arXiv:1904.08136v3 [physics.soc-ph] 26 Jun 2019
A Pyramid Scheme Model Based on “Consumer
Rebate” Frauds
Yong Shi
, Bo Li
and Wen Long
School of Economics and Management,
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
Research Center on Fictitious Economy and Data Science,
Key Laboratory of Big Data Mining and Knowledge Management,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
June 27, 2019
There are various types of pyramid schemes which have inflicted or are in flicting
losses on many people in the world. We propose a pyramid scheme model which
has the principal characters of m any pyramid schemes appeared in recent years:
promising high returns, rewarding the participants recruiting the next generation
of participants, and the organizer will take all the money away when he finds
the money from the new participants is not enough to p ay the previous partici-
pants interest and rewards. We assume the pyramid scheme carries on in th e tree
network , ER random network, SW small-world network or BA scale-free network
respectively, then give the analytical results of how many generations the pyramid
scheme can last in these cases. We also use our model to analyse a pyramid scheme
in the real world and we find the connections between participants in th e pyramid
scheme may constitute a SW small-world network.
Email: lo[email protected], corresponding author
1 Introduction
The column Topics in Focus of China Centr al Television (CCTV), one of the most-
watched shows on CCTV, exposed a so-called “ consumption rebate” platform named
“RenRenGongYi” on June 18, 2017 which actually was a pyramid scheme
. The alleged
operation pattern of “RenRenGongYi” was to let franchisees give the fixed proportion
of customers’ consumption to the platform to form a fund pool, such as 24%, 12% or
6%, then the platform return the money t o customers and franchisees by instalments.
But most transactions are fa br icat ed in “RenRenGongYi”, and the platform in fact
lured the participants by promising high returns to invest in the f und pool and rewarded
the participants who attra cted the next generation of participants. Franchisees may be
mostly fictitious because most transactions are fabricat ed, and the participants of t he
pyramid scheme are mainly consumers. For example, If a participant fa bricat es a 100
yuan consumption (the pa r ticipant was both the f r anchisee and the consumer) and gave
24 (or 12 or 6) yuan to the platform, he/she could gradually get a consumption rebate
of nearly 1 00 yuan, which was more than 4 (or 8 or 16) times the principal. In less than
a month, 5,267 franchisees and 48,505 consumers were involved in the platform. From
the pr oject officially opened on December 1, 2016 to the crash at the end of the month,
the amount absorbed in just one month reached 1 billion RMB.
Besides “RenRenGongYi”, there are many more platforms of this form and Chinese
government have warned the risk of “consumption rebate” pla tforms
. There are many
other forms of pyramid schemes, such as IGOFX
originated from Malaysia and MMM
originated from Russia.
Pyramid schemes are different from ordinary Ponzi schemes named after the epony-
mous fraudster Charles Ponzi(1882-1949), though in both Ponzi and pyramid schemes,
existing investors are paid by the money of new investors
. In a Ponzi scheme pa r-
ticipants believe they are actually earning returns from their investment. While in a
pyramid scheme, participants are aware that they are earning money by finding new
participants. They become part of the scheme.
Pyramid schemes and Ponzi schemes have been researched fro m some different per-
spectives. Joseph Gastwirth proposed a probability model of a pyramid scheme and
concluded that the vast majority of participants have less than a ten percent chance of
recouping their initial investment [
1]. St imulated by the Madoff investment scandal in
Topics in Focus on June 18, 2017 can be viewed at
(Ponzi scheme company)
5 Special English/pyramid-vs-ponzi-69196.html
2008, Marc Artzrouni put forward a first order linear differential equation to describe the
Ponzi schemes [
2]. The model of Marc Artzrouni depends on the following parameters:
a promised but unrealistic interest rate, the actual realized nominal interest rate, the
rate at which new deposits are accumulated and the withdrawal rate. Marc Artzrouni
gave the conditions on these parameters for the Ponzi scheme to be solvent or to col-
lapse. The model was fitted to data available on Charles Ponzi’s 1920 eponymous scheme
and illustrated with a philanthropic version of the scheme. Tyler Moore et al. make an
empirical ana lysis of these High Yield Investment Programs but not put forward a math-
ematical model [3]. A High Yield Investment Program (HYIP) is considered to be an
online Ponzi scheme, because it pays outrageous levels of interest using money from new
investors. Different from the traditional Ponzi schemes, there are many sophisticated
investors understanding the fraud, but hope to profit by joining early, and investors can
not withdraw their mo ney at any time. Anding Zhu, Peihua Fu et al. researched some
problems when Po nzi scheme diffuses in complex networks [
4, 5].
Since the introduction of random networks, small-world networks and scale-free net-
works, complex networks have attracted great attention f r om researchers in various fields
such as management and statistical physics. Researches show that many natural and
social phenomena have small-world or scale-free char acteristics. At present, complex net-
works have been successfully applied to improve transportation networks [
6, 7], analyze
innovative networks [8], research the spread of infectious diseases and rumors [9,10].
Most of the existing literature focuses on the resear ch of Ponzi schemes, including the
spread of Ponzi schemes in complex networks, while the research on pyramid scheme is
relatively few. To the best of our knowledge, for the pyramid schemes of “consumption
rebate” type, no scholar has put forward a model based on it at present. In order to
understand and explain the operation mechanism and characteristics of the pyramid
schemes of “consumption rebate type, then provide ideas for monitoring this kind of
pyramid schemes, and off er the basis for further research, we propose a pyramid scheme
model which has the pr incipal characters of many pyramid schemes appeared in recent
years: pro mising hig h returns, rewarding the participants recruiting the next generation
of participants, and the organizer will take all the money away when he finds the money
from the new pa r ticipants is not enough to pay the previous participants interest and
rewards. We assume the pyramid scheme carries on in the tr ee network, ER rando m
network, SW small-world network or BA scale-free network respectively, then give the
analytical results of how many generations the pyramid scheme can last in these cases.
We also use our model to analyse a pyramid scheme in the real world and we find the
connections between par t icipants in the pyramid scheme may constitute a SW small-
world network.
This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we briefly introduce the tree networ k,
the random network, the small-world network and the scale-free network. In Sec. 3, we
propose our pyramid scheme model. In Sec. 4, we analyse a pyramid scheme in real
world. Some discussions and conclusions are given in Sec. 5.
2 Networks
2.1 Tree network
Tree networks are connected acyclic graph. The word “tree” suggests branching out
from a roo t and never completing a cycle. Tree networks a r e hierarchical, and each node
can have an arbitrary number of child nodes. Trees as graphs have many applications,
esp ecially in data storage, searching, and communication [
2.2 Random network
Random network, also known as stochastic network or stochastic gra ph, refer to
complex network created by stochastic process. The most typical random network is
the ER model proposed by Paul Erd¨os a nd Alfred R´eney [12]. ER model is based
on a “natural” construction method: suppose there are n nodes, and a ssume that the
possibility of connection between each pair of nodes is constant 0 < p < 1. The network
constructed in this way is ER model network. Scientists first used this model to explain
real-life networks.
2.3 Small-world network
The original model of small-wor ld was first proposed by Watts and Strogatz, and
it is the most classical model of small-world network which called SW small-world net-
work [
13]. The WS small-world networ k model can be constructed as follows: take a
one-dimensional lattice of L vertices with connections o r bonds between nearest neigh-
bors and periodic boundary conditions (the lattice is a ring), then go through each of the
bonds in turn and independently with some probability φ rewiring” it. Rewiring in this
context means shifting one end of the bond to a new vertex chosen uniformly a t random
from the whole la t tice, with the exception that no two vertices can have more than one
bond running between them, and no vertex can be connected by a bond to itself. The
most striking feature of small-world networks is that most nodes are not neighbors of
one another, but the neighbors of any given node are likely to be neighbors of each other
and most nodes can be reached from every other node by a small number of ho ps or
steps. It has been found that many networks in r eal life small-world property, such as
social networks [
14], the connections of neural networks [13], and the bond structure of
long macromolecules in the chemical [1 5].
2.4 Scale-free network
A scale-free network is a network whose degree distribution follows a power law, at
least asymptotically. The first model of scale-free network is proposed by Barabasi and
Albert, which is called BA scale-free network [16]. BA model describes a growing o pen
system starting from a group of core nodes, new nodes are constantly added to the
system. The two basic assumptions of BA scale-free network model are: (1) from m
nodes, a new node is added to each t ime step, and m nodes are selected to be connected
to the new node in m
nodes(m m
); (2) The probability Π
that the new node is
connected to an existing node i satisfies Π
= k
, where k
denotes the degree
of the node i and N denotes the number of nodes. In this way, when added enough new
nodes, the network generated by the model will reach a stable evolutio n state, and then
the degree distribution follows the power law distribution. Ref [17] reported that the
degree distribution of many networks in real world is a pproximate or exact obedience to
power law distribution.
3 The model
3.1 Assumptions
We consider a simple pyramid scheme while it meets the basic features of many
pyramid schemes in the real world, especially the “consumption rebate” platforms. First,
it has an organizer that a ttracts par t icipants through promising high r ate of return
compared t o normal interest rate. Besides the promising return, any participant will be
rewarded by the organizer with a propor t ion of the total investment of the participants
he or she directly attracted, thus the early participants will be motivated enough to
recruit the next-generation participants and the next-generation participants will do the
same thing in order to get more returns. Secondly, we assume all the participants at
current generation are r ecruited by the participants at the upper generation, and the
organizer pays the participants at the previous generations the interests and rewards
when all possible participants at current generation have jo ined in the scheme. The
third assumption is that the organizer will take all the money away when he finds the
money from the new participants is not enough to pay the previous participants interest
and rewards. To simplify the model, we also assume all the part icipants invest the same
amount o f money and invest only once. Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of pyra mid
Figure 1: A schematic diagram of pyramid scheme. From top to bottom are the organizer,
the first genera tion participants and the second generation participants.
scheme, it has one organizer and two generations of participants.
Based on these assumptions, we discuss the pyramid scheme spreads in tree networ k,
random network, small world network, and scale-free network below.
3.2 Tree network case
If the pyramid scheme expands in the form o f tree network that has a constant
branching coefficient α and the root node of the tr ee network r epresents the organiser,
we can simply write the number of participants at the g-th generation as n
and the
total amount of money ent ering the pyramid scheme at the g-th generation as mn
where n
is the number of participants at the first generation and m is the money
amount of every participant invests. For simplification, we assume n
= α and m = 1.
We suppose the number of all potential participants is N in this case. Removing the
interest and rewards, the relationship between the net inflow of money M of the pyramid
scheme and the generation g when all po ssible participants at g-th generation have joined
in the scheme can be given by
M(g) = α
, (1)
where r
is the promised rate of return of the organizer, r
is the ratio of the money
rewarded with a participant to the tota l investment of the participants he or she directly
recruited. Normally in real pyramid scheme cases, r
and r
are between 0% and 5 0%.
The first term of Eq. (
1) represents the investment of all the participants, the second term
represents the interest paid to the participants before the generation g, and the third
term represents the rewards paid to the recruiters of participants at the g-th generatio n.
Notice in our pyramid scheme, the participants at the g-t h generation are all recruited
by the participants at g 1-th g eneratio n.
The second term of Eq. (
1) is the sum of geometric sequences, after summing them
up Eq. (
1) can be rewritten as
M(g) =
α 1
[(1 r
(1 + r
+ r
]. (2)
Through Eq. (
2) we can find that if the branching coefficient α satisfy the condition
1 r
+ r
1 r
, (3)
the inflow of money M(g) of the pyramid scheme is always positive, so the pyramid
scheme will continue forever under the circumstances.
However, the potential participants are limited to N and the pyramid scheme will
stop eventually. The maximum generation G of the pyramid scheme is given by
= log
Nα N + α
) + 1, (4)
where x is the int eger part of x. At the G-th generation all the potential participants
have joined the pyramid scheme, and the organizer will take away all the money and
don’t pay the interest and rewards any more. We can write the final income of the
pyramid as
= N r
(G i 1)α
, (5)
and the income of the participants at i-th generation is
(G i 1)α
+ r
, for 1 i G 2.
, for G 2 < i G.
2(a) shows the analytical result and the simula t ive result of maximum gener-
ation G
when the branching coefficient α changes, and we take the parameters value
N = 10000, r
= 0.1, r
= 0.1. Figure
2(b) shows the analytical result and the simulative
result of maximum generatio n G
when the possible participants N changes, and we
take the parameters value α = 4, r
= 0.1, r
= 0.1. Figur e 2 illustrates intuitively that
in the tree network case, if other conditions of the pyramid scheme remain unchanged,
the larger the branch coefficient , that is, the mo re new participants each person re-
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) The analytical result and the simulative result of ma ximum generation G
when the branching coefficient α changes. We take the parameters value N = 10000,
= 0.1, r
= 0.1; (b) The analytical result and the simulative result of maximum
generation G
when the possible participants N chang es. We take the parameters
value α = 4, r
= 0.1, r
= 0.1.
cruits, the fewer generations the pyramid scheme can last. On t he other hand, when
other conditions remain unchanged, the larger the number of potential participants, the
more generations the pyramid scheme can sustain, but every new generation needs more
participants, and this growth of new pa r t icipants is exponential.
3.3 Random network case
If the pyramid scheme takes place in a ER random network has an average degree k
and N nodes, we assume the organizer is a random node in t he network and other nodes
represent the potential participants. The organizer r ecruits the potential participants
nearest to him as the first generation participants, and the first generation participants
recruits the potential participants nearest to them as the second generation participants,
and so on. So the value of the generation of any participant in the pyramid scheme
is the shortest path length from the node represents t he organizer. Ref. [
18] gives the
approximate analytical results for the distribution of shortest path lengths in ER random
networks, the number of nodes at the i-th generation is about k
if i log
k < 1 and all
the nodes are included in the pyramid scheme if i log
k > 1. Therefore, the pyramid
scheme in ER random network is approximat e to the case in the tree network above and
the difference is the branching coefficient α should be replaced by the averag e degree k.
Firstly, like the case in tree network, r
, r
and k should satisfy the following condi-
1 r
+ r
1 r
. (7)
The approximate maximum generation G of the pyramid scheme in this case is given by
1/ log
k + 1. (8)
In addition, we can also write the approximate expressions of the orga niser’s and partic-
ipants’ income which have the same for m of Eq. (
6), which we omits it here. Figure 3(a)
The analytical result and the simulative result of maximum generation G
when the av-
erage degree k changes, and we take the parameters value N = 1000, r
= 0.1, r
= 0.1.
3(b) shows the analytical result and the simulative result of maximum genera-
tion G
when the possible participants N changes, and we take the parameters value
k = 4, r
= 0.1, r
= 0.1. The simulative results in the (a) and (b) are averaged aft er
100 simulations. From Figure
3, we can find tha t in ER random network case, the re-
lationship between maximum generation G
and mean degree k, and the relationship
between G
and potential pa rticipants N are similar to the case in tree network, where
the mean degree k represents the amount of participants that each participant can re-
cruit averagely. We can also find that within the range of parameters we have chosen,
analytical results and simulative results are very close.
(a) (b)
Figure 3: (a) The analytical result and the simulative result of ma ximum generation G
when the average degree k changes. We take the parameters value N = 1000, r
= 0.1,
= 0 .1; (b) The analytical result and the simulative result of maximum generation
when t he possible participants N changes. We take the pa r ameters value k = 4,
= 0 .1, r
= 0 .1. The simulative results in the (a) and (b) are averaged after 100
3.4 Small world network case
Now we consider t he pyramid scheme carries on in a SW small-world network, to some
extent this case is similar to the case in ER random network. We also randomly choose
a node as the or ganiser, other nodes represent the potential par t icipants, and r
, r
represent interest rate and reward ratio respectively. The value of the generatio n of any
participant in the pyramid scheme is the shortest path length from the node represents
the organizer. Ref. [
19] points out that the number of nodes increases exp onent ially with
the average length of the shortest path when the nodes are infinite. The approximate
surface area of a sphere of radius r on the SW small-world network can be given by [
A(r) = 2e
, (9)
where ξ = 1/φk, and φ is r ewiring probability and k is t he degree of the corresponding
rule graph.
Change r to g, we can obtain the approximate number of participants at g-th gener-
ation. Because of the exponential form of A(g), we can deal with this case just like in
the cases of tree network and ER random network. The branching coefficient α should
be replaced by e
, and the following conditio n should be satisfied:
1 r
+ r
1 r
. (10)
If the nodes a re finite, the number of nodes reach the peak when the distant from
the node to the organiser is near the average length of the shortest path. If greater than
the average length of the shortest path, numbers are quickly reduce to 0, so it can be
approximately considered that the maximum generation G is close to the value of the
average length o f the shortest path. The average path length
d of the SW small-world
network is given by [19]
f(φKN), (11)
f(u) =
, if u 0.
ln u/u, if u .
The number of nodes with average shortest path length from the node representing the
organizer is the largest. So we can infer the maximum generation G
of t he pyramid
scheme is given by [20]
+ 1. (13)
In the simulation, we find that the values of r
and r
are very important. Generally
speaking, the greater the values of r
and r
satisfy the Eq. (10), the closer the simulation
results and numerical results are. This is because when the values of r
and r
are larger,
the pyramid scheme can easily terminate when the number of generations exceeds the
value of the average shortest path length. Figure
4(a) shows t he analytical result and the
simulative result of maximum generation G
when the possible participants φ changes,
and we take the parameters value N = 1000, K = 3, r
= 0.2, r
= 0.2. Figure
shows the analytical result and t he simulative result of ma ximum generation G
the possible participants N changes, and we take t he parameters value K = 3, φ = 0.1,
= 0 .2, r
= 0 .2. The simulative results in the (a) and (b) are averaged after 100
simulations. In Figure
4, we find that within the range of parameters we selected, t he
maximum generation G
of the pyramid scheme is not very sensitive to the reconnection
probability φ and the potential participants, and the analytical results are basically in
accordance with the simulative results.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: (a) The analytical result and the simulative result of maximum generation
when the possible participants φ changes. We take the parameters value N = 1000,
K = 3, r
= 0.2, r
= 0.2; (b) The analytical result and the simulative result of maximum
generation G
when the possible participants N changes. We take the parameters value
K = 3, φ = 0.1, r
= 0.2, r
= 0.2. The simulative results in the (a) and (b) are averag ed
after 100 simulations.
3.5 Scale-free network case
If the pyra mid scheme expands in a BA scale-free network, similar to the cases in ER
random network and SW small-world network above, we also randomly choose a node
as the organiser and and other nodes represent the potentia l participants. The orga-
nizer recruits participants and the participants recruit the next generation participants
through the network connections. To ensure positive inflows, the following condition
must be satisfied:
(1 r
)n(g + 1) r
n(g), (14)
Where n(g) represents the number of participants at g-th generation, and n(g + 1)
represents the number of participants a t g+1-th generation. The distribution o f shortest
path length approximates the norma l distribution and the position corresponding to the
highest point of normal distribution is the average shortest path length [
21]. The average
path length
s of the BA scale-free network is given by [22]
ln N
ln ln N
. (15)
Figure 5: The analytical result and the simulative r esult of maximum generation G
when the possible participants N changes. We take the parameters value r
= 0.2,
= 0.2. The simulative result is averaged after 100 simulations.
Before the peak, the number of participants per g eneratio n grew faster than exponen-
tial growth. But after t hat, The number of participants per generation declined rapidly,
so the condition can not be satisfied any more. So we can infer the maximum generation
is close to the value of the average shortest pat h length, and is given by
+ 1. (16)
Figure 5 shows the analytical result and the simulative result o f maximum generation
when the possible participants N changes. We taken the parameters value r
= 0.2,
= 0.2, and the simulative result is averaged after 100 simulations. The analytical re-
sults can basically reflect this characteristic. We can find that in scale-free networks, the
maximum generation G
is not very sensitive to the potential participants in Figure
The analytical results can basically reflect this cha r acteristic.
4 A pyramid scheme in real world
Although real cases of pyramid scheme are easy to find in news reports, there are few
cases that give details of the number of people involved and the pyramid generations.
Usually, when the organizer of the pyramid scheme disappears, the participants with
loss will repor t the case to the police, and the police will investigate the case. On July
23, 2018, China News Networ k Guangzhou Station reported a pyramid scheme that had
75663 account numbers and 46 generatio ns, and the pyramid scheme had amassed 76
million yuan in three months
. This is the same type of pyra mid scheme as described
in the introduction. Using the analysis in Section 3, we assume the pyramid scheme
carries on tree network, ER random network, SW small-world network and BA scale-
free network respectively, then verify which network can describe the pyramid scheme in
the real world well. We assume one account number represent a participant.
If this real pyramid scheme expands in a tree network, we can calculate the tree net-
work’ branching coefficient α 1.28. This means on average, less then two participants
are recruited by each participant. But we can not know more about the connections
between the participants except branching coefficient.
If this real pyramid scheme spreads in ER Random network, we can calculate the
average degree k 1.28 through Eq. (
8). So each node is connected to 1.28 nodes on
average, and the connection probability in ER random network is less then 1.28/75663
1.7 × 10
, which is very small then isolated nodes and nodes with degree 1 are easy
to appear in the network. Although this case is similar to that of tree network, the
branching coefficient in random network is not stable and it’s easy to end the pyramid
scheme if Eq. (??) is not sat isfied (the minimum value of the formula ( 1r
is greater than 1). So we think the pyramid scheme can hardly happen in the ER random
If this real pyramid scheme carries on in a BA scale-free network, through the analysis
and simulation, we find developing to 46 generations need far more than 75 663 partic-
ipants. Therefore, the connections between participants are impossible to f orm a BA
scale-free network.
If this real pyramid scheme takes place in a SW small-world network and accords all
our assumptions, we could find a simulative result to fit the result o f the real pyramid
scheme. The parameters we select are N = 100000, φ = 0.02, K = 4, r
=0.1, r
= 0.1 ,
and each participant invest 23500 yuan. The simulative pyramid scheme has 7465 2
participants, and develops to 46 generations, and the fund pool of the pyra mid is about
76 million yuan. The simulation results are in good agreement with the real pyramid
scheme. Figure
6(a) and 6(b) shows the cumulative number N
of participants, the
number of participants N
in each generation, and the cumulative money M
over g eneratio n g in the simulative pyramid scheme.
(a) (b)
Figure 6: The cumulative number N
of participants, the number of participants N
in each generation, and the cumulative money M
changes over generation g in the
simulatve pyramid scheme. This is one simulative result in the SW small- world case
which the parameters we select are N = 100000, φ = 0.02, r
=0.1, r
= 0.1, and each
participant invest 23500 yuan.
6 shows that, the amount of participants and the amount of accumulated
money of the pyramid scheme grow slowly in the initial stage and explosively in the
later stage. Once the growth rate slows down, the amount of the pyramid scheme’s ac-
cumulated money will reach a peak soon and the organizer will escape. The probability
of reconnection in simulation is 0.02, which can be understood according to the actual
situation and means that pa r t icipants tend to recruit new part icipants from familiar
people. In fact, according to our investigation and many news reports, such pyramid
frauds always arise in small cities, and most of the participants recruit new participants
from their familiar people. As generations go on, the network constituted by all partic-
ipants has the properties of small world: agglomeration and having some flocks, which
is similar to the interpersonal network. Alt ho ugh our mo del has been simplified and
approximated, it is enlightening to explain the real case.
Through the above simula tion analysis, we can speculate that the connections be-
tween participants in the real case may constitute a SW small-world network.
5 Conclusion
In summary, we have proposed a pyramid scheme model which has the principal
characters of many pyramid schemes appeared in recent years: promising high returns
and rewarding the participants attracting the next generation of participants. Assuming
the pyramid scheme spreads in the tree network, ER random network, SW small-world
network and BA scale-free network, we give the conditions for t he continuity of the
pyramid scheme, and the analytical results of how many generations the pyramid scheme
can last if the organizer of the pyramid scheme takes all the money away when he finds
the new money is no t enough to pay interest and incent ives. We also use our model to
analyse a pyra mid scheme in the real world and the result displays the connections of
participants in the pyramid may have the feature of small wor ld.
Our work is helpful to understand the operation mechanism and characteristics of
the pyramid schemes of “ consumption rebate” type. Our model may be able to apply to
some current illegal high-interest loa ns, if these illegal projects promise a high interest
rate and reward the investors who encourage others to invest in such projects, but the
money accumulated is not actually invested in any real projects. Our wor k shows that
the pyramid schemes of “consumption rebate” type are not easy to be detected by the
supervision because of the small amount of funds and small a mo unt of participants
accumulated in the initial stage. After the rapid growth of funds and participants, it
often comes to the end of this kind of pyramid frauds, and the or ganizers oft en have
already fled. So for regulators, it’s better to nip such platforms in the bud so that more
people don’t suffer loss. In addition, to some extent, our work provides some basis for
further study of such frauds. For example, we will further consider how the participants’
beliefs about always having enough new participants effect the operation of such frauds.
6 Acknowledgement
This research was support ed by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71771204,
91546201) .
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