2014-2015 Biennial Impact Report
Common Good
for the
Dear Friends,
FADICA members have responded for decades with generosity
and creativity to this question asked of Saint, philanthropist and
Catholic sister Katharine Drexel: “What about you?”
Given FADICAs mission, we were especially inspired by the story
of St. Katharine that Pope Francis shared during his historic U.S.
visit. That question changed Katharine’s life, and it speaks to the
dynamic spirit of servant leadership that animates our members
in their philanthropic vocations and collaboration through FADICA.
Philanthropy at its best serves as a catalyst – sparking and
supporting the growth, change, partnerships, or scale that is
needed to achieve a mission. Catholic philanthropy puts the
common good and gospel values at its center, seeking a vital
church and ministries that ensure all God’s children reach their
This 2014-2015 Impact Report illustrates several key ways that
FADICA has served as a catalyst over the last two years. We are
midway through our three year Strategic Plan, and this report
demonstrates key impacts driven by that plan’s three pillars,
including ground-breaking research, cutting-edge symposia, and
opportunities for reection and engagement with the global Church.
As we prepare to celebrate 40 years of helping goodness spread,
we thank our members, partners and friends for their philanthropic
leadership and inspiring answers to the question, “What about
you?,” asked of each of us today – just as it was asked of St.
Katharine in 1887.
Alexia K. Kelley
“Most of you know the story of Saint Katharine Drexel, one of the
great saints raised up by this local Church. When she spoke to
Pope Leo XIII
of the needs of the missions, the Pope – he was a very wise Pope! –
asked her pointedly: “What about you?
What are you going to do?
- Pope Francis
Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter & Paul
September 26, 2015
FADICA connects donors to ensure lasting impact on pressing
social issues. Through FADICA we address the needs of the Church,
values in the wider world.”
- Amy R. Goldman, CEO & Chair
GHR Foundation
“FADICA spiritually enriches the
philanthropic community,
individually and collectively.
- Christine L. Healey, President
Healey Education Foundation
Catholic Philanthropy
FADICA has opened my eyes to the philanthropic community outside
of my family and facilitates dialogue among us on
important topics.
conversations help us as members realize how we can work together,
greater impact.
- Patrick W. McGrory, Chairman
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Over 40 FADICA members representing nearly 20
foundations pilgrimaged to Rome in November 2014, to
deepen our network’s connection to the global Church. Our
theme, Going Out: Sharing the Joy of the Gospel, animated
the shared experiences and conversations as we engaged
Pope Francis’ vision of a church that “goes out.
Participants experienced the Holy See rst-hand through
dialogues with Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the
Secretariat for the Economy, Cardinal Peter Turkson,
President of the Pontical Council for Justice and Peace,
and Monsignor Peter Brian Wells, Assesor for General
Aairs of the Vatican’s Secretariat of State. Members were
privileged to learn about the varied ministries of Catholic
sisters through Sister Patricia Murray, IBVM, executive
secretary of the International Union of the Superiors General
and Sister Eugenia Bonetti, MC, president of Slaves No
Hosted by Donna Orsuto and The Lay Centre, FADICA
members entered into retreat mid-way through the week to
experience and listen to God’s call in such a sacred place.
They were inspired to consider their individual and communal
vocation of philanthropy in our Church and world. Woven
throughout the pilgrimage were moving liturgies in historic
churches, private tours of spiritual sites such as the Sistine
Chapel and the Tomb of St. Peter, cultural excursions to
the Vatican museums, and more. Members returned from
Rome with specic ideas for partnering with the Vatican and
Church ministries in concrete ways, and for incorporating
lessons learned into their own philanthropy.
Pilgrims Following in St. Peter’s Footsteps
In FADICA’s pilgrimage to Rome, the presence and participation of so many
members, including Board Chair Sr. Sally Duy, SC (above), led to new and
strengthened friendships, deepened faith, enhanced collaboration, and inspired
opportunities for impact.
Philanthropy Leadership
Intern Program – Impacting Members
Breathing New Life into Catholic Schools:
An Exploration of Governance Models
Assessing and Cultivating Readiness
for Change in Catholic Schools
FADICAs Philanthropy Leadership Intern
Program has actively engaged young adults
in the values and practice of Catholic philanthropy
and garnered tangible results, just some of which include
the widely distributed research report on school governance,
resources for the Anti-Human Trafficking Affinity Group, and a report
for the International Philanthropy Affinity Group.
In just a year and a half since its launch, 10 undergraduate interns, graduate
interns, and Cristo Rey high school students have participated in FADICAs internship
This FADICA report was presented to 60 bishops
at a workshop for the USCCB’s Committee on
Catholic Education, and delivered to all 449
U.S. Bishops.
The report significantly influenced
members’ grantmaking processes,
and will even be used by one
member “to formulate a new
plan for an entire elementary
school system.”
The Catholic Education Changemakers conference
call series, hosted throughout the year by the
Catholic Schools Affinity Group, offered
concrete application to funders’ analysis,
approach, decision-making, and
grant-making in impact investing,
according to 91% of participants.
Expansion of the
Funding Guide
(October 2014)
FADICA published the 8th Edition of The Catholic Funding
Guide Online, adding to the 1,300-plus featured foundations over
50 new guide-eligible foundation profiles and incorporating nearly
1,000 updates to existing foundation profiles.
FADICA collaborated with several Vatican offices regarding lay participation and
involvement, and continues to engage with the leaders we encountered – including
through upcoming FADICA symposia. FADICAs dialogue with Catholic ministries based
in Rome led to new partnerships including on the Church’s response to Ebola, and
strengthened existing ones.
Sharing the Joy of the Gospel
Going Out:
RETREAT (November 2014)
Anti-Human Trafficking Symposium Funded
The Youth Against Human Trafficking symposium, supported by
FADICA members alongside the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,
enabled 55 young delegates, including survivors and leaders
working to end human trafficking, to raise global
awareness about modern slavery in over 38 media
articles across twelve countries.
The delegates delivered concrete
recommendations to the Vatican on how to
fight global slavery. A second Vatican
convening in fall 2015 included youth
survivors of organ trafficking.
(November 2014 )
This report and impact plan, a direct response to Cardinal Turkson’s invitation to solidarity in the
wake of the Ebola crisis, engaged more than 20 experts, leading scholars, health practitioners,
philanthropists and religious workers in direct interviews about Catholic health system strengthening. They
included: Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services, Healey International Relief Fund, Catholic Medical
Mission Board, and more. The report calls for action and support in three recommended areas: health facilities rebuild-
ing; psychosocial and pastoral care; and enhanced partnerships.
(January-September 2015)
A Call to Impact
and Solidarity in the
Wake of Ebola:
Strengthening Catholic Health
Networks and Supporting Resiliency in West Africa
Cultivating a
Vibrant Church:
At the annual meeting members
engaged with dynamic leaders, sharing
strategies and creative initiatives to cultivate
a vibrant church by taking mission to the
margins through parishes, schools and global
ministries. Affinity group meetings included a debate
on Catholic school governance models and a dialogue
with a local leader against labor slavery in Florida’s tomato
industry, which resulted in a member partnership.
(February 2015)
Reflections on
Our Faith & Vocation
Fr. Dave Kelly, CPPS, director of the
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
and a leader in the restorative justice
movement, led a Lenten Reflection and
Dialogue with FADICA members to deepen our
collective vocation and experience as a community
of philanthropists and ambassadors of Christ’s love.
(February 2015)
Hispanic Leadership & Philanthropy for a
FADICA co-sponsored a gathering of Catholic leaders and philanthropists, including eight national Hispanic ministry
organizations, for a highly participative symposium focused on Hispanic leadership for a 21st century church.
Participants called for increased engagement of and collaboration with Latino philanthropists and diocesan
leaders, especially in exploring untapped opportunities in forming Hispanic youth and women leaders.
SYMPOSIUM (June 2015)
21st Century Church
Research Commissioned on Women Religious
Understanding U.S. Catholic Sisters Today challenged stereotypes and pessimistic narratives regarding
Catholic sisters by organizing and highlighting current research findings through 10 key themes.
The report and associated promotional tool, We Are Sisters, available in fall 2015, aims to support sisters’
future vitality.
Pillar I: Joint Learning and Enhanced Collaboration to Support Catalytic Philanthropy
Pillar II: Expanding Catholic Philanthropy
Pillar III: Nourishing a Spirituality of Philanthropy
Catalyst for the Common
Mission on the Margins
Philanthropy Leadership
Intern Program – Impacting Members
Breathing New Life into Catholic Schools:
An Exploration of Governance Models
Assessing and Cultivating Readiness
for Change in Catholic Schools
FADICAs Philanthropy Leadership Intern
Program has actively engaged young adults
in the values and practice of Catholic philanthropy
and garnered tangible results, just some of which include
the widely distributed research report on school governance,
resources for the Anti-Human Trafficking Affinity Group, and a report
for the International Philanthropy Affinity Group.
In just a year and a half since its launch, 10 undergraduate interns, graduate
interns, and Cristo Rey high school students have participated in FADICAs internship
This FADICA report was presented to 60 bishops
at a workshop for the USCCB’s Committee on
Catholic Education, and delivered to all 449
U.S. Bishops.
The report significantly influenced
members’ grantmaking processes,
and will even be used by one
member “to formulate a new
plan for an entire elementary
school system.”
The Catholic Education Changemakers conference
call series, hosted throughout the year by the
Catholic Schools Affinity Group, offered
concrete application to funders’ analysis,
approach, decision-making, and
grant-making in impact investing,
according to 91% of participants.
Expansion of the
Funding Guide
(October 2014)
FADICA published the 8th Edition of The Catholic Funding
Guide Online, adding to the 1,300-plus featured foundations over
50 new guide-eligible foundation profiles and incorporating nearly
1,000 updates to existing foundation profiles.
FADICA collaborated with several Vatican offices regarding lay participation and
involvement, and continues to engage with the leaders we encountered – including
through upcoming FADICA symposia. FADICAs dialogue with Catholic ministries based
in Rome led to new partnerships including on the Church’s response to Ebola, and
strengthened existing ones.
Sharing the Joy of the Gospel
Going Out:
RETREAT (November 2014)
Anti-Human Trafficking Symposium Funded
The Youth Against Human Trafficking symposium, supported by
FADICA members alongside the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,
enabled 55 young delegates, including survivors and leaders
working to end human trafficking, to raise global
awareness about modern slavery in over 38 media
articles across twelve countries.
The delegates delivered concrete
recommendations to the Vatican on how to
fight global slavery. A second Vatican
convening in fall 2015 included youth
survivors of organ trafficking.
(November 2014 )
This report and impact plan, a direct response to Cardinal Turkson’s invitation to solidarity in the
wake of the Ebola crisis, engaged more than 20 experts, leading scholars, health practitioners,
philanthropists and religious workers in direct interviews about Catholic health system strengthening. They
included: Caritas Internationalis, Catholic Relief Services, Healey International Relief Fund, Catholic Medical
Mission Board, and more. The report calls for action and support in three recommended areas: health facilities rebuild
ing; psychosocial and pastoral care; and enhanced partnerships.
(January-September 2015)
A Call to Impact
and Solidarity in the
Wake of Ebola:
Strengthening Catholic Health
Networks and Supporting Resiliency in West Africa
Cultivating a
Vibrant Church:
At the annual meeting members
engaged with dynamic leaders, sharing
strategies and creative initiatives to cultivate
a vibrant church by taking mission to the
margins through parishes, schools and global
ministries. Affinity group meetings included a debate
on Catholic school governance models and a dialogue
with a local leader against labor slavery in Florida’s tomato
industry, which resulted in a member partnership.
(February 2015)
Reflections on
Our Faith & Vocation
Fr. Dave Kelly, CPPS, director of the
Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation
and a leader in the restorative justice
movement, led a Lenten Reflection and
Dialogue with FADICA members to deepen our
collective vocation and experience as a community
of philanthropists and ambassadors of Christ’s love.
(February 2015)
Hispanic Leadership & Philanthropy for a
FADICA co-sponsored a gathering of Catholic leaders and philanthropists, including eight national Hispanic ministry
organizations, for a highly participative symposium focused on Hispanic leadership for a 21st century church.
Participants called for increased engagement of and collaboration with Latino philanthropists and diocesan
leaders, especially in exploring untapped opportunities in forming Hispanic youth and women leaders.
SYMPOSIUM (June 2015)
21st Century Church
Research Commissioned on Women Religious
Understanding U.S. Catholic Sisters Today challenged stereotypes and pessimistic narratives regarding
Catholic sisters by organizing and highlighting current research findings through 10 key themes.
The report and associated promotional tool, We Are Sisters, available in fall 2015, aims to support sisters’
future vitality.
Pillar I: Joint Learning and Enhanced Collaboration to Support Catalytic Philanthropy
Pillar II: Expanding Catholic Philanthropy
Pillar III: Nourishing a Spirituality of Philanthropy
Catalyst for the Common Good
Mission on the Margins
STAFF 2015
Alexia Kelley
President and CEO
Alicia Bondanella
Director of Program and Member Services
Lauren Traskey
Associate Director, Communications
Madeleine McMahon
Operations Manager and Executive Assistant
to the President
Sr. Sally Duy, SC, Chair
SC Ministry Foundation
Forrest N. Jenkins, Vice Chair & Treasurer
Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Maureen M. O’Leary, Vice Chair
William M. & Miriam F. Meehan Foundation
Deborah A. Estes, Secretary
Specialty Family Foundation
Alexia K. Kelley, President
Mary Cunningham Agee
Agee Family Semper Charitable Foundation
Andrea Hattler Bramson
The Loyola Foundation
B. J. Cassin
Cassin Educational Initiative Foundation
Elizabeth Anne Donnelly
Mary J. Donnelly Foundation
Christine L. Healey
Healey Education Foundation
Thomas J. Healey
Healey Family Foundation
Thomas Keith
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina
Timothy P. Lewis, Esq.
Frank J. Lewis Foundation
Anthony Mullen
Porticus North America
Sr. Rosemarie Nassif, SSND
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Michael G. Rauenhorst
MGR Foundation
Dr. Maria Robinson
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Msgr. Kenneth Velo
Big Shoulders Fund
Anthony B. Brenninkmeyer
Cushman Foundation
Denise M. Hattler
The Loyola Foundation
Erica P. John
Erica P. John Fund
Kathleen McCarthy
The Thomas & Dorothy Leavey Foundation
William F. Raskob, III
Immediate Past Chair
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Kerry Robinson
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Robert A. Smith, III
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
John C. Vatterott
Joan & John Vatterott Family Foundation
Tania Argueta Trinity Washington University
Lilly Hawes St. Louis University
Christopher Kotson Gonzaga University
Andrew McDonnell Georgetown University
Andrea Proaño American University
Claire Raskob Georgetown University
Karla Delgado Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
Gabriela Alvarado Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
José Ferruno Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
Edwin Pintor Don Bosco Cristo Rey High School
FADICA is a network of private foundations and donors supporting
Catholic-sponsored programs and institutions. FADICAs mission is to enable its
members to be informed, involved and eective in addressing church needs
through their philanthropy.
FADICA serves as a dynamic philanthropic peer community and
catalyst committed to Catholic initiatives, the vulnerable and the common good.
We are guided by the joy of the Gospel and the Catholic social tradition.
Agee Family Semper Charitable Foundation
St. Helena, CA
Assisi Foundation of Memphis
Memphis, TN
The Barrett Bateman Foundation
Nashville, TN
Big Shoulders Fund
Chicago, IL
Robert Brunner Foundation
New York, NY
Cassin Educational Initiative Foundation
Los Altos, CA
Catholic Extension
Chicago, IL
Catholic Medical Mission Board
New York, NY
Connelly Foundation
West Conshohocken, PA
Cushman Foundation
New York, NY
Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Donahue Family Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Mary J. Donnelly Foundation
Pittsburgh, PA
Doty Family Foundation
Faireld, CT
William R. & Virginia Hayden Foundation
San Gabriel, CA
Healey Family Foundation
Morristown, NJ
Healey Education Foundation
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Agoura Hills, CA
Conrad N. Hilton Fund for Sisters
Agoura Hills, CA
Erica P. John Fund
Milwaukee, WI
The Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation
Los Angeles, CA
Leonardt Foundation
Westlake, CA
Frank J. Lewis Foundation
Riviera Beach, FL
The Loyola Foundation
Fairfax, VA
MGR Foundation
New York, NY
Mathile Family Foundation
Dayton, OH
William M. & Miriam F. Meehan Foundation
New York, NY
Morey Charitable Trust
Tiburon, CA
The W. O’Neil Foundation
Chevy Chase, MD
I.A. O’Shaughnessy Foundation
Bloomington, MN
Porticus North America
New York, NY
Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities
Wilmington, DE
GHR Foundation
Minneapolis, MN
SC Ministry Foundation
Cincinnati, OH
Sisters of Charity Foundation of Cleveland
Cleveland, OH
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina
Columbia, SC
Specialty Family Foundation
Santa Monica, CA
Strake Foundation
Houston, TX
Joan & John Vatterott Family Foundation
Naples, FL
Individual Members
Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley
Elizabeth B. Meers
Carney Family Charitable Foundation
Bridgewater, MA
The Catholic Community Foundation
Saint Paul, MN
The Catholic Foundation
Columbus, OH
Healey International Relief Foundation
Lumberton, NJ
Homan Brothers Foundation
New York, NY
Incarnate Word Foundation
St. Louis, MO
The Ochylski Family Foundation
Des Moines, IA
John and Dorothy Shea Foundation
Walnut, CA
The Topper Foundation
Allentown, PA
NEW MEMBERS IN 2014 & 2015
Current assets $
Cash and cash equivalents 495,875
Investments 4,917,275
Promises to give 54,372
Inventory 2,962
Interest receivable 3,281
Prepaid expenses 5,334
Total current assets 5,479,099
Property and equipment
Furniture, xtures and equipment 82,154
Accumulated depreciation (79,773)
Total property and equipment 2,381
Other assets
Rent deposits and other assets 12,924
Total other assets 12,924
Total assets 5,494,404
Current liabilities
Accounts payable 2,283
Accrued expenses 22,068
Deferred revenue 39,288
Total current liabilities 63,639
Other liabilities
Deferred rent expense 25,506
Total liabilities 89,145
Net assets
Unrestricted 397,056
Unrestricted - board designated 3,161,559
Temporarily restricted 480,816
Permanently restricted 1,365,828
Total net assets 5,405,259
Total liabilities and net assets 5,494,404
Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2014
*The 2015 Statement of Financial Position will be available online in Summer 2016.
FADICA has helped me learnrst-hand about the challenges and
opportunities that my fellow Catholic grantmakers face. Building
relationships and a strong network through FADICA has helped
me and the Sisters of Charity Foundation be
more successful with our work.
- Thomas C. Keith, President
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina
• Kicking o our 40th Anniversary at the winter Annual Meeting
and Symposium alongside several Vatican representatives,
as well as prominent US Catholic leaders in Coral Gables, FL,
January 27-29.
• Increased communication and dynamic interaction through a
redesign of our website which will remind us of our history and
vision and inspire Catholic philanthropy to even greater heights to
catalyze the common good.
• FADICA’s NextGen Engagement providing opportunities for
next generation leaders to be part of Catholic philanthropy, and
featuring a ground-breaking resource to assist members and
other Catholic foundations with eective leadership succession
tools and best practices.
• The We Are Sisters report and website encouraging
philanthropists, Catholic leaders, and all Catholics to engage
with and support Catholic sisters, and encourage vocations.
Launched in late 2015 in partnership with several national groups
representing women religious in the U.S, We Are Sisters will
spread the message of Catholic sisters’ vitality and uniqueness.
• The International Anity Group’s Call to Impact and Solidarity in
the Wake of Ebola providing concrete opportunities for
members and interested parties to respond to the Church’s
invitation to solidarity by rebuilding Catholic health systems and
supporting resilience in West Africa.
“We must move forward together, as one,
in a
renewed spirit of fraternity and solidarity,
cooperating generously for the common good.
- Pope Francis
FADICAs membership has grown over the last two years, and we warmly welcome our nine newest members.
We continue to host a top ight symposium series for members and guests, and look forward to increased
regional gatherings – meeting members and friends where they are.
As we celebrate our 40th anniversary throughout 2016, here are a few things to look forward to:
FADICA will continue to actively promote new opportunities to reect on its philanthropic vocation and spirituality of generosity,
as it lives out Pope Francis’ exhortation to be a church that goes to the margins.
4201 Connecticut Ave NW, Ste 505
Washington DC 20008
Helping Goodness Spread