Civil Action No. 1:14-cv-14176
December 15, 2017
Table of Contents
1. QUALIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 3
2. ASSIGNMENT AND SUMMARY OF OPINIONS ............................................................................................ 5
2.1. Assignment .................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Overview of report and summary of findings ............................................................................... 6
3.1. Harvard’s admissions process is highly competitive, and academic achievement is
abundant in its applicant pool ................................................................................................ 12
3.2. Harvard seeks candidates with a wide range of skills beyond academic achievement ............. 16
3.3. Harvard’s decision process is labor-intensive and seeks to understand the full context
of each applicant’s high school achievements ....................................................................... 23
3.4. Harvard’s ratings reflect important and otherwise unobservable information about the
academic and non-academic qualifications of applicants ..................................................... 25
3.5. Prof. Arcidiacono’s statistical model fails to account for numerous dimensions of
Harvard’s admissions process ................................................................................................ 31
MODELING HARVARD’S ADMISSIONS PROCESS .............................................................................. 33
4.1. There is no statistically significant difference in admission rates for the vast majority
of Asian-American and White applicants .............................................................................. 34
4.2. White applicants have relatively stronger qualifications on non-academic dimensions .......... 35
4.3. Prof. Arcidiacono’s model excludes available measures of life circumstance and
context ..................................................................................................................................... 40
ASIAN-AMERICAN APPLICANTS .............................................................................................................. 46
5.1. Important differences between Prof. Arcidiacono’s methodology and mine ............................ 46
5.2. My enriched model finds no statistically significant evidence of bias ....................................... 62
5.3. Analysis of key subgroups of the data further contradicts SFFA’s claim of systematic
bias ........................................................................................................................................... 75
5.4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 79
ADMISSIONS AT HARVARD .......................................................................................................................... 81
6.1. Race is less important than other factors in admissions decisions ............................................ 82
6.2. Race is less important than unmeasured, individualized factors .............................................. 85
6.3. Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim about a “floor” for the admission rate of African-American
applicants is not supported by available data ......................................................................... 87
6.4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................. 93
7. ANALYSIS OF POTENTIAL RACE-NEUTRAL ALTERNATIVES .......................................................... 95
7.1. Race-neutral alternatives identified in academic literature and by SFFA ............................... 95
7.2. Academic research indicates that race-neutral alternatives diminish universities’
ability to select for quality ....................................................................................................... 97
7.3. Analysis of race-neutral alternatives using Harvard’s admissions data ................................. 103
7.4. Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulated race-neutral practices, like others considered above,
could achieve a comparably diverse class only by changing the class in significant
ways and compromising its quality ....................................................................................... 151
7.5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 153
8. APPENDIX A.......................................................................................................................................................... 155
9. APPENDIX B.......................................................................................................................................................... 171
9.1. Documents relied upon ............................................................................................................. 171
10. APPENDIX C ....................................................................................................................................................... 178
10.1. Parent occupations.................................................................................................................. 178
11. APPENDIX D ....................................................................................................................................................... 180
11.1. Primary activities .................................................................................................................... 180
12. APPENDIX E ....................................................................................................................................................... 181
12.1. Variables used in logit model of admissions .......................................................................... 181
13. APPENDIX F........................................................................................................................................................ 187
13.1. Mr. Kahlenberg’s Simulations ............................................................................................... 187
Page 3
1. I received a B.A. degree in Economics from Queen’s University (in Canada) in 1978 and a
Ph.D. in Economics from Princeton University in 1983. From 1982 to 1983, I was an Assistant
Professor at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business. From 1983 to 1997, I held
positions as Assistant Professor and Professor of Economics at Princeton University. Since 1997, I
have been the Class of 1950 Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley.
2. I have published more than 110 articles and book chapters, co-authored one book, and co-
edited seven others, including the Handbook of Labor Economics. The majority of my publications
are focused on labor economics—the field of economics that addresses questions related to
discrimination in various contexts, including education. My articles have appeared in the leading
journals in economics and econometrics, including Econometrica, the American Economic Review,
the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Journal of
Econometrics. I served as co-editor of the American Economic Review from 2002 to 2005 and co-
editor of Econometrica from 1993 to 1997. I have also served on several editorial boards and
government advisory committees for statistical issues, including the National Academy of Science
Committee on National Statistics (2012 2015), the U.S. Census Advisory Committee (1991
1996), Statistics Canada’s Labour Statistics Advisory Committee (1990 2002), and the National
Institutes of Health Social Sciences, Nursing, Epidemiology, and Methods Review Panel (1998
3. My research has been recognized by several awards and prizes, including election as a
Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1998, a Fellow of the Econometric Society
in 1992, and a Fellow of the Society of Labor Economics in 2004. In 1995, I received the John Bates
Clark Medal, widely regarded as one of the highest honors in the field of economics, which is
awarded by the American Economic Association to the outstanding economist in the United States
under the age of 40. In 2006, I was awarded the IZA Prize by the Institute for the Study of Labor in
Bonn for outstanding academic achievement in the field of labor economics. In 2008, I was awarded
the Frisch Medal by the Econometric Society for the best article in applied economics published in
Econometrica in the previous two years. I was the co-recipient of the 2015 BBVA Foundation
Frontiers of Knowledge Award in economics.
4. My research focuses on statistical analysis of the labor market and related data pertaining to
such issues as wages, hours of work, employment, education, and immigration. I have published
multiple studies analyzing differential labor-market outcomes across race and gender (including
questions of discrimination), as well as a study of the effects of race-conscious admissions. In my
capacity as a journal editor, member of an editorial board, and member of proposal review
Page 4
committees, I have also edited, refereed, and critiqued many studies that address questions of
discrimination, education, and/or college admissions. My complete CV, which includes a list of
publications I have authored within the past ten years, is attached in Appendix A.
5. I am being compensated at my standard billing rate of $750 per hour. I have been assisted
in this matter by staff of Cornerstone Research, who worked under my direction. In addition to
compensation at my hourly rate, I receive compensation from Cornerstone Research based on its
collected billings for supporting me in this matter. None of my compensation in this matter is in any
way contingent or based on the content of my opinion in this or any other matter or the outcome of
this or any other matter. A list of my testimony in the last four years is attached in Appendix A.
2.1. Assignment
6. Harvard’s counsel have asked me to assess the following questions related to Harvard’s
admissions process, which I understand are relevant to the claims of the Plaintiff, Students for Fair
Admissions, Inc. (“SFFA”), in this matter on the basis of the complaint and SFFA’s expert reports:
Does statistical evidence support SFFA’s claim that Harvard
discriminates against Asian-American applicants in undergraduate
admissions decisions?
Does statistical evidence support SFFA’s claim that race is the
determinative factor in undergraduate admissions decisions for many
Is there statistical evidence that Harvard has engaged in racial balancing
in its undergraduate admissions process?
How would the racial composition and other attributes of Harvard’s
admitted class be expected to change if Harvard stopped considering
race and instead pursued a variety of race-neutral ways of seeking to
increase the racial diversity of its admitted class?
Are the analyses and conclusions offered by SFFA’s experts reliable?
7. In attempting to answer these questions, I have relied on several sources of information,
including deposition testimony in this matter, documents produced by Harvard in this matter,
database information produced by Harvard in this matter (covering all applicants to the classes of
2014 to 2019),
College Board data on neighborhood and high school demographics and high school
quality produced in this matter, relevant public information and data, and academic research. I have
also reviewed the reports submitted by SFFA from Professor Peter Arcidiacono and Mr. Richard
Prof. Arcidiacono states that the list of data Harvard produced and omitted can be found at HARV00006413,
HARV00006471, HARV00006541, HARV00006607, HARV00006695, and HARV00006759. A list of additional
database fields produced by Harvard is available at HARV00001322 HARV00001361.
Kahlenberg and their relevant supporting materials.
8. Appendix B to this report lists the documents on which I relied in forming the opinions
expressed in this report.
2.2. Overview of report and summary of findings
9. SFFA’s Complaint
and expert reports claim that Harvard’s undergraduate admissions
decisions exhibit bias against Asian-American applicants, that race is a determinative factor in the
Harvard admissions process for many applicants, and that Harvard can achieve its diversity goals
without considering race by using a variety of race-neutral admissions practices.
10. SFFA’s claim of discrimination against Asian-American applicants relies most
fundamentally on the premise that Asian-American applicants are admitted at a lower rate than White
applicants, while possessing higher academic credentials than White applicants on average. As I
explain in this report, however, there is a critical flaw in SFFA’s reasoning: as I understand from my
review of the documents and testimony in this matter, and as my empirical analysis corroborates,
Harvard’s admissions process values many dimensions of excellence, not just prior academic
11. As I detail in Section 3 below, Harvard’s applicant pool is full of students with
outstanding academic credentials. More than 8,000 applicants for the class of 2019 had perfect GPAs,
approximately 3,500 applicants had perfect SAT math scores, and nearly 1,000 applicants had perfect
ACT and/or SAT composite scores. In that pool, having strong academic credentials is not sufficient
to make an applicant a strong candidate for admission. The record in this case makes clear that it is
often the non-academic aspects of a candidate’s application that determine whether the candidate is
admitted from this academically exceptional pool, that the evaluation of each candidate takes into
account the full context of his or her life experiences, and that Harvard’s ultimate goal is to admit a
student body that exhibits excellence in a variety of forms and includes students with diverse
experiences, backgrounds, skills, and interests. Harvard’s admissions data are consistent with these
facts. They show, for example, that candidates who are strong on dimensions other than academics
are rarer than academically strong candidates. They also show that candidates who receive high
ratings in at least three of the four categories rated by admissions officers (academic, extracurricular,
athletic, and personal)—referred to in this report as candidates who are “multi-dimensional”—have a
Expert Report of Peter S. Arcidiacono, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College,
October 16, 2017 (“Arcidiacono Report”); Expert Report of Richard D. Kahlenberg, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v.
President and Fellows of Harvard College, October 16, 2017 (“Kahlenberg Report”).
Complaint, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College (Harvard Corporation); and
the Honorable and Reverend the Board of Overseers, November 17, 2014 (“Complaint”).
high admission rate and compose a much larger share of the admitted class than candidates who are
exceptional on just one dimension.
12. Prof. Arcidiacono reveals a significant misunderstanding of Harvard’s admissions process
by focusing so much of his analysis on academic achievement. For example, four of the six
regression models that Prof. Arcidiacono offers do not include controls for the three non-academic
ratings (extracurricular, personal, and athletic), which are central to Harvard’s evaluation of
candidates for admission. And Prof. Arcidiacono accounts in only a crude and limited way for
considerations of high school quality and socioeconomic background that Harvard uses to place in
context each applicant’s prior academic achievement. Such analyses are fundamentally flawed and
unreliable because they fail to account for the multi-dimensional evaluation Harvard employs when
rendering its admissions decisions.
13. As I explain in Section 4, Prof. Arcidiacono attempts to justify his focus on academics by
presenting a variety of basic descriptive analyses that purport to show a broad correlation between
Harvard’s academic index and non-academic qualifications that Harvard considers. He then argues
that it is reasonable to assume that Asian-American applicants are stronger than applicants of other
races in non-academic respects (including factors he cannot measure and include in his model)
because they are stronger on academic measures. That is a central assumption of his analysis—and,
as I demonstrate in Section 4, it is wrong. A more careful examination of the data shows that White
applicants are stronger than Asian-American applicants, in aggregate, across the three non-academic
dimensions that Harvard rates (athletic, extracurricular, and personal), and that they are more likely to
exhibit multi-dimensional excellence (i.e., receive high ratings in at least three of the four categories).
In fact, Prof. Arcidiacono’s own analysis shows that, across all of the non-academic variables he
includes in his regression model, White applicants in aggregate are stronger than Asian-American
applicants. Because non-academic factors are much harder to quantify than academic factors, and
thus fewer of them are observable in the Harvard admissions database, there is a strong possibility
that statistical models like those developed by Prof. Arcidiacono will exclude important non-
academic factors, and will therefore be biased in favor of finding a race-based disparity in admissions
between Asian-American and White applicants. That is, it is quite possible that if one could control
more extensively for non-academic factors, those factors—and not race—would explain any disparity
in the admission rate between Asian-American and White applicants.
14. In Section 4, I also explain how Prof. Arcidiacono’s models include very little
information that can account for the overall context of each candidate’s application, such as the
quality of the applicant’s high school, the applicant’s socioeconomic circumstances, and the
resources and opportunities available to the applicant as a result of his high school, neighborhood,
and family background. This contextual information is critical in the admissions process, because
Harvard recognizes that one cannot evaluate a student’s grades, standardized test scores, or other
attributes without understanding the circumstances in which the applicant grew up. For that reason,
the admissions process is designed to ensure that admissions officers have detailed knowledge of
many of the high schools and neighborhoods from which applicants apply, and that admissions
officers examine each applicant’s file in light of that context. Importantly, as I show below in Section
4, Prof. Arcidiacono failed to make use of a variety of such contextual factors that were available in
data produced to him, and that differ on average between Asian-American and White applicants.
15. In Section 5, I turn to a more formal statistical analysis of the difference in admission
rates between White and Asian-American applicants. This analysis shows that the purported “penalty
against Asian Americans” identified by Prof. Arcidiacono does not actually exist.
Arcidiacono’s finding is instead driven by two limitations of his model.
16. First, as noted above, his model does not account for numerous critical factors in the
available data that provide important context for each application, including measures of applicants’
socioeconomic status (such as the demographics of their neighborhoods), the quality of their high
schools, and other variables that can reflect differences in life experiences and opportunities. Prof.
Arcidiacono’s own models show that the factors of this type that he does include in his model help
explain the disparity in admission rates between White and Asian-American applicants, which is why
it is problematic that Prof. Arcidiacono does not control for more of them. Once Prof. Arcidiacono’s
model is modified to account for these additional factors, it finds no evidence of a racial disparity in
admissions decisions.
17. Second, Prof. Arcidiacono’s model combines data from multiple admissions cycles, thus
imposing the assumption that Harvard compares applicants across years rather than simply within
each year’s application pool. As I detail below, that assumption is unreasonable. Each admissions
cycle is different, and the data confirm as much, showing that the estimated effect of various factors
on an applicant’s probability of admission changes substantially from year to year. Importantly, when
I analyze the data year-by-year, as the evidence supports, I find that the model’s predictive accuracy
increases. My year-by-year analysis finds that the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity on
applicants’ probability of admission is not statistically significant in any year, or even on average
across all six years, and is actually positive in four of six years.
18. It is important to note that even when I enrich the model to account for additional control
variables and to account for differences in the admissions process from year to year, the model still
does not perfectly capture all of the information on which the Harvard Admissions Committee relies
when making admissions decisions. This problem is what I refer to throughout the report as a
Arcidiacono Report, p. 61.
“missing data” problem—a problem that exists when modeling any complex decision process (like
admissions to Harvard) in which decisionmakers consider many factors that are hard to quantify. The
data I am discussing are “missing” because they are not quantified in Harvard’s database or because
they are inherently difficult to quantify. Importantly, because non-academic factors that are a relative
strength of White applicants (on average) are harder to quantify than academic factors, it is likely that
additional such factors remain missing from the model even after I enrich the model to capture more
information on non-academic factors.
19. In Section 5, I also address Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim that Harvard’s personal and overall
ratings are biased against Asian-American applicants. In the case of the personal rating, the statistical
evidence Prof. Arcidiacono offers in support of this claim is weak for two key reasons. First, the
ordered logit models that Prof. Arcidiacono uses to try to isolate the effect of race on the personal
rating are, by his own measure of statistical reliability, weak—that is, the models explain only a
relatively small fraction of the differences across candidates in the personal ratings. A key reason for
this is that the available admissions data include only a few quantitative variables that can be used to
model variation in the personal rating. In essence, the “missing data” problem I describe above is
particularly severe for the assessment of personal ratings, which depend largely on qualitative factors
that cannot be captured in Harvard’s database. For example, testimony in the record indicates that the
applicant’s essay is an important consideration in the personal rating, but there is no quantifiable
measure of the essay in the data I analyze. This means that the disparity Prof. Arcidiacono labels
“bias” may very well be explained by factors other than race that the model does not include.
Importantly, Prof. Arcidiacono’s own model finds that the estimated negative effect of Asian-
American ethnicity on the personal rating shrinks as non-academic factors are added to the model.
This pattern suggests that the estimated effect would shrink further if one could quantify the missing
data that the Harvard admissions officers use to form their assessments.
20. Another reason to be skeptical of the reliability of Prof. Arcidiacono’s model of the
personal rating is that his model of the academic rating—which is the most reliable of any of his
ratings models—shows that Asian-American ethnicity has an estimated positive and significant effect
on that rating.
So does his model of the extracurricular rating. Given these results, one of two things
must be true. Either (1) Harvard is engaging in an exceptionally unusual form of discrimination, in
which it is favoring Asian-American applicants in the academic and extracurricular ratings only to
penalize them in the personal and overall ratings, or (2) Prof. Arcidiacono’s ratings models are
simply not reliable enough to measure all of the differences between Asian-American and White
applicants on the various dimensions valued by Harvard that drive the assignment of ratings.
21. While Prof. Arcidiacono provides no reliable evidence that the personal rating is biased
against Asian-American applicants—and while excluding that rating from a model of admissions is
problematic because the rating plays a significant role in the admissions process and incorporates
data on the qualities of the applicants that are otherwise missing—I agree with Prof. Arcidiacono that
the overall rating should be excluded from the model. Testimony in this case indicates that an
applicant’s race may have a direct effect on her overall rating, and it is a well-accepted statistical
practice to exclude variables from a regression model that may themselves be directly influenced by
the variable of interest (here, race). While I have excluded the overall rating from my admissions
model, I also believe that the model of overall ratings developed by Professor Arcidiacono is too
weak to provide reliable statistical evidence of “bias” in the assignment of this rating. Like Prof.
Arcidiacono’s models of the ratings in general, the overall-rating model leaves unexplained a large
proportion of the variation in the overall ratings and cannot control for numerous factors that may
influence the overall rating and may be correlated with race.
22. Despite my view that removing the personal rating from the model is a flawed approach, I
also implement an analysis that assumes for the sake of argument that the personal rating may be
biased and removes it (as well as the overall rating) from the model altogether. This is an extremely
conservative approach, because it removes the personal rating from the model entirely—not just the
supposedly biased component of the rating—even though Prof. Arcidiacono’s own analysis shows
that, when the supposed bias is statistically eliminated from the personal rating, White applicants’
personal ratings are still on average slightly higher than those of Asian-American applicants.
Nevertheless, using this very conservative model, I still find no evidence of a statistically significant
negative association between Asian-American ethnicity and applicants’ likelihood of admission in
five of the six admissions cycles for which data are available.
23. In Section 6, I assess how the race of African-American, Hispanic, and Other (non-Asian)
minority race (AHO) candidates affects their likelihood of admission, in order to respond to Prof.
Arcidiacono’s argument that race has a large effect for such candidates.
I reach several conclusions
on this issue. First, consistent with testimony from Harvard witnesses, I find that although AHO
ethnicity is associated with a significantly higher likelihood of admission, the importance of race in
explaining admission decisions is much smaller than that of many other factors Harvard considers.
Second, I show that race plays only a small role in admissions outcomes for the vast majority of
applicants. And for the small number of applicants for whom race plays a more significant role, other
non-race factors also substantially affect the applicants’ likelihood of admission. Third, I find that the
estimated effect of race for almost all AHO applicants is smaller than that of individualized
“unobservable” factors that cannot be quantified by a statistical model. Taken together, these results
suggest that, while race plays a role in admission decisions—by design—it is just one of many factors
Other minority race applicants include applicants classified as Native American or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander under
Harvard’s “old methodology,” the race definition that Prof. Arcidiacono uses throughout his report (Arcidiacono Report,
p. 2
Harvard considers in its whole-person review of each candidate. I also examine Prof. Arcidiacono’s
claim that Harvard has recently imposed a floor on the admission rate of African-American
applicants and find no evidence to support that claim.
24. In Section 7, I turn to a final question: are there race-neutral admissions practices that
Harvard could implement that would allow it to achieve its diversity objectives, without lowering the
quality of its class on other dimensions that it values? Using the admissions model developed in
Section 5, I simulate how various race-neutral admissions practices (both alone and in combination)
would affect the demographic and other characteristics of the admitted class. I show that Harvard
could achieve comparable ethnic and racial diversity by other means, but that doing so would
produce a student body that is less exceptional on multiple dimensions that I understand Harvard
values (such as academic credentials, extracurricular achievement, and personal qualities).
25. In performing my analysis in Section 7, I also assess the literature analyzed and
simulations offered by Mr. Kahlenberg. I generally agree with Mr. Kahlenberg that race-neutral
alternatives can sometimes be used to help universities increase racial diversity. As I explain below,
however, the relevant question here is not whether some universities could achieve diversity without
considering race but whether Harvard could do so, and furthermore whether doing so would harm
Harvard’s other institutional and educational objectives. A direct analysis of Harvard’s data is needed
to answer that question. With regard to Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulations of race-neutral alternatives, I
show using Mr. Kahlenberg’s own data that the proposed alternatives he considers either lead to a
significantly less diverse class, or to a class that is comparably diverse but far weaker in other
dimensions that I understand Harvard values, such as academic quality.
26. The first step in my analysis is a careful review of the discovery in this case concerning
Harvard’s admissions process. The purpose of this review is to understand what factors Harvard
values when admitting students. As noted above, SFFA’s claim of bias against Asian-American
applicants relies centrally on the premise that Asian-American applicants have the strongest academic
qualifications on average across racial groups, but are admitted at a lower rate than applicants of
other races. SFFA’s expert, Prof. Arcidiacono, focuses much of his analysis on academic
qualifications. It is essential, however, to understand what other factors Harvard considers when
evaluating candidates, and how important those factors are relative to academic credentials in
explaining the variability in admissions outcomes.
27. In the remainder of this section, I summarize the key features of Harvard’s
decisionmaking process. I start with an analysis of the size of Harvard’s applicant pool and the
competitive nature of admissions decisions. I show that superb standardized test scores and GPAs are
abundant among Harvard applicants, with thousands of candidates having perfect GPAs and/or SAT
and ACT scores. It is impossible for Harvard to admit all applicants with exceptional academic
credentials, and so focusing too much on such credentials when trying to understand admissions
decisions (as Prof. Arcidiacono does) is the wrong approach.
28. I then summarize relevant information in the record that identifies the broader set of
characteristics that Harvard seeks in the students it admits. Documents and testimony show that
Harvard values candidates who can contribute to both academic and non-academic dimensions of
campus life, and that Harvard considers the full context of an applicant’s life experience (including
the quality of her high school, the characteristics of her home neighborhood, and her family
background) when deciding whom to admit. Those facts will be critical to the statistical analyses I
offer in Sections 4 and 5. An important difference between my analysis and Prof. Arcidiacono’s is
that my analysis includes a much richer set of control variables, including more detailed controls for
applicants’ socioeconomic status (as measured by the demographic characteristics of their
neighborhoods and high schools as well as their parents’ occupations) that more accurately reflect
and account for the many different factors Harvard weighs in its whole-person admissions process.
3.1. Harvard’s admissions process is highly competitive, and academic achievement is abundant in its
applicant pool
29. Harvard’s admissions process is one of the most competitive and selective in the country.
For example, more than 37,000 high school students applied to Harvard for admission to the class of
2019, but only 2,003 were admitted, leading to an admission rate of 5.37%.
According to U.S. News
and World Report, Harvard had the third-lowest admission rate among U.S. universities in Fall
30. Exhibit 1 shows the number of domestic applicants, number of domestic admitted
students, and the admission rate to Harvard for domestic applicants each year for the classes of 2014
to 2019 (the years for which admissions data were produced in this matter).
As the table shows,
Harvard’s domestic applicant pool has grown since the class of 2014 admissions cycle, while the
number of admitted domestic students has fallen, making Harvard’s admissions process for domestic
students even more competitive in recent years. More domestic candidates now apply each year for
fewer spots, and as a result Harvard’s admission rate has declined consistently over time from 8.75%
to 6.61%.
Domestic applicants, admitted students, and admission rates at Harvard by year
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
The admission rate of 5.37% includes all applicants and admitted students, including international students. Analyses in
the remainder of this report are limited to domestic applicants, consistent with Prof. Arcidiacono’s definition (see
U.S. News and World Report, “Top 100 Lowest Acceptance Rates,” available at https://www.usnews.com/best-
colleges/rankings/lowest-acceptance-rate, accessed December 7, 2017.
I follow Prof. Arcidiacono by defining “domestic” applicants as those who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and
in limiting my analyses to domestic applicants. Throughout my analyses, I primarily rely on Prof. Arcidiacono’s
produced, processed dataset (the “Arcidiacono Data”), which is constructed using the data produced by Harvard in this
litigation. I also use a version of Prof. Arcidiacono’s produced dataset that is augmented with additional variables from
the College Board and Harvard’s underlying data and that reflects a few technical corrections, which I refer to as the
“Augmented Arcidiacono Data.”
31. In addition to having a relatively small number of places available in its freshman class
for a large number of applicants, Harvard also has an applicant pool with extraordinary academic
qualifications. As shown in Exhibit 2, nearly 3,500 domestic applicants to the class of 2019 had
perfect math SAT scores. Additionally, more than 8,000 domestic applicants had a perfect converted
GPA (based on Harvard’s GPA index, which normalizes GPAs across high schools), 625 earned
perfect composite ACT scores, 361 earned a perfect 2400 on the SAT, and thousands had average
SAT subject test scores of 700 or higher. As shown in Exhibit 3, domestic students admitted to
Harvard’s class of 2019 had mean and median SAT scores of 2241 and 2270, respectively, and mean
and median ACT scores of 33 and 34, as well as an average converted GPA of 77 out of 80.
32. These data show that even if Harvard wanted to admit every student with elite academic
credentials, it could not. Harvard admits roughly 1,800 domestic students each year, yet thousands of
applicants have impeccable academic qualifications.
For example, based on the statistics in Exhibit
2, even if Harvard sought to admit only applicants with a perfect GPA, it would need to reject at least
6,000 such applicants and all other domestic applicants. Similarly, even if Harvard sought to admit
only applicants with a perfect Math SAT score, it would need to reject nearly 2,000 such applicants
and all other domestic applicants.
See workpaper.
Many applicants to the class of 2019 had outstanding standardized test scores and grades
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the class of 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Harvard converts applicant GPAs to a
35–80 scale.
Admitted students have strong academic credentials
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from admitted students to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
3.2. Harvard seeks candidates with a wide range of skills beyond academic achievement
33. Given the extraordinary academic credentials of the Harvard applicant pool each year, the
key question for any statistical analysis of the admissions process (and for assessing SFFA’s
analyses) is: What other characteristics does Harvard evaluate when trying to differentiate among
academically capable students, and how scarce are those characteristics in the applicant pool relative
to the abundance of academic credentials? In this sub-section, I summarize testimony and documents
from Harvard that detail the characteristics it seeks in individual applicants, as well as the broader
diversity in life experiences, perspectives, and interests it seeks for each class as a whole.
3.2.1. Harvard’s whole-person evaluation relies on an “expansive view of excellence,” and seeks to identify
a wide variety of “distinguishing excellences”
34. The guiding principle of Harvard’s admissions process, as I understand it, is to evaluate
each applicant as a whole person, not just in terms of her academic qualifications but in terms of all
other attributes. Documents from Harvard indicate that a central goal of Harvard’s whole-person
evaluation process is an assessment of each applicant’s potential to contribute in various ways to
Harvard’s educational environment and campus community. This process requires a careful
assessment of the aspects of each applicant that distinguish her from other applicants, as well as an
assessment of the context in which the applicant’s achievements occurred, such as the availability of
opportunities to the applicant and the difficulty of the challenges the applicant has faced. Importantly,
documents indicate that academic strength on its own is generally not sufficient to distinguish an
applicant. In fact, Harvard’s 2014 – 2015 Interviewer Handbook (“Interviewer Handbook”) notes that
35. The Interviewer Handbook summarizes what Harvard refers to as its “Search for
Distinguishing Excellences” as follows:
Interviewer Handbook, 2014 – 2015, HARV00001392 – 1438 (“Interviewer Handbook”) at HARV00001401. Other
documents from Harvard support this account of the admissions process. For example, in a presentation given to guidance
counselors at schools in the Sarasota, Florida area, Harvard admissions officer Kanoe Williams explained that test scores
are just a “small piece” of Harvard’s whole-person evaluation; that, “in general, we can tell pretty quickly if a student will
be an academic fit for our school”; and that “the lengthier part of the conversation typically focuses on intangibles, the
qualitative pieces” (Sarasota Presentation, “KLW - Sarasota Presentation,” HARV00013561 – 65 at HARV00013563 –
36. The Interviewer Handbook then goes on to list a variety of examples of “distinguishing
excellences” that admissions officers look for when reviewing application files:
Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001400 – 01.
Deposition testimony indicates that the personal essay is also a key factor in evaluating personal qualities. See, for
example, Deposition of Roger Banks, May 4, 2017 (“Banks Deposition”), pp. 79–80 (“Q. And for each of those
categories, can you tell me how they were assigned a numerical score?...[A] Extracurricularly, quality of achievement,
strength of performance in any particular domain, personal qualities, some grasp of the candidate’s personality, interest in
other people, cooperation with others, a sense of responsibility as gleaned from teacher recommendations, personal
interview, personal essay, et cetera. Q. Okay. So for the last category, the—the main inputs you would look at were
recommendations, interview, and anything else? A. The candidate’s essay.”); Deposition of Brock Walsh, June 28, 2017
(“Walsh Deposition”), p. 60 (“Q How would you calculate that score?…[A.] I would like to take into consideration
whatever relevant information I had were that his essay, her essay, her interview, and the opinions about that applicant as
expressed by others.”); Deposition of Tia Ray, June 7, 2017 (“Ray Deposition”), pp. 21–22 (“Q. What are the materials
that you use—materials or considerations that go into determining this person’s score?…A. For example, content in
recommendation letters, personal essays.”).
3.2.2. Harvard evaluates applicants’ distinguishing excellences within the context of their full life
experience, including their high school, community, family, and other factors
37. Harvard’s assessment of each applicant’s overall qualifications and distinguishing
excellences takes into account the full context of the applicant’s life experience. My understanding is
that Harvard seeks to understand the opportunities and challenges each applicant has faced so that it
can better evaluate each applicant’s achievements and potential to contribute to Harvard. For
example, William Fitzsimmons, Harvard’s Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, testified that the
context of each high school is particularly important when evaluating the qualifications of any given
Given the fact that we want to understand as completely as possible
what the … applicant has accomplished both in school, out of school,
you know, throughout his or her life, getting to know the school, the
opportunities within the school, academically, extracurricularly, and in
other ways, what they might learn from fellow students, all the usual
things that you might look for in a college that would be of interest. And
also is interesting for the—helpful for readers to understand which
courses might be tougher than others, things of that sort, the full
38. Marlyn McGrath, Director of Admissions, also testified that the Admission Committee’s
assessment of the context of each applicant’s family life and community is crucial to the evaluation
of her achievements:
The most important thing to say is that when an applicant has applied,
each applicant is really considered as an individual, including—whose
candidacy will always include, generally include, many factors, family
Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001401 – 02.
Deposition of William Fitzsimmons, August 3, 2017 (“Fitzsimmons Deposition”), pp. 233–234.
background, which will include whatever we know of race, whatever
else we know about family circumstances and education, whatever we
can know about the nature of the school and the kind of community the
student grew up in. Those context features, those features of the
student’s setting are always important to us in imagining how well he’s
achieved in the circumstances that he started with to us as a candidate.
3.2.3. Documents from Harvard identify specific examples of qualifications that help applicants distinguish
themselves from others
39. To help train admissions officers and alumni interviewers to identify the types of
“distinguishing excellences” detailed above, as well as how to evaluate each candidate’s
accomplishments in context, Harvard maintains a Casebook and Casebook Discussion Guide that
highlight examples based on actual application files.
The discussion guide aims to highlight
40. Below are a variety of examples from applications in the Casebook that illustrate the wide
variety of factors Harvard considers in order to distinguish among the many academically strong
candidates in its pool. These factors include, for example, personal qualities like intellectual
arrogance or social charm, economic resources and family hardship, personal essays and interviews,
artistic qualities, maturity and ability to balance multiple commitments, and the degree of parental
Deposition of Marlyn McGrath, Volume I, June 18, 2015 (“McGrath Deposition 2015”), pp. 231–232.
2012 Casebook, HARV00000212 – 321 (“Casebook”); Discussion Guide to the 2012 Casebook, HARV00018164 –
176 (“Casebook Discussion Guide”).
Casebook Discussion Guide at HARV00018165.
3.2.4. Harvard seeks diversity of life experience and perspectives for each class on numerous dimensions
41. As noted above, my understanding is that Harvard seeks to admit not just a set of
individuals with distinguishing excellences, but also a class that includes individuals with a wide
range of life experiences and perspectives.
42. For example, the 2016 Report of the Committee to Study the Importance of Student Body
Diversity, chaired by Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana (“Khurana Report”), states:
The mission of Harvard College is to educate the citizenry and citizen
leaders for our society. We take this mission very seriously and firmly
believe it is accomplished through the transformative power of a liberal
arts and sciences education. That transformation begins in the classroom
with exposure to new ideas, new ways of understanding and new ways
of knowing. It is further fostered through a diverse residential
environment where our students live with peers who are studying
different subjects, who come from different walks of life, and have
different identities. This exposure to difference not only deepens a
student’s intellectual transformation, but also creates the conditions for a
social transformation as students begin to question who they are and
how they relate to others.
43. One form of diversity that Harvard seeks is racial diversity. For example, President Faust
testified: “It’s important that we have a class that represents diversity along a number of dimensions,
and race is one of those dimensions. Economic status is another. Artistic ability is another. Life
experience is another. Interest in a variety of fields that we represent is another.”
44. Dean Fitzsimmons described how the Admissions Committee considers an applicant’s
self-reported race as one among many factors as it seeks to admit a diverse class:
Casebook Discussion Guide at HARV00018165169, HARV00018174175.
“Report of the Committee to Study the Importance of Student Body Diversity,” HARV00008048 69 (“Khurana
Report”) at HARV00008048.
Deposition of Catherine Drew Gilpin Faust, March 10, 2017 (“Faust Deposition”), p. 196.
We know that race is one factor among many as we review each
application…There are students who might write an essay on how
formative and important race was. There are students who might not
present themselves in such a way. But as one were to look at the
application in its entirety, you could come to the conclusion that race
certainly may have been a factor in their person’s life and may help that
person be a better educator of others during college and beyond. Each
application is different, one from the next.
3.3. Harvard’s decision process is labor-intensive and seeks to understand the full context of each
applicant’s high school achievements
45. Based on my review of deposition testimony and documents produced in this matter, I
understand that, to implement its whole-person assessment of each applicant, Harvard has
implemented a multi-stage decision process with input from a large team of admissions officers.
Dean Fitzsimmons has described this as a “rigorous comparative process.”
46. The Admissions Committee is divided by geographic region into twenty subcommittees,
known as dockets.
Each subcommittee normally includes four to five members and a chairperson,
who are collectively responsible for the initial evaluation of all candidates from the geographic area.
Each member of a subcommittee is responsible for performing the initial read of all applications from
a set of high schools on the docket. My understanding is that admissions officers often sit on multiple
subcommittees. The admissions officer who conducts the first read of a given application (the “first
Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 8788.
Applicants have the option to apply “Early Action” to Harvard. Early Action applications are due in November, and if
an applicant applies early to Harvard, he may not apply to any other private university’s Early Action or Early Decision
program. Offers of admission to Early Action candidates are announced in December, and are non-binding (that is, an
applicant offered Early Action admission may still apply to other universities in the Regular Decision cycle). Early Action
applicants who are not accepted in December are either denied admission or “deferred” – that is, shifted into the Regular
Decision pool and reconsidered during the Regular Decision admissions cycle. I understand that the subcommittee and
full committee processes for Early Action applicants are primarily the same as described above for Regular Decision, but
with far fewer applications (Harvard College, “Restrictive Early Action,” available at
https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/apply/application-timeline/restrictive-early-action, accessed August 14, 2017).
William Fitzsimmons, “Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1,” New York Times, September 10,
2009, available at https://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/harvarddean-part1/, accessed November 10, 2017.
Two of the twenty dockets (U and V) are comprised entirely of applicants from international high schools.
William Fitzsimmons, “Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1,” New York Times, September 10,
2009, available at https://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/harvarddean-part1/, accessed November 10, 2017.
reader”) can choose to pass the application on to the subcommittee chair for review if the first reader
believes that the application merits further consideration.
47. I understand that admissions officers focus on specific high schools in their geographic
regions, gain detailed knowledge of those high schools, and rely on that knowledge when evaluating
In particular, I understand that admissions officers rely on such knowledge to better
evaluate candidates within the context of the academic and non-academic opportunities and
challenges that they have encountered at their particular high schools.
As I discuss below,
accounting for high school context in a statistical model of the admissions process is critical because
it is one of the important ways in which admissions officers distinguish among candidates.
48. Once all applications from a particular docket have been reviewed, the subcommittee for
that docket meets to discuss the applications. My understanding is that during this process, the first
reader summarizes the strength of the applications he or she has read. Subcommittee members
discuss applications, and then vote on each application to recommend an action to the full
Committee. The degree of support expressed for applicants is noted to allow for comparisons with
applicants from other subcommittees.
The full Admissions Committee then meets to discuss the
candidates recommended by each subcommittee. For Regular Decision applicants, full committee
meetings take place over the course of approximately two weeks during March.
49. My understanding is that during the full committee process, the first reader, or area
Deposition of Caroline A. Weaver, Volume II, March 6, 2017 (“Weaver Deposition, Volume II”), p. 221 (“If I read an
application and thought that it was a strong application, I would pass it to the chair of the docket.”).
Fitzsimmons Deposition, p. 233 (“The beginning piece of the evaluation, you know, would be as, for example, if I
covered Chicago, that I would typically be the first reader of an application from that area. Q. And, in fact, the readers
within a particular docket are divided up by high schools within the docket? A. Yes. Q. So the same reader is supposed to
read all the applications from a particular school? A. Yes. Q. Is that done so that there's better understanding of the way
the school works and the level of classes and information that is going to apply to all applicants? … A. That’s certainly
one of the reasons.”).
Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 233234 (“Q. Is that done so that there’s better understanding of the way the school
works and the level of classes and information that is going to apply to all applicants? … A. That’s certainly one of the
reasons. There are others. Q. What are the others? A. Given the fact that we want to understand as completely as possible
what the applica—what the applicant has accomplished both in school, out of school, you know, throughout his or her
life, getting to know the school, the opportunities within the school, academically, extracurricularly, and in other ways,
what they might learn from fellow students, all the usual things that you might look for in a college that would be of
interest. And also is interesting for the—helpful for readers to understand which courses might be tougher than others,
things of that sort, the full context.”).
William Fitzsimmons, “Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1,” New York Times, September 10,
2009, available at https://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/harvarddean-part1/, accessed November 10, 2017.
Admissions Calendar 2013 – 2014, HARV00031933.
person, for an application generally presents the applicant’s file to the full Committee, and may
choose to project portions of the application on a screen during the discussion so that the Committee
can review important components of the application.
For example, deposition testimony indicates
that the admissions officer presenting the case might use excerpts of visual art or music submissions
or academic papers to highlight an applicant’s skills,
and that discussions in subcommittee or in full
Committee on a single applicant may range in length up to a half hour or more.
The full Committee
compares all candidates across all subcommittees.
50. According to Dean Fitzsimmons, “[t]his rigorous comparative process strives to be
deliberate, meticulous, and fair. It is labor intensive, but it permits extraordinary flexibility and the
possibility of changing decisions virtually until the day the Admissions Committee mails them.”
3.4. Harvard’s ratings reflect important and otherwise unobservable information about the academic
and non-academic qualifications of applicants
51. To help quantify and formalize the evaluation of each applicant by the Admissions
Committee, Harvard employs a numeric rating system. Each admissions officer who reviews an
application rates the applicant on four key dimensions: academic, extracurricular, athletic, and
Deposition of Chris Looby, June 30, 2017 (“Looby Deposition”), pp. 3334 (“Q. Do you ever put a summary sheet on
a projection screen? A. Yes, we do.”).
Deposition of Roger Banks, May 4, 2017 (“Banks Deposition”), pp. 197198 (“A. The area person would begin with
an overall summary of the case, its significant features, academically and extracurricularly, arguments to admit, and
proceed to point the committee toward evidence to support those arguments. Q. Would the members have any other
materials that they’re looking at during that conversation, or is it just what’s presented here? A. It would be what’s
presented here in addition to supplemental information, music tapes, visual art supplements, academic papers, things of
that kind.”).
Fitzsimmons Deposition, p. 157 (“But, again, there’s no way to, you know, when 40 people are listening in some cases
for half an hour or more to a single application and discussing that application, exactly why they would choose to admit
that applicant—just impossible to quantify that kind of thing.”).
Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 297–298 (“And so, in the end, all of those students are—have to be compared against all
of the other people from all the other dockets, and lots of times there’s new information available. You know, there could
be any number of new pieces of information, new interview or whatever, and that might make for a different case. So
every one ultimately gets compared to everyone else in the same process that I have mentioned earlier today, where you
would literally—if you were, say, the area person for a candidate from a school, there would be a docket that people could
look at but then all the information about that applicant would have to go up on the screen and you would have to make
your argument in front of the full committee.”).
William Fitzsimmons, “Guidance Office: Answers From Harvard’s Dean, Part 1,” New York Times, September 10,
2009, available at https://thechoice.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/harvarddean-part1/, accessed November 10, 2017.
These are referred to as “profile ratings.” Admissions officers also assign numerical
ratings to the applicant’s “school support”—that is, recommendation letters submitted by high school
teachers and guidance counselors.
Applicants who receive alumni interviews also receive ratings
from their interviewers, and some applicants may receive additional ratings from interviews by
admissions staff.
Applicants who submit recordings of musical performances may also receive a
numerical rating assigned by a member of Harvard’s music faculty.
53. Admissions officers and alumni interviewers also assign applicants an overall rating.
Deposition testimony indicates that the overall rating (a) takes into account the profile ratings but is
not a formulaic summation or average of those ratings, and (b) can reflect other aspects of an
application that the reviewer considered but that are not captured in the profile ratings (including
I understand that the numerical ratings in the database may not include certain other
These ratings are generally assigned early in the application-reading process, so they do not always reflect
information—such as a faculty evaluation of an applicant’s academic work, or an alumni interview—that may arrive later
on (2018 Reading Procedures at HARV0001541415, HARV00015423 24).
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015416.
Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001418; Interview Information Sheet Class of 2017, HARV00000008 09 at
HARV00000009; Deposition of Sarah Donahue, June 6, 2017 (“Donahue Deposition”), pp. 193–195 (“Q. … Do the
alumni interviewers themselves assign scores for the applicants which they interview? A. Yes. Q. And is that also on the
four-point scale or the four-number scale? A. Yes. … Q. When there are staff interviews, does the staff assign numbers in
the same way that the alumni interviewers do? … A. They are the same two categories.”).
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015424.
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015414 – 16.
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015415 (“Extracurricular, Community Employment, Family Commitments …
5. Substantial activity outside of conventional EC participation such as family commitments or term-time work…”).
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015414; Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001429; Interview Information Sheet
Class of 2017, HARV00000008 – 09.
Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 249–250; McGrath Deposition 2015, pp. 172–173; Deposition of Lucerito Ortiz, June 14,
2017 (“Ortiz Deposition”), pp. 28–29; Deposition of Kaitlin Howrigan, June 20, 2017 (“Howrigan Deposition”), pp. 32–
33; Deposition of Brock Walsh, June 28, 2017 (“Walsh Deposition”), pp. 61, 66–67. For testimony addressing how race
may be taken into account as one of many factors considered when assigning an overall rating, see Ray Deposition, pp.
27–28 (“Q. Is race taken into account when you give a student an overall rating? A. It depends. … Q. How so? … A. On
the individual case and the individual admissions officer,” and “Q. Why is it different—why do you take race into account
in the overall rating but in none of the other ratings? ... A. It depends on the individual case. And we may take it into
assessments that the Admissions Committee may receive during the course of the admissions
process—for example, evaluations that Harvard faculty members may provide of academic work that
an applicant has submitted.
54. Each rating is designed to capture numerous characteristics of the applicant that Harvard
values, many of which extend beyond easily quantifiable measures like test scores. For example,
documents and testimony in this case reveal that the academic rating can reflect not only the
applicant’s grades and test scores but also the admissions officer’s knowledge of the applicant’s high
school (and thus ability to place in context the applicant’s academic accomplishments, given the
applicant’s opportunities), as well as the officer’s knowledge of the strength of the candidate’s high
school curriculum, appraisals of the candidate’s academic work by Harvard faculty (to the extent
such appraisals are received before the academic rating is assigned), and the candidate’s receipt of
academic honors or awards.
It may also reflect the applicant’s writing skills.
The extracurricular
rating, likewise, reflects not only the number of extracurricular activities in which an applicant has
participated and the number of hours the applicant has devoted to those activities, but also the nature
of the applicant’s activities, whether the applicant has held leadership roles, and whether the activities
are highly selective.
55. A written set of “Reading Procedures” summarizes the protocols that admission officers
are to follow when reviewing an application and sets forth “coding guidelines” that guide how
admissions officers assign profile ratings. The coding guidelines provide standards for when to assign
each rating. For example, a “1” academic rating means:
Only about 100 applicants per year receive a 1 academic rating, despite the
large numbers of applicants with extraordinary GPA and SAT/ACT scores, reflecting the critical
importance of information beyond grades and standardized test scores that the readers incorporate
account in that overall rating to reflect the strength of the case and to provide a slight tip for some students.”); Howrigan
Deposition, pp. 35–36 (“Q. So is your answer yes, as long as you knew the student’s race, you would take it into account
[in assigning the overall rating]? … A. If the student opted to share that information on their application, that was
something that was taken into account, with hundreds of other factors that were being taken into account.”); Weaver
Deposition, Volume II, p. 194 (“Q. How does the applicant’s race factor into the overall score? … A. I wouldn’t say that
it factors in directly. Q. But it does factor in indirectly in instances? … A. An applicant’s race becomes important in cases
where the applicant makes that an important part of their folder, if it’s an important part of their identity and the way they
express themselves in their application.”).
Harvard Memo, “RE: Faculty Readings,” November 9, 2013, HARV00009879 – 80.
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015414; Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 240–241; McGrath Deposition 2015, pp.
161–162, 166, 168–169; Banks Deposition, p. 80.
Banks Deposition, p. 80 (“A. For academics, … some sense of the student’s writing skills.”).
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015415; McGrath Deposition 2015, pp. 163, 169–171; Donahue Deposition,
p. 160; Ray Deposition, p. 19.
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015414.
into the ratings.
56. The importance of the ratings in the decision process can be seen in their correlation with
admissions decisions. Exhibit 4 shows how admission rates vary for applicants with different
combinations of profile ratings. For example, it shows that candidates who are exceptionally strong in
a single dimension (reflected by an academic, athletic, extracurricular, or personal rating of 1 and no
other ratings of 1) and candidates who are multi-dimensional (i.e., have at least three profile ratings
of 2) are admitted to Harvard at rates much higher than those of candidates with no ratings of 1 or 2.
Applicants with an academic rating of 1 and no other ratings of 1 are admitted 68% of the time.
Applicants with an extracurricular, personal, or athletic rating of 1 and no other ratings of 1 also have
high admissions rates (48%, 66%, and 88% respectively). Applicants with a rating of 2 on all four
profile ratings are admitted 68% of the time. By contrast, applicants whose four profile ratings are all
3 or worse have almost no chance of admission to Harvard (0.1%).
Specific combinations of Harvard’s four profile ratings have a large effect on the admission rate
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
57. The ratings also indicate that applicants who are highly rated on non-academic dimensions
are much scarcer than applicants with a high academic rating. Exhibit 5 shows that about 42% of
applicants have an academic rating of 1 or 2, while fewer than 25% of applicants receive a 1 or 2 on
each of the other three profile ratings. Applicants with a rating of 2 or better on at least three
dimensions are even rarer—just 7% of the applicant pool. These data indicate that high ratings on
Ratings Combination
Number of
Applicants Admission Rate
Candidates who Excel on One Dimension
1. Academic rating of 1, no other 1s 663 68%
2. Extracurricular rating of 1, no other 1s 453 48%
3. Personal rating of 1, no other 1s 41 66%
4. Athletic rating of 1, no other 1s 1,340 88%
Multi-Dimensional Candidates
5. Three ratings of 2, one rating of 3 or 4 9,266 43%
6. Four ratings of 2 622 68%
Weaker Candidates
7. No ratings of 1 or 2 55,981 0.1%
non-academic dimensions (and particularly on multiple non-academic dimensions) distinguish
applicants in the pool much more effectively than a high academic rating.
Strong academic ratings are more common than strong extracurricular, athletic, and personal
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
58. Another way to see the importance of non-academic dimensions relative to academic
dimensions of excellence is to examine how important each element is in explaining which applicants
are admitted. As discussed more fully below, a statistic called the Pseudo R-Squared (on which Prof.
Arcidiacono relies frequently in his analysis) captures how well a variable or set of variables can
explain outcomes—in this case, admissions decisions. The statistic takes on values from zero to one;
the closer it is to zero for a given model, the less information the variables in that model provide
about admissions decisions, while a value closer to one means the model explains a higher proportion
of the variability in the actual decisions. In Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample, the Pseudo R-
Squared of a model that includes only the academic rating as a control variable is 0.09, while the
Pseudo R-Squared of models that include each of the three non-academic ratings as the sole control
variables are 0.20 (personal), 0.09 (extracurricular), and 0.08 (athletic), and the Pseudo R-Squared for
a model that includes all three non-academic ratings as control variables is 0.32.
In non-technical
terms, this means that non-academic factors (taken together) explain more than three times as much
of the variation in admissions decisions as the academic rating does. That should not be surprising,
since exceptional non-academic qualities are less common in the applicant pool than exceptional
academic qualities and are thus more likely to distinguish applicants from one another.
59. Consistent with the discussion above, Exhibit 6 shows that only 12% of admitted students
are “one-dimensional stars” with a rating of 1 on one dimension but fewer than three ratings of 2 or
better, while 46% are multi-dimensional applicants with three or four ratings of 2 or better, and 31%
have two ratings of 2 and two ratings of 3. These statistics are yet another way to show the value that
Harvard places on applicants who distinguish themselves on multiple dimensions.
The vast majority of admitted students excel in multiple dimensions
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono's expanded sample. Category 2 also includes five
applicants who received two ratings of 1 and two ratings of 3.
60. One final point about the ratings warrants mention. Prof. Arcidiacono argues that the
athletic rating “has little impact on admissions outside of recruited athletes,”
and that “once athletes
are taken out, the relationship between the athletic rating and admissions is weak.”
These assertions
directly contradict both testimony and documents from Harvard, as well as the admissions data.
See workpaper.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 5, footnote 5.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 24, footnote 31.
61. For example, as noted above, the Interviewer Handbook explicitly notes that athletic
ability can be a “distinguishing excellence” and is
This “tip” is not limited to recruited varsity athletes; it also reflects the
value Harvard places on recreational athletics and an applicant’s potential contribution to life in
Harvard’s residential Houses. For example, the Interviewer Handbook notes:
The Reading Procedures also note
62. Harvard’s admissions data confirm the importance of the athletic rating. For example,
applicants with an athletic rating of 2 have an admission rate of 12%. That is substantially higher than
the overall admission rate of approximately 7%, and is the same as the admission rate of applicants
with an academic rating of 2. Further, as shown above, receiving a rating of 2 on all four profile
ratings is associated with an admission rate of 68%, while receiving a rating of 2 on the three non-
athletic ratings and a rating of 3 or worse on the athletic rating is associated with an admission rate of
only 48%. This contrast provides further evidence of the incremental importance of an athletic rating
of 2.
3.5. Prof. Arcidiacono’s statistical model fails to account for numerous dimensions of Harvard’s
admissions process
63. Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis clearly fails to reflect the complexity of the admissions
process described above.
64. First, although Harvard values academic achievements, academic qualifications are only
one factor in the evaluation of each candidate, and applicants with exceptional academic records are
abundant in the Harvard applicant pool. Harvard’s whole-person evaluation extends beyond test
scores, GPA, and other measures of prior academic achievement.
Yet Prof. Arcidiacono focuses
overwhelmingly on the relative academic strength of Asian-American applicants. For example, in
Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001401.
Interviewer Handbook at HARV00001402.
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV00015415.
See workpaper.
Sarasota Presentation, “KLW - Sarasota Presentation,” HARV0001356165 at HARV00013563.
four of his six regression specifications, Prof. Arcidiacono does not include controls for the three
non-academic ratings (extracurricular, personal, and athletic). Such models are incapable of
accounting for the admissions process detailed above, and shed no useful light on the issues in this
65. Second, as I detail in the next section, it is difficult to quantify and include in a statistical
model many of the non-academic and contextual factors that Harvard’s admissions process values.
That is particularly important for assessing racial disparities in admission because, as I show in the
next section, there are significant racial differences in the non-academic and contextual factors that
are measured in Harvard’s admissions database and that Prof. Arcidiacono chooses not to include in
his model. That suggests there may well also be racial differences in the many other non-academic
factors (like the personal essay) that are not observable in the database and that are important to the
admissions process given the large pool of applicants with extraordinary academic achievements.
66. Before turning to my formal statistical analyses in Sections 5, 6, and 7, in this section I
discuss several facts that Prof. Arcidiacono has overlooked (or misunderstood), that provide
important context for the more technical analysis that follows in the remainder of this report, and that
illustrate the flaws in Prof. Arcidiacono’s arguments.
67. I start by examining the differences in admission rates between Asian-American and
White applicants. One of SFFA’s central claims in this matter is that Asian-American applicants are
admitted at a lower rate than White applicants. As I show below, however, that is not true if one
focuses on applicants who are neither lineage applicants, nor recruited athletes, nor children of
Harvard faculty and staff, nor included on the Dean’s and Director’s interest lists—all categories of
applicants that Prof. Arcidiacono believes should be removed from an analysis of bias. Fully 95% of
applicants fall outside those categories.
And among that 95% of applicants, Asian-American
applicants are admitted at slightly higher rates than White applicants.
68. I then explain why the data do not support one of the central assumptions of Prof.
Arcidiacono’s analysis—that Asian-American applicants are stronger on all dimensions of quality,
including non-academic characteristics. As I detail below, White applicants are stronger on average
than Asian-American applicants across the three non-academic profile ratings combined, and are
stronger (in aggregate) across all of the non-academic variables that can be observed in the database
and that are included in Prof. Arcidiacono’s model. As noted earlier, the observable measures of non-
academic achievement are also limited: it is clear from the documents and testimony in this case that
Harvard is using other information such as recommendation letters and the applicants’ personal
essays to form its assessments of each candidate’s non-academic strengths. This information is
“missing data” that cannot be observed in the admissions database. If the racial gaps in these missing
data are similar to the racial gaps in the observed measures of non-academic achievement, then Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model is biased in favor of finding an adverse effect of Asian-American ethnicity on
applicants’ probability of admission, since it omits variables that, if included as controls, would
decrease the size of (or eliminate entirely) the estimated negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity.
69. Finally, Prof. Arcidiacono’s model includes very little information to account for the
overall context of each candidate’s application (such as the quality of the applicant’s high school, the
socioeconomic characteristics of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood, and the applicant’s
family background), even though Prof. Arcidiacono had access to data that shed light on all those
factors. Using these data, I highlight a variety of average differences between White and Asian-
See workpaper.
American applicants that I understand to be relevant to Harvard’s whole-person analysis. For
example, White and Asian-American applicants tend to come from different sets of high schools and
different parts of the country, have parents with different occupational backgrounds, and have
different intended careers. All of these factors provide important context for reviewing applications.
4.1. There is no statistically significant difference in admission rates for the vast majority of Asian-
American and White applicants
70. SFFA’s claim of bias relies heavily on the premise that Asian-American applicants are
admitted at lower rates than White applicants despite having stronger qualifications. But as Prof.
Arcidiacono acknowledges in his report, when exploring whether there is bias against Asian-
American applicants, it is important to account for the fact that Harvard’s admissions process gives
special consideration (independent of race) to children of Harvard or Radcliffe alumnae or alumni
(referred to as “lineage applicants,” and which Prof. Arcidiacono refers to as “legacy applicants”),
applicants recruited to play a varsity sport at Harvard, and children of Harvard faculty or staff
members. The Dean and Director of Admissions also maintain “interest lists” of applicants; I
understand that there are no particular criteria for inclusion on those lists but that they might include,
for example, applicants that the Dean or Director have encountered at recruiting events, as well as
applicants related to donors to Harvard or lineage applicants.
Indeed, Prof. Arcidiacono removes
applicants in those categories from what he calls his “baseline” sample, before exploring the question
of bias.
71. Exhibit 7 shows the admission rates by race, once applicants in the categories noted above
are excluded from the sample. It shows that Asian-American applicants are admitted at a slightly
higher rate than White applicants (though the difference is not statistically significant). Although the
numbers in Exhibit 7 do not settle the question of whether there is bias against Asian-American
applicants (because they do not account for the full set of characteristics of each applicant), the fact
that the difference in admissions rates disappears by controlling for just these factors raises serious
questions about SFFA’s allegations of bias. The remainder of this section explores a variety of other
important factors that differ between White and Asian-American applicants and that, once accounted
for, eliminate the alleged disparity in admission rates.
Fitzsimmons Deposition at pp. 264267, 278.
Prof. Arcidiacono also removes from his baseline sample applicants who apply during the Early Action cycle
(Arcidiacono Report, p. 2). I do not follow that approach here. I understand that the process for evaluating Early Action
applications is the same as that for evaluating Regular Decision applications except that Early Action applications are
evaluated earlier and have the potential to be deferred to the Regular Decision pool.
Admission rates for applicants who are not lineage applicants, athletic recruits, children of
Harvard faculty or staff, or on Dean’s or Director’s Interest List
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s baseline sample with Early Action applicants.
4.2. White applicants have relatively stronger qualifications on non-academic dimensions
72. A central assumption in Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis is that, because Asian-American
applicants are stronger on academic dimensions, they are also stronger on non-academic
dimensions—including those dimensions not accounted for by his model.
This assumption leads
Prof. Arcidiacono to focus much of his analysis on academic qualifications, and to conclude that any
difference in admission rates not accounted for by his model must be caused by “bias” against Asian-
American applicants. As I show in this sub-section, however, a proper interpretation of the available
data indicates that Prof. Arcidiacono’s assumption is incorrect. White applicants are in fact stronger,
on average, on non-academic factors that Harvard values.
73. Exhibit 8 shows that Asian-American applicants tend to have higher academic ratings and
slightly higher extracurricular ratings than White applicants, while White applicants tend to have
higher personal and athletic ratings
and are more likely to be multi-dimensional (i.e., more likely to
have a rating of 2 or better on at least three of the four profile ratings). Importantly, the average
Throughout his report, Prof. Arcidiacono presents a variety of analyses that show how non-academic ratings correlate
with Harvard’s academic index. He does not, however, directly examine whether Asian-American applicants are stronger
than White applicants collectively across all non-academic factors in his model. My analysis in this section explores that
As I discuss in Section 5 below, even if one grants Prof. Arcidiacono’s assumption that personal ratings are biased
against Asian-American applicants, his own analysis shows that White applicants still have higher personal ratings even
after statistically eliminating the supposed bias.
difference between Asian-American and White applicants on extracurricular ratings (the one non-
academic rating on which Asian-American applicants perform better than White applicants) is
smaller in magnitude than the average differences in athletic and personal ratings (on which White
applicants perform better than Asian-American applicants).
White and Asian-American applicants excel in different dimensions: percentage of applicants with
ratings of 2 or better
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 using Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Ratings of 2- and above are
classified as “2 or Better” in this analysis. +/- rating designations are available in the data beginning with the class of 2019.
74. Exhibit 9 presents another way to measure the difference between Asian-American
applicants and White applicants on non-academic characteristics—one that accounts for the collective
strength of each applicant across all three non-academic profile ratings. It shows the proportion of
applicants with a given academic rating whose cumulative non-academic rating—that is, the sum of
the extracurricular, athletic, and personal ratings—is seven or less.
A cumulative non-academic
Applicants with athletic or extracurricular ratings of 5 and 6 are excluded from this analysis because those ratings
indicate that there were special circumstances that caused the applicant to have fewer athletic or extracurricular
rating of seven or less indicates a candidate who is very strong across all three non-academic
dimensions. The cutoff of seven is also highly informative about admissions probabilities: applicants
whose non-academic ratings add up to seven or less have a 38% admission rate, while those with a
higher sum have only a 4% chance of admission.
75. Exhibit 9 shows that, for a given academic rating, White applicants are much more likely
to have strong non-academic ratings than Asian-American applicants. For example, for applicants
with an academic rating of 1, 25% of White applicants have very strong non-academic ratings,
compared to only 16% of Asian-American applicants (roughly one-third fewer). Similarly, among the
large group of applicants with an academic rating of 2 (representing nearly half of Asian-American
and White applicants), 14% of White applicants, but only 8% of Asian-American applicants, have
very strong non-academic ratings. This gap in non-academic achievement is critically important. As
detailed in Section 3, because academic qualifications are abundant in the applicant pool, it is the
non-academic dimensions that often distinguish academically strong applicants from each other.
Exhibit 9 shows that, for a given level of academic achievement, White applicants are substantially
more likely to have higher ratings across the three non-academic dimensions taken together.
accomplishments, such as significant family commitments or a physical disability. Applicants with profile ratings of 7, 8,
or 9 are excluded from this analysis because those are not valid ratings according to the reading procedures (2018
Reading Procedures at HARV00015414 – 15). In my regression analysis, I treat such ratings as missing.
See workpaper.
Academic research has found that Asian-American high school students are more likely to apply to selective
institutions than White high school students, even controlling for academic qualifications. In other words, even
accounting for academic qualifications, a different sample of Asian-American and White high school students apply to
institutions like Harvard. This differential behavior in the college application process is one possible reason why, on
average, White and Asian-American applicants in the Harvard pool might exhibit different qualifications across the
different dimensions Harvard evaluates. Sandra Black, Kalena Cortes, and Jane Lincove, “Apply Yourself: Racial and
Ethnic Differences in College Application,” NBER Working Paper #21368, 2015; Sandra Black, Kalena Cortes, and Jane
Lincove, “Academic Undermatching of High-Achieving Minority Students: Evidence from Race-Neutral and Holistic
Admissions Policies,” American Economic Review: Papers & Proceedings, 105(5), 2015, pp. 604–610; Amanda Griffith
and Donna Rothstein, “Can’t Get There from Here: The Decision to Apply to a Selective College,” Economics of
Education Review, 28(5), 2009, pp. 620–628; David Card and Alan Krueger, “Would the Elimination of Affirmative
Action Affect Highly Qualified Minority Applicants? Evidence from California and Texas,” Industrial and Labor
Relations Review, 58(3), 2005, pp. 416–434.
In Appendix C of his report, Prof. Arcidiacono argues that “Harvard applies the label ‘Standard Strong’
disproportionately to Asian-American applicants” and that “Asian-American applicants who are labeled this way are
substantially more qualified academically than ‘Standard Strong’ applicants from other racial groups.” However, if one
considers strength more broadly (as measured by the sum of all four profile ratings), Asian-American and White
applicants who are labeled “Standard Strong” are equally strong. See workpaper.
For a given academic rating, White applicants tend to have better non-academic ratings than
Asian-American applicants
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
76. Exhibit 10 presents yet another way to measure the relative strength of White and Asian-
American applicants on non-academic factors, using Prof. Arcidiacono’s own model (specifically, his
Model 6, with the overall rating excluded). In Table 7.3 of his report, Prof. Arcidiacono constructs an
“admissions index,” attempting to quantitatively summarize the overall qualifications of applicants
based on all of the factors in his model.
In Exhibit 10, I have reproduced that same analysis but
focusing only on the non-academic factors in his model. That is, I have removed from his admissions
index the effect of the academic rating, grades, and all standardized test scores. The exhibit shows
that, using Prof. Arcidiacono’s own metric, Asian-American applicants are more likely than White
applicants to have weaker non-academic qualifications (i.e. be in deciles 1 to 5), and that White
applicants are more likely than Asian-American applicants to have strong non-academic
qualifications (i.e. be in deciles 9 and 10). The same pattern is observed if I repeat this analysis but
estimate the non-academic admissions index using Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 5, which excludes the
personal rating.
In other words, Prof. Arcidiacono’s own models show that White applicants are
stronger than Asian-American applicants on non-academic dimensions, and this finding holds even if
personal ratings (which Prof. Arcidiacono alleges are biased) are excluded from the non-academic
Arcidiacono Report, p. 68, Table 7.3.
See workpaper.
White applicants rank higher than Asian-American applicants on non-academic admissions index
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. The non-academic admissions
index is constructed in the same fashion as Professor Arcidiacono’s overall admissions index, using his model 6 without the overall rating
to calculate applicants’ probability of admission. Applicants with characteristics that guaranteed rejection or admission were assigned to
the bottom or top decile, respectively. In addition to excluding the effect of race, as Professor Arcidiacono did, I exclude the effects of the
academic rating and academic variables (such as Academic Index, SAT scores, and GPA).
77. As noted above, these facts are critical to the interpretation of Prof. Arcidiacono’s model
and SFFA’s broader claim of bias. Throughout his report, Prof. Arcidiacono argues that, because
Asian-American applicants have stronger academic credentials (on average) than White applicants,
he can safely assume that they are also stronger than White applicants on dimensions of quality—
mostly non-academic—that cannot be measured by his statistical model. If that were true, it would
imply that adding more variables to Prof. Arcidiacono’s model to further control for differences
between White and Asian-American applicants would only increase the estimated negative effect of
Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ probability of admission. But, as I have shown above, Prof.
Arcidiacono’s assumption is demonstrably incorrect.
78. In fact, although Asian-American applicants are stronger than White applicants (on
average) on quantifiable measures of academic performance, they are (on average) less strong than
White applicants on observable non-academic measures (Harvard’s ratings and Prof. Arcidiacono’s
admissions index). Because non-academic factors are harder to quantify and include in the model
than academic factors, any statistical model of the Harvard admissions process is therefore more
likely to have more missing information about non-academic factors than about academic factors.
And if the racial gap in the missing non-academic factors is similar to the racial gap in the measured
non-academic factors (i.e., with Asian-American applicants having less strong qualifications than
White applicants), then a statistical model of the admissions process will be predisposed to find a
negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission, even though the
racial disparity in admission rates may actually be due to racial differences in the missing non-
academic information.
4.3. Prof. Arcidiacono’s model excludes available measures of life circumstance and context
79. In the remainder of this section, I highlight a set of important contextual factors—that is,
factors that reflect the wide range of applicant characteristics that may inform admissions officers’
evaluation of each application—that Prof. Arcidiacono excludes from his model and that differ, on
average, between Asian-American applicants and White applicants. As I will show in Section 5, these
contextual factors help explain the disparity in admission rates between Asian-American and White
applicants, and when added to Prof. Arcidiacono’s model lead to the conclusion that there is no
statistically significant negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of
80. As detailed above in Section 3, Harvard seeks to assess the quality of each applicant, in
academic and non-academic respects, in light of the context provided by any available information
about the challenges the applicant has faced, the resources at her disposal, and the opportunities she
has (or has not) encountered. A major limitation of Prof. Arcidiacono’s model is that it includes very
few variables to account for these contextual factors. For example, Prof. Arcidiacono includes only a
very limited set of socioeconomic variables, in addition to control variables that account for only
broad differences across types of neighborhoods and high schools, as reflected in high school and
neighborhood “cluster” numbers assigned by a proprietary algorithm of the College Board. Prof.
Arcidiacono does not make use of the more detailed data about each individual high school and
neighborhood that were produced along with the College Board’s “cluster” identifiers and that inform
the College Board cluster assignments.
For example, his model includes controls for 29 high school
clusters, yet there are more than 14,000 high schools represented in the Harvard applicant pool.
Using the more detailed high school and neighborhood characteristics data can add meaningful
information to the model.
As I show in this section, this modeling decision by Prof. Arcidiacono is
problematic because Asian-American and White applicants (in aggregate) come from different sets of
high schools and different regions of the country, have different career goals, and have different
Prof. Arcidiacono’s model includes the following socioeconomic controls: an indicator of whether the admission
officer believed the applicant to be “disadvantaged,” an indicator of whether the applicant applied for a waiver of the
application fee, an indicator of whether the applicant applied for financial aid, an indicator of whether the applicant is in
the first generation of his family to attend college, and indicators of the applicant’s mother’s and father’s educational
See workpaper.
Additionally, Prof. Arcidiacono excludes a variable in the Harvard data indicating the type of high school an applicant
attended (Archdiocese, Public, or Private). I include this variable in my models.
family backgrounds (such as parental occupations).
4.3.1. Detailed controls for differences across high schools and neighborhoods
81. As shown in Exhibit 11, Asian-American and White applicants come from very different
sets of high schools. Nearly half of the high schools represented in the applicant pool have either
White applicants but no Asian-American applicants or Asian-American applicants but no White
applicants. This means that, without better controls in the model for high school characteristics, Prof.
Arcidiacono is missing an important difference between the two groups.
Asian-American and White applicants come from different high schools
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample.
For example, high school characteristics include the high school’s mean SAT score or the percentage of students in the
high school who require financial aid for college. For a complete list of high school and neighborhood characteristics
included in my model, see Appendix E. The College Board high school and neighborhood data report many high school
and neighborhood characteristics based upon only the set of students from a given high school who take the SAT.
Because the SAT is more common in some areas and the ACT in others, in my model I allow for these variables to have
different effects in states where the SAT is more common than in states where the ACT is more common.
82. Asian-American and White applicants also come from different geographic regions.
Asian-American applicants are more concentrated on the East and West coasts and in major cities. In
fact, approximately 29% of all Asian-American applicants come from California dockets (dockets A,
C, and Z), as compared to only 14% of White applicants.
Exhibit 12 highlights these differences by
showing a map of all locations of Asian-American and White applicants’ high schools. The blue dots
indicate locations with White applicants but no Asian-American applicants (during the 2014 – 2019
admissions cycles). As is clear from Exhibit 12, there are a large number of blue dots in the central
and rural areas of the U.S.
White applicants are more dispersed across the U.S. and rural areas
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of Prof. Arcidiacono’s extended dataset for the classes of 20142019. Each blue dot represents the city of a high
school from which at least one White applicant applied. Each red dot represents the city of a high school from which at least one Asian-
American applicant and one White applicant applied.
83. Although Prof. Arcidiacono controls for an applicant’s admissions docket (i.e., broad
geographic region), he does not control for the much more detailed neighborhood attributes available
in the College Board data, such as the median income of the neighborhood (defined as a census tract
or collection of census tracts) or the proportion of students in a neighborhood who apply to an out-of-
state college. Nor does he control for whether the applicant attends high school in a rural area or the
See workpaper.
type of high school (public, private, or Archdiocese).
4.3.2. Other proxies for life experience, opportunities, and ambitions
84. In addition to ignoring the detailed available data on applicants’ high schools and
neighborhoods, Prof. Arcidiacono also fails to include in his model several available variables that
reflect differences in applicants’ family background and life goals.
85. For example, Prof. Arcidiacono ignores data on parental occupations, a critical measure of
family background. As noted above, family background provides important context for each
applicant’s achievements. Exhibit 64 and Exhibit 65 (Appendix C) show that the parents of Asian-
American and White applicants tend to have different types of occupations.
33% of fathers and 16%
of mothers of Asian-American applicants work in the fields of “Computer and Mathematical,” “Life,
Physical, Social Science,” or “Architecture and Engineering,” while only 16% and 5% (respectively)
of fathers and mothers of White applicants work in those fields.
86. Such differences can reflect not just differences in a family’s economic prosperity but also
differences in applicants’ life experiences. For example, if the son of a professional writer and the son
of a police officer display talent in writing, Harvard might regard the latter’s talent as more
impressive than the former’s. The same might be true of the daughter of professional scientists and
the daughter of factory workers, both of whom exhibit talent in a scientific field. In fact, one of the
examples from Harvard’s casebook (discussed above in Section 3.2) specifically notes parental
occupation as relevant context for evaluating her achievements:
87. Prof. Arcidiacono also excludes from his model other available data on applicants’ family
background, including whether an applicant’s mother or father is deceased, whether one or both of
the applicant’s parents attended an Ivy League university, whether the applicant was born outside the
United States, whether the applicant has lived outside the United States, whether the applicant is a
permanent resident of the United States, and the hours an applicant spent working at a job.
In the Harvard database, applicants report parental occupations using either a Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) code or
a Common Application code. Reported parental occupation codes are harmonized by mapping Common Application
codes to major and minor groups in the BLS’ Standard Occupational Classification System. Major and minor groups are
then combined into broad occupational categories.
Information on how much time an applicant spent working at a job and on whether an applicant was born outside the
United States or lived outside the United States is available only for applicants to the classes of 2017 to 2019 and so can
be included in my year-by-year model but not in Prof. Arcidiacono’s pooled model.
88. Finally, Prof. Arcidiacono does not include a variable for intended career in his model.
Exhibit 13 shows the differences in intended careers between Asian-American and White applicants.
Asian-American applicants are much more likely to intend to pursue a career in medicine or health,
while White applicants are much more likely to intend to pursue careers in the arts, communications,
design, social service, government, or law. The difference in the intended career of medicine or
health is particularly stark—White applicants are 37% less likely than Asian-American applicants to
pursue this intended career, an intended career with the lowest admission rate (5%). As detailed
above in Section 3.2, an applicant’s future plans and fields of interest can be critical to the assessment
of how the applicant will contribute to the Harvard community both inside and outside the
For example, the Casebook Discussion Guide notes the following about one candidate:
White and Asian-American applicants have different intended careers
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 - 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. The “Other” category includes
applicants whose intended careers are academic, library, religion, trade, other, or unknown. Categories for intended careers can vary year
to year.
Another factor that reveals an applicant’s interests is the type of extracurricular activities on which the applicant has
focused in high school. Prof. Arcidiacono does not include any measure of the type of extracurricular activities in his
model. As shown in Appendix D, there are significant differences across racial groups in applicants’ primary activities
(defined as those listed first or second on the application). Applicants are instructed to list the activities most important to
them first on the Common Application. Information on activities is available in Harvard’s data only for applicants to the
classes of 2017 to 2019.
Casebook Discussion Guide at HARV0018166.
89. Prof. Arcidiacono’s decision to ignore available information related to non-academic
considerations, including contextual factors, is particularly curious because his own regression
models indicate that such variables can help explain differences in admission rates between Asian-
American and White applicants. For example, as he adds measures of academic achievement to his
model (moving from Model 1 to Model 2), the estimated negative association between Asian-
American ethnicity and likelihood of admission increases. But as he adds more variables that capture
the context of each candidate’s application—such as broad high school and neighborhood
demographics, and ratings that capture non-academic characteristics of the applicant—the estimated
negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity shrinks substantially (Model 4 to Model 6).
90. In the next section of this report, I show that the same general pattern holds in my model:
As I add to the model the additional non-academic variables discussed in this section, the estimated
negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission disappears. This
finding is consistent with the hypothesis that what Prof. Arcidiacono labels a “bias” against Asian-
American applicants in fact reflects not racial discrimination but differences in non-academic factors
that Harvard considers in its whole-person evaluation.
Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.7.2.
91. As detailed in Sections 3 and 4 above, because Harvard’s whole-person admissions
process heavily considers non-academic and contextual factors that are often hard to measure, a
statistical model that can reliably estimate the effect of race on Harvard’s admissions decisions
should seek to include as much reliable information about such factors as possible. In this section, I
develop such a statistical model by starting with Prof. Arcidiacono’s model and then expanding his
set of control variables to include a richer set of characteristics that he did not include in his model,
and that more fully capture the many factors that Harvard considers in its process. I further revise the
model by allowing the coefficients it estimates for different control variables, which reflect the
effects of different applicant attributes on the probability of admission, to vary from year to year. I
then use this more complete model in the remainder of this report to address several questions at issue
in this matter.
92. The first question I examine is whether the alleged negative association between Asian-
American ethnicity and applicants’ likelihood of admission persists when more information is
included in the model. I find that it does not. When more variables are added to the model to capture
differences in key contextual factors (high school, neighborhood, and family background), and when
the model is estimated year-by-year to account for differences in the admissions process from year to
year, the alleged negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity disappears and the predictive accuracy
of my model increases.
93. I then turn to a second question in Section 6: to what extent does an applicant’s race or
ethnicity matter in the admissions process, relative to the many other factors Harvard considers in its
whole-person analysis? While I find that race is significantly associated with the likelihood of
admission for some applicants, the role it plays is less significant than that of other factors included in
my model, as well as that of factors not observable in the model.
94. Before delving into the details of my analysis, I first discuss several important
methodological issues that arise when building an admissions model, with a focus on differences
between my approach and Prof. Arcidiacono’s.
5.1. Important differences between Prof. Arcidiacono’s methodology and mine
95. Prof. Arcidiacono uses a statistical model known as a multivariate logit regression to
estimate the relationship between race and admissions outcomes, while controlling for a variety of
factors that Harvard considers in admission decisions.
The use of a multivariate logit model makes
sense. Multivariate regression analysis is a widely accepted and common statistical technique in both
academia and litigation.
Courts have relied on multivariate regression analysis in a variety of
discrimination matters. In fact, the Reference Guide for Scientific Evidence dedicates an entire
chapter to multivariate regression analysis, including applications to questions of discrimination.
logit model is a type of multivariate regression model that is appropriate where, as here, the outcome
of interest—in this case admission to Harvard—is binary, taking values of either zero (not admitted)
or one (admitted).
96. Even though I agree with Prof. Arcidiacono’s general approach, I disagree with several of
the specific modeling decisions he makes when building his model. In the remainder of this section, I
discuss these methodological decisions and explain why Prof. Arcidiacono and I reach different
5.1.1. Inclusion of additional control variables
97. A basic tenet of econometric research is that the selection of control variables should be
informed by the research question at hand and the specific outcome that is being modeled.
Thus, the
first step in my analysis is to add to Prof. Arcidiacono’s fullest models (Models 5 and 6) any
variables missing from his models that Harvard considers in the admissions process.
98. As detailed in Sections 3 and 4 above, the most important feature of Harvard’s decision
William H. Greene, Econometric Analysis (Pearson, 2008), pp. 773–774 (“The probit and logit models are still the most
common frameworks used in econometric applications.”); Kenneth E. Train, Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation
(The Cambridge University Press, 2009), p. 34 (“By far the easiest and most widely used discrete choice model is logit.”).
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, Introduction to Econometrics (Pearson, 2015), p. 189 (“The multiple regression
model … permits estimating the effect … of changing one variable while holding the other regressors constant… provides
a way to isolate the effect.”); William H. Greene, Econometric Analysis (Pearson, 2008), pp. 810 (“The linear regression
model is the single most useful tool in the econometrician’s toolkit. The multiple linear regression model is used to study
the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. One of the most useful aspects of
the multiple regression model is its ability to identify the independent effects of a set of variables on a dependent
Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence: Third Edition (The National Academies Press, 2011),
pp. 305–307 (“Regression analysis has been used most frequently in cases of sex and race discrimination, antitrust
violations, and cases involving class certification.”).
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, Introduction to Econometrics (Pearson, 2015), pp. 232–234 (“The starting point
for choosing a regression specification is thinking through the possible sources of omitted variable bias… A control
variable is not the object of interest in the study; rather it is a regressor included to hold constant factors that, if neglected,
could lead the estimated causal effect of interest to suffer from omitted variable bias.”).
process that Prof. Arcidiacono’s model does not account for is the substantial consideration Harvard
gives to non-academic factors that help distinguish among the large number of academically strong
applicants in its pool, including a wide variety of contextual factors that account for the life
experience and background of each candidate (e.g., her high school, community, and family
99. The first panel in Exhibit 14 shows the variables that Prof. Arcidiacono includes in his
fullest models (Models 5 and 6), while the second panel lists the additional variables I include in my
model. Both sets of variables are organized into several broad groups: race, base controls (a category
that includes personal and financial variables, such as an applicant’s gender, docket, and parents’
education), Harvard profile ratings (academic, extracurricular, personal, and athletic), other ratings
(such as those assigned by admissions officers to recommendation letters from teachers or guidance
counselors, or those assigned by alumni interviewers), measures of academic qualifications, high
school and neighborhood characteristics, and interaction terms (such as interactions of race with
gender that are included in Prof. Arcidiacono’s models).
As shown, the additional variables that I
add to my model include intended career; staff interview ratings; richer controls for high school and
neighborhood characteristics;
parents’ occupations; applicant’s hours worked (at a job); controls for
specific combinations of profile ratings, specific combinations of teacher ratings, and specific
combinations of alumni interview ratings; indicators for participation in different types of primary
extracurricular activities; and indicators for having parents who attended an Ivy League college,
having parents who attended Harvard for graduate school, having a mother or father who is deceased,
being a permanent resident of the United States, having been born in the United States, and having
lived outside the United States.
Appendix E provides a complete list of variables used in my model with detailed definitions.
For the College Board high school and neighborhood variables most likely to be missing for applicants in the sample
(neighborhood median income, proportion of neighborhood residents below poverty line, and neighborhood median
housing value), I assign the mean value of the variable to those applicants who are missing data and include an indicator
variable identifying those for whom the mean was assigned. This approach of imputing missing values is analogous to
that used by Prof. Arcidiacono in his report.
In my year-by-year models, there is not enough data to estimate separately the effect of some of the specific ratings that
are very rare in the data due to limited sample size. To resolve this problem, rather than include a separate dummy
variable for each individual rating category, I include a dummy variable for each unique combination of the four profile
ratings, each unique combination of the two teacher ratings, and each unique combination of the alumni interviewer
ratings. Unique ratings combinations with fewer than 100 observations are grouped with other ratings combinations such
that the combination is in a group that has an admission rate most similar to that of the combination. I have confirmed that
this approach has no substantive effect on the estimated size of the Asian-American coefficient and yields nearly the same
predictive accuracy as Prof. Arcidiacono’s approach in the pooled model. (See workpaper.) Additionally, as I explain
below, my year-by-year models using this approach more accurately predict Harvard’s admissions decisions than Prof.
100. I also make a series of more technical corrections to Prof. Arcidiacono’s variables and
sample. First, Prof. Arcidiacono includes a number of variables that he interacts with race and gender
in his model.
An “interaction” variable simply multiplies one variable by another variable, to show
how the presence or absence of the second variable modifies the effect of the first. For example, one
could model the effect of male gender on the likelihood of admission, the effect of Asian-American
ethnicity, and the effect of male gender and Asian-American ethnicity—that is, the extent to which
being male decreases or increases the effect of being Asian American, and vice versa. Since there are
hundreds of potential interactions one could add to the admissions model, and it is not
computationally feasible to include all of them, it is unclear why Prof. Arcidiacono chose to include
specific interactions—for example, allowing the effect of gender and “disadvantaged” status to vary
by race—and not others. Decisions to add interactions to a model like Prof. Arcidiacono’s are
typically guided by a clear economic theory or methodological goal. The typical approach in a model
trying to isolate the effect of Asian-American ethnicity on admissions outcomes would be to include
an interaction between race and disadvantaged status only if the effect of being disadvantaged is
different for Asian-American and White applicants (or, equivalently, if the effect of race is different
for disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged applicants). Prof. Arcidiacono’s results, however, show
that is not the case. In my model, I remove the interactions with race and gender. This is a more
transparent approach that requires fewer subjective judgments about which of the hundreds of
interactions that can be included in such a model should be included.
Arcidiacono’s pooled model. This approach has the additional benefit that it can account for any potential “interaction
effects associated with specific combinations of the four ratings profiles.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 62.
Control variables used in logit models of admission
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Additional Variables in Card Models
Mother and father occupation
Mother or father deceased
Parent attended Ivy League college
Rural applicant
Intended career
School type (public, private, Archdiocese)
Parent attended Harvard Graduate School
Born in United States, lived outside of United States
Permanent resident of United States
Primary extracurricular activity indicators
Total hours of work
Profile rating combinations
Alumni interview ratings combinations
Teacher ratings combinations
Staff interview ratings
High school characteristics (such as average SAT math)
Neighborhood characteristics (such as median income)
SAT state indicator
* Removed from Card Models.
Included in expanded sample model only.
Mother and father education level
Early Action†
Athlete, legacy, double legacy
Child of Harvard faculty or staff†
Base Control Variables
Year, gender, docket
First generation college
Disadvantaged, fee waiver, and financial aid
Dean or Directors interest list
Race Variables
(White, African-American, Hispanic, Native American,
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian-American, and Missing)
Race and intended concentration interacted with gender*
Disadvantaged, early decision, and legacy interacted
with race*
Missing data indicators interacted with race*
Profile Ratings
Academic, extracurricular, and athletic ratings
Personal rating (Model 6 Only)
Other Ratings
Teacher ratings
Overall rating (Model 6 Only)*
Missing Data Indicators
Alumni interviewer rating*, cluster IDs*,
and Average SAT Subject Test Score
Professor Arcidiacono’s Models 5 and 6
Alumni interview ratings
Guidance counselor rating
High School and Neighborhood Characteristics
High school cluster ID*
Neighborhood cluster ID*
Academic Variables
ACT/SAT Math and Verbal, Average SAT Subject Test Score
Converted GPA and indicator for value of 35
Academic Index Quadratic
101. I also correct a variety of technical errors in Prof. Arcidiacono’s sample and control
Prof. Arcidiacono treats profile ratings of 7, 8, and 9 as low ratings, but
7, 8, and 9 ratings do not appear in the reader guidelines and thus are
more likely erroneous data entries.
I treat such entries as missing
Prof. Arcidiacono drops applicants with blank teacher ratings from his
regressions, rather than including them in the “missing” category of his
teacher ratings variables. I include such entries in the “missing”
Prof. Arcidiacono makes an error when importing the ACT science
scores. I correct this error so that they are imported correctly.
I remove sample conditions related to the overall rating since the overall
rating is excluded from all of my models and thus there is no need to
exclude applicants with low or missing overall ratings.
5.1.2. A year-by-year model is more appropriate than a pooled model
102. Another important methodological flaw in Prof. Arcidiacono’s approach is his decision
to pool admissions data across years. This decision is flawed for several reasons.
103. First, the admissions process at Harvard is, by its nature, an annual process. Each
applicant is compared to other applicants who applied in that year. A pooled analysis does not reflect
how the process actually works, because it effectively compares applicants from different years to
each other.
104. Second, a closely related problem with a pooled model is that it imposes the assumption
that every factor in the admissions process has the same effect from year to year. Given that the
applicant pool changes from year to year, it is quite possible that the relative abundance and scarcity
2018 Reading Procedures at HARV0001541415.
As noted above, I also exclude the overall rating from all of my models. As discussed above, according to deposition
testimony in this case, race can influence the overall rating. Since my analysis seeks to isolate the incremental effect of
race on admissions decisions, it is inappropriate to include any variables that can themselves be affected by race.
Removing the overall rating from my model is a conservative approach because White applicants have slightly higher
overall ratings, on average, than Asian-American applicants. My analyses show that, even without the inclusion of overall
rating in the models, there is no evidence of bias in admissions decisions.
of relevant factors can also change, which can cause the value Harvard places on any given factor to
also change from year to year. Below I provide several examples of how this dynamic might play out.
105. One example is that, during the period for which I have data, Harvard saw a shift in
applicants’ intended concentrations. (See Exhibit 15.)
Because Harvard seeks to admit a
class that is diverse with respect to intended concentrations, the effect of an applicant’s intent to
concentrate in a given field might well change when the aggregate interests of the applicant pool as a
whole vary over time. Thus, for example, an applicant’s intention to concentrate in the humanities
might distinguish an applicant more or less depending on the overall mix of intended concentrations
in the applicant pool in that year.
One potential factor contributing to this shift in intended concentrations is that in 2007, Harvard elevated the Division
of Engineering and Applied Sciences to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. John A. Paulson School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences, “Timeline,” available at https://www.seas.harvard.edu/about-seas/history-
seas/timeline, accessed November 20, 2017.
The mix of intended concentrations for Harvard applicants has changed over time
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Applicants with
missing and “Unspecified” intended concentrations are excluded from this chart.
106. Another example is that the definition of the dockets (the geographical divisions Harvard
uses in its admissions process) changed during the time period for which I have data. Starting with
the class of 2015, Harvard introduced the J docket. For the classes of 2015 – 2019, the J docket
included applicants from Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Western New York,
Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia, but for the class of 2014 those applicants were distributed
across other dockets.
Prof. Arcidiacono’s model cannot account for this change because it estimates
the effect of an applicant’s docket placement on admission only after pooling years together. Thus,
his model estimates docket effects incorrectly because it conflates the two different definitions of
See workpaper.
dockets across years.
107. Additionally, as I discuss in greater detail in Section 7 below, Harvard did not employ an
Early Action admissions process for the classes of 2014 and 2015. Starting with the class of 2016, it
reinstated Early Action.
Prof. Arcidiacono’s model cannot account for these changes because he
pools all the data together into a single model. As a result, the estimated effect of each variable in his
model is calculated using two different admissions regimes—one in which Early Action admissions
existed and one in which it did not. That is problematic for both his expanded and baseline samples.
Excluding Early Action applicants, as he does in his baseline sample, is not sufficient to correct for
the problem, because there is no way to identify which applicants would have applied Early Action
had Early Action existed.
108. Variation in the admission rate across the six admission cycles for applicants with the
same profile ratings combinations provides further justification for estimating the model year-by-
year. For example, consider applicants with ratings of 2 on all four dimensions (academic,
extracurricular, personal, and athletic). Applicants with this ratings combination have an admission
rate that varies between 61% and 77% depending on the admissions cycle.
By pooling data across
year, Prof. Arcidiacono’s model assumes these ratings have the same effect in each year.
109. To formally test whether the effect of various applicant characteristics on applicants’
likelihood of admission is sufficiently similar across years to justify using a “pooled” model as Prof.
Arcidiacono does, I have employed a standard statistical test known as a Wald test (or a chi-squared
test). That test is designed to evaluate the null hypothesis that applicant characteristics have identical
effects on likelihood of admission from year to year. I find that the Wald test rejects that null
hypothesis here, indicating that a pooled model is inappropriate.
Additionally, as I will discuss in
more detail below, I find that my year-by-year models are better able to predict admission, a further
justification of using year-by-year models rather than a pooled model. Given these results, and the
fundamental fact that Harvard’s admissions decisions are made separately for each year, the
Harvard Office of Institutional Research presentation, “Admissions and Financial Aid at Harvard College,” February
2013, HARV00031687 – 1772 (“OIR Presentation”) at HARV00031695.
See workpaper.
To implement this test, I start with Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 for the expanded, pooled sample, and exclude the
overall rating and interactions with race and gender. I then interact all other control variables with each of his dummy
variables for each year to directly test whether the effects of the control variables change from year to year. In
implementing the test, I combine Native American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander applicants with Hispanic applicants and
combine personal ratings of 1 and 2 into one dummy variable because there are too few applicants in those categories to
allow me to interact each variable with each separate year dummy. See workpaper.
methodologically sound approach is to estimate a separate model for each year.
5.1.3. Definition of race
110. In my analysis, I generally use the same method for classifying applicants by race as
Prof. Arcidiacono uses, to ensure comparability of results. However, when estimating a separate
model for each year, I have to combine one race group with another due to the fact that there are very
few applicants of a particular race (e.g., Native American or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) in any one
In Prof. Arcidiacono’s model, applicants are classified into mutually exclusive categories of
White, African-American, Hispanic, Native American, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, Asian-American,
and Missing.
In my year-by-year models, I use the following mutually exclusive race categories:
(1) White, (2) African-American, (3) Hispanic, Native American, or Hawaiian/Pacific Islander,
(4) Asian-American, and (5) Missing.
I combine Native American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
applicants with Hispanic applicants because the increased probability of admission associated with
Native American and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ethnicity is most similar to the increased probability
of admission associated with Hispanic ethnicity.
To ensure that my estimate of the alleged bias
against Asian-American applicants is robust to this change, I have tested whether using this adjusted
definition of race has any substantive effect on the Asian-American coefficient within Prof.
Arcidiacono’s pooled sample. It does not.
111. I have also considered the possibility (raised by Prof. Arcidiacono) that the fact that
some applicants to Harvard are not classified as belonging to any racial group (i.e. are “Missing”
race) might lead to an underestimate of the alleged bias against Asian-American applicants. For the
purpose of this analysis, I use other variables in the Harvard data with information about an
applicant’s race that Prof. Arcidiacono did not use in creating his definition of race. For example, if
Prof. Arcidiacono himself finds evidence that it is better to estimate the model separately for each year. For example, he
presents a model in his report using the expanded sample in which he interacts year and race (thus allowing each race to
have a separate effect in each year). That model finds that the effect of race differs in a statistically significant fashion
across years (Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.8.1).
Prof. Arcidiacono also combines smaller race groups when he estimates a model that interacts his race categories with
year (Arcidiacono Report, p. 69, footnote 69).
This race definition is a variable available in the Harvard database. In 2010, Harvard began using an additional
methodology that allows applicants who self-identified with more than one race to be counted in more than one category
(Deposition of Elizabeth Yong, March 24, 2017 (“Yong Deposition”), pp. 134–137).
I also combine Hawaiian/Pacific Islander applicants with Asian-American applicants, rather than grouping them with
Hispanic applicants, in a sensitivity of my preferred model (discussed in more detail below).
See workpaper.
See workpaper.
an applicant reports her race to the College Board when taking the SAT, it is provided to Harvard
along with the test score. Using these variables, it is possible to identify the race of many applicants
that are classified as missing race in Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis. In fact, I am able to classify nearly
70% of the 10,000 applicants classified as having a “missing” race.
When I re-estimate Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model with these additional applicants’ race information filled in, I find that in fact his
estimates of the effect of Asian-American ethnicity become slightly less negative, not more.
directly contradicts Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim that the exclusion of these applicants’ races likely
causes his model to underestimate the bias against Asian-American applicants.
5.1.4. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Models 1-4 are not reliable
112. Prof. Arcidiacono offers six different models to estimate the effect of Asian-American
ethnicity on the probability of admission. My analysis builds exclusively on Prof. Arcidiacono’s
Models 5 and 6, for two reasons.
113. First, Prof. Arcidiacono states that “Model 5 is the most useful of [his] models for
determining the effect/impact of race in admissions decisions,”
and Mr. Kahlenberg uses Model 6
as his preferred model for simulating race-neutral admissions practices. SFFA’s own experts thus
agree that Models 5 and 6 are the most reliable.
114. Second, as explained above, Models 1, 2, 3, and 4 are unreliable because they do not
account for any of Harvard’s ratings on non-academic dimensions. As detailed in Section 3 above,
Harvard’s admissions process considers a wide variety of non-academic factors, and non-academic
excellence is rarer in the Harvard applicant pool than academic excellence. Harvard’s profile and
school-support ratings play an essential role in capturing non-academic information, much of which
is not otherwise quantified. Because Prof. Arcidiacono’s Models 1–4 ignore that critical information,
they cannot reliably estimate the effect of race.
115. Exhibit 16 helps illustrate this point. It reports the Pseudo R-Squared value for each of
Prof. Arcidiacono’s Models 1–6. The Pseudo R-Squared statistic provides a useful summary measure
of the extent to which the variables included in a model explain the outcome being modeled (in this
case, admission to Harvard). It can take on values ranging from zero to one; the closer it is to one, the
more the model explains about Harvard’s admission decisions. Models 1–4 have Pseudo R-Squared
See workpaper. Although I understand that admissions officers rely on applicants’ self-identification of their race on
the application (see Deposition of Grace Cheng, April 7, 2017, pp. 114–115; Banks Deposition, p. 190; Fitzsimmons
Deposition, pp. 239–240), I use race information reported by the applicant on the SAT, SAT II, and ACT tests for the
limited purpose of this sensitivity analysis. I do not include this additional race information in the rest of my models.
See workpaper.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 62.
values of 0.34 or lower—very low, and much lower than the Pseudo R-Squared values of Models 5
and 6, which jump to 0.57 and 0.65, respectively (for the expanded sample). That is because Models
1–4 ignore critical information on which Harvard relies when making admission decisions.
Explanatory power of Professor Arcidiacono’s logit models of admission
Source: Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Tables B.7.1 and B.7.2.
5.1.5. The expanded sample is more appropriate than the baseline sample
116. Prof. Arcidiacono presents his models using two different samples—one that he refers to
as the “baseline sample” and one that he refers to as the “expanded sample.” The baseline sample
removes lineage applicants, recruited athletes, children of Harvard faculty and staff, candidates who
appear on the Dean’s or Director’s interest lists, and Early Action applicants. My analyses rely on the
expanded sample, for several reasons.
117. First, as a general matter, Harvard compares all of its applicants in each year to all other
applicants in the pool for that year; it does not conduct separate admissions processes for discrete
subsets of the pool. Harvard seeks a diverse class in each year on any number of dimensions—
academic, extracurricular, geographic, racial and ethnic, and so on. Thus, the fact that some
candidates with particular attributes (such as lineage applicants or recruited athletes) have a higher
likelihood of admission does not mean that they should be completely excluded from the analysis.
Such candidates are still compared to other candidates on all dimensions, and their candidacy can
affect how other decisions are made. By throwing such information out of the analysis, the model
cannot use that information to explain why other applicants were or were not admitted.
118. This methodological flaw is particularly a concern for Prof. Arcidiacono’s decision to
remove from his baseline sample applicants for Early Action admission. This decision is inconsistent
with how Harvard’s admissions process works. It is my understanding that Harvard does not have a
different standard for admission in the Early Action process, and most applicants who apply early and
are not admitted have their applications “deferred” to the Regular Decision phase,
where they
compete with applicants who did not apply early.
Removing early applicants from the sample thus
has the effect of modeling only part of the regular admissions cycle, excluding many applicants with
whom the included applicants are competing for spots.
119. Second, as noted above, the Early Action process did not exist in two of the years of data
used in Prof. Arcidiacono’s model. Thus, for years in which there was no Early Action process (the
class of 2014 and 2015 admissions cycles), Prof Arcidiacono’s “baseline sample” includes a different
set of applicants than in years for which Early Action was available. Further, because Prof.
Arcidiacono pools data across all years and then excludes Early Action applicants for years in which
Early Action existed, his baseline sample combines multiple years of data that have different
definitions of a “baseline” sample, creating a pooled sample that is inconsistent. That is a major
problem with his “baseline” sample and pooled model.
120. Finally, because it is important to estimate the models separately by year, limiting the
sample to Prof. Arcidiacono’s “baseline” sample unnecessarily reduces the sample size of the year-
by-year models, which reduces the power and precision of the models.
5.1.6. The importance of factors that Harvard values but that are not measured in the data
121. As detailed throughout this report, Harvard’s admissions process considers non-
academic factors that are relatively scarce in the applicant pool and difficult to quantify in a
regression model. Even after enriching my admissions model to capture a variety of such factors that
are missing from Prof. Arcidiacono’s model (and to improve its predictive power relative to Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model), my model still does not perfectly explain all of Harvard’s admissions
decisions. This implies that there are additional factors not measured by my model that are important
See workpaper.
McGrath Deposition 2015, p. 210 (“Q. And then everything we just said about the information that gets presented to
the subcommittee is the same for regular action as it is for early action? A. Yes.”); Weaver Deposition, Volume II, pp.
172–173 (“Q. Besides the timing, what other variations are there between …early action and regular action? … A. There
are differences between the two in the sense of timeline and the quantity of applications; however, the process and the
way in which a folder moves through the process is similar.”); Ray Deposition, p. 55 (“Q. When you go to subcommittee
in the regular action review process, …do you follow the same format that you did in early action review? … A. Yes. …
Q. And do you typically give the same designations for students—namely, admitted, wait list, rejected, FAO hold—
during the subcommittee process and regular action review? ... A. Yes. The only different action is that there is no defer
action in regular action.”).
to Harvard’s admissions decisions. The omission of such factors from the model presents a classic
example of a problem known as “omitted variable bias,” or what I have referred to above as the
“missing data” problem.
122. Omitted variable bias occurs whenever a regression model omits variables that (1) are
correlated with the variable of interest and (2) affect the outcome variable. In that circumstance, the
effect of the omitted variable on the outcome may incorrectly be attributed to the variable of interest.
Here, the variable of interest is race, so the omission of variables that are correlated with race and
affect admissions outcomes—such as the non-academic factors discussed throughout this report—can
lead the model to misattribute to race differences in admissions outcomes that are in fact attributable
to the omitted variables.
123. Statistical methods can help quantify the importance of unmeasured, individualized
factors in the decision process relative to factors that are more easily measured. These methods can
help us understand the degree to which factors outside of the model might bias the results, and/or
explain the reasons a specific applicant was ultimately admitted or denied admission. Below are four
widely accepted methods that I will use in the remainder of this section, and that will be important in
showing that Prof. Arcidiacono’s model is missing critical information.
Measures of overall fit and predictive accuracy: These statistics measure
how well the model explains, or predicts, the outcome of interest (in this
case, admission to Harvard). I will rely primarily on two such metrics.
The first is Pseudo R-Squared, a measure of how well the variables
included in the model explain the outcome. The second is the fraction of
admitted applicants for whom the model correctly predicts the actual
admission outcome.
Predicted probability of admission for each individual applicant:
Whereas the metrics discussed above reflect how well the model
James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson, Introduction to Econometrics (Pearson, 2015), pp. 183–184 (“If the regressor is
correlated with a variable that has been omitted from the analysis and that determines, in part, the dependent variable,
then the OLS estimator will have omitted variable bias.”); Sharmila Choudhury, “Reassessing the Male-Female Wage
Differential: A Fixed Effects Approach,” Southern Economic Journal 60(2), 1993, pp. 327–340 at p. 327 (“The
conventional approach of economists has been to estimate earnings as a function of various socio-economic
characteristics. The observed wage gap is decomposed into a part explained by productivity related factors and an
unexplained residual, traditionally labelled as discrimination. While it is possible that the unexplained variation earnings
is the result of discrimination, it is also possibly the result of model misspecification ... we address the misspecification
that could possibility arise from omitted variables…”)
Because the logit model estimates a probability of admission for each applicant, I compute this statistic by ranking
applicants from highest to lowest predicted probability of admission and considering the top-ranked applicants to be
admitted, such that the number of predicted admitted students matches the number of actual admitted students.
explains admissions outcomes in aggregate, the importance of
unmeasured factors in any individual admissions decision can be
quantified using the estimated probability of admission for each
individual applicant. For example, if the model generates an estimated
probability of admission close to zero for an applicant who is actually
admitted, or vice versa, it suggests that there are unobserved factors that
substantially affected the admission outcome. A particularly useful
exercise is to compare the predicted probability of admission for any
given applicant to the final admission decision. The difference between
the predicted probability of admission and the actual admission decision
is a measure of the importance of unobserved factors that are valued by
admissions officers but not included in the model. The larger the
difference, the more important unobserved factors were in the final
Sensitivity of coefficients to inclusion/exclusion of additional control
variables: Another way to assess the influence of unmeasured factors on
a given outcome variable is to estimate “sensitivity” analyses that
include different sets of control variables, testing how the effect of a
particular variable of interest changes when different sets of controls are
included. Prof. Arcidiacono employs this analysis himself when using
his Models 1–6, as will I in order to better understand the effect of
factors that cannot be included in my estimation.
Subgroup analysis: A closely related method for assessing the
importance of unmeasured factors is subgroup analysis. If racial bias is
the cause of a disparity between racial groups in an outcome like
admission to Harvard, then one would expect to see the disparity persist
across all relevant subgroups, time periods, and outcomes in the data.
For example, a bias against applicants of a particular race should affect
men and women of that race alike, and should affect members of that
race across all years, since race is consistent across gender and time. On
the other hand, if the racial disparity is caused by unobserved factors
rather than by bias, it is much more likely that the disparity will vary
across subgroups because, simply by chance, the relative strength and
weakness of each racial group on unmeasured factors will differ by
subgroup. Similar logic applies if the disparity at issue is not consistent
across different outcome measures––if the admissions process is in fact
biased, there should be consistent evidence of bias not just in ultimate
admissions decisions but in other types of outcomes that reflect the
judgment of admissions officers, such as profile ratings. I employ these
types of analyses in Section 5.3 below.
5.1.7. The importance of average marginal effects
124. One final technical note warrants discussion. In the appendix tables of his report, Prof.
Arcidiacono reports only the logit coefficients of the race variables from his regression models.
Those coefficients show the marginal effect of a given variable (e.g., an indicator for Asian-American
ethnicity) on the logarithm of the odds (the so-called log-odds) of admission, rather than the marginal
effect of a given variable on the probability of admission for a given candidate. Importantly, in a logit
model, the marginal effect of any given variable on an applicant’s probability of admission varies
depending on that applicant’s other characteristics, and there is no single parameter that measures the
gap in admission probabilities between different subgroups. As a result, simply reporting the logit
coefficient for a given variable does not convey the effect of that variable across all applicants in the
relevant population (here, Asian-American applicants).
125. For example, consider an applicant to Harvard who has an academic rating of 4 or worse.
She will have very little chance of admission given Harvard’s high academic standards. Thus, even if
she was very active in her high school, served as president of the student government, and
volunteered at numerous community organizations (all characteristics Harvard values), she would
still have very little chance of admission. Those factors will have essentially zero marginal effect on
her probability of admission. On the other hand, if the same candidate had an academic rating of 1 or
2, then the marginal effect of her strong extracurricular and community service record on her
probability of admission would be much larger. This is what is referred to as a “non-linear” effect—
the effect of the student’s non-academic achievements depends on whether her academic
qualifications are strong enough for her to be in the running.
126. Because of these non-linear effects, the typical way to summarize the marginal effect of
a variable in a logit regression is to report its average marginal effect across all individuals who
possess the trait in question—rather than simply reporting its logit coefficient, as Prof. Arcidiacono
For example, in the hypothetical above, one would report the average marginal effect of a
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi, Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications (Cambridge University
Press, 2009), pp. 467, 501 (“[T]here are several ways to compute an average marginal effect. It is best to use …the
sample average of the marginal effects…Typically these [marginal effects] are then averaged over individuals to give an
average marginal effect[.]”); William H. Greene, Econometric Analysis (Pearson, 2008), p. 775 (“For computing marginal
effects, one can evaluate the expressions at the sample means of the data or evaluate the marginal effects at every
observation and use the sample average of the individual marginal effects…Current practice favors averaging the
individual marginal effects when it is possible to do so.”).
candidate’s extracurricular achievements across all candidates. If the average marginal effect of a
given variable is not statistically different from zero, one can conclude that on average the variable
does not have a significant effect on the outcome of interest. For this reason, I report all effects of
race in my report as average marginal effects.
127. Another shortcoming of Prof. Arcidiacono’s approach to reporting the logit coefficients
is that, because he estimates the effect of Asian-American ethnicity separately for men and women
and for those who are and are not identified by Harvard’s admissions officers as disadvantaged, most
of his analysis does not quantify the overall effect of ethnicity for the full set of Asian-American
The Asian-American logit coefficient (-0.367) that he reports in his appendix table
B.7.1 and discusses in Section 3.7 of his report actually refers to the effect of Asian-American
ethnicity only for male applicants who are not disadvantaged, not the effect for the general
population of Asian-American applicants, including those who are disadvantaged and those who are
To calculate the effect on the log-odds of admission of Asian-American ethnicity for non-
disadvantaged female applicants, for example, one must add together the Asian-American coefficient
and the Asian-American*female coefficient, yielding an effect on the log-odds of only -0.089—less
than one-quarter the size of the effect that Arcidiacono misleadingly reports.
Calculating an
average marginal effect, as I do throughout this report, corrects this problem by reporting a single,
average estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity on likelihood of admission across all Asian-
American applicants.
5.2. My enriched model finds no statistically significant evidence of bias
128. I now turn to the results of my statistical model. As detailed above, I start with Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model and then include a richer set of control variables that he does not include in his
model and that more fully account for the substantial consideration Harvard gives to non-academic
factors, including contextual factors like high school, neighborhood, and family background. I then
use the model to test whether the disparity between Asian-American and White admission rates can
be explained by factors in the model other than race. As I show below, once additional relevant
factors are included in the model, Asian-American ethnicity has no consistent statistically significant
Prof. Arcidiacono’s Table 7.2 is an exception.
This also applies to Prof. Arcidiacono’s Table B.7.2 and various other tables reporting logit coefficients in his report,
such as those for his ratings regressions. Additionally, he includes interactions between race and missing variable
indicators for variables such as SAT II average, alumni interview rating and College Board cluster identifiers, so the
coefficients he reports are actually for Asian-American non-disadvantaged male applicants who are not missing these
-.089 = -.367+.278 summing logit coefficients on Asian-American and female*Asian-American from Prof.
Arcidiacono’s Table B.7.1.
negative effect on applicants’ likelihood of admission.
5.2.1. With better and more complete control variables included in Prof. Arcidiacono’s regression model,
there is no statistically significant gap in admission rates between Asian-American and White applicants
129. Exhibit 17 presents one of the key findings of my analysis: The alleged effect of Asian-
American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission is statistically insignificant even in a
model that pools all applicants across years as Prof. Arcidiacono does.
130. Each row in Exhibit 17 reports the average marginal effect of Asian-American (relative
to White) ethnicity for a particular specification of Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6, including the
additional changes I make to Model 6 described above. The average marginal effect is the average
change in the estimated probability of admission associated with being Asian-American as opposed
to White, calculated across all Asian-American applicants in the sample.
Pooled logit models of admission do not show evidence of bias against Asian-American applicants
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission for Asian-American applicants. The Card pooled model uses Professor
Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample; all other models use Professor Acidiacono’s expanded sample. Marginal efects are calculated
relative to White applicants (using the same definition of race as Professor Arcidiacono). * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal
effects are reported as percentage point values.
131. The first row is calculated directly from Model 6 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s report. It shows
that the average marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity in Model 6 is -0.46. This means that,
relative to the average White applicant, the average Asian-American applicant has a lower probability
of admission to Harvard—by 0.46 percentage points—controlling for all of the variables in Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model. This effect is statistically significant.
132. The second row also relies on Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6, but removes the overall
rating, which should not be included in any model that is attempting to estimate the effect of race
because (as discussed above) the overall rating may be influenced by an applicant’s race. In this
specification, the average marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity becomes more negative, at -
0.58, and remains statistically significant. The third row then removes Prof. Arcidiacono’s
interactions of race with other variables (such as disadvantaged status, gender, and missing variable
indicators), and also removes interactions of gender with other variables (such as intended
concentration), which for the reasons discussed above should not be included. In this specification,
the average marginal effect of being Asian-American changes only slightly to -0.53 and remains
statistically significant. Moving forward, when I refer to Prof. Arcidiacono’s model, I will refer to the
version in row 3, as that is the version that I will build on as I enrich the model.
133. The fourth row of Exhibit 17 reports the key results of my enriched model, where I begin
with Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model in row 3 and add in additional control variables detailed in Exhibit
14 above, including better measures of high school quality, high school and neighborhood
demographics, socioeconomic status, and staff interview ratings.
134. When I include these additional variables, the average estimated marginal effect of
Asian-American ethnicity falls by over 70% to -0.14, and—crucially—it becomes statistically
insignificant at the conventional 5% significance level. In other words, the model finds that there is
no statistically meaningful effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission,
controlling for all of the variables in my enriched model.
135. Exhibit 18 shows in more detail how the average marginal effect of Asian-American
ethnicity falls as I add additional controls to the pooled model. The addition of information on
parental occupations causes the average marginal effect to fall from -0.59 to -0.41. Adding detailed
high school and neighborhood information (on top of the parental occupation information) causes the
effect to fall further to -0.29.
Further expanding the set of controls to include all the additional
controls I use in my model (e.g. intended career, staff interview ratings, and an indicator of whether
the applicant was born in the United States) causes the effect to fall still further, to -0.14, and to
become insignificant. At each step, I test whether the variables I have added are jointly statistically
Some variables in my model (but not Prof. Arcidiacono’s model), such as the detailed College Board high school and
neighborhood characteristics and the rural indicator, are unavailable for some applicants (primarily those on international
dockets or those who are home-schooled). Thus, when I add these variables to the model, applicants missing this
information are no longer included in the regression sample. Such applicants account for only 4.85% of the sample (see
workpaper). Prof. Arcidiacono includes such applicants in his sample by assigning them all to the same high school and
neighborhood clusters. This inappropriately groups applicants from varied backgrounds (such as those who are home-
schooled in the United States and those attending international high schools) into the same cluster identifier.
Treating Hawaiian/Pacific Islander applicants as Asian-American applicants attenuates the estimated effect even
further to -0.09 (See workpaper).
I reviewed the 60 individual high school and neighborhood variables available in the College Board data and found
several were redundant (with one another or with information available in the Harvard database) or had other limitations
that warranted their not being included.
significant, and in each case they are.
Additional control variables attenuate the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Data are from applicants in Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Marginal effects are calculated relative to White
applicants. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported as percentage point values. Other variables include
intended career, school type, parent attended Ivy League college, parent attended Harvard graduate school, parent living or deceased
status, rural indicator, permanent resident indicator, and staff interview rating.
136. As detailed above in Sections 3 and 4, a fundamental problem with Prof. Arcidiacono’s
models is that they put a great deal of weight on academic variables by including both the academic
rating and the various quantitative academic measures that inform that rating, but they include less
information on the critical non-academic factors (including contextual factors like high school,
neighborhood, and family background) that Harvard considers, and that differ on average between
White and Asian-American applicants. As shown in the prior two exhibits, when I address this
concern and include more variables that can capture differences across candidates in life experience
and circumstance, the disparity between Asian-American and White admission rates is fully
explained by the set of control variables in the model.
137. This result should not be surprising because a similar pattern is present (albeit to a lesser
degree) in Prof. Arcidiacono’s own models. Specifically, as he adds non-academic variables to his
model, including measures of socioeconomic status and non-academic ratings, the alleged negative
effect of Asian-American ethnicity is attenuated.
My enriched model has the same feature; it
simply adds a more inclusive set of measures of such factors into the model.
138. This is still a pooled model, as opposed to the year-by-year models that I consider
methodologically superior and that I discuss below. In other words, even if I accept Prof.
Arcidiacono’s methodological choice to use a pooled model, the addition of proper control variables
Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.7.2.
to his model negates any statistically significant negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity.
139. Before moving on, I want to respond to one additional argument Prof. Arcidiacono
makes that is related to this point. Prof. Arcidiacono points to documents produced in this litigation
from Harvard’s Office of Institutional Research (OIR), summarizing statistical analyses performed by
that office, as supposedly corroborating his findings and his methodology. A careful review of the
relevant analyses, however, indicates that OIR’s research methodology actually supports my
methodological approach over Prof. Arcidiacono’s. Specifically, the documents indicate that OIR
understood that its models were “basic” and “preliminary” and that, like Prof. Arcidiacono’s, they
were missing important factors in the admissions process—particularly non-academic factors. For
example, one of the documents states that “[t]here are a variety of factors that quantitative data is
likely to miss or ratings not capture,” and then lists as examples “[e]xceptional talent,” “[t]he role of
context cases,” “[t]he role of the personal statement/essay,” and “[m]easures of socioeconomic
In other words, OIR’s documents recognize the same limitations in its analysis that I
recognize in Prof. Arcidiacono’s, and thus provide further support for my approach of expanding the
set of control variables to help the model better control for the many non-academic factors that are
important to the admissions process.
5.2.2. When the model is estimated year-by-year, it finds no evidence of a statistically significant negative
effect of Asian-American ethnicity
140. As detailed in Section 5.1.2, in my opinion the correct way to model admissions
decisions at Harvard is to examine each year separately. Prof. Arcidiacono’s model does not do that;
instead, it imposes the unrealistic assumption that Harvard’s admissions process compares applicants
across years and that each factor has the same effect in every year. The reality of the admissions
process is quite different. Candidates compete only against the other candidates applying in that year,
and Harvard’s admissions decisions in each year depend on the specific set of applicants in the pool
that year.
Moreover, as noted earlier, certain factors (like the use of Early Action) change from
year to year.
141. In Exhibit 19, I report results for the year-by-year models, my preferred methodology.
What I find is generally consistent with the pooled model. The average marginal effect of Asian-
OIR Presentation at HARV00031722.
A student who is admitted in a prior year but chooses to defer his admission, or a student offered deferred admission in
a prior year, is considered part of the admitted class in the year for which he will enroll but is still compared, in the
admissions process, only against other applicants in the year when he originally applied.
American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission across all six years of data
is statistically
indistinguishable from zero (-0.02), just like the average marginal effect in the pooled model,
indicating no statistical evidence of bias.
142. However, by estimating the model year-by-year, I also gain some important information.
Specifically, in four of the six years the coefficients on Asian-American ethnicity are actually small
and positive—in other words, Asian-American ethnicity (relative to White ethnicity) is associated
with a higher likelihood of admission in those years, controlling for all other factors. The years with
positive estimated effects include three of the four years since the reinstatement of Early Action with
the class of 2016 cycle.
My pooled model generates a single estimate of the average marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity on
applicants’ likelihood of admission. By contrast, my year-by-year model generates six different estimates—one for each
class. To ensure that my year-by-year estimates are comparable with Prof. Arcidiacono’s pooled estimate, I average the
six year-by-year estimates to obtain an average effect across all six years of data. This approach allows me to use all the
available years of data but estimate models that more accurately reflect Harvard’s admissions process.
This result also holds if I include average Advanced Placement exam scores in the 2017 – 2019 models (the only years
for which they are available in the data). Prof. Arcidiacono excludes these from his pooled model analysis because they
were only available in later years, but he argues that excluding such measures likely causes him to underestimate bias
since these are measures on which Asian-American applicants are relatively strong (Arcidiacono Report, pp. 77–78). His
dataset contains a variable for average AP exam scores for the classes of 2018 and 2019. I increase the coverage of this
variable to include 2017 AP scores (which are stored in a different field) and include the expanded variable in my year-
by-year models for 2017, 2018, and 2019. See workpaper.
If I estimate this model treating Hawaiian/Pacific Islander applicants as Asian, the estimated effect becomes positive
(though still statistically insignificant) on average across the six years. See workpaper.
Year-by-year logit models of admission show no consistent or statistically significant evidence of
bias against Asian-American applicants
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission for Asian-American applicants relative to White applicants using
Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported as percentage
point values.
143. The predictive accuracy of my year-by-year enriched model is higher than that of all of
Prof. Arcidiacono’s models. As shown in Exhibit 20, my preferred model with the additional
information correctly predicts the admissions outcome for 74% of applicants, while Prof.
Arcidiacono’s preferred model (Model 5) correctly predicts the outcome for only 67% of applicants.
Card model has higher predictive accuracy than Prof. Arcidiacono’s preferred model
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the total share of admitted students correctly predicted by the model. Card models use Professor Arcidiacono’s
corrected expanded sample; all other models use Professor Acidiacono’s expanded sample. Predictions assume that the applicants are
admitted in order of their predicted probability of admission from the model.
144. My model includes all applicants, including those who are waitlisted and then admitted
or denied admission from the waitlist. Prof. Arcidiacono presents an analysis comparing the share of
applicants of each race who were waitlisted and then denied admission to the admission rate of all
applicants of each race. He suggests that the fact that Asian-American applicants are more likely to
be denied admission after having been waitlisted, while having the lowest overall admission rate,
reflects bias against Asian Americans.
That analysis is fundamentally incomplete and misleading,
and cannot be taken as evidence of bias, because it does not account for the many qualifications that
differ on average between Asian-American and White applicants. My admission model discussed
above, which includes all applicants (including those who were waitlisted) and does account for
differences in qualifications, finds no evidence of bias against Asian-American applicants.
5.2.3. Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis does not support the conclusion that the personal rating is biased
145. The models discussed above include as a control variable Harvard’s personal rating.
Using an ordered logit model that predicts personal ratings, Prof. Arcidiacono has argued that the
personal rating is biased against Asian-American applicants. Based on this result, he then argues that
the inclusion of the personal rating in the model is inappropriate. As discussed in Section 2 above,
there are several reasons why Prof. Arcidiacono’s statistical evidence of bias in the personal rating is
weak and does not justify the exclusion of the personal rating from his model. Here, I expand on this
146. First, Prof. Arcidiacono’s model of personal ratings cannot reliably explain the
Arcidiacono Report, pp. 31–32.
assignment of personal ratings. The Pseudo R-Squared value of the model is 0.28, which is quite low;
for example, Prof. Arcidiacono’s more reliable model of the academic rating has a Pseudo R-Squared
value of 0.56.
Additionally the model has very low predictive accuracy. Of the 47 applicants in
Prof. Arcidiacono’s sample who have personal ratings of 1, his model correctly predicts their rating
zero percent of the time, and of the 30,976 applicants with a rating of 2, it correctly predicts their
rating only 45% of the time.
147. As detailed above, a common methodological challenge in assessing the potential for
racial bias using regression models is that a model almost always excludes some relevant
information. This concern is particularly significant in attempting to model Harvard’s personal rating,
which considers many individualized and hard-to-quantify factors (i.e., the “missing data” I discuss
above). Thus, if a regression estimates that race affects applicants’ personal ratings, there is a serious
question whether that estimated effect might actually be explained not by race but by racial
differences in some factor that is not included in the model and that affects the personal rating—in
other words, by omitted-variable bias (or “missing data”). One clear example of such missing data is
an applicant’s personal essay, which according to documents and testimony in this case is an
important consideration in the determination of the personal rating.
148. As discussed above, one way to determine if the missing data problem is affecting the
estimated effects of race in a particular model is to consider how the estimated effect in the model
changes as more of the available variables are added to the model. Importantly, Prof. Arcidiacono’s
own regression results show that the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity on the personal
rating shrinks as non-academic factors are added to his model of the personal rating. This pattern
suggests that, were more information available, the alleged effect could shrink further. For example,
in Table B.6.7 of Prof. Arcidiacono’s report, the coefficient of Asian-American ethnicity is -0.542 in
Model 3 before he has added controls for neighborhood and school background and for the relevant
ratings that feed into the personal rating. When he adds those controls (in his Model 5), the
coefficient falls to -0.366.
If the model could account for unobserved factors like the personal
Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.6.5 and Table B.6.7.
See workpaper.
See, for example, Banks Deposition, pp. 79–80 (“Q. And for each of those categories, can you tell me how they were
assigned a numerical score?...[A] Extracurricularly, quality of achievement, strength of performance in any particular
domain, personal qualities, some grasp of the candidate’s personality, interest in other people, cooperation with others, a
sense of responsibility as gleaned from teacher recommendations, personal interview, personal essay, et cetera. Q. Okay.
So for the last category, the—the main inputs you would look at were recommendations, interview, and anything else? A.
The candidate’s essay.”); Walsh Deposition, p. 60 (“Q. How would you calculate that score?…[A.] I would like to take
into consideration whatever relevant information I had were that his essay, her essay, her interview, and the opinions
about that applicant as expressed by others.”); Ray Deposition, pp. 21–22 (“Q. What are the materials that you use—
materials or considerations that go into determining this person’s score?…A. For example, content in recommendation
letters, personal essays.”).
Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.6.7.
essay, the gap could fall further.
149. Another sign that Prof. Arcidiacono’s regression models of the personal and overall
ratings are not capturing actual bias against Asian-American applicants is that his models find a
statistically significant positive effect of Asian-American ethnicity on the academic and
extracurricular ratings. As noted above in Section 5.1.6, such a pattern calls into question whether the
effects his models attribute to race are more properly explained by factors that are missing from his
models (either because he does not include them or because they are unobservable). If Harvard were
in fact biased against Asian-American applicants, it would make little sense for Harvard to give an
unexplained advantage to Asian-American applicants in the academic and extracurricular ratings. On
the other hand, if Harvard were not biased, but the ratings models were simply missing relevant
variables that explain the differences across race in ratings assignments, it would not be surprising to
see an inconsistent pattern of “bias” across the profile ratings.
150. Further, as detailed in Section 3, the essential function of the ratings is to quantify the
otherwise unobservable information about applicants that admissions officers discern from their
intensive review of each file. It is therefore unsurprising that regression models struggle to reliably
explain the ratings; the whole point of the ratings is to capture information that is hard to measure.
151. Despite my view that Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis does not support an inference that the
personal rating is biased against Asian-American applicants, I have also conducted an analysis that
assumes for the sake of argument that the personal rating is biased, and therefore removes it from the
model. This approach is an extremely conservative analysis that overcorrects for any concern of bias
in the personal rating, because it completely removes from the model the personal rating (a factor on
which White applicants, in aggregate, are relatively stronger than Asian-American applicants), rather
than removing only the allegedly discriminatory component of the rating. In fact, Prof. Arcidiacono’s
Table 6.1––which uses his personal ratings regression to calculate the share of Asian-American
applicants who would receive a rating of 1 or 2 under the assumption that there was no bias in the
personal rating––shows that White applicants are still, on average, a bit more likely than Asian-
American applicants to have a personal rating of 1 or 2.
152. As Exhibit 21 shows, even in this very conservative model that ignores an important
dimension of the admissions process on which White applicants are relatively strong, I still find only
weak and inconsistent evidence of a disparity between Asian-American and White admission rates.
Specifically, I find no evidence of a significant negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity in five of
the six years of data I analyze.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 57.
Logit model of admissions removing personal rating
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission for Asian-American applicants relative to White applicants using Prof.
Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported as percentage point values.
153. Additionally, Exhibit 22 shows the average marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity
if I remove the only class for which there is a statistically significant negative effect (the class of
2018) from my sensitivity analysis that excludes the personal rating. When I focus my analysis on the
five admissions cycles other than 2018, the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity in each of
those five years is statistically insignificant and the overall, average estimated effect across all five
years becomes statistically insignificant (falling by 21% relative to the estimated effect over all six
years). In other words, even if I exclude the personal rating from the model, there is no statistically
significant gap in admissions between Asian-American applicants and White applicants outside of the
2018 admissions cycle.
Excluding 2018, logit model of admissions without personal rating shows no evidence of bias
against Asian-American applicants
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission for Asian-American applicants relative to White applicants using Prof.
Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported as percentage point values.
154. Before moving on, I want to respond to three other arguments offered by Prof.
Arcidiacono in support of his claim that the personal and overall ratings are biased. First, Prof.
Arcidiacono’s model of the overall rating, like his model of the personal rating and other non-
academic ratings, is weak; it has a Pseudo R-Squared value of just 0.34.
Given the evidence
detailed above that the estimated negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’
probability of admission shrinks as available non-academic qualifications are added to the model, and
given that non-academic qualifications are harder to measure than academic qualifications, the small
negative effect that the model attributes to Asian-American ethnicity is not reliable evidence of bias;
it is entirely possible and even likely that that effect is attributable to omitted non-academic variables.
Additionally, Prof. Arcidiacono’s overall rating model has very poor predictive accuracy. Of the 109
applicants in Prof. Arcidiacono’s sample who have overall ratings of 1 (including pluses and
minuses), his model correctly predicts their rating only 18% of the time, and of the 8,124 applicants
with a rating of 2 (including pluses and minuses), it correctly predicts their rating only 28% of the
Further, as explained above, I have not included the overall rating in any of my regressions
because it is the one rating that may be influenced by applicants’ race (in the sense that, for example,
the overall ratings of African-American, Hispanic, or Other (AHO) applicants may reflect the
contribution they would make to the racial diversity of the student body). As I have shown above,
even without the overall rating in my regression, I find no evidence of systematic bias in Harvard’s
Arcidiacono Report, Appendix B, Table B.6.8.
See workpaper.
admissions process against Asian-American applicants.
155. Second, Prof. Arcidiacono suggests that the school support (teacher and guidance
counselor) ratings assigned by Harvard are biased against Asian-American applicants because he
observes that Asian-American applicants with the strongest academic qualifications (defined as those
in the top deciles (4-10) of the academic index) are less likely to receive strong school support ratings
relative to applicants of other races.
Again, this conclusion depends on Prof. Arcidiacono’s
assumption that candidates who are strong on academic factors are also strong on non-academic
factors—an assumption that, as discussed above, is not supported by the available data. The teacher
and guidance counselor ratings reflect strength across both academic and non-academic dimensions.
Thus, the small gap between Asian-American and White applicants’ school support ratings may well
be attributable to the fact that Asian-American applicants tend on average to be weaker than White
applicants on the available measures of non-academic factors that Prof. Arcidiacono’s analysis
explicitly ignores by focusing on only deciles of the academic index.
156. Third, Prof. Arcidiacono also suggests that differences between the alumni overall and
personal ratings and Harvard’s admissions officers’ overall and personal ratings show that Harvard’s
personal and overall ratings are biased. But that argument once again depends on Prof. Arcidiacono’s
regression models of the ratings—which, again, are quite low in predictive accuracy and do not
reliably control for the many hard-to-measure factors that are likely very important to the
determination of the ratings. Second, the alumni and admissions-officer ratings are based on different
sources. An alumni personal rating reflects only the alumni interviewer’s brief interaction with the
applicant, whereas the personal rating assigned by Harvard admissions officers considers not just the
alumni interview (to the extent it has occurred before the rating is assigned, which is often not the
case) but also the candidate’s essays, teacher recommendations, secondary school report, and so on.
Alumni ratings are also much more generous in general. For example, 62% of applicants receive an
alumni personal rating of 1 or 2, while only 23% of the sample receive a personal rating of 1 or 2.
Moreover, the personal ratings given by the Harvard admissions officers explain much more about
Harvard’s admissions decisions than the alumni interviewer personal ratings do. For Prof.
Arcidiacono’s expanded sample, the Pseudo R-Squared value of a model that controls for only the
personal rating is 0.19, while a model that controls for only the alumni personal rating has a Pseudo
R-Squared value of just 0.08.
Given all of this, it is not particularly surprising that there exist
differences in the size of various coefficients across the two models.
Arcidiacono Report, p. 48.
See workpaper.
See workpaper.
5.3. Analysis of key subgroups of the data further contradicts SFFAs claim of systematic bias
157. To further analyze SFFA’s claim that Harvard’s admissions process discriminates
against Asian-American applicants, I have also examined how the estimated effect of Asian-
American ethnicity differs across time periods and subgroups of the applicant pool.
158. As discussed above in Section 5.1.6, a common methodological challenge when using
regression analysis to test for discrimination is that regressions typically cannot account for all
relevant factors that differ between two groups of people—in this case, between Asian-American and
White applicants. Further, as detailed in Sections 4 and 5 above, it is quite likely that both Prof.
Arcidiacono’s and my regression analyses do not fully account for the many non-academic factors
that are critical to admissions decisions in Harvard’s whole-person process (though my analysis
accounts for such factors more fully than Prof. Arcidiacono’s does). As a result, any gap that exists
between Asian-American and White applicants (or any group of applicants) may in fact reflect
average differences across race on factors not accounted for in the model.
159. One way to examine whether a racial disparity is attributable to bias is to assess whether
it is robust and consistent across subgroups and time periods in the data. If discrimination against
Asian-American applicants were the cause of the racial disparity in admission rates, one would
expect to see a systematic and robust racial difference in admission rates across all relevant
subgroups and time periods. By contrast, if the gap instead reflects differences across race in factors
that Harvard considers when making admission decisions—but that are missing from the model—it is
much more likely that the gap will vary across subgroups because, simply by chance, some subgroups
in the data are likely to be particularly strong or weak, in aggregate, on factors not accounted for in
the model.
160. In this section, I highlight a few patterns in the data that suggest the latter hypothesis is
more plausible. Specifically, as I discuss below, I find that the alleged effect of Asian-American
ethnicity is particularly small (and in fact positive rather than negative in most years—though
statistically insignificant) for two very large subgroups of Asian-American applicants—female
Asian-American applicants and Asian-American applicants applying from California dockets. I also
discuss how the fluctuation in the effect of Asian-American ethnicity on admissions from year to year
is inconsistent with the claim that Harvard’s admissions process is biased.
5.3.1. Asian-American ethnicity is associated with, if anything, a higher likelihood of admission for female
161. When my model is estimated only on female applicants, Asian-American ethnicity is
associated with a slightly higher probability of admission (though the difference is not statistically
significant). Exhibit 23 shows the results of my model for just the female sample. The effect of
Asian-American ethnicity is positive in five of six years and overall (and insignificant across the
Average marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity on admission is insignificant for Asian-
American women
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission, for Asian-American applicants relative to White applicants, using
Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported as percentage
point values.
162. This pattern is particularly interesting because Asian-American women are stronger on
non-academic dimensions than Asian-American applicants as a whole. Exhibit 24 shows that while
Asian-American men are stronger than Asian-American women on the academic rating, Asian-
American women are stronger on two of the three non-academic ratings, including the personal
rating. Additionally, Asian-American women are more likely to be multi-dimensional (i.e. have three
or more ratings of 2 or better) than Asian-American men. In other words, Asian-American women are
a bit less strong on academics than Asian-American men, but make up for it by being relatively
stronger on other dimensions.
163. The fact that Asian-American female applicants are stronger on non-academic factors
than Asian-American male applicants, are more multi-dimensional than Asian-American male
applicants, and, if anything, may have a small advantage over White female applicants is consistent
with my interpretation that any unexplained gap between Asian-American and White applicants in
the models is in fact driven by average differences in unmeasured non-academic factors, rather than
by discrimination against Asian-American applicants.
Asian-American female applicants are stronger on non-academic measures and more multi-
dimensional than Asian-American male applicants
Source: Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from Asian-American applicants to the classes of 20142019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample.
Ratings of 2- and above are classified as “2 or better” in this analysis. +/- rating designations are available in the data beginning with the
class of 2019.
5.3.2. Asian-American ethnicity is associated with a higher likelihood of admission for applicants on
California dockets
164. I also find that Asian-American ethnicity is associated with a slightly (though not
statistically significantly) higher probability of admission for applicants on California dockets —a
useful focal point for analysis because nearly 30% of Asian-American applicants are on California
165. If Harvard’s admissions process sought to limit the number of Asian-American
applicants, it would be unlikely to favor Asian-American applicants relative to White applicants in
the region in which Asian-American applicants are most concentrated. Yet, when I estimate my logit
model on applicants from California dockets only, I find that Asian-American applicants are, if
anything, slightly more likely to be admitted than White applicants with the same observable
characteristics. This result does not suggest that Harvard is biased in favor of Asian-American
applicants on California dockets; it suggests, instead, that any perceived negative effect of Asian-
American ethnicity in the national pool is more likely explained by factors omitted from the model
that vary across regions.
Admission rates for Asian-American applicants on California dockets are, if anything, higher than
those of White applicants once available factors are controlled for
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the classes of 20142019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are applying
from California dockets. Average marginal effects are calculated from the Card Model. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal
effects are reported as percentage point values.
166. Exhibit 25 presents the estimated marginal effect of Asian-American ethnicity for
applicants on California dockets. That effect is positive in five of six years and overall (and
insignificant in all years). These findings provide further evidence that Harvard’s admissions process
exhibits no evidence of systematic discrimination against Asian-American applicants relative to
White applicants.
5.3.3. Evidence of the alleged disparity is also inconsistent across years
167. As noted above, my admissions model also exhibits year-by-year variation in the
estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission. For example, in
my preferred specification, the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity is negative in some
years and positive in others, with four of the six years exhibiting a positive (albeit still statistically
insignificant) association between Asian-American ethnicity and applicants’ likelihood of admission,
and two of the six years a negative (albeit still statistically insignificant) association.
168. Even in my sensitivity analysis in which I exclude the personal rating from the model,
the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity is not consistent from year to year. As noted above,
the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity is statistically significant only in the class of 2018
admissions cycle, and when that cycle is excluded, the average estimated effect across the other five
years is not statistically significant. Additionally, the estimated effect of Asian-American ethnicity
changes from positive to negative between years, with two of the six years being positive in this
169. If Harvard’s admissions process were biased against Asian-American applicants
throughout this whole time period (as SFFA alleges), one would expect see a more consistent pattern
from year to year. The fact that the alleged “bias” fluctuates above and below zero from year to year
is more consistent with applicant pools from different years having a slightly different mix of
unmeasured, non-academic factors across ethnic groups that the model cannot perfectly account for,
than it is with the allegation of systematic bias against Asian-American applicants.
5.4. Conclusion
170. In this section, I have developed a statistical model that improves Prof. Arcidiacono’s
model by including in it a wide variety of factors that Harvard considers when making admissions
decisions and that Prof. Arcidiacono did not include in his model. My model also more accurately
reflects Harvard’s yearly admissions process in which applicants are compared only to other
applicants applying in the same year and not to applicants applying in other years.
171. I find no evidence of systematic bias against Asian-American applicants relative to
White applicants, after controlling for the many differences between these groups. While Asian-
American applicants tend to have stronger academic qualifications, White applicants tend to be
stronger on non-academic dimensions. Prof. Arcidiacono’s model places a great deal of weight on
academic qualifications (including both the academic rating and the academic factors that inform that
rating), while omitting information related to each candidate’s life circumstances, including detailed
variables describing each high school and neighborhood in the data. When I add such measures to the
model to better account for the differences across all dimensions that Harvard considers (and for
which I have data), I find no statistically significant negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity
relative to White ethnicity on applicants’ probability of admission. Furthermore, the estimated effect
of Asian-American ethnicity relative to White ethnicity is positive in four of the six years.
172. I also estimate a version of my model that assumes, as Prof. Arcidiacono alleges, that the
personal rating is biased against Asian-American applicants. I show that, even if the personal rating is
completely excluded from the model, there is at most weak evidence of a negative effect of Asian-
American ethnicity on applicants’ likelihood of admission. In any event, Prof. Arcidiacono’s findings
of bias in the personal rating are weak for several reasons. His models of the various ratings (aside
from the academic rating) have low explanatory power. Additionally, he finds a significant and
positive effect of Asian-American ethnicity on two of the four profile ratings, which casts doubt on
whether the results actually reveal racial bias rather than simply the effect of unobservable factors
that differ across race. Collectively, the results of Prof. Arcidiacono’s ratings regressions are more
consistent with the absence of relevant difficult-to-quantify information from the database (or from
Prof. Arcidiacono’s models) than with systematic bias against Asian-American applicants.
173. Finally, I find that the alleged disparity between Asian-American and White admission
rates is inconsistent from subgroup to subgroup and from year to year. I find particularly weak
evidence of bias against female Asian-American applicants and Asian-American applicants on
California dockets. If anything, Asian-American applicants in those two groups are admitted at
slightly higher rates than comparable White applicants, controlling for relevant factors. Since 30% of
Asian-American applicants are on California dockets, and half are female, it is hard to reconcile those
findings with SFFA’s claim that Harvard intentionally and systematically discriminates against
Asian-American applicants on the basis of their race. I also find that the effect of Asian-American
ethnicity fluctuates from year to year, and is positive in four of six years. I am not aware of any basis
to believe that Harvard’s process was somehow biased in some years but not others. Again, these
results—taken together—suggest that any estimate of a negative effect of Asian-American ethnicity
at the national level reflects not racial discrimination but rather the effect of factors that are omitted
from the model because they cannot be quantified, and that vary across genders, regions, and years.
174. In this section, I turn to a different research question regarding the importance of race in
Harvard’s admissions process. Using the regression model developed in Section 5 above, I explore
the size of the estimated effect of an applicant’s race or ethnicity on her likelihood of admission,
relative to the effect of the many other factors Harvard considers in its whole-person analysis.
175. Exhibit 26 summarizes the estimated average marginal effect of each racial category on
an applicant’s likelihood of admission. As already discussed in Section 5 above, the estimated effect
of Asian-American ethnicity is statistically indistinguishable from zero in every year. The estimated
effect of African-American ethnicity ranges from 5.20 percentage points to 7.43 percentage points,
and averages 6.12 percentage points, while the estimated effect of Hispanic and Other races (such as
Native American, and Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) ranges from 3.12 percentage points to 4.16
percentage points, and averages 3.73 percentage points.
Average marginal effect of race on the probability of admission
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Tables shows the estimated average marginal effect of race on admission, for each listed race, using Professor Arcidiacono’s
corrected expanded sample. * indicates significance at the 5% level. Marginal effects are reported in percentage point values.
176. In the remainder of this section, I offer a variety of analyses that provide context for how
important or unimportant race is relative to other factors in the admissions process. I find that (a) the
importance of race in explaining admissions decisions is substantially smaller than that of other key
factors Harvard considers; (b) even when race plays a role in admissions decisions, other applicant
attributes play a significant role as well; and (c) the effect of race is smaller than that of
individualized, unmeasured factors that are independent of race. All of these facts indicate that,
although race plays a role in admissions decisions, it is only one of a variety of factors considered and
is not the determinative factor.
6.1. Race is less important than other factors in admissions decisions
177. A starting point for estimating the effect of race relative to other factors in the
admissions process is to compare how effectively race explains admissions outcomes, relative to
other important factors Harvard considers in admissions. If race were a determinative factor, then
knowing an applicant’s race would allow one to predict with a high degree of certainty whether or not
the applicant is admitted.
178. Exhibit 27 reports the Pseudo R-Squared value for regressions of admissions outcomes
for the class of 2019 that include only racial categories as control variables, as well as regressions that
include only control variables other than race. As discussed above, Pseudo R-Squared is a statistic
that captures how well a variable (or set of variables) can explain admission decisions. It takes on
values from zero to one and is meant to approximate the share of the variation in actual admission
decisions that can be explained by the variables in the model. As shown in Exhibit 27, a regression
that includes only the variables for racial categories has a tiny Pseudo R-Squared value—just 0.002.
That means that race alone explains almost nothing about admissions outcomes. For comparison’s
sake, the profile ratings collectively explain a much larger proportion of the variability in admissions
outcomes (Pseudo R-Squared value of 0.33). School support ratings and alumni interview ratings
have Pseudo R-Squared values of 0.19 and 0.13, respectively. Even contextual factors that I include
in my model but that Prof. Arcidiacono does not include in his—such as College Board high school
and neighborhood variables, parental occupation, and intended career—explain more about
admissions decisions than race.
Many factors better explain admission decisions than race
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the class of 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample.
179. In Table 7.1 of his report, Prof. Arcidiacono shows that, according to his model, many
Asian-American applicants with a 25% estimated likelihood of admission would have an estimated
likelihood of admission of over 90% if they were African-American.
That is a misleading and
incomplete way to measure the relative importance of race for at least two reasons.
180. First, Prof. Arcidiacono has misleadingly selected a particular combination of applicant
characteristics for which the effect of race is largest. Exhibit 28 provides a fuller analysis that
examines the effect of race across all applicants, rather than a single example. It shows the average
estimated effect of race on probability of admission for African-American and Hispanic and Other
applicants (relative to White applicants) according to my year-by-year model for each decile of the
admissions index—a metric Prof. Arcidiacono has used in his analysis that measures the predicted
probability of admission absent consideration of race. As is clear, the higher likelihood of admission
associated with African-American ethnicity averages 13 percentage points or less for applicants in the
first nine deciles (that is, 90% of African-American applicants). For applicants in the highest decile
Arcidiacono Report, pp. 65–66.
(the strongest applicants), it averages 47 percentage points. For applicants of Hispanic or Other (non-
Asian) minority race, the estimated effect of race averages seven percentage points or less for
applicants in the first nine deciles and 29 percentage points for applicants in the highest decile.
Average marginal effect of race is small for the vast majority of AHO applicants
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Deciles are
constructed by race based on the predicted probabilities of admission when the race factor is turned off. Marginal effects are calculated
relative to White applicants using Card year-by-year admissions model. Marginal effects are reported as percentage point values.
181. Second, the applicants with the largest estimated positive effect of race on their
likelihood of admission are the strongest applicants—i.e., those whose estimated likelihood of
admission is in the top 10% of the applicant pool absent consideration of race. Race is not a
“determinative” factor for such applicants, even if it has a significant positive effect on their
likelihood of admission, because they are strong in other respects. One way to see this fact is that
77% of AHO admitted students have at least two profile ratings of 2 or better.
Applicants with at
least two profile ratings of 2 or better already have an admission rate of 23%.
See workpaper.
See workpaper.
6.2. Race is less important than unmeasured, individualized factors
182. It is also possible to compare the effect of race in Harvard’s admissions process to that of
individualized, unmeasured factors—that is, factors not captured by the model. One way to do that is
to examine the predicted probability of admission for each applicant and compare that to the actual
admission decision for the applicant.
183. As discussed in Section 5.1.6 above, if the model generates a predicted probability of
admission close to zero for a candidate who was rejected or a predicted probability of admission
close to one for a candidate who was admitted, one can conclude that the variables in the model allow
the researcher to be very confident about that applicant’s admissions outcome. If, however, the model
generates a predicted probability of admission of, say, 0.10 for a given candidate who was actually
admitted, one can conclude that the variables in the model do not allow the researcher to explain with
any degree of certainty why the applicant was admitted. In other words, it is the unquantifiable
factors that ultimately determined whether the candidate was admitted. More generally, one can
quantify the importance of such factors by using the “error” term from the model—that is, the actual
admission outcome (1=admitted) minus the estimated admission outcome (0.10)—which measures
the relative importance of factors specific to that individual that are not included in the model.
184. To give a concrete example, consider an applicant who is not admitted and whose SAT
scores and GPA are so low that it is essentially impossible for the applicant to be admitted. For such
an applicant, one can conclude that unquantified factors not present in the model are not a major
factor in the decision—the observable information on academic achievements is sufficient to
understand the decision. The applicant’s estimated likelihood of admission will be close to zero, and
the applicant’s actual admissions outcome will be zero (not admitted), so the error term will be very
small. On the other hand, consider an applicant with an academic rating of 3, an extracurricular rating
of 2, and a personal rating of 2. Suppose the model predicts the applicant has a 40% chance of
admission, and ultimately she is in fact admitted. What I conclude from such information is that other
factors that are specific to that candidate that are not observed in the model explain 60% of the
outcome—the difference between the applicant’s actual likelihood of admission (100%) and her
estimated likelihood of admission according to the model (40%).
185. By comparing the marginal effect of race for any given applicant to the error in the
model, it is possible to compare the role of race in the admissions process to the role played by
unobserved factors that are independent of race. Exhibit 29 shows that the portion of the admissions
decision attributable to unobserved characteristics of each individual applicant is greater than the
effect of race for 100% of Asian-American applicants, for 94% of African-American applicants, and
for 96% of Hispanic or Other applicants. In other words, in nearly all cases, race matters less to an
applicant’s admissions outcome than individualized factors that are not in the model.
Average marginal effect of race is small compared to importance of unobserved characteristics
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Absolute deviations and
marginal effects are reported as percentage point values. Table shows the average marginal effect of race on admission relative to White
applicants. Absolute deviation is computed by taking the absolute value of the difference between the actual admitted status and the
predicted probability of each applicant. Absolute deviation is compared with the absolute value of the marginal effect for each applicant.
186. Exhibit 30 shows the effect of race relative to other observed and unobserved factors
focusing only on applicants who were admitted to Harvard. Each bar shows the relative effect of
three different groups of factors in the model: race, observable factors other than race, and
unobservable factors that are specific to individuals and not captured in the model. Even for African-
American admitted students, race explains less than half (42%) of the variability in admissions
outcomes. For Hispanic or Other minority race applicants, race explains only 26% of the variability
in admissions outcomes. In other words, non-race factors play a large role.
Non-racial factors play the dominant role in admissions decisions
Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Data are from students admitted to the classes of 2014 – 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Average effect of
race is computed as the average marginal effect of race on admission relative to White applicants. Average effect of non-race observable
characteristics is computed as the average difference between the predicted probability and the marginal effect of race. Average effect of
unobservable characteristics is computed as the mean absolute deviation. Absolute deviation is computed by taking the absolute value of
the difference between the actual admitted status (0 or 1) and the predicted probability of admission for each applicant.
6.3. Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim about a “floor” for the admission rate of African-American applicants is
not supported by available data
187. Prof. Arcidiacono also asserts that, starting with the class of 2017, Harvard intentionally
sought to match the admission rate for African-American applicants to the admission rate for all
applicants. That assertion is not supported by available data.
188. Prof. Arcidiacono claims that the impetus for this practice was that, beginning with the
class of 2017, “Harvard adopted a new methodology for coding race and ethnicity that was consistent
with federal standards for reporting of race and ethnicity.”
Under that methodology—known as the
Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) methodology—students who identify as
Arcidiacono Report, p. 27.
African-American and another race are counted as “multiracial,” not as African-American. The
IPEDS methodology contrasts with Harvard’s historical method for classifying race (the “Old
Methodology”), which categorizes any applicant who identifies as African-American as African-
American, whether or not that applicant also identifies with another racial or ethnic group. It also
contrasts with Harvard’s current preferred method for classifying race (the “New Methodology”),
which counts applicants in as many racial categories as they choose to identify on their applications
(so that an applicant who identified as African-American and, say, Asian-American would be counted
in both categories). Professor Arcidiacono argues that the IPEDS methodology “prompted concern at
Harvard that the new reporting would understate the number of African-American admits to
He argues that this concern drove Harvard to impose a floor on the African-American
admission rate.
189. In this section I consider both the substance of Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim, as well as
whether the data are consistent more broadly with the idea that Harvard is imposing a floor on the
admission rate for African-American applicants.
190. As an initial matter, Prof. Arcidiacono does not explain why Harvard would care about
manipulating the admission rate of candidates who are African-American according to the IPEDS
methodology. First, Harvard does not publicly release admission rates by race, so it is unclear why
Harvard would be sensitive to the public perception of its admission rates by race.
Second, when
Harvard publicly announces the racial composition of the admitted and matriculating classes (as
opposed to the admission rates), it does so using its own definitions of race—first the “Old
Methodology” (used since at least the class of 1980) and now the “New Methodology” discussed
above. Harvard does not publicly report racial statistics using the IPEDS methodology.
Finally, the
IPEDS methodology was not new in the class of 2017 admissions cycle; in accordance with federal
reporting requirements, Harvard had already been reporting race to the government using the IPEDS
Arcidiacono Report, p. 28.
Fitzsimmons Deposition, pp. 453454 (“Q. Does Harvard publicly report its admission rate by ethnicity? A. No.”).
Yong Deposition, p. 138 (“Q. But you don’t use the IPEDS methodology? A. Not for press releases.”); Fitzsimmons
Deposition, pp. 100101 (“Q. When Harvard reports its results in the Harvard Gazette, does it use the IPEDS
methodology or the new methodology to describe the ethnic characteristics of the class? A. It would use the new
methodology.”); Table, Aggregate applicant data 1980 – 2018, HARV00023177 – 8.
methodology since the 201011 school year (entering class of 2014), three years earlier.
191. Furthermore, Prof. Arcidiacono’s selective focus on the admission rate as defined using
the IPEDS methodology presumably reflects the fact that admission rates calculated using Harvard’s
own preferred methodologies do not show the effect he regards as problematic—in other words, the
admission rate for African-American candidates (as defined using the New Methodology and Old
Methodology) does not match the overall admission rate. For example, for the class of 2016, the
African-American admission rate based on both the “New Methodology” and the “Old Methodology”
was nearly a half point below the admission rate of all other applicants.
192. In addition, if Harvard had lowered its admission standards to ensure an artificially high
admission rate for African-American applicants, one might expect to see a decline in the relative
quality of African-American admitted students starting in the class of 2017. No such decline
Further, the estimated positive effect of African-American ethnicity on applicants’
likelihood of admission (based on my regression analysis in Exhibit 26) is generally smaller for
applicants to the classes of 2017 to 2019 than for applicants to the classes of 2014 and 2015. If
Harvard implemented a floor for the admission rate of African-American students starting with the
class of 2017, the regression model should show a larger positive association between African-
American ethnicity and likelihood of admission in later years than in prior years—not a smaller one.
193. Finally, Harvard has produced aggregate admission data by race, using its Old
Methodology, that extend back to 2000. Using that aggregate data I can examine the fluctuations
from year to year in admissions decisions by race, and assess whether such fluctuations are in any
way consistent with a “floor” in admissions for African-American applicants, and/or a substantive
change starting with the class of 2017.
194. Exhibit 31 through Exhibit 34 report the year-to-year fluctuations in the racial
composition of the admitted class. There is no evidence that Harvard has sought to achieve a
consistent proportion of African-American students. To the contrary, the share of admitted students
who are African-American fluctuates considerably from year to year, by as much as 14%. Similar
patterns exist for all races. For example, despite SFFA’s claims that Harvard seeks to limit the share
of its class that is Asian-American, Exhibit 32 shows that the share of the class that is Asian-
American has fluctuated significantly.
Harvard Memo, “A Note on the Collection and Reporting of Data on Race and Ethnicity,” HARV00065450 52 at
HARV00065450 – 51; “Resources for Implementing Changes to Race/Ethnicity Reporting in IPEDS,” National Center
for Education Statistics, available at https://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/Section/Resources, accessed December 1, 2017.
See workpaper.
See workpaper.
The fraction of admitted students who are White fluctuates over time
Source: HARV000018481850; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of domestic applicants who are classified as White under the Old Methodology.
The fraction of admitted students who are Asian-American fluctuates over time
Source: HARV000018481850; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of domestic applicants who are classified as Asian-American under the Old Methodology.
The fraction of admitted students who are African-American fluctuates over time
Source: HARV000018481850; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of domestic applicants who are classified as African-American under the Old Methodology.
The fraction of admitted students who are Hispanic or Other fluctuates over time
Source: HARV000018481850; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of domestic applicants who are classified as Hispanic or Other under the Old Methodology.
6.4. Conclusion
195. As detailed above, I find little evidence that race is a determinative factor in the
admissions process. Specifically, I find that race explains much less about applicants’ likelihood of
admission than numerous other factors Harvard considers.
196. I also examine Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim that the marginal effect of race can be quite
large for certain individual candidates. I find that the marginal effect of race averages 13 percentage
points or less for 90% of African-American applicants and averages 7 percentage points or less for
90% of Hispanic or Other applicants. And for the small number of applicants for whom race plays a
more significant role, other non-race factors also substantially affect the applicants’ likelihood of
admission. Further, I find that the average marginal effect of race is less than that of individualized,
unmeasured factors that are independent of race. For admitted AHO applicants in particular, race
explains only about 34% of the variation in admissions outcomes.
See workpaper.
197. Finally, I also consider Prof. Arcidiacono’s claim that Harvard began manipulating its
admission rate for African-American applicants—as defined using the IPEDS methodology—starting
with the class of 2017 admissions cycle. It is highly implausible that Harvard would attempt to
manipulate that particular statistic, which it does not release to the public. And, indeed, a review of
the data using Harvard’s preferred methods for categorizing applicants by race does not show the
effect Prof. Arcidiacono observes.
198. In this section, I address the question of how the racial composition and other attributes
of Harvard’s admitted class would be expected to change if Harvard stopped considering race and
instead pursued a variety of race-neutral ways of seeking to increase the racial diversity of its
admitted class. My findings indicate that, to the extent race-neutral practices can enable Harvard to
achieve racial diversity, they would do so only by altering other characteristics of the admitted class
that I understand matter to Harvard.
199. I begin by surveying the academic literature on race-neutral alternatives—including
papers suggested by SFFA and its expert, Richard Kahlenberg—in order to identify admissions
practices that have been posited to be effective at increasing racial diversity. I also discuss the
literature evaluating these practices and whether they could work at a highly selective university like
Harvard. Next, I use Harvard’s admissions data to demonstrate how various potential race-neutral
admissions practices would be expected to affect the racial composition and other attributes of
Harvard’s admitted class. Finally, I discuss Mr. Kahlenberg’s analysis of race-neutral alternatives.
200. I reach several conclusions. First, Harvard already engages in extensive race-neutral
efforts to increase the racial diversity of its student body. Second, consistent with the academic
literature, I find that Harvard’s use of additional race-neutral efforts to increase racial diversity would
not likely enable it to achieve a comparably diverse class if it did not consider race in admissions. To
the extent that the use of race-neutral alternatives did enable Harvard to achieve a comparably diverse
class, it would likely have a substantial deleterious effect on the quality of the admitted class along
many dimensions. Finally, I find that Mr. Kahlenberg’s proposed race-neutral alternatives do not
depart from this pattern—that is, they either are ineffective at generating a racially diverse class, or
would significantly alter the composition of the admitted class along other dimensions.
7.1. Race-neutral alternatives identified in academic literature and by SFFA
201. To develop a comprehensive list of race-neutral alternatives that Harvard could consider,
I first considered the race-neutral alternatives identified by SFFA and its expert, Mr. Kahlenberg,
then explored the academic literature for additional race-neutral alternatives that SFFA potentially
overlooked. In this section, I summarize the race-neutral alternatives I found.
7.1.1. Race-neutral alternatives identified by SFFA and its expert
202. In Section X of the Complaint and in the Kahlenberg Report, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg
list a series of race-neutral alternatives that have been identified in academic literature, and that they
believe would allow Harvard to achieve racial diversity without considering race.
203. First, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard should eliminate admissions
practices that supposedly diminish racial diversity—namely (1) the consideration of whether an
applicant’s parents attended Harvard or Radcliffe (i.e., whether the applicant is a “lineage applicant”),
(2) the consideration of whether an applicant’s parents are members of Harvard’s faculty or staff,
(3) the practice of offering applicants deferred admission to a class subsequent to the one for which
they applied, (4) the alleged consideration of whether an applicant’s family has contributed or has the
ability to contribute financially to Harvard, (5) the practice of tracking the admissions status of
candidates of particular interest to Harvard’s Dean and Director of Admissions, and (6) the practice
of Early Action admissions. Mr. Kahlenberg also suggests that removing consideration for recruited
athletes could help foster racial diversity, though he does not include this practice in his preferred
simulation (explaining that it “is sometimes perceived as radical”).
204. Second, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard should increase the
consideration it affords in the admissions process to students of lower socioeconomic status. Mr.
Kahlenberg also suggests that, to do so, Harvard should make available to admissions officers
whatever information its Financial Aid Office may possess about applicant’s family income and
205. Third, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard should increase the financial aid
it offers, on the theory that doing so would attract more applicants and matriculants of lower
socioeconomic status.
206. Fourth, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard adopt geography-based
preferences, such as a “percent plan” under which it would admit the top students from each high
school or each ZIP code.
207. Fifth, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard increase its efforts to recruit a
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 31–34, p. 41, and p. 46.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 23–29.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 29–31.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 36–39.
diverse applicant pool.
208. Sixth, SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Harvard could increase racial diversity by
accepting more transfer applicants, particularly from community colleges.
7.1.2. Additional race-neutral alternatives identified in the literature
209. I also reviewed the academic literature discussing race-neutral alternatives, and this
review indicates that SFFA’s list of race-neutral alternatives is generally comprehensive. One race-
neutral strategy for increasing racial diversity that SFFA does not mention but that is discussed in the
academic literature is reducing or eliminating consideration of standardized test scores. That strategy
is predicated on the theory that standardized tests may advantage students who attend better schools
and have more resources for test preparation, who are more likely to be White or Asian-American.
For completeness, I include this practice in my analyses below.
7.2. Academic research indicates that race-neutral alternatives diminish universities ability to select for
210. Many academics have studied the efficacy of race-neutral alternatives in generating a
high-quality, racially diverse student body without considering race in the admissions process. While
there is general agreement that race-neutral alternatives can help increase racial diversity relative to
an admissions regime that does not consider race, there is little empirical evidence that race-neutral
alternatives have produced diverse student bodies comparable to those attained under race-conscious
regimes at selective institutions, where researchers note that race-neutral policies may be less
Furthermore, the literature indicates that the replacement of race-conscious admissions
with race-neutral alternatives introduces an unavoidable tradeoff between the quality and racial
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 39–40.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 41–42.
John Brittain and Benjamin Landy, “Reducing Reliance on Testing to Promote Diversity,” in The Future of Affirmative
Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press, 2014), pp. 160174 at p. 161; Anthony P. Carnevale, Stephen
J. Rose, and Jeff Strohl, “Achieving Racial and Economic Diversity with Race-Blind Admissions Policy,” in The Future
of Affirmative Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press, 2014), pp. 187–202 at pp. 189 and 193.
Halley Potter, “Transitioning to Race-Neutral Admissions: An Overview of Experiences in States Where Affirmative
Action Has Been Banned,” in The Future of Affirmative Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press,
2014), pp. 7590 at pp. 88–89; Thomas J. Kane, “Racial and Ethnic Preferences in College Admissions,” Ohio St. Law
Journal 59, 1998, pp. 971996 at pp. 972 and 992; Sean Reardon, Rachel Baker, and Daniel Klasik, “Race, income, and
enrollment patterns in highly selective colleges, 1982-2004,” Center for Education Policy Analysis, Stanford University,
2012, pp. 1–25 at p. 4.
diversity of an admitted class. In essence, the literature concludes, universities that attempt to achieve
racial diversity without considering race have lesser ability to choose the highest-quality class than if
they were able to consider race.
7.2.1. Race-neutral alternatives do not achieve the same level of racial diversity as race-consciousness at
selective universities
211. Economic research on alternative admissions policies firmly supports the effectiveness
of race-conscious admissions in achieving racial diversity at selective institutions. The economic
literature studying attempts to produce racial diversity without considering race tends to focus on the
efficacy of race-neutral alternatives in generating a substantial fraction of African-American and
Hispanic students, largely because those are the groups whose representation falls most significantly
when universities remove consideration of race from admissions.
212. Thomas Espenshade and Chang Chung (2005), for example, conduct simulations for
three elite private research universities (which they do not identify). They find that eliminating the
consideration of race in admissions would notably reduce the share of African-American and
Hispanic students among admitted students, and that consideration of lineage and athletic-recruit
status has little effect on African-American and Hispanic representation.
213. Economic research regarding bans on race-conscious admissions in Texas, Florida,
California, and Washington suggests that those bans adversely affected racial diversity, especially at
more selective schools.
A separate analysis of the California ban studied the efficacy of a battery of
alternative admissions practices, including a preference for applicants of low socioeconomic status.
Jimmy Chan and Erik Eyster, “Does Banning Affirmative Action Lower College Student Quality?,” American
Economic Review 93(3), 2003, pp. 858872 at pp. 858–856; Mark Long, “Is There a ‘Workable’ Race-Neutral
Alternative to Affirmative Action in College Admissions?,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34(1), 2015, pp.
162183 at p. 167; Mark Long, “The Promise and Peril for Universities Using Correlates of Race in Admissions in
Response to the Grutter and Fisher Decisions,” ETS White Paper, 2015, pp. 1–31 at p. 13; Glenn Ellison and Parag
Pathak, “The Efficiency of Race-Neutral Alternatives to Race-Based Affirmative Action: Evidence from Chicago’s Exam
Schools,” NBER Working Paper #22589, 2016, pp. 1–59 at p. 51; Roland Fryer, Glenn Loury, and Tolga Yuret, “An
Economic Analysis of Color-Blind Affirmative Action,” The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 24(2), 2007,
pp. 319355 at p. 1; Roland Fryer and Glenn Loury, “Affirmative Action and Its Mythology,” The Journal of Economic
Perspectives 19(3), 2005, pp. 147162 at pp. 150–153.
Thomas Espenshade and Chang Y. Chung, “The opportunity cost of admission preferences at elite universities,” Social
Science Quarterly 86(2), 2005, pp. 293305 at p 298.
Peter Hinrichs, “The effects of affirmative action bans on college enrollment, educational attainment, and the
demographic composition of universities,” The Review of Economics and Statistics 94(3), 2012, pp. 712722 at p. 712.
None of the alternative practices analyzed was able to produce a student body with diversity
comparable to that predating the ban on race-conscious admissions practices.
7.2.2. Much of the literature focuses on universities far less selective than Harvard
214. While some universities have used race-neutral alternatives with moderate success in
achieving racial diversity, those universities tend to be far less selective than Harvard, making it
easier for them to attract applicants who do not reduce the quality or alter the character of the student
body. Halley Potter, a colleague of Mr. Kahlenberg on whose work he relies, studied eleven flagship
state universities that were barred from using race in admissions. Of those eleven schools, seven were
able to achieve African-American and Hispanic enrollment comparable to that attained before the
ban; four were not. Importantly, the three most selective schools in the sample—UC-Berkeley,
Michigan, and UCLA, the schools most similar to Harvard—were among the four schools not able to
attain pre-ban levels of representation for African American and Hispanic students.
As Potter
explains, scholars have yet to identify race-neutral strategies that work well for selective institutions:
Selective colleges have a smaller pool of qualified applicants to begin
with, and these applicants are more likely to be considering a variety of
in- and out-of-state college options. As a result, selective colleges may
face greater challenges in terms of recruiting additional applicants from
underrepresented demographics… [I]dentifying effective diversity
strategies for selective campuses under race-neutral admissions is an
important area for future research.
215. Instead of focusing on the efficacy of race-neutral alternatives at selective institutions,
Mr. Kahlenberg chooses to highlight the handful of large, less selective public schools that (he
argues) were able to employ race-neutral alternatives to attain diverse classes comparable to those
before the consideration of race was banned. Examples include Texas A&M, the University of
Washington, the University of Nebraska, the University of Arizona, and the University of Georgia.
Daniel Koretz, Michael Russell, Chingwei David Shin, Cathy Horn, Kelly Shasby, “Testing and Diversity in
Postsecondary Education: The Case of California,” Education Policy Analysis Archives 10(1), 2002, pp. 139 at pp. 27–
The fourth university that failed to regain pre-bar levels of representation for both African-American and Hispanic
students was the University of New Hampshire. (Halley Potter, “Transitioning to Race-Neutral Admissions: An Overview
of Experiences in States Where Affirmative Action Has Been Banned,” in The Future of Affirmative Action, ed. Richard
Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press, 2014), pp. 7590 at p. 89.)
Halley Potter, “Transitioning to Race-Neutral Admissions: An Overview of Experiences in States Where Affirmative
Action Has Been Banned,” in The Future of Affirmative Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press,
2014), pp. 7590 at p. 89.
Kahlenberg Report, p. 6.
But those schools’ experience sheds little light on how race-neutral alternatives would fare at
Harvard, a far smaller and far more selective institution. As I show below, any strategies used by
larger and less selective universities, such as percent plans or increased transfers from community
colleges, are likely to generate a pool of applicants who are less qualified than Harvard’s current
7.2.3. The literature shows that an increased preference for applicants of lower socioeconomic status can
achieve racial diversity only at the cost of reducing the quality of the admitted class on a range of
dimensions that I understand Harvard considers important
216. Mr. Kahlenberg places heavy emphasis on the idea that universities can achieve racial
diversity without considering race by according a significant admissions preference to applicants of
low socioeconomic status (SES). In my view, however, the literature does not support that
conclusion. (Nor, as I will discuss later, do simulations using Harvard’s data.)
217. It is widely understood as a matter of economic theory that if a university is forced to
target an imperfect correlate of race to achieve racial diversity, it is less able to choose the highest-
quality class than if it considered race directly.
Giving a strong admission preference to low-SES
candidates can indirectly generate racial diversity because some SES measures are correlated with
race. But because SES is not a perfect proxy for race, universities must place a significant weight on
SES measures to obtain substantial racial diversity—above and beyond what would be optimal for
creating a high-quality class in other dimensions. Even when the link between SES and race is strong,
this high degree of emphasis on SES factors can significantly alter the characteristics of the admitted
218. Mr. Kahlenberg cites literature selectively in attempting to diminish the well supported
principle that targeting correlates of race will always be a more costly way to generate racial diversity
(in terms of the costs it imposes on other attributes of the admitted class) than considering race itself.
Jimmy Chan and Erik Eyster, “Does Banning Affirmative Action Lower College Student Quality?,” American
Economic Review 93(3), 2003, pp. 858872 at pp. 858–859; Mark Long, “Is There a ‘Workable’ Race-Neutral
Alternative to Affirmative Action in College Admissions?,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34(1), 2015, pp.
162183 at p. 167; Mark Long, “The Promise and Peril for Universities Using Correlates of Race in Admissions in
Response to the Grutter and Fisher Decisions,” ETS White Paper, 2015, pp. 1–31 at p. 13; Glenn Ellison and Parag
Pathak, “The Efficiency of Race-Neutral Alternatives to Race-Based Affirmative Action: Evidence from Chicago’s Exam
Schools,” NBER Working Paper #22589, 2016, pp. 1–59 at p. 51; Roland Fryer, Glenn Loury, and Tolga Yuret, “An
Economic Analysis of Color-Blind Affirmative Action,” The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 24(2), 2007,
pp. 319355 at pp. 319–320; Roland Fryer and Glenn Loury, “Affirmative Action and Its Mythology,” The Journal of
Economic Perspectives 19(3), 2005, pp. 147162 at pp. 150–153.
For example, Mr. Kahlenberg cites the work of Richard H. Sander and Aaron Danielson, who (in Mr.
Kahlenberg’s words) suggest that “richer measures of socioeconomic status … significantly increased
the correlation between race and socioeconomic status and the racial dividend of class-based
affirmative action.”
But Mr. Kahlenberg fails to note that these same authors also assert that “[i]t is
axiomatic that no race-neutral factor or system can be as efficient as using race itself to achieve racial
diversity through an admissions program … The high academic costs of the larger SES preferences in
these models would, we think, render it unpalatable to most selective schools.”
219. Mr. Kahlenberg also cites Matthew N. Gaertner’s 2014 study of race-neutral alternatives
at the University of Colorado to support the claim that preferences for applicants of low
socioeconomic status can “achieve even more racial diversity than using racial preferences.”
Mr. Kahlenberg neglects Gaertner’s warning that such policies are complicated to implement and
may lower the academic quality of the admitted class and the likelihood of success for admitted
220. Mr. Kahlenberg draws on the work of Anthony P. Carnevale, Stephen J. Rose, and Jeff
Strohl, who simulate several race-blind admissions regimes. The authors do find that these
approaches can produce racial diversity, but only “if elite colleges are willing to risk lower average
test scores … and thereby lower graduation rates.”
221. Mr. Kahlenberg also cites work by Anthony P. Carnevale and Stephen J. Rose to support
his claim that “top universities could nearly quadruple the proportion of students from the bottom
Kahlenberg Report, p. 19.
Aaron Danielson and Richard H. Sander, “Thinking Hard About ‘Race-Neutral’ Admissions,” University of Michigan
Journal of Law Reform 47(4), 2014, pp. 967–1020, at pp. 968 and 995.
Kahlenberg Report, p. 12.
Matthew N. Gaertner, “Advancing College Access with Class-Based Affirmative Action,” in The Future of Affirmative
Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press, 2014), pp. 175–186 at pp. 183–184 (“Table 114.5 suggests
that on average, class-based admits can be expected to perform worse in college than typical undergraduates…These
patterns should not be terribly surprising, given that class-based admits are ‘borderline’ applicants—students on the cusp
of admission whose academic credentials are not stellar, and whose personal qualities weigh more heavily in an
admissions decision[]” and “Across outcomes, strictly overachieving class-based admits can be expected to perform quite
well—better, in fact, than typical undergraduates. The forecasts for strictly disadvantaged admits, however, are not as
encouraging. Their GPAs, graduation rates, and earned credit hours lag far behind the baseline.”).
Anthony P. Carnevale, Stephen J. Rose, and Jeff Strohl, “Achieving Racial and Economic Diversity with Race-Blind
Admissions Policy,” in The Future of Affirmative Action, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation Press, 2014), pp.
187–202 at p. 188.
socioeconomic half … without any change in graduation rates.”
But he fails to note that in the
simulation he references, African-American representation fell by a third, suggesting that the
simulated admissions regime was ineffective at producing racial diversity even if it generated
socioeconomic diversity.
Indeed, Carnevale and Rose concluded that “ultimately there is no better
way to guarantee a certain level of racial diversity than by employing race per se” and that “[w]hile
socioeconomic preferences help produce some racial diversity, a credible procedure that can
reproduce the level of racial diversity that exists in society today without purposely singling out
African Americans and Hispanics at some point in the selection process has yet to be found.”
222. Finally, Mr. Kahlenberg also cites the work of Sigal Alon, highlighting a set of Alon’s
simulations, which, he argues, show that “if the most selective 115 American universities instituted
broad reform—including effectively eliminating lineage, athletic, and racial preferences—a
socioeconomic boost ‘could not only replicate the current level of racial and ethnic diversity at elite
institutions but even increase it.’”
But Alon’s simulations do not consistently show that African-
American and Hispanic representation would meet or exceed the levels achieved by considering race.
Furthermore, in the one simulation where the fraction of African-American and Hispanic admitted
students exceeds the levels achieved by considering race, Alon notes that the “price” of this racial
diversity “would be a decline in academic selectivity.”
He also notes that those policy changes
would substantially increase the cost of providing financial aid.
223. Far from buttressing his claim that preferences for low-SES applicants can enable
selective colleges to increase racial diversity without harming the quality of their student bodies, the
literature Mr. Kahlenberg cites specifically highlights the challenges and costs of such policies for a
selective school like Harvard.
7.2.4. Conclusion
224. In sum, my review of the literature indicates that while race-neutral alternatives can be
used to increase racial diversity relative to a regime that does not consider race at all, (1) they
typically do not produce diverse student bodies comparable to those attained using race-conscious
Kahlenberg Report, p. 14.
Anthony P. Carnevale and Stephen J. Rose, “Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity, And Selective College
Admissions,” in America’s Untapped Resource: Low Income Students, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation
Press, 2004), pp 101–156 at p. 148.
Anthony P. Carnevale and Stephen J. Rose, “Socioeconomic Status, Race/Ethnicity, And Selective College
Admissions,” in America’s Untapped Resource: Low Income Students, ed. Richard Kahlenberg (Century Foundation
Press, 2004), pp 101–156 at pp. 150 and 153.
Kahlenberg Report, p. 13.
Sigal Alon, Race, Class, and Affirmative Action (New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2015), pp. 254256.
Sigal Alon, Race, Class, and Affirmative Action (New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, 2015), p. 256
admissions at selective institutions, and (2) both as a theoretical matter and in practice, they reduce
the quality of the admitted class. As I show in the remainder of this section, my analysis of Harvard’s
admissions data bear out the consensus in the literature: Harvard is unlikely to be able to achieve a
comparably diverse student body without considering race and without decreasing the overall quality
of the admitted class on a variety of dimensions.
7.3. Analysis of race-neutral alternatives using Harvard’s admissions data
225. In this section, I evaluate how Harvard’s class would change under race-neutral
alternatives identified in the academic literature discussed above, including those alternatives
suggested by the Complaint and Mr. Kahlenberg. I employ two methodological approaches in my
226. First, I simulate how the use of certain race-neutral alternatives would be expected to
change the demographic and other characteristics of the admitted class. Consistent with the broader
academic literature, I find that any of the race-neutral alternatives proposed by SFFA or Mr.
Kahlenberg that would achieve a class with comparable ethnic and racial diversity would do so only
by changing other attributes of the class in ways that I understand matter to Harvard.
227. Second, for race-neutral practices that Harvard has already employed or experimented
with in the past (i.e., increased financial aid and the elimination of Early Action admissions), I
examine historical data to assess whether further changes could help achieve racial diversity. I find
that (a) eliminating Early Action is unlikely to foster additional racial diversity, and (b) given
Harvard’s current financial aid and recruiting practices, further expansions in financial aid and
recruiting are unlikely to increase racial diversity.
7.3.1. Eliminating consideration of race in the admissions process
228. To simulate the effect of removing consideration of race from the admissions process, I
begin by estimating my preferred year-by-year model (developed in Section 5) for applicants to the
class of 2019. I then turn off the estimated coefficients on the race variables, allowing me to simulate
what class would be admitted if Harvard did not consider race in the admissions process. In my
simulation, the share of African-American students in the admitted class would drop from 14% to
6%. The fraction of Hispanic or Other students would fall from 14% to 9%. The fraction of admitted
students who are Asian-American would rise from 24% to 27%. And the fraction of admitted
students who are White would rise from 40% to 48%.
See Exhibit 36 for an illustration of these changes.
7.3.2. Eliminating deferred admission and consideration of whether an applicant is a lineage applicant, a
child of Harvard faculty or staff, a recruited athlete, or on the Dean’s or Directors interest lists
229. Mr. Kahlenberg suggests that one way a school like Harvard could attempt to increase
racial diversity would be to eliminate admissions practices that allegedly benefit White applicants.
The specific practices identified by Mr. Kahlenberg and addressed in his simulations include:
Harvard’s practice offering deferred admission to a small group of candidates, conditional on their
taking a year off before matriculating; consideration of whether an applicant’s parents attended
Harvard or Radcliffe (i.e., whether the applicant is a “lineage” applicant); consideration of whether an
applicant is the child of Harvard faculty or staff; consideration of whether an applicant is a recruited
athlete; and the use of the Dean’s and Director’s interest lists. Mr. Kahlenberg does not remove
consideration of whether an applicant is a recruited athlete in his preferred simulation (explaining that
such an approach “is sometimes perceived as radical”), but I simulate the effect of that change in
order to ensure that I am considering all potentially available race-neutral alternatives.
230. Using my preferred year-by-year model of admissions from Section 5, I simulate how
the elimination of these practices would affect Harvard’s admitted class. My method closely follows
that used by Mr. Kahlenberg in his report. First, I estimate my model of admissions using data on
applicants to the class of 2019.
Then, I simulate the effect of eliminating consideration of race,
lineage status, athletic-recruit status, whether an applicant is the child of Harvard faculty or staff, and
whether an applicant is on the Dean’s or Director’s interest lists. (I do so by replacing the estimated
coefficient of the relevant variablese.g., a coefficient estimating the effect of being a lineage
applicant on an applicant’s likelihood of admission—with zero.) I then simulate the class that would
be admitted using each applicant’s predicted probability of admission in this modified model of
admissions, and examine how the composition of the simulated class compares to that of the actual
admitted class. Note that this method also eliminates the practice of deferred admission because it
simulates filling all seats in the entering class with students who apply in a given year.
231. As Exhibit 35 shows, removing consideration of factors that allegedly benefit White
applicants does little to generate racial diversity. The simulated class has more White students and
many more Asian-American students, but markedly fewer African-American, Hispanic, or Other
(AHO) students than Harvard now admits.
Simulation results for earlier years are qualitatively similar, and can be found in the backup for the relevant exhibit.
Simulated racial composition of the admitted class, after eliminating the consideration of race,
lineage, athletic-recruit status, whether an applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty and staff, and
the Dean’s and Director’s interest lists
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty or staff, whether an applicant is on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, and the proportion of the applicant’s high
school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes are reassigned to rating
combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating.
7.3.3. Increasing the weight placed on socioeconomic factors
232. Mr. Kahlenberg also suggests that Harvard could attain a diverse class without
considering race if it increased its consideration of applicants’ socioeconomic status in the admissions
process. To examine the likely effect of doing so, I again use my preferred admissions model to
conduct a series of simulations. The simulations build on the results presented in the prior section by
considering what would happen if admissions officers at Harvard did not consider race, but gave
greater consideration to various indicators of lower socioeconomic status. To conduct the
simulations, I proceed in several steps.
233. First, I estimate my preferred model of admissions. Then, I remove consideration of race,
lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant is the child of Harvard faculty or staff,
and whether an applicant is on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list.
Next, I simulate an increased
preference for students who possess various measurable indicators of lower socioeconomic status. I
do this by artificially increasing the probability of admission for applicants who meet one or more of
the following criteria: (1) the admissions officer reading the applicant’s file considered the applicant
to be “disadvantaged,” (2) neither of the applicant’s parents attended college (i.e., the applicant is
considered a first-generation college student), (3) the applicant requested a waiver of the application
fee, or (4) the estimated median family income of students in the applicant’s neighborhood is at or
below $65,000 (Harvard’s threshold for zero parental contribution).
234. In the simulations, I introduce a low-SES boost that is proportional to the number of the
criteria that an applicant meets. An applicant who meets all four criteria, for example, gets the full
low-SES boost, while an applicant who meets only two criteria gets a boost equal to one-half of the
full boost. I start by setting the full boost at two additional points to an applicant’s admissions index
(i.e., the input into the logit function that determines her probability of admission). This is about half
the size of the boost simulated by Mr. Kahlenberg.
It is about one-quarter the size of the increase in
the admissions index associated with having exceptional profile rating combinations (those with
admission rates between 80% and 96%), and it is nearly one-third the size of the advantage associated
with having very strong profile ratings combinations (those with admission rates between 54% and
An increase in an applicant’s admissions index translates into an increase in her predicted
probability of admission, but the size of the increase to her predicted probability of admission
depends on her initial predicted probability of admission. For example, adding a low-SES boost of 2
points to the admissions index for a candidate with a 1% predicted probability of admission raises her
predicted probability of admission to 7%. Adding a boost of 2 points to the linear prediction for a
candidate with a 50% predicted probability of admission, however, would increase her predicted
probability of admission to 88%.
235. As noted above, I start by assuming a low-SES boost of 2 for an applicant who possesses
all four of the indicators of low-SES status. If an applicant meets fewer than four of the criteria listed
Following Mr. Kahlenberg’s approach, I recode athletes with an athletic rating of 1 to have an athletic rating of 2,
assigning them to the appropriate ratings combination in the regression sample.
I exclude from this simulation an indicator of whether the applicant applied for financial aid, because three-quarters of
all applicants apply for aid, rendering it a poor proxy for socioeconomic disadvantage. The estimated median family
income figures come from data acquired from the College Board and made available to SFFA and its experts. In these
data, an applicant’s neighborhood is determined based on the applicant’s address. A neighborhood is defined by the
College Board and consists of one or more contiguous census tracts.
Mr. Kahlenberg simulates a preference that is half the size of the athletic recruit coefficient in Prof. Arcidiacono’s
These two sets of rating combinations have the highest admission rates across all rating combinations in my regression
sample. See workpaper.
See workpaper.
above, her baseline low-SES boost is lower. If she meets three of the criteria above, she receives a
boost of 1.5; if she meets two of the criteria above, she receives a boost of 1; if she meets one of the
criteria above, she receives a boost of 0.5.
236. To evaluate the impact of increasing the magnitude of the boost, I then scale up the size
of each applicant’s low-SES boost by a factor of 2 (denoted by 2x), 3 (denoted by 3x), and so on. For
example, in later simulations where I refer to a 2x low-SES boost, I mean that an applicant in that
simulation who satisfies all four low-SES criteria receives a boost of 4 points (doubled from the
baseline of 2 points); an applicant who satisfies three criteria receives a boost of 3 points (doubled
from the baseline of 1.5 points); and so on.
237. My method differs somewhat from Mr. Kahlenberg’s method for simulating increased
weight on socioeconomic factors. In his race-neutral alternative simulations—which examine the
effect of multiple race-neutral practices, not just an increased preference for low-SES applicants—
Mr. Kahlenberg simulates eliminating consideration of whether an applicant has been identified by
admissions officers as disadvantaged, whether the applicant is a first-generation college student,
whether the applicant applied for financial aid, and whether the applicant requested a fee waiver, but
then simulates an increased preference only for students who are identified as disadvantaged. My
approach is more inclusive and flexible, simulating an increased boost for a broader set of students of
lower SES, with the size of the boost for each applicant varying with the number of indicators of low
socioeconomic status that she exhibits.
238. Exhibit 36 illustrates how the racial composition of the admitted class would be expected
to change if Harvard placed varying degrees of additional weight on the low-SES attributes noted
above and eliminated the practices (discussed above) that are alleged to benefit White applicants. The
first two columns in Exhibit 36 report the racial composition of the actual class and the simulated
class in a world where Harvard eliminates consideration of race without undertaking additional race-
neutral approaches to increase racial diversity. The third bar shows what would be expected to
happen if, in addition to eliminating consideration of race and factors that allegedly benefit White
applicants, Harvard gave each low-SES applicant an additional boost of the size discussed above in
paragraph 235. The next bar shows what would happen if Harvard doubled the maximum low-SES
boost, and so on.
Exhibit 37 summarizes the simulated change in the racial composition of the
admitted class under this alternative admissions regime as compared to the actual admitted class of
239. As noted above, if Harvard were to eliminate consideration of race, the share of African-
The full range 1-10x is located in the backup to the exhibit, as are results for the classes of 2014 2018, which are
qualitatively similar.
American students in the admitted class would be expected to drop from 14% to 6%. The fraction of
Hispanic students would also fall, while the fraction of Asian-American and White students would
rise. If Harvard then applied a low-SES boost (as described above) and eliminated the practices
alleged to benefit White applicants, the share of African-American students in the admitted class
would be expected to remain constant at 6%—still radically below the current level. The fraction of
Hispanic students would rise, from 9% to 11%, remaining about 20% lower than in the actual class.
The fraction of White admitted students would fall back to a level comparable to the current class,
while the fraction of Asian-American students in the admitted class would grow from 27% to 31%.
Harvard would need to increase the low-SES boost to more than six times the baseline (i.e., to a
maximum factor of 12) in order for the expected proportion of African-American students among
admitted students to approximate the current level. At that point, hundreds of low-SES applicants
would be receiving an incremental boost larger than that given to candidates with the most
exceptional academic, extracurricular, personal, and athletic ratings.
Increasing the weight placed on socioeconomic characteristics could help generate racial diversity
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates preferences for race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, and the proportion of the applicant’s
high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes are reassigned to rating
combinations in the regression sample which contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain socioeconomic
characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by a given integer
multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested a fee waiver,
first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
See workpaper.
Estimated change in racial composition after removing consideration of race, increasing weight on
socioeconomic characteristics, and eliminating the practices alleged to benefit White applicants
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, and the proportion of the applicant’s
high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes are reassigned to rating
combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain socioeconomic characteristics
are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by a given integer multiplier,
multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested a fee waiver, first
generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
240. Increasing the size of the low-SES boost in this manner would also be expected to lead to
changes in the admitted class in other respects, many of which Harvard might well consider
deleterious. For example, if Harvard were to increase the size of the low-SES boost by four or five
times—enough for the combined share of AHO students in the expected class to resemble that of the
current class, but still not enough to restore a comparable share of African-American students
and eliminate the practices alleged to benefit White applicants, numerous measures of excellence in
If Harvard increased the size of the low-SES preference four times relative to the baseline, that would yield a
preference for students identified as “disadvantaged” that is roughly equivalent to the preference Mr. Kahlenberg gives
them in his simulations. At five times the baseline preference, students identified as “disadvantaged” receive about one
and a half times the preference in my model as in Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulations. In addition, under my more flexible
simulation, students who are first-generation or who receive fee waivers also receive a boost about the same size on
average as the one accruing to applicants identified as “disadvantaged” (see workpaper).
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, Change from Actual Class
1. White 676 +34 -4 -44 -87 -127 -162 -236
2. Asian-American 402 +120 +118 +113 +106 +98 +90 +71
3. Hispanic or Other 233 -51 -18 +19 +60 +99 +133 +204
4. African-American 234 -130 -112 -92 -71 -51 -34 +4
5. Race Missing 134 +27 +16 +4 -7 -18 -26 -43
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, % Change from Actual Class
1. White 40% +5% -1% -7% -13% -19% -24% -35%
2. Asian-American 24% +30% +29% +28% +26% +24% +22% +18%
3. Hispanic or Other 14% -22% -8% +8% +26% +42% +57% +88%
4. African-American 14%-55%-48%-39%-30%-22% -15% +2%
5. Race Missing 8% +20% +12% +3% -6% -13% -20% -32%
Harvard’s class would drop substantially. This can be seen in Exhibit 38, which summarizes changes
across a variety of characteristics of the admitted class. For example, the fraction of admitted students
receiving an academic rating of 1 or 2 would be expected to drop by an amount between 13% and
22%. The fraction of students receiving top extracurricular and personal ratings would also fall, and
the fraction with top athletic ratings would be cut by a third. In addition, as the magnitude of the low-
SES boost increases to 3x the baseline boost and beyond, the fraction of admitted students who are
Asian-American begins to fall, rather than rise.
241. The admitted class would also be expected to look markedly different in other
dimensions. The fraction of students intending to concentrate in the humanities and social sciences
would be expected to fall, while the fraction intending to concentrate in biological sciences would be
expected to rise. The fraction of admitted students who are children of Harvard and Radcliffe alumni
would fall, as would the number of admitted students who are children of Harvard faculty and staff.
The number of athletic recruits would drop by half.
Increasing the weight placed on socioeconomic characteristics would be expected to markedly alter
the characteristics of Harvard’s admitted class
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that
Allegedly Advantage White Applicants
3x Low-SES Boost 4x Low-SES Boost 5x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Outcome Measures
[A] [B] ([B]-[A])/[A] [C] ([C]-[A])/[A] [D] ([D]-[A])/[A]
1. White 676 632 -7% 589 -13% 549 -19%
2. Asian-American 402 515 +28% 508 +26% 500 +24%
3. Hispanic or Other 233 252 +8% 293 +26% 332 +42%
4. African-American 234 142 -39% 163 -30% 183 -22%
5. Race Missing 134 138 +3% 127 -6% 116 -13%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2244 2213 -1% 2189 -2% 2164 -4%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.1 33.0 -0.5% 32.7 -1% 32.4 -2%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.2 +0.3% 77.1 +0.1% 76.9 -0.1%
9. Average Academic Index 228 227 -0.4% 225 -1% 224 -2%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 72% -5% 66% -13% 59% -22%
11. Extracurricular 62% 61% -2% 57% -9% 52% -17%
12. Personal 71% 68% -5% 64% -11% 59% -17%
13. Athletic 27% 19% -30% 18% -33% 17% -38%
Applicant Characteristics
14. Number of Lineage Students 259 104 -60% 86 -67% 68 -74%
Number of Double Lineage
72 24 -67% 19 -73% 15 -79%
16. Number of Recruited Athletes 180 89 -51% 88 -51% 88 -51%
Number of Children of Harvard
Faculty and Staff
44 20 -54% 17 -61% 13 -69%
Number of Students on Dean’s
and Director’s Interest Lists
19. Number of Female Students 839 848 +1% 851 +1% 855 +2%
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, and the proportion of the applicant’s
high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes are reassigned to rating
combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain socioeconomic characteristics
are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by a given integer multiplier,
multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested a fee waiver, first
generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
242. Additionally, raising the low-SES boost four or five times relative to the baseline would
likely increase the financial need of the accepted class, as evidenced by Exhibit 39.
27–32% more admitted students (or about 294–356 additional students) would be expected to apply
for financial aid under this alternative regime. As of 2017, Harvard’s average financial aid grant was
about $50,000 per student per year. Given this estimate, this alternative regime could necessitate an
increase in Harvard’s financial spending by roughly $59–71 million per year (assuming all four
classes at Harvard at a given time receive equivalent aid), relative to the current annual aid budget of
about $170 million.
The increase would be particularly notable among AHO applicants, the majority of whom would now be flagged as
disadvantaged under the simulation. See workpaper.
Harvard University, “Harvard at a Glance,” available at https://www.harvard.edu/about-harvard/harvard-glance,
accessed December 14, 2017 (“More than 55 percent of Harvard College students receive scholarship aid, and the average
grant this year is $50,000. Since 2007, Harvard’s investment in financial aid has climbed by more than 75 percent, from
$96.6 million to $170 million per year.”). See workpaper.
20. Social Sciences 25% 24% -4% 24% -5% 23% -7%
21. Humanities 15% 14% -7% 13% -9% 13% -12%
22. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +8% 23% +11% 24% +15%
23. Physical Science 7% 8% +8% 8% +6% 8% +3%
24. Engineering 13% 13% +4% 13% +5% 14% +8%
25. Computer Science 6% 6% -4% 6% -7% 6% -9%
26. Mathematics 6% 7% +5% 7% +3% 6% +2%
27. Unspecified 7% 6% -12% 6% -9% 6% -6%
28. Number Rural 59 80 +35% 87 +48% 94 +59%
29. Number in Northeast 694 627 -10% 604 -13% 582 -16%
30. Number in Midwest 207 221 +7% 217 +5% 214 +3%
31. Number in South 379 395 +4% 407 +7% 419 +11%
32. Number in West 399 437 +10% 451 +13% 464 +16%
Increasing the weight placed on socioeconomic characteristics would likely increase the financial
need of Harvard’s admitted class
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Notes: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-
by-year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s
parents are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, and the proportion of the
applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes are reassigned to
rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain socioeconomic
characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by a given integer
multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested a fee waiver,
first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
243. Taken together, this evidence suggests that Harvard could achieve a student body
comparably diverse in race and ethnicity by placing greater emphasis on socioeconomic factors in the
admissions process—but only with significant changes to a variety of characteristics of the admitted
class, including lower profile ratings on all four dimensions (academic, extracurricular, athletic, and
personal). These results are consistent with the academic literature, which indicates that using
socioeconomic preferences in an effort to increase racial diversity necessarily diminishes the ability
to select for applicant quality in other dimensions, relative to considering race.
7.3.4. Eliminating additional admissions policies that allegedly advantage White applicants
244. Mr. Kahlenberg also suggests that Harvard could attain racial diversity without
considering race by eliminating any consideration of whether an applicant’s family has donated or
has the capacity to donate to Harvard.
Other commentators have suggested that eliminating
consideration of standardized test scores could increase racial diversity. In this section, I consider
whether eliminating any of these practices would create racial diversity if Harvard did not consider
race. I also consider whether using these policies in combination with all of the policies considered
above would generate a class comparable in diversity to Harvard’s current admitted class.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 33–36.
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly
Advantage White Applicants
3x Low-SES Boost 4x Low-SES Boost 5x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Socioeconomic Status
[A] [B]
1. Number First Generation College 120 342 +185% 428 +257% 508 +323%
2. Number Disadvantaged 297 714 +140% 875 +195% 1024 +245%
3. Number with Fee Waiver 309 718 +132% 880 +185% 1031 +234%
4. Number with Financial Aid 1102 1328 +21% 1396 +27% 1458 +32%
HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Page 114 Eliminate any consideration of whether an applicant’s family could donate or has donated to
245. Mr. Kahlenberg alleges that Harvard’s admissions process considers as a positive factor
the propensity of an applicant’s family to donate to the university, and asserts that eliminating this
alleged practice could increase racial diversity.
I do not have data on any donations made to
Harvard by the family members of applicants, so I cannot test this hypothesis directly.
And, as I have shown above,
removing consideration of those two lists does not help improve racial diversity. Reducing or eliminating consideration of standardized test scores
246. Some commentators have proposed that universities could increase racial diversity by
reducing or eliminating reliance on standardized tests like the SAT and ACT. Such arguments rely on
the theory that SAT and ACT scores are correlated with socioeconomic status, because scores can be
improved by parental and school investments (e.g., SAT preparation courses), and therefore that
consideration of standardized test scores could conceivably have the effect of biasing admission
decisions against AHO applicants (who are more likely to be disadvantaged).
247. Building on the simulation I conduct in 7.3.3, I simulate what would happen if Harvard
eliminated any consideration given to the SAT (SAT I), SAT Subject Tests (SAT II), ACT, and the
Academic Index (which includes standardized test scores as a component). I find that if Harvard
eliminated its consideration of race and factors that Mr. Kahlenberg alleges advantage White
applicants, while also giving low-SES applicants the low-SES boost discussed above, further
eliminating consideration of standardized test scores would not generate a student body comparable
in diversity to Harvard’s current class, and would also decrease the quality of the admitted class in
several respects.
248. As shown by Exhibit 40 and Exhibit 41, these practices—even taken together—are
unable to produce a comparably diverse class without placing very heavy weight on low-SES status.
Generating a class with AHO representation comparable to that of the current class would require
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 31, 33–34.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 33–36.
Saul Geiser and Maria Veronica Santelices, “Validity of High-School Grades in Predicting Student Success beyond the
Freshman Year: High-School Record vs. Standardized Tests as Indicators of Four-Year College Outcomes,” Research &
Occasional Paper Series CSHE 6.07, 2007, pp. 1–35, at pp. 1–2 and 24; Thomas Espenshade and Chang Chung,
“Diversity Outcomes of Test-Optional Policies,” SAT Wars, The Case for Test-Optional Admissions, ed. Joseph A. Soares
(Teachers College Press, 2011), pp. 177–200, at p. 190.
raising the low-SES boost to three times the baseline value. And that would come at a cost (Exhibit
42). A class with a share of AHO students comparable to that of the current class (shown in the 3x
bar) would exhibit a 17% decline in the fraction of applicants with top academic ratings, as well as
drops in the fraction of students with top extracurricular and personal ratings. The fraction of Asian-
American students would also start to decline slightly as more weight is placed on low-SES status.
Athletic ratings would become worse, and the number of athletic recruits would drop, as would the
representation of lineage applicants. In addition, the financial need of the class would increase a great
deal, generating substantial costs to Harvard (Exhibit 43). Generating an admitted class with number
of African-American students comparable to that of the current admitted class (the 6x bar below)
would come with even greater costs in these dimensions, including double-digit drops in the fraction
of applicants with top ratings across all four profile ratings.
Eliminating consideration of standardized test scores in conjunction with other race-neutral
policies: Racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
Eliminating consideration of standardized test scores in conjunction with other race-neutral
policies: Changes in racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, Change from Actual Class
1. White 676 +25 -22 -70 -117 -158 -190 -252
2. Asian-American 402 +77 +74 +69 +63 +58 +53 +47
3. Hispanic or Other 233 -13 +26 +68 +110 +147 +176 +229
4. African-American 234 -104 -82 -58 -36 -17 -2 +23
5. Race Missing 134 +16 +4 -9 -20 -29 -36 -47
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, % Change from Actual Class
1. White 40% +4% -3% -10% -17% -23% -28% -37%
2. Asian-American 24% +19% +18% +17% +16% +14% +13% +12%
3. Hispanic or Other 14% -6% +11% +29% +47% +63% +76% +98%
4. African-American 14% -45% -35% -25% -15% -7% -1% +10%
5. Race Missing 8% +12% +3% -6% -15% -22% -27% -35%
Eliminating deferred admission and consideration of standardized test scores in conjunction with
other race-neutral policies: Changes in class quality
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that
Allegedly Advantage White Applicants
2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost 4x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Outcome Measures
[A] [B] ([B]-[A])/[A] [C] ([C]-[A])/[A] [D] ([D]-[A])/[A]
1. White 676 654 -3% 606 -10% 559 -17%
2. Asian-American 402 476 +18% 471 +17% 465 +16%
3. Hispanic or Other 233 259 +11% 301 +29% 343 +47%
4. African-American 234 152 -35% 176 -25% 198 -15%
5. Race Missing 134 138 +3% 125 -6% 114 -15%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2244 2198 -2% 2172 -3% 2145 -4%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.1 32.7 -1% 32.4 -2% 32.1 -3%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 76.8 -0.2% 76.6 -0.4% 76.5 -1%
9. Average Academic Index 228 225 -1% 224 -2% 222 -3%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 69% -9% 63% -17% 56% -26%
11. Extracurricular 62% 62% +0.3% 58% -7% 53% -15%
12. Personal 71% 70% -1% 66% -7% 61% -14%
13. Athletic 27% 20% -23% 19% -27% 18% -31%
Applicant Characteristics
14. Number of Lineage Students 259 112 -57% 93 -64% 73 -72%
Number of Double Lineage
72 25 -65% 20 -72% 16 -78%
16. Number of Recruited Athletes 180 93 -48% 92 -49% 91 -49%
Number of Children of Harvard
Faculty and Staff
44 22 -51% 18 -59% 14 -67%
Number of Students on Dean’s
and Director’s Interest Lists
19. Number of Female Students 839 866 +3% 869 +4% 872 +4%
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
Eliminating deferred admission and consideration of standardized test scores in conjunction with
other race-neutral policies: Changes in financial need
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000.
20. Social Sciences 25% 24% -2% 24% -3% 23% -6%
21. Humanities 15% 14% -3% 14% -6% 13% -10%
22. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +7% 24% +11% 25% +16%
23. Physical Science 7% 8% +2% 7% +0.03% 7% -2%
24. Engineering 13% 13% +1% 13% +2% 13% +5%
25. Computer Science 6% 6% -8% 6% -11% 5% -12%
26. Mathematics 6% 7% +2% 6% +1% 6% -0.3%
27. Unspecified 7% 6% -8% 6% -5% 7% -3%
28.Number Rural 5977+30%85+43%92+55%
29. Number in Northeast 694 646 -7% 622 -10% 597 -14%
30. Number in Midwest 207 224 +8% 219 +6% 216 +4%
31. Number in South 379 379 -0.1% 390 +3% 403 +6%
32. Number in West 399 431 +8% 448 +12% 463 +16%
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly
Advantage White Applicants
2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost 4x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Socioeconomic Status
[A] [B]
1. Number First Generation College 120 303 +152% 395 +229% 483 +303%
2. Number Disadvantaged 297 649 +118% 820 +176% 981 +230%
3. Number with Fee Waiver 309 662 +114% 835 +170% 1001 +224%
4. Number with Financial Aid 1102 1306 +19% 1378 +25% 1445 +31%
7.3.5. Expanding policies that may increase racial diversity
249. In this section I consider how the racial composition and quality of the admitted class
would likely change if Harvard were to further expand transfer admissions, outreach, and recruiting
efforts. First, I discuss these practices individually. Then, I employ a simulation to demonstrate that
even if Harvard were able to double the number of applicants flagged as disadvantaged through
outreach and recruiting efforts—which is unlikely—these practices, in addition to all the other race-
neutral alternatives discussed above, would not produce a class comparable in diversity to the one
Harvard currently admits. Increasing transfer admissions
250. Mr. Kahlenberg suggests that recruiting and accepting more transfer applicants—
particularly from community colleges—would increase racial diversity because transfer students are
more racially diverse than applicants to the freshman class. I do not have data on the pool of potential
transfer applicants from community colleges, so I cannot simulate the impact of a large preference for
such students on class composition and quality. Data on current transfer applicants, however, suggest
that such a policy is not likely to be effective.
251. First, it is important to note that Harvard rarely admits transfer students. For example,
only 17 transfer applicants were accepted during the admissions cycle for the freshman class of
For Harvard to admit a significantly greater number of transfer students, as Mr. Kahlenberg
proposes, would be a dramatic change. Given how few students drop out of Harvard, a sizable
increase in the number of transfer students would require Harvard to reserve spots for transfer
students by admitting a substantially smaller freshman class.
252. Second, the current pool of transfer applicants is not more diverse than the regular
applicant pool. If anything, transfer applicants are less likely than regular applicants to be AHO.
Furthermore, the current pool of transfer applicants has lower academic credentials and ratings (on
average) than the freshman applicant pool.
Taken together, these facts suggest that increasing the
number of transfer students is not likely to increase diversity while preserving class quality.
See workpaper.
Four- and six-year graduation rates by race, HARV00003906; Harvard College, “What is Harvard’s graduation rate?,”
available at https://college.harvard.edu/what-harvards-graduation-rate, accessed December 5, 2017 (“The College’s
graduation rate is normally 98 percent”).
See workpaper.
HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Page 120 Increasing outreach and recruiting
253. SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg identify increased outreach and recruiting as a tool to increase
racial diversity. SFFA asserts, in particular, that Harvard could increase racial diversity by
(1) sponsoring campus visits and outreach programs targeting underrepresented high schools,
(2) sending brochures to minority applicants, and (3) recruiting more heavily in disadvantaged
geographic regions.
Mr. Kahlenberg argues that Harvard does a “poor job” recruiting first-
generation students and students from economically disadvantaged geographic areas.
254. Mr. Kahlenberg cites research by Caroline Hoxby and Christopher Avery indicating that
recruiting and informational outreach are crucial to attracting top talent from underrepresented
Based on the materials I have reviewed, I understand that Harvard embraces that
idea. None of the findings cited by Mr. Kahlenberg suggests that Harvard could markedly increase
the racial diversity of its admitted class by engaging in further outreach, because Harvard already
well understands the need to engage in outreach, and already engages in extensive efforts on this
255. For example, Harvard’s Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program (UMRP)
endeavors to spread awareness about Harvard’s diverse campus community, and the Harvard
application process, among middle- and high school students. Among other initiatives, the UMRP
“sends targeted mailings to many potential applicants of different racial and ethnic backgrounds,
coordinates robust online and social media communications, sends staff to schools and events around
the world, and enlists current students to talk with potential students (both at Harvard and during
hometown recruiting trips, in which enrolled Harvard students travel to their hometowns on behalf of
Complaint, pp. 78–81
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 39–40.
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 14–15.
Email from Jeff A. Neal to William Fitzsimmons, “Draft Gazette Article with Tuition/Smith,” March 24, 2014,
HARV00027590 – 97 at HARV00027594 (“Recruitment begins each year with direct outreach to promising juniors. …
‘Recruitment has provided the foundation for Harvard’s pursuit of excellence for many decades’…‘Members of the
Undergraduate Minority Recruitment Program (UMRP) and the Harvard Financial: Aid Initiative (HFAI) played a key
role in attracting this year’s students’…Members of both organizations telephoned and sent email messages and letters to
prospective applicants. They also conducted recruitment trips around the country and met with middle school and high
school student groups who visited Harvard.”).
Harvard to conduct outreach to potential students in the area).”
256. The Harvard First Generation Program (HFGP) engages in outreach to students who
would be the first members of their families to attend a four-year college. “The First Generation
program includes a dedicated recruitment program accessible through Harvard’s website,
promotional materials, and the ability to correspond directly with current First Generation students
attending Harvard.”
257. Harvard also engages in a variety of other outreach efforts. For example, the Harvard
College Connection (HCC) uses social media to reach out to promising students and encourage them
to apply to Harvard.
Harvard’s Project Teach connects Harvard with seventh-grade students in the
Cambridge public schools, providing classroom materials for teachers, programs for students, and
tools for families to facilitate conversations about college preparation. The Crimson Summer
Academy brings together local public school students for summer classes, field trips, and college
preparatory activities. Similarly, the Cambridge-Harvard Summer Academy (CHSA) allows high
school students to participate in summer enrichment from teachers affiliated with the Harvard
Graduate School of Education. Harvard maintains a close partnership with local public school
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, engaging its students in tutoring, free summer school courses,
and scholarships to the Harvard Extension School.
258. Harvard also purchases “search lists” from testing agencies to aid in identifying talented
minority and rural applicants.
In 2013, the search lists included more than 30,000 SAT, ACT, and
AP test takers who were AHO, as well as about 44,000 AHO applicants with PSAT scores greater
Harvard’s Objections and Responses to Plaintiff’s Second Set of Interrogatories, July 20, 2017 (“Second Interrogatory
Response”), p. 15.
Second Interrogatory Response, pp. 14–15.
Harvard College, “Harvard College Connection,” available at https://college.harvard.edu/admissions/hear-our-
students/harvard-college-connection, accessed December 12, 2017.
Harvard University, “Harvard in the Community,” 2016, available at
https://hwpi.harvard.edu/files/comm/files/2016_cambridge_impact_mailing.pdf, accessed November 27, 2017;
Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, “Support & Enrichment Programs,” available at
http://crls.cpsd.us/academics/support___enrichment_programs, accessed November 27, 2017.
Email from Jeff A. Neal to William Fitzsimmons, “Draft Gazette Article with Tuition/Smith,” March 24, 2014,
HARV00027590 – 97 at HARV00027594 (“More than 63 percent of all admitted students and 81 percent of admitted
minority students (including 90 percent of Latinos and 83 percent of African Americans) appeared on the original College
Board and ACT search lists that helped launch Harvard’s outreach program for the Class of 2018.”); McGrath Deposition
2015 at p. 11; Yong Deposition at pp. 264–267; Tables, “Class of 2017 – EA Applicants,” HARV00007766 – 7771;
Table, “Searches 2013 – Class of 2018,” HARV0023564.
than 1100. Harvard used the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and AP search lists to send more than 100,000 letters
to potential applicants to the class of 2018. Harvard casts a wide net when trying to attract applicants
from diverse backgrounds.
259. Furthermore, admissions officers travel the country—and the world—seeking out top
“Harvard sends representatives, including admissions officers and alumni, to conduct
numerous recruitment events throughout the United States, including events targeting students at
secondary schools that do not frequently send students to Harvard.”
260. Mr. Kahlenberg attempts to simulate the potential effects on racial diversity of improved
recruiting efforts. In several of his simulations, he assumes that Harvard could double the number of
applicants who are identified as disadvantaged by Harvard’s admissions officers. He does this by
duplicating the records for all disadvantaged applicants, implicitly assuming that the quality of newly
recruited disadvantaged students would be the same as that of students who already apply. I find it
unlikely (given the current depth and breadth of Harvard’s recruiting efforts) that increased recruiting
would produce such an influx of disadvantaged applicants,
and that those applicants would be as
qualified as current applicants.
Mr. Kahlenberg has provided no evidence that this would be
possible or likely.
261. I nevertheless consider how such a response might affect Harvard’s admitted class.
Following Mr. Kahlenberg’s lead, I repeat the simulation outlined in Section 7.3.3, this time
artificially doubling the number of disadvantaged students in the applicant pool by duplicating all
Email from Jeff A. Neal to William Fitzsimmons, “Draft Gazette Article with Tuition/Smith,” March 24, 2014,
HARV00027590 – 7 at HARV00027594 (“Last year, Harvard admissions officers visited all 50 states, Puerto Rico,
Jamaica, and Mexico, where we saw nearly 50,000 high school students and parents and met with more than 3,000 high
school guidance counselors” and “Staff members will visit 125 cities this spring and fall in tandem with Duke University,
Georgetown University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Stanford University, targeting high school juniors who may
eventually join the Class of 2019.”).
Second Interrogatory Response, p. 14.
Researchers suggest that there is a pool of talented low-income students who do not apply to selective institutions, but
the same researchers also note the difficulty of reaching these students, let alone doubling the number of such applicants.
These students—dubbed “the missing one-offs” by economists Caroline Hoxby and Christopher Avery—are often
“isolated from other high achievers, both in terms of geography and in terms of the high schools they attend,” making
recruitment efforts challenging. Notably, the authors suggest that two possible interventions consist of tapping into
alumni networks to reach students at a wide array of high schools, and targeted informational interventions through mail,
online, and social media—types of policies Harvard already employs. Caroline Hoxby and Christopher Avery, “The
Missing “One-Offs”: The Hidden Supply of High-Achieving, Low-Income Students,” Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, vol. 2013(1), pp. 1–65 at p. 2 and 45.
If one assumes that a disadvantaged student is more likely to apply to Harvard the more exceptional her credentials,
then additional disadvantaged applicants recruited into the pool may be less qualified, on average, than current applicants.
In that sense, assuming no loss to quality as the applicant pool expands is extremely conservative. Harvard’s current
disadvantaged applicants are a highly selected group; for example, their SAT scores are well above average for low-
income students in general (see workpaper).
disadvantaged applicants. I find that even if Harvard’s recruiting efforts were to double the number of
applicants flagged as disadvantaged (and even if those new applicants were of the same quality as
current applicants who are disadvantaged), the set of simulated practices would not produce a class
both as diverse and as high-quality as the one Harvard currently admits.
262. Under the unrealistic assumption that Harvard could actually double the size of its pool
of disadvantaged applicants through increased recruiting, it would need to give less of an advantage
to low-SES applicants than in prior simulations in order to obtain a proportion of AHO students
comparable to that of the current student body (Exhibit 44 and Exhibit 45). But even taken together,
all of the race-neutral strategies would fail to generate a proportion of African-American students
comparable to that of the current class without a very significant preference for low-SES students.
263. A class with a share of AHO students comparable to that of the current class (the 2x bar
in Exhibit 44) would exhibit an expected 17% decline in the fraction of students with top academic
ratings, as well as declines in average SAT and ACT scores and a large decline in top-rated athletes.
Attaining a proportion of African-American students comparable to that of the current class (the 5x
bar in Exhibit 44) would be associated with a decline in average SAT scores, ACT scores, and GPAs,
and more than a 26% decline in the fraction of applicants with academic ratings of 1 or 2. It would
also be associated with a decline in the fraction of applicants with top extracurricular and personal
ratings. The number of athletic recruits would plummet, as would the representation of lineage
students (Exhibit 46). In addition, as in previous simulations, the financial need of the class would
increase a great deal, potentially generating substantial costs to Harvard (Exhibit 47).
Doubling the number of disadvantaged applicants in conjunction with other race-neutral policies:
Racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled.
Doubling the number of disadvantaged applicants in conjunction with other race-neutral policies:
Changes in racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled.
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, Change from Actual Class
1. White 676 -35 -97 -154 -201 -236 -259 -295
2. Asian-American 402 +79 +80 +78 +74 +69 +65 +55
3. Hispanic or Other 233 +33 +83 +131 +173 +206 +230 +276
4. African-American 234 -82 -56 -32 -13 -0 +8 +18
5. Race Missing 134 +4 -9 -22 -32 -39 -44 -53
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, % Change from Actual Class
1. White 40% -5% -14% -23% -30% -35% -38% -44%
2. Asian-American 24% +20% +20% +19% +18% +17% +16% +14%
3. Hispanic or Other 14% +14% +36% +56% +74% +88% +99% +118%
4. African-American 14% -35% -24% -14% -6% -0% +3% +7%
5. Race Missing 8% +3% -7% -16% -24% -29% -33% -40%
Doubling the number of disadvantaged applicants in conjunction with other race-neutral policies:
Changes in class quality
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that
Allegedly Advantage White Applicants
1x Low-SES Boost 2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Outcome Measures
[A] [B] ([B]-[A])/[A] [C] ([C]-[A])/[A] [D] ([D]-[A])/[A]
1. White 676 641 -5% 579 -14% 522 -23%
2. Asian-American 402 481 +20% 482 +20% 480 +19%
3. Hispanic or Other 233 266 +14% 316 +36% 364 +56%
4. African-American 234 152 -35% 178 -24% 202 -14%
5. Race Missing 134 138 +3% 125 -7% 112 -16%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2244 2200 -2% 2171 -3% 2142 -5%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.1 32.8 -1% 32.5 -2% 32.1 -3%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 76.7 -0.3% 76.6 -0.5% 76.4 -1%
9. Average Academic Index 228 226 -1% 224 -2% 222 -3%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 70% -7% 63% -17% 56% -26%
11. Extracurricular 62% 65% +5% 62% -1% 57% -9%
12. Personal 71% 75% +6% 73% +3% 69% -3%
13. Athletic 27% 20% -24% 19% -27% 18% -31%
Applicant Characteristics
14. Number of Lineage Students 259 107 -59% 83 -68% 60 -77%
Number of Double Lineage
72 24 -67% 18 -75% 13 -82%
16. Number of Recruited Athletes 180 94 -48% 93 -48% 92 -49%
Number of Children of Harvard
Faculty and Staff
44 20 -54% 16 -64% 12 -74%
Number of Students on Dean’s
and Director’s Interest Lists
19. Number of Female Students 839 865 +3% 869 +4% 871 +4%
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled.
Doubling the number of disadvantaged applicants in conjunction with other race-neutral policies:
Changes in financial need
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled.
20. Social Sciences 25% 25% -0.3% 25% -0.4% 24% -2%
21. Humanities 15% 14% -3% 14% -6% 13% -10%
22. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +6% 23% +10% 24% +14%
23. Physical Science 7% 8% +5% 8% +3% 7% -0.5%
24. Engineering 13% 13% -0.3% 13% +0.3% 13% +3%
25. Computer Science 6% 6% -8% 6% -12% 5% -14%
26. Mathematics 6% 6% -0.5% 6% -2% 6% -3%
27. Unspecified 7% 6% -9% 6% -6% 7% -3%
28. Number Rural 59 74 +25% 81 +38% 90 +52%
29. Number in Northeast 694 665 -4% 642 -8% 617 -11%
30. Number in Midwest 207 238 +15% 232 +12% 228 +10%
31. Number in South 379 362 -4% 371 -2% 382 +1%
32. Number in West 399 414 +4% 434 +9% 452 +13%
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly
Advantage White Applicants
1x Low-SES Boost 2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Socioeconomic Status
[A] [B]
1. Number First Generation College 120 309 +157% 426 +255% 542 +352%
2. Number Disadvantaged 297 773 +160% 980 +230% 1168 +293%
3. Number with Fee Waiver 309 713 +131% 920 +198% 1110 +259%
4. Number with Financial Aid 1102 1332 +21% 1415 +28% 1489 +35%
7.3.6. Place-based policies like “percent plans” Place based policies would be difficult to implement
264. Another race-neutral tool for increasing racial diversity identified in the literature is the
use of “place-based” admission policies. SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg both advocate the use of place-
based admissions. SFFA’s Complaint asserts that Harvard could use place-based preferences to take
advantage of community-based homogeneity in race—that is, residential segregation—fostering a
diverse class without using race as a factor in admissions. SFFA suggests Harvard could use a
“percent plan” like the “top ten percent rule” employed by the University of Texas, under which
admission at a University of Texas school is available to the top ten percent of graduating seniors at
each public high school in the state. SFFA and Mr. Kahlenberg also suggest that Harvard could admit
the top students from each ZIP code.
For example, Mr. Kahlenberg simulates a model of
admissions based on admitting an equal number of applicants from each of 33 College Board
neighborhood “clusters.”
265. For at least two reasons, the use of place-based practices like these would likely be
impracticable for Harvard. First, place-based practices generally rely on quantitative formulas to
determine which student is the “best” in a given high school, neighborhood, or other geographic unit.
As discussed earlier, however, I understand that Harvard believes strongly in the importance of a
whole-person review that examines the many and varied types of excellence that applicants can bring
to campus. Students admitted to Harvard are not all the “best” in the same way; Harvard considers
them to be the “best” in many different ways, which an algorithm could not capture. To determine
which student in each high school or ZIP code was the “best” on the broader array of dimensions
considered in its whole-person process, Harvard would have to apply its whole-person process at the
outset, simply to identify which “top” student to admit. That would be extraordinarily labor-intensive,
particularly given that any plan like this would likely draw a sharply increased number of applicants.
And it would also ignore the fact that Harvard pursues excellences of many kinds, not excellence on a
single dimension. Even within the whole-person process, that is, there is no such thing as a “best”
student; there are, rather, students who excel in many different ways.
Note that these types of place-based polices rely on allocating slots to students from different geographies (or types of
geographies); these policies differ from simply considering an applicant’s high school and neighborhood as one of many
pieces of information in a whole-person admissions process.
There are 33 College Board neighborhood clusters, but Mr. Kahlenberg creates an extra cluster for applicants missing
College Board data, and combines a small cluster with the extra “cluster” of applicants missing College Board data.
266. Second, there are many times more high schools, cities, and ZIP codes represented in the
applicant pool than there are slots in the incoming class. Harvard does not serve a limited geography;
its reach is national and global. Even if Harvard admitted only the “top” student from each U.S. high
school represented in its applicant pool—and even if it were simple to identify the “top” student,
which it is not, for the reason discussed above
—the result would be a class four to five times larger
than Harvard’s actual class. The class of 2019, for example, had 1,719 admitted students from
domestic high schools—but over 7,500 U.S. high schools were represented in the applicant pool,
spanning over 4,000 cities and towns (see Exhibit 48).
Reserving even one slot per high school is
not feasible for Harvard, even if one limits the exercise to the subset of U.S. high schools currently
represented in Harvard’s applicant pool. As noted in Exhibit 48, there are over 41,000 high schools
across the United States, and more than 33,000 ZIP codes. Moreover, if Harvard were to publicize a
policy to offer admission to the top student from each high school or ZIP code, it would likely see a
massive increase in the number of applications, generating substantial costs to review them.
267. In light of the sheer number of schools and geographic locations represented in its
applicant pool, Harvard would need to either draw randomly from among top students across places,
or combine a place-based percent plan with additional algorithmic screens for desirable
characteristics (which would deprive it of the chance to identify dimensions of achievement that are
not easily quantified) or a whole-person review applied to the entire pool of “top students.”
268. Crucially, any such approach would preclude Harvard from admitting multiple
candidates from the same high school or neighborhood, even though, say, the tenth student Harvard
admits from a given high school or neighborhood might well bring more to campus than the top
student in some other high school or neighborhood.
Mr. Kahlenberg ranks applicants within a cluster based on their predicted probability of admission, computed using his
full admissions model. This is hardly practical: his proposal would effectively entail conducting the entire Harvard
admissions process, then ranking the entire applicant pool within geographies. Currently, officers do not rank all
applicants in the pool, nor is there a workable method for selecting the “best” student from a high school or ZIP code
when Harvard seeks excellence of so many kinds.
There are 4,006 unique geographic locations represented among applicants to the class of 2019, as determined by
applicants’ high school location. These geographic locations vary in size and include cities, towns, neighborhoods, and
unincorporated communities. Because many cities and towns contain more than one ZIP code, there are likely far more
than 4,006 ZIP codes represented in the Harvard applicant pool. See workpaper.
There are far more high schools and ZIP codes than slots in Harvard’s admitted class
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; National Center for Education Statistics; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of all applicants to the class of 2019 on domestic dockets in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample. Total
number of public and private high schools in 2013 – 2014 (i.e., classes of 2017 – 2018) includes schools with both elementary and
secondary grades. ZIP Code Tabulation Areas are representations of ZIP code service areas created by the U.S. Census Bureau to represent
statistical data from censuses and surveys. Total number of ZIP Code Tabulation Areas in 2016 is shown
269. Notwithstanding the infeasibility of the practices discussed above, I examined how the
racial diversity and other characteristics of Harvard’s admitted class would be expected to change if
Harvard implemented a place-based admission policy that focused on “top students” from each high
As I show below, such a practice would not be effective in both fostering racial diversity
and preserving class quality.
270. A primary aim of place-based admissions practices is to use the reality of residential
segregation to increase representation from underrepresented groups. To that end, in addition to
studying the characteristics of all top students, I also examine the characteristics of all top students
coming from public high schools (the traditional target for percent plans), low-income high schools
For the purpose of this exercise, I rank all students within a high school by the sum of their profile ratings, and refer to
the pool of top-ranked students as “top students.” This is a parsimonious way to rank students while still paying some
attention to Harvard’s desire for whole-person evaluation, but it is obviously a crude way of identifying the “top” student.
The exercise of ranking “top” students in this way does not suggest that doing so would actually fulfill Harvard’s
educational objective of admitting students who embody many and varied forms of excellence.
(defined as high schools with a median household income less than $65,000), and rural high schools.
271. As shown in Exhibit 49, the pool of top students at all high schools contains roughly the
same fraction of AHO applicants as the actual pool of admitted students, but somewhat fewer Asian-
American applicants. Top students from public schools are similarly racially diverse. Top students
from low-income schools are heavily AHO. In contrast, the pool of top students from rural schools is
predominantly White, with few Asian-American students. These figures suggest that filling some (or
all) of Harvard’s class with top students from United States high schools, public high schools, or low-
income high schools could in principle help produce a racially diverse class. Tapping top rural talent
is unlikely to foster racial diversity.
Racial composition of top students, applicants to the class of 2019
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of all applicants to the class of 2019 on domestic dockets in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample.
Students are ranked based on a sum of the four profile ratings: academic, athletic, extracurricular, and personal. The top students are
selected based on rank within each school, allowing for ties. Low-income schools are defined as schools with average median income less
than or equal to $65,000.
272. However, admitting students in this manner would likely cause a sharp decline in the
quality of the admitted class. As evidenced by Exhibit 50, the pools of top students in Harvard’s
data—whether from all high schools, public schools, low-income schools, or rural schools—have
markedly lower profile ratings (on all four dimensions), lower SAT and ACT scores, and lower
Academic Index values than the current pool of admitted students. The main reason for this decline in
quality is that, by admitting only the top student from each school, Harvard is forced to replace a
large number of excellent applicants from the most competitive high schools in the country with top
students from high schools that are substantially weaker.
273. Taken together, this evidence indicates that place-based admissions practices that
reserve slots for top performers at each high school could generate racial diversity, but at the expense
of the quality of the admitted class.
Percent plans would likely decrease the quality of the admitted class
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of all applicants to the class of 2019 on domestic dockets in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample.
Students are ranked based on a sum of the four profile ratings: academic, athletic, extracurricular, and personal. The top students are
selected based on rank within each school, allowing for ties. Low-income schools are defined as schools with average median income less
than or equal to $65,000..
HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY Page 134 Implementing neighborhood cluster-based admissions in conjunction with other race-neutral
274. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg includes simulations in which Harvard abandons its whole-
person admissions process and instead admits an equal number of students from each of the College
Board’s neighborhood clusters. In the same simulations, Mr. Kahlenberg also gives disadvantaged
students an admissions preference, and assumes that Harvard could double its pool of disadvantaged
applicants through outreach and recruiting.
275. Building on the simulations above, I, too, consider how the admitted class would change
under such a regime. As in Mr. Kahlenberg’s report, I rank students within a cluster based on their
estimated probability of admission. I generate the ranking using a model of admissions in which
Harvard admissions officers (1) do not consider race, lineage status, whether an applicant is an
athletic recruit, whether an applicant is a child of Harvard faculty or staff, or whether an applicant is
on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, (2) afford a preference to low-SES applicants as discussed in
Section 7.3.3 above, and (3) eliminate consideration of standardized test scores. Furthermore, I
assume that through increased recruiting and outreach Harvard could double the number of
disadvantaged applicants in its pool, although that assumption is unrealistic for the reasons discussed
276. As suggested by my findings in Section, place-based admissions could help
foster racial diversity, but only at a steep cost to the quality of the admitted class. Each bar in Exhibit
51 depicts the racial composition of the expected class under a neighborhood-based admissions
policy for a given boost for low-SES applicants. Recall that in addition to using cluster-based
admissions, I have already eliminated consideration of test scores, and I am also assuming Harvard
could double its pool of disadvantaged applicants through outreach; as a result, a lesser low-SES
boost is required to attain a given level of AHO representation. Even in this conservative scenario,
however, generating a proportion of African-American students comparable to that of the current
class requires a significant low-SES boost. This combination of practices would be expected to
increase the proportion of Hispanic students relative to the current class. The proportion of Asian-
American students would stay relatively constant. The fraction of White students also falls in this
Admitting an equal number of students across neighborhood clusters, in conjunction with other
race-neutral policies: Racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled. Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index within each neighborhood cluster and
an approximately equal number of applicants are admitted from each cluster to fill the class.
Admitting an equal number of students across neighborhood clusters, in conjunction with other
race-neutral policies: Changes in racial composition
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled. Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index within each neighborhood cluster and
an approximately equal number of applicants are admitted from each cluster to fill the class.
277. The racial diversity attained through the set of practices simulated in Exhibit 51 and
Exhibit 52 comes at a high cost. Exhibit 53 depicts the simulated change in class composition
associated with using a cluster-based admissions process in conjunction with other race-neutral
alternatives. Attaining a proportion of AHO students comparable to that of the current class (the 1x
results) is associated with a 17% decline in the fraction of applicants with top academic ratings.
Generating a proportion of African-American students comparable to that of the current class is
associated with more than a 23% decline in the fraction of admitted students with top academic
ratings. In either scenario, the number of recruited athletes and lineage students declines sharply
(Exhibit 53), and the financial need of admitted students increases (Exhibit 54).
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, Change from Actual Class
1. White 676 -62 -72 -96 -107 -117 -122 -159
2. Asian-American 402 +12 -4 +11 +16 +27 +16 +21
3. Hispanic or Other 233 +77 +101 +110 +117 +113 +124 +150
4. African-American 234 -14 -5 +4 +10 +13 +17 +24
5. Race Missing 134 -13 -20 -29 -36 -36 -35 -36
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly Advantage White
Applicants, % Change from Actual Class
1. White 40% -9% -11% -14% -16% -17% -18% -24%
2. Asian-American 24%+3% -1%+3%+4%+7%+4%+5%
3. Hispanic or Other 14% +33% +43% +47% +50% +48% +53% +64%
4. African-American 14% -6% -2% +2% +4% +6% +7% +10%
5. Race Missing 8% -10% -15% -22% -27% -27% -26% -27%
Admitting an equal number of students across neighborhood clusters, in conjunction with other
race-neutral policies: Changes in class quality
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that
Allegedly Advantage White Applicants
1x Low-SES Boost 2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Outcome Measures
[A] [B] ([B]-[A])/[A] [C] ([C]-[A])/[A] [D] ([D]-[A])/[A]
1. White 676 614 -9% 604 -11% 580 -14%
2. Asian-American 402 414 +3% 398 -1% 413 +3%
3. Hispanic or Other 233 310 +33% 334 +43% 343 +47%
4. African-American 234 220 -6% 229 -2% 238 +2%
5. Race Missing 134 121 -10% 114 -15% 105 -22%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2244 2163 -4% 2149 -4% 2136 -5%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.1 32.5 -2% 32.2 -3% 32.0 -3%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 76.5 -1% 76.5 -1% 76.3 -1%
9. Average Academic Index 228 223 -2% 222 -2% 221 -3%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 63% -17% 59% -23% 54% -29%
11. Extracurricular 62% 60% -3% 56% -10% 53% -15%
12. Personal 71% 73% +3% 70% -1% 67% -6%
13. Athletic 27% 20% -25% 20% -24% 19% -30%
Applicant Characteristics
14. Number of Lineage Students 259 67 -74% 61 -76% 47 -82%
Number of Double Lineage
72 13 -82% 13 -82% 11 -85%
16. Number of Recruited Athletes 180 94 -48% 95 -47% 94 -48%
Number of Children of Harvard
Faculty and Staff
44 12 -73% 12 -73% 10 -77%
Number of Students on Dean’s
and Director’s Interest Lists
19. Number of Female Students 839 846 +1% 843 +0.5% 843 +0.5%
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled. Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index within each neighborhood cluster and
an approximately equal number of applicants are admitted from each cluster to fill the class.
20. Social Sciences 25% 24% -3% 24% -3% 24% -4%
21. Humanities 15% 14% -7% 13% -10% 13% -9%
22. Biological Sciences 21% 22% +4% 23% +9% 23% +10%
23. Physical Science 7% 8% +11% 9% +16% 8% +12%
24. Engineering 13% 13% +3% 13% 0.00% 13% +3%
25.Computer Science 6%5%-20%5%-21%5%-19%
26. Mathematics 6% 7% +12% 7% +4% 6% -3%
27. Unspecified 7% 7% +1% 7% +3% 7% +4%
28. Number Rural 59 130 +120% 133 +125% 137 +132%
29. Number in Northeast 694 590 -15% 592 -15% 593 -15%
30. Number in Midwest 207 279 +35% 274 +32% 279 +35%
31. Number in South 379 435 +15% 431 +14% 438 +16%
32. Number in West 399 375 -6% 382 -4% 369 -8%
Admitting an equal number of students across neighborhood clusters, in conjunction with other
race-neutral policies: Changes in financial need
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data; College Board Cluster Data; U.S. Census Data
Note: Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s corrected expanded sample who are in my preferred year-by-
year regression model. Simulation eliminates consideration of race, lineage status, recruited-athlete status, whether an applicant’s parents
are Harvard faculty and staff, whether the applicant appears on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, standardized test scores, and the
proportion of the applicant’s high school and neighborhood that is African-American, Hispanic, and White. In addition, recruited athletes
are reassigned to rating combinations in the regression sample that contain the next highest athletic rating. Applicants with certain
socioeconomic characteristics are given a low-SES boost by adding a value to their admission index. The value is equal to 0.5 multiplied by
a given integer multiplier, multiplied by the number of characteristics an applicant displays out of the following: disadvantaged, requested
a fee waiver, first generation college student, neighborhood median income less than or equal to $65,000. Further, the number of
disadvantaged applicants is doubled. Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index within each neighborhood cluster and
an approximately equal number of applicants are admitted from each cluster to fill the class.
7.3.7. Increasing financial aid
278. Mr. Kahlenberg also identifies generous financial aid as a way to expand racial diversity,
on the theory that some talented low-SES applicants, many of whom are AHO, do not apply to or
matriculate at Harvard because of expected costs but would apply or matriculate if Harvard were
more affordable.
But available evidence suggests that increasing aid beyond Harvard’s current
generous levels would not produce additional racial diversity among applicants or matriculants.
279. Harvard already offers exceptionally generous financial aid. Its financial aid program is
designed to “ensure that students admitted to Harvard are not prevented from matriculating due to
their financial circumstances,” and “to ensure that Harvard will be affordable to every student.”
“Currently, Harvard expects no parental contribution for students from families with typical assets
and annual incomes below $65,000. Families with typical assets and incomes between $65,000 and
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 29–31.
Second Interrogatory Response, p. 16.
Predicted Class Without Consideration of Race and Factors that Allegedly
Advantage White Applicants
1x Low-SES Boost 2x Low-SES Boost 3x Low-SES Boost
Value % Change
Value % Change
Value % Change
Socioeconomic Status
[A] [B]
1. Number First Generation College 120 344 +187% 427 +256% 530 +342%
2. Number Disadvantaged 297 906 +205% 1047 +253% 1176 +296%
3. Number with Fee Waiver 309 853 +176% 1000 +224% 1127 +265%
4. Number with Financial Aid 1102 1431 +30% 1471 +33% 1507 +37%
$150,000 are generally expected to contribute between 0–10% of their income, and Harvard does not
consider the family’s home equity in calculating family resources.”
280. These policies are generous enough to make Harvard more affordable to low-income
applicants than many public institutions. Harvard estimates that “[n]inety percent of American
families would pay the same or less to send their children to Harvard as they would a state school.”
When the New York Times ranked 171 top public and private colleges based on the number of
middle- and low-income students served and the net amount charged to those students, Harvard came
in tenth, ahead of all of its Ivy League peers. Based on net-price calculations for middle-income
students only, Harvard came in second, behind only Stanford.
Harvard’s current threshold for zero
parental contribution is as generous as or more generous than the limits at Ivy League peers and
Approximately 70% of African-American households and more than 60% of all Hispanic
households are already eligible for zero parental contribution.
281. Harvard’s current financial aid program is the culmination of a decade of financial aid
initiatives, summarized in Exhibit 55. These staggered changes in the aid thresholds provide a natural
experiment: they allow me to assess whether historical increases in financial aid drew in AHO
applicants, contributed to an increase in the share of AHO admitted students, or helped boost
matriculation of AHO admitted students. These historical patterns can also shed light on what might
happen to the pools of applicants and admitted students if Harvard were to expand its financial aid
Second Interrogatory Response, p. 16.
Harvard College, Financial Aid Fact Sheets, available at https://college.harvard.edu/financial-aid/how-aid-works/fact-
sheet, accessed December 12, 2017.
New York Times, “Top Colleges Doing the Most for the American Dream,” available at
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/05/25/sunday-review/opinion-pell-table.html, accessed November 19, 2017
(“The ranking is based on a combination of the number of lower-and middle-income students that a college enrolls and
the price it charges these students. The top of the ranking is dominated by campuses in the University of California
system, while the most diverse private colleges include Amherst, Pomona, Harvard and Vassar.”).
While Dartmouth offers free tuition for families whose total income is $100,000 or less, the other Ivy League
institutions and Stanford cover all educational costs (including tuition, room, board, books, etc.) in their aid for families
falling at or below their zero parental contribution thresholds. Penn Student Registration & Financial Services, “A Look
at the Facts,” available at http://www.sfs.upenn.edu/paying/paying-pro-look-at-the-facts.htm, accessed December 5, 2017;
Brown University, “General Questions,” available at https://www.brown.edu/about/administration/financial-aid/general-
questions, accessed December 5, 2017; Columbia University, “How Aid Works,” available at https://cc-
seas.financialaid.columbia.edu/how/aid/works, accessed December 5, 2017; Cornell University, “Financial Aid, Financial
Aid Initiative,” available at https://finaid.cornell.edu/cost-attend/financial-aid-initiatives, accessed December 5, 2017;
Yale University, “Financial Aid In-Depth,” available at https://admissions.yale.edu/financial-aid-prospective-students,
accessed December 5, 2017; Princeton University, “How Princeton’s Aid Program Works,” available at
https://admission.princeton.edu/cost-aid/how-princetons-aid-program-works, accessed December 5, 2017; Stanford
University, “How Aid Works,” available at https://financialaid.stanford.edu/undergrad/how/parent.html, accessed
December 5, 2017; Dartmouth College, “How Aid Works,” available at http://admissions.dartmouth.edu/financial-
aid/how-aid-works/how-much-help-will-i-get, accessed December 5, 2017.
See workpaper based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey 2017 Annual Social and
Economic Supplement.
offerings further. Surprisingly, Mr. Kahlenberg failed to consider this historical evidence of how his
proposed race-neutral alternatives have fared in practice.
Timeline of Harvard’s changes to financial aid policies, by class
Source: HARV00031667; HARV00016122; HARV00010744; HARV00067792
282. In the following set of exhibits, I examine how three key outcomes have changed as
Harvard expanded its financial aid: number of applicants of each race, number of admitted students
of each race, and matriculation rates by race. I find that the fraction of AHO applicants (among all
applicants) rose and then plateaued as Harvard expanded financial aid (Exhibit 56). Importantly, the
most recent expansion of financial aid did not result in an increase in the share of AHO applicants.
The fraction of Asian-American applicants rose slightly, while the fraction of applicants who are
White fell.
Share of African-American, Hispanic, or Other applicants rose, then plateaued, as Harvard
expanded financial aid
Source: HARV00032509 – HARV00032524; HARV00031667; HARV00016122; HARV00010744; HARV00067792; Augmented
Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
283. The fraction of AHO applicants who applied for financial aid also did not increase after
the most recent expansion (Exhibit 57). This suggests that financial aid is not a limiting factor for
AHO applicants. This pattern holds for applicants of other races as well.
Most recent increase in the threshold for zero parental contribution did not increase fraction of
African-American, Hispanic, or Other applicants applying for financial aid
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Racial categories are
constructed using a methodology that replicates the racial categories in the produced aggregate data.
284. Increases in financial aid were also not closely linked to changes in the fraction of AHO
or Asian-American applicants among admitted students (Exhibit 58). The most recent expansion of
financial aid for the class of 2016 did not increase the share of admitted students who are AHO.
Expansions in financial aid were also not consistently associated with increases in matriculation of
AHO admitted students relative to other races (Exhibit 59).
Share of African-American, Hispanic, or Other admitted students has risen over time, but not in
close step with expansions in financial aid
Source: HARV00032509 – HARV00032524; HARV00031667; HARV00016122; HARV00010744; HARV00067792; Augmented
Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
Expansions in financial aid did not consistently affect matriculation of African-American,
Hispanic, or Other admitted students
Source: HARV00032509 – HARV00032524; HARV00031667; HARV00016122; HARV00010744; HARV00067792; Augmented
Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
285. These results indicate it is unlikely that Harvard would be able to increase its proportion
of AHO students (relative to a regime of not considering race) by offering more generous financial
aid. Even with Harvard’s continuous expansion of its financial aid program, the share of applicants
who are AHO has not risen markedly over the past eight years. That is, perhaps, not surprising when
one considers the current income distribution in the United States. The vast majority of households in
the $60,000–65,000, $65,000–70,000, and $70,000–75,000 income brackets are not AHO, and there
are fewer and fewer AHO households as one moves up those brackets. Given the distribution of
income by race, incremental expansions in the $65,000 threshold for zero parental contribution are
likely to disproportionately attract White applicants, not AHO applicants.
See workpaper based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey 2017 Annual Social and
Economic Supplement.
7.3.8. Eliminating Early Action
286. The academic literature and Mr. Kahlenberg suggest that Early Action admissions could
potentially privilege applicants with more resources and better college guidance counseling. Because
these students are more likely to be White, Mr. Kahlenberg argues that eliminating Early Action
could enhance racial diversity at Harvard.
This claim is directly testable, because Harvard both
eliminated and reinstated Early Action in recent years, allowing researchers to observe the effect of
such changes on the pool of applicants and admitted students. Had Mr. Kahlenberg examined this
historical evidence, he would have found that Harvard’s experience indicates that abolishing Early
Action once again is unlikely to increase racial diversity.
287. To assess the effect of abolishing Early Action on racial diversity, I look at the racial
composition of Harvard’s applicants, admitted students, and matriculants before and after Harvard
implemented key changes in its Early Action policy. Exhibit 60 summarizes those changes. Harvard
offered some form of Early Action through the class of 2011.
Harvard eliminated Early Action for
the class of 2012, and then reinstated it for applicants to the class of 2016. Those changes in policy
provide a natural experiment to test Mr. Kahlenberg’s claim that eliminating Early Action could
increase racial diversity at Harvard. I focus on comparing the period during which Harvard abolished
Early Action to the more recent period after Harvard reinstated Early Action, as financial aid policies
were more similar during these periods than in earlier years.
Timeline of Harvard’s changes to Early Action policies, by class
Source: HARV00031695
Kahlenberg Report, pp. 42–44; Complaint, pp. 85–86; Julie J. Park and M. Kevin Eagan, “Who Goes Early? A Multi-
Level Analysis of Enrolling via Early Action and Early Decision Admissions,” Teachers College Record, 113(11), 2011;
pp. 2345–2373 at pp. 2358, 2365, and 2368; Christopher Avery and Jonathan Levin, “Early Admission at Selective
Colleges,” Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research No. 08–31 March 2009, pp. 1–36 at p. 4.
In the class of 2007 admissions cycle, Harvard permitted applicants to apply early to multiple institutions, but reverted
to single-choice early action for the classes of 2008 to 2011.
288. I start my analysis by looking at whether reinstating Early Action had an effect on the
racial composition of applicants (Exhibit 61). As Exhibit 61 shows, the fraction of AHO applicants in
the applicant pool rose steadily from the class of 2000 through roughly the class of 2012, when Early
Action was abolished. The fraction of AHO applicants then plateaued in more recent years, averaging
26% during the period Early Action was abolished (classes of 2012 – 2015) and 26% after Early
Action was reinstated.
The fact that reinstating Early Action has not led to a meaningful decrease
in the fraction of applicants who are AHO suggests that abolishing Early Action again would not be
likely to increase the fraction of AHO students in the applicant pool.
289. The fraction of Asian-American applicants increased a small amount between the classes
of 2000 – 2011, dipped slightly during the first two years in which Early Action was abolished (2012
– 2013), then rose again. The share of applicants who are White generally fell throughout the 2000 –
2019 period, jumping only briefly in the class of 2014.
See workpaper.
Reinstating Early Action did not have an effect on the share of applicants who are African-
American, Hispanic, or Other
Source: HARV00032509 – 24; HARV00031695; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
290. I also look at how reinstating Early Action affected the racial composition of admitted
students. Exhibit 62 shows how the racial composition of admitted students has evolved over the past
20 years. Focusing on the recent period with and without Early Action, the exhibit shows that, on
average, AHO admitted students comprised 25% of the entering classes without Early Action (2012 –
2015); and after Early Action was reinstated, AHO admitted students comprised 26% of the entering
Similarly, the fraction of admitted students who are Asian-American did not fall when
Early Action was reinstated.
See workpaper.
Reinstating Early Action did not decrease the share of admitted students who are Hispanic,
African-American, or Other
Source: HARV00032509 – 24; HARV00031695; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
291. Finally, I also examine how reinstating Early Action affected matriculation rates for
admitted students of different races. The patterns in Exhibit 63 undermine SFFA’s suggestion that
eliminating Early Action would increase racial diversity on campus. Matriculation rates rose for
admitted students of all races after Early Action was reinstated for the class of 2016. Asian-American
matriculation rates rose from 83% in the period with no Early Action to 85% after Early Action was
reinstated. Matriculation rates also rose for White admitted students and those whose race is
292. Matriculation rates for AHO admitted students averaged about 70% for classes before
Early Action was abolished (2000 – 2011), but dropped to an average of 65% during the years Early
Action was eliminated (2012 – 2015). Matriculation rates returned to an average of about 71% for the
classes after Early Action was reinstated (2016 – 2019).
293. That trend as to the matriculation rates of AHO admitted students was, in fact, a key
reason Harvard chose to reinstitute Early Action, according to documents produced in this litigation.
Based on its own statistical analysis, Harvard concluded that top AHO applicants were more likely to
apply to and matriculate at universities that offered them the option to apply early, and that Harvard
was losing such applicants (both in their choice of whether to apply and in their choice of whether to
matriculate) when it did not offer the Early Action option.
Harvard thus viewed restoring Early
Action as a race-neutral way to better capture top AHO talent.
In sum, Harvard’s historical
experience suggests that abolishing Early Action would not help foster a racially diverse student
Admitted students are more likely to matriculate under Early Action
Source: HARV00032509 – 24; HARV00031695; Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Applicants classified as “Native American / Hawaiian” are grouped with applicants classified as “Other.” Data for classes 2018 –
2019 are reconstructed using a methodology that replicates the produced aggregate data for classes 2000 – 2017.
OIR Presentation at HARV00031694, HARV00031701.
Memo from President Faust and Dean Smith to Members of the Corporation, “Proposed Changes in Admissions
Policy,” February 2, 2011, HARV00030303 32 at HARV00030305 – 06, HARV00030325 – 28; OIR Presentation at
HARV00031694, HARV00031701; Second Interrogatory Response, pp. 17–18.
In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg uses a simulation approach in which he turns off the coefficient on the Early Action
indicator, which is large and positive. The logic of Mr. Kahlenberg’s approach is that if the apparent positive effect on
likelihood of admission associated with applying early simply reflects unobserved privilege and resources, then removing
that positive effect could help foster diversity. The problem with this approach is that the estimated positive effect may in
fact reflect valuable, unobserved differences in the characteristics and quality of Early Action versus Regular Decision
applicants. For example, applicants who apply early to Harvard cannot apply early elsewhere. As a result, it could be that
they do more research on the institution, and therefore make a more compelling case for Harvard’s being a good match
for their particular academic and extracurricular interests. Applying Early Action could also be a valuable signal of
commitment to attending Harvard. If that is true, then turning off the Early Action preference would discard the value
Harvard places on these important differentiators. For these reasons, I do not use a simulation approach to evaluating the
impact of eliminating Early Action. I examine the historical record instead.
7.4. Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulated race-neutral practices, like others considered above, could achieve a
comparably diverse class only by changing the class in significant ways and compromising its quality
294. In this section, I address the five combinations of race-neutral admissions practices that
Mr. Kahlenberg simulates. The five simulations all focus on four types of race-neutral alternatives:
(1) eliminating consideration of factors that allegedly favor White applicants (consideration of
whether an applicant is a lineage applicant, recruited athlete, child of Harvard faculty or staff, Early
Action applicant, or on the Dean’s or Director’s interest lists), (2) affording a preference to low-SES
candidates, (3) admitting candidates based on location, and (4) increasing the pool of disadvantaged
applicants through increases in recruiting or financial aid.
295. As I discuss below, the combinations of race-neutral practices that Mr. Kahlenberg
simulates—like all those discussed above—either would not enable Harvard to achieve a comparably
diverse class or would enable Harvard to achieve a comparably diverse class only at a significant cost
to the quality of the class.
7.4.1. An overview of Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulations
296. Mr. Kahlenberg presents the results of five simulations in his report. The simulations
were actually conducted by Prof. Arcidiacono, using a version of Prof. Arcidiacono’s logit model of
admissions that includes the personal rating. All five simulations begin in the same way. Mr.
Kahlenberg first turns off the coefficients associated with race, as well as the coefficients for being
disadvantaged, having applied for financial aid, being a first-generation applicant, receiving a fee
waiver, being an athletic recruit, being a lineage applicant, being a child of Harvard faculty or staff,
applying Early Action, and appearing on the Dean’s or Director’s interest lists. He then simulates
other changes to the admissions process as follows:
Simulation 1: He gives each “disadvantaged” applicant (i.e., each
applicant identified as disadvantaged by Harvard’s admissions officers)
a preference equivalent to half the preference that recruited athletes are
estimated to receive.
Simulation 2: In addition to Simulation 1, he simulates the effect of
increased recruiting and financial aid by artificially doubling the number
of disadvantaged applicants in the pool.
Simulation 3: In addition to Simulation 1, he simulates a place-based
admissions practice by using his adjusted model to rank applicants
within each College Board neighborhood cluster, then admitting an
equal number of the highest-ranked students from each cluster.
Simulation 4: He repeats Simulation 3, but allows recruited athletes to
retain the admissions advantage they are estimated to receive. This is the
simulation on which Mr. Kahlenberg focuses in his report.
Simulation 5: He repeats Simulation 3, but simulates the effect of
increased recruiting and financial aid by artificially doubling the number
of disadvantaged applicants in the pool.
297. Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulations are effectively variations on the theme of those I
conducted. He and I use a similar methodology to simulate the effects of race-neutral alternatives; we
simply simulate different combinations of race-neutral practices. As noted above, the key difference
between Mr. Kahlenberg’s approach and mine is that I simulate the effects of increased consideration
of a wider set of socioeconomic attributes (including neighborhood median income and high school
median income, among others) and allow the admissions advantage received by each applicant to
vary with the applicant’s particular socioeconomic characteristics. In contrast, Mr. Kahlenberg
simulates only a single form of increased socioeconomic preference—a preference for students who
are identified as “disadvantaged” by Harvard’s admissions officers.
7.4.2. Mr. Kahlenberg’s findings
298. Despite Mr. Kahlenberg’s assertion that his proposed race-neutral alternatives could
generate a racially diverse class at little cost to the quality of the student body, Mr. Kahlenberg’s
simulations show otherwise. While the combinations of race-neutral alternatives in Simulations 1 and
2 do dramatically increase Asian-American representation, they fail to produce a substantial
proportion of AHO students (see Appendix F). Under these simulations, the proportion of African-
American students would drop 30–50% below that of the current Harvard student body. In
simulations 3, 4, and 5, the tested combinations of race-neutral alternatives are estimated to yield a
greater proportion of Hispanic students than the current student body, but to fall 20–30% short of the
current proportion of African-American students.
299. Second, Mr. Kahlenberg’s preferred combination of race-neutral alternatives (simulation
4) would be expected to produce a decline of 10% or more in the proportion of admitted students
with a 1 or 2 on each of the four profile ratings (academic, extracurricular, personal, and athletic).
That is a marked decline in the excellence of the class. Indeed, all of Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulated
combinations of race-neutral alternatives would reduce the proportion of admitted students with top
personal and athletic ratings (1 or 2), and, as noted above, would still not generate a share of admitted
students who are African-American comparable to that attained by the current race-conscious regime.
300. The admitted class would also look different in other dimensions under Mr.
Kahlenberg’s simulations. The fraction of admitted students who are children of Harvard and
Radcliffe alumni would fall substantially, as would the number of admitted students who are children
of Harvard faculty and staff. The number of athletic recruits would fall to near zero in the four
simulations that turn off the preference given to athletic recruits. In addition, all of Mr. Kahlenberg’s
simulations generate a marked increase in biological sciences concentrators, at the expense of the
humanities and social sciences.
301. Mr. Kahlenberg’s simulated combinations of race-neutral alternatives would also sharply
increase the fraction of admitted students with financial need. In his preferred simulation, about 309
additional applicants would apply for financial aid, as compared to the status quo. That would
increase Harvard’s spending by about $62 million per year (assuming equal levels of aid to all four
classes on campus at a given time).
302. In Appendix F, I replicate Mr. Kahlenberg’s other four simulations and show how his
simulated classes would differ from Harvard’s current student body on a wide range of dimensions.
Looking across these results, I find that Mr. Kahlenberg’s proposed race-neutral alternatives do a
poor job of generating racial diversity, while also coming at a cost in terms of other class
characteristics I understand Harvard values.
7.5. Conclusion
303. In this section, I have examined whether any race-neutral admissions practice, or
combination of race-neutral practices, could enable Harvard to achieve a comparably diverse student
body without lowering the quality of the admitted class (as measured by Harvard’s profile ratings and
other indicia) or changing the composition of the admitted class in other ways that I understand
matter to Harvard. My analyses suggest that using race-neutral policies to generate diversity comes at
a cost to class quality.
304. This finding is consistent with the broader academic literature, which explains that
universities attempting to achieve racial diversity without considering race will necessarily be less
able to select the highest-quality applicants than if they could consider race. It is also consistent with
Harvard University, “Harvard at a Glance,” available at https://www.harvard.edu/about-harvard/harvard-glance,
accessed November 16, 2017 (“More than 55 percent of Harvard College students receive scholarship aid, and the
average grant this year is $50,000. Since 2007, Harvard’s investment in financial aid has climbed by more than 75
percent, from $96.6 million to $170 million per year.”). See workpapers.
the results of Mr. Kahlenberg’s own simulations, which show that Harvard could achieve a
comparably diverse class only at a cost to the quality of the class.
David Card
December 15, 2017
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BusinessAddress: DepartmentofEconomics
email:[email protected]
Citizenship: U.S.andCanada
CurrentPositions: Classof1950ProfessorofEconomics
PreviousPositions: AssistantProfessorofBusinessEconomics
Education: Queen'sUniversity(Kingston),B.A.1978
EditorialPositions: CoeditorAmericanEconomicReview,2002‐2005.
Page 156
EditorialBoards: JournalofPopulationEconomics,2001‐
AwardsandPrizes: DoctorofLaws(HonorisCausa)UniversityofOttawa,2017
InvitedLectures: CondliffeLecture,UniversityofCanterbury,June2014
Page 157
SelectedReviewPanels NationalInstituteofHealth,SocialSciences,Nursing,
andAssignments: Epidemiology,andMethods(SNEM)ReviewPanel,19982003
ProfessionalSocieties: ElectedmemberoftheCouncil,EconometricSociety,20072012
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G. Lipsey.BrookfieldMA:EdwardElgar,1997.
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Reports and Testimony of Prof. David Card
in the Last Four Years
Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle v. Barclays Capital, Inc., et al. (Case No. 09-2-46320-4
SEA), Superior Court of Washington for King County: report, February 21, 2014; deposition,
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York for the County of New York: report, September 30, 2015; deposition, February 25, 2016.
Home Equity Mortgage Trust Series 2006-1, Home Equity Mortgage Trust Series 2006-3, and
Home Equity Mortgage Trust Series 2006-4 vs DLJ Mortgage Capital Inc. and Select Portfolio
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New York for the County of New York: report, October 14, 2016; deposition April 18, 2017.
US Bank National Association solely in its capacity as Trustee of the Home Equity Asset Trust
2007-1 vs DLJ Mortgage Capital Inc. (Index number 650369/2013) Supreme Court of the State
of New York for the County of New York: report, December 2, 2016; deposition April 19, 2017.
Page 170
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Produced Documents
HARV00000008 – 09, “Interview Information Sheet Class of 2017,”
HARV00000212 – 321, “2012 Casebook”
HARV00001322 – 61, “Database Fields Produced 11/6/2015”
HARV00001392 – 438, “Interviewer Handbook, 2014-2015”
HARV00001848 – 1850, Table, “Demographic Breakdown of Applicants, Admits, and
HARV00003906, Table, Four- and six-year graduation rates
HARV00006413, Spreadsheet, 2014.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00006471, Spreadsheet, 2015.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00006541, Spreadsheet, 2016.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00006607, Spreadsheet, 2017.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00006695, Spreadsheet, 2018.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00006759, Spreadsheet, 2019.xlsx (list of variables produced and withheld)
HARV00007766 – 71, Table, “Class of 2017 - EA Applicants”
HARV00008048 – 69, Harvard Report, “Report of the Committee to Study the Importance of
Student Body Diversity,” 2016
HARV00009879 – 80, Harvard Memo, “Re: Faculty Readings”, November 9, 2013
HARV00010744, Harvard Memo, “A decade of improving access and affordability at Harvard”
HARV00013561 – 65, Sarasota Presentation, “KLW - Sarasota Presentation”
HARV00015410 – 27, “Reading Procedures, Class of 2018”
HARV00016119 – 70, Office of Institutional Research Presentation, “Harvard College Financial
Aid,” June 13, 2013
HARV00018164 – 76, “Discussion Guide to the 2012 Casebook”
HARV00023177 – 8, Table, Aggregate applicant data 1980 – 2018
HARV0023564, Table, “Searches 2013 - Class of 2018”
HARV00027590 – 97, Email from Jeff A. Neal to William Fitzsimmons, “Draft Gazette Article
with Tuition/Smith,” March 24, 2014
HARV00030332 – 32, Memo from Drew Faust and Mike Smith to Members of the Corporation,
“Proposed Changes in Admission Policy,” February 2, 2011
HARV00031659 – 86, Harvard Presentation, “Materials for Financial Aid Meeting,” June 14,
HARV00031687 – 772, Office of Institutional Research Presentation, “Admissions and Financial
Aid at Harvard College,” February 2013
HARV00031933, “Admissions Calendar 2013–2014”
HARV00032509 – 24, Harvard Table, “Demographic Breakdown of Applicants, Admits, and
HARV00065450 – 52, Harvard Memo, “A Note on the Collection and Reporting of Data on Race
and Ethnicity”
HARV00067773 – 804, Office of Institutional Research Presentation, “Harvard College Financial
Aid: Recent Initiatives and Results,” July 25, 2013
Legal Documents
Harvard’s Objections and Responses to Plaintiff’s Second Set of Interrogatories, July 20, 2017.
Complaint, Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College
(Harvard Corporation); and the Honorable and Reverend the Board of Overseers, November 17,
Other Data and Data Documentation
College Board, “2010 College-Bound Seniors,” Total Group Profile Report, p. 4, available at
https://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data/archived/cb-seniors-2010, accessed December
14, 2017.
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accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “2013 College-Bound Seniors,” Total Group Profile Report, September 2013, p. 4,
available at https://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data/archived/cb-seniors-2013,
accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “2014 College-Bound Seniors,” Total Group Profile Report, October 7, 2014, p.4,
available at https://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data/archived/cb-seniors-2014,
accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “2015 College-Bound Seniors,” Total Group Profile Report, September 30,
2015, p. 4, available https://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data/archived/cb-seniors-2015,
accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “Descriptor PLUS Cluster Description Guide,” available at
accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “Segment Analysis Service Tagging/Historical Analysis Output File,” available at
sep2013.pdf, accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board, “Segment Analysis Service: An Educationally Relevant Geodemographic Tagging
Service,” available at http://media.collegeboard.com/mSSS/media/pdf/segment-analysis-service-
overview.pdf, accessed December 14, 2017.
College Board Segment Analysis Service, Applicant-level data (“College Board Cluster Data”).
National Center for Education Statistics, “Number of educational institutions, by level and control
of institution: Selected years, 1980-81 through 2013-14,” Digest of Education Statistics 2015,
December 2016.
United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, “2010 SOC User Guide,” February 2010, available at
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United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, “2010 Standard Occupational Classification,” January
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United States Census Bureau, “2010 ANSI Codes for Places.”
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United States Census Bureau, “ZIP Code Tabulation Areas,” 2016 U.S. Gazetteer Files, available
at https://www.census.gov/geo/maps-data/data/gazetteer2016.html, accessed December 14, 2017.
All other documents cited in this report.
10.1. Parent occupations
Mother’s occupation differs by race
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample for the classes of 2014 – 2019. For the class of 2018, the “Unemployed”
category is combined with the “Homemaker” category in my year-by-year models, affecting 10 observations.
Occupation Category
or Other
1. Homemaker 16.8% 18.5% 7.1% 15.9% 17.1%
2. Other 15.8% 14.9% 24.2% 22.3% 17.3%
Pre-K through Grade 12 Educational
Instruction & Library
10.0% 4.3% 8.0% 9.6% 7.0%
Health Diagnosing and Treating
8.0% 8.0% 6.6% 4.3% 8.0%
Business Executive (management,
7.4% 5.1% 6.7% 5.6% 6.5%
Lawyers, Judges and Related
4.3% 0.7% 2.6% 2.2% 3.4%
Other Healthcare Occupations Incl.
4.2% 3.7% 9.6% 3.2% 3.6%
8. Unemployed 4.0% 6.3% 8.3% 7.6% 5.2%
9. Office and Administrative Support 3.7% 2.7% 4.2% 4.4% 2.5%
10. Self-Employed 3.4% 3.9% 2.2% 3.2% 3.7%
11. Business and Financial Operations 3.3% 4.8% 3.6% 2.7% 3.5%
rt, Design and Media 3.0% 1.0% 0.9% 1.4% 2.6%
13. Postsecondary Teachers 2.4% 2.1% 1.2% 1.3% 2.4%
14. Sales and Related 2.4% 1.8% 1.9% 2.3% 1.7%
15. Life, Physical and Social Sciences 2.0% 4.9% 0.7% 1.0% 3.4%
rchitecture and Engineering 1.8% 4.9% 0.8% 1.5% 3.8%
Counselors, Social Workers,
Community Service
1.8% 0.7% 3.3% 1.9% 1.4%
Other Management (Excl. Business
1.7% 1.1% 1.7% 1.5% 1.0%
19. Computer and Mathematical 1.4% 6.1% 1.1% 0.8% 3.8%
Skilled Trades Incl. Construction
and Extraction
1.2% 3.3% 2.9% 5.3% 1.3%
21. Low Skill. 0.6% 0.9% 1.4% 1.6% 0.3%
Entertainers, Performers and Sports
Related Workers
0.5% 0.4% 0.2% 0.2% 0.4%
23. Protective Service 0.1% 0.0% 0.6% 0.3% 0.1%
24. Militar
0.1% 0.0% 0.4% 0.1% 0.0%
Father’s occupation differs by race
Source: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Sample consists of Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample for the classes of 2014 – 2019. For the class of 2018, the “Unemployed”
category is combined with the “Homemaker” category in my year-by-year models, affecting 5 observations.
Occupation Category
or Other
Business Executive (management,
17.2% 11.8% 7.8% 11.4% 14.5%
2. Other 13.9% 13.4% 31.0% 24.1% 15.5%
Health Diagnosing and Treating
9.7% 9.6% 6.6% 6.1% 10.4%
rchitecture and Engineering 9.1% 17.7% 5.8% 6.8% 13.8%
5. Self-Employed 8.2% 7.5% 4.6% 6.8% 7.7%
Lawyers, Judges and Related
7.7% 1.3% 2.6% 3.9% 5.4%
Skilled Trades Incl. Construction
and Extraction
4.8% 4.2% 7.4% 13.6% 3.3%
8. Computer and Mathematical 4.0% 8.8% 2.7% 2.3% 6.8%
9. Sales and Related 3.8% 1.8% 2.6% 3.5% 2.5%
10. Postsecondary Teachers 3.1% 4.9% 1.9% 1.4% 4.1%
11. Business and Financial Operations 3.0% 2.3% 2.7% 2.2% 2.1%
12. Life, Physical and Social Sciences 2.6% 6.6% 1.0% 1.2% 4.4%
Pre-K through Grade 12 Educational
Instruction & Library
2.4% 0.7% 2.4% 2.0% 1.3%
Other Management (Excl. Business
2.2% 1.3% 1.3% 1.8% 1.2%
15. Unemployed 2.2% 3.2% 8.0% 4.8% 2.7%
rt, Design and Media 1.4% 0.5% 0.7% 0.8% 1.0%
17. Protective Service 0.9% 0.2% 1.9% 1.8% 0.5%
Counselors, Social Workers,
Community Service
0.9% 1.0% 2.4% 0.7% 0.8%
19. Militar
0.9% 0.3% 1.6% 0.9% 0.3%
20. Low Skill. 0.6% 0.8% 1.4% 1.8% 0.2%
21. Office and Administrative Support 0.6% 0.8% 1.2% 1.0% 0.5%
Entertainers, Performers and Sports
Related Workers
0.4% 0.2% 0.5% 0.4% 0.4%
Other Healthcare Occupations Incl.
0.4% 0.7% 1.5% 0.5% 0.4%
24. Homemaker 0.3% 0.2% 0.2% 0.3% 0.3%
11.1. Primary activities
Primary activities differ by race
Sorce: Augmented Arcidiacono Data
Note: Data are from applicants to the classes of 2017 – 2019 in Professor Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Primary activities consist of
activities that applicants listed as either activity 1 or activity 2. Categories for activities can vary year to year.
Primary Activity
or Other
1. Varsity athletics 26% 16% 26% 24% 16%
2. Community service 22% 27% 25% 27% 26%
3. Other 14% 14% 14% 14% 15%
4. JV athletics 13% 7% 12% 11% 11%
5. Instrumental music 12% 17% 9% 10% 15%
6. Academic 11% 11% 13% 13% 10%
7. Politics 10% 9% 11% 10% 9%
8. Work 9% 7% 8% 8% 8%
9. Science or math 8% 18% 5% 7% 14%
10. Speech and debate 7% 9% 6% 6% 8%
11. Club athletics 6% 4% 5% 6% 5%
12. Drama 6% 2% 4% 4% 4%
13. Journalism 5% 6% 3% 4% 6%
14. Career 5% 8% 5% 5% 8%
15. Religious 3% 3% 5% 4% 2%
16. Vocal music 3% 2% 3% 3% 2%
17. Dance 3% 3% 4% 3% 3%
18. Computer 2% 4% 2% 2% 4%
19. Foreign language 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%
20. Art 2% 2% 2% 2% 3%
21. Missing 2% 1% 6% 4% 1%
22. Environmental 1% 2% 1% 1% 1%
23. Foreign exchange 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
24. Cultural 1% 2% 3% 2% 1%
25. Robotics 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
26. Family 1% 1% 1% 1% 1%
27. LGBT 1% 0% 0% 1% 0%
28. School spirit 0% 0% 1% 1% 0%
29. Junior ROTC 0% 0% 1% 1% 0%
12.1. Variables used in logit model of admissions
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
Race Variables
Mutually exclusive race categories, based on
ethnic_group_cde field with categories: “White,”
“Black,” “Hispanic, Mexican, or Puerto Rican,” “Asian,”
“Native American,” “Hawaiian or Pacific Islander,”
“Race Missing.”
Mutually exclusive race categories, based on
ethnic_group_cde field with categories: “White,”
“Black,” “Hispanic and Other,” “Asian,” “Race Missing.”
“Other” includes Mexican, Puerto Rican, Native
American, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander.
Base Controls
year Harvard class to which applicant applies: 2014 to 2019
 
Indicator for whether applicant indicated “Female” in a
sex code entry field
 
Indicator for whether applicant was flagged by
admissions staff, based on application, as likely
socioeconomically disadvantaged or HFAI eligible
 
fgcl Indicator for first generation college applicant
 
earlyDecision Indicator for Early Action applicant
 
athlete Indicator for athletic profile rating of 1
 
Indicator for whether at least one of applicant’s parents
attended Harvard
 
Indicator for whether
oth of applicant’s parents
attended Harvard
 
Indicator for whether applicant is child of Harvard
faculty or staff
 
Indicator for whether applicant is on Dean’s or
Director’s Interest Lists
 
waiver_tot Indicator for whether applicant requested a fee waiver
 
finaid Indicator for whether applicant applied for financial aid
 
Categories for mother’s level of education: “Less than
college,” “College graduate,” “Master’s,” “MD/JD/PhD,”
 
Categories for father’s level of education:
“Less than
college,” “College graduate,” “Master’s,” “MD/JD/PhD,”
 
Categories for applicant’s intended major: “Social
sciences,” “Humanities,” “Biological sciences,” “Physical
sciences,” “Engineering,” “Mathematics,” “Computer
Sciences,” “Unspecified”
 
docketFE Docket to which applicant’s high school is assigned
 
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
Academic Variables
SACTmath_std Normalized ACT/SAT math score
 
SACTverb_std Normalized ACT/SAT verbal score
 
SAT2avg_std Normalized average SAT II subject test score
 
gpa_converted_std Normalized converted GPA
 
academic_index_std Normalized academic index
 
Normalized academic index quadratic multiplied by
indicator for positive normalized academic index
 
Normalized academic index quadratic multiplied by
indicator for negative normalized academic index
 
flaggpa Indicator for converted GPA equal to 35
 
m_SAT2avg Indicator for missing average SAT II score
 
Ratings Variables
Combinations of athletic, personal, extracurricular, and
academic ratings. Each profile rating has categories: 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. Exact combinations are determined at
the applicant level (e.g. any applicant who received four
ratings of 3 would have the exact combination 3333).
Combinations that appear in the sample at least 100
times have their own control group. The remainder of
combinations are combined with the control group with
the closest admission rate.
 
Combinations of school support ratings, assigned by
Admissions Committee, based on two teacher
recommendations. Each teacher rating has categories:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Missing. Combinations are determined
at the applicant level (e.g. any applicant who received
ratings of 1 and 2 would have the combination 12).
Combinations that appear in the sample at least 100
times have their own control group. The remainder of
combinations are combined with the control group with
the closest admission rate.
 
School support rating, assigned by
Committee, based on applicant’s recommendation from
guidance counselor. Categories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and
 
Combinations of alumni interview overall and personal
ratings. Each alumni interview rating has categories: 1,
2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, and Missing. Combinations are
determined at the applicant level (e.g. any applicant
who received an overall rating of 1 and a personal rating
of 2 would have the combination 12). Combinations that
appear in the sample at least 100 times have their own
control group. The remainder of combinations are
combined with the control group with the closest
admission rate.
 
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
Contextual Factors
father_occ_cat Mother’s occupation category; see Appendix C.
 
mother_occ_cat Father’s occupation category; see Appendix C.
 
Indicator for whether father is marked as deceased;
defaulted to false for missing entries
 
Indicator for whether mother is marked as deceased;
defaulted to false for missing entries
 
Indicator for whether at least one parent attended an
Ivy League school (not counting Ivy sister schools);
defaulted to false for missing entries
 
Indicator for whether applicant’s high school county is
not in a Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area;
for applicants missing high school city field, permanent
address city is used.
 
Intended career indicated by applicant, from a choice of
15 career categories, "Other," "Undecided," or
 
school_type School type (public, private, Catholic, or missing)
 
Indicator for whether at least one of applicant’s parents
went to Harvard Graduate School
 
Indicator for whether applicant is a United States
permanent resident
 
Combination of staff interview overall and personal
ratings. Control groups defined: (1) ratings
combinations of 1 and 2, (2) combinations of 2 and 3,
(3) both ratings of 3, and (4) remainder.
total_work Total hours of work reported in activity description
Indicators for applicant’s primary extracurricular
activities (collapsed into the following groups: (1)
Varsity, JV, or Club athletics; (2) Computer, Speech and
Debate, Journalism, Science, Math, Robotics, or
Academic; (3) Volunteer or Religious; (4)
Environmental, Family, LGBT, School spirit, or Other;
(5) Dance, Drama, or Vocal music; (6) Instrumental
music; (7) Politics; (8) Work; (9) Career; (10) Cultural,
Foreign exchange, or Foreign language; (11) Missing;
and (12) Junior ROTC). A primary activity is defined as
an activity the applicant lists in the first or second
activity field of her application.
Indicator for whether applicant received a staff
interview rating
Indicator for whether applicant was born outside of
United States
Indicator for whether applicant lived outside of United
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
High School Characteristics
The College Board aggregates applicant-level data to the high school level, based
on student’s AICODE. All high school variables are interacted with the SAT state
indicator unless denoted with †.
Indicator for whether applicant’s state has more SAT
takers than ACT takers that applied to Harvard
(a student is marked as an SAT/ACT taker if the
corresponding composite score is available for that
 
verage score on the math section of the SAT I for all
students at applicant’s high school
 
Average score on the verbal section of the SAT for all
students at applicant’s high school
 
Average score on the writing section of the SAT for all
students at applicant’s high school
 
Percent of students at applicant’s high school who
report that they speak only English
 
Percent of students at applicant’s high school who
applied to an out of state college
 
Average # of AP tests taken by students at applicant’s
high school
 
Percent of students at applicant’s high school who
require financial aid for college
 
Average # of honors courses taken by students at
applicant’s high school
 
Percent of students at applicant’s high school who
reported that no parent had education beyond high
 
Average number of scores sends for students at
applicant’s high school
 
verage rate of admission for colleges receiving score
sends from students at applicant’s high school
ased percent of students at applicant’s high
school who are Black
ased percent of students at applicant’s high
school who are White
ased percent of students at applicant’s high
school who are Hispanic
 
ased median family income of students at
applicant’s high school
 
ased percent of students at applicant’s high
school who are below the poverty line
 
ased median value o
home for students at
applicant’s high school, as a percentage of average state
 
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
Neighborhood Characteristics
The College Board aggregates
applicant-level data to the educational neighborhood
(one or more contiguous census tracts). All neighborhood variables are interacted
with the SAT state indicator unless denoted with †.
Average score on the math section of the SAT for all
students in applicant’s neighborhood
 
Average score on the verbal section of the SAT for all
students in applicant’s neighborhood
 
Average score on the writing section of the SAT for all
students in applicant’s neighborhood
 
Percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood who report
that they only speak English
 
Percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood who
applied to an out of state college
 
verage # of AP tests taken by students in applicant’s
 
Percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood who
require financial aid for college
 
Average # of honors courses taken by students in
applicant’s neighborhood
 
Percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood who
reported that no parent had education beyond high school
 
Average number of score sends for students in applicant’s
 
Average rate of admissions for colleges receiving score
sends from students in applicant’s neighborhood
 
ACS-based percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood
who are Black
 
ACS-based percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood
who are White
 
ACS-based percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood
who are Hispanic
 
ACS-based median family income of students in applicant’s
neighborhood, missing values filled with mean
 
ased percent of students in applicant’s neighborhood
who are below the poverty line, missing values filled with
 
ACS-based median value of home for students in
applicant’s neighborhood, as a percentage of average state
value, missing values filled with mean
 
Card Model
Variable Name Variable Description
Variable Pooled
Indicator for missing neighborhood poverty line variable
 
Indicator for missing neighborhood median income
 
m_n_house_val† Indicator for missing neighborhood house value variable
 
Note: I assign parents to be mothers or fathers using the father/mother_type
ariables for years before 2017, and the
parent1/2_type variables from 2017 and on due to data availability. I assign parents to be “mother figures” (e.g., “mother”,
“aunt”) or “father figures” (e.g., “father”, “grandfather”) using the variables father/mother_type for years before 2017, and using
parent1/2_type from 2017 and on due to data availability. When the parental type variable is gender neutral (e.g., “guardian”), I
use gender information from the parent1/2_gender variable in my assignment.
13.1. Mr. Kahlenberg’s Simulations
Mr. Kahlenberg's Simulation 1: Impact on class quality and composition
Simulated Class: Removing
Consideration of Race,
Preferences, Athletes;
Preference Disadvantaged
Outcome Measures
Status Quo
Value % Change
1. White 40.4% 38.3% -5%
2. Asian-American 23.7% 34.0% +43%
3. Hispanic 12.9% 11.4% -12%
4. African-American 13.6% 6.6% -51%
5. Other 9.3% 9.7% +4%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2239 2235 -0.2%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.3 33.4 +0.3%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.3 +0.5%
9. Average Academic Index 228.2 228.7 +0.3%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 78% +2%
11. Extracurricular 61% 63% +4%
12. Personal 73% 69% -5%
13. Athletic 27% 15% -44%
Average Profile Rating (higher is worse)
14. Academic 2.22 2.19 -1%
15. Extracurricular 2.40 2.38 -0.4%
16. Personal 2.27 2.31 +2%
17. Athletic 3.04 3.41 +12%
Applicant Characteristics
18. Number of Lineage Students 293 89 -70%
19. Number of Double Lineage Students 78 20 -74%
20. Number of Recruited Athletes 186 14 -93%
Number of Children of Harvard Faculty
or Staff
50 36 -28%
Number of Students on Dean’s and
Director’s Interest Lists
23. Number of Female 859 844 -2%
Source: Arcidiacono Data
[1] Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 is used with
interactions between race and year, disadvantaged and year, and with the exclusion of the overall rating.
[2] Mr. Kahlenberg removes consideration of an applicant’s race and lineage status, whether the applicant applied Early Action, whether
the applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty or staff, whether the applicant appeared on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, whether the
applicant was identified as disadvantaged, whether the applicant applied for a waiver of the application fee, whether the applicant is a first-
generation college student, whether the applicant applied for financial aid, and whether the applicant is a recruited athlete. In addition,
recruited athletes are assigned extracurricular and athletic ratings of 2. Mr. Kahlenberg gives a boost to disadvantaged applicants by
adding to their admission index a value equal to half the value of the “athlete” coefficient in the model.
[3] This analysis reports values entirely from the predicted class. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg reports average academic index,
extracurricular rating, and personal rating values from the actul admitted class, while reporting the racial composition and share of
disadvantaged students from the predicted class, under the “Status Quo” specification.
Socioeconomic Status
24. Number First Generation College 120 236 +97%
25. Number Disadvantaged 305 808 +165%
26. Number Fee Waiver 303 623 +106%
27. Number Financial Aid 1141 1354 +19%
28. Social Sciences 25% 24% -6%
29. Humanities 14% 12% -10%
30. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +9%
31. Physical Science 6.9% 7.8% +12%
32. Engineering 13% 15% +10%
33. Computer Science 6.1% 6.5% +6%
34. Mathematics 6.5% 6.6% +1%
35. Unspecified 6.7% 5.1% -23%
Mr. Kahlenberg's Simulation 2: Impact on class quality and composition
Simulated Class: Removing
Consideration of Race,
Preferences, Athletes;
Preference Disadvantaged
Students; Double Number of
Disadvantaged Applicants
Outcome Measures
Status Quo
Value % Change
1. White 40.4% 34.6% -14%
2. Asian-American 23.7% 34.5% +45%
3. Hispanic 12.9% 13.7% +6%
4. African-American 13.6% 8.0% -41%
5. Other 9.3% 9.1% -1%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2239 2214 -1%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.3 33.2 -0.3%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.2 +0.4%
9. Average Academic Index 228.2 227.6 -0.2%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 74% -3%
11. Extracurricular 61% 63% +3%
12. Personal 73% 71% -2%
13. Athletic 27% 14% -50%
Average Profile Rating (higher is worse)
14. Academic 2.22 2.24 +1%
15. Extracurricular 2.40 2.40 +0.4%
16. Personal 2.27 2.29 +1%
17. Athletic 3.04 3.51 +15%
Applicant Characteristics
18. Number of Lineage Students 293 61 -79%
19. Number of Double Lineage Students 78 14 -82%
20. Number of Recruited Athletes 186 11 -94%
Number of Children of Harvard Faculty
or Staff
50 28 -44%
Number of Students on Dean’s and
Director’s Interest Lists
23. Number of Female 859 842 -2%
Source: Arcidiacono Data
[1] Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 is used with
interactions between race and year, disadvantaged and year, and with the exclusion of the overall rating.
[2] Mr. Kahlenberg doubles the number of disadvantaged applicants. Mr. Kahlenberg removes consideration of an applicant’s race and
lineage status, whether the applicant applied Early Action, whether the applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty or staff, whether the
applicant appeared on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, whether the applicant was identified as disadvantaged, whether the applicant
applied for a waiver of the application fee, whether the applicant is a first-generation college student, whether the applicant applied for
financial aid, and whether the applicant is a recruited athlete. In addition, recruited athletes are assigned extracurricular and athletic
ratings of 2. Mr. Kahlenberg gives a boost to disadvantaged applicants by adding to their admission index a value equal to half the value of
the “athlete” coefficient in the model.
[3] This analysis reports values entirely from the predicted class. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg reports average academic index,
extracurricular rating, and personal rating values from the actul admitted class, while reporting the racial composition and share of
disadvantaged students from the predicted class, under the “Status Quo” specification.
Socioeconomic Status
24. Number First Generation College 120 328 +173%
25. Number Disadvantaged 305 1197 +292%
26. Number Fee Waiver 303 885 +192%
27. Number Financial Aid 1141 1503 +32%
28. Social Sciences 25% 24% -5%
29. Humanities 14% 12% -13%
30. Biological Sciences 21% 24% +13%
31. Physical Science 6.9% 8.1% +16%
32. Engineering 13% 15% +11%
33. Computer Science 6.1% 6.1% -0.1%
34. Mathematics 6.5% 6.2% -5%
35. Unspecified 6.7% 4.9% -26%
Mr. Kahlenberg's Simulation 3: Impact on class quality and composition
Simulated Class Using Cluster-
Based Admission: Removing
Consideration of Race,
Preferences, Athletes;
Preference Disadvantaged
Outcome Measures
Status Quo
Value % Change
1. White 40.4% 37.9% -6%
2. Asian-American 23.7% 29.5% +24%
3. Hispanic 12.9% 13.7% +6%
4. African-American 13.6% 9.6% -29%
5. Other 9.3% 9.3% +0.4%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2239 2206 -1%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.3 33.1 -1%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.2 +0.3%
9. Average Academic Index 228.2 227.0 -1%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 70% -8%
11. Extracurricular 61% 58% -5%
12. Personal 73% 66% -9%
13. Athletic 27% 14% -49%
Average Profile Rating (higher is worse)
14. Academic 2.22 2.28 +2%
15. Extracurricular 2.40 2.45 +2%
16. Personal 2.27 2.34 +3%
17. Athletic 3.04 3.50 +15%
Applicant Characteristics
18. Number of Lineage Students 293 66 -77%
19. Number of Double Lineage Students 78 16 -80%
20. Number of Recruited Athletes 186 9 -95%
Number of Children of Harvard Faculty
or Staff
50 28 -43%
Number of Students on Dean’s and
Director’s Interest Lists
23. Number of Female 859 844 -2%
Source: Arcidiacono Data
[1] Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 is used with
interactions between race and year, disadvantaged and year, and with the exclusion of the overall rating.
[2] Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index and an equal number of applicants are admitted from each
neighborhood cluster. Mr. Kahlenberg removes consideration of an applicant’s race and lineage status, whether the applicant applied Early
Action, whether the applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty or staff, whether the applicant appeared on the Dean’s or Director’s interest
list, whether the applicant was identified as disadvantaged, whether the applicant applied for a waiver of the application fee, whether the
applicant is a first-generation college student, whether the applicant applied for financial aid, and whether the applicant is a recruited
athlete. In addition, recruited athletes are assigned extracurricular and athletic ratings of 2. Mr. Kahlenberg gives a boost to disadvantaged
applicants by adding to their admission index a value equal to half the value of the “athlete” coefficient in the model.
[3] This analysis reports values entirely from the predicted class. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg reports average academic index,
extracurricular rating, and personal rating values from the actul admitted class, while reporting the racial composition and share of
disadvantaged students from the predicted class, under the “Status Quo” specification.
Socioeconomic Status
24. Number First Generation College 120 294 +145%
25. Number Disadvantaged 305 996 +227%
26. Number Fee Waiver 303 784 +159%
27. Number Financial Aid 1141 1465 +28%
28. Social Sciences 25% 23% -9%
29. Humanities 14% 12% -16%
30. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +6%
31. Physical Science 6.9% 8.2% +18%
32. Engineering 13% 15% +14%
33. Computer Science 6.1% 6.5% +6%
34. Mathematics 6.5% 7.4% +13%
35. Unspecified 6.7% 5.4% -19%
Mr. Kahlenberg's Simulation 4: Impact on class quality and composition
Simulated Class Using Cluster-
Based Admission: Removing
Consideration of Race,
Preferences; Preference
Disadvantaged Students
Outcome Measures
Status Quo
Value % Change
1. White 40.4% 39.6% -2%
2. Asian-American 23.7% 27.6% +16%
3. Hispanic 12.9% 13.5% +4%
4. African-American 13.6% 10.1% -26%
5. Other 9.3% 9.2% -1%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2239 2191 -2%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.3 32.9 -1%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.1 +0.2%
9. Average Academic Index 228.2 225.9 -1%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 66% -13%
11. Extracurricular 61% 54% -13%
12. Personal 73% 65% -10%
13. Athletic 27% 20% -25%
Average Profile Rating (higher is worse)
14. Academic 2.22 2.33 +5%
15. Extracurricular 2.40 2.50 +4%
16. Personal 2.27 2.34 +3%
17. Athletic 3.04 3.31 +9%
Applicant Characteristics
18. Number of Lineage Students 293 57 -81%
19. Number of Double Lineage Students 78 12 -85%
20. Number of Recruited Athletes 186 150 -20%
Number of Children of Harvard Faculty
or Staff
50 19 -62%
Number of Students on Dean’s and
Director’s Interest Lists
23. Number of Female 859 827 -4%
Source: Arcidiacono Data
[1] Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 is used with
interactions between race and year, disadvantaged and year, and with the exclusion of the overall rating.
[2] Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index and an equal number of applicants are admitted from each
neighborhood cluster. Mr. Kahlenberg removes consideration of an applicant’s race and lineage status, whether the applicant applied Early
Action, whether the applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty or staff, whether the applicant appeared on the Dean’s or Director’s interest
list, whether the applicant was identified as disadvantaged, whether the applicant applied for a waiver of the application fee, whether the
applicant is a first-generation college student, and whether the applicant applied for financial aid. Mr. Kahlenberg gives a boost to
disadvantaged applicants by adding to their admission index a value equal to half the value of the “athlete” coefficient in the model.
[3] This analysis reports values entirely from the predicted class. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg reports average academic index,
extracurricular rating, and personal rating values from the actul admitted class, while reporting the racial composition and share of
disadvantaged students from the predicted class, under the “Status Quo” specification.
Socioeconomic Status
24. Number First Generation College 120 289 +141%
25. Number Disadvantaged 305 949 +211%
26. Number Fee Waiver 303 753 +149%
27. Number Financial Aid 1141 1450 +27%
28. Social Sciences 25% 23% -7%
29. Humanities 14% 11% -19%
30. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +8%
31. Physical Science 6.9% 7.7% +11%
32. Engineering 13% 15% +11%
33. Computer Science 6.1% 6.1% -0.2%
34. Mathematics 6.5% 7.5% +15%
35. Unspecified 6.7% 6.2% -7%
Mr. Kahlenberg's Simulation 5: Impact on class quality and composition
Simulated Class Using Cluster-
Based Admission: Removing
Consideration of Race,
Preferences, Athletes;
Preference Disadvantaged
Students; Double Number of
Disadvantaged Applicants
Outcome Measures
Status Quo
Value % Change
1. White 40.4% 36.1% -11%
2. Asian-American 23.7% 30.0% +26%
3. Hispanic 12.9% 14.6% +13%
4. African-American 13.6% 10.6% -22%
5. Other 9.3% 8.8% -5%
6. Average Composite SAT Score 2239 2205 -2%
7. Average Composite ACT Score 33.3 33.1 -1%
8. Average Converted GPA 77.0 77.1 +0.2%
9. Average Academic Index 228.2 226.8 -1%
Fraction with Profile Rating of 1 or 2
10. Academic 76% 70% -8%
11. Extracurricular 61% 60% -2%
12. Personal 73% 70% -3%
13. Athletic 27% 13% -52%
Average Profile Rating (higher is worse)
14. Academic 2.22 2.28 +2%
15. Extracurricular 2.40 2.44 +2%
16. Personal 2.27 2.30 +1%
17. Athletic 3.04 3.54 +16%
Applicant Characteristics
18. Number of Lineage Students 293 48 -84%
19. Number of Double Lineage Students 78 13 -83%
20. Number of Recruited Athletes 186 11 -94%
Number of Children of Harvard Faculty
or Staff
50 23 -54%
Number of Students on Dean’s and
Director’s Interest Lists
23. Number of Female 859 814 -5%
Source: Arcidiacono Data
[1] Sample consists of applicants to the class of 2019 in Prof. Arcidiacono’s expanded sample. Prof. Arcidiacono’s Model 6 is used with
interactions between race and year, disadvantaged and year, and with the exclusion of the overall rating.
[2] Mr. Kahlenberg doubles the number of disadvantaged applicants. Applicants are ranked in descending order of admission index and an
equal number of applicants are admitted from each neighborhood cluster. Mr. Kahlenberg removes consideration of an applicant’s race
and lineage status, whether the applicant applied Early Action, whether the applicant’s parents are Harvard faculty or staff, whether the
applicant appeared on the Dean’s or Director’s interest list, whether the applicant was identified as disadvantaged, whether the applicant
applied for a waiver of the application fee, whether the applicant is a first-generation college student, whether the applicant applied for
financial aid, and whether the applicant is a recruited athlete. In addition, recruited athletes are assigned extracurricular and athletic
ratings of 2. Mr. Kahlenberg gives a boost to disadvantaged applicants by adding to their admission index a value equal to half the value of
the “athlete” coefficient in the model.
[3] This analysis reports values entirely from the predicted class. In his report, Mr. Kahlenberg reports average academic index,
extracurricular rating, and personal rating values from the actul admitted class, while reporting the racial composition and share of
disadvantaged students from the predicted class, under the “Status Quo” specification.
Socioeconomic Status
24. Number First Generation College 120 349 +191%
25. Number Disadvantaged 305 1298 +326%
26. Number Fee Waiver 303 971 +221%
27. Number Financial Aid 1141 1561 +37%
28. Social Sciences 25% 24% -3%
29. Humanities 14% 12% -15%
30. Biological Sciences 21% 23% +9%
31. Physical Science 6.9% 8.4% +21%
32. Engineering 13% 15% +15%
33. Computer Science 6.1% 5.3% -12%
34. Mathematics 6.5% 6.7% +4%
35. Unspecified 6.7% 4.9% -27%