Understanding Power Flow and Naming Conventions
In Bi-directional Metering Applications
Michael Bearden
In 1982 Raymond “Ray” Stevens published a paper “Power Flow Direction
Definitions for Metering of Bi-directional Power”. This paper helped reduce
the confusion in the terminology associated with the naming of power
quantities based on the direction of active and reactive power flow. The
paper did not address leading and lagging current and Power factor. The
illustration below came from the paper and has been adopted as a standard
and is used in the Handbook for Electricity Metering.
Over the last 24 years we have all used and continue to use the same terms
(words) when we are talking about bi-directional power flow. However over
this period of time, we have made up some new terms and continue to have
issues with some old terms “lead and lag”. The big issue is that when two
people are using the same terms they do not mean the same things. The
intent of this paper is to help us not only say the same thing but to mean the
same thing.
Illustration 1
In using the above illustration to base the definition of power and the
direction of the power flow, it is important that after the source and load
have been defined for the metering point they can not be changed because
active power flow changes direction.
Active Power (True Power): Watts
When the Active Power (Watts) flow from the “SOURCE” through the
metering point and into the “LOAD” we say the Active Power (Watts) are
being DELIVERED. Therefore when the Active Power is being supplied by
the “SOURCE” into the load it will be referred to as Delivered Power
(Watts) and has a positive sign.
When the Active Power (Watts) flow from the “LOAD” through the metering
point and into the “SOURCE” we say the Active Power (Watts) are being
RECEIVED. Therefore when the Active Power is being supplied by the
“LOAD” into the source it will be referred to as Received Power (Watts) and
has a negative sign.
Note: The Active Power is always on the x axis and does not fall into any of
the four quadrants. Active power does not lead or lag it is delivered or
Reactive Power: Vars
When the Reactive Power (Vars) flow from the “SOURCE” through the
metering point and into the “LOAD” we say the Reactive Power (Vars) are
being DELIVERED. Therefore when the Reactive Power is being supplied by
the “SOURCE” into the load it will be referred to as Delivered Reactive
Power (Vars) and have a positive sign.
When the Reactive Power (Vars) flow from the “LOAD” through the
metering point and into the “SOURCE” we say the Reactive Power (Vars) are
being RECEIVED. Therefore when the Reactive Power is being supplied by
the “LOAD” into the source it will be referred to as Received Reactive
Power (Vars) and have a negative sign.
Note: The Reactive Power is always on the y axis and does not fall into any
of the four quadrants. Reactive power does not lead or lag it is delivered or
Terms (Standard from the above illustration):
Delivered Kw/Kwh
Received Kw/Kwh
Delivered Kvar/Kvarh
Received Kvar/Kvarh
Apparent Power: Volt-amps
When the Active Power (Watts) flows from the “SOURCE” through the
metering point and into the “LOAD” (Delivered Power) and the “LOAD” is
resistive (No Vars) the Apparent Power (VA) will be on the x axis with
Watts. Apparent Power has no sign or defined direction it is a vector
When the Active Power (Watts) flows from the “SOURCE” through the
metering point and into the “LOAD” (Delivered Power) and the “LOAD” is
inductive (Vars are present) the Apparent Power (VA) will be in Quadrant 1.
Apparent Power has no sign or defined direction it is a vector quantity.
When the Active Power (Watts) flow from the “SOURCE” through the
metering point and into the “LOAD” (Delivered Power) and the “LOAD” is
capacitive (Vars are present) the Apparent Power (VA) will be in Quadrant 4.
Apparent Power has no sign or defined direction it is a vector quantity.
When the Active Power (Watts) flows from the “LOAD” through the
metering point and into the “SOURCE” (Received Power) and the “LOAD” is
inductive (Vars are present) the Apparent Power (VA) will be in Quadrant 2.
Apparent Power has no sign or defined direction it is a vector quantity.
When the Active Power (Watts) flows from the “LOAD” through the
metering point and into the “SOURCE” (Received Power) and the “LOAD” is
capacitive (Vars are present) the Apparent Power (VA) will be in Quadrant 3.
Apparent Power has no sign or defined direction it is a vector quantity.
Terms (Standard from the above definition):
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 1
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 2
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 3
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 4
Note: We also like to group our Kva/Kvah values based on the direction of
power flow and then refer to them as Delivered and Received Kva/Kvah even
though the Kva/Kvah has no sign or direction.
If we could (would) stop at this point there would be little to
NO confusion. When we were talking about delivered and
received power we would all be using the same words and mean
the same thing. Therefore, when possible the above definition
should always be used when referring to Active, Apparent and
Reactive Power.
The paper did not address Leading and Lagging current or talk
about Power Factor.
We will address the terms leading and lagging along with
power factor later in this paper.
What’s New
Additional Kvar/Kvarh Quantities
Some of the confusion comes when terms are used that fall outside of the
standard power flow definitions. The following is a list on non-standard
terms term that are used routinely.
Terms (non-standard or made-up names):
Kvar/Kvarh (absolute Del. + Rec.) with Delivered Power (Kw)
Kvar/Kvarh (absolute Del. + Rec.) with Received Power (Kw)
Kvar/Kvarh (Net, Del. - Rec.) with Delivered Power (Kw)
Kvar/Kvarh (Net, Rec. – Del.) with Received Power (Kw)
The first question maybe, what are the quantities and what are they used
for? After talking to a number metering people, I found out they are
quantities that are used to comply with billing (needs) tariffs and to get the
same results as in the past using electro-mechanical meters. Names were
then created (made up) that best describe the quantity or requirement.
The next question maybe, where (how) are the quantities being used? The
two most common uses for the absolute values are for calculating Delivered
and Received Kva/Kvah which is a made-up name for an undefined electrical
quantity. The other application is in billing Kvar/Kvarh (absolute value) based
on the flow of active power. The two most common uses for the net values
are for calculating Kqh to be used with Delivered and Received Kw/Kwh. The
other application is in billing Net Kvar/Kvarh (this is where the customer is
given an equal credit for Received Kvar/Kvarh) based on the flow of active
The reason for the confusion is the terms (delivered and received) are being
used interchangeable between non-standard and the standard names for
Reactive Power. This allows one person to be talking about Delivered Vars as
per Illustration 1 and the other person think he is talking about the non-
standard terms (Kvar with Delivered Power).
The other term that causes confusion and the meaning is unknown when
talking about Kvar/Kvarh is Leading and Lagging. The reason for the
confusion is, Vars do NOT Lead or Lag, The quantities (term) for Vars is
Delivered and Received. This is very important in bi-directorial applications.
The only quantity that Leads or Lags is current and it Leads and Lags in
reference to voltage.
We will look at leading and lagging current later in this paper.
Additional Kva/Kvah Quantities
Some of the confusion comes from terms that we use that fall outside of
the standard power flow definitions and naming convention as described
above. The following is a list on non-standard terms that are used routinely.
Terms (That are non-standard or have made-up names):
Kva/Kvah with Delivered Power (Kw)
Kva/Kvah with Received Power (Kw)
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 1 Only
Kva/Kvah Quadrant 3 Only
Please note the non-standard terms are not defined electrical quantities.
They are one electrical value (Kva/Kvah) that is being referenced to, in
conjunction with a standard defined electrical quantity (Kw/Kwh). The
Quadrant 1 and 3 go back to the old electro-mechanical metering days when
the reactive metering package was made-up of one Kwh and one Kvarh meter
and a phase shifting transformer. The Kva/Kvah was then calculated base on
the results of the Kwh and Kvarh meter.
Additional Terms (Lead and Lag)
The terms lead and lag should only be used in reference to current. The
current will be in phase with the voltage or it can lead or lag the voltage
depending on the device taking active power. The terms leading or lagging
current is always viewed from the perspective of the point which is supplying
the active power. We are going to look at the terms leading and lagging
current in conjunction with the same illustration (see illustration 1) that was
used to define power terms as before. To help understand the labels for
leading and lagging current and help reduce the confusion I have changed the
reference from Load to IPP and Source to System (see illustration 2). The
meter has been connected to register delivered active power when the IPP is
taking power from the system and the meter will register received power
when the system is taking active power from the IPP.
Reference 1
In the first set of examples (conditions) the IPP is seen as the load by the
system which is providing the active power. When the IPP is taking active
power from the system (which is 95% of our metering installations) we say
the power is being delivered. The three conditions which follow should help
us to understand leading and lagging current when the active power is in the
delivered direction.
Condition 1;
When the IPP appears as a resistive device to the system, this will cause the
current to be in phase (not leading or lagging) with the voltage and the Kva
will be on the x axis with the active power (Kw delivered) from the system.
Condition 2;
When the IPP appears as an inductive device to the system, this will cause
the current to lag the voltage and the Kva will move into quadrant 1. The IPP
is now taking both active power (Kw delivered) and reactive power (Kvar
delivered) from the system.
Condition 3;
When the IPP appears as a capacitive device to the system, this will cause
the current to lead the voltage and the Kva will move into quadrant 4. The
IPP is now taking active power (Kw delivered) from the system and sending
reactive power (Kvar received) back to the system.
Reference 2
In the second set of examples (conditions) the System is seen as the load by
the IPP which is providing the active power. When the IPP is sending active
power to the system (which is 5% of our metering installations) we say the
power is being received. The three conditions which follow should help us to
understand leading and lagging current when the active power is in the
received direction.
Condition 1A;
When the System appears as a resistive device to the IPP, this will cause
the current to be in phase (not leading or lagging) with the voltage and the
Kva will be on the x axis with the active power (Kw received) from the IPP.
Condition 2A;
When the System appears as an inductive device to the IPP, this will cause
the current to lag the voltage and the Kva will move into quadrant 3. The
System is now taking both active power (Kw received) and reactive power
(Kvar received) from the IPP.
Condition 3A;
When the System appears as a capacitive device to the IPP, this will cause
the current to lead the voltage and the Kva will move into quadrant 2. The
System is now taking active power (Kw received) from the IPP and sending
reactive power (Kvar delivered) back to the IPP.
Illustration 2
Additional Values (Power Factor)
Power Factor, is another value that I hear people sticking on the terms lead
and lag. Power Factor is the ratio between true and apparent power. The
ratio will always be between 0.0 and 1.0 and will not have a sign. The
following terms are commonly used (naming conventions) for Power Factor.
Power Factor
Delivered Power Factor
Received Power Factor
Average Power Factor
Average Delivered Power Factor
Average Received Power Factor
Power Factor: is the ratio between true and apparent power (normally the
instantaneous value).
Active Power
And Load
Active Power
IPP Generator
And Load
Delivered Power Factors: is the power factor associated with delivered
power (normally associated with a maximum demand value).
Received Power Factors: is the power factor associated with received power
(normally associated with a maximum demand value).
Average Power Factor: What is average power factor? The best answer that
I found, was average power is the ratio between the accumulated kwh and
Kvah over some period of time, normally between demand resets.
Avg. Del. Power Factors: is power factor associated with delivered power.
Avg. Rec. Power Factors: is power factor associated with received power.
Power Values (Kw/kwh, Kvar/Kvarh and Kva/Kvah): The best naming
convention would be to stay with Delivered and Received (Illustration 1).
Leading and Lagging: Use these terms for describing the relationship of
current to voltage. Leading and Lagging is normally viewed from the
perspective of the supplier of active energy (Illustration 2).
Power Factor: Is the ratio between true and apparent power. Power factor
does not lead or lag and has no sign. Power factor is normally viewed from
the perspective of the supplier of active energy.