REST API User Guide
Version 14.1
| Contents | ii
REST.......................................................................................................................... 5
About Representational State Transfer................................................................................................................ 5
Important changes in iControl REST API...........................................................................................................5
Overview: URI format and structure................................................................................................................. 10
About reserved ASCII characters...........................................................................................................11
About REST resource identifiers........................................................................................................... 11
About HTTP method semantics.........................................................................................................................11
About JSON request and response semantics....................................................................................................12
About additional iControl REST properties...........................................................................................14
About null values and properties........................................................................................................... 16
About reserved property names..............................................................................................................17
About property name format differences...............................................................................................17
About JSON formats and encodings......................................................................................................17
About API versions............................................................................................................................................ 17
Password change in iControl REST...................................................................................................................18
Changing a password by using an iControl REST request....................................................................18
About iControl and authentication for user accounts........................................................................................ 18
Requesting a token for iControl REST authentication.......................................................................... 18
Overview: Fundamentals of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing............................................................................19
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing request headers....................................................................................20
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing response headers................................................................................. 20
About external authentication providers with iControl REST...........................................................................20
GET Requests..........................................................................................................21
Discovering modules and components...............................................................................................................21
About paging properties......................................................................................................................... 24
About query parameters......................................................................................................................... 24
Paging through large collections............................................................................................................26
About sub-collection expansion............................................................................................................. 27
Returning resources from an administrative partition............................................................................30
Use iControl REST to obtain statistical output..................................................................................... 31
POST and PUT requests........................................................................................34
About JSON format for POST and PUT...........................................................................................................34
Creating a new resource with iControl..............................................................................................................34
Modifying a resource with PATCH.......................................................................................................35
About read only properties.....................................................................................................................36
Adding or modifying in a specific partition.......................................................................................... 36
Deleting Access Policy Manager resources........................................................................................... 38
About administrative partitions.......................................................................................................................... 38
Creating folders.......................................................................................................................................39
Deleting an administrative partition.......................................................................................................41
| Contents | iii
About the iControl REST transaction model.....................................................................................................41
About iControl REST transaction phases.............................................................................................. 41
About transaction validation...................................................................................................................42
Additional transaction properties............................................................................................................42
Creating an iControl REST transaction................................................................................................. 43
Modifying a transaction..........................................................................................................................43
Committing an iControl REST transaction............................................................................................44
About iControl REST asynchronous tasks.........................................................................................................45
Asynchronous task endpoints.................................................................................................................45
Using an asynchronous task...................................................................................................................46
Commands............................................................................................................... 47
About other tmsh global commands.................................................................................................................. 47
Using the cp command...........................................................................................................................48
Using the generate command.................................................................................................................48
Using the install command.....................................................................................................................49
Using iControl REST to create a key....................................................................................................49
Using the load command........................................................................................................................50
Using the mv command......................................................................................................................... 50
Using the publish command...................................................................................................................51
Using the reboot command.................................................................................................................... 51
Using the restart command.....................................................................................................................51
Using the reset-stats command...............................................................................................................52
Using the run command......................................................................................................................... 52
Using the save command....................................................................................................................... 52
Using the send-mail command...............................................................................................................53
Using the start command........................................................................................................................54
Using the stop command........................................................................................................................54
Application Security Manager.............................................................................. 54
Application Security Manager and iControl REST comparison........................................................................54
Retrieving Application Security Manager resources..............................................................................57
Creating Application Security Manager resources.................................................................................60
Updating Application Security Manager resources............................................................................... 61
Deleting resources in Application Security Manager............................................................................ 61
Application Security Manager policy.....................................................................................................62
Application Security Manager components........................................................................................... 66
Application Security Manager signatures.............................................................................................. 69
Application Security Manager schema upload.......................................................................................73
Application Security Manager policy restore........................................................................................ 73
Application Security Manager vulnerability import.............................................................................. 75
Application Security Manager vulnerability resolution......................................................................... 80
Exporting data protection in Application Security Manager................................................................. 83
Importing data protection in Application Security Manager................................................................. 83
Importing a certificate in Application Security Manager...................................................................... 84
Web Scraping Configuration settings.....................................................................................................84
Learning Suggestion Object................................................................................................................... 91
About Device ID.....................................................................................................................................95
About WebSockets..................................................................................................................................97
About AJAX/JSON Login....................................................................................................................100
Access Policy Manager.........................................................................................102
About Access Policy Manager.........................................................................................................................102
Overview: URI format and structure................................................................................................... 102
About resource formats........................................................................................................................ 103
About creating resources...................................................................................................................... 103
About retrieving resources....................................................................................................................103
About updating resources.....................................................................................................................103
About deleting resources...................................................................................................................... 103
HTTP Response Codes.........................................................................................................................104
Retrieving Access Policy Manager resources..................................................................................................104
Access Policy Manager endpoints....................................................................................................................107
Configuring LDAP settings in APM................................................................................................................108
Creating a custom category in APM................................................................................................................110
Managing user sessions in APM......................................................................................................................111
Listing OAuth tokens....................................................................................................................................... 112
Getting a count of OAuth tokens.....................................................................................................................113
Revoking an OAuth token................................................................................................................................113
API Life Cycle.......................................................................................................114
REST API life cycle policy............................................................................................................................. 114
Using the REST API life cycle changes..........................................................................................................114
Using the REST API life cycle changes with tmsh.........................................................................................117
Configuring the REST API life cycle settings.................................................................................................118
Configuring the REST API life cycle settings with tmsh............................................................................... 119
Additional Features.............................................................................................. 120
About the example suffix.................................................................................................................................120
About Access Policy Manager.........................................................................................................................120
About HTTP response codes............................................................................................................................121
About log files..................................................................................................................................................122
About public URIs............................................................................................................................................123
Legal Notices......................................................................................................... 124
Legal notices.....................................................................................................................................................124
| REST | 5
About Representational State Transfer
Representational State Transfer (REST) describes an architectural style of web services where clients and servers
exchange representations of resources. The REST model defines a resource as a source of information, and also
defines a representation as the data that describes the state of a resource. REST web services use the HTTP protocol
to communicate between a client and a server, specifically by means of the POST, GET, PUT, and DELETE
methods, to create, read, update, and delete elements or collections. In general terms, REST queries resources for the
configuration objects of a BIG-IP
system, and creates, deletes, or modifies the representations of those configuration
The iControl
REST implementation follows the REST model by:
Using REST as a resource-based interface, and creating API methods based on nouns.
Employing a stateless protocol and MIME data types, as well as taking advantage of the authentication
mechanisms and caching built into the HTTP protocol.
Supporting the JSON format for document encoding.
Representing the hierarchy of resources and collections with a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) structure.
Returning HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an operation.
Including links in resource references to accommodate discovery.
Important changes in iControl REST API
This version of iControl
REST includes the changes described here that may impact existing iControl REST scripts
written for version 11.6. The changes are described as tmsh commands.
Changes in the BIG-IP DNS module:
Changed: <codeph>order</codeph> TO
Removed: "<keyword id="max-address-returned"
Removed: "<keyword id="canonical-name"
Removed: "<keyword id="fallback-ipv4"
Removed: "<keyword id="fallback-ipv6"
Removed: "<keyword id="monitor"
attribute="monitor_rule" parser="gtm::pool-monitor-
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-bps"
| REST | 6
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-bps-
status" attribute="limits.bits_per_sec_enabled"
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-pps"
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-pps-
status" attribute="limits.pkts_per_sec_enabled"
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-connections"
Removed: "<keyword id="limit-max-connections-
status" attribute="limits.connections_enabled"
Removed: "<association id="members"
command="gtm-pool-member"> <attribute
from="gtm_pool.name"/> </association>"
Changed: "ipv6-no-error-response" TO "failure-rcode-
Changed: "ipv6-no-error-neg-ttl" TO "failure-rcode-ttl"
Removed: "<keyword id="last-resort-pool"
Removed: "<association_list id="wideips"
target="gtm_application_wideip.wip_name"> <attribute
from="gtm_application.name"/> </association_list>"
Changes in the LTM module:
Removed: "<keyword id="file"
Removed: "<keyword id="subscriber-
aware" attribute="subscriber_aware"
Changed: "subscriber-aware" TO "subscriber-discovery"
Removed: "<keyword id="subscriber-id-type"
Removed: "cli_enable_disable"
Removed: "<keyword id="description"
| REST | 7
Removed: "<keyword id="smtp-server"
Removed: "<keyword
id="algorithm" attribute="algorithm"
Removed: "<keyword id="secret" attribute="secret"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="dnssec-on-miss"
attribute="dnssec_on_miss" cli_enum="cli_yes_no"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="dnssec-on-miss"
attribute="dnssec_on_miss" value="no"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="dnssec-on-miss"
attribute="dnssec_on_miss" value="no"/>"
Changes in the PEM module:
Changed: "persistence" TO "persistence.type"
Removed: "<keyword id="mode"
Removed: "<keyword id="logging.hsl.endpoint-id"
Changes in the APM module:
Removed: "<keyword id="ocsp-responder"
Changes in the Security modules:
Removed: "<keyword id="description"
Removed: "<association id="users" command="fw-user-
list-entry" operations="add delete modify replace-all-
with"> <attribute set="fw_user_list_entry.list_name"
from="fw_user_list.name"/> </association>"
Removed: "<association id="user-groups"
command="fw-user-group-list-entry" operations="add
delete modify replace-all-with"> <attribute
from="fw_user_list.name"/> </association>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.mode"
| REST | 8
Removed: "<keyword id="behavior-based.mode"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.latency-
increase-rate" attribute="latency_increase_rate"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.maximum-
latency" attribute="maximum_latency"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.minimum-
latency" attribute="minimum_latency"/>"
Changed: "latency-based.ip-client-side-defense" TO
Changed: "latency-based.geo-client-side-defense" TO
Changed: "latency-based.url-client-side-defense" TO
Changed: "latency-based.site-client-side-defense" TO
Changed: "latency-based.ip-captcha-challenge" TO
Changed: "latency-based.geo-captcha-challenge" TO
Changed: "latency-based.url-captcha-challenge" TO
Changed: "latency-based.site-captcha-challenge" TO
Changed: "latency-based.ip-rate-limiting" TO "stress-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
| REST | 9
Changed: "latency-based.geo-rate-limiting" TO "stress-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
Changed: "latency-based.url-rate-limiting" TO "stress-
Changed: "latency-based.site-rate-limiting" TO "stress-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.ip-tps-increase-
rate" attribute="latency_based_ip_tps_increase_rate"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.ip-maximum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_ip_maximum_tps"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.ip-minimum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_ip_minimum_tps"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.url-maximum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_url_maximum_tps"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.url-minimum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_url_minimum_tps"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-
| REST | 10
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.site-maximum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_site_wide_maximum_tps"/
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.site-minimum-
tps" attribute="latency_based_site_wide_minimum_tps"/
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.escalation-
period" attribute="latency_based_escalation_period"/>"
Removed: "<keyword id="latency-based.de-escalation-
period" attribute="latency_based_deescalation_period"/
Removed: "asm_http_method"
Changed: "user-group-entity" TO "fqdn-entity"
Overview: URI format and structure
A principle of the REST architecture describes the identification of a resource by means of a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI). A URI identifies the name of a web resource; in this case, the URI also represents the tree structure
of modules and components in tmsh. You can specify a URI with a web service request to create, read, update, or
delete some component or module of a BIG-IP
system configuration. In the context of the REST architecture, the
system configuration is synonymous with the representation of a resource, and web service requests read and write
that representation using the iControl
Tip: Use admin, the default administrative account, for requests to iControl REST. Once you are familiar with the
API, you can create user accounts for iControl REST users with various permissions.
For the URI snippet shown here, the management-ip component of the URI is the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) or IP address of a BIG-IP device.
In iControl REST, the URI structure for all requests includes the string /mgmt/tm/ to identify the namespace for
traffic management. Any identifiers that you append to that string specify collections.
The ellipsis in the snippet indicates the location where you specify an organizing collection, which is a collection of
links to other resources in iControl REST. Organizing collections are the functional equivalent of modules in tmsh.
In other words, the organizing collection apm in iControl REST is the apm module. In iControl REST, you can use
the following URI to access all of the resources in the apm collection:
| REST | 11
Expanding on that approach, the URI in the following example designates all of the resources in the report
collection. You can think of a collection as the equivalent of a tmsh sub-module. An iControl REST collection
contains collections or resources.
The URI in the following example designates a resource, which is a set of entities. In iControl REST, an entity is a
property that you can configure, such as "destAddrMax":2048. A resource may also contain sub-collections. In
the parlance of tmsh, a resource is the equivalent of a component.
Important: iControl REST only supports secure access through HTTPS, so you must include credentials with each
REST call. Use the same credentials you use for the BIG-IP device manager interface.
About reserved ASCII characters
To accommodate the BIG-IP
configuration objects that use characters, which are not part of the unreserved ASCII
character set, use a percent sign (%) and two hexadecimal digits to represent them in a URI. The unreserved character
set consists of: [A - Z] [a - z] [0 - 9] dash (-), underscore (_), period (.), and
You must encode any characters that are not part of the unreserved character set for inclusion in a URI scheme. For
example, an IP address in a non-default route domain that contains a percent sign to indicate an address in a specific
route domain, such as, should be encoded to replace the % character with %25 .
About REST resource identifiers
A URI is the representation of a resource that consists of a protocol, an address, and a path structure to identify a
resource and optional query parameters. Because the representation of folder and partition names in tmsh often
includes a forward slash (/), URI encoding of folder and partition names must use a different character to represent
a forward slash in iControl
REST. To accommodate the forward slash in a resource name, iControl REST maps the
forward slash to a tilde (~) character. When a resource name includes a forward slash (/) in its name, substitute a tilde
(~) for the forward slash in the path. For example, a resource name, such as /Common/plist1, should be modified
to the format shown here: https://management-ip/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/port-list/
About HTTP method semantics
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP 1.1) describes the methods and headers that build on the Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI) that identifies a collection or resource. The portion of a URI that makes up an absolute path includes
endpoints, such as /mgmt, that specify the path to a resource or collection. With the exception of the X-F5-REST-
Coordination-ID header that identifies a transaction, iControl
REST does not define any additional HTTP headers.
A collection is a set of resources of the same type, and a collection is either a collection of resources or an organizing
collection of links to resources. In the context of an HTTP method, a URI identifies a resource or collection as the
target of a request.
In addition to the path of a resource, query parameters allow refinement of the result set for a GET request. A
query string begins with a question mark (?) character and consists of expressions that refine the response data. The
iControl REST query parameters are implementations of the OData query parameters as well as several custom query
parameters. To distinguish the custom query parameters from OData query parameters, iControl REST custom query
parameters omit the dollar sign ($) as the first character of the parameter.
The semantics of iControl REST methods behave differently depending on the URI. For a POST request, a URI
indicates a resource under which the request creates a subordinate resource. HTTP considers the subordinate resource
to be a new entity and not a modification of an existing entity. If the subordinate resource already exists, the protocol
considers a request to create the same resource as an error. For a PUT request, a URI refers to an existing resource
| REST | 12
and the request modifies the existing resource. For a PATCH request, a URI refers to an existing resource and the
request merges changes into the resource.
To address different requirements, iControl REST implements both PATCH and PUT methods. In iControl REST, the
PATCH method modifies only the properties that you specify in a request. The PUT method modifies the properties
that you specify in a request and sets the remaining properties to either default values or empty values.
The semantics of iControl REST methods behave differently for collections and resources, as described in the
following table.
Method Description
GET For both collections and resources, iControl REST
supports the GET method. Also supports query strings.
POST For both collections and resources, iControl REST
supports the POST method.
DELETE For collections, iControl REST does not support the
DELETE method. For resources, iControl REST
supports the DELETE method.
PUT For collections, iControl REST does not support the PUT
method. For resources, iControl REST supports the PUT
method. For versions 11.6 and earlier, iControl REST
only partially supports the PUT method for resources.
PATCH For collections, iControl REST does not support the
PATCH method. For resources, iControl REST supports
the PATCH method.
About JSON request and response semantics
When iControl REST processes a GET request, it generates a response code and a tJSONbody. Likewise, an error
response contains additional descriptive text in JSON format. To indicate the format of the text body in a response,
iControl REST sets the HTTP Content-Type header as application/json. A response from iControl REST
contains properties which describe a configuration object or the statistics for a resource. In iControl REST, the term
property refers to a name/value, or key/value, pair in a JSON object.
The JSON terminology consists of two structures: objects and arrays. An object is a collection of one or more name/
value pairs, as shown:
{ "partition":"Common" }
For a GET request, the properties consist of JSON objects or arrays, or both. Note that the name and value appear
in double quotes (" "), with a colon (:) separator between the name and the value. For objects that contain multiple
name pairs, additional name/value pairs are separated by a comma (,). An example of a typical, albeit slightly dated,
response from iControl REST illustrates the JSON body formatting.
| REST | 13
| REST | 14
About additional iControl REST properties
The iControl
REST implementation includes some document properties not present in Traffic Management Shell
(tmsh) output. The differences are noted in the table and appear in a response to a GET request of a collection or
resource, as shown in the example.
| REST | 15
PropertyName Description
kind A unique type identifier.
generation A generation number for a resource. Modification of a
resource, or a related resource, changes the value. The
value does not necessarily increase monotonically. For
example, if you modify a resource in a sub-collection,
the modification may cause a change in the parent
selfLink A link to this resource.
"buildDate":"Wed Nov 27 14 03 09 PST 2013",
"fileSize":"1751 MB",
"lastModified":"Tue Dec 3 01:30:32 2013",
"buildDate":"Wed Dec 4 14 14 44 PST 2013",
"fileSize":"1843 MB",
"lastModified":"Wed Dec 4 15:32:28 2013",
root@(BIG-IP1)(...)(tmos)# list sys software image
sys software image BIGIP- {
build 321.0
build-date "Mon Feb 11 07 23 24 PST 2013"
checksum f9411fde01d6a3521d4ae393e9bb077c
file-size "1522 MB"
last-modified "Mon Feb 11 09:35:50 2013"
product BIG-IP
verified yes
| REST | 16
version 11.4.0
About null values and properties
Flags are typically composed as a bit set by software to indicate state, such as 0 or 1, and indicate on or off,
respectively. iControl
REST displays flags that are set with the flag name and a value of null. If the value of a flag
is none, iControl REST omits the property from the output.
Note: To POST or PUT a flag with only a single value, enter the property name in the JSON body with a value of
| REST | 17
About reserved property names
REST reserves several property names, most notably, the words name and generation. Some tmsh
components include properties with reserved property names. When iControl REST encounters a reserved name in
the JSON body, it replaces the reserved names with the corresponding replacement, tmName or tmGeneration.
About property name format differences
Property and option names in iControl
REST use a different naming convention than Traffic Management (tmsh)
Shell. In tmsh, property names consist of lowercase characters. For property names that contain multiple words,
hyphens separate the words. iControl REST uses camel case convention for property names, where the first word of a
property is lowercase, and all additional words in the name are capitalized.
For example, the property build-date, as shown in tmsh, appears as buildDate in iControl REST.
About JSON formats and encodings
REST supports the following specifications for string encodings:
W3C XML Schema for numbers
ISO 3166 for countries and territories
ISO 6709 for latitude and longitude
ISO for currency
RFC 3339 for dates and times
Olson Time Zone Database for time zones
Time durations can be expressed as seconds since Unix Epoch (00:00:00 UTC on January 1, 1970), up to one
microsecond of fractional time.
For dates and times that are specific to a property in the configuration, a property name that incorporates the time unit
into the name, such as checkIntervalDays, provides a hint about the units of time.
About API versions
Over time, modifications to the iControl
REST API may necessitate that a release is assigned a new version number.
To limit requests to a particular version of the API, iControl REST accepts an API version parameter as an option to
a URI. To use a particular API version, specify the ver parameter, an API version number, such as 11.5.0, and append
the string to the end of the URI, as you would with any query parameter.
| REST | 18
The JSON body for a response includes an API version number in the selfLink property, as well as any links. For
iControl REST, the version number of a resource in a response matches the version number sent in a request. If you
do not specify the version of the API, the version defaults to the current version. To maintain backward compatibility
with future releases of the API, a response will contain resources that match the version number specified in the
request. If iControl REST cannot generate a response that is compatible with the request, it returns an error code.
Note: Although some REST implementations use HTTP headers to manage version information, iControl REST
does not use any HTTP headers to identify an API.
Password change in iControl REST
When the password expires, F5
REST blocks access to resources on a BIG-IP
system for the currently
logged-in user. To continue to use the BIG-IP system, the user must create a new password before accessing
resources on the system. The programmatic approach to password changes uses a PATCH request to the /mgmt/
tm/auth/user endpoint, which you can access to change the password.
If you choose to change a password using iControl REST, you must supply a password in a JSON body. The
password must adhere to the established password policy for your organization. You can use tmsh to find the
password policy in effect for your organization. If the password you supply meets the requirements for a password,
iControl REST generates a 200 OK message in response to your request. If the password does not satisfy the
requirements, then iControl REST rejects the password change request with an HTTP error response.
Changing a password by using an iControl REST request
When your password expires, a BIG-IP
system blocks access to resources. To re-enable access to resources, you can
access the /mgmt/tm/auth/user endpoint to change your password.
To change your password, supply a new password in a JSON body.
"password": "<password>"
If the password you supply fails to meet the requirements for a password, such as password length or uniqueness,
the request fails. Otherwise, the request returns a success message. You can use the tmsh command list auth
password-policy to find the password policy.
Make a PATCH request to the /mgmt/tm/auth/user endpoint and include the JSON body.
In this task, you changed your password by making an iControl
REST request.
About iControl and authentication for user accounts
The iControl
REST no longer requires that you grant permissions on iControl REST resources for individual user
accounts. As of version 12.0, a user automatically has access to REST resources, but the user must acquire a token for
authentication and include that token in all REST requests. Administrators of a BIG-IP
system can still make REST
requests by using basic authentication. Basic authentication requires a Base64 encoded string that consists of a user
ID, a colon (:), and a password.
Requesting a token for iControl REST authentication
As an administrator of a BIG-IP
system, you can use the basic authentication to make iControl REST calls. For
users that lack administrator privileges, the user must request a token that can be used to authenticate the user making
REST API requests.
| REST | 19
To create an authentication token, make a POST request to the BIG-IP
system. You must enclose both the name
and password values in double quotes (" "), as with any JSON string.
"username": <user name>,
"password": <user password>,
"loginProviderName": "tmos"
documentation specifies loginReference, which takes a reference to a login provider. In the
example, the loginProviderName property allows you to specify a name instead of a reference. For most
situations, use the loginProviderName and specify tmos.
To use the token in a REST request, copy the string for the token property and save it.
The token consists of a string of random letters and digits. In this example, the string is
492D3316E5456378B4AC9B5E2FA923595F0DA65A. The lifetime of the token is eight hours.
To make a REST request, add the token to request header. You must enclose the token within double quotes (" "),
as with any JSON string.
{ "X-F5-Auth-Token": "492D3316E5456378B4AC9B5E2FA923595F0DA65A" }
In this example, you acquired a token to include in an iControl REST request.
Overview: Fundamentals of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
The same origin policy in browsers controls interactions between two different origins, such as requests with
XMLHttpRequest (XHR) objects. Furthermore, the same origin policy states that a browser that is downloading
data from a particular web site cannot interact with another resource that does not originate from the same web site,
where protocol, port number, and host name identify the web site. While there are mechanisms to implement a safe
cross-site data transfer, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) enables secure cross-site data transfers by adding
new HTTP headers to describe or enumerate a set of origins, as well as to determine the viability of a request prior to
the transmission of client data. The CORS headers permit communication between a client and server to establish the
limits of such requests.
CORS supports two types of requests: simple and preflight. A simple request consists of a GET, HEAD, or POST
request. For POST requests, the Content-Type of the data sent to a server must be application/x-www-form-
urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain. One final condition for a simple request is that the
request does not set custom headers.
For HTTP methods that modify a web resource, the CORS standard defines a preflight capability that enables a
client to determine if a server allows a request. A client uses the preflight mechanism if a request contains a method
other than GET, HEAD, or POST, or specifies a Content-Type header other than application/x-www-form-
urlencoded, multipart/form-data, or text/plain with a POST request. Before the client sends a
request with data, the client makes a request with the OPTIONS method to query the server.
Finally, a client initiates a cross-origin request by including the Origin HTTP header in a request. A client also
includes the Access-Control-Request-Method and Access-Control-Request-Headers headers in
the cross-origin request. A server that allows a cross-origin request responds with an HTTP Access-Control-
Allow-Origin header and the value of the requesting origin, an Access-Control-Request-Method header
and supported methods, and an Access-Control-Request-Headers header and supported values.
| REST | 20
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing request headers
This table lists the request headers sent by a client, according to the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
HTTP header Description
Origin Specifies a URI that indicates the source of the cross-
origin or preflight request.
Access-Control-Request-Method Specifies the HTTP method that the client will send in a
Access-Control-Request-Headers Specifies the HTTP headers that the client will include in
a request.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing response headers
This table lists the response headers sent by a server, in response to a preflight request, according to the Cross-Origin
Resource Sharing (CORS) specification.
HTTP header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Origin Specifies a URI that is allowed to access a resource. For
REST users, this header lists origins for which
you allow requests. The iControl REST implementation
does not allow wild card characters (*).
Access-Control-Expose-Headers Specifies a list of HTTP headers that are safe to expose.
For iControl REST users, this header is a list of F5
specific headers that clients can access.
Access-Control-Max-Age Specifies the length of time to cache the results of a
preflight request. The client should discard the results
after this time period expires. The value is either the
lesser of the session timeout value or one day.
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials Indicates whether to expose the response if the
credentials setting is true. For iControl REST users, this
header indicates the allowance of authentication cookies
in a CORS request. Specify the value as true. If you do
not need cookies for authentication, do not specify this
header. You must also set the withCredentials
property of the xmlHttpRequest object to true for a
CORS request to succeed.
Access-Control-Allow-Methods Specifies only the methods for which the server allows
cross-origin access.
Access-Control-Allow-Headers Specifies the headers that the server allows.
About external authentication providers with iControl REST
REST supports external authentication to other providers, such as Active Directory (AD) or RADIUS.
Authentication with a provider other than the local authentication provider on a BIG-IP
system requires a token that
you can use to access resources in iControl REST. A token consists of 32 random characters, primarily digits and
uppercase ASCII characters, valid for a period of time. Until the token expires, a server validates your identity based
on the authentication token you submit. When the token expires, you simply acquire a new token from a provider.
Note: Before you make a REST request using token-based authentication, you must obtain a token from an external
authentication provider.
| GET Requests | 21
You create a token by calling a user authentication method in the F5
REST API. Prior to making a token creation
request, you must obtain a login reference from your system administrator that identifies an external authentication
provider. To create the authentication token, make a POST request and specify user name, password, and login
reference in the JSON body of the request. This request associates an authentication token with a user name. If the
token creation request is successful, the response contains a JSON body similar to this.
The token property identifies the value to include in a request. In the JSON body, the token is the string
492D3316E5456378B4AC9B5E2FA923595F0DA65A, inside of the token object. To be authenticated by
the resource, you must include the X-F5-Auth-Token header in a REST request and specify the token value
in the header. If you prefer to authenticate locally, you can leave the Authorization header blank. For more
information about obtaining and using an authentication token, see BIG-IQ
Systems: REST API Reference.
GET Requests
Discovering modules and components
REST supports discovery through a GET request. The structure of resources becomes more obvious as you
investigate the organizing collections. One other benefit of discovering the organizing collections is the relationship
between iControl REST and tmsh.
| GET Requests | 22
To discover the structure, make a request to iControl REST with the GET method and specify an organizing
collection, as shown in this example.
| GET Requests | 23
| GET Requests | 24
If you are familiar with command-line tools, use curl, or a similar utility, to make a request to iControl REST. In
the URI, specify an organizing collection. For example, the command: curl -k -u admin:admin -X GET makes a request of the ltm organizing collection.
Note: The contents of an iControl REST resource may not have all of the properties and options of its tmsh
counterpart below the sub-collection level.
Note: A module that is not provisioned on a BIG-IP
system will not appear in the output.
About paging properties
REST supports pagination options for large collections. The implementation of pagination utilizes the Open
Data Protocol (OData) query parameters to provide information that you can use to navigate a large result set. When
you request a large collection, the iControl REST response includes properties to identify the URI for the collection,
the next page of the result set, the previous page of the result set, as well as the total number of items in the result,
total number of pages, the current page, the number of items per page, and a count of the number of items in the
current page. iControl
REST calculates these values on the filtered result set.
Property Description
selfLink The URI of the collection, including any query
nextLink The next set of data in the result set. Includes the $skip
query parameter in the link.
previousLink The previous set of data in the result set. Not present in
the first set of data.
currentItemCount A count of the number of items in the result set, either as
the value of the $top query parameter, or the remaining
number of items if less than the number requested.
itemsPerPage The number of items to display per page.
pageIndex The current page in the result set.
totalPages The total number of pages in the result set, equal to the
result of (totalItems / itemsPerPage), rounded up to the
next integer value.
startIndex The index of the first item in the result set.
totalItems The number of items in the result set, as calculated by
the $inlinecount=allpages query parameter.
About query parameters
REST implements a subset of the Open Data Protocol (OData) recommendations for query languages and
system query options. The OData protocol defines System Query Options that are query string parameters to manage
the presentation of data in a result set identified by a URL. For example, you can include or exclude rows from a
| GET Requests | 25
result set, constrain a query to resources contained within an administrative partition, or specify a particular version of
iControl REST. With the exception of the asm module, query parameters are limited to GET requests.
To use a query parameter, append a query parameter expression to the end of a request URI. All query parameter
expressions begin with a question mark (?), followed by a query parameter name, a comparison or logical operator,
and a value. A value adheres to the camel case naming convention for iControl REST. OData query parameters begin
with a dollar sign ($), whereas custom query parameters do not. For example, you can specify that the response only
include the name property in the following request:
GET https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/?$select=name
To specify additional query parameters, precede each additional query parameter with an ampersand (&), then specify
the query parameter expression. The following table lists the parameters that are iControl REST implementations of
the OData query parameters. All OData query parameters begin with a dollar sign ($). Note that the $filter parameter,
if used, limits the result set to a specific administrative partition.
Parameter Description
$filter Specifies an administrative partition to query for a result
set. This parameter filters the result set by partition name
and does not fully implement the corresponding OData
query parameter. The asm module fully implements the
OData query parameter.
$select Specifies a subset of the properties that will appear in the
result set.
$skip Specifies the number of rows to skip in the result set.
The result set is chosen from the remaining rows.
$top Specifies the first N rows of the result set.
iControl REST supports comparison and logical operators as described in the OData recommendation.
Operator Description
eq Equal to
ne Not equal to
lt Less than
le Less than or equal to
gt Greater than
ge Greater than or equal to
and True if both operands are true
or True if either operand is true
not Negation of operand
Note: iControl REST supports only the eq operator with the $filter parameter.
iControl REST includes several custom query parameters. The custom query parameters do not include a dollar sign
($) character in the parameter name.
Parameter Description
expandSubcollections Specifies that iControl REST expand any references
to sub collections when set to true. By default, the
| GET Requests | 26
Parameter Description
response to a GET request only contains links for sub
collection reference properties.
options Specifies the options to a query request. This parameter
takes values that are compatible with the tmsh
command-line options.
ver Specifies the version number of the iControl
to use when making a request. Defaults to the current
version if you do not specify a value.
Paging through large collections
Collections that contain a large number of items consume a great deal of network bandwidth and processing power
if processed in a single GET request. Query parameters allow you to manage multi page responses. iControl
supports the OData system query parameters $top and $skip to return pages items sets.
Use the $top query parameter to specify the maximum number of items for the BIG-IP
device to return. If you
use curl and run this command from a Unix command line, precede the dollar sign character ($) with a backslash
character (\) to prevent shell interpretation of the character.
curl -k -u admin:admin -X GET\$top=4
To query for the first n data items, specify the URI, and append the $top query parameter to the URI. This
query displays the first four items in the sys collection output. The response indicates the nextLink and
previousLink properties that serve as navigation markers to the next page and previous page, respectively.$top=4
{ "currentItemCount" : 4,
"items" : [
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/application?ver=11.5.0" } }
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/crypto?ver=11.5.0" } }
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/daemon-log-settings?
ver=11.5.0" } }
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/disk?ver=11.5.0" } }
"itemsPerPage" : 4,
"kind" : "tm:sys:syscollectionstate",
"nextLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys?$top=4&$skip=4&ver=11.5.0",
"pageIndex" : 1,
"selfLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys?$top=4&ver=11.5.0",
"startIndex" : 1,
"totalItems" : 36,
"totalPages" : 9
To request the next n data items, use the same URI as the previous example and append the $skip query parameter
to the URI. This example displays the next four items in the sys collection output. The response also indicates the
nextLink and previousLink properties that serve as navigation markers into the data.$top=4&$skip=4
{ "currentItemCount" : 4,
| GET Requests | 27
"items" : [
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/file?ver=11.5.0" } },
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/icall?ver=11.5.0" } },
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/log-config?ver=11.5.0" } },
{ "reference" :
{ "link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/sys/sflow?ver=11.5.0" } }
"itemsPerPage" : 4,
"kind" : "tm:sys:syscollectionstate",
"nextLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys?$top=4&$skip=8&ver=11.5.0",
"pageIndex" : 2,
"previousLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys?$top=4&ver=11.5.0",
"selfLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys?$top=4&$skip=4&ver=11.5.0",
"startIndex" : 5,
"totalItems" : 36,
"totalPages" : 9
About sub-collection expansion
REST supports the expandSubcollections query parameter. In tmsh, configuration components
contain properties, child components, and associated, non-child components. For example, you can create an
associated component independently from the component that contains it,such as a virtual server (the ltm virtual
component in tmsh) that contains an LTM
pool, even though you create the LTM pool as a separate task.
If set to true, the expandSubcollections query parameter displays all child components but omits any
associated non-child components from the response.
Although the command creates a lengthy output block, the query parameter displays the properties of
the sub-collection, in addition to the properties of the component. As with other query parameters, the
expandSubcollections parameter does not support requests other than a GET request.
| GET Requests | 28
"\"/Common/Log illegal requests\""
| GET Requests | 29
Expanding a sub-collection reference
The responses from iControl
REST can include references to sub collections. The expandSubcollections
query parameter expands references to sub-collections.
View the details of a particular resource, including the details of its sub-collections, append the string
expandSubcollections=true to the URI. Do not prepend a dollar sign ($) to this query parameter.
To see the differences, this example shows a GET request for a resource with sub-collection expansion. The response
contains the isSubcollection property, set to true, to indicate a sub-collection. The output only contains a
reference to the sub-collection.
{ "allowNat" : "yes",
"allowSnat" : "yes",
"description" : "sdfds",
"fullPath" : "/Common/my-Pool",
"generation" : 1,
"ignorePersistedWeight" : "disabled",
"ipTosToClient" : "pass-through",
"ipTosToServer" : "pass-through",
"kind" : "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate",
"linkQosToClient" : "pass-through",
"linkQosToServer" : "pass-through",
"loadBalancingMode" : "round-robin",
"membersReference" : { "isSubcollection" : true,
"link" : "https://../mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~my-Pool/members?
"minActiveMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembersAction" : "failover",
"minUpMembersChecking" : "disabled",
"name" : "my-Pool",
"partition" : "Common",
"queueDepthLimit" : 0,
"queueOnConnectionLimit" : "disabled",
"queueTimeLimit" : 0,
"reselectTries" : 0,
"selfLink" : "https://../mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~my-Pool?ver=11.5.0",
"slowRampTime" : 10
To see the expanded sub-collection, this example uses the expandSubcollections query parameter. iControl
REST supports the custom expandSubcollections query parameter, which omits the dollar sign ($) from its
{ "allowNat" : "yes",
"allowSnat" : "yes",
"description" : "sdfds",
"fullPath" : "/Common/my-Pool",
"generation" : 1,
"ignorePersistedWeight" : "disabled",
| GET Requests | 30
"ipTosToClient" : "pass-through",
"ipTosToServer" : "pass-through",
"kind" : "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate",
"linkQosToClient" : "pass-through",
"linkQosToServer" : "pass-through",
"loadBalancingMode" : "round-robin",
"membersReference" : { "isSubcollection" : true,
"items" : [ { "address" : "",
"connectionLimit" : 0,
"dynamicRatio" : 1,
"fullPath" : "/Common/block:0",
"generation" : 1,
"inheritProfile" : "enabled",
"kind" : "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstate",
"logging" : "disabled",
"monitor" : "default",
"name" : "block:0",
"partition" : "Common",
"priorityGroup" : 0,
"rateLimit" : "disabled",
"ratio" : 1,
"selfLink" : "https://../tm/ltm/pool/~Common~my-Pool/members/
"session" : "user-enabled",
"state" : "unchecked"
} ],
"link" : "https://../tm/ltm/pool/~Common~my-Pool/members?ver=11.5.0"
"minActiveMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembersAction" : "failover",
"minUpMembersChecking" : "disabled",
"name" : "my-Pool",
"partition" : "Common",
"queueDepthLimit" : 0,
"queueOnConnectionLimit" : "disabled",
"queueTimeLimit" : 0,
"reselectTries" : 0,
"selfLink" : "https://../tm/ltm/pool/~Common~my-Pool?
"slowRampTime" : 10
Returning resources from an administrative partition
To access an administrative partition, use the $filter query parameter in a GET request to specify a resource in a
Access a partition other than Common, using the $filter query option at the end of the URI.
Encode the URI by creating the following string: ?$filter=partition%20eq%20fw_objs
To use a filter parameter, this example shows a GET request that uses a filter setting to limit the query to a specific
partition. The response from the request appears in the second block.
GET$filter=partition eq fw_objs
| GET Requests | 31
"description":"This pool exists in the fw_objs partition.",
Use iControl REST to obtain statistical output
REST supports the generation of statistical output by using a GET request. The output consists of read-only
statistics, displayed in JSON format. Use of the /stats endpoint produces statistical output equivalent to the tmsh
show command.
To obtain statistical results for a resource, append the endpoint /stats to the URI.
"kind": "tm:ltm:pool:poolstats",
"generation": 9,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/stats?ver=13.0.0",
"entries": {
"https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/~Common~pool1/stats": {
"nestedStats": {
"kind": "tm:ltm:pool:poolstats",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/~Common~pool1/
"entries": {
"activeMemberCnt": {
"value": 0
"availableMemberCnt": {
"value": 1
| GET Requests | 32
...(truncated for readability) ...
"curSessions": {
"value": 0
"memberCnt": {
"value": 1
"minActiveMembers": {
"value": 0
"monitorRule": {
"description": "none"
"tmName": {
"description": "/Common/pool1"
"serverside.bitsIn": {
"value": 0
"serverside.bitsOut": {
"value": 0
"serverside.curConns": {
"value": 0
"serverside.maxConns": {
"value": 0
"serverside.pktsIn": {
"value": 0
"serverside.pktsOut": {
"value": 0
"serverside.totConns": {
"value": 0
"status.availabilityState": {
"description": "unknown"
"status.enabledState": {
"description": "enabled"
"status.statusReason": {
"description": "The children pool member(s) either don't have service
checking enabled, or service check results are not available yet"
"totRequests": {
"value": 0
stats": {
"nestedStats": {
"kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstats",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/
"entries": {
~Common~": {
"nestedStats": {
"kind": "tm:ltm:pool:members:membersstats",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/members/
| GET Requests | 33
"entries": {
"addr": {
"description": ""
"connq.ageEdm": {
"value": 0
"connq.ageEma": {
"value": 0
"connq.ageHead": {
"value": 0
"connq.ageMax": {
"value": 0
"connq.depth": {
"value": 0
"connq.serviced": {
"value": 0
"curSessions": {
"value": 0
"monitorRule": {
"description": "none"
"monitorStatus": {
"description": "unchecked"
"nodeName": {
"description": "/Common/"
"poolName": {
"description": "/Common/pool1"
"port": {
"value": 80
... (truncated for readability) ...
"sessionStatus": {
"description": "enabled"
"status.availabilityState": {
"description": "unknown"
"status.enabledState": {
"description": "enabled"
"status.statusReason": {
"description": "Pool member does not have service checking
"totRequests": {
"value": 0
| POST and PUT requests | 34
Statistics are organized in a response as nested objects. At each level of nesting, the response includes a
nestedStats object that contains the entries for an object. The metadata (kind, selfLink) for each object
makes up part of the block for each nestedStats object.
Note: Prior to version 11.5, a response object did not contain the nestedStats object.
POST and PUT requests
About JSON format for POST and PUT
Unlike a GET request, a POST or PUT request includes a JSON body. When you create or modify a resource, you
use the same JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format as shown in a GET request to define the configuration of an
object. Use POST to create a new configuration object from a JSON body, and use PUT or PATCH to edit an existing
configuration object with a JSON body.
The format of the JSON body consists of objects that follow the model for an object, as shown:
{ "partition":"Common" }
Both the name and value appear in double quotes, and a colon separates the name and the value in the pair. For
objects that contain multiple name pairs, a comma ( , ) separates additional name/value pairs. A JSON value must be
an object, array, number, string, or one of three literal names: false, null, or true. The other structure is a JSON array,
or collection, which is an ordered list of values, as shown:
[ { "components":8, "isSubcomponent":"true" } ]
In JSON format, square brackets enclose the objects in an array. The objects in the array follow the JSON standard
for name/value pairs. Collectively, the name/value pairs are the properties of a BIG-IP
system configuration. For
iControl REST, the name/value pairs can be thought of as property name and property value.
In a REST call, declare the format of the object to post . For iControl REST, specify the format application/
json. In a curl command, for example, specify the HTTP header -H "Content-Type: application/
json" to declare JSON format:
curl -k -u username:password -H "Content-Type: application/json"
-X http-method uri
Within the JSON body, define the name of the configuration object. Then include the property names and values for
the object, using the same names and properties that appear in the response to a GET request for a similar object.
Any properties that you omit revert to the existing values, for a PUT request, or their default values, for a POST
request. If you use a tool like curl, you can specify the JSON body in the command line. Several examples in this
guide demonstrate the inclusion of a JSON body from the command line.
Creating a new resource with iControl
With the iControl
REST API, you can add a new resource to a BIG-IP
system by using the POST method on
an iControl REST collection, and specifying the resource to create as a JSON body. When you create a resource,
iControl REST sets all unspecified properties to their default values.
| POST and PUT requests | 35
To add a new configuration object, specify the name of the resource as a JSON name/value pair and the path to the
collection in the URI.
{ "name":"tcb-pool-0" }
The response to the POST request shows a new configuration object.
{ "allowNat" : "yes",
"allowSnat" : "yes",
"fullPath" : "tcb-pool-0",
"generation" : 5,
"ignorePersistedWeight" : "disabled",
"ipTosToClient" : "pass-through",
"ipTosToServer" : "pass-through",
"kind" : "tm:ltm:pool:poolstate",
"linkQosToClient" : "pass-through",
"linkQosToServer" : "pass-through",
"loadBalancingMode" : "round-robin",
"membersReference" : { "isSubcollection" : true,
"link" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/~Common~tcb-pool-0/
"minActiveMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembers" : 0,
"minUpMembersAction" : "failover",
"minUpMembersChecking" : "disabled",
"name" : "tcb-pool-0",
"queueDepthLimit" : 0,
"queueOnConnectionLimit" : "disabled",
"queueTimeLimit" : 0,
"reselectTries" : 0,
"selfLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/tcb-pool-0?ver=11.6.0",
"serviceDownAction" : "none",
"slowRampTime" : 10
After you create a new pool object by making a POST request, you can use the object.
Modifying a resource with PATCH
Using the PATCH method, you can modify properties of a resource without affecting any other properties.
To modify an object in the BIG-IP
system configuration, specify the resource in the URI. Do not specify a collection
in the URI.
{"member": [{:name":"", "description":"Tertiary web
server"}] }
The response to the PATCH request shows the changes to the resource.
| POST and PUT requests | 36
After completing the PATCH request, you can view the change to the individual resource.
About read only properties
If you specify a read only property with a PUT or POST method, iControl
REST accepts the request and generates
an error response. If you specify other properties in addition to the read only property, a valid PUT or POST request
will not generate an error, despite the inclusion of the read only property, .
For example, the following curl command specifies a read only property in an existing cm device object:
timeZone. The response from iControl
REST indicates a missing property name. In this situation, iControl
ignores the read only property and generates the error message shown in the second block.
curl -k -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: \
application/json" -X PUT -d \
'{"time-zone":"EDT"}' \
"message":"one or more properties must be specified",
Adding or modifying in a specific partition
To add or modify a resource in an administrative partition, add the partition property to the JSON body to modify
configuration objects. Use the query option on the command line, or include a partition property in the JSON
body. Keep in mind that the $filter query parameter applies to GET requests only.
To modify a configuration object with a PUT method, identify the object's partition in the partition property.
| POST and PUT requests | 37
This example uses the POST method to create a resource in a partition other than the Common partition. Specify the
name of the resource, and the partition in which to create it, in the JSON body. The response to the request is shown
in the third block.
{ "name":"tcb-pool2", "partition":"~fw_objs" }
Following the creation of a new configuration object, this example modifies the member collection by using a PUT
request. The URI includes the full path to the resource to modify. Specify the partition property, as well as any
properties you wish to modify. The partition property in the JSON body matches the folder name. The response to the
request is shown in the third block.
{ "name":"tcb-pool2", "partition":"/fw_objs",
"members": [ {"name":"", "description":"Marketing server"} ] }
| Partitions | 38
"description":"This pool exists in the fw_objs partition.",
About relative partitions and folder names
If you use a relative folder path within a partition body, iControl
REST interprets the folder name relative to the
parent partition. Set the parent partition by specifying the $filter=partition eq folder-name query
parameter in the URI, or the partition property in the JSON body, depending on the type of request. The
$filter query parameter applies to GET requests, whereas the partition property in a JSON body applies to
PATCH, POST or PUT requests. For example, if the $filter=partition query option is set to /eu and the
JSON body includes a reference to the france folder, iControl
REST interprets the folder path as /eu/france.
To avoid ambiguity with partition and folder names, use absolute paths for all folders in JSON body, such as /eu/
The $filter query parameter differs from the OData query parameter in that it only supports filtering by partition
names in iControl REST.
Deleting Access Policy Manager resources
Using iControl
REST, you can delete Access Policy Manager
) resources.
To delete an Access Policy Manager (APM) resource, such as a sample-log-setting resource, make a
DELETE request to a resource in the /mgmt/tm/apm/log-setting namespace.
iControl REST does not generate a response for a DELETE request but you can verify the deletion of the resource.
About administrative partitions
Many types of BIG-IP
system objects, such as profiles and pools, reside in administrative partitions. Partitions are
containers with administrative boundaries that you control with access permissions. Through restricted access to
| Partitions | 39
administrative partitions, the security model imposes greater control over the configuration objects,which reduces the
likelihood of inadvertent changes to the system configuration.
The Common partition contains all default profiles, preconfigured monitors, default authentication iRules, the root
and admin user accounts, and route domain 0, which is the default route domain. The Common partition is created
by the BIG-IP
installation process. If there are no other administrative partitions on a system, all objects will be
created in the Common partition. All administrators can access the Common partition. Administrators that have the
Administrator or Resource Administrator role associated with their user account can create partitions.
When you create other partitions, you can associate a user account to that partition and grant permissions to
administer that partition. In most circumstances, you either grant a user access to a single partition or universal access
to all partitions, A user with access to a single partition can only create objects in that partition. If you grant a user
universal access to all partitions, the user must select the partition in which to create an object by specifying the sys/
folder namespace and the folder name in the request URI.
Every partition has a corresponding folder in the sys/folder namespace, including the Common partition, which
has an associated /Common folder. You can specify a namespace in an iControl
REST URI when you create or
delete a partition.
Important: You cannot remove the Common partition, regardless of your level of administrative access.
Creating folders
You can use iControl
REST methods and properties to create a folder for administrative purposes. There are three
different approaches to creating a folder.
Important: You must make a separate request to iControl REST to assign user permissions on a partition.
You can create a root-level folder by specifying the path and folder name as the name of the resource.
To create a root-level folder named fw_objs, make a POST request as shown:
"name": "fw_objs",
"partition": "/"
The resulting object will have the following properties:
"deviceGroup": "none",
"fullPath": "/fw_objs",
"generation": 393,
"hidden": "false",
"inheritedDevicegroup": "true",
"inheritedTrafficGroup": "true",
"kind": "tm:sys:folder:folderstate",
"name": "fw_objs",
"noRefCheck": "false",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/folder/~fw_objs?ver=...",
"subPath": "/",
"trafficGroup": "/Common/traffic-group-1",
"trafficGroupReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/traffic-group/
If you want to create a folder named fw_objs in the /Common folder, you can do so by specifying just the
folder name in the name property.
| Partitions | 40
To create a folder named fw_objs, in the /Common folder, make a POST request as shown:
"name": "fw_objs"
In this step, the path is not specified and the folder is created in the Common partition, which is the default
partition for iControl REST. If you compare the resulting object from the previous step with the resulting object
from this step, you will notice that the current object does not include either the subPath property or the
partition property. When you create a folder in the Common partition, iControl REST does not include the
enclosing partition property in the response.
The resulting object has the following properties:
"deviceGroup": "none",
"fullPath": "fw_objs",
"generation": 403,
"hidden": "false",
"inheritedDevicegroup": "true",
"inheritedTrafficGroup": "true",
"kind": "tm:sys:folder:folderstate",
"name": "fw_objs",
"noRefCheck": "false",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/folder/fw_objs?ver=...",
"trafficGroup": "/Common/traffic-group-1",
"trafficGroupReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/traffic-group/
Create a hierarchy of folders by specifying additional properties of the folder object.
To create the folder /fw_objs/fw_objs, use a POST request and specify the partition, subPath, and
"partition": "/",
"subPath": "fw_objs",
"name": "fw_objs"
You could have specified the partition property in this example as /fw_objs, instead of specifying the partition
and the sub path separately. As a general approach, everything between the top-level slash ('/') and the partition
name constitutes a sub path. Otherwise, a single name constitutes a partition name when preceded by a top-level
slash ('/'), as shown in the first example.
The resulting object has the following properties:
"deviceGroup": "none",
"fullPath": "/fw_objs/fw_objs",
"generation": 410,
"hidden": "false",
"inheritedDevicegroup": "true",
"inheritedTrafficGroup": "true",
"kind": "tm:sys:folder:folderstate",
"name": "fw_objs",
| Transactions | 41
"noRefCheck": "false",
"partition": "fw_objs",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/folder/~fw_objs~fw_objs?
"trafficGroup": "/Common/traffic-group-1",
"trafficGroupReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/cm/traffic-group/
Deleting an administrative partition
An administrative partition, other than Common, can be deleted with a DELETE request. In the URI, specify the
folder name of the partition to delete, and submit the request without a JSON body. Because a folder name includes a
forward slash, the folder name must be specified with a tilde character.
Important: You can only delete a partition if it is empty. Remove all objects in the partition before you attempt to
delete the partition.
To delete a partitionspecify the DELETE method and the folder namespace /mgmt/tm/sys/folder/ in the URI.
Replace each forward slash (/) in the folder name with a tilde character (~).
In this example, the iControl
REST request deletes the /fw_objs partition from the system configuration. The
response includes a response code to indicate success or failure, but the response does not produce a JSON body
unless there is an error in the request.
curl -k -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: \
application/json" -X DELETE \ \
|python -m json.tool
About the iControl REST transaction model
Some administrative actions in the BIG-IP
system require multiple commands, and in some cases, those commands
depend on the successful outcome of other commands. To accommodate complex processes like these, iControl
REST offers transactions, where a transaction is a sequence of individual commands performed as a single unit of
work. Transactions work similarly to relational database systems. When handling a database transaction, a relational
database system commits the changes if all of the SQL commands run successfully. If any of the SQL commands
fail, the relational database system rolls back all of the changes. iControl REST supports a similar feature where a
sequence of individual web service requests acts as a single unit of work.
The iControl REST methods you use to create, delete, modify, or query a resource make up the individual commands
of a transaction. However, instead of processing each command on arrival, a transaction aggregates multiple
commands into a single atomic operation. In this manner, an atomic transaction guarantees the all-or-none semantics
of a transaction. A transaction completes successfully if all of the individual commands in the transaction complete
successfully. Conversely, if any of the commands in a transaction fail, then the entire transaction fails. If the
transaction fails, iControl REST rolls back any commands that completed prior to the operation that failed.
About iControl REST transaction phases
The life cycle of a transaction progresses through three phases:
| Transactions | 42
This phase occurs when the transaction is created using a
POST request.
This phase occurs when commands are added to the
transaction, or changes are made to the sequence of
commands in the transaction.
This phase occurs when iControl REST runs the
iControl REST reserves a namespace for transactions. All commands to create, delete, modify, or query resources
within the framework of a transaction use the iControl REST transaction resource namespace /mgmt/tm/
transaction. This namespace prevents a command from automatically being run by iControl REST when it
receives a request. iControl REST creates a transaction in response to a POST request that includes an empty JSON
body. In response, iControl REST generates an identifier for the transaction. When you create a transaction, the
transaction resource associates three properties with that transaction:
A read-only transId property that identifies a transaction for the life of the transaction.
A writeable state property that indicates the state of the transaction. Values for this property are: STARTED,
UPDATING, VALIDATING, COMPLETED, or FAILED. Other than when you commit a transaction, you never
change the value of the writeable property state.
A read-only timeoutSeconds property that specifies the time period during which to add commands to the
transaction. iControl REST sets the value to 120 seconds.
In the modification phase, iControl REST adds a command to a transaction, if a request includes a valid transaction
identifier. As with a request to create a transaction, a request to add a command is a POST method that specifies the
transaction namespace. Aside from adding commands to a transaction, you can delete a command from a transaction
or change the order of the commands in a transaction. Commands are added to a transaction in the order they are
received. iControl REST assigns a command identifier to every command added to a transaction. Any changes to
an existing transaction, such as a change to the order of the commands, must include a transaction identifier and a
command identifier. Deletion of a command also requires a transaction identifier and a command identifier.
The final phase of a transaction is the commit phase. When you are ready to run a transaction, you make a PATCH
request and specify the state of the transaction to indicate to iControl REST that it should run the transaction. You
must specify the transaction identifier in your request.
Note: In iControl REST version 11.6.0, you can create multiple transactions per user.
About transaction validation
The iControl
REST API provides a property to validate a transaction without actually making any configuration
changes to the BIG-IP
system. By using this property, iControl REST determines the likelihood of a successful
transaction prior to any attempt to commit the transaction. To use this feature, create a transaction as you normally
would and specify the validateOnly property in a JSON body when you commit the transaction with a PATCH
request. iControl REST returns HTTP 200 OK if the transaction request does not generate any errors.
To validate a transaction request, specify "validateOnly": true in the JSON body of a PATCH request.
The value of the property defaults to false. If you specify the property in any other phase than the commit phase,
iControl REST ignores the property.
Additional transaction properties
Two noteworthy properties related to transactions include the executionTimeout and asyncExecution
properties. The executionTimeout property is a read-only property that specifies the amount of time a
transaction may run before the transaction times out. To prevent a transaction from running indefinitely, the
property limits the transaction to 300 seconds. The asyncExecution property is a Boolean property that allows a
transaction to run in the background. If you set "asyncExecution" : true in the submit request, the request
returns a 202 Accepted status to indicate that the transaction was accepted for processing. You must poll for the
status of an asynchronous transaction. If you are unsure how to check the status of a request, see the topic on creating
an iControl
REST transaction.
| Transactions | 43
Creating an iControl REST transaction
Transactions allow you to run a sequence of commands as a single unit of work. Before you can populate a
transaction, you must create a transaction by specifying the transaction endpoint.
To create a transaction, use the POST method with the /tm/transaction namespace. You must include an
empty JSON body with the request.
{ }
If the POST request is successful, the response contains the transaction identifier. You must include the
transaction identifier in a request to indicate that an operation is part of a transaction. Note the three transactions
properties in the response: transId, state, and timeoutSeconds.
To view the existing transactions, specify one of the transaction endpoints in a query request. To retrieve all
transactions in a collection, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/tm/transaction. To
retrieve a specific transaction, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/tm/transaction/
<transId>, where transId is the identifier for the transaction. If you do not add a command to a transaction
within one hundred and twenty (120) seconds, the transaction expires.
Modifying a transaction
After you create a transaction, you can populate the transaction by adding commands. Individual commands comprise
the operations that a transaction performs. Commands are added in the order they are received but you can delete
commands or change the order of the commands in the transaction.
To add a command to a transaction, use the POST method and specify the X-F5-REST-Coordination-Id
HTTP header with the transaction ID value from the example (1389812351). In the example, the request creates
a new pool and adds a single member to the pool.
"members": [ {"name":"","description":"First pool for
transactions"} ]
The response indicates that iControl
REST added the operation to the transaction.
| Transactions | 44
Optional: To query a single transaction, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/tm/
transaction/transId, where transId is the identifier of the transaction.
Optional: To obtain a list of commands in a transaction, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/
tm/transaction/transId/commands, where transId is the identifier of the transaction.
Optional: To obtain the details of a single operation, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/tm/
transaction/transId/commands/commandId, where transId is the identifier of the transaction, and
commandId is the identifier of the operation.
Optional: To remove a command from a transaction, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/
tm/transaction/transId/commands/commandId, where transId is the identifier of the transaction,
and commandId is the identifier of the command. iControl REST renumbers the remaining commands in the
Optional: To change the evaluation order, specify the URI https://<server name>/mgmt/tm/
transaction/transId/commands/commandId, where transId is the identifier for the transaction,
and commandId is the identifier for the command. In the JSON message body, specify a key/value pair
"evalOrder":y, where y represents a new evalOrder value. This action moves the command.
Committing an iControl REST transaction
After you finish adding commands to a transaction, and you are satisfied with the evaluation order of the commands,
you can run the sequence of commands by committing the transaction. Each operation in the transaction must
complete successfully. If an operation fails, the transaction rolls back any changes and returns an error. If you choose
not to run the transaction at this point, you can delete the transaction.
To commit a transaction, use the PATCH method. In the JSON body, specify the state of the transaction as
PATCH https://localhost/mgmt/tm/transaction/1389812351
{ "state":"VALIDATING" }
Optional: To delete a transaction, specify the URI https://localhost/mgmt/tm/transaction/
transId, where transId is the transaction identifier. iControl
REST deletes all operations associated with this
DELETE https://localhost/mgmt/tm/transaction/1389812351
| Transactions | 45
About iControl REST asynchronous tasks
REST requests run in a synchronous manner and complete within a short period of time, usually in a
matter of seconds. A single iControl REST request may run for a longer period of time, and do so without providing
any indication of the eventual success or failure of the request. In some situations, a request may time out prior to
completion of the request.
iControl REST addresses the problems associated with a long-running request by allowing asynchronous tasks for
some endpoints. A long-running request is a request that routinely takes more than 60 seconds to complete. If the
endpoint you are targeting exists in the table of endpoints, you should consider making your request an asynchronous
task. A POST request to an asynchronous task URI notifies iControl REST to create a task and then respond to
additional requests for task state. As part of the initial response to the POST request, iControl REST returns a JSON
body that includes a self link that you use to poll the task. To monitor an asynchronous task, you create a task and
then poll the task by identifier to determine the state of the task. All asynchronous tasks are in one of the following
states: UPDATING, VALIDATING, COMPLETED, or FAILED. iControl REST sets the initial state of a task to
UPDATING and then returns an HTTP 200 status code to indicate the creation of the task.
When the asynchronous task completes, iControl REST changes the state of the task to COMPLETED. The response to
a polling request for a completed task includes a JSON body with a self link to the task results. After you review the
results, you should delete the results and then delete the task, in that order.
Asynchronous task endpoints
This table lists common iControl
REST API endpoints along with corresponding asynchronous task endpoints,
organized by function.
Description URI (synchronous) URI (asynchronous)
Save/Load config POST tm/sys/config POST tm/task/sys/config
Save/Load UCS POST tm/sys/ucs POST tm/task/sys/ucs
Load IP geolocation data POST tm/sys/geoip POST tm/task/sys/geoip
Load classification signatures POST tm/sys/classification-signature POST tm/task/sys/classification-
Failover POST tm/sys/failover POST tm/task/sys/failover
Load DNS-Express
DB POST tm/ltm/dns-express-db POST tm/task/ltm/dns-express-db
Load URL DB feed list POST tm/ltm/classification/urldb-
POST tm/task/ltm/classification/
Load classification signatures POST tm/ltm/classification/
POST tm/task/ltm/classification/
Update signatures POST tm/ltm/classification/update-
POST tm/task/ltm/classification/
Install EPSEC package POST tm/apm/epsec/epsec-package POST tm/task/apm/epsec/epsec-
Create vCMP
guest POST tm/vcmp/guest POST tm/task/vcmp/guest
Run CLI scripts POST tm/cli/script POST tm/task/cli/script
Verify WOM configuration POST tm/wom/verify-config POST tm/task/wom/verify-config
Diagnose WOM connections POST tm/wom/diagnose-conn POST tm/task/wom/diagnose-conn
Load/Save/Publish WAM policy POST tm/wam/policy POST tm/task/wam/policy
| Transactions | 46
Description URI (synchronous) URI (asynchronous)
Load firewall FQDN entity POST tm/security/firewall/fqdn-
POST tm/task/security/firewall/fqdn-
Load IP intelligence feed list POST tm/security/ip-intelligence/
POST tm/task/security/ip-
Load/update anti-fraud signatures POST tm/security/anti-fraud/
POST tm/task/security/anti-fraud/
Load/update anti-fraud engine update POST tm/security/anti-fraud/engine-
POST tm/task/security/anti-fraud/
Load PEM subscribers POST tm/pem/subscribers POST tm/task/pem/subscribers
Start/Stop/Restart ILX plug-in POST tm/ilx/plugin POST tm/task/ilx/plugin
Run config sync POST tm/cm/config-sync POST tm/task/cm/config-sync
Add device to trust domain POST tm/cm/add-to-trust POST tm/task/cm/add-to-trust
Remove device from trust domain POST tm/cm/remove-from-trust POST tm/task/cm/remove-from-trust
Using an asynchronous task
An asynchronous task provides an alternative to a long-running synchronous task.
To create an asynchronous task, locate the endpoint for the task in the asynchronous task endpoints table. For this
example, identify the corresponding endpoint for /tm/sys/ucs ( /tm/task/sys/ucs) and supply a JSON
"command": "save",
"name": "myUcs"
In the response from the request, locate the reference endpoint (selfLink) to query for the task state. You will
use the endpoint in the subsequent steps.
To start the task, modify the state of the task in a PUT request and specify the selfLink as the endpoint.
Specify VALIDATING as the value of the _taskState property. You may safely omit the version parameter in
the URI.
Note that if you do not modify the state of the task, the task will not run and eventually will be deleted.
| Commands | 47
"_taskState": "VALIDATING"
If the request was successful, you should see a response similar to the following:
"_code": 202,
"errorStack": [],
"message": "Task will execute asynchronously."
Verify the state of the asynchronous task.
To monitor the progress of the task, you can periodically make a GET request to the reference endpoint to check
the state of the task.
The response at some point should indicate that the task has completed.
When the task completes, make a GET request to the result endpoint.
In this example, you submitted and started an asynchronous task, and viewed the results of the task.
After you view the results of the task, delete the results and then delete the initial task by URI.
About other tmsh global commands
Not all Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) Reference commands map directly to HTTP methods. For a list or
show request of a resource, a GET request maps well to the requested operation, but the reference includes global
commands that do not directly correspond to an HTTP method. iControl
REST implements the following set of
tmsh commands:
| Commands | 48
iControl REST supports these tmsh commands by mapping a command, as well as options, to JSON format.
The iControl REST format for tmsh commands follows this general approach:
Use the POST method.
Specify a namespace for the tmsh command in the URI.
Specify the command and options as the values of the properties in the JSON body.
To run the command, use the POST method and specify an absolute URI, such as
mgmt/tm/sys/application/template, along with the JSON body for the command. In each example, a
relative URI is used in the request body.
Using the cp command
Utility commands do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method and specify
an absolute URI, such as, along with
a JSON body that specifies the name of the utility command.
To copy using the cp command, make an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specify the properties
in a JSON body.
To copy a file using the cp command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command, file name, and
target file name.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/application/template
Using the generate command
Global commands like generate do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON
body that specifies the name of the command.
To generate signed scripts using the generate command, make an iControl
REST request with the POST method
and specify the properties in a JSON body.
To generate a signed script using the generate command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the
command, script name, options, and a signing key. The signing key property name uses a hyphenated name instead of
the came case naming convention of iControl
POST /mgmt/tm/ltm/rule
| Commands | 49
Using the install command
Global commands like install do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method. So you must use the POST
method and specify an absolute URI, such as,
along with a JSON body that specifies the name of the command. This topic shows two examples of the install
To install and update components using the install command, make an iControl
REST request with the POST
method and a JSON body.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/software/image
To perform the same task and take advantage of the options for the install command, follow the previous steps and
specify the create-volume and reboot options in the JSON body. The create volume property name uses a
hyphenated name instead of the camel-casing convention of iControl REST.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/software/image
Using iControl REST to create a key
Instead of using the tmsh key command to create a private key, you can make an iControl
REST request to the
key endpoint.
To create a key, make an iControl REST request using the POST method and specify the name of the key in a JSON
"name": "key-no-part.key"
| Commands | 50
Note: You must specify the extension (key) in the name of the key to create. If you omit the extension, iControl
REST generates an error response despite successfully creating the key.
"kind": "tm:sys:crypto:key:keycollectionstate",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/key?ver\u003d13.1.0",
"items": [
"kind": "tm:sys:crypto:key:keystate",
"name": "/Common/key-no-part.key",
"fullPath": "/Common/key-no-part.key",
"generation": 44690,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/sys/crypto/key/~Common~key-no-
"keySize": "2048",
"keyType": "rsa-private",
"securityType": "normal"
Using the load command
Global commands like load do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON
body that specifies the name of the command.
system configuration using the load command by making an iControl
REST request with the POST
method and a JSON body.
To replace the running configuration using the load command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/config
"name": "default"
Using the mv command
Global commands like mv do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method and
specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON body
that specifies the name of the command.
To copy using the mv command, make an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specify the properties
in a JSON body.
To move or rename an object using the mv command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the
command, name, and target:
| Commands | 51
POST /mgmt/tm/cm/device
Using the publish command
Global commands, such as publish, do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST
method and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with
a JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Publish changes in a policy by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the
properties in a JSON body.
In the JSON body, specify the command, name of the policy, and the application service. The application service
property name uses a hyphenated name instead of the camel case naming convention of iControl REST.
POST /mgmt/tm/asm/policy
Using the reboot command
Global commands like reboot do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON body that
specifies the name of the command.
Reboot a system, or boot a system into a different volume by making an iControl
REST request with the POST
method and specifying the properties in a JSON body.
To reboot a system using the reboot command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys
Using the restart command
Global commands like restart do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a
JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Restart a service by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the properties in a
JSON body.
| Commands | 52
To restart a service using the restart command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command and
the name of the service to restart.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/service
Using the reset-stats command
Global commands like reset-stats do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST
method and specify an absolute URI, such as, along
with a JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Reset statistics for a component by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the
properties in a JSON body.
To reset statistics for a component using the reset-stats command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify
the command and the name of the component.
POST /mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual
Using the run command
Global commands like run do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method and
specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON body
that specifies the name of the command.
Run a program by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the properties in a JSON
body. .
To run a command using the run command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command and the
options for the command.
POST /mgmt/tm/util/ping
"utilCmdArgs":" -c 1 -i 10"
Using the save command
Global commands like save do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as, along with a JSON
body that specifies the name of the command.
| Commands | 53
Save the running configuration of a BIG-IP
system by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method
and specifying the properties in a JSON body.
To save the running configuration using the save command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/config
To use the options available for the save command, specify the command and the options in a JSON body.
Using the send-mail command
Global commands like send-mail do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST
method and specify an absolute URI, such as
application-security/report, along with a JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Send an e-mail to recipients by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the
properties in a JSON body.
To send e-mail using the send-mail command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command.
Specify the options, as well as the recipients, in the JSON body. Several of the property names use a hyphenated
name instead of the camel case naming convention of iControl
POST /mgmt/tm/analytics/application-security/report
| Application Security Manager | 54
Using the start command
Global commands like start do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as
perpetual, along with a JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Start a service by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the properties in a JSON
To start a service using the start command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command and the
name of the service.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/icall/handler/perpetual
Using the stop command
Global commands like stop do not have a direct mapping to an HTTP method, so you must use the POST method
and specify an absolute URI, such as
perpetual, along with a JSON body that specifies the name of the command.
Stop a service by making an iControl
REST request with the POST method and specifying the properties in a JSON
To stop a service using the stop command, make a POST request. In the JSON body, specify the command and the
name of the service.
POST /mgmt/tm/sys/icall/handler/perpetual
Application Security Manager
Application Security Manager and iControl REST comparison
If you use Application Security Manager
), you should understand how ASM differs from iControl REST.
Application Security Manager
) shares much in common with iControl
REST. As with any organizing
collection in iControl REST, ASM supports discovery of the API, common methods, as well as a set of query
parameters. However, ASM offers some features that distinguish it from iControl REST, as outlined in the following
ASM resource URIs include an MD5 hash that identifies the resource.
ASM implements a larger set of Open Data Protocol (OData) query parameters, functions, and operators.
ASM does not implement custom query parameters, like expandSubcollections.
ASM does not support the /stats endpoint.
| Application Security Manager | 55
ASM supports tasks, not transactions.
The following table lists the HTTP methods that ASM supports.
Method Description
GET For both collections and other resources, ASM supports
the GET method to retrieve or search. The $filter
query parameter support in ASM includes more options
than iControl REST.
POST For both collections and other resources, ASM supports
the POST method to create an entity. A POST request
must include a JSON body, although the JSON body
may be empty.
DELETE For most collections, ASM supports the DELETE
method. ASM supports the deletion of subsets of
collections that match a $filter query. For other
resources, ASM supports the DELETE method. With the
inclusion of a query parameter, ASM also supports the
option to delete multiple entities.
PUT For collections or elements, ASM does not support the
PUT method.
PATCH For collections, ASM supports the PATCH method.
In ASM, PATCH can update multiple entities if you
specify a query option in the URI. For other resources,
ASM supports the PATCH method. The PATCH method
updates specified properties; PATCH does not reset or
overwrite properties that are not specified in the request.
ASM implements OData Version 4 and provides some support for OData Version 3 string functions. ASM supports
the query options and functions, with restrictions, listed in the following table.
Parameter Description
$filter Specifies a filter for a retrieve, update, or delete
operation. In ASM, $filter supports the contains,
endswith, startswith, and substringofstring
functions. No math functions are supported.
$select Specifies a subset of the properties to appear in the result
$skip Specifies the number of rows to skip in the result set.
The result set is chosen from the remaining rows.
$top Specifies the first n rows of the result set.
$expand Specifies the inclusion of related entities in the result set.
$orderby Specifies the order in which to display items.
The $orderby parameter cannot be applied to
a subfield inside of an expanded field, such as
$orderby=requestPolicy/name on /tm/asm/
As with iControl REST, ASM also supports comparison and logical operators as described by the OData protocol.
The following table lists the ASM operators.
| Application Security Manager | 56
Operator Description
eq Equal to operator.
ne Not equal to operator.
lt Less than operator.
le Less than or equal to operator.
gt Greater than operator.
ge Greater than or equal to operator.
and True if both operands are true operator. Supports
grouping of fields within an element for $filter, such
as signatureOverrides/id eq 'IDx' AND
signatureOverrides/isAllowed eq TRUE.
or True if either operand is true. In ASM, $filter
supports the or operator for conditions that apply to one
field, such as (A eq 1 OR A eq 2).
not Negation of operand operator.
ASM supports the aggregate OData functions SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN.
The following table lists the ASM namespaces.
Namespace Description
/tm/asm/attack-types Collection, read-only.
/tm/asm/signatures Collection that does not support update many or delete
many requests.
/tm/asm/signature-statuses Collection, read-only.
/tm/asm/signature-sets Collection that does not support update many or delete
many requests.
/tm/asm/signatures-update Element
/tm/asm/signature-systems Collection, read-only.
/tm/asm/policy-templates Collection, read-only.
/tm/asm/policies Collection that does not support update many or delete
many requests. Collections within this namespace:
| Application Security Manager | 57
Namespace Description
Retrieving Application Security Manager resources
Consistent with iControl
REST behavior, Application Security Manager
) supports querying of endpoints
within the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm. As with any other organizing collection in iControl
REST, you can make a
GET request to discover the resources of ASM.
Make a request to the endpoint /mgmt/tm/asm to query for ASM resources.
To discover the resources of ASM, make a GET request to the root namespace, (/mgmt/tm/asm), as shown in
this example.
| Application Security Manager | 58
To expand one of the links in the response, make another GET request, specifically for a resource.
This example expands one of the links in the response from the previous request. Note that each URI contains a
hash string as a resource identifier.
| Application Security Manager | 59
"versionLastChange":"Policy Attributes [update]: Policy Builder
determined that security policy \"/Common/my-VS\" is unstable.",
| Application Security Manager | 60
To search for properties of a resource, make a GET request and append a query string to the URI, as shown in this
GET$filter=name eq my-VS
Creating Application Security Manager resources
Consistent with iControl
REST behavior, Application Security Manager
) supports creation of resources
within the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm. As with any other organizing collection in iControl
REST, you can make a
POST request to create a resource in ASM.
To create a new resource, make a POST request using the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm.
"name": "/login.php",
"protocol": "http",
"description": "A Login Page"
"id": "<MD5HASH>",
"name": "/login.php",
"kind": "tm:asm:policies:urls:urlState",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/urls/
"protocol": "http",
"type": "explicit",
"staging": true,
"description": "A Login Page",
| Application Security Manager | 61
"modifiedDatetime": "1990-12-31T23:59:60Z",
"allowed": true,
"checkFlow": false,
"navigationParameters": false,
"checkMetachars": true,
"clickjackingProtection": false,
"contentProfiles: [
"headerName": "*",
"headerValue": "*",
"headerOrder": "default",
"type": "http",
"inClassification": false
"parameterReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/urls/
Updating Application Security Manager resources
Consistent with iControl
REST behavior, Application Security Manager
) supports updating of resources
within the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm. As with any other resources in iControl
REST, you can update an ASM
collection or other resource with a PATCH request.
To update a resource, make a PATCH request to a resource in the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm and include a
JSON body.
"clickjackingProtection": true,
To update multiple ASM entities with a single request, make a PATCH request and specify a query parameter in
the URI.
$filter=type eq explicit
{ "staging": false }
Deleting resources in Application Security Manager
Consistent with iControl
REST behavior, the namespace for Application Security Manager
) includes
endpoints within the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/. As with any other resources in
iControl REST, you can make a DELETE request to delete a resource in ASM.
To delete a resource, make a DELETE request and specify a resource in the namespace /mgmt/tm/asm/
"name":"TCB policy",
| Application Security Manager | 62
"message":"Exported policy file not found!."
To delete multiple entities, make a DELETE request and specify a query parameter in the URI.
$filter=staging eq true
Application Security Manager policy
If you use Application Security Manager
) to import, export, or activate policy, you should understand how
ASM differs from iControl REST.
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) features of importing, exporting, and activating
policies. The individual task topics state all required properties for a request.
Property Description
filename Specifies the name of a local system file that contains the
policy to import.
file Specifies inline content in XML format to import. For
import requests, the inline content is input. For export
requests, the response contains the content inline.
isBase64 Indicates whether the inline content is Base64 encoded.
Applies to both input and output content.
minimal Indicates whether to export only custom settings.
name Specifies the short name of a policy. Only applies to new
fullPath Specifies the fully qualified path and name of a policy.
policyReference Specifies the link to a policy to activate, replace or
create, or export.
policyTemplateReference Specifies the template for a policy.
Importing a policy in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to import a policy from another ASM
system. You can use the imported policy as a base policy on another system.
Optional: To upload a file from which to import the policy, use the POST method and specify the /tm/asm/
file-transfer/uploads endpoint. You must specify the file name in the request.
To import a policy, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy namespace.
In the JSON body, specify a property that identifies the source of the import data.
You must supply one property from the list:
| Application Security Manager | 63
"filename": "mypolicy.xml",
"name": "NewPolicy"
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"name": "NewPolicy",
"filename": "mypolicy.xml"
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:importpolicytaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
Make a GET request and specify the id property in the URI to determine the success of the policy import
The response shows the result and status properties that indicate the success of the request.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:importpolicytaskstate",
"name": "NewPolicy",
"filename": "mypolicy.xml"
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
Exporting a policy in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task for exporting a policy to another server.
You can use the exported policy as a base policy on another system.
To export a policy, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy endpoint. You
must specify either the filename property or the inline property in the request.
| Application Security Manager | 64
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"minimal": true,
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
The response to the request contains the following data:
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"minimal": true,
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:export-policy:exportpolicytaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
Optional: To determine the status of the policy export operation, use the GET method and specify the id of the
The response to the request contains the following data:
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"minimal": true,
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:export-policy:exportpolicytaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"fileSize": 32045
Optional: To download the file, use the GET method and specify the /tm/asm/file-transfer/
downloads endpoint, along with the name of the exported file. You must specify the name of the file in the
| Application Security Manager | 65
Applying a policy in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to manually apply a policy that protects a
web site.
To apply a policy, make a POST request with the /tm/asm/tasks/apply-policy namespace.
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
The response to the request contains the following data:
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:apply-policy:applypolicytaskstate",
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459678272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/apply-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
To determine the status of the apply policy operation, make a GET request to the same namespace.
The response to the request contains the following data:.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:apply-policy:applypolicytaskstate",
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459678272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/apply-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00"
Finding policy differences in Application Security Manager
You can determine the differences between two policies for the purpose of resolving and merging the differences.
This aspect of the difference functionality is available only in the iControl
| Application Security Manager | 66
To find the differences between policies, choose two policies to compare and denote the policies in a JSON
body, as shown. You can compare any two policies that have these characteristics in common: encoding, case
sensitivity, and protocol independence.
"firstPolicyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/
"secondPolicyReference": {"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/
Make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/policy-diff endpoint and include the JSON body
you created.
The task returns an endpoint to a collection of differences between the policies, such as an entity that appears in
one policy but not in the other.
"firstPolicyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/
"secondPolicyReference": {"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/
"differenceReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policy-
"lastUpdateMicros": 0,
"id": ""
You have created a collection of differences between two policies that you can use to merge and resolve the
Merging policy differences in Application Security Manager
You can merge the differences between two policies by using the output of the policy differences task. Once you have
a collection of differences, you can specify how to merge the differences into the policies.
To merge the differences between policy files, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/policy-
merge endpoint.
"policyDiffReference": {"link": "/mgmt/tm/asm/policy-diffs/example"},
"addMissingEntitiesToFirst": true,
"addMissingEntitiesToSecond": true,
"handleCommonEntities": "ignore",
"handleMissingEntitiesEnum": ["ignore", "accept-from-first", "accept-from-
"itemFilter": ""
The itemFilter property lets you select a subset of differences to merge. You can think of this as the equivalent of
the $filter query parameter applied to the collection of differences.
Application Security Manager components
REST supports managing Application Security Manager
) component update files.
| Application Security Manager | 67
Component Component update file type
ASM Attack Signatures asm-attack-signatures
Behavioral WAF behavioral-waf
Bot Signatures bot-signatures
Browser Challenges browser-challenges
Credential Stuffing credential-stuffing
Server Technologies server-technologies
Threat Campaigns threat-campaigns
Checking for component update file
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to check and retrieve BIG-IP ASM update
file when a file for the specified component type is available.
To check and retrieve an update file, make a GET request to /mgmt/tm/live-update/<component update
file type>/availability .
The following is an example to check and retrieve a component update file for Bot Signatures:
curl -k -u admin:admin -X GET
Determining the availability of component update file
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to retrieve a list of downloaded
component update files for the specific ASM component update types.
To retrieve a list of downloaded update file, make a GET request to /mgmt/tm/live-update/<component
update file type>/installations .
The following is an example to retrieve a list of component files for Browser Challenges:
curl -k -u admin:admin -X GET
The following is an example output:
| Application Security Manager | 68
Installing a component update file
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to install a new component update file.
Installing a component update file applies the component update to the active configuration. The component update is
applied to request that matches the BIG-IP component of the related component update.
To install a update file, make a PATCH request to /mgmt/tm/live-update/<component update file
type>/installations/<file id>" -d '{"status": "install"}' .
Replace the <file id> with the value of id from Determining the availability of component update file procedure.
The following is an example to install a new update file for Browser Challenges:
curl -k -u admin:admin -H "Content-type: application/json" -X PATCH
ff8080817145a0b7017145a1800b0003" -d '{"status": "install"}'
Note: You can also set a component update file to stage by changing the syntax from {"status" :
"install"} to {"status": "stage"}.
You can view the installation status by re-executing the REST component update file installation command. The
following are expected status messages:
Deleting a component update file
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to delete a downloaded component update
files on the BIG-IP ASM system.
Note: The component update file is deleted only if the installations have status of ERROR, STAGED, or NEW.
To retrieve a list of downloaded update files, make a GET request to /mgmt/tm/live-update/
<component update file type>/update-files .
The following is an example to retrieve a list of downloaded update files for Attack Signatures:
curl -k -u admin:admin -X GET
| Application Security Manager | 69
The following is an example output:
Use the id value of the file you want to delete and make a DELETE request to /mgmt/tm/live-update/
asm-attack-signatures/update-files/<file id>.
Application Security Manager signatures
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage signatures, you should understand how ASM differs
from iControl REST.
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) features to update or export user defined attack
Property Description
file Specifies inline imported or exported content in XML
| Application Security Manager | 70
Property Description
inline Indicates whether the exported signatures are contained
inline in the response.
isBase64 Indicates whether the inline content is Base64 encoded,
either input or output. If inline is set to TRUE, the
exported signatures are Base64 encoded.
filename Specifies the name of a local signature file.
isUserDefined Indicates whether a signature is considered to be a user-
defined signature.
Updating user defined attack signatures in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to update signatures.
Optional: To upload a file from which to update the signatures, use the POST method and specify the /tm/asm/
file-transfer/uploads endpoint. You must specify the name of the file in the request.
Optional: To update the signatures from the file, make a POST request to the mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/
update-signatures with uploaded file name.
"filename": "<uploaded file name>",
"isUserDefined": true
To update signatures, make a POST request to the /tm/asm/tasks/update-signatures namespace and
include an empty JSON body ({ }).
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:update-signatures:update-signaturestaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/update-signatures/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
To determine the status of the update signatures operation, make a GET request.
The response contains the results of the task.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:update-signatures:update-signaturestaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
| Application Security Manager | 71
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/update-signatures/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"signatureStatusReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/signature_statuses/
Exporting signatures in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to export signatures for use on another
ASM system.
To export signatures, make a POST request to the /tm/asm/tasks/export-signatures namespace, and
specify the name of the output file in the JSON body.
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:export-signatures:exportsignaturestaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-signatures/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
Optional: To determine the status of the export signatures operation, make a GET request.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:export-signatures:exportsignaturestaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-signatures/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"filename": "exported_file.xml",
| Application Security Manager | 72
Optional: To download the file, use the GET method and specify the /tm/asm/file-transfer/
downloads endpoint, along with the name of the exported file. You must specify the name of the file in the
Retrieving signature status information in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) feature to retrieve signature status information
for a signature. Signature status includes information regarding additions and deletions to a signature file.
To retrieve signature status information, make a GET request to the /tm/asm/signature-statuses
The items property shows the signature status.
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/signature-statuses",
"kind": "tm:asm:signature-statuses:signature-statuscollectionstate",
"items": [
"sigsAdded": 0,
"isUserDefined": false,
"readme": "Attack Signature Database packaged with version
11.5.0\n\n\ .... ",
"sigsUpdatedMinor": 0,
"sigsDeleted": 0,
"modifiedSignatures": [],
"loadTime": "2013-10-10T06:43:30Z",
"sigsTotal": 0,
"sigsUpdated": 0,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/signature-statuses/
"kind": "tm:asm:signature-statuses:signature-statusstate",
"timestamp": "2013-10-08T09:06:15Z",
"sigsUpdatedMajor": 0,
"id": "cHzbviRdfEv6l_RRieAdqw"
Retrieving signature systems in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) feature to retrieve a signature system. You must
supply the MD5 hash of a signature system to retrieve.
To retrieve signature system information, make a GET request with the /tm/asm/signature-systems
The response displays the signature system information, as a link to the resource.
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/signature-systems/
"kind": "tm:asm:signature-systems:signature-systemstate",
| Application Security Manager | 73
"name": "General Database",
"id": "EStDgGiP9nSPgKBhSlDyvQ"
Application Security Manager schema upload
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage schemas, you should understand how iControl
supports schema upload tasks.
REST provides an endpoint for XML schema file uploads. Application Security Manager
validates incoming data by using schema files that you upload and then associate to a policy.
Property Description
fileName Specifies the name of the XML schema file.
contents Specifies the file contents as XML.
Uploading schema files in Application Security Manager
Associating an XML schema file to a profile necessitates the ability to upload XML schema files. After you upload
the schema file, you can run a separate task to associate the validation file to the profile.
To upload the XML schema file, use the POST method and specify a policy within the /tm/asm/policies
"fileName": "softwareupdate.wsdl",
"contents": "<validation></validation>"
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"kind": "tm:asm:policies:xml-validation-files:xml-validation-
"fileName": "softwareupdate.wsdl",
"contents": "<begin></begin>",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1393332020000000,
"id": "d7loGosItLc_ODXuPz83Uw",
"isReferenced": false
Application Security Manager policy restore
If you use Application Security Manager
) to restore policy, you should understand how iControl
implements ASM.
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) feature to restore policy based on policy
history. When you restore a policy revision, you must include the policyHistoryRevision property in the
body of a request, and specify the policy revision from which to restore. If you provide a policyReference
property or name property in the body of the request, the task overwrites the policy. Otherwise, the task creates a new
Property Description
policyHistoryRevision Specifies the link of the history revision to restore.
| Application Security Manager | 74
Restoring policy revisions in Application Security Manager
The policyHistoryReference property in Application Security Manager
) enables a task to restore a
policy revision. The task overwrites the policy if the JSON body contains a policyReference or name property.
Otherwise, the task creates a new policy.
To restore a policy revision, use the POST method with the /tm/asm/task/import-policy namespace.
"policyHistoryReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:importpolicytaskstate",
"policyHistoryReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
To check the status of the request, make a GET request with the /tm/asm/task/import-policy
namespace and append the id property from the previous response.
The response displays the status property for the request.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-policy:importpolicytaskstate",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"policyHistoryReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"status": "COMPLETED",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-policy/
| Application Security Manager | 75
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
Application Security Manager vulnerability import
If you use Application Security Manager
) to import vulnerability data, you should understand how iControl
REST implements ASM.
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) feature to import vulnerabilities from a file, or
to download vulnerabilities from a scanner. You must include the policyReference property in the JSON body.
Property Description
policyReference Describes the path to the current policy, as a link.
file Specifies the file contents, in XML format.
filename Specifies the name of the file to read.
isBase64 Indicates whether the file consists of Base64-encoded
scanId Specifies a scan ID. Required for Cenzic Hailstorm if
you do not specify a file property.
subscriptionId Specifies a subscription ID. Required for Cenzic
Hailstorm if you do not specify a file property.
onlyGetDomainNames Indicates whether the task parses the input file and then
generates a count of all vulnerabilities without importing
the vulnerabilities.
importAllDomainNames Indicates whether the task parses the input file and
imports all vulnerabilities.
domainNames Specifies the domain names for which the task parses the
input file and imports all vulnerabilities.
Importing vulnerabilities in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) feature to import vulnerability data from
sources, such as files or scanners.
To import vulnerabilities, use the POST method with the /tm/asm/tasks/import-vulnerabilities
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
"importAllDomainNames": false,
"domainNames": [
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"scanId": "3883"
| Application Security Manager | 76
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
"isBase64": false,
"importAllDomainNames": false,
"status": "NEW",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"domainNames": [
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"scanId": "3883",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-vulnerabilities:import-vulnerabilities-
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {}
To retrieve the status of the import vulnerability task, use the GET method.
The response to the request contains the following data:
"isBase64": false,
"importAllDomainNames": false,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"domainNames": [
"onlyGetDomainNames": false,
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"scanId": "3883",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:import-vulnerabilities:import-vulnerabilities-
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {
"vulnerableHosts": [
"vulnerabilityCount": "4",
"domainName": ""
"vulnerabilityCount": "41",
"domainName": "crackme.cenzic.com"
| Application Security Manager | 77
Querying vulnerability assessment subscriptions in Application Security Manager
Application Security Manager
) supports subscriptions to third-party scanners. You can query ASM for
active vulnerability assessment subscriptions.
Note: ASM only supports subscriptions to Cenzic Hailstorm.
To determine the active vulnerability assessment subscriptions, use the POST method with the /tm/
asm/tasks/get-vulnerability-assessment-subscriptions namespace and specify the
policyReference property in the JSON body.
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" }
The response shows the request status property that indicates a new request and the id property that identifies
the request for other operations.
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:get-vulnerability-assessment-subscriptions:get-
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/get-vulnerability-
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"status": "New",
"id": "pCOSkFyRGWeAf6Kwcpj38w",
"startTime": "2014-03-24T09:35:57Z",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395653765000000,
"result": { }
To obtain the output of this request, use the GET method with the /tm/asm/tasks/get-vulnerability-
assessment-subscriptions namespace and append the id property to the URI.
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:get-vulnerability-assessment-subscriptions:get-
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/get-vulnerability-
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"status": "COMPLETED",
"id": "pCOSkFyRGWeAf6Kwcpj38w",
"startTime": "2014-03-24T09:35:57Z",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395653765000000,
"result": {
"subscriptions": [
| Application Security Manager | 78
"scans": [
"scanId": "3870",
"completeDateTime": "2013-04-03T08:33:27Z",
"status": "Complete"
"scanId": "3883",
"completeDateTime": "2013-04-09T08:55:50Z",
"status": "Complete"
"url": "http://crackme.cenzic.com/Kelev/register/
"productId": "F5 Trial Scan",
"subscriptionId": "4132"
Initiating vulnerability assessment in Application Security Manager
Vulnerability assessments provide access to third-party scanners, such as Cenzic Hailstorm. The asm/tasks
namespace includes an endpoint to initiate a scan.
To initiate a vulnerability assessment, make a POST request with the /tm/asm/tasks/initiate-
vulnerability-assessment namespace. Include the policyReference and subscriptionId
properties in the JSON body.
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
"subscriptionId": "4132"
The response shows the status and id properties of the request.
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
"status": "NEW",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/initiate-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:initiate-vulnerability-assessment:initiate-
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {}
| Application Security Manager | 79
To retrieve the status of the initiate vulnerability assessment operation, use the GET method with the /tm/asm/
tasks/initiate-vulnerability-assessment namespace and append the id property to the URI.
The response shows the request status and scanId properties.
"status": "COMPLETED",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/initiate-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:initiate-vulnerability-assessment:initiate-
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {
"scanId": 4920
Terminating vulnerability assessment in Application Security Manager
Vulnerability assessments provide access to third-party scanners, such as Cenzic Hailstorm. The asm/tasks
namespace includes an endpoint to terminate a scan.
To terminate a vulnerability assessment, make a POST request with the /tm/asm/tasks/terminate-
vulnerability-assessment namespace. Include a JSON body with the policyReference property.
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
The response to the request includes the id that identifies the request for a query.
"policyReference": { "link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
xpqbO1mYOtgfv13j1khKeA" },
"status": "NEW",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/terminate-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:terminate-vulnerability-assessment:terminate-
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {}
| Application Security Manager | 80
To retrieve the status of the terminate vulnerability assessment operation, use the GET method with the /tm/
asm/tasks/terminate-vulnerability-assessment namespace and append the id property to the
The response show the status of request.
"status": "COMPLETED",
"lastUpdateMicros": 1395567859000000,
"subscriptionId": "4132",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/terminate-
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:terminate-vulnerability-assessment:terminate-
"policyReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"id": "8PacFCQc0Umx45mheqdyew",
"startTime": "2014-03-23T09:44:15Z",
"result": {
Application Security Manager vulnerability resolution
If you use Application Security Manager
) for vulnerability resolution, you should understand how iControl
REST implements ASM.
Application Security Manager
) supports options to resolve vulnerabilities, such as staging the suggested
changes for a vulnerability.
Property Description
getPreResolveMessages Indicates that the task only displays the proposed
changes for each vulnerability but does not implement
the change.
stageVulnerabilities Indicates that the changes made to a policy should be
vulnerabilities Specifies the reference to a vulnerability, as a collection
of references.
Resolving vulnerabilities in Application Security Manager
When you resolve vulnerabilities, Application Security Manager
) configures the security policy to protect
a web application against a vulnerability. If you choose, you can stage a vulnerability to allow more time to test the
security policy. Otherwise, ASM applies the changes to the security policy immediately.
To resolve the vulnerabilities, use the POST method with the /tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
vulnerabilities namespace, and specify the vulnerabilities property.
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/vagoQLF6uOoBKvS8h3C19w/
| Application Security Manager | 81
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/vagoQLF6uOoBKvS8h3C19w/
The response includes the request status and id properties.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:resolve-
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
To determine the status of this operation, use the GET method with the /tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
vulnerabilities namespace and append the id property to the URI.
The response displays the result property.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:resolve-
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
"message": "The system does not automatically mitigate
the detection of an SQL injection vulnerability created as a result of a
scanner payload that includes distractive meta characters.\nIn order to
mitigate this vulnerability, manually add the disallowed meta characters
to the vulnerable parameter.\nNote: Characters such as '\"< when injected
may change the SQL query."
Identifying vulnerabilities in Application Security Manager
REST supports the Application Security Manager
) task to resolve a vulnerability and obtain the
messages that identify a vulnerability, without making changes to the security policy.
| Application Security Manager | 82
To retrieve the pre-resolve messages, use the POST method with the /tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
vulnerabilities namespace, and specify the vulnerabilities and getPreResolveMessages
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/vagoQLF6uOoBKvS8h3C19w/
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/vagoQLF6uOoBKvS8h3C19w/
"getPreResolveMessages": true
The response shows the request status and id properties.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"getPreResolveMessages": true
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:resolve-
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "NEW",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00"
To determine the status of this operation, use the GET method with the /tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
vulnerabilities namespace and append the id property to the URI.
The response includes the result property and the text message data.
"id": "oqNah2PxtwwE4YyAHGekNQ",
"vulnerabilities": [
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
{"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
"getPreResolveMessages": true
"kind": "tm:asm:tasks:resolve-
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/resolve-
"lastUpdateMicros": 1370459676272126,
"status": "COMPLETED",
"startTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:36-04:00",
"endTime": "2013-06-05T15:14:56-04:00",
"result": {
| Application Security Manager | 83
"message": "The following attack signature sets will be
assigned to the security policy: Cross Site Scripting Signatures, SQL
Injection Signatures\nStaging will be disabled for all signatures of
Signature Set: Cross Site Scripting Signatures, SQL Injection Signatures"
Exporting data protection in Application Security Manager
You can utilize the same cookie encryption seed with BIG-IP
systems that do not belong to a centralized
management infrastructure (CMI) device group that is enabled for ASM
To export data protection, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/export-data-protection
"filename": "example-export-keys"
"endTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"filename": "",
"id": "",
"lastUpdateMicros": 0,
"result": {
"message": "",
"file": ""
"startTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"status": "NEW",
"statusEnums": [
Importing data protection in Application Security Manager
Following on the data protection export task, you can import the data protection keys on another BIG-IP
system in
another data center to share traffic. By sharing the keys, you can share traffic for the same applications between data
To import data protection, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-data-protection
"filename": "example-export-keys"
"endTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"file": "",
| Application Security Manager | 84
"filename": "",
"graceAcceptingIntervalInMinutes": 2880,
"graceSigningIntervalInMinutes": 30,
"id": "",
"lastUpdateMicros": 0,
"result": {
"DataProtectionReference": {
"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/data-protection?ver=13.0.0"
"message": ""
"startTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"status": "NEW",
"statusEnums": [
Importing a certificate in Application Security Manager
Application Security Manager
) supports the task of importing SSL certificates. Once a certificate is
imported, the certificate can be used for web services security (WSS) protection of an XML profile.
To import a certificate, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/asm/tasks/import-certificate endpoint.
"certificateName": "",
"certificateType": "client",
"certificateTypeEnums": ["client", "server"],
"file": "",
"filename": "",
"saveExpiredOrUntrustedCertificate": false,
"certificateReference": {"link": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/asm/
... [Other standard task fields]
The property saveExpiredOrUntrustedCertificate is a Boolean value that allows you to import untrusted
or expired certificates.
Web Scraping Configuration settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping configuration settings, you can use an
REST API to retrieve or modify those settings.
iControl REST exposes properties to configure Session Transactions Anomaly settings. The values described here
conform to the settings you are familiar with if you configure web scraping settings in the Traffic Management UI
(TMUI). The string webScrapingConfiguration identifies the top-level member of this resource object.
Property Description
sessionTransactionAnomalyBlock Indicates whether the system blocks on a session transaction
anomaly, as a Boolean.
| Application Security Manager | 85
Property Description
sessionOpeningAnomalyAlarm Indicates whether the system sends an alarm on a session
opening anomaly, as a Boolean.
suspiciousClientsAlarm Indicates whether the system sends an alarm on a suspicious
client, as a Boolean.
sessionTransactionAnomalyAlarm Indicates whether the system sends an alarm on a session
transaction anomaly, as a Boolean.
suspiciousClientsBlock Indicates whether the blocks on a suspicious client, as a
sessionOpeningAnomalyBlock Indicates whether the system blocks on a session opening
anomaly, as a Boolean.
usePersistentStorage Indicates whether the system uses persistent storage for client
identification data, as a Boolean.
botDetectionBlock Indicates whether the system blocks on bot detection, as a
useFingerprint Indicates whether the system uses fingerprinting to collect
browser attributes, as a Boolean.
botDetectionAlarm Indicates whether the system sends an alarm on bot detection,
as a Boolean.
Session Transactions Anomaly settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping configuration settings, you can use an
REST API to retrieve and modify those settings.
iControl REST exposes properties to configure Session Transactions Anomaly settings. The values described in this
topic conform to the settings you are familiar with if you configure web scraping settings in the Traffic Management
UI (TMUI). The string sessionTransactionsAnomaly identifies the top-level member of this resource object.
Property Description
maximumSessionTransactionsPerSecond Specifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if the
number of transactions per session is equal to or greater than
this number. The default value is 400.
minimumSessionsTransactionsPerSecondSpecifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if the
number of transactions per session is equal to or greater than
this number, and either the session transactions increased by
value or session transactions reached value was reached. If
the number of transactions per session is less than this value,
the system does not consider the traffic to be an attack, even
if one of the session transactions increased by value or session
transactions reached value was reached. The default value is
preventionDuration Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system
prevents a session anomaly attack after the system detects and
stops an attack, unless the system detects the end of the attack
earlier. The system prevents attacks by blocking requests. The
default value is 1800.
| Application Security Manager | 86
Property Description
sessionTransactionsPerSecondIncreaseRateSpecifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if the
number of transactions in the session is greater than normal
by this percent. Normal is defined as the average number of
transactions per session for the whole site during the last hour.
The default value is 500.
Bot Detection settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping configuration settings, you can use an
REST API to retrieve and modify those settings.
REST exposes properties to configure Bot Detection settings. The values described here conform to the
settings you are familiar with if you configure web scraping settings in the Traffic Management UI (TMUI). The
string botDetection identifies the top-level member of this resource object.
Property Description
rapidSurfingMaximumDistinctPages Specifies the maximum number of times that one page can be
refreshed within a specified amount of time before the system
considers the client source to be a bot. The default value is
rapidSurfingMaximumChangedPages Specifies the number of different pages that can be loaded
within a specified amount of time before the system considers
the client source to be a bot.
checkEventsSequenceEnforcement Indicates whether the system performs event sequence
enforcement. Configuring this setting protects your web
application against bots by tracking the sequence of events
that the browser triggers to detect irregular sequences. When
an irregular sequence is detected, in order to prevent false
positives, the client is not immediately marked as a bot.
Instead, the client is prevented from being marked as human
until the next web page is loaded.
rapidSurfingMaximumTimeDuration Specifies the maximum amount of time that it takes either
to refresh one web page, or to refresh a minimum number
of pages once, in order for the system to suspect that a bot
requested the page. The default value is 30.
blockingPeriod Specifies the number of requests that the system considers
unsafe, thus blocking them if the security policy is in blocking
mode. The system did not detect a valid client during the
grace interval, and automatically generates the Web Scraping
Detected violation. In addition, the system no longer checks
these requests for web scraping. After the client sends the
number of requests specified in this setting, the system
reactivates the grace interval. The default value is 500.
| Application Security Manager | 87
Property Description
graceThreshold Specifies the maximum number of requests the system
reviews while trying to detect whether the client is human.
As soon as the system makes that determination, it stops
checking the requests. The default value is 100. Once the
client determines that the client is valid, the system allows,
and does not check, the next several requests, as specified
by the safe interval setting. If the system does not detect a
valid client during the grace interval, the system issues, and
continues to issue, the Web Scraping Detected violation until
it reaches the number of requests specified in the blocking
period setting.
safeIntervalThreshold Specifies the number of requests that the system considers
safe. The system determined that these requests are sent by
a human-backed client and therefore no longer checks these
requests for web scraping. Once the number of requests sent
by the client reaches the value specified in the setting, the
system reactivates the grace interval. The default value is
Session Opening Anomaly settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping settings, you can use an iControl
API to retrieve and modify those settings.
REST exposes properties to configure session opening anomaly settings. The properties described here
conform to the settings you are familiar with if you configure session opening anomaly settings in the Traffic
Management UI (TMUI). The string sessionOpeningAnomaly identifies the top-level member of this resource
Property Description
minimumSessionsOpenedPerSecond Specifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if the
number of sessions opened per second is equal to, or greater
than, this number, and at least one of the sessions opened per
second increased by or sessions opened per second reached
numbers was reached. If the number of sessions opened
per second is lower than this number, the system does not
consider this traffic to be an attack even if one of the sessions
opened per second increased by or sessions opened per second
reached was reached. The default value is 25.
checkSessionOpeningAnomaly Indicates whether the system detects session opening
anomalies by IP address, as a Boolean value.
clientSideIntegrityDefense Indicates whether the system determines if a client is a legal
browser or an illegal script by sending a JavaScript challenge
to each new session request from the detected IP address, and
waiting for a response. The default value is false.
rateLimiting Indicates whether the system drops sessions from suspicious
IP addresses after the system determines that the client is an
illegal script. The default value is false.
maximumSessionsOpenedPerSecond Specifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if the
number of sessions opened per second is equal to, or greater
than, this number. The default value is 50.
| Application Security Manager | 88
Property Description
dropIpAddressesWithBadReputation Indicates whether the system drops requests from IP addresses
that have a bad reputation according to the system's IP address
reputation database. Attacking IP addresses that do not have
a bad reputation undergo rate limiting, as usual. The default
value is disabled.
sessionsOpenedPerSecondIncreaseRate Specifies that the system considers traffic to be an attack if
the number of sessions opened per second increased by this
number. The default value is 500.
preventionDuration Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system
prevents a session opening anomaly attack after the system
detects and stops an attack, unless the system detects the end
of the attack earlier. The default value is 1800.
Session Opening Threshold settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping settings, you can use an iControl
API to retrieve and modify those settings.
iControl REST exposes properties to configure session opening threshold settings. The values described here conform
to the settings you are familiar with if you configure session opening threshold settings in the Traffic Management UI
(TMUI). The string sessionOpeningThresholds identifies the top-level member of the resource object.
Property Description
checkFingerprintResets Indicates whether the system uses fingerprinting to detect
cookie deletion events. Fingerprinting assumes that each
browser has a unique fingerprint, and therefore the system
collects browser attributes to identify browsers and bots. The
default value is false.
openingPersistentStorageResetsDurationSpecifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system has to
detect a specified number of cookie deletion events before the
system determines a request to be a web scraping attack and
blocks the suspected illegal request.
openingPersistentStorageInconsistencyEventsMaximumSpecifies the number of integrity fault events the system must
detect to determine a web scraping attack. The default value is
preventionDuration Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system
prevents a session opening threshold attack after the system
detects and stops an attack, unless the system detects the end
of the attack earlier. The system prevents attacks by rejecting
requests from the attacking clients. The system identifies the
attacking client based on a unique identification number that
was stored in the attacking browser's persistent storage. The
default value is 1800.
checkStorageInconsistency Indicates whether the system blocks requests that it identifies
as integrity fault events. The default value is false.
checkStorageResets Indicates whether the system uses persistent device
identification to detect cookie deletion events, The default
value is false.
| Application Security Manager | 89
Property Description
openingPersistentStorageResetsMaximumSpecifies the number of cookie deletion events that the system
must detect in a specified time period before the system
determines an attack to be a web scraping attack and blocks
the suspected illegal request.
fingerprintResetsTimeWindow Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system has to
detect a specified number of cookie deletion events before the
system determines a request to be a web scraping attack and
blocks the suspected illegal request. The default value is 600.
openingPersistentStorageInconsistencyEventsDurationSpecifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system has to
detect integrity fault events before the system determines an
attack to be a web scraping attack. The default value is 600.
fingerprintResetsThreshold Specifies the number of cookie deletion events the system
must detect in a specified time period before the system
determines that a request is a web scraping attack and blocks
the suspected illegal request.
Suspicious Client settings
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage web scraping settings, you can use an iControl
API to retrieve and modify those settings.
iControl REST exposes properties to configure suspicious client settings. The values described here conform to the
settings you are familiar with if you configure suspicious client settings in the Traffic Management UI (TMUI). The
string suspiciousClients identifies the top-level member of the resource object.
Property Description
detectBrowsersWithScrapingExtensionsIndicates whether the system investigates browsers for web
scraping plug-ins to determine if a client should be considered
suspicious. The default value is false.
scrapingExtensions Specifies an array of web scraping extensions that are
considered illegal. If the system determines that a client is
suspicious, it logs and blocks requests from this client.
preventionDuration Specifies the length of time, in seconds, that the system
prevents requests from a client after the system determines the
client to be suspicious. The default value is 300.
iControl REST Web Scraping Settings
REST supports the programmability of Application Security Manager
) web scraping settings. The
iControl REST interface provides a single endpoint that supports both query and modification requests. As a singleton
resource, the web scraping resource supports a GET request to retrieve the current web scraping settings, and a
PATCH request to modify resource properties. The PATCH method allows a partial representation of a resource as
the request entity, which means that you only need to specify the properties you want to change and not the entire
Retrieving web scraping settings
REST supports Application Security Manager
) functionality by allowing retrieval of web scraping
settings for a BIG-IP
system. You can automate the retrieval of settings from multiple BIG-IP systems by using the
iControl REST API.
| Application Security Manager | 90
To retrieve the web scraping settings, make a GET request to the /tm/asm/policies/<MDHASH>/web-
scraping endpoint.
iControl REST retrieves the web scraping settings for all traffic patterns.
"preventionDuration": 300,
"openingPersistentStorageResetsDuration": 707,
"openingPersistentStorageResetsMaximum": 77,
"fingerprintResetsTimeWindow": 607,
"openingPersistentStorageInconsistencyEventsMaximum": 7,
"persistentStorageMaxPreventionDuration": 1807,
"openingPersistentStorageInconsistencyEventsDuration": 677,
"fingerprintResetsThreshold": 17
"minimumSessionsOpenedPerSeconds": 22,
"PreventionDuration": 1802,
"maximumSessionsOpenedPerSeconds": 52,
"sessionsOpenedPerSecondsIncressRate": 502
"rapidSurfingMaximumDistinctPages": 301,
"rapidSurfingMaximumChangedPages": 1201,
"rapidSurfingMaximumTimeDuration": 311,
"unsafeIntervalTreshold": 10011,
"graceTreshold": 1001,
"safeIntervalTreshold": 20001
"maximumSessionTransactionsPerSecond": 403,
"minimumSessionTransactionsPerSecond": 203,
"maximumTransactionPreventionDuration": 1803,
"sessionTransactionsPerSecondIncreaseRate": 503
"persistentDataValidityPeriod": 126
| Application Security Manager | 91
Modifying web scraping settings
REST supports Application Security Manager
) functionality by enabling modifications to web
scraping settings for a BIG-IP
system. You can automate the modification of settings from multiple BIG-IP systems
by using the iControl REST API.
To modify the prevention duration property for session transaction anomalies, make a PATCH request to the /tm/
asm/policies/<MDHASH>/web-scraping endpoint. Specify the top-level member for the traffic pattern
you want to modify and the desired property change in the JSON body. To change more than one setting for session
transaction anomalies, specify multiple properties in the resource object, separated by commas.
"sessionTransactionsAnomaly": { "preventionDuration": 2400 }
The JSON body must include at least one top-level member that identifies a traffic pattern, such as
Learning Suggestion Object
If you use Policy Builder functionality in Application Security Manager
), the properties in this table appear
as they would in a JSON body, in response to a GET request.
Property Description
id Specifies a unique identifier for a reference.
creationDatetime Specifies the creation time for a suggestion, as a date-time
lastOccurrenceDatetime Specifies the last time a matching request for a suggestion
status Specifies the learning status of a suggestion. Possible values
are: pending, ignored, accept, or accept-and-
stage. The accept-and-stage status enables the
staging flag for the target entity, if applicable, and implements
the changes specified in the entityChanges field.
alwaysManual Indicates that a suggestion will be learned manually, as a
Boolean value. If true, a suggestion will never be learned
comment Specifies the user's notes on the suggestion.
isRead Indicates that a suggestion has been read by a user, as a
score Specifies an index based on R2 or R3 measurement that
reflects the strength of a suggestion.
triggerType Specifies the reason for the suggestion. Possible values are:
violation-mitigation or policy-refinement.
| Application Security Manager | 92
Property Description
violationReference Specifies the type of violation that triggered a suggestion, if
the trigger type is violation. This attribute is not required.
entityChanges Specifies the changes to apply to an entity or entityReference
if you accept the suggestion.
entityKind Specifies the type of element for a suggestion. This attribute is
not required.
entityName Specifies the name of an item instance. This attribute is not
action Specifies the suggested operation for an item. Possible values
are: delete, add-or-update, update-append, or
update-remove. This value is not required.
entity, entityReference Specifies a reference to a policy if the entity exists in the
policy; otherwise, specifies the details of the entity to create.
parentEntityReference Specifies a reference to a parent policy entity that matched a
wild card value.
occurrenceCount Specifies the number of requests that triggered a suggestion.
trustedIpCount Specifies the number of distinct client IP addresses, on a list
of trusted clients, that triggered a suggestion.
untrustedIpCount Specifies the number of distinct client IP addresses, not on a
list of trusted clients, that triggered a suggestion.
trustedSessionCount Specifies the number of distinct client sessions, from trusted
IP addresses, that triggered a suggestion.
untrustedSessionCount Specifies the number of distinct client sessions, not from
trusted IP addresses, that triggered a suggestion.
sampleRequests Specifies a collection of representative requests, from various
IP addresses and sessions, that triggered a suggestion.
description Specifies a description of the changes to implement.
refinement, refinementReference Specifies a reason for a suggestion for when a type is
policy-refinement rather than violation-
signatureReference Specifies a reference to an attack signature,either as an
override on another object, or to effect a change on the
signature itself, such as disabling the signature.
metachar Specifies a reference to a metachar, either as an override
on another object, or to modify the metachar itself, such as
allowing the character itself.
averageViolationRating Specifies the average violation rating for a suggestion, if
violationRatingCounts Specifies the number of violation ratings for each request.
About using Policy Builder in iControl REST
Application Security Manager
) security policies undergo modification through a framework called unified
learning and policy building. Unified learning and policy building supports both manual and automatic updates
| Application Security Manager | 93
to a security policy. As an administrator, you can retrieve the policy builder suggestions and modify the policy
suggestions using the iControl
REST API. Operations you can perform include ordering suggestions by scores or
types, viewing more details about a suggestion, or viewing details about related suggestions. iControl REST supports
three methods on the /suggestions endpoint: GET, DELETE, and PATCH. Other than GET requests to view
the collection of suggestions, you will probably have cause to modify the individual suggestions to change the status
of a suggestion, add a comment, or mark a suggestion as read. You can use the HTTP PATCH method to modify
the status, comment, or isRead properties. As an aside, if you modify properties other than those mentioned,
iControl REST ignores those properties in a request. Refer to the Learning Suggestion Object topic for descriptions of
the policy builder object.
For more information about policy builder, see the BIG-IP
Application Security Manager (ASM) 12.0
Retrieving Policy Builder suggestions
You can retrieve the suggestions for an Application Security Manager
) policy by making a GET request. By
default, ASM retrieves the first 500 entities.
To retrieve the suggestions for an ASM policy, make a GET request to the /suggestions endpoint for a specific
ASM policy.
The string abcd1234 in the example represents a hypothetical MD5HASH value for a policy. An actual MD5 hash
value would resemble the following string: d57fb462a2364e494ed824d523acbfcd.
The response includes the suggestions for the policy, up to 1000 entities.
} "entityReference":{
| Application Security Manager | 94
Modifying Policy Builder suggestions
You can modify a suggestion for an Application Security Manager
) policy by making a PATCH request.
ASM limits the policy builder properties that you can change.
| Application Security Manager | 95
To modify a suggestion for an ASM policy, make a PATCH request to the /suggestions/<id> endpoint for a
specific ASM policy. This example changes the status to ignored.
"status": "ignored"
An MD5 hash is a one-way cryptographic hash function. An actual MD5 hash value would resemble the following
string: d57fb462a2364e494ed824d523acbfcd.
About Device ID
A device identifier (Device ID) consists of an opaque string that identifies a client application. The stated purpose of
the string is only to identify a client application to a virtual server. Application Security Manager
) features
that take advantage of Device ID include brute force login, session awareness, and session hijacking prevention.
Device identification using fingerprinting
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage device ID settings, you can use an iControl
API to retrieve and modify those settings.
The Application Security Manager
) supports device identification using fingerprinting and exposes the
configuration attributes listed in the table. Use the /mgmt/tm/security/dos/profile/application
Attribute Description
deviceIdClientSideDefense Indicates whether to mitigate based on device ID with CS
deviceIdCaptchaChallenge Indicates whether to mitigate based on device ID with
CAPTCHA challenge.
deviceIdRateLimiting Indicates whether to mitigate based on device ID with
blocking requests.
deviceIdRequestBlockingMode Specifies the mitigation when deviceIdRateLimiting is
enabled, as rate-limit or block-all.
deviceIdMaximumTps Specifies the maximum TPS per device ID to arouse
deviceIdMinimumTps Specifies the minimum TPS per device ID.
deviceIdTpsIncreaseRate Specifies the percent rate of increase per device ID to arouse
Application Security Manager (ASM) supports device identification using fingerprinting and exposes the enabling
attributes listed in the table. Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/brute-force-attack-
preventions endpoint.
Attributes Description
alarm Indicate whether to send an alarm, as true or false.
Defaults to true.
block Indicates whether to block the request, as true or false.
Defaults to true.
| Application Security Manager | 96
Attributes Description
bruteForceProtectionForAllLoginPages Indicates whether to apply measures to all login pages, as
true or false. The property is available only for the
default brute force protection item. Defaults to false.
useDeviceId Indicates whether to count attempts based on device ID, as
true or false. Defaults to false.
loginAttemptsFromTheSameClient Specifies the number of login attempts before blocking.
Defaults to 5.
preventionDuration Specifies a value from an enum that sets the duration of
brute force attack prevention, in seconds, or as the string
measurementPeriod Specifies a period of time during which to measure login
attempts, as seconds. Defaults to 1.
id Specifies an identifier, as a string.
reEnableLoginAfter Specifies an interval, in seconds, to wait before re-enabling
the login. Defaults to 600.
urlReference Specifies a URL reference.
detectionCriteria Specifies the detection criteria, as a JSON object, consisting
of failedLoginAttemptsIncreasePercent,
failedLoginAttemptsRateReached, and
minimumFailedLoginAttempts. All values are
integers, and default to 500, 100, 20, respectively.
preventionPolicy Specifies the prevention policy, as a JSON object, consisting
of sourceIpBasedClientSideIntegrityDefense,
urlBasedClientSideIntegrityDefense, and
urlBasedRateLimiting. All values are Boolean, either
true or false. Defaults to false, true, false, and
true, respectively.
suspiciousCriteria Specifies the suspicious criteria, as a JSON object, consisting
of failedLoginAtttemptsIncreasePercentand
failedLoginAttemptsRateReached. All values are
integers. Default to 500 and 20, respectively.
Enforce method on a URL
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage a per-URL list of allowed or disallowed methods, you
can use an iControl
REST API to modify those settings.
The Application Security Manager
supports a mechanism to define a per-URL list of allowed or disallowed
methods and exposes the configuration attributes listed in the table. Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/
<MD5HASH>/urls endpoint.
Attribute Description
methodsOverrideOnUrlCheck Indicates whether the override is enabled, as true or false.
Defaults to false.
methodOverrides Specifies an array of key-value pairs, in JSON format.
Defaults to true for the allowed property. You must
specify a value for the method property.
| Application Security Manager | 97
Session awareness mechanisms using fingerprinting
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage session awareness, you can use an iControl
API to retrieve and modify those settings.
The Application Security Manager
supports session awareness mechanisms using fingerprinting and exposes
the configuration attributes listed in the table. Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/session-
tracking endpoint.
Attribute Description
checkDeviceIdThreshold Indicates whether to manage device ID scope, as true or
deviceIdThreshold Specifies the number of violations per device ID scope when
the device ID check is enabled.
Session hijacking prevention
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage policy settings, you can use an iControl
retrieve and modify those settings.
The Application Security Manager
) mitigates session hijacking by assigning a unique identifier to every
client device. By maintaining device ID information for a session, ASM can determine if a session has been hijacked.
Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/session-tracking endpoint.
Attribute Description
Indicates whether session hijacking prevention is enabled in
ASM by policy.
About WebSockets
The WebSocket protocol defines a bidirectional full-duplex communication channel between a client and a server
within the context of an HTTP connection. A WebSocket connection initiates from an existing HTTP connection by
sending an upgrade header with the value websocket. As part of the handshake between the client and the server,
the server sends 101 Switching Protocols in response. Application Security Manager
) supports a
policy for WebSocket security, as a distinct protocol with configurable attributes. The specification for WebSockets
can be found in RFC 6455 - The WebSocket Protocol.
WebSocket protocol
Application Security Manager
) supports security policy settings for the WebSocket protocol.
Application Security Manager
) supports the WebSocket protocol and exposes the attributes listed in the
table. Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/websocket-urls endpoint.
Attribute Description
id Specifies an identifier for the policy.
name Specifies a name for the policy.
nameBase64Encoded Indicates whether the name is encoded in Base64 format.
Default is false.
type Specifies a value from the WebSocket type enum, either
explicit or wildcard.
description Specifies an optional description for the WebSocket URL.
lastUpdateMicros Specifies the last update time, in microseconds.
learnNewEntities Specifies a value from the enum, either always or never.
| Application Security Manager | 98
Attribute Description
protocol Specifies a value from the WebSocket protocol enum, either
ws or wss.
isAllowed Indicates true for an allowed URL; false for a disallowed
metaCharsOnWebsocketUrlCheck Indicates whether to check meta-characters in the URL, as
true or false. Defaults to false. Applies only to wild card
URL types.
metacharOverrides Specifies an array of isAllowed values and corresponding
hexadecimal values that take precedence over the global URL
meta-character settings. Defaults to true and 0x0.
performStaging Indicates whether staging is enabled, as true or false.
wildcardOrder Specifies the matching order of wildcards, as an integer.
Defaults to 0 (zero).
wildcardIncludesSlash Indicates whether to match more than one segment of a URL
for wildcard values, as true or false.
html5CrossOriginRequestsEnforcement Specifies the CORS settings, as a JSON object. The object
contains crossDomainAllowedOrigin, a JSON
object, and the enforcementMode property. The
enforcementMode enum values include remove-all-
headers, disabled, and enforce.
extension Specifies an action to take on handshake. Enum values include
ignore, block, or remove. Defaults to remove.
checkPayload Indicates whether to check the message payload, as true or
allowTextMessage Indicates whether free formatted text is allowed in the
message payload. Only set if checkPayload is true.
Defaults to true.
allowJsonMessage Indicates whether JSON is allowed in the message payload.
Only set if checkPayload is true. Defaults to false.
allowBinaryMessage Indicates whether binary content is allowed in the message
payload. Only set if checkPayload is true. Defaults to
plainTextProfile Specifies a link to a plain text profile for WebSocket
messages. Only set if allowTextMessage is true.
jsonProfile Specifies a link to a JSON profile for WebSocket messages.
Only set if allowJsonMessage is true.
binaryMessageMaxSize Specifies the maximum binary message size, as an integer.
Defaults to 10000. Only set if allowBinaryMessage is
messageFrameMaxSize Specifies the maximum size of a WebSocket frame, in bytes.
messageFrameMaxCount Specifies the maximum number of message fragments per
frame, as an integer. Defaults to 100.
| Application Security Manager | 99
Attribute Description
checkMessageFrameMaxSize Indicates whether to check the maximum specified value, as
true or false. If false, allow any message size.
checkMessageFrameMaxCount Indicates whether to check the maximum specified value, as
true or false. If false, allow any message size.
checkBinaryMessageMaxSize Indicates whether to check the maximum specified value, as
true or false. If false, allow any message size.
The properties of the crossDomainAllowedOrigin object appear in the following table.
Attribute Description
includeSubDomains Indicates whether to include sub-domains, as true or
false. Defaults to false.
originName Specifies the origin, as a string.
originPort Specifies the origin port number, as an integer. Defaults to
all to specify all ports.
originProtocol Specifies a value from an enum, http, http/https, or
https. Defaults to http/https.
The properties of the jsonProfile object appear in the following table.
Attribute Description
description Specifies a description of the profile, as a string.
metacharElementCheck Indicates whether to check for meta-characters, as true or
attackSignatureCheck Indicates whether to check attack signatures, as true or
isReferenced Indicates whether the profile is referenced, as true or
defenseAttributes Specifies the defense attributes, as a JSON object.
sensitiveData Specifies the sensitive data, as an array of parameterName
lastUpdateMicros Specifies the last update time, in microseconds.
metacharOverrides Specifies metachar overrides, as an array of isAllowed, as
true or false, and metachar, as a hexadecimal value.
name Specifies a name for the profile, as a string.
signatureOverrides Specifies signature overrides, as an array of enabled, as
true or false, and signatureReference, an object.
id Specifies an identifier for the profile, as a string.
The properties of the defenseAttributes object in the jsonProfile appear in the following table.
Attribute Description
maximumTotalLengthOfJSONData Specifies the length of JSON data, as an integer.
| Application Security Manager | 100
Attribute Description
maximumValueLength Specifies the length of a value, as an integer.
maximimStructureDepth Specifies the depth of a structure, as an integer.
maximumArrayLength Specifies the length of an array, as an integer.
tolerateJSONParsingWarnings Indicates whether to ignore JSON parser warnings, as true
or false.
The properties of the plainTextProfile object appear in the following table.
Attribute Description
description Specifies a description of the profile, as a string.
metacharElementCheck Indicates whether to check for meta-characters, as true or
attackSignatureCheck Indicates whether to check attack signatures, as true or
isReferenced Indicates whether the profile is referenced, as true or
defenseAttributes Specifies the defense attributes, as a JSON object.
lastUpdateMicros Specifies the last update time, in microseconds.
metacharOverrides Specifies metachar overrides, as an array of isAllowed, as
true or false, and metachar, as a hexadecimal value.
name Specifies a name for the profile, as a string.
signatureOverrides Specifies signature overrides, as an array of enabled, as
true or false, and signatureReference, an object.
id Specifies an identifier for the profile, as a string.
The properties of the defenseAttributes object in the plainTextProfile appear in the following table.
Attribute Description
maximumTotalLength Specifies the length of data, as an integer.
maximumLineLength Specifies the length of a line, as an integer.
performPercentDecoding Indicates whether to do percent decoding, as true or false.
About AJAX/JSON Login
In addition to HTTP authentication and HTML forms authentication, modern web applications frameworks use AJAX
authentication. A typical AJAX authentication request consists of a POST request of a login form, with a JSON
response. Application Security Manager
) supports AJAX login pages.
AJAX/JSON Authentication
If you use Application Security Manager
) to manage AJAX/JSON authentication settings, you can use an
REST API to retrieve and modify those settings.
Application Security Manager
) exposes the properties listed in the table. Use the /mgmt/tm/asm/
policies/<MD5HASH>/login-pages URI as the path to a specific login page resource.
| Application Security Manager | 101
Attribute Description
urlReference Specifies the URL path.
authenticationType Specifies the authentication type for a request, as an enum.
Allowed values include: none, http-basic, ntlm, form,
ajax-or-json-request, or http-digest. For
AJAX/JSON, specify ajax-or-json-request as the
authentication type.
usernameParameterName Specifies the name of the JSON element that corresponds to
the user login.
usernameParameterNameBase64Encoded Indicates whether the usernameParameterName attribute
is specified in Base64 encoding.
passwordParameterName Specifies the name of the JSON element the corresponds to
the user password.
passwordParameterNameBase64Encoded Indicates whether the passwordParameterName attribute
is specified in Base64 encoding.
isReferenced Indicates whether the login page is referenced elsewhere, as
true or false.
id Specifies an identifier for the login page.
accessValidation Specifies the condition to use AJAX/JSON authentication, as
a JSON object. The conditions are name-value pairs, where
the name is: cookieContains, headerContains,
parameterContains, responseContains,
responseHttpStatus, or responseOmits.
The properties of the accessValidation object are listed in the following table.
Attribute Description
cookieContains Specifies a string contained in a cookie.
headerContains Specifies a string included as a header.
parameterContains Specifies a string included as a query parameter.
responseContains Specifies a string contained in a response.
responseOmits Specifies a string that is not contained in a response.
responseHttpStatus Specifies a response status, as a string.
parameterContainsBase64Encoded Indicates whether a query parameter is Base64 encoded.
responseContainsBase64Encoded Indicates whether a response includes a Base64 encoded
responseOmitsBase64Encoded Indicates whether a response does not include a Base64
encoded value.
Application Security Manager (ASM) also exposes the properties of logout pages listed in the following table. Use
the /mgmt/tm/asm/policies/<MD5HASH>/login-enforcement URI as the path to a specific logout
page resource.
| Access Policy Manager | 102
Attribute Description
expirationTimePeriod Indicates whether the expiration setting is enabled or
disabled. By default, a session expires after 600 seconds if
no request is received.
authenticatedUrls Specifies authenticated URLs, as an array.
logoutUrls Specifies requestContains, as a string,
urlReference, as a JSON object, and requestOmits,
as a string.
Access Policy Manager
About Access Policy Manager
Access Policy Manager
) provides secure identity and access management for a BIG-IP
system. iControl
REST exposes the APM endpoints to enable programmatic access to APM resources and the benefits of automation.
APM adheres to the REST principles described previously in this guide:
URI structure enables consistent access to collections and resources
Links in resources, including self links, support discovery
JSON encoding simplifies representation of resources
HTTP transport provides methods to interact with resources, as well as security, authentication, caching, and
content negotiation
Overview: URI format and structure
A principle of the REST architecture describes the identification of a resource by means of a Uniform Resource
Identifier (URI). A URI identifies the name of a web resource; in this case, the URI also represents the tree structure
of modules and components in tmsh. You can specify a URI with a web service request to create, read, update, or
delete some component or module of a BIG-IP
system configuration. In the context of the REST architecture, the
system configuration is synonymous with the representation of a resource, and web service requests read and write
that representation using the iControl
Tip: Use admin, the default administrative account, for requests to iControl REST. Once you are familiar with the
API, you can create user accounts for iControl REST users with various permissions.
For the URI snippet shown here, the management-ip component of the URI is the fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) or IP address of a BIG-IP device.
In iControl REST, the URI structure for all requests includes the string /mgmt/tm/ to identify the namespace for
traffic management. Any identifiers that you append to that string specify collections.
The ellipsis in the snippet indicates the location where you specify an organizing collection, which is a collection of
links to other resources in iControl REST. Organizing collections are the functional equivalent of modules in tmsh.
| Access Policy Manager | 103
In other words, the organizing collection apm in iControl REST is the apm module. In iControl REST, you can use
the following URI to access all of the resources in the apm collection:
Expanding on that approach, the URI in the following example designates all of the resources in the report
collection. You can think of a collection as the equivalent of a tmsh sub-module. An iControl REST collection
contains collections or resources.
The URI in the following example designates a resource, which is a set of entities. In iControl REST, an entity is a
property that you can configure, such as "destAddrMax":2048. A resource may also contain sub-collections. In
the parlance of tmsh, a resource is the equivalent of a component.
Important: iControl REST only supports secure access through HTTPS, so you must include credentials with each
REST call. Use the same credentials you use for the BIG-IP device manager interface.
About resource formats
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) defines the format for data interchange in iControl
REST. The JSON standard
defines a human-readable format, based in part on the JavaScript programming language. Similar to the eXtensible
Markup Language (XML) common to SOAP web services, JSON describes a structuring of data for exchange
between clients and servers in REST web service requests. iControl REST processes a request body formatted as
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format and generates a JSON body in a response. A response to a DELETE
request typically does not include a JSON body.
JSON consists of two structures: name/value pairs (key/value pairs) organized as objects, and ordered lists of values
organized as arrays. An object is contained within curly braces '{}' and an array is contained within square brackets
'[]'. JSON objects can contain objects, strings, numbers, arrays, Boolean values (true or false), or null. For more
information about JSON, see RFC 7159 The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format.
About creating resources
Create new resources by using the HTTP POST method. iControl
REST supports the POST operation to create a
resource in Access Policy Manager
). You must include a JSON body with a POST request, even if the JSON
body is empty.
About retrieving resources
Retrieve resources by using the HTTP GET method. iControl
REST supports the GET operation to retrieve a
resource, or a collection of resources, in Access Policy Manager
). Additionally, iControl REST supports the
Open Data Protocol (OData) $filter query parameter to refine the result set.
About updating resources
Update resources by using either the HTTP PATCH or PUT methods. iControl
REST supports the HTTP PATCH
operation to update a resource in Access Policy Manager
). Use PATCH to update specific properties and
leave other properties unchanged. iControl REST also supports the HTTP PUT operation to update a resource, with
the caveat that all unspecified properties are assigned default values.
About deleting resources
Delete resources by using the HTTP DELETE method. iControl
REST supports the DELETE operation in Access
Policy Manager
). iControl REST returns an HTTP response code for a delete request but does not include a
JSON body.
| Access Policy Manager | 104
HTTP Response Codes
The tables list the common HTTP response codes that iControl
REST generates for every request.
Response code Returned for Description
200 OK All HTTP methods Indicates that a request completed successfully.
201 Created POST Indicates that a request created a resource, such as when you create
an iControl REST transaction.
Response code Returned for Description
400 Bad Request All HTTP methods Indicates a malformed request, such as an incorrect name for a
401 Unauthorized All HTTP methods Indicates an omitted HTTP Authorization header, or that you
lack adequate permissions for the request to complete.
403 Forbidden All HTTP methods Indicates that the credentials supplied for an administrator lack
adequate permissions for a request, or an attempt to perform an
unsupported action, such as deleting a property.
404 Not Found All HTTP methods Indicates an attempt to access a resource that does not exist.
409 Conflict POST, PUT Indicates an attempt to create a resource that already exists. If you
try to create a resource using the POST method, and the resource
already exists, iControl REST generates this response.
415 Unsupported
Media Type
POST, PUT Indicates that the request includes a malformed JSON body in a
request, or possibly that you specified an incorrect Content-Type
header value.
Response code Returned for Description
500 Internal Server
All HTTP methods Indicates that the iControl REST process is not available, such as
when the process has not been started.
501 Not
POST Indicates that an endpoint does not exist, or the corresponding tmsh
request is unsupported.
Retrieving Access Policy Manager resources
Using iControl
REST, you can query Access Policy Manager
) resources.
To discover Access Policy Manager (APM) resources, make a GET request to the endpoint /mgmt/tm/apm.
The response displays the structure of APM collection.
| Access Policy Manager | 105
| Access Policy Manager | 106
To discover one of the resources in APM, such as /ntlm, make a GET request to the endpoint /mgmt/tm/
The response displays the resources within the /mgmt/tm/apm/ntlm namespace.
| Access Policy Manager | 107
Access Policy Manager endpoints
REST supports the Access Policy Manager
) endpoints listed here. All endpoints are relative to the
traffic management namespace, /mgmt/tm.
Endpoint Description
/apm/aaa Configure authorization, authentication, and accounting (AAA) settings. You can
configure APM to use various servers to provide user authentication, authorization
to access resources, and accounting of user activities. APM supports RADIUS, RSA
Native SecurID, and Windows Active Directory, among others.
/apm/acl Restrict access to host and port combinations with Access Control Lists (ACLs).
/apm/apm-avr-config Configure settings for Application Visibility and Reporting (AVR).
apm/application Specify the web-based applications you can control by modifying the default allow or
block action.
/apm/application-family Specify categories of applications, such as instant messaging or e-mail.
/apm/application-filter Specify the application filters you can use to allow or block access to the applications.
/apm/configuration Specify settings for Secure Web Gateway (SWG) initialization.
/apm/epsec Configure APM to enable client-side and server-side, endpoint security checks.
/apm/log-setting Configure APM to log access policy events or audit events.
/apm/ntlm Configure APM to use NTLM. You can create a machine account for APM to join
a Windows domain. Authentication requests with a machine account create a secure
channel to communicate with a domain controller.
/apm/policy Configure policy for scheme assignment.
/apm/profile Configure profile for traffic handling.
/apm/report Configure settings for reporting.
/apm/resource Specify network access and web access resource.
/apm/risk-class Specify risk classes.
/apm/saml Configure APM for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) framework for
creating, requesting, and exchanging authentication and authorization data. You can
configure APM as a native SAML 2.0 identity provider (IDP), or as a proxy to another
SAML IDP, such as Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).
/apm/session Retrieve and manage user sessions.
/apm/sso Configure APM to use the Single Sign-On (SSO) feature. You can define attributes
for user name, password, and authentication methods for SSO, as well as a number of
HTTP form-based SSO object attributes.
/apm/swg-scheme Configure Secure Web Gateway (SWG) schemes to filter and categorize URLs. A
scheme lets you group and schedule URL filters for specific days, or specific times
during a day.
| Access Policy Manager | 108
Endpoint Description
/apm/url-filter Configure APM to use a URL filter to specify one or more URL categories to allow or
block. Using this endpoint, you can create multiple URL filters. With the exception of
default URL filters, you can also delete URL filters.
Configuring LDAP settings in APM
The authentication, authorization, and auditing settings allow you to configure LDAP settings in Access Policy
). LDAP is a lightweight implementation of the X.500 Directory Access Protocol (DAP) supported
by a number of vendors. The iControl
REST API allows you to configure the LDAP server configuration but not the
function of an LDAP server.
Before you attempt to add an LDAP account and configure it, make a GET request to the /mgmt/mt/apm/
aaa/ldap/example endpoint to get the reference object.
You can use the /example endpoint to get a representation of the APM resource, or any resource in iControl
| Access Policy Manager | 109
To configure LDAP server settings to use with APM, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/apm/aaa/ldap
endpoint. Make sure that you specify application/json as the content type.
"name": "test_aaa_ldap",
"address": "",
"adminDn": "\"CN=administrator, CN=users, DC=mydomain, DC=com\"",
"adminEncryptedPassword": "p4s8w07d",
"usePool": "disabled"
This example uses a small subset of properties found in the object. As shown in the JSON, you must escape the
quotes ('\') in the JSON string to preserve the quotes. If you intend to use an LDAP server as an authentication or
query server, you must use the visual policy editor and make the change manually.
The response includes a status code (200 OK) that indicates whether the request succeeded, but iControl REST
also includes the newly created resource in the response.
"adminDn":"CN=Administrator, CN=Users, DC=mydomain, DC=com",
| Access Policy Manager | 110
To delete the LDAP settings, make a DELETE request and specify the LDAP server name (test_aaa-ldap)
from the previous step.
iControl REST deletes the resource and responds with an HTTP response. The response does not include a JSON
In this example, you configured LDAP server settings. Using the reference object as the starting point, you create a
new LDAP server by specifying a small set of properties. After reviewing the new LDAP server, you then delete the
server by specifying the resource name.
Creating a custom category in APM
system, you have the option to use a default set of categories in a URL database or to define URL
categories and filters. If you have a Secure Web Gateway (SWG) subscription, you can create custom URL categories
to extend the URL database. If you do not have an SWG subscription, you can still create custom URL categories.
Using the iControl
REST API, you can follow a two-step process to create a custom URL category and then attach
the custom category to a URL filter.
To create a custom category, make a GET request to the /sys/url-db/url-category endpoint. Use the
response to determine if a category exists, and if the category is allowed or blocked.
"description":"Sites with information about entertainment.",
... (Truncated for readability)
| Access Policy Manager | 111
After you determine the custom category does not exist, create the custom category. As with other APM
examples, append the /example endpoint to the URL from the previous step if you would like to see the sample
representation of the object.
"displayName": "my-custom-category",
"defaultAction": "block",
"urls": [ ]
To attach the custom category to a URL filter, make a POST request to the /tm/apm/url-filter endpoint.
"name": "my-url-filter",
"allowedCategories": "my-custom-category"
As with any iControl REST request, the response shows the result of the request.
In this example, you created a custom URL category and attached the custom category to a URL filter.
Managing user sessions in APM
Access Policy Manager
) tracks user sessions with session identifiers (session IDs). The access-info
endpoint in APM enables you to make an iControl
REST request for a listing of all user sessions. The response
contains the session ID, user login, and IP address for each session. As part of the session management process, you
can make an iControl REST request to the session endpoint to delete a specific session.
| Access Policy Manager | 112
To view the current user sessions in APM, make a GET request to the /mgmt/tm/apm/access-info
The response to this request includes the following data:
"apiRawValues": {
"apiAnonymous": {
"apm::access-info" "914c727f (login user=user1) client
...(Truncated for readability)
"kind": "tm:apm:access-info:access-infostats",
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/access-info?ver=12.1.0"
To view the sessions for a specific user name, make a GET request to the mgmt/tm/apm/access-info
endpoint and use the options query parameter to specify the user name.
In a similar manner, you can also specify an IP address to get a listing of all sessions for a specified IP address.
Use the same query parameter (options) as in the example.
To delete a session, make a DELETE request and append the session identifier that identifies the resource to the /
mgmt/tm/apm/session endpoint.
The affected user will no longer be able to access resources. The user must log in again.
The response to the request, if successful, is 200 OK.
In this example, you made an iControl REST request to APM to obtain a listing of all user sessions and made an
additional request to delete a specific session.
Listing OAuth tokens
For all OAuth token examples, you must have configured Access Policy Manager
) on a BIG-IP
system to
act as an authorization server (AS), or as a client to an external provider, such as Facebook or Google. Follow the
steps outlined in the BIG-IP
Access Policy Manager
: Authentication and Single Sign-On, version 13.0 guide.
If you need the details of all OAuth tokens, you can query the default database. For an authorization server (AS)
configured on a BIG-IP system, make a GET request to the AS.
To query the token database, make a GET request.
The response contains properties specific to each token in the database. You can use the output of the request to
obtain the oauthid and client-id properties necessary to revoke a token.
In this example, you requested a listing of all tokens in the database.
| Access Policy Manager | 113
Getting a count of OAuth tokens
For all OAuth token examples, you must have configured Access Policy Manager
) on a BIG-IP
system to
act as an authorization server (AS), or as a client to an external provider, such as Facebook or Google. Follow the
steps outlined in the BIG-IP
Access Policy Manager
: Authentication and Single Sign-On, version 13.0 guide.
As part of the task of managing access to resources, you may need to query the OAuth database to get a count of the
number of user tokens. This type of request uses the default database instance, according to the configuration you
chose. Depending on the desired output, you can query for a count of all tokens or a count of tokens by application
To query for a count of tokens, make a GET request.
The response will contain JSON content, similar to the following output:
"apiRawValues" : { "apiAnonymous" : "Total tokens : 7\n" },
"kind" : "tm:apm:oauth:token-details:token-detailscollectionstats",
"selfLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/oauth/token-details/stats?
To query for a count of tokens associated with an application, make a GET request.
ver=13.0&options="app-name", "application name"
Supply the name of the application in double quotes (" ") in the request and not the string that appears in the
The count by application response will contain JSON content, similar to the following output:
"apiRawValues" : { "apiAnonymous" : "Total tokens : 5\n" },
"kind" : "tm:apm:oauth:token-details:token-detailscollectionstats",
"selfLink" : "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/apm/oauth/token-details/stats?
In this example, you requested a count of all tokens in the database, and then requested a count of all tokens for a
specific application.
Revoking an OAuth token
For all OAuth token examples, you must have configured Access Policy Manager
) on a BIG-IP
system to
act as an authorization server (AS), or as a client to an external provider, such as Facebook or Google. Follow the
steps outlined in the BIG-IP
Access Policy Manager
: Authentication and Single Sign-On, version 13.0 guide.
If you need to revoke an OAuth token, make a REST call to handle the revocation. For an authorization server (AS)
configured on a BIG-IP system, make a POST request to the AS.
| API Life Cycle | 114
To revoke a token, make a POST request. The oauthid and client-id properties can be found in the output of
the token details listing. Both properties are string values that must be enclosed in quotes in the JSON body.
"command" : "revoke",
"name" : "<oauthid>",
"client-id" : "<clientid>",
"db-instance" : "<database name>"
In this example, you revoked a token. You used the output of the previous example to find the associated properties
that identify the token.
API Life Cycle
REST API life cycle policy
REST API life cycle policy describes an approach to manage the purpose or longevity of REST collections as well
as tmsh resources. Life cycle management presents several use cases that affect resources and methods, and the
REST API life cycle policy is designed to provide useful information about resources and properties that may be
new or experimental, or being phased out. While deprecation of a resource or resource property represents the most
likely use case, other use cases exist for early access features, as well as internal use or test. You should interpret
the deprecation of a resource or property to mean that the use of a resource or property is discouraged, and not that a
resource or resource property will be removed in the near term. The goal is to make you aware of changes before the
changes happen.
The API life cycle policy introduces status values, with NO_STATUS being the default value. The NO_STATUS
value indicates that no determination has been made about a resource or property, and that REST does not log
usage of those resources. REST logs usage of just the resources and properties that match the status values that you
configure. For deprecated and early access resources, a custom REST header (X-F5-Api-Status) indicates one of
the following values:
Using the REST API life cycle changes
The implementation of the REST API Life Cycle Policy provides an API status value and additional information
as log entries for a request. The following examples demonstrate a request with various HTTP verbs and the
corresponding headers (if any), and log entries.
Important: This feature works only with resource collections.
To generate the life cycle output for a query of a resource, make a GET request to the /mgmt/tm/ltm/
profile/ocsp-stapling-params endpoint.
| API Life Cycle | 115
"kind" : "tm:ltm:profile:ocsp-stapling-params:ocsp-stapling-
"selfLink": "https://localhost/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params?
To locate the detailed information for the resource, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/icrd log.
Dec 30 23:59:36 localhost notice icrd_child: 18826,18853,iControl REST
Daemon,WARNING,[api-status-warning]: ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-
params: deprecated
A log message includes an identifier, such as [api-status-warning] to indicate log entries for REST API
Life Cycle Management.
To generate the output for a query of a resource property, make a GET request to the /mgmt/tm/ltm/
profile/fastl4/fastL4 endpoint.
"serverTimestamp": "disabled",
"softwareSynCookie": "disabled",
"synCookieEnable": "enabled",
To locate the detailed information for the resource property, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/
icrd log.
Dec 31 00:05:02 localhost notice icrd_child: 18826,18853, iControl REST
Daemon,WARNING,[api-status-warning]: ltm/profile/fastl4: no status;
properties: deprecated:
ltm/profile/fastl4/hardware-syn-cookie, ltm/profile/fastl4/software-
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/
ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params endpoint. Specify the JSON body, as shown.
"name": "myocsp",
"dnsResolver": "dns-resolver-1"
Note: The response includes the header and value X-F5-Api-Status: DEPRECATED_RESOURCE
To view the log information for the request, find the entry in the /var/log/icrd log.
Jan 5 01:14:08 localhost notice icrd_child[2562]: 2562, 2567,
iControl REST Child
Daemon,WARNING,[api-status-warning]: ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-
params: deprecated
| API Life Cycle | 116
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource, with the deprecated API allowed setting set to
false, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params endpoint. Specify
the JSON body, as shown.
"name": "myocsp",
"dnsResolver": "dns-resolver-1"
Note: The response includes the status message HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found.
To view the log information for the request, find the entry in the /var/log/restjavad.0.log log. Note
that the entry appears in a different log file than previous examples.
[WARNING][157][05 Jan 2017 01:23:42 UTC][8100/mgmt/shared/resolver/groups
ForwarderPassThroughWorker] [api-status-warning] The deprecate API
/mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params/ is not available as per
To generate the output for the creation of a resource property, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/ltm/
profile/fastl4/fastL4 endpoint. Specify the JSON body, as shown.
"name": "myfastl4",
"softwareSynCookie": "enabled"
Note: The response includes the header and value X-F5-Api-Status: DEPRECATED_PROPERTY.
To view the log information for the request, find the entry in the /var/log/icrd log.
Jan 5 17:26:53 localhost notice icrd_child[2562]: 2562, 2568,
iControl REST Child
Daemon,WARNING,[api-status-warning]: ltm/profile/fastl4: no status;
properties: deprecated:
ltm/profile/fastl4/hardware-syn-cookie, ltm/profile/fastl4/software-
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource property, with the deprecated API allowed
setting set to false, make a POST request to the /mgmt/tm/ltm/profile/fastl4 endpoint. Specify the
JSON body, as shown.
"name": "myfastl4",
"softwareSynCookie": "enabled"
Note: The response includes the status message HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found, as well as the header and value
To view the log information for the request, find the entry in the /var/log/icrd log.
Jan 5 17:36:45 localhost notice icrd_child[2562]: 2562, 2567,
iControl REST Child
| API Life Cycle | 117
Daemon,WARNING,[api-status-warning]: ltm/profile/fastl4: no status;
properties: deprecated:
Using the REST API life cycle changes with tmsh
The following examples show the tmsh equivalent of the previous REST examples.
To generate the API life cycle output for a resource, run a tmsh command to list the resource.
(tmos)# list ltm profile ocsp-stapling-params
api-status-warning] ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated
ltm profile ocsp-stapling-params ocsp-cur {
dns-resolver dns-resolver-cur
To locate the detailed information for the resource, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/ltm log.
Dec 30 16:00:43 localhost warning tmsh[1409]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated
To generate the API life cycle output for a resource property, run a tmsh command as shown.
(tmos)# list ltm profile fastl4 fastL4 software-syn-cookie
[api-status-warning] ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated :
software-syn-cookieltm profile fastl4 fastL4 {
reassemble-fragments disabled
reset-on-timeout enabled
software-syn-cookie enabled
To locate the detailed information for the resource property, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/
ltm log.
Dec 30 16:02:49 localhost warning tmsh[1731]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated : software-syn-cookie
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource, run a tmsh command as shown. The output
appears after the command.
(tmos)# create ltm profile ocsp-stapling-params myocsp dns-resolver dns-
[api-status-warning] ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated
To locate the detailed information for the resource, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/ltm log
Jan 5 09:49:54 localhost warning tmsh[4542]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource, with the deprecated API allowed setting set to
false, run a tmsh command as shown. The output appears after the command.
| API Life Cycle | 118
(tmos)# create ltm profile ocsp-stapling-params myocsp dns-resolver dns-
[api-status-warning] ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated. This
command is not
available or has properties which are not available.
To locate the detailed information for the resource, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/ltm log.
Jan 5 09:49:01 localhost warning tmsh[4493]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/ocsp-stapling-params is deprecated
To generate the output for the creation of a resource property, run a tmsh command as shown. The output appears
after the command.
(tmos)# create ltm profile fastl4 myfastl4 software-syn-cookie enabled
[api-status-warning] ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated :
To locate the detailed information for the resource property, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/
ltm log.
Jan 5 09:44:28 localhost warning tmsh[4426]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated : software-syn-cookie
To generate the life cycle output for the creation of a new resource, with the deprecated API allowed setting set to
false, run a tmsh command as shown. The output appears after the command.
(tmos)# create ltm profile fastl4 myfastl4 software-syn-cookie enabled
[api-status-warning] ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated :
To locate the detailed information for the resource property, find the corresponding log entry in the /var/log/
ltm log.
Jan 5 09:44:28 localhost warning tmsh[4426]: 01420013:4: [api-status-
ltm/profile/fastl4, properties : deprecated : software-syn-cookie
Configuring the REST API life cycle settings
The REST API Life Cycle Policy supports configurable API states and log settings. By enabling specific settings, you
enable the logging of information by REST and tmsh.
To view the settings for REST, make a GET request.
The query results will be similar to the following snippet:
"deprecatedApiAllowed": "true",
"earlyAccessApiAllowed": "true",
"testOnlyApiAllowed": "false"
| API Life Cycle | 119
Important: These settings affect the visibility of a resource. If you specify any of the states as disabled, you will
not be able to view that resource in REST requests or in tmsh. A REST request will generate a 404 (Not Found)
response code. In tmsh, tab completion will not expose these resources.
To change an api-status setting, make a PATCH or POST request. In the JSON body, specify the visibility
settings to change. For example,
"earlyAccessApiAllowed": "false"
Confirm that the change was successful by making a query request.
To specify the resource settings that generate log entries, make a GET request.
The query results will again be similar to the following:
"deprecatedApiAllowed": "true",
"earlyAccessApiAllowed": "true",
"testOnlyApiAllowed": "false"
To specify the property resource settings that generate log entries, make a GET request (results are omitted).
For either endpoint, make a PATCH or POST request as shown to modify any of the settings.
In this topic, you queried and configured the visibility and logging settings for the API life cycle.
Configuring the REST API life cycle settings with tmsh
The REST API life cycle policy supports configurable API states and log settings. You can configure API states and
log settings with tmsh commands.
To view the settings, type the following tmsh command.
(tmos)# list mgmt shared settings api-status availability
To modify the deprecated setting, type the following tmsh command.
(tmos)# modify mgmt shared settings api-status availability
{ deprecatedApiAllowed value false }
The command changes the state to disabled.
To view the settings for log resources, type the following tmsh command
(tmos)# list mgmt shared settings api-status log resource
You can view the log setting for resource properties by specifying resource-property instead of
resource in the command.
mgmt shared settings api-status log resource
deprecatedApiAllowed true
testOnlyApiAllowed true
| Additional Features | 120
earlyAccessApiAllowed true
In this topic, you used tmsh commands to view and modify API status and log settings.
Additional Features
About the example suffix
The inclusion of the /example suffix at the end of a URI prompts iControl
REST to generate a sample
representation of a resource. The /example suffix may be used in a GET request to produce a representation that
includes all properties, including null properties. The sample representation also includes the help text strings that
describe each property and a list of natural keys for a resource. A natural key consists of one or more user-friendly
properties that uniquely identify a resource, such as area code/phone number.
In iControl REST, a natural key is represented in JSON as a naturalKeyPropertyNames property, which is an
array of name, partition, and subPath. The name, partition, and subPath form a full path to an object.
For resources in the Common partition, iControl REST omits the partition name as a natural key. If an object is a
singleton object, the naturalKeysPropertyNames array is empty.
system components that support only the TMSH commands SHOW, LIST, DELETE, LOAD, SAVE,
INSTALL, or RUN do not have default field values. For those components, an iControl REST request to the /
example endpoint does not generate a response with default values.
The sample representation of Application Security Manager
) resources includes only default values and
possible enumeration values. The sample representation of ASM resources does not include descriptions of the
properties as help text.
The sample representation specifies a default value for a property, if a default value exists. If a property has no default
value, the representation includes:
An empty string ("") for a string property
Zero (0) for a numerical property
False for a Boolean property
An empty JSON array or object
If a property takes a value from an enumeration, the representation displays the acceptable values as an array.
iControl REST also appends the suffix Enums to the name of this array to identify the enumeration.
Tip: Copy the sample representation, make changes to the copy, and then paste the changes into the JSON body of a
POST request.
About Access Policy Manager
Access Policy Manager
) provides secure identity and access management for a BIG-IP
system. iControl
REST exposes the APM endpoints to enable programmatic access to APM resources and the benefits of automation.
APM adheres to the REST principles described previously in this guide:
URI structure enables consistent access to collections and resources
Links in resources, including self links, support discovery
JSON encoding simplifies representation of resources
HTTP transport provides methods to interact with resources, as well as security, authentication, caching, and
content negotiation
| Additional Features | 121
About HTTP response codes
Responses to all iControl
REST requests contain a response code, as listed here.
Success responses
Response code Description
200 OK Indicates success for all methods.
Error responses
Response code HTTP methods Description
400 Bad Request all Possible causes include:
malformed HTTP request
incorrect name for a resource in a
401 Unauthorized all Possible causes include:
missing HTTP authorization
insufficient permissions for
the credentials supplied for an
403 Forbidden all Possible causes include:
insufficient permissions for
the credentials supplied for an
attempt to perform an
unsupported action, such as
deleting a property
404 Not Found all Possible causes include:
attempting to access a resource
that no longer exists in the
409 Conflict POST, PUT Possible causes include:
attempting to create a resource
that already exists
Indicates a conflict between the
requested state change and the
current state of the resource. For
example, this is the error response
if you POST a resource that already
415 Unsupported Media Type POST, PUT Possible causes include:
specifying an incorrect
Content-Type header value
| Additional Features | 122
Response code HTTP methods Description
specifying a malformed JSON
body with a POST or PUT
500 Internal Server Error all Possible causes include:
attempting to access iControl
REST when the process is not
501 Not Implemented POST Possible causes include:
attempting to access a endpoint
that does not exist
attempting to invoke an
unsupported tmsh command
through iControl REST
About log files
From the console or an SSH connection to your BIG-IP
device, you can find the following log files for iControl
/var/log/restjavad-audit.0.log shows all authentications to the iControl REST service. This is an
ordered list of every REST call.
/var/log/restjavad.0.log contains information about connections to the iControl REST service, such as
errors returned.
/var/log/icrd shows the actions of the icrd process, which manages the threads for processing the REST
/var/log/ltm contains messages from mcpd, a process called by icrd that manages the system
Use standard Unix commands to work with these files, such as tail, grep, and less. In this example, the
session logs in to a BIG-IP system through ssh and uses tail -f to monitor the /var/log/restjavad-
audit.0.log log file:
juser@bench2:~/$ ssh [email protected]
Password: default
Last login: Fri Mar 29 09:03:25 2013 from
[root@localhost:Active:Standalone] config # tail -f /var/log/restjavad-
[I][339][29 Mar 2013 16:04:06 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker] \
[I][340][29 Mar 2013 16:04:06 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker] \
[I][341][29 Mar 2013 16:04:06 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker] \
[I][342][29 Mar 2013 16:04:07 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker] \
| Additional Features | 123
[I][343][29 Mar 2013 16:04:07 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"admin","method":"DELETE",\
[I][344][29 Mar 2013 16:04:07 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"admin","method":"DELETE",\
[I][345][29 Mar 2013 16:04:07 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"admin","method":"POST",\
[I][346][29 Mar 2013 16:04:07 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"admin","method":"GET",\
[I][347][29 Mar 2013 16:04:10 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"dns_admin","method":"GET",\
[I][350][29 Mar 2013 16:04:10 UTC][ForwarderPassThroughWorker]\
[run] {"user":"admin","method":"GET",\
If you need to adjust the logging levels for icrd, contact F5
Networks Technical Support (http://
About public URIs
A URI is considered to be public if you can access it through an iControl
REST request. In general, all of the
following are public:
Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) modules
Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) components
Any component properties that are accessible through the tmsh show command.
To view the component properties, make a GET request of a parent component. By default, you cannot use a GET
request to obtain them directly through a public URI.
The public URIs exist to provide direct access to some of those component properties. The iControl REST process
allows these for convenience, for situations where a PUT request of the entire containing object (a component or
collection) would be unwieldy.
In many cases, the second-to-last part of the path is the name of a component, and you need to provide a specific
object name for that component before the final part of the path. For example, to access the public URI /mgmt/tm/
gtm/pool/members, you must specify the DNS pool for which you want members, such as /mgmt/tm/gtm/
pool/pool5/members for the members of pool5.
| Legal Notices | 124
Legal Notices
Legal notices
Publication Date
This document was published on June 11, 2020.
Publication Number
2019, F5 Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
F5 Networks, Inc. (F5) believes the information it furnishes to be accurate and reliable. However, F5 assumes no
responsibility for the use of this information, nor any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which
may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent, copyright, or other
intellectual property right of F5 except as specifically described by applicable user licenses. F5 reserves the right to
change specifications at any time without notice.
For a current list of F5 trademarks and service marks, see http://www.f5.com/about/guidelines-policies/trademarks/.
All other product and company names herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
This product may be protected by one or more patents indicated at: https://f5.com/about-us/policies/patents
Link Controller Availability
This product is not currently available in the U.S.
Export Regulation Notice
This product may include cryptographic software. Under the Export Administration Act, the United States
government may consider it a criminal offense to export this product from the United States.
RF Interference Warning
This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may cause radio interference, in which case the
user may be required to take adequate measures.
FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device pursuant to Part
15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the
equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This unit generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in
which case the user, at his own expense, will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the
| Legal Notices | 125
Any modifications to this device, unless expressly approved by the manufacturer, can void the user's authority to
operate this equipment under part 15 of the FCC rules.
Canadian Regulatory Compliance
This Class A digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Standards Compliance
This product conforms to the IEC, European Union, ANSI/UL and Canadian CSA standards applicable to Information
Technology products at the time of manufacture.
| Index | 126
administrative partition
about 38
configuring 100
AJAX JSON login 100
anomaly session opening ASM
settings 87
anomaly session transactions ASMsettings 85
API life cycle
understanding changes 114
using tmsh 117
API life cycle changes 114
API Life Cycle Policy 114
API life cycle settings
configuring 118
configuring with tmsh 119
API versions URI
about 17
about Access Policy Manager 102, 120
APM endpoint 107
Application Security Manager
differences 54
policy 62, 73
schema 73
signatures 69
vulnerability 75
vulnerability resolution 80
ASM Application Security Manager
deleting 61
retrieving with GET 57
updating with PATCH 61
ASM certificate
importing 84
ASM data protection
exporting 83
importing 83
ASM policies
exporting 63
ASM policy
applying 65
importing 62
ASM policy builder settings
retrieving 93
ASM policy builder suggestions
about using 92
modifying 94
ASM policy differences
discovering 65
merging 66
ASM policy revisions
restoring 74
ASM schema
uploading 73
ASM signatures
exporting 71
updating 70
ASM vulnerabilities
importing 75
resolving 80
ASM vulnerability
initiating 78
terminating 79
ASM web scraping settings
about 89
modifying 91
retrieving 89
asynchronous task iControl REST
using 46
asynchronous tasks endpoints 45
asynchronous tasks, iControl REST
about creating 45
authentication iControl REST 18
detection settings ASM 86
camel case
for JSON properties in iControl REST 17
importing in ASM 84
configuration settings
ASM web scraping 84
client request headers 20
overview of cross-origin resource sharing 19
response headers 20
cp command
using 48
custom URL category
configuring 110
data protection
exporting in ASM 83
importing in ASM 83
Access Policy Manager APM 38
Device ID
about ASM features 95
device identification fingerprinting 95
enforce method URL 96
| Index | 127
Error codes
in iControl REST responses 121
Expanding an iControl REST component
limits 27
Expanding an iControl-REST component 29
external authentication iControl REST
using 20
for JSON properties in iControl REST 17
generate POST commands 48
semantics 11
HTTP response codes 104
about user account 18
iControl null values and REST flags
about 16
iControl REST
changing a password 18
discovering modules and components 21
log files 122
iControl REST properties
about 14
iControl REST transactions
validating 42
log files 122
important changes API 5
install POST command
updating components 49
JSON format
about 12
JSON format POST and PUT
about 34
JSON resource format
about 103
key endpoint
creating a key 49
configuring 108
learning suggestion object 91
life cycle policy
for REST API 114
load POST commands 50
Logging levels
contact Support to change 122
for iControl REST 122
mv command
using 50
OAuth APM 112, 113, 113
pagination 24
Paging 26
accessing 30
adding or modifying in 36
deleting 41
creating folders 39
password change
for iControl REST 18, 18
for REST API life cycle 114
policy differences
discovering for ASM 65
merging ASM 66
public URIs 123
publish POST commands
using 51
query parameters
about 24
Read-only properties
silently ignored in PUT and POST operations 36
reboot POST commands 51
relative partitions
filtering 38
Representational State Transfer
about 5
reserved ASCII characters
about 11
reset-stats POST commands 52
| Index | 128
creating with iControl 34
resource PATCH
modifying 35
resources, collections
about creating 103
about deleting 103
about retrieving 103
about updating 103
Response codes
in iControl REST responses 121
REST API life cycle changes
understanding 114
REST API life cycle policy 114
REST resource identifiers
about 11
restart POST commands 51
/example endpoint 120
Access Policy Manager APM 104
run POST commands 52
session awareness 97
session hijack
preventing 97
settings suspicious client ASM
settings 89
signature systems
retrieving 72
retrieving 72
start POST commands 54
string encoding standards
about 17
threshold session opening ASM
settings 88
tmsh global commands, GET
about 47
tmsh property names
about 17
tmsh show command equivalent 31
committing 44
creating 43
modifying 43
transaction atomic requests
about 41
transaction phases
about 41
transaction properties
asynchronous 42
timeout 42
about 11
URI format and structure
overview 10, 102
user sessions APM
managing 111
resolving 81
vulnerability assessment subscriptions
querying 77
managing 97