Assessing the Future of Higher Education
vol. 7/no. 3
Winter 2014
In recent years, there
has been a debate raging
among policymakers,
students, educators, con-
cerned parents, and many
others about the purpose
of higher education: is
it meant to help develop
an inquiring mind and a
deep appreciation for the
value of how knowledge
enriches ones lifelong
personal and professional
achievements or should
it be simply focused on
gaining the skills to pur-
sue a well-paying career?
In other words, we seem
to have divided higher education into a black-and-white sce-
nario in which either an individual becomes a sort of pie-in-
the-sky dreamer, well-read and able to quote great thinkers but
probably starving in a garret while unable to get a decent job, or
else he or she graduates from college and immediately plunges
into the world of technologically complex, high-stakes, high-
financial-reward work and becomes a “great success.”
Perhaps the time has come to reconsider that either-or
proposition about higher education. The issue is too complex
to be addressed in such a simplified manner. For example, as
a new study
from the Association of American Colleges and
Universities (AACU) reports, “Students, parents, and poli-
cymakers interested in the ‘return on investment’ of college
education [often assume] that a major in a liberal arts field
has a negative effect on employment prospects and earnings
potential.” But the AACU study makes clear there is com-
pelling evidence that a liberal arts degree continues to be
a sound investment, especially in these difficult economic
times. The facts show that compared to students who major
in professional, preprofessional, or STEM fields, liberal arts
majors fare very well in terms of both earnings and long-
term career success.
The specifics are indeed eye-opening. They reveal that
over the long-term, humanities graduates actually fare better
than their peers who are focused on particular professional
fields. Upon graduating from college, those who majored in
the humanities and social science made, on average, $26,271
in 2010 and 2011, slightly more than those in science and
mathematics but less than those in engineering and in profes-
sional and pre-professional fields. However, by their peak
earning age of 56 to 60, these individuals earned $66,185,
putting them about $2,000 ahead of professional and pre-
professional majors in the same age bracket.
Further, em-
ployers want to hire men and women who have the ability to
think and act based on deep, wide-ranging knowledge. For
example, the report finds that 93 percent of employers agree
that candidates demonstrated capacity to think critically,
communicate clearly, and solve complex problems is more
important than their undergraduate major, and 55 percent
said that what they wanted from potential employees was
both field-specific knowledge and skills and a broad range
of knowledge and skills. Even more evidence of hiring man-
agers’ interest in richly educated individuals is the finding
that four out of five employers agree that all students should
acquire broad knowledge in the liberal arts and sciences.
All this is heartening news in that it reminds us that the
current generation of students—and those who follow after
them—do not have to make artificial choices between what
they want to know about the world and the skills they need to
succeed in it. But there are some who are still not persuaded
American Higher Education:
An Obligation
to the
by Vartan GreG orian, President, Carnegie Corporation of New York
How Liberal Arts and Sciences Majors Fare in Employment: A Report on Earnings and Long-Term Career Paths, by Debra Humphries and Patrick Kelly, published by the
Association of American Colleges and Universities.
“Humanities Majors Don’t Fare As Badly As Portrayed, New Earnings Report Says,HuffPost College, January 23, 2014.
Op. cit. How Liberal Arts and Sciences Majors Fare in Employment.
(Continued on page 83)
Students do not have to make
artificial choices between
what they want to know
about the world and the skills
they need to succeed in it.
The Big PicTure
Assessing the Future of Higher Education
vol. 7/no. 3
Wint er 20 14
S P ecial
2 The Soul of the University, by Nicholas Lemann
7 Paying for Higher Education and Research, by Don M. Randel
12 A New Strategy to Maintain America’s Position of Global Preeminence,
by Robert Birgeneau
14 Never Eat Your Seed Corn, by Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.
16 For What It’s Worth, by Amy Gutmann
22 Better, More Affordable Colleges Start Online, by L. Rafael Reif
24 Recognizing the Real and the Potential: Fields Medal for Mathematical Efforts
25 American Academia’s Nobel History
33 The Real Crisis in Higher Education, by John L. Hennessy
35 The Liberal Arts and Presidential Leadership, by Nannerl O. Keohane
40 Can We Meet the Challenge? by Mary Sue Coleman
42 Are Our Colleges and Universities Failing Us? by John Etchemendy
57 Research Universities: American Exceptionalism? by Henry Rosovsky
62 A 21st Century Education: What Do Students Need to Know? by Richard Ekman
65 Research Universities Power U.S. Innovation and Prosperity, by Phyllis Wise
68 Higher Education in a Global, Digital Information Economy, by Arthur Levine
73 Fault Lines in the Compact: Higher Education and the Public Interest in the U.S.,
by Ronald J. Daniels, Phillip M. Spector, and Rebecca Goetz
vol. 7/no. 3
Winter 2014
Cover photo © Peathegee Inc/Blend Images/Corbis
For the past two years, Carnegie Corpora-
tion and TIME Magazine have co-hosted a
summit on higher education. In the fall of
2013, the focus of the gathering was on the
American university as a driver of research
and education for the nation, threats to the
university’s continued excellence, and ideas
for innovation and reinvention to meet the
challenges and opportunities of the 21st cen-
tury. Leaders from higher education, state
and federal government, philanthropy, and
business discussed and debated the future
of America’s great research universities and
related issues affecting higher education. To
continue and expand those discussions, the
Corporation is presenting this special issue
of the Carnegie Reporter, which is devoted
to articles, speeches and essays by some of
America’s top educators whose opinions and
points of view address aspects of higher edu-
cation that continue to concern us all.
About This Issue
e leanor l erman,
Direc tor, P ub lic
Affairs and Publications
Note: The online version of this magazine can be found at
Winter 2014
states the importance of the research-
university model, because the core of
the faculty and senior administration at
hundreds more higher education insti-
tutions hold doctoral degrees and oper-
ate within the academic tenure system
that lies at the heart of the way research
universities are run.
For many people who have spent
their lives working in higher education,
mass higher education and research uni-
versities make for a perfect fit: together
they express both the public service and
the intellectual ambitions of educators.
And during most of the twentieth cen-
tury, especially the years between 1950
and 1975, the two big ideas grew and
flourished in tandem. But they aren’t
the same idea. Mass higher education,
conceptually, is practical, low-cost,
skills-oriented, and mainly concerned
with teaching. It caught on because
state legislatures and businesses saw it
as a means of economic development
and a supplier of personnel, and be-
cause families saw it as a way of en-
suring a place in the middle class for
their children. Research universities,
on the other hand, grant extraordinary
freedom and empowerment to a small,
elaborately trained and selected group
of people whose mission is to pursue
knowledge and understanding without
the constraints of immediate practical
applicability under which most of the
rest of the world has to operate. Some
of their work is subsidized directly, by
the federal government and by private
donors, but they also live under the
economic protection that very large and
successful institutions can provide to
some of their component parts.
I have an immigrants perspective
on higher education, having spent most
of my adult life working for news or-
ganizations and then, through a series
of happy accidents, having become a
dean at a major research university in
middle age. No matter how much you
think you understand how central re-
search is to the university, you can’t
truly feel its centrality until you have
experienced university life from the in-
side, at a fairly high level. Of the many
stakeholder groups in higher education,
the most powerful, at least at research
universities, is the tenured faculty, and
the ticket for admission to that group is
first-rate research. Very-high-achieving
people who have devoted the main en-
ergies of their careers to research, and
who use evaluations of research qual-
ity to perform ongoing, fairly merciless
evaluations of their peers and would-
be peers, will naturally see research as
the central activity of their institutions.
Research is a major income generator
for the top universities. Research is
central to the immensely appealing
conception of the university as an au-
The two most important develop-
ments in American higher education in
the twentieth century were, arguably,
contradictory. First, building on the
foundation laid by the Morrill Act of
1862, which gave federal land to states
to create colleges that taught “agricul-
ture and the mechanic arts,” we created
the world’s first mass higher education
system. When the Carnegie Corporation
was founded, fewer than 3 percent of
Americans between the ages of 18
and 24 were students in institutions of
higher education. About 350,000 young
Americans were enrolled in fewer than
1,000 institutions of higher education.
A hundred years later, more than 35
percent of 18-to-24-year-olds are en-
rolled, and about two-thirds of high
school graduates immediately go on to
get more education. The United States
has 20 million students in 4,500 institu-
tions of higher education.
Second, building on the founda-
tion laid by the establishment of Johns
Hopkins University in 1876, American
higher education has embraced the
idea of the research university as its
most cherished aspiration. Today there
are about 300 American universities
that confer doctoral degrees, far more
than the original proselytizers for im-
porting the research-university model
from Germany to the United States
envisioned. And this number under-
The Soul of the
by nicholas lemann,
Professor of Journalism and Dean
Emeritus, Columbia Journalism School
Winter 2014
tonomous institution with the freedom
to make its own rules.
It’s also the case that university
leaders, when speaking to the nonuni-
versity world, rarely present research
as the clear central purpose of the uni-
versity. Tens of millions of Americans
have a direct connection to higher edu-
cation, and probably only a tiny minor-
ity of them are even familiar with the
term “research university.” So universi-
ties themselves have contributed to the
lack of public understanding of the cen-
trality of research.
At the Higher Education Summit
that Carnegie Corporation of New York
and TIME magazine co-sponsored in
September 2013, the disconnect be-
tween the views of the research uni-
versity from inside and outside was
vividly on display. A procession of
highly distinguished leaders of higher
education mainly emphasized the need
to protect—in particular, to fund ad-
equately—the university’s research
mission. A procession of equally dis-
tinguished outsiders, including the U.S.
secretary of education, mainly empha-
sized the need to make higher education
more cost-effective for its students and
their families, which almost inevita-
bly entails twisting the dial away from
research and toward the emphasis on
skills instruction that characterizes the
mass higher education model. TIMEs
own cover story that followed from the
conference hardly mentioned research
(it was mainly about how much eco-
nomically useful material students are
learning), even though the research uni-
versity was explicitly the main focus of
the conference. At the conference itself,
there was a lot of talk about maintain-
ing American competitiveness in
the global economy as the main justi-
fication for the universitys research
mission—and the idea of a crisis was
pervasive. But how the crisis was de-
fined depended on who was defining
it: those who don’t work in higher edu-
cation usually see it as a crisis of high
cost and impracticality, and those who
do work in higher education usually see
it as a crisis of insufficient resources.
An unschooled observer who wandered
into the conference might leave feeling
impressed with many of the specific
ideas she heard, but confused about
what the overall situation is.
The Ur-text about higher educa-
tion, at least for educators, is The
Idea of a University, by John Henry
Newman. It is an odd choice: it’s a dis-
jointed, incomplete series of lectures
from the 1850s, mainly devoted to an
issue nobody worries about much any
more (the independence of universi-
ties from organized religion), and it
is explicitly opposed to the research-
university ideal, which was beginning
to emerge at the time. Newman was
making a case, essentially, for Oxford
as University in the early nineteenth
century: a university for aristocrats and
scholars, unscientific, undemocratic,
highly personalized, gloriously imprac-
tical. And yet such eminent twentieth-
century writers on higher education
as Alfred North Whitehead, Abraham
Flexner, and Clark Kerr all demon-
strated in their writings a deep debt to
Newman. In 1992 the distinguished
historian Jaroslav Pelikan published a
book called The Idea of a University: A
Reexamination, which is a lecture-by-
lecture update of Newman.
Why is Newman so enduringly
appealing? Part of the reason is that,
because universities are so large and
do so many different things, very
few people have been able succinctly
and persuasively to state their cen-
tral purpose. Part is Newmans wise
and elegant writing style. And part is
Newman’s core idea that the univer-
sity should be a self-governing institu-
tion, set apart and protected from the
other main institutions of society that
will always try to bend it to their own
purposes, devoted to knowledge as an
end in itself. “Here are two methods of
Education;” he wrote. “The end of the
one is to be philosophical, or the other
to be mechanical; the one rises toward
general ideas, the other is exhausted
upon what is particular and external….
Knowledge, in proportion as it tends to
be more and more particular, ceases to
be Knowledge.”
Abraham Flexners Universities:
American English German, published
in 1930 in a mood of celebration of the
successful importation of the German
research university model to the United
States over the preceding generation,
begins with a tribute to Newman, but
dramatically departs from the territory
Newman delineated for the university.
Flexners ideal university was deeply
engaged with the world, especially
through the new social sciences. What
At the Higher
Education Summit
that Carnegie
Corporation of
New York and
TIME magazine
co-sponsored in
September 2013, the
disconnect between the
views of the research
university from inside
and outside was
vividly on display.
Winter 2014
Newman meant when he used the term
knowledge was the accumulation, not
of information and skill, but of under-
standing and perspective. Flexner’s
ideal was the similar-sounding but ac-
tually quite different “advancement of
knowledge, for which he imagined
substantial outside-world applica-
tions. That and “solution of problems,”
he wrote, he considered to be “inter-
changeable phrases.” Universities were
uniquely well suited to make the world
a better place.
But Flexner was aware that in
proposing that universities have a far
more utilitarian mission than the one
Newman had in mind, he was entering
a realm of potential peril: universities
might be turned into entirely practi-
cal institutions, put at the immediate
service of every outside entity and so-
cial need. A university should not be
a weather vane, responsive to every
variation of popular whim,” he wrote.
“Universities must at times give soci-
ety, not what society wants, but what it
needs. Inertia and resistance have their
uses, provided they be based on reason-
able analysis, on a sense of values, not
on mere habit.” Flexner was especially
skeptical of universities undertaking to
teach their students anything practical:
“The pursuit of science and scholarship
belongs to the university. What else
belongs? Assuredly neither secondary,
technical, vocational, nor popular edu-
cation. Of course, these are important;
of course, society must create appro-
priate agencies to deal with them; but
they must not be permitted to distract
the university.” Flexner disapproved,
for example, of research universities
being home to any form of professional
education except in law and medicine,
including business schools, journalism
schools, schools of education, and de-
nominational divinity schools. That is
why, even for him, Newman served as
a valuable anchor to windward.
Clark Kerr delivered the Godkin
Lectures at Harvard half a century
ago, in the spring of 1963, during
what looks in retrospect like the his-
torical high-water mark of American
optimism. That mood pervades the lec-
tures. Kerr gave the book version of the
lectures a title that explicitly echoes,
but also rejects, Newman: The Uses of
the University. (Newman didn’t want
universities to have uses.) The book
has been through a series of new edi-
tions over the years, and it still stands
as about the best concise, coherent,
nonbloviating explanation of what an
American university is supposed to
be. Kerr shared with Newman a pas-
sion for the university as an indepen-
dent, almost magically self-contained
institution, and he shared with Flexner
a devotion to the research-university
ideal. But he was willing to go much
further than Flexner in suggesting that
the university could safely take on a
wide range of educational and social
missions—hence the term he coined
for it, the “multiversity.” After delin-
eating how conceptually different the
mass higher education and research-
university ideas were, Kerr confidently
asserted that they had turned out to
be more compatible than might at
first appear.”
Flexner was writing as an intel-
lectual; Newman and Kerr were both
writing as intellectuals who were also
administrators. In Kerr’s case, he
was, as president of the University of
California, chief administrator of the
world’s largest higher-education insti-
tution, and he was well aware that the
compatibility he saw between the two
dominant university missions needed,
at the very least, some minding. Kerr
wrote that there were only 20 true re-
search universities in the United States,
and he didn’t complain that that was
too few. In California, the state col-
leges were constantly lobbying the
state legislature to be upgraded to the
alluring status of universities. Kerrs
response to this was to persuade the
legislature to pass a sweeping master
plan for higher education, built around
a grand bargain between the two mod-
els: on the democratizing side, every-
one in California would have the right
to a tuition-free higher education, and
on the research side, nobody in the vast
system except a handful of elite, well-
funded universities would be permitted
to offer doctoral programs.
Kerrs historic achievement began
unraveling almost immediately. In the
short run, the Free Speech Movement
protests at Berkeley, which came the
year after the Godkin Lectures, un-
pleasantly surprised him. The elec-
tion of Ronald Reagan as governor
of California in 1966, partly because
Reagan had tapped into the public’s
resentment of the student protests, was
another surprise. And shortly after tak-
ing office, Reagan arranged for Kerr to
be fired. In the longer run, both of the
key elements of the master plan were
abrogated. The California state col-
lege system is now the California state
university system, and public higher
education in California has not been
tuition-free for decades. It is still an
outstanding system, but not quite so
paradisaical or conceptually neat as
Kerr believed it could be.
Flexner was aware
of the peril that
universities might be
put at the service of
every outside entity
and social need.
Winter 2014
The crisis in higher education, it
should be noted, is not like the 2008 fi-
nancial crisis, or the crisis in the big-city
newspaper business that many journal-
ists like to use as a point of comparison
when discussing higher education. It
is more prospective than actual; col-
leges and universities aren’t going out
of business en masse, or even, across
the board, significantly curtailing their
operations. Because higher education is
expected to do so many things—teach
everything from prison administration
to philosophy, operate winning sports
programs, provide in-person manage-
ment of the transition from adolescence
to adulthood, make local economies
prosper, be direct providers of medical
care, and on and on—it can’t possibly
do all of them at peak efficiency all
the time. The word “crisis,” denoting a
wide variety of specific problems, has
appeared consistently in discussions of
higher education, even when, in retro-
spect, higher education was not in crisis.
What seems to be at the core of
today’s perception of crisis is cost.
Tuition, especially at research uni-
versities, has risen more rapidly than
inflation for many years. The price of
anything is, ultimately, what people
are willing to pay for it, and there is
a sense among both educators and the
public that the wonderfully (from the
universities’ point of view) inelastic de-
mand of recent decades may have run
its course. To say this requires a series
of immediate caveats. First, at private
colleges and universities the stated tu-
ition is frequently abated by scholar-
ship aid and discounting, and shouldn’t
be understood as what people actually
pay. Second, the scary statistics you see
about student debt are usually cherry-
picked to produce numbers that over-
state the national per-student average.
Third, increased costs at public univer-
sities are substantially the result of sig-
nificant cuts in state legislative funding,
not of universities gold-plating their
operations. Fourth, for each individual
American family, obtaining college and
university degrees continues to be the
one thing most likely to improve its
children’s economic fortunes. Still the
sense that something fundamental may
be changing in the economic compact
between higher education and the pub-
lic is palpable.
Why is this? The overall statisti-
cal economic case for higher educa-
tion is at war with a widespread fear
that membership in the middle class is
getting harder and harder for the rising
generation to achieve—especially for
those who study the humanities or the
nonquantitative social sciences in col-
lege. The idea that any family resources
devoted to higher education will pay
off economically may be going the way
of the idea that all single-family homes
will rise in value every year. In the
nonacademic world, technological ad-
vances have made many products and
services cheaper. It seems impossible
that the same can’t be true in higher
education—especially with the advent
of online courses.
On the other side of the transac-
tion, it is very difficult for institutions
of higher education, especially research
universities, to reduce their costs. The
“cost disease” in talent-based organiza-
tions that offer in-person services, which
William Baumol identified back in the
1960s, means that universities have to
keep paying their professors more with-
out getting productivity increases in
return. Competing for faculty members
(often in the hope of getting research
money as a payoff) is expensive, and
so is competing for students by offer-
ing them more and more amenities. As
nonprofit, large, complex institutions,
universities wind up shouldering costly
social burdens. Most of them still main-
tain the kind of benefits for employees
(retirement accounts, generous health
plans, job security, and so on) that are
disappearing in private companies, and
much of the substantial recent increase
in the number of administrators has to
do with some admirable additional mis-
sions (community outreach, faculty
diversity, environmental stewardship,
student counseling) that the university
has taken on. The more fortunate uni-
versities have substantial endowments,
but as nonprofits they aren’t supposed
to manage themselves such that income
far exceeds expense, so they operate on
very slim cash margins.
Underlying all of this, though, is
the fundamental problem of the coun-
try’s having adopted two noncongru-
ent ideals of higher education at the
same time. With only a few exceptions,
like the National Science Foundation,
most of the stakeholders that provide
resources to universities—includ-
ing parents, students, alumni donors,
legislatures, businesses, and founda-
tions—believe what they are paying for
is skills-conferring, teaching-centric
institutions. And most of the senior
leadership of universities believes that
their institutions’ core mission is re-
search. Presidents and provosts know
that raising the research status of their
university is what would make their
peers judge them as successful. Faculty
members know that the quality of their
research is the prime determinant of the
course of their careers.
Research is expensive. In the sci-
ences it requires laboratories. In all
fields it drives teaching loads down, and
therefore payrolls up. The intellectual
model it implies pushes the better col-
leges and universities to operate doz-
ens of academic departments, some of
them lightly populated by students. The
research university model is designed
to make it difficult for schools to react
in real time to changes in conditions, in
the way that for-profit businesses try to
do. If there is an imperative to reduce
Winter 2014
costs, research universities are not built
to respond to it naturally and swiftly.
One can say, and be partly right,
that better communication about re-
search could lessen the cost pressure.
Presidents, provosts, and deans, as they
incessantly bustle about from event
to event, face a constant temptation
to deal with each constituency group
on the level at which it interacts with
the university. Why talk to the athletic
boosters about the classics department,
or try to sell the business council on
tenure, or tell students that it’s not re-
ally in their interest to have faculty
members who do nothing but teach?
As no one can fail to have noticed, it
is possible on the very rare occasions
when the whole university community
gathers, like commencement ceremo-
nies, for the senior leadership to power
through by delivering a series of inof-
fensive bromides. This is a temptation
to be resisted. The research-university
model will be subjected to increasing
challenges, and university leaders have
a responsibility to talk more openly
to the public about the centrality of
research to the university mission.
Ideally, when they do so, they should
not confine their sales pitch only to the
most obviously beneficial products of
university research—silicon chips and
vaccines and so on—but also to the
more essential and also more difficult
idea of the university as a realm not en-
tirely devoted to what seems at the mo-
ment to be most practical.
Having spent the last 10 years as
dean of a journalism school, in one of
the more skills-oriented domains in
higher education, I am familiar with the
arguments against keeping the univer-
sity at a distance from the rest of the
world. Why wouldn’t you want to make
the university resemble the professional
workplace as closely as possible? (One
of the leading American journalism
schools uses the advertising slogan,
Our Classrooms are Newsrooms.)
Why would you want to be taught by
professors who devote a substantial
part of their time to writing projects,
instead of working professionals whose
only role at the university is to teach?
Why shouldn’t the curriculum be de-
voted to imparting the most up-to-the-
minute skills, the ones that will have
most value in the employment market?
Embedded in those questions is a view
that a high-quality apprenticeship under
an attentive mentor, instead of a univer-
sity education, would represent no loss,
and possibly an improvement.
Universities are just about the only
institutions that are set up to transcend
the limits of time, location, and imme-
diate circumstance that constrain just
about all workplaces. If they take full
advantage of that, they can impart to
the mind an ability to achieve dispas-
sionate distance, to assess, to contex-
tualize, to connect—as John Henry
Newman put it, “a power of judging of
passing events, and of all events, and a
conscious superiority over them, which
before it did not possess.” Universities
can bring the world from two dimen-
sions into three. I can’t resist quoting
Newman again, at some length:
“That perfection of the Intellect,
which is the result of Education,
and its beau ideal, to be imparted to
individuals in their respective mea-
sures, is the clear, calm, accurate
vision and comprehension of all
things, as far as the finite mind can
embrace them, each in its place,
and with its own characteristics
upon it. It is almost prophetic from
its knowledge of history; it is almost
heart-searching from its knowledge
of human nature; it has almost su-
pernatural charity from its freedom
from littleness and prejudice; it has
almost the repose of faith, because
nothing can startle it; it has almost
the beauty and harmony of heav-
enly contemplation, so intimate is it
with the eternal order of things and
the music of the spheres.”
This may sound luxurious, and it is.
It may also sound impractical, but its
not. (What can be impractical is using
one’s time at a university to acquire
skills that may turn out to be valuable
only for a short time.) To be able to
come closer than most people can to
seeing things deeply and as they really
are is an enormous advantage in life, in-
cluding in a career. One can get mean-
ingfully closer to this state by studying
literature or theology, if they are taught
properly, as well as by studying com-
puter science and economics. Faculty
who are deeply engaged in intellectual
production will be far better at getting
their students there than faculty who
see their mission as conferring a set of
specific skills or facts. When university
leaders, in making the case for the re-
search university, emphasize its practi-
cal utility because they believe that will
be the only persuasive argument, they
are leaving an important part of their
mission undone.
If things proceed on the course
they seem to be on now and cost re-
ally is a big problem, then universi-
ties will change—and the universities
whose supporters are the most price
sensitive are the ones that will change
the most. Many of them will change
not through any orderly and planned
process, but through budget-cutting
exercises that financial necessity has
imposed on them. And it’s obvious
what the direction of these changes will
be: away from the research-university
idea, toward the “mechanic arts.” There
will be fewer humanities departments,
fewer doctoral programs, a smaller pro-
portion of faculty who do research and
have tenure, less individual instruction,
less campus residency by students,
curricula canted toward job skills—in
(Continued on page 81)
Winter 2014
by Don m. ranDel,
President Emeritus, The Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation and the University of Chicago
It is an honor to speak to you on
the occasion of the tenth anniversary
of the University of Göttingen’s having
become a Foundation under Public
It is also, for someone from the
United States, a serious responsibility.
Our two countries share long and distin-
guished traditions of higher education
and research at a moment in our his-
tories when these traditions are being
challenged as never before but at a mo-
ment when the vigor of these traditions
is more important than ever for the sake
not only of our own countries but for
the sake of the world. Higher education
and research in our two countries have
been the underpinnings of freedom
and prosperity previously unknown in
human history. Freedom and prosper-
ity in the rest of the world depend in
considerable degree on the continued
freedom and prosperity of ourselves
and our closest allies. Hence, we can-
not afford to make serious mistakes in
our support for higher education and
research, and we ought therefore seri-
ously to collaborate and learn from one
another in this domain. Unfortunately,
what the United States has to contrib-
ute to this collaboration and learning is
largely a set of negative examples that
other nations seem steadily tempted
to emulate. I shall try very hard not to
sound too much like Cassandra. But
in describing for you the situation in
the United States, I shall in consider-
able degree be describing perils to be
This celebration should, of course,
be a happy occasion. And I can assure
you that it will be viewed by many in the
United States with very considerable
envy. I believe that I can confidently
assert that the presidents and chancel-
lors of all of the leading public univer-
sities in the United States would give
a great deal to achieve precisely what
you have achieved here. Some have
tried and lived to regret it because their
states, if not simply hostile to the inter-
ests of higher education, have insisted
on retaining control while substantially
reducing the flow of resources. One
of the bravest of these presidents, in a
rather public effort, came reasonably
close to achieving a greater degree of
independence, but political resistance
was such that an offer to move to a
private institution proved irresistible.
Another, engaged in a similar effort,
was simply fired. With ten years of suc-
cessful experience, therefore, you have
much to teach us. What we have to
teach you, on the other hand, is that one
must guard against a certain drift that
has become fashionable on both sides
Editors Note: This speech was originally delivered at the University of Göttingen on May 16th, 2013.
Paying for Higher Education and
Note to the reader: Under this arrangement, the university is governed by a foundation that is independent of the State of Lower Saxony, of which the university was
previously a public institution. This gives the university administrative independence and the right to acquire property and generate its own resources, though there are
some restrictions. Most important, however, is that the State of Lower Saxony continues to provide essentially all of the revenue that it previously provided, which is a very
substantial amount and which makes possible negligible fees to students. As in the U.S., much support for research in universities comes from the federal government, and
unlike the U.S., much sponsored research is carried on in federally supported independent institutes.
We cannot afford
to make mistakes
in our support for
higher education
and research
and so ought
to collaborate
and learn from
one another in
this domain.
Winter 2014
of the Atlantic and that could have so-
cial and economic consequences that
we should all regret.
I presume that we can all begin by
agreeing that higher education and re-
search are important. But the difficul-
ties begin almost immediately as we
attempt to say what we mean by this
simple proposition—higher educa-
tion and research of what kind and for
whom and at whose expense? These
questions lead quite quickly to very
profound questions about the role of
the state in society and about social
and economic disparities within and
across societies. These deeper ques-
tions are too easily answered with
ideological and political slogans that
obscure real-world consequences and
hard evidence.
Since what is often described as
the U.S. model seems to be attracting
more and more attention in Europe
and is now advancing steadily in the
United Kingdom, let me give a bit of
an account of that model as it has ac-
tually existed and as we are now in-
creasingly seeing its consequences in
the United States. What has made the
U.S. model seem so attractive? It has
produced some of the world’s greatest
universities and some of the research
that has transformed the economies of
the United States and other developed
and developing countries. So far so
good. But the real attraction of the U.S.
model would appear to be the fact that
the state—that is, the taxpayer—has in
general not paid for it, and is steadily
paying for less and less of it.
The most naïve view of this so-
called model seems to be that European
and other universities can simply de-
clare themselves to be Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, or Stanford and generate
private sources for their support rather
than continue to rely on support from
the state. It is not quite so simple. For
a start, the United States has a tradition
of private philanthropy that is centuries
old and deeply rooted. This cannot be
created overnight. But perhaps even
more to the point is that Harvard, Yale,
Princeton, and Stanford are the only
truly wealthy universities in the United
States. All of the rest—all of the rest—
and even they to some extent, are re-
liant on student fees as the engine of
their economies. This has increasingly
become the case as costs have risen
and, in the public universities, as the
states have steadily reduced their sup-
port, especially since the financial cri-
sis that began in 2008 and the effects of
which remain very much with us.
In the U.S. almost two-thirds of
the 4,500 institutions of higher educa-
tion are private, and of these just over
40 percent are for-profit. Although the
majority of institutions are private,
the great majority of students, about
70 percent, are enrolled in public in-
stitutions. All of this is in a context in
which the federal government (that is,
the state with a capital S as opposed
to the individual states of the union)
has essentially no policy with respect
to higher education. The nation’s sec-
retary of education has essentially no
control over what kind of education
is offered and who pays for it. This is
all left to the fifty states and to their
counties and cities. The secretary of
education does preside over a system
of financial aid for students who can
demonstrate need, but the maximum
grant in this scheme does not begin to
approach the price to a student of at-
tending even a public four-year insti-
tution, much less a private one. Apart
from that, the secretary of education
has only a few carrots and no sticks.
The public institutions, then, are
supported by the fifty states, and his-
torically this has meant charging stu-
dents relatively low fees and making
up the difference with the full cost
through taxation. This is essentially
the model employed in most developed
countries. As the revenue of the states
in the United States has dwindled, both
because of economic circumstances
and because of the growing resistance
to taxation, however, fees charged to
students have steadily increased. In
the leading public universities the fees
(excluding the cost of food and hous-
ing) may reach $12,000 per annum
for students from within the state in
question. For students from a differ-
ent state or from abroad the fees may
reach very nearly the equivalent of
the fees charged at the leading private
institutions, or as much as $35,000
per annum.
At the University of Michigan in
the fiscal year 2011, state appropria-
tions accounted for only 6 percent of
total revenue. At Berkeley, state ap-
propriations in 2012 accounted for
10.5 percent of total revenue, down
over 50 percent since 2003. State ap-
propriations at Berkeley in this period
went from being the largest of the four
largest sources of funding (along with
federal research funding, philanthropy,
and tuition) to being the smallest of
the four, while tuition in consequence
grew to very nearly the equal of the
other two. This pressure to increase
tuition generally has the anomalous ef-
fect of encouraging public institutions
to compete for students from states
other than their own, which they are
allowed to charge much higher fees. A
student at the University of Michigan
from outside the state of Michigan will
be charged very nearly what it costs to
go to Harvard, and such students now
make up over one-third of the total
student population. It is as if the solu-
tion to the financing of public higher
education is for each state institution to
accept only students from other states.
What becomes of poor students in
such a scheme? There is not enough
dedicated financial aid from either
Winter 2014
federal or state sources to satisfy their
need for it. Instead they must be in ef-
fect subsidized by those students who
are able to pay the very highest fees.
The result is that instead of letting a
system of taxation redistribute income
for the purpose of educating students
from all economic backgrounds, each
institution is left to carry out its own
internal redistribution of income from
the rich to the poor.
There is a further purely academic
effect of the reduction in state support.
Once state support reaches as low as 10
percent or lower, one might be tempted
to say that further cuts cannot possibly
matter very much. The trouble with
this view is that there are many differ-
ent colors of money flowing through
large universities, and they are not all
fungible. One must first strip away
from total revenue the revenues asso-
ciated with federally funded research,
the medical center if any, and all of
the revenues, including philanthropy,
that are restricted to purposes such as
the business school, the law school,
the athletics programs, and a good
deal else. This makes state support
a much larger share of the pie that is
available to support the humanities and
the arts, for example, which in general
have negligible external support. This
is especially true if one thinks of the
teaching of the humanities and the arts
to undergraduates. Tuition, of course,
becomes hugely more important in this
sector of the pie as a result. Thus, what
might seem to be a modest decline in
state support in the great scheme of
things can compel very serious reduc-
tions in support for the humanities and
the arts and some of the social sciences
and thus have a distorting effect on the
academic principles that ought to shape
the education that universities exist
to provide.
What about private institutions
in the U.S.? These receive essentially
no direct support for the educational
side of the enterprise (as distinct from
partial support for certain types of re-
search) from government and are sup-
ported overwhelmingly through fees
charged to students and through philan-
thropy. The vast majority of the private
institutions are extremely dependent
on student fees, with income from cur-
rent philanthropy and from endowment
(that is, philanthropy extending back
through the history of the institution)
totaling on average 20 percent of an-
nual income. For the great majority the
percentage is distinctly smaller. Thus,
no one should suppose that in the U.S.
model private philanthropy is cover-
ing more than a very modest share of
the cost of higher education except in
a small handful of the wealthiest insti-
tutions, and even they rely heavily on
student fees.
At the leading private institutions,
the total nominal price to the student,
including room and board, may ex-
ceed $50,000 per annum. In a nation
in which median family income is it-
self around $50,000, most of the nation
simply cannot afford to pay this. But
very many do not pay it. As with pub-
lic institutions, this system operates
not by redistributing income through
taxation at the level of the state so as
to make education affordable for the
less well-to-do, but instead by charg-
ing very high fees to those able to
afford them and redistributing that in-
come internally to the extent possible.
Virtually every private institution in ef-
fect discounts its student fees to some
greater or lesser degree. In very many
institutions, the income from student
fees may be discounted on average by
as much as 50 percent. Wealthier stu-
dents thus subsidize poorer students,
and in these institutions, some fraction
of the student body is selected based
on its ability to pay rather than entirely
on academic merit. A system in which
each of thousands of institutions with
quite different resources of its own is
left to engage in such practices on its
own is at a minimum incoherent and
inefficient. And this system is a prin-
cipal cause of the complaint about the
rising “cost” of higher education, since
the public sees the advertised price of
education without taking full account
of the extent of the discounts that
are applied.
There is no time now to take up
the question of for-profit higher educa-
tion. Suffice it to say that in the United
States, for-profit higher education de-
pends overwhelmingly on federal fi-
nancial aid, especially loans, provided
to students with need. The amount of
aid that these institutions consume is
all out of proportion to the number of
students that they serve. And many,
though not all, engage in outrageous
recruiting practices in order to attract
students who will bring with them
federal grant and loan funds and then
leave with a mountain of debt and no
degree and no job.
Higher education in the United
States, then, is in some ways its own
Although the
majority of U.S.
higher education
institutions are
private, about
70 percent
of students are
enrolled in
public institutions.
Winter 2014
version of the Wild West. And it should
give serious pause to anyone who be-
lieves that the markets are the solu-
tion to all of society’s problems. It is a
system in which relentless competition
for resources and talent drives up costs
rather than the opposite. It produces
the anomalous result that some of the
very people who would like to solve
societys problems through increased
market discipline simultaneously wish
to increase regulation and introduce
price controls in higher education.
The simple fact is that the mar-
ket has made higher education in the
United States what it is, complete with
features that many wish to complain
about, including certain kinds of facili-
ties and staff that contribute to rising
costs. This is all reinforced by various
rankings of universities, most notably
that of U.S. News & World Report,
which give institutions incentives only
to increase costs in the competition
for students and faculty. The result is
a situation in which institutions must
steadily increase competition for stu-
dents from well-to-do families and
attend less and less to students from
families that are less well-to-do, to say
nothing of poor. Without some sort of
leveling mechanism that the market by
its very nature will not provide, higher
education becomes increasingly the
province of the rich and in the pro-
cess denies a greater and greater part
of the income distribution access to
the means by which they might im-
prove their lot. Such a system ends by
exacerbating income inequality rather
than ameliorating it and in the bargain
impoverishes the nation’s competi-
tiveness as well as its intellectual and
cultural life. The market simply makes
things better for the people who can
pay for them and worse for those who
cannot. This might be satisfactory for
consumer goods, but it is not satisfac-
tory for education at any level.
The ideological and political argu-
ments that have been advanced in de-
fense of this trend in higher education
are that those who benefit from educa-
tion should be the ones to pay for it,
namely, the students, and that the com-
petition of the marketplace will both
lower costs and increase quality. There
is no hard evidence to support either
proposition, and a good deal of hard
evidence to the contrary. Absent some
form of subsidy, the poor will simply
be unable to assemble the resources
necessary to pay for the full cost of
higher education of any quality, and
unless every one of them becomes a
hedge-fund manager, they will not earn
enough over a lifetime to amortize the
required initial debt if it were available.
And in higher education, it has already
been demonstrated that the market-
place does not reduce costs and that
it increases only disparities in qual-
ity rather than higher quality across
the whole system. Much—though not
all—of the for-profit sector of higher
education in the U.S. is quite simply
scandalous and itself feeds overwhelm-
ingly at the government trough.
I have not yet said anything about
research. Let me attempt to remedy that
briefly. Unlike most developed coun-
tries, including your own, the U.S. has
carried out research in its universities
rather than in separate state-supported
institutions. There is much to be said
for this approach. In principle it al-
lows a somewhat greater freedom to
the directions that research can take,
and it contributes to the formation of
a culture within universities that prizes
original inquiry and skepticism of re-
ceived opinion. This benefits everyone,
including undergraduates and the citi-
zens that they will become. These ben-
efits are easily eroded, however, and
the U.S. model provides a number of
cautionary tales.
The temptation is to believe that
the research function of the university,
rather like its educational function (a
distinction that we should resist, how-
ever), can be privatized. Here I would
insist that the research function must
include a very substantial investment
in the most basic research. But increas-
ingly there is pressure to invest only
in those scientific and technical fields
that are imagined to be of near-term
value to the economy in general and to
the universities themselves in purely fi-
nancial terms. This often accompanies
a naïve belief that the private sector can
be counted on to pay for research. The
experience of the United States coun-
sels very strongly against such views.
Private sector support for research
in U.S. universities has declined
steadily over decades and now ac-
counts for only about 3 percent of the
cost of that research. And it is increas-
ingly tied to very near-term outcomes.
Simultaneously, the corporate sector
has largely dismantled its own capacity
to conduct basic research. The decline
of Bell Labs is only the most promi-
nent and the saddest of such stories.
Pharmaceutical companies today are
Higher education
in the U.S. is its
own version of the
Wild West, which
should give pause
to those who think
markets are the
solution to all
societal problems.
Winter 2014
following in those footsteps. And yet
some of the most important scientific
discoveries of the modern age—dis-
coveries with enormous economic
consequences—were made in the pur-
suit of science for its own sake. Work
at Bell Labs produced the transistor,
the laser, and fundamental advances
in computer programming. But de-
spite such extraordinary benefits from
long-term investments in science, the
corporate world has been unable and
unwilling to continue them.
Meanwhile, federal government
support for research in science is again
stagnating in real terms and is not im-
mune from the pressure to produce near-
term economic benefits. One result has
been an increasing subsidy to federal
sponsorship of research from universi-
ties themselves, both public and private,
for the federal government in no sense
pays the full costs of the research that it
sponsors. Who then does ultimately pay
the difference? Since virtually every
university is heavily dependent on the
tuition and fees paid by undergraduates,
it is perfectly clear that the scientific en-
terprise is being more or less covertly
subsidized by undergraduates. Now, I
would absolutely insist that undergrad-
uates benefit enormously from studying
in an environment in which scientific
research is pursued at the highest level.
But it makes no sense to insist that uni-
versity education costs too much while
letting those costs be driven in signifi-
cant degree by a subsidy to scientific
research that is nominally sponsored by
the federal government. This is a sub-
ject about which university and govern-
ment officials do not like to speak out
loud. On this topic I should say, too,
that private philanthropy plays an enor-
mous role especially in contributing to
the costs of the physical infrastructure
that is necessary for modern research.
Very many gleaming new buildings
costing hundreds of millions of dollars
each bear the name of a generous donor.
But rarely do the gifts cover the entire
cost. The remainder is most often fi-
nanced through debt that must be amor-
tized with unrestricted funds, the largest
component of which is—you guessed
it—undergraduate tuition.
If this talk of the situation of higher
education and research in the United
States has been rather gloomy in its own
terms, I hope that it may serve to cheer
you up about the situation that you
have created and maintained here at the
University of Göttingen. The first and
crucial component of it is a continuing
partnership between the University and
the State of Lower Saxony. The admin-
istrative and financial independence that
has been achieved for the University
can contribute to meaningful efficiency.
But no one should suppose, if the expe-
rience of the U.S. is any guide, that it
can lead to a thorough privatization of
all of the University’s functions without
serious damage to the quality of its aca-
demic undertakings and to a withdrawal
from a commitment to education as the
right of all students of ability without
regard to their socioeconomic circum-
stances. A university as distinguished as
the University of ttingen will enjoy a
considerable advantage over many oth-
ers in attracting private support and stu-
dents with the ability to pay high fees
if it should come to that. It along with
a few others might well continue to
thrive if the path of the U.S. model were
to be followed to a significant degree,
just as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and
Stanford have remained and are sure
to remain among the worlds greatest
universities. But what about the rest?
As a system for a whole nation that ex-
pects to continue to prosper and lead, it
is not sustainable in any farsighted way
and, I would say, in any just way. Even
for a single great university like the
University of Göttingen, the transfor-
mation from the present system to one
that would make it more like Harvard
or Yale or Princeton or Stanford would
be exceedingly difficult and perhaps
not ultimately possible in its economic
and political environment.
I congratulate the University of
Göttingen and the State of Lower
Saxony on the partnership they have
created and sustained now for ten
years. Long may it thrive. This will re-
quire only the continued commitment
of both parties and vigilance with re-
spect to pressures for certain kinds of
change that elsewhere have proved un-
fortunate. I dare to hope that some U.S.
universities and their states will profit
from your example.
Federal government
support for
research in science
is again stagnating
in real terms and
is not immune from
the pressure to
produce near-term
economic benefits.
One result has
been an increasing
subsidy to federal
sponsorship of
research from
Average state funding for public research institutions per full-time enrolled student, 2000–2010
Winter 2014
sition as worldwide leaders. The inter-
connected economies of most nations
are fueled by knowledge and innova-
tion, and much of that intellectual en-
ergy is born and nourished in our great
research universities.
Today, these American institutions
are facing unprecedented challenges,
in large part because of the 2008 fi-
nancial meltdown, as well as the ongo-
ing, long-term decline in state support.
Policymakers and the public expect our
universities to continue to be accessible
to all qualified students and at the same
time to produce, achieve, and maintain
excellence. However, state funding for
U.S. universities has plummeted—at
the University of California, Berkeley,
for example, from which I recently
stepped down after nine years as chan-
cellor, funding has dropped from 47
percent of overall budgets in 1991 to 10
percent today.
Many of our sister institutions
across the nation have gone from being
state-supported to state-assisted to, at
best, state-located. As a result of this
progressive state disinvestment, public
research and teaching universities have
seen tuitions increase dramatically,
professors furloughed, classes grow
steadily larger, and infrastructures de-
American research and teaching
universities have been the envy of the
world for six decades. Conservators of
human heritage and dynamos of prog-
ress, they generate knowledge, educate
our youth, foster innovation, seed new
businesses, and strengthen our democ-
racy and national security. Our uni-
versities account for 55 percent of the
research and development that under-
pins U.S. economic growth.
That is the good news. Un for tu-
nately, the bad news is that this record
of excellence and achievement may not
continue to hold up—and if it does not,
we may find ourselves losing our po-
The nation needs to establish a national challenge grant program for innovation
and reframe the role of research universities.
A New Strategy to Maintain
Global Preeminence
by robert birGeneau,
Chancellor Emeritus of the University
of California, Berkeley
Federal $40,765
State/local gov.
Business $3,162
Other $4,882
(D O L L A R S I N M I L L I O N S)
Sources of funds for all
research universities, FY 2009
Percentage of R&D funds for public
institutions provided by states
Winter 2014
teriorate. If the current trend persists,
the result will be extremely damaging
to our higher education enterprise, es-
pecially the public-university sector.
The United States is the only ad-
vanced country in which the federal
government does not contribute di-
rectly to the financing of the educa-
tional operations of its top universities.
However, it is clearly in our national
interest that public research and teach-
ing universities thrive in every state,
that they are fully accessible, and that
students graduate with minimal debt.
In previous eras, the United States
responded to challenges by expand-
ing higher education and bolstering its
capacity to serve the country. In 1862,
in the midst of the Civil War, Abraham
Lincoln signed the Morrill Act, grant-
ing federal land to help states establish
public colleges. In 1944, Franklin D.
Roosevelt signed the GI Bill and com-
missioned the eminent scientist Vannevar
Bush to craft a comprehensive science
policy for the nation. The following year,
Bush presented to Harry Truman the
seminal report “Science, the Endless
Frontier,” which argued that the nation’s
universities were best suited to take the
lead in conducting basic research. The
policy Bush recommended still guides
Americas scientific enterprise. In 1946,
Truman authorized a commission on
higher education that led to the devel-
opment of community colleges, and
in 1965, Lyndon Johnson signed the
Higher Education Act to launch the
first major student aid program.
Today, our situation calls for a sim-
ilarly dramatic response that will bring
the federal government, states, research
institutions, and philanthropic organi-
zations into an unprecedented public-
private partnership for innovation.
Under one such program proposed
by us at Berkeley:
Over a 10-year period, 100 of our
nation’s best public research universi-
ties would work with private philan-
thropies and corporations to raise new
permanent endowed capital.
The federal government would
provide $1 billion annually for 10 years
in challenge grants to match fully a num-
ber of new philanthropic investments in
university endowments for research and
teaching. This would supplement the
government’s current funding commit-
ments for university-based research.
Each state would match the federal
contribution over the decade according
to a formula to be determined—say, one
to one—and as a condition of receiving
the federal and philanthropic funds, the
state governments would promise, at
a minimum, to continue funding their
universities at the same level and agree
not to substitute federal funding for that
currently supplied by the state.
The grants would be available to
top research and teaching universities
in all states and distributed based on
population and competition. Of course,
these grants would carry safeguards to
ensure both equitable distribution and
state fiscal responsibility. For example,
the federal government would require
that state institutions demonstrate a
commitment to college access for a di-
verse population of students, redouble
efforts to keep costs down, preserve a
balance between research and teaching,
and optimize graduation and retention
rates. Moreover, the new endowments
would be structured and governed to
protect institutional integrity, as well as
autonomy and academic freedom.
One proven way to spur this chal-
lenge grant initiative would be to estab-
lish a high-level national commission
to engage the public will and lay out a
roadmap for success. Such a commis-
sion, much like the work of Vannevar
Bush and the Truman Commission after
World War II, could examine the place
of the research university and consider
questions central to the basic research
and educational agendas. Preparation
for this is already under way through
a study sponsored by the American
Academy of Arts & Sciences appropri-
ately named “The Lincoln Project.”
The commission could address other
crucial issues, including: What is the ap-
propriate balance among the research,
teaching, and public service missions of
universities? How can we help faculty
members keep pace with their digitally
adept students and use technology to en-
hance learning? How do we ensure that
all segments of our diverse population
have equal access to these great institu-
tions? How should universities respond
to forces such as commercialization that
could threaten academic integrity?
The solutions we seek must be
pragmatic yet ambitious. We must look
beyond mere sustainability so that our re-
search and teaching universities—and our
nation—will thrive for generations.
Winter 2014
Friedman, Gary Becker, and Theodore
Schultz, for whom I was research as-
sistant for four years. My doctorate
was a symbol of the school’s brand of
economic and monetary theory, of the
then new econometric analysis, and of
dedication to empirical research. But I
did not become a Friedman acolyte
promoting the goals and efficiencies of
the free market.
Instead, I joined a very small,
but dist ing uis he d gr oup : The
“CBCBCRAEA”—the city born, city
bred, city raised, agricultural econom-
ics association. Membership is strictly
limited to economists who never lived
on a farm, never worked on a farm,
and never studied agriculture—but we
brashly did study and do research on
the economics of agriculture.
This story is relevant to the theme
of my remarks this evening, drawn
from the first lesson I learned as a
youthful agricultural economist when
studying small farmers in the less de-
veloped regions of Latin America and
Southeast Asia. Their lives reflected the
reality of a legendary Chicago econo-
mist Frank H. Knight—whose famous
book was Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.
Subsistence and semi-subsistence farm-
ers lived in a world of high risk and un-
certainty. Their long-term survival from
year to year depended exclusively upon
the food they produced. Facing the risks
of crop failures from droughts, mon-
soons, pests or blights, meant always
protecting the seed for the next years
crop—even if it meant going hungry.
Their wise rule was: “Never Eat Your
Seed Corn.”
This principle is the key to a major
crisis facing U.S. higher education
today. Since public higher education
enrolls some 75 percent of all students
in the United States, let me begin with
that sector.
Since I began working in higher ed-
ucation roughly 50 years ago there have
been dramatic changes and declines in
the levels and sources of its financial
support. For example, when I arrived at
Michigan State University, student tu-
ition covered one-third the costs of the
university and two-thirds came from
state and federal sources. Today, those
ratios have exactly reversed. Private
universities are not immune due to
their dependence upon Federal funds,
especially for research. Ten of the 20
largest recipients of Federal grants are
private universities.
Why is this happening?
One reason for the crisis is the pub-
Charles Waldo Haskins was a pre-
eminent pioneer in the field of account-
ing. But he was so much more. His
credits abound in such areas as: creat-
ing the nation’s first Certified Public
Accounting legislation, establishing
the accounting firm of Haskins and
Sells, and the founding and deanship
of this great university’s school of busi-
ness. These contributions to financial
accounting and the Academy are only a
few of his multiple noteworthy accom-
plishments. Thus receiving an award
given in his name is an ennobling ac-
colade that I am proudly honored
to receive.
I am especially indebted to Dean
Peter Henry for this recognition. He
is an esteemed academician lauded
among his peers and prized by me for
his generosity this evening. On this oc-
casion I must congratulate him on his
recent book Turnaround, Third World
Lessons for First World Growth, de-
scribed as a “riveting tour of postwar
world growth, replete with policy suc-
cesses and devastating mistakes.”
Sixty years ago I enrolled as a
graduate student in the Department
of Economics at the University of
Chicago. Among my professors were
Nobel prize winners such as Milton
Editors Note: This Haskins Award Lecture was original delivered at the Stern School of Business,
New York University, on April 24, 2013.
Never Eat Your
by Dr. clifton r. Wharton, Jr.,
President Emeritus, Michigan State University; Chancellor Emeritus, State University
of New York System; Former Chairman and CEO, TIAA-CREF; Former Chairman,
Rockefeller Foundation; U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
Winter 2014
lics growing rejection of the value of
education for the improvement of so-
ciety and the individual. Over time
there has been a dramatic shift in soci-
ety’s understanding of the purpose and
goals of higher education. Increasingly,
higher education’s primary goal is seen
as preparation for a specific job, not the
nurture and growth of a broader human
competence. Job outcomes after gradu-
ation are becoming the dominant crite-
rion of the value of higher education.
This utilitarian trend is having a seri-
ous destructive impact upon the “hu-
manizing” areas—the arts, philosophy,
theater, music, history, humanities,
foreign languages. The “Liberal Arts”
may soon be an endangered species.
A second reason has been a growth
in our society of anti-science and anti-
knowledge views. The scientific
method of inquiry,” which for centuries
has been the central foundation for the
increase in human knowledge, is being
steadily eroded. Attacks by burgeoning
ideological or religious fundamental-
ism has led to political pressure upon
course content and curriculum choice,
even faculty selection. (Dare I men-
tion the continuing fight over teach-
ing evolution and the denial of global
warming? Or the recent Congressional
legislation to stop funding univer-
sity political science research?) These
views are gradually becoming the basis
for justifying inadequate tax support.
A third related negative factor has
been a shifting of cost responsibilities,
thereby producing ever higher tuition
levels for students and their families.
The result has been a reduction in edu-
cational access for low-income-sector
potential students and an increase
in the economic burden placed upon
middle-income families, not to men-
tion the larger loan debt levels for the
graduates themselves. The effects of
these negative forces upon educa-
tional opportunity in turn impact future
human capital growth. Keep in mind
recent studies reveal that “A child born
into a family in the highest quartile of
income (in the U.S.) has a roughly 85
percent chance of earning a college de-
gree. A child born into a family in the
lowest quartile of income has a less-
than 8 percent chance of earning a de-
This is a huge national loss of
future human capital.
These are the major underlying
forces producing a steady erosion in
the priorities and levels of support for
higher education. These same three
forces are also being felt by the private
colleges and universities, especially
through Federal dollars. For example,
in 2011 three out of five of the larg-
est recipients of Federal National
Institutes of Health grants were private
universities. In the top 20 Federal fund-
ing of R & D, every public University
of Washington is matched by a private
Johns Hopkins University.
These destructive trends have
spawned disinvestment in the underly-
ing foundation of colleges and univer-
sities, public and private. The long-run
impact upon the pursuit of excellence
and the strengthening of core disci-
plines is causing a devastating decline
in the central institutions for our na-
tions future growth and development.
This path is weakening and destroying
the fundamental strength which his-
torically has made higher education so
successful in our nation.
Higher education is an investment
in human capital—both through the
students who are served and the schol-
ars whose research expands the knowl-
edge base of our society. It is the basis
for the growth of our national human
capital. The public and private institu-
tions of higher education represent our
nation’s “seed corn” for our future. We
eat it at our peril.
There are countless other chal-
lenges assailing higher education, such
as the escalating expenditures on big
time athletics, that are dramatically
outpacing those for basic academic
or the challenges faced
by the explosive new fad of MOOCs
(Massive Online Open Courses).
Despite all these problems, I am op-
timistic that my former colleagues—
whether trustees, presidents, faculty,
alumni, or donors—are fully capable
of overcoming these challenges. Best
of all, I am certain that their commit-
ment to the academic enterprise and
their wisdom will lead to stronger and
greater future human capital. As the
largest private university in the country
William E. Kirwan, “The Completion Imperative: Harnessing Change to Meet our Responsibilities,” 2013 Atwell Lecture, American Council on Education 95th Annual
Meeting, March 3, 2013.
Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, “Restoring the Balance: Dollars, Values, and the Future of College Sports” June 17, 2010.
Nick Anderson, “More universities try the MOOC model by moving professors’ lectures on line,” Washington Post, February 25, 2013.
(Continued on page 21)
The “scientific
method of inquiry,”
which for centuries
has been the
central foundation
for the increase in
human knowledge,
is being steadily
Winter 2014
more people to question if a college edu-
cation is really worthwhile: “Education
may be the only thing people still be-
lieve in in the United States. To question
education is really dangerous. It is the
absolute taboo. It’s like telling the world
there’s no Santa Claus.”
Far from being dangerous, the exer-
cise of questioning the value of a college
education has never been more impor-
tant. For many Americans, the grim em-
ployment realities since the start of the
Great Recession of 2008 have called the
value of higher education into question.
So we all would do well to ask: Do uni-
versities provide private and public ben-
efits commensurate with their private
and public costs?
This is a complex, but not impos-
sible, question to answer. The simplest
response is to tally the added income
benefits a university education accrues
to its graduates, subtract its added costs,
and determine if in fact benefits exceed
costs. Some economists have done this
quite well. The overwhelming answer
is that a college education has paid
off for most graduates to date, has in-
creased rather than decreased its wage
premium as time has gone on, and can
be expected to continue to do so mov-
ing forward. If well-paid equates to
worthwhile, then the worth of a col-
lege education can be settled by the net
wage premium of the average college
graduate over the average high school
graduate—there would be little more
to discuss in the matter.
But it would be a serious mistake to
equate the value of a university educa-
tion to the wage premium earned by its
graduates. If higher education is to be
understood as something more—some-
thing much more—than a trade school
in robes, before answering the question
of whether a university education is
worthwhile, we must first address the
more fundamental—and more funda-
mentally complex—question of mis-
sion: What should universities aim to
achieve for individuals and society?
It is reassuring to those who be-
lieve in the worth of a university
education—and all the more so in a
high-unemployment, low-growth econ-
omy—to show that the average person
with a college education earns a lot
more over her lifetime than the average
high school graduate, even after sub-
tracting the cost of college. But even if
In 2010, PayPal co-founder and
Facebook “angel” investor Peter Thiel
announced he would annually award
$100,000 each to 20 young people for
them to drop out of college and spend
two years starting a tech-based busi-
ness. You know, we’ve looked at the
math on this, and I estimate that 70 to
80 percent of the colleges in the U.S.
are not generating a positive return on
investment,” Thiel told an interviewer,
explaining his view that we are in the
midst of a higher education bubble
not dissimilar to the housing and dot-
com bubbles of previous decades.
Education is a bubble in a classic
sense. To call something a bubble, it
must be overpriced and there must be
an intense belief in it… there’s this sort
of psycho-social component to people
taking on these enormous debts when
they go to college simply because that’s
what everybody’s doing.”
Since his announcement, more
than 60 Thiel Fellows have decamped
from university—a significant num-
ber of them from Stanford, MIT, and
Ivy League schools—to follow their
dreams of entrepreneurial glory. Thiel
says he hopes his program will prod
The value of a university education
by amy Gutmann,
President, University of Pennsylvania
Editors Note: This article derives from an endowed lecture President Gutmann delivered on achieving the aims
of higher education at the Spencer Foundation Conference at Northwestern University and subsequently developed further
at the De Lange Conference at Rice University. Revised for publication October 21, 2013.
Winter 2014
we are reassured, we should not allow
ourselves to be entirely satisfied with
that metric, because economic payback
to university graduates is neither the
only aim, nor even the primary aim, of
a university education. Rather, it is best
to consider the value-added proposition
of higher education in light of the three
fundamental aims of colleges and uni-
versities in the 21st century:
The first aim speaks to who is
to receive an education and calls for
broader access to higher education
based on talent and hard work, rather
than family income and inherited
wealth: Opportunity, for short.
The second aim speaks to the core
intellectual aim of a university educa-
tion, which calls for advanced learn-
ing fostered by a greater integration of
knowledge not only within the liberal
arts and sciences but also between the
liberal arts and professional education:
Creative Understanding, for short.
The third aim is an important con-
sequence to the successful integration
of knowledge, not only by enabling and
encouraging university graduates to
meaningfully contribute to society, but
also in the creation of new knowledge
through research and the application of
creative understanding: Contribution,
for short.
Although the challenges of increas-
ing opportunity, advancing creative
understanding, and promoting useful
social contribution are not new, they
take on a renewed urgency in todays
climate. Jobs are scarce. The United
States is perceived to be declining in
global competitiveness. Gridlock be-
sets our political discourse and increas-
ingly seems to define our national sense
of purpose as well. In this environment,
it behooves us to remind those who
would propose to reform higher edu-
cation by simply removing some or all
of it of the apt observation of the Sage
of Baltimore, H.L. Mencken: “There is
an easy solution to every human prob-
lem—neat, plausible, and wrong.”
Many external obstacles to educa-
tional and economic opportunity exist
in the United States—including pov-
erty, broken families, and cutbacks in
public support—which warrant our na-
tional attention and, in some instances,
urgent action. No one credibly claims
that greater access to college education
will solve all or even most of these is-
sues. But there is good reason to be-
lieve that greater access to high-quality
higher education is a vitally important
tool in building a more just, prosper-
ous, and successful society. We can,
and we must, do a better job in meeting
the three fundamental goals of oppor-
tunity, creative understanding, and con-
tribution to afford the utmost benefits
of higher education for both personal
and societal progress. Taking to heart
the ethical injunction, “physician heal
thyself,” I focus here on what universi-
ties themselves can do to better realize
their primary aims.
Starting with the first: What can
universities do to help increase edu-
cational opportunity? For low- and
middle-income students, gainful em-
ployment itself is likely to be the most
basic economic advantage of a college
degree. A recent Brookings Institution
study found college is “expensive, but
a smart choice,” noting that almost 90
percent of young college graduates
were employed in 2010, compared
with only 64 percent of their peers who
did not attend college. Moreover, col-
lege graduates are making on average
almost double the annual earnings of
those with only a high school diploma.
And this advantage is likely to stick
with them over a lifetime of work.
Perhaps most relevant is that even in
the depths of the Great Recession, the
unemployment rate of college gradu-
ates was less than half that of high
school graduates, and never exceeded
5.1 percent. Clearly, the more afford-
able universities make their education
to qualified young people from low-
and middle-income families, the more
we will contribute to both educational
and economic opportunity. Other
things being equal, universities provide
even greater value-added opportunity
to low- and middle-income students
than to their wealthier peers.
It is especially important to note
that opening the door to higher edu-
cation can have profound effects both
on an individuals lifetime earnings
and lifelong satisfaction, regardless
of whether or not that door is framed
by ivy. Less selective two-year, four-
year, and community colleges have an
especially important role to play here,
as selective universities cannot do ev-
erything: their focus on cutting-edge
study and discovery limits their ability
to engage in compensatory education.
(The ability to work with a broad range
of student readiness is one of the great
advantages of community colleges and
some less selective institutions, an ad-
vantage we risk forfeiting as an ever-
higher percentage of the cost of an
education is shifted from state and gov-
ernment support to individual respon-
sibility.) Nonetheless, the available
data show that selective universities
can provide greater access to qualified
students from low- and middle-income
families than they have in the past.
My concern for increasing ac-
cess began with a focus on recruiting
qualified students from the lowest in-
come groups. Learning more led to the
conclusion that increasing access for
middle-income students should also be
a high priority. At Penn, we began by
asking: What proportion of students on
a set of selective university campuses
(that included Penn) come from the
top 20 percent of American families as
measured by income? The answer (as
of 2003) was 57 percent.
Winter 2014
Since all colleges and universities
should admit only students who can
succeed once admitted, selective col-
leges and universities also need to ask:
What percent of all students who are
well-qualified come from the wealthi-
est 20 percent? Thirty-six percent of
all highly qualified seniors (with high
grades and combined SATs over 1,200)
come from the top 20 percent, while
57 percent of selective university stu-
dents come from this group. Thus, the
wealthiest 20 percent of American
families are overrepresented on our
campuses by a margin of 21 percent.
All of the other income groups are
underrepresented. Students from the
lowest 40 percent of income distribu-
tion, whose families earn under about
$41,000, are underrepresented by 4.3
percent. The middle 20 percent, who
come from families earning $41,000
to $61,000, are underrepresented by
8.4 percent. Students from the second
highest income group, whose families
earn between $62,000 and $94,000, are
also underrepresented by 8.4 percent.
Increasing access to our universities
for middle- and low-income students is
both an especially worthy, and an in-
creasingly daunting, challenge in the
wake of the Great Recession. Before
the Recession, taking financial aid into
account, middle- and low-income fami-
lies were spending between 25 percent
and 55 percent of their annual income
to cover the expense of a public four-
year college education. That burden
has skyrocketed in the past five years,
especially for middle-income students
who are ineligible for Pell grants and
who attend public universities whose
public funding (in many cases) has
been decimated. This has led to a situ-
ation where a student from a typical
middle-income family today may pay
less to attend Penn than many flagship
public universities!
Yet private universities too have ex-
perienced a painful financial squeeze.
Only by making student aid one of
their highest priorities and successfully
raising many millions of dollars from
generous donors can most private in-
stitutions afford to admit students on a
need-blind basis and provide financial
aid that meets full need. This may be
the reason why only about one percent
of America’s 4,000 colleges and uni-
versities are committed to need-blind
admissions and to meeting the full fi-
nancial need of their undergraduate
students. An even smaller group—just
a tiny fractionof universities are
committed not only to meeting the full
financial need of all students who are
admitted on a need-blind basis, but also
to providing financial aid exclusively
on the basis of need. Those of us in
this group thereby maximize the use
of scarce aid dollars for students with
demonstrated financial need.
At Penn, a focus on need-only aid
has enabled us to actually lower our
costs to all students from families with
demonstrated financial need. Since I
became president, we have increased
Penns financial aid budget by more
than 125 percent. And the net annual
cost to all aided undergraduates is ac-
tually ten percent lower today than it
was a decade ago when controlled for
inflation. Penn also instituted an all-
grant/no-loan policy, substituting cash
grants for loans for all undergraduates
eligible for financial aid. This policy
enables middle- and low-income stu-
dents to graduate debt-free, and opens
up a world of career possibilities to
graduates who otherwise would feel
far greater pressure to pick the highest
paying rather than the most satisfying
and promising careers.
Although much more work re-
mains, Penn has significantly increased
the proportion of first-generation,
low- and middle-income, and under-
represented minority students on our
campus. In 2013, one out of eight
members of Penn’s freshman class will
be—like I was—the first in their family
to graduate from college. The percent-
age of underrepresented minorities at
Penn has increased from 15 percent to
22 percent over the past eight years. All
minorities account for almost half of
Penn’s student body. After they arrive,
many campus-wide initiatives enable
these students to feel more at home
and to succeed. Graduation rates for all
groups are above 90 percent.
It is also important to note that
the benefit of increasing opportunity
extends far beyond the economic ad-
vancement of low- and middle-income
students who are admitted. Increased
socio-economic and racial diversity
enriches the educational experience for
everyone on a campus. By promoting
greater understanding of different life
experiences and introducing perspec-
tives that differ profoundly from the
prevailing attitudes among the most
Increasing access
to our universities
for middle-
and low-income
students is both
an especially
worthy, and an
daunting, challenge
in the wake of the
Great Recession.
Winter 2014
privileged, a truly diverse educational
environment prods all of us to think
harder, more deeply, and oftentimes,
more daringly.
This observation speaks to the
second aim of a university educa-
tion: cultivating creative understand-
ing. Our universities face a daunting
challenge: we must immerse students
in the unprecedented torrent of new
knowledge our contemporary society
has unleashed while at the same time
somehow providing them with the in-
tellectual tools to make cogent sense
of it all. They must be facile with
facts and figures, quick in apprehen-
sion, and yet slow to jump to easy and
ready conclusions. This is the essence
of training them to think creatively, as
they will be called to do in addressing
the most challenging problems facing
the world of today and tomorrow. We
must optimize their global comprehen-
sion, a term used here in the broadest
possible sense: global not just as in
transnational, but more pointedly as
in all-encompassing, as in integrating
multiple and oftentimes contradictory
perspectives. It will be their global
understanding that makes our highly
educated students economically com-
petitive, intellectually innovative, and
primed for continued lifelong learning.
So what does this need to cultivate
global understanding in the 21st cen-
tury require of our universities? Among
other things, I suggest it demands that
we foster intensive learning across
academic disciplines within the liberal
arts and integrate that knowledge with
a much stronger understanding of the
role and responsibilities of the profes-
sions. Whether the issue is health care
or human rights, unemployment or im-
migration, educational attainment or
economic inequality, the big questions
cannot be comprehended—let alone
effectively addressed—by the tools of
only one academic discipline, no mat-
ter how masterful its methods or pow-
erful its paradigms.
Consider, for example, the issue of
climate change in a world that is both
more interconnected and more popu-
lous than ever before. To be prepared
to make a positive difference in this
world, students must understand not
only the science of sustainable design
and development, but also the eco-
nomic, political, and other issues in
play. In this immensely complex chal-
lenge, a good foundation in chemical
engineering—which is not a traditional
liberal arts discipline nor even conven-
tionally considered part of the liberal
arts (engineering is typically classified
as professional or pre-professional
education”)—is just as important as
an understanding of economics or po-
litical science. The key to solving every
complex problemclimate change
being one among many—will require
connecting knowledge across multiple
areas of expertise to both broaden and
deepen global comprehension and in so
doing unleash truly creative and inno-
vative responses.
A liberal arts education is the broad-
est kind of undergraduate education
the modern world has known, and its
breadth is an integral part of its power
to foster creative understanding. But it
is a mistake to accept the conventional
boundaries of a liberal arts education
as fixed, rather than as a humanly al-
terable product of particular historical
In my own field of political phi-
losophy, for example, a scholarly ap-
proach centered on intellectual history
ceded significant ground in the 1970s
to critical analysis of contemporary
public affairs, which was a paradigm
common to many earlier generations of
political philosophers. Were the liberal
arts motivated solely by the pursuit of
knowledge for its own sake, and not
any concern for worldly relevance, then
it would be hard to make sense of such
shifts. In the case of this important shift
in political philosophy, scholars thought
it valuable, in the face of ongoing in-
justice, to revive a tradition of ethical
understanding and criticism of society.
A liberal arts degree is a prerequi-
site to professional education, and most
liberal arts universities and their facul-
ties stand firmly on the proposition that
the liberal arts should inform the profes-
sions. Why then are liberal arts curricula
not replete with courses that teach stu-
dents to think carefully, critically, and
creatively about the roles and responsi-
bilities of professionals and the profes-
sions? Perhaps we are assuming that
students will make these connections
for themselves or that it will suffice if
professional schools do so later. Neither
of these assumptions can be sustained.
For example, we must not assume
that students themselves will trans-
late ethics as typically taught in a phi-
losophy curriculum into the roles and
responsibilities of the medical, busi-
ness, and legal professions. The ethi-
cal considerations are too complex and
profoundly affected by the institutional
roles and responsibilities of profes-
sionals. Many lawyers, for example,
are part of an adversarial system of
justice; many doctors are part of a
system where they financially benefit
from procedures the costs of which are
not paid directly by their patients; and
many businesspeople operate in what is
commonly called a free market, where
external interferences are (rightly or
wrongly) presumed, prima facie, to
be suspect. These and many other
contextual considerations profoundly
complicate the practical ethics of law,
medicine, and business.
My primary point is this: Although
the separation of the liberal arts from
the subject of professional roles and re-
sponsibilities may be taken for granted
because it is so conventional, it really
Winter 2014
should strike us as strange, on both in-
tellectual and educational grounds, that
so few courses in the undergraduate
curriculum explicitly relate the liberal
arts to professional life. This is a puzzle
worthy of both intellectual and practi-
cal solution.
This stark separation of the practi-
cal and theoretical was neither an inevi-
table outgrowth of earlier educational
efforts, nor has it ever been universally
accepted. In fact, it flew in the face of
at least one early American effort to in-
tegrate the liberal arts and professional
education. In his educational blueprint
(“Proposals Relating to the Education
of Youth in Pensilvania”), which later
led to the founding of the University
of Pennsylvania, Benjamin Franklin
called for students to be taught “every
Thing that is useful, and every Thing
that is ornamental.” Being a principled
pragmatist, Franklin immediately ad-
dressed an obvious rejoinder, that no
educational institution can teach ev-
erything. And so he continued: “But
Art is long, and their Time is short. It is
therefore propos’d that they learn those
Things that are likely to be most useful
and most ornamental.”
As Franklins intellectual heirs,
we recognize that something educa-
tionally significant is lost if students
choose their majors for either purely
scholastic or purely professional rea-
sons, rather than because they want to
be both well-educated and well-pre-
pared for a likely future career. The in-
troduction of distribution requirements
for all majors is one way of respond-
ing to this potential problem. The glory
and strength of American liberal arts
education is its enabling undergradu-
ates to keep their intellectual sights
and their career options open, while
cultivating intellectual curiosity and
creativity that will enhance any of the
career paths they later choose to fol-
low. These are among the most emi-
nently defensible aims of a liberal arts
education: to broaden rather than nar-
row the sights of undergraduates, and
to strengthen rather than stifle their
creative potential.
I propose that we proudly proclaim
a liberal arts education, including its
focus on basic research, as broadly
pre-professional and optimally instru-
mental in pursuit of real world goals.
At its best, a liberal arts education
prepares undergraduates for success
in whatever profession they choose
to pursue, and it does so by virtue of
teaching them to think creatively and
critically about themselves, their so-
ciety (including the roles and respon-
sibilities of the professions in their
society), and the world.
So what can we do to bolster this
optimal educational system, as envi-
sioned by Franklin? As 21st century
colleges and universities, we can build
more productive intellectual bridges
between liberal arts and professional
education. We can show how insights
of history, philosophy, literature, poli-
tics, economics, sociology, and science
enrich understandings of law, busi-
ness, medicine, nursing, engineering,
architecture, and education—and how
professional understandings in turn
can enrich the insights of liberal arts
disciplines. We can demonstrate that
understanding the roles and responsi-
bilities of professionals in society is an
important part of the higher education
of democratic citizens.
This leads to the third aim of a
university education: maximizing so-
cial contribution. Here in particular is
where the universitys age-old focus
on training scholars and advancing
scholarship bumps up against its rela-
tively recent focus (first brought to
the fore by German and American re-
search universities of the mid- and late-
nineteenth century) on discovery and
the creation of new knowledge. The
sweep of the university’s place in so-
ciety is long, going back more than a
thousand years; in that context, the role
of the modern research university in
America, dating back just to the 1870s,
is a comparatively recent innovation. It
is nevertheless a development that has
had far-reaching and profound conse-
quences in areas ranging from health
and medicine to physics and material
sciences, the social sciences, and the
humanities. Basic research now plays
an integral role in our understanding
of the liberal arts, and we have come
to understand our colleges and univer-
sities not just as training grounds for
the next generation of fully prepared
democratic citizens, but no less as vital
economic engines whose discoveries
drive future waves of innovation and
human progress.
These are discoveries such as those
made by Dr. Carl June and his team at
I propose that
we proudly
proclaim a liberal
arts education,
including its focus
on basic research,
as broadly pre-
and optimally
instrumental in
pursuit of real
world goals.
Winter 2014
Penns Abramson Cancer Center, with
contributions from colleagues at the
Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia.
Their pioneering research with indi-
vidualized cancer treatments produced
a reengineered T-cell therapy. Just in
time, too, for young Emma Whitehead,
who was stricken with advanced leuke-
mia when she was just five years old.
Under Dr. Junes care, Emma, now
seven, has beaten her cancer into re-
mission. She’s back at school, laugh-
ing and learning and playing with her
friends. Her miraculous recovery not
only means a renewed chance at a long,
fulfilling life for her and her parents—
it promises renewed hope for so many
who are ravaged by cancer.
In university classrooms and labo-
ratories across the country, the bright-
est minds are leveraging research and
discovery to contribute to the social
good. Most of these stories are not as
dramatic as Emmas, but each in its
own way has changed and will con-
tinue to change how we live and work
and understand our world. The full tale
of the benefits that universities bring
extends far beyond technological and
medical advances. We help govern-
ments build good public policy based
on robust empirical data, garnered from
university research. We build better
international cooperation through the
study of languages and cultures, eco-
nomic markets, and political relations.
We strengthen economies by fostering
scores of newly discovered products,
markets, and industries. We safeguard
our collective health and well-being
with insight into global phenomena and
systems such as climate change, shift-
ing sea levels, and food supply and ag-
ricultural production. All the vital basic
and applied research being conducted
by universities cannot be accounted
for in any one list—the sum is too vast.
What I can sum up here is this: If we do
not do this research, no one will.
Colleges and universities also con-
tribute to society at the local level by
modeling ethical responsibility and
social service in their institutional
practices and initiatives. Their capital
investments in educational facilities
contribute to the economic progress
of their local communities. Colleges
and universities at every level can be
institutional models of environmental
sustainability in the way they build and
maintain their campuses.
While the core social contribution
of universities lies in both increasing
opportunity for students and cultivat-
ing their creative understanding, the
analogous core social contributions of
universities in the realms of faculty re-
search and clinical service are similarly
crucial. And both are only strengthened
by better integrating insights across
the liberal arts and the professions. An
education that cultivates creative un-
derstanding enables diverse, talented,
hardworking graduates to pursue pro-
ductive careers, to enjoy the pleasures
of lifelong learning, and to reap the sat-
isfactions of creatively contributing to
society. The corresponding institutional
mission of colleges and universities at
all levels is to increase opportunity, to
cultivate creative understanding, and—
by these and other important means
such as innovative research and clinical
service—to contribute to society.
At their best, universities recruit
hardworking, talented, and diverse stu-
dent bodies and help them develop the
understandings—including the roles
and responsibilities of the professions
in society—that are needed to address
complex social challenges in the 21st
century. To the extent that universities
do this and do it well, we can confi-
dently say to our students and our soci-
ety that a university education is a wise
investment indeed.
with its outstanding record of success,
I am confident that NYU will make a
major contribution.
Let me close by reflecting a mo-
ment on the competition between uni-
versities over which one is best. The
problem is very acute if the alumnus
has graduated from several universi-
ties—in my case three. I have learned
that one way to dampen the conflict is
with exaggerated humor. My favorite
story is the following:
Three economics professors were
in an airplane that fatally crashed. They
arrived in Heaven to face God sitting
on her great white throne.
God addresses the first professor.
“What do you believe in?”
The first professor replies, “I stud-
ied and taught at Harvard. I believe in
giving power to the people. I think that
government is the best mechanism to
help people make their dreams come
true for a better life.”
God thinks for a second and she
says, “OK, I approve of that. Come and
sit at my left.”
God then addresses the second pro-
fessor. “What do you believe in?
The second professor replies, I
studied and taught at Yale. I believe
that the combustion engine is evil
and that we must save the world from
global warming to protect the whole
earth from extinction.”
God thinks for a second, and she
says, OK, that sounds good. Come
and sit on my right.”
God then addresses the third pro-
fessor. “What do you believe in?”
The third professor replies, I
studied and taught at New York
University…and I believe you are sit-
ting on my throne!”
Continued from page 15
Winter 2014
ing the wrong question. I believe they
will; we are assessing this possibility
at MIT even now. But first we should
use these tools to make higher educa-
tion better—in fact, to reinvent it. When
the class of 2025 arrives on campuses,
these technologies will have reshaped
the entire concept of college in ways we
cannot yet predict. Those transforma-
tions may change the whole equation,
from access to effectiveness to cost.
To understand the potential, it’s im-
portant to focus on what digital learn-
ing is good for. At least at the moment,
it is surely not very good at replacing
a close personal connection with an in-
spiring teacher and mentor. However, it
is incomparably good at opening pos-
sibilities for billions of human beings
who have little or no other access to
higher learning. The global appetite for
advanced learning is enormous: MIT
OpenCourseWarethe initiative we
started in 2002 to post virtually all our
course materials for free online—has
attracted 150 million learners world-
wide. Today learners from every state
in America and every nation on earth
are actually taking MIT online classes;
the edX platform we launched with
Harvard 17 months ago has enrolled
1.25 million unique learners—10 times
the number of living MIT graduates.
With our edX partner institutions, we
see an immense opportunity to help
people transform their lives.
Yet dig ita l lea rni ng a lso off ers sur-
prising advantages even for students
with access to the best educational re-
sources. First, digital technologies are
remarkably good at teaching content:
the basic concepts of circuits and elec-
tronics, the principles of chemistry, the
evolution of architectural styles. At an
online-learning summit at MIT, one
eminent professor of physics from a
peer university explained that although
he loves lecturing and receives top rat-
ings in student reviews, he recently
came to rethink his entire approach.
Why? Because testing indicated that
many students did not come away from
his lectures ready to apply the concepts
he aimed to teach. By contrast, compa-
rable students taught through online ex-
ercises—including immediate practice,
feedback, and reinforcement—retained
the concepts better and were better pre-
pared to put them into practice. With so
much introductory material moving on-
line, instructors can take time that was
previously reserved for lectures and
Everyone would like a solution to
the problem of rising college costs.
While students worry that they cannot
afford a college education, U.S. col-
leges and universities know they can-
not really afford to educate them either.
At a technology-intensive research uni-
versity like the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, it now costs three times
as much to educate an undergraduate as
we receive in net tuition—that is, the
tuition MIT receives after providing for
financial aid. To push the research fron-
tier and educate innovators in science
and engineering demands costly instru-
mentation and unique facilities. Even
for institutions with substantial endow-
ments, subsidizing a deficit driven by
these and other costs is, in the long run,
Some wonder whether today’s on-
line technologies—specifically, mas-
sive open online courses, or MOOCs,
which can reach many thousands of
students at a comparatively low cost—
could be an answer. I am convinced that
digital learning is the most important in-
novation in education since the printing
press. Yet if we want to know whether
these technologies will make a college
degree less expensive, we may be ask-
How digital learning can become a part of every campus.
Better, More
Start Online
by l. rafael reif,
President of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology
Winter 2014
use it to exploit the power of innova-
tive teaching techniques. A 2011 study
co-authored by physics Nobel laure-
ate Carl Wieman at the University of
British Columbia showed the benefits:
when tested on identical material, stu-
dents taught through a highly interac-
tive “flipped classroom” approach did
nearly twice as well as peers taught via
traditional lectures.
Digital learning technologies offer
a second advantage, which is harder to
quantify but is deeply appealing to both
students and faculty: flexibility. Just as
college traditionally requires four years
at the same academic address, tradi-
tional courses require large groups of
students to regularly gather at the same
time and place. By making it possible
to break the course content into dozens
of small conceptual modules of instruc-
tion and testing, digital learning allows
students to engage the material any-
time, any day, as often as they need to,
anywhere in the world. A student can
now spend a year immersed in remote
field research on an important problem
while staying in sync with the courses
in her major. A team of students work-
ing on a project can now reach for a
new concept just at the moment they
need it to solve a problem—the most
powerful learning incentive of all.
And we are only beginning to ben-
efit from a third advantage of digital
learning: the ability to analyze and gain
information from the vast data we are
generating about how people actually
learn best. By providing, on a huge
scale, a systematic, data-driven way to
learn about learning, online technolo-
gies will provide testable conclusions
that could improve teaching methods
and strategies for both online and in-
person instruction.
For all the strengths of today’s digi-
tal technologies, however, we know
that some things—perhaps the most
important elements of a true educa-
tion—are transmitted most effectively
face-to-face: the judgment, confidence,
humility, and skill in negotiation that
come from hands-on problem solv-
ing and teamwork; the perseverance,
analytical skill, and initiative that grow
from conducting frontline lab research;
the skill in writing and public speaking
that comes from exploring ideas with
mentors and peers; the ethics and val-
ues that emerge through being appren-
ticed to a master in your field and living
as a member of a campus community.
Online learning may not help stu-
dents arrive at such lessons directly—
but it may serve to clear the way. At
MIT, faculty members experimenting
with online tools to convey content in
their courses are finding that it allows
them more time to focus on education:
detailed discussions, personal mentor-
ship, project-based learning. They are
developing a blended model that uses
online tools strategically—and they are
making education more engaging and
more effective for more students than it
has ever been before.
Digital learning technologies pres-
ent us with a tremendous opportunity
to examine what college is good for, to
imagine what colleges might look like
in the future, and to strive for ways to
raise quality and lower costs. To teach
what is best learned in person, do we
need four years on campus, or could
other models be even more effective?
Could the first year of course work be
conducted online as a standard for ad-
mission? Or could online tools allow
juniors to spend a year working in the
field? Then there’s the question of our
physical campuses. MIT has about 200
lecture halls. How many will we need
in 20 years—and what different learn-
ing spaces should campuses include in-
stead? Should we develop a new kind
of blended education that combines the
best of online and in-person learning?
Would this lead to a new, more custom-
ized and valuable model of residential
education—and what changes should
we make to maximize that value?
Once we answer these questions,
the college experience could look quite
different in 10 or 20 years. I expect a
range of options, from online creden-
tialing in many technical fields all the
way to blended online and residential
experiences that could be more stimu-
lating and transformative than any col-
lege program in existence now. Higher
education will have the tools to engage
lifelong learners anywhere, overturn-
ing traditional ideas of campus and stu-
dent body. I believe these experimental
years will produce many possibilities,
so that future learners will be able to
choose what is best for them. If you’re
wondering how much these options
will cost, a better question might be,
How much will these options be worth?
I strongly believe that by capitalizing
on the strengths of online learning, we
will make education more accessible,
more effective, and more affordable for
more human beings than ever before.
At MIT, faculty
experimenting with
online tools to convey
content in their courses
are finding that it
allows them more time
to focus on education:
detailed discussions,
personal mentorship,
project-based learning.
Winter 2014
The Fields Medal
is awarded
every four years
on the occasion of the
International Congress
of Mathematicians
to recognize
for existing work
and for the promise of
future achievement.
Year Winners
1936 Lars Valerian Ahlfors (Harvard University) (April 18, 1907 October 11, 1996)
Jesse Douglas (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (July 3, 1897 – September 7, 1965)
1950 Atle Selberg (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (June 14, 1917 – August 6, 2007)
1954 Kunihiko Kodaira (Princeton University) (March 16, 1915 – July 26, 1997)
1962 John Willard Milnor (Princeton University) (born February 20, 1931)
1966 Paul Joseph Cohen (Stanford University) (April 2, 1934 – March 23, 2007)
Stephen Smale (University of California, Berkeley) (born July 15, 1930)
1970 Heisuke Hironaka (Harvard University) (born April 9, 1931)
1974 David Bryant Mumford (Harvard University) (born June 11, 1937)
1978 Charles Louis Fefferman (Princeton University) (born April 18, 1949)
Daniel G. Quillen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) (June 22, 1940 – April 30, 2011)
1982 William P. Thurston (Princeton University) (October 30, 1946 – August 21, 2012)
Shing-Tung Yau (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (born April 4, 1949)
1986 Gerd Faltings (Princeton University) (born July 28, 1954)
Michael Freedman (University of California, San Diego) (born April 21, 1951)
1990 Vaughan Jones (University of California, Berkeley) (born December 31, 1952)
Edward Witten (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (born August 26, 1951)
1994 Jean Bourgain (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (born February 28, 1954)
Efim Zelmanov (University of Wisconsin) (born September 7, 1955)
1998 Curtis T. McMullen (Harvard University) (born May 21, 1958)
2002 Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (born June 4, 1966)
2006 Andrei Okounkov (Princeton University) (born June 26, 1969)
Terence Tao (University of California, Los Angeles) (born July 17, 1975)
2010 Ngô Bao Châu (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton) (born June 28, 1972)
Recognizing the Real and the Potential:
Mathematical Efforts
Fields Medal recipients since inception
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Physics Michelson, A.A. Spectroscopic and metrological investigations University of Chicago
Chemistry Richards, Theodore William Accurate determination of the atomic weights of numerous elements Harvard University
Physics Millikan, Robert Andrews Work on elementary electric charge and the photoelectric effect California Institute of Technology
Physics Compton, Arthur Holly Discovery of wavelength change in diffused X-rays University of Chicago
Physiology/medicine Landsteiner, Karl Grouping of human blood types Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Physiology/medicine Morgan, Thomas Hunt Heredity transmission functions of chromosomes California Institute of Technology
Chemistry Urey, Harold C. Discovery of heavy hydrogen University of California at Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Minot, George Richards Discoveries concerning liver treatment for anemia Harvard Medical School
Physiology/medicine Murphy, William P. Discoveries concerning liver treatment for anemia Harvard Medical School
Physiology/medicine Whipple, George H. Discoveries concerning liver treatment for anemia School of Medicine and Dentistry at the
University of Rochester
Physics Anderson, Carl David Discovery of the positron California Institute of Technology
Physics Davisson, Clinton Joseph Experimental demonstration of the interference phenomenon in crystals irradiated
by electrons
Carnegie Institute of Technology
Physics Lawrence, Ernest Orlando Invention of the cyclotron University of California at Berkeley
Physics Stern, Otto Discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton Carnegie Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Doisy, Edward Adelbert Discovery of chemical nature of vitamin K St. Louis University
Physics Rabi, Isidor Isaac Resonance method for registration of various properties of atomic nuclei Columbia University
Physiology/medicine Erlanger, Joseph Researches on differentiated functions of nerve fibers Washington University in St. Louis
Physiology/medicine Gasser, Herbert Spencer Researches on differentiated functions of nerve fibers Washington University in St. Louis
Chemistry Northrop, John Howard Preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in pure form Rockefeller University
Chemistry Stanley, Wendell Meredith Preparation of enzymes and virus proteins in pure form Rockefeller University
Chemistry Sumner, James Batcheller Discovery of enzyme crystallization Cornell University
Physics Bridgman, Percy Williams Discoveries in the domain of high-pressure physics Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Muller, Hermann Joseph Production of mutations by X-ray irradiation Indiana University
American Academias
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions.
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Chemistry Giauque, William Francis Behavior of substances at extremely low temperatures University of California at Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Kendall, Edward Calvin Research on adrenal cortex hormones, their structure and biological effects Princeton University
Chemistry McMillan, Edwin Mattison Discovery of and research on transuranium elements University of California at Berkeley
Chemistry Seaborg, Glenn T. Discovery of and research on transuranium elements University of California at Berkeley
Physics Bloch, Felix Discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance in solids Stanford University
Physics Purcell, E.M. Discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance in solids Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Waksman, Selman Abraham Discovery of streptomycin Rutgers University
Physiology/medicine Lipmann, Fritz Albert Discovery of coenzyme A–citric acid cycle in metabolism of carbohydrates Harvard Medical School
Chemistry Pauling, Linus Study of the nature of the chemical bond California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Enders, John Franklin Cultivation of the poliomyelitis virus in tissue cultures Boston Children’s Hospital, affiliated with Harvard
Medical School
Physiology/medicine Robbins, Frederick Chapman Cultivation of the poliomyelitis virus in tissue cultures Case Western Reserve University
Physiology/medicine Weller, Thomas H. Cultivation of the poliomyelitis virus in tissue cultures Harvard School of Public Health
Chemistry du Vigneaud, Vincent First synthesis of a polypeptide hormone Cornell Medical College
Physics Kusch, Polykarp Measurement of the magnetic moment of the electron Columbia University
Physics Lamb, Willis Eugene, Jr. Discoveries in the hydrogen spectrum University of Arizona
Physics Bardeen, John Investigations on semiconductors and invention of the transistor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Physiology/medicine Cournand, André F. Discoveries concerning heart catheterization and circulatory changes Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Physiology/medicine Richards, Dickinson
Discoveries concerning heart catheterization and circulatory changes Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons
Physiology/medicine Beadle, George Wells Genetic regulation of chemical processes California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Lederberg, Joshua Genetic recombination Stanford University
Physiology/medicine Tatum, Edward L. Genetic regulation of chemical processes Rockefeller Institute
Physics Chamberlain, Owen Confirmation of the existence of the antiproton University of California, Berkeley
Physics Segrè, Emilio Confirmation of the existence of the antiproton University of California, Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Kornberg, Arthur Work on producing nucleic acids artificially Washington University in St. Louis
Physiology/medicine Ochoa, Severo Work on producing nucleic acids artificially New York University School of Medicine
Chemistry Libby, Willard Frank Development of radiocarbon dating University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Physics Glaser, Donald A. Development of the bubble chamber University of Michigan
Chemistry Calvin, Melvin Study of chemical steps that take place during photosynthesis University of California, Berkeley
Physics Hofstadter, Robert Determination of shape and size of atomic nucleons Stanford University
Physiology/medicine Békésy, Georg von Functions of the inner ear Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Watson, James Dewey Discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNA Harvard University
Physics Mayer, Maria Goeppert Development of shell model theory of the structure of the atomic nuclei University of California at San Diego
Physics Wigner, Eugene Paul Principles governing interaction of protons and neutrons in the nucleus Princeton University
Physics Townes, Charles Hard Work in quantum electronics leading to construction of instruments based on
maser-laser principles
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Bloch, Konrad Discoveries concerning cholesterol and fatty-acid metabolism Harvard University
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Physics Feynman, Richard P. Basic principles of quantum electrodynamics California Institute of Technology
Physics Schwinger, Julian Seymour Basic principles of quantum electrodynamics Harvard University
Chemistry Mulliken, Robert Sanderson Work concerning chemical bonds and the electronic structure of molecules University of Chicago
Physiology/medicine Huggins, Charles B. Research on causes and treatment of cancer University of Chicago
Physiology/medicine Rous, Peyton Research on causes and treatment of cancer Rockefeller Institute
Physics Bethe, Hans Albrecht Discoveries concerning the energy production of stars Cornell University
Physiology/medicine Hartline, Haldan Keffer Discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye Rockefeller University
Physiology/medicine Wald, George Discoveries about chemical and physiological visual processes in the eye Harvard University
Chemistry Onsager, Lars Work on theory of thermodynamics of irreversible processes Yale University
Physics Alvarez, Luis W. Work with elementary particles, discovery of resonance states University of California, Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Holley, Robert William Deciphering of the genetic code Cornell University
Physiology/medicine Khorana, Har Gobind Deciphering of the genetic code University of Wisconsin–Madison
Physics Gell-Mann, Murray Classification of elementary particles and their interactions California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Delbrück, Max Research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Hershey, A.D. Research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases Carnegie Institution
Physiology/medicine Luria, Salvador Research and discoveries concerning viruses and viral diseases Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics Samuelson, Paul Work in scientific analysis of economic theory Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics Kuznets, Simon Extensive research on the economic growth of nations Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Sutherland, Earl W., Jr. Action of hormones Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
Chemistry Anfinsen, Christian B. Fundamental contributions to enzyme chemistry Harvard Medical School
Chemistry Moore, Stanford Fundamental contributions to enzyme chemistry Rockefeller University
Chemistry Stein, William H. Fundamental contributions to enzyme chemistry Rockefeller University
Economics Arrow, Kenneth J. Contributions to general economic equilibrium theory and welfare theory Stanford University
Physics Bardeen, John Development of the theory of superconductivity University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Physics Cooper, Leon N. Development of the theory of superconductivity Brown University
Physics Schrieffer, John Robert Development of the theory of superconductivity University of California at Santa Barbara
Physiology/medicine Edelman, Gerald Maurice Research on the chemical structure of antibodies Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Economics Leontief, Wassily Input-output analysis Harvard University
Chemistry Flory, Paul J. Studies of long-chain molecules Stanford University
Physiology/medicine Claude, Albert Research on structural and functional organization of cells Rockefeller University
Physiology/medicine Palade, George E. Research on structural and functional organization of cells Yale University Medical School
Economics Koopmans, Tjalling C. Contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources Yale University
Physics Rainwater, James Work on the atomic nucleus that paved the way for nuclear fusion Columbia University
Physiology/medicine Baltimore, David Interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material of the cell Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Dulbecco, Renato Interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material of the cell Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Physiology/medicine Temin, Howard Martin Interaction between tumor viruses and the genetic material of the cell University of Wisconsin–Madison
Chemistry Lipscomb, William Nunn, Jr. Structure of boranes Harvard University
Economics Friedman, Milton Consumption analysis, monetary theory, and economic stabilization University of Chicago
Literature Bellow, Saul Novelist University of Chicago
Physics Richter, Burton Discovery of new class of elementary particles (psi, or J) Stanford University
Physics Ting, Samuel C.C. Discovery of new class of elementary particles (psi, or J) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Blumberg, Baruch S. Studies of origin and spread of infectious diseases University of Pennsylvania
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Physics Anderson, Philip W. Contributions to understanding the behavior of electrons in magnetic,
noncrystalline solids
Princeton University
Physics Van Vleck, John H. Contributions to understanding the behavior of electrons in magnetic,
noncrystalline solids
Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Guillemin, Roger Charles
Research on pituitary hormones Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Physiology/medicine Schally, Andrew Victor Research on pituitary hormones Tulane University
Physiology/medicine Yalow, Rosalyn S. Development of radioimmunoassay Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital
Economics Simon, Herbert Alexander Decision-making processes in economic organizations Carnegie Mellon University
Physiology/medicine Nathans, Daniel Discovery and application of enzymes that fragment DNA Johns Hopkins University
Physiology/medicine Smith, Hamilton Othanel Discovery and application of enzymes that fragment DNA Johns Hopkins University
Chemistry Brown, Herbert Charles Introduction of compounds of boron and phosphorus in the synthesis of organic
Purdue University
Economics Schultz, Theodore William Analyses of economic processes in developing nations University of Chicago
Physics Glashow, Sheldon Lee Unification of electromagnetism and the weak interactions of subatomic particles Harvard University
Physics Weinberg, Steven Unification of electromagnetism and the weak interactions of subatomic particles Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Cormack, Allan MacLeod Development of the CAT scan Tufts University
Chemistry Berg, Paul First preparation of a hybrid DNA Stanford University
Chemistry Gilbert, Walter Development of chemical and biological analyses of DNA structure Harvard University
Economics Klein, Lawrence Robert Development and analysis of empirical models of business fluctuations University of Pennsylvania
Literature Milosz, Czeslaw Poet University of California, Berkeley
Physics Cronin, James Watson Demonstration of simultaneous violation of both charge-conjugation and parity-
inversion symmetries
Princeton University
Physics Fitch, Val Logsdon Demonstration of simultaneous violation of both charge-conjugation and parity-
inversion symmetries
Princeton University
Physiology/medicine Benacerraf, Baruj Investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign
Harvard Medical School
Physiology/medicine Snell, George Davis Investigations of genetic control of the response of the immune system to foreign
Jackson Laboratory, an independent, nonprofit
biomedical research institution
Chemistry Hoffmann, Roald Orbital symmetry interpretation of chemical reactions Cornell University
Economics Tobin, James Portfolio selection theory of investment Yale University
Physics Bloembergen, Nicolaas Applications of lasers in spectroscopy Harvard University
Physics Schawlow, Arthur Leonard Applications of lasers in spectroscopy Stanford University
Physiology/medicine Hubel, David Hunter Processing of visual information by the brain Harvard Medical School
Physiology/medicine Sperry, Roger Wolcott Functions of the cerebral hemispheres California Institute of Technology
Economics Stigler, George J. Economic effects of governmental regulation University of Chicago
Physics Wilson, Kenneth Geddes Analysis of continuous phase transitions Cornell University
Chemistry Taube, Henry Study of electron transfer reactions Stanford University
Economics Debreu, Gerard Mathematical proof of supply and demand theory University of California, Berkeley
Physics Chandrasekhar,
Contributions to understanding the evolution and devolution of stars University of Chicago
Physics Fowler, William A. Contributions to understanding the evolution and devolution of stars California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine McClintock, Barbara Discovery of mobile plant genes that affect heredity Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Chemistry Merrifield, Bruce Development of a method of polypeptide synthesis Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Chemistry Hauptman, Herbert A. Development of a way to map the chemical structures of small molecules Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
Chemistry Karle, Jerome Development of a way to map the chemical structures of small molecules Naval Research Laboratory
Economics Modigliani, Franco Analyses of household savings and financial markets Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Brown, Michael S. Discovery of cell receptors relating to cholesterol metabolism University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Physiology/medicine Goldstein, Joseph L. Discovery of cell receptors relating to cholesterol metabolism University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Chemistry Herschbach, Dudley R. Development of methods for analyzing basic chemical reactions Harvard University
Chemistry Lee, Yuan T. Development of methods for analyzing basic chemical reactions University of California, Berkeley
Economics Buchanan, James M. Public-choice theory bridging economics and political science George Mason University
Physiology/medicine Cohen, Stanley Discovery of chemical agents that help regulate the growth of cells Washington University in St. Louis
Chemistry Cram, Donald J. Development of molecules that can link with other molecules University of California, Los Angeles
Economics Solow, Robert Merton Contributions to the theory of economic growth Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Literature Brodsky, Joseph Poet, essayist Mount Holyoke College
Physics Lederman, Leon Max Research in subatomic particles Columbia University
Physics Schwartz, Melvin Research in subatomic particles Columbia University
Physics Steinberger, Jack Research in subatomic particles Columbia University
Chemistry Altman, Sidney Discovery of certain basic properties of RNA Yale University
Chemistry Cech, Thomas Robert Discovery of certain basic properties of RNA University of Colorado
Physics Dehmelt, Hans Georg Development of methods to isolate atoms and subatomic particles for study University of Washington, Seattle
Physics Ramsey, Norman Foster Development of the atomic clock Harvard University
Physiology/medicine Bishop, J. Michael Study of cancer-causing genes called oncogenes University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco
Physiology/medicine Varmus, Harold Study of cancer-causing genes called oncogenes University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco
Chemistry Corey, Elias James Development of retrosynthetic analysis for synthesis of complex molecules Harvard University
Economics Markowitz, Harry M. Study of financial markets and investment decision making City University of New York
Economics Miller, Merton H. Study of financial markets and investment decision making University of Chicago
Economics Sharpe, William F. Study of financial markets and investment decision making Stanford University
Physics Friedman, Jerome Isaac Discovery of atomic quarks Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physics Kendall, Henry Way Discovery of atomic quarks Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Murray, Joseph E. Development of kidney and bone-marrow transplants Brigham and Women’s Hospital [Harvard Medical School]
Physiology/medicine Thomas, E. Donnall Development of kidney and bone-marrow transplants University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Economics Coase, Ronald Application of economic principles to the study of law University of Chicago
Chemistry Marcus, Rudolph A. Explanation of how electrons transfer between molecules California Institute of Technology
Economics Becker, Gary S. Application of economic theory to social sciences University of Chicago
Physiology/medicine Fischer, Edmond H. Discovery of class of enzymes called protein kinases University of Washington, Seattle
Physiology/medicine Krebs, Edwin Gerhard Discovery of class of enzymes called protein kinases University of Washington, Seattle
Economics Fogel, Robert William Contributions to economic history University of Chicago
Economics North, Douglass C. Contributions to economic history Washington University, St. Louis
Literature Morrison, Toni Novelist Princeton University
Physics Hulse, Russell Alan Identifying binary pulsars Princeton University
Physics Taylor, Joseph H., Jr. Identifying binary pulsars Princeton University
Physiology/medicine Sharp, Phillip A. Discovery of “split,” or interrupted, genetic structure Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Chemistry Olah, George A. Development of techniques to study hydrocarbon molecules University of Southern California
Economics Harsanyi, John C. Development of game theory University of California, Berkeley
Economics Nash, John F. Development of game theory Princeton University
Physics Shull, Clifford G. Development of neutron-scattering techniques Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Gilman, Alfred G. Discovery of cell signalers called G-proteins University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas
Chemistry Molina, Mario Explanation of processes that deplete Earths ozone layer Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chemistry Rowland, F. Sherwood Explanation of processes that deplete Earths ozone layer University of California, Irvine
Economics Lucas, Robert E., Jr. Incorporation of rational expectations in macroeconomic theory University of Chicago
Physics Perl, Martin Lewis Discovery of tau subatomic particle Stanford University
Physics Reines, Frederick Discovery of neutrino subatomic particle University of California, Irvine
Physiology/medicine Lewis, Edward B. Identification of genes that control the body’s early structural development California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Wieschaus, Eric F. Identification of genes that control the body’s early structural development Princeton University
Chemistry Curl, Robert F., Jr. Discovery of new carbon compounds called fullerenes Rice University
Chemistry Smalley, Richard E. Discovery of new carbon compounds called fullerenes Rice University
Economics Vickrey, William Contributions to theory of incentives under conditions of asymmetric information Columbia University
Physics Lee, David M. Discovery of superfluidity in isotope helium-3 Cornell University
Physics Osheroff, Douglas D. Discovery of superfluidity in isotope helium-3 Stanford University
Physics Richardson, Robert C. Discovery of superfluidity in isotope helium-3 Cornell University
Chemistry Boyer, Paul D. Explanation of the enzymatic conversion of adenosine triphosphate University of California, Los Angeles
Economics Merton, Robert C. Methods for determining the value of stock options and other derivatives Harvard University
Economics Scholes, Myron S. Methods for determining the value of stock options and other derivatives Stanford University
Physics Chu, Steven Process of trapping atoms with laser cooling Stanford University
Physiology/medicine Prusiner, Stanley B. Discovery of the prion, a type of disease-causing protein University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco
Chemistry Kohn, Walter Development of the density-functional theory University of California, Santa Barbara
Physics Laughlin, Robert B. Discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect Stanford University
Physics Störmer, Horst L. Discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect Columbia University
Physics Tsui, Daniel C. Discovery of the fractional quantum Hall effect Princeton University
Physiology/medicine Furchgott, Robert F. Discovery that nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular
SUNY Health Science Center, Brooklyn
Physiology/medicine Ignarro, Louis J. Discovery that nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular
University of California School of Medicine, Los Angeles
Physiology/medicine Murad, Ferid Discovery that nitric oxide (NO) acts as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Chemistry Zewail, Ahmed H. Study of the transition states of chemical reactions using femtosecond spectroscopy California Institute of Technology
Physiology/medicine Blobel, Günter Discovery that proteins have signals governing cellular organization Rockefeller University
Chemistry Heeger, Alan J. Discovery of plastics that conduct electricity University of California, Santa Barbara
Chemistry MacDiarmid, Alan G. Discovery of plastics that conduct electricity University of Pennsylvania
Economics Heckman, James J. Development of methods of statistical analysis of individual and household
University of Chicago
Economics McFadden, Daniel L. Development of methods of statistical analysis of individual and household
University of California, Berkeley
Physics Kilby, Jack S. Development of the integrated circuit (microchip) Texas A&M University
Physiology/medicine Greengard, Paul Discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain Rockefeller University
Physiology/medicine Kandel, Eric R. Discovery of how signals are transmitted between nerve cells in the brain Columbia University
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Chemistry Sharpless, K. Barry Work on chirally catalyzed oxidation reactions The Scripps Research Institute
Economics Akerlof, George A. Analysis of markets with asymmetric information University of California, Berkeley
Economics Spence, A. Michael Analysis of markets with asymmetric information Stanford University
Economics Stiglitz, Joseph E. Analysis of markets with asymmetric information Columbia University
Physics Cornell, Eric A. Achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms; early
fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates
University of Colorado
Physics Wieman, Carl E. Achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in dilute gases of alkali atoms; early
fundamental studies of the properties of the condensates
University of Colorado
Physiology/medicine Hartwell, Leland H. Discovery of key regulators of the cell cycle University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Chemistry Fenn, John B. Development of techniques to identify and analyze proteins and other large
Virginia Commonwealth University
Economics Kahneman, Daniel Integration of psychological research into economic science, especially concerning
human judgment and decision making under uncertainty
Princeton University
Economics Smith, Vernon L. Establishment of laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis George Mason University
Physics Davis, Raymond, Jr. Detection of neutrinos University of Pennsylvania
Physics Giacconi, Riccardo Seminal discoveries of cosmic sources of X-rays Johns Hopkins University
Physiology/medicine Horvitz, H. Robert Discoveries concerning genetic regulation of organ development and programmed
cell death (apoptosis)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chemistry Agre, Peter Discoveries regarding water channels and ion channels in cells Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Chemistry MacKinnon, Roderick Discoveries regarding water channels and ion channels in cells Rockefeller University
Economics Engle, Robert F. Development of techniques for the analysis of time series data New York University
Physics Leggett, Anthony J. Discoveries regarding superconductivity and superfluidity at very low temperatures University of Illinois, Urbana
Physiology/medicine Lauterbur, Paul Development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) University of Illinois, Urbana
Chemistry Rose, Irwin Discovery of ubiquitin-mediated protein degradation University of California, Irvine
Economics Prescott, Edward C. Contributions to dynamic macroeconomics Arizona State University
Physiology/medicine Axel, Richard Discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system Columbia University
Physiology/medicine Buck, Linda B. Discovery of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system University of Washington, Fred Hutchinson Cancer
Research Center
Physics Gross, David J. Discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction University of California, Santa Barbara
Physics Politzer, H. David Discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction California Institute of Technology
Physics Wilczek, Frank Discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Chemistry Grubbs, Robert H. Development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis California Institute of Technology
Chemistry Schrock, Richard R. Development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics Schelling, Thomas C. Contributions to game-theory analysis University of Maryland, College Park
Physics Glauber, Roy J. Contributions to the field of optics Harvard University
Physics Hall, John L. Contributions to the development of laser spectroscopy University of Colorado
Chemistry Kornberg, Roger D. Work on the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription Stanford University
Economics Phelps, Edmund S. Analysis of intertemporal trade-offs in macroeconomic policy Columbia University
Physics Mather, John C. Discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave
background radiation
University of Maryland, College Park
Physics Smoot, George F. Discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave
background radiation
University of California, Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Fire, Andrew Z. Discovery of RNA interferencegene silencing by double-stranded RNA Stanford University School of Medicine
Physiology/medicine Mello, Craig C. Discovery of RNA interferencegene silencing by double-stranded RNA University of Massachusetts Medical School
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
Year Category Name Achievement Academic affiliation
Economics Hurwicz, Leonid Work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory University of Minnesota
Economics Maskin, Eric S. Work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory Institute for Advanced Study
Economics Myerson, Roger B. Work that laid the foundations of mechanism design theory University of Chicago
Physiology/medicine Capecchi, Mario R. Discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the
use of embryonic stem cells
University of Utah, Salt Lake City
Physiology/medicine Smithies, Oliver Discovery of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the
use of embryonic stem cells
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chemistry Chalfie, Martin Discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP Columbia University
Chemistry Shimomura, Osamu Discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), Woods Hole, MA;
Boston University Medical School
Chemistry Tsien, Roger Y. Discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP University of California, San Diego
Economics Krugman, Paul Analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity Princeton University
Physics Nambu, Yoichiro Discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics Enrico Fermi Institute, University of Chicago
Chemistry Steitz, Thomas Studies of the structure and function of the ribosome Yale University
Economics Ostrom, Elinor Analysis of economic governance, especially the commons Indiana University; Arizona State University
Economics Williamson, Oliver E. Analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm University of California, Berkeley
Physiology/medicine Blackburn, Elizabeth H. Discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme
University of California, San Francisco
Physiology/medicine Greider, Carol W. Discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Physiology/medicine Szostak, Jack W. Discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme
Harvard Medical School
Chemistry Heck, Richard F. Development of techniques to synthesize complex carbon molecules University of Delaware
Economics Diamond, Peter A. Analysis of markets with search frictions Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Economics Mortensen, Dale T. Analysis of markets with search frictions Northwestern University
Economics Sargent, Thomas J. Empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy New York University
Economics Sims, Christopher A. Empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy Princeton University
Physics Perlmutter, Saul Discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe through observations of
distant supernovae
University of California, Berkeley
Physics Riess, Adam G. Discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe through observations of
distant supernovae
Johns Hopkins University
Physiology/medicine Beutler, Bruce A. Discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Chemistry Kobilka, Brian K. Studies of G-protein-coupled receptors Stanford University School of Medicine
Chemistry Lefkowitz, Robert J. Studies of G-protein-coupled receptors Duke University Medical Center
Economics Roth, Alvin E. Work on market design and matching theory Harvard University
Economics Shapley, Lloyd S. Work on market design and matching theory University of California, Los Angeles
Physics Wineland, David J. Development of methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual
quantum systems
University of Colorado, Boulder
Nobel Prize winners from American universities and other academic institutions (continued)
Winter 2014
reports that the January 2013 unem-
ployment rate for individuals with a
bachelor’s degree was 3.7 percent,
compared to 8.1 percent for those with
only a high school diploma and 7 per-
cent for those with some college but no
bachelors degree.
Recent data from Georgetown
University’s Center for Education and
the Workforce show that median life-
time earnings for bachelor’s degree
holders are $964,000 higher than for
high school–only graduates, and more
than $500,000 higher than those with
a two-year degree or some college but
no degree.
But the National Student Clear-
inghouse study shows that important
groups of students are struggling to get
to a degree.
Part-time students are one such
group. Among students who start at
a four-year public university, for in-
stance, 79 percent of those studying full
time graduate within six years. But the
figure is 17 percent for those who attend
part time and 42 percent for those who
attend some full time and some part
time. (The numbers are a bit higher, but
similar, for students attending four-year
private nonprofit universities.)
Completion rates also vary sig-
nificantly by type of institution.
Considering all attendees (part-time,
full-time, and those who do both over
time), students who start and finish in
the same public university graduate
at a 57 percent rate; for those at a pri-
vate nonprofit, the rate is 69 percent.
Alarmingly, only 41 percent of enter-
ing students at four-year, for-profit
institutions complete their degrees
within six years—and the full-time
average net tuition at a for-profit
school is about three times that of
pub lic universities.
Graduation rates for minority stu-
dents also are significantly lower than
for the overall population. Federal data
show six-year graduation rates at four-
year universities 8 percentage points
lower for Latinos than the overall aver-
age, and 18 percentage points lower for
The data are less complete when
it comes to the reasons behind lack of
completion. But three main factors are
clearly important.
Much has been written about the
rising costs of higher education and in-
creasing student debt levels, and there
is no doubt that both issues are serious
concerns. But hidden amid the conver-
sation about cost and debt is another
crisis with even more profound impli-
cations—the completion rate for to-
day’s college students.
To many, the problem may not be
apparent. Roughly eight in 10 tradi-
tional college students—who attend a
public or private nonprofit four-year
university, on an exclusively full-
time basis—graduate within six years,
according to the National Student
Clearinghouse Research Center.
But look closer, and there’s real
trouble. The data show that minority
students, students who attend part-time
(even for a short time), and students at
for-profit colleges have much lower
completion rates for four-year degrees.
Leaving school before achieving
a four-year degree seriously affects an
individual’s economic prospects. It ex-
acerbates the student debt challenge,
as students accumulate debt but fail to
achieve the college degree so crucial to
repaying it. It also has major implica-
tions for our nation’s competitiveness.
The relationship of college comple-
tion to personal economic security is
well documented but worth highlight-
ing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics
The Real Crisis in
by John l. hennessy,
President, Stanford University
Graduation rates
for minority students
are significantly lower
than for the overall
from states
from states
from states
1992 2002 2010
Winter 2014
First, lack of adequate high school
preparation and ability to do college
work is a critical factor. Second, many
students feel they must work extensive
hours to afford to attend college, as re-
ported in the recent National Survey
of Student Engagement. Third, both
lack of academic engagement and slow
progress hurt graduation: Students
who feel less engaged are more likely
to drop out, and lack of classes and
changes in major both extend time to
These issues need to be elevated, so
that nationally we begin talking about
college completion in the same way we
talk about college costs. It’s time for
a serious, national action plan to help
more students graduate.
We need a true national commit-
ment to better preparing students for
college work, reducing the need for
remedial coursework. The many chal-
lenges facing the K-12 system are com-
plex and more appropriately detailed
elsewhere, but better preparing students
in high school must be integral to any
effort to improve college completion.
We need a collaborative approach
to ensuring that a typical family’s col-
lege expenses after financial aid grow
at a rate no faster than inflation. This
is a shared responsibility, with colleges
needing to control cost growth and
enhance scholarships; the federal gov-
ernment strengthening its financial aid
programs; states restoring funding for
their public institutions; and families
beginning to save early for college.
Recent advances with online
learning offer opportunities for enhanc-
ing completion, although not a simple
panacea. In addition to using technol-
ogy to improve efficiency and effec-
tiveness in college, the use of online
instruction in high schools, during sum-
mer periods, and in developing lower-
cost remediation seems promising.
Finally, colleges must focus on
improving completion. Making the
completion rate a primary focus of ac-
creditation review seems an obvious
step. Likewise, institutional eligibil-
ity for federal and state financial aid
should be contingent on graduation
rates, adjusted for risk in the student
population. We know that students who
are more deeply engaged—through
such strategies as smaller, interactive
classes, better and more personal ad-
vising, close work with faculty in in-
dependent study, and service learning
opportunities—attain higher gradua-
tion rates.
Increasing the graduation rate at
our nation’s colleges and universities is
a critical issue and a shared responsi-
bility. It deserves a higher place in our
national dialogue.
Winter 2014
I’m indeed honored to address this
gathering of leaders of colleges histori-
cally committed to a strong liberal arts
education, and glad that my husband
Robert Keohane, who is chairing the
presidential search committee of his
alma mater, Shimer College, is also at-
tending the conference. All of us are
here in part to celebrate the impres-
sive record of our campuses and reaf-
firm our commitment for the future.
But there are also challenges that we
need to face together. We should pool
our ideas and energies, and think stra-
tegically about how we can most effec-
tively champion liberal arts education
today and in the future. My task is to
set the stage for these discussions.
Here’s how I will proceed: first, I’ll
say a few words about the liberal arts
as a historic phenomenon with much
resonance in our world today. Then
I’ll present four arguments that may
be useful to you as you confront the
skeptics. Finally, I’ll talk briefly about
leadership and how you can make
a difference.
The liberal arts through history
Any one of you here today could
give a persuasive definition of the lib-
eral arts, and doubtless have done so
many times. I am especially fond of
Thomas Cronin’s definition of the lib-
eral arts as “the liberating arts—free-
ing us from prejudice, dogmatism, and
parochialism, from complacency, senti-
mentality, and hypocrisy, from sloppy
reasoning and careless writing.” A lib-
eral arts education doesn’t always ac-
complish all those things, but it surely
gives us a good beginning. Cronin
has presided over two liberal arts col-
leges, and his definition appears in a
recent book entitled Leadership and
the Liberal Arts, edited by J. Thomas
Wren. Heres another pungent defi-
nition of a liberal education by Louis
Menand, in The Marketplace of Ideas,
as a background mentality, a way of
thinking, a kind of intellectual DNA
that informs work in every specialized
area of inquiry.”
Ironically, of course, this very
broad, capacious form of education
we call the liberal arts is rooted in a
specific curriculum in classical and
medieval times, including rhetoric,
arithmetic, geometry, the trivium, and
the quadrivium. But it would be wrong
to assume that because it has such an-
cient roots, this kind of education is
outdated, stale, fusty, or irrelevant. The
liberal arts lend themselves particularly
well to contemporary high-tech meth-
ods of imparting knowledge.
We all wrestle with the challenges
of educating students who are used
to multitasking, doing their home-
work while listening to music on
their I-phones, and texting on their
I-pods. For such students, the web-
based facilities of exciting liberal arts
courses are particularly salient. What
would Aristotle or Erasmus or Robert
Maynard Hutchins not have given for
a technique that allows one to tour the
world’s greatest museums, looking
closely at the details of countless mas-
terpieces, explore the ruins of ancient
castles and pyramids and forums, join
archeological digs at your desk, turning
objects around to see all sides of them,
visualize problems in geometry or as-
tronomy or mathematics in several di-
mensions and work out their solutions.
An excellent example of the power
of multimedia coupled with the liberal
arts is a general education course some-
times taught at Harvard University by
Stephen Greenblatt as English 126,
“Imaginary Journeys.” The course is
described as being “about global mo-
bility, encounter, and exchange at the
time that Harvard College was founded
in 1636. Using the interactive resources
Editors Note: This is the text of a speech given to the Council of Independent Colleges Presidential Institute
on January 4, 2012.
The Liberal Arts and Presidential
by nannerl o. Keohane,
Senior Scholar, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs,
Princeton University, and former President of Wellesley College (1981-1993)
and Duke University (1993-2004)
Winter 2014
of computer technology, we follow
imaginary voyages of three ships that
leave England in 1633. [Each student
is assigned to one of the ships, which
are separated by a storm and there-
fore visit different destinations and
experience different fates.] Sites in-
clude London’s Globe Theatre, Benin,
Barbados, Brazil, Mexico.” The course
was inspired by Yo Yo Ma’s Silk Road
project, and the website provides an in-
credible wealth of material from many
different sources—music, art, litera-
ture, architecture, history, geography.
With this kind of course in mind, it
seems that the liberal arts could almost
have been designed for sophisticated
online learning, so far from being stale
or fusty are these ways of knowing.
And this kind of education is more
and more appealing to students and
teachers at universities around the
world. Donald Markwell, the warden
of Rhodes House, recently gave a se-
ries of lectures in Canada, entitled “The
Need for Breadth.” He referred to a
“surge of interest” in liberal education
in “many other countries.” He men-
tions new programs at the Universities
of Melbourne and Western Australia,
the Universities of Manchester and
Warwick in the UK. He cites a major
address in London by Yale’s Richard
Levin in which Levin noted that “Asian
leaders are increasingly attracted to
the American model of undergraduate
curriculum,” specifically because of
the two years of breadth and depth in
different disciplines provided before a
student chooses an area of concentra-
tion or embarks on professional train-
ing. Levin described liberal arts honors
programs at Peking University, Yonsei
University in South Korea, and the
National University of Singapore; he
also referred to liberal arts curricula at
Fudan University, Nanjin University,
and the University of Hong Kong. In
her recent book entitled Not for Profit:
Why Democracy Needs the Humanities,
Martha Nussbaum notes that she has
been recently involved in discussions
about creating a liberal arts curricu-
lum in the Netherlands, Sweden, India,
Germany, Italy, and Bangladesh.
Yet, as we know, the trends in the
U.S. are in the opposite direction. And
this is not just a recent problem. Louis
Menand cites evidence that in the U.S.,
“the proportion of undergraduate de-
grees awarded annually in the liberal
arts and sciences has been declining
for a hundred years, apart from a brief
rise between 1955 and 1970, which was
a period of rapidly increasing enroll-
ments and national economic growth.”
Thus, paradoxically, as a liberal arts
education becomes more appealing to
leaders and families in Asia and else-
where in the world, it is losing ground
in our own country.
At least three factors are at work in
this decline: a) the creation of increas-
ingly specialized disciplines, and the
rewards for faculty members of ad-
vancing knowledge in those areas; b)
the economic premium that is thought
to reside in a highly technical form of
preparation for careers; and c) a grow-
ing focus on graduate education from
the early 20th century to the present
day. These developments have clearly
not been beneficial for American un-
dergraduate education.
“Liberal education in crisis” is a
tiresomely familiar theme, and count-
less commissions, reports, and study
groups have attempted to address it. I
am under no illusions that I have the
magic key to resolve a problem that has
stumped so many brilliant educators.
But these questions are not just theo-
retical quandaries for you. They are the
issues you confront almost every day:
how do we defend liberal education
against the skeptics—parents, potential
students, the media, the marketplace,
even some trustees and students?
Arguments for the liberal arts
I will offer four arguments designed
to defend the liberal arts (as distinct
from vocational or narrowly pre-pro-
fessional training) as the best education
for undergraduates. I’ll discuss these
arguments in order from the narrowest
to the most capacious, so you can take
your pick depending on your audience
or your personal preference.
The first, most practical defense:
I would argue that the liberal arts (and
sciences) are the best possible prepara-
tion for success in the learned profes-
law, medicine, teaching
as well
as in the less traditionally learned but
increasingly arcane professions of busi-
ness, finance, and high-tech innovation.
There are many ways to study
any discipline; the subjects that make
up the liberal arts curriculum are not
themselves inherently liberal. As our
colleague President Lynn Pasquarella
of Mt. Holyoke has recently reminded
us, one can study the humanities in a
technical rather than a liberal fashion—
narrow, esoteric, with no attempt to
As a liberal arts
education becomes
more appealing
to leaders and
families in Asia
and elsewhere
in the world, it is
losing ground in
the U.S.
Winter 2014
broaden or challenge the mind to con-
sider critically what one has learned.
And one can also study biology or
physics, political science or anthropol-
ogy, even economics, in a more or less
liberal fashion. So my first claim is that
a liberal arts education, including a lib-
erally oriented study of the natural and
social sciences, presents material in a
context that will be much more useful
to budding lawyers or physicians or
venture capitalists than a narrowly con-
strued preparation in their “own field.”
For example, if you study neuro-
science with a sense of awe about the
complexities of the human brain, and
some attention to questions about what
it means to be human, not just a tech-
nical focus on the darting neurons, or
study biology with an awareness of the
bewildering diversity and richness of
our natural world rather than attend-
ing only to the way the molecules fit
together, you will have a better back-
ground as a physician when you go to
med school, or a scientist when you get
your PhD Surely your bedside manner
or your classroom techniques will also
be much improved! And if you study
some history and philosophy, you will
be much better prepared as a lawyer or
financier than if you study only law,
or a narrowly construed pre-business
program. Our eldest granddaugh-
ter Charlotte (a very happy although
slightly chilly first-year student at
Bowdoin College this year, and a pro-
spective MD) is going to major in neu-
roscience, which is taught at Bowdoin
in a way that surely engages critical
thinking and liberal learning.
So my first defense of liberal learn-
ing is what you are taught and the
way you learn it: the materials a
doctor or financial analyst or physi-
cist or humanist needs to know, but
taught in a liberally construed fash-
ion, so that you look at the subject
from many different dimensions and
incorporate the material into your own
thinking in ways that will be much
more likely to stay with you, and help
you later on. There are several distinct
advantages of this way of learning: it’s
insurance against obsolescence; in any
rapidly changing field (and every field
is changing rapidly these days), if you
only focus on learning specific mate-
rials that are pertinent in 2012, rather
than learning about them in a broader
context, you will soon find that you
have no use for these bits of knowledge
and your training will have become
valueless. Most important, with a lib-
eral education you will have learned
how to learn, so that you will be able to
do research to answer questions in your
field that will come up years from now,
questions that nobody could even have
envisioned in 2012, much less taught
you how to answer. Thats all part of
the first defense!
The second, slightly less utilitarian
defense of a liberal arts education is
that it hones the mind, teaching focus,
critical thinking, and the ability to
express oneself clearly both in writ-
ing and speaking—skills which are of
great value no matter what profession
you may choose. It’s not just that you
are taught specific materials in a liber-
ally designed context, but more gener-
ally, the way your mind is shaped, the
habits of thought that you develop.
When I discussed this talk with
Nancy Malkiel, a Smith graduate who
was dean of the college at Princeton
for 24 years, she told me a story that
makes this point exactly. As dean,
Nancy worked hard to create appeal-
ing incentives for students to major in
some of the less frequented fields, to
take the pressure off econ or poli sci. At
Princeton’s commencement last year,
the mother of a student Nancy had ad-
vised, who had chosen quite happily to
major in religion, accosted her and said:
“Dean Malkiel, you told my daughter
to major in religion and she still doesn’t
have a job!” Nancy gently pointed out
that the young woman had graduated
only a few minutes earlier and assured
the mother that things would almost
certainly work out. And sure enough,
a few weeks ago the mother was rid-
ing a bike across the Princeton campus
and stopped to say hello to Nancy, and
said: “Guess what? My daughter did
get a job! She was volunteering at a
non-profit global organization and they
were really impressed that she could
write so clearly and elegantly, do re-
search on any topic she was assigned to
cover, assemble the evidence to make
persuasive arguments, and analyze
complex problems, so they offered her
a job.”
These are the skills a liberal arts
education instills in us. They were
well described by no less an author-
ity than a former dean of Harvard Law
School, Erwin Griswold, cited in a re-
cent speech by Dean Martha Minow.
Griswold was discussing an ideal vi-
sion of the Law School, but his argu-
ments fit a liberal education wherever it
is provided: “You go to a great School
not so much for knowledge as for arts or
habits; for the art of expression, for the
art of entering quickly into another per-
son’s thoughts, for the art of assuming
at a moment’s notice a new intellectual
position, for the habit of submitting to
censure and refutation, for the art of in-
dicating assent or dissent in graduated
terms, for the habit of regarding minute
points of accuracy, for the art of work-
ing out what is possible in a given time;
for taste, for discrimination, for mental
courage, and mental soberness.” That’s
the second argument.
My third argument for a liberal arts
education is that a liberal arts educa-
tion is the best education for citizen-
ship in a democracy like our own. In
the book I cited earlier, Not for Profit,
Martha Nussbaum points out that from
Winter 2014
the early years of our republic, educators
and leaders have “connected the liberal
arts to the preparation of informed,
independent, and sympathetic…citi-
zens.” Nussbaum argues that democra-
cies need complete citizens who can
think for themselves, criticize tradition,
and understand the significance of an-
other person’s sufferings and achieve-
ments.” She lists the skills democratic
citizens need: to think well about
political issues affecting the nation;
to recognize fellow citizens as people
with equal rights; to have concern for
the lives of others; to grasp what poli-
cies of many types mean for the oppor-
tunities and experiences of one’s fellow
citizens; to imagine well a variety of
complex issues affecting the story of
a human life; to judge political lead-
ers critically, but with an informed and
realistic sense of the possibilities avail-
able to them; to think about the good
of the nation as a whole, not just that
of one’s local group,” and “to see one’s
own nation, in turn, as part of a compli-
cated world order.” These are the kinds
of skills a liberal arts education fosters.
At a time when democracy is strug-
gling to be born in countries around
the world, and countries that have long
enjoyed democracy are struggling to
sustain it against pressures of multiple
varieties, this may be the best of all the
arguments for a liberal arts education.
We need citizens who can think for
themselves, who can assess arguments
made by people who have a stake in a
particular outcome, attend to nuances
in difficult policy situations, and re-
spect the interests and the dignity of
others who are not like them.
The fourth argument for a liberal
education, in addition to the way ma-
terials are presented, the habits of mind
that are instilled, and the preparation
for democratic citizenship, is even
broader; it is in many ways my favorite
of the four.
When I was at Wellesley and Duke,
I occasionally used a memorable image
at convocation as the new academic
year began. With due credit, I bor-
rowed it from Michel de Montaignes
16th-century essay,Of Solitude.
Montaigne lived an active life in many
ways, with family, friends, political po-
sitions, much travel; but he was excep-
tionally well aware of the importance
of occasional solitude. Montaignes
favorite place for writing and reflec-
tion was the tower library on his estate
in Southwestern France, to which he
climbed by a series of narrow staircases
reaching to the very top of his domain,
with a view of the vineyards and grain-
fields, a ceiling carved with some of his
favorite quotations, and lines of books
and manuscripts around the shelves.
If you visit his estate, you can still see
that library and understand directly
what his life was like.
Inspired by that beloved space,
Montaigne used the arresting image
of the back room of the mind.” He
thought of his own mind as a kind of
tower library to which he could re-
treat even when he was far from home,
filled with quotations from wise people
and experimental thoughts and jokes
and anecdotes, where he could keep
company with himself. He suggested
that we all have such back rooms in our
minds, and that the most valuable and
attractive people we know are those
who have rich and fascinating intel-
lectual furniture in those spaces rather
than a void between their ears. When
I used this image I would counsel stu-
dents to think of their college educa-
tion as above all a way of furnishing
the “back rooms of their minds. In
this way, they would be much better
conversationalists, so that their com-
pany would be sought out by others,
rather than being regarded as a sim-
pleton or a bore, and they would also
be better prepared to relish solitude,
whether they chose it or it was imposed
on them.
Countless students and their par-
ents have told me that they recalled that
image of the “back room of the mind”
many years afterwards and had found it
helpful through many periods in their
lives. Virginia Woolf used a different
spatial image to make a similar point
in her book Three Guineas, when she
talked about the importance of cultivat-
ing taste and the knowledge of the arts
and literature and music. She argues
that people who are so caught up in
their professions or business that they
never have time to listen to music or
look at pictures lose the sense of sight,
the sense of sound, the sense of propor-
tion. And she concludes: “What then
remains of a human being who has lost
sight, sound and a sense of proportion?
Only a cripple in a cave.”
One more spatial image in support
of this fourth argument, from a recent
speech by my successor as president of
Duke University, Richard Brodhead.
Dick Brodhead is an eminent scholar of
American literature and strong propo-
nent of the liberal arts. He spoke of the
human capacity to make things that
outlive their makers,and he asserted
that as we make or enjoy such things,
“we go out in spirit toward the works
of others.” Humans have the distinctive
ability, he continued, “to exit the con-
fines of our own experience and take up
mental residence in spaces created by
others.” And when we do so “with suf-
ficient intensity of feeling, we in turn
have a chance to be changed. This is
the way we annex understandings that
have been struggled toward by others
that we would never have reached on
our own. This is how we get to see the
world differently from the way our own
minds or culture habitually present it.”
One example here: in addition to
neuroscience, my Bowdoin grand-
daughter Charlotte is also planning to
Winter 2014
concentrate in art history, a passion that
she never knew she had until she got
to Bowdoin and discovered the excel-
lent museum, fine arts department, and
engaging colleagues. Although there
are good art works in her home, no one
in her family is an artist, so this is not
something she cared much about as she
was growing up; instead, it’s a newly
discovered personal dimension that will
enrich her life immeasurably going for-
ward. And that’s my fourth argument
for a liberal arts education: furnishing
the back room of your mind, preparing
yourself for both society and solitude.
My final argument for the liberal
arts will resonate with many of you in
this gathering, although it is unlikely
to convince the skeptics. This is the ar-
gument that a liberal arts education
admits you to a community of schol-
ars, both professional and amateur,
spanning the ages. Here I would quote
one of my predecessors as president of
Wellesley, Alice Freeman (later Alice
Freeman Palmer). When she presided
over Wellesley in the last part of the
19th century, it was quite unusual for
girls to go to college (as indeed it still
is today in some parts of the world).
She gave a well-known speech to an-
swer the repeated question she got
from girls and their families, Why
Go to College?” Alice Freeman said:
“We go to college to know, assured that
knowledge is sweet and powerful, that
a good education emancipates the mind
and makes us citizens of the world.”
The sweet and powerful knowledge
imparted by a liberal arts education
is specifically designed to fulfill this
promise, as no other kind of education
can be: it emancipates the mind, and
makes us citizens of the world.
Alice Freeman Palmer’s phrase
“citizen of the world” has impec-
cable liberal arts credentials. It was
first coined by Plutarch to describe
Socrates. Martha Nussbaum published
a book with that title in 1997. And
it nicely loops back to my third and
fourth arguments: liberal knowledge,
sweet and powerful, broadens our per-
spective beyond the narrow confines of
our own experience, and makes us good
citizens not just of our countries, but of
the whole world. As the time-honored
phrase used by the presidents of several
colleges and universities in conferring
the baccalaureate degree would have it,
“I welcome you to the company of edu-
cated men and women.”
So, five nested arguments for the
liberal arts: a) providing the deep
background” materials people need for
their professions and business occupa-
tions, in a long-term, capacious fashion
rather than a narrowly technical imme-
diacy that will quickly become obso-
lete; b) honing the mind with skills that
are useful in any profession, and any
life; c) preparing us well for citizenship
in a democracy; d) furnishing the back
room of the mind; and admitting us to a
community of learned and curious men
and women, making us better citizens
not only for our communities and our
country, but the world.
Presidential leadership
Armed with these arguments and
others you will devise or read about,
how do you, as a college president,
go about making the case for the lib-
eral arts? What tactics should you use?
Here’s an especially delicious quote
from President Emeritus of Whitman
College Tom Cronin, who notes that
“effective leadership remains in many
ways the most baffling of the perform-
ing arts. Intuition, flare, risk-taking,
and sometimes even theatrical ability
come into play.” This point really res-
onates for me, as I’m sure it does for
some of you as well. Leadership is it-
self an art, and to make the case for the
liberal arts you should be quite ready to
use your personal flare, intuition, theat-
rical ability, and even take some risks.
Don’t feel you have to confine your
arguments to sober and conventional
arenas. However, you also have to be
savvy and cagey, or your theatricality
can backfire; as Cronin says, this is a
particularly baffling kind of art.
In my book Thinking about
Leadership, I define a leader as follows:
“Leaders determine or clarify goals for a
group of individuals and bring together
the energies of members of that group
to accomplish those goals. Leaders
do this in all kinds of groups, from the
most informal committee to the larg-
est nation state. The responsibilities of
the president of a college or university
are among the weightiest of the forms
of leadership. If you take my definition
as one guide to action, you can think of
your role as a presidential leader in this
way: you are clarifying what a liberal
arts education means for your college
(and the world), and galvanizing the
energies of the faculty and trustees and
student leaders to pursue that goal. In
fact, one of the primary responsibilities
for you as president of a liberal arts col-
lege is to support the liberal arts, which
are basic to the historic mission and
A liberal arts
admits you to
a community
of scholars,
both professional
and amateur,
spanning the ages.
(Continued on page 71)
Winter 2014
How will it feel to become a second-
class nation? Inferior in technological
innovation, second class in artistic cre-
ativity, a follower rather than a leader?
This is possible—not certain—but a
very real danger if the United States
continues on its present course.
The United States can claim 35 of
the world’s top 50 research universities,
but we face intense competition from
other nations that see the economic ad-
vantage of strong research universities.
The U.S. share of global research
spending declined from 39 percent in
1999 to 34 percent in 2010 and is ex-
pected to keep falling, according to a
2012 report from the National Academy
of Sciences. While the growth in U.S.
spending on R&D is increasing by 3.2
percent per year, China is escalating
its investment at six times that rate (20
percent), and other nations are expand-
ing advanced education on a scale mir-
roring that of the United States in the
last century.
Moreover, we now see a reverse of
the “brain drain” that brought so much
talent to our shores. Four in 10 stu-
dents pursuing science and engineer-
ing doctorates at U.S. universities are
from other countries. Many of them
who once would have chosen to live in
America now plan on returning home
because they see a bright future for
their scientific work there, and U.S. im-
migration standards impose barriers to
retaining this trained talent.
This might not be so worrisome if
U.S. undergraduate enrollment in math
and science fields could meet our long-
term need for research scientists. We
know it cannot. Only a small fraction
of our undergraduates study the natural
sciences or engineering compared with
near majorities in Singapore, China,
and France.
While in earlier times, our coun-
try rallied around science, education,
and advanced learning, today these are
not national priorities. We confuse the
prevalence of modern technology with
national strength in science. But the core
of technology, as well as other advances,
is science. Nations on the rise see sup-
port of research universities as an invest-
ment in the future; unfortunately, many
Americans speak of it only as a cost.
Vigorous concerted action to sup-
port basic research is paramount in
contemporary America. Putting a man
on the moon was extraordinary but
relatively simple compared with tack-
ling global climate change, for exam-
ple. Recognizing the complexity of the
problems we face augurs the capac-
ity to solve them—as a nation and as
global citizens.
No other American institution ri-
vals higher education’s commitment
to discovering and sharing knowledge
at its most basic level. At the research
university I lead, we have developed
powerful partnerships regionally and
internationally to benefit our state and
the larger world.
The University of Michigan,
Michigan State University, and Wayne
State University, all public universities,
began collaborating in 2006 by form-
ing the University Research Corridor
(URC) to leverage the tremendous
strengths of our scientists. Today the
URC ranks among the countrys top
university research regions.
The University of Michigan is also
working with Qatar University to con-
duct social science research in Gulf
states; with the University of Ghana to
train OB/GYNs to be experts in fam-
ily planning; and with the University of
São Paulo to better understand adrenal
cancers prevalence in Brazil.
For U.S. universities to maximize
Research universities must become more agile, collaborative,
global in focus, and open to risk.
Can We
by mary sue coleman,
President of the University of Michigan
Editors Note: A version of this article originally appeared in TIME, October 7, 2013.
Winter 2014
their strengths, we must be decisive, cre-
ative, agile, and inclusive. That means:
Supporting a culture of risk-
taking. Faculty seeking grant funding
often must demonstrate how a project
might be directly applicable to a prac-
tical advance. But the most creative
and novel studies—the ones that often
do lead to breakthroughs—can some-
times be stymied. We must ensure that
our best minds have the support to fol-
low innovation wherever it leads. At
Michigan, for example, we’re commit-
ting $100 million for medical research-
ers to conduct novel science in a “fast
forward” manner.
Intensifying interdisciplinary
research. Advances in medicine, for
instance, will depend on combinations
of biology, nanotechnology, informa-
tion sciences, and engineering. When
Michigan pledged $30 million to hire
100 junior faculty members—dur-
ing the depths of the recession—the
qualification was that scholars work
in teams, across boundaries, to tackle
society’s thorniest problems. Emerging
combinations will yield unimaginable
discoveries that will improve lives.
Expanding our reach by offer-
ing a high-quality, affordable educa-
tion, not only for low-income students
but also for students from middle-class
families who face hardship owing to
the recent recession. Widening our
doors develops the talents of all of our
citizens, including bringing more ex-
ceptional students into STEM fields.
Spending public money ef-
ficiently, encouraging greater phil-
anthropic support, and ensuring that
students complete degrees in a timely
manner can motivate taxpayers, cor-
porations, foundations, and state and
federal governments to strengthen their
support for our endeavors.
Ensuring that strong under-
graduate teaching is part of the larger
research continuum. At Michigan, we
emphasize that research and teaching
are not antithetical; we are proud of the
fact that we are one of the great univer-
sities of the country, distinguished in
both teaching and research, and that we
help create the next generation of lead-
ers, scientists, and an educated citizenry.
Now more than ever, the research
university must provide a thriving cul-
ture for entrepreneurs and risk takers
whose discoveries will help us meet to-
day’s challenges and position ourselves
to meet tomorrow’s.
Top 10 U.S. doctoral institutions
with most foreign students,
as of 2012
1. University of Southern California 9,269
2. University of Illinois at Urbana-
3. New York University 8,660
4. Purdue University 8,563
5. Columbia University 8,024
6. UCLA 6,703
7. Northeastern University 6,486
8. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 6,382
9. Michigan State University 6,209
10. Ohio State University 6,142
Number of patent applications from leading countries in 2001 and 2011
U.S.South Korea
Number of foreign-born students
enrolled in graduate science and
engineering programs in the U.S.
(based on country of residence)
in 2009
1. India 61,420
2. China 42,440
3. South Korea 10,120
4. Taiwan 6,530
5. Turkey 3,480
6. Canada 3,120
7. Other countries 45,160
Total 172,270
Winter 2014
is dominated by salaries, not debt
payments on a new rec center—they
represent. Though they may make for
an attention-grabbing story, they can
hardly explain a 30-year trend that has
affected costs at even the most pedes-
trian of college campuses.
In fact, the rate of increase in the
cost of higher education for the past
30 years has exactly matched the rate
of increase in the cost of dental ser-
vices, legal services, and, for most of
those years, physician services.
dentists, lawyers, and physicians have
in common is that they are highly edu-
cated service providers whose indus-
tries have not yet been transformed by
efficiency gains brought about by new
technology. It still takes one dentist
about 20 minutes to fill one tooth, and
although the filling is probably far bet-
ter than it was 30 years ago, the dentist
still needs to be paid for that 20 min-
utes. Just so, it still takes one profes-
sor an hour to teach a one-hour class
to 40 students. Sure, classes could all
be doubled or tripled in size to achieve
greater efficiency, but colleges, stu-
dents, and parents all recognize that this
entails a sacrifice in quality. Ironically,
the most commonly cited measure of
educational quality, student-faculty
ratio, can also be viewed as a measure
of inefficiency.
Every service industry that has not
benefited from sweeping efficiency in-
creases and that relies on highly edu-
cated service providers is subject to the
same economic forces.
And the result
has been a similar, long-term cost pro-
file in each of these industries. Fancy
dorms and climbing walls are not the
cause of the problem. Would that they
were, since that would make the solu-
tion easy. As it is, finding a more effi-
cient way to deliver a truly high-quality
college education is extremely diffi-
cult, but is the only way to solve the
cost crisis in higher education. Many
promising experiments are now going
on, including so-called “MOOCs,
massive open online courses, but it
remains to be seen whether these or
related technologies will yield high-
Few days pass by without an arti-
cle appearing in a major newspaper or
magazine highlighting a failure of one
sort or another on the part of American
colleges and universities. Many focus
on very real financial concerns sur-
rounding the rising cost of higher edu-
cation in the U.S. Average tuition costs
have gone up faster than the rate of in-
flation since the early 1980s, and this
creates legitimate concern about the
continued affordability of a college ed-
ucation for today’s young people. The
cost of college today is, in inflation-
adjusted terms, roughly double what it
was in 1980.
Few of these articles take a deep
or serious look at the reasons for this
increase. Many reporters (and their
editors) seem satisfied with superficial
explanations that point to a lavish new
dorm at one college or a new recreation
center (with obligatory climbing wall)
at another.
They don’t stop to think
how rare and recent these collegiate Taj
Mahals really are, or what a tiny frac-
tion of a universitys budget—which
by John etchemenDy,
Provost, Stanford University
Are Our Colleges and Universities
See, for example, “U.S. Colleges Get Swanky: Golf Courses, Climbing Walls, Saunas,” Bloomberg News, June 24, 2005; “Resort Living Comes to Campus,” The Wall
Street Journal, December 6, 2012; “Oh, So That’s Why College Is So Expensive,” Forbes, Aug. 28, 2012; “Climbing costs strain colleges, families: Schools add amenities,
expand to compete for students,” Baltimore Sun, May 12, 2009. For an excellent discussion of how little these amenities have actually contributed to college costs, see
Climbing Walls and Climbing Tuitions, Rita Kirshstein and James Kadamus, The Delta Cost Project, American Institutes of Research, 2012.
For an excellent and careful analysis of the rising college costs, see Why Does College Cost So Much? by Robert Archibald and David Feldman, Oxford University Press,
See Archibald and Feldman (2011) for a discussion of these forces. They argue that there are two main reasons costs for these services increase faster than the consumer
price index (CPI). First, industries that show significant efficiency gains (such as manufacturing) tend to pull down CPI, and so those that do not show comparable gains (in
this case, service industries) become more expensive relative to CPI. Second, as wages for highly educated workers increase relative to less educated workers (largely due to
increases in technology), the cost of services requiring highly educated providers further outpaces overall inflation. These two factors explain a large part of the increase in
college costs, though there are clearly other factors at work as well, including significant increases in instructional and support services provided on most campuses today.
Winter 2014
quality substitutes for significant parts
of the undergraduate curriculum.
Efficiency gains result from price
competition, and U.S. colleges and
universities, while highly competitive,
have traditionally competed on the
basis of quality, not price. This leads
to fierce competition for high-quality
faculty and creates pressure to decrease
rather than increase the student-faculty
ratio. It also leads to expansions of non-
instructional staff to provide new and
improved services to both students and
faculty, and has pushed some campuses
to upgrade their dorms and recreation
centers—in a few cases, to extremes.
But the key cause of the cost crisis
is the basic economic fact described
above. Unless we find a way to deliver
a college education in a substantially
more efficient fashion, its growth in
cost will continue to outpace inflation.
There has also been a great deal of
focus on the related issue of growing
student debt. There is no question this
is an increasing problem. But again,
few articles have given it the careful
treatment it deserves, opting instead to
highlight stories of students borrowing
over a hundred thousand dollars to fi-
nance their bachelors degree. But these
examples are extremely rare. Indeed in
2007-08, the median debt nationwide
of graduating seniors at non-profit
colleges and universities was roughly
$10,000 and 36 percent graduated with
no debt at all. Thanks to financial aid,
at Stanford, as at many of the “most
expensive” universities in the country,
the median debt of graduating seniors
is zero (three-quarters graduate with
no debt at all) and the average indebt-
edness of a graduating senior is less
than $5,000.
The story is more sobering at for-
profit colleges, where less than 10 per-
cent of students have no debt when they
graduate and 60 percent have debt of
more than $30,000.
Since these insti-
tutions disproportionately serve lower-
income students, these levels of debt
can leave their students in severe fi-
nancial straits. Still, for-profit colleges
educate a relatively small segment of
the overall student population, though
the segment is rapidly growing.
Many people were shocked when
total student debt exceeded the nation’s
cumulative credit card debt. This cer-
tainly deserves a story, but also war-
rants some thoughtful analysis. For
example, not a single commentator has
pointed out that this increase coincides
with nationwide changes in consumer
spending habits. College has long been
an expense that families spread over
many years. At one time, it was com-
mon to build college savings accounts
in anticipation of eventual tuition bills.
Now, college savings have become less
common, only to be replaced by addi-
tional college debt.
These are simply
alternative strategies for spreading tu-
ition costs over multiple years. And,
like it or not, the substitution of debt
for savings has become the preferred
method for making most major pur-
chases, whether of a refrigerator or a
college education. Layaway plans and
college savings accounts have given
way to credit cards and college loans.
Most economists agree that, other
things equal, a higher savings rate is
healthier than increasing consumer
debt. But setting that aside, how con-
cerned should we be that educational
debt now exceeds credit card debt? As
consumer choices go, I could imagine
much worse decisions than spending
more on college education than on cur-
rent consumption. At least college is an
investment in the future.
None of this is to say that the cost
of college and the magnitude of college
debt are not real concerns. They are,
and they pose a serious threat to the
accessibility of college for an increas-
ingly large portion of our populace.
But no progress will be made on either
issue without understanding what is
really going on. As in medicine, treat-
ments based on faulty diagnoses are
often far worse than no treatment at all.
The value of a college
The most deeply troubling charge
leveled at U.S. colleges and universi-
ties concerns the value of the education
they provide their students. It has long
been assumed that a college education
yields significant benefits both for the
individual who receives the education
and for the nation as a whole. It has
become a platitude that a college de-
gree is needed to successfully compete
for a job in the so-called “knowledge
economy,” and that national competi-
tiveness increasingly depends on the
proportion of our population who re-
ceive post-secondary educations.
But even this has been challenged
in recent years. Some of the challenges
are as superficial as articles attributing
the college cost crisis to lavish dorms.
For example, investor Peter Thiel gen-
erated great fanfare by launching a
scholarship program that pays high
school graduates not to go to college,
but to launch businesses instead. This
is based on his hunch that a college
education does not improve one’s en-
trepreneurial skills, and so for these
students would be a waste of time.
Thiel’s hunch ignores a great deal
of evidence to the contrary. Indeed,
even commonly cited entrepreneurs
who launched successful companies
National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), 2007-2008, cumulative borrowing by sector,
According to a recent Moody’s investor report, in just the last three years, the proportion of families with any college savings dropped from 60 percent to 50 percent, and
those who saved set aside an average of only $11,781, down from $21,615 three years ago. (Moody’s Investor Service, March 12, 2013.)
Winter 2014
before completing college often de-
veloped the core ideas, found their
partners, and did initial development
work while still in college. The fact
that the diploma itself was not a key to
their success hardly detracts from the
benefits, educational and otherwise,
that they derived from their college ex-
perience. And of course, the reality is
that the vast majority of young people
would be ill advised to gamble their fu-
ture on a high-risk entrepreneurial ven-
ture, just like most would be ill advised
to bet on becoming a movie star.
Of far more concern are reports
from employers that college students
are graduating without the skills needed
to succeed in the workplace. Now, a
college education is not job training,
at least in the narrow sense, and was
never intended to be. But it most cer-
tainly should equip students with gen-
eral knowledge, skills, and habits of
mind that provide the foundation for
productive employment. If colleges are
failing at this basic task, then students
and parents are right to ask whether
they get their money’s worth from high
tuition, and taxpayers are right to ques-
tion whether the government should
continue subsidizing student loans.
Of course, complaining about
perceived or imagined failings of the
younger generation is nothing new, so
isolated reports from employers are
hardly evidence that the college degree
stands for less now than it did twenty,
thirty, or fifty years ago. There have
always been plenty of students who
made it through college without much
growth in practical skills to show for it.
This prompted Henry Ford, as far back
as 1934, to comment, “A man’s college
and university degrees mean nothing to
me until I see what he is able to do with
them.Ford was a great supporter of
education, but as his remark shows, he
did not view the degree as an iron-
clad guarantee of anything.
Still, while anecdotal reports
may not be good evidence, it is ex-
tremely important to ask whether
American colleges and universi-
ties are producing graduates with
the kinds of skills needed in the
modern workplace. This is why
few books about higher education
have received as much attention, ei-
ther in the popular press or among
policymakers, as Academically
Adrift: Limited Learning on College
Campuses, by Richard Arum and
Josipa Roksa.
In this book, Arum and Roksa
present the results of an extensive
study of students at a large and rep-
resentative sample of U.S. colleges
and universities. Based on these re-
sults, they argue that a large propor-
tion of students at today’s colleges
and universities show little or no
improvement on the key reasoning
and communication skills expected
of a college graduate and demanded
in today’s employment marketplace.
They conclude that all too many stu-
dents, as well as the colleges they
attend, are “academically adrift.”
The picture Arum and Roksa
paint is a sobering one:
An astounding proportion
of students are progressing
through higher education today
without measurable gains
in general skills as assessed
by the [Collegiate Learning
Assessment test]. While they
may be acquiring subject-spe-
cific knowledge or greater self-
awareness on their journeys
through college, many students
are not improving their skills in
critical thinking, complex rea-
soning, and writing.
The Collegiate Learning Assess-
ment test, or “CLA” as it is widely
known, is a standardized test designed
to measure general competencies in
critical thinking, analytical reasoning,
problem solving, and writing. These
general skills are widely considered
by both employers and educators to be
among the most important workplace
skills, and enhancing them is univer-
sally recognized as one of the primary
goals of a college education. The
most widely cited conclusion drawn
by Arum and Roksa from their data is
that 45 percent of the undergraduates
studied showed no measurable gains in
these crucial skills.
This would be a devastating indict-
ment of the higher education system
in the U.S.—if it were correct. It turns
out, though, that the evidence presented
by Arum and Roksa falls far short of
justifying the sweeping claims made
in their book, as I will eventually ex-
plain. But before looking at the details
of the study, it is important to pause
and review some powerful, general rea-
sons to approach their conclusion with
a healthy degree of skepticism. Chief
among those reasons are certain basic
economic facts that are well known but
rarely appreciated for what they show.
The first of these is the wide and grow-
ing discrepancy between the earnings
of college graduates and the earnings of
those who do not go to college.
The college premium
We all know that, on average, col-
lege graduates earn more than those
who do not go to college. Indeed, ac-
cording to a recent study by Daron
Acemoglu and David Autor, the college
premium—the difference between the
earnings of the average college gradu-
ate and the average high school (only)
graduate—stands at record levels. They
Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa, Chicago (2011), p. 36.
Winter 2014
calculate that the “earnings of the aver-
age college graduate in 2008 exceeded
those of the average high school gradu-
ate by 97 percent.”
In other words, col-
lege graduates on average earn nearly
twice as much as those who do not go
to college. There is little question that
this is the largest college premium in
history, and certainly the widest gap
since comparative wage data became
available in the early 20th century.
Other authors, using very different
methodologies, come to similar con-
clusions. For example, while the figure
cited above averages the earnings of all
college graduates, including those with
advanced degrees, Carnevale, Rose,
and Cheah estimate that the projected
median lifetime earnings of those with
a baccalaureate degree alone are 74
percent higher than the earnings of
those with just a high school degree.
Perhaps more interesting, these au-
thors find a college premium in almost
every line of work, even those that do
not require a college degree. For ex-
ample, food service managers and re-
tail salespersons—occupations open
even to those with no high school di-
ploma—benefit from a college educa-
tion: in these professions, workers with
a bachelor’s degree earn between 50
and 65 percent more than those with
only a high school diploma. Other pro-
fessions show more modest benefits
from the college degree, such as stock
clerks, waiters, and security guards. In
these professions, the college premium
ranges from 18 percent (stock clerks)
to 45 percent (security guards). Rare is
the occupation that exhibits no college
premium at all: mail carriers, carpen-
ters, and truck drivers are among the
few lines of work where a college edu-
cation does not, on average, increase an
individual’s earnings.
In another study, Zaback, Carlson,
and Crellin arrive at similar figures for
the overall college premium, but also
look at the premium for different col-
lege majors and in different states of
the union.
They find that the magni-
tude of the premium varies by major (a
science and engineering major earns a
95 percent premium, while an arts and
humanities major earns 55 percent),
and by state (ranging from a 40 percent
premium in South Dakota to 88 percent
in California). But there is no combi-
nation of major and state that does not
see a wage premium for a baccalaure-
ate degree.
If it is true that almost half of to-
days students show no measurable
gains in general skills” as they proceed
through college, then how can we ac-
count for the large and growing dis-
crepancy between the incomes of those
with and without a college degree?
Why are employers paying so much
more for employees who have gradu-
ated from college, even in lines of work
where the degree is not a requirement
for entry and even for majors that pro-
vide no directly relevant job training?
Of course, raw economic data do
not prove causality, only correlation.
But assuming we can rule out some
kind of mass delusion on the part of the
employers of America, there seem to be
only two possibilities: The first is that
employers are rewarding something
other than skills that are gained or im-
proved during college, perhaps general
intelligence, persistence, or some other
characteristic not substantially affected
by the college experience. The only al-
ternative is that employers pay the sub-
stantial wage premium at least in part
for traits and skills that are acquired or
honed during college.
Is college a passive filter?
Let’s consider the first possibil-
ity. Some people have claimed that the
main benefit of a college degree is that
it signals a set of abilities and traits that
graduates bring to college, not char-
acteristics they acquire while they are
there. On this hypothesis, colleges play
a primarily sorting or filtering role, and
employers simply rely on this filter
when they seek highly skilled work-
ers. Employers are paying a premium
not for how the college experience
has molded or transformed prospec-
tive employees, but rather, so to speak,
for the raw material, the preexisting
traits that led to their original admis-
sion and eventual completion of the
college degree.
This hypothesis does not stand up
to scrutiny, for a number of reasons.
Consider first the signal sent by college
admission. College admission, at least
It is important to ask
whether American
colleges and
universities are
producing graduates
with the kind of skills
needed in the
modern workplace.
“Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings,” Daron Acemoglu and David Autor, NBER Working Paper No. 16082 (2010), p. 7.
The College Payoff: Education, Occupations, Lifetime Earnings, Anthony P. Carnevale, Stephen J. Rose, and Ban Cheah, Georgetown University Center on Education and
the Workforce (2011), p. 4.
The Economic Benefit of Postsecondary Degrees: A State and National Level Analysis, Katie Zaback, Andy Carlson, and Matt Crellin, State Higher Education Officers
Association (2012).
Among standard baccalaureate majors, the lowest premium is 27 percent for social and behavioral science majors in New Hampshire and South Dakota.
Winter 2014
to highly selective institutions, no doubt
signals something about the individual
admitted. Admission to a selective col-
lege is, after all, a filter. But employers
could easily replicate this kind of filter
themselves, by requiring that applicants
supply the same material required by
college admission offices—SAT scores,
high school records, and so forth. For
that matter, they could employ former
college admission officers to assist in
their hiring. Alternatively, they could
begin recruiting freshmen who have al-
ready been admitted to a selective col-
lege, rather than waiting until they finish
their degree. This is basically what pro-
fessional sports leagues do, hiring play-
ers as soon as league rules allow.
The example of professional sports
leagues is instructive. This is a case
where employers are indeed primarily
interested in traits the student athlete
brings to college, rather than skills they
acquire during their college experi-
ence. To be sure, college athletes fur-
ther develop their athletic skills while
playing at the college level. But for
the most part, professional coaches are
just as equipped as college coaches to
give young athletes the necessary train-
ing and experience in their sport. The
college degree itself, and the academic
accomplishments it signifies, are irrel-
evant to their hiring decisions.
And what is the consequence of this
situation? Put simply, the frequency of
college degrees among professional
athletes is directly proportional to the
restrictiveness of the league rules gov-
erning rookie hiring. Major League
Baseball has the least restrictive rules,
allowing recruitment directly out of
high school. As a result, a total of 39
MLB players who played in a major
league game last yearroughly 4
percent—had college degrees.
National Basketball Association is
slightly more restrictive; its one and
done” rule allows recruitment after a
single year of college play. Roughly 20
percent of NBA players have college
degrees. The National Football League
has the most restrictive rules, and also
the highest proportion of college gradu-
ates among its players. Approximately
half of NFL players have completed a
baccalaureate degree.
Although there is no source of data
to prove or disprove this, it is probably
the case that among professional ath-
letes, the college premium is actually
negative: those with a college degree
very likely have lower salaries on aver-
age than those without. This would be a
predictable result of the fact that the most
prized and talented athletes are recruited
out of college long before they have a
chance to finish their degrees. Less tal-
ented athletes, those not lured by early,
highly lucrative recruitment offers, have
more time to complete their degrees.
If employers were primarily using
college as a signal of general intel-
ligence, plus perhaps the ambition to
apply and get into a selective college,
then we would expect to see much
more hiring behavior like professional
sports leagues. But such early recruit-
ment is virtually unheard of in any
other profession.
It is also important to recognize that
the prior discussion assumes that college
admission is selective. But in fact, most
college students do not attend schools
whose admission is highly selective, and
the college premium that needs to be ex-
plained is not limited to alumni of those
institutions. It measures the average
wage benefit across graduates of all col-
leges and universities. So the hypothesis
that employers are using college admis-
sion as a filter is doubly flawed: it does
not stand up to scrutiny for selective col-
leges, and even if it did, most college
admission is not highly selective.
Of course, it might be that the signal
employers are looking for is not admis-
sion to college but the fact that the indi-
vidual persisted in pursuing a four-year
degree. This is another way in which
college acts as a filter: graduates were
not only admitted, they also stuck with
the college project for four long years.
This requires a certain level of ability,
commitment, and motivation that would
certainly interest most employers.
Now we should be careful to re-
member the hypothesis we are consid-
ering. Obviously, a bachelors degree
does signal, among other things, the am-
bition and persistence required to finish
the degree. There is no debate about
If the degree were
simply a signal of
traits students bring
to college, not a mark
of what they get while
there, then at [highly
selective] colleges,
we should see
employers recruiting
students as soon as
they are admitted.
“College Grads in Baseball a Rare Breed,” Jon Paul Morosi, Fox Sports, May 18, 2012,
“N.B.A. Players Make Their Way Back to College,” Jonathan Abrams, The New York Times, October 5, 2009,
Winter 2014
that. The question is whether employ-
ers pay a premium only for a graduate’s
preexisting character traits, and not for
skills and traits that are developed and
improved due to the college experience.
In other words, is college more like the
TV show Survivor, with the college
degree awarded to those who are moti-
vated and talented enough to complete a
sequence of otherwise pointless tasks?
Again, both salary data and em-
ployer behavior suggest otherwise. For
example, if the college premium were
primarily rewarding character traits
like diligence and tenacity, traits that
may well be indicated by a college de-
gree, then we would expect individuals
who enter college but fail to complete
a degree to suffer a penalty compared
to those who complete high school but
choose to enter the employment mar-
ket immediately. After all, the former
individuals have proven that they did
not have the required diligence and te-
nacity to complete the college project
on which they embarked. But in fact
the data point in the opposite direction.
Individuals who begin college but fail to
complete any degree still enjoy a 20 per-
cent wage premium above high school
graduates who go directly into the work
force. This is exactly what we would
expect if the premium actually rewards
skills improved during college, not the
persistence required to finish a degree.
Moreover, there are many other
ways to demonstrate persistence and
diligence. The most simple and obvi-
ous is to hold down a job for several
years. Indeed, holding down a job is a
significantly better signal of the ability
to hold down a job in the future than
having gotten through college. Other
things equal, the more similar the evi-
dence, the better the predictive power.
To the extent that a baccalaureate
degree is simply a mark of diligence and
persistence, we would expect employ-
ers to reward equally their more expe-
rienced employees. And yet the average
high school graduate with five or even
ten years of employment experience still
does not earn close to what the average
college graduate earns, even with little
or no experience. This is hardly surpris-
ing. After all, an excellent high school
record plus four years of diligent work
experience does not qualify you for the
kinds of jobs and pay levels open to
those with a similar high school record
plus a college degree. Yet that is exactly
what we would expect if the pure “sort-
ing and filtering” model were accurate.
Consider one final piece of evi-
dence. A number of colleges and
universities, particularly the most selec-
tive, have graduation rates well above
90 percent. Students admitted to these
colleges not only have outstanding high
school records, they are also virtually
guaranteed to graduate. If the college
degree were simply a signal of abilities
and traits students bring to college, not a
mark of what they get while there, then
at least at these colleges, we should see
employers recruiting students as soon
as they are admitted. They have already
demonstrated the intelligence and am-
bition required for admission to the
most selective schools, and their even-
tual graduation is almost a sure bet.
Why wait four years to hire them, when
they could be spending those years
productively employed? And yet, once
again, outside of professional sports, no
employers choose to do this.
The economic data
Clearly, there is strong evidence
against the hypothesis that college
serves merely as a filter, that employers
are interested primarily in the raw ma-
terial, not how that material has been
molded or transformed by the college
experience. It would be extremely hard
to explain employer behavior if they
are not rewarding traits and skills that
students obtain or improve during their
time at college. Given that fact, what
are we to make of the economic data
surrounding the college premium?
As any economist will tell you,
the college premium is a measure of
the value employers place on the skill
(and consequent productivity) differ-
ential between college graduates and
those with lower levels of education.
Thus the college premium can be af-
fected by a number of different factors.
Traditional economic theory focuses on
the relative supply of and demand for
the skills represented by a college de-
gree. For example, it is well understood
that the relative demand for highly
skilled labor increases as technology
transforms the workplace. Technology
tends to decrease the need for large
numbers of unskilled laborers, but also
requires more highly skilled workers
to implement, operate, and maintain.
Recent history has seen a large increase
in technological innovation, and this in
turn has increased the relative demand
for skilled over unskilled workers.
The other side of the economic
story is the relative supply of the skills
in question: are there enough educated
workers in the workforce to meet the
demand, or too few or too many? In the
U.S., the supply of college graduates has
continually increased since the 1950s,
though the rate of increase has not been
constant. The increase was quite rapid
during the late 60s through the ’70s,
but slowed down during the 80s and
Carnavale, et al., p. 3. Note that these are all, by definition, individuals who are in occupations that do not require a college degree. These occupations tend to be lower
paying and also have smaller college premiums. For example, security guards with a baccalaureate degree earn about 45 percent more than those with only a high school
degree, while those with some college but no degree earn about 20 percent more than those with only a high school degree. This explains why the premium for some college
but no degree is only slightly more than a quarter of the premium for a baccalaureate degree.
Winter 2014
’90s. And as it turns out, the college
premium actually decreased from 1970
to 1980, no doubt because the rapidly
growing supply of college graduates
outpaced any increase in demand. Since
1980, however, the college premium has
steadily grown, thanks to a combination
of increasing wages of college gradu-
ates and decreasing wages of those with
only high school degrees.
From 1980
to the present, the college premium in
the U.S. has almost doubled.
There is another factor, besides
the aggregate supply and demand for
skilled labor, that can affect the college
premium. Remember that the college
premium measures the relative wages
of college and high school graduates.
But of course, employer demand is for
workforce skills, not diplomas. As we
said earlier, the premium is a measure of
the value employers place on the differ-
ential skills of these two groups of work-
ers. But that differential could change.
For example, suppose there came a
point where there were no differences
in the skills of a college graduate and a
high school graduate. Very quickly, the
college premium would trend toward
zero. There would still be differential
demand for workers with different skill
levels, but if the college degree no lon-
ger indicated a higher level of skills,
employers would not be willing to pay a
premium for those who hold the degree.
This introduces a layer of complex-
ity, but an extremely important one, to
the college premium. After all, the rela-
tive skills of high school and college
graduates—and hence the underlying
value to employers—could change if
there were significant changes in the
educational effectiveness of either high
schools or colleges. For example, if the
average skills of students graduating
from high school dropped while those
of college graduates remained roughly
the same, then we would expect the
relative value of college graduates to in-
crease, even though their absolute skill
level remained the same. On the other
hand, if the skills of college graduates
dropped while those of high school
graduates remained the same, we would
see the college premium decline. The
gap in skills is what matters, and if this
grows or shrinks, so too will the college
The central question raised by Arum
and Roksa in Academically Adrift is
whether U.S. colleges have in recent
years become less effective in imparting
important workplace skills to their grad-
uates. To put this important question
another way, has the skill differential be-
tween high school graduates (the “raw
material” entering college) and college
graduates (the output) decreased?
At first glance, it is hard to square
such a decrease with the economic
data, with the continued growth in the
U.S. of the college premium. Other
things equal, a decrease in the skill
differential should result in a shrink-
ing of the premium, not continued
growth. But of course, other things are
not equal: changes in either the supply
of college graduates or the demand for
their skills might disguise changes in
the skill differential represented by a
college degree.
Now as we mentioned earlier, the
relative supply of college graduates in
the U.S. has continually increased dur-
ing the postwar period, including in re-
cent decades. Other things equal, this
would also lead to a decrease in the col-
lege premium, and so would accentuate,
not counteract, a decline in the college
skill differential. So the only potentially
confounding factor is changing demand
for skilled labor. In particular, if de-
mand for skilled workers has increased
enough, then desperate employers
might pay more for college graduates
even if there are more of them available
and the incremental skills they each
bring to the workplace have gone down.
This seems fairly unlikely, but is
hard to rule out entirely without a di-
rect gauge of changing U.S. demand
for skilled labor, one that is indepen-
dent of the college premium itself. But
no such measure is available. We can,
however, learn something by looking at
international data. Since the workplace
technology driving today’s demand for
skilled workers is cheap and widely
available in the developed world, it is
reasonable to assume that there is ap-
proximate parity in the demand for a
skilled workforce in other highly de-
veloped economies. So it is instructive
to look at the college premiums paid in
other developed countries.
Unfortunately, systems of second-
ary (high school) and tertiary (college)
education vary a great deal in different
developed countries. In some countries,
such as the United Kingdom, second-
ary education goes further while the
first college degree is more specialized
than in the U.S. In other words, much
of what is covered in the first year or
so of college in the U.S. is already cov-
ered in secondary schools in the U.K.
Conversely, college education in the
U.K. roughly matches the last two or
three years of a U.S. college degree.
The overall target is approximately the
same, but the secondary/tertiary divi-
sion of labor is somewhat different.
Because of these differences, there
are fewer confounding variables if we
look at the premium paid for college
graduates compared to unskilled or
minimally skilled workers, that is, in-
dividuals who did not complete their
secondary (high school) education.
It seems reasonable to assume that
the skill levels of workers who have
See Acemoglu and Autor (2010), Figures 1-4.
Labor Cost Ratios vs. Tertiary Graduates: 25-64 year olds
15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Winter 2014
not completed high school, at least in
economically developed countries, are
fairly similar. Accordingly, let’s com-
pare the labor cost of a college graduate
to the labor cost of an unskilled or mini-
mally skilled worker in the 34 countries
that make up the Organization for Eco-
nomic Cooperation and Development
The labor cost is the annual
cost to the employer of hiring such a
worker, including wages, benefits, and
other mandatory costs. It is the best
measure of what employers are willing
to pay for different levels of skill.
The ratio of the average labor costs
across all 34 countries is 1.8. In other
words, on average employers are will-
ing to pay 1.8 times as much for a col-
lege graduate as they are for an unskilled
worker. In the U.S., unskilled workers
cost employers an average of $35,700,
very close to the overall OECD average
of $37,900. But a college graduate costs
an employer $92,900, 2.6 times the
cost of an unskilled worker. There are
only four OECD countries whose cost
ratios equal or exceed 2.6: the Czech
Republic (2.9), Hungary (2.9), Poland
(2.8), and Slovenia (2.6). In each of
these countries the relative supply of
college graduates is among the lowest
in the OECD, which accounts for their
high ratios. By contrast, in countries
where the supply of college graduates
is similar to the U.S., the labor cost
ratio is substantially lower than ours.
If you graph the labor cost ratios
of all the OECD countries against the
percentage of college (tertiary) gradu-
ates, the resulting graph shows the
economically predicted decrease in the
cost ratio as the supply of graduates
increases, with one notable exception:
the United States is a clear outlier, with
a substantially higher college premium
than would be expected given its plen-
tiful supply of graduates.
This anomaly prompts the follow-
ing observation by the OECD authors:
The labour costs for tertiary grad-
u ates in the United States are more
than 2.5 times those for individuals
without an upper secondary educa-
tion, even though educational at-
tainment levels are high (40%). This
is likely a reflection that demand
still outstrips even a relatively large
supply of tertiary graduates, or that
productivity differentials between
these two educational categories
[in the U.S.] are particularly large.
Since there is no apparent reason
the demand for workplace skills in the
U.S. should differ strikingly from all
other OECD countries, this would sug-
gest that the skill (and consequent pro-
ductivity) differential is actually larger
in the U.S. than in other countries.
It is very hard to square these data
with Arum and Roksa’s conclusion
that colleges in the U.S. are failing to
impart important workplace skills to
their graduates. Of course, these au-
thors focus on more recent graduates,
while the economic data we’ve exam-
ined so far deal with broad averages in
the overall workforce. Would we see a
difference if we narrowed our view to
recent graduates?
The answer is no. If we look at the
labor cost ratios among 25 to 34 year
olds, the pattern remains roughly the
same. In the U.S., the cost ratio be-
tween 25 to 34 year old college grad-
uates and 25 to 34 year old unskilled
The data in the following discussion are drawn from Education at a Glance, 2011, OECD, Tables A10.1, A1.3a, and A10.2. For the purpose of this discussion, “college
graduate” includes all graduates of tertiary education programs, including those we would call technical colleges, and “unskilled worker” includes anyone who has not
completed their country’s counterpart of our 12-year high school education. In some countries, they may have completed vocational training programs, and so be somewhat
more skilled than their U.S. counterparts. The OECD countries are: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, (South) Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovak
Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States.
These countries and their labor cost ratios are: Israel (2.0), South Korea (2.0), United Kingdom (2.0), Australia (1.6), Canada (1.6), New Zealand (1.5), Finland (1.4)
and Norway (1.4).
See Education at a Glance, 2011, Chart A10.3, which graphs data for 45-54 year-old workers. I have graphed the data for all workers from 25-64 years old, which is
more inclusive and demonstrates the same point. If we graph the labor cost ratio of college graduates to high school graduates, rather than unskilled workers, the outcome
is similar, although the ratios are obviously smaller. Here, the labor cost ratio in the U.S. is 1.7. The closest country with similar college attainment levels is Israel, at 1.6,
and most fall well below 1.5.
Education at a Glance, 2011, p. 179, emphasis added.
Winter 2014
workers is 2.3, while the OECD aver-
age is 1.5. Only two other OECD coun-
tries have ratios in this age cohort that
are comparable to the U.S.: Hungary
(2.5) and Luxembourg (2.3). Again,
Hungary’s high ratio is influenced by a
low percentage of 25 to 34 year old col-
lege graduates, but Luxembourg’s edu-
cational attainment rates are similar to
ours. Thus among this cohort of work-
ers, Luxembourg and the United States
are the two standouts among OECD
countries. There is no evidence here
that the skill differential among recent
graduates of American colleges and
universities has declined in the least.
Comparative data on the wage
premium strongly suggest that col-
lege graduates in the U.S. are more
productive relative to unskilled or
minimally skilled workers than college
graduates in other developed countries.
Furthermore, the data suggest that this
holds as much for recent graduates as
for those who graduated years ago.
This is consistent with two widely held
views: first, that the U.S. system of pri-
mary education does not compare well
with primary education in many other
countries, and second, that U.S. higher
education remains the best in the world.
Education and regional
So far, we’ve considered the eco-
nomic effect of a college degree on
the individual receiving the degree.
But equally relevant is the effect of a
college-educated workforce on a com-
munity or region’s economic produc-
tivity. A recent study by the Milken
Institute tracked changes in educational
attainment levels and economic output
for 261 U.S. metropolitan areas for the
years 1990, 2000, and 2010.
Not sur-
prisingly, they found that increases in
a regions average level of education
are strongly correlated with the area’s
gross domestic product per capita and
real wages per worker. Specifically,
adding one year to the average educa-
tion level of the workers in a region is
associated with a 10.5 percent increase
in per capita GDP and an 8.4 percent
increase in average wages.
This is an impressive correlation,
but the Milken authors found that the
effect is even more striking when the
added education is at the college level.
In particular, they looked at the im-
pact of an additional year of school-
ing among workers who already had
at least a high school diploma. In other
words, what happens if the average
education of high school graduates in
a region increases from, say, 13.5 years
(one and a half years of college) to 14.5
years (two and a half years of college)?
It turns out that for each additional
year of college, the per capita GDP of a
region increases a remarkable 17.4 per-
cent. Similarly, the average workers
wages in the region are boosted 17.8
percent. By contrast, an additional
year of education for workers with just
nine or 10 years of schooling has little
effect on real GDP per capita or real
wages per worker.”
The Milken study found large
variations in how much the per capita
GDP of metropolitan areas in the U.S.
changed from 1990 to 2010. And while
they identify several factors that con-
tribute to the variation, such as changes
in the mix of industries in a region,
they conclude that over 70 percent of
the variation is explained by the change
in education level of the region’s work-
Increasing the level of school-
ing, particularly at the college level,
was by far the dominant driver of a re-
gion’s productivity gains.
The focus of the Milken study on
regional productivity gains sheds im-
portant light on the effectiveness of
U.S. colleges and universities. While
one might conceivably imagine that
the salary premium for a baccalaureate
degree is the result of something other
than differential skills acquired in col-
lege—say, the network of influential
contacts a graduate obtains—it is hard
to see how anything other than differ-
ential skills could yield the kind of pro-
ductivity gains analyzed by the Milken
authors. If colleges are not increasing
the workplace skills, that is, produc-
tivity, of the individuals they educate,
then how can educating more members
of a regions workforce increase the
productivity of the region? The produc-
tivity must come from a more produc-
tive workforce.
It turns out that for
each additional year
of college, the
per capita GDP
of a region increases
a remarkable
17.4 percent.
A Matter of Degrees: The Effect of Educational Attainment on Regional Economic Prosperity, Ross C. DeVol, I-Ling Shen, Armen Bedroussian, and Nan Zhang, Milken
Institute (2013).
The regional returns estimated by the Milken study are consistent with other recent studies. For example, Turner, et al., study the economic return to U.S. states as the
average education level in the state increases. They estimate that “the return to a year of schooling for the average individual in a state ranges from 11% to 15%.” See
“Education and Income in the States of the United States: 1840-2000,” Chad Turner, Robert Tamura, Sean Mulholland and Scott Baier, Journal of Economic Growth (2007).
A Matter of Degrees, p. 10.
A Matter of Degrees, p. 9.
Winter 2014
The Milken study shows that there
is a real economic benefit to college
education, not just a personal benefit
to the individual receiving the degree.
It also shows that American employers
are acting quite rationally when they
pay a premium for college-educated
employees, since it allows them to cap-
ture the very real productivity gains
that result from additional education. In
a sense, it completes the picture whose
contours were suggested by the wage
data previously reviewed. College
education produces a more productive
worker, and that is why employers pay
more for college graduates.
Arum and Roksa’s argument
All of the economic data point to
the same conclusion: American col-
leges and universities are equipping
their graduates—and equipping them
remarkably well—with skills that en-
hance their productivity in the work-
place. This is the backdrop against
which we should assess the central
argument of Academically Adrift. All
too many readers, in both the popular
media and academic circles, have un-
critically accepted Arum and Roksas
conclusions without the slightest
hesitation. Like the verdict that col-
lege costs are driven by lavish dorms,
the story seems almost too congenial
to criticize.
Lets look more carefully at Arum
and Roksa’s methodology to see if
we can understand how their conclu-
sion can run so counter to the brute
economic evidence. Arum and Roksa
base their argument on results obtained
by administering a standardized test,
the Collegiate Learning Assessment
(CLA), to a large population of stu-
dents. The test was administered twice,
once during the first semester of their
freshman year, and then again during
the last semester of their sophomore
year. The population was drawn from
a wide variety of colleges and universi-
ties, and by most measures closely re-
sembles the overall student population
of the U.S. Since the study follows the
same set of students through the first
three semesters of their college expe-
rience, it seems reasonable to assume
that the difference in individual scores
measures the impact of the intervening
semesters on the students’ performance
on this test.
The CLA is a standardized test
intended to measure general skills in
critical thinking, analytical reason-
ing, problem solving, and writing. It
does not assess more specific subject-
matter knowledge or other abilities that
students may learn in their courses.
Nonetheless, these general skills are
widely considered among the most im-
portant workplace skills, and enhanc-
ing them is universally recognized as
one of the primary goals of a college
education. The CLA is a constructed
responsetest, relying on essay-style
responses rather than predetermined,
multiple-choice answers. The test is
scored by human graders applying ru-
brics designed to ensure consistency
in scoring.
Given the economic evidence run-
ning counter to Arum and Roksa’s con-
clusion, there are two questions—or
really, clusters of questions—that we
need to consider. First, we need to ask
what exactly the CLA measures. Arum
and Roksa assume that it measures the
key general skills most highly valued
in today’s workplace. But this assump-
tion might be mistaken for two sorts
of reasons, which we will discuss in
a moment. Second, we need to exam-
ine Arum and Roksa’s interpretation
of their data, to see if the conclusions
they draw from it are actually sup-
ported by the evidence. What does
their data actually show, and is the
situation as bleak as they make it out
to be?
What does the CLA measure?
It is clear that the CLA measures
something, if only the ability to per-
form well on this and similar types of
tests. But does it measure the crucial
skills and characteristics actually re-
quired in the workplace? This may not
be the case for two reasons. First, the
CLA may be an accurate measure of
general reasoning, analytical, and com-
munication skills, but the workplace
may put a higher value on the special-
ized knowledge and skills that the CLA
does not even attempt to measure—say,
quantitative skills or subject specific
knowledge. This could certainly ex-
plain the divergence between Arum
and Roksa’s observations and the high
value U.S. employers place on a col-
lege education. But if U.S. colleges are
successfully producing graduates with
the skills most highly valued by em-
ployers, even if not those measured by
the CLA, it is hard to view Arum and
Roksa’s results as indicating a serious
problem. They are simply measuring
the wrong thing.
No doubt specialized skills explain
some of the disconnect between Arum
and Roksas results and the economic
data. Highly specialized knowledge
that can only or most easily be obtained
in college certainly accounts for some
fraction of the college premium. But
this cannot be the whole story, or even
the dominant factor. For one thing, the
specialized knowledge and skills that
lead to the most highly paid profes-
sions require graduate or professional
degrees, and the premium for a bac-
calaureate degree alone is already 74
percent. There are a small number of
undergraduate majors that provide pro-
fessional or quasi-professional train-
ing, but the college premium is by no
means limited to these majors. Indeed,
specialized skills cannot begin to ex-
plain the striking breadth of the col-
lege premium, the fact that it shows up
Winter 2014
to a greater or lesser extent in virtually
every line of work, and regardless of
the student’s major. This breadth must
be due to more general skills and char-
acteristics that are broadly acquired by
college graduates.
The second possibility is that the
CLA is aimed at the right general skills,
but it may be a poor measure of those
skills, at least as they manifest them-
selves in the workplace. It is easy to see
how this might be the case. The CLA is
a timed, standardized test, administered
in an artificial setting quite unlike that
encountered in an actual workplace. It
would not be surprising if the outcomes
from this test do not correlate well with
an individual’s ability to analyze prob-
lems in the workplace, find optimal so-
lutions, and successfully communicate
or carry out those solutions. After all,
the two tasks—standardized test taking
and the average workplace challenge—
could hardly be more dissimilar. They
are performed on very different time-
scales (one or two hours versus days or
weeks); they involve different levels of
motivation (a test whose results have
no personal consequences compared
to the highly salient consequences of
salary and career advancement); and
they permit entirely different strategies
(such as seeking advice from others,
trial and error, and other approaches
precluded to the test taker). Even the
communication skills measured by the
CLA—basically the ability to write a
formal memo—are of uncertain rel-
evance to a workplace dominated by
email and oral communication.
It would be a mistake to underes-
timate the importance of these differ-
ences. Take, for example, motivation.
A recent study by researchers from the
Educational Testing Service, one of the
largest providers of standardized tests,
showed that differences in motivation
have a huge impact on students’ test
Using a test designed to mea-
sure college-level reasoning, quantita-
tive, and communication skills, they
found that motivated students, particu-
larly those who stand to personally ben-
efit from their own high performance,
significantly outperformed students
in a control group who were not simi-
larly motivated. The researchers found
that the effect on performance was as
large as .68 standard deviations at one
institution, the equivalent of a 25-per-
centile performance difference for the
average student, and averaged .41 SD
at the three institutions studied.
comparison, the average difference
seen by Arum and Roksa between
freshman and sophomore scores on the
CLA was .18 SD, the equivalent of a 7-
percentile difference.
The test used by the ETS research-
ers contained both a constructed
response (essay) section and multiple-
choice sections. Interestingly, they
found that the impact of low motiva-
tion was significantly larger on the
essay section of their test—the part
most similar to the CLA—than on the
multiple-choice sections. This stands
to reason since, as they note, it takes
more effort and motivation for students
to construct an essay than to select
from provided choices.”
Clearly, given the magnitude of this
effect, even a slight change in motiva-
tion felt by students taking the CLA
as freshmen and then again as sopho-
mores could easily swamp any actual
change in their underlying skills. And
it is easy to see why student motivation
might decline between the freshman
and sophomore administrations of the
test, and rather hard to imagine how
it might increase. As anyone familiar
with college students can attest, fresh-
men tend to arrive on campus with high
enthusiasm, anxious to perform well,
and slightly intimidated by authority.
By the end of sophomore year, these
characteristics lessen as students be-
come more focused on their own stud-
ies and extracurricular pursuits, and
generally less pliant. The ETS authors
conclude that “differential motivation
between freshmen and sophomores, in
addition to the low motivation in gen-
eral, was likely the key factor respon-
sible for the limited learning reported
in the Arum and Roksa study.”
Whether or not this is the complete
explanation, there is an important les-
son to be learned from this study. Arum
and Roksa’s application of the CLA, as
with most uses of testing for program
rather than individual assessment, is
an example of low-stakes testing, that
is, testing whose results make little or
no material difference to the test takers
themselves. Low-stakes testing is ex-
tremely vulnerable to the vagaries of
student motivation. Unless measures
are taken to ensure that the test takers
are actually motivated to perform to the
best of their abilities, the results are of
questionable value.
The fundamental lesson might be
put this way: low-stakes testing is not
even an accurate measure of the indi-
vidual’s capacity to perform well on
that very test. We began this discussion
by saying that the CLA measures, at the
very least, the ability to perform well
on tests of this sort, but in fact even that
may be an unwarranted assumption.
Note that this problem is indepen-
dent of the question of whether the test,
even when taken by perfectly moti-
vated subjects in ideal circumstances,
accurately measures the real-world
skills that we are interested in and that
“Measuring Learning Outcomes in Higher Education: Motivation Matters,” Ou Lydia Liu, Brent Bridgeman, and Rachel M. Adler, Educational Researcher (2012).
Liu, Bridgeman, and Adler, p. 356.
Liu, Bridgeman, and Adler, p. 360.
Winter 2014
we actually teach. We have already
described several reasons the CLA
may do a poor job of measuring ana-
lytical and problem-solving skills as
they manifest themselves in the actual
workplace. But there are others. For
example, there are many general traits
and habits of mind that are resistant
to accurate measurement by standard-
ized test, and yet are highly relevant to
workplace problem solving. Creativity,
judgment, and the ability to work with
others are obvious examples.
The more we appreciate the sheer
complexity of skills, character traits,
and habits of mind that affect an indi-
vidual’s performance in the workplace,
the more skeptical we should be that a
standardized test can be devised that ac-
curately measures that ability. And this
is why a quality undergraduate educa-
tion provides a wide range of subjects,
taught in classes employing a diverse
mix of instructional formats and as-
sessment methods, along with ample
opportunities for experiential learning
and other co-curricular activities. It is
no accident that the complexity of the
workplace is reflected in the complexity
of the college experience.
It takes an extreme leap of faith to
think that a test like the CLA can ac-
curately measure the general skills de-
manded in todays workplace, or even
a significant subset of those skills. Of
course, the best measure of whether
college graduates in the U.S. are ac-
quiring the skills needed in the work-
place is, and will always be, their actual
performance in the workplace. And the
best indicator of that remains the differ-
ential value employers place on college
graduates over high school graduates,
as reflected in the college premium.
If the CLA provided an important,
independent measure of workplace
skills, we would expect to find a signif-
icant wage differential between those
who perform highly on the test and
those who do not, once they enter the
workforce. Unfortunately, there is not a
lot of data on this key question, though
there is some. Arum and Roksa per-
formed a follow-up survey of the col-
lege graduates from their Academically
Adrift study.
Among other things, they
found that those who had, as seniors,
performed in the bottom quintile on the
CLA were three times more likely to
be unemployed than those from the top
quintile (9.6 percent vs. 3.1 percent).
But among those who were employed
full time, they did not find the expected
wage differential. The average salary
of the top quintile ($35,097) was barely
higher than the average salary of the
bottom quintile ($35,000), and the av-
erage salary of the middle three quin-
tiles ($34,741) was actually below that
of the bottom group.
Since the follow-up survey was
conducted just two years after most of
the students graduated, it is possible
that a wage differential will emerge
as they proceed through their careers.
But as it stands, this new data should
give us pause. Arum and Roksa claim
that U.S. colleges and universities are
not equipping their graduates with the
skills required in the modern work-
place. But they base their argument on
tenuous data from a test whose scores,
according to their own follow-up sur-
vey, do not seem to predict earnings in
the marketplace. Against the backdrop
of overwhelming economic evidence to
the contrary, it is hard to give this argu-
ment a great deal of credence.
What do the data really show?
There are many reasons to question
whether the CLA is a good measure of
the general skills expected of a college
graduate. Still, the CLA has many sup-
porters who consider it a state-of-the-
art test of an extremely important set of
reasoning and communication skills. As
a logic professor who has taught these
skills for over thirty years, I certainly
concur about their importance, even
though they may represent only a nar-
row sliver of the skills and character-
istics that contribute to success in the
It is essential to acknowledge two
things, however. First, the CLA is by
no means an accurate measure of even
these limited skills. The dramatic effect
of motivation on student performance
alone shows that the results are any-
thing but unerring. Second, it is abun-
dantly clear that no standardized test can
capture the full panoply of important
characteristics that college aims to im-
part or improve. It is naïve to think that
such a narrow and constrained measure-
ment technique can adequately gauge
the range of knowledge, skills, talents,
dispositions, character traits, and hab-
its of mind that contribute to workplace
performance and that the college experi-
ence, at its best, molds and transforms.
Nonetheless, we can acknowledge
both of these points but still wonder
It takes an extreme
leap of faith
to think that a test
like the CLA can
accurately measure
the general skills
demanded in
today’s workplace.
Documenting Uncertain Times: Postgraduate Transitions of the Academically Adrift Cohort, Richard Arum, Esther Cho, Jeannie Kim, and Josipa Roksa, New York: Social
Science Research Council (2012).
Winter 2014
whether there are important lessons
to be learned from Arum and Roksa’s
data. Does it give us reason for concern
about how well students are learning
the specific skills the CLA targets? I
think the answer, even to this more lim-
ited question, is no.
The first thing to realize is that the
most widely reported claim made by
Arum and Roksa—that 45 percent of
the students made “no measurable gains
in general skills”—involves a common
statistical fallacy. Alexander Astin first
pointed this out in an article in The
Chronicle of Higher Education.
me describe the problem in non-tech-
nical terms. Suppose we are interested
in determining whether an individual
student’s reasoning skills have im-
proved between the two sittings of the
CLA exam. We know that CLA scores
in themselves are an imprecise mea-
sure of the underlying skills because
of unavoidable sources of measure-
ment error, such as the student’s men-
tal or physical state on the day of the
exam, imprecision in scoring the test,
and so forth. So how do we know when
a change in CLA score indicates a real
change in ability?
If it is important to avoid wrongly
declaring improvement when none has
actually occurred—what is known as a
false positive or Type I error—we need
to require that the student’s later score
exceed the earlier score by some mar-
gin of error. Using a larger margin of
error gives us more confidence that the
change in score is not simply a fluke
but indicates a genuine improvement in
skill. But the larger the margin of error
we choose, the more false negatives
or Type II errors we will incur, that is,
students whose skills have actually im-
proved even though their scores did not
meet our more stringent requirement.
That is the unavoidable tradeoff: aim-
ing for fewer false positives inevitably
produces more false negatives.
So where does the widely quoted
45 percent figure come from? Arum
and Roksa have settled on a particular
margin of error for measuring improve-
ment (corresponding to a “95 percent
confidence level”), and found that 55
percent of the students tested demon-
strate improved levels of skill. That
is, each of these student’s test scores
increased more than the chosen mar-
gin of error, giving us confidence that
the change in score was not caused by
measurement error, but was instead due
to a genuine improvement in skill.
But what can we say about the other
45 percent? Can we say with equal con-
fidence that their skills did not improve
between the two sittings? Absolutely
not. In fact, the very technique that
gives us confidence of improvement on
the part of the 55 percent also ensures
that the 45 percent includes more false
negatives, students whose skills actu-
ally improved but who were excluded
by our more stringent requirement. All
we can say about these students is that
their scores, for whatever reason, did
not increase beyond the chosen mar-
gin of error. This might be due to no
improvement in the skills in question,
but might also be due to any number
of measurement errors—for example,
scoring imprecision or, to echo our pre-
vious discussion, decreased motivation
on the part of the student.
What do Arum and Roksa have to
say about the possibility of false nega-
tives, students whose skills improved
though their scores fell short? Here is
their casual dismissal of the problem:
A test such as the CLA…may face
challenges of reliability, raising
the possibility that some of the stu-
dents showing no gains [in score]
may actually be learning. However,
questions of reliability are likely to
pertain to the other half of the dis-
tribution as well, meaning that some
of the students reporting gains may
not actually be learning much.
The problem with this response is
that it reveals a fundamental confusion.
They are in effect saying: sure, there
may be false negatives, but it is just as
likely that there are false positives. But
that’s simply wrong: the whole point
of requiring a margin of error is to di-
minish the chance of false positives,
though in doing so we necessarily incur
more false negatives. The two sides do
not somehow balance out. Thinking
that they do is a blatant fallacy.
In fact, Arum and Roksa’s noncha-
lant dismissal of this concern would
actually have been more appropriate
if they had not employed any margin
of error, but had simply assumed im-
proved skills for all those whose raw
score increased between the two sit-
tings. Of course, the percent whose
skills they reported as “improved
would then have been significantly
higher than 55 percent, and the percent
that did not “improve” would be cor-
respondingly lower. Since Arum and
Roksa do not provide their raw data,
we do not know precisely how much
the numbers would change.
In any event, the sensational and
oft-repeated claim that 45 percent of
the students in the study showed no
learning gains is simply a mistake.
So looking at Arum and Roksa’s
results, what can we legitimately say
about the student learning? There are
three significant facts to keep in mind.
First, it is important to remember that
the two administrations of the test were
separated by only three semesters of
college, about a year and a half. Anyone
who has taught either writing or critical
thinking realizes that these are skills
“In ‘Academically Adrift,’ Data Don’t Back Up Sweeping Claim,” Alexander W. Astin, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 14, 2011.
Arum and Roksa (2011), p. 219.
Winter 2014
that are slowly improved through prac-
tice and repetition, not ones that are
acquired easily or quickly. Second,
we should bear in mind that Arum and
Roksa’s data come from a low-stakes
test setting and so are subject to large
motivational effects. Given predictable
declines in motivation between the two
administrations of the test, the study is,
as the ETS authors say, “likely an un-
derestimation of students’ true college
The motivational effects
inherent in the study design already
predispose the results toward false neg-
atives (students whose improvement is
masked by decreased motivation) and
away from false positives (students
whose test performance improved in
spite of no change in underlying skill).
Finally, the fact that we additionally re-
quire a statistical margin of error before
declaring improvement biases the re-
sults even further away from false posi-
tives, while incurring the unavoidable
risk of yet more false negatives.
Given these facts, what should our
prior expectations be about the study’s
results? Speaking for myself, I would
not have been surprised if the study
failed to detect any learning improve-
ment between the two administrations
of the test. The fact that 55 percent of
the students involved in the study none-
theless showed improvement beyond
the chosen margin of error is actually
remarkable. Far from being an indict-
ment of our students and our colleges,
it is a surprising and encouraging result.
The same can be said for the change
in average score. Arum and Roksa re-
port that the average score on the exam
improved by “only” .18 standard devia-
tions. They go on to explain:
This translates into a seven per-
centile point gain, meaning that an
average-scoring student in the fall
of 2005 would score seven percen-
tile points higher in the spring of
2007. Stated differently, freshmen
who enter higher education at the
50th percentile would reach a level
equivalent to the 57th percentile of
an incoming freshman class by the
end of their sophomore year.
Arum and Roksa present this as a
negative result. This is a rather puz-
zling reaction. Indeed, in another con-
text, we could imagine the paragraph
above appearing in an advertisement
promoting an SAT test prep service.
When we add to that the fact that the
study design likely underestimates the
students’ learning, it is hard to read into
this data a legitimate cause for concern.
Once we strip away Arum and
Roksa’s rhetoric of crisis and look at the
actual data they present, it takes on an
entirely different cast. Using a method-
ology that is biased toward understat-
ing student progress, they nonetheless
see evidence of a reassuring degree of
learning across a very broad base of
students attending a wide variety of
colleges and universities. They see this
progress using a test that targets a set of
abstract reasoning and communication
skills widely known to be among the
most difficult to teach, and they see the
improvement after only three semesters
of the students’ college experience.
This is not evidence of a system
that is academically adrift, but evidence
entirely consistent with what the eco-
nomic data tell us: graduates produced
by American colleges and universities
display a significant skill differential
that employers reward with the most
substantial wage premium offered in
the economically developed world.
The United States has the most
complex and variegated system of
higher education in the world. We have
colleges where the dominant form of
instruction is the large lecture and col-
leges whose largest class enrolls ten
students. We have schools that deliver
instruction primarily through hands-on
internships and others that are primar-
ily online. We have commuter colleges
geared for the working adult and resi-
dential colleges tailored for the full-
time student. We have schools that are
highly selective, while others admit all
comers. We have public institutions run
by the states, ranging from local com-
munity colleges to world-renowned
research universities. We have private
non-profit institutions, including small
liberal arts colleges, polytechnics and
conservatories, religiously affiliated
colleges and seminaries, and large,
full-service universities. And we have
a growing for-profit sector: from long-
established technical institutes, to new,
predominantly online universities.
This variety is the source of extraor-
dinary strength. It provides an unparal-
leled range of institutions that differ
widely in programmatic purpose, peda-
gogical approach, target student body,
and underlying financial model. It gives
rise, on the one hand, to intense compe-
tition for highly qualified students, but
on the other, also provides options for
students who stumble and need a sec-
ond chance. It is a resilient and flexible
system, unlike any other in the world.
I titled this essay, “Are our colleges
and universities failing us?” At this
point, a reader might expect my answer
to be no, not really. But this answer
would be as simplistic as those I’ve
criticized. Indeed, the very complexity
and heterogeneity of the U.S. system
means that it defies broad generaliza-
tion along almost any dimension.
Consider, for example, the issue of
college cost. Suppose we ask what the
primary driver of tuition increases has
Liu, Bridgeman, and Adler (2012), p. 360.
Arum and Roksa (2011), p. 35.
Winter 2014
been during the past decade. In fact, al-
though tuition has increased faster than
inflation in every sector, there is no sin-
gle reason why. For example, at one end
of the spectrum, community colleges,
the expenditures on education and re-
lated activities in fact declined almost
a thousand dollars per student between
2000 and 2010. These colleges have not
only contained expenses but reduced
them. Yet the cost to students still in-
creased faster than inflation, because
state appropriations to the colleges de-
clined even more than expenses.
reduced student subsidy provided by the
states more than counteracted increased
efficiency on the part of the colleges.
In contrast, at private colleges and
universities the situation was effectively
reversed. These schools spent substan-
tially more on education and related ex-
penses, yet their net tuition costs—that
is, the average tuition a student pays
after financial aid—remained almost
exactly the same after adjusting for in-
Indeed at many private institu-
tions, the net cost of attendance actually
declined, thanks to much more gener-
ous financial aid programs. Here, while
the published tuition increased, the sub-
sidies provided by college endowments
more than made up for that increase.
It is even harder to broadly general-
ize about the educational effectiveness
of such an extraordinary range of in-
stitutions. There are doubtless institu-
tions in every sector—public, private,
and for-profit—that fail to deliver ac-
ceptable educational outcomes, whose
graduates are not well prepared for the
jobs available in today’s marketplace.
But on the extent of the problem, the
economic data speaks volumes: There
is clearly no systemic or widespread
problem with the educational effective-
ness of U.S. colleges and universities.
The only reliable measure of how
prepared college graduates are for the
workforce is how they actually perform
on the job. And the best, broad-based
measure of that is the college premium:
how much employers are willing to
pay for the incremental skills the col-
lege graduate brings to the job. There is
no evidence that the skill gap between
high school and college graduates in
the U.S. has narrowed. On the contrary,
the data suggest precisely the reverse.
The recent recession and virtually
jobless recovery have taken a toll on
wages in the U.S. This, along with the
pervasive sense of crisis in higher edu-
cation, has led to many popular articles
focused on college graduates who find
themselves unemployed or underem-
ployed. These anecdote-driven stories
often conclude by questioning whether
college remains a good investment.
They tend to ignore the (easily avail-
able) comparative data concerning
wages and employment rates for young
people without a four-year college de-
gree. The truth is that while wages for
recent college graduates have indeed
declined about 5 percent, wages for
high school and associate degree hold-
ers have declined 10 and 12 percent,
respectively. Similarly, the proportion
of recent college graduates who suc-
cessfully transitioned into employment
barely changed during the recession,
while the rates for high school and as-
sociate degree holders dropped by 8 and
10 percent.
Again, the actual data do
not show that the value of the bachelors
degree has recently declined, but rather
that the value is more than holding its
own, despite difficult economic times.
But none of this is cause for com-
placency. Our system of higher educa-
tion is not without serious problems.
But again, we need to treat the real
problems, not imagined ones. At the
top of the list is cost and accessibility:
we need to find some way to bend the
cost curve in higher education without
making large sacrifices in education
quality. This is not an easy problem
to solve, because the cost crisis is not
driven by lavish student amenities,
high administrative salaries, or other
popular diagnoses, but by far more fun-
damental economic forces.
Of equal concern are college
completion ratesthe proportion of
students who begin college and go on
to graduate with a bachelors degree.
Nationwide, less than 60 percent of
students who enter a four-year college
successfully complete a degree after
six years. The other 40 percent spend
considerable time and money, both
their own and the taxpayers, pursuing
a college education, but then end up
with little to show for it. This is the real
wasteful spending in higher education,
and unless we address it, there is little
hope we can substantially increase the
proportion of college-educated em-
ployees in the workforce.
Addressing these real problems
should be the focus of our national
education policy, regional accreditation
boards, and university administrations.
Concerns about whether those who
successfully graduate are adequately
prepared for todays job market, or
whether they have achieved appropri-
ate “learning outcomes,” are largely a
distraction from the actual problems
of higher education in America. There
is overwhelming evidence—evidence
from the job market itself—that our
colleges and universities continue to do
well on that particular score.
Spending: Where Does the Money Go? A Delta Data Update 2000-2010, Delta Cost Project, American Institutes for Research, 2012, p. 10.
Trends in College Pricing 2012, The College Board, 2012, Figure 10.
How Much Protection Does a College Degree Afford?: The Impact of the Recession on Recent College Graduates, Economic Mobility Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts,
Winter 2014
by henry rosoVsKy,
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences,
Emeritus, Harvard University
Editors Note: These remarks were prepared for the Carnegie Corporation/TIME Summit on Higher Education,
September 20, 2013.
I. A Paradox
Domestically, American higher ed-
ucation is the subject of almost unprec-
edented criticism. “Too expensive and
inefficient and not a good investment”
is a common conclusion. Students are
said to be unprepared for the job mar-
ket. Higher education is accused of
being too permissive in tolerating low
faculty productivity and in resisting the
technological revolution. In general,
the current “business model” is judged
unsustainable: some think that we are
riding on the road to self-destruction.
The United States confronts great social
and economic problems, yet—in Arthur
Levines gloomy words—“public and
opinion leaders alike view [universities]
as more of a problem than a solution.”
But in international discussions
and evaluations of higher education,
American universities are frequently
called “the envy of the world.” Not by
any means all our universities. Indeed
not very many, but some—and that is
my point.
In the United States, it makes no
sense to speak about “higher educa-
tionor universities” in general—yet
it happens all the time. (The December
1, 2012, issue of The Economist pro-
vides a recent example. The headline
announced: Not what it used to be:
American universities represent declin-
ing value for money to their students.”
In the text there is little recognition
of the tremendous diversity of higher
education in the United States.) The
label “American universities” has little
meaning when our country is home to
more than 4,000 tertiary institutions,
ranging from those that might actually
be the envy of the world to those barely
distinguishable from high schools—
with a tremendous variety in between.
At the top of our higher education
pyramid we find the public and private
research universities with their special
role of creating and maintaining knowl-
edge, training graduate students in arts
and sciences and professional schools,
and offering a liberal education to un-
dergraduates. According to Jonathan
Cole, there are about 125 diverse uni-
versities that fit this description and
they are able to produce a very
high proportion of the most important
fundamental knowledge and practical
research discoveries in the world. It is
the quality of the research produced,
and the system that invests in and
trains young people to be leading sci-
entists and scholars, that distinguishes
them and makes them the envy of the
These 125 universities play a
less singular role in undergraduate edu-
cation. As Cole again points out, some
American liberal arts colleges are able
to offer undergraduate education of
equal quality. I agree, but the nature of
the educational experience is different:
“Today’s Unpresidential Presidents,” The Chronicle of Higher Education, October 26, 2012.
The Great American University, 2009, p. 5
American Exceptionalism?
In the United States,
it makes no sense
to speak about
“higher education
or “universities
in general—and
yet it happens
all the time.
Winter 2014
for undergraduates, the research uni-
versity might be compared to life in a
big city with a great diversity of inhab-
itants—undergraduates, graduate stu-
dents, professional school students, and
faculty reflective of that diversity—and
the liberal arts college comparable to a
more homogeneous and community-
oriented small town populace. Each has
its own advantages for under graduates.
Top of the pyramid”—my sole
focus here—does not mean that institu-
tions below the top are less worthy, less
deserving of private or public support,
or less essential in the national scheme
of higher education. Nor does it imply
that the current storm of criticism is
irrelevant for research universities. I
completely understand the need for con-
trolling costs and expanding capacity.
But it does mean that criticisms have
to be as differentiated as the range of
institutions: unless that happens, inap-
propriate remedies may damage a sec-
tor of American higher education where
we are using accepted but necessarily
questionable measures with the poten-
tial to lessen our status as world leaders.
All systems of international university
rankings agree that U.S. universities
dominate the top twenty or thirty places.
(Twenty-two out of thirty in the Times
Higher Education survey and twenty-
three out of thirty in the Shanghai Jiao
Tong ranking; both in 2013.)
It is unlikely that American domi-
nance is accidental, but a convincing
explanation would have to be extremely
complicated. History, wars, culture and
customs, and resources are all involved.
But all the institutions at the top of the
American educational pyramid—and
some others as well—share six char-
acteristics closely associated with high
quality. (My initial preference was to
call these “necessary conditions,” but
that seemed a bit too rigorous.) Their
absence would preclude—or make it
much more difficult—for research uni-
versities to achieve the highest quality,
not just in this country but anywhere
else. Indeed, their partial or total ab-
sence abroad helps to explain why
there are relatively few foreign—es-
pecially non-Westerninstitutions
represented at the top of the accepted
None of the six character-
istics is wholly unambiguous; all are
blurry. But is not difficult to detect their
presence or absence.
II. Six Characteristics of Quality
Shared governance. First, these
institutions all practice shared gover-
nance: the trustees and president condi-
tionally delegate educational policy to
the faculty. That would primarily include
curriculum and the initial selection of
those who teach, are admitted to study,
and do research. The administrative
style is collegial rather than top-down,
faculty sharing authority in specified
areas with appointed administrators and
trustees, the latter holding final author-
ity. This is a distinctly American form
of shared governance, which relies on a
strong executive. Presidents, provosts,
and deans possess and exercise consid-
erable authority over budgets, institu-
tional priorities, and many other matters
of consequence. This may be contrasted
with the so-called “continental model”
that features what, in its purist form, can
only be described as “participatory de-
mocracy”—faculty elections of rectors
and deans, and policy decisions some-
times placed in the hands of assemblies
based on the principle of parity: fac-
ulty, students, and employees sharing
authority. In my opinion, this form of
governance has been a great obstacle to
progress, and while it is very difficult
to generalize, it seems that even conti-
nental practice is moving toward greater
executive authority.
More than a decade ago, I had the
opportunity to study universities in de-
veloping countries all over the world
while preparing a report for the World
Bank and UNESCO.
Problems and
issues varied enormously depend-
ing on economic conditions, politi-
cal system, history, etc. But those who
were in charge of universities almost
always agreed on one point: poor sys-
tems of university governance were the
greatest obstacles to institutional im-
provement—more so than inadequate
financing or anything else. Of course,
poor governance meant many different
things but certainly included interfer-
ence by ministries of education, unclear
lines of authority and perhaps, most im-
portant, barriers to faculty input or ini-
tiative. It would be a mistake to believe
that poor governance applies only to
the developing world. Similar obstacles
For a very recent confirmation of this point, one need only look at Michele Lamont and Anna Sun’s op-ed, “How China’s Elite Universities Will Have to Change,” in The
Chronicle of Higher Education, December 14, 2012.
Higher Education in Developing Countries: Peril and Promise, 2000.
A major component
of education is
real as opposed to
virtual encounters
between students
and teachers
to encourage
participation and
critical thinking.
Winter 2014
have slowed quality growth in European
and American higher education.
What makes shared governance so
important? There are many possible
answers, but these are among the most
frequently mentioned: universities are
extremely complex organizations in
which centralized decision-making
does not achieve the best results; in
universities the proportion of self-moti-
vated people is large and to capture the
full measure of their creative juices”
requires a sense of ownership. Susan
Hockfield, former president of MIT,
puts it very well: Faculty travel the
frontiers of their disciplines and, from
that vantage point, can best determine
future directions of their fields and de-
sign curricula that bring students to the
frontier. No academic leader can chart
the course of the university’s discipline
independent of the faculty.”
These reasons apply in general to
organizations in which profession-based
authority is important, a good example
being law firms and large consulting
firms. Shared governance may frustrate
administrators intent on implement-
ing rapid change, but a slower pace
may also lead to wiser choices and cer-
tainly has not—in light of university his-
tories—prevented fundamental changes.
(It should be added that the current use
of adjuncts, offering over 50 percent
of instruction in many universities,
has surely undermined the integrity of
shared governance. A corps of instruc-
tors in which half are employed on a
yearly basis and without rights or sense
of ownership will not be doing much
creative thinking about the future.)
Academic freedom. Second,
despite periodic challenges, American
research universities enjoy academic
freedom—“the right of scholars to pur-
sue their research, to teach, and to pub-
lish without control or restraint from the
institutions that employ them”—and, in
addition, all rights granted to inhabit-
ants of this country, especially those
associated with the First Amendment.
Merit selection. Third, admis-
sion of students and selection and ad-
vancement of faculty is based on merit
measured by recognized and accepted
institutional standards. Some form of
prior achievement would define merit:
assuredly not an issue devoid of nu-
merous ambiguities. One cannot ignore
legacies, affirmative action, athletic
scholarships, and similar deviations
from the simplest notions of merit for
students, such as scores on a standard-
ized national test. Similarly, gender,
race, and old-boy networks can create
other deviations from a straightforward
standard for selecting and promoting
faculty. Nevertheless, objective mea-
sures of merit remain at the very least
the first approximation.
Significant human contact.
Fourth, a major component of education
is now and is intended to remain sig-
nificant human contact: real as opposed
to virtual encounters between students
and teachers to encourage participation
and critical thinking. In his 2012 Tanner
Lectures, William Bowen calls this
“minds rubbing against minds.” The
proportions may change over time but
the basic principle has to be retained:
it has to be part of liberal education for
undergraduates who need guidance and
contact in making choices, and it is a
self-evident part of the mentor-mentee
relation for those aspiring to reach a
PhD Leon Wieseltier, in language that
is both valid and vivid, captured the
spirit of this characteristic extremely
well in a recent New Republic essay:
When I look back at my educa-
tion, I am struck not by how much
I learned but by how much I was
taught. I am the progeny of teach-
ers; I swoon over teachers. Even
what I learned on my own I owed
to them, because they guided me in
my sense of what is significant. The
only form of knowledge that can be
adequately acquired without the
help of a teacher and without the
humility of a student is information,
which is the lowest form of knowl-
edge. (And in these nightmarishly
data-glutted days, the winnowing
of information may also require
the masterly hand of someone who
knows more and better.)
One might quarrel with some spe-
cific phrases, but it is not easy to imag-
ine these sentiments being addressed
to a screen. Few would deny the great
value of digitization, virtual course ma-
terials, or occasionally flipped class-
rooms but they remain complementary
rather than primary.
Preservation of culture. Fifth, all
these universities consider preservation
and transmission of culture to be one
of their missions. This would include
representation of the humanities in cur-
riculum (mandatory for undergradu-
ate liberal arts), as well as, for some,
more specialized activities including
research and language studies, and the
maintenance of libraries and museums.
Preservation of culture applies as much
to MIT, Caltech, and Purdue as it does
to the more traditional Yale and the
University of Wisconsin. Indeed, many
polytechnics”—certainly including
the ones mentioned here—have been
the source of major innovative schol-
arship in the humanities and social
sciences. The history of science and
economics are excellent examples. It
is a simple fact that our most promi-
nent universities specializing in science
have programs and/or departments that
transcend traditional definitions of sci-
ence. But why? Because they believe
The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th edition, 2001.
December 31, 2012
Winter 2014
that this both improves the education
of their students and the research of the
faculty. Interdisciplinary approaches in
all fields have been gaining favor for
many years and that may be the most
powerful driver of all.
Nonprofit status. Sixthand fi-
nally—all research universities operate
on a not-for-profit basis. If maximizing
profit or increasing shareholder value
were the goal, all the previous condi-
tions become unwelcome obstacles and
inefficiencies that could not be toler-
ated by a competent management. But
this condition is not as cut and dried as
it may seem. Decisions in not-for-profit
universities can be influenced and pos-
sibly distorted by considerations of
revenue. For example, activities that
generate research or operating funds in
return for certain privileges obtained by
a funder may require exclusive access
to specific scientific results for a limited
period of time. In this sense, no research
university today is purely not-for-profit.
None, however, is mainly directed by
the business aims of outside supporters.
The six characteristics are neither
canonical nor subject to rigorous math-
ematical proof. They are based on my
(I believe uncontroversial) reading of
our historical experience.
III. Understanding and
Misunderstanding the Quality
Many academics will consider a
listing of these characteristics indi-
vidually familiar, obvious, and of little
interest. Non-academics, on the other
hand, may have a quite different reac-
tion. The list could easily be interpreted
as a plea for the status quo, typical of
the academic establishment that stub-
bornly resists all change.
Both perspectives are wrong. The
characteristics of quality are almost
never considered as a system even
though the absence of any one of them
will affect the integrity and quality of
a research university. Faculty wishing
responsibly to exercise rights of shared
governance should have the whole
group clearly in mind.
Turning to the non-academic per-
spective, none of these characteristics,
singly or as a group, make—to use the
term beloved by our critics—disruptive
change impossible. This is an important
point because, I think, it runs counter to
widely held beliefs.
For example, tenure is perceived to
be an obstacle to change. It may indeed
be desirable instead to adopt a system
of long-term contracts—particularly
because federal law prohibits manda-
tory retirements. Faculties are aging
and so are their ideas, in turn raising
costs and keeping out the young. But
it is not the enumerated characteristics
that stand in the way of change. To take
the most relevant, in the American tradi-
tion, employment contracts have never
been within the purview of shared gov-
ernance. Faculties don’t determine their
own pay or conditions of employment;
these are in the hands of the administra-
tion—even when union negotiations are
involved. A main barrier to change has to
be the fact that—noted by Bowen in his
second Tanner Lecture—that competi-
tion between non-profit peer institutions
currently drives up cost. No ambitious
and quality-centered research univer-
sity can afford, on its own, to abandon
tenure and move (say) to long-term con-
tracts. Only an understanding with peers
would make it possible and that is ille-
gal. Bowen wonders if some collusion
would now be in the public interest.
Internal and external critics have
suggested various other cost-cutting
measures. For example, raising teach-
ing loads or a rising student-faculty ra-
tio—I do not necessarily suggest either
one—would lower cost. A three-year
bachelors degree would have the same
result. More machines, fewer humans,
and an increase in online learning
(MOOCS) may also decrease expenses.
Again, these may be good ideas or
not— but respecting the six character-
istics does not prevent their implemen-
tation (so long as shared governance is
clearly understood not to be participa-
tory democracy).
Shared governance does, from time
to time, increase the burden of admin-
istrators. Bowen, in his Tanner Lecture,
asks if shared governance is suitable
for a digital world in which decisions
about educational policy can frequently
go beyond individual professors or de-
partments and need to include a great
mix of constituencies. As he suggests,
individual or groups of faculty should
not have veto power over change. Have
they ever in a well-administered institu-
tion? Bowen is right: the definition or
concept of shared governance may have
to change with the times, while the prin-
ciple of faculty voice and participation
is vigilantly maintained. The important
words are sharing combined with good
leadership. The notion that research
universities are “unchanging” has al-
ways struck me as bizarre. Our products
are education and research, and the vital
element is not the format or setting (the
bottle) but the content (the wine.) And
that is forever changing.
Conditions that are at the core of
what it means to be a university are,
for many people, counterintuitive, es-
pecially for those with a background
A brief digression. In The Great American University, previously mentioned, Jonathan Cole suggests a list of thirteen items under the title “What Makes Great Research
Universities,” p. 109. There is very little overlap with our list—the main common point being academic freedom—because what I call “characteristics of quality” all pertain
to internal governance and, subject to constraints, are controlled by the university and ultimately by the trustees. And that becomes very consequential when trustees and
their responsibilities are considered.
Winter 2014
primarily in business. This was viv-
idly illustrated by the recent events at
the University of Virginia where a few
board members, mainly from the pri-
vate sector, believing that the new pres-
ident was making changes too slowly,
engineered her abrupt dismissal after
three years on the job. It seems to me
that this kind of coup would not be con-
sidered good practice even for a private
corporation, but for an institution in
which shared governance was the as-
sumed norm it proved to be disastrous.
The UVA board may have acted within
its legal authority, but the total absence
of consultation created a faculty-stu-
dent revolt that forced a reversal of the
original action. All emerged worse off.
Shared governance is perhaps the
classic source of “misunderstandings,”
but it is not by any means the only one.
Academic freedom is a perpetual sore
point, especially when it comes to the
expression of political opinion by fac-
ulty. To take one more example, preser-
vation of culture may be seen by those
exercising sound business judgment as
an entirely discretionary luxury when it
is, in reality, an integral part of research
Harvard President Drew Faust
framed the issues eloquently in a recent
address at Boston College:
Universities are a set of institutions
unlike any others in our society.
Certainly our budgets must balance,
our operations must be efficient, but
we are not about the bottom line, not
just about the next quarter, not even
about who our graduates are the
day they leave our walls. Our task is
to illuminate the past and shape the
future, to define human aspirations
for the long term. How can we look
past the immediate and the useful…
to address the larger conundrum
of: How shall we best live? What
do I want to be today—and tomor-
row? To discover not only the ways
in which human civilization plans
to get somewhere, but to ask the
question, Where does it—and where
should it—hope to go?
Those are not questions likely to
arise in many corporate boardrooms
but they should be raised regularly
among university trustees.
IV. Addressing the Present
We come now to some of the real dif-
ficulties of the moment. To fulfill their
role in society—creating knowledge and
educating graduate and undergraduate
students the university community
makes assumptions that may not always
be, and almost certainly are not now, ob-
vious either to the trustees who are their
governors or to the wider public. For
example, the characteristics associated
with quality can be seen as pleas for spe-
cial privileges. In business or in govern-
ment neither the freedom of expression
nor a voice in governance is the prac-
tice. Decisions are largely profit-based
or necessarily political.
Another reality to consider is that
American universities only rarely have
written constitutions or long-lasting tra-
ditions of common law. The guarantors
of their privileges and practices are trust-
ees, most of whose life experiences have
been in private business, admittedly
a category possibly so broad as to be
largely meaningless. (Currently, around
50% of trustees come from “business,
22% from professional service, and 13%
from education.) Furthermore, in the
case of state universities appointment to
positions of governance can be political,
frequently in the hands of governors,
and sometimes subject to state elections.
At a time of contentiousness and
criticism current practices raise ques-
tions: do those who constitute the
court of last resort understand the un-
usual entity with which they have been
entrusted? When trustee initiative is
necessary and appropriate and when
it is not? Do we do enough to prepare
trustees for their responsibilities? Are
those who make the appointments
more concerned about the candidate’s
ability to read balance sheets than their
appreciation of university values? Or
do we look primarily at the capacity of
potential trustees to make large dona-
tions? Or are those who have the power
of appointment primarily interested in
a candidate’s political affiliation? The
same point can be made about faculty.
We take great care to examine research
credentials and—these days, and that
is a major and welcome change—we
look more closely at teaching capaci-
ties. But do we do anything to prepare
faculty to participate productively in
shared governance? Both of these tasks
will grow in urgency as the American
research university—“the envy of the
world”?—navigates very stormy seas
predicted by nearly all observers.
“Scholarship and the Role of the University: Remarks at the Boston College Sesquicentennial,” October 12, 2012.
Universities are
a set of institutions
unlike any others
in our society. Our
task is to illuminate
the past and
shape the future.
Drew Faust
President, Harvard University
Winter 2014
Our panel’s topic today is what an
educated person of the 21st century
ought to know and what that means for
the ways in which U.S. research uni-
versities—which educate a very large
percentage of all American undergrad-
uates—ought to do to strengthen their
teaching effectiveness.
I want to make six observations.
First, it’s difficult to talk about the
role of research universities without ac-
knowledging that there is an American
“system” of higher education that in-
cludes approximately 100 research
universities, another 1,800 traditional
four-year public and private colleges
and universities that treat teaching as
a more important part of their missions
than research, and more than 1,000
two-year colleges that place their great-
est emphasis on increasing access to
higher education. The community col-
leges are now the fastest growing sec-
tor of higher education and account
for ever-larger percentages of juniors
and seniors at research universities.
Many students, for example, will start
at a community college, then transfer
to a four-year college or university.
most of the student’s general education
requirements will have been satisfied at
the community college.
My second observation is that any
discussion of what a well-educated per-
son in the 21st century ought to know
runs the risk of slipping into a replay of
the “culture wars,” with every person
in the room having his or her favorite
new subject to add to the ideal curricu-
lum. (My own contribution to the end-
less discussion, by the way, would be
that there ought to be a required course
on bureaucracy since bureaucratic in-
stitutions are so much a fact of modern
life and our students need to learn more
sophisticated ways of coping with the
large institutions that shape almost ev-
erything they do.)
Getting mired in a discussion of
which courses are most important
to require is a thankless task. We can
stipulate that any good college edu-
cation should include both rigorous
depth of study in one field, whether it
is a discipline of the arts and sciences
or a professional major, and a demand-
ing general education program that
explores many modes of thought, per-
Other students will begin at one four-
year college then transfer to another.
The large amount of mobility among
students creates difficulties in record-
keeping so the patterns of success
and failure for students who transfer
among institutions are often difficult
to discern.
The biggest complication for
improvement of teaching and lead-
ing posed by the porousness of the
American system is the challenge of
preserving coherence in general educa-
tion for the 21st century when students
move among institutions to the extent
they do. Take California as an example.
The stringent public university budgets
in recent years have forced many ex-
ceptionally bright students to complete
their first two years of college at a com-
munity college. If they excel there, they
may be admitted to leading campuses
of the University of California, such as
Berkeley or UCLA. There is no doubt
that a transfer student to Berkeley
will enjoy a first-rate education in his
major field, but the extraordinarily rich
Berkeley experience of general educa-
tion is likely to be minimal because
A 21st Century Education:
by richarD eKman,
President of the Council of
Independent Colleges
Editors Note: These remarks were prepared for the Carnegie Corporation/TIME Summit on Higher Education,
September 20, 2013.
Winter 2014
University, can help to individualize
instruction. But less imaginative, pas-
sive online presentations are no better
than giant lectures at encouraging ac-
tive learning nor do these technologies
have much positive impact on the co-
curricular dimensions of education.
In practice, it is graduate teaching
assistants at research universities who
often serve to bridge the gap between
undergraduates and more remote senior
faculty members. Some teaching assis-
tants are talented teachers, mentors, and
advisors, while others are so focused
on their own doctoral studies that they
neglect even the formal responsibilities
they have as teachers or advisors. Full-
time, tenure-track faculty members are
not always better teachers than gradu-
ate students, nor is the opposite true.
The lesson for research universities
is to be more deliberate in encourag-
ing everyone who teaches or advises
undergraduates to be more perceptive
about the totality of the student’s expe-
rience and not just what goes on inside
the classroom for which he or she is
responsible. The sprinkling of honors
colleges among research universities
offers a pedagogical improvement for
a small number of students, but also
raises a question of equity for state of-
ficials about the use of public funds.
Fourth, there is very good evi-
dence—especially from Richard Light’s
studies and from George Kuh’s National
Survey of Student Engagement—that
“active” learning translates into more
learning and improved persistence to-
ward timely degree completion. A large
lecture course is not a bad way to teach,
but it should be used sparingly, in com-
bination with the more effective discus-
sion sections, seminars, and tutorials.
Kuh and Light also have found, in their
separate studies, that active pedagogies,
such as requiring many written papers,
expecting students to take advantage of
a faculty members office hours, and
arranging internships or other experien-
tial forms of education are all correlated
with better grades and improved prog-
ress toward degree completion.
The growing pedagogical move-
ment of encouraging undergraduates
to undertake research projects in co-
operation with faculty members has
been especially helpful. Surprisingly,
small colleges have exploited the un-
dergraduate research movement most
frequently, even though it is a prac-
tice that could easily be adopted by
all colleges and universities. Because
undergraduate research has proven to
be particularly effective in preparing
career scientists, it ought to be a peda-
gogy in wider use at research universi-
ties, but isn’t. One result is that smaller
colleges now prepare a proportionally
larger share of America’s career scien-
tists than most large universities do.
My fifth observation is that to im-
prove undergraduate education in re-
search universities, we will need to
focus more deliberately on the role of
graduate students. Thanks to a 30-year
PhD glut in many fields, new PhDs
from leading universities increasingly
will make up the faculties of non-elite
spectives, bodies of knowledge, texts,
and methodologies.
At the heart of any discussion of
the content of undergraduate educa-
tion in a research university is the
problem of achieving an appropriate
balance between the faculty’s teach-
ing and research responsibilities.
Sometimes, courses are not offered
in timely sequences when students
need them because faculty members
are on research-related travel. A stu-
dent’s sequence of study, especially in
the sciences, if interrupted by a fac-
ulty members sabbatical, may force a
lengthening of the college experience
beyond four years. Fortunately, today’s
large-scale digital scholarly resources
not only make possible advanced re-
search without the necessity of long
absences from campus but can simulta-
neously serve the purposes of advanced
research and of teaching at multiple
levels of specialization. Just as a fac-
ulty member at a college in a remote
location can now have effective online
access to major research collections,
so can a faculty member anywhere use
the same online resource to select what
will be suitable for a course at a par-
ticular level.
My third observation is that a good
21st century education ought to take
into account both what happens in the
formal curriculum and what happens
in the rest of the student’s experience.
Small colleges are particularly good
at linking the curriculum with the co-
curricular experience, purposeful about
the organized extracurricular life of
students, and, to some degree, even
try to shape the informal interactions
among students and between students
and faculty members. It is much more
difficult for large universities to influ-
ence these interactions. Technology-
based courses, if they follow Candace
Thille’s exemplary, highly interactive
statistics course at Carnegie Mellon
In practice, it is
graduate teaching
assistants at research
universities who
often serve to bridge
the gap between
undergraduates and
more remote senior
faculty members.
Winter 2014
a dissertation. I would argue also that
research universities ought to organize
continuing interactions at the depart-
ment level with former students, now
faculty members elsewhere, to sustain
an ongoing community of scholars in
their professional development.
There is one new dimension in pre-
paring graduate students to be the next
generation of teachers with which no
university has yet to come to grips—
namely, MOOCs. The major case made
for MOOCs at research universities—
that they relieve the lecturer in a room
of 500 students from lecturing so that
he or she can work closely with stu-
dents less formally—does not reflect
the reality of most colleges and univer-
sities. If a course can be transferred to
a less labor-intensive technology-based
format, most universities will find
it difficult to resist the temptation to
eliminate the expense of that member
of the faculty. Carried to extremes, a
large number of faculty positions could
be eliminated. That’s not only a bad
thing in its own right, but would have
a chilling effect on the brightest gradu-
ate and undergraduate students, some
of whom choose now to enter PhD pro-
grams in all fields of knowledge and
aspire to become members of the next
generation of scholars. If the number of
traditional, full-time teaching positions
at colleges and universities continues
to contract—and MOOCs could cause
them to contract more rapidlythe
incentive will be reduced significantly
for bright undergraduates to start on
career ladders that will hardly exist
in the future. We likely will be drawn
into a situation that looks very much
like today’s world of K-12 education.
K-12 teachers currently do not, unfor-
tunately, come from the top ranks of
academic performance among under-
graduates. They enter a profession in
which they have little intellectual con-
trol over what goes on in the classroom
colleges and universities—that is, they
will if an enterprising president or dean
takes advantage of the market. Almost
all new PhDs aspire to careers in which
teaching will be a major component.
Research universities need to be more
tenacious in helping graduate students
learn to be effective teachers. This is not
rocket science. Encouragement to grad-
uate students to participate in activities
organized by a center for teaching and
learning, to read in the literature of cog-
nitive science and about learning styles,
or to seek help in preparing a syllabus
or an exam gives signals that teaching
is important. It sends a message that the
graduate student who spends time help-
ing undergraduates is not doing some-
thing inappropriate, detracting from the
only important task, which is writing
because there is a centralized curricu-
lum. We should not want that future for
America’s research universities.
And sixth, despite the precarious-
ness of most university presidencies in
this era of overzealous trustees, a lot
still can be achieved by bold executive
action. If a research university wants to
be viewed as a national resource, not
merely a statewide agency, it needs to
be clearer about the specific national
interests it serves. Here’s a cautionary
tale. Five universities pooled resources
about a decade ago to teach Southeast
Asian languages because an adequate
number of interested students could not
be enrolled on any one campus. That’s
the good news. But during a recent
budget crunch, the universities took the
position that if the federal government
relies on these universities for the sup-
ply of experts in these languages and
cultures, the federal government must
pay for the language program, and if
the government didn’t pay, the univer-
sities would close the program. Doesn’t
a university that has pegged its national
distinction in part on its expertise in
this field have an obligation to treat the
field as a high priority for the use of
its own money? An effective president
should be expected to lead the effort to
clarify the institution’s mission and its
relation to national priorities.
These modest suggestions are in-
cremental and feasible. They respect
both existing strengths of the American
research universities, which are sub-
stantial, and acknowledge the realities
of fostering change in large, decentral-
ized institutions. But tenacity will be
necessary in any process of evolution-
ary change toward improved teaching
in research universities. Without tenac-
ity, the calls for disruptive change will
grow much louder.
The major case
made for MOOCs
at research
they relieve the
lecturer in a room
of 500 students
from lecturing so that
he or she can work
closely with students
less formally—
does not reflect
the reality of
most colleges
and universities.
Winter 2014
tions accounted for more than half of
the nation’s basic research. And of the
$32.6 billion in academic research and
development funding from the govern-
ment that year, about 60 percent was
invested in public research universities.
I’ll use my university as an exam-
ple of the economic impact of public
research institutions: A 2009 study of
long commitment to investment in sci-
entific research and development has
begun to erode under the pressure to
provide short-term budgetary relief.
The concept of the research uni-
versity in America emerged in the
19th century, but it was the Morrill Act
of 1862 that established the nation’s
land-grant colleges and the first—
uniquely American—public research
universities. Not only did this land-
mark legislation serve to democratize
educational opportunities and create
new expectations of public access, it
also charged these public universi-
ties with the responsibility of actively
putting knowledge into practice. One
hundred and fifty years later, these
universities are home to the basic sci-
entific research that is a foundation for
both breakthroughs in technology and
for economic development. Together
with private universities, public re-
search universities generate the vast
majority of the nation’s study of the
pure basic science that is vital to our
knowledge base.
The main source for investment
in this endeavor is the federal gov-
ernment. In 2009, academic institu-
If you use a GPS device, a mouse,
or a microwave oven, take antibiotics,
have an eye implant, or are reading this
on a tablet, you can thank America’s re-
search universities.
These institutions, which have
become a national network for inno-
vation, are the envy of the world and
are responsible for many of the prod-
ucts, services, and industries that have
changed the way we live and yet we
often take for granted.
The impact of our universities also
is evident in how we address national
priorities from security and defense, to
public health and economic prosperity
at home and competitiveness abroad.
Research universities—with their
multifaceted mission of research,
teaching, and service—are the key to
educational access for millions and
constitute the first link in a chain of
basic knowledge leading to applica-
tions that have revolutionized modern
life. They also underlie the economic
and social growth that has seen our na-
tion climb from a colony in rebellion to
a global leader.
The future of this engine for in-
novation is uncertain—as the nation’s
Research Universities
Editors Note: A version of this article originally appeared in TIME, October 7, 2013.
We need to invest in these institutions to fuel future progress.
by Phyllis Wise,
Chancellor of the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Funding for our
public universities,
which educate
70 percent of all
has declined to the
point where the cost
of a college education
rests increasingly
on the backs
of our students.
Winter 2014
the University of Illinois and its medi-
cal enterprise showed a $13.1 billion
impact on our state economy, including
the creation of more than 150,000 jobs.
Innovative research at the University
of Illinois alone has led to 34 start-up
companies and nearly 300 new patents
over the last five years. This is a return
from one university.
The numbers are compelling, but
they don’t tell the full story of how
university-based research touches
lives. Consider just a few of the prod-
ucts resulting from basic research by
universities and colleges funded by the
National Science Foundation: bar-code
scanners, computer-assisted design,
improved biofuels, fish farming, tis-
sue transplants, forensic DNA analy-
sis, revolutionary weather-sensing
networks, and, from the University of
Illinois, nuclear magnetic resonance
imaging and the first graphical Internet
The work of research universities is
the bedrock of our nations scientific,
technological, and economic growth
and of much of our commercial R&D.
When industries have been unwill-
ing to invest in the early stages of re-
search where risks are high and returns
are unknown, universities step in. And
when their gambles are rewarded, the
outcomes are added to the public do-
main where industries and corporations
and private individuals build on them.
Lasers, MRI technology, restriction en-
zymes, and many computer technolo-
gies are all discoveries that have been
Product, University,
Use Today Development Impact Fun Fact
MRI machine
SUNY (Brooklyn, N.Y.)
Raymond Damadian
MRI scanners are widely used
to detect injuries, diseases,
and other health issues.
Damadian published a 1971 paper claiming doctors
could diagnose cancer by using nuclear magnetic reso-
nance (NMR). Because tumors contain more water than
healthy tissue, they can be identified in NMR images.
MRIs are useful in identifying
tumors and other maladies.
They also show soft tissues,
such as the brain and other
organs, much better than
In 1937, Columbia
University professor Isidor
I. Rabi discovered NMR,
which led to the invention
of the MRI machine and
helped earn him a Nobel
Polio vaccine
University of Pittsburgh
(Pittsburgh, Penn.)
Jonas Salk
The polio vaccine is one of the
most common immunizations
given to children worldwide.
In 1952, Salk developed the first effective polio vaccine,
which was then tested in the largest medical experiment
in history, which involved 1.8 million U.S. children.
Following a massive child immunization campaign
launched in 1955, by 1961, there were only about 160
polio cases in the U.S.
The polio vaccine has virtually
eradicated the once-common
childhood disease. In 2010
there were fewer than 1,300
polio cases worldwide.
Salk also worked on vac-
cinations for influenza
and AIDS.
General use computer
University of
(Philadelphia, Penn.)
John Mauchly and J.
Presper Eckert
Computers are used in nearly
every facet of our lives and
have revolutionized com-
munication, technology, and
The development of the first computer, called ENIAC,
was originally designed to calculate artillery firing
tables for the U.S. Army’s Ballistic Research Laboratory.
The machine was called the “Giant Brain” in the press
and could be reprogrammed to solve a host of comput-
ing problems.
The creation of ENIAC led to
continued development in
computer science and engi-
neering. More than 95 million
computers were sold in the
U.S. in 2011, leading to $85.5
billion in revenue.
Designing and building
ENIAC cost $500,000 in
1946, which would be about
$5.9 million today.
(Cambridge, Mass.)
Lawrence G. Roberts
The Internet connects comput-
ers and users worldwide and
has changed the way we com-
municate and how information
is spread.
Building off of a fellow MIT colleague’s research on
packet switching theory, Roberts established the
first computer connection between computers in
Massachusetts and California with a dial-up telephone
line. The Department of Defense then funded the
development of ARPANET, a network of computers at
research universities and laboratories across the nation,
which was an early iteration of the modern Internet.
Over 30 percent of the world’s
population uses the Internet.
Nearly 72 percent of U.S.
households have Internet
The first four locations in
the ARPANET network were
UCLA, Stanford University,
UC Santa Barbara, and the
University of Utah.
Richter scale
California Institute of
Technology (Pasadena,
Charles Francis Richter,
Beno Gutenberg
The Richter scale was the pre-
cursor to current systems used
to measure the magnitude of
Inspired by the apparent magnitude system, which mea-
sures the brightness of stars, Richter designed the scale
and originally intended it to only be used in a particular
study in California. Gutenberg later modified the scale
to measure earthquakes at great distances, thus creat-
ing the moment magnitude scale used today.
While the original Richter
scale has been updated
several times since its incep-
tion, it has changed the way
earthquakes are measured
While most people today
still refer to earthquake
magnitude measurements
as being on the Richter
scale, earthquakes are now
technically measured on the
moment magnitude scale.
GPS (global position-
ing system)
Johns Hopkins University
(Baltimore, Md.)
William Guier, George
GPS is most commonly used
in cars as a navigation tool,
but it is also used by hikers,
sailors, and the military.
Following the launch of Sputnik, physicists Guier and
Weiffenbach discovered they could identify and track
the satellite’s exact location. They then developed a way
to pinpoint a specific location on Earth via a satellite.
This project, later called Transit, was used by the U.S.
Navy to track submarines and was the precursor to
current-day GPS.
GPS is common in most cars
and cell phones. The military
uses GPS for search and res-
cue, reconnaissance, tracking,
and missile guidance.
As of May 2013, 64 GPS
satellites have been
launched. The oldest GPS
satellite still in operation
was launched in November
A selection of innovations, supported through university research, that have improved our lives.
Winter 2014
used in ways that would astound those
who discovered them. This is what
some call the Innovation Ecosystem,
which is essential to America’s global
economic and innovation status and
rests on the nation’s collective invest-
ment in research universities.
Yet fun din g for our pu bli c uni v er-
sities, which educate 70 percent of all
undergraduates, has declined to the
point where the cost of a college educa-
tion rests increasingly on the backs of
our students.
The Budget Control Act of 2011
mandates reductions in federal spend-
ing of about $1 trillion over the next
nine years. This is a short-term budget
fix with a devastatingly high cost to the
long-term productivity of our economy
and the vitality of our society. The re-
sult in 2013 alone: a $12.5-billion re-
duction in federally financed research
and, according to the Information
Technology & Innovation Foundation,
the loss to the economy of an estimated
200,000 jobs.
America’s global standing is envi-
able, but in danger of eroding. We sim-
ply can’t afford to curb key research
efforts and undermine university-
powered economic activity. It is ironic
and alarming that other nations are fast
emulating the federal-government/
research-university partnership that
has made the United States the world’s
technological and scientific giant even
as the danger of that model’s system-
atic dismantling here at home becomes
increasingly apparent.
Our strategic federal investment in
our universities has provided immense
dividends to the nation and to the world
for generations now. It is a commit-
ment we cannot abandon.
Top 10 universities reporting most R&D spending in all fields, 2011
1 Johns Hopkins University $2.14 billion (includes Applied Physics Lab)
2 University of Michigan $1.27 billion
3 University of Washington $1.14 billion
4 University of Wisconsin, Madison $1.11 billion
5 Duke University $1.02 billion
6 UC San Diego $1 billion
7 UC San Francisco $995 million
8 UCLA $982 million
9 Stanford University $908 million
10 University of Pittsburgh $899 million
Top 25 research universities, 2013
1 Harvard University
2 Stanford University
3 University of California, Berkeley
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
5 University of Cambridge (U.K.)
6 California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
7 Princeton University
8 Columbia University
9 University of Chicago
10 University of Oxford (U.K.)
11 Yale University
12 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
13 Cornell University
14 University of California, San Diego
15 University of Pennsylvania
16 University of Washington
17 Johns Hopkins University
18 University of California, San Francisco
19 University of Wisconsin, Madison
20 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (Switzerland)
21 University of Tokyo (Japan)
22 University College London (U.K.)
23 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
24 Imperial College of Science, Technology, and Medicine (U.K.)
25 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Winter 2014
by arthur leVine,
President, Woodrow Wilson Foundation and former President and Professor of
Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
Higher Education in a
Information Economy
Editors Note: This essay draws on portions of an article published in April 2013 at
The lot of higher education in the
years ahead will be that of every other
social institution in the country. Every
single institution will undergo pro-
found change.
Driving this transformation is
Americas transition from a national,
analog industrial economy to a global,
digital information economy. Our so-
cial institutions—government, media,
healthcare, finance, and education—
were all created for the former. As a
result, they appear to be broken today,
working less well now than they
once did.
In the years ahead, consumers
and stakeholders will demand that all
these institutions be updated to meet
contemporary needs. This can occur
either by repairing the existing institu-
tions or by creating new institutions to
replace them.
This is what occurred in American
higher education in the past, as the
United States made the transition from
a local agricultural to a national indus-
trial economy. The classical agrarian
college, imported by colonists from
17th-century England along with its
curriculum rooted in the ancient triv-
ium and quadrivium, was established
in order to educate a learned clergy to
govern the colonies. This model held
sway through the antebellum period. In
the years before the Civil War, however,
criticism mounted as the gap between
the college and society grew larger.
For the most part, higher educa-
tion resisted significant change. Indeed,
Yale, the col leg e wi th the largest en rol l-
ment in the country, was an articulate
and forceful proponent for maintain-
ing the status quo. In 1828, faced with
a blistering attack by the Connecticut
legislature for its programmatic irrele-
vance, Yale issued a powerful defense of
the classical curriculum, which was em-
braced by colleges around the country.
At the same time, there were efforts
to repair or reform the college, mostly
small ones. A typical example: adding
to the curriculum instruction in modern
language and science. Larger initiatives
were generally unsuccessful. Attempts
to inaugurate graduate education re-
peatedly failed, costing more than one
president his job. Brown—which in
1842 adopted one of the most vision-
ary programs of the era, transforming
its curriculum, programs, and student
body with initiatives 25 years ahead
of their time—was nearly bankrupted
when there was little public interest.
The president who authored the reforms
was fired. Union College was an excep-
tion that thrived by embracing science
and engineering. It created the secret
sauce blending the old and new, even-
tually achieving an enrollment greater
than Harvard’s and Yale’s combined.
During and after the Civil War, rather
than incremental reforms, replace-
ment initiatives boomed. New institu-
tions were created. The Massachusetts
Institute of Technology was created spe-
cifically for the study of science and in-
dustrial technology. Cornell University
opened its doors proclaiming it would
offer “any person, any study.” The first
graduate school in America was estab-
lished in Baltimore—Johns Hopkins.
The University of Chicago brought to-
gether the major reforms of the era on
a grand scale, including coeducation,
graduate and professional schools, the
PhD degree, research institutes, a sum-
mer school, a university press, and
much more.
These were new institutions that
better met the needs of an industrial-
Winter 2014
izing America. An entity called the
university, imported from Germany,
was established with what would be-
come a mission of teaching, research,
and service. It offered instruction in the
professions essential to an industrial
society, organized knowledge into rel-
evant specialty areas, hired faculty with
expertise in those areas, and not only
transmitted the knowledge of the past,
but advanced the frontiers of knowl-
edge for the future.
At the same time, a number of
specialized institutions emerged.
Institutions focusing on technology and
engineering—epitomized by MIT and
modeled on the European polytech-
nics—were created to promote the sci-
ence and technology of the industrial era
and prepare its leaders. As the evolving
economy demanded more education of
its citizenry, so the normal school was
also introduced to prepare more and
better teachers. In the same spirit, the
two-year college, originally called a ju-
nior college and later a community col-
lege, was established initially to offer
lower-division undergraduate education
in the local community. And the federal
government created a bridge between
the old and emerging worlds, agrarian
and industrial America. The land-grant
college, now found in all 50 states, was
designed to provide instruction in agri-
culture and the mechanic arts without
excluding classical studies. Colleges
were also established for populations
largely excluded from traditional higher
educations; institutions for blacks and
women opened their doors. Catholic
higher education mushroomed.
A second round of larger repair ini-
tiatives followed, many of them mod-
eled on the replacements, but certainly
not all. Exemplary of these efforts is
the work of Charles Eliot, who car-
ried out 40 years of reforms during his
presidency that remade Harvard from
a college to a leading university. In the
pantheon of leaders of the industrial
transformation, Eliot, who championed
and carried out change at the oldest and
one of the most esteemed colleges in
the nation, was a giant.
By the early decades of the 20th
century, American higher education
had changed. Graduate studies and ad-
vanced degrees were adopted. These
became requirements for faculty posi-
tions. Research and public service were
added to the teaching mission of the
college. Professional schools in fields
like engineering, business, and educa-
tion became staples. Continuing educa-
tion and correspondence courses were
added. Elective courses and majors
evolved. Disputation, recitation, and
memorization, the pedagogies of the
agrarian college, gave way to lectures,
seminars, and laboratories. Enrollments
soared, as 4 percent of the college-aged
population attended college.
The colleges persisted, but they
were no longer the classical colleges of
yore. They adopted many of the changes
of the era. With the exception of a tiny
number of colleges, programs based in
the trivium and quadrivium disappeared.
This outpouring of repairs and
replacements over nearly a century
coalesced into America’s contempo-
rary industrial-era system of higher
education. It was codified in the 1960
California Master Plan, establishing
three sectors of higher education—
elite, mass, and universal access,
composed of universities, colleges,
and community colleges. Other states
similarly restructured their public in-
stitutions, while private institutions
sustained a wide range of programs and
approaches. A for-profit sector has also
grown in the years since.
This is the history of higher educa-
tion in America. Change has occurred
by accretion. The new has been added
to the old and the old, over time, mod-
ernized to meet the needs of the times.
Change has occurred with no grand vi-
sion of the system that the future will
require. With society’s future evolving
and still unknowable, what occurs in-
stead is experimentation in higher edu-
cation to meet the perceived needs of
the times. New ideas are tried; some
succeed, many fail. By successive ap-
proximations what emerges over time
is the higher education system neces-
sary to serve the evolved society.
We are witnessing precisely that
kind of experimentation today. Massive
open online courses, or MOOCs, are a
good example. They have captured the
attention of higher education and the
imagination of the nation. However, we
have no idea whether they will or will
not persist or be recognizable in the fu-
ture that unfolds. Next year, they may
give way to COOCs or ZOOCs.
Social change is a constant, and so
is higher education’s adjustment to it.
When the change in society is deleteri-
ous, as in the McCarthy era, it is the re-
sponsibility of higher education to resist
it and right the society. This is a natural
process, almost like a dance. However,
in times of massive social change like
the transformation of America to an
industrial or information economy, a
commensurate transformation on the
part of higher education is required.
What does seem likely is this: As in
the industrial era, the primary changes
in higher education are unlikely to
occur from within, although some ex-
isting institutions will certainly trans-
form themselves as Harvard did in the
decades after the Civil War. Rather, the
boldest innovations are more likely to
come from outside or from the periph-
ery of existing higher education, where
they are unencumbered by the need to
slough off current practice. They may
be not-for-profits, for-profits, or hy-
brids. Names like Western Governors
University, Coursera, and Udacity leap
to mind.
Winter 2014
We are likely to see one or more
new institutions emerge. Each revolu-
tion created new needs for higher edu-
cation and unique institutions to meet
them. The agrarian era was character-
ized by elite higher education, meaning
only a tiny percentage of the popula-
tion needed to attend and the college
was the vehicle for educating them.
Industrial America required more edu-
cation and mass access to college. Two
major institutions were established to
advance the industrial nation and in-
crease access to college—the univer-
sity and the community college.
The information economy, which
requires a more educated population
than ever before in history, will seek
universal access to postsecondary edu-
cation and is likely to create a new insti-
tution to provide it. The goal will be to
establish access to college for all at low
cost. Digital instruction will make this
possible. The locus of operation will be
global. Industrial economies focus on
common processes over fixed times,
while information economies empha-
size time-variable, common outcomes.
The universal access institution will
offer instruction that is time-variable,
individualized, and mastery-based,
rooted in explicit learning outcomes.
Degrees and credits are likely to
give way to competency certification
and badges.
Traditional higher education insti-
tutions—universities and colleges—
can be expected to continue, though
they will evolve as did their colonial
predecessors and their numbers will
likely decline. At greatest risk will be
regional, part-time commuter univer-
sities and less selective, low-endow-
ment colleges, particularly in New
England, the mid-Atlantic states, and
the Midwest, where there are too many
institutions and too few future students.
The future of the community college
and its relationship to the universal ac-
cess university is a question mark. It is
possible that those with sprawling cam-
puses will shed real estate in favor of
more online programs, more compact
learning centers, and closer connec-
tions with employers and other higher
education units.
So what do we do? There is a greater
sense of urgency today than in the in-
dustrial-era transformation of higher
education; perhaps the criticism of
higher education is more consequential
now, given the dependency of colleges
and universities on government. More
importantly, this urgency comes from
the pace and scope of socioeconomic
change. In industrial America, progress
was determined by natural resources
and physical labor. In an information
economy, the drivers are knowledge
and minds. This makes higher educa-
tion the dynamo that will power the na-
tion’s future and determine its capacity
to compete in a global economy—one
in which the United States appears to
be losing ground educationally.
Change in higher education is
also more urgent because we can see
the consequences of inaction in other
industries. The failure of print news
media to respond to the digital revo-
lution produced sharp declines in
newspaper readership and advertising
revenue. It rendered the historic busi-
ness model obsolete. The inability to
repair these organizations gave rise
to digital replacements such as the
Huffington Post. The newspaper busi-
ness has been decimated. Major met-
ropolitan dailies have closed. Print
editions have been curtailed or ceased
to be published. Long-respected insti-
tutions like the Washington Post and
the Boston Globe were sold for bargain
basement prices.
We cannot allow higher education
to fail similarly, through inaction or
unresponsiveness. At the same time,
the stakes are too high to permit the
long, drawn-out, herky-jerky evolu-
tion of higher education which oc-
curred during the industrial revolution.
Instead, it would be valuable to plan for
the future.
At watersheds in the nation’s and
higher education’s history, national
task forces and commissions have
been created either to reexamine and
strengthen or reimagine and reinvent
higher education. In terms of reimag-
ining and reinventing higher educa-
tion, in the years following World War
II, President Truman established a
White House Commission on Higher
Education. The Truman Commission
produced the six-volume report Higher
Education for Democracy, which suc-
cessfully created a higher education
blueprint for America’s post-war indus-
trial economy, including the need for
dramatic expansion and targets for ac-
complishing this; the end of barriers to
access and the establishment of a sys-
tem that guaranteed able young people
both the opportunity to attend college
and choice among institutions; the cre-
ation of a new institution, the commu-
nity college; a design for financial aid;
and much, much more.
In terms of reexamination,
Carnegie Corporation in 1967 estab-
lished the Carnegie Commission on
Higher Education, which had the as-
signment of reviewing the industrial-
era system of higher education to make
recommendations on how to polish and
improve it. Chaired by Clark Kerr, the
architect of the University of California
and the 1960 California Master Plan,
the Commission issued a bookcase
of reports on seemingly every aspect
of higher education, offering analysis
and recommendations targeted to in-
stitutions of higher education and their
stakeholders with the goal of com-
pleting the development of the higher
education system America needed for
the industrial age. The results were as-
Winter 2014
tounding in shaping higher education
policy and practice for the nation.
This is once again a time for re imag-
ining and reinventing higher education.
A task force combining the best of the
Truman and Carnegie Commissions
offers a vehicle for doing this. In the
manner of the Truman Commission, it
should offer the nation and the higher
education community a vision of the
postsecondary education needed for a
global, digital, information age, along
with a set of broad policy recommen-
dations for accomplishing this. Like
the Carnegie Commission, it should
offer a multiplicity of data-based re-
ports on key issues, targeted specifi-
cally to the stakeholders who need to
enact them. At the very least, such an
effort promises a common vocabulary,
vision, and set of recommendations to
permit shared discourse about the fu-
ture of higher education. It could pro-
vide much more, serving as a catalyst
for action and offering a roadmap for
concerted engagement.
Precisely because we live in a
digital era, conversation about how to
change higher education is ubiquitous.
From tweets about federal higher edu-
cation policy to blog posts about local
college and university concerns, we
have more dialogue than ever, though
the relative value of each contribution
remains to be seen. Now it is time to
form the group of thoughtful, informed,
influential stakeholders who will cre-
ate a specific blueprint for American
higher education in a new era.
Continued from page 39
self-understanding of your institutions.
There are a number of ways to do this;
I’ll briefly suggest four of them.
First and most obvious, you should
use the bully pulpit of the college presi-
dency deliberately and effectively to
make the case for the liberal arts. You
should consider how you can use the
occasions of convocation, commence-
ment, ground-breakings for new build-
ings, speeches to the local Rotary Club
or the state 4-H club convention, ad-
dresses to alumni clubs, all the kinds
of events where you are called upon to
speak. This is a truly precious oppor-
tunity that few other leaders have, to
address your community in situations
where there is likely to be respectful
attention to your message, at least for
awhile! Use the opportunity with zest!
A few minutes ago I referred to my
having cited Montaigne on the “back
room of the mind” at several convoca-
tions, and mentioned how many stu-
dents and their parents had later recalled
this phrase and how it had helped shape
their lives. I remember also the speech
I gave to the faculty of Duke soon after
9/11. I was scheduled to present the
annual report of the president to the
Academic Council, and I used that op-
portunity to speak from the heart about
the crucial importance of the liberal
arts to help us deal thoughtfully with
the horrors of that day. I paid homage,
of course, to the scientists and engi-
neers who would help us understand
how buildings can be built to withstand
shocks and exitways constructed; but I
noted that nothing the engineers could
teach us would keep crazed men from
smashing large jets into tall buildings
to make a point about their political
views. I talked about the importance of
the social sciences in helping us under-
stand that human, social dimension of
9/11 and do our best to prevent a repeti-
tion of the day, and also understand and
appreciate the motives and sacrifices of
the people who gave their own lives to
save others. But I reserved my deepest
praise for the humanities, which pro-
vided the context and frameworks for
sharing and dealing with our grief and
shock. So many people spoke of how
poetry or music had provided for them
the best, indeed the only way to grapple
with what had happened.
As part of my speech I told a per-
sonal story, as one can sometimes do
very effectively on such occasions.
Shortly after 9/11, when all our Duke
obligations and events had been can-
celled to allow everyone to focus on
understanding what had happened and
honoring the dead, Bob and I decided
spontaneously to drive to Wilmington,
to walk along the ocean at Wrightsville
Beach. I was driving at one point, Bob
was napping, and the local classical
music station played the Fauré Requiem
somewhere along a stretch of Interstate
40 in eastern North Carolina. I listened
with intense emotion to the movement
entitled “Dona Eis Requiem, Give
to Them Peace.” I was overcome with
emotion and had to pull over to the side
of the road. And as I told the Duke fac-
ulty, that was the first time I fully ac-
knowledged the sorrow and shock of
the events, and found solace.
This is the kind of use you can make
of the bully pulpit: in your speeches
you can draw on the particular credibil-
ity and dignity of the president, and use
it to make the case for the education
your college provides.
The second way you can use your
presidential leadership in supporting
the liberal arts is to put your money
Winter 2014
where your mouth is. That means
using your fund-raising skill and ob-
ligations to raise money for exciting
programs like Greenblatt’s “Imaginary
Journeys.” You can make this case ef-
fectively to foundations and generous
alumni who remember their own liberal
arts education fondly, and thus enhance
the resources available for this purpose.
I remember with particular de-
light a fund-raising conversation with
Kathryn Wasserman Davis, a dedicated
Wellesley alumna and close friend.
Kathryn wanted to make a major gift
to the college to advance international
understanding, which had been her
own PhD field many decades earlier.
Together we worked to an outcome
that gave joy to both of us and many
other people: Kathryns gift would
be the naming, foundational gift for a
new art museum at Wellesley, a badly
needed enhancement of our liberal arts
mission. We had one of the earliest
and best art history departments in the
country, and a fine collection mostly
donated by alumnae and their fami-
lies, but only paltry and badly designed
space to show and study these works
of art. Kathryn and I agreed that art is
a truly international language and that
Wellesleys museum would include
works that would speak directly to that
purpose, works from many countries
and eras. And after our partnership in
building the museum Kathryn herself
took up painting in her 80s, and has be-
come a highly respected artist on Mt.
Desert Island, Maine.
In addition to using your bully pul-
pit wisely and putting your fund-rais-
ing acumen where your mouth is, the
third example of presidential leader-
ship in support of the liberal arts could
be the way you honor faculty members.
With the teaching awards and other
distinctions your college offers, make
sure to single out for praise and support
those who have been most effective in
advancing the liberal arts mission of
your institution through their teaching.
You can cite their innovative course
work and impact on the lives of their
students, linking this specifically to the
power of the liberal arts. You can en-
sure that these awards and recognitions
are appropriately highlighted in college
publications and in messages to parents
and prospective students.
One more way in which you can
use your leadership as president, per-
haps the most effective of all: you can
be a model for emulation, by others on
campus and by the outside world, in
the ways you use and embody liberal
arts learning in your own discourse,
both formal and informal. If you cite
examples of fine literature, draw on
instances from history, refer to the arts
and describe learning in the sciences in
liberal terms, you will set an example
for others and have an influence greater
than you may expect. Rhetoric was one
of the original artes liberales, and it can
still be one of the most transformative.
Taking my own advice about lard-
ing your language with liberal learn-
ing, I will conclude by quoting from
three poems I discovered in a brochure
on a recent visit to the Georgetown
University School of Foreign Service
in Doha, Qatar. Each poem is about
journeying; I was myself on a fasci-
nating journey, visiting universities
in the Gulf States, where I had never
been; and I was impressed to find ten
poems in different languages featured
in the admissions brochure for a school
of foreign service in the Middle East.
Because journeying is an apt metaphor
for a liberal arts education, one that I
and many of you often use, these three
fragments provide an especially appro-
priate conclusion to this speech.
The first lines were written in
Greek by Constantine Cavafy, a late-
19th/early 20th-century poet who
lived in Alexandria, from one of his
best-known works, Ithaca. In transla-
tion: “When you start on your journey
to Ithaca,/then pray that the road is
long,/full of adventure, full of knowl-
edge.” This captures for me the lifelong
learning aspect of a strong liberal arts
education, full of adventure, full of
knowledge, and we hope that the road
is long.
The second citation is a few lines
from Emily Dickinson, 19th-century
American, written to a grieving friend:
Intimacy with Mystery, after great
Space, will usurp its place/Moving
on in the Dark like Loaded Boats at
Nights,/though there is no Course,
there is Boundlessness.” A good liberal
arts education makes us intimate with
mystery, and also helps us move in the
dark by providing a sense of byways
through the boundlessness.
And the final poem, in Arabic, is by
According to the measure of hard-
ship are heights achieved,
And he who seeks loftiness must
keep vigil by night;
As for he who wants heights with-
out toil,
He wastes his life seeking the im-
So seek nobility now, then sleep
once more (finally),
He who seeks pearls must dive into
the sea.”
As this final poem reminds us, a lib-
eral arts education is not always easy; it
involves close attention, taking risks,
exploring uncharted territory, diving
into the sea. But despite these chal-
lenges, the deep rewards of a liberal
education are surely worth it, for all the
reasons I’ve mentioned and many oth-
ers that you will each devise to make
your case vigorously as presidents
committed to this cause. Good luck
with your task, and happy journeys!
Winter 2014
The research university stands as
one of the most admired and emulated
of American institutions.
Year after year, American universi-
ties dominate the international rankings
of institutions of higher education. The
demand for places in American pro-
grams continues to grow, and the qual-
ity of matriculating students continues
to improve. The prospects for students
graduating from American universities
continue to strengthen, as measured
along dimensions as varied as enhanced
lifetime earnings, life expectancy, and
quality of civic participation. And the
research contributions of American
universities continue to command sci-
entific recognition and fuel economic
innovation and life-saving discoveries.
And yet, in spite of these achieve-
ments, the relationship between gov-
ernment and the university in the
United States is, in the minds of many
commentators, fraught. The points of
conflict are many: federal governmen-
tal failure to protect the real value of re-
search investment; marked reductions
in state support for public universities;
non-trivial university tuition increases
that have raised vexing issues of ac-
cess and affordability (and triggered
threats of governmental intervention);
and highly publicized and acrimoni-
ous governance conflicts that have pit-
ted publicly appointed state governing
boards against university leaders (on
subjects ranging from program priori-
ties, to the use of technology, to cost
control and pricing).
There is no gainsaying that
throughout American history the role
of the university has commanded the
attention and intervention of govern-
ment. This is to be expected. Under the
neo-classical framework, government
has a central role to play in address-
ing a host of market failures involv-
ing higher education and in ensuring
the Jeffersonian promise of equality
of opportunity.
And indeed, over the years, govern-
ments and universities had forged a ro-
bust and dynamic compact in the United
States. Public institutions and instru-
ments have shaped the growth of the
modern American university: The fed-
eral government has invested over $500
Fault Lines in the Compact:
and the
Public Interest
in the
United States
Editors Note: This essay was originally prepared for the IXth Glion Colloquium held in June 2013
in Glion-above-Montreux, Switzerland.
by ronalD J. Daniels,
President, Johns Hopkins University
PhilliP m. sPector,
Vice President, Strategic Initiatives,
Johns Hopkins University
rebecca Goetz,
Research Assistant
The relationship
between government
and the university
in the United
States is, in the
minds of many
fraught. The points
of conflict are many.
Winter 2014
billion in academic research and $1.7
trillion in student aid since 1970, has
created and financed a range of grant
and loan programs aimed at subsidiz-
ing student participation, and oversees
a vast system of regional accreditation
that seek to address quality and related
concerns. State governments—in many
cases, aided by federal legislation and
support—have founded state public
universities and actively supported their
activities, providing direct appropria-
tions to institutions as well as grant aid
to students. At the same time, our uni-
versities have returned countless ben-
efits to the communities in which they
reside, anchoring and accelerating the
economies in the surrounding areas,
serving as an engine for upward mo-
bility and economic advancement, and
birthing countless world-altering dis-
coveries for the betterment of humanity.
It is against this backdrop of de-
cades of constructive collaboration,
one that has conferred staggering ben-
efits on American society, that the cur-
rent malaise between university and
government is so disturbing.
In this paper, we explore the state
of the compact between the govern-
ment and the university in the United
States and the prospects for construc-
tive reengagement. In the first part of
the paper, we discuss the rationales for
government intervention in the higher
education sector. In Part II, we briefly
sketch the history of the compact be-
tween the government and universities,
and the ways in which government has
shaped and supported the flourishing of
the sector. In Part III, we canvass the
sources of the contemporary conflict
between the government and higher ed-
ucation, which we argue has been ex-
acerbated by the economic and social
impact of the Great Recession. In Part
IV, we identify several ideas for insti-
tutional and policy reform, while also
locating these questions in a broader
debate about inter-generational equity
and the capacity of government to in-
vest in our future. We argue that, al-
though there is scope for more creative
use of policy instruments to redress
some of the current tensions between
the state and research universities, ul-
timately a broader and more systematic
set of interventions aimed at redressing
rising inequality in the United States
is necessary.
Part I: The Role of Government
The market for higher education
is beset by several frailtiespublic
goods, human capital market failures,
information asymmetries, and equity
concerns—that demand government
To be sure, the state has not al-
ways produced efficacious regulation
in this domain. And yet, this should
not be seen as an argument for an end
to governments role altogether. One
must instead ask how it can intervene
in a targeted manner that responds to
the risks posed by institutional actors,
so the public can obtain the benefits of
private initiative, investment, and inge-
nuity in this area without distortion of
incentives or danger of abuse.
Public Goods and Positive
Externalities. Some share of the ben-
efits of post-secondary education—
promotion of research and discovery,
inculcation of civic values, and eco-
nomic growth—accrue to the public
good and not to individual students
alone. This means that without gov-
ernment support, the education and re-
search activities associated with higher
education will be under-supplied from
a social welfare perspective. Take,
for example, basic research activity.
Without supplementary funding, it is
unlikely that private parties will dedi-
cate a significant amount of their re-
sources to such research, which has
grounded much of the industrial inno-
vation and other achievements whose
benefits extend far beyond the univer-
sity itself. Columbia University Provost
Emeritus Jonathan Cole estimated that
“perhaps as many as 80 percent of new
industries are derived from discoveries
at American universities.” The wide-
spread social benefits of these research
activities provide a clear rationale for
government investment.
Wholly apart from its contribu-
tions to basic research, universities are
among the most powerful engines for
economic growth and development.
Higher educational attainment has been
connected to reduced crime rates, lower
unemployment rates, and reductions
in public spending on assistance and
social support programs. One recent
study shows that an additional year of
average university level education in a
country raises national output by a re-
markable 19 percent. The university is
also a powerful source for upward so-
cial economic mobility for its students
and their families (this rationale over-
laps with the equity rationale below).
For all of these reasons, the state
It is against
the backdrop
of decades of
collaboration that
the current malaise
between university
and government is
so disturbing.
Winter 2014
has a prevailing interest in nurturing
the sector.
A range of intangible benefits can
also be traced to higher education. For
example, volunteerism and voting rates
are higher among those with bachelors
degrees than high school graduates.
Universities also play a central role in
advancing civic culture and commu-
nity cohesion. These non-pecuniary
benefits to society provide yet another
powerful set of rationales for govern-
ment involvement.
Imperfections in Human Capital
Markets. The state also has a strong
interest in intervening in higher educa-
tion to right failures in human capital
markets that constrain the ability of
students to finance their education.
Banks are often reluctant to pro-
vide private loans to students, due to
their inability to secure collateral in
the students’ prospective human capi-
tal, and their difficulty of anticipating
students’ likelihood of academic suc-
cess and future economic prospects. In
the best of circumstances, banks will
charge a risk premium that will often
price students—who are reluctant to
accumulate substantial amounts of debt
at such an early age—out of higher ed-
ucation. This is a particular challenge
for students of lower socioeconomic
backgrounds, leading to distributional
effects. All of these problems lead to
suboptimal private lending in higher
education, and a need for government
intervention to compensate for these
failures by reducing the amount stu-
dents need to borrow.
Information Asymmetries. Since
post-secondary education is inherently
optional, and potential post-second-
ary students are of an age where they
should be regarded as being capable
of making rational and informed deci-
sions regarding the future course of
their education, the government should
perhaps be wary of exercising a pater-
nalistic role in shaping those decisions.
However, there may be some modest
scope for government intervention to
resolve information asymmetries be-
tween students and post-secondary in-
stitutions. Accordingly, the state has a
role in requiring those institutions that
receive public funds to publish infor-
mation respecting the quality of the
entering class, the quality and charac-
ter of the academic program, student
completion rates, faculty research ac-
tivity, and career placement patterns
for graduates.
Equity. Given the considerable
role that institutions of higher educa-
tion play as gatekeepers to economic
opportunity and professional advance-
ment, the representation of various
communities in these institutions and
the social consequences of admissions
policies must be taken seriously. Most
universities are committed to recruit-
ing the strongest possible student body,
and the admissions decision is typically
merit driven. Even so, universities
present a unique capability to remedy
persistent and self-perpetuating ethnic
or socioeconomic imbalances in higher
education and society at large. States
have an interest in supporting and pre-
serving the unique role of universities
as a force for equal opportunity for its
citizens, and making sure that all citi-
zens are given a chance to obtain the
skills and training that are essential to
upward mobility in our knowledge-
based society.
Part II: The Forging of the
For each of these reasons, and in
each of these ways, the state has played
a fundamental role in shaping higher
education in the United States. The
compact we know today was forged
over time across the sweep of American
history: The university did not always
act in response to the needs of the state,
and the state did not always act in the
interest of the university. However,
over time, history reflected a dawning
recognition of the two institutions’ in-
dispensable relationship.
Even bef ore the Ameri can
Revolution, colonial governments ded-
icated transportation taxes, sales taxes,
and other sources of revenue to the
founding and maintaining of a college
in each colony. The methods and types
of institutions varied from state to state,
but there was, even then, a commitment
to supporting the provision of higher
education, and a belief that education
was a fundamental state interest.
The relationship only grew stronger
during the first century of the republic.
One key moment in this relationship oc-
curred in 1862, when Congress enacted
the Morrill Land Grant Act, through
which the federal government would
provide land grants to certain eligible
states to support collegiate programs in
“useful arts” such as agriculture, me-
chanics, and military instruction. Over
the next thirty years, Congress would
expand the sweep of the Morrill Act to
the entire nation. These statutes set a
powerful precedent: they expanded un-
dergraduate colleges into the university
model across the United States with
multiple programs beyond the liberal
arts, and they enlisted the states in an
effort to make higher education acces-
sible to groups outside of the privileged
elites, making them available to the
working classes of the period.
The first half of the 20th century
saw the emergence of state legislatures
as major players in their own right in
the funding of higher education: states
in the Midwest and the West in par-
ticular used tax revenues to fund and
grow universities into the tens of thou-
sands of students. The levels and types
of support varied considerably from
state to state. California, for example,
made access to education a priority and
Winter 2014
charged no tuition, while other states
saw higher education as a privilege
and kept tuition at public institutions
higher. Nonetheless, this area saw the
expansion of state support that would
eventually lead to the creation of re-
nowned public research universities
that operate at the level of private insti-
tutions while working to serve a larger
segment of the state’s population.
The federal government would
stake out an even more influential
and striking role in expanding access
to higher education with the GI Bill
in 1944, which guaranteed up to four
years of tuition, fees, and a stipend at
a U.S. institution of higher education in
exchange for service in the U.S. mili-
tary. By 1947, veterans accounted for
49 percent of college admissions. The
increases in enrollments spurred by the
GI Bill and continuing through the 50s
and 60s led to the acceptance of enroll-
ment-based funding at the state level,
allowing public universities to absorb
the new students without dramatically
increasing tuition levels. The fed-
eral government, concerned about the
growth of diploma mills and looking to
protect veterans and taxpayer dollars,
also began making eligibility for funds
contingent on accreditation. This pro-
gram laid the foundation for increasing
access and affordability through por-
table student grants, which would be-
come one of the most important forms
of federal support for higher education
in the next half of the century.
Soon after the GI bill, two docu-
ments set the modern trajectory for the
federal government’s involvement in
U.S. higher education for the next fifty
years, one on the issue of research sup-
port, the other on funding: Vannevar
Bush’s Science: The Endless Frontier
in 1945 argued for the essential role
of federal support for basic research,
using competitive grants to universi-
ties. Over the next several decades, a
host of federal agencies would har-
ness the research talent at universities
to create what Clark Kerr would later
call the “Federal Grant University”—
about 20 institutions received almost
80 percent of federal research funds.
Support for university research is
still one of the federal government’s
most important avenues of support for
higher education.
At the same time, the Truman
Commission Report on Higher
Education chronicled fundamental con-
cerns with equity and access in higher
education. Among its influences, the
Truman Report would lay the ground-
work for future financial aid policies.
One of the most historic steps along
this path at the federal level was the
passage of the Higher Education Act
of 1965, and then the amendments
to it in 1972, which established di-
rect grants and loans to students. The
Basic Educational Opportunity Grant,
later renamed the Pell Grant, remains
a major source of aid for low-income
students. These grants are portable, al-
lowing students to become consumers
of education and forcing institutions
to compete for their aid dollars. The
federal government has continued to
raise the maximum grant amount, and
spending on the program more than
doubled between 2000 and 2010. Many
state governments also took steps in
this period to make higher education
more affordable and accessible to a
significant portion of the population
through appropriations to institutions
and low tuition.
Part III: Fault Lines and the
Great Recession
And yet, despite these energetic
state interventions in higher education,
fault lines have emerged in the relation-
ship in recent years.
One area of very real tension con-
cerns the level of government finan-
cial support for higher education. The
many reasons for the state to invest in
higher education remain as true today
as they did in earlier times (perhaps
even more so given the rise of the
human capital economy), and yet the
willingness and/or capacity of govern-
ment to invest in higher education has
waned. On average, state level sup-
port for higher education has declined
25 percent in the last decade, while in
many states, the cuts have been steeper
still (National Research Council,
2012). What is more, the level of state
support for higher education is signifi-
cantly lower than it was a few decades
ago: in 1990 states spent an average
of $9,100 per student on higher edu-
cation, while in 2011 the number has
dropped to $6,700 per student, both in
2011 dollars.
A similar (although softer) trajec-
tory can be seen in federal research
investment: After the dramatic dou-
bling of government investment in NIH
research during the Clinton adminis-
tration, the real value of support has
declined almost 20 percent in the last
decade. As a consequence, the average
age of a first RO1 research award has
risen steadily, while the success rate for
applications has steadily declined. The
consequences of this government with-
drawal have been profound for our uni-
versities and their research mission, as
well as the status of the United States
as the world’s leader in research (and
industrial competitiveness): As other
countries continue to increase their re-
search expenditures, the U.S. share of
world R&D expenditures has declined
significantly. All of this has occurred
at the precise moment when universi-
ties with academic health centers in
the United States are also wrestling
with significant changes to health care
models and declining clinical revenues,
making it even more difficult for them
to weather these financial shocks.
Winter 2014
Another fault line has surfaced
around issues of cost and affordability.
Universities have raised tuition sig-
nificantly in recent years: While me-
dian family income rose 147 percent
from 1982 to 2007, tuition and fees
rose 439 percent over the same period.
The share of income families spend on
higher education has risen for decades,
and the rise has been sharpest for low-
income families, who need to spend
about half of their income to send a
child to college. Despite efforts by sev-
eral of the leading American research
universities to augment financial aid,
and the expansions to Pell Grants and
other federal aid programs instituted
by the Obama administration, there
has been a declining level of participa-
tion by low- and moderate-income stu-
dents in four-year university programs.
In 2010, the Advisory Committee on
Student Financial Assistance presented
a report to Congress on increasing in-
equality in college access: While total
college enrollment had increased over
the past few decades, their study found
that between 1992 and 2004 enroll-
ment rates of academically qualified
low-income high school graduates
in four-year colleges decreased from
54 percent to 40 percent (Advisory
Committee on Student Financial
Assistance, 2010).
Still another area of tension has
concerned value and innovation.
Empirically, the benefits of higher edu-
cation have clearly been shown (par-
ticularly in relation to lifetime earnings
and risks of unemployment). However,
many have begun to question the ob-
jective and mission of a university, and
the pedagogical approach of universi-
ties, and inserted themselves into aca-
demic decision-making. Universities
are increasingly viewed as engines of
job creation and wealth. More than
ever, their essential role as wellsprings
of citizenship and social welfare is
overlooked. Governors have sought to
scale back low-enrollment programs or
fields with less perceived utility post-
graduation, such as the humanities,
and have sought to tie funding to job
placement and similar metrics. Critics
have also pointed to declining comple-
tion rates as evidence that universities
may not be accomplishing their fun-
damental education mission, as well
as recent studies that reach a similar
conclusion. One recent analysis by
sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa
Roksa (2011) maintains that 45 percent
of students had effectively made no
progress in critical thinking, complex
reasoning, and writing in their first two
years at U.S. colleges and universities.
(Notably, two recent studies by the
Council for Aid to Education contra-
dict that finding, arguing that there is
a significant improvement in students’
performance between their freshman
and senior years.)
Each of these concerns might have
continued to vex the relationship be-
tween the state and higher education,
but would not have commanded the
policy salience they do today, if not
for the devastating impact of the Great
Recession. In 2008 and 2009, the U.S.
labor market lost 8.8 million jobs and
total wealth declined by $15 trillion.
The median household income fell to
its lowest level since 1996, meaning
that the recession effectively wiped out
the middle class income gains for the
last 15 years. The effects of the con-
traction on the higher education sec-
tor have been profound and varied. At
one level, the Great Recession placed
enormous financial stress on the states’
fiscal capacity and constricted their
ability to maintain their investments in
higher education. At another level, the
Great Recession impaired the ability
of many families who suffered wealth
and income reductions to provide the
level of anticipated support for their
children’s enrollment in university.
Finally, universities themselves were
directly buffeted by the effects of the
Great Recession in the form of sig-
nificant decreases in private donations,
endowment reductions, and increased
demands for financial aid support.
And although the country has
started to recover from the Great
Recession, the challenges surround-
ing the federal governments fiscal
pressures continue to impact the sec-
tor. For instance, federally mandated
sequestration will reduce NIH fund-
ing by another 7.8 percent, the largest
cut in its history. The price of attend-
ing a four-year public university in
the United States will have increased
27 percent above the rate of inflation
across the last five years, even though
average family incomes will have ac-
tually declined during that period even
when adjusted for inflation (Oliff,
Palacios, Johnson, & Leachman,
2013). Colleges are downsizing: some
have cut as many as 200 academic pro-
grams, while also slashing funds for
instructional staff, library, and student
services. More and more students are
choosing to enroll first in community
Empirically, the
benefits of higher
education have
clearly been shown
(particularly in
relation to lifetime
earnings and risks
of unemployment).
Winter 2014
colleges instead of four-year schools,
but these schools also face significant
budget cuts. Sixty-nine percent of
Americans now feel that college
is unaffordable and that there are
highly qualified students who cannot
gain access to a university education
(Immerwahr & Johnson, 2010).
All of this in turn has fueled
mounting concern and heightened
rhetoric on the part of government
officials regarding questions of ris-
ing costs, declining completion rates,
and the value of a college education.
State officials in Wisconsin, Virginia,
Montana, and others have all attacked
universities for rising costs and have
imposed tuition freezes, even as state
spending declines. Florida Governor
Rick Scott has proposed charging dif-
ferent rates of tuition for different
majors in an effort to drive students
toward STEM fields, saying, If I’m
going to take money from a citizen to
put into education then I’m going to
take that money to create jobs.” North
Carolina Governor Patrick McCrory
has argued that there is no value to
the humanities, and said, “If you want
to take gender studies thats fine. Go
to a private school, and take itBut
I don’t want to subsidize that if that’s
not going to get someone a job.” And
President Obama has made college
affordability one of the centerpieces
of his second term agenda, emphasiz-
ing that government can’t just keep
on subsidizing skyrocketing tuition,”
and even suggesting that universities
would need to keep costs down or lose
federal funding.
Part IV: New Approaches and
Enduring Questions
It may be tempting to dismiss many
of these tensions as cyclical, and be-
lieve that when the economy rebounds,
states will reinvest, tensions will cool,
and the earlier equilibrium of construc-
tive collaboration will return.
However, there are reasons to be-
lieve that these recent tensions reflect
deeper structural issues, and the Great
Recession has raised fundamental
and vexing questions surrounding the
strength, durability, and content of the
compact between state and university
that command attention and resolution.
At one level, addressing the con-
flict will require renewed federal and
state efforts in devising innovative and
thoughtful regulatory approaches.
For instance, we must explore new
approaches to financial assistance that
do a more effective job of addressing
market failures and aligning resources
to areas of need. One promising set of
options that has won favor in recent
years involves income-contingent loan
repayment programs, through which
students pay what they can up front,
and contract with the government to
defer any remaining payments until
they graduate and are working. At that
time, they pay any deferred fees as a
fixed percentage of their income, an ob-
ligation enforced through the tax code.
The loans address concerns of liquidity,
enforceability, and complexity in the
current system and the daunting fear of
students that they will not be able to pay
back loans. This approach to student
debt has been popular in Britain and
Australia for years; although the United
States has offered an income contingent
plan for federal loans, it is not widely
used by students, many of whom are
not aware of their repayment options or
are put off by the program’s complex-
ity. The Obama administration has taken
steps to simplify the process and make
information more available to borrow-
ers, and the administration’s proposed
2014 budget included an expansion of
the option to all borrowers, eliminating
the income caps and other barriers that
currently make some students ineligible.
We can also do a better job of
addressing the scope of states to
undermine the U.S. government’s ex-
penditure of funds through the oppor-
tunistic substitution of federal for state
funds. As one example, the 2009 federal
stimulus created a $48.6 billion State
Fiscal Stabilization Fund that provided
direct formula-based grant aid to states
to advance essential education reforms.
However, 23 states cut spending on
higher education in the first year that
they received the federal funds. And
six of those states slashed spending
on higher education while increasing
their total state spending, suggesting
that rather than using stimulus funds
to offset necessary cuts, the grant al-
lowed them to divert education spend-
ing elsewhere (Cohen, 2010). We need
to explore methods of federal funding
that limit the opportunities for this sub-
stitution, including rewards to states
that increase their spending, directives
to states to maintain certain levels of
investment to receive federal funds, or
the provision of funds to states through
competitions that are keyed to appro-
priate criteria rather than formulas.
We must explore
new approaches to
financial assistance
that do a more
effective job
of addressing
market failures and
aligning resources
to areas of need.
Winter 2014
And, we should seek policy tools to
redress the widening gap between the
magnitude of state investment in, and
state regulation of, higher education.
Often, states will provide relatively
little in the way of investment in its
higher education system, but involve
itself extensively in the internal affairs
of its universities. For example, the
University of Colorado receives only
four percent of its budget from the state
(the average public university received
about 20 percent), and finds itself the
target of significant and obtrusive
regulations and intervention. The state
approves and reviews all academic
programs, establishes admissions stan-
dards, and prescribes standards for
construction and capital improvement.
It is time to start a conversation about
the importance of parity in the scope
of funding and intervention. This could
include incentives for states to with-
draw from governance in situations
where they have a de minimis stake in
operational support, or even a national
conversation to develop norms and ex-
pectations for state regulation in a sec-
tor under strain.
And yet, universities also must
shoulder their share of the burden for
addressing the tensions in higher edu-
cation. The call has gone out for uni-
versities to reduce tuition and control
costs, and they must respond with
purpose. Of course, the precise cause
of rising costs in higher education is
a matter of some debate. One theory
blames rising costs on stagnating pro-
ductivity, and says it is difficult for a
labor-intensive industry such as educa-
tion to substitute capital for labor, and
so as wages rise, so inevitably do costs.
Another theory, proposed by Howard
Bowen (1980), argues that universities’
principal goals are excellence, influ-
ence, and prestige and they are pre-
pared to spend whatever is necessary
to achieve these goals—in particular, as
revenues increase, from tuition, endow-
ments, and donations, so unavoidably
will expenditures and costs. William
Bowen (2012) argues that there are
inefficiencies too fundamental to how
universities are structured to be easily
resolved, including fixed costs such
as specialized laboratories and faculty
with highly specialized talents.
Whatever the cause, universities
cannot remain unstirred much longer to
the changes roiling the industry around
them. These changes include not only
the enormous financial strain in the
U.S. economy, with the accompanying
calls for higher education to reduce tu-
ition and control costs. It also involves
the manifold changes occasioned by
the information age: Higher education
is famously one of the few industries
that until now have managed largely
to hold at bay the disruptive and poten-
tially transformative effects of techno-
logical development in the information
age. Universities have still largely un-
explored the opportunities of this age,
ones with the capacity not only to re-
shape and reduce administrative costs
and improve services to students, but
also expand mission and reach, aug-
ment revenue and reshape pedagogy in
ways we have never seen before.
And yet, in truth, all of the above
approaches can only take us so far. The
problems we face are broader than only
higher education, and cannot be solved
by higher education policy standing
The Great Recession exposed in
a profound way the weakening of the
middle class in America. Low- and
middle-income families were hit the
hardest by the downturn, and they have
been the slowest to recover. Families
in high-poverty areas lost the highest
percentage of their wealth and were the
most likely to be unemployed during
the recession. According to a recent re-
port from the Russell Sage Foundation,
Americans are now less socially mo-
bile than the citizens of a number of
other countries around the world. A
middle class upbringing is no longer
a guarantee of lifetime success, with a
third of Americans raised in the middle
class falling below the middle class
as adults.
For most of U.S. history, higher
education was one of the most power-
ful mechanisms for social mobility in
the nation, and served as a powerful
counterforce to rising stratification.
However, caught in a spiral of rising
tuition and declining state investment,
compounded by the fiscal effects of
the Great Recession, the capacity of
higher education to play this role is
itself in jeopardy. The historic rate
of growth in educational attainment
has slowed—the percentage of those
under 34 with a bachelors degree has
remained virtually unchanged for de-
cades—and the gap in enrollment rates
between students from low- and high-
income families has risen steadily over
the last forty years. Only 11 percent
of students from the bottom quintile
ever graduate, compared to 53 percent
from the top. Our education system is
not helping low-income students reach
the same attainment as their higher-
income peers.
As economists Claudia Goldin
and Lawrence Katz (2008) argue,
these trends in educational attainment
deeply compound the problems of in-
come equality across the American
economy. The Great Recession has
only widened this gap, with the college
educated recovering more quickly and
bearing less of the brunt of the crisis.
Those with a college degree actually
gained 187,000 jobs from December
2007 to January 2010, while those
with high school diplomas or less lost
5.6 million jobs in this period, and
another 230,000 during the recovery
(Carnevale, Javasundera, & Cheah,
Winter 2014
2012). More than half of the jobs cre-
ated during the recent recovery from
the recession have gone to workers
with a college degree or higher, even
though they make up only a third of the
labor force.
One of the principal ways to nar-
row this divide is to invest in pre-K,
K-12 education, higher education,
training, and technologyin short,
invest in tomorrow. And yet, the gov-
ernment is ill equipped to take these
steps. There is perhaps no greater im-
pediment to addressing the endemic
problems plaguing society than the
crushing growth in entitlement spend-
ing (particularly health care). This fis-
cal burden is subverting the scope for
federal and state investment in educa-
tion and starving the country of the in-
vestments that—at each stage in U.S.
history—has nourished a cycle of in-
novation and growth that has accrued
to the benefit of all. The current ap-
proach to retirement funding is nothing
less than a dramatic inter-generational
transfer. To take only one example, the
Medicare funding formulas mean that
male recipients only paid a dollar for
every three received. Because they live
longer, the discrepancy is even greater
for women.
Without meaningful reform of
these sorts of spending pattern, we are
tilting our priorities toward consump-
tion at the expense of investment. We
are, simply put, forfeiting our capacity
to invest in the next generation, in their
capacity to create and converse and
experiment and innovate. Ironically,
universities are better positioned than
most to drive the innovations that
will bend the health care cost curve,
at the very moment when this is lead-
ing to disinvestment. Unless and until
the core issue of inter-generational
equity and, more specifically, entitle-
ment reform is addressed squarely by
government, the likelihood that either
the federal or state governments will
be able to resume their vanguard role
in ensuring the next stage of the great
American experiment with higher edu-
cation is dim indeed
Since the founding of the Republic,
universities have been a powerful force
for upward social mobility and forward
economic progress, just as the state
has been a powerful force in building
and shaping the modern university.
For much of our history, this coopera-
tive arrangement has been at the heart
of the American experiment and the
American dream.
Nevertheless, it is the thesis of this
paper that several forces are con spiring
to test the stability and durabil ity of
this compact, and pose significant risks
to the strength of American higher
education and to the country as a
whole. To some degree, we believe
that the preservation of the compact
requires a willingness of government
and university to adopt more innova-
tive instruments to ensure alignment
of universities with well-established
public goals. It also requires energetic
public leadership that is aimed at pre-
serving (and, indeed, enhancing) the
level of state investment in higher
education given the sundry public ben-
efits associated with this sector. But,
most significantly, we believe that the
durability of this compact cannot be
isolated from the broader debates and
concerns over growing inequality in
the country (which were given par-
ticular salience by the wrenching eco-
nomic losses associated with the Great
Recession). Simply put, in the absence
of a vigorous and systematic approach
to the challenge of income equality in a
human capital society, the more likely
it is that universities will be saddled
with the symbolic burdens associ-
ated with the failure to live up to the
Jeffersonian ideals of equal opportu-
nity. This is a lesson that stakeholders
in modern research universities ignore
at their peril.
Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance.
(2010). The Rising Price of Inequality: How Inadequate
Grant Aid Limits College Access and Persistence.
Washington, DC.
Alvarez, L. (2012, December 9). Florida May Reduce
Tuition for Select Majors. The New York Times.
Retrieved from
Arum, R. & Roksa, J. (2011). Academically adrift:
Limited learning on college campuses. Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press.
Atkinson, R.D., Ezell, S., Giddings, V., Steward, L.A., &
Andes, S.M. (2012). Leadership in Decline: Assessing
U.S. International Competitiveness in Biomedical
Research. Retrieved from The Information Technology
and Innovation Foundation website http://www.itif.
Baum, S., Kurose, C., & McPherson, M. (2013). An
Overview of American Higher Education. The Future
of Children 23, 17-39.
Since the founding
of the Republic,
universities have
been a powerful
force for upward
social mobility and
forward economic
progress, just as
the state has been
a powerful force
in building and
shaping the modern
Winter 2014
Continued from page 6
Newman’s terms, more emphasis on
learning, less on knowledge. That’s not
a nightmarish outcome, but it will mean
that the lucky minority of students who
get to attend true research universities
will have a profoundly different, and
profoundly more advantageous, educa-
tion than the majority who don’t. It was
America’s democratizing tendency, not
the intent of the leading planners of the
higher education system, that brought
us a substantial number of nonelite uni-
versities with research aspirations. If
cost pressures extinguish those aspira-
tions, then the resulting system will be
less democratic.
Universities can be counted on to
advocate for themselves. They will
always ask for more independence
and more resources. They may or may
not try to get out ahead of events and
change voluntarily, calmly, in a noncri-
sis atmosphere. But if they did, what
should they do? Most of the changes
that are coming will be necessities,
imposed from without. What changes
would be desirable, and ought to come
from within?
I have already said that I’ve been
struck by how little most of the univer-
sity’s stakeholders—everybody, really,
except faculty, senior administration,
and research funders—understand and
embrace the research mission of the
university. What has struck me about
the people who do embrace research is
a fundamental difference among them
in institutional orientation. Most people
work for their employer. Faculty mem-
bers at research universities work for
their discipline. If you want to advance
in your career, your stature within your
discipline is far more determinative
than your status within your university.
A faculty member at a research univer-
sity will self-identify by discipline, not
by university: “I’m an economist,” not
“I work for the University of Alabama.”
Collectively, academic disciplines
represent an amazing achievement.
They are robust, global, intensely
networked, and collaborative com-
munities. They are self-governing
and highly productive. They are also
an excellent example of how to make
a socially useful nonmarket activity
economically self-sustaining—partly
through outside funding, and partly
through the disciplines having made
their internal peer valuations into the
hiring and promotion standards of uni-
versities. Disciplines can’t pay salaries,
but universities do.
This system is not especially ad-
vantageous for presidents, provosts,
and deans, who must answer to addi-
tional constituencies and who are paid
to look after entire schools and univer-
sities. A research university is often,
in the aggregate, a stunning collection
of expertise and talent across a daz-
zling range, which is not getting full
advantage from its own intellectual re-
sources because they are situated inside
departments and schools that are more
oriented toward the same departments
and schools at other universities than
toward their local colleagues in other
disciplines. Because the reward system
for faculty members at research univer-
sities so strongly privileges research
over teaching, students are often not
getting the full advantage of the faculty
talent that surrounds them either.
Baum, S., Ma, J., & Payea, K. (2010). Education
Pays, 2010: The Benefits of Higher Education for
Individuals and Society. Trends in Higher Education
Series. College Board Advocacy & Policy Center.
Blumenstyk, G., Stratford, M., & Supiano, B. (2012,
February 5). Obama Aims to Make Colleges Cut
Costs. Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
Bowen, H.R. (1980). The costs of higher education:
How much do colleges and universities spend per
student and how much should they spend? San
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Bowen, W. G. (2012). The ‘cost disease’ in higher
education: Is technology the answer?, The Tanner
Lectures, Stanford University.
Carnevale, A.P., Jayasundera, T., & Cheah, B. (2012).
The College Advantage: Weathering the Economic
Storm. Georgetown University Center on Education
and the Workforce.
Cohen, J. (2010). The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund
and Higher Education Spending in the States: Part 1 of
4. Issue Brief. New America Foundation.
Daniels, R.J. & Trebilcock, M.J. (2005a). Towards a
New Compact in University Education in Ontario. In F.
Iacobucci & C. Tuohy (Eds.), Taking Public Universities
Seriously. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press.
Daniels, R.J. & Trebilcock, M.J. (2005b). Rethinking
the Welfare State: The Prospects for Government by
Voucher, London, UK: Routledge.
Goldin, C. & Katz, L.F. (2008). The Race Between
Education and Technology. Cambridge, MA: The
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
Immerwahr, J., Johnson, J., Ott, A., & Rochkind, J.
(2010). Squeeze play 2010: Continued public anxiety on
cost, harsher judgments on how colleges are run. Public
Agenda. Retrieved from
Kiley, K. (2013, May 6). Another Liberal Arts
Critic. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.
National Research Council. (2012). Research Uni ver-
sities and the Future of America: Ten Breakthrough
Actions Vital to Our Nation’s Prosperity and Security.
Washington DC: National Academies Press.
Oliff, P., Palacios, V., Johnson, I., & Leachman, M.
(2013). Recent Deep State Higher Education Cuts May
Harm Students and the Economy for Years to Come.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
Thelin, J.R. (2004a) A History of American Higher
Education. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Thelin, J.R. (2004b). Higher Education and the
Public Trough: A Historical Perspective. In E.P. St.
John & M.D. Parsons (Eds.), Public Funding of
Higher Education. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins
University Press.
Winter 2014
If university research were more
oriented toward the institution where it
takes place, and less toward the disci-
pline, there would be a number of pow-
erful benefits. It is very expensive for
colleges and universities to compete
ferociously with each other, school by
school and department by department,
for incremental advantages in research
prestige. If, as Columbia University’s
former provost, Jonathan Cole, has
been suggesting lately, individual uni-
versities were able to specialize more
by forming alliances that would con-
centrate expertise in one location rather
than trying to replicate it everywhere,
that could be a way to control costs. As
specialties were parceled out, online
education would make it possible for
students in one university in the alli-
ance to take locally unavailable courses
from another university in the alliance.
Within each university, more coop-
eration across disciplines could generate
new intellectual ferment that could pro-
duce both research breakthroughs and a
richer, more interconnected curriculum.
It could also lead to more collabora-
tion on research applications with the
outside world, either locally in the uni-
versitys hometown, or globally. That
would make it much easier for univer-
sity leadership to make the public case
for research. And making research more
institution-oriented would also give uni-
versities a way to make teaching a more
genuine determinant of faculty careers,
rather than a mainly notional one, and
to explore more vigorously the peda-
gogical potential on online education,
including for resident students.
The academic disciplines became
so strong thanks to a set of structures
that were designed artfully enough that
over time they were able to become
quite powerful. These include each indi-
vidual disciplinary association, with its
all-important annual convention where
careers can be meaningfully advanced;
the key academic journals within each
discipline; the university presses; the lo-
gistical substructure that makes it easy
for professors to move around from in-
stitution to institution, such as the retire-
ment-account system, uniform student
admissions tests, and systemic means of
handling library resources (all of these
were creations of the Carnegie educa-
tional philanthropies); and the practice
of making tenure decisions substantially
on the basis of evaluations of published
work by within-discipline colleagues at
other universities. For all the talk about
higher education not getting the Internet,
the advent of the online world has tre-
mendously strengthened disciplinary
life by making the global peer-to-peer
communication that has always been
one of its key features so much easier.
To orient academic research more
not completely, but more—toward the
needs of the home institution would
require not just exhortation, but the
building of a similar set of structures
that alter the incentives for individual
faculty members. These would fall into
two broad categories: hiring and pro-
motion (especially tenure) standards,
and enabling mechanisms for conduct-
ing and disseminating research. The
first of these could give special weight
to interdisciplinary or applicable re-
search, to written evaluations of intel-
lectual quality from people in other,
related disciplines, and to advances
in pedagogical technique. The second
could provide funding from university-
resident sources and create prestigious
new publishing venues for valuable
research that the traditional discipline-
resident funding and publication ven-
ues would be unlikely to support.
Clark Kerr remarked that the old-
est European research universities, es-
tablished during the Middle Ages, were
among the least changed institutions in
all of human experience. He meant that
as praise, mostly; in the current moment
of reverence for innovation, people
would hear it as a rebuke. In any event,
it is inescapable that universities’ pecu-
liar survivability and their slow-moving
quality are inextricably linked. They ig-
nore almost no important development
in society, but they assimilate no single
development instantly and totally. So
predictions that some aspect of higher
education is about to change systemi-
cally in a dramatic, utterly landscape-
altering fashion should be treated with
skepticism. (The rhetoric linking the
advent of massive open online courses
to academic institutional apocalypse is
already cooling off, for example.) What
I am proposing here is meant as an in-
cremental change of the kind that is al-
ways taking place in higher education.
I don’t want to say, ominously, that if it
doesn’t happen, there will be dire con-
sequences. But I do believe that inte-
grating the research life of universities
more fully into the way society under-
stands and experiences these wondrous
institutions would be the best way of
maximizing their benefit, and of secur-
ing their future.
Within each university,
more cooperation
across disciplines
could generate new
intellectual ferment
that could produce
both research break-
throughs and a richer,
more interconnected
Winter 2014
Vartan Gregorian—continued from inside front cover
American Higher Education:
An Obligation
to the
of this. In fact, it is interesting to note there is yet another
choice that various pundits have recently suggested students
should consider—not going to college at all. The rationale
behind that notion is that while the knowledge gained in col-
lege and university classrooms may be both wonderful and
enlightening, it is not necessarily useful in real life.” That
seems an empty argument to me and one that is refuted, for
instance, by a quick glance at a recent list of the Forbes 400
richest people in America, which shows that 84 percent hold
postsecondary degrees. Similarly, of the Fortune 500 CEOs,
93 percent have a college degree—many in the humanities
and social sciences.
The success of these individuals and others underscores
a point I have often made to students: that one of the immea-
surable values of a liberal arts education is how it can open
up a world of possibilities, including life and career paths to
follow that might otherwise have seemed unimaginable to a
young man or woman just starting out. But that is a wonderful
challenge for someone who is motivated to explore their own
potential: after all, if the only purpose of education is to train
an individual for a specific job or skill, life would be much
simpler—and, I might add, perhaps much less interesting.
With all that said, it remains clear that increasing our ex-
pertise in technology and related fields is critical to the prog-
ress of our society. Nevertheless, it is still useful to remind
ourselves that the greatest service technology can provide us
is as an adjunct to knowledge, not as a replacement for it.
Technology by itself is not a creator of content. Though the
Internet and all the technological devices that now connect
us to it have made it possible for much of humanity to have
access to a virtual Library of Alexandria, access alone does
not equal knowledge. The ability to carry around the entire
corpus of Greek literature on an iPhone or some similar de-
vice may be astonishing, but that does not mean that the indi-
vidual who possesses such a device actually knows anything
about Greek literature. One still has to read. One still has
to listen and see with one’s own eyes. One still has to pon-
der ideas, explore the realms of both material and spiritual
knowledge, and discuss these matters with other people.
In that connection, I would argue that the deep-seated
yearning for knowledge and understanding endemic to
human beings is an ideal that a liberal arts education is sin-
gularly suited to fulfill. Albert Einstein, in his inimitable
fashion, went right to the heart of the matter, asserting that
the practical men and women among us try to explain all
phenomena by cause and effect. But, Einstein said, This
way of looking at things always answers only the question
‘Why?’ but never the question, ‘To what end?’”
To search
for even a glimpse of the answers to such great philosophical
conundrums one needs to know not only what is taught in a
classroom, but also how to think for oneself.
Of course, one also has to know history, particularly the
history of one’s own nation. In that regard, as Americans,
we have an obligation, as citizens to whom the future of our
country has been entrusted, to understand the obstacles we
have faced in the past and both the problems and opportu-
nities that lie ahead. As Benjamin Franklin said, issuing a
still-timely challenge in response to a query at the close of
the Constitutional Convention of 1787, what the Founding
Fathers had created was “A Republic, if you can keep it.”
Keep it we must, and we will, but to do so we need an
informed and educated citizenry who can take full advan-
tage of the almost 4,200 colleges and universities in our
country, including some 1,700 public and private two-year
institutions. And let me point out that computers and Web
sites have yet to put those colleges and universities out of
business. Why is this? Because of one simple reason: we are
not a virtual society yet. Not yet. Human beings, by their
very nature, are rational, spiritual, and social beings. They
are not abstractions. They are not socioeconomic, consumer
or entertainment units destined to be confined inside the
small world of their cubicles and subject to what I call “cu-
bicle alienation.” Even though people can watch almost any
The Born-Einstein Letters 1916-1955 (MacMillan Press Ltd. 1971; 2005).
It is still useful to remind
ourselves that the greatest service
technology can provide us
is as an adjunct to knowledge,
not as a replacement for it.
Winter 2014
movie they want on-demand from their cable service or on
DVDs, men and women still go to movie houses to share the
experience of being immersed in a story told through sound
and images in the company of other human beings. People
have Bibles, Talmuds, and Korans in their homes but they
still go to churches, synagogues, and mosques to share their
common bonds and traditions. People need to be part of a
community—and for many, the college classroom provides
an invaluable experience of community and collaboration.
The diversity of talents, interests and aims of the men
and women who look to higher education to help them reach
their goals is mirrored by the diversity of our colleges and
universities, from which our system of higher education
draws great strength. Individual institutions have tradition-
ally emphasized different local, regional, national and in-
ternational needs by providing educational opportunities
to diverse populations, expanding scientific and technical
knowledge, providing opportunities for continuing educa-
tion, and other means.
But that certainly wasn’t always the case. Higher edu-
cation was actually available to only a small proportion of
America’s population until Congress enacted the Land Grant
College Act in 1862. This legislation—the first Morrill
Act—which was, astonishingly passed in the middle of
the Civil War (making it clear how strongly both President
Lincoln and Congress felt about the importance of educa-
tion, as well as about the future of the nation) in effect, put
universities where the people were. The Act not only pro-
vided much greater access to higher education, it also pro-
moted specialized training and spurred the development of
both theoretical knowledge and its practical application.
The Industrial Revolution was in full swing and the Morrill
Act helped to provide the research and the educated work-
force that were desperately needed in agriculture, mining
and manufacturing.
Today, there are new challenges, and one of the great-
est facing higher education is how to protect the diversity
of our colleges and universities at a time when it seems that
instead of emphasizing variety and competition—which
affects all aspects of higher education, from recruiting stu-
dents to developing curricula—there is a worrisome trend
towards uniformity. Joseph Aoun, President of Northeastern
University, expressed similar ideas in a recent op-ed
which he discusses how higher education must begin to re-
spond to an increasingly diverse student body, with different
needs, different goals, and different expectations. His par-
ticular emphasis is on the growing number of students who
are not following the path directly from high school gradu-
ation to the college campus. As he points out, “The ‘tradi-
tional’ college student aged 18 to 22 is no longer the norm.
Many people still think that the typical college student is an
18- to 22-year-old who’s attending a four-year residential
institution. But according to some estimates, nontraditional
students—returning adults, part-time students, midcareer
professionals, and every other permutation of learner—now
make up 85 percent of all undergraduates.”
I believe that startling statistic helps to provide an an-
swer to the question with which I began this essay: is there
a value to the kind of education that promotes the ability to
become a lifelong learner? Clearly, the answer is a resound-
ing yes, if education is going to be a resource available to
all Americans that can parallel their path through life, if that
is what they need. Noted author and Columbia University
professor Andrew Delblanco addresses similar concerns in
his recent book, College: What It Was, Is, And Should Be
suggesting that higher education should offer more to stu-
dents than a rigid curriculum and a lock-step parade towards
a degree. As he suggests, though more and more students are
going to college with “the narrow aim of obtaining a prepro-
fessional credential” (a phenomenon he attributes to the ac-
celerating commercialization of American higher education),
guiding young men and women down this path is a mistake.
In fact, he argues, it means that they are losing the chance
to experience the traditional—and wonderful—attributes of
the undergraduate years, “an exploratory time for students
to discover their passions and test ideas and values with the
help of teachers and peers…” He also worries that this kind
of multi-faceted, aspirational education is in danger of be-
coming available only to the wealthy and privileged, which
“To Meet President Obama’s Job Goals, Involve All Colleges,” Bloomberg Business Week, January 29th, 2014.
College: What It Was, Is, and Should Be (Princeton University Press, 2012).
The diversity of talents, interests
and aims of the men and women
who look to higher education
to help them reach their goals
is mirrored by the diversity
of our colleges and universities.
Winter 2014
would pose a great danger to the progress of American soci-
ety. While science, technology, engineering, and math play
an increasingly prominent role in our globalized economy,
innovation still requires original and imaginative thinking.
The new discoveries that will improve the living conditions,
health, and welfare of men, women, and children around the
world will not be found without those who have the educa-
tion to work toward those discoveries. And if we do not nur-
ture the talent among us, who will provide literature and art
and music for ages yet to come?
These are some of the purposes for which we, as a soci-
ety, created, supported, and continue to value a liberal arts-
oriented college education. As W.E.B. DuBois said, The
true college will ever have one goal—not to earn meat, but
to know the end and aim of that life which meat nourishes.”
For myself, I believe that the immeasurable value of
American higher education and the potential it has to open
doors to a future of one’s own making is the proverbial
pearl beyond price that we must all cherish. That is one of
the reasons I am so gratified that some of our nation’s most
eminent university leaders, along with prominent scientists,
engineers, and others are sharing their thoughts and ideas
about higher education in this special edition of the Carnegie
Reporter. I am pleased to be able to contribute to their work
by including an address I gave to the President’s Council of
the University of Tokyo (below), of which I am a member.
In many ways—and I can attest to this from personal
experience—education is the bridge that allows us to travel
from where we are to that further place where we can be-
come who we want to be and do all the wonderful things we
might otherwise only dream of. Whatever we can do as edu-
cators and citizens to strengthen that bridge is an obligation
to the future that we all share.
Let me begin by noting that the American university is
incomparably the most democratic in the world. It’s popular
in the best sense of the term, admitting and educating unprec-
edented numbers of men and women of every race and so-
cioeconomic background. Students from every corner of the
world—and here I speak for myself as well—have found a
place in the nation’s incredible variety of colleges and univer-
sities, public or private, large or small, secular or sectarian,
urban or rural, residential or commuter. Today there are more
than 3,600 colleges and universities in the United States, in-
cluding some 1,400 public and private two-year institutions.
U.S. colleges and universities enroll more than 19 mil-
lion students and annually grant nearly 3 million degrees.
Higher education employs more than 3.6 million people, in-
cluding 2.6 million faculty, in what amounts to a more than
$380 billion business.
The diversity of our education system gives it strength,
great strength. Individual institutions have traditionally em-
phasized different functions that have complemented each
other by addressing different local, regional, national, and
international needs. They also provide educational oppor-
tunities to diverse populations by expanding scientific and
technical knowledge, and providing opportunities for con-
tinuing education, and also opening their doors to the world.
Until several years ago, two-thirds of all students from
foreign countries studying abroad were in the United States;
two-thirds of the entire international student body that went
abroad studied in the United States.
In the last century, enrollment in American higher edu-
cation grew from 4 percent of the college-age population
in 1900 to almost 70 percent by the year 2000. Our student
body, moreover, is incredibly diverse. Following a long pe-
riod of little or no growth in total enrollment, the nation’s
institutions of higher education are now seeing the biggest
growth spurt since the baby boom generation arrived on
campus in 1960.
Between 1995 and 2015, enrollments are expected to
increase 16 percent, and one-third of the increase will be
members of minority groups. By 2015, minority enrollment
is anticipated to rise by almost 30 percent to 2 million in
absolute numbers, representing almost 38 percent of under-
graduate education.
JUNE 8, 2010
Presentation by Vartan Gregorian to
The Seventh Presidents Council of the University of Tokyo
Winter 2014
Clearly there is a strong case to be made for the fact
that American higher education is a vital and successful en-
deavor. But let me take a few moments here to review its
history and highlight several aspects of higher education in
the United States in order to understand the underpinnings
of its success.
The first major opportunity for the expansion of American
higher education came in 1862. Even in the middle of the
Civil War, and despite the fact that 500,000 people died in
the greatest tragedy of American history, President Abraham
Lincoln enacted the Morrill Act, which established land-
grant universities throughout the United States. The Morrill
Act coincided with the Industrial Revolution, and it helped
to establish universities just about everywhere the people of
the United States were, and where they needed institutions
of higher education that addressed their particular needs.
Some of our current universities grew from these roots such
as the University of California, Irvine, which deals with ag-
riculture; in Wisconsin, the state university includes a focus
on the fact that the dairy industry is important; in Minnesota,
the mining industry, and on and on. Because of the needs of
the state, the resources of states were tapped at the time and
folded into the educational curriculum.
The second most important revolution that happened, in
addition to land-grant universities—which, by the way, have
produced, since their inception, some 20 million degrees—
was the establishment of the National Academy of Sciences.
Again, it is remarkable to note that Lincoln had such faith in
the strength and continuity of the U.S. that in 1863, while the
Civil War raged on, President Lincoln signed another piece
of landmark legislation—a law that created the National
Academy of Sciences. The Academy, which was established
to advise Congress on any subject of science or art,” has
done that job well and expanded to include the National
Research Council, the National Academy of Engineering,
and the Institute of Medicine.
It was not until World War II, though, that the federal
government began supporting university research in a sig-
nificant way. Prior to that, research was done in Europe and
in corporate laboratories. To strengthen U.S. growth in sci-
ence, President Franklin Roosevelt established a commis-
sion headed by Vannevar Bush, a former professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His landmark report
was published in 1945 and adopted by President Truman. In
this piece, a beautiful report entitled Science: The Endless
Frontier, Bush noted that the business of industry naturally
took the lead in applied research but was deterred by market-
place considerations from conducting pure research. Bush
argued that it was the federal government’s responsibility to
provide adequate funds for basic research, which pioneers
the frontiers of human knowledge for the benefit of society.
He also wrote that the nation’s universities were, by their
very nature, best suited to take the lead in conducting basic
research. Public funding, he said, would promote competi-
tion among researchers and projects could be selected on the
merits through a peer review process. Bush suggested a fed-
eral agency should oversee the program, and Congress cre-
ated the National Science Foundation to do the job in 1950.
The agency got off to a slow start, but after October
1957, when Sputnik was launched, support for science, sci-
ence education, and basic research rose rapidly. From 1960
to 1966, federal spending on research not associated with de-
fense leapt from $6 billion a year to almost $35- $40 billion.
Until recent years, federal investment in research rarely fell
below $20 billion a year, and much of this money went to
universities. Giving the universities—that’s the difference—
giving the universities the lead in basic research turned out
to be a brilliant policy. Instead of being centralized in gov-
ernment laboratories as science tended to be in other parts
of the world, scientific research became decentralized in
American universities. This policy spurred a tremendous
diversity of investment. It also gave graduate students sig-
nificant research opportunities and helped spread scientific
discoveries far and wide for the benefit of industry, medi-
cine, and society as a whole.
Another revolutionary phase in American higher edu-
cation came about in 1944 and was known as the GI Bill
of Rights. This legislation ranks up there in importance
with the Morrill Act because the law, enacted at the height
of World War II, opened the doors of America’s best col-
leges and universities to tens of thousands of veterans re-
turning from the battlefields, ordinary Americans who had
never dreamt of going to college, and who were now actu-
ally being encouraged to do so by their government. The
G.I. Bill made an already democratic system of higher edu-
cation even more democratic in ways that were simply in-
conceivable in Europe and other parts of the world. In the
following decades, the GI Bill—and its legislative offspring
enacted during the wars in Korea and Vietnam, and now
Iraq and Afghanistan—have resulted in the public invest-
ment of more than $60 billion in education and training for
about 18 million veterans, including 8.5 million in higher
education. Currently, the United States offers an education
benefit as an incentive for people to join its all-voluntary
military forces.
Shortly after World War II, in 1946, Congress also cre-
ated the prestigious Fulbright scholarships, which all of you
are familiar with, and which have been enormously success-
Winter 2014
ful. All in all, there have been some 235,000 American and
foreign Fulbright scholars—146,000 alone from countries
other than the U.S. The program was created, by the way, as
one of the best ways of investing in international education.
In 1947, the democratization of higher education was
advanced when the Presidents Commission on Higher
Education recommended that public education be made
available up to the 14th grade, thus opening the door to the
development of community colleges, or two-year colleges,
which are now playing a major role in American higher
education, but also point to some of the problems I will
discuss later.
In a more recent effort to promote international coop-
eration and security, Congress enacted the National Security
Act of 1991, which provides scholarships for undergraduates
and graduate students to study many of the less well-known
languages and cultures in key regions of the world, including
East Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East, not to mention
Eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, and Africa.
Another major landmark was the creation of federal loan
grant guarantees and subsidy programs as well as outright
grants for college students. In the decades since its founding
in 1965, the Federal Family Education Loan Program has
funded more than 74 million student loans worth more than
$180 billion. And in the years since the 1973 Pell Grant pro-
gram—named after Senator Claiborne Pell— was created,
more than $100 billion in grants have been awarded to an
estimated 30 million postsecondary students.
Last but not least, let me add something important about
Pell grants: when they were proposed, there was a big de-
bate about whether to give the money to university presi-
dents or to give it directly to students so the funds would be
portable. It was decided—in fact, Clark Kerr of University
of California who led the Carnegie Commission on Higher
Education recommended—that the money be designated as
portable by students because this would create competition
among universities. Many of Clark Kerrs friends stopped
talking to him after that recommendation, including his
president. Thus, we can see that land-grant universities, the
National Academy of Sciences, the GI Bill, Pell grants, and
a host of other innovative strategies for advancing American
higher education and increasing access to colleges and uni-
versities played a major role in enriching and expanding
American education at the college and university level.
Naturally, the civil rights movement in the United States
and the end of formal, legal discrimination also contributed
to advancing higher education and educational access. In this
connection, I should mention that my late friend, the noted
sociologist David Riesman, said that the greatest contribu-
tion to the American economy in the post-war period was
the liberation of women. He was right, because today, al-
most 54-58 percent of students enrolled in American higher
education are women and that, along with the advancement
of minorities—especially Asians and African Americans—is
truly revolutionary.
Now, let me turn to the problems facing American higher
education. There are many things I can talk about. Problem
number one is that when there was no competition, America
could afford duplication in its higher education. The nation
could afford to have thousands of colleges and universities
because they provided educated leaders and skilled labor,
but at the same time, unskilled workers—those who could
not afford higher education or even dropped out of school,
could still find jobs in manufacturing and so on, but today,
that’s not the case. So duplication in education is no longer
affordable, and quality has become very important and a key
to competition among educational institutions.
Perhaps the second most important problem is the state
of public universities which, as I indicated earlier, were cre-
ated to be funded by public sources. Private institutions had
to rely on private sources, on philanthropy. And parentheti-
cally, ladies and gentlemen, as you know, philanthropy is a
big deal in the United States. Annually some $350 billion
dollars in philanthropic giving is disbursed by Americans,
and not only the rich; 70 percent of those sums come from
families with incomes of less than $100,000 dollars a year.
Giving has become an American phenomenon. Even dur-
ing presidential campaigns and debates, candidates now
have to reveal the amounts of their philanthropic giv-
ing because otherwise they will be known as being stingy,
being cheapskates.
But now, the barriers between public and private fund-
ing of universities have all but disappeared. Both private
and public universities seek support from private sources as
well as from the public, with one major difference: when I
The noted sociologist
David Riesman said that
the greatest contribution
to the American economy
in the post-war period
was the liberation of women.
Winter 2014
came as a freshman to Stanford University in 1956, tuition
and fees were $750 dollars at Stanford, $50 dollars at the
University of California, Berkeley—yes, 50, five-oh. Now,
all the costs have gone astronomically high. Colleges and
universities have to keep up with inflation and support the
costs of laboratories; technology; of stocking their librar-
ies; building and maintaining dormitories and other facili-
ties; paying for athletics; paying for health and other types
of insurance; providing health, food, counseling and other
services; legal and government affairs departments, public
affairs departments, etc. In short, universities, nowadays, are
like city states. But what has changed over the years is that
individual states can no longer afford by themselves to pay
for public higher education. For example, I’m told that today,
only 8 or 9 percent of the funding needed for the University
of Michigan comes from the state of Michigan; in Missouri,
it’s 9-10 percent; Maryland, 9-10 percent; etc. The rest has to
come from tuition, fees, federal research grants, federal loans
and grants as well as philanthropy, which was not how the
system of supporting public higher education was supposed
to work.
In addition, when Pell grants were inaugurated, there
were two components: loans and outright grants. As time
has passed, the proportion of loans and grants has changed
so that today, more loans are given than grants. Hence, stu-
dents often have to borrow money to pay back the loans, and
if they are unable to pay their debts or go into bankruptcy
as a result of their debt burden, this will adversely affect
their future, including their ability to find jobs and advance
in their careers. If, on the other hand, they take jobs with
low pay and because of their low salaries remain unable to
pay their loans, it discourages some people from embarking
on careers where the financial rewards are not great but the
mission is important to society and the nation. As a former
teacher myself, I have first-hand experience of that type of
situation. If you become a teacher with a $30,000-a-year sal-
ary and you have to pay six-to-ten thousand a year for your
college debt, especially if you get a higher degree, that’s a
very serious challenge.
Yet ano the r pro ble m tha t we fac e is un ive rsi tie s of un-
even quality because we don’t have a national accrediting
system. We have a regional accrediting system. In the ab-
sence of a steady flow of public and private funds, many
higher education institutions rely on increased levels of en-
rollment as a way of meeting their budgets. This, naturally,
affects quality. In addition, universities, by necessity, incur
financial aid obligations, which they sometimes cannot fully
meet because the more students they enroll, the more finan-
cial aid they have to provide. This situation is worsened by
the fact that now, there is a new, major enterprise competing
for students: proprietary, primarily for-profit organizations
along with online institutions such as Phoenix University
and others, which have access to federal loans. These entities
are expanding their reach exponentially. Currently, the U.S.
Congress is investigating why a disproportionate amount of
Pell grants are going to proprietary and online schools. Some
argue that Pell grants should not go to these institutions at
all but those who want specific kinds of job training, such
as beauticians and various kinds of technicians and so forth
argue that they should have access to the same kind of fund-
ing sources as other students.
So these are some of the problems. But there is still an-
other that is among the most important of all, and that is the
following: we all agree that what makes universities great is
the quality of their faculties. I have always believed that the
faculty is the bone marrow of the university. Students come
and go, administrators come and go—even visionary lead-
ers, though they be few and far between, come and go—but
a university’s faculty provides continuity. In that connec-
tion, the challenge is that many universities cannot afford to
maintain or recruit high-quality faculty nor can they have the
same number of top-level faculty that they did in the past. As
a result, they resort to replenishing their ranks with adjunct
and part-time faculty. Part-time faculty size has increased
from 22 to almost 40 percent in many universities, making
the overall quality of their faculty questionable. I’m not re-
ferring to the Harvards, Princetons, Yales and others of that
rank; I’m talking about those small colleges and public uni-
versities that cannot afford to maintain an excellent faculty
roster and so must rely on part-timers in order to preserve
themselves during difficult financial times. Remember,
when you have part-time faculty, you save money because
you don’t have to give them offices, or provide benefits or
sabbaticals or other types of resources. It’s almost like piece-
work is being introduced into higher education.
One of the greatest challenges
facing our society is how
to distinguish between information,
which may be true, false or some
tangled combination of both,
and real knowledge.
Winter 2014
In addition, naturally, during times of financial crisis
such as we find ourselves in now, another challenge that
arises is that there is a growing impulse to do what is expedi-
ent, such as reducing the number of academic units required
to graduate. Hence, I am not surprised that once again there
are also voices raised, asking why can’t the time required for
BA and other degrees be reduced to three years? After all,
some say, Oxford started with four years and then reduced it
to three. Harvard copied the four-year system and it has been
with us since the beginning of the higher education system in
the U.S., but why does it have to remain that way? Let’s re-
duce it. Quality, depth and richness of education don’t seem
to factor into these suggestions.
This brings me to what may be the core crisis facing
higher education today, and that is the onslaught of infor-
mation that now accosts almost every human being in our
borderless, always tuned in, always connected and inter-
connected globalized world. Perhaps nowhere is this flood
of information more apparent than in the university—par-
ticularly in the United States. Never mind that much of the
information is irrelevant to us and unusable. No matter, it
still just keeps arriving in the form of books, monographs,
periodicals, web sites, instant messages, social networking
sites, films, DVDs, blogs, podcasts, e-mails, satellite and
cable television shows and news programs, and the constant
chirping of our Blackberries and smart phones—which, by
the way, I hope you have turned off, if just for now!
While it is true that attention to detail is the hallmark of
professional excellence, it is equally true that an overload
of undigested facts is a sure recipe for mental gridlock. Not
only do undigested facts not constitute structured knowledge
but, unfortunately, the current explosion of information is
also accompanied by its corollary pitfalls, such as obsoles-
cence and counterfeit knowledge.
And, if you will indulge me for sacrificing the English
language for a moment, another phenomenon we are con-
fronting is the “Wikipedia-zation” of knowledge and educa-
tion. At least in part, this is a result of the fact that we are
all both givers and takers when it comes to running the ma-
chinery of the Information Age, particularly the virtual ma-
chinery. I am talking, of course, about the Internet. Let me
tell you about a notorious event involving Wikipedia that has
come to represent how easily false information can virally
infect factual knowledge. What has come to be known as
the Seigenthaler Incident began in 2005 when a false biogra-
phy of the noted journalist Robert Seigenthaler, Sr., who was
also an assistant to Robert Kennedy when he was Attorney
General in the 1960s, was posted on Wikipedia. Among the
scurrilous facts” in the biography were that “For a short
time, [Seigenthaler] was thought to have been directly in-
volved in the Kennedy assassinations of both John, and his
brother, Bobby. Nothing was ever proven.”
This horrendous misinformation—represented as truth—
existed on Wikipedia for 132 days before Seigenthaler’s son,
also a journalist, happened upon it and called his father.
Seigenthaler, Sr. then had Wikipedia remove the hoax biog-
raphy, but not before the same false facts had migrated to
many other sites. Probably, somewhere in the estimated 30
billion online pages, it still exists. Wikipedia has taken steps
to address this problem, but estimates are that there may be
somewhere around two million distinct sites on the Internet,
with more being created all the time, and there is no central
authority, no group, individual or organization to oversee the
accuracy of the information they purvey.
Clearly, therefore, one of the greatest challenges facing
our society and contemporary civilization is how to distin-
guish between information—which may be true, false, or
some tangled combination of both—and real knowledge.
And further, how to transform knowledge into the indispens-
able nourishment of the human mind: genuine wisdom. As T.
S. Eliot said, “Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowl-
edge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”
Today’s universities—along with our colleges, libraries,
learned societies and our scholars—have a great responsi-
bility to help provide an answer to Eliot’s questions. More
than ever, these institutions and individuals have a funda-
mental historical and social role to play in ensuring that as a
society, we provide not just training but education, and not
just education but culture as well. And that we teach students
how to distill the bottomless cornucopia of information that
is ceaselessly spilled out before them twenty-four hours a
day, seven days a week, into knowledge that is relevant, use-
ful, and reliable and that will enrich both their personal and
professional lives.
This is not an easy task, especially in a nation where, as
Susan Jacoby writes in her recent book, The Age of American
Unreason, the scales of American history have shifted
heavily against the vibrant and varied intellectual life so
essential to functional democracy. During the past four de-
cades, America’s endemic anti-intellectual tendencies have
been grievously exacerbated by a new species of semicon-
scious anti-rationalism, feeding on and fed by an ignorant
popular culture of video images and unremitting noise that
leaves no room for contemplation or logic. This new form
of anti-rationalism, at odds not only with the nation’s heri-
tage of eighteenth-century Enlightenment reason but with
modern scientific knowledge, has propelled a surge of anti-
intellectualism capable of inflicting vastly greater damage
Winter 2014
than its historical predecessors inflicted on American culture
and politics.”
What Jacoby so forcefully points out is that ignorance
is absolutely not bliss when both the strength of our democ-
racy and the future of our society is at stake. And it may
well be, for not only are we distracted and overwhelmed by
the explosion of images, news, rumor, gossip, data, informa-
tion and knowledge that bombard us every day, we also face
dangerous levels of fragmentation of knowledge, dictated by
the advances of science, learning, and the accumulation of
several millennia of scholarship. Writing about the fragmen-
tation of knowledge and the advent of specialization, it was
not so long ago that Max Weber criticized the desiccated nar-
rowness and the absence of spirit of the modern specialist.
It was also this phenomenon that prompted Dostoevsky to
lament in The Brothers Karamazov about the scholars who
“…have only analyzed the parts and overlooked the whole
and, indeed, their blindness is marvelous!” In the same vein,
José Ortega y Gasset, in his Revolt of the Masses, as early as
the 1930s, decried the “barbarism of specialization.” Today,
he wrote, we have more scientists, scholars and professional
men and women than ever before, but fewer cultivated ones.
To put the dilemma in 21st century terms, I might describe
this as everybody doing their own thing, but nobody really
understanding what anybody else’s thing really is.
Unfortunately, the university, which was conceived of as
embodying the unity of knowledge, has become an intellec-
tual multiversity. The process of both growth and fragmenta-
tion of knowledge underway since the seventeenth century
has accelerated in our time and only continues to intensify.
The modern university consists of a tangle of specialties and
sub-specialties, disciplines and sub-disciplines, within which
specialization continues apace. The unity of knowledge has
collapsed. The scope and the intensity of specialization are
such that scholars and scientists have great difficulty in
keeping up with the important yet overwhelming amount of
scholarly literature of their own sub-specialties, not to men-
tion their general disciplines. Even the traditional historical
humanistic disciplines have become less and less viable as
communities of discourse. As the late professor Wayne C.
Booth put it wistfully in a Ryerson lecture he gave more
than twenty years ago that still, sadly, sounds like breaking
news from the education front: Centuries have passed since
the fateful moment...when the last of the Leonardo da Vincis
could hope to cover the cognitive map. [Now], everyone
has been reduced to knowing only one or two countries on
the intellectual globe…[In our universities] we continue to
discover just what a pitifully small corner of the cognitive
world we live in.
In that regard, I would add that this fragmentation of
knowledge into more and more rigid, isolated areas is con-
tributing to a kind of lopsidedness in the way education is
organized and a growing disconnect between value-centered
education and the kind of training that is aimed specifically
at career preparation. What is hopeful is that there is a grow-
ing realization among the leaders of the nation’s higher edu-
cation sector that this lopsided system of education is both
deficient and dangerous, that we need a proper balance be-
tween preparation for careers and the cultivation of values,
that general and liberal education is the thread that ought to
weave a pattern of meaning into the total learning experi-
ence, that unless such a balance is restored, career training
will be ephemeral in applicability and delusive in worth;
and value education will be casual, shifting and relativistic. I
strongly believe that one of the great strengths of American
higher education is that it is home for liberal arts education,
which is a sound foundation for all the professions and pro-
fessional schools.
In the words of Albert Einstein, “It is essential that the
student acquire an understanding of a lively feeling for val-
ues. He or she must acquire a vivid sense of the beautiful and
the morally good. Otherwise he or she—with his or her spe-
cialized knowledge—more closely resembles a well-trained
dog than a harmoniously developed person.That is why
I believe, and every year, whether I was a Dean, President
or Provost of a University, I always reminded incoming
freshmen to remember the famous line in Sheridan’s Critic
(1799), that the number of those who undergo the fatigue
of judging for themselves is precious few. It is the task of
higher education to increase the number of those who do un-
dergo that fatigue.
To sum up, it seems to me that by trying to reduce the
requirements for a degree and at the same time, expecting
to be able to break down education into specialized parts—
each part swollen to overflowing with endlessly and expo-
nentially increasing amounts of data and information—we
are going in absolutely the wrong direction. Why? Because
all this pushing and pulling and compartmentalizing pre-
supposes that somehow, one’s education will eventually be
Ignorance is absolutely not bliss
when both the strength
of our democracy and the
future of our society is at stake.
Winter 2014
finished, that it will come to an end where an individual
can say, now I’ve graduated and I don’t have to learn
anymore. But of course, you never graduate from your
life and hence, you never really graduate from learning.
One’s formaleducation is really just an introduction
to learning where the skills to go on educating oneself
are acquired and inculcated into everyday life—because
learning is a lifelong endeavor. In that connection, when I
was president of Brown, one day I decided, as a joke or as
an ironic act, to propose awarding two kinds of degrees,
one certifying that you know the following subjects, the
other one certifying the subjects that you know, but most
thought it was a crazy idea because parents would say, we
paid you to educate our sons and daughters and instead,
you’re giving us an uneducated person. So I decided that
we’d just say the BA degree was, as I’ve described above,
an introduction to learning, an undertaking that must be
carried on throughout all the years of one’s life.
In order to further make my point about lifelong learn-
ing, let me share this one last story with you. Some years
ago, when asked to give a major speech to an illustrious
gathering at Southern Methodist University, instead of a
speech, I gave an exam. I said, imagine that you are the
last person on earth. Nothing is left, no monuments, no
other human beings, no libraries, no archives and hence,
you are the best-educated person on the planet. Suddenly,
the Martians land and they want to debrief you, the last
human being standing, so they can preserve the history of
humanity and the civilizations of the planet Earth. They
begin by asking you questions such as: We heard that you
had some objects that could fly, but that’s such an anti-
quated mode of transportation, so can you explain to us
the principles by which these objects were made to fly? After
all, your society awarded PhDs and MDs and all kinds of
other degrees to people like yourself, so can you just prepare
a schematic for us about these flying things? And we also
heard that you had some kind of ships that could travel under
water, but how was that possible? We also heard that you
were able to phone each other, and despite mountains and
oceans and so forth, you could talk to each other across thou-
sands of miles; how did that work? And, oh yes, we’d also
like to have the maps of all the continents, so can you draw
them for us? Please include all the nations along with rivers,
counties, capitals, and so forth. After all, we understand that
you are an educated person, so these things should be easy
for you.
Then I said to the gathering—still speaking on behalf of
the head Martian—there’s another subject we Martians want
to know about. We have a long list of the names of the reli-
gions that people on Earth followed, and they were well-rep-
resented in the United States. We don’t quite understand the
differences between these religions and why you argued about
them century after century. Here is just part of the list we have:
Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Jainism, Sikhism, Shintoism,
Confucianism, the Baha’i faith, and then the different forms
of Christianity: Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Southern
Baptists, Lutherans, Pentecostals, Evangelicals, Amish,
Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists,
Greek Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, and Russian Orthodox.
Could you please pick five of these and tell us where they
agree and where they disagree? Of course, there was dead si-
lence in the audience. So I concluded my examby saying,
I thank you for not being the last man or woman on Earth,
because education is a life-long experience and endeavor, and
I believe you might have some catching up to do…!
In a way, perhaps we all have constant “catching up” to
do when it comes to finding ways to address the many chal-
lenges facing our colleges and universities. But we will find
them, I am sure, because in the words of Henry Rosovsky
the economist and educator, in higher education, “‘made in
America’ is still the finest label.” We all should have a hand
in ensuring that continues to be true.
See page 59 of this magazine for Henry Rosovsky’s article, “Research Universities: American Exceptionalism?”
One of the greatest strengths
of American higher education
is that it is home for
liberal arts education,
which is a sound foundation
for all the professions and
professional schools.
ix leading philanthropists received the
Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy during a
ceremony at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh
on October 17, 2013. The event also marked
the centennial of the Carnegie UK Trust, a
foundation established by Andrew Carnegie to
improve the wellbeing of the people of the United
Kingdom and Ireland. The most celebrated award
in global philanthropy, the Medal is awarded
biannually on behalf of the international family
of Carnegie institutions. It recognizes those who
follow in the footsteps of Andrew Carnegie, and
whose sustained records of giving back embody
his belief that with great wealth comes great
The philanthropic activities of this years
Carnegie medalists span the globe and include
support for education, science, entrepreneurship,
and the arts. The 2013 Medal recipients are: Her
Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Chairperson
of the Qatar Foundation for Education, Science,
and Community Development; Sir Tom Hunter,
the British entrepreneur; Dr. James Harris
Simons—honored along with his wife, economist
Dr. Marilyn Simons—American mathematician
who established a leading hedge fund; Dr.
Dmitry Zimin, founder of one of Russia’s
foremost telecom companies; and Dame Janet
Wolfson de Botton DBE on behalf of the Wolfson
family, founders of the Wolfson Foundation.
The medalists were selected by a committee
of representatives from six major Carnegie
institutions. Committee chair Vartan Gregorian,
president of Carnegie Corporation, praised the
accomplishments of this years honorees as “a
great tribute to humanity and its potential.”
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Chief Communications and Digital
Strategies Officer: Deanna Lee
Editor; Director, Publications
and Public Affairs: Eleanor Lerman
Editor/Writer: Karen Theroux
Foundation Roundup Editor: Adrienne Faraci
Researcher: Ronald Sexton
Executive Assistant: Patricia Pagnotta
Carnegie Corporation of New York is a philanthropic
foundation created by Andrew Carnegie in 1911 to
promote the advancement and diffusion of knowledge
and understanding among the people of the United
States. Subsequently, its charter was amended to per-
mit the use of funds for the same purposes in certain
countries that are or have been members of the British
overseas Commonwealth. The goal of the Carnegie
Reporter is to be a hub of ideas and a forum for dia-
logue about the work of foundations.
Board of Trustees
Thomas H. Kean, Chair
Kurt Schmoke, Vice Chair
Vartan Gregorian, Ex officio
Richard Beattie
Geoffrey T. Boisi
Ralph Cicerone
Jared Cohon
John J. DeGioia
Edward P. Djerejian
John S. Hendricks
Susan Hockfield
Helene L. Kaplan, Honorary Trustee
Newton N. Minow, Honorary Trustee
Janet Robinson, Honorary Trustee
© 2014 Carnegie Corporation of New York.
Winter 2014
Stephen A. Oxman
Don M. Randel
Louise Richardson
Jorge Sampaio
Ann Claire Williams
James D. Wolfensohn
Judy Woodruff
Honoring Those Who Use Their Private Wealth for the Public Good
Carnegie Medal
The winners of the Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy 2013, seated in the Debating Chamber of the
Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh. Pictured here, from left to right starting in the back row, are Dame Janet
Wolfson de Botton, on behalf of the Wolfson family; Dr. James H. Simons; Dr. Dmitry Borisovich Zimin;
Sir Tom Hunter; Dr. Marilyn H. Simons. Not pictured: Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser.