Tripling Brand Membership Members
from +150M to +500M by 2025
Sporting Goods & Outdoors
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Adidas has adopted a mobile-first strategy, with mobile apps playing a central role in brand advocacy.
In addition to their main app, Adidas offers a running, training and curated collection app (US).
“At Adidas, our apps have
been a central strategy for
fostering relationships
with our most loyal
“When it comes to
converting and engaging
loyal users, apps win by a
factor of three.
- Scott Dunlap, VP of mobile
at Adidas
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In January 2021, Adidas reported
that their commercial and sport
apps lifted their brand equity to a
point they hadn’t experienced in “60
As part of their growth strategy, the
brand aims to triple the number of
members in its membership
program from the current level of
more than 150 million to around
500 million by 2025*.
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From January 2021 to August 2021, Adidas has experienced a +94% increase in their monthly
Adidas app downloads in the US (Google Play & Apple Store).
Jan. ‘21
Aug. ‘21
Adidas App Downloads (US)
Focal in their omnichannel
approach, Adidas promotes
app downloads through their
Creators Club” membership.
“The 'Creators Club' membership
is an exclusive and personalized
connection to the best of sport
and style, linking all adidas apps,
events, communities and
channels within one single
consumer profile.”
-Joseph Godsey, Head of Digital Brand
Commerce at Adidas.
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Creators Club: Member Perks
The membership provides loyal customers with exclusive product launches and offers, early
access to product releases and invitations to special events.
The rewards are inexpensive for Adidas to offer (ie. early access), but are meaningful to their most loyal customers.
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Creators Club: Earning Points
The Creators Club is unlike other loyalty programs, in that members earn points for completing
challenges and buying products.
Instead of focusing solely on boosting immediate sales, the program is designed to improve brand advocacy
through community building and engagement.
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Creators Club: Incremental Rewards
As users earn more points they are able to unlock more rewards. Research shows that consumers
prefer small repeated gains and incremental rewards over big infrequent ones*.
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Creator ID: Contextual Marketing
After signing up members are rewarded
with 50 points for setting up their profile by
answering a series of personal questions.
Each users is given a unique “Creator ID”
which enables Adidas to identify users at
every touchpoint.
With this data, Adidas is able to give
customers personalized shopping
experiences and conduct market research.
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The Creator Club landing page and rewards page has experienced a +148% increase in
web traffic from January 2021 to August 2021.
Jan. ‘21
Aug. ‘21
Creator Club Website Visits (USA)
The membership page generates an average of 58K monthly visits in the US.
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Promoting Sign-Ups: Discount Code
On the Adidas homepage, new visitors are encouraged to sign-up for the Creators Club with a
pop-up featuring a 15% off incentive to join.
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Promoting Sign-Ups: Benefits Bar, Footer and Free Shipping
Adidas uses a universal benefits bar and website footer to drive membership sign-ups. The benefits bar
incentivizes people to join with free shipping for creator members.
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Promoting Sign-Ups: CTAs
Adidas utilizes strong CTA buttons and
headlines encouraging users to sign-up
for the Creators Club.
The CTAs utilize value propositions
such as “Join For Free”, “Experience It
All”, and “Unlock Access”.
CTAs buttons use contrasting colours
to grab the user’s attention.
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Promoting Sign-Ups: Early Product Access
Adidas drives sign-ups by showcasing their Creators Club early access products on their website.
These exclusive products feature an “Early Access” scrolling banner and a CTA button to “Sign Up
for Free”.
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Promoting Sign-Ups: Instagram Ads
Adidas ran the following two paid ads on Instagram to drive Creators Club sign-ups and app downloads.
Apr. 21, ‘21-May 12, ‘21
Spend: $141K
Impressions: 14.2M
CPM: $10.38
May. 16, ‘20-Aug 3, ‘21
Spend: $123K
Impressions: 13.7M
CPM: $8.98
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Jun. ‘21
Aug. ‘21
Adidas App Downloads (US)
In August 2021, Adidas had a +67% MoM increase in app downloads (US).
This growth was the result of Yeezy Day 2021 and Members Week.
Aug. 2nd
Aug. 23rd-30th
Apple Store Google Play
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Adidas generated +112K app downloads from June 27 - August 3, 2021.
August 2nd 2021 was “Yeezy Day 2021” which involved releases and
restocks of the popular sneakers. Adidas drove app downloads by
making the products exclusive to the Adidas app.
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Adidas launched “Members Week” on August 23rd 2021, which initialed a digital festival featuring
athletes, artists, product drops, experiences and rewards. The week long event was exclusive to Creator
Club members and resulted in +97K app downloads in the US.
with Pharrell,
Kerwin Frost
and Jeremy
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Key Takeaways
Adidas has adopted a mobile-first strategy, with mobile apps playing a central role in brand advocacy. Adidas aims to triple its memberships from +150M
members to +500M members by 2025. Adidas promotes app downloads through their "Creators Club" membership. The membership provides loyal
customers which exclusive product launches and offers, early access to product releases and invitations to special events.
Loyalty Program — Driving Brand Advocacy: Adidas member perks are relatively inexpensive to offer (i.e., early access) but are meaningful to their
most loyal customers (getting access to products before everyone else). The Creators Club points program improves brand advocacy through community
building and engagement instead of solely boosting immediate sales.
Loyalty Program — Contextual Marketing: Adidas offers members 50 points for setting up their Creators Club profile. With this unique "Creator ID",
Adidas can identify users in their buyer's journey at every touchpoint.
Loyalty Program — Promoting Sign-Ups:
Website Features: Adidas promotes its memberships through a pop-up, universal benefits bar, and footer. Adidas offers incentives with a 15%
discount code for new members and free shipping for creator members. The Adidas homepage uses powerful headlines and CTA buttons with
contrasting colours to grab the user's attention. In addition, Adidas promotes Creators Club early access products on their website with an "Early
Access" scrolling banner and a CTA to "Sign Up."
Social Ads: Adidas utilized Instagram ads to drive sign-ups and app downloads from May 2020 to August 2021.
Events: In August 2021, Adidas had a +67% MoM increase in app downloads resulting from “Yeezy Day 2021” and “Members Week”. Adidas
utilized Yeezy Day to drive app downloads by making products exclusive to the app. Members Week was a digital festival exclusively for Creators
Club members, which featured athletes, artists, product drops, experiences and rewards.