EXAMPLE Mission, Vision & Values Statements
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Last Updated December 22, 2017
Mission Statements:
To develop a holistic coordinated and comprehensive civil legal service delivery model in Alaska so that
crime victims can access a wide range of civil legal assistance in the wake of their victimization and
overcome the unique barriers experienced by rural, underserved, Alaska Native, immigrant and limited
English proficient crime victims. This model supports restoring and enhancing Tribal government
authority in Alaska Native communities and ensuring legal services are accessible to urban and rural parts
of Alaska.
The Denver Wraparound Legal Services Project is a united network dedicated to identifying gaps in legal
services for crime victims in Greater Denver, and closing those gaps by providing relevant education, and
supporting skilled, wraparound, legal services for crime victims.
The Legal Collaborative for Survivors is a network of legal and social assistance providers that increase
crime survivors’ access to a broad range of legal services connected with their victimization. We use a
case navigator model to connect survivors with complex needs to a trauma-informed, culturally
competent network of legal and social service providers.
The New York Crime Victim Legal Network is a partnership of organizations working together to address
the various non-criminal legal needs of crime victims. Our goal is to develop new technology solutions to
connect victims of crime with the appropriate legal services they need.
Vision Statements:
Every crime victim will have the ability to get their legal needs met.
The Legal Collaborative for Survivors promotes healing and justice to help survivors of crime rebuild
their lives.
Core Values:
Understand trauma and its impact on survivors of crime and their families.
1. Promote safety of survivors.
2. Ensure cultural competence of service providers.
3. Maintain survivor autonomy, control and choice.
4. Share power and governance with survivors and within the Collaborative.
5. Meet survivors’ holistic needs.
6. Take a strengths-based approach that focuses on resilience and prevents revictimization.
WLSP will ensure that victim service providers know where to get different types of legal help,
and who does what in the WLSP network of legal and non-legal service providers.
Wraparound Services
Wraparound services means victims will not have to wait to access legal services.
WLSP creates victim access to a continuum of legal services based on their needs, and ensures
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Last Updated December 22, 2017
victims of crime have access to on-line legal information to aid in self-advocacy and finding legal
Respect and Sensitivity
Victims will experience a trauma-informed, thorough intake at any victim service agency within
the WLSP network.
Education and Support
Educate the community service providers about crime victims’ legal needs and resources.
Educate the judiciary about crime victims’ legal needs and resources.
Educate law enforcement and other members of the criminal justice system about the legal needs
of crime victims.
Educate victims about common legal needs and resources so they can advocate for themselves.
Sustainability and Growth
The coordinated WLSP network will replicate what works and sustain collaboration.
Client-Centered, Accessibility, Trauma-Informed, Culturally Competent, Responsiveness, Ease of Use,
Sustainability, Security