Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology
Using a Blackboard Architecture
in a Web Application
Christiane Metzner, Leonardo Cortez, and Doritza Chacín
Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas Venezuela, cor[email protected],
In this work we discuss the development of a web application in the domain of movie chains us-
ing a Blackboard architecture, which is a well-established style for solving the problem of con-
trol, communication and collaboration in a system; it has traditionally been accepted as adequate
for heuristic problem solving though not generally used for web applications. We present and dis-
cuss how the Blackboard architecture is used as the style for a graduate course project in Software
Engineering. Issues about the implementation of the architecture are described and an assessment
using some software metrics is presented.
Keywords: Software architecture, Blackboard architecture, web development, software metrics.
Software architecture encompasses the set of significant decisions about the organization of a
software system: selection of the structural elements and interfaces by which a system is com-
posed, behavior as specified in collaborations among those elements, composition of structural
and behavioral elements into larger subsystems, all comprise the architectural style that guides an
organization (Booch, Rumbaugh & Jacobson, 1999). Therefore choosing the architecture should
be a deliberate decision and not determined by the evolution of a software or chosen based on
traditional ways of building
Frequently used and reused architectural solutions are defined as architectural patterns. Hohmann
suggests that “By focusing on a specific class of problems, an architectural pattern helps you de-
cide if that kind or style of architecture is right for your system.” (Hohmann, 2003) Later, he es-
tablishes that the “pragmatic approach when creating a software architecture is to explore the
various architectural patterns that have been documented and choose one that is reasonably
thought to address your particular situation. From there, you must tailor the architecture to meet
your needs, ultimately realizing this architecture in a working system.”
The architecture generally used for web applications separates the parts of an application into so-
called “tiers”, or “layers” and then names the tiers, which is a straightforward process – these
structures are called presentation, business and data tiers. The idea is to give each tier a main re-
sponsibility, and put the operations that work with each responsibility into their respective tier. A
class should not contain code with responsibilities from more than one tier. The standard main
responsibilities for defining a 3-tier
architecture are:
Presentational functionality: Pre-
senting and collecting user data.
Business functionality: Validating
user input data and performing
business processes.
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Using a Blackboard Architecture
Data functionality: Storing and retrieving persistent application data.
A well-known example of a 3-tier architecture is J2EE (Sun Microsystems, 2004), which pro-
vides a unified platform for developing distributed, server-centric applications. A question that
we asked ourselves was if this is the only architecture that should be considered in practice for
development of web applications and why. The Blackboard architecture is a well established style
for solving the problem of control, communication and collaboration in a system, and has tradi-
tionally been suggested as adequate for heuristic problem solving (Shaw & Garlan, 1996) but is
not generally used in web applications. We present a solution using this architecture for a com-
mercial web application developed as a course project in a graduate course in Software Engineer-
ing and some first results. Currently we are refactoring the solution in order to obtain more con-
clusive results about the viability of this architecture in web applications.
The main goal of the course project was the development of the first release of a web component
for an integrated movie administration system: ticket selling, standard accounting, and manage-
ment processes in movie chains. In this context, a movie chain owns movie centers; every movie
center defines the movie guide on a weekly basis and has one or more showrooms that present
movies according to a schedule. The web component is aimed at web customers for an improved
service offering show information, and on-line
reservation and purchase of tickets. Scheduled
shows can be looked up in a billboard page, and comprehensive information about the movies
(including multimedia content) is available through a detailed view. Tickets can be purchased
against a member account, which is set up and paid for when registering, though credit or debit
cards are not emphasized as the system is targeted primarily at young people who generally do
not own either. The web component comprises two areas:
Public: shows the daily and weekly program. Anonymous customers can make reserva-
tions for a particular presentation. The administrative movie center staff reviews the res-
ervations and notifies the result via email or sms.
Registered members: can make reservations and buy tickets charging to their account
They can also view their data and statistics of their reservations as well as make some
updates. The administrative movie center staff reviews the reservations and sales notify-
ing the result via mail or sms.
On-line reservations are accepted until a fixed time before a show starts; this is a strategic deci-
sion that can be defined when configuring the application. When that time is reached, pending
reservations are canceled and no new reservations are accepted. Policies related to reservation
expiration time, percentage of available tickets for on-line reservations and negotiations with
movie distributors are handled by the chain. Ticket pricing and account management are con-
trolled by movie centers.
A logging subsystem has to record relevant events in the web application, including execution of
automatic processes, cancellation of pending reservations, problems with access of registered
members and failures in general.
The development process used was eXtreme Programming (Beck, 2000) and for clarity reasons,
Figure 1 shows a use case diagram for the web component, though it was not an artifact generated
during development (Chacín et al., 2004).
Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
Figure 2. Structure of a blackboard ar-
View static
Registered member
and online
Select movie
Select movie
«extend» «extend»
Upload weekly
Buy online
result of
View static
Registered memberRegistered member
and online
Select movie
Select movie
«extend» «extend»
Upload weekly
Buy online
result of
Figure 1. Use Cases for the web component.
Blackboard Architectures
The Blackboard, as an architectural pattern, has
been traditionally used in the development of
systems with artificial intelligence techniques.
Blackboard architectures are particularly suited
to solve nondeterministic problems, such as deci-
sion support, signal processing and speech rec-
ognition (Sadeh et al., 1998). The name of the
pattern was chosen because it is reminiscent of
the situation in which human experts sit in front
of a real Blackboard and work together to solve a
problem (Buschmann et al., 1996).
In Blackboard architectures, as shown in the class
diagram in Figure 2, a central Blackboard (BB)
data structure holds the entire state of a solution.
A BB is often hierarchically structured and con-
tains non-homogeneous content. Domain and
world knowledge are represented in separate in-
dependent Knowledge Sources (KS), which hold
computations that respond to changes in BB, and
with direct access to it; KS interact through the
Using a Blackboard Architecture
Presentation (jsp)
Business logic
Presentation (jsp)
Business logic
Figure 3. Components of the Blackboard architecture
BB to yield solutions. A Control (C) monitors changes in BB and determines the next action to be
executed, plans evaluations and activations according to a strategy that decides which KS is the
one that will next change the BB.
The project was developed for a J2EE platform using eXtreme programming (Beck, 2000). Issues
about the development can be found in (Chacín et al. 2004) as part of a report on our academic
experience in a Software Engineering graduate course. Two different groups of students had to
develop the project, one group applied RUP (using a 3-tier architecture) and a second group ap-
plied eXtreme Programming (using the Blackboard architecture). Some process qualities were
assessed and compared but measurement of the architectural and code properties was not consid-
ered at that time.
In this paper, we are focused instead on analyzing and presenting the solution with the Black-
board architecture, which was the architectural requirement of the second group of students. As in
eXtreme programming the definition of the architecture is not explicitly considered and the stu-
dents had no previous experience with this architectonic style; a spike solution was used for ex-
ploration. In general, and due to the nature of the development process, the architecture was
fleshed-out iteratively and incrementally.
The initial approach used a mega class supporting queries or computations on the system’s data.
The business logic was embedded in jsp pages and mixed with presentation logic. This mega
class was reduced to a minimum of services supporting database operations and the business logic
was factored out to new classes, which later became KSs. The control C acted as the logical tier
between presentation and business logic, and was responsible for managing the KS and linking
jsp and business objects. In
this way the Blackboard
architecture also has layered
KS as shown in Figure 3.
The computations with di-
rect access and which will
respond to changes in the
BB are defined around the
business processes that are
relevant to a customer.
The following tasks were
identified as the most sig-
nificant ones in the devel-
opment of the first release,
and they can be traced to the
implementation steps sug-
gested in (Buschmann et al.
1. Determine user interface requirements. This was quite straightforward, as the client
(course advisor) was very specific about the interface.
2. Define persistent data requirements. User stories written by the client led to an initial data
structure for the web application. Later on, the database was refined to support the functional
and nonfunctional requirements.
3. Design the Blackboard as a centralized supporting class with generic functionality. As
mentioned before, initially the Blackboard was a wrapper around the database. However, as
Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
the architecture evolved, its responsibilities were modified and it became a component offer-
ing information sharing and fundamental support to the rest of the application.
4. Translate recurrent and mechanical tasks into automated knowledge sources. Usually,
these tasks are executed when certain events are triggered or a special condition is met in the
Blackboard. Actually, this is the behavior expected for control-activated knowledge sources.
Thus, the described translation seemed to be the next logical step.
5. Translate user requests handling into manually activated knowledge sources. The busi-
ness logic for dealing with a specific request is encapsulated in a unique knowledge source.
6. Create a control class for orchestrating the whole web application. Responsibilities of
this class include the logical connection between the presentation and the business logic lay-
ers in the manually activated knowledge sources. The control class must also activate the
automated knowledge sources if their condition is positively evaluated.
7. Develop the required mechanisms for starting and stopping the web application. A con-
text listener class was created for the interaction with the web server.
Description of Components
The components of the web application that correspond to the architecture shown in Figure 3 are:
Knowledge sources
Iknowledgesource defines an interface for all the KS. Classes implementing this interface
have to register with the Control if they will be used by system processes.
Movie Information (InformacionpeliculasKS): allows dynamic pages accessing movie infor-
mation by generating and returning movie objects.
Anonymous reservations (ReservacionAnonimaKS): provides ticket reservation services to
anonymous customers.
Member reservations (ReservacionMiembrosKS): provides movie ticket reservation and buy-
ing services to registered customers. Only registered members can buy tickets in advance of
the shows.
Show Movie Guide (PresentarFuncionesKS): offers information about movie centers, films
and show times.
Close reservations (CierreReservacionesKS): is a control-activated KS; closes pending reser-
vations for on-going or past shows.
Close functions (CierreFuncionesKS): is a control-activated KS; closes reservations for
shows that are about to start.
The Blackboard holds all the data concerning the weekly and daily movie guide; it also provides
special methods for supporting the updating process carried out by knowledge sources. It is a
Singleton, therefore only one instance of the movie guide exists.
The control extends the Thread java class and runs a separate thread monitoring constantly the
Blackboard’s state. It contains a list of registered knowledge sources for their automatic activa-
tion (if that is the case). In addition, it allows the communication among the jsp pages and the
manual knowledge sources.
Using a Blackboard Architecture
Additional components
ContextListener implements the ServletContextListener java interface and listens for events
from the web application servlet. A ContextListener gets the reference of the BB creating and
starting the Control thread; it also frees resources when the application context is destroyed.
LoggerSingleton implements the Singleton pattern and is responsible for message logging.
Figure 4 shows the dependency graph between these main components generated using a freely
available automated tool (Aqris Software, 2004a); the results clearly show the strong dependency
of classes with the class Blackboard that may have a negative impact on the application’s com-
plexity. The behavior of BB may be degraded due to multiple simultaneous requests from clients;
in other words, it might become a bottleneck.
Results & Evaluation
The eXtreme programming process generated a total number of 57 user stories; 19 user stories
were implemented in five iterations of the first release of the project, each one taking between 2
to 3 weeks. The total effort was 1458 hours/person during 12 weeks and the implementation con-
sisted of 34 java classes, 14 java server pages and a MySQL database with 14 tables.
Software testing was done during the whole development process, as suggested by eXtreme pro-
gramming. At the end of the project, an acceptance test was made by the course advisor, with
positive results. However, behavior of the web component was analyzed in a controlled testing
environment, with only a few numbers of simultaneous connections. In the next release currently
under development by a different group of students, concurrency issues will be exhaustively stud-
ure 4. De
endencies between classes
Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
The Metrics
Measuring has been the basis for science and engineering since the Middle Ages. Galileo wrote
over 500 years ago “Measure what is measurable and render measurable what is not yet so”
(Kline, 1959). However, software development remains, for the most part, an unmeasured indus-
try. Fundamental O-O metrics such as number of classes or methods per class are still not well
understood by many developers and procurement people. Several authors (Bansiya, 1999; Fenton
& Pfleeger, 1997; Henderson-Sellers, 1996) define O-O metrics to assess design artifact proper-
ties that contribute to the development of high quality products. However, "Quality” has different
perspectives. For business, which usually does not evaluate design or code, quality means fea-
tures at the boundary of a system. For Customer Service, quality means attributes that are appre-
ciated by end users, such as usability or response time. For Finance, quality means costs, and for
process-orientated business people it means "well-documented" or traceable. For developers, a
high-quality design entails features that are harder to measure and that can be detected during
maintenance, such as extensibility. However, from any viewpoint, quality must be understood and
should be subject to manipulation and whoever the audience is, the questions and decisions that
will be made based on the selected metrics have to be known. Quantification of the quality of a
design and/or code is essential for developers and the information provided by product metrics
can be used to reduce unnecessary complexity and irregularities and improve quality during the
development process. There is as yet no single measure that describes quality, but there are sev-
eral properties by which various features can be evaluated. Counting object-oriented properties is
a way of assessing quality of designs and code; there are a good number of such properties at
about the same level of granularity and the average is a good estimate of the mean. According to
(Bansiya 1999) properties can be considered at system or at class level; at the system level, inter-
actions between classes, inheritance hierarchies, size and the number of high-level abstractions
impact the quality of a product; at the class level, structure, functionality and relations with other
classes are considered. Data declaration and the number and parameter types will also influence
the evolution of a product (Cattafi & Metzner, 2003).
The RefactorIT tool analyzes code and provides a number of industry standard object-oriented
and static metrics used to measure code. The type of a metric discriminates between simple met-
rics (S) representing fundamental measures of a code such as physical lines of code, executable
statements, functional points, blank lines, and the number of comment lines. Object-oriented met-
rics (OO) dealing with OO structure quality and providing information about the OO properties of
the source code. Quality metrics (Q) concern the structure and connectivity of objects (Aqris
Software, 2004b). The metrics are summarized below in Tables 1a, 1b and 1c; they are applied at
the project, package, and method level. An in-depth discussion on software metrics can be found
in Bansiya (1999), Henderson-Sellers (1996) and Fenton and Pfleeger (1997).
Table 1a: The Simple Metrics
Notation Description Preferred values Object
CLOC Comment Lines of Code (*) [5,1000] C
V (G) McCabe's Cyclomatic Complexity [1,10] M
DC Density of Comments [0.2,0.4] C
EXEC Executable Statements [0,20] C
NCLOC Non-Comment Lines of Code (*) {60,80}% C
NP Number of Parameters [0,4] M
LOC Total Lines of Code [5,1000] C
P = Package; C = Class; M = Method
* Values apply for a class, method, field, package, and file
Using a Blackboard Architecture
Table 1b: The Object Oriented Metrics
Notation Description Preferred values Object
A Abstractness = NOTa / NOTc [0.0,0.5 ] P
Ca Afferent Coupling [0,500] P
Ce Efferent Coupling [0,20 ] P
DIT Depth of Inheritance Tree [0,5 ] C
I Instability [ 0.0,0.3 ] or
[ 0.7,1.0 ]
NOTa Number of Abstract Types [0,20] P
NOC Number of Children in Tree [0,10] C
NOTc Number of Concrete Types [0,80] P
NOTe Number of Exported Types [3,50] P
NOT Number of Types [0,80] P
RFC Response for Class [0,50] C
WMC Weighted Methods per Class [V(G)] [1,50] C
P = Package; C = Class; M = Method
Table 1c: The Quality metrics
Notation Description Preferred values Object
CYC Cyclic Dependencies (**) P
DIP Dependency Inversion Principle [0.3,1.0] C
DCYC Direct Cyclic Dependencies (**) P
D Distance from the Main Sequence [0.0,0.1], ideal value
D = 0
EP Encapsulation Principle [0.0,0.6 ] P
LSP Limited Size Principle (**) max. 10 P
P = Package; C = Class; M = Method
** Values apply for a package
The RefactorIT Java Refactoring Tool (Aqris Software, 2004a) calculated these metrics for our
code and the results are summarized in Table 2 and those whose description is non self explana-
tory are discussed next.
DC provides the ratio of comment lines to all lines and is used as a quality indicator for how
much of the code is commented. RefactorIT recommends a commenting of at least 20% of the
code and a maximum of 40%.
EXEC counts the number of executable statements. A large EXEC implies that a code is harder to
maintain and comprehend. It is recommended an EXEC range between [0,20].
The RFC is the “Number of Distinct Methods and Constructors invoked by a Class.” This is the
set of all methods and constructors that can be invoked as a result of a message sent to an object
of the class; i.e. methods in the class, inheritance hierarchy, and methods located in other objects.
RefactorIT recommends a default threshold of [0,50] for a class, but it is acceptable to have a
RFC up to 100. If the RFC for a class is large, it can be difficult to test the behavior of the class
Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
and debug problems since comprehending class behavior requires a deep understanding of the
WMC measures usability and reusability via cyclomatic complexities by summing V(G) of the
declared methods and constructors of class. The lower limit for WMC in RefactorIT is a default 1
and the upper default limit is 50. A class with a low WMC usually points to greater polymor-
phism, while a class with a high WMC indicates that the class is complex and therefore harder to
reuse/maintain. The larger the number of methods in a class, the greater the potential impact on
children since children will inherit all the methods defined in a class, thus, limiting the possibility
of reuse.
NOTe reports the number of classes and interfaces that are exported outside of a package. The
default limits for NOTe in RefactorIT range between [3,50] and a large value of NOTe indicates
extensive coupling. These values apply for a package.
DIP can be summarized as “High-level modules should not depend upon low-level modules. Both
should depend upon abstractions. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should
depend upon abstractions.” (Aqris Software, 2004a) Thus, DIP is an indication of maintenance
quality: code can be easily modified since details are hidden with abstraction. Classes with low
values for DIP have a high relation between abstraction and implementation making them harder
to reuse. Values apply for a class where a DIP between [0.3,1.0] is preferred.
Ce (also known as Outgoing Dependencies or the Number of Types outside a Package that Types
of the Package Depend on) indicates the number of classes and interfaces in other packages that
classes and interfaces in the analyzed package depend upon. In short, this measure includes all the
types referred to anywhere within the source of the measured package. Values apply for a pack-
age. Preferred values for Ce range between [0,20].
Instability (I) is a ratio statistic that measures the stability of a package's design. Stability is
measured by calculating the effort to change a package without affecting other packages within
the application. Preferred values for I range between [0.0, 0.3] or [0.7, 1.0]. 0.0 indicates a maxi-
mally stable package and 1.0 indicates a maximally unstable package. Designs of packages
should intentionally be made as stable [0.0,0.3] or unstable [0.7,1.0] as possible.
D is often referred to as “The Perpendicular Distance of a Package from the Idealized Line A + I
= 1,” (Aqris Software, 2004a)
this metric measures the square of the distance of the package from
the main sequence A + I = 1, where the ideal value is D = 0. The primary rationale is that ab-
stractness and stability of packages are closely connected. RefactorIT recommends a maximum
distance of 0.1 from the main sequence before re-examination should occur.
The Encapsulation Principle can be paraphrased by “A substantial part of a package should not be
used outside of the package.” The EP metric is the ratio of objects that are used outside of the
package, thus a low value indicates “good”
encapsulation of data / algorithms within a package.
Preferred values for EP range between [0.0,0.6 ].
Measurement and Results
In this section, we analyze those metrics shown in Table 2 that are out of range of the preferred
values. They highlight properties of the design and code that should be closely examined and
eventually refactored.
Using a Blackboard Architecture
Table 2: Measurements for the web application
Package Class Interface Class
3162 463 100 47 9 29 74 66 50 197 162 190 73
1602 307 55 32 1 3 46 34 25 94 106 126 41
1311 137 39 14 8 24 24 28 20 87 46 52 25
0.415 0.296 0.390 0.298 0.889 0.828 0.324 0.424 0.400 0.442 0.284 0.274 0.342
242 83 19 15 2 2 2 5 4 4 12
39 11 2 10 6 7 30 27 31 9
38 26 16 13 11 3 11 22 27 13
1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
34 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 1
3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
31 1 1 1 0 0 3 3 1 1 2 3 1
27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.125 0.125 0.0 0.4 0.4 0.333 0.111 0.3 0.25
The density of comments (DC) in our code, which lies above the preferred values and is a conse-
quence of documenting method’s signatures in the interfaces, can be easily improved to meet
those values.
The numbers of executable statements (EXEC), weighted methods per class (WMC) and re-
sponses for class (RFC) are high for the Blackboard class but WMC and RFC are in the range of
the preferred values. The EXEC metric for the Blackboard class shows that it is a class hard to
maintain and comprehend; its size can be reduced by eliminating some of its responsibilities.
Ce is above the preferred values indicating dependencies on external classes and interfaces. How-
ever, in our opinion, it is also an indication of reuse if the classes and interfaces depended on are
stable enough.
Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
Relationship between instability (I) and abstraction (A) suggests that the package tends to be un-
stable, but at the same time it has a high number of concrete classes. Therefore it is less sensitive
to changes and D, the distance from the main sequence, is close to optimal. We consider that car-
rying out changes enhancing these metrics is not our first priority.
EP indicates that more than 70% of classes are used outside the main package, which can be in-
terpreted as implementation details being revealed. The main reason for this is the relationship
among the knowledge sources and their presentation layers (jsp pages). They should be decoupled
in the next release, applying for example the Composite View pattern (Alur, Crupi & Malks,
The results for DIP show that classes ReservacionMiembroKS, Control, ContextListener and
BlackBoard have values below the preferred range and should be refactored, decoupling their
abstraction from the implementation.
Not expressed in these metrics is the high dependency between most classes and the Blackboard,
which reduces the flexibility of the overall design and can be appreciated in Figure 4. Changes in
the Blackboard class might affect the rest of the application. However, as the RefactorIT tool
evaluates the required metrics (Ca, Ce) at package level, measurement of this dependency re-
quires the Blackboard related classes to be relocated in a different package. Usually, the three
types of components in the Blackboard architecture (C, BB, and KS) are implemented as classes.
Therefore, there is an inherent dependency on this small number of classes, which is a conse-
quence of the architecture’s definition; there is not much choice regarding the elements that can
be used in each one of the components. That was also our trail of thoughts motivating the defini-
tion of layers in each KS.
Conclusion and Future Work
Based on the assessment of the Blackboard architecture we can conclude that, although it was
defined for solving heuristic and artificial intelligence related problems, its flexibility allows ad-
aptation to web applications. It is an architecture that allows the progressive definition and im-
plementation of the different KSs, which can also be reused. Modifying and/or adding new KS is
straightforward. As a drawback, the centralization of the data in the Blackboard can negatively
affect the performance and maintainability is definitely an issue. In order to reduce structural and
dynamic complexity and risk elements, the Blackboard class has to be refactored reducing or
even eliminating the outlined negative aspects. Finally, from a teaching point of view usage of the
Blackboard architectural pattern for a web application was a success: creating an operational
product using an architectural pattern in a semester period and motivating the development of a
new release by a different group of students.
The currently on-going work focuses on:
1. Definition of a hierarchically structured Blackboard, one Blackboard per movie center.
The general Blackboard for a movie chain is built when needed.
2. A Component Configurator (CC) has been introduced to dynamically select the compo-
nents (Schmidt et al., 2000), one CC for the BB and one CC for the KSs. As a matter of
fact, the CC is also a KS.
3. Composite View is used to decouple presentation code from business logic in the KSs.
4. The data and data access was removed from the BB’s responsibilities and defined in a
separate layer decoupling the way that data is stored in memory from the persistence
logic. This is also how J2EE manages persistence.
Future enhancements of the web application also include incorporation of software agents offer-
ing recommendations to registered members through heuristic analysis of user profiles and movie
popularity. In this context, Blackboard architecture is an adequate choice, since the software
Using a Blackboard Architecture
agents can be easily included as new knowledge sources. In a 3-tier architecture making this kind
of extension is not straightforward.
The authors wish to acknowledge Eric P. Elshtain for his invaluable and thorough editing and
proof reading of this paper. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their numerous helpful
This work is supported by project No. PG-03134241-2003, Consejo de Desarrollo Científico y
Humanístico, Universidad Central de Venezuela.
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Metzner, Cortez, & Chacín
Christiane Metzner is a full-time professor at the Computer Science
School, Universidad Central de Venezuela. Her professional experi-
ence spans over 25 years, with the last several years focused on soft-
ware engineering, particularly design patterns, metrics and technolo-
gies for web development.
Leonardo Cortez earned his major in Systems Engineering in 2002,
and is a graduate student in Computer Science at the Universidad Cen-
tral de Venezuela. His interests include design patterns, emerging pro-
gramming paradigms, simulation and numerical methods.
Doritza Chacín earned her Systems Engineering degree at Universi-
dad Metropolitana, and holds a specialization in development of e-
business applications. Her professional experience is focused on Java
technologies and integration platforms. Currently, she is a graduate
student in Computer Science at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.