All Grades and Content Areas
2023-24 Wisconsin Forward Exam
Wisconsin Forward Exam
Test Administration Manual
Developed by
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Office of Educational Accountability
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Jill K. Underly, PhD, State Superintendent
Madison, Wisconsin
This publication is available from:
Office of Educational Accountability
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 South Webster Street
Madison, WI 53703
© January 2024 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race,
color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status
or parental status, sexual orientation, or ability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of
America and other designated youth groups.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................... i
Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of This Manual ............................................................................................................................................ 1
About the Forward Exam ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Graphic Overview of the Forward Exam ....................................................................................................... 1
Contact Information .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Forward Exam Customer Service ......................................................................................................................... 2
Wisconsin Forward Exam Support .................................................................................................................. 2
Department of Public Instruction Contacts ................................................................................................. 2
Key Dates .................................................................................................................................................................. 3
The Forward Test Administrator ....................................................................................................................... 4
Who may Proctor the Forward Exam? ................................................................................................................ 4
TA Responsibilities: .................................................................................................................................................... 4
Test Times ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Test Times ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Test Security ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Importance of Test Security .................................................................................................................................... 6
Accessibility Information ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Administration of the Braille Version of the Forward Exam ....................................................................... 7
Prior to Testing with the Braille Version of Forward Exam .................................................................... 7
During Administration of the Braille Version of the Forward Exam .................................................... 8
Transcription of the Braille Version of Forward Exam ............................................................................. 8
Return Forward Exam Braille and Printed Materials to DRC ................................................................ 8
Administration of the Print-on-Demand Accommodation .......................................................................... 9
What is the Print-on-Demand Accommodation? ....................................................................................... 9
Request Print-on-Demand .................................................................................................................................
approved: .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Prior to Testing with Print-on-Demand ......................................................................................................... 9
Testing with Print-on-Demand ...................................................................................................................... 10
Assistive Technology Devices ............................................................................................................................. 10
Accessibility Resources for Test Administration .......................................................................................... 10
Prior to Testing ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
How do I (as a Teacher) prepare for the Forward Exam? ........................................................................... 12
Test Administrator Training ............................................................................................................................ 12
Administrator Tutorials .................................................................................................................................... 12
Check Your Testing Materials ........................................................................................................................ 13
Additional Testing Materials........................................................................................................................... 13
Preparing the Testing Environment (Making your room Test-Ready) .................................................. 14
Prepare a Post-Test Strategy.......................................................................................................................... 14
Preparing your Students for the Exam ........................................................................................................ 15
Student Tutorial Videos .................................................................................................................................... 15
Forward Exam Practice Test ........................................................................................................................... 16
Test Tickets ............................................................................................................................................................ 17
Test Ticket Management ...................................................................................................................................... 18
During Testing ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Test Functionality .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Prepare Devices Prior to Student Log In .................................................................................................... 19
How to Pause the Test ...................................................................................................................................... 19
How to Exit the Test without Submitting ................................................................................................... 19
How to Submit the Test .................................................................................................................................... 20
How to Move a Student to a New Device during Testing ..................................................................... 21
Test Administration ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Testing Transfer Students ............................................................................................................................... 21
Administering Make-ups .................................................................................................................................. 21
Back-up Plans ....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Accidental Submission ...................................................................................................................................... 22
Short Write Task Keyboard Settings ........................................................................................................... 22
Calculator Usage .................................................................................................................................................
hat type of Assistance is Permitted? ........................................................................................................ 22
Guessing ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Testing Recently Arrived English Learners ................................................................................................ 23
Monitoring Testing ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Securely Destroy Materials ............................................................................................................................. 24
Test Administration Script ................................................................................................................................. 25
Script 1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Script 2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Testing Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................................................. 38
District Assessment Coordinators (DAC) ....................................................................................................... 38
District Technology Coordinators (DTC) ........................................................................................................ 38
School Assessment Coordinators (SAC) .......................................................................................................... 38
Test Administrators/Proctors (TA) ................................................................................................................... 39
Test Security .......................................................................................................................................................... 40
Security Throughout the Testing Process ....................................................................................................... 40
Process to Report Test Security Incidents ...................................................................................................... 40
Guidelines for Documenting a Possible Test Security Incident............................................................... 40
Consequences of Test Security Incidents ....................................................................................................... 41
Securely Destroy Materials ................................................................................................................................. 41
Resources and Training Materials ................................................................................................................... 42
Accessibility ............................................................................................................................................................... 42
Reporting and Data ................................................................................................................................................. 43
Student and Staff Preparation Resources and Training Materials ......................................................... 43
Technology ................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Test Administration ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Test Security .............................................................................................................................................................. 45
Test Set-up ................................................................................................................................................................. 46
Test Schedules ....................................................................................................................................................... 48
Creating your Test Schedule ................................................................................................................................ 48
Back-up Plans ............................................................................................................................................................ 48
DRC INSIGHT Portal and DRC INSIGHT Secure Browser/Application ............................................... 49
What is the DRC INSIGHT Portal?..................................................................................................................... 49
What is DRC INSIGHT APP secure browser/application? ........................................................................ 49
Accessibility ........................................................................................................................................................... 50
Student Transfers .................................................................................................................................................
rior to the Close of the Testing Window ..................................................................................................... 52
Locating Students Not in Test Sessions ........................................................................................................... 52
Non-Test Participants ............................................................................................................................................ 52
Data and Reporting .............................................................................................................................................. 55
Individual Student Reports................................................................................................................................... 55
District and School Summary and Roster Reports ....................................................................................... 55
Appendices ............................................................................................................................................................. 56
Appendix A: Test Admistrator/Proctor (TA) Checklist .............................................................................. 57
Appendix B: Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 61
Student Accidentally Completed (submitted) a Test Now what? ................................................... 61
Advancing an ELA Passage .............................................................................................................................. 61
Audio Volume is Too Low ................................................................................................................................. 61
TTS is not Working Correctly ......................................................................................................................... 61
Student was Given the Wrong Accommodation/Support or no Accommodation/Support ..... 61
Student’s DRC INSIGHT application is unable to transmit a student response ........................... 61
Error Messages Display on Testing Device Screens ............................................................................... 62
Student is unable to enter quotation marks or other special characters in the Short Write
Task .......................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Appendix C: Forward Exam Test Times ........................................................................................................... 63
Appendix D: Decision Tree for unlocking a Student’s Test ....................................................................... 64
Appendix E: Decision Tree for a Student who did not have Accessibility Feature Available during
Testing ......................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Appendix F: Decision Tree to Assist in Selection of Supports for English Learners ......................... 66
Appendix G: Accessibility Features and Abbreviated Codes ................................................................... 67
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................................... 69
This document is designed to ensure the Wisconsin Forward Exam is administered in a uniform
manner that is essential for the integrity of this testing program. Following the instructions in this
manual ensures similar testing conditions in all classrooms, which ensures a valid and equitable
test for all students.
To guarantee smooth implementation of the testing program, everyone who interacts with the
assessments should become familiar with the contents of this Test Administration Manual (TAM)
and other resources available on the Forward Exam Resources webpage.
The majority of the TAM (including appendices) is information that pertains to test
administrators/educators (TAs) and what they need to know and do, in order to successfully
administer the Forward Exam. The DAC/SAC Administration Management Section, at the end of
the TAM, is specifically for District and School Assessment Coordinators. TAs do not need to do
anything with this additional section.
The Wisconsin Forward Exam will be used to gauge how well students are mastering the
Wisconsin Academic Standards in English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science, and social
Wisconsin students will take the Forward Exam at:
grades 3-8 in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics,
grades 4 and 8 in science, and
grades 4, 8, and 10 in social studies.
Graphic Overview of the Forward Exam
Contact Information
Customer service representatives will be available to receive questions via a toll-free phone
number and email Monday through Friday 7:00 AM 5:00 PM Central Standard Time.
Wisconsin Forward Exam Support
(800) 459-6530
Department of Public Instruction Contacts
For Forward Exam questions related to Wisconsin policies use the following information:
Forward Exam webpage
Forward Exam FAQ webpage
General Forward Exam Information and Policies
Alison O’Hara
Phone: (608) 266-5182
Jennifer Teasdale
Phone: (608) 266-5193
Data and Student Demographics Issues
Phil Cranley
Phone: (608) 266-9798
Test Security Issues
Duane Dorn
Phone: (608) 267-1069
Email: duane.[email protected].gov
District and School Important Contact Information
District Assessment Coordinator
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
School Assessment Coordinator
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
District Technology Coordinator
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
School Technology Coordinator
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Key Dates
For the most current dates, always refer to the Forward Exam Calendar webpage.
Event Date
Accessibility Guide available August 4, 2023
Forward Exam Practice Test available December 29, 2023
DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide available January 8, 2024
DAC Update Training- Recorded Presentation January 8, 2024
NEW DAC Training- Recorded Presentation January 8, 2024
Test Administration Training- Recorded Presentation January 8, 2024
Student Tutorials available January 8, 2024
Administrator Tutorials available January 8, 2024
Optional Add Accessibility Features Window in the DRC INSIGHT
February 12 – 23, 2024
Assign Individual Student Designated Supports and
Accommodations in the DRC INSIGHT Portal
March 4, 2024
Access to the DRC INSIGHT Portal Test Sessions and Individual
Student Information
March 4, 2024
Forward Exam Testing Window March 18April 26, 2024
User’s Guide to Interpreting Results available TBD
Individual Student Reports (ISRs) and Summary Data available in
the DRC INSIGHT app Portal
Hard copies of Individual Student Reports (ISRs) sent to districts TBD
Public Reports available in WISEdash TBD
The Forward Test Administrator
Test Administrators/Proctors (TAs) are trained staff (including administrators, teachers, and
paraprofessionals) who are employed by the school or district. This may also include student
teachers who normally have responsibility for supervising students. Parent volunteers are not
allowed to proctor the examination. School personnel who are parents or guardians are not
allowed to proctor their own children.
As a general rule, it is recommended that there be one proctor for every 15 students. A second
staff member to provide assistance for log in and technical issues during testing is also advised.
Prior to administering the Forward Exam TAs should:
Read and become familiar with the information in this manual.
View appropriate Forward Exam training presentations such as the Test Administrator
Read the Forward Exam Accessibility Guide and become familiar with the proper use of
universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations.
Read the Test Security Manual and view the Forward Exam Test Security Training
TAs are responsible for the administration (see appendix A for a TA Checklist) of the Forward
Exam to students. This includes (but is not limited to):
Arranging the test environment
Distributing and collecting test tickets
Assisting students with log in and other technical issues
Ensuring all supports and accommodations are provided to all students who should have
Providing directions, reading script to students, and making sure students stay on task
Ensuring all students in their classrooms take the Forward Exam
Monitoring students during testing and maintaining the security of the exam by:
reporting any testing irregularities (cheating, use of an accommodation or support student
should not have had, misadministration, etc.)
ensuring students are not using prohibited electronic devices
supervising students during breaks
preventing talking and sharing of answers
Test Times
The Forward Exam is an untimed test. The following are suggested testing times provided by DRC
to be used only as guidance to assist with scheduling for the Forward Exam. It is important to
remember that students may take more time or less time to complete the test based on effort and
ability levels. To view a breakdown by content area and session of the suggested testing times
refer to Appendix C.
Forward Estimated Testing Times In minutes:
Grade-Level ELA Mathematics Science Social Studies
3 125 90 Not Applicable Not Applicable
4 125 90 105 70
5 125 90 Not Applicable Not Applicable
6 125 105 Not Applicable Not Applicable
7 125 105 Not Applicable Not Applicable
8 125 115 105 70
10 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 70
Test Security
The security of the assessment and the confidentiality of student
information are vital to maintaining the validity, reliability, and
fairness of the results.
All Forward Exam questions are secure and must be handled
Secure handling protects the integrity, validity, and
confidentiality of assessment questions, prompts, and
student information. Any irregularity in test administration
must be reported to DPI as a test security incident.
If the reliability or validity of a test is compromised, the test
scores of individual students or entire classes may be
invalidated, and other disciplinary actions may be taken.
For more information about test security, see the Test Security
Manual and Forward Exam Test Security Training presentation
available on the Forward Exam Test Security webpage
electronic devices
are prohibited
during testing. This
includes all devices
with cellular,
messaging, or
wireless capabilities.
For test security
purposes, devices
used for the
Forward Exam must
be district owned.
Accessibility Information
State and federal laws require that state assessments must allow
for the inclusion of all students, including students with disabilities
and English learners (ELs). The Accessibility Guide, available on the
Forward Exam Accommodations and Supports webpage
, provides
information for educators to use in selecting and administering
universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations for
students who need them. Students who are provided with an
inappropriate support or accommodation or are not provided with
the appropriate support or accommodation, may have their test
invalidated due to misadministration.
Hard copy braille versions of the Forward Exam will be available
for students in Unified English Braille (UEB). Braille test forms may
be ordered online via the DRC INSIGHT Portal, on the Additional
Materials tab. Braille testing materials are packaged by building
and shipped to the district’s office address (or the shipping address
indicated by the district during the registration process). A scribe
must transcribe student responses into the online testing system
from the braille books. Once the transcribing is complete, all braille
test materials must be collected and given to the DAC to be
returned to DRC for processing and storage.
Prior to Testing with the Braille Version of Forward
In the DRC INSIGHT Portal, ensure that the student has
been assigned the braille accommodation. Instructions to
assign supports and accommodations are provided in the
DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide.
Retain the test ticket rather than distributing it to the
student. Do not print the test ticket until the braille
accommodation has been assigned. Check to make sure the
test ticket indicates “BRL” next to “Accommodations.”
Be sure to refer to any additional directions included with
the Braille Materials package.
All designated
supports and
must be entered into
Portal prior to
printing test tickets.
All assigned
features are listed
on the student’s test
ticket in an
abbreviated code
(see Appendix G).
The print-on-
demand and human
read aloud
must be
preapproved by DPI
prior to being
entered into the
Portal accessibility
settings and used on
the Forward Exam.
During Administration of the Braille Version of the Forward Exam
The TA should log in to the student’s online test (using the student’s test ticket) while the student
is testing using the braille materials to ensure the questions in the braille form sync with the online
IMPORTANT: If the questions on the accommodated braille form and the questions in the online testing
system are not in sync, this means the braille accommodation was not selected in the student’s
accessibility settings. Have the student exit the test and contact DPI for further instructions.
Transcription of the Braille Version of Forward Exam
Student responses must be transcribed from the braille version of the exam into the online testing
system. Without this step the student’s test cannot be scored. Follow these steps to transcribe
student answers.
There are two methods of transcribing answers for the student:
The TA may follow along with the student and enter the student’s responses immediately
into the online system if the student is comfortable with that, or
After the student has completed the braille version of the test, the TA uses the student’s
test ticket to log into the student’s test and then transcribes the student’s responses from
the braille book to the online test.
Once finished transcribing, select End Testand Submit. The TA should then return the braille
test materials to the DAC/SAC to be sent back to DRC.
Return Forward Exam Braille and Printed Materials to DRC
TAs must return all braille versions of the Forward Exam to the DAC/SAC to be returned via
secure shipment to DRC. DRC is responsible for all return shipping costs for the braille and printed
test books. The DAC must use the shipping return labels and Braille Materials Return Instructions
that were provided in the original braille testing materials shipping box. The DAC must make
shipping arrangements at least 24 hours in advance of package pickup.
What is the Print-on-Demand Accommodation?
The print-on-demand accommodation is intended for those extremely rare instances (e.g.,
photosensitive epilepsy) where a student’s condition prevents him or her from accessing material
online. Access to printed questions/stimuli should not be assigned based solely on a student’s or
school’s personal preference. The decision to allow this accommodation must be based on each
individual student’s need and documented in a student’s IEP or 504 Plan. There are emergency
circumstances in which medical documentation is acceptable (e.g., concussion with no screen time
Request Print-on-Demand
While most of the accommodations can just be set in the DRC INSIGHT Portal, there is a special
protocol for requesting a print-on-demand accommodation. If a student requires print-on-
demand, the DAC must submit a Request for Print-on-Demand Accommodation Approval Form
located on the Assessment Forms webpage
. After receiving the request, DPI will review and, if
approved, activate the process. If the accommodation is denied you will receive an email
notification from DPI.
If approved:
You will receive email notification from DPI that the accommodation is approved. This
email will ask for additional information that the Office of Educational Accountability
(OEA) needs to process the accommodation.
The day prior to the first test session scheduled for the student, your DAC will receive a
secure file transfer containing the print-on-demand form. The form may not be emailed.
The DAC must print and deliver the form to the individual administering the test (TA). The
form must be deleted from the computer immediately after printing.
The print-on-demand form must be kept secure at all times, before, during, and after
Prior to Testing with Print-on-Demand
In the DRC INSIGHT Portal, ensure that the student has been assigned the print-on-
demand accommodation.
Print the student’s test ticket. Retain the test ticket rather than distributing it to the
student. (Do not print the test ticket until the print-on-demand accommodation has been
assigned.) Check to make sure the test ticket indicates “POD” next to “Accommodations”.
IMPORTANT: If the questions on the accommodated print-on-demand form and the questions in the
online testing system are not in sync, this means the print-on-demand accommodation was not selected
in the student’s accessibility settings. Have the student exit the test and contact DPI for further
Testing with Print-on-Demand
The TA should log in to the student’s online test (using the student’s test ticket) while the student
is testing using the print-on-demand materials.
There are two methods of transcribing answers for the student:
o The TA may follow along with the student and enter the student’s responses
immediately into the online system if the student is comfortable with that, or
o After the student has completed the print-on-demand test, the TA uses the
student’s test ticket to log into the student’s test and then transcribes the student’s
responses from the print-on-demand test book to the online test.
Once finished transcribing, select End Testand Submit. The TA should then return the
print-on-demand test materials to the DAC/SAC to be securely destroyed.
After securely destroying the materials, the DAC must complete a Confirmation of
Destruction Form and return it to DPI.
Any assistive technology device needed by a student to access the online test (as part of an IEP or
504 plan) should be checked for compatibility with the online testing system prior to the day of
testing. Use the Forward Exam Practice Test to test device compatibility. If assistance is needed,
contact the DRC helpdesk. Only assistive technology devices that are allowable on the Forward
Exam may be used. Refer to the Accessibility Guide on the Forward Exam Accommodations and
Supports webpage for more information.
All accessibility resources available to TAs are on the Forward Exam Accommodations and
Supports webpage. Refer to Appendix G for a list of accessibility features and their corresponding
Resource Description
Accessibility Guide Provides information about the universal tools available to all
students, and the designated supports and accommodations that
are available for those students who need them during the
administration of the Forward Exam. The guide includes
descriptions of each accessibility feature and guidelines for their
Accessibility Training
Optional video which provides the information from the
Accessibility Guide about accommodations and designated
supports, including their descriptions and guidelines for use. This
video may be used for training school/district staff as a supplement
to the Accessibility Guide.
Multiplication Table
This resource is a non-embedded accommodation available for
students who have it in their IEP/504 plan for grades 4-8
mathematics. Refer to Accessibility Guide for allowable use.
Read Aloud Guidelines
Outlines the qualifications, guidelines, and procedures required for
a test reader.
Scribing Guidelines
Outlines the qualifications, guidelines, and procedures required
when providing a scribe.
Outlines the qualifications, guidelines, and procedures required
when providing an interpreter.
Bilingual Dictionary
List of allowable bilingual dictionaries.
Prior to Testing
Prior to Testing
Test Administrator Training
All test administrators (TAs) should watch the Test Administrator
Training video. The training video provides Forward Exam Test TAs
with everything they need to give the test from start to finish. This
video is a supplement to the Test Administration Manual.
Administrator Tutorials
These optional videos provide step-by-step instructions on how to
use some accessibility features within the testing system. There are
four tutorials that are useful for all TAs to watch before
administering the exam. These tutorials show how to use:
the video sign language accommodation,
the text-to-speech universal tool,
the stacked Spanish translation designated support, and
other designated supports that include the color choices,
color contrast, and masking.
Administrator Tutorials can be accessed one of two ways:
by visiting the Forward Exam Resources webpage an
following the Administrator Tutorials link under Trainings
and selecting Administrators, or
y launching the DRC INSIGHT app on your device and
clicking on Online Tutorials, then selecting administrators.
The Administrator
Tutorials do not
provide guidance on
when to use
features. Refer to
the Accessibility
Guide for guidance
on assigning
Prior to Testing
Check Your Testing Materials
Check to be sure you have the following materials prior to the start of testing:
Test Administration Manual (printed copy or online)
“Testing Do not Disturb” Sign (available on the Forward Exam Resources webpage
“Unauthorized electronic devices and cell phones/smartwatches are not allowed in the
testing environment” Sign (available on the Forward Exam Resources webpage
Any allowable assistive technology devices required by students to take the Forward Exam
A list of students who need designated supports and accommodations. This helps ensure
all students who need an accessibility feature receive it. This list can be provided by the
School or District Assessment Coordinator who can download this list using directions
available in the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide.
Test Tickets
Contact information for you school technology staff, school assessment coordinator, and
district assessment coordinator
Additional Testing Materials
All students will need access to a district-owned device with the DRC INSIGHT secure browser or
application installed. In addition to a computer, all students will need some additional resources.
TAs are responsible for ensuring all students have access to the appropriate resources listed in the
table below.
Device Description
Headphones/Earphones Headphones are required for ALL students in all grades for all
content areas.
Keyboard A physical keyboard is required for ELA to avoid consuming screen
space during the short write tasks.
Pointing Device Mouse, touch screen, touchpad, or stylus is required.
Scratch Paper Required resource for all students in all content areas. Scratch
paper must be collected and securely disposed of immediately after
testing session.
Prior to Testing
Testing conditions should be comfortable for all students. TAs should complete the following:
Remove or cover all instructional materials on walls and desks that might assist students in
answering questions, including information on bulletin boards, chalkboards, dry-erase
boards, charts, wall charts that contain literary definitions, maps, mathematics, formulas,
word walls, number lines, etc.
Ensure adequate spacing between students and/or visual barriers
Place a Testing-Do Not Disturb” sign
on the door of the testing room
Place an “Unauthorized Electronic Devices and Cell Phones/Smartwatches are Not
Allowed in the Testing Environment” sign in the room
Provide a quiet environment void of distraction
Prepare a Post-Test Strategy
TAs should establish procedures for students who finish testing ahead of others by having the
students exit the room quietly and report to another area or work silently on designated activities
(that do not include electronics) at their workstation. It is important to keep in mind the students
still testing when planning these strategies. Students can feel pressured to finish when their peers
begin to complete the test and leave the room. As the Forward Exam is an untimed test, students
should feel they have ample time to answer all questions.
Device Description
Graph Paper Optional resource for students in grades 6-8. Graph paper must be
collected and securely disposed of immediately after testing
session. The graph paper should be plain graph paper and must also
be free of axis lines, points, numbers, and/or letters. Graph paper is
provided for students to create organized sketches of points, lines,
and/or shapes to solve problems in grades 6-8.
Graph paper can also be provided to other grade levels to be used
as scratch paper. There is no need for a consistent requirement in
graph paper size; however, the recommendation is the 1/4-inch
graph paper.
Prior to Testing
Preparing your Students for the Exam
Prepare your students for the Forward Exam by:
encouraging them to approach the testing in a relaxed, positive way.
explaining that the purpose of taking this test is to find out what skills they have mastered
and what skills need further development.
reminding them that the test is not timed, and they will be given ample time to do their
emphasizing that while they should do their best, the scores will not affect their grades.
informing students that they will not be allowed to use cell phones, smartwatches, or any
other electronic devices in the testing area. In addition, students will not be permitted to
use any form of electronic device during short breaks in the testing session or when
finished testing and are waiting for others to complete testing.
Test preparation is only useful to the extent that it is also teaching content area knowledge and
skills. While it is important that students have an opportunity to become familiar with the format
of the test and with the types of questions they will be required to answer, it is very important to
ensure that teachers are teaching to the standards and not to the test, as teaching to the test
narrows the focus of instruction to only that content covered by the test.
Student Tutorial Videos
The Student Tutorial videos are designed to help
students become familiar with the online testing
environment. Some videos are intended for all
students, while others cover specific tools that are
only available at certain grade levels. The student
tutorial home screen displays which videos accompany
which grade levels as well as run times. Tutorials can
be viewed as a class or at individual student machines.
Student tutorials can be accessed one of two ways:
by visiting the Student Preparation section on the Forward Exam Resources webpage a
selecting student tutorials, then the appropriate grade level tutorials, or
by launching the DRC INSIGHT app on your device and clicking on DRC INSIGHT Online
Assessment Tutorials then clicking on student tutorials.
Prior to Testing
Forward Exam Practice Test
The Forward Exam Practice Test provides students the
opportunity to interact and become familiar with the
testing system. The Practice Test contains samples of
stimulus and test questions similar to those on the
Forward Exam. Each sample test question has been
through a rigorous review process by DRC, Wisconsin
Educators, and a third party, to ensure alignment with the
State Standards. These questions will not be used on the
state assessment and may, therefore, be used in
Wisconsin for professional development and student practice. The questions are a sample of the
content and types of questions that students will encounter on the Forward Exam. The Practice
Test is available online and as a printable PDF. Each question contains information about
alignment (standard measured), answer key, depth of knowledge, and specific annotations. The
Practice Test is not scored, and the online versions do not save responses.
Students practice using the tools available on the Forward Exam and familiarize themselves with
how to maneuver in the system and work the different types of questions they will encounter.
The Forward Exam Practice Test is available for each content area and grade level.
Accessible Practice Tests are available for students who need to practice Spanish stacked
translation, VSL, masking, and color choice tools.
All students should be given the opportunity to utilize the Forward Exam Practice Test prior to
actual testing. Students may perform better and with less anxiety if they are familiar with the
format of the test and with the types of questions they will be required to answer.
IMPORTANT: Do not hand out test tickets before students practice with the Forward Exam Practice
Test. Test tickets should only be distributed immediately prior to students logging into the actual test.
The Forward Exam Practice Test is accessible in two ways:
publicly accessible on the Forward Exam Practice Test webpage
, using a Chrome browser,
unless using an iPad then the Safari browser must be used.
via the DRC INSIGHT app.
The Practice Test is also useful as educators engage in conversations about what students are
expected to know and be able to do to demonstrate proficiency on the state assessments relative
to the Wisconsin Academic Standards
. Practice questions can inform discussions about state and
local standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment.
Note: A student’s performance on the practice test cannot be converted to a scale score, used to
predict performance on the Forward Exam, or used to make inferences about the student’s
Prior to Testing
Test Tickets
TAs will be provided with test
tickets for each student by
their DAC/SAC. Test tickets
include the name of the
assessment, student name and
ID, test session name,
username, password, and any
accessibility features (designated supports and/or
accommodations) that have been assigned to the student. Test
tickets must be printed after accessibility features have been
entered into DRC INSIGHT Portal or the student will not have the
accommodation or support available for testing. If an accessibility
feature has changed after printing tickets, that student will need a
new ticket printed for the feature to be available to the student
before logging in to the test. See Appendix G for a list of all
accessibility features and their abbreviated codes.
Check carefully to ensure that the information printed on the test
tickets is correct. If you believe a student should have a designated
support or accommodation that is not listed on the test ticket,
contact the DAC/SAC before the student logs in to the test. The
designated support or accommodation will need to be assigned in
the DRC INSIGHT Portal and a new test ticket printed before the
student logs in to test. If the support or accommodation is not
printed on the test ticket, the student will not have that support
or accommodation available on their test. Beginning the test
without the support or accommodation may result in a need to
purge or invalidate the student’s test. Please refer to the
Accessibility Guide
for more information about accessibility
The student username and password remain the same for all
sessions within a content area. Students will use the same ticket
every time they log into that content area. Tickets must be
collected at the end of each test sitting, stored in a secure location,
and redistributed for all sittings for that content area.
Not Tested Codes
(NTCs) are not
printed on Tickets.
Please be aware of
which students may
have reasons for not
testing in your
classroom such as
the new to country
ELA exemption.
To ensure each
student receives the
correct test ticket,
read the name on
the ticket as you are
handing it to the
Prior to Testing
Test tickets and rosters are considered secure materials. They should be kept in a secure location
until the session is scheduled to begin.
Distribute test tickets to students just prior to student login and collect test tickets at the end of
the test sitting. It is best practice to count the number of tickets that are distributed and make
sure the same number of tickets are collected.
After a testing session is complete, return all test tickets to the DAC/SAC for secure destruction
or secure storage.
If you suspect a student’s test ticket and/or password have been compromised, contact OEA
immediately at (608) 267-1072.
During Testing
During Testing
Prepare Devices Prior to Student Log In
Ensure that all other programs or applications on the device are closed prior to launching
the DRC INSIGHT application (including those that use audio or video channels).
Ensure the device’s system volume is not muted and is set to an appropriate level.
Ensure that the ChromeOS device’s keyboard is set to U.S. Keyboard. Instructions
available on the Forward Exam Technology Requirements and Resources webpage
How to Pause the Test
If the student needs to take a break (less than 20 minutes)
Click on the “pause” button.
A timer appears over the student’s test that
counts down from 20 minutes.
To resume testing, the student will click the
“Resume” button (before the clock counts
down to zero).
If the student does not click the “Resume” button before the clock counts down to zero, the
student will automatically be logged out of the test session, but the test will not be submitted. Any
questions already answered will be saved. To continue testing, the student will need to log in again
with their test ticket.
How to Exit the Test without Submitting
If the student is taking a break for more than 20 minutes (lunch, leaving for day, etc.)
The student should go back and review all flagged
questions prior to exiting the test session for the day.
Students may not go back to any questions worked on
during a previous sitting (students should only be
permitted to work forward from the last completed
Click the Pause” button.
Then choose the “Exit” button.
The student will be asked “Are you sure you want
to Exit and Close the test?” To close the test the
student should click the “Exit” button.
During Testing
The test session will end but will not be submitted. Any questions already answered will be
saved. The student will need their test ticket to log in again and continue the test.
How to Submit the Test
When the student reaches the last question in
the session, they should choose the “Review or
End Test” button in the upper right corner.
This will take the student to a review page. Here
students can see if they have answered all
questions, only partially answered a question, or
flagged a question for review. A multi-select
question that asks a student to choose two
answers, will show as incomplete on the
review screen for that question if the student
selected only one option. A filter in the top-
right corner of the review page provides
students the ability to show specific questions
that were either flagged, partially answered, or
unanswered during the test. Flags do not need
to be cleared in order to submit the test. If the
student would like to return to a question from
this page, they can select anywhere on the line
for that question. The student may also click
on the “Return to Questions button if they would like to go back into the session.
When the student is finished with the test session,
they will need to end and submit. Submitting the
test will submit all answers and does not permit
re-entry into the test session (e.g., math session
1). From the review screen, students should select
the “End Test” button. There will be one
additional pop-up box that indicates whether or
not all questions have been answered and asking
the student if they are done with their test. The
student can either choose to return to the review screen or submit the test. Once the student
selects the Submit button, they cannot return to the test session.
During Testing
How to Move a Student to a New Device during Testing
If the student is having technical difficulties sometimes the best solution is to move the student to
a different computer.
Step-by-step process:
End student’s test without submitting
choose the “Pause” button,
then choose the “Exit” button,
and then the “Exit” button.
Escort the student to the new location (computer).
Launch the testing software.
Hand the test ticket back to the student.
Observe the student entering his/her username
and password.
Student will be required to view and click through the test directions.
Student will click Begin Test and will be taken to the same question where they left off
prior to pausing.
Collect the student’s test ticket.
Continue to monitor the test session with the normal security procedures.
Testing Transfer Students
A school is required to test or complete the testing of any student who enrolls in the district during
the testing window, provided the student has not already completed testing elsewhere in a
Wisconsin Public School.
Administering Make-ups
Students who are absent for one or more sessions should take the remaining sessions with the rest
of the class. Make-ups for missed sessions (or for students who may need extra time to complete a
session) should be scheduled for a later time.
Every attempt should be made to administer make-up tests to any students who miss one or more
of the scheduled test sessions. TAs should coordinate the scheduling of make-up sessions with the
School Assessment Coordinator (SAC) to eliminate conflicts and ensure that the students will be
taking the make-up tests under the same conditions as the other students.
During Testing
Back-up Plans
When administering online tests, technical issues may arise from time-to-time. Be sure you are
aware of your district’s back-up plan if a situation occurs. Removing students from a testing
situation that is not functioning and returning them to their regular schedule is recommended to
keep frustration levels low.
Accidental Submission
If a student accidentally submits a test, refer to Appendix D: Decision Tree for Unlocking a
Student Test, and contact the DAC immediately to unlock the student’s test.
Short Write Task Keyboard Settings
If using ChromeOS, the keyboard needs to be set to US Keyboard, in order for special characters
to function, such as quotation marks. This can be set ahead of time on all devices. Refer to
instructions on the Forward Exam Technology Requirements and Resources webpage. If a student
is working in the short write tasks and finds that the special characters are not working, use the
following process to change the keyboard settings:
ick outside of the writing response text box,
Select ‘Ctrl Shift Space Bar’ at the same time.
Calculator Usage
Students may only use the online, embedded calculator provided in the assessment for calculator-
allowed questions. Students with visual impairments who are unable to access the online
calculator provided in the assessment for calculator-allowed questions will be permitted to use
the calculator that they typically use, such as a Braille calculator. Test administrators must ensure
the calculator is only available for calculator-allowed questions. See the Accessibility Guide for
more information.
Use of Calculators by Grade and Session:
Grade Math Session Embedded Calculator Allowed
3, 4, 5
1 NO
2 NO
6, 7, 8
1 NO
What type of Assistance is Permitted?
Be sure students understand the directions and how to work in the online system. Assist them
with test taking mechanics (help with technology of question, i.e., how to drag and drop or draw a
line to matching selection) but be careful not to inadvertently give hints or clues that indicate an
During Testing
answer or eliminate answer choices. You may read an occasional word for a student as long as it is
not part of an ELA reading session passage, if asked.
Encourage students to attempt all questions. Tell them to read each question carefully and make
their best attempt answering. Be careful not to imply they should guess randomly. Unanswered
questions are scored as incorrect.
Testing Recently Arrived English Learners
All students enrolled at the time of testing must be assessed. English learners (ELs) who are new to
country (been enrolled in U.S. schools for less than 12 cumulative months) may be exempted from
the English language arts (ELA) portion of the Forward Exam during their first test administration.
These students must take the ELA section during subsequent administrations, even if they still
qualify as a recently arrived student. If the student does not participate in the ELA assessment, he
or she must participate in ACCESS for ELLs®. If a student arrives after the ACCESS for ELLs®
assessment window and does not have an opportunity to take that test, but is exempt from the
ELA assessment, he or she will be removed from test participation calculations. Recently arrived
students must participate in all other content areas, with or without designated supports.
Students in the district for less than a full academic year (FAY) are counted for test participation
only; their assessment results are not factored into school or district report cards. Results for
students who are FAY in the district but not a specific school are included in district report cards.
Students new to country who are exempt from the ELA assessment must have a not-tested code
entered in the DRC INSIGHT Portal for ELA. If a student who is exempt from the ELA assessment
took part or all of the ELA test, please contact DPI for further guidance.
Monitoring Testing
TAs should monitor testing by:
Circulating throughout the room
Ensuring that all test administration, test security, and accessibility policies and
procedures are maintained
Reporting any test security incidents to DAC/SAC
Assisting students with technology issues
Ensuring students are working in the correct test session and progressing as they should
(redirecting student attention back to the test if needed). If a student has selected an
incorrect session, select Pause and then Exit to return to the test sign-in screen, then log
the student in to the correct session.
During Testing
Securely Destroy Materials
Federal lawthe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)prohibits the release of any
student’s personally identifiable information (PII). Any printouts, including print on demand, test
tickets, scratch paper, and graph paper must be collected, given to the DAC/SAC and then
securely destroyed.
Test Administration
Test Administration Script
This section provides the directions and script for administration of the test. Be sure to review the
test administration script in advance. In order to ensure that all students in the state are provided
the same instructions and tested under the same conditions, the script must be followed exactly
and used each time a test is administered.
If you are resuming the test and are sure that all students are able to log in without hearing the
login directions again, you may skip to script #2.
Test Administrators should print these script pages or work from an online version.
At the beginning of the test session, confirm that:
Each student is sitting at a separate testing device and that each device is turned on and
the desktop/home screen is visible.
All students have headphones and scratch paper.
All cell phones, smartwatches, cameras, and other personal electronic devices are turned
off or silenced and put away. It is recommended that Test Administrators instruct students
to leave electronic devices in their locker.
All programs are closed on the testing device before the DRC INSIGHT application is
Test Administration
Script 1
Today you will be taking the Forward Exam for [ELA/Mathematics/Social
Studies/Science]. Carefully follow the directions and give this test your best effort.
Your answers need to be your own work. Please keep your eyes on your own test, and
remember that there is no talking.
This is not a timed test so work at your own pace. If after 20 minutes, you do not
answer a question or click on a test tool, a screen will pop up warning you that you are
about to be logged out of the test. Please click okay if you get this warning and the
test will continue. If you do not click okay, you will be automatically logged out and
will need your test ticket to log in again and continue testing.
During testing, if you need to step away from your computer, please raise your hand
nd ask me. You can pause the test by clicking the Pause button.
This test is divided into sessions. When you get to the end a session, you will see a
review screen. You can review your answers before ending and submitting the test.
Once you submit your answers, you will be logged out.
Read one of the two options below that corresponds with the session you are testing:
Option 1
Read for ALL sessions (except Science sessions)
You should try to answer each question before going on to the next question. Be sure
to read each question carefully. Test questions will ask you to provide your answer in
several different ways. Be sure you understand what you are being asked to do.
If you are unsure of an answer, provide what you think is the best answer. If you
would like to review that answer at a later time, mark the question for review by
clicking the “Flag” button.
Flagging the question will remind you in the review screen to go back and decide
whether you need to change the answer during this test session. Once you log out you
will not be able to go back to any flagged or previously completed questions.
Test Administration
Option 2
Read only for Science Sessions
For this session, you will see that most of the questions are grouped into sets. Each set
of questions will begin with some scienctific background information, which may also
include graphics or pictures. This background information is not meant to be where
you will find all of your answers.
You should try to answer each question before going on to the next question. Be sure
to read each question carefully. Test questions will ask you to provide your answer in
different ways. Be sure you understand what you are being asked to do.
If you are unsure of an answer, provide what you think is the best answer. If you
would like to review that answer at a later time, mark the question for review by
clicking the “Flag” button.
Flagging the question will remind you in the review screen to go back and decide
whether you need to change the answer during this test session. Once you log out you
will not be able to go back to any flagged or previously completed questions.
If the DRC INSIGHT app is already open on the testing devices, you can skip the text box below.
If the DRC INSIGHT app is not already open on the testing devices, say the following:
Open the DRC INSIGHT app on your computer. You may see a screen that says
“WIDA” and “Wisconsin.” If you see this screen, select “Wisconsin.” You should now
see a Wisconsin Forward Exam logo on the left side of the screen. Is there anyone
who does not see this screen?
Test Administration
Pause to assist students if necessary. If a student receives an error message, note the content of
the error message, and contact the Technology Coordinator or School Assessment Coordinator.
The student can be moved to another computer if needed.
Select Wi
sconsin Forward Exam. You should now see the sign in screen appear. Is
there anyone who does not see the sign in screen?
use to assist students if necessary. A second staff person to assist those having trouble is
When all students are ready and see the sign in screen:
I will now pass out your test ticket that includes your log in information. Do not share
your test ticket with anyone else. Do not log in to the test until you are told to do so.
Please make sure your name and the test name are correct on the ticket. Today’s test
is (Mathematics, English Language Arts, Science, or Social Studies). Keep the test
ticket and I will collect it later.
Give students the test tickets. When distributing, confirm that each student receives the
correct ticket by ensuring the student’s name and the test name are correct.
If the student should have any online supports or accommodations such as Color Contrast
or VSL, ensure this is printed on the ticket.
Make note of the number of test tickets you are distributing so you will know how many to
collect at the end of the test.
Remember the test tickets contain secure information and need to be collected at the end
of the test session.
After you have distributed the test tickets:
Log in now by entering your username and password from your test ticket. If you have
any trouble logging in, please raise your hand and wait for assistance. Once you have
logged in, please sit quietly, and DO NOT go any further. We will review several
screens together. If you move ahead, you may enter the test accidentally. If you
happen to accidently enter the test, please stay calm and sit quietly while you wait for
the rest of the class to catch up. DO NOT try to get out of the test by yourself.
Test Administration
After you log in you will see a Welcome screen. Raise your hand if you do not see the
welcome screen with your name.
Make sure all students have successfully entered their information and logged in. A second
staff person to assist those having trouble is beneficial.
Remember: Passwords are unique to each content area, but the same for all sessions
within a content area. Usernames and passwords are NOT case sensitive.
Contact the Technology Coordinator or School Assessment Coordinator for assistance
with error messages. If the problem cannot be resolved, please contact the DRC Help Desk
at 1-800-459-6530 or WIHelp[email protected]
Look at the information on the welcome screen and make sure that your first and last
name and the name of the test match your test ticket.
If the information is correct, select the Cont
inue button. If the information is not
correct, raise your hand.
Test Administration
Pause to assist students as necessary. A second staff person to assist those having trouble is
The next screen shows the sessions available in this content area. Is there anyone
who does not see the sessions listed on the screen?
Select the test session (
session 1, session 2, etc.). You will now see the test directions
screen. Please read the directions to yourself. DO NOT click the Begin the Test
Button until told to do so.
As students are reading through the directions, go around to each student and confirm that they
have the accessibility features needed.
All students can use the Text-to-Speech (TTS) universal tool, and students may need you to
adjust the audio settings (speed and volume of the TTS voice). It is also possible to enable
auto play of the TTS using the audio settings.
Students who need VSL will see a button for VSL on the direction pages.
Students who need Spanish Stacked Translation with Spanish or English TTS should see the
translated directions. Students made need assistance to adjust the TTS audio settings
(speed and volume of the TTS voice).
Students who need color choice and contrast adjusted may need you to help them.
Assist students as necessary. Allow students time to read the information on the various
directions pages and confirm that students have reviewed all materials.
Test Administration
Once you have confirmed all students have the necessary accessibility features and all students
have read the directions:
Now select the B
egin the Test button.
During testing:
Circulate through the room during testing to ensure that all test administration, test
security, and accessibility policies and procedures are maintained.
If you notice a student is off task, needs to be re-focused, or a student asks you a content
related question, the following statements may be used:
It is important that you do your best. Do you need to pause the test and take a break?
I can’t help with the test. Try to do your best.
Do not help the class or individual students with specific test questions or content.
Provide assistance if a student is struggling with the mechanics/technology requirements
of a question. Students should not be hindered by technology.
When the time scheduled for the testing period is coming to an end:
Get ready to end the testing period approximately five minutes prior to the end of the time you
have scheduled for this test period and give students a brief warning. Read the information below
that corresponds with the session you are testing:
We are nearing the end of this testing period. Please review any questions you have
flagged for review now. You will not be able to return to them during the next testing
period. If you are still working, you will have the chance to finish the test at another time
by starting with the last question completed and working forward from there.
When the testing period is over:
This testing period is now over. If you are still working in this session, select P
then Exit and you will be able to finish at another time. If you have answered all the
questions in this session, select Review/End Test, then End Test, then Submit. I need
to collect your test tickets and scratch paper before you leave your computer.
Test Administration
Collect all test tickets, scratch paper, and any other allowed testing materials.
Ensure all testing device screens show the Wisconsin Forward Exam initial welcome
screen or the test sign in screen.
Return all collected test materials to the DAC/SAC for secure storage or secure
The DAC/SAC may also wish for you to provide a list of students who were absent or did
not complete the test session and will require additional time to complete the test.
Test Administration
Script 2
This script may be used if you are resuming the test and students have already heard the detailed
instructions from script 1 at least once.
At any time in this script, you should pause to assist students as needed. It is helpful to have a
second TA in the room to help students log in and confirm that each student has their needed
accommodations and supports before the students click the Begin the TestButton.
Today you will be taking the Forward Exam for [ELA/Mathematics/Social
Studies/Science]. Carefully follow the directions and give this test your best effort.
This is not a timed test so work at your own pace. Your answers need to be your own
work. Please keep your eyes on your own test, and remember that there should be no
Read one of the three options below that corresponds with the session you are testing:
Option 1
Read for ALL sessions (except Science sessions)
You should try to answer each question before going on to the next question. Be sure to
read each question carefully. Test questions will ask you to provide your answer in
several different ways. Be sure you understand what you are being asked to do.
Option 2
Read only for Science Sessions
For this session, you will see that most of the questions are grouped into sets. Each set
of questions will begin with some scienctific background information, which may also
include graphics or pictures. This background information is not meant to be where
you will find all of your answers.You should try to answer each question before going
on to the next question. Be sure to read each question carefully. Test questions will
ask you to provide your answer in different ways. Be sure you understand what you
are being asked to do.
Test Administration
If the DRC INSIGHT app is not already open on the testing devices, instruct students to open the
app by saying:
Open the DRC INSIGHT app on your computer. You may see a screen that says
“WIDA” and “Wisconsin.” If you see this screen, select “Wisconsin.”
After the DRC INSIGHT app is open on testing devices, say:
Select Wi
sconsin Forward Exam. You should now see the sign in screen appear. Raise
your hand if you do not see the sign in screen?
nce all students have the sign in screen open, pass out test tickets. After you have passed out
test tickets, say:
Use the
information on your test ticket to enter your username and password and
select Sign In.
Once students have logged in with their username and password:
On the Welcome screen, make sure that your first and last name and the name of the
st match your test ticket. If all the information about you is correct, select the
Continue button. If the information is not correct, raise your hand.
Now, select the test session (session 1, session 2, etc.) and read the directions to
As students are reading through the directions, go around to each student and confirm that they
have the accessibility features needed.
All students can use the Text-to-Speech (TTS) universal tool, and students may need you to
adjust the audio settings (speed and volume of the TTS voice). It is also possible to enable
auto play of the TTS using the audio settings.
Test Administration
Students who need VSL should see the VSL feature in the directions.
Students who need Spanish Stacked Translation with Spanish or English TTS should see the
translation in the directions. They should be able to hear the TTS when they select play and
may need you to adjust the speed and volume of the TTS voice.
Students who need color choice and contrast adjusted may need you to help them. Assist
students as necessary.
Allow students time to read the information on the various directions pages and confirm that
students have reviewed all materials. Once you have confirmed all students have the necessary
accessibility features and all students have read the directions:
Now select the B
egin the Test button.
During testing:
Circulate through the room during testing to ensure that all test administration, test
security, and accessibility policies and procedures are maintained.
If you notice a student is off task, needs to be re-focused, or a student asks you a content
related question, the following statements may be used:
It is important that you do your best. Do you need to pause the test and take a break?
I can’t help with the test. Try to do your best.
Do not help the class or individual students with specific test questions or content.
Provide assistance if a student is struggling with the mechanics/technology requirements
of a question. Students should not be hindered by technology.
When the time scheduled for the testing period is coming to an end:
Get ready to end the testing period approximately five minutes prior to the end of the time you
have scheduled for this test period and give students a brief warning. Read the information below
that corresponds with the session you are testing:
Read for ALL Sessions
We are nearing the end of this testing period. Please review any questions you have
flagged for review now. You will not be able to return to them during the next testing
period. If you are still working, you will have the chance to finish the test at another
time by starting with the last question completed and working forward from there.
Test Administration
When the testing period is over:
This testing period is now over. If you are still working in this session, select P
then Exit and you will be able to finish at another time. If you have answered all the
questions in this session, select Review/End Test, then End Test, then Submit. I need
to collect your test tickets and scratch paper before you leave your computer.
ollect all test tickets, scratch paper, and any other allowed testing materials.
Ensure all testing device screens show the Wisconsin Forward Exam initial welcome
screen or the test sign in screen.
Return all collected test materials to the DAC/SAC for secure storage or secure
The DAC/SAC may also wish for you to provide a list of students who were absent or did
not complete the test session and will require additional time to complete the test.
DAC Administration Mgmt
DAC Administration Mgmt
Testing Roles and Responsibilities
To ensure smooth implementation of the testing program,
everyone involved in the administration of the Forward Exam has a
specific role and set of responsibilities related to that role. Each
role is briefly outlined in this section (available checklists provide
more detail). If a district does not have one of the designated roles,
it is the DAC’s responsibility to ensure the tasks of that role are
fulfilled. A DRC INSIGHT Portal Roles and Permissions Matrix is
available in the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide. This matrix is specific
to what users have permission to do in that role in the testing
DACs coordinate and oversee ALL testing in the district and
communicate all assessment and accountability information to
district and school staff (see communication flow chart available on
the DAC Corner of the Assessment webpages
). They must ensure
staff all are appropriately trained in test administration,
accessibility, and security policies and procedures. DACs must
ensure student information/demographics are correct in the
District/School Information System (SIS) and pushed to WISEdata
by the necessary deadlines.
DTCs ensure the district is technologically ready for the Forward
Exam and must be available during testing to troubleshoot and
assist district and school staff with any technology related issues
that may arise.
The SACs manage and oversee all testing in the school and may
serve as the contact person between the school and the DAC. The
SAC must communicate all assessment and accountability
information to school staff (see communication flow chart
available on the DAC Corner of the Assessment webpages). SACs
must ensure student information/ demographics are correct in the
School Information System (SIS) and pushed to WISEdata by the
necessary deadlines.
See complete DAC,
Checklists on the
Forward Exam
See complete TA
Checklist in
Appendix A and on
the Forward Exam
DAC Administration Mgmt
TAs administer the Forward Exam in a uniform manner that is essential for the integrity of the
testing program. They ensure students who have been assigned accessibility features have them
prior to starting their exams. TAs prepare the students and testing environment and monitor
students during testing to ensure the security and validity of the exam.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Test Security
Test security incidents are behaviors prohibited before, during, and
after test administration because they give a student an unfair
advantage or because they compromise the secure administration
of the assessment or test questions. Whether intentional or by
accident, failure to comply with security rules, either by staff or
students, constitutes a test security incident.
School or district staff must immediately report all incidents of test
administration irregularities to the DAC and to the DPI Office of
Educational Accountability (OEA). The report of an incident may be
submitted to OEA by telephone, fax, letter, email, or by submitting
an Incident Report Form available on the Forward Exam Test
Security webpage.
When reporting a possible security incident, the district should be
able to answer the following questions.
What is the allegation and where did it happen?
Who is investigating the incident (name and title)?
What exactly occurred and how did it occur?
How many were involved or will be affected (staff and
What is the district’s plan to ensure this type of incident does
not occur in the future?
Summary of determination.
In order to assist districts in investigating and documenting a
possible test security violation, the following guidelines have been
See the Resources
and Training
Materials section
of this manual for
specific test
security training
materials and
DAC Administration Mgmt
Describe what occurred in the building/classroom during the test administration in the incident
report form.
Have you determined if testing procedures were followed by all school staff?
Have you interviewed all individuals who were involved in, or may have information about,
the affected school/classroom(s)?
If you found evidence indicating a violation, have you described exactly what happened
and why?
If you found evidence indicating a violation, did you prepare a timeline, if necessary, to
establish when the event(s) occurred?
Consequences of violations may include invalidation of student test results and could result in civil
legal liability for copyright violations. At either the school or district level, a test violation could
result in the loss of a year’s test results for the grade(s) and subject(s) affected by the test
irregularity. There will be no opportunity to retest. When test results are invalidated, the
student(s) do not receive test results for those content areas. The school district is responsible for
explaining this to students’ parents.
Disciplinary measures for educators and school staff should be determined by local school board
policy. Depending on the severity of the test security violations, examples of disciplinary measures
might include a written reprimand, suspension, or termination of contract. The DPI may also take
disciplinary actions against department-licensed individuals.
Test security breaches involving student cheating can result in an unfair advantage for that
student and compromise the validity of the standardized test. The tests for such students should
be invalidated in that content area. Disciplinary measures for students are handled at the school
or district level.
For more information about test security, see the Test Security Manual and Forward Exam Test
Security Training available on the Forward Exam Test Security webpage
Federal lawthe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Actprohibits the release of any
student’s personally identifiable information (PII). Any printouts containing PII including test
tickets, scratch paper, or graph paper must be collected and then securely shredded.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Resources and Training Materials
It is the DACs/SACs responsibility to ensure staff in your district and schools are trained in test
administration and security policies and procedures. DACs/SACs should read, view, and become
familiar with ALL resources and training materials for the Forward Exam.
Available on the Forward Exam Accommodations and Supports webpage
Description Audience
Accessibility Guide Provides information about what universal tools,
designated supports, and accommodations are
available for those students who need them
during the administration of the Forward Exam.
This guide also provides descriptions and
guidelines of each accessibility feature.
Accessibility Training
Video provides training about accommodations
and designated supports for the Forward Exam,
including their descriptions and policies for use.
Multiplication Table Non-embedded accommodation available only
for grades 4-8. See Accessibility Guide for
appropriate use.
Read Aloud Guidelines This document outlines the qualifications,
guidelines, and procedures required for a test
Scribe Guidelines This document outlines the qualifications,
guidelines, and procedures required when using
a scribe.
This document outlines the qualifications,
guidelines, and procedures required when using
a translator/interpreter.
Word-to-Word Bilingual
List of allowable bilingual dictionaries. TA
DAC Administration Mgmt
Available on the Forward Exam Data and Results webpage
Description Audience
Sample Parent ISR
Cover Letter
Sample cover letter for use when sending home
Individual Student Reports to parents/guardians.
The letter is available in English, Spanish, and
User’s Guide to
Interpreting Reports
This guide helps school and district staff access,
understand, explain, and interpret the results of
the Forward Exam.
What is an ISR?
Informational Handout
This one-page handout gives a brief explanation of
each section of the ISR and was designed to go
home to parents with ISRs. The handout is
available in English, Spanish, and Hmong.
Available on the Forward Exam Practice Tests webpage
Description Audience
Administrator Tutorials A series of videos that provide an additional
method of explaining some of the various tasks
in the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide, and the use
of some online accessibility features. These
videos are only a supplement. The guides
should be your primary resource for
DAC, SAC, as
TA for the
administration of
Forward Exam Practice
The Forward Exam Practice Test provides
hands-on practice using the online tools
included in the Forward Exam. In the Practice
Test environment, students will practice
selecting a test session, responding to
different question types, using the many tools
available in the testing system, and navigating
the review screen. The Practice Test contains
samples of stimulus and test questions similar
to those on the Forward Exam. The questions
illustrate a sample of the content that students
TA, Students
DAC Administration Mgmt
Description Audience
will encounter on the exam. Each question
contains information that identifies the
alignment (standard measured), answer key,
depth of knowledge, and annotations for each
Student Tutorials A series of videos to familiarize students and
TAs with the navigation and features of the
Forward Exam and Forward Exam Practice
TA, Students
Available on the Forward Exam Technology Requirements webpage
Description Audience
Capacity Estimator This resource enables users to estimate the number of
students who can test simultaneously in a school based on
internet and local area network connection speeds.
DTC Checklist Checklist of DTC responsibilities from set-up through
This document describes the current system requirements
for the Online Testing System and Central Office Service
Technology FAQs Frequently Asked Questions regarding technology set-up
and management.
Technology User
This user guide is a 4-volume document that describes
how to configure, install, manage, and troubleshoot the
software associated with the DRC INSIGHT system.
Training Videos
These training videos provide information about the
setup, configuration, and monitoring of technology for the
administration of the Forward Exam.
Q & A Webinars To assist staff in preparation for the set-up and
administration of the Forward Exam, DRC will host three
online question and answer sessions in the months prior
(January, February, and March) to the test window.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Available on the Forward Exam Resources webpage
Description Audience
TA Checklist Checklist of TA responsibilities from set-up through
Test Administration
This manual provides Forward Exam test administrators
with policy and procedure, student and classroom
preparation, trouble-shooting information and, the test
administration script for TAs including.
Test Administrator
Video training that provides Forward Exam Test
administrators (TAs) with everything they need to give
the test from start to finish. This video is a supplement to
the Test Administration Manual.
use for
training TA
Available on the Forward Exam Test Security webpage
Description Audience
Individual Forward Exam Confidentiality
agreements for each role.
Report users (anyone
working with the test)
Test Security Manual The manual provides DPI policies for
test security.
Test Security Training PowerPoint training that provides
information for Forward Exam test
DAC Administration Mgmt
Available on the Forward Exam Resources webpage
Description Audience
DAC Checklist Checklist of DAC responsibilities from set-up through
Forward Exam
DAC/SAC Training
Online video training for new DACs that provides an
orientation to the yearly process of managing the
Forward Exam from set-up to reporting.
Forward Exam
DAC/SAC Updates
Online video training for experienced/returning
DACs/SACs that covers important reminders and any
changes to the Forward Exam program for the current
administration. Not available for 2023-24.
Portal Guide
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on
managing users and students in the DRC INSIGHT
Portal system including adding users and students,
assigning accessibility features, assigning test
sessions, printing test tickets, monitoring testing
status, assigning not-tested codes, and ordering
Braille materials.
Forward Exam
Informational Brochure
for Families
This brochure provides an overview for families of the
Forward Exam and was designed for districts and
schools to use when sending home information about
the upcoming assessment. Available in English,
Spanish, and Hmong.
Q & A Webinars To assist staff in preparation for the set-up and
administration of the Forward Exam, DRC will host
three online question and answer sessions in the
months prior (January, February, and March) to the
test window.
SAC Checklist Checklist of SAC responsibilities from set-up through
Sample Parent Letter
about Upcoming
Sample parent letter about the upcoming Forward
Exam for school and district use. Available in English,
Spanish and Hmong.
Sample Test Schedules Provides a couple of examples of how a district might
arrange testing schedules for the Forward Exam.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Description Audience
Test Times Provides estimated testing times for each content
area and session for the Forward Exam. The Forward
Exam is an untimed test. The times provided in this
document are provided only to assist in scheduling.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Test Schedules
Given the variety of conditions at each school, it is not possible to
provide one ideal testing schedule that can be implemented in
every setting. In planning your testing schedule consider the
facilities, resources, and daily schedules of your school, as well as
the ability to conduct the testing in a manner that will encourage
and allow for student success. Sample test schedules are available
on the Forward Exam Resources webpage. Sample test schedules
are possible schedules. You may adjust the number and length of
sessions administered per day to fit your school’s needs.
Be sure your staff understand the Forward Exam is an untimed
test and students should be allowed as much time as they need
(within reason) to finish the sessions. However, educators should
use professional judgement about when to call an end to a
student’s testing. If they notice a student has been on a particular
question for a long period of time, the TA should encourage the
student to flag the question and return to it later or make their
best attempt to answer and move on.
When creating your testing schedule be sure to include a
contingency or back up plan. When administering an online test,
technical issues may arise from time-to-time. It is strongly
recommended that districts have a plan for students and
educators if a situation occurs. Removing students from a testing
situation that is not functioning and returning them to their
regular schedule is recommended to keep frustration levels low.
Building days into your testing schedule for these situations
ensures you have plenty of time to test all of your students.
You may administer
more than one grade
level and content
area in a single
make-up session.
Ensure each student
in the make-up
session is read the
appropriate test
directions for their
grade and content
You may administer
the content areas
and the sessions
within, in any order
that works for your
DAC Administration Mgmt
The two online systems that support the Forward Exam are the DRC INSIGHT Portal and DRC
INSIGHT secure browser or application.
The DRC INSIGHT Portal is the Forward Exam management portal. Through the DRC INSIGHT
Portal, educators (depending on permission level) are able to:
View documents (guides, manuals, etc.) and announcements from DRC
Download testing software (DRC INSIGHT application, COS)
View student and administrator tutorials
Add/edit/inactivate users
Order Braille test materials
Manage student information, accessibility features, and student transfers
View student status dashboard, which allows users to monitor how many and which
students have completed, are in progress, or have not started testing
Manage test sessions
Print test tickets
Access the Central Office Services
Access student demographic file download, electronic Individual Student Reports (ISRs)
and summary data, and status reports.
Detailed instructions are provided in the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide available on the
Forward Exam
Resources webpage.
Students take the Forward Exam on the DRC INSIGHT secure browser or application. DTCs
download the DRC INSIGHT secure browser or app to the devices that will be used for testing.
Details are provided in the Technology User Guide, available on the
Forward Exam Technology
Requirements webpage.
DAC Administration Mgmt
The DAC/SAC are the only individuals who have permissions to add accessibility features to the
DRC INSIGHT Portal for students. This does not mean you should be assigning these permissions
to staff that are not in these roles but does mean you should be collecting the information from
your educators and entering the accessibility features yourself. This is a security measure.
Assigning inappropriate permissions is a security violation. See the roles and permissions matrix in
the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide.
The DAC/SAC are also the only individuals who should be submitting accommodation request
forms (e.g., Print-on-Demand). Educators should be discussing any need for an accommodation
request form with you to ensure it would be appropriate. Then you, as the DAC, will work with the
educator to complete and submit the form. You should be aware of each request for
accommodation form submitted by your school/district.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Student Transfers
Students transfer in and out of schools and districts throughout the year. It is important to stay up
to date with student movement in the DRC INSIGHT Portal by requesting a transfer for an
arriving student as soon as they begin attending school. Within district transfers (school to school)
may be performed by the DAC within the DRC INSIGHT Portal. District to district transfers must
be performed by DRC and requested by the DAC via a transfer request form available in the DRC
INSIGHT Portal. It is the DAC’s/SAC’s responsibility to ensure these students are being tested (or
completing testing) if they move into the district at any time during the testing window.
For step-by-step instructions about transferring students refer to the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide.
DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide Appendix D provides detailed information and example scenarios about
how to manage district-to-district transfers
DAC Administration Mgmt
Prior to the Close of the Testing
After testing for a grade level/content area is completed, the
DAC/SAC should review the Testing Status for all students in the
DRC INSIGHT Portal and communicate with TAs to resolve any tests
that appear as “In Progress” or “Not Started.” Step-by-step
instructions on how to check student status are found in the DRC
INSIGHT Portal Guide.
The DAC/SAC should double-check all student demographic data for
completeness and accuracy. Reporting in the DRC INSIGHT Portal is
based on student demographics as they are found in the DRC
INSIGHT Portal. Accountability and WISEdash reporting is based
primarily on student data submitted to DPI through the WISEdata
All students should be enrolled in test sessions (details below),
including those who were not/will not be tested. All students in
grades 3-8 and 10 should be administered the appropriate Forward
Exams. Any students not tested need to be assigned the appropriate
“Not-Tested” codes (NTCs) including students who were
administered the DLM. Codes need to be assigned before the close
of the testing window. If you assign NTC codes using the Multiple
Student Upload process during the Add Accessibility Feature
window, those students will be placed into not-tested sessions by
school, grade level and content area. See the DRC INSIGHT Portal
Guide for more information.
As mentioned above, all students should be assigned to test sessions.
Students not enrolled in test sessions will be counted as not tested. If
a student is not enrolled in any test sessions, they will not appear on
the Student Status Dashboard for monitoring. To determine if you
have any students not assigned to test sessions, refer to the step-by-
step instructions in the DRC INSIGHT Portal Guide.
All students in grades 3-8 and 10 must be accounted for by
participating in the Forward Exam or the Alternate Assessment
Student Status
Dashboard may be
used to check status
of student testing in
All students in
grades 3-8 and 10
should be
administered the
Forward Exams.
Students who were
not tested need to
be assigned the
appropriate “Not-
Tested” codes.
DAC Administration Mgmt
(DLM). If students are not able to participate due to unique circumstances, those students must be
accounted for through the DRC INSIGHT Portal by selecting the appropriate Not-Tested Code
(NTC - see table below) that explains why they were not tested. NTCs must be entered for each
content area in which the student will/did not participate. The student should remain in the test
session in order to view the NTC. The only NTC that will override any testing completed is parent-
opt out. If you are entering a NTC code and the student has completed some or all testing,
contact DPI for further guidance. For information about entering NTCs reference the DRC
INSIGHT Portal Guide. Contact DPI at (608) 267-1072 with questions.
Not Tested
Rationale for Use
PAR Parent Opt-out
Parent opted student out of testing. This student will count as
a non-test participant for reporting and accountability
purposes. Opt-out may come from the parent/guardian at any
time during testing. A student cannot be opted out of one
content area, the opt-out applies to the entire Forward Exam.
The student will not receive a score for any testing already
completed prior to the opt-out.
A significant medical emergency is a significant health
impairment that renders the student incapable of
participating in any academic activities, including state
assessments, for the entire testing window. Districts should
maintain documentation of the circumstance within their
district (
see significant medical emergency guidance and
form). The student will be excluded from test participation
and achievement-based accountability calculations. You must
enter a non-participation code of "Significant medical
emergency" for the student in the DRC INSIGHT Portal.
RTR Recent Trauma
Student encountered a recent trauma rendering him/her
incapable of testing. This student will count as a non-test
participant for reporting and accountability purposes.
INV Invalidated
Invalidation is often the outcome for assessments impacted
by a test security incident. This student will count as a non-
test participant for reporting and accountability purposes.
Invalidations should be run past DPI prior to being initiated.
Invalidation is for an entire content area (not just a session
Student Absent
for Entire
Student was absent for the entire window. This student will
count as a non-test participant reporting and for
accountability purposes.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Not Tested
Rationale for Use
No Longer
Student is no longer enrolled in the school. This student will
not be included in accountability calculations. If a student
moved out of state but took some of the Forward Exam,
please contact DPI for further guidance.
Recently Arrived
ELL (for ELA)
Student enrolled in a US school within the last 12 months
prior to the beginning of testing. Student may be exempt from
the ELA assessment. Students must participate all other
content areas for their tested grade. This student will not
count as a non-test participant for accountability but will be
reported as a non-participant in public reporting. If a student
who is exempt from the ELA assessment took all or part of the
ELA test, please contact DPI for further guidance.
Student participated in the Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM). If
a student who is taking the DLM assessment took part or all
of the Forward Exam please contact DPI for further guidance.
OTH Other
Any other reason. The student will count as a non-test
participant for reporting and accountability purposes.
DAC Administration Mgmt
Data and Reporting
DACs need to understand how to access, read, and explain Forward Exam data. They must train
others to do so and answer questions from district and school staff, parents, and the community
about the data. DACs should be able to show staff where to find the information to link the data to
the standards and what students should know at that grade level and content area.
Every year the Forward Exam data is embargoed until the state data press release in the fall. The
Office of Educational Accountability (OEA) will provide the date of the press release (also the date
marking the end of the embargo) as soon as it is available. Contact OEA with any questions
regarding the embargo.
Individual Student Reports (ISRs) will be available in the DRC INSIGHT Portal. Details about
accessing these reports can be found in the User’s Guide to Interpreting Reports.
Districts will also receive paper copies of ISRs. Two copies of each ISR will be provided. One copy
is intended for the student’s cumulative record and the other is intended to be sent to the
student’s parent or guardian.
Districts are responsible for ensuring that parents/guardians are provided ISRs in a language they
can understand and in a format that is accessible to them. Districts and schools should take
advantage of the reporting resources for parents/guardians. All parent/guardian resources are
available on the Forward Exam Data and Results webpage i
n English, Spanish, and Hmong,
including template (sample) ISRs. If a parent/guardian requires and ISR in a language other than
Spanish or Hmong, the DAC should contact the DRC help desk.
Every year the Forward data is embargoed until the State Data Press Release. This embargo
ompasses all assessment data for the Forward Exam with the exception of the ISRs. ISRs
should be sent home to parents (or securely posted to parent portals) as soon as possible. If a
student moved out of your district prior to arrival of the ISRs, the student’s ISR should be securely
sent to the receiving district.
Summary and Roster reports will be available electronically in the DRC INSIGHT Portal. Details
about accessing these reports can be found in the User’s Guide to Interpreting Reports.
The Student Roster report results can help educators assess their schools class level and
individual student strengths for each subject and reporting category.
The Interactive Reports presents educators with key information on how well their school
performed on the Wisconsin Forward Exam.
Test Administrator - Activity
Attend your school or district’s training session if one is
offered and review all Forward Exam test
administration and policy documents, particularly the
Test Administration Manual (TAM), Test Security Manual,
and Accessibility Guide.
3 weeks prior to
View the Test Administrator Training Video.
View Administrator Tutorials described in the TAM.
3 weeks prior to
Show students the Student Tutorial. 2-3 weeks prior
to testing
Provide students the opportunity to work in the
Forward Exam Practice Test to build familiarity with
the system, question types, tools, and accessibility
2-3 weeks prior
to testing
Work with the School Assessment Coordinator (SAC)
to ensure that each student’s enrollment information
has been loaded into the DRC INSIGHT Portal and is
accurate for each student.
2 weeks prior to
Portal Guide
Work with the SAC to ensure that each student’s
accessibility features in the DRC INSIGHT Portal
matches their IEP or other relevant documentation as
appropriate. Contact the SAC to update information if
2 weeks prior to
Work with the District/School Technology Coordinator
(DTC/STC) to ensure that the DRC INSIGHT app has
been installed on any devices on which students will be
2 weeks prior to
User Guide
Review Test Administration Script (in TAM).
Work with the SAC to identify students who will need
specialized equipment for supports and
Review standardized protocols for Read Aloud and
scribing, if necessary.
2 weeks prior to
Test Administrator - Activity
Communicate to students the need for headphones for
all subject areas of the Forward Exam, so that students
can use the Text-to-Speech tool.
Identify any students who may not have their own
headphones and make arrangements with the school to
have headphones available for those students. Counts
should be determined prior to testing.
Have extra headphones on hand for students who may
forget to bring theirs.
1 week prior to
Verify the security of the testing environment by:
Reviewing all security procedures and guidelines in the
Ensuring that students have access to only allowable
Making sure that no instructional materials directly
related to the content of the tests are visible to
students. (Removing or covering any materials on walls
and desks.)
Reminding students that cell phones/smartwatches
and other electronic devices are not allowed during a
testing session (even after they have finished testing).
Providing adequate spacing between devices or visual
1 week prior to
Administer the Forward Exam following the
procedures and policies in the TAM.
Read the Test Administration Script verbatim to
Ensure all students who require supports or
accommodations receive them during the Forward
Check to ensure all online supports and
accommodations are functioning properly prior to the
student clicking “Begin the Test”.
Ongoing during
Test Administrator - Activity
Ensure the security of the testing environment:
Remain in the classroom and actively monitor testing.
Ensure students have access to only allowable
Ensure cell phones/smartwatches and other non-
allowed electronic devices are not present in the
testing environment.
Ensure there are no photos, tweets, snapchats, email,
etc. of Forward Exam questions or content.
Ensure no instructional materials directly related to the
content of the tests are visible to students. (Remove or
cover any materials on walls and desks.)
Document and report any potential test security issues
and report to the SAC immediately after learning of the
Ongoing during
Ensure adequate space between students during
testing to minimize opportunities to look at each
other’s screen (or provide visual barriers).
Assist any student with technical issues or lack of
required support or accommodation immediately.
Ongoing during
Plan a quiet activity ahead of time for students who
finish testing early. The activity should not be related to
the test being given or on an electronic device. For
example, students who finish early may work on
assignments for unrelated subjects or read a book.
Ongoing during
Ensure proper handling of all printed test materials,
scratch paper, and test tickets. Collect all test materials
and test tickets each day of testing and destroy
according to security policy.
Ongoing during
Raise any technical issues with the SAC or STC
immediately for resolution.
Ongoing during
Securely dispose of all printed testing materials,
including test tickets, print-on-demand documents, and
scratch paper in a secure manner.
after testing
Follow-up and report any outstanding test security
after testing
Test Administrator - Activity
Test Security
Ensure 1:1 testing devices (such as iPads or
Chromebooks that go home with students) have been
completely exited out of the testing system before the
device leaves the testing room.
after testing
Student Accidentally Completed (submitted) a Test Now what?
Occasionally a test will be submitted prior to completion. If you believe this has occurred, contact
the SAC/DAC. The DAC can check the number of completed responses in the DRC INSIGHT
Portal and possibly have the test unlocked. See the decision tree in Appendix D to determine next
Advancing an ELA Passage
If a reading passage has multiple pages in the passage, pages are turned forward by tapping or
clicking on the right side of the passage. Pages can be turned back by tapping or clicking on the left
side of the passage.
Audio Volume is Too Low
If a student is using the TTS support and cannot hear the audio, be sure to check that the volume
setting of the testing device is set to an appropriate level. In order to access the device volume
setting you may be required to log out of the test and close the DRC INSIGHT app. Please refer to
the pausing the test directions in this manual.
TTS is not Working Correctly
Ensure that the device’s volume setting is set to an appropriate level. For information about error
messages contact your technology coordinator.
Student was Given the Wrong Accommodation/Support or no
See Appendix F: Decision Tree for a Student who did not have Accessibility Feature Available
during Testing, to determine next steps.
Student’s DRC INSIGHT application is unable to transmit a student response
If a student’s response is not successfully transmitted
on the first attempt, the DRC INSIGHT app will
automatically attempt to send the response an
additional two times.
If the third attempt is unsuccessful, a warning screen
will pop-up asking the student to wait while the
system continues to attempt additional transmissions.
If the issue is not resolved in 5 minutes, a new
error message will pop-up alerting the student
that they have been exited from the test.
Contact your technology staff for additional
information about error messages.
Error Messages Display on Testing Device Screens
If any error messages appear on the device screen during test administration, contact the School
or District Technology Coordinator.
Student is unable to enter quotation marks or other special characters in the
Short Write Task
The student’s ChromeOS device is keyboard is set to “US International”. Have the student exit the
test without submitting. Change the setting of the keyboard to “US Keyboard”. Refer to
instructions on the Forward Exam Technology Requirements and Resources webpage
. L
og the
student back into the Session and allow them to continue testing. The quotation marks and other
special characters should now be accessible.
The Forward Exam is an untimed test. The following are suggested testing times provided by DRC
to be used only as guidance to assist with scheduling for the Forward Exam. It is important to
remember that students may take more time or less time to complete the test based on effort and
ability levels.
Forward Estimated Testing Times in Minutes
Grade Level
Social Studies
8 125 115 105 70
English Language Arts (ELA) Estimated Testing Times in Minutes
Grade Level
Session 1
Session 2
Writing/ Language
Session 3
Writing/ Language
Mathematics Estimated Testing Times in Minutes
Grade Level
Session 1
Session 2
Total Testing Time
3 45 45 90
6 45 60 105
Science Estimated Testing Times in Minutes
Grade Level Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Total Testing Time
Social Studies Estimated Testing Times in Minutes
Grade Level
Session 1
Session 2
Total Testing Time
Reminder: Only select supports the student needs and uses regularly in the classroom.
* Individual Test Administration S
ingle student in a classroom testing environment with other students, a separate setting, or a
one-on-one administration based on student needs or supports.
** Small Group Test Administration Group of up to four students testing at the same time in one location to facilitate the reading
of the test aloud by a translator/interpreter in a shared language.
Abbreviation Description
Accommodation /
Designated Support
Embedded / Non-
CC Color Choices Designated Support Embedded
CTC Contrasting Color Designated Support Embedded
RC Reverse Contrast Designated Support Embedded
MSK Masking Designated Support Embedded
Stacked Translations (Spanish)
with English TTS
Designated Support Embedded
Stacked Translations (Spanish)
with Spanish TTS
Designated Support Embedded
HATS Hearing Assistive Technology Designated Support Non-Embedded
Word-to-word Bilingual
Designated Support Non-Embedded
CO Color Overlay Designated Support Non-Embedded
MAG Magnification Designated Support Non-Embedded
NB Noise Buffers Designated Support Non-Embedded
RA Read Aloud in English Designated Support Non-Embedded
RAS Read Aloud in Spanish Designated Support Non-Embedded
SC Scribe Designated Support Non-Embedded
SS Separate Setting Designated Support Non-Embedded
SGT Small Group Translation Designated Support Non-Embedded
TI Translator / Interpreter Designated Support Non-Embedded
VSL (ASL) Video Sign Language Accommodation Embedded
AB Abacus Accommodation Non-Embedded
ARO Alternate Response Options Accommodation Non-Embedded
Abbreviation Description
Accommodation /
Designated Support
Embedded / Non-
BRL Braille Accommodation Non-Embedded
NEC Calculator Accommodation Non-Embedded
MT Multiplication Table Accommodation Non-Embedded
POD Print-on-Demand Accommodation Non-Embedded
RAP Read Aloud Accommodation Non-Embedded
Term Definition
Accommodations Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access
during the Wisconsin Forward Exam. Assessment accommodations
allow students to access assessment content to show what they
know and can do. Accommodations are available for students with
documented Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or 504
Break/Pause Action taken by a student or Test Proctor to temporarily halt the
test during any part of the test, as needed. The online assessment
provides an opportunity to pause the test for up to 20 minutes.
Designated Supports Accessibility features of the assessments available for use by any
student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator (or
team of educators working with the parent/guardian and student).
District Assessment
Coordinator (DAC)
Designated district staff member who is responsible for overseeing
the implementation of the Forward Exam. The DAC can upload,
add, modify, and remove student records and is responsible for
ensuring all school-level test administrators have received
adequate training on test administration, test security, and testing
DRC INSIGHT Portal The Wisconsin assessment program portalfrom which the
assessment will be managed.
A grouping of students in the DRC INSIGHT Portal that are
assigned to the same test. Sessions can be large (for instance, all
3rd grade students at a school who are taking the ELA test may be
grouped into one “Grade 3 ELA” test session), or sessions can be
broken up by students who will be taking the same test at the same
time. All students must be enrolled in a test session for each subject
area tested.
DRC INSIGHT app DRC INSIGHT app is the secure, browser-based test engine for the
Wisconsin Forward Exams.
Item A test question or stimulus presented to a student to elicit a
Term Definition
School Assessment
Coordinator (SAC)
Designated school staff member responsible for monitoring the
test schedule, process, and test administrators /proctors (TA).
SACs are also responsible for ensuring the TAs have been
appropriately trained and that testing is conducted in accordance
with the test security and other policies and procedures.
Session A part of a test requiring a login using a test ticket. ELA tests are
broken into four sessions. Math tests are broken into two sessions,
Science tests are broken into three sessions, and social studies
tests are broken into two sessions.
Test Period Time designated by the school or district that the student will work
on a Forward Exam session. This may be a class period, a particular
length of time etc.
Test Sitting Time designated by the school or district that the student will work
on a Forward Exam session. This may be a class period, a particular
length of time etc.
Universal Tools Available to all students based on student preference and
WISEid Districts use WISEids instead of names to submit data about
student educational progress.