Charter for a University of Alaska Standing Committee
Last updated: February 2, 2018
ERP General Functional Committee (GFC)
The GFC membership governs business process improvement and business
infrastructure maintenance issues that span the boundaries determined by each
enterprise resource planning (ERP) software module.
The GFC also handles information system matters not sufficiently addressed by
cross-campus work teams who govern changes made to each shared-use enterprise
Membership, Mechanism and Meeting Frequency:
Membership to the GFC is limited to the chairperson for the application change control
body for each major ERP module or enterprise solution.
The GFC strives to meet at least six times per year via audio-conference and tackles
issues electronically as required. Discussion content is based on an agenda circulated
ahead of each meeting; notes are carried in subsequent agendas. Decisions are
achieved via consensus.
ERP GFC Membership -
Accounts Receivable, e-Commerce, Finance, Research Accounting & Travel
Management Systems – currently coordinated by Vickie Gilligan, SW Director
Financial Systems & Sr. Accountant
Human Resources Management & ERP Electronic Workflow Systems – currently
coordinated by Michelle Pope, SW Director HR Accounting and HR Information
Student Information, Recruiting, Admissions & Degree Audit Systems, and
Financial Aid & Scholarship systems – currently coordinated by Saichi Oba, SW
Assoc. Vice President Enrollment Services
An Enterprise Resource Planning system is any set of highly specialized applications that
share data in real-time, typically by sharing the same database.
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Charter for a University of Alaska Standing Committee
Last updated: February 2, 2018
The enterprise resource planning modules at the University of Alaska include:
o Student information management; Banner Student module by Ellucian
Company, L.P.
o Student financial aid & scholarship management; Banner Financial Aid
module by Ellucian Company, L.P.
o SELF_SERVICE for student advisors, students, prospective students &
employees, employees, supervisors, guests, instructors and vendors
deployed as; Self Service Banner modules by Ellucian
Company, L.P.
o Employee payroll and position control management; Banner HR module by
Ellucian Company, L.P.
o Accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash management, cost
accounting, grants management, finance management; Banner Finance
module by Ellucian Company, L.P.
GFC matters addressed include:
o Timing and marketing for ERP adoption of a single university password,
multi-factor user authentication, and UTF-8 international character set
o Classification of campus ID card headshot photographs as bio-demographic
data and dissemination to photo-ready online systems
o Extending the database schema to support multi-campus use of shared ERP
o Ensuring successful user experience and ADA compliance for UAOnline
o Mailing address validation during data entry and retroactively, to the
prevailing version of the U.S. Postal Service database
o Timing of ERP software and ERP computing infrastructure lifecycle
o Switch-over and switch-back of ERP quality assurance environment to UA’s
disaster recovery data center to improve UA’s disaster readiness
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