Federal Communications Commission
45 L Street NE
Washington, DC 20554
News Media Information 202 / 418-0500
DA 24-73
Released: January 25, 2024
WC Docket No. 17-97
This Public Notice announces effective dates and compliance deadlines for revised Robocall
Mitigation Database filing requirements and related rules adopted in the Sixth Caller ID Authentication
Report and Order, including the additions of and revisions to 47 CFR §§ 64.6303(c), 64.6305(d),
64.6305(e), 64.6305(f) and 64.6305(g).
Pursuant to these rules, all providers, regardless of whether they are required to implement
STIR/SHAKEN—including all intermediate providers and providers that lack control over the network
infrastructure necessary to implement STIR/SHAKEN—are now required to file certifications and
robocall mitigation plans to the Robocall Mitigation Database.
They must also comply with expanded
content requirements for these submissions.
Providers newly required to file in the Robocall Mitigation
See Call Authentication Trust Anchor, WC Docket No. 17-97, Sixth Report and Order and Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 23-18, at 55, para. 125 (Mar. 17, 2023) (Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and
Order) (directing the Bureau “to announce effective dates for the additions of and revisions to 47 CFR §§
64.6303(c), 64.6305(d), 64.6305(e), 64.6305(f) and 64.6305(g), as redesignated by this Sixth Report and Order, by
subsequent Public Notice” following completion by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of any review
required under the Paperwork Reduction Act). On November 7, 2023, OMB approved the information collection
associated with these rules. OMB Control Number 3060-1285. Notice of OMB approval was published in the
Federal Register on January 25, 2024. 89 Fed. Reg. 4833 (Federal Register Notice). These provisions will be
effective February 26, 2024. Compliance with 47 CFR § 64.6305(g)(4) will be required no sooner than May 28,
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 21, para. 37. Voice service providers, gateway providers, and
those non-gateway intermediate providers that receive unauthenticated Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) calls
directly from an originating provider are required to implement STIR/SHAKEN. See 47 CFR §§ 64.6301(a),
64.6302(c), (d). Non-gateway intermediate providers that do not receive unauthenticated SIP calls directly from
originating providers and providers who lack control over the network infrastructure necessary to implement
STIR/SHAKEN do not have an implementation obligation. See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at
10-11, para. 17; Call Authentication Trust Anchor, WC Docket No. 17-97, Second Report and Order, 36 FCC Rcd
1859, 1868, para. 19 (2020) (citing Call Authentication Trust Anchor, Implementation of TRACED Act Section 6(a)
– Knowledge of Customers by Entities with Access to Numbering Resources, WC Docket Nos. 17-97 and 20-67,
Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 35 FCC Rcd 3241, 3260, para. 40) (Second Caller
ID Authentication Report and Order). Some providers with an implementation obligation have been granted an
extension. See 47 CFR § 64.6304(a)(1)(iii), (b), (c). Providers claiming an implementation extension have always
been required to submit certifications and robocall mitigation plans to the Robocall Mitigation Database. See Sixth
Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 5-6, 7, 20, paras. 7-8, 10, 36.
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 20-29, paras. 36-52.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
Database must submit their initial filings containing all required information and certifications by
February 26, 2024.
Existing filers must update their Robocall Mitigation Database submissions to
provide all newly required information and certifications by the same date.
Intermediate providers and voice service providers are already required to refuse traffic from any
voice service provider or gateway provider that is not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database.
Beginning on May 28, 2024, they will also be prohibited from accepting traffic from any non-gateway
intermediate provider not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database.
Stated differently, voice service
providers and intermediate providers must refuse to carry traffic from any provider that is not listed in the
Robocall Mitigation Database as of May 28, 2024.
The Robocall Mitigation Database submission portal is now open to accept new and updated
filings. To assist filers with compliance, this Public Notice provides an overview of the expanded
Robocall Mitigation Database filing requirements, along with filing instructions regarding the format of
required submissions.
In the Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order, the Commission adopted rules requiring
all non-gateway intermediate providers, as well as voice service providers that have fully implemented
STIR/SHAKEN and those that lack control over the network infrastructure necessary to implement
STIR/SHAKEN, to meet the same “reasonable steps” general mitigation standard that previously applied
to gateway providers and voice service providers that had not fully implemented STIR/SHAKEN under
the Commission’s rules.
Pursuant to this standard, a provider’s program is “sufficient if it includes
detailed practices that can reasonably be expected to significantly reduce” the carrying or processing (for
intermediate providers) or origination (for voice service providers) of illegal robocalls.
Each provider
See 47 CFR § 64.6305(d), (e), (f). The Commission required all providers newly subject to the Robocall
Mitigation Database filing requirement, as well as existing filers subject to new or modified requirements, to submit
a certification to the Robocall Mitigation Database, or amend their current certification, by the later of: (1) 30 days
following publication in the Federal Register of notice of approval by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
of any associated Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) obligations; or (2) any deadline set by the Bureau through Public
Notice. Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 27, para. 49.
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 27, para. 49. In addition, non-gateway intermediate providers
must comply with the Commission’s rules regarding caller ID authentication in non-IP networks by February 26,
2024, including the Commission’s record keeping requirements. See 47 CFR § 64.6303(c); Sixth Caller ID
Authentication Report and Order at 15, para. 26.
See 47 CFR § 64.6305(g)(1), (3).
See id. § 64.6305(g)(4); Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, 29, paras. 50, 52.
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 29, para. 52 (directing the Bureau to specify the form and
format of any submissions, and to provide appropriate instructions and training materials as necessary).
Id. at 17, para. 29. All providers newly covered by the general mitigation standard were required to meet that
standard by August 21, 2023. Id. at 20, para. 35 (requiring providers newly covered by the general mitigation
standard to meet that standard within 60 days following Federal Register publication of the Report and Order); see
88 Fed. Reg. 40096 (June 21, 2023) (announcing August 21, 2023 effective date for rules adopted in the Report and
Order, except for certain amendments that were delayed).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 18, para. 31; see Second Caller ID Authentication Report and
Order, 36 FCC Rcd at 1900, para. 78 (obligation for voice service providers); Advanced Methods to Target and
Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls, Call Authentication Trust Anchor, CG Docket No. 17-59, WC Docket No. 17-97,
Sixth Report and Order, Fifth Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, Order, Seventh Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, Fifth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 37 FCC Rcd 6865, 6907-08, para. 103 (2022)
(obligation for gateway providers) (Gateway Provider Order).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
“must comply with the practices” that its program requires, and its program is insufficient if the provider
“knowingly or through negligence” carries or processes calls (for intermediate providers) or originates
(for voice service providers) unlawful robocall campaigns.
Providers’ programs must also commit to
respond fully, within 24 hours, to all traceback requests from the Commission, law enforcement, and the
industry traceback consortium, and to cooperate with such entities in investigating and stopping illegal
robocallers that use its service to originate, carry, or process illegal robocalls.
Universal Robocall Mitigation Database Filing Obligation. Consistent with the expanded
robocall mitigation obligations adopted in the Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order, by
February 26, 2024, all providers must submit or resubmit a filing to the Robocall Mitigation Database
that includes the following: (1) a certification stating that all calls that they originate on their network are
subject to a robocall mitigation program meeting the requirements above, that any prior certification has
not been removed by Commission action and they have not been prohibited from filing in the Robocall
Mitigation Database, and whether they have fully, partially, or not implemented STIR/SHAKEN on the
IP portions of their networks;
(2) a robocall mitigation plan that describes the specific “reasonable
steps” the provider has taken to avoid the origination, carrying, or processing of illegal robocall traffic as
part of its robocall mitigation program, and includes other required contents described below;
(3) the
provider’s business name, address, and other identifying information;
and (4) certain additional
information as described below.
Additional Information to be Provided on the Submission Form. In the Sixth Caller ID
Authentication Report and Order, the Commission adopted rules requiring all providers—including those
newly obligated to file and those with an existing filing—to submit additional information with their
certifications and mitigation plans.
Specifically, new and existing filers will be required to provide the
following additional information on the submission form: (1) the role(s) they are playing in the call
(2) detailed information supporting any claimed STIR/SHAKEN implementation extension or
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 18, para. 31; see Second Caller ID Authentication Report and
Order, 36 FCC Rcd at 1900, para. 78; Gateway Provider Order, 37 FCC Rcd at 6908, para. 103.
47 CFR § 64.6305(a)(2), (b)(2), (c)(2); see Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 18-19, para. 31;
Advanced Methods to Target and Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls, Call Authentication Trust Anchor, CG Docket No.
17-59, WC Docket No. 17-97, Seventh Report and Order, Eighth Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Third
Notice of Inquiry, FCC 23-37, at 23, para. 52 (May 19, 2023).
47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(1), (e)(1), (f)(1); see also Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 23, 25, paras.
42, 46.
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 20, 22-23, paras. 36, 40-41; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2),
(e)(2), (f)(2).
Such information includes: (1) the business name(s) and primary address of the provider; (2) other business names
in use by the provider; (3) all business names previously used by the provider; (4) whether the provider is also a
foreign voice service provider; and (5) the name, title, department, business address, telephone number, and email
address of one person within the company responsible for addressing robocall mitigation-related issues. See Sixth
Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 23-24, paras. 42-43; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(4), (e)(4), (f)(4).
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 24-27, paras. 43-48; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(1)-(2), (d)(4),
(e)(1)-(2), (e)(4), (f)(1)-(2), (f)(4).
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 21-27, paras. 37-48.
Id. at 24-25, para. 44. Specifically, providers must indicate whether they are: (1) a voice service provider with a
STIR/SHAKEN implementation obligation serving end-users; (2) a voice service provider with a STIR/SHAKEN
obligation acting as a wholesale provider originating calls; (3) a voice service provider without a STIR/SHAKEN
obligation; (4) a non-gateway intermediate provider with a STIR/SHAKEN obligation; (5) a non-gateway
intermediate provider without a STIR/SHAKEN obligation; (6) a gateway provider with a STIR/SHAKEN
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
(3) information regarding their principals, affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies;
(4) a statement whether they are subject to a Commission, law enforcement, or regulatory agency action
or investigation due to suspected unlawful robocalling or spoofing and provide information concerning
any such actions or investigations;
and (5) the filer’s Operating Company Number (OCN) if they have
The submission form will prompt this information from the filer via clearly-labeled checkboxes,
dropdown menus, and text fields, as described in more detail in the filing instructions provided below.
All required fields must be completed before a filing can be submitted.
Additional Information to be Provided with Robocall Mitigation Plans. Consistent with existing
filers’ prior obligations, all providers must upload a robocall mitigation plan to the Robocall Mitigation
Database portal that describes the specific “reasonable steps” the provider has taken to avoid, as
applicable, the origination, carrying, or processing of illegal robocall traffic as part of its robocall
mitigation program.
Gateway providers must also provide a description of how they have complied
with the know-your-upstream provider requirement in section 64.1200(n)(5) of the Commission’s rules.
In addition, as part of their obligation to describe with particularity their specific mitigation practices:
(1) voice service providers must describe how they are meeting their existing obligation to take
affirmative, effective measures to prevent new and renewing customers from originating illegal calls;
(2) non-gateway intermediate providers and voice service providers must, like gateway providers,
describe any “know-your-upstream provider” procedures in place designed to mitigate illegal robocalls;
and (3) all providers must describe any call analytics systems they use to identify and block illegal traffic,
(Continued from previous page)
obligation; (7) a gateway provider without a STIR/SHAKEN obligation; and/or (8) a foreign provider. Id.; 47 CFR
§ 64.6305(d)(4)(vi), (e)(4)(vi), (f)(4)(vi).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 25, para. 45; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2)(i), (e)(2)(i), (f)(2)(i).
Specifically, a filer asserting it does not have an obligation to implement STIR/SHAKEN because of an ongoing
extension, or because it lacks control over the network infrastructure necessary to implement STIR/SHAKEN, must
both explicitly state the rule that exempts it from compliance and explain in detail why that exemption applies to the
filer. Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 25, para. 45.
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 25-26, para. 46. Filers must provide sufficient detail
regarding their ownership and management to facilitate the Commission’s ability to determine whether the provider
has been prohibited from filing in the Robocall Mitigation Database. Id. If the filer requires more space than is
provided on the submission form, they may include this information as part of their robocall mitigation plan.
Id. at 26-27, para. 47; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2)(iv), (e)(2)(iv), (f)(2)(iv). This reporting requirement is limited to
formal actions and investigations that have been commenced or issued pursuant to a written notice or other
instrument containing findings by the law enforcement or regulatory agency that the filing entity has been or is
suspected of the illegal activities itemized above, including, but not limited to, notices of apparent liability,
forfeiture orders, state or federal civil lawsuits or criminal indictments, and cease-and-desist notices. Sixth Caller ID
Authentication Report and Order at 26, para. 47.
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 27, para. 48; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(4)(vii), (e)(4)(vii),
47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2)(ii), (e)(2)(ii), (f)(2)(ii).
Id. § 64.6305(e)(2)(ii); see also id. § 64.1200(n)(4) (“A voice service provider must . . . [i]f the provider acts as
a gateway provider, take reasonable and effective steps to ensure that any foreign originating provider or
foreign intermediate provider from which it directly receives traffic is not using the gateway provider to carry or
process a high volume of illegal traffic onto the U.S. network.”).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 22, para. 40.
47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2)(ii); see also id. § 64.1200(n)(4).
Id. § 64.6305(d)(2)(ii), (f)(2)(ii).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
including whether they use a third-party vendor or vendors and the name of the vendor(s).
To comply
with the new requirements to describe their “new and renewing customer” and “know-your-upstream
provider” procedures, providers must describe any contractual provisions with end-users or upstream
providers designed to mitigate illegal robocalls.
All mitigation plans must be submitted in PDF format.
We caution providers to carefully review their robocall mitigation plans to ensure they provide
sufficient detail for the Commission to identify the specific steps a provider is taking to mitigate illegal
robocalls and assess whether they are reasonable. The Commission has made clear that robocall
mitigation plans that fail to provide sufficient information may be deemed facially deficient and subject to
the expedited removal procedure adopted in the Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order.
Indeed, the Commission’s Enforcement Bureau has initiated actions to remove facially deficient filings
from the Robocall Mitigation Database.
Accordingly, while a sufficient robocall mitigation plan is not
necessarily a lengthy one, providers should ensure that their plans contain detailed information that
responds to each requirement of the Commission’s rules.
Providers That Play More Than One Role in the Call Chain. Some new and existing filers may
play different roles in the call chain depending on the source of the call and their particular network and
business model. For example, a voice service provider may originate some traffic and act as a non-
gateway intermediate provider and/or gateway provider for other traffic originated elsewhere. Such
providers must indicate on the submission form that they are certifying as more than one provider-type,
and will be presented with up to three sets of certification options—one set containing the required
certifications for voice service providers,
one set containing the required certifications for gateway
and one set containing the required certifications for non-gateway intermediate providers,
Id. § 64.6305(d)(2)(ii), (e)(2)(ii), (f)(2)(ii).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 22, para. 40. Providers are not required to submit contractual
provisions, but to describe them in general terms, including whether such provisions are typically included in their
contracts. Id. at 22, para. 40 n.154.
See id. at 32-33, para. 61. The Commission provided the following non-exclusive examples of filings that may be
deemed facially deficient: (1) a request for confidentiality with no underlying substantive filing; (2) only non-
responsive data or documents (e.g., a screenshot from the Commission’s website of a provider’s FCC Registration
Number data or other document that does not describe robocall mitigation efforts); (3) information that merely states
how STIR/SHAKEN generally works, with no specific information about the provider’s own robocall mitigation
efforts; or (4) a certification that is not in English and lacks a certified English translation. Id. The Commission
found that such filings fail to submit “even the most basic information required” to determine if the steps a provider
is taking to mitigate illegal robocalls are reasonable. Id.
See Viettel Business Solutions Company, EB-TCD-23-00034918, Order, DA 23-979 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Etihad
Etisalat (Mobily), EB-TCD-23-00034920, Order, DA 23-967 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Claude ICT Poland Sp. z o. o. dba
TeleCube.PL, EB-TCD-23-00034944, Order, DA 23-961 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Nervill LTD, EB-TCD-23-00034946,
Order, DA 23-970 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Textodog Inc. dba Textodog and Textodog Software Inc., EB-TCD-23-
00035605, Order, DA 23-976 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Phone GS, EB-TCD-23-00035606, Order, DA 23-972 (EB Oct.
16, 2023); Computer Integrated Solutions dba CIS IT & Engineering, EB-TCD-23-00035613, Order, DA 23-962
(EB Oct. 16, 2023); Datacom Specialists, EB-TCD-23-00035614, Order, DA 23-963 (EB Oct. 16, 2023);
DomainerSuite, Inc., EB-TCD-23-00035615, Order, DA 23-964 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Evernex SMC PVT LTD, EB-
TCD-23-00035616, Order, DA 23-966 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); Humbolt Voip, EB-TCD-23-00035617, Order, DA 23-
965 (EB Oct. 16, 2023); My Taxi Ride Inc, EB-TCD-23-00035618, Order, DA 23-968 (EB Oct. 16, 2023).
Only a single Robocall Mitigation Database filing can be associated with a given FCC Registration Number
(FRN), and therefore a provider that plays more than one role in the call chain will not be permitted to submit more
than one filing to the Robocall Mitigation Database using the same FRN. See the Robocall Mitigation Database
Filing Instructions for more information, available at
See 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(1).
See id. § 64.6305(e)(1).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
depending on which provider-type(s) they select on the form. A non-gateway intermediate provider that
previously submitted a certification and, if applicable, a robocall mitigation plan to the Robocall
Mitigation Database as a voice service provider, gateway provider, or combined gateway and voice
service provider, must amend its current certification and any mitigation plan to comply with the
requirements described in this Public Notice.
A provider that plays more than one role in the call chain
need only submit a single mitigation plan, but should explain the mitigation steps it undertakes in each
role, to the extent those mitigation steps are different.
Amended certifications and associated robocall
mitigation plans must also be submitted by February 26, 2024.
Filings Imported from the Intermediate Provider Registry. To the extent a non-gateway
intermediate provider’s filing was imported into the Robocall Mitigation Database via the Intermediate
Provider Registry, that Robocall Mitigation Database entry is not sufficient to meet the non-gateway
intermediate provider’s affirmative obligation to submit a certification to the Robocall Mitigation
Such providers must submit an affirmative filing and certification consistent with the filing
requirements and instructions provided in this Public Notice.
In light of non-gateway intermediate providers’ affirmative obligation to submit a certification
and mitigation plan to the Robocall Mitigation Database, the Bureau has determined that it is no longer
necessary to import filings from the Intermediate Provider Registry or to maintain current imported
Accordingly, on February 26, 2024, the Bureau will cease importing filings from the
Intermediate Provider Registry and will remove all current imported filings from the Robocall Mitigation
(Continued from previous page)
See id. § 64.6305(f)(1).
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 27, para. 49 (“Existing filers subject to new or modified
requirements adopted in this . . . Order must amend their filings with the newly required information by the . . .
deadline.”). The certification option(s) the provider previously selected when it certified as a voice service provider
and/or gateway provider will not be pre-filled on the submission form. The filer will be required to select or re-
select a certification option for each relevant provider-type before the filing can be submitted. See the Robocall
Mitigation Database filing instructions for more information, available at
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 22, para. 39.
See id. at 27, para. 49; Federal Register Notice, 89 Fed. Reg. at 4833.
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, para. 51.
Previously, all intermediate providers were imported into the Robocall Mitigation Database from the rural call
completion database’s Intermediate Provider Registry so that all intermediate providers would be represented
therein, giving downstream providers “confidence that any provider not listed in the Robocall Mitigation Database is
out of compliance with [the Commission’s] rules, rather than leaving the potential for uncertainty about whether a
provider . . . was not required to be included in the database because it does not originate traffic.” Second Caller ID
Authentication Report and Order, 36 FCC Rcd at 1904, para. 87 n.340; see also 47 CFR § 64.6305(g) (requiring
intermediate providers and terminating voice service providers to accept calls from a domestic voice service
provider, foreign provider, gateway provider, or non-gateway intermediate provider only if that provider is listed in
the Robocall Mitigation Database). Now that all providers, regardless of whether they originate traffic, including
gateway and non-gateway intermediate providers, are required to submit a certification to the Robocall Mitigation
Database, it is no longer necessary to import filings from the Intermediate Provider Registry or maintain current
imported filings to facilitate compliance with the requirements of section 64.6305(g).
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 29, para. 52 (“We . . . delegate to the . . . Bureau the
authority to make the necessary changes to the Robocall Mitigation Database to indicate whether a non-gateway
intermediate provider has made an affirmative filing (as opposed to being imported as an intermediate provider) . . .
and to announce its determination as part of its guidance.”); Gateway Provider Order, 37 FCC Rcd at 6885, para. 48
(“Consistent with our direction to the . . . Bureau to make the necessary changes to the portal to effectuate the rules
we adopt today, we direct the Bureau to determine how to manage the imported data of gateway providers . . . .”).
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
Obligations on Downstream Intermediate Providers and Voice Service Providers. In the Sixth
Caller ID Authentication Report and Order, the Commission adopted a rule prohibiting “downstream
providers . . . from accepting any traffic from a non-gateway intermediate provider not listed in the
Robocall Mitigation Database, either because the provider did not file or their certification was
removed . . . as part of an enforcement action.”
The Commission stated that compliance with this rule
would be required no sooner than “90 days following the deadline for non-gateway intermediate providers
to submit a certification to the Robocall Mitigation Database.”
With the filing deadline now established
for February 26, 2024, this prohibition will go into effect on May 28, 2024. As of that date,
intermediate providers and voice service providers will be prohibited from accepting calls directly from a
non-gateway intermediate provider if that non-gateway intermediate provider’s filing does not appear in
the Robocall Mitigation Database.
The Bureau will remove from the Robocall Mitigation Database the
filing and certification of any provider that is de-listed pursuant to an enforcement action.
All providers must submit or resubmit their certification, mitigation plan, identification and other
required information, and contact information via the Robocall Mitigation Database portal on the
Commission’s website at
certifications and robocall mitigation program descriptions submitted to the Robocall Mitigation Database
must be in English or with a certified English translation,
and must be signed by an officer in conformity
with section 1.16.
Updated instructions for submitting a certification and accompanying information can be found at New and existing filers must submit any necessary updates
regarding changes to their certification, mitigation plan, identification or other required information, or
contact information to the Commission within 10 business days of the change.
Public Database Location. The Robocall Mitigation Database is publicly available on the
Commission’s website at A list of all
providers with current filings in the database, published as a .csv file, may be downloaded at any time at
Confidential Submissions. Providers may request that materials or information submitted to the
Commission in their robocall mitigation plans be withheld from public inspection, consistent with the
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, para. 50; see also 47 CFR § 64.6305(g)(4).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, para. 50.
47 CFR § 64.6305(g)(4); see also Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, para. 51.
See Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 29, para. 52 (“We . . . delegate to the . . . Bureau the
authority to make the necessary changes to the Robocall Mitigation Database to indicate . . . whether any provider’s
filing has been de-listed as part of an enforcement action, and to announce its determination as part of its
47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(3)(i), (e)(3)(i), (f)(3)(i).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 24, para. 42; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(2), (e)(2), (f)(2).
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 24, para. 42; 47 CFR § 64.6305(d)(3)(ii), (e)(3)(ii), (f)(3)(ii).
Id. § 64.6305(d)(5), (e)(5), (f)(5); see also Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 24, 27, paras. 42,
This list excludes providers with filings that have been removed pursuant to an enforcement action or were
voluntarily deleted.
Federal Communications Commission DA 24-73
Commission’s confidentiality rules.
To do so, providers must submit a request for confidential
treatment of that information in WC Docket No. 17-97 through the Commission’s Electronic Comment
Filing System (ECFS).
Providers must then upload both the redacted (i.e., public) and unredacted (i.e.,
non-public) PDF copies of their robocall mitigation plans via the Robocall Mitigation Database portal.
To do so, providers should check the box stating that they request that some of the filing’s contents be
kept confidential in the “Upload” section of the Robocall Mitigation Database submission form and
follow the prompts to upload both the redacted and unredacted versions of their plans.
We remind
providers that requests for confidential treatment and associated redactions that are overbroad or
otherwise inconsistent with the Commission’s rules will be rejected. Comprehensive instructions for
submitting confidential filings via the portal are available at
For further information, please contact Erik Beith, Wireline Competition Bureau, Competition
Policy Division, at (202) 418-0756 or by email at [email protected].
- FCC -
Sixth Caller ID Authentication Report and Order at 28, para. 49; see also Wireline Competition Bureau Adopts
Protective Order for Robocall Mitigation Program Descriptions, WC Docket No. 17-97, Public Notice, Attach., 36
FCC Rcd 14562, 14566, para. 2 (WCB 2021) (defining confidential information filed as part of a robocall mitigation
plan as information filed consistent with the protective order or sections 0.459 or 0.461 of the Commission’s rules)
(Protective Order); 47 CFR § 0.459.
47 CFR § 0.459; see also Protective Order, 36 FCC Rcd at 14569, para. 5. Confidentiality requests should not be
submitted through the Robocall Mitigation Database portal.
Protective Order, 36 FCC Rcd at 14569, para. 5.