TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
The Perceptions of Users Regarding Multimedia Principles in Mobile-Based
Japanese Language Learning
Mohd Sofi Mohammad Ayub
University Putra Malaysia
Othman Talib
University Putra Malaysia
Nyet Moi Siew
Faculty of Psychology and Education, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, MALAYSIA
This study aimed to explore the perceptions of users regarding the use of seven multimedia principles in
mobile-based Japanese language learning. Students and lecturers expounded their views on these seven
multimedia principles: Generative Learning, Spatial Contiguity, Temporal Contiguity, Coherence,
Modality, Redundancy and Personalization. A single group with intervening mobile-based Japanese
language learning design was used to test each of the multimedia principles. The participants consisted of
62 undergraduates and three Multimedia lecturers. A mixed method approach was employed where
questionnaires and interviews were used as data collection tools. The findings revealed that a majority of
the respondents agreed that the multimedia principles were appropriate for application in mobile-based
Japanese language learning, except for the Personalization and Redundancy principles. The respondents
expressed the need for incorporating on-screen text and formal style text in a mobile learning
environment. The findings of this study can facilitate instructors and developers to develop an optimal
mobile-based learning experience for Japanese language learners.
KEYWORDS: Japanese language, Mobile-based learning, Principles of Multimedia.
Mobile-based learning has increased in popularity among kids, teenagers and adults. Mobile-based
learning is an education via the network using personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones
to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social interactions and online educational hubs. It is
flexible, allowing learners access to education anywhere and anytime. The development of mobile-based
learning apps has increased drastically with the aid of advances in multimedia to fulfil the needs of
targeted audiences or learners. Multimedia is the presentation of material using at least two of the
elements of sound (audio), text, still graphics, and motion graphics (visual) (Mayer, 2002). The purpose
of combining various types of media is to convey a message or information and to facilitate effective
learning among learners. Consequently, more and more mobile apps developers are integrating
multimedia into the learning apps to enrich the learning material. This has resulted in a progressive
mobile apps development in order to fulfil the requirements of modern learning needs and to reach the
high quality of multimedia material in mobile-based learning. However, to successfully deploy
multimedia in mobile-based learning environments, an effective approach is required to address the
multimedia issues jointly.
Previous research has unveiled the increasing complexity in the multimedia content (Rasiwasia, Costa
Pereira, Coviello, Doyle, Lanckriet, Levy, & Vasconcelos, 2010) as well as some pertinent issues in
designing effective multimedia-based instruction for education (Issa, Schuller, Santacaterina, Shapiro,
Wang, Mayer, & DaRosa, 2011). Most of these researches have reported issues of mismatch between
words and audio when the multimedia principles are applied in learning apps. In regards to these matters,
great effort is required to gather users’ perceptions in tandem with designing effective mobile-based
learning material. This study attempts to investigate the perception of users regarding the use of
multimedia principles in mobile-based learning.
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
The Concept and Importance of Multimedia Principles in Education
The seven principles of multimedia proposed by Mayer (2002) has been widely referred to in designing
multimedia learning materials. The seven principles are Generative Learning Principle, Spatial Contiguity
Principle, Temporal Contiguity Principle, Coherence Principle, Modality Principle, Redundancy
Principle, and Personalization Principle. The first principle, Generative Principle, suggests that learners
learn better with words and pictures than from words alone. This principle allows learners to visualize
ideas and connect concepts with the help of pictures (Malik & Agarwal, 2012). It also cautions that
learners are less likely to connect the words with other knowledge when words are used alone which
usually lead to shallow learning. The second principle, the Spatial Contiguity Principle, suggests that
learners learn better when the corresponding words and pictures are presented near to each other rather
than far apart on the page or screen. This principle helps to attract learners’ attention by visualizing the
messages when an image is placed next to the words. However, learners will need to visualize the content
using cognitive processing in order to understand the intended messages.
Next, the Temporal Contiguity Principle suggests that learners learn better when the corresponding
portions of the narration and animation are presented at the same time. This principle allows learners to
cope with the learning content by making mental connections simultaneously in their working memory.
However, narration could be used during the presentation followed by an animation in successive
presentation that allows the learner to have two separate exposures to the explanation rather than one. The
forth principle, the Coherence Principle, suggests that people learn better when extraneous words,
pictures and sound are excluded from multimedia messages. A simple and concise slide presentation
makes it easier for a learner to focus and read the content. Albeit, this principle is not applied to learners
who learn subjects that require complex action in multimedia such as biology or medicine which demands
extraneous information of a complex structure (Issa et al., 2011)
Modality Principle, the fifth principle, suggests that people learn better from words and pictures when the
words are spoken rather than printed. This principle allows the learner to easily convert information from
oral information for further information processing (Mayer & Moreno, 2003). However, the learners’
visual channel might become overloaded when both words and pictures are presented visually. The sixth
principle, Redundancy Principle, suggests that people learn better from graphics and narrations than from
graphics, narrations and on-screen text. This principle renders ease to the learners’ visual sensory while
watching for the main content while listening to the audio. However, people have separate channels for
processing verbal and visual material that causes learners to select only a little amount of information to
be processed at one time (Clark & Mayer, 2016). Lastly, the Personalization Principle suggests that
people learn better from a multimedia lesson when words are transmitted through a conversational style
compared to a formal style (Mayer, 2005, 2009). According to Moreno and Mayer (2000), using audio
that represents a friendly mood and environment will increase the learners’ interest. In this study, the
conversational style was engaged to the learners by using “I” and “you” (e.g.: “Next, I would like you to
click on your name”) instead of a third person in the formal style (e.g.: “Next, click on the name at the
According to Clark and Mayer (2016), well-designed multimedia messages help to enhance the learner’s
ability to absorb and assimilate learning material. Thus, in order to design an effective multimedia
instruction that promotes understanding among learners, it is crucial to be guided by relevant multimedia
principles based on how learners learn.
Past research has reported the increasing sophistication in multimedia content that is not matched with the
multimedia principles (Rasiwasia et al., 2010), as well as issues in designing an effective multimedia
instruction and applying multimedia design principles to enhance learning in medical education (Issa et
al., 2011). Meanwhile, in the mobile context of multimedia learning, many issues and challenges brought
by the emerging technologies remain unanswered in learning foreign languages. For example, users’
experiences have been identified as one key factor in designing mobile-based multimedia learning, but its
provision in learning foreign languages has not been explored thoroughly. The area concerned with
multimedia design which is to enable mobile-based learning in a foreign language and exploration of
users’ perception on mobile-based learning are explored thoroughly for the purpose of this research.
Purpose of Research
It is particularly important to address challenges in applying information and multimedia processing
techniques for mobile-based learning in a foreign language. As yet, little is known on how multimedia
principles are applied to mobile-based learning in foreign languages, and consensus among instructional
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
design researchers on how to design effective instructional messages across various media. In order to
comprehend these issues, effective ways of applying appropriate multimedia principles in mobile-based
learning are essential based on learners’ views and requirements. Thus, the impact of multimedia
principles to foreign language learners’ cognitive processing demands exploration in constructing a
meaningful mobile-based learning.
The Japanese language has long been regarded as one of the most difficult languages to learn (Miller,
1982). It is a challenge to learn Japanese due to the way the words are pronounced. and it involves three
writing styles: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Kanji words are the most difficult yet useful to learn
because in kanji one letter has several meanings, pronunciations and different writing style. Non-native
Japanese learners are only exposed to hiragana, katakana, and kanji through learning materials. It is
particularly important to address the challenges encountered by non-native Japanese learners in applying
the principles of multimedia in mobile-based learning. Therefore, this study attempts to investigate users’
perceptions regarding the principles of multimedia in a mobile-based Japanese language learning context.
The objective of this study was therefore to explore the perceptions of Malaysian learners regarding
Mayer’s seven principles of multimedia when studying the Japanese language in a mobile-based learning
environment. The learners in this study refers to university students and lecturers. The result of this study
could serve as a guide for educators to look into how multimedia principles work on mobile-based
learning which can assist students to generally learn a new foreign language. The findings of this study
will provide general ideas for instructors and designers to select and implement any of Mayer’s
Multimedia Principles which are considered as effective in mobile-based learning.
Research Questions
The research questions guiding this study is as below:
What are the perceptions of university students and lecturers regarding Mayer’s seven principles of
multimedia in mobile-based Japanese language learning?
Methodology of Research
Research Participants
The participants consisted of university lecturers (n=3) and undergraduates (n=62), both from the Faculty
of Creative Multimedia in a private Malaysian multimedia university. Purposive sampling was used in
combination with non-random sampling in order to identify participants who have background or basic
knowledge in the principles of multimedia. Selection of participants who possessed knowledge, ideas or
experiences relevant to the research would best help the researcher achieve the research objectives
(Creswell, 2003). The mean age of the students was 23 years. Of them, 36 were males and 26 were
females. The students were generally Malaysians from a multi-racial group of Chinese, Malay and Indian.
The lecturers were experts in multimedia, who have a vast of experiences in the teaching and developing
multimedia. Participation in the research was voluntary and individual responses were strictly
confidential. After the written permissions of the relevant authorities were obtained, the students and
lecturers’ written consent was obtained.
Research Instrument
A mixed method approach used qualitative and quantitative methods to address research objectives in this
study. Research instruments comprised of questionnaires (quantitative data) and interviews (qualitative
data). A seven-item questionnaire was developed and used to gain opinions from the students and
lecturers. Each item represented each respective principle in the Seven Principles of Multimedia and was
accompanied by a screenshot of apps. A sample of questionnaire items is shown in Figure 1.
I think that spoken words are needed when words are presented.
1) Strongly disagree
2) Disagree
3) Neither agree nor disagree
4) Agree
5) Strongly agree
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Figure 1: A sample of questionnaire items
All responses were entered on a five-point Likert scale ranging from (1) Strongly Disagree, (2) Disagree,
(3) Neither Agree or Disagree, (4) Agree to (5) Strongly Agree. Mean scores 3 refer to negative
perceptions toward the use of multimedia principles in mobile-based Japanese language learning. The
items in the questionnaire were reviewed by 25 students in a pilot study. The participants were asked to
detect errors, give feedback and critique the items in the questionnaire. Based on their feedback, the
questionnaire was improved.
Semi-structured interviews were conducted with Multimedia lecturers and students in order to gain a
deeper insight about their view point regarding the use of the Seven Principles of Multimedia in mobile-
based learning. Semi-structured interviews were conducted by referring to screenshots of apps for seven
principles of multimedia. An example of interview questions is shown in Table 1. The interview
questions were validated by two lecturers in the field of multimedia-learning during the pilot study.
Interviews were audio taped and transcribed.
Table 1: An example of interview questions
Multimedia Principle Interview Questions
Multimedia Principle A suggested that people
learn better from words and pictures rather than
from words alone.
1 (a): After you have gone through the lesson, by
presenting the words and picture together, what
do you think about it?
1 (b): In your opinion, how Multimedia Principle
A can help student learn Japanese language
Research Design
A single group with intervening mobile-based Japanese language learning design was used to test each of
the multimedia principles. The study utilized a ready-made free application available from iTunes named
‘Learn Japanese Easily’. This apps is available on
easily/id532810714?mt=8. The purpose of using the selected apps was because it had sufficient
multimedia elements to test the Seven Multimedia Principles in terms of words, pictures and audio.
Besides, the app is attractive, rich in colour and designed in a simple and neat way that would not
disorient the beginner learner. Learn Japanese Easily app also provides learners a relaxing and interactive
way of learning Japanese language. Learners can interact with the software by connecting words with
images to confirm their meaning.
The field study was administrated to two groups of undergraduates. The first group consisted of 22
students, while the second group consisted of 40 students. The participants, including the three lecturers
were exposed to Learn Japanese Easily app using smart phones and tablets. In addition, participants went
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
through each tutorial within the application. A total of two hours were used to run the lessons for each
participating group.
The administering of questionnaires was followed by showcasing three pictures of mobile apps’ screen
shots for each item. The questionnaires were completed within 10-15 minutes. Follow-up semi-structured
interviews were conducted with three lecturers, as well as 10 students who were randomly selected from
each group.
Validity and Reliability of Questionnaire
Both the pilot and field study were conducted by the researcher over a duration of two weeks, with the
assistance of the multimedia lecturers in order to ensure the accuracy of the principles used and to
increase the reliability of the study. Quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS Version 22.
Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the internal consistency of questionnaire. The Cronbach’s Alpha
coefficient of internal consistency was computed to determine the degree to which the items on the same
instrument, measure the same construct in order to produce a consistent result (Cohen, Manion, &
Morrison, 2007). Chua (2006) stated that an alpha value within 0.65 and 0.95 was considered satisfactory.
The alpha value of the questionnaire based upon the 25 undergraduates’ scores was 0.795. For an
instrument with only seven items, the value showed a satisfactory indication of internal consistency. The
Corrected Item-Total Correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficients After Each Item Was Deleted were
also calculated (Table 2). All the Corrected Item-Total Correlation was less than that Cronbach’s Alpha
Values if Item was Deleted. Consequently, this indicated that all the seven items contributed to the Seven
Principles of Multimedia in the instrument.
Table 2. Corrected Item-Total Correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha if Item was Deleted
Item Corrected Item-Total Correlation Cronbach's Alpha if Item was Deleted
1 .446 .592
2 .403 .598
3 .392 .600
Secondly, the internal consistency analysis was conducted to examine item-total correlations and inter-
item correlations. The item-total correlations varied from 0.25 to 0.69 (Table 3). According to
Büyüköztürk (2014), item-total correlations with 0.3 and above is considered acceptable. Overall, there
was a significant, weak to moderate and positive correlation between items and total scores. On the other
hand, the inter-item correlations varied from a weak 0.017 (between Item Five and Item Seven) to a
moderate 0.43 (between Item Three and Item Four). According to Clark and Watson (1995), average
inter-item correlations should fall somewhere between .15 and .50. Overall, there was a significant, weak
to moderate and positive correlation between test items, except items 5 and 6. Thus, items 5 and 6 were
revised in terms of wording as shown in Table 4. The initial items 5 and 6 were phrased as ‘I learn better
if the spoken word is presented’ and ‘I think animation and the spoken words are sufficient in the app’,
Table 3. Correlation Coefficients between Items as well as Item and Total Scores
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7
Correlation Item 1
1.000 .314* .311* .192 .38 .136 .368**
Item 2
.314 1.000 .272* .220 -.041 -.050 .295*
Item 3
.311* .272* 1.000 .431** -.026 -.071 .318**
Item 4
.192 .220 .431* 1.000 .092 .117 .324**
Item 5
.038 -.041 -.026 .092 1.000 .108 .017
Item 6
.136 -.050 -.071 .117 .108 1.000 .068
Item 7
.368** .295* .318** .324** .017 .068 1.000
.583** .594** .604** .595** .249* .327** .651**
Sig. (2-tailed) Item 1
- .011 .012 .126 .762 .282 .003
Item 2
.011 1.000 .029 .079 .743 .694 .017
Item 3
.012 .029 1.000 .000 .834 .572 .010
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Item 4
.126 .079 .000 1.000 .467 .351 .008
Item 5
.762 .743 .834 .467 1.000 .383 .894
Item 6
.282 .694 .572 .351 .393 1.000 .581
Item 7
.003 .017 .010 .008 .894 .591 1.000
.000 .000 .000 .000 .045 .008 .000
*. Correlation is significant at the .05 level (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the .01 level (2-tailed)
Results of Research
Findings from the Quantitative Data (Questionnaire)
The results shown in Table 4 below are based on the perceptions of 62 students and 3 lecturers regarding
the Seven Principles of Multimedia in mobile-based Japanese language learning: Generative Learning,
Spatial Contiguity, Temporal Contiguity, Coherence, Modality, Redundancy and Personalization. For the
purpose of discussion, Strongly Disagree (SD) and Disagree (D) are stated as “disagree”, Agree (A) and
Strongly Agree (SA) as “agree”, while “Neither Agree or Disagree” is maintained.
Table 4. Summary of Percentage, Means and Standard Deviations of Questionnaire Responses
Item Strong
Agree or
% (N = 65)
1 The pictures and words help me
to learn faster about the content.
46 54 - - - 4.4
2 The location of the pictures and
words help me to learn the
content better.
19 70 11 - - 4.0
3 By presenting words, pictures,
and pronunciation at the same
time, I understand the language
37 52 11 - - 4.2
4 A simple presentation like
‘next’, ‘previous’, ‘repeat’ and
‘exit’ elements are necessary
when learning the Japanese
language in this apps.
43 57 - - - 4.4
5 I think that spoken words are
needed when words are
50 49 1 - - 4.6
6 I think that on-screen text is
needed with the narration in the
43 48 9 - - 4.3
7 I think the formal style instead
of conversational style, helps
me to listen and to speak
Japanese sentences better.
62 34 4 - - 4.5
The results show that all respondents agreed that, i) the pictures and words help them to learn faster about
the content (Generative Learning Principle), and that ii) ‘next’, ‘previous’, ‘repeat’ and ‘exit’ elements are
necessary when learning the Japanese language in this app (Coherence Principle). Almost all respondents
(99% and 96% respectively) agreed that the spoken texts are needed when words are presented (Modality
Principle), and the formal style helps them to listen and to utter Japanese sentences better (violation of
Personalization Principle). A total of 91% agreed that on-screen text is needed for the narration in the
apps (violation of Redundancy Principle). On the other hand, a total of 89% agreed that i) the location of
the pictures and words help them to learn the content better (Spatial Contiguity Principle), and ii) the
simultaneous presentation of words, pictures and pronunciation helps them to understand the language
faster (Temporal Contiguity Principle). None of the respondents disagreed with the use of the Seven
Principles of Multimedia in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Findings from the Qualitative Data (Interviews)
The interview data were analyzed to ascertain whether the responses from the respondents matched the
ideas put forward in the questionnaire. The abbreviations used for the analysis are: “S” represents
Student, “L represents Lecturer, “G1” represents Group 1, and ‘G2’ represents Group 2. The findings on
each principle is described as below.
The Redundancy Principle. According to the Redundancy Principle proposed by Mayer and Moreno
(2003), learning is diminished if animation, narration and on-screen text are used together. However, the
majority of respondents in this study found that this principle was inapplicable in mobile-based Japanese
language learning. Both lecturers and students believed that on-screen text would allow students to learn
better in terms of understanding by reading the delivered information in text especially in a foreign
language. The respondents further insisted that listening alone would make it difficult for a beginner to
catch up. Sample responses include:
“For the learning purpose, on-screen text allows students to understand the lesson better”
(S10, G2; L01); “ the context of foreign language just by listening is hard to catch up”
(S2, G1); “..student tend to read, especially when they can’t catch up or understand spoken
words of narration” (L02); “...even with all the design of motional form of pictures in and
out, people still tend to read the subtitle without looking at the animation which perhaps will
present the most information” (L03).
Besides, both lecturers and students agreed that this principle will come into play when the spoken words
or audio are not working properly.
“ is a good thing to have on screen text especially when the audio is not that clear, or
having lost for catching up the spoken words” (L01); I might mishear from audio, so I really
need screen text on this apps” (S22, G2).
This principle is mainly to allow young learners to reach the highest focus in learning. The findings of
this study, however, did not support this principle as claimed by both lecturers and students. Thus, the
Redundancy Principle was discovered to be inapplicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
The Principal of Personalization. The Personalization principle suggests that people learn better from a
multimedia lesson when words are presented in a conversational style rather than formal style. The study
found that two out of the three lecturers felt that this principle was inapplicable. The lecturers believed
this principle should not be applied in mobile learning unless it could provide clear and ample instruction
for learners to follow and learn. A majority of students felt that words presented in the formal style was
sufficient for them to learn, as it would not complicate or distort the text. Below are some of their
“This application is friendly enough, no need conversational words in learning” (S41, G1);
“It is straight forward, easy for me to understand”. (S13, G1); “Formal is ok, simple and
easy to catch up (S21, G1; S34, G2); “As long as navigation is allowed, formal is ok” (S32,
Nonetheless, both lecturers and students in this study believed that this principle was applicable in video
learning in creating a warm and friendly environment.
“Will be more friendly if conversation is inside the video” (S04, G1); “Conversation creates
a warm environment in video learning” (S03, G2); “It gives better experience to users to
connect with the lessons using video” (S22, G2).
This principle is mainly to assist students’ learning by creating and stimulating the learning environment,
with the main objective of building a connection between the lesson and the learner. However, this study
does not support this principle as claimed by students since they could accept a formal style of presenting
words. Students preferred a straight forward and fast type of learning, which allowed them to easily read
and not overload their cognitive processing. Thus, this principle was recognized as not applicable in
mobile-based Japanese language learning.
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
Principle of Generative Learning Theory. This principle suggests that students learn better when they
are presented with a combination of words and pictures rather than with words or pictures alone. From the
perspectives of both students and lecturers, it was found that they strongly agreed with this principle.
According to lecturers, they were able to memorize the kanji word for “apple” when they saw the picture
of an apple. The pictures helped in visualizing and remembering the learning process much easier, while
the text displayed pronunciations in English to encourage proper pronunciation. Besides, students also
agreed that they needed to have a picture paired together with a word to learn better compared to using
words alone. The combination of words and pictures allowed the students to detect the correct name of an
animal when the picture of an animal was presented to him or her. Their responses included:
“The pictures of the objects helped me to remember the words” (S11, G1); “…by
presenting the words and picture together, it will help me to identify the Japanese words
better” (L02); “…since I’m not familiar with the Japanese words or language, the words
will help me to pronounce, while images will support in visualising the words” (L03);
“By placing words and pictures together, it will allow students to identify the name of the
animal” (L01).
Participants also remarked that the pictures helped them visualise the words and their meanings. In their
“The Japanese words are hard to learn. Pictures help me to visualise the words” (S40,
G2); “Images does help visualize and memorize the words better” (S11, G1); “I can
relate it with my memory after seeing the picture” (S14, G1); “I need pictures to display
the definition” (S27, G2); “I need pictures because the hardest part in Japanese is words
and its pronunciation(S34, G2); “Picture helps to give a clearer view of the terms”
(S30, G2); “Pictures show me the meaning of words” (S11, G1).
This principle aided students in building links between pictures and words. However, if words alone were
presented, the learner could only build a “verbal” mental representation, but hardly build a “visual”
mental representation. This principle is mainly to assist students’ learning by understanding what the
verbs are and by mentally visualizing the content when the words are presented as per agreed by lecturers.
Therefore, when developing multimedia materials for language learning, both words and pictures should
be included. Thus, this principle was found applicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
Principle of Spatial Contiguity. This principle suggests that students learn better when words and
pictures are presented near to each other rather than being placed apart. Both the students and lecturers
found this principle to be applicable. According to lecturers, this principle helped them to relate and link
both elements together as a single item. They further added this will help them in remembering and
memorizing the text much better. As for students, this principle helped them to locate the picture easily as
they tended to have a habit of referring to the nearest picture. Students were eager to know the visual
form of the texts they read. According to the students, looking at the nearest picture will help them to
understand the written words much faster. Besides, students were easily attracted to an interesting or even
just a simple picture that was presented near to the words. They will look at the picture first before the
words. Sample responses include:
“When looking at the pictures and words that are near to each other, I’m able to relate
the two items together as one” (L01); “Since I’m not familiar with Japanese language, by
presenting the images near to the words will help me to remember the text better” (L03);
“Pictures and words are noticeable when they are near” (S32, G2); “When I read the
text, I need to know the visual form of the words” (S12, G2);
“When I read the words, I
will immediately look at the nearest picture” (S10, G1); “I learn faster when pictures are
placed near to the words” (S11, G1).
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
From this study, it is also found that the pictures play an important role to attract student’s attention to
prevent boredom while the reading of texts. From there, students were capable to foresee and construct
relationships between pictures and the text. This principle aims to relate the connection of verbs and
visuals when placing pictures beside words as agreed by lecturers. Besides, learners can locate the picture
easily as a visual aid in their learning. Therefore, when developing multimedia materials, words and
pictures should be placed near to each other to allow learners to identify the connection between the
pictures and words. Thus, this principle was found applicable in mobile-based Japanese language
Principle of Temporal Contiguity. This principle suggests that students learn better when words and
pictures are presented together rather than in succession. Both the students and lecturers found this
principle to be applicable. Both lecturers and students agreed that this principle would help them to see
the connection between the picture and words as a whole. From there, students were able to perceive the
information faster while visualizing the images in their mind. From the mobile learning lesson, students
were found to be able to identify the words easily by recalling the picture as a whole as they could view
the single page from the mobile content. Feedback included:
“Engaging words and pictures at the same time make me understand better” (S24, G2);
“From the single page, I get to know what I see” (L3); “It is easier to understand when I
see the whole page” (S28, G2); “I can easily relate the pictures to words at the same
time” (S12, G1);I prefer to see the words and pictures appear as a whole” (S08, G1);
“My brain is able to understand quickly when seeing the whole texts with pictures”
(S12, G1); “It is better to show up together for our viewing and understanding” (S14,
G1); “Help me to understand the content in instant” (S14, G1); “Single glance help me
to link the words with the pictures” (L2).
This principle aims to relate the connection of verbs and the visual together as one. When developing
multimedia material, the words and pictures should be presented as a whole instead of in succession.
Thus, this principle was found applicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
Principle of Coherence. The principle of Coherence suggests that students learn better when extraneous
words, pictures and sounds are excluded from the multimedia message rather than to include them. Both
students and lecturers found this principle was applicable. Lecturers believed that eliminating extraneous
multimedia element inside the multimedia presentation would make the learning process more focused
with less distracting elements on the main content. In addition, they said that the added irrelevant images
would only disrupt the concentration of students. They noted that:
“Eliminating extraneous multimedia element from the presentation will make the learning
more focused” (L01);“..student has limited capability to absorb information and to focus
on content information for a longer period. It will be best to avoid complicated content
for learners” (L02);“..if adding an irrelevant images, concentration will be distracted”
Students also shared parallel views with the lecturers regarding this principle as they would love to learn
from more straight-forward and simple content. According to the students, they would rather avoid
heavy-visually loaded information. Besides, students do not like unorganized and chaotic multimedia
presentation. The students agreed that a simple design with minimal elements would help in directing
them to the point of content. Below are some of their comments:
“It is good to keep as simple as possible. Minimal elements help learner to learn straight
to the point” (S02, G1); “Make the apps easier to use and straight forward” (S13, G2);
“These simple function and elements are necessary to have inside the content for modern
apps” (S05, G1); “It is good as it is not complicated” (S20, G1); “The picture is in the
centre and organized. It is at the right position for us to view”
(S13, G1).
Overall, the findings suggest that irrelevant words and pictures should be excluded when developing
multimedia material. This principle aimed to reduce an overload of cognitive processing. Thus, this
principle was found applicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
The Modality Principle. The principle of Modality suggests words to be presented as speech rather than
on-screen text. This principle claims that student’s learning is enhanced when the speech narration is used
inside the presentation. Both students and lecturers in the study found this principle applicable. Based on
the collective experience in this study, participants were inclined to remember the names of the animals
easily when they listened to verbal pronunciations at the same time. The lecturers asserted it was a good
way to learn while listening to the verbal utterances from the audio at the same time. The spoken words
help to navigate the learners to become better readers which contributes to better focus on the content. It
also works as an alternative option for the vision when the visual input is overloaded. Related responses
“Our mind need the sense of hearing to remember faster(S13, G1); “When the words
are spoken, I can remember the names of the animal better” (L02); “.. it helps to direct
me to the information of the slide by reading and listening at same time” (S02, G1);
Spoken words will help me in focusing the content of learning when I’m about to lose
concentration of eye sight.” (S03, G1); “.. people tend to hear and see … it is a good way
to learn when hearing and watching on screen” (S13, G1).
Besides, the lecturers agreed that this principle should be applied in language learning, as it mainly
aims on the production of correct pronunciation especially in the foreign language. Students
expressed that sound enhances their learning in the context of learning a foreign language. In
addition, they learned to have better enunciation and make correct pronunciations through the
lesson. Since the students were novice learners, the verbally uttered words definitely helped them
to learn better. They commented:
“ students to get a proper and better pronunciation of the words than just reading
it” (L01); “I need sound for learning foreign language” (S40, G2); “The audio helps me
to pronounce the words correctly” (S01, G1); “It is a lot easier to pronounce the words
when someone has said it correctly” (S14, G1); “Our brain can easily learn with visual
and sound” (G32, G2); “It will make me focus on the learning” (S12, G1); “I might
misread, so I need sound” (S38, G2); “A must because it shows us how to pronounce
correctly” (S10, G1).
Spoken words also attract and create fun in a multimedia lesson to avoid a dull learning experience.
Students learned better when verbal input was presented as speech rather than just as text alone.
“The Japanese pronunciation is weird but fun to hear” (S14, G1); “Audio make the
lesson more enjoyable to learn” (S12, G1); “More fun when hearing the pronunciation of
Japanese” (S15, G2); “Motivate me to catch up and speak together” (S15, G1);
“Listening to sound is more fun” (S21, G2); “…so that user won’t get bored” (S10, G1);
“Make the apps more interesting” (S16, G1); “It will grab my attention for sure” (S05,
Based on the results, a meaningful learning experience can be achieved when learners are able to build
connections between corresponding visual and verbal representations. In conclusion, it is necessary to
incorporate spoken words to support learners’ acts of listening while they read texts to help them focus
and understand the lesson better. This principle aims to support learning using sound as a learning aid.
Thus, this principle was categorized as applicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning.
The research stipulates that the Seven Principles of Multimedia are applicable in the context of mobile-
based Japanese language learning based on the students’ perspectives in the questionnaire, except for the
Personalization and Redundancy principles. The findings from the interviews similarly revealed that a
majority of the students and lecturers disclosed that the Redundancy and Personalization principles were
unsuitable for the mobile-based Japanese language learning.
The Redundancy Principle suggests that learners focus on a single processing system in selecting
information so that they can attain maximum focus in learning. However, both lecturers and students
stressed the need for on-screen text, other than animation and narration to be displayed in a mobile-
learning environment. Particularly, beginner learners emphasized the need of the texts to display the
TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – July 2018, volume 17 issue 3
Copyright © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology
pronunciation and definition of kanji words upon seeing the picture and listening to the pronunciation in
order to help them learn better. They found that listening to mobile audios are not enough because they
may not be entirely clear. The findings were inconsistent with previous researches (Mayer, Heiser, &
Lonn, 2001; Moreno & Mayer, 2002) that on-screen text can overload the visual channel by presenting
too much information for visual working memory to process simultaneously.
Meanwhile, the personalization principle aims to assist students’ learning by creating and stimulating the
learning environment, which involves building connections between the lesson and the learner. Previous
research on the personalization principle in multimedia learning (Kurt, 2011) found that conversational
style used in the software motivated learners to study and feel as if they were talking to a human. Yet, the
learning performance of this condition did not really reflect the users’ needs in the mobile-based Japanese
language learning environment. The participants felt that the content would be too packed and complex if
the conversational style text was applied in the mobile. Students also preferred the straight forward formal
style text in their lesson instead of reading a lot of friendly conversational texts in the mobile context.
They agreed that a simple designed mobile environment will decrease the mental load for cognitive
In summary, the research findings conclude that only five multimedia principles of Mayer (2002) were
found applicable in mobile-based Japanese language learning. These multimedia principles were
Generative Learning Principle, Spatial Contiguity Principle, Temporal Contiguity Principle, Coherence
Principle, and Modality Principle.
It is necessary to identify the multimedia principles which deserve to be included with proper
instructional method before developing the mobile learning material. It is important to refer to experts
such as Multimedia lecturers or instructors before proceeding with the implementation of the principles in
the mobile learning material. Careful consideration of these principles enables instructors to form the
basis of an implementation strategy for using mobile technology, which can offer the best manner for
optimal learning. Adding screen texts during the narration does potentially improve students’ learning,
but its uses should be based on cognitive theory and intended language users.
This research shows that images and sounds possess great potential to improve human learning,
especially when the goal is to promote deep understanding. However, in order to effectively use them, it
is necessary in future research to investigate how people learn from pictorial and verbal media. The seven
principles are based on a cognitive theory of multimedia learning and were tested by previous rigorous
experimental studies. Yet, the seven principles should not be taken as rigid procedures to be followed in
all situations. Instead, for future study, it is suggested that researchers employ a study which investigates
how multimedia presentations should be designed to promote the cognitive processes, which involved
meaningful learning. Finally, more scrutiny and research is required in the area of multimedia education
so that its design and content reach the standards of educational procedure with add-on edutainment.
Despite the focus on multimedia principles used in a mobile-based learning environment for adult
learners in this study, it can also be applied to all levels in education and carried-out within different age
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