude, scale up the flow coefficient for a valve
of a different size (with the resilient material removed) within
that same valve series. The liquid capacity test data could be
obtained by maintaining constant pressure at the inlet side of
the valve (with the resilient material removed) while adjusting
pressure at the outlet side of the valve, then measuring the flow
rate. Having calculated the flow coefficients for other valve
sizes within the same valve series from the flow coefficient that
was empirically derived from the liquid capacity test data, the
flow rates for the other valves in the sizes within that valve
series can then be calculated.
Fire testing. If a valve designer elects to use actual fire,
Commandant (G-MSE-3) must accept the proposed calculation method
or test plan, however the regulations do not specify any
particular fire test that must be used. Some fire tests that may
be acceptable include American Petroleum Institute (API) standard
607 “Fire Test for Soft Seated Quarter Turn Valves,” 4th Edition;
API specification 6FA “Specification for Fire Test Valves”, 2nd
Edition; or Factory Mutual Class 7440 that includes a cycling
component in a fire test.
However, such tests would require that the valve be pressure
tested at a pressure at least equal to the system pressure in
which the valve would be utilized. Manufacturers are free to
propose other fire tests to Commandant (G-MSE-3) for
consideration in lieu of those mentioned above.
3.D. Vessel Inspection Alternatives
1. References
. Vessel inspection alternatives are discussed in Title 46,
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 8. Additional information regarding the
Alternate Compliance Program (ACP) is contained in the Marine Safety
Manual, Volume II, Materiel Inspection, COMDTINST M16000.7 (series),
Section B, Chapter 9. Additional information regarding the Streamlined
Inspection Program (SIP) is contained in the Marine Safety Manual, Volume
II, Materiel Inspection, COMDTINST M16000.7 (series), Section B, Chapter
CH-3 3-66
3.D 2. ACP Supplements
. When a classification society applies to the Alternate
Compliance Program a comparison is made between the classification society
rules and the applicable sections of the CFR. Federal Register pages 7495
through 7499 of Volume 63, 13 February 1998, outlines the Critical Ship
Safety Systems regulations that are reviewed in order to draft the
supplement. When a classification society rules are used correctly in
conjunction with the applicable supplement an equivalent level of safety
as that provided by use of the CFR and SOLAS is provided.
Online: Supplements are available online and can be found by going to the
Coast Guard homepage: http://www.uscg.mil. Once there, select “Marine
Safety”, then the “Marine Safety Index”. Scroll down and select “G-MSE
Office of Design & Engineering Standards”. Under the Naval Architecture
Division heading, select the “Alternate Compliance Program”.
E. Mechanical Systems
1. Engineering Materials
a. Program Philosophy
(1) Introduction
. One phrase used throughout the vessel inspection
regulations is “the component must be suitable for the intended
service.” A component’s suitability depends upon a number of
factors, one being the material from which it is made. In the
design of a component, one of the most important considerations
is the selection of material. This depends upon the physical
shape and size of the component, its operating environment,
useful life, and method of fabrication. The designer must match
these design constraints to the mechanical and physical
properties of the material and its behavior in the operating
environment. These material properties are influenced by the
chemical composition, the melting process, the method of forming,
the method of fabrication, and any subsequent heat treatments.
The infinite combination of these factors can make the material
selection process very difficult. Fortunately, there are several
standard organizations, such as the American Society for Testing
and Materials (ASTM), ASME, and ANSI, that help make this
selection process easier. The standards produced by these
organizations place various constraints on the above factors,
thereby ensuring consistent properties within a range for a given
material over a period of time and among various producers. This
consistency allows predictions to be made about the behavior of
the material in various environments, so as to be able to place
limitations on its use. For this reason, the Coast Guard usually
accepts only materials that comply with one of these recognized
standards. Not all standards are accepted. The consistency of
the material’s properties depends on the type of constraints used
and how tightly these constraints are placed on the factors
mentioned above. Another consideration is the amount of quality
control required to ensure that the requirements have been met.
Only standards that place adequate constraints and controls on
the factors influencing the material’s properties are accepted.
(2) General Acceptance Procedures
. In general, the material
specifications accepted specify the melting process, chemical
3-67 CH-3
3.E.1.a (2) (cont’d) composition, mechanical requirements, and subsequent
heat treatment necessary. These specifications also prescribe
certain destructive and nondestructive tests to ensure that the
material meets these chemical and mechanical requirements and
that the material is free from injurious defects. In addition, a
mill or manufacturer’s certificate is required by most
specifications and by regulations. The majority of the materials
accepted are those listed in Sections I, III, or VIII of the ASME
Code and ASTM specifications accepted by ASME B31.1.
(3) Fabrication Requirements
. It is not enough, however, to know
that a designer has selected one of the acceptable materials to
ensure satisfactory service. Subsequent fabrication methods
(e.g., severe cold work, forging, and welding) used in the
manufacture of the component may substantially alter the
material’s properties. Therefore, to help ensure that these
manufacturing operations are not detrimental, the Coast Guard has
adopted certain industry standards (e.g., Sections I, III, and
VIII of ASME B31.1) and regulations, which place limitations and
requirements on these operations. These requirements are not all
encompassing, especially for certain products such as valves. In
addition, these requirements do not always provide adequate
guidelines in the selection of the material for certain service
constraints, such as corrosion. However, unless specific
requirements prevent the desired application of a material, the
Coast Guard does not restrict the designer’s selection (i.e., the
adequacy of the choice will usually not be addressed).
(4) Headquarters Action
. Commandant (G-MSE-3) is responsible for
determining which materials are generally acceptable for boilers,
pressure vessels, and piping systems and any limitations on their
use; providing guidance to the field on the acceptance of other
materials that are not generally accepted; and participating on
national technical committees to develop material standards that
meet USCG requirements for quality control and certification.
(5) Field Technical and Inspection Action
. MSC personnel are
responsible for determining that the material selected for a
component meets Coast Guard requirements and is suitable for its
intended purpose. This requires the reviewer to exercise
considerable judgment when specific guidelines or standards are
not provided. For this reason, the reviewer should become
familiar with the basic materials used and their limitations.
The reviewer must recognize that the suitability of a material
not only depends on how it reacts in a given environment, but
also how it reacts to certain fabrication methods and design
details. Inspectors must ensure that only approved materials are
used, and the fabricator adheres to the approved drawings and
applicable standards, such as the ASME Code.
b. Evaluation Of Materials
(1) Certification
. 46 CFR 50.25 requires the certification of
material, depending on the product, by the following methods:
(a) A manufacturer or mill certificate;
(b) An affidavit; and
(c) Specific letter and approved plan.
CH-3 3-68
3.E.1.b (1) (cont’d) A manufacturer’s or mill certificate is required for
such products as plates, castings, forgings, bar stock, bolting,
piping and tubing, and standard pipe joining fittings. This
certificate is used to verify that the material complies with the
basic requirements of a material specification and any
supplementary requirements specified on the order. The
certificate, as a minimum, shall report for each heat or lot the
material specification and grade to which the material complies,
along with the chemical analysis, mechanical properties, and any
heat treatments to which the material was subjected.
(2) Testing
. The material specifications accepted require certain
tests to be performed to ensure that the material has the desired
properties. These tests depend on the type of product and its
expected service. Most material specifications accepted require
a chemical analysis and tension test. Other tests that may be
required include:
(a) Impact tests for materials used in low temperature service;
(b) Bend tests for plates;
(c) Flattening tests for pipes;
(d) Certain nondestructive tests for castings and welded pipes;
(e) Hardness testing for heat treated materials; and
(f) Certain chemical tests to determine the material’s
susceptibility to corrosion.
When called out in the basic portion of the material
specification, these tests must be performed on all heats of
materials produced. It is interesting to note that the only
things that may separate one material specification from
another are the types of basic tests required (e.g., ASTM
A576 and A675).
Most material specifications provide for tests in addition to
those required in the basic specification. These
supplemental tests may be required by the purchaser to ensure
that the material has certain properties required for a
specific application (e.g., low or high temperature service).
The buyer must purchase a sufficient quantity of material
(usually a mill run) to have the mill perform the tests and
guarantee that the material will have the desired properties.
This is done because the mill may have to use different
melting practices, tighter controls on certain elements,
etc., to meet the additional test requirements with greater
confidence. For this reason, it is difficult to require a
manufacturer to purchase material with supplemental test
requirements. The reviewer should take this into account
prior to making such a request.
(3) ASTM and ASME Specifications
. The majority of material standards
are developed by the ASTM. The ASTM has thousands of standard
specifications in effect. These standards are published in a
multi-volume set known as the Book of ASTM Standards. A great
many of the ASTM standards are reprinted or specified by various
building codes such as the ASME Code, which adopts many of the
ASTM standards without changes. However, some ASTM standards are
adopted with minor to major changes. These changes usually
3-69 CH-3
3.E.1.b (3) (cont’d) involve the requirement for a material certification,
the deletion of certain melting practices, changes in lot size,
deletion of certain grades, etc. The ASME material standards are
published in Section II of the code. Section II contains three
parts: Part A - Ferrous Materials; Part B -Nonferrous Materials;
and Part C - Welding Rods, Electrodes, and Filler Metals.
Appendix B of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code outlines
the code policy for approval of new materials. To facilitate
identification, the material designations used by ASME are
similar to those used by ASTM (e.g., ASME SA516 and ASTM A516 are
similar materials).
(4) Equivalencies
. 46 CFR 50.20-30 and 56.60-1(a)(2) permit
materials other than those generally accepted to be used,
provided they receive specific approval of the Commandant. This
authority has been delegated to the MSC in the course of plan
review. The task of determining the suitability of a material
for a specific application is difficult. The task of determining
the suitability of a material for a specific application material
involves comparing the material with one that is generally
accepted to get as close a match as possible. The differences
are then analyzed for their relative importance to the specific
application. If they are considered to be substantial, the
material is either rejected or accepted with the provision that
the requirements of the generally accepted material are met. The
following is a list of some of the items that should be
(a) Chemical requirements;
(b) Mechanical requirements, including location and configuration
of the test specimens;
(c) Melting practices;
(d) Heat treatments;
(e) Quality control provisions;
(f) Fabrication processes;
(g) Design margin; and
(h) Directions of principal stresses, especially for plates.
[NOTE: These items are so interrelated that it is impossible to
provide specific guidelines for their consideration.]
(5) Foreign Specifications
. The majority of foreign material
specifications reviewed for equivalency are Japanese Industrial
Standards (JIS), British Standards (BS), and Deutsches Institute
fur Normung e.v. (DIN). In general, the basic format of these
specifications is similar to that of ASTM standards. Other than
obvious differences in chemical and mechanical requirements, the
reviewer must be careful to note the differences in test specimen
size and other quality control provisions; for instance, in JIS
3101, the percent elongation for plates less than 5mm thick is
based on a test specimen that has no ASTM equivalent. The JIS
specimen with its shorter gauge length (50mm) would measure a
higher percent elongation for the same thickness than the 200mm
gauge length ASTM specimen. However, the JIS specimen’s smaller
width (25mm) and, therefore, smaller cross sectional area would
measure a smaller percent elongation than the 40mm wide ASTM
CH-3 3-70
3.E.1 c. High Temperature Service Materials
(1) Introduction
. When selecting materials for elevated temperature
service, such factors as creep and stress rupture, fatigue,
surface oxidation, structural changes within the material, and
corrosion must be considered. Among these, creep and stress
rupture represent two of the more important factors. Creep is
defined as the time-dependent part of deformation that
accompanies the application of a constant load. Usually, it is
expressed as a deformation rate (e.g., 1 percent in 100,000
hours). Stress rupture is defined as the stress required to
produce fracture in a specified time at a given temperature.
(a) Creep and Stress Rupture Properties
. Creep and stress
rupture properties are considerably influenced by the
metallurgical characteristics of the material and the testing
and service environments to which it is exposed. The most
important metallurgical characteristics of the material are
chemical composition, structure, and grain size, which are
primarily controlled by prior processing and heat treatment.
Composition is the most important variable. Improvements in
creep and stress rupture properties by alloying additions
generally may be related either to the amount and size of
fine particles that are distributed within the structure of
the metal, or to a general strengthening effect of the
overall (matrix) structure without the formation of such
particles. As a note of caution, the mere addition of
alloying elements does not ensure higher creep and stress-to-
rupture properties. The effect of grain size on these
properties is related to the equicohesive temperature of the
material. The equicohesive temperature (usually between 800
and 1000
F for low-alloy steels) is the temperature at which
the grain strength is equal to the strength of the material
at the grain boundaries. At temperatures above the
equicohesive temperature, coarse-grained steels generally
exhibit better creep and stress-to-rupture properties than do
fine—grained steels. Below the equicohesive temperature, the
trend reverses.
(b) Heat Treatments
. Heat treatments are important primarily
because of their effects on the structure of the metal. Heat
treatment and cooling rates will affect the grain size of the
material and the distribution of the structural constituents.
A normalized and tempered steel is often superior to the same
steel in the fully annealed condition. When heat-treated
steels are employed at elevated temperatures, it is customary
to use a tempering temperature at least 150
F above the
expected service temperature. The heat treating temperature
and cooling rate are very critical. A change of only a few
degrees can cause a considerable difference in the
microstructure of the material, which will result in a
different resistance to creep. For this reason, the ability
of the furnace to maintain a uniform temperature and the
method of cooling to ensure a constant rate throughout the
material are critical. This becomes more important as the
size and thickness of the part increase. The relatively
3-71 CH-3
3.E.1.c(1) (b) (cont’d) conservative safety factors applied on design help
to offset these possible differences.
(2) Considerations for Prolonged High—Temperature Exposure
. Just as
heat treatment affects the microstructure of the material, so
does prolonged exposure at high temperatures. When steels are
exposed to temperatures above 800
F, some changes may take place
in the microstructure. The higher the temperature, the more
rapid the rates at which the changes occur. In low-carbon steels
that have been normalized or annealed, the carbide gradually
changes to the spherical form upon prolonged heating above 900
Chromium tends to delay this spheroidization until higher
temperatures are reached. Some carbon steels and carbon-
molybdenum steels are prone to graphitization when exposed to
temperatures over 775
F. Primarily susceptible have been fine-
grained aluminum-killed steels. Cast irons are also prone to
graphitization. When it occurs in steels, graphite formation has
been most pronounced in the heat—affected zones parallel to
welds. High concentrations of graphite in these zones have
caused severe embrittlement. [NOTE: 46 CFR 56.60-5(d) limits the
maximum temperature for these steels to below the lowest
graphitization temperature.] Another form of metallurgical
instability involving carbon occurs in some types of austenitic
stainless steels. When these steels are exposed, during
fabrication or in service, to a temperature between 900 and 1500
the carbon diffuses to the grain boundaries and combines with
chromium to form chromium carbide particles. This instability is
referred to as intergranular carbide precipitation and it reduces
the resistance of the stainless steel to certain corrosive
(3) Applications To Particular Materials
(a) Steel.
Carbon steels generally are not used at temperatures
over 775
F. The 1/2% Mo steels are used as tubing in
superheaters to about 850
F. The 1-1/4Cr - 1/2Mo steels are
used in steam piping and boiler tubes for service up to 950
or 1000
F. The 2 - 1/4Cr - 1Mo grades are used in steam
power service to temperatures of about 1060
F. They exhibit
slightly better oxidation resistance than the 1- 1/4Cr-
1/2Mo grades. The 5Cr - 1/2Mo, 7Cr - 1/2Mo, and 9Cr - 1Mo
grades are used where better oxidation and corrosion
resistance are required, at temperatures up to 1500
(b) Stainless Steels
. Among the martensitic stainless steels,
Type 410 alloy is used where good strength is required at
temperatures up to about 950
F. Among the ferritic stainless
steels, Type 430 is used in heat exchangers, condensers, and
special chemical applications. Among the austenitic
stainless steels, Type 316 is generally superior to other
commercial stainless steel grades and is used at temperatures
up to 1050-1200
F. Type 304 exhibits good resistance to
atmospheric corrosion and oxidation. Types 309 and 310
exhibit still greater resistance to oxidation because of
their higher chromium and nickel contents. Type 310 is
particularly preferred where intermittent heating and cooling
are encountered since it forms a more adherent scale than
CH-3 3-72
3.E.1.c(3) (b) (cont’d) does Type 309. For high-temperature service, tube
materials frequently receive special solution heat treatments
to provide a coarse grain size resulting in improved creep
strength properties. Stainless materials so heat treated are
designated as “H” grades, such as TP321 H. A number of
special high—alloy austenitic stainless steel compositions
have also been developed for high—temperature service. They
generally contain higher nickel compositions than those of
the ordinary austenitic stainless steels. These include
Incoloy, Incoloy T, and Kromarc-58.
(c) Cast Gray Iron
. Ordinary cast irons are limited for elevated
temperature applications, due to the breakdown of carbides
and growth of the component. This growth is a permanent
increase in volume that occurs under certain conditions of
heating and cooling; it is independent of stress. It is
affected by the presence of superheated steam and certain
corrosive fluids. In severe cases of growth, the volume may
increase as much as 50 percent, with an attendant loss of
strength and development of brittleness. High-alloy cast
irons containing 14 percent nickel with additions of copper,
chromium, or silicon have been developed; these resist growth
and oxidation at temperatures up to 1500
(d) High—Nickel Alloys
. The temperature limits for the nickel
and the ordinary nickel alloys are approximately 800 to
F. Nickel, Monel (70 percent nickel, 30 percent copper)
and numerous copper-nickel alloys (60 to 70 percent copper,
30 to 40 percent nickel) have been developed for valve trim
and miscellaneous accessories handling steam.
(e) Copper and Copper Alloys
. The use of copper and copper
alloys for elevated temperatures is limited to temperatures
below the lower recrystallization temperature for the
particular alloy. This is the temperature at which cold—
worked specimens begin to soften. Brasses containing 70
percent or more copper may be used at temperatures up to
F, while those containing only 60 percent of copper
should not be used at temperatures over 300
d. Low—Temperature Service Materials
(1) Introduction
. 46 CFR 54.25-10 defines low-temperature service as
refrigerated service below 0
F. “Refrigerated service” is defined
as service where the temperature is controlled in the process
rather than being caused by atmospheric conditions. This
temperature limit also applies to piping (see 46 CFR 56.50-105).
Unexpected and sudden failures in piping, pressure vessels, and
other structures, such as welded steel ships, have made engineers
aware that some materials, especially steel, that behave
ordinarily in a ductile manner may, under these three certain
conditions, exhibit highly brittle characteristics:
(a) High stress concentrations (i.e., notches, internal flaws, or
sharp changes in geometry);
(b) A high rate of straining; and
(c) A low ambient temperature.
3-73 CH-3
3.E.1.d (2) Effects Upon Materials
. The general effect of decreasing the
exposure temperature is to increase the yield and tensile
strengths of all structural alloys. However, the allowable
stresses for materials used at low temperatures are usually based
on room low service temperatures. [NOTE: 46 CFR 54.05-30
provides for an increase in allowable stress values at low
temperature in ferrous and nonferrous material.] The effect of
low temperatures on the elongation and reduction in area are
variable depending on the alloy and testing temperature. The
effect on ductility is most pronounced in steels. As the
temperature is lowered from some high value, the ductility of
steels decreases slowly until a certain temperature is reached.
At this temperature the ductility falls off sharply. This
continues until another temperature, known as the transition
temperature, is obtained. Below this temperature ductility
remains constant, or nearly so, as the temperature is lowered.
The transition temperature is the temperature above which the
steel behaves in a predominantly ductile manner and below which
it behaves in a predominantly brittle manner. There is no
singular transition temperature except for a particular set of
conditions and one criterion of brittleness.
(3) Methods of Testing
. Several testing methods have been developed
for determining the notch toughness and crack toughness of
structural alloys at low temperatures. The most common is the
Charpy V-notch impact test (see ASTM A370). Several criteria are
used to designate the transition temperature based on the results
of a Charpy V-notch test. These are:
(a) The energy level absorbed, usually taken as 15 ft-lb;
(b) The percentage of ductile fracture in the fractured surfaces,
usually 50 percent; and
(c) The amount of lateral expansion. Other methods are the
precracked Charpy specimens, drop weight tear test specimens,
and specimens for determining the nil-ductility transition
(NDT) temperatures (see ASTM E208).
These procedures are basically qualitative, in that they can be
used to compare one alloy against another. There is no
quantitative relationship between the transition temperature and
a safe minimum service temperature for a given alloy. Even so,
standards based on these methods have been applied with definite
success to minimize the occurrence of brittle fracture. A more
quantitative type of fracture test is that produced under plane-
strain conditions to obtain data on plane-strain stress intensity
factors according to principles of fracture mechanics (see ASTM
E399). The important factor of these tests is that the critical
sizes of cracks and flaws may be estimated for a given service
temperature and maximum service stress level based on the results
of these crack-toughness tests (KIc values). 46 CFR 54.05 states
the requirements for toughness tests of materials used in
pressure vessels. This section requires either the Charpy V-
notch or drop-weight test.
(4) Applications To Particular Materials
(a) Steel
. Metallurgical factors, such as deoxidation practice,
chemical composition, rolling, forging or extruding practice,
CH-3 3-74
3.E.1.d(4) (a) (cont’d) and subsequent heat treatment influence the
transition temperature in steel. Under the worst conditions,
the transition temperature may be above 100
F; under the best
conditions, below -200
F. Fully killed (deoxidized) steels
have lower transition temperatures than rimmed or semikilled
steels. Such steels are sometimes referred to as being made
in accordance with fine-grain melting practice. Carbon
influences the transition temperature unfavorably, and is
usually limited to 20-25 percent. High ratios of manganese
to carbon may be beneficial. Other elements usually raise
the transition temperature, with the notable exception of
nickel. Steels that have been fully annealed have higher
transition temperatures than those that are normalized.
Tempering or stress relieving after welding is beneficial to
lowering the transition temperature. Optimum properties are
obtained by fully quenching and tempering to moderate
strength levels. The minimum recommended service
temperatures and special requirements for steel are specified
in 46 CFR 54.25-10, 54.25-15, 54.25-20, and 56.50-105.
(b) Aluminum Alloys
. Fracture toughness of most of the aluminum
alloys in the 2000, 5000, and 7000 series is not
significantly affected as the temperature is lowered. This,
and the fact that the yield and tensile strengths increase as
the temperature is lowered, makes these alloys good
candidates for low temperature applications. Aluminum alloy
2219-T87 has a good balance of strength, toughness, and
weldability. Alloy 5083-H113 is used where toughness and
weld ability are of prime importance. For even greater
toughness (e.g., for LNG tanks), 5083-0 alloy plate is used.
(c) Copper and Copper Alloys
. These alloys tend to increase in
strength as the temperature is lowered and retain their
ductility. These alloys are generally not used in cryogenic
equipment, except for accessories such as tank gauges, but
are used extensively in refrigeration and liquefying
(d) Nickel—Base Alloys
. These alloys exhibit increased strength
and retain their ductility as the temperature is lowered.
Invar, a 36% nickel-63% iron alloy, is used in Gas Transport
LNG tanks because of its extremely low coefficient of
expansion (0.0000004 per degree Centigrade).
e. Corrosion
(1) Introduction
. One factor that must be considered in the design
of equipment is corrosion. This is especially true for equipment
used in the marine environment. This subject is quite varied and
complex and, therefore, can be discussed only in general terms.
For this reason, the Coast Guard has few specific rules
concerning corrosion. The basic types of corrosion fall into two
categories: corrosion due to direct chemical attack, and
corrosion due to electrochemical attack, which requires the
presence of an electrolyte; seawater is the most common
electrolyte encountered aboard ship. The basic types of
corrosion are described below.
3-75 CH-3
3.E.1.e (2) Regulatory Requirements
(a) 46 CFR 54.01-35 requires pressure vessels to have a corrosion
allowance of one-sixth of the required thickness or one-
sixteenth of an inch, whichever is less. An exemption from
this requirement may be granted if the pressure vessel is
adequately protected from corrosion. [NOTE: Paint is not
considered to provide adequate protection from corrosion.
Also, when determining the corrosion allowance for pressure
vessels made from pipe, the mill tolerance on the pipe wall
thickness should be considered.]
(b) 46 CFR 56.60-3(a) requires ferrous pipe used for salt water
service to be galvanized or be of extra heavy-schedule
(c) 46 CFR 56.60-20 cautions against the possibility of galvanic
corrosion when using copper and aluminum alloys in
conjunction with each other or steel. This section further
points out the poor corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys
with copper contents exceeding 0.6 percent. This is due to
the fact that precipitation of the aluminum-copper
constituent at the grain boundaries leaves the adjacent solid
solution anodic. These depleted zones, being the most
anodic, corrode selectively by an electrochemical process,
producing notches or crevices that become stress raisers.
(d) Footnotes 7 and 9 of 46 CFR Table 56.60-2(a) require an
ammonia vapor test for certain copper alloys. This test is
used for the purpose of detecting the presence of residual
(internal) stresses that contribute to stress-corrosion
cracking of these materials.
(e) Footnotes to 46 CFR Table 58.50-10(a) prohibit galvanizing
the interior of diesel fuel tanks. This is because diesel
fuel reacts with the zinc to form a sludge, which can clog
the fuel system (this is not true of gasoline).
(3) Galvanic Corrosion
. Galvanic corrosion occurs when two
dissimilar metals are electrically coupled in the presence of an
electrolyte, such as seawater. Current will flow through the
electrolyte from the anodic material to the cathodic material,
thus causing accelerated corrosion of the anodic material.
Marine Engineering, published by the Society of Naval Architects
and Marine Engineers (SNAME), contains a listing of metals in
seawater, arranged in approximate order from the most anodic in
behavior (magnesium alloys) to the most cathodic in behavior
(graphitized cast iron).
The suitability of a dissimilar metal couple in practice may
depend on the relative areas of the anode and cathode. If the
anode is small relative to the cathode, the anode may suffer a
rapid rate of deterioration. However, if the cathode is small
relative to the anode, the corrosion and average penetration rate
of the anode may remain at a tolerable level. It may be possible
to reduce corrosion of the anode with paint. However, the paint
CH-3 3-76
3.E.1.e (3) (cont’d) should be applied to the cathode, not the anode. This
is because any imperfection in the paint, if applied to the
anode, would result in an even more unfavorable cathode/anode
area ratio. For the same reason, care should be exercised when
applying noble metal coatings on a less noble base metal (e.g.
chrome plate on carbon steel). If the coating contains any
imperfection, the large cathode to anode area ratio can cause
severe corrosion of the base metal in the localized region of the
(4) Pitting Corrosion
. This form of galvanic corrosion occurs as the
result of local cells that develop on the surface of a single
material. These cells arise from local environmental
differences. Aluminum alloys with heavy metal alloying elements,
such as copper, nickel, and iron, are subject to severe pitting.
This results from the anodic behavior of the aluminum matrix and
the cathodic behavior of the heavy metal alloying elements.
Metals that form a protective oxide film, such as the stainless
steels, are highly susceptible to pitting. These, more so than
carbon steels, pit greatly because any local breakdown of the
film exposes a local active area of less noble character.
(5) Intergranular and Selective Phase Corrosion
. This type of
corrosion is due to heterogeneities in the metal that result in
preferential corrosion of one of the components of the alloy.
Several examples of this type are:
(a) Intergranular corrosion of austenitic stainless steels as the
result of carbide precipitation at the grain boundaries;
(b) Dezincification of brass and bronze containing more than 15
percent zinc; and
(c) Dealuminization of some aluminum bronzes in which the
aluminum-rich gamma phase is selectively attacked.
(6) Stress Corrosion
. Stress corrosion is a form of local
deterioration resulting from the combined action of static stress
and corrosion, which leads to cracking of alloys. This corrosion
only occurs in the presence of tensile stresses, which may be
applied and/or residual. Stress corrosion of a particular
material usually occurs only in specific environments, which may
be only mildly corrosive in the absence of stress. Steels
produced to a yield strength in excess of 150,000 psig are
susceptible to stress corrosion in a marine environment. Many
aluminum alloys in the 2000 to 7000 series are susceptible to
stress corrosion in seawater.
f. Use Of Stainless Steel Materials
(1) Introduction
. Stainless steels develop a thin oxide layer that
protects the metal from surface corrosion. The development of
this protective film is known as passivating. Some authors
define chromium-nickel steel as “stainless” if it contains as
little as 10 percent chrome; others regard 11.5 percent chrome as
the minimum possible amount for passivating to occur. Chlorides
dissolve this passivating film. However, if ample oxygen is
available, the oxide film restores itself as fast as it is broken
down, and the surface remains protected. At any location where
3-77 CH-3
3.E.1.f (1) (cont’d) oxygen is kept out, deep pitting may occur because the
chlorides destroy the passive film and the spot becomes active.
Active and passive spots on the same piece of stainless steel can
be so galvanically different as to cause rapid deep pitting.
Once a pit starts, it serves as an active spot where the chloride
reaction products themselves keep the oxygen out and corrosion
can continue. Stainless steel parts in stagnant saline water,
located in such places as low points in piping where water
accumulates or fuel tanks in bilges of small boats, may be
subject to this type of concentrated and rapid pitting attack.
Even when the surfaces are exposed to ample oxygen, crevices may
become stagnant or fouled areas and, therefore, active pits may
develop. Susceptibility to chloride action can be greatly
reduced (although not totally
eliminated) in several ways:
(a) By increasing the chromium content to 25 percent and the
nickel content to 20 percent, rather than the common 18
percent and 8 percent mixes;
(b) By the addition of 2-3 percent molybdenum (316 and 316L);
(c) By decreasing the carbon content (304, 304L, 316L);
(d) By selecting chromium and nickel equivalents to keep more
austenite and less ferrite in the metal. For equivalents and
percentage of ferrites, see the Schaeffler diagram, Figure
65.5, of the AWS Welding Handbook, Volume 4 (6th ed.).
However, some of the desirable corrosion-resisting additives
also promote ferrite formation; or
(e) By avoiding sulfur and selenium, which are sometimes added to
enhance free—machining properties.
(2) Extra—Chloride Corrosive Effects
. In addition to pitting at any
random point in the material as described above, pitting in the
grain boundaries, intergranular corrosion, and stress corrosion
cracking can occur. The same chloride attack is contributory,
but these types of corrosion occur in the grain boundaries due to
a depletion of chrome or a buildup of carbon, thus negating the
benefits indicated in items (2) and (3) above. This effect can
be reduced by:
(a) Not allowing the material to remain any longer than necessary
at temperatures between 350 and 927
C (662-1700
F), or, if
this has already occurred, by heat treating the material
above 1010
C (1850
F) and quickly cooling. (See UHA-100
through 108 of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code.)
(b) Avoiding the edges of as-rolled plate. Rolling orients the
grains in such a way that those grain boundaries
perpendicular to the edge corrode more rapidly. Pit nuclei,
therefore, exist at the edges of sheets, and fresh-cut edges
are less likely to have active pits already started.
(c) Avoiding cold-working and hot-working. Such areas are likely
to have intergranular problems somewhere within or adjacent
CH-3 3-78
3.E.1.f(2) (c) (cont’d) to the affected area, unless the cold or hot-
working is followed by heat treating as in (1) above.
(d) Adding titanium or columbium. For this purpose, there should
be four to six times as much titanium, or eight to ten times
as much columbium, as carbon. In welding electrodes,
columbium is preferable to titanium.
(3) Consideration In The Use Of Stainless Steels
(a) Introduction
. From the above discussion, it is clear that
stainless steel is not always “stainless” and should not
always be considered a suitable substitute for carbon steel.
For this reason, the reader is cautioned that the term
“steel,” when used in the regulations, may not include
“stainless steel.” For example, 46 CFR Table 58.50-5 lists
“steel” as an acceptable material for independent fuel tanks.
However, Note 4 requires that the “steel” be galvanized.
Thus, “stainless steel” is not included in the general term
“steel,” and its use must be specifically approved. Although
one specific material such as properly heat treated 316L is
likely to be clearly best, the Coast Guard often must decide
whether something less than the best is acceptable or
unacceptable in a particular application.
(b) Certification by a Metallurgist
. Engineers will differ as to
where to draw the line between acceptable and unacceptable.
If a material manufacturer’s metallurgist, who is familiar
with marine applications, certifies that the proposed
material, design, welding, heat treatment and other pertinent
details are an acceptable combination in the proposed
location and service, this will generally be acceptable. A
greater degree of documentation or testing may be required in
new applications in vital or hazardous services. A lesser
degree of information will often be acceptable in many
routine applications.
(c) Restrictions in “Freshwater” Service
. The pitting problem
should not be disregarded for non—ocean service. Chloride
ions exist in sufficient quantity to pit some stainless
steels in many waters normally regarded as “fresh.” Natural
minerals, road salt runoff, industrial and agricultural
pollutants, and brackish water in estuaries can all
contribute chlorides in sufficient quantities to cause active
pitting in the absence of ample oxygen for passivating.
Also, evaporation will increase the chloride concentrations
in bilges, crevices, and similar locations. Stainless steels
should, therefore, generally not be accepted in stagnant
water services, such as boat tanks located in bilges and
other wet, unventilated areas. In dry, well-ventilated areas
(such as the upper levels of engine rooms), the better marine
alloys may be used without coatings and with reasonable
control of crevices and cleanliness.
(d) Restrictions In Deck Equipment
. On deck, the better marine
alloys may be used without coatings, but with every effort to
minimize crevices. Inspectors should be aware that such
3-79 CH-3
3.E.1.f(3) (d) (cont’d) items as LNG piping (which is generally made from
such materials as 304L stainless steel, for other reasons)
should be carefully examined for crevice corrosion around
gaskets, at the edges of insulation where imperfect sealing
may allow salt to collect, etc. [NOTE: Listing of an alloy
in 46 CFR 56.50-105 as “acceptable for cryogenic piping” does
not imply that it is acceptable in all locations aboard
(e) Restrictions Against Coatings
. Coatings, which have been
accepted for stainless steel boat fuel tanks under a previous
policy, are a less desirable solution. Slight damage to
coatings, such as peeling, cracking, etc., can concentrate
pitting at the point of damage. Coatings may hide
perforations of the metal due to internal pitting, which may
occur when saline water gets into fuel tanks, until fire
damage to the coating reveals that the supposedly fire-
resistant stainless steel has been holed. In most cases, the
use of stainless steels should be accepted without coating or
prohibited. Only in special cases, as when a boat with
existing stainless fuel tanks comes into inspected service,
should acceptance of a coating be considered; acceptance in
such cases should be limited to tanks that can be readily
inspected inside and out.
(f) Use In Vessel Tanks
. Because chloride pitting can completely
hole a thin tank between required Coast Guard inspections,
stainless steel tanks should be required to be no thinner
than carbon steel tanks, in accordance with the tables in 46
CFR 58.50, and 182.440(A)(1), if permitted at all.
(g) Summary
. All of the information above concerns normal and
low temperature service. Chloride pitting becomes more
severe very rapidly at high temperatures. In some alloys,
this transition may occur at as low as 125
F. Different
alloys may be better for hot, fast-flowing saltwater service
such as cooling water discharges. Such special applications
must be considered individually. The sources cited below do
not show any actual data for corrosion at cryogenic
temperatures, but the corrosion rate curves available seem
quite flat throughout the ambient temperature ranges.
Therefore, corrosion is likely to be the same or lower at
very low temperatures, and should be evaluated at ambient
temperatures unless data showing a significant reduction is
(4) Additional Information
. Further information may be obtained
through the following sources:
(a) Marine Corrosion: Causes And Prevention, Francis L. LaQue;
Wiley, New York, 1975.
(b) The Corrosion Handbook, H.H. Uhlig, Ed.; Wiley, New York,
(c) Corrosion (2nd Ed.), Volumes 1 and 2, L. Shreir, Ed.;
Newnes— Butterworths, London, 1976.
CH-3 3-80
3.E.1.f(4) (d) Corrosion And Its Prevention In Waters, G. Butler and H.C.K.
Ison; Reinhold, New York, 1966.
(e) UL Assignments 65WW32 & 65WW63, “Environmental Exposure Of
Sample Model Marine Fuel Tanks,” Files MM—36 & MM—10, Final
Report Yacht Safety Bureau (YSB) R6—l—0469.
2. Boilers, Pressure Vessels, And Similar Equipment
a. General Provisions
(1) Introduction
. Throughout the regulations concerning Coast Guard
certificated vessels, it is common practice to refer to the
Marine Engineering Regulations (46 CFR, Subchapter F) for general
requirements for pressure vessels, boilers, thermal fluid heaters
(TFHs), and similar equipment. It should be recognized, however,
that some special types of pressure containing equipment, such as
hazardous cargo tanks, pressure vessels for human occupancy
(PVHO's), etc. are partially or completely outside the scope of
Subchapter F. Requirements consist basically of industry safety
codes and standards, with the bulk of the regulations addressing
changes or modifications to bring these requirements in line with
good marine practice. Because of our adoption of industry codes
and standards, our committee participation is quite meaningful.
Equipment repairs should meet requirements comparable to those
for new equipment. Unless equipment is accepted as part of an
existing ship being brought under Coast Guard certification for
the first time, the regulations do not presently provide for
acceptance of existing equipment. The provisions of 46 CFR
50.05-5 regarding existing boilers, pressure vessels, or piping
systems apply only to equipment that was accepted by the Coast
Guard when new, but which has deteriorated in service or has been
out of service for some time.
(2) Approval Process
. All boilers and TFHs are reviewed by the
Marine Safety Center (MSC), with copies of the reviewed plans
sent to the cognizant OCMI. The ASME stamp has been adopted for
power and heating boilers in lieu of the Coast Guard plan
approval and shop inspection that occurred prior to final rules
issued on 8 March 1985. The final rules also require safety
valves used on boilers to meet the ASME Code, and eliminate the
requirement that they be Coast Guard approved. These regulations
apply to propulsion boilers, auxiliary boilers, fired thermal
fluid heaters, exhaust gas boilers, heating boilers, hot water
supply boilers, and certain unfired steam boilers.
(3) Functions Of Boilers
. A boiler is a unit that produces steam or
high-temperature water for use external to itself. Steam boilers
always produce a phase change by heating. Evaporators differ from
unfired steam boilers in that they generate steam for
distillation purposes. Unfired steam boilers produce steam from
an external heat source (such as engine exhaust) to supply steam
for some function such as heating, doing work, or removing water
from oil. Hot water supply boilers supply water that is not
returned to the boiler or otherwise retained. Hot water heating
boilers usually produce hot water to use in a heating operation,
3-81 CH-3
3.E.2.a (3) (cont’d) after which the water is normally returned to the
boiler. Not fully understanding these differences has resulted
in misapplication of regulations in the past.
(4) Historical Development
. Although boilers have been used in
marine industry for a long time, developments in marine boiler
technology have evolved slowly. Early boilers resembled large
teakettles. Need for reduced boiler size, increased efficiency,
and improved safety, along with related developments in
technology, have resulted in significant changes in design. These
developments include:
(a) Introduction of welded construction;
(b) Development of safety valves and fusible plugs;
(c) Watertube designs;
(d) Enhancement of materials;
(e) Increases in design pressures and temperatures;
(f) Conversion to fuels other than coal;
(g) Use of single-wall construction;
(h) Improvements in burners and control systems; and
(i) Addition of features such as superheaters and economizers.
Reference should be made to 46 CFR Table 54.01-5(a) for
applicability of regulations for various types of equipment.
Boilers are divided into main and auxiliary boilers. Boilers
whose primary function is to deliver steam for propulsion
purposes are designated as "main" or "propulsion" boilers; all
other boilers are auxiliary boilers, which may be either fired or
unfired. The requirements for miniature boilers and organic
fluid vaporizer generators should be noted in 46 CFR 52.25.
These boilers are not widely used aboard ships, and are,
therefore, not discussed further.
(5) Pressure Vessels
. Pressure vessels are merely leak-proof
containers for pressurized fluids. They vary in characteristics,
from a simple component in a piping system to more sophisticated
construction for extremes of pressure, temperature, or exacting
performance requirements. [NOTE: Some fluid conditioner fittings
are reviewed as pressure vessels (see 46 CFR 56.15-5]. In light
of this, one should realize how difficult it is to develop
general design requirements suitable for all applications.
Because of the amount of energy stored in pressure vessels,
preventing failure becomes a primary concern in design. Although
failure may result from several causes that which first comes to
mind is overstress of the material.
(6) Control of Stresses
. Stresses in boilers and pressure vessels
are maintained at an acceptable level by preventing overloading
(as a result of overpressure, external loads, etc.); preventing
reduction in load carrying cross section (as a result of
corrosion, fatigue cracks, etc.); by avoiding "weak link"
construction details; and by properly selecting materials.
Materials, for example, must have suitable plastic as well as
ductile properties so that local yielding can redistribute
stresses to prevent failures that would occur in purely elastic
materials. There is no perfect pressure vessel material for all
applications and environments. Most pressure vessels are
CH-3 3-82
3.E.2.a (6) (cont’d) designed with a “design margin” or "factor of safety”
approach. However, as more is learned about design and material
parameters, engineering and economic considerations will lead to
increased use of refined analytical and experimental design
procedures. Coast Guard engineers must keep abreast of factors
affecting pressure vessel design, since they will be increasingly
called upon to evaluate designs that more fully use material
properties and advanced design methods.
b. Propulsion Boilers
(1) Introduction
. The importance of reliability in vessel propulsion
becomes obvious as one considers the consequences of losing the
main propulsion plant. The design effort devoted to reliability
has been receiving increased emphasis in recent years due to
growing complexity of equipment and the trend toward reduced
manning. The cost of taking ships out of service for repairs has
also increased the attention given to designing for reliability
and maintainability. Although many operators consider two
boilers necessary to ensure propulsion for the vessel in case one
boiler is lost, the Coast Guard does not prohibit single boiler
(2) General Requirements
. Certain characteristics are important in
marine boilers. It is desirable to keep the size of these
components to a minimum to maximize availability of vessel cargo
space. The center of gravity should be low to increase vessel
stability. Boiler drums should be arranged fore-and-aft to
minimize sloshing and water level control problems. Foundations
must be designed to withstand loads from ship motions. Access
must be carefully provided for inspections and repairs.
Combustion controls must be suitable for shipboard service, which
makes components such as mercury switches unacceptable. Special
piping requirements help provide reliable supplies of fuel and
water. Manning and automation requirements for boiler
installations are geared to the increased attention required by
boilers, as opposed to diesel installations. Marine boilers are
designed for more potentially harmful vibration and shock loading
than are shore-based boilers. These examples give some feel for
special considerations relating to marine boilers and, when
coupled with failure consequences typically more serious than for
land-based boilers, point to the need for particular interest in
reliability and safety.
(3) Main Boiler Safety Valves
. The design, sizing, setting, and
repair of main boiler safety valves are extremely important. The
required safety valve capacities are based on the boiler overload
ratings determined during design of the boilers. Re-heaters, air
heaters, economizers, boiler design characteristics, and type of
fuel affect these capacities. ASME does not certify or approve
safety valves. When requested by ASME, the National Board of
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NB) will survey a
manufacturer's facility, valve designs, quality control systems,
and flow test facility to establish valve capacity in accordance
with the ASME Code. Capacity test data for each valve model,
type, and size signed by the manufacturer and an authorized
observer is submitted to the NB for certification. Certificates
3-83 CH-3
3.E.2.b (3) (cont’d) must be renewed every 3 years. Valves certified by the
NB are published in "Relieving Capacities of Safety Valves and
Relief Valves Approved by the National Board," which includes
relieving capacity data. Many considerations affect selection of
safety valve set pressures and blowdowns. Improperly set valves
can result in overpressure or overheating of the boiler, simmer,
chatter, rapid cycling, frequent operation, or deterioration of
the safety valves. Parts 67-73, Section I of the ASME Code
contain a wealth of information on safety valves, some of which
Coast Guard inspectors should know. For example, for service
over 250 psig the tolerance on setting a valve is +/- 5 percent
of the pressure marking on the valve. The setting of superheater
safety valves may depend upon the pilot valve setting, the design
pressure of the superheater, or the design pressure of the main
steam piping.
Safety valves are repaired under the provisions of 46 CFR 59.01-
5. Due to a previous history of unsatisfactory repairs, Repair
Of Boiler Safety Valves", COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 1-71, was
written to set forth procedures by which the Coast Guard can
accept repaired valves as equivalent in performance to that of a
new valve (see below concerning the National Board).
(4) Superheaters
. Of particular concern in the approval and
inspection of boilers are the steam and tube metal temperatures
of superheaters. Depending on the design and arrangement of
superheater tubes and headers, steam temperatures in some parts
of the superheater can be substantially higher than those in the
superheater outlet. Tube metal temperatures also vary throughout
the superheater. Highly sophisticated techniques of analysis and
much experience go into predicting what these temperatures will
be; these temperatures rarely turn out exactly as predicted, due
to all the variables involved. For this reason, it is normal
practice to outfit the first boiler in a class of vessels with
thermocouple temperature monitoring systems. It is important to
know what these temperatures actually are, because at high
temperatures, temperature increases can result in tremendous loss
of strength in the metal. Temperature increases of 250
F may
result in reductions in material allowable stress of 25 percent
or more, depending on the actual temperature and material.
Concern for this delicate balance between temperature and
allowable stress does not end with the boiler. The main steam
piping from the boiler must be similarly designed for the high
steam temperature. This is done by selecting appropriate
allowable stress values to maintain required safety factors for
pressure containment in keeping thermal expansion stresses at an
acceptable level. This points to the importance of the
requirement in 46 CFR 52.01-95(b)(2) for visible and audible
alarms to indicate excessive superheat. All boilers with
integral superheaters are approved for a maximum allowable
superheater outlet temperature. For protection of both the
superheater and the main steam piping, the alarm setting should
not exceed this approved temperature. Recently, boiler fuel
rates have become an important consideration, resulting in a
trend to operate very close to the maximum allowable temperature
to improve efficiency.
CH-3 3-84
3.E.2.b (5) References
. See 46 CFR Part 62 for information on main boiler
controls, alarms and shutdowns, and how requirements for these
features relate to levels of vessel manning. Additionally, see
below for information on propulsion system automation.
c. Auxiliary Boilers
(1) General
. Auxiliary boilers include those shipboard units that
are not used for propulsion. The high pressures and temperatures
desirable for use with steam turbines make watertube boilers
favored for main boilers. Auxiliary boilers, however, are
supplied in quite a variety of forms, including both water and
firetube types, for quite a variety of applications. These units
are categorized in 46 CFR Table 54.01-5(a) as fired steam
boilers, hot water heating boilers, hot water supply boilers, an
unfired steam or hot water boilers (see table for applicable
regulations). Except for some unfired boilers and some small
electric water heaters, these units are designed, fabricated, and
tested in accordance with Section I or IV of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, as modified by 46 CFR Parts 52-53 for Coast
Guard purposes. Boilers that are not exempt from the
requirements of 46 CFR Parts 52-53 must be equipped with
appropriate safety valves. These valves will have quality
construction, certified capacities, provision for sealing after
setting the pressure, and other features required by the Coast
Guard. The valves are not usually pilot-actuated on auxiliary
boilers. Features and operating characteristics of boiler safety
valves differ significantly from those of ordinary pressure
relief valves.
(2) Fusible Plugs
. Fusible plugs are also required on all boilers
except watertube boilers and heating boilers operating at 30 psig
or less (see 46 CFR 52.01-50). Although these plugs may relieve
some pressure and provide some cooling of furnace temperature,
their main purpose is to provide warning for the operator in case
of extremely abnormal operation. The plugs are particularly
important for a hand-fired or solid fuel boiler. Plugs are
cleaned and inspected regularly to prevent unintentional
failures. Low water is the usual cause of fusible plug failures,
but excessive scale on the plug or adjacent metal can also melt
the plug. How useful a fusible plug is in limiting furnace
temperatures depends on the individual design of the boiler and
controls, the plug locations, and the amount of forced draft.
(3) Relative Effects of Fuel Consumption
. Fired auxiliary boilers
include boilers fired by either oil or electricity. Generally,
the specific requirements of 46 CFR 52 or 53 apply to these
boilers, with appropriate requirements for automatically
controlled boilers taken from 46 CFR 63.05 or 63.10. Control
system requirements vary depending on the heat input rating, with
more detailed provisions occurring for units with a heat input
rate over 117 kW.
(4) Automatic Control Systems
. Automatic control systems for
auxiliary boilers will be reviewed by the MSC. Although approvals
are issued on an individual vessel basis, standard design files
3-85 CH-3
3.E.2.c (4) (cont’d) should be maintained to reduce redundant reviews. It
should be noted that although nearly all auxiliary boilers are
automatically controlled, the Coast Guard does not require them
to be automatic. Boilers that do not meet all the requirements
in 46 CFR Part 63 should be required to have a qualified
operator, responsible for the operation of that boiler, present
whenever the boiler is in operation.
[NOTE: This may impact on the manning requirements for the vessel
aboard which the boiler is installed.]
(5) UL listings
. Certain electrically fired hot water supply boilers
(water heaters) may be accepted on the basis of listing by UL
(see 46 CFR 53.01-10(c)). The scope of UL 174 has been
substantially reduced since this regulation was written, so that
it now applies only to household-type water heaters. UL has
developed a new standard for commercial type heaters, UL 1453,
that has been evaluated and adopted by the Coast Guard. [NOTE:
the requirements found in 46 CFR 63.25-3 for water heaters not
covered by UL 174 are intended to prevent water in any part of
the storage tank from flashing to steam at atmospheric pressure.
Some lack of clarity presently exists between the 46 CFR Part 53
and Part 63 requirements for relief of pressure for water heaters
up 100 psig. What should be provided is either an approved
safety valve and a temperature relief device or a pressure-
temperature relief valve meeting ANSI Z21.22.]
d. Unfired Boilers
. Because of an increased interest in energy
conservation, increased numbers of waste heat boilers are being built
for marine applications. Most of these units are exhaust gas types
designed to recover usable heat that would otherwise be lost. The
controls for these boilers are usually very simple; the generated
steam can be used directly for heating or doing work, or routed to
the drum of a fired auxiliary boiler aboard the vessel to supplement
its capacity. When two boilers are connected in this manner, the
system must be reviewed to ensure that adequate total safety valve
capacity is provided and to verify that one boiler cannot be a source
of overpressure for the other. The controls on the fired boiler
must be sufficiently flexible for operation with or without input
from the unfired unit. If the waste heat boiler is capable of being
run dry, as most can (either intentionally or unintentionally), the
boiler must be designed for the highest possible exhaust gas
temperature, not the saturated steam temperature. Also, since most
waste heat boilers are relatively low-pressure, low-temperature
units, the consequences of failure are sometimes underestimated.
Often, they are installed directly over the main source of power for
propelling the vessel. In these cases, unless suitable warnings,
alarms, or baffles are provided, a significant boiler leak (or a
small leak over an extended time when the vessel is not underway)
could result in loss of propulsion before anyone is aware of the
leak. Such precautions are normally required where the exhaust gas
temperature can exceed 800
F and plain carbon steel tubes are used.
This is because the steel may deteriorate at higher temperatures due
to the carbide phase of the steel being converted to graphite. This
same problem may occur in carbon-molybdenum steel above 875
e. ASME Code, Sections I And IV
CH-3 3-86
3.E.2.e (1) Introduction
. The Coast Guard has, in 46 CFR 52-53, adopted
Sections I and IV as the governing standards for design,
construction, and testing of power, auxiliary, and heating
boilers subject to Coast Guard inspection. These standards also
apply to repairs made to new boilers. Prior to 1968, most of the
requirements for boilers were actually contained within 46 CFR
52-53. However, welding requirements were in Part 56, testing in
Part 61, and materials in Part 51. This made it extremely
difficult to follow the requirements for new construction. The
regulations now basically adopt the ASME Code, but do change or
modify the code sections in some areas. For example, some piping
areas covered in Section I have been replaced with the
requirements of 46 CFR 56, to maintain consistency with other
piping requirements of the Coast Guard.
(2) Applicability
. The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code is
recognized and accepted throughout the world. Worldwide use of
this standard has become even more prevalent with the issuance of
ASME Code symbol stamps to foreign manufacturers. [NOTE: The
code is applicable to new construction only.] The rules are
intended to provide minimum requirements for safety and
serviceability. A designer must realize this and design for an
intended service, while at the same time satisfying the minimum
rules of the code. A boiler or pressure vessel designer can
fully comply with code requirements, for example, without
selecting materials appropriate for the intended service. A
boiler must be designed for loads due to ship's motions, thermal
conditions, etc., although the code provides no formulas for such
(3) Historical Basis
. The basic principles of design are shared
between Sections I, IV and VIII of the code and will be discussed
more fully later in this manual. The differences in
applicability and details, however, are significant and must be
fully understood by users. Section I, Power Boilers, was
developed because of a rash of boiler explosions that occurred in
the late 1800's and early 1900's. A catastrophic boiler
explosion in a Brockton, Massachusetts, shoe factory that killed
58 persons, injured 117 others, and caused tremendous property
damage resulted in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts enacting
construction rules for boilers in 1907; the State of Ohio issued
similar rules in 1908. ASME first published Section I, Power
Boilers, in 1914. Due mostly to the development and adoption of
these rules, failures of boiler pressure boundaries are
practically nonexistent today. Section IV, Low Pressure Heating
Boilers, was published in 1923. Section II, Materials, was
published in 1925. Section VIII, Pressure Vessels, was published
in 1925. Section IX, Welding Qualifications, was published in
1937. Section VIII, Division 2, Pressure Vessels, was published
in 1968. The Coast Guard routinely works with these code
sections, which are continually revised and updated. Coast Guard
participation on code committees is an important aspect of the
regulatory process.
(4) Summary
. The prefaces of Sections I and IV contain important
information regarding the scope of applicability of the sections.
3-87 CH-3
3.E.2.e (4) (cont’d) It is important to know how the Coast Guard may adopt
or modify these provisions. When are superheaters, economizers,
or unfired steam generators designed in accordance with Section
I, and when must they meet the requirements of Section VIII? Must
a 25 psig heating boiler meet Section I or Section IV? Which
steam piping must meet Section I, and which piping must meet 46
CFR 56? The answers to questions such as these must be clearly
understood by Coast Guard marine safety personnel.
f. Thermal Fluid Heaters (TFHs)
(1) Introduction
. TFHs are being used increasingly in marine
applications, both in this country and overseas. Although these
heaters may be either fired or unfired, fired heaters are by far
the most common. There are many possible applications for
thermal fluid heaters for heating, heat recovery, or cooling.
These units may be used to maintain the temperature of heavy
fuel, preheat lube oil or cooling water, space heating, unfired
steam generation, tank washing heat exchangers, cargo pipe
tracing, and other applications. The most common application
with which Coast Guard personnel are involved is the heating of
petroleum products or other chemicals carried as cargo on ships
or barges. Many of these cargoes must be heated to maintain
pumpability. Fires in connection with TFHs are a very real
potential hazard. Most heat transfer fluids are combustible and
are, of course, heated during TFH operation. Fuel is being
pumped to the burners. Flames, hot surfaces, and electrical
sources of ignition may all be present. Therefore, one should
not underestimate the potential hazard of these units just
because associated pressures may be low and steam is not being
generated. It is recommended that special attention be given
during inspections to operational testing and visual checks of
piping, pipe connections, and mountings. Operating manuals
approved for fired TFHs should include a detailed test procedure
for controls, alarms, and shutdowns.
(2) Adherence to 46 CFR Parts 52 and 63
. Table 54.01-5(a) shows that
the requirements of 46 CFR 52 and 63 are applicable.
Essentially, this is saying the heater will be constructed per
ASME Code, Section I, and have controls, alarms, and shutdowns
similar to those required for auxiliary boilers. In fired TFHs,
forced circulation with a continuous positive control of fluid in
each heating coil or tube is very important. In a "firetube"
type of heater, it would not be possible to adequately control
fluid velocity throughout the heater. The usual watertube boiler
type design also inadequately controls heat flux rates throughout
a fired TFH. The most popular shipboard design today employs a
limited number of watertube coils to control circulation
(sometimes only one coil is used). The smaller units may use
only radiant heating, with larger units also having a convective
section. Fluid velocities that are too low will result in high
film temperatures and decomposition of the fluid. No phase
change in the fluid should occur in a TFH, or upon leakage from
the system. The coil design usually will not accommodate the
installation of soot blowers, making manual cleaning necessary
while the heaters are shut down. Expansion tanks should be
mounted high enough in the system to provide a positive head to
CH-3 3-88
3.E.2.f (2) (cont’d) prevent the ingress of cargo or other heated liquid if
a tank coil or heat exchanger should fail. These tanks are left
uninsulated to avoid heat buildup and fluid oxidation.
(3) Requirements for Fired TFHs
. Fired TFHs must not be installed in
hazardous locations. Heater fuel systems must comply with 46 CFR
56 requirements for fuel piping. Hot surfaces must be insulated
as required by 46 CFR 56.50-1(k) to prevent injury to personnel.
Relief valves must be installed to protect the heater in event of
clogging or inadvertent valve closure. These valves normally
relieve to the expansion tank. In the past, the Coast Guard has
considered the flash point of the heat transfer fluid to be the
practical safe limit of operating temperature for TFHs, and the
high temperature cut-off settings are approved accordingly. A
leak into a space is considered less hazardous in the form of a
combustible liquid than as a potentially explosive cloud of
Simple heaters with non-corrosive fluids generally warrant less
attention during operation and less maintenance on the heater
proper than do steam units. However, the controls, alarms, and
shutdowns should be regularly tested and maintained. Controls,
alarms, and shutdowns for fired TFHs are similar to those
required for boilers. Burner control can be on/off,
high/low/off, or fully modulating, depending on type of fuel and
heater size. Burner sequences are controlled by a timer, which
is programmed to check the operation of controls and safety
devices while monitoring the flame by photo-electric or
ultraviolet sensing. Fluid temperatures are usually controlled
by thermostats, with sensing elements typically installed at the
inlet header and the outlet of each coil. Fluid flow, fluid
level, and temperature measuring devices automatically shut down
the burner under abnormal conditions. Requirements for controls
and shutdowns are detailed in 46 CFR 63.
(4) Use of Heat Transfer Fluids
. Most of the heat transfer fluids
used today are mineral oils or synthetic hydrocarbons. Isomers
and diphenyl-diphenyl oxide are also occasionally used. Other
types of fluids are available for special applications. What
makes these fluids better than steam for heating purposes? First,
the economy and safety of a low pressure system can be realized,
since the temperature is not pressure-dependent as in the case of
steam. Lower pressure also decreases leakage potential and the
possibility of contaminating the product being heated. Many
chemicals that would react strongly with water are more
compatible with heat transfer fluids. Thermal fluids may be
pumped at low temperatures, and have no condensate return lines
to freeze. Feed water treatment is eliminated. Internal scaling
and corrosion are greatly reduced. These fluids do not form a
vacuum in the system after shutdown, which would tend to
contaminate the fluid. Despite these features, there are some
problems with heat transfer fluids that should be understood:
(a) The fluids are combustible, requiring equipment and
procedures to minimize fire risk. They also constitute a
potential water pollutant.
3-89 CH-3
3.E.2.f(4) (b) The fluids may oxidize when exposed to air. Sensitive
temperature control is required to prevent boiling, coking,
scaling, or fluid deterioration due to high fluid film
temperatures in the heater.
(c) Deterioration in service can result in lowering of the flash
point and increase in carbon residue.
(d) The fluid should be handled cautiously since exposure to
skin, eyes, lungs, or the digestive system can be irritating
or cause illness.
(e) Heat transfer fluids have a lower coefficient of heat
transfer on the inside tube surface than does steam,
necessitating higher operating temperatures or more surface
area for the same performance. Fluid circulating pumps can
be high maintenance items.
(f) Also, although there are some offsetting factors in the cost
of these fluids, they are expensive.
Work is being done to develop water-based heat transfer fluids to
reduce costs. Water has some advantages over oil in that it has
excellent heat transfer properties, low viscosity, low vapor
pressure, high thermal conductivity, and high specific heat and
density. It is not combustible or toxic. Additives are being
developed to reduce its limitations regarding operating
temperature, corrosion, freezing, etc. This use of water is
promising but has had little success so far. [NOTE: The
preceding discussion is intended as an introduction to TFHs used
in marine applications. Large heaters found in the chemical
processing industry are normally much more sophisticated in
g. Pressure Vessels
(1) General Requirements
(a) Historical Basis
. In the early 20th Century, materials and
technology were such that pressure vessels were limited to a
capacity of a few hundred pounds per square inch (psi)
pressure. Even at that, explosions of such equipment were
not uncommon. A real need was realized for the development
of materials, design and fabrication methods, protective
devices, and quality control procedures. Cities, states, and
other jurisdictions began development of design,
construction, and inspection rules to help prevent pressure
vessel failures. As these rules were enforced, it became
more and more difficult to construct a pressure vessel in one
jurisdiction that would be accepted in another, due to
conflicts in the applicable rules. Because of this lack of
uniformity, the ASME Pressure Vessel Code was developed in
1925. This was an attempt to offer the various jurisdictions
a standard set of design and construction rules for safe
pressure vessels. Much progress has occurred since that
time. Pressure vessels are now being built for service at
pressures of several thousand psig and equally severe
CH-3 3-90
3.E.2.g(1) (a) (cont’d) temperatures. The Code is continuously updated by
the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee to keep up with
growth in the pressure vessel industry.
(b) Coast Guard Adoption of the ASME Code.
On 1 July 1969, the
Coast Guard adopted the ASME Code for pressure vessels under
its jurisdiction. Section VIII, Division 1 is adopted for
most, but not all, pressure vessels aboard Coast Guard
certificated vessels. 46 CFR 54 adopts the code, while
modifying some of its provisions to conform more
appropriately to marine practice. Therefore, a comprehensive
understanding of pressure vessel requirements can only be
achieved by reading the ASME Code, along with the
modifications from Part 54. The code applies to many types
of welded and forged pressure vessels. However, there are
many pressure vessels outside the scope of the code, as
adopted, that must be reviewed on an individual basis. These
include non-metallic vessels, wire-wound vessels, multi-layer
vessels with shrink-fitted shells, vessels with design
pressures in excess of 3000 psig, etc. These types of
pressure vessels are normally submitted to Commandant (G-MSE-
3) for review. There have been few marine applications of
these vessels to date; however, the use of very high-pressure
accumulators for hydropneumatic service is becoming more
(c) Exemptions From Compliance
. 46 CFR Part 54 exempts certain
categories of pressure vessels from plan review and shop
inspection for various reasons. Some exemptions are
conditional on the presence of the "U" or "UN" code symbol.
The "U" stamp signifies that the pressure vessel complies
with the applicable design, fabrication, and testing
requirements of the code, and has been inspected by an
authorized inspector. The "UN" stamp indicates code
compliance, except that the independent third party
inspection is not required (see paragraph U-1 of Section
VIII, Division 1 for applicability of the "UM" stamp). The
presence of a code stamp is not required to be on pressure
vessels that must receive Coast Guard plan approval and shop
inspection. The Coast Guard issued Final Rules, effective 21
June 1982, that require Class I, II, and III pressure vessels
not containing hazardous materials to be inspected and
stamped in accordance with the ASME Code. These rules
replace previous requirements for plan approval and shop
inspection by the Coast Guard. These rules require:
i. Certification of pressure vessel design drawings and
analyses by a registered professional engineer (under
ii. Coast Guard inspection of the completed pressure vessels
prior to installation, 54.10-3(c); and
iii. Compliance with certain requirements which are optional
under the ASME Code (see 54.01-5(d)).
3-91 CH-3
3.E.2.g(1) (d) Revisions of the ASME Code
. The Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Committee meets regularly to consider proposed additions and
revisions to the code and to formulate code cases. Proposed
changes are published in ASME's magazine Mechanical
Engineering for public comment from all interested persons.
After the allotted time for public review and final
acceptance by the ASME Council, the Addenda (which include
the additions and revisions to individual sections of the
code) are published twice a year. These addenda are accepted
by the Coast Guard for new construction 6 months after their
date of issue. Code cases do not revise the code. They are
issued to clarify the intent of existing requirements or
provide, when the need is urgent, rules for materials or
construction not covered by existing Code rules. Code cases
are published in two separate books, Boilers and Pressure
Vessels and Nuclear Components. Code cases are not adopted
by the Coast Guard unless specifically authorized by the
(e) Coast Guard Modifications of the ASME Code
i. One of the Coast Guard modifications to the code is the
division of pressure vessels into various classes such
as Class I, Class II-L, etc. These categories are used
in defining exemptions from Coast Guard requirements, or
in specifying additional requirements, such as for
welded joints, nondestructive testing, or heat treatment
(see 46 CFR Table 54.01-5(b)). These additional
requirements provide for specific marine service and, in
general, represent owner-option alternatives under the
code. The jurisdiction of the code with regard to
external piping ends at the first circumferential joint
in welded end connections, the face of the first flange
in bolted-flange connections, and the first threaded
joint in threaded pipe connections.
ii. The requirements that 46 CFR 54 contain "modifications"
to the adopted code are significant and straightforward,
and should be reviewed by marine safety personnel
approving or inspecting pressure vessels. They discuss
loadings due to ship's motions, corrosion allowance and
protection, external pressure, low temperature service,
toughness testing of materials, inspections, stamping,
data reports, pressure relief devices, pressure relief
under fire conditions, welding, nondestructive
examination, materials, and stress relief.
(2) Stress Calculation
(a) Introduction
i. To determine the allowable design stresses for multi-
axial stress conditions that occur in pressure vessels,
several theories of failure have been developed. Since
all sections of the ASME Code do not base design
requirements on the same failure theories, it is
worthwhile to briefly consider these concepts. The
CH-3 3-92
3.E.2.g(2)(a) i. (cont’d) purpose of the failure theories is to predict
when failure will occur due to combined stresses on the
basis of data gained from simple uniaxial tests.
ii. Section I and Section VIII, Division 1 are based on the
"Maximum Stress" or "Rankine" Theory. Under this
theory, failure occurs when one of the principal
stresses reaches the yield point value in tension or
compression. The principal stresses in a cylinder are
axial stress, radial stress, and tangential or hoop
stress. Section III (Nuclear Power) and Section VIII,
Division 2 are based on the "Maximum Shear Stress" or
"Tresca" Theory. Under this theory, failure occurs when
the maximum shear stress reaches some critical value,
which depends on what type of loading the pressure
vessel part is experiencing. The equation for stress
analysis known as the Lame Equation, which is frequently
used in analysis of thick wall cylinders, is based on
the maximum stress theory. The ASME modified membrane
t +
is in very close agreement with the Lame Equation, and
also takes into account weld joint efficiency and
corrosion allowance (see ASME Section VIII, Division 1,
UG-27 for definition of symbols). In a thin cylinder
under internal pressure, where the radial stress is
close to zero, the maximum stress and maximum shear
stress theories give approximately the same results.
However, in thick-wall cylinders having a radial stress
that is not small in comparison to axial and hoop
stress, the maximum shear stress theory will give
results that coincide more closely with experimental
data. It should not be concluded, however, that a thin-
wall pressure vessel designed under Section VIII,
Division 1 will be the same as one designed per Section
VIII, Division 2. Safety factors and other parameters
in the code sections differ significantly, as will be
discussed in more detail later. One important
characteristic of the maximum shear stress theory is
that it can predict the failure of a material under
either static or fatigue loading with good accuracy. It
also gives excellent agreement with experimental results
in the case of high tensile steels.
(b) Alternate Stress Theories
. Two other failure theories should
be mentioned, although they are not widely used in pressure
vessel design. In the "Maximum Strain Energy" Theory (also
known as the "distortion energy" or "Von Mises" Theory),
rupture occurs when the strain energy per unit volume reaches
a critical value. In the "maximum strain" theory, the part
will fail when the maximum strain equals the strain at the
elastic limit under simple tension.
3-93 CH-3
3.E.2.g(2) (c) Application of Engineering Judgment
. One cannot be
satisfied with a determination of stresses from a design
analysis until all loads have been adequately considered.
Paragraph UG-22 of Section VIII, Division 1 lists several
types of loading that may be imposed on a pressure vessel,
and that should be taken into account by the designer. 46
CFR 54.01-30 adds to this list by including static and
dynamic factors peculiar to marine applications. During plan
approval, some engineering judgment must be applied in
deciding which of these loads will have a potentially
significant effect on vessel stresses. For example, large
low pressure tanks containing liquids may be highly stressed
by both static liquid head and saddle supports. Liquid
contents raise the reaction forces of the saddles. Sloshing
loads could also be high in large liquid-containing vessels
when baffles are not provided. Changing orientation of a
ship (list and trim) or dynamic characteristics of a
particular ship may sometimes need to be determined and used
in defining pressure vessel loads. In most cases when a
ship's motions should be considered, a simplified method that
has proven satisfactory in the past has been to apply a
static weight factor of 2G downward, and a 1G force in the
fore-and-aft and athwartships directions. For the vast
majority of pressure vessels approved under Part 54, dynamic
loading from ship's motions need not be checked. Good
engineering judgment must be applied in every case.
(d) Design of Saddle Supports for Horizontal Pressure Vessels
This is usually done with the assistance of a paper written
by L. P. Zick, although other methods (including finite
element analysis) may be used. Zick's paper, "Stresses in
Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels on Two Saddle
Supports," was published in the Welding Journal, Res. Suppl.
30 (1951). Although Zick's paper may be modified to
accommodate vessels on three saddle supports, use of more
than two saddles should usually be discouraged on a flexible
foundation such as a ship. If all supports are not perfectly
aligned, additional loads will be imposed on the vessel.
Although Paragraph UG-22 requires that loadings must be
considered, it does not give clear information on how to do
(e) Additional References
. Some other references that may be
useful in approving pressure vessel plans are:
i. Process Equipment Design, by Brownell and Young; John
Wiley and Sons, Inc.
ii. Pressure Vessels - The ASME Code Simplified, by Chuse;
McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.
iii. Theory and Design of Modern Pressure Vessels, by Harvey
Van Nostrand; Reinhold Publishing Company.
iv. Defects and Failures in Pressure Vessels and Piping, by
Thielsch, Reinhold Publishing Company.
CH-3 3-94
3.E.2.g(2)(e) v. Formulas for Stress and Strain, by Roark; McGraw-Hill
Book Company, Inc.
(3) ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 1
(a) Introduction
. Since Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME
Code is so frequently used, this section is provided to
detail these rules and their correct application. Most
comments are intended to clarify or explain the basis of code
requirements. Much of what is said will apply to Section I
of the Code as well. The basic design criteria of Section
VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code is to provide adequate wall
thickness in a vessel so that the maximum membrane stress
does not exceed the allowable stress. The maximum allowable
tensile stress values permitted for the various materials are
given in Subsection C, Table UCS-23 of the code. The basis
for establishing the allowable stress values is given in
Appendix P. At temperatures below the creep range, except
for bolting materials, the allowable stresses are generally
based on the lowest value of the following:
i. 1/4 of the specified minimum tensile strength at room
ii. 1/4 of the tensile strength at temperature;
iii. 5/8 of the specified minimum yield strength at room
temperature for ferrous materials;
iv. 5/8 of the yield strength at temperature for ferrous
v. 2/3 of the specified minimum yield strength at room
temperature for nonferrous materials; or
vi. 2/3 of the yield strength at temperature for nonferrous
The code provides for increasing these allowable stresses for
certain austenitic and nonferrous material. These higher
allowable values are not recommended for flanges and other
strain sensitive uses.
(b) Temperatures Below The Creep Limit
. If bolting materials are
used at temperatures below the creep range, with material
strength increased by heat treatment or strain hardening, the
following additional limits apply:
i. 1/5 of the specified minimum tensile strength at room
ii. 1/4 of the specified minimum yield strength at room
iii. At temperatures above the creep range, the allowable
tensile stresses are based on the lowest value of the
3-95 CH-3
3.E.2.g(3)(b)iii a. 100 percent of the average stress for a creep rate
of 0.01 percent in 1000 hours;
b. 80 percent of the minimum stress for rupture at the
end of 100,000 hours; and
c. 67 percent of the average stress for rupture at the
end of 100,000 hours.
The allowable compressive stress is the same as the allowable
tensile stress value, or the value determined according to
UG-23(b), whichever is lower.
(c) Localized and Secondary Bending Stresses
. It is recognized
that high localized and secondary bending stresses exist in
code vessels. Design rules for construction details have
been written to hold such stresses at a safe level consistent
with experience. One reason for the 3,000 psig limit on the
scope of Section VIII, Division 1, is that many of these
construction details are not appropriate for higher pressure
applications. The basic design of specific parts such as
heads and shells are covered by code design rules. However,
if a vessel is subjected to severe cyclic operation, is in
some other severe service, or has a complex geometry not
covered by the rules, additional stress analysis will
probably be necessary. Since Division 1 is primarily for
membrane vessels, stress in the radial direction is usually
not considered.
(d) Hoop Stresses
. The general design formulas are given in UG-
27. The hoop stress formulas are limited to a wall thickness
not exceeding one-half of the inside radius and pressure not
exceeding 0.385 SE (symbols defined in the code). When
these limits are exceeded, the UA-2 (A)(1)requirements must
be followed. The longitudinal stress formulas are limited
to a maximum thickness of one-half of the inside radius and a
thickness not exceeding 1.25 SE, with UA-2 (A)(2) followed
beyond these limits. In a thin-walled cylinder with
hemispherical heads, the average hoop stress in the shell is
about twice the average axial (longitudinal) stress in the
shell and twice the average stress in any direction of the
hemispherical head. The average radial stress on the
cylinder and head is compressive and equals one-half the
internal pressure. This shows that, for internal pressure,
the average hoop stress usually controls. Design formulas
for other than hemispherical heads are based on a combination
of analytical stress analysis, experimental stress analysis,
and experience. The flat head formula must be adjusted for
various details of joint design.
(e) Failure Criteria
. The failure criteria used for external
pressure or axial compression is elastic instability
(buckling) and yielding from compressive stress. Provisions
are included for design of stiffening rings. The minimum
required thickness is found by a trial-and-error method.
Once again, some materials have lower temperature limits in
the stress curves for external pressure than the same
materials in the tensile stress tables.
CH-3 3-96
3.E.2.g(3) (f) Shell and Head Openings
. Openings in shells and heads must
be designed per UG-36 through UG-42. When this is not
practical, the ligament efficiency rules of UG-53 may be
used. In viewing a cross section of the opening, adequate
excess material must exist in the vessel and nozzle wall, or
be added around the opening, to replace the material missing
in the corroded hole in the vessel wall. Appendix L gives
examples of application of these rules that are very helpful.
In addition to providing the area of reinforcement, adequate
welds must be provided to attach the reinforcement metal, and
the induced stresses must be evaluated. The goal is to
compensate for the weakening effect of the opening with metal
of a suitable profile so as not to introduce an overriding
stress concentration itself.
(g) Welded Joints
. In applying code requirements for welded
joints, it must be remembered that they are minimum
requirements; design loads may require construction that is
more restrictive. Requirements for weld geometrics, sizes,
and details are contained in Part 13W. Section VIII,
Division 1, as it is presently written, generally bases
allowable stresses on one-fourth of ultimate tensile
strength, as discussed earlier. However, to allow this
stress value and the associated wall thickness and safety
factors, the code requires mandatory examination of all butt
welds by radiography. When butt welds are not radiographed
or where butt welds are not used, the wall thickness and
safety factor required are increased by Factor E in the
design formulas. Factor E is referred to as the "joint
efficiency" of the weld. In fact, this terminology is not
all that appropriate. It is a carryover from before 1930,
when most pressure vessels were of riveted construction.
"Joint quality factor" is a more appropriate term, but "joint
efficiency" will be used for consistency with the code. The
intent of the code is to have three quality levels, one where
all butt welds in the vessel are fully or partially
radiographed, one for spot radiography, and one for welds
without radiographic examination.
(h) Code Distinctions Covering Welded Joints
. It is important,
when doing pressure vessel plan review for the Coast Guard,
that one understand the purposes and differences between the
following paragraphs:
i. UW-2 Service Restrictions;
ii. UW-3 Welded Joint Categories;
iii. UW-11 Radiographic Examination;
iv. UW-12 Joint Efficiencies; and
v. Table UW-12, Maximum Allowable Joint Efficiencies.
A reviewer must have a complete understanding of service
restrictions, joint design, and joint examination
requirements to be able to correctly apply the code. This
understanding is best gained by careful study of the content
and intent of the code rules. If the design formula used has
an E value selected from Table UW-12, the quality factor is
3-97 CH-3
3.E.2.g(3) (h) (cont’d) built in and no further consideration is required.
However, formulas that do not contain an E value, which are
used to calculate parts of vessels that include non-examined
butt welds, require addition of an 80 percent quality factor
or an 85 percent factor where spot radiography is used.
Joint "category" designations are locations of joints in a
vessel, and have no bearing on the type of joint. The
February 1975 issue of ASME's Journal of Pressure Vessel
Technology contains an article by G. M. Eisenberg that is
of great assistance to understanding E factors and stress
multipliers, and how they relate to requirements for
radiography of butt welds; examples shown in Appendix "L" of
the code will also be helpful. Since the degree of
radiography affects the safety factor of a vessel designed to
code rules, it helps to be reminded that no amount of
radiography increases the strength of a weld. Only the
assurance of weld quality is increased. [NOTE: Supplementary
design rules are contained in Mandatory and Non-Mandatory
Appendices of the code. Space does not permit discussion of
all these provisions. However, those pages contain a wealth
of requirements, recommendations, and information of which a
code user should be aware.]
(4) ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2
(a) Introduction
. Section VIII, Division 2 of the code contains
alternative rules for pressure vessel design. Under Division
2, it is possible to design pressure vessels with a
theoretical design margin (factor of safety) of three, based
on the ultimate tensile strength of the material. This
differs from Division 1, which essentially requires a design
margin of five (which can be reduced to as low as 3.5 if
certain procedures such as radiography are used).
These rules may not be used for portable pressure vessels
other than pressure vessels for human occupancy (PVHO's) used
in diving operations. Because of the demand for higher
pressures and temperatures for pressure vessels and
limitations on availability of materials, Division 2 was
developed and published in 1968. Its main goal was to
provide for better utilization of existing materials. What
does this lower factor of safety really mean? Essentially,
with the higher stresses allowed, it offers the possibility
of manufacturing a lighter vessel, with thinner shells and
heads and less weld metal; but the lighter vessel may carry a
higher price tag. There are many restrictions on material
selection; a very detailed stress analysis is required.
Inspection and testing procedures are much more comprehensive
than for Section VIII, Division 1 vessels. In fact, the
costs of the extra engineering and inspection efforts will
often outweigh the savings in material and fabrication costs.
(b) Professional Certification
. One important feature of
Division 2 is that the user of the vessel is required to
present the manufacturer detailed information about intended
operating conditions. This information must be certified by
a registered professional engineer experienced in pressure
CH-3 3-98
3.E.2.g(4) (b) (cont’d) vessel design. The manufacturer's design report
and the design calculations must also be certified by a
registered professional engineer. This is to ensure that all
loadings and service conditions, such as cyclic service,
corrosive environments, low temperature applications, etc.
have been properly taken into account. [NOTE: The quality
control procedures required for Section VIII, Division 2
vessels is comparable to those required in Section III for
nuclear vessels.]
(c) Stress Evaluation and Design Review
. Stresses in Division 2
are divided into various categories, and allowable stress
values vary according to the type of stress being evaluated.
Much of the stress terminology used in Division 2 is foreign
to Division 1. For example, allowable stress values are
expressed in terms of "stress intensities." As noted above,
Division 2 is based on the Maximum Shear Stress Theory of
failure. Under this theory, the yield stress of a material
is equal to the difference of the maximum and minimum
principal stresses, or twice the maximum shear stress. In
Division 2, the specified yield stress is called the "stress
intensity" of the material. How does Section VIII, Division
2 permit higher allowable stresses without reduction in
safety? This is accomplished by requiring a rigorous
analysis, and classification of all types of stresses and
loading conditions. This is called "design by analysis."
Manufacturing and inspection procedures are also better
controlled. Certified design specifications and a formal
stress analysis document, both signed by a professional
engineer involved in pressure vessel design, are required.
Section VIII, Division 2 vessels are normally reviewed by
Commandant (G-MSE-3).
h. Heat Exchangers
(1) Introduction
. Heat exchangers are widely used aboard ship to
transfer heat from one gas or liquid to another. Shell-and-tube
exchangers are the most common marine type, except that
deaerating feedwater heaters are often a direct-contact type.
The more simple variety has straight tubes, fixed tubesheets, and
are single-pass (i.e., the tube side fluid flows in one direction
only); a two-pass unit has the inlet and outlet connections at
the same end.
Some units, such as oil coolers, may have a floating tubesheet at
one end to accommodate differential thermal expansion between the
shell and tubes. Shell expansion joints and U-tube designs are
also used. In coolers using seawater as the cooling medium,
galvanic protectors (usually zinc) are used to protect the parts
from galvanic corrosion. The joint most likely to leak in a heat
exchanger is the tube-to-tubesheet joint. The tubes are normally
expanded into the tubesheet using a mandrel, and care must be
taken to use a correct procedure to ensure a tight joint. Tubes
sometimes are fitted with fins to increase the heat transfer area
of the exchanger. Sometimes baffles are installed in the shell
to direct the shell-side flow and to provide tube supports.
Marine heat exchangers are usually designed to perform in
3-99 CH-3
3.E.2.h (1) (cont’d) conditions up to a 30 degree roll. Copper-nickel
alloys, bronze, and various product forms of steel are the common
materials used in marine heat exchangers. Marine heat exchangers
are designed and located to facilitate cleaning and inspection in
what is often a tight space. Inspection requirements must be
taken into account in designing and locating the equipment.
(2) General Requirements
. The designer of a marine heat exchanger
must be attentive to the reliability of the heat exchanger in
doing its job, while at the same time meeting requirements of
TEMA, ASME, a classification society, the owner, and the Coast
Guard. The Coast Guard, being primarily interested in the safety
of the heat exchanger as a pressure vessel, places more emphasis
on the design of the pressure envelope than on performance
requirements. The criteria for acceptance as a heat exchanger is
basically that of acceptable performance after installation. As
a pressure vessel, however, the unit must meet the appropriate
requirements of 46 CFR 54, unless exempted by 54.01-15(a)(4) or
(5). Exemptions based on volume should be determined through the
net internal volume of the shell (excluding tube volume). Some
heat exchangers may at times operate with a vacuum, and
consequently must be designed for external pressure. Any part of
the exchanger must be designed for the greatest pressure
differential that may occur across that part, including failure
of an adjacent pressure boundary. Thus, shells must survive tube
failures. Tubesheets or partitions with positive pressure on one
side and vacuum on the other must be designed for the maximum
total pressure differential to which the part may be subjected.
(3) Fuel Oil Heaters
. Fuel oil heaters normally use steam as the
heating medium. Close control of the heat is needed to provide
temperatures high enough for proper fuel atomization, but low
enough to keep carbon residues from forming in the heaters.
Electric element immersion heaters must meet the requirements of
46 CFR 111.85. If fluid from a fired thermal fluid heater is
used to heat fuel, it is recommended that the piping for the heat
transfer fluid be so arranged that the heat transfer fluid
pressure will be higher than the fuel pressure. This should be
the case whether the system is operating or shut down.
This will reduce the risk of fuel leaking into the heat transfer
fluid and being pumped through the thermal fluid heater.
This arrangement can be accomplished by maintaining a head on the
fluid side with an expansion tank at a location higher than the
fuel being heated; an alternative is to provide an intermediate
heat exchanger. The U.S. Navy sometimes uses double-tubesheet
exchangers to avoid contamination of one fluid by another.
[NOTE: Unfired steam generators are boilers, rather than heat
exchangers, for purposes of applying 46 CFR 54 requirements.]
(4) Pressure Relief Requirements
. Pressure relief device
requirements for heat exchangers are found in 46 CFR 54.15.
Essentially, if the shell pressure is lower than the tube
pressure, the shell side should be adequately protected in the
case of a tube failure. If the only source of pressure on the
high pressure side is an upstream pump, then a relief valve in
CH-3 3-100
3.E.2.h (4) (cont’d) the piping between the pump and the heat exchanger may
be used in lieu of a device installed directly on the high-
pressure side of the heat exchanger.
i. Authorized Inspectors And Holders of ASME Code Symbol Stamps
(1) Introduction
. To assure integrity in the manufacture,
installation, and testing of pressure vessels, independent third
party inspection is required. Because of the special interests
involved, manufacturers and users are not solely relied upon to
ensure compliance with Coast Guard or ASME Code requirements.
Coast Guard personnel inspect nearly all pressure vessels
installed aboard certificated ships. However, some pressure
vessels are exempt from Coast Guard plan review and shop
inspection by 46 CFR 54 based on the presence of an ASME Code
Symbol Stamp on the vessel. In these cases, the Coast Guard
accepts the services of an "authorized inspector" (Al) in lieu of
shop inspection by Coast Guard personnel (see paragraph UG-91 of
Section VIII, Division 1 concerning Al's). In accepting pressure
vessels with an official "U" or "UM" stamp, as set forth in
Section VIII, Division 1, the Coast Guard is assured that certain
quality control procedures are being followed by the manufacturer
to provide compliance with code requirements. To receive a
Certificate of Authorization to use a "U" or “UM” stamp, a
manufacturer must have and demonstrate a quality control system
established to meet code requirements.
(2) National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors
(a) Introduction
. With headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, the
National Board (NB) was formed to promote safety and
uniformity in construction, installation, and inspection of
boilers and pressure vessels, and to establish reciprocity
between the United States and Canada. All Canadian provinces
and most U.S. states require boilers and pressure vessels to
be inspected during fabrication by an inspector holding a NB
commission, and then to be stamped with a NB standard number.
Qualified authorized manufacturers must be registered with
the NB, and a data form for each vessel is maintained on file
by the NB. To receive an NB commission, an inspector must
meet minimum requirements of experience and education, pass a
written examination, and be employed by a jurisdiction or an
authorized inspection agency (such as a company that insures
boilers and pressure vessels). The inspector may be employed
by the manufacturer only if the products will be used
exclusively by that company.
(b) Activities
. Companies applying for an ASME Code Symbol Stamp
are thoroughly investigated by the jurisdiction or by the NB
before the company is authorized to manufacture ASME Code
vessels. The Al assigned to that shop continually audits
compliance of that shop with code requirements. Code
requirements for manufacturers are contained in paragraph 13-
2 of Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Code. The NB also
administers the capacity certification of safety valves and
safety relief valves constructed in accordance with ASME Code
requirements. Since Coast Guard requirements are primarily
3-101 CH-3
3.E.2.i(2) (b) (cont’d) based on ASME Code rules, valve capacities
published by the NB may be used in approving valves for
specific installations.
j. Foreign Manufacturers Of New Equipment
(1) Boilers
. Foreign-manufactured boilers to be installed aboard
U.S. vessels must meet the requirements of 46 CFR 52 or 53.
(2) Pressure Vessels
. Foreign-manufactured pressure vessels to be
installed aboard U.S. vessels must meet the requirements of 46
CFR 54. If the pressure vessel requires shop inspection, this
should be arranged well in advance to ensure availability of a
Coast Guard inspector.
3. Piping Systems
a. Introduction
. Piping aboard inspected vessels is subject to
regulation for various reasons. Failure of piping may endanger
vessels, personnel, or the marine environment by:
(1) Failing to perform an essential function;
(2) Releasing energy or projecting missiles;
(3) Releasing harmful substances (hot, very cold, flammable,
combustible, toxic, caustic, polluting, etc.); or
(4) Allowing the spread of fire, smoke or flooding.
Piping systems subject to requirements of 46 CFR 56 are considered to
be in one or more of these categories. Unregulated systems are not
regarded as being in any of these categories, and need only be safe
from an occupational safety viewpoint. Such systems are required to
meet commercial standards, such as being insulated, if hot, or
keeping water away from electrical systems (see 46 CFR 56.04-10).
b. Piping Components
(1) Introduction
. The term "piping systems and appurtenances," as
used in 46 CFR 56, includes several types of components defined
in Subparts 56.10, 56.15, 56.20, 56.25, and 56.35. Questions
frequently arise as to the distinctions between various types of
fittings. In general, anything that is not clearly a pipe, tube,
valve, flange, pressure vessel, or machine and is a pressure-
containing component or appurtenance of a piping system is
considered some kind of fitting. Fittings that serve no purpose
other than joining pipe or tube (such as elbows and tees) are
called "pipe joining fittings," unless they are covered by
Subpart 56.30 or 56.35. The latter, such as "dresser" couplings,
are called "special-purpose fittings"; all other fittings are
called "fluid conditioner fittings." While this term refers to
fittings that act on fluid (such as strainers, filters, or
traps), it also applies to miscellaneous parts of the pressure
boundary of a piping system (such as thermometer wells) (see 46
CFR 56.07-5(d) for more examples).
(2) General Requirements
. All piping systems must have the necessary
components for the safe and efficient operation of the vessel,
CH-3 3-102
3.E.3.b (2) (cont’d) under 46 CFR 56.01-1(b), in combination with the
"general equivalency regulations" (50.20-30, 30.15-1, 90.15-1,
etc.). This appears to give the Coast Guard inspector and staff
engineer nearly unlimited design authority; this is not the
intent. 46 CFR Part 56 establishes requirements for typical ship
piping systems.
The specific requirements of Part 56 should be used to determine
what level of safety is intended. Only when systems, components,
or materials not like those envisioned by the regulations are
encountered should the broad authority of the general regulations
be exercised. In such cases, this authority should be exercised
to ensure an equal level of safety, occupational health,
environmental protection, etc., and not to raise or lower the
requirements. In such cases, recommendations for additional
features may be made, but a clear distinction between the
requirements and the recommendations must be provided. There are
piping systems not subject to the requirements of 46 CFR Part 56
but still are considered of interest to the Coast Guard:
(a) Industrial systems aboard MODUs are regulated under section
58.60. The old exemption, allowing the use of any American
Petroleum Institute (API) standard in any petroleum
industrial piping, is no longer in effect for new vessels.
(b) Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cooking and heating piping and
refrigeration piping are regulated by 46 CFR 58.16 and 58.20
(c) Internal combustion engine exhaust piping is regulated by 46
CFR 58.10; Part 56 applies only to the extent called for by
46 CFR 58.10-5(d) and -10(a).
(d) Fluid power and control piping is subject to 58.30. For
those systems requiring full review under 58.30, all Part 56
requirements not modified by 58.30 are applicable.
(3) Plan Review
. When a system is regulated by 46 CFR 56, the
requirements for plan review may be found in 56.01-10. These
requirements are explained in Recommendations for the Submittal
of Merchant Vessel Plans and Specifications, COMDTPUB P16700.4,
NVIC 8-84. In brief, it is the intent of the Coast Guard to
require only the necessary plans, material lists, calculations,
analyses, etc. to verify compliance with all applicable
regulations. Providing a high quality diagram and a bill of
materials may relax the requirement for an arrangement plan.
(4) Classes of Piping Systems
. Piping systems regulated by 46 CFR
Part 56 have been divided into classes, based on the degree of
hazard in the event of a failure that releases the contents. The
flammability, toxicity, temperature, compressibility, and other
such factors have been considered. 46 CFR Tables 56.04-1 and -2
may be used to determine the class of system in each case. This
data is needed during review and inspection because many
requirements, such as weld and joint details, design safety
factor, etc. vary depending on class. The least hazardous
systems are Class II. High-pressure or high-temperature systems
3-103 CH-3
3.E.3.b (4) (cont’d) are Class I. Systems that may be below 0
F for reasons
other than the surrounding weather are Class I-L or II-L instead
of Class I or II.
c. Philosophy
. Merchant ships do not carry large numbers of personnel
as do Navy and Coast Guard ships. Therefore, the merchant ship
substitute for active "damage control" is passive damage resistance.
Piping is expected to resist noncombatant types of damage without
intervention by the crew. Piping systems designed in accordance with
46 CFR 56 are assumed to have this resistance because they meet
appropriate standards in each case for pressure-temperature safety
factors, fire resistance, duplication, shock resistance, etc. The
basic design standard is American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
B31.1, the code used by the steam power plant industry ashore. It is
comparable to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code in that it is based on a safety
factor of four for primary ultimate tensile stresses, and the
material properties are guaranteed by the use of acceptable
specifications that call for both chemical and physical testing of
each lot of material and other elements of quality control. ASME
B31.1 is amended for marine use by several specific requirements of
46 CFR 56.
d. Impact of SOLAS
. The International Convention for the Safety of Life
at Sea (SOLAS) (discussed in volume II of the manual) has the force
of law. Accordingly, some of the Marine Engineering Regulations in
46 CFR Part 56 provide for differences for vessels on international
or domestic voyages. Differences are in the areas such as fire
mains, bilge systems, hull penetrations, overflows, overboard
discharges, and collision bulkheads.
e. Design Standards
. As mentioned above, the design standards for
piping systems are largely taken from ANSI B31.1, the "Power Piping"
volume of the American National Standard Code for Pressure Piping.
As a result of recent reorganization within ANSI and ASME, B31.1 will
remain an American national standard, but will be called ASME B31.1.
Any reference in this manual and in the Code of Federal Regulations
to ANSI B31.1 applies equally to ASME B31.1, unless otherwise
specified. This code, intended for steam power plants ashore, is
modified for marine use by 46 CFR 56. General design requirements
appear in subparts 56.07 and 56.60; specific design requirements are
found throughout Part 56, particularly in 56.50. The basic design
standard has a safety factor of four or five (between maximum primary
membrane stress encountered in service and ultimate tensile strength
of the material) for generally acceptable material specifications,
depending on the level of design analysis, nondestructive
examination, and hazard. When materials with lower levels of quality
control are permitted, the safety factor should be increased
proportionately. This safety factor may be as high as ten when
completely untested but otherwise acceptable components are involved.
It is thus difficult to separate "design" and "material" requirements
in practice. Component standards like ANSI B16.5 and B16.34 provide
excellent examples of the interplay between design details, pressure,
temperature, material, and quality control. This is as true for
systems as it is for components. The design standards are modified
for marine application as follows:
CH-3 3-104
3.E.3.e (1) Table 56.01-5(a) lists changes to ASME/ANSI B31.1 noted above.
(2) Section 56.01-10 shows which systems are regulated.
(3) Section 56.07-10 establishes design criteria, including the
(a) The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) must be no
lower than the maximum pressure the system could be subjected
to. This must be assured by the pump stall head or a relief
valve, not by a regulator or control switch alone;
(b) Dynamic effects of ship motion, collision, etc., should be
addressed; and
(c) Allowable stress values of acceptable materials are set, and
80 percent of these values must be used for Class I, I-L, and
II-L systems not subjected to extra testing and analysis
(this provides the safety factor of 5 as noted above).
(d) Section 56.60 describes acceptable materials, lists those
that are generally acceptable but not listed in Sections I,
III, or VIII of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
explains how to obtain acceptance of other materials, and
states specific limitations on various materials.
[NOTE: Many of the materials listed in Tables 56.60-1(a) and -
2(a) become generally acceptable as a result of changes in the
allowable stresses and quality assurance provisions made by the
tables and their footnotes.]
4. Specific Piping Systems
a. Vital Systems
. This term is used in several places in regulations
and other documents without formal definition. A system should be
regarded as "vital" if it must start or continue working to protect
the vessel, personnel, or the marine environment from serious harm.
This includes, but is not limited to: propulsion and its necessary
auxiliaries; ship's service and emergency electrical generation and
necessary auxiliaries; steering; firefighting; bilge pumping; and
cargo containment systems. However, once a system or a portion of a
system has been defined as vital, the specific regulatory
requirements should not be applied arbitrarily. For example,
aluminum and other heat-sensitive materials should not be used in
vital parts of systems without specific authorization. If the vital
system is one that may not continue to function after a major fire,
such as propulsion or steering, the use of some aluminum components
that would not be damaged by minor fires may be authorized. Dry fire
mains and dry foam mains, on the other hand, must resist major fires
while dry, then function properly later. Aluminum components should
not be authorized in this type of system. [NOTE: In the past, the
term "vital" has sometimes been used to cover "hazardous" systems as
well. A hazardous system may or may not be vital. For example, a
high-pressure air system used only for tools and industrial machinery
could contain a great deal of stored energy and could injure
personnel or even damage the ship if it failed violently. However,
it is not "vital" because it could be placed out of commission at any
time, even during a casualty or in a maneuvering situation, with no
3-105 CH-3
3.E.4 a. (cont’d) risk to personnel, vessels, or the marine environment.
Non-vital hazardous systems are subject to most regulations, but not
to those specifically limited to "vital" systems.]
b. Hydraulic System
(1) General
. If a hydraulic system is of fail-safe design and is not
identified in any subparagraphs of 46 CFR 58.30-1(a), it is not
subject to all of the detailed requirements of subpart 58.30, but
must meet the requirements of subpart 58.30-50. A hydraulic
system is regarded as fail-safe under 58.30-1(a)(2) or (11) if it
is equipped with features that prevent damage or injury upon
failure of the power source or the system itself.
(2) Fail Safe Designs
. The most common form of fail-safe feature is
a spring-loaded brake that requires hydraulic pressure to release
it before the system can operate. Such brakes can stop a crane
load or boom in place when either the hydraulic system develops a
severe leak or the power to the pump fails. This is the
preferred (and typically employed) method. A second type of
fail-safe feature such as slow and controlled release of the load
for hatch covers is sometimes acceptable.
This variation has two potential problem areas. Normally, there
will be one part, often a cylinder, that must remain intact for
the fail-safe feature to remain operational. Also, slow lowering
is not truly a safe failure if the system operates a crane used
to hoist a diving bell or transfer personnel to and from a drill
rig, so that it passes over water, over a rack of loose pipes, or
through any other area where slow lowering would not actually be
c. Low-Temperature Systems
(1) Introduction
. Low temperature or "cryogenic" systems are those
containing a fluid, usually a liquefied gas, at a temperature
below 0
F. These systems share several common hazards:
(a) Leakage of cold liquid can cause instant frostbite injuries;
(b) The cold makes many materials, including system piping and
most grades of deck and hull steels, brittle and prone to
sudden and severe cracking;
(c) The quantities of stored energy are enormous. Liquefied
natural gas, for example, occupies only one six-hundredth of
the space the same weight of gas occupies at normal pressures
and temperatures;
(d) Many of the fluids are flammable, fire-reactive, or toxic,
and vaporize rapidly upon release.
Therefore, in addition to the normal requirements of Part 56,
specific requirements are found in 46 CFR 38, 56.50-105, 56.70,
57, 98.25, 151, and 154. These requirements deal mainly with
material selection, avoidance of notches and crevices, welding
qualification, containment, and vapor handling.
(2) Cryogenic Welding
. In particular, the review of cryogenic
welding procedures requires special consideration. The
CH-3 3-106
3.E.4.c (2) (cont’d) applicable regulations and the ASME Code sections cited
therein are easy to misinterpret. Normally, these procedures are
submitted or forwarded to the MSC for review. The MSC will then
approve the procedures subject to qualification testing to the
satisfaction of the cognizant officer in charge, marine
inspection (OCMI). Personnel wishing to become familiar with the
review of cryogenic welding procedures should first read 46 CFR
57.03, as well as all references cited directly or indirectly by
this regulation, including several parts of 46 CFR 54 and
Sections VIII and IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Sections A, IIB and IIC of the Code and the American Welding
Society (AWS) Handbook should also be available for reference,
particularly for the characteristics of the particular materials
(3) Hypothetical Calculations
. Consider the question "If two pieces
of A312 Gr. 316L pipe are welded to each other for liquefied
natural gas (LNG) service at -260
F, where must Charpy V-notch
specimens be taken and what must the result be?" The answer is
three specimens at the weld center only, tested at -270
F, 15
mils lateral expansion. A more complex version of the same type
of question is "If a piece of A-312 Gr. 316L pipe is welded to a
piece of A-333 Gr. 1 pipe for ammonia service at -28
F, where
must Charpy V specimens be taken and what must the result be?" In
this case, the answer is three specimens each at the weld center,
fusion line, and 1, 3, and 5mm into the heat-affected zone on the
carbon steel side only, tested at -38
F, 20 ft-lb if full-size
Charpy specimens can be obtained.
d. Use of ANSI B16.5 And B16.34
. Carbon and low-alloy steel, stainless
steel and nickel alloy flanges, flanged fittings, flanged valves, and
butt-weld end valves are covered by ANSI B16.5 and B16.34. These
standards are unusual in that markings, materials, pressure ratings,
and quality control are generally comparable to Coast Guard
requirements. When the symbol B16, the material specification and/or
grade, and the rating class can be read off the component body and/or
label plate, B16.5 or 16.34 provides the acceptable pressure at the
service temperature. Checks of §56.60 should be conducted to ensure
there is no specific restriction on the material (like plain carbon
steel limited to 775
F) and 56.07-10(c) to determine whether the full
ANSI pressure rating or 80 percent of it applies. In some cases
(e.g., small fittings, components with lost label plates, old stocks
marked to previous editions of the standards, and blind flanges
marked to the 1977 editions), the marking may be insufficient. In
these cases, a mill or manufacturer's certificate, catalog data, or
equal should be used to supplement the marking on the component if
necessary to determine suitability for the intended service.
5. Steering Gear
a. Introduction
. The steering gear system is one of the most critical
systems aboard ship. The disastrous results that can occur after the
loss of steering capability in a maneuvering situation or inability
to regain steering capability in a short time have been graphically
demonstrated by the SEAWITCH, AMOCO CADIZ, and other casualties.
Extensive activity in the development of steering gear requirements
has taken place both internationally and nationally. The first set
3-107 CH-3
3.E.5 a. (cont’d) of Amendments to the International Convention for the
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 was effective on 1 September
1984. These amendments contain the latest requirements for steering
gear systems (Regulations 29 and 30). Corresponding Coast Guard
regulations are found in 46 CFR 58.25 (machinery) and 33 CFR 164.39
(U.S. and foreign tanker requirements).
b. Regulatory Developments
. Regulation projects have been completed to
incorporate not only the steering gear sections, but also all of the
SOLAS amendments into Titles 33 and 46, CFR. Most of the electrical
requirements for steering gear systems have already been updated in
Subchapter F. Major improvements to the steering gear systems
include the steering control systems, indicating and alarm systems,
and the regaining of some steering capability after a single failure.
Steering gear hydraulic systems are vital fluid power and control
systems. As such, the requirements of 46 CFR 56 as modified by
subpart 58.30 are applicable. Portions of the systems exceeding a
MAWP of 225 psig are Class I piping systems. Particular attention
should also be given to mechanical connections. These are required
to be only of sound and reliable construction, in many cases they
represent single failure points in the steering gear system. For
more on inspection of steering gear, see Volume II of this manual.
F. Vital System Automation (46 CFR 62)
1. Introduction
. In 1975, the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative
Organization (IMCO) [now International Maritime Organization (IMO)]
adopted Resolution A.325 (IX), "Recommendations Concerning Regulations for
Machinery and Electrical Installations in Passenger and Cargo Ships."
This resolution addressed, among other things, periodically unattended
machinery spaces; it recommended that governments apply as soon as
possible regulations set out in the resolution, in conjunction with the
applicable requirements of SOLAS 74, which entered into force on 25 May
1980. 46 CFR Part 62 addresses, in part, the condition of periodically
unattended machinery spaces and incorporates the principles contained in
“Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery; Supplemental Guidance On”,
COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 6-84 and Enclosure (1) of “Automated Main and
Auxiliary Machinery”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 1-69. Often, Part 62 is
incorrectly presumed to apply only to machinery or electrical
installations that reduce vessel manning requirements; it applies to all
automatically or remotely monitored or controlled systems or equipment.
2. NVIC’s 1-69,1-78, and 6-84
. “Automated Main and Auxiliary Machinery;
Supplemental Guidance On”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 1-69, and “Automated
Main and Auxiliary Machinery”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 6-84, are
effectively superseded by 46 CFR 62. Similarly, "Automation of Offshore
Supply Vessels of 100 Gross Tons and Over", COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 1-78
is superseded by 46 CFR 130. It is expected that these NVICs will be
reviewed in the future, any still pertinent info will be transferred to
this chapter of the Marine Safety Manual, and they will be cancelled.
3. Automatic Auxiliary Boilers (46 CFR 63)
a. General.
46 CFR 63 contains regulations for control systems for
automatic auxiliary heating equipment, steam boilers, water heaters,
fluid heaters, and electric storage tank water heaters. This part was
CH-3 3-108
3.F.3 a. (cont’d) first published December 12, 1968. Prior to that date, only
automatic steam boilers operating at pressures exceeding 30 psi, used
for purposes other than propulsion, were covered by regulations under
46 CFR 162.026 (Requirements for Boilers, Auxiliary, Automatically
Controlled, Packaged, for Merchant Vessels). In actual practice,
portions of Subpart 162.026 had been applied to other heating
equipment. Certain portions of 162.026 were used in Part 63; however,
the preponderance of Part 63 requirements were new at that time.
b. Incinerators
. Incinerators installed on U.S. Coast Guard
certificated and inspected vessels must comply with Title 46 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (46 CFR) Subpart 63.25-9. 46 CFR 63.25-9
requires that incinerators meet the standards in International
Maritime Organization Resolution MEPC.76(40), be tested for its
emissions at an independent laboratory acceptable to the U.S. Coast
Guard, and also be type approved by the U.S. Coast Guard. Type
approvals are conducted by the Marine Safety Center.
G. Electrical Systems
1. Introduction
a. Overview of Electrical Systems
. Electrical regulations are provided
to set forth uniform minimum requirements for electrical equipment
and systems aboard vessels in accordance with the intent of various
statutes, the International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS), and other treaties that contain requirements regarding
electrical installations. These requirements are intended to ensure
that electrical installations aboard vessels provide services
necessary for safety under both normal and emergency conditions and
protect passengers, crewmembers, and other persons from electrical
hazards. In addition, environmental concerns have played a major role
in the development of various sections of the Electrical Engineering
Regulations. Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC’s) and
the Marine Safety Manuals (MSM), Volumes I-X, COMDTINST M16000
(series), augment regulations with clarifications and explanations.
b. Purpose of MSM Guidance
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations, 46
CFR Subchapter J, can be difficult to understand. Regulatory intent,
equivalency information, inspections aids, and examples are not
provided. This section of the MSM provides information to fill the
void caused by the limitations of the regulations as they apply to
electrical equipment and systems on merchant vessels and mobile
offshore drilling units. It also promulgates information on
equipment, systems, materials and methods that have been deemed by
the Commandant (G-MSE) to provide an equivalent level of safety.
This guide's purpose is not to repeat the regulations, but to augment
them. Nothing contained in this guide shall be taken as amending the
Code of Federal Regulations, nor as limiting the authority of the
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI) in the determination of
acceptable materials, systems, and installation methods.
c. History
. Since the first electrical installations on the passenger
ships "CITY OF BERLIN" and "MENDOZA" in 1879, a complex set of
standards and regulations has evolved to address the hazards
presented and the benefits provided by electrical equipment and
3-109 CH-3
3.G.1 c. (cont’d) systems. Domestically, early efforts involved the early
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation (predecessor to the Coast
Guard's Marine Inspection Program) and the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers (predecessor to the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers). Internationally, these involved the
individual classification societies, the Intergovernmental Maritime
Consultative Organization (predecessor to the International Maritime
Organization) and the International Electrotechnical Commission. In
the last few decades, the number of standards-making bodies affecting
the marine electrical community has increased significantly.
d. The Electrical Program
. The Marine Inspection Program uses plan
review, and on-site inspection to ensure that electrical
installations are designed, built and maintained in a manner to
promote the safety of the vessel, its crew and passengers. The
Electrical Engineering Regulations provide uniform minimum
requirements for electrical equipment and systems in accordance with
the intent of various statutes, the International Convention for
Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and other treaties that contain
requirements regarding electrical installations. These requirements
are intended to ensure electrical installations aboard vessels
provide services necessary to protect passengers, crewmembers and
other persons from electrical hazards.
e. Electrical Safety
. Electrical Safety on ships includes the
prevention of shock, fire and panic.
On a steel hulled vessel, a person is usually walking on or touching
ground at all times, and is usually within reach of power cables or
electrical equipment containing lethal voltages. The currents that
can flow from an energized conductor to ground can be very large,
even in an ungrounded system. Currents as low as twenty-five
thousandths of an ampere (25 milliamps) that pass through the heart
can cause death. Currents of a non-fatal magnitude, or currents
having a path to ground through other parts of the body can cause
severe burns and injury. Minor shocks can also create severe
secondary injuries when muscles contract involuntarily.
Fire is the greatest dread of seamen, and electricity is one of the
most frequent causes of fire. A fire hazard can exist wherever
electrical potential is present, and on a ship, the electrical
installation covers a far greater area than any other type of
How can electricity start a fire? Current flowing through a conductor
encounters resistance. This resistance generates heat. If the
conductor is properly sized, the heat is harmlessly dissipated. Where
the conductor is not adequate sized for the current, or where the
heat generated by the current is prevented from properly dissipating,
whether it is the normal current, an overload current, or a fault
(high or low impedance) current, the heat can become excessive, and
can start a fire in nearby combustible materials, such as cable
Electrically-caused fires most often involve wire and cable. Most
vessels have many miles of cable run throughout the entire vessel
spreading their risks to all locations. Whenever the protective
CH-3 3-110
3.G.1 e. (cont’d) insulation of a wire or cable is damaged by heat, moisture,
oils, corrosive materials, vibration, abrasion, or impact, or where
faulty installation or operating conditions result in loose
connections, the threat of fire exists.
Motors are also a frequent source of electrically-caused fires. Motor
fires can be caused by overheating, such as would be caused by
overloading, single phasing, inadequate ventilation, malfunctions,
such as internal faults and arcing, and bearing failure caused by
inadequate lubrication.
Proper shipboard electrical installations also help reduce or prevent
panic during an emergency. Put an individual, such as a vessel
passenger, in the dark, in a strange place, in threatening
circumstances, and the stage is set for panic. Electrical
installations are designed to keep the lights on, power vital
equipment, and allow needed information to be passed to passengers
and crew.
f. Regulations and References
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations,
46 CFR Parts 110 - 113 (Subchapter J), contain the primary standards
for the review of electrical installation on USCG certificated
vessels. See Table 3G-1 for vessel types and their primary/
secondary applicable subchapter of the 46 CFR regulations.
Table 3G-1
Applicable Electrical Regulations
Vessel Type
Primary / Secondary
Offshore Supply Vessels L
Small Passenger Vessels
> 150 passengers or
with overnight
accommodations >49
Small Passenger Vessels
Under 100 Gross Tons
< 150 passengers or
with overnight
<49 people, > 6
Passenger Vessels (100
GT or more)
H / J
Tank Vessels D / J
Uninspected Vessels C
Cargo & Miscellaneous
I / J
g. Maintenance of Standards
. 46 CFR 110.10-1(b) lists the industry
specifications, standards, and codes that are incorporated by
reference and supplement the Electrical Engineering Regulations. For
the most part, these standards are dynamic. Therefore, references
and associated amendments are listed with publication dates to inform
3-111 CH-3
3.G.1 g. (cont’d) the user of the official referenced standard. At times,
that edition may not be the latest edition of the standard thus
causing confusion within the industry. Since most standard changes
often respond to an identified problem or hazard, and usually result
in safer equipment, the USCG has allowed for equivalency
determinations (46 CFR 110.20-1). In most instances, equipment
constructed and tested in accordance with a more recent edition of a
referenced document can be accepted as long as they provide a level
of safety equivalent to that provided by equipment constructed and
tested to the edition identified in the CFR.
2. Equipment
a. Systems Approach
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations are a
combination of equipment and system requirements designed to ensure
that electrical installations are both safe and functional. They
consist of general requirements related to across-the-board "good
marine practice," and specific requirements related to the various
apparatus, their proper design, installation and use.
In years past, emphasis was placed on equipment design requirements,
as the system was considered the sum of the components (equipment).
Today, equipment quality has generally improved and manufacturers
have become more aware of product safety and liability. Comprehensive
industry standards now exist and are used for most apparatus. This is
allowing the review emphasis to shift towards a systems approach. As
indicated previously, evaluations of equipment should consider
overall safety comparability. With today's limited resources for plan
review and inspection, concentration should be on proper application
of equipment, effect of failures on required system functions, and on
vital safety features.
Emphasis should be on evaluating the "system" -
Is the apparatus enclosure appropriate for the location?
Is the fixture adequately grounded to reduce the shock hazard? -
Is the fixture enclosure fire retardant and not surrounded by
Will the first upstream overcurrent device safely clear a fault
in the fixture so that other parts of the electrical system are
not needlessly affected?
If it is a vital safety system, is the failure indicated and an
alternative or back-up provided?
Do the components go together?
This is the "systems" approach. This does not imply that individual
equipment design details are not important, but stresses that where
there are limiting constraints, the system should be given a higher
A recent casualty can be used to illustrate the necessity of
"systems" thinking. While working on a motor controller, a crew
CH-3 3-112
3.G.2 a. (cont’d) member's screwdriver caused a short circuit. The upstream
circuit breaker on the main board became damaged and did not open.
Eventually, the generator circuit breaker tripped, but only after the
switchboard had been destroyed, with the bus bars torn from their
bases and internal components and wiring destroyed by fire. Two
separate items, a faulty circuit breaker and the cleaning fluid used
in the switchboard months before, were initially blamed. However,
upon further analysis, improper system design features became
suspect. The upstream circuit breaker probably did not clear the
fault because it did not have adequate interrupting capacity for the
available fault current. The switchboard was damaged because it was
not braced for the available fault currents. The common denominator
was the fault current analysis. The existing components were not
appropriate for the system in which they were installed. The
electrical plant was, either in the original design or during
subsequent modifications, most likely considered an assembly of
components. These components may have been acceptable if used within
their design limitations, but were not adequate when used in a system
with high available fault currents.
The systems approach usually begins with an analysis of the "one-line
diagram" and it's supporting information. The plan review section of
this chapter, 3.B.2.b(2), contains a "typical" shipboard electrical
one-line diagram and index to the applicable requirements in 46 CFR
Subchapter J, the National Electrical Code, IEEE-45, etc.
For electrical equipment on ships, it is not the intent of the
regulations to require a separate class of "marine electrical
equipment." The intent is to permit normal, off-the-shelf commercial
and industrial equipment to the maximum extent practicable, with
additional "marine" requirements only when needed. The acceptance of
this type of equipment is made possible by careful consideration of
equipment application, location and placement. Subchapter J contains
general requirements for electrical equipment to ensure that
passengers, crew, and other persons, and the vessel are protected
from electrical hazards. It also ensures that equipment necessary
under both normal and emergency conditions is located in a manner
that allows for routine maintenance and testing, thus helping to
ensure that the equipment will function properly when needed.
b. Location and Placement (46 CFR 111.01-3)
. Optimal equipment location
should be sought. In general, electrical equipment should be located
in as dry a location as practicable and electronic equipment located
in a controlled environment. In evaluating location, both normal and
abnormal conditions should be considered. Abnormal conditions include
items such as piping leaks (overhead for lower pressures and "in the
vicinity" for higher pressures). For more critical equipment, such
as the main switchboard, the regulations provide specific
construction and location details. Generally, equipment should be
located where it would not be subjected to oil, vapors, steam or
dripping liquids. However, where relocation is not practicable, or
where additional safeguards are warranted, the equipment should be
designed to withstand these influences. Equipment should also be
located to minimize the risks to personnel when routine service is
being performed.
c. Degrees of Enclosure (46 CFR 111.01-9)
. Where exposed to the
weather, or in a space exposed to seas, washdowns, or similar
3-113 CH-3
3.G.2 c. (cont’d) moisture, equipment must be in a watertight enclosure (NEMA
4 or 4X or IEC IP56). A watertight enclosure is one that does not
leak when subjected to a specified hose or immersion test. Motors
must be waterproof. Waterproof motors may experience some leakage
when subjected to the hose test, however, the leakage must not hinder
operation, or enter any oil reservoir, and provision must be made for
automatic draining before the level becomes damaging. Where dripping
liquids could fall on equipment, that equipment enclosure should be
dripproof. Dripproof equipment is ordinarily designed to prevent
falling drops of liquid or solid particles from interfering with the
operation of the equipment when striking the enclosure downward at
any angle from 0 to 15 degrees from the vertical. Some equipment is
designed for angles up to 45 degrees. It should be verified during
vessel inspection that electrical equipment is suitably located -
away from damaging liquid (unless impracticable, in which case it
must be suitably designed), and accessible for inspection, adjustment
and testing.
d. Corrosion (46 CFR 111.01-11)
. The corrosiveness of the marine
environment is well known, and protection can usually be accommodated
at the design stage. Much of the equipment that finds its way to sea
was originally intended for a commercial or industrial installation
on land, and could quickly fail in a salt-water environment if
additional precautions are not taken. For this reason, equipment
located in the weather, or in other locations subjected to salt
water, must be evaluated to ensure corrosion resistance. Not only
must the enclosure be corrosion-resistant, but current-carrying
components and internal parts whose failure would create an unsafe
condition must also be corrosion-resistant.
e. Porcelain (46 CFR 111.01-13)
. Porcelain should not be used for lamp
sockets, switches, etc. unless resiliently mounted. The concern is
that rigidly mounted porcelain may fail under shipboard vibration and
create a shock, fire or other hazard to the vessel and its personnel.
Some off-the-shelf equipment, designed for typical land
installations, only comes with rigidly mounted porcelain insulated
components. In these instances, it may be necessary to add resilient
mounts to the porcelain insulating material. Only in instances where
porcelain failure would not create a hazard, or where there is data
available to support a shipboard application, such as vibration and
shock (impact) testing, should such rigid installations be evaluated
for general safety equivalency.
f. Temperature (46 CFR 111.01-15)
. The present regulations assume an
ambient temperature of 40 degrees Celsius (104° F), except for engine
rooms, boiler rooms, and auxiliary spaces, which are assumed to be 50
degrees (122° F) (unless shown or designed to be less, in which case
40 degrees Celsius is assumed). There are, however, differences in
national and international standards on assumed values of ambient
temperatures. IEEE-45 allows for both 45 and 50 degree ambient
temperatures for engine rooms, and allows switchboard apparatus
(other than molded case circuit breakers) rated for 40 degrees to be
used in 50 degree environments under some conditions (see Section
17.6 of IEEE-45). The American Bureau of Shipping's Rules assume a
45-degree ambient for engine rooms, but indicate that rotating
machinery is to be rated for a 50 degree ambient. ABS is in agreement
with the requirements in the IEC standards. In looking at the
CH-3 3-114
3.G.2 f. (cont’d) differences in these standards, it must be remembered that
assumed ambient temperatures reflect an opinion on the overall
average or the typical or expected temperatures, not the range of
temperatures that equipment may be expected to experience under all
conditions of operation. It must also be remembered that although
consensus opinions concerning a standard may change, the length of
time it takes to implement those changes varies widely.
g. National Electrical Code
. The National Electrical Code (NEC)
indicates that for Code applications with Code wiring, the ampacity
of the conductors connected to molded-case circuit breakers should be
limited to that of 60 or 75 degrees Celsius wiring, even though the
attached conductors may have a higher rating. Shipboard requirements
in the Electrical Engineering Regulations do not impose this limit;
such a limitation does not apply on ships and MODUs. Ship systems do
not use Code wiring, and are not typical of common applications
addressed by the Code. Cable constructed to the electrical
engineering regulations have ampacities based upon rated conductor
temperatures up to 100 degrees Celsius. Shipboard cables may be
connected to circuit breakers without consideration of the NEC
3. Grounded Systems and Ground Detection (46 CFR 111.05)
a. Equipment Ground (46 CFR 111.05-3)
. The term "grounding" is often
misunderstood due to use in several different concepts. A basic
understanding of the various uses is important. There are three basic
applications of "grounding" associated with safety of personnel or
protection of electrical equipment. These are:
(1) The grounding of metal frames or housings of electrical equipment
(chassis ground);
(2) The grounding of the neutral current-carrying conductor of an
electrical distribution system; and
(3) The grounding of an electrical source of power in such a manner
that the earth (or its substitute such as the hull) is used as a
current-carrying conductor.
The first application is one of the most important uses of grounding
to protect personnel from electric shock. Fixed equipment is usually
grounded by its method of attachment to the vessel. Isolation mounted
equipment is usually grounded by a flexible grounding strap between
the enclosure and the hull. Portable equipment is usually grounded
with a grounding conductor in the supply cable. This should connect
the equipment housing to the vessel's hull. Under normal conditions,
the housing is not energized. However, internal insulation breakdown
or other failure can bring energized components in contact with the
housing. If the housing were not grounded, the voltage on the housing
could equal the voltage of the power source, and a person touching
the housing would be exposed to this voltage. Grounding the equipment
reduces the shock hazard. Conductors used to ground equipment are
called grounding conductors. On an extension or portable tool cord,
this is the green insulated conductor. Portable equipment such as
power tools that are identified as "double insulated" need not have a
grounding conductor in the attachment cord. These items have a basic
(functional) insulation system and a supplemental (protective)
3-115 CH-3
3.G.3 a. (cont’d) insulation system, with the two insulation systems
physically separated so that they are not simultaneously subjected to
the same deteriorating influences.
The second application is the intentional grounding of a single pole
or terminal of the power supply of an electrical distribution system.
This is accomplished by connecting a low resistance conductor from
the pole to the ground (the hull).
The purpose of grounding one of the conductors is to limit the
voltage that the system can be subjected to under certain fault
conditions. Grounding can also be accomplished through a resistor
(resistance grounding) or through an inductor (inductive grounding).
In these methods, the resistor or inductor is used to limit the line-
to-ground fault current; these require special considerations and
It is important that a grounded system have only a single point of
connection to the hull, regardless of the number of power sources,
and that it be accessible for inspection. Multiple grounding points
could create potentially dangerous and damaging circulating currents
through the hull. The neutral of each generation and distribution
system must be grounded at the generator switchboard, except for the
neutral of an emergency power generation system. This must have no
direct connection to ground at the emergency switchboard. The
emergency switchboard neutral bus must be permanently connected to
the neutral bus on the main switchboard, and there must not be any
fuse, switch, or circuit breaker that opens the neutral conductor of
the bus-tie feeder.
Grounded distribution systems of less than 3000 volts line-to-line
are prohibited on tank vessels by SOLAS. The concern is that fault
currents going through the hull may cross discontinuities, such as
riveted joints, ladders, etc., and there may be an arc and subsequent
ignition of flammable vapors. Systems greater than 3000 volts may be
grounded provided any resultant fault current would not flow through
the cargo tank area. This is usually not a problem as electrical
loads operating at these voltages (other than possibly a bow
thruster) are typically not located separate from the machinery
On some merchant vessels, the electrical distribution systems are
ungrounded. There is no intentional connection to ground. This is
primarily for circuit reliability. The electrical system can sustain
damage that "grounds" one of the conductors and still function (i.e.
provide continuity of service).
There is often the assumption that a person can contact an energized
conductor in an ungrounded system, and not receive an electric shock
since there is no return path for the current to flow back to the
distribution system. Such an assumption can lead to fatal
consequences. In practical applications, there is always a return
path, and a system is always "grounded" to a certain extent. Paths
exist through deteriorated or damaged insulation, and moisture, salt
and other contaminants that are ever present. The issue is one of
"degree." In ungrounded alternating current systems there is always a
capacitance between conductors and between conductors and ground.
CH-3 3-116
3.G.3 a. (cont’d) This impedance can effectively "ground" an intentionally
ungrounded system.
The third application is the grounding of a power supply and an
electrical load such that the hull is used as a normal current-
carrying conductor. This is commonly referred to as "hull return" and
is prohibited on vessels except for systems listed in 46 CFR 111.05-
11. Acceptable examples include impressed current cathodic protection
systems and limited and locally grounded systems such as engine
cranking batteries. Insulation level monitoring systems and welding
systems (on other than tank vessels) may also use the hull as a
current-carrying conductor. One of the problems with hull return
pertains to galvanic corrosion. Where the hull current passes through
a welded joint or a joint of dissimilar metals, corrosion can occur.
b. Ground Detection (46 CFR 111.05-21, 23)
. Grounds can be a source of
fire and electric shock. In an ungrounded system, a single ground has
no appreciable effect on current flow. However, if low resistance
grounds occur on conductors of different potentials, very large
currents can result. In a grounded system, a single low impedance
ground can result in large fault currents. To provide for the
detection of grounds, the regulations require that ground detection
means be provided for each electric propulsion system, each ship's
service power system, each lighting system, and each power or
lighting system that is isolated from the ship's service power and
lighting system by transformers, motor generator sets, or other
device. This indication need not be part of the main switchboard but
should be co-located with the switchboard (i.e. at the engineering
control console adjacent to the main switchboard). The indication may
be accomplished by a single bank of lights with a switch which
selects the power system to be tested, or by a set of ground detector
lights for each system monitored.
In an ungrounded three-phase system, ground detection lamps are used.
The ground lamps are connected in a "wye" configuration with the
common point grounded. A normally-closed switch is provided in the
ground connection. This is illustrated in the figure below.
If no ground is present on the system, each lamp will see one-half of
the phase-to-phase voltage and will be illuminated at equal
3-117 CH-3
3.G.3 b. (cont’d) intensity. If line "A" is grounded at point "G" by a low
impedance ground, the lamp connected to line "A" will be shunted out
and the lamp will be dark. The other two lamps will be energized at
phase-to-phase voltage and will be brighter than usual. If a low
resistance ground occurs on any line, the lamp connected to that line
will be dimmed slightly and the other two lamps will brighten
slightly The switch is provided to aid in detecting high impedance
grounds that produce only a slight voltage shift. When the ground
connection is opened by the switch, the voltage across each lamp
returns to normal (phase voltage) and each lamp will have the same
intensity. This provides a means to observe contrast between normal
voltage and voltages that have shifted slightly. Lamp wattages of
between 5 and 25 watts when operating at one-half phase-to-phase
voltage (without a ground present) have been found to perform
adequately, giving a viewer adequate illumination contrast for high
impedance grounds. Should a solid ground occur, the lamps will still
be within their rating and will not be damaged. For lesser grounds,
the lumen output of the lamps will vary approximately proportional to
the cube of the voltage. This exponential change in lamp brightness
(increasing in two and decreasing in one) provides the necessary
On grounded dual voltage systems, an ammeter is used for ground
detection. This ammeter is connected in series with the connection
between the neutral and the vessel ground. To provide for the
detection of high impedance grounds with correspondingly low ground
currents, the regulations specify an ammeter scale of 0 to 10
amperes. However, the meter must be able to withstand, without
damage, much higher ground currents, typically around 500 amperes
This feature is usually provided by the use of a special transducer
such as a saturable reactor in the meter circuit. Some ammeters use a
non-linear scale to provide for ease in detecting movement at low
current values. An example of this is shown in the figure below.
Other types of solid-state devices are becoming available that can
provide ground detection. They should not be prohibited, but should
be evaluated to determine that they are functionally equivalent to
the lights and ammeters historically used. Some systems also include
a visual and/or audible alarm at a preset level of ground current.
CH-3 3-118
3.G.3 c. Overcurrent (46 CFR 111.05-37).
In the case of over current devices
that are heat dependent, such as a fuse or the thermal trip on a
circuit breaker, temperature is important, as it relates to the time
it takes to remove an undesirable condition (overload). A device in a
temperature lower than it is rated for will be slightly slower to
trip on overload. If the temperature is higher, it will trip more
quickly. In specific instances, either of these could be the
undesired event. In the fault current range, the time effect is
negligible. It should also be noted that many of these mass produced
devices do not perform uniformly.
4. Power Supply (46 CFR 111.10)
a. Capacity
. Determining the number and size of generating sets needed
for a vessel requires a careful analysis of the normal and maximum
demands during various phases of operation, including at sea,
maneuvering, and in port.
Also, any special or unique operational considerations should be
addressed. It is the intent of the regulations to ensure all normal
"ship's service" loads can be kept energized with the largest
generator out of operation, and without use of the emergency
generator. It is not the intent of the regulations to ensure that the
vessel can continue to perform an industrial function, such as
drilling or dredging, with a generator in reserve. Ship's service
loads are defined in detail in 46 CFR 111.10-1.
Of special note is that refrigerated container loads are considered
"ship's service" loads. This is so cargo preservation attempts will
not require sacrificing the more traditional ship's service loads
should an operating generator fail. Other arrangements, such as a
separate generating system, or a reefer load-shedding/load management
system can provide an equivalent level of safety.
Procedures for conducting a thorough load analysis, typical ship's
service operating load factors, and a sample load analysis are
contained in section 3.B.2.b(3)(d) of this chapter.
b. Main Engine Dependent Generators
. The most commonly used prime
movers for ship's service generators are dedicated diesel engines and
steam turbines supplied by the propulsion boiler(s). However, due to
escalating fuel costs, owners and designers are always looking for
less expensive means to provide the necessary electric power. Shaft-
driven generators, power take-off (PTO) generators, and waste heat
driven turbogenerators offer flexibility and greater efficiency. In
many cases, however, they are constrained to certain main engine
speed and power operating ranges.
SOLAS states that the arrangements of the ship's main source of power
shall be such that the ships service loads can be maintained
regardless of the speed and direction of the main propelling engines
or shafting. This is reflected in 46 CFR 111.10-4(b) and (c), which
require that ship's service electrical power be provided
continuously, regardless of propulsion shaft speed or direction. In
the worst case, this means that an "engine stop" or "full astern"
command on the bridge propulsion control lever while operating at the
3-119 CH-3
3.G.4 b. (cont’d) minimum engine speed for full generator output must not
result in interruption of ship's service power.
Generators may be mechanically driven by the main diesel engine
directly by the line shaft, by means of a PTO from the engine, or
through intermediate gearing. Because changes in main engine speed
would normally result in changes in the generator speed (and,
therefore, frequency), a variety of methods has been developed to
maintain constant frequency. These include the operation of the main
diesel engine at a constant speed with the pitch of a controllable
pitch propeller independently controlled, the use of a constant speed
gear drive to give a constant output shaft speed over a range of
input shaft speeds, and the application of a static rectifier-
inverter combination to transform variable frequency AC to constant
frequency AC.
Waste heat energy from the main diesel engine can be recovered in an
exhaust gas boiler to generate low pressure steam to drive a
turbogenerator. This generator can be operated only when sufficient
exhaust heat is available, so start-up and shutdown are usually
manually initiated. To optimize the recovery of exhaust heat, a
generator loading control system may be used with load-sharing and
speed (governor) controls to maximize turbogenerator loading when
operating in parallel with other generators. Any main engine or
waste heat driven generator which is not capable of providing power
under all operating conditions, including maneuvering and in port,
cannot be counted towards the required ship's service generating
capacity. Such a generator may however, be provided as a supplemental
generator. In any case, one of the required generators must be
independent of the main propelling engines and shafting.
Where a supplemental generator is used to supply power for ship's
service loads, it must provide a continuous and uninterrupted source
of power under normal operational conditions, including any speed
change or throttle movement. Automatic start-up of and load transfer
to a standby diesel generator must be provided to prevent power
interruptions when conditions are such that the supplemental
generator is unable to supply the ship's service load. A finite time
is required to start, synchronize, and parallel a standby diesel
generator, and the main engine-driven generator must remain on line
until the standby generator has assumed the load. A signal from the
propulsion control and a shaft speed signal may be used to
automatically initiate connection of the standby generator. Once a
throttle change has been made, the time required for the main engine
to slow to the point where the generator cannot supply the ship's
service load depends on the original speed as well as the coast-down
characteristics of the hull and propulsion plant. In many cases, the
coast-down time for a two-stroke slow speed main diesel engine is
long enough to allow the standby generator to assume the load without
power interruption. If it is not, the disconnection of the shaft or
PTO generator must be delayed. To prevent power interruptions from
occurring, the speed of the main engine may be automatically held at
or above the lower operating threshold for generator operation for
approximately 10 seconds. This delay, automatically activated only
when needed, is considered to be comparable to the time necessary for
crew response to maneuvering bells in a manned engineroom. Since the
typical main engine dependent generator installation employs
CH-3 3-120
3.G.4 b. (cont’d) automated start and synchronization controls for the
standby generator(s), careful design and detailed review to the
requirements of 46 CFR Part 62 is generally required to ensure
compliance with 46 CFR 111.10-4.
c. Ship’s Service Supply Transformers
. The regulations state that where
transformers are used to supply the ship's service distribution
system, there must be at least two separate ship's service supply
systems. The intent is to duplicate supplies to the ship's service
switchboard, as is done with generating sets. This would normally
exist on a vessel generating at a higher voltage, such as 600 or 4160
volts. It is not the intent, nor is it required, that transformers
fed by the ship's service switchboard, such as 460/120 volt
transformers be duplicated.
Each transformer must have the capacity to supply the ship's service
loads. The duplicated supply should consist of transformers,
overcurrent devices, and cables. Automatic changeover upon a
transformer failure is not required. It could be inferred from the
transformer/generator analogy of SOLAS 11-1/45, that automatic
transformer transfer is required by the SOLAS 11-1/53 requirements
for automatic starting and connection of a stand-by generator. That
analogy has, however, not been applied to transformers since the
precise wording of Reg. 53 addresses generators, and not "essential
parts of the electric supply system." Additionally, the reliability
and availability of a "static" transformer, and its cable and
overcurrent device is much better than a rotating generator, its
prime-mover and control system. Transformer faults are rare, and the
requirement for duplication is considered from a "come-home"
standpoint. (This is similar to the requirement for a split bus
arrangement on a ship with a large electrical system. There is no
requirement to automatically disconnect switchboard sections and
attempt to maintain power upon a switchboard fault. The requirement
for splitting the bus is to provide the capability for onboard
engineers to be able to isolate a fault and restore limited service.)
5. Generator Construction and Protection (46 CFR 111.12)
. Generator
excitation, construction, and voltage regulation, should meet ABS Rules as
outlined in 46 CFR 111.12-1. Generator protection, provided by power
circuit breakers, should meet the specific requirements in the Electrical
Engineering Regulations. There are many types of circuit breaker trips:
inverse time, instantaneous, reverse-power/current, under and overvoltage,
ground fault, under and over frequency, and trips operated by auxiliary
contacts. 46 CFR 111.12-11 specifies the required trips for generator
circuit breakers. The inverse time trips are devices that open the circuit
breaker in a time that relates to the amount of overcurrent. The greater
the overcurrent, the quicker they open the circuit. They are adjustable
and should be set so that downstream or feeder breakers have had the
opportunity to open and clear faults on the feeder circuits. Instantaneous
trips are quick-acting devices that have no intentional time delay in
opening the circuit breaker under high-level currents. Instantaneous trips
are not permitted for generators unless three or more generators can be
paralleled. This is to provide continuity of service under a fault
condition. Reverse-power or reverse current trips are required where
generators can be paralleled. These are quick-acting devices that will
open the circuit of a generator that has current from other generators
feeding into it. Additional information is provided on circuit breakers.
3-121 CH-3
3.G 5. (cont’d) Generator overcurrent protective devices must be on the ship's
service switchboard and the switchboard and a generator must be in the
same space. An adjacent dedicated switchgear and SCR room on a MODU, and a
control room inside the machinery casing are not considered separate
spaces even though they may be separated by a watertight bulkhead. In
unusual installations where the switchboard and a generator are separated
by a bulkhead or enclosure that is not required for either subdivision or
fire protection purposes, the spaces may also be treated as a single space
for the purpose of this requirement. Additional precautions may be needed,
such as current sensing at the generators that, upon sensing excessive
overcurrent, removes excitation and shuts down the prime mover.
The Marine Engineering Regulations contain the requirements for prime
movers in 46 CFR 58.10. Additional requirements for prime movers for
emergency generators are found in 46 CFR 112.50, and are discussed later
in section 3.G.19. Each diesel engine prime mover must have an overspeed
device that is independent of the normal operating governor and is
adjusted so that the speed cannot exceed the maximum rated speed by more
than 15%. Additionally, the prime mover should automatically shut down
upon loss of lubricating oil pressure to the generator bearings. These
shutdowns should be tested at each inspection for certification.
6. Batteries and Battery Installations (46 CFR 111.15)
a. Electrical Storage Batteries
. Electrical storage batteries have many
shipboard applications, including engine starting, temporary or final
emergency power source, and backup power supply. In general, the
requirements of 46 CFR Subpart 111.15 are applicable to all such
battery installations. Note that storage batteries used for required
emergency power and lighting systems must comply with Subpart 112.55.
b. Battery types & Equivalencies
. Battery types & equivalencies:
Batteries may be classified according to the chemical composition of
their plates and/or the type of electrolyte solution -- thus the
terms lead-acid, alkaline, nickel-cadmium (Ni Cad), etc. A nickel-
cadmium battery is a particular type of alkaline (electrolyte)
battery. Storage batteries other than the lead-acid or alkaline type
may be accepted provided they do not spill electrolyte when the
battery is inclined at 30 degrees from the vertical, are suitably
constructed to comply with 46 CFR 111.15-2(a), and generate hydrogen
at a rate not to exceed that of an equivalent lead-acid battery
installation under worst case conditions.
c. Gel-Cell Batteries
. Gel-Cell Batteries may be preferable due to
lower maintenance than wet-cell batteries. Since there is no need to
check and add electrolyte to the Gel-Cell batteries, as is required
with the wet-cell batteries, the use of Gel-cell batteries reduces
the exposure of personnel to this potentially hazardous maintenance
activity. Additionally, storage of the electrolyte, a hazardous
material, is eliminated. The gel-cell battery requires extra care
with regard to charging and is typically charged with an automatic
temperature-sensing, voltage-regulating battery charger. Caution
must be observed when determining the correct charging system as
improper charging can cause damage to the battery. Failure of a gel-
cell battery installed in an emergency or vital system such as an
emergency generator could have an adverse operational impact.
CH-3 3-122
3.G.6 d. Hazardous Locations
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations
categorize battery installations into one of three types, based upon
the power output of the battery charger and the corresponding amount
of highly flammable hydrogen gas, which may be generated. Each room,
locker, and box containing storage batteries must be arranged or
ventilated to prevent the accumulation of this gas. Large battery
installations may be located only in a dedicated battery room or in a
box on deck. Such a battery room is considered to be a hazardous
location; only electrical equipment approved for use in a Class I,
Division 1, Group B location may be used in such a battery room.
The regulations do not define the hazardous area as extending to a
radius of 10 feet (3 meters) from doors, hatches, or other openings
into the battery room. However, the use of explosion proof or
intrinsically safe electrical equipment or apparatus and the
avoidance of ignition sources near such openings are recommended.
Where flammable gases or vapors may be present, such as on the drill
floor of a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit or in the pumproom of a
tankship, special precautions must be taken to ensure that electrical
equipment is not a source of ignition. Subpart 111.105 of the
Electrical Engineering Regulations contains the requirements for
electrical equipment and wiring in locations where fire or explosion
hazards may exist. In these locations, it is necessary to exercise
more than ordinary care with regard to the selection, installation,
and maintenance of electrical equipment and wiring. A primary
objective of design should be to minimize the amount of electrical
equipment installed in hazardous locations. Through the exercise of
ingenuity in the layout of electrical installations for hazardous
locations, it is frequently possible to locate much of the equipment
in less hazardous or in non-hazardous areas and thus reduce the
amount of special equipment and installations required.
The Electrical Engineering Regulations incorporate by reference
Articles 500 through 505 of the National Electrical Code, with the
exceptions listed in 46 CFR 111.105-3. Non-explosion-proof equipment
can be allowed in accordance with the NEC.
The Electrical Engineering Regulations also incorporate by reference
the IEC 60079-XX “Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres”
series of standards. The big difference between the two referenced
ways of classifying a hazardous location is the use of Zones (IEC)
and Divisions (NEC). In 1998, the NEC Article 505 adopted the
alternative way to classify hazardous areas and included Class I
Zones 0, 1 & 2 locations.
The obvious main difference between the Zone and Division systems are
the wiring practices and the more prevalent use of plastics in the
Zone system. Another notable difference is the size of the equipment
used in hazardous areas. For example, NEMA starters are larger and
built for easy selection, use and maintenance. IEC starters, on the
other hand, are built smaller, minimizing the use of materials but
requiring much more attention to selecting the correct starter for
the specific application.
e. Classification of Battery Installations
. The classification of
battery installations based upon the power output of the charger may
3-123 CH-3
3.G.6 e. (cont’d) not be appropriate for some types of batteries (such as
gel-cells) which generate very little to no hydrogen gas. In such
cases, the quantity of gas generated should be compared to the amount
released by lead-acid batteries to determine whether the installation
should is large, moderate, or small. The battery manufacturer,
designer, or shipbuilder should provide this comparison to the USCG.
Sealed batteries, which release gas only when a relief valve opens
following an over-voltage charge, may also be accepted. However,
their installation must consider the over-charge condition, and allow
released gas to be safely dissipated. The lining requirement of 46
CFR 111.15-5(g) allows the acceptance of plastic battery trays and
liners certified by the manufacturer as resistant to the corrosive
effects of the battery electrolyte. Battery chargers that meet UL
1564 (Industrial Chargers) plus the marine supplement to UL 1236 may
be accepted as equivalent to those meeting UL 1236.
f. Emergency Power Batteries
. Automotive-type batteries are not
suitable for emergency power applications, as indicated in NEC
Article 700-12. Automotive batteries are designed for frequent, short
duration, high current loading; emergency power systems usually
operate less frequently, for longer periods, at lower current levels.
Automotive batteries also have a shorter life (3 - 5 years) than
lead-acid storage batteries designed for use in emergency power
systems (15 - 20 years). Storage batteries for emergency power
service have either a threaded stud or a rectangular blade for
connection of a bus link. They usually have external cell connectors.
Automotive batteries have either side terminals that can accept a
threaded bolt, or top round posts for an automotive battery cable.
7. Transformers (46 CFR 111.20)
a. Sectionalized And Redundant Transformers (46 CFR 111.10-9)
Sectionalized buses increase the ability to provide ship's service
power in the event of a casualty to part of the switchboard. On a
single voltage level system (i.e., where generated voltage is the
ship's service switchboard voltage), the devices used to connect the
sections of the buses must be manually operable. In a dual level
system, (i.e., in which the generators connect to a medium-voltage
bus which in turn supplies the low-voltage ship's service
switchboard) at least two transformers or transformer banks are
required by 46 CFR 111.10-9. If the medium-voltage bus is required to
be sectionalized and the total capacity of these transformers exceeds
3000 KW, the low-voltage ship's service switchboard must also be
subdivided. On a dual level system, automatic control of the
sectionalizing may be permitted when it is part of a load management
system allowing for increased system flexibility.
b. Transformers – Protection (46 CFR 111.20-15)
. The overcurrent
protection for each transformer is required by 46 CFR 111.20-15 to
meet Article 450 of the NEC or IEC 60092-303. The transformer
overcurrent protection specified in Section 450-3 is intended to
protect the transformer alone; the primary and secondary conductors
may not be adequately protected. Be careful to ensure that conductor
protection is provided. Note that where the primary feeder to the
transformer is provided with overcurrent protective devices that are
set per section 450-3, it is not necessary to install an individual
CH-3 3-124
3.G.7 b. (cont’d) overcurrent device at the transformer. The primary
conductors must then be sized so that their ampacity is greater than
or equal to the rating or setting of the primary overcurrent
protective device(s); see 46 CFR 111.50-3(a), (b), and 111.50-5(a).
Secondary conductors supplied by a transformer must be protected in
accordance with their ampacity. The secondary conductors of a single
voltage single-phase transformer which satisfies the requirements of
46 CFR 111.50-5(a)(4) do not require overcurrent protection at the
supply (the transformer) to the secondary side conductors. Aluminum-
wound transformers are acceptable. They should be fully encapsulated
by the manufacturer and all connections should be made in accordance
with the guidelines for aluminum current-carrying parts in section
3.G.8 of this guide. See the next section for full load current
ratings for single-phase and three-phase transformers.
c. Miscellaneous Tables
Current Rating, Rectangular Bus Bars on Edge, 50 C Rise, IEEE 45-
1983, A27 Single Bars in Parallel, Copper
SIZE (inches) DC AC, 60HZ
3/4 x 1/8 250 250
1 x 1/8 330 330
1-1/2 x 1/8 500 500
1-1/2 x 3/16 580 570
2 x 3/16 760 745
1 x 1/4 490 480
1-1/2 x 1/4 685 675
2 x 1/4 920 900
3 x 1/4 1380 1280
4 x 1/4 1730 1650
5 x 1/4 2125 2000
6 x 1/4 2475 2300
8 x 1/4 3175 2875
Minimum Switchboard Spacing (inches)
Voltage Over Surface Thru air Dead metal
125V or less 3/4 1/2 1/2
126V – 250V 1 – 1/4 3/4 1/2
251V – 600V 2 1 1
From NEC Table 384-26
Neutral Grounding Conductors, AC Systems
Up to #2 #8
#2 - #0 #6
#0 - 3/0 #4
3/0 – 350 MCM #2
350 MCM – 600 MCM #1
600 MCM – 1100 MCM 2/0
Greater than 1100 MCM 3/0
See 46 CFR 111.05-31(b).
3-125 CH-3
3.G.7.c (cont'd)
Notes: (1) Generator cables shall be capable of carrying at least 115 percent
generator continuous F.L.A. (see 46 CFR 111.60-7).
(2) Generator circuit breaker long time overcurrent trip shall not
exceed 115 percent generator continuous F.L.A. (see 46 CFR 111.12-11).
(3) KW = KVA * PF
(4) Amperes = KVA x 1000
Volts x 1.732
Transformer Full Load Currents.
3-Phase Transformers Voltage (Line to Line)
208 240 480 800 2400 4180
3 8.3 7.2 3.6 2.9 0.72 0.415
6 16.6 14.4 7.2 5.8 1.44 0.83
9 25 21.6 10.8 8.7 2.16 1.25
15 41.6 36.0 18.0 14.4 3.6 2.1
30 83 72 36 29 7.2 4.15
45 125 108 54 43 10.8 5.25
75 208 180 90 72 18 10.4
100 278 241 120 96 24 13.9
150 416 360 180 144 36 20.8
225 625 542 271 217 54 31.2
300 830 720 360 290 72 41.5
500 1390 1200 600 480 120 69.4
750 2080 1800 900 720 180 104
1000 2775 2400 1200 960 240 139
1500 4150 3600 1800 1440 360 208
2000 5550 4800 2400 1930 480 277
2500 6950 6000 3000 2400 600 346
5000 13900 12000 8000 4800 1200 694
7500 20800 18000 9000 7200 1800 1040
10000 27750 24000 12000 9600 2400 1366
Generator Continuous Full Load Ampere Ratings.
3 – Phase 0.8 Power Factor
115% 115% 115% 115% 115% 115%
KW KVA 208V FLA 230V FLA 240V FLA 460V FLA 480V FLA 600V FLA
5.0 6.3 17.5 20 15.8 18 15.2 17 7.9 9 7.6 9 6.1 7
7.5 9.4 26.1 30 23.6 27 22.6 26 11.8 14 11.3 13 9.0 10
10.0 12.5 34.7 40 31.4 36 30.1 35 15.7 18 15.0 17 12.0 14
15.0 18.7 52.0 60 47.0 54 45.0 52 23.5 27 22.5 26 18.0 21
20.0 25 69.4 80 62.8 72 60.1 69 31.4 36 30.1 35 24.1 28
25.0 31.3 87.0 100 78.6 90 75.3 87 39.1 45 37.6 43 30.1 35
30.0 37.5 104.1 120 94.1 108 90.2 104 47.1 54 45.1 52 36.1 42
35.0 50.0 138.8 160 125.5 144 120.3 138 62.7 72 60.1 69 48.1 55
40.0 62.5 173.5 200 156.9 180 150.3 173 78.4 90 75.2 86 61.1 70
45.0 75.0 208.2 239 188.3 217 180.4 207 94.1 108 90.2 104 72.2 83
50.0 93.8 260.4 300 235.4 271 225.6 259 117.7 135 112.8 130 90.3 104
60.0 125.0 347.0 399 313.8 361 300.7 346 156.9 180 150.4 173 120.3 138
75.0 156.0 433.0 498 391.6 450 375.3 432 195.8 225 187.6 216 150.1 173
80.0 187.0 519.1 597 469.4 540 449.8 517 234.7 270 224.9 259 179.9 207
100.0 219.0 607.9 699 549.6 632 526.7 606 274.8 316 263.3 303 210.7 242
125.0 250.0 694.0 798 627.6 722 601.4 692 313.8 361 300.7 346 240.6 277
150.0 312.0 866.1 996 783.2 900 750.5 863 391.6 450 375.3 432 300.2 345
175.0 375.0 1040.1 1196 941.3 1082 902.1 1037 470.7 541 451.1 519 361.0 415
CH-3 3-126
3.G.7.c (cont'd)
For other KVA Ratings or Voltages : Amperes = KVA x 1000
Volts x 1.732
Full Load Currents.
Single Pase Transformers Voltage
120 208 240 480 600 2400
1 8.34 4.8 4.16 2.08 1.67 0.42
3 25 14.4 12.5 6.25 5.0 1.25
5 41.7 24.0 20.8 10.4 8.35 2.08
7.5 62.5 36.1 31.2 15.6 12.5 3.12
10 83.4 48 41.6 20.8 16.7 4.16
15 125 72 62.5 31.2 25.0 6.25
25 208 120 104 52 41.7 10.4
37.5 312 180 156 78 62.5 15.6
50 417 240 208 104 83.5 20.8
75 625 361 312 156 125 31.2
100 834 480 416 208 167 41.6
125 1042 800 520 260 208 52.0
167.5 1396 805 698 349 279 70.0
200 1666 960 833 416 333 83.3
250 2080 1200 1040 520 417 104
333 2776 1600 1388 694 555 139
500 4170 2400 2080 1040 836 208
For other KVA Ratings or Voltages : Amperes = KVA x 1000
8. Switchboards (46 CFR 111.30 – 25 & 111.30-27)
a. Location
. SOLAS II-1/42.1.3 and 43.1.3 and 46 CFR 112.05-5(e) all
state that the emergency generator room and a category A machinery
space should not be adjoining, except where other arrangement is not
practicable. Note that the CFR specifies the spaces will not be
“adjoining”, SOLAS requires not “contiguous”, both indicating the
spaces will not border each other horizontally or vertically. The
intent is to maintain the integrity of the emergency electrical
distribution system if there is a fire, flooding, or other casualty
in the main machinery space. When the arrangement has been shown to
be impractical, the installation of an A-60 bulkhead between the
emergency generator room and the category A machinery space has been
accepted. It is recommended that the steel bulkhead be insulated to
A-60 on both sides. Any contiguous boundary between the emergency
generator room and any category A machinery space or space containing
the main source of electrical power, associated transforming
equipment, if any, and the main switchboard must be avoided.
b. Removable Breakers (46 CFR 111.30-4)
. The Electrical Engineering
Regulations require molded-case circuit breakers on switchboards to
be mounted so that the breaker can be removed from the front without
first unbolting the bus or cable connections or de-energizing the
supply to the breaker. The intent of this requirement is to make
possible the safe removal of a circuit breaker for repair or
replacement without de-energizing other essential loads. This
3-127 CH-3
3.G.8 b. (cont’d) requirement is for circuit breakers in ship's service
switchboards; removable or draw-out breakers are not required for
dedicated industrial switchboards, but are recommended for safety.
Where the main ship's service bus is subdivided into two sections, a
comparable level of safety can be provided by an arrangement where
all circuits necessary for the safe navigation of the vessel can be
supplied by either section of the bus. This would allow for de-
energizing one section without the loss of essential loads. Note that
although the Subchapter J requirement to sectionalize the main bus is
not applicable to Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, self-propelled
MODU's seeking an IMO MODU Code certificate must meet this
requirement (MODU Code Chapter 7, Section 9).
c. Bus Bars (46 CFR 111.30-19)
. Each bus must be sized so its rating is
not less than the capacity required in 46 CFR 111.30-19(a). [NOTE:
Bus bars for motor control centers are to be rated per NEC 430-24.]
Table A27 of IEEE Standard No. 45 (1983 edition, section 7.10 of IEEE
45 1998 edition) gives minimum bus bar sizes, based on the cross
section and spacing required for the bus current rating and the
allowable temperature rise.
Bus bars must be braced to withstand the mechanical strains imposed
by inrush currents and the maximum available short-circuit current.
These currents can generate electromagnetic fields of considerable
magnitude. The mechanical forces resulting from these fields can bend
the bus bars, shatter insulation, and physically tear the switchboard
Switchboard manufacturers should indicate the fault current their
boards are designed to withstand. The spacing between bus bars and
bare metal parts within the switchboard must meet Section 384-26 of
the National Electrical Code.
d. Aluminum Busbars
. There has been continued interest in the use of
aluminum as a bus bar material, due primarily to the relative costs
of copper and aluminum. Both marine and shore industrial experience
has shown that careful attention must be paid to materials, joint
design, and quality of workmanship if unsatisfactory and unsafe
aluminum bus bar installations are to be avoided. The switchboard
regulations, in 46 CFR 111.30-19, refer to IEEE Standard No. 45 for
bus bar installations Section 17.11 of IEEE-45 permits aluminum to be
used in switchboards. The panelboard regulations are found in 46 CFR
111.40-1. Aluminum must only be used in applications and in a manner
permitted by the regulations. Certain problems and properties
associated with aluminum bus bars are discussed below. For vessels
operating only in fresh water, the corrosion problem may be minimal;
the other three problems are equally applicable to fresh water and
saltwater service.
(1) Corrosion - Aluminum in contact with certain other metals, such
as steel, forms a galvanic couple susceptible to accelerated
corrosion in the marine environment. Aluminum alloys containing
copper are particularly subject to corrosion in a damp salt
atmosphere, even when not in contact with a dissimilar metal.
(2) Oxide Build-up - Most aluminum alloys form a hard, inert oxide
coat whenever a fresh surface is exposed to air. This layer of
CH-3 3-128
3.G.8.d (2) (cont’d) aluminum oxide has a high electrical resistance and can
create a hot spot at connection points.
(3) Creep - Aluminum exhibits a phenomenon known as creep, which is a
plastic deformation that occurs at stresses below yield strength.
Periodic tightening of many types of aluminum connections is
required to prevent connections from becoming loose. If
connections do become loose, the surface contact area is reduced,
permitting the oxide coat to form. This, in turn, causes high-
resistance hot spots.
(4) Thermal Properties –
(a) As the load increases, the bus bar temperature will increase
and the bus bars will expand. The linear coefficient of
thermal expansion of aluminum alloys is significantly larger
than that for steel or copper. Provisions must be made in the
design to account for these different expansion rates. High
stresses can occur in aluminum-bodied connectors, especially
when used with bolts of a dissimilar metal or which have
thermal expansion characteristics different from those of the
aluminum device.
(b) The thermal conductivity of aluminum, while alloy dependent,
is approximately half that of copper. Heat is not conducted
away from a hot spot in aluminum as quickly as with copper.
The use of aluminum bus bars in switchboards, large switchboard-type
panelboards, and motor control centers are generally acceptable. The
design and practices recommended below, or equivalents, should be
considered. Aluminum bus bars are generally not suitable for use in
panelboards and motor controllers. The small size and scattered
locations of many panelboards and controllers may discourage the
periodic inspections which should be made to detect unsafe
deterioration of aluminum bus bars and connections. The following
design and assembly recommendations will help ensure a satisfactory
installation of aluminum bus bars: All aluminum current carrying parts
should be made of alloy 6101 or other alloy with a maximum of 0.1
percent copper. In areas of contact, the bus bars, including any
copper bars, should be plated with silver, nickel, or tin after all
drilling has been completed. This plating should be performed at the
manufacturer's facility and not in the field. Copper cable or wire
should be connected to the aluminum bus using plated compression-type
terminal connectors. Where aluminum bodied connectors and fittings are
used, they should be packed with oxide-inhibitor paste. These fittings
should be suitable for use on aluminum. A shrinkable sleeve should be
used to seal the wire to the terminal connector. A generous amount of
joint compound should be applied to all joint surfaces before assembly
to seal out air and improve corrosion resistance. A bead of compound
should appear all around the edges of each joint when the connection
is tightened. Excess compound squeezed out of the joint may be left as
is or removed. Abrasive joint compounds should not be used on flat-bar
connections. A plated copper bar or plated copper terminal fitting may
be connected to a plated aluminum bar. The connection should be made
with a plated steel bolt, plated Belleville spring washers, and wide
series plated steel washers.
3-129 CH-3
3.G.8 d. (cont’d) The Belleville washer should be installed with the crown or
neck against the nut or bolt head and the concave side bearing on the
flat washer. The nut should be tightened until the Belleville washer
is just flat. An aluminum-to-aluminum connection may be made with
either plated aluminum or plated steel bolts. If steel bolts are
used, the recommendations of the paragraph above should be followed.
Aluminum bolts should be made of a high strength aluminum alloy.
Aluminum bolts, nuts, and washers should be made of an alloy
containing not more than 0.1 percent copper.
A plug-in type circuit breaker should not be directly connected to an
aluminum bus. Circuit breakers or fused switches may be attached to
an aluminum bus if a bolt or plug arrangement is used with joint
preparation as described above. The plug-in type circuit breaker may
be used with a copper bus feeder. A plated bus bar surface should not
be wire brushed or treated with abrasive cleansers prior to assembly.
e. Shore Power (46 CFR 111.30)
. Electrical shore power connections are
not required by the Electrical Engineering Regulations. Where
provisions are made to use shore power, the connection boxes and
switchgear must meet 46 CFR 111.83 and 111.30-25(f) for AC
switchboards or 111.30-27(f) for DC switchboards. As an alternative
to the standard shore power connection box, the use of military
specification (MILSPEC) hardware is acceptable. The use of reverse-
power or reverse-current relays should be considered when shore power
is used extensively. In addition, interlocks are recommended to
prevent the paralleling of shore power with the ship's generators.
9. Power Semiconductor Rectifier Systems (SCRs 46 CFR 111.33)
a. Introduction
. The term SCR refers to the solid state equipment for
the conversion of alternating current to direct current which has
been called a silicon controlled rectifier, semiconductor controlled
rectifier, and semiconductor rectifier. Many electric propulsion
systems, thrusters, and pieces of drilling machinery use DC motors in
order to obtain more precise speed control. SCR's are the most common
means of converting the ship's service AC power to DC. Solid state
SCR power converters offer the advantages of high efficiency and low
maintenance (compared to motor-generator sets), but are sensitive to
heat and humidity and are frequently located in suitably air-
conditioned spaces.
Subpart 111.33 is applicable to any SCR used as part of the vessel's
electrical power distribution system. Small SCR's, which form part of
utilization equipment, such as a semiconductor rectifier battery
charger, need not meet these regulations.
b. Requirements
. The intent of the regulations is to ensure that the
continuity of power to equipment supplied by SCR's is not jeopardized
by unsuitable SCR design or installation. An adequate means of heat
removal is the primary concern. Due to the criticality of the
propulsion system to the safe navigation of the vessel, additional
requirements apply to SCR's in electric propulsion systems; see 46
CFR 111.33-11.
c. Check-Off List
. SCR System Check-Off List:
CH-3 3-130
3.G.9.c (1) Meets the requirements of 46 CFR 111.33, and for a switchboard
and/or electric propulsion installation.
46 CFR 111.30-11, -19, -21.
(2) Name plate data.
(3) Heat removal system.
(4) Cooling.
(5) lmmersed type with non-flammable liquid and no leakage with
vessel inclined.
(6) Located away from heat sources.
(7) Temperature rating and operating range.
(8) Unrestricted air circulation if naturally cooled.
(9) Inlet air temperature within design limits.
(10) Loss of cooling shutdown.
(11) Inlet cooling water temperature.
(12) watertight or dripproof rectifier stack.
(13) Vent exhaust does not terminate in a hazardous area.
(14) Vent exhaust does not impinge on electrical equipment in
(15) High temperature alarm or shutdown.
(16) SCR propulsion systems:
(a) Meet ABS Section 35.84.4 (1983).
(b) Current and current rate limiting circuit.
(c) Overcurrent protection.
(d) High temperature alarm set below shutdown temperature.
(e) Internal overcurrent device coordination.
(f) Blown fuse detection system.
(g) In dry place.
(17) SCR motor control:
(h) Overspeed trip; loss of load (series); loss of field (shunt).
(i) Shunt motor field excitation interlock.
10. Electrical Propulsion (46 CFR 111.35-1)
. The reference to the ABS "Rules
for Building and Classing Steel Vessels" in 46 CFR 111.35-1 is out-of-
date. Sections 4–8–5/5.5, 4–8–5/5.11, 4–8–5/5.13, 4–8–5/5.17.8(e), 4–8–
5/5.17.9, and 4–8–5/5.17.10 of the 2003 edition of the ABS Rules may be
used for guidance, or section 4/3.5.3 of ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units as appropriate. The general
provisions of the SOLAS II-1/31, 49, and 52 are applicable to all
propulsion arrangements, including electric propulsion.
11. Panelboards (46 CFR 111.40)
a. Ratings.
The current rating of a panelboard must not be less than
the feeder circuit capacity. To meet 46 CFR 111.40-15, the load on
any overcurrent device in a panelboard must not exceed 80 percent of
that device's rating if the normal load duration is 3 hours or more.
This requirement does not apply, however, when the panelboard and the
overcurrent device are rated for continuous duty at 100% of the
b. Location
. The main switchboard is required by 46 CFR 111.12-11(g)
and 111.30 to be located in a machinery space that contains at least
one ship’s service generator. This requirement is consistent with the
SOLAS Amendments, Chapter 11-1, and Regulation 41.3. A control room
that is located within the machinery casing or a dedicated switchgear
and SCR room on a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit, which is adjacent to
and on the same level as the generator machinery space, is not
3-131 CH-3
3.G.11 b. (cont’d) considered to be a separate space. Any such control room
containing the main switchboard should, as far as practicable, be
located so that the generator(s) are in sight and direct access to
the generator(s) is facilitated. Each switchboard must be located in
as dry a location as possible. Dripshields are required by 46 CFR
111.30-5(b). An equivalent installation is a switchboard that extends
to the overhead and which cannot be subjected to leaks or falling
objects. Piping above or adjacent to switchboards should be avoided.
Piping which must be located in the vicinity of a switchboard must be
provided with suitable spray shields and have only welded joints.
12. Circuit Protection Devices
a. Purpose
. Overcurrent devices, the two most common types being fuse
and circuit breakers, offer protection against currents in excess of
the rated current of equipment or the current-carrying capacity
(ampacity) of a conductor. The purpose of properly coordinated
overcurrent protection is to recognize, locate, and isolate faulted
portions of the power system in order to minimize the damage to
equipment and conductors, danger to personnel, and interruption of
electrical power which may result from an overload, short circuit, or
ground fault.
b. Circuit Breakers (46 CFR 111.54)
. Circuit breakers are devices which
permit manual opening and closing of a circuit and which open the
circuit automatically for a predetermined fault condition (usually
overcurrent, but sometimes reverse power flow, under-voltage, or
under-frequency) without damage to themselves when applied within
their ratings. In effect, they are high current interrupting capacity
switches with automatic trip elements. The circuit breakers most
commonly found in marine applications respond to overcurrent,
tripping when the current magnitude exceeds a specific value for a
specific length of time. Low voltage (600 volts AC and below) circuit
breakers are usually constructed with an integral overcurrent trip
element within the circuit breaker housing.
In medium voltage systems, instrument transformers and protective
relays separate from the circuit breakers are often used. Current
transformers and voltage transformers are connected to the power
system and allow the protective relays to "see" the conditions in the
system without exposing them to the high system current and voltage
levels. Protective relays interpret the information provided by the
instrument transformers to discriminate between tolerable and
fault/intolerable conditions. Upon detection of an intolerable
condition, the protective relay initiates a tripping impulse to the
circuit breaker, which isolates the faulted part of the power system.
When a circuit breaker opens an energized circuit, an arc is drawn
between the opening contacts. This arc must be extinguished in order
to interrupt the circuit. Circuit breakers are commonly classified
according to the medium in which the contacts open. The common
designations are air circuit breaker (which includes molded case
circuit breakers), vacuum breakers, and SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride)
breakers. Air circuit breakers are the most common type found in low
voltage, relatively low current circuits for which the air around us
serves as a suitable dielectric, preventing continued arcing between
CH-3 3-132
3.G.12 b. (cont’d) the contacts after they have parted. Most air circuit
breakers employ a bank of metal fins around the contacts to quickly
extinguish arcs. As the arc passes between the fins it is split,
cooled, and extinguished.
A molded-case circuit breaker is a type of air circuit breaker that
is assembled as an integral unit in an insulated housing. Most
molded-case breakers are provided with both a thermal trip for
sustained overloads and a magnetic trip for instantaneous tripping on
high fault currents. The operating mechanism that opens and closes
the contacts includes a powerful spring that is charged when the
breaker is closed. The trip actuator may have a number of inputs, but
it must have a common mechanical output that releases the operating
mechanism and uses the spring energy to open the contacts.
Traditional circuit breakers have, for each pole a bimetallic thermal
trip element and an electromagnetic (instantaneous) trip unit that
initiate the mechanical motion of the trip bar which, in turn,
releases the operating mechanism to open the contacts. Note that
actuation of the common trip bar opens all the poles of the breaker
simultaneously. This is illustrated in the figure below.
Electronic trip systems have been developed which replace the moving
thermal-magnetic devices with solid-state electronic sensors and a
single trip solenoid. By reducing the number of mechanical moving
parts used to release the operating mechanism, electronic trip units
can be made inherently more vibration and shock (impact) resistant.
In addition, the electronic trip unit can be more closely adjusted
and is less sensitive to ambient temperature because no motion of the
trip actuator occurs until the trip signal is sent to the solenoid by
the electronic circuit. With these advantages and the option for
additional protection features, electronic trip units may soon
replace thermal-magnetic elements for overcurrent protection.
The interrupting rating of a circuit breaker is the highest RMS (Root
Mean Squared) current at rated voltage that the breaker is intended
to interrupt in normal service. In practical circuits containing both
resistance and reactance, most short-circuit currents will be
3-133 CH-3
3.G.12 b. (cont’d) asymmetrical during the first few cycles after the short
occurs. This asymmetry, due to a DC current component, will decay
during the first few cycles until the current becomes symmetrical.
The asymmetrical current, although it lasts only a short time, can
greatly exceed the corresponding symmetrical fault current and the
circuit breaker must be able to withstand the asymmetrical value.
Under the ANSI standards presently applicable to low voltage fuses
and circuit breakers, interrupting ratings are expressed in terms of
the symmetrical RMS current to facilitate equipment comparison and
selection. Circuit breakers meeting UL 489, although having only a
symmetrical rating, are tested under conditions that evaluate their
ability to withstand the "worst-case" asymmetrical current. It is not
necessary to evaluate the device for asymmetrical current. Medium
voltage circuit breakers have a first-cycle asymmetrical rating.
The continuous current rating of a circuit breaker is the continuous
current the breaker will carry, without tripping, in the ambient
temperature for which it is calibrated. Higher current will initiate
tripping, though the current level must be sustained for some minimum
length of time in order to actually trip the breaker. Circuit
breakers trip on overcurrent according to a time-current response
curve established by the manufacturer. A typical circuit breaker
time-current characteristic curve is shown in the figure below.
Time-Current Response Curve
Current in percent of breaker trip unit setting
Time (Seconds)
50 100 1000 10,000 100,000
Long-time band
Instantaneous band
Maximum circuit breaker
clearing time with
instantaneous trip
Circuit breakers that respond to overcurrent may have an inverse-time
trip, an instantaneous trip, or both.
CH-3 3-134
3.G.12 b. (cont’d) The term "instantaneous" here means only that no
intentional time delay has been introduced, although some finite
minimum time is required for any circuit breaker to interrupt a
circuit. The curves indicate the length of time a particular current
level must be sustained in order to trip a particular breaker. These
and similar time-current curves for fuses are used in the process of
coordinating the various overcurrent devices in the power system.
c. Fuses (46 CFR 111.53)
. Fuses are overcurrent protective devices
containing a circuit-opening fusible element that is heated and
severed by the passage of overcurrent. Fuses are among the few
components required by the Electrical Engineering Regulations to be
listed by an independent laboratory recognized by the Coast Guard
(see 46 CFR 111.53-1(a)(3)). Fuses listed or labeled by a "nationally
recognized testing laboratory" which has received recognition by OSHA
are acceptable. Only "one-time" fuses may be used; renewable link
cartridge-type fuses and Edison-base fuses (the screw-in type
formerly used in residential fuse boxes) may not be used.
The interrupting rating (or capacity) refers to the highest RMS
alternating current (or direct current depending upon the
application), which the fuse is designed to interrupt without
charring or cracking of the fuse tube or external arcing. The
continuous current rating, or ampere rating, is the current level
which the fuse will carry continuously without deterioration or
excessive temperature rise. While fuses are often regarded as
instantaneous circuit interrupting devices, they follow an extremely
inverse time-circuit characteristic curve as shown below.
Fuse Characteristic Curve
Minimum melt curve
"Damage" curve
Total clearing curve
The total clearing time curve shows the maximum time, including
arcing time and manufacturing tolerances, for the fusible element to
open the circuit. The minimum melt curve represents the minimum time
3-135 CH-3
3.G.12 c. (cont’d) required for the fusible element to begin to melt. An
assumed "fuse damage," curve, approximated at 75% of the minimum
melting curve, is used to provide a margin of safety so that
applications avoid operation in the time-current band between the
minimum melt curve and the total clearing curve, where current levels
may cause thermal damage to the fuse without opening the circuit.
Current-limiting fuses are used to limit the magnitude and duration
of extremely high fault currents during the total clearing time.
Current limiting becomes effective only above a specific threshold
current and interrupts the circuit in less than one-half cycle after
occurrence of a fault, before the fault current reaches its maximum
magnitude. Current-limiting fuses can be used in combination with
circuit breakers to provide protection of the circuit breaker against
high fault currents while retaining the time delay thermal and
instantaneous magnetic trips for overcurrents of lower magnitude. The
heat energy developed in a circuit during the fuse's clearing time,
expressed in ampere-squared-seconds as I2t, is used as one measure of
a fuse's current-limiting ability.
d. Applications
. Overcurrent devices are generally required to be
located at the point of supply of the circuit to be protected. The
Electrical Engineering Regulations contain specific exceptions for
overcurrent protection for generators, shore power cables, and
transformer secondary circuits. Most conductors must be provided with
overcurrent protection to protect against thermal damage caused by
current in excess of the ampacity rating of the conductor.
This level of overcurrent protection is not desirable in circuits
that would affect vessel operation if unexpectedly opened. Only
short-circuit (not overload) protection, set not less than 500% of
the expected current, is allowed in electric propulsion control,
voltage regulator, and circuit breaker tripping control supply
circuits. Exceptions are also made for applications such as motor
circuits where a higher trip rating may be necessary to avoid
tripping on motor inrush currents. Similarly, the overcurrent
protection requirements for transformers contained in Article 450 of
the National Electrical Code reflect the need to avoid improper
tripping due to magnetizing inrush currents while providing adequate
protection against sustained overcurrent. Due to the vital role of
the steering system in the overall safety of a vessel, only limited
fault-current protection is permitted in steering gear motor feeder,
motor controller, control, and indicating and alarm circuits. It
would be dangerous to "protect" a steering-gear motor against a
moderate overload if, by tripping the motor during a maneuvering
situation, steering were lost and the safety of the vessel
jeopardized. The fault-current protection required for steering
systems is intended to protect against fire; components of the system
may be sacrificed in order to maintain control of the vessel for as
long as possible in emergency situations. Steering gear and
propulsion circuits must meet 46 CFR 111.70.
13. Fault Current Analysis & Coordination (46 CFR 111.52)
a. Purpose
. To provide for an electrical system that minimizes
disruption from fault conditions, a fault current analysis and a
coordination study must be performed. The fault current analysis is
CH-3 3-136
3.G.13 a. (cont’d) used to determine the magnitude of available fault current
throughout the system so that interrupting devices can be selected to
safely open that magnitude of current. The coordination study is
performed so that the overcurrent devices can be selected or set so
that the device immediately upstream from the fault trips before
devices further upstream, thereby limiting the power loss to
equipment downstream of the fault.
Theory: The available short-circuit current at a given location in
the power system is defined as the maximum current which the power
system, when operating with the maximum generating capacity that can
operate in parallel and the largest "probable" motor load, can
deliver to a zero-impedance (bolted) three-phase fault. The sources
of short-circuit current are the generators, synchronous motors or
synchronous condensers, and induction motors in operation in the
system. The connected (spinning) motors function as generators for a
short time after a fault occurs, contributing current towards the
fault. The subtransient reactance should be used to determine the
contribution of induction motors to the fault current during the
first few cycles after the occurrence of the fault.
The current that will flow toward the fault depends upon the power
available from the source(s), the voltage at the fault (assumed to be
zero for a bolted three-phase fault), and the impedance of the
circuit components such as transformers, conductors, and other
equipment between the fault and the power source(s). Short-circuit
currents should be assumed to be asymmetrical during the first few
cycles after the short occurs. The asymmetry will be maximum at the
instant the short circuit occurs; in practical circuits containing
both resistance and reactance, the current generally becomes
symmetrical after several cycles. The rms value of the available
asymmetrical current must be within the interrupting rating of the
overcurrent device. Note that this maximum asymmetrical current is
the average of the three phases at a particular instant in time and
is not the maximum current in any one phase.
Low-voltage air circuit breakers operate nearly instantaneously for
currents near their interrupting ratings. These breakers must be
capable of interrupting the maximum current which can flow in the
circuit However, since the interrupting ratings of low voltage
circuit breakers are only expressed in terms of symmetrical rms
amperes, only the symmetrical fault current needs to be determined.
The breaker frame size should be selected to have a (symmetrical)
interrupting rating at least equal to the calculated symmetrical
short-circuit current.
Calculation Procedures: There are a number of methods, of various
degrees of accuracy and simplicity, which can be used to determine
the available fault current. The Electrical Engineering Regulations
permit the use of the assumptions contained in 46 CFR 111.52-3 in
lieu of detailed short-circuit calculations for systems with an
aggregate generating capacity below 1500 kilowatts.
This refers to the condition where the maximum number of generators
which can operate in parallel are operating, generating the maximum
power which can be supplied to the system. Detailed calculations may
utilize any of the following methods:
3-137 CH-3
3.G.13.a (1) Exact calculations using actual impedances and reactance’s of the
electrical equipment in the system.
(2) Estimated calculations using the Naval Sea Systems Command Design
Data Sheet DDS 9620-3, "A.C. Fault Current Calculations."
(3) Estimated calculations using the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) Publication 363 (1972), "Short-circuit Current
Evaluation with Special Regard to Rated Short-Circuit Capacity of
Circuit Breakers in Installations in Ships."
(4) Estimated calculations using an established, commercially
available fault current analysis procedure for utility or
industrial applications, provided sufficient documentation
regarding the procedure is submitted to verify its applicability.
The estimated calculation procedure often contain certain
"simplifying assumptions" regarding the reactance-to-resistance
(X/R) ratios for generators, motors, and transformers, as well as
the power factor and efficiency of induction motors. Low voltage
systems are generally assumed to experience no voltage drop
throughout the system. The maximum fault current is normally
calculated at the first half-cycle. Simplifying assumptions may
be used, consistent with good engineering judgment. The use of
such assumptions must be noted in the calculations.
b. Coordination
. Coordination, sometimes called selectivity, refers to
the location of overcurrent protective devices in the system and the
selection of proper trip ratings or settings and coordination time
intervals so that only the smallest practicable portion of the power
system will be isolated following a fault. The protection system can
be viewed as a set of overlapping zones of protection with each zone
encompassing a segment of the power system including at least one
circuit breaker or fuse, as shown in the figure below.
Protection System Zones
In a properly coordinated radial system, the first circuit
interrupting device on the source side of the fault should respond
(by opening the circuit) the fastest, so that no other interrupting
devices open and maximum continuity of power is provided to the
remainder of the system. Each circuit-interrupting device should
CH-3 3-138
3.G.13 b. (cont’d) provide backup protection for the interrupting devices
downstream of it; that is, each interrupting device should be able to
open the circuit for any fault that the next downstream device fails
to clear, but only after allowing sufficient time for the downstream
device to act. The coordination time interval is the time difference
between the slowest operating time for the primary protection and the
fastest time for the backup protection.
Proper coordination of protective devices requires an analysis of the
fault currents available at the various points in the system,
selection of the circuit breakers and fuses so that each will clear
the anticipated fault currents in an acceptable time, and
verification that each breaker or fuse provides adequate backup
protection for the circuit interrupters downstream. In general,
"instantaneous" or extremely inverse characteristic circuit breakers,
or fuses, are used at loads (the farthest downstream devices) with
progressively less inverse time-current characteristic breakers
employed as one approaches the source(s). An exception is the
requirement of 111.12-11(c)(2) for an instantaneous trip on the
generator circuit breaker where three or more generators can be
Coordination of molded case circuit breakers having thermal magnetic
trips is sometimes difficult. In view of this, non-selective
overcurrent protection may be accepted for circuits that supply only
non-vital equipment. A fault on such circuits must not affect the
continuity of electric power to equipment vital to the propulsion,
control, or safety of the vessel.
14. Wire and Cable (46 CFR 111.60)
a. General
. A wire is a conductor with functional insulation only, for
use inside an enclosure. A cable consists of one or more insulated
conductors provided with a protective covering of either a watertight
metallic sheath or an impervious non-metallic sheath compatible with
the insulation. Most shipboard wiring is accomplished using
multiconductor cable.
Wire and conduit may be used for shipboard wiring. Where it is used,
the installation requirements of the NEC should be followed (i.e.,
requirements for sizes and fill, bends and bending methods, couplings
and connectors, and support methods and locations), and the
additional aspects of a marine installation (corrosion, moisture,
watertight bulkhead penetrations, and flexing) should be addressed.
Additionally, the wire must meet the requirements of 46 CFR Subpart
111.60 for insulated conductors.
The design emphasis for merchant vessel cable has historically been
placed on the harsh ship construction environment (nearby welding,
pulling cable through bulkheads, and subjecting cable to constant
mechanical abuse), as well as on the shipboard operating environment
(clamped assemblies, large cable bundles, and exposure to a wide
range of temperatures, high humidity, and oil). Additional
considerations for vessels have included longitudinal water
propagation resistance, overload conditions, and circuit integrity
under fire conditions.
3-139 CH-3
3.G.14 b. Types of Cable
. The regulations for the construction of shipboard
electrical cable are contained in 46 CFR 111.60. A current copy of
the regulations should be referenced as types of acceptable cable may
be changing.
For cables listed by UL for 90
C, use the (E,X) column ampacities. If
UL listed for 75
C, use the (T) column ampacities. These ampacities
should be used regardless of the actual insulation composition of the
cables. The ampacities of cables having a UL shipboard listing may
be found in Table 9.1, of IEEE-45 (1998 edition).
All UL cable listings for shipboard applications must be for a
maximum conductor temperature of 100
C or less. The 100
C limitation
does not apply to DC cable utilized in MODU industrial systems. As an
alternative to the cable construction and sizing requirements of 46
CFR 111.60, DC cables on MODUs may meet the requirements of the
International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Standard
DCCS-l, "Interim Guidelines for Industrial System DC Cable for Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units". In accordance with this standard, marine
cables may be listed by UL for up to 110
C. The current-carrying
capacity of 110
C rated cables is 1.14 times the 90
C (E,X) rating
column in IEEE-45. If the UL listing is for 100
C or less, however,
the cable cannot be used at the 110
C rating. Industrial system cable
rated and utilized (sized) at 110
C may be run with other cables,
without maintained spacing (i.e., banked) if derated in accordance
with Note 6 of Table 9.1 of IEEE-45.
It should be noted that some types of cable constructed in accordance
with MIL-C-915 are not required to meet the flame propagation
requirements of IEC 60332-3-22 or IEEE Standard 1202. Therefore, it
may be necessary to verify that a MIL-C-915 cable type meets the
flammability test of IEC 60332-3-22 or IEEE Standard 1202.
The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) publishes two military
specifications on the construction of shipboard electrical cable. The
first specification, MIL-C-24640 (Cable, Electrical, Lightweight, for
Shipboard Use), addresses lightweight power, lighting, and
communication cable with a crosslinked polyolefin jacket. The second,
MIL-C-24643 (Cable and Cord, Electrical, Low Smoke, for Shipboard
Use), addresses electrical cable which exhibits low smoke generation
characteristics when subjected to specific smoke and flame tests. The
ampacities for these Navy cables may be found in "Cable Comparison
Handbook, HDBK-299, issued 3 April 1989." Although this handbook
addresses standard Navy cable size designations, it should also be
used for the AWC sized cables of MIL-C-24640 having similar (not
necessarily identical) cross-sectional areas. Industry needs have led
to modifications to acceptable cable construction on vessels. In most
cases, these modifications are superior to the minimum requirements
and should be permitted. Although NEC Article 310-3 permits solid
conductors for size No. 10 AWG and smaller, solid conductors are
unacceptable for shipboard power cables. Nicks on solid conductors
from insulation removal are likely to lead to conductor breakage with
shipboard vibration. Electrical Engineering Regulations require
shipboard cable to meet the flammability requirements of the standard
the cable was constructed to.
CH-3 3-140
3.G.14 b. (cont’d) Shipboard cable flammability was addressed internationally
in IMCO Resolution A.325 (IX), which was adopted on November 12,
1975. Paragraph (e)(ii) of Regulation 23 of that Resolution requires
that all electric cables be at least of a flame retardant type and
installed in a manner that does not impair their original flame
retarding properties. This requirement is found in 2001 Amendments to
SOLAS 1974 / II-2 Regulation 45.5.2. Attempting to provide guidance
on how to meet the SOLAS Amendments, IEC Technical Committee 18
developed guidelines which stated that cables should either be
qualified using a flame propagation test procedure for bunched cables
or that special precautions be taken. These special precautions can
be achieved by the use of fire barriers as follows:
(1) Fire stops having at least B-O penetrations are to be fitted:
(a) At cable entries at the main and emergency switchboard,
(b) Where cables enter engine control rooms,
(c) At cable entries at centralized control panels for propulsion
machinery and essential auxiliaries,
(d) At each end of totally enclosed cable trunks.
(2) In enclosed and semi-enclosed spaces, cable runs are to:
(a) have either a fire protection coating applied:
i. to at least 1 meter in every 14 meters for horizontal
runs; and,
ii. to the entire length of vertical runs; or,
(b) be fitted with fire stops having at least B-O penetrations
every second deck or approximately 6 meters for vertical runs
and at every 14 meters for horizontal runs.
The cable penetrations are to be installed in steel pipes of at least
3 mm thickness extending all around to twice the largest dimension of
the cable run for vertical runs and once for horizontal runs, but
need not extend through ceilings, decks, bulkheads or solid sides of
trunks. In cargo areas, fire stops need only be fitted at the
boundaries of the spaces.
In 2000, IEC developed a new series of tests on electric cables under
fire conditions- test for vertical flame spread of vertically mounted
bunched wires or cables. IEC 332 part 3 has been replaced by IEC
60332-3-22 Cat A which is the acceptable test for all cable
constructed to IEC 60092-353.
In addition to the standards referenced in 46 CFR 111.60-1, cable
constructed in accordance with one of the following can be accepted:
(1) Cable having a UL shipboard cable listing;
(2) For DC industrial systems on MODUs, cable meeting the
requirements of IADC Standard DCCS-l;
(3) Cable constructed in general accordance with an above standard
but modified in a manner clearly superior to the minimum
requirements specified. Examples of such modifications have been
discussed above.
c. Unique Application
. Special purpose cables may be used for unique
applications where there is a compelling reason for deviating from
the cable construction standards discussed above in order to satisfy
system requirements. Such special purpose cables may include coaxial,
triaxial, and low noise signal cables. Exceptions to the construction
3-141 CH-3
3.G.14 c. (cont’d) and testing requirements for such cables exist in both
Section 9.1 of IEEE-45 and SOLAS II-1/45.5.2. The primary concern
with these cables is flame propagation. If a particular cable type
cannot be shown to comply with the IEEE-1202 or IEC 60332-3-22 (Cat
A) fire tests, then the special precautions discussed earlier should
be used to achieve a flame propagation resistant installation. If
special purpose cables are run singly (not in or near bundles or
cable trays with other cables), then self-extinguishing construction
is acceptable.
As discussed in Section 7 of this guide, cables in intrinsically safe
circuits need not meet the cable construction requirements of 46 CFR
111.60. These cables must have sufficient dielectric strength for the
maximum voltage in the circuit, and must be of self-extinguishing
construction and run singly, comply with the IEEE-1202 or IEC 60332-
3-22 (Cat. A) fire tests, or be installed using the special
precautions to achieve a flame propagation resistant installation.
Fiber optic cable is addressed in 46 CFR 111.60-6. Since fiber optic
cables present no shock or ignition hazards, concern is limited to
the flame propagation issue. Fiber optic cables must meet the
flammability test of the standards listed in 46 CFR 111.60-6(a) or be
installed in accordance with the special installation precautions
discussed earlier.
d. Ampacity
. The ampacity of a cable is the maximum current-carrying
capacity of the cable, based on the cross-sectional area of the
conductors, maximum allowable conductor temperature for the
insulation used, and the ambient temperature. The temperature rating
of a conductor is the maximum temperature, anywhere along its length,
that the conductor can withstand for a prolonged period without
serious degradation of its insulation. Conductors with a temperature
rating above the maximum ambient temperature must be used. Tabulated
ampacities should be corrected for the anticipated ambient
temperature and method of cable installation (banking of cables)
using the ampacity correction factors applicable to that table.
Adjacent or closely spaced cables both raise the ambient temperature
and impede heat dissipation. It is important to read the notes for
each table to know the ambient temperature and method of cable
installation upon which the tabulated ampacities are based, so that
the proper correction factors may be applied.
The existing cable application guidance in 46 CFR 111.60-3 uses some
old standard editions, for example the 1983 edition of IEEE Std 45.
Newer standard editions are under consideration for incorporation.
During the interim, the following may be used on an equivalency basis
with the standards listed in 46 CFR 111.60-3: Cable constructed
according to IEEE Std 1580 (2001) that meets the provisions for cable
application of section 24 of IEEE Std 45 (2002), and is derated in
accordance with Table 25, Note 6, of the same standard. Cable for
special applications defined in section 24 of IEEE Std 45 (2002) that
meets the provisions of that section. Cable constructed according to
IEC 60092–353 (1995) or UL 1309 (1995) that meets section 24 of IEEE
Std 45 (2002), except 24.6.1, 24.6.7, and 24.8. Cable constructed
according to IEC 60092–353 (1995) may meet IEC 60092–352 (1997),
Table 1, for ampacity values, and be derated according to IEC
CH-3 3-142
3.G.14 d. (cont’d) 60092-352 (1997), paragraph 8. UL 1309 (1995) cable
ampacities are contained in the appendix of that standard.
The ampacity of a four-conductor cable, where one conductor is the
neutral which carries only the unbalanced current (normally small)
from the other conductors, is the same as that of a three-conductor
cable. Where four or more current-carrying power conductors are used
in a cable, as in a MODU topdrive system, the maximum current carrying
capacity of each conductor must be reduced in accordance with the
number of power conductors in a cable (not in a tray).
e. Minimum Conductor Size
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations
specify minimum cable conductor sizes of 22 AWG for thermocouple and
pyrometer cables, 14 AWG for lighting and power cables, and 18 AWG
for other cable conductors. The regulations also require each wire to
be at least 18 AWG, and wires in switchboards to be at least 14 AWG.
These minimum sizes are considerably larger than the conductors
commonly found in ribbon cables, used to interconnect printed circuit
boards and computer system components.
Where ribbon cables or similar small conductor size cables are
recommended for use in low-power instrumentation, monitoring, and
control circuits by the equipment manufacturer(s), the use of such
cables may be permitted. Additional mechanical protection may be
required to protect the conductors from parting due to mechanical
damage or flexing. Ribbon cables are usually found within equipment
or consoles. However, they are sometimes used externally to
interconnect modules. The location of the cable aboard the vessel and
the function of the circuit will determine the extent of mechanical
protection required, if any.
The requirement for 14 AWG minimum wire in switchboards was written
with full voltage, field-wired switchboard equipment in mind. Wire
smaller than 14 AWG may be considered for low voltage, low-power
circuits within switchboards.
f. Fiber Optic Cables Cord
. Each fiber optic cable must be constructed
to pass IEEE Std 1202 or IEC 600332-3-22 (Category A) flammability
test. Fiber optic cable must be installed in accordance with 46 CFR
g. Flexible Cord
. Flexible electric cords and cables may be used only
as allowed by Table 400-4 and Sections 400-7 and 400-8 of the NEC,
per 46 CFR 111.60-13. They must not be used for fixed wiring, unless
they are dual rated as either flexible cable or cord and shipboard
cable listed by UL. No. 18 AWG conductors are permitted in power and
lighting circuits only for portable applications.
h. Color Coding
. The Electrical Engineering Regulations do not require
the use of any particular conductor color coding scheme. The only
requirement is that an insulated equipment grounding conductor in a
cable must have green braid or insulation, per 46 CFR 111.05-33(b).
Different color codes for circuit conductors may be found in the
incorporated cable construction standards and NEC Sections 210-5 and
310.12. Although the regulations do not require the use of a specific
color scheme for the ungrounded conductors of a circuit, it is
recommended that some consistent coloring or marking practice be used
3-143 CH-3
3.G.14 h. (cont’d) for multiwire circuits in order to provide positive
identification of circuit conductors and facilitate troubleshooting
and repair.
i. Cable Installation
. Each cable installation must meet the general
requirements of the standard to which they were constructed. The use
of nylon or plastic cable straps is explicitly recognized for
horizontal runs where the cable will not fall if the strap fails.
They are permitted where the cable strap is used to maintain spacing
and not for support of the cables. IEEE Standard 45 requires
metallic band strapping to be a minimum of 5/8 inch wide. Deviations
from this dimension may be permitted where the width of the strap
provides sufficient mechanical strength to support the cables and
does not cause chafing of the cable jacket when the strap is
Twist-on wire connectors, or "wire nuts," (TM) are pressure-type
connectors which may be used per 46 CFR 111.60-17. Connections using
twist-on connectors must be made within an enclosure. The use of
insulating electrical tape over connectors is recommended. Twist-on
connectors are not recommended for use on small vessels due to the
pounding motions frequently encountered. Additionally, they are not
recommended for use in vital circuits, such as those powered from the
emergency switchboard. Pressure connectors are typically designed for
non-marine-stranded conductors. This may present a problem,
especially with smaller conductors. Some twist-on connectors have
sharp metallic inserts that could sever individual wires as they cut
their way into the copper. Installations must be carefully examined
to ensure that connections are tight, and that conductors have not
been damaged.
When pressure type connectors are used, the proper size is important.
The connection must be tight, yet it must not be necessary to remove
strands to fit the connector body to the conductor. This can
sometimes present problems since marine cable has a different
conductor diameter than NEC constructions.
Methods of connection of conductors to terminal parts, other than
those listed in 46 CFR 111.60-17, may be accepted provided they
insure a sound mechanical and electrical connection without damaging
the conductors. A twisted, soldered loop may be used to connect a
stranded conductor to a terminal screw on receptacles and lampholders
where supplied by a circuit having a grounded conductor, a lampholder
of the screw-shell type should have the grounded conductor connected
to the screw-shell.
Requirements for cable splicing are contained in 46 CFR 111.60-19,
which references section 20.11 of IEEE Std. 45. Splicing may be used
to connect cables in one subassembly to cables in another
subassembly, or to facilitate modular construction techniques.
Splicing is also acceptable during alterations to extend a circuit,
or to facilitate installation of an exceptionally long cable.
Sections of replacement cable may be spliced in to replace damaged
areas if the remainder of the cable is proven to be safe. A cable
may not be spliced in a hazardous area, except in intrinsically safe
CH-3 3-144
3.G.14 i. (cont’d) The safety and reliability of a spliced cable is dependent
upon the careful selection of the proper connectors, insulation and
jacket replacement material, installation tools, and installation
procedures. It is most important that the right size connector be
used for the cable, with no trimming of the conductors. Selection of
the proper connector for the conductor, the proper compression die
for the connector, and the proper compression tool for the die is
critical to the mechanical and electrical integrity of the splice.
The type of crimp is not really important, as long as it does not
leave sharp edges that may damage insulation. Manufacturer's
certification of material compatibility is generally acceptable. The
replacement insulation material need not match the cable jacket
material as long as the temperature characteristics and materials are
Heat shrinkable or pre-stretched tubing is acceptable, as well as
poured epoxy, polyurethane, and vulcanized replacement jackets.
Flame propagation is not a major concern for the short lengths of
cable splices. While splices made in the open are prohibited in
hazardous locations, cables may be connected in hazardous locations
in junction boxes (explosion proof in Division 1 and Zone 0). Note
that flexible cables or cords with conductors of 12 AWG or larger may
be spliced for repairs, per 46 CFR 111.60-13(e).
(j) Cable Armor
. 46 CFR 111.105-17 recommends the use of armored cable
to enhance ground detection capabilities. Another purpose of the
recommendation for armor is to give added mechanical protection to
avoid possible arcing from an accidentally severed cable as well as
enable quicker detection, via the ground detection system, of damaged
cable insulation. With intrinsically safe systems used in hazardous
locations, the armor is unnecessary for this purpose since the energy
available in the system is insufficient to constitute an ignition
hazard. However, if there is insufficient cable separation, or there
is no grounded partition, then a metal weave or shield around the
cable is required to prevent the possible induction of current within
the intrinsically safe circuit. This metallic covering may be inside
an outer cable jacket. See 111.105-11(b) on the use of shielded
An exception to the recommendation for armored cable in hazardous
locations is when flexible cord or cable must be used to connect
electrical equipment. This flexible cable need not be joined to
armored cable immediately beyond the section that requires flexing
service. Rather than make such a connection in an explosionproof
junction box within the hazardous location, it is generally
preferable to extend the flexible cable to its point of supply
outside the hazardous area. However if a run of flexible cable is
particularly vulnerable to mechanical damage, connection to armored
cable or some other means of mechanical protection may be required.
3-145 CH-3
3.G.14 j. (cont’d) Where single-conductor cables are used for AC circuits or DC
circuits with high ripple content, the following precautions should
be observed in order to avoid undesirable induced currents and
generated heat:
(1) Cable armor, if any, should be of non-magnetic material;
(2) There should be no closed magnetic circuit around any conductor
unless it encircles all conductors of the circuit; where
installed in steel conduits, pipes, or casings, the cables should
be bunched so that all conductors and the neutral, if any, are
enclosed by the same conduit, pipe, or casing;
(3) No magnetic material should be located between single-conductor
cables of a circuit; where such cables pass through a steel deck
or bulkhead, all the conductors of the circuit should pass
through a non-ferrous plate or gland so that no magnetic material
is located between the conductors.
Cable routing and segregation requirements are contained in 46 CFR
111.60-9 and 111.60-5, which references IEEE-45 Sections 20 and 22,
except 20.11. Section 20.3 requires cables to be so routed as to
avoid, so far as practicable, galleys, firerooms, and other spaces
where excessive heat and high risk of fire may be encountered. SOLAS
II-1/45.5.3 includes laundries in this category of spaces to be
15. Motor Circuits (46.CFR 111.70)
a. General (46 CFR 111.70-1)
. With the exception of steering gear motor
circuits, propulsion motor circuits (which must meet 46 CFR Subparts
111.70 and 111.35, respectively) and certain special requirements
applicable to fire pump motor circuits, each other motor circuit,
controller, and protection must meet the requirements of ABS Rules
for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (RSV Rules) or ABS Rules for
Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU Rules), as
applicable. 46 CFR 111.70-1 currently references sections 4/5A5.13,
4/5B2.13, 4/5B2.15 and 4/5C4 of the 1996 RSV Rules; these correspond
to sections 4-8-2/9.17, 4-8-3/5, and 4-8-4/9.5 of the 2003 RSV rules.
Sections 4/3.87 through 4/3.94 and 4/3.115.6 of the 1994 MODU Rules
correspond to Part 4, Chapter 3, sections 4/7.11 and 4/7.17 of the
2001 MODU Rules. Previously 46 CFR 111.70 relied on Article 430 of
ANSI/NFPA 70, the National Electrical Code (NEC). In 1996 subpart
111.70 was revised to reflect internationally recognized
classification society standards, practices and requirements which do
not rely solely on the shoreside code of the National Electrical Code
(NEC). Referencing section 430 of the NEC may still be useful as
indicated in the following sections, but is no longer binding.
Diagram 430-1 in the NEC is a useful diagram of a motor circuit. The
diagram serves as a guide to the applicability of the various
sections of Article 430; the NEC does not require all motor circuits
to be arranged as shown in the diagram. In fact, the vast majority of
shipboard low-voltage motor circuits consist of the motor, a
combination motor controller containing overload protection which
meets NEC 430 Part C and a disconnecting means which meets 430 Part
H, fuses or a circuit breaker which provide branch-circuit short-
circuit and ground-fault protection per 430 Part D, and motor branch-
circuit conductors meeting 430 Part B.
CH-3 3-146
3.G.15 b.
600 Volts and Above. Part K of NEC Article 430 adds to or amends the
other provisions of the article for motor circuits over 600 volts.
Specifically, 430-124 permits motor conductors to have an ampacity
not less than the motor overload protective device trip current,
which may be 100% of the rated full-load current. This applies to
medium-voltage motors for applications such as thrusters and
compressors. Cables for DC motors for drilling equipment (draw-works,
rotary table, mud and cement pumps) may be sized in accordance with
the International Association of Drilling Contractors "Interim
Guidelines for Industrial System DC Cable for Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units," IADC-DCCS-l. This standard is under section
c. Motor Protection
. Motor overload protective devices are required for
most motors in order to protect the motors, motor control equipment,
and motor branch-circuit conductors against excessive heating due to
sustained motor overload, failure to start, or motor stalling.
Continuous-duty motors of more than 1 horsepower must generally be
provided with a separate overload device set to trip at not more than
115% of the motor rated full-load current. In most cases, overload
relays with heater coils responsive to the motor current are included
in the motor controller. The Electrical Engineering Regulations
generally permit the use of only two motor overload devices for
three-phase motors in lieu of the three specified in NEC Table 430-
37; see 46 CFR 111.70-1(b). The size of the overload protective
device should be based upon the actual nameplate full-load current
rating. The values listed in columns "C" and "D" of the Quick
Reference tables in section 3.G.15.e may be used to check the maximum
values for running protection.
Part D of Article 430 specifies the protection of motor circuits
rated 600 volts or less against overcurrent due to short circuits or
grounds. A single protective device may be used to provide both
branch circuit/ground-fault and motor overload protection where the
overload requirements of 430-32 are met; see NEC 430-55. NEC 430-52
permits a motor short-circuit protector (MCP) to be used in lieu of
the protection specified in Table 430-152 where the motor short-
circuit protector is a part of a combination controller which has
both motor overload protection and short-circuit and ground~fault
protection in each conductor and where it will operate at not more
than 1300 percent of motor full-load current.
Motor controllers, also called "starters," are used to manually or
automatically start electric motors from a local or remote location.
Motor controllers basically consist of a relay or "contactor," which
is used to connect the motor to the AC line by a pushbutton switch,
liquid level switch, pressure switch, temperature switch, etc. The
two types of controllers used are "low voltage release" (LVR) and
"low voltage protection" (LVP). Both can appear to be identical, but
their electrical circuits will vary. LVR controllers are required
for vital systems to ensure that the equipment will re-start
following either a loss of power or a reduction in voltage below the
"drop-out" value of the operating coil. These controllers are usually
energized by contacts that mechanically remain closed when power is
lost. LVP controllers are energized by momentary contacts, such as a
3-147 CH-3
3.G.15 c. (cont’d) pushbutton. They will not re-start following a power outage
until the momentary pushbutton contact is again depressed.
Motor controllers are furnished with the thermal overload elements
mentioned above. These elements are used to open (or close) contacts
which are used either in the control circuit itself or to provide an
overload alarm to another circuit.
Some of these elements are adjustable but most often the non-
adjustable type is specified. Most motors are stopped by these
(normally closed) contacts when an overload occurs. For vital
systems, such as steering, these devices are used only to signal the
overload condition in a separate circuit.
Safety disconnects: Each motor circuit must have a disconnecting
means capable of disconnecting both the motor and the controller from
the circuit. The disconnect and the controller may be contained
within the same enclosure; the disconnect must, however, open all
ungrounded supply conductors to the controller and motor control
circuits. Switches and circuit breakers used as disconnecting means
for low-voltage motor circuit must have ampere rating of at least 115
percent of the motor full-load current. The use of fuses as
disconnects, although permitted by the NEC, is specifically
prohibited by 46 CFR 111.70-1(c). Electric heaters in motor
controller enclosures should not be accepted from the disconnecting
requirements in 46 CFR 111.70-5(a). The purpose of this requirement
is to eliminate the shock hazard posed to personnel by an enclosure
with more than one source of potential, and is consistent with the
intent of NEC 430-113. To allow for safe access during maintenance
and inspection shutdown periods, a disconnecting device for an
electric heater in a motor controller enclosure, or one of the
protection features required by 111.70-7(d) for control, interlock or
indicator circuits should be provided.
d. Interim Guidelines For MODUs
. Reference 3.G.15.b
Street Address: 15810 Park
Ten Place, Suite 242
Houston, Texas 77084-5134
Phone 713-578-7171
Telex # 516985
Telefax 713-578-0589
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4287
Houston, Texas 77210-4287
I. Purpose
These interim guidelines have been prepared to establish a method for
the selection, installation and acceptance of DC electrical cables
used on industrial drilling systems on mobile offshore drilling
units. These systems are drawworks, pumps and rotary table. These
interim guidelines will provide the necessary
CH-3 3-148
3.G.15 d. (cont’d) guidelines for DC cable on MODUs until a final standard has
been prepared and issued.
II. Single Conductor Cable Selection
For all cable types, the following shall apply:
A. The interim guidelines shall apply to DC motors nominally rated
750 volts DC armature voltage.
B. The cable size per polarity shall have a current-carrying capacity
determined by multiplying the duty factor times the lesser of:
1. The continuous current rating of the motor; or
2. The continuous current limit setting of the power supply.
C. The duty factors to be used are:
1. Mud pumps, cement pumps: 0.80;
2. Drawworks, rotary: 0.65.
D. The cable need only be sized for a maximum ambient temperature of
45 C in machinery spaces as determined by the U.S. Coast Guard, the
American Bureau of Shipping and the Marine Transportation Committee
of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.
E. The cable shall meet the flame retardancy requirements of IEEE-
383-1974 or IEEE-45-1977. Manufacturer shall supply to the owner of
the vessel a certificate of compliance with this requirement.
F. The voltage rating of the cable shall be 1000 volts minimum.
G. For this specification, the cable insulation and jacket shall meet
or exceed the requirements of the latest edition of one or more of
the following standards as it applies to the construction of a single
conductor power cable. Where the following standards do not
specifically list AAR-sized cable, the insulation and jacket
thickness shall conform to the next larger size cable listed.
1. Rubber-insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and
Distribution of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-19-81);
2. Cross-linked Thermosetting Polyethylene-insulated Wire and Cable
for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-
3. Ethylene-Propylene Rubber-insulation Wire and Cable for the
Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (ICEA S-68-516);
4. Specification for Single Conductor Cleaning-stripping Ethylene-
Propylene Rubber-insulated 0-600 Volt (see A and E of this interim
guideline) Chlorosulfonated Polyethylene-jacketed Cable for
Locomotive and Care Equipment (AAR Specification 591). NOTE: The
insulation and jacket thickness of AAR 591 are suitable for 1000
volts based on comparison with ICEA S-68-516 for 0-2000 volt rating.
3-149 CH-3
3.G.15 d. (cont’d) The manufacturer shall test, certify and label the cable
with appropriate voltage ratings.
5. American Association of Railroads (AAR) Wiring and Cable
Specifications S-501.
6. IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations on
Switchboards (IEEE-45).
7. General Specifications for Cable and Cord Electrical for Shipboard
Use (Military Specification MIL-C-915E).
8. Any UL-listed Marine Shipboard Cable
e. Motor Circuit Information
Figure 1, reference 3.G.15.c
3-Phase, 208 VAC Motor Branch Circuit Quick-Reference Table
for Single Banked Cables
HP FLA Running
115% FLA.
Max. Prot. Device
Full Volt Start
Adj. Non-
.25 1.23 1.41 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.33 1.48 1.7 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.5 2.0 2.3 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
.75 2.8 3.22 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
1 3.6 4.14 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
1.5 5.7 6.56 8 00 30 15 15 15 20
2 7.8 8.97 10 0 30 20 20 20 25
3 10 11.5 12 0 30 20 30 30 30
5 17 19.6 20 1 60 35 40 50 60
7.5 24 27.6 30 1 60/100 50 50 70 80
10 31 35.7 40 2 100 70 70 90 100
15 46 52.9 60 3 100/200 100 100 125 150
20 59 67.9 70 3 200 125 125 150 200
25 75 86.3 100 3 200/400 175 175 200 250
30 88 101 110 3 200/400 200 200 125 300
40 114 131 150 4 400 250 250 300 350
50 143 164 200 4 400/600 300 300 400 450
60 170 196 225 5 400/600 350 350 500 500
75 212 243 250 5 600 500 500 600 -
100 273 314 350 5 600 600 600 - -
125 343 394 450 6 - - - - -
150 396 455 500 6 - - - - -
200 528 607 800 6 - - - - -
CH-3 3-150
Figure 1, reference 3.G.15.c (cont’d)
3-Phase, 208 VAC Motor Branch Circuit Quick-Reference Table
for Single Banked Cables (cont’d)
HP 125% Three Conductor Branch Cable
AWG (IEEE 45, 50 C) TSGA – ( )
T E, X AVS 40 C 50 C
.25 1.54 14 14 14 4 4
.33 1.85 14 14 14 4 4
.5 2.51 14 14 14 4 4
.75 3.5 14 14 14 4 4
1 4.5 14 14 14 4 4
1.5 7.13 14 14 14 4 4
2 9.75 14 14 14 4 4
3 12.5 14 14 14 4 4
5 21.3 12 14 14 9 9
7.5 30.0 10 10 12 9 9
10 38.8 7 8 10 9 14
15 57.5 5 6 7 23 23
20 73.8 3 4 5 30 30
25 93.8 1 2 3 40 50
30 110.0 1/0 1 2 50 60
40 142.5 3/0 2/0 1/0 75 100
50 178.8 4/0 3/0 2/0 125 125
60 212.5 300 250 4/0 150 150
75 265.0 400 350 250 200 250
100 341.3 600 500 400 300 400
125 428.8 - - - 400 -
150 495.0 - - - - -
200 660.0 - - - - -
3-151 CH-3
Figure 2, reference 3.G.15.c
3-Phase, 460 VAC Motor Branch Circuit Quick-Reference Table
for Single Banked Cables
HP FLA Running
115% FLA.
Max. Prot. Device
Full Volt Start
Adj. Non-
.5 1 1.15 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
.75 1.4 1.61 2 00 30 15 15 15 15
1 1.8 2.07 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
1.5 2.6 2.99 3 00 30 15 15 15 15
2 3.4 3.91 4 00 30 15 15 15 15
3 4.8 5.52 6 0 30 15 15 15 15
5 7.6 8.74 10 0 30 20 20 20 25
7.5 11 12.65 15 1 30/60 25 30 30 35
10 14 16.1 20 1 30/60 30 35 35 45
15 21 24.15 25 2 60/100 45 60 60 70
20 27 31.05 35 2 60/100 60 70 70 90
25 34 39.1 40 2 100/200 70 90 90 110
30 40 46 50 3 100/200 90 100 100 125
40 52 59 60 3 200 125 150 150 175
50 65 74.75 80 3 200 150 175 175 200
60 77 88.55 90 4 200/400 175 200 200 250
75 96 110.4 125 4 400 200 250 250 300
100 124 142.6 150 4 400 250 350 3350 400
125 156 179.4 200 5 400/600 350 400 400 500
150 180 207 225 5 600 400 450 450 600
200 240 276 300 5 600 500 600 600 -
CH-3 3-152
Figure 2, reference 3.G.15.c (cont’d)
3-Phase, 460 VAC Motor Branch Circuit Quick-Reference Table
for Single Banked Cables (cont’d)
HP 125% Three Conductor Branch Cable
AWG (IEEE 45, 50 C) TSGA – ( )
T E, X AVS 40 C 50 C
.5 1.25 14 14 14 4 4
.75 1.75 14 14 14 4 4
1 2.25 14 14 14 4 4
1.5 3.25 14 14 14 4 4
2 4.25 14 14 14 4 4
3 6 14 14 14 4 4
5 9.5 14 14 14 4 4
7.5 13.75 14 14 14 4 4
10 17.5 14 14 14 4 9
15 26.25 10 10 12 9 9
20 33.75 8 10 10 9 9
25 42.5 7 8 8 14 14
30 50 6 7 7 14 23
40 65 4 5 6 23 23
50 81.25 2 3 4 30 40
60 96.25 1 2 3 40 50
75 120 2/0 1/0 1 60 75
100 155 3/0 2/0 1/0 100 100
125 195 250 4/0 3/0 125 150
150 225 300 250 4/0 150 200
200 300 500 400 300 250 300
(1) Examples of AC Motor Circuits
. Examples of 3-Phase AC Motor
Circuits (reference 3.G.15.e). Use Quick-Reference Columns,
Figure 1 above:
(a) Example No. 1. Single motor, 25 horsepower, 460V, code letter
J, full voltage start, non-adjustable overloads, branch
circuit breaker, Type T, IEEE 45 Cable, in 50 C ambient
temperature space.
From Quick-Reference Columns, Figure 1:
D – Standard overload size nearest 115 percent full load;
current is 40 amperes.
E – Starter size is 2.
F – If a disconnect is used near the motor, a 100 ampere size
is sufficient, provided it is not fused above 100 amperes (if
fusible). If part of a combination starter, the complete unit
must be rated to handle the 25-horsepower motor.
I – The maximum standard size for the branch circuit
protective device is a 90 ampere breaker.
3-153 CH-3
3.G.15.e(1) (a) (cont’d) L – The cable used to power the motor must be rated
for at least 42.5 amperes. For Type T cable in a 50 C ambient
location Type T-7 is required
(b) Example No. 2. A 460 volt Motor Control Center (MCC)
supplying one 30 HP, one 15 HP, and two 5 HP motors in 50 C
ambient space. One 5 HP motor is a steering system pump. All
are full-voltage starting; the 30 HP motor starter has
protection with circuit breakers. Navy-type cable TSGA is
used. First get data for each load; assume code letters F-V.
Quick-Reference Columns, Figure 2:
Col. A Col. B Col. C Col. E Col. F Col. I Col. K Col. P
50 C
30 40 46 3 100 100 50 23
15 21 24.2 2 60 60 26.3 9
5 7.6 8.7 0 30 N/A 9.5 4
Subchapter J does not address motor control centers directly;
one must refer to NEC 430-24 and 430-62(a). Per 430-24, bus
or cable in MCC must be sized for 125 percent of the largest
plus 100 percent of the remaining motor full load currents,
50+21+7.6+7.6 = 86.2 amperes. If the MCC has spare sections,
allowance shall be made for future growth. Breaker protecting
entire MCC must not be larger than the largest rating or
setting of the branch-circuit short-circuit and ground fault
protection (based on Table 430-152) for any motor in the
group, or 100+ 21+ 7.6+7.6 = 136.2 amperes.
A 125 amp circuit breaker would be adequate.
The 5 HP steering pump motor should be protected with a
circuit breaker having adjustable, instantaneous (magnetic)
type tripping only. This breaker must be set to open the
motor circuit at 175 to 200 % of the locked rotor current. As
will be shown, this setting should be 79 to 90 amperes.
(2) Tables
NEMA AC General purpose, Class A Full Voltage Controllers, Single-
Speed Squirrel Cage Motors.
3-Phase Non-Jogging Duty
Duty Amps 200 VAC
230 VAC 460 VAC
00 9 1.5 1.5 2 11
0 18 3 3 5 21
1 27 7.5 7.5 10 32
2 45 10 15 25 52
3 90 25 30 50 104
4 135 40 50 100 156
5 270 75 100 200 311
6 540 150 200 400 621
7 810 300 600 932
CH-3 3-154
3.G.15.e(2) (cont'd)
3-Phase Jogging Duty
Duty Amps 200 VAC
230 VAC 460 VAC
0 18 1.5 1.5 2 21
1 27 3 3 5 32
2 45 7.5 10 15 52
3 90 15 20 30 104
4 135 25 30 60 156
5 270 60 75 150 311
6 540 125 150 300 621
Note: From NEMA ICS 2-321 B
Motor Conversion Formulas.
TO FIND DC AC – Single Phase AC 3 Phase
AMPS when
HP is
HP x 746
Volts x Eff
HP x 746
Volts x Eff x PF
HP x 746
Volts x 1.73 x Eff x PF
AMPS when
KW is
KW x 1000
KW x 1000
Volts x PF
KW x 1000
Volts x 1.73 x PF
AMPS when
KVA is
KVA x 1000
KVA x 1000
Volts x 1.73
AMPS x Volts
AMPS x Volts x PF
AMPS x Volts x 1.73 x PF
KVA AMPS x Volts AMPS x Volts x 1.73
HP Output AMPS x Volts x
AMPS x Volts x Eff
x PF
AMPS x Volts x 1.73 x Eff x PF
Notes: (1) Power Factor and Efficiency should be expressed in decimals.
(2) If Power Factor is not given, assume 0.8.
(3) If Efficiency is not given, assume 0.8.
Single Phase Motor: Approximate Full Load Current.
HP 115V HP 115V
.33 7.2 2 24.0
.5 9.8 3 34.0
.75 13.8 5 56.0
1.0 16.0 7.5 80.0
1.5 20.0 10 100.0
Notes: (1) Values are for motors of normal speed and torque.
(2) For additional values, see NEC Table 430-148.
(3) For other KW ratings, voltages, and power factors:
AMPS = KW x 1000_____
1.732 x Volts x PF
3-155 CH-3
3.G.15.e(2) (cont'd)
Motor Locked Rotor Current.
115VAC 1 Phase 208VAC 3 Phase 230VAC 3 Phase 460VAC 3 Phase Max.
100% 175% 200% 100% 175% 200% 100% 175% 200% 100% 175% 200%
2 144 252 288 43 75 86 39 68 78 20 35 40
3 204 357 408 59 103 118 54 95 108 27 47 54
5 336 588 672 99 173 198 90 158 180 45 79 90
7.5 480 840 960 145 254 290 132 231 264 66 116 132
10 600 1050 1200 178 312 356 162 284 324 84 147 168
15 264 462 528 240 420 480 120 210 240
20 343 599 686 312 546 624 156 273 312
25 422 739 844 384 672 768 192 336 384
30 515 901 1030 468 819 936 234 410 468
40 686 1201 1372 624 1092 1248 312 546 624
50 825 1444 1650 750 1313 1500 378 662 756
75 1221 2137 2442 110 1943 2220 558 977 1116
100 1624 2874 3248 1476 2583 2952 738 1292 1476
Notes: (1) These values are to be used only if motor code letter is not
(2) Values above calculated from NEC Tables 430-150, 430-151.
(3) If motor nameplate code letter is provided, the following applies
(a) See NEC Table 430-7(b) for code letter KVA/HP; and
(b) Locked rotor current, IL:
3-phase motors IL = HP x (KVA/HP) x 1000
1.73 x Volts
= 577 x HP x (KVA/HP)
1-phase motors IL = HP x (KVA/HP) x 1000
CH-3 3-156
3.G.15.e(2) (cont'd)
Continuous-Duty, 3-Phase Motor Approximate F.L.A.
HP Squirrel Cage Wound Rotor
208V 220V 440V 208V 220V 440V
.5 2.1 1.9 .95 1.0
1 3.7 3.4 1.7 5.9 5.4 2.7
1.5 5.5 5.0 2.5 7.5 6.8 3.4
2.0 6.9 6.3 3.1 8.8 8.0 4.0
2.5 8.4 7.6 3.8 9.7 8.8 4.4
3.0 9.9 9.0 4.5 11.5 10.5 5.3
5.0 16.0 14.5 7.2 17.6 16.0 8.0
6.0 18.9 17.2 8.6 19.8 18.0 9.0
7.5 23 21 10.5 25.3 23 11.5
9.0 27.3 24.8 12.4 28.6 26 13
10 28.6 26 13.5 31.9 29 14.5
20 57.2 52 26 59 54 27
25 71.5 65 32 75 68 34
30 86 78 39 88 80 40
35 101 92 46 103 94 47
40 112 102 51 114 104 52
45 128 116 58 128 116 58
50 139 126 63 141 128 64
60 167 152 76 169 154 77
75 207 188 94 207 188 94
100 275 250 125 275 250 125
125 341 310 155 341 310 155
150 407 370 185 407 370 185
200 539 490 245 539 490 245
Notes: (1) To be used in lieu of nameplate data (see NEC 430-6).
(2) Not to be used to size motor running overloads; use nameplate data.
(3) For multi-speed, low speed, special motors, use nameplate data.
(4) For additional information, see NEC Table 430-150.
(5) Ranges: 220V 220-240VAC
440V 440-480VAC
16. Navigation Lights (46 CFR 111.75-17)
a. General
. Annex I of the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972, (72 COLREGS) and the 1980 Inland Navigation
Rules, (80 RULES), specify navigation light requirements in terms of
color, arcs, range of visibility, and position. Lights that act as
aids to navigation, such as lights on a dredge pipeline, do not have
to meet 46 CFR 111.75-17. The regulations for these lights are found
in 33 CFR 88.15.
b. Fixtures & Fixture Marking
. Label fixtures in accordance with 46 CFR
111.75-20. The regulations applicable to electric navigation light
fixtures are also contained in 46 CFR 111.75-17. There are no
3-157 CH-3
3.G.16 b. (cont’d) regulations that specifically prohibit the use of non-
electric lights, except where the use of open flames is prohibited.
However, the requirement for a navigation light indicator panel
generally precludes the use of non-electric lights on vessels subject
to the requirements of Subchapter J.
c. Horizontal Sector
. Annex I of both sets of Rules gives specific arcs
in which certain intensities of light are required. For example,
sidelights as fitted on the vessel must, in the forward direction,
reach "practical cut-off" (i.e., one-eighth of the minimum required
sector intensity) between 1 and 3 degrees outside the prescribed
sector. The 72 COLREGS have been interpreted as requiring the
intensity between 0 and 1 degrees outside the prescribed sector to be
greater than the practical cut-off value. This allows both sidelights
to be visible dead ahead of the vessel, at a distance dependent upon
their separation. This may present a problem for some vessels. For
example, containers stacked forward of the sidelights could act as
large screens, preventing the 1-degree "spillover." A Certificate of
Alternative Compliance (CAC) is not appropriate in such cases; the
lights should be relocated or the obstruction removed.
d. Vertical Sector
. Annex I of both sets of Rules also establishes
requirements for vertical sectors of navigation lights. Previously,
this parameter was not even considered.
e. Masthead Separation
. Masthead lights must be separated by a
horizontal distance of one-half the length of the vessel but the
separation need not be more than 100 meters (Annex I 3.(a)). Most
vessels with a midship house were built with the after mast located
amidships and will not meet this separation requirement without
moving the mast(s). Also, moving the after mast from the midship
house to the after house generally requires the after mast to be
higher than original to meet height separation requirements. For this
reason, Rule 38 permanently exempted vessels under 150 meters (492.1
ft.) and gave larger vessels 9 years to comply.
This extension was made with two-house vessels in mind and in
consideration of the economic hardships involved with moving/raising
masts. Therefore, CAC's would not be appropriate for masthead
separation unless moving the masts would interfere with the special
purpose of the vessel.
f. Sidelight Placement
. Sidelights must not be "in front" of the
forward masthead light (Annex I 2(g), 3(b)). This rule also applies
to single masted vessels and will require sidelight repositioning on
many vessels in the 20-50 meter range. Some vessels (i.e., tugboats,
workboats, or fishing vessels) may qualify for CAC's due to the
special purpose of the vessel.
Acceptance and conformance to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. standard
UL 1104 is based on the requirements of the 72 COLREGS and
construction requirements that address lighting fixtures in weather
locations. The regulations do not require UL listing of navigation
light fixtures; they require that the fixtures meet the UL standard.
This allows the manufacturer to do their own testing and submit the
reports for acceptance.
CH-3 3-158
3.G.16 f. (cont’d) Premature bulb failure on vessels such as tugs and barges,
problems with vibration and shock (impact) have been reported.
Although navigation lights are subjected to stringent vibration
testing, with bulb failure as a rejection factor (evidenced by one
manufacturer failing this test and having to re-design the fixtures),
the accepted fixtures are not tested for impact shock. When shock or
vibration is a problem, shock mounting the fixture is recommended.
This shock mounting can take two forms. The first is internal
isolation of the bulb. This is a manufacturer's modification and
could involve retesting of the fixture. The second is to isolation
mount the fixture on the vessel.
Another factor that has contributed to premature failure of lamps is
inadequate voltage regulation. A 10% increase in voltage will reduce
bulb life to approximately 25% of its rated life. Thus, any action to
ensure proper voltage at the fixture will help to extend bulb life.
Screens. Annex I of the International Regulations for Preventing
Collision at Sea, 1972 (72 COLREGS) and Annex I of the 1980 Inland
Navigation Rules require sidelights on vessels over 20 meters in
length to have external screens. These screens are to be painted
matte black. Therefore, all sidelight fixtures on U.S. Coast Guard
certificated vessels greater than 20 meters in length must have
screens painted matte black for the sidelights.
The sidelight screens may be utilized to obtain the required cut-off
angles for the sidelights as required by Section 9 of Annex I to the
72 COLREGS and section §84.17 of the 1980 Inland Rules. If the
sidelight fixtures are fitted with internal screens that provide the
proper cut-off angles, an external screen must still be provided to
meet the 72 COLREGS as well as the Inland Rules. The installation of
an internally screened sidelight in conjunction with an inboard
external screen, if properly aligned, would meet the requirements.
In addition to sidelights, other navigation lights (such as masthead
and anchor) have horizontal sector cut-off requirements. Most
manufacturers have used internal screens to achieve the required cut-
off, but external screens would also be acceptable, although they are
not required. These fixtures would be required to be marked with an
indication that they are to be installed with external screens.
g. Barge Lights (Battery Powered) Exemptions
. International Regulations
for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, (72 COLREGS); Lights for
Unmanned Barges, COMDTINST M16672.3 (series) has exempted battery
powered barge lights from the vertical sector cut-off requirements of
the 72 COLREGS. It is only applicable to unmanned barges without
machinery for the generation of electricity or with such machinery
intended for operation only while moored. The 1980 Inland Rules
permanently exempt electric navigation lights on unmanned barges from
the vertical sector requirements.
17. Hazardous Locations (46 CFR 111.105)
a. General
. Where flammable gases or vapors may be present, such as on
the drill floor of a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit or in the pumproom
of a tankship, special precautions must be taken to ensure that
3-159 CH-3
3.G.17 a. (cont’d) electrical equipment is not a source of ignition. Subpart
111.105 of the Electrical Engineering Regulations contains the
requirements for electrical equipment and wiring in locations where
fire or explosion hazards may exist. In these locations, it is
necessary to exercise more than ordinary care with regard to the
selection, installation, and maintenance of electrical equipment and
wiring. A primary objective of design should be to minimize the
amount of electrical equipment installed in hazardous locations.
Through the exercise of ingenuity in the layout of electrical
installations for hazardous locations, it is frequently possible to
locate much of the equipment in less hazardous or in non-hazardous
areas and thus reduce the amount of special equipment and
installations required.
b. Protection Types
. The various methods by which electrical and
electronic equipment is made safe for use in hazardous areas may be
divided into two major categories: (1) protection by enclosure or
other physical separation between the electrical equipment and the
hazardous atmosphere; and (2) protection by electrical design (making
the circuitry unlikely to produce ignition of the hazardous
atmosphere). Examples of the first category include explosion-proof
and purged and pressurized enclosures, as well as oil immersion. The
second category includes the intrinsically safe and nonincendive
safety techniques.
(1) Ignition Protection
. Ignition-protection is another type of
protection by design. Ignition-protected devices are intended for
use aboard recreational boats and uninspected vessels in enclosed
spaces that may occasionally contain gasoline vapors. They meet
the testing requirements of UL 1500, which are not as stringent
as those for explosion-proof or intrinsically safe equipment.
Ignition-protected equipment is not suitable for use in hazardous
locations on inspected vessels other than oil recovery vessels.
(2) Intrinsically Safe
. This is the only method that uses electrical
protective measures to prevent ignition from electrical faults.
Intrinsically safe equipment is used in both Zones 0 and 1 and
Division 1 areas.
(3) Explosion Proof Vs. Flame Proof
. Explosion proof enclosures are
used in the U.S. and Canada while flameproof enclosures are used
elsewhere. Both types of enclosure have flame paths that cool
the gases as they escape from the enclosure. What is notable
here is that flameproof equipment is designed to meet IEC 60079-1
and/or CENELEC Standard EN50018. With a choice of standards to
conform to, there are varying differences in flameproof equipment
from country to country.
(4) Type “n” Protection
. Type of Protection “n”- (Article 505 of
the NEC and IEC 60079-15) Type “n”: protection is a type of
protection applied to electrical equipment such that in normal
operation, the electrical equipment is not capable of igniting in
a surrounding explosive gas atmosphere and a fault capable of
causing ignition is not likely to occur. This type of equipment
is allowed in Europe, U.S. and Canada in Class 1 Zone 2 areas.
CH-3 3-160
3.G.17 c. Classification
. National and international codes and regulations
classify materials and locations based upon the experimentally
determined properties of flammable vapors, gases, liquids, or
combustible dusts or fibers that may be present and the likelihood
that a flammable or combustible concentration or quantity is present.
North American standards identify hazardous locations by Class and
Division using the scheme described in Tables 1 and 2 (3.G.17.f).
International standards (such as IEC Standard 60079-10) use a
different nomenclature, but their classification philosophy is mostly
the same.
For Class I locations, gases and vapors are divided into groups A, B,
C, or D, depending upon experimentally determined maximum explosion
pressure, maximum safe clearance between parts of a clamped joint in
an enclosure, and the minimum ignition temperature of the atmospheric
mixture. For Class II locations, dusts are divided into Groups E, F,
and C, depending upon the tightness of the joints of assembly and
shaft openings for preventing entrance of dust into the dust/ignition
proof enclosure, the blanketing effect of layers of dust on the
equipment that may cause overheating, electrical conductivity of the
dust and the ignition temperature of the dust. In general, equipment
must be approved not only for the Class, but also for the specific
Group of the gas, vapor, or dust that may be present. Flammable and
combustible liquid cargoes may be further classified according to
their vapor pressure and flashpoint. These liquids may be assigned
both a Group and a Grade (Grade designation relates to flashpoint).
In cases where differing requirements apply or several different
hazardous atmospheres may be present, the most hazardous condition is
presumed to exist and the most restrictive requirements should be
Once a specific location is classified, and specific materials that
may be present are identified, the permitted types of electrical
equipment are easily determined. For example, an area containing
gasoline vapors would require Class I, Group D equipment. Where
vapors would be present under normal conditions, the area would be a
classified as Division 1, and equipment must be suitable for use in a
Class I, Division 1, Group D location.
This classification system requires the use of some individual
judgment, especially in the designation of "Division." To promote
consistency and ensure safety, standard setting bodies and regulatory
agencies have developed detailed standards, recommended practices,
codes, and regulations applicable to specific situations.
The IEC 60079-XX “Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres”
series of standards are based upon the concept of Zones. These
standards separate the North American classification of Division I
into Zone 0 and Zone 1. Zone 0 identifies those areas where
“flammable gases are present continuously or for long periods of time
and takes more restrictive measures to protect against electrical
ignition”. Thus only intrinsically safe apparatus or equipment can
be used. Explosion-proof and pressurized equipment are not allowed
for use in Zone 0 classified areas.
Zone 1 is classified as less hazardous then Division 1. In an area
classified as Zone 1, less restrictive practices other than explosion
3-161 CH-3
3.G.17 c. (cont’d) proof or purging can be used. Arcing devices, however,
must still be housed inside explosion-proof enclosures.
d. Specific Hazardous Areas
. Locations where flammable gases or vapors
can exist on commercial vessels include battery rooms, paint lockers,
pumprooms and weather deck locations above cargo tanks on tank
vessels, mud pit rooms and the drill floor of Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units, and operating rooms where anesthetics are
administered on passenger vessels and hospital ships. 46 CFR 111.105
defines specific hazardous locations for combustible liquid cargo
vessels, flammable liquid cargo vessels, liquid sulphur carriers,
inorganic acid tankships, bulk liquefied gas and ammonia carriers,
MODU's, vessels carrying coal, and vessels (such as ferries and RO-
RO's) with spaces for the carriage of vehicles using gasoline or
other highly volatile motor fuels. Typical hazardous location
classifications are illustrated in section 3.G.17.d (7). Note the IEC
“Zone” approach is also allowed by 46 CFR 111.105 and the NEC.
The Electrical Engineering Regulations define particular areas to be
Division 1 or Division 2 locations; there is no "Division 0" in the
Division scheme comparable to the IEC Zone 0 designation. In the
Division scheme, spaces where the hazard is assumed to be present
under normal conditions are classified as Division 1 locations. There
is no "higher" classification (i.e., Division 0). Enclosed locations
comparable to tank vessel pumprooms typically do not exist in
National Electrical Code applications. On shore, such installations
are usually located in the weather, and spread-out over a much larger
area. In Coast Guard regulations, spaces comparable to "Zone 0"
locations such as pumprooms on tank vessels, while not given a
Division 0 designation, are permitted only limited electrical
equipment (i.e. explosion-proof lights, intrinsically safe systems,
and cables) similar to IEC Zone 0 requirements.
Combustible liquids (see definition in 46 CFR 30.10-15) are often
referred to as Grade D and Grade E cargoes. Similarly, flammable
liquids (defined in 46 CFR 30.10-22) may be classified as Grade A, B,
or C cargoes. Due to the high flashpoints of Grade E liquids, vessels
carrying only Grade E cargoes need only meet the requirements of 46
CFR 111.105-29 for combustible liquid cargo carriers. The
requirements of 111.105-31 apply to vessels carrying combustible or
flammable cargo with a closed-cup flashpoint lower than 60°C (140°F),
as well as liquid sulphur and inorganic acids. Note that in
accordance with 46 CFR 30.10-15 Grade D cargo may fall above or below
the 140°F cutoff. Flammable hydrogen sulfide gas evolves from liquid
sulphur, and many inorganic acids produce hydrogen gas when in
contact with a number of common construction metals.
(1) MODU’s
. On MODU’s, a specific classification for crude oil
cannot always be given, since crude is a mixture of widely
varying hydrocarbons. Locations are usually, however, designated
Group D due to the presence of natural gas. Hydrogen sulfide,
which is frequently encountered during drilling operations, has a
Group C designation. Drilling operators often utilize electrical
equipment that is suitable for both hazard groups C and D,
especially when this equipment is readily available, and there is
no economic penalty. It should not be inferred from the presence
of some Group C equipment that the area has been classified as a
CH-3 3-162
3.G.17.d (1) (cont’d) Group C area. A Group D classification should be
adequate when drilling in a region where the known or suspected
mixture of hydrogen sulfide and natural gas is less than 25
percent hydrogen sulfide (by volume). Coal carriers and vessels
carrying bulk grain and other agricultural products may be
subject to dust explosion hazards. Just as with flammable gas or
vapor explosions, the initial ignition source of a dust explosion
may be a small spark or flame. However, an initial explosion may
dislodge settled dust from the surrounding area that may then be
ignited by the residual energy to cause a second and larger
Undispersed dust that has accumulated in layers will not explode
but may burn or char; generating heat that may ignite dispersed
dust. NEC Article 502 lists the primary hazards that must be
avoided as the admission of dusts into electrical equipment
enclosures, reaching the heat of ignition due to the insulating
characteristics of accumulated dust, and the formation of current
paths of conductive dusts.
Explosion hazards due to agricultural dusts are not specifically
addressed in the Electrical Engineering Regulations. However, 46
CFR 111.105-17 and 111.105-35 do give the requirements for
electrical installations in Class II locations and specific
requirements for vessels carrying coal. NVIC 9-84
(2) Agricultural Dust Areas
. Electrical Installations in
Agricultural Dust Locations further defines the classification of
hazardous areas due to agricultural dusts. It must be remembered
that the enclosure protection method is different for dust than
it is for a gas or vapor, and that "dust ignition-proof" and
"explosion-proof" are two different concepts. For a dust, the
enclosure keeps dust out and does not build-up excessive
temperatures when blanketed with dust. For a vapor, the enclosure
allows vapor to enter and be ignited, yet prevents the internal
explosion from propagating to the surrounding atmosphere.
Equipment acceptable for use in a dust atmosphere is not
generally suitable for use in a gas atmosphere, and vice-versa.
(3) Coal
. Vessels carrying coal may be subject to the double hazard
of explosive gas as well as explosive dust. Freshly mined coal
releases methane gas that had been contained within the pores of
the coal. Release of methane can continue for days and even weeks
after the coal is mined. If freshly mined coal is stored in an
enclosed space, such as a bunker or closed hold on a ship, this
methane may collect in sufficient quantity to cause an explosion.
(4) Battery & Paint Stowage Rooms
. Battery rooms and paint stowage
or mixing spaces must meet the electrical requirements of 46 CFR
111.15 and 111.105-41 & 43, respectively. The regulations do not
explicitly state that these spaces are defined as hazardous.
However, equipment within these spaces must be suitable for
installation in Division 1, Zone 0 or Zone 1 locations. The
hazardous locations are considered to exist only inside these
spaces; the regulations do not define a hazardous area as
extending any specific radius from doors, hatches, or other
openings into these spaces. The use of only explosion-proof or
3-163 CH-3
3.G.17.d (4) (cont’d) intrinsically safe electrical equipment and the
avoidance of open flames and sparking near such openings is,
however, strongly recommended.
(5) Armored Or Mineral Insulated Cable
. The Electrical Engineering
Regulations require armored or mineral insulated cable for most
installations in hazardous locations. Unarmored cable is
permitted for intrinsically safe systems, portable equipment,
applications requiring flexible cable, and in Division 2
locations. Industrial systems may use an armored type cable
construction, but the cable must also meet the installation and
flammability test requirements of 46 CFR 111.107-1(c) if it
penetrates a deck or bulkhead. Conduit systems that meet the
applicable requirements of the NEC provide an equivalent level of
safety and can be permitted.
(6) Stowage Of Vehicles With Gasoline In Tanks
. The minimum safety
requirements for electrical equipment located in spaces intended
for the stowage of vehicles with gasoline in their tanks and
batteries connected are contained in 46 CFR 111.105-39. These
requirements apply to spaces designated as specially suitable for
vehicles" on passenger and cargo vessels It should be noted that
SOLAS II-2/37.1.6, 37.2.2, and 37.3.2 contain somewhat different
requirements for ventilation and precautions against ignition of
flammable vapors in "special category spaces", which are those
vehicle stowage spaces on passenger vessels normally accessible
to passengers. Regulations 38.3 and 38.4 address these issues for
other vehicle cargo spaces on passenger vessels. Similarly, SOLAS
11-2/53.2.3 and 53.2.4 state the ventilation and ignition
prevention requirements for vehicle spaces on cargo vessels,
including RO/RO spaces. While 46 CFR 111.105-39 is considered to
provide sufficient minimum requirements for the prevention of
ignition by electrical equipment, closed spaces for fueled
vehicles should be provided with ventilation per ABS Section 5-
10-4/3 and SOLAS 11-2/53.2.3.
(7) Specified Hazardous Location Table
Specified Hazardous Locations
Locations Class I
Div. 1
Class I
Class II Class
Cargo Tanks* NA NA NA NA
Cargo Handling Rooms* NA NA NA NA
Cofferdams* NA NA NA NA
Battery Rooms X NA NA NA
Paint Storage Rooms X NA NA NA
Paint Mixing Rooms X NA NA NA
Oil Storage Rooms X NA NA NA
Anesthetic Handling Area X NA NA NA
Tank Vessel Weather deck
10 ft. Rule
Tank Vessel Weather deck
Cargo Block
Flammable Gas Handling
CH-3 3-164
Specified Hazardous Locations
Locations Class I
Div. 1
Class I
Class II Class
Flammable Liquid
Handling Room*
Adjacent to Class I,
Div. 1 w/Communication
Tank Vessel Enclosed Space
Adjacent to Cargo Tank*
Grain Handling Area NA NA X NA
Coal Handling Area NA NA X NA
Coal Pulverizing Area NA NA X NA
Carpenter Shop NA NA NA X
Fiber Handling Area NA NA NA X
Vent Duct Same as Space Served
Tank Vessel Cargo Hose
Stowage Space*
Space Containing Cargo
Piping only, on Tank
LFG Barrier Space* NA NA NA NA
Enclosed Space Opening to
Weather Deck Haz. Area
Tank Vessels Within 8’ of
Cargo Containment System
Tank Vessels, Within 10’
of Cargo Handling Room
Door or Vent
Vessel Fuel Oil Tanks,
10’ Rule Does not Apply
(see SOLAS II-2/ Tank Vessel, A-D Cargoes,
Area From 3m to 5m of PV
(see SOLAS II-2/ Tank Vessel, A-D Cargoes,
Area From 3m to 10m of
Vent Outlets for Free Flow
of Vapors and H.V. Vents
for Loading or Discharge
Note: These areas are considered more hazardous than Class I, Division 1
and therefore carry specific requirements in 46 CFR 111.105-29,
111.105-31, and 111.105-32
e. Electric Heat Tracing
. Questions frequently arise concerning the
acceptability of electric heat tracing in hazardous locations. Heat
tracing is permitted in Division 2 locations by NEC Article 501-
l0(b)(l). Since the NEC requires wiring in Division 1 locations to be
in conduit, it does not recognize heat tracing cable installations in
Division 1 locations. However, since shipboard Division 1
installations use cable, not conduit, and Subchapter J does not
reference the NEC for Division 1 wiring methods, electric heat
tracing may be used in Class I Division 1 locations. The heating
cable must not exceed 80% of the auto-ignition temperature in degrees
Celsius of any gas or vapor involved on any surface, which is exposed
to the gas or vapor, when continuously energized at the maximum rated
ambient temperature. Any thermostats, controllers, power supplies,
3-165 CH-3
3.G.17 e. (cont’d) and other associated equipment must be provided with
enclosures approved for Class I Division 1 locations or be located
outside of the designated hazardous areas.
f. Hazardous Area Drawings
. Hazardous area drawings and a corresponding
bill of materials are normally reviewed by the Marine Safety Center,
or cognizant OCMI, prior to the installation of any electrical
equipment in a hazardous location. Hazardous area drawings and
equipment lists should be maintained to reflect the current
arrangement and inventory of electrical equipment in those locations.
A proper hazardous area drawing is an arrangement plan showing the
boundaries and classification of all hazardous areas, and the
location of all electrical equipment in those areas. It should be
accompanied by a bill of material or equipment list that identifies
each item by manufacturer, model number, and Class and Group for
which approved, and should provide evidence of approval by a
nationally recognized testing laboratory. In addition, the operating
temperature of the electrical equipment must not exceed the auto-
ignition temperature of the gases or vapors likely to be present.
Confirmation of equipment temperature is usually beyond plan review
capabilities, since it is not usually provided in approval listings.
This information is required on the label of explosion-proof
equipment in the form of an operating temperature identification code
number on the equipment if the temperature exceeds 100 degrees C.
(see Table 3 at 3.G.17.j(2)). Normally, the only equipment installed
in hazardous locations having a temperature code will be incandescent
lighting fixtures and motors. When such equipment is used in a
machinery space, a 50 degrees C. ambient is assumed. The labeled
operating temperature is usually referenced to a 40 degree C.
ambient. Unless the equipment has thermally actuated sensors that
limit the operating temperature to that specified on the label,
equipment in high ambient temperature locations should be derated.
NVIC 8-84, "Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel
Plans and Specifications" provide additional guidance on hazardous
area submittals.
1. Has sufficient information been provided?
(a) Hazardous cargoes;
(b) An arrangement plan identifying hazardous and non-hazardous
areas, cargo system or hazards, electrical equipment type and
(c) A complete and detailed Bill of Materials;
(d) Elementary and one-line wiring diagrams, showing all wiring;
(e) Electrical installation details;
(f) Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory (NRTL) label or listing
for explosion proof (EP) and intrinsically safe (Is) equipment
and systems; and
CH-3 3-166
(g) Maximum temperature ratings of electrical equipment in hazardous
2. Identify hazardous characteristics:
(a) Class and group;
(b) Flashpoint and grade;
(c) Minimum ignition temperatures; and
(d) Special requirements, including material compatibility.
3. Confirm boundaries of hazardous locations and suitability of
equipment installed.
4. Confirm that the installation meets:
(a) Subchapter J;
(b) Intended application by a NRTL (currently UL, FM, CSA, and MET
are Acceptable to the Coast Guard)
(c) Specific requirements for the cargo/material; and
(d) General considerations of this NVIC.
Table 1
Classification of Properties of Hazard-Producing Materials
Class I -- Locations where flammable gases or vapors may be present, including:
Group A: Atmospheres containing acetylene.
Group B: Atmospheres such as butadiene, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide,
acrolein, or hydrogen (or gases or vapors equivalent in hazard to
Group C: Atmospheres such as cyclopropane, ethyl ether, ethylene, or gases or
vapors of equivalent hazard.
Group D: Atmospheres such as acetone, alcohol, ammonia, benzene, benzol, butane,
gasoline, hexane, lacquer solvent vapors, naphtha, natural gas, propane,
or gases or vapors of equivalent hazard.
Class II -- Locations where combustible dust may be present, including:
Group E: Atmospheres containing combustible metal dusts or other combustible
dusts or similarly hazardous characteristics.
Group F: Atmospheres containing combustible carbon black, charcoal, coal, or coke
Group G: Atmospheres containing combustible agricultural or plastic dusts.
Class III -- Locations where easily ignitable fibers or flyings, such as cotton
fibers, sawdust, and wood shavings, may be present.
3-167 CH-3
3.G.17.f (cont'd)
Table 2
Classification of the Probability that Material May Be Present
in Flammable or Combustible Quantities
Division 1: Where material can exist under normal operating conditions, or
(Zone 1) frequently because of repair, maintenance, or leakage.
Division 2: Where material can exist under abnormal conditions (accidental
(Zone 2) rupture or breakdown, abnormal operations, etc.), or locations
adjacent to a Division 1 location where material may occasionally
be present.
Note: International standards use the term "Zone" instead of "Division" and
include a "Zone 0" designation for locations where vapors are assumed to be
present, such as inside a tank or in a tankship pumproom. A comparable "Division
0" does not exist in the Division classification scheme. Coast Guard regulations
achieve the same effect as a “Division 0” by limiting electrical installations in
applicable locations to the type permitted for Zone 0 locations. Many domestic
standards as well as Coast Guard regulations now include the Zone approach.
g. Equipment
. Specific requirements for electrical equipment in
hazardous locations are contained in 46 CFR 111.105. In that subpart,
certain equipment is required to be listed an independent laboratory
recognized by the Commandant (G-MSE-3) for use in the hazardous
location in which it is located. "Listed" means equipment included in
a list published by an U.S. Coast Guard accepted independent test
laboratory concerned with product evaluation, that maintains periodic
inspection of listed equipment and whose listing states either that
the equipment meets appropriate standards or has been tested and
found suitable for use in a specified manner.
(1) Division 1 Equipment
. The following general considerations apply
to equipment selection and installation: Division 1 equipment is
satisfactory for Division 2 applications with the same Class and
Group. Note that the explosion-proof equipment label may not say
"Division I." If the label says it is suitable for Class I Group
(__) locations, it means it is suitable for both Division 1 and
Division 2 locations.
(2) Class 1 Division 2 Make And Break Contacts
. NEC Section 501-
3(b)(l) requires devices in Class I, Division 2 locations, with
make-and-break contacts to be within an enclosure approved for
Class I, Division 1 locations or to be in a general-purpose
enclosure with the current interrupting contacts either immersed
in oil, enclosed in a hermetically sealed chamber, or in only
nonincendive circuits.
Examples of make-and-break contacts include relays, circuit
breakers, servo-potentiometers, adjustable resistors, switches,
connectors, and motor brushes. A nonincendive circuit is a
CH-3 3-168
3.G.17.g (2) (cont’d) circuit in which any arc or thermal effect produced
under intended operating conditions of the equipment is not
capable of igniting the specified flammable gas or vapor-air
mixture. A hermetically sealed device is one which is
manufactured so that it is completely sealed against entrance of
an external atmosphere and in which the seal is made by
soldering, brazing, welding, or fusion of glass, or the like.
(3) General Purpose Enclosures
. NEC Section 501-3(b)(2) permits
general-purpose enclosures to be used in Class I, Division 2
locations for resistance devices and similar equipment used with
meters, instruments, and relays provided such equipment is
without make-and-break or sliding contacts and the maximum
operating temperature of any exposed surface will not exceed 80%
of the ignition temperature of the gas or vapor involved.
(4) Belt Drives
. Belt drives are acceptable if the belt is
conductive and the equipment is grounded in accordance with NFPA
77. Acceptable belts have a resistance of approximately 6 mega
ohms or less over an eight inch length, as determined by an
industry standard test procedure, and are commonly designated as
"static conductive."
(5) Cables
. Cables must not be located in any tanks containing
flammable or combustible liquids, except to supply equipment or
instrumentation specifically designed for, and compatible with,
such location, and whose function requires installation in that
(6) Vent Ducts
. Vent ducts have the same classification as the space
they serve. Fans for ventilating hazardous locations must be
nonsparking as defined in ABS 4-8-3/11. Nonsparking construction
is not generally indicated by an independent laboratory listing,
and must usually be verified by review and/or inspection. Vent
fan motors must either be approved for the hazardous location or
located outside the duct, 10 feet from the duct termination, in a
non-hazardous area.
(7) Alloys
. Alloys of aluminum, magnesium, and titanium, when struck
by rusty steel, react with the iron oxide to produce a highly
exothermic "thermite reaction." Care must be taken to provide
adequate physical separation and/or surface coatings where these
metals are used in moving components around steel. The most
important thing to remember is that equipment rated for Division
1 or 2 can be used in Zone 1 or 2 respectively. However,
equipment rated for Zones cannot be installed in areas classified
as Division 1 or 2.
h. Intrinsic Safety and Nonincendive Systems
. For low power
applications, such as instrumentation, control, and operation of
solenoid valves, the use of intrinsically safe and nonincendive
systems can reduce the likelihood of fire or explosion due to the
ignition of flammable gas mixtures by electrical arcs or high
temperatures. However, safety depends on their proper application, as
these two forms of protection are not equal.
3-169 CH-3
3.G.17 h. (cont’d) Section 501-3 of the NEC states: In Class 1, Division 2
locations, switches, circuit breakers, and make-and-break contacts
shall have enclosures approved for Class 1, Division 1 locations.
EXCEPTION: General-purpose enclosures shall be permitted, if current-
interrupting contacts are... in circuits that under normal conditions
(emphasis added) do not release sufficient energy to ignite a
specific ignitable atmospheric mixture, i.e., are nonincendive. The
word "nonincendive" means that under the conditions specified, there
is insufficient energy to cause ignition. Nonincendive systems are
only permitted in Division 2 and non-hazardous locations.
(1) Nonincendive Systems
. Nonincendive circuits are similar to
intrinsically safe circuits, but no fault conditions or safety
factors are applied, as the existence of a hazardous atmosphere
in a Division 2 location is itself considered a fault condition.
In the past, much of the nonincendive circuitry that found its
way into Division 2 locations was neither designed nor intended
for use in hazardous locations. Only when a Division 2
application arose for a specific item was the circuit examined to
see if it was nonincendive. Regulatory bodies typically reviewed
manufacturer's analyses to see if voltage and current levels fell
below the appropriate ignition curve with a reasonable margin of
safety. If they did, the circuit was accepted to be nonincendive.
Today, much of the equipment installed in Division 2 locations
has been designed to be nonincendive. This is especially true of
sophisticated electronic equipment used in the drilling industry.
Furthermore, manufacturers are recognizing the value of
independent third-party approvals. In North America, standard
setting bodies, such as the Instrument Society of America,
Underwriters Laboratories Inc., and the Canadian Standards
Association, have published or are presently developing safety
standards for nonincendive equipment. Third-party certification
agencies are using these standards to evaluate and list or label
nonincendive equipment.
Listed or labeled equipment provides the end user with a greater
degree of confidence that the nonincendive equipment has been
properly evaluated and will not present an unnecessary risk of
fire or explosion. However, manufacturer certification of
nonincendive circuits is acceptable; certification by a third-
party testing agency is not required, and many acceptable
nonincendive circuits bear no label or other marking by these
(2) Intrinsically Safe Systems
. Section 500- 4(e) of the 1987 NEC
states: Intrinsically safe apparatus and wiring shall be
permitted in any hazardous (classified) location for which it is
approved. Intrinsically safe equipment and wiring shall not be
capable of releasing sufficient electrical or thermal energy
under normal or abnormal (emphasis added) conditions to cause
ignition of a specific flammable or combustible atmospheric
mixture in its most easily ignitable concentration. Additional
guidance on intrinsically safe installations is expected to be
included in Article 504 of the NEC.
CH-3 3-170
3.G.17.h (2) (cont’d) Intrinsically safe portable battery-powered equipment,
such as walkie-talkies and combustible gas detectors, are
evaluated based on their internal circuitry. However, equipment
that is interconnected to other equipment, such as to the
vessel's electrical system, is evaluated on a system basis. Since
evaluations for intrinsic safety consider failure modes, faults
in connected apparatus such as power supplies, meters, and
recorders (regardless of their location, i.e., hazardous or non-
hazardous) may affect energy levels in the circuit, and are fully
In determining available energy levels, abnormal conditions
include opening, shorting, and grounding of wires connected to
the enclosures in the intrinsically safe portion of the system.
In North America, two "reasonable" simultaneous faults are
considered in assessing available electrical and thermal energy.
Industry standards give detailed criteria for determining
reasonable failure modes. Evaluations usually involve an in-depth
circuit analysis, supplemented by actual ignition testing.
Intrinsically safe systems and portable equipment must be tested
and approved for the intended application by a nationally
recognized testing laboratory. For installed systems, listing
reports should be reviewed to ensure that restrictions placed
upon the equipment by the certification agency are recognized in
the installation. In general, switches and other simple devices
that do not store energy can be in hazardous locations when used
with approved intrinsic safety (Zener) barriers that limit the
energy in the circuit.
(3) Installation
. Safety also depends on proper installation. It is
necessary to ensure that the system is connected correctly and
that unsafe energy levels are not induced in intrinsically safe
circuits by nearby non-intrinsically safe circuits. In evaluating
intrinsically safe systems, it is important to know the
restrictions imposed by the certification agency, and to have the
installation information available that verifies that the
restrictions, such as installed cable impedance, have been met.
The following installation requirements should be followed:
(a) Cables for use in intrinsically safe installations should
meet the standards of 46 CFR 60-1. However, since
intrinsically safe circuits are inherently power limited,
cable constructions other than those specified in 111.60 may
be accepted, provided the cable has an adequate voltage
Many specialty cable types, which are not constructed to meet
the standards referenced in 46 CFR 111.60, are used in
intrinsically safe circuits, particularly in industrial
systems such as down-hole well testing instrumentation. Flame
propagation is a concern with any cable that penetrates a
deck or bulkhead. If a particular cable type is self-
extinguishing, but cannot comply with the IEEE-45 or IEC
60332-3 (Cat. A) fire tests, then it may be run singly (not
in or near bundles or cable trays with other cables).
3-171 CH-3
3.G.17.h(3) (b) Equipment in weather locations must be made watertight.
(c) Cable insulation must be compatible with the environment.
Some installations may be in cargo tanks.
(d) As a general rule, conductors should be no smaller than #18.
(e) Cables for intrinsically safe systems must be isolated from
other cables to prevent compromise due to induction or
insulation breakdown. This is to be accomplished by
maintaining two inch spacing, or by using grounded metal
barriers or shielded cable.
(f) At a termination, intrinsically safe circuits must be
isolated from other intrinsically safe circuits, other low-
energy level circuits, and all power circuits (see ISA RP
(g) More than one intrinsically safe circuit of the same system
may be run in a multiconductor cable (see ISA RP 12.6).
(h) Cables containing conductors for intrinsically safe systems
must not contain conductors of non-intrinsically safe
(i) In general, an intrinsically safe barrier should be located
in a non-hazardous location. If it is in a hazardous
location, the barrier itself must be suitable for the
(j) Energy storing equipment must be explicitly approved by the
certification agency when used with a barrier.
(k) Passive devices that do not store energy, such as switches,
thermocouples, resistances, and LED's may be connected to
barriers without further certification, provided they are not
part of a unit containing other electrical circuits.
For low power applications, intrinsically safe systems offer
advantages over "add-on" protection, such as explosion-proof or
purged and pressurized enclosures.
A missing or loose bolt, a scratched flange, an unpoured cable
seal, a stuck interlock, or mechanical damage does not jeopardize
intrinsic safety. The intrinsically safe circuit is less
maintenance dependent and provides a lifetime of protection with
relatively little care.
Although the Electrical Engineering Regulations reference the
1976 edition of ISA RP 12.6 for cables in intrinsically safe
systems, that standard may also be used for other aspects of
intrinsically safe installations. The guidelines of the 1995
revision of this standard may also be followed. This later
edition contains information on the combination of intrinsically
safe apparatus under the entity concept, which allows users to
determine acceptable combinations of intrinsically safe apparatus
and connected associated apparatus that have not been tested and
CH-3 3-172
3.G.17.h (3) (cont’d) approved for interconnection in such combination. This
approach requires each intrinsically safe apparatus to have a
control drawing that specifies parameters for the selection of
the associated apparatus. The manufacturer provides the control
drawing to specify the allowed interconnections between the
intrinsically safe and associated apparatus.
i. Purged Or Pressurized Equipment
. Purged or pressurized equipment and
enclosures are permitted by the Electrical Engineering Regulations
(46 CFR Subchapter J) for the protection of hazardous area equipment.
The regulations require that this type of equipment be constructed to
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard 496, Purged
and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment.
Purged or pressurized systems pressurize the atmosphere within an
enclosure with a non-hazardous gas (usually air from a non-hazardous
location), thereby preventing the hazardous atmosphere from coming in
contact with electrical equipment within the enclosure.
The NFPA standard addresses pressurized instrumentation and other
small enclosures in Class I locations, power equipment enclosures in
Class I locations, pressurized instruments and other small enclosures
in Class II locations, and pressurized power equipment in Class II
locations. The standard defines pressurization and purging as
Pressurization: The process of supplying an enclosure with clean air
or an inert gas with or without continuous flow at sufficient
pressure to prevent the entrance of combustible dusts.
Purging: The process of supplying an enclosure with clean air or
inert gas at sufficient flow and positive pressure to reduce to an
acceptably safe level the concentration of any flammable gas or vapor
initially present and to maintain this safe level by positive
pressure with or without positive flow.
(1) Types
. There are three types of purging protection in NFPA 496,
Type X, Type Y, and Type Z. Type Z reduces the classification
within an enclosure from Division 2 to nonhazardous. With type Z
purging, a hazard is created only if the purge system fails at
the same time that the normally nonhazardous areas become
hazardous. For this reason, it is not considered essential to
remove power from the equipment upon failure of the purge system.
Type Y purging reduces the classification within an enclosure
from Division 1 to Division 2. The equipment and devices within
the enclosure must be suitable for Division 2. This requires that
the enclosure not contain an ignition source under normal
conditions. Thus, a hazard is created within the enclosure only
upon simultaneous failure of the purge system and of the
equipment within the enclosure. For this reason, it is not
considered essential to remove power from the equipment upon
failure of the purge system.
Type X purging reduces the classification within an enclosure
from Division I to nonhazardous. Because the probability of a
hazardous atmosphere external to the enclosure is high and the
3-173 CH-3
3.G.17.i (1) (cont’d) enclosure normally contains a source of ignition, such
as a hot element or arcing contact, it is important that any
interruption of the purging results in deenergizing the
equipment. Also, it is essential that the enclosure be tight
enough to prevent the escape of sparks. When type X purging is
used in purged power equipment enclosures in Class I locations,
power to the equipment should be immediately removed upon loss of
pressurization, unless immediate loss of power would result in a
more hazardous condition, such as not allowing for the safe
shutdown of a process or system.
The NFPA standard presents some diagrams of acceptable
installations for Types X, Y and Z purging. These diagrams are
shown in 3.G.17.i(2). The NFPA standard requires that a
nameplate be mounted on the enclosure in a prominent location so
that it can be seen before someone opens the enclosure. The
nameplate should contain the following statement (or equivalent):
"Enclosure shall not be opened unless the area is known to be
nonhazardous or unless all devices within have been de-energized.
Power shall not be restored after enclosure has been opened until
enclosure has been purged for minutes." (Note: The blank must be
filled-in by the manufacturer with the proper purge time).
It is apparent from this requirement that purged or pressurized
enclosures should be designed in such a manner that normal
operation of the equipment does not require that the enclosure be
opened. Therefore, openings in the enclosures for inserting
computer disks or slots for computer printouts and normal
procedures that require the enclosure to be opened to retrieve
data or take readings is not acceptable.
All three types of purging require the warning nameplate. Type X
purging generally requires an interlock that immediately de-
energizes all circuits that are not suitable for Division 1
areas. Type Y purging does not require an interlock but requires
an alarm which operates when the enclosure is opened. Type Y is
suitable for Division 1 if the internal components are suitable
for Division 2. Type Z purging is suitable for Division 2 and
requires an alarm, but does not place restrictions on internal
Purged or pressurized equipment may be used in lieu of explosion-
proof equipment for all hazardous locations. Purged or
pressurized equipment may not be used as a substitute for
intrinsically safe apparatus. Purged or pressurized systems need
not be approved by an independent testing agency, but are
reviewed and approved for the particular application during
vessel plan review.
Special care must be taken to ensure that the protective gas is
from a non-hazardous source and cannot be contaminated by a
hazardous source. Vent fan operation should be monitored by
airflow, not simply by motor operation. Where it is necessary to
open a purged or pressurized enclosure, for maintenance/repair,
gas detection equipment maybe required so that a flammable
atmosphere does not become trapped within the enclosure.
CH-3 3-174
3.G.17.i (1) (cont’d) NFPA 496 recognizes the use of purged control rooms in
Class I locations and pressurized control rooms in Class II
locations. The requirements for control rooms may be used both
for spaces that are structurally part of the vessel and for
containerized compartments such as may be used for industrial
functions aboard a MODU. Compressed air operated lighting
fixtures (turbine lights) are both powered and purged by the air
supply. These fixtures are acceptable for use in cargo handling
(2) Purged and Pressurized Drawing
Typical Type X Pu rging
pressure or
flo w actuated
cutoff switch
Typical Type Y and Type Z Purging
pressure or
flo w alarm
flo w
pressure or
flo w actuator
pressure or
flow alarm
actuator or
j. Explosion-Proof Equipment
(1) Enclosures
. When electrical equipment is installed where
flammable gases and vapors may be present, an "explosion-proof"
3-175 CH-3
3.G.17.j (1) (cont'd) enclosure may be used to allow the equipment to operate
safely. The explosion-proof enclosure concept recognizes that
flammable gases and vapors may enter the enclosure, and assumes
that a source of ignition will create an internal explosion. The
enclosure is designed to withstand the explosion and prevent it
from propagating to the hazardous atmosphere surrounding the
enclosure. Explosion-proof enclosures are not designed to be
gastight, but are normally intended to "breathe." Flammable gases
or vapors may enter an enclosure as it breathes due to changes in
atmospheric pressure, ambient temperature, or both.
Conversely, gastight equipment is not explosion-proof. Explosion-
proof enclosures usually have covers that can be removed or
opened for making connections and adjustments, and for
maintenance. The dimension of the gap between an enclosure's
flanges and metal-to-metal joints determine its effectiveness. An
explosion will propagate through this gap if the gap's width is
greater than the maximum experimental safe gap (MESG). If the gap
is less than the MESG, the velocity of the emerging jet of hot
gases and the velocity of the external gases mixing with the jet
are so great that cooling takes place and ignition cannot occur.
When the hot gases from an explosion pass through this region,
some energy is absorbed by the expansion of gases (refrigeration
effect), and hot gases mixing with cool gases outside of the
enclosure absorb some energy. Sufficient amount of energy must be
transferred from the hot gases to the surrounding air or
enclosure; otherwise, an explosion will occur.
Several explosion-proof enclosure cover types are used, depending
on their application. The most simple and effective cover is a
threaded joint. When an explosion occurs, the cover threads are
forced tight against the body threads. Hot gases are cooled as
they spiral along these threads. A gasket under the cover's
flange is located outside of the cooling region and does not
interfere with the metal-to-metal contact of the threads. Other
types of enclosure openings or accesses include flanged and
cylindrically shaped openings. These enclosures use precision-
machined metal-to-metal joints that provide a straight path from
inside the enclosure to the outside atmosphere. During an
explosion, numerous cover screws prevent flange and enclosure
distortion. Explosion-proof equipment in weather locations must
be made watertight or waterproof. Explosion-proof enclosures are
not normally designed to be watertight. In making these
enclosures watertight, care should be taken that there is not
interference with the flame-quenching surfaces and that gaskets
are external to these surfaces.
When a flame ignites a gas, it may result in an explosion that
causes a large increase in pressure. Due to the rapid increase in
pressure, less energy is required for further ignition and flame
propagation. An explosion occurs rapidly, causing a front between
burned and unburned compressed gas. If the expanding gas is
restricted, channeled, or impeded, pressure piling will occur.
Pressures can occur which are ten times higher than pressures
that occur when there is no impediment to expansion. Pressure
piling is particularly serious in pipes and conduit. To reduce
the effects of pressure piling, cable seal fittings must be
CH-3 3-176
3.G.17.j (1) (cont’d) installed within eighteen inches of the enclosure for
each conduit. Where two explosion-proof enclosures are connected
and located less than 36 inches apart, only one seal is necessary
in the conduit between them.
(2) Equipment
. Equipment which is required by the Electrical
Engineering Regulations to be explosion-proof must be
specifically tested and approved by a nationally recognized
testing laboratory for use in a Class I Division 1 location and
the group of the hazard present, and be labeled as such.
In typical test programs, the enclosure is placed in a test
chamber that has explosion pressure-recording devices attached to
it. Both the enclosure and the chamber are charged with a
specified gas. The gas inside the enclosure is ignited, and the
resulting explosion is observed for propagation to the
surrounding chamber's atmosphere. The explosion tests are
repeated over the entire explosive range of the gas or vapor's
fuel-air mixture. The enclosure must withstand the internal
pressure from the explosion without bursting or loosening its
joints. Explosion damage to equipment inside the enclosure must
not occur during testing unless the damaged equipment can readily
be replaced. All tests are conducted using maximum loads, short
circuit, or worst-case conditions. Typically, ten tests are
conducted over the entire flammable range for each device.
Enclosures are tested for a period of one (1) minute using a
hydrostatic pressure based on the max observed internal explosion
pressure. Seals must withstand for one (1) minute a hydrostatic
test pressure of four times the maximum explosion pressure.
Equipment that generates heat is evaluated to ensure that its
surface temperature is not high enough to cause auto-ignition of
the surrounding hazardous atmosphere. North American practice
recognizes 14 temperature ratings for Class I locations. The
Class I temperature ratings are listed in NEC Table 500- 5(e) and
the Class II temperature limits are in NEC Section 500- 5(f).
NEC ART. 500 - TABLE 500-3(b)
T 1
T 2
T 2 A
T 2 B
T 2 C
T 2 D
T 3
T 3 A
T 3 B
T 3 C
T 4
T 4 A
T 5 *
T 6 *
Marking shall not exceed auto ignition temp of the atmosphere encountered.
* Non-heat producing equipment, with a temp of l00
C or less, need not be marked.
3-177 CH-3
3.G.17.j(2) (a) Flame Arresters
. Flame arresters are sometimes used in
explosion-proof enclosures to reduce maximum explosion
pressure and to protect any incoming air lines. Types of
flame arresters include porous metal plugs made of sintered
metal, a baffle-type breather similar to an automobile
muffler, a special fitting with a loosely fitted thread, and
a spiral wound corrugated metal fitting. These configurations
causes the flame to spread through paths which cool the gases
by heat transfer to the metal from the atmosphere or make the
escaping explosion's hot gases turn sharp corners, allowing
them to cool.
(b) Explosion-Proof Receptacles & Plugs
. Explosionproof
receptacles and plugs are designed as a pair. Mechanical
interlocking is used between the plug and receptacle. When a
plug is inserted, electrical contact cannot be made until the
automated plug and receptacle assembly has established its
explosionproof integrity. To prevent explosions from
propagating, many threads are usually engaged before
electrical contact is made or broken.
An explosionproof enclosure is not effective without sealed
conductor entrances. Seal fittings allow an explosion to be
contained within an enclosure; to prevent pressure piling and
prevent the transmission of gases or vapors between enclosed
electrical systems install in Division 1, Division 2, and
ordinary locations. Seal fittings are usually attached by a
short piece of rigid conduit to an enclosure for switches,
circuit breakers, fuses, relays, resistors, or other
apparatus which may produce arcs, sparks, or a high
temperature. Not more than eighteen (18) inches of pipe or
rigid conduit may be used, and at least five (5) full nipple
threads must be engaged at each end. Explosionproof unions,
couplings, elbows, capped elbows, and conduit bodies are the
only permitted fittings between the sealing fitting and the
enclosure. All such components, including the seal fitting
and seal compound, must be approved by the testing laboratory
for the intended purpose. Seal fittings are either shop
fabricated or poured in the field. The cable gland is a
relatively new type of seal. Use of a cable gland allows for
a cable to be assembled in a clean shop environment and for
simple field connection and installation. A more traditional
sealing method uses a "poured" seal, which is completed in
the field. The seal is poured after the cables have been
brought into the enclosure. Mineral insulated cables require
a different type of explosionproof seal fitting than
shipboard marine cables.
k. Alterations &/or Repairs
. Alterations to explosionproof equipment
may destroy explosionproof protection. Explosionproof enclosures
approved for certain applications, such as the installation of
terminal strips, relays, etc., and may be internally modified to meet
these intended applications within the limits specified in the
approval. Explosionproof assemblies may not be modified in any way.
Enclosure modifications must are limited so that they do not affect
piling from internal volume changes, impair flame-quenching paths and
CH-3 3-178
3.G.17. k. (cont’d) surfaces, or reduce enclosure structural strength.
Alterations different from the configuration, as tested by UL, FM,
CSA, or other approved laboratories, void the approval.
Equipment that is certified for hazardous locations should usually be
repaired by a qualified facility. Product certification agencies
usually qualify repair facilities that have demonstrated their
knowledge, expertise, and capability to repair explosionproof
equipment. Each facility is qualified to repair specific types of
equipment such as motors, generators, telephones, etc.
When the explosionproof equipment is repaired, a label is usually
affixed to indicate that the equipment conforms to the same rules
that applied when it was new. The following guidelines can be used to
maintain explosionproof equipment:
(1) All cover screws and bolts must always be tight while circuits
are alive. Leaving one screw or bolt loose can render equipment
unsafe. Bolts or screw types other than those provided with the
equipment should not be used.
(2) Hammers and other tools must not be allowed to damage threaded
joints or flat machined surfaces of flanged joints. All surfaces
that form part of a flame path must be protected from scratches
and other mechanical defects.
(3) Flange surfaces and threaded joints should be cleaned free of old
grease and other foreign materials. An appropriate light non-
flammable lubricant should be applied to both sides of the joint
immediately before assembly. When reassembling, there should be
no foreign particles on joint surfaces.
(4) Threaded covers, flat joints, surfaces, rotating shafts,
bearings, and operating shafts should be lubricated to protect
against corrosion. Abrasives or files should never be used to
remove corrosion products from threaded or flanged joints.
Equipment that is corroded should be replaced.
(5) Explosionproof equipment must not be modified, except as allowed
by the approval laboratory, and the equipment nameplate should
not be obscured.
18. Industrial Systems (46 CFR 111.107)
a. Philosophy
. Subpart 111.107 of the Electrical Engineering
Regulations states that systems on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units
that are used solely for the industrial function of the unit
(drilling) may be considered as industrial systems. Industrial
systems need not be restricted to MODU's, nor must they be related to
petroleum exploration and exploitation functions; the concept of
industrial systems can be extended to systems, which serve only an
industrial function on other types of vessels. Subchapter F, Marine
Engineering, 46 CFR 56.01-1(c), provides alternative requirements for
piping and pressure vessels in industrial systems on MODUs. However,
the Marine Safety Manual indicates that this can be extended to other
vessels in individual cases under the general equivalency regulations
if the designer prefers to meet the requirements of 58.60. Similarly,
111.107 can be extended to other industrial systems. An example of
3-179 CH-3
3.G.18. a.
(cont’d) such an industrial system is the crane power generation and
distribution system on a craneship. Unlike the machinery (piping)
design, the electrical aspects of industrial systems are not covered
by a registered professional engineer's certification. Compliance
with 46 CFR 111.107 must be established by plan review and/or
b. Generators
. Industrial systems may be provided with dedicated
generators or they may be supplied by the ship's service power
distribution system. Where any generator, installed or portable is
tied to the main switchboard so that it can be used to provide ship's
service power, that generator must be considered a ship's service
generator. The generator and switchboard regulations contained in 46
CFR Subparts 111.12 and 111.30 would then be applicable, as would the
requirements for fault current analysis and (possibly) automatic load
shedding. Dedicated industrial system generators, including
containerized generator sets which are not tied to the main
switchboard and have no provision to supply any ship's service loads,
need, from an electrical standpoint, only meet the general safety
criteria of the National Electrical Code and 46 CFR Subpart 111.107.
Note that as discussed in 3.G.19.a, the emergency generator is not
intended to be used as an “in port generator”.
19. Emergency Lighting and Power Systems (46 CFR 112)
a. General
. SOLAS II-1/42, 43, and 44 contain the requirements for
emergency lighting and power systems, as does 46 CFR 112. These two
sets of requirements (USCG and SOLAS), are generally in agreement.
Vessels in some categories are permitted shorter periods of operation
of the emergency power supply by 46 CFR Table 112.05-5(a) than by the
SOLAS regulations; these vessels would not normally carry SOLAS
certificates due to their size and/or limited operating routes. The
Electrical Engineering Regulations permit manually connected
emergency power sources only for cargo vessels less than 500 GT or
cargo vessels of less than 1600 CT on other than ocean, Great Lakes,
or coastwise routes and not on international voyages.
Diesel and gas turbine engines used as emergency generator prime
movers must be capable of starting at an ambient temperature of 32
degrees F (0 degrees C). Electric water jacket heaters are permitted
to ensure ready starting. Due to the impracticality of testing this
capability in warm climates, the manufacturer's certification is
generally accepted. A thermostatically controlled electric
lubricating oil heater may be provided to reduce the accelerated
wear, which may result from placing the generator load on a cold
engine. Where detached electric motor-driven pumps are provided to
circulate warm oil through the engine while it is stopped, a low oil
level alarm should be installed to indicate any loss of oil through a
leak in the pumps or external piping.
SOLAS 11-1/44.2 requires each emergency generating set to be equipped
with a starting device with a stored energy capability for at least
three starting attempts, with a second source for an additional three
starts to be provided within 30 minutes unless manual starting (not
just manual initiation of the start per 46 CFR 112.35-5) is
practicable. This differs somewhat from the Electrical Engineering
Regulations. The requirements for hydraulic, electric, and compressed
CH-3 3-180
3.G.19. a. (cont’d) air starting Systems in 46 CFR 112.50 call for a capacity
for at least six cranking cycles, with the capacity for three of
these cranking cycles to be held in reserve until manually released.
The emergency generator is not intended to be used as an "in port
generator"; it may be used to supply necessary electrical power to
start the ship's machinery plant from a dead ship condition. When
used in this manner, the emergency generator must be sized to provide
power to all required emergency loads in addition to any loads on the
emergency switchboard (not bus-tie loads) that are used for starting
the ship's main propulsion machinery.
b. Location
. SOLAS II-1/42.1.3 and 43.1.3 and 46 CFR 112.05-5(e) all
state that the emergency generator room and a category A machinery
space should not be adjoining, except where other arrangement is not
practicable. Note that the CFR specifies the spaces will not be
“adjoining”, SOLAS requires not “contiguous”, both indicating the
spaces will not border each other horizontally or vertically. The
intent is to maintain the integrity of the emergency electrical
distribution system if there is a fire, flooding, or other casualty
in the main machinery space. When the arrangement has been shown to
be impractical, the installation of an A-60 bulkhead between the
emergency generator room and the category A machinery space has been
It is recommended that the steel bulkhead be insulated to A-60 on
both sides. Any contiguous boundary between the emergency generator
room and any category A machinery space or space containing the main
source of electrical power, associated transforming equipment, if
any, and the main switchboard must be avoided.
c. Emergency Loads
. The temporary and final emergency loads listed in
46 CFR Subpart 112.15 must be supplied by the emergency power
source(s). Additional safety devices and systems (i.e., vital) may be
connected to the emergency power system provided the emergency source
is sized to supply these loads at 100% load factor. Additional loads
which are intended to improve the safety or survivability of the
vessel in certain operating modes (i.e., non-vital) and which have
not been considered in sizing the emergency generator (such as the
addition of a secondary deballasting system on a semisubmersible
MODU) may be allowed to be connected to the emergency power supply
when arranged to be functionally equivalent to a bus-tie -
configuration. The following conditions would apply:
The non-vital loads must automatically trip off the emergency
switchboard by means of an undervoltage or underfrequency trip or
equivalent. When the normal power supply is lost; these loads must
only be manually reconnected to the emergency bus, (this may be done
remotely) and the non-vital loads must be shed automatically prior to
overloading of the emergency generator. On a case-by-case basis, the
emergency power system may be used to supply non-emergency circuits
such as bilge pumps that are provided on Open-top Containerships to
dewater cargo holds. These pumps are considered non-vital in the
sense that with all the holds flooded, the ship is still seaworthy.
With these additional non-emergency pump motor loads connected to the
emergency bus, acceptable measures must be taken to safeguard
independent emergency operation of vital loads under all
3-181 CH-3
3.G.19. c. (cont’d) circumstances. Remote load monitoring and manual
disconnection of required emergency loads is allowed, but automatic
load shedding of the non-vital loads is necessary to maintain the
integrity of the emergency power system.
Secondary Deballast Systems on MODUs may be electrically connected to
the emergency switchboard via a transfer switch. This transfer
switch may be an automatic bus transfer switch provided automatic
load shedding is provided. Or manual if the emergency generator is
sized to carry all the loads attached to the emergency bus. Upon
shifting to emergency power, the Secondary Deballasting System must
only start by manual initiation. This manual starting may be
accomplished from the vessel control room.
None of the regulations in Subchapter J prohibit manually
disconnecting required emergency loads at the operator’s discretion.
This may be accomplished via a remote start/stop switch located in
the vessel control room.
Sizing of the Emergency Generators on Open-Top Containerships:
Neither SOLAS consolidated edition 2001 nor ABS Rules require the
emergency generator to be sized to supply the total connected load.
Also, neither rule prohibit the connection to the emergency source of
power, loads not specified in the requirements. SOLAS consolidated
edition 2001, Chapter II-1, Regulation 43.2 and ABS rule 4-8-2/5.5
merely require the electrical power available to be sufficient to
supply all those services that are essential for safety in an
emergency with due regard given to those services that may be
operated simultaneously. SOLAS consolidated edition 2001, Chapter
II-1, Regulation 43.1.4 permits the emergency generator to be used to
supply non-emergency circuits from the emergency switchboard
“provided that suitable measures are taken for safeguarding
independent emergency operation under all circumstances”.
On an open-top containership conversion, the owner proposed to power
the open-hold bilge pumps through manual transfer switches which
would allow the pumps to be supplied from both the main and the
emergency switchboards. There must also be an automatic means of
disconnecting the pumps from the emergency switchboard when there is
a failure of the main source of power.
Any bus-tie between a main switchboard and an emergency switchboard
must not have automatic feedback of power from the emergency source
to the main switchboard. When operating in a feedback mode, the bus-
tie must open automatically upon overload before the emergency power
source is tripped off line. Each bus-tie should be provided with
short-circuit protection by a circuit breaker or fuses at both the
main and the emergency switchboards.
Cables from the emergency switchboard, other than those which supply
equipment in the machinery spaces, must not be run through the
engineroom, boilerroom, or the casings of these spaces. Emergency
power cables must not be run along decks or bulkheads that form the
boundaries of these spaces. Again, the intent is to maintain the
integrity of the emergency power system by protecting emergency power
cables from thermal damage should there be a fire in the machinery
CH-3 3-182
3.G.20. Communication and Alarm Systems
a. Fire detecting And Alarm Systems
. An automatic fire detecting and
alarm system consists of a power supply, a control unit on which are
located visible and audible fire and trouble signaling devices, and
fire detector and alarm circuits, as required, originating from the
control unit. Detector and alarm circuits consist of initiating and
indicating devices and alarms. Initiating devices are smoke, heat or
flame detectors and manual fire alarm boxes. Indicating devices are
audible and visual alarm devices such as bells and strobe lights.
The Coast Guard approves systems on two separate levels. Fire
detection system manufacturers obtain “Type-approval” of a system
meeting the requirements of 46 CFR 161.002 from the Commandant (G-
MSE-4). All of the components that compromise the system must be
incorporated in the type approval submittal. Systems are approved
for use on individual vessels by the Marine Safety Center based on
compliance with the manufacturer's type system approval. Approved
systems are required in designated areas of Passenger Vessels (46 CFR
76.05), Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels (46 CFR 95.05), and in
machinery spaces of inspected vessels where automated systems are
provided to replace manual control and observation, such as minimally
attended machinery spaces with centralized control rooms or
unattended machinery spaces (46 CFR 62.50-20(c) and Table 62.35-50).
Approved Systems are also required in cargo spaces intended for the
carriage of dangerous goods per SOLAS 74, as amended, Regulation II-
2/54. NVIC 7-80 "Use of Fire Detection Systems Which Are Not Approved
under 161.002" must be consulted for guidance on systems for areas
where detectors may be installed but are not required.
Listing by an U.S. Coast Guard recognized independent testing is not
sufficient evidence of compliance with the type-approval requirements
found in 46 CFR 161.002. Approval of systems designed for specific
vessels may be obtained from Commanding Officer, Marine Safety
Center, U.S. Coast Guard, 400 7th St. S.W, Room 6308, Washington, DC
20590-0001. Arrangements of the systems must be submitted in
triplicate and all approved components should be readily
identifiable. Only approved components should be used.
The requirements for location of equipment for all systems are found
in 46 CFR 76.27 and 35. Additional requirements for vessels requiring
SOLAS Certificates are found in SOLAS 74, as amended, Chapter II-2.
Further guidance on locating detectors can be found in NFPA 72.
Ventilation effects should be considered when locating detectors. 46
CFR 76.33 describes the allowable area to be monitored by an
accumulator. Accumulator spacing may vary based on the fire
detection system manufacturer’s assurance that the spacing as
proposed will provide adequate coverage of the spaces concerned.
b. General Alarm
. A general alarm system meeting 46 CFR Subpart 113.25
must be provided on each manned vessel of over 100 gross tons, except
barges, scows and similar vessels to alert the crew and passengers to
the existence of an emergency situation and the need to report to
their muster stations. Components of the general alarm system,
including vibrating bells and flashing lights, do not require type
approval by the Commandant. Only the system design and equipment
installation need now be approved.
3-183 CH-3
3.G.20 b. (cont'd) The general alarm must only be initiated manually and is
intended to be sounded by the person on watch or other responsible
member of the crew only after the determination has been made that an
emergency situation exists which warrants mustering the crew and
passengers (if any). SOLAS II-2 Regulation 13.1.4 permits the general
alarm to be sounded automatically by a safety monitoring system, such
as a fire detection and alarm system, if an initiating fire alarm is
not acknowledged within a reasonable time (two minutes). This is
permitted for spaces other than passenger spaces.
An integrated general alarm, fire alarm and public address system may
be considered for equivalence to the intent of 46 CFR 113.25 and to
satisfy SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 40.5 for a public address
system. Any such arrangement must give priority to the general alarm
function. Such a system would function similarly to the multi-purpose
1MC Emergency Announcing System commonly used on naval vessels.
Speakers and electronic tone generators may be used to produce a
bell-like signal or tone distinct from any other audible signal on
the vessel. The location of speakers and the generated sound level
must meet 46 CFR 113.25-9. Either a distinct sound signal or
intermittent operation of the general alarm bells (or speakers
producing bell-like sounds) may be used to warn of fire. An
integrated system must meet the following criteria:
(1) The fire alarm activating switch must be in a normally manned
space, which can receive alarms from the master fire alarm panel
and which has a general alarm contact maker.
(2) The general alarm signal must have priority over the fire alarm
(3) The fire alarm switch should be marked "Fire Alarm" in red
letters on a corrosion-resistant plate or sign.
(4) Operation of the fire alarm switch may also activate a fire alarm
page via the public address system. This must not interfere with
the normal operation of the general alarm.
(5) If the fire alarm signal is generated external to the general
alarm system, loss of power to it must not affect the general
alarm system.
(6) The fire alarm signal must be distinct from those signals
required by 46 CFR 109.503 for MODUs.
The emergency signals required by 46 CFR 109.503 for Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units differ considerably from those used on other types of
vessels. The intent of this was to recognize and standardize existing
industry practice that was different than for vessels.
This promotes consistency among offshore rigs, both mobile and fixed,
so that an offshore oil worker can recognize the same sound signal
and respond in the proper manner to similar emergency situations on
either kind of installation. The emergency signals specified in 46
CFR 109.503 should be used for "emergency stations" and "abandon
unit" situations only.
. Other signals, such as fire warnings, must be distinct from
these required signals. Vessels have been allowed, on a case-by-case
basis, more than one general alarm contact maker in addition to those
required under 46 CFR 113.25-5(a), (b), or (c) where justification
was presented. Additional contact makers may be permitted where their
CH-3 3-184
3.G.20 c. (cont'd) installation results in an increase in vessel safety. Any
additional contact makers should meet the construction requirements
of 46 CFR 113.25-11 and should be labeled per 113.25-20(b). Contact
makers in weather locations should be provided with suitable
weatherproof enclosures. Where jack boxes are used for these
additional contact makers, there must be cut-out switches in the
wheelhouse that can isolate the jack boxes from the rest of the
general alarm system.
There are no switches available which satisfy the requirements of
both 113.25-11 for contact makers and 111.105 for electrical
equipment in hazardous areas. For contact makers that must be in
hazardous locations, the requirements of 111.105 apply. These
switches should be labeled as required for contact makers by 113.25-
20(b) and 113.25-11(d), as applicable.
Flashing red lights which augment the general alarm bells must be
supplied by the general alarm system power supply, except for
flashing red lights in the main machinery space supplied from the
emergency source of power through relays operated by the general
alarm system. In general, the use of the emergency source of power
for all general alarm system flashing red lights meets the intent of
d. Alarm Signals
. The minimum sound pressure levels for the emergency
alarm tone in interior and exterior spaces must be a sound level of
not less than 80dB(A) measured at 10 feet on the axis; and at least
10dB(A) measured at 10 feet on the axis, above the background noise
level when the vessel is underway in moderate weather unless flashing
red lights are utilized in accordance with 113.25-10(b) of this
subpart. Alarm signals intended for use in sleeping compartments may
have a minimum sound level of 75dB(A) measured 3 feet (1m) on axis
and at least 10dB(A) measured 3 feet (1m) on axis, above ambient
noise levels with the ship underway in moderate weather.
e. Sound Powered Telephones
. Section 37.22 of IEEE Standard 45 and
military specification MIL-T-15514 may be used as guidance for
construction, installation, and performance standards for sound-
powered phones.
Sound-powered telephone headsets and jack boxes are not permitted on
any telephone system that includes any station required by the
regulations, except for use at engineroom local control stations; see
46 CFR 113.30-20(c). The objections to the use of these portable
headsets are:
(1) Headsets are often not there when needed.
(2) Headsets have been more prone to damage than fixed handsets.
(3) Headsets introduce noise on the circuit because the earphone is
always on and acts as a microphone.
(4) Jack boxes frequently corrode and short the circuit contacts,
causing unreliable circuit operation.
A hard-wired (no jack) headset with a push-to-talk button, a
watertight storage/connection box, and a cut-out switch can overcome
these objections and may be accepted for use in locations with high
background noise~levels, such as steering gear rooms.
3-185 CH-3
3.G.20. f. Engine Order Telegraph (EOT, 46 CFR 113.35)
. The engine order
telegraph is a communication system that is necessary under temporary
emergency conditions. Where an electric EOT is installed, 46 CFR
112.15-1(h) is applicable. Electric EOT systems must either be
provided with an independent storage battery source of backup power
or be arranged so that they can be energized from the temporary
emergency power source. 46 CFR 113.35-5 also contains additional
requirements for an electric EOT.
46 CFR 113.35 requires the EOT transmitter in the wheelhouse to have
a "handle." The intent is to provide for rapid visual determination
of engine order from throughout the wheelhouse, and if necessary, a
determination by feel. This intent should be met by an EOT considered
a secondary or standby device, as well as an EOT used as a primary
control device. In most instances, this precludes consideration of a
flush mounted, knob-type transmitter as an equivalent arrangement.
Transmitters that provide rapid visual and tactile determination of
orders, such as some push-button type transmitters, may be evaluated
for equivalency.
g. Emergency Loudspeaker Systems
. Subpart 113.50 of the Electrical
Engineering Regulations requires an emergency loudspeaker system on
each ocean and coastwise passenger vessel certificated to carry 500
or more persons, including officers and crew, and each passenger
vessel that has lifeboats stowed more than 100 feet (30.5 meters)
from the navigating bridge. The system permits two-way conversation
between the navigating bridge and each lifeboat or embarkation
station. SOLAS Chapter III, Regulation 6.4.1 requires an emergency
means of two-way communication between emergency control stations,
muster and embarkation stations, and strategic positions on board as
part of the lifesaving arrangements for both passenger and cargo
A combined public address, music distribution, and emergency
loudspeaker system may be used for the system required by 113.50,
provided the emergency loudspeaker function is given priority. If a
separate public address or music system is used, a means to silence
that system must be provided at the emergency loudspeaker system
control panel.
H. Novel Vessel Design
1. High Speed Craft
. Rapidly occurring changes in technology often require the
adaptation of existing requirements to new situations. Dynamically
supported craft such as hydrofoils, surface effect ships, and air cushion
vehicles are unique vessel designs that likely will require research and
evaluation on an individual basis. The Marine Safety Center leads the
concept review of novel designs and will determine what guidance to apply.
Modern vessels operating over a 30 knot threshold will likely be classified
as a high speed craft, particularly if they are engaged in passenger
service. Coast Guard guidance for domestic high-speed craft can be found
in: “Guidance for Enhancing the Operational Safety of Domestic High-Speed
Vessels”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 5-01. Coast Guard guidance for vessels
built to international standards can be found in: “Plan Review, Inspection,
And Certification Guidance For Vessels Built To The International Code Of
Safety For High-Speed Craft And Additional Information Regarding Non-Code
High-Speed Vessels”, COMDTPUB P16700.4, NVIC 6-99.
CH-3 3-186
3.H.2 Deep Water Ports (DWP’s)
a. Introduction
. The Federal Register Volume 69, dated 06 January 2004,
page 724, institutes a Temporary Interim Rule for Deep Water Ports.
The Federal Register is available online at:
. For general information on
offshore platform regulations see Volume II, Section B, Chapter 8, of
this manual. The involvement and responsibilities of Commandant (G-
MSE-3) with DWP’s has primarily been to provide electrical technical
assistance. This assistance was needed as a result of 33 CFR
149.205(c), which states that "each electrical installation on a
platform must be designed, to the extent practicable, in accordance
with 46 CFR 110-113." Commandant (G-MSE-3) became increasingly
involved with the DWP project upon issuance of Final Deepwater Ports
Regulations, Subchapter RN, on 10 November 1975. Since the Electrical
Engineering Regulations (Subchapter J) are referenced therein,
interpretations of their requirements (e.g., "to the extent
practicable") were necessary. The "exemption petition" procedures were
established by the DWP project, and many of these were considered and
acted upon by the branch's electrical staff. Interpretations regarding
the application of Coast Guard Shipboard Electrical Regulations to the
fixed structure of a deepwater port were made each time an "exemption
petition" was considered.
b. Loop Project
. The most involved "exemption petition" concerned a
request from the Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) for relief from
the use of Subchapter J for classification of hazardous areas. LOOP
proposed to use the American Petroleum Institute's (API's) recommended
practice (API RP 500B), strengthened by the other rules of typical
industry practice. The focal point of the difference is that Coast
Guard regulations assume hazardous concentrations of flammable vapors
to exist periodically in the vicinity of cargo pipe flanges, pumps,
and valves because of leakage. This assumption renders the spheres
within 10 feet of these fittings as Class 1, Division 1, while "the
industry standard" assumes the vapors will be contained in the cargo
piping, escaping only in case of abnormal operation at breakdown
(Class 1, Division 2). After several appeals, the decision to enforce
the Coast Guard regulations was made. Significant exemptions that have
been granted to LOOP are as follows:
(1) UL 57 electrical lighting fixtures (industrial standard) have
been allowed for installation inside the control building in lieu
of UL 595 marine fixtures;
(2) Cable requirements have been relaxed where conduit systems are
used, provided certain criteria are met;
(3) Silicon dielectric-type transformers have been allowed for
certain applications if dry-type transformers are not available;
(4) Ship motion and other strictly shipboard-related requirements
have been deleted where judged inappropriate or not practicable;
Special requirements have been set for the higher voltage systems
used on the deepwater port.
4.A. Introduction 4-1
4.B. Functions Of The Survival Systems Branch 4-1
4.B.1. "In-House" Functions 4-1
4.B.2. External Activities 4-1
4.C. Areas Of Branch Interest 4-2
4.C.1. General Equipment Approvals 4-2
4.C.2. Approvals Based Upon Unpublished Specifications 4-2
4.C.3. Approvals Of Recently Developed Equipment 4-2
4.D. Sources Of Information 4-2
4.D.1. Equipment Lists, Commandant Instruction
(COMDTINST) M16714.3 4-2
4.D.2. Approval Record Cards 4-2
4.D.3. Navigation And Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC's) 4-2
4.D.4. Marine Safety Manual (MSM) 4-3
4.D.5 "Distribution Letters" 4-3
4.D.6. Policy-Related Correspondence 4-3
4.E. Specific Branch Activities 4-3
4.E.1. Design And Plan Review Activities 4-3
4.E.2. Lifesaving Systems 4-3
4.E.3. Control Assumptions 4-4
4.E.3.a. General 4-4
4.E.3.b. For Passenger Vessels 4-4
4.E.4. Human/Mechanical Factor 4-4
4.E.4.a. General 4-4
4.E.4.b. Consideration Of Special Cases 4-4
4.F. Review Of Lifesaving Equipment Installations And Designs 4-4
4.F.1. Authority 4-4
4.F.2. General Care In Review 4-5
4.F.3. Identification Of Primary Equipment 4-5
4.F.3.a. Regulatory Citations 4-5
4.F.3.b. Plans For Boat Deck Arrangement 4-5
4.F.3.c. Lifesaving Equipment 4-6
4.F.3.d. Workboats And Associated Equipment 4-6
4.F.3.e. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's) 4-6
4.F.4. Required Lifeboat Winches 4-7
4.F.4.a. Regulatory Citations 4-7
4.F.4.b. Lifeboat Winches 4-7
4.F.5. Location Of Lifeboat Winches 4-7
4.F.5.a. Regulatory Citations 4-7
4.F.5.b. Acceptable Configurations 4-7
4.F.6. Anticorrosion Precautions 4-10
4-i CH-1
4.F.7. Launching Gear Foundation Drainage 4-10
4.F.8. Strength Criteria For Launching Gear 4-10
4.F.8.a. Regulatory Citations 4-10
4.F.8.b. Designed Safety Factors 4-10
4.F.8.b.(1) In Structural Installations 4-10
4.F.8.b.(2) In Fittings 4-11
4.F.8.b.(3) For Lifeboat Davits Aboard Liquefied
Natural Gas (LNG) Carriers 4-11
4.F.9. Lifeboat Falls 4-11
4.F.9.a. Regulatory Citations 4-11
4.F.9.b. Breaking Strength Of Wire Ropes 4-12
4.F.9.c. Breaking Strength Calculations 4-12
4.F.9.c.(1) General 4-12
4.F.9.c.(2) Calculation Requirements 4-12
4.F.10. Location Of Lifeboats Relative To Propeller(s) 4-14
4.F.10.a. Regulatory Citations 4-14
4.F.10.b. General Requirements 4-14
4.F.11. Access To Stowed Lifeboats 4-14
4.F.11.a. Regulatory Citations 4-14
4.F.11.b. Lifeboats Retained On Gravity Davits 4-14
4.F.12. Lifeboat Davit Tricing Pendants And Frapping Lines 4-14
4.F.12.a. Regulatory Citations 4-14
4.F.12.b. General Requirements 4-16
4.F.13. Davit Span Wires/Lifelines 4-16
4.F.13.a. Regulatory Citations 4-16
4.F.13.b. General Requirements 4-16
4.F.14. Lifeboat Skates And Skid Stanchions 4-16
4.F.14.a. Regulatory Citations 4-16
4.F.14.b. General Requirements 4-18
4.F.15. Overboard Discharge Openings 4-18
4.F.15.a. Regulatory Citations 4-18
4.F.15.b. General Requirements 4-18
4.F.16. Embarkation Ladders For Lifeboats/Life Rafts 4-18
4.F.16.a. Regulatory Citations 4-18
4.F.16.b. General Requirements 4-18
4.F.16.c. Exceptions 4-20
4.F.17. Pilot Ladders 4-20
4.F.17.a. Regulatory Citations 4-20
4.F.17.b. General Requirements 4-20
4.F.17.c. Requirements Under SOLAS 4-20
4.F.17.d. Alternate Arrangements 4-21
4.F.18. Deck Cover Guards For Lifeboat Falls 4-21
4.F.18.a. Regulatory Citations 4-21
4.F.18.b. General Requirements 4-24
4.F.19. Guards In Dangerous Places 4-24
4.F.19.a. Regulatory Citations 4-24
4.F.19.b. General Requirements 4-24
4.F.20. Illumination Of Lifeboat Stowage Areas 4-24
CH-1 4-ii
4.F.20.a. Regulatory Citations 4-24
4.F.20.b. General Requirements 4-24
4.F.21. Stowage Of Inflatable Life Rafts 4-24
4.F.21.a. Regulatory Citations 4-24
4.F.21.b. General Requirements 4-26
4.G. Pollution Abatement Measures 4-26
4.G.1. Marine Sanitation Devices (HSD's) 4-26
4.G.1.a. Introduction 4-26
4.G.1.b. Testing And Inspection 4-27
4.G.2. Listings 4-27
4.G.3. Use Of Chemicals 4-27
4.G.3.a. Introduction 4-27
4.G.3.b. Disposal Procedures 4-28
4.G.4. Gas Generation 4-28
4.G.5. Oil Pollution Abatement Devices 4-28
4.G.5.a. Introduction 4-28
4.G.5.b. Approval Testing 4-28
4.G.5.c. Equipment Types 4-29
4.G.5.d. Requirements For Oily-Water Separators 4-29
4.H. Fire Protection Systems 4-29
4.H.1. Approval Of Structural Materials 4-29
4.H.1.a. Introduction 4-29
4.H.1.b. Deck Coverings 4-30
4.H.1.c. Non-Combustible Materials 4-30
4.H.1.d. Structural Insulation 4-30
4.H.1.e. Bulkhead Panels 4-30
4.H.1.f. Interior Finishes 4-31
4.H.2. Materials Testing 4-31
4.H.2.a. In The U.S. 4-31
4.H.2.b. Foreign Testing 4-31
4.I. Approval Of Equipment And Systems 4-31
4.I.1. Portable Fire Extinguishers 4-31
4.I.2. Semi-Portable Extinguishers 4-33
4.I.3. Fixed Extinguishing Systems 4-33
4.I.3.a. Introduction 4-33
4.I.3.b. Approval Of Fixed Water Spray Systems 4-33
4.I.3.c. Approval Of Carbon Dioxide Systems 4-33
4.I.3.d. Approval Of Halon 1301 Systems 4-33
4.I.3.e. Approval Of Foam Systems 4-33
4.I.4. Combination Fire Hose Nozzles 4-34
4.I.5. Respiratory Protective Equipment 4-34
4.I.6. Flame Safety Lamps 4-34
4-iii CH-1
A. Introduction
. The functions of the Survival Systems Branch, Commandant
(G-MVI-3), stem from various duties imposed upon the Commandant by
federal statutes relating to the safety of life and property on the
high seas and on the waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United
B. Functions Of The Survival Systems Branch
1. "In-House" Functions
. Under the direction of the Chief, Merchant
Vessel Inspection Division (G-MVI), the Survival Systems Branch
administers the federal approval program for marine lifesaving,
firefighting, and pollution abatement equipment and systems,
through the following activities:
a. Development of regulations, policy decisions, and standards for
equipment and systems;
b. Analysis of manufacturers' designs for compliance with regulations;
c. Provision of information and instructions to Coast Guard field
personnel, naval architects, shipbuilders, vessel operators,
recognized inspection/testing organizations, and manufacturers;
d. Conferences with representatives of other agencies dealing
with these subjects, such as the American Bureau of Shipping
(ABS), the Environmental Protection Agency (EFA), the National
Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the National Bureau of
Standards, the National Cargo Bureau, Inc. (NCB), and state
law enforcement agencies;
e. Recommendations and conduct of research and development
projects in these subjects;
f. Familiarity with current technical trends and industrial
developments, by participation in technical society committees
and review of casualty data and failure reports;
g. Maintenance of a uniform policy for the approval of vessel
lifesaving, fire protection, and pollution abatement equipment
arrangements and materials at the Marine Safety Center (MSC)
and the field inspection offices; and
h. Conduct of a compliance program through Coast Guard marine
inspection units and civilian inspection/testing services
recognized by the Commandant, to ensure that items approved
for production comply with the standards under which they were
2. External Activities
. The Survival Systems Branch represents the
U.S. at meetings of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
concerning technical and policy issues bearing upon maritime
safety and pollution
4-1 CH-1
4.B.2. (cont'd) abatement. The branch also provides policy, technical
support, and administration of federal approval programs in
support of the Offices of Marine Environment and Systems (G-W) and
Boating, Public and Consumer Affairs (G-B), other Headquarters
staffs, and field units in areas related to lifesaving, fire
protection, and pollution abatement.
C. Areas Of Branch Interest
1. General Equipment Approvals
. The Survival Systems Branch approves
the following types of equipment based upon regulations in 46 CFR,
Subchapter Q (Specifications), which are reprinted each October:
a. Primary lifesaving equipment and related major items;
b. Personal flotation devices (PFD's) and related materials;
c. Pyrotechnic signals and line-throwing appliances;
d. Firefighting, emergency breathing, and structural fire protection
e. Marine sanitation/pollution abatement systems; and
f. Miscellaneous life safety-related items.
2. Approvals Based Upon Unpublished Specifications
. Approvals have
also been given for some items based on unpublished specifications
that date from World War II. These involve sea anchors, lifeboat
compasses, and signal mirrors.
3. Approvals Of Recently Developed Equipment
. A third area of approval
concerns recently developed items, specifications for which await
publication in the Federal Register. The branch maintains a supply
of reprints of the various specifications for distribution to
manufacturers and other interested parties.
D. Sources Of Information
1. Equipment Lists, Commandant Instruction (COMDTINST) M16714.3
. This
publication lists approved items by groups derived from Subchapter
Q (e.g., No. 160.051/2/0 identifies a particular model of
inflatable life raft). Equipment Lists further identifies each
device by manufacturer, type or model designation, and assigned
approval number.
2. Approval Record Cards. Each marine inspection unit receives card
copies of approval certificates (Form CGHQ-10030), which provide
basic information about each approved item.
3. Navigation And Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC's)
. NVIC's
explain and interpret the requirements of the equipment
specifications and vessel regulations. An NVIC most frequently
deals with the particulars of some problem affecting shipboard use
of equipment.
CH-1 4-2
4.D.4. Marine Safety Manual (MSS)
. The MSM is revised periodically to
permit timely changes to inspection and technical policies and
procedures for Coast Guard personnel. It is available to public
subscribers through the Government Printing Office (GPO) (see
volume I of this manual).
5. "Distribution Letters
." These are letters to manufacturers on
product data, approval details, or procedures related to the
products they manufacture. They serve as a speedy means of
disseminating information without writing separate letters to
6. Policy-Related Correspondence
. Occasionally, decisions made by
the branch relating to the unusual circumstances of an individual
case will have widespread and lasting consequences. After such
decisions are made part of the branch's working policy, they are
incorporated in the regulations, the MSM, or an appropriate NVIC.
E. Specific Branch Activities
1. Design And Plan Review Activities. The Survival Systems Branch
provides the initial review of drawings related to lifesaving,
firefighting, and pollution abatement items submitted for
approval. This activity permits the MSC to concentrate its effort
on plan review for vessels under construction. Unusual survival
and environmental protection systems, proposed as "equivalents"
under 46 CFR 90.15, etc., and safety equipment not specified under
Subchapter Q are also reviewed by the branch for approval. A guide
for lifesaving plan review is included in section 4.F below to
maintain a uniform interpretation of the vessel regulations
applicable to lifesaving equipment.
2. Lifesaving Systems
. Analyses of vessel abandonment problems have
given rise to a "philosophy" of the function of lifesaving
systems. Briefly, this philosophy is that:
a. There should be a place in a survival craft for every person
on the vessel under all anticipated casualty scenarios;
b. Abandonment should be possible in a minimum amount of time,
using procedures that are as simple and efficient as possible;
c. The survival craft should provide the means for its complement
to survive under expected conditions until rescue;
d. The vessel and its survival craft both should have effective
means of alerting rescuers to a casualty and to the location
of survivors;
e. The survival craft should be arranged in such a manner as not
to hamper recovery of the craft or survivors by ship or
f. The vessel should have the means for recovery of persons in
the water and for coming to the aid of other vessels in
distress; and
g. Effective training on and maintenance of such equipment is vital.
4-3 CH-1
4.E.3. Control Assumptions
a. General. The International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS) requirements and U.S. regulations translate this
philosophy into specific requirements, based on certain
assumptions made about typical vessels of various types. For
example, the first factor is met by having a combined capacity
of survival craft on each
side of the vessel adequate to
accommodate all persons aboard; if the craft on one side of
the vessel are inaccessible due to damage or excessive
listing, those on the other side will be sufficient. Life
rafts arranged to float free from a sinking vessel and inflate
automatically are provided as secondary equipment, so that
survival craft are at hand should the vessel sink so rapidly
that lifeboats cannot be launched.
b. For Passenger Vessels
. Such vessels are required to meet
certain standards of subdivision intended to prevent sinking
so rapid that lifeboats cannot be launched. Therefore, the
"primary" lifesaving gear on a passenger vessel includes
sufficient lifeboats (and, in some cases, davit-launched life
rafts) to accommodate everyone aboard. These are distributed
on both sides of the vessel, and additional life rafts
sufficient to accommodate 25 percent of the total persons
aboard are provided in the event the primary equipment is
damaged or otherwise unusable.
4. Human/Mechanical Factor
a. General. Equipment encompasses only one half of the survival
philosophy; the other entails the human factor. The crew must
be properly trained to carry out their duties in case
abandonment or another shipboard emergency endangers the
vessel. Effective training cannot
be limited to a "routine"
fire and boat drill. Crewmembers must know what to do in
various situations, how to respond when shipmates are killed
or injured, what to do should the casualty make it impossible
to fulfill the duties outlined in the station bill, and how to
use survival and emergency equipment. Posters and written
instructions should be clear and accurate. This means that a
standard form may not be appropriate in every case.
b. Consideration Of Special Cases
. Generally, the regulations
result in lifesaving arrangements that are appropriate for the
vessel. However, special cases may arise that were not
envisioned by the regulations. Required equipment may not be
available to the vessel or may be inappropriate, or special
training measures may be necessary so that crewmembers can
react appropriately to emergency conditions.
F. Review Of Lifesaving Equipment Installations And Designs
1. Authority. The general authority for Coast Guard review of a
vessel's lifesaving equipment drawings to verify compliance with
regulatory requirements is contained in the following regulations:
CH-1 4-4
4.F.1. a. Tankers: 46 CFR 31.01-5(a), 31.10-5(a) and Part 33;
b. Passenger Vessels: 46 CFR 71.65-5(g) and Part 75,
c. Cargo and Miscellaneous Vessels: 46 CFR 91.55-5(g) and Part 94;
d. Small Passenger Vessels: 46 CFR 177.05 and Part 180 (if
drawings are required); and
e. Oceanographic Research Vessels: 46 CFR 189.55-5(g) and Part 192.
2. General Care In Review
. With the exception of 46 CFR 35.01-20
requirements for tankers, installations of pilot ladders need not
be shown on drawings submitted for review. When these
installations are not shown, however, problems can result (see
paragraph 4.F.17 below). In light of the increased emphasis on
pilot ladders resulting from the 1974 SOLAS Convention, reviewing
officers should ensure that features of the vessel's design do not
preclude proper fitting and use of pilot boarding gear (e.g.,
decks that project past the skin of the vessel and outward-opening
doors for boarding ports at a height that endangers pilot craft
coming alongside). In some instances, lifeboat and life raft
installation drawings may not be incorporated on the same sheet.
Care must be taken by the reviewer to ensure that the design
location of life raft stowage areas does not impede the launching
of lifeboats.
3. Identification Of Primary Equipment
a. Regulatory Citations.
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.01 and 33.05
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.05 and 75.10
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.05 and 94.10
(4) Small Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 180.05 and 180.10
(5) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.05 and 192.10
b. Plans For Boat Deck Arrangement
. The vessel's boat deck
arrangement drawing shall identify each item of primary
lifesaving equipment by its approval number, manufacturer,
capacity rating in number of persons, and principal
dimensions as indicated in Equipment Lists. The "List of
Materials" on the drawing is the logical place to include
identification data, but notations made elsewhere on the
drawing are acceptable. "Certificate of Approval" cards (Form
CGHQ-10030) on file at the MSC provide additional data to that
given in Equipment Lists. Aboard passenger vessels, one of the
boats on each side shall be the "leadoff" or emergency
lifeboat and shall be checked against its approval card as
being suitable for this purpose (see 46 CFR 75.10 10(a)(3)).
For tankers, passenger ships, cargo and miscellaneous vessels,
and oceanographic research vessels (ORV's)
4-5 CH-1
4.F.3. b. (cont'd) (see 46 CFR 33.01-30(g), 75.10-5(e), 94.10-5(e), and
192.10-5(e), respectively), the suitability of a rescue boat is
determined by the officer in charge, marine inspection (OCMI).
Therefore, in such matters the MSC shall coordinate its activities
with the OCMI.
c. Lifesaving Equipment
. The following primary lifesaving
equipment, including their types and locations, shall be
identified (see 46 CFR 33, 75, 94, and 192): lifeboats,
lifeboat davits/winches, rigid and inflatable life rafts,
lifefloats, other buoyant apparatus, embarkation ladders, and
rescue boats. The term "lifeboat" includes open and totally
enclosed lifeboats and survival capsules. The following should
be considered during plan review, as well as specific details:
(1) Type of vessel;
(2) Intended use;
(3) Sufficiency of lifeboats and their capacities;
(4) Sufficiency of davits and their capacities;
(5) Sufficiency of winches and their capacities;
(6) Sufficiency of life rafts and their capacities; and
(7) Approval of this equipment.
d. Workboats And Associated Equipment
. Workboats and their
launching gear are not considered part of an oceanographic
research vessel's lifesaving equipment. However, to ensure
structurally safe installation of these items, the OCMI should
require the tests provided in 46 CFR 189.35 that are judged
relevant to be performed. These tests will verify the
soundness of such items as falls, hooks, and attachment
fittings. After the OCMI is satisfied with the installation of
the workboat, a noncorroding plate shall be affixed to the
launching equipment for record purposes. The plate shall be
stamped with the working load (in pounds), the unit
identification, the letters "USCG," and the date.
e. Personal Flotation Devices (PFD's)
. As stated in 46 CFR
180.10-.1(b), PFD's are not primary lifesaving equipment
aboard a "T-boat." However, the locations of their stowage
shall be considered in plan review, in accordance with policy
set by the Commandant following a capsizing incident in 1977
with loss of life (see "M/V DIXIE LEE II, COMDT(G-MMI-1)
Casualty File CV-73387; Action by the Commandant," dtd 15 Aug
78). The term "life preserver" may be used interchangeably
with the terms "personal flotation device" and "PFD."
CH-1 4-6
4.F.4. Required Lifeboat Winches
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.10-5, -10(b)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.30-5, -10
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.30-5, -10
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.30-5, -10
b. Lifeboat Winches
. These are required:
(1) With all
gravity davits (which are required for launching
lifeboats whose weight exceeds 5,000 pounds when fully
equipped, without passengers); and
(2) With a lifeboat davit of any type installed on a deck,
the height of which exceeds 20 feet above the lightest
seagoing draft.
When lifeboat winches are installed, wire rope falls are
required. Figure 4-1 shows how the requirements of 46 CFR
160.015-2(b) differ for the wire rope drums of winches
installed with gravity and mechanical davits. A winch used
with a mechanical davit has nongrooved drums, in contrast to
the grooved drums required with gravity davit winches. Lead
sheaves to drums shall be located to provide fleet angles of
not more than 8' for grooved drums and not more than 4' for
nongrooved drums. [NOTE: The fleet
angle is the angle between
an imaginary line from the lead shears perpendicular to the
axis of the drum and the line formed by the wire rope led from
the lead shears to either extremity of the drum.] Fleet angles
exceeding 8' reduce the service of the wire rope, which will
mash and jam from its uneven overwinding and pile up on the
5. Location Of Lifeboat Winches
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.10-5(e), -10(j)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.30-15(a)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.30-15(a)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.30-15(a)
b. Acceptable Configurations
. Figure 4-2 indicates the acceptable
distance between the side of a vessel and the end of the brake
lever handle of a lifeboat winch.
CH-1 4-7
4-9 CH-1
4.F.6. Anticorrosion Precautions
. Military Specification MIL-E-16400
(Navy), Electronic Equipment, Naval Ship and Shore - General
Specification, provides guidance for resolving problems of salt
water corrosion and galvanic corrosion of dissimilar metals.
Special precautions are necessary to prevent galvanic corrosion
betweens vessel and its davits and winches wherever dissimilar
metals are employed. Because certain aluminum davits and winches
have been approved, the vessel's lifesaving equipment drawings
shall indicate which of these units (if any) are made of aluminum.
This information is included on the Certificate of Approval cards.
It is referred to in the use of stainless steel foundation bolts,
washers, and nuts in conjunction with micarta or fibrous glass
reinforced plastic shims and gaskets to prevent galvanic
corrosion. The steel fittings and steel wire rope for the gripes
of an aluminum lifeboat shall be sheathed in plastic or other
organic material to prevent galvanic corrosion.
7. Launching Gear Foundation Drainage
. The details on the drawing for
the foundations of davits and winches shall indicate drain holes
to prevent the accumulation of water.
8. Strength Criteria For Launching Gear
a. Regulatory Citations.
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.10-10(a)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.33-5(a)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.33-5(a)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.33-5(a)
b. Designed Safety Factors
. A safety factor of 6.0, calculated by
the maximum allowable working load and ultimate strength of
the material, is specified in these regulations for the
hardware and equipment used for launching a lifeboat. These
criteria are provided for during the design and manufacture of
the equipment. However, the strength of the installation
the lifesaving equipment to the vessel must be reviewed to
ensure that the same level of safety is maintained.
(1) In Structural Installations
. Foundations and stiffening
under and adjacent to lifesaving equipment are necessary
so that loads produced by the equipment are not imposed
too abruptly on the vessel's structure. The foundation
and reinforcement of the decks and bulkheads in way of
the davit and winch are functionally part of the
launching system. As such, the requirement for a factor
of safety of 6.0 on the ultimate strength of the material
should carry through to the ship structure supporting the
equipment. That is, the weight of the equipment on the
ship plus the loads imposed by launching the lifeboat at
any angle of heel ranging between 15' high side and 15'
low side should not result in stresses exceeding
one-sixth of the ultimate strength of the material.
Normally, this is not a
CH-1 4-10
4.F.8.b. (1) (cont'd) problem as equipment foundations and the adjacent
ship structure tend to be amply designed for this purpose.
Nevertheless, the designer should produce calculations to
show that the launching loads have been analyzed thus and
found acceptable. Reaction loads and moments for the
critical connection points of the equipment can be
obtained from the davit/winch manufacturer.
(2) In Fittings
. The safety factor of 6.0 shall be applied to
the design of all
fittings from which persons may be
suspended, such as padeyes for attaching embarkation
ladders and workboat falls, etc., that are not covered by
specific regulations. The strength data given in
manufacturers' catalogues will be satisfactory for safety
calculations of falls, shackles, turnbuckles, etc.
(3) For Lifeboat Davits Aboard Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Carriers. The lifeboat davits for LNG vessels, while
required by 46 CFR 154.1445 to be operable on the low
side at a final angle of heel exceeding that specified by
SOLAS, do not involve equipment of extra strength,
special construction, or special approval. With the
exception of their tricing pendants, LNG vessel davits
are identical to those approved under 46 CFR 160.032. To
meet the requirements of 154.1445, for a greater angle of
heel the normal tricing pendants are shortened,
relocated, and installed in conjunction with two-part
frapping tackles to bring the lifeboat back to the
embarkation deck. The review of lifeboat davits for LNG
vessel installations shall ensure compliance with two
fundamental requirements:
(a) First, it must be established that the lifeboat can
be safely launched despite possible obstructions
posed by an increased angle of heel, the submergence
of the vessel's gunwale, or any features peculiar to
a particular vessel.
(b) If the lifeboat is provided a clear path to the
water, the second requirement involves a comparison
of the stresses caused by the increased heel with
those of the proportional limit of the material used
in the davit. If the davit maintains a level of
stress that is less than the proportional limit, the
reduced factor of safety is acceptable and davits
approved under 46 CFR 160.O32 may be employed. Under
this condition, the unusual tricing/frapping
arrangement discussed previously shall be included.
9. Lifeboat Falls
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.10-10
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.33-5, -10, -15
4-11 CH-1
4.F.9.a. (3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.33-5, -10, -15
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.33-5, -10 –15
b. Breaking Strength Of Wire Ropes
. Data for determining breaking
strength of the wire ropes most commonly used for lifeboat
falls is available in the following publications:
(1) Federal Specification RR-W00410 (Navy-Ships), Wire Rope
and Strand;
(2) Military Specification MIL-W-24228 (Ships), Wire Rope,
Aluminized; and
(3) Catalogues of wire rope manufacturers.
c. Breaking Strength Calculations
(1) General
. Under 46 CFR 160.032-3(a), a lifeboat must be
lowered safely with its full complement of persons and
equipment. Accordingly, the strength of a davit is
calculated on the basis of the lowering of the boat. As
shown in Figure 4-3, the davit moves from its stowed
position to the embarkation deck, where its descent is
interrupted by a stopper bar. During the lowering
process, the falls support the weight of the boat, its
equipment, and its rated complement (with each person
assigned a weight of 165 lbs.). The davit arms are
ignored because their weight rests on the stopper bar at
the embarkation position.
(2) Calculation Requirements
. Calculation of the safety
factor is generally done during the initial approval
process. However, as shipyards often have favored sources
of supply and selection criteria for wire rope (6 x 19, 6
x 37, etc.), calculations should be made for the falls as
in the following example: A davit has an approved working
load of 22,000 lbs. per set (11,000 lbs. per arm) and
with two-part falls on each arm. Breaking strength of the
wire rope as given in the catalogue is 45,200 lbs.
(a) Load per arm 11,000 lbs.
(b) Load per wire 5,500 lbs.
(c) Factor of Safety
45,200/5,500 = 8.2
These falls are satisfactory because the minimum safety
factor of 6.0 is attained.
CH-1 4-12
4-13 CH-1
4.F.10. Location Of Lifeboats Relative To Propeller(s)
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.05-3(c)(2), 33.20-
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.15-10(b)(4)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.15-10(b)(4)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.15-10(b)(4)
b. General Requirements
. When lifeboats are launched, they must
not become fouled in the propeller(s) of a vessel. The
requirements for tankers and oceanographic research vessels
are explicit. For passenger and cargo/miscellaneous vessels,
an acceptable horizontal clearance will be the lesser
value of
40 feet or 1.5 lifeboat lengths from the aft end of the boat
to the forward edge of the propeller aperture (see Figure
4-4). Such clearance is not
required for slab-sided or
tunnel-sterned vessels, the designs of which provide
sufficient protection for lifeboats launched close to a
11. Access To Stowed Lifeboats
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(e),-10
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 72.10-40(a),
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 92.10-40(a),
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 190.10-40(a),
b. Lifeboats Retained On Gravity Davits
. Such craft are stowed at
a considerable height above the embarkation deck. For such
installations, access by boat crews is provided by a
permanently installed ladder from the deck to the upper
inboard end of s trackway, together with a jackstay (handhold)
and a foot tread, or a catwalk running from an adjacent
deckhouse. Variations similar to the details shown in Figure
4-5 are acceptable.
12. Lifeboat Davit Tricing Pendants And Frapping Lines
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(f)
CH-1 4-14
4-15 CH-1
4.F.12.a. (2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.15-10(a)(4) and (b)(7),
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.15-10(a)(4) and (b)(6),
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.15-10(a)(4) and
(b)(6), 192.25-5(d)
b. General Requirements
. To achieve the boat launching
performance required by these regulations, it is necessary to
provide tricing pendants and frapping lines on gravity davits
and frapping lines on mechanical davits, as well as a cleat
near each davit arm to secure the frapping lines. Although
these additions are not detailed in the regulations, evidence
of their need is shown in the launching instructions contained
in the Manual for Lifeboatmen, CG-175. These illustrate a
"McCluney" hook used to release the tricing pendants after
persons have embarked in a lifeboat. Wire rope tricing
pendants are installed on gravity davits to pull the unloaded
boat into the side of the vessel as it is being lowered to the
embarkation deck. Since tricing pendants are not
intended to
support the weight of a loaded lifeboat, adequate strength can
be attained if they maintain the specified safety factor on
the basis of one-half the unloaded weight of the boat. Tricing
pendants and frapping lines are not required with gravity
davits handling boats whose passengers board the boat at its
inboard stowage position. This is permissible because such
boats, by omitting the stop at an embarkation deck, eliminate
the need for such gear.
13. Davit Span Wires/Lifelines
a. Resulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(c)(2)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.25-10(b),-15(b)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.25-10(b),-15(b)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.25-10(b)
b. General Requirements
. Each gravity and mechanical davit
installation for an open lifeboat shall be fitted with a span
wire for supporting at least two lifelines. The lifelines
shall be long enough to reach the vessel's lightest draft with
the vessel listing 15' either way (see Figure 4-6).
14. Lifeboat Skates And Skid Stanchion
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(e)(5)
CH-1 4-16
4-17 CH-1
4.F.14.a. (2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.15-10(b)(8)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.15-10(b)(7)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.15-10(b)(7)
b. General Requirements
. Figure 4-7 illustrates skates and skid
stanchions as required by these regulations. Vertical skid
stanchions are also installed on the vessel to enable a
lifeboat to be lowered across any large openings of a
deckhouse or between deck levels that would be too extensive
for the skates to cross. The need for skid stanchions is not
explicitly stated in the regulations, but may be inferred from
the general requirements of 46 CFR 33.20-15(a),
75.15-10(a)(4), 94.15-10(a)(4), and 192.15-10 (a)(4).
15. Overboard Discharge Openings
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(c)(4)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.15-10(b)(10)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.15-10(b)(8)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.15-10(b)(8)
b. General Requirements
. These regulations involve openings from
which a continuous stream of water will be flowing. Figure 4-8
illustrates a split-pipe baffle used with such openings. Deck
scuppers and small drains discharging infrequently do not
require baffles.
16. Embarkation Ladders For Lifeboats/Life Rafts
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(c)(1), -3(a)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.50-5(a)(2), -7(a)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.50-5(b)(1), -7(a)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.50-5(b)(1), -7(a)
b. General Requirements
. A chain embarkation ladder approved
under 46 CFR 160.017 is required at each set of lifeboat
davits and at locations where inflatable life rafts are
substituted for lifeboats. Although not specified by these
regulations, the ladder is usually coiled or faked on a wooden
platform and stowed slightly forward of the after davit. This
stowage area prevents the ladder from being crushed by the
boat, being kicked over the side and falling on persons
CH-1 4-18
4-19 CH-1
4.F.16. b. (cont'd) in the boat, or holing the boat. A ladder suspended from
this position also permits easy access to the lifeboat when it
is waterborne and riding slightly aft on its sea painter (see
Figure 4-9 for illustration). A new SOLAS revision effective
in 1986, requires rope ladders for this application. In
anticipation of this requirement, some rope ladders are now
approved as equivalent to chain ladders and have a 160.017
approval number.
c. Exceptions
. An exception to the design illustrated in Figure
4-9 is necessary for a ladder installed with "Miranda" gravity
davits (which are made by two different firms). With this
design, the lifeboat rides on a cradle whose end frames are
connected by fore-and-aft bracing. As the location of the
bracing close to the side shell of the vessel does not provide
any clearance, an embarkation ladder must be located at the
"Miranda" location shown in the place. With a "Miranda" davit,
all launching operations are controlled from within the
lifeboat. Consequently, the embarkation ladder is of reduced
utility, as there is no need for the winch operator and the
frapping line handlers to descend to the boat following its
17. Pilot Ladders
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 35.01-20(a)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.50-5(a)(3)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.50-5(b)(2)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.50-5(b)(2)
b. General Requirements
. These regulations stipulate that a rope
embarkation/debarkation ladder, approved under 46 CFR 163.003,
with suitable spreaders, a "man rope," and a safety line, are
required by all vessels engaged in ocean, coastwise, and Great
Lakes trade. Pilot boarding, while not an emergency situation,
involves similar personnel risks to those dealt with in
lifesaving system design. It is included here since design
considerations are similar. [NOTE: Provision for boardings at
sea by persons other than pilots should be given the same
consideration.] Pilot boarding is a frequent occurrence
during the life of a ship and it must be properly addressed to
minimize risk to life. Since it is routine, it is often
neglected in basic ship design, and can pose a number of
problems to owners and operators-and to pilots.
c. Requirements Under SOLAS
. The SOLAS Convention and its
participating administrations specify the design details for pilot
ladders and powered pilot hoists and their arrangements. The basic
design principle provides a straight, clear side to permit the
ladder to lie flat against the vessel, from the bottom of the
ladder to the point of
CH-1 4-20
4.F.17. c. (cont'd) access with a straightforward direct transfer over the
gunwale. Provision for boarding at either side should be made.
The location of pilot hoists and ladders should be resolved
early in the design so that complicated solutions, such as
placing boarding ports below freeboard decks, can be avoided.
Pilots should not climb ladders for more than 30 feet (9
meters) or less than 5 feet (1.5 meters). For greater
distances, an accommodation ladder leading aft or other means
should be provided. Side ports should be of adequate size and
height to facilitate safe entry, and any closure should be
designed to not interfere with pilot boat operations
(including radio antennae). Provision for over-the-side
lighting should be made as well as for the deck landing area.
Design features that complicate safe boarding include:
(1) Decks projecting beyond the vessel's side;
(2) Nonvertical sides;
(3) Rounded bulwarks;
(4) Outward-opening doors that get in the way of the pilot boat;
(5) Boarding ports too low to permit quick and safe boarding
via the ladder;
(6) Rubbing bands;
(7) Overboard discharges; and
(8) Lack of adequate handholds.
d. Alternate Arrangements
. Figures 4-10 and 4-11 depict relevant
features of possible solutions for pilot ladder arrangements. A
recent development that is gaining popular acceptance is a
pilot hoist raised by a power winch. Provision is made for
this portable unit on permanent platform locations, port and
starboard. This installation is particularly advantageous on
larger vessels.
18. Deck Cover Guards For Lifeboat Falls
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 32.01-15
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.33-5(c)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.33-5(c)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.33-5(c)
(5) Lifeboat Winches 46 CFR 160.015-2(i)
4-21 CH-1
CH-1 4-22
4-23 CH-1
4.F.18. b. General Requirements
. Cover guards for lifeboat falls that run
along a deck are intended for the protection of personnel, not
the falls. Cover guards are required on embarkation decks and
marshalling areas adjacent to the davits. The tops of such
cover guards should not exceed a height of 12 inches above the
19. Guards In Dangerous Places
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 32.01-15
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 72.40-20(a)
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 92.25-15(a)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 190.25-15(a)
b. General Requirements
. These regulations provide for gear
guards, railings, or covers necessary for enclosing exposed
machinery (gears and wire rope drums of lifeboat winches are
usually enclosed by the manufacturers of the equipment). These
requirements and 46 CFR 160.032-3(e) provide the authority for
the closing screens on the undersides of the trackways of
gravity davits.
20. Illumination Of Lifeboat Stowase Areas
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-1(c)(3)
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.50-10, -15
(3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.50-10, -15
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.50-10, -15
b. General Requirements
. Pivoting lightstands/floodlights will
provide the necessary illumination for lifeboats under these
requirements. Normally, one lightstand installed at the
forward end of the boat is sufficient, although they may be
installed at both ends. These lights can also be credited as
the illumination for any life rafts which are stowed in the
immediate vicinity (see Figure 4-12).
21. Stowage Of Inflatable Life Rafts
a. Regulatory Citations
(1) Tankers 46 CFR 33.20-15
(2) Passenger Vessels 46 CFR 75.15-10(a), -10(c)(8)
CH-1 4-24
4-25 CH-1
4.F.21.a. (3) Cargo/Miscellaneous Vessels 46 CFR 94.15-10(a), -10(c)(4)
(4) Oceanographic Research Vessels 46 CFR 192.15-10(a), -10(c)(3)
b. General Requirements
. Inflatable life rafts shall be stowed in
open areas on deck and clear of rigging and deckhouse
overhangs in float-free locations. Stowage of rafts in the
vicinity of lifeboat darers and adjacent to outboard railings
is permissible, provided it does not interfere with the
launching of lifeboats. Instructions for launching shall be
posted adjacent to rafts whose locations on overhead or
inaccessible racks make the instruction labels on their
containers unreadable to nearby persons.
G. Pollution Abatement Measures
1. Marine Sanitation Devices (MSD's)
a. Introduction
. The necessity for sewage treatment systems aboard
vessels was first addressed by Constess in 1970, when the Water
Quality Improvement Act was passed. This act was the first
codification of requirements for MSD's on commercial and
pleasure vessels. Expansions of this control are highlighted
(1) 23 JUN 72: EPA requires sewage retention facilities on
all toilet-equipped vessels; limited use of flow-through
treatment devices on existing vessels is allowed during
an interim period, to encourage early compliance (40 CFR
(2) 18 OCT 72: Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Section
312 establishes discharge and no-discharge areas, and
provides a mechanism for states to establish their own
no-discharge areas (33 U.S.C. 1322).
(3) 30 JAN 75: Coast Guard regulations provide certification
standards for MSD's, and require sewage retention devices
aboard vessels. However, existing vessels may use
flow-through treatment devices, installed before a
certain date, for 3 years after the compliance deadline
(33 CFR 159).
(4) 29 JAN 76: EPA amends regulations to permit use of
flow-through treatment devices in waters other than
landlocked freshwater lakes and rivers not accessible to
interstate vessel traffic (40 CFR 140).
(5) 12 APR 76: The Coast Guard amends regulations to permit
use of flow-through treatment devices beyond 1980, and
sets certification standards for MSD's by Types (I, II,
and III) for the first time (33 CFR 159).
(6) 3 JAN 77: The Coast Guard amends regulations to certify
certain no-discharge devices (holding tanks) by
definition (33 CFR 159).
CH-1 4-26
4.G.1.a. (7) 28 NOV 77: The Coast Guard publishes a waiver permitting
delay of Type I installations on existing vessels to 30
Jan 79 if certain conditions are met (42 FR 60619).
(8) 10 JUL 78: The Coast Guard publishes waiver permitting
vessels 65 feet and less in length to use Type I, in lieu
of Type II or III, devices beyond 30 Jan 80 (43 FR 29637).
(9) 25 OCT 78: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Public
Notice 543 requires construction of pumpout facilities at
new or substantially modified marinas, to be enforced by
the Coast Guard.
(10) 13 FEB 79: The Coast Guard withdraws from agreement with
USACE on enforcement of marina pumpout facility
(11) 18 JUN 79: The Coast Guard issues first limited waiver of
MSD requirements to a commercial vessel (M/V PRINCESS
b. Testing And Inspection
. Testing and design criteria for MSD
certification are provided in 33 CFR 159. Devices that
satisfactorily complete testing are assigned a certification
number, such as "159.15/ 1056/3/II," which identifies the
device thus:
(1) 159.15 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) subpart
requiring device
(2) 1056 Manufacturer's code number;
(3) 3 Model certified (each model separately numbered)
(4) II Device type
2. Listings
. Listings of certified MSD's can be found in Equipment
Lists, COMDTINST M16714.3. Certifications are valid for 5 years
unless suspended, revoked, or terminated by the Commandant. They
may be renewed upon the manufacturer's written application,
submitted 3 months prior to their expiration. Chapter 18, volume
II of this manual provides guidance for the inspection of MSD
installations aboard vessels. Figures are provided for the
calculation of appropriate MSD type and size for a vessel, based
upon the size of crew and passenger load, hours of operation, and
type of flushing arrangement installed.
3. Use Of Chemicals
a. Introduction. The predominant chemical used in shipboard MSD
systems is calcium hypochlorite. Labels on packages of this
chemical warn of possible fire or explosion if contents are
mishandled. Such warnings are directed primarily at the
storage and bulk handling of the compound, not
its use in an
MSD system. Calcium hypochlorite should always be stored in
cool, dry locations, away from combustible contaminants such
as rags, paper, fuels, oils, and organic matter. It should not
be mixed with any material other than water, and it should
4-27 CH-1
4.G.3. a. (cont'd) be added to water, not vice versa. Once the compound is
added to the system, no danger exists.
b. Disposal Procedures
. Should it become necessary, due to a
spill or contamination by other matter, the dry compound
should be disposed of by flushing or disposing through a sink
immediately. Where drainage is not readily available,
sweepings should be placed into a container of water and the
broom or swab rinsed out immediately. "Dry" disposal of
sweepings should not be permitted: the dust is dangerous in
shipboard drafts, and exposed dry quantities (as in a waste
can) create a significant fire hazard. Calcium hypochlorite is
not considered a pollutant by EPA in small quantities such as
those used in MSD systems.
4. Gas Generation
. Generation of hazardous gases in Type III (holding
tank) MSD's has received much attention, particularly where
explosive gases are generated from collected wastes. This concern
has been belied in two reports. One, published by the U.S. Navy,
is entitled "Biodegradation of Shipboard Waste Water in
Collection, Holding, and Transfer Tanks" (DTNSRDC78/041). The
other, "A Study of Waste Water Handling, Holding, and Disposal
from Washington State Ferries," Research Project Report 27.1, July
1977, is published by the Civil Engineering Department, University
of Washington. Although both reports document the fact that
generation of methane gas is minimal, hydrogen sulfide is
generated in concentrations that are lethal in unventilated or
poorly ventilated tanks. In those cases where measurements have
been made, the explosive limit of 4.0 percent methane has not been
reached. However, concentrations of methane or hydrogen sulfide
averaging 0.1 percent are lethal through inhalation.
5. Oil Pollution Abatement Devices
a. Introduction
. The International Convention for the Prevention
of Pollution from Ships, 1973 and its 1978 Protocol (MARPOL
73/78) is in force and requires oily-water separators, bilge
monitors and alarms, and cargo oil monitors on certain
vessels. The design and testing requirements for such
equipment are described in 46 CFR 162.050. These requirements
are, generally, applications of INO Resolution A.393(x),
drafted by the organization's Marine Environmental Protection
Committee. This resolution details test procedures for 100ppm
and 15ppm separators, 100ppm bilge monitors, and 15ppm bilge
alarms, and provides for a tank vessel cargo monitor to
determine the oil concentration of discharged ballast in ppm.
Such a monitor is the heart of a monitoring and control system
that, when fully implemented, records continuously the rate of
oil discharged in liters per nautical mile, the total quantity
discharged, and the times and dates at which discharges
occurred. MARPOL 73/78 and IN0 Resolution A.393(x) also
provide for oil-water interface detectors on certain tankers.
These are also approved by the Commandant (G-MVI-3), although
they are not yet covered in 46 CFR.
b. Approval Testing
. The Coast Guard's approval testing program
for such equipment is conducted by recognized independent
testing facilities.
CH-1 4-28
4.G.5. b. (cont'd) Plan review to verify compliance with the applicable
Marine and Electrical Engineering Regulations. When a piece of
equipment is found to be satisfactory in all respects, it is
assigned an approval number by Commandant (G-MVI) in the same
manner as an item of lifesaving equipment. The number
"162.050/5006/0" would thus indicate:
(1) 162.050 CFR subpart requiring approval
(2) 5006 Type of equipment and approval number
(3) 0 Revision number
c. Equipment Types
. Items approved under 46 CFR 162.050 are
categorized as follows:
(1) 1000 series Separators
(2) 5000 series Bilge Alarms
(3) 5000 series Cargo Monitors
(4) 9000 series Bilge Monitors
Oil-water interface detectors are assigned 162.055 numbers.
Regulations dealing with such equipment are located in 53 CFR
155 for oily-water separators and bilge monitor-alarms, in 53
CFR 157 for cargo monitors. Approved items are published in
Equipment Lists. Approvals are valid for 5 years unless
suspended, revoked, or terminated by the Commandant, and may
be renewed upon written application by the manufacturer 3
months prior to expiration.
d. Requirements For Oily-Water Separators
. Coast Guard approved
oily-water separators are mandatory installations for new U.S.
vessels greater than 400 gross tons (GT) making international
voyages, and in 1986 for existing vessels. Foreign vessels may
use foreign-built, IMO approved equipment in lieu of Coast
Guard approved equipment, effective at the same times.
H. Fire Protection Systems
1. Approval Of Structural Materials
a. Introduction
. The relevant approval specifications are
provided in 46 CFR 164.006 through 164.009 and 164.012. The
basic principles of the Coast Guard's structural fire
protection requirements are:
(1) Restricted use of combustible materials;
(2) Separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of
the vessel by thermal and structural boundaries;
4-29 CH-1
4.H.1.a. (3) Protection of the means of escape; and
(4) Early detection, containment, or extinction of any fire
in the space of origin.
b. Deck Coverings
. Under 46 CFR 164.006, a sample deck covering
must be subjected to a fire resistance and integrity test and
a smoke test. This sample, incorporating normal protective
coatings and deck attachments, is examined for its ability to
limit the average temperature rise on the unexposed surface to
250' above ambient temperature without excessive cracking or
buckling. The smoke test is intended to ensure that the
material will produce a minimum of smoke when exposed to high
temperatures. Deck overlays not exceeding 3/8" in thickness
need not be approved, and may be applied over the required
approved deck construction. Where a fire resistant rating of a
deck is not required, deck coverings of noncombustible
materials (see 46 CFR 164.009) can be used.
c. Noncombustible Materials
. 46 CFR 164.009 is the basic
specification for most material approvals. By requiring most
insulation and insulation-type materials to meet this
specification, the total Quantity of combustible materials is
greatly reduced. Subpart 164.009 is not intended to determine
heat transfer characteristics nor control of properties, but
rather the material's relative ability to prevent sustained
combustion. The criteria for acceptance are based upon limited
temperature rise, limited sustained flaming, and minimum
volume loss. Section 164.009-5 lists materials that, while not
specifically approved, may be used as noncombustible materials
in merchant vessel construction. No tests are required and no
Certificates of Approval are issued for these.
d. Structural Insulation
. In accordance with 46 CFR 164.007, these
materials must meet the specifications of 164.009. These
materials are tested to measure their ability to limit the
average temperature rise of a steel bulkhead to 250F at the
end of a 60-minute standard fire test.
e. Bulkhead Panels
. The basic materials for bulkhead panels
specified by 46 CFR 164.008 are also required to meet the
specifications of 164.009. These materials are used alone as
divisional bulkheads (B-15, B-0) or in conjunction with steel
bulkheads to form thermal boundaries (A-60, A-30, or A-15).
Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular 6-80 outlines the
application of approved insulation, bulkhead panels, and deck
coverings to achieve the structural fire protection
classifications required by various regulations. A set of
typical installation and joiner detail drawings is furnished
by the bulkhead panel manufacturer as part of the plan
submittal. Copies of these drawings, stamped "Approved," are
forwarded to the MSC.
CH-1 4-30
4.H.1. f. Interior Finishes
. Sample interior finishes must be subjected
to the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) E84
tunnel test in accordance with 46 CFR L64.012. These materials
are tested for ability to provide low flame spread and smoke
development ratings. [NOTE: Interior finish materials in
excess of 0.075" thickness are required to comply with the
provisions of 164.009 instead.]
2. Materials Testing
a. In The U.S
. As the Coast Guard does not conduct its own
approval tests, the Commandant has authorized the following
organizations to conduct approval tests on a case-by-case
(1) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL), 333 Pfingsten Road,
Northbrook, IL 60062.
(2) National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234.
b. Foreign Testing
. It is possible for structural fire protection
materials that are produced overseas to be approved by the
Coast Guard. To facilitate their use on foreign-built U.S.
vessels, the Commandant has accepted UL as a "designated
inspector" for certain limited responsibilities outside the
United States. These responsibilities generally involve:
(1) Verification of manufacturers' claims of production
procedures and quality control;
(2) Selection of samples to be sent to the U.S. for testing; and
(3) Reinspection of production facilities and selection of
samples for retest as requested by the Commandant.
Materials approved under the preceding specifications are
certified as approved by the Commandant.
I. Approval Of Equipment And Systems
1. Portable Fire Extinguishers. Under 46 CFR 162.028, portable
extinguishers (gross weight not exceeding 55 pounds) must be
tested and labeled by UL. These extinguishers must meet all
criteria in this specification, including salt spray corrosion and
vibration tests, and have marine mounting brackets provided. In
1962, the Coast Guard discontinued issuance of Certificates of
Approval for portable extinguishers, due to the large number of
models and their constant modifications. Today, each approved
extinguisher displays on its label the following legend: "Marine
Type, USCG Type
, Size , Approval No. 162.028/Ex.
"(the latter figure is the laboratory file number). Type and size
designations are based upon the nature of the extinguishing agent
and the quantity of that agent in the extinguisher. Figure 4-13
lists the minimum quantities of agents required in various types
of portable extinguishers.
4-31 CH-1
Classification Water & Soda Foam(') Carbon Dry Chemical Halon
Acid Dioxide 1211
Type Size Gals. Gals. Lbs. Lbs. Lbs.
A II 2-1/2 2-1/2 -- 5 --
B I -- 1-1/4 4 2 2-1/2
B II -- 2-1/2 15 10 10(2)
B III -- 12 35 20 --
B IV -- 20 50 30 --
B V -- 40 100 50 --
C I -- -- 4 2 2-1/2
C II -- -- 15 10 10(2)
C III -- -- 35 20 --
C IV -- -- 50 30 --
(1) No longer made, but may be kept if in good and serviceable condition.
(2) For outside use only.
CH-1 4-32
4.I.1. (cont'd) [NOTE: The Coast Guard also accepts certain UL listed fire
extinguishers as equivalent to Coast Guard approved extinguishers,
as specified in NVIC 3-82.]
2. Semi-Portable Extinguishers
. Semi-portable extinguishers (gross
weight exceeding 55 pounds) are tested and labeled in accordance
with 46 CFR 162.039 in a manner similar to that for portable
extinguishers. They may not use external means of expelling
extinguishing agents (i.e., they must be completely
self-contained). Wheeled semi-portables may be approved for marine
use and installed in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Figure 4-13 also lists the minimum quantities of agents required
in various types of semi-portable extinguishers.
3. Fixed Extinguishing Systems
a. Introduction
. Fixed fire extinguishing systems approved under
46 CFR 162.029 are intended for small, unmanned engine
compartments on uninspected vessels, including pleasure craft
such as inboard-outboard types. These relatively simple Halon
or CO2 systems are tested and approved for protection of a
certain maximum volume of space, as specified in the
installation and maintenance manual provided with each system.
These systems must have been tested by, and must be covered by
the factory-follow-up inspection program of, an independent
testing laboratory recognized by the Coast Guard.
b. Approval Of Fixed Water Spray Systems
. These are approved in
accordance with the provisions of Subchapter H and issued the
basic approval number "162.036." Fire tests are conducted in a
simulated pump room; the approval covers the entire system,
including fittings, strainers, valves, and spray nozzles.
c. Approval Of Carbon Dioxide Systems
. These are approved in
accordance with the requirements of Subchapter H and issued
the basic approval number "162.038." The manufacturer must
furnish supporting data, such as a UL listing report, drawings
of system components, and a design manual, for system
approval. The system must also comply with the provisions of
NFPA's Pamphlet 12, "Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishing
Systems." Lists of approved CO2 system components are
forwarded to the MSC and amended as new ones are accepted.
d. Approval Of Halon 1301 Systems
. These are approved on a
case-by-case basis as equivalent to meeting Subchapter H
requirements for CO2 systems; they are issued the basic
approval number "162.035." The manufacturer shall provide
supporting data similar to that required for approval of CO2
systems. The system is examined for compatibility with the
marine environment and compliance with the provisions of NFPA
Pamphlet 12A, "Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems."
e. Approval Of Foam Systems
. These are approved in accordance with
Subchapter D requirements and given an approval number of
"162.033." The manufacturer shall provide supporting data
similar to that required
4-33 CH-1
4.1.3. (e) (cont'd) for CO2 and Halon systems. Fire extinguishing tests may
be observed by Coast Guard representatives. Copies of approved
manuals that contain listings of approved parts and typical
calculations are forwarded to the MSC.
4. Combination Fire Hose Nozzles
. The provisions of 46 CFR 162.027 for
combination nozzles emitting a solid stream or high velocity water
fog require (among other standards) specified clearances within a
nozzle to prevent foreign matter that may be in the water line
from blocking the stream or spray of water. All nozzle bodies
shall be made of brass and must be able to accommodate low
velocity fog applicators.
5. Respiratory Protective Equipment
. The approval specification for
gas masks, self-contained breathing apparatus, and supplied-air
respirators is 46 CFR 160.011. This specification required
approval of equipment by the former U.S. Bureau of Mines as a
requisite for Coast Guard approval. The approval functions of the
Bureau of Mines have been assumed jointly by the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and the Nine
Safety and Health Administration (MSHA). Respiratory equipment
must now have NIOSH/MSHA approval to meet this specification. Such
equipment is also considered by the Coast Guard for its
suitability for shipboard use with regard to the kind of
protection afforded by the device, the kinds of hazards expected
aboard ship, and the bulk and weight of the device relative to
limited space and arrangements of accommodations, ladders,
scuttles, hatches, etc. Supplied-air respirators (hose masks) are
no longer approved by NIOSH for use in atmospheres immediately
dangerous to life and health, and Coast Guard approval for these
devices has been terminated. A suitable replacement is Coast Guard
approved pressure-demand, self-contained breathing apparatus, as
outlined in NVIC 13-80.
6. Flame Safety Lamps
. The provisions of 46 CFR 160.016 require
compliance with NIL-L-1204, "Lamps, Safety, Flame," in addition to
Coast Guard plan review. Present developments in the field of
oxygen depletion meters and combination oxygen
depletion/combustible gas indicators have prompted analyses of
applicable requirements and industry needs with a view towards
substitution of such meters for flame safety lamps.
CH-1 4-34
5.A. Ship Design And Marine Safety 5-1
5.A.1. Introduction 5-1
5.A.2. Technical Concerns 5-2
5.A.3. Intragovernmental Relations In Marine Safety 5-3
5.A 3.a. Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA) 5-3
5.A.3.b. Public Health Service (PES) 5-3
5.A.3.c. U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS) 5-3
5.A.3.c.(1) Introduction 5-3
5.A 3.c.(2) MMS Actions 5-2
5.A.3.c.(3) Coast Guard Actions 5-4
5.A.3.d. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 5-4
5.A.3.e. U.S. Navy National Defense Features (NDF) Programs 5-4
5.A.3.e.(1) Objective 5-4
5.A.2.e.(2) Standards 5-5
5.A.4. New Design Concepts 5-5
5.A.4.a. Introduction 5-5
5.A.4.b. Helicopter Facilities Aboard Commercial Vessels 5-5
5.A.4.c. Marine Nuclear Power Applications 5-5
5.A.4.d. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Program 5-6
5.B. Fire Protection And Vessel Design 5-6
5.B.1. Authority 5-6
5.B.2. Program Concerns 5-6
5.B.3. Structural Fire Protection Materials 5-7
5.B.4. Structural Fire Protection Arrangements 5-7
5.B.5. Fire Extinguishing Systems 5-8
5.B.6. Portable Fire Extinguishers 5-8
5.B.7. Detection Systems 5-9
5.B.8. Chemical Carriers 5-9
5.B.9. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carriers 5-9
5.B.10. Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU's) 5-9
5.B.11. Vessels Carrying Portable Tanks 5-10
5.B.12. Hovercraft And Hydrofoils Used As Passenger Vessels 5-10
5.B.12.a. General Considerations 5-10
5.B.12.b. Calculating Evacuation Times 5-10
5.B.12.c. On Board Analysis Of Evacuation Time 5-11
5.B.12.d. Acceptable Materials 5-11
5.B.13. Tank Barges 5-12
5.C. Hull Arrangements And Fittings 5-12
5.C.1. Access And Egress Routes 5-12
5.C.1.a. Rails And Guards Aboard Unmanned Deck Cargo Barges 5-12
For Ocean Service 5-12
5.C.1.b. Use Of Air Ports Aboard Manned Tank Barges 5-13
5.C.1.c. Vertical Ladders 5-15
5-i CH-1
5.C.1.d. Vertical Engineroom Escape Ladders Aboard Offshore
Supply Vessels (OSV's) 5-13
5.C.1.e. Inspection Clearances For Independent Or Segregated
Cargo Tanks 5-14
5.C.1.f. Rigging Of Lifelines Between Tank Vessel Deckhouses 5-14
5.C.2. General Arrangements 5-15
5.C.2.a. Private And Semi-Private Washrooms And Toilet Rooms 5-15
5.C.2.b. Radio Room Locations 5-15
5.C.2.c. Tinted Windows In Navigating Spaces 5-15
5.C.2.d. Use Of Tanks, Voids, And Cofferdams 5-16
5.C.2.e. Fuel Lines Passing Through Accommodation Spaces 5-16
5.C.2.f. Location Of Emergency Sources Of Power 5-16
5.C.3. Cargo- And Weight-Handling Gear 5-16
5.D. Oversight Of Third-Party Inspections 5-17
5.D.1. Inspections Conducted By The American Bureau Of
Shipping (ABS) 5-17
5.D.1.a. Introduction 5-17
5.D.1.b. Coast Guard Participation On ABS Committees 5-18
5.D.1.c. ABS Publications 5-19
5.D.1.d. ABS Circulars 5-19
5.D.2. Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU's) 5-20
5.D.2.a. CQ/ABS MOU I 5-20
5.D.2.b. CG/ABS MOU II 5-20
5.D.2.c NVIC 10-82 5-20
5.D.4. Coast Guard Oversight Of ABS Activities 5-20
5.D.4.a. Introduction 5-20
5.D.4.b. Objectives Of Oversight 5-20
5.D.4.c. Oversight Program 5-21
5.D.4.c.(1) Unify The Plan Review And Inspection Functions
Of Various Coast Guard Field Units 5-21
5.D.4.c.(2) Review Present Plan Review And Inspection
Policies And Their Dissemination 5-21
5.D.4.c.(3) Provide ABS With Policies, Interpretations, And
Instructions 5-21
5.D.4.c.(4) Monitor ABS Activities 5-22
5.D.4.d. Oversight Of Other Classification Societies 5-22
5.E. Controllability In Vessel Design 5-23
5.E.1. Bridge Design And Layout 5-23
5.E.2. Visibility From The Bridge 5-23
5.E.2.a. Introduction 5-23
5.E.2.b. Review Using Recognized Standards 5-23
5.E.2.c. Review Using Coast Guard Guidelines 5-23
5.E.2.d. Alternate Evaluation Of Blind Zones 5-24
5.E.2.d.(1) Viewing Points 5-24
5.E.2.d.(2) Blind Zone Limits 5-24
CH-1 5-ii
5.E.2.d.(2)(a) From The Ship's Centerline (Viewing
Point (a) Above) 5-24
5.E.2.d.(2)(b) From The Wheelhouse Window (Viewing
Point (b) Above) 5-24
5.E.2.d.(2)(c) From The Bridge Wing (Viewing
Point (c) Above) 5-25
5.E.2.e. Navigation Visibility On Pushed Barges 5-25
5.E.3. Human/Vessel Interface 5-25
5-iii CH-1
A. Ship Design And Marine Safety
1. Introduction
. The contents of this chapter are directly
related to the responsibilities of the Ship Design Branch,
Commandant (G-HTH-4), at Coast Guard Headquarters. The
objectives of the branch can be summarized as follows:
a. Ensure an adequate level of safety and protection of life,
property, and the marine environment through a
comprehensive program of regulations, oversight, safety
standards, and policy.
b. Maintain expertise and provide technical support to the
Commandant, Coast Guard units, other government agencies,
foreign governments, industry, and the public relating to
(1) General design;
(2) Operations;
(3) Fire protection and personnel safety;.
(4) Human engineering;
(5) Systems interface;
(6) Marine nuclear applications; and
(7) Arrangements and outfitting.
c. Review and approve plans, specifications, and technical data
for vessels of unusual or unique design to determine
compliance with the intent of'existing regulations. Serve as
the lead branch for appeals and review of vessel plans
involving more than a single branch within the division to
ensure completeness and consistency of the review.
d. Initiate and review proposed international and national
regulations, standards, and specifications to ensure adequate
and reasonable safety in response to:
(1) New developments in marine transportation concepts,
(2) Casualty analysis;
(3) Research and development activities;
(4) Legislative and executive mandates;
(5) Recommendations of the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB); and
5-1 CH-1
5.A.1.d. (6) Resolutions and conventions of the International Naritime
Organization (IMO).
e. Formulate policy and instructions for the guidance of naval
architects, marine engineers, and shipbuilders, outlining
minimum acceptable safety standards for vessels. Answer
inquiries and provide guidance on regulations to the MSC,
district commanders (m), marine inspection and safety offices,
and the marine industry. Maintain a uniform policy at the MSC.
Resolve industry appeals.
f. Maintain liaison with classification societies, other
government agencies, and national and international standards
development organizations. Participate in related committees
and in the standards development of such organizations.
g. Participate in technical and professional societies, and
industry and classification society committees to develop and
evaluate safety standards.
h. Be responsible for and coordinate oversight of vessel design
functions performed by the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
on behalf of the Coast Guard under current agreements and
i. Participate as the United States representative to
international committees such as the IMO, and other
international groups, such as the International Atomic Energy
j. Recommend, guide, and conduct research and development
necessary to establish a technical basis for regulatory
projects, policy, instructions, and guidance for which the
branch is responsible.
k. Provide technical support to Coast Guard marine boards of
investigation and other Headquarters Offices and divisions.
2. Technical Concerns
. The Ship Design Branch is organized into two
functional sections: Fire Protection, and Safety and Oversight.
Branch personnel deal with the technical evaluation of these
concerns, identified as follows:
a. Structural fire protection;
b. Firefighting systems;
c. Marine fire investigations;
d. Marine nuclear applications;
e. Human factors engineering;
f. Computer applications;
g. System safety analysis;
CH-1 5-2
5.A.2. h. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)
compliance; and
i. Oversight of third-party technical review and inspections.
3. Intragovernmental Relations In Marine Safety
a. Occupational Safety And Health Administration (OSHA)
. On 8
March 1983, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by
the Coast Guard and OSHA concerning health standards for work
places aboard inspected vessels (see the Federal Register of
17 March 1983, p. 11365). The MOU acknowledges that both
agencies have statutory authority relating to occupational
health in the maritime industry, and that cooperation between
them is essential in the area of health standards development.
A future MOU will deal with the development of consistent
occupational health standards, types of liaison, and review
b. Public Health Service (PHS)
. The Interstate Travel Sanitation
Branch of the PHS is responsible for reviewing plans and
performing inspections of all U.S. vessels on interstate and
foreign voyages. PHS Publication 393,"Handbook on Sanitation
of Vessel Construction," sets forth minimum standards relating
to general sanitation and rat-proofing in the construction of
vessels. MSC personnel shall be familiar with these standards
as they apply to potable water systems and plumbing. In the
course of plan review, deficiencies noted in sanitary features
shall be called to the attention of the submitter.
c. U.S. Minerals Management Service (MMS)
(1) Introduction
. Based on an MOU between the Coast Guard and
the U.S. Geological Survey (now the MMS), signed 18
December 1980, formal arrangements between the agencies
define clearly the responsibilities for enforcement of
the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Lands Act, as amended.
The MOU specifies certain actions to be taken for fixed
and floating offshore structures (see 33 CFR 140.10 for
definitions of "fixed" and "floating" facilities).
(2) MMS Actions
. The MMS will verify for all OCS facilities
site-specific considerations, such as oceanographic,
meteorological, geological, and geophysical conditions
(including bottom conditions), and the bottom-holding
capability of equipment that controls the position of the
facility relative to a wellhead or manifold. For all
OCS facilities, the MMS will verify:
(a) Structural integrity involving design, fabrication and
(b) General arrangement of drilling, production, and well
control systems and equipment; and
5-3 CH-1
5.A.3.C.(2) (c) Modifications and repairs related to structural
(3) Coast Guard Actions
. The Coast Guard will establish
for all OCS facilities structural fire protection
requirements and access, landings, and emergency
escape route requirements. For all floating
facilities and vessels engaged in OCS activities,
the Coast Guard will establish:
(a) Design, loading, fabrication, and construction
(b) Stability and buoyancy standards;
(c) Modification and repair requirements related to
structural integrity; and
(d) General arrangement standards.
[NOTE: For more detail regarding the Coast Guard*s Outer
Continental Shelf Program, see volume II of this manual.]
d. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
. On 4 January 1974, an HOU
for the regulation of floating nuclear power plants was signed
by the Coast Guard and the Atomic Energy Commission (now the
NRC). The MOU identifies the NRC as having primary review and
inspection responsibility, and the Coast Guard as providing
review input for safety- and technically-based aspects of
maritime nuclear power plants. Additionally, the MOU
designates the NRC to act as sole point of contact with
applicants for construction of such facilities. This MOU has
proven effective in conducting an orderly review of the
floating nuclear power plants proposed by Offshore Power
Systems, Inc. The draft of a similar MOU dealing with
nuclear-powered merchant ships has been prepared by the Coast
Guard and the NRC. Final agreement, however, pends initiation
of a nuclear merchant ship program by the industry.
e. U.S. Navy National Defense Features (NDF) Programs
(1) Objective
. The objective of the NDF Program is to develop
merchant ships capable of serving as naval or military
auxiliaries in time of war or national emergency, and to
provide for the maximum survivability of ships that may
be used by the government in nonmilitary wartime roles.
The Maritime Administration (MARAD) forwards conceptual
and preliminary designs from Construction Differential
Subsidy applicants to the Department of the Navy for
evaluation. The objective of this early submittal is to
embody NDF concepts at the earliest practicable stage
prior to submittal of firm plans and specifications.
After support missions or functions suitable for the
designs have been selected, NDF concepts that would best
support these functions are recommended for installation.
CH-1 5-4
5.A.3.e. (2) Standards
. Basic NDF standards encompass one-compartment
subdivision, hull scantlings, fire prevention and
firefighting equipment, fire pump capacities, and boats
and lifesaving apparatus that meet MARAD, ABS, and Coast
Guard standards. In addition, NDF operating standards
encompass operating speeds, shock resistance to damage,
additional electrical generating capacity, distilling
capacity, nuclear/biological/chemical (NBC) washdown
systems, accommodations for military personnel, certain
communication facilities, and cargo handling gear. Types
of vessels typically identified by the Navy for NDF
considerations are break-bulk, container, and
roll-on/roll-off (RO/RO) cargo vessels, barge carriers,
combination carriers, tankers, integrated tug-barges
(ITB's), oil/bulk/ore (OBO) carriers, and liquefied gas
4. New Design Concepts
a. Introduction
. Plan review of "typical" commercial vessels is
normally handled by the MSC. Due to the safety-related
problems associated with novel designs and concepts,
commandant (G-MTH) has traditionally assumed the
responsibility for review of such projects. Guidelines are
subsequently provided to the field for future review. This
guidance highlights current novel design concepts under review
by the Ship Design Branch, and summarizes the policy for newer
design types that are reviewed by the MSC.
b. Helicopter Facilities Aboard Commercial Vessels
. Helicopter
transportation of goods and personnel can be an economically
attractive means of logistic support for a vessel while
underway. In the U.S., interest in the use of helicopters for
such support was initially limited to the offshore oil
drilling industry. However, recent activity in other types of
marine helicopter operations has increased. Currently,
regulations in 46 CFR, Subchapter I-A provide for helicopter
facilities on mobile offshore drilling units (MODU's).
Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) 9-81 provides
guidance regarding the design, construction, and equipage of
helicopter facilities aboard other certificated vessels.
c. Marine Nuclear Power Applications
. Previous marine nuclear
power applications involved traditional ship designs with
nuclear propulsion plants, and the location of nuclear powered
electrical generating plants in ship hulls or floating
platforms. Concern for, and regulations addressing, potential
nuclear energy hazards are the responsibility of the NRC (see
subparagraph 5.A.3.d above). Concern for the interface of
nuclear energy systems with traditional marine systems and the
suitability of the marine structure housing the nuclear
systems are Coast Guard responsibilities. The following
regulations contain information about Coast Guard requirements
for nuclear power components and systems:
(1) 46 CFR 37: Special construction, arrangement, and other
provisions for nuclear vessels;
5-5 CH-1
5.A.4.c. (2) 46 CFR 55: Requirements for nuclear power plant components;
(3) 46 CFR 61.25: Periodic tests and inspections of nuclear
reactor power plants;
(4) 46 CFR 79: Special construction, arrangement, and other
provisions for nuclear vessels; and
(5) 46 CFR 99: Special construction, arrangement, and other
provisions for nuclear vessels.
In addition, Chapter VIII of the 1974 International Convention
for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) contains regulations for
nuclear ships. Attachment 3 to the convention contains
recommendations for the safety of nuclear ships.
d. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Program
. The OTEC
concept applies the temperature differences between relatively
warm surface water and colder water underneath to run a heat
engine and generate electricity. A fundamental advantage of
OTEC over other solar energy systems is the constant
availability of the resources. The small available temperature
difference results in large hardware installations,
particularly for the heat exchangers. Like solar energy
techniques, however, OTEC requires no fuel except sunlight, so
that hardware costs are countered by minimized fuel cost. On 3
August 1980, the OTEC Act of 1980 was signed into law. This
Act requires the Coast Guard to prescribe rules for OTEC
facilities and plantships for the purpose of promoting the
safety of life and property at sea and protecting the marine
environment. Regulations implementing the Coast Guard's
responsibilities pursuant to the Act became effective 11 May
1983, and are detailed in the Federal Register of 11 April
1983, pp. 15469-15475, and 46 CFR Parts 50, 106, 110, and 174.
B. Fire Protection And Vessel Design
1. Authority
. Broad authority for fire protection regulations for
vessels subject to Coast Guard inspection is provided by 46 U.S.C.
3306. This law requires the Coast Guard to maintain regulations
for vessels subject to inspection and certification with respect
to firefighting equipment, including (but not limited to) the
number, type, size, capacity, details of construction, methods of
operation, stowage, maintenance, manning, use, testing, and
inspecting of such equipment, and drills and exercises necessary
to ensure proper functioning and use of such equipment.
2. Program Concerns
. One objective of the Office of Merchant Marine
Safety is to minimize both the incidence and consequence of
shipboard fires: this is pursued in a two-element approach.
a. The first concern is to reduce the quantity and degree of
flammable or combustible articles aboard ship. Most vessels
carry combustibles in their cargo holds or cargo tanks;
combustible furnishings are used within accommodation areas;
and flammable fuels are necessary in
CH-1 5-6
5.B.2. a. (cont'd) galleys and machinery spaces. Consequently, the materials
of construction for inspected vessels are required to be
noncombustible, where applicable. This requirement ensures
that the vessel's structure and features do not contribute to
the available fuel load, and causes them to be safe from
typical ignition sources such as electrical short circuits,
lighted tobacco products and matches, and contact with heated
b. The second program element is intended to minimize the
consequences of shipboard fires by specifying the fire
endurance of certain bulkheads and decks. This requirement
provides barriers to contain fires, to allow escape of
personnel and to provide time for firefighting team to
extinguish the fire. A number of different fire extinguishing
systems are required by Coast Guard regulations to enable the
crew to control and extinguish outbreaks of fire. The degrees
of fire endurance required, and the types and numbers of
extinguishing systems required, depend on the vessel type.
Typically, the most stringent requirements are applied to
passenger vessels, because the safety of passengers' lives is
of utmost importance. Aboard tank and cargo vessels where only
trained crewmembers are present, a great emphasis is also
placed upon the vessel and its cargo. This was modified with
the coming into force of the first set of amendments to
SOLAS 1974 (the 1981 Amendments) on 1 September 1984. Specific
bulkhead requirements similar to those for passenger ships
will be applicable to cargo vessels and tank ships.
3. Structural Fire Protection Materials
. All materials used for
shipboard interior construction must be "type approved" by the
Survival Systems Branch, Commandant (G-MVI-3). Specifications and
tests are documented in 46 CFR, Subchapter Q regulations as
a. 46 CFR 164.006 Deck Coverings
b. 46 CFR 164.007 Structural Insulations
c. 46 CFR 164.008 Bulkhead Panels
d. 46 CFR 164.009 Noncombustible Materials
e. 46 CFR 164.011 Fire Resistant Fabrics (tentative)
f. 46 CFR 164.012 Interior Finish Materials
Further explanation of these materials can be found in NVIC 6-80.
Approved materials and manufacturers' addresses are noted in
Equipment Lists, Commandant Instruction (COMDTINST) M16714.3, and
the equipment card files maintained by all marine inspection units
and the MSC.
4. Structural Fire Protection Arrangements
. As noted above, the
arrangement of a vessel is important for its preservation as well
as the safety of the persons aboard. A basic vessel design begins
as a steel shell, which is then subdivided by interior bulkheads
or joiner work to form functional
5-7 CH-1
5.B.4. (cont'd) spaces, such as staterooms, galleys, lounges, mess areas,
and control stations. Containment of a fire within the space of
origin is very important and a principle upon which Coast Guard
regulations are founded. Escape routes, including passageways and
stairtowers, must be incorporated to enable persons to escape
from any potential fire areas and to provide ready and direct
access to lifeboats. The most important requirement, however, in
the design or review of any vessel is to ensure two independent
means of escape from all areas where personnel may be present. For
areas below the waterline, at least one of the escape paths must
be independent
of watertight doors (see NVIC 6-80 and the
appropriate vessel regulations). It should be remembered that a
ship is its own best lifeboat.
5. Fire Extinguishing Systems
. The various regulations in Title 46,
CPR contain requirements for the type of fire extinguishing
systems that must be installed aboard all types of inspected
vessels. Universally, a fire main system consisting of pumps,
piping, hydrants, hoses, and nozzles must be installed aboard all
inspected vessels. The hydrants must be arranged throughout the
vessel so that firefighting water is available in all areas. The
fire main is the first line of defense for all common shipboard
fires and must be maintained for instant use at all times. Engine
rooms must be protected by an installed (or fixed) fire
extinguishing system. Aboard cargo vessels where a total flooding
carbon dioxide system is fitted for the protection of the cargo
holds, it is very economical to use the same system for the
protection of the engine room. Other common systems include foam,
water spray, and Halon 1301. In any case, the applicable vessel
regulations must be consulted to determine what type of system is
required. Further guidance and explanation can also be found in
NVIC 6-72 and NVIC 6-72, CH-1.
6. Portable Fire Extinguishers
. Portable and semi-portable
extinguishers are required throughout vessels as "first aid" tools
to extinguish small, incipient fires. These units are similar in
all respects to the extinguishers normally found in buildings.
However, the Coast Guard uses a rating system, based upon the unit
type and agent fill weight, that is distinctive to the marine
environment, Additionally, a heavy-duty mounting bracket is
required to secure the extinguishers to the bulkheads due to the
vessel's expected motions. The appropriate regulations should be
consulted to determine the quantity and rating of extinguishers
needed for a given type of vessel. Approved extinguishers are not
listed in Equipment Lists because of the extensive number of
acceptable models. Such a listing is
contained in Underwriters
Laboratories, Inc. (UL) pamphlets "Fire Protection Equipment
Directory" and "Marine Product Directory." These publications can
be ordered from UL, 333 Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, Illinois
60062. All approved extinguishers have a Coast Guard approval
number on the UL label. The specific test requirements for
approval of fire extinguishers are contained in 46 CFR 162.028.
extinguishers not having a Coast Guard approval number are
not acceptable for marine use. However, under certain conditions
UL listed portable and semi-portable extinguishers may be carried
as equivalent to Coast Guard approved extinguishers (see NVIC 3-82
for specifics).
CH-1 5-8
5.B.7. Detection Systems
. Smoke and fire detectors are required only for
spaces aboard passenger vessels as noted in Table 46 CFR
76.05-1(a), cargo spaces aboard RO/RO vessels (noted in the
regulations as spaces specially suitable for vehicles), cargo
holds aboard any vessel carry ing explosives, and unattended
machinery spaces (see NVIC 1-69). With the coming into force of
the 1981 Amendments to SOLAS 1974 on I September 1984, smoke
detection is required in corridors, stairways and escape routes of
cargo vessels, tank vessels and passenger ships. In addition, for
passenger ships a fire detection system is required for all
accommodation and service spaces, and where considered necessary
in control stations.
8. Chemical Carriers
. These vessels are similar to tank vessels in
design. However, because they may carry a variety of chemicals,
they present unique fire protection problems. A special deck foam
system that caters to higher rates of application required for
certain chemicals as well as polar solvents must be provided for
these vessels. The arrangement of the pumps, piping, and discharge
devices is similar to that for a foam system on a conventional
tanker, as described in NVIC 6-72. The type and quantity of foam
concentrate provided is selected only after careful evaluation of
the cargoes to be carried. Care-must be taken to prevent loading
of cargoes that would exceed the foam system*s capabilities.
Normally, these foam systems are reviewed and approved in close
coordination with Commandant (G-HVI-3). Attention is drawn to NVIC
11-82 dealing with polar foam systems.
9. Liquefied Natural Gas (LMG) Carriers
. These vessels carry flammable
liquefied gas, primarily methane, at approximately -165C. Under
exposure to fire, the gas could rapidly vaporize, creating a very
severe fire. In addition, LNG flames produce a heat flux much
higher than burning hydrocarbons, thereby creating a radiant heat
hazard. Because of this, water spray protection of all
superstructures that face the cargo area is required. The water
spray systems are designed and reviewed in accordance with 46 CFR
154.1105 through 154.1135. To extinguish the most probable LNG
fires (i.e., from flange leaks, broken pipes, or minor spills) a
fixed dry chemical extinguishing system is provided. These are
different from the typical marine unit because they have a
45-second discharge time, and usually have several remotely
connected hose reels and high-capacity monitors. The systems are
designed to meet the requirements of 46 CFR 154.1140- 154.1170.
The type approval of these dry chemical systems is provided by
Commandant (G-MVI-3).
10. Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU's)
. These units are regulated
under 46 CFR, Subchapter I-A. From a fire protection standpoint,
they are protected much the same as a cargo vessel. Structural
materials and extinguishing systems are the typical shipboard
types listed in Equipment Lists, except that foam systems on
MODU's may utilize aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) type
concentrates, if specifically approved by the Commandant. Chapter
9 of the IMO Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile
Offshore Drilling Units provides additional guidance relative to
fire safety considerations aboard these vessels.
5-9 CH-1
5.B.11. Vessels Carrying Portable Tanks
. Under 49 CFR 176.315, a Type B-V
foam or dry chemical semi-portable extinguisher, or an approved
foam nozzle with pickup tube and 10 gallons of foam liquid
concentrate, is required for every 21,000 U.S. gallons of any
flammable or combustible liquid carried in portable tanks. Where a
large number of portable tanks are routinely carried aboard, an
installed system may be substituted if approved by the Commandant.
12. Hovercraft And Hydrofoils Used As Passenger Vessels
a. General Considerations
. To date, requirements for structural
fire protection aboard hovercraft and hydrofoils have been
determined by applicable sections of 46 CFR, Subchapters H or
T. The emerging interest in the U.S. in such craft has brought
about a reexamination of these requirements relative to the
concepts, total arrangements and operation of such vessels.
Traditional fire protection measures for passenger vessels
have been based on the following principles:
(1) Division of the ship into main vertical zones by thermal
and structural boundaries;
(2) Separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of
the ship by thermal and structural boundaries;
(3) Restricted use of combustible materials;
(4) Detection of any fire in the zone of origin;
(5) Containment and extinction of any fire in the space of origin;
(6) Protection of means of escape or access for firefighting; and
(7) Ready availability of fire extinguishing appliances.
These principles, while generally applicable to small vessels,
are more appropriate in a total sense to larger,
multi-cellular steel vessels.
b. Calculating Evacuation Times
. If the vessel were configured so
that all passengers were located on a single deck, structural
fire protection measures would be required only between the
machinery space and the passenger area (the purpose being to
isolate a hazardous area from the passengers and to allow time
for orderly evacuation if required). Assuming that evacuation
is required, it would take a finite period of time. This
evacuation time has been considered in the recent IMO draft
Code for Novel Types of Craft. In this code, structural fire
protection between high hazard areas and passenger areas is
required to meet the following formula:
(1) Evacuation time = E (minutes);
CH-1 5-10
5.B.12.b. (2) Insulation Required = S (Based on times from the standard
fire test; and
(3) S = (7 minutes + (3 x E)) or 30 minutes, whichever is
For example, if the evacuation time is 5
minutes, the requirement would be: S = (7 + (3 x 5))= 22
minutes. The greater length of time, 30 minutes, would
govern in this example.
As evacuation time is considered, logic may be taken one step
further. When a two-cell vessel can be completely
evacuated of
crew and passengers in the time calculated for evacuation of a
single compartment, structural fire protection measures
between decks may be kept to a minimum.
c. On Board Analysis Of Evacuation Time
. Evacuation time must be
considered according to a vessel's particular constraints. The
need for evacuation is predicated on some occurrence that
makes the vessel no longer tenable (e.g., collision with
another vessel or with a fixed or floating object, internal
fire, or external fire). It should be assumed that in such an
event one available exit would be blocked; in such case, the
evacuation time becomes critical. Evacuation time should be
measured from the declaration of an emergency until the point
at which the vessel is actually abandoned, including:
(1) Declaration of an emergency;
(2) Orders to abandon ship;
(3) Marshalling of crew and passengers to debarkation areas;
(4) Debarkation underway; and
(5) Vessel abandoned (debarkation completed).
(6) Guidelines concerning on board measurements of evacuation
times should be as follows:
(a) Overcrowding of life rafts shall not be permitted;
(b) One exit shall be blocked and announced so prior to
evacuation time measurement; and
(c) A representative mix of individuals shall be used in
the evacuation.
d. Acceptable Materials
. The following materials comply with low
flame spread and smoke emission characteristics recommended by
Chapter 4 of IMO Resolution A.373 (X):
(1) Seat cushions must pass the American Society for Testing
Materials (ASTM) E 162-76 Radiant Panel Test, with a Flame
Propagation Index not exceeding 25. No flaming runnings or
5-11 CH-1
5.B.12.d. (1) (cont'd) drippings of samples may occur during testing. Wire
mesh screening must be used, in accordance with Section 5.9.2
of the test procedures. A 6-inch long pilot flame must be
provided. The burner tip must be situated 1-1/4 inches
beyond the frame to prevent extinguishment. Aluminum foil
must be used as wrapping around the back sides of the
specimen. By additional test or analysis, the fire resistant
properties of seat cushion material must be shown to be an
integral part of the material.
(2) Interior textiles must be tested in accordance with 14
CFR 25, Appendix F. The following criteria apply in these
(a) The average flame time after removal of the flame
source must not exceed 10 seconds;
(b) Burn length must not exceed 2.5 inches; and
(c) Drippings from the test specimen must not flame.
Fabrics that must be machine-washed or dry-cleaned must
meet these criteria after leaching in accordance with
Federal Test Method Standard 191B, Method 5830, or after
dry cleaning in accordance with AATCC-861968. Fabrics
that cannot be machine-washed or dry-cleaned must meet
these criteria after being cleaned as recommended by the
(3) Carpeting must be tested with its padding if the latter
is to be used, and must be capable of passing the
National Bureau of Standards Flooring Radiant Panel Test
(NFPA 253-1978) with a minimum critical radiant flux of
0.6 watts/cm2.
(4) Interior textiles and carpeting must also be tested for
smoke emission in accordance with National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) 258-1976, "Test Method for
Measuring the Smoke Generation by Solid Materials." When
conducting this test, the Optical Density (D) in both
flaming and nonflaming modes must be determined; it may
not exceed 100 until at least 4 minutes-after the start
of the test.
13. Tank Barges
. The basic structural fire protection requirement for
tank barges is that the entire cargo deck, including hatch covers,
ullage openings, etc., be of steel or iron construction. Aboard
tank barges, the use of aluminum hatch covers for dedicated wing
and rake voids is acceptable.
C. Hull Arrangements And Fittings
1. Access And Egress Routes.
a. Rails And Guards Aboard Unmanned Deck Cargo Barges For Ocean
Service. The rail and guard requirements of 46 CFR 92.25 do
not apply to unmanned deck cargo barges for ocean service.
Like unmanned tank
CH-1 5-12
5.C.1. a. (cont'd) barges under 46 CFR 32.01-10(a), these vessels are
exempt from the rail and guard requirements.
b. Use Of Air Ports Aboard Manned Tank Barges
. Aboard a manned
tank barge with six persons or less aboard, air ports shall be
accepted as a second means of escape, provided
(1) There is a minimum of one air port for each two persons and
(2) The accessibility and arrangement is suitable to the
officer in charge, marine inspection (OCMI). This
includes hand-holds over the air poet on each side of the
bulkhead as well as rungs to reach the air port. [NOTE: A
vertical ladder with a scuttle is also acceptable. If
there are more than six persons aboard, air ports are not
an acceptable means of escape, and a suitable means of
escape shall be provided.]
c. Vertical Ladders
. To provide adequate safety for shipboard
personnel, the specifications for vertical ladders set forth
in American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 14.3 are
followed. These specifications are found in 46 CPR 108.160.
d. Vertical Engineroom Escape Ladders Aboard Offshore Supply
Vessels (OSV's)
. Most early OSV designs had stacks aft and
outboard; this provided for port and starboard stairways
within the stack housing, with doors opening to the freeboard
deck. More recent designs have placed stacks forward, thus
eliminating an accommodating structure for a stairway and door
on the freeboard deck. Aboard OSV's where the installation of
a watertight door and stairway for emergency egress from the
engine room is impractical (i.e., no deckhouse or stack
structure exists over the engine room), the following
guidelines should be applied:
(1) A vertical ladder/deck scuttle is acceptable as a
secondary means of escape from the engine room. However,
the primary
means of escape shall be a stairway. These
two means of escape shall be located as remote from each
other as practicable.
(2) Deck scuttles shall be fitted with a coaming at least
23.5 inches in height, in accordance with 46 CFR
42.15-40(c). The coaming shall be properly framed and of
ample strength as per 46 CFR 42.35(a).
(3) The scuttle should not be located where stowed deck cargo
would interfere with its use.
(4) The scuttle should be fitted with a quick-acting release
hold-back to hold the scuttle in the open position.
(5) An escape route from the engine room to the after
steering gear compartment (from there via a deck scuttle
to the freeboard deck) is not
5-13 CH-1
5.C.1.d. (6) The scuttle should be considered a point of downflooding for
calculations under the Towing Vessel Towline Pull Stability
Criteria (see chapter 6 of this volume).
[NOTE: See also NVIC 6-80, "Guide to Structural Fire Protection
Aboard Merchant Vessels," for a general discussion of means of
e. Inspection Clearances For Independent Or Segregated Cargo
. The following regulations deal with inspection
clearances around independent or segregated cargo tanks:
(1) 46 CFR 32.60-30(a) Tank vessels
(2) 46 CFR 38.05-10(a) Liquefied gas carriers
(3) 46 CFR 92.25-20(a) Cargo and miscellaneous vessels
(4) 46 CFR 151.15-3(d)(2) Unmanned barges carry ing certain
bulk dangerous cargoes
The intent of these regulations is to restrict the reduction of
clearances of less than 15 inches to very limited areas, such
as in way of frames or other structural members. The phrase
"shall not normally be less than 15 inches" shall
not be
construed to allow a general reduction of clearance below 15
inches over a significant length of the tank because of other
design considerations. Fifteen inches is considered the
clearance to permit adequate inspection of the tank
and barge structure. This standard has also been adopted by
the Canadian Board of Steamship Inspection. Under "adequate
clearance clauses" or "equivalency clauses," a clearance of 15
inches may be accepted as the minimum inspection clearance
necessary. (NOTE: These requirements are separate from access
requirements in 46 CFR 153 and 154 for independent or
segregated-type tanks.]
f. Rigging Of Lifelines Between Tank Vessel Deckhouses
. Under 46
CFR 32.01-5, lifelines must be rigged on tankers between
deckhouses more than 150 feet apart, unless a raised bridge is
installed. Questions have been raised about the applicability
of this requirement to a tanker having all accommodations in
an after deckhouse, with smaller deckhouses forward. The
requirement appears to have been directed to those vessels
having two or more deckhouses that contain accommodations. In
such cases, continuous access is necessary, as messing
facilities are generally located in only one deckhouse. When
all accommodations are located in one deckhouse, there is no
need for continuous access to other deckhouses used for
lockers or workshops under all weather conditions. The
Commandant has interpreted the requirement in 46 CFR 32.01-5
to apply only
to tankers having more than one deckhouse that
contains accommodation spaces or that is normally manned
CH-1 5-14
5.C.2. General Arrangements
a. Private And Semi-Private Washrooms And Toilet Rooms. The
following regulations specify arrangements for washrooms and
toilet rooms, except where private or semi-private facilities
are provided:
(1) 46 CFE 32.40-1(b) Tank vessels
(2) 46 CFR 72.20-25(a) Passenger vessels
(3) 46 CFR 92.20-25(c) Cargo and miscellaneous vessels
(4) 46 CFR 108.205 MODU's
(5) 46 CFR 190.20-25(a) Oceanographic research vessels
Washrooms and toilet rooms consisting of a wash basin, toilet
and shower/bath for every eight crewmembers shall be provided,
where the crew is provided private or semi-private
facilities. Berthing accommodations with semi-private
facilities usually have wash basins in the sleeping area and
the shower and toilet in a separate room between two adjacent
berthing areas. This semi-private arrangement can be used for
up to six crewmembers (see 46 CFR, Subchapter u), although
normally no more than four persons will be berthed in such
quarters. Toilet areas should be partitioned off from the
washroom or shower room when it is intended that more than one
person may use the facilities at a time.
b. Radio Room Locations
. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
regulations require radio rooms to be located "as high as
possible." This requirement should be considered in monitoring
new construction. During alterations that involve relocating
the radio rooms to a lower deck, the FCC shall be notified and
the owner alerted to the significance of the proposed
alteration. If the room has no direct access to the open deck,
two means of escape from or access to this room shall be
provided (see the 1981 Amendments to SOLAS 74, Chapter II-2,
Reg. 28.1.3).
c. Tinted Windows In Navigating Spaces
. Tests have shown that the
use of colored or tinted glass in navigating spaces can reduce
the recognition of navigation lights, modify chromaticity, and
may therefore create hazardous conditions in nighttime
maneuvering. Department of Transportation Report SE-DOT-1685
stated the results of an analytical and experimental study to
determine the effects of windshields and tinted glass on the
probability of detecting objects and on the degradation of
seeing distance after dark. The study showed that at twilight
and nighttime illumination levels (in the range of .0001 to 10
footlamberts), the rate of visual degradation is slow for
glass with transmittances greater than 79 percent. For glass
with transmittances less than 79 percent, the rate of visual
degradation increases significantly more rapidly. Therefore,
the range of optimum performance for pilothouse windows,
independent of
5-15 CH-1
5.C.2. c. (cont'd) the observer's visual acuity, is a transmittance range
between 80 and 100 percent. Consequently, the degradation in
bridge visibility caused by using windows with a transmittance of
less than 80 percent aboard any vessel should be corrected when
considered feasible By the cognizant OCMI.
d. Use Of Tanks, Voids, And Cofferdams
. Vessels certificated as
passenger, cargo, or miscellaneous vessels may carry limited
quantities of flammable or combustible liquid cargo in bulk in
accordance with 46 CFR 30.01-5 and 90.05-35. The principal
purpose or use of such vessels may not be for the carriage of
such cargo (see volume II of this manual for further policy).
e. Fuel Lines Passing Through Accommodation Spaces
. A fuel oil
line that passes through an accommodation or public space may
create a potentially hazardous situation in the event of a
line leak or rupture, especially if the fuel oil is under
pressure. The following conditions should be met when it is
necessary for a fuel oil line to pass through an accommodation
or other public space:
(1) The line is used only as a fuel oil fill;
(2) The pressure in the line is very low compared to the
allowable pipe pressure; and
(3) The fuel line is not hidden behind ceilings or linings.
f. Location Of Emergency Sources Of Power
. The following
arrangements are equally acceptable for the location of a
space contains an emergency source of power in accordance
with 46 CFR 112.O5-5(e).
(1) The space containing the emergency source of power is
separated from a Category A machinery space By another
space; or
(2) The space containing the emergency source of power and a
Category A space share a contiguous boundary, and that
Boundary has an A-60 fire classification.
3. Cargo- And Weight-Handling Gear
. The provisions of 46 CFR 91.37
control the inspection and testing of gear used in the loading and
unloading of dry cargo, including masts, stays, booms, winches,
cranes, elevators, conveyors, and standing and running rigging.
While this coverage is rather broad, there are several particular
a. Weight-handling gear (i.e., that used for cargo hoses and ship
stores) is not inspected by the Coast Guard, with the
exception of handling cranes used aboard MODU's. The
regulations covering this gear are contained in 46 CFR
107.258, 107.259, 107.260 and 107.309.
CH-1 5-16
5.C.3. b. The American Petroleum Institute's (API) Specification for
Offshore Cranes (API Specification 2C) details the standards
for pedestal mounted revolving cranes on MODU's used for
transfer of materials or personnel to or from vessels. The
second edition of this specification, dated February 1972, has
been incorporated by reference in 46 CFR 107.309. Designers
are encouraged to use the current edition dated March 1983.
c. The weight gear and rigging of special design vessels used in
dredging, piledriving, mineral drilling, and construction work
are generally exempted from inspection by 46 CFR 91.37-3. When
such gear is used to move cargo (e.g., derrick barges rigged
for heavy lifts, barge-mounted cranes used to transfer cargo
from shoreside to an alongside vessel, and cranes mounted on
deck cargo barges for loading the barge), it is subject to the
provisions of 46 CFR 91.37 even though it is also used in
construction activities.
d. The requirements for weight handling gear used aboard
oceanographic research vessels are contained in 46 CFR 189.35.
e. Under 46 CFR 197.330(a)(3), a pressure vessel for human
occupancy (PVHO) used in commercial diving operations must
have lifting equipment attached that is capable of returning
the occupied PVHO, when fully flooded, to the dive (launch)
location. However, the regulations do not specify how
satisfy this requirement. As a policy matter, the proof test
provided by 46 CFR 91.37-40 and the 'fail safe" requirements
of 46 CFR 58.30 have been used to assess satisfactory
compliance of PVHO lifting equipment in accordance with 46 CFR
[NOTE: See NVIC 8-84, "Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant
Vessel Plans and Specifications," for guidance for efficient plan
submittal where plan review of cargo gear or cranes is required.]
D. Oversight Of Third-Party Inspections
1. Inspections Conducted By The American Bureau Of Shipping (ABS)
a. Introduction
. ABS is a private, nonprofit organization that
classifies vessels of various national registries and performs
other functions required by international law on behalf of the
U.S., as well as several foreign countries. The majority of
the vessels classed by ABS are of foreign registry. Some
countries, such as Liberia and Panama, that do not have
maritime safety agencies such as the Coast Guard use ABS as
their official agency for issuance of various shipping
documents and safety certificates. Insurance underwriters also
accept ABS classification as evidence of the seaworthiness of
a vessel. The following laws give ABS specific authority in
certain areas for U.S. vessels:
5-17 CH-1
5.D.1. a. (cont'd)
46 App. U.S.C. 86d Load Lines, General
46 App. U.S.C. 88b Load Lines, Coastwise
46 U.S.C. 3316 Classification, General; Plan
Review and Inspection
b. Coast Guard Participation On ABS Committees
. Technical
standards for ship structures were published by ABS before the
Coast Guard dealt with hull structure approval. As the Coast
Guard became involved in vessel inspection, it was convenient
adequate to reference ABS Rules as acceptable standards
for Coast Guard approval. As the Coast Guard became more
involved in plan review and ABS Rules became technically more
comprehensive and complex, it became necessary for the two
organizations to work closely together. Coast Guard
participation in ABS committees has provided important
understanding of the basis for particular standards, and has
enabled automatic acceptance of new rules as they are
published by ABS. The Coast Guard participates on the
following ABS committees:
(1) Board of Managers;
(2) Classification Committee;
(3) The Technical Committee;
(4) Committee on Naval Architecture;
(5) Committee on Engineering;
(6) Great Lakes Technical Committee;
(7) Special Committee on Cargo Containers;
(8) Special Committee on Electrical Engineering;
(9) Special Committee on Materials;
(10) Special Committee on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units;
(11) Special Committee on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion;
(12) Special Committee on Offshore Installations;
(13) Special Committee on Ship Operations;
(14) Special Committee on Underwater Systems and Vehicles; and
(15) Special Committee on Welding.
CH-1 5-18
5.D.1. c. ABS Publications
. References to "ABS Rules" in the regulations
include the specific editions to be used in determining
structural standards for vessels. Most of the ABS Rules are
updated infrequently. However, the Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels, used for oceangoing ships over 200 feet
in length, are revised annually. Generally, the latest edition
at the time vessel construction begins should be used for plan
approval. Other ABS publications include:
(1) Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels (1975);
(2) Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels for Service
on Rivers and Intracoastal Waterways (1980);
(3) Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels under 61
Meters (200 Feet) in Length (1973);
(4) Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units (1980);
(5) Rules for Building and Classing Offshore Installations -
Part I - Structures (1983);
(6) Rules for Building and Classing Single-Point Moorings (1975);
(7) Rules for Building and Classing Steel Barges for Offshore
Service (1973);
(8) Rules for Nondestructive Inspection of Hull Welds (1975);
(9) Rules for Building and Classing Bulk Carriers for Service
on the Great Lakes (1978); and
(10) Rules for Building and Classing Reinforced Plastic Vessels
The MSC should have a copy of each set of rules. There are also
a number of other guidelines and technical publications
available from ABS. These are usually listed in appendices to
the rules listed above, and may be ordered directly from ABS,
65 Broadway, New York, NY 10006.
d. ABS Circulars
. ABS uses Circular Letters to disseminate
technical and procedural information to its field surveyors
and representatives. The MSC and Commandant (G-MTH) has an
updated file of ABS Circulars. The circulars are considered
to ABS and may not be released outside the Coast
Guard by any Coast Guard employee. For Coast Guard use, ABS
Circulars are provided for information purposes only, and
their content may not
be referenced as Coast Guard
requirements (see volume I of this manual).
5-19 CH-1
5.D.2. Memorandums Of Understanding (MOU's)
a. CG/ABS MOU I. In an effort to improve plan review efficiency,
the Coast Guard and ABS signed an MOU on 9 June 1981. This
agreement called for Coast Guard acceptance of ABS approvals
and inspections on ABS classed vessels. NVIC 7-81, dated 23
July 1981, detailed the MOU and its implementing instructions.
. The cooperation efforts of the Coast Guard and
ABS were broadened by a second MOU, signed on 27 April 1982.
NVIC 10-82, dated 18 May 1982, incorporated the new agreement
provisions with the old circular guidelines, superseding NVIC
7-81 in the process. Change 1 to NVIC 10-82 was published 30
April 1985 and is applicable for vessels contracted after that
3. NVIC 10-82
. This circular outlines the plan review and inspection
procedures for "new" U.S. vessels under construction that will be
certificated by the Coast Guard and classed by ABS. The circular
delineates the reviews and inspections to be conducted
specifically by the Coast Guard or by ABS, and those where the
responsibility is to be shared. Listings of the areas of
involvement are found in Enclosure (1) to the NVIC; Enclosure (2)
provides instructions for implementation.
4. Coast Guard Oversight Of ABS Activities
a. Introduction
. With MOU II and NVIC 10-82 now in place, it is
necessary for the Coast Guard to have an active oversight
program monitoring activities that ABS performs on its behalf,
to ensure that marine laws and regulations are properly
applied by ABS. Such an oversight program was addressed by
both the MOU and NVIC 10-82.
b. Objectives Of Oversight
. The objective of the oversight
program is to ensure that actions by ABS on behalf of the
Coast Guard are identical to those that would be taken by the
Coast Guard itself. This requires the Coast Guard to:
(1) Unify the plan review and inspection functions of Coast
Guard field technical and inspection offices, and
minimize localized divergences from a uniform application
of Coast Guard regulations and policies.
(2) Document various policies through the Marine Safety
Manual (MSM), NVIC's, the Plan Review Guide and other
media that are available to all Coast Guard and ABS
technical and inspection staffs.
(3) Provide ABS with policies, interpretations, and
instructions necessary to apply vessel inspection laws,
regulations, and international agreements properly and
(4) Monitor ABS activities to ensure that the laws,
regulations, and agreements are properly applied to new
construction and major modifications of U.S. flag vessels.
CH-1 5-20
5.D.4. c. Oversight Program
. The facets of the Coast Guard's inspection
oversight program are indicated below. It is understood that
the program must be dynamic and must be adapted to address
changing areas of emphasis as the ABS takes an increasingly
important role and gains experience in performing vessel
inspections and plan review. Commandant (G-MTH-4) will
initiate and coordinate the goals of this program.
(1) Unify The Plan Review And Inspection Functions Of Various
Coast Guard Field Units
. This is an ongoing
responsibility of the Office of Merchant Marine Safety,
and is presently being accomplished through:
(a) Submittal of correspondence files of the MSC for
review by Commandant (G-MTH) staff, industry appeals
of MSC plan review actions, and visits by Commandant
(G-MTH) staff to the MSC.
(b) Unifying the inspection functions of the various
inspection offices will be the task of Commandant
(G-MVI). However, the Ship Design Branch will
coordinate those areas where inspection functions
impact upon technical functions.
(2) Review Present Plan Review And Inspection Policies And
Their Dissemination. For the past several years, major
efforts have been made to consolidate these policies and
procedures in the MSM or in NVIC's, as appropriate. The
Ship Design Branch will review the efficiency of these
efforts and determine what remains to be incorporated,
rewritten, or discarded. This branch will review the
various policies and instructions that remain effective,
and decide which, if any, format of dissemination is
(3) Provide ABS With Policies, Interpretations, And
. ABS has access to the MSM, NVIC's, Policy
File Memorandums, Merchant Marine Technical (MMT) Notes,
applicable Commandant Instructions, and other information
necessary to conduct day-to-day plan review
appropriately. Commandant (G-MTH) will continue to:
(a) Ensure that the information provided to ABS is kept
up to date and that new policy is passed to ABS when
(b) Provide ABS with an appropriate load line regulation
review guide;
(c) Provide ABS with an accurate regulation reference
listing to supplement NVIC 10-82. This should detail
the specific regulations that ABB will apply for
technical review and inspection functions performed
on behalf of the Coast Guard, and those regulations
for which ABS and the Coast Guard have partial or
joint responsibilities; and
5-21 CH-1
5.D.4.c.(3) (d) Meet with ARS technical staff on a regular basis to
formulate additional information they might require
to properly apply U.S. laws, regulations, and
international treaties on behalf of the Coast Guard,
as the Coast Guard would itself perform.
(4) Monitor ABS Activities
. This is a very important part of
the oversight program, and includes:
(a) Developing an active plan review and inspection
oversight program. It is envisioned that the program
will provide positive direction to OCMI's, to
accomplish an ongoing oversight review of those
activities that ABS performs on the Coast Guard's
behalf. The program will be a formalized program
adapted to the requirements of each local inspection
(b) Ensure that OCMI's and ABS surveyors and principal
surveyors have active and open communication to
resolve inspection requirements before
between intent and execution become problems, and
before vessels are delivered.
(c) Develop active and open communication between the
MSC, Commandant (G-MTH), and ABS technical offices.
(d) Review all ABS plan review and inspection circulars
for content, policy, and interpretations, where they
might impact on those functions that ABS performs on
behalf of the Coast Guard.
(e) Review all ABS Rules changes and provide feedback to
ABS where necessary.
(f) Consider the value of Commandant (G-MTH) technical
staff or the MSC staff accompanying marine
inspectors during final inspections of selected
vessels, and institute such activities as deemed
d. Oversight Of Other Classification Societies
. Although ABS is
the most common classification society dealt with by the Coast
Guard, and the only one for which there is a formal agreement,
working relationships with other societies have been
established. Some of these classification societies are also
actively pursuing the same type of arrangement that the Coast
Guard has with ABS. To date, certain of these classification
societies have been authorized to conduct certain specific
functions for the Coast Guard, such as load line assignment,
on a case-by-case basis at the ship owner's request. The Coast
Guard has begun a rulemaking procedure (CGD 85-019) to define
"similar U.S. classification societies," as used in 46 U.S.C.
3316, and establish procedures for these societies to seek and
be granted authority to act on behalf of the Coast Guard. (See
ANPRM published in the Federal Register 3 October 1985.)
CH-1 5-22
5.E. Controllability In Vessel Design
1. Bridge Design And Layout. On a modern vessel, most design
considerations are fixed by the naval architect or marine
engineer, or by physical constraints. Frequently, bridge design is
left to the owner or prospective master of the vessel. This design
usually reflects personal opinions and preferences; however, it
often does not take into account the best placement of equipment,
the service requirements of equipment, or other necessary
considerations. Future vessel bridge designs will be arranged
based increasingly on human factor design criteria. These criteria
will consider the design and layout of the total navigation space,
based on recognized human factors, and realistic task performance
organization, and varying external operational conditions and
internal manning conditions.
2. Visibility From The Bridge
a. Introduction
. A significant aspect of a poorly designed bridge
can be inadequate navigational visibility, which interferes
with the master's or pilot's ability to identify their
surroundings. Early recognition of this potential problem
during plan review is the best approach to ensure adequate
visibility. The Coast Guard has not formulated or published
regulations that have criteria for bridge visibility. However,
the IMO Subcommittee on Safety of Navigation is actively
pursuing a visibility standards project. Until such time as
criteria are promulgated in the regulations, plan reviewers
can assess navigational bridge visibility in one of two
general ways.
b. Review Using Recognized Standards
. Various organizations, such
as pilot associations, IMO, and MARAD have circulated
standards, guidelines, and recommendations concerning
navigation bridge visibility. Such materials, if sponsored by
an organization that is generally recognized by the American
maritime community, are evidence of what is considered
adequate visibility in marine practice. Therefore, ships with
visibility characteristics that agree with the principles
expressed in these materials may be considered to have
adequate visibility. To use this approach, the person seeking
review must clearly identify the ship's visibility
characteristics and the standard, guideline, or recommendation
on which they are based.
c. Review Using Coast Guard Guidelines
. If the person seeking
review does not identify any basis for the adequate visibility
of the ship, a review may be conducted using the Coast Guard
guidelines listed below. These guidelines are based on the
characteristics of existing ships with adequate visibility.
[NOTE: An area where a visibility restriction, typically due
to ship structure or cargo, obscures visibility for an arc of
more than
10 degrees when viewed from the centerline of the
navigation bridge is considered a blind zone
. An area where a
visibility restriction, typically due to masts, kingposts,
cranes or cargo gear, obscures visibility for an arc of 10
degrees or less when viewed from the centerline of the
navigation bridge is considered a blind sector
5-23 CH-1
5.E.2.c. (1) Under normal conditions of loading, no obstruction as seen
from the centerline of the navigation bridge should
produce a blind zone
greater than 2.0 times the length of
the ship (length overall) forward of the bow.
(2) The aggregate of the blind sectors
caused by masts, cargo
gear, and other similar obstructions forward of the beam
should not exceed 20 degrees when viewed from the
centerline of the navigation bridge. The clear sectors
between adjacent blind sectors should be no less than 5
(3) Bridge wings should extend as close to the sides of the
ship as practicable.
d. Alternate Evaluation Of Blind Zones
(1) Viewing Points
. The Coast Guard has accepted an
alternate, although more complex, method of assessing a
ship's blind zone
from the navigating bridge. Three
views from the navigational bridge level, at a position
1.6 meters above the deck (height of eye), are chosen.
These views should include:
(a) The ship's centerline;
(b) The wheelhouse window, where the intersection of the
blind zone and extension of the ship'a centerline
minimize the ship's centerline projected in the blind
zone; and
(c) The wing of the navigating deck, where the
intersection of the blind zone and extension of the
ship's centerline minimize the ship's centerline in
the blind zone.
(2) Blind Zone Limits
. The recommended limits of visibility
for the three views in terms of the ship's length between
perpendiculars (L) and breadth (B) are as follows. [NOTE:
Length Between perpendiculars and the forward
perpendicular are used as convenient reference points.
The coefficients of L and B-in the guidelines take this
into account.]
(a) From The Ship's Centerline (Viewing Point (a) Above)
(i) The maximum forward extent of the blind zone
from the forward perpendicular is 3.5L; and
(ii) The maximum width of the blind zone at any point
forward of the bow is 2B.
(b) From The Wheelhouse Window (Viewing Point (b) Above)
(i) The maximum length of the blind zone at the
intersection of the ship's centerline is 2.JL;
CH-1 5-24
5.E.2.d.(2)(b) (ii) The maximum width of the blind zone at any point
forward of the bow is 2B.
(c) From The Bridge Wing (Viewing Point (c) Above)
(i) The maximum length of the blind zone at the
intersection of the ship's centerline is L; and
(ii) The maximum width of the blind zone at any
distance from the bow is 2.3B.
e. Navigation Visibility On Pushed Barges
. An inspected barge with
visibility obstructions may be unsafe to navigate when pushed
by a tug secured in a notch. The visibility guidance in
subparagraphs 5.E.2.b, c, and d above is also applicable to
tug-barge combinations when the tug is pushing the barge.
Barges with pushing notches aft and large structures or
machinery arrangements forward, should be cause for suspecting
that visibility problems may prevent the barge from operating
with some tugs. If this is noted during plan review, the OCMI
and owner or builder can address the problem during the
construction phase. A visibility problem which is not
corrected in the design and construction phase may be cause
for the OCMI to place operating restrictions on the barge.
3. Human/Vessel Interface
. Improvements in the human/vessel interface
appear to have the greatest potential for significantly reducing
accidents, yet there has been little tangible progress in this
area. The marine industry has been looking more closely at this
aspect of vessel design and human performance. Full-scale bridge
simulators already exist, but do not presently offer much in the
way of training for bridge teams. How do human factors impact the
Coast Guard's marine safety programs, in particular, merchant
marine technical concerns? Vessel controllability is of prime
importance to the Ship Design Branch, but it may be years before
the full benefit from human factors work now underway is realized.
It is possible that future plan approval may include a review of
the navigation bridge based on automated design standards, in much
the same way as engine room automation is now considered.
5-25 CH-1
6.A. General 6-1
6.A.1. Scope Of Responsibility 6-1
6.A.2. Regulations And Instructions 6-1
6.A.2.a. Subdivision And Stability Regulations 6-1
6.A.2.b. Structural Regulations 6-2
6.A.2.c. Instructions 6-2
6.A.3. Format Of This Chapter 6-4
6.A.4. Research And Technical Papers 6-5
6.B. Stability-Related Drawings And Calculations (46 CFR 170-174) 6-10
6.B.1. Lines Drawings (46 CFR 170.075) 6-10
6.B.2. Curves Of Form (46 CFR 170.075) 6-11
6.B.3. Cross Curves (46 CFR 170.075) 6-12
6.B.4. Weather Criterion (46 CFR 170.170) 6-12
6.B.5. Free Surface Calculations (46 CFR 170, Subpart I) 6-13
6.B.6. Draft Mark Locations (46 CFR 170.075) 6-15
6.B.7. Subdivision And Damage Stability Calculations 6-15
6.B.7.a. Scope Of Submittal 6-15
6.B.7.b. Righting Arms 6-15
6.B.7.c. Tonnage Openings 6-15
6.C. Stability Letters And Trim And Stability Booklets
(46 CFR 170, Subpart D) 6-15
6.C.1. Issuance Of Stability Letters 6-15
6.C.1.a. Officer In Charge, Marine Inspection (OCHI) Actions 6-16
6.C.1.b. MSC Actions 6-16
6.C.1.b.(1) If The Vessel Is Inspected And Load Lined 6-16
6.C.1.b.(2) If The Vessel Is Inspected But Not Load Lined 6-16
6.C.1.b.(3) If The Vessel Is Load Lined But Not Inspected 6-16
6.C.1.b.(4) If The Loading Restrictions Are Brief
(i.e., 25 Words Or Less) 6-16
6.C.1.b.(5) Standard Items To Include All Stability
Letters Or Booklets 6-17
6.C.1.c. Actions Of Assigning Authorities 6-17
6.C.1.d. Additional Provisions 6-17
6.C.2. Temporary Stability Letters 6-17
6.C.3. Computers To Calculate Stability On Board 6-18
6.C.4. Capabilities Of Operational Personnel And Stability
Guidance 6-18
6.D. Stability Tests (46 CFR 170, Subpart F) 6-18
6.D.1. Inclining Experiments 6-18
6.D.1.a. Introduction 6-18
6-i CH-2
6.D.1.b. Coast Guard Representation 6-19
6.D.1.c. ABS Representation 6-19
6.D.1.d. The Use Of Water To Produce The Inclining Moment 6-19
6.D.1.e. Precautions For MODU Inclinings 6-20
6.D.1.f. Shifting Of Weights On MODU's 6-20
6.D.1.g. Inclinings Of Column Stabilized Units 6-21
6.D.2. "Sister Vessels" 6-22
6.D.2.a Determination Of Sister Vessel Status 6-22
6.D.2.b Responsibility For Conducting A Deadweight Survey 6-23
6.D.2.c Deadweight Survey Procedures 6-23
6.D.2.c.(1) General Condition Of The Vessel 6-23
6.D.2.c.(2) Tankage 6-24
6.D.2.c.(3) List And Trim 6-24
6.D.2.c.(4) Mooring Arrangements 6-24
6.D.2.c.(5) Weather 6-24
6.D.2.c.(6) Conducting The Survey 6-25
6.D.3. Simplified Stability Tests For Small Passenger Vessels
(46 CFR 171.030) 6-26
6.D.3.a. General 6-26
6.D.3.b. Pontoon-Type Vessels 6-26
6.D.3.c. SOLAS Applicable Vessels 6-26
6.D.4. Evaluation Of Weight Changes To Lightship 6-26
6.E. Special Rules Pertaining To Specific Vessel Types 6-27
6.E.1. Offshore Supply Vessels (Proposed 46 CFR 128.4) 6-27
6.E.1.a. Righting Energy Criterion 6-29
6.E.1.b. Towline Pull Criterion 6-29
6.E.2. Tugboats And Towboats (46 CFR 174, Subpart E) 6-30
6.E.3. Monohull Sailing Vessels And Auxiliary Sailing Vessels
(46 CFR 171) 6-35
6.E.3.a. Stability Test 6-35
6.E.3.b. Plans Required In Addition To 46 CFR 170.075 6-35
6.E.3.c. Stability Calculations 6-35
6.E.3.d. Bare Poles Criteria For Certain Small Auxiliary
Sailing Vessels 6-38
6.E.4 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (46 CFR 174, Subpart C) 6-38
6.E.4.a. Stability While On The Bottom 6-38
6.E.4.b. Lightship Determination 6-39
6.E.4.c. Freeboard Assignment 6-40
6.E.4.d. Operating Manual (46 CFR 109.121 And 170.130) 6-40
6.E.5 Barges (46 CFR Part 172 And Part 174, Subpart B) 6-45
6.E.5.a. General 6-45
6.E.5.b. Intact And Damage Stability Criteria By Barge Type 6-45
6.E.5.b.(1) All Barges: Weather Criterion And Righting
Energy 6-45
6.E.5.b.(2) Tank Barges 6-46
CH-2 6-ii
6.E.5.b.(3) Dangerous Cargo Barges (46 CFR 172.090 And
172.095) 6-46
6.E.5.b.(4) Dry Cargo Barges (Within Hull Only) 6-47
6.E.5.b.(5) Deck Cargo Barges (46 CFR 174.015 And 174.020) 6-48
6.E.5.b.(6) Open Hopper Barges 6-53
6.E.5.b.(7) Derrick Barges (46 CFR 173, Subpart B) 6-53
6.E.5.c. Collision Bulkheads On Barges 6-54
6.E.6. Bulk Cargo Vessels 6-54
6.E.6.a. Carriage Of Cement In Bulk 6-54
6.E.6.b. Carriage Of Sugar In Bulk 6-54
6.E.6.c. Carriage Of Grain In Bulk 6-55
6.E.6.d. Damage Stability Criteria 6-55
6.E.7. Great Lakes Bulk Carriers 6-56
6.E.7.a. Introduction 6-56
6.E.7.b. The Magee Criterion 6-56
6.E.7.c. Use Of Magee Criterion 6-56
6.E.8. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carrier Requirements 6-69
6.E.8.a. Damage Stability Requirements While Loading And
Discharging Cargo 6-69
6.E.8.b. Pollution Prevention Standards 6-69
6.E.9. Small Passenger Vessels 6-69
6.E.9.a. General 6-69
6.E.9.b. Simplified Stability Test 6-69
6.E.9.c. Simplified Subdivision Calculation 6-69
6.E.9.d. Assumptions For Calculations/Tests 6-70
6.E.9.e. Subdivision Calculations 6-70
6.E.9.f. Foam Flotation 6-70
6.E.9.g. Collision Bulkheads 6-70
6.E.9.h. Ballast 6-70
6.E.9.i. Watertight Doors In Watertight Bulkheads 6-70
6.E.9.j. Simplified Tests As Equivalents To Calculations 6-71
6.E.10. Uninspected Vessels 6-73
6.E.11. Vessels Equipped To Lift 6-73
6.E.12. Multi-Hull Vessels 6-74
6.E.13. Vessels With Watertight Doors In Non-Subdivision
Bulkheads 6-74
6.E.14. Vessels With Intentional, Progressive, Or Controlled
Downflooding 6-75
6.E.15. Vessels Subject To 46 CFR 171.080 Or 171.070 6-75
6.E.16. Vessels Subject to 33 CFR 157 6-76
6.E.17. Vessels With Underwater Volume Beyond The Perpendiculars 6-76
6.E.18. Lifeboats 6-76
6.E.19. Fishing and Fish Processing Vessels 6-77
6.E.19.a. Fishing Vessels 6-77
6.E.19.b. Fish Processing Vessels 6-77
6.E.19.c. Ballast 6-78
6-iii CH-2
6.E.19.d. Stability Information 6-78
6.E.20. Vessels Subject To 46 CFR 170.173 (Unusual Proportion
And Form) 6-78
6.E.20.a. Starting With The Weather Criterion 6-78
6.E.20.b. Extrapolating Beyond The Data Base 6-78
6.E.20.c. The Broad Shoal Correction 6-78
6.E.20.d. The Rahola Criterion And Offshore Supply Vessels 6-79
6.E.20.e. True Technical Definition Of Unusual Proportion
And Form 6-79
6.E.20.f. Why 46 CFR 170.173 And Not Rahola 6-79
6.E.20.g. Range Of Stability 6-79
6.E.20.h. Hull Form Characteristics 6-80
6.E.20.i. Superstructure, Trim-Free And Fixed Trim 6-80
6.E.20.j. Energy Balance Criteria 6-81
6.E.20.k. Energy For Less Than Ocean Service 6-81
6.E.21. Dynamically Supported Craft (DSC) 6-81
6.F. Load Lines 6-82
6.F.1. General Provisions 6-82
6.F.1.a. Load Line Assignment And Certification 6-82
6.F.1.b. Administration Of Load Line Statutes And Regulations 6-82
6.F.1.c. Detection Of Violations 6-82
6.F.1.c.(1) Introduction 6-82
6.F.1.c.(2) Checks Of Vessels Departing On Or Arriving
From A Foreign Voyage 6-83
6.F.1.c.(3) Checks Of Vessels On Coastwise And Great Lakes
Voyages 6-83
6.F.1.c.(4) Employment Of Marine Safety Personnel 6-83
6.F.2. References 6-84
6.F.2.a. Load Line Statutes 6-84
6.F.2.a.(1) Vessels In Foreign Trade 6-84
6.F.2.a.(2) Coastwise And Great Lakes Vessels 6-84
6.F.2.b. Load Line Conventions And Treaties- 6-84
6.F.2.b.(1) The International Convention On Load Lines, 1966 6-84
6.F.2.b.(2) International Convention For The Safety Of Life
At Sea (SOLAS), 1974 (Load Line Provisions) 6-85
6.F.2.b.(3) Treaty Between The U.S. And Canada Defining
Certain Waters Of The West Coast Of North
America As Sheltered Waters (49 Star. 2685) 6-88
6.F.2.c. Load Line Resulations 6-89
6.F.2.c.(1) General 6-89
6.F.2.c.(2) Subdivision Load Lines 6-89
6.F.2.c.(3) References 6-89
6.F.3. Load Line Definitions And Explanations 6-89
6.F.3.a. Assigning Authority For U.S. Vessels 6-89
6.F.3.a.(1) General 6-89
CH-2 6-iv
6.F.3.a.(2) Application For Assignment 6-90
6.F.3.b. Stability Approval 6-90
6.F.3.b.(1) Stability Review 6-90
6.F.3.b.(2) Annual Revalidation 6-90
6.F.3.b.(3) Exception To The Procedure For Vessels Not
Receiving Stability Letters 6-90
6.F.3.b.(4) Exchange Of Damage Stability Information From
Coast Guard To ABS 6-90
6.F.3.b.(5) Exchange Of Damage Stability Information From
ABS To Coast Guard 6-91
6.F.3.b.(6) Special Procedures For Hopper Dredges 6-92
6.F.3.c. Action By The OCMI As Load Line Assigning Authority 6-92
6.F.3.c.(1) Issuance Of International Load Line (Single
Voyage) Exemption Certificates 6-92
6.F.3.c.(2) Issuance Of Coastwise/Great Lakes Single Voyage
Load Line Authorization Letter 6-92
6.F.3.c.(3) Application Requests 6-94
6.F.3.d. "Foreign Voyage" 6-94
6.F.3.e. "Coastwise Voyage By Sea" 6-94
6.F.3.f. "Great Lakes Voyage" 6-94
6.F.3.g. "Special Service Voyage" 6-96
6.F.3.h. "In The Usual Course Of Its Employment" 6-96
6.F.3.i. Operation "In Fair Weather Only" 6-96
6.F.3.j. Applicable Load Lines 6-97
6.F.3.k. Toledo Harbor And Port Huron, Michigan 6-97
6.F.3.l. Subdivision Load Lines 6-97
6.F.3.l.(1) General 6-97
6.F.3.l.(2) Subdivision Load Lines Required On Passenger
Vessels 6-97
6.F.3.1.(3) Subdivision Load Lines Required On Small
Passenger Vessels 6-98
6.F.3.m. Timber Load Lines 6-98
6.F.3.n. Merchant Vessels 6-98
6.F.3.o. Fishing Vessels 6-99
6.F.3.p. Small Vessels 6-99
6.F.4. Load Line Certificates And Markings 6-99
6.F.4.a. Valid Certificates And Markings 6-99
6.F.4.b. Extension Of Load Line Certificates On U.S. Vessels 6-100
6.F.4.c. International Load Line Certificate Exemptions 6-101
6.F.4.d. Coastwise Load Line Certificate Exemptions 6-101
6.F.4.e. Single-Voyage Coastwise Load Line Certificates 6-101
6.F.5. Types Of Required Load Line Marks 6-101
6.F.5.a. For Vessels On Ocean, Or Ocean-And-Great Lakes
Voyages 6-101
6.F.5.b. For Vessels On Great Lakes Voyages 6-102
6.F.5.c. For Vessels On Special Service Voyages 6-102
6-v CH-2
6.F.5.d. Subdivision Load Lines 6-102
6.F.6. Assignment Of Multiple Load Lines 6-102
6.F.7. Description Of Load Line Certificates Issued Under
U.S. Laws 6-103
6.F.7.a. Load Line Certificate Forms 6-103
6.F.7.b. Load Line Certificate Data 6-103
6.F.8. Foreign Load Line Certificates 6-104
6.F.9. Form B Load Line Certificates 6-104
6.F.10. Specific Requirements Of The Load Line Regulations 6-105
6.F.10.a. Freeing Ports 6-105
6.F.10.b. Sill Heights 6-105
6.F.10.c. Vent And Hatch Coaming Heights 6-105
6.F.10.d. Bow Height 6-106
6.F.10.e. Watertight Doors 6-106
6.G. Hull Strength And Loading In Vessel Design 6-106
6.G.1. Structural Plan Review 6-106
6.G.1.a. Introduction 6-106
6.G.1.b. Coast Guard Review 6-106
6.G.1.c. Classification Society Review 6-106
6.G.1.d. Review For Load Line Assignment 6-107
6.G.2. Regulatory Structural Requirements 6-107
6.G.2.a. Recognized Classification Societies 6-107
6.G.2.b. Requirements For Small Passenger Vessels 6-107
6.G.2.c. Requirements For Tank Barges 6-108
6.G.2.d. Loading Information For Tank Vessels 6-108
6.G.3. Vessel Structural Policy 6-108
6.G.3.a. Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV's) 6-108
6.G.3.b. Small Passenger Vessels 6-108
6.G.3.c. Reinforcement Of Hull Openings By Doubler Plates 6-109
6.G.4. Stress Monitoring And Hull Response 6-109
6.G.5. Structural Reliability 6-109
6.C.5.a. Reliability Concept 6-109
6.G.5.b. Applications To Vessel Structure 6-110
6.H. General Methods Of Fabrication 6-110
6.H.1. Introduction 6-110
6.H.2. Welding Procedures 6-110
6.H.2.a. Regulatory Authority 6-110
6.H.2.b. ABS/Coast Guard Requirements 6-111
6.H.2.c. Welding Filler Metals 6-111
6.H.2.c.(1) General 6-111
6.H.2.c.(2) Coast Guard Review Of Electrodes 6-111
6.H.2.d. Welding Guidelines 6-112
6.H.2.d.(1) Introduction 6-112
6.H.2.d.(2) Pre-Weld Considerations 6-112
CH-2 6-vi
6.H.2.d.(3) Repair Welds 6-112
6.H.2.d.(4) General Welding Activities 6-113
6.H.2.d.(5) Preheating 6-113
6.H.2.e. Additional References 6-113
6.H.3. Riveting Procedures 6-114
6.H.3.a. Introduction 6-114
6.H.3.b. General Repair Guidelines 6-114
6.H.3.c. Hole Preparation 6-115
6.H.3.d. Deteriorated Or Missing Rivets 6-115
6.H.4. Tensile Fasteners 6-115
6.H.4.a. Introduction 6-115
6.H.4.b. Swage Locking Pins And Collars (Lockpins) 6-117
6.H.4.c. Structural Bolting 6-117
6.H.4.d. Design Criteria For New Construction Or Conversion 6-118
6.H.4.e. Criteria For Use In Repairs 6-119
6.H.4.f. Tightness 6-119
6.I. Hull Fittings And Closures 6-119
6.I.1. Single-Dogged Hatches And Scuttles 6-119
6.I.2. Watertight Doors Below The Bulkhead Deck Aboard T-Boats 6-120
6.I.2.a. General Provisions 6-120
6.I.2.b. Provisions For Crew Boats 6-120
6.I.3. Aluminum Hatch Covers 6-121
6.I.4. Air Ports And Port Lights 6-121
6.I.5. Fittings For Cargo Areas 6-123
6.J. Maneuverability In Vessel Design 6-123
6.J.1. IMO Guidance Documents 6-123
6.J.2. USCG Requirements 6-123
6-vii CH-2
A. General
1. Scope Of Responsibility
. This chapter delineates the
responsibilities of the Naval Architecture Branch, Commandant
(G-MTH-3), Office of Marine Safety, Security, and Environmental
Protection, Commandant (G-M), at Coast Guard Headquarters. The
activities of this branch are concentrated in six functional
safety areas: subdivision, stability, structures, hull welding,
load lines, and maneuverability. The objectives of the Naval
Architecture Branch can be summarized as follows:
a. To respond to inquiries from industry, the public, and Coast
Guard marine safety personnel;
b. To provide technical advice and guidance to the Coast Guard
Marine Safety Center (MSC) and field inspection offices
through such media as the Marine Safety Manual (MSM) and
Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circulars (NVIC's);
c. To minimize incidence of vessel capsizing by developing
subdivision and stability standards that are consistent with
economic considerations;
d. To administer load line laws and regulations by providing
technical advice at national and international levels, and by
providing interpretations and operational guidance to the MSC
and marine safety offices (MSO's);
e. To develop regulations to promote the protection of life and
property at sea and the marine environment to the extent
required by law in the areas of subdivision, stability,
structures, hull welding, load lines, and maneuverability; and
f. To oversee and provide guidance to third party organizations,
such as the National Cargo Bureau, Inc. (NCB), the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS), and other classification societies,
to which the Coast Guard has delegated certain commercial
vessel safety (CVS) functions.
2. Regulations And Instructions
a. Subdivision And Stability Regulations
. The subdivision and
stability regulations for merchant vessels are contained in 46
CFR, Subchapter S (Subdivision and Stability). Additionally,
there are damage stability and subdivision standards for
vessels receiving type A and reduced freeboard type B load
lines in 16 CFR, Subchapter E (Load Lines). Regarding intact
stability, 46 CFR 42.09-1 requires that the master off a
vessel receiving a load line be provided with a copy of the
Commandant approved operating conditions. Additionally, all
6-1 CH-2
6.A.2. a. (cont'd) Guard certificated vessels are required to meet the
minimum stability requirements of the regulations. In
practice, a vessel's stability information is approved by the
MSC. The intact stability standards that the Coast Guard
considers acceptable for load lined vessels are the same as
those applied under Subchapter S to an inspected vessel of the
same type and in the same service.
b. Structural Regulations
. The structural regulations in each
applicable subchapter of 46 CFR reference the structural
standards established by ABS.
c. Instructions
. The effective NVIC's issued by the Coast Guard
that relate specifically to the activities of the Naval
Architecture Branch (i.e., the application of subdivision,
stability, structures, and load line regulations) are listed
. Subject
7-56 Manned LST's; Structural Reinforcement and Drydocking;
Hull Inspection Requirements
2-62 Watertight Bulkheads in All Inspected Vessels -
Maintenance of Watertight Integrity
1-63 Notes on Inspection and Repair of Wooden Hulls
11-63 LST's as Unmanned Barges; Structural Reinforcement and
Drydocking; Hull Inspection Requirements
10-65 Stability Determination in Capsizing Cases Involving
Uninspected Vessels
1-66 Requirements for Hull Structural Steel - Structural
3-68 Tensile Fasteners
7-68 Notes on Inspection and Repair of Steel Hulls
3-69 Z-Nomograph Method of Calculating Available GM
3-73 Intact Stability Criteria for Passenger and Cargo Ships
Under 100 Meters in Length
4-74 Stability Information Required on Inspected and
Uninspected U.S. Vessels Receiving a Load Line
Certificate and Foreign Vessels Receiving Form B Load
Line Certificates
3-75 Bulk Grain Cargoes
CH-2 6-2
6.A.2. c. (cont'd)
. Subject
2-76 Damage Stability Calculations for Tank Vessels
3-77 Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck
4-77 Shifting Weights or Counter Flooding During Emergency
2-78 Bulk Grain Cargo Regulations (46 CFR 31.10-33, 46 CFR
74.10-12, and 46 CFR 93.20)
4-78 Inspection and Certification of Existing Mobile Offshore
Drilling Units
11-80 Structural Plan Review Guidelines for Aluminum Small
Passenger Vessels
8-81 Change 1 (3-23-88) Initial and Subsequent Inspection of
Uncertified Existing Offshore Supply Vessels under P.L.
14-81 Stability tests; Waiving of for "Sister Vessels"
15-81 Guidelines for Conducting Stability Tests
5-82 Fixed Ballast
8-82 Load Line Certificates
10-82 Acceptance of Plan Review and Inspection Tasks Performed
by the American Bureau of Shipping for New Construction
and Major Modifications of U.S. Flag Vessels
15-82 Equivalent to the Minimum Bow Height Requirement of 46
CFR 42.20-70 and Regulation 39 of the 1966 International
Convention on Load Lines (ICLL '66)
17-82 Intact Stability of Small Vessels; Recommendations
18-82 Form B Load Lines; Procedures for Issuance of Certificates
5-83 Unified Interpretations of the International Convention
on Load Lines, 1966
10-83 Stability Approval and the Issuance of Stability Letters
6-3 CH-2
6.A.2. c. (cont'd)
. Subject
12-83 Intact Stability of Towing and Fishing Vessels; Research
3-84 Acceptance of Stability Related Review Performed by the
American Bureau of Shipping for New U.S. Flag Vessels
8-84 Recommendations for the Submittal of Merchant Vessel Plans
and Specifications
2-85 Notification to the U.S. Coast Guard for Enforcement of
Load Line Requirements
10-85 Oversight of Technical and Administrative Aspects of Load
Line Assignment
5-86 Voluntary Standards for U.S. Uninspected Commercial
Fishing Vessels
8-86 Coast Guard Relationships with Classification Societies
for U.S. Flag Vessels
10-86 Equivalence to Minimum Bow Height Requirements for Load
Line Assignment
8-87 Notes on Design, Construction, Inspection and Repair of
Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Vessels
1-88 International Load Line Certificates for Small Passenger
Vessels Operating Within 20 Miles of a Harbor of Safe
3-89 Guidelines for the Presentation of Stability Information
for Operating Personnel
3. Format Of This Chapter
. Sections 6.B through 6.E of this chapter
provide guidance on the application of the regulations in 46 CFR,
Subchapter S. (Subdivision and Stability Regulations). The order
of these parts follow the order of Subchapter S as much as
possible. To aid in this correlation, the applicable regulation
has been placed in parentheses next to the title of the part or
subpart. All references are for title 46, CFR unless otherwise
noted. Section 6.F provides guidance on the assignment, marking,
and certification of load lines. Section 6.G provides guidance for
the review of structural designs and Section 6.H addresses general
methods of fabrication, such as welding and riveting. Section 6.I
provides guidance for the review of hull fittings and closures
while Section 6.J discusses vessel maneuverability.
CH-2 6-4
6.A.4. Research And Technical Papers
. Much valuable work has been
documented in Coast Guard funded research and Coast Guard authored
technical papers presented to the Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers (SNAME), and various conferences and symposiums.
Although this information is not policy, it contains insight that
should not be forgotten or lost. It lends itself to reference at
the very least. The following lists are not complete in all
Survival of Collision Damage Versus the 1960 Convention on Safety of
Life at Sea (1961, transactions)
Comstock and Robertson
Discusses the separation of bulkheads philosophy.
On the Stability of Sailing Vessels (1966, Chesapeake)
Beebe-Center and Brooks
Empirical sail criteria based on existing vessels - became
On the Stability of Small Passenger Vessels (1967, Southeast) Brooks
Stability of Fishing Vessels (1968, MT October)
Price Discusses IMCO initiative briefly.
Stability and the Stowage of Bulk Grain in Ships - Activities of the
IMCO (1969, Mt October)
Price and Middleton
Recent Coast Guard Research into Vessel Stability (1973, Chesapeake)
Bower, Johnson, and Jones
Overviews CG criteria and R&D efforts with stability on a wave.
The New Equivalent International Regulations on Subdivision and
Stability of Passenger Ships (1974, transactions)
Robertson, Nickum, Price, and Middleton
Probabilistic approach to flooding - became alternate regulation.
Trim, Stability and Loading Manuals: A Survey of Needs, Uses and
Improvements (1974, transactions)
Development of Intact Stability Criteria for Towing and Fishing Vessels
(1976, transactions)
Damage Stability Requirements for Tankships, Chemical Ships, and Gas
Ships (1976, MT April)
Kime, Johnson, and Rabe
Overview of past/new damage standards, domestic and international.
6-5 CH-2
6.A.4. (cont'd)
A Review of the IHCO Code for Gas Ships (1977)
Paravane Roll Stabilization (1979, STAR)
Koelbel, Fuller, and Hankley
Derives methods to design paravanes - often used on fishing vessels.
Has Stability Delayed the Delivery of Your Tug? (1980, HT January)
McGowan and Meyer
Overviews of past/current stability standards - became policy.
Assessing Intact Stability (1980, MT April)
Overviews development of intact stability criteria.
A Simplified Stability Letter for Offshore Supply Vessels (1981, HT
Meyer and Feeney
Presents methods and examples for using simple loading diagrams.
Subdivision, Stability, Liability (1982, MT July)
Overview of regulatory philosophy and experience.
Safety and Stability Considerations for Sail-Assisted Fishing Vessels
(1983, Symposium)
Investigation of Damage Stability of Dry Cargo Ships (1983,
Minimum International Damaged Stability Standards for Cargo Ships
(1985, Philadelphia) Henn and Letourneau
An Investigation into the Loss of the Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit
OCEAN RANGER (1985, MT April)
Johnson and Cojeen
Discusses the major casualty off of Nova Scotia-
Tug and Barge Stability Requirements (1986, Tow Conference)
Overview of intact and damage requirements.
Sailing Vessel Stability: With Particular Reference to the Pride of
Baltimore Casualty (1987, Chesapeake)
Maxham and Chatterton
Discusses sail criteria and specific sail vessel casualties.
Stability Information for the Fisherman Based on the Roll Center (1987,
CH-2 6-6
6.A.4. (cont'd)
Letourneau, Jons, and Fuller
Discusses presentation of stability using a new method.
RO-RO Stability (RO-RO 1988 Conference)
Spencer and Gilbert
Discusses subdivision and damage stability of roll on-roll off ships
and the ability to meet new international standards for dry cargo
Gilbert's comments to Robert tam and R. Keith Michel's Intact Stability
Standards for Containerships (1989, MT October)
Dynamic-Response-Based Intact and Residual Damage Stability Criteria
For Semisubmersible Units (1989, transactions)
Shark, Shin, and Spencer
Overview of Coast Guard Plan Review for High Tech Ship Design (1990, MT
Hayden and Watson
Discusses concept review with specific examples.
The New International Standard for Subdivision and Damage Stability of
Dry Cargo Ships (1990, MT March)
Gilbert and Card
Outlines development and application of probabilistic damage
Review of the New SOLAS Damage Stability Requirements for Passenger
Ships (1990, International Stability Conference)
Carrisen and Spencer
Intact Stability Standards for Large Sailing Vessels (1990,
International Stability Conference)
Gilbert, Hayden, and Marean
The International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels - 1977
and What it Means to the United States (1976, Hampton Roads)
U.S. Coast Guard's Fishing Vessel Safety Initiative (1987, Chesapeake)
Piche', Morani, and Chatterton
Outlines voluntary program development.
Structural Design of Aluminum Crewboats (1975, MT July)
Status Report on the Application of Stress and Motion Monitoring in
Merchant Vessels (1980, STAR)
6-7 CH-2
6.A.4. (cont'd)
A Synthesis of Aluminum Crewboat Structural Design (1982, MT January)
Spencer and Henrickson
Discusses design - led to NVIC 10-80.
A Coast Guard Perspective on the Safety of Marine Structures (1983, NRC
Marine Structure Reliability Symposium)
Spencer and Henn
Discusses probabilistic approaches as an alternative to
deterministic structural approaches.
A Summary of Coast Guard Relations with the American Bureau of Shipping
(1984, MT July)
Spencer and Henn
The Usefulness of Response Monitoring for Estimation of Bow Structural
Loadings (1985, NY)
An Approach to the Evaluation of Service Life (1990, Integrity of
Offshore Structures-4)
Baxter, Cojeen, Bowen, Thayamballi, and Bea
U.S. Coast Guard Experience with Commercial FRP Vessels (1990, ASCE
Materials Engineering Congress)
Hayden and VandeVoorde
Load Lines
- the Lever of Safety (1975, Transactions)
72-74 Experimental Studies of Capsizing
of Intact Ships in Heavy Seas
(DTCG84-549-A), model tests at Berkeley by Paulling
broaching and following seas problem.
75 Evaluation of Current Towing Vessel Stability
Criterion and
Proposed Fishing Vessel Stability Criteria (DTCG24-656-A),
literature survey by Hydronautics
and calculations for 51
76 Evaluation of Current Towing Vessel Stability
Criterion and
Proposed Fishing Vessel Criteria (DTCG24-656-A), model test
results from Hydronautics
76-79 Model Tests and Numerical Simulation of Ship Capsizing in
Following Seas
(DTCG-64601-A), model tests at Berkeley
compared to Capsize program to verify validity by using SL-7,
Mariner, and crabber.
77-78 Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (Rosenblatt).
CH-2 6-8
6.A.4. (cont'd)
79-80 Stability Information
for the Master (DTCG-835633-A),
Frankel reviews trim and stability booklets to offer guidelines
in booklet development.
79-81 Development of an Analytical Technique for
Predicting Deck
Wetness (DTCG-844748-A), Giannotti summarized
model test results toward rational freeboard criteria.
79 Classification of Intact Stability
Standards for Dynamically
Supported Craft (DTCG-806510-A), history of stability criteria
and discussion of non-displacement mode concerns/criteria.
80-81 Development of Intact Stability
Standards for Rigid-Sidehull
Surface Effect Ships (DTCG23-80-C-20042), Band-Lavis summarizes
experience and recommends stability criteria (USN in
displacement mode).
82 Great Lakes Hatch Cover
Assessment Project
(DTCC23-80-C-20039), Santa Fe Corporation ran finite
element analysis of hatch covers for suitable
strength/design. Concluded that only the design used on
the EDMUND FITZGERALD was inadequate.
84 Study of Great Lakes
Vessel Casualties and the Impact of
Proposed USCG Stability Requirements (DTHA91-82-D-20027),
Designers and Planners analyzed work for MARAD using
casualty data obtained for Lake Carriers by Marine
Consultants and Designers. Considered in writing GL damage
82-84 Rational Method for Upgrading Towed Safety
modeling and simulation by U of M. Produced computer
84 Parametric Study of Angle of Vanishing Stability
for Ships
in the Intact Condition (DTCG23-83-C-20097), IES of Texas
tried to determine if a more rational method of evaluating
freeboard could ascertain adequate stability. Recommend
more research.
84 Parametric Analysis of Static and Dynamic Stability
Properties of Heavy Lift Ships
(DTCG23-83-20041), Stephens
ran many calculations to set preliminary
smooth water heel limits for non-counterballasted ships
that lift large loads.
84 Evaluation of Small Passenger Vessel Stability Test
Procedures (DTCG23-83-C-20089), Arctec concluded
simplified test equivalent to larger vessel procedures.
84 Nonlinear Motions and Forces on TLP
Salvesen used 3D hybrid finite element method.
84, 86 An Assessment of Wave and Wind Data
for use in the Design
of TLP US Offshore Areas (DTCG23-83-F-04433 and 23-85-F-20014),
Buckley of David taylor used NOAA buoy data to identify
extreme sea spectra.
6-9 CH-2
6.A.4. (cont'd)
85 Climatic Wind and Wave Data
for use in the Design of TLP - US
Offshore Areas (DTCG23-85-F-20023), National Climatic Data
Center furnished wave height variance spectra to estimate
loads on TLP.
86 Cargo Sailing Vessel
Stability Standards (DTCC23-83-C-20075),
died in midstream when contractor convicted of fraud (IES of
87 STAAF computer program update, Lorenz made general
improvements to STAAF 1 on the VAX to make STAAF 2 effective.
87 Safe Operating Mode of Ballasting for MODU's
(DTCG23-85-C-20070), Noble Denton
studied ballasting with
analysis of existing designs highlighting specific design
87 Motions Program
Procurement (DTCG23-86-10122), Frank Chou
(FCA) delivered motions software to allow examination of
vent heights
on MODU's. Extended to test motion of lifeboat
and to obtain weather profiles on two 100 foot water
depth locations in GOM.
88 Nonlinear Loads and Motions of MODU's
from FCA put on VAX and tested with a barge and a
semi-submersible. Phase II not pursued in part due to
dynamic wind limitations.
86-88 An Investigation of Non-linear
Aspects of Ship Dynamic
(Falzarano/U of M), summarized fishing vessel
stability criteria and studied water on deck of PATTI-B
in the time domain.
87-89 Plan Review Suite of Naval Architecture Programs
(DTCG23-87-C-20044), FCA modified their existing software to
include USCG stability criteria and installed it on the VAX.
87-88 Qualitative Analysis of Load Lines
88-89 Damage
Stability of Dry Cargo Ships (Level of effort
contract), investigates impact of probabilistic
proposed at IMO.
B. Stability-Related Drawings And Calculations (46 CFR 170-174)
1. Lines Drawings (46 CFR 170
a. An accurate lines drawing is imperative for any stability
evaluation. The Coast Guard enters the lines information into
a computer by directly tracing the body plan on an electronic
digitizing tablet. The image of the body plan must be exactly
to scale, be easily readable and should not exceed 28.5 inches
high by 39 inches wide.
CH-2 6-10
6.B.1. a. (cont'd) the lines drawing should show details of all volumes
which are to be included in computing the hydrostatic properties
of the vessel such as appendages, forecastle and poop decks,
deckhouses and other superstructures. Superstructures and
deckhouses will only be included if:
(1) Their fabrication and construction satisfies ABS or other
recognized classification society strength requirements;
(2) Doors in external bulkheads are of steel or other
equivalent material and meet the requirements of
Regulation 12, 1966 International Convention on Load
Lines or 46 CFR 42.15-10 and have at least 15-inch
coaming heights;
(3) There is a means of escape from within the structure to
the deck above, independent of the external bulkhead
doors; and
(4) All openings In the sides of the structure are
Bulwarks are not permitted to be included in a vessel's buoyancy.
b. In the case of vessels of unusual shape or form, such as mobile
offshore drilling units (MODU's) and hopper dredges, the
traditional lines plans do not always contain enough
information to model the hull. In order to prevent a
misinterpretation of the hull form, the designer should
provide the following plans in addition to the lines drawing:
(1) Inboard (centerline) profile;
(2) Outboard profile;
(3) General arrangements or deck plans; and
(4) Cross bracing and truss diagrams.
These drawings should be marked or highlighted to locate
volumes which are free-flooding and to show the extent of
watertightness of irregular deck structures, pontoons,
stabilizing columns, and major and minor cross tubulars.
[NOTE: For split-hull hopper dredges which require a "working
freeboard," a second lines drawing should be submitted showing
the hull in the open position.]
2. Curves Of Form (46 CFR 170.075)
. Curves of form should be
prepared so that they span the full range of operating drafts,
from lightship to full load. The amount of information presented
on this drawing varies with the extent of the analysis required.
At a minimum, the following curves must be included: displacement,
KMT, KML, KB, longitudinal center of buoyancy (LCB), and
longitudinal center of flotation (LCF).
6-11 CH-2
. This drawing consists of a plot of
Cross Curves (46 CFR 170.075)
righting arm curves over the full range of operating drafts.
Usually, they are developed assuming zero trim and a KG (pole
height) equal to zero. The righting arms should be plotted at the
following angles of heel: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, and
60 degrees. The assumed KG and buoyant appendages should be
identified on this drawing. If a particular stability criterion
requires righting arm values to be calculated taking into account
the change in trim with heel (zero trimming moment method), or if
this method is desired by the designer, the designer's
computer output should then include values of righting arms for
each loading condition investigated.
. When demonstrating compliance
Weather Criterion (46 CFR 170.170)
with the weather criterion in 46 CFR 170.170, calculations of the
required metacentric height for particular loading conditions
should be performed assuming the vessel is on an even keel.
a. The angle of heel (T) in the CM-Required formula is defined as
14 degrees, or the angle of heel at which one-half the
freeboard to the deck edge is immersed, whichever is less.
Normally, the deck referred to is the freeboard deck. For some
vessels, this could be a severe penalty when the designated
freeboard deck is significantly lower than the main (weather)
deck. The freeboard may be measured to the higher weather deck
if the hull above the freeboard deck is watertight and the
hull penetration requirements in 46 CFR 56.50-95 are met,
substituting the weather deck for the freeboard deck for the
purpose of those regulations.
b. The angle of heel (T) may also be increased, as follows, if a
vessel has a superstructure extending from shell to shell with
adequate strength, tightness, and closures, as follows:
(1) If a vessel has a superstructure of height "k" for the
full length of the vessel, the freeboard "f" to the
freeboard deck may be increased by a height "h" where "h"
is equal to or less than "k":
(2) If a vessel has a superstructure of less than the full
length of the vessel, the freeboard addition "h" is
limited by two considerations. The first is the relative
length of the superstructure; the second is the transverse
distribution of the
CH-2 6-12
6.B.4.b. (2) (cont'd) superstructure volume relative to that of the main
hull below. These two items are combined in the factor
"a/b," which represents the applicable percentage of total
superstructure effectiveness as given in subparagraph
6.B.4.a.(1) above.
therefore, the maximum permissible freeboard addition is:
a/b (h) = a/b ((B/4)-f).
the total permissible freeboard is f + (a/b)((B/4)-f), and
the maximum permissible tan (t) that can be used is:
tan (t) = f + (a/b)((B/4)-f)
[NOTE: Areas "a" and "b" as determined in accordance with
Figure 6-1 are measured on the freeboard deck. No area
within the 2/3 "B" of the vessel transversely shall be
included in such areas.]
5. Free Surface Calculations (46 CFR 170. Subpart I)
. For large
vessels or vessels with numerous large fuel tanks, in addition to
accounting for the free surface of the largest pair of fuel tanks
as required by 46 CFR 170.285 and 170.290, the possibility of some
free surface of the remaining fuel tanks should be taken into
account. This may be done by considering the remaining fuel tanks
as 98 percent full and computing the free surface of those tanks
at a 5 degree heel angle. When calculating the free surface
effect of fuel tanks at a five degree heel angle, the moment of
inertia method is to be used.
Moment of transference is acceptable in lieu of inertia
calculations for determining the free surface effects of the
required combination of tanks. However, the calculations must
correspond to mid-level soundings, as described in NVIC 3-73 (IMO
tables), and applied to the required loading conditions,
irrespective of actual soundings. This conservative assumption
justifies examining a limited number of conditions, and is the
same procedure used when calculating free surface corrections by
the inertia method.
Tanks with the largest free surface effect need not be included in
calculations when simple guidance ensures they will remain empty.
6-13 CH-2
6.B.6. Draft Mark Locations (46 CFR 170.075)
. A drawing showing draft
mark locations is required by 46 CFR 170.075 to be submitted for
approval. For uniformity, draft marks should be of such a height
that their vertical projection on the vessel is 6 inches, with the
space between figures also having a vertical projection of 6
inches. The bottom of each draft figure is placed coincident with
the waterline that figure indicates. Additional regulations for
inspected vessels are found in 46 CFR 32.05-1, 46 CFR 78.50-10, 46
CFR 97.40-10, 46 CFR 108.661, 46 CFR 167.55-1. and 46 CFR
7. Subdivision And Damage Stability Calculations
a. Scope Of Submittal
. The designer is responsible for
conducting a parametric study to determine the damage
condition which is governing for each loading condition or
tense of loadings. Submittal of all the detailed calculations
is not desired. The designer should submit the following to
demonstrate that the vessel meets the applicable criteria:
(1) A summary of the damage conditions examined;
(2) A list of the operating restrictions assumed by the study;
(3) Calculations for one of the governing conditions in
sufficient detail to show the method used;
(4) A list of the locations of all potential downflooding points;
(5) Sufficient drawings and capacity tables to detail the
watertight subdivision of the vessel.
The parametric study should examine the effect of change of vessel
trim for the range of normal trims specified in the operating
restrictions assumed.
b. Righting Arms
. The zero trimming moment (trimming free)
method of computing righting arms should always be employed
when performing damage stability calculations.
c. Tonnage Openings. When stability standards require a range of
positive stability beyond the angle of equilibrium, tonnage
openings secured with place closures to the maximum extent
allowed by the provisions of 46 CFR 69.03-67 need not be
considered as points of downflooding within the range of
residual stability. They are considered as points of
downflooding if they are submerged below the final
equilibrium waterline.
C. Stability Letters And Trim And Stability Booklets (46 CFR 170. Subpart D)
1. Issuance Of Stability Letters. 46 CFR 170.120 specifies when a
stability letter is required for an inspected vessel. In the
operations section of
6-15 CH-2
6.C.1. (cont'd) each of the title 46 subchapters is a requirement to post
the stability letter. NVIC 10-83 was issued to inform the public
that the Coast Guard has changed its procedures regarding the
offices that issue stability letters. The internal procedural
aspects of that circular are as follows:
a. Officer In Charge
. Marine Inspection (OCMI) Actions. An OCMI
will continue to issue stability letters to the owners of
small passenger vessels less than 65 feet in length when
required by 46 CFR 170, Subpart D. If, however, the OCMI
requests that the MSC conduct the stability evaluation, the
MSC may then issue the stability letter. The OCMI shall enter
the date of the stability letter in the appropriate space on
the vessel's Certificate of Inspection (COI).
b. MSC Actions
. The MSC (Cargo Division) normally reviews the
stability of tank barges and tank ships while the MSC (Hull
Division) normally reviews the stability of other vessels and:
(1) If the Vessel Is Inspected And Load Lined
. Issue a
stability letter to the owner of the vessel, send a copy
to the OCMI to be referenced on the CO, and direct the
load line assigning authority to indicate the date and
issuing office on the face of the Load Line Certificate.
If a stability letter will not be issued such as in the
case of an unmanned deck cargo barge, the following
statement should be placed in the letter which approves
the stability calculations and authorizes the issuance of
a Load Line Certificate:
"The stability information specified in 46 CFR 170.120
and 46 CFR 42.09-1 is not required."
(2) If the Vessel Is Inspected But Not Load Lined
. Issue a
stability letter to the owner of the vessel and send a
copy to the OCMI to be referenced on the COI.
(3) If the Vessel Is Load Lined But Not Inspected
. Issue a
stability letter to the owner to be placed on the vessel
and send a copy to the assigning authority, directing its
attachment to the Load Line Certificate and indication of
the date and issuing office on the face of the
(4) If the Loading Restrictions Are Brief (i.e. 25 Words Or
Less). The MSC may elect not to issue a stability letter,
in which case the OCMI and the load line assigning
authority will be advised of any restrictions to be
placed on the COI or Load Line Certificate, as
appropriate. The restriction may be as simple as
requiring that the vessel be operated in accordance with
an approved operating manual. Enclosures (1) through (4)
of NVIC 10-83 are samples of letters that may be used by
the MSC to
CH-2 6-16
6.C.I.B. (4) (cont'd) inform the OCMI, the assigning authority, and
the owner of the appropriate stability information for the
(5) Standard Items to Include In All Stability Letters Or
. All manned vessels which are reviewed by the MSC
shall normally be issued a stability letter. The
specific guidance needed to ensure compliance with the
regulations must be included. It shall include such items
as: route, passenger access to upper decks, the maximum
draft, and crane limitations. General guidance should
include such items as: slack tanks, weather openings,
deck drainage, bilge water, correction of list, and the
master's responsibility to ensure satisfactory stability.
When the loading restrictions can be reduced to a few
sentences and placed on the COI or load line certificate,
a stability letter is not normally issued.
c. Actions Of Assigning Authority
. Assigning authorities such as
ABS shall follow the directions received from the MSC
regarding the information to be placed on or attached to Load
Line Certificates.
d. Additional Provisions
. If a revised stability letter is
issued to an existing vessel, the procedures of NVIC 10-83
shall be followed. These provisions do not supersede an OCMI's
authority to issue a stability letter to any vessel in unusual
circumstances or when it is more expeditious to do so. The
provisions of NVIC 10-83 do not modify procedures for the
submitting of stability plans and calculations for approval.
2. Temporary Stability Letters
. There are instances when a vessel is
ready for delivery but a permanent stability letter cannot be
issued, for a variety of reasons. In these instances, the MSC may
issue a temporary stability letter, normally for a maximum of 5
months, so that its expiration will coincide with the expiration
of a provisional load line certificate. If deemed necessary by the
MSC, the temporary stability letter may be issued for a 6-month
period. The use of a temporary stability letter is to help get a
vessel to sea rather than detain it, but it is not done for
economic assistance to the owner. The temporary letter is to
cover the time needed to obtain final approval of the stability
calculations. The temporary stability letter should not be issued
when marginal stability or questionable calculations indicate that
the final calculations are necessary before releasing the vessel.
Temporary stability letters should contain restrictions (e.g., a
conservative curve of required metacentric height, a reduction in
deck cargo, a reduction in the number of passengers or a reduced
draft) to ensure that the vessel meets the applicable stability
criteria and that owners have an incentive to obtain permanent
stability letters as soon as possible. The MSC will clearly
detail the reasons for issuing a temporary stability letter when
it is issued and will include its expiration date in the temporary
stability letter. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure that
the necessary actions are taken in a timely fashion to obtain a
6-17 CH-2
6.C.2. (cont'd) stability letter. The outstanding requirements for each
temporary stability letter shall be recorded and shall be
satisfactorily corrected prior to the issuance of a permanent
stability letter. Temporary stability letters are not intended to
substitute for timely submission of required calculations. They
should not be issued routinely to compensate for the owner's
failure to show compliance with the applicable regulations.
3. Computers to Calculate Stability On Board
. Computers may be used
only as an adjunct to the required T&S book. The master must be
provided with the capability to manually calculate stability if he
so wishes. However, he may use whatever tools he wishes to assist
him in his responsibility to ensure satisfactory stability. A
computer may be referred to by a stability letter or booklet as an
adjunct if the MSC has verified that it produces nearly identical
results to the approved manual guidance in a number of
representative loading conditions. The computer input form should
be similar to forms used in the T&S book.
4. Capabilities Of Operational Personnel And Stability Guidance
. The
stability guidance approved for use by the operator must be
suitable for the capabilities of the staffing requirements for the
vessel. In general, trim and stability booklets are not suitable
unless a licensed officer will operate the vessel. Trim and
stability booklets on vessels without licensed masters will be
considered by the MSC if simple instructions are included in a
first section which offers a rapid means of ascertaining
satisfactory stability and defers to a following section which
requires calculations, which are necessary for certain anticipated
vessel operations. The simple instructions will normally be in
the form of loading and operating restrictions and/or a loading
diagram. The MSC may require that the owner certify that the
master will be qualified to use the stability guidance.
The stability guidance should not indicate a loading condition
acceptable for stability concerns, yet unacceptable for
longitudinal strength concerns. Often the strength and stability
information is contained within a single manual and this will not
be a problem. When separate guidance is provided, a provision
should be made to preclude unsafe loading when using only one type
of information. All vessels should be provided with stability
information which includes, at a minimum, guidance on maximum
draft and slack tanks.
D. Stability Tests (46 CFR 170, Subpart F)
1. Inclining Experiments
a. Introduction
. NVIC 15-81, "Guidance for Conducting Stability
tests," contains general guidelines to follow in conducting an
inclining experiment on a vessel. The responsibility for
making preparations and conducting the test lies with the
owner, builder, or naval architect. Each stability test must
be witnessed by a Coast Guard
CH-2 6-18
6.D.1. a. (cont'd) representative or an ABS surveyor, if provided for by
current directives. Although the Coast Guard representative or
ABS surveyor at an inclining is termed a "witness," he or she
actually serves as the approving official on scene. This person
has the authority to require changes to the procedure during the
test or approve changes suggested by the naval architect. This
official on scene is expected to be competent in all phases of
the stability test and have a familiarity with the remainder
of the stability approval process. Regulations specifying when
a test is required and what procedures must be followed are in
46 CFR 170, Subpart F.
b. Coast Guard Representation
. As stated in NVIC 15-81, marine
inspectors are being trained to witness stability tests to
reduce the extensive costs and time losses associated with the
travel of technical personnel. If technical assistance is
necessary, it will be provided by the MSC.
c. ABS Representation
. If current directives provide for an ABS
surveyor to witness a stability test for a particular vessel,
the provisions of NVIC 15-81 shall still be utilized.
Arrangements for a surveyor to witness the test shall be made
through ABS.
d. The Use Of Water to Produce the Inclining Moment
. In very
unusual circumstances, where the use of solid weights to
produce the inclining moment is demonstrated to be
impracticable, the movement of liquids may be considered as an
alternate method. This acceptance would be granted for a
specific test only, and specific approval of the test
procedure is required. As a minimal prerequisite for
acceptability, the following conditions shall be required:
(1) the water to be shifted should be in rectangular tanks,
so that the quantity and vertical center of gravity (VCG)
can be accurately calculated;
(2) the tanks must be sounded for each movement;
(3) Verification of the quantity shifted shall be achieved by a
flowmeter or similar device;
(4) Specific gravity measurements shall be taken during and
after the test;
(5) Vertical, longitudinal, and transverse centers shall be
calculated for each movement;
(6) The distances the centers are changed shall be calculated for
each movement;
(7) Free surface effects must be included in the calculations;
6-19 CH-2
6.D.l.d. (8) The anticipated time to conduct the inclining must be
estimated. If too long, water may be unacceptable because of
the possibility of wind shifts over long periods of time; and
(9) Blanks must be inserted in transfer manifolds to prevent
the possibility of liquids being "lost" during transfer.
e. Precautions For MODU Inclinings
(1) The vessel should be inclined at a draft which will
produce the lowest possible GH while retaining at least 5
feet of bottom clearance. In column stabilized units
this usually occurs after submergence of the lower hulls
or pontoons. The draft selected should be free of
waterplane variations such as intersecting diagonal
trusses. Ballast is permitted to reduce the excessive GH
normally encountered at light drafts. This GH reduction
is deemed more important than the error induced by
permitting liquid loading.
(2) Reference marks should be established near the intended
water line prior to the test. Actual freeboard readings
are nearly impossible to take. Draft boards calibrated in
inches and installed to bracket the inclining draft are
very useful since small boat maneuvering is sometimes
(3) The vessel should be moored so that the inclining axis is
parallel to the current, or prevailing wind, if current
is not a factor. If chains and the vessel's anchoring
system are used, an accurate means of determining payed
out weight must be present. Long scopes of chain parallel
to the current are preferred. The weight of the catenary
must be compensated for in the lightship calculation.
f. Shifting Of Weights On MODU's
(1) In circumstances where it is demonstrated to be
impracticable to use certified weights it may be possible
to move a large structure (such as the drill floor and
substructure of a MODU) to produce the inclining moment.
In such cases it is essential that the weight of the
structure be accurately determined. The method of
weighing the structure should be submitted with the
inclining procedure (46 CFR 107.085) for approval. The
CH- 2 6-20
following should be included in an acceptable procedure:
(a) The structure should be weighted. Calculated
weights are not normally accurate enough;
(b) The weighing procedure should be validated with a
certified test weight. The test weight should be
about 10 percent of
6.D.l.f.(1) (b) (cont'd) the weight of the structure. The structure
should be weighed with and without the test weight on
the structure;
(c) The instruments should be calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturer's instructions before the
weighing; and
(d) The structure should be reweighed several times to
ensure that consistent readings are being obtained.
(2) If the weighing method relies on measuring the hydraulic
pressure of fluid in Jacks used to lift the structure,
the following additional precautions are required:
(a) All air must be bled from the hydraulic lines before
the readings are taken. It is usually necessary to
cycle the cylinders several times under load and to
bleed the lines under pressure to accomplish this.
Due to the pressures involved, special fittings may
be required to permit the lines to be bled safely;
(b) Before a reading is taken, the pressure should be
held with the pump off and its stop valve closed for
several minutes and the gages observed for drift.
Any drift of the pressure indicates a leak or air in
the system and is cause for rejection of the data as
inaccurate; and
(c) Some readings should be taken after the cylinders
have been extended and others after they have last
moved in the retract direction to check the
influence of cylinder seal friction on the reading.
g. Inclinings Of Column Stabilized Units
(1) The typical lightship condition has a significant
metacentric height. This requires much larger heeling
moments to produce equivalent results based on the
standards off NVIC 15-81.
(2) Clear deck area for movement of weights may not be
available. As a result, even though the larger heeling
moments could be achieved by larger levers, it usually
also requires heavier weights than normal. Weight
handling is often a major problem because of structural
(3) The "sail area" is usually very significant and the
vessels are particularly susceptible to environmental
changes. Even a light rain shower during the time of an
inclining can result in significant additional weight on
board due to wetted surface and would invalidate results.
6-21 CH-2
6.D.1.B. (4) Their physical size limits the locations where the inclining
test can be performed.
2. "Sister Vessels
a. Determination Of Sister Vessel Status
. Regulations permit the
Coast Guard to dispense with the requirement for a stability
whether a deadweight survey demonstrates that a vessel is a
developed to provide guidance and to help keep the
test when basic data is available from the stability test of a
sister vessel. NVIC 14-81, "Stability Tests; Waiving of for
'Sister Vessels'," provides a means by which the shipbuilding
company can attest that two vessels are sister vessels.
Accordingly, the requirement for a stability test on the
second vessel can be waived. If a shipbuilder decides not to
submit such an attestation, but thinks that two vessels may in
fact be sister vessels, a deadweight survey may be requested
for the second vessel in lieu off a stability test. There is
no established definition of a "sister vessel." It is expected
that the MSC will exercise professional judgment to determine
"sister vessel." The following general guidelines have been
determination of "sister vessel" as uniform as possible:
(1) The previously inclined vessel and the proposed sister
vessel should have been built within approximately 2
years from one another;
(2) The vessels must be built by the same shipyard; and
(3) The same basic drawings should have been used in the
construction of both vessels.
If these or similar requirements are satisfied, the owner,
designer, or shipyard may request that a deadweight survey be
conducted in lieu of an inclining experiment. The MSC must
specifically authorize the deadweight survey. If the results
of the deadweight survey show that, when compared to the
inclined vessel, the vessel's displacement and longitudinal
center of gravity (Lcc) are within such tolerances as
stipulated by the MSC, the vessel's vertical center of gravity
may be assumed as being the same as that of the inclined
vessel. For the types of vessels normally encountered (such as
small passenger, offshore supply, and towing vessels), the
unaccountable difference between the lightship data of the
first vessel as determined by an inclining experiment, and
that of a following vessel, as determined by a deadweight
survey, should not exceed 3 percent in displacement and 1
percent of the length between perpendiculars (LBP) in the
location of the longitudinal center off gravity. The MSC may
require closer tolerances if considered necessary. On large
vessels (typically longer than 100 meters), 2 percent of
lightship displacement will normally be appropriate in lieu of
3 percent of lightship displacement.
CH-2 6-22
6.D.2. b. Responsibility For Conducting A Deadweight Survey
. The MSC is
responsible for determining whether or not a deadweight survey
maybe conducted on a sister vessel, in lieu of an inclining
experiment. If a shipyard requests a marine inspector to witness a
deadweight survey, the NSC should be advised of the request to
determine whether a deadweight survey is acceptable on that
particular vessel, and whether the inspector should witness it.
Each deadweight survey authorized by the NSC must be performed in
the presence of a Coast Guard representative, who shall verify
individual measured recordings and certify the required data. It
is the owner's or builder's responsibility for making the
necessary preparations, conducting the survey, and submitting the
results. [NOTE: If ABS is reviewing the stability of a series of
vessels, in accordance with current directives, it will make the
determination as to "sister vessel" status in accordance with this
c. Deadweight Survey Procedures
. NVIC 15-81 identifies three
tasks involved in conducting a stability test: the inclining,
the freeboard readings, and the survey. The only difference
between a stability test and a deadweight, survey is that the
actual inclining is not conducted as part of the deadweight
survey. The procedures that should be followed in a
deadweight survey are as follows:
(1) General Condition Of the Vessel
(a) The vessel should be completed or as nearly
completed as possible. The weight and longitudinal
center of gravity of each item to be completed,
deducted, or relocated must be able to be accurately
(b) The vessel should be in a good state of cleanliness.
Shipyard gear and equipment, workpersons' tool boxes,
scaffolding, scrap, and construction debris must be
removed from the vessel.
(c) Bilges must be dry and decks free of liquids, such
as rain water.
(d) Boilers, wet machinery, and piping should be at
operating liquid levels.
(e) All spaces must be accessible for inspection. All
manholes must be open, all tanks gas-freed and well
(f) Only personnel required to conduct the survey should
be aboard. No ship's work should be in progress.
6-23 CH-2
6.D.2.c. (2) Tankage
(a) The number of tanks containing liquids should be at a
minimum. It is preferred that all tanks be empty at
the time of the survey. However, it maybe necessary
to permit water in one or more ballast tanks in
order to remove excessive trim or list.
(b) Some slack tanks amy be permitted because of
operational requirements, provided accurate
soundings can be taken. These are normally limited
to the following tanks: sewage; lube oil; and fuel
oil settlers or day tanks.
(c) To be considered empty, it is generally not
sufficient to simply pump tanks until suction is
lost. It may be necessary to enter tanks and perform
final stripping with portable pumps.
(d) The specific gravity of liquids in tanks must be
(3) List And Trim
(a) Stability calculations are simplified if the vessel
is on even keel so that the curves of form may be
used to determine hydrostatic properties. If not on
an even keel, the architect will have to perform an
independent waterplane calculation. Empirical
formula for a trim correction to KMT shall not be
used unless the vessel has the form typical of large
ocean-going ships built prior to the 1970's. These
ships had fine lines forward and rounded sterns.
(NVIC 1-67 and NVIC 17-82)
(b) Excessive list is unacceptable. Leveling weights
may be used to correct list, but these must be
certified and included in the weights to be deducted.
(4) Mooring Arrangements
(a) The depth of water under the hull should be
sufficient to ensure that the hull will be entirely
free of the bottom.
(b) The mooring arrangement should be such that the
vessel will float freely, permitting accurate
freeboard and draft readings.
(5) Weather
(a) The combined adverse effect of wind, current, and
sea may result in a difficult or even invalid survey
due to inability to accurately record drafts and
freeboards. In
CH-2 6-24
6.D.2.c.(5) (a) (cont'd) some instances, unless conditions can be
sufficiently improved by moving the vessel to a better
location, it may be necessary to delay or postpone the
survey. Preplanning should provide for this
(b) Any significant quantities of rain, snow, or ice
must be removed from the vessel prior to the survey.
(6) Conducting the Survey
(a) Inspect all "dry" tanks to ensure that they are in
(f) The person conducting the survey should assemble all
fact dry and free of liquids and debris.
(b) Sound all tanks containing liquids, and measure or
otherwise determine the liquids' specific gravity.
(c) Walk through the vessel and record the weight and
longitudinal center of gravity of each item to be
completed, deducted, or relocated to simulate the
vessel in its lightship condition.
(d) Measure and record freeboard readings at a minimum
of five locations along the vessel, port and
starboard. Read and record the forward, midship (if
available) and after draft marks and record their
location longitudinally. On major vessels with large
freeboards, where the measuring tape may be exposed
to the wind, the Coast Guard inspector or ABS
surveyor must judge the accuracy of the readings.
For these types of vessels, if the draft marks have
been verified, the waterline based on the freeboards
should be compared to that based on the draft marks
to judge the accuracy of the freeboard readings.
The final waterline should be determined based on
both freeboard readings and draft marks. For small
vessels, it may be necessary to counterbalance the
list and trim effect of freeboard measuring parties.
(e) Measure and record the specific gravity of the water
in which the vessel is floating.
field data and have the marine inspector (or ABS
surveyor) initial each page. Blank forms for this
purpose are included in Appendix A to NVIC 15-81. A
copy of this data must be included with the
deadweight survey report submitted to the MSC or the
designated ABS technical office by the owner or the
owner's representative.
(g) Document the outfitting of the vessel that is
included as part of lightship. Especially with
industrial vessels, such as MODU's, large items are
often added, removed, or changed
6-25 CH-2
6.D.2.c.(6) (g) (cont'd) during a vessel's service. Examples are
lattice leg sections on MODU's and drilling related
equipment. Since a detailed historical record of
changes made to a vessel may not be maintained, the
outfitting of a vessel at the time of a stability test
or deadweight survey needs to be accurately documented.
3. Simplified Stabllity Tests For Small Passenger Vessels
(46 CFR 171.030)
a. General
. The following small passenger vessels Will normally
be permitted to perform the simplified stability test
described in 46 CFR 171.030 in lieu of an inclining experiment:
(1) "S" vessels carry ing 150 passengers or less on domestic
voyages; and
(2) "S" vessels carry ing 12 passengers or less on international
b. Pontoon-type Vessels
. Figures 6-2 and 6-3 outline the
recommended procedures for a stability proof test for
pontoon-type small passenger vessels under 65 feet in length
and restricted to protected waters. Calculations based on the
manufacturer's weight certificate may be accepted in lieu of a
proof test. A proof test is to be used when the number of
pontoons does not exceed two. On vessels with more than two
pontoons, the MSC shall be consulted. The MSC will determine
if stability can be evaluated with a proof test or if
stability must be evaluated using an inclining experiment and
c. SOLAS Applicable Vessels
. A simplified stability test may be
substituted for the inclining experiment and for the stability
calculations required by SOLAS provided exemptions from the
stability requirements of SOLAS 74, as amended, are issued.
Volume II of this manual (9.H.3.a) and SOLAS 74, Chapter II-1,
Regulation 1.4, provide for such exemptions. All domestic
requirements must be met to qualify for SOLAS exemptions.
4. Evaluation Of Weight Changes to Lightship
. During its service
life a vessel may be modified without changing its buoyant hull
form. A complete inclining is required unless the changes are
minor or do not adversely impact the vessel's stability. Weight
calculations are acceptable if the MSC determines they are
accurate, or acceptable penalties in VCG are applied to the
calculations. The nature of the weights changed is critical to
the accuracy of calculations. Often, miscellaneous changes with a
total weight greater than 2 percent of lightship displacement will
necessitate a deadweight survey (or even a complete inclining) to
verify calculations. Weight changes should be combined for the
total change,
CH- 2 6-26
6.D.4. (cont'd) when determining if a test is necessary, since the errors
associated with weight additions and weight deletions are cumulative.
If a deadweight survey proves the calculations to be inaccurate, a
Complete inclining may be necessary.
E. Special Rules Pertaining to Specific Vessel Types
1. Offshore Supply Vessels (Proposed 46 CFR 128.&4)
. In addition to
the Weather Criterion required by 46 CFR 170.170, offshore supply
vessels (OSV's) are required to meet additional intact stability
standards because they carry cargo above the main deck, and
because they are considered of unusual proportion and form (broad,
shallow draft, hard-chined). As stated in 46 CFR 170.170(d), "the
criterion specified in this section is generally limited in
application to flush deck, mechanically powered vessels of
ordinary proportions and form that carry cargo below the main
deck. On other types of vessels, the MSC requires calculations in
addition to those in paragraph (a) of this section." To satisfy
this regulation, OSV's must submit calculations demonstrating
compliance with either 46 CFR 170.173 or the following criterion
(the proposed 46 CFR 128.4):
6-27 CH-2
CH-2 6-28
6.E.1. a. Righting Energy Criterion
. In all operating conditions, the area
under the righting arm curve must be at least 15 foot degrees to
the angle of downflooding.
the least of the following angles:
(1) 40 degrees;
(2) The angle of maximum righting arm; and
The righting arm curve is based upon the KG after correction
for free surface. The angle of downflooding shall not be less
than 20 degrees, and the angle of vanishing stability shall
not be less than 40 degrees. Righting arm values may be
calculated considering the trim of the vessel fixed (constant
trim method). However, the more realistic method in which the
vessel is allowed to trim as it heels (zero trimming moment
method) is highly encouraged. For all loading conditions, the
minimum freeboard at the stern shall not be less than that
indicated by the table Below or the ABS geometric load line
freeboard, whichever is less:
LBP (feet)
Stern Freeboard (inches)
less than 65 12
65 but less than 100 15
100 but less than 130 18
130 but less than 155 20
155 but less than 190 22
190 but less than 230 24
230 and greater 26
The angle of downflooding for this criterion is considered the
angle at which the first nonwatertight opening is reached as a
vessel heels. Tank vents equipped with ball check valves,
watertight doors or hatches, etc., are not considered points
of downflooding. Wooden plugs in cages are not considered as
automatic watertight closures. Traditionally, the following
values have been used in stability calculations relative to
the placement of deck cargo:
VCG = 3 feet above the main deck; and
LCG = not more than 7-1/2 percent of the length of the cargo
deck from the geometric center of the cargo deck.
b. Towline Pull Criterion
. In addition to the intact stability
requirements described in subparagraph 6.E.l.a above, a supply
vessel that desires to tow must meet the towline pull
criterion in 46 CFR 173.095.
6-29 CH-2
6.E.2. Tugboats And towboats (46 CFR 174. Subpart E)
. No modifications
need be made to the towline pull criterion in 66 CFR 173.095 for
vessel fitted with "Kort nozzles," even though an increase in
bollard pull may be experienced. The method in Figure 6-3.5 is to
be used in the evaluation of Voith-Schneider type propulsion units.
CH-2 6-30
FIGURE 6-3.5
FIGURE 6-3.5 (cont'd)
CH-2 6-32
FIGURE 6-3.5 (cont'd)
FIGURE 6-3.5 (cont'd)
CH-2 6-34
6.E.3. Monohull Sailing Vessels And Auxiliary Sailing Vessels (46 CFR
. The requirements for monohull sailing vessels and auxiliary
sailing vessels in 46 CFR 171 have been developed for sailing
vessels carry ing passengers. The basic principals under which they
were developed can, however, be applied to other sailing vessels
such as chose certificated under 46 CFR, Subchapter I. It is
conceivable that, if a cargo sailing vessel could not fully comply
with the criteria as written, operational restrictions could be
imposed commensurate with the knowledge and skill of the
operators. The standards in 46 CFR 171.055 are applicable to all
sailing vessels not meeting the criteria for small sailing vessels
in 46 CFR 171.035.
a. Stability Test
. Each vessel in this category must undergo a
stability test under 46 CFR 170, Subpart F.
b. Plans Required In Addition to 46 CFR 170.072
(1) Righting arm curves calculated using the zero trimming
moment method must be developed and submitted. Credit
may be given for superstructure if all openings are
(2) A sail plan showing the sails to be carried, trimmed
(a) Name of each sail;
(e) Centroid and area of any furled sails, bare poles,
watertight and if ports are of substantial construction.
The worst case must be used for an asymmetrical deck
arrangement. The KG that the curves were based on should
be indicated on the plan.
flat, on a full vessel profile should be submitted. The
following information should accompany the sail plan:
(b) Centroid and area of each sail;
(c) Centroid and area of the portion of the vessel above the
designed waterline;
(d) Centroid of the underwater portion of the hull; and
lowered rigging, etc., to be included when computing
the vessel area when the sails are doused.
c. Stability Calculations
(1) Vessels of usual form, proportion, and rig must submit
calculations showing that the following intact stability
requirements have been met. In the case of unusually
shaped vessels, such as catamarans and trimarans,
application of these standards may be impractical and
other calculations may be required by the MSC.
6-35 CH-2
6.E.3.c. (2) The vessel must meet the initial GH-Required Weather
Criterion in 46 CPR 170.170. 46 CFR 170.170(c) specifies the
assumed condition for these calculations.
(3) The vessel's range of stability must be as required by 46
CFR 171.055(c).
(4) The adequacy of the vessel's righting arm curve, as
related to the sail area, must be verified by application
of the criteria in 46 CFR 171.055(d) through (g). These
criteria require three conditions to be considered:
(a) Condition A
, or the "Comfortable Condition,"
requires the vessel to have sufficient initial
stability to carry its sail comfortably in normal
(b) Condition B
, or the "Safe Condition," requires the
vessel to have sufficient stability to resist gust
and squall conditions without rolling to the point of
downflooding or to a maximum angle of 60 degrees, the
angle at which cabin gear is assumed to begin
breaking loose; and
(c) Condition C
, or the "Knockdown Condition," requires the
vessel to be able to survive if brought to extremis.
(5) The following procedures may be followed to demonstrate
compliance with the conditions described above. Sketches
showing the various criteria are provided in Graphs 46
CFR 171.055(a)-(e) in Subchapter S:
(a) Determine the most severe (least favorable)
operating condition consistent with normal
operations and plot the vessel's righting arm curve
(i) 90 degrees, if the angle of vanishing stability is
equal to or less than 90 degrees;
(ii) The angle of vanishing positive stability, if that
angle exceeds 90 degrees but is less than 120
(iii) 120 degrees, if the angle of vanishing stability
exceeds that value.
(b) If the angle at which the maximum righting arm
occurs is less than 35 degrees, the curve is
truncated so that the maximum is no more than the
value of 35 degrees (See Graph 46 CFR 171.055(a)).
CH-2 6-36
6.E.3.c.(5) (c) Condition A (Shown In Graph 46 CPa 171.05(b)).
Determine the angle to deck edge immersion (t), with
trim considered, and mark the point (HZ) at which this
angle intersects the righting arm curve. Calculate
HZA (the heeling arm at zero degrees) from the following
HZ = HZA cos2(T).
(d) Condition E (Shown In Graph 46 CFR 171.055(c)).
Compute HZB so that the area under the righting arm
curve equals the area under the heeling arm curve
both taken to the downflooding angle or 60 degrees,
whichever is less. The heeling arm curve has the
HZ = HZB cos2(T).
[NOTE: HZB can be calculated from the following equation
(see 46 CFR 171.055(g)):
(T/2) + 14.3 sin 2t
Where: I equals the area under the righting arm curve to
the downflooding angle or 60, whichever is less.]
(e) Condition C (Shown In Graph 4~ CFR 171.055(d) And
(e)). Compute HZC so that the area under the
righting arm curve equals that area under the
heeling arm curve. The heeling arm curve is of the
HZ = HZC cos2(T).
If the positive range of stability is less than 90 degrees,
take the areas up to 90 degrees (see Graph 46 CFR
171.055(d)) considering the area of the righting arm curve,
after the curve goes negative, as a "negative area" in
obtaining the balance. If the range is greater than 90
maximum angle of positive stability, but not greater than
degrees, take the area under the righting arm curve to the
120 degrees (see Graph 46 CFR 171.055(e)).
[NOTE: HZC can be calculated from the following equation,
considering the wind heeling moment is zero past 90 degrees
(see 46 CFR 171.055(g)):
= I
(T/2) + 14.3 sin 2T 45
Where: I equals the area under the righting arm curve
up to the allowed angle (between 90 degrees and 120
6-37 CH-2
6.E.3.c.(5) (f) The values of HZA, HZB, and HZC are then used in the
equations in 46 CFR 171.055(d) to determine compliance
with the stability standards. If any one of the
standards is not satisfied, the vessel must be modified.
One or more of the following may be changed to
accomplish compliance: ballast, sail plan, downflooding
point, or loading conditions.
(6) For the purpose of computing sail area, squaresails need
not be braced to the point where the yard becomes
parallel to the centerline if positive stops limit the
angle of yard rotation. Stops shall be such that they
cannot be removed.
(7) The use of 60 degrees for HZB, when the downflooding
angle is greater than 60 degrees, is subject to the
determination of the MSC and the OCMI. Normally, the 60
degree limitation is necessary when it has not been
demonstrated to the satisfaction of the MSC and the OCMI
that major weights such as ballast will not shift (break
loose) at heel angles up to the angle of downflooding.
(8) The stability letter should refer to the sail plan floor
which calculations are approved. Any loading condition
which relies on reefing of sails should be approved by the
OCMI, who must be satisfied that such provisions will be
followed at all times. Generally, operational
restrictions are subject to abuse and should be
(9) Sail-assisted vessels (primary mode of propulsion is
power, rather than sail) may use 46 CFR 170. 170, in lieu
of the sailing criteria in 46 CFR 171.055. Compliance
with 46 CFR 170.170 with all sails set is equivalent to
compliance by a vessel with a superstructure of the same
d. Bare Poles Criteria For Certain Small Auxiliary Sailing
Vessels. Some small vessels (less than 65 feet LOD) are
required to have the calculations of 46 CFR 171.055 applied
due to special circumstances such as night operation. In lieu
of compliance with 46 CFR 170.170 for the bare poles
condition, these vessels may continue to use the simplified
test in 46 CFR 171.030 to prove stability under bare poles.
This is because the vessel is a motor vessel when under bare
poles, and as a motor vessel, compliance with 46 CFR 170.170
or 171.055 is no.t required.
4. Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (46 CFR 174, Subpart C)
a. Stability While On the Bottom
. When demonstrating compliance
with the requirements of 46 CFR 174.050, the magnitude of the
current used in calculations may be at the discretion of the
designer. However, the MODU's operating booklet should
indicate the combination of wind, wave, and current limits to
be used as service restrictions.
CH-2 6-38
6.E.4. a. (cont'd) Alternative wave loadings to those in the ABS Rules
for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1973, Appendix A (Parts 1
& 2) may be employed. Such calculations should utilize recent
state-of-the-art procedures. Whatever design methods are
employed, the least stable condition should be identified and
evaluated with a combination of environmental forces and live
and deadweight loads. Detailed calculations need not be
submitted for review. However, basic information pertinent to
stability on the bottom such as assumptions, methods of
calculation, input data, results, and conclusions should be
included in the submittal.
b. Lightship Determination
. There is no standard for which the
semi-permanent drilling equipment should be included in the
lightship of a drilling unit and which is carried as part of the
variable load. Therefore, the operating manual for each unit
should have a comprehensive listing of the inclusions and
exclusions for the instruction of the operator. This is
normally placed in the section which lists the lightship data.
Table 6.E.4.b. is a list of equipment which should be
specifically listed as either included or excluded from the
lightship definition if that equipment will be on the unit.
TABLE 6.E.4.b.
MODU Drilling Equipment to be Specifically Listed
Spider deck (if movable)
Drawworks (with up or down specified if applicable)
Mud agitators
as Included or Excluded from Lightship
Riser tensioners
Guideline tensioners and tuggers
Tensioner and heave compensator air receivers
Drill string heave compensators
Power unit for tensioners and compensators
Drilling Derrick
Stand pipe manifold and hoses
Kill and choke manifold
Cementing Unit
Mud pumping system
Mud reclaiming unit
Possum belly and degasser unit
Drilling power diesel generators
Mooring winches wire
Well logging unit
Flare booms
Legs (self-elevating units)
All tools and loose drilling equipment
Blow out preventers (BOP)
6-39 CH-2
6.E.4.b. (cont'd)
Diving equipment
Portable mud process lab
Spare drill line reel
Anchors and anchor chain
c. Freeboard Assignment
. For semi-submersible drilling units, the
minimum freehoard assignment cannot be computed by the normal
methods given in the 1966 International Convention on Load
Lines. The freeboard is determined on the basis of meeting
the applicable intact stability, damage stability and
structural requirements.
d. Operating Manual (46 CFR 109.121 and 170.130)
. The stability
and structural loading information required by the load line
regulations (46 CFR 42.15-1) is provided in the operating
manual for mobile offshore drilling units. In reviewing the
manual the following should be considered:
(1) The stability criteria for mobile drilling units is
normally met by adjusting the unit's variable load weight
and vertical center of gravity. Occasionally other
limitations such as trim limitations are assumed in the
stability analysis.
(2) Stability calculations might not he submitted for the
severe storm in the afloat mode if the designer of a
bottom bearing unit intends to set it on the bottom in
the event of a storm during a tow. This is normally seen
in the case of submersible units. In such cases operation
afloat is limited to within 12 hours of water depth where
the unit may he set down and appropriate instructions
should be provided in the manual.
conditions. The unit's structural strength may limit its
(4) The regulations do not permit the operating manual to
(3) Approval of the structural strength of the unit is based
upon loads calculated from assumed environmental
operations more than stability considerations. If
different work groups review stability and structure,
then joint review of the operating manual is required.
contain a normal operating condition which cannot meet
the intact stability with a 70 knot wind, or the damage
criteria with a 50 knot wind. Some self-elevating units
cannot meet this criteria with their legs fully raised.
In such cases, the manuals should specify that the upper
leg sections must be removed when the unit is preparing
for shallow draft operations.
(5) A self-elevating drilling unit does not always improve its
stability by lowering its legs. Lowering the legs
increases the righting moment by lowering the KG. It
also reduces the wind
CH-2 6-40
6.E.4.d. (5) (cont'd) heel moment by reducing the area exposed to the
wind. However, lowering the legs lowers the effective
center of underwater area. In units with a large mat,
the increase of the lever arm for the overturning moment
due to this lowering of the underwater center of gravity
may be the dominant effect. Therefore, the full range of
leg lengths permitted by the operating manual for transit
afloat conditions must be investigated in the stability
(6) A bottom bearing unit is not required to meet the 70 knot
normal operating condition wind criteria when it is
jacking legs down or flooding down to make contact with
the bottom or coming off bottom. This operation is
conducted only during calm weather as specified in the
operating manual. There is no specific requirement that
the designer submit stability calculations for these
transitory conditions. However, the reviewer should
insure that the unit will have at least 50 cm (2 inches)
of positive GM (46 CFR 170.040) and that it complies
with the 1.4 area ratio of 46 CFR 174.045, calculated for
the maximum wind permitted by the operating manual for
all intermediate conditions specified in the manual.
(7) In addition to the structural and stability
considerations, the operating manual must also meet the
requirements of 46 CFR 109.121 before it is approved. If
the unit is to receive an International Maritime
Organization (IMO) Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit SAFETY
Certificate, the manual and stability study must beet the
additional requirements in Chapters 3 and 14 of IMO
Resolution A.414(XI), Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units. Figure 6-4
is a list of items which are considered necessary for a
manual to satisfy these requirements.
6-41 CH-2
A. General Description of the Unit
1. Major Dimensions and Heights
2. Allowable Deck Loadings Listed or Shown on Plan
3. Hook Load Capacities
4. Lightship Data
a. Description of Major Equipment Included in Lightship Data
b. Permanent Ballast Listed or Shown on Plan
c. Based Upon Approved Inclinings. Deadweight Survey and/or
d. Designate Largest Aircraft Permitted on Helicopter Deck
B. Jacking Gear Data and Limitations
1. Normal Jacking Speed in Feet/Minute
C. General Arrangement Drawings
1. Watertight Compartments Shown
2. Watertight Closures Shown
3. Vents Shown
4. Required Drawings
a. Are Secured in Manual
b. Can Be Used Without Being Detached From Manual
D. Stability Information
1. Intact and Damaged Stability Requirements from Assumptions Used in
a. Any Doors Which Must be Kept Closed at Sea
2. Maximum Permissible KG Versus Draft Curves or Equivalent instructions
CH-2 6-42
FIGURE 6-4 (cont'd)
a. Consistent with Approved Stability Study
b. No Normal Operating Condition With Wind Speed Less than 70 kt
. c. No Normal Operating Condition With Wind Speed Less than 50 kt
(certain existing MODU's)
3. Examples of Loading Conditions for Each Mode of Operation
a. Storm
b. Drilling
c. Transit
4. Means of Evaluating Other Loading Conditions
a. Instructions for Use in Stability and Loading Calculations
5. Hydrostatic Curves or Tables
a. Location of Draft Marks Specified
b. Instructions for Use
6. Tank tables
a. Capacities
b. Centers of Gravity (LCG, VCC, TCG (transverse center of gravity))
c. Free Surface Corrections
d. Instructions for Use
1. Inherent Limitations of Operation for Each Operating Mode
E. Guidance for Safe Operations Under Normal Conditions
2. Design Loading for Each Operating'Hode
a. Design Load
b. Wave Height Limitations
6-43 CH-2
FIGURE 6-4 (cont'd)
c. Current Velocity
d. Wind Limitations
e. Operating Draft/Depth of Water Limits
f. Allowable KG
g. Maximum Limits of Trim
3. Instructions for Change of Operating Conditions (Mode)
a. Preparations for Making a Move
b. Ballasting instructions
F. Guidance for Safe Operation Under Emergency Conditions
1. Instructions for Passage of Severe Storm
a. Definition of Severe Storm Weather Conditions
b. Specific Actions Necessary
c. Approximate length of time necessary to attain each stage
2. General Guidance and Precautions Regarding Unintentional Flooding
a. Determine Cause of Unexpected Heel Before Corrective Action
G. Table of Contents
H. Index
CH-2 6-44
6.E.4. e. Shipshape MODU's amy use a cosine function to determine the wind
heeling arm. Other types must determine actual projected areas
as the vessel rolls.
f. The wind moment may be derived with special methods approved
by the MSC. Wind tunnel testing is acceptable in principle.
g. The optimization for maximum allowable KG is a careful balance
among righting arms, wind heel arms, and downflooding angle.
The critical azimuth angle will not necessarily be that
azimuth angle which gives the least angle of downflooding.
h. 50 knot wind intact loading conditions may be allowed only for
limited cases such as harbor transit. Normal operating
conditions, including site re-location, must meet at least
the 70 knot wind criterion.
5. Barges (46 CFR Part 172 And Part 174
. Subpart B).
a. General
. Stability tests will not be required for most
barges, since the center of gravity and weight of the light
vessel can be determined from close weight estimates and
vessel geometry. As stated in 46 CFR 170.200, certain tank
barges may assume a lightweight VCG of 0.6 times the molded
depth for the purposes of performing the applicable stability
calculations in lieu of being inclined. The effective depth
of barges with tank tops raised above the weather deck shall
be measured to the tops of the tanks for stability
calculations. The assumption that the lightweight VCG of
barges is 0.6 times the depth is based on outfitting with
small deck houses or small amounts of deck equipment, such as
piping and a cargo pumping system. Barges fitted with large
amounts of deck equipment, or intended to carry deck cargo,
should have the VCG determined in a manner acceptable to the
MSC. The Coast Guard may require a stability test on any
barge when the size or complexity of the barge warrants it, or
when there are large unknown quantities (e.g., a derrick barge
with a derrick that does not have detailed manufacturer's
information as to weight and center of gravity). Although VCG
may be estimated due to simple proportion and form, the MSC
may require a deathweight survey where necessary to establish
must be performed for the worst case of loading that is
the lightweight. In general, barges in ocean service should
undergo a deadweight survey. Required stability calculations
permitted by the stability guidance provided to the operator.
b. Intact And Damage Stability Criteria By Barge Type
(1) All Barges: Weather Criterion And Righting Energy
. The
weather criterion in 46 CFR 170, Subpart E applies to
barges, except as specified in 46 CFR 170.160. Inland
tank barges inspected under Subchapter D do not have
specific stability requirements but may be loaded beyond
safe limits when they do not have centerline bulkheads in
way of cargo. The OCMI should be so notified in such
cases. Due to their large B/D ratio and high draft to
depth ratio, most inland barges cannot be evaluated
considering GM
6-45 CH-2
6.E.5.b. (1) (cont'd) alone, in which case righting energy calculations are
appropriate. As stated in 46 CFR 170.170(d), additional
calculations must be submitted for barges. Except as
provided in subparagraphs 6.E.5.b.(2), (3), and (4) below,
the calculations normally required are those contained in
46 CFR 174.015. Suitable route alternatives to 46 CFR 174.015
include reducing the required 15 foot-degrees to 5 foot-degrees
for service on protected waters and to l0 foot-degrees for service
on those lakes, bays, and sounds which the OCMI considers to be
(2) Tank Barges
. The stability of tank barges (other than
dangerous cargo barges) is normally acceptable without
calculations if the barge is of conventional type,
carries all cargo below the main deck, has an oiltight or
watertight centerline bulkhead in way of cargo
compartments, carries no more than 1/3 of the tank pairs
slack, and has a load line draft-to-depth ratio no
greater than 0.85. These conditions apply to all routes.
When a load line is not issued, a draft to depth ratio of
0.85 is still valid. When the draft exceeds 0.85 times
the depth, the OCMI may question stability, in which case
righting energy calculations should be performed. A
simplified method of ensuring compliance with righting
energy criteria that does not require computer work may
be used at the option of the OCI. In assisting an OCMI
on questioning the stability of inland barges in 1988,
G-MTH developed a simple method of determining the
freeboard for barges of typical proportion for them to
comply with intact righting energy criteria.
(3) Dangerous Cargo Barges F46 CFR 172.090 And 172.095)
(a) In lieu of the stability criterion specified in 46
CFR 174.015, dangerous cargo barges must meet the
intact transverse and intact longitudinal stability
requirements of 46 CFR 172.090 and 172.095. It is
important to note that 46 CFR 172.087(b) requires
that, for all loading conditions, each cargo tank
must be assumed to have its maximum free surface.
(b) Dangerous cargo bartes are designated by hull type
(I, II, or III); a type I hull has the severest
stability requirements. Stability calculations must
be performed for the hull types required by the
cargoes anticipated to be carried. For each hull
type, two conditions must normally be investigated
to see which yields the highest full load VCC
corrected for free surface (VCG of barge and cargo +
free surface effect). The first condition is fully
loaded with the highest specific gravity cargo
requested. The free surface effect to be taken is
as specified above, adjusted for the highest
specific gravity cargo (i.e., I/V x s.g. of the
highest density cargo requested). The second
condition is fully loaded with the design specific
gravity cargo,
CH-2 6-46
6.E.5.b.(3) (b) (cont'd) usually 1.05. In this second case, the full
load VCG will be higher and the free surface effect
less. The highest resulting VCG should be used in
applying the applicable stability criteria.
(c) A reasonably conservative value of lightship VCG
should be assumed for all calculations. 0.6 times
the depth of the barge is recommended; a higher
value may be necessary for trunked barges.
(d) Seagoing barges carry ing oil and noxious liquid
substances require damage stability calculations (46
CFR 172 Subparts C,D,E,F).
(e) Damage Stability Criteria
. For barges of the open
hopper type, not equipped with a weathertight
(rainshield) deck, 46 CFR 172.100 and 172.104 are
considered separate requirements. These vessels,
therefore, need fist meet damage stability with the
hoppers flooded with rainwater. Removing rainwater
is considered a manageable operational problem, as
these barges are often draft-limited over lock
sills, etc., (see 46 CFR 35.01-45(c)(2)). 46 CFR
172.105 was intended to apply to barges in inland
service experiencing low energy collisions; thus,
the transverse extent of collision damage was
limited to 30 inches. Both the Coast Guard standard
and the internationally accepted standard for
ocean-going damage penetration is B/5 (where B is
the beam of the barge). Until a regulatory change is
completed, designers should be encouraged to
investigate the survivability of these barges
assuming a B/5 penetration.
(4) Dry Cargo Barges (Within Hull Only)
. Barges that carry
only nonshifting dry cargo below the main deck do not
have to demonstrate compliance with the criterion in 46
CFR 174.015. Non-shifting dry cargo is normally composed
of break bulk solids (items that are normally restrained
by lashings or dunnage). Operating instructions are
appropriate for dry cargo that is assumed not to shift to
ensure that it doesn't shift in a seaway. The carriage
of bulk materials such as cement, sugar, and grain is
discussed in 6.E.6 and may require special consideration.
Cargoes such as coal, gravel, phosphate, and other
pelletized bulk cargoes will often not fill cargo spaces
and may shift during the voyage, especially when
operating on exposed and partially protected waters. Such
cargoes should be considered on a case by case basis (see
46 CFR 97.12 for further information on bulk cargoes).
The following simplified methods for ensuring that such
cargoes do not shift have been accepted, in lieu of
requiring a stability analysis and stability booklet
based on the maximum volumetric heeling moment procedures
contained in SOLAS for bulk grain.
(a) The cargo holds must be completely full and trimmed
level or completely empty; or
6-47 CH-2
6.E.5.b.(4) (b) The angle of repose, as determined by the IMO "Code of
Safe Practice for Bulk Cargoes" (1987) or by using the
tilt box method, must be equal to or greater than 35
degrees and the cargo must be either trimmed level,
secured with wire mesh, or overstowed with bagged cargo.
The tilt box test method is described in an appendix to the
IMO Code mentioned above and is suitable for
non-cohesive granular materials having a grain size not
greater than 10 mm.
(5) Deck Cargo Barges (46 CFR 174.015 And 174.020)
. The
following simplified methods apply only when liquids are
not carried below deck or above deck. Likewise, cargo
which can shift precludes using these methods. The
righting energy criterion in 46 CFR 174.015 must be used
for vessels with deadweight that can shift in service.
Shifting of deadweight must be accounted for in the
(a) In accordance with 46 CFR 174.020, stability
calculations for a deck cargo barge need not be
submitted if it falls within the ratios in 46 CFR
table 174.020 and accepts a limiting cargo height
restriction. The draft is usually that which
corresponds to the ABS geometric load line. However,
if that draft results in a ratio outside the table,
the MSC authorizing the load line will specify the
the draft may be reduced to the necessary value if
acceptable to the owner/designer. The letter from
limiting draft and the maximum cargo height, which
will be placed on the face of the Load Line
(b) If the barge does not satisfy these provisions, or
the resulting restrictions are not acceptable to the
owner/designer but the barge has a beam-to-depth
ratio between 3.00 and 6.00, a draft-to-depth ratio
equal to or less than 0.85, and a desired maximum
cargo height less than 30 feet, the minimum
metacentric height (GM) required for satisfactory
stability at any particular draft may be obtained
from the graphs in Figures 6-5 or 6-6, depending on
the intended service route. Based on this minimum
metacentric height, a maximum allowable cargo height
at the load line draft can be established. The
graphs may also be used to determine maximum draft
to depth ratios in cases where greater cargo heights
are desired with loadings at less than full load
draft. The required GM values obtained from the
graphs must be increased by 1 foot for manned
barges. To perform a stability check by this
method, five items of information are required:
length, beam, depth, load line draft, and block
coefficient. The following is a sample calculation
performed by this method in order to calculate the
maximum allowable cargo height at a particular draft:
CH-2 6-48
6-49 CH-2
CH-2 6-50
6.E.5.b.(5)(b) (cont'd)
Barge Particulars
L = 259.2
B = 68.0
D = 19.0
Cb = .89
d = 15.2 (ABS preliminary load line)
est = L x B x d x Cb
est = 259.2 x 68.0 x 15.2 x .89
est = 6812.5
EST. LIGHTSHIP WT = (0.003 + 1/10L) L x B x D
= (0.003 + 1/2592) (259.2) (68) (19.0)
= 1133.9 tons
LTSHIP VCG = D/2 = 9.5 ft: (Lightship VCG may be assumed at
mid-depth but the effective depth for stability calculations
must be taken to the highest point of structure, including
tank tops on vessels with tank tops raised above the weather
CARGO WT = est - LtSHIP WT - 6812.5 - 1133.9 = 5678.6
Lever Moment
1133.9 9.5 10772.05
22.0 124929.20
6812.5 135701.25
KG = total moment
= 135701.25 = 19.9
total weight 6812.5
Lever Moment
1133.9 9.5 10772.05
25.0 141965.00
6812.5 152737.05
KG = 22.4
Lever Moment
1133.9 9.5 10772.05
28.0 159000.80
6812.5 169772.85
KG = 24.9
6-51 CH-2
6.E.5.b.(5)(b) (cont'd)
KB = d/2 = 7.6
BM = B^2
12d Cb
BM = 28.5
KM = KB + BM = 36.1
d/D = .80
GM = KM - KG
GM = 36.1 - 19.9 = 16.2 (For 3 feet cargo VCG)
Cargo VCG
Actual GM Required GM (from curves)
3 feet 16.2 14.5
6 feet 13.7 17.3
9 feet 11.2 20.0
The resulting restriction to be placed on the Load Line
Certificate is a maximum cargo VCG of 4 feet above the deck
or a maximum cargo height of 8 feet.
CH-2 6-52
6.E.5.b.(5) (c) If neither of the methods specified in subparagraphs
6.E.5.b.(5)(a) and (b) are suitable, because of the
dimensions of the barge or the desires of the
owner/designer, the maximum allowable cargo height(s)
must be calculated based upon either the weather
criterion (46 CFR 170.170) or the stability criterion of
46 CFR 174.015, whichever is controlling.
(6) Open Hopper Barges
. In applying the stability criteria in 46
CFR 174.015 to open hopper barges, the following apply:
(a) The dredged material is a homogeneous liquid with a
specific gravity of 2.0;
(b) The free surface effect of the dredged cargo should
be taken into account in all calculations; and
(c) When the vessel heels or trims, the dredged cargo
may be assumed to spill out of the hoppers at the
appropriate angles.
(d) Reduced freeboards (B-60, B-100) for barges with
load lines may be issued subject to the provisions of 46
CFR 42.20. The calculations are checked by the load
line assigning authority, who notifies the Coast Guard
of their conclusions prior to assigning a load line.
When hatch covers are not used, the barge requires a
load line exemption certificate authorized by Commandant
(G-KtH), regardless of the assigned freeboard. To
obtain this certificate, the vessel must meet the intact
criteria with the hopper full of seawater. A "working
freeboard" is assigned only to self-propelled hopper
dredges and additionally requires damage stability
(7) Derrick Barges (46 CFR 173. Subpart B)
(a) The stability requirements for barges that lift age
in 46 CFR 173, Subpart B. Included are requirements
for barges both with and without counterballast. There
are barges, however, that have no counterballast but
rather a permanent counterweight. The stability
information provided for the operator consists of a
table of draft versus maximum vertical moment of deck
cargo and hook load combined. This table is obtained by
drawing righting arm curves for various
6-53 CH-2
6.E.5.b.(7) (a) (cont'd) KG's until the maximum KG that satisfies the
criteria is obtained. This KG is converted into maximum
vertical moment by subtracting out the light barge.
(b) With a permanent counterweight, the counterheeling arm
is defined at each displacement. The heeling arm is a
subdivided to include several moments; three radii
number of counterballasting arrangements.
variable depending on maximum hook load capacity at each
boom radius. At the owner's option, the table can be
made up at only the maximum heeling moment, or can be
should provide the necessary flexibility.
(c) The righting arm analysis needs to be performed at only
three displacements: one at the load line, one at some
displacement that will yield allowable vertical moments
greater than ever expected to be necessary, and one at
an intermediate displacement. The curve of allowable KG's
against displacement will be almost linear.
(d) Where counterballasting arrangements are installed, the
problem becomes four-dimensional; that is, draft,
maximum vertical moment, boom radius, and counterballast
configuration. With three boom radii considered, the
number of tables would be increased to three times the
c. Collision Bulkheads On Barges
. The requirements of SOLAS do
not apply to barges that are not self-propelled and the Coast
Guard regulations do not generally require or specify the
location of a collision bulkhead. Further, regulatory
stability requirements are met.
reference to meeting ABS rules is for scantling requirements
only and does not include subdivision or general arrangement
requirements. Unless specifically addressed in Coast Guard
regulations, the collision (first) bulkhead can be located in
any longitudinal location, such that the applicable damage
6. Bulk Cargo Vessels
Carriage Of Cement In Bulk
. Bulk cement may be considered a
nonshifting Cargo when considering the stability requirements
for vessels carry ing bulk cement on the Great Lakes,
coastwise, or ocean routes. Bulk cement is very cohesive, and
a thin crust usually forms on its surface; both of these
factors impede shifting. However, it is recommended that bulk
cement be leveled off in holds during loading and allowed to
settle prior to commencing an ocean voyage.
Carriage Of Sugar In Bulk
. Raw sugar compacts and partially
solidifies to the point where the angle of repose can exceed 90
degrees. Therefore, no special stability investigation is
needed for vessels carry ing bulk sugar.
CH-2 6-54
6.E.6. c. Carriage Of Grain In Bulk
(1) Federal regulations for the carriage of bulk grain cargoes
vessels which carry grain are required either to have a
are contained in 46 CFR 31.10-33 (tank Vessels), 74.10-12
(Passenger Vessels), and 93.20 (Cargo and Miscellaneous
Vessels). Except as provided in 46 CFR 31.10-33(a), all
Document of Authorization to show compliance with the
regulations (as appropriate) or to submit calculations which
show the vessel complies with IMO Resolution A.264, Part B,
Section V (C). Approval of this information must be recorded
in the vessel's stability letter.
(2) Before it can sail on a bulk grain voyage, each vessel which
carries grain must have a Certificate of Loading. This
certificate shows the vessel was loaded in compliance with
the approved stability information referred to in the
Document of Authorization and that the grain was secured in
accordance with IMO Resolution A.264 and the recommendations
of the National Cargo Bureau (NCB). The certificate, issued
by the NCB, is recognized by the Coast Guard as prima
evidence of compliance with 46 CFR 93.20-15. [NOtE: A new
certificate is required for each grain voyage.]
(3) Enclosure (1) to NVIC 3-75, "Bulk Grain Cargoes," contains a
reprint of the International Maritime Consultative
Organization's Resolution A.264 (VIII), "Amendment to Chapter
VI of SOLAS (International Convention for SAFETY of Life at
Sea) 60," which was adopted on 20 November 1973. This
resolution was published by the Commandant for the
information of naval architects, ship operators, marine
surveyors, and others involved in the design or operation of
vessels carry ing Bulk grain cargoes. Resolution A.264 (VIII)
is now reflected in Chapter VI of SOLAS '74. [NOTE: In May
Maritime Organization IMO).]
and for the issuance of Certificates of Loading in accordance
1982, the organization changed its name to the International
(4) NVIC 2-78, "Bulk Grain Cargo Regulations," contains the
procedures for the submission and approval of calculations
with the regulations. It contains complete information on
the submittal and approval of documents for tank vessels,
unmanned Barges, single voyages, etc., and describes the
relationship between the Coast Guard and the NCB.
d. Damage Stability Criteria
(1) Equivalents: The damage stability criteria in the
regulations for bulk carriers were in place prior to the
development of international standards. The U.S. helped
develop those international standards and in general
they may be subtituted in their entirety for the
corresponding requirements in Subchapter
CH-2 6-55
6.E.6.(d) (1) (cont'd) S. They include the IBC and IGC Codes and they
ensure an equivalent level of SAFETY to the regulations.
Care must be taken to ensure that the parts of any criteria
are not substituted for the parts of another.
(2) Multiple criteria: Some vessels have numerous applicable
damage stability criteria due to a combination of services.
In those cases, all of the applicable criteria must be met
unless substitution on the basis of an equivalent level of
SAFETY has been set forth, as in substituting other damage
stability criteria for that found in 46 CFR Part 42 (type A
reduced freeboards).
7. Great Lakes Bulk Carriers
a. Introduction
. Due to the unique design of Great Lakes bulk carriers,
a stability check by the weather criterion in 46 CFR 170.170
is not considered sufficient. In lieu of the weather
criterion, an equivalent criterion was developed to account
for potential cargo shift moment, wind heel moment, and bilge
heel moment of ballast tanks with residual water below the
suctions. It has since been called the Magee criterion and is
given in subparagraph 6.E.7.b below. It should be used to
check the stability of each Great Lakes bulk carrier carry ing
cargoes other than grain.
b. The Magee Criterion
. In each allowable condition of loading,
and after correction for free surface of all tanks except
unused ballast tanks, which are covered by Mb, the vessel's
metacentric height (GM) must be equal to or greater than that
given by the following formula:
c. Use Of Magee Criterion
. The following notes are furnished to
explain the use of the method and its derivation:
CH-2 6-56
6.E.7.c. (1) Mw is the mean wind heeling moment (see Figure 6-7). The
ordinates of the wind moment curve are taken as the product
of the upright wind moment and the cosine of the angle of
(2) Mc is the mean cargo heeling moment (see Figure 6-8). The
ordinates of the cargo heeling moment at any point may be
represented by:
Where bulk shift moments are independently derived, each
static Cargo shift moment for a specific heel angle is the
product of the shift lever (taken parallel to the heeled
waterline) and the weight of the volume shifted. During the
simulated shift, it is assumed that the slope of repose of
the bulk is continually re-established with respect to the
heeled waterplane.
Where a cargo has been trimmed to an angle other than its
natural angle of repose, the procedure in the examples with
Figures 6-17 and 6-18 should be used to derive the mean
Cargo moment. This procedure is commonly used for coal.
(3) Mb is the mean bilge heeling moment (see Figure 6-9). Bilge
water heeling moment is included in the calculations to
account for the residual water below the tank suctions in the
ballast tanks. The procedure in the example with Figure 6-19
may be used.
6-57 CH-2
CH-2 6-58
6-59 CH-2
CH-2 6-60
6-61 CH-2
CH-2 6-62
6-63 CH-2
FIGURES 6-17 AND 6-18
CH-2 6-64
6-65 CH-2
6.E.7.c. (6) (cont'd)
Example 1:
Assume: Angle of heel to deck edge = 18 degrees
Natural angle of repose of cargo = 35 degrees
Cargo trimmed to 20 degrees
As the vessel heels, the cargo will theoretically not start to
shift until the vessel heels to 15 degrees (i.e., 35-20). A
typical cargo shift moment curve from 15 degrees to 18 degrees
might be represented by the initial portion of curve A in
Figure 6-17. This is significantly different from that
assumed in the derivation of the required BM formula which
assumed a straight line or at least a decreasing slope with
increasing heel angle from zero. To obtain a reasonable Mc,
extend curve A linearly or in a manner appropriate to that
which would result from the pile geometry if it were shifted
to twice the angle to deck edge. Then construct a
pseudo-cargo shift moment curve B from zero degrees as shown
in Figure 6-17. Since the interval from 15 to 36 is 7 times
the interval from 15 to 18, by similar triangles the mean Mc
at 9 degrees is 7/4 times the moment at 18 degrees.
Example 2:
Assume: Angle of heel to deck edge = 20 degrees
All other conditions as per example 1 above
In a manner similar to example 1, the moment curve from 15 to
20 degrees is determined; then the mean Mc at 10 degrees is
determined as in Figure 6-18 by similar triangles to be 5/4
times the moment at 20 degrees.
[NOtE: The angle where the curve A and B meet in Figures 6-17
and 6-18 should be selected to be twice the angle to the deck
See Figure 6-20 for an example of the computations for a
typical vessel.
CH-2 6-66
6-67 CH-2
FIGURE 6-20 (cont'd)
CH-2 6-68
6.E.8. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Carrier Requirements
a. Damage Stability Requirements While Loading And Discharging
. The damage stability requirements of 46 CFR 172,
Subpart D and 46 CFR 172, Subpart G will not be applied to
transient conditions occurring during loading or unloading
operations at the pier.
b. Pollution Prevention Standards
(1) Pressure vacuum (P/V) valves are considered points of
downflooding up to the angle of equilibrium, but need not be
considered as points of downflooding within the required
range of residual stability after damage.
(2) A vessel should satisfy the damage stability requirements at
all allowable drafts and trims.
9. Small Passenger Vessels
General a.
. The following vessels are permitted by 46 CFR
171.030 and 171.043 to determine compliance with subdivision
and stability by simplified methods, without the need for
furnishing related plans or calculations:
(1) "S" vessels carry ing 150 passengers or less on domestic
voyages; or
(2) "S" vessels carry ing 12 passengers or less on international
b. Simplified Stability Test
. When a simplified stability test is
required by 171.030, it is the owner's or builder's
responsibility to conduct the test in the presence of a Coast
Guard marine inspector. Form CG-4006 is used by the inspector
to determine whether the vessel successfully passes the test.
c. Simplified Subdivision Calculation
. The regulations in 46 CFR
171.043 consist of an empirical relationship that was derived
to ensure compliance with a one-compartment standard of
subdivision, through a simplified calculation. The results of
this regulation are quite conservative. A generous factor of
SAFETY was intentionally placed on the Floodable Length
Factors to help ensure that the maximum allowable compartment
length would be less than the corresponding floodable length
at that location (for a permeability of 0.95), for a large
variety of hull forms and different hull proportions. Form
CG-4005, Small Passenger Vessel Simplified Subdivision
Calculation, provides instructions and calculation sheets for
this purpose and shall be completed by the marine inspector.
6-69 CH-2
6.E.9. d. Assumptions For Calculations/Tests
. All passengers must be
assumed to be standing in order to check the worst VCG condition.
Their VCG must be at least 3.0 feet above the highest deck to
which they are allowed access. The average weight of a passenger
is assumed to be 160 pounds at all times. However, when the
vessel is operating on protected waters and the passengers
consist of adults and children, 140 pounds can be used as the
assumed weight per passenger (see 46 CFR 171.030). When
passengers are assumed to have an average weight of 140 pounds
the stability letter should also indicate the maximum number
of passengers allowed when children are not carried and that
number should be based on a minimum average weight of 160
Subdivision Calculations
. Subdivision Calculations must be
made at the deepest draft at each perpendicular for the
approved loading conditions. Trim is critical for subdivision.
f. Foam Flotation
. Foam flotation should not in general be
allowed when installed to comply with stability requirements
since operators may not follow instructions to properly
maintain it. The OCMI will determine when foam flotation may
be used. Flotation foam is envisioned as being used only on
vessels less than 65 feet in length where it is often
difficult to space bulkheads for stability purposes yet retain
utility of below deck spaces.
g. Collision Bulkheads
. 46 CFR 171.085 specifies the extent and
integrity of required collision bulkheads. The definition of
"oceans" for Subchapter S in 46 CFR 170.050 includes most
partially-protected and coastwise routes. Henceforth, the
collision bulkhead must extend to the weatherdeck unless the
route is not oceans as defined in Subchapter S. A more severe
requirement than the requirement for large passenger vessels
is not intended so the collision bulkhead need not extend
above the bulkhead deck for other services. Also, the aftmost
location of the collision bulkhead need be governed only by
damage stability calculations, when they apply. A 15 percent
of LBP limit on the aftmost location is an unnecessary
requirement when damage stability is required.
h. Ballast
. Ballast necessary to meet stability requirements
should be fixed and described in the stability letter.
Experience has shown that some operators change liquid ballast
without considering compliance with stability guidance. One
exception to the requirement for using only fixed ballast is
the use of "active ballast" systems on unusual craft such as
SWATH. In those cases, special consideration should be given
to the qualification of operating personnel, such as that
described in volume III of this manual, for dynamically
supported craft operators. Optional ballast for trim may be
permitted on any vessel provided stability is satisfactory,
with and without ballast.
i. Watertight Doors In Watertight Bulkheads
. Watertight doors
should not be used in subdivision bulkheads which are subject
to passenger access
CH-2 6-70
6.E.9. i. (cont'd) or where crew might leave them open. As indicated
elsewhere in this manual, watertight doors should generally be
used only in crewboats. Doors must be specially considered during
conversions of crewboats and normally removed. The regulatory
requirements for remote indicators (alarms), signs, and
quick-acting closure devices apply to all doors permitted in
subdivision bulkheads and do not constitute any credit in
determining if doors will be kept closed. Alarms have
occasionally been disconnected or defeated and doors are
occasionally left open to assist in under deck ventilation.
j. Simplified Tests As Equivalents to Calculations
. Stability of
T(L) vessels can often be evaluated with simplified methods on
the basis of equivalency. Fig. 6-20.5 is a flow chart that
synopsizes the logic for deciding what tests and calculations
are appropriate. The simplified intact stability test ensures
equivalence to wind and passenger criteria, but has no bearing
on righting energy (at large angles of heel); and, therefore,
is suitable on low profile vessels like yachts but not on high
profile vessels like multi-deck sightseeing vessels. The
simplified subdivision test ensures equivalence to subdivision
calculations but has no bearing on damage stability (the
ability to remain upright). A basic difficulty may exist in
conducting the simplified intact stability test when the wind
moment is larger than the passenger moment. Extra deadweight
should not be added for the purpose of achieving the moment
since some vessels are less safe in light conditions. The
burden of conducting an inclining experiment can be avoided in
some cases by assuming a safe (high) KG for lightship and
using a deadweight survey to obtain displacement and LCG.
6-71 CH-2
FIGURE 6-20.5
CH-2 6-72
6.E.10. Uninspected Vessels
. Stability is reviewed for some uninspected
vessels. Those which receive load lines shall be subject to the same
intact stability criteria as inspected vessels of the same type in the
same service. Normally, these vessels are small research vessels,
lifeboats, fish processing vessels, and towing vessels. The criteria
for tugboats apply regardless of gross tonnage, provided the vessel is
to have a load line.
11. Vessels Equipped To Lift
. The regulations apply to all services and
to all types and sizes of cranes. Small service cranes may not
produce enough moment to necessitate special criteria calculations in
46 CFR Part 173, Subpart B. 46 CFR 173.005(b) should be used to
determine if calculations are necessary.
a. Energy credited in the criteria is that remaining after
correction for the heeling arm from lifting ("residual"
b. The heeling moment must include the components from the hook
load, the boom, the cab, and off center base (if it is not
balanced by a fixed deadweight).
c. Fixed counterweights on a cab necessitate loss of hook load
calculations, as does liquid counterballast.
d. Combinations of cranes must be evaluated to determine the need
for calculations and operating restrictions. Dockside lifting
is not normally a concern for stability but should be checked
if capsizing would create a hazard to navigation or create a
major oil spill.
e. A minimum freeboard need not be maintained during lifting
provided the criteria are satisfied and the crane operator is
not exposed to boarding seas. Generally, deck immersion is not
a problem when righting energy criteria are satisfied and
downflooding is considered.
f. The formula for determining the necessity to perform energy
calculations is to be evaluated with the hook load at the tip
of the boom. The coefficient in 46 CFR 173.005(b) is 0.67 in
the metric and English versions.
g. The proof-test to avoid energy calculations shall be applied
only when all three parameter ranges apply and consequently
will normally be applicable only when transverse lifts are
being considered.
h. Material failure of the crane will not normally be considered
as justification for not complying with the regulations.
Manufacturers specify strength as the least stress which could
cause failure rather than a stress which will definitely cause
failure on all units.
6-73 CH-2
6.E.11. i. Stern lifts should be evaluated using the same criteria as
transverse lifts except that longitudinal GH should be used in
lieu of transverse GH, and L and B should replace each other.
j. Operating guidance concerning the use of cranes should cover
all boom angles, or radii, in the vertical and horizontal
(azimuth) planes. Load charts are recommended.
12. Multi-Hull Vessels
a. For motored multi-hull vessels, such as SWATH and catamarans,
the intact criterion for wind and roll in DDS-079-1-d(6) may be
substituted for 46 CFR 170.170 and 170.173 under equivalency
provisions. The wind speed shall be 60 knots for service on
exposed and partially-protected waters and 40 knots for
service on protected waters. The angle of roll from
equilibrium into the wind shall be at least 15 degrees unless
a different angle is shown appropriate. The criterion
requires the energy between the righting arm and wind healing
arm from equilibrium to the minimum angle of downflooding, 40
or the second intercept to be at least 1.4 times that from
equilibrium to the specified windward limit. Also, the
righting arm at equilibrium must not exceed 0.6 times the
maximum righting arm and the angle of equilibrium must not
exceed 15 degrees. The wind heeling arm is to be taken as
0.004 A h v^2/(2240 x DISP) x COS 0 and must account for wide
flat cross structures if the area increases significantly with
b. Sailing multi-hulls shall meet rules for sailing monohulls, or
46 CFR 171.057 if it is applicable. Longitudinal stability
should be considered. Pitch-polling is possible with small
outer hulls, especially those that become submerged as the
vessel heels under sail.
c. For services with subdivision requirements, symmetric flooding
is required at the forward end for one compartment. When
multiple compartment subdivision is required at the bow,
symmetric flooding is required to that standard. Likewise,
ferries will normally require symmetric flooding at both ends.
Otherwise, a B/3 transverse bottom damage is required, with
penetration B/15, or 30 inches if more, up from the bottom.
This provides an equivalency to subdivision regulations.
d. For damage stability, the transverse extent of damage need not
exceed 1/5 of the maximum total buoyant beam at or below the
deepest waterline. This provides an equivalency to the
regulations. The total buoyant beam is the sum of the widths
of buoyant components (hulls) at any given longitudinal position.
13. Vessels With Watertight Doors In Non-Subdivision Bulkheads
. (46
CFR 170, Subpart F) - The requirements for watertight doors below
the bulkhead deck apply only to those doors in bulkheads
considered watertight in stability
CH-2 6-74
6.E.13. (cont'd) calculations (subdivision bulkheads and any others used in
damage stability calculations). Doors in other bulkheads do not
require alarms, signs or quick-acting devices, and need not be of the
sliding type. Sliding watertight doors in bulkheads that are not
required to be watertight for stability purposes do not have to be
approved under Subchapter Q.
14. Vessels With Intentional, Progressive, Or Controlled Downflooding
Occasionally the damage stability criteria can be met after
progressive flooding or with spaces intentionally left open. In
the calculations these flooded spaces must be considered as if
flooded at all angles of heel. The operating guidance must cover
these situations. A prime example of this consideration occurs on
MODU chain lockers.
15. Vessels Subject to 46 CFR 171.080 Or 171.070
a. 46 CFR 171.080(d)(1) provides for the MSC determining righting
requirements after damage. Normally, the range of stability
after damage shall be at least 12 degrees, the maximum
positive righting arm within the 15 degree range shall be at
least 0.1 meters (3.3 inches), and the positive area under the
curve within the 15 degree range must be at least 0.015 m.rad
(2.8 ft-deg). Downflooding may not occur within the 15 degree
range of positive stability.
b. SOLAS amendments with an effective date of 29 April 1990
include provisions for evaluating overturning forces in the
damaged condition. These provisions are required for vessels
specified in the regulations and may be used as a reference in
cases where the OCMI questions the stability of a vessel in
the damaged condition.
c. 46 CFR 171.070 specifies subdivision in each condition of
loading and operation. This means zero trim calculations
suffice only when the intact draft, at both perpendiculars of
each approved loading condition, does not exceed the draft of
subdivision calculations. Although floodable length does not
account for KG, it may be used to prove subdivision since
damage stability will account for KG for realistic cases of
flooding. Floodable length calculations can be done with
initial trim.
d. Vessels under 143 feet in length, which do not carry more than
12 passengers on an international voyage, may use a minimum
bulkhead spacing of 10 percent of LBP since SOLAS does not
e. Subdivision bulkheads may be stepped with a vertical section
serving as another main transverse bulkhead provided the
horizontal section of the stepped bulkhead is considered
damaged and each vertical segment of stepped bulkheads is
separated by the minimum spacing if those segments are not
subject to damage.
f. The margin line may be submerged in isolated cases where
Commandant determines that an equivalent level of SAFETY to
the level required by
6-75 CH-2
6.E.15. f. (cont'd) the regulations exists. One major factor is the amount
of righting energy after damage.
16. Vessels Subject to 33 CFR 157
a. 46 CFR 172.065 provides for not damaging an aft machinery
space. Such a space must fit the definition in 46 CFR
30.10-42, vice 46 CFR 171. The intent is to reflect the use of
the space in this instance, rather than realistic permeability.
b. As part of NVIC 10-82, CH-1 (contrary to Section III, J,
enclosure 1), ABS checks compliance with 33 CFR 157.19 (tank
outflow) and 157.10 (protectively located ballast
c. Segregated and clean ballast requirements of 33 CFR 157
provide for reduced amounts of that ballast capacity when the
normally required amounts would cause more than 110 percent of
propeller immersion or draft standards. The lesser amounts of
required ballast must result in at least 80 percent of the
propeller immersion and draft standards. The combination of
tanks to qualify for the 80 percent provision may not be
arbitrary. Proposals for a specific qualifying arrangement
should demonstrate why other arrangements are not acceptable.
Clean ballast tank installations must use wing tanks in lieu
of center tanks unless specifically approved by Commandant.
Segregated or clean ballast arrangements, using only wing
tanks for the 80 percent standard, are acceptable even if a
combination of wing and center tanks meets the full draft and
immersion standards. This is because the preferred segregated
ballast might cause a greater loss of deadweight, due to the
inclusion of center tanks (see NVIC 1-81, CH-1).
17. Vessels With Underwater Volume Beyond the Perpendiculars. Damage
stability criteria define a longitudinal extent of damage based on
the length of the waterline. The intent is to damage a certain
portion of the buoyant volume. Typical projections such as
bulbous bows do not contribute much buoyancy. However, large
projections should be included as a part of L to properly reflect
total buoyancy. Reference may be made to SOLAS for measuring L.
Collision bulkheads may be located using the provisions of SOLAS
or ABS Rules for Classing Steel Vessels (large vessels) since the
regulations do not specifically address bulbous bows.
18. Lifeboats
are self-propelled units with legs which operate
like Jack-up MODU's. They are not drilling units. Lifeboats are
typically uninspected but receive load lines if over 79 feet in
length. The stability criterion for MODU's shall be applied for
unrestricted service. For restricted service, use a storm wind
speed of 70 knots, an
CH-2 6-76
6.E.18. (cont'd) operating condition wind speed of 60 knots, and the route
must be limited to allow jacking-up within 12 hours to withstand
storms (see NVIC 8-81, CH-1).
19. Fishing And Fish Processing Vessels
a. Fishing Vessels
. Fishing vessels are specifically exempted
from inspection and load line requirements. Due to a large
number of serious casualties, voluntary standards were
published in NVIC 5-86. Many of these voluntary standards will
be made mandatory for fishing vessels by the new regulations
being developed under Public Law 100-424.
b. Fish Processing Vessels
. Fish processing vessels are subject
to load line requirements and must comply with the same
stability criteria as inspected vessels which have the same
proportions and service. To verify the adequacy of
processor's stability, either of the following sets of
stability criteria may be applied:
Alternative 1
46 CFR 170.173 - Criterion for Vessels of Unusual Proportion
and Form,
46 CFR 170.170 - Weather Criterion,
46 CFR 173, Subpart B - Lifting (if applicable), and
46 CFR 173, Subpart E - towing (if applicable).
Alternative 2
Torremolinos Convention Criteria (NVIC 5-86), IMO Severe
Wind and Rolling Criteria (NVIC 5-86), Lifting Criteria
(NVIC 5-86) (if applicable), and 46 CFR 173, Subpart E -
towing (if applicable). Damage stability shall not be
[Note: NVIC 5-86 contains a recommendation that the
torremolinos Convention Criteria be supplemented with a
minimum range of stability of 60 degrees. This recommendation
was intended for fishing vessels with hatches that are
normally kept open at sea during fishing operations. The
fishing/fish processing vessel need not meet the minimum 60
degree range criterion if either:
(1) Hatches in the watertight/weathertight envelope are
normally kept closed at sea (e.g., the live tank hatch is
only opened intermittently, under controlled conditions);
(2) Unintentional flooding through these hatches does not
result in progressive flooding to other spaces.]
In all cases, the intact stability analysis must consider that
spaces accessed by such hatches are flooded full or flooded to
the level
6-77 CH-2
6.E.19. b. (cont'd) having the most detrimental effect on stability when
free surface effects are considered, whichever is the worst case.
c. Ballast
. Required ballast must be either fixed (preferable) or
seawater. Seawater ballast must be handled in stability
calculations as with inspected vessels. Catch (cargo) may not
be used as ballast when ballast is required.
d. Stability Information
. Stability information to the master
must clearly indicate the conditions under which the stability
has been found satisfactory. It must be as simple and
straightforward as possible. Further guidance may be found in
NVIC 3-89, Guidelines for the Presentation of Stability
Information for Operating Personnel.
20. Vessels Subject to 46 CFR 170.173 (Unusual Provortion And Form)
a. Starting With the Weather Criterion. In the early 1940's the
Coast Guard developed an intact GH criterion using Liberty
Ship and T-2 tanker type vessels as the data base. This
criterion has remained in effect and is referred to as the
weather criterion (now in 46 CFR 170.170). The vessels in the
data base had limited superstructure and carried their
deadweight inside the buoyant envelope. Consequently, the
center of the buoyant envelope was near the center of gravity
(much like a submarine or an OBO). This provided a large
range of stability and lots of righting energy, even with
fairly small GH. Also, the vessels in the data base were much
larger than T-boats and much smaller than car carriers.
b. Extrapolating Beyond the Data Base
. Over the years the Coast
Guard used the weather criterion to evaluate the intact
stability of all sizes and types of vessels. NVIC 17-82
reveals the use of the weather criteria without proof of
suitability for small vessels not represented in its data
criterion has precluded questioning its possible deficiency
realized that some vessels could meet the weather criterion
base. A lack of casualties attributed to impropriety in the
for vessel size. However, at least by the early 1960's it was
with little righting energy and/or a very small range of
stability. A criterion to ensure good energy and a reasonable
range was needed.
c. The Broad Shoal Correction
. In the 1950's a correction to the
GH required by the weather criterion was developed for vessels
whose waterplane narrowed with heel, due to chine emersion
typical on broad shoal vessels. The correction was
discontinued in the 1970's. It was an increase in the required
GM equal to the upright BH times the average percent of
upright BM not acting through the heel range of interest (deck
edge or 28 degrees). The average percent of BM acting was
approximated by trapezoidally integrating the cube of the
ratio of actual waterline breadth at amidships to upright
waterline breadth at amidships. The three heel angles used
were upright, deck edge immersion (or 28 degrees), and the mid
CH-2 6-78
6.E.20. d. The Rahola Criterion And Offshore Supply Vessels
. MMT Note 4-64
contained a parametric chart for finding required GM for broad
shallow draft hulls of the OSV type. It ensured the 15
foot-degrees proposed as a criterion by J. Rahola of Finland. His
recommendation was based on a 1939 study of coastal cargo vessels.
The chart was made to reduce the necessity for preparing cross
curves in an age when computers were rare. The Rahola criterion
is now in the Marine Safety Manual (offshore supply vessels).
e. True Technical Definition Of Unusual Proportion And Form
Shallow draft vessels are traditionally wide and have little
depth, like a deck cargo barge. Ocean-going ships are
traditionally narrow and deep. Since the weather criterion
was based on the latter, that arrangement is of "usual
proportion and form." Likewise, the ocher arrangement is of
"unusual proportion and form." The real key is the vertical
separation between the center of the buoyant envelope and G.
All hull forms have a buoyant envelope, therefore the primary
variable in establishing this special relation is G. The
tendency to define unusual proportion and form as "hard-chine"
is not correct. A typical tankship with a right angle at the
turn of the bilge has nearly identical righting arms as if it
had a generous radius at the turn of the bilge. Righting arms
are a volume property and are therefore very insensitive to
local geometry -- global geometry (B/D, d/D, deadrise, flare,
etc.) affects righting arms. The hard chine happens to be a
common characteristic of vessels with G located well above the
buoyant envelope. These vessels should be better described as
broad and shallow vessels with considerable structure or
deadweight above the buoyant envelope.
f. Why 46 CFR 170.173 And Not Rahola
. Through the 1960's and
1970's the Coast Guard applied the Rahola criteria to deck
barges, OSV's, crewboats, lifting vessels, and any other
vessel of unusual proportion and form which was recognized as
such. During this period IMO developed international standards
which were recognized through NVIC 3-73. Those criteria were
better suited for the narrower and deeper vessels typical of
Europe (B/D = 2) than the wider and shallower vessels of the
U.S. (especially below the 100m upper limit for the criteria).
Consequently, when the IMO criteria were placed into Coast
Guard regulations an alternate but similar criteria was
included. Because the U.S. is a party to IMO it uses the
internationally recognized criteria as much as possible.
Rahola can still be accepted based on the equivalency
provision. Note chat the intact criteria for tugboats is
essentially an IMO criteria and that no equivalent is needed
because tugs are not extreme cases of unusual proportion and
g. Range Of Stability
. GM is of primary importance in response
to small heeling forces. Righting energy is of primary
importance in response to severe heeling forces. Vessels may
be of unusual proportion and form to the point where the
Rahola criterion may be met without
6-79 CH-2
6.E.20. g. (cont'd) ensuring a good range of stability. The range of
stability is important in relatively heavy seas and when
riding in beam seas. Vessels of usual proportion and form will
have a range of stability well past 30 degrees of heel.
Vessels of unusual proportion and form need a range
requirement. 46 CFR 170.173 uses energy beyond 30 degrees to
ensure a range, the MSM requires a 40 degree range for OSV's,
the regulations require a 90 degree range for sailboats and a
60 degree range for tugboats. The range requirement reflects
both the size of the vessel and its service. Large deck barges
are the most severe case of unusual proportion and form and
can meet the Rahola criterion with a range of stability of as
little as 10 degrees. Typically, deck barges are large
relative to the waves and prudent operators minimize the
effects of the sea.
h. Hull Form Characteristics
. Characteristics of the righting
arm curve are readily evident from the global shape of the
buoyant hull. For example: high outboard buoyant volume will
give a good range. A large beam to draft ratio will give good
GM. Characteristics of the righting arm curve are also readily
evident from where the deadweight is carried. For example: ore
is both within the buoyant envelope and low in the hold.
Containers on a barge are well above the buoyant volume. The
following are generalities for full forms with righting arm
characteristics evident from their global shape and/or their
Deck barge huge GM/minimal range light high DWT/no supstr
catamaran huge GM/early max RA/good range buoyant shift
river excursion large GM/minimal range high DWT/high strut
OSV large GM/minimal range light high DWT/some supstr
containership small GM/good range mid DWT/good fbd
SWATH minimal GM/good range huge fbd-supstr
OBO, bulker large GM/large range low DWT/good fbd
sail ballasted small GM/great range huge fbd/low DWT
i. Superstructure
. Trim-Free. And Fixed-trim. The traditional
method to calculate righting arms is to maintain a given trim
regardless of the real world. It is quick and causes negligible
error for traditional ships. However, it is misleading at best
when the buoyancy of the hull form is not uniformly balanced
longitudinally. Vessels with superstructure only at one end,
such as OSV's and many tugs, will trim considerably at angles
where the superstructure becomes immersed. The effect is
pronounced at deep drafts, when the reserve buoyancy at one end
is,proportionately large. When using the fixed-trim method this
causes an artificial increase in righting arms at high angles
and can even lead to a "double hump." this effect increases the
angle of max RA and the range of stability. Due to the
tradition of using this method, it is allowed for OSV's and
tugboats, the two general hull forms where it introduces the
largest error. More recent criteria specify trim-free since
they are derived using that method.
CH- 2 6-80
6.E.20. j. Energy Balance Criteria
. The MODU criterion has been in use
about 20 years. It requires 1.4 times as much righting energy
as there is wind heeling energy over a similar tense of
angles. Absolute range, energy and GM are not required.
DDS-079-1-d(6) is a USN design criterion for other than
displacement monohulls. It requires 1.4 times as much residual
righting energy as the vessel would absorb in returning from a
specified angle of roll into the wind to the angle of
equilibrium. Angle of roll into the wind and wind speed are
critical parameters. The Coast Guard accepts this criterion as
an equivalent to 46 CFR 170.170 and 170.173 when using
15 degrees and 60 knots. IMO has a very similar "heavy wind and
roll" criterion which the Coast Guard placed into NVIC 5-86
for fishing vessels. IMO also has a weather criterion that the
U.S. has yet to accept which is slightly less restrictive than
46 CFR 170.170.
k. Energy For Less than Ocean Service
. None of the published
energy criteria stipulate appropriate requirements for less
than ocean service. The issue normally comes up with river
barges and small passenger vessels. Traditionally, the Coast
Guard required a 5 ft-deg Rahola for barges on river service
and a 10 ft-deg Rahola for barges in service on lakes, bays,
and sounds. CCGD8(mmt) studied certificated craft in
determining what to require when righting energy became a
requirement with the publication of Subchapter S in 1984. 10
ft-deg Rahola was required for passenger service on waters
free from sea swells. For river (protected water) service, a
range of stability of 25 degrees was required and for service
on lakes, bays, and sounds (partially-protected service) a
tense of stability of 30 degrees was required. At that
time the passenger vessels reviewed by CCGD8(mmt) were
generally of the barge hull paddlewheel type which are
operated in calm water service and the crewboat hull form
which is operated in waters with sea swells. 46 CFR 170.173
was required of the crewboat hull forms even if they were
route limited to partially-protected waters since developed
seas exist beyond the jetties. Vessels of the paddlewheel
variety will not operate in developed seas because the vessel
would pound and waves would crash over the deck. Good marine
practice should be encouraged to preclude operations that
could lead to downflooding or entrapping water in deckhouses
or superstructure. The combination of little freeboard, little
shear, open railings, and large exposed windows is not good
marine practice. The prime energy criterion difficulty
recently is the downflooding angle for 170.173. Relocating
ER vents can and has been done. In calculating the downflooding
angle the conservation of buoyancy is acceptable provided
trimming is accounted for. When downflooding is a problem,
using Rahola as an equivalent may be helpful since a low (15
or 20 deg) angle is allowed. Low downflooding angles are
reasonable for restricted routes but generally not acceptable
for exposed water service since survival depends on keeping
the hull buttoned up.
21. Dynamically Supported Craft (DSC)
. DSC include foil-borne craft,
air cushion vehicles (ACV's), and surface effect ships (SES). Such
6-81 CH-2
6.E.21. (cont'd) must comply with the requirements in Subchapter S when
operated in the displacement mode. This is necessary since the
dynamic mode of operation may not be maintained in service.
Stability criteria for the non-displacement mode will be
considered by Commandant in a concept review. The owner should
propose criteria for consideration but compliance with recognized
standards is expected. Compliance with the Code of SAFETY for
Dynamically Supported Craft (IMO Resolution A.373) is encouraged
in all cases. Operating manuals are required. Service trials must
be addressed in detail and will be used to prove acceptable
dynamic stability.
F. Load Lines
1. General Provisions.
a. Load Line Assignment And Certification
. The responsibility and
authority for the enforcement of the load line laws, 46 App.
U.S.C. 86 and 88, and the 1966 International Convention on
Load Lines, has been delegated to the Commandant by the
Secretary of the Department of transportation (SECDOT). The
regulations promulgated by the Commandant appoint the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) as the prime assigning and issuing
authority. However, the Commandant may appoint another
assigning authority upon request of the owner. The Commandant
may also appoint any "officer of the United States" for the
purpose of assignment and certification of load lines; the
Commandant will normally consider only an OCMI as the
appointed officer. Such officers should exercise this
authority only for delivery or other point-to-point voyages.
They should refer all other cases to ABS.
b. Administration Of Load Line Statutes And Regulations
. The
load line statutes, regulations, and conventions referenced
under paragraph 6.F.2 below indicate which vessels require
load line assignment. The performance of necessary surveys
relating to the condition of the vessel and correctness of
markings, assignment of load lines, and the issuance of Load
Line Certificates are functions performed by the load line
assigning authority. The Load Line Certificate is required to
be maintained in a current status by annual endorsement of the
assigning authority. The issuance of the certificate and its
validity are contingent upon annual surveys and inspections by
the assigning authority, to verify compliance with the
regulations as to correctness of the load line mark, the
structural efficiency of the vessel, and the provision of
effective protection to the vessel and crew.
c. Detection Of Violations
(1) Introduction
. The enforcement of the load line
regulations is the joint responsibility of the Coast
Guard district commander and the district director of
U.S. Customs. Collectors of customs will act as agents of
the Coast Guard. As a means of
CH-2 6-82
6.F.1.c. (1) (cont'd) enforcement, routine checks are made of vessels
marked, and draft marks forward and aft; whether the
by customs officers in conjunction with their normal
duties. By those checks, it is contemplated that customs
officers will report any apparent violations to the Coast
Guard, and that the Coast Guard will follow the
procedures in chapter 7, volume V of this manual to
determine whether a vessel subject to the regulations has
a valid Load Line Certificate, load lines conspicuously
proper log entries have been made; and whether the vessel
is loaded in compliance with its Load Line Certificate
and marks. Volume VI of this manual provides guidance to
direct captain of the port (COTP) personnel conducting
vessel boardings to be alert for load line violations.
Detailed inspections and investigations shall
nevertheless be conducted by marine investigators.
(2) Checks Of Vessels Departing On Or Arriving From A Foreign
. These shall be the responsibility of the Coast
Guard district commander but will normally be carried out
by U.S. Customs Service officers in the course of their
normal duties. Where customs officers are unable to
carry out these checks or where violations come to the
attention of the Coast Guard, the district commander will
insure that the laws and regulations are complied with.
Clearance may be refused to vessels found in violation of
the load line regulations.
(3) Checks Of Vessels On Coastwise And Great Lakes Voyages
These are the responsibility of the district commander,
and will normally be carried out by Coast Guard personnel
(commissioned or warrant officer, petty officer, or
civilian) designated for this task and trained in the
requisite procedures and calculations by the OCMI.
(4) Employment Of Marine Safety Personnel
. Marine SAFETY
investigating officers are normally assigned to
investigate suspected load line violations. On routine
inspection duties, marine inspectors and other marine
SAFETY personnel will observe whether load lines and
draft marks are conspicuously marked and whether vessels
appear to be overloaded. In addition, at the time of the
inspection of a vessel for certification, the inspector
shall examine its Load Line Certificate for validity and
determine whether the proper log entries have been made.
Any violations of the load line regulations observed by
the I.O. or called to the I.O.'s attention shall be
referred to the OCMI for resolution. In cases when a
shortage of personnel does not permit a load line check
to be made of every vessel, spot-check inspections shall
be made insofar as available personnel permit, so that
the most effective enforcement practicable is provided.
[NOTE: Full cooperation should be maintained between the
6-83 CH-2
commander so as to provide the most efficient and complete
6.F.1.c. (4) (cont'd) district director of customs and the district
inspection possible.]
2. References
a. Load Line Statutes
. The acts establishing load line
requirements for U.S. vessels and foreign vessels operating in
U.S. waters are found in 46 App. U.S.C. 86 and 88. They are
as follows:
(1) Vessels In Foreign trade
. The International Voyage Load
Line Act of 1973 (46 App. U.S.C. 86-86i) applies to U.S.
the U.S. has renounced the 1930 Load Line Convention;
and foreign vessels-that arrive at or depart from any
port or place within the jurisdiction of the U.S. from or
for a foreign port. The act also applies to U.S. vessels
engaged in voyages between foreign ports. This act does
not apply to ships of war, pleasure craft not used in
trade or commerce, fishing vessels, "existing vessels"
(vessels whose keels were laid before 21 July 1968) of
less than 150 gross tons (Gt), "new vessels" of less than
79 feet in length, and vessels that navigate exclusively
on the Great Lakes. Vessels operating on sheltered waters
between ports of the U.S. and neighboring countries, if
provided for by a U.S. treaty, are also excluded. [NOTE:
thus, it does not recognize 1930 Load Line Certificates,
except as explained in subparagraph 6.F.2.b.(1) below.]
(2) Coastwise And Great Lakes Vessels
. The provisions of the
Coastwise Load Line Act of 1935, as amended, are
contained in 46 App. U.S.C. 88-88i. This act applies to
all U.S. and foreign merchant vessels of 150 or more GT
that are loading at or proceeding from any U.S. port for
a "coastwise voyage by sea," or are on a voyage
proceeding from one port on the Great Lakes to another
port on the Great Lakes. The above provisions are not
applicable to certain merchant vessels engaged in certain
aspects of the salmon or crab fisheries of the states of
Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. These exceptions include
cannery or fishing tender vessels of not more than 500 GT
if constructed or contracted for before 1 January 1980,
or if conversion to such service was begun or contracted
for before 1 January 1980, so long as such conversion was
completed prior to 1 January 1983. Similarly, vessels
used in the processing or assembling of fishery products
in the above states, of not more than 5000 GT, if
constructed on or before 15 August 1974, or if converted
on or before 1 January 1983, are excluded from the
provisions of this law.
b. Load Line Conventions And Treaties
(1) The International Convention On Load Lines, 1966
. This
Convention established standards for the surveying and
marking of
CH-2 6-84
6.F.2.b. (1) (cont'd) load lines on certain vessels making
international voyages. It became effective on 21 July
1968. NVIC 5-83 contains three sets of Unified
Interpretations of the 1966 Convention that have been
approved by the Maritime SAFETY Committee of the
International Maritime Organization. 46 CFR 42.03-10
states that, as of 22 July 1970, the only Load Line
Certificate recognized by the United States is the 1966
International Load Line Certificate, unless a country is
still within the maximum 2-year grace period set forth in
Article 16(4) of the 1966 Convention. Article 16(a)
states that any International Load Line Certificate that
is current when the 1966 Convention comes into force for
the government of the state whose flag the ship is
flying, shall remain valid for 2 years or until the
certificate expires, whichever is earlier. Article 17 of
the 1966 Convention prohibits the issuance of a 1966
International Load Line Certificate to any vessel that is
flying the flag of a state, the government of which is
not a contracting government to the Convention. Such
vessels are subject to the requirements of 46 App. U.S.C.
86-86i (as amended). 46 CFR 42.03-10 states that vessels
of countries not parties to the 1966 Convention are
subject to U.S. load line regulations when they are
gives the date of entry into force for each country. 1930
Load Line Certificates can be recognized for up to 2
years after the date of entry into force for that country
for the 1966 Load Line Convention (provided the country
within the jurisdiction of the U.S. This means that such
vessels must obtain Form B Load Line Certificates, which
are valid only in U.S. navigable waters. Figure 6-21
was party to the 1930 Convention).
International Convention For the Safety Of Life At Sea
. 1974 (Load Line Provisions). Regulation 11 of
Chapter II-1, SOLAS 1974 contains requirements for
assigning, marking, and recording of subdivision load
lines on passenger vessels subject to SOLAS 74 making
international voyages.
Algeria* 4 JAN 77
Argentina* 3 SEP 71
Australia* 29 OCT 68
Austria 4 NOV 72
Bahamas 22 OCT 76
Bahrain 21 JAN 86
Bangladesh 10 AUG 78
Barbados 1 DEC 82
6-85 CH-2
FIGURE 6-21 (cont'd)
Belgium* 22 APR 69
Benin 1 FEB 86
Brazil* 12 DEC 69
Bulgaria* 30 MAR 69
Cameroon 14 AUG 86
Canada* 14 APR 70
Cape Verde 28 JUL 77
Chile* 10 JUN 75
China (PRC) 5 JAN 76
Cuba* 6 MAY 69
Cyprus* 5 AUG 69
Czechoslovakia* 16 SEP 69
Denmark* 21 JUL 68
Djibouti 1 MAR 84
Dominican Republic* 28 SEP 73
Ecuador* 12 APR 76
Egypt 6 MAR 69
Ethiopia 18 OCT 85
Fiji 1 MAR 73
Finland* 15 AUG 68
France* 21 JUL 68
Gabon 21 APR 82
German Democratic Republic 15 AUG 75
Germany', Federal Republic of* 9 JUL 69
Ghana* 25 DEC 68
Greece* 12 SEP 68
Guinea 19 APR 81
Honduras 16 FEB 78
Hungary* 25 DEC 73
Iceland* 26 SEP 70
India* 21 JUL 68
Indonesia 17 APR 77
Iran 5 JAN 74
Ireland* 28 NOV 68
Israel* 21 JUL 68
Japan* 15 AUG 78
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 12 NOV 76
Italy* 21 JUL 68
Ivory Coast* 19 OCT 71
Jamaica 18 NOV 82
Kenya 12 DEC 75
Korea, Republic of* 10 OCT 69
Kuwait* 28 NOV 68
Lebanon 7 OCT 70
Liberia* 21 JUL 68
Malagasy Republic* 21 JUL 68
6-86 CH-2
FIGURE 6-21 (cont'd)
Malaysia* 12 APR 71
Maldives 21 JUL 68
Malta 11 DEC 74
Mauritania* 21 JUL 68
Mexico* 25 JUN 70
Monaco 25 JUN 70
Morocco 21 JUL 68
Netherlands* 21 JUL 68
New Zealand* 5 MAY 70
Nigeria* 14 FEB 69
Norway* 21 JUL 68
Oman 20 NOV 75
Pakistan* 5 MAR 69
Panama* 21 JUL 68
Papua New Guinea 18 AUG 76
Peru* 21 JUL 68
Philippines 4 JUN 69
Poland* 28 AUG 69
Portugal* 22 MAR 70
Qatar 1 MAY 80
Romania* 3 SEP 71
Samoa 23 JAN 80
Saudi Arabia 5 DEC 75
Senegal 18 NOV 77
Seychelles 1 JAN 77
Singapore 21 DEC 71
Somalia 21 JUL 68
South Africa 21 JUL 68
Spain* 1 OCT 68
Sri Lanka 10 AUG 74
Suriname 25 NOV 75
Sweden* 21 JUL 68
Switzerland* 23 JUL 68
Syrian Arab Republic 6 MAY 75
Tonga 12 MAY 77
Trinidad & Tobago 21 JUL 68
Tunisia 21 JUL 68
Turkey* 5 NOV 68
Tuvalu 22 NOV 85
United Arab Emirates 15 MAR 84
United Kingdom* 21 JUL 68
United States* 21 JUL 68
U.S.S.R. 21 JUL 68
Uruguay 18 JUL 77
Vanuatu 28 OCT 82
Venezuela* 15 JAN 75
6-87 CH-2
FIGURE 6-21 (cont'd)
Vietnam* 14 SEP 68
Yemen, Arab Republic (SANAA) 6 JUN 79
Yemen, Peoples' Democratic Rep. 20 AUG 69
Yugoslavia* 25 JAN 69
Zaire 20 AUG 68
Zambia 2 DEC 70
The Convention has been extended to:
Netherlands Antilles 21 JUL 68
Hong Kong 16 AUG 72
Bermuda 1 APR 75
Isle of Man 19 OCT 84
Puerto Rico, Guam, U.S. Virgin
Islands, American Samoa, the
Trust Territories of the
Pacific Islands, Canal Zone 9 SEP 75
Midway, Wake, Johnston Islands 18 MAR 76
[NOTE: *Also party to the International Convention on Load Lines,
Treaty Between the U.S. And Canada Defining Certain
Waters Of the West Coast Of North America As Sheltered
Waters (49 Star. 2685)
. By this treaty, the United States
and Canada agreed to exempt Canadian and U.S. vessels
from the provisions of the 1930 Load Line Convention, as
authorized therein, and from the provisions of existing
laws with respect to load lines when engaged on
international voyages originating on, wholly confined to,
and terminating on the defined waters. This treaty is
held to be equally valid to exempt subject vessels from
the provisions of all international load line
requirements and agreements entered into to date, other
than the passenger vessel subdivision load line
requirements of SOLAS 1960 or 1974 and 46 CFR Part 46.
The terms of the treaty can be found in COMDTINST
M16707.l (old CG-242). Under the terms of this treaty,
the regulations in 46 CFR, Subchapter E issued pursuant
to the International Load Line Act of 1973 and the
Coastwise Load Line Act of 1935, do not apply to Canadian
or U.S. vessels operating on the "sheltered waters"
defined as follows:
". . .the waters of Puget Sound, the waters lying
between Vancouver Island and the mainland, and east
of a line from a point one nautical mile west of the
city limits of Port Angeles in the state of
Washington to Race Rocks on Vancouver Island, and a
line from Hope Island, British Columbia, to Cape
Calvert, Calvert Island, British Columbia,
CH-2 6-88
Duke Point on Duke Island, and the waters north of Duke
6.F.2.b. (3) (cont'd) the waters east of a line from Cape Calvert to
Island and east of Prince of Wales Island, Baranof
Island, and Chicago Island, the waters of Peril, Neva,
and Olga Straits to Sitka, and the waters east of a line
from Port Althorp on Chicago Island to Cape Spencer,
Alaska.. '
c. Load Line Regulations
(1) General
. The Load Line Resulations are contained in 46
CFR 42 and 44-46 (Part 43 has been cancelled and
reserved). These regulations implement the provisions of
the statutes, conventions, and treaties previously cited,
and have the force and effect of law. The regulation
Parts are entitled as follows:
(a) Part 42 - Domestic and foreignvoyages by sea.
(b) Part 43 - (Reserved).
(c) Part 44 - Variance for certain vessels.
(d) Part 45 - Great Lakes load lines.
(e) Part 46 - Subdivision load lines for passenger vessels.
(2) Subdivision Load Lines
. 46 CFR 46 contains requirements
for subdivision load lines on certain U.S. and foreign
passenger vessels engaged in foreign voyages, and on
certain U.S. and foreign passenger vessels of 150 or more
GT engaged in coastwise or Great Lakes voyages. The
specific application is in 46 CFR 46.01-15.
(3) References
. The following references may be helpful in
understanding the standards and procedures associated with
obtaining a load line:
(a) "Load Line Assignment" by Cleary and Ritola; Society
of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME);
(b) "Load Line Assignment" by Robert t. Ryan; Principles
of Naval Architecture; SNAHE; 1967.
3. Load Line Definitions And Explanations
a. Assigning Authority For U
.S. Vessels.
(1) General
. The term "assigning authority" refers either to
ABS or to another recognized classification society that
has been approved by the Commandant as a load line
assigning and issuing authority for a specific vessel.
The prime assigning and issuing
6-89 CH-2
6.F.3.a. (1) (cont'd) authority for U.S. is ABS, as specified in 46
App. U.S.C. 86d and 46 App. U.S.C. 88b. Other recognized
classification societies maybe specifically authorized by
Commandant (G-MTB) to assign load lines to a specific
vessel upon written request by the vessel owner.
(2) Application For Assignment
. Application for load line
assignment is made directly to ABS, except as noted
below. Before ABS issues a Load Line Certificate, it must
receive a letter from the Coast Guard stating that the
stability analysis has been conducted and stating what
stability information must be aboard the vessel (see NVIC
b. Stability Approval
(1) Stability Review
. A vessel's stability review for load
line is normally conducted by the MSC. NVIC 10-83
describes procedures for advising ABS of the proper
stability information to be placed on the load line
(2) Annual Revalidation
. At each annual revalidation of the
certificate, the ABS surveyor should verify that the
approved stability information is on board.
(3) Exception to the Procedure For Vessels Not Receiving
Stability Letters
. There is one exception to the
procedures in NVIC 10-83. Presently, there are no
specific stability or longitudinal strength requirements
for inland cargo barges (any length) or inland tank
barges less than 300 feet in length, carry ing cargoes
regulated by Subchapter D (except liquefied flammable
gases). For these inland barges, ABS may issue a load
line for certain specific routes without stability
authorization from the Coast Guard. The maximum draft
assigned should correspond to the geometric freeboard
assignment. The following statements (modified as
appropriate) shall be included on the Load Line
"Routes shall be limited to unmanned fair weather
voyages only, not to exceed 20 miles from shore
between Chicago, Illinois, and Burns Harbor*,
between St. Marks and Carrabelle, Florida, and not
more than 5 miles from a harbor of safe refuge
Indiana. No specific stability information is
required." [NOTE: *Gary, Indiana, may be authorized
in lieu of Burns Harbor.]
(4) Exchange Damage Stability Information From Coast Guard to
ABS. The Coast Guard reviews and approves damage
stability calculations for type A (tank vessel) freeboard
assignments (see NVIC 2-76 and 46 CFR 42.20-6), passenger
vessels (see 46 CFR 171), oceanographic research vessels
(see 46 CFR 173, Subpart D),
CH-2 6-90
6.F.3.b. (4) (cont'd) school ships (see 46 CFR 173, Subpart c), and
other types of vessels. ABS must be cognizant of any
restrictions imposed by the Coast Guard on these vessels
for load line assignment. Therefore, after reviewing the
damage stability calculations, the MSC shall forward to
ABS a copy of their approval letters, which shall include:
(a) Reference to the vessel's stability letter or any
necessary loading restrictions;
(b) Any special arrangements to prohibit downflooding;
(c) Identification of bulkheads that must be maintained
watertight, and to what level in the vessel they
must be maintained watertight; and
(d) Maximum allowable draft.
(5) Exchange Of Damage Stablity Information From ABS to Coast
. Except as provided in subparagraph 6.F.3.b.(6)
below, ABS reviews and approves damage stability
calculations for type B-60 and B-100 freeboard
assignments in accordance with 46 CFR 42.20-7 and
42.20-8. However, the Coast Guard has the responsibility
to issue stability letters and approve trim and
stability booklets for all vessel types. Accordingly, the
Coast Guard must be cognizant of any operating
restrictions or GM limitations imposed by ABS on type
B-60 and B-100 vessels in approving stability
information. The following explains the procedure for
the exchange of information between ABS and the Coast
Guard for type B-60 and B-100 vessels:
(a) ABS will inform the MSC that the owner is requesting
a B-60 or B-l00 freeboard assignment;
(b) ABS will forward to the MSC a copy of its letter
approving damage stability calculations, which must
(i) Any loading restrictions;
(ii) Any required KG versus draft restrictions;
(iii) Any special arrangements to prohibit
downflooding; and
(iv) the estimated lightship values used.
(c) The MSC will compare the approved lightship values
with the estimated values used in the damage
stability calculations and, if necessary, require
that the damage stability calculations be redone
using the approved lightship values.
6-91 CH-2
6.F.3.b. (5) (d) the Coast Guard will ensure that the above restrictions
are incorporated in the trim, stability, and loading
information approved by the Coast Guard.
(6) Special Procedures For Hopper Dredges
. The MSC will
review all stability calculations for the "working
freeboards" of hopper dredges. It will not be necessary
for the designer to submit the B-60 and B-100 damage
stability calculations to ABS.
c. Action By the OCMI As Load Line Assigning Authority
. Although
OCMI's should not normally act as assigning authorities, there
are two instances in which they should exercise their
authority under the load line acts:
(1) Issuance Of International Load Line (Single Voyage)
Exemption Certificates
. For a U.S. vessel that is
required to make a single international voyage, as
defined in Article 6(4) of the 1966 Load Line Convention
(e.g., a delivery or scrapping voyage, or change in
employment), the OCMI may issue an International Load
Line Exemption Certificate if, in the OCMI's opinion, the
vessel is safe to make the voyage. Normally, the vessel
should not be permitted to carry passengers or Cargo.
The form of the International Exemption Certificate is
found in 46 CFR 42.50-5(e). A sample certificate is
contained in Figure 6-22. Copies of all such exemptions
issued by the OCMI should be sent to Commandant (G-HtH-3)
for information.
(2) Issuance Of Coastwise/Great Lakes Single Voyage Load Line
Authorization Letter
. For a vessel that does not
normally engage in coastwise or Great Lakes voyages,
which must make a single voyage for delivery, change in
employment, or drydocking, the
CH-2 6-92
Commanding Officer
Marine Safety Office
Federal Building, Customhouse
5th and Austin Ave.
Port Arthur, TX 77640
(Certificate No.)
Issued under the provisions of the International Convention on Load
Lines, 1966, under the authority of the Government of the United States
of America, and the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard:
By U.S. Coast Guard Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, Port Arthur,
Texas, and duly authorized for assigning and exemption purposes under
the provisions of the Convention.
[Name of ship] [Official Number or [Port of registry]
distinctive letters]
This is to certify that the above-mentioned vessel is exempted from the
provisions of the 1966 Convention, under the authority conferred by
Article 6(4) of the Convention referred to above, and that this vessel
has been surveyed accordingly.
The voyage for which this exemption is granted under Article 6(4) is:
From: Port Arthur, Texas, U.S.A.
To: Koahsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China
: All openings to the hull shall be closed and securely
fastened. The vessel is to proceed without passengers,
crew, or cargo.
This Certificate is valid until [date] or until arrival at Koahsiung, Taiwan,
Republic of China.
Issued at Port Arthur, Texas, (date).
Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection
*NOTE: the above conditions are examples. The OCMI will specify the actual
6-93 CH-2
6.F.3.c. (2) (cont'd) OCMI may issue a single-voyage load line
authorization in accordance with 46 CFR 42.03-30(f).
This authorization should take the form of a Coastwise
Load Line Certificate, with the conditions under which
the voyage may be made stated on the front including a
statement specifying the ports of departure and arrival.
Normally, the vessel should not be permitted to carry
passengers or cargo. The extent of the survey required
to issue a single voyage Load Line Certificate should be
limited to that necessary to ensure that the vessel will
make the voyage safely, and need not follow the exact
survey requirements found in 46 CFR, Subchapter E.
Nevertheless, the OCMI should be guided by the general
elements of seaworthiness found in the regulations. Any
specific requirements for the voyage should be listed on
the certificate. Figure 6-23 provides a sample
single-voyage Coastwise Load Line Certificate.
(3) Application Requests
. Application for a single voyage
International Load Line Exemption Certificate or a single
voyage Coastwise Load Line Certificate should be made in
writing by the vessel's owner to the OCMI. All other
requests for exemptions (i.e., novel craft, sheltered
voyages, etc.) should be addressed in writing to the
Commandant (G-MTH).
d. "Foreign Voyage
." See 46 App. U.S.C. 86b.
e. "Coastwise Voyage By Sea
." This is a voyage on which a
vessel, in the usual course of its employment, proceeds from
one port or place in the United States or its possessions to
another port or place in the U.S. or its possessions and, in
so doing, passes outside the line dividing inland waters from
the high seas; the lines dividing inland waters from high seas
are set forth in 46 CFR 7. The Chief Counsel of the Coast
Guard has determined that vessels that cross the boundary line
but return to the same port are not subject to the Coastwise
platforms are subject to the Coastwise Load Line Act, as these
Load Line Act. However, offshore supply vessels that cross
boundary lines and service offshore fixed or floating
platforms are considered "places in the United States."
f. "Great Lakes Voyage
." This is a voyage made by a vessel from
any port or place on the Great Lakes to any other port or
place on the Great Lakes. Except as provided below, vessels of
150 or more GT operating on any of the Great Lakes, their
bays, sounds, or straits, and in those harbors that are beyond
the protection of breakwaters forming complete protection
against heavy seas and other rigors of the lakes, are required
to be marked with load lines. For application of the Load Line
Regulations, the St. Lawrence River west of a straight line
drawn from Cap de Rosters to West Point, Anticosti Island, and
west of a line along longitude 63 degrees west from Anticosti
Island to the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, is
considered as part of the Great Lakes. The requirements of a
load line assignment will not normally be imposed on unmanned
Great Lakes dump scows employed on routine operations within
10 miles of a harbor of safe refuge. This
CH-2 6-94
Officer in Charge
U.S. Coast Guard
Marine Safety Office
1055 E. Ninth Street
Cleveland, OH 44114
Tel: (216) 522-4A05
ABC Dredging Company
106 1st Street
Chicago, IL 60601
Issued under the provisions of title 46, Code of Federal Regulations,
42.03-30(f) by U.S. Coast Guard Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection,
Cleveland, Ohio, to:
DREDGE ABC, O.N. xxxxxx
This Certificate is valid only for a voyage from Cleveland, Ohio, to
Staten Island, New York, coastwise, to arrive not later than [date]
*[with no cargo or passengers, and unmanned except not more than four
(4) maintenance persons allowed. All openings to the hull shall be closed
and securely fastened.]
This Certificate is valid until [date] or until arrival at Staten
Island, New York. Issued at Cleveland, Ohio, [date].
Officer in Charge, Marine
*NOTE: The above conditions are examples. The OCMI will specify the actual
6-95 CH-2
6.F.3. f. (cont'd) exclusion is to include the occasional movement of
these dump scows without cargo from a given port to a
different port of operation. In lieu of a load line
assignment, a draft limitation may be imposed by the cognizant
OCMI, if in his or her opinion such a limitation is deemed
necessary-to assure the safety of life or property. If a draft
limitation is imposed by the cognizant OCMI, a standard of 10
foot-degrees of righting energy to the angle of maximum
righting arm will be used to determine the required freeboard.
g. "Special Service Voyage
." This is a voyage between ports, in
the trades, and under conditions of operation as specified in
the Special Service Load Line regulations. Special service
load lines and their certificates are valid only for coastwise
(20 mile offshore limit) voyages within limited areas of trade
as specified in 46 CFR Part 44. Special service freeboards are
not applicable to the Great Lakes. Only steam colliers, tugs,
barges, and self-propelled barges on coastwise voyages were
originally eligible for "special service" load lines under
Section 2 of the Coastwise Load Line Act of 1935 (46 App.
U.S.C. 88a). This act was amended in 1962 by P.L. 87-620,
which deleted from the law direct references to steam
colliers, tugs, barges, and self-propelled barges. However,
the authority for and the provisions of 46 CFR 44 remain
h. "In the Usual Course Of Its Employment
." This term generally
refers to vessels that regularly trade by way of the ocean
between coastal or inland ports of the United States or
and which occasionally, because of exigencies, crosses the
between any ports on the Great Lakes. A vessel whose usual
employment is on inland waters, as defined in the Pilot Rules,
dividing line onto the high seas does not necessarily violate
the Coastwise Load Line Act. For example, a harbor tug
proceeding to sea for relief of a vessel in distress, or a
dredge whose operation is confined to a particular port, but
which in an emergency is taken to another port, does not
violate the law. It is stressed that this definition and the
examples above relate to "emergency" vessel activities. A
vessel that, in the course of its merchant activities (e.g.,
towing, in the case of a towboat; carry ing cargo deadweight,
in the case of a barge [regardless of cargo-ownership]),
performs this function on a single coastwise or foreign voyage
is subject to load line assignment. Any question as to the
application of this phrase in a specific case dealing with a
coastwise voyage not related to the performance of usual
merchant functions of the vessel should be referred to the
district commander (m).
i. Operation "In Fair Weather Only
." Load lines may be authorized
for unmanned inland barges on certain specific routes "in fair
weather only." The route between St. Marks, Florida, and
Carrabelle, Florida, may be considered an extension of lakes,
bays, and sounds service for stability purposes. The barge
will be restricted to unmanned fair weather voyages only, not
to exceed 20 miles from shore. The Great
CH-2 6-96
6.F.3. i. (cont'd) Lakes route between Chicago, Illinois, and Gary or
Burns Harbor, Indiana, maybe considered an extension of river
service for stability purposes. The barge will be restricted
to unmanned fair weather voyages only, not more than 5 miles
from a harbor of safe refuge. Hopper barges may be permitted
to travel beyond Burns Harbor to Michigan City, Indiana,
provided they are fitted with weathertight hatch covers. Barges
built to inland structural standards may operate on these
routes, within 5 miles from shore, without structural
j. Applicable Load Lines
. The particular load line applicable to
the port and season is determined by reference to the load line
regulations. For foreign, coastwise, and special service load
lines, see 46 CFR 42.30 and 44.05-10, and the Zones and
Seasons Areas Chart in CG-176. For Great Lakes load lines, see
46 CFR 45.5 and 45.9.
k. Toledo Harbor And Port Huron, Michigan
. When 46 CFR Part 45
was written in 1973, a special provision for vessels on
voyages between toledo Harbor and Port Huron was dropped.
Commander, Ninth Coast Guard District has been advised that
the District may continue to permit individual vessels to load
to their summer marks between October 1 and April 15,
inclusive, when engaged on voyages between the limits of
Toledo Harbor and Port Huron, Michigan. A change to the
regulations will be proposed to reinstate this provision.
l. Subdivision Load Lines
(1) General
. U.S. assigned subdivision load lines are
determined by the Coast Guard for passenger ships. The
subdivision load line corresponds to the maximum draft at
which a vessel may operate. The position of the
subdivision load line is determined by consideration of
the bulkhead subdivision of the vessel. The subdivision
load line (based on passenger vessel stability and
subdivision requirements) cannot be exceeded even if the
geometric and seasonal load line, otherwise
determined, would permit a greater draft. In such cases,
the seasonal load line, otherwise determined, would
ordinarily not be marked on the vessel.
(2) Subdivision Load Lines Required On Passenger Vessels
These are specified in 46 CFR 46.01-15(a). The
definition of passenger vessels for load line purposes is
specified in 46 CFR 46.05-1. The specifications for the
marking of these load lines on the vessel are contained
in 46CFR 46.15-10. The subdivision load lines assigned
to passenger vessels are required to be noted on the
vessel's Load Line Certificate, and on the vessel's
Safety Certificate when subject to the 1974 SOLAS
6-97 CH-2
4.F.3.1. (3) Subdivision Load Lines Required On Small Passenger Vessels
Small passenger vessels or "T-Boats" (less than 79 feet in
length, regulated under 46 CFR, Subchapter T) on
international voyages do not require Load Line
Certificates; however, they do require subdivision "load
lines" or draft marks. Under Regulation 11, Chapter II-1
of SOLAS 74, a subdivision "load line" must be assigned
and marked on the sides of vessels subject to SOLAS 74
(vessels carry ing more than 12 passengers). Since these
vessels are not subject to the load line regulations, no
disk or "Plimsoll mark" is assigned. "Therefore no
details regarding the marking of the subdivision draft(s)
on the sides of the vessel are specified. Marking is,
therefore, at the discretion of the OCMI. For
uniformity, however, the following is recomended:
(a) The subdivision "load line" marks will be horizontal
lines, 9 inches in length and 1 inch in breadth,
placed amidships on both sides of the vessel.
(b) The lines shall be painted in white or yellow on a
dark background, or in black on a light background.
(c) Based on the subdivision study, the MSC will
determine the proper placement for the marks and
relay this information to the OCMI accordingly. See
subparagraph 6.E.9.a above concerning the damage
stability and subdivision requirements for T-Boats
making international voyages. Volume II of this
manual contains policy on the granting of exemptions
from SOLAS 74 requirements to certain of these
vessels making voyages not more than 20 miles from
the nearest land.
m. Timber Load Lines
. A timber load line is a special load line
to be used only when the vessel is carry ing at least a minimum
deck load of timber stowed in strict accordance with the
regulations in 46 CFR 42.25, whether or not additional timber
is carried below deck.
n. Netchant Vessels
. A vessel is a "merchant vessel" within the
purview of the Load Line Acts when engaged in commerce, even
though the vessel is not documented to engage in foreign or
domestic trade; examples of such vessels include undocumented
oceanographic or research vessels. The definition of a
merchant vessel for load line purposes is not necessarily
related to whether or not cargo or passengers are carried "for
hire." A vessel characterized as a "merchant vessel" retaing
this status, even though on a particular occasion it may carry
neither passengers nor cargo. The Coastwise Load Line Act of
1935 includes steam colliers, tugs, barges, and self-propelled
barges within the classification of "merchant vessels." This
is to be considered a legislative
definition; therefore, such
vessels are merchant vessels for load line purposes
. Upon
revision of this act in 1962 (see 46
CH- 2 6-98
6.F.3. n. (cont'd) App. U.S.C. 88a), direct reference to this group of
vessels was deleted. Although they are no longer addressed
directly in the statutes, the pertinent regulations remain
effective and the interpretation of these vessels as "merchant
vessels" is still valid.
o. Fishing Vessels
. Fishing vessels are not normally subject to
the provisions of the Load Line Acts (coastwise or foreign
service) or the load line regulations. Cannery tender or
fishing vessels are subject to load lines for vessels engaged
in "coastwise trade," provided the exceptions of 46 U.S.C.
88(b) de not apply. In the REEFER KING case (90 Fed. Supp.
236), however, a fishing vessel of 527 GT was found to be in
violation of the Load Line Acts when it carried a general
cargo that had not complied with the regulations. Vessels
regularly engaged in fishing that, on occasion, take aboard
charge), are not subject to a requirement for load line
the catches of other U.S. fishing vessels at sea for transport
to U.S. ports, purely on an accommodation basis (i.e., without
assignment (P.L. 87-177, 87th Congress, S1222, 30 Aug 1961).
p. Small Vessels
. Vessels of less than 79 feet in length are not
required by the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
to obtain a load line. The United States will not, even upon
request, issue a Load Line Certificate to a vessel of this
size for several reasons, two of which are:
(1) The seakeeping and stability characteristics of a vessel
of this size may not be adequate for unrestricted ocean
(2) The geometric load line calculation and the conditions of
assignment in the load line regulations were not developed
considering a vessel of this size.
4. Load Line Certificates And Markings
a. Valid Certificates And Markings. The validity of Load Line
Certificates, and procedures and requirements for their
renewal, are covered by 46 CFR 42.09-15, 44.01-5, and 45.11.
The following load line assignments (i.e., certificates and
markings) only are valid:
(1) Load lines issued to and marked on U.S. vessels under the
authority of the United States (valid for a maximum
period of 5 years under the law, subject to annual
endorsement by assigning authority);
(2) Load lines issued to and marked on foreign vessels under
the authority of the U.S.;
Convention on
(3) Load lines issued and marked, under the authority of a
foreign government that is a party to the International
6-99 CH-2
4.F.4.a. (3) (cont'd) Load Lines, 1966, to vessels of its own registry
(valid for amaximum period of 5 years under the convention,
subject to annual endorsement);
(4) International load lines issued and marked under the
authority of a foreign government that is a party to or
has acceded to the International Convention on Load
Lines, 1966, to vessels registered under another
Contracting State upon the request of their
; and
(5) Load lines issued and marked under the authority of a
foreign government that has load line regulations
equivalent to those of the U.S., and with which an
agreement has been reached for reciprocal recognition of
load lines. On this basis, load lines for Cargo vessels
and tankers on Great Lakes waters issued by Canada are
accepted as equivalent to corresponding U.S. load lines.
b. Extension Of Load Line Certificates On U.S. Vessels
. ABS may
issue a one time extension of a Load Line Certificate for a
maximum of 5 months providing a complete periodical survey has
been carried out as required for the issuance of a new
certificate. This extension is provided to allow the
necessary survey reports and documents to be processed without
unduly restricting a vessel's operation. An extension of the
current certificate may be granted with the Commandant's prior
approval if there are unusual circumstances by which the
complete periodical survey, particularly the drydocking,
cannot be accomplished. Mere convenience of the owner is not a
valid reason for extension. There must be a physically
compelling reason for the extension, such as:
(1) Drydock space has been cancelled; or
(2) The vessel is delayed unavoidably due to damage, repairs or
breakdowns and cannot stop at a port in which there is an
ABS surveyor.
Requests for an extension should be directed to Commandant
(G-HVI-1) and will only be granted if a condition survey
afloat has been carried out and the vessel is found to be "fit
to proceed." This survey must confirm that there have been no
alterations in the structure, equipment, arrangements or
scantlings which would affect the vessel's freeboard
assignment. When granted, the extension is for the exact
amount of time required to address the vessel's specific
problem with an extension not to exceed 150 days. ABS will
advise the owner at the time of extending a certificate that
the certificate will not be renewed until all items required
for a periodical survey have been
CH-2 6 - 100
6.F.9. b. (cont'd) completed. The new permanent 5-year Load Line
Certificate, when issued By ABS Headquarters, should Be given
an expiration date which is not later than
the fifth
anniversary of the expiration of the earlier certificate.
c. International Load Line Certificate Exemptions. The
conditions under which exemptions to international load line
requirements may be granted are found in 46
CFR 42.03-30(a)-(d). Either the exemptions are specified on
the face of the certificate (46 CFR 42.03-30(c)) or an
Exemption Certificate is issued (46 CFR 42.03-30(d)). Vessels
given exemptions for sheltered voyages under 46
CFR 42.03-30(B)(1) are issued a regular load line certificate
(Form Al, A2 or A3) with exemptions listed on the face of the
certificate. Exemptions for novel vessels under 46
CFR 42.03-30(b)(2) require both an Exemption Certificate (Form
El) and a regular Load Line Certificate. Exemptions for single
voyages (e.g. for delivery and change of employment) under 46
CFR 42.03-30(b)(3) are usually issued by the OCMI and require
only an Exemption Certificate. See subparagraph 6.F.3.c.(1)
above concerning Exemption Certificates issued by the OCMI.
Requests for single-voyage International Load Line Exemption
Certificates should be made by the vessel owners to the
cognizant OGMI; all other exemption requests should Be
addressed to the Commandant (G-MTH) via the authorized load
line assigning authority.
d. Coastwise Load Line Certificate Exemptions
. There has been
some question concerning the legality of issuing a formal
Exemption Certificate for vessels under the Coastwise Load
Line Act of 1935. That law states that "...due
consideration shall be given to, and differentials made for,
the various types and character of vessels and the trades in
which they are engaged." One such consideration is specified
in 46 CFR 42.03-30(e). The Coast Guard uses this stipulation
to allow other exceptions to domestic load line standards
such as "working freeboards" for hopper dredges provided that
an equivalent level of safety to those standards are assured.
Except as specified in subparagraph 6.F.4.e below, requests
for all such exceptions should be made by the vessel owner to
Commandant (G-MTH) via the authorized load line assigning
e. Single-Voyage Coastwise Load Line Certificates
. The
conditions under which the OCMI may issue a single-voyage
Coastwise Load Line authorization is found in 46 CFR
42.03-30(f). See also subparagraph 6.F.3.c.(2) above.
5. Types Of Required Load Line Marks
a. For Vessels On Ocean, Or Ocean-And-Great Lakes Voyages
Load lines applicable to vessels engaged on ocean or
ocean-and-Great Lakes voyages are indicated by a disk with a
horizontal line through the center (plimsoll mark), painted in
contrasting color and permanently marked (i.e., weld beading)
on the sides of the vessel amidships below
6-101 CH-2
6.F.5. a. (cont'd) the deck line. The seasonal lines (salt water) point
away from the disk; the letters W, S, and T indicate the
appropriate season (winter, summer, tropical) for which they
apply. Winter, North Atlantic (WNA) is applicable only
in the
winter season to vessels less than 328 feet in length. The
fresh water lines point toward
the disk; they indicate the
line to which a ship can be loaded in virtually fresh water
and emerge to the corresponding salt water line when the
vessel reaches salt water (see 46 CFR 42.13-25 and 42.13-30).
In all cases, the top of each line indicates the maximum draft
to which the vessel may be loaded in the corresponding service
b. For Vessels On Great Lakes Voyages
. Load lines applicable to
vessels engaged solely in voyages on the Great Lakes are
indicated by a diamond with a horizontal line. Seasonal lines
for fresh water point away
from the diamond (see 46 CFR 45.35).
Vessels that operate on the salt water of the St. Lawrence
River must also have salt water lines that point toward the
diamond (see 46 CFR 45.37). Vessels marked with ocean load
lines, when engaged on a voyage on the Great Lakes, may load
to their seasonal marks in accordance with the schedule in 46
CFR 45.9. There are no provisions for fresh water variation
(fresh water allowance) on the Great Lakes and the St.
Lawrence River from Lake Ontario to Montreal. (Vessels
authorized limited "fair weather" voyages on the Great Lakes
are normally assigned a diamond unless they have been
authorized the Carrabelle to St. Marks route, in which case
they will be marked with the Coastwise disk.)
c. For Vessels On Special Service Voyages
. Load line marks for
Special Service voyages are indicated by a disk with a
horizontal line and seasonal marks as per 46 CFR 44.05-35.
Marks applicable to vessels engaged in special service voyages
on the ocean and on the Great Lakes are indicated by a
combined circle and diamond with a horizontal line. Load line
marks applicable to vessels engaged on both Special Service
and unlimited Coastwise or International voyages are indicated
by a disk with a horizontal line. The load line and seasonal
marks for both latter cases are explained and illustrated in
46 CFR 44.05-10 and 44.05-35(b) and (c).
d. Subdivision Load Lines
. Subdivision load lines are marked on
passenger vessels that require them as described in 46 CFR
6. Assignment Of Multiple Load Lines. An example of a request for
multiple load lines would be a barge for which both unmanned ocean
and manned ocean freeboards are desired. However, the presence of
multiple, visible marks applicable to the same geographic voyage
would nullify the main intent of load line marking. Both
assignments may be calculated and marked (with weld beading) on
the vessel. However, if a barge is sailing in the unmanned
the manned freeboard marks muse be painted out and only the
certificate applicable to the unmanned
operation and vice versa
may be aboard.
CH-2 6-102
6.F.7. Description Of Load Line Certificates Issued Under U.S. Laws
a. Load Line Certificate Forms
. The forms of the various Load
Line Certificates are specified in the resulatiorm as follows:
(1) International 46 CFR42.50-5
(2) International Exemption 46 CFR 42.50-B(e)
(3) Form B 46 CFR42.50-10(b)
(4) Coastwise 46 CFR 42.50-15
(5) Special Service Coaswise or
Inter-Island 46 CFR 44.05-35
(6) Great Lakes 46 CFR 45, Appendix A
* Subdivision load lines are indicated by making specific
(7) Subdivision Load Lines* 46 CFR 46.10-30
entries on the appropriate load line certificate. There is
no special form for subdivision load lines.
b. Load Line Certificate Data
. The Load Line Certificate
includes the following:
(1) Several terms constituting a description of the ship,
such as name, official number, port of registry, length,
type "A" or "B." whether "new" or "existing," and whether
the freeboard, if type "B," is reduced (subdivision
(2) Specification as to the vertical location of the load
lines on the sides of the vessel and illustrations of the
(3) Specification of the voyages to which the load lines are
(4) The period of time for which the certificate is valid
carried out. Regardless of the expiration date of the
applicable load line marks.
authorized with restrictions as applicable.
including the dates of issuance and expiration.
(5) Date of initial or periodic survey.
(6) Evidence that annual load line inspections have been
Load Line Certificate, load line inspections must be
carried out by the assigning authority approximately
every 12 months after the original survey (see 46 CFR
42.09-15(d)). These annual
6-103 CH-2
6.F.7.b. (6) (cont'd) inspections are evidenced by endorsements on the
reverse side of the Load Line Certificate. The
surveyed annually, due to its operating in areas where a
performing the annual survey. The endorsing official
which no survey was made.
the prime load line assigning and issuing authority for
certificate may be cancelled if the inspections are not
made (see 46 CFR 42.07-55). If a vessel's Load Line
Certificate is not endorsed to show that it has been
load line is not required, the load line assignment and
certificate become invalid. The Load Line Certificate
can be revalidated by the assigning authority's
should sign and seal the line for the current year in the
"Annual Survey" portion on the back of the certificate.
One signature line should be left blank for each year in
(7) A statement that the certificate is issued under the
authority of the Commandant of the Coast Guard. ABS is
the U.S. Assigning authorities other than ABS obtain this
authority through a separate letter for each specific
(8) On Special Service Load Line Certificates, the character
of cargo and conditions of operation are also defined
(see 46 CFR 44.01-11, 46.10-30, and 46.15-10).
(9) A statement referring to the applicable stability
(10) Endorsement of load line extension, if applicable (on
reverse side of certificate).
8. Foreign Load Line Certificate
. The format of the International
Load Line Certificate is prescribed in 46 CFR 42.50-5.
Certificates issued by assigning authorities for the countries
acceding to the convention have the same information, in the same
sequence, as is printed on the U.S. issued certificate. However,
d. 1 millimeter = .039 inches
they are written in the languages of the issuing countries, and
the dimensions are normally given in the metric system, rather
than in feet and inches. To facilitate conversion of metric
dimensions to feet and inches, the following figures should be
a. 1 meter = 39.37 inches
b. 1 decimeter = 3.94 inches
c. 1 centimeter = .39 inches
Form B Load Line Certificates
. The only Load Line Certificates for
foreign vessels that are recognized by the U.S. are those issued
under the authority of an Administration that is party to the
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 (ICLL 66), unless a
CH-2 6 - 104
country is still within
6.F.9. (cont'd) the maximum 2-year grace period set forth in Article 16(4)
regarding the 1930 Convention. [NOTE: Dates of entry into force are
listed in Figure 6-21 above.] Article 16(4) states that any
International Load Line Certificate (1930) that is current when
the 1966 Convention comes into force for a vessel's flag state,
shall remain valid for 2 years or until it expires, whichever is
earlier. Article 17 of the 1966 Convention prohibits the issuance
of a 1966 International Load Line Certificate to any vessel of a
flag state that is not a contracting government to that Convention
(see Figure 6-21). A vessel of a flag state that is not a
contracting government to the 1966 Convention is subject to U.S.
load line regulations when it is in U.S. waters. 46 CFR 42.09-20
states that foreign vessels of countries that are not a party to
the 1966 Convention shall be subjected to survey, marking, and
certification by a load line and assigning authority.
Therefore, vessels of non-party countries must obtain Form B
Certificates to operate in U.S. waters. 46 CFR 42.13-5(a) states
that the assigning and issuing authority shall satisfy itself that
the general structural strength of the vessel is sufficient for
the draft corresponding to the freeboard assigned. 46 CFR
42.13-5(b) states that vessels built and maintained in conformity
with the requirements of a classification society recognized by
the Commandant are considered to possess adequate strength. The
Coast Guard considers that the structural standards of a
classification society recognized by the Commandant satisfies the
strength requirements for receiving a Form B Load Line
Certificate. ABS, Lloyds Register of Shipping, Bureau Veritas,
Germanischer Lloyd, and Det Norske Veritas are recognized
societies. The stability is reviewed by the Commandant (G-MTH) to
ensure that sufficient information is available to the Master so
that the stability of the vessel can be calculated for all
conditions of loading. This satisfies U.S. load line regulation
requirements and has no bearing on vessel flag State requirements.
If a Form B Load Line Certificate is desired, the owner or agent
of the vessel should follow the procedures in NVIC 18-82.
10. Specific Requirements Of the Load Line Regulations
a. Freeing Ports
. Drainage must be provided from all sections of
the weather decks. Particular attention should be paid to
vessels with split forecastles or split deckhouses, which form
three sides to a well and may have the fourth side formed by
the stowage of deck cargo.
b. Sill Heights
. 46 CFR 42.15-10(b) requires that the height of
the sills of access openings in bulkheads at the ends of
enclosed superstructures shall be at least 15 inches above the
deck. A 1-inch reduction in sill height may, however, be
permitted for each 1 foot of excess freeboard. In no case
should the sill height be less than 6 inches.
c. Vent And Hatch Coaming Heights
. Consideration will be given by
Commandant (G-MTH) to permitting a reduction in the required
vent and hatch coaming heights if the assigned freeboard is
6-105 CH-2
6.F.10. c. (cont'd) greater than the geometric freeboard that would
normally be assigned to that vessel.
Bow Height
. 46 CFR 42.20-70 requires vessels to have a
minimum bow height at the forward perpendicular. NVIC 15-82
describes a procedure whereby calculations can be submitted to
demonstrate an equivalency to the how height requirement in
lieu of having a freeboard penalty imposed.
e. Watertight Doors
. If bulkheads are required to be made
watertight to comply with the damage stability requirements in
the load line regulations, watertight doors in those bulkheads
should meet the requirements in 46 CFR 170, Subpart H.
G. Hull Strength And Loading In Vessel Design
1. Structural Plan Review
a. Introduction
. There are three similar but independent levels
of structural review to which a vessel maybe subject:
(1) Coast Guard review for certification;
(2) Classification society review for class; and
(3) Review for load line assignment.
b. Coast Guard Review
. Plan review is required for all
certificated vessels. Review of small passenger vessels
regulated under 46 CFR, Subchapter T(S) is usually performed
locally by the OCMI; review of all other vessels is performed
by the MSC. The technical standards used in structural plan
review are, in most cases, the appropriate ABS Rules
. In some
cases, there may be Coast Guard structural requirements that
exceed those of ABS. New concepts and unusual vessel designs
for which there are no published structural standards are
reviewed by Commandant (G-MTH).
c. Classification Society Review
. The current CG/ABS Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) II, signed on 11 April 1990, controls
ABS activities in plan approval and inspection of new vessel
construction; NVIC 10-82 details Coast Guard acceptance of
ABS plan review and inspection of vessels (see paragraph
5.D.2 above). If a vessel is classed by a classification
society other than ABS, the provisions of NVIC 10-82 do not
apply. As a minimum, the structural items listed below must
be reviewed for compliance with ABS Rules, not the rules of
the other society. Also, any structural items in high-stress
areas or appearing to be marginally adequate must meet ABS
requirements. Those items required to comply with ABS Rules
CH- 2 6-106
6.G.1.c. (1) Midship section modulus;
(2) Loading strength calculations;
(3) Deck and shell plating and framing;
(4) Center vertical keel;
(5) tank bulkheads and ordinary watertight bulkheads; and
(6) Inboard profile structural continuity.
d. Review For Load Line Assignment
. Under 46 CFR 42.13-1 and
42.15-1, the freeboard assignment, structural design, and
loading restrictions must maintain hull stresses within safe
limits. ABS (or another classification society approved by the
Commandant on a case-by-case basis) performs the load line
assigning function on behalf of the Coast Guard (see 46 CFR
42.07-35). The structural items reviewed for load line are
the major strength members, but not the many other structural
components that are reviewed for certification or class.
2. Regulatory Structural Requirements
a. Recognized Classification Societies
. ABS Rules are referenced
throughout title 46, CFR as the structural standards to which
a vessel is to be built. Some regulations also make reference
to a "recognized classification society." In addition to the
broad acceptance of ABS Rules, the Coast Guard has
reviewed the MODU structural standards of Det Norske Veritas
(DNV) and Lloyd's "Rules For Building and Classing Yachts and
Small Craft" and accepts application of these standards to
MODU's and small craft respectively. Recognition of the
specific standards of other classification societies, which
are members of the International Association of Classification
Societies (IACS), may be siren by Commandant (G-MTH) on a
case-by-case basis for application to a specific vessel.
[NOTE: Recognition of a classification society's standards is
not delegation of functions which are to be performed by the
Coast Guard. See chapter 5 of this volume regarding third
party organizations to which certain CVS functions have been
b. Requirements For Small Passenger Vessels
. Structural
requirements for "T-Boats" are established, essentially, at
the discretion of the OCMI. The OCMI may approve a vessel
design based on 5 years of satisfactory performance of a
similar vessel (46 CFR 177.10-1), or may perform plan
review using one or more of the following references. See
chapter 5 of this volume for a list of ABS publications. The
following additional references are useful:
(1) Lloyd's Rules and Regulations for Classification of Yachts
and Small Craft; and
6-107 CH-2
6.G.2.b. (2) Navigation and Vessel inspection Circular (NVIC) 11-81,
Structural Plan Review for Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels.
Much technical literature is available on structural design of
small vessels, including those made of aluminum and
ferro-cement. Commandant (G-ENE-5) can recommend references
for specific applications.
c. Requirements For Tank Barges
. The only detailed structural
requirements in title 46, CFR are for tank barges. 46 CFR
32.60, 32.80, and 151.10 reference ABS Rules for general
structural standards and specify additional requirements for
independent tank barges and barges subject to an assumed
grounding condition. Since 1976, there have been several
structural failures aboard tank barges involving certain
designs. Calculations should be made to check the buckling
strength of the decks and hull bottoms of transversely-framed
barges over 200 feet long. The ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels for Service on Rivers and Intracoastal
Waterways (1980) provides guidance on buckling strengths of
river barges.
d. Loading Information For Tank Vessels
. All tank vessels over
300 feet in length and certificated under 46 CFR, Subchapter D
must have approved loading information aboard (see 46 CFR
31.10-32). Similarly, unmanned tank barges over 300 feet in
length that carry certain dangerous cargoes, certificated under
Subchapter I, must have approved loading information (see 46
CFR 151.01-10(c)(1)). This information must be written in a
form that will enable an operator to determine stress and
stability for any loading condition. Loading computers or
calculators may not substitute for written loading
information, although they may supplement it.
3. Vessel Structural Policy
. The guidance below presents policy
decisions that have been made in particular cases where the intent
of the regulations is not clear or where more than one regulation
may seem to apply.
a. Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV's)
. OSV's are sometimes allowed
to carry high density drilling fluids in certain tanks. The
structure of these tanks should be reviewed according to ABS
Rules, and the specific gravity of these fluids used in
determining the head needed in the structural review.
Small Passenger Vessels
. There are a variety of review
standards which may be used for T-Boats, depending upon length
and material of construction. The MSC may be consulted for
guidance. Where a T-Boat is arranged in such a fashion as to
allow passengers on decks above the main deck, these decks
must withstand a passenger load of 100 pounds per square foot
at a stress not exceeding 0.5 times the yield stress. The
structure must be adequately braced to resist lateral
components of loading that might arise due to vessel motions.
CH- 2 6-108
6.G.3. c. Reinforcement Of Hull Openings By Doubler Plates
. In limited
locations, as defined in NVIC 7-68, doubler plates may be used in
lieu of inserts to reinforce hull openings. ~ere these are
permitted, the following requirements must be met:
(1) The thickness of the doubler may not exceed the thickness
of the plate to which it is attached.
(2) The cross-sectional area of the doubler must be at least
as large as the cross-sectional area of the plating
removed to form the opening.
(3) The doubler must be continuous along the length of the
opening in the direction of the principal stress.
(4) In areas of compressive or low-tensile stress, the
doubler plate may be omitted for half of the opening
width, centered on the opening, in the direction
perpendicular to the principal stress.
(5) Doublers may not be used for openings larger than 10 feet
or 40 percent of the width of the vessel, whichever is
(6) Doublers should not be used in way of tanks containing
flammable or combustible liquids in bulk.
4. Stress Monitoring And Hull Response
. The evolution of naval
architecture has embraced the basic premise of "prudent
seamanship." Traditionally, sailors have developed through
experience a "feel for the sea." The advent of all-welded
construction and the larger size of many modern ships tend to mask
many of the traditional sensory signals. Fortunately, the
technology which yielded the data needed to design the new
generation of ships, i.e., statistics, instrumentation, and
computers, also offers the means to restore a measure of "feel for
the sea" to the modern sailor. Sensory instruments such as
accelerometers and gyroscopes can provide an electrical signal to
provide measurements of any of the 6 degrees of motion freedom.
The computations that are necessary to express the results in a
manner understandable to a ship's master can be performed by small,
relatively inexpensive computers. For the present, the information
produced by these instruments should be treated with healthy
skepticism. Introduction of such technology will not eliminate
casualties. However, if it is properly used as an advisory system,
damage may be avoided or lessened. [NOTE: See the "Status Report
on the Application of Stress and Motion Monitoring in Merchant
Vessels," by Chazal, Cojeen, Lindemann, and Maclean, 1980 SNAME
STAR Symposium.]
5. Structural Reliability
a. Reliabillty Concept. The traditional approach to structural
design SAFETY has been to select a design load and relate it
to stress, by means of a SAFETY factor that was expected to
define the strength of
6-109 CH-2
6.G.5. a. (cont'd) the structure relative to a particular mode of failure.
Since the loads experienced by vessels are statistical in
nature, techniques can be used to determine the likelihood that a
load will exceed a specified value. The strength of a vessel is
also statistical, since there is variation in the strength of
is the probability of no failure, or the ability of strength to
individual structural components, the presence of cracks and
flaws, wastage, and the modes of failure themselves. "Reliability"
exceed load. This analysis generally includes calculating
confidence limits associated with reliability.
b. Applications to Vessel Structure
. Reliability analysis has
been used in engineering for several years, notably in
electronics and mechanical systems. Structural reliability has
been applied in civil engineering to extreme events such as
earthquakes and floods. The same techniques may be applicable
to vessel structures, but no definitive reference has been
published on this subject. One of the major applications of
reliability analysis to vessel structures will be
classification society rules and standards. Computer analysis
of seaway loading, structural response, and ocean wave data
has enabled designers and classification societies to predict
vessel loads and response to a high degree of precision. The
trend over the past decade has been to decrease scantlings, as
more confidence is gained in predicting ship response to
lifetime loads. Rules may continue to appear as simple
formulas, but the basis for these rules will be more firmly
rooted in reliability analysis.
H. General Methods Of Fabrication
1. Introduction
. This section of the manual addresses various
methods used in joining steel members to erect the ship structure.
Fabrication methods used in connection with power boilers, nuclear
vessels, heating boilers, pressure vessels, and piping are
discussed in chapter 3 of this volume. Welding, riveting, and
joining with tensile fasteners are common means of fabricating
ships. Since welding is now the most common method of fabrication,
the emphasis herein is on welding processes. Some brief remarks
concerning riveting are included, as this method of repair may
still be encountered in older ships. Likewise, some brief remarks
concerning the use of tensile fasteners in the repair of riveted
ships and in special applications on modern ships are included.
2. Welding Procedures
a. Regulatory Authority
. The provisions of 46 CFR 32.60-1 and
92.01-10 address hull structural standards and state that
compliance with the standards established by ABS will be
considered evidence of the structural efficiency of a vessel.
Exception is made for special cases in which structural
requirements must be determined by detailed analysis of the
entire structure or some part of it by the Coast Guard.
CH-2 6-110
6.H.2. b. ABS/Coast Guard Requirements
. The ABS Rules for Building and
Classing Steel Vessels, Section 30, Parts I and III, contain
the requirements for the production of acceptable hull welds,
the visual inspection of hull welds, and the qualification of
hull welders. Merchant Marine technical Note 4-68 contains
general guidance concerning Coast Guard requirements when
high-strength steels are used for hull construction.
Additional hull welding requirements for vessels carry ing bulk
liquefied gases are contained in 46 CFR 154, Subpart C. Other
advisory documents contain guidance and information concerning
hull welding (see subparagraph 6.H.2.d below). The majority
of hull welds inspected by the Coast Guard are fillet welds,
located throughout the structure. These welds are normally
subjected to a visual inspection only. Proper shape and size
fillets, lack of undercut at the toes, and freedom from
craters at the ends are the visual criteria used to check the
weld, the objective being to detect conditions quickly with a
minimum of expense.
c. Welding Filler Metals
(1) General. Since 1968, electrodes by the Coast Guard have
been listed in the ABS publication Approved Welding
Electrodes, Wire-Flux, and Wire-Gas Combinations. The
ABS Rules also provide for the approval of electrodes
that pass the approval tests described in Appendix A of
"Approved Welding Electrodes," or that comply with the
provisions of other agencies, such as the American
Welding Society (AWS). The OCMI may approve electrodes
not approved by ABS provided
the fabricator passes an
appropriate weld procedure qualification test. Such
approvals extend only to the specific fabrication to
which they are granted. The procedure for, the OCMI's
approval of electrodes is detailed in 46 CFR 57.02-4. A
similar procedure for hull welding electrodes can be
inferred from 46 CFR 31.10-1 and 92.01-10, which provide
for compliance with ABS standards as evidence of the
structural efficiency of a vessel.
(2) Coast Guard Review Of Electrodes
. Notwithstanding general
provisions for approval of an electrode, final approval
depends upon the specific application of the electrode.
Accordingly, the OCMI may require procedure tests to
determine the capability of the shipyard or fabricator to
apply a proposed electrode to the base material. The
Coast Guard's experience with E-7024 electrodes
illustrates this point. There is an understandable
economic motivation on the part of fabricators to extend
the use of this high deposition-rate rod beyond the
limited applications for which it was originally designed
and approved. Often, testing results are cited to show
that the quality of this rod is sufficient for extended
application under ideal welding conditions. However, the
Commandant's position is that the
6-111 CH-2
6.H.2. c. (2) (cont'd) fabricator must demonstrate
the level of quality
necessary for successful use, to gain approval to use E-7024
electrode in applications not previously approved or proven.
[NOTE: Electrodes should be kept dry while in storage. Controlling
the moisture exposure of low-hydrogen electrodes is especially
important, and manufacturers' suggested procedures should be followed
strictly. See Ship Structure Committee Report 262, "Preventing
Delayed Cracks in Ship Welds," for specific guidance on the use of low
hydrogen electrodes.]
d. Welding Guidelines
(1) Introduction
. As noted above, the ABS Rules for Building
and Classing Steel Vessels is the benchmark for mild
steel hull welding required by Coast Guard regulations.
There are, however, many other helpful documents that
illuminate the requirements laid down in the ABS Rules
and provide detailed discussions of particularly
troublesome areas. Some, such as the AVS Guide for Steel
Hull Welding, provide general "handbook" information on
all aspects of hull welding. Others, such as the Ship
Structure Committee Reports, provide indepth analysis of
a particular welding problem (see subparagraph 6.H.2.e
below). Although it is beyond the scope of this manual
to detail guidelines for hull welding, some areas merit
special attention and are highlighted below.
(2) Pre-Weld Considerations
. Proper alignment and fit-up are
extremely important for an acceptable structure. The AVS
Guide contains a good discussion of erection and fitting
concerns. Excessive root gap and excessive deformation of
any member to obtain alignment should not be permitted.
The Guide offers guidance on acceptable buildup
(buttering) techniques and the use of backing strips to
correct excessive root openings and poor fit-up. Prior
to welding, all aspects of the weldment should be
checked for adherence to approved plans. These checks
should include joint detail, welding electrode, preheat
requirements (if any), and welding machine settings.
Particular attention should be paid to the requirements
for edge preparation and cleanliness listed in Section
30, Part I of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing
Steel Vessels.
(3) Repair Welds
. When repair welds are necessary, special
attention should be paid to ensure that a proper
electrode, preheat (if required), and an appropriate weld
procedure are used; a repair weld can prove more
detrimental than the defect it sought to correct because
of improper repair weld procedures.
CH-2 6-112
6.H.2.d. (4) General Welding Activities
. The welding sequence is an
important consideration for minimizing distortion and
avoiding cracking of boundary welds. Two basic "guidelines"
(a) Tie in plates that are relatively free to draw together;
(b) Do not weld across an unwelded butt or seam.
The AWS Guide contains examples of good welding sequence
that result from the application of these "guidelines."
(5) Preheating
. Preheat is usually used when welding higher
strength steels, heavy weldments and casting, or metals
subject to high restraint, and when welding under high
humidity or low temperature (below 32F) conditions. The
primary benefit of preheating is the reduction of the
cooling rate during welding. The slower cooling rate
helps to reduce the concentration of shrinkage stresses,
and may therefore help prevent the formation of cracks. A
proposed welding procedure should always be reviewed to
see if preheat is necessary prior to approval. The
preheat temperature should be measured on the welding
surface from a distance of about three inches. If
preheating is accomplished by torch, the base metal
should be preheated with sufficient time for complete
thermal penetration through all parts to be welded.
[NOTE: Under some circumstances (such as the welding of
an insert in a heavy plate), too much preheat may
actually increase the tendency to shrinkage cracking by
adding shrinkage to the weld shrinkage. The AWS Guide
contains additional information on preheating.] Many of
the guidelines for mild steel hull welding apply to
aluminum hull welding. For specific guidance in this
regard, refer to the publications concerning aluminum
listed below:
e. Additional References
(1) ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (1983);
(2) ABS Rules for Nondestructive inspection of Hull Welds (1975);
(3) ABS Rules for Building and Classing Aluminum Vessels (1975);
(4) American Welding Society (AWS) Publication D3.5-76, Guide for
Steel Hull Welding (1975);
(5) AWS Aluminum Hull Welding Manual (to be developed);
(6) Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA), Considerations for
the Structural Detailing of Aluminum Ships, Final Report
(1974); and
6-113 CH-2
6.H.2.e. (7) Ship Structure Committee (SSC) Report #245, A Guide for
Interpretation of Nondestructive tests of Ordinary, Medium,
and High-Strength Low Alloy Steel Butt joint Weldments in
Ship Hull Structures (1977);
(8) SSC Report #253/254, A Guide for the Nondestructive
testing of Non-Butt Welds in Commercial Ships (1976);
(9) SSC Report #261/262, Preventing Delayed Cracks in Ship
Welds (1976);
(10) SSC Report #293, Underwater Nondestructive testing of
Ship Hull Welds (1979);
(11) Guide to Sound Ship Structures, Sections IV and V, Amelio
M. D'Archangelo (1964);
(12) USCG Navigation and Vessel inspection Circular (NVIC)
7-68, "Notes on inspection and Repair of Steel Hulls"
(13) USCG NVIC 11-80, "Structural Plan Review Guidelines for
Aluminum Small Passenger Vessels" (1980);
(14) USCG Merchant Marine technical Note 4-68, "Use of
High-Strength Steels in Structural Applications" (1968).
3. Riveting Procedures
a. Introduction
. Welding has largely replaced riveting in ship
fabrication. Some older ships with riveted construction may
still be encountered, however. As with hull welding,
compliance with ABS standards is considered satisfactory
evidence of the structural efficiency of a vessel. In view of
the decline in numbers of riveted hulls still in service, ABS
has not published rules for riveting in recent editions of its
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels; reference must
be made to Chapter 25 of the 1969 Rules. The guidance below
supplements the ABS requirements.
b. General Repair Guidelines
. The renewal of deck and shell
plating is best accomplished, from an overall structural
viewpoint, by replacement in kind (i.e., riveted replacement
in riveted hulls to avoid hard spots or points of high stress
concentration in an otherwise less restrained hull structure).
However, riveting is becoming increasingly difficult and
costly. Hence, it becomes necessary to make welded repairs to
riveted ships. Extensive experience and tests indicate that
the steel in existing riveted ships may be more sensitive to
brittle fracture initiation and propagation, when welded, than
are vessels built with steel supplied under current ABS
standards. The use of welding in the repair or alteration of
existing riveted hulls therefore shall be limited as follows:
CH-2 6-114
6.H.3.b. (1) Shell and deck seams involving existing plating thicker than
1/2-inch should ordinarily not be welded;
(2) Flush butts between new and existing strakes of shell and
deck may be welded. Such welds must have full penetration;
(3) Lapped butts involving the use of fillet welds should not
be used. Welded lapped seams may be used where plating
is 1/2 inch or less in thickness;
(4) For greater thicknesses, replacements should be shaped as
the original or the design should be changed so that butt
welds can be employed. A typical method of doing this
with in-and-out plating is shown in Figure 6-24; or
(5) Replacement of plates having joggled lapped seams or
butts should be made, whenever possible, with flush seams
and butts. A typical method is also shown in Figure 6-25.
c. Hole Preparation
. Where riveting is necessary and rivet holes
are punched, the holes should be reamed in order to remove the
excessively cold-worked material, which can be a source of
crack initiation. The holes should be reamed between
1/16-inch and 1/4-inch, depending on the thickness of plate
and the diameter of the hole; in most cases, a ream of
1/8-inch will be suitable.
d. Deteriorated Or Missing Rivets
. The replacement of
deteriorated or missing rivets that were marginally sized in
original construction with undersize bolts is not acceptable.
However, upon approval of the OCMI, bolts may be used for
emergency purposes if oversized and closely fitted into
oversized, reamed holes. Often, the ringing of rivets by means
of welding is proposed as a repair measure for leaking or
otherwise defective rivets. However, rivets that do not
completely fill, and are not firm and tight in, their holes
fail to carry their share of the load; ringing with welding
does not
improve the situation. Accordingly, any ringing of
rivets by welding must be regarded as a temporary measure; it
is acceptable only where not more than a few scattered frame
or seam rivets are involved. Ringing of rivets by welding
should not be permitted in way of lapped or strapped butts, or
for any riveting of deck plating outboard of the hatches. The
use of welding in building-up the deteriorated points of
otherwise sound rivets is permissible, provided
the corroded
metal can be and is removed prior to the time that the
building-up is done.
4. Tensile Fasteners
a. Introduction
. Hot-driven rivets are no longer used as a method
of connecting vessel structural components. Yet, even in welded
ships, there are locations where riveted connections (or their
equivalent) are necessary or desirable. There is also some
repair work on existing riveted structures that requires
riveted-type connections.
6-115 CH-2
CH-2 6-116
6.H.4. a. (cont'd) As skilled riveters are increasingly scarce,
designers and shipbuilders have turned to tensile fasteners as
easy-to-install connecting devices that are cost competitive
with the rivet. These fasteners are not merely "rivet
substitutes"; each type of fastener has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Each has special installation techniques and
precautions that must be observed for satisfactory results. In
simplest terms, a tensile fastener is a device that pulls
structural components together by tension or "stretch" in the
fastener; the bolt and the lockpin are two examples. The
amount of tension can be closely controlled with these
fasteners and thus a predetermined "clamping force" in the
joint can be attained. The hot-driven rivet, on the other
hand, is not a true tensile fastener because it cannot pull
work together; the structural components must be held closely
before they are riveted. As the rivet cools, it does shrink,
clamping the joint; in this narrow sense only, the rivet is
similar to a true tensile fastener. [NOTE: Certain types of
tensile fasteners have been accepted as a substitute for hull
structural rivets. Unless tensile fasteners are specified on
an approved plan, they should not be used in repair
applications without approval of the MSC or Commandant
b. Swage Locking Pins And Collars (Lockpins)
. Lockpins consist of a
headed, tapered, smooth-shanked, circumferentially-grooved pin,
secured by a collar swaged into the grooves of the pin; they
are often referred to by the commercial name "Huckbolts."
During installation, the pin is stretched in tension by a
special pulling tool. While the pin is held in tension, the
collar is swaged tight against the work. When tension is
released, usually by means of a "breakaway stud," the head of
the pin and the collar are pulled tight against the work by
the tension in the pin. Lockpins and collars are available in
aluminum alloy, corrosion-resistant steel, carbon steel, and
description of these devices. Ship Structure Committee Report
alloy steel. Military Specification HIL-P23469B SHIPS (Pins
and Collars, Swage-Locking (lockpins)) contains a complete
#260, "A Survey of Fastening techniques For Shipbuilding,"
also discusses them. Lockpins have been used with satisfactory
results in nontight, watertight, and oiltight applications
above and
below the waterline. However, they are not
authorized for use in main longitudinal strength joints, such
as hull plating butts. Approval for particular applications of
lockpins is considered on an individual basis by both ABS and
the Coast Guard.
c. Structural Bolting
. The common smooth-shanked bolt has not
proven satisfactory in locations where high joint stability is
required. Its joints are subject to slip when highly stressed,
and water- and oiltightness is difficult to attain. Ribbed,
shanked " body bound" bolts have also proven unsatisfactory.
Installation tolerances are severe and the bolt ribs tend to
peel and pack under the head. Also, because of the high forces
needed in installation, the bolt threads are easily stripped.
The high-strength bearing bolt, however, has
6-117 CH-2
6.H.4. c. (cont'd) given satisfactory results. This fastener is a
knurled shank, "body bound" bolt designed so that there is a
relief behind each knurl that prevents "packing" of material
that is displaced when the bolt is installed. The knurls
usually form a spiral pattern which "threads" the hole, thus
reducing installation resistance. Because of the knurled
shank, torquing is required only from the nut end. This
fastener fills the hole, is not subject to slippage and has
good strength. The knurled shank, however, grooves the hole
as the fastener is pulled tight. This process may lead to
cracking when the material fastened has a high nil-ductility
transition temperature. The steel in some older vessels has a
transition temperature in excess of normally encountered
ambient temperatures. The high-strength bearing bolt has been
accepted for use in structural applications, other than shell
plating below the waterline and main longitudinal strength
connections such as hull plating butts, provided
that the
material fastened has acceptable ductility properties.
Approval for particular applications of the
high-strength bearing bolt is likewise considered on an
individual basis by both the ABS and the Coast Guard.
d. Design Criteria For New Construction Or Conversion
. The
following factors should be considered when evaluating the use
of lockpins or high-strength bearing bolts for a particular
(1) The fastener chosen should be one with which a
significant amount of marine experience has been
obtained, or for which the designer should be prepared to
furnish test results or other technical and service data
to establish its suitability. Coast Guard acceptance of
the type fastener for the application intended should be
obtained early in the design process.
the particular fastener involved.
(4) In general, hole size and countersink requirements should
in water-and oiltight applications, a light-drive fit is
(2) The specific fastener chosen should be suitable for the
service intended. There are a wide variety of lockpins
made of various materials, not all of which are suitable
for use in all applications.
(3) In general, the fastener size, edge distance, spacing,
etc., should be the same as for a riveted joint in the
same application (see Section 25 of the 1969 ABS Rules
for Building and Classing Steel Vessels). In some
instances, a reduction in fastener diameter has been
accepted on the basis of service data and test results of
be to manufacturers' recommended tolerances. For lockpins
preferable. A maximum hole clearance of 1/64-inch on the
diameter is acceptable in most applications, and
1/32-inch has been accepted in lightly loaded structures
not requiring tightness.
CH- 2 6-118
6.H.4.d. (5) Plans of the joint are required, including the details of
the connection, the manufacturer and designation of the
fastener, the manufacturer's markings appearing on the
fastener and supplementary pieces such as nuts or collars,
and the hole clearance and countersink requirements. The
intent here is to provide an installation plan in enough
detail to ensure that the joint is properly designed and
can be properly made using fastening components that are
readily identifiable to the inspector.
(6) In the case of fasteners having knurled or similar shanks
that "cold work" the material fastened during
installation, data should be provided to indicate that
the material has satisfactory ductility properties. In
the case of hull steel, compliance with Section 43 of the
ABS Rules Is adequate.
e. Criteria For Use In Repairs
. Tensile fasteners may be used as
replacements for deteriorated rivets in an existing joint
where the fasteners would be acceptable in new construction,
on the following bases:
(1) Where they are used to replace "isolated" deteriorated
rivets, plans normally are not required unless the OCMI
determines that they are necessary. However, if the
repair is extensive, plans are required as noted in
subparagraph 6.H.4.d.(5) above.
(2) The size, edge distance, spacing, etc., should be the
same as for the rivets replaced. Other proposals should
be submitted for technical review.
(3) Special attention should be given to the clearance and
countersink requirements, which should adhere closely to
those for new construction.
(4) The existing joint must be sound, to ensure that the high
clamping force of the fasteners does not "start" the
remaining rivets in the joint.
f. Tightness
. Caulking, seal welding, or other means of
"correcting" poorly set fasteners are not acceptable. If the
fastener is not properly installed, it should be replaced.
Care should be taken to avoid damaging the base material
during this operation. Caulking and seal welding are likewise
unacceptable as means of obtaining oil- or watertightness
around fasteners or their associated collars or nuts.
I. Hull Fittings And Closures
1. Single-Dogged Hatches And Scuttles
. Several designs of hatches and
scuttles have only a single dog or bolt for securing. Some are
mounted flush with the deck, while others are mounted on coamings.
A survey of inspectors has indicated a variety of opinions on
these fittings. There have been some requests to use these
fittings for Butterworth openings.
6-119 CH-2
6.I.1. (cont'd) Variables in determining whether these fittings are
gastight include the diameter and reinforcement of the opening,
the strength of the hatch, the location of the dog, and the
location and type of gasket and knife edge. In general, these
fittings have not been used on cargo tanks. There has been no
provision for type-approval of hatches to be used on inspected
vessels. Normally, they are approved for each vessel on a
case-by-case basis, depending on their suitability for the
intended location and use. Often, hatches are not shown on
submitted drawings, and their acceptance is left to the discretion
of the inspector. Varying judgments on these fittings have created
a lack of uniformity. These fittings should be accepted as being
watertight and, therefore, may be used in compartments such as
voids and ballast tanks in any type of vessel or service, subject
to the approval of the OCMI. However, these fittings are difficult
to maintain gastight, and shall not
be used in cargo or fuel tanks
where lack of a gastight seal possess a serious hazard.
Three-dogged circular fittings and four-dogged oblong fittings are
acceptable, and appear to be the most "sailor-proof" for this
2. Watertight Doors Below the Bulkhead Deck Aboard T-Boats
a. General Provisions. 46 CFR, Subchapter T does not specifically
address the subject of watertight doors in subdivision
bulkheads aboard small passenger vessels. The regulations
require watertight bulkheads to extend intact to the bulkhead
deck, and specify the number of penetrations in these
bulkheads be reduced to a minimum. They also require such
penetrations to be kept as high and as far inboard as
practicable, and that the vessels are provided with the means
to make such penetrations watertight (see 46 CFR 178.25-1).
The intent of these requirements is to restrict the use of
watertight doors in watertight bulkheads in most
circumstances. A limited number of hinged watertight doors are
permitted at specific levels below the bulkhead deck in large
passenger vessels (regulated under 46 CFR, Subchapter H). The
rationale is that in the event of damage, there should be
sufficient time for a crew member to evacuate a flooding space
and close its watertight door before flooding prevents the
door from being closed. This philosophy is not readily
applicable to T-Boats, because it is anticipated that flooding
of such a vessel will submerge the sill of a below-decks
watertight door much faster than would be expected in a larger
vessel. Also, this type of craft typically has a smaller
number of crewmembers to ensure that below-decks watertight
doors have been closed.
b. Provisions For Crew Boats
. There are differences in the
philosophies governing the regulation of T-Boats and
combination cargo/passenger vessels used in the offshore oil
and mineral industry. The Commandant has recognized that
requirements for vertical access to after spaces in crew boats
(e.g., for delivery of workpersons and gear to drilling
platforms) which may carry small amounts of deck cargo on an
open stern, may be impractical or present a greater hazard to
crewmembers, by forcing them onto the weather deck for access
to the engineroom or
CH-2 6-120
6.I.2. b. (cont'd) after compartments. In general, Class 1 quick-acting
watertight doors may be installed in subdivision bulkheads of
offshore crewboats when it is demonstrated that vertical access is
impracticable and that watertight doors are necessary for SAFETY.
Such installations will be considered on a case-by-case basis by
the MSC, under the following criteria:
(1) Each door must be a Class 1 quick-acting watertight door,
designed and tested in accordance with 46 CFR 73.35-30 or
an equivalent standard. "Quick-acting" means that the
door is equipped with a handwheel or lever which operates
all dogs simultaneously.
(2) Each Class 1 door must be equipped with a device
indicating to the vessel's operators when the door is
(3) Each Class 1 door must be marked "RE-CLOSE AFTER USE," in
accordance with 46 CFR 78.47-37.
(4) An endorsement must be placed in the vessel's stability
letter or COI requiring the master to ensure that the
door is closed at all times except when used for transit.
3. Aluminum Hatch Covers
. Since 1965, use of aluminum hatch covers
(except those of unusual size or application) was allowed. This
permission was granted on the basis of SAFETY benefits derived
from their lighter weight and greater ease of handling. However,
in a recent tank vessel casualty, the heat from a cargo fire
caused the melting of aluminum hatch covers, permitting the fire
to spread to cargo tanks not initially involved. Further fire
tests confirmed the observations made from the casualty. Based
upon this experience, aluminum hatch covers shall NOT be used
aboard new vessels carry ing oil or other flammable or combustible
liquids in bulk, unless they are used for dedicated wing ballast
tanks and rake voids on tank barges.
4. Air Ports And Port Lights
. Regulations concerning vessel openings,
hatches, and closing appliances are found throughout the various
subchapters of title 46, CFR. A representative listing of these
regulations follows:
a. 31.25-1 Load lines required - TB/OCL
b. 32 56-21 Openings in exterior boundaries
c. 32 56-25 Category A machinery spaces: windows and port lights
d. 42.15-10 Doors
e. 42.15-25, -30 Hatches/hatchways
f. 42.15-35 Machinery space openings
6-121 CH-2
6.I.4. g. 42.15-40 Miscellaneous openings
h. 42.15-45 Ventilators
i. 62.15-50 Air pipes
J. 42.15-55 Cargo ports
k. 42.15-60 Scuppers, inlets, and scuppers
1. 42.15-65 Side scuttles
m. 42.15-70 Freeing ports
n. 72.01-5 Vessel subject to load lines
o. 72.05-30 Windows and airports
p. 73.40-5 Port lights
q. 73.40-15 Side ports
r. 73.45-10 Side openings
s. 78.15-1 Doors closed at sea
t. 78.17-5 Closing appliances
u. 78.17-35 Hatches and other openings
v. 92.01-5 Vessels subject to load lines
w. 97.15-20 Hatches and other openings
x. 107.231 Inspection for certification (load lines)
y. 108.114 Appliances for watertight and weathertight
z. 109.209 Appliances for watertight integrity
aa. 168.05-5 Application of passenger vessel regulations
ab. 175.07-1 Load lines required
ac. 190.01-5 Vessels subject to load lines
ad. 191.10-25 Watertight bulkhead doors
ae. 191.10-30 Openings in vessel sides
af. 191.10-35 Watertight integrity above the margin line
ag. 33 CFR 143.301 Load line requirements
CH-2 6-122
6.I.5. Fittings For Cargo Areas
. Under 46 CFR 42.15-20(c) and the
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, cargo hatch covers
must be weathertight. The ABS Rules for Building and Classing
Steel Vessels establishes standards for determining
weathertightness (Section 18.9.3). Testing of gasketless hatch
covers has shown them to be weathertight when new; however, the
Commandant is concerned with their ability to remain so in normal
service. The Coast Guard will approve the use of gasketless hatch
covers for cargo areas under the experimental installation
provision of 46 CFR 42.03-25, subject to compliance with other
requirements and approval by the OCMI.
J. Maneuverability In Vessel Design
1. IMO Guidance Documents
. Lacking a rational criteria for
maneuvering performance, IMO has focused on providing masters and
pilots with traditional maneuvering information usually obtained
during vessel trials. The Design and Equipment Subcommittee (DE)
of the Maritime SAFETY Committee (MSC) of IMO originally published
resolution A.209(VII) in 1971 to provide information for the
master. Over a decade later, IMO DE developed two additional
Guidance documents: In 1987, Resolution A.601(15), "Provision and
Display of Maneuvering Information on Board Ships," revised the
information for the master; and MSC/Circ.389, "Interim Guidelines
for Estimating Maneuvering Performance in Ship Design." The latter
design, identifies a set of standard maneuvers during trials and
is an interim document that provides general guidelines, while
much work remains to be done towards establishing rational
maneuvering criteria. These IMO documents are presented in NVIC
1-89 titled "Maneuvering Information." Resolution A.601(15)
addresses the provision of maneuvering information through
Wheelhouse Posters, Pilot Cards, and Maneuvering Booklets.
MSC/Circ.389 urges that maneuverability be considered during
encourages the development of different estimating techniques to
supplement trial data. Design methods are not discussed in
MSC/Circ. 389.
2. USCG Requirements
. The Code of Federal Regulations (46 CFR 35.20,
78.21, 97.19, 196.19, and 33 CFR 164.35(g)) contains requirements
for posting ship maneuvering information such as turning circles,
stopping distances, and vessel speed versus shaft rpm
relationship. The master of a vessel is required by 33 CFR
164.ll(k) to ensure that the pilot is informed of the draft and
other maneuvering characteristics that affect the safe navigation
of the vessel.
6-123 CH-2
7.A. Introduction 7-1
7.B. Authority 7-1
7.B.1. Statutes 7-1
7.B.2. Treaties 7-2
7.B.3. Regulations 7-2
7.B.4. Additional Sources 7-2
7.C. Basic Admeasurement Policy 7-2
7.C.5. U.S. Built Vessels For Foreign Owners 7-5
7.C.7. Admeasurement Forms 7-6
7.D.I. Origins In the Middle Ages 7-7
7.D.3. The Moorsom System 7-7
7.E.I. Introduction 7-8
7.E.4. The Format Of Applications 7-8
7.E.4.d. Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Pleasure
7.C.1. Restrictions Of Activities 7-2
7.C.2. Appeals And Reviews Of tonnage Measurement Decisions 7-2
7.C.2.a. By the Coast Guard 7-2
7.C.2.b. By Authorized Agents 7-3
7.C.2.c. Reviews 7-3
7.C.3. Program Activities 7-3
7.C.3.a. At the Headquarters Level 7-3
7.C.3.b. Field Operations 7-4
7.C.4. Public And Military Vessels 7-5
7.C.4.a. General 7-5
7.C.4.b. Canal Measurements 7-5
7.C.6. Measurement Charges 7-6
7.C.8. Admeasurement Reports 7-6
7.D. The History Of Admeasurement 7-7
7.D.2. The Builder's Old Measurement Rule 7-7
7.D.4. The International Measurement System 7-7
7.E. Tonnage Measurement Systems 7-8
7.E.2. Prohibition Of Combined Systems 7-8
7.E.3. Applying For tonnage Measurement 7-8
7.E.4.a. Standard U.S. System Of Measurement 7-8
7.E.4.b. Optional Dual-tonnage Method Of Measurement 7-9
7.E.4.c. International Convention For tonnage Measurement
Of Ships, 1969 (the tonnage Convention Measurement
Method) 7-10
Vessels 7-10
7.E.4.e. Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Small
Commercial Vessels 7-11
7.E.4.f. Panama Canal Or Suez Canal Measurement Methods 7-12
7.E.4.g. Foreign Measurement 7-12
7.E.5. Applications For Water-Ballast Exemptions
(46 CFR 69.03-63(g)) 7-12
7.F. The Standard U.S. System Of Measurement 7-12
7.F.1. Introduction 7-12
7.F.2. Tonnage Calculation 7-12
7.F.3. Measurement Procedures 7-13
7.F.4. Space Exemptions 7-13
7.F.5. Space Deductions 7-14
7.F.6. Regulatory Provisions 7-14
7.F.6.a. Department Of Commerce (Commissioner Of Navigation) 7-14
7.F.6.b. Department Of The Treasury (U.S. Customs Service) 7-14
7.F.6.c. Department Of Transportation (U.S. Coast Guard) 7-15
7.F.7. Adjustments And Corrections Of Tonnages (46 CFR 69.05-9) 7-15
7.G. The Optional Dual-Tonnage Method Of Measurement 7-15
7.G.1. Background 7-15
7.G.2. Regulatory Provisions 7-15
7.H. The International Convention On Tonnage Measurement
Of Ships, 1969 7-16
7.H.1. Introduction 7-16
7.H.2. Issuance Of IMO Tonnage Certificates 7-16
7.H.3. U.S. Regulatory Provisions 7-16
7.H.3.a. General 7-16
7.H.3.b. The Interim Tonnage Measurement Scheme 7-16
7.H.4. Application 7-17
7.H.4.a. General 7-17
7.H.4.b. Non-Subject Vessels 7-17
7.H.4.c. Requirements For IMO tonnage Certificates 7-17
7.H.4.c.(1) New Vessels And Existing Vessels that Have
Undergone Substantial Alterations Or
Modifications On Or After 18 July 1982 7-17
7.H.4.c.(2) All Other Existing Vessels 7-18
7.H.5. Definitions Used In the I140 tonnage Convention 7-18
7.H.5.a. "International Voyage" 7-18
7.H.S.b. "New Vessel" 7-18
7.H.5.c. "Existing Vessel" 7-18
7.H.5.d. "Gross Tonnage" 7-18
7.H.5.e. "Net Tonnage" 7-18
7.H.5.f. "Great Lakes" 7-18
7.H.5.g. "Length" 7-18
7.I. The Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Small Vessels 7-19
7.J. Measurement For Transit Of the Panama Canal 7-19
7.K. Measurement For Transit Of the Suez Canal 7-19
7.J.1. Introduction 7-19
7.J.2. Computations Of Displacement tonnages 7-19
7.J.3. Forwarding Of Panama Canal Certificates 7-19
A. Introduction
. Before a vessel may be assigned a gross and net
tonnage, it must first be measured. This process is called
"admeasurement." Tonnage measurements are taken for the purpose of
determining the internal capacities of vessels; these volumes are
translated into gross and net tonnages. Vessels that have undergone
reconstruction or other internal changes that effect their existing
tonnages are required to be remeasured. This process is called
"readmeasurement." Tonnage is used by government and industry to
gauge, among other things:
1. The applicability of Coast Guard regulations relating to licensing,
manning, and inspection of vessels;
2. Drydocking, wharfage, mooring, and berthing costs;
3. Pilotage fees;
4. Tonnage taxes, international canal tolls, end port dues;
5. Tugboat rates;
6. Protection and indemnity insurance;
8. Wage scales based on power tonnage;
Competency Certificates Convention.
naval vessels are measured for domestic and foreign applications and
7. Lititgation of liability under U.S. law;
9. Load line assignment; and
10. The applicability of the International Radio Convention, the
SAFETY of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention, and the Officer's
Vessels may be measured at the request of the owner, the master or
agent, a federal or state agency, or a foreign government. Public and
to facilitate their transits of the Panama and Suez Canals. At the
discretion of the Commandant, a vessel not required by law to be
measured may be so measured upon his order.
B. Authority
1. Statutes
. Authority for measuring U.S. vessels as a requisite to
their documentation as "vessels of the United States" was
initially contained in an Act of Congress dated September 1, 1789.
The current standard system of admeasurement was authorized by
the 38th Congress on May 6, 1864. The statutes governing
measurement are found in 46 App. U.S.C. 71, 72, 75, 77, 80, 81,
82, 83-83k.
7.B.2. Treaties
. The 1969 tonnage Convention came into force on 18 July
1982; the U.S. ratified this treaty on 10 February 1983. Executive
Order 12419 of 5 May 1983 authorized the Department of
transportation to undertake vessel measurement under this
convention. The authority for the Coast Guard to measure vessels
and issue certificates under the convention was delegated on 23
September 1983. The Articles and Regulations of the 1969 tonnage
Convention presently form the basis for international tonnage
measurement regulations.
3. Regulations
. The regulations for measuring vessels of the United
States are contained in 46 CFR 69. Panama Canal Tonnage Rules are
contained in 35 CFR 135. Under the International Tonnage
Commission, Constantinople of 1873, the Egyptian government has
extended measurement authorization to the U.S. and other members
of the United Nations. The Suez Canal Tonnage Rules are contained
in the Suez Canal Rules of Navigation, Part IV.
4. Additional Sources
. Numerous regulatory interpretations and policy
decisions have been disseminated through treasury Decisions,
Bureau of Customs Notices, Commandant instructions, Navigation and
Vessel inspection Circulars (NVIC's), and decision letters issued
by the Coast Guard's Office of Merchant Marine SAFETY, Commandant
C. Basic Admeasurement Policy
1. Restrictions Of Activities
. Field admeasurers are restricted in
tonnage measurement activities in the following ways:
a. They may not formally review vessel plans with the intent
merely to estimate tonnages.
b. They may not advise owners or designers on how to reduce
tonnages, except in response to specific proposals from the
owner, agent, or designer.
c. They may not act as tonnage consultants in any capacity
outside the scope of their normal duties.
d. They shall refer any new methods of reducing tonnages,
including variations of accepted practices, to Commandant
(G-MVI-5) for judgment as to their acceptability and treatment.
2. Appeals And Reviews Of tonnage Measurement Decisions
a. By the Coast Guard. Any person aggrieved by any measurement
decision or action of the officer in charge, marine inspection
(OCMI) or measurement personnel may appeal to the commander of
the Coast Guard district in which the action or decision was
made. Further appeal may be made to Commandant (G-MVI-5)
concerning the decision of the district commander. Pending
the determination of the appeal, the decision of the OCMI
shall remain in effect; the decision of the Commandant is
7.C.2. b.
By Authorized Agents
. A person aggrieved by any measurement
decision or action of the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) or
other authorized measurement organization may appeal directly to
the tonnage Survey Branch, Commandant (G-MVI-5). Pending the
determination of the appeal, the decision of ABS (or ocher
authorized organization) shall remain in effect; the decision of
the Commandant is final.
c. Reviews
. Commandant (G-MVI-5) is responsible for reviewing
tonnage measurement cases at its discretion to determine the
appropriate application and interpretation of measurement
regulations andes determine the accuracy of tonnages assigned.
3. Program Activities
a. At the Headquarters Level
. The tonnage Survey Branch, as a
component of the Merchant Vessel inspection organization,
maintains overall responsibility for the tonnage measurement
program within the Coast Guard. The branch also oversees
tonnage measurement of U.S. vessels performed by the American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and any other U.S. corporation or
association authorized to measure vessels. Finally, the branch
is responsible for planning, coordinating, and administering
the Coast Guard's tonnage measurement program by:
(1) Providing technical advice and assistance to Coast Guard,
ABS, or other authorized tonnage measurement personnel
when doubts arise over the application or interpretation
of measurement rules.
(2) Reviewing cases forwarded from Coast Guard field offices,
for accuracy and consistency of application or
ABS, or other authorized tonnage measurement authorities
interpretation of measurement rules or guidelines.
(3) Resolving disputes between admeasurers and industry when
they concern interpretation or application of measurement
(4) Inspecting field offices and making recommendations for
maintaining consistency in interpretation and application
of measurement rules.
(5) Coordinating, assigning, and performing tonnage measurement
functions in foreign countries.
(6) Assisting district commanders, when required, by
measuring or coordinating temporary out-of-district
assignment of measurement personnel in case of heavy
workloads, complex assignments, or personnel shortages.
(7) Initiating Commandant instructions, NVIC's, and other
communications to advise industry, ABS and field
personnel of current policy and changing regulations.
7.C.3.a. (8) Examining for approval all cases for water ballast
exemptions that exceed 30 percent of a vessel's gross
(9) Writing regulations to cover innovations in ship
construction that are not covered in existing regulations.
(10) Maintaining oversight and control of ABS or other
authorized organizations' measurement activities, to
ensure compliance with U.S. statutes and regulations.
(11) Researching, interpreting, and comparing tonnage
measurement rules of other countries with those of the
U.S., to provide a basis for official U.S. acceptance.
(12) Formulating instructions for guiding measurement
personnel, naval architects, vessel designers,
shipbuilders, and vessel operators on the application of
Panama and Suez Canal tonnage measurement laws and
(13) Representing the U.S. at international meetings and
conferences on tonnage measurement, and cooperating with
foreign measurement authorities in exchanging information
concerning current tonnage measurement practices and the
development and implementation of new international
(14) Reviewing Monthly Workload Reports from field offices to
assist in staff resource planning and long-range program
(15) Representing the U.S. at international meetings and
meetings with the maritime industry.
b. Field Operations
. Coast Guard tonnage measurement personnel
serve under the administrative direction of the commanding
officers of the units in which they are physically located.
The following list shows where Coast Guard field measurement
offices are located:
First CCGDONE(m), Boston, HA
third MIO New York, NY
MIO Philadelphia, PA
Fifth MSO Hampton Roads, VA
Seventh CCGDSEVEN (m), Miami, FL
MSO Tampa, FL
MSO Jacksonville, FL
Eighth MIO New Orleans, LA
MID Morgan City, LA
MSO Mobile, LA
MIO Houston, TX
Eleventh MSO Los Angeles/Long Beach, CA
MSO San Diego, CA
Thirteenth MSO Puget Sound, Seattle, WA
7.C.3. b. (cont'd) the following functions are performed by Coast Guard
field measurement personnel:
Reports to the tonnage Survey Branch.
(1) Measurement of vessels within an assigned area to
establish tonnages for U.S., Panama Canal, Suez Canal or
International tonnage Certificates.
(2) Coordination and planning of field workload for
expeditious service to industry.
(3) Review of work for accuracy and consistent application of
admeasurement rules.
(4) Close coordination with shipbuilders, naval architects,
engineers, designers, and vessel operators.
(5) Advising the OCMI and the district commander on tonnage
measurement matters.
(6) Compilation and submission of accurate Monthly Workload
4. Public And Military Vessels
a. General
. U.S. public and military vessels are not required to
be documented and, therefore, are not required to be measured
for U.S. tonnage assignments. However, government agencies
often request tonnage measurement to satisfy licensing,
manning, and SAFETY requirements, among others. U.S. Tonnages
assigned to government colliers, transports, supply and repair
vessels, etc., are determined in accordance with the
requirements of 46 CFR 69. There are no requirements for
marking the hull with an official number, net tonnage, name,
and hailing port. Requirements for markings of deducted spaces
are waived for such vessels (46 CFR 69.05-5).
b. Canal Measurements
. Tonnage measurement under the rules of
the Suez Canal Company is required for all U.S. public and
military vessels that transit the Suez Canal as their tolls
are based on net tonnage. the Panama Canal Co~ission requires
tonnage measurement of all noncombatant public vessels under
its rules, as their tolls are based on met tonnage. Combatant
vessels are not required to be formally measured because the
tolls levied on them are based upon displacement tonnage.
5. U.S. Built Vessels For Foreign Owners
. Vessels that will operate
under U.S. flag receive first measurement priority. Vessels built
for foreign accounts may be measured only
upon express prior
approval of Commandant (G-MVI-5). Each request will be examined to
a. If tonnages calculated under U.S. rules are compatible with
the rules of the vessel's national administration;
7.C.5. b. What impact the measurement of such vessels will have upon the
workload of the unit receiving such request; and
c. Whether alternative resources, such as American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS) tonnage surveyors, are available.
6. Measurement Charges
. When a vessel is measured by the Coast Guard
at a location other than a port of entry, Customs station, or port
in which an OCMI is located, the owner must reimburse the U.S.
government for the costs of measurement (see 46 App. U.S.C. 331).
Reimbursable costs are calculated on the hourly salary of the
measurer performing the service and travel. They include
transportation or mileage charges, based on the distance from the
nearest "free port" to the vessel, and return. Charges must be
paid prior to issuance of a Certificate of Admeasurement or
documentation of the vessel. Admeasurers will notify the vessel
owner if the vessel is outside the limits of a "free port" and
will advise the owner of the estimated charges for measurement
(for foreign measurement policy, see subparagraph 7.E.4.g below).
7. Admeasurement Forms
. The following forms are used in tonnage
measurement. They may be requested on Form CG-4428 through Supply
Center Brooklyn:
CG-1265A Special Appendix to Certificate of Registry of
U.S. Passenger Vessels
CG-1322 Certification of Marking of Official Number
CG-1410 Tonnage Admeasurement (Tonnage Length Exceeds
100 Feet)
CG-1410A Tonnage Admeasurement (Tonnage Length Does Not
Exceed 100 Feet)
CG-1413 Memorandum of Dimensions Taken In
Admeasurement (Tonnage Length Exceeds 100 Feet)
CG-1413A Memorandum of Dimensions Taken In
Admeasurement (Tonnage Length Does Not Exceed
100 Feet)
CG-1414 Certificate of Admeasurement
CG-1414A Certificate of Admeasurement for Vessels
Measured Under Simplified Measurement Methods
CG-1415 Admeasurement Index Card
CG-1417 Suez Canal Special Tonnage Certificate
CG-4400 Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate
CG-5343 International Tonnage Certificate, 1969
8. Admeasurement Reports
. Each field measurement office is required
to submit a Monthly Workload Report to Commandant (G-MVI-5) no
later than 15 days after the end of each month. This report,
described in the Commandant instruction (COMDTINST) 16717.3
series, indicates the number of vessels measured and their tonnage
category, the number of staff-hours expended, the number of
vessels remeasured, and other data. Each nongovernment.
organization, such as ABS, that is authorized by the
7.C.8. (cont'd) Coast Guard to perform admeasurement services is required
to submit a workload report on a quarterly basis.
D. The History Of Admeasurement
1. Origins In the Middle Ages
. The word "tonnage" is derived from
the Old English word "tunnage," which evolved during the 16th
Century to indicate a vessel's hold capacity for carry ing wine
casks, or "tuns." Each tun of 252 English gallons closely
approximated the long ton weight of 2240 pounds and occupied a
space of nearly 40 cubic feet. Although "ton" is not the best term
for measurement, because it is easily confused with a ton of
weight, centuries of maritime usage have rendered any change
2. The Builder's Old Measurement Rule
. After 1790, British ships had
been measured for tonnage by dividing the product of the length of
the keel, the widest breadth of hull, and the depth of the hold by
94. This system worked reasonably well until it was decided to
simplify the process by arbitrarily stating the depth as one-half
the vessel's breadth. This became known as the "Builder's Old
Measurement Rule." As a result, owners desiring maximum carry ing
capacity with the least measured-tonnage began designing ships
with narrow beams and very deep drafts. This practice encouraged
poor designs and led to a number of ship casualties, but was
continued until 1854.
3. The Moorsom System
. In 1854, the new British Rules for tonnage
measurement were adopted. They were subsequently named after Mr.
George Moorsom, a naval architect and chairman of the British
Royal Navy Commission. Moorsom had calculated the cubic contents
of the entire British merchant navy and divided it by the
registered tonnage of the fleet; the result was 98.22 cubic feet.
For convenience, Moorsom rounded off the measurement ton as
equivalent to 100 cubic feet. For measurement purposes, Moorsom's
system defines the volume of a ship's hull with sufficiently
accurate results. It has become the generally adopted basis for
computing tonnage with some national variations. Originally, this
system did not exclude spaces from measurement. However, political
and economic pressures subsequently altered the mathematical
accuracy of the original system. It was amended to provide for the
subtraction of certain spaces, which resulted in establishing two
different quantities: gross tonnage and net tonnage.
4. The International Measurement System
. Despite the flaws grafted
onto it, the Noorsom System formed the basis for all tonnage
measurement systems until 1969, when a new international
measurement system was created under the auspices of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO). This system is
discussed is detail in section 7.H below.
7.g. Tonnage Measurement Systems
1. Introduction. There are seven distinct systems currently employed
in the measurement of U.S. vessels:
a. The Standard System (see 46 CFR 69.03);
b. The Optional Dual-tonnage Method (see 46 CFR 69.15);
c. The International Convention on tonnage Measurement of
Ships, 1969;
d. The Optional Simplified Measurement Method for Pleasure
Vessels (see 46 CFR 69.17);
e. The Optional Simplified Measurement Method for Commercial
Vessels (see 46 CFR 69.19);
f. The Panama Canal Tonnage Measurement Rules (see 35 CFR 135); and
g. The Suez Canal Tonnage Measurement Rules.
2. Prohibition Of Combined Systems
. The combining of disparate
measurement systems is not allowed. For example, the use of
tonnage openings under 46 CFR 69.03-67 (the Standard Admeasurement
System) cannot
be used in conjunction with the dry cargo and
stores exemption of the Optional Dual-tonnage Method, as set forth
in 46 CFR 69.15.
3. Applying For tonnage Measurement
. The vessel owner, master, or
owner's representatives may apply for measurement or remeasurement
services in a letter or on an application form obtained from any
admeasurement or vessel documentation office, another marine
SAFETY unit, ABS, or another authorized organization. All
applications, together with plans when required, will be forwarded
to the admeasurement office nearest the vessel's location or,
alternatively, to /LBS or another U.S. corporation or association
authorized to measure vessels. In the case of requests for
measurement of U.S. vessels outside the country, applications
shell be forwarded to Commandant (G-MVI-5) or to ABS. If the Coast
Guard measures the vessel the requesting owner, master, or agent
should identify each type of certificate that is required, and
must agree in writing that any expenses incurred in the
measurement of the vessel(s) shall be borne by him or her, subject
to the provisions of 46 U.S.C. 2110.
4. The Format Of Applications
a. Standard U.S. System Of Measurement
. Applications will be
submitted, as prescribed by 46 CFR 69.01-17, to the field
admeasurement office nearest the location of the vessel or to
ABS. The following information must be included in the
(1) The owner's name, address and telephone number;
(2) Builder's name, yard telephone number, and address;
7.E.4.a. (3) Vessel's hull or model number (if any);
(4) Vessel's name and official number (if readmeasurement);
(5) Vessel's dimensions (length, breadth, depth);
(6) A statement as to new or rebuilt construction;
(7) Vessel's intended service (passenger, cargo, barge, etc.);
(8) Engine type (oil, gasoline, steam, etc.);
(9) Exact location of vessel on date of measurement;
(10) The estimated time period during which the vessel will be
available for measurement;
(11) The vessel's year of construction;
(12) Material(s) used in constructing the hull;
(13) A statement by the owner that he/she will reimburse all
expenses incurred by the Coast Guard if the vessel is
measured outside the geographic limits of a free port; and
(14) Appropriate plans as prescribed by 46 CFR 69.01-19.
b. Optional Dual-Tonnage Method Of Measurement
. Such
applications must include all information described in
subparagraph 7.E.4.a above and the following additional
(1) Molded depth at midship section from second deck at side;
(2) Depth used with tonnage mark cable;
(3) Length of shorter portion of stepped second deck, if any;
(4) Total length of longer and shorter portions of stepped
second deck;
(5) Length used with tonnage mark table;
(6) Height of step (break) in the second deck, if any;
(7) Distance from the molded line of the second deck or
equivalent to the upper edge of the tonnage mark;
(8) Molded draft to the upper edge of the tonnage mark;
(9) Freeboard from the Load Line Certificate;
(10) Molded draft to the load line;
7.E.4.b. (11) Horizontal distance from the centerline of the load line
disk to the apex of the triangle on the tonnage mark;
(12) Vertical distance from the deck line to the tonnage mark;
(13) Vertical distance from the molded line of the second deck
or equivalent to the deck line for freeboard;
(15) An indication whether two sets of tonnages are desired; and
(14) Allowance for fresh water and tropical waters (1/48 of
the molded draft to the upper edge of the tonnage mark);
(16) The owner's request for confirmation of the proposed
location of the tonnage mark, based on the information
contained in the application.
c. International Convention For Tonnage Measurement Of Ships,
1969 (the Tonnage Convention Measurement Method)
Applications must be submitted as prescribed by NVIC 6-83.
They must contain the information required by subparagraph
7.E.4.a above and the following additional information:
(1) Lines plan;
(2) Booklet of offsets at stations;
(3) Capacity plans for tanks and cargo compartments;
(4) Hydrostatic curves;
(5) Construction plans showing measurements of
superstructures, hatches, appendages, recesses or any
other spaces where volumes are located;
(6) Arrangement plans; and
(7) The date the keel was laid or the vessel was at a similar
stage of construction.
d. Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Pleasure Vessels
Applications may be submitted, as prescribed by 46 CFR
69.19-11, to any admeasurement office (see subparagraph
7.C.3.b above). They must include the following information:
(1) The name and address of owner;
(2) The vessel's name;
(3) The documentation office where vessel will be documented;
(4) Official number, state or Coast Guard number, if any;
7.E.4.d. (5) Name and location of builder;
(6) Means of propulsion (oil, gas, steam, sail, etc.) and
(7) Overall length, overall breadth, and overall depth.
engine type (inboard, outboard, or none);
Dimensions shall be stated on the application in feet and
inches, or in feet and decimal fractions of feet to the
nearest tenth of a foot;
(8) Vessel's hull number, serial number or model number, if any;
(9) The vessel's date of build;
(10) The type of vessel (towboat, barge, trawler, etc.);
(11) Sketches of the hull (not necessarily to scale) in plan,
profile, and cross section views, showing the required
dimensions; and
(12) A statement that the information and dimensions are true
and accurate and must be signed by the owner, master, or
e. Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Small Commercial
Vessels. Applications may be submitted, as prescribed by 46
CFR 69.19-I1, to any admeasurement office (see subparagraph
7.C.3.b above). They must include the following information:
(1) The name end address of the owner;
(2) The vessel's name;
(3) The documentation office where the vessel will be documented;
(4) Official number, state or Coast Guard number, if any;
(5) Name and location of builder;
(6) Means of propulsion (oil, gas, steam, sail, etc.) and
engine type (inboard, outboard, or none);
(7) Overall length, overall breadth, and overall depth.
Dimensions shall be stated in feet and inches, or in feet
and decimal fractions of feet, to the nearest tenth of a
(8) The vessel's hull number, and serial or model number, if any;
(9) The vessel's date of build;
(10) The type of vessel (towboat, barge, trawler, etc.);
(11) Sketches of the hull (not necessarily to scale) in plan,
profile, and cross section views, showing required
dimensions; and
7.E.4.e. (12) A statement that the information and dimensions are true
and accurate and must be signed by the owner, master, or
f. Panama Canal Or Suez Canal Measurement Methods
. Measurement
applications for a U.S. commercial or public vessel must be
submitted to the admeasurement office where the vessel was
originally measured for U.S. registry.
g. Foreign Measurement
. Applications for measurement of U.S.
vessels located outside the U.S. under the Standard U.S.
System, the Dual-Tonnage System, or the IMO Tonnage Convention
must be forwarded to Commandant (G-MVI-5) or ABS at least
months prior to the required date of measurement. The
applicant must agree that all expenses incurred by the
admeasurer will be reimbursed to the Coast Guard. Such
expenses include transportation, lodging, meals, miscellaneous
related expenses, and costs based on the admeasurer's
compensation for the period absent from the duty station.
5. Applications For Water Ballast Exemptions (46 CFR 69.03-63(g))
An owner (or representative) seeking exemption of a bona fide
water ballast system in excess of 30 percent of the vessel's gross
tonnage must submit an application with accompanying
justifications to Commandant (G-MVI-5). A copy of the
justification shall be forwarded to the appropriate measurement
office. The following information is required:
a. Stability calculations, using Form CG-9939 or a reasonable
facsimile, showing a single loading and/or operating
condition. If needed, several conditions shall be shown to
justify the need for each water ballast space claimed.
Stability calculations must show each ballast tank at 100
percent capacity;
b. Tank capacity plans or calculations of tank hydrostatics;
c. Hold plan; and
d. A statement providing justifications for requested water
ballast, such as seakeeping, stability, etc.
F. The Standard U.S. System Of Measurement
1. Introduction. Before any vessel is documented or recorded under
the laws of the United States, the vessel must be measured under
this system and assigned a gross and net tonnage, unless measured
under the Optional Dual Tonnage Measurement Method (section 7.G
below) or the Optional Simplified Measurement Method (section 7.I
below). Any vessel measured under the Standard System that is
altered or has changes made to the use of its spaces, so that its
gross or net tonnage is affected, must be remeasured.
2. Tonnage Calculation
. This system requires that the volume of all
closed-in spaces be measured and treated according to their use.
These volumes are converted into "register tons," shown on a
vessel's certificate of documentation; a register ton is
equivalent to 100 cubic
7.F.2. (cont'd) feet. The measurement of a vessel is divided into three
separate transactions:
a. Calculating the volumes of the space under the tonnage deck
(i,e, the space between the bottom of the vessel and the level
of horizontal decking that has been predetermined to be the
"tonnage deck");
b. Calculating the volumes of each full length "tween deck" space
above the tonnage deck and below the level of the decking that
has been predetermined to be the "upper deck to the hull''; and
c. Calculating the volumes of the deck structures located on and
above the upper deck to the hull, tier by tier.
3. Measurement Procedures
. There are five general steps used in the
process of measuring under the Standard System:
a. Measure the whole tonnage;
b. Separately measure exempt spaces;
c. Subtract tonnages of exempt spaces [rom whole tonnage to
establish "gross" tonnage;
d. Separately measure the deductible spaces; and
e. Subtract tonnages of deductible spaces from gross tonnage to
establish "net" tonnage.
4. Space Exemptions
. These are spaces initially measured into the
total volume of the vessel that are subsequently excluded from the
gross tonnage calculation. Exemptions under the tonnage deck are
limited to bona fide water ballast. Provided all regulatory
criteria are met, spaces susceptible to exemption include:
a. Water ballast;
b. Open houses and other structures;
c. Passenger cabins that are located above the upper deck;
d. Companions;
e. Galleys;
f. Skylights and air shafts not over propelling machinery;
h. Water closets;
i. Anchor gear;
7.F.4. j. Donkey engines and their boilers;
k. Steering gear;
l. Light and air spaces over propelling machinery; and
m. Other machinery spaces.
5. Space Deductions
. These are spaces that are subtracted from the
gross tonnage to establish a net tonnage. They are listed in four
major groups:
a. Spaces for exclusive use of the master;
b. Spaces for exclusive use of the crew;
c. Spaces used for working the vessel; and
d. Allowance for propelling power.
6. Regulatory Provisions
. The Standard System of Measurement is
contained in 46 App. U.S.C. 77; implementing regulations are
contained in 46 CFR 69.03 thru 69.13-157. Over the years, the
federal government has provided numerous circulars and notices of
official interpretations and policy covering the treatment of
spaces and other guidelines not covered by regulation. These are:
a. Department Of Commerce (Commissioner Of Navigation)
(1) Circular Letters;
(2) Bureau of Navigation General Letters;
(3) Bureau of Marine inspection & Navigation Circulars; and
(4) Navigation Bureau Circulars.
b. Department Of The Treasury (U.S. Customs Service)
(1) Treasury Decisions;
(2) Bureau of Customs Special Circulars;
(3) Bureau of Customs Circulars;
(4) Bureau of Customs Notices;
(5) Bureau Letters; and
(6) Marine Circulars.
7.F.6. c. Department Of transportation (U.S. Coast Guard)
(1) Commandant instructions;
(2) Commandant Notices;
(3) Navigation and Vessel inspection Circulars (NVIC's); and
(4) Decision Letters.
7. Adjustments And Corrections Of tonnages (46 CFR 69.05-9)
. When an
error is identified in the calculation of a vessel's tonnage by
the measuring authority or when an owner or agent claims that
either the measurement procedure or the officially assigned
tonnages are in error, an adjustment of tonnage shall be made.
The admeasurer shall not remeasure unaltered spaces or spaces for
which no error is claimed but shall use the figures shown on the
latest record of tonnage measurement unless there is an obvious
error therein. The admeasurer shall determine the proper tonnage
of the vessel if the tonnage is found to be different from that
shown in the vessel's outstanding document (Certificate of
Documentation). The outstanding document of the vessel shall be
surrendered incident to any adjustment or correction of tonnage
and any document issued to that vessel thereafter shall show the
adjusted tonnage.
G. The Optional Dual-Tonnage Method Of Measurement
1. Background
. The International Convention on SAFETY of Life at Sea
(SOLAS), 1960 called attention to shelter-deck vessels and stated
that the practice of permitting openings in the vessel's deck or
sides was undesirable from the standpoint of seaworthiness and
SAFETY. The convention's delegates recognized the desirability of
dispensing with temporary closing appliances and requiring the use
of watertight closures, urging this to be done without influencing
tonnage assignments. As a result, the International Maritime
Organization undertook a study of the problem in 1961. The
Optional Dual-Tonnage Method of Measurement, or "tonnage mark"
scheme, was recommended as in interim solution prior to
establishing a new international system. The U.S. adopted this
recommendation in law and developed implementing regulations in 46
CFR 69.15.
2. Regulatory Provisions
. The law permits exemption from gross
tonnage of certain permanently closed spaces situated on or above
the uppermost complete deck exposed to the weather, and certain
permanently closed spaces situated between the weather deck and
the next complete deck below (the second deck), provided that a
tonnage mark is not submerged. The Tonnage Certificate and the
Certificate of Documentation of a vessel having a tonnage mark may
show two sets of gross and net tonnages, except when the statutory
load line is assigned on the assumption that the second deck is
the freeboard deck and the tonnage mark is placed at the same
level as the load line. In such a case, only one set of tonnages
need be shown on the vessel's documents. Regulations also provide
that, upon application of the owner and approval by the
Commandant, the volumes
7.G.2. (cont'd) shall be omitted from inclusion in gross tonnage,
including principally the spaces available for the carriage of dry
cargo and stores above the uppermost complete deck and between that
deck and the deck next below, and those spaces used for cabins and
staterooms on the uppermost complete deck.
H. The International Convention On Tonnage Measurement Of Ships, 1969
1. Introduction
. The "IMO Tonnage Method," which was developed under
the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO),
applies to vessels of 79 feet and more that engage in
international voyages. It provides a gross tonnage that more
accurately reflects the vessel's size, and a net tonnage that
reflects the vessel's earning capacity without influencing the
vessel's design, construction, or operating SAFETY. Under this
system, the gross tonnage is based on the molded volume of the
hull and deck structures, the net tonnage on the molded volume of
the actual cargo spaces. Prerequisites for exclusion from tonnage
of "open" spaces on or above the upper deck are very stringent.
Artificial methods previously employed to reduce gross or net
tonnages, such as special frame or floor construction, added
light-and-air casings, special engine room design, and water
ballast, are not available. The IMO Tonnage Convention came into
force on 18 July 1982.
2. Issuance Of IMO Tonnage Certificates
. An International Tonnage
Certificate may be issued by the Coast Guard or, at the request of
the applicant, by ABS for vessels required to be measured in
accordance with the tonnage Convention regulations. (See
subparagraph 7.H.4 below.) Certificates may not
be issued to
vessels registered under a government that is not party to the
convention. Vessels constructed in the United States for foreign
account may be admeasured under the convention rules at the
request of the appropriate government. Such requests must be
cleared through Commandant (G-MVI-5).
3. U.S. Regulatory Provisions
a. General
. Implementing legislation will be proposed to make
the IMO system the basic U.S. admeasurement system for vessels
of 24 meters (79 feet) and larger, whether
or not they engage
in international voyages. In the interim, it is necessary to
measure applicable vessels under both the Standard U.S. System
for gross and net register tonnages and the IMO System for
Convention Tonnage gross and net tonnages. Convention tonnage
shall be listed on the "International Tonnage Certificate,
1969." Standard U.S. System tonnage shall continue to be
listed on the Certificate of Documentation.
b. The Interim Tonnage Measurement Scheme
(1) Recognizing that Convention tonnage assignments may
require some vessels to comply with more stringent
international regulations,
7.H.3.b. (1) (cont'd) the Coast Guard is applying the provisions of the
following IMO Resolutions:
(a) IMO Resolution A. 494 (xII), Revised Interim Scheme
for tonnage Measurement for Certain Ships (SOLAS);
(b) IMO Resolution A. 541 (XIII), Interim Scheme for
Tonnage Measurement for Certain Ships (MARPOL).
(2) These resolutions permit certain U.S. vessels that have
been measured under the tonnage Convention to also be
measured under either the provisions of the existing U.S.
standard system of measurement (section 7.F above), or
the optional dual-tonnage method of measurement (section
7.G above) and to use that tonnage for limited
international applications.
(3) Separate instructions for implementing these interim
schemes will be distributed to authorities responsible
for issuing SOLAS and MARPOL certificates.
4. Application
a. General
. The IMO tonnage Convention applies to all ships 24
meters (79 feet) or more in length, including barges and
yachts, that
engage in international voyages. This includes
ships that request a registry endorsement under U.S. vessel
documentation Laws, ships registered in U.S. Territories, and
state-numbered and unnumbered vessels. For convention
purposes, an "international voyage" is a sea voyage from the
United States to a port outside the United States, or
b. Non-Subject Vessels
. The Tonnage Convention does not apply to:
(1) Vessels of 24 meters (79 feet) and larger that do
engage in international voyages;
(2) Any vessels under 24 meters (79 feet) in length;
(3) Ships of war; and
(4) Vessels of any size that navigate solely on the Great Lakes.
c. Requirements For IMO tonnage Certificates
. Vessels subject to
tonnage Convention measurement are required to present a valid
International tonnage Certificate when entering the ports of
ocher contracting governments, as follows:
(1) New Vessels And Existing Vessels that have Undergone
Substantial Alterations Or Modifications On Or After 18
July 1982
: immediately;
7.H.4.c. (2) All Other Existing Vessels
: By 18 July 1994, or earlier
at the owner's option. [NOTE: Once an International
Tonnage Certificate is issued, the vessel cannot
subsequently use its pre-existing register tonnages for other
international conventions.]
Definitions Used In the IMO Tonnage Convention
a. "
International Voyage
." This means a sea voyage from a
country to which the present convention applies to a port
outside that country, or conversely. For this purpose, every
b. "
territory for which international relations are the
responsibility of a contracting government, or for which the
United Nations are the administering authority, is regarded as
a separate country (see Article 2(3) of the convention).
New Vessel
." This means a vessel, the keel of which is laid,
or which is at a similar stage of construction, on
or after 18
1982 (see Article 2(6) of the convention).
c. "
Existing Vessel
." This means any vessel that is not a new
vessel, i.e., its keel was laid or at a similar stage of
construction before
18 July 1982 (see Article 2(7) of the
d. "Gross tonnage
." This means the measure of the overall size
of a ship, determined in accordance with the provisions of
Article 2(4) of the convention. [NOTE: Measurements are
taken to the molded lines of the hull and deck structures, the
volumes of which will be modified by the gross tonnage
e. "Net tonnage
." This means the measure of the useful capacity
of a ship determined in accordance with the provisions of
Article 2(5) of the present convention. [NOTE: The volumes
of the cargo and passenger spaces as modified by a
f. "Great Lakes
." For purposes of the convention, these are
defined as "the Great Lakes of North America and the River St.
Lawrence as far east as a rhumb line drawn from Cap des Rosiers
to West Point, Anticosti Island and, on the north side of
Anticosti Island, the meridian of longitude 63' W." (see
Article 4(2)(a) of the convention).
g. "Length
." This means 96 percent of the total length on the
waterline, at 85 percent of the least molded depth measured
from the top of the keel, or the length from the fore side of
the stem to the axis of the rudder stock on that waterline, if
that be greater. In vessels designed with a rake of keel, the
waterline on which this length is measured shall be parallel
to the design waterline (see Article 2(8) of the convention).
7.I. The Optional Simplified Measurement Method For Small Vessels
. This
method enables owners of commercial vessels under 79 feet in length,
yachts of any length, and non-self-propelled vessels to take
measurements of length, breadth, and depth and forward them to a
eliminates the need for an admeasurer to visit the vessel. Where an
System. the regulations for optional simplified measurement are
measurement office for computation of tonnages. In most cases, this
owner's measurement is questioned, a physical inspection of the
vessel is justified. Vessels measured under these provisions may, at
the option of the owner, be measured under the Standard Measurement
contained in 16 CFR 69.17 and 69.19.
J. Measurement For Transit Of The Panama Canal
1. Introduction
. The Panama Canal measurement system differs from
systems employed by the U.S. for the assignment of tonnages. As
the canal is self-supporting (i.e., all reasonable fees must be
exacted for its use), there are fewer allowances for exemptions
and deductions of spaces, resulting in higher gross and net
tonnages. Questions concerning the application or interpretation
of the Panama Canal Rules should be directed to Commandant
(G-MVI-5). Field measurers shall not
contact Panama Canal
Commssion authorities directly, except in emergencies.
2. Computations Of Displacement Tonnages
. Displacement tonnage is
determined from the arrival draft, as taken from the displacement
curves of a vessel. This is the tonnage used to determine the
toll charges for warships, floating drydocks, and dredges that
transit the Panama Canal. "Warships" are considered to be all
vessels of war (other than transports, colliers, hospital ships,
and supply ships) that are owned by a government and employed for
military or naval purposes.
3. Forwarding Of Panama Canal Certificates
. COMDTINST 16717.1B series
prescribes the procedures for forwarding Panama Canal Certificates
to the Panama Canal Commission. District commanders shall forward,
under cover letter, one copy of each Panama Canal Certificate
issued directly to the Panama Canal Commission, Canal Support
Division, Director of Admeasurement, APO Miami, FL 34011. In cases
of nonstandard types or first vessels of a new type, a set of
drawings as listed in 46 CFR 69.01-19(a)(1); (2), (3), and (4)
shall be included with a copy of the vessel's Form CC-1410.
K. Measurement For Transit Of the Suez Canal
. Special Suez Canal tonnage
regulations require that a Suez Canal Tonnage Certificate be presented
for transiting the canal. These tonnages are used as a basis for toll
collection. This system of measurement differs from the U.S. and
Panama Canal rules in several regards. Crew deductions are limited to
10 percent of the gross tonnage, propelling machinery allowances are
more liberal, and the treatment of excluded spaces is more
restrictive. The Suez Canal Regulations are located in the Suez Canal
Rules of Navigation, Part IV.
IEEE STD. 45-1983, UL, ETC. 3-6
3-6 NEC ART. 500 - TABLE 500-2(b) 3-23
TABLE 3-39
LOAD LINES, 1966 6-85