Database Architecture
SYSPRO 8 Technical Article
Last Published: March 2021
Copyright © 2021 Syspro Ltd. All rights reserved. All trademarks are recognized.
SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 1
SYSPRO Help and Reference
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 2
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 5
SYSPRO and Online Transaction Processing ..................................................................... 6
Supported Versions of Microsoft SQL Server .................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2019 ....................................................................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2017 ....................................................................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2016 ....................................................................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2014 ....................................................................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2012 ....................................................................................................................... 7
SQL Server 2008 R2 .................................................................................................................. 7
SQL Server Express .................................................................................................................. 8
Service Packs ............................................................................................................................. 9
How to determine the Version, Edition and Service Packs of your SQL Server? ............. 9
SQL Server Compatibility Levels ............................................................................................ 9
SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture ..................................................................................... 11
System-wide Database .......................................................................................................... 11
Company Specific Database ................................................................................................. 13
Indexes - Overview ................................................................................................................. 22
Foreign Keys ............................................................................................................................ 24
Stored Procedures - None .................................................................................................... 26
Triggers - None ....................................................................................................................... 27
Views - None ........................................................................................................................... 27
Check Constraints - None ..................................................................................................... 27
Collation and Case Sensitivity............................................................................................... 27
Collation and Sorting ............................................................................................................. 28
Collation Names ..................................................................................................................... 29
Using Multiple Collations ...................................................................................................... 30
Database Schema .................................................................................................................. 31
Other SYSPRO Features that use SQL Server ..................................................................... 33
Data Stored in the File System ............................................................................................. 33
Static Data Shipped with SYSPRO 8 ..................................................................................... 34
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 3
Guidelines: Customizing the SYSPRO Database .............................................................. 36
Adhering to the Guidelines and Future Upgrades to the SYSPRO Database ................ 36
Ensure that Database User Customization is Necessary ................................................. 37
General Notes about User Customization of the Database ............................................ 38
User Customization - Common Database Objects ............................................................ 39
Configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL Server ................................................................ 53
Company database authentication ..................................................................................... 54
How does SYSPRO connect to SQL Server? ........................................................................ 55
Setup Options > System Setup > SQL form reference ...................................................... 56
Defining a SQL Server login against each operator (optional) ......................................... 60
SQL Connection Strings ......................................................................................................... 62
Creating a SYSPRO Database using Management Studio ................................................ 64
What to do when SYSPRO cannot connect to SQL Server ................................................ 68
Insight into SYSPRO Applications and their Interaction with SQL Server ................... 71
SYSPRO uses a connection string to connect to SQL Server ............................................ 71
SYSPRO Applications have Two Database Access Methods Available ............................ 71
SQL Server Profiler ................................................................................................................. 74
Transaction Processing ......................................................................................................... 75
Optimistic Concurrency Control and Timestamps ............................................................ 80
SYSPRO and SQL Server Data Encryption ........................................................................ 84
Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 84
Audience .................................................................................................................................. 84
Why Data Encryption? ........................................................................................................... 84
Data Encryption at Rest ......................................................................................................... 85
Data Encryption in Motion .................................................................................................... 86
SQL Health Dashboard ....................................................................................................... 89
Database Details .................................................................................................................... 90
SQL Health Dashboard Tables .......................................................................................... 93
SQL Health Dashboard Columns ...................................................................................... 94
SQL Health Dashboard Indexes ........................................................................................ 95
SQL Health Dashboard Foreign Keys ............................................................................... 96
SQL Health Dashboard Object Dependencies ................................................................ 96
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 4
SQL Health Dashboard Index Fragmentation ................................................................. 97
SQL Health Dashboard SQL Users .................................................................................... 98
About the Author ............................................................................................................. 100
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 5
SYSPRO 8 is a powerful, scalable and feature rich Enterprise System.
A good understanding of its database architecture, together with how to configure SYSPRO to
work effectively with SQL Server, can provide significant benefits to anyone working with SYSPRO.
The key topics covered by this document are:
SYSPRO and Online Transaction Processing
Supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server
The SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture
Guidelines for customizing the SYSPRO database
Configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL Server
Insight into SYSPRO Applications and their Interaction with SQL Server
SQL Health Dashboard
This information is aimed at:
SYSPRO System Administrators
Database Administrators
SYSPRO Implementers
SYSPRO Support Personnel
SYSPRO Developers
Anyone else wanting an understanding of SYSPRO’s database architecture
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 6
SYSPRO and Online Transaction Processing
A significant part of the SYSPRO ERP application is an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system
and therefore its database design, data access, concurrency, performance, and other issues relate
directly to general OLTP guidelines.
The following is an extract from a Microsoft Technical Reference Guide on OLTP systems
Operational, or online transaction processing (OLTP), workloads are characterized by small, interactive
transactions that generally require sub-second response times. It is common for OLTP systems to have high
concurrency requirements, with a read/write ratio ranging from 60/40 to as low as 98/2. Modifications are
predominantly singleton statements, and most queries are constrained to simple joins. While limiting joins to
as few tables as possible is desirable, a significant number of application systems do join many tables.
Standard practices call for indexing strategies in OLTP systems to target an increase in concurrency versus
query support; however, more indexes have to be created than is desired to reach acceptable query
performance. The lower the proportion of write operations in the system, the higher the level of indexing that
can be tolerated, unless the timing of specific write operations is critical. Database plans generally start with
third normal form (3NF) enforced with referential integrity (RI) constraints, and then selectively deviate to
second normal form (2NF) when necessary to enhance performance.
For OLTP systems, the middle tier plays an important role in defining the overall success of the system; while
the database is important, it is not the only system component. When a new OLTP system is developed, the
initial challenges in scalability and performance are often encountered in the middle tier. It is only after the
challenges in the middle tier are addressed that the database tier scalability and performance issues are
revealed. We recommend that you refer to the Technical Reference Guides included in the ‘SYSPRO product’
when gathering data points for operational considerations.
The only change made to the above extract was that the phrase ‘SYSPRO Product’ was used rather
than generic product reference in the original text.
Note: Where this document quotes extracts from external resources, they are shown in an
orange font.
The remainder of this document serves as one of the SYSPRO Product Technical Reference
Guides mentioned above.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 7
Supported Versions of Microsoft SQL Server
SYSPRO 8 supports data storage using Microsoft SQL Server 2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008
It is beyond the scope of this document to cover the various SQL Server editions. However, the
vast majority of SYSPRO data functions are fully supported on all versions/editions of SQL Server
from SQL Server 2008 R2 onwards.
Always see SYSPRO’s Online Help website (https://help.syspro.com) for the latest information.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2019.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2016.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2014.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
All SYSPRO data functions are available when using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
The majority of SYSPRO code will work equally well with all supported versions of SQL Server listed
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 8
It should be mentioned that there are some selected functions where application code is further
optimized to take account of new capabilities of one or more of the later SQL Server versions. In
the case of specific optimization for later SQL Server versions, we still automatically provide
alternative code that will work on older versions not supporting the new capabilities. In this case,
there may be performance or other optimization benefits when using later SQL Server versions.
Whilst the core SYSPRO 8 ERP functions support the database versions listed above, some of the
newer technologies introduced into recent versions of SYSPRO, have their own database version
requirements. Therefore, if you intend to introduce one or more of these technologies, you must
consider their platform requirements over and above the core SYSPRO 8 ERP requirements.
These technologies include:
SYSPRO Social ERP (Harmony)
SYSPRO Ken the Bot
SYSPRO Connected Services
The following is a Microsoft statement regarding SQL Server 2008 it was copied as of November
2018 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/sql-server/sql-server-2008):
Prepare for SQL Server 2008 end of support
On July 9, 2019, support for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 will end. That means the end of regular security
updates. Don't let your infrastructure and applications go unprotected. We're here to help you migrate to
current versions for greater security, performance and innovation.
SYSPRO 8 supports running on Microsoft SQL Server Express (2019, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2012, 2008
R2) a free version of Microsoft SQL Server. If you intend to use any version of SQL Server Express
with SYSPRO, you should make yourself fully aware of the capabilities and limits built-in to the SQL
Server Express version you are considering.
These limitations include: [SQL Server 2012-2019 comments in brackets]
Limited database size [10 GB]
Limited use of server processor sockets and cores [Limited to lesser of 1 Socket or 4 cores]
Limited access to server memory [Limited to using a maximum of 1 GB RAM]
Limited tools to help with installation, configuration and database maintenance [Several
tools are available including ‘SQL Server Management Studio Express’]
Also, there are no Analysis Services, Integration Services or Notification Services
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 9
There are many resources covering the various Microsoft SQL Server editions and their
capabilities. For example: Features Supported by the Editions of Microsoft SQL Server 2019:
It is good practice to ensure that you review, and where applicable apply, the latest Microsoft
Service Packs and any other software patches or upgrades to ensure that you have the best
security protection, bug fixes and other enhancements.
To determine the version and edition, including service packs, of your SQL Server system and
components, see the following Microsoft information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321185
Note: The SYSPRO SQL Health Dashboard provides visibility to some of this version
When you create a database, it is assigned a compatibility level. Typically, the compatibility level is
associated with the current version of SQL Server.
The compatibility level affects the SQL statements that can be issued against the database and the
level of query optimization that is used to determine execution plans and ultimately performance.
The compatibility level of a database can be seen using SQL Server Management Studio: Select the
database, followed by Properties > Options > Compatibility level.
For example:
Figure 1: SQL Server Compatibility Level
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 10
The following table lists compatibility levels, their associated version of SQL Server and SYSPRO 8
Compatibility level
SQL Server Version
SYSPRO 8 Support
SQL Server 2019
SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2016
SQL Server 2014
SQL Server 2012
SQL Server 2008 R2
SQL Server 2008
SQL Server 2005
SQL Server 2000
Note: You must have a compatibility level of ‘105’ upwards when running SYSPRO 8.
The SYSPRO SQL Health Dashboard provides visibility to the database compatibility level. For
more information about compatibility levels see the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
When you upgrade your SQL Server software to a later version, each database’s compatibility level
remains at its original level number.
For example, if you originally created a SYSPRO 6.0 company using SQL Server 2008 - the company
specific database compatibility level would be SQL Server 2008 (100). If you then upgraded your
SQL Server installation to SQL Server 2012 the database compatibility level would remain as ‘100’.
If you wished to upgrade to SYSPRO 8 then the compatibility level against the company database
would have to be manually upped to SQL Server 2012 (110).
The ‘compatibility level’ property is just a flag that tells the Database Engine to evaluate SQL syntax
and query optimization against this database according to the version of SQL Server specified.
For this reason, it is good practice to update the compatibility level against each SYSPRO database
after upgrading your version of SQL Server. It is preferable to make the compatibility level match
the version of SQL Server you are using.
Some of our partners and customers have reported that updating the compatibility level from
older versions to the most current level can significantly improve the performance of SYSPRO
running on SQL Server this is probably because the later execution plan query optimizer is more
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 11
SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture
SYSPRO supports multiple companies where each company’s data is contained within a single
database. In addition, a single system-wide database is used to store information that is not
specific to any individual company.
This is easiest to understand using the following examples:
If a SYSPRO site has a single company then there will be two databases, one for the system-
wide data and another for the single company-specific data.
If the SYSPRO site has two companies then there will be three databases, one for the
system-wide data and two more one each for the two company-specific databases.
Similarly, if the SYSPRO site has three companies there will be four databases etc.
All SYSPRO databases, both company specific databases and the system-wide database, must be
located on a single instance of Microsoft SQL Server.
In SYSPRO 8, the system-wide database contains many system-wide tables.
One important table in the system-wide database is named SysproAdmin it contains a
Company / Database / Collation cross-reference.
See the following example of a SysproAdmin table in the system-wide database.
In this example there are three SYSPRO companies, the first two have a ‘Latin1_General_BIN’
collation and the third has a ‘Chinese_PRC_CS_AS’ collation:
Figure 2: Example System-wide SysproAdmin Table
The SYSPRO Setup Options program (i.e. IMPCFG) allows you to define the name of the system-
wide database. You are free to select any name for the system-wide database or retain the default.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 12
See the following screen fragment from the Setup Options program:
Figure 3: Setup Options > System Setup > SQL > System-wide database information
You should not add any additional tables in the system-wide database, nor should you change the
SysproAdmin table structure (columns, data types, indexes, keys, constraints etc.)
The system-wide database name should be a maximum of 18 characters and only consist of:
Uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z)
Numeric digits (0-9)
A dash (‘-) or an underscore (‘_’)
The system-wide database contains many tables that contain various types of data that are not
related to a specific company.
The SYSPRO 8 system-wide database contains over 100 tables depending on the features installed.
These tables contain the following types of data:
Company database cross reference
This is the ‘SysproAdmin’ table described above and is used by SYSPRO to determine the
relationship between SYSPRO companies and their databases.
Data dictionary data
This is a set of tables that describe the database structure.
These tables begin with the characters ‘Dds’.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 13
Configuration data
This contains setup and configuration settings such as: Operators; License information;
Notepad control; Role, Group and Operator security settings; eSignature configurations;
Password control; Database version control and history; Printer configuration.
History, Journal and Audit data
This includes information providing historical journals and audit trails detailing the
sequence of messages/transactions, who posted them and when. This includes: System
audit log; Operator amendment journals.
SYSPRO User information
Contains information about each active user, the programs they are accessing, the
Windows and SQL process IDs, etc.
e.net State information
Contains information about each e.net session.
Report Writer information
The SYSPRO Report Writer database and report definition information is stored in the
system-wide database.
These tables begin with the characters ‘Rep’.
Espresso information
If you are using SYSPRO Espresso, then a set of tables used for the mobile application is
defined in the system-wide database.
These tables begin with the characters ‘Esp’.
SYSPRO Avanti information
If you are using the SYSPRO Avanti user interface, then a set of tables used for these
applications is defined in the system-wide database.
These tables begin with the characters ‘Avt’.
As mentioned previously, each SYSPRO company has an associated database in SQL Server.
Each company specific database contains a relatively large number of tables that contain various
types of data.
Each SYSPRO 8 company database contains approximately 1000 tables. These tables contain the
following types of data:
Master data
This includes information such as Customers, Suppliers, Stock codes, Banks, Prices,
Branches and Work centers.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 14
Transactional data
This includes transactional information such as Invoices, Sales orders, Purchase orders,
Quotes, Jobs, Bank deposits and withdrawals.
History, Journal and Audit data
This includes information providing historical movements, journals and audit trails
detailing the sequence of transactions, who posted them and when.
Configuration data
This contains setup and configuration settings such as the company setup containing:
Configuration; Preferences; Financial periods; Tax; History; User-defined fields; Keys;
Company and General Ledger Integration.
New updates to SYSPRO 8 are published periodically (typically twice a year but this is subject to
change). Each release has a static database structure.
This is sometimes called a database schema, but we will call it the database structure as a ‘schema’
has a different meaning in SQL Server and will be discussed as a separate topic later.
By database structure we mean the list of tables, their column names, data types, sizes, defaults,
constraints, primary keys, alternate indexes, foreign keys, etc. This excludes the data that resides
in each table.
The database structure is static (fixed) for each release of SYSPRO 8. For example, each of the
following releases has its own database structure:
SYSPRO 8 2020 R1
SYSPRO 8 2020 R2
SYSPRO 8 2021 R1
SYSPRO 8 2021 R2
We make every effort not to change any part of the database structure during a software release,
however it is possible that we may have to make changes to the database structure during a
release in future (for example, for an unexpected legislative change).
The database changes between SYSPRO 8 releases are called ‘minor database updates’ as they
typically consist of new tables and/or new columns and/or new indexes.
This means that we generally do not remove, rename, or alter existing tables or columns when
new SYSPRO 8 releases are made available.
When an administrator logs in to a new SYSPRO 8 release for the first time the minor database
update will be applied this can add new tables, columns, and indexes to both the system-wide
database and each company database. All company databases that are linked to the same system-
wide database will be updated and must be using the same database version.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 15
The current system-wide database version can be viewed by querying the DatabaseVersion
column in the AdmSysVersion table.
See the following example:
Similarly, the current company specific database version can be viewed by querying the
DatabaseVersion column in the AdmVersion table see the following example:
The DatabaseVersion number is not directly related to the naming convention of the SYSPRO 8
release. This is an internal number that is incremented whenever the development team make
database changes internally (i.e. these numbers may or may not run concurrently in a production
As of March 2021, the database versions per release were:
SYSPRO Release
Generally Available
Release Date
SYSPRO 8 2018 R1
July 2018
SYSPRO 8 2018 R2
October 2018
SYSPRO 8 2019 R1
February 2019
SYSPRO 8 2019 R1
August 2019
SYSPRO 8 2020 R1
March 2020
SYSPRO 8 2020 R2
September 2020
SYSPRO 8 2021 R1
April 2021
A set of data dictionary files defining the system-wide and company specific database structures
are shipped as part of each SYSPRO 8 release.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 16
When an administrator logs in to a new SYSPRO 8 release for the first time, the minor database
update will be applied and the data dictionary (stored as a set of files in the BASE\DD folder on the
server) is migrated to the system-wide database.
This consists of the following system-wide tables:
Data dictionary files
Tables in system-wide
Table definitions
Column definitions
Column value text (describes column usage)
Index definition (primary and alternate keys)
Foreign key definitions (links between tables)
For this reason, you should treat the contents of these data dictionary tables in the system-wide
database as ‘read-only’, as when the next release is installed, their content will be removed and
the new data dictionary information migrated to these tables.
Although most tables in SYSPRO 8 are static, there are a small set of tables that are optional and
may only exist on specific conditions. These include:
Custom form data (ending ‘+’)
SYSPRO 8 provides the ability to store custom data. Each custom form has an associated
table in the database. These tables have the same name as the primary associated table
and are suffixed with a ‘+’.
For example, if you have defined custom form data against a Supplier (primary table name
ApSupplier’) then the custom form data will be stored in a table named ApSupplier+’.
These tables are stored in the same database as the associated primary table.
Document archive tables (starting SrsArchive’)
These tables are prefixed with SrsArchiveand are used to provide information about
archived documents such as invoices, delivery notes, order acknowledgements, AR
statements, factory documentation, etc.
The system administrator can define when to retain these archives (and hence whether the
tables exist) and can configure an optional list of attributes that can be used to search the
archive (and hence some of the columns are also optional).
SYSPRO Espresso
If you install and configure SYSPRO Espresso (our mobile solution) there are a set of tables
beginning Esp’ that will be created and maintained for Espresso. In this case they are
stored in the system-wide database.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 17
As other new technologies are introduced into the SYSPRO ERP product suite, other sets of tables
can also be added as and when appropriate.
SYSPRO table names start with a 2-5-character mnemonic representing the module to which they
belong and then a short name describing the table contents. The name uses a camel case style
with each ‘word’ starting with a capital letter followed by one or more lowercase characters.
SYSPRO table names have a maximum of 18 characters.
Table names only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z) and numeric digits (0-9).
No other characters are used in standard SYSPRO table names.
Example table names include:
Table name
Table description
Module description
Accounts Receivable
Customer Invoice
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable
Inventory Master
Inventory Control
Inventory Warehouse
Inventory Control
In SYSPRO 8 Custom Form data is stored in separate tables each table typically has the same
name as its primary associated table with a ‘+’ character as a suffix.
For example, custom form data associated with the customer table ArCustomer is stored in a
table named ArCustomer+.
Note: Due to the ‘+’ character at the end of Custom Form table names, you may wish to
surround table names with square brackets [ ] when accessing them from third party
applications. This avoids the SQL environment treating the ‘+’ character as a
concatenation or addition symbol.
SYSPRO column names consist of a short name describing the column contents. The name uses a
camel case style with one or more ‘words’ - each ‘word’ starting with a capital letter followed by
one or more lowercase characters.
SYSPRO column names have a maximum of 18 characters.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 18
Column names only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z) and numeric digits
(0-9). No other characters are used in standard SYSPRO column names.
Example column names from the Customer table (‘ArCustomer’) include:
Column name
SQL data type
Column description
Customer code
Customer name
Telephone number
Credit limit
Default assigned sales person
Default branch
Date last sale was made
Each column has several attributes, such as:
Data type
Precision, scale, or length
NULL or not NULL
Default value
Collation if data type is CHAR or VARCHAR
The collation must default to <database default>.
More information about column attributes are described below.
SYSPRO columns have one of the following data types:
Data type
Example data type
Character data containing from 1 to 5 characters are
stored using the ‘char’ data type.
Character data containing 6 or more characters are
stored using the ‘varchar’ data type.
The maximum length of a SYSPRO column of type
‘varchar’ is 3000 characters.
Trailing spaces are removed when SYSPRO programs
store ‘varchar’ data.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 19
Data type
Example data type
Character data containing potentially over 8000
characters. For example, can be used to store XML
Trailing spaces are removed.
Binary data can be stored using the ‘varbinary’
datatype. This is preferred over ‘varchar’ when the
data contains non-readable character data.
The maximum length of a SYSPRO column of type
‘varbinary’ is 3000 characters.
Binary data containing a potentially large number of
For example, can be used to store encrypted strings or
an image.
Numeric data containing between 1 and 19 integers
and from 0 to 6 decimals is stored in this exact
precision numeric data type.
In some cases, SYSPRO stores times as an 8-digit
numeric field with a format of: HHMMSSFF - Hours,
Minutes, Seconds, Fractions of a second (hundredths
of a second)
Flags or indicators that can be yes/no or true/false can
be stored using the bit datatype.
Range: 0 or 1
Very small integers can be stored using the tinyint
Range: 0 to 255
Small integers can be stored using the smallint
Range: -32,768 to +32,767
Large integers can be stored using the int datatype.
Range: -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Very large integers can be stored using the bigint
Range: -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 20
Data type
Example data type
Globally Unique IDs (known as GUIDs) are stored as
type ‘uniqueidentifier’.
In SYSPRO 8 these are used in various places such as
for Contact Management ‘ContactId’ columns and in
the eSignature log for storing GUIDs passed from a 3
party application.
All dates are stored using the ‘datetime’ data type as
this is compatible with all supported version of SQL
In some cases, SYSPRO stores the time portion in a
separate column and only uses the ‘datetime’ column
to store the date part. In this case the time is always
stored using an 8-digit decimal field. Also, in this case,
you must NOT place a non-zero value into the time
part of the datetime column.
Alternatively, SYSPRO can store both a date and time
in the ‘datetime’ column. In this case the full precision
of the time can be stored this is to 1/1000
of a
second where the last digit is limited to 0, 3 or 7.
When not part of the primary key a ‘datetime’ column
can be NULL indicating none or another special value.
This is a database-wide unique number generated by
SQL server and used for concurrency control.
All SYSPRO tables have a column named ‘TimeStamp’
with this data type.
The majority of SYSPRO 8 columns are defined as ‘NOT NULL’ – meaning that NULL values are not
The following list columns are an exception to this general rule - where NULLs are allowed:
datetime - where column is not in a primary key.
NULL means ‘none’ or another special value such as ‘lowest’ or ‘highest’ depending on
context. For example, a stock obsolescence date field could use a NULL date to indicate
that an item is not obsolete.
uniqueidentifier where column is not in a primary key.
NULL means ‘none’.
Custom form columns storing custom form fields that are not part of the primary key.
NULL means ‘none’ or ‘no value supplied’.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 21
To simplify adding rows to SYSPRO tables, a default constraint is configured against most columns.
This is useful when a third-party application is inserting rows into a table, else you would have to
supply a value for each NOT NULL column (which we have seen above is most columns).
The default values are configured ‘by data type’ – a selection of default values is shown below:
Data type
Default value
Default always provided.
Single space
Default always provided.
Single space
Default always provided.
Default always provided.
None as NULL is
In cases where a ‘datetime’ column exists in the
primary key, and therefore NULLs are not allowed, a
default value of ‘1900-01-01’ is used.
It is recommended that you always provide a value to
these ‘datetime’ columns in the primary key.
None as NULL is
In cases where a ‘uniqueidentifier’ column exists in
the primary key, and therefore NULLs are not
allowed, a default value of spaces is used.
It is recommended that you always provide a value to
these ‘uniqueidentifier’ columns in the primary key.
None as value
provided by SQL Server
No default provided as this field is updated by SQL
Server whenever a row is inserted or changed.
In a SYSPRO 8 database, default constraints are named Syspro_DF_Table_Columnwhere:
‘Table’ is the name of the SYSPRO table,
‘Column’ is the name of the column to which the default is applicable.
For example, the default constraint for the column ‘Customer’ in theArCustomer table is named:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 22
There are two types of indexes applied to SYSPRO 8 tables:
Primary Key (Clustered Index) - mandatory
Alternate Indexes - optional
The following topics describe the difference between primary keys and alternate indexes and
discusses performance implications and naming conventions.
All SYSPRO 8 tables have a primary key usually known as a ‘clustered index’ in SQL Server
A primary key is one in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index key value (i.e. all
values must be unique).
A primary key can consist of one or more columns. When multiple columns are specified, the first
column specified is the most important part of the sequence, the second column is the next most
important part of the sequence, etc.
All SYSPRO primary keys have all components of the primary key in ascending sequence.
A clustered index is where the logical order of the key values determines the physical order of the
corresponding rows in a table. The bottom, or leaf, level of the clustered index contains the actual
data rows of the table. A table is allowed one clustered index at a time.
Each SYSPRO table has an appropriate clustered index allowing SYSPRO applications to retrieve a
single row with optimal database access.
In addition, applications can retrieve multiple rows, with the best level or performance, by
specifying the same sequence as the primary key.
Applications typically do not specify the clustered index name directly but simply specify a
condition together with the sequence (ORDER BY) that the rows are to be retrieved. SQL Server
determines, using a query optimizer, how to access the data required and will utilize the clustered
index when appropriate.
SYSPRO 8 tables have their clustered keys named by concatenating the table name and the word
For example, the Customer table ArCustomer has a clustered key named ArCustomerKey.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 23
Selected SYSPRO 8 tables have alternate indexes - sometimes also known as ‘nonclustered
indexes’ in SQL Server documentation.
An alternate index on SYSPRO 8 tables is one in which no two rows are permitted to have the
same index key value. This is guaranteed by ensuring that alternate indexes always contain all the
primary key parts which, as has already been mentioned, are always unique.
The alternate index can consist of just the primary key parts in a different sequence, or it can
contain additional columns as well as all the primary key parts.
All SYSPRO alternate indexes always have more than one column - the first column specified is the
most important part of the sequence, the second column is the next most important part of the
sequence, etc.
All SYSPRO alternate indexes have all components of the alternate index in ascending sequence.
An alternate index specifies the logical ordering of a table. With an alternate index (nonclustered
index), the physical order of the data rows is independent of their indexed order.
As mentioned previously, not all SYSPRO tables have alternate indexes, however when SYSPRO
applications need to retrieve rows in a sequence other than the primary key sequence, an
alternate index is usually provided as standard when the SYSPRO table was created.
Whilst not always quite as efficient as a clustered index, having an alternate index can provide
significant performance benefits when SQL Server uses its query optimizer to determine the most
efficient data access method to be used to retrieve data in a sequence other than the primary key
As for primary keys, applications typically do not specify the alternate index name directly but
simply specify a condition together with the sequence that the rows are to be retrieved. SQL
Server determines, using a query optimizer, how to access the data required and will utilize an
alternate index when appropriate.
If the all the columns to be queried by an application are defined as part of an alternate index the
query optimizer may simply retrieve the values from the index instead of the underlying data (this
is called a covering index). The query optimizer will always attempt to use the most efficient access
method and depending on many factors this may provide additional performance benefits.
When a SYSPRO 8 table has an alternate index the alternate index name is generated by
concatenating the table name plus the phrase ‘Idx’, followed by a short mnemonic describing the
index using a camel case convention.
As an example, the following lists the primary key and all alternate indexes for the Customer table
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 24
Index name
Key parts
Primary key on Customer
Index on Geographic area
Index on Branch
Index on Customer class
Index on EDI sender code
Index on Customer name
Index on Customer short
Index on Telephone
Index on Salesperson
If you are considering adding custom indexes to a SYSPRO table please see the topic: Guidelines
when Adding User Indexes.
Foreign Keys allow a database to describe logical relationships between tables.
In SYSPRO 8, a Foreign Key is a link from a single source table to the Primary key of another
related table.
For example, the Accounts Receivable Invoice table 'ArInvoice' has a column that stores the
Customer. A Foreign Key between the 'Customer' column in the Invoice table and the 'Customer'
column in the Customer table 'ArCustomer' ensures that this logical relationship is described in
the database.
In SYSPRO 8 tables, the number of columns in the Primary key of the target table must match the
number of columns in the source table when describing the Foreign Key Relationship.
In a SYSPRO 8 database, all Foreign Key Relationships are created by specifying 'WITH NOCHECK'.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 25
This means that the actual rows involved in the table relationship are not verified either at the
time the table is created or as data is added, deleted, or changed from either the source or target
The purpose of Foreign Keys in a SYSPRO database is purely to describe the relationship between
tables, not between individual rows of data. The SYSPRO business logic is used to ensure data
integrity not the Foreign Key Relationships described in the database.
When Foreign Keys are described in a SYSPRO 8 database, the name of the Foreign Key is
'Syspro_FK_' followed by the source table and then an underscore and then the target table.
For example, the Foreign Key Relationship between the 'ArInvoice' table and the 'ArCustomer'
table is named:
The definition of Foreign Keys in the SYSPRO database enables the use of tools such as the SQL
Server Diagram tool. These tools use Foreign Key Relationships as described in the database to
understand the relationships between tables. This is more accurate than comparing column
names for the relationships - as used in some database visualization tools.
It's relatively simple to create a new Diagram in SQL Server by selecting the Database > 'New
Database Diagram' and then selecting two or more tables (e.g. 'ArCustomer' and 'ArInvoice') and
viewing the resultant diagram. (It can take a few minutes to zoom in/out and re-organize the
tables shown to best view the generated diagram especially when there are many tables)
See the following example:
Figure 4: Simple Entity Relationship Diagram
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 26
When you exit after creating a new database diagram you will be prompted to give the diagram a
name this can be used to later retrieve and show and/or edit the diagram.
This diagram is interactive i.e. you can use the context menu to view the relationships between
tables, view keys, view check constraints and view column properties.
Warning: Take care when using the SQL Server Diagram tool to ensure that you only change the
diagram and view the database structure, and not change the database in any way.
This is easiest accomplished by ensuring you do not access the Diagram tool when
logged in as a system administrator.
SYSPRO does not use Stored Procedures in its database.
Stored Procedures are typically created by applications for one or more of the following reasons:
They are used to provide standard functions with documented parameters that the
application calls to perform a query or change the database. They can contain simple SQL
statements or contain more sophisticated business logic. By documenting available Stored
Procedures and their parameters, third party developers are also able to take advantage of
the standard functions provided.
They are created to improve the performance of an application when it needs to make
repetitive calls to the database engine.
They are created to improve the performance of an application when many SQL
statements are to be 'batched together' in a single transaction as the code is executed on
the SQL Server and does require a roundtrip to the application server.
In SYSPRO, the first reason for having a Stored Procedure in a database (i.e. standardized and
documented functions) is handled by SYSPRO Business Objects. A Business Object provides a
simple, documented, and extensible API layer into SYSPRO's business logic. Instead of placing
business logic in a Stored Procedure, SYSPRO places its business logic inside its own Business
The second reason for having Stored Procedures (i.e. performance) is handled by SYSPRO taking
advantage of SQL Server's execution plan caching and reuse. When virtually identical SQL Queries
are issued to SQL Server, it generates an execution plan based on its query optimizer. This
parameterized execution plan is cached in the 'execution plan' cache. SYSPRO programs are
carefully developed to ensure that where relevant the same SQL parameterized statement is
issued so that the performance benefit of not having to generate a new execution plan (but use
one already cached) is taken advantage of.
This topic is explored further: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181055(v=sql.105).aspx.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 27
There are other reasons why some applications use Stored Procedures, such as by avoiding
roundtrips. However, by making available appropriately coded SYSPRO Business Objects the level
of performance, scalability, programmability, and extensibility of the interface in most cases more
than makes up for any lack of Stored Procedures.
SYSPRO does not use SQL Triggers in its database. End users can develop conditional actions in
many ways in the SYSPRO software by making use of the following technologies:
eSignatures can be configured to fire a trigger when a transaction occurs with a
user-defined condition.
eSignatures can be configured by operator, role, group, company or system-wide.
eSignature triggers can call SYSPRO applications, call third party applications, run a
VBScript and invoke a Business Object, send a notification email, etc.
Events and Triggers
These two technologies also provide the ability to call applications, send email, etc.
This is a full-blown workflow engine that can provide very sophisticated abilities to detect
transaction success or failure, prompt for authorization or approval, trigger virtually any
sort of application or notification based on completely user-defined conditions.
SYSPRO does not create, maintain, or use any SQL Server Views in the SYSPRO database. In
SYSPRO applications, all database access is directly with base tables.
SYSPRO does not create, maintain, or rely on Check Constraints. All business logic is encapsulated
in the various SYSPRO Business Objects.
SYSPRO requires that all its databases have a case sensitive collation. This includes collations
known as 'Binary'.
The majority of SYSPRO 8 character data is stored in columns with a data type of CHAR or
VARCHAR and these columns are affected by the collation when comparing data or sequencing
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 28
When you add a SYSPRO 8 database you should ensure that the database collation is either
'Binary' or 'Case Sensitive'.
See the following examples:
Collation name
A Binary collation providing high performance and covering
English and many Western European languages.
Used for backward compatibility between previous Binary
A Binary collation providing high performance and covering
English and many Western European languages.
A newer Binary collation available in more recent versions of SQL
It is recommended that the ‘BIN2’ collation is used rather than a
'BIN' collation however if you have already created a database
with a 'BIN' collation you do not need to consider changing the
existing collation.
A Case Sensitive and Accent Sensitive collation covering English
and many Western European languages.
A Case Sensitive and Accent Sensitive collation covers the
simplified Chinese language used in mainland China and Chinese
speaking territories. Can also store English data.
The Collation not only affects comparison between items but also the sort order when retrieving
items. The type of collation affects the sequence by which items are retrieved:
Binary collations
Typically returns all uppercase items before all lowercase ones.
Case Sensitive collations
Typically returns each item alphabetically regardless of case (within the same letter
lowercase shows before uppercase).
To demonstrate this - assume you have the following items:
aa, AA, bb, BB, cc, CC, cat, Cat, dog, Dog
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 29
If the application selects all rows ordering them in ascending sequence, then the items will be
returned as shown in the following table depending on the collation:
From this you may see that the 'Case Sensitive' collations are often preferable (and less confusing
to operators) than the 'Binary' collations. However, 'Binary' collations can offer the best absolute
There are several thousand available collations in SQL Server depending on the SQL Server
There are many variations to the style of collation names in addition to the ones mentioned
above, some start 'SQL_' and some contain digits such as '90' or '100' in them.
You can select a required collation as long they are either 'Binary' or Case Sensitive and Accent
Sensitive. If in doubt, contact your SYSPRO support team for advice.
Important: You must not configure SYSPRO to run on a Case Insensitive collation else you may
experience unexpected results. For similar reasons we suggest not using an Accent
Insensitive collation.
The letters 'CI' in the collation name mean 'Case Insensitive' and 'AI' means 'Accent
Insensitive'. Therefore, avoid collations with 'CI' or 'AI' and rather use a collation that
includes the letters 'CS_AS' (or 'BIN' or 'BIN2' for Binary).
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 30
The majority of SYSPRO sites have the same collation against all SYSPRO databases, whether they
are the system-wide database or one of the company specific databases.
However, SYSPRO 8 does support one or more company databases having different collations
from each other.
An earlier topic discussed the system-wide database and the SysproAdmin table. If you recall the
SysproAdmin table contains a single row, one for each company. It not only contains the
company id and database name, but it also contains the database collation. This is the mechanism
by which SYSPRO 8 companies can have different collations.
In a single SYSPRO database all columns containing character data must have the same collation.
Note: SYSPRO does not support some columns having one collation whilst other columns in the
same database have a different collation.
If you have two or more company databases, then each can have a different collation. If you have
Shared GL or Shared Inventory, see the following topics:
The primary purpose of using Shared GL is to provide consolidated reporting across multiple
For example, using the Financial Report Writer, it’s possible to report on all GL data for a specific
branch, department, or account code across two or more companies. This can only be performed
when the companies to be consolidated have the same Shared GL id.
The concept of Shared GL is that you can have two or more SYSPRO companies each storing their
main General Ledger data in one of the company’s databases. Each row in each of the Shared GL
tables in the shared database have a company id in the key ensuring that all data is kept
separately ‘per company’. They just happen to be stored in a single database.
SYSPRO 8 does support two or more companies each having different collations but having a
single Shared GL id.
To clarify further, consider the following example: Assume your site contains the three companies
as defined in the following SysproAdmin table:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 31
Also assume that SYSPRO companies ‘EDU1’ and ‘EDU2’ have been defined as having a Shared GL
id of ‘CHIN’, all General Ledger data will be stored in the ‘CHIN’ company’s database named
Syspro80_China’. Therefore company ‘EDU1’ (database ‘Syspro80Edu1’) will have most of its
character data stored using the ‘Latin1_General_BIN’ collation.
Similarly, company ‘EDU2’ (database ‘Syspro80Edu2’) will have most of its character data also
stored using the ‘Latin1_General_BIN’ collation.
Company ‘CHIN’ (database ‘Syspro80_China’) will have all character data stored using the
‘Chinese_PRC_CS_AS’ collation.
However, both companies ‘EDU1’ and ‘EDU2’ General Ledger data will be stored in company ‘CHIN’
(database ‘Syspro80_China’) and this will be stored using the ‘Chinese_PRC_CS_AS’ collation.
Remember that company ‘EDU1 General Ledger data is stored with a company id of ‘EDU1
recorded as a key item against each row in each of the General Ledger tables and therefore are
separate from companyEDU2and ‘CHIN’. Even though they are all stored in a single set of GL
For the consolidated reporting purposes, you would also typically have consistency of GL code
naming or numbering often using numeric digits for your GL codes.
SYSPRO 8 does not support Shared Inventory between companies that have databases of different
Using the example SysproAdmin above CompanyEDU1’ could have a Shared Inventory id
EDU2’ as they have the same collation.
However, company ‘EDU1could not have a Shared Inventory id of ‘CHIN’ as these have different
The difference between Shared GL and Shared Inventory is that Shared GL stores the items from
each company separately in the target database (by storing the source company id in each row)
whereas Shared Inventory is using the same rows to store items (Inventory Master) and quantities
(Inventory Warehouse, Bins, Lots, Serial’s etc.)
SQL Server has a concept of a database schema. This topic describes what this means, how it is
typically used in SQL Server, and how SYSPRO should be configured and will reference the
A Database Schema in SQL Server is a container of objects within a database.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 32
Databases have a default schema named 'dbo' (database owner). In most cases when objects are
created, they are created under the 'dbo' schema.
It is possible to create other schemas against a database and then create objects in these schemas
(instead of the 'dbo' schema). As the schema forms part of a full qualified object name (see below),
you can have objects with the same name in different schema i.e. the schema forms part of the
uniqueness when naming objects.
The primary purpose of schemas is to simplify applying permissions to objects in SQL Server as it
is relatively simple to assign a default schema to a SQL login and ensure that the login only has
access (read, update, full, etc.) against objects in that schema.
For this reason, it's often not recommended that you have objects with the same name in different
schema. It can be confusing to all database users and developers.
All database objects can be uniquely identified by using a four part fully qualified object name. The
parts consist of:
1. Server name
2. Database name
3. Schema name
4. Object name
For example, the AR Customer table 'ArCustomer' stored on a server named 'SysproServer' in a
database named 'SysproCompanyA' would be fully qualified as:
The third part of the object definition is the schema name - in this case 'dbo'. In this example all
parts of the name have been surrounded by brackets [ ]. This is optional when specifying objects
unless there are special characters in the object name such as a space or '+'.
Most SYSPRO applications do not explicitly reference the schema when accessing database
objects. In this case, SQL Server applies a default schema name inherited from the SQL login being
used. By default, most SQL logins have a default schema name of 'dbo'.
For this reason, all SYSPRO objects must reside in a single schema named 'dbo'. And all SQL logins
used by the SYSPRO application must have a default schema of 'dbo'.
If you wish to create your own schema with you own objects, see the User Customization topics
later in this document. However, standard SYSPRO objects must all reside in a single schema
named 'dbo'.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 33
When installed and configured appropriately the following SYSPRO modules/technologies also
store information in SQL Server - this includes:
SYSPRO Workflow Services
The SYSPRO Workflow Services (SWS) module creates its own database and tables that are
separate from the database architecture explained in this document. They are not
explained any further here.
SYSPRO Reporting Services
SYSPRO 8 allows SYSPRO Reporting Services (SRS) to use SQL Server as a temporary
storage mechanism when producing reports.
See the Reporting form in the Setup Options program (i.e. IMPCFG) for more information
(Setup options > System Setup > Reporting).
These temporary tables are not explained further here.
A relatively small amount of configuration and setup data is stored in the file system. These files
are not stored in the system-wide or company specific databases.
You should be aware when performing maintenance task that these files require regular backup.
Note that ‘no transactional data’ is stored in the file system – only configuration, setup, and
preference files. This means that full database transactional integrity will be maintained in the
event of a system or other failure.
You will note that since SYSPRO 8 2020 R2, we have added options for most of these to be
persisted to SQL Server if you wish.
The information stored in the file system includes:
System configuration file
The IMPACT.INI file contains some system-wide licensing information and how to connect
to SQL Server this file is stored in the WORK folder.
Preference settings
Preferences and saved settings as users run applications can be persisted to files stored in
the BASE\SETTINGS folder.
From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 onwards there is a system-wide preference allowing the
preferences and settings to be persisted to SQL Server.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 34
Custom reports
When designing custom reports using the SRS technology, they are stored in a folder
From SYSPRO 8 2020 R2 onwards, Custom reports are always persisted to SQL Server.
Therefore, during the upgrade process you can elect to either upload the customized
reports immediately or continue the upgrade and upload them later. However, all
customized reports must be uploaded to SQL Server before they can be edited or run.
Rich text notes
Most notes in SYSPRO are stored as Rich Text (RTF) files. These are stored in the file system
under an appropriate folder, such as:
WORK\crm_xxxx\activity\body (where xxxx is the company)
From SYSPRO 8 2021 R1 onwards, there is a system-wide setting allowing the preferences
and settings to be persisted to SQL Server.
Run the Migrate Files To SQL program (i.e. IMPCFL) to initiate the process.
Contact Management activity attachments
When posting or recording an Activity in Contact Management (such as receiving an email),
there can be multiple attachments.
Each attachment is stored with an appropriate name in a folder:
WORK\crm_xxxx\activity\attach (where xxxx is the company)
From SYSPRO 8 2021 R1 onwards, there is a system-wide setting allowing the Contact
management activity body text and attachments to be persisted to SQL Server.
Run the Migrate Files To SQL program (IMPCFL) to initiate the process.
A selection of files is shipped as part of the SYSPRO 8 application providing static lists, messages
and other information used by the SYSPRO 8 applications.
These files are stored in the file system and do not require backup as they are installed as part of
the SYSPRO application.
In some cases, SYSPRO may upload selected files to SQL Server. In this case, the SQL data must
always be treated as read-only as the system may refresh this data when new versions of the files
are loaded.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 35
These include:
SYSPRO 8 data dictionary
This is a set of files that describe the database structure used by SYSPRO 8.
Location: BASE\DD.
Remember that parts of the data dictionary are uploaded to SQL Server each time a new
SYSPRO release is installed.
Business object schema and sample XML
This is a set of schema and sample XML input and output for each business object available
for e.net and VBScript developers.
Various lists of items
These are several plain text files (typically ending with .IMP’) that contain information such
as a list of all the:
SYSPRO programs
business objects
available modules,
available custom forms
configurable documents.
Location: BASE\Store.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 36
Guidelines: Customizing the SYSPRO Database
This set of topics provides guidelines for a database administrator, software implementer, SYSPRO
support personnel, or anyone who is considering modifying the SYSPRO database in any way.
If you strictly adhere to all the guidelines documented in this Database Customization topic, then
when you upgrade to a later version of SYSPRO (requiring an upgrade to the SYSPRO database) or
a later release of SYSPRO 8 (requiring a minor database update) the conversion process will take
account of your User Customization.
In some circumstances this may include:
Saving and then dropping your User Customization
Performing the database upgrade
Reapplying your User Customization upon completion
Although not common, in some cases the upgrade process may rename some existing columns, or
some columns may be relocated to different tables. You will be notified if any User Customization
could not be re-applied due to these reasons.
Remember that the User Customization was saved prior to being dropped, so it is typically a
relatively simple task to review the reason for the failure and then to manually re-apply the User
Customization after making the necessary changes.
Typically, these types of issues are the only situations in which your User Customization will not be
retained during a database upgrade.
To help you plan for an upgrade, we typically supply a ‘readiness program’ in the prior version of
SYSPRO. This not only performs a health-check of your current database, but it also allows you to
verify that any User Customization will be handled during the upgrade process.
Note: The ‘minor database upgrade’ that is performed when updating from one release of
SYSPRO 8 to another (such as SYSPRO 8 2018 R1 to SYSPRO 8 2018 R2), typically applies
only new tables, columns and indexes and therefore, (as long as you adhere to the
guidelines in this topic) your User Customization will not be affected during the update
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 37
Before considering any modification or addition to a SYSPRO database, we strongly suggest that
you make yourself aware of the rich set of customization capabilities built-in to the SYSPRO
application. There are many types of configuration options, settings and parameters and other
customizations, together with ‘power tailoring’ capabilities configurable at the system-wide,
company, role, operator and/or other levels.
All these standard SYSPRO functions provide futureproofing as any customization will be handled
in future versions and releases of software. Some of these are listed below:
The SYSPRO application provides a rich set of Business Objects with an open and extensible
application interface (API) accessible from any language.
These Business Objects encapsulate the SYSPRO business logic ensuring consistent application of
configuration options, settings, and other rules.
Wherever possible you should use the SYSPRO User Interface or use Business Objects to read,
change or delete SYSPRO data or to post any transaction.
The SYSPRO user interface has a highly customizable ‘power tailoring’ capability.
You can configure the user interface from a cosmetic point of view or fully customize the user
experience including using powerful VBScripts.
These VBScripts can be used to test and limit or highlight entry of values in single or multiple fields
and lookup values against user tables. Messages can be shown to the operator when required.
You can also invoke Business Objects to lookup, validate or post values as required.
It is recommended that you use the ‘power tailoring’ capabilities rather than adding a User Check
Constraint or User Trigger to the database.
SYSPRO provides a rich set of functions to fire triggers when transactions or other program
specific functions occur.
These triggers can include:
Sending email notifications
Running applications
Executing VBScripts
Running pre-defined reports
Logging information in summary and detail logs
Creating a new entry in a message inbox
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 38
When using eSignatures you can provide additional authentication and even prevent transactions
before they occur.
The Custom Form system allows you to configure one or more user defined values against key
For example, you could record three user defined fields related to your specific business rules
whenever a sales order is captured. Each field can have a name, caption, data type, size and
default specified together with various validation rules.
Custom Form fields are not only visible in Entry and Display Forms but can be included in list
views, reports, printed on documents and used by the Report Writer.
Third party applications can add, change, delete and retrieve Custom Form fields using relevant
Business Objects avoiding direct access to the SYSPRO database. All validation rules are honored.
Many SYSPRO sites use Custom Forms often avoiding the requirement to add User Columns or
even User Tables to the SYSPRO database.
You should only make changes to the SYSPRO database when necessary. Preferably after a full
and detailed business case has been agreed by all stakeholders.
As a rule:
We do not recommend that the SYSPRO database is accessed directly by any application.
We do not recommend that the SYSPRO database is modified or enhanced in any way.
However, there are some business cases where modifying or adding to the standard SYSPRO
database is the most practical way of providing the required business functionality.
The remainder of this ‘User Customization’ topic is designed to provide some guidelines to ensure
that any User changes to the SYSPRO database cause the minimum of overhead or other
problems to the SYSPRO application. Just as importantly, these guidelines help to ensure that any
changes or additions made will have minimal effect with future upgrades to the SYSPRO
application and its database.
Although this information is provided as a set of guidelines - any additional customization not
explicitly approved here could lead to unexpected (or even intermittent behavior) by one or more
parts of the SYSPRO application and is therefore not recommended. We have had many cases in
the past where inappropriate database customization has caused poor performance, caused
transactions to fail or other unexpected or unwanted behavior.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 39
Generally, any User Customization to a SYSPRO database should consider the fact that future
upgrades to the SYSPRO database may add new objects that could conflict with your User
Each topic below, where user objects can be created, describes the naming conventions used in
the standard SYSPRO database. One simple suggestion to avoid conflict with SYSPRO objects is to
prefix any user objects with the string ‘Usr_’.
For example, User Tables could be named ‘Usr_Desks’, ‘Usr_Chairs’ and ‘Usr_Tables’. Similarly, User
Columns could be named ‘Usr_Count’ and ‘Usr_Notation’.
Instead of the prefix ‘Usr_ you might consider using your company or product name together with
an underscore. The reason for suggesting an underscore character is that it is a character not
found in most objects (such as tables, indexes, or column names) in a standard SYSPRO database.
If you intend to access your User Tables and User Columns from the SYSPRO Report Writer, or
from some generic Business Objects, then we recommend that you keep the Table and Column
names to a maximum of 18 characters. The Report Writer and SYSPRO data dictionary limit these
object names to 18 characters.
As all User Customization should only be performed once a business case for the customization
has been documented and approved by relevant stakeholders, it is important to create and retain
a document covering all User Customization of the SYSPRO databases together with the usage of
these objects.
This should include a list of all applications that access the User Objects.
By authoring and maintaining this documentation, administrators, developers, and support
personnel can quickly understand the extent of any customization to the standard SYSPRO
database and the reasons for the changes.
The following topics discuss the most common database objects and our guidelines as far as User
Customization is concerned.
You must not drop or rename a standard SYSPRO table.
You must not drop or rename a standard SYSPRO column.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 40
You also must not make any changes to the standard SYSPRO column attributes or properties.
This includes:
NULL and NOT NULL indicator
Data type
Length, precision, or scale
Default value (if any)
Check constraints
You must not drop, rename, or change in any way a standard SYSPRO primary key or alternate
index. This includes:
Changing the columns that make up the key or index
Changing the Ascending/Descending sequence of any key or index
User Tables describes the requirement to add additional tables, over and above standard SYSPRO
Generally adding User Tables has no effect on the running of the SYSPRO application. However,
this assumes that you have considered the following:
The naming convention of any User Tables must not conflict with current or possible future
SYSPRO table names. You could achieve this by reviewing the naming conventions for
standard SYSPRO tables:
SYSPRO table names start with a mnemonic of one of the SYSPRO modules and
then consist of a set of one or more words using a camel case style with initial
capital letters.
SYSPRO table names only consist of uppercase and lowercase letter (A-Z and a-z)
and digits (0-9).
Exceptions include custom form tables as they can be suffixed with a ‘+’.
In addition of our Harmony tracking tables can be suffixed by a -‘.
Due to the above, we recommend that any User Tables should have a different naming convention
from the standard SYSPRO tables.
A suggestion could be that User Tables are prefixed with ‘Usr_’ followed by the name of the table.
By using a suitable naming convention (such as that described above) you can avoid possible
future conflict with SYSPRO table names.
If you intend to access your User Table in the SYSPRO Report Writer or other standard SYSPRO
applications, then you should ensure that the table name is no longer than 18 characters.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 41
User Columns in SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add additional columns, over and
above standard SYSPRO columns, to a standard SYSPRO table.
Generally adding User Columns has no effect on the running of the SYSPRO application. However,
this assumes that you have considered the following:
The naming convention of any User Columns must not conflict with current or possible
future SYSPRO column names.
You could achieve this by reviewing the naming conventions for standard SYSPRO columns:
SYSPRO column names consist of a short name describing the column contents.
The name uses a camel case style with one or more ‘words’ - each ‘word’ starting
with a capital letter followed by one or more lowercase characters.
SYSPRO column names have a maximum of 18 characters.
Column names only consist of uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z) and
numeric digits (0-9). No other characters are used in standard SYSPRO column
User Columns must be configured in such a way so that there is no effect on regular
SYSPRO applications inserting, updating, or deleting rows in any standard SYSPRO table.
You should not add columns with the Identity property.
If you require to add a computed column, see the User Computed Columns - Allowed topic.
Due to the above, we recommend that any User Columns should have a different naming
convention from the standard SYSPRO columns.
A suggestion could be that User Columns are prefixed with ‘Usr_’ followed by the name of the
By using a suitable naming convention (such as that described above) you can avoid possible
future conflict with SYSPRO columns names.
If you intend to access your User Column in the SYSPRO Report Writer or other standard SYSPRO
application, then you should ensure that the column name is no longer than 18 characters.
In addition to the above naming convention issues, you should also be aware of the following
before adding User Columns:
User Columns must be configured in such a way so that there is no effect on regular
SYSPRO applications inserting, updating, or deleting rows in any standard SYSPRO table.
Issues could arise due to constraint validation and foreign keys.
The most common issue is defining a column as NOT NULL and not defining a
default (see the next point).
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 42
NULL and/or Default values
When a SYSPRO program inserts a row to a table it will not ‘know’ about your User
Columns and will therefore not supply a value. It is up to you to either define the User
Column as allowing NULLs or alternatively supply an appropriate default constraint.
We recommend allowing NULLs in User Columns.
Your User Column must not prevent standard SYSPRO applications from inserting
rows into SYSPRO tables.
Maximum row size
SQL Server allows a table to have a maximum of 8060 bytes per row. There are
some exceptions depending on the data types of the columns in the row.
Always consider that in future versions of SYSPRO we may add a significant number
of columns to any table and therefore you should not approach this limit when
adding User Columns.
No standard SYSPRO 8 table currently approaches this 8060-byte maximum.
When adding a User Column for alphanumeric data types (such as char, varchar,
varchar(max)), we strongly suggest that your User Column has the same collation as
the remainder of the alphanumeric columns in the SYSPRO database.
Failure to use the same collation may lead to unexpected results when attempting
to access standard SYSPRO columns and your User Columns in the same SQL
statement. This includes conditions, JOINs, string concatenation etc.
User Columns should not be created with an Identity property
An Identity property means that a number is automatically generated (typically 1
upwards) when a row is added to the table. You should not add identify columns to
SYSPRO tables.
One of the reasons for this is that database upgrades will not necessarily retain the
generated Identity values and could cause an upgrade to fail.
User Computed Columns in SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add computed columns
to a standard SYSPRO table.
A computed column is a virtual column that is not physically stored in the table, unless the column
is marked PERSISTED. A computed column expression can use data from other columns to
calculate a value for the column to which it belongs.
Generally adding User Computed Columns has no effect on the running of the SYSPRO
However, this assumes that you have considered the following:
The naming convention of any User Computed Columns must not conflict with current or
possible future SYSPRO column names.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 43
You could achieve this by reviewing the naming conventions for standard SYSPRO columns.
These are described against the previous topic ‘User Columns’ and will not be repeated
There are no standard computed columns in SYSPRO tables.
Due to the above we recommend that any User Computed Columns should have a different
naming convention from the standard SYSPRO columns. This is described against the subject ‘User
Columns’ and will not be repeated here.
In addition, you should ensure that as standard columns are changed using SYSPRO applications,
that only valid User Computed Columns can be generated. In other words, the action of the
system generating the User Computed Column must not cause any exception or error in the
Adding many User Computed Columns could affect the performance of regular SYSPRO
applications and should be avoided.
User Indexes on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add additional alternate indexes,
over and above standard SYSPRO indexes, to a standard SYSPRO table. When applied
appropriately User Indexes are allowed and, unless an excessive number of indexes are added,
should only have a small overhead when inserting or changing data on a table.
However, this assumes that you have considered the following:
The naming convention of any User Indexes must not conflict with current or possible
future SYSPRO primary key or index names. You could achieve this by reviewing the
naming conventions for standard SYSPRO key and indexes:
Standard primary keys have a name that is generated by concatenating the table
name and the word ‘Key’.
Standard alternate indexes have a name that is generated by concatenating the
table name plus the phrase ‘Idx’, followed by a short mnemonic describing the
index using a camel case convention.
Unless constructed appropriately, User indexes have the possible side effect of causing a
duplicate when new data is inserted, or existing data is changed.
For example, if you added a User Index on the ‘Name’ column in the Customer table
('ArCustomer') the index may be applied successfully (as perhaps no duplicate
names currently exist). However, at some time in the future you may attempt to
add a customer with a duplicate name using a SYSPRO application. SQL Server
would return a constraint violation on the insert statement. This could cause
inadvertent errors to be returned to the user or cause other problems when using
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 44
All User Indexes must be designed to ensure that duplicates are never generated.
Custom form tables in SYSPRO 8 that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user. As the
custom form designer utility is used columns are added, changed, or even deleted
If you have added a User Index to a custom form table and you then use the
custom form field designer to maintain or delete the custom field referenced by the
User Index you may receive unexpected errors or problems.
Due to the above we recommend that any User Indexes should have a different naming
convention from the standard SYSPRO indexes.
As all SYSPRO primary key and alternate index names are prefixed with the table name and only
consist of uppercase or lowercase characters, a suggestion could be that User Indexes are added
using the prefix ‘Usr_’ followed by the name of the table followed by the name of the index.
By using a suitable naming convention (such as that described above) you can avoid possible
future conflict with SYSPRO indexes or other constraints.
In addition to the above naming convention issue, you should also be aware of the following
before adding User Indexes:
Must not cause duplicates.
The columns that make up a User Index must ensure that it is always unique and
that inserting or updating rows must never cause duplicates to be generated.
The simplest technique that can be used to guarantee uniqueness is one that
standard SYSPRO indexes use. Each User Index should contain all columns from the
standard SYSPRO primary key (and may optionally contain additional columns as
required). As the Primary key is guaranteed to be unique, using this technique will
ensure that your User Index is also unique.
Failure to follow this guideline will almost certainly lead to application failures it is
your responsibility to ensure this does not occur.
Keep User Indexes to the minimum number required.
There is an overhead when you have added a User Index and a SYSPRO application
inserts new rows or changes data on columns referenced by the User Index.
If you do add an excessive number of User Indexes (the exact definition of this will
vary with the situation) then SYSPRO applications may be slowed significantly when
data is inserted or updated. You should test your SYSPRO environment to ensure
that the system has not been slowed excessively when adding many User Indexes
to a single table.
Note that this also affects Custom form tables.
Therefore, you should only add User Indexes when necessary and avoid an
excessive number of User Indexes against a single table.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 45
As a guideline, adding one or two User Indexes typically has little effect. If you add
more than this, you should verify that the overhead does not slow SYSPRO
applications significantly.
User Foreign Keys on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add additional foreign keys,
over and above standard SYSPRO foreign keys, to a standard SYSPRO table.
When applied appropriately User Foreign Keys are allowed and should only have a minimal
overhead when working with SYSPRO data.
In addition, you must always use the 'WITH NOCHECK' clause when adding User Foreign Keys as
SYSPRO applications handle data integrity using business logic described in Business Objects and
not using database constraints such as foreign keys.
There are basically two types of User Foreign Keys that are discussed here:
1. Foreign keys from a User Table into a standard SYSPRO table.
2. Foreign keys from a standard SYSPRO table into a User Table.
In both cases you should consider the following:
The naming convention of any User Foreign Keys must not conflict with current or possible
future SYSPRO foreign key names. You could achieve this by reviewing the naming
conventions for standard SYSPRO foreign keys:
Standard foreign keys have a name that is generated by concatenating 'Syspro_FK_'
followed by the source table and then an underscore and then the target table.
A suggestion is to prefix User Foreign Keys with ‘Usr_’.
Foreign keys from a User Table to a standard SYSPRO table or the other way around must
not enforce constraints you must have a 'WITH NOCHECK' clause.
Although both of the following are relatively rare, you should be aware of the following:
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this
unless necessary hence it's relative rare.
In future versions of SYSPRO the columns that make up the construct of the
primary key may change. Again, we only do this if necessary and hence it's relatively
Custom form tables end with a '+' and are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Foreign Keys
else using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages.
Due to the above we recommend that any User Foreign Keys should have a different naming
convention from the standard SYSPRO foreign keys.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 46
In addition to the above naming convention issue, you should also be aware of the following
before adding User Foreign Keys:
Must be defined with a 'WITH NOCHECK' clause.
Foreign keys from a User Table to a standard SYSPRO table or the other way around
must not enforce constraints you must have a 'WITH NOCHECK' clause.
This means 'in effect' that User Foreign Keys into/out of standard SYSPRO tables are
used purely to define the relationships between tables and not to enforce
constraints on the actual rows in the tables.
As it's possible for future versions of the SYSPRO database to rename columns and that the
primary keys may change (however unlikely) you should be aware that in future your User
Foreign Keys may not be applicable.
Custom form tables that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Foreign Keys
else using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages.
User Stored Procedures in SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add stored procedures to
a standard SYSPRO table.
There are no standard stored procedures in SYSPRO tables. As described earlier in this document,
SYSPRO Business Objects encapsulate all our business logic and provide an open and extensible
programming interface. Wherever possible we suggest that you use Business Objects for any
database access rather than accessing the database directly.
If you require to add User Stored Procedures, they will generally have no effect on the running of
the SYSPRO application. However, this assumes that you have considered the following:
The naming convention of any User Stored Procedures must not conflict with current or
possible future SYSPRO database object names.
If you require to add a User Stored Procedure to a standard SYSPRO database, you should
consider the following:
To avoid potential problems with future SYSPRO application upgrades, we recommend that
any User Stored Procedures should have a different naming convention from any standard
SYSPRO database objects.
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this unless
necessary, hence it's relatively rare. However, User Stored Procedures based on SYSPRO
tables may reference one or more renamed columns in future.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 47
User Triggers on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add a SQL TRIGGER to a standard
SYSPRO table. The standard SYSPRO database does not contain any SQL TRIGGERs.
Before you add a TRIGGER to the SYSPRO database you should consider the condition that will
cause the trigger to be invoked together with the actions required and whether they can be
performed by the standard SYSPRO application.
SYSPRO has a powerful and configurable set of capabilities for firing triggers of various types
many of which go way beyond the capability of a SQL Server TRIGGER. All built-in capabilities
described here are designed to be future proof allowing for simple software upgrades in future.
These include:
The eSignatures feature in SYSPRO combines three main capabilities:
Preventing a transaction unless authenticated.
Summary and detail logging of each transaction including configuring which
fields/variables are to be logged.
Upon successful completion of a SYSPRO transaction, one or more triggers
can be fired.
eSignature Triggers can include:
Send an email to one or more recipients. System-wide and Transaction
specific variables are available.
Run a VBScript
Allows a VBScript to be invoked. This can perform virtually any task including
invoking Business Objects.
Run any program
Allows developer code to be invoked with parameter passing.
Write to message inbox
Allows you to write information to a special message inbox.
Run an SRS report
Allows you to invoke any SYSPRO report. The report can physically print a
document, send the report by email, export in a variety of formats (such as
PDF or Excel) and can be archived.
eSignatures can be configured system-wide, by company, by role, by group or by
Multiple triggers can be fired for each environment, condition, and transaction.
eSignatures can be configured to be active on many user defined conditions.
There are over 800 eSignature transactions that can be configured in SYSPRO 8.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 48
SYSPRO Triggers
Various SYSPRO programs have 'trigger points' where an application can be
invoked, or other actions performed.
These include:
Run a standard SYSPRO program
This can cause another SYSPRO program to be invoked allowing the
operator to interact with a relevant program.
Run any program
Allows developer code to be invoked with parameter passing.
Run a customized report
Allows a Report Writer report to be invoked passing parameters about the
cause of the trigger. These reports can produce physical reports, generate
export files of various types and even update data in one or more tables.
Write to message inbox
Allows you to write information to a special message inbox.
There are about 200 applications that have trigger points in SYSPRO 8.
Various events can be configured to fire triggers or actions.
An event is something like 'Bank balance below a parameter'. Whenever the event
occurs (regardless of the actual program making the change) one or more triggers
can be fired.
These include:
Send an email to one or more recipients. System-wide and Transaction
specific variables are available.
Run a standard SYSPRO program
This can cause another SYSPRO program to be invoked allowing the
operator to interact with a relevant program.
Run any program
Allows developer code to be invoked with parameter passing.
Write to message inbox
Allows you to write information to a special message inbox.
There are over 50 different events that can be configured in SYSPRO 8.
If you require to add a User Trigger to a standard SYSPRO table, you should consider the following:
To avoid potential problems with future SYSPRO application upgrades, we recommend that
any User Triggers should have a different naming convention from any standard SYSPRO
database objects.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 49
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this unless
necessary, hence it's relatively rare. However, User Triggers based on SYSPRO tables may
reference one or more renamed columns in future.
User Triggers should be carefully developed to prevent exceptions being raised which
could cause the SYSPRO transaction firing the SQL TRIGGER to be rolled back. This could
cause confusion to end-users and may give unexpected messages.
Consider outputting a status or log to a separate table indicating the success or
otherwise of a User Trigger this can then be used to determine if there have been
any problems.
User Triggers should be carefully developed to avoid adding excessive overhead to regular
SYSPRO transactions.
As a User Trigger can perform virtually any database access, it's possible that a
poorly developer SQL TRIGGER can cause excessive performance degradation to
the SYSPRO application.
User Triggers that in any way access data from standard SYSPRO tables may cause
deadlocks or other contention issues.
In many cases, a User Trigger reads data from a standard SYSPRO table and, based
on the values returned, performs some other function. You should be careful when
reading data from a User Trigger as the rows may be locked either due to the
SYSPRO transaction causing the trigger or another SYSPRO transaction initiated by
a different user. When developing User Triggers, you should consider adding a
‘WITH (NOLOCK)’ clause to your SELECT statements causing a dirty read and
preventing possible deadlocks.
Deadlocks caused by User Triggers have been found to be one of the most common
problems caused by User Customization in SYSPRO databases.
Custom form tables that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Triggers else
using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages, or if someone
uses the custom form designer your User Trigger may fail unexpectedly.
User Views on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add a View to a standard SYSPRO base
table. The standard SYSPRO database does not contain any views.
A User View creates a virtual table whose contents (columns and rows) are defined by a query. For
example, a view can be used for the following purposes:
To focus, simplify, and customize the perception each user has of the database.
As a security mechanism by allowing users to access data through the view, without
granting the users permissions to directly access the underlying base tables.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 50
To provide a backward compatible interface to emulate a table whose schema/structure
has changed.
When applied appropriately, User Views are allowed and should only have a minimal overhead
when working with SYSPRO data. SYSPRO programs will not use or reference the User View.
However, the Report Writer can be configured to report on a User View.
In some cases, a User View may be used by the SQL query optimizer even when not explicitly
referenced so may even improve the performance of standard SYSPRO applications.
You should consider the following:
The naming convention of any User View must not conflict with any other SYSPRO object
whether now or into the future. You can achieve this by reviewing the current naming
conventions and using a different naming convention for your User Views.
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this unless
necessary hence it's relatively rare. However, User Views based on SYSPRO tables may
reference one or more renamed columns in future.
Custom form tables that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Views else
using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages.
Due to the above we recommend that any User Views should have a different naming convention
from any standard SYSPRO objects.
In addition to the above naming convention issue, you should also be aware of the following
before adding User Views:
SYSPRO applications do not reference User Views and therefore should only be created for
third party database access to standard SYSPRO tables.
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this unless
necessary, hence it's relatively rare. However, User Views based on SYSPRO tables may
reference one or more renamed columns in future.
When creating User Views, you should reference columns names explicitly rather than use
an ‘*’ to match all columns. This ensures that if the base table changes in future that your
User View will remain unchanged.
Custom form tables that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Views else
using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 51
User Check Constraints on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add check constraints to a
standard SYSPRO table.
The standard SYSPRO database does not contain any check constraints.
You should always consider using standard SYSPRO business logic encapsulated in Business
Objects before making any changes to the SYSPRO database. The SYSPRO application uses
Business Objects to provide business logic rather than using check constraints in the database.
A User Check Constraint on a standard SYSPRO column could be used to limit the possible values
in a column. You may want to consider using a User Trigger instead of a User Check Constraint as
this provides more control in the event of a check constraint violation.
When applied appropriately, User Check Constraints are allowed (but not recommended) and
should only have a minimal overhead when working with SYSPRO data.
If you require to add a User Check Constraint to a standard SYSPRO table, you should consider the
To avoid potential problems with future SYSPRO application upgrades, we recommend that
any User Check Constraints should have a different naming convention from any standard
SYSPRO database objects.
In future versions of SYSPRO some columns may be renamed. We try and avoid this unless
necessary, hence it's relatively rare. However, User Check Constraints based on SYSPRO
tables may reference one or more renamed columns in future.
User Check Constraints (by definition) may cause standard SYSPRO applications to fail
when inserting or changing data.
This may not be immediately obvious to the operator and it is completely your
responsibility to ensure that any exceptions raised are understood by the operators
using the software.
For this reason, it is recommended that you rather add a User Trigger and detect
the constraint condition. Then, where relevant, you could log any exceptions (and
reject the database insert/update if required).
Alternatively, by appropriate use of a VBScript, the SYSPRO application could be
changed to apply the same logic as the User Check Constraint. This is preferable to
changes to the SYSPRO database.
Custom form tables that end with a '+' are variable in nature.
The column names in custom form tables are described by the end-user.
Therefore, you should try and avoid referencing these columns in User Check
Constraints else using the custom form designer may give unexpected messages.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 52
A User Schema on SYSPRO tables describes the requirement to add additional schemas, over-and-
above the 'dbo' schema used by SYSPRO, on one of the SYSPRO databases.
The topic about Database Schema earlier in this document - describes that a schema is a container
for objects within the database. SYSPRO objects reside in the schema named 'dbo'.
You can create User Schemas and add your own objects into your own schema. However, you
should not 'move' standard SYSPRO objects into your schema as all standard SYSPRO objects must
reside in a single schema named 'dbo'.
If you require to add a User Schema to a standard SYSPRO table, you should consider the
User Schema Object naming conventions
Although you can create a User Schema and within that insert objects that have the
same name as standard SYSPRO objects, you should do this with caution.
The majority of SYSPRO applications will ignore the User Schema and therefore
any user objects within the User Schema. However, it is possible that one or more
SYSPRO applications (such as utility programs) may not take account of the Schema
Name when viewing or testing for the existence of objects with the same name as
standard SYSPRO objects.
Another reason to avoid creating objects in your User Schema with the same name
as standard SYSPRO objects is that this is often very confusing to administrators,
developers and support personnel. Only use objects with the same name when you
really intend to create this potential confusion.
All SQL Logins used when logging into SYSPRO must have a default schema of 'dbo'. This is
to ensure that the User Schema is not accidently used in SYSPRO applications.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 53
Configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL Server
This topic describes various options when setting up and configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL
Most of these options are defined in the Setup Options > System Setup > SQL Tab.
See the example below:
Figure 5: Setup Options > System Setup > SQL Form
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 54
There are two main methods that applications can use to authenticate connections to SQL Server.
SYSPRO can be configured to use either method.
The following information is taken from the Microsoft SQL Server documentation located at:
The text shown with an orange font below is taken from the above-mentioned web page.
During setup of SQL Server, you must select an authentication mode for the Database Engine. There are two
possible modes: Windows Authentication mode and Mixed mode. Windows Authentication mode enables
Windows Authentication and disables SQL Server Authentication. Mixed mode enables both Windows
Authentication and SQL Server Authentication. Windows Authentication is always available and cannot be
When a user connects through a Windows user account, SQL Server validates the account name and
password using the Windows principal token in the operating system. This means that the user identity is
confirmed by Windows. SQL Server does not ask for the password, and does not perform the identity
Windows Authentication is the default authentication mode, and is much more secure than SQL Server
Authentication. Windows Authentication uses Kerberos security protocol, provides password policy
enforcement with regard to complexity validation for strong passwords, provides support for account lockout,
and supports password expiration.
A connection made using Windows Authentication is sometimes called a trusted connection, because SQL
Server trusts the credentials provided by Windows.
When you wish to use 'Windows authentication' to connect to SQL Server from SYSPRO, configure
your Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL) to have the database
connection 'Authentication' set to 'Windows authentication'.
When using SQL Server Authentication, logins are created in SQL Server that are not based on Windows user
accounts. Both the user name and the password are created by using SQL Server and stored in SQL Server.
Users connecting using SQL Server Authentication must provide their credentials (login and password) every
time that they connect.
When using SQL Server Authentication, you must set strong passwords for all SQL Server accounts.
When you wish to use 'SQL Server authentication' to connect to SQL Server from SYSPRO
configure your Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL) to have the database
connection 'Authentication' set to ‘SQL authentication’.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 55
The following topic summarizes the process by which SYSPRO connects to SQL Server and how it
determines the correct login method.
The fields in the Setup Options > System Setup > SQL form will be described more fully after this
When you run SYSPRO, the initial application reads the IMPACT.INI file defined in your WORK
folder. See the following fragment from a sample IMPACT.INI:
The SQLLGN= entry contains the ‘Authentication’ setting as defined in the Setup Options program.
The valid values are:
SQLSERVER (uses SQL authentication)
WINDOWS (uses Windows authentication)
If Windows authentication is selected, then the Windows user associated with the SYSPRO
Communication Service will be used for all SQL Server access. This user must have SQL Server
administrative privileges to the SYSPRO system-wide and company databases if the SYSPRO
applications needs to maintain the database for example when using the custom form designer
or when applying a minor database update.
If SQL authentication is selected, then SYSPRO will proceed to login to SQL Server using the SQL
Server standard user information as defined in the Setup Options program. The standard SQL
login will be used by the majority of SYSPRO applications and requires db_datareader and
db_datawriter access to both the system-wide and company specific databases.
If an administrative task is required (such as using the custom form designer where a new column
may need to be created) the SQL Server administrative information will be used to elevate the
privileges whilst the database maintenance is being performed. As soon as the task has completed
the administrative SQL login will be disconnected reverting to the standard SQL login as before.
If required, each SYSPRO operator can have their own SQL login, instead of using the SQL Server
standard user information defined system wide. This operator specific SQL login requires
db_datareader and db_datawriter access to both the system-wide and company specific
databases - the same as the standard SQL login.
When you exit SYSPRO all SQL connections will be disconnected.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 56
When an operator is viewing the Login Dialog in SYSPRO, the current database will be the system-
wide database. In other words, the Windows authenticated user or SQL Server standard login
(depending on the authentication method) will have the context of the system-wide database
described in the Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL).
When the operator attempts to log into SYSPRO the SysproAdmin table in the system-wide
database is used to determine the company specific database name. The context will be changed
to the relevant company specific database and all SQL statements issued until you exit the
company (or SYSPRO) will be relative to the company database. If the operator uses the main
menu option to return to the Login Dialog to allow another company to be entered the context is
changed back to the system-wide database.
The following topic describes the SQL form options of the Setup Options program and available
values. See the sample screen shot:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 57
As described previously the ‘Company database authentication’ option allows you to configure
how you wish SYSPRO to connect to SQL Server.
If the SQL Server instance has been configured to use only ‘Windows authentication’ then you
must select ‘Windows authentication’ in the Setup Options program. Even if your SQL Server
instance allows SQL Server authentication, you can also select Windows authentication in SYSPRO.
This means that all SQL Server access from within the SYSPRO application will use the Windows
user defined against the SYSPRO Communication Service. This login must be assigned SQL Server
administrative privileges.
If the SQL Server instance has been configured to allow ‘Windows authentication and SQL Server
authentication’ then you can select SQL authentication in the Setup Options. This means that the
SQL Server login and password defined in the Setup Options will be used to connect to SQL.
SYSPRO requires a standard SQL Server user with db_datareader and db_datawriter access to
both the system-wide and company specific databases. In addition, SYSPRO requires an
administrative SQL Server user that will be used to perform ‘administrative tasks’.
You must define the name of the SQL Server instance to which you wish to connect.
You must define the ODBC Driver to be used to communicate between SYSPRO and SQL Server.
SYSPRO communicates with SQL Server using ODBC drivers provided by Microsoft. These provide
standardized, robust, and high-performance interfaces to SQL Server.
SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 supports three different ODBC Drivers:
SQL Server
ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
The first driver (simply named SQL Server) ships as part of Windows and is known as a Windows
Data Access Component (WDAC) it has provided ODBC access to SQL Server for applications such
as SYSPRO for many years. However, Microsoft have recently indicated that new software should
no longer use this driver, partly because some features (e.g. relating to encryption) are not fully
available with the SQL Server (WDAC) driver.
For this reason, SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 has been enhanced to allow more recent ODBC drivers to be
specified in the Setup Options. It is recommended that, if available, you use the latest ODBC
Driver, such as ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server. The Setup Options only shows the drivers
installed on your SYSPRO application server.
Note: You may have to download and install the required ODBC driver if it is not currently
installed on your SYSPRO application server.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 58
If required, you can check this item to ensure that SYSPRO uses an encrypted connection string.
For more information see the encryption topic: Data Encryption in Motion.
If required, you can check this item to configure SYSPRO to use a self-signed sever certificate. For
more information see the encryption topic: Data Encryption in Motion.
You must define the name of the system-wide database. This is the database that contains
system-wide tables including the SysproAdmin table that contains the cross-reference between
the company id and the database name and its collation.
You must configure how you want the regular SYSPRO database access to be managed. The
choices are:
Use system-wide SQL user details
Use operator specific SQL user details
Use generated SQL user details
If you select the first option (Use system-wide SQL user details), this means that the standard
SQL username and password will be used for all users logging into SYSPRO. See the option ‘SQL
Server standard user information’ below.
If you use the second option (Use operator specific SQL user details) you can specify against
each operator code a specific SQL username and password. When the user logs into SYSPRO, the
specific SQL username and password for that operator will be used. If there is not a specific SQL
username and password configured for the operator, the system will revert to using the SQL
Server standard user information.
For more information about setting up this environment see the topic below headed: Defining a
SQL Server login against each operator (optional).
If you use the third option (Use generated SQL user details) then the remainder of the fields
immediately below the dropdown will be used to generate a SQL username and a strong
Generated SQL user prefix
Minimum password length
Maximum password length
Minimum digits required
Minimum letters required
Minimum special characters required
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 59
You must define the SQL Server login and password of a SQL Server account that has
administrative privileges to both the system-wide and company specific databases.
This administrative account requires the following privileges:
Ability to add a new database, create and drop tables, columns, indexes, foreign keys etc.
Ability to execute a BULK INSERT statement to upload data to the database.
Examples where the administrative login is used:
When using the Custom Forms Designer and a new Table or Column is to be added to the
SYSPRO database, or an existing column is to be deleted or renamed. All Custom Form
tables affected by this are suffixed with ‘+’.
When installing a new release of SYSPRO and performing a minor database update - this SQL
login will be used to add additional Tables, Indexes, Columns, or other objects as required.
When using a SQL health dashboard or diagnostic program, as these can require elevated
permissions to query system and cross-database parameters.
You must set strong passwords for all SQL Server accounts. You will often use a SQL Server
account that has a fixed server ‘sysadmin’ role – such as ‘sa’ - but other accounts are acceptable if
they have the correct privileges.
You must define the SQL Server login and password of a SQL Server account that has data read
and write privileges to both the system-wide and company specific databases.
This standard SQL account requires the following privileges:
Ability to read all rows from any table in the database.
Ability to insert or change any data in any row from any table in the database.
You must set strong passwords for all SQL Server accounts. You may not use the same SQL Server
account for both standard and administrative users.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 60
You must define a bulk insert code page and temporary folder that will be used when SYSPRO
applications require to perform BULK INSERT operations.
For example:
Refreshing the data dictionary when new software is installed uses the bulk insert SQL
function to perform the update as quickly as possible.
Running an MRP Requirement Calculation can require a bulk insert of large volumes of
data into snapshot and suggested tables.
If you are using English or Western European languages, then leave the bulk insert code page as
01252. However, for other database collations you can select a relevant code page to be used
during the BULK INSERT process.
The bulk insert process formats data into a plain text file with a Tab Separated format and then
issues a BULK INSERT statement in SQL Server in effect importing the data from the file system.
This is very quick, hundreds or thousands of times time faster than inserting data row-by-row.
The bulk insert temp folder must be a folder that is accessible from both the SYSPRO application
server and the server on which SQL Server is running. Often you will require entry of a UNC path
to a temporary folder for this purpose especially in a 3-tier environment.
As mentioned previously, if you are using SQL Server authentication, you must define a standard
and administrative SQL login in the Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL).
In addition, as an operator logs into SYSPRO, you can override the standard SQL login and use an
operator specific SQL Server login and password this is defined against the operator code.
The following lists the advantages and disadvantages of having separate SQL Server login and
password per operator:
Defining a SQL Server login and password against each operator
This assumes that you have assigned a separate SQL Server login and password against
each operator using the Operator Maintenance program (i.e. IMPPMP).
See the following example where the SQL login name ‘Russellh’ will be used to connect
to SQL Server when this operator logs into SYSPRO:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 61
The advantage of this method is that each SYSPRO operator can use a different SQL
Server login and password and therefore can be given different parameters or defaults
in SQL Server. In addition, when tracing SQL Server access, each operator’s database
access can be isolated this can help when performing system diagnostics.
The downside is that if you have many SYSPRO operators then maintenance of all these
SQL login and passwords (both in SQL Server and SYSPRO) can be a drain on
administrative resources and can lead to less-than-ideal security unless strong
passwords are always maintained.
Not defining a SQL login and password per operator
The default is that all operators use system-wide SQL user details as shown below:
Selecting this option means that the Setup Options program will be used to determine
how to connect to SQL Server.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 62
SYSPRO uses ODBC to connect to SQL Server.
Important: The following quote is from a Microsoft SQL Server resource
"Microsoft is adopting ODBC as the de-facto standard for native access to SQL Server and
Windows Azure SQL Database."
When SYSPRO connects to SQL Server it creates a connection string. This string requires the SQL
Server name and the authentication method this includes the SQL Server login and password if
using SQL authentication.
A sample generated connection string is shown below (with the password hidden):
DRIVER={SQL Server}; UID=SysproLogin; PWD=********;
Trusted_Connection=no; Server=SysproServer;
See the topic about ODBC Drivers for more information: Setup Options > System Setup > SQL: SQL
Driver to use
When trying to login to SYSPRO you may receive a message from SQL Server indicating that it
cannot connect to the instance of SQL server with a message saying:
“No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it”
See an example below:
There are many possibilities that may cause this message. However, one of the common ones is
where you are trying to use TCP/IP but it has been disabled as a valid connection protocol.
To verify whether this is the cause:
1. Load the SQL Server Configuration Manager
2. Open the ‘SQL Server Network Configuration’ node
3. Select Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 63
See the following image:
4. Ensure the TCP/IP Protocol Name is ‘Enabled’.
The default on most installations is to disable this Protocol.
5. Once enabled, restart the MSSQLSERVER service you can do this my clicking on ‘SQL
Server Services’ and right-clicking on ‘SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)’ and clicking ‘Restart’.
Once enabled and the service restarted you should be able to login to SYSPRO without the
message appearing.
When SYSPRO connects to SQL Server it detects the time that the connection took to connect. In a
correctly configured and working system a connection to SQL Server should be much less than a
of a second (0.1 seconds or less).
If the login process detects that the connection is unusually slow (takes over 0.5 second) then you
will receive a warning like the following:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 64
As the message indicates, this is often an indication that the SQL Server Configuration manager
has not been setup appropriately.
Ensure that the Shared Memory and Named Pipes protocols are Disabled as shown:
When adding a new SYSPRO company, a wizard is invoked to create the company-specific
database, create all the standard SYSPRO tables with appropriate columns and properties, each
table’s primary keys and alternate indexes together with foreign keys between all related tables.
The wizard then inserts an entry into the system-wide company/database/collation cross-
reference table named SysproAdmin.
Early on during this process the wizard allows you to choose whether you want to create the
database yourself or have the wizard create the database for you.
In SYSPRO 8 we recommend that you create the database yourself.
There are several important properties against a database that the wizard does not currently allow
you to configure. The ability to configure these properties may change in a later version of
When adding a new database using SQL Server Management Studio there are many settings and
options. The following sub-topics will discuss these.
Important: From SYSPRO 2020 R2 onwards, the company wizard has been changed so that it
does not create the company database. It is important that when you create the
company database, the initial size and growth factors are suitable and the collation
has been correctly defined and other items relating to data integrity (such as the
backup and recovery model) are decided to ensure that the database has been
created by a suitable administrator.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 65
The General Tab is where you define the database name, initial data and transaction log file size
and future growth together with their physical file locations. See below:
Figure 6: Adding a Database - General Tab
SYSPRO database names must be 18 characters or less. You could consider a database name that
describes the company or use the SYSPRO company id (a 1-4-character field consisting of A-Z or 0-
9) as part of the database name.
For optimal performance it is important to change the ‘Initial Size’ and ‘Autogrowth/Maxsize’ of the
data and transaction logs to appropriate values. The default values are typically an initial size of 10
MB with 10% growth. However, a real-world database will be considerably larger than 10 MB
usually at least 1000 MB (approximately 1 GB) and often much larger.
In the scenario where a database has an initial size of 10 MB and growth of 10% defined, the
following will occur. As SYSPRO inserts data into the database and the initial size of 10 MB is
reached, SQL Server will autogrow the data file by 10%. This means that the data file will now be
11 MB. Quite quickly this will autogrow again by another 10% to 12.1 MB etc. There is an overhead
when the autogrow feature enlarges the data file and each autogrow may cause disk
You can see that if the database started at 10 MB and was to grow to 1 GB, increasing by 10% at a
time, it would have to autogrow hundreds or even thousands of times this leads to excessive
database resource usage, disk fragmentation and memory usage during the reorganization all
leading ultimately to reduced performance. This occurs not only during the database growth
period but the system will continue to perform poorly due to disk fragmentation.
Consider changing the initial database size to something considerably larger than 10 MB. Unless
you are creating a small development, test or training database, consider making the initial size
1000 MB (approximately 1 GB) or much more. You may want to change the autogrow percentage
to a value larger than 10% - such as 50% or larger, or use a number of megabytes as the growth
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 66
Before you move from the General Tab, you should configure the path where the data and
transaction log files reside.
See the topic: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189563.aspx.
This includes the following paragraph:
By default, the data and transaction logs are put on the same drive and path. This is done to handle single-
disk systems. However, this may not be optimal for production environments. We recommend that you put
data and log files on separate disks.
Note that you will need to use the slider to scroll to the right (from the database initial size and
autogrow options). It’s easy to not see the location options as they are initially out of sight.
Reasons for placing the data and transaction log files on different drives include:
It allows optimal use of RAID configuration and other hardware optimizations.
It provides resillience in the event of a disk crash or other disk corruption as an
appropriate database backup model and backup regime will help you to restore the
database quickly with minimal or even no loss of data.
SYSPRO applications access the database (and therefore the associated data file) with a
varied combination of random read, write and update operations, whereas the transaction
log file is written sequentially by SQL Server. By locating the data and transaction log files
on different physical disks you can gain maximum performance due to the differing types
of file access and how they affect physical disk access and disk fragmentation.
The following shows a database being added note the different disk drive (Path) of the data and
transaction log files:
Figure 7: Adding a Database - General Tab - Path
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 67
The Options Tab is where you define the Collation, Recovery model, Compatibility level and many
other properties of the database:
Figure 8: Adding a Database - Options Tab
It is critical that you select a Case Sensitive and Accent Sensitive collation (or a Binary collation)
when adding a SYSPRO database.
This is described more fully earlier in this document under the topic Collation and Case Sensitivity.
Remember the suitable collations will either have ‘CS_AS’ (or ‘BIN’ or ‘BIN2’) as part of their name.
Select an appropriate model after considering how you would like to backup and restore the
database in the event of a failure. SYSPRO sites typically use the ‘Full’ recovery model but this is
not mandatory.
See the topic: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189275.aspx. This includes the following
SQL Server backup and restore operations occur within the context of the recovery model of the database.
Recovery models are designed to control transaction log maintenance.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 68
A recovery model is a database property that controls how transactions are logged, whether the transaction
log requires (and allows) backing up, and what kinds of restore operations are available. Three recovery
models exist: simple, full, and bulk-logged. Typically, a database uses the full recovery model or simple
recovery model. A database can be switched to another recovery model at any time.
When adding a new database use a compatibility level that relates to the current version of SQL
Server software. See the SQL Server Compatibility Levels topic for more information.
The remainder of the database properties are typically left with their default values. If you decide
to change any value from their defaults, then carefully consider if this will have any effect when
running SYSPRO on this database. Some settings will prevent SYSPRO applications from
performing optimally or at all. The remainder of these ‘Other options’ will not be covered in this
See the topic: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms186388.aspx. This includes the
following paragraph:
The model database is used as the template for all databases created on an instance of SQL Server. Because
tempdb is created every time SQL Server is started, the model database must always exist on a SQL Server
system. The entire contents of the model database, including database options, are copied to the new
database. Some of the settings of model are also used for creating a new tempdb during start up, so the
model database must always exist on a SQL Server system.
Due to the above explanation, you might consider making changes to the ‘model’ database before
you add several SYSPRO databases so that they ‘inherit’ the required defaults.
There may be situations where you are a support person, system administrator or developer and
have been given a SYSPRO system to access, however you seem unable to connect to SQL Server.
As an example, perhaps the standard SQL login user and/or password is invalid for some reason.
As discussed earlier, when SYSPRO is loading it reads your IMPACT.INI file from the WORK folder
and uses the entries that start ‘SQL’ to connect to SQL Server. This includes two entries defining
the standard and administrative SQL Server username and password these entries are both
encrypted for obvious security reasons and therefore you cannot manually edit them to enter
valid entries.
See the following fragment from an IMPACT.INI file:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 69
Note: SQLADM= defines the administrative SQL username and password (encrypted) and
SQLSTD= defines the standard SQL username and password (encrypted)
If either of the SQL login names are no longer valid or their SQL passwords are incorrect, lost or
expired, you may need an alternative way of getting your SYSPRO system up-and-running again.
SYSPRO 8 provides a ‘SQL authentication reset mode’ allowing to gain access to the initial SQL
login process. This is explained in more detail below.
Before using the ‘reset’ function you must ensure that you have two appropriately configured
standard and administrative SQL users in SQL Server.
The administrative SQL user requires administrative rights to the SYSPRO system-wide and
company specific databases. Typically requiring ‘sysadmin’ or appropriate CREATE DATABASE and
BULK INSERT permissions.
The standard SQL user requires db_datareader and db_datawriter rights to the SYSPRO system-
wide and company specific databases.
Once you have the details to these two SQL logins you are ready to initiate the ‘SQL authentication
reset mode’.
Save your IMPACT.INI before making any changes.
Edit IMPACT.INI using Notepad, or any other text editor, and change either the SQLADM= or
SQLSTD= entry to the value ‘[reset]’ (lower-case).
For example:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 70
Now login to SYSPRO as normal.
SYSPRO will enter a ‘SQL Authentication reset mode’ – you will be presented with the following
Once you click ‘OK’ you will be prompted for the information required for SYSPRO to connect to
SQL Server. See the following dialog:
You should then click ‘Connect’ – this will test the SQL connection information and if validated will
update your IMPACT.INI and exit SYSPRO.
You are then ready to login to SYSPRO as normal.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 71
Insight into SYSPRO Applications and their
Interaction with SQL Server
This set of topics provides insight into how SYSPRO applications interact with SQL Server.
This includes:
Database access using a connection string
Generic database access
Optimized database access and diagnostics
Transaction Processing
Optimistic Concurrency Control and Timestamps
Whilst this document introduces these topics, developers will find significantly greater depth of
information by using the Software Development Kit and related documentation.
As mentioned under the topic Configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL Server, SYSPRO uses ODBC to
connect to SQL Server as Microsoft has adopted ODBC as the de-facto standard for native access
to SQL Server.
ODBC is a high-performance native API for connecting and communicating with SQL Server.
SYSPRO 8 uses a connection string to connect to SQL Server. This connection string is built
automatically based on the SQL Server name and authentication methods configured in the Setup
Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL).
SYSPRO developers have two main sets of APIs that they can use to access SQL Server:
1. Generic database access logic
Useful for most common business logic
Used when inserting, updating, or deleting single rows
Used to retrieve rows sequentially when reading via the primary key or alternate
indexes can be used to update row by row with complex business logic if
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 72
2. Optimized database access logic
Generally used when increased performance and scalability is critical
Provides set-based operations
Updating and deleting multiple rows with single statements
Retrieving rows with complex WHERE conditions
Retrieving rows from multiple tables using JOINs
Customizing the database structure
For example, the Custom Form designer can add, change, or delete a column from the
table holding the custom data.
Developers often use the Generic database access for most of their business logic, however they
can also use the Optimized database access when required. These two sets of database access
logic can be used as required in virtually any relevant combination.
The Generic database access logic has been available to SYSPRO developers for many years and
provides a simple to code, robust and effective database access method. It is also designed to
isolate many details of the underlying database from developers. The performance is very good
for most business logic.
The Generic database access makes use of a set of dedicated ‘SQL file handlers’ one per table.
These file handlers are statically built once ‘per release’ of SYSPRO so that they exactly match the
SYSPRO data dictionary. The file handlers are in the application server BASE\FH and BASE\FH64
The SQL file handlers issue SQL statements that access all standard SYSPRO columns when
selecting, inserting, or updating rows in a table. This is ‘by design’ and part of the simplification
process that makes using the generic database access simple for developers. Also, for this reason,
any User Columns are never referenced by the Generic database access.
If you use a SQL trace facility you may notice that all the standard columns are being accessed
when data is being queried, updated, or inserted against a specific table. This typically indicates
that Generic database access logic is being used.
Remember, most ERP transactions consist of singleton selects, updates and inserts this lends
itself to this generic database access logic.
The Optimized database access logic requires the developer to have a more thorough
understanding of SQL Server, the SYSPRO database architecture, the SQL Server query optimizer
(including hints) and other performance considerations. However, effective use of Optimized
database access can provide significant performance benefits for some business logic.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 73
SYSPRO applications that wish to verify or modify the SYSPRO database architecture require to use
the Optimized database access. The Generic database access method does not provide a method
of modifying the database architecture. For example, the Custom Form designer uses Optimized
database access.
If you use a SQL trace facility, you may notice SQL commands that access a subset of the columns
in a table, commands that access multiple tables with relevant JOINs, more sophisticated WHERE
logic or even set-based updates and deletes. This indicates that Optimized database access logic is
being used.
Developers, Testers, Support personnel and others may find it useful to view the Optimized
database access statements being issued by SYSPRO applications.
You can view the Optimized database access statements being issued against SQL Server by
defining the Diagnostics option as ‘sql02 in the Setup Options program (Setup Options > System
Setup > General). See example screen shot as follows:
Figure 9: Setup Options > System Setup > General > Options > Diagnostics
When configured, all Optimized database access SQL statements are logged to a file on the
application server named:
Where ADMIN is the name of the operator.
Warning: You should only use this diagnostic on a development or test environment (or for very
short periods in a live environment) as the diagnostic files add an overhead to the
database access and can grow very quickly.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 74
Also note that this diagnostic only logs Optimized database access - the Generic database access is
NOT logged using this diagnostic. Therefore, you should be aware when running a SYSPRO
application that you may not be seeing the entire SQL Server interaction.
The 'sql02' diagnostic also includes information about each time a SYSPRO application connects
and disconnects from the administration account configured in the Setup Options program.
For example, when you run the SQL Server Diagnostic program ('IMPDG6') you could see lines in
the diagnostic log as shown below (in this case I just loaded and exited the diagnostic program).
-- Command generated 2018/10/24 17:15:20 Program: IMPSLG Called from: IMPDG6
Connected as user: sa
-- Command generated 2018/10/24 17:15:20 Program: IMPSLG Called from: IMPDG6
Issued: USE Syspro80db
-- Command generated 2018/10/24 17:15:21 Program: IMPSLG Called from: IMPDG6
Disconnected from current connection
The Report Writer also appends to this log when running a report (and when the ‘sql02’ diagnostic
is enabled).
Sometimes when trying to diagnose performance or locking/blocking issues, support personnel or
database administrators may run the SQL Server Profiler. This is an interface to create and
manage traces and analyze trace results.
The subject of configuring, setting up and/or replaying using the SQL Server Profiler utility is not
covered in this document.
We have had several questions about the output of the trace. Some of which will be answered
I have repeated a part of the introduction about OLTP systems as it does have some relevance to
the actual SQL statements being issued in SYSPRO applications (and these are visible in a trace
created by the SQL Server Profiler).
The following is an extract from a Microsoft Technical Reference Guide on OLTP systems
“Operational, or online transaction processing (OLTP), workloads are characterized by small, interactive
transactions that generally require sub-second response times. It is common for OLTP systems to have high
concurrency requirements, with a read/write ratio ranging from 60/40 to as low as 98/2. Modifications are
predominantly singleton statements, and most queries are constrained to simple joins. While limiting joins to
as few tables as possible is desirable, a significant number of application systems do join many tables…”
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 75
As mentioned in the fragment included above, the majority of SYSPRO’s interaction with SQL
Server is small, interactive queries and/or transactions, both requiring quick response. Overall, it is
far more likely that a SYSPRO application will read data than write or change data.
Also, as mentioned earlier, SYSPRO applications have two sets of methods (APIs) to access SQL
Server these are known internally as ‘generic and optimized’ access. It was also mentioned how
you can distinguish between which method is being used.
When viewing a SQL trace, you may notice that simple procedures / batches are executed when
viewing data the results are fetched via a cursor. Depending on the application requirements it
may access a single row (singleton SELECT) or, when required, multiple rows may be fetched and
returned to the application. The rows to be fetched are selected using an appropriate WHERE
clause and may optionally be sourced from multiple tables via an appropriate JOIN.
In some cases, complex business logic must be applied to each row as it is processed. The
application may do this by fetching each row, performing the complex business logic (including
sometimes inserting or changing rows in the same or a different table) and often updating the row
to complete the logic for example, by decrementing a value or setting a status. The business logic
is complex enough that a set-based operation is not suitable or desirable. Also, this processing
often encompasses just a few rows but can scale when required. When performed inside a
transaction appropriate locking Update Intent locks and Exclusive locks will be used to ensure
transaction integrity.
Examples include creating an invoice from a sale order. Each line must be processed, and different
logic applied based on the order line type. Merchandised (stocked) items are handled differently to
non-stocked lines, freight, miscellaneous charges, and other line types. Stocked lines may require
complex business logic to process associated lots, bins and/or serial numbers. All of this is further
complicated by line and/or order discounting and sophisticated pricing policies together with local
tax regulations (i.e. it’s not a simple set-based operation).
Where possible, applications often do issue set-based operations for example, setting a flag for
all items that match a specific condition; or deleting all rows that are obsolete and are ready to be
purged, etc.
Data integrity is one of the most significant reasons for using SQL Server to store and transact
data. When correctly configured (and when appropriate backup models are in use) SYSPRO and
SQL Server provide enterprise strength data integrity. SYSPRO applications use Transaction
Processing concepts to help guarantee this data integrity.
This topic briefly introduces the subject of Transaction Processing and SYSPRO’s use of this
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 76
A Transaction is a set of business logic that affects the database. It is a logical unit of database
operations which are executed.
Transactions should have four properties:
These properties of database transactions are often referred to by the acronym ACID.
Atomicity: A transaction is an indivisible unit. Either all its data modifications are performed,
or none of them are performed.
Consistency: Transactions must keep the database from one consistent state to another
consistent state. Consistency is closely related to atomicity.
Isolation: A transaction is implemented and cannot be interfered with by other
transactions. That is, an internal operation of a transaction and the use of the
data is isolated from other transactions, the concurrent implementation of all
transactions cannot interfere with each other.
Durability: Also called permanence. It refers to a transaction which is submitted, and the
data in the database it changes should be permanent. The next operation, or
other faults, should not have any impact on them and cannot be undone. The
modifications persist even in the event of a system failure.
For more information see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa480356.aspx
The classic example of a Transaction in the SYSPRO ERP product is where the General Ledger has a
debit posted to one account, in which case there must immediately be an equivalent credit posted
to a different account, ensuring that the ledger is ‘in balance’.
In this case, the Transaction must consist of both database changes (the debit and the credit) or it
must have neither change. What you must never have is a debit without a credit or vice versa.
Transaction Processing is implemented in SYSPRO applications by issuing a SQL Server BEGIN
TRANSACTION statement before the transaction starts, and a COMMIT TRANSACTION after the
transaction has make its last database change.
If any unexpected problem occurs between the BEGIN and COMMIT, then a ROLLBACK
TRANSACTION is issued. This tells SQL Server to undo all database changes (and releases any locks
held) so that the database is in the same state as it was before the BEGIN TRANSACTION
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 77
In most SYSPRO applications, if they encounter an ‘unexpected problem’ during a transaction, they
will show an appropriate message to the operator. Note that when the message has been shown
the transaction has already been rolled back (undone).
See the following sample message (this specific message was generated for demonstration
purposes only):
Figure 10: Sample Transaction Failure Message
When this message has been displayed, the operator can click ‘View Details…’ and then ‘Extended
SQL Information…’ to receive more information about the cause of the ‘unexpected problem’.
See the example below:
Figure 11: Example Extended SQL Information
In this case the SYSPRO application attempted to insert a duplicate primary key you can see that
by the message: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘GenMasterKey’.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 78
Database access performed between a BEGIN and its associated COMMIT causes locks to be
acquired for each row being affected. If another application attempts to access any of these
(locked) rows they will be ‘blocked’ (I.e. they will wait until the Transaction completes either via a
SYSPRO applications are designed to ensure that the database access performed between BEGIN
and COMMIT occur as ‘quickly as possible’ to reduce contention and resource usage. This helps
prevent excessive blocking (slowing of other applications as they wait for your transaction to
SYSPRO applications never interact with the user while a Transaction is in progress as, depending
on the speed of the operator’s response, there could be excessive blocking.
It was mentioned earlier that ‘most SYSPRO applications’ show the messages discussed above. The
alternative is when business objects are run in an e.net environment. In this case the transaction is
also rolled back however instead of a message ‘being displayed to the user’, an exception
message is returned to the calling application indicating that the rollback has occurred.
In the event of a transaction being rolled back due to an ‘unexpected problem’, a transaction
status of ‘Rolled back’ will be inserted into the Job Logging system.
It’s possible to filter on this transaction condition so that you can see whether an excessive
number of rollbacks are occurring. See the following example Job Logging Query where a
transaction selection of ‘Rolled back’ has been selected:
Figure 12: Job Logging - Showing Rolled Back Transactions
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 79
In the event of an excessive number of Rolled-Back transactions, you should investigate the cause
If the Rollbacks are occurring from a single SYSPRO application, you should consider viewing the
‘Program version’ by adding this column to the list view using the Field Chooser function. This may
help you to identify whether this is a known issue and requires a software fix, or whether there is
some other reason for the contention.
Occasionally you may experience deadlock problems. These can be difficult to understand and
consequently solve. This topic is designed to explain a deadlock and what occurs when a deadlock
is detected.
A deadlock can be described with the following example:
Suppose you have two rows in a table item ‘A’ and item ‘B’. Also suppose there are two operators
using SYSPRO. The first operator starts a transaction locking item ‘A’ and the second operator
starts a transaction and locks item ‘B’.
Now the first operator (whilst still inside the same transaction) attempts to lock item ‘B’. The first
operator will be ‘blocked’ as item ‘B’ is locked by the second operator. This is to be expected and
correct. Typically, the second operator will complete their transaction, thus committing their
changes and releasing the lock on item ‘B’ – in which case the first operator’s request to access
item ‘B’ is satisfied.
However, suppose that the second operator now attempts to access item ‘A’. Now we have a
deadlock (sometimes also known as a ‘deadly embrace’). Each operator has locked one item and
are attempting to access the item locked by the other operator. If both block indefinitely, then
both transactions will appear to ‘hang’.
This can be more serious than just these two transactions not completing. In a real-world situation
there are often other transactions that also start to be blocked as they wait for either of the first
two to complete. This could escalate until a significant proportion of database users are unable to
complete any Transactions.
Deadlock Detection
The SQL Server Database Engine has a deadlock detection scheme. Deadlock detection is
performed by a lock monitor thread that periodically initiates a search through all the tasks in an
instance of the Database Engine. Initially this is initiated approximately every 5 seconds. Once it
detects a deadlock it continues to monitor deadlocks more frequently until it determines it can
revert to the original time increment.
After a deadlock is detected, the Database Engine ends a deadlock by choosing one of the threads as a
deadlock victim. The Database Engine terminates the current batch being executed for the thread, rolls back
the transaction of the deadlock victim, and returns a 1205 error to the application.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 80
Rolling back the transaction for the deadlock victim releases all locks held by the transaction. This allows the
transactions of the other threads to become unblocked and continue.
For more information see: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178104(v=sql.105).aspx
Due to the above Deadlock Detection mechanism, you should not have the situation where a
significant proportion of SYSPRO users are blocked, preventing them from continuing with their
transactions. However, you may find that an ‘excessive’ number of users are becoming the ‘victim
of a deadlock’. If this occurs, you should investigate the cause as described above against
‘Transaction Processing and Job Logging’.
Note: The User Triggers topic earlier in this document provides some useful guidelines when a
User Trigger appears to be causing an excessive number of Deadlocks or Rollbacks. We
have found that this is often the most common cause of Deadlocks or Rollbacks on a
SYSPRO database.
OLTP systems like SYSPRO rely heavily on Transaction Processing to ensure data integrity.
Transaction Processing uses locks to ensure transaction isolation. With this comes the issues of
blocking (and potentially deadlocks) as described earlier.
However, in SYSPRO there are many real-world situations where it is extremely unlikely that two or
more operators will attempt to update the same information at the same time.
For example: ‘AR invoice terms’ provides a lookup table with a description, discount percentage
and number of days within which an invoice discount may apply. In most companies these agreed
AR invoice terms are subject to contracts and only change rarely. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely
that two or more operators would use the AR invoice terms maintenance program to change a
specific AR invoice terms code at the same time.
SYSPRO supports an alternative technique of ensuring data integrity where it is unlikely that two
or more operators are changing the same item at the same time.
The concept is known as Optimistic Concurrency Control and uses a special database capability to
manage something called a Timestamp.
A Timestamp is a database-wide value that is incremented each time a row is inserted or changed
in any table. If a table has a Timestamp column then the timestamp value is automatically updated
by the database each time a row is updated or inserted.
All SYSPRO tables contain a Timestamp column for this purpose.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 81
Important: In this context, a Timestamp is not a date or time but is an integer that is
incremented by the database engine each time a row is updated or inserted in the
database. At any time, the database stores the current timestamp integer value.
Sometimes a timestamp data type is also known as a ‘rowversion’.
The following steps demonstrate how a Timestamp, together with appropriate code in a SYSPRO
application, provides Optimistic Concurrency Control.
Initially an operator starts to edit a row in a table.
When the row is selected, the application records the timestamp value stored against the
row. For this example, assume a timestamp value of 25.
Note there is no lock on the row.
The operator then changes one or more values using the SYSPRO application user
Again, note that there is no lock on the row.
The operator can work with the user interface and take as long as they like.
Eventually, sometime later, the operator clicks ‘Save’. Now, just before the row is updated,
the SYSPRO application re-reads the timestamp value and if it is still the same (25) then the
row is updated.
As the timestamp value has not changed, the database has guaranteed that no one
else has changed any value against the row since the row was first selected for
However, if the timestamp value has changed (for example has a value of 26) then the row
is not updated, and a Timestamp Mismatch Message is displayed to the operator indicating
that someone else changed the row unexpectedly.
When the timestamp value has changed it indicates that some other process has
made one or more changes to the row since the initial operator started the editing
process. This could be a SYSPRO application (or any application) as it’s the database
that manages the Timestamp column and its value.
In most cases, once the Timestamp Mismatch Message is displayed, the operator
must re-start editing the item. The SYSPRO applications force a restart to the data
entry process, as it is expected that this is such a rare occurrence that there is no
further logic required.
An example Timestamp Mismatch Message is shown below.
If the operator does not ‘Save’ any changes but instead cancels out of the maintenance,
then the program simply returns to the menu (or from where it was invoked).
As no lock was acquired, there are no resources to unlock or clear.
Similarly, if the client application fails or is terminated, or the server-side application
fails or is terminated, there was no lock acquired and therefore there is nothing to
See the following sample Timestamp Mismatch Message (this specific message was
generated for demonstration purposes only):
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 82
Figure 13: Sample Timestamp Mismatch Message
The maintenance scenario described above applies to many of the simple maintenance
applications in SYSPRO.
The advantages of using Optimistic Concurrency Control include:
There are no locks involved and therefore there is no blocking and no chance of deadlocks.
As there are no locks there are fewer resources used improving performance and
As Timestamps are managed by SQL Server, this logic applies even if a third party attempts
to change rows when an operator is using a SYSPRO application to change the same item.
Similarly, third parties could use the same technique when changing data on SYSPRO
There are many simple maintenance applications where this logic works perfectly in a real-
world business environment.
However, Optimistic Concurrency Control cannot be used in the following environments:
Most Transactions require two or more rows to be updated in the same or different tables.
Remember the classic Debit and Credit example.
The reason that timestamps cannot be used in this instance is that the application
would have to remember a timestamp for each affected row. Then, when a
database change was about to be made on the first row, the timestamp may not
have changed and therefore the application would make the first update. The next
row to be updated may detect a different timestamp from the originally saved
timestamp and it would have to ‘cancel’ the process. However, the first update was
performed. This means that there is no guarantee that all parts of the Transaction
have been performed and therefore data integrity is not guaranteed.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 83
Similarly, if the SQL Server software, the server on which it is running or one of the
physical disk drives crashes, then there is also no guarantee of data integrity.
Note that when using Transaction Processing on a correctly configured SQL Server
environment using the BEGIN and COMMIT transaction logic, SQL Server can
guarantee the Transaction data integrity even in the event of a system failure.
Maintenance where multiple rows are affected
For the same reasons as the previous point, if a maintenance program requires to
update two or more rows (in the same or different tables) then the same issues
Due to this reason only relatively simple maintenance programs are suitable for
Optimistic Concurrency Control using Timestamps.
Timestamps can be used for purposes other than for Optimistic Concurrency Control.
SYSPRO Analytics takes advantage of another use of Timestamps and is briefly described below.
Each time the SYSPRO Analytics extract job is performed, it requires extracting data from the
SYSPRO database to a ‘staging’ database. This is virtually an ‘exact copy’ of the standard SYSPRO
It’s important that the extract process is as quick and efficient as possible. The first time that the
extract process is run, SYSPRO Analytics takes a copy of each SYSPRO table. Then it identifies and
stores the highest timestamp found.
The next time the extract process runs it only copies rows from each table where the timestamp
against the row is higher than the ‘previously saved highest timestamp’. Once the extract is
completed it then saves the new highest timestamp, ready for the next extract.
This technique ensures that only new rows, and rows that have been updated since the last
extract, are copied to the staging database.
This is a fast and efficient mechanism to minimize the amount of data copied.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 84
SYSPRO and SQL Server Data Encryption
This topic focuses on data encryption relating to SYSPRO and SQL Server. It should be considered
as part of your company’s overall security and privacy policies.
The focus is on securing data from the SYSPRO ERP application when using Microsoft SQL Server
and securing the communication between SYSPRO and SQL Server.
Note: The remainder of this document topic includes some content from external sources. For
clarity, we have highlighted the relevant content in italicized blue text preceded by the
original URL. As these web sites are out of our control, the text may have changed
subsequently, or the URL may no longer be valid.
This topic provides an overview of two technologies known as Data Encryption at Rest (TDE) and
Data Encryption in Motion (TLS).
If you require a more comprehensive overview, or a more detailed explanation about how to
configure SYSPRO, SQL Server and Windows to work with these technologies, then see the SYSPRO
Online Help Resources > Technical guides: SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Overview and its
companion document: SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Configuration.
In today’s highly regulated world, most companies operate in an environment where they must
comply with one or more security and/or privacy regulations or government acts. Examples
EU citizens (GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation)
Australia (OAIC - Privacy Act)
Canada (PIPA, PIPEDA - Privacy Act)
South Africa (POPI - Protection of Personal Information Act)
USA (When this topic was created (September 2019) the United States did not have any
centralized, formal legislation at the federal level regarding this issue. However, it does
ensure the privacy and protection of data through the United States Privacy Act, the Safe
Harbor Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Individual states
may also have relevant acts that apply).
Failure to comply with these regulations can often incur heavy penalties and even criminal
In the event of a data breach, there are typically prescribed reporting considerations to a
regulatory body.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 85
In most cases the penalties for a breach can be largely mitigated if it can be shown that reasonable
attempts were taken to protect your data. For example, if you can show that you have encrypted
the database then any network or other security breach will limit the damage and, consequently,
penalties can be mitigated.
In addition, by encrypting data passed between SYSPRO and SQL Server you effectively remove the
chance of eavesdroppers and hackers being able to gather or even change data.
Owing to these considerations, many companies should consider data encryption as part of their
security and privacy data compliance strategy. The following topics will be introduced, together
with some information relating to the available technologies and some performance
Data Encryption at Rest
Data Encryption in Motion
Data Encryption at Rest describes the technique of configuring SQL Server so that the physical
database files stored on the Windows file system are encrypted. This ensures that, in the event of
a network or other security breach, even if someone can access the physical database data or log
files (or a backup of these files) the information remains secure.
The technique described here is known as TDE - Transparent Data Encryption.
Extract from: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) encrypts SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Azure SQL Data Warehouse
data files, known as encrypting data at rest. You can take several precautions to help secure the database
such as designing a secure system, encrypting confidential assets, and building a firewall around the
database servers. However, in a scenario where the physical media (such as drives or backup tapes) are
stolen, a malicious party can just restore or attach the database and browse the data. One solution is to
encrypt the sensitive data in the database and protect the keys that are used to encrypt the data with a
certificate. This prevents anyone without the keys from using the data, but this kind of protection must be
planned in advance.
TDE performs real-time I/O encryption and decryption of the data and log files. The encryption uses a
database encryption key (DEK), which is stored in the database boot record for availability during recovery.
The DEK is a symmetric key secured by using a certificate stored in the master database of the server or an
asymmetric key protected by an EKM module. TDE protects data "at rest", meaning the data and log files. It
provides the ability to comply with many laws, regulations, and guidelines established in various industries.
This enables software developers to encrypt data by using AES and 3DES encryption algorithms without
changing existing applications.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 86
Data Encryption at Rest using TDE requires SQL Server configuration and does NOT require any
additional configuration from within the SYSPRO application.
Therefore, Data Encryption at Rest using TDE is applicable to any SYSPRO version.
Note: SYSPRO software prior to SYSPRO 8 stores some configuration and auditing data in the
file system, and therefore is not encrypted using this technique. This is one of the many
benefits of organizations migrating from earlier versions to SYSPRO 8.
The technical details of how-to setup and configure SQL Server with TDE are available in a
separate technical guide available from within the SYSPRO 8 Online Help (see: SYSPRO Help >
Resources > Technical Guides > SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Configuration).
The SYSPRO development team have a set of benchmarks to test the software under load.
Although these are run in a Microsoft Azure environment, an equivalently configured on premise
environment would also be expected to yield the same results.
During 2019, the SYSPRO development team ran the benchmarking application using SYSPRO 8
2019 R2 software connecting to SQL Server 2017 with TDE enabled. Results were compared with
the same environment, the same SYSPRO software and the same database not using TDE (i.e. a
direct comparison between encrypted and unencrypted databases).
All the tests ran successfully, even under load, and the comparison showed that the average
performance throughput was only degraded by about 1%.
Data Encryption in Motion describes the technique of configuring SYSPRO and SQL Server so
that all communication between SYSPRO and SQL is encrypted. This includes initial connection
information, SQL statements issued, and the actual data passed to-and-from SQL Server.
Data Encryption in Motion ensures that eavesdroppers and hackers can’t see what is transmitted.
This is particularly useful for private and sensitive information, but also for all information sent
between SYSPRO and SQL Server.
It should be mentioned that if the SYSPRO Application server and SQL Server are running on the
same server, then Data Encryption in Motion may add an unnecessary overhead with little or no
The technology described here is known as TLS Transport Layer Security.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 87
Extract from: https://blog.coeo.com/securing-connections-to-sql-server-with-tls
Fundamentally, TLS provides you with the ability to encrypt connections between SQL Server and calling client
applications. When a client requests an encrypted connection to a SQL Server configured for TLS, an initial
handshake takes place to negotiate the cipher suite from which further communication should take place.
Once agreed, SQL Server then sends its TLS certificate to the client, which the client must then validate and
trust against its copy of the Certification Authority (CA) certificate. Finally, providing the TLS certificate is
trusted and it meets certain other requirements, a secure connection is established.
Warning: You must use TLS 1.2 (or higher) as earlier versions had known vulnerabilities. For
your information, TLS supersedes its now deprecated predecessor SSL - Secure
Sockets Layer.
SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 (release February 2020) has been enhanced to allow an administrator to
configure SYSPRO and SQL Server using TLS, thus providing Data Encryption in Motion.
SYSPRO communicates with SQL Server using ODBC drivers provided by Microsoft. These provide
standardized, robust, and high-performance interfaces to SQL Server.
SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 supports three different ODBC Drivers:
SQL Server
ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server
ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server
The first driver (simply named SQL Server) ships as part of Windows and is known as a Windows
Data Access Component (WDAC) it has provided ODBC access to SQL Server for applications such
as SYSPRO for many years. However, Microsoft have recently indicated that new software should
no longer use this driver, partly because some features (e.g. relating to encryption) are not fully
available with the SQL Server (WDAC) driver.
For this reason, SYSPRO 8 2020 R1 has been enhanced to allow more recent ODBC drivers to be
specified in the Setup Options program (Setup Options > System Setup > SQL).
The remainder of this topic assumes that ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server is selected. If you use
the older driver (ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server) then substitute the driver name when
Note: You may have to download and install the required ODBC driver if it is not currently
installed on your SYSPRO application server.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 88
Once you have chosen ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server in the Setup Options program, you can
select the Encrypted connection string checkbox and indicate whether you want a Self-signed
server certificate.
These options are available in the Setup Options > System Setup > SQL form:
Warning: Self-signed server certificates are, by their nature, less secure. The encrypted
handshake is based on NT LAN Manager (NTLM). It is recommended that you
provision a verifiable certificate on SQL Server for secure connectivity. Transport
Layer Security (TLS) can only be secured with certificate validation.
Once you have saved these settings you should immediately configure SQL Server to work with
TLS security. Alternatively, if you had already set up SQL Server to support TLS security then just
login and the new Encryption in Motion technology is applied.
The technical details of how to set up and configure SQL Server with TLS is available in a separate
technical guide available from within the SYSPRO 8 Online Help (see: SYSPRO Help > Resources >
Technical Guides > SYSPRO and SQL Server Encryption Configuration).
The SYSPRO development team have a set of benchmarks to test the software under load.
Although these are run in a Microsoft Azure environment, an equivalently configured on premise
environment would also be expected to yield the same results.
During 2019, the SYSPRO development team ran the benchmarking application using SYSPRO 8
2020 R1 software connecting to SQL Server 2017 with TLS enabled. Results were compared with
the same environment, the same SYSPRO software and the same database not using TLS (i.e. a
direct comparison between encrypted and unencrypted communication between SYSPRO and SQL
All the tests ran successfully, even under load, and the comparison showed that the average
performance throughput was only degraded by about 1%.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 89
SQL Health Dashboard
SYSPRO 8 includes a SQL Health Dashboard that provides a single place to monitor the key issues
related to SYSPRO running on SQL Server.
It should be mentioned that there is no substitute for an expert system administrator and/or
database administrator and/or SYSPRO support personnel when it comes to configuring,
monitoring, diagnosing and correcting issues related to SYSPRO and SQL Server.
However, the SQL Health Dashboard is intended to provide some key information at-a-glance.
The information shown, together with any highlighted items, is based on knowledge of our own
software and how it interacts with SQL Server, together with input from our partners and
customers about real-world issues that have been determined to have the most impact.
The SQL Health Dashboard is available from the ribbon bar:
Administration > SQL Health Dashboard
When you run the SQL Health Dashboard program, it analyzes your system-wide database and
each company specific database. For larger number of databases this could take a minute or so.
Once the analysis has completed the dashboard will be displayed - see the following example:
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 90
You can now select one of the databases shown in the left pane this displays the system-wide
database together with each company specific database.
When you select one of the databases by clicking on the row, Database Details about the database
are displayed on the top right and a series of tab pages are available - bottom right. You can either
click on the one of the hyperlinks shown in the top right pane or click directly on each tab page to
see the relevant information.
The following topics provide additional insight to each of the types of information related to the
currently selected database.
The Database Details pane (shown top right) contains many properties and statistics relating to
the currently selected database.
Highlights include:
Database version
You should ensure that the database version matches the SYSPRO version as described in
the topic: Database Versions.
If the SQL health Dashboard finds any database that does not match the current database
version it will not attempt to validate tables, columns, indexes, or foreign keys.
You should ensure that the database collation conforms to the requirements of all SYSPRO
databases see the topic: Collation and Case Sensitivity.
Compatibility Level
You should ensure that the database compatibility level is set appropriately see the topic:
SQL Server Compatibility Levels. If the compatibility level does not match you will see a
warning symbol. If the warning icon is shown, please fix the compatibility level
Auto close
SYSPRO databases must not have the ‘Auto close’ property enabled – see the following link:
Auto shrink
SYSPRO databases should not have the ‘Auto shrink’ property enabled as it can lead to
performance degradation see the following link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 91
This shows the status of the database at the time the query was executed. If the status is in
anything but ONLINE then the checks on tables, indexes, etc. are not carried out.
The database status can be:
See the following link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-
Read only
Live SYSPRO databases must never be set to ‘read only’.
Last full backup
Ensure that the date of last full backup is as expected for your planned backup regime.
Last log backup
Ensure that the date of last full backup is as expected for your planned backup regime.
Database and log backup are outside the scope of this document.
See the following information regarding the database recovery model:
TDE encryption status
This entry shows the current database encryption status. Use this to confirm whether the
database is encrypted or not. For an overview of SQL encryption see the topic: SYSPRO and
SQL Server Data Encryption.
Change data capture enabled and change tracking enabled
These options provide visibility to two methods of tracking database changes. Each has
their own benefits and limitations and usually slow the database access. If you are having
performance related issues you might want to verify these settings and investigate the
requirements for them if enabled.
The Database File information is shown below the Database Details pane. This shows the following
information for each file used to store the database master and log information:
Logical name
Typically, the database name as you see it in SQL Server Management Studio and an
associated log file.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 92
This is the type of file it can be either Data or Log.
The physical locations of data and transaction logs can have a significant effect on the
system data integrity and performance. In a production environment these should be on
separate drives for data integrity.
Size (MB)
This is the physical file size in megabytes in the file system.
This is the file growth property to be applied when free space is exhausted. It can be a
percentage of the current file size or a number of megabytes.
Setting this option too low can lead to excessive re-organization, disk fragmentation and
poor performance. See the following link:
Maximum (MB)
This is a configured maximum physical file size and can be a value in megabytes or
‘unlimited’. On some versions of SQL Server, the default log can have a maximum value of
2097152 MB this is just an ‘arbitrary large’ value and can be left ‘as is’.
Used (MB)
Data usage in physical file.
Free (MB)
Free space in physical file.
Free %
This is the percentage of free space.
This is the ‘Free’ space as a percentage of the file ‘Size’.
The subject of setting up a new database, defining the file locations, size, free space, and growth
factors is complex. This is discussed in the topic about New Databases.
There is an auto-hidden pane top right of the SQL Health Dashboard that shows information
about the instance of Microsoft SQL Server. This is the same regardless of the database selected.
Highlights include:
SQL version
This shows the SQL Server version, including sub-versions and service packs when relevant.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 93
This is the collation defined when the SQL instance was installed and cannot be changed. It
will be used for the system databases. It will govern the default collation. However, when
you create SYSPRO databases you can override the collation when necessary.
Maximum server memory (MB)
It is important in a correctly configured system to fix the maximum SQL Server memory
preventing it from taking all available server memory. Failure to limit the SQL Server
memory will often lead to a very poorly performing system, especially when SQL exists on
the same server as the applications that use it.
See the following topic: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/database-engine/configure-
Connection time (seconds)
The connection time provides an indication of how long SYSPRO takes to connect to SQL
Server. It may not see that important, as when you login to SYSPRO if the connection takes
a hundredth of a second (1/100) or 1 second is a small issue once per login.
However, some of the SYSPRO code that has been optimized for SQL performance will
issue SQL statements on a separate connection. If the separate SQL connection takes (say)
1 second, then each fragment of optimized code may in fact be slower than the code it was
replacing. Thus, the connection speed does play an important part in the overall SYSPRO
performance on SQL Server.
A value below 0.10 seconds is ideal and preferably 0.01 or 0.02 seconds for best
performance. See the following topic: Connection to SQL Server is Slow.
Connection driver
This confirms the current ODBC driver used to connect to SQL Server.
See the topic: Setup Options > System Setup > SQL: SQL Driver to use.
Connection encrypted
This provides an indicator of the SQL connection encryption status. For an overview of SQL
encryption see the topic: SYSPRO and SQL Server Data Encryption.
Instant file initialization
In Microsoft SQL Server, instant file initialization allows for fast execution of file operations
and reclaims used disk space without filling that space with zeros. Instead, disk content is
overwritten as new data is written to the files.
We recommend that you enable this option to ensure optimal performance for the growth
of SQL tables on disk. A warning icon is displayed if it is not selected.
This option is only applicable when using SQL Server 2016 and above.
The Tables tab shows information about standard SYSPRO tables that are missing. These should
be treated as serious errors and will prevent parts of the SYSPRO application from running.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 94
In addition, any user-defined tables are also shown. These are tables that do not appear to be
standard SYSPRO tables. This could be due to one of the following reasons:
The table is not defined in our standard data dictionary.
The table is not a custom form table (ends with a ‘+’).
The table is not a reporting archive table.
If the dashboard lists any user-defined tables then it is worth investigating what, or who, has
created these tables and whether they are still required and/or relevant.
Do not just delete tables that appear in this list. Ensure you have thoroughly investigated before
deciding to delete user-defined tables. Typically, user defined tables have no effect on the running
of standard SYSPRO applications. However, they can affect the backup performance, disk
consumption etc.
If there are missing tables, then the ‘Repair Issues’ toolbar button (top right) can be selected.
This will automatically add missing tables using the correct definition as per the data dictionary.
Important: If you find that one or more tables are listed as missing, are re-added when using
the repair function, but later are listed as missing again, then you must investigate
and prevent whatever (or whoever) is deleting these tables.
The Columns tab shows information about standard SYSPRO columns that are missing from
standard tables these should be treated as serious errors as they will prevent parts of the
SYSPRO application from running.
Any standard SYSPRO column that does not conform to one-or more of the standard properties
(such as datatype, length, collation, default, NULL indicator etc.) will be listed these should be
treated as serious errors and will prevent parts of the SYSPRO application from running.
In addition, any user-defined columns are also shown. These are columns in standard SYSPRO
tables that do not appear to be standard SYSPRO columns. This includes user defined Computed
Columns. This could be due to one of the following reasons:
The column is not defined in our standard data dictionary
The column is not a custom field defined using the custom form designer
If the dashboard lists any user-defined columns then it is worth investigating what, or who, has
created these columns and whether they are still required and/or relevant.
Do not just delete columns that appear in this list. Ensure you have thoroughly investigated before
deciding to delete user-defined columns. Typically, user defined columns have no effect on the
running of standard SYSPRO applications.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 95
If there are missing columns and/or columns with incorrect properties, then the ‘Repair Issues’
toolbar button (top right) can be selected. This will automatically add missing columns using the
correct definition as per the data dictionary. It will also attempt to correct any incorrect properties
it is possible that inappropriate data may prevent the properties from being set to the standard
values. Any errors will be shown and must be manually corrected.
Important: If you find that one or more columns are listed as missing, are re-added when using
the repair function, but later are listed as missing again, then you must investigate
and prevent whatever (or whoever) is deleting these columns.
If user-defined columns are not defined as nullable and have no default value assigned, then the
repair will set these columns as nullable.
The Indexes tab shows information about standard SYSPRO indexes that are missing from
standard tables these should be treated as serious errors and may degrade the performance of
SYSPRO applications. Especially in tables with more than a few rows of data. In addition, if the
primary clustered index is missing it may allow duplicates to be inserted into the table leading to
data corruption and/or invalid data.
In addition, any user-defined indexes are also shown. These are indexes on standard SYSPRO
tables that do not appear to be standard SYSPRO indexes. This could be due to one of the
following reasons:
The index is not defined in our standard data dictionary
The index is not a primary clustered index on one of the custom form tables (ending with ‘+’)
If the dashboard lists any user-defined indexes then it is worth investigating what, or who, has
created these indexes and whether they are still required and/or relevant.
Do not just delete indexes that appear in this list. Ensure you have thoroughly investigated before
deciding to delete user-defined indexes.
Please note that adding user defined indexes can have a negative effect on standard SYSPRO
applications. See the topic: Guidelines when adding User Indexes.
If there are missing indexes or any standard index has incorrect properties, then the ‘Repair
Issues’ toolbar button (top right) can be selected.
This will automatically add missing indexes using the correct definition as per the data dictionary.
It will also attempt to correct any incorrect properties it is possible that inappropriate data may
prevent the properties from being set to the standard values. Any errors will be shown and must
be manually corrected.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 96
Important: If you find that one or more indexes are listed as missing, are re-added when using
the repair function, but later are listed as missing again, then you must investigate
and prevent whatever (or whoever) is deleting these indexes.
The Foreign Keys tab shows information about standard SYSPRO foreign keys that are missing
from standard tables this should be treated as relatively minor information as no SYSPRO
applications rely on foreign keys - all data integrity is completely managed using SYSPRO business
Any standard SYSPRO foreign key that does not conform to one-or-more of the standard properties
(such as the list and sequence of columns and the ‘NOCHECK’ property etc.) will be listed.
In addition, any user-defined foreign keys are also shown. These are foreign keys linking to/from
standard SYSPRO tables that do not appear to be standard SYSPRO foreign keys. This could be due
to one of the following reasons:
The foreign key is not defined in our standard data dictionary
If the dashboard lists any user-defined foreign key then it is worth investigating what, or who, has
created these foreign keys and whether they are still required and/or relevant.
Do not just delete foreign keys that appear in this list. Ensure you have thoroughly investigated
before deciding to delete user-defined foreign keys.
If there are missing foreign keys, then the ‘Repair Issues’ toolbar button (top right) can be selected.
This will automatically add missing foreign keys using the correct definition as per the data dictionary.
Important: If you find that one or more foreign keys are listed as missing, are re-added when
using the repair function, but later are listed as missing again, then you must
investigate and prevent whatever (or whoever) is deleting these foreign keys.
The Object Dependencies tab shows information about links from third party objects into
standard SYSPRO tables or columns. This includes custom form tables.
This can include:
User Views
User Stored Procedures
User Computed Columns
User Table and/or Scalar Functions
User Triggers
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 97
If the dashboard lists any Object Dependencies then it is worth investigating what, or who, has
created these dependencies and whether they are still required and/or relevant.
Do not just delete items that appear in this list. Ensure you have thoroughly investigated before
deciding to delete user-defined objects or links from them to standard SYSPRO tables or columns.
Important: The column headed ‘Updated’ indicates that the user-defined object is updating a
standard SYSPRO column.
We strongly advise against updating SYSPRO data directly, as any change may not
follow the business rules associated with the data to be applied.
There are cases where custom form data may be updated directly however you
must ensure that any validation is honored.
There is no repair related to Object Dependencies as these are ‘by definition’ user defined.
The Index Fragmentation tab shows information about the percentage fragmentation of each
standard SYSPRO index. Only indexes where the fragmentation percentage is over 5%, or the
index statistics have not been updated for at least 30 days, are included.
The list of indexes is shown in ‘index fragmentation percentage’ sequence with the highest
fragmentation first.
General guidelines say that index fragmentation percentages above 30% can lead to performance
degradation. However, it is very important to state that tables with very few rows are much less
affected by the fragmentation percentages.
Therefore, if you use the Index Fragmentation tab and view indexes with large fragmentation
percentages, you should also consider the ‘Rows in table’ and ‘Page Count’ values. Only tables with
high fragmentation percentages AND larger numbers in these columns should be considered for
Some partners and customers have reported that when they have very high numbers in these
fields and then repaired (rebuilt) their indexes, they noticed a considerable improvement in the
performance of their SYSPRO systems.
There is no automatic repair available in the SQL Health Dashboard relating to Index
Fragmentation. This is because index rebuild and reorganization functions should only be
performed when the database is not being accessed.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 98
Microsoft suggests the following guidelines:
Fragmentation %
Suggested action
Greater than 30%
Rebuild the index
Between 5% and 30%
Reorganize the index
Less than 5%
Indicates that the statistics are older than 30 days
and you should consider updating them
See the following link describing how to perform index Reorganize and Rebuild functions:
See the following link describing how to update your statistics: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
See the following link regarding auto creating statistics and the trade-off in performance vs
improvements in the query optimizer: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/relational-
The SQL Users tab shows information about each SQL user and/or login who have access to the
selected database.
The list shows Users and/or Logins together with their type and the effective permissions into the
Typically, you should expect to see a SYSPRO administrator with Permissions such as sysadmin or
dbo and standard SYSPRO logins with Permissions of db_datareader and db_datawriter.
You should review all SQL logins that have access to each SYSPRO database to ensure that not
only each user has the minimum required permissions, but also that additional logins that do not
require access are not included.
When used effectively, this helps reduce security access concerns.
There is a topic dedicated to SQL logins and user permissions in this document see topic:
Configuring SYSPRO to work with SQL Server
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 99
However, to briefly summarize here:
If you are using Windows authentication, then you need to ensure that you have
appropriate user permissions to administer each of the system-wide and company specific
databases (typically ‘sysadmin’)
If you are using SQL Server authentication, then you need a minimum of two SQL users:
An administrative user that typically requires ‘sysadmin’ permissions on all the
SYSPRO databases.
A standard user that typically requires db_datareader and db_datawriter
permissions on all the SYSPRO databases.
In addition, you can configure that each SYSPRO operator has their own SQL login
in which case each of these SQL logins also requires db_datareader and
db_datawriter permissions on all the SYSPRO databases.
If you notice one or more SQL users with permissions greater than summarized above, then you
should investigate whether the SQL Users are required and whether their permissions are greater
than required.
There is no automatic repair available in the SQL Health Dashboard relating to SQL Users.
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SYSPRO 8 Database Architecture 100
About the Author
This document was authored by Russell Hollick, Chief Software Architect, SYSPRO - Corporate.
Russell has been a member of the SYSPRO development team
for over 30 years and is currently responsible for the SYSPRO
Architecture team.
This team looks after:
Database design and the various database access
Client-Server architecture
Security and authentication models
Custom forms
Report Writer module
Russell was one of the key SYSPRO 8 architects responsible for the SYSPRO 8 scalability and
performance improvements, data dictionary and database implementation, including the data
conversion from earlier versions of SYSPRO.
Other areas that Russell is passionate about include:
Agile development
Code reviews
Peer learning
Helping developers and support personnel to get the most out of SYSPRO
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