Biography G 320
Classification and Shelflisting Manual G 320 Page 1
July 2013
BACKGROUND: The cataloger classes biographical works under the topic with which the
biographee, the person about whom a biography is written, is most closely identified. For
example, works written about Henry Ford are usually classed in HD9710, which represents the
history of the automobile industry. However, when an individual who has contributed to
several different fields is the subject of a biography, the work is assigned a classification number
determined by the topic covered in that particular work. For example, a book about Thomas
Jefferson as an architect is classed in NA737, which represents the history of American
architecture, whereas Jefferson as a musician is classed in ML429. If a biography treats
multiple aspects of an individual's life, the cataloger classes the work with the topic with which
the biographee is most commonly associated. Thus, works that present several aspects of
Jefferson's career are classed in E (American history).
For the purposes of this instruction sheet, it is important to recognize the different kinds of class
numbers where a biography may be classed. A Biography Table may be applied only to an
individual biography class number where the name of the biographee is on the first Cutter.
Collective biography. No special rules are required to create Cutter numbers for
works classed in a collective biography number.
General class numbers. Any class number other than a biography class number.
The note "Includes biographies" under a general topic does not make the number a
biography number.
Biography class numbers. Any class number established specifically for
biographical works. A collection of an individual's letters or compilation of a
person's speeches may be classed in a biography class number. Sometimes separate
class numbers are provided for these topics, as well as for autobiography or
dictionaries and indexes.
Individual biography, A-Z. This caption indicates that these numbers are biography
numbers, and therefore that the Biography Table is used if the biographee is on the
first Cutter. Collected works, selected works, autobiographical works, letters, and
speeches of the biographee may be classed here.
For a work to be covered by the guidelines in this instruction sheet, the name of the biographee
must be given as the first subject heading.
This instruction sheet provides guidelines on shelflisting procedures. For instructions on the
assignment of subject headings, see H 1330. For classification instructions, see F 275.
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1. Determining whether the class number represents a general number or a biography
number. This decision is important because the Biography Table is used only under a
biography number in which the biographee is on the first Cutter. Some class numbers in the
schedules contain information that makes them appear to be biography numbers, but they are not
to be treated as such.
a. General numbers. The following characteristics denote general numbers.
The caption indicates a general topic. Biographies may be classed there.
D568.4 Arabia [works about T.E. Lawrence as Lawrence of Arabia are
classed here]
A note indicates that biographies are also classed in that number. The class
number, however, is a general works number. Example:
By period
F53 1771-1865
Including admission as a state: March 4, 1791.
Biography: Jacob Collamer, etc.
Great Britain
HD9011.5 General works. History.
Including biography
Personal narratives may seem to suggest biographies. However, these
numbers are considered to be general numbers. Example:
Personal narratives and other accounts
D811.A3-Z Individual, A-Z
"Life and reign" appears as a caption in the history schedules. However,
these numbers have special rules: Cutter all works by the 1XX and/or 245
fields, including works by the ruler.
DA539 General works on life and reign of William IV, 1830-1837.
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1. Determining whether the class number represents a general number or a biography
number. (Continued)
b. Biography classes. The following characteristics denote biography numbers:
The caption is Individual biography, A-Z.
TD139 Collective
TD140 Individual, A-Z
The caption for personal narratives appears as part of a caption for biography.
E444 Biography. Personal narratives of slaves.
2. Shelflisting biographies in biography classes.
a. Individual biographee on the first Cutter. Subarrange materials according to the
Biography Table unless the schedule provides otherwise.
.x Cutter for the biographee
.xA2 Collected works. By date
.xA25 Selected works. Selections. By date
Including quotations
.xA3 Autobiography, diaries, etc. By date
.xA4 Letters. By date
.xA5 Speeches, essays, and lectures. By date
Including interviews
.xA6-Z Individual biography and criticism.
By main entry
Including criticism of selected works,
autobiography, quotations, letters,
speeches, interviews, etc.
In .xA6-Z, do not Cutter lower than A6. The suggested Cutter numbers for
entries beginning with A are:
Aa-Af A6-699
Ag-Al A7-799
Am-Ar A8-899
As-Az A9-999
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2. Shelflisting biographies in biography classes. (Continued)
b. Translations. The Translation Table can be applied to the .xA6-Z of the Biography
Table. Do not use the Translation Table with the .xA2-.xA5 area of the Biography
c. Extended example of application of the Biography Table
in classification schedule: E185.97 Individual A-Z
.x = Cutter for biographee.
E185.97.K5 King, Martin Luther.
.xA2 = Collected works. By date
E185.97.K5 A2 1967 King, Martin Luther. Works
Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr. … 1967
.xA25 = Selected works. By date
E185.97.K5 A25 1970 King, Martin Luther. Words & wisdom of
Martin ... 1970
.xA3 = Autobiography. By date
E185.97.K5 A3 1975 King, Martin Luther. Freedom’s course … 1957
[first subject heading: King, Martin Luther]
Note: Previously, the Biography Table specified that autobiographies be
Cuttered .xA3-39. The added digit represented the title of the autobiographical
work. This practice, illustrated below, has been discontinued.
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2. Shelflisting biographies in biography classes.
c. Extended example of application of the Biography Table. (Continued)
E185.97.K5 A34 1957 King, Martin Luther. Freedom's course ... 1957.
[first subject heading: King, Martin Luther.]
.xA4 = Letters. By date
E185.97.K5 A4 1966 King, Martin Luther. Correspondence.
Correspondence of Martin Luther King, Jr. …1966.
[hypothetical example]
.xA5 = Speeches. By date
E185.97.K5 A5 2001 King, Martin Luther...
. Call to conscience : the landmark speeches. 2001
.xA6-Z = Biography and criticism.
E185.97.K5 A63 1969 Abernathy, Ralph.
. What manner of man? 1969.
[first subject heading: King, Martin Luther]
[Note that the Cutter for Abernathy has been adjusted to fit
the .A6-Z span provided by the table.]
d. Individual biographee on the second Cutter. When a biography class is established
in the schedule so that the Cutter number representing the biographee is the second Cutter
(i.e., the first Cutter is reserved for a topic, country, etc.), do not use the Biography Table.
Create a Cutter for the biographee and add a digit or digits to represent the 1XX and/or
245 fields. Arrange autobiographies, etc. and works about the biographee by the 1XX
and/or 245 fields. Do not provide any subarrangement such as that provided by the
Biography Table. Example:
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2. Shelflisting biographies in biography classes.
d. Individual biographee on the second Cutter. (Continued)
in the classification schedule:
[DS135.E5-6] England. Great Britain
Biography and memoirs
DS135.E6A2-Z Individual, A-Z
in the shelflist:
DS135.E6 C643 1982 Benjamin, Arnold P.
David Cohen : his life & time ... 1982.
DS135.E6 C644 1977 Cohen, David.
My life ... 1977.
DS135.E6 C6445 1980 Cohen, David.
What a life ... 1980.
DS135.E6 C646 1983 McDonald, Michael.
The David Cohen Story ... 1983
Note: Previously, autobiographies were filed before all works written about the
biographee. This practice has been discontinued.
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3. Shelflisting biographies in general classes.
a. General rule. Apply the preferred shelflist order (see G 65). File all works
about a person after all works by that person. If any works by the biographee have
already been shelflisted and a biography is classed in the same class, create a Cutter so
that the biography files after the works of the biographee.
b. Biography on the first Cutter. Establish a first Cutter for the biographee and a
second Cutter for the 1XX and/or 245 fields of the biography.
in the classification schedule:
By period
F53 1791-1865
Biography: Jacob Collamer, etc.
in the shelflist:
F53.T95 Twilight, Alexander Lucius, 1795-1857.
Vermonts politics in the 19
[hypothetical example]
F53.T95 H34 1998 Hahn, Michael T., 1953-
Alexander Twilight; Vermont's ... 1998.
c. Biography on the second Cutter. If no works by the biographee exist in that class,
establish a Cutter for the biographee and add a digit or digits to represent the 1XX and/or
245 fields. If any works by the biographee have already been shelflisted and a
biography is classed in the same class, create a successive Cutter so that the biography
files after the works of the biographee and add a digit or digits to represent the 1XX
and/or 245 fields. Example:
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3. Shelflisting biographies in general classes.
c. Biography on the second Cutter. (Continued)
in the classification schedule:
World War (1939-1945)
Other special topics, A-Z
D810.C2 Camouflage
in the shelflist:
D810.C2 M35 Maskelyne, Jasper.
Magic--top secret ... [1949].
[subject heading: Camouflage (Military science)]
D810.C2 M363 1983 Fisher, David, 1946-
The war magician / David Fisher ... c1983.
[biography of Maskelyne]
D810.C2 M365 1988 Landers, Andrew.
Jasper Maskelyne / Andrew Landers ... 1988.
[biography of Maskelyne]
4. Other tables for biographical works. If an individual class specifies a table other than the
Biography Table, apply that table. Example:
LB475.A-Z Individual educators, A-Z
Subarrange each by Table L14
E664.A-Z Individual, A-Z
E664.A19 Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 (Table E2A)