Information for
Harvard Students
Timelines, Courses, and Resources 2017–2018
table of contents
Starting Out 1
Medical School Application Timeline 2
Medical School Requirements for Admissions 3
I. Course Requirements
II. Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
Harvard Courses That Satisfy Most Medical School
Admissions Requirements 4
Considerations for Planning Your Program of Study 8
Course Load, Pass/Fail, and GPA
Chemistry, Biology, and Physics Placement
Science General Education Courses
Study Abroad
Summer School and Taking Premed Courses at a Dierent Institution
Post-Baccalaureate Options
Sample Course Sequences 10
Medical Career Resources for Harvard Students 14
starting out
Dear Harvard Students,
Premedical Information for Harvard Students: Timelines, Courses, & Resources 2017-2018 provides an overview
of the application timelines and courses required for admission to U.S. medical schools. We hope it will
serve as a planning guide to help you integrate this coursework into your academic plan at Harvard. We
have also included a list of Harvard resources that will help you as you consider a career in medicine.
As a first-year Harvard student, or someone who has recently decided to pursue premedical coursework,
you will hear many opinions about what being premed means and what medical school admission
committees expect to see in an applicant. Do not believe all that you hear (or that you read online).
Misconceptions and misinformation can provoke unnecessary anxiety. is booklet is designed to help
dispel some common premed and medical school admissions myths.
While this publication describes the process for students applying to MD programs (allopathic medicine),
many Harvard students choose to pursue other health professions, such as public health, dentistry,
veterinary medicine, nursing, and osteopathic medicine. Please feel free to contact us to discuss meeting
the requirements for these and other health professions fields. We urge you to take advantage of the range
of premedical and pre-health advising resources available at Harvard. Concentration advisers, House
premedical tutors, OCS career advisers, and practitioners in the field will offer a range of perspectives on
how to enhance your experience at Harvard as you explore your future careers.
Please also know that you do not need to be sure that you want to go to medical school to seek out the
advice of the pre-health team at OCS. We are also here to help you think about your uncertainty and
about how to explore whether a career in health care is right for you.
Oona Ceder, Emiko Morimoto, and Ellen Williams
Premedical and Health Careers Advisers
Office of Career Services
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
starting out
medical school application timeline
Close to three-quarters of Harvard applicants to medical school in recent years have waited until their
senior year and beyond to apply to medical school. is timeline allows students four years to fulll
their premedical requirements. Students can also take some or even all of their premedical requirements
after they graduate from college. e national average age of entering medical school students is 24, and
medical schools value the added experience and maturity brought by students who have taken one or more
gap years.
Alumni Applicants
Begin Harvard
Senior Applicants
Begin Harvard
medical school application timeline
Winter-Spring***: Declare to House
Premed Committees intent to apply
March-May*: Receipt of LORs
by House***
Jan-May: MCAT
May: AMCAS opens
June: Submit AMCAS
June-Sept**: Secondary
applications issued
August-April: Interviews
April 30: Last day to hold multiple
acceptance oers.
Medical School Matriculation
Winter-Spring***: Declare to House
Premed Committees intent to apply
March-May*: Receipt of LORs
by House***
Jan-May: MCAT
May: AMCAS opens
June: Submit AMCAS
June-Sept**: Secondary
applications issued
August-April: Interviews
April 30: Last day to hold multiple
acceptance oers.
Medical School Matriculation
*Note: We advise that you request a letter of recommendation
from any recommender (i.e. professor, employer, supervisor, etc.)
at the time when you have completed your association with them.
**Note: Recommended turnaround time for secondary
applications is 10-14 days.
***Note: ese deadlines are dependent on your house.
****Note: Timeline of alumni applicant who took one gap year. It is
also common to apply a few years aer graduation.
medical school requirements for admission
(as of june 2017)
Requirements are not the same at all medical schools. Fullling the requirements below will allow you to
apply to almost any U.S. medical school.
I. Course Requirements
One year of general or inorganic chemistry with lab
One year of organic chemistry with lab
One year of general physics with lab
One year of biology with lab
One year of English
It is recommended that you complete almost all of these courses before taking the MCAT and before
applying to medical school. You may, if you wish, finish the English requirement or take statistics during
the application year.
Currently 60 medical schools require one or two semesters of mathematics (college math,
calculus, and/or statistics).
Currently 46 medical schools require one semester of biochemistry. We expect this number to
increase over the next several years.
Some medical schools require more than one year of biology.
Almost 20 medical schools require one semester of statistics.
IMPORTANT: Check the current edition of the Medical School Admission Requirements (MSAR), the
official guide of the Association of American Medical Colleges, for information on particular course
requirements for the medical schools to which you may apply.
Be sure to check the premedical requirements for your state medical school. MSAR is updated annually
and can be purchased online on the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) website. Medical
schools also list their specific requirements on their websites. For a list of all U.S. medical schools and links
to their admissions policies pages, see the OCS resource Information About Requirements, Admissions,
and Financial Aid Policies for Medical School Matriculation Prepared by OCS Premed Advisers.
II. Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)
e Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) currently assesses the medical school applicants
understanding of basic concepts in general biology, biochemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry,
non-calculus based physics, statistics, psychology, and sociology. e test consists of four multiple-choice
Biological and Biochemical Foundations of Living Systems
Chemical and Physical Foundations of Biological Systems
Psychological, Social, and Biological Foundations of Behavior
Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills
e CARS section has 60 items and takes 90 minutes. Each of the other three sections has 65 test items
and takes 95 minutes.
medical school requirements for admission
For the most up-to-date information about the test, please visit the official Medical College Admission
Test (MCAT) website. Some highlights include:
Whats on the MCAT Exam?
Online practice questions
Khan Academy MCAT video collection
Psychology and sociology textbook resources
Test dates and registration
To prepare for the MCAT, some students may choose to take an introductory psychology course such as
SLS 20, or a sociology course such as Sociology 10 or any of the Sociology 20-series courses, in addition
to the science requirements. Many students, however, have successfully completed the MCAT without
specific course preparation in those areas. As Harvard courses are not designed specifically to prepare
students for the MCAT, there may be some topics that are included on the MCAT but not covered in your
courses. Depending on your background, you may find it necessary to learn certain concepts on your own
or through a review class.
Note: In collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the AAMC, Khan Academy has created
“Khan Academy MCAT Collection”, a collection of educational tutorials for concepts that will be tested by the
MCAT 2015 exam. You can find the available tutorials at:
e tutorials are also included in the Pre-health Collection of the AAMCs MedEDPORTAL® iCollaborative:
harvard courses that satisfy most medical school
admissions requirements (as of june 2017)
For almost all medical schools, Advanced Placement (AP) exams in biology, chemistry, and physics do not
fulfill the premedical requirement in these areas. Most medical schools require that biology, chemistry,
and physics be taken in college. See the section on “Mathematics” below for more information about
using AP Calculus to satisfy medical school math requirements. Please note that Harvard College does
not make the decision about which courses meet premedical course requirements. Each medical school is
the final arbiter of which courses they will accept. erefore, if you have any doubt about whether a course
can be substituted for the courses listed below, you should check with the admission offices of the medical
schools to which you may apply.
Two of the following courses. Both should contain labs.
Life Sciences 1a or Life and Physical Sciences A or Life Sciences 50a*
Physical Sciences 1 or Physical Sciences 11
Advanced inorganic or physical chemistry.**
For example, Physical Sciences 10, Chemistry 40, Chemistry 60, or Chemistry 160.
Note: *Life Sciences 50a will satisfy the requirement of one semester of general chemistry with lab
and one semester of biology with lab at most medical schools.
Biomedical Engineering concentrators may take Engineering Sciences 181
for one semester of general chemistry with lab.
medical school requirements for admission
**If you plan to take only higher level inorganic or physical chemistry courses, most medical schools will
accept these courses in lieu of general chemistry. If neither of these courses has lab, you may have to take
an additional inorganic or physical chemistry lab course, or demonstrate your lab competency through lab
Two of the following courses. Both should contain labs. Most medical schools recommend that these
courses cover the cellular and molecular aspects as well as the structure and function of living organisms.
Narrowly focused biology courses should not be used to meet the basic premedical requirements.
Life Sciences 1b
Life Sciences 2
Life Sciences 50a*
Life Sciences 50b**
Molecular & Cellular Biology 60
Molecular & Cellular Biology 68
Organismic & Evolutionary Biology 10
Human Evolutionary Biology 1420
Note: *Life Sciences 50a will satisfy the requirement of one semester of general chemistry with lab
and one semester of biology with lab. **Life Sciences 50b will satisfy the requirement of
one semester of biology with lab and one semester of math at most medical schools.
Biomedical Engineering concentrators may substitute Engineering Sciences 53 for one semester of
One of the following series:
Chemistry 17 and Chemistry 27
Chemistry 20 and Chemistry 30
CHEM S-20ab (Harvard Summer School)
CHEM S-17 and Chemistry 27*
Note: Most medical schools that require biochemistry will accept a combination of Chemistry 17 and
Chemistry 27 as fully meeting both the organic and biochemistry requirements. Students who take
CHEM S-20ab or Chemistry 20 or Chemistry 30 may subsequently take Chemistry 27 without
the lab component, with permission from the course instructor/preceptor, to satisfy one semester of
*Students who take CHEM S-17 must take the laboratory component of the course. ey may
subsequently take Chemistry 27 without the lab component.
harvard courses that satisfy most medical school admissions requirements
One of the following courses. Currently one semester of biochemistry is required by 46 medical schools, and
we anticipate this number to continue to increase in the near future. e MCAT also places a considerable
emphasis on biochemistry.
Most medical schools that require biochemistry will accept a combination of Chem 17 and
Chem 27 as fully meeting both the organic and biochemistry requirements.
Molecular & Cellular Biology 63
Molecular & Cellular Biology 65
BCMP 234
BIOS S-10 (Harvard Summer School)
Advanced courses. Please consult with OCS advisers.
One of the following series:
Physical Sciences 2 and Physical Sciences 3
Physical Sciences 12a and Physical Sciences 12b
Physics 15a and Physics 15b
Applied Physics 50a and Applied Physics 50b
PHYS S-1a and PHYS S-1b (Harvard Summer School)
Two math courses which can be satisfied with a combination of an AP calculus score of 4 or 5, a college
calculus course, and/or statistics. However, depending on your background you may need to take more than
one semester of calculus in order to be fully prepared for your concentration or for future coursework. Note that
several physics courses, including Physical Sciences 2 and 3, recommend Math 1b or equivalent. Almost 20
schools specifically require a statistics course, and we expect this number to increase.
Math Ma and Math Mb or
Math 1a or Math 1b or
Math 19a or
Math 18 or
Math 21a or 21b or
Applied Math 21a or 21b or
Life Sciences 50b** or
Any more advanced Math or Applied Math course
Any statistics course (e.g., Statistics Department courses
or Psychology 1900 or OEB 153 or Math 19b, or Sociology 156 or Applied Math 101 or
EngSci 150)
Note: **We expect that Life Sciences 50b will satisfy the requirement of one semester of biology with
lab and one semester of math at most medical schools. If you have a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus AB
test, you have met the requirement for one of the two semesters of math required by many medical
schools. If you have a 4 or 5 on the AP Calculus BC test, you have met the requirement for both of
the two semesters of math required by many medical schools. Note, however, that some medical schools
do not accept calculus (or statistics) APs toward satisfaction of their math (or statistics) requirement
unless the AP score is recorded on the applicants official undergraduate transcript. Only Harvard
harvard courses that satisfy most medical school admissions requirements
students who have activated advanced standing will have AP tests and scores recorded on their official
One semester of the English requirement is met with Expos. (Students who take two semesters of Expos
have met the full requirement of two semesters of English.) For many medical schools, the second semester
can be met with English or Literature courses, some Humanities courses, or with many Aesthetic and
Interpretive Understanding and Culture and Belief courses.
We cannot confirm that a specific Gen Ed course would be approved by every medical school, since schools
make their own determination about what courses they will accept toward fulfillment of this requirement.
erefore, please use your best judgment when considering Gen Ed courses and whether they can be
expected to meet the English requirement. To be accepted by most medical schools, Gen Ed courses
1) deal primarily with literature (English literature or literature originally written in another language
but read in English translation). Courses that focus on music, painting, or architecture, for
example, would not be acceptable for satisfaction of the English requirement at many medical
schools. A course whose primary assignments are multimedia or group projects will not meet this
requirement for most medical schools;
2) be writing intensive. As for the number of papers, many Gen Ed courses ordinarily assign enough
papers to be considered writing intensive by medical schools;
3) be taught by a faculty member in the English or Comparative Literature departments, or a relevant
foreign Literatures and Languages department (such as East Asian Languages and Civilizations,
Germanic Languages and Literatures, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, the Classics,
harvard courses that satisfy most medical school admissions requirements
considerations for planning your program of study
Course load, Pass/Fail, and GPA
ere is no need to rush and overload with science courses freshman year. We recommend that freshmen
take at most two science courses (including math) each semester. e first few semesters at Harvard involve
getting used to a new setting, a new set of social and extracurricular activities, and new ways of learning and
studying. College-level science courses, especially those with lab, can be unexpectedly time-consuming and
demanding, particularly for students who have not had strong science preparation in high school. Consult
your Freshman Adviser, and the advising staff in Life and Physical Sciences, Engineering Sciences, and
Math for course load and placement advice.
Just as it is important not to overload on courses and activities, premed students should also avoid dropping
below the regular course rate of four courses per semester. To be competitive for medical school admission,
applicants should demonstrate an ability to handle a science-intensive curriculum and a love of learning
through in-depth study of a particular area or areas of interest. However, if you anticipate a challenging
semester ahead, it is perfectly acceptable to take one of your elective courses pass/fail (Premedical requirement
courses must be taken for a grade to be accepted by medical schools).
While you do want to achieve an overall strong performance in sciences, there is no specific GPA (or
MCAT score) that guarantees acceptance to medical school. Your grades are only one of the factors
in the admissions process. Your personal qualities, experiences, and motivation are also critical factors.
Medical school admissions committees look favorably on students who have tested their interest in
medicine through community service, health-related internships, extracurricular activities, or significant
research. Each medical school develops its own criteria and priorities for admission, reflecting the goals
of the respective school. For some medical schools, potential for service to an underserved community
is very important; for others, a determining factor may be leadership qualities. To assess these qualities,
the admissions committees will carefully review the statements and essays in your application, letters of
evaluation, your coursework (including trends in academic performance and level of course difficulty), and
personal interviews.
Do not be disheartened or discouraged from pursuing medicine if your first science grades do not meet
your expectations. Medical school admissions committees look favor able on an upward trend in your
academic record. at being said, if you have received a C or lower grade in a science course, it is a good
idea to make an appointment with an OCS premedical adviser, your academic adviser, and/or an adviser at
the Bureau of Study Counsel to review your course load, your extracurricular activities, and study strategies
as you continue your premedical studies.
For information on GPAs and admission to medical school, check the publication Medical School Admissions
Data, which is available in the OCS Reading Room.
Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Math Placement
Please contact the placement advisers in the appropriate department.
Science General Education Courses
Science General Education Courses can not be used to satisfy the science premedical requirements.
However, if the content of the General Education course is primarily biology, chemistry, math, or physics,
this course will count towards your science GPA as calculated for your medical school application.
harvard courses that satisfy most medical school admissions requirements
Basic science research is not a requirement for medical school admission, and in fact, many Harvard
students continue on to medical school without working in a lab. Successful medical school applicants have
usually demonstrated the ability to pursue an area of study in depth. is could be many things including
basic science research, clinical research, or a thesis in English literature. e experience of formulating an
original research question and critically analyzing data does not necessarily have to occur in a basic science
research lab.
If you are excited about pursuing basic science research at Harvard, there are many wonderful resources
available to you, both at the college campus in Cambridge and at the Harvard Medical School campus
in Boston and affiliated hospitals. For science concentrators in particular, the experience of working in a
research lab can significantly enhance your college experience. Students who are seriously considering a
combined MD-PhD or an academic medical career should take advantage of these opportunities early to
develop research skills.
Study Abroad
Premedical courses should not be taken during study abroad. Most medical schools will not accept
premedical requirements taken at a foreign institution. However, students are encouraged to enroll in other
courses abroad and to pursue international research and internship opportunities.
Summer School and taking premedical courses at a different institution
Harvard Summer School courses can be taken for credit toward your degree and toward your medical
school requirements. However, you can also take a premedical course elsewhere during the summer at an
academically competitive four-year U.S. college, as long as the course is not required for your concentration.
(You do not need to get Harvard credit for a course to use it for medical school admissions.) Do not take
more than the equivalent of one year of your premedical course requirements during the summer, as it
may appear as if you are avoiding Harvard science courses. Additionally, it is usually not advisable to split
sequential courses between institutions. Note that CHEM S-20ab: Organic Chemistry does not satisfy
the requirement of one semester of biochemistry at any medical schools.
Post-Baccalaureate Options
Many Harvard students do not complete or even begin taking premedical courses while enrolled as
undergraduates. Post-baccalaureate programs or independent coursework allow college graduates to take
some or all of the required premedical courses. Harvard students who choose to complete their requirements
after graduation can still take advantage of Harvard premedical advising and resources at OCS and in their
House. Please visit the OCS website for more information on post-baccalaureate options and programs.
considerations for planning your program of study
sample course sequences that meet
most medical school requirements
If you are planning on concentrating in a science, most premedical requirements will be included in your
course of study. However, you can also choose any nonscience concentration and still have time to complete
these required courses. Many Harvard students started premedical coursework later in college or even after
graduation. We have created the following sample schedules to illustrate how you can assemble the needed
courses for medical school—regardless of your concentration or when you embark on your premed path.
Students considering concentrating in the life sciences should consult with the Head Tutor or the Director
of Undergraduate Studies in the concentrations you are considering.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE ARE EXAMPLES ONLY. ere are many possible course sequences
and your individual circumstances will determine your plan of study.
Four-Year Plan (applying to medical school after senior year):
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 1a
Life Sciences 1b
Math 1b
Life Sciences 2 Physical Sciences 1  11
Stat 102
Chemistry 17 Chemistry 27
Physical Sciences 2 
Applied Physics (AP) 50a
Physical Sciences 3 
Applied Physics (AP) 50b
Four-Year Plan (applying to medical school after senior year):
fall spring
AP Calculus Life Sciences 1b
Stat 104
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 1b
Physical Sciences 1  11
Chemistry 17 Chemistry 27
Physical Sciences 2 
AP 50a
OEB 10
Physical Sciences 3 
AP 50b
considerations for planning your program of study
ree-Year Plan (applying to medical school after junior year):
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 1b
Physical Sciences 1  11
Stat 102
Chemistry 17
OEB 10
Chemistry 27
Life Sciences 1b
Physical Sciences 2 or
AP 50a
Physical Sciences 3 or
AP 50b
ree-Year Plan (applying to medical school after junior year):
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 19a
Physical Sciences 1  11
MCB 60 Chemistry 20
Life Sciences 1b
Physics 15a
Chemistry 30
Physics 15b
Stat 102
MCB 65
ree-Year Plan (applying to medical school after junior year):
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 21a
Life Sciences 1b
Physical Sciences 1  11
Physical Sciences 2 or
AP 50a
MCB 60
Physical Sciences 3 or
AP 50b
Chemistry 20
Chemistry 30 Stat 110 
Chemistry 27
sample course sequences that meet most medical school requirements
ree-Year Plan with Summer School:
fall spring summer
Life Sciences 1a 
Life Sciences 1b
Math 1b
Life Sciences 2 Physical Sciences 1 
Chem S-20 (Orgo)
Physical Sciences 2 
AP 50A
MCB 63
Physical Sciences 3 
AP 50B
ree-Year Plan with Summer School and Study Abroad:
fall spring summer
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
AP Calculus
Physical Sciences 1  11
Stat 102
Chemistry 17 Chemistry 27
Life Sciences 1b
Physics S-1a 
Physics S-1b
Four-Year Plan with Study Abroad:
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 1b
Life Sciences 1b
Physical Sciences 1  11
Chemistry 17 Chemistry 27
ABROAD Physical Sciences 12a
Physical Sciences 12b
Life Sciences 2
Stat 102
sample course sequences that meet most medical school requirements
13sample course sequences that meet most medical school requirements
Premed Beginning Junior Year:
fall spring
Life Sciences 1a  LPS A
Math 1a
Physical Sciences 1  11
Math 1b
Chemistry 17 Chemistry 27
Premed Beginning after Graduation (Post-Baccalaureate):
fall spring summer
General Chemistry
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
medical career resources for harvard students
Take the initiative to seek out the resources you need to get factual and realistic answers to your questions.
Remember that fulfilling your premedical requirements should not completely dominate your college
experience. Take the time to step off the premed path and take advantage of all Harvard has to offer you.
Freshman and Sophomore Advising: Resident proctors, freshman advisers, peer advising fellows, the
Advising Programs Office, sophomore advisers, concentration advisers, and the Freshman Deans Office
are all here to help you to make your first two years a very positive experience.
Premedical and Health Professions Advising: e medical and health careers advisers at the Office of
Career Services offer drop-in hours, start-of-term office hours, and individual advising. Workshops cover
such topics as e Medical School Application Process, Creating Your Personal Statement, Selecting
Medical Schools, Planning Your Gap Years, Financing Your Medical Education, and the Medical School
Interview. Pre-Health 101 is a workshop which will be your first introduction to premed advising and
planning at Harvard, and the Gaining Traction in Pre-Health series will help you explore clinical experience,
summer planning, research opportunities, and more in greater detail. If you would like more information,
please check the Premed & Health Careers online calendar.
Pre-Health Peer Liaisons (PPL): e PPL are specialty PAFs who assist the OCS Premed and Pre-
Health Advisers with workshops and pre-health programming. See the OCS Health and Medical Careers
Website for a list of the PPL.
House Premedical Tutors: Premedical advising also takes place within upper-class Houses. Harvards
House-based premedical advising system is unlike that at any other college. Each House has a committee
of premedical tutors, who are generally Harvard Medical School students, residents, and/or alumni, or
graduates of other U.S. medical schools currently in residency training in the Boston area. Students should
become familiar with their committee. As medical practitioners, the premedical tutors are invaluable
resources for learning about your potential career. e House premedical committee is also responsible for
the Harvard College committee letter of evaluation sent to the medical schools when you apply.
Research: For questions and advice about research in the life sciences, contact Anna Babakhanyan,
Life Sciences Research Adviser: [email protected], Greg Llacer, Director of the Office for
Undergraduate Research Initiatives:, or Cammi Valdez, Assistant Director in
the Office of Undergraduates Research and Fellowships: [email protected] For more information
Life and Physical Sciences Advisers: For questions about life and physical sciences concentrations and
courses, please contact one of the advisers listed below and be sure to check
regularly for information, including updated FAQs.
sample course sequences that meet most medical school requirements
15medical career resources for harvard students
Concentration Name Email Address
Integrative Biology Andrew Berry
Chemistry Gregg Tucci [email protected]
HEB Carole Hooven [email protected]
CPB and MCB Dominic Mao dominicma[email protected]
Neurobiology Ryan Draft draf[email protected]
Physics David Morin [email protected]
HDRB Bill Anderson [email protected]
Biomedical Engineering Linsey Moyer lmoy[email protected]
Crimson Careers: is job and internship database maintained by OCS contains listings of opportunities,
updated daily: For other OCS job resources, please visit ocs.fas.
Premedical and Pre-Health Email Updates: Edit your choices on the is Week @ OCS” newsletter and
select “Premed/Pre-Health to receive announcements, upcoming workshops, and medical school visits.
OCS Health and Medical Careers Website: You will find information on health-related internship
opportunities, links, workshop schedules, past workshop PowerPoint slides, year-by-year timelines, links
to relevant and annotated health-related sites on the Internet, and much more at
e Office of Career Services Website: e general OCS website,, has links to
information on fellowships and funding, international opportunities, a calendar of events, and other career
e Office of Career Services Resource Collection: e Health and Medicine shelves in the OCS
Reading Room contain a range of relevant publications on careers in medicine and other health professions,
including MCAT prep books.
HAA Alumni Database: is searchable database maintained by the Harvard Alumni Association contains
an online listing of Harvard/Radcliffe College and other Harvard alumni/ae who have volunteered to be
contacted by students considering medicine or other health professions.
Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC): e website provides comprehensive
information on medical careers and the medical school admissions process. is is a useful site for
information on requirements, financial aid for medical school, and post-baccalaureate programs; you can
also subscribe to Medical School Admission Requirements online.