State of Illinois
Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Illinois Department of
Natural Resources
Business of Boat Rental Service
Operation of Watercraft
Carrying Passengers for Hire
on Illinois Waters
Business of Boat Rental Service........................................................................2
License fee ............................................................................................................2
Rules and regulations ............................................................................................3
License Display and Marking of Watercraft .........................................................3
Equipment .....................................................................................................3
Unlawful rental of personal watercraft or specialty prop craft ..............................3
Rental Boats ..........................................................................................................4
Misuse of License or Decal ...................................................................................5
Suspension and Revocation of Decals and Licenses .............................................5
Operation of Watercraft Carrying Passengers for Hire on Illinois Waters
Applicability ....................................................................................................6
Dry Dock Inspection ..........................................................................................6-8
Dockside Inspection ........................................................................................9-13
Licensing Requirements ............................................................................14-15
License and Decal ...............................................................................................15
Emergency Procedures List –Tear Outs
Man Overboard and Leaks or Damage Control ...................................................16
Fire or Explosion and Radio Procedure ..............................................................17
This brochure is only a guide to the highlights of the Operation of Watercraft Car-
rying Passengers for Hire on Illinois Waters. The entire regulations may be found
in the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 625 or Administrative Rule 2080. More
information is available from Department of Natural Resources Regional Offices
or from Conservation Police Officers. The information in this brochure is based on
laws in effect as of February 2008 and is subject to change.
Department - the Department of Natural Resources.
Dockside Inspection
- an examination of a watercraft in the water so that all equipment
and systems may be inspected.
Dry Dock Inspection
- an examination of a watercraft out of the water and supported so
all the exterior and interior of the watercraft may be examined.
Federally Navigable Waters
- those waters of the State over which the State of Illinois
and the United States Coast Guard exercise joint jurisdiction, including Lake Michigan,
to the upstream limit of navigation as determined by the United States Department of the
Army, Corps of Engineers.
General Maintenance
- dry docking or hauling out of a watercraft for painting or clean-
ing the hull and rudder, or the changing of a propeller shaft and associated bearings.
Good Marine Practice and Standards
- those methods and ways of maintaining, oper-
ating, equipping, repairing and restructuring watercraft as determined by the marine in-
spector. The marine inspector shall use commonly accepted standards, including 46 CFR
subchapters T, K, K’ and H, the standards of the American Boat and Yacht Council, the
standards of the American Bureau of Shipping, and other appropriate generally accepted
standards as sources of reference.
Independent Certifier
- any person who, through background, experience, or training, is
qualified to inspect a vessel for equipment carriage requirements as set forth in this Part,
and certify compliance to the Department. Such person may include, but not be limited
to, a marine inspector as defined in this Part, or a qualified member of the U.S. Coast
Guard Auxiliary, but may not include the owner, anyone related to the owner, or any em-
ployee of the vessel being inspected.
Inland Waters
- all waters of the State, except Federally navigable waters.
Marine Inspector
- a marine surveyor with at least five years experience or a profes-
sional engineer licensed by the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.
Open Boat
- a watercraft, either with or without engines or motors, which has its engine,
fuel tank compartments, and other spaces, except weather enclosures, open to the atmos-
phere and arranged to prevent or preclude the entrapment of explosive and flammable
gases and vapors within the watercraft.
- a person who claims lawful possession of a watercraft by virtue of legal title or
equitable interest therein which entitles him or her to possession. "Owner" also means a
person acting on the behalf of the owner in all matters concerning the watercraft.
Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
- a United States Coast Guard approved lifesaving de-
State Boating Law Administrator
- the Department of Natural Resources law enforce-
ment officer assigned to administer boating statutes and rules for boating safety.
- the marine inspector has determined an item is in keeping with good marine
practice and standards.
Boat Registration & Safety Act
Business of Boat Rental Service
(625 ILCS 45/7)
It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of operating a
boat or boats carrying passengers for hire, or renting a boat or boats for hire
without first having obtained a license so to do from the Department.
1. Such license shall be renewable each year on March 1st,
2. Shall be good only for one year or portion of a year to March 1st,
and it
3. Shall be unlawful for such person to so engage in such business
without having a valid license currently then in force.
License fee
1. The fee for a license to operate a boat for carrying passengers for hire shall be
$50 for each boat.
2. The fee for a license for engaging in the business of renting boats for hire
shall be $30, plus an annual fee for each boat rented or offered for rent of
a) $1 for each boat less than 16 feet in length;
b) $2 for each boat 16 feet or over and less than 26 feet in length; and
c) $8 for each boat 26 feet or over in length.
No boat shall be rented or offered for rent until such license has been
granted and the boat marked as hereinafter provided.
Rules and regulations
Whenever, it shall be found that any boat does not comply with the standards
of this Act and the rules and regulations of the Department, it shall thereupon be
the duty of the Department to notify the owner, proprietor or agent in charge of
any such boat, the respect in which the boat fails to comply, and to demand that
such defective conditions be rectified prior to further use of such boat.
License Display and Marking of Watercraft
The Department shall furnish to the licensee an appropriate license which
shall be prominently displayed in his place of business, or upon the boat if only
one boat is involved. In addition to said license the Department shall also furnish
to such licensee a durable tag or disc for each boat so licensed with such mark-
ings as the Department shall deem necessary, which tag or disc must be affixed
to some prominent place at the bow of said boat plainly visible to the public.
The licensee shall also cause to be painted on the aft quarter of the boat the num-
ber of pounds of weight authorized to be carried therein, and no licensee or his
agent shall knowingly permit more than that number of pounds of weight or
number of persons to occupy said boat at any one given time.
Neither the owner of a boat livery, nor his agent or employee shall permit any
watercraft to depart from his premises unless it has been provided, either by
owner or renter, with the equipment required pursuant to (625 ILCS 45/4) and
any rules and regulations made pursuant thereto.
It shall be the responsibility of the owner of a boat livery, or his agent or em-
ployee, to determine that all watercraft are properly registered as required pur-
suant to Article III of this Act.
Unlawful rental of personal watercraft or specialty prop
(A) A livery shall not lease, hire or rent a personal watercraft or a specialty
prop-craft to, or for operation by, any person who is under 16 years of age.
(B) Any person convicted of violating this Section is guilty of a Class A mis-
Administrative Rules
2080.75 / 2080.80 / 2080.90
Rental Boats
A) The operators of boat rental services shall be authorized to rent only vessels
designated by the license and only on bodies of water designated on the license.
B) The operators of boat rental services shall provide to the Department, each
time their license is renewed, a statement certifying that each boat offered for rent
is of sound construction and is safe for use on the water. All rental boats shall be
subject to periodic, unannounced inspections by the Department to ensure that
they are being suitably maintained for safe public use under the safety require-
ments set out in the Boat Registration and Safety Act [625 ILCS 45]
Misuse of License or Decal
No person shall loan, borrow, transfer or otherwise falsify any license or decal
issued by the State of Illinois or the United States Coast Guard.
Suspension and Revocation of Decals and Licenses
A) Violations of any provisions of this Part may result in suspension of any
decal or license issued by the Department under the provisions of this Part for a
period not to exceed one year.
B) Subsequent violations of any provisions of this Part within a two-year period
shall result in revocation of any decal or license issued by the Department under
the provisions of this Part for a period not less than 5 years.
C) Violations of any other provisions of the Boat Registration and Safety Act
[625 ILCS 45], the Fish and Aquatic Life Code [515 ILCS 5], or the Wildlife
Code [520 ILCS 5] may also result in suspension or revocation of any decal or
license issued by the Department under the provisions of this Part.
D) The procedure by which suspensions and revocations are made, the rights of
licensees to notice and hearing, and the procedures governing such hearings are
set forth in 17 Ill. Adm. Code 2530 (Rules Governing Department Formal Hear-
ings Conducted for Rule-Making and Contested Cases).
Operation of Watercraft
Carrying Passengers for Hire
on Illinois Waters
Administrative Rule 2080
A) This Part does not apply to watercraft required to be inspected by the United
States Coast Guard, under 46 CFR subchapters T, K, K’ and H, for the purpose
of carrying passengers for hire.
B) This Part shall apply to all other watercraft, as defined in the Act, carrying
passengers for hire on waters of this State.
C) Inspection Procedures for Watercraft Carrying More Than Six Passen-
gers For Hire, as defined by the United States Coast Guard in 46 CFR sub-
chapters T, K, K’, and H.
1) Before carrying passengers for hire, a watercraft shall successfully complete a
dry dock inspection conducted by a marine inspector. The Department
shall subsequently require successful completion of a dry dock inspection
every 5 years.
2) Before an inspection, the owner of a watercraft shall remove or effectively
store all associated equipment, including fishing gear, coolers, and personal be-
longings onboard the watercraft, which could impede the inspection process.
3) The owner of a watercraft shall open or remove all hatches and inspection
ports before or during an inspection and shall have the watercraft in a reasonably
clean and orderly condition.
4) To determine that a watercraft is seaworthy and in good and serviceable
condition, the owner of a vessel shall permit the marine inspector to inspect the
entire interior and exterior of the vessel, including all components, machinery,
and associated equipment.
5) When the marine inspector has reasonable cause to believe that the seaworthi-
ness or the sound structure of the watercraft may be impaired, the owner
of the watercraft may be required to remove sections or portions of the lining,
decking, ceiling, or other obstructions that may obscure any part of the water-
craft so that the seaworthiness or sound structure may be determined.
D) Watercraft Passenger Capacity; Determination
1) On watercraft that do not have or are not required to have a watercraft capac-
ity plate, the maximum passenger capacity shall be determined by applying any
one of the following criteria which result in the allowance of the greatest num-
ber of passengers.
a) One passenger per 30 inches of rail space available to passengers at the water-
craft's sides and across the transom.
b) One passenger per 10 square feet of deck area available for passenger use. In
computing the deck area, the areas occupied by concession stands, toilets and
washrooms, companionways, and stairways shall be excluded.
c) One passenger per 18 inches of width of fixed seating provided.
2) Except as provided in subsection (c)(3), on vessels that have or are required
to have vessel capacity plates, the passenger capacity shall be determined by ap-
plying either of the following criteria which result in the allowance of the great-
est number of persons without exceeding the capacity plate maximums.
a) (Weight capacity - maximum motor and gear weight) / 150 = number of
b) (Boat length X boat beam) / 15 = number of passengers.
3) The marine inspector shall calculate the number of passengers which may
safely be transported on watercraft carrying passengers for hire. For watercraft
that have 2 or more passenger decks above the waterline, the marine inspector
shall follow the vessel stability criteria contained in 46 CFR Subchapter S
(1999; no later amendments or editions included) in determining the number of
passengers allowable on each deck of the watercraft. The number shall be set
forth on the certificate of inspection.
E) Vessel damage, repairs, and alterations; reports; repair and alteration
standards; modification of corrections and repairs; determination of unsafe
vessel; modification and inspection exception.
1) When a vessel is involved in an accident causing major physical damage, has
structural damage, or is to be hauled out and dry docked to carry out major re-
pairs or alterations affecting the vessel's seaworthiness, the owner of the vessel
shall immediately report to a marine inspector the nature of the damage, repairs,
or alterations. Physical damage does not include breakage of glass, lights, or
decorative items.
2) All repairs and alterations shall be done in accordance with good marine prac-
tice and standards and approved by a marine inspector before the work is
started. Drawings, sketches, or written specifications may be required by the
marine inspector depending on the nature and extent of the repairs or alterations.
3) The owner of a vessel shall not allow the vessel to be returned to service or
returned to the water until all repairs or alterations have been completed and the
vessel has been reinspected and approved by a marine inspector. A marine in-
spector shall reinspect the watercraft as soon as possible after notification by the
owner that the repairs and alterations have been completed.
4) When corrections or repairs to the watercraft or associated equipment are re-
quired as a result of an inspection by a marine inspector, the owner of the vessel
shall notify the marine inspector when the corrections or repairs have been
5) When during the course of an inspection, the marine inspector finds equip-
ment or conditions which are not addressed in this Part and which are unsafe or
jeopardize the safety of the passengers carried on board, the marine inspector
shall require the condition be corrected or the equipment removed from the wa-
6) When it is determined by the marine inspector that a watercraft, because of its
construction or design, or both, is not safe to carry passengers for hire, a certifi-
cate of inspection shall not be issued. The owner, if not satisfied with the deci-
sion of the Department, may seek relief by requesting a formal hearing as
authorized by 17 Ill. Adm. Code 2530, Department Formal Hearings Conducted
for Rulemaking and Contested Cases.
7) Notification and inspection shall not be required for general maintenance dry
docking or hauling out.
F) Inspection Exemptions
1) Watercraft carrying not more than six passengers for hire, as defined by the
United States Coast Guard in 46 CFR subchapters T, K, K’, and H, shall not be
required to be inspected under the provisions of this Section.
2) Watercraft registered in another state which have been inspected under simi-
lar provisions in that state shall not be required to be inspected under the provi-
sions of this Section.
Dockside Inspection
A) Annual Inspection
All watercraft subject to this Part shall be inspected annually under the provi-
sions of this Section, except as provided in Section 2080.40 of this Part.
B) Inspection Procedures for Watercraft Carrying More Than Six Passen-
gers For Hire, as defined by the United States Coast Guard in 46 CFR sub-
chapters T, K, K’, and H.
The owner of a vessel shall, at the dockside inspection, submit his vessel for in-
spection by a marine inspector and shall operate or cause to be operated all
equipment and systems to the extent necessary to determine that the vessel is
being maintained and operated in accordance with good marine practices and
standards, and the condition of the vessel structure, equipment and systems are
satisfactory for safe and constant operation.
C) Main Engine Gauges - Inboard or Inboard/Outboard
1) On vessels designed for inboard or inboard/outboard (sterndrive) main en-
gines, both of the following gauges shall be present.
a) A gauge to indicate main engine cooling water temperature for each main en-
gine. A gauge shall be readable from each helm position.
b) A gauge to indicate main engine lubrication oil pressure for each main engine.
A gauge shall be readable from each helm position.
2) All gauges installed on a vessel shall be in good and serviceable condition.
D) Personal Flotation Devices
1) At least one Coast Guard approved, wearable type personal flotation device of
a proper size for each person, including the crew, shall be provided and carried
onboard. Each device shall be inspected at the dockside inspection.
2) Each wearable type personal flotation device carried aboard the vessel
shall have affixed to it, in a suitable manner, 200 square centimeters (31.5
sq. in.) of Coast Guard approved retro-reflective material to the outside
front of each device and 200 square centimeters (31.5 sq. in.) to the outside
back of each device.
3) Personal flotation devices shall be carried in suitable locations which are
readily accessible to the passengers onboard. The locations shall be designed to
allow the devices carried to float free when practical.
4) When personal flotation devices are carried so that they are readily accessible,
but not readily visible to the passengers, the container shall be marked "LIFE
PRESERVERS" and the number of devices contained therein shall be listed. The
letters and numbers shall be at least 1 inch high and shall be a color
contrasting to the color of the container. The container shall also indicate the
size of the devices contained therein. Differing sizes shall be separately stored.
5) On documented watercraft, all required personal flotation devices shall
be marked with the vessel's name in characters at least 1 inch high in a
color contrasting to the color of the device.
6) On undocumented watercraft, all required personal flotation devices
shall be marked with the watercraft's registration number in characters at
least 1 inch high in a color contrasting to the color of the device.
7) Aboard each watercraft shall be a Type IV personal flotation device, which
shall comply with all of the following requirements:
a) Be readily accessible in a suitable location.
b) Have attached not less than 50 feet of line.
c) Be marked as required by subsections (d)(5) and (d)(6) of this Section.
8) When the inspector determines that any personal flotation device required to
be carried onboard a vessel is not in good and serviceable condition, the owner
of the vessel shall permit the marine inspector to note, in writing, on the per-
sonal flotation device that the device is no longer serviceable. The owner of the
vessel shall replace the non-serviceable devices immediately and such defective
devices shall be replaced prior to further use of the vessel.
E) Fire Fighting Equipment
1) A vessel shall be equipped with a U.S. Coast Guard approved portable fire
extinguisher which shall be located accessible to helmsman’s position.
2) All fire extinguishers shall be examined monthly to make certain that they
have not been tampered with and have not suffered corrosion or damage.
3) All foam extinguishers shall be discharged, cleaned, and inspected for me-
chanical defects or serious corrosion and recharged annually.
4) All dry chemical extinguishers shall be kept full with the specified weight of
chemical at all times. The cartridge shall be reweighed annually. It shall be
recharged if the cartridge is found to weigh less than the minimum weight
stamped thereon, or when the pressure is below prescribed operating limits.
5) All carbon dioxide extinguishers shall be reweighed annually, and a cylinder
found lighter than the weight indicated on the name plate shall be recharged.
6) Maintenance required in subsections (d)(2) through (5) of this Section shall
be performed by a qualified fire fighting equipment repair service.
F) First Aid Kit and Emergency Procedures List
1) A minimum of one first aid kit containing at least 16 units shall be provided
and maintained onboard the watercraft.
2) An emergency procedures list shall be posted aboard the vessel in a conspicu-
ous location. The list shall set forth, at a minimum, all of the following informa-
tional items:
a) Radio Procedure -if a marine radio is required under subsection (i)
i) Switch to Channel 16;
ii) Call the Coast Guard;
iii) Give boat name, registration number, radio call sign;
iv) Identify the boat size, description, and color.
v) Give your location or compass heading to a known point; and
vi) Describe the emergency
b) Leaks or Damage Control
i) Put on life jackets (PFD), open deck hatches, look for leaks;
ii) Start bilge pump, get manual pumps or buckets;
iii) Shut off engine only if leak may be from engine hoses;
iv) If hull is damaged and engine is inboard (not stern drive), shut off engine,
close sea cock, disconnect intake water hose, place end in bilge, restart engine to
act as bilge pump.
c) Fire or Explosion
i) Be ready to go overboard with personal flotation device (life jacket);
ii) Reduce air to fire area - leave hatches closed, close doors, shut off electric
iii) Use extinguisher, if possible;
iv) Jettison burning material, if possible;
v) Use radio procedure above, calling "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY";
vi) Prepare to abandon ship, get signal flares or flags, throw flotation material
vii) If you abandon ship, stay together, use distress signals when help is in sight,
gather additional flotation material around you.
d) Man Overboard
i) Shout "MAN OVERBOARD" - continuously watch person in the water, point
direction so skipper can maneuver to retrieve;
ii) Stop engine (propeller rotation) if person overboard is near the boat;
iii) Throw life ring, seat cushion, or marker light in the area of the person;
iv) Do not jump into the water to assist.
G) Visual Distress Signals
1) A vessel which operates on navigable waters of this State, Carlyle Lake, Lake
Shelbyville, or Rend Lake shall have onboard the appropriate number and type
of U.S. Coast Guard approved visual distress signals as are required for that ves-
sel if it were operated on Lake Michigan.
2) All pyrotechnic aerial red flares and pyrotechnic hand-held or floating orange
smoke shall be U.S. Coast Guard approved and shall not have passed the expira-
tion date printed on the device.
3) A person shall not display a visual distress signal on the waters of the State,
except in an emergency.
4) A vessel shall have onboard at least one portable battery-operated light (flash-
light), powered by D-cells or larger size batteries, which is in good and servicea-
ble condition and readily accessible.
H) Cooking and Heating Appliances
1) Cooking appliances aboard a watercraft shall be operated only by the owner,
the operator, or a crew member.
2) Cooking and heating appliances, when present on a watercraft, shall be of a
type commonly manufactured for use aboard watercraft.
3) Cooking and heating appliances, when present on a watercraft, shall be in-
stalled in adequately ventilated areas and shall be secured to the vessel.
I Marine Radio and Compass
1) A vessel which operates on the navigable waters of this State shall have on-
board a marine band radio which is in good working condition
2) A vessel which operates on the navigable waters of this State shall have on-
board a suitable marine-type compass which is in good and serviceable condi-
J) Toilet and Sanitary Facilities
1) All watercraft, except open boats and watercraft where suitable privacy enclo-
sures are not practical, shall be equipped with one marine toilet. The toilet shall
be connected to a permanently installed holding tank, which allows for dockside
pumpout at approved sanitary disposal facilities.
2) The use of Y valves or other means which would allow for overboard dis-
charge directly or indirectly into the waters of the State is prohibited.
3) Marine toilets shall be maintained in a serviceable and sanitary condition.
K) Anchor and Anchor Line
1) A vessel shall be equipped with one anchor of a suitable size and type, and an
appropriate length of suitable anchor line which is readily available onboard the
vessel, except that a vessel operating on the waters of Lake Michigan shall be
equipped with not less than 150 feet of suitable anchor line.
2) Any line, when attached to the required anchor, shall be attached by eyesplice,
thimble, and shackle.
L) Inspection Procedures for Watercraft Carrying Not More Than Six Pas-
sengers, as defined by the United States Coast Guard
The owner of a vessel shall, at the dockside inspection, submit his vessel for in-
spection by an independent certifier and shall operate or cause to be operated all
equipment and systems to the extent necessary to determine that the vessel is in
compliance with subsections (d) through (k).
M) Inspection Exemption
Watercraft registered in another state which have been inspected under similar
provisions in that state shall not be required to be inspected under the provisions
of this Section.
U.S. Coast Guard Licensing Requirements
A) Federally Navigable Waters
1) All persons operating watercraft carrying passengers on the Federally naviga-
ble waters of this State shall have a license issued to them by the United States
Coast Guard authorizing the operation of navigation of vessels carrying passen-
gers for hire, under the provisions of 46 CFR subchapters H, K, and T.
2) Licensed operators shall be authorized to operate only vessels designated by
the license, and only on bodies of water so designated on the license.
3) The license shall be kept in full force and effect and conspicuously displayed
and shall be framed under transparent material. Where posting is impractical,
the license shall be carried onboard to be shown on demand.
4) All persons operating or serving as a crew member on board any watercraft
carrying passengers for hire on the navigable waters of this State shall carry
with them on board the vessel at all times proof of compliance with U.S. Coast
Guard and USDOT drug testing regulations (46 CFR 16 and 49 CFR 40).
B) Inland Waters
1) Licensed operators shall be authorized to operate only vessels designated by
the license and only on bodies of water designated on the license.
2) The license shall be kept in full force and effect and conspicuously displayed
and shall be framed under transparent material. Where posting is impractical,
the license shall be carried onboard to be shown on demand.
3) No U.S. Coast Guard license, as described in subsection (a), shall be required
for watercraft operating solely on inland waters.
License and Decal
A) Upon satisfactory completion of the required dry dock and annual dockside
inspections, the owner shall forward to the Department the original marine in-
spection report on the form provided by the Department, along with an applica-
tion for a "Passengers for Hire" license. The Department shall issue a
"Passengers for Hire" license which shall expire on March 1 of the following
B) The "Passengers for Hire" license shall be framed under transparent material
and posted in a conspicuous place on the vessel. Where posting is impractical
the certificate shall be kept onboard to be shown on demand.
C) The Department shall issue one expiration validation decal with each license.
The decal shall be prominently displayed upon the side of the watercraft as close
to the operators’ position as possible, per instructions provided by the Depart-
1) Shout "MAN OVERBOARD" -
continuously watch person in the
water, point direction so skipper can
maneuver to retrieve
2) Stop engine (propeller rotation) if
person overboard is near the boat
3) Throw life ring, seat cushion, or
marker light in the area of the person
4) Do not jump into the water to assist
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Cut here) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1) Put on life jackets (PFD), open deck hatches,
look for leaks
2) Start bilge pump, get manual pumps or
3) Shut off engine only if leak may be from en-
gine hoses
4) If hull is damaged and engine is inboard (not
stern drive), shut off engine, close sea cock, dis-
connect intake water hose, place end in bilge,
restart engine to act as bilge pump.
1) Be ready to go overboard with personal flotation device
(life jacket)
2) Reduce air to fire area - leave hatches closed, close doors,
shut off electric supply
3) Use extinguisher, if possible
4) Jettison burning material, if possible
5) Use radio procedure calling "MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MAYDAY"
6) Prepare to abandon ship, get signal flares or flags, and throw flotation material
7) If you abandon ship, stay together, use distress signals when help is in sight,
gather additional flotation material around you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Cut here) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1) Switch to Channel 16
2) Call the Coast Guard
3) Give boat name, registration number, and
radio call sign
4) Identify boat size, description, and color
5) Give your location or compass heading to a
known point
6) Describe the emergency
Region Office Locations
United States Coast Guard
National Vessel Documentation Center
792 T J Jackson Drive
Falling Waters, WV 25419
(304) 271-2400
(800) 799-8362
FAX: (304) 271-2405
United States Coast Guard
Regional Examination Center (REC)
St. Louis, MO
(314) 269-2504
Equal opportunity to participate in programs of the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and those funded by the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other agencies is available to all individuals regardless of race, sex, national origin, disabil-
ity, age, religion or other non-merit factors. If you believe you have been discriminated against, contact the funding source’s civil
rights office and/or the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, IDNR, One Natural Resources Way, Springfield, IL 62702-
1271; 217/785-0067; TTY 217/782-9175. This information may be provided in an alternative format if required. Contact the DNR
Clearinghouse at 217/782-7498 for assistance. Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois.
This information may be provided in an alternative format if required. Contact the DNR Clearinghouse at 217/782-7498 for as-
Printed by authority of the State of Illinois
Revised 05/09 IOCI 0900-09
15676 State Rte. 54
Clinton, IL 61727
(217) 935-6860 x228
4521 Alton Commerce Parkway
Alton, IL 62002
(618) 462-1181
11731 State Hwy 37
Benton, IL 62812
(618) 435-8138
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, IL 62702-1271
(217) 782-6431
2317 E. Lincolnway, Suite A
Sterling, IL 61081
(815) 625-0086
2050 W. Stearns Rd
Bartlett, IL 60103
(847) 608-3100
Illinois Department of Natural Resources website: