USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 327
“ one can hack my mind”: Comparing Expert and
Non-Expert Security Practices
Iulia Ion
Rob Reeder
Sunny Consolvo
The state of advice given to people today on how to stay safe online
has plenty of room for improvement. Too many things are asked
of them, which may be unrealistic, time consuming, or not really
worth the effort. To improve the security advice, our community
must find out what practices people use and what recommenda-
tions, if messaged well, are likely to bring the highest benefit while
being realistic to ask of people. In this paper, we present the re-
sults of a study which aims to identify which practices people do
that they consider most important at protecting their security on-
line. We compare self-reported security practices of non-experts to
those of security experts (i.e., participants who reported having ve
or more years of experience working in computer security). We
report on the results of two online surveys—one with 231 security
experts and one with 294 MTurk participants—on what the prac-
tices and attitudes of each group are. Our findings show a discrep-
ancy between the security practices that experts and non-experts
report taking. For instance, while experts most frequently report
installing software updates, using two-factor authentication and us-
ing a password manager to stay safe online, non-experts report us-
ing antivirus software, visiting only known websites, and changing
passwords frequently.
Frightening stories about cybersecurity incidents abound. The
theft of millions of credit card numbers from a retail chain [10],
a billion passwords from various websites [25], and a large set of
nude celebrity photos [24] are just a few examples of stories that
have been in the news lately.
In response to such security incidents, thousands of online arti-
cles and blog entries advise users what to do to stay safe online.
Advice ranges from choosing a strong password [27] and having
good security questions [38] to making email addresses unguess-
able [7] and entirely disabling photo backups in the cloud [27].
Besides such incident-related articles, many service providers, en-
terprises, and universities offer tips and training on how to stay safe
online [2, 3, 17, 35].
If one hour of time from all US users is worth $2.5 billion [19],
Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital or hard
copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted
without fee.
Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2015, July 22–24,
2015, Ottawa, Canada.
carefully considering the most worth-while advice to recommend is
imperative. Even if users accept some responsibility for protecting
their data [23, 43] and want to put in some effort [41], we should be
thoughtful about what we ask them to do [20] and only offer advice
that is effective and realistic to be followed.
Existing literature on giving good advice suggests that for recip-
ients to follow it, the advice should be (a) useful, comprehensible
and relevant, (b) effective at addressing the problem, (c) likely to
be accomplished by the recipient, and (d) not possess too many
limitations and drawbacks [34]. Therefore, to improve the state of
security advice, we must assess which actions are most likely to
be effective at protecting users, understand what users are likely
and willing to do, and identify the potential challenges or incon-
veniences caused by following the advice. Furthermore, lessons
from health advice in outreach interventions suggest that people
will not initiate certain actions if they do not believe them to be
effective [53]. Therefore, to learn how to best deliver the advice to
users, we must also understand how users perceive its effectiveness
and limitations.
In preliminary work, we surveyed security experts to identify
what advice they would give non-tech-savvy users. The most fre-
quently given pieces of advice were, in order of frequency: (1)
keep systems and software up-to-date, (2) use unique passwords,
(3) use strong passwords, (4) use two-factor authentication, (5) use
antivirus software, and (6) use a password manager. In this paper,
we report on results of a study which tries to identify what security
advice users currently follow and how their attitudes and practices
differ from those of security experts. To this end, we conducted a
survey with 294 participants recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical
Turk crowdsourcing platform and another with 231 security experts
recruited through an online blog. Our results help inform what im-
portant security advice users aren’t following.
Our results show that expert participants considered keeping the
operating system and applications up-to-date, using strong and uni-
que passwords, turning on two-factor authentication, and using a
password manager the most important things they do to stay safe
online. Non-expert participants, however, considered using an-
tivirus software, using strong passwords, changing passwords fre-
quently, and visiting only trusted websites to be very effective, but
admitted to delaying installation of software updates and expressed
some lack of trust in password managers. We found that generally
experts’ security practices matched the advice they would give non-
tech-savvy users, with a few exceptions. Experts recommended not
clicking on links or opening emails from unknown people, yet they
reported to do so at a higher rate than non-experts reported. Other
security practices that non-experts considered very important, such
as visiting only known websites, were not being followed by ex-
perts nor were they considered good security advice by experts.
328 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Our findings can help inform better security advice that might
actually be followed and design campaigns to improve security ed-
ucation. Security practices that experts follow and consider good
security advice for non-tech-savvy users, but that non-experts do
not yet follow, are good candidates to be recommended to non-
tech-savvy users.
There has been a good deal of past work that investigated specific
areas of security-related behavior and others that, like ours, have
considered security-related practices and behavior generally.
We cover related work on general security-related attitudes and
behavior, and work that focuses specifically on the four primary ar-
eas we cover later: updates, antivirus software (and more generally,
malware protection), account security, and mindfulness.
2.1 Security-related behavior in general
Some past work has provided study and commentary of user at-
titudes or behaviors toward security in general. Wash interviewed
non-expert users to elicit common mental models about security
and showed how these various mental models lead to compliance or
non-compliance with various forms of common security advice [52].
Herley has commented at length on the overall state of security ad-
vice, arguing that users may often fail to follow it for rational rea-
sons [19], and that there are currently so many security-related de-
mands on users that adding more would be counterproductive [20].
Adams and Sasse [4] were amongst the first to show that users
often work around security requirements and some security prac-
tices that experts recommend. Similarly, Beautement et al. [6] note
that users are often knowledgeable about good security practices
and are willing to make some efforts toward complying with them,
but that there are limits to how much effort they can or will ex-
ert. Howe et al. [21] provide an extensive review of work on home
users’ security-related behavior.
Some prior work has covered the communications angle of se-
curity advice, arguing that perhaps users would be more likely to
comply with security advice if it were communicated differently,
or at least more effectively. Stewart and Lacey [47] argue for more
effective ways to communicate security advice. Camp [9] describes
a number of common user mental models about security that might
be leveraged to better explain security advice to users. Rader et
al. [39] show that stories about others’ security-related experiences
are a common means by which users learn about security practices,
so stories may be a good way to communicate advice to users.
2.2 Security-related behavior in specific areas
In this section, we focus on four top areas of security-related
behavior: updates, antivirus software, account security, and mind-
2.2.1 Updates
Vaniea et al. [50] identified some of the reasons users often don’t
install security updates. They found three main reasons why partic-
ipants in their study did not install updates: participants found se-
curity updates often bundled with other undesirable features, they
had difficulty assessing the value of an update, and they were con-
fused about why updates were needed. Vaniea et al.s work follows
on that of Khan et al. [28], who showed that users do not consis-
tently update all their systems and application software in a timely
2.2.2 Antivirus software
Levesque et al. [32] gave instrumented laptops to 50 people to
show how user behavior is correlated with malware infections. They
note that antivirus effectiveness and vulnerability to malware in-
fections are dependent on user behavior in various respects, from
whether users install antivirus software, to how users configure
their antivirus software, to what websites they visit. They found
that 38% of the participants in their study were exposed to malware
that antivirus software cleaned, so they demonstrate that the be-
havior to install and configure antivirus software can actually make
users more secure.
2.2.3 Account security
There has been a great deal of work studying users’ selection and
use of passwords. Kelley et al. analyzed a set of 12,000 passwords
collected from sites with different password strength and compo-
sition policies [26]. The authors evaluated the resistence of pass-
words created under different policies to guessing attacks. Shay et
al. evaluated eight password composition policies with the help of
8,143 online participants and a password cracking algorithm. The
authors found that longer passwords are more usable than those
containing a mix of character classes and, in some cases, more se-
cure as well [44]. Other work has investigated the effect of strength
meters on password creation [15, 30, 49].
Hayashi and Hong collected 1,500 password typing events in
a diary study with 20 participants. The authors collected data on
where participants logged in and how frequently they did so from
computers they did not own [18]. Similarly, Inglesant and Sasse
had 32 people in 2 organizations, a university and a financial com-
pany, keep a diary of their password use. They found that these
users were motivated to be secure, but struggled to change pass-
words, to create new passwords, and to comply with password poli-
cies [22]. Florencio and Herley conducted a large scale study in
which they monitored participants’ password habits through spe-
cially designed software running on participants’ machines [16].
The authors found that users have a set of passwords which they
used on multiple sites. Participants sometimes used trial and er-
ror to remember which password goes with which website. Das et
al. estimated through a user study and by analyzing hundreds of
thousands of leaked passwords from different websites that 43 to
51% of users reuse passwords [12]. Furthermore, users apply a few
basic transformations to existing passwords before using them on
different sites, which makes it possible for an attacker to guess such
transformed passwords.
Chiasson et al. evaluated the usability of two proposed password
managers [11]. The authors found that users had incomplete or
incorrect mental models of the software. Furthermore, users were
not convinced that using a password manager would bring them
significant security benefits and were reluctant to give up control
over their passwords to a piece of software.
2.2.4 Mindfulness
Actions that we categorize as mindfulness, including practices
such as visiting only known websites, checking for HTTPS indi-
cators, and email habits, are typically aimed at guarding against
phishing, malware, and man-in-the-middle attacks. A number of
past works have covered user behavior related to preventing these
Early work on phishing awareness and prevention includes Dham-
ija et al. [13], Wu et al. [54], and Egelman et al. [14]. These works
showed that participants had difficulty telling phishing sites from
their legitimate counterparts, largely because participants looked at
the wrong indicators for legitimacy. At the time, browsers usu-
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 329
ally had hard-to-notice indicators of possible phishing attempts,
and non-blocking phishing warnings that were easy to miss or ig-
nore. Sheng et al. [45] studied susceptibility to phishing attacks
through an online role-playing-scenario study of 1001 participants.
They found that participants would click on around half of phishing
links presented in the role-playing scenario.
HTTPS indicators range from lock icons in browsers and the
URL shown in browser address bars to full-page, blocking inter-
stitial warnings. Early studies of user behavior related to SSL indi-
cators and warnings includes Sunshine et al. [48], Sotirakopoulos
et al. [46], and Schechter et al. [42]. These papers presented re-
sults from lab user studies that showed some of the faults of early
browser warnings. More recently, Akhawe and Felt [5] presented
telemetry data from millions of real-world browsers showing that
warnings work for many users in many situations, but that large
percentages of Firefox and Chrome users still proceed through SSL
warnings. Lin et al. [33] studied how highlighting the domain over
other URL elements can help some users better identify what web-
sites they visit.
We add to the existing body of knowledge an analysis of user
behavior and attitudes accross all of these areas of security advice.
We compare experts and non-experts and identify how the security
practices of each group differ.
We gathered data through two online surveys: one of security
experts and one of non-security-expert Internet users. To help de-
velop our expert survey, we started with a set of interviews. We
describe these next.
3.1 Expert Interviews (N=40)
To design the surveys, we first conducted in-person semi-struct-
ured interviews of 40 security experts at the 2013 BlackHat, De-
fCon, and USENIX Security conferences. We defined experts as
conference attendees who reported having at least 5 years of expe-
rience working in or studying computer security. We started every
interview with our top-3-advice question:
What are the top 3 pieces of advice you would give to
a non-tech-savvy user to protect their security online?
We asked follow-up questions to clarify responses. Interviews lasted
8 minutes on average. We transcribed all of the interviews and
coded the advice we collected. Interview data informed many of
the questions we asked in the surveys, as we note below. In this pa-
per, we report on the data we received from the surveys, but we also
include a small number of interesting quotes from the interviews to
help ilustrate some points.
3.2 Expert Survey (N=231)
Following our preliminary interviews, we conducted a survey
with security experts in February to April 2014. The “expert sur-
vey” allowed us to gather data from a larger number of experts than
we could through interviews, to gather quantitative data about some
of the advice we heard in the interviews, and to inquire about partic-
ipants’ security practices. The survey was written and administered
using Google Forms.
3.2.1 Expert Survey Participants
Our expert survey data is based on 231 responses from non-
compensated volunteer security experts. As with the interviews,
we defined a “security expert” as a survey participant who reported
having at least 5 years of experience working in or studying com-
puter security. Participants who did not meet the criteria were elim-
inated from further analysis.
We recruited participants through a post on the Google Online
Security Blog [40] and a request to colleagues to spread a link to
the survey via their social media accounts. About 80% of partic-
ipants were recruited via the blog entry and about 20% via social
media (the vast majority of survey responses were received in the
days following the blog post, which occurred weeks after the social
media effort).
Of the 231 participants who met our expert criteria, 4% were fe-
male. Ages ranged from 18 to over 65, with 30% in the 25-34 year-
old range, 32% in the 35-44 range, and 18% in the 45-54 range.
While 47% of participants were from the United States, others
were from 25 countries around the world, including Australia, Ger-
many, India, Israel, Japan, South Africa, and the UK. Participants
held a vast range of job titles within computer security including
CEO, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), consultant, grad
student, IT specialist, network administrator, security researcher,
software engineer, and whitehat hacker. 73% of the sample held
a Bachelor’s degree or higher. In a check-all-that-apply question,
69% reported working in industry, 15% in academia, 13% in self-
employment, 11% in government, and 7% in corporate research
3.2.2 Expert Survey Content
The expert survey asked the same open-ended top-3-advice ques-
tion with which we started the earlier interviews, then asked an-
other open-ended question about what they actually did, the things-
you-do question:
What are the 3 most important things you do to protect
your security online?
It went on to ask 34 fixed-response questions, 1 branching ques-
tion, 4 quality-assurance questions, and 8 demographic questions.
The 34 fixed-response questions were developed using advice from
the interviews and were divided into two sections. The first section
asked 14 questions about whether participants followed a set of 14
pieces of advice commonly mentioned in the interviews. An exam-
ple question in this set was: Do you use two-factor authentication
(e.g., 2-step verification) for at least one of your online accounts?
The second section asked experts to rate the “goodness” of 20
pieces of advice we heard frequently in the interviews (e.g., Use
two-factor authentication for online accounts). In rating goodness,
experts were asked to consider both how effective the advice was
at keeping the user secure and how realistic it was that users could
follow it.
The branching question asked whether the participant owned a
personal computer and gated 2 of the 14 behavioral questions; in
results, when we report a number of expert participants under 231,
it’s because some answered “No” to the branching question, so they
did not encounter these 2 behavioral questions.
Quality-assurance questions had an answer we considered obvi-
ously correct, and we eliminated participants who answered more
than one incorrectly from further analysis. An example is: Pay at-
tention when taking online surveys. We appreciate your input. To
let us know you’re paying attention, select four for this response.
(We allowed one incorrect response because all participants offer-
ing only one incorrect response to a quality-assurance question pro-
vided otherwise thoughtful answers to open-ended questions. We
piloted the survey with security experts from our organization.
3.2.3 Limitations
Our recruiting methods may have produced a sample with some
bias relative to the overall population of security experts, but our
330 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
sample was large and diverse, so it likely represents a substantial
portion of the security expert community. Since most participants
came from the Google blog, some readers of the blog may be fa-
vorably predisposed toward Google and its products.
3.3 Non-expert Survey (N=294)
To get the non-security-expert perspective on security behaviors,
we conducted another survey with non-experts whom we recruited
via Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). Like the expert survey,
the non-expert survey was written and administered using Google
Forms. The “non-expert survey content” was nearly identical to the
expert survey content, with a few exceptions noted below.
3.3.1 Non-expert Survey Participants
Non-expert survey participants responded to our task description
on MTurk, calling for participation in a Google study about In-
ternet use. Participants were compensated $1 each for completing
the survey. We required that MTurk participants be located in the
United States, have a task approval rate of 95% or better, and have
completed at least 500 tasks.
According to responses to demographic questions in our survey,
our non-expert sample was 40% female. Ages ranged from 18 to
over 65, with 50% of the sample in the 25-34 age range, and 19%
each in the 18-24 and 35-44 age ranges. Participants held a wide
range of occupations including artist, cashier, farmer, homemaker,
sales, and youth advisor. Educational range was wide, with 47% of
participants holding a Bachelor’s degree or higher.
3.3.2 Non-expert Survey Content
The non-expert survey started by asking the things-you-do ques-
tion. The non-expert survey also asked 54 fixed-response questions,
the same branching and quality-assurance questions from the expert
survey, and 5 demographic questions. We piloted the survey with
20 participants (whose data is excluded from our analysis) from
Mechanical Turk.
To assess if poor advice adoption among non-experts stems from
a lack of understanding of the security benefits that the advice brings
or from other factors altogether, we asked non-experts questions on
the perceived effectiveness of different pieces of advice and their
likelihood to follow the advice.
We eliminated 6 non-expert participants who answered one quali-
ty-assurance question incorrectly from further analysis.
3.3.3 Mechanical Turk as a Recruiting Platform
Our non-expert survey used MTurk, which is sometimes called
into question as a recruiting platform for studies. Concerns include
whether demographics of its participants are biased relative to the
Internet-using population at large, and whether remote participants
will provide quality data. MTurk has already been used in prior
usable security research including [15, 43], and in other usabil-
ity work has been found to yield quality results and populations
more diverse than typical university samples [8, 29, 37]. Although
MTurk is becoming a generally accepted platform for recruiting
user study participants, we included quality-assurance questions to
filter out any MTurk participants who may be have been answer-
ing all required questions as quickly as possible and providing junk
data in the process. Only 6 participants were filtered out for pro-
viding incorrect quality-control responses.
3.4 Coding open-ended responses
Two raters coded the open-ended responses. The raters read the
responses and consulted to develop a codebook of distinct pieces
of advice, then assigned codes to each open-ended response to the
What are the top 3 things you do to stay safe online?
Percentage of Participants
Update system
Use unique passwords
Use two−factor auth
Use strong passwords
Use password manager
Check if HTTPS
Don't share info
Use antivirus
Use Linux
Use verified software
Be suspicious of everything
Visit only known websites
Change password
Delete cookies
Experts (N=231)
Non−experts (N=294)
Figure 1: Security measures mentioned by at least 5% of each
group. While most experts said they keep their system updated
and use two-factor authentication to stay safe online, non-
experts emphasized using antivirus software and using strong
things-you-do question. The raters achieved a Cohen’s κ, a mea-
sure of inter-rater reliability, of 0.77—a value generally considered
substantial agreement [31, 51].
Figure 1 shows all security measures that were mentioned by at
least 5% of experts or by 5% of non-experts in response to the open-
ended things-you-do question. The most common things-you-do
responses from each group varied, with only one practice, using
strong passwords, in common within each group’s top 5 responses.
While most experts said they install software updates (35%), use
unique passwords (25%), use two-factor authentication (20%), use
strong passwords (19%), and use a password manager (12%), non-
experts mentioned using antivirus software (42%), using strong
passwords (31%), changing passwords frequently (21%), visiting
only known websites (21%), and not sharing personal information
Note that we’ve chosen to visualize and discuss only security
measures mentioned by at least 5% of experts or non-experts as a
matter of convenience for presenting our results and due to space
constraints; in fact, we collected a long list of security measures
that were each mentioned by only a few respondents.
Figure 2 depicts the percentage difference between the groups.
The practices mentioned least by non-experts relative to experts
were: (1) keep your system up-to-date (31%), (2) use two-factor
authentication (18%), and (3) use a password manager (10%).
The security practices mentioned by experts are consistent with
experts’ rating of different pieces of advice, when we asked them to
rank how good these are on a 5-point Likert scale. As shown in Fig-
ure 3, most experts considered installing OS (65%) and application
(55%) updates, using unique (49%) and strong (48%) passwords,
using a password manager (48%), and using two-factor authen-
tication (47%) very good advice (the highest Likert-scale rating).
Other advice that was not frequently mentioned by experts in the
top three things they do, but ranked high in this multiple choice
question of the advice they’d consider good, included turning on
automatic updates (72%), being suspicious of links (60%), not en-
tering passwords on links in emails (60%), and not opening email
attachments from unknown people (55%).
In the following, we present and compare expert and non-expert
practices and attitudes. We focus on the security practices most
mentioned by experts and non-experts. We group these into soft-
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 331
Percentage Difference
Update system
Use two−factor auth
Use password manager
Use unique passwords
Check if HTTPS
Be suspicious of everything
Use Linux
Verified software
Delete cookies
Don't share info
Use strong passwords
Visit only known websites
Change password
Use antivirus
Figure 2: Percentage difference of experts and non-experts
mentioning these security practices when asked what are the
top three things they do to stay safe online. Security measures
with a positive percentage difference were mentioned more by
experts than non-experts; those with a negative percentage dif-
ference were mentioned more by non-experts.
Save passwords in a file
Visit only known websites
Write down passwords
Clear browser cookies
Don't write down passwords
Check if HTTPS
Use antivirus software
Don't click links from unknown people
Be skeptical of everything
Look at the URL bar
Use two−factor authentication
Use a password manager
Use strong passwords
Use unique passwords
Update applications
Don't open email attachments from unknown
Don't enter passwords on links in email
Be suspicious of links
Install OS updates
Turn on automatic updates
How good is this advice?
Percentage of Experts (N=231)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very good) 4 3 2 1 (Not good at all) I don't know
Figure 3: Advice considered “good” (i.e., both in terms of ef-
fective and realistic) by experts.
ware updates, antivirus software, password management, and mind-
fulness. In presenting our results, we draw upon participants’ re-
sponses to both open-ended and fixed-response questions in the sur-
We refer to expert participants as E1, E2,... E231, and non-
experts as N1, N2,... N294. We focus on data collected in the
online surveys, but also include some quotes from the expert inter-
views. We explicitly state when a quote was collected during the
interviews. The p values we report refer to Chi-Squared tests and
are corrected for multiple tests using the Holm-Bonferroni method.
We applied the Holm-Bonferroni correction in R for all the tests
we conducted. R adjusts each p-value, rather than reducing al-
pha (though both techniques are equivalent), so we stuck with al-
Non−experts (N=289)
Experts (N=221)
How soon do you install updates?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Automatic Immediately Soon after Eventually Never
Figure 4: More experts than non-experts reported installing
software updates in a timely manner.
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Update applications
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Turn on automatic updates
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very...) 4 3 2 1 (Not at all) I Don't know
Figure 5: Most non-experts considered the advice to install soft-
ware updates not effective as a security measure, but said they
would be likely to follow it if they heard it was effective.
pha=0.05 for determining statistical significance.
4.1 Install Software Updates
When asked for the top three things they do to stay safe on-
line, the most common reponse from experts was installing soft-
ware updates. For instance, E128 said: “Update all the software
and firmware to fix any possible vulnerability. Furthermore, E78
also said: “Patch, patch, patch. Installing updates was also the
security measure with the highest percentage difference between
experts and non-experts; it was mentioned by 35% of experts, but
only by 2% of non-experts. In addition, 2% of experts said they turn
on automatic updates—an action that no non-expert mentioned.
To investigate whether the difference in the number of experts
and non-experts mentioning updates is also reflected in reported be-
havior, not just attitudes, we asked both groups in a multiple-choice
question how soon after they discover a new version of their operat-
ing system is available they install it. Consistent with the previous
finding, experts reported installing updates in a more timely man-
ner than non-experts. As shown in Figure 4, 39% of experts—but
only 29% of non-experts—answered “Updates are automatically
installed. In addition, 25% of experts versus 9% of non-experts
said that updates are installed “Immediately. The differences are
statistically significant, as summarized in Table 2. Note, however,
that these questions did not differentiate between major OS releases
and patches. The exact question is included with the survey instru-
ment in the appendix.
We found a similar result for the advice to “Update applications”,
which only 42% of non-experts considered very effective, yet 66%
said they were very likely to follow it (see Figure 5). Table 2 sum-
marizes non-experts rating of effectiveness and likelihood to follow
for this and other pieces of advice.
332 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Reported Behavior (Experts & Non-Experts) Chi-Square Result
How soon do you install updates? χ
(4, N
= 221, N
= 289) = 75.78, p < 0.001
Do you use antivirus software? χ
(1, N
= 221, N
= 289) = 31.44, p < 0.001
Do you use two-factor authentication? χ
(1, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 23.37, p < 0.001
Do you remember you passwords? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 94.68, p < 0.001
Do you write down your passwords? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 24.78, p < 0.001
Do you save your passwords in a file? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 1.68, p =1
Do you use a password manager? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 131.31, p < 0.001
Do you reuse passwords? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 37.25, p < 0.001
Do you look at the URL bar? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 56.29,p < 0.001
Do you check if HTTPS? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 132.62, p < 0.001
Do you visit websites you have not heard of? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 62.84, p < 0.001
Do you enter your password on links in emails? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 2.06, p =1
Do you open emails from unknown senders? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 99.60, p < 0.001
Do you click on links from unknown people? χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 51.37, p < 0.001
Table 1: Results of χ
tests comparing expert and non-expert reports on their security behavior. p-values are corrected for multiple
testing using the Holm-Bonferroni method.
Security Advice How Effective is this Advice? How Likely are You to Follow? Chi-Square Result
Use antivirus µ = 4.57, σ = 0.76 µ = 4.67, σ = 0.80 χ
(5, N = 294) = 15.40, p = 0.12
Install latest OS updates µ = 4.14, σ = 0.94 µ = 4.35, σ = 1.03 χ
(5, N = 294) = 32.38, p < 0.001
Turn on automatic updates µ = 3.82, σ = 1.11 µ = 4.18, σ = 1.15 χ
(5, N = 294) = 49.29, p < 0.001
Update applications µ = 4.12, σ = 0.93 µ = 4.5, σ = 0.80 χ
(5, N = 294) = 39.28, p < 0.001
Clear cookies µ = 3.6, σ = 1.22 µ = 4.21, σ = 1.15 χ
(5, N = 294) = 62.48, p < 0.001
Use unique passwords µ = 4.58, σ = 0.78 µ = 4.30, σ = 1.02 χ
(5, N = 294) = 20.39, p = 0.01
Use strong passwords µ = 4.61, σ = 0.80 µ = 4.63, σ = 0.77 χ
(5, N = 294) = 7.10, p =1
Don’t write down passwords µ = 3.58, σ = 1.54 µ = 3.78, σ = 1.55 χ
(5, N = 294) = 14.16, p = 0.17
Save passwords in a file µ = 1.75, σ = 1.08 µ = 2.15, σ = 1.45 χ
(5, N = 294) = 21.01, p = 0.01
Use a password manager µ = 2.89, σ = 1.46 µ = 2.98, σ = 1.60 χ
(5, N = 294) = 20.03, p = 0.02
Write down passwords µ = 2.31, σ = 1.51 µ = 2.61, σ = 1.61 χ
(5, N = 294) = 14.36, p = 0.17
Check if HTTPS µ = 4.29, σ = 0.89 µ = 4.38, σ = 0.93 χ
(5, N = 294) = 12.57, p = 0.30
Be skeptical of everything µ = 4.43, σ = 0.92 µ = 4.38, σ = 1.01 χ
(5, N = 294) = 6.38, p =1
Be suspicious of links µ = 4.78, σ = 0.51 µ = 4.76, σ = 0.64 χ
(5, N = 294) = 6.55, p =1
Visit only known websites µ = 3.93, σ = 1.04 µ = 3.61, σ = 1.33 χ
(5, N = 294) = 24.99, p = 0.002
Use two-factor authentication µ = 4.46, σ = 0.74 µ = 4.25, σ = 1.02 χ
(5, N = 294) = 16.89, p =0.07
Don’t click links from unknown people µ = 4.74, σ = 0.57 µ = 4.73, σ = 0.67 χ
(4, N = 294) = 3.85, p =1
Don’t enter passwords on links in email µ = 4.82, σ = 0.46 µ = 4.82, σ = 0.48 χ
(3, N = 294) = 3.89, p =1
Look at the URL bar µ = 4.68, σ = 0.62 µ = 4.66, σ = 0.65 χ
(5, N = 294) = 1.3986, p =1
Don’t open email attachments µ = 4.82, σ = 0.47 µ = 4.80, σ = 0.60 χ
(4, N = 294) = 3.70, p =1
Table 2: Results of χ
tests comparing non-expert ratings of security advice in terms of effectiveness versus how likely they are to
follow it. p-values are corrected for multiple testing using the Holm-Bonferroni method.
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 333
Our results suggest that one reason some non-experts don’t in-
stall updates might be the lack of awareness on how effective up-
dates are. This hypothesis is also supported by additional feedback
that participants provided when given the chance to explain their
ratings with a question titled “(optional) Please use this space to
clarify any of the above. For example, N56 said: “I don’t know if
updating software is always safe. What it you download malicious
software?” Even some experts expressed similar concerns. For ex-
ample, E163 agreed: “Automatic software updates are not safe in
my opinion, since it can be abused to update malicious content.
In contrast, E143 favored automatic to manual updates “because
update dialogs can be spoofed.
Seven non-experts reported delaying updates out of concern that
new versions of software might contain bugs. For example, N80 ex-
plained: “there are often bugs in these updates initially, that must
be worked out by the software vendor. He, therefore, preferred to
wait for the next update “to make sure it is actually a stable re-
lease. For the same reason, N142 did not like automatic updates:
“sometimes the patches [...] are glitchy [...]. I prefer to have con-
trol and know what’s being installed by applications. Even some
experts expressed similar concerns. When asked how soon he in-
stalls updates, E168 said he only installs updates “after i do the
tests on spare machine. Eight non-experts said they prefer having
control over when updates happen, and seven said they do not like
auto updates. N278 went as far as to say: “I hate automatic up-
dates. Our findings are consistent with those of Vaniea et al. [50],
who found in a study with 37 non-expert Windows 7 users that they
frequently decided not to install updates after past negative experi-
We found some controversy among experts on the difficulty of
keeping software updated. While E178 considered it “easy, E161
believed software updates are often “cumbersome. E28 pointed
out that “every Windows application uses a different update mech-
anism, and E97 confirmed that users find it difficult to deal with
updates: “I help a lot of non tech savvy users. Panic ensues when
an update button shows up.
4.2 Use Antivirus Software
At the other end of the spectrum depicted in Figure 2 is using
antivirus software—the security action mentioned by most non-
experts relative to experts. Thirty-five percent more non-experts
than experts said that running antivirus software on their personal
computers is one of the top three things they do to stay safe online.
Figure 1 shows that 42% of non-experts and 7% of experts men-
tioned using antivirus software among the top three things they do
to stay safe online. Five percent of non-experts and 1% of experts
also reported keeping the antivirus software up-to-date.
This finding is in line with the high rates of adoption of antivirus
software reported in a multiple choice question. When asked if
they use antivirus software on their personal computers, 85% of
non-experts reported doing so—compared to the 63% of experts
who said they do. The difference between the two groups is statis-
tically significant (χ(1, N
= 221, N
= 289) = 31.44, p < 0.001).
One factor explaining this finding might be the fact that experts and
non-experts may use different operating systems. We did not ask
what operating systems participants used, but a higher percentage
of experts than non-experts (6% vs. 1%) named using Linux as one
of the top three things they do to stay safe online. Several experts
did mention that the need to run antivirus software is operating sys-
tem dependent.
Further data we collected also confirms that non-experts consider
using antivirus software very effective at protecting their security.
We asked non-experts to rate on a 5-point Likert scale how effec-
Non−experts (N=289)
Experts (N=221)
Do you use antivirus software?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Yes No I don't know Other
Figure 6: More non-experts reported to use antivirus software
on their personal computer than experts.
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Use antivirus
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very...) 4 3 2 1 (Not at all) I Don't know
Figure 7: Most non-experts rated the advice ‘Use antivirus
software’ effective or very effective. Similarly, they considered
themselves very likely to follow this advice.
tive they consider the security advice Use antivirus software. As
shown in Figure 7, 69% rated it “5 (Very effective)” and 21% rated
it “4 (Effective)”. When asked how likely they would be to follow
this advice if they heard that using antivirus software was effec-
tive, 80% of non-experts considered themselves “5 (Very likely)”
to do so and another 12% said they were “4 (Likely). Non-experts’
high appraisal for antivirus software is also reflected in optional
feedback comments that some non-experts provided. For example,
N159 said that “keeping a good antivirus along with a good mal-
ware program [...] is the best way to stay safe.“
The high adoption of antivirus software among non-experts and
their high willingness to follow this advice might be due to the
good usability of the install-once type of solution that antivirus
software offers. Similar to running antivirus, firewalls were also
popular among non-experts. Although only 3% of the experts we
surveyed mentioned using a firewall as one of the top three things
they do, 17% of non-experts mentioned firewalls—often in con-
junction with antivirus software. While experts acknowledged the
usability of antivirus software, some also cautioned that antivirus is
not a bulletproof security solution. For example, E47 believed that
“AV is simple to use, but less effective than installing updates.
Similarly, E116 believed that an antivirus “is good at detecting
everyday/common malware. But nothing that’s slightly sophisti-
cated. E27 also cautioned that an antivirus “also needs to be kept
up-to-date, which is often not the case.
4.3 Account Security
In the top three things they do, both experts and non-experts
spoke frequently of passwords. Using strong and unique pass-
words were some of the most mentioned strategies by both groups.
However, while more experts than non-experts emphasized hav-
ing unique passwords (25% vs. 15%), fewer talked about having
strong passwords (18% vs. 30% ). Similarly, experts mentioned
more frequently using a password manager (12% experts vs. 3%
non-experts), but spoke less of changing passwords frequently (2%
experts vs. 21% non-experts).
334 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Use unique passwords
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Advice: Use strong passwords
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Advice: Use a password manager
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Advice: Use two−factor authentication
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very...) 4 3 2 1 (Not at all) I Don't know
Figure 8: Non-experts considered the advice to use unique and strong passwords very effective, but were less aware of the security
benefits of using a password manager or two-factor authentication.
4.3.1 Use a Password Manager
To better understand how the two groups differ in their password
management habits, we asked a series of multiple-choice questions
about password behavior. While more experts said they use a pass-
word manager to keep track of their passwords, more non-experts
said they write down passwords, remember, or reuse them. As Fig-
ure 9 shows, three times more experts than non-experts reported
using password managers for at least some of their accounts (73%
vs. 24%, χ(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 131.31, p < 0.001). This
difference is in line with the fact that four times more experts than
non-experts said that using a password manager is one of the most
important things they do to stay safe online (13% vs. 3%, see Fig-
ure 1). To experts such as E123, “Password managers change the
whole calculus, because they make it possible to have both strong
and unique passwords.
The low adoption rate of password managers among non-experts
might stem from a lack of understanding of it’s security benefits.
To explore non-experts’ attitudes, we asked them to rate in terms
of effectiveness on a 5-point Likert scale the advice “Use a pass-
word manager. Only 18% considered this advice very effective,
and another 14% thought it was effective. Thirty-nine percent be-
lieved that the advice was not effective and 11% said that they did
not know. In the optional feedback, seven non-experts explicitly
expressed distrust in password managers. For example, N278 said:
“I wouldn’t use a password manager even if it helps because I don’t
trust it. A reason for this lack of trust was the fear that, if stored
or written down, passwords could be leaked. For example, N53
explained, “I try to remember my passwords because no one can
hack my mind. The fear that software can be hacked is reflected
also in N251’s comment that password managers should be “com-
pletely trustworthy and impregnable. No other applications seem
to be that safe so how can I believe password managers are. In
fact, 2% of non-experts thought that not letting browsers remember
their passwords was one of the top things they do.
In addition to perceived lack of effectiveness, other factors such
as poor usability might stall adoption of password managers among
non-experts. In another Likert scale question, only 40% of non-
experts said they would be likely or very likely to follow this ad-
vice if they heard it was effective. This percentage is much lower
than the 91% who said they would use strong passwords if they
heard this security measure was effective, and the nearly 80% who
said they would use unique passwords. Some additional comments
made by experts might help explain these answers. For example,
E71 pointed out that password managers “tend to be complicated
for non-technical users still. E9 named a specific problem, that
when starting to use a password manager “it is difficult to update
existing passwords. Our results are in line with those of Chiasson
et al. [11] who found that the usability of password managers could
be improved.
4.3.2 Write Passwords Down
Writing down passwords was seen by some experts as a sub-
stitute to using a password manager. E121 believed that “People
understand a paper system very well, and know how to secure it.
Similarly, E79 noted another benefit: “Malware can’t read a piece
of paper. As Figure 9 shows, more non-experts than experts re-
ported to write down passwords for at least some of their accounts
(38% vs. 20%, χ(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 24.78, p < 0.001). Only
one expert said that writing down passwords is fundamentally bad,
but several expressed concern for how securely the paper would be
As shown in Figure 9, three times more non-experts than ex-
perts said that they remember all of their passwords (17% experts
vs 52% of non-experts, p<0.001). Furthermore, six times more
non-experts say that they use the same password for all or most of
their accounts (19% of non-experts vs. 3% of experts, χ(3, N
231, N
= 294) = 37.25, p < 0.001). Only 4% of experts and 15%
of non-experts said they do not remember any of their passwords.
From the additional feedback we received, a couple of techniques
for making passwords easier to remember stood out: (a) using an al-
gorithm for creating passwords—mentioned by 19 non-experts and
21 experts—and (b) having different password “levels”—mentioned
by 8 experts and 7 non-experts. For example, N277 described the
algorithmic approach: “I use a base password and just have a suf-
fix that is usually unique. N241 reported using the password levels
approach: “I have three levels of passwords, actually four. I have a
password for my bank, Amazon, Paypal accounts.
Our results are consistent with Florencio et al. [16], who, back
in 2007, found that users have a set of passwords which they cycle
through, and use trial and error to remember which password they
Some participants occasionally forgot passwords, or did not re-
member which password they used. For example, E163 has a “few
[passwords], so if one doesn’t work, I’ll try another. Similarly,
N43 tried to “remember them by trial and error. Three non-experts
mentioned that sometimes they resort to password reset to get back
into their accounts. For example, N200 said: “I don’t do anything
other than try to remember them and I often have to reset because
I’ve forgotten.
4.3.3 Change Passwords Frequently
The security action with the highest percentage difference for
non-experts compared to experts was changing passwords frequent-
ly. 21% of non-experts, but only 2% of experts mentioned changing
passwords when asked what are the top three things they do to stay
safe online. We did not ask experts to rate how good the advice to
change passwords frequently is, but some researchers have ques-
tioned the effectiveness of this action. Zhang et al. raised concerns
over how effective this action is at protecting against an attacker
who has captured an old password [56]. The authors showed that,
by knowing the old password and applying simple transformations
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 335
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
I remember passwords
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
I write down passwords
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
For ALL of my accounts For MOST of my accounts For SOME of my accounts For NONE of my accounts
I use a password manager
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
I use the same password
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 9: More non-experts than experts reported remembering passwords and using the same password on several accounts, while
more experts say they use a password manager.
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
Do you use two−factor authentication?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Yes No I don't know Other
Figure 10: More experts than non-experts reported to use two-
factor authentication for at least one of their online accounts.
to it, an attacker is able to guess the new one 41% of the time for
an offline attack, and 17% within ve online attempts.
4.3.4 Use Two-Factor Authentication
Another popular security action among experts was to use two-
factor authentication. For example, E50 considered two-factor au-
thentication “hugely important for high-value services (such as
Gmail). Non-experts rated this advice significantly higher than
using a password manager, both in terms of effectiveness (83% vs.
32%, χ(4, N = 294) = 177.53, p < 0.001 ) and likelihood of follow-
ing the advice (74% vs. 40%, χ(4, N = 294) = 107.24). However,
the adoption rates of two-factor authentication among non-experts
still lag behind those of experts. When asked if they use two-factor
authentication for at least one of their online accounts, more experts
than non-experts answered that they do (89% vs. 62%, p<0.001).
12% of non-experts said they don’t know if they do, which suggests
they may not know what two-factor authentication is.
Ten experts expressed concerns that two-factor authentication is
still too difficult for many users or not widely available. For exam-
ple, E161 said that “On average most don’t yet understand two fac-
tor very well, and E207 said that two-factor authentication “will
need good instructions on how it works”. Furthermore, E132 noted
that “using two-factor authentication will likely not be possible or
feasible for a lot of sites.
4.4 Mindfulness
The remaining security actions mentioned by experts and non-
experts did not have as stark of a percentage difference as using an-
tivirus, installing software updates, and managing passwords (see
Figure 2). In this section, we discuss these remaining items. We
focus on visiting only known websites and checking if the web-
sites use HTTPS. We also discuss security advice related to email-
ing habits, which was not mentioned frequently by either group as
a top 3 practice, but was ranked highly when we explicitly asked
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
Do you look at the URL bar?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
Do you check if HTTPS?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Often Sometimes Rarely No Other
Figure 11: More experts than non-experts reported to look at
the URL bar to verify if they are visiting the website they in-
tended to, and to check whether the website uses HTTPS.
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
Do you visit websites you have not heard of?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Other Often Sometimes Rarely No
Figure 12: More non-experts than experts reported to only visit
websites they have heard of.
about it.
4.4.1 Visit Only Known Websites
After using antivirus and changing passwords frequently, the prac-
tice most mentioned by non-experts relative to experts (see per-
centage difference in Figure 2) was visiting only known websites.
21% of non-experts—but only 4% of experts—said they only go to
known or reputable websites to stay safe online. In addition, 4% of
non-experts said they provide personal information only to trusted
websites and 3% said they make purchases only from trusted web-
sites; no expert mentioned these practices.
336 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
One might wonder how realistic it is to only visit known web-
sites. The answers to a multiple-choice question we asked seem
to suggest that both experts and non-experts sometimes make ex-
ceptions to this rule. We asked both groups in a multiple choice
question if they visit websites they have not heard of. Figure 12
shows the results. Seven percent of non-experts said they do not
visit unknown websites—compared to the 21% who mentioned this
practice as one of the three most important things they do to stay
safe online. Only 1% of experts said they do not visit unknown
websites—also lower than the percentage who mentioned this in
their top three. Thirty-two percent of experts and 19% of non-
experts said they rarely visit unknown websites. The difference
is statistically significant (χ
(3, N
= 231, N
= 294) = 62.84,
p < 0.001). It is unclear how the browsing needs of experts and
non-experts differ and how they influence behavior. Perhaps non-
experts visit a more limited number of websites because they do not
have as high of a need as experts to explore new things and conduct
research on the Internet.
When asked to rank the advice “Visit only known websites” on a
Likert scale, 76% of non-experts rated it very effective or effective
(see Figure 15). After marking this advice effective, N191 com-
mented “Visiting websites you’ve heard of doesn’t mean they are
completely safe, but there is a higher chance of this. When asked
how likely they would be to follow this advice if they heard it was
effective, 57% of non-experts said they were likely or very likely
to follow it—lower than the 76% who rated the advice effective.
This finding might suggest that ‘Visit only known websites’ is not
always practical. In fact, four non-experts explicitly commented
on this. N236 said: “It would be impossible to only visit web-
sites you know. Why not hide under the bed too?” For N98, not
visiting new websites is “missing the point of the internet. Some
experts pointed out problems with this advice as well. For example,
E134 said: “Visiting only known websites is great, but paralyzing.
E7 reported another shortcoming: “Visiting websites you’ve heard
of makes no difference in a modern web full of ads, cross-site re-
4.4.2 Check if HTTPS
After software updates and account security (use strong and uni-
que passwords, use a password manager and two-factor authenti-
cation), the most mentioned practice by experts when asked about
their top three was using HTTPS. As Figure 1 shows, 10% of ex-
perts and 4% of non-experts said they check if the website they are
visiting uses HTTPS as a top 3 action. In addition, 2% of non-
experts said that they do not provide credit card information, and
3% said they don’t give credentials or private information, unless
the connection is over HTTPS. Looking at the URL bar to check
what website they are visiting was mentioned by 3% of experts,
but only by one non-expert.
In a multiple-choice question, we asked both groups if they look
at the URL bar to verify that they are visiting the intended web-
site. Figure 11 shows the results. 86% of experts and 59% of non-
experts said they do so often. When asked in a similar question if
they check whether the website they are visiting uses HTTPS, 82%
of experts and 36% of non-experts said they often do. Both differ-
ences are statistically significant (p<0.001). Note that for experts,
the likelihood of checking for HTTPS and looking at the URL bar
to verify the name of the site are equal, whereas non-experts are far
more likely to report looking at the URL bar but not checking for
When asked to rate the advice, 75% of non-experts said that
checking the URL is very effective; 74% said that they would be
very likely to follow it (see Figure 15). When asked about the ad-
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Clear cookies
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very...) 4 3 2 1 (Not at all) I Don't know
Figure 14: Most non-experts considered themselves very likely
to delete cookies if they heard it was an effective security mea-
vice “Check if the website they’re visiting uses HTTPS”, 60% rated
it very effective, but only 50% considered themselves very likely to
follow it. It is unclear why some participants claim they would look
at the URL bar but not check for HTTPS or why some consider
checking for HTTPS effective, but would not follow this advice.
4.4.3 Clear Browser Cookies
Six percent of non-experts and only one expert said that deleting
or restricting cookies is one of the top three things they do to stay
safe online. When asked how good the advice “Clear browser cook-
ies” is, 54% of experts rated it not good or not good at all. Only
21% rated it good or very good. E127 said that “Clearing cookies
might be OK to prevent some session hijacking, but the annoyance
of logging in again might throw some users off. E8 specified that
“Clearing cookies is more of a privacy measure. It is likely that,
while experts distinguished between privacy and security measures,
non-experts conflated the two areas. In fact, N103 explicitly stated:
“Clearing cookies might not protect you from viruses but ’online
security’ is a very broad term and I believe privacy is part of on-
line security.
Figure 14 shows that 78% of non-experts considered themselves
likely or very likely to clear browser cookies if they heard this mea-
sure helped protect their security online. Fifty-four percent consid-
ered deleting cookies an effective security measure. N284 com-
mented “I forget to clear cookies. N281 believed that “If it was
an easy solution–like clearing cookies–I’d do it all the time.
4.4.4 Email Habits
Some email-related security advice that we collected during our
interviews was not frequently mentioned by survey participants but
was rated highly on Likert scales when explicitly asked about. In
the following, we discuss two such pieces of advice: ‘Don’t enter
your password when you click on a link in an email and that link
takes you to a website that asks for your password’ and ‘Don’t click
on links that people or companies you don’t know send you. How-
ever, when explicitly asked about them, these pieces of advice were
rated as good advice by experts (see Figure 3)
Similarly, when asked how effective this advice is, 85% of non-
experts rated very effective the advice ‘Don’t enter your password
when you click on a link in an email and that link takes you to a
website that asks for your password. Eighty-six percent consid-
ered themselves themselves very likely to follow this advice. A
similarly high number—80%—said that not clicking on links that
people they don’t know send them is very effective advice (see Fig-
ure 15). Eighty-two percent said they would be likely to follow this
advice if they heard it was effective. In a multiple choice question,
both groups reported to generally follow these two pieces of advice
(see Figure 13).
It is noteworthy that a significantly higher percentage of experts
than non-experts reported to often click on links that people they
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 337
Non−experts (N=294)
Experts (N=231)
Do you enter your password on links from emails?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Do you open emails from unknown senders?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Other Often Sometimes Rarely No
Do you click on links from unknown people?
Percentage of Participants
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 13: Both experts and non-experts said they follow good email practices. More experts said they sometimes click on links and
open attachments received from unknown senders.
don’t know send them (38% vs. 12%, χ(3, N
= 231, N
= 294)
= 51.37, p < 0.001). This result suggest that, although some secu-
rity advice is being followed more by experts than by non-experts
(e.g., installing updates, using a password manager), other advice
is perhaps paradoxically being followed more by non-experts. Dur-
ing our interviews, some experts admitted that they do not follow
some of the advice they give. For example, after recommending
that non-tech-savvy users never open emails from unknown peo-
ple, an expert admitted: “I do all the time, [laughter] but I tell my
mother not to. Another expert explained during our interviews: “I
never really found a way of giving more precise advice for people
who are not technical on what is really safe and what is not. A
couple other interview participants said that they don’t follow their
own advice because, unlike non-tech-savvy users, they can distin-
guish between when it’s safe and when not to take certain actions.
Other habits mentioned by experts and non-experts include re-
stricting the amount of personal information they share (10% of
experts vs. 17% of non-experts), installing only trusted or verified
software (5% of experts vs. 6% of non-experts), using Linux (6%
vs. 1%), and deleting cookies (0% vs. 6%).
Our results show that experts and non-experts follow different
practices to protect their security online. The experts’ practices
are rated as good advice by experts, while those employed by non-
experts received mix ratings from experts. Some non-expert prac-
tices were considered “good” by experts (e.g., install antivirus soft-
ware, use strong passwords); others were not (e.g., delete cookies,
visit only known websites).
In the pursuit of better security advice, we should ensure that
valuable user time is being spent on the things that would bring
them the most benefit. Our results suggest that at least some things
that experts do and recommend are not being done by non-experts.
In this work, we identified three security practices that experts re-
port to do but non-experts do not: installing updates, using a pass-
word manager, and using two-factor authentication.
These three pieces of security advice that we highlight are the se-
curity actions that most experts relative to non-experts said they do
and consider important. These three security actions were ranked
highest by percentage difference in Figure 2. This recommenda-
tion is also supported by differences among experts and non-experts
in self-reported behavior around these three security actions (Fig-
ures 4, 9, and 10). Our results suggest that not just better messag-
ing, but also systems and usability work is necessary to get non-
experts to follow these three security practices.
In line with the findings and the recommendations provided by
Vaniea et al. [50], our results suggest the need to invest in devel-
oping an updates manager that downloads and installs available
software updates for all applications—much like mobile applica-
tion updates on smartphones. Such a centralized updates manager
could also access a central repository to check if any problems with
available updates have been reported, and, if so, delay the installa-
tion. In addition, software developers should separate security up-
dates from those introducing general software features. The update
manager could give users the option to install only security updates
automatically, while feature updates could be manually reviewed
and installed. To that end, a notable area for further research is de-
veloping a standard way for applications to communicate what UI
changes and security fixes are included in the update.
Another practice employed by experts but not by non-experts
was using a password manager to keep track of passwords. Some
participants reported cycling through multiple passwords to remem-
ber which they used for a given site. Trying various passwords on
a website until one works leaves the user vulnerable to a rogue
or compromised website. Furthermore, as rainbow tables used to
crack password hashes evolve to incorporate password rules used
by users, password-creation algorithms that some participants used
will most likely not offer real protection against offline attacks, as
demonstrated by Das et al. [12]. Password managers can make it
feasible to use truly random and unique passwords and help move
users away from memorable passwords, which are vulnerable to
smart-dictionary attacks [36]. However, non-experts might place a
higher emphasis than experts on usability. Previous work has eval-
uated two different password managers and identified significant
usability shortcomings [11]. Perhaps such usability drawbacks are
harder to deal with for non-experts than for experts. To that end,
more work needs to be done to improve the usability of password
managers before recommending them strongly to users. Our results
also suggest that users’ reluctance to adopt password managers may
also be due to an ingrained mental model that passwords should
not be stored or written down—advice users have been given for
decades. But as threat models are shifting from offline to online at-
tacks and password reuse is becoming an increasing problem, using
password managers or writing passwords down in a secure location
seems to be a promising solution.
Furthermore, additional work needs to be done to understand
why non-experts are not using two-factor authentication. Some of
the expert participants in our study offered several reasons, includ-
ing the fact that this security feature is still too difficult to explain
to non-tech-savvy users, that it is not available on all websites, and
that it causes significant inconveniences. Our results suggest that
more work needs to be done to explain two-factor authentication to
users and to make it adequate to use by non-expert users.
A few additional areas for future research stand out based on our
findings. Many more non-experts than experts said that, to stay safe
online, they only go to trusted websites. This security advice was
338 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Look at the URL bar
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Advice: Visit only known websites
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
How likely are
you to follow?
How effective?
Advice: Don't enter passwords on links from email
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
Advice: Don't open email attachments from unknown
Percentage of Non−Experts (N=294)
0 20 40 60 80 100
5 (Very...) 4 3 2 1 (Not at all) I Don't know
Figure 15: Most non-experts rated email advice very effective and said they are very likely to follow it. They considered looking at
the URL bar more effective than checking for HTTPS and visiting only known websites.
not considered “good” by experts. Furthermore, Google’s trans-
parency report on safe browsing [1] shows that most malware web-
sites are not malicious attack sites, but compromised sites that are
used to spread malware. Therefore, not visiting new websites is
not necessarily effective at keeping users safe. A good investment
in this area is developing browsers and systems that more effec-
tively warn users when they are about to go to a compromised or
known phishing website, something that the Chrome and Firefox
browsers already do [5].
Finally, further investigation is needed to understand why, unlike
experts, some non-experts claimed they would look at the URL
bar but not check for HTTPS. Another study could investigate why
some non-experts consider checking for HTTPS effective, but they
admit that they would not follow the advice. Our findings seem
to indicate that more visible and intuitive HTTPS indicators could
help some users better assess if a website uses HTTPS. Better URL
indicators have been shown to help some users. Lin et al. found that
domain highlighting in the URL helps some (though not all) users
judge the legitimacy of a website and avoid phishing attacks [33].
5.1 Limitations
The study presented in this paper is not without its limitations.
First, we recruited non-expert participants on the Mechanical Turk
platform, which is known to provide a younger and more tech-
savvy sample than the general population. All our non-expert par-
ticipants were from the US; running the study in other countries
might lead to different results. Furthermore, all behavioral data that
we collected was self-reported and, therefore, unconfirmed. Such
data can suffer from several biases, including social desirability,
inaccurate recall, and lack of understanding. For example, partici-
pants may not be able to accurately remember how often they check
if the website they are visiting uses HTTPS or how soon they install
available software updates.
We compared expert and non-expert security behavior, but we
note that experts by their nature may operate in different computing
environments than non-experts, so their reported behavior may be
different not because it is objectively better, but simply because it
is more suited to the expert environment. For example, it may be
the case that experts are more likely to use Unix-based systems
while non-experts are more likely to use Windows-based systems,
and appropriate security practices (at least some of them, like using
antivirus software) may depend upon the operating system in use.
Defining a security “expert” is challenging, and we settled upon
a definition that is simple (5+ self-reported years of experience in
the area) but, intuitively, suggests strong expertise. However, even
experts are not infallible. For example, Yen et al. [55], in a study
of malware encounters in a large enterprise, found higher levels of
encounters among users with technical job titles (e.g., “engineer”)
than among those with less technical titles (e.g., “assistant”). While
this result could be due to the technical users simply spending more
time using computers or perhaps taking greater risks, it shows that
even the tech-savvy are prone to security threats. Thus, expert be-
havior should not necessarily be taken as the right standard for non-
tech-savvy users.
Our results find discrepancies between what security practices
experts and non-experts follow. While most expert participants in-
stall updates, use a password manager, and use two-factor authenti-
cation, most non-expert participants use antivirus software, change
passwords frequently, and visit only known websites. Non-expert
participants reported being reluctant to promptly install software
updates, perhaps due to lack of understanding of their effectiveness
or bad past experiences caused by software updates. Though using
them was considered good advice by experts, password managers
were regarded with skepticism by non-experts, who instead pre-
ferred to remember passwords, partly because, as one participant
said, “no one can hack my mind. Other security advice, how-
ever, such as not clicking on links received from unknown people
were known and followed by non-experts. More work has to be
done on improving the limitations of security practices identified in
this work which are used by experts but not by non-experts. Nev-
ertheless, based on our findings, some promising security advice
emerges: (1) install software updates, (2) use a password manager,
and (3) use two-factor authentication for online accounts.
The authors wish to thank the many security experts who vol-
unteered their time to participate in our interviews and respond to
our survey. We also wish to thank Eric Grosse, Tim Dierks, and
Ulfar Erlingsson at Google for supporting this work and review-
ing early paper drafts, and Cormac Herley and Adam Shostack for
early discussions that guided our research direction. Finally, we
wish to thank the many colleagues, friends, and paper reviewers
who contributed valuable feedback. Thanks all!
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 339
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USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 341
We include here the questions asked the in Expert and Non-expert Surveys. All multiple-choice questions were single answer only. The
questions were identical for the Expert and Non-expert survey, unless otherwise stated.
We mark with "(Experts only)" or "(Non-experts only)" questions that were asked in only one of the surveys.
Survey Instruments
(Experts only) What are the top 3 pieces of advice you would give to a non-tech-savvy user to protect their security online? (open-ended)
What are the 3 most important things you do to protect your security online? (open-ended)
How did you learn about the things you listed above? (open-ended)
Do you use a laptop or desktop computer that you or your family owns (i.e., not provided by school or work)? (multiple-choice)
When did you get that computer? (multiple-choice)
Less than 1 year ago
At least 1 but less than 2 years ago
At least 2 but less than 3 years ago
At least 3 but less than 5 years ago
5 or more years ago
How soon after you discover that a new version of your operating system (OS) software is available do you (or somebody else managing
your computer) install it? (multiple-choice)
OS updates are installed automatically
Soon after
OS updates are never installed
Do you use anti-virus software on that computer? (multiple-choice)
I don’t know
Which anti-virus software do you use? (open-ended)
How do you keep track of your passwords for your online accounts? (grid question)
Answer options: For ALL of my accounts, For MOST of my accounts, For SOME of my accounts, For NONE of my accounts
Remember them
Write them down on paper
Save them in a local file on my computer
Have my password manager (e.g., 1Password, LastPass) remember them
Use the same password on multiple accounts
If you use a password manager, which one do you use? (open-ended)
(optional) What other things, if any, do you do to keep track of your passwords? (open-ended)
Do you use two-factor authentication (e.g., 2-Step Verification) for at least one of your online accounts? (multiple-choice)
I don’t know
Do you look at the URL bar to verify that you are visiting the website you intended to? (multiple-choice)
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, rarely
I don’t know
342 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Google began in January 1996 as a research project. Its initial public
Aering took place on August 19, 2004. Did the initial public
offering of Google take place in 1996? (multiple-choice)
Do you check if the website you’re visiting uses HTTPS? (multiple-choice)
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, rarely
I don’t know
Do you visit websites you have not heard of before? (multiple-choice)
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, rarely
I don’t know
When you click on a link in an email and that link takes you to a website that asks for your password, do you enter it? Do you open
emails you receive from people or companies you don’t know? (multiple-choice)
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, rarely
I don’t know
Do you click on links that people or companies you don’t know send you? (multiple-choice)
Yes, often
Yes, sometimes
Yes, rarely
I don’t know
(Experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how good (in terms of both EFFECTIVE
at keeping the user secure, as well as REALISTIC that the user can follow it) you think they are at protecting a non-tech-savvy user’s
security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very good), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use anti-virus software
Install the latest operating system updates
Turn on automatic software updates
Update applications to the latest version
Clear your Web browser cookies
(Experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how EFFECTIVE you think the advice
would be at protecting your security online, IF YOU FOLLOWED IT. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very effective), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use anti-virus software
Install the latest operating system updates
Turn on automatic software updates
Update applications to the latest version
Clear your Web browser cookies
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 343
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how LIKELY YOU WOULD BE TO
FOLLOW the advice, if you heard it would help protect your security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very likely), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use anti-virus software
Install the latest operating system updates
Turn on automatic software updates
Update applications to the latest version
Clear your Web browser cookies
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how good (in terms of both EFFECTIVE
at keeping the user secure, as well as REALISTIC that the user can follow it) you think they are at protecting a non-tech-savvy user’s
security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very good), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use different passwords for each account
Use passwords that are not easy to guess
Don’t write down passwords on paper
Save your passwords in a local file on their computer
Use a password manager (e.g., 1Password, LastPass)
Write down passwords on paper
(Experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how EFFECTIVE you think the advice
would be at protecting your security online, IF YOU FOLLOWED IT. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very effective), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use different passwords for each account
Use passwords that are not easy to guess
Don’t write down passwords on paper
Save your passwords in a local file on their computer
Use a password manager (e.g., 1Password, LastPass)
Write down passwords on paper
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how LIKELY YOU WOULD BE TO
FOLLOW the advice, if you heard it would help protect your security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very likely), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Use different passwords for each account
Use passwords that are not easy to guess
Don’t write down passwords on paper
Save your passwords in a local file on their computer
Use a password manager (e.g., 1Password, LastPass)
Write down passwords on paper
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how good (in terms of both EFFECTIVE
at keeping the user secure, as well as REALISTIC that the user can follow it) you think they are at protecting a non-tech-savvy user’s
security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very good), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Check if the website you’re visiting uses HTTPS
Be skeptical of everything when online
Be suspicious of links received in emails or messages
Visit only websites you’ve heard of
Use two-factor authentication for your online accounts
(Experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how EFFECTIVE you think the advice
would be at protecting your security online, IF YOU FOLLOWED IT. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very effective), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
344 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Check if the website you’re visiting uses HTTPS
Be skeptical of everything when online
Be suspicious of links received in emails or messages
Visit only websites you’ve heard of
Use two-factor authentication for your online accounts
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how LIKELY YOU WOULD BE TO
FOLLOW the advice, if you heard it would help protect your security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very likely), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Check if the website you’re visiting uses HTTPS
Be skeptical of everything when online
Be suspicious of links received in emails or messages
Visit only websites you’ve heard of
Use two-factor authentication for your online accounts
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how good (in terms of both EFFECTIVE
at keeping the user secure, as well as REALISTIC that the user can follow it) you think they are at protecting a non-tech-savvy user’s
security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very good), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Don’t click on links that people or companies you don’t know send you
Don’t enter your password when you click on a link in an email and that link takes you to a website that asks for your password
Pay attention when taking online surveys. We appreciate your input. To let us know you’re paying attention, select four for this
Look at the URL bar to verify that you are visiting the website you intended to
Don’t open email attachments from people or companies you don’t know
(Experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how EFFECTIVE you think the advice
would be at protecting your security online, IF YOU FOLLOWED IT. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very effective), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Don’t click on links that people or companies you don’t know send you
Don’t enter your password when you click on a link in an email and that link takes you to a website that asks for your password
Pay attention when taking online surveys. We appreciate your input. To let us know you’re paying attention, select four for this
Look at the URL bar to verify that you are visiting the website you intended to
Don’t open email attachments from people or companies you don’t know
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) For each of the following pieces of advice, please rate on a scale from 1 to 5 how LIKELY YOU WOULD BE TO
FOLLOW the advice, if you heard it would help protect your security online. (grid question)
Scale: 5 (Very likely), 4, 3, 2, 1 (Not at all), I don’t know
Don’t click on links that people or companies you don’t know send you
Don’t enter your password when you click on a link in an email and that link takes you to a website that asks for your password
Pay attention when taking online surveys. We appreciate your input. To let us know you’re paying attention, select four for this
Look at the URL bar to verify that you are visiting the website you intended to
Don’t open email attachments from people or companies you don’t know
(Non-experts only) (optional) Please use this space to clarify any of the above. (open-ended)
What is your gender? (multiple-choice)
I prefer not to answer
What is your age? (multiple-choice)
18-24 years old
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 345
65 or older
I prefer not to answer
What is the highest degree or level of school that you have completed? (multiple-choice)
Professional doctorate (for example, MD, JD, DDS, DVM, LLB)
Doctoral degree (for example, PhD, EdD)
Masters degree (for example, MS, MBA, MEng, MA, MEd, MSW)
Bachelors degree (for example, BS, BA)
Associates degree (for example, AS, AA)
Some college, no degree
Technical/Trade school
Regular high school diploma
GED or alternative credential
Some high school
I prefer not to answer
(Experts only) How many total years of experience do you have in computer security? (multiple-choice)
At least 1 but less than 5 years
At least 5 but less than 10 years
At least 10 but less than 15 years
15 years or more
(Experts only) What is your current job role? For example, Network Security Engineer, Penetration Tester (open-ended)
Principal Architect
IT Strategist
Security Engineer
(Experts only) Which of the following best characterizes your workplace? (multiple-choice)
Corporate research lab
(Experts only) In what country do you work? (multiple-choice)
United Kingdom
United States
(Experts only) In what state do you work? (open-choice)
(Non-experts only) Which describes your current employment status? (multiple-choice)
Employed full-time
Employed part-time
346 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Student - Undergraduate
Student - Masters
Student - Doctoral
Looking for work / Unemployed
(Non-experts only) What is your occupation? (open-ended)
(Non-experts only) What is your Mechanical Turk Worker ID? (open-ended)
(Optional) Is there anything else you’d like to add or clarify? (open-ended)