Double Key Encryption
Planning and Deployment
Michael Wirth
Ralf Wigand
Version: 2.1
What is Double Key Encryption?
2.1 Microsoft Purview Information Protection
2.2 Double Key Encryption under the hood
2.3 Reference Implementation for the DKE web service
General considerations
3.1 External Key Management
3.2 Single Sign On
3.3 Cloud Service Access to DKE
3.4 Feature Availability
3.5 Authorization
How to protect the DKE service itself?
4.1 Threats and Security Goals
4.2 Other Operational Considerations
Possible avors
5.1 Model A (DKE Network Isolation)
5.2 
5.3 Model C (Federation)
5.4 
5.5 Model E (IPSec Server Isolation)
5.6 
Figures, Tables and Links
2Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Protecting information from getting
stolen or leaked is one of the fundamental
goals since the very beginning. The times
where putting printouts into a safe are
over already for a long time, and today
IT has taken over that task. By using
strict permissions and various encryption
technologies, IT has done in most cases
a good job. But todays modern work
style challenges these solutions by simul-
taneous editing, the need for limited
sharing capabilities, and last, but not
least, by outsourcing information into
the hands of others, like cloud providers.
Microsoft Purview Information Protection
enables rights management in a more
permission or encryption solutions, since
the rights that are granted stick with the
information, and both are protected
by encryption technology. This allows
some services to still work, like indexing,
malware protection and others. Microsoft
Purview Information Protection will be
introduced in chapter 2.1.
Although cloud providers take massive
invests into securing customers data not
only from malicious attackers, but also
from themselves, there are situations
where some data must be secured in
a way that even the provider can’t get
access to them. And here is where Double
Key Encryption, or short DKE, enters the
stage. DKE builds on top of Microsoft
Purview Information Protection by adding
a second key to the game, and that key is
not managed by the provider but by the
customer. This will be part of chapter 2.2.
At this point there is the moment for a
warning: Just adding a second key is not
even if that second key is managed by
the customer. If someone (hacker, insider,
provider) can get access to that second key
or take over an identity which allows access
to the key, the whole thing about “double
second key’s store itself is the obvious
concern, protecting user and administrator
identities from theft or forgery is of
fundamental al importance as well.
1. Introduction
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
for accessing the document and for
accessing the second key as well, there is
multiple situations further down in this
document, but we will also discuss solutions
which can prevent or mitigate this kind
of attack. A solid threat model must be in
and what kind of attacker the information
should be protected against.
Since dealing with encryption keys (and
now even with multiple of them) is not
that easy and surely not a beginner’s
task, Microsoft offers a reference
implementation of the DKE web service as
to learn and understand how the various
components are connected and how data
implementation will be explained in
chapter 2.3.
But that is only the beginning of the
journey. There are more aspects that
should be taken into consideration when
implementing the productive solution,
and some of them will be covered in
chapter 3, like External Key Management,
isolating Cloud services from DKE data,
and more.
security goals, chapter 4 gives some
aspects, and it also covers operational
considerations for the DKE service itself.
to embed DKE into a security solution are
shown in chapter 5, each of them naming
the goals that can be achieved by the
model, but also which ones cannot be
solved with the discussed model.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Double Key Encryption (DKE) is a feature in
Microsoft Purview Information Protection
(and the underlying Azure Rights
Management Services (or Azure RMS in
short), which are also part of the Purview
product). It consists of client functionality
(which is included in Microsoft 365 desktop
or Outlook) and a server component,
further described as the DKE service. This
DKE service is a web service application
operated and controlled by the customer
either as an appliance offered by partners
or as a self-hosted web application (which
in turn could be run in a customer’s own
data center on-premises or with a Cloud
Service Provider).
2.1 Microsoft Purview
Information Protection
Note: If you are already familiar with
the mechanics of Azure RMS and know
about the role and purpose of “Publishing
Licenses” and “Use Licenses” you can
Further detail can be found here:
easily skip this part and continue with
“Double Key Encryption under the hood”
in chapter 2.2 on page 9. Nevertheless,
reading this part is encouraged since the
following chapters will rely on some of
Fundamentally, Microsoft Purview
Information Protection
is a client-side
encryption technology. In contrast
to other solutions which are based
on traditional PKI components, it
automatically handles all the key
management operations on behalf of
end users. It does so by relying on the
user’s identity which is handled by the
underlying directory service, Microsoft
Entra ID, by using a user’s or a groups
SMTP address, as stored in the directory
attributes “mail” and “proxyAddresses
mail address is set at all, Azure RMS
falls back to reading the attribute
userPrincipalName” to establish the user’s
identity. In fact, the author of a document
or e-mail message does not even have
to know anything about the recipients
other than their e-mail address (and
inside an organization not even this, if the
associated permissions centrally).
2. What is
Double Key
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
The second important aspect beyond the
encryption itself is the usage restriction
options (“rights”) which originally gave the
name to the Rights Management Services
component: The author of a document
can specify which rights or permissions
example printing, editing, saving, or set an
expiry date after which the document can
no longer be opened at all.
Finally, both encryption and rights travel
For a better understanding of the
following DKE discussion, let’s look at the
regular Microsoft Purview Information
components are:
Microsoft Entra ID, a cloud-based
directory and identity service, which
provides a tenant
as the primary
unit of isolation between multiple
customers. It is the tenants directory
data like user and group mail
addresses which control Purview’s
overall authorization process.
is an instance of Purview Information
Protection, a cloud service that amongst
other things provides sensitivity labels
and encryption settings for the users of
this tenant and
Azure Rights Management,
another cloud service which holds
cryptographic key material for the
tenant and performs the actual
processing of cryptographic artefacts.
The client computers may be located
anywhere, i.e., in the cloud like virtual
desktops, on-premises or in a mobile
Finally, later paragraphs will introduce
the Double Key Encryption web service
(its actual location will be subject to
discussion about threats and protection
measures later).
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Figure 1: Microsoft Purview Information Protection flow for encryption.
Figure 1 shows a user interacting with a
The user authenticates inside the
customer tenant against Microsoft Entra
ID, the Microsoft cloud identity service.
The steps in Figure 1 are:
1. User creates sensitive content within
the application and selects the
2. The application learns that this label
is applying encryption and creates
a symmetric AES Content Key (in
application memory). This Content
Key is unique per document, or
more precisely, per documentID,
which is metadata that is put into the
document when it is protected initially.
does not change its metadata, and
documentID remains intact together
3. 
Content Key.
4. The Content Key is put into the
Publishing License (PL), together
with other metadata and the RMS
happen within the process memory of
the desktop application itself.
5. The client reads (and caches) the
public key of the RMS service in the
tenant (depicted in yellow in Figure
1) and wraps the relevant parts of the
PL with this key. The PL is put into the
that there are also some metadata
elements in a PL which are always in
the clear, e.g., the URL of the RMS
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
At this point, the decryption of the original
text would require access to the Content
Key (the blue key in Figure 1), which
itself needs to be decrypted by using
the tenant’s private key. This tenant’s
private key is managed by Azure Rights
Management Services. Azure RMS will only
decrypt the Content Key if the requesting
party can provide a valid identity that
the Publishing License. The communication
between the consuming user and the RMS
is not only encrypted in transit (using a TLS
connection), but also protected by the so-
called End User License (the artefact which
contains the Content Key) by encrypting
it with a public key belonging to the user
as described in the following step-by-step
explanation of the decryption process:
Figure 2 shows the user accessing a
protected document (the interaction
with the local O365 app was left out for
better reading). The user authenticates
again inside the customer tenant against
Microsoft Entra ID, the Microsoft cloud
identity service.
The steps in Figure 2 are:
1. A consuming user tries to open the
document within the application. As
the application is RMS-aware, the
PL can provide the URL of the RMS
service whose public key protected the
mentioned in step 5 for Figure 1.
2. The consuming user authenticates to
Azure RMS using Microsoft Entra ID.
If the user successfully authenticates
to this RMS instance for the very
gets created and stored in the local
pair in Figure 2).
3. The client sends the PL (not the entire
together with a proof of identity
(including the user GICs public key).
Figure 2: Microsoft Purview Information Protection flow for decryption.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
4. It is now up to the RMS service to
decide if the user identity, based on
the e-mail address in the GIC and
other Microsoft Entra ID directory data
like group memberships, is authorized
to access the content and what the
user’s effective permission will be as
the PL. These effective permissions will
be calculated in additive mode, i.e., if
group A has been granted READ and
group B has been granted PRINT, the
resulting effective permissions for a
user who is a member in both groups
will be both READ and PRINT.
5. These effective permissions will be
encoded into a new XML structure,
the so-called Use License or End
User License (EUL), together with the
decrypted Content Key. This EUL is
then protected with the GIC public key
so that only the user in possession of
the corresponding GIC private key can
open the EUL.
6. The application receives the EUL,
decrypts it by using the locally stored
private key of the GIC, decrypt
the original text by using the (now
decrypted) Content Key and enforces
the effective permissions of the
consuming user as granted by the
publishing author.
Note: RMS is not limited to end user
devices: It can be implemented on cloud
service instances acting as client towards
Microsoft Purview Information Protection
perform certain operations on the
document like Indexing, Search, rendering
eDiscovery, CoPilot and many more that
need to process clear text.
2.2 Double Key Encryption
under the hood
As the name already implies, DKE works on
the principle of adding another round of
encryption to the “Content Key“, the blue
key symbol in Figure 1, which all RMS-
capable applications use to encrypt their
To achieve this, a DKE service holds another
private/public key pair, the DKE key. To be
precise, DKE can support one key pair per
DKE-label, as the key name itself is part
of the DKE URL naming scheme and each
label may refer to exactly one URL.
Content Key, but before the Publishing
License (PL) gets protected by the tenants
RMS key), the Content Key is additionally
protected with the public portion of the
DKE key and therefore “doubling” the
encryption of the actual Content Key. The
location of the DKE service is stored as a URL
within a Purview sensitivity label itself,
alongside the other label parameters. After
this, the “regular” RMS process continues
with step 5 in Figure 1 by encrypting the
(now already DKE-encrypted) Content Key
together with the PL.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Figure 3: DKE flow for encryption.
Figure 3 shows a user interacting with a local
installed O365 application. The symbol for
the label contains information (URL) where
The steps in Figure 3 are:
1. User creates sensitive content within
the application and this time selects
a DKE-enabled label (marked with a
globe symbol in this and all following
diagrams to represent a URL pointing
to the service).
2. 
stream is encrypted (as in step 3 for Figure 1).
3. The client application connects to
retrieve the DKE public key.
4. The Content Key is wrapped using this
public DKE key (the algorithm used is
The (now already encrypted) Content
Key is put into the Publishing License
(PL), together with other metadata and
template. Note that steps 2-4 happen
within the process memory of the
desktop application itself.
5. From here on, the steps to create and
protect the Publishing License (PL)
are identical to the regular Microsoft
of operations as described in Figure
1 steps 4 and 5: The client reads (and
caches) the public key of the RMS in
the tenant (depicted in yellow in Figure
3) and wraps the relevant parts of the
PL with this key. The PL is put into the
6. The relevant parts of the PL are
protected with the tenant’s public key
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
For the respective decryption operation,
the client application needs to call DKE’s
decryption web service endpoint after
the Use License (EUL) was successfully
acquired (using Microsoft Purview
shown in Figure 2). The wrapped content
key contained in the Use License is sent to
the DKE service, the user’s authentication
and authorization are checked, and - if
accepted - DKE unwraps the Content Key
and sends it back to the client over the
established TLS-protected connection.
Figure 4 shows a user accessing a protected
document (the interaction with the local
reading). The user authenticates inside the
customer tenant against Microsoft Entra
ID, the Microsoft cloud identity service.
Please note that the DKE service might
require additional authentication that is not
in discussions further down.
Figure 4: DKE flow for decryption.
The steps in Figure 4 are:
1. A consuming user tries to open the
document within the application. As
the application is RMS-aware, the
PL can provide the URL of the RMS
service whose public key protected
2. The consuming user authenticates to
Azure RMS using Microsoft Entra ID.
If the user successfully authenticates
time (as already described), an RSA key
pair, called the GIC (Global Identity
green key pair in Figure 4).
3. The consumer sends the PL to the
Azure RMS service and, if authorized
successfully, receives the End Use
License EUL.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
2.3 Reference Implementation for
the DKE web service
To get yourself familiar with all the
involved keys, encryption and decryption
steps, Microsoft is providing a reference
implementation for the DKE web service.
As Microsoft expects that customers who
consider using DKE are looking for a high
degree of security and trust based on
transparency, the reference implementation
This implementation is built on top of .NET
Core, which itself is Open Source and makes
it possible to run the service not only on
This decision came with a drawback,
though: The reference implementation
this might be secure enough for a lot of
cases, there are other scenarios asking
for protection against additional threat
vectors, like for instance, storing the
Module (a physical computing device that
safeguards and manages digital keys for
strong authentication and cryptography
key store in the reference code would
require a Cryptographic Service Provider
would require a PKCS#11 based approach
under Linux. Consequently, Microsoft
solution, especially as it turned out that
offer DKE service implementations as part
of their own product offerings.
Another aspect of the reference
implementation besides transparency by
Open Source was the need for ease of
deployment. It should be possible to get
a DKE instance up and running without
So, Microsofts DKE documentation
proposes to use Azure App Services (a
serverless PaaS service for hosting web
applications), while the DKE application
itself is registered in Microsoft Entra
ID as an Enterprise application using
install, and set up the Double Key Encryption service for Microsoft 365.
4. 
user (who is in possession of the GIC’s
private key portion), the Content Key is
still wrapped with the DKE public key.
5. The wrapped Content Key is sent to the
DKE service (its URL is known since it is
part of the EUL metadata).
6. The callers identity is validated (for
details see next chapter), and if the
DKE service, using its private DKE key
portion, unwraps the Content Key.
7. Finally, the Content Key is sent back
to the client. The original content can
be decrypted and rendered by the
application, enforcing the effective
permissions of the consuming user as
granted by the publishing author.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Open ID Connect (OIDC) as a protocol
tenant. The “trust relationship” towards
Microsoft Entra ID is established by
putting the tenant information into
the DKE service is using the same ID
provider (Microsoft Entra ID) as Purview
Information Protection itself and thereby
provides an easy path to integrate
with existing Zero Trust technologies
like password-less authentication and
conditional access which are both
available as part of Microsoft Entra ID. On
the other hand, it should be mentioned
that, as the service uses the same ID
provider (Microsoft Entra ID in this
case) for both Purview and DKE service
authentication, the setup does not utilize a
cloud-independent identity infrastructure.
Successful theft or forging of a user’s
access token could give an attacker access
to both Purview and DKE.
3.1 External Key Management
One common misconception is that simply
putting the Key Management Solution into
the on-premises data center would protect
against access by the Cloud Service Provider.
operations in the cloud (in contrast to
operations on the user’s device), one would
still require granting the identity of some
cloud service the permission to access the
cryptographic API surface. Even if storing
the reference implementation discussed
adding an external Identity Provider to the
infrastructure, the cloud service would then
still need to securely store its own credentials
for authentication. This would again have
to happen within the services own scope
or domain in the cloud. Strictly speaking, a
cloud service acts as a client towards a key
management system here (using its own
service identity and credentials).
Using client encryption from the end user’s
device, helps avoid this catch-22 scenario:
here, it is the end user whose identity is
validated by a web service in front of the key
store (and this is the pattern for DKE as well
when a decryption operation is requested).
3. General
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
3.2 Single Sign On
It should be obvious that enforcing strong
authentication and a compliant, healthy
device are highly desirable when it comes
to interacting with a cryptographic key
management system like RMS or DKE. At
the same time, ease of use, i.e., a seamless
SSO experience is crucial for end user
acceptance. Excessive prompting during
only annoying to the user, but it can also
be a technical challenge for the application
itself to react to potential error conditions
providing seamless access to the DKE web
service is one fundamental aspect of the
overall data security and threat model. The
with regards to SSO and multiple user
identities need to be kept in mind as well.
3.3 Cloud Service Access to DKE
Microsoft cloud services cannot interact
with DKE-protected content for two
First, support for DKE from a caller’s
perspective is a function implemented
by the Microsoft Information
Protection Software Development Kit
(MIP SDK). This SDK is a client-side
component and is therefore not used
by services like SharePoint Online or
Exchange Online.
Second, the cloud services’ identity is
not in the list of authorized principals
of the DKE service (and the customer is
Services cannot read the content of the
these documents are not indexed and
cannot be searched.
the content cannot be discovered (like
in eDiscovery or Data Subject Rights
the documents’ content cannot be
they always need to be downloaded to
the client to be opened and edited.
server-side anti-malware will not work.
traditional Data Loss Prevention will
also not work.
This might be an inconvenience that
customers are willing to accept (given the
improved data security), but it also brings
choose wisely before applying DKE to a
document. Sometimes there is only a small
which need DKE encryption, and only a
part of the users require a DKE-enhanced
sensitivity label.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
3.4 Feature Availability
SDK. Support for other client OS platforms
on iOS, Mac and Android (expected in
Summer 2024).
plug-in within the Azure Information
Protection client package has ended,
perpetual installations with DKE.
is built around modern authentication
protocols with Microsoft Entra ID. Any
additional authentication component
protecting DKE (as mentioned above)
should integrate seamlessly with the
user’s desktop session or be established
even “lower in the stack”, e.g., at the
Apps won’t be aware of such additional
authentication, and therefore won’t be
able to prompt the user to authenticate
or reauthenticate. This might lead to an
unsatisfying end user experience. For
example, if access to the DKE service
not be able to contact the DKE service if
DKE service cannot be reached, it would
simply raise an error dialog, but it will not
3.5 Authorization
Finally, it is important to keep in mind
that authorization in the context of RMS
permissions always resides with the Azure
RMS service, even when DKE is used.
Authorization within and to DKE means
that the user is allowed to invoke DKEs
decryption operation, only. This can result
in scenarios where a user is allowed to use
DKE, but while enforcing the permissions
granted by the original creator of a
document, the application leaves the
user with no permissions. The stricter
authorization wins.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
4.1 Threats and Security Goals
In this chapter we will focus on some top
threats and resulting objectives. There are
for sure more threats to consider or some
threats need a higher priority depending
Sensitive content automatically gets
indexed by Microsoft Online Services
The objective here is to prevent access
to a subset of documents by Microsoft
Cloud Services to avoid data being used
by the index and search infrastructure.
As already mentioned in chapter 3.3,
Microsoft cloud services cannot interact
with DKE-protected content. The
reference implementation and any of the
the objective. This goal is referred to as
Prevent indexing certain documents by
Microsoft Cloud Services
4. How to
protect the DKE
service itself?
Predened label permissions are too wide
for a certain set of sensitive documents
reduce the user audience which can access
certain documents by adding another
layer of control to a given subset of
in the following chapter would be able to
Even the authorization logic in DKE itself
could be adjusted to achieve this goal,
which is referred to as Further reduce the
user audience by adding another layer of
authentication or authorization control
As there is yet no label-based
conditional access available any
authorized user may consume sensitive
content regardless of location, device
health or authentication strength
Objective here would be for example to add
certain restrictions on the accessibility of the
documents that normally (i.e. for Browser
applications) would be achieved by using
Conditional Access. By establishing a higher set
of requirements for authentication strength,
device state and potentially client network
location to access highly sensitive content
this goal can be achieved, for example with
model A by restricting network access to
Establish a higher set of requirements for
authentication strength, device state etc.
for highly sensitive content
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
A stolen or forged Entra ID token can
be used as valid identity proof
If the objective is to protect against faked
Entra ID tokens, one way to achieve
this, can be to provide a different or an
additional, second layer of authen¬tication
and authorization independent from
Microsoft Entra ID tenant as shown for
example in Model C (Federation) or Model
in the goals:
Provide a different layer of authentication
and authorization or
Provide an additional second layer of
authentication and authorization
Customers server administrator may
tamper with conguration les (incl.
copying of private keys)
If the IT department is not fully
trustworthy, an understandable objective
would be to protect the DKE service
(especially the key store) from one’s
example protects the keys by storing them
the DKE service (especially the key store or
memory) from my own IT staff
A cloud service provider may tamper
with conguration les (incl. copying
of private keys)
To prevent the DKE service from being
tampered by anyone outside the
organization (like a Cloud Service Provider
or CSP), the service and the key store
can be protected by using additional
safeguards out of reach by the CSP, like
Protect the DKE service (especially the key
store or memory) from the hosting CSP
An attacker could use Man-in-the-
Middle (MitM) techniques to sniff
network trafc between client and
DKE service to access content keys
To prevent this from being possible, the
communication link between client and
server needs to be protected, ideally with
a separate mutual authentication and
encryption layer, for example as shown in
Model E (IPSec Server Isolation). The goal
is stated as Protect the communication link
between client and server with a separate
mutual authentication and encryption
layer (IPSec or mTLS)
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
4.2 Other Operational
Potential DKE customers will probably
face a “make-or-buy” decision. There is a
couple of vendors selling DKE solutions in
an “appliance”-like form factor. Especially
storage, building a solution from scratch is
often not an option.
A couple of criteria still apply, regardless
of a commercial solution or a self-made
In the very beginning, the question should
the DKE service be protected from?”,
examples could be the Cloud Service
Provider, external partners or vendors,
malicious insiders or any party that can
to this fundamental question, some more
questions typically occur, like:
On-premises, in the customer’s data
center or with a cloud provider?
A virtual machine? A container-based
server of choice?
authenticate and authorize the users?
and should be used for the service?
Does the access to the service require
can the service be accessed over the
internet at all?
service require? Does the SLA
require a high availability solution
like a failover environment or
redundant Internet connections?
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
5. Possible avors
As a paper like this cannot provide an
exhaustive discussion on all the possible
aspects (and, as with all design decisions
for an IT system there are probably
many), it is still possible to give some
guidance by using a generic threat model
to align potential threat vectors with
corresponding design elements.
The following chapters describe different
approaches, preceded with goals and
non-goals, meaning that the model
suits the goals but will not address the
. These approaches do not
necessarily build upon each other, or are
better or stronger on a linear scale, but
rather should be understood as building
blocks as you will recognize while reading.
For all following models the reference
implementation as described in 2.3 was
taken as a “baseline”. By combination
of those blocks other scenarios are also
possible, depending on the discussions
and answers to the requirements as
mentioned in chapter 3 or 4.
As a baseline these two goals can be
achieved by implementing DKE even in
the basic reference implementation:
Please note that the list of goals/non-goals is driven by the customer’s
threat model and security requirements and is certainly not exhaustive.
Prevent indexing certain documents
by Microsoft Cloud Services
Further reduce the user audience by
adding another layer of authorization
Below implementation “models” will only
list additional goals on top of the above.
5.1 Model A (DKE Network
Threat Model Goals
Establish a higher set of requirements
for authentication strength, device state
and potentially, client network location
to access highly sensitive content.
Provide an additional second layer of
authentication and authorization
Categorically excluding external
users who do not belong to my
Protect the DKE service (especially
the DKE private key store) from my
own IT staff or from my Cloud Service
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Isolated network segment (might be in
the cloud, but preferably on premises)
web server in this isolated network,
running the DKE service with reference
implementation installed.
Network isolation can be achieved by
DKE service as shown in the diagram
Identity based on Microsoft Entra ID
with a conditional access policy to
require authentication strength, device
compliance and (possibly) network
Figure 5: Additional network isolation with RADIUS service to Microsoft Entra ID
This model uses the reference
implementation as described in chapter
2.3, adding extra protection to the DKE
in Figure 5 uses Microsoft Entra ID for
authentication (via SAML2 or OAuth2
protocol). This allows not only SSO on
but it also makes conditional access policies
possible to require additional authentication
strength, device state and device location.
A similar strategy, however, with equally
good or even better cross-platform
support, might be Microsoft Entra ID Global
Secure Access, which is a modern SASE-
style solution (this sometimes also gets
categorized as a “Zero-Trust Networking”
approach). Again, seamless SSO with
Microsoft Entra ID and integration for
Conditional Access Policy are important
properties for such a solution.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
5.2 Model B (Condential VM)
Threat Model Goals
Protect the DKE service (especially the key
store or memory) from my own IT staff
Protect the DKE service (especially the key
store or memory) from the hosting CSP
Adding a second layer of
authentication and authorization
independent from Microsoft Entra ID.
Establish a higher set of requirements
for authentication strength, device
state and potentially, client network
location to access highly sensitive
in the cloud
Protecting “data-in-use” from access by
privileged actors, be it a server administrator
or a cloud service provider, is challenging,
since an application needs to compute
cleartext data (if we ignore homomorphic
during recent years, a new model has
appeared which uses a CPU’s capability
to encrypt and isolate process memory
or the entire memory space of a virtual
machine to achieve protection from the
underlying hardware, OS, or hypervisor
Computing” and it is a joint effort by CPU
vendors, cloud providers and various other
players in the market, who participate in the
the common goal to further decrease the
size of the trusted computing base (TCP)
and the need for trust into a cloud service
provider, resulting in increased assurance
of information protection for sensitive
workload and data assets during processing.
Figure 6: Confidential VM
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
not rely on memory isolation alone. It is
not get launched on hardware without
support for memory encryption, which
is achieved by a so-called “Attestation.
Furthermore, there may be secrets on
the disk as well, so disk encryption is an
obvious solution to make sure that the OS
disk is not tampered with before, during
task of the virtual TPM provided within
Computing addresses the typical access
vectors besides the regular network
communication to DKE service (like
dumping process memory by the
All considerations about authorized
network access to DKE as discussed in this
paper still apply.
5.3 Model C (Federation)
Threat Model Goals
Provide a different layer (or source) of
authentication and authorization
Adding a second layer of
authentication and authorization
independent from Microsoft Entra ID.
Use identity from Microsoft Entra ID
with Conditional Access for Purview
Information protection plus an ADFS
instance as a claims instance for DKE.
Figure 7: Using ADFS instance.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Model C uses an ADFS instance with
federation trust (in ADFS, this is called a
Claims Provider Trust”) to an on-premises
Active Directory Forest. Furthermore, it
uses a “relying party trust relationship” to
each of DKE and Microsoft Entra ID.
It should be noted that user identity is still
rooted in a single directory service, the local
Active Directory and not the Microsoft Entra
ID. A user gets access tokens both to Entra
ID and to the DKE service after proving their
identity to AD and after receiving an initial
Kerberos ticket. This ticket is then seamlessly
exchanged into the respective token formats
for both relying parties by the ADFS instance.
For many customers who still rely on Active
Directory and ADFS, this may address the
threat vector of a forged Microsoft Entra
ID token (although, ultimately, it just shifts
the very threat to on-premises). One of the
complications is that Entra ID Conditional
Access can no longer be used for the DKE
application as DKE is no longer registered
in Entra ID (there is still a possibility to use
some ADFS functionality here, but this is
not nearly as rich as with Microsoft Entra
ID). ADFS also supports using its token
issuance pipeline as another authorization
layer, however, due to the scope of this
paper we must defer to the ADFS product
5.4 Model D (VPN with
Windows Server AD)
Threat Model Goals
Provide an additional second layer of
authentication and authorization
isolation with authentication and
authorization done by an on-premises
Active Directory (AD) Forest
This model is another variant that
addresses the aspect of a second identity
authentication and authorization against
an on-premises AD as shown below:
Figure 8: Additional network isolation with RADIUS service to on-premises AD.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
Note that in Figure 8 (in contrast to Figure
service which in turn authenticates
For future mobile DKE clients this may
not be optimal to achieve a seamless
connection gets established automatically
whenever the client PC tries to reach the
Microsoft Entra ID may be the easier
approach as discussed in Model A (DKE
Network Isolation).
5.5 Model E (IPSec Server Isolation)
Threat Model Goals
Provide an additional second layer of
authentication and authorization
Protect the communication link
between client and server with a
separate mutual authentication and
encryption layer (IPSec or mTLS)
IPSec server isolation (or mutual TLS)
Using IPSec can be a great complementary
solution for the DKE server machine due
to a couple of properties of the IPSec
The IPSec policy offers both Kerberos
options. Since Kerberos requires the
machine and user accounts to be part
of the local Active Directory Forest,
the AD Kerberos infrastructure already
takes care of the key management.
additional Public Key Infrastructure
components but could potentially
allow non-domain members and even
some other OS platforms to participate.
In principle, a PKI does not need to
be integrated with Active Directory,
although in practice the automated
key management in AD over a manual
key distribution approach might be the
preferred solution.
utilizing the TPM-backed “Platform
Key Storage Provider”
is another attractive property of a
he IPSec Policy on the server could be
extremely simple, requiring successful
user and machine authentication
(from the same AD forest) during the
establishment of IPSec transport mode
security association for all remote
endpoints (all IP addresses, TCP port 443).
Figure 9: Using IPSec and on-premises AD.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
5.6 Model F (Vendor HSM)
Threat Model Goals
Protect the DKE service (especially the
key store or memory) from my own IT
Protect the DKE service (especially
the key store or memory) from the
hosting CSP
Adding a second layer of authentication
and authorization independent from
Microsoft Entra ID. Note that depending
on the selected vendor solution (see
not simply by using a hardware-based
keystore per se..
with integrated DKE service offering.
There is a group of Microsoft partner
companies like Thales, Utimaco or Entrust
(to only name a few, some more can
be found in the Azure Marketplace
with integrated DKE functionality.
Although practically all of them have an
in the details about implementation,
functionality, support for other security
features, cost and many more. This paper
will therefore discuss only some common
considerations when selecting a partner
The decision about where to host the
module will be again driven by the desired
protection level towards Microsoft as the
Cloud Service Provider. Some partners
provide a managed virtual appliance (with
a cloud service front end) which might put
the solution inside the Microsoft cloud,
while others (or even the same partners
with a different product) also offer physical
security measures must be considered like
building facilities, or locked racks in the
SLAs, or further product features just to
name the most prominent examples.
Just like in the other cases discussed above,
network connectivity and security options
will play an equally important role when it
comes to selection of a suitable solution.
And, depending on the partner solution, those
appliances (or their front-end web part) will
offer one or more authentication methods, like
or maybe even something else. As discussed
above, using a Microsoft Entra ID based
authentication method to access the service
but DKE will then rely again on Microsoft Entra
ID as one single identity source (despite the
two independent keys).
to those partners to get more clarity on
potentially the regulatory requirements
for your business.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
6. Summary
all” solution. As discussed in the previous
chapters, the solution can be architected
with different modules as shown in the
models in chapter 5.1 to 5.6 . There are
surely even more possibilities to reach the
required goals. As already stated above,
the project of deploying DKE should start
with answers to essential questions like
those provided in chapter 4.
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations
7. Figures, Tables and Links
Figures used in this document:
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Links used in this document:
Tenant management for Microsoft 365 for enterprise
Download, install, and set up the Double Key Encryption
service for Microsoft 365.
Microsoft Information Protection SDK documentation
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) fundamentals -
Azure Marketplace - Security
Double Key Encryption – Planning and
Deployment Considerations