HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Table of Contents
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. HS1 overview .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Benefits of using HS1 .............................................................................................................. 6
1.3. Stations and onward connections......................................................................................... 10
1.4. Key industry relationships ..................................................................................................... 14
1.5. Document structure .............................................................................................................. 15
2. Stakeholders ................................................................................................................................. 16
3. Regulatory bodies and approvals required ................................................................................... 19
3.1. ORR........................................................................................................................................ 20
3.2. Department for Transport (DfT) ........................................................................................... 22
3.3. DfT, Land Transport Security Division (LTSD) ........................................................................ 22
3.4. UK Border Force .................................................................................................................... 23
3.5. UK Monitoring Trustee.......................................................................................................... 24
4. Safety Certification ........................................................................................................................ 26
5. Vehicle Authorisation and Route Compatibility ........................................................................... 28
5.1. Vehicle Authorisation ............................................................................................................ 28
5.2. Demonstration of Route Compatibility ................................................................................. 29
6. Route Information ......................................................................................................................... 31
6.1. Signalling systems ................................................................................................................. 33
6.2. GSM-R ................................................................................................................................... 33
6.3. Regenerative braking ............................................................................................................ 33
6.4. Traffic control ........................................................................................................................ 34
7. Stations ......................................................................................................................................... 35
7.1. Station ownership, operation and maintenance .................................................................. 35
7.2. Branding and signage ............................................................................................................ 37
7.3. Staff accommodation ............................................................................................................ 38
7.4. Ticket retailing facilities ........................................................................................................ 38
7.5. Security ................................................................................................................................. 39
7.6. Border control ....................................................................................................................... 41
7.7. Catering shorebase ............................................................................................................... 42
7.8. Other RZ facilities and services ............................................................................................. 42
8. Depots and other facilities ............................................................................................................ 44
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
8.1. Temple Mills depot ............................................................................................................... 44
8.2. Other facilities ....................................................................................................................... 45
9. Required HS1 contracts................................................................................................................. 46
9.1. Access Agreements ............................................................................................................... 46
9.2. HS1 Codes ............................................................................................................................. 48
9.3. Insurance ............................................................................................................................... 49
10. Charges.......................................................................................................................................... 50
10.1. Access charges overview ....................................................................................................... 50
10.2. IRC discount policy ................................................................................................................ 56
10.3. Performance regime ............................................................................................................. 58
10.4. Possessions regime ............................................................................................................... 59
10.5. Future changes to charges .................................................................................................... 60
11. Timetable Planning ....................................................................................................................... 63
11.1. Timetable development ........................................................................................................ 63
11.2. Preview services .................................................................................................................... 64
11.3. Decision Criteria .................................................................................................................... 65
11.4. Availability constraints .......................................................................................................... 65
12. Environmental sustainability ........................................................................................................ 66
13. Next Steps ..................................................................................................................................... 67
Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................. 68
Appendix 2: HS1 Fact Sheet .................................................................................................................. 71
Appendix 3: HS1 Route Fact Sheet........................................................................................................ 73
Appendix 4: HS1 Station Fact Sheet ...................................................................................................... 75
Appendix 5: Checklist of key approvals, authorisations and contracts required ................................. 81
Appendix 6: Contacts List ...................................................................................................................... 82
Appendix 7: Web links .......................................................................................................................... 83
Appendix 8: Version Controls ............................................................................................................... 85
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1. Introduction
HS1 Ltd has just celebrated the fifth anniversary of the full opening of the HS1 railway. International
passenger services have been operating on HS1 since its opening and domestic high speed passenger
services commenced in 2009. 2012 saw the first international freight services on HS1.
The journey time reductions brought about by HS1 and the world class level of reliability of our
infrastructure have made a significant contribution to passenger growth for services operating on
HS1 has spare capacity to accommodate new international or domestic services and we are keen to
work with and support new operators interested in running services on HS1.
This New Operator Guide has been developed to provide an introduction to HS1 and the steps that a
prospective new train operator would need to take to obtain the approvals, authorisations and
contracts necessary to operate services on HS1. We would be happy to discuss any prospective
operator’s plans and provide further information.
1.1. HS1 overview
1.1.1. HS1 infrastructure and connections
HS1 is the 109 km high speed railway between London and the Channel Tunnel. It is the UK leg of the
Paris-Brussels-Köln-Amsterdam-London (PBKAL) trans-European transport network priority project.
HS1 is Britain's first high speed railway and was designed to be compliant with both UIC GC gauge
and relevant European Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs).
There are four international stations along the HS1 route, two in London and two in Kent. The
London terminus of HS1 is the magnificently refurbished St Pancras International.
HS1 has a number of connections to the UK domestic network: at Ebbsfleet and Ashford allowing
through services from north and east Kent, with domestic lines to the north of London and a freight
connection at Ripple Lane. Following the success of HS1, the UK government is planning HS2, a high
speed rail network linking London with cities in the Midlands and the north of England and intends
to implement a direct link between HS2 and HS1
Department for Transport, January 2012, High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain’s Future Decisions and Next
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Figure 1: HS1 infrastructure and connections
Since opening, HS1 Ltd has worked with train operators to manage the seamless transfer of Eurostar
services to HS1 and the smooth introduction of Southeastern high speed domestic services on the
line (which resulted in a three-fold increase in the number of trains operating on HS1). HS1 has
operated at world class levels of reliability throughout, with a Moving Annual Average (MAA) of less
than 9 seconds delay per train from infrastructure incidents as at 5 January 2013.
1.1.2. HS1 Ltd
HS1 Ltd holds the concession from the UK government to operate, manage and maintain the HS1
assets until December 2040. HS1 Ltd is jointly owned by Borealis Infrastructure (50%) and Ontario
Teachers’ Pension Plan (50%), two Canadian pension funds.
HS1 Ltd has been recognised for its achievements with an array of awards covering many different
facets of the business including engineering and construction, architecture, planning, safety,
environment and retail.
Channel Tunnel
East Kent domestic line
maintenance depot
Temple Mills train depot
Ripple Lane freight connection
North Kent domestic line
Domestic main lines
St. Pancras
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.1.3. Current train services operating on HS1
International passenger services
Eurostar International Limited (EIL) is currently the only international passenger rail operator serving
Great Britain. Eurostar services link St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford
International with Paris, Brussels, Lille and Calais. There is also a daily service to Disneyland Paris and
seasonal services to Avignon and the Alps. The fastest trains travel between London and Paris in 2
hours 16 minutes and between London and Brussels in 2 hours 1 minute.
EIL operates its service with Class 373 rolling stock and has ordered 10 new Siemens e320 train sets
to supplement its fleet.
Eurostar passenger growth has been strong. Since 2007 there have been increases in passenger
numbers every year despite the challenging economic environment: from 2007 to 2012 average
passenger growth was 3.7% per annum. In 2012 Eurostar services carried 9.9 million passengers (8.3
million in 2007).
Domestic passenger services
Domestic passenger services on HS1 are operated by London & South Eastern Railway Limited (LSER)
under a franchise let by the Department for Transport (DfT).
The full high speed domestic service
commenced in December 2009 (branded
Southeastern Highspeed) using a fleet of Hitachi
Class 395 electric multiple units (EMUs) capable
of speeds of 225km/h.
During the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games,
HS1 Ltd worked with LSER and NR(HS) to provide
the acclaimed “Javelin” shuttle service which
operated on HS1 between St Pancras
International and Stratford International,
adjacent to the Olympic Park site. An additional
3,354 trains were operated over the 17 days of the Olympic Games: this more than doubled the
domestic service compared with the normal level of 1,037 trains per week. The additional Olympic
and Paralympic services were delivered with no significant impact on performance.
The domestic high speed service is predominantly a London commuter operation. Trains connect
with the Network Rail domestic network to serve destinations in north Kent (via Ebbsfleet
International) and east Kent (via Ashford International). At peak times, shuttle services also operate
between Ebbsfleet International and St Pancras International.
HS1 has resulted in journey time savings of up to 50 minutes for London commuters from Kent.
Journey times to St Pancras International are 17 minutes from Ebbsfleet International and 38
minutes from Ashford International. In 2012, 9 million passenger journeys were made on high speed
domestic services.
“The major triumph, though, has been the Javelin.
Fast, frequent and very long, the trains into St
Pancras have hoovered up the queues, delivering
spectators faster than Usain Bolt. Not just
spectators either. The other day the US Basketball
team was spotted on the service. When asked why
the richest sportsmen in the world were reduced to
public transport, Kobe Bryant explained that ‘You
can’t buy private transport this good’.”
Daily Telegraph 10 August 2012 writing about the
London 2012 Olympic Games
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
International freight services
Deutsche Bahn Schenker (DBS) currently operates a limited freight service between London and
Poland. All movements on HS1 are at night, operate at a maximum speed of 140 km/h and use Class
92 locomotives. This conventional freight traffic is supported by the UK government through a levy
on domestic franchised train operators which covers any shortfall in the recovery of costs arising
from the freight charging arrangements. Eurotunnel’s rail freight subsidiary, Europorte Channel,
operated trial conventional freight trains on HS1 during 2012.
There is currently no high speed freight service on HS1. High speed freight would operate at up to
300 km/h and could run during normal service hours. In March 2012 Euro Carex operated a test
high-speed freight train between Lyon St Exupéry airport and St. Pancras International Station.
1.2. Benefits of using HS1
1.2.1. Benefits of high speed rail
As a high speed rail connection between the UK and Europe, HS1 offers an attractive alternative to
air travel. Compared with air travel, high speed rail:
Provides seamless city centre to city centre journeys which are more productive for business
travellers and more relaxing for leisure travellers;
Provides good onward connections at city centre stations;
Avoids airport stress and queues with easier and shorter check-in and no waiting for baggage
reclaim; and
Is more reliable.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.2.2. Growth of high speed rail in Europe
The high speed rail network in Europe is growing with many new lines planned. Figure 2 shows the
UIC map of European high speed rail lines in operation and under development
Figure 2: European high speed rail network
Source: UIC
Figure 3 shows the growth
in European high speed rail
usage since 1990
. Between
1990 and 2009 there was a
7-fold increase in high
speed rail passenger-km in
EU countries, equivalent to
a compound annual growth
rate of 10.6%.
In relation to the UK in
particular, the introduction
of Eurostar services has
contributed to a significant
UIC High Speed World Maps http://www.uic.org/spip.php?article2727
EU transport in figures, Statistical pocketbook 2012 http://ec.europa.eu/transport/facts-
Figure 3: European high speed rail usage
Source: EU transport in figures, Statistical pocketbook 2012
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
growth in the overall market for travel between London and Paris/Brussels. Since starting operations
in November 1994, Eurostar has more than doubled the total number of passengers travelling (by air
or rail) on these routes. Eurostar has 80% of the market share for travel between London and Paris
and Brussels
1.2.3. Rail/air competition
The main competitor for
international high speed rail is
air travel. Recent estimates
have suggested high speed rail
can be competitive on journeys
of 4 hours (or even longer) and
in a distance band of up to
800km (Figure 4).
Source: High-Speed Rail Development Programme 2008/9:
Strategic Choices, MVA Consultancy
- report for Greengauge 21
1.2.4. London: first city in Europe for business and tourism
London is the largest city in
Western Europe with a
population of over 8 million
and is acknowledged as the
financial capital of Europe.
In 2011 the European Cities
ranked London as the
top European city in which to
locate a business, the 22nd
consecutive year in which
London topped the ranking
(Figure 5).
Source: Eurostar press release 31/01/2011
European Cities Monitor 2011, Cushman & Wakefield. The survey is based on interviews with senior
executives from 501 European companies who gave their views on Europe’s leading business cities.
Figure 5: Best cities in Europe to locate a business
Source: European Cities Monitor 2011
Figure 4: Competitiveness of high speed rail v air
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
London also receives top
ranking as a city destination for
international visitors. In 2011,
London attracted 15.1 million
international visitors giving it
the number one ranking in
Europe in Euromonitor
International’s Top 100 City
Destinations Ranking
said London benefited from a
wide mix of entertainment
options and its position as
Europe’s best connected city.”
1.2.5. Environmental sustainability
High speed train travel is the sustainable alternative to flying. Recent research has shown that, per
passenger-km, international rail travel produces only 15% of the greenhouse gas emissions of short
haul air travel
HS1 was built to modern, high environmental standards which has been recognised in many national
environmental and planning awards. In particular the following are of note:
Over 60% of the route was built in transport corridors of existing railways and motorways with
25km of tunnels beneath London;
To minimise its impact on sensitive landscapes the route is low in the landscape, with integral
local landscaping which incorporates visual screening and noise bunds. The result is a
landscaped route which also incorporates wildlife habitat creation and biodiversity. Over 1.2
million local provenance native trees were planted as part of landscape mitigation schemes; and
Innovative track within the London Tunnels provides enhanced ground borne noise mitigation
for properties above the London Tunnels.
Since the route has been opened our achievements have included:
Over 10% reduction in carbon emissions at St Pancras International over the last 3 years, and
over 15% reduction at Ebbsfleet International in the last year;
Recycling rate of 80% at St Pancras International and highly commended in the Environmental
Excellence in Camden Organisations (EECO) awards 2012;
Reduction in use of landfill to the current level of 1% overall; and
Award of Biodiversity Benchmark in 2012 for management of HS1 landscape infrastructure.
2011 Guidelines to Defra / DECC's GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting
Figure 6: Top 10 European cities for international tourist
Source: Euromonitor International
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.3. Stations and onward connections
HS1 has four stations:
St Pancras International and Stratford International in London; and
Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International in Kent, which serve much of south east
1.3.1. St Pancras International
St Pancras International is HS1’s London terminus and is a major landmark in the capital. A Grade I
listed building
, it was originally opened in 1868. It was refurbished to return the station to its
former glory as part of the construction of HS1 and opened as an international terminal in 2007.
St Pancras International station
In 2012 St Pancras International won the Judges’ Special Award at the National Rail Awards in
recognition of ongoing excellence: the station was praised for setting new standards in the UK
railway industry and commended for its continued dedication to customer experience.
The station has nine high speed platforms, six for international services and three for high speed
domestic services, 90,000 square feet (8,400 square metres) of retail space and a 5 star hotel.
St Pancras International station website http://stpancras.com/
Listed buildings are buildings of special architectural or historic interest. Grade I buildings are of exceptional
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
St Pancras International is one of the best connected stations in Europe. It is within a few minutes by
underground or taxi of the City, London’s major business and financial centre, and the tourist
facilities of the West End.
King’s Cross/St Pancras underground station is served by six underground lines and is one of London
Underground’s busiest stations, with 77 million users in 2011
St Pancras International has excellent connections to the mainline rail network for destinations
north of London:
Services to the East Midlands from St Pancras International;
Services to the east and north east of England and Scotland from neighbouring Kings Cross
station; and
Services to the West Midlands, north west England and Scotland from nearby Euston station.
A subsurface station on the Thameslink route sits beneath St Pancras International. Thameslink
currently serves destinations between Bedford and Brighton including Gatwick and Luton airports:
on completion of the Thameslink Programme in 2018 many more destinations in south east England
will be served.
The restoration of St Pancras International is seen as a catalyst for the regeneration of this area of
London. Neighbouring Kings Cross station is also being restored and expanded. The former railway
land immediately to the north of the two stations is home to the King’s Cross Central
in which 8 million square feet (740,000 square metres) of mixed use space is being
created with completion and occupation of new sites starting in 2012. Plans include:
23 new and refurbished office buildings totalling some 3.4 million square feet (316,000 square
metres) of office space;
Up to 2,000 homes and serviced apartments;
The Francis Crick Institute, one of Europe's largest centres of biomedical research, being created
through a partnership between six of the UK’s most successful scientific institutions;
A new campus for the prestigious Central Saint Martin College of Art and Design; and
Up to 500,000 square feet (46,000 square metres) of retail space.
Source: TfL website - station exit and entry figures.xls
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.3.2. Stratford International
Stratford International, in east London, is close to the major business district of Canary Wharf and
the ExCeL London international exhibition and conference centre. The station played a critical role in
the delivery of the 2012 Olympic Games during which the “Javelinrail shuttle linked St Pancras
International and Stratford International.
The station has two platforms for high speed domestic services and two for international services.
Currently there are no international services at Stratford International. HS1 Ltd has undertaken
initial analysis of the costs and benefits to an international operator of stopping at Stratford
International and will share this analysis with train operators considering this option.
The station has an 850 space car park.
Stratford International is served by the Docklands Light Railway (DLR) and is a short walk from
Stratford Regional station which is served by:
Two underground lines and the DLR connecting Stratford with Canary Wharf (journey time 10
minutes), the City (10 minutes) and central London (20 minutes);
London Overground; and
Mainline rail services to East Anglia.
There will also be a Crossrail station at Stratford Regional with services expected to commence in
2018/19. The Crossrail project
will deliver a high frequency, high capacity suburban rail service
linking areas to the west and east of London via new tunnels under central London. Around 200
million passengers are forecast to travel on Crossrail each year.
The “London Plan” was published in February 2008 with a time horizon to 2026. The plan forecasts
major growth for London with the need for significant additional office space in central London,
including near transport hubs. There is particular focus on the redevelopment of large parts of east
London, including continued expansion of Docklands and development of the Olympic site at
One of the core aims of Londons bid for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games was to use the
investment required for Games to help accelerate the renewal of east London. Significant
infrastructure improvements were made for the Games and the Olympic Park site in Stratford
(renamed the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park) is being transformed
for its legacy uses. From 2013
onwards, parts of the Park and the five permanent 2012 Games sporting venues will begin to reopen
alongside the construction of 8,000 new homes and community facilities and a new commercial
district (91,000 square metres).
Stratford International station website http://stratfordintl.co.uk/
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The Stratford City development adjoins the Olympic Park. Westfield Stratford City is the largest
shopping centre in Western Europe. The Stratford City development comprises 1.9 million square
feet (176,000 square metres) of retail and leisure, opened in 2011, as well as 1.1 million square feet
(100,000 square metres) of office space, three hotels as well as new homes which will be delivered
in future phases. Stratford City and the Olympic Park together form a 700 acre (280 hectare)
Manhattan Loft Gardens, a stunning cantilevered 42 storey tower including a seven storey hotel,
spa, 2 restaurants, 3 sky gardens and 248 private flats, apartments, lofts and penthouses will be
located between Stratford International station and Stratford City.
The redevelopment of Stratford is part of the Thames Gateway development programme
. The
Thames Gateway is the UK's largest economic development programme, stretching for 40 miles
along the Thames Estuary from the London Docklands to Southend in Essex and Sheerness in Kent.
1.3.3. Ebbsfleet International
Ebbsfleet International is a parkway station (i.e. a railway station with easy road access and good
parking facilities) located near Dartford in north Kent, with connections to the major road network
(M25, M20, M2 and A2) giving it a wide catchment area. The station car park has over 5,000 spaces
with scope to increase the number of spaces to satisfy demand growth.
The station has two platforms for international services and four for high speed domestic services.
Ebbsfleet International is located in the heart of the Thames Gateway regeneration zone. The
Ebbsfleet Valley is being redeveloped
as a major residential and business development with 17
million square feet (1.6 million square metres) of floor space for residential, business, retail, leisure
and community uses on 1,035 acres (420 hectares) of land.
1.3.4. Ashford International
Ashford International is a parkway station located close to the M20 in east Kent. The station car
parks have 1,800 spaces.
The station has two platforms for international services. These platforms are accessed via Network
Rail infrastructure. Any train operator intending to stop trains at Ashford International would require
a separate Track Access Agreement with Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd (NRIL).
High speed domestic services use the domestic section of the station which is not part of HS1: NRIL
owns the freehold of this part of the station and it is currently leased to and operated by LSER. The
domestic part of the station has connecting rail services to Kent and East Sussex.
Ebbsfleet International station website http://ebbsfleetintl.co.uk/
Ashford International station website http://ashfordintl.co.uk/home
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.4. Key industry relationships
Figure 7 summarises the main industry relationships as applied to HS1. It should be noted that some
of these may be different on the rest of the UK network.
Figure 7: Key industry relationships for HS1
HS1 Ltd holds the concession from the UK government to operate, manage and maintain the HS1
assets. HS1 Ltd subcontracts NR(HS) to operate, maintain and renew the HS1 assets on its behalf.
The current domestic service on HS1 is provided under a franchise agreement awarded by
government, international passenger services and freight services are provided by open access
Passenger and freight train operating companies have track access agreements and station access
agreements (for passenger services) with HS1 Ltd for use of HS1 infrastructure. Train operators also
have direct day to day operational relationships with NR(HS).
The Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) is the economic and safety regulator for the rail industry in Great
Britain. The ORR is responsible for licensing and safety regulation of NR(HS) and train operators. It is
the economic regulator for HS1 Ltd through the Periodic Review of track access charges. DfT is
responsible for regulation of station access charges for HS1.
The Land Transport Security Division of DfT is responsible for security on the rail network and the UK
Border Force is responsible for enforcement of immigration and customs regulations.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
1.5. Document structure
Each of the sections in this guide provides an introduction to a particular aspect of HS1 or to the
requirements that a prospective new train operator would need to satisfy before starting to operate
services on HS1. Links to sources of further information are provided within the text and
summarised at the end of each section.
Summaries and checklists are provided in the following appendices:
Appendix 5 is a checklist of key contracts and approvals needed by a new operator
Appendix 6 contains contact details for HS1 Ltd and other organisations
Appendix 7 combines all of the sources of further information into a single list.
The information contained within this New Operator Guide (Guide) is provided by HS1 Ltd. The Guide
is intended to provide a high level overview of the network and stations comprising HS1 and the steps
a prospective train operator may need to take in order to start operating services on HS1. It is not in
any way designed to be a complete guide to each topic.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the Guide is up to date and accurate, HS1 Ltd does
not warrant, nor does it accept any responsibility or liability for, the accuracy, adequacy or
completeness of the content or for any loss which may arise from reliance on information contained
in this Guide. Links to web sites contained in this Guide are provided for your convenience but HS1 Ltd
accepts no responsibility or liability for the content of those sites or of any external site which links to
those sites.
The contents of this Guide include text, figures, tables, photos and drawings that are the intellectual
property of HS1 unless otherwise referenced and all rights are reserved to the greatest extent
permitted by law.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
2. Stakeholders
HS1 Ltd’s main stakeholders and a brief summary of their roles and responsibilities are set out in the
table below. Further details are set out in the relevant sections of this guide.
Role and responsibilities
Department for Transport
The Secretary of State for Transport (SoS) is the signatory of the
HS1 Concession Agreement and HS1 Lease, which define the
rights and obligations of HS1 Ltd with regard to track, stations,
land and property.
DfT is responsible for the enforcement of station stewardship
obligations (track assets are overseen by the ORR on behalf of the
DfT currently supports freight operations on HS1 through a
charge on the domestic franchised train operator.
DfT also has the responsibility as the Competent Authority to
grant or recommend derogations against TSIs to the EC under the
Railways Interoperability Regulations 2011.
Land Transport Security Division
of DfT
As the transport industry’s security regulator DfT sets and
enforces security measures. LTSD is the unit in DfT responsible for
ensuring that protective security is delivered by operators on the
national rail network, London Underground and Channel Tunnel.
Further details in Section 3.3.
Office of Rail Regulation
The ORR is the independent safety, economic and competition
regulator for Britain’s railways. The ORR is responsible for
licensing operators of railway assets and train operators in Great
The ORR’s key functions for HS1 are to:
Conduct the Periodic Review of track access charges (further
details in Section 10.5.1);
Monitor HS1 Ltd’s compliance with asset stewardship
obligations and take appropriate enforcement action;
Approve framework track access agreements (further details
in Section 3.1.2). ORR is also the appeal body for track and
station access; and
Provide safety regulation.
For a new operator the ORR will be responsible for operator
licensing (further details in Section 3.1.1), safety certification
(further details in Section 4
) and vehicle authorisation (further
details in Section 5.1).
UK Border Force
The UK Border Force is part of the Home Office and is responsible
for securing the UK border at international rail stations, air and
sea ports and for controlling migration to the UK, enforcing
immigration and customs regulations. It works closely with the UK
Border Agency and Safeguarding, Immigration, and International
Group within the Home Office. Further details in Section 3.4.
UK Monitoring Trustee
The UK Monitoring Trustee monitors commitments concerning
access for new international operators to St Pancras International
station and Temple Mills depot, and the availability of paths on
HS1 infrastructure. Further details in Section 3.5.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Role and responsibilities
Network Rail High Speed
The operation and maintenance of HS1 is undertaken by NR(HS),
a wholly-owned subsidiary of NRIL, under the Operator
Agreement (for track) and Station Concession Agreements (for St
Pancras International, Stratford International and Ebbsfleet
International stations).
HS1 Ltd and the train operators work closely with NR(HS) on all
operational elements, both track and stations.
NR(HS) is the Infrastructure Manager and Station Manager under
the regulations concerning railway safety.
The key responsibilities of NR(HS) are to:
Operate and maintain the HS1 infrastructure and the
designated stations safely and effectively;
Maintain the Register of Infrastructure on behalf of HS1 Ltd;
Deliver the timetable so far as the infrastructure is concerned
and undertake the timetable planning process;
Lead the production of the emergency plan for the HS1 route
in conjunction with the train operators; and
Manage the Compatibility Forum, the body to which route
compatibility of vehicles must be demonstrated (further
details in Section 5.2).
Network Rail Infrastructure
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (NRIL) owns and operates
most of Great Britain’s main line rail infrastructure, except for
Interfaces between HS1 and NRIL infrastructure are set out in
Appendix 3. In particular, NRIL is the Infrastructure Manager for
the connecting lines at Ashford International station (but not the
Station Manager for the international platforms and international
areas at this station).
UK Power Networks Services
(Contracting) Limited
UKPN manages, operates and maintains the high voltage
distribution systems (the day to day operational interfaces are
managed by NR(HS) under the Operator Agreement).
Eurotunnel is the Infrastructure Manager which operates the
Channel Tunnel system (the tunnel and the terminals in France
and the UK).
It also operates freight and passenger shuttles through the
Channel Tunnel.
Eurotunnel’s Europorte subsidiary operates freight trains.
Channel Tunnel
Intergovernmental Commission
The IGC supervises all matters concerning the operation of the
Channel Tunnel, including safety and security matters. It is
advised and assisted on safety matters by the Channel Tunnel
Safety Authority (CTSA).
It is also the economic regulatory body for the Channel Tunnel.
It is composed of representatives from the UK and French
governments and the French and UK safety regulators.
The SoS appoints the Head of the UK Delegation, provides a
representative with expertise in transport security and appoints
the Head of the UK Delegation to the CTSA. The other members
of the UK Delegation are representatives of the ORR, the
Immigration Service, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and a
legal adviser provided by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Role and responsibilities
Eurostar International Ltd (EIL)
EIL operates the Eurostar service linking the UK to France and
Belgium via the Channel Tunnel.
The operation and maintenance of the international section of
Ashford International Station is undertaken by EIL as Station
EIL manages the international zones at St Pancras International,
Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations and is
responsible for physical screening of passengers and their
EIL is the depot operator for Temple Mills depot.
London & South Eastern
Railway Limited
LSER, trading as Southeastern, operates domestic high speed
passenger services on HS1 under a franchise from the UK
government which runs until 2014. Southeastern’s high speed
services operate over both HS1 and NRIL infrastructure.
Trains run from St Pancras International, via Stratford
International, to
Ashford International where they connect to the NRIL
network to serve destinations in east Kent
Ebbsfleet International where they connect to the NRIL
network to serve destinations in north Kent.
DB Schenker Rail (UK) Limited
DBS operates rail freight services on HS1. DBS currently operates
two trains per week between Wroclaw, in Poland, and Barking, in
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
3. Regulatory bodies and approvals required
Figure 8 shows the key approvals and contracts that a new train operator on HS1 would require and
the organisations responsible for approval or authorisation. Regulatory bodies and
approvals/authorisations required are discussed in Sections 3, 4 and 5, HS1 contracts are discussed
in Section 9.
Figure 8: Contracts and approvals/authorisations required by a new train operator on HS1
Timescales will be dependent on each operator’s specific circumstances and service plans. Figure 9
shows indicative timescales for obtaining the approvals, authorisations and contracts shown above.
This will form only a part of the wider programme of activities for a new train operator which will
include activities relating to use of other infrastructure, such as the Channel Tunnel (this is likely to
be particularly important in the case of international operators where HS1 is only a small part of a
longer route); rolling stock procurement; and the train operator’s own requirements such as staff
recruitment and training.
For a new domestic franchised operator timescales may differ from those shown in Figure 9 as DfT
will cover some of the requirements during the refranchising process and access agreements will be
novated from the existing franchisee: a new domestic franchised operator will need to obtain a
licence/SNRP and safety certificate.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Figure 9: Indicative timescales for approvals, authorisations and contracts
3.1. ORR
The ORR is the National Safety Authority (NSA) for railways in Great Britain with responsibilities for
safety certification and vehicle authorisation. New operator requirements in these two areas are set
out in Sections 4 and 5 respectively.
3.1.1. Operator licence and Statement of National Regulatory Provisions (SNRP)
A passenger or freight train operator in Great Britain is required to hold a European passenger
licence or European freight licence, and a Statement of National Regulatory Provisions (SNRP).
ORR is responsible for granting European licences, Railways Act licences and SNRPs in Britain’. The
ORR recognises European licences issued in other European Economic Area states so a train operator
who already holds such a licence will not be required to reapply in Great Britain. They will, however,
be required to apply to ORR for an SNRP.
The purpose of the SNRP is to ensure that train operators comply with conditions for operating in
Great Britain, for example, the requirement to maintain third party liability insurance (train
operators must have third party liability insurance cover of at least £155 million per incident) and
the provision of services to disabled people. Model licences and SNRPs
are published on the ORR
website. The ORR may vary the conditions in the model SNRPs if appropriate.
A new operator will need to complete the licence application form which is available on the ORR
website: this form covers both licences and SNRPs. The application form covers company and
financial information, safety competence, the nature of the planned operations and insurance cover:
guidance notes are included within the form. Licensing queries should be directed to
[email protected]. Applicants are advised to discuss their application with ORR well
in advance of making a formal application.
Once an application is received, the ORR will consider the application and consult with interested
parties. The time taken for ORR to grant a licence/SNRP will depend on the complexity of the issues
in the application and the comments received by the ORR during the consultation period. At least 12
Workstream/activity With Months
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Operator licence and SNRP ORR
Preparation of licence application
Approval of security programme
← Discussions/p
reparation of security programme
UK Border Force approval UKBF
← Discussions/preparation of operations document
Safety certificate
Preparation of application
Vehicle authorisation (if needed)
Preparation of application
Demonstration of route compatibility NR(HS)
Preparation of submission
Timetable development HS1 Ltd ← Initial timetable discussions
Track access agreement HS1 Ltd
Approval of track access agreement ORR
Station access agreement(s) HS1 Ltd
Direct Agreement DfT
Start of operations
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
weeks should be allowed for straightforward applications with all the suggested information
prepared, more time should be allowed in other cases.
Further information is available on the operator licensing page
of the ORR website.
Summary of web links
Operator licensing page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.192
Model licences and SNRPs http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1962
How to apply for a licence http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.197 - this page includes the
licence application form and ORR’s Criteria and procedures for granting licences and licence
3.1.2. Approval of track access agreements
All passenger and freight train operators planning to operate services on HS1 must enter into a track
access contract with HS1 Ltd. A Framework Track Access Agreement (FTAA) is a track access contract
covering more than one year: all new and revised FTAAs require ORR approval. Track access
contracts covering a period of one year or less do not need ORR approval.
The first step is for HS1 Ltd and the train operator to discuss and agree access rights and to develop
a track access contract: this is covered in more detail in Section 9.1.1. During the development of the
track access contract the ORR will be involved on an informal basis through meetings with HS1 Ltd
and the train operator. A draft of the track access contract will be shared with the ORR before formal
submission for ORR approval.
The ORR has published its
criteria and procedures for the approval of framework agreements for
HS1 (C&Ps). This document sets out the procedures which train operators and HS1 Ltd should follow
when submitting access applications for ORR approval and the process for ORR consideration and
review. The steps in the process are:
1. HS1 Ltd and the train operator develop the access agreement, including discussion with
potentially affected parties
2. HS1 Ltd leads a pre-application industry consultation
3. HS1 Ltd and the train operator submit the application to ORR
4. Consideration/review by ORR
5. ORR conclusions and approval
ORR advises that at least six weeks should be allowed for the industry consultation process followed
by up to twelve weeks for ORR review of a contentious contract or six weeks for ORR review of a
more straightforward application.
Station Access Agreements for the use of HS1 stations (see Section 9.1.2) do not need ORR approval.
Further information is available on the HS1 access regulation page
of the ORR website.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Summary of web links
HS1 access regulation page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.2507
Criteria and Procedures for the approval of framework agreements on the HS1 network, January
2013 http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/hs1_criteria_and_procedures.pdf
Ebbsfleet International station
3.2. Department for Transport (DfT)
Train operators may be required to enter into a Direct Agreement with the Secretary of State, HS1
Ltd and its financiers. This requirement will depend on the operator type (passenger/freight) and
service levels operated. Direct Agreements provide a framework for HS1 Ltd’s financiers to provide a
suitable substitute for HS1 Ltd (within a defined period) should the Secretary of State exercise its
rights (following any applicable remedial period) to remove the concession from HS1 Ltd following a
default under its Concession Agreement. The Direct Agreements also provide train operators with
continuation of access rights in this situation.
A new domestic franchised operator will need to have secured the right to run the franchise via the
DfT’s franchise tendering process. It is expected that the high speed services operating on HS1 will
continue to form part of a much larger franchise(s) including non-high speed domestic services on
the Network Rail domestic network.
3.3. DfT, Land Transport Security Division (LTSD)
The DfT plays a key role within the Governments counter-terrorism strategy for the national rail
network, London Underground and the Channel Tunnel. The Land Transport Security Division (LTSD)
is the unit in DfT responsible for ensuring that protective security is delivered by operators. As the
transport industry’s security regulator DfT sets and enforces security measures that take account of
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
the nature and magnitude of the threat. The costs associated with delivering security measures is
the responsibility of the industry under the “user pays” principle.
Security standards for UK domestic rail services are set out in the National Railways Security
Programme (NRSP) which is issued to train operators, Network Rail and others with direct
involvement in railway security.
For international rail services operating out of the UK, the Channel Tunnel (Security) Order 1994
requires Eurotunnel and other operators using the Tunnel to implement counter-terrorist security
measures. Operators are responsible for the day to day delivery of security which includes the
screening of vehicles, passengers, baggage and freight. The governments of the UK and France
protect the Channel Tunnel as part of their territorial sovereignty and security measures deployed in
France and Belgium are comparable with those in the UK. Operators of any new services from other
states must deploy consistent measures.
Operators intending to run new services through the Channel Tunnel should contact Joe Ismail,
, 020 7944 2848) at an early stage to discuss the security regime in place in
the UK. Also discussions will need to include the French authorities who take the lead for protection
of the Tunnel from French territory. New service operators will be expected to produce a security
programme documenting their proposed security arrangements for consideration by the UK and
French authorities under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Commission’s Joint Security
Committee for the Channel Tunnel.
3.4. UK Border Force
The UK Border Force is part of the Home Office and is responsible for securing the UK border at
international rail stations, air and sea ports and for controlling migration to the UK, enforcing
immigration and customs regulations. It works closely with the UK Border Agency and Safeguarding,
Immigration, and International Group within the Home Office. Further information is available on
the UK Border Agency website
Potential new operators of international rail services to the UK should contact the Home Office and
Border Force at the earliest stage to discuss their proposed operation. This requirement is separate
from and in addition to security requirements administered by LTSD. Contact details are as follows:
UK Border Force: Simon Eglesfield ([email protected]
Home Office: Colin Jackson (Colin.Jackson@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk) or Martin Maynard
Border Force will advise the operator of the requirements they will need to meet in order to comply
with UK Immigration & Customs legislation. The operator will then be required to submit a proposed
operation document detailing how it will comply with these requirements and submit the document
to Border Force for approval. The document should be submitted at least 24 months in advance of
the proposed operational commencement date.
The operation document should include details of: the proposed operating timetable; the proposed
commencement date of the service; the passenger capacity of the rolling stock; whether rolling
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
stock has been ordered and safety certification issued; the proposed arrangements for Schengen exit
checks and relevant contact details.
A new service will not be able to begin operations until UK and Schengen border controls
arrangements have been agreed and are in place.
Juxtaposed controls are where Schengen exit and UK arrivals checks, or vice versa, are co-located
and completed in line with physical security checks prior to passengers boarding the train. The UK
currently operates juxtaposed controls in Paris Gare du Nord, Brussels Midi, Lille Europe and Calais-
Fréthun. Where these arrangements presently exist, it is expected that new operators will use them,
subject to the agreement of the relevant authorities of the state in which the juxtaposed controls
are located. The UK does not intend to introduce new juxtaposed arrangements beyond those
currently operating.
Where a prospective new service will operate from a station not served by existing juxtaposed
controls, new operators should anticipate that either:
UK border control arrivals checks will be completed on arrival at a UK international station; or
The train operator will include a last cabotage/service stop at an existing juxtaposed control
station within the Schengen area which would allow both Schengen exit and UK arrivals checks
to be completed. This would require the agreement of the relevant control authority in that
On-train border controls are not a preferred option for the Border Force. If an individual case was to
be made, the operator may be liable for the additional costs to the Border Force that would arise.
UK Border Force guidance for international train operators will be available on the DfT website
February 2013.
Summary of web links
UK Border Agency website http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/
3.5. UK Monitoring Trustee
EIL, HS1 Ltd, SNCF and SNCB have made commitments to the European Commission (EC) to provide
fair and non-discriminatory access to relevant stations and/or maintenance centres (for stabling,
servicing, cleaning and light maintenance) and paths with the overall aim of facilitating Railway
Undertakings wishing to provide a cross-Channel passenger transport service. The commitments are
for a ten year period with a possibility of review after five years.
The commitments in respect of the UK concern access to St Pancras International station and
Temple Mills depot, and the availability of paths on HS1 infrastructure.
Chris Bolt was appointed as the UK Monitoring Trustee in relation to these commitments. He
Has regular meetings with EIL and HS1 Ltd and reviews steps being taken by them to prepare for
potential new international passenger services;
Meets with potential new international operators if requested; and
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Provides an annual report to the EC.
He can be contacted at [email protected]
There are also French and Belgian Trustees who have similar roles in relation to commitments in
these two countries. These commitments cover access to Paris Gare du Nord, Lille Europe, Calais
Fréthun, Marne-la-Vallée and Brussels Midi stations, maintenance services at Le Landy (France) and
Forest (Belgium) and paths on the London/Paris and London/Brussels routes.
Summary of web links
EIL, HS1 Ltd, SNCF and SNCB commitments
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
4. Safety Certification
The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations 2006, as amended, (ROGS)
provide the regulatory regime for rail safety in Great Britain. They implement the 2004 European
Railway Safety Directive (as amended in 2008), as well as other safety requirements specific to the
UK, for example the safety critical requirements concerning the competence of holders of certain
types of tasks such as train drivers. The Safety Directive aims to create a common framework for
railway safety across the European Union.
The ORR is the National Safety Authority (NSA) for railways in Great Britain. ROGS requires all
mainline train operators to maintain a safety management system (SMS) and hold a safety certificate
indicating that the SMS has been accepted by the ORR. To obtain a safety certificate, applicants need
to describe how their safety management system allows them to run their transport system safely.
ORR will focus on checking that safety management systems are effective, meet the requirements of
ROGS and are fit for the purpose they are being used for.
The safety certificate is issued according to a European harmonised format and comprises two parts:
Part A is a high level certificate transferable between EU Member States which demonstrates
Safety Authority acceptance of generic SMS components. Part A only has to be authorised by the
NSA of one Member State and is then valid for that operator in all other Member States.
Part B is concerned with an operation within a single EU Member State and is not transferable
between Member States. A train operator will need a Part B for each of the networks on which it
operates, accepted by the NSA of the relevant Member State. It should be noted that, for the
purposes of safety certification, the NSA for the Channel Tunnel is the Channel Tunnel
Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) which is advised by the Channel Tunnel Safety Authority
(CTSA). In each Part B application a train operator must provide evidence to show how its SMS
will comply with network-specific rules and demonstrate how it will manage any network-
specific risks. Part Bs may be valid for passenger services, freight services or both.
If a train operator is responsible for its own train despatch it will have to include its specific plans in
its Part B application and reach agreement with the holder of the Safety Authorisation
for the
station concerned. This is NR(HS) for St Pancras International, Stratford International and Ebbsfleet
International and currently EIL for Ashford International. If an existing operator undertakes train
despatch for another operator, the existing operator will need to make a minor modification to its
Part B. The train operator’s decision on who will undertake train despatch is likely to be based on the
level of service to be operated.
HS1 has a number of long tunnels and the train operator will need to demonstrate that its Safety
Management System will enable safe evacuation of passengers and train crew from its train in such
a tunnel in the event of an emergency. Facilities such as tunnel ventilation, cross passages to the
adjacent tunnel and radio communication are provided to facilitate this.
The ORR has published proposals (October 2012) to further amend ROGS. The ORR web site should be
consulted for the latest version of ROGS and associated guidance.
Switzerland has also voluntarily adopted EU safety and interoperability directives and daughter legislation.
As proscribed under the ROGs for a Station Manager
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
NR(HS) is responsible for the co-ordination of emergency plans and the train operator must agree
the plans with NR(HS) and reference them as part of the SMS in its Part B application.
For the UK, a new operator will need to complete the safety certificate application form
available on
the ORR website and prepare the supporting documentation required (a list is provided in the
application form). The ORR website also includes
application guidelines and “A Guide to ROGS
which provide more information about the legislation, the application process and what will be
required from applicants.
If a train operator plans to use both HS1 and the NRIL network only one Part B application to the
ORR is needed for the UK, taking into account the specific requirements for both HS1 and the NRIL
network. A separate Part B application will have to be made to the CTSA if the train operator plans
to operate in the Channel Tunnel: further information is available on the IGC website
If a train operator contracts with a third party to provide the locomotives and drivers for its train
service then that third party will need the safety certificate.
The completed application form and supporting documentation should be submitted to the ORR.
Applicants must also send a copy of their safety certificate application to all affected parties (which
include HS1 Ltd, NR(HS) and other train operators who operate on HS1 as well as the applicant’s
staff representatives) who have 28 days to respond. Following this 28 day period, the ORR then has
four months to carry out its main assessment of the application and reach a decision. Under the
2012 ROGS amendment, the 28 days for affected parties to respond will run concurrently with the 4
months for ORR assessment. Once awarded, the safety certificate will last for up to 5 years.
Queries about safety certification should be directed to:
Executive - Permissioning & Divisional Support
Railway Safety Directorate - Office of Rail Regulation
1 - 2 Peasholme Green
York YO1 7PX
Phone: 0207 282 3772
Summary of web links
ROGS page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1511
A Guide to ROGS, September 2012 http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/rogs-guidance-sept12.pdf
Safety certificates and authorisation page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1520
Safety certificate application form http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/Sfty-cert_mnln_apfrm.pdf
and guidelines for completion http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/guides4completion_2.pdf
IGC website Regulations and Guidance page http://www.channeltunneligc.co.uk/-Regulations-and-
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
5. Vehicle Authorisation and Route Compatibility
There are two separate processes that must be undertaken before a vehicle can operate in service:
Vehicle authorisation; and
Demonstration of route(s) compatibility.
Vehicle authorisation is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Railway
Interoperability Directive as implemented in the UK by the Railways (Interoperability) Regulations
2011 (RIR). Once vehicle authorisation has been obtained, Route Compatibility is carried out by the
train operator in accordance with the Safety Management System described in its Safety Certificate
and in co-operation with the infrastructure manager and other train operators using the required
5.1. Vehicle Authorisation
All new rail vehicles must comply with the Railway Interoperability Directive, the relevant TSIs and
relevant National Technical Rules (NTRs) for the Member State(s) in which they are required to
operate. Vehicles must be authorised by the NSA of an EU Member State in accordance with the
Railway Interoperability Directive. If a vehicle has been authorised in another Member State the
authorisation is valid for the UK: the ORR does not require re-authorisation.
If a vehicle has been authorised as one of a type then any number of vehicles of the same type are
authorised (for a limited time period) provided they are identical in terms of how they comply with
the TSIs and NTRs.
Authorisation of new vehicles is normally made the responsibility of the manufacturer by a contract
with either the purchaser or lease holder of the vehicles.
There is no mandatory time limit for ORR to determine an authorisation but ORR suggests that
applicants should build 4 months into their project timescales.
If modifications to existing vehicles are required (for example to parameterise the TVM 430 on board
signalling system on a locomotive or multiple unit with the characteristics of the HS1 infrastructure)
further advice on the processes to be followed will be available from NR(HS). HS1 Ltd owns the
intellectual property rights for the parameterisation of TVM 430 for a Class 92 locomotive with HS1
parameters and will provide the train operator with the relevant information.
Reference Document Database (RDD)
This database is operated
by the European Rail Agency (ERA). It contains all the NTRs that each
Member State has specified to be complied with to enable a vehicle to be authorised to operate in
that Member State. It also contains the National Legal Framework that is used in each Member State
to authorise a vehicle, as well as flow charts for each Member State showing the process that has to
be adopted to obtain vehicle authorisation. The intention is that a train operator can consult the
Reference Document Database (RDD) to establish all the NTRs and the legal processes that will apply
The RDD is expected to be live from a date in the first half of 2013
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
to a vehicle required to be authorised to operate between different Member States. This should
save time and cost by enabling the scope of requirements to be established.
The NTRs cover some 350 vehicle parameters listed by the EC such as its braking capability, gauge
etc. It is recognised that an NTR covering a particular parameter in Member State “A” may be shown
to be equivalent to a different NTR in Member State B”. Therefore the Member States concerned
are being encouraged to declare those NTRs in other Member States that they will recognise as
being equivalent to their own NTRs. The classifications will be shown in the RDD. This process is
designed to avoid unnecessary re-checking of vehicle parameters that have already been authorised
in another Member State.
As already noted, a vehicle already authorised in another Member State is not required to be re-
authorised to operate in the UK. However a vehicle first authorised in the UK will be required to be
re-authorised in each Member State in which it operates
, including the CTSA for vehicles to be
operated in the Channel Tunnel.
Southeastern Highspeed train
5.2. Demonstration of Route Compatibility
It is also necessary to demonstrate that the vehicles are compatible with the route(s) over which
they will operate. The train operator is required to prepare a submission to the Compatibility Forum
(described below) which demonstrates that the vehicles are compatible with the HS1 route and that
they will not have an adverse impact on other trains on HS1 or adjacent routes.
If a train operator is planning to use rolling stock of the same type as already in use on HS1 there is
no requirement to undertake route compatibility again.
Currently only Austria and the UK do not require re-authorisation of vehicles already in service.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The RDD UK section contains an HS1 NTR which describes the process to be used for demonstrating
compatibility (the UK NTRs will be available from the ERA Reference Document Database
from early
2013). A train operator wishing to demonstrate compatibility of its vehicle(s) with the HS1 routes
must comply with this process.
Those HS1 NTRs in the RDD which concern vehicle interaction with the infrastructure are also used
as a “checklist” for route compatibility: in the majority of cases such NTRs require compliance with a
particular clause in a TSI. For certain vehicle parameters the RDD refers to the HS1 Section 1 Register
of Infrastructure and HS1 Section 2 Register of Infrastructure, which are available from HS1 Ltd on
request. Some of the key HS1-specific requirements are summarised in Section 6 of this guide.
NR(HS) (as Infrastructure Manager under the safety directives) operates the Compatibility Forum,
which is the body to which train operators must demonstrate route compatibility of vehicles.
Normally this is by submission of a checklist demonstrating compatibility with the relevant
parameters in the HS1 part of the RDD UK section. The Compatibility Forum normally meets every
four weeks; it is chaired by an independent chairman and has representatives of other train
operators on HS1 and the relevant professional heads of NR(HS).
Route compatibility also covers how the operator’s trains can be rescued should this be required.
The preference would be to recover them with another train of the same type, but rescue using a
locomotive can be considered. Such rescue locomotives are arranged with Eurotunnel by NR(HS),
but will require couplers to be compatible with those on the train to be rescued (as described in the
RDD). The train operator will need to agree such arrangements as part of its emergency planning
with NR(HS). An international passenger train operator will also need to consider where its failed
trains should be hauled to. HS1 Ltd will support the train operator in this process.
It is not mandatory for vehicles to be tested on HS1 infrastructure. However, train operators may
wish to carry out “confidence” testing e.g. testing of evacuation procedures.
Summary of web links
ERA Reference Document Database http://www.era.europa.eu/Core-Activities/Cross-
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
6. Route Information
Section 3 of the HS1 Network Statement provides a summary of HS1 infrastructure. Full technical
requirements for vehicles are available in the UK RDD HS1 section together with the HS1 Section 1
Register of Infrastructure and the HS1 Section 2 Register of Infrastructure(see Section
5.1 above).
This section, in conjunction with the HS1 Route Fact Sheet in Appendix 3, provides further
background information regarding the safety and operations control systems used on HS1 and the
interfaces of HS1 with other Infrastructure Managers.
Medway Bridge
It should be noted that the connecting lines and trackside assets between HS1 and Ashford
International Station are part of the NRIL network and have some different characteristics to the HS1
infrastructure as noted below.
A route map of HS1 showing stations, significant tunnels and viaducts and connections with other
networks and facilities is shown in Figure 10 overleaf.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Figure 10: HS1 route map
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
6.1. Signalling systems
St Pancras International Station and its approaches are controlled by multi aspect colour light signals
and the KVB system. The KVB is a speed supervision and Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system.
TVM 430 is used on the remainder of HS1 (as well as on the Channel Tunnel, TGV Nord and Belgian
high speed lines). It is an ATP signalling system with an in cab signalling functionality. Where HS1
connects to the NRIL network, TVM 430 interfaces with standard UK lineside signalling.
Passenger rolling stock operating on HS1 must be fitted with the TVM 430 on board signalling system
parameterised for HS1 and KVB. The parameterisation of the on board TVM 430 system involves
matching the braking, acceleration and length of the train or vehicles with the characteristics of the
route enabling the speed codes transmitted to the train to be correctly interpreted by the Automatic
Train Protection (ATP) system on the train.
Freight trains operating on HS1 must be fitted with TVM 430, parameterised for HS1, plus
compatibility to operate Automatic Power Control (APC) magnets located on HS1.
All trains intending to cross on to the NRIL network must be fitted with Automatic Warning
System/Train Protection and Warning System (AWS/TPWS) compliant with UK Railway Group
Standard GE/RT8030
. An exception may be granted to this requirement by NRIL for trains normally
operating on HS1 to call at Ashford International station and return to HS1, subject to suitable safety
risk mitigation.
6.2. GSM-R
GSM-R is installed throughout HS1 but is currently used only as a general purpose maintenance and
station operations radio. HS1 Ltd plans to upgrade the system to signaller to driver
communications on HS1 and then to extend it to allow communication with Channel Tunnel and
French signallers. The expected completion dates for these two phases are December 2013 for the
upgrade to the existing system and July 2014 for international roaming. Any changes will be subject
to discussions with existing train operators.
Currently all trains must be fitted with Cab Secure Radio (CSR), complying with BR1845 Issue H
(including the October 1995 amendment) and BR 1989 specifications. When GSM-R has been
upgraded the CSR will be removed.
6.3. Regenerative braking
HS1 has an authorised derogation from the regenerative braking clause of the Energy TSI. If rolling
stock is fitted with regenerative braking capability, this must currently be inhibited whilst operating
on HS1.
As part of our commitment to continual improvement in our sustainability performance, a study is
currently underway to determine whether a viable business case exists to alter the infrastructure to
enable regenerative braking to be used on HS1. This study is expected to conclude in mid-2013.
UK Railway Group Standards can be found on www.rgsonline.co.uk
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
6.4. Traffic control
The Ashford AFC is the combined traffic control, signalling control, electrical control and
communication centre for HS1 and is responsible for all day-to-day railway operating activities. The
HS1 operating activities are co-located in the same building on the same operating floor as the NRIL
Trains on HS1 are regulated according to train regulation policies agreed in accordance with Part H
(Operational Disruption) of the HS1 Network Code
. Traffic is regulated by the management of real
time performance. The Ashford AFC operates the overall traffic management system which contains
the following:
Automated route setting;
Automated conflict resolution; and
Train graphing technology for perturbation management and very short term train planning
The NRIL network around HS1 is controlled from Ashford IECC and Kent ICC (near Blackfriars).
Decisions for the whole area (excluding HS1) are made from KICC, decisions for HS1 are made at
Ashford AFC.
Ashford International station is a convenient location to which international trains may be hauled by
rescue locomotives from the Channel Tunnel in case of train failure. The station provides useful
connectivity with domestic rail services to help manage the onward travel of passengers in such a
scenario. In order to make use of this facility, vehicles would need to be cleared for operation on
that part of the NRIL network through the Ashford International platforms and their approaches (see
the final paragraph of Section 6.1 above).
Summary of web links
HS1 Network Statement http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/network-statement/: Section 3 deals
with infrastructure
HS1 Network Code http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/codes/Part H deals with Operational
NRIL’s Network Statement http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/3645.aspx
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
7. Stations
This section covers the responsibilities of HS1 Ltd, NR(HS) and EIL at HS1 stations, station facilities
and services, security and border control. Station maps and supplementary factual information
about the stations can be found in Appendix 4 HS1 Station Fact Sheet.
7.1. Station ownership, operation and maintenance
7.1.1. Station Facility Owner (SFO)
HS1 Ltd is the Station Facility Owner (SFO) at St Pancras International, Stratford International,
Ebbsfleet International and the international part of Ashford International. The domestic part of
Ashford International does not form part of HS1; the SFO is Southeastern. As SFO, HS1 Ltd is
responsible for maintenance, repair and renewal of station buildings and facilities, station cleaning
and security.
A new operator’s contractual relationship will be with HS1 Ltd: operators using HS1 stations will
have Station Access Agreements with HS1 Ltd (see Section 9.1.2) and will pay station access charges
to HS1 Ltd (see Section 10.1.2). HS1 Ltd will have regular customer relationship meetings with the
new train operator and both parties will work closely with NR(HS) on all operational issues.
7.1.2. Station operation and maintenance
With the exception of the Restricted Zones (RZ), St Pancras International, Stratford International and
Ebbsfleet International are operated and maintained by NR(HS) on behalf of HS1 Ltd under Station
Concession Agreements. NR(HS) holds the Safety Authorisation for these stations under ROGS and
acts as premises landlord under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
NR(HS) is currently responsible for providing the following services at these stations. NR(HS) could
consider providing additional services for new operators using HS1 stations.
Station management for all HS1 stations comprising 24/7 station operations, management of
security and customer service staff, station control room operations, fire safety, station
announcements/CIS/ boarding trains (for one domestic operator), vehicle access control for all
station deliveries;
Security in all publicly-accessible areas outside the RZ (and non-public areas);
Customer service in public areas outside the RZ;
Customer assistance for assisted travel outside the RZ;
Management of safety and security for all station areas outside the RZ including safety action
plans, fire safety management, emergency planning and crowd control;
Liaison with internal and external stakeholders such as British Transport Police, local and
county/city councils, Metropolitan police, Kent police, ambulance and fire services, train
operators and suppliers for matters relating to crime, fire prevention, events, etc.;
Management of retail units outside the RZ, station events, promotions, filming, photography and
NR(HS) does not currently supply the following station services:
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Security of international Restricted Zone;
Ticket office services; and
Dispatch of trains from platforms.
NR(HS) will allocate a client liaison manager to co-ordinate its interface with the train operator and
shift/duty managers and station managers will be in regular dialogue necessary for the smooth
running of operations. NR(HS) will work closely with all operators to ensure that operations do not
conflict and that the customer experience is seamless; this includes planning operational solutions
for peaks and periods of disruption and business continuity in times of disruption whether driven by
external factors or a train operator or infrastructure need.
The international part of Ashford International is operated and maintained by EIL on behalf of HS1
Ltd under the Station Management Agreement, an interim arrangement put in place in 2010 when
the Ashford International station leases were transferred to HS1 Ltd. This role is currently out to
tender, new arrangements will be effective from July 2013.
7.1.3. International zones (IZs)
The IZs at St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International are currently
operated and managed by EIL and used only by EIL. Facilities management in the IZ at Ebbsfleet
International and St Pancras International is carried out by NR(HS) on behalf of EIL.
Annex 10 of the St Pancras International Station Access Conditions
sets out the common station
amenities and services provided in the International Zone and identifies which of these are provided
by the Principal International Operator (PIO), the main international train operator at the station.
HS1 Ltd and EIL have agreed that changes will be made to this Annex 10 to facilitate sharing of the IZ
by international operators, in particular, some of EIL’s current responsibilities will transfer to HS1
Ltd. In most areas specific proposals for change have been agreed in principle and these are
summarised in the relevant sections below. EIL and HS1 Ltd’s commitments to facilitate the entry of
new international rail operators at St Pancras International are monitored by the UK Monitoring
Trustee (see Section 3.5).
Where IZ responsibilities remain with EIL, new international operators will work closely with EIL at
an operational level to ensure the smooth running of their business. All charges related to the IZ will
be charged to the train operators through HS1 Ltd’s station access charges.
Where required for the introduction of new international operators, the transfer of responsibilities
at Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International will follow similar principles as at St Pancras
International although details at each station may vary.
Stratford International Station is currently not used by international services; the first international
operator to use the station will take on the PIO role. Before use, the Stratford International IZ will
need final fit-out with equipment (customer communication systems and security search),
wayfinding and furniture.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
St Pancras International station
7.2. Branding and signage
One-off modifications to station signage and wayfinding will be needed to accommodate a new
operator at HS1 stations. HS1 Ltd will identify and agree necessary changes with all affected train
operators and will deliver the changes.
Inside the IZ, responsibility for signage currently lies with EIL. The agreed approach for any changes
to signage to accommodate new operators is for HS1 Ltd to identify and deliver changes both inside
and outside the IZ, in order to ensure non-discrimination between train operators.
In order to avoid the proliferation of branding and languages at stations where there is more than
one international operator, the principle will be that generic signage in most of the station will refer
to “International” services rather than specific operators and will be in English. In some instances
specific branding and signage in additional languages will be appropriate e.g. ticket sales and
customer information desks.
St Pancras International is a Grade I listed building and all changes are subject to control by London
Borough of Camden and English Heritage in accordance with statutory consents: the process is
managed by HS1 Ltd. Change is permitted but it needs to be appropriate and not impact on the
architectural and historic importance of the building.
At Stratford International the international zone is a blank canvas. The first international operator at
the station would have an input into signage, branding and the style of fit out.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
7.3. Staff accommodation
Space for staff accommodation in HS1 stations is limited, particularly at St Pancras International. The
existing operators in HS1 stations base only essential operational staff at the stations with
management and other support functions located elsewhere and new train operators will be
expected to do the same.
HS1 Ltd encourages the sharing of facilities between train operators as a space and cost efficient
solution. The current situation and opportunities for sharing of facilities at each station are as
At St Pancras International a new operator could share crew mess rooms and toilet facilities with
East Midlands Trains. The available space in the station may not be directly adjacent to the work
reporting area and a new operator should therefore make some allowance for walking distances
in their operational planning. If crew have long break periods between train services a new
operator could consider alternatives to the station mess rooms, either using alternative facilities
in the local area or at the depot, depending on train movements.
Mess rooms at Stratford International and Ebbsfleet International are shared facilities with
Southeastern, EIL (at Ebbsfleet) and NR(HS).
At Stratford International there is space within the station for the train operator’s local station
management staff: this could also provide accommodation for station management staff for
Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International stations if the new train operator also serves
these stations.
HS1 Ltd may need to make changes to the use of existing accommodation to provide space for a new
train operator and there may be some specific opportunities to look at existing agreements with
existing users of the station, for example, at franchise replacement. In order for HS1 Ltd to develop
solutions, a new operator should discuss its specific requirements for on-site staff accommodation
with HS1 Ltd.
The charge for the space will be either exclusive if used solely by the train operator or allocated
between the train operators sharing the space as set out in Section 10.1.2.
In terms of office space for management and other support functions, there is the potential to
develop space at Stratford International station if a new train operator wished to base management
and support functions there.
7.4. Ticket retailing facilities
7.4.1. International services
A new international operator would need to consider its ticket office and ticket machine
requirements at each station and discuss these with HS1 Ltd. Train operators should consider likely
volumes and hours of usage taking into account the likely impact of new technology such as e-
ticketing on ticket sales/collection at stations.
At St Pancras International, Eurostar has a dedicated ticket office opposite international arrivals and
ticket machines for the collection of reserved tickets in the ticket office and by the international
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
ticket gates. HS1 Ltd and EIL are developing plans for remodelling the area opposite the international
ticket gates and relocating the Eurostar ticket office to this area: with the advent of a new
international operator, space within this area would be allocated for the new operator’s ticket
At both Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International, Eurostar has a dedicated ticketing/check
in area and ticket machines for collection of reserved tickets. At both locations, there is space for a
further ticket office if required.
At Stratford International there is space reserved for an international ticket office. This is largely
prepared for use and would need only furniture and equipment.
7.4.2. Domestic services
At St Pancras International, tickets and train information for UK services are available from the
national rail ticket office on the ground floor of the station. There are fast ticket machines outside
this ticket office and beside the domestic concourses.
At Ebbsfleet International and Stratford International tickets and train information for all UK services
are available from the Southeastern ticket offices and fast ticket machines.
Southeastern Highspeed trains at St Pancras International platforms 11 and 12
7.5. Security
7.5.1. LTSD
The Land Transport Security Division (LTSD) of the DfT is responsible for counter-terrorist security on
the national rail network and Channel Tunnel. See Section 3.3 for more details of the role of LTSD
and the approvals required by operators of international train services.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
7.5.2. Police
British Transport Police (BTP) services for HS1 are procured by HS1 Ltd. Train operators make their
own arrangements for policing on trains. Train operators will have an operational interface with BTP
at stations and will need to include familiarisation for BTP in their operational planning. The BTP
contact is Paul McGregor (Paul.Mcgrego[email protected]lice.uk
7.5.3. International passenger check-in
At St Pancras International there is one gateline for ticket check and verification, either through
automatic gates or by manual check by staff. There are nine automatic gates; six are dedicated to
standard class passengers, two to business class passengers and one to staff. Five booths provide
space for manual check-in staff if required. There is spare capacity for new operators to use the
existing gateline subject to satisfactory agreement about sharing of facilities.
EIL is currently responsible for its own check-in process and owns the gateline equipment and
software. The current software is specific to Eurostar tickets. Under the future proposals currently
under discussion:
HS1 Ltd would take over responsibility from EIL by providing a system suitable for all operators,
either with new equipment or with a separate add-on to existing equipment. This would ensure
separation of passenger data between operators.
The check-in channels for standard class and staff would be shared between operators. A
premium channel would be made available for new operators.
HS1 Ltd would provide (manual) check-in staff for a new operator if requested, the train
operators would provide customer service staff.
It is intended that similar proposals would be implemented at Ebbsfleet International, Ashford
International and Stratford International if there is more than one international operator using these
7.5.4. Security screening of international passengers, staff and baggage
The Channel Tunnel (Security) Order 1994 requires passengers, staff and their luggage to be
screened. As PIO, EIL is the Directed Partyfor the purposes of security at the international stations
- St Pancras International, Ebbsfleet International and Ashford International - in accordance with the
Order. This means that EIL has responsibility for maintaining the integrity of the Restricted Zone (the
area designated by the Secretary of State as a secure area, the equivalent of airside at an airport).
EIL protects the Restricted Zone by applying the mandatory security measures for screening and
searching and access control to the RZ including pass issuing. A new operator would be required to
work with EIL and to comply with the station security requirements.
EIL subcontracts its physical screening requirements in respect of passengers, staff and their baggage
to a third party, however the responsibility for these activities remains with EIL. EIL provides a
variety of security screening equipment including X-ray machines, metal detectors etc. and is
responsible for their upkeep. There are separate screening facilities for unaccompanied baggage.
Staffing levels are managed according to train loading projections. The existing facilities have some
spare capacity for new operators (subject to current DfT security requirements being maintained).
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
EIL currently manages the issuing of security passes which authorise access to the RZs of
international stations. Only those persons with legitimate rights to enter the RZ will be issued with a
pass (EIL employees for instance would be issued with a permanent pass, and others with passes
valid for shorter periods). A pass does not exempt a person or their personal items or equipment
from the need to pass through security checks when entering the RZ. International train crew
reporting for duty at either the station or a depot must also be security checked.
Under the future proposals responsibility for security screening on behalf of all international
operators could either remain with EIL or be transferred to HS1 Ltd, depending on a range of factors
including cost efficiency and new operator requirements. Any change to the Directed Party would be
a matter for consideration by the DfT.
Security arrangements for any international services intending to use Stratford International would
need to be agreed with DfT.
As noted in Section 3.3, a new operator through the Channel Tunnel will be responsible for providing
consistent measures at all other stations where passengers board its trains.
7.5.5. Security search of international trains
International trains are security searched according to the requirements of the Channel Tunnel
(Security) Order 1994, to ensure the train does not contain any items that could be considered a
threat to the Channel Tunnel before train boarding commences.
EIL is responsible for the security screening of its trains. A new operator (or its contractor) would be
required to screen its own trains. They would be subject to the same requirement at all origin
stations and at depots.
7.5.6. Security of supplies
There are specific requirements relating to catering for international trains and supplies delivered to
the shorebase (see Section 7.7). Catering providers are directed to comply with security
requirements in their own right. DfT can provide further information on the security requirements
for catering supplies to international train operators.
7.6. Border control
The UK Border Force is responsible for securing the UK border at international rail stations, air and
sea ports and for controlling migration to the UK, enforcing immigration and customs regulations.
See Section 3.4 for more details of the role of the UK Border Force and approvals required by
operators of international train services.
For passengers travelling from the UK to Belgium or France, immigration entry checks into the
Schengen Area take place at juxtaposed controls before boarding the train in the UK. For services to
France these are carried out by the Police Aux Frontières (PAF), the French border police, which also
carries out checks on services to Brussels on behalf of the Belgian border authorities. Schengen entry
check requirements for new services particularly where these do not include a first stop in France
remain to be determined.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The IZs at all HS1 stations include space and facilities for UK Border Force and Police Aux Frontières
(PAF) to carry out immigration and customs checks. Presently EIL liaises with these authorities over
When new operators commence services, responsibility for liaison with the border authorities
regarding operations at HS1 stations would remain with EIL as PIO. At Stratford International, this
would be the responsibility of the new operator, in its role as PIO at this station.
Each train operator will be responsible for its own compliance with UK Border Force requirements
(see Section 3.4).
7.7. Catering shorebase
At St Pancras International Station there is a logistics facility within the RZ for catering supplies,
which arrive pre-loaded onto trolleys and are stored for a short period in the shorebase prior to
delivery to the train. The facility is currently managed by EIL.
EIL is contracted to procure provision of certain logistics services for other train operators as part of
its lease. It is, however, proposed that HS1 Ltd would take on the management of the limited space,
contracting a logistics provider to operate the shorebase, providing the service on behalf of all
international train operators.
7.8. Other RZ facilities and services
7.8.1. Business lounge
New operators should discuss their business lounge requirements with HS1 Ltd in terms of expected
volume of usage, timings etc. There will be an operator-specific charge for this facility.
EIL has a dedicated business lounge in the RZ at each of the three HS1 stations that it uses. The
current position is that EIL will retain exclusive use of these business lounges.
At St Pancras International, HS1 Ltd would aim to provide an additional business lounge if required
by new train operators but space within the RZ is very limited and potential options outside the RZ
may need to be pursued. Space is also limited at Ebbsfleet International. At Ashford International
and Stratford International there is space for a new business lounge if required.
7.8.2. Customer information
At St Pancras International there are two customer information desks in the RZ which are currently
used by EIL. One will be allocated to new operators (who will share a desk if necessary). Customer
information desks will also be made available for new operators at the other HS1 stations.
EIL is currently responsible for customer information screens and announcements in the RZ. The
screens are owned by a third party, with an option for their purchase, and are fed by information
from EIL’s St Pancras control room. It is proposed that the hardware would be transferred to HS1 Ltd
in the future.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
HS1 Ltd operates a “quiet” station with announcements made only for security reminders and
specific operational reasons, rather than on a routine basis. Generic station announcements are in
English. However, arrangements could be made for train operators to deliver specific messages in
the appropriate language.
7.8.3. Passenger boarding and train despatch
Passenger boarding
EIL controls passenger access to platforms and provides assistance in boarding trains for Eurostar
passengers. A new train operator would be responsible for carrying out its own processes. If part-
time staff are required by the train operator, they could be contracted on a commercial basis from
another train operator.
Train despatch
EIL is currently responsible for the operational control of the last 5 minutes before train departure
ensuring passengers are boarded safely and the platform is clear, giving the train authority to
depart. This requires several platform staff for 400m trains. Under current proposals each train
operator will carry out its own train despatch processes. If part-time staff are required by the train
operator, they could be contracted on commercial basis from another train operator whose safety
certificate covers train despatch or from NR(HS).
Note that a train operator will have to include its plans for train despatch in its safety certificate
application (see Section 4).
7.8.4. Command and control
Ashford AFC is the traffic control, signalling control, electrical control and communication centre for
HS1. International station processes are controlled from EIL’s St Pancras control room which liaises
with the Ashford AFC on platform allocation. It is proposed that platform allocation should transfer
to the HS1 control room at Ashford with station control remaining the responsibility of the PIO.
HS1 Ltd will find space within the station for an operational control base for a new international
operator. This is likely to be within the NR station control room.
In times of serious disruption EIL will share its control room with other operators in order to provide
closer integration. Protocols will be agreed on operational priorities and disruption processes as part
of the train operator’s operational planning.
Summary of web links
Annexes to the St Pancras International Station Access Conditions
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
8. Depots and other facilities
HS1 Ltd does not control any train maintenance depots but will assist a new operator in identifying
maintenance, servicing and stabling solutions and can facilitate depot tours and meetings for a new
operator. The new operator will need to provide HS1 Ltd with details of its requirements including
train type, maintenance and stabling needs and any special requirements.
New operators will need to enter into a depot access agreement with any depot facility owner
whose services they may wish to use. Any facilities used by an international operator will need to
comply with the requirements of the Channel Tunnel Security Order 1994.
HS1 Ltd recognises that the availability of depot facilities off HS1 is currently limited and has
engaged consultants to provide advice on feasible locations across the HS1 network that will satisfy
likely future demand for such facilities, making assumptions around the number and type of rolling
stock. The consultants are due to report by June 2013. The study will provide a significant amount of
information about potential sites, the costs of development, the capabilities of each site, and the
timeframes associated with development. This will facilitate discussions with potential operators.
We are keen to discuss likely requirements of operators at an early stage so that we can either feed
these into the study and/or make sure that the conclusions can be tailored in the most helpful way.
Facilities adjacent to HS1 are described below.
8.1. Temple Mills depot
EIL is the depot facility owner of Temple Mills depot which has facilities for berthing, light servicing,
light and heavy maintenance of train sets which are compatible with Class 373 units. EIL is currently
modifying the depot to also provide servicing and maintenance facilities for Siemens e320 train sets.
Temple Mills depot
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The depot is connected to HS1 infrastructure via a bi-directional single line chord accessible from
Stratford International Station. The depot infrastructure comprises a train maintenance facility (8
bays), carriage wash and tanked service facilities (effluent discharge and clean water),
accommodation block, stores, wheel turning facility and associated track, signalling and overhead
catenary systems to access the train maintenance facility.
EIL currently provides some stabling for the domestic high speed trains at Temple Mills.
EIL has made commitments to the EC to allow access for other international operators to stabling,
servicing, cleaning and light maintenance services in its depots. These commitments are monitored
by the UK Monitoring Trustee (see Section 3.5).
8.2. Other facilities
The domestic trains in use on HS1 are maintained at Ashford Depot, the depot facility owner is
Hitachi Europe Limited. The depot has facilities for berthing, light servicing, light and heavy
maintenance of train sets which are compatible with Class 375, 395 and 465 units. This depot is third
rail accessible only (no overhead supply).
Ripple Lane exchange sidings are part of HS1 and provide access to the neighbouring Ford and
Hanson depots and to the NRIL network.
Dollands Moor freight yard is near Folkestone in Kent. The facility owner is DB Schenker Rail (UK)
Limited (DBS).
The HS1 Emergency Access Code grants train operators permission to use facilities on HS1 (e.g.
sidings, freight loops, stations other than those normally called at by the train operator) and Temple
Mills depot in case of an emergency on HS1.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
9. Required HS1 contracts
9.1. Access Agreements
9.1.1. Passenger and Freight Track Access
All passenger and freight train operators planning to operate services on HS1 must enter into a track
access contract with HS1 Ltd; this defines the conditions, standards, charges, etc. under which track
access is provided to train operators. A Framework Track Access Agreement (FTAA) is a track access
contract covering reservation of capacity for more than one year and is subject to ORR approval. A
Track Access Agreement (TAA) covering a period of one year or less does not require ORR approval.
The HS1 Passenger Access Terms (common to all passenger operators) and HS1 Freight Access Terms
(common to all freight operators) set out the majority of the contractual terms including the generic
terms of the charging regime, the performance regime and the possessions regime.
Each Passenger or Freight FTAA/TAA incorporates the HS1 Passenger Access Terms or HS1 Freight
Access Terms and the HS1 Codes that govern operational arrangements (see Section 9.2). It also
includes the following operator-specific elements which will need to be agreed between HS1 Ltd and
the train operator:
Start and end dates of the agreement
The routes over which the operator will operate;
The charging basis;
o For passenger services the chargeable journey time and charge per minute for each
service group (including any IRC discount agreed);
o For freight services the relevant distance and charge per km for each service group;
The firm train slots (in terms of daily quantum rather than specific train slots) and station calls
(for passenger services) and the rolling stock to be used; and
The performance regime thresholds and payment rates.
The workstreams which will need to be undertaken to populate the FTAA/TAA are set out in the
table below.
Timetable development
(see Section 11)
At least 2 years
Chargeable journey time
(passenger services) or relevant
distance (freight services)
Firm train slots
Station calls
Discount application
(see Section 10.2)
At least 4 months
IRC discount (passenger services)
ORR’s policy on the duration of track access contracts is regulated by the Access and Management
Regulations 2005. In general, most access contracts are for between five and 10 years.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Rolling stock modelling (for new
rolling stock types)
3-6 months
Variable element of OMRC
Traction electricity consumption
Performance regime recalibration
(see Section 10.3)
3-4 months
Performance regime payment
rates and thresholds
The first task would be to commence discussions on timetables. However, if the new operator
intends to apply for a discount it is likely that this will be done in parallel with timetable discussions
as both elements will be important for the development of a new operator’s business case.
The drafting of the FTAA/TAA to reflect the outcome of these workstreams will take around 8 weeks,
allowing time for pre-industry consultation. The FTAA would then be submitted to the ORR for
approval (see Section 3.1.2).
It should be noted that the platforms at Ashford International station are accessed via NRIL
infrastructure. Any train operator intending to call at Ashford International would therefore need a
TAA with NRIL.
St Pancras International station, Pancras Road entrance
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
9.1.2. Station Access
All passenger train operators need to enter into Station Access Agreements (SAAs) with HS1 Ltd for
each of the HS1 stations they wish to use. These define the conditions, standards, charges, etc.
under which station access is provided to train operators. SAAs are not subject to approval by the
ORR. HS1 Ltd will liaise with DfT (as the ultimate landlord of HS1 facilities) in respect of
establishment of SAAs.
The HS1 Station Access Conditions
(SACs) are common to all passenger operators and include most
of the contractual terms for station access including the basis on which the station access charges
are calculated and apportioned between the train operators using the station. There are Annexes to
the SACs for each station which cover the details relevant to the specific station, such as a station
plan and a description of the station’s facilities.
Each SAA incorporates the SACs and relevant annexes. Each SAA also includes the operator-specific
elements as follows:
Start and end dates of the agreement (the duration of each SAA normally matches the duration
of the train operator’s FTAA);
The percentage of common station charges payable by the operator for each of the zones within
the station; and
Any exclusive station services to be provided to the operator.
The introduction of a new train operator to a station would require HS1 Ltd to consult with existing
train operators using the station in line with the change processes set out in the SACs. Once HS1 Ltd
and the new train operator have agreed the access to facilities and services required by the new
train operator, HS1 Ltd will submit a proposal for change to the other train operators using the
station. A minimum of 45 days is allowed for objections. If objections are raised a reasonable period
must be allowed for consultation.
A new domestic operator wishing to use the domestic part of Ashford International station would
have to have an SAA with the Station Facility Owner, currently LSER. In this case station access is
regulated by ORR.
9.2. HS1 Codes
The HS1 Codes - HS1 Network Code, HS1 Emergency Access Code, HS1 Performance Data Accuracy
Code and the HS1 Systems Code - describe the operational arrangements applicable to HS1. They are
incorporated as part of each FTAA or TAA.
The HS1 Network Code includes procedures and processes:
To change the Working Timetable, Engineering Access Statement and Timetable Planning Rules;
To regulate change to the HS1 Network Code and other operational codes, the network and
railway vehicles;
To establish a performance monitoring system and performance improvement plans;
To minimise the effect of operational disruption;
Relating to environmental protection; and
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Relating to dispute resolution.
9.3. Insurance
Train operators are required to maintain the insurance as a condition of their operator licence (see
Section 3.1.1).
Train operators are required to sign the HS1 Claims Allocation and Handling Agreement (CAHA)
which defines the handling of liability claims between train operators and allocates responsibility.
For further details see Section 5 of the HS1 Passenger Access Terms/HS1 Freight Access Terms and
Part 5 of the HS1 Station Access Conditions.
Summary of web links
Regulatory page of the HS1 website http://highspeed1.co.uk/Regulatory
Track – Passenger: http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/track-passenger/ (HS1 Passenger Access
Terms, existing Framework Track Access Agreements)
Track Freight: http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/track-freight/ (HS1 Freight Access Terms,
Template Framework Freight Track Access Agreement)
Station: http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/station/ (HS1 Station Access Conditions,
Access Conditions Annexes for each of the four HS1 stations)
Codes: http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/codes/ (HS1 Network Code, HS1
Emergency Access Code, HS1 Performance Data Accuracy Code, HS1 Systems
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
10. Charges
10.1. Access charges overview
This section summarises the track and station access charges payable on HS1. For further details
please see the HS1 Network Statement (Section 6 deals with charges) and the
HS1 Passenger Access
Terms and HS1 Freight Access Terms (which provide the contractual detail).
HS1 Ltd is producing an access charging spreadsheet which will allow a potential user to estimate
track and station access charges on the basis of existing stock types and estimated frequencies. This
will be available on the HS1 website.
10.1.1. Passenger Track Access Charges
The elements of passenger track access charges are:
Investment Recovery Charge (IRC);
Operations, Maintenance and Renewal Charge (OMRC);
Traction Electricity Charge; and
Other charges (Capacity Reservation Charge, Congestion Tariff, Other Services Charge, Freight
Supplement, Carbon Costs)
Each of these is described below. In addition, train operators may receive or make payments under
the performance regime which is described in Section 10.3 and may receive payments under the
possessions regime as described in Section 10.4.
Investment Recovery Charge (IRC)
The purpose of the IRC is to recover part of the capital costs of the construction of the HS1
IRC is charged on the basis of chargeable journey time on HS1: the chargeable journey time excludes
time for stopping at stations. IRC is paid quarterly in advance on the basis of the number of
timetabled train paths as set out in the Working Timetable. There are adjustments for additional
services operated as a result of subsequent spot bids and services which could not be operated for
certain reasons e.g. cancellation by HS1 Ltd.
IRC is capped at £69.57 per minute per train, in February 2009 prices. The cap is indexed every 6
months by RPI, and as of 1 September 2012 is £79.97. The IRC cap and indexation were set in the
HS1 Concession Agreement and are not subject to review. HS1 Ltd is permitted to discount below
the IRC cap: the HS1 discount policy and the IRC discount schemes currently in operation are
described in Section 10.2. With the exception of these discounts the IRC charge is currently set at the
cap for both domestic and international passenger services.
The chargeable journey time and the IRC per passenger train service (September 2012 prices) for
services currently operating on HS1 are shown in the following table:
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
services from St
services from St
Pancras to
services from St
Pancras to
Springhead Jn
services from St
Pancras to
Chargeable Journey Time
31 minutes
31 minutes
16.5 minutes
14 minutes
IRC per train service
£2,479.07 £2,479.07 £1,319.51 £1,119.58
Operations, Maintenance and Renewal Charge (OMRC)
OMRC covers the cost of operating, maintaining and renewing HS1. It is charged on the basis of
chargeable journey time on HS1, the chargeable journey time excludes time scheduled for stopping
at stations.
OMRC is split into two categories.
1. The majority of the OMRC is approved or determined by the ORR at the start of each five year
Control Period and is fixed for the duration of the Control Period, subject to permitted
indexation (see Section 10.5.1 below). For the first Control Period (to 31 March 2015) the charge
is indexed annually at RPI + 1.1%.
It is paid quarterly in advance on the basis of the number of timetabled train paths with an
annual adjustment to reflect the variable costs of additional services operated as a result of spot
bids and services which could not be operated for certain reasons e.g. cancellation by HS1 Ltd.
2. The remaining OMRC is made up of the operations, maintenance and renewal costs which are
passed through “at cost” to train operators (subject to review by the ORR to confirm that they
have been efficiently incurred). For the first Control Period this element includes insurance;
rates; non-traction, non-station electricity; and UKPN renewals (renewal of the electricity sub-
Pass through costs are paid quarterly in advance on the basis of the number of timetabled train
paths. They are charged on an estimated basis with an annual adjustment to reflect any
difference between estimated and outturn costs.
The OMRC per passenger train service as at November 2012, based on the current services operating
on HS1, is shown in the following table. The charges shown in this table include both of the elements
of OMRC described above.
services from
St Pancras
(Class 373)
services from
St Pancras to
(Class 395)
services from
St Pancras to
Springhead Jn
(Class 395)
services from
St Pancras to
(Class 395)
Chargeable Journey Time
31 minutes
31 minutes
16.5 minutes
14 minutes
OMRC per train per minute
OMRC per train service
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The figures in this table reflect existing vehicle types and journey times. They were also determined
on the basis of the number of trains operated by the existing operators. If train numbers for a
timetable year deviate from those assumed in calculating the charge by more than 4% (either for a
single operator or in total) prices are re-set (see Section 10.5.1). This means that an increase in
timetabled trains of more than 4% above the assumed level of 71,143 trains per annum would result
in a decrease in OMRC per train service and vice versa.
Traction Electricity Charge
If traction electricity is procured through HS1 Ltd, then all costs incurred by HS1 Ltd are passed
through to the train operators. The charge is the product of the modelled consumption rate
(kWh/km), price (p/kWh) and usage (km). The list of modelled consumption rates
(by rolling stock
type and stopping pattern) and prices (by month and time period) is published on the HS1 website.
Payment of traction electricity charges is made each period in arrears with an annual adjustment to
reflect any difference between modelled and actual costs.
If electricity is procured by the train operator, then the written consent of HS1 Ltd must be sought,
and the train operator must bear all expenses, payments, liabilities, costs and losses (including
transmission losses) with regard to the procurement of traction electricity and of any additional
metering equipment or system costs required for implementation and administration.
Other Charges
Capacity Reservation
Train operators may wish to reserve capacity prior to starting new
services (e.g. in order to commit to investing in new rolling stock) by
entering into a track access contract with HS1 Ltd.
The Capacity Reservation Charge is a charge for capacity that is reserved
but not used (i.e. not timetabled). For passenger services, this charge is
25% of the full IRC per train (ignoring any IRC discount).
If a train operator surrenders reserved capacity it will be entitled to a
rebate of part of its capacity reservation charge if the surrendered
capacity is utilised by another train operator.
Congestion Tariff
If at any time HS1 becomes congested (as defined within the Rail
Regulations) then HS1 Ltd will consider conducting an auction for
capacity, which could give rise to a congestion tariff. Such a tariff would
need approval from the SoS and the ORR.
There is no charge at present as HS1 is not currently congested.
Other Services Charge
Train operators are liable for the actual costs incurred by HS1 Ltd of any
bespoke ancillary services that it provides. There are limited
circumstances in which these might arise, but they might include
assistance with event planning for example, or any bespoke timetabling
assistance over and above the normal process.
Freight Supplement
This charge applies to domestic franchised train operators only.
Its purpose is to cover any shortfall in the recovery of costs arising from
the freight charging arrangements.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Carbon Costs
The Carbon Costs will be the fair and equitable proportion (as determined
by the ORR) of all costs, expenses and any other financial liabilities
relating to HS1 Ltd’s payments under the Carbon Reduction Commitment
Energy Efficiency Scheme.
HS1 Ltd made its first payment under this scheme for 2011/12: the CRC
payment related to track access charges was £8k.
A Eurostar train travelling on HS1 through Kent
10.1.2. Station Access Charges
Costs relating to operating, maintaining and renewing the stations are charged to train operators
through either the Qualifying Expenditure (Qx) or Long Term Charge (LTC) mechanisms. The
allocation of costs between train operators is governed by the mechanisms in the
HS1 Station Access
The access charging spreadsheet will allow a new operator to estimate station charges. As a guide to
the order of magnitude, an indicative charge for a new international operator at St Pancras
International is £0.5 to £1.5 million per annum depending on space taken and vehicles operated.
Qualifying expenditure (Qx)
Qx covers the station operating, maintenance and repair expenditure incurred by HS1 Ltd (e.g. costs
associated with maintenance, station staff, cleaning, security and utilities).
Qx is determined separately for each station each year and is apportioned between the train
operators using the station based on a combination of vehicle departures and the relative size of the
international, domestic and common areas at the station.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Best estimates of costs are provided by the station operators (NR(HS) at St Pancras International,
Stratford International and Ebbsfleet International and EIL at Ashford International). Payments are
based on the annual best estimate with a wash-up every six months to reflect the difference
between estimated and actual costs. There is a transparent process through which train operators
can challenge the estimated and actual costs.
Long Term Charge (LTC)
This charge covers expected expenditure on asset renewal activities at stations over a 50 year
horizon. The principle is that over 50 years, the LTC income will be sufficient to fund the necessary
expenditure on these activities. LTC is a fixed annual amount indexed annually by RPI, although the
HS1 SACs do allow for changes in certain limited circumstances.
LTC for each station is apportioned between the train operators using the station based on a
combination of vehicle departures and the relative size of the international, domestic and common
areas at the station.
The LTC amounts are currently under review by the DfT, with the revised charge coming into effect
from April 2015. The LTC will be reviewed every five years (see Section 10.5.2).
Exclusive Charges
Any bespoke services provided by HS1 Ltd to a specific train operator at a station will be charged to
that operator. These are likely to be limited in practice, for example, extending the opening times of
the left luggage facility for one specific operator.
Other charges for passenger operators
As well as the charges for HS1 Ltd services set out above, operators will also face charges for their
own services. These include dispatch staff and any customer service personnel the operator chooses
to deploy. For international passenger operators there will also be the following categories:
Security costs for screening of luggage and passengers, and the cost of securing the RZ; and
Border Force control costs although these are not typically recovered from operators but paid
for out of the Government department budget.
Station performance regime
The station performance regime measures individual performance downtime events for stated
infrastructure items e.g. lifts, escalators and CIS systems. Operators are therefore offered protection
from identified major unit failures which would have a detrimental impact on their ability to serve
customers. Each performance event downtime is tracked over a 28-day period and where
cumulative downtime exceeds the permitted benchmark financial recompense is given to operators
who operate from within the specified zone in which the equipment is located.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
10.1.3. Freight Track Access Charges
The elements of freight track access charges are:
Freight Operations, Maintenance and Renewal Charge;
Traction Electricity Charge; and
Other charges (Capacity Reservation Charge, Congestion Tariff, Other Services Charge, Carbon
Each of these is described below. In addition, freight train operators may receive or make payments
under the performance regime which is described in Section 10.3 and may receive payments under
the possessions regime as described in Section 10.4.
Current charges relate to conventional freight services using HS1. Charges for high speed freight will
be determined as part of the Periodic Review (see Section 10.5.1).
Unlike passenger operators, freight operators do not pay an Investment Recovery Charge. Should
there be any future upgrades to HS1 specifically relating to freight operations, then HS1 Ltd will
recover the associated costs from freight operators via an Additional Investment Recovery Charge.
The size of this charge and the period of time over which the costs are recovered will be subject to
ORR approval on a case-by-case basis.
Freight Operations, Maintenance and Renewal Charge (Freight OMRC)
For conventional freight services, Freight OMRC covers only the operations, maintenance and
renewal costs which would not be incurred, or would be “avoidable in the absence of freight
services on HS1.
Freight OMRC is charged on the basis of the distance travelled on HS1 not the time spent on HS1.
The current Freight OMRC is £7.13 per train-km in February 2009 prices although this rate is
expected to change in early 2013 when the ORR review of freight avoidable costs on HS1 is
concluded. For freight services operated on HS1 at night this charge is discounted to £4.00 per train-
km (February 2009 prices) until 31 March 2015. Between now and the end of the current Control
Period (31 March 2015) these rates will be subject to indexation of RPI +1.1%. These rates are based
on the type of rolling stock currently using HS1.
Freight OMRC is paid each period in arrears on the basis of number of timetabled trains plus spot
Traction Electricity Charge
Traction electricity charges for freight operators are determined on a similar basis to those for
passenger operators (see Section 10.1.1). The differences are as follows:
The freight traction electricity charge is the product of the modelled consumption rate
(kWh/gross tonne-km), price (p/kWh) and usage (gross tonne-km); and
The list of freight consumption rates
is by number of locomotives and section of HS1 route.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Other Charges
Capacity Reservation
Train operators may wish to reserve capacity prior to starting new
The Capacity Reservation Charge is a charge for capacity that is reserved
but not used (i.e. not timetabled). For freight services, this charge is 25%
of the variable element of the Freight OMRC per train.
Congestion Tariff
If at any time HS1 becomes congested (as defined within the Rail
Regulations) then HS1 Ltd will consider conducting an auction for
capacity, which could give rise to a congestion tariff. Such a tariff would
need approval from the SoS and the ORR.
There is no charge at present as HS1 is not currently congested.
Other Services Charge
Train operators are liable for the actual costs incurred by HS1 Ltd of any
bespoke ancillary services that it provides. This includes, for example,
event planning.
Carbon Costs
The Carbon Costs will be the fair and equitable proportion (as determined
by the ORR) of all costs, expenses and any other financial liabilities
relating to HS1 Ltd’s payments under the Carbon Reduction Commitment
Energy Efficiency Scheme.
10.2. IRC discount policy
This section provides a brief summary of HS1 Ltd’s discount policy. For further details please see the
HS1 Network Statement
Appendix 3.
In certain circumstances, HS1 Ltd will consider offering a discount in respect of the IRC element of
access charges. Any discount will be aimed at encouraging the development of services that would
not otherwise be viable, in order to improve the utilisation of HS1.
The HS1 Discount Policy was established following industry consultation and forms part of the HS1
Network Statement. The key terms of any agreed discount schemes will also be published in the HS1
Network Statement. The HS1 Discount Policy sets out:
The principles for the application of discounts on HS1:
o Discounts will be offered on a fair, transparent and non-discriminatory basis;
o Specific criteria will be applied in order to determine whether or not a discount will be
o The criteria will be based on identifying rail services, rather than traffic flows;
o Discounts should not prevent best use being made of HS1 capacity;
o HS1 Ltd’s commercial interests, as a private company with responsibilities to its
shareholders, need to be protected; and
o Discounts will be time-limited.
The discount criteria and the process that HS1 Ltd will follow in considering whether to offer an
IRC discount. This is based on the discount application satisfying a series of seven tests.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The application process to be followed by train operating companies in applying for discounts,
including a summary of the information and supporting analysis to be provided. Information
provided by train operators in support of discount applications will be held in confidence by HS1
Ltd except if required to be released to the ORR as part of the approval process.
The discount application process includes the following steps:
Informal discussions between the train operator and HS1 Ltd;
Formal application to HS1 Ltd;
HS1 Ltd indicative response and consultation;
HS1 Ltd decision; and
Request for ORR approval of track access agreement including the discount.
HS1 Ltd expects the process to take at least four months from initial discussions with an operator to
submission to ORR of a track access agreement including the discount. In practice, the process is
likely to take longer than this as the initial discussions around a possible discount will be linked to
the development of an operator’s business case. There will be an iterative process as HS1 Ltd’s
approach will depend on the nature of the business case: HS1 Ltd will not give a discount unless it is
necessary to make the train operator’s business case viable, and it is in HS1 Ltd’s commercial
interest to give the discount.
While there is no specific limit on the duration of a discount, in practice we would not typically
expect it to be longer than five years. As a rule of thumb, we would typically expect an operator to
commit to minimum service levels for a period roughly twice as long as the discount period itself in
order to satisfy the test of the discount being in HS1 Ltd’s commercial interest. We would also
expect the discount to be profiled in the same way as the train operator’s business case.
Because of these considerations, it will be helpful to both HS1 Ltd and prospective operators to have
early discussions around discounts.
Any discounts agreed between HS1 Ltd and a train operator will be reflected in FTAAs which must be
approved by the ORR.
The key terms of agreed discount schemes are also published in Section 6 of the HS1 Network
Statement. Discounts are currently being offered for services between:
St Pancras International and Marne-la-Vallée; and
St Pancras International and Brussels Midi.
HS1 Ltd can only offer a discount on HS1 infrastructure. Train operators must discuss charges for
other rail networks with the relevant infrastructure managers.
While HS1 Ltd currently provides a discount on OMRC for freight services at night, any shortfall in
the recovery of costs as a result this discount is compensated for by a freight supplement on
franchised passenger train operators on HS1. It is HS1 Ltd’s policy not to offer OMRC discounts for
passenger operators as this would risk the under-recovery of costs for the operation, maintenance
and renewal of HS1.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
10.3. Performance regime
HS1 Ltd has established a performance regime to incentivise all parties to minimise disruption and
improve performance. This section provides a brief summary of the performance regime. For further
details please see the HS1 Network Statement Appendix 2.
Performance is measured using the TRUST
monitoring system (as used on NRIL network), with
responsibility for delays and cancellations attributed in accordance with the Delay Attribution Guide
published by the Delay Attribution Board.
Under the performance regime, delays and cancellations experienced by each train operator are
measured in average minutes delay per train for each 28 day period. Payments are made under the
following scenarios:
A train operator will receive a payment from HS1 Ltd if HS1 Ltd attributed delays and
cancellations experienced by the train operator exceed a Poor Performance Threshold;
Each train operator will make performance payments in respect of the delays and cancellations
which it causes to another train operator, subject to the overall performance experienced by the
other train operator being worse than a defined benchmark; and
A train operator will pay a bonus to HS1 Ltd if delays and cancellations experienced by the train
operator (caused either by HS1 Ltd or by another train operator) are better than a Good
Performance Threshold.
The performance regime is incorporated in the HS1 Passenger Access Terms and HS1 Freight Access
Terms. Payment rates and benchmarks for individual operators are set out in their FTAA or TAA.
Payment rates are standardised for particular traffic types (international passenger services,
domestic passenger services, freight night services). There are annual and quarterly caps on
performance payments which apply to both HS1 Ltd and the train operator. The annual caps are as
For payments by HS1 Ltd to each individual passenger train operator, there is an annual cap of
3% of total IRC and OMRC payable by the train operator, subject to a minimum of £500,000 (in
February 2009 prices, indexed by RPI). The same cap applies to payments made by each
passenger train operator in respect of delays and cancellations caused to other train operators;
For payments by HS1 Ltd to each individual freight train operator there is an annual cap, from
2013/14 onwards, of 3% of total Freight OMRC payable by the train operator, subject to a
minimum of £500,000 (indexed) (for 2012/13 the amounts are 1.5% and £250,000 respectively).
The same cap applies to payments made by each freight train operator in respect of delays and
cancellations caused to other train operators;
The annual caps for bonus payments payable to HS1 Ltd are 10% of the payment caps above.
Historically, HS1 Ltd has been a net payee, though the payments have been significantly lower than
the caps.
TRUST is the NRIL system which identifies the occurrence of train delays and allows for the explanation and
attribution of the train delays
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
The performance regime can be reviewed after a material change or if another train operator’s
performance regime is revised. A material change for this purpose would include a physical
modification to HS1, an increase or decrease of more than 4% in the number of train movements or
a significant change in the performance of the rolling stock operated by the train operator.
The performance regime parameters in the HS1 Freight Access Terms are based on modelled
performance. Once sufficient historical data is available these parameters will be recalibrated on the
basis of actual performance data.
Clock at St Pancras International station
10.4. Possessions regime
The possessions regime is part of the HS1 Passenger Access Terms and HS1 Freight Access Terms.
The possessions required by HS1 Ltd in order to carry out inspections, maintenance, repair, renewal
and enhancement works on HS1 are set out in the Engineering Access Statement. If possessions are
taken in excess of the possessions allowance, train operators will be entitled to be reimbursed for
their direct costs arising as a result of such possessions. There is an annual cap on payments by HS1
Ltd to train operators under the possessions regime as follows:
For each passenger train operator there is a cap of 1% of total IRC and OMRC payable by the
train operator; and
For each freight train operator there is a cap of 1% of total Freight OMRC payable by the train
To date, no payments have been made under the possessions regime.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
10.5. Future changes to charges
This section summarises the review processes which could lead to changes in track and station
access charges in the future.
10.5.1. Track Access Charges
Periodic Review
The OMRC element of track access charges is subject to periodic review by the ORR. Each Periodic
Review covers a five year Control Period. HS1 Ltd’s first Control Period (CP1) ends on 31 March 2015.
The 2014 Periodic Review (PR14) will cover the period from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2020, Control
Period 2 (CP2).
In each Periodic Review, HS1 Ltd is required to propose an efficient level of cost for the operations,
maintenance and renewal of the infrastructure and the corresponding OMRC for the Control Period.
The ORR will either approve or determine the costs and level of OMRC.
The charges for high speed freight will be determined as part of the PR14 process. PR14 will also
consider the conventional freight discount at night which currently ends on 31 March 2015.
The steps and timings for the PR14 process are follows:
Industry consultation on draft HS1 Ltd submission to ORR utilising
stakeholder sessions to formulate submission
December 2013
HS1 Ltd submission to ORR
December 2014
Latest date for ORR decision
April 2015
New charges take effect
As noted in Section 10.1.1 above, once the OMRC is approved or determined by ORR, the train
operators are largely insulated from any overruns in operation, maintenance and renewal costs
(although not from ancillary costs such as rates and insurance).
Interim Review
Certain changes to the number of timetabled trains will trigger a reapportionment of OMRC
between operators and consequent changes to the OMRC per minute values. These changes (a
“Review Event” in the track access agreements) are defined as follows:
A change of at least 4% (increase or decrease) in total timetabled trains on HS1 for a new
timetable period (compared with total timetabled trains at the last calculation of OMRC); or
A change of at least 4% in any individual train operator’s timetabled trains on HS1.
In this case HS1 Ltd will reapportion operations, maintenance and renewal costs between train
operators in line with the process set out in the HS1 Passenger Access Terms and HS1 Freight Access
Terms. An increase (of more than 4%) in timetabled trains would result in a decrease in OMRC per
train service and vice versa.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
HS1 Ltd may also apply to ORR for an interim review of OMRC in the event of a material change
between periodic reviews. The ORR would expect a request for such a review to be supported by
strong evidence as to why such a review is required, and why the issue cannot wait until the next
periodic review.
Sharing of Operator Agreement outperformance
NR(HS) maintains and renews the HS1 route under the Operator Agreement with HS1 Ltd. The
majority of the OMRC charged to train operators relates to the recovery of costs incurred by HS1 Ltd
under this agreement.
The Operator Agreement includes a mechanism under which NR(HS) will share financial
outperformance in CP2 (2015-2020) and CP3 (2020-2025). In the last three years of each of these
Control Periods 30% of any financial outperformance will be shared between the passenger train
operators using HS1 in proportion to the OMRC paid by each operator.
IRC is not subject to periodic review.
Over the life of the concession, further investment in HS1 or related facilities may be required. In
this case, HS1 Ltd may seek to charge a further IRC to recover the costs associated with that
additional investment. This further IRC including the size and duration of payments would be
subject to approval by the ORR.
10.5.2. Station Access Charges
LTC Review
Station assets are overseen by the Secretary of State and station access charges are not subject to
the ORR periodic review process.
However, there is a parallel process of LTC reviews covering the same five year control periods as
the periodic reviews of track access charges. The DfT role in the LTC review will be similar to the role
of the ORR in the periodic review of track access charges.
The formal steps and timings for the current LTC review process are set out in the following table.
There will also be ongoing stakeholder engagement throughout the process.
January 2014
Industry consultation on draft HS1 Ltd submission to DfT
June 2014
HS1 Ltd submission to DfT
October 2014
DfT decision
April 2015
New charges take effect
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Summary of web links
Regulatory page of the HS1 website http://highspeed1.co.uk/Regulatory
Network Statement http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/network-statement/ (Section 6 deals with
Track – Passenger: http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/track-passenger/ (HS1 Passenger Access
Terms, List of electricity consumption rates and prices for passenger services)
Track Freight http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/track-freight/ (HS1 Freight Access Terms,
Freight electricity consumption rates and prices)
Station http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/station/ (HS1 Station Access Conditions)
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
11. Timetable Planning
11.1. Timetable development
11.1.1. Informal process
Significant timetable change may require discussion between train operators and HS1 Ltd over a
period of several years. At least two years before a change in or addition to the passenger timetable,
HS1 Ltd will commence discussions with new and existing train operators regarding their aspirations
for the train services that they wish to operate and will commence preparation of the timetable.
New train operators are encouraged to contact HS1 Ltd as early as possible to discuss their timetable
Although there may be several infrastructure managers along the route of a proposed international
service, pathing of the proposed services for the whole route can be coordinated through HS1 Ltd or
any other One Stop Shop (OSS) using the RNE Path Coordination System (PCS).
The aim is to give an early indication of the availability of capacity to a new train operator before the
operator commences significant capital investment (for example rolling stock procurement). The
infrastructure managers along the proposed route may consider entering into a Memorandum of
Understanding with the train operator in relation to provisional paths identified. In such an event,
the provisional paths will be subject to the formal timetable development process as described in
Part D of the HS1 Network Code
11.1.2. Formal timetable development process
Part D of the HS1 Network Code sets out the procedures by which changes to the Working
Timetable, the Engineering Access Statement and the Timetable Planning Rules may be made. The
Engineering Access Statement and Timetable Planning Rules detail the anticipated requirements for
restrictions of use needed to undertake maintenance, renewal and enhancement works on HS1
during the period of operation of the Working Timetable.
Significant changes in the passenger timetable may be made only twice a year, at the Principal
Change Date (in December) and the Subsidiary Change Date (in May).
The main stages in the timetable development process are set out in the table below (the dates
shown refer to the number of weeks before a timetable change date e.g. D-22 is 22 weeks before
the timetable change date). For full details of the process see Part D of the HS1 Network Code.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Process or Milestone
D-90 to D-44
Revision of Timetable Planning Rules and Engineering Access Statement in
consultation with train operators
Any train operator wishing to introduce significant new services or to make
significant changes to its services shall consult with HS1 Ltd as early as possible
and, where possible, before D-55.
If HS1 Ltd considers this may necessitate substantial timetable changes it may
commence the Initial Consultation Period (below) before D-55.
D-55 to D-36
Initial Consultation Period
Train operators discuss their proposals with HS1 Ltd which carries out a
consultation and facilitation process with other train operators.
By D-48
Provisional International Paths are established in co-operation with other
relevant infrastructure managers and included on a provisional basis in the New
Working Timetable. In the subsequent timetabling process these will only be
adjusted if absolutely necessary.
HS1 Ltd will also use reasonable endeavours to ensure that provisional domestic
paths have been established in cooperation with NRIL and included on a
provisional basis in the New Working Timetable.
Priority Date
Train operators set out their requirements in an Access Proposal. Access
Proposals submitted by D-36 are given priority in the compilation of the New
Working Timetable.
D-36 to D-22
Timetable Preparation Period
HS1 Ltd compiles the proposed New Working Timetable.
New Working Timetable published
There is an appeal period of 4 weeks.
New timetable starts
As a result of preliminary discussions between HS1 Ltd and existing and future operators, it is
expected that most timetable disputes will be resolved by negotiation and agreement during the
early stages of the timetabling process. However, provision is made for train operators to appeal
against HS1 Ltd decisions in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Procedure.
11.1.3. Freight catalogue paths
Current freight operations on HS1 are under a short term Track Access Agreement (duration less
than one year) which gives the train operator a contingent right (not a firm right) to spot bid for train
paths on HS1 at night. A catalogue path system will take effect for freight operators when they have
entered into a Framework Track Access Agreement: this will allow freight operators to bid for train
paths in the catalogue. HS1 Ltd is currently in dialogue with the freight operators.
11.2. Preview services
A new operator may wish to consider a staged introduction of its service, commencing with a limited
frequency “preview” service. This could provide a learning environment for the train operator from
both operational and customer viewpoints before the launch of its full service.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
This approach was taken for LSER’s domestic high speed service. The full service was introduced in
December 2009, after a six month period of lower frequency preview services during which service
levels were built up and changes were made to destinations served and train lengths.
11.3. Decision Criteria
Part D of the HS1 Network Code sets out the Decision Criteria which HS1 Ltd must apply in the case
of competing or conflicting requests for capacity.
Most importantly, HS1 Ltd shall first reflect the following order of priority in the allocation of
capacity (in accordance with the “Declaration of Specialised Infrastructure”):
1. High speed international passenger trains;
2. High speed domestic passenger trains;
3. High speed freight trains; and
4. Other trains.
If there are still competing demands within the same “tier” of the order of priority, HS1 Ltd will apply
further considerations to prioritise requests for capacity within that “tier”. In particular, the
prioritisation should take into account the complexity of assembling a contiguous train path across
HS1 and other networks, with reference to the number of networks crossed and operational
Other considerations which should be taken into account include the capability of the HS1 network,
train service performance, journey times, the spreading of services to reflect demand, the efficient
use of assets and transport integration.
11.4. Availability constraints
Restrictions on the availability of HS1 infrastructure are set out in the Engineering Access Statement.
The current maintenance regime has line blocks as set out in the table below. Exact timings depend
on the location of the work site. Timings are reviewed and revised (if applicable) each timetable year
through the Part D process (see above).
Day of week
Single or double line block
Approximate timing
Monday to Friday
00:55 to 05:05
00:55 to 06:30
00:55 to 05:05
Summary of web links
HS1 Network Code http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/codes/Part D deals with Timetable Change
RailNetEurope and One Stop Shops http://www.rne.eu/
This consideration was introduced in the December 2012 version of the HS1 Network Code.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
12. Environmental sustainability
HS1 Ltd is committed through the HS1 Sustainability Policy to environmental sustainability and to
ensuring environmental considerations are integrated into our business decision making. The HS1
Sustainability Plan sets out HS1 Ltd’s approach to achieving this and contains objectives and targets
in the following key areas:
Management Systems;
Water and Procurement; and
Rail Sustainability.
Progress towards achievement of these objectives and targets is reviewed and reported regularly.
The HS1 Sustainability Plan itself is regularly reviewed to ensure continual improvement.
Delivery involves all stakeholders and cooperation with NR(HS), train operators and station retailers
in order to achieve established targets. This is coordinated through the HS1 Sustainability Forum.
New train operators will be expected to support HS1 Ltd in delivery of its objectives, in particular, to
develop and keep updated a Sustainability Policy, a Sustainability Plan and an environmental
management system and to participate in the HS1 Sustainability Forum.
Summary of web links
HS1 Ltd Sustainability Policy
North Downs Portal
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
13. Next Steps
We would be happy to discuss any prospective train operator’s plans or proposals and provide
further information on HS1.
Please contact:
Wendy Spinks, Head of Revenue Development
HS1 Limited
12th Floor
One Euston Square
40 Melton Street
London NW1 2FD
020 7014 2716
We recognise that a prospective train operator may wish to keep its approach and initial discussions
with HS1 Ltd confidential and we are therefore willing to sign a confidentiality agreement to ensure
that all discussions and information provided to HS1 Ltd are kept confidential.
Whilst all the information provided in this Guide is publicly available, HS1 Ltd may require an
interested party to also sign a confidentiality agreement before providing additional information
which may not be currently in the public domain.
We intend to update this guide as required to reflect further developments. If you have any
comments or suggestions for improvement please feel free to contact us with your feedback.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 1: Glossary of Terms
Ashford AFC
The traffic control, signalling control, electrical control and communication
centre for HS1
Automatic Train Protection
Automatic Warning System used on NRIL infrastructure
British Transport Police
Claims Allocation & Handling Agreement
Class 373
The classification given to the TGV-TMST trains currently used by Eurostar
Class 395
The classification given to the Hitachi A-trains used for the HS1 domestic
service operated by LSER
Class 92
The classification given to an electric locomotive designed to operate services
through the Channel Tunnel and on the GB rail network
Control Period (CP)
HS1 Control Period, a period of 5 years during which the ORR’s regulatory
settlement on OMRC applies. The first Control Period ends on 31 March
2015. Each subsequent Control Period is of 5 years duration.
Control Period 2, April 2015 March 2020
Control Period 3, April 2020 March 2025
Cab Secure Radio
Channel Tunnel Safety Authority
DB Schenker Rail (UK) Limited
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Transport
Docklands Light Railway
High speed EMU train built by Siemens
Eurostar International Limited
Electric multiple unit
Engineering Access
The Engineering Access Statement sets out the possessions required by HS1
Ltd in order to carry out inspections, maintenance, repair, renewal and
enhancement works on HS1
European Railway Agency
The infrastructure manager of the Channel Tunnel
Freight OMRC
OMRC to be paid by a freight train operator
Framework Track Access Agreement. A track access contract for a period of
more than one year
Global system for mobile telecommunications - railway
High Speed 1. The railway between London and the Channel Tunnel including
four international stations at St Pancras, Stratford, Ebbsfleet and Ashford.
HS1 Codes
The HS1 Network Code, the HS1 Emergency Access Code, the HS1
Performance Data Accuracy Code and the HS1 Systems Code
HS1 Concession
The agreement between the Secretary of State and HS1 Ltd granting the
concession to HS1 Ltd for the operation and financing of HS1 and the repair,
maintenance and replacement of HS1
HS1 Lease
The agreement between the Secretary of State and HS1 Ltd which defines
the rights and obligations of HS1 Ltd with regard to land, stations and other
High Speed 2. The UK’s planned new high speed rail network
Integrated Electronic Control Centre
Channel Tunnel Intergovernmental Commission
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Investment Recovery Charge
International zone in a station
Controle de vitesse par balises Speed supervision by beacons
London & South Eastern Railway Limited
Long Term Charge
Moving Annual Average
Land Transport Security Division of DfT
Network Rail (High Speed) Limited, a subsidiary of NRIL
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited
National Railways Security Programme
National Safety Authority
National Technical Rules
Operations, Maintenance and Renewal Charge
Office of Rail Regulation
One Stop Shop
Police Aux Frontières, the French border police
RailNetEurope’s Path Coordination System
Principal International Operator
The 2014 Periodic Review which covers Control Period 2
Qualifying station operation, maintenance and repair expenditure
Reference Document Database
Railways (Interoperability) Regulations 2011
RailNetEurope, an association of European infrastructure managers and
allocation bodies
The Railways and Other Guided Transport (Safety) Regulations 2006, as
Restricted zone in a station
Station Access Agreement
Station Access Conditions
Secretary of State
Secretary of State for Transport
Section 1
The first section of HS1 which opened in 2003. Section 1 runs between
Fawkham Junction/Southfleet Junction and Cheriton (Channel Tunnel
Section 2
The second section of HS1 which opened in 2007. Section 2 runs between St
Pancras International and Southfleet Junction via stations at Stratford
International and Ebbsfleet International.
Station Facility Owner
Safety Management System
Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Belges, the Belgian national rail
Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français, the French national rail
Statement of National Regulatory Provisions
Secretary of State for Transport
Track Access Agreement. A track access contract for a period of up to one
Temple Mills depot
The light maintenance depot located at Temple Mills, north of Stratford,
Train Protection and Warning System used on NRIL infrastructure
Technical Specifications for Interoperability
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
TVM 430
The signalling system used on HS1, the Channel Tunnel, TGV Nord and
Belgian high speed lines
Union Internationale des Chemins de fer
The structure gauge to which HS1 is built
UK Power Networks Services (Contracting) Limited
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 2: HS1 Fact Sheet
HS1 Ltd is jointly owned by Borealis Infrastructure (50%) and Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (50%),
two Canadian pension funds.
2003 Completion of Section 1 of HS1 with a connection to London Waterloo station.
Eurostar services commenced operating on Section 1 with journey time reduced by 20
2007 Completion of Section 2 of HS1 linking Section 1 with St Pancras International and the two
new international stations at Stratford and Ebbsfleet.
Eurostar services started operating from St Pancras International, journey time reduced by a
further 20 minutes.
2009 Domestic high speed passenger service commenced on HS1. A preview service started in
June 2009, with the full service commencing in December 2009.
2009 The UK government granted HS1 Ltd a concession to operate, manage and maintain the HS1
assets until 31 December 2040. At this stage HS1 Ltd was a subsidiary of London &
Continental Railways (LCR) which was, in turn, owned by the UK Government.
2010 The UK Government sold HS1 Ltd to a consortium comprising Borealis Infrastructure and
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. The sale was completed in November 2010.
2012 Start of limited night time freight service on HS1.
Delays from infrastructure incidents, from the start of the full domestic service in December 2009.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Type of service
International passenger
Domestic high speed
Conventional freight
Eurostar International
Limited (EIL)
London & South Eastern
Railway (LSER)
Deutsche Bahn Schenker
Number of
Over 18,000 per year
Financial year 2011/12
From October 2012
Springhead Jn
2 return services per
week between London
and Poland
Fastest journey
London to
St Pancras to
Rolling stock
Class 373
e320 train sets on order
Class 395
Operated as 6 or 12 car
Class 92 locos
Maximum speed
Class 373
Class 373
750 seats
900 seats
354 seats per 6-car unit
+ standing capacity
Number of
9.9 million
9.7 million
9.5 million
9.2 million
9.1 million
8.3 million
9.0 million
8.2 million
7.2 million
Based on Eurostar timetable 9 December 2012 to 1 June 2013
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 3: HS1 Route Fact Sheet
Length of HS1 route
109 km
Nominal track gauge
Structure gauge
* On the Ashford connecting lines on the NRIL network, the connection to Temple Mills depot from
Stratford International station and within Ripple Lane sidings the structure gauge is UIC GB+.
A speed supervision and Automatic Train Protection (ATP) system.
Used at St Pancras International and its approaches.
TVM 430
An ATP signalling system with an in cab signalling functionality.
Used on the rest of HS1 (also on the Channel Tunnel, TGV Nord and Belgian
high speed lines).
Overhead catenary system compliant with the Energy (High Speed) TSI.
Contact wire height 5.08m above rail level (4.68m through Ashford International station platforms).
Power supply characteristic
Nominal voltage
Maximum voltage (continuous)
Minimum voltage (continuous)
Nominal frequency
Maximum fault current
12kA (6kA in St Pancras area)
The power supply at the North Kent line connection, leading into the Hitachi depot at Ashford and
the Ashford domestic connecting lines, is through conventional NRIL 750V DC third rail system.
train length
Maximum Operating Speed
static load
Section 1
Section 2
International passenger trains
300km/h 230 km/h 17t/axle
Domestic passenger trains
Loco hauled freight trains
140 km/h
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
London Tunnel 1
Twin bore single track tunnel from St Pancras to Stratford
7.5 km
London Tunnel 2
Twin bore single track tunnel from Stratford to Ripple Lane
10 km
Thames Tunnel
Twin bore single track tunnel under the River Thames
between Thurrock and Ebbsfleet
2.5 km
North Downs Tunnel
Double track single bore tunnel at Blue Bell Hill (between
Maidstone and Rochester in Kent)
3.2 km
Ashford Tunnels
Three cut and cover tunnels
1.5 km
Bridges and viaducts
Medway Viaduct
Twin track viaduct spanning the river Medway in north
1.2 km
Thurrock Viaduct
Twin track viaduct spanning the M25 and providing access
to the Thames Tunnel
1.2 km
Aveley Viaduct
Twin track viaduct adjacent to SSSI freshwater wetlands
1.0 km
A train operator wishing to use any of these facilities should contact the relevant infrastructure
Connected network/facility
St Pancras
North London Line (allowing onward connection
to the West Coast Main Line)
St Pancras
Midland Main Line
St Pancras
East Coast Main Line bridge
Temple Mills (near Stratford)
Temple Mills train maintenance depot
Ripple Lane (near Dagenham)
NRIL network and Ford and Hanson freight
Springhead Junction
North Kent Line
Fawkham Junction
Waterloo connection (diversionary route for
domestic services only)
Ashford connecting lines
East Kent lines
Dollands Moor
Freight yard
Channel Tunnel
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 4: HS1 Station Fact Sheet
Platform numbers and lengths at St Pancras International
Useable length
after allowing for
stopping distance
1 to 4
Domestic services on the Midland Main
Line (NRIL network)
5 to 10
International services
11 to 13
High speed domestic services to Kent
Platform numbers and lengths at other HS1 stations
Nominal length
Stratford International
1 and 4 (currently not used)
International services
2 and 3
High speed domestic services
Ebbsfleet International
1 and 4
International services
2 and 3
High speed domestic services to
East Kent
5 and 6
High speed domestic services
North Kent
Ashford International
1 and 2
International services
Platform heights at all HS1 stations
International platforms 760mm
Domestic platforms 915mm
Car park
Retail space
St Pancras International
324 spaces
90,000 sq ft
(8,400 sq m)
Stratford International
840 spaces (open April 2013)
3,000 sq ft
(280 sq m)
Ebbsfleet International
Over 5,000 spaces
3,000 sq ft
(280 sq m)
Ashford International
1,800 spaces
3,000 sq ft
(280 sq m)
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
St Pancras International 6 underground lines (Northern, Piccadilly, Victoria, Circle, Metropolitan,
Hammersmith & City)
Mainline rail connections at St Pancras International
To the East Midlands (operated by East Midlands Trains)
To Bedford and Brighton (operated by First Capital Connect)
Mainline rail connections at nearby stations
To the east and north east of England and Scotland from King’s Cross
(operated by East Coast and First Capital Connect)
To the West Midlands, north west England and Scotland from Euston
(operated by Virgin Trains and London Midland)
Stratford International Docklands Light Railway (DLR)
Connections from nearby Stratford Regional station
Central and Jubilee underground lines
London Overground
Mainline rail services to East Anglia
Crossrail from 2018/19
Ebbsfleet International Connections to the major road network - M25, M20, M2 and A2
Ashford International Connections to the major road network - M20
St Pancras International King’s Cross Central www.kingscross.co.uk
67 acres, 8 million sq ft (740,000 sq m) of mixed use space
Stratford International Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park (noordinarypark.co.uk
) and Stratford City
development together form a 700-acre development.
Ebbsfleet International Ebbsfleet Valley redevelopment www.ebbsfleetvalley.co.uk
1,035 acres, 17 million sq ft (1.6 million sq m) of floor space for residential,
business, retail, leisure and community uses
St Pancras International http://stpancras.com/
Stratford International http://stratfordintl.co.uk/
Ebbsfleet International http://ebbsfleetintl.co.uk/
Ashford International http://ashfordintl.co.uk/home
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Taken from www.stpancras.com/downloads/station-maps/
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Taken from www.stratfordintl.co.uk/station-map/
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Taken from www.ebbsfleetintl.co.uk/station-map/
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Taken from www.ashfordintl.co.uk/station-map
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 5: Checklist of key approvals, authorisations and
contracts required
The following table lists the key approvals, authorisations and contracts that a new train operator on
HS1 would require and the section of the New Operator Guide in which each is discussed.
Operator licence
Direct Agreement
LTSD approval of train operator’s security programme
UK Border Force approval
Safety certificate
Vehicle authorisation
Demonstration of route compatibility
Track access agreement with HS1 Ltd
ORR approval of track access agreement
Station access agreement(s) with HS1 Ltd
Timetable development
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 6: Contacts List
Contact details for HS1 Ltd and other organisations are set out below:
Contact details
All enquiries HS1 Ltd
Wendy Spinks, Head of Revenue Development
HS1 Limited
12th Floor
One Euston Square
40 Melton Street
London NW1 2FD
020 7014 2716
Security requirements LTSD
Joe Ismail
020 7944 2848
UK immigration and
customs requirements
UK Border Force
Simon Eglesfield,
Home Office
Colin Jackson, [email protected]v.uk
Martin Maynard,
Safety Certification ORR
Executive - Permissioning & Divisional Support
Railway Safety Directorate
Office of Rail Regulation
1 - 2 Peasholme Green
York YO1 7PX
Phone: 0207 282 3772
Commitments relating
to access to St Pancras
station, Temple Mills
depot and paths on HS1
UK Monitoring
Chris Bolt
British Transport
Paul McGregor
Where contact details are not provided above, please contact HS1 Ltd in the first instance.
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 7: Web links
For ease of reference this appendix provides a single list of the web links mentioned throughout the
New Operator Guide.
HS1 Network Statement http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/network-statement/
HS1 Passenger Access Terms, existing Framework Track Access Agreements and List of electricity
consumption rates and prices for passenger services
HS1 Freight Access Terms, Template Framework Freight Track Access Agreement and Freight
electricity consumption rates and prices http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/track-freight/
HS1 Station Access Conditions, Access Conditions Annexes for each of the four HS1 stations
HS1 Network Code and other operational codes http://highspeed1.co.uk/regulatory/codes/
HS1 Ltd Sustainability Policy
Safety Certification
ROGS page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1511
A Guide to ROGS, September 2012 http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/rogs-guidance-sept12.pdf
Safety certificates and authorisation page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1520
Safety certificate application form http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/Sfty-cert_mnln_apfrm.pdf
and guidelines for completion http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/guides4completion_2.pdf
Operator licence/SNRP
Operator licensing page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.192
Model licences and SNRPs http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.1962
How to apply for a licence http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.197
Approval of track access agreements
HS1 access regulation page http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/server/show/nav.2507
Criteria and Procedures for the approval of framework agreements on the HS1 network, January
2013 http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/hs1_criteria_and_procedures.pdf
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
UK Border Force
UK Monitoring Trustee
EIL, HS1 Ltd, SNCF and SNCB commitments
Regulations and Guidance page http://www.channeltunneligc.co.uk/-Regulations-and-guidance-
Network Statement http://www.networkrail.co.uk/aspx/3645.aspx
Reference Document Database http://www.era.europa.eu/Core-Activities/Cross-
Other organisations
RailNetEurope www.rne.eu
Eurotunnel www.eurotunnelgroup.com
EIL www.eurostar.com
LSER www.southeasternrailway.co.uk
DBS www.dbschenker.com
HS1 New Operator Guide - February 2013
Appendix 8: Version Controls
1 28/2/2013 Version 1
This Guide is correct at the time of issue. HS1 will review the document annually and place updated
version on the the HS1 website listing the changes. If a significant change occurs we will update and
republish outside of the annual review process.