City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
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Downtown Curb Appeal Program (DCAP)
The purpose of the Downtown Curb Appeal Program is to promote revitalization of properties in the Downtown
District by providing financial assistance to residents for improvement and maintenance to existing residential
buildings. Financial assistance is made available to provide a visual impact on the exterior of existing single-
family residences and owner-occupied multi-unit buildings, thus improving the quality of the neighborhood,
improve the sense of place and marketability of the overall area. The intent of this program is to incentivize
residents to take reinvest in their buildings and communities.
Owners of a single-family residence or owner-occupied multi-unit who are below 120% of the area median
income (AMI) and are located within the Downtown District are eligible for financial assistance. The funds can
be used to upgrade and rehabilitate the exterior façade of their buildings. Only projects, which have not begun
prior to being awarded, are eligible.
Eligible items may include:
Exterior Improvements to the façade, including but not limited to, the following: changing exterior
wall covering, landscaping, lighting, screening of unsightly utilities and to a limited extent, paving of
parking areas.
Exterior Maintenance measures that improve the overall looks of the façade and ensure the
sustainability of exterior surfaces, such as cleaning, painting, tuckpointing, repairing, power washing,
sand blasting, acid washing, window glazing, and caulking.
In order to be eligible to receive grant funds, all property taxes, real and personal, owed on the property
that is the subject of the application must be current at the time the application is made. Any property
on which there is past due balance for such taxes will be removed from consideration.
Property Conditions
All properties enrolled within the program will have a Housing Safety Inspection (HIS) conducted by
Community Development Staff. This inspection will check every room in each unit to assure the base level of
safety in present. This inspection does not supersede or circumvent any regular or required inspections by city
Code Enforcement during the duly and regularly permitted process to be carried out in part with funding from
this program. If the owner/building qualify for additional Community Development programs (such as the
Critical Repair program or the Lead Hazard Control grant) city staff will expand the application to include these
repairs. In such case, the most restrictive qualification standards and post-construction conditions will apply.
All projects must be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Office and all work we conducted
with proper permitting and approvals from the city Code Enforcement office.
City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
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Scoring Criteria
The level of private investment utilized for the renovation. Applicants providing more than a 50%
match will receive higher priority
The potential impact the project will have on the surrounding area (visual prominence/significance)
Whether the proposed improvements restore the historical character of the building
The building’s level of blight
Whether the building is abandoned
Improvements must be adjacent to a public space; however, priority is given to projects renovating
multiple facades
Whether the applicant has utilized the city incentive programs in the recent past
The City of Auburn may allocate $215,000 from the City ARPA funds for this program to complete projects on
a minimum of 18 separate properties within the Downtown District. Maximum assistance is $10,000 per unit
and can be combined with other city rehab programs.
All work must take place after an approved and separate scope of work and budget. A closing for a forgivable
loan will be executed and approved funds will be held in a city managed escrow account. Contractors will be
paid pari passu to matching funds and other programs funds which may be included. Financial assistance will
only be available to those projects meeting eligibility requirements and preference will be given to projects that
can be completed in a timely manner and make the most visual impact to the downtown area.
If additional funds are part of the financial package more restrictive procurement, inspection & post-
construction conditions (including owner occupancy or Fair Market Rent standards) will apply.
Downtown Curb Appeal
Sources and Uses
Unit Price
Total Sources=
Auburn Funds (ARPA)
Auburn Funds (ARPA)
Total Uses=
Program Administration (1 year)
Rebates for Approved Façade Improvements
Program Delivery (20 Hours)
Marketing and supplies
City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
Page 3 of 6
The City of Auburn will utilize existing data compiled and scored within the Downtown Blight survey to
inform a direct mailer campaign and targeted outreach will be conducted in collaboration with the city Codes
Downtown Curb Appeal Program (DCAP)_Guidelines
The goal of the
Downtown Curb Appeal Program
to promote revitalization of
properties in the Downtown District by providing financial assistance to residents for
improvement and maintenance to existing residential buildings.
This program is funded
by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and is subject to all requirements set forth
by the funders as well as the Community Development Program rules herein.
The property must be an owner-occupied, year-round residential property
of no more than 4 units.
Property owners must qualify at or below 120% of the Area Median
Income (AMI) based on the current year limits as established by HUD.
Owners must not be delinquent on any taxes or utilities.
Funds must be used to provide a visual impact on the exterior of existing
single-family residences and owner-occupied multi-unit building, thus
improving the quality of the neighborhood, improve the sense of place and
marketability of the overall area.
Loan Terms
Maximum loan assistance is $10,000 per unit.
Fully amortized loan @ 2% APR for 1-year, deferred
Upon final inspection and only if all conditions of the
agreement are met this loan will be converted to a grant.
All work must take place after an approved and separate scope of work and
budget. A closing for a forgivable loan will be executed and approved funds
will be held in a city managed escrow account. Contractors will be paid pari
City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
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passu to matching private funds and other programs funds included within the
approved budget and scope of work.
Projects will be eligible under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The
allocation of loan pool funds will be monitored and adhere to the current and
future requirements set forth by these funding sources.
Income Qualification:
Applicants will be required to provide source income.
Applicants will be required to sign a Rehabilitation Agreement to assure project
The Community Development Office has responsibility for administration of the
Neighborhood Curb Appeal
. Community Development verifies source
documentation in accordance with program guidelines and presents the loan
request to the Program Director for approval based on achieving the national
objective in part D above and part G below.
Private Funds: When matching funds are required, the applicant will have the option
of using cash or borrowed funds. Disbursement of funds will be Pari Passu to
matching funds on a per-invoice basis. Verification of private fund payments will
accompany each disbursement request.
In approving or denying loan requests, the Community Development staff shall
be guided by the following loan considerations:
Construction costs reasonable and arms-length.
Credit - credit history and reputation.
Payment of taxes or acceptable arrangements.
Collateral - Collateral coverage must be adequate as determined by
the Community Development Staff.
Security - other assets.
Commitment of matching funds.
Assessment Private/Public Benefit
The Community Development staff will also consider the broader
implications of private and public benefits.
City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
Page 5 of 6
Administration of this program shall be in accordance with Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964. No person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin,
be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or subjected to
discrimination under this program.
Applications shall be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Community
Development staff shall use the receipt date of a complete application (including
all required source documentations) to establish the order of priority. The
applicant will be notified if there is funding available to proceed with the project,
if there is inadequate funding then the application may be placed on a waiting
All properties enrolled within the program will have a Housing Safety Inspection
(HIS) conducted by Community Development Staff. This inspection will check
every room in each unit to assure the base level of safety in present. This inspection
does not supersede or circumvent any regular or required inspections by city Code
Enforcement during the duly and regularly permitted process to be carried out in
part with funding from this program.
a. Household Income
For the purpose of determining eligibility, Community
Development staff will calculate income by estimating the annual
income of a family or household by projecting the prevailing rate of
income of each person at the time assistance is requested based on
the IRS Form 1040 method as defined by the Office of Housing and
Urban Development.
Income of all members of the household over the age of 18 years is
considered for computing income. This may include wages, salaries,
overtime, bonuses, fees, tips, commissions, interest and dividend
income, self-employment income, net rental income, income from
estates or trusts, child support, alimony, Social Security benefits, SSI
retirement, survivor or disability pension, VA payments, pension, or
annuity, Temporary Aid to Needy Families, unemployment
City of Auburn, Maine
Business & Community Development
60 Court Street | Auburn, Maine 04210 | 207.333.6601
Page 6 of 6
benefits, worker's compensation, and disability or benefits from any
iii. For computing income, a household shall be defined as all persons who
occupy a housing unit. The occupants may be a single family, one
person living alone, two or more families living together or any other
group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements.
An applicant who holds the entire ownership interest of a property and
lives in one unit of the property as a primary residence.
Construction Costs
The total of contractor estimates from the lowest eligible contractors,
and the contingency determined to be reasonable by the Community
Development Staff.
property used entirely for residential purposes (household
living space).
e. Income Limits
To qualify applicants for assistance under the
Downtown Curb Appeal
, Community Development staff will use income limits for
Lewiston-Auburn SMSA established by the Office of Housing and Urban
Development. Revised charts will be used upon receipt.