django-twilio Documentation
Release 0.9.0
Randall Degges
Mar 18, 2022
1 Meta 3
2 User’s Guide 5
2.1 Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.4 Decorators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5 Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.6 Views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.7 Accessing Twilio Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.8 Utils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.9 Manage Twilio Sub Accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.10 Gotchas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.11 How To. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.12 Contributing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.13 Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3 Indices and Tables 27
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
Integrate Twilio into your Django apps with ease.
Contents 1
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
2 Contents
Author: Randall Degges
Maintainer: Jason Held
Status: active development, stable, maintained
Twilio is a powerful HTTP API that allows you to build powerful voice & SMS apps. The goal of this library is to
help make building telephony applications as simple as humanly possible with twilio.
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
4 Chapter 1. Meta
User’s Guide
This project aims to keep compatibility with the supported Django releases.
As such our versions of python and django are designed to match that cadence as much as possible.
We are currently compatible with Django 2.2 and 3.0. Python versions 3.5 to 3.8.
This part of the documentation contains an extensive walk through of django-twilio. It begins with some background
information about django-twilio, then focuses on step-by-step integration of django-twilio into your existing Django
web applications.
2.1 Foreword
Read this before you get started with django-twilio. This will hopefully answer some questions about the purpose
of the project, and why you should (or shouldn’t) be using it.
2.1.1 Purpose
Building telephony applications has always been something of a complex and time consuming task for developers.
With the advent of Twilio, developers were able to build large scale telephony applications for the first time, without
the massive learning curve associated with traditional telephony development.
While Twilio’s APIs allow you to build powerful voice and SMS apps in your favorite programming language, it can
still be quite difficult and time consuming to roll out your own telephony apps for your Django-powered website.
The core purpose of django-twilio is to abstract away as much telephony knowledge as possible, so that you can
focus on the functionality and logic of your telephony app, and have it seamlessly integrate into your website without
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
2.1.2 Use Case
django-twilio is a complete solution for anyone who wants to integrate voice or SMS functionality into their
Django website without requiring any additional infrastructure.
Here are some common use cases:
You want to build one or more telephone conference rooms for talking with co-workers or clients.
You want be able to accept SMS messages from your clients, and respond to them programmatically.
You want to record important phone calls (incoming or outgoing) and store the recordings for analysis.
You want to track telephone marketing campaigns, and review detailed data.
You want to build rich, interactive telephone systems. (EG: “Press 1 to talk with a sales agent, press 2 to schedule
a reservation, press 3 to purchase a hat.”)
And many more.
2.1.3 Prerequisite Knowledge
Before getting started with django-twilio, it will serve you best to read the How it Works page on Twilio’s
website. That describes the architecture and API flow that all of your applications will be using, and that
django-twilio will help to abstract.
django-twilio also depends on the official Twilio python library, so you may want to familiarize yourself with
their docs before continuing so you have a good idea of how things work.
Other than that, you’re good to go!
2.2 Installation
Installing django-twilio is simple.
Firstly, download and install the django-twilio package.
The easiest way is with pip
$ python -m pip install django-twilio
2.2.1 Requirements
django-twilio will automatically install the official twilio-python library. The twilio-python library helps
you rapidly build Twilio applications, and it is heavily suggested that you check out that project before using
2.2.2 Django Integration
After django-twilio is installed, add it to your INSTALLED_APPS tuple in your file:
6 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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Note: Please note the underscore!
2.2.3 Databases
Django has built in migrations, so there is no need to install any third-party schema management tool. To sync the
django-twilio models with your Django project, just run:
$ python migrate
2.2.4 Upgrading
Upgrading django-twilio gracefully is easy using pip:
$ python -m pip install --upgrade django-twilio
Then you just need to update the models:
$ python migrate django_twilio
2.2.5 Authentication Token Management
django-twilio offers multiple ways to add your Twilio credentials to your Django application.
The TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN variables can be found by logging into your Twilio
account dashboard. These tokens are used to communicate with the Twilio API, so be sure to keep these credentials
The order in which Django will check for credentials is:
1. Environment variables in your environment
2. Settings variables in the Django settings
We recommend using environment variables so you can keep secret tokens out of your code base. This practice is far
more secure.
Using virtualenv, open up your /bin/ file and add the following to the end:
2.2. Installation 7
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You’ll need to deactivate and restart your virtualenv for it to take effect.
To use settings variables, you’ll need to add them to your file:
Note: Storing tokens in is very bad for security! Only do this if you are certain you will not be
sharing the file publicly.
And optionally add the default caller:
If you specify a value for TWILIO_DEFAULT_CALLERID, then all SMS and voice messages sent through
django-twilio functions will use the default caller id as a convenience.
You can create a Credential object to store your variables if you want to use multiple Twilio accounts or provide your
users with Twilio compatibility.
When you want to use the credentials in a Credential object you need to manually build a
like so:
from import Client
from django_twilio.utils import discover_twilio_credentials
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
my_user = User.objects.get(pk=USER_ID)
account_sid, auth_token = discover_twilio_credentials(my_user)
# Here we'll build a new Twilio_client with different credentials
twilio_client = Client(account_sid, auth_token)
2.3 Settings
Django-twilio has various settings that can be used to turn features on and off.
Here we explain each setting, its requirement, and why you might want to use it.
Each setting should be placed in your file, except the TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN variables, which should be kept in your environment variables to ensure their security.
The TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID setting is required, and will throw an exception if it is not configured correctly:
This setting is used to authenticate your Twilio account.
8 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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Note: This setting can be placed in your Python environment instead, if you wish. This is a far more
secure option, and is recommended.
To add this setting to your environment, using virtualenv open up your /bin/ file and add the
following to the end:
The TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN setting is required, and will throw an exception if it is not configured correctly:
This setting is used to authenticate your Twilio account.
Note: This setting can be placed in your Python environment instead, if you wish. This is a far more
secure option, and is recommended.
Using virtualenv open up your /bin/ file and add the following to the end:
The DJANGO_TWILIO_FORGERY_PROTECTION setting is optional. This setting is a boolean, and should be placed
in the file:
This setting is used to determine the forgery protection used by django-twilio. If not set, this will always be
the opposite of settings.DEBUG, so in production mode the forgery protection will be on, and in debug mode the
protection will be turned off.
It is recommended that you leave the protection off in debug mode, but this setting will allow you to test the forgery
protection with a tool like ngrok
The DJANGO_TWILIO_BLACKLIST_CHECK setting is optional. This setting is a boolean, and should be placed in
the file:
This setting will determine if django-twilio will run a database query comparing the incoming request From
attribute with any potential Caller objects in your database.
In short: turning this off will remove an unnecessary database query if you are not using any blacklists.
2.3. Settings 9
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2.4 Decorators
One of the key features of django-twilio is making it easy to build Django views that return TwiML instructions
back to Twilio, without having to deal with all the complex security issues.
2.4.1 All-In-One Decorator
The most useful decorator that ships with django-twilio is twilio_view, which will make your life much
The django_twilio.decorators.twilio_view decorator:
1. Protects your views against forgery, and ensures that the request which hits your view originated from Twilio’s
servers. This way, you don’t have to worry about fake requests hitting your views that may cause you to launch
calls, or waste any money on fraudulent activity.
2. Ensures your view is CSRF exempt. Since Twilio will always POST data to your views, you’d normally have to
explicitly declare your view CSRF exempt. The decorator does this automatically.
3. Enforces a blacklist. If you’ve got any django_twilio.models.Caller objects who are blacklisted, any
service requests from them will be rejected.
Note: You can manage your blacklist via the Django admin panel (if you have it enabled). django-twilio
provides a Caller admin hook that allows you to create new callers, and blacklist them if you wish.
4. Allows you to (optionally) return raw TwiML responses without building an HttpResponse object. This can
save a lot of redundant typing.
2.4.2 Example usage
Let’s take a look at an example:
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view
def reply_to_sms_messages(request):
r = MessagingResponse()
r.message('Thanks for the SMS message!')
return r
In the example above, we built a view that Twilio can POST data to, and that will instruct Twilio to send a SMS
message back to the person who messaged us saying, “Thanks for the SMS message!”.
2.4.3 Class based view example
Here’s the same thing as above, using a class-based view:
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from django.views.generic import View
from django.utils.decorators import method_decorator
(continues on next page)
10 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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(continued from previous page)
from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view
class ThanksView(View):
def dispatch(self, request,
return super(ResponseView, self).dispatch(request,
def post(self, request):
r = MessagingResponse()
r.message('Thanks for the SMS message!')
return r
2.4.4 How Forgery Protection Works
Forgery protection is extremely important when writing Twilio code. Since your code will be doing stuff that costs
money (sending calls, SMS messages, etc.), ensuring all incoming HTTP requests actually originate from Twilio is
really important.
The way django-twilio implements forgery protection is by checking for a specific flag in the django configura-
tion settings:
If this setting is not present, it will default to the opposite of settings.DEBUG; in debug mode, forgery protection
will be off.
This behavior has been specifically implemented this way so that, while in development mode, you can:
Unit test your Twilio views without getting permission denied errors.
Test your views out locally and make sure they return the code you want.
Because of this, it is extremely important that when your site goes live, you ensure that settings.DEBUG =
2.5 Requests
Django-twilio ships with some functionality to help handle inbound HTTP requests from Twilio. Sometimes it is
confusing to understand what Twilio will send to your view endpoints, so these tools are designed to make that more
explicit and easier to understand.
2.5.1 decompose()
The decompose function will strip out the Twilio-specific POST parameters from a Django HttpRequest object and
present them back as a TwilioRequest object. Each POST parameter will be an attribute on the new TwilioRequest
class. This makes it much easier to discover the parameters sent to you from Twilio and access them without having
to use the HttpRequest object. The decompose function can also discover the type of Twilio request (‘’Message” or
‘’Voice”) based on the parameters that are sent to you. This means you could build a single view endpoint and route
traffic based on the type of Twilio request you receive!
2.5. Requests 11
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2.5.2 Example usage
Here is an example:
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view
# include decompose in your
from django_twilio.request import decompose
def inbound_view(request):
response = MessagingResponse()
# Create a new TwilioRequest object
twilio_request = decompose(request)
# See the Twilio attributes on the class
# >>> '+44123456789'
# Discover the type of request
if twilio_request.type is 'message':
response.message('Thanks for the message!')
return response
# Handle different types of requests in a single view
if twilio_request.type is 'voice':
return voice_view(request)
return response
In order to help speed up development of your telephony application, django-twilio ships with a few useful views
that you can plug straight into your project’s URL configuration and immediately use!
2.6.1 Saying Stuff
In a majority of telephony apps, you’ll want to say something. It can be tedious to record your own voice prompts for
every bit of call flow, which is why you’ll want to use the django_twilio.views.say view.
The django_twilio.views.say view allows you to simply “say stuff” in a variety of languages (in either a
male or female voice).
Hello, World!
Let’s take a look at a classic example:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('hello_world/', 'django_twilio.views.say', {
(continues on next page)
12 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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(continued from previous page)
'text': 'Hello, world!'
# ...
Hook a Twilio number up to that URL, and you’ll hear a man say “Hello, world!” when called. Nice!
Changing the Voice (and Language)
By default, Twilio reads off all text in the English language in a man’s voice. But it’s easy to change that. In the
example below, we’ll say “goodbye” in Spanish, with a female voice:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('goodbye/', 'django_twilio.views.say', {
'text': 'Adios!',
'voice': 'woman',
'language': 'es',
# ...
Simple, right?
Repeating Text
On occasion, you’ll also want to repeat some text, without copy/paste. In this situation, you can simply specify an
optional loop parameter:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('lol/', 'django_twilio.views.say', {
'text': 'lol',
'loop': 0, # 0 = Repeat forever, until hangup :)
# ...
In this example, we’ll just keep repeating “lol” to the caller until they hang up.
For more information, be sure to read the API docs on django_twilio.views.say.
2.6.2 Playing Audio
django-twilio makes it easy to play audio files to callers. Below, we’ll look at two examples which demonstrate
how to do so using the excellent view.
Playing a WAV File
In this example, we’ll play a simple WAV file to a caller. For simplicity’s sake, just assume that this WAV file actually
2.6. Views 13
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urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('play/', '', {
'url': '',
# ...
Assuming the url exists, and is a legitimate WAV file, when you call your Twilio
application, you should hear the audio file play.
Note: You can play lots of different types of audio files. For a full list of the formats Twilio accepts, look at the API
reference material for the view.
Looping Audio
In this example, we’ll play the same greeting audio clip as we did above, but this time we’ll loop it 3 times:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('play/', '', {
'url': '',
'loop': 3,
# ...
Not too bad (for no code)!
2.6.3 Grabbing Caller Input
As you begin to build more and more complicated telephony applications, you’ll need a way to accept callers’ input via
their telephone touch pad. For this purpose, django-twilio ships with the django_twilio.views.gather
Below we’ll look at a few examples displaying proper usage.
Collecting Touchtone Input
The simplest thing we can do using the django_twilio.views.gather view is to collect caller touchtone input
until the caller stops hitting keys. To do this, we can write our URL configuration as follows:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('gather/', 'django_twilio.views.gather'),
# ...
14 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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By default, once the caller finishes entering their input, Twilio will send an HTTP POST request to the same URL. So
in our example above, if a caller enters ‘666#’, then Twilio would send a POST request to our /gather/ URL with
a Digits parameter that contains the value '666#'.
Redirect After Collecting Input
Let’s say that instead of POSTing the caller’s input to the same URL, you want to instead POST the data to another
URL (or view). No problem! In fact, we’ll even tell Twilio to send the data in GET format instead of POST:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('gather/', 'django_twilio.views.gather', {
'action': '/process_input/',
'method': 'GET',
path('process_input/', 'mysite.myapp.views.process'),
# ...
from django.http import HttpResponse
def process(request):
print(request.GET) # Output GET data to terminal (for debug).
return HttpResponse()
If you test out this application, you’ll see that the caller’s input is sent (via HTTP GET) to the process view once
the input has been collected.
Controlling Input Patterns
Lastly, the django_twilio.views.gather view allows you to control various aspects of the input collection
Our example below:
Limits the number of seconds that Twilio will wait for the caller to press another digit to 5. If no input is
entered after 5 seconds, then Twilio will automatically pass the data along to the URL specified in the action
Automatically end the input collection process if the caller hits the ‘#’ key. This way, if the caller enters
‘12345#’, regardless of what the timeout parameter is set to, Twilio will pass the data along to the URL
specified in the action parameter.
Limit the total amount of digits collected to 10. Once 10 digits have been collected, Twilio will pass the data
along to the URL specified in the action parameter.
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path(r'gather/', 'django_twilio.views.gather', {
'action': '/process_input/',
'method': 'GET',
(continues on next page)
2.6. Views 15
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(continued from previous page)
'timeout': 5,
'finish_on_key': '#',
'num_digits': 10,
# ...
2.6.4 Recording Calls
django-twilio also comes with a built-in call recording view: django_twilio.views.record. In the ex-
amples below, we’ll walk through plugging the django_twilio.views.record view into our fictional Django
website in a variety of situations.
Record a Call
Let’s start simple. In this example, we’ll set up our URL configuration to record our call, then hit another URL in our
application to provide TwiML instructions for Twilio:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('record/', 'django_twilio.views.record', {
'action': '/call_john/',
'play_beep': True,
# ...
If we call our application, Twilio will start recording our call (after playing a beep), then send a POST request to our
/call_john/ URL and continue executing call logic. This allows us to start recording, then continue on passing
instructions to Twilio (maybe we’ll call our lawyer :)).
Stop Recording on Silence
In most cases, you’ll only want to record calls that actually have talking in them. It’s pointless to record silence. That’s
why Twilio provides a timeout parameter that we can use with the django_twilio.views.record view:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('record/', 'django_twilio.views.record', {
'action': '/call_john/',
'play_beep': True,
'timeout': 5, # Stop recording after 5 seconds of silence
# (default).
# ...
16 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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By default, Twilio will stop the recording after 5 seconds of silence has been detected, but you can easily adjust this
number as you see fit. If you’re planning on recording calls that may include hold times or other things, then you
should probably bump this number up to avoid ending the recording if you get put on hold.
Transcribe Your Call Recording
On occasion, you may want to transcribe your call recordings. Maybe you’re making a call to your secretary to
describe your TODO list and want to ensure you get it in text format, or maybe you’re just talking with colleagues
about how to best take over the world. Whatever the situation may be, Twilio has you covered!
In this example, we’ll record our call, and force Twilio to transcribe it after we hang up. We’ll also give Twilio a URL
to POST to once it’s finished transcribing, so that we can do some stuff with our transcribed text (maybe we’ll email
it to ourselves, or something).
Note: Transcribing is a paid feature. See Twilio’s pricing page for the current rates. Also, Twilio limits transcription
time to 2 minutes or less. If you set the max_length attribute to > 120 (seconds), then Twilio will not transcribe
your call, and will instead write a warning to your debug log (in the Twilio web panel).
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('record/', 'django_twilio.views.record', {
'action': '/call_john/',
'play_beep': True,
'transcribe': True,
'transcribe_callback': '/email_call_transcription/',
# ...
2.6.5 Sending SMS Messages
In addition to building plug-n-play voice applications, we can also build plug-n-play SMS applications using the
django_twilio.views.message view. This view allows us to send off arbitrary SMS messages based on
incoming Twilio requests.
Reply With an SMS
This example demonstrates a simple SMS reply. Whenever Twilio sends us an incoming request, we’ll simply send
back an SMS message to the sender:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('message/', 'django_twilio.views.message', {
'message': 'Thanks for the SMS. Talk to you soon!',
# ...
2.6. Views 17
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Sending SMS Messages (with Additional Options)
Like most of our other views, the django_twilio.views.message view also allows us to specify some other
parameters to change our view’s behavior:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('message/', 'django_twilio.views.message', {
'message': 'Yo!',
'to': '+12223334444',
'sender': '+18882223333',
'status_callback': '/message/completed/',
# ...
Here, we instruct django-twilio to send an SMS message to the caller ‘+1-222-333-4444’ from the sender ‘+1-
888-222-3333’. As you can see, django-twilio allows you to fully customize the SMS sending.
Furthermore, the status_callback parameter that we specified will be POSTed to by Twilio once it attempts to
send this SMS message. Twilio will send us some metadata about the SMS message that we can use in our application
as desired.
2.6.6 Sending MMS Messages
MMS enables you to add images, gif and video to standard SMS messages. This allows you to create rich and engaging
experiences without the need of a smart phone.
MMS uses the same view as SMS, but we must include a media parameter:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('message/', 'django_twilio.views.message', {
'message': 'Oh my glob, amazing!',
'media': '',
# ...
2.6.7 Teleconferencing
A common development problem for telephony developers has traditionally been conference rooms until now.
django-twilio provides the simplest possible teleconferencing solution, and it only requires a single line of code
to implement!
Let’s take a look at a few conference patterns, and see how we can easily implement them in our webapp.
Simple Conference Room
Let’s say you want to build the world’s simplest conference room. It would consist of nothing more than a phone
number that, when called, dumps the callers into a conference room and lets them chat with each other. Assuming
you’ve already installed django-twilio, here’s how you can build this simple conference room:
1. Edit your project’s and add the following:
18 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
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urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('conference/<str:name>/', 'django_twilio.views.conference'),
# ...
2. Now, log into your Twilio dashboard and create a new app. Point the voice URL of your app at http://yourserver.
3. Call your new application’s phone number. Twilio will send an HTTP POST request to your web server at
/conference/business/, and you should be dumped into your new business conference room!
Pretty easy eh? No coding even required!
Simple Conference Room with Rock Music
Let’s face it, the simple conference you just built was pretty cool, but the music that twilio plays by default is pretty
boring. While you’re waiting for other participants to join the conference, you probably want to listen to some rock
music, right?
Luckily, that’s a quick fix!
Open up your once more, and add the following:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('conference/<str:name>/', 'django_twilio.views.conference', {
'wait_url': '',
'wait_method': 'GET',
# ...
django_twilio.views.conference allows you to specify optional parameters easily in your URL configu-
ration. Here, we’re using the wait_url parameter to instruct Twilio to play the rock music while the participant
is waiting for other callers to enter the conference. The wait_method parameter is simply for efficiency’s sake
telling Twilio to use the HTTP GET method (instead of POST, which is the default) allows Twilio to properly cache
the sound files.
Conference Room with Custom Greeting
Messing around with hold music is fine and dandy, but it’s highly likely that you’ll need to do more than that! In
the example below, we’ll outline how to build a conference room that greets each user before putting them into the
This example shows off how flexible our views can be, and how much we can do with just the built-in
django_twilio.views.conference view:
urlpatterns = [
# ...
path('say_hi/', 'mysite.views.say_hi'),
path('conference/<str:name>/', 'django_twilio.views.conference', {
'wait_url': '',
(continues on next page)
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(continued from previous page)
# ...
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse
from django_twilio.decorators import twilio_view
def say_hi(request):
r = VoiceResponse()
r.say('Thanks for joining the conference! Django and Twilio rock!')
return r
If you run this example code, you’ll notice that when you call your application, Twilio first says “Thanks for joining
the conference. . . ” before joining you – pretty neat, eh?
As you can see, this is a great way to build custom logic into your conference room call flow. One pattern that
is commonly requested is to play an estimated wait time a simple project using django_twilio.views.
Other Conferencing Goodies
Now may be a good time to check out the API docs for django_twilio.views.conference to see all the
other goodies available.
2.7 Accessing Twilio Resources
Let’s say you’re building a Twilio application that needs access to all of your account data stuff like call logs,
recordings, SMS messages, etc. django-twilio makes accessing this information extremely easy.
2.7.1 The Twilio REST Client
The official Twilio python library provides a really awesome wrapper around Twilio’s REST API. Before continuing
on, you may want to read the intro/getting started portion of their docs for this feature, as understanding this will make
the documentation below significantly easier to follow.
2.7.2 How it Works
If you are using the Twilio python library by itself (without django-twilio), you could see a list of all the phone
numbers you have provisioned to your Twilio account by running the following code:
from import Client
# Your private Twilio API credentials.
AUTH_TOKEN = 'xxx'
client = Client(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN)
(continues on next page)
20 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
(continued from previous page)
for number in
While this is really convenient, it breaks the Don’t Repeat Yourself rule of software engineering by making you
manually specify your account credentials.
Since django-twilio already requires you to enter your Twilio credentials in your file,
django-twilio provides a simple wrapper around Client: django_twilio.client.twilio_client.
2.7.3 The twilio_client Wrapper
As mentioned in the previous section, django-twilio ships with an instantiated, so
that you can use the Twilio REST API with as little effort as possible. :)
Using django_twilio.client.twilio_client, you can print a list of all the phone numbers you have
provisioned to your Twilio account by running the following code:
from django_twilio.client import twilio_client
for number in
See how you didn’t have to worry about credentials or anything? Niiiiice.
2.7.4 Further Reading
Twilio’s REST API lets you do a lot of awesome stuff. Among other things, you can:
View and manage your Twilio account and sub-accounts.
Manage your Twilio applications.
Authorize Twilio apps.
View your call logs.
View all of your authorized caller IDs.
Check out your connected apps.
View all Twilio notifications.
Get a list of all call recordings.
View all call transcriptions.
View all SMS messages.
View and manage all phone numbers.
Manage your conference rooms.
Manage your API sandboxes.
etc. . .
To learn more about what you can do, I suggest reading the Twilio REST documentation and the twilio-python REST
2.7. Accessing Twilio Resources 21
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
2.8 Utils
2.9 Manage Twilio Sub Accounts
Django twilio provides minimal (albeit useful) support for creating and closing Twilio sub accounts.
Using our utils module, you can create a twilio sub account for a particular user:
from django_twilio.utils import create_sub_account, close_sub_account, close_sub_
from django_twilio.client import twilio_client
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
user = get_user_model().objects.get(id=user_id)
# Creates a `Credential` model with the account_sid returned from the new sub account
credential_obj, _ = create_sub_account(user, twilio_client, friendly_name="New sub
# Closes the sub account
close_sub_account(credential_obj.account_sid, twilio_client)
# Closes all sub accounts linked to a particular user (`Credential` instances are
˓tied to a user)
close_sub_accounts_for_user([user], twilio_client)
2.10 Gotchas
Below is a list (which is being continuously expanded) on things which may “get you” at one point or another. We’ve
done our best to try and make django-twilio as easy to use as possible, but sometimes problems are unavoidable!
2.10.1 Help! I Get HTTP 403 Forbidden
There are two common problems that cause django-twilio to return HTTP 403 errors in your views:
Forgery Protection
django-twilio has built in forgery protection in some decorators to help verify that requests made to any of your
Twilio views actually originate from Twilio.
We do this by analyzing HTTP requests sent to your views and comparing a special cryptographic hash. This way,
attackers are not able to simply POST data to your views and waste your Twilio resources. Attacks of this nature can
be expensive and troublesome.
In the event that HTTP requests to your views are determined to be forged, django-twilio will return an HTTP
403 (forbidden) response.
Because of the way this forgery protection works, you’ll get HTTP 403 errors when hitting django-twilio views
if you test them yourself and you have settings.DEBUG = False. If you’d like to test your views, be sure to do
so with Django’s DEBUG setting ON.
22 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
Missing Settings
django-twilio requires that you specify the variables TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN,
either as environment variables, or in your site’s settings module. These are used to verify the legitimacy of HTTP
requests to your Twilio views, and to instantiate the
If these variables are missing, django-twilio will raise HTTP 403 (forbidden) errors, because it is unable to
determine whether or not the HTTP request originated from Twilio.
To fix this, simply set these environment variables or add them to your settings variables.
2.11 How To. . .
This section documents lots of common “How do I. . . ” questions. Since django-twilio has a lot of native func-
tionality, some features that don’t necessarily fit into other parts of the documentation are only documented here.
2.11.1 Blacklist Callers
One common problem is dealing with users who abuse services. Regardless of what your telephony app does, it can
be dangerous and expensive to run your application without the ability to blacklist users.
Luckily, django-twilio provides built-in blacklist functionality, and will fit your needs (whatever they may be).
2.11.2 Hypothetical Abuse Scenario
Let’s say you run a Twilio app that forwards calls from your Twilio toll-free number to your private business number.
Since you have to pay for Twilio calls, it could potentially become very expensive for you if a caller repeatedly calls
your toll-free number, causing you to quickly drain your account balance.
2.11.3 Blacklisting Callers via Django Admin
The simplest way to blacklist callers is via the Django admin panel. If you’re using the Django admin panel, you’ll
see a django-twilio Caller section that allows you to manage callers.
To blacklist a caller, do the following:
1. Click the Add button next to the Caller object in the admin panel. If you’re running the server locally, the
URL would be: http://localhost:8000/admin/django_twilio/caller/add/.
2. Enter in the caller’s details that you wish to block. The phone number should be of the form: +1NXXNXXXXXX
(E.164 format).
3. Check the blacklisted box.
4. Click the Save button.
Now any django-twilio built-in views or decorators will automatically reject calls from the specified caller!
Note: This does NOT effect code that does NOT use django-twilio. For example, if you write code that places
outbound calls or SMS messages, since your code won’t be interacting with django-twilio, the blacklist will
NOT be honored.
2.11. How To. . . 23
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
2.12 Contributing
django-twilio is always under development, and welcomes any contributions! If you’d like to get your hands
dirty with the source code, please fork the project on our GitHub page.
The guidelines below should help you get started.
2.12.1 Setup
1. Fork the project on Github
2. Create a separate, well named branch to work on, off of the develop branch.
3. Use the Makefile to set up your development environment:
$ make install-test
You should now have the django-twilio source code and development environment ready to go. Run the tests to
ensure everything is okay:
$ make test
The tests should return with no failures.
2.12.2 Style
When contributing code, please try to keep the style matching that of the codebase. Right now, that means:
100% PEP-8 compliance.
Proper spelling / punctuation in the source code.
After setting up your development environment, you can run:
$ make lint
This will lint the entire project and ensure PEP8 standards are being stuck to.
Please note: We’re pretty relaxed on line length, but make sure you keep it below 90 characters where possible.
2.12.3 Docs
If you’d like to contribute any documentation, just dig right in! There are tons of things that can be improved, so don’t
feel shy! We use Sphinx to build our documentation, and we host our documentation online at ReadTheDocs.
2.12.4 Tests
In order to ensure high-quality releases, django-twilio aims to have an extensive test suite. All test suite patches
and additions are welcome, and encouraged for new developers! The tests are well documented, and can be a great
way to introduce yourself to the codebase!
To run the tests, you can either use:
$ make test
24 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
You’ll see output that looks something like:
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=django_twilio --verbosity=1
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
django_twilio 2 0 100%
django_twilio.client 4 0 100%
django_twilio.decorators 50 4 92% 74-75, 103-104
django_twilio.migrations 0 0 100%
django_twilio.models 20 0 100%
django_twilio.settings 3 0 100%
django_twilio.utils 30 2 93% 44, 49
django_twilio.views 38 0 100%
TOTAL 161 8 95%
Ran 38 tests in 0.184s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
That’s it! As you can see, when you run the test suite, django-twilio should output not only failing test results,
but also the coverage reports.
When you submit patches or add functionality to django-twilio, be sure to run the test suite to ensure that no
functionality is broken!
2.12.5 Workflow
When contributing to django-twilio, here’s a typical developer workflow:
# Preparing the environment:
$ git clone<your_username>/django-twilio.git
$ cd django_twilio/
$ git remote add upstream
$ git checkout develop
$ git pull upstream develop
$ make install-test
# Hacking:
$ git checkout develop
$ vim ...
<<< hack time >>>
# Writing tests:
$ cd test_project/test_app/
$ vim ...
<<< hack time >>>
# Running tests:
$ cd django_twilio/
(continues on next page)
2.12. Contributing 25
django-twilio Documentation, Release 0.9.0
(continued from previous page)
$ make test
<<< check test output >>>
Note: Please be sure that if you fork the project, you work on the develop branch. When submitting pull requests,
please do so only if they’re for the develop branch.
2.12.6 Bugs / Feature Requests / Comments
If you’ve got any concerns about django-twilio, make your voice heard by posting an issue on our GitHub issue
tracker. All bugs / feature requests / comments are welcome.
2.13 Contributors
The django-twilio library is the result of effort given by the following awesome Twilio / Django / Python com-
munity members:
Randall Degges - original author
Jason Held - current maintainer
Paul Hallett - past maintainer
Lee Trout
Roger Boardman
Kyle Conroy
Justin Van Koten
Issac Kelly
Suloev Dmitry
Matt Carpenter
Scott Clark
Felix Schwarz
Florian Le Goff
Richard Kolkovich
Sunah Suh
Daniel Hawkins
Mathieu Steele
Sarah Bird
Without their support, we wouldn’t have such a well-written library. Thanks folks!
26 Chapter 2. User’s Guide
Indices and Tables
The following is auto-generated documentation that can be used to quickly find relevant parts of this documentation.