2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
PSI Count PSI Rate PSI Severity Rate
PS Industry Wide Metric
Process Safety
Leading and Lagging Metrics
…You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Revised: January 2011
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
The Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS®) was established in 1985 by the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers (AIChE) for the express purpose of assisting industry in avoiding or mitigating catastrophic chemical
accidents. More than 130 corporate members around the world drive the activities of CCPS.
In 2006, the CCPS Technical Steering Committee authorized the creation of a project committee to develop a
Guideline book for the development and use of Leading and Lagging Process Safety Metrics. That committee
identified that a key breakthrough opportunity for industry was the development of an industry lagging metric
that would become the benchmark across the chemical and petroleum industry for measuring process safety
performance. To achieve this objective, representatives and members from each of the major chemical and
petroleum trade associations as well as other key global stakeholders were engaged.
The outcome of that effort was published in December 2007. Many companies and organizations have used those
metric definitions since 2008. Those definitions established in 2007 were a key input to the creation of a new
ANSI/API standard (ANSI/API RP 754), which has been finalized and released in April 2010. CCPS and several
members of the original CCPS Metric committee were involved in the API standard committee.
CCPS has elected to update the original (December 2007) document describing the CCPS metric
recommendations with minor revisions with the intent to align the CCPS and API documents. The intent is
that if a company or organization utilizes either the CCPS or API definitions for the top tier process safety
incident definitions that they will count the same incidents. However, there are a few principles described in
the CCPS metric document which are not incorporated in the API document (e.g., the description and use of a
severity-weighted metric). Since the API document references the CCPS definition it is important to retain both
documents, yet maintain good alignment between the two.
There are also a few additions incorporated into the ANSI/API RP 754 document which may not be deemed
necessary by all companies or trade associations internationally that have already began utilizing the 2007 CCPS
document (e.g., the definitions of a “Tier 2” process safety event). This updated CCPS metric document will
note those differences, yet describe those as “optional” metrics or definitions.
The ultimate goal of the 2006 CCPS project was to develop and then promote the use of common metrics across
the industry and around the world. CCPS continues to support that objective, whether via adoption of the ANSI/
API RP 754 definitions or via use of this document.
American Petroleum Institute, ANSI/API Recommended Practice 754, Process Safety Performance Indicators for the Refining and
Petrochemical Industries, First Edition, Washington D.C., 2010.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
CCPS Process Safety Metrics
You don’t improve what you don’t measure
I. Lagging Metrics ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.0 Process Safety Incident (PSI) (Tier 1 - PSE as per API-754): ....................................... 6
Process Involvement ....................................................................................................... 6
Reporting Thresholds ...................................................................................................... 7
Location .......................................................................................................................... 9
Acute Release ................................................................................................................. 9
Flowchart ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.0 Tier 2 Process Safety Events (Tier 2 - PSE as per API 754) ....................................... 12
Tier 2 Indicator Purpose ............................................................................................... 12
Process Involvement ..................................................................................................... 12
Tier 2 Indicator Definition and Consequences ............................................................. 12
3.0 Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 14
4.0 Rate Adjusted Metrics .................................................................................................. 17
5.0 Industry Process Safety Metrics ................................................................................... 17
6.0 Applicability ................................................................................................................. 18
7.0 Interpretations and Examples ....................................................................................... 19
II. Leading Metrics .................................................................................................................... 28
1.0 Mechanical Integrity ..................................................................................................... 29
2.0 Action Items Follow-up ................................................................................................ 30
3.0 Management of Change ................................................................................................ 30
4.0 Process Safety Training and Competency .................................................................... 33
5.0 Safety Culture ............................................................................................................... 33
6.0 Operating & Maintenance Procedures .......................................................................... 34
7.0 Fatigue Risk Management ............................................................................................ 35
III. Near Miss Reporting and other Lagging Metrics ............................................................ 35
Definition of a Process Safety Near Miss ............................................................................ 36
Examples of Process Safety Near Miss ................................................................................ 36
Maximizing Value of Near Miss Reporting .......................................................................... 38
Appendix A:
UN Dangerous Goods Classification and Listing Chemicals ................................... 38
Appendix B:
Additional Clarifications regarding UN Dangerous Goods lists & Exceptions ..........41
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
An essential element of any improvement program is the measure of existing and future performance. Therefore, to
continuously improve upon process safety performance, it is essential that companies in the chemical and petroleum
industries implement effective leading and lagging process safety metrics. This document describes the recommenda-
tions assembled by the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Process Safety Metric committee for a common
set of company and industry leading and lagging metrics.
Within this document is a description of three types of metrics:
“Lagging” Metrics – a retrospective set of metrics that are based on incidents that meet the threshold of
severity that should be reported as part of the industry-wide process safety metric.
“Leading” Metrics – a forward looking set of metrics which indicate the performance of the key work
processes, operating discipline, or layers of protection that prevent incidents
“Near Miss” and other internal Lagging Metrics – the description of less severe incidents (i.e., below
the threshold for inclusion in the industry lagging metric), or unsafe conditions which activated one or more
layers of protection. Although these events are actual events (i.e., a “lagging” metric), they are generally
considered to be a good indicator of conditions which could ultimately lead to a more severe incident.
These three types of metrics can be considered as measurements at different levels of the “safety pyramid” illustrated
in Figure 1. Although Figure 1 is divided into four separate layers (Process safety incidents, Other incidents, Near
miss, and Unsafe behaviors/Insufficient operating discipline), it is easier to describe metrics in terms of the categories
shown above. Figure 1 illustrates how each of these four areas is captured under the three sections of this document.
It is strongly recommended that all companies incorporate each of these three types of metrics into their internal
process safety management system. Recommended metrics for each of these categories are included in the three
primary sections of this document.
Process Safety Incident: (Tier 1 PSEs as per API 754)
incidents which meet the threshold of severity which should be
reported as the industry-wide process safety metric.
Unsafe Behaviors or insufficient
operating discipline:
measurements to ensure that safety protection layers
and operating discipline are being maintained.
Process Safety Event—Tier 2: (Tier 2 PSEs as per API 754)
incidents which didn't meet the definition of PS incident
for purposes of the industry PS incident metric.
(e.g., Loss of Primary Containment Incidents or fires causing Reportable incidents
that restrict work, require medical treatment or were 10% of the TQ of a PSI)
Near Miss: Minor LOPCs or System failures
which could have led to an incident.
(e.g., instrument had failed, pipe wall thickness low)
Described in CCPS
Leading Metric section.
CCPS common
Lagging indicators,
Described in this document
under the "Near Miss"
reporting section.
These two types of events
should be collected as
independent or integrated
"Near Miss" company metrics.
Collect for the learning
benefit, improve
awareness, and enhance
PS Culture.
Figure 1: Process Safety
Metric Pyramid
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
Tier 2 Process
Safety Events:
LOPCs with lesser significance
Near Miss:
Minor LOPCs, System failures which
could have led to an incident
Unsafe behaviors or insufficient
operating discipline
Barriers or Layer of Protection
Mitigation & Emergency
Preparedness Measures
Failure of a barrier or
mitigation measure
Figure 3: Process Safety Pyramid / Failed Protection Layers
Figure 2: Swiss Cheese Model
Another way to consider metrics is that the incidents at the top of the pyramid reflect situations where failures to the
multiple layers of protection which are intended to prevent an incident (both physical layers and work process/operating
procedure layers) have failed, while the bottom of the pyramid reflects failures or challenges to one or two of these layers
of protection – yet other layers continue to function. The multiple layer of protection concept is represented in Figure 2.
Incorporating the layer of protection concept, Figure 1 can then be redrawn as shown in Figure 3, to reflect that
additional layers of protection or mitigation have failed as you progress from the bottom of the pyramid to the top.
Hazards are contained by multiple
protective barriers
Barriers may have weaknesses or
When holes align, the hazard passes
through the barriers resulting in the
potential for adverse consequences.
Barriers may be physical engineered
containment or behavioral controls
dependent on people
Holes can be latent/incipient, or
actively opened by people
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
I. Lagging Metrics
The BP US Refineries Independent Safety Review Panel (“Baker Panel”)
and US Chemical Safety Board
recommended improved industry-wide process safety metrics in their final reports dealing with the 2005 explosion at
the BP Texas City refinery. CCPS member companies also share the vision of a new industry-wide process safety metric,
including a common set of definitions and threshold levels that will serve individual companies and industry as a whole by
providing a mechanism to:
indicate changes in company or industry performance, to be used to drive continuous improvement
in performance;
perform company-to-company or industry segment-to-segment benchmarking and
serve as a leading indicator of potential process safety issues which could result in a catastrophic event.
This section of the document describes a set of definitions and metrics recommended as industry-wide lagging metrics.
1.0 Process Safety Incident (PSI) (Tier 1 PSE per API RP - 754):
For the purposes of the common industry-wide process safety lagging metrics, an incident is reported as a process safety
incident if it meets all four of the following criteria:
(1) Process involvement
(2) Above minimum reporting threshold
(3) Location;
(4) Acute release
Process Involvement
An incident satisfies the chemical or chemical process involvement criteria if the following is true:
A process must have been directly involved in the damage caused. For this purpose, the term
"process" is used broadly to include the equipment and technology needed for chemical, pet-
rochemical and refining production, including reactors, tanks, piping, boilers, cooling towers,
refrigeration systems, etc. An incident with no direct chemical or process involvement, e.g., an
office building fire, even if the office building is on a plant site, is not reportable.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
Baker, J.A. et al., “The Report of the BP U.S. Refineries Independent Safety Review Panel,” January 2007
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Investigation Report No. 2005-04-I-TX, “Refinery Explosion and Fire,” BP, Texas
City, March 2005.
An employee injury that occurs at a process location, but in which the process plays no direct part, is not reportable
as a PSI (though it could be an OSHA or other agency reportable injury). The intent of this criterion is to identify
those incidents that are related to process safety, as distinguished from personnel safety incidents that are not
process-related. For example, a fall from a ladder resulting in a lost workday injury is not reportable simply because
it occurred at a process unit. However, if the fall resulted from a chemical release, then the incident is reportable.
Reporting Thresholds
An unplanned or uncontrolled release of any material, including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g., steam, hot
condensate, nitrogen, compressed CO
or compressed air), from a process that results in one or more of the consequences
listed below:
Note: Steam, hot condensate, and compressed or liquefied air are only included in this definition if their release results in one of the
consequences other than a threshold quantity release. However, other nontoxic, nonflammable gases with defined UNDG Division 2.2
thresholds (such as nitrogen, argon, compressed CO
) are included in all consequences including, threshold releases
1. An employee or contractor day(s) away from work injury and/or fatality, or hospital admission and/or fatality of a third
party (non-employees/contractor)
2. An officially declared community evacuation or community shelter-in-place;
3. Fires or explosions resulting in greater than or equal to $25,000 of direct cost to the company, or;
4. An acute release of flammable, combustible, or toxic chemicals greater than the chemical release threshold quantities
described on Table 1. Note that table 1 has an additional threshold quantity level column which is recommended for
indoor releases
Releases include pressure relief device (PRD) discharges, whether directly or via a downstream destructive device
that results in liquid carryover, discharge to a potentially unsafe location, on-site shelter-in-place, or public protective
measures (e.g., road closure)
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
For a full list of materials cross-referenced to the UN Dangerous Goods definitions, see chemical list or spreadsheet
tools posted on the web site www.ccpsonline.org
Table 1 – Process Safety Incident Threshold Values
Material Hazard
Classifi cation
Threshold Quantity
for indoor
(Optional )
TIH Zone A Materials 5 kg (11 lb) 2.5 kg (5.5 lb)
TIH Zone B Materials 25 kg (55 lb) 12.5 kg (27.5 lb)
TIH Zone C Materials 100 kg (220 lb) 50 kg (110 lb)
TIH Zone D Materials 200 kg (440 lb) 100 kg (220 lb)
Flammable Gases
or Liquids with Initial Boiling Point 35 °C
(95 °F) and Flash Point < 23 °C (73 °F)
or Other Packing Group I Materials
excluding strong acids/bases
500 kg (1100 lb) 250 kg (550 lb)
Liquids with Initial Boiling Point > 35 °C
(95 °F) and Flash Point < 23 °C (73°F)
or Other Packing Group II Materials
excluding moderate acids/bases
1000 kg (2200 lb
7 bbl
500 kg (1100 lb)
3.5 bbl
Liquids with Flash Point 23 °C (73 °F)
and 60 °C (140 °F) or Liquids with Flash
Point > 60 °C (140 °F) released at a tempera-
ture at or above Flash Point or strong acids/
bases or Other Packing Group III Materials
or Division 2.2 Nonflammable, Nontoxic
Gases (excluding Steam, hot condensate, and
compressed or liquefied air)
2000 kg (4400 lb)
14 bbl
1000 kg (2200 lb)
7 bbl
It is recognized that threshold quantities given in kg and lb or in lb and bbl are not exactly equivalent.
Companies should select one of the pair and use it consistently for all recordkeeping activities.
a Many materials exhibit more than one hazard. Correct placement in Hazard Zone or Packing Group shall follow the rules of DOT 49 CFR 173.2a
or UN Recommendations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Section 2
. See Annex B.
b A structure composed of four complete (floor to ceiling) walls, floor, and roof.
c For solutions not listed on the UNDG, the anhydrous component shall determine the TIH zone or Packing Group classification. The threshold quantity
of the solution shall be back calculated based on the threshold quantity of the dry component weight.
d For mixtures where the UNDG classification is unknown, the fraction of threshold quantity release for each component may be calculated. If the sum
of the fractions is equal to or greater than 100%, the mixture exceeds the threshold quantity. Where there are clear and independent toxic and
flammable conse quences associated with the mixture, the toxic and flammable hazards are calculated independently. See Annex A, Examples 29,
30 and 31.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
An incident satisfies the location criteria if:
The incident occurs in production, distribution, storage, utilities or pilot plants of a facility reporting metrics
under these definitions. This includes tank farms, ancillary support areas (e.g., boiler houses and waste water
treatment plants), and distribution piping under control of the site.
All reportable incidents occurring at a location will be reported by the company that is responsible for operating that
location. This applies to incidents that may occur in contractor work areas as well as other incidents.
At tolling operations and multi-party sites, the company that operates the unit where the incident initiated should
record the incident and count it in their PSI metric.
For further clarification, look at the exclusions described in Section 6 (Applicability).
Acute Release
A “1-hour” rule applies for the purpose of the reporting under this metric, i.e. the release of material reaches or
exceeds the reporting threshold in any 1-hour period. If a release does not exceed the TQ level during any 1-hour
period, it would not be treated as a PSI. Typically, acute releases occur in 1-hour or less; however, there may be
some releases that would be difficult to prove if the threshold amount release occurred in 1-hour. (Example: A large
inventory of flammable liquid is spilled from a tank or into a dike overnight due to a drain valve being left upon prior
to a transfer operation. It may not be discovered for several hours, so it is difficult to know the exact time when the
threshold quantity was exceeded.) If the duration of the release cannot be determined, the duration should be assumed
to be 1 hour.
The criteria for reporting incidents as a PSI described above are illustrated in the attached flowchart (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Determining if an incident meets definition of a reportable Process Safety Incident (PSI) under the
definitions of the CCPS Industry Lagging Metric
Was Process Directly Involved
in the Damage Caused?
Did the Incident Occur in Production,
Distribution, Storage, Utilities, or Pilot
Plants of a Facility reporting These Metrics?
Was there any unplanned or uncontrolled release
of any material that resulted in….
An employee or contractor lost
time injury or fatality, OR hospital
admission or fatality of a third
party (non-employee / contractor).
Fires or Explosions resulting
in $25,000 of Direct Cost
to the Company?
An acute release of
flammable Combustible
or toxic chemicals?
Was there an officially declared
community evacuation or
community shelter-in-place?
Reportable Process
Safety Incident
Does Not Meet Criteria for
Process Safety Incident
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Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
Severity Level
(Note 4)
(1 point used in severity
rate calculations for each
of the attributes which
apply to the incident)
(3 points used in severity
rate calculations for each
of the attributes which
apply to the incident)
(9 points used in severity
rate calculations for each
of the attributes which
apply to the incident)
(27 points used in severity
rate calculations for each
of the attributes which
apply to the incident)
Safety/Human Health
(Note 5)
Does not meet or
exceed Level 4 threshold
Injury requiring treat-
ment beyond first aid to
employee or contractors
(or equivalent, Note 1)
associated with a process
safety incident
(In USA, incidents meet-
ing the definitions of an
OSHA recordable injury)
Lost time injury to
employee or contractors
associated with a process
safety event
On-site fatality - employee
or contractors associ-
ated with a process safety
event; multiple lost time
injuries or one or more
serious offsite injuries
associated with a process
safety event.
Off-site fatality or mul-
tiple on-site fatalities
associated with a process
safety event.
Fire or Explosion
(including overpressure)
Does not meet or exceed
Level 4 threshold
Resulting in $25,000 to
$100,000 of direct cost
Resulting in $100,000 to
1MM of direct cost.
Resulting in $1MM to
$10MM of direct cost.
Resulting in direct cost
Potential Chemical
(Note 3)
Does not meet or exceed
Level 4 threshold
Chemical released within
secondary containment or
contained within the unit -
see Note 2A
Chemical release out-
side of containment but
retained on company
flammable release without
potential for vapor cloud
explosives - see Note 2B
Chemical release with
potential for injury off
site or flammable release
resulting in a vapor cloud
entering a building or
potential explosion site
(congested/confined area)
with potential for damage
or casualties if ignited -
see Note 2C
Chemical release with
potential for significant
on-site or off-site injuries
or fatalities - see Note 2D
(Note 5)
Does not meet or exceed Level
4 threshold
Short-term remediation to address
acute environmental impact.
No long term cost or company
Examples would include spill
cleanup, soil and vegetation
Minor off-site impact with precau-
tionary shelter-in-place
Environmental remediation
required with cost less than
$1MM. No other regulatory over-
sight required.
Local media coverage
Shelter-in-place or community
Environmental remediation
required and cost in between
$1MM - $2.5 MM. State govern-
ment investigation and oversight
of process.
Regional media coverage or brief
national media coverage.
National media coverage over
multiple days
Environmental remediation
required and cost in excess of $2.5
MM. Federal government investi-
gation and oversight of process.
other significant community
A severity level will be assigned for each consequence category for each process safety incident utilizing the criteria shown in
Table 2.
Table 2: Process Safety Incidents & Severity Categories
Process Safety Incident Severity
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
NOTE 1: For personnel located or working in process manufacturing facilities.
NOTE 2: It is the intent that the “Potential Chemical Impact” definitions shown in Table 2 to provide sufficient defi-
nition such that plant owners or users of this metric can select from the appropriate qualitative severity descriptors
without a need for dispersion modeling or calculations. The user should use the same type of observation and judg-
ment typically used to determine the appropriate emergency response actions to take when a chemical release occurs.
However, CCPS does not want to preclude the use of a “sharper pencil” (e.g. dispersion modeling) if a company so
chooses. In those cases, the following notes are being provided, as examples, to clarify the type of hazard intended
with the four qualitative categories:
A: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) or 50% of Lower Flammability Limits (LFL) does not extend
beyond process boundary (operating unit) at grade or platform levels, or small flammable release not entering a poten-
tial explosion site (congested/confined area) due to the limited amount of material released or location of release (e.g.,
flare stack discharge where pilot failed to ignite discharged vapors).
B: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) extend beyond unit boundary but do not extend beyond property
boundary. Flammable vapors greater than 50% of LFL at grade may extend beyond unit boundaries but did not enter-
ing a potential explosion site (congested/confined area); therefore, very little chance of resulting in a VCE.
C: AEGL-2/ERPG-2 concentrations (as available) exceeded off-site OR flammable release resulting in a vapor cloud
entering a building or potential explosion site (congested/confined area) with potential for VCE resulting in fewer than
5 casualties (i.e., people or occupied buildings within the immediate vicinity) if ignited.
D: AEGL-3/ERPG-3 concentrations (as available) exceeded off-site over the defined 10/30/60 minute time frame OR
flammable release resulting in a vapor cloud entering a building or potential explosion site (congested/confined area)
with potential for VCE resulting in greater than 5 casualties (i.e., people or occupied buildings within the immediate
vicinity) if ignited
NOTE 3: The Potential Chemical Impact table reflects the recommended criteria. However, some companies may
object to making a relative ranking estimate on the potential impact using the terms described. In those situations,
it would be acceptable for those companies to substitute the following criteria corporate wide: Severity Level 4:
1X to 3X the TQ for that chemical, Level 3: 3X to 9X, Level 2: 9X to 20X, and Level 1: 20X or greater the TQ for
that chemical. However, if a company elects to use this alternative approach they should be consistent and use this
approach for all releases. They should not select between the two methods on a case-by-case basis simply to get the
lowest severity score.
The category labels can be modified by individual companies or industry associations to align with the
severity order of other metrics. It is important is to use the same severity point assignments shown.
The severity index calculations include a category for “Community/Environmental” impact and a first aid
(i.e., OSHA “recordable injury”) level of Safety/Human Health impact which are not included in the PSI threshold
criteria. However, the purpose of including both of these values is to achieve greater differentiation of severity points
for incidents that result in any form or injury, community, or environmental impacts.
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
Tier 2 Indicator Purpose
The count of Tier 2 Process Safety Events represent those LOPC incidents with a lesser consequence than a PSI.
Tier 2 PSEs, even those that have been contained by secondary systems, indicate barrier system weaknesses that may
be potential precursors of future, more significant incidents. In that sense, Tier 2 PSEs can provide a company with
opportunities for learning and improvement of its process safety performance.
Process Involvement
The same Process Involvement criteria apply to Tier 2 – PSEs as apply to PSI (Tier 1 – PSEs)
Tier 2 Indicator Defi nition and Consequences
A Tier 2 PSE is an event with lesser consequence then a PSI event. A Tier 2 LOPC is an unplanned or uncontrolled
release of any material, including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot condensate, nitrogen, com-
pressed CO
or compressed air), from a process that results in one or more of the consequences listed below and is not
reported in Tier 1:
NOTE Steam, hot condensate, and compressed or liquefied air are only included in this definition if their release
results in one of the consequences other than a threshold quantity release. However, other nontoxic,
nonflammable gases with defined UNDG Division 2.2 thresholds (such as nitrogen, argon, compressed CO
are included in all consequences including, threshold releases
1. an employee, contractor or subcontractor recordable injury;
2. a fire or explosion resulting in greater than or equal to $2,500 of direct cost to the Company;
3. An acute release of flammable, combustible, or toxic chemicals from the primary containment
(i.e., vessel or pipe) greater than the release threshold quantities described on Table 2, Note that
table 2 has an threshold quantity level column which are recommended for indoor releases.
o including pressure relief device (PRD) discharges, whether directly or via a
downstream destructive device that results in liquid carryover, discharge to a
potentially unsafe location, on-site shelter-in-place, or public protective measures
(e.g., road closure)
2.0 Tier 2 Process Safety Events (Tier 2 - PSE as per API 754)
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
Material Hazard
Classifi cation
Threshold Quantity
for indoor
(Optional )
TIH Zone A Materials 0.5 kg (1.1 lb) 0.25 kg (0.55 lb)
TIH Zone B Materials 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) 1.2 kg (2.8 lb)
TIH Zone C Materials 10 kg (22 lb) 5 kg (11 lb)
TIH Zone D Materials 20 kg (44 lb) 10 kg (22 lb)
Flammable Gases or
Liquids with Initial Boiling Point 35 °C (95
°F) and Flash Point < 23 °C (73 °F)
or Other Packing Group I Materials
excluding strong acids/bases
50 kg (110 lb) 25 kg (55 lb)
Liquids with a Initial Boiling Point > 35 °C
(95 °F) and Flash Point <60 °C (140 °F)
or Liquids with Flash Point > 60 °C (140 °F)
released at or above Flash Point;
Or Other Packing Group II and III Materials
excluding moderate acids/bases
or Strong acids and bases
100 kg (220 lb)
1 bbl
50 kg (110 lb)
0.5 bbl
Liquids with Flash Point > 60 °C (140 °F)
released at a temperature below Flash Point
or Moderate acids/bases or Division 2.2
Nonflammable, Nontoxic Gases
(excluding Steam, hot condensate, and
compressed or liquefied air)
1000 kg (2200 lb)
10 bbl
500 kg (1100 lb)
5 bbl
In order to simplify determination of reporting thresholds for Tier 2, Categories 6 and 7 in Tier 1 have been combined into one
category in Tier 2 (Category 6). A new category 7 has been added.
a Many materials exhibit more than one hazard. Correct placement in Hazard Zone or Packing Group shall follow the rules of DOT 49 CFR 173.2a [14]
or UN Recommendations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Section 2 [10]. See Annex B.
b A structure composed of four complete (floor to ceiling) walls, floor and roof.
c For solutions not listed on the UNDG, the anhydrous component shall determine the TIH zone or Packing Group classification. The threshold quantity
of the solution shall be back calculated based on the threshold quantity of the dry component weight.
d For mixtures where the UNDG classification is unknown, the fraction of threshold quantity release for each component may be calculated. If the sum
of the fractions is equal to or greater than 100%, the mixture exceeds the threshold quantity. Where there are clear and independent toxic and
flammable consequences associated with the mixture, the toxic and flammable hazards are calculated independently. See Annex A, Examples
29, 30 and 31.
Location and Acute Release Criteria
The same location and acute release criteria apply to Teir 2 – PSEs as apply to PSIa (Tier 1 – PSEs)
Table 3 – Process Safety Incident Threshold Values
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Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
Acids/Bases, Moderate
Substances with pH 1 and < 2, or pH > 11.5 and 12.5, or more precisely, substances that cause full thickness destruc-
tion of intact skin tissue within an observation period up to 14 days starting after the exposure time of 60 minutes or less,
but greater than three minutes, consistent with Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
(GHS) Skin Corrosion Category 1B.
Acids/Bases, Strong
Substances with pH < 1 or > 12.5, or more precisely, substances that cause full thickness destruction of intact skin tissue
within an observation period up to 60 minutes starting after the exposure time of three minutes or less, consistent with
GHS Skin Corrosion Category 1A.
Acute Release: A sudden release of material that reaches or exceeds the reporting threshold in any one (1) hour period.
BBL: Barrels; 42 U.S. gallons (35 Imperial gallons)
Company: "Company" (when designated with a capital C) or "the Company", refers to the operating company in the refin-
ing and petrochemical industries and/or any of its divisions, and/or any of its consolidated affiliates.
Contractor: Any individual not on the Company payroll, including subcontractors, whose exposure hours, injuries and ill-
nesses are routinely tracked by the host Company.
Days Away From Work Injury
Work-related injuries that result in the employee being away from work for at least one calendar day after the day of the
injury as determined by a physician or other licensed health professional. This is an abridged version of the definition used
to report days away from work injuries for OSHA.
Deflagration Vent
An opening in a vessel or duct that prevents failure of the vessel or duct due to overpressure. The opening is covered by a
pressure-relieving cover (e.g. rupture disk, explosion disk, or hatch).
Destructive Device
A flare, scrubber, incinerator, quench drum, or other similar device used to mitigate the potential consequences of a PRD
Direct Cost: Cost of repairs or replacement, cleanup, material disposal, environmental remediation and emergency
response. Direct cost does not include indirect costs, such as business opportunity, business interruption and feedstock/
product losses, loss of profits due to equipment outages, costs of obtaining or operating temporary facilities, or costs of
obtaining replacement products to meet customer demand. Direct cost does not include the cost of the failed component
leading to LOPC, if the component is not further damaged by the fire or explosion.
Employee: Any individual on the Company payroll and whose exposure hours, injuries and illnesses are routinely tracked
by the Company. Individuals not on the Company payroll, but providing services under direct company supervision are also
included (e.g. government sponsored interns, secondees, etc.).
Explosion: A release of energy that causes a pressure discontinuity or blast wave (e.g. detonations, deflagrations, and
rapid releases of high pressure caused by rupture of equipment or piping).
3.0 Definitions
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The buildings, containers or equipment that contain a process.
Any combustion resulting from a LOPC, regardless of the presence of flame. This includes smoldering, charring, smoking,
singeing, scorching, carbonizing, or the evidence that any of these have occurred.
Flammable Gas
Any material that is a gas at 35 °C (95 °F) or less and 101.3 kPa (14.7 psi) of pressure and is ignitable when in a mixture
of 13 % or less by volume with air, or has a flammable range of at least 12% as measured at 101.3 kPa (14.7 psi).
Hospital Admission
Formal acceptance by a hospital or other inpatient health care facility of a patient who is to be provided with room, board,
and medical service in an area of the hospital or facility where patients generally reside at least overnight. Treatment in the
hospital emergency room or an overnight stay in the emergency room would not by itself qualify as a “hospital admission.
Loss Of Primary Containment (LOPC): An unplanned or uncontrolled release of material from primary containment.
including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot condensate, nitrogen, compressed CO
or compressed air).
Major Construction
Large scale investments with specific, one-time project organizations created for design, engineering, and construction of
new or significant expansion to existing process facilities.
Substance with the potential to cause harm due to its chemical (e.g. flammable, toxic, corrosive, reactive, asphyxiate) or
physical (e.g. thermal, pressure) properties.
Office Building
Buildings intended to house office workers (e.g. administrative or engineering building, affiliate office complex, etc.).
Officially Declared
A declaration by a recognized community official (e.g. fire, police, civil defense, emergency management) or delegate (e.g.
Company official) authorized to order the community action (e.g. shelter-in-place, evacuation).
Pressure Relief Device (PRD)
A device designed to open and relieve excess pressure (e.g. safety valve, thermal relief, rupture disk, rupture pin,
deflagration vent, pressure/vacuum vents, etc.).
Primary Containment: A tank, vessel, pipe, rail car or equipment intended to serve as the primary container or used
for the transfer of the material. Primary containers may be designed with secondary containment systems to contain and
control the release. Secondary containment systems include, but are not limited to, tank dikes, curbing around process
equipment, drainage collection systems into segregated oily drain systems, the outer wall of double walled tanks, etc.
Definitions con't.
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Production, distribution, storage, utilities, or pilot plant facilities used in the manufacture of chemical, petrochemical and petro-
leum refining products. This includes process equipment (e.g. reactors, vessels, piping, furnaces, boilers, pumps, compressors,
exchangers, cooling towers, refrigeration systems, etc.), storage tanks, ancillary support areas (e.g. boiler houses and waste
water treatment plants), on-site remediation facilities, and distribution piping under control of the Company.
Process Safety
A disciplined framework for managing the integrity of hazardous operating systems and processes by applying good design
principles, engineering, and operating and maintenance practices.
Process Safety Event (PSE)
An unplanned or uncontrolled LOPC of any material including non-toxic and non-flammable materials (e.g. steam, hot con-
densate, nitrogen, compressed CO2 or compressed air) from a process, or an undesired event or condition that, under slightly
different circumstances, could have resulted in a LOPC of a material.
PSI: Process Safety Incident.
Secondary Containment
System designed to contain or control a release from primary containment. Secondary containment systems include, but are
not limited to tank dikes, curbing around process equipment, drainage collection systems, the outer wall of double walled
tanks, etc.
Public Receptors
Offsite residences, institutions (e.g. schools, hospitals), industrial, commercial, and office buildings, parks or recreational areas
where members of the public could potentially be exposed to toxic concentrations, radiant heat, or overpressure, as a result of a
Recordable Injury
A work-related injury that results in any of the following: death, days away from work, restricted work or transfer to another
job, medical treatment beyond first aid, loss of consciousness, or a significant injury diagnosed by a physician or other licensed
health professional. This is an abridged version of the definition used to report days away from work injuries for OSHA.
Third Party: Any individual other than an employee, contractor or subcontractor of the Company. [e.g., visitors, non-contract-
ed delivery drivers (e.g. UPS, U.S. Mail, Federal Express), residents, etc.].
Tolling Operation
A company with specialized equipment that processes raw materials or semi-finished goods for another company.
Total employee, contractor & subcontractor work hours: Total hours worked for refining, petrochemical, or chemical
manufacturing facilities. Using the same definitions that would be applicable for the OSHA injury/illness formula. Man-hours
associated with major construction projects or corporate administration would not be included.
United Nations Dangerous Goods (UNDG) hazard categories: A classification system used to evaluate the potential haz-
ards of various chemicals, if released, used by most international countries as part of the product labeling or shipping infor-
mation. In the United States, these hazard categories are defined in US Department of Transportation regulations (49 CFR
172.101). and listed in 49 CFR 172, Subpart B For more information on this ratings, see the UN web site
Definitions con't.
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Utilizing the definitions described above, there are a variety of rate-based metrics which can be generated. These
Process Safety Total Incident Rate (PSTIR):
Total PS incidents x 200,000
Total employee & contractor work hours
Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR) (i.e., severity-weighted Process Safety incident rate formula):
Total severity score for all PS incidents x 200,000
Total employee, contractor & subcontractor work hours
In determining this rate, 1 point is assigned for each Level 4 incident attribute, 3 points for each Level 3 attribute, 9
points for each Level 2 attributes, and 27 points for each Level 1 attributes. Theoretically, a PSI could be assigned a
minimum of 1 point (i.e., the incident meets the attributes of a Level 4 incident in only one category) or a maximum of
108 points (i.e., the incident meets the attributes of a Level 1 incident in each of the four categories..
PS Level “X*” incident rate:
Total Severity Level “X*” PS incidents x 200,000
Total employee, contractor & subcontractor work hours
Where X* can be the total count of Severity Level 4, 3, 2, or 1 incidents. The severity level of an incident is the maxi-
mum severity rating of the four consequence categories.
Total Tier 2 PSE Count x 200,000
Tier 2 PSE Rate (Tier 2 IR):
Total employee & contractor work hours
It is recommended that companies implement and publicly report the following three process safety metrics.
Total Count of Process Safety Incidents (PSIC): The count of all incidents which meet the definitions of a PSI
described within this document.
Process Safety Total Incident Rate (PSTIR): The cumulative (annual) count of incidents normalized by man-hours,
per the formula described in section 2.0.
Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR): The cumulative (annual) severity-weighted rate of process safety
incidents per the formula described in section 2.0.
To assist in benchmarking, it would be beneficial if trade associations or consortiums collect and publish this informa-
tion for member companies.
Optionally, companies should also consider implementing and publicly reporting the count and rate of Tier 2 Process
Safety Events.
4.0 Rate Adjusted Metrics
5.0 Industry Process Safety Metrics
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It is recommended that companies record and report PSIs occurring at Company-owned or operated facilities, except
as noted below:
1. PSIs that originated off Company property;
2. Marine transport vessel incidents, except when the vessel is connected to the facility for the purposes of feed-
stock or product transfer;
3. Truck and/or rail incidents, except when the truck or rail car is connected to the facility for the purposes of
feedstock or product transfer;
4. Vacuum truck operations, except on-site truck loading or discharging operations, or use of the vacuum truck
transfer pump;
5. Routine emissions that are allowable under permit or regulation;
6. Office, shop, and warehouse building incidents (e.g., office heating equipment explosions, fires, spills, releases,
personnel injury or illness, etc.);
7. Personnel safety "slip/trip/fall" incidents that are not directly associated with evacuating from, or responding to
a loss of containment incident;
8. Loss of Primary Containment (LOPC) incidents from ancillary equipment not connected to the process (e.g.,
small sample containers);
9. Planned and controlled drainage of material to collection or drain system designed for such service (Note:
Exclusion does not apply to an unintended and uncontrolled release of material from primary containment that
flows to a collection or drain system);
10. Mechanical work being conducted outside of process units or in maintenance shops; and,
11. Quality Assurance (QA), Quality Control (QC) and Research and Development (R&D) laboratories are exclud-
ed. (Pilot plants are included.)
12. On-site fueling operations of mobile and stationary equipment (e.g. pick-up trucks, diesel generators, and heavy
6.0 Applicability
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The following interpretations and examples have been prepared to help clarify areas of potential uncertainty in the evalu-
ation of reportable Process Safety Incidents (PSI).
They are for illustrative purposes only. The following areas are addressed:
Company Premises
PSIs With Multiple Outcomes
Loss Of Containment
Acute Releases
Flares & Emission Control Devices
Safety Relief Device/System
Toxic Gas, Vapor or Aerosol
Lost Time Incidents
Fires Not Associated with Chemical Release
Marine Vessels
Truck and Rail
Office Building
Man-Machine Interface Incidents
Examples of Use of Assignment of Severity Scores
Vacuum Truck Operations
Direct Costs
Officially Declared Evacuation or Shelter-in -Place
1. A third-party truck loading a flammable product on Company Premises, experiences a leak and subsequent fire
and property loss damages of $75,000 (direct costs). Although the truck is "Operated-by-Others", it is connected to
the process. The incident would be a reportable PSI if property losses in direct costs were equal to or greater than
$25K or some other PSI threshold was met or exceeded (e.g., a fatality).
2. Similar example as #1. The truck loaded with flammable product overturns in route out of the plant, resulting in a
fire and loss of the truck. This would not be reported as a PSI since the truck is no longer connected to the plant.
3. A pipeline leaks and releases 2000 lb of flammable vapor above ground within 1 hour. A public road bisects the
main facility and its marine docks. This pipeline originates in the facility and goes to the docks. The leak site hap-
pens to be off the site’s property in the short segment of piping that runs over the public road. Although the leak
technically occurs off-site, this is a reportable PSI since the facility owns and operates the entire segment of pipe-
7.0 Interpretations and Examples
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4. There is a 200 bbl spill of flammable liquid that results in significant flammable vapor being released, ignited
and causing a fire. The fire damages other equipment resulting in a toxic gas release above the reporting thresh-
old, along with multiple lost time injuries, including a fatality. This event should be reported as a single PSI, but
with multiple outcomes. When applying the severity metric, the appropriate severity point assignment (1, 3, 9,
or 27 points each) would be selected from Table 2 for the fire damage, the chemical release potential impact, the
human health impact, and the community/environmental impact. The sum of these individual severity points
will be used in calculating the overall severity rate metric.
5. Ten barrels of gasoline (1400 kg, 3100 lbs.) leak from piping onto concrete and the gasoline doesn't reach soil
or water. Site personnel estimate that the leak was "acute" (e.g., occurred within a 1-hour timeframe). This is a
reportable PSI because there was an "acute” loss of primary containment (e.g., within "1 hour") of 1000 kg (2200
lbs) or more of ”Flammable Liquid”.
6. A faulty tank gauge results in the overfilling of a product tank containing “flammable liquids”. Approximately
7000 kg (15500 lbs) of liquid overflows into the tank's diked area. This incident is a reportable PSI since it is an
"acute" spill greater than 2200 lbs, regardless of secondary containment.
7. A maintenance contractor opens a process valve and gets sprayed with sulfuric acid resulting in a severe burn and
lost time injury. This would be a reportable PSI. It is an unintended event involving a material and a loss of con-
tainment. For fatalities and days away from work injuries and illnesses, there is no release threshold amount.
8. An operator opens a quality control sample point to collect a routine sample of product and receives a bad hand
laceration requiring stitches due to a broken glass bottle and misses the next day of work. This is not a reportable
PSI because it is not related to a loss of containment.
9. A bleeder valve is left open after a plant turnaround. On startup, an estimated 10 bbls of fuel oil (1700 kg,
3750 lbs.) is released, at 100°F, onto the ground and into the plant’s drainage system before the bleeder is
found and closed. This would not be a PSI because it is less then the release criteria of 2000 kg or 4400 lbs of a
”Combustible Liquid”.
10. Operations is draining water off of a crude oil tank (operated at 120°F) into a drainage system designed for that
purpose. The operator leaves the site and forgets to close the valve. 20 bbls of crude oil is released into the drain-
age system. This would be a PSI because the release of crude oil, a “Combustible Liquid”, is unintended and it is
greater then the release criteria of 2000 kg or 4400 lbs.
11. A pipe corrodes and leaks 10 Bbls (1700 kg, 3750 lbs.) of Heavy Cycle Oil (HCO) at the operations temperature
of 550°F to the ground. The HCO has a flash point of 300°F.. This would not be a PSI. Although the HCO is
a high flash material released above its flash point, the release did not exceed the threshold quantity of 2000 kg
(4400 lbs) or 14 bbls.
12. An operator purposely drains 20 bbls of combustible material into an oily water collection system within one
hour as part of a vessel cleaning operation. The drainage is planned and controlled and the collection system is
designed for such service. This is not a reportable PSI since it is consistent with a specific exclusion. If the
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material had been unintentionally released or it had become uncontrolled and flowed to an open drain, sewer or
other collection system, it would be a reportable PSI.
13. Hydrocarbon fumes migrate into the QA/QC laboratory located within the facility and results in a fire with $5000
damage. The source of the hydrocarbon fumes is the oily water sewer system. Although the fire was the result of
an unplanned or uncontrolled loss of primary containment, this incident is not a PSI since the damage threshold
of $25,000 was not exceeded.
14. A forklift truck delivering materials inside a process unit knocks off a bleeder valve leading to the release of iso-
pentane and a subsequent vapor cloud explosion with asset damage greater than $25,000. This is a PSI since an
unplanned or uncontrolled LOPC resulted in a fire or explosion causing greater than $25,000 damage.
15. There is a loss of burner flame in a fired heater resulting in a fuel rich environment and subsequent explosion
in the fire box with greater than $25,000 in damages to the internals of the heater. There was no release outside
of the fire box. This would be a reportable PSI since after the flameout the continuing flow of fuel gas is now
an uncontrolled release. The intent is for combustion of the fuel gas at the burner and not for fuel gas to be con-
tained in the fire box.
16. There is a tube rupture in a fired heater causing a fire (contained in the heater) resulting in greater than $25,000
in damages to the heater internals (beyond that of replacing the failed tube). The tube failure is a loss of primary
containment of the process fluid and combined with the additional damages greater than $25,000 makes this a
reportable PSI.
17. There is a 10 bbl spill of gasoline (1400 kg, 3100 lbs.) that steadily leaked from piping onto soil over a two-week
time period. Simple calculations show the spill rate was approximately 0.03 bbls per hour (9 lbs./hr). This is not
a reportable PSI since the spill event was not an "acute" release (e.g., the 1000 kg (2200 lbs.) threshold exceeded
in any 1 hour period).
18. Same example as above, except that the 10 bbl leak was estimated to have spilled at a steady rate over a period of
1 hour and 30 minutes. Simple calculations show that the spill rate was 6.7 bbls (933 kg or 2060 lbs.) per hour.
The spill rate was slightly less that the reporting threshold of 1000 kg (2200 lbs.) within any "1 hour" period, and
therefore is still not a reportable PSI.
19. While troubleshooting a higher-than-expected natural gas flow rate, operating personnel find a safety valve on
the natural gas line that did not reseat properly and was relieving to the atmospheric vent stack through a knock-
out drum. Upon further investigation, it is determined that a total of 1 Million lbs of natural gas was relieved
at a steady rate over a 6 month period. This is not a reportable PSI as the release rate (~100 kg per hour) is not
“acute”, (i.e. does not exceed the 500 kg TQ for flammable vapors in any 1 hour time period).
Note: This size release may be reportable under environmental regulations.
20. An operator discovers an approximate 10 bbl liquid spill of aromatic solvent (e.g. benzene, toluene) near a pro-
cess exchanger that was not there during his last inspection round two hours earlier. Since the actual release dura-
tion is unknown, a best estimate should be used to determine if the TQ rate has been exceeded (it is preferred
to err on the side of inclusion rather than exclusion). This incident is a PSI because the solvents involved are
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Packing Group II materials and the threshold quantity of 7 bbl is exceeded if the time period is estimated to be
less than one hour.
DOWNSTREAM DESTRUCTIVE DEVICES (e.g., flares, scrubbers, incinerators, quench drums)
21. The flare system is not functioning properly due to inactive pilots on the flare tip. During this time, a vapor load
is sent to the flare due to an overpressure in a process unit. The volume of the vapor through the pressure relief
device is greater than the threshold and it results in the formation of a flammable mixture at grade. This would be
classified as a PSI since the relief valve discharge is greater than the threshold quantity and resulted in an unsafe
22. 100 bbl of naphtha liquid are inadvertently routed to the flare system through a pressure relief device. The flare
knockout drum contains most of the release; however, there is minimal naphtha rainout from the flare. This is a
PSI since the volume released from the pressure relief device to a downstream destructive device does exceed the
threshold quantity and resulted in one of the four listed consequences (i.e. liquid carryover).
23. A pressure relief device release less than threshold quantity is routed to a scrubber which is overwhelmed by a
flow rate greater than design and exposes personnel to toxic vapors resulting in a days away from work injury.
This is a PSI since an loss of primary containment resulted in a days away from work injury. The rules for pres-
sure relief device discharges are superseded by the actual harm caused.
24. A propane tank over-pressures through a pressure relief device to the flare system. The pilots on the flare sys-
tem are not working properly, and the flare does not combust the vapors. The event transpires over a period of
45 minutes. The volume of propane release was estimated to be 1300 pounds and the release dissipated into the
atmosphere above grade and above any working platforms. Even though the release exceeded the threshold quan-
tity, this is not a PSI since the discharge was routed to a downstream destructive device with none of the listed
25. An upset causes a pressure relief device to open and release fuel gas to the facility flare system. The flare system
works properly and combusts the vapor release which came from the pressure relief device. This is not a PSI
since the pressure relief device release was routed to a downstream destructive device that functioned as intended
(i.e. did not cause one of the four listed consequences).
26. There is a unit upset and the relief valve opens to an atmospheric vent which has been designed per API Standard
521 for that scenario, resulting in a gas release to the atmosphere with no adverse consequences. This would
not be a reportable PSI since vapors and gases released to atmosphere from safety valves, high-pressure rupture
disks, and similar safety devices that are properly designed for that event per API Standard 521 or equivalent
are excluded, as long as the release did not result in liquid carryover, discharge to a potentially unsafe location,
an on-site shelter-in-place, or public protective measures (e.g. road closure) and and a PRD discharge quantity
greater than the threshold quantity.
27. A chlorine vessel has a Pressure Relief Device (PRD) that was identified in a recent PHA to be undersized. In the
process of making a transfer, the vessel overpressures. A release of 60 pounds of chlorine gas (TIH Zone B mate-
rial) occurs through this PRD to a safe location over a period of 25 minutes. This would not be a Tier 1 or Tier 2
PSE, regardless of the HAZOP finding, so long as it did not result in a liquid carryover, on-site shelter-in-place,
public protective measure or other indication of discharge to an unsafe location.
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28. There is a unit upset and the relief valve fails to open, resulting in overpressure of the equipment and an "acute"
release of flammable gas from a leaking flange. The amount released is above the 500 kg (within 1 hour) threshold.
This is a reportable PSI. Releases from flanges are not excluded from PSI reporting.
29. A leak on a high pressure hydrochloric acid line results in a spill of 1900 lbs of hydrochloric acid. Flash calculations
indicate that greater than 220 lbs. of hydrogen chloride would be released as a vapor. The 1900 lbs release of hydro-
chloric acid is not a reportable PSI since this liquid is categorized as a “Packing Group II” corrosive liquid, with a
2200 lbs reporting threshold. However, since the liquid flashed or was sprayed out as an aerosol, producing more
than 220 lbs of hydrogen chloride as vapor the event would be reportable due to exceeding the 100 kg (~220 lbs) or
more of Toxic Inhalation Hazard Zone C material within 1 hour.
30. A pipe containing CO
and 10,000 vppm (1% by volume) H
S leaks and 7,000 kg (15,400 lbs) of the gas is released
within a short time period (e.g., less than one hour). Calculations show that the release involved about 55 kg (120 lbs)
of H
S. The release is a reportable PSI since the reporting threshold for Toxic Inhalation Hazard Zone B chemicals is
any amount greater than 25 kg (55 lbs) of the toxic chemical (e.g., H
31. Same as above, except that the H
S concentration in the pipe is 50 vppm, rather than 10,000 vppm. The incident
would still be reportable as a PSI since the release of CO
is greater than the 2000 kg (4400 lb) threshold.
A ”days away from work” incident (or fatality) inclusion as a reportable Process Safety Incident depends upon
it being caused by the loss of containment of a material or is directly related to evacuating from or responding
to the loss of containment..
32. .An operator is walking, then slips and falls to the floor and suffers a lost time injury. The slip/fall is due to weather
conditions, "chronic" oily floors and slippery shoes. This is not a reportable PSI. Personnel safety "slip/trip/fall" inci-
dents that are not directly associated with evacuating from or responding to a loss of containment incident are specifi-
cally excluded from PSI reporting.
33. Same as above, except that the operator slipped and fell while responding to a small flammable liquid spill (e.g., less
than 1000 kg in 1 hour). This would be PSI reportable since the operator was responding to a loss of containment
incident. A PSI is reportable if the loss of primary containment occurs on Company Premises and results in a lost
time incident or fatality. For fatalities and lost time incidents, there is no release threshold quantity requirement.
34. Same as above, except that the operator slipped and fell several hours after the incident had concluded. This would
not be PSI reportable. The terms "evacuating from" and "responding to" in the reporting exclusion mean that the loss
of containment and associated emergency response activities are on-going. Slips/trip/falls after the event have con-
cluded (such as "after-the-fact" clean-up and remediation) are excluded from PSI reporting.
35. A scaffold builder suffers a lost time injury after falling from a scaffold ladder while evacuating from a loss of con-
tainment incident on nearby equipment. This is a reportable PSI.
36. An operator walks past an improperly designed steam trap. The steam trap releases and the operator's ankle is burned
by the steam, resulting in a lost time injury. This is a reportable PSI because even though the loss of containment was
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steam (vs. hydrocarbon or chemical), the physical state of the material was such that it caused a lost time injury.
Non-toxic and non-flammable materials are excluded from the threshold quantity criteria, but are subject to the
other consequence criteria.
37. An enclosure has been intentionally purged with nitrogen. A contractor bypasses safety controls, enters the enclo-
sure and dies. This is a reportable fatality, but not a reportable PSI since there was no unplanned or uncontrolled
loss of primary containment.
Note: This fatality may be reportable under safety regulations and may need to be recorded on a company’s
injury and illness log.
38. Same as above, except that nitrogen inadvertently leaked into the enclosure. This would be a reportable PSI (and
fatality) since there was a fatality associated with an unplanned loss of primary containment.
39. An operator responding to an H
S alarm collapses and has a “days away from work” injury. If the alarm was
triggered by an actual unplanned or uncontrolled H
S LOPC, the event would be a reportable PSI. If the alarm
was a false alarm, the event would not be a reportable PSI because there was no actual release.
40. An underground pipeline leaks and releases 1,000 bbls of diesel (combustible material) over 3 days (13.9 bbl/
hr).. The spill results in contaminated soil that is subsequently remediated. This is not a reportable PSI since
there were no safety consequences and the quantity did not exceed the . "acute" threshhold of 14 bbls or greater. .
41. A pipeline leaks and releases 2000 lbs. of flammable vapor above ground within 1 hour. However, the release
occurred in a remote location within the site. The release is PSI reportable, since "remoteness" is not a consider-
ation and it release exceeds the threshold quantity.
42. A DOT covered pipeline that is owned, operated, and maintained by Company A crosses through Company B’s
property. The DOT covered line has a 1500 lb release within an hour from primary containment of flammable gas
and causes a fire resulting in greater than $25,000 damage to Company As equipment. This is not a reportable
PSI for Company B since the pipeline is not owned, operated or maintained by Company B. This would be a
transportation incident for Company A.
As a general rule, a fire or energy release is reported as a PSI only if caused by a loss of primary containment or
results in a chemical release in excess of the reporting quantities. Examples include:
43. An electrical fire impacts the operation of the process resulting in the release of 4000 lbs. of toluene. This event
would be reported as a PSI since if the loss of primary containment exceeds the 2200 lb. reporting threshold for
44. An electrical fire, loss of electricity, or any other loss of utility which causes a plant shutdown and possibly
incidental equipment damage greater than $25,000 (e.g., damage to reactors or equipment due to inadequate
shutdown) but does not cause a loss of primary containment that results in one of the identified consequences
would not be reported as a PSI. To be a reportable PSI, there must be a loss of primary containment.
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45. A bearing fire, lube oil system fire, electric motor failure, or similar fire occurs which damages the equipment
(> $25,000) but does not cause a loss of primary containment that results in one of the identified consequences
would not be reported as a PSI since no chemical release greater than the threshold quantity or injuries occurred.
46. .If in the examples #44 or #45, if either an injury or chemical release exceeding the threshold quantity had
occurred these would have been reportable PSI events.
47. An internal deflagration in a vessel causes equipment damage > $25,000, but there was no loss of containment.
While this is a serious process event and should be investigated as such, it does not meet the definition of a
reportable PSI since there was no loss of primary containment.
48. The vent on a storage tank containing chemicals becomes plugged and vacuum caused by routine pump out
collapses the tank resulting in equipment damages >$25,000. This event would not be reported as a PSI since
there was no loss of primary containment.
49. If in the example #48, if a tank seam failed resulting in a spill of contents in excess of the TQ quantity for that
material, it would have been reported as a PSI (even if the contents were captured in secondary containment
50. A scaffold board is placed near a high pressure steam pipe and subsequently begins to burn, but is quickly
extinguished with no further damage. The investigation finds that the board had been contaminated by some oil,
but there is no indication of an oil leak in the area. This is not a reportable PSI since there was no unplanned or
uncontrolled LOPC.
51. A company operated Marine Transport Vessel has an onboard "acute" spill of combustible material greater than
14 bbls. The event is not PSI reportable since Marine Transport Vessel incidents are specifically excluded, except
when the vessel is connected to the process for the purposes of feedstock or product transfer.
52. A third-party barge is being pushed by a tug and hits the company dock. A barge compartment is breached and
releases 50 bbl of diesel to the water. The event is not a reportable PSI since the marine vessel was not connected
to the process for the purposes of feedstock or product transfer..
53. A company railcar derails and spills more than 7 bbls of gasoline while in transit outside the facility. The incident
is not PSI reportable since railcar was connected to the process for the purposes of feedstock or product transfer
or being used for onsite storage.
54. A third-party truck/trailer overturns while in the Company Premises, resulting in an "acute" spill of gasoline
greater than 7 bbls. The incident is not reported as a PSI reportable if the truck is no longer connected to the
loading/unloading facilities. However, companies may choose to have transportation incident metrics, which
would capture this event.
55. A contract truck hauler is unloading caustic and the hose separates and generates an airborne aerosol and/or
liquid caustic spill of 2500 kg. The event is a reportable PSI since the caustic TQ of 1000 kg was exceeded and
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the truck was still connected to the loading/unloading facility immediately prior to the incident.
56. Two chlorine railcars have been delivered to the facility. One is connected to the process and the other is staged
at the unloading rack but is not connected to the process. While at the unloading rack but not connected to the
loading rack, the second railcar develops a leak and 6 lb is released in less than an hour. This is not a reportable
PSI since truck and railcars are expressly excluded unless connected to the process or being used for on site
storage. Staging while waiting to unload is not considered storage.
57. There is a boiler fire at the Main Office complex, and direct cost damages totaled $75,000. The incident is not
PSI reportable since Office Building incidents are specifically excluded.
58. An operations technician is injured while working around the finishing equipment in a polymers plant. The injury
is caused by the mechanical, man-machine interface with the equipment. This would not be a reportable Process
Safety Incident because there was no unplanned or uncontrolled loss of containment.
59. A leak on a high pressure hydrochloric acid line results in a spill of 4000 lbs of hydrochloric acid. Flash
calculations indicate that greater than 500 lbs. of hydrogen chloride would be released as a vapor. Three
employees in the plant received inhalation injuries, resulting in hospitalization for multiple days. The toxic
cloud was witnessed by emergency response crews to extend into adjacent plants within the site, but there was
no evidence that a harmful toxic concentration extended beyond the plant fenceline. However, a precautionary
shelter-in-place and closure of adjacent interstate highway occurred for 2 hours. Resulting in extensive local
media coverage and brief national media coverage. This incident clearly is a reportable PSI incident since the
Hydrochloric acid and HCI vapors released each exceeded the chemical release TQ. Furthermore, the injuries to
employees exceeded the health effects threshold for reporting. The Safety/Human Health severity level is a “2”
(9 severity points) due to multiple lost-time injuries; the Fire/Explosion severity level is “N/A” (0 severity points)
due to no equipment damages or clean-up costs greater than $25,000; the Potential Chemical Impact severity
level is a “3” (3 severity points) since the chemical release extended outside of containment but retained on
company property; and the Community/Environmental Impact severity level is a “2” (9 severity points) due to the
shelter-in-place and media attention. The maximum of the four categories was a Severity level “2”; therefore,
the overall incident could be classified as a Severity Level “2” PSI. The Severity points which would be used in
the Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR) calculation would be 21 points (9+0+3+9=21).
60. The release of 10,000 lbs of ethylene (flammable vapor) occurs when a flange on a compressor fails. The
flammable vapor cloud collects within the compressor building and adjacent pipe rack (i.e., a Potential Explosion
Site), but fortunately does not ignite. As a precautionary measure, the occupants of the plant and surrounding
plants are evacuated. But no injuries or substantial damages occur. There is no off-site impact. This incident
is a reportable PSI incident since the ethylene vapors released exceeded the 1100 lb chemical release TQ for
a flammable vapor. The Safety/Human Health, Fire/Explosion, and Community/Environmental severity levels
are each “N/A” (0 severity points) due to none of these impacts of this event exceeding the thresholds for
classification as a Severity Level “4” for that category. The Potential Chemical Impact severity level is a “2”
(9 severity points) since the flammable vapor release resulted in a vapor cloud entering a building or potential
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
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explosion site (congested/confined area) with potential for damage or casualties if ignited. The maximum of the
four categories was a Severity level “2”; therefore, the overall incident could be classified as a Severity Level
“2” PSI. The Severity points which would be used in the Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR)
calculation would be 9 points (0+0+9+0=9).
61. The release of 10,000 lbs of ethylene (flammable vapor) occurs when a flange on a compressor fails. The
flammable vapor cloud collects within the compressor building and adjacent pipe rack and ignites. The resulting
vapor cloud explosion causes $30MM in damages or other direct costs, severely injures 3 employees (i.e., the
injuries each meet the definition of “lost time injury”), and gains regional media attention for several days. The
Safety/Human Health severity level of this event meets the threshold for classification as a Severity Level “2” (9
severity points) due to the multiple lost time injuries, the Fire/Explosion severity level would be classified at the
Severity Level “1” (27 severity points), the Potential Chemical Impact severity level is a “2” (9 severity points)
since the flammable release resulting in a vapor cloud entering a potential explosion site (congested/ confined
area) as demonstrated by the results, and the Community/ Environmental severity level meets the threshold for
classification as Severity Level “2“ (9 severity points) due to the media coverage. The maximum of the four
categories was a Severity level “1”; therefore, the overall incident could be classified as a Severity Level “1” PSI.
The Severity points which would be used in the Process Safety Incident Severity Rate (PSISR) calculation
would be 54 points (9+27+9+9=54). A company could argue that the potential chemical impact severity level for
this even should be “N/A” (0 points) since much of the fuel is consumed in the explosion. However, since there
is a potential that all fuel was not consumed and/or the event could have been even more significant under slightly
different circumstances – the Potential Chemical Impact severity level of “2” (9 severity points) is appropriate.
62. A chemical manufacturer spills 10,000 lbs of a formulated product containing multiple chemicals downstream of
a mixing operation. This material is marketed as specific product (e.g., a heating fluid, brake fluid, etc.). Since
this material is shipped in this formulation, the company has previously evaluated the mixture per all of the UN
Dangerous Goods definitions (or DOT regulations in the USA) and classified the mixture as a “Packing Group
III” material. Since the spill exceeded the 2000 kg (4400 lb.) threshold quantity of a Packing Group III material,
this spill would be reported as a PSI.
63. A pipe fitting in a specialty chemicals plant fails, releasing 4000lb of a mixture of 30% formaldehyde, 45%
methanol, and 25% water in less than one hour. This mixture is not classified by the UN Dangerous Goods/U.S.
DOT protocols; therefore, the threshold quantity mixture calculation is applied. The pure component reporting
threshold of formaldehyde is 4400 lb and methanol is 2200lb.
Component wt.% Release Qty PSE TQ % of TQ
(lb) (lb)
Formaldehyde 30% 1200 4400 27.3%
Methanol 45% 1800 2200 81.8%
Water 25% 1000 n/a 0%
This release is a Tier 1 PSE since the cumulative percentage exceeds 100% even though the individual
components do not exceed their individual threshold quantities.
Note: This is an alternative shortcut approach and can give more or less conservative results. A more precise
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approach is to use the rules of DOT 49 CFR 173.2a [14] or UN Recommendations on the Transportation of
Dangerous Goods, Section 2.
64. After collecting a load from an adjacent unit, a vacuum truck is parked at the wastewater treatment facility
awaiting operator approval to discharge. While waiting the vacuum truck malfunctions and vents process material
to the atmosphere. This is not a PSi since vacuum truck operations are excluded unless loading, discharging, or
using the truck’s transfer pump.
65. A vacuum truck outfitted with a carbon canister on the vent is loading a spill of hydrocarbons. The carbon canister
catches fire which escalates to the point of creating more than $45,000 in damage to the vacuum truck. This is
a PSI since the original spill of hydrocarbons constitutes the LOPC and the response to the LOPC results in fire
damage greater than $25,000.
66. A pump seal fails and the resultant loss of containment catches on fire. The fire is put out quickly with no
personnel injuries. However, the fire resulted in the need to repair some damaged instrumentation and replace
some insulation. The cost of the repairs, replacement, cleanup, and emergency response totaled $20,000. This is
not a PSI. It should be noted the cost of replacing the seal is not included in the direct cost calculation—only the
costs for repair and replacement of the equipment damaged by the fire, not the cost to repair the equipment failure
that led to the fire.
67. A small quantity of very odorous material enters a cooling water system via tube leak. The material is dispersed
into the atmosphere at the cooling tower. An elementary school teacher decides not to conduct recess outside due
to a noticeable odor even though officials deemed no shelter-in-place was necessary; therefore, this is not a PSI.
68. Less than 1 pound of Hydrogen Fluoride gas is released while unloading a truck at a refinery. The release is
detected by a local analyzer and triggers a unit response alarm. An off-duty police officer living in a nearby home
advises his neighbors to evacuate because “an alarm like that means there’s a problem at the refinery.” This is
not an officially declared evacuation or shelter-in-place because in this situation the officer is acting as a private
citizen suggesting a precautionary measure; therefore this is not a PSI.
II. Leading Metrics
This section contains a number of potential leading metrics. These indicate the health of important aspects of the
safety management system. If measured and monitored, data collected for leading metrics can give early indication of
deterioration in the effectiveness of these key safety systems, and enable remedial action to be undertaken to restore the
effectiveness of these key barriers, before any loss of containment event takes place.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
The safety systems that leading metrics have been developed for are:
Maintenance of mechanical integrity;
Action items follow-up;
Management of change; and
Process safety training and competency (and training competency assessment).
It is recommended that all companies adopt and implement leading process safety metrics, including a measurement of
process safety culture. However, given the number of metrics described below it may be impracticable to collect and
report data for each of these categories. Companies should identify which of these components are most important for
ensuring the safety of their facilities, and should select the most meaningful leading metrics from the examples below
for the identified components, and where significant performance improvement potentially exists. Other leading metrics
may be defined as well if applicable.
These leading process safety metrics were selected based upon the experience of the organizations
represented by the work group, including
Barriers related to the hazards inherent in their operations,
Barriers related to the critical causal factors or immediate causes of major incidents and high
potential near-misses experienced by their operations, and
Review of the metrics detailed in the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety book.
These leading metrics will continue to be refined as the CCPS Metric Committee finalizes the Metric Guideline book
in 2008. Enhancements or suggestions to these metrics are welcome.
A. (Number of inspections of safety critical items of plant and equipment due during the measurement period
and completed on time/Total number of inspections of safety critical items of plant and equipment due during
the measurement period) x 100%.
• This metric is one measure of the effectiveness of the process safety management system to
ensure that safety critical plant and equipment is functional.
• This involves collecting data on the delivery of planned inspection work on safety critical plant and equipment.
• The calculation of the metric involves
- Define the measurement period for inspection activity.
- Determine the number of inspections of safety critical plant and equipment
planned for the measurement period.
- Determine the number of inspections of safety critical plant and equipment
completed during the measurement period.
Inspections not undertaken during the previous measurement period are assumed to be carried
forward into the next measurement period
1.0 Mechanical Intergrity
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Safety critical plant and equipment: Plant and equipment relied upon to ensure safe containment of hazardous
chemicals and stored energy, and continued safe operation. This will typically include those items in a plant’s preven-
tative maintenance program, such as:
Pressure vessels
Storage Tanks
Piping systems
Relief and vent devices
Control systems
Interlocks and emergency shutdown systems
Emergency response equipment
B. (Length of time plant is in production with items of safety critical plant or equipment in a failed state, as identi-
fied by inspection or as a result of breakdown/Length of time plant is in production) x 100%
This is a metric to determine how effectively the safety management system ensures that identified deficiencies
of process safety equipment are fixed in a timely manner.
(Number of past due of process safety action items / Total number of action items currently due) x 100%..
This metric may be configured as one aggregate metric or several individual metrics of specific past due items, such as:
(Number of past due audit action items / total number of audit action items currently due) x 100%
(Number of past due PHA action items / total number of PHA action items currently due) x 100%
(Number of past due incident investigation action items / total number of incident investigation action items cur-
rently due) x 100%
(Number of past due PHA action items / total number of PHA action items active or open) x 100%
Currently Due: Actions with a due date less than or equal to the current date.
Past Due: Actions that are active or open and past their assigned completion date.
A. Percentage of sampled MOCs that satisfied all aspects of the site’s MOC procedure.
This metric measures how closely the site’s MOC procedure is being followed.
Involves a periodic audit of completed MOC documentation. Steps in conducting the audit:
- Define the scope of the audit: time frame, frequency, and operating department(s).
- Determine the desired and statistically-significant sample size. This can be done using
widely-available tables, based on the total number of MOC documents in the population.
3.0 Management of Change
2.0 Action Items Follow-up
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- Review the completed MOC documentation, including backup documentation such as the hazard
review and updated Process Safety Information such as operating instructions and P&IDs.
- Calculate the metric:
% of MOCs properly executed = 100 x (# of properly executed MOCs)
(total # of MOCs)
B. Percentage of identified changes that used the site’s MOC procedure prior to making the change.
This metric measures how well a department/site (i) recognizes changes that require use of the site’s MOC
procedure and (ii) actually makes use of the procedure prior to implementing changes.
Involves a periodic audit of the changes made in a department/site and a determination of which changes
required use of MOC. Steps in conducting the audit:
-Define the scope of the audit: time frame and operating department(s).
-Identify the types of changes that may have bypassed the site’s MOC procedure, based on how the site’s MOC
procedure defines changes (see definition below).
-Identify changes that bypassed the MOC procedure. This can be done by:
Reviewing maintenance work orders,
Reviewing documentation from capital and maintenance projects,
Reviewing Distributed Control System programming changes, and/or
Interviewing department personnel.
Calculate the metric:
% of changes using MOC = 100 x (# of MOCs)
(# of MOCs + # of changes that bypassed MOC)
Other Ideas: The two MOC metrics above provide a means by which companies can readily measure how well they
are identifying changes that need to be evaluated by MOC and how well they are executing the MOCs they do identify.
Following are ideas companies may want to consider if they want to develop more sophisticated internal MOC metrics:
A refinement to the metric for how well a company is executing their MOC procedure is to include a grading
system for how well a given MOC followed the procedure, rather than the yes/no ranking provided above.
For example, if the company identified 25 key aspects to a properly completed MOC and a given MOC sat-
isfied 20 of these aspects, then the MOC would receive a grade of 0.8. An audit of multiple MOCs could
generate an overall average grade for the audit sample. An even more sophisticated approach could include a
relative weighting of the criticality of the, say, 25 aspects to a properly completed MOC.
A company may desire to have a metric for the number of temporary MOCs not closed out in the prescribed
time period. Temporary MOCs are typically executed for emergency, start-up or trial situations. The pre-
scribed time period may be specified in the particular MOC or as a maximum allowable duration under the
site’s temporary MOC procedure. The temporary MOC must be closed out by restoring the system to original
design condition or by making the change permanent via the site’s regular MOC procedure. Failure to close
out in a timely fashion could present risks.
A company may desire to have a metric that measures how effective the site’s MOC procedure is at identify-
ing and resolving hazards related to changes. If so, the following may be considered:
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Percentage of start-ups following plant changes where no safety problems related to the changes were encountered
during re-commissioning or start-up.
Involves real-time logging of start-ups, including safety problems encountered during recommissioning and start-
up, followed by a determination of which problems had a root cause related to a change that was made.
Involves a periodic audit of completed MOCs that involved a shut-down and restart of a unit or portion of a unit.
Steps in conducting the audit:
o Define the scope of the audit: time frame and operating department(s).
o Determine the number of start-ups of the unit(s) or portions of the unit(s) following the implementation of changes.
o Determine the number of these start-ups where a change-related safety problem was encountered after checkout,
during the recommissioning or start-up phases.
o Calculate the metric:
% of safe start-ups following changes = 100 x (# of start-ups following changes without change - related safety prob-
lems during recommissioning and start-up) / (total # of start-ups following changes)
A complicating factor that must be considered is the fact that problems from the change may not show up until a long time after
Changes requiring MOC review:
The types of changes requiring use of the site’s MOC procedure should be defined by the
procedure. Normally this will include:
- Changes to equipment, facilities and operating parameters outside the limits defined in the unit’s
Process Safety Information.
- Process control modifications.
- Introduction of new chemicals.
- Changes to chemical specifications or suppliers
- Building locations and occupancy patterns.
- Organizational issues such as staffing levels and job assignments.
Checkout: The phase after a change is made and before the introduction of chemicals and other hazardous materials when system
integrity is confirmed. Potentially hazardous conditions can be identified and corrected during checkout without resulting in an
The phase after checkout and before start-up when chemicals are introduced to the system and pressures/
temperatures may be increased. Potentially hazardous conditions identified during recommissioning may result in a safety and/
or environmental incident.
The phase after recommissioning when production operations are initiated. Potentially hazardous conditions identified
during start-up may result in a safety and/or environmental incident.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
4.0 Process Safety Training and Competency
A. Training for PSM Critical Positions
(Number of Individuals Who Completed a Planned PSM Training SessionOn-time)/(Total Number
of Individual PSM Training Sessions Planned)
PSM Critical Position: Any facility position that includes key activities, tasks, supervision, and/or responsibil-
ity for component procedures critical to the prevention of and recovery from major accident events.
Planned PSM Training Session: A specific exercise designed to enhance an individual’s knowledge, skill,
and/or competency in a PSM critical position for areas that directly influence the prevention of and recovery
from major accident events. A single individual may have multiple training sessions during a reporting period. A
single exercise may involve multiple individual training sessions (e.g., a training class with multiple individuals).
B. Training Competency Assessment
(Number of Individuals Who Successfully Complete a Planned PSM Training Session on the First Try)/
(Total Number of Individual PSM Training Sessions with Completion Assessment Planned for that time
Successful Completion: A passing grade on an exam or competency assessment for which there is no require-
ment to repeat/redo the training, exam, competency assessment or any part thereof.
Training Session with Completion Assessment: A planned PSM training session for which there is a required
demonstration of knowledge or skill through an examination or competency assessment.
C. Failure to follow procedures/safe working practices
(Number of safety critical tasks observed where all steps of the relevant safe working procedure were not
followed/Total number of safety critical tasks observed) x 100%
To determine by work place observation of tasks identified as being safety critical that have a relevant safe
operating procedure, whether all of the relevant steps are followed.
5.0 Safety Culture
A mechanism for measuring the effectiveness of process safety culture within chemical process organizations
would be to adopt the use of a cultural survey of the type included as Appendix G of the Baker panel report and
discussed throughout the report used to determine the adequacy of the safety culture at BP’s US refineries.
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The chemical and downstream oil processing sectors should consider use of this or similar survey. If used, the
safety culture survey should be undertaken in such a way that the results are made anonymous, so that respon-
dent cannot be identified and that there will be no negative judgment on respondents that may affect their will-
ingness to participate or their level of openness.
Undertaking a culture survey of this nature will not enable comparison of results between organizations because
of the many other factors that can affect the results, but it will be of benefit in determining changes within an
organization over time.
6.0 Operating & Maintenance Procedures
A. Procedures Current & Accurate
(Number of operating or maintenance procedures reviewed/updated per year / Total number of operating
or maintenance procedures required to be reviewed/updated during the measurement period) x 100%.
This metric measures the progress of the review/update cycle. A downward trend may indicate that more atten-
tion or resources are needed to maintain procedures.
B. Procedures Clear, Concise & Include Required Content
(Number of operating or maintenance procedures reviewed for content / Total number of operating or
maintenance procedures) x 100%.
This metric measures the progress of creating clear, concise, and effective operating and maintenance procedures.
A checklist of procedure criteria will need to be developed that addresses:
Document control
Action steps that are clear and properly ordered
Cautions, Warnings, and Notes
Safe operating limits, consequences of deviations from limits, and steps to take to maintain the process
within the safe operating limits
Limiting conditions for operation
Checklists (where appropriate)
C. Confidence in Procedures
(Number of operators or maintenance technicians who believe that procedures are current, accurate, and
effective / Total number of operators or maintenance technicians affected by the procedures) x 100%.
Results of opinion surveys of operators or maintenance technicians my provide early indication of changes in the
accuracy or effectiveness of procedures. The survey should identify concerns about time required to update pro-
cedures, accuracy, and user friendliness.
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
7.0 Fatigue Risk Management
A. Fatigue Risk Education
(Number of affected employees educated on the causes, risk and potential consequences of fatigue / Total
number of affected employees) x 100%.
The education should acquaint all affected employees with the basic scientific principles of sleep, sleep disorders,
alertness, circadian, and fatigue physiology so that they can make informed decision which will help them reduce
the fatigue risk for themselves, their colleagues, and the people they may supervise or manage. This education
should also provide information designed to increase family member awareness of how they can help the affected
employee keep alert, safe and healthy.
B. Percentage Overtime (median, mean, top 10 %)
(Number of overtime hours / Total number of standard work hours during the measurement period) x
100% per person.
C. Number of Extended Shifts
Number of extended shifts per person during the measurement period
Extended shifts are time an employee is assigned to work that extends outside their regularly scheduled shift hours
and into other shifts. Extended shifts include holdovers to participate in training, safety meetings, and the like. It
does not include time needed for normal shift handoff.
III. Near Miss Reporting and other Lagging Metrics
The CCPS committee recommends that all companies implement a Near Miss reporting metric(s). Since a near miss is
an actual event or discovery of a potentially unsafe situation, this metric could be defined as a “lagging” metric. A large
number or increasing trend in such events could be viewed as an indicator of a higher potential for a more significant
event; therefore, many companies use Near Miss metrics as a surrogate for a “Leading” metric. Many companies have
discovered that an increasing trend in near misses reported, at least for the first several months after implementation, is
a positive sign of improved culture and process safety awareness by the organization. Therefore, it is quite possible that
the number and count of more significant incidents decrease as the number of near misses reported increase.
It is important that all companies have some type of near miss reporting system implemented. The metric and defini-
tions described below (created by harmonization of definitions used by contributing companies) should be considered
if implementing a new system. If a company already has an effective near miss reporting system, which includes or
aligns well with the following definitions, there should be no reason to replace that existing system.
It is recommended that all companies have an internal metric to report all Losses of Primary Containment (LOPC)
and unplanned fires/flames. This will include all pressure relief device discharges excluded from the industry lagging
metric. For the purposes of the industry-wide process safety incident lagging metric, a threshold value has been
established for events that should be reported as part of that metric. Companies should have additional metrics, or
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You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
include within their overall “Near Miss” metric, any additional LOPC or unplanned fires/flames which fell below
the PSI or PSE – Tier 2 threshold and were not recorded in the industry-wide lagging metrics. There are important
learning values from recording and investigating these events.
A "near miss" has three essential elements. While various wordings for a near miss definition are used within
industry, the overwhelming majority has these elements:
an event occurs, or the discovery of a potentially unsafe situation;
the event or unsafe situation had reasonable potential to escalate, and
the potential escalation would have led to adverse impacts.
For purposes of this discussion, the following near miss definition is used.
Near Miss: An undesired event that under slightly different circumstances could have resulted in harm to people,
damage to property, equipment or environment or loss of process.
This near miss definition may be applied to any aspect of an EHS management program, used for reporting environ-
mental, personnel safety or process safety near misses for example.
Definition of a Process Safety Near Miss
In order to specifically focus on process safety in a near miss reporting program, many companies have also developed
a definition for a process safety near miss. Again, for purposes of this discussion, the following process safety near
miss definition is used.
Process Safety Near Miss:
any significant release of a hazardous substance that does not meet the threshold for a "Process Safety
Incident” lagging metric, or
a challenge to a safety system, where:
Challenges to a safety system can be divided into the following categories:
Demands on safety systems (pressure relief devices, safety instrumented systems, mechanical
shutdown systems),
Primary containment inspection or testing results outside acceptable limits
Process deviation or excursion.
Examples of Process Safety Near Miss
Near misses for Demands on Safety Systems may fall into a category of either creation of a demand with successful
safety system operation or creation of a demand with failure of the safety system given a legitimate demand.
Examples include:
Opening of a rupture disc, a pressure control valve to flare or atmospheric release, or a pressure safety valve
when pre-determined trigger point is reached.
Failure to open of a rupture disk, a pressure control valve to flare or atmospheric release, or a pressure safety
valve when the system conditions reac h or exceed the prescribed trigger point.
Activation of a safety instrumented system when “out of acceptable range” process variable is detected.
- activation of high pressure interlock on polyethylene reactor to kill reaction/shut off feed
- compressor shutdown from a high level interlock on the suction knockout drum
Any time a safety instrumented system fails to operate as designed when a demand is placed on the system (i.e.
unavailability on demand).
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please visit www.ccpsonline.org
The number of times a mechanical shutdown system is called upon to function by a valid signal whether or not
the device actually responds.
Mechanical shutdown systems that are configured for equipment protection with no related loss of containment
protection should be excluded from the process safety near miss count.
Near misses involving primary containment inspection or testing results outside acceptable limits:
An inspection or test finding that indicates primary containment equipment has been operated outside acceptable
limits. These findings typically trigger an action, such as replacement-in-kind, repairs to restore fitness-for-service,
replacement with other materials, increased inspection or testing, or de-rating of process equipment. Examples
An inspection or test finding that indicates vessels, atmospheric tanks, piping, or machinery when previous
operating pressures or levels exceed the acceptable limits based upon wall thickness inspection measurements.
A single event is recorded for each pressure vessel or atmospheric tank regardless of the number of individual
test measurements found to be below the required wall thickness.
A single event is recorded for each pipe circuit regardless of the number of individual test measurements below
its required wall thickness as long as it is the same line, constructed of the same material, and is in the same
Near misses involving a process deviation or excursion include:
Excursion of parameters such as pressure, temperature, flow outside operating window but remaining within
the process safety limits.
Excursions of process parameters beyond pre-established critical control points or those for which emergency
shutdown or intervention is indicated.
Operation outside of equipment design parameters.
Unusual or unexpected runaway reaction whether or not within design parameters.
Near Misses associated with Management System Failures/Issues:
These types of observations should be captured to understand where there are opportunities for improving a facil-
ity's process safety management systems.
Discovery of a failed safety system upon testing
Relief devices that fail bench tests at setpoints
Interlock test failures
Uninterruptible power supply system malfunctions
Fire, gas, & toxic gas detectors found to be defective during routine inspection/testing
During inspection of an emergency vent line header, the header was found to be completely blocked with iron
scale because moisture from the emergency scrubber had migrated back into the header
During testing of an emergency shutdown system, a Teflon-lined emergency shutdown valve was found stuck
open because the Teflon had cold flowed and jammed the valve
During inspection of a conservation vent, found the vent blocked by process material that had condensed and
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
Discovery of a defeated safety system
Process upset with interlock in bypass condition,
Defeated critical instrument / device not in accordance with defeat procedure
Bypasses left on after leaving block valve site
“Errors of Omission / Commission”
Failure to remove line blanks in critical piping or failure to introduce the correct batch ingredients in the
proper sequence
During replacement of a rupture disk, the disk was found with the shipping cover still in place
Process control engineer accidentally downloaded the wrong configuration to a process unit DCS
Unexpected / Unplanned Equipment Condition
Equipment discovered in "unexpected" condition due to damage or premature / unexpected deterioration
Wrong fittings used on steam system
Failure of equipment like heat exchanger tubes leading to mix up and / or contamination of fluids
Physical Damage to Containment Envelope
Dropping loads / falling objects within range of process equipment
Truck backed into wellhead
Snow plow grazed gas line
Maximizing Value of Near Miss Reporting
Near miss reporting provides valuable data for improving the process safety management systems at a facility. The
following processes can maximize the benefits from a process safety near miss program.
Use process safety lagging indicator, process safety near miss, and management system leading indicators to
build a process safety performance pyramid.
When evaluating process safety near misses, consider the potential adverse impacts. The level of response to
a near miss (i.e. investigation, analysis, and follow-up) should be determined using the potential as well as the
actual consequences of the event.
Tie the near miss data to the deficient management system in order to drive system improvements from near
misses as well as from actual incidents.
Place value upon reporting near misses. Consider reward / recognition for reporting near misses as well as
rewards for bottom line performance.
Appendix A: UN Dangerous Goods Classification
and Listing of Chemicals
A comprehensive listing of chemicals, along with the threshold values for reporting as defined by this metric will be
posted on the CCPS web site: http://www.aiche.org/ccps/resources/metricsproject
Additional information regarding the UN Dangerous Goods Classification System can be found at the
following web sites:
UNECE web site:
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
The PDF Dangerous Goods list complete with UN numbers:
Alphabetical cross reference:
UN or DOT definitions
UN DG criteria
Flammable Liquids
Packing Group Flash Point (closed-cup) Initial boiling point
I 35 ºC (≤ 95 ºF)
II < 23 ºC (< 73 ºF) >35 ºC (> 95 ºF)
III ≥23 ºC 60 ºC (≥ 73 ºF 140 ºF >35 ºC (> 95 ºF)
Toxic Liquids
TIH Hazard Zones A, B, C and D per US DOT regulations (Note: UN Dangerous Goods definitions do
not include these definitions, but the following do align with definitions in the UN GHS definitions).
Hazard Zone Inhalation toxicity
less than or equal to 200 ppm
greater than 200 ppm and less than or equal to 1,000 ppm
greater than 1,000 ppm and less than or equal to 3,000 ppm
greater than 3,000 ppm or less than or equal to 5,000 ppm
Toxic Liquids
Packing Group Oral toxicity Dermal toxicity Inhalation toxicity by dusts and mists
(mg/kg) LD
I 5.0 50 0.2
II > 5.0 and 50 > 50 and 200 > 0.2 and 2.0
III > 50 and 300 > 200 and 1,000 > 2.0 and 4.0
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An AIChE Technology Alliance
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Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
The packing group and hazard zone assignments for liquids based on inhalation of vapors shall be in accordance with
the following table:
Packing group Vapor concentration and toxicity
I (Hazard Zone A) V 500 LC
and LC
200 mL/M
I (Hazard Zone B) V 10 LC
; LC
1,000 mL/m
; and the criteria for Packing Group I,
Hazard Zone A are not met
; LC
3,000 mL/m
; and the criteria for Packing Group I,
are not met
; LC
5,000 mL/m
; and the criteria for Packing Groups I
and II, are not met
Note 1: V is the saturated vapor concentration in air of the material in mL/m3at 20 °C and standard
atmospheric pressure.
100 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000
Hazard Zone A
Hazard Zone B
Hazard Zone C
Hazard Zone D
Division 2.3 Gases
Division 6.1 Liquids
Volatility ml/m
Packing Group III
Packing Group II
Packing Group I
Hazard Zone B
Packing Group I
Hazard Zone A
Inhalation Toxicity: Packing Group and Hazard Zones
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
Appendix B: Additional Clarifications regarding UN Dangerous
Goods lists & Exceptions
The CCPS Committee, working in conjunction with representatives of several chemical and petroleum trade associa-
tions and process safety consortiums, selected the UN Dangerous Goods criteria for differentiating chemicals into a
few threshold quantity categories since this approach:
was comprehensive, aligns with the new Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals
(GHS), and resulted in excellent differentiation of hundreds of chemicals into a few groupings that aligned well with
perceived risk when toxicity, flammability, and volatility were considered.
However, the UN DGL does contain a few materials that are either:
not of general concern from a petrochemical process safety perspective (e.g., Cotton);
described as a generic category with the associated label “not otherwise specified” (n.o.s.) which may require
further evaluation to assign to a specific chemical (e.g., “Amines, liquid, corrosive, n.o.s.”, or “Hydrocarbons,
liquid, n.o.s.”); or
may contain chemicals in a specific physical property state (e.g., “Nitrogen, compressed”, or “Nitrogen, cryo-
genic liquid”) which may be confused for a less hazardous state which is not designated under the UN DGL.
[Note: an acute and unintended release of “compressed” or “cryogenic” Nitrogen, Argon, or Helium would be
treated as a PSI if the release exceeds the 2000 kg (4400 lb.) threshold quantity. But the planned, controlled,
slow, and safe, releases of these chemicals (e.g., nitrogen used for purging ) would not be reportable.
Furthermore, there are many low hazard materials which are excluded (e.g., solid polyethylene pellets); therefore, are
not subject to reporting under this metric. However, it may not be apparent to the user if those chemicals are inten-
tionally excluded or if covered under the generic categories described above.
Overall, the benefits of this expanded list of chemicals considered in the CCPS Lagging Metric due to the UN DGL
outweigh the negatives of potential initial complexity in training or interpretation of these definitions. However, it is
likely that initially there will need to be interpretations or exceptions for some specific chemicals listed in the UN
DGL. To maintain the consistency in reporting between companies or trade groups, it is recommended that commu-
nication and collaboration between the trade groups continue with regard to any interpretations or exceptions needed
to facilitate consistent and efficient reporting of the process safety lagging metric. If trade groups mutually agree to
exclude specific chemicals from the metric, or apply other implementation guidelines, they are encouraged to com-
municate their decision to CCPS. CCPS can collect and post those agreed exceptions on the web site where these
metrics documents will be available.
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
An AIChE Technology Alliance
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Center for Chemical Process Safety
Technology Alliance
Process Safety Leading and Lagging Metrics
You Don’t Improve What You Don’t Measure
For more information on CCPS or these metrics
please visit www.ccpsonline.org
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e-mail: [email protected]
If your company is interested in process
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