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U/OO/115131-21 | PP-21-0191 | February 2021 Ver. 1.0
National Security Agency | Cybersecurity Information
Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Executive Summary
As cybersecurity professionals defend increasingly dispersed and complex enterprise networks from sophisticated cyber
threats, embracing a Zero Trust security model and the mindset necessary to deploy and operate a system engineered
according to Zero Trust principles can better position them to secure sensitive data, systems, and services.
Zero Trust is a security model, a set of system design principles, and a coordinated cybersecurity and system
management strategy based on an acknowledgement that threats exist both inside and outside traditional network
boundaries. The Zero Trust security model eliminates implicit trust in any one element, node, or service and instead
requires continuous verification of the operational picture via real-time information fed from multiple sources to determine
access and other system responses.
The Zero Trust security model assumes that a breach is inevitable or has likely already occurred, so it constantly limits
access to only what is needed and looks for anomalous or malicious activity. Zero Trust embeds comprehensive security
monitoring; granular risk-based access controls; and system security automation in a coordinated manner throughout all
aspects of the infrastructure in order to focus on protecting critical assets (data) in real-time within a dynamic threat
environment. This data-centric security model allows the concept of least-privileged access to be applied for every access
decision, allowing or denying access to resources based on the combination of several contextual factors.
Systems that are designed using Zero Trust principals should be better positioned to address existing threats, but
transitioning to such a system requires careful planning to avoid weakening the security posture along the way. NSA
continues to monitor the technologies that can contribute to a Zero Trust solution and will provide additional guidance as
To be fully effective to minimize risk and enable robust and timely responses, Zero Trust principles and concepts must
permeate most aspects of the network and its operations ecosystem. Organizations, from chief executive to engineer and
operator, must understand and commit to the Zero Trust mindset before embarking on a Zero Trust path.
The following cybersecurity guidance explains the Zero Trust security model and its benefits, as well as challenges for
implementation. It discusses the importance of building a detailed strategy, dedicating the necessary resources, maturing
the implementation, and fully committing to the Zero Trust model to achieve the desired results. The following
recommendations will assist cybersecurity leaders, enterprise network owners, and administrators who are considering
embracing this modern cybersecurity model.
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NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Falling behind
Today’s IT landscape is empowered by a connected world that is more susceptible to malicious activity due to its
connectedness, user diversity, wealth of devices, and globally distributed applications and services. Systems and users
require simple and secure methods of connecting and interacting with organizational resources, while also keeping
malicious actors at bay. The increasing complexity of current and emerging cloud, multi-cloud, and hybrid network
environments combined with the rapidly escalating and evolving nature of adversary threats has exposed the lack of
effectiveness of traditional network cybersecurity defenses. Traditional perimeter-based network defenses with multiple
layers of disjointed security technologies have proven themselves to be unable to meet the cybersecurity needs due to the
current threat environment. Contemporary threat actors, from cyber criminals to nation-state actors, have become more
persistent, more stealthy, and more subtle; thus, they demonstrate an ability to penetrate network perimeter defenses with
regularity. These threat actors, as well as insider threat actors, have succeeded in leveraging their access to endanger
and inflict harm on national and economic security. Even the most skilled cybersecurity professionals are challenged
when defending dispersed enterprise networks from ever more sophisticated cyber threats. Organizations need a better
way to secure their infrastructure and provide unified-yet-granular access control to data, services, applications, and
By implementing a modern cybersecurity strategy that integrates visibility from multiple vantage points, makes risk-aware
access decisions, and automates detection and response actions, network defenders will be in a much better position to
secure sensitive data, systems, applications, and services. Zero Trust is an “assumed breach security model that is
meant to guide cybersecurity architects, integrators, and implementers in integrating disparate but related cybersecurity
capabilities into a cohesive engine for cybersecurity decision-making. However, to be fully effective, Zero Trust principles
need to permeate most aspects of the network and its operations ecosystem to minimize risk and enable robust and
timely responses. Organizations that choose to migrate to a Zero Trust solution should fully embrace this security model
and the mindset necessary for planning, resourcing, and operating under this security model to achieve the cybersecurity
outcomes that a Zero Trust solution can deliver [1] [2].
Increasingly sophisticated threats
Embracing a Zero Trust security model, and re-engineering an existing information system based on this security model,
is a strategic effort that will take time to achieve full benefits. It is not a tactical mitigation response to new adversary tools,
tactics, and techniques. However, several recent, highly publicized system breaches have exposed widespread
vulnerabilities in systems, as well as deficiencies in system management and defensive network operations. These
incidents show that purely tactical responses are often insufficient. A mature Zero Trust environment will afford
cybersecurity defenders more opportunities to detect novel threat actors, and more response options that can be quickly
deployed to address sophisticated threats. Adopting the mindset required to successfully operate a Zero Trust
environment will further sensitize cybersecurity defenders to recognize ever more subtle threat indicators. Tactical
responses will likely still be necessary even in a Zero Trust environment, but with the appropriate security model, mindset,
and response tools, defenders can begin to react effectively to increasingly sophisticated threats.
What is Zero Trust?
Zero Trust is a security model, a set of system design principles, and a coordinated cybersecurity and system
management strategy based on an acknowledgement that threats exist both inside and outside traditional network
boundaries. Zero Trust repeatedly questions the premise that users, devices, and network components should be
implicitly trusted based on their location within the network. Zero Trust embeds comprehensive security monitoring;
granular, dynamic, and risk-based access controls; and system security automation in a coordinated manner throughout
all aspects of the infrastructure in order to focus specifically on protecting critical assets (data) in real-time within a
dynamic threat environment. This data-centric security model allows the concept of least privileged access to be applied
for every access decision, where the answers to the questions of who, what, when, where, and how are critical for
appropriately allowing or denying access to resources [3].
NSA strongly recommends that a Zero Trust security model be considered for critical networks to include National
Security Systems (NSS), Department of Defense (DoD) networks, and Defense Industrial Base (DIB) systems. Integrating
U/OO/115131-21 | PP-21-0191 | February 2021 Ver. 1.0
NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
these principles within certain environments, especially within a large enterprise, can become complicated. To address
these challenges, NSA is developing additional guidance to organize, guide, and simplify the Zero Trust design approach.
Adopt a Zero Trust mindset
To adequately address the modern dynamic threat environment requires:
Coordinated and aggressive system monitoring, system management, and defensive operations capabilities.
Assuming all requests for critical resources and all network traffic may be malicious.
Assuming all devices and infrastructure may be compromised.
Accepting that all access approvals to critical resources incur risk, and being prepared to perform rapid damage
assessment, control, and recovery operations.
Embrace Zero Trust guiding principles
A Zero Trust solution requires operational capabilities that:
Never trust, always verify Treat every user, device, application/workload, and data flow as untrusted.
Authenticate and explicitly authorize each to the least privilege required using dynamic security policies.
Assume breach Consciously operate and defend resources with the assumption that an adversary already has
presence within the environment. Deny by default and heavily scrutinize all users, devices, data flows, and requests
for access. Log, inspect, and continuously monitor all configuration changes, resource accesses, and network traffic
for suspicious activity.
Verify explicitly Access to all resources should be conducted in a consistent and secure manner using multiple
attributes (dynamic and static) to derive confidence levels for contextual access decisions to resources.
Leverage Zero Trust design concepts
When designing a Zero Trust solution:
Define mission outcomes Derive the Zero Trust architecture from organization-specific mission requirements
that identify the critical Data/Assets/Applications/Services (DAAS).
Architect from the inside out First, focus on protecting critical DAAS. Second, secure all paths to access them.
Determine who/what needs access to the DAAS to create access control policies Create security policies
and apply them consistently across all environments (LAN, WAN, endpoint, perimeter, mobile, etc.).
Inspect and log all traffic before acting Establish full visibility of all activity across all layers from endpoints and
the network to enable analytics that can detect suspicious activity.
Examples of Zero Trust in use
The fundamental purpose of Zero Trust is to understand and control how users, processes, and devices engage with
data. The combination of the user, device, and any other security-relevant contextual information (e.g., location, time of
day, previous logged behavior of the user or device) to be used to make an access decision is called a tuple. As part of
this tuple, explicit authentication of both the user and the device is required to have reliable information in the tuple. The
Zero Trust decision engine examines the tuple in the access request and compares that to the security policy for the data
or resource being requested. It then makes a risk-informed decision on whether to allow access and sends a log entry of
that access request and decision to be part of future suspicious activity analytics. This process is conducted for every
individual access request to each sensitive resource and can be repeated periodically during extended access to a
The following are a few example cases where a mature Zero Trust implementation can detect malicious activity better
than a traditional architecture usually can.
Compromised user credentials
In this example, a malicious cyber actor compromises a legitimate user’s credentials and attempts to access
organizational resources. In this case, the malicious actor is using an unauthorized device, either through remote access
U/OO/115131-21 | PP-21-0191 | February 2021 Ver. 1.0
NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
or with a rogue device joining the organization’s wireless LAN. In a traditional network the user’s credentials alone are
often sufficient to grant access, but in a Zero Trust environment the device is not known, so the device fails authentication
and authorization checks and so access is denied and the malicious activity is logged. In addition, Zero Trust requires
strong authentication for user and device identities. Use of strong multi-factor authentication of users, which is
recommended for Zero Trust environments, can make stealing the user’s credentials more difficult in the first place.
Remote exploitation or insider threat
In this example, a malicious cyber actor compromises a user’s device through an Internet-based mobile code exploit. Or,
the actor is an inside authorized user with malicious intentions. In a typical, non-Zero Trust scenario, the actor uses the
user’s credentials, enumerates the network, escalates privileges, and moves laterally through the network to compromise
vast stores of data and, ultimately, persist. In a Zero Trust network, the compromised user’s credentials and the device
are already assumed to be malicious until proven otherwise, and the network is segmented, limiting both enumeration and
lateral movement opportunities. While the malicious actor can authenticate as both the user and the device, access to
data will be limited based on security policy, user role, and the user and device attributes. In a mature Zero Trust
environment, data encryption and digital rights management may offer additional protections by limiting which data can be
accessed and the actions that can be taken with the sensitive data even if access was allowed. Further, analytic
capabilities continuously monitor for anomalous activity in accounts, devices, network activity, and data access. While a
level of compromise occurs in this scenario, damage is limited and the time for defensive systems to detect and initiate
appropriate mitigating responses is greatly reduced.
Figure 1: Example of Zero Trust remote exploitation scenarios where most
attempts would have been successful in non-Zero Trust environments.
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NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Compromised supply chain
In this example, a malicious actor embeds malicious code in a popular enterprise network device or application. The
device or application is maintained and regularly updated on the organization’s network in accordance with best practices.
In a traditional network architecture, this device or application would be internal and fully trusted. While this type of
compromise can be particularly severe because it is implicitly so trusted, in a mature implementation of a Zero Trust
architecture, real defensive cybersecurity benefits are obtained since the device or application would not be inherently
trusted. Its privileges and access to data would be tightly controlled, minimized, and monitored; segmentation (macro and
micro) would be enforced by policy; and analytics would be used to monitor for anomalous activity. In addition, while the
device may be able to download signed application updates (malicious or not), the device’s allowed network connections
under a Zero Trust design would employ a deny-by-default security policy, so any attempt to connect to other remote
addresses for command and control would likely be blocked. Also, network monitoring could detect and block attempted
lateral movement from the device or an application not associated with an authorized access request.
Zero Trust maturity
Implementing Zero Trust takes time and effort: it cannot be implemented overnight. For many networks, existing
infrastructure can be leveraged and integrated to incorporate Zero Trust concepts, but the transition to a mature Zero
Trust architecture often requires additional capabilities to obtain the full benefits of a Zero Trust environment. Transitioning
to a mature Zero Trust architecture all at once is also not necessary. Incorporating Zero Trust functionality incrementally
as part of a strategic plan can reduce risk accordingly at each step. As the Zero Trust implementation matures over time,
enhanced visibility and automated responses allow defenders to keep pace with the threat.
NSA recommends embracing the Zero Trust security model when considering how to integrate Zero Trust concepts into
an existing environment. Zero Trust efforts should be planned out as a continually maturing roadmap, from initial
preparation to basic, intermediate, and advanced stages, with cybersecurity protection, response, and operations
improving over time.
Figure 2: Maturing a Zero Trust implementation
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NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Potential challenges on the path to Zero Trust
When implementing Zero Trust in enterprise networks, several challenges may arise that reduce the effectiveness of the
solution. The first potential challenge is a lack of full support throughout the enterprise, possibly from leadership,
administrators, or users. The mindset required for Zero Trust must be embraced fully for any solution to be successful. If
leaders are unwilling to spend the necessary resources to build and sustain it, if administrators and network defenders do
not have buy-in or the requisite expertise, or if users are allowed to circumvent the policies, then the benefits of Zero Trust
will not be realized in that environment. Once even basic or intermediate Zero Trust capabilities are integrated into a
network, follow-through is necessary to mature the implementation and achieve full benefits [4].
With the pervasive need for Zero Trust concepts to be applied throughout the environment, scalability of the capabilities is
essential. Access control decisions that may have only occurred once for each access previously will now be performed
continuously as access to the resource is used, requiring a robust infrastructure for making, enforcing, and then logging
these access decisions. In addition, elements of the network that previously were not part of access control decisions may
become essential elements whose reliability and consistent use are required, such as data tags and additional network
Persistent adherence to the mindset, and application of the Zero Trust security model over time is also a key requirement.
Administrators and defenders may become fatigued with constantly applying default-deny security policies and always
assuming a breach is occurring, but if the Zero Trust approach falters, then its cybersecurity benefits become significantly
degraded or eliminated.
Carefully minimizing embedded trust empowers a more secure mission
The ever-increasing complexity of network environments and the ability of adversaries to compromise them requires a
change in defensive focus. The Zero Trust mindset focuses on securing critical data and access paths by eliminating trust
as much as possible, coupled with verifying and regularly re-verifying every allowed access. However, implementing Zero
Trust should not be undertaken lightly and will require significant resources and persistence to achieve. When properly
and fully implemented, Zero Trust should be able to prevent, detect, and contain intrusions significantly faster and more
effectively than traditional, less integrated cybersecurity architectures and approaches.
Further guidance
NSA is assisting DoD customers in piloting Zero Trust systems, coordinating activities with existing NSS and DoD
programs, and developing additional Zero Trust guidance to support system developers through the challenges of
integrating Zero Trust within NSS, DoD, and DIB environments. Upcoming additional guidance will help organize, guide,
and simplify incorporating Zero Trust principles and designs into enterprise networks. The National Institute of Standards
and Technology also has related Zero Trust architecture guidance [3].
Supplementary NSA guidance on ensuring a secure and defensible network environment is available at Of particular relevance are:
NSA’s Top Ten Cybersecurity Mitigation Strategies
Defend Privileges and Accounts
Continuously Hunt for Network Intrusions
Segment Networks and Deploy Application-aware Defenses
Transition to Multi-factor Authentication
Actively Manage Systems and Configurations
Performing Out-of-Band Network Management
Hardening SIEM Solutions
Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities
U/OO/115131-21 | PP-21-0191 | February 2021 Ver. 1.0
NSA | Embracing a Zero Trust Security Model
Works Cited
[1] Department of Defense (2019), DoD Digital Modernization Strategy. Available at:
[2] Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (2021), FY 2020 Annual Report. Available at:
[3] National Institute of Standards and Technology (2020), Special Publication 800-207: Zero Trust Architecture. Available at:
[4] Institute for Defense Analysis (2015), In-Use and Emerging Disruptive Technology Trends. Available at:
Disclaimer of Endorsement
The information and opinions contained in this document are provided "as is" and without any warranties or guarantees. Reference herein to any specific
commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government, and this guidance shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.
This document was developed in furtherance of NSA’s cybersecurity missions, including its responsibilities to identify and disseminate threats to
National Security Systems, Department of Defense, and Defense Industrial Base information systems, and to develop and issue cybersecurity
specifications and mitigations. This information may be shared broadly to reach all appropriate stakeholders.
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