Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
Short-Term Rental
Fact Sheet
Short-term rentals are defined as any unit, or portion thereof, permitted for residential use and rented
for occupancy, dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for a period of not less than one night and not
more than thirty (30) days. Commercial lodging use (hotel, motel, condo-hotel [as defined in the
ordinance] or timeshare) is not included in the short-term rental definition and not subject to the
Any unit rented for less than 30 days outside of a commercial lodging use (hotel, motel, condo-hotel or
timeshare) requires a short-term rental permit.
Condo-hotels are defined as a facility meeting the definition of a hotel or motel, rented to the
general public for overnight or other temporary lodging, with ownership structured as a
condominium, cooperative or other ownership/financing arrangement, but shall not include
timeshares in or interval or fractional ownership of a hotel. The condo-hotel has front desk in-
person management with access to all units who responds to complaints, enforces trash, noise,
and parking rules, and includes NFPA 13-R or 13 fire sprinkler systems and NFPA 72 centrally
monitored fire alarm system connected to all individual units and is inspected annually.
Effective March 31, 2022 the total number of residential short-term rental unit permits issued shall be
capped at 3,900 (“overall cap inventory”). Hotels, motels, condo-hotels and timeshares are not subject
to this ordinance and therefore not subject to this cap.
Owner-occupied property with a STR unit in good standing and a current TOT certificate is exempt from
the cap.
A change of ownership of property with a permitted STR Unit shall result in the automatic termination of
the STR permit. The new owner may apply for a new STR permit.
Permits are valid for one year from date of permit issuance.
STR Permit Renewal. Provided a STR unit permit in good standing is renewed prior to the expiration date
of the permit, that permit application will be processed and included in the cap. The County will contact
the owner 30 days prior to the permit expiration date with renewal process information.
Local Contact Person
o A local contact person shall be personally available by telephone on a twenty-four (24) hour
basis and maintain the ability to be physically present at the short-term rental within sixty (60)
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
minutes (25 driving miles) of contact by code compliance, the Placer County sheriff, or the
guest(s), and has access and authority to assume management of the short-term rental in order
to respond to and remedy calls or complaints.
On-site parking for all vehicles, boats and trailer parking shall be provided for each short-term
rental. If the property does not have on-site parking the property owner shall have a county-
approved parking plan designating the location of off-site parking.
Parking shall not encroach into the roadway.
Snow area parking must comply with all applicable Placer County Code sections, including
Section 10.12.020 (Illegal ParkingGenerally).
All permitted parking locations and the quantity of vehicles that fit on said locations shall be
clearly set forth in all rental agreements and in all online advertisements and listings per Section
9.42.080 (F).
All short-term rental guests are required to comply with the standards of Placer County Code
Article 9.36 (Noise) and the community noise equivalent levels (CNEL) of the Tahoe Basin Area
Plan with the following additions:
1. The daytime and nighttime noise limits shall be posted inside the vacation rental in a
location readily visible to all guests.
2. Amplified sound, meaning sound whose volume is increased by any electric,
electronic, mechanical, or motor-powered means (such as speakers), shall not be used
outside or be audible from the parcel line of any short-term rental at any time.
3. Quiet hours shall be imposed from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time. No
sound from the STR shall be audible from the parcel line of any short-term vacation
rental unit during this time.
Trash and Refuse
o With the exception of trash properly deposited in trash collection receptacles, accumulation of
trash and debris outside of the short-term rental at any time is prohibited.
o A minimum service level or equivalent of two trash containers per short-term rental per week
must be maintained.
o Each exterior trash collection receptacle shall be “animal proofed” and shall comply with Placer
County Code Chapter 8, Article 8.16, Part I, Division II Recollection and Storage Practices. Each
short-term rental shall provide a bear box enclosure or dumpster as defined and pursuant to the
requirements of Placer County Code Chapter 8, Article 8.16, Part I, Division III Prevention of Bear
Access to Garbage Can Enclosure.
Posting Requirements
o Interior Postings. The Placer County Good Neighbor flyer shall be posted within the interior of
the rental unit in a visible location by the front door and on the interior of each bedroom door,
as well as in all online or printed advertisements and listings. The Good Neighbor Flyer shall
contain the contact information for the local contact person and emergency information, and
operational standards at a minimum pertaining to noise, parking, fire and life safety, occupancy
limits, bears and trash, and pets.
o Exterior Postings. Each short-term rental shall post the STR permit registration number of the
unit as well as the Placer County STR Hotline phone number on the exterior of the wildlife proof
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
trash receptacle, if applicable, visible from the street, or in the front window or front door of
each STR, visible from the front entrance.
o Requirements for Advertisements. All permitted short-term rentals shall include the following
information in any online or printed advertisement:
1. Valid Placer County Short-Term Rental Permit number
2. Maximum daytime and nighttime occupancy
3. All permitted parking locations and the quantity of vehicles that fit on said locations
4. Link to Good Neighbor Flyer
Visible Address
o Each short-term rental shall have an address identification. The address identification shall be
legible and placed in a position that is visible from the street or road fronting the property.
Fire & Life Safety
New Applicants, and current STR permit holders, will need a passing FLS and
Defensible Space inspection by 04/01/2024.
o Smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with the California Building Code and at a
minimum shall be installed in each bedroom, and at least one alarm on every level of the short-
term rental, including basements and habitable attics.
o Carbon monoxide alarms shall be installed in accordance with the California Building Code and
at a minimum shall be installed outside each bedroom, on every level of the rental unit,
including basements and habitable attics, and bedrooms or attached bathrooms with a fuel-
burning appliance, and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation
o Each short-term rental shall be equipped with one five-pound fire extinguisher, type 3-A:40-B:C,
installed at a readily available location near the kitchen. If the short-term rental has more than
one level, an extinguisher must be mounted within each level. Fire extinguishers shall be
inspected annually by a certified professional to ensure the extinguishers are in good working
o Each short-term rental unit shall contain at least one working landline phone or Voice Over
Internet Protocol.
o The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining the property at all times in compliance
with the county’s Hazardous Vegetation and Combustible Material Abatement Ordinance
pursuant to County Code Chapter 9, Article 9.32, Part 4.
Active Buliding Permits
o Short-term rentals shall not be rented during construction, remodeling, additions, or an active
building permit, unless the building permit for the same has been approved by final inspection
or county issued occupancy certificate, or approval by the county’s building official, and upon an
affirmative showing by the agent that the safety and welfare of occupants can be maintained.
Maximum Occupancy
o Nighttime occupancy is defined as two people per bedroom, plus two additional people, up to a
maximum of 12 guests, excluding children under twelve (12) years of age. Nighttime occupancy
limits begin at 9:00 p.m. Daytime occupancy is defined as one and a half times the maximum
number of occupants allowed to stay overnight at the unit, excluding children under twelve (12).
Snow Removal
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
o Snow removal services, provided by either the owner, manager, or a professional service, shall
be included for any STR booked between December 1 and April 1.
Prohibited and restricted structures:
o Affordability and Deed Restrictions. A structure or property with a recorded county covenant,
deed restriction or agreement restricting its use, including, but not limited to, affordable or
achievable dwelling units or deed-restricted secondary dwelling units, shall not be used for
short-term rentals, except for those deed restricted to allow a maximum duration of short-term
rental use under the Workforce Housing Preservation Program. Short-term rentals are not
allowed in structures not intended for residential occupancy under the California Building Code
Standards and county code.
o Types of Units. Short-term rental of tiny homes or mobile or manufactured home units is
o Maximum STR Units per Property. Only one STR unit per property is permitted, including single-
family and multi-family properties.
Incidental Camping
o A short-term rental permit does not authorize incidental camping, which means any overnight
camping, sleeping in tents or on decks attached to the short-term rental unit, or sleeping in
travel trailers or recreational vehicles parked on the short-term rental property.
Fire Restrictions
o 1. Grills and Barbeques. Grills and barbeques are not permitted beneath a potentially flammable
source including trees, umbrellas, decks, or other appurtenant structures, and shall be no less
than ten (10) feet away from a structure or as far as can be accommodated and any flammable
materials. Charcoal grills of any type are strictly prohibited. Guests shall not bring personal grills
and barbeques to the short-term rental; only those provided with the short-term rental are
permitted to be used as installed.
o 2. Outdoor Fireplaces. No open wood burning pits, bonfires, or campfires are permitted to occur
at short-term rentals. Natural gas/propane burning fireplaces and fire pits with twenty (20)
pound tanks or smaller are acceptable outside provided the device is at least ten (10) feet from
a structure and any flammable materials and is existing at the short-term rental. Guests shall not
bring personal fireplaces or firepits to the short-term rental.
o 3. Red Flag Days. When a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning is in effect for the
geographical area where the short-term rental is located, all sources of outdoor open flame
(including gas/propane/pellet bbqs) are prohibited.
o Pets shall be secured within the boundaries of the STR parcel at all times. If the STR parcel is not
fenced, pets must be kept on a leash and accompanied by the owner at all times while outside.
o Guests are prohibited from subletting a short-term rental. Only property owners and/or agents
with a valid short-term rental permit and TOT certificate are allowed to advertise and rent a
residential unit as a short-term rental.
Special Events
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
o Weddings, corporate events, commercial functions, and any other similar events which have the
potential to cause traffic, parking, noise or other problems in the neighborhood are prohibited
from occurring at the short-term rental property, as a component of short-term rental activities,
unless a permit has been issued by the county pursuant to Placer County Code Section
o No person shall use, discharge or possess any fireworks, as defined in Sections 12505 or 12529
of the State Health and Safety Code, unless issued a permit pursuant to County Code Chapter 9,
Article 9.33.
Operating or Advertising a Short-Term Rental Unit Without a Permit
o Failure to apply for the same within thirty (30) days of written notice from the county shall
result in an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) (“first
administrative penalty”). Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of issuance of the first
administrative penalty shall result in a second administrative penalty of three thousand dollars
($3,000.00) (“second administrative penalty”). Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of the
second administrative penalty shall result in a third administrative penalty of five thousand
dollars ($5,000.00) (“third administrative penalty”).
o The penalty amounts are cumulative. If the property owner fails to comply after the imposition
of the third administrative penalty, the county may initiate nuisance abatement and/or seek
judicial remedies to prohibit continued operations and/or advertising of the unpermitted STR
Operating a Short-Term Rental Unit in Violation of Prohibitions and Restrictions
o The county shall notify the property owner and/or agent of the same and require the use of the
unit as an STR be discontinued within thirty (30) days of notice.
o Additionally, the county shall issue an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred
dollars ($1,500.00) (“first administrative penalty”) to the property owner. Failure to comply
within thirty (30) days of issuance of the first administrative penalty shall result in a second
administrative penalty of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) (“second administrative penalty”).
Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of the second administrative penalty shall result in a
third administrative penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and a hearing for revocation of
the permit. The penalty amounts are cumulative. If the property owner fails to comply after the
imposition of the third administrative penalty, the county may initiate nuisance abatement
and/or seek judicial remedies to prohibit continued operations.
Operational Standards Violations
o General operational standard violations
The county shall notice the property owner and/or agent for violations of operational
standards and require compliance within thirty (30) days.
Failure to comply within thirty (30) days shall result in the issuance of a citation for a
first administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00). Failure to
comply within thirty (30) days of issuance of first administrative penalty shall result in a
second citation for an administrative penalty of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00).
Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of the second administrative penalty shall result
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
in a third citation for an administrative penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) and
a hearing for revocation of the permit.
o Parking, trash, and occupancy violations
The county is authorized to notice both the guest and the property owner separately for
The county shall notify the local contact person and guests of the violation and the
requirement to cure the same within one hour.
Failure to cure the violation(s) within one hour after notification shall result in the
issuance of a citation for a first administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred
dollars ($1,500.00) (“first administrative penalty”). If the violation continues, for one
day after the first administrative citation, the county is authorized to cite a second
administrative penalty of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) (“second administrative
penalty”). Failure to comply within thirty (30) days of the second administrative penalty
shall result in a third citation for an administrative penalty of five thousand dollars
($5,000.00) and a hearing for revocation of the permit. The penalty amounts are
A property owner and/or guest(s) staying on the property who together receive a total
of three notices of violation within a ninety (90) day period shall result in the issuance of
a citation for an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00)
regardless of whether the violations were cured within one hour after notification.
A citation issued for three notices of violation within a ninety (90) day period will count
towards revocation of the permit.
o Noise violations
The county is authorized to notice both the guest(s) and the property owner separately
for violations.
The county shall notify the local contact person and guests of the noise violation and the
requirement to cure the same within one hour. Failure to cure the violation(s) within
one hour after notification shall result in the issuance of a citation for a first
administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00) of each guest
and/or property owner. If the violation continues for one additional hour, the county is
authorized to issue a second administrative penalty of three thousand dollars
($3,000.00) for each guest and/or property owner. If the violation is not cured within
three hours after notification, the county is authorized to issue a third administrative
penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of each guest/and or property owner. The
penalty amounts are cumulative.
A property owner and/or guest(s) staying on the property who together receive a total
of three notices of violation within a ninety (90) day period shall result in the issuance of
a citation for an administrative penalty of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00)
regardless of whether the violations were cured within one hour after notification.
A citation issued for three notices of violation within a ninety (90) day period will count
towards revocation of the permit.
Revocation of a permit
o The county may revoke a short-term rental permit for any of the following reasons:
Please contact our 24/7 hotline at 530-448-8003 to report a violation.
The short-term rental permit application contains a false or misleading statement or
omission of a material fact;
The short-term rental, property owner, agent or guest is currently in violation of, has
previously been found to be in violation of, or is under investigation for violation of, any
local, state or federal laws, statutes, rules or regulations;
The property owner or agent fails to comply with violations and payment of penalties.
A short-term rental property owner and/or guest(s) staying on the property have
together received a total of three citations within any twenty-four (24) month period;
The property owner or agent is delinquent on any payment to the county of any fees,
penalties, taxes, assessments, or any other monies related to the short-term rental
property, including, but not limited to, transient occupancy taxes;
Prior revocation of a short-term rental permit;
The operation of a short-term rental is a threat to the public health, safety, or welfare,
or where the chief building official has deemed the structure uninhabitable;
A failed fire inspection, or a refusal to allow a fire inspection of the short-term rental;
Absence/expiration of a TOT certificate or business license