Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
The SCCS adopted this document
on 30-31 October 2019
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
About the Scientific Committees
Two independent non-food Scientific Committees provide the Commission with the scientific
advice it needs when preparing policy and proposals relating to consumer safety, public
health and the environment. The Committees also draw the Commission's attention to the
new or emerging problems which may pose an actual or potential threat.
They are: the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) and the Scientific
Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) and are made up of
scientists appointed in their personal capacity.
In addition, the Commission relies upon the work of the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Centre for Disease prevention
and Control (ECDC) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
The Committee shall provide Opinions on questions concerning all types of health and safety
risks (notably chemical, biological, mechanical and other physical risks) of non-food
consumer products (for example: cosmetic products and their ingredients, toys, textiles,
clothing, personal care and household products such as detergents, etc.) and services (for
example: tattooing, artificial sun tanning, etc.).
Scientific Committee members
Ulrike Bernauer, Laurent Bodin, Qasim Chaudhry, Pieter Jan Coenraads, Maria Dusinska,
Janine Ezendam, Eric Gaffet, Corrado Lodovico Galli, Berit Granum, Eirini Panteri, Vera
Rogiers, Christophe Rousselle, Maciej Stepnik, Tamara Vanhaecke, Susan Wijnhoven
European Commission
Health and Food Safety
Directorate C: Public Health, Country Knowledge, Crisis Management
Unit C2 – Country Knowledge and Scientific Committees
L-2920 Luxembourg
SANTE-C2-SC[email protected]
ISBN 978-92-76-15271-2
European Union, 2020
ISSN 1831-4767
Doi: 10.2875/40446 EW-AQ-20-012-EN-N
The opinions of the Scientific Committees present the views of the independent scientists
who are members of the committees. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the
European Commission. The opinions are published by the European Commission in their
original language only.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
SCCS members and external experts listed below are acknowledged for their valuable
contribution to the finalisation of this Opinion.
SCCS Members
Dr U. Bernauer (Rapporteur and Chairperson of the Working Group)
Dr L. Bodin
Prof. Q. Chaudhry SCCS Chair
Prof. P.J. Coenraads SCCS Vice-Chair
Prof. M. Dusinska
Dr E. Gaffet
Prof. E. Panteri
Prof. V. Rogiers SCCS Vice-Chair
Dr C. Rousselle
Dr M. Stepnik
Prof. T. Vanhaecke
Dr S. Wijnhoven
SCHEER Members
Dr W.H. de Jong
External experts
Dr N. von Goetz
Dr A. Simonnard
All Declarations of Working Group members are available on the following webpage:
Keywords: SCCS, scientific opinion, nanomaterials, Guidance
Opinion to be cited as: SCCS (Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety), Guidance on the
Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics, 30-31 October 2019, SCCS/1611/19
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................. 3
1. BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 7
2. GUIDANCE ....................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Requirements for safety assessment of NM in cosmetics ................................... 10
2.2 Safety Considerations Relating to Nanomaterials ............................................. 13
3. PHYSICOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISATION ............................................................ 17
3.1 Key physicochemical parameters ................................................................... 19
3.2 Methods for Characterisation ......................................................................... 23
3.3 Performance of Characterisation Methods ....................................................... 25
3.4 Characterisation of NM for toxicological testing and in biological fluids and tissues26
3.5 Dose Metrics ............................................................................................... 26
4. EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT ................................................................................... 28
4.1. Functions and uses of cosmetic ingredient ..................................................... 29
4.2. Identification of relevant exposure scenarios .................................................. 29
4.3. Calculation of external exposure ................................................................... 30
4.4. Calculation of systemic exposure .................................................................. 35
5.1. General Considerations ................................................................................ 41
5.2. Requirements for Dossiers on nanomaterials as cosmetic ingredients ................ 42
5.3. Specific Considerations relating to testing of Nanomaterials ............................. 44
5.4. Considerations for the replacement of in vivo testing by in vitro testing ............. 53
6. RISK ASSESSMENT ........................................................................................... 59
7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................................... 62
8. REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 66
ANNEXES ............................................................................................................ 88
ANNEX 1: Available replacement methods for the toxicological evaluation of
nanomaterials intended for use in cosmetics ......................................................... 89
ANNEX 2: Checklist for Hazard Identification (Toxicological Data) to be provided
for safety evaluation of nanomaterials intended to be used in cosmetic products ..... 104
ABBREVIATIONS AND GLOSSARY OF TERMS ...................................................... 106
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Applicants are invited to visit the SCCS website:
where they will find a checklist
for submitting a safety dossier of a nanomaterial
used in cosmetics.
Applicants are invited to visit the following website
for further legislative information:
This Guidance on nanomaterials should be used in
conjunction with the general guidance for the submission of
safety dossiers of cosmetic ingredients The SCCS Notes of
Guidance for the testing of cosmetic ingredients and their
safety evaluation, 10
Revision, SCCS/1602/18” or most
recent update.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Main structural changes
The general structure of the Nano-Guidance has been changed to give priority to
physicochemical characterisation and exposure assessment as starting points in safety
assessment of nanomaterials.
The chapter on hazard identification has been updated for specific considerations
needed for nanomaterials with emphasis on replacement alternative methods.
Summary text boxes have been introduced at the end of each chapter to highlight the
key aspects.
A checklist for submitting a safety dossier to the SCCS has been added (Annex 2).
Data requirements for human health safety evaluation of a nanomaterial as cosmetic
ingredient have been updated.
Reference and abbreviation lists have been updated.
Main changes in contents
All sections have been updated to the current state of knowledge in regard to the
technical and scientific progress in safety assessment of nanomaterials.
Text and contents have been changed to indicate priority to non-animal methods.
New subsections have been introduced (e.g. on coatings, nano-carriers and
encapsulated nanomaterials, immunotoxicity, as well as in silico, grouping and read-
across methods).
Alternative methods and new approach methodologies (NAMs) have been summarised
in Annex 1 on methods for the toxicological evaluation of nanomaterials.
This Guidance may be subject to future changes based on the evolution of science in the
field of safety assessment of nanomaterials.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Developments in the field of nanotechnology have also opened up new prospects for
innovation in cosmetics. At the same time, the use of very small particles in consumer
products has raised concerns over their safety to human health and the environment (Borm
et al., 2006; Fadeel et al., 2017; Wu and Tang, 2018). In Europe, the use of nanomaterials
in cosmetics is specifically covered under the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009,
which provides a definition of a nanomaterial (NM) and requires premarket notification,
safety evaluation, and labelling of NMs intended for use in cosmetic products. In the event
that the Commission has concerns regarding the safety of an NM, the Commission shall
refer it to the SCCS for a scientific opinion.
In 2012, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published the Guidance on
safety assessment of NMs in cosmetics (SCCS/1484/12). A number of new developments
have since taken place in the area of NM safety research, and the SCCS has also assessed
several safety dossiers on NMs intended for use in cosmetic products (a list can be found at:
A number of issues and questions have been identified by the SCCS regarding the types and
quality of the information and data that must form part of the safety dossiers on NMs. In
view of this, the SCCS published a memorandum (SCCS/1524/13 Revision of 27 March
2014) to highlight the importance of relevance, adequacy and quality of the data provided
in a safety dossier on NMs.
As such, this Guidance is an up-to-date revision of the existing Guidance (SCCS/1484/12)
and is aimed at providing an overview of the key issues and data requirements relating to
the safety assessment of NMs in cosmetics. In updating the Guidance, the SCCS has
considered information available in published literature as well as other relevant documents;
such as those published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2011, 2018); the
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA, 2012, 2017a, b, c); the draft guidance published by the
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA, 2014); a report of the International Cooperation on
Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR, 2012); as well as reports from the Scientific Committee on
Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR, 2009, 2010, 2015) and the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2009c, 2010a, c).
This Guidance is applicable to any material that meets the criteria for an NM as outlined in
the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, i.e. “An insoluble or biopersistent and
intentionally manufactured material with one or more external dimensions, or an internal
structure, on the scale from 1 to 100 nm. In addition, the Commission adopted a
Recommendation (2011/696/EU) in 2011 that provides an overarching definition of NM. The
Recommendation has proposed a threshold of 50% or more particles of the total number of
particles in a material to be in the nanoscale for it to be regarded an NM. This
Recommendation has not yet been applied to the definition of NM under Cosmetic
Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. However, it is recommended that it should be kept in view
by the Applicants when assessing safety of the materials used in cosmetics that are
comprised of or consist small particles, or exhibit a size-related change in properties,
behaviour, and/or effects compared to the conventional (bulk) ingredients.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Since the current definition for NM as outlined in the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No
1223/2009 explicitly mentions insoluble or biopersistent nanomaterials, it may pose a
difficulty in regard to interpretation of the term ’insoluble‘. For example, NMs that only show
a partial solubility may be regarded as 'soluble' in relative terms. However, it needs to be
considered whether the nanomaterial is used as a cosmetic ingredient in particulate form,
and for a specific functionality. When dealing with the question of solubility, as provided in
the current definition, it is important to note that any nano-specific risk may change (even
diminish) when a nanomaterial is dissolved. But it is the time over which the dissolution
happens that determines the considerations for risk assessment based on either particle risk
or soluble substance risk. Partial dissolution over a long period of time may be mistaken to
claim that the material is 'soluble', and therefore not a nanomaterial under the scope of the
current definition provided in the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
The solubility of NMs used as cosmetic ingredients should also be seen in the context of
internationally agreed categories defining various degrees of solubility, such as those
provided by the European and US Pharmacopeias (European Pharmacopoeia 10
(2019); USP38 and USP 38 NF33). Solubility data are generally drawn from tests in aqueous
media and not cosmetic formulations, whereas solubility is dependent on a number of
factors such as the solvent medium, pH, temperature, duration, chemical composition of the
NM (including impurities), surface chemistry, as well as aging of NMs. The 2012 SCCS Nano
Guidance (SCCS/1484/12) has explained that ‘Solubility in the context of this guidance
means disintegration of a nanomaterial in an aqueous medium or biological environment
into molecular components with the loss of nano features’. In this regard, the OECD TG 105
method is not considered suitable as such for measuring solubility of NMs because the
method is designed for conventional (non-nano) substances. Since insoluble and partially-
soluble NMs are likely to form suspensions of nanoparticles in the solvent media, it is
important that any suspended particles are completely removed from the suspension
through ultracentrifugation and/or ultrafiltration before carrying out chemical analyses to
avoid overestimation of the truly solubilised amounts of the NM.
It should be noted that ‘insolubility’ is a relative term to explain a material’s lack of
solubility. Therefore, due consideration must be given when a substance is intended to be
used as a cosmetic ingredient in particulate form, and risk assessment must be performed
on the particulate form of the material, where applicable. Also, depending on how much
material was added to a cosmetic product, the final formulation may still contain
(nano)particles even when the material is partially solubilised. Only when the substance is
used in fully solubilised form, i.e. not used as a nanomaterial, nano-specific risk assessment
may not be needed.
Table 1: Categorisation of solubility of substances as defined by US and European
Pharmacopeias (European Pharmacopoeia 10
Edition (2019); USP38 and USP38
Term Parts of Solvent Required
for 1 Part of Solute
Solubility defined in g/L
Very soluble Less than 1 part >1000
Freely soluble 1 to 10 parts 100-1000
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Soluble 10 to 30 parts 33.3-100
Sparingly soluble 30 to 100 parts 10-33.3
Slightly soluble 100 to 1000 parts 1-10
Very slightly soluble 1000 to 10000 parts 0.1-1
Insoluble* >10000 parts <0.1
*the European Pharmacopeia terms it as ‘practically insoluble’
It needs to be remembered that 'solubility' and 'insolubility' are two sides of the same coin,
and the degree of insolubility can only be measured in terms of measuring solubility.
Although detailed explanation of insolubility/solubility may not have been provided in the
legislation, a clear understanding exists in the scientific terms. For example, a ‘sparingly
soluble’ material will, by definition, have virtually most of the material in insoluble particle
form. For this reason, the SCCS will consider all those nanomaterials within the scope of the
NM definition that fall under the categories of ‘practically insoluble’, ‘very slightly soluble’,
‘slightly soluble’ or ‘sparingly soluble’.
The Guidance is aimed at facilitating the Applicants in preparing safety dossiers, and
assisting risk assessors and risk managers in the implementation of the provisions of article
16 of Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. The Regulation imposes strict conditions
and timelines for notification and assessment of cosmetic products containing NMs on the
Responsible Persons, as well as on the SCCS. All the essential elements that would be
required in an NM safety dossier are covered in this Guidance, i.e. physicochemical
characterisation, exposure assessment, toxicological evaluation and risk assessment. As
such, this Guidance is complementary to the SCCS general Notes of Guidance for specifically
addressing safety aspects of NMs, and therefore must be considered in conjunction with the
SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or its most recent revision).
The Guidance will be revised and updated by the SCCS when considered appropriate to take
account of any new scientific advancements and the new knowledge and experience in this
The Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 specifically covers the risk of nanomaterials
(NMs) used in cosmetic products. If there are concerns regarding the safety of an NM, the
European Commission refers it to the SCCS for a scientific opinion. The SCCS published a
Guidance on safety assessment of NMs in cosmetics in 2012 (SCCS/1484/12), and has since
assessed safety of several NMs intended for use in cosmetic products. This Guidance is an
up-to-date revision of the 2012 Guidance to take account of new developments in the area
of NM safety research to facilitate the applicants and the risk assessors in preparing and
assessing safety dossiers on nanomaterials.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
In addition to other requirements under relevant regulation, this document is intended to
provide specific guidance on the safety evaluation of NMs intended to be used as cosmetic
ingredients. NMs may exhibit certain physicochemical properties, biokinetic behaviour,
biological interactions, and/or toxicological effects that are different from conventional or
bulk form of the same ingredients. This guidance therefore highlights specific aspects that
should be considered when testing and reporting data for NMs. It points out the type of
data/information that must be provided by the Applicant to the Commission in support of
the safety of the NMs intended for use in cosmetics. For the overall safety assessment of
cosmetic ingredients, this guidance should be used in conjunction with the SCCS Notes of
Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or more recent version).
The Guidance is structured in separate sections covering Requirements for Safety
Assessment (2.1), Physicochemical Characterisation (3), Exposure Assessment (4), Hazard
Identification and Dose-Response Characterisation (5), and Risk Assessment (6) of NMs. A
summary and conclusions of the main aspects discussed are provided in section 7.
It also needs to be emphasised that the guidance provided in this document is based on the
currently available knowledge. As the field of NM safety assessment is still evolving, future
revisions will be carried out as necessary when new scientific knowledge becomes available.
2.1 Requirements for safety assessment of NM in cosmetics
Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 specifically covers the use of NMs in cosmetic products. It
not only provides a definition of NM, but also a mechanism for the notification, labelling, and
consumer safety evaluation of NMs used in cosmetic products.
According to Article 13 (1) of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 (‘Cosmetics Regulation’), the
Responsible Person should notify the Commission prior to placing the cosmetic product on
the market. For cosmetic products containing NMs, there is a specific deadline for the
notifications, i.e. they should be notified at least six months prior to being placed on the
market (Article 16 (3) of the Cosmetics Regulation). If the Commission has concerns about
the safety of an NM, it shall request the SCCS to give an opinion within a period of six
months (Article 16 (4)). The SCCS evaluation of NM safety is mainly based on the dossier
submitted by the Applicant(s). In addition, the SCCS may also use information gathered
from published literature and/or received from other stakeholders as a result of the
Commission's call for data. In cases where further data/clarifications are needed, the 6-
months clock starts again once the necessary data/information is provided by the Applicant.
Certain categories of cosmetic ingredients - e.g. colorants, UV-filters and preservatives,
including their nanoforms - can only be used in cosmetic products when ‘authorised’, i.e.
listed in Annexes IV-VI respectively (Article 14 (1) (c)-(e)). These substances are
designated to be subjected to SCCS opinions to be ‘authorised’. NMs belonging to these
categories are not assessed under Article 16 (4)(
). Consequently, the deadline of six
months for notification does not apply to products containing NMs that are used as
Article 16 (2) states that “The provisions of this Article do not apply to NMs used as colorants, UV-filters or
preservatives regulated under Article 14, unless expressly specified.”
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
colorants, UV-filters and preservatives. Such products should be notified to the Commission
as any other product, i.e. prior to being placed on the market (Article 13).
Where a cosmetic ingredient fulfils the criteria defining an NM as set out in the Cosmetic
Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, Article 2 (1) (k)
(or any future revisions), safety data with
special considerations to the properties of that specific NM will be required for safety
assessment. This will apply to any new or already approved ingredient if it fulfils the criteria
for definition of an NM; for example, when an approved ingredient is manufactured by a
different process and the generated material is comprised of particles in the nano-scale.
In 2011, the Commission adopted a Recommendation on an overarching definition of NM.
According to this Recommendation (2011/696/EU), which is currently under review, the
following was proposed:
‘Nanomaterial’ means a natural, incidental or manufactured material containing
particles, in an unbound state or as an aggregate or as an agglomerate and where,
for 50% or more of the particles in the number size distribution, one or more
external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm - 100 nm.
In specific cases and where warranted by concerns for the environment, health,
safety or competitiveness the number size distribution threshold of 50% may be
replaced by a threshold between 1 and 50%.
By derogation from the above, fullerenes, graphene flakes and single wall carbon
nanotubes with one or more external dimensions below 1 nm should be considered
as nanomaterials.
According to the Recommendation, ‘particle’ means a minute piece of matter with defined
physical boundaries, agglomerate’ means a collection of weakly-bound particles or
aggregates where the resulting overall surface area is similar to the sum of the surface
areas of the individual components, and ‘aggregate’ means a particle comprising of strongly
bound or fused particles, for which the total surface area is smaller than the sum of the
surface areas of the individual components. (i.e. only the external surface contributes). In
addition, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO, Geneva, Switzerland) has
published a series of documents dealing with several aspects of nanotechnology
nomenclature, the ISO 80004 series on nanotechnology vocabulary including, for example,
ISO/TS 80004-2:2015 (confirmed in 2018, previously ISO/TS 27687:2008) that describes
the terms nanoparticle, nanofiber and nanoplate. More detailed and technical information
about the definition of an NM is available in the ‘questions and answers’ section of the
European Commission website
The EC Recommendation is under revision and has not yet been applied to the
definition of a nanomaterial under the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
However, it is advisable to the Applicants to take this Recommendation (and any resulting
revision of the definition) into consideration when assessing the safety of the cosmetic
ingredients that are comprised of or consist small particles. In situations where a particulate
According to the definition under Article 2(k) of Cosmetic Regulation, ‘nanomaterial’ means an insoluble or
biopersistant and intentionally manufactured material with one or more external dimensions, or an internal
structure, on the scale from 1 to 100 nm.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
material has internal nano-structures, or exists in the form of larger agglomerates or
aggregates, the use of volume specific surface area (VSSA) (Kreyling et al., 2010), and/or
other parameters, such as electron microscopy images (Scanning Transmission Electron
Microscopy (STEM); Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM); Scanning Electronic
Microscopy (SEM)), can provide further information - e.g. on the size of primary
nanoparticles (NPs), structure and coatings. A decision flow scheme has recently been
developed by the NanoDefine project ( to facilitate establishing whether
or not a material should be regarded an NM according to the EC recommended criteria for
definition, and to identify suitable methods and tools for NM characterisation.
As indicated by SCENIHR (2009), NMs, like other substances, may or may not be harmful.
In principle, the risk assessment paradigm including exposure assessment, hazard
identification, dose response characterisation, and risk characterisation, routinely used for
conventional substances, also applies to NMs. However, because of the nano-scale
dimensions, and the potential qualitative and quantitative differences in physicochemical
properties, biokinetic behaviour, and toxicological effects, there may be additional or
different concerns in regard to the safety of NMs to consumer health. As indicated in this
Guidance, the testing and subsequent safety assessment of NM ingredients will therefore
require certain additional considerations, and/or adaptation of testing methods in view of
the nano-scale features and properties of the NMs. These aspects need to be specifically
addressed when NM ingredients are used in a cosmetic product. Especially, the aspects
relating to particle nature and nano-dimensions need to be considered throughout safety
assessment; i.e. during material characterisation, hazard identification and characterisation,
exposure assessment, and safety evaluation. It is therefore important that relevant data
and information on the various testing and production stages are provided by the Applicant
for each NM intended for use in cosmetic products (see also SCCS 1588/17).
Irrespective of the presence of NM(s), the existing regulations, and the SCCS Notes of
Guidance on testing of cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation (SCCS/1602/18 or
most recent version), must be followed.
Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 provides a definition of NM as well as a mechanism
for pre-market notification, safety evaluation and labelling of NMs intended for use in
cosmetic products. This Guidance is applicable to cosmetic ingredients that fulfil the criteria
defining an NM as set out in the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, Article 2(1) (k)
(or any future revisions). It is also advisable to take into account the Commission
Recommendation (2011/696/EU) on the overarching criteria for definition of NM when
assessing the safety of a material that is comprised of, or consists small particles. Safety
assessment of NMs is carried out using the same principles that are routinely used for
conventional substances. However, because of the nano-scale dimensions and the potential
differences in physicochemical properties, biokinetic behaviour, and toxicological effects,
additional aspects need to be considered in testing and safety assessment of NMs. The data
and information provided for an NM must be relevant, of high quality and adequate to allow
safety assessment (see also SCCS/1524/13 and SCCS/1588/17).
Irrespective of the presence of NM(s), the existing regulations and the SCCS Notes of
Guidance on testing of cosmetic ingredients and their safety evaluation (SCCS/1602/18 or
more recent version) must be followed.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
2.2 Safety Considerations Relating to Nanomaterials
It has emerged from numerous studies that some materials manufactured at the nano-scale
show significant deviations in physicochemical properties, interaction with biological
systems, and/or toxicological effects, compared to conventional equivalents. For example,
nanoparticles (NPs) in the lower nanometre (nm) range may penetrate biological membrane
barriers that normally prevent the entry of (larger) particulate materials into cells and
tissues (Jani et al., 1990; Geiser and Kreyling 2010; Landsiedel et al., 2012; Treuel et al.,
2013; Hougaard et al., 2015; ECHA, 2017b, c; Nakamura and Watano, 2018). It is
therefore possible that, once internalised in the form of NPs, some insoluble or poorly-
soluble materials may be able to reach those parts of the body that could not have been
reached by larger sized particles. As particle size at the nanoscale may be accompanied by
certain specific changes in physicochemical properties, a detailed characterisation of the NM
intended for use in cosmetic products becomes crucially important. Characterisation is not
only important for proper identification of the NM in terms of chemical composition, but also
in relation to other particle-related characteristics and properties that need considering in
safety assessment (see Section 3 – Physicochemical Characterisation).
The main safety concerns relating to the use of NMs in cosmetics stem from the question
whether the use of such products could lead to:
1. local and systemic exposure of the consumer to NPs;
2. local and/or systemic harmful effects; and overall
3. health risk to the consumer as a result of the exposure.
A number of studies and reports investigating possible regulatory gaps have concluded that
the current risk assessment paradigm used for conventional bulk materials should also be
applicable to NMs (SCENIHR, 2009; OECD, 2009c; Chaudhry et al., 2010; EC, 2012). The
current hazard identification/dose-response characterisation, which is based on structured
toxicological evaluation of conventional chemicals, should also identify/ characterise toxic
effects of NMs, provided that nano-related aspects have been duly considered during
The conventional risk assessment approach for chemicals considers both hazard and
exposure – where the absence of one means no risk to the consumer. Thus, safety
assessment of NM cosmetic ingredients may, in the first instance, be driven by exposure
considerations, with attention to any distinctive material characteristics at the nano-scale
(see Figure 1 and Table 2). This will inevitably require detailed characterisation of NMs and
determination of the likelihood and extent of systemic exposure resulting from potential
translocation of NMs across dermal, respiratory, or gastrointestinal barriers depending on
the possible route(s) of exposure (see Section 4). In addition, local effects will need to be
considered, irrespective of the fact whether or not the use of a cosmetic product containing
NMs can lead to systemic exposure. Even in the absence of systemic availability as an NM,
and when no local effects are being observed, it needs to be assessed whether the chemical
substance may be translocated and could cause systemic effects. Then, the safety of the NM
needs to be assessed according to its chemical nature by following the SCCS Notes of
Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or more recent version). For dermally applied cosmetic products
containing NMs, photocatalytic activity must also be evaluated.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Figure 1: Schematic outline for the safety assessment of nanomaterials in cosmetics.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
As mentioned before, due to the nano-scale dimensions, and potentially altered uptake and
biokinetics, some NMs may pose a health risk to the consumer because of the ability of
insoluble or poorly-soluble NPs to penetrate biological membrane barriers and reach those
parts of the body that are otherwise protected from exposure to (larger) particles. Although
transport of NMs to secondary organs has been observed, it is still not clear if accumulation
of those NMs that are considered low toxic or apparently non-toxic could also lead to a
toxicological effect, and/or contribute to a pathological change in organs in the long term
(Kermanizadeh et al., 2015). The uptake mechanism of a particular NM can also differ
depending on the cell type and the exposure route (dos Santos et al., 2011). At present,
there is insufficient understanding of the nature of interaction of NMs with biological
moieties that may take place at or close to the molecular level. Keeping this in mind, where
there is evidence for systemic availability of NPs, further investigations into hazard
identification and dose-response characterisation will be required in consideration of the
nano aspects.
For NMs, determination of ADME (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion)
parameters should receive special attention. These aspects have historically been
determined through in vivo studies. However, Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 has
placed a complete ban on in vivo testing and marketing for cosmetic products and their
ingredients. The generation of in vivo data for cosmetic products and ingredients was
forbidden in the EU as of September 2004 and March 2009, respectively, with the exception
of skin sensitisation, repeated dose toxicity, toxicokinetics and reproductive toxicity (when
carried out outside the EU). Subsequently, the generation of in vivo data for all endpoints
was forbidden as of March 2013. Thus, only data produced before these timelines can be
used in support of safety assessment of cosmetics and their ingredients. A key scientific
objective of the EU is to promote the development and validation of alternative methods
that adhere to the 3Rs principle, and to provide a level of safety equivalent to that obtained
through animal testing while using fewer animals, causing less suffering, or avoiding any
use of animals. In view of the ban, the need for implementing non-animal alternatives is
particularly crucial for safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients/products because safety
data can only be drawn from alternative methods, meaning that the 3Rs choices are
effectively restricted to 1R (i.e. Replacement of animal testing). In view of this, the SCCS
considers all available scientific data, taking into account the testing and marketing bans in
force under Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. This includes physical and chemical properties
of the compounds under investigation, in silico data such as the results obtained from
(Q)SAR {(Quantitative) Structure Activity Relationship} modelling, chemical categories,
grouping, read-across, Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetics (PBPK)/Toxicokinetics (PBTK)
modelling, in vitro and ex vivo experimental results. There may, however, be situations
where in vivo data are available for an NM from studies carried out before the testing bans,
or from studies that had been carried out to fulfil data requirements of a different (non-
cosmetic) legislation; e.g. for assessment as a medicinal or food ingredient, a pesticide or
biocide, or an industrial chemical under REACH (EU, 2008). Such data may be accepted for
safety assessment of the NM intended for use as a cosmetic ingredient if the evidence is
also provided to indicate that the data had been generated prior to the animal testing bans
(i.e. before March 2009 or March 2013 depending on the toxicological endpoint), or for
other regulations for non-cosmetic applications of the NM. If such data are available, these
should be submitted as part of the safety dossier of a cosmetic ingredient.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Despite some refinement and reduction improvements to the existing in vivo test guidelines,
and development of guidelines for replacement methods, the available validated
replacement methods only cover some of the toxicological endpoints that are needed for
safety assessment. Also, the data/information generated by most alternative methods relate
to hazard identification. The currently available and validated in vitro methods for
conventional chemicals concern skin corrosion, skin irritation, skin sensitisation, eye
irritation, mutagenicity/genotoxicity and phototoxicity. For reproductive toxicity, 3 validated
methods exist (Annex I) but these have not been taken up in the regulatory context
because of the lack of specificity. For carcinogenicity, recently validated in vitro cell
transformation assays (CTAs) are promising tests for predicting NM-induced cell
transformation as one of the crucial endpoints of carcinogenicity. Due to a variety of
reasons, including the complexity of vertebrate organisms, at present there is no validated
in vitro method available either for repeated dose toxicity (including reproductive toxicity,
developmental toxicity and carcinogenicity), or any proposal currently in place for pre-
validation/validation (Worth and Balls, 2002; Rogiers and Pauwels, 2005; Adler et al., 2011;
JRC report 2016, 2017, 2018; SCCS 1602/18).
It is also of note that none of the currently available validated alternative methods for
conventional chemical substances has so far been validated specifically for NMs. Also, apart
from testing dermal absorption, the currently available in vitro tests are not suited for dose-
response characterisation of possible in vivo harmful effects (SCCP 2007; SCCS 2009; Adler
et al. 2011; JRC report 2016, 2017, 2018). This means that quantitative risk assessment of
cosmetic NMs based on alternative methods is challenging at present. However, this
situation is not specific to NMs, and equally applies to conventional cosmetic ingredients as
well. Notwithstanding such limitations, the use of in vitro methods for NMs will require
certain additional considerations of the particle nature and other nanoscale aspects, and the
testing methods may need certain adaptations or further characterisation and validation.
These aspects are discussed in more detail in Section 5.
The ban on animal testing gives another reason that safety assessment of cosmetic NMs
may be driven by consideration of exposure scenarios and exposure related aspects (see
Figure 1), with a focus on detailed characterisation of the NMs (Table 2), and with nano-
related considerations during toxicological evaluations (Section 5 and Annex I). In view of
the current lack of alternative methods that have been specifically validated for NMs, the
SCCS also considers data obtained from those methods that may not yet have undergone
formal validation but can be demonstrated to be scientifically valid.
In regard to toxicological studies, it is important to note that interactions of an NM with
biological systems may be different from those expected from conventional forms of the
same material. Some of these interactions may bring about further changes in
physicochemical characteristics of the NM. A well-known example of the latter is adherence
of molecules including proteins to the NM surface, the so-called 'protein corona' (Cedervall
et al., 2007; Šimon and Joner, 2008; Lynch and Dawson, 2008; Saptarshi et al., 2013;
Capjak et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2017). Therefore, consideration also needs to be given to
any changes in the physicochemical properties of NMs during toxicological investigations
(see Section 5). The key parameters to consider include nano-scale dimensions (size,
morphology, surface area), agglomeration/ aggregation behaviour, surface characteristics of
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
the particles, etc. (Rocks et al., 2008; SCENIHR, 2009; OECD, 2009c; Chaudhry et al.,
2010; Yu et al, 2017, Miceli et al., 2017).
A schematic outline for the safety assessment of NMs is presented in this section. Detailed
physicochemical characterisation of NMs is crucially important in view of the potential
changes in material properties at the nanoscale.
The current hazard identification/dose-response characterisation strategies used for
conventional chemicals should also be applicable to NMs, provided that nano-related aspects
have been duly considered during testing. Safety assessment should consider local and
systemic exposure to NPs, local and systemic harmful effects, and health risk to the
consumer as a result of the exposure.
In the first instance, safety assessment of NMs may be driven by exposure considerations,
with attention to distinctive material characteristics at the nano-scale. Even when there is
no systemic absorption of NMs, and/or local effects, safety of the NM as a chemical will need
to be assessed according to the SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or most recent
version). Where there is evidence for systemic availability of NPs, further investigations into
hazard identification and dose-response characterisation will be required in consideration of
the nano aspects. For systemically available NMs, determination of ADME parameters should
receive special attention.
The Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 has placed a complete ban on animal testing
of cosmetics and marketing of cosmetic ingredients/products that have been tested in
animals from March 2013. Thus, toxicological data need to be derived from validated or
scientifically-valid alternative means, such as in vitro and ex vivo methods, in silico models,
grouping and read-across, physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) and toxicokinetic
(PBTK) modelling.
Animal data can also be accepted if the testing had been carried out either on a date prior
to the animal test ban, or to meet regulatory requirements under a different framework (i.e.
not for cosmetics use).
The properties, behaviour, and biological effects of NMs may be influenced by a number of
physicochemical parameters. Detailed data and information on characterisation of NMs
therefore forms an integral part of the risk assessment. The characterisation data presented
in a safety dossier should provide an unambiguous identification of the NM tested. They
must also be relevant to the NM that is used in the final cosmetic product. Where the data
relate to a different NM, or a different form of the NM than that intended for use in the final
product, justification should be given and the scientific basis provided for considering both
as ‘similar’ to allow data read-across between the NMs for safety assessment.
Changes in the manufacturing process may lead to significant differences in the
physicochemical and morphological characteristics of different batches of the same NM.
They may also introduce new/different impurities and other residual materials. For some
materials, fundamentally different production processes are used (e.g. for the production of
silica via pyrogenic and precipitation processes) which may define the surface
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
characteristics and thus particle properties. It is therefore important to provide a description
of the manufacturing process (EFSA, 2018).
Due to the potential for significant differences in the physicochemical characteristics of the
same pristine NM resulting from variations in the manufacturing process, or when produced
by different manufacturers, or due to aging (e.g. agglomeration/ aggregation,
sedimentation), it is important that detailed specifications of the NM intended for use in a
cosmetic product are provided by the Applicant. The specification should include an
acceptable range for each physicochemical parameter in consideration of the batch-to-batch
variation, and/or any aging effects. This information will be used by the risk assessors to
decide whether or not the batch(es) used in toxicity testing can be considered
representative for safety assessment of the NM intended to be used in cosmetic products
(EFSA, 2018).
Different formulations can also affect physicochemical properties of NMs. It is therefore also
of utmost importance that the physicochemical status of an NM in the final cosmetic product
is determined at different stages, as detailed below.
Each NM has a specific (bio)chemical composition of its core and surface, as well as a
physical structure of the surface. The behaviour, interaction, fate and effects of an NM are
inevitably influenced both by the nano-dimensions (size, morphology, surface area), the
nature of the chemical(s) that make up the NM including surface characteristics, and the
structural form (crystalline structure). AN NM may pose a hazard to health and/or the
environment not only due to inherent chemical composition, but also due to the nano-scale
features, including surface composition (e.g. coatings), which may modulate the uptake,
biokinetics and toxic effects.
In this regard, it is important to note that any nano-related properties are intrinsically linked
to the physical integrity of the nano-structure of an NM. Where an NM loses its nano-
structure e.g. in a formulation, a test medium, or biological surface/environment, due to
solubilisation, breakdown or degradation, or interactions with other substances, it will no
longer be expected to behave differently from its non-nano equivalent. It may still pose a
toxicological hazard at the local level in case the chemical constituents can cause local
effects by themselves. Additionally, systemic toxic effects might occur if, before
disintegration, the nanostructure had delivered the chemical constituents to a biological site
where the conventional form would have not led to a comparable exposure. Determining
stability of the NM under experimental conditions is therefore of prime importance for the
interpretation of any test results. Stability may be measured in terms of dissociation
constants, dissolution rates, and solubility of an NM in the final cosmetic product and in the
media/vehicle(s) used in exposure/hazard evaluations using appropriate characterisation
methods. In addition, determining the stability of the NM surface is equally important,
because certain reactions, such as oxidation/hydroxylation, may take place during
handling/storage which may alter the interaction of the NM with biological systems. In this
regard, surface characterisation should consider both, surface modification by substances
that are strongly bound to the particle surface, or applied as a thin layer of coating that
covers the entire surface of a particle and is strongly bound (either chemically or physically)
to the surface (EFSA, 2018).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
As the physicochemical parameters may change in various environments, it is
recommended that, as a minimum, characterisation of NMs intended for use in a cosmetic
product should be determined at three stages:
as manufactured (pristine state) to identify the basic NM,
after addition to the final cosmetic formulation to identify how consumers are
exposed, and
as used for toxicological investigations.
In the case of application in spray products, it is also necessary to determine the
concentration of NM in the spray mist released from the container (see section 4).
When characterisation of an NM is not feasible at any of these stages, e.g. due to the lack of
suitable methods or due to degradation of the NM, this should be justified and documented.
It is important to note that environmental impacts of cosmetic ingredients are not
considered during safety assessment under the Cosmetic Regulation. They, however, fall
under the remit of different regulatory frameworks, such as REACH (EU, 2008).
Physicochemical characterisation of NMs should provide unambiguous identification of the
NM that is used in the final cosmetic product and for which test data have been provided. If
these are not the same material, justification should be provided for the scientific basis for
considering them ‘similar’.
A description of the manufacturing process should be provided, along with data on batch-to-
batch variation. Where there is a significant variation between batches produced by one
manufacturer, or by different manufacturers, it is important that detailed specifications of
the NM intended for use in a cosmetic product are provided by the Applicant with indication
of the range for each physicochemical parameter.
Due to potential changes in physicochemical characteristics, the status of an NM in the final
cosmetic product should be determined at different stages.
Determination of the stability of the core NM as well as surface moieties is important. It is
recommended that, as a minimum, characterisation of NMs intended for use in a cosmetic
product should be determined at three stages:
- as manufactured (pristine state) to identify the basic NM,
- after addition to the final cosmetic formulation to identify how consumers are exposed,
- as used for toxicological investigations.
If characterisation of an NM is not feasible at any of these stages, it should be justified and
3.1 Key physicochemical parameters
Selection of the key physicochemical parameters that can adequately describe an NM, and
the selection of the characterisation methods that can be used to measure them, will
depend on the composition, properties, and intended use(s) of the NM. Due to the current
knowledge gaps in regard to the relationship(s) between physicochemical properties and
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
potential adverse health effects of NMs, it is difficult to select a definitive priority list of
parameters for characterisation of NMs. This issue has been the subject of discussions by
several international expert committees and working groups, the reports of which have
been considered in preparation of this Guidance Document. The key reports considered in
this regard include those published by the OECD Working Party on Manufactured
Nanomaterials (OECD 2009c; 2010a, c), the International Organization for Standardization
(ISO 10808:2010), the EU’s Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health
Risks (SCENIHR, 2009), the EU’s Scientific Committee on Consumer Products (SCCP, 2007),
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA, 2011, 2018), the ICCR Working Groups (2011),
the ECHA guidance on the preparation of registration dossiers that cover nanoforms (ECHA,
2017d), the ECHA Appendix R.6-1 for nanomaterials applicable to the Guidance on QSARs
and Grouping of Chemicals (ECHA, 2017a), a publication by DeLoid et al. (2017) and a
recent publication by Mourdikoudis et al. (2018). The physicochemical parameters identified
as important by these expert reports for safety assessment of NMs have been summarised
in Table 2.
In some instances, not all of the parameters listed in Table 2 will be relevant for a given
material as these are determined on the basis of composition, function, purpose and/or
intended use. In such cases, justification should be provided for the characteristics that are
not determined or provided, or to explain why they were not deemed applicable for a given
NM (EFSA, 2018). In the case of NMs exhibiting various crystallographic phases (e.g.
anatase/rutile TiO
, amorphous/crystalline SiO
), selected area electronic diffraction (SAED)
studies can provide clear information on the identified structures of the compound and on
the spatial distribution and localisation (typically core/shell, 3D mixture, multilayers) of the
various crystallographic phases from dark field electronic images. For NMs present in multi-
component composites, the overall material should also be described along with the
individual components. In addition, energy dispersing X-ray analysis (EDX chemical
analyses) and chemical cartographies coupled to SEM/TEM may provide clear material
identification and information on the size distribution and particle localisation. In the case of
an NM consisting of a mixture of different types of particles, each component should be
described individually according to Table 2 and the ratio of all components in the mixture
provided. The structure of the particles should also be described as exact as possible. This
includes information on the distribution of individual components in the particle, e.g.
homogeneous mixture, core/shell and coatings.
It should be noted that the non-exhaustive list provided in Table 2 only includes mainstream
methods currently available. It can be expected that other new and improved methods will
also become available in due course.
Table 2: Important parameters and methods for identification and characterisation
of nanomaterials intended for use in cosmetic products that should be provided
Parameter Description
(non-exhaustive list, see
Glossary for abbreviations)
Information on structural
formula(e)/molecular structure(s) of the
constituents of NM along with chemical
and common names, and CAS and
EINECS numbers (where available).
A wide range of analytical methods,
including MS, AAS, ICP-MS, FTIR,
NMR, Mössbauer spectroscopy, etc.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Information on full chemical composition
of the NM including purity, nature of
impurities, coatings or surface moieties,
doping material, encapsulating
materials, processing chemicals,
dispersing agents, and other additives or
formulants e.g. stabilisers.
A wide range of analytical methods,
including UV-Vis, HPLC, GC/LC-MS,
Mössbauer spectroscopy etc.
The entire processes used for
production/ modification of the NM since
they can have a significant effect on the
properties of the NM, e.g. pyrogenic or
precipitated silica, sulfate, chloride or
argex process for TiO
Particle size
and size
presence of
or aggregation
Information and data (mean and median
size [nm] as well as graphical diagrams
of size distribution) on primary and
secondary (agglomerates and
aggregates) particle size, particle
number size distribution and particle
mass size distribution.
Material specifications and any batch to
batch variation during manufacturing.
The use of more than one method (one
being electron microscopy-based
imaging) for determination of size
parameters has been recommended by
EFSA 2011; OECD (2010a, b); SCCS
2012; SCENIHR 2015; EFSA (2011,
2018). Information on the
characterisation techniques used.
Data both on median particle size (50%)
and mean particle size (±SD in nm), as
well as size distribution in terms of
relative number versus size as well as
number weighted sum function
(cumulative numbers).
FFF, HDC, HPLC, Analytical
ultracentrifugation, CLS disc
centrifugation, TEM, SEM, AFM,
Information on the physical form and
shape (particle-, tube-, rod- or fibre
shape, porosity).
Aggregation/agglomeration state
(primary particulates or agglomerates/
Information on the NM preparation
(powder, solution, suspension or
Aspect ratio (for fibre/tube like
materials), specially for biopersistent
materials with aspect ratio > 3
Appropriate EM images to support the
Structure Description of the structure, including
1D, 2D and or 3D spatial distribution of
the components (e.g. homogeneous
mixture, core-shell, surface coating)
(EFSA, 2018). High quality electron
microscopy images of non-homogeneous
Description of crystalline form
(amorphous, polycrystalline, crystalline
including specification of phase and
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
volumic fraction as well as spatial
Surface area Information on BET specific surface area
of the NM, and volume specific surface
area (VSSA) (see Kreyling et al., 2010
for calculation of VSSA). At the moment
the VSSA is applicable only if the NMs
are in powder formulation. Ideally,
density of NMs should be used for
calculation of VSSA, rather than density
of bulk material.
Detailed information on NM surface, e.g.
the components bound to the surface,
presence of any functional groups (e.g.
carboxy, amino, hydroxy).
Information on surface charge (zeta
potential), morphology/topography,
interfacial tension, reactive sites, as well
as any chemical/ biochemical
modifications or coatings that could
change the surface reactivity, or add a
new functionality.
Information on any surface
analytical ultracentrifugation (for
surface composition), GE, SPM,
LDE, Phase Analysis Light Scattering
(for zeta potential), Nano SIMS,
SERS, and Mössbauer spectroscopy.
Solubility Information on solubility of the NM in
relevant solvents and partitioning
between aqueous and organic phases
(e.g. log K
for organic NMs, and
surface modified inorganic NMs).
Dissolution rates in relevant solvent(s)
for soluble and partially-soluble NMs
(solubility should not be confused with
dispersibility of insoluble NMs).
For slowly dissolving NMs: data on
dissolution rate and the conditions under
which the measurements were made.
Information on hygroscopicity of
Solubility/ dissolution rate in water
and other relevant solvents.
Dispersibility For insoluble dispersible NMs:
information on dispersibility in terms of a
relative amount of the particles that can
be dispersed in a suspending medium
(including information on stability of the
dispersion in the given media and the
conditions applied (EFSA, 2018)).
Information on the chemical reactivity of
the NM core material or surface coating.
Information on photocatalytic activity
and radical formation potential of
relevant materials.
Kinetic measurements of chemical,
biochemical and/or catalysed
Concentration Information on concentration in terms of
particle mass and particle number size
distribution per volume for dispersions,
and per mass for dry powders.
A wide range of analytical methods,
including UV-Vis, HPLC, GC/LC-MS,
AAS, ICP-MS, etc.
Dustiness Information on dustiness of dry powder
Methods described in EN
Density and
pour density
Information on density/porosity of
granular materials and pour density.
Methods described in ISO
697:1981, EN ISO 60:1977
Redox potential Information on oxidation state and redox
potential (for inorganic materials)
Potentiometric methods, X-ray
absorption spectroscopy.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
including the conditions under which
redox potential was measured
pH pH of aqueous suspension. pH in aqueous media
Viscosity Information on viscosity of liquid
Methods described in OECD TG 114
Stability Data on physical and chemical stability/
dissociation constant of the NM and
coatings (if applicable) in relevant
formulation/ media.
Other aspects UV absorption (extinction coefficient),
light reflection.
All abbreviations of the methods are explained in the glossary.
As mentioned before, a thorough physicochemical characterisation of NMs is critical for
supporting the safety assessment, and needs to be carried out at different stages (see
In general, characterisation of an NM in a cosmetic formulation can be more challenging
than in a raw material, and even more so when the NM is contained in a biological matrix.
Depending on the concentration of an NM contained in a formulation/ matrix, and the
nature of the formulation/ matrix, a suitable characterisation scheme should be developed
to include appropriate methods for isolation, purification and concentration (if necessary)
before analysis of the NM. Characterisation of an NM in a cosmetic product should also
provide information on any changes in the NM characteristics during formulation, e.g. in
terms of primary/ secondary particle sizes (e.g. occurrence of agglomeration/aggregation of
the nanoparticles), chemical composition, structural state, surface characteristics, etc.
These parameters should also be considered when evaluating stability and shelf life of the
NM ingredient in a final product. Similar considerations are needed during toxicological
Parameters such as size, aggregation states, crystallographic state, surface charge, coatings
and other properties may change in different solvents, test media, and biological
environments. Therefore, conditions under which measurements are made should be given
a careful consideration, and documented at each stage of production and while the material
is on the shelf, and should be detailed in the dossier.
As the sample preparation step for electron microscopy is known to influence the
physicochemical characteristics of NMs (Taurozzi, 2012a), information on the protocol used
to prepare sample should be provided, in particular in case of the use of ultrasonic
dispersion (Retamal et al., 2017; Taurozzi 2011, 2012a, 2012b).
Where needed, the SCCS may ask for the provision of a detailed description of the
production processes, any surface modifications, and the preparatory steps carried out for
integrating the NMs in the final cosmetic products as input into the safety assessment
3.2 Methods for Characterisation
A wide range of analytical methods is available for measuring the physicochemical
parameters of conventional chemical substances. Some of these methods can also be used
(or adapted) for detection and characterisation of NMs. The most relevant methods for NM
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
characterisation are based on light scattering (e.g. DLS), electron microscopy (e.g. TEM,
SEM), size separation and extraction (e.g. (ultra) centrifugation, Field Flow Fractionation
(FFF), Hydrodynamic Chromatography (HDC)), and chemical analysis/detection by
spectroscopic or mass spectrometric techniques (e.g. ICP-MS, UV spectroscopy, AAS),
surface area determination (BET), and their different variants and combinations. Methods
for in situ imaging of NMs, e.g. magnetic particle imaging (MPI) and positron emission
tomography (PET), are currently under development. Similarly, antibody, binding protein,
and enzyme based methods are also under development for organic or coated-inorganic
NMs. Mainstream methods for characterisation that may be used for NMs are listed in Table
2, and additional details have been provided in the ICCR report (2011) and other
documents (OECD, 2012a, 2014a; ECHA, 2017b; ISO 10993-22:2017; EFSA, 2018).
A particular challenge in regard to characterisation of NMs is the fact that different analytical
methods may yield different measurement values, e.g. particle size, because they may be
based on different principles for measurement of the same aspect (Domingos et al., 2009).
Characterisation of NMs in complex matrices poses a further challenge. Preference should
therefore be given to the use of standardised analytical methods. However, it is also
important to note that currently there is no single method that can be regarded a ‘gold’
standard for characterisation of different physicochemical parameters of NMs as such, nor is
there one suited method to fully assess an NM in a cosmetic product. The exact choice of
analytical method(s) to measure a parameter will be dependent on the chemical
composition and the physical form of individual NMs. However, as pointed out in the recent
EFSA Guidance (2018), a carefully chosen portfolio of established analytical techniques
should provide adequate data for the purpose, provided that measurements are carried out
properly, and results are backed up by appropriate documentation.
Any analytical method used for physicochemical characterisation of NMs should be fit for
purpose and reliable. Ideally, the method should have undergone validation in terms of
performance parameters (e.g. specificity; selectivity; robustness/ruggedness;
recovery/trueness; repeatability, and reproducibility), and provide detection/quantification
limits and measurement uncertainties. Guidance for the validation of methods for the
detection and quantification of engineered NMs in food has been published by Linsinger et
al. (2013). These principles should also be applicable to other matrices.
In this regard, Electron Microscopy (EM) techniques provide a very useful visual means for
the determination of the particle shape and size of NMs. EM can also be linked with
spectroscopic or spectrometric methods to provide more information on both particle
size/shape as well as chemical composition of NMs. The EFSA Guidance (2018), OECD
(2010b) and SCCS 1484/12 (SCCS, 2012) have recommended that the determination of NM
size parameters should include the use of an EM method. The SCCS also recommends that
size parameters for nano-scale ingredients intended for use in cosmetic products should be
measured by at least two methods, one being EM (preferably high resolution TEM).
Different aspects including measurement uncertainties relating to TEM, calibration, use of
appropriate standards are described by Boyd et al., 2011; Rice et al., 2013 and De
Temmerman et al., 2014.
For size measurements, including electron microscopy, several reference materials are
available, e.g. gold nanoparticles developed by the US National Institute of Standards and
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Technology (NIST) (
nanoparticles) as well as certified reference nanomaterials developed or representative
industrial nanomaterials characterised by the European JRC (,, respectively.
The representativeness and reliability of the particle size measurements by EM also needs to
be seen in conjunction with other methods as the EM results may be influenced by a
number of factors. In particular, sample preparation and handling play an important role in
the reproducibility of the analytical results. Dudkiewicz et al. (2015a) have shown that the
number of particles measured constitutes only a minor source of uncertainty in the size
measurement of NMs in food using EM, compared to the combined contribution of the
uncertainties relating to sampling, sample preparation, and image analysis.
3.3 Performance of Characterisation Methods
With regard to characterisation of NMs, it is important to note that different measurement
techniques may yield slightly different results. This is due to the different characteristics of
the measurements of the very small dimensions, and/or the low amount of material
evaluated in general. Furthermore, these differences may reflect the differences in the
aggregation/ agglomeration behaviour of NPs during different sample handling/ preparation
procedures, dilutions, or dispersions used in different methods, and/or the different
measurement principles applied in individual methods (Domingos et al., 2009). A study by
Dudkiewicz et al. (2015a) has identified that sampling, sample preparation, and image
analysis are the main sources of uncertainty in the analytical results from the measurement
of NP size by EM methods. Dudkiewicz et al. (2015b) have proposed a uniform
measurement expression of a mass equivalent diameter (MED) for cross method
comparison of NP aggregate size distributions. The use of such approaches can bring
uniformity and standardisation between results from different analytical methods. This
inevitably requires the use of standardised protocols for sample handling and preparation.
Dispersion protocols for various NMs have been developed by Masuda and Gotoh (1999);
Hartmann et al. (2015); Mast and De Temmerman (2016); NIST (NIST Special Publication
1200-1 to 1200-5); OECD (; JRC
(; NanoGenoTox
(; NanoDefine (; NANoREG ( It
is therefore important to ensure that sample preparation is carried out in a consistent
manner to obtain reproducible results, and to allow a comparison between the results of
different samples analysed by a specific analytical method, or by different methods.
In line with the EFSA Guidance (2018), method performance parameters to be determined
and documented should include criteria such as specificity, selectivity, recovery,
repeatability, reproducibility, and limits of detection/ quantification. Where possible, existing
guidelines (e.g. of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), 2002)
should be taken into account, or adapted from guidelines available for that specific material
or product category if no specific guideline is applicable for an NM. The use of a method that
differs from internationally agreed protocols should be justified and documented.
Reference materials are essentially needed to validate the performance of analytical
methods. At present, only a few certified reference materials are available that have been
developed for size or surface area parameters ( The
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
European Commission's Joint Research Centre has made available a repository of 25
representative NMs for safety testing (
nanomaterials-repository). These NMs are useful as standards that can help comparing
different studies, and have been used by different EU-funded projects (e.g. MARINA,
NANoREG) and the OECD WPMN (Totaro et al., 2016). In the absence of a certified
reference NM, a self-generated and properly characterised and documented test material
may also be used, provided that the ISO technical specification for preparation of reference
NMs has been taken into consideration (ISO/TS 16195, 2013).
3.4 Characterisation of NM for toxicological testing and in biological fluids
and tissues
For the toxicological assessment of NMs, it is essential to know in which form the NMs are
presented to the test systems. In addition, characterisation of the NMs in the test system is
relevant to determine the effect of the test medium/ formulation (and its constituents) on
the characteristics and properties of the NM, to determine the validity of the toxicity test
outcomes, and to allow for comparison with the NM in the cosmetic product to which
exposure takes place. ISO/TR 13014 (2012) lists the key properties for engineered NMs to
be characterised in the context of toxicological testing. The methodologies to be used are
indicated in Table 2.
When performing in vitro toxicity studies, it is necessary to characterise NMs directly in the
same testing medium. It is advised to use more than one method; some of these methods
are described in SOPs developed within FP7 project NANoREG:
The current available information indicates that special consideration is needed to address
the potential batch-to-batch variations and aging effects (e.g. agglomeration/aggregation,
sedimentation, degradation, slow dissolution).
There may be particular difficulties in measuring the amounts of NM in biological fluids and
in establishing the form in which NM are present in the body. NM surface transformations
(e.g. the dynamics of adherence of proteins and other biomolecules) can have a profound
effect on the absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). For determination
of NMs in biological fluids/biological systems it is essential that measuring systems are
available for detection of the NM and its elemental composition in biological samples. The
available methodologies are indicated in Table 2.
3.5 Dose Metrics
The metrics used for toxicological assessments are normally measured and expressed in
weight or volume units (such as mg/Kg, or mg/L) for conventional chemicals. Also for NMs
weight or volume units are commonly used. However, such metrics may not be appropriate
for NMs because of the large surface areas per particle mass or volume. Until suitable
parameters are identified, that can describe and predict dose-effect relationships, it is
important that tests on NMs are evaluated using different dose-describing metrics, such as
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
weight/volume concentration, particle number concentration, surface area etc. Therefore,
the characterisation data on an NM should provide sufficient information to convert doses
based on mass into other parameters such as number of particles or surface area. These
data for dose conversion should be available as in practice also for NMs the preparation of
the exposure dose will based on mass (e.g. mg or µg/mL).
In regard to in vitro testing using cell cultures, the exposure concentration should also be
expressed in relation to the area [µg/cm
], and if possible per cell [μg/cell]. Additionally,
exposure concentrations can be expressed as number of NPs per ml [NPs/ml], per cm
] or per cell [NPs/cell] as well as surface area of NPs per ml [NP cm
/ml], per cm
[NP cm
] or per cell [NP cm
/cell]. The use of the dose description as exposure
concentration per cell has been regarded as particularly appropriate for NP testing (Huk et
al., 2015).
Thorough physicochemical characterisation of NMs is critical for safety assessment. A list of
important physicochemical parameters is provided in this section, and those relevant for a
given NM should be measured. These include chemical identity, chemical composition,
production process particles, number based particle size and size distribution including
presence of agglomeration or aggregation state, morphology/shape, structure,
crystallographic structure, surface area, surface characteristics, solubility, dispersibility,
catalytic activity, concentration, dustiness, density and pour density, redox potential, pH,
viscosity, stability, and other aspects such as light absorption/reflection.
Some parameters such as size, aggregation states, crystal structure, surface charge,
coatings and other properties may change in different solvents, test media, and biological
environments. Therefore, conditions under which measurements are made should be given
a careful consideration, and documented at each stage of production and when the material
is on the shelf, and details should be provided in the dossier.
A wide range of analytical methods is available for measuring the physicochemical
parameters of conventional chemical substances. Some of these methods can also be used
(or adapted) for detection and characterisation of NMs. The most relevant methods for NM
characterisation have been listed in this section. However, the exact choice of analytical
method(s) to measure a parameter will be dependent on chemical composition and physical
form of the individual NM.
Sample preparation is known to influence physicochemical characteristics of NMs. Therefore,
information on the protocol used for preparing the samples for analysis should be provided.
Measurement of physicochemical characteristics of NMs is compounded by the fact that
different analytical methods may yield different results, and characterisation in complex
matrices poses a further challenge.
The analytical methods used for physicochemical characterisation of NMs should be fit for
purpose and reliable. Ideally, the methods should have undergone validation in terms of
performance parameters (e.g. specificity, selectivity, robustness/ruggedness,
recovery/trueness, repeatability and reproducibility) and provide detection/quantification
limits and measurement uncertainties. Although none of the available analytical methods is
currently validated for NMs, a careful choice of established techniques should provide
adequate data for the purpose, provided that measurements are properly carried out and
EM techniques provide a very useful visual means for the determination of the particle
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
shape and size of NMs, as well as chemical composition when linked with spectroscopic or
spectrometric methods. It is therefore recommended that size parameters for nano-scale
ingredients intended for use in cosmetic products should be measured by at least two
methods, one being EM (preferably high resolution TEM).
Reference NMs or standardised test materials should be used to validate the performance of
analytical methods.
ISO/TR 13014 (2012) lists the key properties for engineered NMs to be characterised in the
context of toxicological testing. For determination of NMs in biological fluids/biological
systems, it is essential that a measuring system is able to detect either the NM or its
elemental composition in biological samples. Dose metrics used for toxicological assessment
of conventional chemicals are normally measured and expressed in weight or volume units.
For NMs, it is important to also consider also other dose-describing metrics in addition to
weight/volume concentration, such as particle number concentration, surface area etc.
As mentioned before, in view of the animal testing and marketing bans, safety assessment
of NM cosmetic ingredients may be driven by exposure considerations in the first place.
Prior to commencing the detailed safety assessment of the NM, anticipated exposure
scenarios from the proposed uses should be outlined. These exposure scenarios will
contribute to decisions on the extent of the hazard characterisation and will be the basis for
selecting parameter values for the exposure assessment required for the safety assessment.
In particular, determining whether or not any systemic exposure to an NM is possible due to
the foreseeable use(s) of a cosmetic product is an important consideration in the safety
assessment process. This can for example be determined by analysis of the receptor fluid
for NPs in in vitro dermal absorption studies. Furthermore, systemic exposure can be
assessed based on the concentration levels in organs and/or blood in vivo, or by considering
other information from toxicological studies, if available (for example from studies on
toxicokinetics, acute or repeated dose toxicity, etc.) and in the case of in vivo animal
studies, when performed before the animal testing ban for cosmetic ingredients or
performed in compliance with other regulatory requirements. However, the methods used
need to be state of the art, and the limit of detection low enough to demonstrate a potential
lack of exposure. In this regard, the use of sensitive methods for chemical analysis (Table
2) should generally be sufficient. For example, the use of imaging methods, such as EM,
should be sufficiently sensitive to determine whether or not the absorbed material was
present in nanoparticle form in receptor fluids and tissue samples.
It should be noted that even in the absence of systemic translocation of the nanoparticles
themselves, degradation products or dissolved fractions of the nanoparticles could be
translocated, that then need to be assessed according to their chemical properties by
following the SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or its most recent version).
Exposure assessment and the identification of potential exposure routes form the first
crucial decision point in the overall safety assessment (Figure 1). The exposure assessment
for ingredients in cosmetic products as described in the SCCS Notes of Guidance is a general
approach that applies to NMs as well. The use of cosmetic products that contain NMs is
likely to be similar to the use of other products that contain conventional ingredients. If this
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
is the case, default values in relation to exposure (e.g. used amounts of cosmetic products)
as provided in the SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or its most recent version) can
be used.
Special attention, however, should be paid to any distinctive material characteristics at the
nano-scale (see Figure 1 and Table 2). This will require detailed characterisation of NMs and
determination of the likelihood and extent of systemic exposure due to potential
translocation of NMs across dermal, respiratory, or gastrointestinal barriers, respectively.
This assessment needs to be specific for the respective routes, since the behaviour and
structural changes and metabolic transformations of the NMs may be different for the
different routes of exposure. In addition, local effects will need to be considered,
irrespective of whether or not the use of a cosmetic product containing NMs can lead to
systemic exposure.
Where there is evidence for systemic absorption, further investigations will be required to
confirm whether the absorbed material was in a nanoparticle form or in
solubilised/ionic/metabolised form. Where the absorption of NPs cannot be ruled out either
by experimental measurements, or justified on the basis of solubility/degradation of the NM,
the SCCS will apply a default approach and assume that 100% of the absorbed material was
in nanoparticle form.
4.1. Functions and uses of cosmetic ingredient
NMs as cosmetic ingredients may serve various functions, e.g. as UV-filters (such as
Titanium dioxide or Zinc oxide), as pigments (e.g. Carbon black), or as antimicrobial agents.
For substances that are evaluated as cosmetic ingredients, the concentration, function and
way of achieving that function in marketed cosmetic products should be reported. In
particular, if substances are meant to be included in sprays or aerosols, this should be
explicitly mentioned since consumer exposure via inhalation is then probable and needs to
be taken into consideration in the overall safety assessment.
In addition, other uses of the substance (e.g. in consumer products, industrial products)
and, wherever possible, the concentrations involved in such uses should be described.
4.2. Identification of relevant exposure scenarios
In order to assess exposure of the general population, relevant exposure scenarios have to
be identified that comprise all the important functions and uses of a cosmetic ingredient as
detailed in section 4.1. These scenarios need to describe ‘reasonably foreseeable exposure
conditions’ under which the cosmetic products should be safe (Cosmetics Regulation (EC)
No 1223/2009, Article 16f).
The SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18) include a non-exhaustive list of parameters
that are needed to construct an exposure scenario. For NMs, in addition to the weight-based
concentration of the NM, the concentration should also be given in terms of particle number
concentration and surface area. Also, changes in the aggregation and/or
degradation/dissolution status of the NM during exposure should be accounted for.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
4.3. Calculation of external exposure
NM particle characteristics during consumer use (e.g. in terms of variable particle size
distribution) may be different from NM particle characteristics established in experimental
settings (e.g. stable particle size-distribution). However, factors such as particle size and
size distribution/agglomeration state of NMs are considered to be important in determining
the hazard. Therefore, the experimental settings for NMs may need to include a broader
range of scenarios than those necessary for non-NMs, in order to allow extrapolation to
exposure conditions during consumer use (e.g. different particle sizes).
Information on size distribution in particular is necessary as an input for calculating size-
dependent uptake and subsequently internal exposure (see section 4.4). It has been shown
that the uptake and subsequent distribution of NPs may depend on the size of the particles
(Lankveld et al., 2010; Bachler et al., 2015), so that the respective size distributions of the
particles need to be considered.
4.3.1 Dermal exposure
Dermal exposure to NMs can in principle be calculated as outlined in the SCCS Notes of
Guidance (SCCS/1602/18). However, since the metric of concern may be particle number, it
may be necessary to calculate the exposure based on particle number. Furthermore, since
particle uptake depends on the size of the particles, it is necessary to take into account the
size distribution of the particles in the cosmetic product to allow calculation of internal
exposure from external exposure.
4.3.2 Inhalation exposure
Cosmetic ingredients can enter the human body by inhalation. The inhalable fraction
determines lung exposure, and part of this inhalable fraction deposits in the respiratory
tract. The exposure or deposition dose may be normalised by an inherent property of the
inhaled substance e.g. its particle size, mass, surface area, or other characteristics. After
deposition, the biological targets affected by the substance may be in the respiratory tract
itself (local exposure of various parts of the lung) or elsewhere in the body either after
mucociliary clearance into the GI tract, translocation (absorption) across the alveolar
barrier, distribution via lymph or blood circulation (systemic exposure, see chapter
Inhaled and deposited particles are continually cleared from the respiratory tract. Inhaled
insoluble particles are cleared from the human lung by two different mechanisms,
mucociliary clearance and phagocytosis clearance. In addition, free particles may
translocate out of the alveolar region of the lung into the lymphatic system or the lung
interstitium. Depending on their lipophilicity, hydrophilicity, and/or size, soluble particles
may be dissolved prior to physical clearance. It has been observed from animal studies in
rats that when NMs are present in high amounts and accumulate in the alveoli, they cannot
be cleared anymore by macrophages due to an excessive presence of the particles,
denominated as ‘lung overload’. Therefore, chronic irritation, chronic inflammation and,
cytokine releases, may occur, leading to local toxic effects. For example, the carcinogenic
hazard of TiO
nano (and also for other particulates) has been observed in rats when dust is
inhaled in quantities leading to reduction of normal particle clearance mechanisms in the
lung (see overview in ECHA, 2017b). The relevance of the “lung overload” as observed in
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
the rat model for human risk assessment (e.g. lung carcinogenicity) is not yet established
and scientifically under debate.
Particle size determines inhalation exposure, since only particles and droplets smaller than
10 μm can enter the lung via inhalation. Particle deposition in the lung depends on particle
size, density, and hygroscopicity (ability of a substance to attract and hold water molecules
from the surrounding environment), and is influenced by the local anatomy and airflow as
reviewed by Braakhuis et al., 2014. They report that NMs with diameters in the range of 10-
100 nm enter preferentially the alveolar areas. For particles in the mentioned diameter
range (10 100 nm), the deposition of NMs is mainly governed by diffusion of the NMs in
the inhaled air (Brownian motion) and the density is less relevant. For particles (or
agglomerates) larger than 100 nm diffusion is less likely and also the density increasingly
determines the site and extent of deposition.
Similarly, size-distribution is essential for the calculation of internal exposure via inhalation
(see Section Probably, also particle shape contributes to the rate of deposition of
particles in the respiratory tract. Based on size, the British-Adopted European Standard BS
EN 481 (1993) distinguishes three different fractions of particles that deposit in different
regions of the lung: the inhalable, thoracic and alveolar fraction. NPs fall into an even
smaller-sized category within the respirable fraction, which is referred to as ultrafine
particles (PM
), i.e. with an aerodynamic diameter d
of ≤0.1 μm (British Standards
Institution, 1993).
Inhalation exposure is relevant for products meant to be applied in spray form
(SCCS/1539/14) and for exposure to volatile cosmetic ingredients used in dermally applied
products. It can be assessed either by using exposure models or by experiments.
One of the modelling tools available to assess inhalation exposure to NMs is the ConsExpo
nano tool ( ConsExpo nano is based on the module for spray
products in the ConsExpo tool (Delmaar and Bremmer, 2009), which was originally
developed for estimating exposure to solved substances in spray products. This ConsExpo
module was adapted for estimating exposure to NMs and may also be used for other
products that contain particles, e.g. powder products. The central metric in ConsExpo nano
is the alveolar load. This is based on the finding that the most relevant effect after
inhalation exposure to NMs is the induction of inflammation in the alveoli (Braakhuis et al.,
2014). The most critical determinants of this effect are both the magnitude and the duration
of the alveolar load caused by an NM. In order to estimate the alveolar load arising from the
use of NM-containing spray products, ConsExpo nano combines models that estimate the
external aerosol concentration in indoor air with models that estimate the deposition in and
clearance of inhaled aerosol from the alveolar region. ConsExpo nano provides the mass-
based inhalation exposure, and also alternative dose metrics such as total number or total
surface area of the NPs inhaled because of the ongoing debate regarding the most
appropriate dose metric for NP exposure (Braakhuis et al., 2015; Duffin et al., 2007; Sayes
et al., 2010; Schmid et al., 2009).
Another possibility to assess external exposure from spray applications of products
containing NMs is to measure the particle size-distribution in the aerosol leaving the
spraying can. On this basis, a size-specific exposure calculation can be performed. In such a
study, careful characterisation is needed of the droplet size and the NM distribution in the
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
droplets (Lorenz et al., 2011). Determination of the generated droplet size distribution alone
is not sufficient, and needs to be complemented with the size distribution of the dried
residual aerosol particles. Furthermore, the test sprays have to be chosen so that they
cover the worst-case aerosol generation (i.e. normally the distribution with the largest
fraction of very small droplets). For this, it has to be taken into account that spray cans,
spray nozzles and spray formulations influence the droplet size distribution of the generated
aerosols, and as a consequence, the resulting particle size distribution available for
When the droplet size distribution in the spray mist is small enough to reach the lung, the
deposition of nanoparticles needs to be calculated. Different models are available to
estimate the total and regional lung deposition of aerosol and/or particles. Examples include
the Human Respiratory Tract Model (HRTM) (International Commission on Radiological
Protection - ICRP, 1994, 2002a, b), the NCRP model (National Council on Radiation
Protection and Measurement), the IDEAL model (Inhalation, Deposition and Exhalation of
Aerosols in/from the Lung) or the MPPD model (Multiple-Path Particle Dosimetry). For a
more detailed description of these models, see section
Most widely used among these models are the HRTM (ICRP 1994, 2002a, b) and the MPPD
model (Asgharian et al., 1995; Asgharian et al., 2001; Cassee et al., 2002). The HRTM
model is a semi-empirical model based on experimental data for regional particle deposition
in humans under well-controlled conditions (see chapter It has been used for
example for NPs in sprays by Lorenz et al. (2011), who calculated specific external
exposures for each region of the respiratory tract based on the particle size distributions of
spray mist. Other investigators have developed similar and more user-friendly dosimetry
software, e.g., the MPPD model.
The HRTM was developed by the ICRP and can be used for the estimation of deposited
doses of inhaled particles in the respiratory tract. It is a semi-empirical model based on
experimental data for regional particle deposition in humans under well-controlled
conditions. In the model the respiratory tract is divided into two compartments: the
extrathoracic (ET) and the thoracic (TH) airways. The TH regions are bronchial (BB: trachea,
bronchi), bronchiolar (bb), the alveolar interstitial region (AI) (i.e. gas exchange region,
airway generations), and the thoracic lymph nodes. The ET regions are the anterior nasal
passage (ET1); the posterior nasal passage, pharynx, and larynx (ET2); and the
extrathoracic lymph nodes (see figure 2).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Figure 2: Respiratory tract regions defined in the HRTM.
ET1: extrathoracic region including the anterior nasal passage; ET2: extrathoracic region
including posterior nasal passage, pharynx and larynx; BB: bronchial region; bb:
bronchiolar region; AI: alveolar interstitial region. Figure taken from ICRP Publication 89
(Fig. 5.1, page 88, 2002a).
The model evaluates fractional deposition of a particle in each region for all particle sizes
(0.6 nm–100 mm). For the ET regions, measured deposition efficiencies were related to
characteristic parameters of particle size and air flow, and scaled by anatomical dimensions
to predict deposition for different anatomical conditions (e.g. age, sex). For the TH airways,
a theoretical model of particle deposition was used to calculate particle deposition in each of
the BB, bb, and AI regions, and to quantify the effects of the subject’s lung size and
breathing rate.
The model describes several routes of clearance from the respiratory tract. Some particles
deposited in ET1 are removed by extrinsic means such as nose blowing. In other regions,
clearance varies between the movement of particles towards the alimentary tract
(mucociliary transport) and clearance by the lymphatic system (particle transport to the
draining lymph nodes), and the absorption into blood of material from the particles in the
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
respiratory tract, which depends on the physical and chemical form of the deposited
particles. In the HRTM, by default, absorption is assumed to occur at the same rate in all
regions of the lung (including the lymph nodes), except ET1 for which it is assumed that no
absorption takes place. The default values can be changed for a specific assessment.
Another deposition model is the MPPD model. This deterministic model calculates the
deposition fraction in humans averaged over the entire lung compartment. In contrast to
the ICRP model, it allows the selection of different particle size ranges and exposure
conditions, and allows choosing the exposed species among rats, rhesus monkeys, mice,
pigs, sheep and humans. This allows simulations of particle deposition for a variety of
inhalation scenarios and to take e.g. into account the age of the subjects that are exposed
to aerosols.
The mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) and geometric standard deviation (GSD)
determine the site of deposition in the respiratory system. Large particles or droplets
deposit by impaction in the upper respiratory tree of the lung (oropharyngeal and tracheo-
bronchial region), where the air velocity is high and the airflow is turbulent. Particles in the
size range of 0.5–5 μm deposit by sedimentation in the terminal bronchioli and alveolar
regions. The larger the GSD, the more sites the aerosol will be deposited in the respiratory
tract. NPs may reach the alveolar space and deposit in the alveoli, but will also be partly
exhaled as they remain dispersed in the inhaled air.
4.3.3 Oral exposure
Oral exposure is relevant for product categories like toothpaste, mouthwash or lipstick,
since these may be inadvertently ingested. In principle, for calculating oral exposure the
same procedure is followed for NMs as for other cosmetic ingredients. The difference in this
case is that the size and agglomeration status of NPs can change due to the low pH in the
stomach and the high ionic strength in the whole gastrointestinal tract. NMs may even lose
their nano-specific properties, e.g. due to breakdown or dissolution. For such NMs, the
properties and effects are more likely to be similar to those of the corresponding ions
(Oberdörster, 2000; Utembe et al., 2015) so that nano aspects do not need to be
considered further once the particles lose their nano-character. According to EFSA (2018),
the characteristics that may indicate a loss of nano-specific properties, and thus reduce the
chance of exposure to the NM, include: high degradation rate in water, in the food matrix or
in gastrointestinal fluids; (bio)degradability to non-nanosized products; formation of larger
aggregates (>100 nm); NPs being fixed or embedded in other matrices (e.g. polymer
composites used as food contact materials).
It is therefore advised to test first whether the NM or nanosized degradation products
remain present as particles under conditions of the gastrointestinal tract. This can be tested
e.g. through a simulated in vitro digestion test (EFSA, 2018). Also, information on general
biodegradability in other simulated body fluids, such as under lysosomal conditions, may
give an indication whether the NM will be stable under the conditions in the gastrointestinal
tract (Utembe et al., 2015) so that it may be taken up and potentially accumulate in the
Due to the likely oral exposure to (very) small amounts of NMs, local effects in the
gastrointestinal tract are most likely to be limited under realistic conditions. However, there
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
may be exceptions, such as the reported association between TiO
-NP exposure and colitis
(Bouwmeester et al., 2018 and references cited therein). For the mass-based calculation of
systemic exposure from ‘external’ gastrointestinal exposure in the absence of information
on biodegradation, it should be assumed that all NM is available for uptake in the same
form as initially added to the product.
4.4. Calculation of systemic exposure
4.4.1 General aspects of toxicokinetics of nanomaterials
The ability of NPs (especially in the lower nm range) to penetrate cellular membrane
barriers has added another dimension to the toxicology of particulate materials. Due to the
very small size, and certain surface characteristics, insoluble or partially-soluble NPs may be
able to reach unintended parts of the body that are otherwise protected from exposure to
particulate materials by biological membranes. Toxicokinetics of NMs within the entire
organism is considered as an important building block of toxicological studies. Small
fractions accumulated in secondary organs over short-term exposures may not manifest
adverse health effects. However, NM may trigger the production of effect mediators in the
primary organ, which are then released into the blood. These mediators may initiate
adverse health effects in the cardiovascular system and elsewhere. In addition, during
chronic exposure (e.g. via lungs or gut), NM concentrations in secondary organs may
accumulate to an extent large enough to trigger adverse health effects (OECD 2016d).
Compared to soluble chemicals, the uptake of NPs may considerably differ between various
organs. This is because the uptake and bio-kinetics of NMs is governed by processes that
are different from (solubilised) molecules. Transport of particles across biological barriers is,
unlike most molecules, not based on diffusion gradient-driven partitioning, but on
endocytosis or other active (energy-driven) transcellular transport systems. Particles are
removed from the blood circulation by cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS)
and mainly end up in organs rich in phagocytic cells like liver (Kupffer cells) and spleen
(macrophages) (e.g. Geraets et al., 2014). Non-degradable particles are not expected to be
metabolised, but some may undergo (slow) dissolution (e.g. Ag-NPs), resulting in the
gradual formation of ions and smaller particles. When (slow) dissolution occurs, both the
toxicokinetics of the dissolved particle present as soluble substance and the toxicokinetics of
the remaining particles should be considered. For the dissolved substance, classical
exposure scenarios (and following risk assessment) as described in the SCCS Notes of
Guidance (SCCS/1602/18) on cosmetic ingredients can be used. Before dissolution occurs
the toxicokinetics is governed by the particulate nature of the NPs, thus the location of the
possible dissolution of the NPs/material (e.g. stomach, small intestines, liver) is important
to consider. For possibilities of dissolution the route of potential exposure is very important.
Particle distribution may be carrier-mediated and therefore be affected by corona formation
and other transformations. Aggregation and agglomeration of NMs might complicate the
transport across biological barriers. Particles are generally removed from the blood rapidly
and distributed mainly to liver and spleen, but may also be distributed to lungs, brain and
testes (e.g. Geraets et al., 2014). For example, inhalation exposure may result in systemic
exposure as reviewed by Hougaard et al. (2015) for reproductive effects. In any case, the
kinetics of NMs cannot be extrapolated from the toxicokinetics of the dissolved form and
needs to be determined experimentally. For more guidance, see sections 5.4 and 6.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
For non-NMs, the OECD TG 417 (OECD, 2010d) addresses the assessment of toxicokinetics.
However, as stated in Paragraph 9 of that guideline, it is not intended for the assessment of
NMs. A recent OECD workshop (OECD, 2016d) has also concluded that this guideline was
designed primarily for chemicals, for which the kinetics is governed mainly by
diffusion/perfusion and metabolic processes, rather than particulates, which behave
fundamentally different with respect to absorption, distribution and clearance. The OECD TG
417 (OECD, 2010d) is also considered inadequate for NMs because time-frames
recommended for exposure and post-exposure observations are considered inappropriate;
there are no considerations with respect to test item preparation and other relevant aspects
for the inhalation route; there is insufficient consideration that relatively small changes in
the exposure situation can have significant impact on the kinetic behaviour, in particular for
inhalation studies.
In view of the current animal testing ban, the estimation of systemic exposure relies on the
determination of translocation over in vitro biological barriers, i.e. dermal, oral and
inhalation in vitro models, and on so-called physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK)
models for nanomaterials. A range of physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models
have been developed for some NMs (e.g. Bachler et al., 2013; Lin et al., 2016; Hinderliter
et al., 2010 for common metal NMs, and other models available in the literature).
Furthermore, an overview of NP toxicokinetics developed by ISO TC 229 Nanotechnologies
has now been published (ISO/TR 22019:2019 Nanotechnologies-Considerations for
performing toxicokinetic studies with NMs). In addition, OECD is currently considering to
revise OECD TG 417 (OECD, 2010d) by adding toxicokinetic aspects of NMs, or draft a
separate guideline for toxicokinetics of NMs. However, as further detailed in chapter 5.4.1,
PBPK models as other in silico modelling tools are still at an elementary stage for NMs.
4.4.2 Determination/Estimation of Absorption
Relevant exposure routes for cosmetic ingredients are dermal, inhalation and oral uptake
route. It is important to know whether these uptake routes lead to systemic exposure.
Systemic exposure of conventional cosmetic ingredients has previously been assessed by
chemical analysis of blood, tissues and excreta in in vivo experiments. In vitro models can
provide information on the potential translocation/absorption over biological barriers. For
the assessment of dermal absorption rates, OECD TG 428 (Skin absorption: in vitro method,
OECD, 2004a) has been validated for conventional chemicals. For the other biological
barriers there are no validated guidelines to estimate the respective translocation rates.
However, such methods are available in the literature for the GI-tract and the lung.
The uptake of NMs across different barriers can be evaluated by advanced 2D (dimensional)
and 3D multicellular co-culture in vitro models that are designed to closely mimic the in vivo
anatomy and functionality of in vivo organs/barriers such as lung, alveolar and GI-tract.
These models can fill the gap between external and systemic exposure. In addition, in vitro
models for relevant internal organs and barriers such as the liver, kidney and blood brain
barrier can deliver some information about the potential internal distribution, metabolism
and excretion. Investigations on dissolution rates or stability in relevant biological fluids
may inform on whether or not a substance remains in the nano form after uptake, as this
will determine its further distribution.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Where there is evidence for systemic absorption of an NM, further investigations will be
required to confirm whether the absorbed material was in particulate form or in
solubilised/metabolised form. Where the absorption of NPs cannot be ruled out either by
experimental data, or justified on the basis of solubility/degradation of the NM, the SCCS
will apply a default approach to assume that 100% of the absorbed material was in NP form
(see below). This, however, does not imply that the particulate form of a chemical is
associated with a greater toxicity potential. Depending on the chemical composition of the
NM, certain solubilised/metabolised forms may be more toxic than the corresponding
particulate forms. This needs to be taken into account for the safety assessment.
For each uptake route, a portion of the particle entering the body can be absorbed into
blood and distributed systemically.
There are ‘biokinetic models’ available, like the HRTM (Human Respiratory Tract Model) and
the HATM (Human Alimentary Tract Model) for oral exposure. In combination with PBPK/TK
models, such models allow the calculation of systemic exposure, excretion and absorbed
tissue doses (ICRP, 2006). Dermal
Dermal absorption of NMs as well as the efficacy of their transport in the human body may
depend on the size of the NPs (Bachler et al., 2015). Therefore, in order to calculate internal
exposure, the particle size distribution under realistic exposure conditions (external
exposure) needs to be related to uptake rates for similar sizes. Therefore, a dermal
penetration study should be performed with a formulation containing a typical size
distribution of the NM.
In addition to human skin available from surgeries, also reconstructed human epidermis
(RhE) models might be useful for obtaining information on skin translocation. The models
have been described in OECD TG 439 (OECD, 2019a) (In vitro skin irritation), and more
recently for the determination of skin irritation of medical device extracts (De Jong et al.,
For the assessment of dermal absorption, the SCCS basic criteria for in vitro assessment of
dermal absorption of cosmetic ingredients (SCCS/1358/10) as well as OECD TG 428 (OECD,
2004a) should be followed. However, it is of note that these guidelines have been developed
for conventional chemicals. As mentioned before, data from any in vivo study will only be
accepted if the testing was performed before the animal testing bans, or if data were
obtained for the purpose of compliance with other (non-cosmetic) legislations, e.g. REACH
(EU, 2008). Furthermore, high quality EM images can inform on the dermal absorption of
Measuring uptake and effects of NMs on compromised skin poses a challenge due to the
current lack of standardised model(s) that can be used to generate results that are
reproducible and can be used to compare studies carried out within a laboratory and
between different laboratories. In view of this, OECD (2011b) has recommended studies on
intact skin. According to OECD TG 428 (OECD, 2004a), in vitro skin absorption studies
should be conducted using intact healthy skin. This is also reflected in the recommendation
to perform skin integrity checks, as described in the current guidelines for in vitro skin
penetration studies (OECD, 2004a; SCCS, 2010a, 2010b). Where studies on compromised
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
skin are specifically required, the models used should be well characterised to generate
reproducible results, and appropriate controls should be included in the studies. Further
research is needed to develop appropriate test models of compromised skin that can be
reliably used to assess possible absorption of cosmetic ingredients, including NMs.
For conventional cosmetic ingredients, in cases where no (adequate) information is available
on dermal absorption, the SCCS assumes 50% absorption based on literature analysis for
conventional substances. However, this analysis is not valid for NMs. So far, only a very
limited or no dermal absorption has been demonstrated for NMs. On the other hand, the
SCCS is aware of specific modifications of NMs that can stimulate dermal penetration. In
view of this, dermal absorption of NMs will need to be determined experimentally (see
Annex I). Where experimental data are not provided, the SCCS will apply the default value
of 50% of the administered dose as determined for conventional substances, or higher
if warranted by the composition of a specific NM. Inhalation
Once deposited in the lung, (partially) soluble NMs (partially) dissolve in the lining fluid
(mucus layer) of the epithelium where inert NMs may form non-dissolved colloidal
suspensions. Local clearance from the airways occurs as macrophages take up the NPs and
transport non-dissolved NMs (single and agglomerated but still relatively small NMs) by the
mucociliary cascade up to the laryngopharynx (Yang et al. 2008). Soluble NMs that dissolve
in the lining fluid of the lung epithelium can be transferred to the blood and distributed to
the whole body (Oberdörster et al., 2005). Solubility (rate and extent of dissolution)
depends on chemical composition, size, coating, stability and the biological environment
(Braakhuis et al., 2014).
Less soluble NMs may be absorbed via cell-mediated active translocation from the site of
deposition through the lung epithelium to interstitial sites. From there NMs may be directed
to the local lymph nodes, and as lymph nodes are drained by blood, they may ultimately
reach the systemic blood circulation. Uptake from the site of deposition into systemic blood
may also happen directly by crossing the lung barrier in the alveoli (Borm et al., 2006).
The possibility for uptake via the lung and thus systemic exposure can be evaluated by in
vitro cellular models that mimic the lung alveolar barrier, the so-called air liquid interface
(ALI) models (Bachler et al., 2015). This model is comprised of a membrane that may
contain alveolar cells either with or without macrophages added on one apical side of the
membrane, and endothelial cells on the distal side of the membrane. The advantage of this
model is that it simulates the actual conditions in the lung, where the cells are exposed to
air on one side of the lung alveolar barrier, and to liquid on the other side. Application of the
studied NPs as spray mist ensures an even and realistic application (Rothen-Rutishauser et
al, 2008).
Other authors have modified this model by establishing an ALI by using advanced in vitro
studies with different combinations of cells (e.g microfluidic platforms, see Tenenbaum-
Katan et al., 2018).
Where there is evidence for systemic absorption, further investigations will be required to
confirm whether the absorbed material was in a NP form or in solubilised/metabolised form.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
This may be investigated in experiments or justified on the basis of solubility/degradation of
the NM. In the case the absorption of the particulate form cannot be ruled out, the SCCS
may apply a default approach and assume that 100% of the absorbed material was in NP
Information on the extent of inhalation absorption should be obtained from experimental
studies and/or estimated from physicochemical parameters. However, if no data are
presented, the SCCS considers for conventional chemicals that for the calculation of
inhalation exposure an absorption of 100% should be used (SCCS/1602/18). For the
absorption of NPs from the lung, a similar default absorption of 100% of the calculated
deposition of NPs in the lung will be used, if data on inhalation absorption are not
available. Oral
Particles deposited during inhalation initially in the respiratory tract are partly transported
out of the lungs and the extrathoracic airways to the larynx by mucociliary action and
mainly swallowed into the GI tract.
Especially for the GI tract, dissolution and/or degradation are very important processes that
reduce the amount of NM available for systemic uptake. Therefore, dissolution and/or
degradation studies should be performed before any estimation of systemic uptake from the
GI tract. The following parameters may indicate a loss of nano-properties or a low exposure
to NPs according to EFSA (2018):
1) high dissolution rate (e.g. in water, food/feed matrix or body fluids such as synthetic
gastric or lysosomal fluids); High solubility is commonly assumed, if more than 1 mol/L
solvent is dissolved.
2) high rate of degradability (e.g. biological or photocatalytic) to non-nanosized degradation
products. According to EFSA (2018), an NM is considered to have a high degradation rate if
the degradation rate profile in the intestinal phase shows a clear decrease in the presence of
particles over time (no plateau), and that 12% or less of the material (mass-based and
compared with the particulate concentration at the beginning of the in vitro digestion) is
present as particles after 30 min of intestinal digestion. This is indicative that the rest of the
material should be fully degraded to non-NM (e.g. ionic) under gastrointestinal conditions.
3) the presence of/as aggregates rather than agglomerates (e.g. determined by conditions
of production),
4) fixed, permanent bonding in matrices (e.g. stability of matrix, type of bond, end-of-life
behaviour) or effective entrapment in food contact materials (FCMs) (e.g. polymer
In the absence of data on degradation and dissolution, the SCCS would assume that 100%
of the ingested material remains in particulate form.
Up to now, no in vitro model for the absorption on NMs via the oral route has been
validated. Available in vivo information on oral absorption can be used provided that the
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
testing had been performed before the animal testing bans, or the data were obtained for
the purpose of compliance with other (non-cosmetic) legislations, e.g. REACH (EU, 2008).
In vitro models indicated in the literature include the use of Caco-2 cells and more
complicated multicellular models of cells growing on membranes (Bouwmeester et al.,
ICRP (2006) has developed the Human alimentary tract model (HATM) which may be useful
for particle dose calculation for the GI tract. This model depicts the entry of a particle into
the oral cavity by ingestion or into the oesophagus after particle transport from the
respiratory tract. It describes the sequential transfer through all alimentary tract regions,
including the oral cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine, and segments of the colon,
followed by emptying in faeces. In this model, the fractional absorption of particles is
specified by the alimentary tract transfer factor that describes total absorption from all
regions of the alimentary tract, although the default assumption is that all absorption takes
place in the small intestine.
It is considered for conventional chemicals that no more than 50% of an orally administered
dose is systemically available. Thus, in the absence of data, 50% of the administered
dose is used as the default oral absorption value for a cosmetic ingredient and the
(see section 6) is derived from the POD by dividing by 2. If there is information to
suggest poor oral bioavailability, a default value of 10% oral absorption could be
considered (SCCS/1608/2018). For NMs, depending on solubility, oral absorption can be
expected to be lower. Therefore, whenever oral absorption data are available, these should
be used, also when using other dose descriptors. Also, in vitro translocation/migration data,
along with any other available kinetic data, should be considered.
When data on dissolution and/or degradation of the NMs are available, the non-
dissolved/degraded fraction could be used as a starting point for default absorption data.
For the exposure assessment of NM, in principle the same exposure scenarios and
assessment methodology can be applied as for bulk substances. However, during consumer
use the NM characteristics may be different from laboratory conditions (e.g. variable versus
stable particle size-distribution), so that a larger number of experimental conditions may
need to be investigated. The estimates of exposure should be provided in mass per volume
metric. Additionally, where relevant, other metrics such as particle number and size
distribution, and surface area should also be provided.
NMs may undergo degradation or dissolution on their way into the body, where internal
exposure occurs. For example, after oral exposure, NMs may be completely dissolved in the
gastrointestinal tract. In order to demonstrate this, suitable in vitro methods should be
used. In the absence of respective data, the SCCS will assume no dissolution.
The uptake and bio-kinetics of NMs is governed by processes that are different from
(solubilised) substances as the transport of particles across biological barriers is not based
on diffusion gradient-driven partitioning, but on endocytosis or other active transcellular
transport mechanisms. The uptake of NMs across different barriers can be evaluated by
advanced 2D (dimensional) and 3D multicellular co-culture in vitro models that are designed
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
to closely mimic the in vivo anatomy and functionality of in vivo organs/barriers such as
lung, alveolar and GI-tract.
Where there is evidence for systemic absorption, and absorption of NPs cannot be ruled out
either by experimental measurements or justified on the basis of solubility/degradation of
the NM, the SCCS will apply a default approach and assume that 100% of the absorbed
material was in nanoparticulate form.
Further default values apply for absorption: In the absence of experimental data, the SCCS
will apply the default value of 50% dermal absorption of the administered dose as currently
used for conventional substances. If warranted by the composition of a specific NM, a higher
value may be used. For inhalation exposure to products in spray form and for volatile
cosmetic ingredients, in the absence of data on absorption, a default absorption percentage
of 100% of the calculated deposition of nanoparticles in the lung will be used. For oral
absorption, in the absence of data on absorption a default value of 50% of the administered
dose is used. If there is information to suggest poor oral bioavailability, a default value of
10% oral absorption could be considered.
5.1. General Considerations
Safety assessment of a cosmetic ingredient involves evaluation of its potential to cause a
health risk to the consumer. This has historically been based on data from a series of in vivo
studies in animals. However, due to the EU ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients
and products, safety data from in vivo studies can only be used if the tests have been
performed in accordance with the provisions laid down in Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No
1223/2009. This means that in vivo data can only be accepted if testing of ingredients was
performed before the animal testing ban deadlines of 11 March 2009 and 11 March 2013 as
given under Article 18 of Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009. It is also possible that
some ingredients used in cosmetic products are also used in other consumer and industrial
sectors, such as pharmaceuticals, food, and industrial chemicals. As such, they may have
been tested on animals under the relevant legal frameworks. For example, some ingredients
used in cosmetics may also be subject to the requirements of REACH regulation (EU, 2008),
and as a last resort testing may have been performed on animals to complete the respective
data packages. For cases where animal tests have been clearly driven by compliance with a
non-cosmetic regulatory framework, such data may be used for the safety assessment of
cosmetics. Apart from such specific situations, all toxicological data for use in cosmetics
safety assessment needs to be derived from alternative non-animal means - such as in vitro
assays and in silico modelling (see also Appendix 4 of the SCCS Notes of Guidance
(SCCS/1602/18) for a non-cosmetic application
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Various reports and reviews published so far have concluded that the existing risk
assessment paradigm, in use for conventional chemicals should, in principle, be applicable
to engineered NPs. However, it has also been pointed out that the current testing methods
may need certain adaptations to take account of the special features of NPs (SCENIHR,
2007; Rocks et al., 2008; SCENIHR, 2009; OECD, 2009c; SCCS, 2012; EC, 2012; ECHA,
2012; EFSA, 2018).
Thus, although safety assessment of an NM requires consideration of the same criteria
applicable to other (non-nano) cosmetic ingredients, there are certain special aspects that
need to be considered for a cosmetic ingredient if it falls within the definition of an NM
under the Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
As already mentioned in section 3, a thorough physicochemical characterisation of the NM is
crucially important in planning studies into the potential behaviour and effects. The initial
focus of hazard assessment needs be on determining ADME parameters to investigate the
potential of the NM for systemic availability through the relevant uptake route(s) (oral,
dermal, via inhalation) dependent on product type.
If there is convincing evidence that the NM is not systemically available, information on local
toxicity considering the relevant exposure route as well as information on genotoxicity
should be provided. Although not a local toxic effect, sensitisation can be initiated after an
NM becoming bioavailable in the skin.
Where the evidence suggests systemic availability of an NM, studies carried out in
consideration of nano-specific aspects and addressing a base set of systemic toxicological
endpoints will be needed, in addition to local toxicity and genotoxicity. In case where
systemic exposure cannot be shown to be insignificant, further information on
carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity may be required. Data on photo-induced toxicity
are specifically required when a cosmetic product is expected or intended to be used on
sunlight-exposed skin and is able to absorb light. Several in vitro methods exist for the
identification of toxicological hazards. However, information on dose-response relationships
that can be used in the current risk assessment scheme, e.g. NOAELs, LOAELs or BMDLs,
has up to now generally been derived from in vivo studies and these tests are only accepted
under the conditions described at the start of this section.
5.2. Requirements for Dossiers on nanomaterials as cosmetic ingredients
When a safety dossier on a cosmetic ingredient is submitted for evaluation by the SCCS, the
Applicant provides the Commission with all available information in regard to the required
toxicological endpoints. These have been listed in the SCCS Checklists for Applicants
submitting dossiers on cosmetic ingredients to be evaluated by the SCCS (SCCS/1588/17)
corresponding to Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, Article 16 d, which includes
‘Checklists For Nanomaterials In Cosmetics’.
Depending on the nature and extent of exposure, one or more toxicological endpoint(s) may
be regarded as not relevant for safety assessment by the Applicant. In such cases, the
Applicant must provide a scientifically valid justification for not addressing the endpoint(s).
More details on the specific requirements for toxicological assessment are provided in Annex
2 to this Guidance.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
To avoid unnecessary testing, each safety assessment/ evaluation of an NM cosmetic
ingredient should start with an evaluation of relevant studies that are already available in
the scientific literature. A systematic review of the scientific literature must therefore be
provided by the Applicant as an essential part of the safety dossier. This should also include
the search terms used in the review, the total number of relevant articles found, and the
basis for selecting and excluding the articles for drawing conclusions. In particular, scientific
reasoning must be provided for not considering any articles that may be in contradiction
with the conclusions drawn by the Applicant.
Study results submitted as part of a safety dossier should accompany a declaration that the
relevant tests were conducted using a substance with the same (or comparable) chemical
purity/impurity profile, and physicochemical characteristics to that intended for inclusion in
the finished cosmetic product (SCCNFP/0633/02). Considering NMs, this means that the test
substance and the substance in the finished cosmetic product both have the same or
comparable profiles, in relation to chemical composition, size and size distribution, surface
properties, morphological form, etc. Proper characterisation/ identification of the NM used in
the various toxicity studies and as used for cosmetic ingredient is therefore essential.
Furthermore, it means that safety of an NM must not be based on the assumption that the
bulk form (or another nano form) of the same materials is safe, and vice versa, without
specific evidence to support it. The inclusion of non-relevant data for example relating to
unrelated materials, or materials with unknown characterisation should be avoided. If
data from other materials are to be included (e.g. a bulk material as a comparator), it
should be clearly defined and segregated, and not presented in a mixed-up form with the
data on NM(s) under evaluation. Unless there is a close similarity between different NMs, it
is advisable to include a complete set of supporting data on each NM, rather than presenting
several different NMs in a single, patchy, and data-poor submission. If more than one NM is
to be included in the dossier, the basis for ‘close similarity’ must also be provided to allow
data read-across between the NMs. This substantiation should not only relate to the
chemical composition of the core NM, but also the physical/morphological features and
other characteristics, such as surface coating and/or other modifications (SCCS 1524/13).
Information on the stability of the test substance under experimental conditions is of prime
importance for the interpretation of any test results (Section 3.1). Data on the stability of
the test material should therefore be reported, and data on the dissolution rate and the
solubility of the NM in the finished cosmetic product and in the vehicle(s) used in the tests
must be provided (if applicable).
Together with the data on relevant experimental investigations, the following information
should be available:
for in vivo studies: the study date (whether in line with the Cosmetic Regulation) and/or
the regulatory context for which the study has been performed;
any report on epidemiological and/or observational experiences (e.g. cosmetovigilance
an appraisal of all relevant published literature, along with a description of the
bibliographical methods used; any information from ‘grey materialavailable. Any other
relevant findings by the Applicant and/or other industry/ agencies should also be
transmitted to the Commission for review.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients has historically been based on data from in vivo
studies in animals. Due to the ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients and products,
in vivo data can only be used if the tests were either performed before the ban, or to fulfil
other (non-cosmetic) regulatory requirements. In this regard, the existing risk assessment
paradigm for conventional chemicals should in principle be also applicable to NMs, but some
testing methods may need to be adapted to take account of the nano-related aspects.
A thorough physicochemical characterisation of NMs is crucial. The initial focus of hazard
assessment should be on ADME parameters to determine the potential for systemic
availability considering all relevant uptake route(s). If there is convincing evidence that the
NM is not systemically available, information on local toxicity considering relevant exposure
route(s) as well as information on genotoxicity should be provided. Although not a local
toxic effect, sensitisation can be initiated after an NM becoming bioavailable in the skin.
Where there is evidence for systemic availability of an NM, studies addressing a base set of
systemic toxicological endpoints will be needed, in addition to local toxicity, sensitisation
and genotoxicity. If systemic exposure is possible, further information on carcinogenicity
and reproductive toxicity may be required. Data on photo-induced toxicity are specifically
required for a cosmetic product intended to be used on sunlight-exposed skin and able to
absorb light.
When submitting a safety dossier on a cosmetic ingredient, the Applicant should follow the
SCCS Checklists to ensure that a complete set of data/information is provided for safety
assessment. It is crucial that first an up-to-date systematic review of the scientific literature
should be performed and provided as an essential part of the safety dossier. It should also
detail the search terms used, the total number of relevant articles found, and the basis for
selecting and excluding the articles.
Information on the stability of the test substance under experimental conditions should be
provided. Study results should clearly state that both the test substance and the substance
in the finished cosmetic product, have the same or comparable physicochemical profiles. If
the same data have been used for more than one NM, the basis for a close similarity’ must
also be provided to allow data read-across.
Scientifically valid justification must be provided for not addressing any endpoint(s) if they
are regarded by the Applicant as not being relevant for safety assessment - e.g. due to the
nature and extent of exposure.
5.3. Specific Considerations relating to testing of Nanomaterials
5.3.1. Solubility/Dispersion
When testing insoluble or partially-soluble NPs, it must be kept in view that they will be
present in a dosing or test medium as a nano-dispersion rather than as a solution.
Therefore, special attention should be paid to the agglomeration/ aggregation behaviour,
and the insoluble/ partially-soluble nature of NMs (SCCP, 2007; Rocks et al., 2008;
SCENIHR, 2009; OECD, 2009c; Chaudhry et al., 2010; Gottardo et al., 2017). Possibilities
for disagglomeration of NPs under different testing and physiological conditions should also
be considered (OECD, 2012a).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
During toxicological evaluations, some properties of NMs may change due to interaction
with the surrounding media. Thus, a focus of investigations should be on ascertaining that
the tested NMs are in exact form/ composition as intended for use in a cosmetic
formulation, and as the formulation is delivered to the end-user. Where toxicological data
on a different NM, or a different form of the same NM, is presented in the dossier,
justification must also be provided to indicate that the two are justifiably comparable.
Special care is also needed in regard to the applied doses, because the concentration of an
NM may decrease during a test due to sedimentation, binding with other moieties in the test
medium, or adhesion to glass/plastic ware. It is therefore important to ascertain the
stability and uniformity of the NM dispersion in a test medium to ensure that the applied
concentration/ dose is maintained for the intended period during the test. Possible
interaction of the NM with other components of a test medium/ formulation will also need
5.3.2. Surface interactions
The interactions of an NM with the surrounding media and biological systems largely take
place through its surface. The surface characteristics of particles are determined by the
nature of the entities present on the surface due to the inherent (bio)chemical composition
of the material itself, or because of other moieties that may have adhered or attached to
the surface due to van-der-Waals forces or electrostatic interactions, or may have been
deliberately applied as a coating. It is well known that due to high surface energies NPs
tend to stick together to form larger agglomerates and aggregates, and may adsorb or bind
various moieties on the surface, including proteins (Cedervall et al., 2007; Šimon and Joner,
2008; Lynch and Dawson, 2008; Monopoli et al., 2012; Moore et al., 2015). AN NM with
different surface characteristics (e.g. hydrophilic versus hydrophobic surface) may have
profoundly different ADME properties and may interact differently with biological fluids, cell
membranes and other biological entities (Mirshafiee et al., 2016). In view of the potential
agglomeration/aggregation of particles, it is essential that attention is paid to the process
used for dispersing NPs in preparations used in toxicological testing.
It has been shown that composition of protein corona is highly dependent on the initial
mixing steps involved (Jayaram et al., 2018; Lundqvist et al., 2011; Simon et al., 2018).
Due to the potential to bind other moieties on surface, and penetrate cellular membrane
barriers, NPs may transport other substances into the test systems (the so-called 'Trojan
Horse' effect), which may lead to altered (increased or decreased) activity/toxicity. For
example, NPs may bind and carry certain immunogens/antigens to the immune cells and
impart or trigger an immunological effect.
Such a transport of certain components of the test systems by NPs may also lead to
artefacts and false indications of harmful effects. This can be avoided by a thorough
characterisation of the NMs, and the use of appropriate controls within the testing scheme.
Selection of controls should also consider possible interaction of the NM with the readout
system of the assay as it has been demonstrated for various NMs for tetrazolium salts or
other dye-based cytotoxicity assays (Worle-Knirsch et al., 2006; Monteiro-Riviere et al.,
2009; Lanone et al., 2009; Wilhelmi et al., 2012; ECHA, 2017b). In case of a doubt over the
validity of the outcome of an assay, the use of an additional independent analytical method
may provide more information (ECHA, 2017b). The presence of a light-absorbing/ reflecting
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
NM in the assay can itself have an influence on a read out system, especially if the readout
is based on spectroscopy. Similarly, the composition of the culture medium (e.g. the
presence or absence of serum) in a test system may influence the outcome of the assay.
Special attention should be paid to agglomeration/aggregation behaviour, and the
insoluble/partially-soluble nature of NMs. Possibilities for de-agglomeration of NPs under
different testing and physiological conditions should also be considered. As properties of
NMs may change during toxicological evaluations due to interaction with the surrounding
media, investigations should also focus on whether the tested NMs are in exact form/
composition as intended for use in a cosmetic formulation delivered to the end-user. The
Applicant should also consider any changes in the applied doses of NMs due to
sedimentation, binding/adhesion with test medium or glass/plastic ware to ensure that the
applied concentration/dose is maintained during the test. The so-called 'Trojan Horse' effect
and possible interaction of the NM with the readout system of the assay should also be
considered. Furthermore, proper controls should be in place to evaluate possible
interference especially when colorimetric methods are used as readout system.
5.3.3 General criteria to be considered for different coatings on a
Particle surfaces of reactive (e.g. photocatalytic) NMs are generally modified, coated, or
doped with other materials to ‘quench’ the reactivity before use in cosmetic products.
Surface modification of an NM, however, may also bring about profound changes in the
physicochemical properties (e.g. hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity), ADME profile and
interaction with biological entities. A significant alteration in the properties and biokinetic
behaviour may also alter their toxicity due to the potential penetration and accumulation of
particles in organs that are not expected to be the target of an unmodified or a differently-
coated form of the same NM. It is therefore important that not only the NMs, and the
materials used for surface modification, are assessed individually, but that they are also
assessed for safety together when in the form of a surface-modified/coated NM. In
particular, a major change in hydrophobicity of the NP surfaces may affect dermal
absorption. This raises the question whether an NM with several different surface
modifications/coatings will need to be tested each time.
The SCCS Opinion (SCCS/1580/16) has considered the use of different coatings on an NM in
the context of titanium dioxide (nano-form). In brief, where a coating material applied to an
NM surface has not already been evaluated for such an application, it will need to be
demonstrated to the SCCS to be safe and not affect the particle properties related to
behaviour and/or effects. In this regard, a full dataset on the physicochemical properties,
biokinetic behaviour and toxicological effects of the NM with each new surface
modification/coating would be preferable. However, as a minimum, in addition to safety
data on the core NM, the SCCS will require the following:
1. Information/data on each material used for surface modification/coating of the NM to
indicate that it is safe for use in the intended cosmetic product - e.g. it is an approved
cosmetic ingredient, or not a banned or restricted substance under Annex II and III of the
Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
2. Data on physicochemical properties of the surface-modified/coated NM to show that
they have not significantly changed compared to the same material when uncoated or with
a different surface modification/coating that has already been assessed as safe by the
SCCS. However, when a coating is applied for a specific purpose (e.g. reduction of
(photo)catalytic activity), the effect of the coating on the intended activity should also be
3. Data on dermal penetration, stability of the surface modification/coating, and
(photo)catalytic activity (where final products are intended for use on skin exposed to
sunlight) of the NM to indicate that:
a. the surface modification/coating is stable in final formulation,
b. the surface modification/coating does not lead to any significant absorption of
the nanoparticles through the exposure route(s) anticipated for the intended use,
c. the (photo)catalytic activity of the surface modified/coated NM is relatively low
(i.e. not more than 10% compared to the non-coated equivalent).
d. when testing a combined use of different coating materials, a combination of the
individual concentrations that represents 'worst case' in terms of hydrophobicity
should be used and justification why a certain combination should be considered as
worst case should be given.
The SCCS would consider an NM that has been surface modified or coated with a new
substance ‘similar’ to an already assessed surface variant of the same NM if both compare
well in terms of the above criteria. However, a full toxicological dataset would be required
for safety evaluation if the new material used for surface modification/coating is not already
known to be safe, or brings about a significant change in the physicochemical properties,
dermal absorption, and/or (photo)catalytic activity of an NM.
Where a coating material is applied to an NM surface, it will need to be demonstrated to the
SCCS to be safe and not to affect the properties relating to particle behaviour and/or effects
with exception of the intended modification/purpose. As a minimum, data/information
should indicate that: 1) each material used for surface modification/ coating is safe for use
in the intended cosmetic product; 2) data on physicochemical properties of the surface-
modified/ coated NM to show that they have not significantly changed compared to
uncoated form of the same material (or with a different surface modification/ coating that
has already been assessed safe by the SCCS); and 3) data on dermal penetration, stability
of the surface modification/coating and (photo)catalytic activity of the NM (for use in
products intended for application on skin exposed to sunlight). Where more than one
coating material is applied, data should be provided on a combination of the individual
concentrations which represents ‘worst case’ in terms of hydrophobicity.
5.3.4 Nano-carriers and nano-encapsulated materials
Encapsulation and other forms of formulation have been increasingly used to develop nano-
sized carriers or delivery systems for (bioactive) substances (Sabliov et al., 2015). For such
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
applications, it is imperative that safety assessment not only considers safety of the
individual components (e.g. the encapsulating material and the encapsulated contents), but
also safety of all the components when put together in the form of a nano-sized entity
(Chaudhry and Castle, 2015; EFSA, 2018). This is because nano-sizing of substances may
impart certain changes in their properties, behaviour and effects compared to corresponding
conventional forms and data on safety of individual components in conventional forms may
not be sufficient for safety assessment when they are in the form a nano-encapsulated
entity. The Applicants should therefore provide a clear description of the nano-encapsulated
entity in terms of chemical composition, purity, concentration, as well as physicochemical
properties, stability, and dermal penetration of both the components and the nano-
encapsulated entity. Safety assessment of such applications will also require consideration
of the potential toxicological effects and exposure estimates under foreseeable use
conditions for each component as well as the nano-encapsulated entity as a whole. The
intended function and uses of the nano-encapsulated forms should also be clearly described.
For encapsulated NMs, a clear description of the intended function and uses, chemical
composition, purity, concentration, as well as physicochemical properties, stability, and
dermal penetration of the components of the nano-encapsulated entity should be provided.
Safety assessment should consider toxicological and exposure aspects under foreseeable
use conditions for each component, as well as the nano-encapsulated entity as a whole.
5.3.5. Immunotoxicity
NPs absorbed into the body through different routes of exposure may lead to immunological
effects. Research shows that some NMs can stimulate and/or suppress the immune
responses and that their interaction with the immune system is largely determined by their
size, shape, composition, surface properties, protein binding and administration routes
(Najafi-Hajivar et al., 2016). Such effects may result from induction of reactive oxygen
species, apoptosis, cell cycle inhibition, complement activation, enhanced secretion of
cytokines and chemokines, interaction through toll-like receptors, inflammatory responses,
induction of autophagy, reduced viability of the major cell types involved in the innate and
adaptive immune system (Pandey and Prajapati, 2017).
Due to the potential for binding other substances on the surface, NPs need special attention
because they may carry other substances including proteins to the immune cells and thus
act as a ‘Trojan horse’. This has also been exploited in the form of NP carriers of various
immunogens in the development of vaccines. For example, nano-silica has been proposed
as a vaccination platform for allergen-specific immunotherapy (Scheiblhofer et al., 2016). In
addition, particles including NPs can modify immune responses (Himly et al., 2017) and are
known to exacerbate allergic responses in the lung (De Haar et al., 2006; Falcon-Rodriguez
et al., 2016; Meldrum et al. 2018). The sensitisation potential of the NMs used in cosmetics
is evaluated as part of safety assessment. It is also important to ascertain that any
systemically or locally available NMs in cosmetic products will not exert an adverse effect on
the immune system. The toxicological studies should investigate potential immunological
effects where data indicate either systemic availability of the NPs through the likely route(s)
of exposure, or a potential for local contact of NPs with the immune cells. This should
receive particular emphasis if an NM is composed of, or contain on the surface, any
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
peptides/proteins or other immunogenic substance(s). This topic has been recently
reviewed by EFSA (2018) and different methods for determining
immunogenicity/allergenicity and immunotoxicity have been proposed.
Currently, there are no regulatory documents specifically dedicated to evaluate
immunotoxicity of NMs. Their immunotoxicity assessment is performed based on existing
guidelines for conventional substances or medicinal products (Giannakou et al., 2016).
Research groups involved in developing NMs already use a wide range of in vitro assays to
screen for essential aspects of the immunosafety profile that are not included in the current
regulatory guidance. For example, a number of international projects have produced
guidelines for testing strategies and test methods, including in vitro assays, for NM safety
evaluation (e.g., the FP7 EU projects NANOMMUNE and MARINA). Dobrovolskaia and McNeil
(2016) reported a number of in vitro immunoassays that provide results with a good or fair
correlation to in vivo assay outcomes. Good correlation was indicated for the in vitro assays
of hemolysis, complement activation, opsonization and phagocytosis, and cytokine secretion
assays. Other assays can also be regarded as broadly predictive of the functional alterations
of the immune system, including the Colony Forming Unit-Granulocyte Macrophage assay,
the leukocyte proliferation test (immunomodulatory assays), platelet aggregation, leukocyte
procoagulant activity, and various plasma coagulation tests (thrombogenicity assays).
Detailed protocols of many of these assays have been published recently (McNeil et al.,
For systemically or locally available NMs in a cosmetic product, it is important to ascertain
that they will not exert an adverse immunological effect. This is particularly important for
NMs that are composed of, or contain on the surface, peptides/proteins or other
immunogenic/allergenic substance(s). A number of in vitro immunoassays can provide
results with a good or fair correlation to in vivo assay outcomes.
5.3.6. Genotoxicity
Mutagenicity refers to the induction of permanent transmissible changes in the amount or
structure of the genetic material of cells or organisms. These changes may involve a single
gene or gene segment, a block of genes or chromosomes. The term clastogenicity is used
for agents giving rise to structural chromosome aberrations. A clastogen causes breaks in
chromosomes that result in the loss or rearrangement of chromosome segments.
Aneugenicity (aneuploidy induction) refers to the effects of agents that give rise to a change
(gain or loss) in chromosome number in cells, resulting in cells that do not have an exact
multiple of the haploid number (2006/1907/EC).
NMs may induce genotoxic damage by a) primary (direct or indirect) or b) secondary
mechanisms: i) directly by interaction with DNA, by disturbing the process of mitosis, or by
producing Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) directly or after alterations of mitochondrial
functions or ii) by secondary mechanisms as result of oxidative DNA attack during NM-
elicited chronic inflammation caused by activation/recruitment of immune cells, such as
macrophages and/ or neutrophils (Magdolenova et al., 2014; OECD, 2014b; KEMI, 2016;
Evans et al., 2017).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
For in vitro genotoxicity assessment, both chromosomal damage (clastogenicity and
aneugenicity) and gene mutations should be evaluated. The widely used bacterial reverse
mutation (Ames) test is not considered appropriate for NM mutagenicity assessment, due to
limited or no uptake of NMs by the bacteria (SCCS/1484/12). The bacterial cell wall hinders
uptake and thus NP internalisation is unlikely to occur to the same extent as observed in
mammalian cells, hence sensitivity of the assay is questionable (Doak et al., 2012;
Magdolenova et al., 2014, Dusinska et al., 2017, Elespuru et al., 2018).
It is therefore suggested that for NMs the following in vitro genotoxicity tests be conducted:
Mammalian cell chromosome aberration/clastogenicity tests (either in vitro
chromosome aberration test or micronucleus test). The micronucleus test can be
performed using either the mononucleate or cytokinesis blocked protocols. However,
if the cytokinesis blocked micronucleus assay is to be applied then the blocking agent
(cytochalasin B) addition must be post-treatment (after the NM exposure period).
Alternatively, a delayed-co-treatment protocol is also acceptable if a sufficient NM
exposure period has been allowed to enable uptake into the test system cells. Co-
exposure to both cytochalasin B and the test NM for the duration of the experiment
should be avoided due to possible interference of NMs with cytochalasin B in terms of
the cellular uptake of the NM (Li et al., 2017).
An in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test (e.g. Hypoxanthine-guanine Phospho
Ribosyl Transferase (Hprt), Thymidine Kinase (Tk) or Xanthine-guanine Phospho
Ribosyl Transferase gene (Xprt) tests).
Other indicator tests, such as the comet assay may be included for further weight of
evidence. The Comet assay modified with repair enzymes is useful for detection of
DNA oxidation damage induced by NMs (Collins et al. 2017a). The Comet assay is
especially suitable in a high throughput version (Collins et al., 2017b, El Yamani et
al., 2017), to cope with large numbers of NM samples, concentrations, and
incubation times. Another useful indicator test is the cell transformation assay (CTA)
(Sasaki et al., 2014).
For in vitro genotoxicity studies, it is necessary to demonstrate uptake of the NPs in the cell
and preferably the nucleus to demonstrate exposure of cellular target structures (e.g. DNA).
If such exposure cannot be demonstrated, a negative outcome of such assay might be
meaningless, as the target exposure will not be known. In addition, the amount taken up by
the cells may be considered for expression of the possible dose response relationship
(OECD, 2014b).
Properties of NMs such as adsorption capacity, optical properties, hydrophobicity, chemical
composition, surface charge and surface properties, catalytic activities as well as
agglomeration can result in interference with standard toxicity tests (Guadagnini et al.,
2015) see also section 5.3.2 above. Agglomeration of NMs affects their bioavailability to the
cell and thus might lead to false positive/negative results. Several cytotoxicity, oxidative
stress and genotoxicity assays, such as the comet assay and the micronucleus test, have
been investigated for the possibilities of such interferences and suggestions made for a
modification of the micronucleus assay to ensure correct genotoxicity assessment (Doak et
al., 2009, 2012; Magdolenova et al., 2012) and for inclusion of additional controls
(Magdolenova et al., 2012; Azqueta and Dusinska, 2015; Huk et al., 2015; Bessa et al.,
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
For in vitro genotoxicity assessment, both chromosomal damage (clastogenicity and
aneugenicity) and gene mutations should be evaluated. The widely used bacterial reverse
mutation (Ames) test is not considered appropriate for NM mutagenicity assessment and an
in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test should instead be carried out. Other indicator
tests should also be considered, such as Comet assay modified with repair enzymes, and
the cell transformation assay (CTA). It is imperative that assessment of cellular and
preferably nuclear uptake is also carried out to demonstrate target exposure during the in
vitro genotoxicity studies.
5.3.7. Carcinogenicity
Substances are defined as carcinogenic if they induce tumours (benign or malignant) or
increase their incidence, malignancy or shorten the time of tumour occurrence when they
are inhaled, ingested, dermally applied or injected (ECB, 2003).
A carcinogenicity study is in general only submitted when already available; e.g., when
carried out before the animal testing ban or when generated for compliance under a
different (non-cosmetic) legislative framework (due to animal testing ban). The decision on
the carcinogenic potential of mutagenic or genotoxic substances may thus be made on the
outcome of in vitro mutagenicity tests. A positive in vitro result in mutagenicity tests is also
seen as indicative of the carcinogenic potential of the substance (SCCS/1602/18). There are
several ongoing initiatives to develop in vitro tests for the indication of carcinogenicity. New
in vitro approaches, such as cell transformation assays (CTAs) or toxicogenomic approaches
may also be useful for the identification of genotoxic as well as non-genotoxic carcinogenic
NMs. The latter in combination with transcriptomics provide mechanistic information at the
molecular level. Additionally, novel toxicity endpoints such as epigenetic toxicity will have to
be considered in the future. Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression that
occur without alterations in DNA sequence. A growing body of evidence indicates that
environmentally-induced epigenetic alterations play a role in the onset of several human
diseases, including cancer, mental disorders, obesity, and other severe conditions (reviewed
by Smolkova et al., 2015, Marczylo et al., 2016 and Smolkova et al. 2017). Several studies
show that epigenetic toxicity can be induced by NMs and can occur at sub-cytotoxic and
sub-genotoxic concentrations (Ghosh et al., 2017).
So far only the in vitro CTAs that can detect both genotoxic and non-genotoxic carcinogens
have been validated. CTAs are in vitro tests measuring the conversion from normal to
transformed phenotype of mammalian cells (primary Syrian hamster embryo (SHE), or
stable cell lines such as mouse BALB/c-3T3 or C3H/10T1/2 cells when exposed to test
compounds. A guidance document on the in vitro SHE CTA was adopted in 2015 by the
OECD (OECD, 2015a). The OECD Guidance Document on In Vitro Cell Transformation Assay
Based on the Bhas 42 Cell Line was adopted in 2016 (OECD, 2016f).
The CTAs have been used to test NMs (and larger particles and fibres) (Ponti et al. 2009;
Ohmori et al., 2013; Gabelova et al., 2017). SHE and BALB/c 3T3 CTAs have the potential
to detect non-genotoxic as well as genotoxic carcinogens. The most frequently used
endpoint is morphological transformation. Morphologically transformed cells are
characterised by the loss of density-dependent regulation of growth and the formation of
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
colonies with crisscrossed cells or foci of piled-up cells that are not observed in untreated
control cultures (Sasaki et al., 2014; Gabelova et al., 2017). CTAs are promising tests for
predicting NM-induced cell transformation as one of the crucial carcinogenicity endpoints.
An international Working Group of experts convened by the International Agency for
Research on Cancer (IARC) has identified 10 key characteristics (see SCCS Notes of
Guidance SCCS/1602/18) of established human carcinogens that should be taken into
account (Smith et al., 2016). That opinion, originally prepared to facilitate a systematic and
uniform approach to organising the available mechanistic data relevant to carcinogens in a
standard form, could also be applied for assessment of many cases of NMs. High-throughput
assay systems, such as the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Toxicity Forecaster
(ToxCast) program (Chiu et al., 2017), which can provide in vitro mechanistic data on many
of the key characteristics, may be useful in the overall weight of evidence assessment.
However, as the ToxCast database is on conventional chemicals it may be of limited use for
Identifying non-genotoxic carcinogens is a challenge in the absence of recourse to animal
testing. Because non-genotoxic compounds can exert carcinogenicity through different
mechanisms, it is advisable that a battery of tests (as exemplified above) should be used to
exclude the non-genotoxic carcinogenicity potential of the NM.
Although a carcinogenicity study is only submitted when already available due to the EU ban
on in vivo testing of cosmetic ingredients/products, a positive in vitro result in mutagenicity
testing should be seen as indicative of the carcinogenic potential of the substance. In vitro
approaches, such as cell transformation assays or toxicogenomic approaches, may also be
useful for the identification of genotoxic as well as non-genotoxic carcinogen NMs.
5.3.8. Developmental and reproductive toxicity of nanomaterials
The database on developmental and reproductive toxicity of NMs following skin exposure or
exposure by inhalation is very limited. Indeed, it is only recently that attention has been
directed towards the potential reproductive toxicity of NMs (Hougaard et al., 2015; Wang et
al., 2019; Skovmand, 2019). Some NMs have been shown to pass through the blood–testis
barrier, placental barrier, and epithelial barrier, which protect reproductive tissues, and then
accumulate in reproductive organs. However, only in a few studies an effect on foetuses
was noted after particle inhalation (Campagnolo et al., 2017; Bernal-Melendez et al., 2019).
The literature also provides some limited evidence that some NMs (such as anatase TiO
particles) after oral exposure may affect foetal development of the male reproductive
system. It has been shown that accumulation of NMs in reproductive organs (testis,
epididymis) may cause damage to those organs by destroying Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and
germ cells, causing reproductive organ dysfunction that adversely affects sperm quality,
quantity, morphology, and motility (Winkler et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2019). Some
observations on the female reproductive system have also been made, such as a reduction
in the number of mature oocytes and disruption of primary and secondary follicular
development. However, reproductive function in female offsprings has hardly been studied
and cannot be commented upon. In addition, NMs (such as anatase TiO
) can disrupt the
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
levels of secreted hormones, causing changes in sexual behaviour. Neurodevelopmental
consequences of nano-TiO
exposure were suggested by a study in which pregnant Wistar
rats were treated by oral gavage with anatase TiO
particles (primary size of 10 nm) at 100
mg/kg body weight (Mohammadipour et al., 2014).
The molecular mechanisms involved in NM toxicity to the reproductive system are not
clearly understood yet, but possible mechanisms include oxidative stress, apoptosis,
inflammation, genotoxicity or endocrine activities. Previous studies have shown that NPs can
increase inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis and induce ROS, causing damage at
the molecular and genetic levels which results in cytotoxicity. It is also plausible that NPs
may translocate from the respiratory tract to the placenta and foetus. In addition, adverse
effects may occur secondarily to maternal inflammatory responses (Hougaard et al., 2015).
Effects of NPs used in cosmetic products should be considered for potential reproductive
effects including mechanisms and ED mediated mode of action. Due to the animal testing
ban, NAMs should be evaluated for potential reproductive toxicity using a weight of evidence
approach. Further research and development is required in this area, in particular with
regard to the value of in vitro testing by the embryonic stem cell test, the micromass
embryotoxicity assay, and the whole rat embryoculture.
The database on developmental and reproductive toxicity of NMs following skin exposure or
exposure by inhalation is currently very limited. NMs used in cosmetic products should be
considered for potential reproductive effects, including endocrine mediated mode of action.
Due to the animal test ban, a weight of evidence should be derived from NAMs for potential
reproductive toxicity of NMs.
5.4. Considerations for the replacement of in vivo testing by in vitro testing
Among the available alternatives, in vitro and ex vivo assays, and in silico modelling
approaches take a prominent place. Generally, these methods aim to reduce, refine, or
replace the use of experimental animals. However, there is no stand-alone in vitro or ex
vivo test at present that can replace a standardised in vivo method for toxicological
assessment of NMs (Shatkin and Ong, 2016; Burden et al., 2017).
A tiered approach based on non-testing and in vitro methods has therefore been proposed
for the prediction of realistic biological outcomes (Oberdörster et al., 2005; SCENIHR, 2007;
Stone et al., 2009; Hirsch et al., 2011; Dekkers et al., 2016) when used in a weight of
evidence (WoE) approach (SCHEER, 2018). The proposed approach involves thorough
physicochemical characterisation of NMs, in vitro screening tests including ‘-omics’, the use
of non-testing approaches (in silico models, read across) and the use of OECD and EURL
ECVAM validated/ approved in vitro methods. A model for tiered nanotoxicity screening has
been proposed for risk assessment of NMs (Oberdörster et al., 2005; SCENIHR, 2007; Stone
et al., 2009; Hirsch et al., 2011; Dekkers et al., 2016; EFSA, 2018).
For cosmetic purposes, only data from validated replacement methods are accepted.
However, in the absence of alternative methods that have been specifically validated for
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
NMs, the SCCS also takes into consideration such methods that may have not yet
undergone formal validation but can be demonstrated to be scientifically valid.
Validated replacement methods are methods that have passed the various steps of the
modular validation process established at EURL-ECVAM, and are considered by its Scientific
Advisory Committee (ESAC) to comply with the process. Equally so, methods considered by
EURL-ECVAM of having the status equivalent to validation, or alternative methods accepted
by OECD, are in the EU recognised as validated methods. At present, various in vitro
guidelines are being adapted and validated to accommodate NMs at OECD level as well as in
other initiatives such as the Malta project (e.g. citations in Shatkin and Ong, 2016). In
addition, the international organization for standardization (ISO TC 229) has been
developing guidelines for NMs. As discussed before, the suitability of in vitro methods for
NMs can be affected by specific nano-related properties due to e.g.
aggregation/agglomeration and subsequent sedimentation, floating and other changes.
Furthermore, as already stated in section 5.3.2 and 5.3.6, it is well known that NMs might
interfere with commonly used assays by influencing readout parameters such as absorbance
or fluorescence (see overview in Guadagnini et al., 2015 or ECHA, 2017b). As a
consequence, the outcome of an in vitro assay for NMs is often difficult to interpret. Work is
ongoing to develop suitable protocols, for dispersion, analysis of cellular doses and quality
criteria for nanoparticles (Gottardo et al., 2017).
Recently OECD (OECD, 2016c) published a state of the art report on ‘alternative testing
strategies in risk assessment of manufactured NMs (ENV/JM/MONO (2016)63) and
concluded: while stand-alone alternative testing methods may contribute to basic
mechanistic or toxicity knowledge, they will not be sufficient for use in quantitative risk
assessment; rather, a battery of alternative testing methods will likely be used in a Weight-
of-Evidence (WoE) approach (e.g., Nel et al., 2013). Strategically incorporating multiple
alternative testing methods into alternative testing strategies will allow for an understanding
of human and environmental behaviour and toxicity of NMs across endpoints, receptors and
material groups.
Among other issues, the report highlighted the following:
- Research must ensure that alternative tests are representative of in vivo eukaryotic
conditions; for example, the OECD recently concluded that the commonly used Ames test, a
bacterial mutagenicity assay, may not be suitable for detecting potential human
genotoxicity induced by manufactured NMs because of the lack of endocytosis and limited
NM diffusion across the bacterial cell wall (OECD, 2014b).
- In vitro models are becoming increasingly sophisticated and better at simulating
human-relevant conditions (e.g. 3D cell co-cultures and (micro)fluidic models) (Rothen-
Rutishauser et al., 2005; Kostadinova et al., 2013; Astashkina and Grainger, 2014; Roth
and Singer, 2014; Chortarea et al., 2015; Horváth et al., 2015).
- A lack of availability of quality data that can address the issues related to
categorisation and grouping of NMs based on their physicochemical properties, mode of
action or relevant exposure also hinders the development of in silico methods (Tantra et al.,
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
- Existing data can be harnessed to develop an adverse outcome pathway (AOP), which
starts from a molecular initiating event (MIE), which links to key events (KEs) at different
levels of biological organisation (e.g., cellular or organ response), eventually leading to an
adverse outcome at an organism or population level (Ankley et al., 2010; OECD, 2013). It
has become clear that direct correlations between the physicochemical properties of a single
NM and in vivo outcomes are not possible; AOPs instead focus on groupings based on both
the chemical activity and the consequent biological processes (OECD, 2013).
In the absence of in vivo and other information on a cosmetic ingredient in nano-form, the
following elements should be considered in safety evaluation: chemical structure,
physicochemical properties, non-testing information (read across, in silico modelling, PBPK
modelling) and information from in vitro and other alternative methods.
Currently, there is no stand-alone in vitro or ex vivo test to replace a standardised in vivo
method for toxicological assessment of NMs. A tiered approach based on non-testing and in
vitro methods has therefore been proposed that involves physicochemical characterisation,
in vitro screening tests including ‘-omics’, and the use of non-testing approaches (in silico
models, read across). The current state-of-the-art on ‘alternative testing strategies in risk
assessment of manufactured nanomaterials is published by the OECD (OECD, 2016c). For
cosmetic purposes, only data from validated replacement methods are accepted. However,
in the absence of alternative methods that have been specifically validated for NMs, the
SCCS also takes into consideration such methods that are not yet formally validated but can
be demonstrated to be scientifically valid.
5.4.1 In silico modelling, grouping and read-across
Depending on the need for different end-uses, nano-forms of a cosmetic ingredient may be
developed in many different particle sizes/shapes, crystalline forms, surface
modifications/coatings, etc. Often adequate data on physicochemical and/or toxicological
characterisation for each variant of the given NM are not available. This poses a major
difficulty for safety assessment because the lack of data only allows case-by-case
assessment of each individual variant of the NM. To address the problem, a number of
publications have highlighted the need for data and tools for robust and reliable in silico
modelling and grouping/read-across for NMs (e.g. National Research Council, 2012; Tantra
et al., 2015; Oksel et al., 2015; Walser and Studer, 2015). Different proposals have also
been made outlining frameworks for the use of in silico methods and grouping/read-across
for NMs (Arts et al., 2014, 2015, 2016; Landsiedel 2014; ECHA/JRC/RIVM, 2016; OECD,
2016a,b; Oomen et al., 2015; ECHA, 2017a;). However, whilst in silico modelling tools and
read-across approaches have advanced a lot in the past few decades for estimating the
toxicity of conventional chemical substances, they are still at an elementary stage for NMs.
In addition, there is an enormous database on chemical substances, accumulated over more
than a century, which provides a basis for deriving the rules and algorithms that define
relationship(s) between a chemical structure and biological activity. For NMs, such a
database is still poor and patchy. Therefore, for NMs the relationships between
physicochemical aspects and toxicological effects have not yet been established adequately
to allow the development of reliable and robust in silico models. A handful of models are
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
currently available for NMs (Toropov et al., 2006; 2007a; 2007b; 2008; Sayes and Ivanov,
2010; Burello and Worth, 2011) but most of them are based on a few physicochemical
parameters and limited toxicological datasets, and their reliability and applicability to NMs
has not yet undergone any rigorous testing/validation. Further developments in this field
may lead to in silico models in the future as a means for deriving reliable toxicological
estimates for safety assessment of NMs.
A reference paper by ECHA, JRC and RIVM (2016), which has resulted in recommendations
for NMs applicable to the Guidance on QSARs and Grouping of Chemicals (ECHA, 2017a),
has proposed an outline for grouping and read-across of NMs on the basis of
physicochemical properties, toxicokinetic considerations, and hazard considerations. The use
of such methods would need to be scientifically justified and on a case-by-case basis (ECHA,
2017a; Gottardo et al., 2017). In consideration of the current major data gaps, it likely that
experimental data would be needed in most cases to substantiate and justify the use of a
grouping/read-across approach for NMs.
The in silico modelling tools and read-across approaches are still at an elementary stage for
NMs. A reference paper by ECHA, JRC and RIVM (2016) has proposed an outline for
grouping and read-across of NMs based on physicochemical properties, toxicokinetic
considerations, and hazard considerations. The use of such methods would need to be
justified on strong scientific grounds on a case-by-case basis.
5.4.2 In vitro and other non-animal methods
Assessment of overt toxicity and local effects of the port of entry including
The test design needs to be oriented on the relevant exposure scenario (oral, dermal,
inhalation) using adequate (context-specific) doses. In the first instance, in vitro testing can
be targeted to assess overt toxicity that might be exerted even at the port of entry (e.g.
cytotoxicity, production of ROS, inflammation, cytokine induction, genotoxicity). Such tests
might also be able to give an insight to possible mechanisms of toxicity. Assays determining
cytotoxicity might reveal damage of the plasma membrane, mitochondria or lysosomes. As
NMs have been shown to interfere with certain in vitro assays or read-out systems, it has
been recommended to use more than one assay for one specific endpoint/parameter to
circumvent any limitations of the individual assay (Shatkin and Ong, 2016; OECD, 2017a).
In addition, each assay should include appropriate controls to identify (background)
interference of the NMs within the assay. An overview on possible assays for determination
of basic cytotoxicity in vitro (i.e. on cell viability, production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen
species, inflammatory response and cytokine induction) is given in Annex 1.
For the assessment of local damage to the skin (skin corrosivity and skin irritation) and the
eyes (serious eye damage and eye irritation), a variety of non-animal methods is available
that might be used for NMs if nano-specific aspects are taken into consideration (see Annex
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Information on in vitro assessment of genotoxicity and mutagenicity is given in section
5.3.6 and also in Annex 1.
The mechanisms involved in skin sensitisation have been described by the OECD in the AOP
Covalent Protein binding leading to Skin Sensitisation (OECD, 2012b; The molecular initiating event (MIE) of this
AOP is covalent binding of the chemical to skin proteins, leading to an immunogenic
hapten-carrier complex. The MIE triggers KE2, keratinocyte activation, and KE3, dendritic
cell activation. Subsequently, the activated and differentiated dendritic cells migrate to the
draining lymph nodes and present their small peptides of the hapten-carrier complex to the
T cells. This leads to KE4: T cell activation and proliferation creating a pool of memory T
cells, ultimately leading to skin sensitisation (adverse outcome). For these key events, in
vitro assays have been validated for conventional chemicals (see Annex 1).
Potential for systemic uptake via the relevant uptake route(s)
Next step to determining local toxicity should be to assess whether an NM is taken up
systemically via the uptake route of interest. Investigation of the solubility behaviour in
adequate biofluid might give information whether and to what extent an NM remains intact
in a particle form, for example after oral and/or systemic uptake. The assessment of
potential systemic uptake should also consider any changes in the physicochemical
properties of the NM.
In vitro models that simulate different biological barriers have also been developed to
determine absorption via different uptake routes. These include in vitro models simulating
the gastrointestinal, pulmonary or oral mucosal barrier (overviews in Dekkers et al., 2016
and Gottardo et al., 2017). A validated OECD test guideline exists for determining dermal
uptake (OECD, 2004a). However, such in vitro models have not yet been validated for NMs.
As mentioned before, unlike the diffusion gradient driven absorption of conventional
chemicals, the translocation of NPs across biological membranes involves endocytosis
and/or active transcellular transport mechanisms. In addition to in vitro methods, ex-vivo
methods might also provide some insight to the uptake of NMs.
Local Effects
Studies showed that several NPs (e.g. ZnO, Ag, TiO
, and CeO
NPs) do not lead to local
irritation after evaluation in a reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) model (Kim et al.,
2016; Vinardell, et al. 2017; Miyani and Hughes, 2017). In this model the NMs can be
applied in both a watery and lipid solution on top of the epidermal construct that has similar
tissue layers as normal human skin. As of June 2019, six RhE models were validated and
accepted for determination of in vitro skin irritation of chemicals in OECD TG 439 (OECD,
Systemic effects
If there is potential for systemic uptake of the NM, systemic toxicity has to be investigated.
In the absence of a recourse to in vivo testing, it is very difficult to predict the distribution
of NMs in the human body. However, based on past experience with in vivo models, it can
be assumed that poorly-soluble systemically available NMs are mainly distributed to tissues
that are rich in phagocytic cells belonging to the mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS),
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
e.g. liver and spleen (Dekkers et al., 2016; OECD, 2016d; ISO/TR 22019). In addition, in
vitro barrier models e.g. on blood-brain or placental barrier might give further insight to the
distribution of systemically available NMs.
For in vitro tests addressing systemic effects, kinetic aspects (e.g. absorption via the
relevant uptake route, dissolution rate in relevant body fluids, protein binding and protein
corona formation, distribution) should be taken into consideration to enable in vitro to in
vivo extrapolation (IVIVE).
For the investigation of systemic effects in tissues, 3D cell co-culture models and
microfluidic models have been described (see Dekkers et al., 2016). In addition, ex-vivo
models and methods, such as precision-cut lung slices, might enable further understanding
of the systemic toxicity of NMs. However, the latter are still in early phases of development.
Two Guidance documents (OECD Guidance Documents No. 214 and 231) have recently
been adopted on the CTA that provide partial information on the multi-step processes that
lead to cancer (OECD, 2015a, OECD, 2016f). The assay has already been applied to a
variety of NMs (Gabelova et al., 2017; see also section 5.3.6).
In summary, a number of standalone alternative testing methods may contribute to basic
mechanistic or toxicity knowledge, but they will not be sufficient for use in quantitative risk
assessment. Instead, the use of a battery of alternative testing methods will be more useful
in a WoE approach (Nel et al., 2013; OECD, 2016c; EFSA, 2017; SCHEER, 2018).
Strategically incorporating multiple alternative testing methods into alternative testing
scheme will allow for an understanding of the behaviour and toxicity of NMs across human
and environmental endpoints, receptors and material groups.
This Guidance provides a list of non-animal methods that could be used for NMs while taking
nano-specific aspects into consideration (Table in the Annex 1). The test design needs to be
oriented on the relevant exposure scenario (oral, dermal, inhalation) using adequate
context-specific doses. In the first instance, in vitro testing can be targeted to assess overt
toxicity that might be exerted even at the port of entry (e.g. cytotoxicity, production of
ROS, inflammation, cytokine induction, local genotoxicity). It is recommended to use more
than one assay for one specific endpoint/parameter to circumvent any limitations of the
individual assay, with appropriate controls to identify (background) interference of the NMs
in the assay. The assessment of potential systemic uptake should also consider any changes
in the physicochemical properties of the NM. Investigation of the solubility behaviour in
relevant biofluids might give information whether and to what extent an NM may remain
intact in particle form for example after oral and/or systemic uptake.
If there is a potential for systemic uptake of the NM, systemic toxicity will need to be
investigated. For in vitro tests addressing systemic effects, kinetic aspects (e.g. absorption
via the relevant uptake route, dissolution rate in relevant body fluids, protein binding and
protein corona formation, distribution) should be taken into consideration to enable in vitro
to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE). For the investigation of systemic effects in tissues, 3D cell
co-culture models and microfluidic models have been described, and the use of ex-vivo
models may provide further understanding of the systemic toxicity of NMs. In this regard,
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
the use of a battery of alternative testing methods will be more useful when results are
used together in a WoE approach.
Safety assessment of NMs follows a similar procedure to that for conventional chemical
ingredients. The safety of an NM in a cosmetic application is assessed by considering
exposure and toxicological effects. These include local effects as well as systemic effects
where there is systemic uptake via the relevant exposure route.
Historically, safety assessment of a cosmetic ingredient has been based on a measured
toxicological point of departure (POD) in terms of BMDL or NOAEL from in vivo animal
studies, along with an estimate of the internal exposure in terms of systemic exposure dose
(SED). The latter is usually derived from the dermal route (e.g. from the intended daily
application of a cosmetic ingredient on the skin). The calculation of the SED is described in
section 3-3.5.4 of SCCS/1602/18.
For systemic, threshold effects, the Margin of Safety (MoS) of ingredients in a finished
cosmetic product is calculated, which is the ratio between a systemic POD (POD
) and an
estimate of the exposure.
/ SED (systemic exposure dose)
Where POD
is a Benchmark Dose Lower Limit (BMDL) or, alternatively, a NOAEL or a
LOAEL, if BMDL cannot be calculated. The POD
is calculated from the external POD by use
of the proportion of the substance systemically absorbed (SCCS Notes of Guidance,
SCCS/1602/18 or most recent update).
In the past, a systemic toxicological point of departure (POD
) for use in safety
assessment was derived from animal studies. After the ban on animal testing under
Cosmetic Regulation, this is not possible for a new cosmetic ingredient, and such data can
only be accepted if studies had been carried out prior to the animal testing bans (i.e. before
March 2009 or March 2013 depending on the toxicological endpoint), or the data were
generated to meet a different regulatory requirement (i.e. for a non-cosmetic use). This
means that, whilst it may be possible to calculate an acceptable risk in relation to local
effects, this may not be possible for systemic effects due to the absence of data to derive
for a new cosmetic ingredient. For such cases, the Applicant will need to assemble
the relevant information/data from different NAMs, and integrate the data to build an
overall WoE to support demonstration of the safety of the cosmetic ingredient. Because of
the current lack of standardised frameworks for a generalised approach for safety
assessment to be based entirely on data from alternative methods, this will need to be
carried out on a case-by-case basis. Frameworks for assembling the WoE for scientific
assessments has recently been published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA,
2017) and SCHEER, 2018 that can provide guidance in this regard.
In general, a substance for which MoS is 100 is considered to pose a negligible risk to
human health. Depending on the quality and relevance of the available datasets, additional
safety factors may, however, be used (e.g. when using LO(A)EL instead of NO(A)EL, or
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
when specific toxicological information, e.g. on certain endpoints, is missing). It needs to be
noted that the assessment factor of 100 (plus any additional uncertainty factor if
appropriate) has been developed for conventional ingredients and not specifically for NMs
(SCCS Notes of Guidance, SCCS/1602/18 or most recent update). However, this
assessment factor has been considered adequate to address aspects of extrapolation and
uncertainty and therefore is at present considered to be also applicable and appropriate for
NMs (REACH RIP-oN 3, ECHA, 2012).
As stated in the SCCS Notes of Guidance for the testing of cosmetic ingredients and their
safety evaluation (SCCS 1602/18), the systemic availability of a cosmetic ingredient is
estimated by taking into account the daily amount of a finished cosmetic product applied,
the frequency of application, the concentration and systemic absorption of the ingredient,
and a mean value for human body weight. As such, the amount of ingredient per kg body
weight that would become available daily in the human circulatory system is calculated.
For conventional cosmetic ingredients, in the majority of MoS calculations, the dermal
exposure is compared to an oral POD (route to route extrapolation). The oral POD usually
corresponds to an amount that has been administered orally, though this may not
necessarily be the actual systemically available amount. In many calculations of the MoS for
conventional substances, where oral absorption data were not available, the oral
bioavailability of a substance had been assumed to be 100%. However, in view of the
generally low oral absorption of substances evaluated so far, the SCCS has considered it
more appropriate to assume that not more than 50% of an orally-administered dose
becomes systemically available (see also section and SCCS 1602/18). Although this
value of 50% is an arbitrary choice, it recognises that the GI tract is designed to favour the
absorption of ingested substances into the body but that, in most cases, not all of the
ingested material will be bioavailable. Thus, in the absence of measured data, the
assumption can be made that the effects seen following oral administration have been
caused by a fraction of the administered dose, and not the entire dose. Furthermore, if
there is evidence to suggest poor oral bioavailability, for example, of a poorly-soluble
particulate substance, it may be more appropriate to assume that only 10% of the
administered dose is systemically available (IGHRC, 2006). Therefore, any available oral
absorption data should be included in the calculations (e.g. SCCP/0851/05). In the case of
oral-to-inhalation extrapolation, it was proposed that, in the absence of route-specific
bioavailability information, a default factor of 2 (i.e. the absorption percentage for the oral
route is half that of the inhalation route) might be appropriate. The inclusion of this factor 2
means, for example, that 50% (instead of 100%) absorption is assumed for oral absorption,
and 100% for inhalation.
Route-to-route extrapolation, however, requires experimental data on absorption for both
dermal and oral exposures. Any route-to-route extrapolation also needs to be performed
case-by-case, and based on expert judgment of the scientific information, including the
available toxicokinetic information. It can only be performed if data are available on
systemic toxicity, the degree of absorption and also possible metabolic transformation.
If safety assessment is to be based mostly (or entirely) on in vitro test results, the in vitro
concentrations have to be related to external in vivo doses (in vitro- in vivo extrapolation
(IVIVE) as the in vitro assays do not take into account the kinetics inside the body. Thus, in
vitro test results must be complemented with kinetic data.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Extrapolation of in vitro to in vivo (IVIVE) for toxicokinetic assessment is still under
development; even if some methods and guidance exist (e.g. orally bioavailable fraction of
the dose can be predicted by informatics tool, dermal absorption can be predicted by in
vitro studies), it should be noted that cellular studies alone cannot mimic the entire
organism. For NMs used as cosmetic ingredients, IVIVE is a challenge because; 1) animal in
vivo data cannot be used to establish and validate toxicokinetic models, and 2) in addition
to conventional chemicals, further aspects as stated elsewhere in this document have to be
considered for NMs (e.g. aggregation/agglomeration, surface interaction, altered kinetics).
Sparse but relevant nano-specific kinetic data may already be available in various databases
from the JRC, US EPA, pharmaceutical industry, but most of these are from pilot projects.
ISO/TR 22019:2019 provides an overview of the current knowledge on (toxico)kinetics of
NMs indicating that most systemically available NMs end up in organs of the MPS
(mononuclear phagocytic system) notably liver and spleen. However more studies and in
silico modelling are needed for a realistic estimation of the biokinetics of an NM.
Safety assessment of NMs is carried out in the same way as for conventional chemical
ingredients in terms of consideration of the exposure and toxicological effects. For systemic
effects, the Margin of Safety (MoS) of ingredients in a finished cosmetic product is
calculated, which is the ratio between a systemic point of departure (POD
) and an
estimate of the exposure.
/ SED (systemic exposure dose)
Historically the toxicological point of departure (POD) has been measured in terms of
NOAEL, along with an estimate of the internal exposure in terms of systemic exposure dose
(SED). In cases where in vivo data, compliant with the provisions of Cosmetic Regulation,
are available on repeated dose toxicity, the margin of safety (MoS) can be calculated as a
ratio of a POD
and SED. POD
is BMDL or, alternatively, NOAEL or LOAEL, where BMDL
cannot be calculated. For such cases, a substance for which MoS is 100 is considered to
pose a negligible risk to human health. Depending on the quality and relevance of the
available datasets, additional safety factors may also be used (e.g when using LO(A)EL
instead of NO(A)EL, or when specific toxicological information is missing). Although the
assessment factors have been developed for conventional ingredients, they have been
considered adequate to address aspects of extrapolation and uncertainty, and therefore also
applicable to nanomaterials.
With the EU ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients/products, derivation of POD
systemic adverse effects of a new cosmetic ingredient may not be possible. For such cases,
the Applicant will need to assemble the relevant information/data from alternative (non-
animal) methods, and integrate the data to build an overall weight of evidence (WoE) to
support safety of the cosmetic ingredient. Because of the current lack of standardised
frameworks for a generalised approach for safety assessment to be based entirely on data
from alternative methods, this will need to be carried out on a case-by-case basis. A
framework for assembling WoE for scientific assessments published by the European Food
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Safety Authority (EFSA, 2017) and SCHEER (SCHEER, 2018) may provide guidance in this
regard (EFSA, 2017).
If risk assessment is to be based mostly (or entirely) on in vitro test results, extrapolation
of in vitro to in vivo (IVIVE) data will be required. The in vitro test results must be
complemented with kinetic data that can be derived from nano-specific kinetic models to
enable IVIVE. This approach is valid for non-nano (chemical) substances, and should also be
valid for nanomaterials.
The use of NMs as cosmetic ingredients requires thorough safety evaluation because of the
potential for size-related changes in physicochemical properties, biokinetic behaviour,
and/or toxicological effects of materials at the nano-scale. Exposure to NMs through the use
of cosmetic products may pose a risk of harmful effects from insoluble and persistent
nanoparticles that may reach unintended sites in the body and interact with biological
entities close to the molecular level.
This Guidance is an up-to-date revision of the existing Guidance (SCCS/1484/12) on safety
assessment of NMs in cosmetic products. It covers the main elements of safety assessment,
i.e. general considerations (section 2), material characterisation (section 3), exposure
assessment (section 4), hazard identification and dose-response characterisation (section
5), and risk assessment (section 6). Due to the evolving nature of NM safety research, the
guidance may be revised in the future to take account of any new scientific knowledge. The
key recommendations for safety assessment of NMs intended for use in cosmetics are
summarised below:
Definition: The regulatory definition of NM is provided in the Cosmetic Regulation (EC) No
1223/2009, under Article 2 (1) (k). It is further advisable that, when assessing the safety of
a material consisting of small particles, Applicants should also take into account the
Commission Recommendation (2011/696/EU) (see section 2.1). Material specifications such
as particle size distribution, solubility, and persistence should provide a basis for deciding
whether or not a cosmetic ingredient has to be considered an NM. In situations where a
particulate material has internal nano-structures, or exists as larger agglomerates or
aggregates, the use of volume specific surface area (VSSA) for powders, and/or other
parameters, such as imaging by EM, may provide further clarity. Where a new or an
already-approved cosmetic ingredient fulfils the criteria for defining it as NM, it will be
subject to safety assessment based on the data relevant to nano-scale properties.
Material characterisation: In view of the potential changes in properties, behaviour, and
effects of NMs, unambiguous identification and detailed characterisation of NMs is an
essential requirement for safety assessment. The characterisation data must provide
information on the identity of the material(s) in accordance with Cosmetics Regulation (EC)
No 1223/2009, Article 16 a) ‘identification of the NM…’. As a minimum, characterisation
data must be provided on all the parameters listed in Table 2 that are relevant to a given
NM. The information should correspond to Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009, Article
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
16 b) ‘specification of the NM...’. It is important that the measurements are carried out
using generally accepted techniques in consideration of nano-aspects, and detailed
documentation is provided. Particle size being the common denominator for all NMs, must
be measured by more than one method - one of which should be EM (preferably high
resolution TEM). The NM characterisation needs to be carried out at the raw material stage,
in the cosmetic formulation, and during exposure for toxicological evaluations. A detailed
description of the production processes, any surface modifications, and the preparatory
steps carried out for integrating the NMs in the final cosmetic products may be asked for by
the SCCS as input into the safety assessment process.
Exposure Assessment: Safety assessment of NMs follows the same procedure as for non-
nano ingredients, but with special considerations of the nano-aspects. Safety assessment of
NMs may, in the first instance, be driven by considerations of exposure (Figure 1). For this,
the likelihood and extent of local and systemic exposure will need to be estimated or
determined in relation to dermal, oral and inhalation exposure routes. The focus should be
on determining the potential translocation of NPs across skin, lung, or gastrointestinal
barriers (as appropriate) whilst mimicking the actual use scenarios. The SCCS is of the view
that the method for calculating dermal and oral exposure to NMs (detailed in SCCS/1602/18
and Section 5) will not be substantially different from the calculation of exposure to
conventional cosmetic ingredients. Calculation of exposure to aerosols containing NM may
however be more challenging.
Potential systemic exposure can be estimated for the dermal route through analysis of the
receptor fluid for NPs in in vitro dermal absorption studies and, for all possible uptake routes
and where available, through analysis of the data on occurrence in organs and/or blood
from toxicokinetic or toxicological investigations. The methods used for this purpose,
however, need to be mainstream, state of the art, and the limit of detection low enough to
demonstrate the lack of systemic exposure.
ADME parameters should be investigated to determine the extent of systemic exposure via
the relevant uptake route, to determine the fate and behaviour of the NM (in vitro, ex vivo,
or IVIVE) and to identify the likely target organs.
Where experimental evidence shows a lack of systemic exposure following application of an
NM containing cosmetic product, local exposure and local adverse effects should be
investigated. Where systemic exposure is indicated by chemical analysis, further
investigations (e.g. by EM) should be carried out to confirm whether the absorbed material
was in particle form or in a solubilised/metabolised form. The method for calculating dermal
and oral exposure to cosmetic ingredients are provided in the SCCS Notes of Guidance
(SCCS/1602/18 or its most recent version) and are specified for NMs in Section 4 of this
Guidance. It is very important to characterise NMs under exposure conditions to ascertain
that characteristics have not changed when used in the finished cosmetic product.
For those conventional cosmetic ingredients for which no (adequate) information is available
on dermal absorption, the SCCS assumes 50% absorption based on literature analysis for
conventional substances. It is acknowledged that this value has not been derived for NPs
and that very limited or no dermal absorption has so far been demonstrated for NMs.
However, the SCCS is aware of specific surface modifications of NMs that may stimulate
dermal penetration. In view of this, dermal absorption of NMs will need to be determined
experimentally (see Annex 2). Where no experimental data are provided, the SCCS will
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
apply the default value of 50% of the administered dose for dermal absorption as
determined for conventional substances, or higher if warranted by the composition of a
specific NM. Calculation of inhalation exposure to NM containing aerosols is more
challenging and will need determining the generated droplet size distribution as well as size
distribution of the dried residual aerosol particles. For the lung the SCCS considers 100% of
the lung deposited dose as the default absorption amount. For oral exposure the SCCS
assumes a 50% of the administered dose for NP absorption, similar to conventional
cosmetic ingredients, and 10% if poor oral bioavailability can be demonstrated.
Concerning the amount of absorbed particles when there is no data on the particle nature of
the absorbed NM (e.g. by solubility/ degradation data of the NM), the SCCS will apply a
default assumption that 100% of the absorbed material is in particle form.
Hazard identification/dose response characterisation: Data from toxicological studies for
local and in case of systemic absorption- systemic effects will be required (as per SCCS
Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18 or its most recent version and Annex 2). Testing of NMs
for hazard identification/ dose response characterisation must be carried out in
consideration of the nano-related aspects. These include consideration of insoluble or
partially-soluble particulate forms, aggregation and agglomeration behaviour of the
particles, potential penetration of NPs through biological membranes, possible interaction
with biological entities at local and systemic levels, surface adsorption/ binding of other
substances, surface catalysed reactions, persistence, etc. Testing conditions used should
also be documented in the dossier.
The prohibition on animal testing and marketing of animal tested cosmetic
ingredient/products under Cosmetics Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 must be observed in
any toxicological testing. In this regard, the SCCS takes into account any toxicological data
derived from alternative means, such as in vitro and ex vivo methods, in silico models,
grouping and read-across, physiologically-based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) or toxicokinetics
(PBTK) modelling (SCCS Notes of Guidance SCCS/1602/18, or most recent version). Since
validated alternative methods that can be used in place of animal tests are not yet available
for NMs, the SCCS can accept results from the methods that may not have been formally
validated for NMs, but can be demonstrated to be scientifically valid for hazard identification
of NMs, provided that they are carried out with due consideration of the nano-related
aspects and appropriate controls In such cases, characterisation of NMs during the tests will
be needed as an essential part of the evidence to ensure validity of the results. The in silico
modelling tools and read-across approaches are currently at an elementary stage for NMs
and the use of such methods would need justifying on strong scientific grounds on a case-
by-case basis.
For in vitro genotoxicity assessment, both chromosomal damage (clastogenicity and
aneugenicity) and gene mutations should be evaluated. The widely used bacterial reverse
mutation (Ames) test is not considered appropriate for NM mutagenicity assessment and an
in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test should instead be carried out. Other indicator
tests should also be considered, such as the Comet assay modified with repair enzymes,
and the cell transformation assay (CTA). It is imperative that assessment of cellular and if
possible nuclear uptake is also carried out to demonstrate target exposure during the in
vitro genotoxicity studies.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Safety Assessment: Historically, calculation of margin of safety (MoS) of a cosmetic
ingredient has been based on a measured toxicological point of departure (POD), along with
an estimate of internal exposure in terms of systemic exposure dose (SED). With the EU
ban on animal testing of cosmetic ingredients/products, derivation of POD
for systemic
adverse effects of a new cosmetic ingredient may not be possible, or only possible in
exceptional cases. However, data obtained to comply with other non-cosmetic regulations
should be used and submitted when available. For other cases, the Applicant will need to
assemble relevant information/data from different alternative (non-animal) methods, and
integrate the data to build an overall weight of evidence to support safety of the cosmetic
ingredient. Because of the current lack of standardised frameworks for a generalised
approach for safety assessment to be based entirely on data from alternative methods, this
will need to be carried out on a case-by-case basis.
Where safety assessment is to be based mostly or entirely on in vitro test results,
extrapolation of in vitro to in vivo (IVIVE) data will be required. The in vitro test results
must be complemented with kinetic data that may be derived from nano-specific kinetic
models to enable IVIVE.
Where data have been derived from validated tests, or from relevant and justified tests, and
uncertainties are not high, there are no scientific reasons for applying additional margins of
safety to an NM than a conventional material. However, where this is not the case, and data
provided are either insufficient or from inadequate tests, the risk assessor may consider
applying additional uncertainty factors for safety assessment.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
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Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
ANNEX 1: Available replacement methods for the toxicological evaluation
of nanomaterials intended for use in cosmetics
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
The hazard endpoints listed below should be provided for nano-ingredients used in cosmetics. These endpoints are similar to those generally required
for non-nano cosmetic ingredients. As the validated NAMs available for non-nano cosmetic ingredients are described in the 10
Revision of the SCCS
Notes of Guidance (SCCS/1602/18), the different NAMS are only summed up here. For more details, refer to SCCS/1602/18. It should be noted that
none of the NAMS have been validated for nanomaterials
Endpoint Nano-related considerations
Cytotoxicity testing is concerned with cell death
evaluation as well as physiological and biochemical
changes leading to cell mortality or to cell cycle
arrest. An experimental approach can include
basic cellular morphology visualisation or more
elaborated assessments (metabolic activity, ATP
content, membrane integrity/ permeability,…). The
cell cultures used can be sophisticated and consist
of multiple cell types.
General classification of basic cytotoxicity assays
based upon:
(i) cell viability:
1) structural cell damage leading to membrane
damage/leakage or cell death
2) cell growth
3) cellular metabolism
None of these tests have been validated specifically for NMs, but may still be valuable for hazard
identification if nano-related aspects are taken into consideration, e.g.:
- Solubility/dispersion
- Adsorption of substances
When a dispersant is used to disperse an NM in a toxicological test medium, it should be
ascertained that it does not modify the physicochemical properties of the NM (including
agglomeration or aggregation state and dynamics), and/or does not adsorb on the NM surface
and as such affect toxicity. Similarly, consideration should be given to binding of other moieties
(such as proteins from serum, dyes, or other media components) on the NM surface as this
might alter ADME properties and/or effects, and generate erroneous results.
The stability of an NM suspension should ideally be monitored throughout the exposure period
as the concentration of the NM to which the test system is being exposed may vary with time
(due to agglomeration, precipitation).
An adequate number of positive and negative controls should be included in the tests to verify
the role of the vehicle. This may also require additional material characterisation in the specific
dispersant (e.g. in terms of size, size distribution, point of zero charge, etc). Validated positive
control (reference) NMs for apoptosis, cytotoxicity, ROS, etc. are not available yet. In many
publications, however, NH2-PS NPs (i.e., positively charged amino modified-polystyrene NP) are
used as they were shown to be toxic to many different cell types and do not release dissolved
ions which may cause toxicity as is the case e.g. for metallic oxide NPs). Exemplary control
settings deduced from the cause-and-effect analysis and implemented into a 96-well plate are
described by Elliot et al. (2017).
NMs can interfere with readout systems. Examples of such specific interference include, but are
not limited to the following (Thorne et al., 2010):
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
(ii) the type of measurement
1) Colorimetric assays
crystal violet assays)
2) Dye exclusion assays
(trypan blue, eosin, Congo red, erythrosine B
3) Fluorometric assays:
(Alamar Blue assay, CFDA-AM assay, GF-AFC
4) Luminometric assays
(ATP assay and real-time viability assay)
(iii) the mode of action
This can be achieved by assessing the ability of
NM to:
1) produce reactive oxygen and nitrogen species-
oxidative stress (by eg.H2DCF-DA assay, TBA
assay for malondialdehyde, GSH/GSSG ratio)
2) trigger an inflammatory response (by eg. CFU-
GM and CFU-E, whole blood cultures, hemolysis
test, thrombogenicity assay (activated partial
thromboplastic time assay, thrombin generation
assay, blood clotting time assay, calibrated
thrombin generation assay), phagocytosis assay,
- (i) Fluorescence/absorbance-based methods: disturbance by NMs that are fluorescent or absorb
light at the wavelength of measurement, or that quench fluorescence, or light scattering. Some of
these problems might be overcome by either adding appropriate controls or modifying existing
protocols, e.g. removal of NMs via centrifugation before reading the assay can reduce data variation
(SCENIHR, 2015). Another way is to subtract NM absorbance as background (Ciapellano et al.
- (ii) Luciferase based methods: non-specific activation or inhibition of the luciferase signal that can
occur in a concentration-dependent manner.
- (iii) Enzymatic assays: alteration of enzyme function, of co-factor, or of other limiting reagents by
NM; display of enzymatic activity (or chemical reactivity) by the NM itself; removal of NM before
performing the assay may be helpful (Ciapellano et al. 2016).
- (iv) Resazurin or MTT reduction: strongly reducing NMs may directly reduce resazurin or 3-(4,5-
dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) non-enzymatically. Compounds that
trigger the release of superoxide can trigger reduction of resazurin by superoxide. This may result
in erroneous cytotoxicity data.
When NMs are not sufficiently pure, interference with the test may come from impurities or from
ingredients of the formulation.
In general, NMs are not soluble in the culture media, and therefore it should be ensured that the
highest concentrations used do not produce excessive precipitates or hamper visual inspection
of the growing cells.
The sterility of the NM suspension has to be assured, as the presence of biological contamination
(bacteria, LPS) may induce strong inflammatory reactions in some cell types.
For all above reasons, multiple assays for cytotoxicity should be employed in order to reduce
false negative/positive results (Drasler et al., 2017).
As there are no commonly accepted and validated methodologies, care should be taken to
consider possible interferences and to avoid misinterpretation of data (e.g. Elsabahy and
Wooley, 2013). However, at the moment, the colony forming efficacy (CFE) is considered as one
of the most promising test for NMs (Dusinska et al., 2015). The assay could be included in a
testing battery as an early screening method. It may well be used in combination with other in
vitro assays (e.g. genotoxicity in vitro assays, such as the in vitro micronucleus assay (OECD TG
487 (OECD, 2010e)) to define subtoxic doses in vitro. It has to be noted that this assay cannot
be used for cell suspensions or cells not forming colonies (Kinsner-Ovaskainen and Ponti, JRC
Report, 2014).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
DC maturation
3) induction of genotoxicity including cell arrest
(by eg. Comet assay, micronuclei presence, TUNEL
(Farcal 2015; Drasler et al. 2017; Lewinski et
al. 2008; Marrocco et al. 2017).
Available cell culture models:
To measure cytotoxicity different cell models can
be used. Besides the use of standard 2D-cell
cultures, more advanced culture systems became
available such as co-cultures, 3D-cell cultures and
multicellular spheroids.
Cells are preferentially of human origin.
- co-culture: used to mimic the communication
between different cell types e.g. for lung epithelial
cells, macrophages, endothelial or dendritic cells
may be combined. Co-culture models allow high-
throughput testing and in-depth monitoring of
effects of xenobiotics on cell–cell interactions.
Models have been developed exposing cells to
aerosols of ENMs at the air-liquid interphase to
accurately mimic the cell-particle interactions
occurring in lungs (Paur et al., 2011).
- 3D-cell cultures: cells are cultured within
micro-assembled devices supported by a 3D-
structure mimicking the in vivo tissue and the
organ-specific microarchitecture. 3D-cell co-
cultures and (micro)fluidic models are emerging
techniques, which create more realistic exposure
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
conditions by simulating the morphology and
physiology of natural tissue (Ozcelikkale et al.,
2017). The most recent advancement in this area
is the development of integrated organ-on-chip
microsystems that reproduce key structural,
functional, biochemical, and mechanical features
of living organs in a single device.
- multicellular spheroids: many cell types can
be grown in spheroids and cells often behave as
seen in vivo. These spheroids are composed of a
necrotic core with quiescent intermediate and
proliferating periphery regions. Such 3D-spheroids
offer a simple and highly reproducible model that
exhibits many characteristics of natural tissues,
such as the production of extracellular matrix and
cell–cell interactions.
Acute toxicity:
Data on acute toxicity is not mandatory. A WoE
approach may be sufficient derived from in silico,
in vitro and in vivo studies (when available).
Skin Corrosivity and irritation
Skin corrosion:
a) Rat Skin Transcutaneous Electrical Resistance
(TER) test [OECD TG 430 (OECD 2004b)]
b) EpiSkin™ [EC B.40bis, OECD TG 431 (OECD
c) EpiDerm™ SCT (EPI-200) [EC B.40bis, OECD
TG 431 (OECD 2004c)]
d) SkinEthic™ Reconstructed Human Epidermis
(RHE) [EC B.40bis, OECD TG 431 (OECD,
The alternative tests proposed for skin corrosion and irritation are based on colorimetric assays
(such as sulforhodamine B dye, MTT assay). These techniques may not be suitable for certain
NMs because of possible interactions (see endpoint “cytotoxicity” above and section 5.3.2).
Thus, additional controls need to be included to avoid possible interference of NMs with the
detection system. Some NMs may themselves disperse/absorb light and therefore interfere with
colorimetric measurements. These aspects need to be considered when spectrophotometric
methods are applied (Guadagnini et al., 2015; ECHA, 2017b).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
e) epiCS
(former Epidermal Skin Test-1000) [EC
B.40bis, OECD TG 431 (OECD, 2004c)]
f) The In Vitro Membrane Barrier Test Method
[OECD TG 435 (OECD, 2006)] currently only
includes the Corrositex™ test.
Skin irritation: OECD 439 (OECD, 2019a)
a) EpiSkin™
b) EpiDerm™ SIT (EPI-200)
c) SkinEthic™ RHE
d) LabCyte EPI-MODEL24 SIT
e) epiCS
f) Skin+
OECD TG 439 (OECD 2019a) is stand-alone
replacement test within a WoE approach [EC
Serious eye damage and eye irritation
-As a first step dermal irritancy or corrosivity data
should be considered [OECD TG 404 (OECD,
2002a)], [OECD TG 439 (OECD, 2019a)]
-Five in vitro test guidelines are available for
serious eye damage testing and/or identification of
chemicals not triggering classification for eye
irritation or serious eye damage:
a) Bovine Cornea Opacity Permeability (BCOP) test
method [OECD TG 437:2009a]
b) Isolated Chicken Eye (ICE) test method
The measurement of cytokines and chemokines in the test system may provide additional
information (e.g. IL-1, tumour necrosis factor (TNF-a); IL-8, interferon). However, they may
bind/adsorb on NM surfaces, and this may lead to false negative results.
In OECD (2018a) it was concluded that amendment of the guideline might be needed in view of
application to NMs.
A specific protocol for solid substances exists for the BCOP and ICE tests. Solid substances are
mostly tested at 20% (w/w) as a suspension in 0.9% sodium chloride (including in some
instances a dispersant). Although no specific validation has been performed for NMs, there is no
clear scientific basis against the application of these methods for NMs. It should, however, be
kept in mind that:
- NMs can aggregate/agglomerate in the suspension or can adsorb the dispersant (see 5.3.2).
These aspects should be verified.
- opacity measurements may be affected by the presence of NMs. To allow consistent
interpretation of the results, this should be kept in view.
- for the methods measuring leakage of fluorescein, possible artefacts due to
absorption/adsorption of the fluorescent dye by NMs should be verified, and if present,
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
[OECD TG 438:2009b]
c) Short Time Exposure (STE) test method
[OECD TG 491 (OECD, 2018b)]
d) Fluorescein Leakage (FL) test [OECD TG 460
(OECD, 2017b)]
e) Reconstructed Human Cornea-like Epithelium
(RhCE) test method [OECD TG 492 (OECD,
Other in-house models could also be used if they have been properly validated against the
models mentioned above.
Skin sensitisation:
Validated available tests are:
In chemico skin sensitisation: The Direct Peptide
Reactivity Assay (DPRA) [OECD TG 442C (OECD,
- The Amino acid Derivative Assay (ADRA) [OECD
TG 442C (OECD, 2019b)]
In vitro activation of keratinocytes:
- KeratinoSens
[OECD TG 442D (OECD, 2018c)]
- LuSens [OECD TG 442D (OECD, 2018c)]
In vitro activation of dendritic cells:
- human Cell Line Activation Test
(h-CLAT)[OECD TG 442E (OECD, 2018d)],
- U-SENS™ [OECD TG 442E (OECD, 2018d)].
- IL-8 Luc Assay [OECD TG 442E (OECD, 2018d)].
These assays cannot be used as stand-alone
methods, but should be included in Defined or
The in vitro skin sensitisation methods have not been validated for NMs. Their applicability is
therefore limited to soluble test chemicals or substances forming a stable dispersion. The
application domain of these tests for NMs still has to be established.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Integrated Approaches for Testing and Assessment
(IATA)(OECD, 2016e).
Dermal/ percutaneous absorption:
Dermal absorption of cosmetic ingredients is
usually assessed be the in vitro skin absorption
method [OECD TG 428 (OECD, 2004a)]. Guidance
on its performance is given [DG SANCO 2004,
OECD 2004a, 2011a].
A multiplicity of factors play a key role in the
determination of the dermal/ percutaneous
absorption of a compound and the SCCS considers
its own “Basic Criteria” as essential for dermal
absorption studies [SCCS 2010a; SCCS/1602/18].
For any tests on NMs, the dose, volume, and contact time with the skin, have to mimic the in-
use conditions (also taking the consideration of dispersion see 5.3.2). Appropriate analytical
techniques and sampling methods should be used to determine the possible adsorption of
substances on NM surfaces – see 5.3.2).
Dermal absorption of NMs needs to be determined experimentally. However, if no experimental
data are provided, the SCCS will apply the default value of 50% as determined for conventional
substances, or higher if warranted by the composition of a specific NM (see section
If case in vitro absorption tests indicate potential systemic absorption, the integrity of the nano
structure needs to be confirmed. When absorption of NPs cannot be excluded by experimental
data, or justified on the basis of solubility/ degradation of the NM, the SCCS will apply a default
approach and assume that 100% of the absorbed material was in nano form
The standard in vitro diffusion cell chamber, used for non-nano ingredients, may not be ideal for
testing NMs because mechanical factors may interfere. New or optimised methodologies are
required (SCCP, 2007). This is in line with OECD (2018a), where it is stated that OECD 428
should be adapted for testing on manufactured NMs. However, several critical points in the
protocol may not be adequate for these, including observation time, sampling time, influence of
the mechanical process on particles translocation, solubility in and compatibility with the
receptor fluid.
Repeated dose toxicity:
Currently no validated or generally accepted
alternative method is available to replace animal
This endpoint is important as effects, which
Information generated by in vitro testing might be considered within an integrated strategy (i.e.
combining different pieces of information) in order to draw conclusions for an NM. Of particular
interest are local target organ effects, and/or tests to clarify the mechanisms of action (e.g. cell
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
require a long latency period or which are
cumulative, become manifested in this test.
viability, oxidative stress, inflammation, etc.).
Base level testing consists of the following in vitro
2-test battery:
1. Bacterial reverse mutation test [OECD TG
471 (OECD, 1997a] for gene mutation
2. In vitro Micronucleus test [OECD TG 487
(OECD, 2010e)] for both structural
(clastogenicity) and numerical
(aneugenicity) chromosome aberrations
Other in vitro genotoxicity test methods:
In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation
tests using the Hprt and xprt genes [OECD
TG 476 (OECD, 1997c]
In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation
tests using the thymidine kinase gene
[OECD TG 490 (OECD, 2015c)]
In vitro mammalian chromosome
aberration test [OECD TG 473 (OECD,
The SCCS recommends the following tests for NM genotoxicity testing in vitro:
Mammalian cell chromosome aberrations/clastogenicity assay (in vitro chromosome
aberration test or in vitro micronucleus test). The micronucleus test can be performed using
either the mononucleate or cytokinesis blocked protocols. However, if the cytokinesis
blocked micronucleus assay is to be applied then cytochalasin B addition must be post-
treatment/exposure (after the NM exposure period) or a delayed-co-treatment protocol
which is acceptable if a sufficient NM exposure period has been allowed to enable uptake
into the test system cells. Co-exposure to both cytochalasin B and the test NM for the
duration of the experiment should be avoided due to possible interference of NMs with
cytochalasin B.
An in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test (e.g. Hprt, Tk or Xprt tests).
Other indicator tests, such as the Comet assay, may be included as further weight of
In vitro genotoxicity studies for nanomaterials should be always accompanied by an assessment
of cellular and preferably nuclear uptake to demonstrate target exposure.
The bacterial Ames test is not recommended as a representative test for genotoxicity of NMs
because, unlike mammalian cells, bacterial cells have limited or no uptake of NMs through
endocytosis. The bacterial cell wall hinders uptake and particle internalisation is unlikely to occur
to the same extent as observed in mammalian cells. Therefore, the sensitivity of the assay for
NM genotoxicity has been questioned. In addition, some NMs have bactericidal activity, making
this test not suitable for testing NMs (EFSA, 2011).
In addition, the use of a metabolic activation system for NMs is questionable. Although not
investigated in detail (Szalay et al., 2011), most insoluble NMs (e.g. some metals) are not
metabolised. Instead, the proteins present in a metabolic activation system may interfere with
nanomaterials (Kumar et al., 2011), alter their bioavailability, and thus reduce the sensitivity of
the assay. Notwithstanding this, it should be verified whether some NMs could be metabolised
(e.g. organic nanomaterials, some inorganic NMs coated with organic substances or their surface
modified with organic functional groups).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Caution is also needed when applying an in vitro micronucleus test. Cytochalasin B, often used
to inhibit cytokinesis, may inhibit endocytosis and may lead to false negative outcomes when
particles are present (Landsiedel et al., 2009). Thus, cytochalasin B needs to be applied after
the NMs have been taken up by the cells (usually 2 hr after treatment) (Magdolenova et al.,
For several types of NPs (e.g. titanium dioxide, multi-walled carbon nanotubes), microscopic
evaluation of the cytokinesis-blocked proliferation index and micronucleus identification was
found to be inappropriate at high testing concentrations due to an overload of agglomerates
(Corradi et al., 2011). Although not investigated so far, similar problems may be anticipated for
other microscopy-based in vitro mutagenicity tests (e.g. chromosome aberration test). Some of
the shortcomings of genotoxicity tests for NM testing may be addressed by a weight of evidence
approach based on additional alternative methods, including those methods that have not yet
been validated. They could be relevant and scientifically-valid, such as a micronucleus test or a
Comet assay in reconstructed human skin. These alternatives together with the yH2AX assay
will become available in the near future for high throughput screening (HTS) and high content
analysis (HCA) (Collins et al., 2016). To add more weight to the evidence, mechanistic
information at the molecular level can also be obtained through ‘-omics’ technology (Ates et al.,
2018). OECD (2018a) considered the in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation tests (OECD TG
476(OECD, 1997c)) as an alternative to the bacterial reverse mutation test, as no specific
limitations were observed when testing NMs.
The in vitro Comet assay is often used to test genotoxicity of NMs and, although it is an
indicative test, it may help elucidating the mechanism of genotoxicity (Dusinska et al., 2015;
Collins et al., 2016, El Yamani et al., 2017). Several in vitro genotoxicity tests have been tested
for potential interference with NMs and recommendations for assay modification have been
published (Magdolenova et al., 2012, Karlsson et al., 2015). However, in view of the current
limitations of in vitro tests and the potential introduction of artefacts with specific types of NMs
(see also 5.3.2), the SCCS is of the opinion that with the in vivo testing ban for cosmetic
ingredients, the safety of potential new cosmetic ingredients may not be adequately assessed
until the assays are validated for NMs. This is in line with OECD (2018a) in which it is stated that
results from the Comet Assay for environmental chemicals can only provide an indication of
potential genotoxicity.
NOTE: OECD is currently working on a ‘Guidance Document on the Adaptation of In Vitro
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Mammalian Cell Based Genotoxicity TGs for Testing of Manufactured Nanomaterials’.
The decision on the carcinogenic potential of
mutagenic or genotoxic substances may be made
based on the outcome of in vitro mutagenicity
tests. A positive in vitro result in mutagenicity
testing is seen as indicative for the carcinogenic
potential of substances (SCCS/1602/18).
When a structural alert for carcinogenicity is
present, or positive results are obtained in an in
vitro mutagenicity tests, the following cell tests
may be needed:
-an in vitro Syrian Hamster Embryo (SHE)
Transformation Test [OECD Guidance Document
214 (OECD, 2015a)]
-an in vitro Bhas 42 assay [OECD Guidance
Document 231].
The CTAs are claimed to detect both genotoxic and
non-genotoxic carcinogens.
In addition, some information on the
carcinogenicity potential can be inferred from
mechanistic studies, e.g. on cell proliferation,
altered gap junction intercellular communication
(GJIC) (Spannbrucker et al., 2018), hormone- or
other receptor binding, immunosuppressive
activity (Huaux, 2018), ability to inhibit or induce
apoptosis, or ability to stimulate angiogenesis or
the secretion of angiogenesis factors (Medina-
Reyes et al., 2019).
There is currently no validated alternative method to test carcinogenicity.
The recently adopted guidance for the CTA (see section 5.3.6 and 5.3.7) that measures cell
transformation (as one step in the multistep cancer process), has been applied for several NMs
(Ponti et al., 2009; Ohmori et al., 2013, Gabelova et al., 2017).
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Reproductive toxicity:
No validated alternative method is available. The
assessment of reproductive toxicity is complex,
and it is expected that the various stages cannot
be mimicked using a single alternative method
For embryotoxicity, three alternative methods
have been validated, but not regulatory accepted.
They were not specific enough to show
a) The Whole Embryo Culture test (WEC)
b) The MicroMass test (MM)
c) The Embryonic Stem cell Test (EST) [ESAC
The three alternative methods for embryotoxicity could be applicable to NMs, provided that
typical nano-related aspects such as dispersion/ aggregation, absorption, stability and
distribution into the tissue are taken into account
In the EST for nanosilica, inhibition of differentiation into contracting myocardiocytes has been
observed (Park et al., 2009)
Endocrine disruption (ED) activity:
The assessment of potential ED activity can be
done in a stepwise approach using data generated
outside the cosmetic field or for a new cosmetic
ingredient using NAMs (in silico models including
read across, in vitro assays, other mechanistic
techniques such as ‘-omics’).
The currently available in vitro methods are (JRC
Estrogen [OECD TG 493 (OECD, 2015d), US
EPA TG OPPTS 890.1250] or androgen receptor
binding affinity (US EPA TG OPPTS 890.1150)
Estrogen receptor transactivation [OECD TG
455, (OECD, 2015b), US EPA TG OPPTS
890.1300], human cell-based reporter gene assay
(ISO 19040-3:2018), yeast estrogen screen (ISO
19040-1, 19040-2:2018)
None of the methods to detect potential ED activity is currently validated for NMs. However, if
carried out with due caution to nano-aspects, these test may provide relevant information.
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Androgen receptor transcriptional activation
[OECD TG 458 (OECD, 2016g)]
Steroidogenesis in vitro [OECD TG 456
(OECD, 2011a), US EPA TG OPPTS 890.1550]
Aromatase Assay (US EPA TG OPPTS
Thyroid disruption assays (e.g.
thyroperoxidase inhibition, transthyretin binding).
A project on validation of selected in vitro methods
within EU-NETVAL activity is on-going.
Retinoid receptor transactivation assays
Other hormone receptors assays as
High-Throughput Screens, See OECD GD
No. 211 Describing Non-Guideline In Vitro, [OECD
Toxicokinetic studies (ADME):
Skin absorption in vitro [OECD TG 428 (OECD,
Following systemic absorption, the distribution and fate of an NM is mainly governed by its
chemical nature, particle size, surface characteristics, aggregation state, etc. Special
considerations relating to exogenous moieties (e.g. surfactants, serum, or other media
components) that may change surface characteristics (see 5.3.2).
Potential toxicity of metabolites and degradation products could be a factor of variability, but
less important for insoluble NMs. It should, however, be considered when NMs, or their surface
coatings, may dissolve or degrade. Therefore, where applicable, in vitro biotransformation
studies may be necessary to ascertain the likelihood of adverse effects due to metabolites/
degradation products.
OECD TG 417 (OECD, 2010d) is considered inadequate for nanomaterials. There are ongoing
initiatives at OECD level addressing Toxicokinetics of nanomaterials. Recently, a technical report
has been published by ISO (ISO/TR 22019:2019) describing considerations for performing
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
toxicokinetic studies for nanomaterials.
An overview of nanoparticle toxicokinetics is recently published by ISO (ISO/TR 22019:2019)
Nanotechnologies-Considerations for performing toxicokinetic studies with nanomaterials.
Photo-induced toxicity:
1) Photo-toxicity (photo-irritation) and photo-
sensitisation (photo-allergy)
-The 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Photo-toxicity Test
(3T3 NRU PT) is a validated in vitro method [OECD
TG 432:2004d].
- As a second tier, the biological effects can be
further evaluated on a reconstructed human skin
model with some barrier properties (Kandarova,
2) Photo-mutagenicity / Photo-genotoxicity
The methods described by the “Gesellschaft für
Umweltmutationsforschung” (GUM) Task Force
include photo-Ames test, photo HPRT/photo-
mouse lymphoma assay, photo-micronucleus test,
photo-chromosome aberration test and photo-
Comet assay. In many cases, the concurrent use
of irradiation, while performing a standard
mutagenicity/genotoxicity study, does not
significantly alter the existing OECD protocol
without irradiation. Therefore, the majority of the
The reliability and relevance of the in vitro 3T3 NRU Test has not been specifically validated for
NMs (Spielmann et al. 1998). It should be noted, however, that in some instances neutral red
may interfere with NMs (Lanone et al., 2009; Guadagini et al., 2015) (also see 5.3.2)
The SCCS will take the GUM Task Force results into consideration and will evaluate the individual
photomutagenicity/ photogenotoxicity tests and their scientific merits on a case-by-case basis.
Also, see comments under mutagenicity/ genotoxicity.
Also general recommendations regarding the experimental conduct of tests for photo-
genotoxicity (Gocke et al., 2000), will be followed:
- in specific cases when the structure of a molecule, its light absorbing potential or its potential
to be photo-activated may indicate photo-mutagenic/photo-genotoxic hazard, then photo-
mutagenicity tests should be provided, including gene mutations and clastogenicity/aneugenicity
endpoints; especially when the substance is liable to reach the eyes or light-exposed areas of
skin, either by direct contact or through systemic distribution. Additionally, available alternative
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
described photo-mutagenicity/photo-genotoxicity
tests are considered as being valid.
methods, for example scientifically validated comet assays for the detection of oxidised DNA
lesions, or in silico methods can be considered.
- UV-VIS spectra of the compound along with Molar Extinction Coefficient (MEC) determined
according to harmonised procedure should be provided.
- phototoxicity testing should not be performed if absorption wavelengths are below 313 nm and
there is insufficient absorption at longer wavelengths.
- no photo-mutagenicity tests are needed when phototoxicity tests are negative.
- there is no requirement for photomutagenicity testing of compounds with a MEC below 1000 L
Human data:
Human data is very valuable. Sources could be:
post-marketing surveillance data, results from
biomonitoring programs case reports, occupational
surveillance data and occupational disease
registries, poison centre information, clinical
studies, epidemiological studies, tests with human
volunteers, etc.
Tests with human volunteers confirm that there
are no harmful effects, but these can only be
envisaged when the toxicological profiles of the
components are available and no concern is
raised. Finished cosmetic products are usually
tested in a small group of human volunteers.
Human studies might also become necessary to
build up and validate PBPK models.
The same methodology as described for non-NMs are applied, taking into consideration the
ethical restrictions as described in the 10
Revision of the SCCS Notes of Guidance (SCCS
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
ANNEX 2: Checklist for Hazard Identification (Toxicological Data) to be
provided for safety evaluation of nanomaterials intended to be used in
cosmetic products
Information required Reference Provided?
Likelihood and extent of internal
exposure via skin, lung or oral route
considering the use type
Section 3-3.5 of SCCS/1602/18
Dermal absorption for dermally
applied products
SCCS/1358/10 and section 3-
3.5.1 of SCCS/1602/18
Biokinetic behaviour, aggregation/
agglomeration considered during tests?
Section 3-3.5 of SCCS/1602/18
Acute Toxicity Section 3-4.4 of SCCS/1602/18
Irritation and Corrosivity
Section 3-4.5 of SCCS/1602/18
Skin Sensitisation Section 3-4.7 of SCCS/1602/18
Mutagenicity / Genotoxicity
Section 3-4.10 of SCCS/1602/18
Repeated dose toxicity Section 3-4.8 of SCCS/1602/18
Photo-induced toxicity - for products
intended for use in sunlight-exposed
Section 3-4.12 of SCCS/1602/18
Reproductive Toxicity
Section 3-4.9 of SCCS/1602/18
Section 3-4.11 of SCCS/1602/18
Human data (where available)
Section 3-4.13 of SCCS/1602/18
and SCCNFP/0633/02
Other relevant information
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
The Ames test is not considered appropriate for NM mutagenicity assessment. The following scheme based on in
vitro assays is proposed (SCCS/1602/18).
1. An in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation test (e.g. Hprt, Tk or Xprt tests).
2. Mammalian cell chromosome aberration/clastogenicity determined either by in vitro chromosome
aberration test or micronucleus test. The micronucleus test can be performed by the mononucleate
or cytokinesis blocked protocols. In the cytokinesis blocked micronucleus assay, co-exposure to both
cytochalasin B and the test NM for the duration of the experiment is not considered acceptable.
Additionally, other alternative tests, such as the Comet assay, may be included as further weight of
evidence. New in vitro approaches such as cell transformation assays or toxicogenomic approaches
may also be useful for identification of genotoxic as well as non-genotoxic carcinogen NMs.
3. In vitro genotoxicity studies should be accompanied by an assessment of cellular and nuclear uptake to
demonstrate target exposure.
Where points 1 and 2 of the above table indicate significant systemic uptake
Where points 1 and 2 of the above table indicate significant systemic uptake and/or bioaccumulation
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
2D Two-dimensional
3D Three-dimensional
3R Refinement, Reduction, Replacement
3T3 NRU PT 3T3 Neutral Red Uptake Phototoxicity Test
AAS Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
ADME Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
An adverse response is defined as any treatment-related
response that results in change in the morphology, physiology,
growth, development or life span of an organism, which
results in an impairment of functional capacity, an impairment
of the capacity to compensate for additional stress, or an
increase in susceptibility to other environmental influences
(WHO, 2004).
AFM Atomic Force Microscopy
AhR Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
AI Alveolar Interstitial Region
ALI Air liquid interphase
Alternative methods
All those procedures which can completely replace the need
for animal experiments, which can reduce the number of
animals required, or which can reduce the amount of pain and
stress to which the animal is subjected in order to meet the
essential requirements for use in human or animal risk
assessment (Rogiers et al., 2000; Russell et al., 1959).
AOP Adverse outcome pathway
Antioxidant-responsive element-nuclear factor (erythroid-
derived 2)-like 2
Art. Article
ATP Adenosine Triphosphate
ATP Adaptation to Technical and Scientific Progress
BAL Bronchoalveolar lavage
BB Bronchial Region
bb Bronchiolar Region
BCOP Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability
BET Brunauer Emmett and Teller method
The Benchmark Dose (BMD) is proposed as an alternative for
the classical NOAEL and LOAEL values. The BMD is based on a
mathematical model being fitted to the experimental data
within the observable range and estimates the dose that
causes a low but measurable response (the benchmark
response BMR) typically chosen at a 5 or 10% deviation
(above or below) of the non treated or control treated
The BMD lower limit (BMDL) refers to the corresponding lower
limits of a one-sided 95% confidence interval on the BMD.
BrdU 5-bromo-2-deoxy-uridine
CAS n° Chemical Abstracts Service registry number
CEN European Committee for Standardization
CFDA-AM 5-Carboxyfluorescein Diacetate, Acetoxymethyl Ester
CLS Centrifugal Liquid Sedimentation
Cosmetics Europe (formerly the European Cosmetic Toiletry
and Perfumery Association)
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
Compatibility test
A test intended to confirm that there are no harmful effects
when applying a cosmetic product for the first time to the
human skin or mucous membrane; the test must involve
exposure (normal or slightly exaggerated) which closely
mimics typical consumer use of the product (based on
Cosmetic ingredient
Any chemical substance or mixture of synthetic or natural
origin, used in the formulation of cosmetic products. A
cosmetic ingredient may be:
1. a chemically well-defined single substance with a molecular
and structural formula,
2. a complex mixture, requiring a clear definition and often
corresponding to a mixture of substances of unknown or
variable composition and biological nature,
3. a mixture of 1 and 2, used in the formulation of a finished
cosmetic product.
(based on Art. 5a of 93/35/EEC, SCCNFP/0321/00 and
Cosmetic product
Any substance or mixture intended to be placed in contact
with the external parts of the human body (epidermis, hair
system, nails, lips and external genital organs) or with the
teeth and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity with a
view exclusively or mainly to cleaning them, perfuming them,
changing their appearance, protecting them, keeping them in
good condition or correcting body odours (2009/1223/EC).
Cosmetics Europe The Personal Care Association (formerly Colipa)
CPNP Cosmetic Products Notification Portal
CTA Cell Transformation Assay
DC Dentritic Cell
Da Dalton
Aerodynamic diameter
DC Dentritic Cell
DG Directorate-General
DG ENV Directorate-General for Environment
Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry,
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
DG SANTE Directorate-General Health and Food Safety
Dir. Directive
DLS Dynamic Light Scattering
DMA Differential Mobility Analyzer
DNA DeoxyriboNucleic Acid
Doc. Document
Total amount of an agent administered to, taken up by, or
absorbed by an organism, system, or (sub)population (WHO
2004). Dose is expressed as weight (grams or milligrams) or
as weight of test substance per unit of weight of test animal
(e.g. milligrams per kilogram body weight), or per skin surface
unit (e.g. milligrams per square centimetre of skin), or as
constant dietary concentrations (parts per million or
milligrams per kilogram of food) (based on EC B.26).
Dose descriptor
Dose descriptor is used to designate the exposure level (dose
or concentration) that corresponds to a quantified level of risk
of a health effect in a specific study such as NOAEL, LOAEL,
BMD, T25 etc. (ECHA, 2012).
DPRA Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
EC European Community
EC Number
EC number, meaning either EINECS number, ELINCS number,
NLP number or EC Number appointed by the European
Commission under REACH Regulation. The European
Community number (EC Number) is a unique seven-digit
identifier that was assigned to substances for regulatory
purposes within the European Union by the European
Commission. The so-called EC Inventory comprises three
individual inventories, EINECS, ELINCS and the NLP list (1).
(ECHA) also applies the EC number format to what it calls ‘List
number’[6] The number are assigned under the REACH
Regulation without being legally recognised. Hence, they are
not official because they have not been published in the
Official Journal of the European Union. List numbers are
administrative tools only and shall not be used for any official
ECB The European Chemicals Bureau
An industry-funded expert not-for-profit think tank whose sole
purpose is to enhance the quality of chemicals risk assessment
so that chemicals management decisions are informed,
reliable and safe.
ECHA European Chemicals Agency
ECVAM European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods
ED Endocrine Disruptor
EEC European Economic Community
EFSA European Food Safety Authority
European Inventory of Existing commercial Chemical
ELINCS European List of Notified Chemical Substances
ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
EM Electron Microsopy
ENM Engineered Nanomaterial
(US) EPA (United States) Environmental Protection Agency
EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance
ESAC ECVAM Scientific Advisory Committee
ESR Electron Spin Resonance
EST Embryonic Stem cell Test
ET Extrathoracic region
Ex vivo
Relates to experiments or measurements done in the
laboratory (outside the organism) on a biological substrate
(organs, cells, tissues), directly after isolation from a living
organism, without modification to the intrinsic properties of
the substrate.
EU European Union
European Union Reference Laboratory - European Centre for
the Validation of Alternative Methods
FCA Food contact Material
Food and Drug Administration (federal agency of the United
States Department of Health and Human Services)
FFF Field Flow Fractionation
Finished cosmetic product
The cosmetic product in its final formulation, as placed on the
market and made available to the end user, or its prototype
FL Fluorescein Leakage test
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
FTIR Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
GARD Genomic Allergen Rapid Detection
Gas Chromatography/ Liquid Chromatography coupled with
Mass Spectrometry
GC-MS Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
GE Gel Electrophoresis
GF-AFC Glycylphenylalanyl-Aminofluorocoumarin
GI Gastro-Intestinal
GJIC Gap Junction Intercellular Communication
GLP Good Laboratory Practice
GMP Good Manufacturing Practice
GPMT Guinea Pig Maximisation Test
GSD Geometric Standard Deviation
GSH Glutathione
GSSH Oxidised Glutathione
GUM Gesellschaft für Umweltmutationsforschung
H2DCF-DA 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate
HATM Human Alimentary Tract Model
HCA High Content Analysis
HDC Hydrodynamic Chromatography
HET-CAM Hen's Egg Test-Chorio Allantoic Membrane
HPLC High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
HPRT Hypoxanthine-guanine Phospho Ribosyl Transferase
HRP Horseradish Peroxidase
HRTM Human Respiratory Tract Model
HTS High Throughput Screening
IARC International Agency for Research on Cancer
IATA Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment
ICCR International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation
ICE Isolated Chicken Eye
ICP-MS Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
ICRP International Commission on Radiological Protection
Inhalation, Deposition and Exhalation of Aerosols in/from the
IL-8 Luc Interleukin-8 luciferase
In silico methods
Computational approaches that use (quantitative) structure-
activity relationship modelling and read-across between
substances on the basis of structural or functional similarities
(ICCR, 2014).
In vitro test method
Biological method: using organs, tissue sections and tissue
cultures, isolated cells and their cultures, cell lines and
subcellular fractions.
Non-biological method: such as computer modelling, chemical
interaction studies, receptor binding studies etc. (based on
Rogiers et al., 2000)
In vivo test method
Test method using living (experimental) animals (Rogiers et
al. 2000)
IL-1α Interleukin-1α
IR Infrared Spectroscopy
IRE Isolated Rabbit Eye
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
ISO International Organization for Standardisation
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IVIVE In vitro-in vivo extrapolation
JRC Joint Research Centre
Activation of keratinocytes skin sensitisation assay
KE Key event
Median Lethal Concentration 50%: a time dependent,
statistically derived estimate of a test article concentration
that can be expected to cause death during exposure or within
a fixed time after exposure in 50% of animals exposed for a
specified time {expressed as mass of test article per unit
volume of air (mg/L, mg/m3) or as a unit volume of test
article per unit volume of air (ppm, ppb)}.
LC-MS Liquid Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry
Median Lethal Dose 50%: a statistically derived single dose of
a substance that can be expected to cause death in 50% of
the dosed animals (expressed in mg/kg body weight) (EC B.1
LDE Laser Doppler Electrophoresis
LDH Lactate Dehydrogenase
LED Lowest Effective Dose, e.g. LED10
LLNA Local Lymph Node Assay
The Lowest Observed (Adverse) Effect Level is the outcome of
repeat-dose long-term toxicity studies, such as 28-day or 90-
day tests with rats, mice, rabbits or dogs, chronic toxicity
tests, carcinogenicity tests, teratogenicity tests, reproduction
toxicity tests, etc. It is the lowest dose where (adverse)
effects can be observed. In the calculation of the MoS, the
lowest obtained LOAEL value may be used when a NOAEL is
not available. The LOAEL should be expressed as mg/kg bw/d.
(ECB, 2003).
Local Effects
A local effect refers to an adverse health effect that takes
place at the point or area of contact. The site may be skin,
mucous membranes, the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal
system, eyes, etc. Absorption does not necessarily occur.
LOD Level of detection
LOQ Level of quantification
LPS Lipopolysaccharides
MEC Molar Extinction Coefficient
MED Mass Equivalent Diameter
MIE Molecular Initiating Event
MM MicroMass
MMAD Mass Median Aerodynamic Diameter
MNM Manufactured Nanomaterials
MoE Margin of Exposure
MoS Margin of Safety
MPI Magnetic Particle Inspection
MPPD Multiple Path Particle Dosimetry
MPS Mononuclear Phagocyte System
MS Mass Spectrometry
(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium, inner salt
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
MW Molecular Weight
NAMs New Approach Methodology
NH2-PS Positively Charged Amino-Modified-Polystyrene
An insoluble or bio-persistent an intentionally manufactured
material with one or more external dimensions, or an internal
structure, on the scale from 1 to 100 nm. (2009/1223/EC).
Deviating definitions in other regulatory fields may also exist.
Nano-object with all external dimensions in the nanoscale
[ISO/TS 80004-2:2015 (CEN ISO/TS 80004-2:2017),
Nanotechnologies-Vocabulary-Part 2: Nano-objects]. For the
purpose of this document the term ‘nanoparticle’ is used to
also include other forms of nano-object, such as nano-rods,
nano-tubes, etc.
Length range approximately from 1 nm to 100 nm [CEN
ISO/TS 80004-1:2015, Nanotechnologies-Vocabulary-Part 1:
Core terms]
NanoSIMs An ultra-high resolution chemical imaging technique
NM Nanomaterial
NMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
NOAEC No observable adverse effect concentration
The No Observed (Adverse) Effect Level is the outcome of
repeated dose toxicity studies, such as 28-day or 90-day tests
with rats, mice, rabbits or dogs, chronic toxicity tests,
carcinogenicity tests, teratogenicity tests, reproduction toxicity
tests, etc. It is the highest dose for which no (adverse) effects
can be observed (based on EC B.26). The NOAEL should be
expressed as mg/kg bw/d. In the calculation of the MoS, the
lowest obtained NOAEL value is used, in order to take into
account the most sensitive species, as well as the relevant
effect occurring at the lowest dose possible. Whereas the
NOAEL is a dose descriptor for an external dose, the NOAELsys
is a dose descriptor of the systemic exposure to a substance
and is calculated from the NOAEL by use of the proportion of
the substance systemically absorbed.
NP Nanoparticle
NRU Neutral Red Uptake
OD Optical Density
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPPTS Test Guidelines on Pesticides and Toxic Substances
P50, P90 50th, 90th percentile
PALS Phase Analysis Light Scattering
PBPK Physiologically based pharmacokinetics
PBPK modelling Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling
PBTK Physiologically based toxicokinetics
PBTK modelling Physiologically based toxicokinetic modelling
Personal care products
Consumer products used: for beautification (make up
products) and in personal hygiene (shower gel, skin cream,
shampoo, feminine hygiene products, diapers, toilet paper
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PIF Product Information File
POD Point of Departure
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
is a dose descriptor for the systemic exposure to a
substance and is calculated from the oral POD by use of the
proportion of the substance systemically absorbed.
Pow n-octanol / water partition coefficient
PPAR Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
ppm parts per million (e.g. mg/kg)
PPRA Peroxidase Peptide Reactivity Assay
PTA/NTA Particle Tracking Analysis/Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis
QNAR Quantitative Nanostructure Activity Relationship
QSAR Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of
Reference material
Material sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to
one or more specified properties, which has been established
to be fit for its intended use in a measurement process (ISO,
RhCE Reconstructed human Cornea-like Epithelium test method
RhE Reconstructed Human Epidermis
The REACH Implementation Projects on Nanomaterials (RIP-
oNs) aimed at providing scientific and technical advice on
key aspects of the implementation of REACH in regard to
RIVM Rijks Instituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
rLLNA reduced Local Lymph Node Assay
RNS Reactive Nitrogen Species
ROS Reactive Oxygen Species
RS Raman Spectroscopy
RT-PCR Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
SAED Selected Area Electronic Diffraction
SAR Structure-activity relationship
SC Stratum Corneum
SCC Scientific Committee on Cosmetology
Scientific Committee on Cosmetic products and Non-Food
Products intended for consumers
SCCP Scientific Committee on Consumer Products
SCCS Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety
Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health
SCHER Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks
Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging
SCs Scientific Committees
The Systemic Exposure Dose of a cosmetic ingredient is the
amount expected to enter the blood stream (and therefore be
systemically available) per kg body weight and per day. It is
expressed in mg/kg body weight/day. For this definition a
mean human body weight of 60 kg is commonly accepted.
Since the majority of cosmetic products are applied topically,
systemic availability will strongly depend on the dermal
absorption of the compound. This can be determined
according to the tests described in Section 3-4.1.1.
Nevertheless, the results of these tests can be interpreted in
two different ways (see Section 3-12.2: dermal absorption
Guidance on the Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials in Cosmetics
SD Standard Deviation of the mean
SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy
an in vitro model that measures keratinocyte activation using
the human skin model Episkin
Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy or Surface Enhanced
Raman Scattering
SHE Syrian Hamster Embryo
SIT Skin Irritation Test
SMPS Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
SPM Scanning Probe Microscopy
Spray, sprayable cosmetic
A formulation is either dispensed by the use of propellant gas
as defined in Directive 75/324 (propellant spray), or by a
spray bottle with a pump dispenser that forces a liquid
through a nozzle generating a spray stream or a mist of a
liquid (pump spray) (SCCS/1539/14).
SRB Sulforhodamine B
SSA Specific Surface Area
Fraction (supernatant) containing cytosol and microsomes of
cells after centrifugation at 9000g
STEM Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy
A chemical element and its compounds in the natural state or
obtained by any manufacturing process, including any additive
necessary to preserve its stability and any impurity deriving
from the process used but excluding any solvent which may be
separated without affecting the stability of the substance or
changing its composition (2009/1223/EC).
Systemic effects
Systemic effect refers to an adverse health effect that takes
place at a location distant from the body's initial point of
contact and presupposes absorption has taken place.
TBA Thiobarbituric Acid
TEM Transmission Electron Microscopy
TG Test Guideline
TH Thoracic
Tk Thymidine Kinase
Cover the process of interaction of chemical substances with
target sites and the subsequent reactions leading to adverse
effects (ECB, 2003).
Describe the time-dependent fate of a substance within the
body and include absorption, distribution, biotransformation
and/or excretion (ADME) (ECB, 2003)
TTC Threshold of Toxicological Concern
TUNEL Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling
Undesirable effect
An adverse reaction for human health attributable to the
normal or reasonably foreseeable use of a cosmetic