Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Metropolitan State University of Denver
College of Health and Applied Sciences
Department of Nursing
Student Policy Handbook
Fall 2021
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Changes to the student handbook can be made at any time. The department will make
an effort to minimize changes. However, when changes are made, students will be
notified through their MSU Denver student e-mail.
WELCOME .................................................................................................................................... 6
The University .................................................................................................................... 7
The Department of Nursing ................................................................................................ 7
National Accreditation ........................................................................................................ 7
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 8
Content ................................................................................................................................ 8
SECTION I Nursing Program
Mission ............................................................................................................................... 9
Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 9
Simulation Center Mission and Vision………………………………..………...……11
Curriculum Framework .................................................................................................... 11
Student Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................. 14
Curriculum ....................................................................................................................... 16
SECTION II University Policies
Electronic Communication Policy ................................................................................ 16
MSU Denver Best Grade Stands Policy ……..………………………………………16
Observation of Legal Holidays ..................................................................................... 17
Student Code of Conduct ……………………………………………………………..17
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment ………………………………………………17
Prohibition on Sexual Misconduct ……………………………………………… ..18
Equal Opportunity Act ……………………………………..………………………..18
ADA Accommodations for Students with Disabilities ………………………….…...18
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ................................................. 19
Fresh Start Policy…………………………………………………………………….…19
Withdrawal/Incomplete MSU Denver Policies ………………………………………19
Academic Dishonesty ....................................................................................................... 21
Plagiarism - MSU Denver Academic Integrity Official Statement …………….……21
Grade Appeal…………………………………………………………..……………..22
Inclement Weather Closures……………………………………………...…………..22
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SECTION III Nursing Department Policies
Nursing Major Course Syllabi .......................................................................................... 23
Clinical Practice ................................................................................................................ 23
General Information ........................................................................................................ 24
Criminal Background Checks and Drug Screening Requirements .................................. 24
Minimum Functional Abilities for Admission, Progression
and Completion of the Nursing Program ....................................................................... 25
Observation ............................................................................................................. 25
Communication ...................................................................................................... 25
Motor ...................................................................................................................... 25
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative, and Quantitative Abilities ........................... 26
Behavioral and Social Attributes ............................................................................ 26
Grading Policies ............................................................................................................... 26
Methods of Evaluation ………………………………………………………..26
Department Grading Scale ………………………………………………………26
Rounding Policy ………………...………………………………………………27
Academic Jeopardy ………………………………………………..……….27
Late Exam/Assessment/Quiz Policy …………………………………………….27
Collaborative Testing Policy …………………….……………………………28
Late Assignment Policy ……………………………………………………28
HESI Electronic Portfolio Guided NCLEX Preparation Plan………………….28
Required Non-Graded Assignments……………………………………………28
Methods of Instruction …………………………………………………..……..29
Methods of Learning ……………………………………………………..….…29
Written Work Requirements …………………………………………….….….29
Attendance Requirements ……………………………………………………..29
Academic Advising ......................................................................................................... 30
What You Can Expect from Your Academic Advisor .......................................... 30
Progression Policies .......................................................................................................... 30
Performance Improvement Plan ....................................................................................... 31
Readmission to the Department of Nursing Program after Withdrawal ......................... 33
Eligibility for Readmission (ANO and TNO) .................................................................. 33
Procedure for Readmission (ANO and TNO) .................................................................. 34
Eligibility for Program Continuation/Readmission (BRNCO) ........................................ 35
“Stopping Out” for a Semester (BRNCO) ....................................................................... 36
Complaint Policy Procedure ............................................................................................. 36
Professional Behaviors ..................................................................................................... 37
Unprofessional Behaviors ................................................................................................ 38
Drug/Alcohol Policy ......................................................................................................... 39
Student Employment ........................................................................................................ 39
Transportation ................................................................................................................... 39
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SECTION IV Classroom Policies
Classroom Expectations ................................................................................................... 40
Written Assignments ......................................................................................................... 41
Recording Devices ............................................................................................................ 41
Use of Computers in the Classroom ................................................................................. 42
SECTION V Laboratory Policies for On-Campus Labs
On-Campus Lab Expectations .......................................................................................... 42
On-Campus Lab Responsibilities ..................................................................................... 42
Simulation Lab Policies .................................................................................................... 43
SECTION VI Clinical Policies
Clinical Expectations ........................................................................................................ 46
Pre-Clinical Placement Requirements .............................................................................. 46
Clinical Attendance .......................................................................................................... 47
Clinical Absence Policy ................................................................................................... 48
Inclement Weather Closure .............................................................................................. 49
Clinical Preparation .......................................................................................................... 49
Clinical Responsibilities ................................................................................................... 49
HIPAA Regulations .......................................................................................................... 50
List of Procedures Students Cannot Perform in the Clinical Setting .............................. 50
Professional Appearance .................................................................................................. 51
Safe Practice Responsibilities ......................................................................................... 52
Unsafe Practice ................................................................................................................ 52
Workers’ Compensation Procedures for Work Related Injury or Illness ........................ 53
Employee Notification of Worker’s Compensation Procedures ..................................... 54
SECTION VII Nursing Student Involvement
Opportunities for Student Involvement ............................................................................ 54
MSU Denver Student Nurses’ Club ................................................................................. 54
MSU Denver Pinning Ceremony ..................................................................................... 54
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing .............................................. 55
SECTION VIII Student Services Provided by MSU Denver and the Nursing Department
About Your Student File .................................................................................................. 55
Release of Information Requirements .............................................................................. 55
SECTION IX General Information about the Practice of Professional Nursing
About the Practice of Professional Nursing ..................................................................... 56
NCLEX Examinations/RN Licensure .............................................................................. 56
ANA American Nurses Association ............................................................................. 56
SECTION X Student Acknowledgement .............................................................................. 57
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
A Nursing Major Courses for Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option ... 58
B Nursing Major Courses for Accelerated Nursing Option ......................................... 59
C Nursing Major Courses for Traditional Nursing Option ........................................... 60
D Department of Nursing Committees ......................................................................... 61
E- COVID-19 Reporting Policy………………………………………………….…..62
F Waiver of Liability for Students in Clinicals, Field Placements, or Internships…….63
G- Skills Laboratory Expectations …………..……………………………………65
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
The Administration, Faculty and Staff welcome you to the Department of Nursing and
congratulate you on your acceptance into the Accelerated Nursing Option (ANO), Traditional
Nursing Option (TNO) or the Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option (BRNCO).
The Administration, Faculty and Staff are here to help you reach your educational and
professional goals and offer our support throughout this step on your journey.
The Department of Nursing offers three program options:
The Accelerated Nursing Option offers baccalaureate nursing education for students with a
prior non-nursing baccalaureate degree. The option includes the same number of credit
hours, classroom hours and clinical hours as traditional baccalaureate nursing programs
within an accelerated calendar. Courses may be taught in the classroom, on-line or hybrid
format and include skills laboratory and clinical hours.
The Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option offers baccalaureate nursing
education for students who are Registered Nurses with an associate degree in nursing or a
nursing diploma. Courses are taught predominately in an on-line format with a project based
clinical component in Community Health Nursing. Several options are available to complete
the clinical component in Nursing Senior Experience.
The Traditional Nursing Option offers baccalaureate nursing education for students. The
option includes nursing courses taught over four academic semesters. Courses may be taught
in the classroom, on-line or hybrid format and include skills laboratory and clinical hours.
This Student Policy Handbook presents the policies, procedures and general information
intended to assist you as you progress through the nursing program. As a student in any of
these options, you are responsible for all information in the Metropolitan State University of
Denver’s (MSU Denver) Catalog, the MSU Denver Student Handbook, this Department of
Nursing Student Policy Handbook and all Department of Nursing Course Syllabi in printed or
on-line versions. Failure to read and understand the policies and procedures contained in
these documents and other appropriate documents and/or failure to contact an Academic
Advisor does not relieve the student of this responsibility.
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
The University
Metropolitan State College, established by the Colorado State Legislature in 1965 as a
baccalaureate degree granting institution, was renamed Metropolitan State College of Denver
(Metro State) in 1990. As of June 7, 2002, Metropolitan State College of Denver has been
governed by the Metropolitan State College of Denver Board of Trustees appointed by the
Governor of Colorado. Authorized by Colorado’s legislature, Metropolitan State College of
Denver was renamed Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) on July 1,
The Department of Nursing
In 1967 the nursing program began as an associate degree program within the Department of
Nursing and Allied Health. The Department implemented a baccalaureate registered nurse
completion option (BRNCO) in 1973, transferring the associate degree program to
Community College of Denver in 1974. The BRNCO provides baccalaureate nursing
education to Registered Nurses (RNs) with an associate’s degree or a diploma in nursing
under the Colorado Nursing Articulation Model.
In 2004, the Department of Nursing implemented the Accelerated Nursing Option (ANO).
The ANO provides baccalaureate nursing education to students with a previous non-nursing
baccalaureate degree.
The Department of Nursing implemented a Traditional Nursing Option (TNO) in spring 2014
to offer baccalaureate nursing education for students.
Nursing education at MSU Denver has been offered within the Department of Nursing and
Allied Health, the Department of Nursing and Health Care Management, and the Department
of Health Professions. Since July 1, 2002, the Department of Nursing has been a department
separate from the other health profession programs at MSU Denver.
National Accreditation
The Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option (BRNCO) received initial
accreditation from the National League for Nursing in 1976. On-going national accreditation
has remained in place through the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
(NLNAC) recognized as a national accrediting agency by the U.S. Department of Education.
NLNAC granted accreditation to the Accelerated Nursing Program (ANO) at its inception in
The MSU Denver Nursing Program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for
Education in Nursing (ACEN), formerly the National League of Nursing Accrediting
Commission (NLNAC). In July 2013, the Board of Commissioners granted continuing
accreditation to the MSU Denver baccalaureate nursing program for eight years. The next
scheduled evaluation visit will be in spring 2021. The ACEN may be contacted at 3343
Peachtree Road NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, Georgia 30326; by telephone at 404-975-5000; or via
the Internet at
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
The purpose of this handbook is to provide information for the student about the guidelines,
policies and procedures of the Nursing Program at Metropolitan State University of Denver. It
is imperative that you read and understand the content of this handbook. You are also required
to sign and date the acknowledgement of receipt form on the last page of the handbook.
Please make an appointment with your academic advisor for further interpretation of the
content and/or to clarify concerns or questions.
The handbook is divided into ten sections plus appendices:
1. Nursing Department Mission, Philosophy, Student Learning Outcomes and
Curriculum Framework.
2. University Policies
3. Nursing Department Policies
4. Classroom Policies
5. Laboratory Policies
6. Clinical Policies
7. Policies for student interaction and influence in the governance system of the
Department of Nursing.
8. Student services provided by the Metropolitan State University of Denver and the
Department of Nursing.
9. General information about the practice of professional nursing.
10. Student Acknowledgement
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Nursing
The mission of the Department of Nursing is to provide a high quality, accessible, enriching
interprofessional baccalaureate nursing education. Our learning community cultivates
graduates who are prepared with the knowledge, skills and competencies to advance
professional nursing practice in a diverse, global and technological society. The goal of the
nursing program is to prepare a diverse and inclusive generalist professional nurse who provides
equitable care for patients in current and future healthcare delivery systems.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central to who we are. We commit to developing an
inclusive nursing program across race, ethnicity, gender identity, age, and neurodiversity. We
encourage, support and celebrate the differences of our students, faculty, and our world. The
Department of Nursing is committed to academic excellence, collaborative community
involvement and promotion of scholarly achievement.
The nursing faculty believe that nursing education should be a dynamic, intellectual process
that prepares students for professional nursing practice in a changing healthcare delivery
system. Baccalaureate nursing education incorporates knowledge from the natural sciences,
social sciences and nursing. The focus of the curriculum in the nursing program is on
preparation of a diverse and inclusive generalist professional for entry into practice in current
and future healthcare delivery systems.
The nursing faculty believe in promoting educational mobility by offering the following
nursing educational options: The Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option
(BRNCO), the Accelerated Nursing Option (ANO), and the Traditional Nursing Option
(TNO). The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice
published by The American Association of Colleges Nursing, and the Quality and Safety
Education for Nurses (QSEN) competencies, and the American Nurses Association’s Code of
Ethics for Nurses are used as foundational documents for curriculum development.
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The nursing faculty plan and implement a nursing education program using the four concepts
of the nursing paradigm (Patient, Nursing, Health and Environment). The following
statements describe the beliefs of the nursing faculty about these concepts:
Patient - Individuals, families, groups, communities or populations who are the recipients of
nursing care. Patients are diverse and complex with unique characteristics and health needs.
Patients may function in independent, interdependent or dependent roles and may seek or
receive nursing care related to disease prevention, health promotion, or health maintenance as
well as illness and end of life care (AACN, 2008).
Nursing - An interactive process involving the provision of care to patients by nurses.
Nursing is a professional discipline that integrates both theory and clinical practice. Nursing
is both an art and a science. The science of nursing is based upon an evolving body of
knowledge that is derived from evidence-based practice. The art of nursing is evidenced by
nursing care that is ethical, person-centered, compassionate and caring (Chinn & Kramer,
Health - A dynamic state defined by the patient at any given point in time. Health is
influenced by a constantly changing environment. Health encompasses the physical,
psychosocial, cultural and spiritual dimensions of the patient.
Environment - The external and internal physiological, psychological, sociocultural and
spiritual factors affecting patients. Patients are in constant interaction with the environment.
Professional nurses consider the impact of the local, regional, national and global
environment when nursing care is delivered.
Educational Philosophy
The educational philosophy of the Department of Nursing is focused on learner-centered
educational experiences. Faculty are facilitators and mentors for students in the learning
process. Faculty recognize that students have diverse learning styles. Faculty use a variety of
instructional strategies in a dynamic teaching-learning process that engages students in
learning. Students are active participants in the learning process. Nursing faculty incorporate
interactive learning experiences throughout the curriculum that promote student critical
thinking and clinical reasoning skills.
Principles of Adult Learning Theory are incorporated throughout the curriculum. A
characteristic of Adult Learning Theory is self-directed learning (Merriam, 2001; Teaching
Excellence in Adult Literacy, 2011). This principle is incorporated throughout the nursing
educational program. Faculty believe that as adult learners, students are responsible for their
learning with guidance from the faculty. Instructional strategies are structured according to
this principle, so that beginning courses include more introductory material and lecture
formats which progress to courses which apply previous learning to new and diverse
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Students are valued for prior life and learning experiences. As examples, ANO students hold
a prior baccalaureate degree and are frequently asked to contribute information from previous
learning when pertinent to the discussion. BRNCO students are awarded 30 credits for prior
learning in their completed associate degree or diploma nursing program.
Nursing Simulation Center Mission and Vision
The mission for Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Nursing Simulation Center is to
increase students’ cognitive understanding and procedural skills in order to progress to higher
levels of learning nursing theory and clinical practice. Simulation experiences enhance
clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, critical thinking, problem solving and psychomotor
skills. The goal of MSU Denver’s Simulation Program is to help students learn safe,
culturally competent care in a risk free environment that promotes patient safety and
professional standards of nursing practice.
The vision for Metropolitan State University of Denver’s Nursing Simulation Center is to
integrate simulation across the nursing curriculum, provide learning opportunities in a safe
environment, and foster inter-professional education. Experiences in the Simulation Center
will educate patient-centered healthcare students utilizing interactive experiences that promote
the development of clinical competence and best practices in patient care.
Baccalaureate Generalist Graduate
The nursing faculty support the assumptions identified by the American Association of
Colleges of Nursing (2008) that the baccalaureate generalist graduate is prepared to:
- practice from a holistic, caring framework;
- practice from an evidence base;
- promote safe, quality patient care;
- use clinical/critical reasoning to address simple to complex situations;
- assume accountability for one’s own and delegated nursing care;
- practice in a variety of healthcare settings;
- care for patients across the health-illness continuum;
- care for patients across the lifespan;
- care for diverse populations;
- engage in care of self in order to care for others; and
- engage in continuous professional development.
Curriculum Framework
The curriculum is organized to support student learning throughout the nursing program.
Course content is sequenced from simple to complex with a progressive focus on the
individual, families, groups, communities and populations. Beginning courses in the
curriculum provide foundational theory for application in clinical practice settings.
The curriculum framework provides direction for course content and learning activities to
meet the program student learning outcomes. The curriculum is organized so that five major
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
concepts are interwoven and progressively developed across the nursing educational program.
The five concepts are: Communication, Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning, Patient
Safety, Leadership and Management, and Professionalism and Professional Values.
Communication The process of exchanging information between individuals using a
common language, symbols or behavior. Communication occurs in several forms, including
verbal, written, electronic and non-verbal. Effective communication is characterized by
active listening, accurate interpretation and appropriate responses. Therapeutic
communication is the hallmark of communication between the patient and the nurse.
Critical Thinking and Clinical Reasoning Professional nurses must possess excellent
critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills in providing quality healthcare to patients. The
American Association of Colleges in Nursing defines critical thinking as: All or part of the
process of questioning, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, inference, inductive and deductive
reasoning, intuition, application, and creativity. Critical thinking underlies independent and
interdependent decision making (AACN, 2008, p. 36).
Clinical reasoning can be defined as “the cognitive processes and strategies that nurses use to
understand the significance of patient data, to identify and diagnose actual or potential patient
problems, to make clinical decisions to assist in problem resolution, and to achieve positive
patient outcomes” (Fonteyn, & Ritter, 2008, p. 236.) Clinical reasoning requires the ability to
discern the relevance of evidence to a particular clinical situation. To deepen clinical
reasoning, students must broaden their frame of reference beyond scientific knowledge to
include multiple sources of assessment as the basis for determining priorities in patient
care (Benner, 2015).
Patient Safety Professional nurses play a critical role to provide for patient safety. The
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses project (QSEN) developed six competencies to
address the challenge of preparing future nurses with the knowledge, skills and attitudes
(KSA) necessary to continuously improve quality and safety for patients (QSEN, 2020). The
six QSEN competencies are: patient centered care, team work and collaboration, evidence
based practice, quality improvement, informatics, and safety ( The
baccalaureate nursing graduate implements safety principles and works with others on the
healthcare team to create a safe environment for care delivery (AACN, 2008).
Leadership and Management - Organizational and systems leadership and management
skills are critical to promoting high quality patient care. According to AACN (2008, p. 13),
“leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, initiating
and maintaining effective working relationships, using mutually respectful communication
and collaboration within interprofessional teams, care coordination, delegation, and
developing conflict resolution strategies. Basic nursing leadership includes an awareness of
complex systems, and the impact of power, politics, policy and regulatory guidelines on these
systems.” The baccalaureate generalist nurse manages care transitions, is an active participant
on the interprofessional team and develops working skills in delegation, prioritization and
oversight of care (AACN, 2008).
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Professionalism and Professional Values - Professionalism involves accountability for
one’s self and nursing practice, including continuous professional engagement and lifelong
learning. Baccalaureate education includes the development of professional values and value-
based behavior (AACN, 2008). Professional nursing values are defined as the principles of
human dignity, integrity, altruism, and justice the create standards and guide the nurse’s
professional practice. These nursing values support the protection, promotion, and
optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering
through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the car of individual,
families, communities, and populations (ANA, 2015).
Approved by faculty 11/2020
American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2008). The essentials of baccalaureate
education for professional nursing practice. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from
American Nurses Association (2015). Code of ethics for nurses: With interpretive statements.
American Nurses Association.
Benner, P.E. (2015). Curricular and pedagogical implications for the Carnegie study,
educating nurses: A call for radical transformation, Asian Nursing Research, 9, 1
Chinn P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2004). Integrated knowledge development in nursing (6th ed.)
St. Louis, MO: C. V. Mosby.
Fonteyn, M. E., & Ritter, B. J. (2008). Clinical reasoning in nursing. In J. Higgs, M. Jones, S.
Loftus & N. Christiansen (Eds.), Clinical reasoning in the health professions (3rd )ed., p. 236.
Merriam, S. (2001). Andragogy and self-directed learning: Pillars of adult learning theory.
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 89 (Spring), 3-13.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (2020). QSEN Competencies.
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (2020). QSEN Safety.
Simmons, B. (2010). Clinical reasoning: Concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66,
11511158. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2648.2010.05262.
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy (2011). Adult learning theories. American Institutes
for Research,
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Nursing
Student Learning Outcomes
At the end of the final semester of the nursing program the student will be able to:
Communicate effectively with patients and interprofessional health care teams to enhance
patient outcomes
Critical thinking and clinical reasoning:
Integrate evidence, clinical judgment, interprofessional perspectives and patient preference in
providing patient care
Patient safety:
Evaluate patient care environments for use of appropriate quality safety indicators
Leadership and management:
Apply leadership and management principles to manage resources and achieve optimal patient
Professionalism and professional values:
Exhibit the knowledge, skills and attributes of a professional nurse
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
The list of current courses for the Baccalaureate Registered Nurse Completion Option, the
Accelerated Nursing Option, and the Traditional Nursing Option can be found in Appendices
B, C, and D.
NOTE: Students are responsible for all policies and procedures contained in the
Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Handbook and University Catalog.
Electronic Communication Policy
Electronic communication (i.e., email and personal portal announcements) is a rapid, efficient
and cost-effective form of communication. Consequently, reliance on electronic
communication is expanding among students, faculty, staff and administration at MSU
Denver. Because of this increasing reliance and acceptance of electronic communication,
forms of electronic communication have become in fact the means of official communication
to students, faculty and staff within MSU Denver. This policy acknowledges this fact and
formally makes electronic communication an official means of communication for the
University. For more information, see the Electronic Communication policy page.
The Department of Nursing expectation is that students check their MSU Denver email
address inbox on a daily basis.
MSU Denver Best Grade Stands Policy
A student’s grades for repeated courses will be removed from GPA calculations up to 18
semester hours, regardless of the original grade earned. If a student repeats more than 18
credit hours, the student may designate which of the course grades are removed from GPA
calculations (up to 18 semester hours). Only the best grade and its associated credit will be
calculated in the GPA and earned hours totals. Other attempts for the course will appear on
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
the official academic record but will be annotated to indicate they do not count for academic
credit or GPA calculation. This policy applies only to courses taken at MSU Denver, and it
does not apply to courses designated as repeatable toward degree requirements. For more
information see the Best Grade Stands page.
Observance of Legal Holidays
Students at MSU Denver who, because of their sincerely held religious beliefs, are unable to
attend classes, take examinations, participate in graded activities or submit graded
assignments on particular days shall without penalty be excused from such classes and be
given a meaningful opportunity to make up such examinations and graded activities or
assignments provided that advance written notice that the student will be absent for religious
reasons is given to the faculty members during the first two weeks of the semester.
Clinical shifts are regularly scheduled on weekends and may be scheduled on holidays.
Attendance is mandatory for students to meet State Board of Nursing rules for completion of
required clinical hours.
For further information, see the Class Attendance policies page.
Student Code of Conduct
All students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Student Code of Conduct of this
institution. Violations of this policy may include: cheating, plagiarism, aid of academic
dishonesty, fabrication, lying, bribery, and threatening behavior. Students who are found to be
in violation of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to both academic sanctions from
the faculty member and non- academic sanctions (including but not limited to college
probation, suspension, or expulsion). For more info
Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
Any student, staff, or faculty member who believes s/he has been the subject of discrimination
or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, religion, sexual
orientation, or veteran status should contact the College Office of Equal Opportunity at 303-
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Prohibition on Sexual Misconduct
Metropolitan State University of Denver prohibits sexual misconduct in any form, including
sexual assault or sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and other forms of nonconsensual sexual
conduct, including stalking and electronic harassment. Forms of intimate partner violence,
including dating violence and domestic violence, are also prohibited under this
policy. Students, faculty, staff and visitors, should be able to live, study, and work in an
environment free from sexual misconduct. It is the policy of MSU Denver that sexual
misconduct in any form will not be excused or tolerated. Retaliation in any form for reporting
such sexual misconduct or for cooperating in a sexual misconduct investigation is strictly
prohibited and will be addressed as a separate violation of the Student Code of Conduct. This
policy is promulgated under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20
U.S.C. §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulations, 34 C.F.R. Part 106; Title IV of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. § 2000c).
For further information, see the Title IX page
Equal Opportunity Act
MSU Denver is an equal opportunity employer; applications from minorities and women are
particularly invited. MSU Denver does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions or disability in
admissions or access to, or treatment or employment in, its educational programs or activities.
Inquiries concerning the University grievance procedures may be directed to the designated
MSU Denver officials:
Inquiries concerning Title VI and Title IX may be referred to: MSU Denver Office of Equal
Opportunity, Campus Box 63, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO 802173362, (303) 615-2060.
Otherwise, all inquiries may be referred to the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of
Education, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Denver, CO 80204, (303) 8443723.
ADA Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
The Metropolitan State University of Denver is committed to making reasonable
accommodations to assist individuals with disabilities in reaching their academic potential. If
you have a disability which may impact your performance, attendance, or grades in this class
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
and are requesting accommodations, then you must first register with the Access Center,
located in the Plaza Building, Suite 122, 303-615-0200
The Access Center is the designated department responsible for coordinating accommodations
and services for students with disabilities. Accommodations will not be granted prior to my
receipt of your faculty notification letter from the Access Center. Please note that
accommodations are never provided retroactively (i.e., prior to the receipt of your faculty
notification letter.) Once your faculty is in receipt of your official Access Center faculty
accommodation letter, that faculty member can meet with you to discuss your
accommodations if you wish. All discussions will remain confidential. Further information is
available by visiting the Access Center website.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Metropolitan State University of Denver maintains educational records for each student who
has enrolled at the University. A copy of the University’s policy on student educational
records may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar, Student Success Building, Suite
160. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), 20 USC 1232g,
and the implementing regulations published at 34 CFR part 99.
Fresh Start Policy
Students returning from a period of absence from MSU Denver may request that credit and
grades from designated semesters previously attempted at MSU Denver not be calculated in
GPA’s or total earned hours. If such a “Fresh Start” is approved, all courses from designated
semesters will appear on the official academic record but will be annotated to indicate they do
not count for academic credit or GPA calculation.
For more information, see the Fresh Start page.
Withdrawal/Incomplete MSU Denver Policies
Students should be aware that any kind of withdrawal can have a negative impact on some
types of financial aid and scholarships. For further information, click on read the
Withdrawals page.
The Withdrawal (W) notation is assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course
via the Student Hub after the drop deadline (census date) and before the withdrawal deadline
posted in the academic calendar Deadlines differ
proportionally for courses offered during part of a semester, including late-start and weekend
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Students should refer to the Student Detail Schedule via the Student Hub to review drop and
withdrawal deadlines for individual courses. When a student withdraws from a course, no
academic credit is awarded. The course remains on the student’s academic record with a “W”
notation and counts toward the student’s attempted hours. The course is not calculated in the
student’s GPA or quality points. Students who withdraw from a course are responsible for the
full tuition and fees for that course. After the withdrawal deadline, students may not withdraw
from a course and will be assigned the grade earned based on the course syllabus. A student-
initiated withdrawal will appear as an “F” on the student’s academic record in any case of
academic misconduct resulting in a permanent “F”.
For more information see the Withdrawal page.
The Administrative Withdrawal (AW) notation is assigned when a student requests to be
withdrawn from a course due to unforeseen or extenuating circumstances beyond the
student’s control.
Students may withdrawal themselves online through the withdrawal deadline. Students should
meet with an academic advisor prior to withdrawing from a course. After the withdrawal
deadline, students may submit a request for AW due to unforeseen or extenuating
For more information see Administrative Withdrawal page.
The Incomplete (I) notation may be assigned when a student who is achieving satisfactory
progress in a course and who has completed most class assignments is unable to take the final
examination and/or does not complete all class assignments due to unusual circumstances,
such as hospitalization or disability. Incomplete work denoted by the Incomplete “I” notation
must be completed within one calendar year or earlier, at the discretion of the faculty member.
If the incomplete work is not completed within one year, the “I” notation will convert to an
“F.” Students must have completed at least 75% of the course work to qualify for
consideration for an incomplete. The student must be passing the course in order to be granted
an incomplete. The course counts toward the student’s attempted hours, does not count toward
earned hours, and is not calculated in the GPA or quality points.
Determination of eligibility does not guarantee that an incomplete will be granted. Students
who meet the qualifications may request an incomplete from the faculty member who is
teaching the course. The decision to grant an incomplete is up to the faculty member or at the
department chair’s discretion. The decision to grant an incomplete as an accommodation
based on a student’s disability shall be made by the faculty member or the department chair, if
the faculty member is not available, in consultation with the Director of the Access Center. If
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an incomplete is granted, the student and instructor should fill out and sign an Incomplete
Agreement form to clarify what the student needs to do to complete the course.
For further information see the Incomplete notation page.
Academic Dishonesty
In a practice discipline such as nursing where the public trust is central, academic dishonesty
is a serious offense. Dishonesty of any kind at the University diminishes the quality of the
scholarship and learning experience for everyone on campus. The Department of Nursing
faculty affirms the University stance on dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, or any other related
behavior, as stated in the Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Handbook. An act
of academic dishonesty may to lead to penalties such as a reduction in grade, probation,
suspension, or expulsion.
Plagiarism - MSU Denver Academic Integrity Official Statement
As students, faculty, staff and administrators of Metropolitan State University of Denver, it is
our responsibility to uphold and maintain an academic environment that furthers scholarly
inquiry, creative activity and the application of knowledge. We will not tolerate academic
dishonesty. We will demonstrate honesty and integrity in all activities related to our learning
and scholarship. We will not plagiarize, fabricate information or data, cheat on tests or exams,
steal academic material, or submit work to more than one class without full disclosure.
For further information see the Academic Integrity
Procedures and Possible Sanctions (Include but are not limited to the following:)
The instructor makes initial judgment
The instructor reports the incident in writing within twenty working days to the
student, Department Chair and Student Conduct in the Dean of Students Office.
Student Conduct has the discretion to consult with the faculty member or Academic
Affairs to determine if institutional sanctions should be invoked, such as suspension,
expulsion, probation, verbal reprimand, or other sanctions as appropriate
A permanent "F" grade for the course may be assigned by the instructor that is not
subject to the University's "Last Grade Stands" policy, unless altered pursuant to the
MSU Denver's grade appeal procedures
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The instructor also reserves the right to assign an appropriate grade for a specific
assignment or the course as a whole
Grade Appeal
Students in the Department of Nursing who believe a course grade has been incorrectly
awarded may appeal that grade according to the Grade Appeal Policy specified in the
Metropolitan State University of Denver Student Handbook.
Inclement Weather Closures
Decisions to close the campus for the day and evening are made prior to 5:30 a.m. and
decisions to close the campus for the evening block starting at 4:00 p.m. will be made prior to
2:00 p.m. The Campus Emergency Closure Line is 1-877-556-3637. This line accesses an
updated 24-hour recorded message. The cancellation of classes or closure of the Auraria
Campus is announced over local radio and TV stations.
Decisions to close the campus for the day and evening are made prior to 5:30 a.m. and
decisions to close the campus for the evening block starting at 4:00 p.m. will be made prior to
2:00 p.m. The Campus Emergency Closure Line is 1-877-556-3637. This line accesses an
updated 24-hour recorded message. The cancellation of classes or closure of the Auraria
Campus is announced over local radio and TV stations.
If the campus or clinical has a delayed start any class or clinical scheduled with time
remaining after the opening of the campus will begin at the time campus opens. The class or
clinical will end at the previously scheduled time unless students are notified by the course
Closure of the campus does not always correlate directly with cancellation of clinical
experiences. Decisions regarding clinical experiences, while guided by the decision of the
campus officials, are made collaboratively with clinical faculty, course faculty, the
Department Chair and facility representatives when appropriate, and depend on location,
timing and concerns about student, faculty and patient safety. A student who makes an
individual decision not to attend clinical due to inclement weather must follow all notification
and make-up procedures.
The process of alerting students, clinical course faculty, the clinical coordinator and the
facility about clinical cancellations begins with the course faculty speaking to the clinical
course faculty. A joint decision will be made and if the clinical will be cancelled the course
faculty will notify students. The clinical coordinator will be notified as soon as clinical is
cancelled or delayed and will arrange a make-up.
Student safety is our priority, so if a student decides that it would not be safe to get to clinical
and will be late or will miss the clinical, the student must communicate with the clinical
faculty and follow the clinical guidelines for making up the clinical hours.
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Nursing Major Course Syllabi
Each nursing syllabus is considered the student-teacher agreement for that specific course.
The course objectives are your guide for achieving in the course. The faculty will carefully
explain the requirements of each course during the first week of the course. If you have
questions or need clarification, please make an appointment with the course faculty member
early in the semester.
Evaluation measures (grading) may vary from course to course or semester to semester.
Please be sure you understand the evaluation policy. Students are responsible for information
presented in class. If it is necessary to miss a class, arrangements should be made with
another student to get the information. It is expected that you will advise your instructor in
advance of any expected absence.
Clinical Practice
Clinical experiences are offered in a variety of agencies. These agencies include hospitals,
long term care facilities, clinics, schools, and community-based agencies. Clinical nursing
experiences are primarily offered in the Denver area, and no out of state clinical sites are
available. Student clinical placements in the agencies are assigned according to available
resources. Students do not have the option to refuse an assigned placement. It is the
student’s responsibility to have transportation to all agencies. Carpooling is encouraged,
especially for those experiences outside the Denver area. Students are responsible for all
expenses associated with travel to clinical sites. In order to remain in the clinical rotation, all
Health and Safety Requirements must be met according to the instructions identified by the
Department of Nursing and by the due date established by the Clinical Placement Manager or
the student must withdraw from the course. Students are assigned to their clinical rotations.
All clinical placements are arranged between our clinical partners and confirmed by the Clinical
Placement Manager with faculty input. Under no circumstance do clinical facilities allow
students to arrange their own placements. Do not contact clinical sites, potential preceptors
or individual units at any clinical site to attempt to arrange a placement. If preceptors
approach the student, the student is required to tell them that they are not allowed to be
part of the placement process. Students who fail to follow this process will likely forfeit
their clinical placement for the term, fail the clinical course, and will be expected to follow
the re-admission process to continue in the program.
Students in the ANO and TNO program options may have precepted or group Senior
Experience placements. These placements occur in a variety of clinical facilities, and may
include acute care, long-term care, correctional facilities, home health, hospice, and other
settings. Placement in a particular type of facility or clinical specialty, including acute care, is
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not guaranteed. The Senior Experience placement is the final clinical placement in the
program and is not to be considered as a potential pre-employment placement.
General Information
All matriculated students in the nursing program at MSU Denver have been accepted at
Metropolitan State University of Denver Office of Admissions and are required to complete
all graduation requirements of the University. Students enrolled in nursing courses are
responsible for insuring that all individual records are complete and updated with particular
attention to:
Official transcripts from all schools attended have been requested and received at MSU
All courses are completed and requirements met prior to graduation
All demographic and biographic data requested by the Department of Nursing is
complete, current and updated as necessary
All immunizations, certifications, health documents, insurance and other documents
required by the Department of Nursing are current and updated as necessary according to
the process for submission and documentation of this information
Demonstrated ability to meet the rigorous physical, mental, and emotional requirements
for professional nursing practice throughout the program
Criminal Background Checks and Drug Screening Requirements
Clinical facilities require background checks and drug screening of students coming to their
facilities. The Department of Nursing provides information on background checks and drug
screening for incoming students. Background checks and drug screenings are completed at
the students’ expense. Occasionally, facilities require additional background checks or drug
screening later in the program. Students must also bear the expense for any additional
screening required. A list of disqualifying offenses can be found on the Department of
Nursing website at Background
checks and drug screens must be completed by the deadline identified by the Department of
Nursing to begin/progress in the nursing program. Applicants must successfully pass a
criminal background check and drug screen prior to admission. The drug screen will test for
controlled substances, including marijuana and marijuana derivatives. Re-testing is not
Completion of the MSU Denver Department of Nursing background check and drug screen
does not guarantee clinical placements throughout the nursing program. Clinical facilities
may have additional requirements regarding background checks and drug screens, including
but not limited to the following:
- completing facility specific background checks and drug screens throughout the
nursing program. In these cases, satisfactory completion of the background check and
drug screen is determined by the clinical facility.
- providing a copy of the background check and drug screen completed for admission to
the MSU Denver nursing program to one or more clinical facilities throughout the
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nursing program, including uploading a copy of the background check and/or drug
screen into an electronic database such as myClinicalExchange.
- possible denial of a student placement by a facility based on meeting facility-specific
disqualifying offenses found in the background check and drug screen.
The nursing program will make every reasonable effort to place a student; however, the
nursing program does not guarantee alternative clinical placements in situations where the
student has been denied placement by a facility.
Minimum Functional Abilities for Admission, Progression
and Completion of the Nursing Program
The Metropolitan State University of Denver Department of Nursing has identified essential
functions of performance that are required to provide safe patient care, with or without
reasonable accommodation. The following essential functions have been adopted by the
Metropolitan State University of Denver nursing program for admission, progression, and
graduation of all nursing students:
The student must be able to observe lectures, laboratory demonstrations and practice
situations in nursing. She/he must be able to observe health assessments and interventions,
diagnostic specimens and digital and waveform readings to determine a client’s condition.
Observation necessitates the functional use of vision, hearing, touch and smell as well as
adequate motor capability to conduct assessment activities. Examples in which observational
skills are essential include detecting changes in skin color or condition and drawing up the
correct quantity of a medication into a syringe.
A student must be able to communicate effectively with patients, faculty, peers, and all
members of the health care team. A student must be able to communicate in English both
verbally and in written form with faculty and peers. He/she must communicate with patients
to ascertain information regarding history, mood and activity, and to perceive nonverbal
communications. Speech, hearing, reading, writing and computer literacy are required forms
of communication. Students must be able to teach, explain, direct and counsel patients.
Students must be able to effectively communicate with other members of the health care team.
A student must have sufficient gross and fine motor skills, physical endurance, physical
strength, mobility, vision, tactile abilities and sense of smell to carry out nursing procedures.
He/she must have sufficient motor function to elicit information from patients by palpation,
auscultation, percussion and other diagnostic maneuvers. A student should be able to do basic
laboratory tests (e.g., glucometer) and perform patient care procedures (e.g. tracheostomy
care, urinary catheterization, and use of pulse oximetry). He/she must be able to execute
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motor movements reasonably required to provide routine and emergency care and treatment
to patients. Examples of emergency treatment reasonably required of nurses are
cardiopulmonary resuscitation, administration of intravenous medication, application of
pressure to stop bleeding, and opening of obstructed airways.
Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative, and Quantitative Abilities
The student must be able to solve problems involving measurement, calculation, reasoning,
memory, analysis and synthesis. He/she must be able to synthesize knowledge and integrate
the relevant aspects of a client’s history, physical findings and diagnostic studies. The student
must be able to use this information to develop a nursing diagnosis, establish priorities and
monitor treatment plans and modalities. Examples in which cognitive skills are essential
include synthesis of client data to identify and execute a plan of nursing care in a timely
manner and appropriate revision of the plan of care in a timely manner.
Behavioral and Social Attributes
A student must have the capacity to demonstrate full utilization of her/his intellectual abilities,
emotional stability, exercise good judgment, and promptly complete all responsibilities
attendant to the diagnosis and care of clients. A student must have the capacity to develop
mature, sensitive and effective therapeutic relationships with clients, including establishing
and maintaining professional boundaries. A student must have the capacity to control
impulses and develop empathy. He/she must be able to tolerate physically and mentally taxing
workloads and function effectively under stress. As a component of nursing education, a
student must demonstrate ethical behavior, including adherence to the professional nursing
and student honor codes.
Grading Policies
Methods of Evaluation:
A minimum grade of C (77.0%) is necessary in all required nursing courses to be eligible to
progress. Nursing grades are computed following a scale that is approved by Department of
Nursing. All lab components and clinical components for all nursing courses must be passed
to pass the course.
Department Grading Scale:
A 93-100
A- 91-92
B+ 89-90
B 86-88
B- 83-85
C+ 80-82
C 77-79
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D 69-76
F Below 69
Students must achieve 77.0% average on all exams before class projects and papers are computed
into the course grade. Students scoring less than the requisite 77.0% on exams will earn a final grade
which reflects the grade on exams only. Students scoring 77.0% or above will be credited with the
scores earned from all components of the course. All graded and non-graded course requirements
must be completed. No re-writes of papers and/or assignments are allowed. Extra credit is not an
Rounding Policy on Individual Graded Components and Exams
Scores on individual graded components and exams are calculated to the first decimal place and are not
Rounding Policy on Final Course Grades
Final course grades are calculated by rounding to the first decimal place, and then rounding to the nearest
whole number. As an example, 84.45% calculated to the first decimal place would be 84.5%, which
would be rounded to 85%
Academic Jeopardy
Any student who earns below 77% on any exam or assignment may be at risk for course failure.
It is expected that students who earn below 77% will meet with the course instructor to develop
a plan for success.
Late Exam/Assessment/Quiz Policy
1. Students who do not take an exam/assessment at the scheduled time may be given an alternate
exam/assessment and will result in a grade penalty. It is the responsibility of the student to make
arrangements with the faculty. The student must notify the faculty and request a delay in taking
the exam/assessment on the day of, or prior to, the original exam/assessment date.
2. An exam/assessment not taken at the scheduled class time will result in an automatic reduction
of the exam/assessment grade by 10% of the total exam/assessment points. The 10% deduction
will be waived only once in the following situations:
- Jury duty with verifiable documented proof
- Military duty with verifiable documented proof
- Student/student’s family emergency medical situation with verifiable
documented proof original documentation required
- Death of an immediate family member with verifiable documented proof
3. Subsequent course exams/assessments not taken at the scheduled time during the course will
result in an escalated reduction by 5% (15%, 20%, 25% etc.) per each occurrence.
4. If a late exam/assessment is not taken by the time determined by the course faculty, the student
will receive a zero for that exam/assessment.
5. If a student arrives late to class after the examination/assessment period has started, the student
will only be allowed the remaining time designated for the exam/assessment. However, if the
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student arrives after a classmate has completed and turned in an exam/assessment, the student will
have to reschedule the exam/assessment and the late exam/assessment policy will be enforced.
Collaborative Testing Policy:
If there are exams in the course that utilize collaborative testing, all collaborative exams will
be taken in small groups and administered after the individual exams. The collaborative exam
will require the group to mutually agree on the answer and the rationale for their choice.
Groups that receive a “91% or better” on the collaborative exam will have 2 percent points
added to their individual exam scores. Groups that receive an “83-90%” will receive 1 percent
point added to their individual exam score. Groups that score lower than an “83%” will not
receive any points added to their individual exam score. Final individual exam scores cannot
exceed 100%. Students with testing accommodations will need to schedule their individual
exam with adequate time to be present in class by the beginning of the collaborative exam. In
cases in which the alternate exam policy is employed, excused or unexcused, the student will
not have the opportunity to participate in collaborative testing.
Late Assignment Policy
All assignments are due on the date indicated by the faculty unless prior arrangements have
been made. A late penalty of 5% of the total assignment points will be assessed for each
calendar day. Faculty retain the right to consider emergency, extenuating circumstances.
Assignments will not be accepted after one week following the due date unless previous
arrangements have been made with the faculty. Assignments will not be accepted after the last
day of the course.
HESI Electronic Portfolio Guided NCLEX Preparation Plan
The purpose of the HESI self-evaluation portfolio is to help students prepare for passing the
NCLEX examination. This portfolio will serve as a guide to your ongoing individualized
learning plan. In your last semester when this ongoing electronic portfolio is completed, you
will receive a grade for completion and compliance.
Required Non-Graded Assignments
Non graded assignments may be required for successful course completion. These may
include but not limited to clinical evaluation forms, reflective journals, case studies, nursing
care plans or concept maps, and pre-clinical preparations. All written work must be completed
“satisfactory.” If the assignment receives an unsatisfactory it will be returned for
remediation. Remediation/ correction must be done and resubmitted to the faculty in a timely
manner and must meet satisfactory standards of written work in order for the student to pass
the course. Repeated lateness or incomplete work on assignments is unprofessional conduct
and may result in course failure. The faculty will determine criteria for remediation
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Methods of Instruction
Students are required to participate in the classroom environment as well as MSU Denver
Blackboard Learn. Students are required to participate in all components of the course.
Methods of Learning
Students are expected to come to class having read the textbook material for the topic of the
day as outlined in the course calendar. There may be homework assignments, quizzes, and
examinations covering course content. Examples of activities may include but are not limited
to simulations, presentations, written papers. The course calendar contains all due dates
Written Work Requirements
All written work must be submitted electronically unless instructed otherwise. Submit written
work as a Microsoft Office Word attachment unless otherwise instructed.
SafeAssign is an electronic resource that assists in the detection and deterrence of plagiarism
by electronic comparison for textual similarity. Students agree that continued enrollment in
this course after the receipt of this syllabus constitutes permission that all required papers may
be submitted to SafeAssign for the detection of plagiarism and that all submitted papers will
be retained as source documents in the SafeAssign reference database and used solely for the
purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.
Academic Dishonesty is a serious offense at the University because it diminishes the quality
of the scholarship and learning experience for everyone on campus. An act of academic
dishonesty may to lead to penalties such as a reduction in grade, probation, suspension, or
expulsion. The term “plagiarism” includes, but is not limited to, the use by paraphrase or
direct quotations, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and
clear acknowledgement. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by
another person or agency that may or may not be engaged in the selling of term papers or
other academic materials. See information in student handbook regarding academic
dishonesty for more details.
Attendance Requirements
Attendance is expected at all classes, graded and non-graded activities and assignments
completed outside of the class. A portion of the class grade may come from active
participation. Tardiness or leaving class early is considered disrespectful professional
academic behavior and is not acceptable. If emergency unforeseen circumstances require
absence or tardiness, contact the faculty member as soon as possible. Make-up opportunities,
if available, are at the discretion of faculty.
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In courses with simulation, skills lab and/or clinical, participation and attendance are
mandatory. Skills lab attendance is required in preparation for clinical attendance. Students
must attend, participate and satisfactorily complete all simulation, skills lab, and clinical
Academic Advising
Students are assigned to a Faculty Advisor to assist them with academic and professional
decisions throughout the program. Students are encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor
within the first two three weeks of each semester and prior to registration. In addition, it is
recommended that the student meet with an advisor on an as needed basis periodically
throughout the year. Faculty post regular office hours for students and are also available by
All students are expected to track their own progress through individual degree progress
reports available to each student on-line. An individual degree progress report is a helpful tool
in preparation for advising sessions with your Faculty Advisor. Students hold final
responsibility for meeting degree requirements.
What You Can Expect from Your Academic Advisor
All students are advised by faculty members who are available by email or phone. Advising
hours are available by appointment. Contact your advisor directly to schedule an appointment.
Your academic advisor is a critical contact person within the faculty of the Department of
Nursing. The advisor is available to help you with problems you may encounter, or has
information to give for referral to other sources of help for student problems and/or situations
which you may encounter while attending MSU Denver. You must see your advisor if you
anticipate the need to drop a course or change your schedule. You should make an
appointment to see your advisor before registration every semester.
Progression Policies
Students in the ANO, TNO and the BRNCO are required to earn a grade of ‘C’ or better in all
nursing courses, satisfactorily complete all on-campus labs, and maintain satisfactory clinical
performance. Students must also maintain the professional behaviors identified for the
nursing program. An ANO or TNO student who does not achieve these standards must
withdraw from the nursing program. BRNCO students should refer to the BRNCO
Continuation and Readmission Policy for progression information.
Students will be readmitted to the nursing program following withdrawal on a space available
basis as determined by the nursing faculty. Space is dependent upon attrition, availability of
clinical sites, and faculty staffing. Readmission cannot be guaranteed to every student who
applies. To be considered for readmission, students must follow the readmission procedure.
Students who have withdrawn from the nursing program will be eligible to return to the
nursing program one time only, whether through reapplication or readmission.
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Performance Improvement Plan
This policy/procedure will address how feedback/evaluation is utilized to promote student
academic and professional growth while enrolled in the MSU Denver Nursing Program. The
Department of Nursing strives to educate nurses who demonstrate competence, safety and
professional behavior in didactic, laboratory and clinical settings. We believe that feedback
/evaluation is essential to strengthen student learning and facilitate progress throughout the
Feedback/evaluation is defined as the assessment and review of the student in all areas of
performance: classroom, laboratory, clinical and professional behavior. The feedback is
intended to serve as a means of notifying the student about areas of concern related to
performance. This policy also allows an opportunity for the student to develop a plan for
improvement as they progress through the program.
When a faculty member identifies an area of concern or unsatisfactory progress the
information will be documented on an “Unsatisfactory Progress Notice.” The faculty will
meet with the student face to face and discuss the areas for improvement. Together the student
and the faculty will develop a learning plan for success. The faculty will provide a signed
copy of the completed form to the student and the student’s advisor. A copy will also be
placed in the student’s file. In some cases, the form may be forwarded to subsequent course
faculty to ensure continuity of expectations.
Metropolitan State University of Denver
College of Professional Studies
Department of Nursing
Performance Improvement Plan
Purpose: To alert a student who is not meeting course competencies and to provide additional academic
advising or agreement for learning as necessary.
Please be advised that
Faculty Member(s) Name(s)
has identified that
in the
Student’s Name
nursing program may be at risk for failing in
Course # and Title
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Areas Needing Improvement: At this time that the difficulty is primarily in the areas of:
_____ Exam Grades _____ Comprehension of Material
_____ Written Papers _____ Time Management
_____ Student habits _____ Clinical Performance
_____ Professional behavior(s) (please specify in comments) _____ Other (please specify)
Substantiating Document/Rationale:
Proposed Learning Plan with Measurable/Verifiable Goals: The faculty member(s) recommend(s) the
following measurable, verifiable plan to assist the student in improving performance in the course:
_____ Improvement in class attendance _____ Learn test-taking strategies
_____ Academic or behavior modifications (please specify in comments) _____ Tutoring
_____ Use of the Writing Center or other writing improvement services _____ Improvement in study habits
_____ For Clinical Performance issues please refer to the CET requirements for specific performance
improvement measures that need to be addressed and record them on this form.
_____ Coursework is incomplete at the end of the course. A plan and timetable have been
developed for completion of coursework and a grade change from Incomplete or Fail to the
earned course grade.
_____ Other (please specify)
Include specific measurable objectives for performance improvement:
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Status of Performance Improvement:
_____ Completed Date: _______________________________
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_____ In-Process Date: _______________________________
_____ Ongoing Date: _______________________________
______ Incomplete Date: _______________________________
Faculty: _____________________________________________
Student: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________
Copies of this document are to be distributed to the following:
______ Student ______ Student Advising File ______ Faculty/Lead Faculty _____Academic Advisor ______ Department Chair
This performance plan may be a continuous plan that will be handed to the next course faculty.
Faculty Approval 10/15/18
Readmission to the Department of Nursing Program after Withdrawal ANO and TNO
ANO and TNO students who meet the published readmission criteria and follow the
readmission procedure will be readmitted on a space available basis. Space is dependent upon
attrition, availability of clinical sites, faculty staffing, and budgetary appropriations.
Readmission cannot be guaranteed to every student who applies. Readmission may be denied
due to, but not limited to, any of the following reasons: space availability, refusal by the
clinical agency to accept a student for clinical experience, amount of time elapsed since
student enrollment in nursing course.
Reasons that a student will be considered ineligible for readmission include, but are not
limited to:
- The student has been terminated or dismissed from the program for documented acts of
dishonest, unethical, illegal or unprofessional behavior, including violation of policies in
the MSU Denver Nursing Student Policy Handbook.
Readmission decisions are made at the discretion of the Admissions Committee in
consultation with the Nursing Program Department Chair and faculty. Students will be
notified through MSU Denver email prior to the semester in which readmission is requested.
Students are eligible for readmission one time only.
Eligibility for Readmission ANO and TNO
A. Follow the readmission procedure as outlined below.
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B. The minimum criteria for readmission is successful completion of at least one NURA or
NURS course with a grade of C or better. A student who fails courses when taken
concurrently may still be eligible for Readmission.
C. Readmission placement must occur within one calendar year from the time the last
nursing course was taken and successfully completed.
D. Students who have withdrawn from the nursing program will be eligible to return to the
nursing program one time only, whether through reapplication or readmission.
E. Students must meet specified admission criteria to be eligible for readmission, including
but not limited to: demonstration of clinical skills, independent study coursework, a
recent criminal background check and drug screen as identified by the Department of
F. The student will supply information that is accurate and can be verified.
Procedure for Readmission ANO and TNO
A. STEP ONE: Complete an exit interview with the Department Chair of Nursing or designee
within ten business days of withdrawal from the nursing program. The interview may include
a member of the nursing faculty. The interview will address the issues that contributed to the
student’s withdrawal from the program. Input from the student and faculty as well as any
other relevant sources will be included. Students offered readmission may be required to meet
a work experience requirement, audit previously completed coursework, and/or complete lab
hours in preparation for readmission.
B. STEP TWO: After the exit interview, submit the following to the Department Chair of
Nursing or designee:
1. A dated letter including the student’s current address and telephone number
requesting readmission to the nursing program.
2. A copy of the student’s MSU Denver transcript that documents final course grades.
3. A detailed plan for student success, to be approved by faculty.
C. Deadline dates for requests for readmission will be provided at the exit interview.
D. When there are more eligible candidates than spaces available, MSU Denver Nursing
GPA will be used to determine priority status of eligible candidates.
E. The number of students readmitted will occur on a space available basis.
F. Upon readmission provide documentation required: current background check,
immunization records, health records, insurance forms, CPR card.
The Nursing Program Admission committee reviews requests for readmission. Students will be
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notified by email regarding the status of their request prior to the semester in which readmission
is requested.
Students are expected to review the MSU Denver Department of Nursing Student Policy
Handbook for Minimum Functional Abilities prior to readmission into the program. Students
requesting accommodations need to contact the MSU Denver Access Center.
Program Continuation/Readmission to the Department of Nursing Program after
Withdrawal BRNCO
BRNCO Student Continuation and Readmission Policy
The following policy outlines procedures for BRNCO students related to program continuation and
readmission. For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:
“Continuation” applies to students who (1) have failed to successfully complete a BRNCO
course, (2) students who have deferred, dropped, or withdrawn from courses within 3
semesters, or students who have stopped out of the program within 3 years.
“Readmission” applies to students who have (1) deferred, dropped, or withdrawn from all
first-semester courses longer than 3 semesters ago or (2) students who have stopped out of the
program for longer than 3 years.
BRNCO students who meet the published criteria and follow the appropriate procedure will be
permitted to progress through the BRNCO program on a space available basis. Readmission
cannot be guaranteed.
Reasons that a student may be denied the opportunity to continue or re-admit include, but are
not limited to: space availability, refusal by the clinical agency to accept a student for clinical
experience, or 3 failures of a single course per University policy.
Per University policy, a student cannot fail a single course more than three times. Students
who fail any single nursing course three times may be ineligible for progression through the
program. Readmission following three failures of a single course is at the discretion of the
Department of Nursing and is not guaranteed. Students assume all financial loss and
responsibilities if not granted readmission after repeated course failure.
Reasons that a student will be considered ineligible for continuation or readmission include
but are not limited to: student has been terminated or dismissed from the program for
documented acts of dishonest, unethical, illegal or unprofessional behavior, including
violation of policies in the MSU Denver Nursing Student Policy Handbook.
Eligibility for Program Continuation/Readmission
If a continuation is requested the student must:
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1. Reapply to MSU Denver per University requirements if it has been more than 3 semesters
and less than 3 years since last course work was completed.
2. Meet with their advisor to create a success plan and together submit a request for
continuation to admissions committee.
3. Student may complete remaining/current coursework in the same semester
4. Student must successfully complete courses before progressing to remaining semesters of
the course progression
5. Students may complete any required non-nursing courses while re-taking failed
6. Depending on length of time and course work needed an updated background check and
drug screen may need to be completed, at the student’s expense, if required to successfully
complete a course or the program.
If a readmission is requested the student must:
1. Reapply to MSU Denver per University requirements.
2. Reapply to the BRNCO program and complete all admission requirements.
3. Student will be assigned a new catalog year which may impact degree progress.
Please Note:
Students will remain in active status with MSU Denver for 3 semesters from their initial
application (including application semester) or last completed course, whichever is later. After
3 semesters, students will enter inactive status and must apply to MSU Denver as a re-admit
student to regain active status.
It is the preference of the Department of Nursing that students who anticipate they will need to
“stop out” for a semester or longer period of time notify their advisor as soon as possible. This
will assist with enrollment tracking and ensure the student is proactively advised about getting
back into nursing coursework.
Complaint Policy Procedure
At the Metropolitan State University of Denver Department of Nursing, our goal is to deal
openly, fairly and effectively with any complaint about the department. The Department of
Nursing seeks to offer an appropriate resolution to anyone who is adversely affected by an
action which fails to meet the department’s standards. The procedure may be used by
students, prospective students, any other organization of individuals outside the university
community, and others.
Within the department, students are encouraged to address issues such as grades informally
with faculty. If not resolved, the student may use the chain of communication to take the
complaint to the Nursing Department Chair. The faculty and/or the Department Chair inform
the student that such a process is available to them.
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Any concerns or suggestions for improvement should come directly to the office of the
Nursing Department Chair. A complaint is a formal allegation against the nursing program.
Once the verbal complaint is received, the complainant will be asked to put the complaint in
the form of a hardcopy signed letter. If the complaint is not put in writing, it will not be
considered a formal complaint. Regardless of where the complaint originates, the Department
Chair will be contacted to discuss the complaint. At that point, a determination will be made
about how the complaint can best be resolved.
Information about the Metropolitan State University of Denver complaint policy can be found
on the University website.
Information about the Metropolitan State University of Denver grade appeal policy can be
found (online) in the MSU Denver Student Policy Handbook and Academic Policy.
Professional Behaviors
Students in the MSU Denver nursing program are representing the profession of nursing and the
university. Certain expectations are made upon them when they are involved in any activity
related to the program. These activities may occur within the classroom, lab, clinical facilities,
the university and the community. Professional behaviors are those aspects of a professional that
are not related to discipline-specific skills or knowledge but are none the less important for
successful clinical practice.
The following information describes the professional behaviors for students in the nursing
1. Commitment to Learning The ability to self-assess, self-correct, and self-
direct; to identify needs and sources of
learning; and to continually seek new
knowledge and understanding.
2. Interpersonal Skills The ability to interact effectively with patients,
families, colleagues, other health care
professionals, and the community and to deal
effectively with cultural and ethnic diversity
3. Communication Skills The ability to communicate effectively (i.e.
speaking, body language, reading, writing,
listening) for varied audiences and purposes.
4. Effective Use of Time and Resources The ability to obtain maximum benefit from a
minimum investment of time and resources.
5. Use of Constructive Feedback The ability to identify sources of feedback and
seek out feedback and to effectively use and
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provide feedback for improving personal
6. Problem Solving The ability to recognize and define problems,
analyze data, develop and implement
solutions, and evaluate outcomes.
7. Professionalism The ability to exhibit appropriate professional
conduct and to represent the profession
8. Responsibility The ability to fulfill commitments and to be
accountable for actions and outcomes.
9. Critical thinking The ability to question logically, to identify,
generate, and evaluate elements of logical
argument; to recognize and differentiate fact,
illusions, assumptions, and hidden
assumptions; and to distinguish the relevant
from the irrelevant.
10. Stress Management The ability to identify sources of stress and to
develop effective coping behaviors.
11. Respect the opinions of others Students shall not insult, slur or degrade
instructors, other health professionals or
students. (This ethics statement does not
infringe upon a student's right to raise
questions and request clarification but does
modify the manner in which the question or
clarification is brought forth.)
Unprofessional Behaviors
One or more of the following actions (or like actions) by a student could be considered grounds
for immediate termination by the University and/or termination from the program:
o Behavior that creates a threat to the welfare of the patient/client.
o Behavior that creates a threat to the facility to which the student is assigned.
o Behavior that threatens the continued relationship between the university and
the facility.
o Behavior that is discourteous or disrespectful.
o Violation of patient confidentiality.
o Failure to adhere to facility policy and/or procedures.
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o Repeated failure to follow instructions.
o Arguing with peers, health care providers, patients, families, faculty and
university staff.
o Use of offensive language.
o Refusal to carry out assigned duties.
o Failure to follow attendance procedures.
o Misrepresentation of personal competency level.
o Failure to alter behavior after constructive feedback.
o Failure to meet required professional behavior standards.
o Horizontal violence, incivility or “bullying” behaviors.
Drug/Alcohol Policy
Please refer to the MSU Denver Student Code of Conduct.
Student Employment
Due to the heavy academic demands in the Accelerated Nursing Option and Traditional
Nursing Option, students who work while in the program are strongly encouraged to have
employment that provides for a flexible schedule to accommodate student course, laboratory
and clinical schedules and demands. Clinical shifts may be 8 to 12 hours and may include
days, evening, and weekends. Clinical shifts are subject to last minute changes. Therefore,
students’ personal commitments must remain flexible to accommodate program requirements.
Clinical shifts are scheduled at a variety of clinical sites that may be 50 miles or more from
campus. Reliable transportation is required by the student for all assigned clinical placement
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Classroom Expectations
Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered, except in cases of illness
or other emergencies. Class attendance policies are explained in individual course syllabi.
Announcements, important information and handouts are given during class. Students who miss
class are responsible for obtaining this information and material. Class schedules and course
orientations will not be altered or rescheduled around a student’s personal schedule, work
schedule, family/friend events, or planned trips including trips with airfare.
Students are expected to come prepared for class and to maintain professional behavior in the
classroom. Arriving late, leaving early, or being disruptive is unprofessional and unacceptable.
Pagers or cell phones must be in off or vibrate only mode.
Written Assignments
Directions, explanations, and guidance regarding the preparation and evaluation of written
assignments will be discussed in each course. Written papers will be expected to follow the
professional standards of a formal university paper using the APA Style Publication (7
All assignments are due on the date indicated by the faculty unless prior arrangements have been
made. A late penalty of 5% of the total assignment points will be assessed for each calendar day.
Faculty retain the right to consider emergency, extenuating circumstances. Assignments will not
be accepted after one week following the due date unless previous arrangements have been made
with the faculty. Assignments will not be accepted after the last day of the course.
An anti-plagiarism software program is a resource that assists in the detection and deterrence
of plagiarism by electronic comparison for textual similarity. The Department of Nursing uses
the electronic anti-plagiarism software endorsed by the university. This is a tool to help
educate students about plagiarism and proper citation techniques and to enhance academic
integrity at the University. Students may be required to turn in written assignments both as a
Microsoft Word document attachment and a paper copy by the published due date.
Students agree that continued enrollment in any course after the receipt of the course syllabus
constitutes permission that all required papers may be submitted to the electronic anti
plagiarism software for the detection of plagiarism and that all submitted papers will be
retained as source documents in the software reference database and used solely for the
purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. The faculty affirms the University’s stance on
dishonesty, cheating, plagiarism, etc., as stated in the MSU Denver Student Handbook. For
more information, go to the student handbook located on the university web site.
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Directions, explanations, and guidance regarding the preparation and evaluation of written
assignments will be discussed in each course. Written papers will be expected to follow the
professional standards of a formal university paper using the APA format.
Students who have difficulty with writing skills should seek assistance by appointment at the
MSU Denver Writing Center. Students may be referred to the Writing Center as part of a
remediation plan.
Recording Devices
Nursing faculty may give permission for students to record classroom/lab sessions based on the
following policy. Classroom and lab materials are the property of the faculty and MSU Denver
and are protected by federal copyright. These materials may not be published or quoted without
the express consent of the faculty and without giving proper identification and credit to the
faculty. Students who wish to record classroom/lab sessions may do so with faculty permission.
These recordings may be used only by the student for the purpose of enhancing their individual
study (understanding) of the material presented in class.
Use of Computers in the Classroom
Students may use laptop computers or other electronic devices such as iPads in the classroom for
learning purposes, such as taking notes or researching relevant course information on the
internet. Any use of technology that distracts from the learning environment may be
prohibited. Examples of activities that may restrict the use of laptops include messaging, game
playing and surfing the Internet during class time.
On-Campus Skills Lab and Simulation Expectations
Lab attendance is mandatory. Student work schedules, childcare arrangements and transportation
issues cannot be considered in determining lab assignments.
Nursing lab attendance is required in preparation for clinical attendance. Students must attend,
participate and satisfactorily complete lab objectives. Students must refer to each course syllabi
for specific additional lab expectations and/ or requirements. Arriving late, leaving early or
being disruptive is unprofessional and may result in a course grade reduction. Failure to achieve
lab objectives will result in course failure. Lab and simulation schedules and orientations will
not be altered or rescheduled around a student’s personal schedule, work schedule, family/friend
events, or planned trips including trips with airfare. See Appendix G
On-Campus Lab Responsibilities
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Lab activities consist of viewing demonstration of technical skills, discussing the skill and
clarifying questions. Each individual student is expected to practice each skill until proficiency is
gained as specified for each skill. Students will participate in group discussion to problem solve
and adapt procedures to various patient situations.
Each student must demonstrate selected psychomotor/technical skills satisfactorily to the
instructor in the lab at the scheduled time before these skills are performed in the clinical setting.
Evaluation of proficiency of lab skills will be done for selected procedures in accordance with
the course syllabus. Satisfactory performance is determined by the nursing instructor. Failure to
achieve satisfactory performance will prevent the student from participating in the clinical
component and from continuing in the course.
Students are responsible for helping keep the lab in order and for returning equipment to
appropriate storage areas when the lab is completed.
Simulation Lab Policies
Attendance and Dress code
Attendance is Mandatory. Students must arrive on time and in full MSU Denver clinical
Absence Policy
The Simulation absence policy is the same as the Lab absence policy. Please refer to MSU
Denver Nursing Department Handbook for details.
Tardiness is considered unprofessional. Should a student be tardy to simulation, (s)he may
not be allowed to participate in simulation.
Simulation Lab Expectations
Students should practice with appropriate knowledge, skills, and ability to provide safe and
effective nursing care.
Students must be an active participant in the day's discussions, scenarios, pre-brief, and
If a student comes to the simulation lab unprepared to perform nursing skills, that student
must return to the skills lab for additional practice. Simulation is a cumulative experience and
students are expected to apply previous knowledge and skills in each simulation scenario.
Students must be accountable for errors by readily acknowledging them and taking action to
correct the situation. Students should accept and incorporate constructive criticism.
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Students are expected to be honest and truthful when interacting with patients, families, peers,
faculty and staff, and in completing written work such as charting, reflection, and evaluation.
Absolutely no food, drink, or chewing gum is permitted in the simulation lab. Cellular phones
should be off or silenced during your simulation time.
The removal of any items from the simulation lab is strictly prohibited. At the end of the
session, the room is to be left the way it was found and ready for use by the next group.
Students may be observed by the Nursing Department Chair, other faculty members, and
students who are there to learn about the simulation process.
MSU students are the only individuals permitted in the simulation lab under supervision of
In the event that a simulator or equipment stops working, the internet is down, or there is loss
of network connectivity, the simulation may have to be rescheduled for another day or time.
Simulation Lab Requirements
Students are required to attend, participate, and satisfactorily complete simulation lab
objectives. If a student or group does not meet the lab objectives, the student or group will be
required to redo the simulation.
Simulation Redo Policy
The recommendation to redo simulation lab performance and behavior will be identified by
the faculty for either an individual or a group of students. When simulation redo is necessary,
students will be required to return to the simulation lab at a rescheduled time.
Open Simulation Lab Hours
Open simulation lab hours are optional for students to practice working with the simulator.
Simulation enhances the quality of education and enables the student to encounter as close to
real life experiences as seen in clinical settings. Simulation mannequins and Standardized
Patients must be treated as real patients at all times.
Students should not communicate with faculty for feedback or clarification while the
simulation is ongoing.
Student Conduct and Behavior
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Students must conduct themselves in a professional manner in the simulation lab at all times.
Failure to meet required professional behavior standards by a student could be grounds for
disciplinary actions as disclosed in the Student Handbook. Please refer to MSU Denver
Nursing Department Student Policy Handbook on Professional Behaviors and Unprofessional
Photography, Audio, and Video Recording Use Policy
Students may not photograph, photocopy, video or audio record any part of the simulation for
personal or social media use.
The simulation lab audio and video system is active during simulation day and may be
monitored continuously. Audio and video recording may be used for viewing, debriefing, and
educational purposes during or after simulation.
Safe Practice
Students should practice safety techniques in the simulation lab at all times. All sharps must
be disposed of in an appropriately labeled sharps container. Universal Precautions are used in
the simulation lab.
All medications and supplies used in simulation are intended for educational purposes only
and are not safe for human or animal use.
Simulator Care
No markers or pens are allowed near the simulators as these stain the mannequin skin
permanently. Do not use Providone Iodine (Betadine) and Chloraprep swabs that might be in
any of the lab kits, as these products will also permanently stain the mannequins.
Do not move the simulators from their beds unless instructed to do so by a simulation faculty
The simulators have designated areas that can be used for injections, intravenous and
intraosseous infusions, and blood glucose monitoring purposes as needed. Do not use sharp
objects on the simulators skin anywhere else. Do not place any oral simulated medications, or
any other liquids into the mannequin’s orifices.
Confidentiality Policy
All information is to be treated as real patient information following the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Students are expected to keep all
information related to simulation strictly confidential. Disclosing information regarding
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scenarios to other student is considered academic dishonesty. See the student Handbook for
Student Acknowledgement
My signature below indicates that I have read, understand, and received the Metropolitan
State University of Denver Department of Nursing Simulation Lab Policies. This signature
also indicates that I understand the significance of Confidentiality with respect to simulated
patient information. I will not share any information regarding simulation with other students.
I give my consent to being photographed, audio, and videotaped during simulation.
I further acknowledge that failure to comply with the simulation lab policies may result in
disciplinary actions such as dismissal from the nursing program.
(Print) Student’s Name
Student’s Signature
Clinical Expectations
Students are assigned to their clinical rotations. All clinical placements are arranged and
confirmed by the Clinical Placement Manager. Clinical facilities have requested that students
not attempt to arrange their own placements. Students who fail to follow this process may
jeopardize their clinical placement and continued enrollment in the nursing program. Student
assignments will include day, evening, night, and weekend assignments as well as 8 and 12 hour
shifts. Student learning needs will be considered in the assignment of clinical rotations;
however, living near a certain clinical facility is generally not a consideration for clinical
assignments. Clinical placements may be scheduled in a variety of geographic locations in
Colorado. Student clinical assignments may change at any time for reasons including individual
student learning needs, administrative reasons or clinical facility availability. Students are
responsible for providing their own transportation to the clinical facility. Students do not have
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the option to refuse an assigned placement. Clinical schedules and orientations will not be
altered or rescheduled around a student’s personal schedule, work schedule, family/friend events,
or planned trips including trips with airfare.
Current student contact information including, but not limited to, full name, social security
number, date of birth, address and telephone number may be required by the clinical facilities, in
order to facilitate access to patient data records. Every effort will be made to maintain and assure
student privacy, per the facility requirements.
Pre-Clinical Placement Requirements
Students will not be able to attend clinical unless they have:
1. Completed the process as identified by the Department of Nursing to provide all
immunization records which meet the MSU Denver nursing program and clinical facility
requirements, and are kept current. Deadlines to complete the process must be met or the
student will forfeit a placement in the course.
2. Current CPR certification in Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers. Must be the
American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Course.
3. Met the clinical facility requirements regarding Federal OSHA and HIPAA standards,
which includes annual testing on the standards and achieving the required score.
4. Completion of any facility requirements. Example: Giving electronic consent and
uploading facility documents in My Clinical Exchange (mCE) or submitting documents
to the Clinical Manager by the deadline given by the Clinical Manager.
5. Completion of criminal background check and evaluation for disqualifying factors,
according to the MSU Denver Department of Nursing Policy. A list of disqualifying
factors can be found on the Department of Nursing web page.
6. Proof of current health insurance coverage.
7. Proof of professional liability insurance.
Failure to complete these requirements by the clinical placement deadline will result in
students not being assigned to a clinical placement, inability to complete the course, and
withdrawal from course and program.
Clinical Attendance
Clinical attendance is mandatory to achieve the objectives of each nursing course which has a
clinical component and to meet the minimum number of clinical hours required by the State
Board of Nursing. Failure to meet the minimum number of required clinical hours in each
course may result in a clinical unsatisfactory grade and failure of the course. In the unlikely
event that a student must miss a clinical experience due to an emergency, a make-up experience
will be required.
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In cases of clinical absences, the student must call the assigned unit at your clinical facility at
least one hour prior to the beginning of the assigned shift. Record the name of the person to
whom you speak. Students must also contact their clinical instructor and the Clinical Placement
Manager in cases of absence or tardiness. Failure to contact appropriate nursing personnel
regarding absence or tardiness may be grounds for failure of the course.
Arrival to clinical on time is an expected student and professional behavior. Tardiness is
considered an unprofessional behavior. A pattern of tardiness may be grounds for failure of a
Students will not be able to attend clinical placements unless they have:
1. Completed the process as identified by the Department of Nursing to provide all
immunization records which meet the MSU Denver nursing program and clinical facility
requirements, and are kept current. Deadlines to complete the process must be met or the
student will forfeit a placement in the course.
2. Current CPR certification in Basic Life Support for Health Care Providers. Must be the
American Heart Association Healthcare Provider Course.
8. Met the clinical facility requirements regarding Federal OSHA and HIPAA standards,
which includes annual testing on the standards and achieving the required score.
9. Completion of any facility requirements. Example: Giving electronic consent and
uploading facility documents in My Clinical Exchange (mCE) or submitting documents
to the Clinical Manager by the deadline given by the Clinical Manager.
10. Completion of criminal background check and evaluation for disqualifying factors,
according to the MSU Denver Department of Nursing Policy. A list of disqualifying
factors can be found on the Department of Nursing web page.
11. Proof of current health insurance coverage.
12. Proof of professional liability insurance.
13. Prepared for the clinical assignment.
Failure to complete these requirements will result in students being removed from a clinical
placement and/or mandatory absence from clinical and may jeopardize the course grade.
Clinical Absence Policy
Clinical attendance is mandatory for all clinical experiences to achieve course objectives. In the
event a student misses clinical time due to an excused absence, the student must make up all
missed clinical hours.
Excused absence In the event of verifiable illness or emergency, notify the clinical
scholar/instructor, and agency preceptor (if applicable) prior to the scheduled clinical. Clinical
make-up may include clinical facility hours, various forms of simulation and/or alternative
clinical activities. The student will complete all alternative clinical make-up as assigned by course
faculty within the designated time frame. The failure to complete clinical makeup may result in
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clinical failure, which will result in course failure. If a student has more than two excused
absences during the duration of the program, the student will be financially responsible for any
associated costs with the make-up activities. The student may not independently arrange an
alternative assignment with a clinical agency. Only the Department of Nursing determines with
the clinical agency whether an alternative assignment is feasible.
Unexcused absence - Any missed clinical learning experience for a reason other than a verifiable
illness or emergency, or lack of timely notification for an excused absence to the clinical
scholar/instructor and agency preceptor (if applicable) is considered an unexcused absence.
Alternative assignments will not be provided for “no-shows” or when prior notification was not
student-initiated, therefore resulting in a failing grade for the clinical rotation. In the event of an
unexcused absence from clinical, a clinical failure may be warranted, resulting in course failure.
Unexcused absences are subject to review by the nursing faculty.
Alternative Assignment Process
Arrangements for clinical make-up are made through a formal Clinical Make-Up Process
involving the Course Faculty, the Department Chair and the clinical placement coordinator,
and a clinical agency. There are many considerations in arranging a clinical makeup-activity
for excused absences. Final arrangements will be determined by course faculty and presented
to the student. The student may either accept the arranged make-up or may withdraw from the
course. Arrangements for make-up opportunities are not to be made directly with the agency,
clinical faculty, or preceptor.
Inclement Weather Closure
Closure of the campus does not correlate directly with cancellation of clinical experiences.
Decisions regarding clinical experiences, while guided by the decision of the campus
officials, are made collaboratively with clinical faculty, course faculty, the Department Chair
and facility representatives when appropriate, and depend on location, timing and concerns
about student, faculty and patient safety. A student who makes an individual decision not to
attend clinical due to inclement weather must follow all notification and make-up procedures.
Clinical Preparation
Success in the clinical setting depends a great deal on the student's preparation for patient care.
Students are expected to be thoroughly prepared to care for their patients. Preparation needs to
occur prior to the beginning of each assigned shift.
Prior to the actual clinical experience each student is responsible for researching pertinent
information regarding the individual patients they are assigned to and practicing anticipated
procedures in the learning lab. Students will initiate data collection at the clinical site. To visit
the clinical site the student must wear the approved MSU Denver polo shirt and khaki, navy blue
or black pants as well as the photo ID. Blue jeans, mini-skirts, tight pants, shorts, etc., are not
appropriate. Students must meet all course clinical preparation requirements, which may include
obtaining pertinent information from the patient record, researching the information and
preparing a nursing care plan.
The clinical instructor will determine whether the student has adequately prepared to safely care
for the assigned patient(s). If the student is not sufficiently prepared, the student will be required
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to leave the clinical facility which will result in a clinical absence. Failure to be prepared may
result in delivering unsafe care and may jeopardize the physical well-being of the patient.
Jeopardizing the physical or emotional well-being of the patient may constitute a clinical failure.
Clinical Responsibilities
Arrive on the unit at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the shift. Do not arrive late to the
clinical setting. Arriving late is considered unprofessional behavior. Receive report and make
initial assessment of the patient. Provide care at the appropriate educational level and within
nursing scope of practice. Be prepared to participate in nursing care planning conferences and to
communicate changing patient needs and/or pertinent facts, observations and nursing care given
to your reference nurse and complete your charting. Refer to the course clinical evaluation tool
for specific course requirements.
Other expectations:
Each student is to become familiar with policies and procedures of the clinical facility,
which are available on each nursing unit.
Students are responsible for informing the instructors of individual learning needs.
When post conference is scheduled, students are responsible for being on time and
participating in the planned activities.
Students are expected to provide safe patient care in the clinical setting.
Students must practice within the nursing scope of practice. Students may not practice
skills from other health care or related occupations. Students must adhere to the
guidelines of their clinical course expectations.
HIPAA Regulations
Patient confidentiality must be respected at all times. No portion of the patient record may leave
the facility. This includes but is not limited to any type of patient print out, summary, or lab
report. Obliterating or cutting off identifying information is not adequate. Photographing or
photocopying patient information is prohibited. Students may not photograph any part of the
patient health record. All patient information gathered by students must comply with HIPPA
Regulations at all times. Student papers must not contain any patient identifiers, i.e. names or
initials, etc. Any violation of HIPAA regulations may result in a clinical failure.
List of Procedures Students CANNOT Perform in the Clinical Setting
1. Witness any consent forms.
2. Perform any task that requires certification or advanced “instruction” (i.e., arterial
blood gas (ABG) puncture, chemotherapy, remove PICC lines, telemetry, glucose
monitoring-check with nurse managers, etc.).
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3. Take physician orders, verbal or phone. Transcribe chart orders.
4. Initiate invasive monitoring, regulate epidural analgesia, solely monitor patient
following conscious sedation.
5. Witness or sign out controlled substances in any medication delivery systems.
6. End of shift controlled substance count (if applicable). May not have narcotic keys in
their possession (if applicable).
7. Verify blood administration and/or witness blood administration forms.
8. Perform any invasive procedure on each other (i.e., injections, catheterization, IV
starts) in any setting.
9. Any policy and/or procedure that the facility or faculty restricts students from
10. Any skill/procedure that has not been taught in the nursing learning lab.
11. Any skill/procedure that the student is not prepared to perform.
12. Any task outside RN scope of practice.
Professional Appearance
A. Students must wear the school uniform for the ANO and TNO students at Metropolitan State
University of Denver. Uniforms must be clean, wrinkle-free and of a proper fit. The uniform
fit must allow freedom of movement. Students must wear appropriate undergarments.
B. A MSU Denver photo ID badge will be visible and worn at all times at the clinical facilities.
C. Only the uniform scrub jacket with the MSU Denver logo on it can be worn over the scrub
top. A clean, white or black (depending upon agency requirements) solid-colored tee-shirt
may be worn under the uniform scrub top.
D. Shoes must be non-porous, closed-toe, closed heel. Clogs may be worn and must be closed
toe with no holes/vents. Shoes and laces must be clean, not scuffed or dirty.
E. All hair should be clean and groomed. Hair must be a natural color. Shoulder length or
longer hair will be worn up or pulled back. Hair will not obstruct student's vision. This
applies to both male and female students. Mustaches and beards will be clean and neatly
trimmed. Neck and chest hair must be trimmed below the neck of a crew neck T shirt or the
collar of a button-down shirt.
F. A watch with a second hand, a calculator, a pair of bandage scissors, a stethoscope with a
bell and diaphragm and pen with black ink are required.
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G. Nails will be neatly manicured and free of nail polish. Nails will not interfere with the
provision of patient care.
H. Artificial nails are not allowed in the clinical setting.
I. No hoop, dangling or large earrings, bracelets or necklaces will be worn in the clinical
facilities. Plain band rings may be worn. The wearing of other rings will depend on
appropriateness to the clinical area and discretion of the clinical instructor. No other body
jewelry may be worn while in the clinical facility.
J. Tattoos must be covered while in the clinical setting.
K. The approved MSU Denver polo shirt and khaki, black or navy blue pants or scrubs and the
MSU Denver Photo ID Badge must be worn when getting clinical assignments.
Appropriate business attire must be worn under the lab coat. Blue jeans, tight stretch pants,
mini-skirts, shorts, etc. are not allowed.
L. Maternity uniforms must be made out of the same fabric and similar style as the current
student uniform.
M. Good hygiene is imperative. Any personal hygiene habits that are offensive to
patients/clients, such as breath and body odors, must be controlled while in the clinical
N. Perfumes, colognes or animal hair may be offensive or harmful to some patients and should
be avoided in the clinical area.
O. Tobacco odors and secondhand smoke are offensive and physiologically dangerous to some
patients and are unacceptable in the clinical area.
P. No gum chewing is permitted when working with patients, or during on campus labs.
Q. The approved MSU Denver polo shirt and khaki, black or navy pants may be worn in the
psychiatric and community health clinical settings.
Safe Practice Responsibilities
Students must practice with appropriate knowledge, skills and ability to provide safe nursing care.
To protect both the client and the student, the following guidelines for safe clinical practice have
been established:
Only those activities discussed in class and/or practiced in lab may be performed. Remember,
it is your responsibility to know your level of ability in performing each skill. Regardless of
the number of times you have performed a skill, you must check with your instructor prior to
performing the skill by yourself without supervision.
Supervision is required unless otherwise directed by the instructor.
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Interventions/interactions are limited to assigned patients unless directed otherwise by the
The student will prepare for patient care including procedures by consulting appropriate
references before-hand.
The student has the responsibility to consult with the instructor if there is any uncertainty
regarding safe practice.
All policies and procedures established by the clinical site must be adhered to.
Unsafe Practice
Unsafe practice includes noncompliance with the guidelines for safe practice as described above.
It also includes, but is not limited to, the failure to implement safe care as evidenced by lack of
knowledge, use of poor judgment, omissions of procedures/treatments/medications, and
commission of errors.
If the faculty has reasonable cause to believe that a student is unable to practice with
reasonable skill and safety to patients, the faculty may remove the student from the clinical
area. Examples include but are not limited to alcohol, controlled substances, marijuana and
marijuana derivatives, prescription medications or a medical restriction. The faculty may
require the student to complete a psychological or physical examination or drug screen by an
appropriate care provider at the student’s expense. The results of this examination can be
utilized in determining the appropriate action to be taken by the faculty regarding the students'
continuation in the program.
To protect the health and safety of patients as well as students, a return to work permit without
restrictions from the student's care provider may be required prior to returning to the classroom
or clinical area as deemed necessary by the faculty.
Workers’ Compensation Procedures for Work Related Injury or Illness
Students are covered by Workers' Compensation while in the clinical setting. In the event of an
injury the student must do the following:
At clinical site:
1. Report incident to clinical instructor.
2. Follow through with agency requirements for on-site treatment and documentation.
Provide a copy of agency documentation to Metropolitan State University of Denver
Human Resources. Follow-up care needs to be provided by Metropolitan State
University of Denver Workers' Compensation providers.
3. Check patient chart for history of Hepatitis B or any other communicable disease (if
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
For detailed information regarding Workers’ Compensation Procedures including a list of
providers visit
I, (print your name), have been
notified by my employer/supervisor of the Worker’s Compensation Procedures. In the event I
am involved in a work related injury or illness, I understand that MSU Denver has designated
Concentra Medical Center, Midtown Occupational Health Services, HealthONE and the
Student Health Center as the approved medical providers for all work related injuries or
illnesses. I understand that if I do not receive medical care for work related injuries or illnesses
from the designated clinic or an approved 24-hour after care facility, or any specialists to which
they refer me, EXCEPT IN THE CASE OF A SERIOUS EMERGENCY, I could be financially
responsible for payment of that care.
I have received the above referenced procedures and have been informed that authorization is
required from my employer before I seek medical care for non-emergency, work related injuries
or illnesses.
Signature Date
Opportunities for Student Involvement
Opportunities for student involvement include participation on departmental committees and
activities. This may include but is not limited to: Advisory Committee, Department Faculty
meetings, open forums, Admissions/Scholarships Committee, Assessment/Policy Committee,
and Curriculum/Program Resources Committee.
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
MSU Denver Student Nurses’ Club
An important and critical activity of a professional person is participating in their professional
organization(s). MSU Denver Department of Nursing has a Student Nurses’ Club on campus.
A nursing faculty or staff member assists the elected officers to carry out the purposes of the
organization. Students are encouraged to become a member of this organization. The names
of officers and meeting dates and times are posted on the student bulletin boards.
MSU Denver Pinning Ceremony
A pinning ceremony is held at the completion of the MSU Denver nursing program. Holding
a pinning ceremony at the end of a nursing program is a long-standing tradition in nursing
education. Graduates receive a pin during this formal ceremony that represents their nursing
program and the profession of nursing.
Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing
The MSU Department of Nursing is a member of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor
Society of Nursing Alpha Kappa Chapter-at-Large. The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma
Theta Tau International is the second-largest nursing organization in the world with
approximately 135,000 active members. Junior or senior students enrolled in baccalaureate
programs at accredited institutions of higher education who have completed at least 1/2 of the
nursing curriculum, rank in the upper 35 percent of their graduating class and have achieved
academic excellence (at schools where a 4.0 grade point average system is used, this equates
to at least a 3.0) are eligible for membership. An induction ceremony is held annually in the
metro Denver area for new members in conjunction with the other nursing programs in the
local chapter.
About Your Student File
All student files are located in the nursing offices. You may need to have access to your file
occasionally; please check with the administrative assistants for the procedure to utilize your
file. Documents contained in your file may include: current contact information, acceptance
letters, notification of worker’s compensation, progress reports, and clinical evaluations tools.
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Student files are kept for three years following the last course taken. Graduate files are kept
for three years after graduation.
Release of Information Requirements
Often students request a reference for employment and/or data about their academic progress
for loans, scholarships, insurance, etc. A signed release of information must be in your student
file before we can comply with any request.
About the Practice of Professional Nursing
In order to practice professional nursing, you must complete a national licensing examination,
the NCLEX-RN, after you have met the requirements of the University and the nursing major
for graduation.
More information about taking the NCLEX-RN exam and obtaining your license is provided
in the final semester of your coursework. Please refer to the Colorado Board of Nursing
website for further information on licensing
NCLEX-RN Examinations/RN Licensure
It is the student’s responsibility to make application and meet all deadlines as required to take
the NCLEX-RN. Students desiring a license in another state must contact and comply with
that state’s requirements for application. Please refer to the Colorado Board of Nursing
website for further information on licensing.
ANA - American Nurses Association
The American Nurses’ Association has published a Code of Ethics for nursing. This code can
be found on the American Nurses Association website at In
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addition, the ANA has developed a social policy statement which is available on the same
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My signature below acknowledges that I am aware that I can access a copy of the
Metropolitan State University of Denver, Department of Nursing Student Program Handbook
on the MSU Denver Department of Nursing website. I have completed a program orientation
in which the handbook was reviewed and discussed. I elect to abide by the policies in the
Department of Nursing Student Handbook in pursuit of my goal to become a graduate of the
MSU Denver nursing program. I understand that changes to the student handbook can be
made at any time. The department will make an effort to minimize changes; however, when
changes are made, students will be notified through their MSU Denver student email.
I am aware that this Program Handbook doesn't cover every policy. I will avail myself of the
MSU Denver Catalog, Student Handbook and other publications. I indicate my willingness to
adhere to these policies and statements by my signature.
Print Name
Student Signature
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Nursing Major Courses for MSU Denver Baccalaureate Registered Nurse
Completion Option
Required Courses ..................................................................................................... Credit Hours
NUR 3100 RN to BSN Role Transition ..................................................................................... 3
NUR 3150 Introduction to Gerontology Nursing ....................................................................... 3
NUR 3400 Nursing Research ..................................................................................................... 3
NUR 3700 Nursing Health Assessment ..................................................................................... 3
NUR 3800 Advances in Clinical Practice .................................................................................. 3
NUR 4000 Community Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) ....................................................... 6
NUR 4150 Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice ………………………………………….3
NUR 4300 Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing Practice ............................... 4
NUR 4850 Nursing Senior Experience (90 clinical hours) ........................................................ 5
Healthcare elective ..................................................................................................................... 3
Total .......................................................................................................................................... 36
30 Semester hours awarded according to the Colorado Statewide Nursing Articulation
Non-Discrimination: The nursing program does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability in admissions or access to or treatment in any of its
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Nursing Major Courses for MSU Denver Accelerated Nursing Option
Required Courses ……………………………………………………………Credit Hours
NURA 3020 - Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice (45 clinical hours) 6
NURA 3150 - Introduction to Gerontology Nursing 3
NURA 3400 - Nursing Research 3
NURA 3410 - Clinical Pharmacology 4
NURA 3500 - Mental Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 5
NURA 3700 - Nursing Health Assessment 3
NURA 3810 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care I (90 clinical hours) 5
NURA 4000 - Community Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 6
NURA 4030 - Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (90 clinical hours) 5
NURA 4110 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care II (90 clinical hours) 6
NURA 4150 - Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice 3
NURA 4200 - Child and Family Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 5
NURA 4300 - Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing Practice 4
NURA 4850 - Nursing Senior Experience (180 clinical hours) 5
Total Hours 63
Non-Discrimination: The nursing program does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability in admissions or access to or treatment in any of its
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Nursing Major Courses for MSU Denver Traditional Nursing Option
Required Courses ……………………………………………………………Credit Hours
NURS 3020 - Foundations of Professional Nursing Practice (45 clinical hours) 6
NURS 3150 - Introduction to Gerontology Nursing 3
NURS 3400 - Nursing Research 3
NURS 3410 - Clinical Pharmacology 4
NURS 3500 - Mental Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 5
NURS 3700 - Nursing Health Assessment 3
NURS 3810 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care I (90 clinical hours) 5
NURS 4000 - Community Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 6
NURS 4030 - Nursing Care of the Childbearing Family (90 clinical hours) 5
NURS 4110 - Medical Surgical Nursing Care II (90 clinical hours) 6
NURS 4150 - Ethics and Professional Nursing Practice 3
NURS 4200 - Child and Family Health Nursing (90 clinical hours) 5
NURS 4300 - Leadership and Management in Professional Nursing Practice 4
NURS 4850 - Nursing Senior Experience (180 clinical hours) 5
Total Hours 63
Non-Discrimination: The nursing program does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed,
national origin, gender, age, sexual orientation or disability in admissions or access to or treatment in any of its
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Department of Nursing Committees
The following committees have opportunities for student membership:
The following committees meet on an as-needed basis during the fall and spring semesters:
Admissions/Scholarships Committee 3 students
This committee reviews program option admission criteria and the application process.
The committee also provides information about scholarships to students and works
with the MSU Denver scholarship office to facilitate the award of scholarships to
nursing students.
Assessment/Policy Committee 3 students
This committee reviews program assessment measures, including graduate surveys.
The committee works with the faculty to review and revise the student handbook and
develop new policies as appropriate for the department of nursing.
Curriculum/Program Resources Committee 3 students
This committee reviews the nursing curriculum. The committee reviews current
program resources and makes recommendations to the faculty for additional resources
for student learning.
Please contact the Department of Nursing at 303-615-1600 if you are interested in serving on
one of these committees. Be sure to indicate which committee(s) you are interested in.
Thank you for your interest.
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Appendix E
Notification and Reporting Policy and Procedure for
Students with COVID-19 Symptoms, and/or Positive Test Result
Students who attend face-to-face classes, skills lab, or simulation activities on campus or in
clinical are expected to report symptoms related to COVID-19 exposure, a positive test or
antibody testing, and notify the person facilitating the session (faculty, clinical faculty,
preceptor, etc.) immediately. Furthermore, it is expected that students adhere to a 14-day
waiting period or more and be symptom free before resuming any face-to face learning
If the below listed symptoms develop or a test returns positive for COVID-19 viral exposure
after face-to-face classroom, clinical, skills /simulation lab encounters the student is expected
to immediately stop any face-to-face encounters and follow the recommended Safe Return to
Campus University guidelines of seeking appropriate medical assistance, self-quarantining,
and notification of appropriate faculty.
Accommodations will be made on a case-by case basis to assist students to keep up with their
classes and clinical as they are able during the timeframe in which they are still considered
contagious. The Department of Nursing reserves the right to make the appropriate decisions
on the types of accommodations that can be made to meet the individual circumstances
students may have. Medical clearance per the Health Center at Auraria Campus will be
required before you are able to resume regular course and clinical activities.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Fever of 100 F or 38 C Muscle or body aches
Chills New loss of smell or taste
Shortness of breath Difficulty breathing
Cough* Sore throat*
Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea
Extreme Fatigue Persistent pain in the chest
Congestion or runny nose* New confusion
Bluish lips Inability to stay awake
*If you have had one or more of the starred criteria for greater than 14 days without symptom
escalation or new symptom development, you may be permitted to return to campus. Your ability to
return to clinical will be based on agency guidelines
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Appendix F
The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the
World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to
spread mainly via droplets expelled by infected individuals. Working in healthcare has
an acknowledged risk of potential exposure to illness and disease. This is especially
true in our current pandemic environment in which you could be exposed to and
contract COVID-19 due to working with individuals/patients/clients and their families,
or other health care workers and health care environments.
Symptoms of COVID-19 include:
Fever of 100 F or 38 C Muscle or body aches
Chills New loss of smell or taste
Shortness of breath Difficulty breathing
Cough* Sore throat*
Nausea or vomiting Diarrhea
Extreme Fatigue Persistent pain in the chest
Congestion or runny nose* New confusion
Bluish lips Inability to stay awake
*If you have any of the symptoms listed above, call the Health Center at Auraria at
303-615-9999 to be clinically evaluated by a medical provider over the phone to
determine the best course of action, including being tested for COVID-19 at the
Health Center. After being evaluated by the Health Center at Auraria, you can also
choose to see your community medical provider. However, please be aware that
many community providers do not have access to COVID-19 test kits due to supply
If at any time during the clinical, field placement or internship rotation you develop
any of the COVID-19 symptoms listed above or have a known exposure to someone
who has tested positive for COVID-19,
you must refrain from attending your clinical, field, internship experience,
notify your course or clinical instructor,
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
*If you have had one or more of the starred criteria for greater than 14 days without
symptom escalation or new symptom development, please consult with the course
faculty member. Your ability to return to clinical will be based on organization’s
If an internship (does not apply to nursing students) is remote, students can move
forward with receiving credit as usual.
If an internship, field placement or clinical is on-site, it is the expectation that the
organization/company is observing COVID-19 guidelines from the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC), including Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when
necessary, along with any federal, state or local restrictions.
I agree to the following:
I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and voluntarily
agree to participate in clinical/field assignments related to my course work to
complete course and program requirements.
I will follow all of the recommended MSU Denver, CDC, and clinical/internship facility
guidelines, which includes, but may not be limited to: social distancing; wearing of
masks or other required PPE at all times while in a clinical setting; appropriate PPE
donning and doffing procedures; utilize appropriate sanitization practices for the
spaces I occupy; and appropriate use of hand washing and the use of hand sanitizer
to reduce the risk of transmission.
I will utilize the best COVID-19 practices/recommendations from the CDC at all time
when moving around in the community at large on a daily basis. I understand there
are higher thresholds of accountability that all health care workers must uphold in
their daily lives to protect themselves and those they during their clinical experiences
and beyond.
By signing this agreement, I acknowledge the contagious nature of COVID-19 and
voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by
attending clinicals, field placements or internships. Further, I understand that the risks
of COVID-19 are not fully understood, and that contact with, or transmission of,
COVID-19 may result in risks including personal injury, illness, permanent disability,
and death. In addition, I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to or infected
by COVID-19 may result from actions, omissions or negligence of myself and others,
including individuals/patients, their families, other health care workers and their
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I hereby agree to waive any and all claims that I have or may have in the future
against the State of Colorado and MSU Denver from any and all liability, lawsuits,
and claims whatsoever for any loss, damage, illness, sickness, expense or injury
including death that I may suffer or that my next of kin may suffer as a result of
Signature: ________________________________
Date: _____________________
Revised May, 2021 CKrentz
Appendix G
Skills Laboratory Expectations
Skills laboratory sessions are another modality to enhance your learning experience. The laboratory
is a simulated clinical setting that allows the student to practice nursing skills in a safe environment.
Realism is a very important aspect of this learning modality. It is expected that you always maintain a
neat and orderly clinical/lab/patient environment. Please follow the lab clean up procedures when
your session is over.
Refer to the Student handbook and specific course syllabi for further laboratory policy.
Skills lab attendance is required in preparation for clinical attendance. Students must attend all
labs, participate and satisfactorily complete lab objectives.
All lab absences must be excused by the lab coordinator and course faculty in order to have a
lab make-up. Any unexcused absence may result in a lab failure.
Failure to achieve lab objectives will result in course failure. Lab and orientations will not be
altered or rescheduled around a student’s personal schedule, work schedule, family/friend
events, or planned trips including trips with airfare.
Labs start on time and tardiness is not acceptable. If you are tardy you may not be
allowed to participate in the lab. Arriving late, leaving early or being disruptive is
unprofessional and may result in lab failure and course failure. Students who miss
hours may be placed on a PIP. Missed hours must be made up. The hours will be
made up at the Coordinator’s discretion and communicated to the student as soon
LAB PARTICIPATION AND PREPARATION is a portion of the course grade and it is essential that
students are prepared to participate. Being prepared includes:
Your MSU scrubs must be worn with your ID badge in all labs.
Please refer to the student handbook regarding tattoos, piercings, etc.
Have your assessment equipment and any needed paperwork ready for each lab.
Always respect the manikins as you would a patient.
Some skills in lab are considered checkoffs. This means these skills must be completed as
competence to pass the course.
Lab skills build as you work through the program and will be used again in the future.
Lab may include mini lectures to help assure content knowledge prior to skill practice.
Utilize lab time to practice skills as much as you can. Don’t allow yourself to be distracted if
others have already completed skills.
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In the event there is down time or waiting time during lab, this is a good time to review
course work or skills. Please do not distract others in the learning environment.
Our manikins are allergic to iodine. Never use betadine on the manikins.
No ink pens are allowed near the manikins.
No food is allowed in lab. Drinks must be covered.
Cell phones/smart watches are NOT allowed to be used in lab unless allowed by the faculty
for learning purposes. They can be used on break outside the lab.
Student Signature___________________________________ Date:_________________
Printed Name: ________________________________________________________
Please place this signed lab expectations agreement in your official lab competency folder.