Well Search Spreadsheet Instructions Page 1 of 4
Version 1.3 03/22/12
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Site Remediation Program
General instructions
1. Applicability. The purpose of the Well Search Spreadsheet is to enable data management and documentation of
human receptors via ground water that are discovered in the context of a Receptor Evaluation. The spreadsheet has
been created to assist in completing a receptor evaluation in accordance with the Technical Requirements for Site
Remediation, N.J.A.C. 7:26E-1.15. The Technical Requirements for Site Remediation and all applicable
New Jersey
Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) guidance or instruction should be used in concert with this form to
ensure all appropriate technical data is collected and evaluated properly. Please read the Well Search E-Tools
Instructions at http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis to help find receptor wells.
2. Timeframe. The Technical Requirements for Site Remediation include requirements for the receptor evaluation
process including the requirement for the person responsible for conducting the remediation to initiate a receptor
evaluation upon discovery of a discharge contamination.
The Department has proposed regulatory amendments that would extend the regulatory timeframe for submission of
the initial receptor evaluation for existing sites until March 1, 2011 or one year after the initiation of a remediation that
occurs after March 1, 2010. The mandatory timeframe for submission of the initial receptor evaluation for existing sites
would be extended until March 1, 2012 or two years after the initiation of a remediation that occurs after March 1, 2010.
For additional information regarding timeframes, see instructions for Receptor Evaluation Form at
3. Initial versus Updates: When a previously completed well search is being updated due to newly discovered
contaminant migration, the well search spreadsheet should be used as an update for any newly discovered wells. For
new well searches, any domestic, public or non-public community, commercial, irrigation, industrial, agricultural and
livestock wells should be entered on the well search spreadsheet. Monitoring wells and other non-pumping wells that
are not threatened receptors do not need to be included in the spreadsheet, but should be evaluated as part of the
remedial investigation. In addition to submission of the initial Well Search Spreadsheet, as noted above, the Well
Search Spreadsheet is required to be updated and submitted with each Remedial Investigation Report, Remedial
Action Report and for Immediate Environmental Concern (IEC).
The NJDEP may update this spreadsheet periodically. Please ensure you are using the latest version of this
spreadsheet. Download the latest version of this spreadsheet from the NJDEP Website:
http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/srra/forms. If you are running a new well search report to submit an initial or updated
spreadsheet, use the latest version of the spreadsheet. If you are only submitting a previously completed well search
spreadsheet with a key document, you do not need to revise the spreadsheet to a new version.
4. Biennial Certifications: Receptor evaluation continues under Biennial Certification process. The Spreadsheet and
Receptor Evaluation Form are required to be submitted until a Remedial Action Outcome/No Further Action is issued.
5. Signatures. There are no signature requirements for the Well Search Spreadsheet, but an electronic copy of it must
accompany a Receptor Evaluation Form.
6. Filing. Follow all Receptor Evaluation Form filing requirements and concurrent with submission of the form you also
email the Well Search Spreadsheet to [email protected].
Specific Instructions
Information is provided below on spreadsheet column headings and dropdown fields. Changing columns, headers or
adding columns will cause submissions to fail. Read the Well Search E-Tools Instructions http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis
for procedures used to generate data for the spreadsheet.
CASE INFO TAB: All Case Info Tab fields are mandatory. Do not transfer this information to the Well Search Info
Tab as it will cause submissions to fail.
SITE NAME: The name of the case as known to NJDEP for which the well search was completed.
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Version 1.3 03/22/12
SITE STREET ADDRESS: For the physical location of the site (not mailing address), provide the number and street
name only.
SITE COUNTY (select): Select the county in which the site's physical address is located.
SITE MUNICIPALITY (select): Select the municipality in which the site's physical address is located
PROGRAM INTEREST (PI) ID #: This is a code with 5, 6 or 10 characters input into a text field that identifies a given
site for the entire Site Remediation Program. It is not the case specific identifier such as an incident number [eg, 98-12-
08-1534-57] or an ISRA case number [eg, E-9324]. If you do not know the PI for your site, find it at
http://datamine2.state.nj.us/dep/DEP_OPRA .
SOURCE COORDINATE X: This is a State Plane Coordinate expressed in feet for the North American Datum 1983
System for the “point of ground water contamination” closest to the known or suspected source of that contamination.
The "X" value, also known as the “easting” is a 6 digit integer between 193,624 and 659,481. This is not a Longitude or
Latitude value. Please do not enter units (ft) in the field. Please read the Well Search E-Tools Instructions at
http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis to learn more about getting the correct value for this field.
SOURCE COORDINATE Y: This is a State Plane Coordinate expressed in feet for the North American Datum 1983
system for the “point of ground water contamination” closest to the known or suspected source of that contamination. The
"Y" value, also known as “Northing” is a 5 to 6 digit integer between 35,035 and 919,467. This is not a Longitude or
Latitude value. Please do not enter units (ft) in the field. Please read the Well Search E-Tools Instructions at
http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis to learn more about getting the correct value for this field.
GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION: Values entered here must be from the dropdown list and not manually entered.
Leaving the field blank indicates that you have no groundwater flow information. It is recognized that a single
groundwater flow direction may not be available, but the NJDEP prefers that the “prevailing” ground water flow direction
should be selected, based on professional judgment. When not possible, the variable flow selection is also available.
APPLICABLE WELL TYPES FOUND? (Yes/No): Where none of the well types specified in the rule were found in the
search, the entry of a “No” into this field explains the lack of data in the Well Search Info tab. NJDEP will fail any
submission which has no data in the Well Search Info tab but does not have a “No” answer in this field.
IS THIS SUBMISSION AN UPDATE? (Yes/No): This field is a check method for determining if the submission is an
update of any submission, electronic or not. The date contained in the name of the spreadsheet file is another method for
determining if the submission is an update. The spreadsheet will be considered an Initial Receptor Evaluation if this field
contains a “No” answer.
AUTHOR: This is the name of the company which prepared the Receptor Evaluation. Only place the name of the
company on this line. Please enter all this information into a single cell.
AUTHOR STREET ADDRESS: In a single cell input the following information with commas as follows: street number and
street name, town, state, zip code.
LSRP LICENSE NUMBER OVERSEEING WORK: If an LSRP oversees work at this site, enter the license number only.
LSRP NAME OVERSEEING WORK: Include name only for the LSRP overseeing work at site.
PROFESSIONAL WHO PREPARED SUBMISSION: Name of person who completed the spreadsheet.
EMAIL CONTACT: Email for the person who completed the spreadsheet.
PHONE CONTACT: Phone number for the person who completed the spreadsheet.
WELL SEARCH INFO TAB: The first 17 blank columns are meant to accommodate data from the XY Well Search
Query (the Query) found at http://datamine2.state.nj.us/DEP_OPRA/OpraMain/categories?category=WS+Well+Permits
and as modified per the Well Search GIS Instructions. The user pastes entire Query return [minus “no” values from
“Potentially Potable” column] and with X/Y values refined as described in Well Search E-tools into the blank columns. The
field names for all the columns in the tab are discussed below.
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1. Download Document: User does not input data to this field. The Query uses this field to return links if a permit
image is available.
2. Permit Number: Mandatory Field. The Query will always return the NJDEP permit number. The user pastes
entire Query return [minus “no” values from “Potentially Potable” column]. Read Well Search E-Tools Instructions
at http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis for clarification User should only key data to this field if the user finds a well not
returned by the Query and the user has a permit number for that well. In such instances, a permit number should
be entered exactly as shown on the permit, including dashes, or if no permit number is known, key in the word
3. Well Use: Mandatory Field. The Query will always return a value for this field. User changes a value from the
dropdown to this field only if user determines that the field value by NJDEP was in error, or if user finds a well not
contained in the Query return table.
4. Potentially Potable: User does not input data to this field. The Query will always have a Yes or No value as a
means to initially sort out remedial type wells from potable for the purpose of determining which are well types
required by the rule.
5. Document: The Query is the primary source for X and Y coordinates, but for some wells the user may have 3
sets of increasingly accurate location data. The accuracy hierarchy from lower to higher is the Query, Water
Allocation data, Public Community Well GIS (Safe Drinking Water) data. Accordingly, for any well returned by
the Query for which the user does not refine the X and Y locations, the user should leave the Document field
alone. If the user obtains Water Allocation or Safe Drinking Water GIS locations for a well within the “focused
search area”, they should input the higher accuracy X and Y locations and change Document field to indicate
what type of record is being used. Also, if a well is found which was not reported by the Query and the user
acquires a Well Permit or Well Record, the user should select the appropriate Document type from the dropdown.
6. Date (Permitted/drilled/sealed): Date was formerly in three fields has been combined into one column. The
effective Start Date displays for permit rows. Drilling End Date is displayed for record rows and Sealed Date is
displayed for decommissioning rows
7. Physical Address: The Query will often not populate this field. User should enter the Street Address for the
location of the well if one is obtained.
8. County: Mandatory Field. The Query will always populate this field. User should only input a value if the
NJDEP value is found to be incorrect or if user finds a well not contained in the Query return table.
9. Municipality: Mandatory Field. The Query will always populate this field. User should only input a value if the
NJDEP value is found to be incorrect or if user finds a well not contained in the Query return table.
10. Block: Mandatory Field. The Query will often not populate this field. User should always input the newest tax
block data into this field for the “focused search area”
11. Lot: Mandatory Field. The Query will often not populate this field. User should always input the newest tax lot
data into this field (see http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis).
12. Location Method: User must not input a value in this field. It is only for informational purposes for any data
supplied by the Query.
13. Easting (X): Mandatory Field. The Query will always populate this field, but generally with a surrogate Atlas
Grid value. User modifies the X and Y for any well in the “focused search area”.
14. Northing (Y): Mandatory Field. The Query will always populate this field, but generally with a surrogate Atlas
Grid value. User should read the Well Search E-Tools Instructions at http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis to learn how
to input a more accurate values into X and Y fields. User modifies the X and Y for any well in the “focused search
15. Distance (feet): The Query will only populate this field when a record has accurate Location Method (such as
GPS). “Surrogate” locations [ie, Location Method = “Prop Loc – Hard Copy”] are not displayed User should not
input a value in this field unless you modify the X and Y fields.
16. Depth (feet): The Query may populate this field. User should always try to input a value in this field if one can be
17. Capacity (gal/min): The Query may populate this field. User may input a value in this field if one can be acquired.
18. COORD_METHOD: Mandatory Field. This field is not returned by the Query. It is a dropdown and based on
activities the user completes based on the Well Search E-Tools Instructions at http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis.
19. TOP_OPEN_INT: Top of Open Interval is the number of feet from the ground surface to the top of the screen or
top of the open bore hole. Found on Well Record. NJDEP understands that the User may not always be able to
acquire this data. Leave field empty in such instances. Do not input units.
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Version 1.3 03/22/12
20. BOT_OPEN_INT: Bottom of Open Interval is the number of feet from the ground surface to the top of the screen
or top of the open bore hole. Found on Well Record. NJDEP understands that the User may not always be able
to acquire this data. Leave field empty in such instances. Do not input units.
21. STATIC_LEVEL: This field is not returned by the Query. This field is on the Well Record as measured in feet
from ground surface. Do not input units.
22. STATUS: Mandatory Field. This field is not returned by the Query. It is a dropdown to record outcome of door
to door survey activities. See http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis.
23. WELL_SAMPLED?: If sampling was conducted at a well relative to the Receptor Evaluation, provide the date of
sampling in this field. The format is MM/DD/YYYY. For any well not sampled, leave the field blank.
Submission of the Spreadsheet
After reading and completing actions detailed in the Well Search E-Tools Instructions at http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/gis,
complete the Well Search Spreadsheet and attach a paper copy of it via the Receptor Evaluation form or Biennial
Certification Form as appropriate.
Submit the completed form as per instructions found at:
Receptor Evaluations: http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/srra/forms/receptor_evaluation_report_ins.pdf
Biennial Certifications: http://www.nj.gov/dep/srp/srra/forms/rem_action_prot_cert_gw_ins.pdf
Also submit an electronic copy of the spreadsheet to srpgi[email protected] as follows:
Email Subject Line provide only: The Program Interest number and the suffix “WRS” [which stands for Well Receptor
Survey]. If the Program Interest number is 013164, your subject line should be 013164, WRS.
The body of the email must contain the basic information needed to identify the environmental company and LSRP
overseeing work, the professional who should be contacted if a submission has technical GIS problems and site
identification information. To standardize the delivery of this information, please copy the field names below. Paste
these field names into your email without changes to their content or order. Key in information as needed after each field
Name of GIS author Company and mailing address:
Name and license number of any LSRP overseeing work:
Email for LSRP overseeing work:
Name of professional performing GIS work:
Email for Professional performing GIS work:
Phone Number for Professional performing GIS work:
Program Interest Number for Site:
Name of Site as known to NJDEP:
Physical address of Site:
Submission Type Suffix:
Attached spreadsheet should be named as only: Program Interest number of the site; The date of the submission; and
“WRS” (designating Well Receptor Survey):
Example: Consultants Client Name: YXZ Inc
DEP Program Interest No.: 013164
Date of Submittal: May 13, 2010
The spreadsheet file name should be: 013164_051310WRS
If you revise this spreadsheet on May 25, 2010 the revised spreadsheet should be 013164_052510WRS