Department of Defense
Cloud Native Access
Point (CNAP)
Reference Design (RD)
Version 1.0
29 July 2021
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. Refer to the Deputy Chief
Information Officer for Information Enterprise (DCIO IE) for other requests that pertain to this document.
Prepared By:
Version History
Version Date Approved By Summary of Changes
1.0 2021/07/29 DCIO-IE
DMI EXCOM Approved
Executive Summary
The ability to deliver capability “at the speed of relevance” requires an innovative approach to providing
secure access to cloud environments. As highlighted in a recent report by the Defense Innovation Board,
“...the threats that the United States faces are changing at an ever-increasing pace, and the Department
of Defense’s (DoD’s) ability to adapt and respond is now determined by its ability to develop and deploy
software to the field rapidly.” To effectively and efficiently achieve the objective, access to cloud
environments must be flexible, ubiquitous, and at the same time, provide the requisite level of security
and monitoring to protect from, detect, respond to, and recover from cyber-attacks. The purpose of a
Cloud Native Access Point (CNAP) is to provide secure authorized access to DoD resources in a
commercial cloud environment, leveraging zero trust architecture (ZTA), by authorized DoD users and
endpoints from anywhere, at any time, from any device.
The purpose of this CNAP Reference Design (RD) is to describe and define the set of capabilities,
fundamental components, and data flows within a CNAP. It presents logical design patterns and derived
reference implementations for deploying, connecting to, and operating a CNAP. It is a future state design
to guide the development of next generation connectivity and cybersecurity capabilities to improve
internet-based machine and user access into DoD cloud (in particular, commercial cloud-hosted)
resources and services. A CNAP provides person entities (PE) (i.e., end users and privileged users) and
non-person entities (NPE) access to cloud enclaves using a combination of cloud native and cloud ready
security mechanisms. Further, a CNAP allows authorized outbound access to the internet, for example, to
enable software repository synchronization of COTS patches or new versions of Free and Open-Source
Software (FOSS) projects and system-to-system interfaces with mission partners such as other Federal
The CNAP RD is intended for the Combatant Commanders, Military Departments, Defense Information
Systems Agency (DISA), other Defense Agencies, and mission partners who require access to DoD
resources in the commercial cloud and government cloud. It serves as DoD enterprise-level guidance for
establishing secure internet ingress and egress to cloud-hosted development, test, and production
1.1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.3. Intended Audience.......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. High Level User Stories ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Assumptions and Principles .......................................................................................................7
2.1. Assumptions ................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Principles ........................................................................................................................................ 7
3. Capability Overview ..................................................................................................................9
3.1. CNAP Capability Taxonomy Overview (DoDAF CV-2) ............................................................ 10
3.2. Core CNAP Capabilities .............................................................................................................. 11
C.1 - Authenticated and Authorized Entities ...................................................................... 11
C.2 - Authorized Ingress ..................................................................................................... 12
C.3 - Authorized Egress ...................................................................................................... 14
C.4 - Security Monitoring and Compliance Enforcement................................................... 15 Monito
ring and Remediation .......................................................................................... 15 Compliance Auditing and Enforcement .......................................................................... 15 Integrated Visibility with CSSP/DCO ............................................................................ 15 Continuous Authorization to Operate (cATO) ................................................................ 16
4. Data Flows ............................................................................................................................... 17
4.1. CSP Portal Access ........................................................................................................................ 17
4.2. SaaS Access ................................................................................................................................. 17
4.3. Authorized Ingress ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.4. Authorized Egress ........................................................................................................................ 19
4.5. Security Monitoring and Compliance Enforcement ..................................................................... 19
5. Logical Design Patterns ........................................................................................................... 21
5.1. Access to MO Cloud Enclave ...................................................................................................... 21
5.2. Access to SaaS Services ................................................................................................................ 23
6. Implementation Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 26
6.1. DoD Enterprise Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 26
6.2. MO Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 26
6.3. Mission Partners ........................................................................................................................... 27
6.4. CSP Responsibilities .................................................................................................................... 28
7. References ............................................................................................................................... 29
Appendix A – Acronyms ................................................................................................................. 30
Appendix B Glossary ................................................................................................................... 33
Appendix C Recommended Policy Updates.................................................................................. 34
Figure 1 – Cloud Native Access Point Vision: Capability Viewpoint (CV-1) ............................................. 9
Figure 2 – Cloud Native Access Point Vision: Operational Viewpoint (OV-1) ......................................... 10
Figure 3 – CNAP Capability Taxonomy (CV-2) ........................................................................................ 11
Figure 4 – CNAP Data Flow ....................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5 – High Level Monitoring and Compliance Data Flow ................................................................. 20
Figure 6 – CNAP Access to MO Enclave ................................................................................................... 23
Figure 7 – Access to SaaS Services ............................................................................................................ 25
Figure 8 – MO Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 27
The pace of software development, testing, and delivery has increased significantly over the last 10 years.
This increase in speed is due largely to the use of cloud computing and adoption of Development,
Security and Operations (DevSecOps
) practices as part of the software lifecycle. For DoD, creating a
technical and tactical advantage in the battlespace relies on software modernization, based on a
foundation of cloud computing and DevSecOps, for rapid delivery of capability to the warfighter. The
ability to deliver capability requires an innovative approach to providing secure access to cloud
environments for the continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of software. Of equal
importance is the ability for authenticated and authorized users to securely access cloud resources from
any device, at any time, from anywhere.
“U.S. national security increasingly relies on software to execute missions, integrate and collaborate
with allies, and manage the defense enterprise. The ability to develop, procure, assure, deploy, and
continuously improve software is thus central to national defense. At the same time, the threats that the
United States faces are changing at an ever-increasing pace, and the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s)
ability to adapt and respond is now determined by its ability to develop and deploy software to the field
rapidly.”– Defense Innovation Board
Currently, software development in the DoD is not optimized to rapidly procure, assure, deploy, and
continuously improve. To optimize software development and increase the ability to adapt and respond to
changing threats, a new cloud access capability is needed. With exception to environments like the
Mission Partner Environment (MPE) or the Medical Community of Interest, the current implementation
for accessing DoD Mission Owner (MO) commercial cloud enclaves from the internet is through DoD
Internet Access Points (IAP), across the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN), and through
boundary cloud access points (BCAP). Therefore, access to DoD commercial cloud environments must
traverse multiple, independently managed security stacks.
While secure, this legacy design increases latency and can lead to network performance and quality of
service problems, and it does not provide the flexibility, elasticity, timeliness, or efficiency needed.
Rather, access to MO cloud enclaves must be flexible and ubiquitous, while providing the requisite level
of security to defend DoD data and resources within commercial cloud-hosted environments. A CNAP
creates an agile, highly scalable, and available security capability for access into MO cloud enclaves
without going through a cloud access point that is hosted on the DoD Information Network (DoDIN). By
leveraging cloud native security services and tools
, a CNAP is very efficient in terms of maintenance,
management, monitoring, and compliance. It is also very effective in facilitating a Zero Trust
Architecture by utilizing conditional access policies, micro-segmentation
, and continuous monitoring.
A CNAP is a virtual Internet Access Point (vIAP) that provides modernized cybersecurity capabilities
based on the DoD Zero Trust Reference Architecture (ZTRA). It is an access point for person entities
(PE) and non-person entities (NPE) to DoD resources in a commercial cloud environment from the
internet (i.e., non-DODIN).
This document establishes a vendor/solution agnostic RD, which is aligned with the DoD Digital
Modernization Strategy and the DoD Cloud Computing Strategy, for implementing a CNAP that relies on
DevSecOps is a set of software development practices that combines software development (Dev), security (Sec),
and information technology operations (Ops) to secure the outcome and shorten the development lifecycle
Cloud native services and tools are designed to leverage cloud capabilities and are optimized to run in cloud
environments. These can be provided by the cloud service provider or by third party vendors.
Micro-segmentation is a logical division of the internal network into distinct security segments at the service/API
cloud hosted gateways and security services to support secure access from the internet for all types of
DoD authenticated and authorized entities. While the RD is agnostic, examples of specific solutions are
given to provide reference to available options. DoD does not endorse any specific vendor or solution for
the CNAP RD. The CNAP design may be implemented at the DoD enterprise level to secure access to a
software as a service capability (e.g., DoD365); as part of a platform to provide CNAP as a service for
mission application owners (e.g., CNAP for USAF Platform One); or by mission application owners for
secure access to their own virtual cloud environment from the internet. Determining implementation type
is a MO decision.
The following summarizes the sections of this document:
Section 1 provides the purpose and scope for this document along with an overview of the DoD
enterprise, including the user community and computing environment. It also describes what the
RD provides to the intended audience and identifies a set of user stories describing the required
Section 2 describes the assumptions and principles for the RD and its implementation.
Section 3 describes the DoD CNAP vision, presents the CNAP concept, and provides an
overview description of each of the CNAP capabilities.
Section 4 describes the data flows between the CNAP components.
Section 5 describes the CNAP logical pattern, and four reference implementations intended to
demonstrate how capabilities may be implemented to meet a broad set of mission needs.
Section 6 provides the shared roles and responsibilities among the DoD Enterprise, MO, and
Cloud Service Provider (CSP).
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of the CNAP RD is to describe and define the set of capabilities, fundamental components,
data flows, logical design pattern, and derived reference implementations for deploying, connecting to,
and operating a CNAP. The RD guides the development of next generation cybersecurity capabilities to
enable connectivity from the internet into DoD resources and services hosted in commercial cloud
The purpose of a CNAP is to provide secure authenticated and authorized access to DoD resources hosted
in commercial cloud following zero trust architecture (ZTA) principles
. Zero trust principles enable
authorized privileged user access to cloud resources while limiting end user access to authorized
application interfaces. A CNAP provides person entities (PE) (e.g., end users and privileged users) and
non-person entities (NPE) (e.g., laptop, servers, smartphone, etc.) access to cloud enclaves using a
combination of cloud native and cloud ready security mechanisms. Further, a CNAP allows authorized
outbound access to the internet, for example, to enable software repository synchronization of COTS
patches or new versions of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) projects and system-to-system
interfaces with mission partners such as other Federal Departments. The security design reduces the
attack surface by enforcing zero trust concepts including authentication, Software Defined Perimeter
(SDP), micro-segmentation, separation of duties, and dynamic authorization to provide secure access
from untrusted environments.
1.2. Scope
This CNAP RD provides the basic design for developing the capability to provide secure internet ingress
and egress access to and from MO cloud enclaves
. The guidance applies to unclassified environments at
The CNAP RD cannot include all ZTA principles as the scope of ZTA is much larger than access point security.
A MO cloud enclave is the virtual private cloud space (all subnets) associated with an organization cloud account
(e.g., Azure Tenant, AWS VPC).
Impact Levels 4 and 5 (IL4/5)
. However, the zero trust principles and zero trust network architecture in
this reference design can be applied to IL6 environments but would not provide for internet access. The
RD includes capabilities and reference implementations for a CNAP to access MO cloud environments
1.3. Intended Audience
The CNAP RD is for the Combatant Commands, Military Departments, DISA, other Defense Agencies,
and Mission Partners who develop, test, secure, operate, and use applications in the cloud. The intended
audience for this RD includes the following:
Application Developers and Testers – This RD provides application developers and testers a
high-level technical understanding of using the CNAP to access cloud resources from the internet
for different types of clients (i.e., thick, thin, zero).
Systems Engineers – This RD provides systems engineers design aspects on required
infrastructure components to be deployed as configured for establishing a CNAP.
Systems Administrators – This RD provides systems administrators the basic technical layout of a
CNAP and the capabilities that systems administrators must configure, operate, and monitor.
Security Engineers – This RD provides security engineers, including personnel from security
operation centers (SOC) and/or Cybersecurity Service Providers (CSSP), the fundamental
security design and components required to secure and monitor CNAPs.
1.4. High Level User Stories
The CNAP RD is based on user stories. A user story is a tool used to capture a description of a software
feature or capability from an end user perspective. The stories describe the type of user, what they want,
and why. It helps to create a simplified description of a set of requirements. The following user stories are
selective examples and are not meant to represent an exhaustive list of stories.
Software Team Access
An authorized developer working from the company office on a company-provided laptop is
supporting a DoD contract. The company has a contract with a DoD agency with applications located
in a Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)-approved cloud with a DoD
Provisional Authorization (PA) at Impact Levels 4 and 5 (IL4/5) and a Service Authorization to
Operate, Authorization to Connect (ATO/ATC). The developer needs to access the agency’s software
factory from the company network using the company-provided laptop. In addition, the developer
needs to pull updates from the internet into the development and testing environment.
o Design Notes: Access to the software factory is either:
From the internet to the CSP SaaS DevSecOps pipeline.
From the internet to a DevSecOps software factory instantiated from hardened
containers, such as Iron Bank
containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
An authorized developer, working for a defense contractor company, working onsite at a DoD
agency, is instructed to work remotely. The developer has a government furnished laptop. To
optimize connectivity and increase efficiency and productivity, the developer needs direct access to
the agency’s software factory from home over the internet. The agency has applications located in a
FedRAMP-approved cloud with a DoD PA at IL4/5.
o Design Notes: Access to the software factory is either:
Impact Level definitions can be found in the DISA Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide. IL6 and above
are not included in this RD.
Iron Bank is a centralized artifacts repository with a pre-approved collection of solutions.
From the internet to the CSP SaaS DevSecOps pipeline. If using a Virtual Private
Network (VPN) into the Non-classified Internet Protocol (IP) Router Network
(NIPRNet), then must exit through the IAP first.
From the internet to a DevSecOps software factory instantiated from hardened
containers, such as Iron Bank containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
An authorized developer is working remotely upgrading code for a navigation system. The code is
developed in the cloud but runs on a specific vehicle system platform (e.g., tank, jet, or ship). The
developer uses an authorized end user device and needs to connect to a software factory in the cloud
via the internet.
o Design Notes: Access to the software factory is either:
From the internet to the CSP SaaS DevSecOps pipeline. The user’s traffic must enter
and exit through the IAP if using a VPN into the NIPRNet.
From the internet to a DevSecOps software instantiated hardened container, such as
an Iron Bank container, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
An authorized software tester, working for the U.S. Government, works exclusively from home on a
personal computer. The agency has applications in a FedRAMP-approved cloud with a DoD PA at
IL4/5. The tester needs to access the agency’s testing tools from home over the internet and needs to
access a set of SaaS-based tools from the internet to the testing environment.
o Design Notes: Testing as Code is developed in the software factory. Access to the software
factory is either:
From the internet to the CSP SaaS DevSecOps pipeline.
From the internet to a DevSecOps software factory instantiated from hardened
containers, such as Iron Bank containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
o Design Notes: Access directly to test tools in the development and test environments is via
the CSP portal => bastion host.
The repository for a DevSecOps software factory needs patches and version updates from a software
firm or open-source project located on the public internet. The patches and updates can be pulled
manually by a PE or automatically by an NPE tool. The source code must be scanned before it is
added to the repo.
o Design Notes: Access by authorized services to pull source code and/or binaries from
authorized targets is via the cloud hosted CNAP.
System & Security Admin Access
A system administrator needs access to the bastion host for the initial deployment of the Infrastructure
as Code and Configuration as Code of a production environment. After initial setup, that
administrator needs access to the software factory to sustain the Infrastructure as Code used to
deploy, update, and monitor that production environment. They also need “just in time” access to the
bastion host for “in emergency, break glass” access to resources in all environments.
o Design Notes: Access to the bastion host is through the CSP portal.
o Design Notes: Access to the code repo and pipeline is either:
From the internet to the CSP SaaS DevSecOps pipeline.
From the internet to a DevSecOps software factory instantiated from hardened
containers, such as Iron Bank containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
From the DISN via BCAP to a software factory instantiated from hardened
containers, such as Iron Bank containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
A CSSP needs access to the security dashboard with drill-down capability to identify and remediate
configuration non-compliance. A CSSP also needs access to log analysis to identify and perform root
cause analysis on security incidents.
o Design Notes: Access to the security dashboard and tools is either:
From the internet to the CSP PaaS security dashboard.
From the internet to a security dashboard instantiated from hardened containers,
such as Iron Bank containers, via the cloud hosted CNAP.
An NPE needs access to interface with NPEs in the cloud to perform system/security administration
o Design Notes: Access to NPEs from NPEs is either:
From MO on-premises, on DISN, NPEs.
From the internet Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) security
patching/updating NPEs.
From other MO enclaves on the same CSP cloud backbone or internet.
User Access
PE or NPE on DISN needs access to/from a production application in the commercial cloud.
o Design Notes: Access is via the BCAP or IAP.
PE or NPE on the internet needs access to/from a production application in the commercial cloud.
o Design Notes: Access is via the cloud hosted CNAP.
PE or NPE on DISN needs access to/from a SaaS application in a Fit-for-Purpose Cloud.
o Design Notes: Access is via zero trust network access (ZTNA).
PE or NPE on the internet needs access to/from a SaaS application in a Fit-for-Purpose Cloud.
o Design Notes: Access is via ZTNA.
The following sections describe a CNAP RD that satisfies the requirements in the user stories listed
Log data collected or accessed from IL4/5 systems must be handled properly. Some log data may be classified
CONFIDENTIAL or higher and therefore is subject to classified information handling and storing requirements.
2. Assumptions and Principles
2.1. Assumptions
This document makes the following assumptions:
The CSP has a DoD PA at IL2/IL4/IL5 through the DoD Cloud Authorization Service managed
by DISA.
o Status of a CSP approval can be found at:
For enterprise implementations of the CNAP, for example, with Platform One’s CNAP as a
Service, the CNAP is approved for DoD-wide use through reciprocity. For dedicated CNAP
implementations, the MO’s Authorizing Official is the approving official for the implementation
of the CNAP.
CNAP is a next generation virtual IAP
and not a BCAP, providing moderated access from the
The DoD Enterprise Identity Provider (IdP)
authenticates users with DoD approved PKI or DoD
approved multifactor authentication (MFA) credentials and asserts that identity, along with
associated claims, to the SaaS, CSP portal, or MOs Directory Service.
Publicly routed IP space is not restricted to DoD allocated IP.
o DoD specific systems can be assigned DoD IP.
ZTA tenets, in whole or partially, are employed in the design.
o All data sources and computing services are considered resources.
o All communication is secured regardless of network location.
o Access to individual enterprise resources is granted on a per-session basis.
o Access to resources is determined by dynamic policyincluding the observable state of
client identity, application/service, and the requesting endpointand may include other
behavioral and environmental attributes.
o The enterprise monitors and measures the integrity and security posture of all owned and
associated assets.
o All PE and NPE authentication and authorization are dynamic and strictly enforced
before access is allowed.
o The enterprise collects as much information as possible about the current state of assets,
network infrastructure, and communications and uses it to improve its security posture.
A migration to ZTA is necessary for MOs. This requires MOs to develop a migration strategy that
is aligned to the DoD Zero Trust Strategy and Reference Architecture.
A CNAP provides secure access for authenticated and authorized PE and NPE to cloud resources
only, and not to MO on-premises resources.
The CNAP RD is developed for IL4/5 and is not required for IL2.
2.2. Principles
There are several key principles in implementing CNAP:
Access to SaaS and CSP portal environments leverage the CSP’s perimeter and internal security
capabilities, which have been evaluated as part of the DoD IL4/5 PA.
Internet Access Points (IAP) employ security sensors providing more advanced cyber security capabilities where a
Boundary Cloud Access Point (BCAP) on provides a whitelist of allowable IP addresses.
Details regarding The DoD Enterprise Identity Provider (IdP) can be found in the ICAM Reference Design.
Proposed solution is a Cloud Native “Access Point” solution leveraging zero trust principles and
implemented using cloud native security or commercial solutions and access services that ar
ully elastic providing high availability and scalability, hosted on a cloud with a DoD PA.
The CNAP architecture can be cloud agnostic, leveraging virtual appliances and COTS/FOSS
ftware; can use CSP resources and services for cloud-specific instantiation; or can be a mix of
both options, leveraging cloud agnostic services to add more security to the CSP resources a
vices design pattern. The best practice for instantiating and configuring a CNAP is thro
automated deployment (i.e., Infrastructure as Code (IaC)) using selectively developed templates
specifically for the DoD to accelerate the ATO process
The CNAP architecture is based on zero trust principles: authenticated and authorized data flows
rusted sources of updates/libraries, and bi-directional PKI authentication for NPEs.
A CSSP has access to the log and scan results data from the CNAP environment to perform the
following functions:
o Continuous monitoring
o Vulnerability assessment
o Endpoint security services
o Incident management & response
o User monitoring/insider threat
o Attack sensing and warning
o Log aggregation
o INFOCON/CPCON notification
Endpoints must have appropriate device state (e.g., configuration, security patches, system name,
etc.) and users must have the appropriate identification, credential, authentication, a
uthorization to be allowed to connect. Bring Your Own Authorized Device (BYOAD)
dpoints are consistent with emerging BYOAD policies to allow device state verification.
The CNAP uses DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA credentials, and uses the Do
Enterprise IdP for federated authentication in accordance with the Identity, Credential, and
Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design.
DoD IaC templates are available at https://code.il2.dsop.io/dod-cloud-iac.
Development of a BYOAD policy is a recommendation in Appendix C of this document.
For details regarding DoD Enterprise IdP and federations, refer to the ICAM Policy and Reference Design.
3. Capability Overview
This section provides the high-level capability perspective of a CNAP and includes the transformational
vision (DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Capability Viewpoint (CV-1)), a description of CNAP
goals and objectives, and the capability taxonomy (DoDAF CV-2).
The DoD CNAP vision is depicted in Figure 1. CNAP capabilities improve mission effectiveness by
providing core secure connectivity to authenticated and authorized entities (person and non-person), and
authorized ingress and egress capabilities, along with security monitoring and compliance enforcement.
These operational capabilities define a CNAP.
e 1 – Cloud Native Access Point Vision: Capability Viewpoint (CV-1)
A CNAP provides modernized cybersecurity capabilities. These capabilities are based on cloud services
and align to the DoD ZTRA CV-2 Zero Trust Pillars of Connect (T1), Access (T2), and Monitoring and
Compliance (T8).
The high-level operational concept for CNAP including paths in and out of cloud environments is shown
in Figure 2. This diagram serves as the DoDAF Operational Viewpoint (OV-1) and as an organizing
construct for CNAP enablers, capabilities, business functions, and services. It identifies the classes of
entities: authorized users (PEs) and authorized endpoints such as other systems or microservices (NPEs),
authorized ingress, authorized egress, and security monitoring and compliance enforcement. The paths in
and out of the cloud environment, via the CNAP, are depicted in Figure 2.
The Zero Trust Pillars can be found in the DoD ZTRA at
ure 2 – Cloud Native Access Point Vision: Operational Viewpoint (OV-1)
3.1. CNAP Capability Taxonomy Overview (DoDAF CV-2)
The DoD CNAP capability taxonomy is shown in
gure 3. It consists of four high-level parent capabilities: Authenticated and Authorized Entities,
Authorized Ingress, Authorized Egress, and Security Monitoring and Compliance Enforcement. These
capabilities collectively provide the DoD with the ability to enable authenticated and authorized entities
(persons and non-persons) access to MO cloud resources and applications in a secure manner. It provides
some of the security layers within a ZTA which are referenced on page 6.
e 3 – CNAP Capability Taxonomy (CV-2)
3.2. Core CNAP Capabilities
The following sections describe the core CNAP capabilities, and their subcomponents identified in Figure
3. The intent of this section is to enumerate and describe the capabilities that must be part of a CNAP, but
not to dictate exact implementations.
C.1 - Authenticated and Authorized Entities
The authenticated and authorized entities focus on three second level capabilities – thick/mobile
endpoints, zero/thin clients, and NPE system/microservice interfaces. Below is a description of each of
the three capabilities:
Thick and Mobile EndpointsThick and mobile endpoints for access into the CNAP are managed
through a connection compliance and zero trust model. Endpoint management can be client agent based
or server based. Authentication is via DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA. The CNAP uses
Attribute and Role-Based Access Control for exampleuser role in Active Directory, geo-fencing, time
of the day, or device state for decision and enforcement of coarse-grained access control.
Zero and Thin Clients Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can be accomplished using similar
capabilities of the thick and mobile endpoint access, such as MFA, single sign on, and identity
management protections. Advantages of using zero or thin clients include the following example: system
administrators can centrally manage the desktop image, the boot image is reset for each login, and
sensitive data such as source code remains under the control of the MO.
NPE System/Microservice Interfaces NPE to NPE system interface patterns are accommodated in a
CNAP design. In modern architectures, applications are decomposed into smaller microservices which
each perform a single function. This allows for less complexity in maintaining each microservice, which
provides software agility. For the entire system to function, there is considerable east-west
communications among the microservices and with other systems. These microservices and partner
systems can reside in the cloud, in a different cloud, or on-premises. The CNAP RD accommodates both
traditional and modernized NPE to NPE patterns.
C.2 - Authorized Ingress
Authorized ingress is either via a CSP managed front end in a SaaS offering, or via the virtual IAP in
front of developed applications in the general-purpose cloud.
Terminate and Inspect – Inbound connections are terminated and inspected at CNAP’s ingress.
Access to SaaS – The SaaS perimeter security acts as the gateway for users and system interfaces to
access the MO tenant. Access is via HTTPS (HTTP over TLS). The CSP is approved to provide boundary
protection in front of the SaaS entry point (which is an inherently Government function, as defined in the
CIO Memo, “DoD Cybersecurity Activities Performed for Cloud Service Offerings).
Access to CSP Portal The CSP portal acts as the gateway for software team access into the MO’s
enclave. Access is via HTTPS (HTTP over TLS). The CSP is approved to provide boundary protection in
front of the SaaS entry point (which is an inherently government function, as defined in the CIO Memo,
“DoD Cybersecurity Activities Performed for Cloud Service Offerings). Access to manage cloud IaaS and
PaaS resources is via the CSP portal. Forbreak glass” access to resources, access to jump servers such as
a bastion host is through the CSP portal via HTTPS; the bastion host then connects to the resource via
SSH or RDP internally. Additionally, the zero-trust controller can make specific endpoints accessible to
privileged access users to allow other network protocols such as SSH or RDP.
Virtual Internet Access Point (vIAP) – The vIAP acts as the gateway to developed applications, IaaS,
and PaaS over web protocols including HTTPS, formatted messaging – Advanced Message Queuing
Protocol (AMQP), chat Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), and streaming voice and
video – Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).
The CNAP directs authenticated PE and NPE ingress traffic to a Policy Enforcement Point which refers to
a Policy Decision Point (PDP) to make dynamic access control decisions based on a managed set of
digital security policies. Some authorization rules
are managed centrally; fine grained application- and
data object-level authorization rules are delegated to the mission application/data owner.
Authorization decisions for access to DoD commercial and government cloud resources behind the CNAP
take into consideration several additional factors beyond the authentication of the credential presented by
the user such as the type and state of the endpoint client device (managed vs unmanaged), the geographic
location from where the user is accessing the requested resource, what time the access is being requested,
and the user’s role and level of privilege, in accordance with the DoD enterprise Identity, Credential, and
Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design.
The Policy Enforcement Point leverages a suite of cybersecurity services, which includes, at a minimum,
firewall, web application firewall, intrusion detection and prevention, some of which may be implemented
as cloud native services configured by the CNAP provider.
The CNAP RD provides a set of capabilities and design patterns which can be tailored to meet an
individual MO’s requirement. The following security capabilities must be enabled at the CNAP boundary
in some form. However, specific technologies used to establish capabilities are not mandated.
Border Protection:
o Perimeter Firewall Inline security component that identifies network traffic and applies
filtering rules to determine inbound/outbound access and can ingest threat intelligence
Standard digital security authorization rules that are centrally managed are to be determined.
The CNAP RD is aligned to the ICAM Reference Design. Details regarding ICAM principles can be found in the
ICAM Reference Design document.
from external sources to enhance functionality. This firewall is applicable to non-
HTTP/HTTPS traffic.
o Intrusion Prevention System – Inline security component that scans for malicious
network traffic using both signature-based and anomaly-based detection to support
decisions to allow or drop traffic packets in near real-time.
o Web Application Firewall Inline security component that protects connections over
HTTP or HTTPS against targeted attacks at the application layer through the application
of rulesets which addresses common threats such as cross-site scripting and SQL
Software Defined Perimeter (SDP):
o Each device is authenticated and authorized via the DoD Enterprise IdP using DoD
approved PKI.
o Each managed device is subject to continuous monitoring of security baseline
o Access for each device is restricted using Single Packet Authorization (SPA).
o Each
entity is authenticated and authorized via the DoD Enterprise IdP using DoD
approved PKI or DoD approved MFA.
o Encrypted and authenticated communication sessions leveraging Mutual TLS (mTLS) are
used to set up micro-segmentation restricting network level access to authorized
resources only. Security controls within the Controller provide granular access control
enforcement based on a security attestation regarding the user’s roles and privileges,
attribute values, and environmental conditions (e.g., endpoint is patched, geolocation,
time of day).
Centralized Logging and Telemetry: Log, alert, and event data generated by the CNAP security
and access management services are tagged, logged, and sent to a centralized log management
service. CNAP telemetry is made available to the designated CSSP in the cloud environment. The
CSSP provides Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) services for the CNAP including continuous
monitoring, incident handling & management, attack sensing & warning, and insider threat
Connection Compliance/Device Enforcement: Connection compliance and device enforcement
enforces control of managed thick or mobile client endpoints connecting through the CNAP.
Endpoint devices must be authenticated and authorized.
Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)/Role Based Access Control (RBAC): ABAC and RBAC
are used to support authorization decisions. User attributes asserted by the identity provider, as
well as device attributes, are evaluated against the roles and privileges associated with the user to
inform connection compliance decisions
. Anomalous events such as a user attempting to
connect from a geographic location which deviates significantly from their attribute profile
requires further evaluation by the Policy Decision Point.
Single Sign On (SSO): Federation among the DoD Enterprise IdP, mission partner IdPs, and the
CSP’s internal IdP enables single sign-on using DoD approved PKI and DoD approved MFA.
SPA is a technique for securely communicating authentication and authorization information across closed
firewall ports to allow temporary access. SPA cloaks/hides all surrounding resources rendering them undiscoverable.
For information pertaining to which user and device attributes are asserted for ABAC, refer to the ICAM RD.
Micro-segmentation: Micro-segmentation is the logical division of the internal network into
distinct security segments at the service/API level. Use of micro-segmentation enables granular
access control to, and visibility of, discrete service interface points through the creation of
dedicated virtual network segments. Micro-segmentation, using Software Defined Networking
(SDN), enables the automatic enforcement of digital security policies at a granular level and
provides dynamic management.
Virtual Desktop (optional service): Users with zero or thin client devices can connect to cloud
resources by utilizing a cloud based VDI service hosted in the MO enclave. Connecting directly
to the VDI enables the user to interface seamlessly with resources hosted in the cloud without
additional security requirements being levied upon the endpoint device from which the user is
connecting. Once the user has authenticated to the VDI service, all further session transactions
take place within the cloud.
Security functions executed at the CNAP boundary may be pre-configured and integrated by the CSP;
deployable via configuration templates made available by the CSP, via Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
deployments published to an enterprise repository; or leveraging existing PaaS or SaaS CSP approved
solutions. Further customization of these configuration templates, or additional GOTS or COTS solutions
may be deployed to provide additional security at the CNAP boundary at the provider’s discretion.
C.3 - Authorized Egress
A CNAP allows outbound connections initiated by authorized internal, cloud based NPEs (e.g., source
code repositories, VDI session) to authorized external resources (e.g., COTS/FOSS software repositories).
Request response conversations can be initiated by authorized NPE from the cloud to authorized targets
on the internet. This functionality enables cloud-based software factories to check for software updates or
security patches from trusted external sources. These connections must be explicitly defined by the MO
and allowed upon request.
NPE identity creation, credentialing, maintenance, and decommission is expanded upon in the DoD
ICAM Reference Design.
Additionally, for VDI use cases, users can access the internet from the VDI network segment only.
Authorized egress traffic traverses the CNAP protection suite of security capabilities. This set of
capabilities includes the following:
Terminate and InspectOutbound connections are terminated and inspected prior to allowing egress
from the cloud enclave.
Software Defined Perimeter– This includes perimeter firewall, IDS/IPS, web application firewall, and
reverse web proxy.
Centralized Logging and Telemetry – Log, alert, and event data generated by the CNAP security and
access management services are tagged, logged, and sent to a centralized log management service. CNAP
telemetry is made available to the designated CSSP in the cloud environment. The CSSP provides DCO
services for the CNAP including continuous monitoring, incident handling & management, attack sensing
& warning, and insider threat detection.
ABAC/RBAC – ABAC and RBAC are used to support authorization decisions. Device attributes asserted
by the identity provider are evaluated against the roles and privileges associated with the device to inform
connection compliance decisions. Anomalous events such as a device attempting to connect to
unauthorized targets are not allowed.
All telemetry generated as a result are monitored within the MO’s environment by the CSSP and reported
as appropriate. Additional scanning and validation of the data and resources, such as source code, is
required to be brought into the cloud environment, but is outside the scope of the CNAP RD.
C.4 - Security Monitoring and Compliance Enforcement
CNAP security monitoring provides comprehensive threat mitigation and compliance enforcement
capabilities. The recommended solution is to leverage CSP PaaS using approved templates such as
Blueprints and Cloud Formations or Cloud Agnostic templates in Repo One
using Terraform. Note that
when the target production environment is not in the cloud (e.g., embedded systems in weapons
platforms) or when being cloud agnostic is an important operational consideration, a solution using
instances of hardened artifacts from a DoD Centralized Artifact Repository (DCAR) (e.g., Iron Bank)
should be implemented.
The tools and services used to provide this capability should be the same set of CSP PaaS based security
services and tools used for the rest of the MO cloud environment. All applications, appliances, and
devices that comprise the CNAP are monitored in accordance with applicable DoD Security
Requirements Guides and DoD Security Technical Implementation Guides. CNAP security monitoring
and compliance capabilities should align to, and be integrated as needed, with DCO. Monitoring and Remediation
This RD encourages the use of cloud-based log aggregation, security information event management
(SIEM), and security orchestration automated response (SOAR). All components within CNAP are
monitored for security events and configuration compliance. To do this, security monitoring services must
be able to connect to these logs, analyze events as they occur, and determine if a threat exists or is
Additionally, CSPs’ tools offer connectors or have open APIs that allow security event data to be
exported to market leading 3
party tools that might be used in DCO. Most of these tools have advanced
threat intelligence using machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence capabilities. This threat
intelligence capability identifies real and potential threats and automatically remediates within seconds.
Two examples of this type of service are AWS GuardDuty and Azure Sentinel. The use of these
commercial CSP cloud security services for monitoring a CNAP are highly encouraged in this RD.
However, 3
party monitoring and remediation tools are not excluded and may be required in certain
cases. Compliance Auditing and Enforcement
Configuration of components that comprise a CNAP are controlled and managed through automation
using cloud-based compliance tools. These tools provide a continuous auditing capability that allow MOs
to see in near real-time the compliance status of systems. Additionally, these tools can be configured to
enforce compliance ensuring configuration drift does not occur and RBAC assignments do not change.
Examples of such tools are Azure Blueprints and AWS CloudFormation. Cloud agnostic IaC options such
as Terraform or Ansible can also be used; these tools require separate sets of declarative statements for
each CSP environment. Integrated Visibility with CSSP/DCO
Event data collected by the CNAP monitoring capability is aggregated into a centralized log stack so it
can be easily transmitted, or otherwise made available, for upper-level CSSP and/or DCO Boundary
Cyber Defenders. This can be accomplished by establishing live feeds to a centralized CSSP/DCO
Repo One is the DoD repository for source code for DevSecOps development methodology.
repository. In doing so, MOs provide DoD upper tier security providers with visibility of the
cybersecurity posture allowing correlation, analysis, and identification of attacks across the enterprise. Continuous Authorization to Operate (cATO)
The monitoring and compliance capabilities, with integrated visibility, facilitate an ability to maintain
Continuous Authorization (CA). Compliance information is provided to an Authorizing Official via CSP
security and compliance dashboards. The information is provided in near real-time creating the ability for
AOs to audit compliance of systems on demand and without relying on IT staff. A CA Guide/Playbook is
currently in draft.
4. Data Flows
This section provides generic data flows for the CNAP capabilities described above. Figure 4 shows the
data flow of a CNAP within its context.
Figure 4 – CNAP Data Flow
The use of SDN facilitates micro-segmentation, an underpinning capability in ZTAs. This allows for
separation, or disaggregation, of network traffic creating a Control Plane for functions including, but not
limited to, authentication, authorization, NPE-to-NPE management, and security administration including
coarse-grained grant/deny authorization decisions, and a Data Plane for PE and NPE connections to
applications and data.
4.1. CSP Portal Access
Access to a CSP’s portal (depicted in Figure 6) is permitted for all authenticated and authorized privileged
users via an encrypted session using NSA-approved cryptography. This session is set up using the CSP’s
PKI certificates. Access to the CSP’s portal for all authenticated and authorized privileged users is via a
TLS encrypted session. The TLS session is set up using the CSP’s PKI certificates. CSPs are approved to
provide Boundary Protections for portal access to MO cloud enclaves. Authentication uses the DoD
Enterprise IdP (via directory federations
), which asserts the user’s identity and attributes to the CSP
portal. Authentication uses DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA. Authorization using ABAC and
RBAC is performed within the portal using business rules and role assignments that are managed by the
4.2. SaaS Access
Access to SaaS services is permitted for all authenticated and authorized users via an encrypted session
using NSA-approved cryptography. This session is set up using the SaaS provider’s PKI certificates.
CSPs are approved to provide Boundary Protections (which is an inherently government function, as
defined in the CIO Memo, "DoD Cybersecurity Activities Performed for Cloud Service Offerings").
Authentication uses the DoD Enterprise IdP, which asserts the user’s identity and attributes to SaaS
services. Authentication uses DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA. Authorization using ABAC and
Directory federation provides users with single sign-on access to systems and applications across organizational
boundaries. Federation with the DoD Enterprise IdP allows for the use of DoD approved PKI or MFA.
RBAC is performed within the SaaS service using business rules and role assignments that are managed
by the MO.
If the CSP provides sufficient native capability at the perimeter for centralized logging, log analysis, and
alerting, it is recommended that the MO use that capability. As a specific example, the DoD CIO has
directed that the native capabilities shall be used for Microsoft 365. (See Supplemental Guidance to the
Federated Implementation of Office Collaboration Capabilities for the Department of Defense, 25
November 2020, DoD CIO.) If such native capabilities are not available from the CSP, then an enterprise
approach to ZTNA should be leveraged in accordance with the DoD Zero Trust Reference Architecture
A ZTNA intermediary may be configured to be in-line with SaaS resource access. The ZTNA terminates
the encrypted session, invokes federated authentication via the DoD Enterprise IdP, and forwards the
requesting entity’s requests only to those resources to which it is authorized. Gartner, Inc. has identified
the two approaches to ZTNA:
Endpoint-Initiated ZTNA is client based ZTNA where an agent is installed on a BYOAD end
user device. The agent sends information about its security context to a controller, which prompts
the user for authentication. Endpoint-initiated ZTNA is problematic to implement on BYOAD
devices because of the requirement to install an agent. Agentless, service based ZTNA, can also
be used. In a service based ZTNA, the endpoint is inspected for security/compliance information
rather than having an agent send the information. This approach is dependent upon local security
policies of the client allowing the inspection. This RD does not prefer one approach over the
other. Implementers need to consider the trade-offs between the two.
Service-Initiated ZTNA is typically from the Cloud Access Security Broker/Secure Access
Service Edge (CASB/SASE) market segment. A connector is installed from the application to the
ZTNA provider’s cloud and establishes and maintains an outbound connection. Users
authenticate to the ZTNA provider via federated authentication with the DoD Enterprise IdP. The
provider validates the user authorization. Only after validation does traffic pass through the
ZTNA provider’s cloud, which isolates applications from direct access via a proxy. The
advantage of Service-Initiated ZTNA is that no agent is required on the end user’s device, making
it an attractive approach for unmanaged/BYOAD devices. The disadvantage is that application
protocols are typically limited to HTTP/HTTPS.
Note that if multiple ZTNA products are implemented, there may be “per user” license fee impacts. It is
recommended to use an enterprise approach to ZTNA to mitigate this potential cost.
4.3. Authorized Ingress
This section describes the flows into the MO’s enclave as depicted in Figure 4.
Network traffic entering the MO enclave via the CNAP is forwarded differently depending on several
factors, such as the type of endpoint client the traffic is originating from, as well as the service or
application that the client is attempting to connect to.
Note that the primary difference in the ICAM architecture between PEs and NPEs is in the credentialing
For thick-client or mobile endpoint connecting directly from the internet via the Software Defined
1. The user initiates a connection to the MO’s enclave, with the CNAP as an intermediary.
DoD Zero Trust Reference Architecture v1.0, February 2021
2. An encrypted and authenticated communication session leveraging NSA-approved cryptography
is initiated using the DoD PKI certificate in the CNAP.
3. The user authenticates via the DoD Enterprise IdP, or an IdP federated with DoD Enterprise IdP,
using DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA.
4. Once authenticated and authorized, an encrypted micro-segmented connection is established
between the client and the requested resource.
5. All user requests, CNAP actions, and requested resource actions are logged. Log entries are
tagged and sent to a centralized log aggregation service.
o A copy of the logs is sent to the Tier 2 CSSP.
6. End user can now communicate via an encrypted connection only with the resources they are
approved to access.
For thin-client or zero-client endpoint access to VDI service:
1. The user authenticates via the DoD Enterprise IdP, or an IdP federated with DoD Enterprise IdP,
using DoD approved PKI or DoD approved MFA.
2. VDI service receives an assertion and provides user access to VDI.
3. All further transactions are internal to the MO’s enclave.
4.4. Authorized Egress
This section shows the flows out of the MO’s enclave.
The CNAP provides egress access from authorized cloud resources and authorized VDI
applications to internet resources. This enables automatic pulling of patches and updates from
internet hosted repositories and allows VDI users to access technical material on internet hosted
FOSS, vendor, and training websites.
The CNAP must use public IP addresses (IPv6 or IPv4) to enable egress routing as these
addresses should be globally unique and public by default.
IDs of specific cloud resources that are allowed to establish outbound connections must be
identified at and explicitly authorized at the CNAP boundary. The CNAP should allow by
exception, upon request.
Response to egress requests, including web content and files such as source code, must be
scanned. Scanning of source code is outside the scope of the CNAP and not a dependency.
4.5. Security Monitoring and Compliance Enforcement
The monitoring and compliance data flow are depicted in Figure 5. Figure 5 describes data flows in the
context of the major CV-2 areas shown in Figure 3. This RD encourages the use of cloud native security
monitoring and tools and allows for the use of 3
party tools from Iron Bank. In general, there are four
flow patterns. Implementers are reminded that segregation of duties and least privilege apply when setting
up the security monitoring and compliance enforcement capabilities. Figure 5 illustrates the fundamental
framework for monitoring/remediating and compliance auditing/enforcement.
Flow 1 - Data Collection Flow. All resources push log entries to a centralized (to the MO owner)
log store. The information is collected from the targets to a central repository or workspace. The
logs are analyzed for security and compliance using a SIEM/SOAR tool such as Azure Sentinel,
AWS GuardDuty, Splunk, or ELK. Advanced cyber intelligence and compliance auditing tools
determine if action is required on a system or collection of systems based on alerts, patterns, and
baseline configuration.
Flow 2 - Remediation and Enforcement Flow. This is a push to the monitored targets
remediating any threats or non-compliant configuration.
Flow 3 - Configuration Compliance Flow. Compliance is monitored using cloud native services
such as AWS Config or Azure Policies or using 3
party tools such as Chef Inspec. A dashboard
displays the near real-time state of compliance of the environment.
Flow 4 - Data Sharing Flow. This flow is mandatory and can be a push or pull of security data to
an external tier 2 and above CSSP. This flow contributes to the larger DoD cybersecurity
visibility capability but does not provide the ability for the upper tier CSSP to actively manage
security in the MO enclave.
ure 5 – High Level Monitoring and Compliance Data Flow
5. Logical Design Patterns
This section describes two logical design patterns for a CNAP.
The first logical design pattern is a CNAP that provides access from the internet and DISN to a MO cloud
enclave for authenticated and authorized entities. In this pattern, entities must pass through the MO’s
cloud enclave front-end security platform (such as an SDP) where policy-based access is enforced prior to
continuing into the MO cloud enclave (see Figure 6). This pattern is applicable to non-privileged entities
for access to MO applications running in a production environment, and to privileged entities accessing
MO provided platform resources and services
The second logical design pattern is a CNAP that provides privileged and non-privileged entities access to
SaaS services via a front-end ZTNA security platform, where policy-based access is enforced prior to
continuing to the SaaS resource.
The ZTNA enforces authentication and authorization of entity requests and makes decisions to grant or
deny access based on the requesting entity’s identity, need-to-know, and device posture. They hide the
network and resource details to mitigate the most common network-based attacks.
5.1. Access to MO Cloud Enclave
This section presents a logical design pattern for access to the MO’s cloud enclave via the CNAP and
ZTNA (Figure 6). An example of a CNAP in use currently is the USAF Platform One. The Platform One
CNAP instance is one of several possible methods for instantiating what is in this logical design.
Alternatively, curated IaC is available to instantiate a CNAP leveraging CSP resources and services.
Design Principles
Provide global, unified, secure, and simple access to privileged and non-privileged entities.
o Seamless and fast access to applications/services.
o Security and access controls for all entities should be designed and applied globally.
Trust based on authenticated identity using DoD approved PKI/MFA.
Grant/deny access decisions based on authorization policy.
Identity awareness enables comprehensive visibility and fine-grained access control.
o Support fine granular routing and access policies using on-demand micro-segmentation.
o Visibility into who is accessing which applications/services.
o Attribution and non-repudiation in logs.
Non-Privileged Entity Access
o All access using encrypted and authenticated communication sessions leveraging NSA-
approved cryptography.
HTTPS to access perimeter security using ZTNA.
DoD managed PKI.
o Access to mission applications over specified ports and protocols such as HTTPS,
Privileged Entity (Developer/Engineer/Administrator) Access
o All access using encrypted and authenticated communication sessions leveraging NSA-
pproved cryptography.
Platform services are DevSecOps software development services and environments provided to multiple MO via a
single platform and allowing for separation between MO within the platform. Refer to the DevSecOps Reference
Design v2 for more details.
HTTPS to access perimeter security using ZTNA.
DoD managed PKI.
Encrypted and authenticated communication sessions leveraging NSA-approve
cryptography to access deployed resources.
o Baseline configuration of environment implemented using IaC, produced via CI/CD
Cloud resources and services, and application resources and code should be
treated as immutable infrastructure deploy new instances rather than patch or
update in place.
o Access to MO provided platform services via bastion host or session manager.
Layered Security Features
Federated authentication using DoD IdP.
ABAC/RBAC to authorization decisions at all layers.
IaC – Hardened configuration of deployed components.
Perimeter: Firewall, WAF.
Network micro-segmentation.
Application layer resources.
Immutable infrastructure deploy new instances rather than patch in place.
Log everything, send to centralized logging capability for the enclave.
Continuous monitoring of the state of compliance of the environment.
Log analysis and netflow analysis for event & incident detection.
Automated remediation of non-compliant resources.
Alerting and recommended remediations.
Machine learning denial of access for malicious activities.
Tier 3 CSSP Tools
o Access via HTTPS.
o Log storage, SIEM analysis, security console, dashboard.
o Access is granted from authorized resources such as a code repository for requesting
updated software packages, patches, and configuration files from approved repositorie
ted on the internet.
o Retrieved objects run through the CI/CD pipeline to scan and harden; trust in the suppl
ain is limited to DoD approved sources and all retrieved objects are verified. Guidance
for hardening objects/code can be found in the Container Hardening Guide.
ure 6 – CNAP Access to MO Enclave
The CNAP capabilities can be provided using CSP resources and services or can be provided using virtual
appliances augmented by hardened containers from Iron Bank. A ZTNA may be provided as an enterprise
service using a 3
party SaaS offering, or may be provided as an SDP provisioned at the boundary of the
MO’s environment using a COTS product that has been hardened and containerized, and available from
Iron Bank.
5.2. Access to SaaS Services
This section describes access to SaaS services, illustrated in Figure 7, using CNAP ZTNA at the MO
enclave edge and CSP SaaS connectors. Examples of SaaS services include office automation, case
management, service desk, human resources, and cloud management portals. The SaaS offering already
has perimeter and internal security capabilities in place that have been evaluated as part of FedRAMP and
the DoD IL4/5 PA. This section describes augmentations to those security capabilities outside of the SaaS
cloud, and guidance for configuration (e.g., least privileges) that the SaaS provider enables.
Design Principles
Global, unified, secure, and simple access.
o Seamless and fast access to applications/services.
o Security and access controls for all entities should be designed and applied globally.
Trust based on authenticated identity using DoD approved PKI/MFA.
Grant/deny access decisions based on authorization policy.
Identity awareness enables comprehensive visibility and fine-grained access control.
o Support routing and access policies using on-demand micro-segmentation.
o Visibility into who is accessing which applications/services.
o Attribution and non-repudiation in logs.
Non-Privileged Entity Access
o All access using an encrypted and authenticated communication session leveraging NSA-
approved cryptography.
o Entity authentication at the ZTNA via integration to DoD Enterprise IdP.
o The ZTNA enforces authorization decisions to provide coarse-grained access control,
allowing access only to end user facing interface.
o SaaS offering enforces configured authorization decisions to provide fine-grained access
Privileged Entity (Sysadmin and CSSP) Access
o All access using an encrypted and authenticated communication session leveraging NSA-
approved cryptography.
o Entity authentication at the ZTNA via integration to DoD Enterprise IdP.
o The ZTNA enforces authorization decisions to provide coarse-grained access control,
allowing access only to administrator-facing interface.
o SaaS offering enforces configured authorization decisions to provide fine-grained access
Layered Security
o 3
party ZTNA offerings shift the security focus from managing network security
appliances to policy-based security services. Security is based on the identity of the
entity, the device, the requested resource, and environmental conditions such a
geolocation, time of day, or state of compliance of the end user device.
TLS Endpoint
DoD managed PKI.
Decrypt and inspect encrypted traffic once.
Integration with DoD Enterprise IdP service.
Enforces authorization decisions to provide coarse-grained access control.
Log everything, send events as per a service level agreement to a DoD
centralized logging capability.
o CSP provided perimeter security – assessed as part of DoD PA.
Log everything, send events as per a service level agreement to a DoD
centralized logging capability.
o Configured security within SaaS – SaaS offerings include a set of pre-defined roles for IT
privileged users and for functional privileged users. These roles are organized to support
least privilege concepts. When assigning entities to roles, the following examples of
separation of duties should be considered:
Role administrators cannot access workflows, data.
Workflow administrators cannot access roles, data.
Data configuration administrators cannot access roles, workflows, or actual data.
Workflow approvers cannot access roles, workflows; can access data only in
relation to their assigned gates in the workflows.
ure 7 – Access to SaaS Services
If the CSP provides sufficient native capability at the perimeter and for centralized logging, log analysis,
and alerting, it is recommended that the MO use that capability. As a specific example, the DoD CIO has
directed that the native capabilities shall be used for Microsoft 365. (See Supplemental Guidance to the
Federated Implementation of Office Collaboration Capabilities for the Department of Defense, 25
November 2020, DoD CIO.) If such native capabilities are not available from the CSP, then an enterprise
approach to ZTNA should be leveraged.
6. Implementation Responsibilities
This section describes responsibilities for implementing a CNAP (see Figure 8). The implementation
responsibility lies primarily with the MO. However, there are a few areas where responsibilities are
shared. The sections below describe the roles and responsibilities for each entity related to a CNAP.
6.1. DoD Enterprise Responsibilities
In general, the DoD enterprise is responsible for the transport and security of the data to and from the
CNAP. The data transport and security vary slightly if the user is accessing the CNAP from the internet or
within the NIPRNET. If coming from the internet, the DoD enterprise is responsible for secure transport
of the data by enforcing transport security at the CNAP. If coming from the NIPRNET to access the
CNAP, the DoD enterprise is responsible for the local base routing and security stacks (which potentially
may include JRSS) along with the outbound IAP connection to the internet, which then connects to the
In both cases, the assigned upper-level (Tier 2) CSSP monitors the DoD tenant that the CNAP is hosted in
via log feeds/access from/to CNAP components. JFHQ-DODIN and USCYBERCOM have authority over
the CNAP, as it is part of the DoDIN. The MO is responsible for ensuring the CSSP, JFHQ-DoDIN, and
USCYBERCOM have access to the requested data and access logs to properly monitor a CNAP and to
initiate cyber defensive measures within the DISN (i.e., blocking at the DISN BCAP) if required.
Blocking network traffic at the CNAP is performed by the MO. For example, the firewall, WAF, or
IDS/IPS within the CNAP would block network traffic based on port, protocol, IP address, or signature.
These blocks can be based on information from JFHQ-DODIN or the CSSP and are implemented by the
Finally, any Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) required to access the CNAP, such as laptops or
CACs, is the responsibility of the broader DoD enterprise and outside the scope of the CNAP.
6.2. MO Responsibilities
The MO’s role is the implementer, owner, and operator of the CNAP. The MO’s responsibility is to
implement the components that deliver CNAP capabilities based on the design patterns laid out in this
document, obtain an ATO, and operate the CNAP in accordance with the CC SRG, SCCA, DISA STIGS,
and applicable NIST 800-53 Risk Management Framework controls. The most efficient way to implement
a CNAP is by using DoD pre-built templates
, commonly referred to as IaC, that automatically deploy
requisite infrastructure components and establish roles, policies, monitoring, and reporting. MOs may
choose to manually implement a CNAP if IaC templates do not meet their requirements. However, a
better approach is to examine the IaC template and determine if small alterations would satisfy the
requirement. Figure 8 summarizes the role and responsibilities for the MO for each CNAP capability
DoD IaC templates that include CNAP components for Azure and AWS are available from DISA.
gure 8 – MO Roles and Responsibilities
C1. The MO is the steward for the CNAP and is responsible for ensuring mission partners are
cognizant of the CNAP security including, but not limited to, endpoint client agents for thick
clients and DoD approved PKI and MFA. Additionally, the MOs are responsible for educating
mission partners on the egress restrictions and the process for approving egress access to an
external software repository.
C2. and C3. The MO is the owner and operator of the applications/systems that comprise the
CNAP for authorized PE ingress and authorized NPE egress. The MO is responsible for
associated costs, implementation, and ATO associated with CNAP capabilities. Additionally, the
MO has the responsibility for security monitoring, remediation, compliance and compliance
enforcement, and associated security reporting for CNAP components.
C4. The MO can be the owner and operator of the applications and systems that provide SIEM
and SOAR capabilities or may outsource these to an approved CSSP. The MO has the shared
responsibility for integrating these capabilities, whether owned/operated or outsourced, with the
Tier 2 CSSP and DCO.
6.3. Mission Partners
The Mission Partners’ role is a consumer of MO cloud resources and services. They have the
responsibility of ensuring federation with the DoD IdP.
6.4. CSP Responsibilities
The CSP provides a secure cloud environment that has been approved for DoD use by the DoD Cloud
Authorization Service. The CSP is expected to follow the requirements laid out in the Cloud Computing
Security Requirements Guide and is subject to the FedRAMP auditing process and responsible for
obtaining PAs for PaaS CNAP components that may be implemented.
7. References
This RD references the following documents:
DoD Digital Modernization Strategy, 12 July 2019;
DoD Enterprise Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design, June
DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Ref Design Version 1.0 12 AUG 2019;
Department of Defense, "DoD Cloud Computing Strategy," December 2018;
DISA, "Department Of Defense Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide, V1R3," 6
March, 2017; https://public.cyber.mil/dccs/
DISA, "DoD Secure Cloud Computing Architecture (SCCA) Functional Requirements," January
31, 2017; https://disa.mil/~/media/files/disa/fact-sheets/secure-cloud-computing.pdf
NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5, Security and Privacy Controls for Federal
Information Systems and Organizations; http://dx.doi.org/10.6028/NIST.SP.800-53r4
Gartner, Inc., “Market Guide for Zero Trust Network Access,” June 2020
DoD CIO, Supplemental Guidance to the Federated Implementation of Office Collaboration
Capabilities for the Department of Defense, 25 Nov 2020
DoD Zero Trust Reference Architecture v1.0, February 2021;
Container Hardening Guided, Version 1, Release 1, 15 OCT 2020;
Appendix A – Acronyms
Table 1 - Acronyms
Attribute-Based Access Control
Authorizing Official
Authorization to Operate
Amazon Web Services
Boundary Cloud Access Point
Bring Your Own Authorized Device
Continuous Authorization
Continuous Authorization to Operate
Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery
Cloud Native Access Point
Chief Information Officer
Commercial Off The Shelf
Cyber Protection Condition
Cloud Service Provider
Cybersecurity Service Provider
Cyber Command
Capability View
Deputy Chief Information Officer Information Enterprise
Defensive Cyber Operations
Development, Security, and Operations
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Information System Network
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Information Network
Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program
Free and Open Source Software
Government Furnished Equipment
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol - Secure
Infrastructure as a Service
Infrastructure as Code
Internet Access Point
Identity, Credential, and Access Management
Identity Provider
Intrusion Detection System
Impact Level
Information Operations Condition
Internet Protocol
Intrusion Prevention System
Joint Force Headquarters
Joint Regional Security Stack
Multi-Factor Authentication
Machine Learning
Mission Owner
Mutual Transport Layer Security
Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router Network
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Non-Person Entity
Provisional Authorization
Platform as a Service
Policy Decision Point
Person Entity
Public Key Infrastructure
Role-Based Access Control
Reference Design
Remote Desktop Protocol
Real-time Transport Protocol
Software as a Service
Secure Cloud Computing Architecture
Software Defined Perimeter
Security Information Event Management
Security Orchestration Automated Response
Secure Shell
Security Technical Implementation Guidance
Transport Layer Security
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Virtual Internet Access Point
Virtual Network
Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Network
Web Application Firewall
Zero Trust Architecture
Zero Trust Network Access
Appendix B Glossary
Table 2 - Glossary
The collection of measurements or other data at remote or inaccessible
points and their automatic transmission to receiving equipment for
Refers to the operating system and hardware of a server in an internet-
based data center. It allows software and hardware products to co-exist
remotely and at scale.
Software Defined
A computer security framework to control access to resources based on
identity and a need-to-know model in which device state and identity are
verified before access to application infrastructure is granted.
Zero Trust
A security model in which devices should not be trusted by default even
if they are connected to the same LAN and previously verified. An
approach that advocates mutual authentication, including checking the
identity and integrity of devices regardless of location and providing
access to applications and services based on the confidence of device
identity/health in combination with user authentication.
Impact Levels (IL)
Impact Levels are the combination of 1) the sensitivity of the
information to be stored and/or processed in the cloud; and 2) the
potential impact of an event that results in the loss of the confidentiality,
integrity, or availability of that information.
Appendix C – Recommended Policy Updates
This section presents recommended DoD policy updates needed to enable the migration to CNAP and
zero trust access.
Current policy requires that access to DoD IL4/5 resources and services traverse an IAP to reach
services via the DISN. When those resources and services are hosted in a CSP with a DoD
PA, they are not physically hosted on a DoD controlled physical or cyberspace. Policy should be
updated for this hosting pattern to enable direct access from the internet, but with an appropriate
zero trust architecture including perimeter and layered security capabilities.
BYOAD is being updated currently. The new policy should accommodate devices that are under
third-party management, such as other GFE from Government Agencies or corporate devices
from the Defense Industrial Base.
Currently there is no policy or guidance for Service Agencies or Military Departments clarifying
the definition and authorities of the MO for CNAP in cases of cross-Service and cross-Platform
capabilities when users originate from other Departments or agencies. Recommend the creation
of a CNAP Governance and Policy Authorities Guide.