S1 Mobile Mapper Version 5.4
Public User Guide
OR/WA Mobile GIS Team
About ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Launching Application ................................................................................................................................... 2
Welcome Screen and Public Mode ........................................................................................................... 2
Application Interface ................................................................................................................................. 4
Map View Rotation ................................................................................................................................... 4
Activate GPS .............................................................................................................................................. 6
About S1 Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Downloading Maps ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Basemaps .................................................................................................................................................. 9
Search for Basemaps ............................................................................................................................. 9
Filtering Maps by Keyword, Distance, or Sort ..................................................................................... 11
Selecting and downloading the Agency Basemaps ............................................................................. 11
Manage Downloaded Basemaps......................................................................................................... 14
S1 Application Options ................................................................................................................................ 16
Application Themes................................................................................................................................. 17
GPS Tracklog ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Enabling GPS Tracklog ............................................................................................................................. 18
Archive & Manage GPS Tracklogs ........................................................................................................... 20
Archive Current Tracklog .................................................................................................................... 20
Rename and Delete Archived Tracklogs ............................................................................................. 21
Share GPS Tracklogs ............................................................................................................................ 22
S1 GeoTag Photos ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Collecting S1 GeoTag Photos .................................................................................................................. 24
S1 GeoTag Photo Layer Visibility ............................................................................................................. 26
Configuring S1 GeoTag Photos Options .................................................................................................. 26
Configure File Name ............................................................................................................................ 27
Share Location ..................................................................................................................................... 27
Photo Options ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Managing S1 GeoTag Photos .................................................................................................................. 30
Access S1 GeoTag Photos in Manage Map Layers .............................................................................. 30
Copy GeoTag Photos from device to desktop computer .................................................................... 33
S1Waypoints ............................................................................................................................................... 34
Collecting S1 Waypoints .......................................................................................................................... 35
Managing S1 Waypoint Data .................................................................................................................. 36
Share S1 Waypoints ............................................................................................................................ 37
S1 Sketch (Sketch Graphic) ......................................................................................................................... 38
Creating an S1 Sketch .............................................................................................................................. 39
Managing S1 Sketches ............................................................................................................................ 39
Save, Load & Delete S1 Sketches ........................................................................................................ 40
Sharing S1 Sketches ............................................................................................................................ 40
Navigation Capabilities ............................................................................................................................... 41
Navigate to a Map Location .................................................................................................................... 41
Navigate to a Selected Map Feature ....................................................................................................... 43
Get Directions ............................................................................................................................................. 43
Get Directions to a selected location ...................................................................................................... 43
Tools ............................................................................................................................................................ 45
Measure Tool .......................................................................................................................................... 45
Measure Distance or Area in Map View ............................................................................................. 46
Determine Length or Area of a Selected Feature ............................................................................... 47
Copy Geometry Tool ............................................................................................................................... 48
Enter Coordinates Tool ........................................................................................................................... 49
Navigate to Entered Coordinates ........................................................................................................ 50
Get Directions to Entered Coordinates ............................................................................................... 50
Create Feature Using Entered Coordinates ........................................................................................ 51
Find Nearby Existing Features ............................................................................................................. 53
External Bluetooth GPS Receiver Support .................................................................................................. 54
S1 Mobile Mapper v5.4 – Public User Guide
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The S1 Mobile Mapper is a custom application built by the Service First (S1) Mobile GIS team, sponsored
by Oregon State Office Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and Region 6 U.S. Forest Service (USFS). The
Public Viewer mode of the S1 Mobile Mapper application allows anyone to download and view maps and
collect Tracklogs, Waypoints and GeoTag Photos. The application is designed specifically for those wanting
to access map content on a mobile device in an offline environment. The application is built to run on a
mobile device running the Android operating system, using the ESRI Runtime Software Development Kit
(SDK) framework.
The full application is available to agency employees with a recognized agency ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
account. For a full list of application capabilities, or application installation instructions, see the S1 Mobile
Mapper Agency User Guide.
For additional information about the application, visit the S1 Mobile Mapper website:
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Launching Application
The application is launched by tapping on the application icon found on the device application list.
Welcome Screen and Public Mode
The application opens to a welcome screen with a brief description of the application. The user can either
login to the full version of the application by selecting the Organization Login button, which requires an
ArcGIS Online Organization Account, or select the Public Maps. The Public Maps option allows anyone to
download map products published by the BLM and USFS, capture S1 Waypoints, Tracklogs,
Sketches and Geotag Photos, and deploy a few of the apps tools. Selecting the Public Maps option will
send the user to a map gallery of available map products for download. For more information on
downloading maps, go to Downloading Content.
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Start Here
Open S1 Mobile Mapper App,
then click on the Public Maps
button. A Default map opens
in the Map View window.
Pan to the location of interest,
then tap the Tools/Options Button
and select Download Maps.
Select a map pin. Orange is BLM
and Green is USFS Public maps.
Tap on the pop-up window and
download the Public Map
selected in the Map View.
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Application Interface
Note: When first opening the S1 Mobile application, you should see the default basemap shown above. If
not, try zooming out to see a larger area by placing two fingers on the Map View and sliding them apart
on the screen.
Map View Rotation
Users can rotate the main map view manually to the direction desired. This option allows the user to
orient the map view relative to the direction they are facing on the ground. Other options are, tapping
the North arrow once will engage auto rotation of the map view based on the direction the device is facing
(using internal device sensors). Tapping it once more will return to “North up” mode.
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To rotate the main map view manually, place two fingers on the screen slightly apart and rotate
them to whatever orientation you would like.
Tap the arrow to engage auto-rotation and then the navigation viewshed will indicate the
direction of travel.
To orient the map back to North and turn off autorotation, tap the black arrow again in the upper
To lock the screen and temporarily disable screen rotation, Long press the black arrow until
it turns to a padlock icon, shown below.
To unlock the screen rotation again, Long press the padlock icon again.
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Activate GPS
Tap GPS Icon to turn on GPS and to activate Auto Pan.
If you pan on the map, Auto Pan turns off, but GPS remains on.
Tapping the GPS icon again will turn Auto Pan back on.
Tapping the GPS icon when both GPS and Auto Pan are on will turn GPS and Auto Pan off.
Once GPS position fix is obtained, your current location will display on the map as a blue dot.
When the GPS is turned on, the GPS Status bar appears at top of the screen, which displays:
o Current GPS Location information.
o = Number of satellites used in position fix.
o + = Estimated accuracy of location (in meters or feet).
o = Estimated elevation of location (in meters or feet).
o GPS Source/Quality will be displayed as one of the following:
No Fix No satellite fix.
GPS using mobile device onboard GPS location.
DGPSusing Bluetooth GPS receiver location.
RTK - using Bluetooth GPS receiver location with Real-time corrections.
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GPS location Coordinates are displayed in World Geodetic System 1984 Decimal Degrees (WGS84
DD) by default. To change the coordinate system displayed, tap the GPS Status bar, and select
another coordinate system. Alternatively, change this in S1 Options.
Estimated Accuracy is displayed to a 68% confidence interval by default. The display value can be
changed to a 95% confidence interval in S1 Options. The default accuracy units are displayed in
meters, but this can also be changed in S1 Options.
Note: This function only affects the display value on the device. All data collected with GPS uses the 95%
confidence interval to record data.
For the highest possible location accuracy, set your device’s Location setting to GPS only in the
mobile device settings. Once GPS is activated, the app will alert if the device is set to any other
Android Location setting such as High Accuracy mode.
It is possible to connect an external, high accuracy GPS receiver to provide location information
to the app instead of using the device’s internal GPS. For more information on this topic, see
External Bluetooth GPS Receiver Support section.
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About S1 Menu
The About S1 Menu is located on the Application Toolbar.
Quick Help opens a Quick Reference PDF guide which labels the different S1 Mobile Application
modes, toolbar labels and button ID labels.
Help opens the S1 Mobile Mapper User Guide (this document).
Feedback opens a form to submit feedback or S1 Ideas. Note: Requires a network connection.
S1 Log are user readable log files for troubleshooting, and they can be shared. S1 log files track
feature service & web map downloads and syncs, noting the number of features and attachments.
They also track downloaded basemaps, but do not track any app activity involving sideloading,
only with content in AGOL.
About provides information on the current version of the app installed, the app description,
the Privacy Policy, and End-User License Agreement.
Log In is the Agency login, not public.
Downloading Maps
The S1 Mobile application can download and store multiple Basemaps for offline use to the mobile device,
so the user can interact with Basemaps and collect Waypoints, Tracklogs, Geotag Photos and make
Sketches on the map view, when in areas of limited or no network connectivity.
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This section describes how to obtain Basemaps for offline use with the S1 Mobile Mapper application.
Basemaps are multi-scale tiled image cache packages (.tpk), which quickly display image tiles appropriate
for the current map scale. They are downloaded to mobile devices over Wi-Fi or cellular networks or can
be manually copied (“side-loaded”) to a mobile device via Windows Explorer.
The available Basemaps are a collection of map products produced and distributed by the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) or U.S. Forest Service (USFS). S1 Mobile Mapper can store many Basemaps on a
device at a time and the user can switch between maps to set the appropriate Basemap for their current
viewing needs.
Upon first opening the S1 Mobile Mapper application, it displays a Default Basemap. Unlike other user
downloaded basemaps, the Default Basemap cannot be deleted from the device.
S1 Mobile Mapper Application is open on an Android mobile device.
Mobile device has connection to 4G or WIFI network.
Search for Basemaps
Tap the Tools/Options button on the Application toolbar.
Tap Download Maps from the Tool/Options List.
Upon opening the Maps available for download in Map View or List View, the GPS is
automatically activated on your device.
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Note: The List or Map View could take time generating depending on how easily the device can
determine your current location. To reduce the time, it takes to generate the List or Map View, open the
Android device Settings menu and search for the Location settings. Ensure the device is in High Accuracy
Once your location is determined, the application displays all the maps available for download.
The orange pins are BLM maps, and the green pins are US Forest Service (USFS) maps that
represent the centroid of the maps available in that area.
On mobile devices, a map is displayed, and an arrow button (<) is displayed at the top of the
map. Selecting the arrow button (<) will allow you to access the Maps in the Current Extent
menu (List View).
On a tablet, the Maps in the Current Extent menu (in the List View) are displayed along the side
of the Map View.
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Filtering Maps by Keyword, Distance, or Sort
The Map View and List View maps can be filtered and sorted using the Filter Tool.
Tap the Filter button on the bottom right-hand side of the view.
To filter by Key Word, by Distance or Sort A to Z, select your option from the filter pulldown list.
If filtering by Key Word, type a key word such as State, Agency, or location. (Example:
Deschutes) and then tap the Submit button.
If filtering by Distance, type a numerical value for the distance radius in miles and then tap the
Submit button.
If sorting by Sort A to Z, select Sort A to Z option and then tap the Submit button to initiate the
list filter.
To clear the Filter, tap the Cancel button on the bottom right of the screen (X).
Selecting and downloading the Agency Basemaps
Map View: Pinch and pull on the map view to place your area of interest in the center.
Select a Green Map Pin for USFS Maps and an Orange Map Pin for BLM in an area of interest.
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A box containing the name of the map and the icon of the agency that published the map appears.
Tap the blue text displaying the map name to open the selected Map Information Window.
List View: The list view opens with all the maps available in the map extent from the map view.
The initial list order is determined by distance of the centroid of the map to your current location.
To add more maps to the map list, go to the Map View, zoom out or pan to another location.
In the List View, tap the map name to open the selected Maps Information Window.
The Map Information Window list the map Description, Access and Use Constraints, Map Size,
and the Map Download button.
Use the Map Download button to download the Agency Authored Basemap.
To close the Map Information window, select the back button.
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A spinner will appear in the application toolbar with the percent downloaded in the center of the
When the download is complete, the basemap is automatically added to the Map View as the
current basemap.
Note: Basemap download speed depends on the size of the map and network speed.
You can download more than one basemap at a time. Tap the Tools/Options button on the
Application toolbar and select Download Maps.
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The map view will go back to the default map with the BLM and USFS map pin locations. Then
select another basemap to download. Basemaps can be managed in the Managed Map Layers
listed below.
Manage Downloaded Basemaps
Starting with S1 Mobile Mapper v5.3, we can download and view multiple basemaps in the main map
We can manage basemaps and basemap tools from Manage Map Layers. The Basemap page allows
users to change or add any of the available downloaded basemaps to the map view along with some
added tools to manage basemaps; reorder, transparency settings, toggle on/off, delete the basemap
and the Zoom to basemap tool.
Tap the Manage Map Layers button on the Application Toolbar. This is where you will manage
basemaps that have been downloaded to the device.
Tap on Basemaps (or the map image icon) to open the Basemap page. In the image
below, there are four basemaps listed on the Basemap page; three User downloaded
basemaps and one S1 Default basemap.
Basemap layers can be reordered by a long press and hold on a basemap layer tile and
then drag that layer up or down in the list view.
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The basemaps are listed in the same drawing order as seen in the main map view,
meaning if a basemap is listed at the bottom, it will be drawn as the bottom layer when
viewed in the map.
On the Basemap page, there are basemap tools linked to each downloaded or sideloaded
o Transparency Slider allows the user to adjust the transparency of each individual
basemap by moving the slider on the tile. 0% is fully transparent, 100% is fully
opaque. See image above.
o Toggle On/Off Switch on the basemap layer. This toggle on/off switch controls whether
the basemap is visible in the main map view. the basemap. See image above.
Basemap overflow option includes Delete Basemap or Zoom to Basemap (layer) Options
for that selected basemap. Unlike toggle off, the delete will completely remove the basemap
layer download from the device. NOTE:
S1 Default Basemap can be turned off but cannot
be deleted.
Here are some examples of using the transparency tool with basemap layers:
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S1 Application Options
The S1 Options menu allows user to configure common settings across the application.
Tap on Tools/Options button on the Application Toolbar.
Select Options.
S1 Options setting window:
Number of Average Positions: Sets the default number of GPS positions that are collected to
create an averaged point feature or averaged vertex of a line or area feature when using the
Average GPS button.
Snapping: Toggle on and off option to snap features. Default snap tolerance is set to 10m. User
cannot change this setting.
Attachment Icon: Toggle on and off visibility of the paperclip icon showing with the features in
the map view.
Display Units: Sets the display units of linear and area measurements throughout the app.
o For Linear units: Distance may be displayed in either feet, miles, meters, or kilometers.
o For Area units: Area may be displayed in square feet, acres, square meters, or hectares.
Navigation Alert Distance Units: The user can set a different unit of measure for navigation alerts
than the Linear Units setting (described above).
Accuracy Level: Value displayed for the estimated accuracy on the GPS Position Toolbar. Can
display either 68% (default) or 95% confidence interval. While most GPS receivers and data
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collection software display estimated accuracy statements only to a 50-68% confidence interval,
the National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) requirements state reporting of
estimated accuracy to a 95% confidence interval. This setting only affects the display value and
not the actual estimated accuracy.
Coordinate Units: The coordinate system displayed by the application not the coordinate system
to be used to collect data. Impacts the format of XY values displayed on the GPS Toolbar as well
as the XY information displayed in a selected feature information menu.
Theme: The theme option allows the user to choose what application theme they wish to enable.
There are three themes available: Classic (default), BLM and Forest Service. See the Application
Theme section below for more info.
Application Themes
The Themes settings allows users to select from two agency specific themes, BLM or Forest Service, and
the Classic View. The agency themes will apply a custom agency theme, applying different colors
throughout the application. The classic view maintains the standard grey scale color theme.
Tap on the Tools/Options button on the Application Toolbar.
Select Options from the list.
In the S1 Options, select the desired theme.
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Applying a new theme requires the app to restart, once the user selects the theme above, you
will be prompted with a pop-up window (toast) asking permission to restart the app. Tap OK.
GPS Tracklog
A Tracklog includes a series of points that are logged automatically every 5 meters traveled. The Tracklog
travel is logged continuously in the background for as long as the Tracklog feature is enabled. The same
Tracklog can be turned on and off as needed, Tracklog labels can be toggled on or off and Tracklogs can
be saved and archived to create a new separate Tracklog. Tracklog positions are stored as JSON files in
the coordinate system WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere. Tracklogs files can be shared or
exported into a GIS application using ArcGIS tools.
GPS Tracklogs are visible at all scales.
Enabling GPS Tracklog
To enable GPS Tracklogs, tap the Create Features button on the Application toolbar.
Choose Enable Tracklog from the menu.
The Tracklog will begin logging once the device has a GPS position, then it will start displaying on
the map as you move. When enabled the tracklog will create a vertex every 5m. This is the default
interval, and this setting is not accessible to change. The Tracklog appears as a series of blue dots.
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Visibility of the Tracklog in the map view can be toggled on and off just like S1 Waypoints, S1
GeoTagged photos, and S1 Sketches. Tracklog labels can also be toggled on and off just like for
S1 Waypoints. By tapping on the chevron ( ) next to the Tracklog name in Manage Map Layers,
it will list the tracklogs collected and archived. Each with their own toggle on and off switch.
Tap the toggle slider so it is no longer blue to turn off Tracklog visibility in the main map view. If
the Tracklog is still enabled, it will continue to collect location information even if visibility is
toggled off and will show up once Tracklog visibility is turned back on.
To suspend capture of a Tracklog, tap on the Create Features button and select Disable Tracklog.
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Archive & Manage GPS Tracklogs
The Current Tracklog may be archived anytime, at which point the archived file is saved and given a unique
name. Once a Tracklog has been archived, it can be renamed, exported from the device as JSON file into
a GIS application and/or deleted. A JSON file can also be added as an item to ArcGIS Online.
Note: See more information about “What can you add to ArcGIS Online”
Archive Current Tracklog
Click on the Manage Map Layers button and tap the Action button on the right-hand side of the
Tracklog section.
Choose Archive from the menu of actions, give the file a descriptive name and then tap the
Archive button.
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The Tracklog is now archived on the device. It will be listed in Manage Map Layers, where its
visibility can be toggled on or off. Both the Current Tracklog and any other archived Tracklog(s)
may be displayed in the map view at the same time, however, only the current track can log new
Rename and Delete Archived Tracklogs
Click on the Manage Map Layers button and tap the Action button on the right-hand side of the
Tracklog section.
Choose Manage from the menu of available actions.
Tap the Tracklog to select it (red), and then choose either Rename or Delete.
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A new Current Tracklog will be generated when the Tracklog capability is enabled again.
Share GPS Tracklogs
All Tracklogs are stored in a JSON file on the device and can be imported into a GIS application. Prior to
importing to ArcGIS, the Tracklog file must be shared via the Share Tracklog option within the S1 Mobile
Mapper app.
Click on the Manage Map Layers button and tap the Action button on the right-hand side of the
Tracklog section.
Tap Share Tracklogs from the Action Button menu.
Tap the app to be used to share the Tracklogs. For example, share Tracklogs via email or upload
the JSON file to OneDrive.
Note: The list of apps available to share the Tracklog file with will depend on the apps installed on the
mobile device.
Assumed: The mobile device has a 4G or Wi-Fi data connection and ArcGIS 10.2 or later installed on a PC
or Citrix to share Tracklogs.
Note: For Tracklog conversion and use; all tracklogs on the mobile device are stored in the same JSON
file, so while the user can separate out naming and visibility of archived tracklogs on the device, if the
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JSON file is shared and converted to a feature, the resulting feature is (1) continuous line. This means it
essentially connects the dots of all exported tracklog features even if the user did not have tracklogs
enabled. The trick to this is if you need a standalone tracklog file you know you will need to convert to a
feature only collect that one tracklog you need, and archive and share it before you enable tracklogs
S1 GeoTag Photos
The S1 GeoTag Photo layer allows users to capture a photo with the location coordinates embedded into
the photo’s metadata (EXIF) header. Captured S1 GeoTag Photos are displayed as a camera icon in the
map view. The photo may be watermarked with azimuth/bearing, pitch/roll, XY location, elevation,
date/time, brand icon, and a configurable file name. Placement of these watermark elements in the
camera view may be changed to where the user feels appropriate. Watermark settings are configured in
the S1 GeoTag Photo Settings menu.
The location of the S1 GeoTag Photo being captured may be shared using the Share Location tool. This
tool allows the user to share their location via the mobile device’s mail app or text. If email is used to
share the location, the recipient is provided with the information watermarked in the photo as well as
links to maps available on the web.
The graphic below provides an overview of the tools and options available while taking S1 GeoTag photos.
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Collecting S1 GeoTag Photos
Tap the Create Features button on the Application toolbar.
Tap S1 GeoTag Photo from the Create Features menu.
The camera view opens, and the GPS is activated if it was not already on.
The XY Coordinates and Elevation display in the upper left corner once the GPS has a position.
Tap Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons, on the bottom right, to bring the subject of the photo in view
or pinch to zoom.
Tap Capture S1 GeoTag Photo button to take a GeoTagged photo at your GPS location.
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A message box appears showing the progress of capturing and then saving the photo.
Tap Cancel if you are not satisfied with the photo or Save to keep it.
When you tap Save, it will commit the GeoTag photo to the S1 Photos folder on the device.
Note: Photos will be stored in the S1 Photos folder on the device’s internal memory if no SD Card is present,
see more details in the Accessing and Viewing S1 GeoTag Photos section below.
A S1 GeoTag Photo icon is displayed in the map view at the location of where the photo was
To delete a single, S1 GeoTag photo, first tap on the S1 GeoTag Photo icon to select a photo.
Tap the Delete Feature button to delete the selected photo.
Tap Yes or No if you wish to delete the photo.
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Tap Yes if you wish to delete the photo from the map view and remove the thumbnail from
Manage Map Layer (photo is completely deleted from device).
Note: You can use the Navigation Capabilities to navigate to a selected S1 GeoTag photo. See the
Navigation Capabilities below.
S1 GeoTag Photo Layer Visibility
Visibility of S1 GeoTag Photos in the map view may be toggled ON or OFF in the Manage Map Layers.
Tap the Manage Map Layers button on the Application toolbar.
Toggle the S1 GeoTag Photo icon layer visibility ON or OFF.
Configuring S1 GeoTag Photos Options
S1 GeoTag Photos are highly configurable. There are several settings and options available to the user.
Settings are configured before a S1 GeoTag photo is captured.
When capturing S1 GeoTag Photos via Create Feature button, then tap S1 GeoTag Photo; that’s
when you have access to the photo settings.
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Configure File Name
To configure the file Name, tap the Rename File button (see above). This allows the photo to be
given a unique name that will be watermarked on the photo when the photo is stored.
Share Location
The Share Location button allows users to share their location using various methods such as
email, Google Maps, memo apps, and Bluetooth.
Sharing your location by email provides the recipient with web links to Google Maps.
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Each web link provides a map at the location of where the photo was captured.
Photo Options
From within the Photo viewfinder, tap the Photo Settings button to view the entire available
photo setting options.
Full List of Photo Options
This section lists the options that allow the user to configure units of measure, visual interface, and output
format of a photo.
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Override Measurements
If the device does not have the necessary hardware sensors to calculate azimuth, bearing, pitch,
roll, or if you wish to override sensor measurements, they can be manually entered by tapping
the Override Measurements button; fourth option down in the Units section of the S1 GeoTag
Below is the menu for the Sensor Measurements that can be overridden as well as the option to
clear values that have been entered. Tap an option from the list to open the values input window.
Check boxes that apply and tap OK to clear some or all the Override Measurement values.
How to Calibrate Device Sensors
Sensors can be calibrated from S1 GeoTag Settings by tapping the Sensor Calibration button.
Wave the phone in a figure eight motion as indicated by the graphic until all sensors are reporting
full calibration, indicated by blue bar. Sensors that need calibration will appear with red bars;
however, devices without certain sensors will always appear red no matter how many figure
eights you complete.
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Managing S1 GeoTag Photos
There are several options for accessing and viewing collected S1 GeoTag Photos. The next section
describes how to access, and view GeoTag Photos captured with the S1 Mobile Mapper.
The user has collected at least one S1 GeoTag Photo with the S1 Mobile Mapper application.
Capture of a GeoTag Photo initiates creation of the Manage GeoTag Photo folder described
Access S1 GeoTag Photos in Manage Map Layers
The Manage GeoTag Photo menu provides access to geotagged photos that have been captured with the
S1 Mobile Mapper application. A user can sort photos based on name and date. Photos can also be
deleted from the S1 Mobile Mapper application and device.
Tap the Manage Map Layers button from the Application toolbar to access S1 GeoTag Photos.
Tap the Action button to display the Manage S1 GeoTag Photos menu.
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Manage GeoTag Photos menu is displayed.
Note: A JPG or PNG icon is displayed next to the thumbnail depending on the photo format set in the
GeoTag Photo Settings menu.
Sort GeoTag Photos:
Tap Manage GeoTag Photos Options button and select Sort.
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Tap Name or Date to order photos.
Delete GeoTag Photos:
Tap the box to add a Checkmark next to the photo thumbnail(s) to be deleted.
Tap Manage GeoTag Photos Options button and select Delete.
Select Delete to delete the GeoTag photo(s) or Cancel to not delete the photo(s).
Manage GeoTag Photos menu opens again after photos are deleted.
Note: Deleted GeoTag photos using this method in S1 Mobile Mapper are Notcompletely removed from
the device only from the S1 Mobile Mapper interface. They will still be available in the S1 Mobile Mapper
album in the devices Native photo gallery app.
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Access Photos in My Files Application
Below is the folder location where S1 GeoTag photos are stored on the device. Photos are stored on the
device’s SD Card if the external storage card exists, if not, photos will be stored on the device’s internal
SD Card: [Device Name]\Card\Android\data\gov.s1.s1mobile\Manage Geotag Photos
No SD Card: [Device Name]\Internal storage\Android\data\gov.s1.s1mobile\Manage Geotag
The above file locations may be accessed on the mobile device via the My Files app. Tap the icon
to open the My Files app and navigate to the appropriate location to find the S1 Mobile Mapper
No SD Card, Android Mobile 10: My Files\Internal storage\Pictures\S1 Mobile Mapper
Note: Android may not have the file locations available for access; version dependent.
Access Photos in Mobile Device Gallery
Photos created via S1 Mobile Mapper are also saved in the device’s Photo Gallery or a default photo-
viewing app, depending on the device manufacturer.
On the Home screen, tap the Gallery button.
Tap Albums, then S1 Mobile Mapper album to access the S1 derived photos.
Tap on the Photo Thumbnail to open the photo.
Copy GeoTag Photos from device to desktop computer
As shown in the above section, Access Photos in the Mobile Device Gallery, you can then copy those
photos to the desktop computer.
Tap the Gallery app on the Android device, tap the Albums option on the bottom of the window
and then select the S1 Mobile Mapper folder to list the GeoTag Photos stored on the device.
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Tap the ellipsis in the upper right corner for the image options list. Then select Edit.
Select the images you want to copy, then tap the Share option on the bottom left of the window.
Choose which method to share the images. Once the images have been shared, they can then be
saved to a file on the desktop computer.
The image’s info is stamped on the upper right corner and more on the bottom of the image.
Note: The coordinate system printed on the image is based on the Coordinate Units settings set in the S1
Options from the Application toolbar.
S1 Mobile Mapper allows users to capture simple point locations on the device using a layer called S1
Waypoints. The app will store the spatial location of the S1 Waypoint when the point is created. The
user can add a Name and a basic Description to the provided fields in the attribute table. While there is
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no substitute for collecting point features via map data, it is an easy way to capture a feature on the map.
The S1 Waypoints use the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere coordinate system.
Collecting S1 Waypoints
To collect an S1 Waypoint, tap the Create Features button on the Application toolbar.
Choose S1 Waypoints from the menu.
A Waypoint location can be captured by digitizing (drawing) on the screen with GPS Off or using
the Average GPS function, with GPS On.
If collecting S1 Waypoints with GPS On, then the averaging status appears at the bottom of the
screen in the Position Capture Status bar.
Note: A feature is unable to be saved until all positions have been collected though you can populate the
attributes prior to collecting all positions.
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Select the Attribute Table View button to edit the attributes for the S1 Waypoint feature after
adding the S1 Waypoint to the map view.
The Name and Description fields are default fields for manual input values by the user.
The Coordinate fields are automatically filled in values based on the placement of the S1 Waypoint
on the map view. The S1 Waypoint uses the WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
coordinate system.
Tap the Attribute Table View button again if you need to go back to the map view.
Tap the Submit Edit button on the Edit Mode toolbar to save the geometry and attributes entered
for the S1 Waypoint.
The S1 Waypoint location is recorded on the map as a salmon-colored dot. The S1 Waypoint can
be selected, edited, or deleted.
Managing S1 Waypoint Data
The S1 Waypoint information is stored in a JSON file on the device and can be imported into GIS or into
other file formats. The JSON file making up the S1 Waypoint may be shared via email, text, etc. To import
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into desktop GIS software, the file must be shared onto a PC. A JSON file can also be added as an item
to ArcGIS Online.
Note: See more information about “What can you add to ArcGIS Online”
Note: Most use cases with S1 Waypoints involve bringing the S1 waypoint file into ArcMap Desktop and
converting it to a feature class for use in the desktop application, Please visit the S1 FAQ document for
this process: https://www.blm.gov/sites/blm.gov/files/s1-mobile-FAQs.pdf
Assumptions: Mobile device has either 4G or higher or a Wi-Fi data connection and accessibility to ArcGIS
10.2 or later.
Visibility of the S1 Waypoints layer, like all other layers in the map view, is controlled via Manage
Map Layers. You can toggle on or off the S1 Waypoints Display Layer and Labels.
Share S1 Waypoints
Tap the Manage Map Layers button on the Application toolbar.
Tap the S1 Waypoints action button.
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Tap Share Waypoints in the pop-up menu.
Tap the app to be used to share the S1 Waypoints. For example, share Waypoints via email or upload
the JSON file to OneDrive.
Note: The list of apps available to share the S1 Waypoint file with will depend on the apps installed on the
mobile device.
The other action on the S1 Waypoint action button, listed above, will give you the option to Delete
All Waypoints. This will remove all existing waypoints from the map view and delete them from the
S1 Sketch (Sketch Graphic)
The S1 Sketch layer can create mark-ups on the map view. Sketches are drawn with a finger, or tablet
stylus, by selecting the Sketch Graphic from Create Features menu and then drawing on the map view.
Sketches are the topmost layer; they will draw on top of basemaps and other layers. A Sketch can be
saved, deleted, loaded, and shared.
Note: Once the finger, or tablet stylus, has lifted from the mobile screen while sketching, that sketch is
complete. To create more sketches, tap the Create Features button again to create another sketch.
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Creating an S1 Sketch
To enable S1 Sketch, tap the Create Features button on the Application toolbar.
Choose Sketch Graphic from the list.
Hold finger down, or tablet stylus, on the map view screen to draw a sketch. Once the finger has
lifted, the sketch is complete for that part.
If the screen starts to move, the sketch has ended. You can add to your sketch by tapping the
Sketch Graphic again from the Create Features menu.
The S1 Sketch will draw as a light pink salmon color only. There are no other color options for the
S1 Sketch currently. Below is an example of four added Sketches drawn over a basemap and other
Managing S1 Sketches
The S1 Sketch information is stored in a JSON file on the device and can be imported into a GIS application
or to other file formats. The JSON file making up the S1 Sketch may be shared via email, text, etc. To
import into desktop GIS software, the file must be shared onto a PC. A JSON file can also be added as an
item to ArcGIS Online.
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Note: See more information about “What can you add to ArcGIS Online”
Save, Load & Delete S1 Sketches
Sketches are stored in a temporary memory storage and will disappear when you close the app unless you
save them. If you save a single S1 Sketch or multiple S1 Sketches, they will all be stored in a single JSON
file that can then be loaded up again when you want them. When you load an S1 Sketch, it will load all
the saved sketches at once. The Delete All Sketches will delete all S1 Sketches on the map view and in the
single JSON save folder.
Sharing S1 Sketches
All S1 Sketches are stored in a JSON file on the device and can be imported into a GIS application. Prior
to importing to ArcGIS, the S1 Sketch file must be shared via the Share Sketch option within the S1 Mobile
Mapper app.
Click on the Manage Map Layers button on the Application toolbar and tap the Action button on
the right-hand side of the S1 Sketch section.
Tap Share (Sketch).
Tap the app to be used to share the S1 Sketches. For example, share S1 Sketches via email or
upload the JSON file to OneDrive.
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Note: The list of apps available to share the S1 Sketch file with will depend on the apps installed on the
mobile device.
Assumed: The mobile device has a 4G or Wi-Fi data connection and ArcGIS 10.2 or later installed on a PC
or Citrix to share S1 Sketches.
Navigation Capabilities
When the GPS has a position fix, users can set a Navigation target at a designated location in the map
view or to a selected feature. While in Navigation mode, the application provides updated distance,
direction and bearing information to the user (depending on device capabilities) and alerts the user when
arriving near target destination.
Navigate to a Map Location
Long tap on the map to set a Navigation Target (GPS will automatically activate if it is not already
A Blue Icon is placed at the location of the Navigation Target.
The Navigation Pane displays at the top of the map view. This pane provides the Distance and
Azimuth (reference direction) to the Navigation Target and a Compass Rosette with an arrow
pointing to the Navigation Target (if the device hardware supports the compass).
o The Azimuth (reference direction) to the target is displayed in degrees.
o The Distance value to the target is displayed in user defined units that were setup in the
S1 Options settings under Navigation Alert Distance and Navigation Alert Distance
Distance and Azimuth values change as the GPS position moves in relation to the Navigation
o Distance value decreases when moving towards the target.
o Distance value increases when moving away from the target.
o Azimuth degree value changes as the GPS position moves.
The application displays a message toast (little pop-up) at the bottom of the screen as the user
approaches the Navigation Target. As the user reaches the alert threshold, the device will also
ring or vibrate.
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Tap the Back Button to clear the Navigation Target.
Long tap on the map to set a different Navigation Target.
To view a full screen compass while navigating, tap the Compass Rosette on the Navigation Pane.
A full screen window with the compass will appear.
The red arrow points toward the direction of the Navigation Target relative to the orientation of
the device.
Tap the Back Button to return to the map view.
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Navigate to a Selected Map Feature
Features on the map that can be selected and navigated to, include: A Tracklog, S1 Waypoint or an S1
GeoTag Photo.
Tap on an existing feature in the map. The selected feature will highlight in Blue, and the Select
Mode Toolbar will appear.
Tap the Navigate button at the top of the screen.
o For an S1 Waypoint or S1 GeoTag Photo A blue pushpin will appear on top of the point. The
Navigation Pane will appear at the top of the map view displaying the Azimuth, reference
direction in degrees, and Distance to the selected feature.
o For a Tracklog Feature A blue pushpin will appear at the starting vertex of the line. The
Navigation Pane will appear at the top of the map view displaying the Azimuth, reference
direction in degrees, and Distance to the selected feature.
Tap the Back Button to clear the Navigation Target.
Get Directions
Users can get directions to a selected feature or an X, Y location via the Enter Coordinates tool using the
Get Directions function. Users can launch the application and select a Map Routing application, like
Google Maps, to get directions to the desired location. Users will need to initiate this function while they
have a Wireless or 4G connection. See the Enter Coordinates section below on getting directions via the
Enter Coordinates tool.
Get Directions to a selected location
Tap on an existing feature in the map.
Features on the map that can be selected and navigated to, include: A Tracklog, S1 Waypoint or
an S1 GeoTag Photo.
The selected feature is highlighted in Blue, and the Select Mode Toolbar appears.
On the Select Mode Toolbar, use the down slider to access the Get Directions button.
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Google Maps will open and load the selected location displaying the locations X, Y coordinates
as a red location pin in the map view.
Select Directions at the bottom of the screen to get a street route from your current location or
a specific location to the selected feature.
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Note: If going to areas where there are no data connections, the google map can be cached to the mobile
device to allow turn-by-turn navigation when offline. User must first cache the map area they need by
following the instructions here:
General application tools can be accessed via the S1 Tools/Options button on the Application toolbar.
The list of Tools depends on if a feature is selected or not on the map view.
Measure Tool
The measure tool provides the capability to measure Distance and Area by sketching in the map view
from a selected point or taping any location and then selecting another location on the map to draw a
distance line, more than three points to measure an area, or by selecting an existing Tracklog to see its
measured length.
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Measure Distance or Area in Map View
To measure a distance or area in the map view, tap on the Tools/Options button on the
Application Toolbar.
Select Tools from the list.
Select Measure to open tool.
Tap on the screen where the measurement will begin.
Continue to tap on the screen until satisfied with the measurement. The distance measurement
is reported at the top of screen on the Measure Toolbar.
Tap the measure words to get a pulldown list for Distance or an Area measure choice.
Tap on the Undo Vertex button to remove the last vertex in the sketch measurement if needed.
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Display units can be changed based on user preference in the S1 Options menu.
For the Linear units options:
o Distance is displayed in either feet, miles, meters, or kilometers.
For the Area units options:
o Area is displayed in square foot, acres, square meters, or hectares.
Tap on the Cancel button to exit the Measure Tool, the X at the top on the Measure Toolbar.
Determine Length or Area of a Selected Feature
If an S1 Waypoint or S1 GeoTag Photo is selected on the map view, then measure Distance and Area by
sketching from the selected point and then selecting another location on the map to draw a distance line.
Adding more than three points can measure an area or select an existing Tracklog to see its measured
length. If an S1 Waypoint or S1 GeoTag Photo is selected on the map view, its X Y coordinates are
reported in an Info Window or labeled on the photo (a Tracklog will not have reported X Y coordinates
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Tap to select an S1 Waypoint, S1 GeoTag Photo or a Tracklog.
Either feature type will be highlighted in Blue when selected.
If you want to measure a distance from a selected S1 Waypoint or S1 GeoTag Photo to another
point on the map, while in select mode (highlighted in blue) tap on another target location to get
the distance to it. If taping more than twice in an area, then area can be measured.
When a feature is selected there will be a blue Select Features Bar at the top of the map view,
tap the feature name in the blue bar to open the feature’s attribute info.
If an S1 Waypoint or S1 GeoTag Photo is selected on the map view, its X Y coordinates are reported
in an Info Window or labeled on the photo (a Tracklog will not have reported X Y coordinates
The Attributes can be edited for an S1 Waypoint, like Name and Description, by selecting the Edit
Feature tool. Also see Editing S1 Waypoint attributes above.
Copy Geometry Tool
The Copy Geometry Tool only works with S1 Waypoints in Public Mode by copying the user added Name
and Description attributes from a selected S1 Waypoints to a newly added S1 Waypoint.
Select a User added S1 Waypoint that you want to copy the name and description info from.
The selected S1 Waypoint will be highlighted in blue.
While the S1 Waypoint is selected, tap on the Tools/Options button on the Application toolbar,
and then select the Tools button.
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Select the Copy Geometry Tool. The Create Features menu will pop-up for you to select a new
S1 Waypoint (no other feature type from the Create Features menu will work with this tool).
Then tap the map view to add the new S1 Waypoint to the map. If there is a name and
description copied from the first S1 Waypoint, then it will be listed in the Attribute Table View
for the new feature. Labels can be turned on in the Manage Map Layers for S1 Waypoints.
Enter Coordinates Tool
The Enter Coordinates tool provides the capability to specify coordinates that can be used as a Navigation
Target, create a New Feature, or Find Existing Features at the coordinates specified. The user can Enter
Coordinates in most of the standard latitude and longitude formats as well as BLM (UTM NAD83) and
Forest Service (Albers NAD83) specific coordinate systems.
To Enter Coordinates, tap on the Tools/Options button.
Select Tools from the list.
Select Enter Coordinates to open tool.
Choose a Coordinate System from the dropdown list and then enter the X and Y coordinates for
the appropriate Coordinate System selected.
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After entering the coordinate information there are four options available for what to do with
the specified coordinates; Navigation, Get Directions, Create Feature, and Find Nearby Features.
Navigate to Entered Coordinates
Tap the Navigation icon once coordinates are entered.
This sets a Navigation Target at the desired coordinates and brings up a bearing and distance
window with a compass and then acts in the same way as the Navigation section described above.
Tap the back arrow button to remove the target and exit navigation mode.
Get Directions to Entered Coordinates
Tap the Get Directions icon once coordinates are entered.
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The Google Maps app will open and drop a pin at the location specified.
Select Directions at the bottom of the screen to get a street route to the map pin from your
current location or another specified location.
Tap the back button on the device to return to the S1 Mobile Mapper application.
To exit the Enter Coordinates tool, tap the device back button.
Create Feature Using Entered Coordinates
After specifying coordinates, tap the Create Feature button.
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In the Create Features menu, tap the S1 Waypoint to add an S1 Waypoint at the Entered
Coordinate location.
The feature selected will be created and displayed on the map as a blue dot using the specified
Select the Attribute Table View button to edit the name and description attributes for the new
feature. The Coordinate attribute values will auto fill when the feature is submitted to be saved.
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Tap the Submit Edit button on the Edit Mode Toolbar to save the geometry and attributes
To exit without saving a feature created from coordinates, tap the Back button, or tap the screen
outside of the active window.
Find Nearby Existing Features
The Find Nearby Features tool will search for any existing features currently loaded in the map that are
nearby the coordinates specified and within the current map zoom level. If the map is zoomed in, the
search radius will be small; if the map is zoomed out, the search radius is larger.
Specify coordinates in the Enter Coordinates menu.
Tap the Find Nearby Features button.
If existing features are found, the Select Mode toolbar will pop-up and you can edit or view the
feature as usual with the Select Mode toolbar.
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To exit this option, tap the device’s back button or within the map window area to close the
select mode toolbar.
External Bluetooth GPS Receiver Support
The S1 Mobile Mapper application can also feed GPS measurements from supported external GPS
receivers via Bluetooth to provide high accuracy location information to the application’s map view. This
may be desirable if the estimated accuracy of the device’s internal GPS does not meet data accuracy
requirements or if the Android device does not possess its own internal GPS receiver.
Generally, to use external receivers with Android devices, the following steps must be performed:
1. Turn on Bluetooth on Android device and on external receiver.
2. Pair external receiver with device via Bluetooth.
3. Enable Mock Location setting in Android Developer Options.
4. Activate external GPS within application.
S1 Mobile Mapper application supported external GPS receivers include:
Trimble R1 Bluetooth receiver
Trimble R2 Bluetooth receiver
Juniper Systems Geode Bluetooth receiver
Other models may also function with the app, but steps to pair may be different from what is described
in the user guide.
For detailed instruction on configuration settings and pairing each compatible Bluetooth receiver, refer
to the External Bluetooth GPS Receiver Support section in the full S1 Mobile Mapper Agency User Guide.
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For more information on the S1 Mobile Mapper application, visit:
To submit applications bugs or app enhancement requests, use the online form at the URL below.
Service First Mobile GIS
U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office