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Innite Campus
Ad Hoc Reporng Basics
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Ad Hoc Reporting Basics
The Ad Hoc Reporng module allows a user to create reports and run queries for various types of data in Campus. Ad Hoc
queries may be used to nd data relang to students, sta, all people and courses. These queries may be exported from
Campus or used to lter canned reports throughout Innite Campus. Addionally, a tool is available in the Ad Hoc module
to create form leers and complete a mail merge using elds from the Campus database.
Basic Ad Hoc Vocabulary
Field A chunk of informaon like a name, an address, a date, a students grade or status. We assemble a set of elds
that we want as output or that we want to nd or lter the results of our query.
Columns Our results are made up of columns dened by the elds we included in the query and selected for output.
Table The answer to the query is a table of data.
Filter Filter is used by Innite Campus to describe the set of specicaons were using to answer our queson. It is
also used to describe the criteria we set to specically answer our queson or dene the results we want. We lter
some or all of the elds we include to narrow down the data to just the results we want. For example; students that are
currently acve, dates aer August 10
, only the parents primary mailing address.
Query The queson we want answered or the specicaons for the data we want to extract from Innite Campus.
We also use query to refer to the set of specicaons and instrucons were building and saving in the Ad Hoc tool to
get our queson answered. Query is at mes used to describe a Filter in Campus.
Ad Hoc Vocabulary Example
The nurse stopped by the oce and said she needs a list of all 11th grade girls who had a quesonable scoliosis screening
or were referred aer their rst screening. First, start with the elds needed: rst name, last name, grade, gender, and sco-
liosis screening. Next, add the criteria to lter the data: 11th grade, female, scoliosis screening status. The results will be
organized as columns of data in a table to answer the original query.
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Saved Filters
From the Index, expand Ad Hoc Reporng and select Filter Designer.
Exisng Ad Hoc lters are listed in the Saved Filters window. The rst lters on the list are your personal Ad Hoc Fil-
The boom of this window lists folders with the icon. The lters inside folders shared among all WCSD sta who
are members of that Campus group.
Because these folders are shared among WCSD sta, changes you make to the lter will aect everyone. We request
that you make a copy of the lter and edit that copy instead of making changes to the shared lters.
Copying Filters
Copying working lters out of the shared folders can make a great starng point for a new lter.
To copy a lter, click the next to the folder icon to expand the folder.
Select the lter in the list you wish to copy and click the Copy buon. Click OK when the message appears that the lter
has been copied. A copy of the lter will be added to your Saved Filter list with Copy ofadded to the lter name.
Organizing your Filters Into Folders
1.From the main Filter Designer screen, select Create a new Folder.
2.Enter a folder name and click Save. Parent folder can be le at (No Parent).
3.If you want to create a folder within a folder, you would create the main(parent folder) rst and the create a new fold-
er, choosing the exisng Parent Folder you wish to put it in. This allows you to create a nested hierarchy of folders for
even more organizaon.
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Deleting Filters
1.Click to select the lter you wish to delete.
2.Click the Delete buon. Conrm you wanted to delete the lter by clicking OK.
Exercise: Copying and Organizing Filters
Exercise 1: Copy an exisng lter from one of the shared folders available to you into your
personal lters.
1.Pick one of the shared folders available to you.
2.Click the next to the folder icon to expand the folder.
3.Pick any of the Ad Hoc lters in that folder.
4.Press the Copy buon.
5.Note that the lter appears at the top of the list with Copy ofadded to the tle.
Exercise 2: Create a folder
1.Click the Create a new Folder buon.
2.Click into the Folder Name eld and type Ad Hoc Class’. Leave the Parent Folder at (No Par-
3.Click Save.
Exercise 3: Move a lter into the folder you just created.
1.Click to select the lter you created in Exercise 1.
2.Click and drag the lter over the folder created in Exercise 2 and drop it onto that lter.
3.Check the conrmaon message to conrm the lter was copied into the correct folder and
press OK.
Exercise 4: Delete a lter
1.Click to select the lter you moved into a folder in Exercise 3.
2.Click the Delete buon. Conrm you wanted to delete the lter by clicking OK.
Is your list of lters starng to look like
mine? Pages of lters named Copy of
Copy’? Consider adding some folders to
organize your lters.
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Create a Filter with the Query Wizard
Start by naming your lter and adding the elds that contain the informaon you need and will help you reduce the results
to just the ones you need.
1. Select the rst radio buon Query Wizard under Create New from the main Filter Designer screen.
2. Select a Filter Data Type - Student, Census/Sta or Course/Secon.
Student Data queries return data that would be found on tabs in the Student Informaon > General secons
of Campus. Other data associated with students can also be included.
Census/Sta queries return data found on tabs in the Census > People secon of Campus.
Course/Secon queries return data from a schools courses and secons.
3. Click the Create buon. Campus will load the Field Selecon Screen.
4. A Query Name is required. The Query Name should be task descripve. A Short Descripon can be entered, this will
appear as a toolp when browsing the Saved Filter list. A Long Descripon can also be entered with much more room
to describe the query.
5. The All Fields list displays secons of available data you may include in your results and use to lter the results. These
roughly correspond to secons or tabs within Innite Campus. Expanding the next to a secon displays available
elds and possibly some addional secons of elds.
6. Clicking a eld name will put that eld into the list of Selected Fields for inclusion in your Ad Hoc lter results.
7. Field names can be searched by entering a eld name in the Filter By eld and clicking Search. Pressing Clear will re-
store the full list of eld names.
8. Remove unwanted elds from your Ad Hoc lterby clicking the < buon between the All Fields and the Selected
Fields lists.
9. Save will save your lter to the folder set in the Save To: seng. By default this is the base level of your user folder,
you can choose a dierent folder to save the lter into. You can also select User Groups and save your lter into the
shared folders, sharing it with others. Note that choosing this opon will move the lter out of your personal folder.
Make a copy and save that to the User Groups if you wish to save a personal copy of the lter.
10. Save & Test will save your lter and display the results of your Ad Hoc lter.
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Note: The results appear in a pop-up window and may be blocked by your browser by default. If a second window with
your lter results fails to appear, check your pop up sengs and allow pop-ups from hps://
Pop-up sengs for popular browsers can be found at:
Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Opons > Privacy > Pop-up Blocker > Sengs
Chrome: Sengs > Advanced Sengs > Privacy > Content Sengs > Pop-ups > Manage Excepons
Firefox: Opons > Content > Pop-ups > Excepons
Safari (macOS): Preferences > Security > Block pop-up windows
Filter Parameters
Choose the Filter Parameters link at the top of the Ad Hoc Query Wizard screen or the Next buon at the boom of the
screen to set lter parameters that reduce the results to just the students or statuses youre looking for.
Set Operator and Value to only return rows of elds that match the sengs youve made.
Available operators will change depending on the type of data in that eld. Value should match what Campus displays else-
where. If youre unsure about how Campus is using a value, leave the Operator blank and examine the results, then add
lter criteria for the values youre interested in including or excluding from your results.
= (Equals) - An exact match of the user specied value. Student.Grade = 12 will return all seniors.
<> (Does Not Equal) - Will return all results that do not equal the user-specied value. Student.Gender <> M will return
all females or students whose gender eld is null.
IN - Includes mulple values in a comma separated list Student.Grade IN 10,11,12 will return all 10
, 11
, and 12
grade students.
NOT IN - Not including the list of values. Student.Grade NOT IN 11,12 will return 9
and 10
LIKE - Searches for the text in the eld. courseSecon.courseName LIKE history will return courses that have history
in their name such as WORLD HISTORY 1, WORLD HISTORY 2, US HISTORY 1, and US HISTORY 2.
NOT LIKE - Excludes results that have the text anywhere in the eld. courseSecon.courseName NOT LIKE history
would return all courses that do not have history in their name.
CONTAINS Equivalent to the LIKE operator in many cases, CONTAINS opmizes some text searching and matching.
SOUNDS LIKE - Phonec search that searches for text that have similar sound paerns. Last name SOUNDS LIKE Ball
will return Belland Boll”.
> and >= (Greater than, greater than or equal to) - Student.Age >= 16 will include students 16 and older.
< and <= (Less than, less than or equal to)
IS NULL - Searches for empty elds and is used oen in conjuncon with start and end dated statuses to conrm a stu-
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dent is currently part of a program. acveEnrollment.spedExitDate IS NULL along with the IS NOT NULL example below
indicate a student is part of a SPED program.
IS NOT NULL - Returns all records that have data in the eld. acveEnrollment.disability1 IS NOT NULL will return stu-
dents with an acve disability set in the SPED elements and is used in conjuncon with the IS NULL example above.
BETWEEN - Includes the values between (and including) the two values specied. Student.Grade BETWEEN 02 and 04
will includes students in grades 2, 3, and 4. The BETWEEN operator has addional opons for elds containing dates:
DATE - Returns data based on the dates specied.
TODAY - Filters data based on dates that occur from a specic date through today or vice versa.
TOMORROW - Filters data based on dates that occur from a specic date through tomorrow or vice versa.
YESTERDAY - Filters data based on dates that occur from a specic date through yesterday or vice versa.
DAYS BEFORE - Filters data based on the number of days prior through the second date set.
MONTHS BEFORE - Filters data based on the number of months prior through the second date set.
DAYS AFTER - Filters data based on the rst date set through the number of days aer the rst date set.
MONTHS AFTER - Filters data based on rst date set through the number of months aer the rst date set.
=TRUE - Is available to include Campus elds set to True.veToday =TRUE is used in many student lters to
only return students with a current enrollment.
=FALSE - Is available to include Campus elds set to False.
IS TODAY - Includes dates set to today.
IS YESTERDAY - Includes dates set to yesterday.
IS TOMORROW - Includes dates set to tomorrow.
IN THE MONTH - Includes dates in the month specied.
Exercise: Creating Student Reports and Using Operators
Exercise 5: Create a simple student report:
1. Choose your main calendar if you have mulple or all calendars available.
2. Use the Filter Designer to create a Filter Type Query Wizard with the Data Type Student.
3. Set the Query Name to Ad Hoc Class
4. Add the following elds from the Student > Demographics list. Use the Filter By Search if you have trouble nding these
5. Click Save & Test. Another window should pop up displaying a list of all students at the school selected in step 1. Con-
rm that the number of students listed as Total Records makes sense.
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Exercise 6: Add an operator to retrieve a single grade level:
1. Open the Ad Hoc lter created in exercise 5 if youre not currently eding it.
2. Switch to the Filter Parameters secon of the Ad Hoc Query Wizard.
3. SetveToday = TRUE. Innite Campus keeps every student enrolled at a school in the database, even if
their enrollment has ended. These students who are no longer at the school will be included in your reports unless you
includeveToday = TRUE in your Ad Hoc lters.
4. Select the = operator next to student.grade.
5. Set the Value next to student.grade to ‘3’ if youre at an elementary school, ‘7’ if youre at a middle school, and ‘9’ if
youre at a high school.
6. Click the Save & Test buon. Note that Ad Hoc returns 0 records. Why is that? We represent grades as double digit
numbers and character codes in Innite Campus.
7. Change the Value next to student.grade to ‘03’ if youre at an elementary school, 07’ if youre at a middle school, and
‘09’ if youre at a high school. Click Save & Test.
8. Note that Ad Hoc lters and returns data based on the way it stores values, which may be dierent from the way we
commonly think of or reference those values. Check the way Innite Campus is storing data if your Ad Hoc lters arent
returning the expected results.
Logical Expressions
The majority of your Ad Hoc lters will not use Logical Expressions, leaving the box blank. However, occasionally you need
to include one value or another value and the exisng operators dont give you enough exibility. Or youll nd a need to
assemble a complex set of condions across mulple operators. The Logical Expression box allows you to set Boolean oper-
ators on each of the elds that have an operator set and combine those Boolean operators in exible ways. Some guide-
lines for using Logical Expressions:
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Use the ID to the le of the eld name to reference that eld.
Every eld with an operator set must be referenced in the Logical Expression
Use the Add buon to set more operators on a eld that has already had an operator set on it.
Example: We need an export of unexcused tardies today to place a Connect call. Unexcused tardies show up with an
aendanceDetail.status set to TAND aendanceDetail.excuse set to UOR with aendanceDetail.excuse being NULL.
Well need to lter on the status and either excuse elds. The following lter illustrates how this is set up:
We setveToday = 1 and a = today to only retrieve todays tardy students. We also set
aendanceDetail.excuse set to Uand press the Add buon and set eld #10 to aendanceDetail.excuse with the operator
set to IS NULL. Without a Logical Expression this lter wont return any results, a students aendanceDetail.excuse will
never be NULL and set to U at the same me. To x this, we set a logical expression based on the following logic:
Parenthesis around the eld IDs group the logical expressions so we can reduce each set down to evaluate one or the other.
This results in the logical expression (4 AND 5 AND 7 AND 9) OR (4 AND 5 AND 7 AND 10).
Output Formatting
The Output Formang secon of the Ad Hoc Query Wizard allows you to selecvely include columns, set the order that
they appear, set sorng, set headers, and other output formang.
aendanceDetail.status 4
aendanceDetail.status 4
AND ANDveToday 5veToday 5
a 7 a 7
aendanceDetail.excuse 9 aendanceDetail.excuse 10
(4 AND 5 AND 7 AND 9) OR (4 AND 5 AND 7 AND 10)
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When set, the Output disnct records checkbox will remove duplicate records from the results when all elds in the re-
port are idencal. It will not remove duplicates if only some of the elds contain duplicate data. Consider if you can turn
o the non-duplicate elds if you wish to remove duplicate values or consider exporng data to Excel and using the Re-
move Duplicate tool in Excel to selecvely remove duplicates while preserving the informaon youre extracng.
The Output checkbox allows you to turn o selected columns while sll including their lter parameters youve set. For
example, you may wish to turn o theveToday eld to keep it from cluering your reports while sll only
including the currently acve students.
The Seqeld allows you to change the order of elds in the output. You may have added and removed elds while ne-
tuning your report and wish to re-order the working report to provide more clarity. Set 1 for the rst eld output, 2 for
the second, etc.
The Sort eld allows you to dene the elds you wish to sort from the columns included in the lter. Mulple elds can be
set for sorng by using sort sequence numbers. For example, if the output was to be Last Name, First Name set the stu-
dent.lastname sort eld to ‘1’ and the student.rstname sort eld to ‘2’. Direcon allows you to reverse the sorng or-
The Column Header elds allow you to set change the computer name elds to something that makes more sense. For
example, to label the student.lastname column to Last Name and the student.rstname column to First Name, set Last
Name and First Name respecvely in the Column Header elds.
Alignment allows you to set Le, Right, and Center text alignment to the output.
The Formang dropdown allows you to select various output formang rules based on the type of data in that eld.
Dates and mes have a number of Formang opons.
The Length eld allows you to limit the length in characters of the output.
Grouping and Aggregation
The Grouping and Aggregaon page of the Ad Hoc Query Wizard allows you to group the output of your Ad Hoc lter on a
specic eld and perform basic aggregaon on elds. For example, I might want the output of my simple student query
grouped by grade, with a count of students in each grade. Id set Tier 1 Grouping to student.grade, the rst Aggregate/
Sub Total by to student.grade, and the Aggregate Type to Record Count.
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Selection Lists
Selecon lists allow you to create a list of specic students and save that list for later use in searches and reports.
From the main Filter Designer screen, select the second radio buon opon, Selecon Editor. Select Student as the data
type and click the Create buon.
Give the Selecon a name and choose your Quick Searchopons if needed. Your students will be listed on the le side.
Select the students from the All Students list on the le by highlighng the name and clicking the right-poinng arrow key.
To remove a student from the selected students list, click the le-poinng arrow key.
Click the Save buon when nished. The new lter will be listed in the Saved Filters list on the main page of the Filter De-
signer feature.
Using Ad Hoc Filters in Searches and Reports
Saved Selecon Lists and Ad Hoc Filters can be used as part of a search on the search tab. Student Ad Hoc lters or lists
may be used in the student search, Census lters or lists may be ulized when searching for a person, and course/secon
lters or lists may be used when searching for a course or secon.
1. Select the Search tab.
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2. Choose the type of data to search for (Student, Sta, Course/Secon).
3. Select Advanced Search from the Search.
4. Select your lter from the list of Saved Filters on the right and click Search.
5. Display results will appear on the le side of the Campus session.
Note that for Ad Hoc lters to work with searches all elds but the student number or person ID must be turned o with the
Output checkbox on the Output Formang secon of the Ad Hoc Query Wizard.
Ad Hoc lters and Selecon Editor lists can also be used in the canned reports Innite Campus provides.
As an example, mailing labels may be run for an Ad Hoc lter using
Census > Reports > Mailing Labels.
1. From the Index, expand the Census folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign next to the folder or by clicking on the name of the folder.
2. From the Index, expand the Reports folder by clicking the plus (+)
sign next to the folder or by clicking on the name of the folder.
3. Select the Mailing Labels opon from within that folder.
4. Select your Selecon Editor list or Ad Hoc lter.
5. Click Generate Report to see a preview of your labels.
Data Export
Data from your Ad Hoc lters can be exported to Excel or other for-
mats for further analysis or prinng. Do the following to export the
results of an Ad Hoc lter to Excel:
1. From the Index, expand the Ad Hoc Reporng folder. Select the
Data Export opon.
2. Select the Filter from the list of saved lters in the le-hand win-
3. Select Delimited values (CSV) as the Export Format in which to
display the lter. This is the most commonly used format for Ex-
cel. Other formats include
HTML list report – opens report in new Web window
XML - for use with systems that support XML.
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Delimited Values (CSV) - Excel spreadsheet
Fixed width
PDF Report
4. Choosing Delimited Values (CSV) opens up some addional opons including the Delimiter, including the column head-
er in the output, quong sengs, and the opon to include subtotals. The defaults for the opons are almost always
5. Click the Export buon. You will be prompted to save, download, or open a le tled extract.csv’.
Common Fields and Where to Find Them
Where to nd some common elds when wring an Ad Hoc lter:
acveToday—Used with “= TRUEoperator in most queries to be sure the query only returns students who are currently
eld trip
Race.Ethnicity—Leer indicang race.
Race.EthnicityFed—Number indicang race. Addional TRUE / FALSE elds for each race in this secon of Ad Hoc.
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ResidentSchool—Zoned school number.
spedExitDate—usually used with IS NULLin most queries to indicate the student is currently a Special Ed student.
enddate (roster) - usually used with IS NULLin queries to only return informaon on acve classes and not on classes
the student has dropped.
Secondary—used to dierenate between a students primary mailing address and a secondary address a ’1’ in the eld
indicates the address is designated as a secondary address
*Aendance is slow and dicult to query in Ad Hoc. The Tardy/Absence Totals report in the Index menu allows you to
answer the most common aendance queries like Perfect Aendance.
ALL TESTS—*Assessment score elds depend on the test taken. Review the assessment entry on a students tab to
determine which scores are entered for the assessment youre interested in.
SchoolYear—SchoolYear should be set to the current school year to return current GPA and credit informaon.
MTSS was custom developed for WCSD and the elds arent available in Ad Hoc. Look for the RTI-MTSS report in the Index
menu for an overview of MTSS data that can be exported and further ltered in Excel.