Business / Technical Brief
Oracle Forms
Standalone Launcher (FSAL)
Running Applications with FSAL
February, 2023, Version - Rev 0
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates
2 Business / Technical Brief / Oracle Forms
Standalone Launcher (FSAL) / Version Rev 0
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Purpose statement
This document will outline the intended use for Oracle Forms Standalone
Launcher (FSAL). Security information and suggestions provided in this
document are for example purposes only. It is your responsibility to understand
the concepts outlined and properly test and secure any implementation derived
from this content. Misuse of the Oracle products or dependent technologies
may result in the degradation of your system or application security. Be sure to
refer to the included references to ensure you are properly using the product
and any dependent technologies.
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Table of contents
Purpose statement 2
Introduction 4
Understanding the Forms Standalone Launcher 5
Requirements 5
The Forms Standalone Launcher 5
Java 6
Java Runtime Environment - JRE 6
Java Development Kit - JDK 6
Server JRE 6
Running an Application with FSAL 7
The Basics 7
File Caching 8
Running Audio Enabled Applications with Java 11+ 9
Using Java Script Integration with FSAL Applications 9
Running Through a Proxy Server 9
Launching FSAL with a Custom Protocol Handler 10
Security Tips 11
Secure Socket Layer 11
Configuring SSL/TLS with FSAL 12
Using the FSAL Certificate Importer 12
Configuring the KeyStore Manually 13
Troubleshooting SSL/TLS 15
Signed Code 16
Forms, Java Plug-in, and Java Web Start 16
FSAL and Signed JARs 16
Single Sign-on 17
FSAL References 18
FSAL Web Configuration Parameters 18
FSAL Command Line Arguments 19
Resources 21
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Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
As web browser software moves away from supporting plug-ins, technologies
like Oracle Forms needed an alternative way in which to run the applications
developed with them. Beginning in Forms version, one such alternative
was introduced.
The Forms Standalone Launcher (FSAL) offers an alternative way for end-users
to run Forms 12.2.1+ applications. FSAL provides a browser-less, client/server-
like experience for users to access and interact with applications. As a result of
not using a browser, FSAL does not rely on the Java Deployment technologies
(e.g. Plug-in, Web Start, etc.) and therefore is not dependent on a browser.
However, it does require the Java Runtime on the end-user machine.
This paper will offer FSAL usage information, as well as some tips on ensuring
applications run as securely as possible.
This paper will assume the use of Oracle Forms Some features
described in this document may not be available in earlier releases of Forms 12c
family; however many concepts will still apply to any 12.2.1 release. In the context
of this paper, all Java references are assumed to be relative to Java version
8u341 or newer, unless noted otherwise.
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Understanding the Forms Standalone Launcher
The Forms Standalone Launcher (FSAL) mimics several client/server concepts, however with some modern flare. In
the early days of Oracle Forms client/server, end-user machines required the installation of the Oracle Forms runtime
software, as well as the application(s) planned to be run on that machine. This was often a cumbersome process and
consumed significant disk space. Having the software and application installed on the user machines was sometimes
viewed as a security issue since it gave the user direct access to the runtime software, utilities included with it, and the
compiled application(s) modules.
In the past, to make end-user machine administration easier, some organizations elected to not install the software
locally and instead took advantage of remote installations and remote access across the network. Although the
concept of remote access or remote desktop sharing worked in many cases, it too came with issues and was not (and
still is not) consider a supported configuration by Oracle.
FSAL takes the best of both concepts; client/server and web. Using FSAL can provide the appearance and power of a
natively installed application, very much like client/server Forms. The application runs in its own parent window,
unlike when running a form in a browser. As a result, there is no risk of accidentally navigating away from the running
form by pressing the Back or Forward button, or clicking a bookmark, etc. With FSAL, the application will be hosted
on a centralized application server (e.g. WebLogic Server), just as in any web deployed Forms versions. This means
the Forms application modules are securely stored on the remote middle tier server. Although the user will not have
direct access to the Forms modules (e.g. FMX, MMX, PLX, etc.), which are on the remote server, they will be able to
run these applications using a typical URL previously used when running in a browser.
The use of FSAL supports all the same functionality found when running a form in a browser, except event driven
single sign-off. Single sign-on is supported beginning with JavaScript integration support for applications
launched using FSAL can be added/enabled with a provided add-on (WJSI) in and a third party library
(Eclipse/Jetty). Beginning with, FSAL can be launched using custom protocol handlers from web pages.
The Forms Standalone Launcher
As mentioned, the FSAL feature is only available in the Forms 12c family and newer. The configuration requires that a
small Java JAR file (frmsal.jar) be transferred to and stored on the end-user machine. This file/utility can be
transferred to the end-user machine using any desirable method (e.g. web download, email, ftp, custom installer,
etc.). The utility can be stored anywhere on the user’s machine as long the user has access to that directory and
utility. Storing it in the user’s home directory is recommended, but not required.
The frmsal.jar file is the Forms Standalone Launcher (FSAL). It is version specific; therefore it is not supported to
use frmsal.jar from one installation against another. A checksum is also used to help ensure that the file is properly
matched to the server and its Forms’ version. This checksum is also helpful in ensuring that the launcher (frmsal.jar)
has not been accidentally or maliciously replaced. As a result, you cannot use frmsal.jar downloaded from a Microsoft
Windows server to run an application against a UNIX/Linux server or vice versa. The launcher is not client platform
specific. It can be used on Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux, or Apple Mac client machines. Essentially, any platform
that supports running a Forms certified Oracle Java version can use FSAL.
All installations come with a Usage/Syntax web page that illustrates how to use the launcher, as well as providing a
download link for the frmsal.jar file. The page can be accessed using a URL like this:
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Standalone Launcher (FSAL) / Version Rev 0
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
FSAL is a Java application and therefore Oracle Java is required on the user’s machine. However, unlike running a
Forms application embedded in a browser where a specific Java type (e.g. JRE Plug-in) is required, FSAL supports
using any Oracle Java distribution that supports running a Java application and was certified with the Oracle Forms
version being used. Depending on the user’s platform and the desired Oracle Java version to be used, there are
several possible distribution types available. The following distributions are available for most common end-user
platforms and can be used to run FSAL. In the Java 8 family; JRE, JDK, and Server JRE are available in both 32-bit
and 64-bit distributions. Java 11 and newer are only available as a 64-bit JDK distribution, but can be used with FSAL.
Depending on the application’s needs, which distribution and/or version you choose may vary. It is recommended
that the contents of the Oracle Java installation chosen be carefully reviewed and/or your application be thoroughly
tested before moving to production. Here is an overview of each Java distribution.
Java Runtime Environment - JRE
Java 8 only. The JRE installs most components needed for typical end-users. It includes everything needed
to run a local Java application, as well as the Java Deployment components (i.e. Java Web Start and Java
Plug-in). Java Deployment components are not available in major releases newer than Java 8.
Java Development Kit - JDK
The JDK, available in all versions, is generally for Java developers and includes far more than a typical user
should need. The JDK includes a complete JRE, the Java Deployment components, and tools for developing,
debugging, and monitoring and maintaining Java applications.
Server JRE
Java 8 only. The Server JRE is primarily for deploying Java applications on servers. It includes tools for JVM
monitoring and tools commonly required for server applications, but does not include the Java Deployment
components needed for browser integration, for example Java Plug-in, Java Web Start, auto-update, and an
installer are not included. This distribution is delivered as a zip file that must be manually extracted. Because
this distribution does not perform a software installation and is much more lightweight than the JRE and JDK
distributions, this option is ideal for the FSAL when used along with a customized startup script or similar.
Custom JRE
Beginning with Oracle Java version 11, it is now possible to create a custom JRE distribution. Explaining how
to create such a distribution is beyond the scope of this document. However, in order to create a custom JRE
the jdeps utility (used to determine which Java modules are needed) and jlink utility (used to create the
custom JRE) will be needed. The jpackage utility can be used to package your custom JRE into an installable
distribution if desired. Refer to the Java documentation for details on how to use these new utilities.
Be sure to check the Fusion Middleware Certification Guide to ensure that the Java version used is one that is certified
for use with the Forms version used.
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Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Running an Application with FSAL
The Basics
As mentioned earlier in this paper, FSAL is intended to allow users to run and interact with Forms applications by
launching applications without the use of a web browser. Although it may be technically possible, this utility is not
intended and not recommended to be used for non-interactive purposes (e.g. unattended load testing). Attempting
to launch too many simultaneous or sequential sessions (e.g. more than a person would reasonably require) on the
user’s machine may result in unpredictable and undesirable behavior.
FSAL, like a browser, needs to know where to find the application to run. In a browser, hyperlinks are sometimes used
to launch other web pages or even Forms applications. Because FSAL is fully removed from a browser, you cannot
use a web page to launch Forms applications hosted by FSAL without some configuration changes being performed
on the users machine. Using custom protocol handlers (fsal:// and fsals://), which is supported beginning with
Forms, is one way in which FSAL can be launched from a web page. Knowing the complete Forms
application URL is necessary in order to service the request. Currently, the use of URL redirects or rewrites is not
supported, but may be technically possible depending on the server configuration. FSAL expects to receive a fully
qualified URL that points to the Forms environment. A desktop shortcut or script/batch file can be used in place of a
hyperlink in order to make starting the application simple and less error prone.
Running an application with FSAL is easy once the above requirements have been met. To start an application with
FSAL, do the following:
1. Open a shell (e.g. DOS on Microsoft Windows) and verify the desired and certified Oracle Java version is found.
java version
The result should indicate the desired Oracle Java version. If not, the system’s PATH may not be properly set.
Make the needed correction then continue.
2. Change directories to the user’s home directory (assuming frmsal.jar was stored in the user’s home directory)
and execute the following command. Substitute the server name and port number in the example below. If the
server is not running SSL enabled and instead is using HTTP, the protocol (“http://”) can be omitted from the
URL entry, as it will be assumed.
java -jar frmsal.jar -url "https://server:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp"
In the example above, the application associated with the configuration section titled [standaloneapp] will run.
You can use any configuration section as long as it contains the entries found in the [standaloneapp] example
provided in the Forms Web Configuration.
3. Oracle Forms generated output typically seen in the Java Console will appear in the shell used to start the
application. If the “javawor similar command is used rather than “java”, a console may not be shown. If using
the “java” command, closing the shell that started the application will terminate the application. Therefore it
should remain open through the life of the session. This behavior can be altered to accommodate the application
needs using various shell commands and associated switches. Refer to the operating system documentation for
information on using the command shell on the user’s platform.
The basic details above can be used to create a desktop shortcut, batch script file, or custom executable that can be
used to make launching the application easier and more seamless.
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Refer to the FSAL References section of this document for a complete list of command line arguments. This
information can also be found on the FSAL Usage page provided in the installation. To access the Usage page, enter
this URL in a browser:
File Caching
Similar to the Java Plugin or a browser, FSAL attempts to cache (store locally) files that may be reused the next time
an application is launched. This helps to improve startup performance. When starting FSAL from a Unix/Linux shell
or Windows DOS shell, the directory where cached files will be stored is displayed in the shell output during the
loading process. Also displayed is whether the files are being downloaded from the server or reused from the existing
cache. In the case where files are downloaded from the server, text similar to the following will be shown:
Inspecting archive files in cache directory
C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\Temp\frmsal\<server name>\
Downloading archive file frmall.jar to cache subdirectory 8ymuqdqvdfe13a0d5vvema0dh
In the case where the files previously cached will be used, text similar to the following will be shown:
Inspecting archive files in cache directory
C:\Users\jdoe\AppData\Local\Temp\frmsal\<server name>\
Using cached archive file frmall.jar from cache subdirectory 8ymuqdqvdfe13a0d5vvema0dh
To control the location of the cache files, change the location of tmpdir when starting the application. Consider the
following example for Microsoft Windows users. Note that it uses the value of the Windows system variable
%USERNAME% as the first level directory.
java -jar frmsal.jar -url
When the user is on a shared Unix/Linux platform this may be helpful because the downloaded cached files will be
owned by the first user who ran the application. As a result, subsequent users may not have sufficient permissions to
overwrite the old cached files with new ones. By creating unique locations for each user this problem can be avoided.
java$user/fsal -jar frmsal.jar -url
For some applications, it may not be desirable to use cached files, but instead always download from the server. This
may also be true when troubleshooting technical issues. To disable file caching, use Fusion Middleware Control (FMC)
to edit the FSAL template file basesaa.txt or webutilsaa.txt, based on your application. Add the following line:
In the Forms Web Configuration (formsweb.cfg), add a new parameter ignoreSaaCache to the [standaloneapp]
configuration or whichever configuration is being used to run the application. Set its value to TRUE. Cached files will
now be ignored and downloading files from the server will occur each time the application is started.
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Standalone Launcher (FSAL) / Version Rev 0
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Running Audio Enabled Applications with Java 11+
Oracle Java 11 or newer “Long Term Support” (LTS) releases can be used to run FSAL. However, Java 11 and newer no
longer includes JavaFX. JavaFX is necessary for the audio feature in Forms to function properly. If the applications
do not use the Forms audio feature, these steps can be ignored. To enable JavaFX the following steps would be
necessary on the user’s machine.
1. On the user’s machine, download and extract the JavaFX SDK from Gluon (not affiliated with Oracle) into a
directory where the user has runtime (read, execute) permissions. Download the version that most closely
matches the Java version used to run FSAL. JavaFX is now an Open Source project. However, be sure to review
the Terms of Use and support options before downloading and using.
Note that JavaFX versions newer than 8 are not supported by Oracle Support. Versions newer than 8 are
supported and licensed by Gluon and/or the open source community found here:
2. Alter the typical FSAL startup command to include JFX. For example:
java --module-path C:/javafx-sdk-17.0.4/lib,javafx.swing -jar
frmsal.jar -url "https://server:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp"
Using Java Script Integration with FSAL Applications
Although the Forms Standalone Launcher and the applications it runs are not related to a web browser or its
applications, it is possible to communicate with a web page from an FSAL application. For details, refer to the Forms
12c New Features Guide or the Working with Oracle Forms guide for more information.
Running Through a Proxy Server
In many cases, users will access a Forms application while within a corporate network. In some cases, this means that
the user’s machine requires the appropriate proxy configuration in order to access both internal and external content.
In the case of using FSAL, the browser and system level settings may not be visible to the shell that launches the
application. Therefore, it may be necessary to include such settings at the time FSAL is run. Because FSAL is a Java
application, it is Java (e.g. java.exe) that must be aware of the needed proxy settings. There are several ways in which
to inform Java of these settings.
To use the system proxy settings, do the following:
java jar frmsal.jar -url
The use of this Java option ( will cause Java to attempt the call using the
proxy settings provided at the system level. It should be noted that this method may not be supported when the
system is configured to use Automatic Configuration Scripts (e.g wpad.dat). Refer to the official Java documentation
for details.
Alternatively, proxy settings can be specifically included. Here are two examples:
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java -Dhttps.proxyHost=<proxyserver> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<proxyserver port number> -
Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=localhost|example.comjar frmsal.jar -url
java -Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxyserver> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxyserver port number> -
Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=”localhost|example.comjar frmsal.jar -url
Launching FSAL with a Custom Protocol Handler
Custom protocols have been used in web browsers nearly since the beginning of their existence. Typically, protocols
like http, https, ftp, and even mailto are what you might expect to use or see when entering an address in a
browsers address bar. However, it is also not uncommon to see special protocols like zoommtg to open a Zoom
meeting or slack to open the Slack client app to a particular user or channel or message.
Beginning with Forms doing similar with Forms Standalone Launcher (FSAL) is also possible. FSAL has been
enhanced to recognize two special protocols; fsal for non-SSL requests and fsals for SSL requests. Using a custom
protocol handler, a hyperlink from a web page can be used to launch a Forms app using FSAL. However, in order to
achieve this the custom protocol must be registered on the users machine and the desired web page would need to
include a properly formatted hyperlink.
To create the hyperlink in the web page, simply create a hyperlink in the same manner used for any other. Adding
HTML like the following will introduce a hyperlink that can be used to launch FSAL with a named Forms configuration
(standaloneapp). Of course, providing an appropriate server and port is necessary too.
<a href=fsal://<SERVER>:<PORT>/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp>Run FSAL</a>
The steps needed to register this new protocol on the users machine will vary depending on the operating system
used by the user. Several approaches may be possible regardless of the operating system in use. Below is just one
example with the assumption the users machine is running Microsoft Windows.
The following assume that:
The latest Forms frmsal.jar is stored in the users home directory.
The latest Oracle Java 8 (32-bit) JRE is installed.
The following commands can either be run individually on a Windows DOS command prompt or executed from a
script. Regardless of the approach, the user must have Administrator privileges since this will write to the Windows
Manipulating the Windows Registry is risky and can cause un-reversible damage if performed incorrectly. Be sure to create a
Registry backup and System Restore Point before attempting. Do not attempt this if you are unfamiliar with editing the Windows
In the following commands, be sure to carefully review the last entry in each section. Be sure the path to javaw.exe
and the path to frmsal.jar (on the users machine) represents your situation. Note that the Java path used is a
special path created when installing the JRE only. If using the JDK, this path will need to be updated.
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Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
Commands for non-SSL Requests
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal /t REG_SZ /d "Oracle Forms Standalone Launcher" /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal /v "URL Protocol" /t REG_SZ /d "" /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal /v "UseOriginalUrlEncoding" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001"
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal\shell /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal\shell\open /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal\shell\open\command /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe\" -jar %USERPROFILE%\frmsal.jar -url
\"%1\"" /f
Commands for SSL Requests
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsals /t REG_SZ /d "Oracle Forms Standalone Launcher with
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsals /v "URL Protocol" /t REG_SZ /d "" /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsal /v "UseOriginalUrlEncoding" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001"
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsals\shell /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsals\shell\open /f
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\fsals\shell\open\command /t REG_SZ /d "\"C:\Program Files
(x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath\javaw.exe\" -jar %USERPROFILE%\frmsal.jar -url
\"%1\"" /f
Once the above have been successfully executed, the protocols fsal:// or fsals:// can be used in a browser in
place of http:// or https:// For registering custom protocol handlers on other operating systems,
refer to the Operating System documentation or contact the vendor for assistance.
Security Tips
Ensuring the highest degree of security for an application, the data exchanged within it, and the network on which it is hosted should
be considered the most important aspects of any application deployment. A weakened security layer can be responsible for sensitive
data breaches and malicious system attacks. As an application developer, administrator, or any other role in IT, it is your
responsibility to ensure that proper security efforts are being used to protect the applications, the data, and their hosting systems.
This section will offer several ways that can be used to help improve the security related to using the FSAL. It is important that you
use these suggestions only as examples. It is your responsibility to understand the concepts and research any that you do not fully
understand. Improperly implementing any security configuration may put your system at risk. So, carefully review and test your
changes before assuming they are correct. The suggestions provided here may not be unique to FSAL or even Oracle Forms in
general. Many are standard suggestions that relate to the technologies in use. Therefore, the availability of additional information is
widespread. Do not use this paper as the only source of information for securing your application, its data, and its environment.
Be sure to also review the Resources section included at the end of this document.
Secure Socket Layer
In this document, the terms “KeyStore” and “TrustStore” may be used interchangeably.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) are cryptographic protocols used to provide encrypted
communication between a source and destination of network traffic. These protocols works by creating a trusted
12 Business / Technical Brief / Oracle Forms
Standalone Launcher (FSAL) / Version Rev 0
Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
connection, which is most often established by a public and private key exchange. The details of how SSL/TLS works
are beyond the scope of this document.
Using SSL/TLS to run any application communicating on the network is very important with regard to securing data.
The use of SSL/TLS for running any and all applications should be considered a requirement and not optional. To
run an application using SSL/TLS with FSAL requires that the SSL/TLS certificate public key be included in the user’s
Java TrustStore. This may require the certificate(s) be manually imported if that has not already been included in the
TrustStore or provided by a known Certificate Authority (e.g. DigiCert, Entrust, Comodo, etc). Specifically, this key
must be imported into the Java TrustStore that is being used by FSAL to run the form. Although often only the “root”
certificate will be needed, in some cases, more than one certificate may need to be imported, as a chain of certificates
may exist (e.g. root, intermediate, user). If you attempt to run an application using SSL/TLS and a needed certificate
is not found or was improperly imported, a Java error similar to one of the following, likely may be presented: No subject alternative names present …
OR No name matching <server:port> found …
OR …
Following one of the above or similar errors will be an FSAL error. This is because a secure connect could not be
established and the parameters needed to start and run the application were not permitted to be downloaded.
FRM-92490: Unable to fetch applet parameters from server.
Configuring SSL/TLS with FSAL
Beginning with Forms, FSAL provides two options for importing and storing SSL/TLS certificates.
The default configuration will be to use the FSAL Certificate Importer. This dialog will be presented to users when the
certificate delivered by the server is not recognized by the user’s system. Upon the user accepting the certificate and
granting permission to import it, the new certificate will be inserted into a newly created Java TrustStore used by
Forms/FSAL. This FSAL created TrustStore will be used by FSAL for all subsequent requests unless disabled by the
user by setting the runtime switch cert_truststore to “java”.
The alternative option for performing the configuration will be to use the Java provided tools to manually import the
missing certificate(s). This is the same option that was available in previous versions. Refer to the command line
options provided near the end of this document for details on reverting to the previous behavior.
Using the FSAL Certificate Importer
Using the FSAL Certificate Importer is mostly automatic. FSAL is used as described previously in this document.
Upon receiving initial feedback from the server, FSAL will check the TrustStore and determine if the delivered
certificate is known. If known and deemed trusted, the application will run without interruption. If the certificate sent
by the server is unknown, the user will be presented with a dialog indicating its findings and allowing the user to
decide how to proceed (i.e. import the certificate or cancel the operation). The user will simply click on Ok to continue
or Cancel to end the operation without importing. If desirable, details about the delivered certificate can be reviewed
before continuing by clicking on the “More information” link found on the dialog.
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Figure 1 - FSAL Certificate Importer example.
Figure 2 - FSAL Certificate Importer Details Viewer example.
Permitting the certificate to be imported and allowing the application to run will result in a custom Java TrustStore
being created/updated in the user’s home directory, specifically in:
C:\Users\<USER NAME>\Oracle\forms
The TrustStore file name will be formstruststore. Changing the name of the generated TrustStore is not supported.
If the file is not found, a new empty file will be created. Because this is a Java generated and standard TrustStore file,
the tools found in the Oracle Java installation (e.g. keytool.exe) can be used to administer this file if necessary.
An option to automatically import unknown certificates without user intervention is possible using the
autoImportCert switch. This option is not recommended and is provided mostly for testing purposes. Here is an
example of how to use it:
java -jar frmsal.jar -url "https://server:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp" -
autoImportCert true
For additional information, refer to the FSAL command line arguments listed on the Usage web page mentioned
earlier in this document. The list of command line arguments is also included near the end of this guide.
Configuring the KeyStore Manually
If using the FSAL SSL/TLS Certificate Importer is not desirable, follow these steps prior to using FSAL. It may also be
necessary to complete these steps if a compatibility issue is identified with the certificate(s) in use and the FSAL
Certificate Importer. Some non-standard or self-generated certificates may not be compatible with the FSAL
Certificate Importer.
1. Obtain an SSL/TLS certificate from a known Certificate Authority and configure Oracle HTTP Server (or WebLogic
Server) according to the instructions provided by the documentation for those components.
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2. The public key portion of the certificate is be needed on the user’s machine. If you do not have the public key,
there are several ways to obtain it. Obtaining the key chain can be done from any machine that has access to the
server. Here is an example of how to obtain the key(s) using the openssl command. This is pre-installed on
most Unix/Linux platforms, but can be obtained for Microsoft Windows.
openssl s_client -showcerts -connect server:port > output.txt
In the above example, replace server:port with the server name and SSL/TLS port number. The result of
running this command will be saved in a file named “output.txt”. The output will contain one or more certificates
(depending on the certificate type and how it was created). The certificate is the contents between and including
the BEGIN and END header/footer. Copy each certificate to its own text file. Be sure to only include the BEGIN
and END text exactly as shown below and the contents between them. Do not include any extra lines above or
below the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or -----END CERTIFICATE----- when saving the file, but do include
these header/footer entries.
Here is an example:
. . .
Alternatively, run the following to directly generate the needed certificate file.
openssl s_client -showcerts -servername <server name> -connect <server:port> | openssl
x509 -outform PEM > cert.cer
3. Import the public key(s) into the KeyStore on the user’s machine (e.g. cacerts). If it is a certificate chain, be sure to
import all keys in the chain (etc. signer, intermediate, root, etc). This means it may be necessary to run the
keytool utility more than one time. To import the certificate public key(s) use the Java keytool utility, which is
included in most Oracle Java distributions.
Here is an example of how import each certificate using the “keytool” utility. Refer to the Oracle Java
documentation for details on how to use the keytool utility.
keytool -import -alias <server_name> -TrustStore <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/security/cacerts -
file cert.cer
The “alias” must be unique, meaning if there are more than one certificate in the chain each must have a unique
alias. However the root should be imported first and should use the server name as its alias. Attempting to use
an alias that was previously used will result in an error. It is recommended that the server name be used in the
alias. For example the root certificate should be imported first and should be named myserver, the second
myserver2, and the third myserver3.
4. Run FSAL with SSL, as shown in the example provided in the previous section of this paper, “Running an
Application with FSAL”. However, be sure to include the switch -cert_truststore set to java in order to bypass
the automatic certificate importer.
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java -jar frmsal.jar -url "https://server:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp"
cert_truststore java
Troubleshooting SSL/TLS
TIP 1:
If certificates were manually inserted into the Java Keystore, verify the correct KeyStore was updated. By default, a
KeyStore is found in JRE_HOME/lib/security or in the user’s home directory. The default file name (when not using
the FSAL Certificate Importer) is cacerts. Verify that the file modified date/time is the same as when the import
command was executed. When using the FSAL Certificate Importer the TrustStore name is formstruststore.
TIP 2:
Verify that all certificates in the chain have been imported. In many cases, only the root certificate is needed. If it is
believed that there is a certificate chain, all the certificates can be listed for review using the following Java command:
keytool -list -keystore "C:\java\jdk1.8.0_341\jre\lib\security\cacerts"
TIP 3:
If the KeyStore or TrustStore updated is not in the JRE_HOME or user home directory, copy it to the JRE_HOME. Be
sure to create backup files of any files before overwriting.
TIP 4:
Enable Java SSL/TLS debugging. To enable debugging mode, run FSAL and the desired form as follows:
java jar frmsal.jar -url
The output can also be redirected to a text file as follows (assumes Microsoft Windows):
java jar frmsal.jar -url
"https://yourserver:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp" >
TIP 5:
If the KeyStore or TrustStore that contains the needed certificate(s) is not the default (in the default location), the
“keystore” or “truststore” switch can be used to explicitly reference the desired file.
java -jar frmsal.jar -url
java -jar frmsal.jar -url
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Signed Code
When an application is requested to be launched, it is helpful to know who owns the application. This helps to ensure
that the application owner is known and trusted by the user. If not trusted, the user can choose to cancel the
operation. This application owner identity is the result of including a digital signature (certificate) within the
application. For Oracle Forms, a digital signature certificate is added to the Oracle provided Forms Java JAR files.
Refer to the “jarsigner” utility and its documentation for details on how to add a certificate to your own JAR files.
Forms, Java Plug-in, and Java Web Start
To run a Forms application from a browser with the Java Plug-in or Java Web Start, the user likely clicks on a
hyperlink or bookmark or manually enters a URL into a browser. Unrelated to the use of Oracle Forms, the simple fact
that the user is using a browser puts their system at potential risk. With so many malicious web sites accessible on the
Internet, stumbling upon a malicious site, intentionally or unintentionally is almost inevitable. Fortunately, the Java
Plug-in and Java Web Start have special security features built-in to help mitigate the chances of malicious Java
applications being run on the user’s machine. One of these key security features is a requirement to only permit
signed (and trusted) applications to be run. Unsigned applications are not permitted and are blocked. Since there is
cost and organizational verification associated with obtaining a trusted code signing certificate (digital signature),
attempts to deliver malicious content in this manner are fairly rare, but are possible.
All Oracle Forms provided Java JAR files that run on the user’s machine are signed in order to comply with Java’s
security requirements mentioned above. This allows Forms applications to safely run in a browser or with Java Web
Start. It is further required that custom JAR files (those not provided by Oracle) also be properly signed with a trusted
certificate. Signing JARs not provided by Oracle is the customer’s responsibility. Using self-generated certificates is
not recommended and should be avoided. Although using self-generated certificates may seem to function, support
for this functionality may be removed from Java in the future.
FSAL and Signed JARs
JAR signing is recommended for all deployments, even when using FSAL. Since the inherent risk associated with
using a browser is mostly avoided when using FSAL, this client configuration is quickly becoming the preferred
approach. That said, carefully considering all security aspects of application deployment remains important.
Although running native Java applications like FSAL do not have the same level of built-in security checks found in
the Java Plug-in and Java Web Start, limited levels of signed code verification can be enabled.
The following has been deprecated in Java versions newer than version 11. Warnings as such may appear if enabling
this functionality with Java 17 or newer. These instructions are provided for legacy purposes only.
To enable signed code awareness for FSAL and specifically your application, follow these steps:
1. Obtain the public keys associated with all JAR files used in the application. Oracle provided JARs are signed when
delivered and this certificate is included in the KeyStore by default. If the signer’s public key for the JAR files used
is not available, use the following Java command for each of the JARs to obtain their certificates. The first
certificate returned should be the signer certificate and the one needed for the steps that follow.
keytool -printcert -rfc -jarfile yourJarFile.jar
2. On the user’s machine, import each public key into the Java KeyStore that will be used at runtime.
keytool -importcert -alias foo -file C:\foo.pem
The above alias can be any alphanumeric string, however be sure to remember it as it will be needed in a coming
step. Also, because the keystore switch was not included, a KeyStore in the user’s home directory will be used
(created if one does not exist). The file will be named “.keystore”. To use a different KeyStore and/or KeyStore
name, add the keystore switch as desired. Repeat the above step for each certificate.
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Refer to the Resources section of this document for helpful links to using the “keytool” utility.
3. Create a .java.policy file in the user’s home directory if one does not exist or if you want a fully customized file.
Otherwise, use the default file. <JAVA_HOME>\jre\lib\security\java.policy Add the following to it:
keystore ".keystore";
grant signedBy "foo" {
The “foo” reference is a pointer to the alias used in Step 2. Add additional “grant signedBy” sections for each key
that was imported in Step 2. The value of keystore is a pointer to the KeyStore file you expect to use.
4. Run your Forms application using FSAL with this slightly modified command entry:
java -jar frmsal.jar -url
When running the application, JAR certificates will be matched with those in the KeyStore. If they do not match, the
app will not run. In the above example, it is assumed that the default java.policy is used or a .java.policy was created
in the user’s home directory. You can alternatively access a custom policy file from an alternative directory on the
user’s machine or a remote location (URL).
-jar frmsal.jar -url "https://yourserver:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp"
-jar frmsal.jar -url "https://yourserver:port/forms/frmservlet?config=standaloneapp"
To ensure users are taking advantage of this validation, a startup script or similar should be used. Using a script will
help prevent the possibility of typographical errors or the possibility of not using the security manager.
Single Sign-on
Single Sign-on is an authentication concept that offers many valuable advantages to web applications. The idea of
integrating Forms with Single Sign-on (SSO) is often seen as having at least two significant benefits over using the
Forms database login functionality. The first is that the user only has to be authenticated to an application one time
while their browser remains open. This authentication can be shared with other browser applications or other Forms
applications. This means the user would not be required to login to each application, but rather only the first. This
applies to all applications protected by the same SSO server and applications running or launched from the same
browser session. The second advantage is that the database credentials for running Forms applications would be
hidden from the user.
To use SSO with FSAL you must perform the same configuration steps needed for using SSO with Forms in any other
case. For information about how SSO is configured with Forms and how it works, refer to the “Working with Oracle
Forms Guide”. Once this common configuration has been completed, add ssoMode=%ssoMode% to the Forms
template files basesaa.txt and webutilsaa.txt, using Fusion Middleware Control. To enable SSO for a specific
application, set ssoMode=true in the desired application configuration of the Forms Web Configuration settings
associated with the application to be protected.
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Copyright © 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Public
FSAL References
This section of the guide includes web configuration parameters, command line arguments, and several related error
messages. For complete details, refer to the “Working with Oracle Forms Guide”.
FSAL Web Configuration Parameters
For additional information about Forms Web Configuration parameters, refer to “Working with Oracle Forms”.
Specifies whether to ignore existing cache and download
fresh file(s) from the server.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether to ignore configured but missing JAR files
at startup. This should generally only be used for testing and
debugging. When set to TRUE, any occurrence of a missing
archive will result in an error but the session will attempt to
continue. This is the default behavior. When set to FALSE,
FSAL will attempt to continue if possible, but fail if not.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
Specifies the required Java version to run the application.
Refer to the Web Configuration Parameters table near the
end of the Working with Oracle Forms Guide for possible
value combinations.
Specifies, in seconds, how long the Forms servlet will wait for
the initial request from the browser that was launched by
FSAL for SSO authentication. If the interval expires, the fatal
error FRM-93249 will be reported.
Valid values: Integers in the range 1-300.
Default: 15
Specifies, in seconds, how long the Forms servlet will wait for
the user to enter data into a browser page during SSO
authentication for an FSAL application. If the interval expires,
the fatal error FRM-93382 or FRM-93383 will be reported.
Valid values: Integer >= 15, or 0 (wait indefinitely).
Default: 0
Specified the interval, in seconds, at which FSAL reissues
requests to the Forms servlet while SSO authentication is
proceeding in the launched browser. Larger values reduce
network traffic but increase the chances of a timing out
(thereby producing the fatal error FRM-93248).
Valid values: Integer >= 5, or 0 (do not reissue requests).
Default: 25
The URL to redirect to if SSO authentication completes
successfully for an FSAL application.
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FSAL Command Line Arguments
For additional information about FSAL command line arguments, refer to “Working with Oracle Forms”.
Specifies the fully qualified URL needed to run the Forms
application. The URL should include the necessary
configuration reference that includes the needed FSAL
settings (e.g. config=standaloneapp).
The URL must be surrounded by quotation marks.
When not using SSL/TLS, the protocol http:// can be
omitted from the URL entry.
Specifies, in milliseconds, the amount of time the launcher
should wait for the server to provide its initial response
before timing out.
Valid values: Positive integer >= 1
Default: 60000 (ms)
Specifies if the Forms web configuration parameters should
be display on command line when the application is loaded.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether to display additional details on
application loading and startup.
Valid values: 0, 1, 2, 99
Value descriptions:
0 No additional information should be displayed.
1 Show location from where resources are loaded.
2 Show SSL/TLS related information when certificate
information is not in the FSAL TrustStore.
99 Shows all the details.
Other values are reserved for future use.
Default: 0
Specifies whether to change the password of FSAL custom
TrustStore. A default password is set at creation time. That
password is: changeit
In most cases, there is little reason to set a password for the
truststore on a user’s machine unless it contains private
key/certificate information.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether the SSL/TLS certificates should be
imported without any user interaction. This argument is
ignored if cert_truststore is set.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
Specifies whether to use the Forms TrustStore or a custom
KeyStore for storing SSL/TLS certificates. A value of
"forms" or unset will result in using a Forms generated Java
TrustStore. A value of "java" will cause FSAL to look in the
Java default KeyStore for storing and verifying SSL/TLS
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certificates. When using the Java default store, you must
manually import needed certificates into it before running
any SSL/TLS application.
Valid values: forms, java
Default: forms
Specifies whether to clear all FSAL cache. The -url
argument will be ignored if used with -clearcache.
Valid values: TRUE, FALSE
Default: FALSE
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