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Public Relations Plan Template
This public relations plan, prepared by [preparer] has been developed exclusively for [insert organization
Executive Summary
The Executive Summary contains an overall summary of the plan you intend to set forth on the
subsequent pages. (Consider completing this lastas it should be concise yet poignant as an
introduction into your plan.)
Situation Analysis
Following extensive research (note, most companies and people avoid research due to cost but it is the
foundation of any plan so you must push hard to do some research at the onset, before a plan is created
to guide your work), the circumstances and situation impacting [insert company, product or person]
appear to be as follows:
The attitudes of consumers towards [insert company or client here] indicate that […]
In comparison with the leading competitors in the category, [insert company or client here] is
performing strongly in the following areas […]
We conclude that some of the weakness of [insert company or client here] seem to be […]
A public relations program is needed because […]
List your overarching item here answer: what do you intend do?
Identify your specific and measurable objectives of your communications efforts you can do that
by following this format:
1) [Objective one]
a. [Reasoning]
b. [Benefits]
c. [Measurement]
2) [Objective two]
a. [Reasoning]
b. [Benefits]
c. [Measurement]
Target Audiences
List the audiences that the communications efforts will reach or address get as specific as
possible focus on the demographic(s) you will target through the plan. It is advised that you be
extremely specific vs general in this section. Go as deep as possible explore: age, sex, location,
likes, dislikes, habits, what they read, where they are online, etc. This is one of the most useful
tools in creating a robust program.
Target Media
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In the day and age where the media is a bigger entity than just a newspaper or outlet, it is critical to
understand who you are targeting and want to target. Get specific here and list new types of media to be
reached, including specific websites, blogs, influencers, news sources, journals, etc.
As part of the research phase, understand your key messages and define those out here. Begin to
architect your message map for each audience.
How are you going to get your communications items accomplished? These are higher level ways of
communicating your objectives but they are not super detailed yet. That’s a tactic.
Get detailed. Take your strategies and list the categories of your action items (ex: Media Relations). List
specific actions to be taken under this umbrella, this includes:
Media relations proactive and reactive
Press release program
Social media
Speaking opportunities
Executive positioning
Corporate social responsibility program
Search optimization
Search marketing
Crisis preparedness and issues planning
Break it out by month or timeframe
List Categories Mentioned in “Tactics” Section
List specific actions to be taken under this umbrella during this timeframe
Include a breakout of estimated costs here.
Measurements / Key Performance Indicators
In this section, break out and define how you will achieve the work and rate it as an effective program.
Include a timeframe for assessing the plan throughout the year. Show was elements or results will be
necessary to indicate the success or failure of the program and discuss how this will be addressed.