NCAA Drug-Testing
Nutritional/dietary supplements, including vitamins and
minerals, are not well regulated and may cause a positive
drug test result.
Student-athletes have tested positive and lost their
eligibility using nutritional/dietary supplements.
Many nutritional/dietary supplements are contaminated
with banned drugs not listed on the label.
Any product containing a nutritional/dietary supplement
ingredient is taken at the student-athlete’s own risk.
Go to
for examples* under each class.
*Any substance that is chemically/
pharmacologically related to any of the classes
above, even if it is not listed as an example, also
is banned!
816-474-7321 or (password ncaa1, ncaa2 or ncaa3)
• Stimulants
• Anabolic Agents
Alcohol and Beta
(banned for rifle only)
Masking Agents
• Narcotics
• Cannabinoids
Peptide Hormones,
Growth Factors,
Related Substances and
Hormone and
Metabolic Modulators
• Beta-2 Agonists
© Copyright 2023 National Collegiate Athletic Association
This resource is designed for athletics department staff at NCAA member schools with student-athlete drug-testing responsibilities.
The Drug-Testing Program is reviewed annually by the Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports.
NCAA is a trademark of the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
All other licenses or trademarks are property of their respective holders.
Chapter I — NCAA Banned Substances ....................................................................................................... 2
Chapter II — Medical Exceptions Procedures ............................................................................................ 3
Chapter III — Drug Education Guidelines .................................................................................................... 4
Chapter IV — NCAA Drug-Testing Procedures .......................................................................................... 6
1. Banned Substances ............................................................................................................................... 7
2. Drug-Testing Administration ............................................................................................................. 7
3. Causes for Loss of Eligibility ............................................................................................................. 7
4. Drug-Testing Selections ...................................................................................................................... 8
5. Drug-Testing Notifications ................................................................................................................. 9
6. Specimen Collection Procedures......................................................................................................11
7. Chain of Custody .................................................................................................................................. 13
8. Laboratory Procedures, Notification of Results and Appeal Process ......................................13
9. Restoration of Eligibility ....................................................................................................................15
Chapter V — Institutional Drug Testing...................................................................................................... 17
Article 10.2 Knowledge of Use of Banned Substances ....................................................................... 17
2023-24 NCAA Banned Substances
Many nutritional/dietary
supplements are contaminated
with banned drugs not listed
on the label.
Highlighted text throughout the document indicates
further clarification or new information.
The NCAA bans the following
classes of substances:
a. Stimulants
b. Anabolic agents
c. Beta blockers (banned for rifle only)
d. Diuretics and other masking agents
e. Narcotics
f. Cannabinoids
g. Peptide hormones, growth factors, related
substances and mimetics
h. Hormone and metabolic modulators
i. Beta-2 agonists
NOTE: This is not a complete or exhaustive list.
Any substance that is chemically/pharmacologically
related to these classes also is banned. The school and
the student-athlete shall be held accountable for all
drugs within the banned-substance class regardless
of whether they have been specifically identified.
Examples of substances under each class can be found
at There is no complete list of
banned substances.
Substances and Methods Subject
to Restrictions:
Blood and gene doping.
Local anesthetics (permitted under some conditions).
• Manipulation of urine samples.
Tampering of urine samples.
Beta-2 agonists (permitted only by inhalation
with prescription).
NCAA Nutritional/Dietary
Before consuming any nutritional/dietary
supplement product, review the product and its
label with your athletics department staff.
Nutritional/dietary supplements, including vitamins
and minerals, are not well regulated and may cause a
positive drug test.
Student-athletes have tested positive and lost their
eligibility using nutritional/dietary supplements.
Many nutritional/dietary supplements are
contaminated with banned drugs not listed on the label.
All nutritional/dietary supplements are taken at the
student-athlete’s own risk.
Athletics department staff should consider providing
guidance to student-athletes about nutritional/
dietary supplement use and the importance of having
supplement products checked by qualified staff
members before consuming. The NCAA subscribes
only to Drug Free Sport AXIS™ for authoritative
review of label ingredients in medications and
nutritional/dietary supplements.
Contact Drug Free Sport AXIS at 816-474-7321 or (password ncaa1, ncaa2
or ncaa3).
Medical Exceptions Procedures
There is no medical exception available
for substances in the cannabinoids class.
The NCAA recognizes that some banned substances
are used for legitimate medical purposes. Accordingly,
the NCAA allows exceptions to be made for those
student-athletes with a documented medical history that
demonstrates the banned substance is needed as part of
an approved medical treatment or therapy plan.
Exceptions may be granted for
the following classes of banned
• Stimulants
• Anabolic agents
• Beta blockers
• Diuretics
• Narcotics
• Peptide hormones, growth factors, related
substances and mimetics
• Hormone and metabolic modulators
• Beta-2 agonists
NOTE: No medical exception review is available for
substances in the cannabinoids class.
Procedures for Requesting
a Medical Exception
Student-athletes are encouraged to explore and
discuss the availability and appropriateness of
alternative non-banned medications and therapies
with their medical providers before an exception is
requested by the school.
Requests for exceptions will be reviewed by the
medical panel of the NCAA Committee on Competitive
Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports (CSMAS). If
additional documentation is requested by the committee,
the school must provide the additional document within
90 calendar days of the request.
The NCAA will inform the director of athletics regarding
the outcome of the exception request. In the event
the exception connected to a positive test result is not
granted, the school may appeal this action according to
section 8.0 of the drug-testing protocol.
Requesting a Medical Exception
Pre-Approval for Anabolic Agents,
Hormone and Metabolic Modulators,
or Peptide Hormones, Growth
Factors, Related Substances
and Mimetics
The school should submit the NCAA Medical Exception
Documentation Reporting Form (located at ncaa.
org/drugtesting) to the NCAA along with medical
documentation from the prescribing physician supporting
the diagnosis and treatment. (Contact [email protected].)
The documentation should contain information as to
the diagnosis (including appropriate verification of the
diagnosis) and medical history.
Requesting a Medical Exception
After a Positive Drug Test
The school may request an exception at the time of
notification of the positive drug test (“A” sample) by
submitting documentation to the NCAA-designated drug-
testing agency.
If the school fails to provide medical documentation
(including a prescription that would have been active as
of the test date) to the NCAA-designated drug-testing
agency before the “B” sample is reported as positive to
the school, the school will be required to withhold the
student-athlete from competition until such time as the
documentation is received and reviewed, and a decision
is rendered.
Drug Education Guidelines
The NCAA is committed to supporting membership
efforts to prevent drug and alcohol abuse. NCAA
Bylaws 12 (Division I) and 14 (Divisions II and III)
require the director of athletics or their designee to
disseminate an annual list of banned drug classes
to all student-athletes, including student-athletes
who transfer mid-year, and to educate them about
products that might contain banned substances.
Schools should consider providing the same kind
of education to athletics administrators, coaches,
compliance officers and sports medicine personnel.
Campus colleagues working in alcohol- and other
drug-prevention programs may provide additional
support for athletics department efforts.
The NCAA provides
resources that outline
recommended approaches and evidence-based
resources that may help athletics administrators
address alcohol, cannabis, prescription drug misuse
and more.
The following considerations provide a sample
drug-education framework that can help member
schools conduct adequate drug education for their
Athlete Drug Education
Throughout the Year:
Develop and update written policies that address
alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and other recreational
substances inclusive of, among other topics:
Drug testing.
Usage disclosures.
Counseling or treatment options.
The fact that nutritional/dietary supplements
are not well regulated, that use may result in a
positive test and they are taken at the student-
athlete’s risk.
The importance of consulting with athletics
department staff prior to taking any nutritional/
dietary supplement.
Review NCAA, conference and institutional drug-
testing program policies and incorporate necessary
updates into department materials.
Include the NCAA list of banned-substance classes
and NCAA written policies as part of the student-
athlete handbook or related materials.
Identify NCAA, conference and institutional rules
regarding the use of alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and
narcotics, performance-enhancing substances and
nutritional/dietary supplements, and consequences
for violating rules as part of student-athlete
educational materials.
Display posters and other NCAA, conference and
institutional educational materials in high-traffic areas.
Repeat the verbal messaging delivered at the start
of the academic year at the start of each academic
term and periodically during team meetings
throughout the year to reinforce messaging and
underscore accessibility of information for all
Provide student-athletes with access to
supplemental drug-education materials and
opportunities including those resources provided at
Start of Academic Year:
Ensure that student-athletes sign drug-testing
consent and other NCAA-required annual
compliance forms.
Provide student-athletes with a copy of the written
drug-testing policies as outlined above.
Verbally explain all relevant drug-testing policies with
student-athletes and staff:
NCAA banned-substance classes and a reminder
that all related compounds under each class are
banned, regardless if they are listed as an example.
NCAA drug-testing policies and consequences
for testing positive, including failure to show,
manipulation or tampering with a urine sample.
Warnings related to the risks of using
nutritional/dietary supplements.
NCAA tobacco use ban during practice
and competition.
Conference and institutional drug-testing
program policies, as applicable.
Alcohol, cannabis, tobacco and other recreational
substance use policies and institutional sanctions
for violations, as applicable.
NCAA legislation requires schools to
educate student-athletes about banned
substances and the products that may
contain them.
NCAA Drug-Testing Procedures
NCAA schools have, since 1986, affirmed their
dedication to the ideal of fair and equitable
intercollegiate competition at their championships
and postseason football games through their support
of the NCAA drug-testing program. To facilitate the
protection of competing student-athletes — specifically,
so that no one participant might have an artificially
induced advantage or feel pressured to use substances
or methods to gain an unfair competitive advantage
— the NCAA drug-testing program was created. This
program provides for year-round, championships and
postseason football games drug testing.
All NCAA member schools are subject to NCAA drug
testing. The NCAA drug-testing program involves urine
collection and laboratory analyses for substances on
a list of banned-substance classes. This list consists
of substance classes generally purported to be
performance enhancing and/or potentially harmful to the
health and safety of the student-athlete. Notably:
Student-athletes are held responsible for their use of
all banned substances at all times.
While the NCAA may test for any banned substance
at any time, it will generally test for anabolic agents,
hormone and metabolic modulators, diuretics and
masking agents, peptide hormones, growth factors and
related substances and mimetics during the year-round
testing program. In championships and postseason
football games, the NCAA also will include testing for
beta-2 agonists, beta blockers (in rifle), stimulants,
cannabinoids and narcotics.
Other testing occasions, such as reinstatement tests,
follow-up tests and breach of protocol, may include
testing for all banned-substance classes.
Student-athletes are responsible
for everything they ingest.
1.0. Banned Substances
1.1. The NCAA bans substances by class. Related
compounds are included in the class due to their
pharmacological action and/or chemical structure. No
substance in a banned-substance class may be used
regardless of whether it is specifically listed as an
example, unless specifically exempted.
1.1.1. The definition of positive for the following
substances is: for caffeine, if the concentration in
urine exceeds 15 micrograms/ml; for cannabinoids,
if the concentration in the urine of THC metabolites
is equal to or greater than the threshold established
by the World Anti-Doping Agency at the time of
the test; for testosterone, if the administration
of testosterone or use of any other substance
or manipulation has the result of increasing
testosterone, or the ratio of testosterone to
epitestosterone, or results in an adverse finding in
confirmation testing.
1.1.2. Evidence of the presence of a banned
substance and/or metabolite in a student-athlete’s
urine will be determined by a WADA-accredited
laboratory for the analysis of human doping
control samples.
1.2. The current NCAA list of banned-substance classes
is available in Chapter 1 of this resource and at
. In addition, other substances may
be screened to gather data for making decisions as to
whether additional substances should be added to the
list of banned-substance classes.
2.0. Drug-Testing Administration
2.1. The NCAA Board of Governors has final authority
over the procedures and implementation of the NCAA
drug-testing program.
2.2. CSMAS will recommend policies and procedures
to the Board of Governors and will conduct drug-
testing appeals.
2.2.1. Members of CSMAS and/or other experts and
stakeholders delegated by it may be called upon for
consultation and input during an appeal.
2.3. The NCAA president or their designee will approve
any contracts between the NCAA and an independent
drug-testing agency. The current NCAA-designated
drug-testing agency is Drug Free Sport International
(Drug Free Sport)™. The NCAA-designated drug-testing
agency will support, coordinate and be responsible for
the general administration of the drug-testing program,
including the designation, training and certification of
doping control officers (DCO), determination of drug-
testing sites and contracting with NCAA-approved drug-
testing laboratories.
2.3.1. DCOs may not participate in testing at a
school at which they are employed.
2.3.2. Any drug-testing laboratory(ies) will be
required to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of
CSMAS, proficiency in detection and confirmation of
NCAA banned substances.
2.4. The host school for an NCAA championship or the
school(s) involved in a year-round testing event will
designate an individual to serve as site coordinator.
2.4.1. A site coordinator at an NCAA championship
may not concurrently serve in any other capacity
during drug testing (e.g., director of medical coverage).
2.5. Specimen collection by organizations other than
those authorized by the NCAA is not allowed at NCAA
drug-testing events and postseason football games.
2.5.1. Any individual or school that requests drug
testing outside of NCAA prescribed testing, (e.g.,
in order to certify world and national records) will
be responsible for covering the costs and expenses
related to such testing.
3.0. Causes for Loss of Eligibility
3.1. As required in NCAA bylaws, each academic year,
each member school shall administer the consent form
to its student-athletes (including partial qualifiers and
non-qualifiers) and each student-athlete shall sign a
drug-testing consent form in which the student-athlete
consents to be tested for substances banned by the
NCAA. Failure to complete and sign the consent form as
required shall result in the student-athlete’s ineligibility
for participation in practice and competition in all
intercollegiate athletics. The drug-testing consent form
remains in effect until a subsequent form is executed.
3.2. Student-athletes who test positive for a banned
substance, or who breach NCAA testing protocol
requirements, are subject to loss of eligibility. These
student-athletes may be subject to additional testing for all
NCAA banned substances by the NCAA at any time. Drug-
testing penalties are legislated under NCAA Bylaws
(Divisions I and II) and (Division III) Ineligibility for Use
of Banned Drugs.
3.3. Breach of Protocol. A student-athlete will be
considered to be in breach of protocol and treated as if
they tested positive for a banned substance other than
cannabinoids and narcotics if the student-athlete:
Fails to arrive at the collection station without
legitimate justification as determined by the NCAA-
designated drug-testing agency;
Fails to provide a urine specimen according to
collection procedures;
Leaves the collection station without authorization
from the DCO before providing a specimen according
to protocol; or
Attempts to alter the integrity of the collection process.
A breach of protocol will be documented by the DCO.
3.4. Tampering. Where it is identified by the NCAA or its
designated drug-testing agency that a student-athlete
was involved in tampering (e.g., urine substitution or
related methods) with an NCAA drug-test sample, and
the incident is supported by student-athlete admission,
clear observation or other highly irrefutable evidence, the
student-athlete shall be charged with the loss of eligibility
as legislated under NCAA Bylaws (Divisions I
and II) and (Division III) Tampering With a
Drug-Test Sample.
4.0. Drug-Testing Selections
4.1. The NCAA drug-testing plan will be reviewed by
CSMAS at least annually. The selection of championship
events at which drug testing will occur shall be determined
by the Board of Governors or the president/NCAA chief
medical officer acting on behalf of the Board of Governors.
4.2. Upon a published or official report involving conviction
for possession or distribution of banned substances by a
student-athlete, coach or athletics staff, or those closely
associated with the athletics program, or in the event
multiple student-athletes from a single program have
tested positive at an NCAA testing event, the NCAA
may elect to test any student-athlete from that
school for all banned substances.
4.3. Student-athletes who have tested positive or
provided multiple dilute samples at a testing event
may be tested at any time, including, but not limited
to, a championship or postseason football game at
which they appear and at which drug testing is being
conducted, and at any year-round testing event.
4.3.1. It is the responsibility of the school to notify
the DCO that a student-athlete who is
present on site must be tested to satisfy Section 4.3.
4.4. Student-athletes who are ineligible as a result of
an NCAA positive drug test or a breach of protocol may
be tested for all banned substances by the NCAA at any
time during their period of ineligibility.
4.5. Selection of Student-Athletes for Year Round Testing.
4.5.1. Student-athletes competing in Divisions I and II
sports are subject to year-round testing.
4.5.2. In year-round testing events, the timing of
testing and selection of tested individuals may be
random or specific to sport, position, competitive
ranking, athletics financial-aid status, playing time,
directed testing or any other NCAA-approved
selection method. For selections of student-athletes during
on-campus year-round testing, the school is
responsible for providing the official eligibility
checklist or squad list, or complete roster if the
first outside competition has not yet occurred. For year-round summer drug testing,
student-athletes will be selected from the
official eligibility checklist or squad list, or other
approved list.
4.5.3. Student-athletes who appear on one of the
lists in will not be selected for drug testing if
the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency is notified
prior to the testing date that they:
• Have been cut or dismissed from their team;
• Have exhausted eligibility in the sport;
• Have graduated;
Have a medical waiver resulting from career-
ending injury or illness;
• Have quit the team; or
• Have withdrawn from the school.
All other student-athletes with remaining NCAA
eligibility (including partial qualifiers, nonqualifiers,
those with season-ending injuries and student-
athletes who have expressed interest in transferring
schools) are subject to testing.
4.5.4. A student-athlete who is no longer on the
team (voluntarily or involuntarily) before notification
of their selection for NCAA drug testing, and was on
the school’s eligibility checklist or squad list without
being identified as no longer on the team, may not
participate in NCAA competition until completion of
an NCAA drug test. This test will be administered by
the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency in each
case at the school’s expense.
4.6. Selection of Student-Athletes at NCAA
Championships and Postseason Football Games.
4.6.1. All student-athletes are subject to NCAA
testing at NCAA championships or in conjunction
with postseason football games.
4.6.2. Student-athletes may be tested before, during
or after NCAA championship events and postseason
football games.
4.6.3. At NCAA team championships and
postseason football games, the timing of testing
and selection of tested individuals may be random
or specific to position, competitive ranking, athletics
financial-aid status, playing time or any other NCAA-
approved selection method. For team championship and postseason
football game testing, student-athletes may be
selected from the official travel party roster,
official gate/credential list, championship
participation sheets or other approved forms.
4.6.4. At NCAA individual championship events,
timing of testing and selection of tested individuals
may be random or specific to competitive ranking,
random selection, position of finish or other NCAA-
approved selection method.
4.6.5. Student-athletes in their final year of
eligibility, who are listed in one of the criteria
identified in 4.6.3 and 4.6.4, are subject to NCAA
drug testing.
5.0. Drug-Testing Notifications
5.1. Notification of Schools for Year-Round Testing.
5.1.1. For on-campus year-round testing, the
NCAA-designated drug-testing agency will send
notifications to the director of athletics, compliance
administrator and drug-testing site coordinator not
earlier than two calendar days before the day of
testing. For off-campus summer testing, schools
will not receive advance notification. For no-advance
notice testing, refer to the NCAA Year-Round Drug-
Testing Site Coordinator Manual.
5.2. For year-round testing events and upon request,
the director of athletics or their designee will be
required to provide an accurate and current eligibility
checklist or squad list to the NCAA-designated drug-
testing agency.
5.3. Notification of Student-Athletes for
Year-Round Testing.
5.3.1. The school is responsible for notifying all
student-athletes about testing selection and details
for on-campus year-round testing events. The
designated DCO will be responsible for notifications
for off-campus summer testing. For on-campus year-round testing,
student-athletes will be notified in person or by
direct telephone communication of the date,
time to report and location of the testing event.
Student-athletes must read and sign the NCAA
Student-Athlete Notification Form. Student-athletes shall be required
to verify their identity by providing picture
identification when entering the collection station.
5.3.2. For on-campus year-round testing, an
institutional representative will be present in
the collection station and remain until the
completion of testing for purposes of verifying the
identity of tested student-athletes and acting in the
capacity as an institutional observer with respect to
testing procedures.
5.4. Notification of Host Schools/Local Organizing
Committee (LOC) and NCAA Administrators for NCAA
Team Championship Testing.
5.4.1. The championship event manager,
championship event drug-testing site coordinator
and the NCAA championship administrator will be
notified before the first day of testing.
5.5. Notification of Competing Schools for NCAA Team
Championship Testing.
5.5.1. An institutional representative will be notified
no earlier than two hours before the start of
scheduled competition that drug testing will
take place.
5.5.2. At NCAA team championship events, a
separate collection site will be provided for each
team. Immediately after any NCAA-established
postgame cool-down period, student-athletes
selected for drug testing will be notified by a DCO
or their designee. Each student-athlete will be
instructed to read and sign the Team Championship
Student-Athlete Notification Form. The student-
athlete will be instructed to report to the collection
station within one hour of notification, unless
otherwise directed by the DCO or their designee.
5.5.3. A school representative must report to the
collection station for purposes of assisting with the
verification of the identities of selected student-
athletes, and remain in the collection station until all
selected student-athletes have completed testing.
5.5.4. At any NCAA team championship event other
than a final round, when competition begins at 10
p.m. or later local time, a school may defer testing
for all selected student-athletes until the next
morning; provided such decision must be made and
communicated to the DCO immediately after the
game. Deferred testing must begin for all selected
student-athletes no later than noon local time. The host school/LOC will identify
collection sites that can be used for deferred
tests as part of the coordination of broader
championship hosting activities.
5.6. Notification of Student-Athletes for NCAA Team
Championship Testing.
5.6.1. The DCO or their designee will present to
the institutional representative the list of selected
student-athletes who will be tested.
5.6.2. The institutional representative and the DCO
or their designee will coordinate the location where
notification of the student-athletes will occur (e.g., in
locker room, on field of play, etc.).
5.7. Notification of Host Schools/LOC and NCAA
Administrators for NCAA Individual Championships Testing.
5.7.1. The championships event manager,
championships event drug-testing site coordinator
and the NCAA championships administrator will be
notified before the first day of testing.
5.8. Notification of Competing Schools for NCAA
Individual Championships Testing.
5.8.1. Schools will not be notified in
advance whether testing will occur or not occur
at individual championships.
5.9. Notification of Student-Athletes for NCAA
Individual Championships Testing.
5.9.1. At NCAA individual championships events,
student-athletes will be notified of their selection
for drug testing and will sign a Student-Athlete
Championships Notification Form. The student-
athlete will be instructed to accompany a courier
to the collection station within one hour of
notification, unless otherwise directed by the DCO
or their designee.
5.9.2. The DCO or their designee will direct the
selected student-athlete to test immediately, to
defer testing until the completion of their final event
of that session or day or to defer testing until the
completion of their final event of the championship.
5.9.3. The courier and selected student-athlete will
obtain an institutional representative’s signature
on the notification form if testing is deferred until
completion of the student-athlete’s final event
of that session or day, or completion of their final
event of the championship. An institutional
representative must present the student-athlete
to the collection station and certify identification
of the student-athlete no later than one hour after
completion of their final event of the session or day,
or final event of their championship.
6.0. Specimen Collection Procedures
6.1. Only those persons authorized by the DCO will be
allowed in the collection station.
6.2. Any student-athlete with an academic obligation that
conflicts with a scheduled testing time may defer testing
by notifying the DCO and requesting to reschedule. A
student-athlete may also request to reschedule testing
time, and the DCO may in their discretion agree to
reschedule testing, for any reason previously approved
by the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency, sickness,
injury or a desire to avoid interruption of a previously
scheduled competition event.
In all cases, the DCO will identify, document and
communicate to the student-athlete and school the
arrangements for the rescheduled test.
6.3. Upon entering the collection station, the
identification of the student-athlete will be verified by
the DCO or their designee and/or school representative
as applicable.
6.3.1. The DCO or their designee will instruct
the student-athlete to select a sealed specimen
collection container and attach a unique barcode to
the collection container.
6.3.2. The DCO or their designee will direct the
student-athlete to rinse and dry their hands and to
provide the specimen using the collection container.
6.3.3. The DCO or their designee will fully observe
the provision of the student-athlete specimen.
6.3.4. The student-athlete will be responsible for
keeping the collection container closed and controlled.
6.3.5. The school may elect to make food and/or
hydration beverages available to testing student-
athletes in the collection station; provided they are
caffeine-free, alcohol-free and free of all banned
substances and delivered in individual sealed
containers. All such food/beverages must only be
opened and consumed while the student-athlete is in
the collection station.
6.4. In the event a tested student-athlete provides an
incomplete specimen, they must remain in the collection
station and retain the closed collection container until
a complete specimen can be provided unless otherwise
directed by the DCO.
6.4.1. If a student-athlete must leave the collection
station for a reason approved by the DCO, the
partial specimen may be discarded at the discretion
of the DCO. Upon return to the collection
station, the student-athlete will continue the
collection procedure. At individual championship events, if
the student-athlete has produced a partial urine
sample and must leave the collection station for
a reason approved by the DCO, the DCO may
temporarily defer the student-athlete’s collection
until they return. The student-athlete’s partial
sample will be securely packaged with tamper-
evident seals and remain with the DCO in the
collection station. Upon return, the student-athlete
will verify the integrity of the sample prior to
resuming their collection.
6.5. Once a specimen is provided, the DCO, or their
designee, who observed the provision of the specimen,
will sign that the specimen was validated, and a DCO, or
their designee, will check the specific gravity of the urine
in the presence of the student-athlete.
6.5.1. If the specific specific gravity of the urine
specimen is adequate, as determined by the
DCO, the specimen will be processed and sent to
the NCAA-designated drug-testing laboratory. If the DCO determines the specific gravity
of the urine specimen to be inadequate, it will not
be sent to the lab unless otherwise directed by
the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency. The
student-athlete must remain in the collection
station until an adequate specimen is provided,
unless otherwise directed by the DCO. Final determination of specimen
adequacy is determined by the NCAA-designated
drug-testing laboratory. If the NCAA-designated drug-testing
laboratory determines that a student-athlete’s
specimen is inadequate for analysis, the
student-athlete may be required to provide
another specimen.
6.6. Once a specimen has been provided that meets
the on-site specific gravity criteria, the DCO or their
designee will instruct the student-athlete to select a
specimen collection kit and a uniquely numbered set
of barcodes.
6.7. The DCO or their designee will record the specific
gravity and the DCO or their designee will split the
specimen into the “A” vial and the “B” vial in the presence
of the student-athlete. The DCO or their designee will
place the cap on each vial and then seal each vial with
the barcode selected by the student-athlete under the
observation of the student-athlete.
6.8. The DCO will secure all sealed vials for shipping.
6.9. Sealed vials selected by the student-athlete shall
only be identified via unique barcode numbers and will
not contain student-athlete name, school or any other
personally identifiable information.
6.10. The student-athlete, DCO or their designee,
and any participating permitted witness will sign
the custody and control form, certifying that the
procedures were followed as described in the Drug
Testing Program document.
6.10.1. In the event that the tested student-athlete
or a permitted witness alleges any deviation from
the procedures, the DCO will document the alleged
deviations and will instruct the student-athlete to
provide another specimen.
6.11. After the collection has been completed, the DCO
will forward the specimen(s) to the NCAA-designated
drug-testing laboratory.
6.12. All specimens are considered to be the exclusive
property of the NCAA.
7.0. Chain of Custody
7.1. The DCO will deliver the completed test
specimen(s) to the carrier or directly to the NCAA-
designated drug-testing laboratory.
7.2. A laboratory employee will record that the
specimen(s) has been received.
7.3. The laboratory will record whether the numbered
barcode seal on each vial arrived intact.
7.3.1. If a vial arrives at the laboratory with security
seals not intact, the student-athlete may be required
to provide another specimen.
7.4. The laboratory will document the various
procedural steps of specimen analysis that occur
at the laboratory.
7.5. In the event of any deviation from standard chain
of custody or laboratory procedure, the tested student-
athlete may be required to provide another specimen.
8.0. Laboratory Procedures,
Notification of Results and
Appeal Process
8.1. Laboratory Procedures. Each vial containing
urine will be referenced as sample A and sample B.
The laboratory will use a portion of sample A for its
initial analysis.
8.1.1. Any analysis result showing a banned
substance and/or metabolite(s) in sample A will be
reviewed and verified by the laboratory director or
certifying scientist.
8.1.2. The laboratory will communicate all analysis
results to the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency
using specimen barcode numbers.
8.2. Notifications. Upon receipt analysis of results,
the NCAA-designated drug-testing agency will use the
barcode information to identify any individuals with
positive findings.
8.2.1. For NCAA individual championships, the
NCAA-designated drug-testing agency will
communicate all positive test results to the director
of athletics and/or their designee at the applicable
member school within 45 days of specimen
collection barring any unforeseen delays.
8.2.2. The NCAA-designated drug-testing agency
will also notify the school that sample B will be
tested and will describe the options for student-
athlete representation during applicable sample B
testing procedures.
8.2.3. The school shall, without delay, notify the
student-athlete of the findings and secure the
student-athlete’s preference for representation
during applicable sample B procedures. Permitted
representatives include the student-athlete, an
individual attending on the student-athlete’s
behalf and/or a lab surrogate.
8.2.4. The school shall notify the NCAA-designated
drug-testing agency of the student-athlete’s
sample B procedural representation preference in
accordance with the following timelines:
Year-round testing outside of championships/
postseason football games: within two business
days of institutional receipt of positive
test results.
Reinstatement testing: within two business days
of institutional receipt of positive test results.
Championship/Postseason football games
testing where team/student-athlete is not
advancing: within two business days of
institutional receipt of positive test results.
Championship/Postseason football games
testing where team/student-athlete is
advancing: within 24 hours of institutional
receipt of positive test results.
8.2.5. The NCAA-designated drug-testing agency
will provide the school with sample B testing details
and the school will provide them to the student-
athlete and any identified representatives.
8.2.6. In the event the school does not inform the
NCAA-designated drug-testing agency about the
student-athlete’s representation preference within
the required time frame, the sample B procedures
will be conducted in the presence of a lab surrogate.
8.2.7. The student-athlete, student-athlete’s
representative, the school’s representative or the lab
surrogate will attest by signature as to the identity
of the barcode on sample B, that the security seal
has not been broken, and that there is no evidence of
tampering of the sample.
8.2.8. The NCAA-designated drug-testing agency
representative will direct the laboratory on how to
proceed with the analysis of sample B.
8.2.9. Sample B findings will be considered final such
that no additional specimen analysis will be permitted.
The laboratory will inform the NCAA-designated drug-
testing agency of all sample B findings. In the event of a positive sample B
finding, the NCAA-designated drug-testing
agency will contact the director of athletics and/
or their designee at the applicable school and
the school shall subsequently notify the student-
athlete of the finding, declare the student-athlete
ineligible, withhold the student-athlete from
all intercollegiate competition and ensure the
appropriate implementation of all other related
NCAA eligibility procedures.
8.2.10. In the event that a student-athlete tests
positive for a substance for which a medical
exception may be granted (see Medical Exceptions)
and the school has properly submitted an exception
request and all required documentation to the
NCAA-designated drug-testing agency before it is
notified of the sample B findings, the eligibility of
the student-athlete may be maintained while the
exception request is under review.
8.3. Appeals. The school shall notify the student-
athlete of the right to appeal a positive sample B
finding. Within two business days of the school’s
receipt of the positive sample B findings, its director
of athletics and/or their designee must, upon request
by the student-athlete, notify the NCAA-designated
drug-testing agency of the student-athlete’s intent
to appeal. The appeal request will be reviewed and an
outcome will be determined by CSMAS. The student-
athlete will remain ineligible pending the outcome of
the appeal. Unless an extension is previously approved
by the Drug-Testing Subcommittee Chair, the school
must submit all appeal documentation to the NCAA-
designated drug-testing agency within 45 calendar
days of its delivery of the notice of intent to appeal.
Appeals will be scheduled as soon as practicable, taking
into consideration impending dates of competition
and other relevant NCAA, school and student-athlete
scheduling factors provided all required documentation
as outlined in the Drug-Testing Appeals Process has
been properly submitted. Copies of the lab results will
be provided to the director of athletics and/or their
designee as part of the appeal process and prior to the
date of appeal. Any student-athlete who has tested
positive for the same banned substance on subsequent
occasions may request an administrative review in
lieu of an appeal where they believe the subsequent
positive test can be attributed to declining values. The
decision to conduct an administrative review in lieu of
an appeal shall be at the discretion of the Drug-Testing
Subcommittee chair.
8.3.1. All appeals will start with a written review
by at least three members from CSMAS Drug-
Test Appeal Subcommittee. The members will
review the school’s submitted documentation (see
checklist) and consider legislation, committee
guidelines, policies and procedures, case precedent,
asserted mitigation and other relevant information
to render a final decision or to elevate the review
to an oral hearing. Should the Drug-Test Appeal
Subcommittee members elevate the review to an
oral hearing it will be conducted by teleconference
and arranged by the NCAA-designated drug-testing
agency. Additional information about the NCAA
drug-testing appeal procedures can be found at CSMAS may consult or
include third party subject matter experts during
the appeal teleconference or other portions of
the appeal process for purposes of evaluating the
appeal request and related facts and information
provided as part of the appeal documentation.
Once a decision is rendered, NCAA staff will notify
the school’s director of athletics or their designee of
the final outcome of the student-athlete’s appeal and
the school shall subsequently inform the student-
athlete of the final outcome. If an appeal is denied, the student- athlete
remains ineligible. If an appeal is granted, the student-
athlete will be required to participate in a new
NCAA-administered drug test, conducted at the
school’s expense, and must produce a negative
test result prior to being permitted to return to
eligibility for competition.
8.3.2. Appeal decisions are considered final. In
the event that new material information relevant
to the student-athlete’s responsibility for testing
positive becomes evident, the school may request
that the Drug-Test Appeal Subcommittee reopen the
appeal, in which case the chair of the appeal panel
will determine, in their discretion, whether the new
information is relevant material and could not have
been reasonably ascertained prior to the time of
the appeal call so as to warrant a justifiable need to
reopen the appeal. As part of the review of a request
to reopen, or in the event the appeal is reopened,
the chair or any member of the appeal panel may
request additional information from the student-
athlete, the school or any third party consultant.
8.3.3.The NCAA may release the student-athlete’s
test results to the involved school’s conference office
upon the approval of the school.
9.0. Restoration of Eligibility
9.1. Student-athletes must participate in an NCAA-
administered drug test, at the school’s expense, and
produce a negative test result for all banned drug
classes other than cannabinoids in order to restore
eligibility following a prior positive drug test. Should
the exit test result in a positive for use of a substance
in the banned drug class cannabinoids, the student-
athlete is required to comply with all applicable
provisions of NCAA Bylaw 18.
9.2. This exit test, which includes testing for all NCAA
banned substances, shall be initiated by the school
by submitting a request to the NCAA-designated
drug-testing agency not sooner than 6 weeks prior
to the end of the applicable student-athlete eligibility
suspension period. Exit tests will be scheduled by the
NCAA-designated drug-testing agency within 2-4
weeks of its receipt of a request.
A school receiving inquiries concerning a positive test that results in a student-
athlete’s ineligibility may elect to consider the following response:
“The student-athlete in question was found to be in violation
of NCAA eligibility rules and has been declared ineligible.
The following are suggested guidelines for
consideration by NCAA member schools contemplating
an in-house drug-testing program:
1. Consider consulting with legal, risk management and
other applicable campus departments at an early stage.
2. Consider developing, distributing and publicizing
written policies that will govern testing procedures
and that address relevant topics such as: (a)
the purposes of the drug-testing program; (b)
who will be tested and by what methods; (c) the
substances to be tested for, how often and under
what conditions (i.e., announced, unannounced or
both); and (d) the actions to be taken in response
to a positive test. Consider sharing a copy of the
policy with all student-athletes entering the school’s
intercollegiate athletics program and confirming
that they have an adequate opportunity to read and
ask questions about the policy.
3. Because the scope of the NCAA Drug-Testing
Consent Form is limited to NCAA-conducted drug
testing activities, consider and consult with legal,
risk management and other applicable campus
departments about the extent to which other
student-athlete consents may be required and how
best to implement and incorporate those activities
into other institutional practices.
4. Consider proactively exploring the various logistical,
technical and economic questions that can arise
in connection with campus drug-testing including,
among others:
a. When and how samples will be collected, secured
and transported.
b. Which laboratory(ies) will be used and which
certifications/accreditations will be required.
c. How samples will be stored and for how long
before analysis.
d. Which analytical methods will be used in the
e. Cost.
f. How will test results be reviewed and validated.
g. How medical exceptions and appeals will be
h. Who will receive the results and how the results
will be used.
5. Consider involving and soliciting input from
stakeholders in various relevant academic
departments and disciplines across campus (e.g.,
pharmacy, pharmacology, chemistry, medicine).
A member school’s athletics department staff
members or others employed by the intercollegiate
athletics program who have knowledge of a student-
athlete’s use at any time of a substance within the
banned-substances classes, as set forth in Bylaw
18 (Division I) and Bylaw 31 (Divisions II and III), shall
follow institutional procedures dealing with substance
misuse or shall be subject to disciplinary or corrective
action as set forth in Bylaw 19.
Institutional Drug Testing
NOTE: Some medications contain NCAA banned substances. Report all over-
the-counter and prescription medicines — including ADHD medications — to
your primary athletics health care provider (e.g., team physician, athletic
trainer). Visit for more information.
Summer 2023.