Business, Law, and Information Technology
Career and Academic Pathways (CAPs)
Program Map: Skills Certicate for Advanced Government Accounting
Total number of units: 6 units Top Code/Academic Plan: 0502.00 Updated on July 6, 2021
Semester 1 Course Code Course Units Notes Advising Notes
ACCTG 045 Governmental
Accounting I
3 This course is oered every semester. It is a
prerequisite for ACCTG 046.
This course is oered on campus
in the evening.
Total Units 3
Semester 2 Course Code Course Units Notes Advising Notes
ACCTG 046 Governmental
Accounting II
3 This course is oered in the fall semester
ACCTG 045 is a prerequisite for this class.
This course is oered on campus
in the evening.
Total Units 3
Degree Path and Requirements:
The Advanced Government Accounting Skills Certicate includes 6 program units.
This map is a suggested term-by-term sequence of courses to complete the program in a recommended time frame. This is an ecient and
recommended plan, but actual plans may vary by individual student need. This map cannot replace a meeting with counselors.
Department Advising Notes:
Fulll your passion in the business world by pursuing one of the many options or pathways available through the Business Administration Department at
ELAC. The demand for business, nancial, and technical professionals has never been higher. Our department will give you the skills and condence to
succeed in the career of your choice.
We oer courses in ten dierent disciplines so no matter what your interest is, we have an opportunity for you to pursue. We have student clubs that
provide a collegial atmosphere to learn about business and learn how to socialize and work with other people.
In addition to the courses currently oered, the Business Administration Department is continually updating its curriculum and creates new courses,
certicates, and degrees in response to the demand of the real world.
Program Description
This program is designed to provide students experience in nancial reporting for state and local government organizations.
Career and Transfer Opportunities
The Advanced Government Accounting Specialist skills certicate prepares students to pursue entry level accounting positions in government agencies.
The Advanced Government Accounting Specialist skills certicate is stackable leading to additional certicates and degrees, such as the Accounting
Certicate of Achievement, and the Associate of Arts, Accounting degree.
Visit the Transfer Center for transfer and guaranteed transfer information, which varies based on transfer college. Make an appointment with a counselor
for transfer information. Students can visit Career and Job Services or Career Coach for career counseling and further exploration.
Youtube Videos
Budget Analyst Career
Program Map
A suggested sequence of classes to complete a degree, certicate, or program of study. Students should consult an academic counselor for variations to
this plan based on part-time or full-time status, transfer plans, pre-requisites needed, etc.
Prerequisite Course
A specic course that must be completed before advancing to the next course.
Check the online catalog at for the latest and most accurate information.
Frank Aguirre
Department Chair