Indirect, Competitive Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay Determination of
Secretory Immunoglobulin A Levels in
David Mwangi
East Orange Campus High School
344 Prospect St.
East Orange, NJ 07017.
Mentor: Dr Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
Department of Pathology and Immunology
The research was funded by the American Association of Immunologists and
supported by UMDNJ.
Table of Contents
Teacher Section:
Science Background
Learning Objectives
Time Requirements
Materials and equipment
Student Prior Knowledge
Student Expectations
Lesson Plans
Student section:
Secretory IgA Classroom Activity
Simple Dilution Lab
Secretory IgA Lab
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay determination of immunoglobulin A
levels in saliva.
Whenever one engages in intensive prolonged exercise, the saliva in the
mouth takes on vastly different characteristics. One key change that saliva
undergoes after exercise is a decline in levels of a protective antibody that is
produced by the immune system called secretory Immunoglobulin A (IgA).
Secretory IgA is an immune marker found in saliva as well as throughout the
gastrointestinal tract and in mucus secretions throughout the body. Saliva and
mucosal secretions form an important first line of defense against pathogens
invading the mouth by providing a mechanical washing effect while IgA prevents
viral replication and bacterial attachment to mucosal surfaces. The students will
determine the level of IgA in saliva using the indirect competitive ELISA protocol.
Students will first assemble a simple spectrophotometer unless the school has a
regular spectrophotometer). Then, students will carry out a simple dilution
experiment and develop a standard curve that is used to determine the
concentration of unknown quantities of samples. Once the dilution and standard
curve concepts are clear, an ELISA kit will be used to determine the SIgA level in
saliva samples from the students. Students will be exposed to ELISA, a crucial
technique in medical and research biology. Part of the ELISA lab may be
completed in a standard immunology lab.
The teacher should liaise with the mathematics department to correlate
the standard curves construction and accompanying calculations to the math
curriculum, especially in schools where there are small learning communities or
clusters. Within the biology or health curriculum, this activity will fall under the
immune system. The students will learn the role of antibodies in protecting
against infections. The students will also learn how to perform the ELISA protocol
and appreciate its importance in immunology.
The teacher should contact the local Board of Education to get approval
for the use of saliva in a classroom setting.
Science Background
Salivary Immunoglobulin A
The gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts are two of the most prominent
routes of microbe entry into the body. Defense against microbes that enter by
these routes is provided by antibodies. There are four kinds (Isotypes) of
antibodies: Immunoglobulin A (IgA), Immunoglobulin G (IgG), Immunoglobulin M
(IgM), and Immunoglobulin E (IgE). The isotype most responsible for defending
the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts is IgA. Although IgA constitutes only
10-15% of total immunoglobulin in serum, it is the immunoglobulin most
abundant in external secretions such as breast milk, saliva, tears, and mucus of
the bronchial, genitourinary, and digestive tracts. It is estimated that a normal
70kg adult secretes about 2g of IgA per day, which accounts for 60% to 70% of
the total output of antibodies. If our mucosal surfaces were spread out they would
cover an area equal to one and one-half tennis courts, so the importance of IgA
in protecting our mucosal surfaces cannot be overstated. IgA can exist in four
different forms: monomer, dimer, trimer or tetramer. However, the IgA form most
common in external secretions, such as saliva, is called secretory IgA, and it is
the dimeric form in which two IgA molecules are joined together by the J chain.
IgA is made by plasma cells in the mucosal lymphoid tissue and secreted
through the epithelium into the lumen of the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal
tract. The transportation of IgA across the epithelium into the lumen is mediated
by a receptor that is synthesized by mucosal epithelial cells (Fig.4.). After
synthesis and secretion by the plasma cells, dimeric IgA binds to the receptor on
the mucosal epithelial cells to form a complex. This complex is endocytosed into
the epithelial cell and actively transported in vesicles to the luminal surface. Here
the receptor is enzymatically cleaved and the IgA molecule, with a portion of the
receptor, is released into the intestinal lumen. Once in the lumen, IgA affords
protection by mechanisms that include (I) interfering with microbial adherence to
mucosal surfaces, (II) inhibiting penetration of antigens across the epithelial
surface. Studies have established the role of salivary IgA in limiting respiratory
infections. Reported levels of high prevalence of respiratory infections in elite
has generated research interest in salivary IgA levels of exercising
populations. Certain studies show a decrease in the saliva concentration of IgA in
that has been proposed as a possible causal factor in the established
increased susceptibility of athletes to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI)
There are studies that show decreased, increased or unchanged levels of IgA
after acute exercise. The effects of exercise on s-IgA are therefore still under
intense study.
IgA deficiency is quite common, with approximately one in every 500
people (some studies show 1 in 700) people presenting a deficiency of IgA. Most
of these people appear healthy and may never know that they have selective IgA
deficiency. Conversely, there are people with IgA deficiency that have severe
illnesses. It is yet unknown why some people with IgA deficiency are very sick
while others are not. It is therefore very important that during the ELISA assay
student saliva be mixed between pairs of students in case there is an IgA
deficiency in the student population.
Sampling and collection of saliva is easy and non-invasive. This makes
use of saliva acceptable even in non-laboratory settings. Consequently, the
technique proposed is applicable in a high school setting.
1. Gleeson M., Hall S. T, McDonald W., Flanagan A. J., Clancy R. L.
Salivary IgA subclasses and infection risk in elite swimmers. Immunol and
cell Biol. 1999. 77: 351-355.
2. Laing S.J., Gwynne D., Blackwell J., Williams M., Walters R., Walsh N.P.
Salivary IgA response to prolonged exercise in a hot environment in
trained cyclists. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 2005. 93: 665-671.
3. Nieman D.C, Nehlesen-Cannarella S.L. The effects of acute and chronic
exercise of immunoglobulins. Sports Med 11: 183-201.
4. IgA images on page 1 were obtained from: The science creative quarterly
issue 3, 2003 (www.scq.ubc.ca) and bioweb.wku.edu/courses/Biol328/organs2.html
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)
This is a biochemical technique used in immunology to detect the
presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample. ELISA is used in medicine
and in quality control check in many industries. In the simplest form of ELISA, an
unknown amount of antigen is bound to a surface, and an antibody specific to the
antigen is washed over the surface so that it can bind the antigen. This antibody
is linked to an enzyme, and a substance that can be converted into a detectable
signal by the enzyme is added in the final step. The quantity of antigen in the
sample is determined by the signal intensity.
Sandwich ELISA
To quantify salivary IgA, the sandwich ELISA is more widely used. This
technique involves the following general steps:
1. Surface on which a known amount of capture antibody is bound.
2. Non-specific binding sites on the surface are blocked.
3. Antigen-containing sample is added onto the plate.
4. Primary antibody that binds specifically to the antigen is added.
5. Enzyme-linked secondary antibody that is specific to the primary antibody
is added.
6. The plate is washed so that the unbound antibody-enzyme conjugates are
7. A chemical is added that is converted by the enzyme into a color or
fluorescent or electrochemical signal.
8. The signal is measured to determine the quantity of antigen in the sample.
Indirect and sandwich ELISA
Fig 1. [After R. A. Goldsby, T. J. Kindt, B. A. Osborne, Kuby Immunology, 4th ed.
(W. H. Freeman and Company, 2000), p. 162.]
Indirect competitive ELISA
The salimetrics technique was developed to specifically determine the
concentration of salivary IgA. It is a competitive indirect ELISA technique. Here,
an unlabelled antibody is incubated in the presence of its antigen. The bound
antigen/antibody complexes are then added to an antigen coated well. The plate
is washed so that unbound antibody is removed (the more antigen in the sample,
the less antibody will be able to bind to the antigen in the well, hence
competition). The secondary antibody, specific to the primary antibody is added.
The secondary antibody is coupled to an enzyme. A substrate is added and
remaining enzyme elicits a chromogenic or fluorescent signal. For competitive
ELISA- the higher the original antigen concentration, the weaker the eventual
signal. Hence, the antigen concentration (in this case the antigen is IgA) is
inversely proportional to the fluorescent signal.
Fig 2. Indirect Competitive Assay for SIgA. Adapted from www.salimetrics.com.
Learning Objectives
Students will research and describe the importance of saliva in the first
line of defense against pathogens.
Students will describe the theory and process of ELISA- an important
technique in immunology.
Students will perform serial dilutions and construct dilution curves that
they will use to determine concentrations of unknowns
Students will assemble a simple spectrophotometer for schools that do not
have a standard spectrophotometer.
Students will identify the differences in salivary IgA concentrations
between groups
Students will apply knowledge gained in the first lab on simple dilutions to
determine the SIgA concentrations between different groups in the second
New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards: 5.1, 5.3 and 5.5.
Time Requirements
Approximately 3 double period classes will be needed to complete all the
Day 1. - Introduce the lesson and give a rationale for the consequent labs. The
teacher will also give a background on dilutions, ELISA and Immunoglobulin A. In
the second half of the class the students will play the secretory IgA game.
Day 2- Assemble the simple spectrometer and perform the simple dilutions lab.
Day 3- Students will perform the sIgA lab.
Advance preparations:
SIgA classroom activity
Prepare 50 immune system questions on index cards. On the back of 25
of these questions write the word bacteria and on the other 25 write the
word virus.
Make the following cards:
On 4 index cards write SIgA
On 1 write IgA secretory receptor
On 1 index card write enzyme
On 1 bacteria
And on 1 virus
On each card write what each does. These cards will be taped onto the shirts
of respective group members during the activity.
Prepare a large chart-size construction paper or cloth to represent the
respiratory membrane. This will be taped onto the wall.
Prepare a points record chart where each group’s points will be recorded
and also taped to the wall.
Dilution lab:
Unknowns should be made ahead of time with student input. Examples of how
the unknowns can be made:
Collect samples of soft drinks from stores, movie theatres and restaurants-
with and without ice. Label each sample clearly. These will serve as the
unknowns. This is the unknown source that I used with my students.
Alternatively add 100ml of soft drink and 50g of crushed ice into different
containers, take 10ml samples at set time intervals.
Another option is to add differing amounts of ice to set amount of soft drink
and heat to melt the ice.
1. The teacher should find an immunology laboratory for steps 7-10 of this
lab. A local university or college with an immunology department should
have the necessary equipment. This arrangement will need to be made
well in advance of starting the lab, preferably at the beginning of the
academic year.
2. Students should be able to use a pipette before the lab.
3. Determine the plate layout. The kit I recommend here can hold up to 76
samples. It is best to use one kit per class as the standards are limiting but
with good organization, one kit can be used for two or more classes to cut
on costs. The cost for one sIgA ELISA kit is about $320 (The kit can be
purchased from salimetrics Inc., http://www.salimetrics.com/products).
4. Go over the procedure and complete the labels for the tubes- this can be
done with student participation.
5. Explain to the students that each group of two students will calculate their
average flow rate.
6. The procedure is long, so discuss it with the students prior to the lab.
7. Select students that have mastered lab1 on simple dilutions to serially
dilute the standards as a demonstration to the class. Prior to the lab- go
over the procedure with these students.
8. Prepare a chart- one for each class where all the data from the standards
and samples will be written. You may use the plate layout as a guide. This
table will be taped on the wall and students will write down the values for
their IgA concentrations on this table after interpolation from the standard
Materials and Equipments
Secretory IgA class activity
100 index cards with color variety.
Two large construction paper or pieces of cloth
Red, blue and green markers
Simple dilution lab:
For a class of 30 with 15 groups
15 Classic soft drink cans- one can per lab group of two students each.
Ice in a Styrofoam container
Water – enough for dilutions
15 Graduated cylinders
Clean test-tubes- 8 per group
Gloves for each student
Aprons for each student
Soft drink samples from various stores and restaurants
Spectrophotometer parts: This section is for schools without a simple
spectrophotometer (See diagram on pg 10.).
Each group of two students will assemble one spectrophotometer. Therefore, 15
spectrophotometers needed for a class of 30 students. You may adjust the group
sizes based on parts availability.
Package of 5 photocells (can be obtained from electronic store)
Digital multimeter (From electronic store)
Black foam core board from an art supply store
Black tape- duct tape will work fine.
Blue filter (whole filter pack)
Light source
Gloves for each student
Safety goggles for each student
Setting up Spectrophotometer
Fig. 3. How to set up a simple spectrophotometer. Adapted from
Sea urchin embryology- simple dilutions.www.stanford.edu/groups/Urchin/simple.htm
Salivary IgA ELISA lab
For a class of 30 with 15 groups
Saliva collection
30 Plastic drinking straws- regular size.
15 Scissors
30 Cryovials: polypropylene- 2ml. (Microcentrifuge tubes will do or any
tube that can hold 2mL of solution and can be capped))
Gloves for each student
Safety goggles for each student
Apron for each student.
One calculator per group.
One 96 well Salivary IgA indirect ELISA kit
(Salimetrics) for each class.
at 4°C. Detailed information at www.salimetrics.com. The kit contains:
Microtiter plate
SIgA Antibody-Enzyme Conjugate
SIgA standard
SIgA control
Wash buffer
SIgA diluent
Tetra ethylbenzidine (TMB)
Stop solution
Elastic bands
Additional needed materials- (If the cost of pipettes is prohibitive, arrange to
transfer student samples to an immunology lab. You make take students with you
to the lab after making the necessary prior arrangements).
6 Pipettes- 10ul, 15ul, 25ul, 30ul, 50ul, 1000ul
Pipette tips
15 stop watches
30 Test tubes
30 12 x 75 snap cap tubes (2mL Microcentrifuge tubes will do)
One Plate reader with a 450nm filter- For schools that do not have a plate-
reader, the teacher will make advance preparations to use the plate
reader at a neighboring immunology lab.
Chard T. An introduction to radioimmunoassay and related techniques (4
Ed). 1990. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Student Prior Knowledge
Students should have strong knowledge on antibody/antigen interactions.
Students are also expected to have a general understanding of how the immune
system works including the difference between the innate and adaptive immunity.
They should have good graphing skills and be able to compute simple algebraic
equations. Specifically, students should be familiar with the line equation
y=mx+b. They should also be able to use pipettes to make accurate
measurements. Students should know what optical density is and how it is used
to determine concentrations of standards and unknowns during ELISA.
Student Expectations
1. Play the IgA game and participate in the subsequent class discussion
2. Complete the spectrophotometer assembly.
3. Complete the simple dilution lab, construct a standard curve and use this
standard curve to determine the concentrations of unknowns.
4. Complete the SIgA lab and hand in lab sheet.
Lesson Plans
Day 1
Class activity on role of Saliva and salivary IgA in protecting against pathogens
Review the key terms:- Antigen, Antibody, Immunoglobulins, ELISA,
Salivary IgA, Standard curve, Pathogenic micro-organisms, B cells, plasma cells,
mucous membrane, enzyme.. The teacher will introduce these terms and explain
their relevance to the subsequent lessons.
1. Make cards to represent saliva, two molecules of SIgA showing a binding
site (you will have four students do this as this is a dimeric protein), 1
bacteria (with the same binding site that corresponds to the SIgA), 1
virus, 1 IgA secretory receptor and one enzyme . On the backs of these
cards write down what each does. The cards should be color coded to
make it easier for students to recognize them. Additionally, the teacher will
have prepared 50 questions on immune system and written them on index
cards, 25 questions labeled virus and 25 labeled bacteria. Students can
be involved in the preparation of these questions.
Sample questions:
a) Give two examples of organs that are involved in the immune response.
b) What are the two types of T cells?
c) Explain the difference in structure between IgA and IgM
d) In what parts of the body is IgA found?
e) What cell type makes antibodies?
Fig. 4. The process of sIgA synthesis and secretion. A). After synthesis by
plasma cells, dimeric IgA passes through the mucosal epithelial membrane in
a poly-Ig receptor mediated manner. sIgA is released into the respiratory
lumen or it may attach to the membrane and offer protection against bacterial
and viral infection. B). In the activity, students will mimic the sIgA synthesis
pathway. One group will role play the pathway and answer questions to
protect the respiratory membrane while an opposing group will ask the
questions and stick bacteria or virus onto the membrane when questions are
answered incorrectly.
Students will be divided into groups of 6. Each group will take turns as either
group A or B. Each member of each group will take a role as one of the
following (See fig. 4):
o Bacteria- I adhere to the mucosal surface and cause an infection
o Virus- I pass through the mucosa and get into the epithelial cells of
the respiratory surface, multiply and kill the cells.
o IgA secretory receptor- I am responsible for transportation of IgA
from the lymphoid tissue where it is made by plasma cells to the
lumen of the respiratory tract. I remain attached to the IgA until the
enzyme cleaves me off
o First SIgA – I bind to the bacteria and prevent them from binding to
mucosal surface
o Second SIgA- I bind the virus and prevent them from getting
through the mucosa, multiplying and killing the cells
o Enzyme- I cleave off the SIgA receptor so that the SIgA is released
into the respiratory lumen.
2. Have one large piece of cloth or paper to represent the respiratory
membrane. This should be taped onto the wall
3. There will be two opposing groups (For larger class sizes, devide students
into groups of six)- each consisting of:
a) Two students to represent dimeric sIgA
b) 1 student to represent poly-Ig receptor.
c) 1 student to represent the enzyme.
d) 1 student to represent virus
e) 1 student to represent bacteria
4. To start the activity, group B’s SIgA, enzyme and receptor will go outside
the classroom door. The two pairs of students (each pair holding hands to
represent the dimeric nature of IgA) representing Salivary IgA will then
enter the class through the door while attached to the IgA receptor. The
enzyme will follow behind. Each student will read their card to the class.
5. Once inside the class, the student representing the enzyme will separate
the receptor from the IgA pair. The IgA pair will move to the membrane
and stand guard.
6. Group A will then be provided with 10 immune system questions to ask
group B.
7. Group B will have 1 minute to answer each question. Every time a wrong
answer is given, the card that contains that question is stuck onto the
membrane behind the IgA and represents either a virus or bacteria. Six or
more stuck cards represent an infection if more than half of them are
bacteria or epithelial cell death if more than half are viruses.
8. The groups will then take turns until each group has played the game as
either group A or B
9. The goal is to go through the activity with less than 6 cards stuck, getting
more than 4 questions right.
Classroom Discussion
The following are sample questions to be given to students to use for
discussion after the activity:
1. What is the first line of defense that an invading pathogen must cross?
2. How does saliva and its components protect against pathogens?
3. Describe the structure of secretory IgA
4. Where is IgA made?
5. To relate the activity to real life ask students why some individuals would
have more virus and bacteria stick to the mucous membrane while others
have less.
6. Describe some diseases associated with low levels of IgA.
7. Please write out in short steps what has happened in the activity. When
you are finished, take turns and describe these steps to a partner.
There are many possible modes of assessment for this activity. You may
require that students write an individual essay describing what they acted out in
class. The essay could include pictures to help support their work.
Another assessment would be to have the students develop a poster,
story, map, rap, song, poem, or representation of choice to indicate their
knowledge of the topic. Concept maps may be used as well to describe the
process of IgA protection.
Day 2
Simple dilutions Lab (modified from Stanford University-sea urchin embryology)
Summary: Starting from a known concentration students will learn to use
dilutions to determine the concentration of an unknown. The students will acquire
the following skills:
1. Making dilutions
2. Reading the meter on a simple home-made spectrophotometer (as shown
on pg 10)
3. Keeping careful laboratory records
4. Graphing on linear graph paper
5. Determining an unknown from a known concentration
Timing: One 45-50 minute class to build spectrophotometer
One 45-50 minute class period for lesson
The ability to make dilutions is crucial in biology and chemistry. Students will
need to master the skills in this lab to easily grasp the concepts in the salivary
IgA ELISA experiment.
In this experiment, dilutions will be related to the real world.
SCENARIO- You have purchased a soft drink at the restaurant. Is it at the right
concentration? Has the soft drink been “watered down” to save money. When the
ice melts- how much more dilute is the soft drink then?
Using the soft drink as the material of interest, students will perform a simple
linear dilution and construct a standard curve from which they will quantify
unknown samples. For schools without a spectrophotometer, a simple one can
be constructed using a light sensor, light source, filter and a meter. Soft drink
absorbs light in the blue end of the spectrum. Therefore a filter that primarily lets
blue light through is used.
Standard series:
1 2 3 4 5 6
% soft
100 80 60 40 20 0
Ml of
10 8 6 4 2 0
Ml of
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
Table 1. Standard simple dilution of a soft drink.
Unknowns should be made up ahead of time with student input. Examples:
Add 100ml of soft drink and 50g of crushed ice into different containers,
take 10ml samples at set time intervals.
Add differing amounts of ice to set amount of soft drink and heat to melt
the ice.
Collect samples of soft drink from stores, movie theatres, or restaurants
without ice.
Students will obtain spectrophotometer readings of the dilutions and record the
data in a table
Demonstrate to the students the right way to read a spectrophotometer. If you
are using a standard spectrophotometer, make sure it is on absorbance mode at
450 nm.
Anticipated Results:
Plot absorbance readings readings vs. concentration as shown in the example
below. Remember that the student standard curves may appear quite different
from the one shown here.
soft drinks dilution series
0 20406080100
% soft drink
Fig. 5. Soft drink simple dilution standard curve.
Unknowns can be found by reading the K-Ohms or absorbance of the unknown
and finding the concentration on the graph.
Students should also draw a line and use a two-point substitution to solve for
constants in the standard linear equation y=Mx+B
Discussion Questions:
1. This lesson did a linear dilution. How would you do a serial dilution based
on a factor of 2? 10? (Starting from the same 100% dilution).
2. In a subsequent lesson, secretory IgA standard protein will be diluted in a
similar manner. What is the relationship between the K-Ohms readings
and concentration?
3. How would you record the results for a solution that changes color with
4. How much do you weigh? In grams? (453g / lb) If you took a 1000
milligram vitamin pill (1000milligrams=1gram) how dilute would it be in
your body?
5. What would happen if the samples were not mixed well? How would this
affect readings?
Class participation and laboratory report. On the lab report look for:
Neatness and organization into separate clearly defined sections:
Objectives, materials, methods, Results, discussion, conclusion.
Table of data collected
Determination of unknowns and how values were found
Answers to the follow-up questions.
Day 3
Secretory IgA-specific ELISA lab
The principle of the IgA- specific ELISA test
A constant amount of goat anti-human sIgA conjugated to horseradish
peroxidase is added to tubes containing specific dilutions of standards or saliva.
The antibody-conjugate binds to the SIgA in the standard or saliva samples. The
amount of free antibody remaining is inversely proportional to the amount of SIgA
present. After incubation and mixing, an equal solution from each tube is added
in duplicate, to microtiter plate coated with human sIgA. The free or unbound
antibody conjugate binds to the SIgA on the plate. After incubation, unbound
components are washed away. Bound conjugate is measured by the reaction of
peroxidase enzyme on the substrate TMB. This reaction produces a blue color. A
yellow color is formed after stopping the reaction. Optical density is read on a
standard plate reader at 450nm. The amount of peroxidase is inversely
proportional to the amount of SIgA present in the sample
Collecting whole saliva samples by passive drool from human subjects
Things to have the students avoid:
Brushing teeth within 1 hr prior to collection ( may lead to gum bleeds with
consequent contamination of saliva with serum IgA)
Using salivary stimulants: chewing gum, lemon drops, granulated sugar,
drink crystals
Consuming a major meal within 1 hr prior to collection
Consuming acidic or high sugar foods within 20 min of collection
May lower saliva pH and increase bacterial growth.
Instruct students to:
1. Rinse mouth with water 10 min prior to sample collection.
2. Record time of day sample is collected
3. Record time taken for each donor to accumulate 1ml of saliva in the
cryovial/microcentrifuge tube.
Prior to saliva collection:
Cut plastic drinking straws into 2-inch (5cm) pieces.
Make a 1ml mark on each. This can be done by adding 1 ml
of water to the cryovial using a pipette.
Give each student 1 straw piece and (1) cryovial.
Have students rinse their mouth with water 10 minutes prior
to collection.
Collecting Saliva:
1. Students will work in pairs and the saliva from each pair will eventually
be mixed.
2. Students will use permanent markers to label their tubes with their two
3. Instruct students to imagine eating their favorite food and allow saliva to
pool in the mouth.
4. With head tilted forward, student should drool down the straw and collect
saliva into the cryovial (It is normal for saliva to form).
5. Repeat as often as necessary until 1 ml of saliva is collected, less the
6. Each group member will record the time he or she takes to collect 1mL
of saliva.
7. If student’s mouth is dry, instruct them to gently chew on the end of the
straw. This will stimulate saliva production.
8. After collecting the samples, students will use 1000ul pipettes to transfer
1mL saliva from one partner’s vial into the other’s vial. The students will
use the pipette to thoroughly mix the saliva while carefully avoiding foam
formation. The students will label the samples using their two last name
initials (one initial from each student in group, see the student
instructions on page 38). If pipettes are limiting, the teacher may carry
out the transfer and mixing as a demonstration.
9. Students will close the vials tight and bind the two vials with an elastic
10. Use samples immediately after collection or keep cold temporarily at
4°C. When samples remain at room temperature longer than a few hours
there is opportunity for bacterial growth that can invalidate the assay.
While carrying the samples to the immunology lab for reading, place the
saliva tubes in an ice box with ice.
11. The rest of the steps will take place in an immunology laboratory as
indicated on the protocol below.
Salivary IgA Quantitation Protocol
Mix all reagents before use. You can test upto 76 samples on one plate. If
possible, combine classes so you can save on the materials. Steps 7, 8, 9 and
10 of the ELISA process should be done in a laboratory with the appropriate
equipment. It will be necessary for the teacher to find an immunology research
laboratory and form a working relationship with them. These arrangements
should be done way prior to planning the experiment and the dates and times the
lab is available included in the experiment plan. The teacher may make
arrangements to bring a group of students to the immunology lab. This will
introduce students to actual immunology lab procedures.
Calculate flow Rate for each sample.
The teacher will make a chart of the data tables in this section and paste these
charts on the classroom wall. The teacher will record the average time in
seconds and use numbers for sample ID. It is imperative that you not use student
names or initials as sample ID. When chart is complete, each student will copy
the data tables (the data tables are provided in the student section) and complete
the calculations as detailed in the student section.
Flow Rate = Saliva volume (mL)/Time (Min)
Sample ID Volume (mL) Time
average of
two students
average of
two students
Flow rate
average of
two students
Table 2.
The quantities of reagents described here is for one row of standards and
samples. Adjust the quantities to fit the number of samples. Double the reagents
for the standard to end up with a duplicate row.
1 Determine your plate layout. Here is a sample layout. This layout can hold
samples from more than 140 student pairs. If you have only three classes,
then Rows A and B hold the standards, C and D samples from class 1, E
and F samples from class 2, G and H samples from class 3.
Table 3.
2 Keep the desired number of wells in the strip folder and place remaining
strips back in the pouch. Store pouch at 2-8 C.
3 Label five microcentrifuge pouches 2-6 and pipette 30ul of 1X SIgA
diluent in each tube. Place 15ul of the 600ug/ml standard into tube 1.
Serially dilute the standard 3X by adding 15ul from tube 1 into tube 2. Mix
well and change pipette tips. Remove 15ul (30ul for duplicates) from tube
2 into tube 3. Mix well. Continue for tubes 4, 5 and 6. The final
concentrations for tubes 1-6 are respectively, 600ug/ml, 200ug/ml,
66.7ug/ml, 22.2 ug/ml, 7.4ug/ml and 2.5 ug/ml. Pipette 3 ml of 1X SIgA
diluent into a tube (Scale down proportionately if not using entire plate).
Set aside for step 6.
4 Transfer saliva from each pair of students into one 2ml microcentrifuge
tube. Mix thoroughly with a pipette or vortex. Transfer 1ml of this mixture
into a new microcentrifuge tube and label.
5 Label 1 small tube with the identity of each saliva sample (Do not pre-
dilute controls 5X). With a repeater pipette, add 100ul of 1X SIgA diluent
into each tube. Pipette 25ul of saliva into the appropriate tube
6 Label one 12 X 75 mm snap-cap tube for each standard, control, and
unknown sample, and one tube for the zero value. Using a repeater
pipette add 4ml of 1X SIgA diluent to each tube. Add 10ul of standard
(from step 3), control, or diluted unknown saliva sample (from step 4) to
the appropriate tube. Add 10ul of 1X SIgA diluent to the zero tube.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
A 600.000 200.000 66.700 22.200 7.400 2.500 0.000 0.000 blank
B 600.000 200.000 66.700 22.200 7.400 2.500 0.000 0.000 blank
7 Dilute the antibody-enzyme conjugate 1:120 by adding 25 ul of the
conjugate to the 3ml of 1X SIgA diluent prepared in step 3. Scale down
proportionately if not using entire plate). Mix well and pipette 50ul of the
diluted antibody-enzyme conjugate to all tubes using a repeater pipette.
Gently mix each tube by inversion and incubate for 90 minutes at room
8 Gently mix each tube by inversion again and add 50ul of solution from
step 6 to the microtiter plate according to your template. Add 50ul of 1X
SIgA diluent to the NSB wells. Seal plate and incubate at room
temperature with continual mixing at 400 rpm for 90 minutes (60-90
minutes is fine).
9 Wash the plate 6 times with 300ul 1X wash buffer in each well.
10 Add 50ul TMB solution to each well with a multichannel pipette.
11 Mix on a plate rotator for 5 minutes at 500rpm (not very necessary) and
incubate the plate in the dark at room temperature for an additional 40
minutes. Though the protocol suggests 40 minutes, I found 2 minutes to
be adequate. Incubating for more than 10 minutes led to color change that
was too bright for the plate reader available to me (Tecan, GENios model).
12 Add 50ul of stop solution with a multichannel pipette. Mix on a plate rotator
for 3 min at 500rpm (or tap to mix). Be sure all wells have turned yellow.
Read plate in a plate reader at 450nm. Read plate within 10 minutes of
adding stop solution..
The students will perform these calculations with the teacher’s guidance. The
questions and tables are also provided in the student sections.
1. Compute the average OD for all duplicate wells
2. Subtract the average OD for the NSB wells form the average OD of the
zero, standards, controls and unknowns.
3. Calculate the percent bound for each standard, control and unknown by
dividing the average OD (B) by the average OD for the zero (Bo).
4. Determine the concentration for the control and unknown by interpolation
5. Multiply concentrations of unknown saliva samples by 5 to obtain the final
concentration of SIgA in ug/ml.
Wells Sample ID Average
Table 4.
Corrected SIgA= absolute SIgA (ug/mL) x flowrate (mL/min)
Sample ID Absolute SIgA
Flow rate
Corrected SIgA
Table 5.
Sample data and results as obtained by this author
Name of Assay:
sIgA quantitation ELISA091408
90 min
Date performed:
Performed by:
David Mwangi
Plate layout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A 600.000 200.000 66.700 22.200 7.400 2.500 0.000 0.000 blank
B 600.000 200.000 66.700 22.200 7.400 2.500 0.000 0.000 blank
C Donor 1 Donor 2
D Donor 1 Donor 2
Raw data Average of Two Reads
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A 0.1422 0.1695 0.3241 0.442 0.7985 1.276 1.771 2.1249 0.0004 0 0.0004
B 0.121 0.1851 0.2954 0.524 0.933 1.228 1.662 1.4453 0.0004 0 0
C 0.4034 0.4598 0.458 0.414 0.2982 0.635 0.765 0.7481 0.449 0.4282 0.2065
D 0.4199 0.5397 0.4847 0.376 0.323 0.584 0.697 0.5798 0.5705 0.5276 0.2584
E 0.0297 0.0313 0.0271 0.029 0.0326 0.032 0.032 0.0298 0.0289 0.0381 0.0292
F 0.0284 0.0301 0.0275 0.028 0.0262 0.027 0.064 0.0314 0.0406 0.0328 0.0321
G 0.0013 0.0001 0.0013 3E-04 0 0 7E-04 0 0.0002 0.0006 0.0003
H 0.0012 0.0001 0 0 0.0001 0 0 0 0 0 0
Average of duplicates
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A&B 0.1316 0.1773 0.3098 0.483 0.8658 1.252 1.716 1.7851 0.0004 0 0.0002
C&D 0.41165 0.4998 0.4714 0.395 0.3106 0.61 0.731 0.664 0.5098 0.4779 0.23245
Subtract blank to get B value 4E-04 Bo Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
A&B 0.1312 0.1769 0.3094 0.482 0.8654 1.251 1.716 1.7847 0
C&D 0.41125 0.4994 0.471 0.395 0.3102 0.609 0.73 0.6636 0.5094 0.4775 0.23205
Percent bound= Average OD(B)/Average OD
standards 600 200 66.7 22.2 7.4 2.5 0
B/Bo 0.07667 0.1031 0.1805 0.281 0.5043 0.729 1
Samples Donor 1 Donor 2
B/Bo 0.23966 0.291 0.2744 0.23 0.1808 0.355 0.426 0.3867 0.2968 0.27826 0.13523
Corrected sIgA amounts (ug/Min) = Absolute sIgA (ug/mL)x Flow rate (mL/Min)
Donor 1 Donor 2
30 15 20 28 50 7 13 14 15 15 45
150 75 100 140 250 35 65 70 75 75 225
1.43 0.59 2.5 0.1 0.5 0.26 0.4 7.14 0.42
214.5 44.25 250 14 125 9.1 26 499.8 31.5 15 225
Figure 6.
Student Section
Why is saliva important in the body’s defense against pathogens?
Most people do not associate saliva with the immune system. However,
saliva and mucosal secretions form an important first line of defense against
pathogens invading the mouth. Saliva provides a mechanical washing effect to
protect the oral mucous membrane, while IgA prevents viral replication and
bacterial attachment to the mucosal surfaces. One of the most widely used
techniques in immunology is ELISA. In this lab you will determine the quantity of
IgA in your own saliva using ELISA. You will first play a game in which you will
learn the path taken by IgA from its synthesis to the oral cavity. Then, you will
complete two labs. In the first lab, you will become familiar with simple dilutions.
You will use this skill in the second lab where you will determine the quantity of
IgA in a saliva mixture. You will also complete a lab report and a research paper
at the conclusion of this unit.
Background Information
Salivary IgA
Salivary IgA is an antibody found in saliva, in the gastrointestinal tract and
in mucus secretions throughout the body. The major function of IgA is to prevent
bacteria from binding to the mucous membrane and to prevent viruses from
multiplying and killing membrane cells. It is estimated that in a normal adult, IgA
constitutes 60%-70% of the total output of antibodies. The IgA form most
common in saliva is the dimeric secretory IgA. IgA is made by mature B cells in
lymph organs and transported to the oral membrane via a receptor. The IgA is
then shed into the oral cavity after the receptor is cleaved by an enzyme. It is
here that IgA in saliva affords protection against bacteria and viruses. There is
great interest in the scientific community to determine whether increased levels
of respiratory infections in athletes is related to IgA levels in saliva. The few
studies that have already been completed show conflicting data. The effects of
exercise on IgA levels are still under intense study.
Competitive ELISA:
ELISA- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. ELISA is a technique that is
used to determine the level of an antigen (like IgA) in a sample (like saliva). An
unknown amount of antigen is affixed to a surface, and then an antibody that can
only bind the antigen is added. Once the antibody binds the antigen, excess
antibody that is not bound to the antigen is washed off. The antibody is linked to
an enzyme. In the final step, a substance is added that the enzyme can convert
to a detectable signal. The amount of signal generated is proportional to the
amount of antigen initially present in the sample. There are several forms of
ELISA but they all follow this general process. In your second lab, you will use
the competitive ELISA technique to determine the level of IgA in saliva.
Competitive ELISA is a modification of the general ELISA process. This
method uses two antibodies:- the primary and the secondary antibody. The
primary antibody is not linked to an enzyme. The primary antibody is incubated
with its antigen (IgA) to form an antibody/antigen complex. This complex is then
added to an IgA-coated well. The plate is then washed to remove unbound
antibody. The rationale is that the more IgA in the sample, the less antibody will
be able to bind to the IgA in the well, hence “competition”. The secondary
antibody, specific to the primary antibody is added. This second antibody is
linked to an enzyme. The substrate is added, and remaining enzyme elicits a
fluorescent signal. The higher the original antigen concentration, the weaker the
eventual signal. The standard curve for the IgA lab will therefore have a shape
opposite that of the simple dilutions lab.
Classroom Activity Student Instructions
Role of saliva and salivary IgA in protecting against pathogens:
1. You will be carrying out this activity in groups of 8 students. Each student
will take up a role as one of the following:
IgA secretory receptor
First IgA- two students
Second IgA- two students
Your group will either be A or B. Group A will not have salivary IgA
while group B will not have virus or bacteria.
2. Tape the relevant index card showing your role on your shirt.
3. To start the activity, group B students representing Salivary IgA, enzyme
and receptor stand outside the classroom door.
4. Three students: one representing receptor and two representing first IgA
hold hands. The second IgA and receptor group similarly hold hands. All
six students enter the class followed by the student representing the
5. Once inside the classroom, each student will read the card that says their
role in the process to the rest of the class.
6. The student representing the enzyme will detach the receptor from both
IgA pairs.
7. The salivary IgA pairs will then move to the membrane on the wall. Turn
to face away from the membrane and stand guard.
8. Group A will then be provided with 10 immune system questions to ask
group B members. Each member of group A will at least ask one question.
Group B members may consult with each other to answer the question.
9. Group B will have one minute to answer each question. Every time an
incorrect answer is given, the card that contains that question is taped
onto the membrane behind the IgA to represent either a virus or bacteria.
10. At the end of the 10 questions, six or more stuck cards represent an
infection if more than half of them are bacteria or epithelial cell death if
more than half of the stuck cards are viruses.
11. Group B will now become group A and group A will become group B. The
game is then repeated with the same procedure.
12. At the end of the activity, sit in your group. The teacher will provide you
with a worksheet that you will discuss and respond to as a group. Write
down the responses you agree to on a piece of paper and hand this into
the teacher.
On construction paper, develop a concept map to describe IgA from synthesis
by plasma cells to protection of mucous membrane in the respiratory system.
Secretory IgA Classroom Activity
1. Describe the role of each of the following in the process of protection
against oral pathogens:
I.Plasma cells
II.Salivary IgA
III.IgA receptor
V.Mucous membrane
4. What other immune cells not mentioned in the activity help to
protect the body against pathogens.
5. Was your group able to protect the membrane? How many bacteria
and/or viruses were able to get to the membrane?
6. Draw a concept map to illustrate what happened during the activity
from IgA synthesis to protection against bacteria and viruses.
Simple Dilutions Lab
Spectrophotometer Assembly
The teacher will demonstrate the assembly procedure in front of the
To assemble the spectrophotometer, follow the diagram below.
Adapted from www.stanford.edu/groups/Urchin/simple.htm
1. You have been provided with a can of soft drink to make your
standards for the standard curve.
2. Place 6 tubes in a test tube rack. Label the tubes as 100, 80, 60, 40,
20 and 0 to represent the percentage of soft drink in each.
3. Use appropriate graduated cylinders to add soft drink and water to
each tube as per the following table. You should end up with 10ml of
solution in each tube. 5mL tubes may also be used in which case you
will use half of all measurements in the table below.
% soft
100 80 60 40 20 0
Ml of
10 8 6 4 2 0
Ml of
0 2 4 6 8 10
10 10 10 10 10 10
4. You have been provided with labeled samples of soft drink (with and
without ice) from different sources as your unknowns.
5. Place 10 ml of each sample in a test tube. Label the test tube with the
source of the soft drink.
6. Place each standard or sample in turn in the spectrophotometer
sample chamber and take the spectrophotometer readings. Record the
readings in the table.
Complete a lab report. Your report is divided into the following sections:
1. Objectives
2. Materials
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
Your report should be neat, well organized and include all data tables and
graphs. It should also include answers to the discussion questions.
Simple Dilution lab
1. What challenges did you encounter during the spectrophotometer
2. Plot the K-Ohms or absorbance readings (y-axis) from the standards
against % soft drink (x axis) on a graph paper or by using a graphing
3. Determine the concentrations of the labeled unknowns that were collected
from stores, restaurants and movie theaters by reading their K-Ohms or
absorbance value from the spectrophotometer, and determining the
corresponding % soft drink value on the from the standard curve. Record
your data in the table below.
4. Compare your data with data from other groups. Is the data consistent? If
not, what could be the source of the differences?
5. What sample had the highest soft drink concentration without ice?
6. What sample had the highest concentration of soft drink with ice?
Sample source K-Ohms or
% soft
Store 1
Store 2
Store 3
Rest. 1
Rest. 2
Rest. 3
Movie theatre 1
Movie theatre 2
Movie theatre 3
7. Suggest possible reasons why the soft drink concentrations were different
between the samples.
8. Assuming the stores, movie theatres and restaurants are all located in one
mall, where would you purchase soft drink and why?
9. In this lab, you did a linear dilution. How would you do a serial dilution
based on a factor of 10? (starting from the same 100% dilution)
10. In the next lab, you will use the dilution technique to dilute secretory IgA.
What is the relationship between K-Ohms readings and concentration
from your graph?
11. How would you record the results for a solution that changes color with
12. What would happen if the samples were not mixed well? How would this
affect the readings?
Secretory IgA Lab
sIgA ELISA Instructions:
1. You will work in pairs in this laboratory exercise.
2. Wear goggles, lab apron and gloves during the entire lab. The teacher will
demonstrate the correct way to remove gloves.
3. Rinse mouth with water 10 minutes before saliva collection.
4. In the first table of the lab procedure provided by the teacher, record your
last name initials (one initial from each student) as the sample ID.
5. Place one end of the 5cm straw piece in your mouth and the other end in
the microcentrifuge or whatever tube your teacher provides.
6. Imagine taking your favorite food (yummy!) and allow saliva to pool in the
7. With head tilted forward, drool (this is fun!) down the straw and collect
saliva in the microcentrifuge. Note- it is normal for saliva to foam.
8. Repeat until your saliva (minus foam) hits the 1mL mark.
9. Your partner will record the time it takes to collect 1mL.
10. If your mouth is dry, gently chew on the end of the straw to stimulate
saliva production.
11. Label the tubes with the same initials you used for the sample ID.
12. Using a 1000ul pipette, transfer the 1mL saliva into your partners
microcentrifuge tube. Use the pipette to thoroughly mix the saliva.
Remove 1mL of this mixture and place it back in the original tube so you
have 1mL of the mixture in both tubes.
13. Snap the tubes shut and give them to the teacher.
1. Complete a lab report for the sIgA ELISA lab. Your report should be neat
and organized into the following sections:
Your report should include all data tables and graphs.
2. Write a two page paper on “The effect of flow rate on salivary IgA
quantitation”. In your paper compare the absolute saliva amounts and the
corrected saliva amounts. Describe the effect that flow rate correction had
on your data. You may use referenced internet sources to help you
explain the importance of including the flow rate correction rather than just
recording the absolute sIgA concentration. You may find the following
website useful: www.salimetrics.com,
Secretory IgA lab
1. With the teachers help, determine the plate layout. Record and
keep track of the wells that you use for your sample.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2. The teacher will provide the sample IDs and time in seconds data
from your saliva collection protocol. Calculate the time in minutes
and the flow rate for each unknown sample.
Flow rate=Saliva volume (mL)/Time (Min)
Sample ID Volume (mL) Time
Flow rate
3. The teacher will provide the optical density readings for all samples
and standards. Copy the table provided by the teacher.
4. Calculate the percent bound (B/Bo) for each standard, control and
unknown by dividing the average OD (B) by the average OD for the
zero (Bo)
5. On graphing paper, graph percent bound B/Bo (y-axis) versus SIgA
concentration in ug/ml (sIgA conc. In ug/mL). Below is a sample
graph (your graph may not look exactly like this).
Sample SIgA standard curve
0 200 400 600 800
SIgA conc. in ug/ml
B/B0 percent bound
6. Determine the concentrations of the controls and unknowns by
interpolating from the standard curve. The unknowns will be the
mixed student samples and will be labeled with student initials.
Record the data in the table below.
Well Sample Average
8. Multiply the concentrations of unknown saliva samples by 5 to
obtain the final concentration of SIgA in ug/ml.
9. Calculate corrected sIgA concentration.
Corrected SIgA= absolute SIgA (ug/mL) x flowrate (mL/min)
Sample ID Absolute SIgA
Flow rate (mL/min) Corrected SIgA
Sample Concentration
X5 to obtain
absolute SIgA
1-Low control
2-High control
Unknown 2
Unknown 4
Unknown 5
Unknown 6
Unknown 7
Unknown 8
Unknown 10
Unknown 11
Unknown 12
Unknown 13
Unknown 14
Unknown 15
Unknown 16
10. What is your group’s corrected sIgA concentration? Is it different
from the absolute concentration obtained in step 6 above?
11. What factor led to the difference between the two sIgA
12. Describe the difference between the standard curve from the
simple dilution experiment and the standard curve from salivary IgA
13. Are there significant differences between the groups in IgA