Applicant Tracking System’s Training
Staffing Coordinator Guide for Support Staff Positions
Updated April 2023
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Updated April 2023
Applicant Tracking System’s Training
Table of Contents
STAFFING COORDINATOR OVERVIEW ______________________________________________________________ 5
HIRING PROCESS OVERVIEW _____________________________________________________________________ 6
SUPPORT STAFF INITIATING POSITION REQUEST IN EBS _______________________________________________ 7
Security Roles ______________________________________________________________________________ 7
POSITION REQUEST GENERAL NAVIGATION _________________________________________________________ 8
Saving the Form _____________________________________________________________________________ 8
Navigating the Form _________________________________________________________________________ 8
Copying Information into Forms ________________________________________________________________ 8
Entering Information into Forms ________________________________________________________________ 9
SUPPORT STAFF ______________________________________________________________________________ 10
Getting Started ____________________________________________________________________________ 10
Position Create/Copy/Change _________________________________________________________________ 10
COMPLETING THE FORM _______________________________________________________________________ 11
Organizational Assignment ___________________________________________________________________ 11
Administrative Address ______________________________________________________________________ 11
Cost Distribution ___________________________________________________________________________ 11
Position Attributes __________________________________________________________________________ 12
Posting Details _____________________________________________________________________________ 12
Position Description ________________________________________________________________________ 12
Committee Information ______________________________________________________________________ 14
Advertising/Sourcing Options _________________________________________________________________ 14
Attachments and Comments ____________________________________________________________________ 14
Summary Form ______________________________________________________________________________ 15
Review Form ________________________________________________________________________________ 15
What happens next _________________________________________________________________________ 15
APPLICANT TRACKING SYSTEM __________________________________________________________________ 16
Access the Applicant Tracking System___________________________________________________________ 16
Applicant Tracking System Navigation __________________________________________________________ 16
MANAGING JOBS _____________________________________________________________________________ 17
How to Find Your Jobs Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1 _________________ 17
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How to Filter the Manage Jobs Screen __________________________________________________________ 18
How to Find Your Jobs Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 2 _________________ 18
JOB CARD ___________________________________________________________________________________ 19
Job Card Position Info Tab __________________________________________________________________ 19
Job Card Notes Tab ________________________________________________________________________ 19
Job Card Documents Tab ___________________________________________________________________ 19
MANAGE APPLICATIONS _______________________________________________________________________ 21
Bulk Actions _______________________________________________________________________________ 21
Bulk Compile and Send ______________________________________________________________________ 23
Applicant Card _____________________________________________________________________________ 23
CHANGING APPLICANT STATUSES ______________________________________________________________ 23
Confirm Status Change ______________________________________________________________________ 24
EVENTS (OPTIONAL FUNCTIONALITY) _____________________________________________________________ 26
Create a New Event _________________________________________________________________________ 26
Create Timeslots for the Event ________________________________________________________________ 26
Invite Applicants Using Bulk Move _____________________________________________________________ 27
Manage Events ____________________________________________________________________________ 28
REFERENCES ________________________________________________________________________________ 30
Request Reference Contact Information _________________________________________________________ 30
Manually Entering Reference Contact Information ________________________________________________ 30
Invite Referees To Conduct Reference Letter/Reference Check _______________________________________ 30
Uploading a Confidential Reference Letter _______________________________________________________ 31
Manage Reference Check Requests ____________________________________________________________ 32
OFFERS _____________________________________________________________________________________ 33
Recommend Applicant for Hire ________________________________________________________________ 33
Offer Card/Hiring Recommendation ____________________________________________________________ 33
HR Approval & Making the Offer _______________________________________________________________ 35
Modification to Offer Documents after Offer Acceptance ___________________________________________ 36
Monitoring or Managing All Offers _____________________________________________________________ 37
Requesting a Criminal Background Check (CBC) _____________________________________________________ 38
When to Request a CBC ______________________________________________________________________ 38
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Request Background Check and Select Package ___________________________________________________ 38
Monitor Background Check ___________________________________________________________________ 39
HireRight Updates PageUp with Final Result _____________________________________________________ 39
APPENDIX __________________________________________________________________________________ 40
Shortlisted Applicants (Optional) ______________________________________________________________ 40
Assigned Applications (Optional) ______________________________________________________________ 40
Offers that Require Department Approval _______________________________________________________ 41
Reporting _________________________________________________________________________________ 41
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The Applicant Tracking System, PageUp, provides a set of tools for managing job postings and applicant information. In
addition, interviews and other events can be scheduled, offers can be initiated and tracked, and employee onboarding
can be managed, all in one location during and after the hiring process. It provides oversight into the numerous
organizational units in each area, and empowers teams to organize and monitor a large volume of postings and
The Primary Staffing Coordinator will have the main responsibilities of a job posting and by default, will receive all
system-automated emails. Backup Staffing Coordinators will perform many of the same tasks as the Primary Staffing
Coordinator; however, those tasks may be accessed differently. Those will be noted throughout this guide.
Staffing Coordinators can complete the following tasks within the Applicant Tracking System:
Review and manage job postings and their statuses
Manage and communicate with applicants
Schedule interviews and other events
Check applicants references
Make offers
Manage employee onboarding tasks
For consistency within MSU, we will use the term Applicant Tracking System (ATS) as the name of our system for
recruiting and hiring. The software is called PageUp. These terms may be used interchangeably; however, all training
materials will reference the ATS.
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1. Complete a Position Request Form via the Post Support Staff Position link in EBS.
The Position Request Form will route for department approvals first and end at MSU HR.
Once MSU HR has approved the form, the posting will be finalized by the HR Analyst in the ATS. The
Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1 on the posting will receive an email
notification when the posting is accessible within the ATS.
The posting will open for application submissions based on information entered on the form.
Support staff postings are open for applications submissions on Wednesdays at 1 p.m.
2. Review applications.
Applicant lists are forwarded to the department no later than the following Monday of the posting close
date. Once MSU HR has forwarded the applicant list, applications can be reviewed.
Applicants that you will not be moving forward in the process should be dispositioned into an Interview
not selected application status in the ATS.
3. Conduct Phone/Skype interviews, if desired.
4. Conduct interviews.
Once interviews are complete, change the applicant status to Interview 1 Completed (or Interview 2
Completed) in the ATS. Enter the interview date on the Confirm status change page next to Interview 1 (or
Interview 2).
Change the position status to Interview.
5. Select a candidate for hire and change the applicant status to Hire Recommendation.
Complete a Hiring Recommendation for the candidate in the ATS.
o Upload the final, signed offer letter to the Hiring Recommendation.
o Complete the approval process.
o Submit the approval process, making the HR Analyst assigned to the posting the final approver.
6. Once MSU HR has approved the Hiring Recommendation, a verbal offer can be extended to the candidate.
In the event that the candidate does not accept the verbal offer, the applicant status needs to be changed
to Offer Declined on the Hiring Recommendation.
7. Once the candidate has accepted the offer, change the applicant status to Offer Submit Online Offer to
MSU HR will change the applicant status to Offer Made Online.
Note: The candidate must “accept” the offer through their Applicant Portal in order to initiate the
Onboarding Portal. Do not change the application status into Offer accepted on behalf of the candidate.
8. Disposition all candidates who were not selected into the appropriate application status.
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The ATS will NOT be used for the Position Request. It will continue to be submitted via the Position Request form in
Security Roles
The process for posting a position begins in the HR/Payroll System and moves to the ATS. There are different security
roles for each.
HR Unit Administrator Support Staff is required to use the Post Support Staff Position link in the EBS Portal.
Staffing Coordinator Manages the postings once in the ATS, which is linked from the EBS Portal.
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Saving the Form
Save a draft at any time by clicking Save Draft. The draft is not saved until the window is closed.
Note: It is recommended to save a draft of the form rather than simply closing the window. This will save the entered
When initially creating the form, the Save Draft functionality ONLY commits the information that has been entered IF
the window is closed. It does not protect the information from being lost if the 30-minute timeout is reached. Once
the draft is opened again from the HR/Payroll Inbox, the Save Draft button does commit changes every time it is
Navigating the Form
Move through the steps in the process using buttons at the top of the screen. Click Next to validate the information on
the screen and advance to the next step.
If a yellow or green system message is received, click Continue to acknowledge the message and advance to the
next step.
If a red system message is received, the error on the page must be corrected before moving on to the next step.
Select the Previous button to go back to the previous screen.
There are two alternate ways to navigate through the form. These may be helpful if the form is started but not all
required information is available.
o Select any step in the Navigation Bar (e.g., Cost Distribution) to go directly to that section.
o Go directly to the Summary step and enter all the information on one screen.
All validation occurs after selecting the Check button on the Summary screen.
Here are some additional tips for completing the form:
Required fields are indicated with an asterisk.
Press the <Enter> key after typing information into a field to have the system validate it.
Use the <Tab> key on the keyboard to move from field to field.
When entering a date, the system automatically formats the field.
To use a search for a field value, press the F4 key after clicking in a field to open the search window, rather than
selecting on the button.
If assistance is needed at any time, please use the Help icon when within the form or contact the HR Solutions
Center for assistance.
Copying Information into Forms
Information can be copied and pasted into fields from any of the following document formats:
Microsoft Word (*.doc, *.docx)
HTML (*.htm, *.html)
Rich Text Format (*.rtf)
The following formatting for these document types will be maintained when pasted into any field with the following
tool bar. This formatting will also appear in the ATS.
Bold text
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Italicized text
Text indents
Numbered lists
Bulleted lists
Heading styles level 1-3
To ensure formatting is applied to the last line being pasted in, make sure to copy an additional line at the last bullet.
Note: Basic formatting is offered as an enhancement to the EBS position request forms. Some users have encountered
issues when pasting their formatted content into the forms from another source. Be sure to carefully check formatting
on the Review Form page before submitting. If you find formatting issues, you will need to either go back and
manually correct spacing within the field(s), or paste your content into Notepad, recopy-paste it into the field(s) and
add formatting within the position form.
Entering Information into Forms
Fields can be completed more quickly by using a Personal Value List. Personal Value lists save entries that are most
commonly used.
In several places information is entered into a table format. These tables load with several rows ready for adding data.
More rows can be added if necessary, with the Add Row button, or deleted if appropriate with the Remove Row
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Getting Started
Upon opening the Post Support Staff Position tile, the first page collects initial information needed to present the
proper questions on the form.
Position Create/Copy/Change
From this form, there are three ways to post a position:
Option 1: Position Change post an existing position including the existing position number, with the option to
change certain attributes.
Option 2: Position Create create a completely new position with attributes determined by the user.
Option 3: Position Copy post a new position with a new position number, using an existing position as a
template, changing attributes as necessary.
Option 1: Post an existing, vacant position (Position Copy form).
To do this, use an existing position as a template in the SAME Organizational Unit.
Enter Desired Posting Date, Reason for Request, and Position.
Note: When entering the Desired Posting Date, using the current date is advised in order for the position to be
posted for the next posting cycle.
Option 2: Create an entirely new position (Position Create form).
To do this, do NOT use an existing position as a template.
Enter the Desired Posting Date, Organizational Unit and Job.
Option 3: Make a copy of an existing position and post it (Position Copy form).
To do this, use an existing position as a template in a DIFFERENT Organizational Unit.
Enter Desired Posting Date, Reason for Request, and Position
If the Reason for Request is not a New Position, then the Personnel Number of the Employee this position
replaces is required.
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For the Position Copy and Position Change forms many of the fields noted below are prefilled and need only to be
validated and edited.
Organizational Assignment
Click the help lookup within each field to search for a Job and Supervisor.
Primary Organizational Unit pre-populates based on responses to previous questions.
Search or enter additional department(s) in Second Organizational Unit as needed if the position is shared
with other departments.
Click Next to continue.
Administrative Address
Select a Location ID which will then pre-populate the address.
Enter a Room/Suite # and Phone #.
If the employee will be working in a location different than the Administrative Address or off-campus, enter an
additional Location ID, Room/Suite # and Phone #.
If the Work Location is off-campus, indicate that and note which location.
Click Next to continue.
Cost Distribution
Enter Employment Percent.
Enter a fund in the Fund field or search for and select a Fund.
Note: Position Cost Distribution information will be the funding information for when the employee is hired.
If a Personal Value List was created in the past (favorites), it may be necessary to press F4 to override those
personal values. Type the account number, then press Enter after typing it to default the other required
accounting information. For more information about Personal Value Lists, visit:
If necessary, search for and select other funding elements. If a WBS Element (sub-account) does not appear in a
row after the account number is entered this means that there is more than one option for that account. If no
sub-account is entered, WBS Element defaults to “NO_SUB-ACCOUNT.”
Enter a funding percentage in the Percentage field.
Repeat the above steps for each additional funding line.
Under Planned Pay, the appropriate information will populate for either salaried positions or positions paid
a) For salaried positions, select from the drop-down whether an Annual Salary or Salary Range will be
i. Enter the relevant rates. If Salary Range is chosen, the Minimum Salary will prefill based on the
b) For positions paid hourly, select from the drop-down whether the Hourly Rate or Hourly Range (Clerical-
Technical positions only) will be provided.
i. Enter the relevant rates.
Note: These selections will only appear for the appropriate support staff positions.
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Position Attributes
Enterprise Structure
Is this a union position? Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to answer the question.
If it is not a union position, indicate whether the position has a special agreement to make the position
Note: All other enterprise structure information (Employee Subgroup and Personnel Subarea) is created based
on the job that was chosen earlier.
Special Position Designations
Is this a no post position? Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to answer the question.
a) To post the position in the Applicant Tracking System, answer No.
Is this an Off-Date position (this includes limited term)? Select Yes from the drop-down menu if the position is
Off-Date or Limited Term.
Note: Off-Dated positions are only applicable for AP, APSA, CT, EXT and NURS type employees.
Note: Limited Term positions are only applicable for CTU.
Is this a Flex Position? Select Yes or No from the drop-down menu to answer the question.
a) If a flex position is desired, Select flex type.
Enter a Description of Flex Period.
Note: Flex Type 1 is available for APA, APSA, and CTU Positions only.
For 1585 postings reporting to Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, indicate a Crew Designation.
Enter a Percent in the Percentage column of the Duties column.
Enter a Description of the corresponding duty.
Note: The percentages should be broken down and provided in each line space. HR does not accept forms that
only indicate 100% with a description of “See Attached.”
Note: Entries must total 100%.
Posting Details
1. Working/Functional Title (prefills with the position title; e.g., “Admissions Supervisor”).
2. Enter a Desired Posting Begin Date.
3. Indicate if this is an external posting.
a. If Not, then select no from the drop down menu.
b. If Yes, then select yes from the drop down menu.
4. Would you like to post the salary provided? Select Yes or No
If you select Yes, either the single salary value, salary range with text “Salary Commensurate with Experience”,
single hourly rate or hourly range with text “Salary Commensurate with Experience” (Clerical-Technical
positions only) will display on the Careers @ MSU website. If you select No, only the text “Salary
Commensurate with Experience” will display in the salary field of the Careers @ MSU website.
Position Description
There are tabs within the Position Description section to quickly access the Posting Snapshot, Position
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Summary, Qualifications, Work Hours, Physical Demands, Health Risks and Applicant Instructions. There is
also an additional scroll bar for the Position Summary section within this section.
1. Posting Snapshot (Text field 400 character limit) - Displays on the Careers @ MSU website. Use this 2-3 sentence
summary to pique the interest of applicants so they will check into the posting and learn more about the process.
2. Position Summary, enter the text exactly as it should appear in the posting.
Enter a Working/Functional Title if desired (e.g., Chairperson, Marketing)
Note: The Position Summary has a tool bar to modify the text within to copy and paste text, modify the
formatting of the text and spellcheck the text.
a) Unit Required Education/Experience (Text field no character limit), some positions may have a
minimum defined. Specify a subject area in the box provided if required.
b) Desired Qualifications, enter the text exactly as it should appear in the posting.
c) Indicate the Department website if desired.
d) Indicate any Required Application Materials such as cover letters, resumes, etc.
e) The Special Instructions to Applicant field can be used to provide additional information to applicants.
Enter the text exactly as it will appear in the posting.
f) Note: If the applicant is required to provide references at the time of application submission, indicate this
in Special Instructions to Applicant, along with the number of references required. Reference contact
information can also be collected from the applicant later in the process. If this is the case, note that
references are not required at the time of application.
Note: The Position Summary section has a tool bar to modify the text within to copy and paste text, modify
the formatting of the text and spellcheck the text.
Note: When copying and pasting information into the position summary the following errors may occur. If
images are not compatiable the error, “Images should not be pasted” will appear. If the copied text is using
headers 1, 2 and 3 the following error will appear, “Error Message Text…The content cannot be pasted with
Table, Heading 1, Heading 2 or Heading 3 formatting.” To correct the heading error modify your headings to
headers 4 and higher.
Work Hours, specify the hours:
i. Standard (8-5)
ii. Non-standard
iii. Variable
Physical Demands, select Yes or No if the duties of this position involve physical demanding work requiring
lifting 50 pounds or more with frequent lifting and/or carrying of objects weighing 25 pounds or more.
Note: If Yes, summarize the physical demands for the posting in addition to completing the required form for
MSU Occupational Health. Completed forms should be sent to MSU Occupational Health.
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Health Risks, select Yes or No if the duties of this position involves exposure to health risks. If Yes, summarize
the health risks for the posting in addition to completing the required form for MSU Occupational Health.
Note: If Yes, a summary of health risks is required and basic formatting can be pasted into form.
Committee Information
To add Search/Selection Committee members, select External or MSU Employee from the User Type drop-
down menu.
Indicate which committee member is the Chair by checking the box in the appropriate row.
MSU Employees who serve on the committee are searchable and their name, title and email address will
Indicate Pernr for Affirmative Action Advocate (search function is available).
Indicate Pernr for all Staffing Coordinators indicating whether their role is Primary or Backup (search function
is available).
Is this search being handled by an outside search firm? Select Yes or No to answer the question.
b) If Yes, indicate the search firm’s name.
For specific instructions for working with a search firm, reference the Unit Agency Guide. You may also direct search
firm contacts to the Search Firm Agency Guide for instructions on how they can use the ATS.
Advertising/Sourcing Options
Select the best options from drop-down menus in Advertising/Sourcing Options section.
The values available are from the Pure Michigan Job Portal, Inside Higher Ed. and Higher Education
Recruitment Consortium (HERC) websites.
This information is required even if the position will be posted internally only. Should the posting need to be
opened to the public, the information will have already been collected.
Search and select Area(s) of Interest for the MSU Careers website (look up available, choose as many options
as applicable).
Choose an appropriate Work Location. East Lansing is the default value. If that is not correct click the trash
can icon.
Employee Group and Full-Time/Part-Time values will pre-populate based on responses to previous questions.
Select Work Type.
Attachments and Comments
Based on the information provided, the form identifies required attachments and lists them at the top with a checkbox
next to each item required. The “general attachment” option may also be selected to upload additional documents. To
upload an attachment:
Select the Attachment Type from the drop-down menu.
a) Click the Browse button to locate and select the attachment.
b) Click the Upload button to attach the file.
Repeat this process for each additional attachment.
To delete an attachment:
Select the attachment by clicking the check box.
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Click the Delete Attachment button.
Approvers cannot add or remove attachments. If attachments must be changed, the approver should reject the form
back to the initiator. Plain text can be pasted in for comments.
Summary Form
A summary of all information is displayed for final review and error checking. Review the completed form, making any
needed changes to the information. The field Add Ad Hoc Approver will insert an approval at the first level of the
workflow. To review the completed form, click the Check button to have the system perform a final check of the
information. Correct any remaining errors.
Review Form
The Generate PDF button allows the creation of a paper or electronic version for departmental files*. The PDF version
of the form opens in a new window and can be saved or printed. The PDF will continue to be available in the
HR/Payroll System for reference later, even after approval.
The form is ready to be sent for approval. Click the Send button to route the completed form for approval. A
confirmation message displays a process reference number that can be used to track the form.
Note: The Process Reference Number is generated only after being submitted into workflow.
What happens next
When form is complete and Send button has been pressed, it will route through workflow for necessary
approvals. As the form routes for approvals, approvers can view the form by selecting the Generate PDF
button. The final approver is HR.
Note: For detailed instructions on how to access and view the form, visit:
Once approved by HR, the information contained in the form will be uploaded to the ATS.
The HR Analyst assigned to the posting will verify and finalize the posting details.
The primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1 will receive an email when the posting is
available in the ATS.
Note: The Primary Staffing Coordinator should notify the Staffing Coordinator Backup 2 and the Search
Committee Members when the posting is available.
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Access the Applicant Tracking System
Login to the EBS Portal.
Click on the Enterprise Business Systems group.
Click on the Applicant Tracking System tile.
Note: Be sure to ‘Allow pop-ups’ for the ATS.
Applicant Tracking System Navigation
The Applicant Tracking System dashboard displays links to information within the system, as well as a Main Menu that
can be accessed in the corner of the screen.
Note: If using the dashboard, click on the appropriate link to navigate to and complete a task.
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As a Staffing Coordinator, you can manage and track job postings in the following ways:
The Primary Staffing Coordinator can access these tasks from:
o the jobs open link on the dashboard, OR;
o the Manage jobs link from the Main Menu. Manage jobs provides the Primary Staffing Coordinator
with more functionality.
Staffing Coordinator Backup 1 can only access postings from the Manage jobs link from the Main Menu.
Staffing Coordinator Backup 2 can only access postings from the jobs open link on the dashboard.
How to Find Your Jobs Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1
From the Main Menu, click Manage jobs.
The Manage jobs screen opens.
The Manage jobs screen displays assigned job postings and the following information:
a) Posting number
b) Job Title (e.g., Senior Human Resources Professional)
i. Click the information button to see a quick view of the job posting information. There are
additional links here for Notes, Job Preview, Status, HR Analyst details (Owner), Staffing
Coordinator details (User), and Applications.
ii. Click the Job Title to go directly to the Job Card. See the Job Card section for additional
c) Number of Applications: Click the number link in the ‘Applications’ column. The Manage Applications
screen opens and displays all applicants for this posting. See the Manage Applications section for
additional information.
d) MAU (Major Administrative Unit)
e) Department
f) Subarea
g) HR Analyst
h) Job status
i) Opening Date: Indicates the date the posting advertisement opens
j) Eligibility Ends: Indicates the date union bidding eligibility ends (previously referred to as the internal close
k) Closing Date: Indicates the date the posting advertisement closes
l) Sourced: The green check mark indicates when a job is currently advertised and accepting applicants
To the far right of the screen, each job has the following options:
m) View/Edit the Job Card Click the Edit button to open the Job Card. See Job Card Position Info tab in this
document for additional information.
n) View/Add Notes - Click the Notes button to open the Notes screen. See Job Card Notes tab in this
document for additional information.
o) Preview the Job Click the Preview button to open the advertised posting text.
p) View Applications Click the Applications button to open the Manage Applications screen. See Manage
Applications in this document for additional information.
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How to Filter the Manage Jobs Screen
Results can be filtered by selecting criteria from the Status and Types drop-down menus.
If you do not clear your search criteria, it will default the next time you visit the page.
a) Click Show other search criteria to find additional filtering options.
Click Search for results to update.
Note: The Current recruitment status is for all active postings. The Non-current recruitment status is for
filled and/or cancelled postings. If you are looking for a position that has been filled, you must search with
either the All or Non-current recruitment status.
b) Click the Hide other search criteria link to hide the additional filtering options.
c) Click Clear to remove all filtering.
How to Find Your Jobs Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 2
From the dashboard, click the link jobs open.
The My jobs screen opens and displays all jobs assigned to the Primary Staffing Coordinator or Staffing
Coordinator Backup 2.
The jobs can be filtered using the Status drop-down menu to select All, Current or Non-current jobs. Click on
the title of the column to sort jobs by:
a) Position Number
b) Classification title
c) Date added
d) Status
Click the View job link to open the Job Card. See the Job Card section for additional information.
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The Job Card (job posting) can be accessed from multiple locations in the ATS. It displays the following tabs:
Position info
Users also have the option to View Applications from the Job Card, and view History and Revision History by clicking
on the applicable links.
Job Card Position Info Tab
The Position Info tab displays job posting information, including:
Job posting number
Position details (position summary, details, job duties)
o Search Chair and Committee Members
o Additional Viewers
o Staffing Coordinators
o HR Analyst
Important things to note on this tab:
Search Chair and Committee Members can be added and/or updated as needed. Save the Job Card after members
have been added.
View or modify additional users to view applicant materials.
View MSU HR analyst assigned to the posting. (Do NOT make changes to the HR analyst.)
Job Card Notes Tab
The Notes tab is used to add a note that is visible by all users in the system.
Please use discretion as these notes will become part of the permanent hiring record.
The Notes screen opens and displays already existing notes. Edit or Delete as necessary.
To add a note, select Note from the Add drop-down menu. The Add Note screen opens in a new window.
a) Enter the necessary information into the Note field.
b) Add attachments and/or email the note to someone else if necessary.
c) Click Save. The note (and file, if added) will display on the Notes screen for all users to view.
d) To edit or delete an existing note, please contact the individual who created the note.
Job Card Documents Tab
The Documents tab contains documents relating to this job posting, such as the Salary Justification Letter, Screening
Matrix, and Interview Questions. The drop-down menu provides the following options:
Upload document from a computer.
Download document templates from the ATS Library (offer letter templates or Salary Justification Letter
Generate a selection report. All users can generate a search/selection report and/or upload documents, with
the exception of search committee members and additional viewers.
Note: Generate a selection report allows an opportunity to start creating the final selection/search committee
report. A report template will prefill with job and applicant information and additional information may be added
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as needed. Save the modified version and upload to the Documents tab. Alternately, units may upload their own
selection report to the Documents tab instead of generating the selection report.
To Generate a Selection Report:
Select Generate Selection report from the drop-down menu. The Generate selection report screen opens in a
new window.
Select an Application status from the drop-down menu. The status selected will display the Search Chair
rankings of applicants at that status, if rankings have been provided.
Choose the appropriate template and click Okay to generate the report. Click Save.
Update the template as necessary and save as a new Word document.
Add the updated template to the Documents tab to share the final report.
To Upload a File:
Select Document from a file from the drop-down menu. The Upload a new document screen opens in a new
Click Upload file and select a file.
Make a selection from the Document Category drop-down menu.
Enter a Title.
Click Save and add another or Save and close or Close. The added document(s) will display on the Document
tab for all users to view.
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There are a variety of methods to view and manage applicant pools for any job posting:
From the Job Card, click View applications in the left corner of the screen (access for all Staffing Coordinators.)
From the Manage Jobs screen, click the number listed in the ‘Applications’ column (access for Primary Staffing
Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup.)
From the Manage Jobs screen, click the Applications (blue person) button (access for Primary Staffing Coordinator
and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1.)
From the Main Menu, click the Manage Applications link (access for Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing
Coordinator Backup 1.)
Once on the Manage Applications screen, use the Search tab to identify the job posting to be viewed:
To view the list of active applicants (or those who have not been disqualified from the process) check the box
next to Current application statuses only. This will remove all applicants who are no longer being considered
from the position. Click Search.
The Results tab displays the selected criteria, along with the following information:
a) Job Title
b) Submitted Date
c) First and Last Name (click to open the Applicant Card)
d) Status of each applicant (click to change the application status)
e) Applicant flags
f) Additionally, four buttons display on the far right of the screen:
i. Click the View Resume button to view the resume in a new window.
ii. Click the Download Resume button to download and save to the computer.
iii. Click the View Answers button to view the application answers in a new window.
iv. Click the View application link to open the Applicant Card. See Applicant Card in this document
for additional information.
Bulk Actions
The Bulk Action function makes it easy to perform an action on one or more applicants at once, such as status update,
compiling documents or communication. To perform a bulk action:
1. Group applicants, using the colored checkboxes to the left of their names, to help select and categorize
applicants all at once. For example, check the green box next to all applicants to schedule for an interview, the
yellow box next to all applicants to disqualify due to education, and the red box next to all applicants to
disqualify due to experience.
Note: These color categories are temporary and will clear if the screen is navigated away from or refreshed.
Also, the colors have no inherent meaning of their own. They can be used to classify applicants into whatever
groups that are needed.
2. Once the appropriate box has been checked for each applicant, use the Select a bulk action drop-down menu
to select an action.
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For more detail about the function of these bulk actions, see below:
Bulk Assign
Used to assign applications to any user in the system for review. This may be used when seeking feedback
about an applicant from another user. Assigned users will be sent an email notification and receive a
notification in the Applications button on their dashboard. The assigned user can review the application
with the option to approve or decline the applicant. Approving or declining the applicant has no effect on
the applicant status or progress, but is for informational purposes only. The assignee can view the
feedback (approved or declined) under history on the Applicant Card. Only one user can be assigned to the
application at a time. Assigning an application to another user will cancel the previous assignment.
Bulk Communicate
Used for communicating with applicants. Choose from the available templates and edit as necessary, or
start from scratch. This function provides the option to set up delayed emails, but be careful as these
cannot be cancelled once scheduled.
Bulk Compile and Send:
Used to compile documents of selected applicants into a single PDF. Choose what to pull into the PDF by
selecting checkboxes next to relevant information. Once the PDF is generated, download it or email the
compiled documents to another user in the system.
Bulk Move
Used to change the application status of multiple applicants all at once.
Note: Send emails to applicants if appropriate, but avoid sending emails to internal users as part of the
bulk move action. Otherwise, they will receive an email for every applicant moved into this status. To send
an email to internal users, use Bulk Move and Send, as it will eliminate duplicate emails.
Bulk Move and Send
Used to change the application status of multiple applicants all at once and send application materials to
another user in a single email. This bulk action may be beneficial if other users need to be notified of the
status change, but should not receive an email for each applicant.
Bulk Reference Check
Instead of using an application status to trigger reference letter checks, there is the option to bulk
reference letter check. This provides the option to select the appropriate reference check form and modify
the email that will be sent to the referee accordingly. The ability to modify the email is one benefit of
using Bulk Reference Check over using application status.
Bulk Send
Used to send application materials to another user as separate attachments. For example, if two
applicants are selected and the resume and cover letter are identified as appropriate attachments, the
user will receive four individual attachments. For most purposes, Bulk Compile and Send is a much better
way to send materials as it compiles all the documents into one attachment.
3. Once the bulk action is selected, a new window will open with instructions for that specific task. The system
allows action to be taken on applicants starting first with the green category, then yellow, then red. The bar at
the top shows the color group being worked with.
a) Enter information or choose criteria for the green applicants.
b) Enter information or choose criteria for the yellow applicants.
c) Enter information or choose criteria for the red applicants.
4. Regroup the applicants as necessary and repeat additional Bulk Actions as needed.
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Bulk Compile and Send
From the Manage Applications screen, view and download all applicant documents in one PDF using the Bulk Compile
and Send function.
Check the box next to the name of all applicants to include in the PDF.
Select Bulk Compile and Send from the drop-down menu.
Note: Bulk Compile and Send does not send the document automatically, but does provide the option to send
via email once generated.
Select all documents to include and click Create PDF.
Choose to download the PDF or send to others for review.
MSU has limitations on attachment sizes. Please be aware, users may have limitations on the size of
attachments that may be shared.
a) Download the PDF: click the Download Document link to open the PDF or right-click on the link to save in
a folder.
Send PDF to others for review: Enter information in the email form and edit as needed.
Click Okay to send the email and return to the View Applicant screen.
Applicant Card
The Applicant Card displays the following information:
Applicant Profile
Under the Applications heading, click Form and/or Resume to view applicants’ answers and resume
Note: Filter History by selecting criteria from the Item and Job drop-down menus. The filter is automatically
applied when selected and the information below is updated. The History section can show users important
information about the applicant and actions taken during the process, including the following:
a) Item: Notes:
i. Status changes and who changed the status.
ii. The reason the applicant provided when declining an event booking or offer.
b) Item: Bookings: Details of event bookings
c) Item: Communication: Emails that have been sent to the applicant
d) Item: Documents: Documents associated with that application (i.e., resume, reference letters, offer
Click the Print button in the top right corner to print the application.
Application statuses can be changed individually or using bulk actions. Refrain from using bulk actions for the following
statuses, as information specific to that applicant must be captured on an individual basis:
Interview 1 Completed: Interview date must be entered
Interview 2 Completed: Interview date must be entered
Hire Recommendation: Triggers the Hiring Recommendation for the applicant
Certain applicant statuses will send an email notification to the applicant through the ATS. You can view the full list of
these email notifications, as well as which email notifications can be modified and which are sent automatically, see
the Application Statuses and Email Notifications tip sheet.
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Changing an applicant status individually
To change a status individually, click on the Status link for the applicant on the Manage Applications screen or
within the Applicant Card.
Select the appropriate Application status from the Change application status screen and click Next.
The Confirm Status Change screen displays. See Confirm Status Change for next steps.
Changing an applicant status using Bulk Action
Group applicants using the colored checkboxes to the left of their names to help select and categorize
applicants all at once. For example, check the green box next to all applicants to schedule for an interview, the
yellow for all applicants disqualified due to education, and the red for applicants disqualified due to
Once the appropriate box has been checked for each applicant, select Bulk Move from the drop-down menu.
Select the appropriate status from the drop-down menu and click Next.
The Confirm Status Change screen displays. See Confirm Status Change for next steps.
Confirm Status Change
The Confirm status change screen may contain important guidance information, which will be denoted by the triangle
Pay close attention to these as they may provide reminders about necessary approvals that need to take place prior to
proceeding. For example, you will be reminded to include the HR Analyst as the last approver of the Hiring
This screen will also provide the user with a variety of options. These options will differ based on the type of
application status selected. Read on to learn about all possible options:
Send an email to applicants and/or customize the email template that displays.
a) Many applicant statuses are set up with standard email templates that will display when putting an
applicant into a status. The purpose of the emails is to keep the applicant up to date on where they are in
the process. The email templates can be sent as is or modified, with the exception of merge fields:
i. The email templates often include merge fields that will pull in information from the job
posting so it does not have to be manually entered. Merge fields can be identified by
looking for words that display in all caps and are surrounded by brackets. (Ex:
{FIRSTNAME} {LASTNAME}). Merge fields cannot be modified, but can be removed from
the email if desired.
b) If you do not wish to send an email to the applicant, selecting the No radio button at the top of the email
will turn off this communication. Conversely, if no template has been provided and you would like to send
an email, the Yes radio button will allow the user to create an email from scratch or select from one of the
communication templates provided in the drop-down menu.
c) There is also the option to delay the email from being sent to applicants from one hour up to 30 days.
Take caution when utilizing this feature, as this email cannot be modified or cancelled after selecting
Move now, which officially changes the application status.
Send an email to internal users.
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There is an option to email other users in the ATS. This may be used to update someone on where the
process is or send materials to another user.
Note: If using Bulk Move, the users will receive a separate email for each applicant. To avoid sending
multiple emails, use Bulk Move and Send.
Select a user listed on the Job or Offer, or search for someone in the system using Other additional
users search function.
Enter interview date (when changing applicants into Interview Completed application statuses.)
a) To enter the interview date, scroll down to the Status table. Enter the interview date in the Date occurred
Note: Interview dates must be entered for applicants on an individual basis. Do not use Bulk Move
when changing applicants into the Interview Completed application status.
Select reason (if candidate is being placed into an unsuccessful status.)
a) Unsuccessful statuses require a reason why the applicant is no longer being considered for the position.
Choose the most applicable reason from the drop-down menu.
Change the job status
a) When changing an applicant status, a prompt may display, for certain statuses, to update the Job Status at
the bottom of the window.
i. Scroll to the bottom of the page. If being prompted to update the job status, select the
Yes radio button. This will update the posting status automatically and is important for
ii. Click the Move now button.
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The event function in the ATS is used to schedule phone screens and interviews for applicants. The event must first be
created, and internal users can be added to the event at this time. Once the event is created, you can then invite
applicants to the event via email.
Note: Only a Primary Staffing Coordinator and Staffing Coordinator Backup 1 have the ability to create events for the
Create a New Event
From the Main Menu, click on New Event.
The New Event screen opens and displays the Event details form.
Fill in the following fields:
a) Title
Note: It is recommended to include the posting number in the title of the event.
b) Event Type select video/phone screen or interview.
Note: Orientation (MSU HR) is listed for MSU HR only.
c) Venue -- the location where the event is being held.
i. Add manually by the user.
ii. Use the binoculars to search or add a new venue.
d) Job connect the event to a specific job; use the binoculars to filter and search.
e) Owner enter the name of the Staffing Coordinator who will be managing the event information,
timeslots and scheduling of applicants.
Note: The owner of the event can be changed in case of emergency by the current owner or the
Dean/VP or Dean/VP Delegate through the Manage events page.
f) Add event to owner’s dashboard – select the Yes radio button for notifications to display on the
g) Contact name
h) Public instructions use for special instructions for the invitees to attend; the invitee can reference the
instructions after they have accepted the invitation in their Applicant Portal.
Note: Documents cannot be attached here; however, the user does have the option to attach a document
to the email that is sent to the applicant when scheduling/inviting them to the event later in the process.
Click Save to save the event and move on to creating timeslots for the event.
Note: As soon as Save is clicked, the screen changes from New Event to Edit Event. Event details can be edited
on this screen and timeslots can be entered. See Create Timeslots for the Event for additional information.
Create Timeslots for the Event
From the Edit Event screen, the Time slots form displays.
Add bulk timeslots OR add a single timeslot.
To Add a single timeslot:
a) Enter Event Date, Start time and End time.
a) Click Invite to invite internal users to the event. (ex: Staffing Coordinators)
i. Invitees can be listed in all timeslots or assigned one.
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ii. Invitees will receive a notification on their dashboard and can monitor who has been booked into
each timeslot by clicking the scheduled interviews link.
Enter the number of positions for each timeslot. For a single interview, enter 1. For a group interview, enter
the number of applicants that can be booked into one timeslot.
Click Add to add the timeslot to the table below.
To Add bulk timeslots:
a) Click Add. The Bulk add timeslots screen opens.
Enter From and To dates.
Check the boxes for applicable days of the week.
Enter Start time and End time.
Enter the number of positions for each timeslot. For a single interview, enter 1. For a group interview, enter
the number of applicants that can be booked into one timeslot.
Click Invite to invite internal users to the event.
Invitees can be listed in all timeslots or assigned one.
Invitees will receive a notification on their dashboard and can monitor who has been booked into each
timeslot by clicking the scheduled interviews link.
Click Add to add the timeslot to the table.
Note: Click Edit or Remove to make changes or delete the timeslot if applicable.
Select from the Remind applicants drop-down menus to send an automatic email reminding applicants of their
scheduled timeslot.
Select the Yes radio button if setting a reminder.
Select the Yes radio button to send an email to internal users invited to the event.
Click Save to save the Time Slots or click Save & Exit to return to the Manage events screen.
Invite Applicants Using Bulk Move
Once events have been created and scheduled, multiple applicants can be invited to the event by using the Bulk Move
From the Main Menu, click Manage Applications.
Use the Search tab to identify the job posting to be viewed. Enter or select the necessary information and click
The Results tab displays the selected criteria.
To invite multiple applicants at one time, select applicants using the checkboxes to the left of their names.
Complete steps 5-10 for each individual’s timeslot.
From the drop-down menu at the top of the screen, select Bulk move. The Bulk move screen opens in a new
From the Application status drop-down menu, select Phone Screen Scheduling or Interview Scheduling.
Guidance information is displayed. Please review and follow guidance as applicable.
Choose the radio button Select an event for the applicant.
Click on the binoculars to search for the event.
Allow the applicant to choose the timeslot.
If selecting a timeslot on behalf of the applicant, choose the radio button to Select a timeslot. If the
applicant has accepted the timeslot outside of the system, you can choose the Yes radio button to
Accept the booking on behalf of the applicant. The applicant’s application status will then be updated.
Email the applicant the event information. Email content may be edited using one of the following:
a) Review the email template provided and edit/modify as desired.
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b) Choose a different template by selecting the Communication template option in the drop-down menu.
c) You also have the option to add attachments to the email (directions, parking instructions, etc.)
i. To add an attachment, click on the Tools drop-down menu and select Insert Document.
Click Move now to change the status and complete the invite. A confirmation message will display.
If additional applicants were chosen in step 4, repeat steps 5 through 10. Repeat until all applicants have been
The applicant can choose to decline the invitation, withdraw from a timeslot, or change the scheduled timeslot (if
other available timeslots remain) up until 48 hours prior to the event.
Once an applicant accepts or declines, their application status will automatically change to accepted by applicant or
declined by applicant and you will receive an email notification. A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant once
a timeslot is selected.
Manage Events
From the Main Menu, click Manage events.
The Manage events screen opens and displays three tabs: Calendar, Events and Timeslots. Columns on the
events and timeslots grids can be filtered by selecting the title of each column. This can help group the
information if desired.
The Calendar tab displays a calendar with all scheduled events by day.
Click the Show Search Criteria link to enter criteria and find a specific event. Click the Hide search criteria link
when finished to collapse.
Click the event within the calendar to display two options: View bookings and Edit event.
a) Click View bookings. The Manage bookings screen displays event details, booking information and status
of that booking.
i. Click the Back to manage events link to return to the Manage events screen.
ii. Click the Print bookings link to open a print dialogue.
Click Edit event to make any changes to the event. The Edit event screen opens. Make changes as necessary.
Click Save and Exit to return to the Manage events screen.
At the top of the Calendar tab, three links are available to create a New Event, Print events and Print events
with bookings. Click the links as applicable.
The Events tab displays scheduled events by Event title.
From the Status drop-down menu, select Active or Archived events to display. The table automatically
updates with the selection.
Click the Show Search Criteria link to enter criteria and find a specific event. Click the Hide search criteria link
when finished to collapse.
Click the Edit link to navigate to the Edit events screen. Make changes as necessary. Click Save and Exit to
return to the Manage events screen.
Click the Archive link to Archive completed events.
Click the New event link to create a new event.
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The Timeslots tab displays the events, the timeslots associated with those events and detailed information about each
Note: For interviews that are required, every attempt must be made to schedule an interview.
From the Status drop-down menu, select Active or Archived events to display. The table automatically updates
with the selection.
Click the Show Search Criteria link to enter criteria and find a specific event. Click the Hide search criteria link
when finished to collapse.
Click the Bookings link to open the Manage bookings screen. The Manage Bookings screen displays event
details, booking information and the status of that booking.
Click the Edit timeslot link to open the Edit time slot screen. Make changes as necessary.
Click the Edit link to open the Edit event screen. Make changes as necessary.
Click the New event link to create a new event.
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Request Reference Contact Information
If references are not required at the time the application is submitted, you can request reference contact information
from applicants later in the process.
To request reference contact information from applicants:
Access the applicant list from the Main Menu, by clicking on Manage Applications or through the Job Card, by
clicking on View Applications.
Use the Search tab to identify the job posting and/or applicant to be viewed. Enter or select the necessary
information and click Search.
The Results tab displays the selected criteria.
Use Bulk move to request references from one or more applicants.
Click on the applicant’s Status.
The Change application status screen opens in a new window. Select Reference contact information
Click Next. The Confirm status change screen opens in a new window.
Enter the number of references required in the email template; up to six may be entered.
Click Move now.
References can be viewed through the Applicant Card by clicking on View References.
Manually Entering Reference Contact Information
If references are not provided on the application, you can manually enter the referee information on the applicant’s
On the Applicant Card, click on the Actions drop-down menu listed next to the application.
Click View references from the drop-down menu.
At the top of the screen, click New to manually create a new referee.
Enter in the referee information. Click Save.
Invite Referees To Conduct Reference Letter/Reference Check
You can request reference letters and letters of recommendation at any point in the hiring process. Reference letters
and reference check forms that have been submitted through the system can be compiled with all other application
documents using Bulk Compile and Send.
If you do not require references at the time of application, you are responsible for collecting reference contact
information within the ATS. References will not automatically be sent after the applicant submits their
application. You will need to manually trigger a reference request.
There are two ways that you can trigger reference checks:
Option 1: Bulk Reference Check.
You may want to use Option 1 if they would like to:
Set the expiry date or deadline by which the reference check must be completed.
Select the type of reference check form to be sent to the referee.
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Customize the communication that is sent to the referee with department contact information or guidelines for
writing the reference letter.
Attach a custom department questionnaire to the email. The referee can then complete the custom questionnaire
and upload against the reference check form.
Option 2: Change application status to Reference Check Requested.
You may want to use Option 2 if no customization is required to the default settings. Default settings are:
Reference check form is based on the position type. Support Staff positions by default receive the reference check
Expiry date is set to 30 days. You can reinitiate the email request if the expiry date has passed.
Standard email communication is sent. Point of contact provided is the HR Solutions Center.
Option 1: Bulk reference check.
1. Check the box next to all applicants whose referees you would like to contact.
2. Select Bulk reference check from the drop-down menu.
3. Select the Invitation expiry date. The expiry date determines how long the referee has to complete the reference
check. The expiry date is included in the email to the referee. Once expired, the referee will not be able to submit
their response. You can reinitiate the email request if it surpassed the expiry date.
4. Select the Support Staff Reference Check form. Referees are asked a series of questions about their
employment experience with the applicant.
5. Modify the email to be sent to referee. To add an attachment or custom questionnaire, select Insert Document
from the Tools drop-down menu.
6. Click Finish to send invitation to referees.
Option 2: Change application status to Reference Check Requested
The application status can be changed individually by clicking on the status or using Bulk move.
Once the Change application status screen opens in a new window, select the Reference Check Requested
Click Next.
The Confirm status change screen opens in a new window.
Click Move now.
Once requests are sent, referees will be directed to the Reference Portal, where they will fill out the reference check
form or upload a letter of reference.
Uploading a Confidential Reference Letter
To upload a confidential reference letter for an applicant in the ATS:
1. Click on the applicant name to open the Applicant Card.
2. Click on the Actions drop-down menu next to the appropriate application.
3. Click the Add document link.
4. Click on the Upload file button to upload the document.
5. Select Reference Letter from the drop-down menu.
6. Enter a title.
Note: Be sure to include the name of the referee in the title.
7. Click the Save and add another button to upload another reference letter or Save and Close to close the window.
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Manage Reference Check Requests
The Manage Reference Check Requests screen allows you to view and manage the status of reference checks. You can
access this screen via the Main Menu.
To manage reference checks for a single applicant at a time, this is best managed from the Applicant Card. Select View
References from the Actions drop-down menu to open the Manage References screen for the applicant. From there:
Send requests to referees
Resend requests
View references and answers
Add references
Control the reference check account and upload a letter on behalf of referee if required
Send a reference check from the Applicant Card
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Recommend Applicant for Hire
When an applicant is ready for hire, you must change the applicant status to Hire Recommendation.
Do NOT use Bulk move for this action.
From the Manage Applications screen, click on the current status in the Applicant Grid.
The Change application status screen opens in a new window. Select Hire Recommendation.
Click Next. The Confirm status change screen displays.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and select the Yes radio button to update the job status to Hiring
Click Move now.
The Hiring Recommendation screen will open in a new window. Continue to the Offer Card/Hiring
Recommendation section for the next steps.
Offer Card/Hiring Recommendation
After you have changed the application status to Hire Recommendation, the Hiring Recommendation (also referred to as
the Offer Card) screen will open in a new window. This screen includes the following sections:
Personal details
Job details
Hiring Recommendation
o Approval Status
o Position Details
o Salary
o Pre-Employment Checks
o Onboarding
o MSU HR Analyst
o Offer Acceptance Status
Offer Documents
Approval process
Under the Position Details section, enter the following required information:
a) Hours per week
b) Start date must be a minimum of 14 days from the offer acceptance
c) Offer type select Support Staff
d) Hire action - for clarification on who qualifies for a particular action type, please refer to the HR
website at
e) Reason candidate was selected
Under the Salary section, enter the Annual (Actual) Salary or Hourly Pay Rate.
Note: If a Salary Justification letter is needed, it needs to be uploaded to the Documents tab of the Job Card.
View the Job Card Documents Tab section for instructions.
Under the Onboarding section, enter the following information:
a) Supervisor
b) Onboarding Delegate 1 (Optional)
c) Onboarding Delegate 2 (Optional)
Note: The Onboarding Delegate 2 will not receive email reminders regarding incomplete onboarding tasks.
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Supervisor and Onboarding Delegate selections should be made appropriately, as these users will have
access to the new hire task list and are responsible for ensuring the hire and the unit complete all assigned
d) Select the appropriate Data Collection Form for Support Staff.
e) Select the appropriate Onboarding Task List for Support Staff.
Note: Verify the correct Onboarding Task List is selected as it drives the standard list of tasks the new hire
will be required to complete. The Onboarding Task List can be highly customized to meet unit and
departmental onboarding needs after the selection is made. View the Onboarding Portal Guide for further
Under the Offer documents section, you will be required to upload an offer letter to accompany the Hiring
Recommendation. Offer letter templates are available and can be modified. You may also upload a customized
offer letter. Offer letters for Support Staff are required to have the following information included:
a) Candidate name
b) Job/Classification title
c) Department/Unit
d) Salary/Hourly rate
e) Start date must be a minimum of 14 days from the acceptance of the offer
f) End date, if applicable.
g) This offer of employment is contingent upon a successful background check (there may be additional
department contingencies.)
h) Department/Unit contact information
i) From the Hiring Recommendation screen, under the Offer documents heading, expand/collapse the Offer
Letter Templates file folder to view the available templates.
j) Click View to open the template in Microsoft Word.
k) Click Merge document to merge fields from the Offer Card into the offer letter templates.
l) Click OK to save the changes that have been made to the Offer Card.
m) After a short delay, the Document merge screen opens in a new window. Select the template by clicking
the checkbox next to the applicable template. Click Merge.
n) The system validates the merge fields and then displays a list of fields that are not pre-populated.
o) Select the Retry radio button to retry the merge. If the fields fail to merge on the second try, select
‘Ignore’. The errors will have to be corrected manually by downloading the merged document and
modifying as necessary.
p) Once the document has been merged, the offer letter will display under the Offer documents heading.
Click View to open the document in Microsoft Word. Make any necessary changes and save to your
q) Upload the modified offer letter by clicking Add Document.
r) Delete the old offer letter template to ensure the applicant only receives the most up-to-date version.
Note: If you do not attach an offer letter to the Hiring Recommendation, you will receive an error message
and may not be able to change the application status to move forward in the hiring process.
Under the Approval process section, select the appropriate approval process for this offer.
The Originator listed will be the person completing the Hiring Recommendation.
Select the appropriate approval process from the drop-down menu. Once you have made your
selection, searchable lookup fields will display for you to enter the names of the approvers and HR
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Note: The Hiring Recommendation can be routed for up to five levels of approval. View the Offers that
Require Department Approval section in the Appendix for approver instructions. The HR Analyst must
always be the final approver for Support Staff postings. You can reference who your HR Analyst is on
the Hiring Recommendation under the MSU HR Analyst section or at the bottom of the Job Card.
To initiate the approval process, click Save at the bottom of the Hiring Recommendation. Note:
Approvals are sequential. The approver will be notified via email that they have a Hiring
Recommendation to approve. Once an approver approves the Hiring Recommendation it will be
automatically routed to the next assigned approver. Once the Hiring Recommendation has been
approved by all approvers including the HR Analyst, the Originator will receive an email that it has been
A pop-up message will appear notifying you of the approval process you have selected to initiate. Click
OK to proceed.
If changes need to be made to the Hiring Recommendation, simply cancel the approval process. Make any
necessary changes and follow the steps above to resubmit for approvals.
The Hiring Recommendation window will remain open. If you want to return to the Manage
applications screen, click Save and Close.
Note: You will need to refresh the Manage applications screen in order to see the Hire
Recommendation status update.
At this stage of the process, the offer is routing through the necessary approvals. Once you have
received notice from your HR Analyst regarding the offer, proceed to the HR Approval & Making the
Offer section.
HR Approval & Making the Offer
The HR Analyst will approve or decline the Hiring Recommendation and the Originator will receive an email from them.
If declined, the reason will be included in the email. If approved, the offer can be made to the candidate either verbally
or via the ATS.
It is recommended that a verbal offer be made prior to submitting the formal offer letter to the candidate via
the system to better facilitate the negotiation process and eliminate unnecessary handoffs to the candidate.
It is important to note that any changes to the Hiring Recommendation details and offer letter must be
approved by your HR Analyst. View the Modification to Offer Documents section for instructions.
When the formal offer letter is ready to be sent to the candidate via the system:
1. Change the applicant status to Offer-Submit online offer to candidate to send an email notification to the HR
a) The HR Analyst will change the application status to Offer made online.
You should not change the application status to Offer accepted. The hire must acknowledge their
acceptance through their Applicant Portal to initiate their Onboarding Portal.
b) This will trigger an email to you notifying you that the offer has been made online to the applicant.
c) This will also trigger an email to the applicant, directing them to their Applicant Portal where they will
see an offer notification. The applicant must open the offer letter and accept or decline. If declining,
they will be prompted to provide a reason. Their applicant status will be also be updated
automatically to one of the following:
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Offer accepted
Offer made - declined via system
d) If the applicant declines the offer, the staffing coordinators, Supervisor and HR Analyst listed on the
Hiring Recommendation will receive an email. You must update the status to one of the statuses
listed below to reflect the appropriate reason. The offer decline reason can be found in the History
section of the Applicant Card and will also be emailed to the Primary Staffing Coordinator.
Offer made declined due to benefits/compensation
Offer made declined due to location
Offer made declined due to other job opportunity
Offer made declined without reason
e) If the candidate accepts the offer:
The staffing coordinators, Supervisor and HR Analyst listed on the Hiring Recommendation
will receive an email
Once the offer has been accepted, the candidate will be prompted to fill out the Data
Collection Form. These are a series of questions used for processing the hire at MSU HR. The
candidate is also provided with a congratulatory message and instructions for accessing their
Onboarding Portal.
Note: The applicant will not be able to access the Onboarding Portal prior to accepting the offer and
submitting the Data Collection Form.
f) Refer the Supervisor and Onboarding Delegates listed on the Hiring Recommendation to the
Onboarding Portal Guide for instructions.
Modification to Offer Documents after Offer Acceptance
If changes to the Hiring Recommendation (e.g., Start Date, Salary Change, etc.) occur during the negotiation process or
after verbal acceptance, the following steps must be taken:
Change the applicant’s status to Hire Recommendation Changes Made to trigger the Hiring Recommendation.
The Hiring Recommendation screen will display in a new window.
Reinitiate the approval process to notify the HR Analyst of the changes made by:
Under the Hiring Recommendation Details section, clicking Cancel on the prior approval process.
Entering a message to notify the HR Analyst that changes have been made.
Update the appropriate fields.
Update the offer letter on your computer to match the updated fields and upload the new offer letter.
Delete the old offer letter.
If the applicant has already accepted the offer through the system, follow these additional steps to update the offer
Select Merge Document.
Select any template and merge.
Once merged, documents can be deleted AND the Add Document button will display.
Upload any document from the computer.
Click Save.
Select the appropriate approval process.
Resubmit to the HR Analyst (and any additional unit approvers) for approval.
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Monitoring or Managing All Offers
There are multiple ways to access offer information or to monitor the information once the offer has been submitted:
1. From the Job Card in the Headcount Management section.
2. Through the dashboard, via the My New Hires link to view offers for which the user is assigned as the
Supervisor, Onboarding Delegate 1 or Onboarding Delegate 2.
o The My New Hires screen gives an overview of all hire actions a user has access to.
You can filter this grid by columns to group hires (e.g., by status, by posting, candidates in
alphabetical order).
From this screen, you can access the Applicant Card and the Hiring Recommendation and
monitor onboarding tasks.
3. In addition, you can view the Hiring Recommendation from the Applicant Card once submitted by selecting
the Hire Recommendation status.
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Requesting a Criminal Background Check (CBC)
When to Request a CBC
After the applicant accepts an offer of employment, staffing coordinators will receive an email that it is time to
request the CBC.
Faculty/academic staff postings: the CBC should be requested after the applicant has been placed in the
application status of “Hire documentation complete.
Temporary/on-call (non-academic) staff postings: the CBC should be requested after the applicant has been
placed in the application status of Draft Hire Form Created in EBS.”
Support staff or extension: The HR Analyst will request the CBC for support staff or extension postings after
the applicant has been placed in the application status of “Hire documentation completed.”
Request Background Check and Select Package
1. Once the candidate has progressed through the appropriate application statuses the CBC can be initiated.
2. Change the application status to “Request background check” and click “Next.”
a. If you would like to request a background check for multiple applicants at the same time:
i. Select the check box next to each applicant you'd like to request a background check for.
ii. Select “Bulk move” from the “Select a bulk action” dropdown menu.
iii. Change the application status to “Request background check” and click “Next.”
Note: When requesting multiple background checks, the same package will be used for all applicants.
3. Select the appropriate package from the “Background check” dropdown list.
a. You must select a package that you have access to in HireRight.
b. If you select a package that you do not have access to in HireRight, the background check will not be
requested, and you will receive an error notification stating “User not found” for the selected package.
Note: A warning message, “Existing background check found. Are you sure you wish to continue?” may appear.
Please reach out to the HR Analyst before proceeding.
4. Once the appropriate package has been selected, review and/or modify the email to the applicant about the
upcoming invitation from HireRight (if desired).
a. If an applicant was submitted by an agency/search firm the email will need to be changed from the agency
email to the applicant email by the HR Analyst before the criminal background check request is made.
i. This applies to 274 temporary/on-call postings as well.
5. Select “Move now.”
a. If a mistake was made, you received an error or you need to cancel the background check, please contact
your HR Analyst.
b. Once the CBC has been requested:
i. Refrain from making any application status changes to the record in question until after the CBC is
ii. Application statuses can be updated for applicants who do not have a CBC in progress.
iii. HireRight will send a CBC invitation to the applicant and update the PageUp application status to
Background check in progress and the order status to “New.”
iv. The applicant will need to complete all required fields in HireRight.
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Monitor Background Check
To monitor the status of the background check in PageUp:
1. Navigate to the Job Card > Reports tab and click on the Background check report.
2. For more information regarding what each status means, please see PageUp Background Check Status
Crosswalk under the Additional Resources heading.
HireRight Updates PageUp with Final Result
1. Application status updated to “Background check complete.”
2. Order status updated to “complete.
3. Result status updated to:
a. Pass (if Meets Company Standards)
b. Fail (if Does Not Meet Company Standards)
c. Review HR Compliance and Hiring team are reviewing the criminal background check results. Please
do not modify the applicant status. Please reach out to the HR Analyst for further details.
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Shortlisted Applicants (Optional)
The Shortlisted Applications feature allows a user, who has been added to the Job Card as an Additional Viewer, to
view a grid of applicants and to learn more about each applicant.
From the Main Menu, click Shortlisted Applications.
From the dashboard, click the jobs have shortlisted applicants link.
The Applicant List screen opens and displays jobs with shortlisted applicants.
Click the View shortlisted applicants link. The Applicant List table displays all shortlisted applicants for this job
Note: The only bulk action available in this view is Bulk PDF. To view all applicant documents in one PDF file,
use the Bulk PDF function. See the Additional Viewer Guide for more information.
Additional information for each applicant displays:
a) Application Flags
i. See the Flags tip sheet for more information about flags.
b) Current application status
c) Outcome
d) If the application has been Reviewed
e) Link to View application materials or Applicant Card.
i. Users with the permission group of Search Committee will see the applicant’s profile,
application and resume.
ii. Users with the permission group of Staffing Coordinator or Dean/VP will see the Applicant
Card. See the Applicant Card section for additional information.
f) Click the Status history link to view the status of the applicant throughout the hiring process.
Assigned Applications (Optional)
The Assigned Applications feature allows a user to assign applications to any other user in the system for review. This
may be used when seeking feedback about an applicant from another user. Assigned users will be sent an email
notification. The user assigned can view the feedback (approved or declined) under the history section of the
Applicant Card.
Note: Only one user can be assigned the application at a time. Assigning an application to another user will cancel the
previous assignment.
If applicants have been ‘assigned to you for review’, use Assigned Applications to learn more about each applicant.
From the Main Menu, click Assigned Applications.
From the dashboard, click the applicants assigned to you for review link.
a) The My Applicants screen opens and displays all jobs and applicants assigned to you for review.
b) Enter the Job number, Classification title and/or select from the Status drop-down menu to filter the list.
Click Search to update the data in the table below.
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c) Click the View application link to view each individual application. The Applicant Card opens in a new
window. See the Applicant Card section for additional information.
d) The assigned user will be able to review the application with the option to approve or decline the
applicant. Approving or declining the applicant is for informational purposes only; it has no effect on the
applicant status or progress in the process.
Offers that Require Department Approval
If you selected an approval process for an offer that requires the department’s approval, you can advise an approver
to follow these steps to review the offer:
1. A notification will appear on the approver’s dashboard. Click the Offers link. The Manage Offer Approvals
screen displays.
2. Select the View link to open the Hiring Recommendation in a new window.
3. Click Approve or Decline as necessary.
a) If Decline was chosen, a prompt will display. Enter a reason for declining.
4. The Originator will get an email confirming the action taken.
Note: The decline reason will be included in the email, as well as in the History notes in the Applicant Card.
Reports are contained in one central location in the ATS, making it easy to access information about multiple postings
at once. Your permission group and Job Card role will determine the reports you can view for a particular posting.
The Primary Staffing Coordinator listed on the Job Card can run the following reports for that posting when it is active:
Applicant List
Support Staff EEO Summary
Search Committee Ratings
For further details on using reporting in the ATS, view the Reporting Guide on the HR website at
There is additional reporting available through the Business Intelligence (BI) system:
1. Login to the EBS Portal.
2. Click on the Business Intelligence and Analytics tile under the Enterprise Business Systems tab. A new window
will display.
3. Click on the HR-Payroll folder.
4. Click on the University HR-Payroll Reports folder.
5. Click on the HR Unit Reporting Admin and Manager Self Service Reports folder.
6. HR Unit Reporting Administrator Reports folder.
7. Click on the Hires and Transfers into a College or Department HRP1015 report.