(For 2015-16 School Term)
This summary is for the purpose of assisting
in the understanding of IHSA By-laws and
Policies. In case of a conflict between this
publication and the constitution and by-laws
of the IHSA, the constitution and by-laws
shall control.
Key Provisions Regarding IHSA Rules
Eligibility Rules
When you become a member of an
interscholastic team at your high school, you
will find that both your school and the IHSA
will have rules you must follow in order to be
eligible for interscholastic participation. The
IHSA’s rules have been adopted by the high
schools which are members of IHSA as part of
the Associations constitution and by-laws.
They must be followed as minimum standards
for all interscholastic athletic competition in any
member high school. Your high school may
have additional requirements, but they may not
be less stringent than these statewide minimums.
The principal/official representative of
your school is responsible to see that only
eligible students represent the school in
interscholastic competition. Any question
concerning your eligibility should be referred to
your principal/official representative, who has a
complete copy of all IHSA eligibility rules,
including the Associations due process
procedure. Only the IHSA Executive Director is
authorized to make formal rulings on eligibility,
so if your principal/official representative has
questions or wishes assistance in answering your
questions, the principal/official representative
should contact the IHSA Office.
Information contained here highlights
some of the most important features of the IHSA
by-laws regarding interscholastic eligibility. It is
designed to make you aware of major
requirements you must meet to be eligible to
compete in interscholastic competition. The
information here is only a general description of
major by-law provisions and does not contain
the statement of the by-laws in their entirety.
You can review the by-laws at www.ihsa.org.
You may lose eligibility for interscholastic
competition if you are not in compliance with
IHSA by-laws. Remember, if you have any
questions regarding IHSA rules, please contact
your principal/official representative.
1. Attendance
A. You may represent only the school you
attend. Participation on a cooperative team
of which your school is a member is
B. You must be enrolled and attending classes
in your high school no later than the
beginning of the 11th school day of the
C. If you attend school for ten (10) or more
days during any one semester, it will count
as one of the eight (8) semesters of high
school attendance during which you may
possibly have eligibility.
D. If you have a lapse in school connection
for ten (10) or more consecutive school
days during a semester, you are subject to
ineligibility for the rest of the semester.
The specific terms of your extended
absence must be reviewed by the Executive
Director to determine if it is lapse in
school connection” or not.
2. Scholastic Standing
A. You must pass twenty-five (25) credit
hours of high school work per week.
Generally, twenty-five (25) credit hours is
the equivalent of five (5) .5 credit courses
(2.5 full credits).
B. You must have passed and received credit
toward graduation for twenty-five (25)
credit hours of high school work for the
entire previous semester to be eligible at all
during the ensuing semester.
3. Residence
Your eligibility is dependent on the
location of the residence where you live
full time with your parents, parent who has
been assigned custody by the court, or
court appointed legal guardian.
You may be eligible if you are entering
high school as a freshman and:
A. You attend the public high school in the
district in which you live full time with
both of your parents, custodial parent or
court appointed guardian; or
B. In the case of a multiple school district,
you attend the public high school in the
attendance area where you live full time
with your parents, custodial parent or court
appointed guardian; or
C. You have paid tuition to attend a public
school for a minimum of 7th and 8th
grades in a district other than the one
where you live with your parents, custodial
parent or court appointed guardian and you
continue to pay tuition as a high school
student in that same district; or
D. You attend a private/parochial school
located within the boundaries of the public
school district where you live with your
parents, custodial parent or court appointed
guardian; or
E. You attend a private/parochial high school
and have attended a private/parochial
school for 7th and 8th grades, or for any
four (4) grades from kindergarten through
eighth grades; or
F. You attend the private/parochial high
school which one or both of your parents
attended; or
G. You attend a private/parochial high school
located within a thirty (30) mile radius of
the residence where you live with your
parents, custodial parent or court appointed
4. Transfer
A. In all transfer cases, both the principal of
the school from which you transfer and the
principal of the school into which you
transfer must concur with the transfer in
writing on a form provided by the IHSA
Office. You cannot be eligible when you
transfer until this form is fully executed
and on file in the school office.
B. If you transfer after classes begin for the
current school term, you will definitely be
ineligible for thirty days from the date you
start attending classes at the new high
school. In addition, you will be ineligible
for that entire school term in any sport in
which you engaged in any team activity,
including but not limited to tryouts, drills,
physical practice sessions, team meetings,
playing in a contest, etc. at the school from
which you transferred. For example, if you
were out for cross country at the school
from which you transfer and transfer after
the IHSA sport season has begun, you
will be ineligible for cross country that
entire school term at the new school.
C. If you transfer attendance from one high
school to another high school, you will be
ineligible unless:
1. Your transfer is in conjunction with a
change in residence by both you and
your parents, custodial parent or court
appointed guardian from one public
school district to a different public
school district;
2. Your transfer is between high schools
within a public school district and both
you and your parents, custodial parent
or court appointed guardian change
residence to the district attendance area
for the school to which you transfer;
3. Your parents are divorced or legally
separated; you transfer to a new school
in conjunction with a modification or
other change in legal custody between
your parents by action of a judge; and
required court documents are on file at
the school into which you transfer;
D. If you transfer in conjunction with a
change in legal guardianship, a ruling on
your eligibility must be obtained from the
IHSA Office.
E. If you transfer attendance from one school
to another while you are ineligible for any
reason, the period of ineligibility imposed
prior to your transfer or the period of
ineligibility that would have been imposed
had you stayed at the school, will be
enforced at the school to which you
transfer, even if you are otherwise in
compliance with the by-laws.
F. Any questions about your eligibility in any
of these instances must be resolved by a
formal ruling from the IHSA Executive
Illinois High School Association
G. In all other transfer situations, a ruling by
the IHSA Executive Director is necessary
to determine your eligibility. This ruling
must be obtained in writing by the
principal/official representative of the
school into which you transfer before you
participate in an interscholastic athletic
5. Age
You will become ineligible on the date you
become twenty (20) years of age, unless
your twentieth (20th) birthday occurs
during a sport season. In that case, you
will become ineligible in regard to age at
the beginning of the sport season during
which your twentieth (20th) birthday
6. Physical Examination
You must have placed on file with your
principal/official representative a
certificate of physical fitness, signed by a
licensed physician, physician’s assistant or
nurse practioner in order to practice or
participate. Your physical examination is
good for 395 days from the date of the
exam. The physician’s report must be on
file with your high school principal/official
7. Amateur Status
A. If you win or place in actual competition,
you may accept a medal or trophy for that
accomplishment, without limit to its cost.
Your school may provide IHSA state
champions with championship
B. For participating in competition in an
interscholastic sport, or for athletic honors
or recognition in a sport, you may receive
any type of award (except cash, check or
legal tender) that does not exceed $75 fair
market value. There is no limitation on the
value of your school letter.
C. The amateur rule does not prohibit you
from being paid to referee, receiving pay
for teaching lessons or coaching in a little
kids league, etc. It only applies to your
own competition in an athletic contest.
D. If you violate the amateur rule, you
become ineligible in the sport in which you
violate. You must be reinstated by the
Executive Director before you may
compete again.
8. Recruiting of Athletes
A. The by-laws prohibit recruiting of high
school students for athletics. If you are
solicited to enroll in or transfer to a school
to participate in athletics, you are being
illegally recruited and your eligibility is in
B. You will lose your eligibility if you enroll
in or transfer to a school in response to
recruiting efforts by any person or group of
persons, connected with or not connected
with the school, related to athletic
C. You will lose your eligibility if you receive
pecial benefits or privileges as a
prospective student-athlete which are not
uniformly made available to all students
who attend your school.
D. You may not receive an athletic
scholarship” or any other special benefit
from your school because you participate
in athletics.
E. It is a violation for any student-athlete to
receive or be offered remuneration or any
special inducement which is not made
available to all applicants who apply to or
enroll in the school.
F. It is also a violation to induce or attempt to
induce or encourage any prospective
student to attend any member school for
the purpose of participating in athletics,
even when special remuneration or
inducement is not given. Please remember
that you may not be offered or receive any
benefit, service, privilege or opportunity
which is not also provided or made
available to all prospective students at that
Note: If you are interested in finding out
more information about a school, contact
the principal/official representative or an
administrator at the school, not a member
of the coaching staff.
9. School Team Sports Seasons
A. Each sport conducted by IHSA member
schools has a starting and ending date.
Your school may not organize a team,
begin practice or participate in contests in a
given sport until the authorized starting
date. Your school may not continue to
practice or participate in contests after the
authorized ending date. This means that:
1. During the school year, you may not
participate on a non-school team
coached by any member of your
school’s coaching staff unless it meets
specific criteria established by the by-
2. No school coach may require you to
participate in an out-of-season sport
program as a requirement for being a
member of a school team.
B. Violation of the sport season by-laws will
result in penalty to you and/or to your
school’s coaching personnel.
10. Playing in Non-School Competition
A. During the time you are participating on a
school team in a sport at your high school,
you may neither play on a non-school team
nor compete in non-school competition as
an individual in that same sport or in any
skill of that sport.
B. If you participate in non-school
competition during a sport season and
subsequently wish to join the school team
in the same sport, you will not be eligible.
C. If you wish to participate in a competition
sanctioned by the National Governing
Body, or its official Illinois affiliate for the
sport, your principal/official representative
must request approval in writing from the
IHSA Office prior to any such
D. You may try out for a non-school team
while you are on your school’s team in that
same sport, but you may not practice,
receive instruction, participate in workouts,
or participate in competition with a non-
school team in that same sport until you
cease being a member of your schools
team. You cease being a member of your
school’s team when the team(s) of which
you are a member terminates for the school
E. You will become ineligible if you
participate on, practice with or compete
against any junior college, college or
university team during your high school
11. All-Star Participation
A. After you have completed your high school
eligibility in the sport of football,
basketball, soccer or volleyball, you may
participate in three (3) all-star contests in
any of these sports and still play for other
school teams, provided the high school
season in that sport has been completed.
You may lose your eligibility for other
interscholastic sports if you play in all-star
competition in any of these sports under
any other conditions.
B. You are not restricted from participating in
all-star competition in sports other than
football, basketball soccer or volleyball,
except that you may not do so during the
school season for the sport.
12. Misbehavior During Contests
A. If you violate the ethics of competition or
the principles of good sportsmanship, you
may be barred from interscholastic athletic
contests, either as a participant or spectator
or both.
B. If you are ejected from a contest for
unsportsmanlike conduct, you will be
ineligible for your teams next contest.
You are also subject to other penalties.
Athletic Eligibility Rules—Page 2