This monograph is one in a series of
self-instructional publications designed
to increase the primary care provider’s
knowledge of hazardous substances in
the environment and to aid in the
evaluation of potentially exposed
patients. This course is also available
on the ATSDR Web site, www.atsdr.cdc.
gov/HEC/CSEM/. See page 3 for more
information about continuing medical
education credits, continuing nursing
education units, and continuing
education units.
Case Studies in
Environmental Medicine
Course: SS3039
Revision Date: June 2000
Original Date: October 1992
Expiration Date: June 30, 2006
Environmental Alert
Benzene is an important commercial commodity that, because of its
frequent use, has become widespread in the environment of developed
In the United States, gasoline contains up to 2% benzene by volume;
in other countries, the benzene concentration in gasoline may be as
high as 5%.
Benzene in the workplace has been associated with aplastic anemia
and leukemia.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Division of Toxicology and Environmental Medicine
Benzene Toxicity
Table of Contents
ATSDR/DHEP Revision Authors:
Diane Drew, RN, MPA; Deanna K.
Harkins, MD, MPH; Ralph O’Connor Jr,
PhD; Felicia Pharagood-Wade, MD,
FACEP; Pamela Tucker, MD
ATSDR/DHEP Revision Planners:
William Carter, MD; Diane Dennis-
Flagler, MPH; Patricia Drehobl, RN,
MPH (CDC/PHPPO); Kim Gehle, MD,
MPH; Darlene Johnson, RN, BSN, MA
Edited By: Pamela S. Wigington;
Beverly Harris
Original Contributors: Arthur L.
Frank MD, PhD; Sophie Balk, MD
Original Peer Reviewers: John
Ambre, MD; Charles Becker, MD;
Jonathan Borak, MD; Joseph
Cannella, MD; Richard J. Jackson,
MD, MPH; Howard Kipen, MD, MPH;
Jonathan Rodnick, MD; Brian A.
Wummer, MD
The state of knowledge regarding
the treatment of patients potentially
exposed to hazardous substances
in the environment is constantly
evolving and is often uncertain. In
this monograph, ATSDR has made
diligent effort to ensure the accuracy
and currency of the information
presented, but makes no claim that
the document comprehensively
addresses all possible situations
related to this substance. This
monograph is intended as an
additional resource for physicians
and other health professionals in
assessing the condition and
managing the treatment of patients
potentially exposed to hazardous
substances. It is not, however, a
substitute for the professional
judgment of a health care provider.
The document must be interpreted
in light of specific information
regarding the patient and in
conjunction with other sources of
Use of trade names and commer-
cial sources is for identification only
and does not impy endorsement by
the Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry or the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Case Study ............................................................................................. 5
Pretest .................................................................................................... 5
Who’s At Risk ........................................................................................ 6
Exposure Pathways ................................................................................ 7
Biologic Fate .......................................................................................... 8
Physiologic Effects ................................................................................ 10
Clinical Evaluation ................................................................................. 12
Treatment and Management .................................................................. 14
Standards and Regulations .................................................................... 15
Suggested Reading List ......................................................................... 17
Answers to Pretest and Challenge Questions ......................................... 19
Additional Sources of Information ......................................................... 21
Evaluation Questionnaire and Posttest ................................................... 23
Table 1. Summary of Standards and Regulations for Benzene ................. 16
Each content expert for this case study indicated no conflict of interest
to disclose with the case study subject matter.
ATSDR Publication No.: ATSDR-HE-CS-2001-0003
Benzene Toxicity
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine
(CSEM): Benzene Toxicity
Goals and Objectives
The goal of the CSEM is to increase the primary care providers knowledge
See page 4
of hazardous substances in the environment and to aid in the evaluation of
potentially exposed patients.
After completion of this educational activity, the reader should be able to
discuss the major exposure route for benzene, describe two potential
environmental and occupational sources of benzene exposure, give two
reasons why benzene is a health hazard, describe three factors contributing
to benzene poisoning, identify evaluation and treatment protocols for
persons exposed to benzene, and list two sources of information on
Continuing Medical Education (CME)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is accredited by the
Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to
provide continuing medical education for physicians. CDC designates this
educational activity for a maximum of 1.5 hours in category 1 credit toward
the American Medical Association (AMA) Physician’s Recognition Award.
Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually
spent in the educational activity.
Continuing Nursing Education (CNE)
This activity for 1.5 contact hours is provided by CDC, which is accredited
as a provider of continuing education in nursing by the American Nurses
Credentialing Centers Commission on Accreditation.
Continuing Education Units (CEU)
CDC has been approved as an Authorized Provider of continuing education
and training programs by the International Association for Continuing
Education and Training and awards 0.1 continuing education units (CEUs).
Benzene Toxicity
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6. Complete the course evaluation and posttest no later than June 29, 2006.
7. You will be able to immediately print your continuing education certificate from your personal transcript.
Instructions for Completing CSEM on Paper
1. Read this CSEM, Benzene Toxicity; all answers are in the text.
2. Complete the evaluation questionnaire and posttest, including your name, mailing address, phone number, and
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6. You will receive an award certificate within 90 days of submitting your credit forms. No fees are charged for
participating in this continuing education activity.
Benzene Toxicity
Case Study
A 50-year-old man is prompted to visit your office because of a nosebleed
that has been recurring for 2 days. He says that this is the third episode of
nosebleeds in the last 6 months. He expresses concern that he becomes
easily fatigued at work, and 2 months ago he began noticing bruises on his
arms and legs, although he does not recall the causes. He has lost more than
12 pounds in the last 2 years, which he attributes to loss of appetite.
History of previous illness includes a fractured arm in childhood. In the past
2 years he has had three bad colds that lasted for more than a week and
included coughing and breathing difficulty. The patient occasionally drinks
beer; he quit smoking cigarettes 4 years ago. He does not have allergies and
is taking no medications at this time. Review of systems: patient admits to
fatigue, headache, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite, loss of weight, and
On examination, blood pressure is 138/84; heart rate is 94 and regular;
respiratory rate is 20, temperature 98.9°; skin exam reveals pale and dry
skin. A head, ear, nose, and throat exam shows a hyperemic inflamed
pharynx, bleeding gums, and pale conjunctivae. The lung exam is clear to
auscultation and the cardiovascular exam shows a regular rate and rhythm.
The abdominal exam indicates no hepatosplenomegaly; the genitourinary
exam is unremarkable; and the neurologic exam shows a normal gait,
Glasgow coma scale 15. The extremity exam finds numerous ecchymoses
and petechiae in variable stages of healing on the upper and lower
extremities, although the extremities have good range of movement. The
lymph node exam reveals prominent, palpable cervical nodes, and the rectal
exam stool guaiac is negative.
On further questioning, you learn that the patient is a diesel mechanic and
has worked on trucks for the same employer for the previous 12 years. He
and his wife divorced 8 years ago; his wife became nervous and withdrawn
after two miscarriages. There was marital stress. He has lived in his home
for the past 16 years. He has a daughter, age 16, who lives with his ex-wife.
Laboratory studies reveal the following: glucose, blood urea nitrogen, and
bilirubin within normal limits; hemoglobin (Hgb) 10.2 grams/deciliter (normal
14.0–18.0); hematocrit (Hct) 32.6% (44.8–52.0); red blood cell count
3.32 million per millimeter cubed (mm
) (4.3–6.0); mean corpuscular
volume (MCV) 98 femtoliters (80–100); mean corpuscular hemoglobin
(MCH) 31 picograms (26–31); mean corpuscular hemoglobin
concentration (MCHC) 31% (31–36); white blood cell count 1,500/mm
(5,000–10,000); segmented cells 60% (40–60); bands 1% (0–5);
lymphocytes 31% (20–40); monocytes 8% (4–8); platelets 50,000/mm
(150,000–400,000). A chest radiograph is remarkable for hyperlucency.
There are no infiltrates, effusions, or other abnormalities noted;
electrocardiogram is within normal limits. Urine was negative for blood.
A 50-year-old diesel mechanic
has recurring nosebleeds,
fatigue, and weight loss
(a) What is the problem list for
this patient? What is the
differential diagnosis?
(b) What additional testing would
you recommend?
(c) What measures would you
take to manage the case and
treat this patient?
Benzene Toxicity
Two to three million U.S.
workers are at risk of benzene
Alcohol and other drugs that
induce the mixed-function
oxidase enzymes may potentiate
those effects of benzene that
depend on metabolism.
Although benzene-induced
central nervous system (CNS)
depression is probably not
dependent on metabolism,
alcohol and other CNS
depressants might act
Who’s At Risk
Workers employed in industries using or producing benzene (i.e.,
petrochemical companies; petroleum refining and coke and coal chemical
manufacturing; rubber tire manufacturing; and companies involved in the
storage or transport of benzene and petroleum products containing benzene)
have the greatest likelihood of exposure. The Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that approximately 238,000
workers in the United States may be exposed to benzene during refining
operations; gasoline storage, shipment, and retail operations; chemical
manufacturing; and plastics and rubber manufacturing. Of these workers,
only 10,000 (4%) were above an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) of
1 ppm and only 0.2% were above 10 ppm. Other workers who may be
exposed to benzene because of their occupations include steel workers,
printers, rubber workers, shoe makers, laboratory technicians, and gas
station employees.
Atmospheric benzene levels of up to 6.6 ppm and 6-hour TWAs of 0.1 ppm
have been measured during gasoline pumping. This risk has been lowered by
installing vapor recapture devices on delivery hoses. These devices, if used
properly, significantly reduce exposure. Catalytic converters have
significantly reduced the benzene in automobile emissions.
Benzene is converted to toxic metabolites mostly by mixed-function oxidases
(MFOs) in the liver and bone marrow. MFO-inducing drugs (e.g.,
phenobarbital and ethanol) and certain chemicals (e.g., chlordane and
parathion) may increase the rate at which toxic metabolites of benzene are
formed. It also seems likely that persons who have bone marrow that is
metabolically hyperactive (e.g., fetuses, infants and children, and those
persons with hemolytic anemia) are at increased risk of benzene toxicity
because the cells are rapidly dividing. Persons with compromised
hemoglobin, such as those with B-thalassemia or viral hepatitis, may be at
increased risk for benzene-induced aplastic anemia. Exposure to benzene
may also stimulate specific CYP (or P450) enzymes, which are responsible
for oxygenation of benzene and have a propensity to generate oxygen
radicals. These radicals are a major cause of benzene toxicity.
(1) Does the patient in the case study have any risk factors for the
adverse effects of benzene? Is anyone else in the case at risk of
benzene exposure or its adverse effects?
Benzene Toxicity
Exposure Pathways
Benzene (C
) is the first member of a series of aromatic hydrocarbons
recovered from refinery streams during catalytic reformation and other
petroleum processes. It is a clear, colorless, highly flammable liquid at room
temperature. Its vapor is heavier than air and can travel to a source of
ignition and flash back. It has a pleasant, aromatic odor detectable at
concentrations of 1.5 to 4.7 parts per million (ppm). (The workplace
permissible exposure level [PEL] is 1 ppm). Common synonyms for benzene
include benzol, cyclohexatriene, phenyl hydride, and coal tar naphtha.
Benzene is one of the world’s major commodity chemicals. Its primary use
(85% of production) is as an intermediate in the production of other
chemicals, predominantly styrene (for styrofoam and other plastics), cumene
(for various resins), and cyclohexane (for nylon and other synthetic fibers).
Benzene is an important raw material for the manufacture of synthetic
rubbers, gums, lubricants, dyes, pharmaceuticals, and agricultural chemicals.
Benzene is a natural component of crude and refined petroleum. The
mandatory decrease of lead alkyls in gasoline has led to an increase in the
aromatic hydrocarbon content of gasoline to maintain high octane levels and
antiknock properties. In the United States, gasoline typically contains less
than 2% benzene by volume, but in other countries the benzene
concentration may be as high as 5%.
Because of its lipophilic nature, benzene is an excellent solvent. Its use in
paints, thinners, inks, adhesives, and rubbers, however, is decreasing and
now accounts for less than 2% of current benzene production. Benzene was
also an important component of many industrial cleaning and degreasing
formulations, but now has been replaced mostly by toluene, chlorinated
solvents, or mineral spirits. Although benzene is no longer added in significant
quantities to most commercial products, traces of it may still be present as a
Benzene is widespread in the environment. Airborne benzene is usually
produced by processes associated with chemical manufacturing or the
gasoline industry, including gasoline bulk-loading and discharging facilities
and combustion engines (e.g., automobiles, lawn mowers, and snow
blowers). Benzene is a component of both indoor and outdoor air pollution.
Benzene levels measured in ambient outdoor air have a global average of
6 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m
) (range 2–9 µg/m
). In almost all
cases, benzene levels inside residences or offices are higher than levels
outside and still higher in homes with attached garages and those occupied
by smokers. Seasonal variations also affect benzene levels, with higher levels
found in the fall and winter when buildings are less well ventilated. People
Benzene is an important raw
material in chemical syntheses
and is a historically important
Benzene is added to unleaded
motor fuels to increase fuel
Benzene is widespread in the
environment because of its use
in many industrial processes and
its presence in gasoline.
Benzene Toxicity
living around hazardous waste sites, petroleum-refining operations,
petrochemical manufacturing sites, or gas stations may be exposed to higher
levels of benzene in air. In addition to being inhaled, airborne benzene is
absorbed across intact skin in experimental animals. For most people, the
level of exposure to benzene through food, beverages, or drinking water is
not as high as their exposure through air.
Leakage from underground storage tanks and seepage from landfills or
improper disposal of hazardous wastes has resulted in benzene
contamination of groundwater used for drinking. Effluent from industries is
also a source of groundwater contamination. In addition to being ingested,
benzene in water can also be absorbed through wet skin and inhaled as it
volatilizes during showering, laundering, or cooking. Typical drinking water
contains less than 0.1 parts per billion (ppb) benzene. Benzene has been
detected in bottled water, liquor, and food.
Cigarette smoke is another common source of personal and environmental
benzene exposure, representing about half of the benzene to which the
general population is exposed. Persons who smoke one pack of cigarettes a
day inhale a daily dose of approximately 1 milligram (mg) of benzene, about
3 to 4% of the amount inhaled daily by a worker exposed at the current
occupational PEL. Nonsmokers who live with smokers and who are
passively exposed to environmental tobacco smoke typically experience
50% greater exposure to benzene than do nonsmokers who live in a smoke-
free environment.
(2) Later, the patient in the case study tells you that his well water has
always tasted “funny” and smells like “solvent.” You learn that a
chemical plant was near his property until 9 years ago, when the
company moved. You are concerned about your patient’s description
of his drinking water, and you request that the state health
department investigate the problem. The investigator contacts the
chemical company that owns the abandoned site and learns that
benzene is stored at the site in tanks that are above and below
ground. Laboratory analyses of the patient’s well water reveal an
average concentration of 20 ppm benzene and traces of
1,1,1-trichloroethane and toluene.
What questions will you ask to gauge the extent of the patient’s
exposure to benzene?
Biologic Fate
Benzene is rapidly and extensively absorbed by inhalation and ingestion.
Absorption through the skin is rapid but not extensive, as most of it
Benzene Toxicity
evaporates quickly. In humans, approximately 50% of inhaled benzene is
absorbed after a 4-hour exposure to approximately 50 ppm benzene in air.
An in vivo study on human volunteers indicated that approximately 0.05% of
a benzene dose applied to the skin was absorbed, whereas in an in vitro
study of human skin, the absorption of benzene was consistently 0.2% after
exposure to doses ranging from 0.01 to 520 microliters per square
centimeter. Oral absorption has not been studied in humans. In animals, at
least 90% of benzene was absorbed following oral ingestion of a dose of
340 to 500 milligrams per kilogram per day (mg/kg/day).
After exposure, benzene is found throughout the body, but it preferentially
distributes into the bone marrow and tissues with either high perfusion rates
or high lipid content. Thus, autopsies of people who died after acute
exposure showed that lipid-rich tissues, such as the brain and fat, and well-
perfused tissues, such as the kidney and the liver, have higher levels of
benzene than other tissues.
Once absorbed, benzene is initially metabolized in the liver and later in the
bone marrow. Although the total quantity of metabolites is greater in blood
than marrow, the concentrations of those metabolites in the marrow can be
400 times greater than in blood. Benzene metabolism in the liver involves
oxidation, with phenol as the major metabolite. Further metabolic products
are formed in liver and in bone marrow by the enzymatic addition of
hydroxyl groups to the benzene ring. Such metabolites include hydroquinone,
catechol, and 1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene, which are further conjugated and
excreted in the urine. These hydroxylated metabolites can be further oxidized
to their corresponding quinones or semiquinones. Benzene oxide may also
be metabolized via glutathione conjugation to form S-phenyl mercapturic
acid. Additionally, urinary excretion of small amounts of muconic acid, a
straight-chain dicarboxylic acid, indicates that the benzene ring also is
opened during metabolism.
Bone marrow is the main target organ of chronic benzene toxicity. One or
more benzene metabolite is suspected to be responsible for the
hematogenous toxicity, although the identity of the ultimate toxicant is
unknown. In the marrow, the metabolites may bind covalently to cellular
macromolecules (e.g., proteins, DNA, and RNA), causing disruption of cell
growth and replication.
Approximately 17% of absorbed benzene is excreted unchanged via the
lungs after a 4-hour exposure to 52 to 62 ppm benzene. Respiratory
elimination is triphasic, with approximate half-lives of 1, 3, and greater than
15 hours. Urinary excretion of phenol conjugates is biphasic, with half lives
of 5.7 and 28 hours. Approximately 33% of absorbed benzene is excreted in
urine, primarily as phenol conjugates, muconic acid, and S-phenyl-N-acetyl
Benzene is absorbed rapidly
and extensively after inhalation
or ingestion.
Benzene is metabolized in the
liver and bone marrow.
Benzene is excreted via the
lungs and urine.
Benzene Toxicity
Benzene primarily affects the
CNS and the hematopoietic
At very high concentrations,
benzene rapidly causes CNS
depression, which can lead to
All three blood cell lines may be
adversely affected by benzene.
Pluripotential stem cells and
lymphocytic cells are the
probable targets of benzene
Benzene-induced aplastic
anemia is caused by chronic
exposure at relatively high
Physiologic Effects
Benzene exposure affects the CNS and hematopoietic system and may
affect the immune system. Death due to acute benzene exposure has been
attributed to asphyxiation, respiratory arrest, CNS depression, or cardiac
dysrhythmia. Pathologic findings in fatal cases have included respiratory tract
inflammation, lung hemorrhages, kidney congestion, and cerebral edema.
Central Nervous System Effects
Acute benzene exposure results in classic symptoms of CNS depression
such as dizziness, ataxia, and confusion. These effects are believed to be
caused by benzene itself rather than its metabolites, because the onset of
CNS effects at extremely high doses is too rapid for metabolism to have
Hematologic Effects
Benzene can cause dangerous hematologic toxicity such as anemia,
leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, or pancytopenia after chronic exposure.
These effects are believed to be caused by the metabolites of benzene,
which most likely damage the DNA of the pluripotential stem cells. All of the
blood’s components (i.e., erythrocytes, leukocytes, and thrombocytes
[platelets]) may be affected to varying degrees. The accelerated destruction
or reduction in the number of all three major types of blood cells is termed
pancytopenia. Potentially fatal infections can develop if granulocytopenia is
present, and hemorrhage can occur as a result of thrombocytopenia.
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, a disorder in which the breakdown of
the red blood cells is accelerated and results in bleeding into the urine during
sleep when the condition is active, has been associated with benzene
exposure. Cytogenetic abnormalities of bone marrow cells and circulating
lymphocytes have been observed in workers exposed to benzene—
abnormalities not unlike those observed after exposure to ionizing radiation.
Myelodysplastic effects also can be seen in the bone marrow of persons
chronically exposed to benzene.
Aplastic anemia is caused by bone marrow failure, resulting in hypoplasia
with an inadequate number of all cell lines. Severe aplastic anemia typically
has a poor prognosis and can progress to leukemia, whereas pancytopenia
may be reversible. Benzene-induced aplastic anemia is generally caused by
chronic exposure at relatively high doses. Fatal aplastic anemia following
benzene exposure was first reported in workers in the nineteenth century.
Benzene Toxicity
Several agencies (e.g., the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], and the International
Agency for Research on Cancer) classify benzene as a confirmed human
carcinogen. EPA estimates that a lifetime exposure to 4 ppb benzene in air
will result in, at most, 1 additional case of leukemia in 10,000 people
exposed. EPA has also estimated that lifetime exposure to a benzene
concentration of 100 ppb in drinking water would correspond to, at most,
1 additional cancer case in 10,000 people exposed.
Cohort studies of benzene-exposed workers in several industries (e.g.,
sheet-rubber manufacturing, shoe manufacturing, and rotogravure [a special
printing process]) have demonstrated significantly elevated risk of
leukemia—predominantly acute myelogenous leukemia, but also
erythroleukemia and acute myelomonocytic leukemia. The latency period for
benzene-induced leukemia is typically 5 to 15 years after first exposure.
Patients with benzene-induced aplastic anemia progress to a preleukemic
phase and develop acute myelogenous leukemia. However, a person
exposed to benzene may develop leukemia without having aplastic anemia.
Studies addressing the risk of leukemia associated with occupational
exposures to low levels of benzene (less than approximately 1 ppm) have
been inconclusive. Death certificates do not reveal increased leukemia
mortality among workers potentially exposed to low levels of hydrocarbons
and other petroleum products.
However, in recent case-control studies, significantly more patients with
acute nonlymphocytic leukemia were employed as truck drivers, filling
station attendants, or in jobs involving exposure to low levels of petroleum
products than were the controls.
Other Effects
Several reports relate benzene exposure to a variety of lymphatic tumors
including non-Hodgkin lymphoma and multiple myeloma. Although this is
plausible, there is no scientific proof of a causal relationship. The association
between exposure to benzene and development of nonhematologic tumors
remains inconclusive.
Information on the reproductive toxicity of benzene in humans is meager.
Some effects on the testes have been noted in animals exposed via
inhalation. Benzene has not been proven teratogenic in humans. In animals,
high levels of benzene have resulted in decreased fetal weights and minor
skeletal variants.
Benzene-induced leukemia has
a usual latency period of 5 to
15 years and, in many cases, is
preceded by aplastic anemia.
There is insufficient evidence to
indicate a causal relationship
between benzene and
nonhematologic tumors.
Benzene has not been shown to
be teratogenic in humans.
Benzene Toxicity
Acute benzene toxicity is
characterized by CNS
Symptoms may progress from
light-headedness, headache,
and euphoria to respiratory
depression, apnea, coma, and
Benzene concentrations of
about 20,000 ppm are fatal to
humans within 5 to 10 minutes.
Ventricular fibrillation can occur
due to myocardial sensitization.
Symptoms of chronic benzene
exposure may be nonspecific,
such as fever, bleeding, fatigue,
and anorexia.
Clinical Evaluation
History and Physical Examination
In addition to a thorough medical history and physical examination,
important factors in evaluating a patient potentially exposed to benzene are a
detailed family history of blood dyscrasias including hematologic neoplasms,
genetic hemoglobin abnormalities, bleeding abnormalities, and abnormal
function of formed blood elements; an environmental history focusing on
activities and possible sources of benzene exposure at home; and an
occupational history, including past exposures to hematologic toxicants such
as solvents, insecticides, and arsenic. A history of ionizing radiation
exposure, medications, and smoking should also be explored.
Signs and Symptoms
Acute Exposure
“Benzol jag” is a term workers use to describe symptoms of confusion,
euphoria, and unsteady gait associated with acute benzene exposure.
Depending on the magnitude of the dose, persons who have ingested
benzene may experience these effects 30 to 60 minutes after benzene
ingestion. In one case report, an oral dose of 10 milliliters was reported to
produce staggering gait, vomiting, tachycardia, pneumonitis, somnolence,
delirium, seizures, coma, and death. Other symptoms include bronchial and
laryngeal irritation after inhalation. Pulmonary edema has been reported.
Ingestion may cause substernal pain; cough; hoarseness; and burning of the
mouth, pharynx, and esophagus shortly after ingestion. It may also cause
stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting.
Chronic Exposure
Early symptoms of chronic benzene exposure are often nonspecific but
show marked individual variability. By the time a physician is consulted, the
bone marrow may have been significantly affected. For example, conditions
that first bring the patient to medical attention are typically fever due to
infection or manifestations of thrombocytopenia, such as hemorrhagic
diathesis with bleeding from the gums, nose, skin, gastrointestinal tract, or
elsewhere; fatigue; and anorexia.
The clinical picture of patients chronically exposed to benzene was well
described in 1938 in a cohort study of about 300 workers in the
rotogravure printing industry. At that time, ink solvents and thinners
containing 75 to 80% benzene by volume were used in the pressroom. Initial
physical examination of the workers was relatively unrevealing, but of those
tested, 22 persons had severe hematologic abnormalities. Followup of the
workers a year after cessation of exposure suggested that the effects of
Benzene Toxicity
benzene can persist or can evolve over time. However, most patients
recover after exposure ceases.
Laboratory Evaluation
The laboratory evaluation of benzene-exposed persons should include the
following: complete blood count with differential, Hct, Hgb, erythrocyte
count, erythrocyte indices (i.e., MCV, MCH, and MCHC), and platelet
count. Plasma folate and vitamin B12 levels may be used to rule out
megaloblastic anemia if the MCV is elevated. These laboratory tests will
detect hematologic abnormalities that have been associated with relatively
high levels of exposure to benzene. Persons with blood dyscrasias that
persist after removal from exposure should be evaluated by a hematologist.
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy may be useful in narrowing the
differential diagnosis in some cases.
Direct Biologic Indicators
Measurement of benzene in breath and blood can be useful in certain
occupational settings. Because of benzene’s relatively short biologic half-life,
blood benzene levels reflect exposure during the preceding hours, not
cumulative body burden. A less invasive measurement of workplace
exposure is benzene concentration in end-expired air. A study has shown
that workers exposed to benzene at levels between 0.2 and 4.1 ppm had
measurable benzene vapor in their breath 16 hours after exposure and
showed a progressive buildup of benzene in their expired air during the
Urinary phenol concentrations generally correlate well with benzene
exposure to concentrations above 10 ppm. Workplace exposure to 10 ppm
for 8 hours typically produces a postshift urinary phenol level of 45 to
50 mg/liter (mg/L), but excretion of phenol from dietary and other
background sources (e.g., Pepto-Bismol ) can obscure the contribution to
urinary phenol of exposure air levels below 10 ppm. Under circumstances of
such low-level exposure, urinary phenol levels are unreliable. Unexposed
persons rarely have urinary phenol levels greater than 20 mg/L. Other
benzene metabolites, such as muconic acid and phenyl mercapturic acid, are
also used as indicators of exposure to benzene. Analysis of urinary muconic
acid appears to be a better indicator than phenol for chronic, low-level
benzene exposure. However, it is not specific for benzene exposure.
Phenylmercapturic acid concentrations in the urine are highly specific
parameters, although data concerning a dose-response relationship between
phenylmercapturic acid production and benzene uptake in workers are not
yet available.
Hematologic abnormalities are
the primary concern in benzene
Benzene measurements in blood
and breath are generally not
clinically useful in
nonoccupational settings.
Because of the contributions of
background exposure, urinary
phenol concentrations may not
accurately reflect low
occupational benzene exposures
(e.g., <10 ppm).
Benzene Toxicity
MCV and lymphocyte count
may aid in the diagnosis of
benzene toxicity.
A bone marrow aspiration and
biopsy will aid in identifying
aplastic anemia.
There is no antidote for acute
benzene poisoning.
Treatment for benzene toxicity
is supportive and symptomatic.
Indirect Biologic Indicators
An increase in MCV, a decrease in total lymphocytes, and decreases in red
blood cells and white blood cells may be early signs of benzene toxicity. A
finding of benzene-induced hematotoxicity in a patient should trigger
consideration that this represents a sentinel event, indicating that other
persons may have been similarly exposed.
If aplastic anemia is suspected, a bone marrow aspiration and biopsy should
be performed. Aspiration of the marrow space often produces no sample
(i.e., dry tap) in patients with aplastic anemia. However, a dry tap is not
diagnostic of aplastic anemia; therefore, a biopsy specimen also should be
obtained and examined for architecture and cellularity. In aplastic anemia,
only the empty reticular meshwork of the marrow is evident; fat cells replace
all or most of the hematopoietic tissues.
Islands of residual hematopoiesis may be seen, but the overall cellularity
typically is less than 25%. Chromosomal changes consistent with
myelodysplasia are seen on cytogenetic analysis.
(3) What should be included in the problem list of the patient
described in the case study?
(4) What additional laboratory testing would you recommend?
Treatment and Management
Acute Exposure
There is no antidote for benzene poisoning; therefore, treatment for persons
acutely exposed to benzene is generally supportive and symptomatic.
Immediate removal of the patient from exposure, administration of oxygen,
and monitoring and treatment of cardiopulmonary status are the first
considerations. In cases of ingestion, respiratory distress may indicate
pulmonary aspiration of gastric contents.
Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed from an exposed
person as soon as possible. If liquid benzene has contacted the skin or eyes,
immediately wash the exposed skin with soap and copious water, and
irrigate the eyes with running water for 3 to 5 minutes or until irritation
In cases of ingestion, do not induce emesis. Care must be taken to avoid
aspiration of stomach contents during vomiting because benzene can
produce a severe chemical pneumonitis. Ensure that the patient’s airway is
properly controlled and maintained before initiating orogastric tube lavage.
Gastric lavage is indicated if large amounts of benzene have been ingested or
if the patient is seen more than 1 hour after ingestion. Activated charcoal
Benzene Toxicity
may be used; it decreases benzene absorption in experimental animals, and
the benefits are likely to be similar in humans. Monitor the cardiac status of
the patient: benzene is one of several solvents that may increase the
susceptibility of the myocardium to the dysrhythmogenic effects of
Epinephrine should be used only in the setting of cardiac arrest or severe
refractory reactive airway disease because its use may lead to ventricular
fibrillation secondary to the irritability of the myocardium.
Chronic Exposure
In treating persons chronically exposed to benzene, the most important
actions are to remove the patient from the source of benzene exposure and
to prevent further exposure. Benzene-induced depression of blood elements
generally reverses after exposure is terminated. Chronically exposed patients
whose hematologic results do not return to normal despite removal from
exposure should be managed in consultation with a hematologist or
oncologist. Chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants are therapeutic
options for leukemia and aplastic anemia, respectively.
(5) What are some key considerations in the treatment for the patient
in the case study?
(6) What is the prognosis for this patient? What follow-up care should
he receive?
Standards and Regulations
In 1987, OSHA instituted a PEL for benzene of 1 ppm, measured as an
8-hour TWA, and a short-term exposure limit of 5 ppm (Table 1). These
legal limits were based on studies demonstrating compelling evidence of
health risk to workers exposed to benzene. The risk from exposure to
1 ppm for a working lifetime has been estimated as 5 excess leukemia
deaths per 1,000 employees exposed. (This estimate assumes no threshold
for benzene’s carcinogenic effects.) OSHA has also established an action
level of 0.5 ppm to encourage even lower exposures in the workplace.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
recommends an exposure limit of 0.1 ppm as a 10-hour TWA. NIOSH also
recommends that benzene be handled in the workplace as a human
carcinogen. In 1997, the American Conference of Governmental Industrial
Hygienists lowered its TWA-threshold limit value to 0.5 ppm to reflect the
change in cancer classification to A1 (i.e., confirmed human carcinogen).
Once chronic exposure to
benzene ceases, hematologic
test results typically return to
The current PEL for benzene
is 1 ppm.
Benzene Toxicity
Table 1. Summary of Standards and Regulations for Benzene
Agency Focus Level
American Conference of Governmental Air (workplace) 0.5 ppm Advisory; TWA
; confirmed
Industrial Hygienists human carcinogen
2.5 ppm STEL (15-minute ceiling limit)
National Institute for Occupational Air (workplace) 0.1 ppm Advisory; 10-hour TWA
Safety and Health 1.0 ppm 15-minute ceiling limit
Occupational Safety and Health Air (workplace) 1 ppm Regulation; TWA
Administration 5 ppm 15-minute STEL
0.5 ppm Action level TWA
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Water (drinking) 5 ppb Regulation; maximum contaminant
Food and Drug Administration Food NA Regulation; may be used only as a
component of packaging
ppb: parts per million; ppb: parts per billion.
TWA (time-weighted average): concentration for a normal 8-hour workday or
40-hour workweek to which nearly all workers may be repeatedly exposed.
STEL (short-term exposure limit): a 15-minute TWA exposure that should not be exceeded at any time during the workday.
EPA restricts benzene emissions
from specific point sources.
The maximum contaminant level
of benzene in drinking water is
5 ppb.
Under section 112 of the Clean Air Act, benzene is a hazardous air
pollutant. EPA has not promulgated a specific ambient air standard for
benzene but has imposed restrictions designed to lower industrial emissions
of benzene by 90% over the next 20 years. In addition, regulations have
been proposed that would control benzene emissions from industrial solvent
use, waste operations, transfer operations, and gasoline marketing. At gas
stations, proposed rules would require new equipment restricting benzene
emissions while dealers’ storage tanks are being filled. Under the Clean Air
Act Amendments of 1990, the use of clean (“oxygenated”) fuels was
mandated as a means of reducing motor vehicle emission-related air
pollutants. EPA predicts that this clean fuels program will decrease ambient
benzene levels by 33%.
The National Primary Drinking Water Regulations promulgated by EPA in
1987 set a maximum contaminant level for benzene of 0.005 ppm (5 ppb).
This regulation is based on preventing benzene leukemogenesis. The
maximum contaminant level goal, a nonenforceable health goal that would
allow an adequate margin of safety for the prevention of adverse effects, is
zero benzene concentration in drinking water.
Benzene Toxicity
Effective April 1988, FDA mandated that benzene can only be an indirect
food additive in adhesives used for food packaging.
(7) The lawyer for the family of the patient in the case study
approaches you and asks you to establish causality between the
patient’s condition and the benzene in the drinking water.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) prohibits
the use of benzene in foods.
How would you do so?
Suggested Reading List
Graber MA, Beaty L. 1999. Otolaryngology: nose. In: University of Iowa
Family Practice Handbook. 3rd ed. Chapter 19. Ames (IA): University of
Austin H, Delzell E, Cole P. 1988. Benzene and leukemia. A review of the
literature and a risk assessment. Am J Epidemiol 127(3):419–39.
Goldstein BD. 1998. Benzene toxicity. State Art Rev Occup Med
Marcus WL. 1987. Chemical of current interest-benzene. Toxicol Ind
Health 3(1):205–66.
Snyder R, Witz G, Goldstein BD. 1993. The toxicology of benzene. Environ
Health Perspect 100:293–306.
Hematologic Effects
Aksoy M. 1989. Hematotoxicity and carcinogenicity of benzene. Environ
Health Perspect 82:193–217.
Aksoy M. 1985. Benzene as a leukemogenic and carcinogenic agent. Am J
Ind Med 8:9–20.
Collins JJ, Conner P, Friedlander BR, et al. 1991. A study of the
hematologic effects of chronic low-level exposure to benzene. J Occup Med
Dosemeci M, Li GL, Hayes RB, et al. 1994. Cohort study among workers
exposed to benzene in China. II: exposure assessment. Am J Ind Med
Benzene Toxicity
Hayes RB, Yin S-N, Dosemeci M, et al. 1997. Benzene and the dose-related incidence of hematologic neoplasms in
China. J Natl Cancer Inst 89:1065–71.
Infante PF, Rinsky RA, Wagoner JK, et al. 1977. Leukemia in benzene workers. Lancet 2:76–8.
Infante PF, White MC. 1985. Projections of leukemia risk associated with occupational exposure to benzene. Am J
Ind Med 7:403–13.
Kwong YL, Chan TK. 1993. Toxic occupational exposures and paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria. Lancet
Landrigan PJ. 1996. Benzene and blood: One hundred years of evidence [editorial]. Am J Ind Med 29:225–6.
Rothman N, Li G-L, Dosemeci M, et al. 1996. Hematotoxicity among Chinese workers heavily exposed to benzene.
Am J Ind Med 29:236–46.
Runion HE, Scott LM. 1985. Benzene exposure in the United States, 1978–1983: an overview. Am J Ind Med
Snyder R, Kalf GF. 1994. A perspective on benzene leukemogeneis. Crit Rev Toxicol 24(3):177–209.
Ward E, Hornung R, Morris J, et al. 1996. Risk of low red or white blood cell count related to estimated benzene
exposure in a rubberworker cohort (1940–1975). Am J Ind Med 29:247–57.
Yin S-N, Hayes RB, Linet MS, et al. 1996. A cohort study of cancer among benzene-exposed workers in China:
overall results. Am J Ind Med 29:227–35.
Risk Assessment
Cox LA Jr, Ricci PF. 1992. Reassessing benzene cancer risks using internal doses. Risk Anal 12(3):401–10.
Crump KS. 1994. Risk of benzene-induced leukemia: a sensitivity analysis of the Pliofilm cohort with additional
follow-up and new exposure estimates. J Toxicol Environ Health 42(2):219–42.
Hallenbeck WH, Flowers RE. 1992. Risk analysis for worker exposure to benzene. Environ Manage
Paxton MB, Chinchilli VM, Breet SM, et al. 1994. Leukemia risk associated with benzene exposure in the Pliofilm
cohort. II: Risk estimates. Risk Anal 14(2):155–61.
Rinsky RA, Smith AB, Hornung R, et al. 1987. Benzene and leukemia: an epidemiologic risk assessment. N Engl J
Med 316:1044–9.
Voytek PE, Thorslund TW. 1991. Benzene risk assessment: status of quantifying the leukemogenic risk associated
with the low-dose inhalation of benzene. Risk Anal 11(3):355–7.
Related Publications
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 1997. Toxicological profile for benzene (update). Atlanta: US
Department of Health and Human Services.
Benzene Toxicity
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 1999. Threshold limit values for chemical substances
and physical agents and biological exposure indices. Cincinnati (OH): American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. 1999. NIOSH pocket guide to chemical hazards. Cincinnati
(OH): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Available from URL:
National Library of Medicine. 2000. Hazardous Substances Database. Bethesda (MD): National Library of
Medicine. Available from URL:
US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water. 2000. Current drinking water
standards. Washington (DC): Environmental Protection Agency. Available from URL:
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. Carcinogenic effects of benzene: an update. Washington (DC):
National Center for Environmental Health, Office of Research and Development. Report No. EPA/600/P-97/001F.
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1999. Extrapolation of the benzene inhalation unit risk estimate to the oral
route of exposure. Washington (DC): National Center for Environmental Health, Office of Research and
Development. Report No. NCEA-W-0517.
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1984. Health effects assessment for benzene. Cincinnati (OH): US
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Health and Environmental Assessment. Report No. EPA/540/1-86/
US Environmental Protection Agency. 2000. Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) file for benzene.
Washington (DC): US Environmental Protection Agency.
US Environmental Protection Agency. 1985. Drinking water criteria document on benzene. Final draft. Washington
(DC): US Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Drinking Water. Report No. PB86-118122.
Answers to Pretest and Challenge
(a) The patient’s problem list includes epistaxis, fatigue, ecchymoses and petechiae, and anorexia with concomitant
weight loss. The differential diagnosis includes nose picking, external trauma, dry nasal mucosa with vascular
fragility, foreign bodies, blood dyscrasias, neoplasms, infections, vitamin deficiencies, toxic metal exposures, septal
deformities, telangiectasias, angiofibromas, and aneurysm ruptures.
(b) Additional testing for the patient might include coagulation factors, blood smear evaluation for infectious agents,
and assessment of nutrient status. Evaluation of the bone marrow should include a search for malignant cells.
Benzene Toxicity
(c) The patient must be removed from exposure to benzene and other hematologic toxicants. His home water for
drinking and personal purposes should be obtained from a source with levels of benzene below health screening
values. Work exposure to toxic chemicals must be carefully evaluated. Adequate nutrients (e.g., vitamins and protein
sources) in his diet should be assured. Care to prevent injury and bleeding must be exercised until proper blood
coagulation (i.e., platelets and other factors) has returned, and the patient should be carefully monitored for infection
in the event of severe granulocytopenia. Prophylactic antibiotics and blood transfusions should be avoided unless a
significant deterioration of his condition becomes evident.
(1) Some important areas to explore include amounts, intensity, frequency, and duration of exposure from the
following sources:
water supply (e.g., ingestion or inhalation or dermal absorption during bathing, cooking, and laundering)
ambient air (e.g., fugitive emissions from the chemical plant during its operation and since it was abandoned
9 years ago)
occupation (e.g., activities, conditions, mixed exposures, and time spent as a diesel mechanic)
workplace conditions (e.g., cleaning of machinery parts, solvents used, protective equipment worn, and the
adequacy of ventilation)
home environment (e.g., hobbies, yardwork, cleaning activities, use of consumer products that might contain
benzene, and exposure to personal or passive cigarette smoke)
(2) Theoretically, a person could be at increased risk of benzene’s adverse effects if he or she encountered agents or
conditions that increased the rate of formation of toxic benzene metabolites through induction of the MFO system.
Potential agents include MFO-inducing drugs (e.g., phenobarbital and alcohol); conditions include those causing
rapid synthesis of bone marrow. Because the patient only occasionally drinks beer and did not take medications
before his illness, he avoids the risk factors of alcohol and medications. However, if the patient is suffering from a
hematologic abnormality, as his symptoms and laboratory evaluation suggest, he will have increased risk if benzene
exposure continues.
Other persons in the case who may be at increased risk of benzene exposure are those who have had contact with
the water supply for a prolonged period of time, although there are no data to quantify the risk; persons who have
lived, worked, or visited for a prolonged time in the patient’s household; and members of the community who share
the water supply. Community and household members who are at increased risk of benzene’s adverse effects
theoretically include those with rapidly synthesizing bone marrows and persons with increased MFO-mediated
metabolism (e.g., heavy drinkers). Take-home exposures could also put other persons at risk of exposure to
benzene, especially if work clothes are laundered at home and showers are taken after leaving the work site.
(3) The patient’s problem list includes epistaxis, fatigue, ecchymoses and petechiae, and anorexia with concomitant
weight loss. The differential diagnosis includes nose picking, external trauma, dry nasal mucosa with vascular fragility,
foreign bodies, blood dyscrasias, neoplasms, infections, vitamin deficiencies, toxic metal exposures, septal
deformities, telangiectasias, angiofibromas, and aneurysm ruptures.
(4) Additional testing for the patient might include coagulation factors, blood smear evaluation for infectious agents,
and assessment of nutrient status. Evaluation of the bone marrow should include a search for malignant cells.
Benzene Toxicity
(5) The patient must be removed from exposure to benzene and other hematologic toxicants. His home water for
drinking and personal purposes should be obtained from a source with levels of benzene below health screening
values. Work exposure to toxic chemicals must be carefully evaluated. Adequate nutrients (e.g., vitamins and protein
sources) in his diet should be assured. Care to prevent injury and bleeding must be exercised until proper blood
coagulation (i.e., platelets and other factors) has returned, and the patient should be carefully monitored for infection
in the event of severe granulocytopenia. Prophylactic antibiotics and blood transfusions should be avoided unless a
significant deterioration of his condition becomes evident.
(6) The prognosis is generally good for the resolution of the macrocytosis. Although this patient has a significant
aplastic anemia, it is possible for his bone marrow to recover slowly if the damage has not reached an irreversible
stage. Supportive treatment will be needed for many months. Because of the continued risk of leukemia, the patient
should receive medical surveillance consisting of regularly scheduled examinations and appropriate testing of
hematologic function. The peripheral smear and blood count will permit monitoring of early changes of the patient’s
condition. Bone marrow biopsy should be repeated in a few weeks to confirm initial findings and observe an
expected bone marrow recovery.
(7) One step in your quest to establish a causal relationship between benzene-contaminated home water and the
patient’s condition would be to investigate competing causes of low blood counts for this patient (e.g., drugs,
radiation exposure, and family history), keeping in mind that most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic. You also
need to explore the patient’s potential exposure to chemicals other than benzene that might cause hematologic
disorders. Finally, assuming the patient’s condition is due to benzene exposure, you need to weigh the significance of
benzene sources other than the drinking water. For example, the patient is a diesel mechanic and most likely has
inhalation and dermal exposure to gasoline (which contains benzene) at work. You need to determine the amounts of
benzene each source might have contributed to the patient’s exposure.
For the patient in the case study, as for most exposure cases, it will not be an easy matter to establish causality, and
there is no precedent for a person developing hematologic abnormalities from benzene in drinking water.
Additional Sources of Information
More information on the adverse effects of benzene and the treatment and management of benzene-exposed
persons can be obtained from ATSDR, your state and local health departments, and university medical centers.
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine: Benzene Toxicity is one of a series. For other publications in this series
or for clinical inquiries, contact ATSDR, Division of Health Education and Promotion, Office of the Director, at 404-
Electronic databases are also available on the Internet as well as on CD-ROMs. Some CD-ROMs such as
TOMES Plus also contain environmental databases that can put current, peer-reviewed environmental data at the
physician’s fingertips. Most involve a charge, but updates are sent regularly after the initial purchase.
In addition to other resources, ATSDR has created a subregistry for benzene within the National Exposure Registry.
This subregistry is mandated by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of
1980. ATSDR, in cooperation with the states, will establish and maintain national registries of (1) persons exposed
to substances and (2) persons with serious illness or diseases possibly due to exposure. The registries will collect
information on the effects of low-level exposures of long duration (i.e., the exposures typically found in populations
surrounding hazardous waste sites) and the health outcomes for populations receiving one-time, high-level
Benzene Toxicity
environmental exposures (such as those experienced at chemical spill sites). The registries will facilitate the
identification and subsequent tracking of persons exposed to a defined substance at selected sites and will
coordinate the clinical and research activities involving the registrants.
For further information on the benzene subregistry, please contact ATSDR, Division of Health Studies, Office of the
Director, at 404-498-0105.
Benzene Toxicity
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine:
Benzene Toxicity
Evaluation Questionnaire and Posttest, Course Number SS3039
Course Goal: To increase the primary care providers knowledge of hazardous substances in the environment and
to aid in the evaluation of potentially exposed patients.
Discuss the major exposure route for benzene.
Describe two potential environmental and occupational sources of benzene exposure.
State two reasons why benzene is a health hazard.
Describe three factors that contribute to benzene poisoning.
Identify evaluation and treatment protocols for persons exposed to benzene.
List two sources of information on benzene.
Tell Us About Yourself
Please carefully read the questions. Provide answers on the answer sheet (page 29). Your credit will be
awarded based on the type of credit you select.
1. What type of continuing education credit do you wish to receive?
**Nurses should request CNE, not CEU. See note on page 28.
A. CME (for physicians)
B. CME (for non-attending)
C. CNE (continuing nursing education)
D. CEU (continuing education units)
E. [Not used]
F. [Not used]
G. [Not used]
H. None of the above
2. Are you a...
A. Nurse
B. Pharmacist
C. Physician
D. Veterinarian
E. None of the above
3. What is your highest level of education?
A. High school or equivalent
B. Associate, 2-year degree
C. Bachelors degree
D. Masters degree
E. Doctorate
F. Other
Benzene Toxicity
4. Each year, approximately how many patients with benzene exposure do you see?
A. None
B. 1–5
C. 6–10
D. 11–15
E. More than 15
5. Which of the following best describes your current occupation?
A. Environmental Health Professional
B. Epidemiologist
C. Health Educator
D. Laboratorian
E. Physician Assistant
F. Industrial Hygienist
G. Sanitarian
H. Toxicologist
I. Other patient care provider
J. Student
K. None of the above
6. Which of the following best describes your current work setting?
A. Academic (public and private)
B. Private health care organization
C. Public health organization
D. Environmental health organization
E. Non-profit organization
F. Other work setting
7. Which of the following best describes the organization in which you work?
A. Federal government
B. State government
C. County government
D. Local government
E. Non-governmental agency
F. Other type of organization
Tell Us About the Course
8. How did you obtain this course?
A. Downloaded or printed from Web site
B. Shared materials with colleague(s)
C. By mail from ATSDR
D. Not applicable
Benzene Toxicity
9. How did you first learn about this course?
A. State publication (or other state-sponsored communication)
C. ATSDR Internet site or homepage
D. PHTN source (PHTN Web site, e-mail announcement)
E. Colleague
F. Other
10. What was the most important factor in your decision to obtain this course?
A. Content
B. Continuing education credit
C. Supervisor recommended
D. Previous participation in ATSDR training
E. Previous participation in CDC and PHTN training
F. Ability to take the course at my convenience
G. Other
11. How much time did you spend completing the course, evaluation, and posttest?
A. 1 to 1.5 hours
B. More than 1.5 hours but less than 2 hours
C. 2 to 2.5 hours
D. More than 2.5 hours but less than 3 hours
E. 3 hours or more
12. Please rate your level of knowledge before completing this course.
A. Great deal of knowledge about the content
B. Fair amount of knowledge about the content
C. Limited knowledge about the content
D. No prior knowledge about the content
E. No opinion
13. Please estimate your knowledge gain after completing this course.
A. Gained a great deal of knowledge about the content
B. Gained a fair amount of knowledge about the content
C. Gained a limited amount of knowledge about the content
D. Did not gain any knowledge about the content
E. No opinion
Benzene Toxicity
Please use the scale below to rate your level of agreement with the following statements
(questions 14–25) about this course.
A. Agree
B. No opinion
C. Disagree
D. Not applicable
14. The objectives are relevant to the goal.
15. The tables and figures are an effective learning resource.
16. The content in this course was appropriate for my training needs.
17. Participation in this course enhanced my professional effectiveness.
18. I will recommend this course to my colleagues.
19. Overall, this course enhanced my ability to understand the content.
20. I am confident I can discuss the major exposure route for benzene.
21. I am confident I can describe two potential environmental and occupational sources of benzene
22. I am confident I can state two reasons why benzene is a health hazard.
23. I am confident I can describe three factors that contribute to benzene poisoning.
24. I am confident I can identify evaluation and treatment protocols for persons exposed to benzene.
25. I am confident I can list two sources of information on benzene.
Benzene Toxicity
If you wish to receive continuing education credit for this program, you must complete this posttest. Each question
below contains four suggested answers, of which one or more is correct. Choose the answer:
A if 1, 2, and 3 are correct
B if 1 and 3 are correct
C if 2 and 4 are correct
D if 4 is correct
E if 1, 2, 3, and 4 are correct
26. Which of the following statements about benzene exposure are true?
(1) Benzene vapor may emanate from products in the home.
(2) Possible routes of benzene exposure include dermal absorption.
(3) Benzene in the water supply could expose persons by ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption.
(4) In the United States, benzene is no longer found in commercial gasoline.
27. Smokers may be at increased risk of benzene exposure because
(1) carbon monoxide potentiates the effects of benzene
(2) cigarette smoke contains toluene, which is metabolized to benzene
(3) smokers drink less alcohol as they smoke
(4) inhaled cigarette smoke contains benzene
28. An appropriate biologic measure of high-dose benzene exposure may be
(1) blood benzene concentration
(2) benzene levels in end-expired air
(3) urinary phenol level
(4) thyroid function tests and tissue benzene concentration
29. Hematologic abnormalities associated with benzene toxicity may include all except
(1) leukopenia
(2) myelogenous leukemia
(3) aplastic anemia
(4) thrombocytopenia
30. Which of the following statements about benzene metabolism are true?
(1) The metabolic fate of absorbed benzene depends on the route of exposure.
(2) Benzene’s hematotoxicity is probably due to the effects of active metabolites.
(3) Only the liver can metabolize benzene.
(4) Benzene’s metabolites may bind covalently to cellular macromolecules.
31. Which of the following statements are true for benzene?
(1) Benzene is used as a solvent.
(2) Benzene is used is artisan work, shoe manufacturing, and chemical industries.
(3) Benzene can be inhaled from tobacco smoke and while pumping of handling gasoline.
(4) Benzene may cause leukemia, pancytopenia, or aplastic anemia.
Benzene Toxicity
32. Treatment of acute benzene toxicity would include
(1) immediate removal of the patient from the source of exposure
(2) administration of large doses of catecholamines
(3) symptomatic and supportive measures
(4) administration of hyperbaric oxygen, intravenous fluids and large doses of catecholamines
33. Benzene exposures have been reported to occur during
(1) shoe manufacturing
(2) manufacturing of certain synthetic polymers
(3) gasoline transfer
(4) rocket fuel formulating or blueprint drawing
Note to Nurses
CDC is accredited by the American Nurses Credentialing Centers (ANCC) Commission on Accreditation.
ANCC credit is accepted by most State Boards of Nursing.
California nurses should write in “ANCC - Self-Study” for this course when applying for relicensure. A
provider number is not needed.
Iowa nurses must be granted special approval from the Iowa Board of Nursing. Call 515-281-4823 or e-mail
[email protected] to obtain the necessary application.
Benzene Toxicity
Case Studies in Environmental Medicine:
Benzene Toxicity
Answer Sheet, Course Number SS3039
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fax your completed answer sheet to
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